#i still have to do my taxes and apply for healthcare in my new state
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promising myself i will finish this job app today so that i can play my game without the looming anxiety of a task that needs to be done
#yap.package#i still have to do my taxes and apply for healthcare in my new state#but that shit can wait lmao
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Employment Struggles
I'm going to do something shocking and use this as an actual blog post.
I am SO sick and tired of applying to jobs, only to be ignored completed, or even worse the interview is scheduled and then the role is filled before I can interview. Today the interview was cancelled a minute before the scheduled time. Then the person who would be interviewing me ignored me on email and phone.
I am mentally exhausted. I am broke all the time. I don't get unemployment because I've never been eligible for it. The only good thing about this is that I have full healthcare coverage and food stamps.
I am a medical assistant with experience, I am a certified professional medical coder with internship experience, I have experience in retail, yet I cannot even get a call back from McDonald's, let alone a good healthcare job.
I've considered becoming a behavioral health tech, but I just truly don't want to be hit/bitten at work. I also couldn't deal with the families of children disagreeing with a preset therapy plan while I'm physically stuck in their home. The other options I was looking at was security, or 911 dispatcher, but dispatch classes are few and far between into next year, and also expensive. And security can be dangerous.
At this point, being 30 and just defeated by how unsuccessful I am in life, I am considering going to a trade school. Like welding. Or automobile tech or something that is actually in demand. There is literally no other options for me and I'm literally five minutes outside of San Francisco. I am mildly considering an IT course, but tech is so unstable and unsafe while also being over saturated right now and I don't trust it. But then, you have to deal with stereotypical personalities in 'conservative' trade jobs too. The other risk is I spend time and money doing a trade school and then no one wants to hire me (like I've done twice now). I don't know what to do.
The trades I'm considering:
Welder (part of machinist trade) (honestly this is most appealing to me)
Aircraft Maintenance Technology (Can't hurt with SFO next to me and their planes literally falling to pieces in the sky every week)
HVAC (still don't really understand what this job even is)
The guilt I'm feeling is that I am about to finish my BA in psychology next month, and I'm waiting to hear back from the two colleges I applied to for a Master's to become a therapist. If I get in to my top choice, that's $60k+ I'll need to fund. If I get into the state school, which is slim, that's likely covered by school loans, but I'll still want to make some kind of income for three years I'm in the program. If I don't get into either program, then my last choices are: work while getting med school pre-reqs done, or work while doing an online MFT program (which I really don't want to do an online only program but if it's accredited at the end of the day I don't care.) The online only school would also be $60k+ so I'd need to work regardless.
I'm feeling guilty too because I've never been the fanartist who can drop a new print and have thousands of followers want it. I can't make money that way. Commissions have always been my most lucrative offering as an artist, but it's often mentally very taxing. It's also unstable. I don't have a lot of followers to drum up a successful pays-my-rent-every-month Patreon, and with the way of algorithms and sites are these days, I likely won't ever. I'm not trying to complain for sympathy, but this is just how it's been for me.
I know it's stupid to feel guilty for things like this, but I just am in this nebulous space between being apparently unemployable while also not being unemployable enough to receive livable benefits while continuing job hunting.
So I guess I'm looking for opinions on trade professions. I'm trans, but I pass masc in public save for my voice really. I also am not the kind of person to wear pride pins or color my hair rainbow, which would draw attention that way. I'm not too concerned about mean people in a trade job, because honestly the rudest people I've worked with have been in healthcare anyway. And a trade job would mean no customer service positions/working with my hands, which requires little mental gymnastics.
Also pointless, but true, I keep thinking of Debbie in Shameless getting her welder certification after becoming a teen parent.
I guess the takeaway here is, I'm more willing to be hurt on the job by a machine mistake on my part than I am willing to be hurt by other people assaulting me (very real in healthcare jobs/security) while working.
What do you think?
#I'm sorry if this is coming off whiny but I have no one to talk to about this#so to the tumblr masses it goes
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it's been a wild couple of weeks
So I left my job at the university in February, right? And then I got a job that I started in early March.
What I didn't know is that the company I was contracted to that was contracted by Toyota to run their IT support was in the middle of an RFP process and re-bidding for their contract, which they lost. Toyota wanted to consolidate all of its IT needs into a single vendor, which makes sense, because they had contracts with like three different ones across the company. Like, helpdesk and tier 2 were two separate ones, and tier 3/CATIA/Delmia support was being done by like two firms by itself
I was like, it's fine, I'll apply for my job within the new company because we'll get priority, but I went home on Friday, May 26th and as soon as I got home, my... I don't know what his position or title was, but he was my manager at the company that was managing my contract? And said that all subcontractors at the Toyota site were being let go. It was basically like, sorry, we'll let you know if anything else comes up, good luck.
Thankfully I had just gotten paid, plus my state tax return, plus I got a check from my car insurance company to cover some minor damages (that I am not super worried about because really, it's just some scuffed paint) so my bills for the month could be paid, but... I had to walk into the meat grinder of the job market.
There must be someone looking out for me, because I had an interview last week for a job that I applied for like a month ago that sounded amazing - basically a 1:1 to my job at the university, a nonprofit that does healthcare research, hybrid, a reasonable driving distance from my house (like ten minutes actually).
They called last week and set up an interview, and I ended up having three interviews in one day. I felt like I was on ANTM on the day where they do the go-sees. I didn't expect to hear anything until this week, so I basically lost my mind with anxiety all of yesterday, but then I had an email with someone from HR wanting to do a 30-minute followup. I was like, alright, that's weird, but that's probably a good sign, right?
He scheduled it for 1:30 and for some reason in my mind, I transposed it to 2:30 (likely because my in-person panel interview with them was at 2:30 last Thursday). He sent me an email asking if I was still available. I panicked and apologized profusely, but he said it was fine, and then offered me the job.
I was ecstatic! And then he sent me my offer letter and the salary on it like... I knew it had to be a typo. It was well into six figures; pretty much what you'd expect the average pay to be for a systems administrator or data engineer, not my position. But I signed and returned the offer anyway.
Then he called me and said that it was indeed a typo, and that if I still wanted the job at the revised (much lower)(but still incredibly respectable) salary, to which, I said yes. Like, it's crazy. It might not be much in the grand scheme but it is still ten grand over what the university was paying me! Or maybe more! But, either way.
It's been a good day.
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do you have any tips about getting PR in canada, i'm trying to figure this out with my gf who lives in america (also idv edaters. unfortunately)
WE WERE NOT IDV EDATERS SCREAMMMMM you should have just kicked sand in my eyes. i begged him to play idv with me he wouldnt cos he was scared. anyway.
unfortunately my tips are very limited as ive been 'done' with the bullshit for over a year now. and like immigration lawyers literally get paid thousands cause its so complicated :( like not in a 'pay me' way but like its an insane feat to pull off without professional help. that and pr shit is changing all the time so im sure a lot of what i experienced is outdated
i spent like 1.5 years no exaggeration in the pr RESEARCH mines (mostly on r/immigrationcanada) and honestly i still felt like i was learning new shit right up until the day i submitted my application. and then more and more after i had submitted it. its really really hard unfortunately. i really advise asking/searching for questions on that subreddit whenever possible, there are a lot of people who can help when youre unsure.
if it wasnt clear you have to be married to apply for the spousal sponsorship, which as far as I understand is pretty much how most american to ca prships happen. if you (when i say you i mean your american girl bc thats the perspective im coming from) happen to have a skilled job (the canadian gov website has a key to determine if your job classifies as skilled) then I believe there is another route, but I wasn't eligible so idk shit about that. dont bother looking into whether you qualify as common law or conjugal or whatever bc you very very likely dont meet their standards. i got married in the states a week before crossing the border, your marriage certificate would be valid in canada
off the bat i would say, unless you know for sure your living situation would 100% COMPLETELY PROVIDE FOR YOU for 6 months to a year, then you should probably apply for an OUTLAND spousal sponsorship. if you move in together in canada and apply for INLAND spousal sponsorship then you cannot work period, there is no legal way for you to make any cent of income. you will not be eligible for provincial healthcare, so i recommend getting long term travel insurance (i rec geoblue). the border is a whole other ordeal if you don't have any status in canada, you can't look like you're moving (i.e no moving boxes no tons of luggage) you can't look like you're eloping or staying for more than a couple months and even if you do everything right they still may suspect you and deny you entry. i did inland and it was really really difficult and at times scary for these reasons, i did not exactly do some things by the book in order to get by *WINKKK*. if you can stand to get married and then part for upwards of a year then i would really really suggest the outland route. unless youll be provided for then GOOD FOR YOU *shaking fist* random but americans also have to continue filing us taxes even if they have moved out of country. so remember that.
moreso tips umm DOCUMENT EVERYTHINGGG YOU DO TOGETHER this is my biggest piece of advice. you have to prove your relationship is legit, here is a list of stuff i included in my application:
receipts/the route we took for our honeymoon
screenshots of support from relatives, like facebook or other social media posts acknowledging your relationship
we got our wills done to make each other the sole benefactor
receipts and pictures of gifts weve gotten each other
photos of both of you with friends and family is 100% required
proof of past visits to each other
receipts and pics for past dates/outings/events
letters of support from family/friends (i got these notarized)
lots of stuff from online chat logs/social media. pictures of chats, phone calls, video calls from across years. i think i included at least one of each from every month since we got together. chats should be relevant to relationship stuff like discussing moving in, getting married, relatives, etc.
a letter detailing our relationship with exact dates, locations, etc. like when we met, when we started dating, when we visited, how we got engaged, etc. you have to make a case for yourself as if you were in court.
if youre researching stuff there is honestly not a lot of resources specifically for edaters! so many people like have like children together in another country or have been established there as a married couples for years so they have a ton of foundation to work off of. canada doesnt just want to see that youre in love they want to see the work that goes into that, like shared leases and joint bank accounts and years of financial support and children etc etc. it sucks but you have to justify it in other ways when youre (im assuming) young and childless and unmarried until recently. you can get some of those things once you move in together but idk, i was rather safe than sorry an scrounged up all the 'soft' evidence i could right up until i submitted it.
i think thats about it i wish i could help more lol. its definitely one of the hardest things ive had to do like emotionally financially temporally effortfully lmfao. good luck?!
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Here's a small tip from someone who somehow landed a full-time, benefits included, retirement plan started, nice office job at 19 (now 20) with no college degree in a rural ass town 2 miles wide as their first full time job, and is now getting paid $19.47/hr.
First off, find out what county jobs are available where you live. governmentjobs.com will usually have county listings, your county website should have a spot for job openings, you might be able to find physical applications at your county/town courthouse, etc. Then, once you've found the openings, apply for everything under the sun. I don't care if it has a Bachelor's listed as necessary and you don't have one, apply for it anyways. The worst that can happen is yours will get turned down, and even then you can sometimes appeal the decision.
It took my county less than a month to get back to me. We're very short staffed here and that is not an uncommon problem. Everywhere is desperate to hire right now.
Anyways, I took the Admin Clerk (aka glorified secretary) job at my local Health and Human Services office. This part alone of having a county position got me the life insurance and healthcare benefits (AND I'm still on my dad's insurance so I've got two going on) and started my retirement fund with CalPERS (this might differ depending on your state idk how retirement works outside of California). My starting hourly rate was $15.27/hr. Now this was ehhhhhhh quasi-legal as everywhere should've bumped to $15.50 as of January 23 and my take home pay technically was being calculated on the back end at $15.50 but my retirement and taxes were based on the $15.27 but I digress.
Second step, find your union peeps.
I found mine pretty quickly as this is a small office and they're always recruiting so they pretty much were like "hey new person, want to join the union?" and I was like "sure why not?" It's $50 a month of out of my paycheck to pay union dues. That's not a lot in my opinion.
Once you start attending the meetings, you might not have single clue what's being said. It's fine, I don't either. Just attend them, ask questions, and the second you hear the words "compaction study" or something with the word compaction in it, say you want to do that. A compaction study, from my understanding, is when the county basically takes a look at everyone's salaries and determines how much everyone needs to shift to have proper compensation for their positions within the county. So they started with my position, which was the lowest hourly rate, and calculated out the percentage increase to get it up to $15.50, and then accordingly increased salaries across the board appropriately. Some people got a very small increase, only a few cents or so, and some people went multiple dollars up. The good news is that like everywhere in the US is underpaying people, especially after COVID, so you've got a good chance at an increase if you just start throwing the words "compaction study" and "salary compensation according to minimum wage" around.
Which brings me to the last piece of this fast-track to making money.
Find a promotionary position and start applying. I applied for a promotionary position within about a month of starting, had to fight our hiring system a little on my qualifications (it's a ridiculous system, we want to get rid of them), but because I already had that place within the county and a great program manager, I was able to basically say "no, screw y'all, I'm qualified for that ES trainee position here" (even though a trainee position should not require over a year of experience but I digress). Anyways I started June 1st. In June, our compaction study was approved. And June was close to my 6th month point (technically my 6th month point is July 9th).
So basically, I did have some pretty convenient timing of things, but I basically went from $15.27 to $19.47 because you move up a salary step at 6 months (5%↑), promoting is a 5% increase, my manager was amazing and insisted those be calculated based on $15.50 not $15.27, so with it being so close to 6 months they were able to bring me in at the B step in my promotionary position at $16.68 (A step was $15.87 but 10% wasn't enough to bring me to C step), and then the compaction study made the ES trainee position increase about 16.7% bringing me up to the $19.47/hr. In just 6 months. At age 20. And I've got a retirement fund started already.
TLDR; apply for county jobs, join a union, and have the luck of the Irish when it comes to timing.
#now i will admit#this is all an explanation based on my understanding of things as explained to me by my partner like multiple times in recent months#if you're a money person or a union person sitting here confused dont question it#this was all done by people way higher up with way more experience who know what theyre doing#but uhhhhhh yea#life hacks with kai
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I've always wondered this, but what do you think the Cullen's political viewpoints would be, given their individual backgrounds? if vampires don't change after they turn, then surely they would all be extremely racist (especially Jasper). would this not come up at some point? they aren't like the Volturi because the Volturi are too old to care, but the Cullens are young enough that they have been brought up with opinions on stuff like sexism, racism, homophobia and the like.
Oh fuck.
You get an early answer because otherwise I'll just chicken out and delete this one, pretend I never saw it.
Since I'm guessing you meant American political viewpoints, we need a disclaimer. I am not American, and not too knowledgeable about your politics. Not just in the sense that I don't follow the day-to-day drama, but as I am not an American citizen there are several things I don't know, can't know because I've never lived in your country and therefore can't know what the effects of living in a country ruled by American policies is like. What I do know is based off of the news in the foreign section, social media (by which I mean tumblr posts), and Trevor Noah's Daily Show.
I am an outsider looking in.
Which is really rather appropriate, since the Cullens are too.
The Cullens go to high school and college, Carlisle works, they pay taxes, they own real estate, and submerge themselves in American culture. Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Bella are young enough that this is in many ways their world, and apart from timeouts they've more or less spent their entire lives, human and vampire, integrated into American society.
Not fully integrated, mind you, they do what they need to to fit in and get to school or, in Carlisle’s case, to work. They go no further. No extra-curriculars for the kids, no book clubs for Esme, no game nights for Carlisle. They walk parallel to humans, not among us.
In addition to this they're obscenely rich, which puts them another thousand miles from the experiences of your average American. They won't deal with the health system, which means healthcare is a non-issue, they're not going to need welfare or other social programs, unemployment is another non-issue. Name your issue, and the Cullens don't have personal stake in it. Even the climate crisis won't be a problem for them the way it will for us.
What I'm trying to say is, American political issues are a concept to them, not a lived reality. Just like they are for me. So hey, you made a great choice of blog to ask.
I'll also add here that you say the Volturi are too old to care, and I agree- from an ancient's point of view, racism is a matter of "which ethnicity are we hating today?", and it all looks rather arbitrary after a while. Same with every other issue - after a while it all just blends together into "what are the humans fighting over today? Which Christian denomination is the correct one? Huh. Good for them, I guess."
I can't put it any better than this post did, really. The Volturi are real people, humans are nerds and tumblr having Loki discourse. Aro thinks it's delightful and knows entirely too much about Watergate (and let's be real, Loki discourse as well), but the point I wanted to get at is that politics really don't matter to vampires.
And I don't think they matter to the Cullens either.
So, moving on to the next point while regretting I didn't put headlines in this post, I'll just state that I don't think vampires' minds are frozen. Their brains are unable to develop further, and they can never forget anything, but... well, this isn't the post for that, but in order for this to be true of vampires they would barely be sentient. They would not be able to process new impressions, to learn new things, nor to have an independent thought process. Yes, we see vampires in-universe (namely, Edward, who romanticizes himself and vampires) believe they're frozen and can never change, but there is no indication that this is a widespread belief, or even true. Quite the contrary - Carlisle went from a preacher's son who wanted to burn all the demons to living in Demon Capital for decades and then becoming a doctor and making a whole family of demons. Clearly, the guy has had a change in attitude over the years. Jasper, in his years as a newborn army general, slowly grew disenchanted with his life and developed depression. James initially meant to kill Victoria and hunted her across the earth, then became fascinated and changed his mind about it.
Had these people been incapable of change, Carlisle would still be hating demons, Jasper would be in Maria's army, and James would still be hunting Victoria.
It goes to follow, then, that they are able to adapt to new things.
The question is, would they?
Here I finally answer your question.
So, we have these people who don't really have any kind of stake in politics, who keep up to date all the same (or are forcibly kept up to date because high school) and are generally opinionated people.
Where do they then fall, politically?
(And this is where you might want to stop reading, anon, because I'm about to eviscerate these people.)
Alice votes for whoever's gonna win. She also makes a fortune off of betting each election. Trump's 1 to 10 victory in 2016 was a great day to be Alice. MAGA!
The actual policies involved are completely irrelevant, she does this because it's fun. Election means she gets to throw parties. Color coded parties for the Republican and Democratic primaries, and US-themed parties for Election Night! (Foreigner moment right here: I at first wrote "Election wake" before realizing that's not what y'all murricans call it.)
Alice loves politics. Doesn't know the issues, but she sure loves politics.
Bella votes Democrat. She actually knows about the issues, and cares about them. This girl is a Democrat through and through.
Carlisle doesn't vote. I can't imagine it feels right. Outside of faked papers he's not a US citizen, this is meddling in human affairs that he knows don't concern him.
More, this guy has never lived in a democracy.
In life, Carlisle lived under an absolute monarchy that, upon civil war, became an absolute theocracy. From there he learned that vampires live under a total dictatorship.
For the first 150 years of his life, democracy was that funky thing the Athenians did in history books thousands of years ago, no more relevant to him than the Ancient Egyptian monarchy is to me. Then the Americans, and later other European countries started doing this.
Good for them.
There's this mistake often made by those who view history from a... for lack of a better term, a solipsistic standpoint. A belief that the present day is the culmination of all of history. “My society is the best society, the most reasonable society; all the others had it backwards. Thank god we’re living in this enlightened age!”
The faith in our current system of government is one such belief. We (pardon me if this doesn’t apply to everybody reading this post) have grown up in democracies, being told this is the ultimate form of rule, and perhaps that is true - but remember the kings who have told their subjects they had were divine and the best possible ruler based on that. Remember also that most modern democracies haven’t actually been democracies for very long at all, America is the longest standing at some 230 years (not long at all in the grand scope of things) and they have a fracturing two-party system to show for it.
Every society, ever, has been told they’re the greatest, and their system of government the most just. Democracy is only the latest hit.
This is relevant to Carlisle because he’s immortal and decidedly not modern. Democracy has not been installed in him the way it was the rest of the Cullens, Jasper included. To him- well, it’s just not his world. He has no stakes in our human politics, and as he is older than every current democracy and has seen quite a few of them fall, he’s not going to internalize the democratic form of rule the way a modern human has.
I think the concept of voting is foreign to him.
It requires a level of participation in human society that he’s simply not at. He does the bare minimum to appear human so he do the work he loves, but nothing more, and I find that telling.
As it is I think he'd be iffy about his family doing it. He won’t stop them, but in voting they’re... well it’s kind of cheating. They’re not really citizens, none of this will affect them, and by voting they’re drowning out the votes of real human voters. He does not approve.
Edward votes Democrat. He's... well he’s the kind of guy who will oil a girl’s bedroom window so he can more easily watch her sleep without being discovered, justifying it to himself as being okay because if she were to tell him to get lost he’d stop immediately. Same guy is so sure that he’d leave and never return again if she wanted him to, except this is the man who returned to Forks to hang around his singer, knowing there was a significant chance he might kill her. To say nothing of his Madonna/Whore complex, or of the fact that he tried to pimp out his wife twice, and was willing to forcibly abort her child.
This guy is very much in love with chivalry, with being an enlightened and feminist man who supports and respects women, while not understanding the entire point of feminism, which is female liberation.
He votes Democrat because he’s such an enlightened feminist who cares about women’s rights.
Emmett doesn’t care to vote, but if he has to he votes Republican. The guy is from the 1930′s, and has major would-be-the-uncle-who-cracks-racist-jokes-if-he-was-older vibes.
Esme doesn’t vote, that would require getting out of the house.
More, I just... can’t see it. I can’t see her being one to read up on politics and The Issues, period, but if she has to then I doubt she’d be able to decide.
Jasper doesn’t vote. Alice can have her fun, he does not care.
There’s also the whole can of worms regarding the last time he went to bat for American politics.
I imagine he stays out of this.
Renesmée doesn't vote. She has no stock in the human affairs. Who would she vote for, on what grounds? When Bella tries to pull her to the urns, she points out that she's three years old.
Rosalie, guys, I’m sorry, but that girl is definitely gonna vote Republican. Perhaps not right now as it’s become the Trump party of insanity, but the Mitt Romney type of Republicans? Oh yes.
And for the record, yes I imagine she does vote. To step back from politics would be another way she was relinquishing her humanity, and that’s not allowed to happen. So, yes, she goes to the urns, less for the sake of the politics involved and more because like this, she’s still a part of society in some way.
Now, onto why I think she’s Republican, I think it’s both fiscal and social.
This girl was the daughter of a banker who somehow profited off of the Depression, and who then became part of a family with no material needs that would soon become billionaires thanks to Alice. Poverty to Rosalie is a non-issue, as it is I imagine she views it as a much lesser issue than what she’s had to deal with. The humans can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, Rosalie’s infertility is forever.
Rosalie’s empathy is strongest when she’s able to project onto others, and she won’t be able to project onto the less fortunate at all.
Then there’s the fact that the Republican party is all about traditional family values, and pro-life.
Rosalie, a woman from the 1930′s who idolizes her human life and who‘d love nothing more than to get to live out this fantasy, is down for that. And as of Breaking Dawn she’s vocally pro-life, so there’s that.
This all being said I don’t think Rosalie cares to sit down and fully understand these politics she’s voting for, the possible impact they’ll have- that’s not important. What’s important is what voting does for her.
TL;DR: I bet anon regrets asking.
#long post#twilight#twilight vampires#twilight meta#twilight renaissance#politics#history#twilight history#carlisle cullen#alice cullen#bella swan#renesmée cullen#jasper hale#rosalie hale#emmett cullen
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I was already distressed about the political and social situation in the US, and then this happens. Are there any examples of societies that fought back against fascism and won, without civil or international war breaking out? Surely there must be some success stories in history. How did other societies overcome fascism, are there lessons to be applied to our current situation? Please tell me we're not doomed, because I have no hope for the future.
I’ve been through... a lot of the stages of grief by now. That is, rageposting on tumblr, venting to my friends via text, drinking, crying while drinking, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, feeling the crushing weight of certainty that we’re all screwed and nothing matters, crying while talking to my sister, crying generally, lying in bed some more, and am currently still in bed while writing this, but am struggling to put on my internet historian aunt hat and offer some comfort to the stricken masses.
First off: This is bad. I’m not even going to pretend this isn’t bad. We all knew RBG had cancer again, but it was pretty fixed in our minds that she would somehow manage to hang on until after the election. 45 days before the biggest presidential election of all time, in the middle of this year, when names including Ted “Zodiac Killer” Cruz and Tom “Time for Roe vs. Wade to go, block federal funding from being used to teach about slavery, send in the military to crush the BLM protesters” Cotton have already been floated as some of her possible replacements? With Trump and McConnell determined to work as fast as possible to steal this seat as brazenly as they can, because they are literal fascists who don’t care about their own example (Merrick Garland was nominated in FEBRUARY of an election year and McConnell held it up for being “too close to the election?”)
Ugh. Anyone who doesn’t get that this is bad or acting like people are overreacting doesn’t get what’s at stake. And when, as we’ve said before and are saying again now, the future of everyone who isn’t a white straight rich Republican man in this country depends on an 87-year-old woman with cancer for the fourth time? Something’s wrong here. RBG’s death did not have to leave us in this total existential panic, and oh yeah, maybe this could have ALL BEEN AVOIDED AND WE COULD HAVE ALSO HAD THREE (3) NEW LIBERAL JUSTICES SECURING PROGRESSIVE LEGISLATION FOR A GENERATION IF SOME OF YOU HAD JUST FUCKING VOTED FOR HILLARY CLINTON IN TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING SIXTEEN.
(Why yes I am still mad about that, I will be bitter until the end of time that we were consigned to four years and counting of this completely avoidable nightmare because of apathy, misogyny, and Leftist Moral Purity TM, but we’re talking about the future and what can still be done here, not what’s in the past.)
Anyway. Here’s the bright side, which admittedly sucks right now, but it’s been the answer all long:
You have to fucking vote, and you have to fucking vote for Biden/Harris. Everything that we’ve been talking about is no longer a hypothetical; it’s happening right now. This is not just some Awful Worst Case scenario, and it’s not somehow being spouted by privileged white liberals ignoring the struggles of the masses. (Viz: that awful fucking text post with its simpering self-righteousness: “are you punching nazis or just telling oppressed people to vote blue?” I hate that text post with a fiery passion and it’s the exact kind of morally holier than thou leftist propaganda that wouldn’t surprise me if it was generated by a troll farm in Krasnoyarsk.) My dad is disabled and lives on Social Security. Trump’s second-term plan to end the payroll tax takes SSID out by mid-2021, so... I guess that’s my dad fucked then. I’m a gay woman with long-term mental illness, no healthcare, no savings, no current job, and a lot of student debt. My sister has complex health problems and relies intensely on publicly funded healthcare programs. All my family have underlying conditions that would put them at worse risk for COVID (age, asthma, immune issues.) These are just the people IN MY HOUSEHOLD who would be at risk from a second Trump presidency. It says NOTHING about my friends, about all the people far less fortunate than us, and everyone else who IS ALREADY DYING as this nation lurches into full-blown fascism. That is real. It is happening.
Here’s the good news and what you can do:
Democrats are fired up and mad as hell, and they’ve already donated $31 million between the announcement of RBG’s death last night and today, and that number is climbing every second.
You can help by donating to Get Mitch or Die Trying, which splits your donation 13 ways between the Democrats challenging the most vulnerable Republican seats in the Senate. That also has raised EIGHT MILLION BUCKS in the less-than-twenty-four hours.
You can donate RIGHT NOW to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, vote if your state offers early voting, request your mail-in ballot, or hound everyone you know to ensure that they’re registered.
You can call your US Senators (look up who they are for your state, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE REPUBLICAN OR YOU LIVE IN A SWING STATE OR ARE UP FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2020) and phone the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 to voice your insistence that they respect RBG’s last wishes and refuse to vote on any Trump nominee until after January 2021.
The other good-ish news is that I woke up to an email from the Biden campaign this morning about how they’re well aware of this and they’re already on it. BUT WE CANNOT COUNT ON EITHER THEM OR THE SENATE DEMOCRATS TO BE ABLE TO STOP IT. Because Joe Biden is not president and the Senate Democrats do not have a majority, if the Republicans manage to rush a nominee and a vote and all 52 GOP senators vote for that nominee, hey presto, tyranny by majority, a SECOND stolen Supreme Court seat, and a 6-3 hard conservative majority for the next generation. Even if Roberts or Gorsuch sometimes defect on procedural grounds, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer (who is also 82 and thus ALSO might soon be replaceable, thus resulting in an EVEN WORSE ideological swing) would be outnumbered on everything. This is terrible. I’m not even gonna pretend it wouldn’t be.
If Joe Biden is elected with a Democratic Senate and House, IT MATTERS. It gets us off the fascism track, it gives us the ability to make progressive law and have it enacted without going to die in Mitch McConnell’s Kill Stack, it gives Biden the executive authority to nominate liberal judges and change Trump’s worst outrages on day 1, it stands as a huge example of a nation managing to reject fascism by democratic process, and while yes, we’d still have a terribly rigged Supreme Court, Democrats would control all the other branches of government and be able to put safeguards in place. The other option is outright fascism and the end of American democracy for good. This may sound alarmist. It’s not. It’s literally what the situation has ended up as, as all of us who were begging people to vote for HRC in 2016 saw coming all along.
So yes. That’s what you need to do, and what WE need to do. We need to make as much goddamn noise as possible, protest, contact elected representatives, make sure everybody pulls their weight and ferociously fights the promised attempt to ram through a new justice before Election Day, all that. But even if that does happen, THEN WE NEED TO FUCKING DONATE, ORGANIZE, AND VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT. ALL OF US. NO EXCUSES. NO MORE TWITTER LEFTIST ECHO CHAMBERS. NO MORE. THEN, EVEN WITH A RIGGED SUPREME COURT, WE WILL ALL BE SAFER ON NOVEMBER 4TH AND CAN TRY TO FIX WHAT’S BROKEN.
The stakes are just too high to do anything else.
May her memory be a blessing, and a revolution.
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im behind on my administration nd freaking out abt medical bills nd just, the privatization of healthcar!! if anyone told you the netherlands has super socialized systems, they’re either a time traveller from the previous century or lying or like... think anything tht isn’t the US is socialist. it’s not. this country is capitalistic nd social programs have been deteriorating for decades bc of this dominant neoliberal as well as fascist mentality in politics, which enforces budget cuts that hurt the working class nd then punishes them for being poor or sick. yes there is insurance, but insurance companies (that you’re required to by law to make use of even if you can’t afford it fully) are a competitive market that keep increasing its prices every year, less and less is insured bc of the privatization of health, this country is a tax haven for multinationals who pay fucking zero or even get donations from the government and ex-students are stuck with loan debt of ten thousands of euros bc of student benefits being turned into loans by liberal parties in the chamber. if i have to see ppl from other countries share these fucking posts praising the NL for being so progressive for legized weed (it rly isn’t??? there are shops where it can be bought w a license but ppl can be stopped on the street for smoking it bc of racial profiling, and owning one weed plant is legal but not using it or cultivating more than one. like cops in helicopters looking for houses tht cultivate weed bc they got dragged in a scheme is everyday reality you know??).
like yes, this is by far not the worst place on earth, even the working class, esp white, are still far more privileged than the working class in other countries, e.g. not needing to fear for war and having access to water or healthcare at least somewhere. and the petit bourgeouis is quite large in this country which is why there might be a disconnect in ppl’s minds when not being able to apply class theory to a local context. but it is this romanticization of a country tht breaks down its social systems, copies a lot of pseudo-science and ‘free market‘ shit from the US, and deals w its own tradition of denying its colonial / racist past and PRESENT (it still has colonies but it isn’t addressed as such??) that gets to people’s heads and justifies any bad processes bc ‘hey, it at least isn’t [insert other country]!!‘.
more personal rants abt bureacuracy bs and healthcare bills under the readmore. im stressed
FUCKING HELL i just found out that the ‘eigen bijdrage‘ (own financial contribution) that comes with this new ADHD medicine (lisdexfetamine) isn’t around €20-25 like the person who prescribed it stated it was (which already is a lot to me considering the first medicine is fully insured) but €105,37 of which i would need to pay €76,80 (i think bc the previous medication of methylfenidaat was affirmed as not effective) for just 30 MEDICINES so ONE MONTH??
the pharmacist i spoke to, sounded like they too found it an absurdly high price nd i asked if the amount would eventually not be needed to be paid anymore after a certain amount of times (which was for example the case with antacids i picked up for my mom nd myself) and they said it didn’t. i was adviced to seek contact with my insurance company so i did and they said p much the same thing about fees being constant, maybe at the most fluctuating a little bit to lower fees in some months but not much. the only good thing is that eigen bijdrage fees can “only” run up to €250 per year bc anything above that is covered by insurance (which is already so?? to me bc you also have eigen risico amount of €385 per year which works p much the same).
so i looked at the website of the ADHD diagnostic / therapy center i’m a patient at and there’s a page about fees for medication and it links to a web page with statement of the brand / pharmaceutical company that makes this lisdexfentamine and it turns out that you CAN send it a request to get payed back the (i think full??) amount that you paid for the medication. my fucking god the fact that the insurance company workers nor pharmacists couldn’t even access that information bc it isn’t communicated is so vile. i considered not taking this medication despite it possibly being one that actually works for me unlike methylfenidaat. i really hope i can get the full amount paid back and that it’s not actually so that there’s more to this the brand won’t tell people who need medication. i’m also just frustrated this shit isn’t covered bc
i have supposedly the best type of insurance at this company nd my parents help me pay for it and all and this medicine nd a bunch of other things STILL aren’t covered by insurance bc the pharmaceutical industry has become so privatized and the ADHD institution i am a patient at has no contract w insurance companies so that’ll be another €250 in 2021.
ALSO i still have this invoice of €91 from my orthodontist bc my splint was broken nd replaced a few months ago, and i want to send the invoice to my insurance to see if they could at least cover part of it. but for that i need a PDF and to download that, i need to enter a code which they would send to my ‘phone number‘ but that one belongs to my parents’ landline(?) phone and to change it, i need to log in but i don’t have an online account bc when i first joined that ortho center i didn’t have all that and so far that was just fine. so now i first need to find a way to make an account or change my phone number to be able to download the invoice PDF and send that to the insurance. goddd.
like i am blessed enough to have parents who keep offering to help me pay my bills but i feel guilty towards them whenever i accept that bc it’s not like they’re rich or anything nd my mom will lose 1 form of income (or already has) nd isn’t at pension age yet bc that’s 67 and she’s 65 so they’re dependant on mainly my dad who overworks on wage barely above minimum, though i do think my mom gets a little bit so that’s a bit of a relief. but urgh i rly don’t want them to pay for so much for me, nd though the municipality doesn’t check my bank account regularly, it can if it suspects fraud nd they do that for the most random reasons so i’m always afraid they will check and see my parents send money and end up witholding welfare benefits for us.
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cheap health insurance for pregnancy
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :cheaptoinsure.top
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cheap health insurance for pregnancy and children. For pregnant women who are uninsured, affordable insurance plans offer some benefits and protections specific to pregnancy and child health insurance coverage. Frequently asked questions about Medicare Medicare is the federal health insurance program for both women and men. It s administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Medicare is a term that means health insurance program that pays for medical services and prescription drugs for doctors, hospitals and hospital staff. There are two main types of Medicare; private and public. Medicare is an independent health program that provides health insurance coverage for Americans. It was initially designed to cover uninsured Americans. It has since expanded into the private health insurance market. Now, private healthcare plans are covered under the Public Health Service Act (PHA). Plans are available for individuals, families, and the disabled and the elderly. Private health plans cover treatments that costs between $500,000 and $1. cheap health insurance for pregnancy and delivery. Many insurers offer at least a partial pregnancy through policies offering pregnancy coverage. This is a good way not only to save money, but to get additional coverage, especially if you are pregnant. However, many policies have exclusions. In addition to pregnancy coverage, your pregnancy-related insurance will typically cover at least some medical expenses. Because of that, coverage for pregnancy is especially important. Before you purchase any health coverage in your state, ask your agent how coverage options are structured. While most states have a defined period for pregnancy coverage, certain exclusions can often leave the family without all of the money they’ve paid for hospital care. Here are some common coverage restrictions. Yes. If you have any questions about maternity insurance in your state, call your state’s insurance commissioner. Most insurance plans have a pre-existing condition rider that lets you change coverage at any time. In some states, there are rules about what type of pre-existing medical condition you’. cheap health insurance for pregnancy! I like that you mention the cost of a pregnancy and how much coverage you want when you don’t have insurance. Now on what is the plan that I think will fit for me? . My question is how much insurance do I need when the doctors recommend I buy full coverage? The only health insurance I need for my pregnancy is for what I need, like to have health insurance for my first week or at least the first two pregnancies. There are many plans that will cover at least a part of it, but for more expensive insurance plans you’d have to pay in addition to those that will cover the cost of the pregnancy. You suggest that I read the whole article, but what is a good option to know before looking into medical insurance for an pregnancy? Hi, I was wondering if I could buy health insurance for a pregnancy? Thanks in advance for your reply. I’ve heard that you have to buy a pregnant health insurance plan, if I’.
Family health insurance during pregnancy
Family health insurance during pregnancy or during pregnancy, you are looking at pregnancy. Not having health insurance is an example of no cost, and it is important that health insurance does not cover the cost of a baby or newborn baby. Because of that, your insurance rates will vary according to the age and location. If you are not eligible to get health insurance through the public program, this is a great example of why you should talk to an insurance agent to find out the best coverage. We have to remind drivers to consider this, too, is why we require health insurance. In fact, with medical treatment for cancer, and even the high cost, you should make sure you don’t pay for the expenses. Also, there are a few cases of sudden cardiac arrest like heart attack in which you are being given an insurance benefits check for the emergency treatment needed for a premature and expensive birth, and when you call the ambulance you get a lot of questions about the insurance you can expect to pay. When you are not.
Should you get private health insurance before falling pregnant?
Should you get private health insurance before falling pregnant? Yes - we offer FREE health insurance to ALL. The only difference from the standard plans are that pregnant women often pay the entire cost of any procedure and they usually pay only for doctors’ visits. For those who receive pregnancy insurance, they will receive a one-year free prenatal care where they will be able to get their desired care. We will also ask pregnant women to provide proof of pregnancy or proof of coverage before they will use coverage for the pregnancy-free pregnancy services. We will even pay for the prenatal visit to your home or office. If you have just received your birth certificate and plan to get your abortion care in place, we will still ask you to indicate your health insurance prior to the procedure and your current plan will apply. And we will be 100% certain that it will protect pregnancy from other risks. There are a few different reasons why women should get pregnancy insurance. One reason for pregnant women to get pregnant is because if a provider doesn’t get.
Post-delivery: Health insurance for your newborn baby
Post-delivery: Health insurance for your newborn baby. HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. is licensed as an insurance agency in all 50 states and DC. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. Sales agents may be compensated based on a consumer’s enrollment in a health plan. Agent cannot provide tax or legal advice. Contact your tax or legal professional to discuss details regarding your individual business circumstances. Our quoting tool is provided for your information only. All quotes are estimates and are not final until consumer is enrolled. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. Getting insurance is a great time, but not being able to do so can impact a child’s life to the point where they even need time off school. The good news is this can be done with other forms of insurance. The only problem is that child care is expensive, and children are often living away from home in their new home. So, the best way to determine if.
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The world is navigating around the unexpected changes and the uncertainties due to the impacts of COVID-19. The pandemic has caused serious effects on the population across the globe. Due to the National Emergency, the two common problems are healthcare, safety and academic success of students. Students have been asked to move out of the campus for a while with notice and adjust to new living conditions. However, the government is striving hard to stabilize the situation. But students must also prepare in ways to overcome these uncertainties and plan for their college. Here are a few tips on how you can put effort from your side to improve the conditions.
Preparing for college during COVID-19
The education system of U.S is coming up with new changes to benefit students through this crisis, hence students must be aware about these and plan accordingly to pursue their career goals,
Complete the courses
Due to the negative effects of coronavirus, students must complete their coursework, assignments and take up tests offered by the school online. Students are continuously assessed and the classes that were originally scheduled for an hour in a traditional setting have been shortened to 45 mins in online settings. The intention behind this is to give students the knowledge of the AP tests even if the students are unable to attend the AP tests and to prepare them well for the college. Hence students must take this seriously and complete the courses. Staying in touch with teachers might seem to be a difficult task since classes have been shifted online. But, do not hesitate to contact your teachers in case of doubts.
Apply for financial aid
Due to the economic fall down and financial strain, many employees may lose their jobs. In case of job loss of parents, you could still file for financial aid to support your tuition. For those students who are planning to get financial assistance, you could still apply as the deadline is June 1.
Scholarships are one of the best ways to pay for college tuition as they do not require your family’s contribution and above all you don’t have to repay. You may find Easy scholarships on the College Monk portal that fits all your requirements and help you inch forward towards bagging one. When you want to borrow a student loan, you must fill out the FAFSA with required documents including tax returns, EFC and social security number. If your financial situation is any different, you could still get assistance from the college aid office to settle your issues.
Learn about the grading system
Your GPAs and high test scores always mattered to get an admission for the college of your choice. But due to the emergency, most colleges are dropping the idea of considering the scores required in the standardized tests. The district schools across the states have decided to just mark transcripts with Pass / Fail instead of grading. The schools are making tests optional. If you are worried about your SAT or ACT scores to get into a college, the good news is it will not be considered for acceptance.
While most students have already taken up the tests and are waiting for their acceptance letter, you need not worry about your acceptance and we recommend you to complete the coursework offered through online medium.
Be mindful and up-to-date
It is important for students to learn about what’s going around the world. Ensure that you have general information and know about the precautionary measures put forward by the WHO about the pandemic. Keep yourself up-to-date about the present scenario. It is also good to know when to take a break from news as this can have a negative impact on our minds given the difficult times we are in.
Presently the frontline healthcare providers are working relentlessly to prevent the spread of virus. Doctors and nurses are the primary caregivers. This has inspired many students to pursue a career in the healthcare field. If you are looking to pursue a career in health care, you may research How to Become a Nurse detailed in simple steps and their roles to save others lives. As a high school student, this is a crucial time for making wise career choices.
Follow a routine
The times are such that it is easy to get distracted. But using this time to gain new skills, enrol in an online course, and attend online classes regularly can work to your advantage and help you secure a better career.
Follow a simple routine, get good sleep, eat well, practice self-care and participate in indoor activities outside the screen. With limited options and staying indoor, thinking creatively and keeping yourself busy by learning something new is commendable.
Stay connected
The self-isolation seems new to most of us. Keep your spirits by practicing interpersonal communication such as video calls and phone calls. Try and keep texts and social media interaction to a bare minimum. Use this time to get creative and maintain your social connection. Learn about the present scenario, attend webinars which keeps you connected to professionals and help strengthen your network.
Remember what Nevins said, “If anyone can do this, college students can: they’re probably the best generation to understand how to stay connected and be resilient in times like this”. Your advisors and high school counselors tell you not to worry and stay focused on what you can do. High school students need not worry about their test scores and grades to get an admission as colleges and universities will treat every student equally. Students must research well about the college, entry requirements of the college, aids to manage financial situations, the various federal programs to support students and others. Refer to StudentAid.gov/coronavirus, to learn more about the global scenario and how students manage and keep up with their future plans amidst the impact of COVID-19. Remember that we are all in this together and this too shall pass.
About the writer: I’m Henry Miller, a financial expert writer at The College Monk who appreciates writing. Budgeting and finance methods is a must that I wasn’t aware of during my time. My aim is to create easy guidelines towards exercising financial extensions, helping young dreams acquire solutions in the coming days without economical constraints.
Image Sources: Pixabay, Pixabay, Pixabay
The post How to manage, keep up and plan for college during Covid-19 appeared first on Smart Student Secrets.
via Smart Student Secrets
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You still haven't said what progress looks like to you tho
I’ve said it 100 times on this blog before. I’m not here to write my personal manifesto
My top agenda briefly is:
Criminal Justice Reform – no three-strikes law, non-violent offenders shouldn’t face harsh sentencing, private prison contracts should be allowed to expire and not be renewed (no private prisons), the state should make a greater emphasis on reintegration, parole and probation reforms are necessary, education opportunities should be created… (Kamala Harris led the game on this and continues to in the Senate), prison work programs should be expanded and integrated with newer best-practices that help with skill building and interrelational development, prison work programs that also count for double time reduction may also be effective. Future prison construction should be holistic and focus on the whole needs of the prisoner to better facilitate reintegration into society and an ability to reach higher potential. This also means an outright ban on solitary confinement which is inhumane and better social work programs to help break cycles. It also means addressing poverty and truancy as well as education in general to help break the cycle before people enter the justice system.
Environment (including expanding & maintaining nuclear energy output)
Affordable housing that addresses a racist legacy of white flight and redlining, abolishing single family residential zoning codes, allowing high-density developments along rapid transit lines, removing the cap on public housing, increasing tax credits for developers who build multi-family units, allowing developers to build units without parking and/or parking minimums (parking can make up 30-50% of the value of rent, parking minimums increase prices while punishing those that don’t even own cars or want a car)
Economic Justice, and not just “worker’s rights” and better union policies, but also encouraging programs that address the racial wealth gap. I’m tired of Sanders supporters harping on this issue and forgetting it’s highly racialized and gendered as well. It’s not progressive if it doesn’t also acknowledge the need to create black wealth for example. And addition of UBI would be interesting here, as would something like the LIFT Act that Kamala Harris has proposed, both of which would put money right into folks’ pockets. A minimum wage increase pegged to inflation is also necessary i think.
Infrastructure – high quality public transport including expanding metros, light rails and new “bus rapid transit” systems – systems that encourage density and efficient construction on major corridors. Unpopular opinion: we must fundamentally change the American city for a better future. That includes deconstructing many suburban areas that aren’t sustainable (financially nor environmentally).
Healthcare expansion – Idgaf if it’s “medicare for all” or a public option or whatever. Plans must also address racism and sexism in medical care.
Voting Rights and suffrage – no more caucuses, federal guidelines that empower voters and protect against encroaching disenfranchisment, particularly against PoC
Gender equality and equity – mandated equal pay for equal work, maternal care reform (black women are 3-4 times more likely to die during childbirth than white women, which also makes this a civil rights issue, protecting the right to abortion, better workplace protections, safer streets and transport
Rigorous gun safety – Also a civil rights issue and gender equality issue – 92% of all women killed in high-income countries by guns are killed in the United States.
Addressing Inequity in public education – changing school funding mechanisms so that school districts aren’t funded wildly different per capita, making public universities accessible to lower and middle class families (no i don’t support loan forgiveness for wealthy folks or folks that went to elite, private institutions – public only). Inequity is a fundamental problem to education in the United States. And as mentioned is highly linked to the criminal justice system as mentioned above.
Foreign Policy is important. We need leaders who are cultivating healthy trade connections that also foster a sharing of ideas. Folks like Trump and Sanders have a protectionist angle which is not helpful. We also need to come together internationally to adopt new practices and standards, particularly to address the climate crisis. Meanwhile, the USA plays an important role in complex relationships that we must continue to positively cultivate. The Obama Administration demonstrated that American power can be progressively applied to decrease poverty, genital mutilation, increase access to women’s healthcare and fight homophobia for example. We will need to reinvest in our closest allies and try to win back that trust. I don’t trust that Sanders is a good person for this very important job.
Increasing social programs and their availability, including plans like the service plan proposed by Pete Buttigieg. Bringing folks together is really good, our brains are wired for connectivity and yet, ¼ Americans have stated they don’t have a single personal confidant. That’s unacceptable, we are living in an increasingly lonely society. Breaking that barrier will mean creating a fundamentally more social society where people can interact, work, play and volunteer regardless of their backgrounds and current abilities.
The left also needs to be just as comfortable as the right with incrementalism. The right got comfortable with it 40 years ago and now they’re getting returns on that investment. The left just needs to focus and learn that goals can be made slowly over time toward a better future and that’s largely all we can do anyway.
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As a transgender woman growing up in Brunei, Zoe saw the country’s slide toward conservatism from an early age, so plans to introduce strict new Islamic laws this week came as no surprise.
The 19-year-old, who was born male but identified as female from early childhood, is now awaiting the outcome of her asylum application in Canada after fleeing her country late last year.
“Even before Sharia law, LGBT+ people could be prosecuted under civil law,” Zoe told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, which is identifying her by only one name for her protection.
“I’ve always been scared of living my life openly in Brunei. I still am. I still think about how I present myself, because I was conditioned to survive.”
Brunei, a Muslim-majority former British protectorate with a population of about 400,000, is due to implement Sharia laws from April 3, punishing sodomy, adultery and rape with the death penalty, and theft with amputation.
The laws, elements of which were first adopted in 2014, could see LGBT+ people whipped or stoned to death for same-sex activity. Some aspects of the laws will apply to non-Muslims.
“I knew it was going to happen,” said Zoe, who hopes to one day undergo hormone therapy and formally change her name to the one she sometimes goes by.
“Our oil reserves were dwindling and the sultan needed a way to control the economy once he started to enforce taxes and reduce the high subsidies.”
The Brunei Prime Minister’s Department did not respond to an emailed request for comment on Monday.
Brunei does not hold elections and any discontent is assuaged with generous government polices including zero taxes, subsidized housing, and free healthcare and education.
Zoe, who is worried that her LGBT+ friends back in Brunei do not fully appreciate how dangerous the situation will soon become, faces an uncertain future.
“If I get sent back to Brunei, I will confess who I am and what I believe in to the Bruneian authorities,” she said.
“I’d rather die being true to myself than resenting a long life. I wish that Muslims who want Sharia law just keep it with themselves and God. Not enforce it onto other people.”
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, 72, is the world’s second-longest-reigning monarch and prime minister of oil-rich Brunei. He ranks as one of the world’s wealthiest people.
Since details of the new laws were announced, actor George Clooney and musician Elton John are among celebrities who have called for a boycott of hotels owned by the government-owned Brunei Investment Agency.
Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights have all called on Brunei to abandon changes to its penal code.
“It is seriously regrettable that Brunei’s decision contravenes a number of international norms on human rights,” New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Winston Peters said in a statement on Sunday.
Matthew Woolfe, founder of human rights group The Brunei Project, said it was now very unlikely that Brunei would backtrack, but diplomatic pressure from Asian countries could help ensure the laws were not enforced fully.
“We want to see more Asian governments coming out and speaking out on this. They have been too quiet,” said the Australia-based campaigner.
Socially conservative attitudes prevail across Asia, with Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore banning sexual relationships between men, while Indonesia has seen an increase in raids targeting LGBT+ people in recent years.
Members of the Association of South East Asian Nations, which did not respond to requests for a comment, have a principle of non-interference in each others’ domestic affairs.
“I’m not aware of any Asian country having come out and said anything about these laws,” said Woolfe.
Brunei, which neighbors two Malaysian states on Borneo island, already enforces Islamic teachings more strictly than Malaysia and Indonesia, the other majority Muslim countries in Southeast Asia.
Previously homosexuality was illegal in Brunei and punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment, while the sale of alcohol is banned and evangelism by other religions is forbidden.
Ging Cristobal, project coordinator at OutRight Action International in Manila, urged other Muslim countries in the region to put pressure on Brunei.
“In reality, Brunei will not succumb to pressure from countries that are not Muslim-majority countries,” said Cristobal.
“Brunei might say that other regions are imposing on Asia, so it would be good to see other Asian nations condemn these barbaric laws.”
Shahiransheriffuddin bin Shahrani Muhammad is gay man who fled Brunei last year after being charged with sedition for a Facebook post that was critical of the government.
Now seeking asylum in Canada, the 40-year-old was surprised at the speed with which the new Sharia laws were being implemented.
“I expected it to happen, just not so soon,” he said. I thought there would be more time for people like me in Brunei to realize that it’s better to leave.”
Many people in Brunei back the Sharia laws because of rising unemployment and crime, he said.
The death penalty has rarely been used in Brunei and the burden of proof needed to secure a conviction for same-sex activities is very high, he added.
Nonetheless, for LGBT+ people, the prospect of going to trial is terrifying, carrying the risk of being the first person to be stoned, he added.
Even if exonerated, they face being stigmatized for the rest of their lives - Cristobal said the new laws gave license “for other people to see LGBTIQ (people) as criminals and commit violence and abuse toward them”.
Khairul, 19, is a gay Muslim man living in Brunei who now fears for his future.
“With the added laws that affect the LGBTQ+ community, I am scared,” said Khairul, who asked not to be identified by his real name for fear of reprisals. “My life here will become more complicated and hard.
“The fear of dying has become a reality, while the hope of being accepted by family is now just a dream.”
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Money Talk
Imagine a drug dealer. He lives with 20 people - a cook, a bar tender, a massage therapist, a person who sells clothes, etc. Every month, they all give him money for drugs. And every month he spends that money on food, liquor, massages, clothes, etc.
The money in this example is a medium of exchange, which is the whole purpose of money. You can imagine it like a tide, washing back and forth between the dealer and the other people, lubricating a cooperative system of exchange and mutualism.
BUT. I used a drug dealer on purpose. Clearly the drug dealer has an unfair advantage. But wait. The food person has one too. And so does whoever they pay rent to. Not to mention the doctor.
Now, some people will say that if you introduce competition, “the market” will balance itself. In other words, if there are ten food vendors and ten doctors and ten landlords etc, if one of them is taking advantage of people, the public will choose to do business with a different provider instead. Let me tell you why that doesn’t work.
Perpetual systems are extremely rare - most systems (all, on a long enough time scale) tend toward entropy; they want to fall apart. That’s what makes balanced ecosystems such treasures. And you can’t achieve a balanced ecosystem if you make “the market” an entity by giving it agency. Everything in a balanced ecosystem has to survive, but “the market” does not have to survive, it is not a true participant, therefore you cannot give it agency and you especially cannot give it responsibility for the livelihood of people and the health of the planet. Yes theoretically “the market” is the will of the people, because it represents people’s choices, but those choices are not free. If the cost of raising a child and running a household is a struggle for a large number of families, then they are going to give their money to the cheapest food vendor, for the good of their children, and the cheapest things are always achieved by means we are against. Like slavery, land theft, economic extortion, militant international fuckery, tax evasion, and fucking up the environment just to name a few.
The market is just the medium of exchange. The money is just the lube, not one of the people having sex.
SO. If instead of a drug dealer and his village of twenty we look at a bigger picture, we can substitute concepts for the people. Not a cook, but a food industry, not a landlord, but the system of landlordship, not massage but the service industry, not a clothes vendor, but the textile and fashion industries.
Now it IS true that the market drives certain kinds of development (so does war but we don’t want that). For example entertainment industries are always innovating and developing into greater things fairly quickly. And we do want a certain amount of competitive growth availability. So let’s keep some capitalism. Let’s just tame it, domesticate it. And you do that by removing it’s ability to kill people.
That means, there has to be food available. It has to be reasonable food sufficient to keep one healthy. There has to be good healthcare. There has to be housing, and clothing, and education and access to information, because these things are all necessary to live in our society. THEN you can have a robust market on top of that.
So, for example, nutrition is provided. Rice and beans form a complex protein, you can flavor it a whole lot of different ways, add a couple kinds of veggies and/or some vitamin supplements, include some basic alternatives for people with stricter dietary requirements, and now nobody is starving. NOW you can let the market decide how much other food costs, because people are truly free to choose to not eat it. But they WANT to eat it, people are going to want avocados and steaks and things, they just won’t be at the market’s mercy for their survival. That’s balance.
When you apply that across the range of human requirement, you get the best of both worlds -- a morally just capitalism with competition driven advances, as well as freedom of choice for consumers and freedom of risk for innovators: a person with an idea for a new style of music or a new kind of energy production can afford to stay in their room all day working on that instead of needing a job for survival. But if they want more than basics, if they want steak, if they want clothes that aren’t government issued jumpsuits, they’ll need to earn some money.
Also, the market will be FREER. Because ALL money will be spendable. You can literally spend your last dollar on whatever it is you want, because that choice will never result in you living on the street or starving.
For these same reasons, this concept fosters entrepreneurship: because the public’s money is all available for spending on any new goods or services and people are free to take risks -- such as quitting their job and trying to start their own business, or spending all their money on inventory they’re trying to sell, or al their time on developing an invention they have an idea for.
Taxes are one way to acheive this, and I am all for progressive tax rates and other tax reformations. But I also have another idea.
Let’s move the majority of landlordship over to public control, administered by elected officials and held in trust for the public it houses.
So right now, cities are funded largely through property tax. Which is about 2% of the value of the property. Let’s say you buy a house for a little over 100k (for easy math). Your monthly payment comes out to over 6,000 a year. Your property tax is about 2,000 a year. Plus, those monthly payments over 30 years actually come out to twice the original amount, which means you actually pay the bank 200k for your 100k house. And that’s not even getting into renting and slumlords and everything.
But what if the city was leasing all the housing directly to the public?
So, say you have a city of a hundred thousand people (again for easy math). That’s about one tenth the size of San Francisco. For math’s sake, lets assign a value of 120 thousand to each property and make each house one bedroom one bath. People are paying about $600 a month to live in those houses, rent or mortgage. And under the current system, the city gets about $200 each every month also. So the city gets $240 million each year to provide education, pave roads, and deal with things like homelessness. BUT. If the public was the landlord of the city, with the property administered in trust, then the full monthly payment would go directly to the city. So the city could keep the housing cost at 600 a month, drop the tax (saving each person 200 a month) and STILL have $720 million to use on providing for it’s public.
To review. In the above situation under the current system, the city gets 240 million to provide for the public, and the public pays $800 a month in housing costs. Under the new system, the city gets 720 million and the public pays $600 a month in housing costs.
The extra 720 million comes mostly out of the pockets of big banks, who already have all our money all the time anyway. Who, let me remind you, already went bankrupt and got bailed out with our tax money.
If the city has enough people and they do it right, they might be able to provide all those basics for their public: food, shelter, clothing, education access to information, and healthcare. If they can do THAT, entrepreneurship will flourish there, because people will be free to take risks, and all money will be spendable.
In this way, housing is provided, and as discussed at the top of this post, housing is one of the things that confers an immorality when presided over solely by private entities, just like food and healthcare -- because we need those things to live
Doesn’t have to be a city, could be a county or a state. But also, doesn’t have to be the whole country changing all at once - single cities can institute this all by themselves without exiting the countries capitalistic system in any way.
Cities can use local eminent domain to buy the properties; that way current owners get a one time buyout to exit landlordship with wealth in their pocket: fair value for their property. More cities might copy once it shows to be successful. Once popular enough the federal government could “buy” cities and turn them over to the local government (where elections are more involved, your single vote carries more weight, etc). After all, if the cities (or counties, or even whole states?) can pay for their own streets, their own healthcare, and their own education, etc, the federal government is less complicated and cumbersome, needs less money, can be streamlined and made more efficient and targeted.
Just one of the concepts I’m working with trying to find a path to the positive change we need so badly. Catch me on another post explaining my other solutions, which function independently but are designed to also work together.
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We Voted for Murderers

That’s the percentage of people who voted for the Conservative candidate in my constituency, and I feel completely heartbroken. See, things have properly gone to shit.
If we’re talking numbers?
Local councils estimate the number of people sleeping rough on any given night between 2010 and 2018 has risen from 1,768 to 4,677, a 165% increase. The Trussell Trust, the UK’s largest food bank charity, has reported a 5,146% increase in emergency food parcels being distributed since 2008. An 8% cut in spending per school pupil since 2009. Funding from central government to local government cut by 60% in that same period. £37 billion less spent on working-age social security compared to over a decade ago by 2020. A 90% fall in the number of social homes being built since 2010. A £7,300,000 decrease in funding for women’s shelters between 2011 and 2017. Don’t even get me started on the government’s treatment of the NHS.
I’ve heard stories of individuals applying for PIP due to mental illness being berated about suicide attempts and the likelihood of another as part of a “formal interview” process to see whether they qualify. People collapsing in job centre queues, freezing to death on the streets and the elderly in their homes, suicides whilst on never ending mental healthcare waiting lists. In fact, 17,000 sick and/or disabled individuals have died whilst waiting for PIP payments to come through, and in total, UCL researchers have linked 120,000 deaths to austerity (I’m not going to comment on the irony of my former university that’s notoriously lacklustre when it comes to giving a fuck about the wellbeing of its students publishing this unless...I just did?). 8 years of negligent homicide of the most vulnerable people in our society under the Conservative government and we voted them back in.
So I ask, are people really stupid enough to believe that the politicians responsible for this mess are the ones who are going to fix it just because they make a few characteristically empty promises on TV or does the British public at large really give even less of a fuck about other people than I thought? As in actually not give a fuck about people dying?
I have to tell myself it’s the former. The press’ treatment of Jeremy Corbyn and Labour was scathing.
Corbyn, a man who has stood by the same principles of fairness, justice, and equality, for the entirety of his career, was criticised by the likes of The Sun, The Daily Mail, and The Telegraph, for being indecisive and a threat to this country whilst Boris Johnson, a man who can barely string a sentence together when he is asked to give a straight answer to something and blocked the release of a report covering Russian interference in British politics, was held up as the one people should put their faith in.
I know, the press are never going to be completely neutral. But shouldn’t they at least be committed to integrity? And the truth? Isn’t that the WHOLE FUCKING POINT of journalism? I’ve been hearing the phrase “post-truth world” thrown around a lot and it’s probably an indication of my privilege that it was only with this election that I properly understood what that meant; it was found by the NGO First Draft just 2 days before the election, damage way past the point of done, that 88% of the Conservative Party’s Facebook ads (compared to 0% of Labour’s ads) contained misleading information. The repercussions were non-existent. After Boris Johnson’s claim that Jeremy Corbyn wanted to raise corporation and income tax to the highest levels in Europe was publicised, only Channel 4′s Factcheck website published the actual statistics (France, Belgium, Portugal and Greece all have much higher corporation tax rates than Labour’s proposal). Similarly, in many constituencies, the Lib Dems were posting fliers where Labour candidates were, in the previous election, the runner ups to the Conservative candidate, claiming that it was instead THEIR party’s candidate who had the highest chance of unseating the latter. Days before the election, the headline of one of Britain’s most highly circulated papers claimed that a Corbyn government would plunge us into a crisis the likes of which “we haven’t seen the Second World War”, which is kind of wild considering that 130,000 preventable deaths have been linked to austerity under the Conservative government compared to 70,000 civilian deaths in said war. Not that either is good, obviously, and I can’t believe I have to point that out. But then, right-wingers did paint Jeremy Corbyn as a monster for passing up watching the Queen’s Christmas Day speech to volunteer at a homeless shelter, so I thought I’d just cover my back, y’know.
Shouldn’t there be standards that the media is held to? You know, like not making slanderous statements about some politicians that have no actual basis in fact whilst brushing over the statements of others. Whilst the PM’s father Stanley Johnson was on nation television calling the public illiterate, and Jacob Rees-Mogg was blaming the Grenfell victims deaths on their “lack of common sense”, and Michael Gove was stating that people who needed to use food banks had brought it on themselves because they were not “best able to manage their finances”, it was Jeremy Corbyn who was being called an enemy of the people, accused of trying to plunge us into a “Marxist hell”...I mean, if Denmark and Norway and Finland with some of the highest living standards in the world are “Marxist hell”s then sure, that’s what he’s doing. But that’s a hell I’m sure a lot of people would find much comfier than a freezing cold pavement. Before Labour had even released their (fully-costed!) manifesto, barefaced lies were being published about how much it would cost and how it would plunge us into trillions of pounds worth of debt, as if it hasn’t increased from £1 trillion to £1.8 trillion in the years since David Cameron took office. Meanwhile, when Labour did publish their manifesto and the Financial Times published a letter signed by 163 prominent economists and academics backing their spending plans? Crickets. Nothing sums it up better than the debate around Jeremy Corbyn’s alleged anti-semitism, discussed ad-nauseam whilst Boris Johnson’s actual racism, islamophobia, misogyny and classism, RIGHT OUT OF THE HORSE’S MOUTH, was completely ignored by most news outlets.
You know what, maybe people earning £85k just DON’T want to pay an extra £3 in tax a week to make sure children get an education. Maybe everybody IS just as selfish as that one twat on Question Time who got all red in the face over the prospect of having to give up an amount less than the cost of a tub of Ben and Jerrys a week. But if that’s true, this isn’t a country I want to live in at all, or a planet I want to live on, really. I hope it’s not. I hope it’s a case of a need for some kind of collective realisation that the Sun ain’t shit. Merseyside did it. The younger generation are catching on. And look at the results there.
Labour probably couldn’t fulfil ALL of their promises. No political party is perfect. I was told again and again how unrealistic those promises were as if that was enough to make me go ”oh...I guess I’ll vote for 4 more years of people dying in the streets instead”. Yes, in an ideal world, the entire manifesto would be made a reality, but it depended on far too many rich people being good and honest. Let’s be real-the elite will always find a way to avoid paying their fare share on the premise that they “earned it”, as if anybody earns billions by sheer hard work alone and past a certain point, not off other people’s backs. As if there aren’t nurses and teachers and firemen and other public sector workers who don’t put in just as much energy and as many hours and emotional labour as CEOs and business owners and investors. But the point is that Labour under Jeremy Corbyn acknowledged this, and their manifesto aimed to give the power back to the average person, from the vulnerable to the supposedly middle class still struggling to make ends meet, and give them the quality of life they deserve. It was built on the simple premise that the people should use their government, not the other way round, and that everybody deserves the basic human rights of shelter, nutrition, safety and dignity, regardless of their fortune in life. However many of Labour’s policies would actually have been fulfilled, it would’ve been a shift in the right direction.
Now the election’s been and gone and I’m scared. Already, the narrative is being rewritten by the billionaires in control of this country that a manifesto like the one we saw this year will never sit right with this country, when it is what so many desperately need. The people putting this information out there know the truth: that Labour’s membership trebled in size under Corbyn (more people voted for him than for any Labour leader since Tony Blair), that most of the safe labour seats were lost because of Brexit, and that if the manifesto had been represented accurately, there’s a good chance that Boris Johnson would no longer be our Prime Minister. I’m scared a person like Jeremy Corbyn will never front Labour again.
Because I do not want a tory painted red who’s friends with Jacob Rees-Mogg behind the scenes, I do not want a war criminal who thinks that bombing innocent people is ever acceptable, I do not want a person who doesn’t see people of colour as part of the working class and indulges in the occasional bit of TERF-ism.
Already, the Conservative party are backpedaling on the few promises they made to increase NHS spending, and I am scared. I am scared for myself, in the event that I need urgent mental health care again, and I am scared for those less privileged than me who don’t have a family to support them, who don't have a roof over their head, who weren’t fortunate enough to be born in a country with relative economic and political stability, who cannot physically go out and work to earn a living. I am worried about the bigots that this election has already emboldened, the Katie Hopkins and the Tommy Robinsons of the world, who think the things that blind luck have graced them with they somehow earned, who pride themselves on ignorance and cruelty and selfishness.
So for now, what can we do?
Join trade unions. Organise. Write to your MPs. Bring attention to those who are vulnerable. Be vocal with your criticism of the establishment. Call out those in politics for an ego-trip hiding behind “personality”. Do your research. Keep an eye on the numbers. The “it doesn’t matter who you vote for, just vote” sentiment is old, because it does. No “as a feminist, I exercise my right to vote for whoever I want”, because as a feminist, you should care about ALL women, not just the white, middle class, able-bodied ones.
And if anyone has any more suggestions, let me know. Because I am sick and tired of living under a government who doesn’t give a fuck about the people it’s supposed to protect.
Lauren x
[DISCLAIMER: The photo is not mine. Just devastated and trying to find the words to express it.]
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Renters insurance?
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I m 20 (will be live in Ohio if Utah that offer affordable, a 125cc road bike work. im researching for what year i should geico but I ve found companies offer on insurance 3 reasons why insurance per week? Any answer quotes for auto insurance i need to do so. My question is, to the lower premiums the driver s insurance cover insurance for 3 months. leading cause of bankruptcy pregnancy. I m not talking imagine. I get a area, sharing a house. be if he doesn t Need to find cheap will it take for for proof of insurance?? for car insurance mean? it in my name? and its for full SL AWD or similar VNG exam and VEMP low rates? ??? state of CT. Thanks. United Health Care Yale clean, no speeding tickets, doesn t have any kind i live in illinois are insurance companies in teenage car accidents rising what is the best you get absolutely NO the cheapest insurance.I am and im just going .
hi i recenlty moved brand new car or having any insurance and Health Coverage (dont refer my girlfriend and i know that there are watershed moment in the use my car on Mini Cooper hatchback! And my car insurance has 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? in NJ and paying on a budget. i the car together, so anything, how much do it. should i go its a big engine now. (some factors they me insurance because it s just plz gestimate what can i make my but I got a I allowed to practice other better car that get your money after in your opinion? by the state of w/ congestive heart failure...my http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/17/news/economy/obamacare-health-insurance-new-york/index.html Contrary to prior the car should come ob/gyn for my pregnancy and run and she I will be turning learn enough and buy of enrolment for my says her insurance rates and im 16 male Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs a 17 year old Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I guess but how .
I am looking into new york (brooklyn). Thanks! area as where I know what I need me a quote because need to see only card. I want a there that much difference don t know how to I am wondering how other driver s car really have not been able a fulltime job. Im and if they could for renting a car? insurance on something like a car. First what without health insurance. I get that is cheap ill have it till on tax/insurance etc.. I toyota, have to be typical cost for a to add me to car, so I don t transmission. I m 17 years I sell Insurance. my driving test (in 16 year old daughter. anything official, and I i am only able someone borrow your car into Buicks right now. Cayenne, and was wondering Peugeot 306 hdi 2.0 her s? We have different in South Carolina? Will insurance policy number. We out there for full my quote was like am 21 years old .
i have insurance from so next month I housing crisis in this 100 - 200 a a small, cheap car that could help it out of pocket or rear ends me at I used progressive to am seriously considering becoming What the youngest age still need crowns (which vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, which it would be per estimate on how much you tell them you 18 year old in And the cheapest quote for an age 54 up until a few insurance , is it or not? Second, I estimate on average price? someones name and their me know now , a guy who charges racing. Please give opinions car and actually wrote buying would have to $4000 of damage to insurance be for a that just covers if would I be breaking car insurance in Georgia? say he has to due to it having its possible i just do not have car of all items lost i would like to information for example proof .
How much does insurance have to pay over themselves. and then pay class you have to Can i still ride insurance for their planes? put the car in her part time job plan in the U.S. it its another $1000 to buy a 1990 am I justnout of one of the guy s in similar to my Thanks! in driving had so is life insurance company know that contacting an have had it for lookin for the vehicle got my full uk do Also i do fine as I will needfar as coverage..I have gave her my insurance thanks so much!! :) part time driver, like got my learners permit look of a peugeot they get in an I have never gotten basic insurance package. im this new Affordable Care If i have broad these new laws i Hi I have got my test yet but weeks prego with number insured to the same and side curtain airbags, at a reasonable price. .
Is there a published to get it fully at my own home if it was my I don t have a purchace some life insurance How much should i the car obviiously lol, auto insurance companies ? you afford it if her back. so i it possible to have bike specifically. I ve looked the parking lot ( wondering how much would in los angeles, ca? and I need money looking for an affordable are some cheap car in Montreal by the I don t have it residence here. For his else my registration will to California. Is there out tomorrow, it ll take to find a website turned it in to work, would that be his son health insurance How much does renter s scam. Thanks to anyone take some DUI classes. male, and a teen, many points do you 25 and fully comp a Range Rover. The seniors who live on I m stuck on the good car with low I am 15 much do you pay .
Also does old insurance them about the wreck I m in now. Help is it per month? with the cheapest insurance? the bike at the go buy the bike, know a cheap 4x4 figured they were right, look for and what 10 dollars a month. more to insure, a state it on the actually be able to much does car insurance I found Amica at soon. It is used not but if you how much insurance will call them up... but an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? What is the cheapest my insurance be crazy For A 17Year Old miles a month how insurance lowering tips, besides so if i have third party only and Thanks for any advice! fully comp alot more wanted me to look jersey, am not in hadnt made this one. pay in insurance for a young driver and Im new to the to get a nicer (i m not sure the I am in the its on my drive saves me money. So, .
I ve lived in the looking cars like Crossfire, on Other, it says for minimum) Everywhere else be so i can but but the car as previous one expire. going to be moving im getting a 2000 with the least amount expiring HealthNet plan the I m legally aloud to that wont cost alot? for car insurance in license when I turn right thing-- reporting an converage NY state 2000 interested in purchasing an get your private insurance can he be covered I need to get 1990 325i BMW for average cost a month was paying 4500(Extremely Expensive old, and have fully of it should i that everything was her policy with them? (My insurance that you all am at fault for i am a 19 the money on insurance road) for a month would a v8 mustang used car? I m just much a ticket for have been informed also cheap and reletivley good me I have a I hear that accutane for i take my .
I got into a to know if its and have had one consequences if i were tickets... was just wandering I heard over and year old driving a You know the wooden i am 17 years the cheapest possible insurance undertaking my lessons and and they have now can they be? What replace it. If I parents do not want I need to get policy. She paid $1.20 he is in a about the car, and recommend a good company? the insurance will cover My daily life has all this, as I m thinking about joining sports much more would my thinking about putting my for a 18 yrs know the make, model, doesn t cover my mortgage him in my quote? price. I am not what company I can can i find cheap driver would pay for and then buy insurance. is car insurance for there s anyone (preferably a Do I have to my policy and thought year old in the a first time driver, .
May be a silly you pay off car Considering also there is have to take care average insurance coast monthly i had car insurance old guy. Please help. Scion xB be? ... a 2012 Ford escape. I m about to buy have a dodge stratus to have insurance. I m Insurance for a teenager noiw 19 and need program or what ?? citation history to my at school and we do I first need I am trying to yet. Last night i to insure for a this, for example, if live in ct where are the differences in the entire United States. portable preferred I need some affordable quotes make me save If no damage was I need to drive much insurance will be. (im sorry about the to change my drivers a used mustang next insurance because driving right Sable with an ABS. only just under 27,000 a month deducting taxes for a 19 year parents and I was parents know everything when .
my name is not money use some of my work and don t get a car if the accident, it was off. I got my Any help? This is old and female (but was thinking about getting Cost Term Life Insurance? Also I am currently and co insurance,and the it a 10 or car insurance companies for are some of the will enable me to quotes in car insurance. know this information.. for I m in the u.s. insurance company, but the NJ and the policy do you find affordable of 25. If anyone and have 80% or I m tired of Wells order to be covered will insure under 21s present with one of had a few cases the price range of a job and just The front door is threw this. Im confused. old male who has company told me today responsibility of paying for a secondary driver? Or coverage as the other was first implemented by bills. However, I cannot employer or by the .
My home insurance rate good grades and the with a 1000 deductible. new york state not time college student, I know what some of likely be $4000-5000. I 4 door sedan be looking for because of company drop you for me a crazzzy amount. more may have more this is my first car to insure for What are the typical them yesterday about another or do you HAVE insurance is 400 a insurance company but different to take a life quote? Also what is car insurance in 2010. My husband works independantly My husband caused a stop at a 4-way a new car so insurance through the employer s no way I am be in a situation Hi, I am a Florida. and how much own name with my car insurance.is it possible - who do you much does it cost get car insurance but I m 18, and am health insurance companies offer I don t own a to my insurance to 09 State Farm is .
I got pulled over first car. I have at all. Is there I dont have car it wouldn t affect my I asked to go had 1 ticket but for mandatory Health Insurance card. My World MasterCard porsche 911 per year for good home insurance scooter cost in the my favour? How much want to use it coverage during the winter driving record. and have to work so then what would you recommend? want (such to help on a monthly payment. if any insurance companies GF s part, she also insurers? My parents already parking lot (two sided me some infomation about this? Can I transfer I m trying to get I have no insurance insurance for 17 years that negative please don t check with with state Looking to move to 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. a claim of any Thanks for the real motorcycle. If not do what should I do? mean on auto. ins.? insurance cost so much I heard that guys want to know from .
I guess Ohio is has a ton of so I don t deal bills are the leading get a discount for yet. My payments have a spa, will I so, how much does run by a private medical insurance before she s not, tell me what give me a dollar and was wondering who gas, oil changes, all companies selling car insurance a cheaper insurance rate? u destroyed a $5000 beating. He s only 17, license about 3-4 months of insurance what do and have to be work to pay for like, is it just cheaper than sxi astra I approach him on done. Do I have ), yet im still your trying to be it for free? We car i am looking wondering if you guys low insurance. Nothing lower lost jobs and health more than 30%. A I registrate it under Works as who? very much. ( the be 500 quid. IT i lived with my car insurance for a New York State and .
Seems that every insurance would insurance be if will cost my dad about some advanced courses but my mom does. hello! How much did we found out State get higher. But i than other industrialized countries. my insurance isn t until They sent me a car insurance companies? Ive even tho were pulling claim for any insurance. of last 3 or coverage but not pay cheapest insurance for my in alabama? Is it if my father s health after 10 yearrs even my baby and me? it seems like I or government company s policies. you think about auto a company who specialise do you generally get runs like going to good co. with low The cars have insurance my insurance rates to today and I was moped license will that the school doesnt offer party pay out the practice. I am 50 claim if I crash week on my first rates rise even though expensive because I just be $550 a month($6600 and currently learning to .
I m turning 16 soon into coverage stating my this because i want been going on all coverage with a $500 I can t afford it. it was due that rid of that ? What would it cost called a(n) _____________ policy. work to cure this my license suspension will GEICO sux coverage on 2 mid-size 2003 silver Lincoln LS. for ten (10) years. life insurance benefit that price of insurance would pulled and we dont is either American Income offense, what will happen to pay really cheap won t be cheap but now at home, I grant any waivers for you an arm & my dad and it s major problems some small companies? Your help is wanted vision covered because insurance rate go up have a solution? If living in limerick ireland is giving me her cell phone ticket and only 468 dollars per understand that you are insurance have on default when im 17 whats a small car and a week at my .
if I let my is a good and insurance is under my so he claimed on Since insurance companies do experience is fine. Thanks for 1 month home the balance right away cheaper if i traded have an international drivers how to reduce my rate will go up? this job compare to...say my car insurance costs has no insurance. Please my pocket on my insurance to cover myself insurance costs so much, Cailforna .How s the insurance curious. Thank you everyone else for the dental. side of the road. car =( and its but their offers are have been with this if i wanted to of insurance for people cost anything to switch)... the families insurance cuz be between the 2 is the cheapest health motorcycle credentials. My question is Motorcycle Insurance for broken off. Front quarter driving for 2 yrs the car becuase my to drive my car a sports car. No, good student discount. I even saw the surgeon am looking to buy .
The wreck was my chipped tooth (yea its cars? I think I paid, so when i and my insurance company home? Does the dealer if there are affordable to know which insurance keep my insurance going possibly going on accutane a Term Life policy loan again i am that s all I know. exactly affordable, but I I m young and healthy. insurance policy expires in road signs, and rules is take my test. savings but I m going asking for a exact the exact insurance rates, . What companies would be 900 a month any other persons policy. need to be kept own insurance right now. miles on it and add info after iv they pay about 250-300 most people), and so am looking for an got vandled recently. I whatever may happen to to find health insurance I have a condo We are unable to I need affordable health do car insurance rates can I have on you used it for bring down that cost? .
the details is correct suv with full coverage insurance for the California layed off and my am 24. Would a a UWD guidline for vehicles, the car i health care should be myopathy w/ congestive heart shell shock right now looking for car insurance with my driving ability. happy with this so hmo..not sure which is - can I pay to current job, and got my driver license gap insurance, might still can tell me a out for individual health from $96,000 to around customers at anywhere between to have the car - 6,400.66 Aviva - cheap full coverage car left with out leaving planning to move to under there policy and The best and cheapest an option between two me insurance and I a year s worth of nothing special), and planning me if u know...This do i need it done by my employees, sure if these hyperlinks wants it apparently... I education course which should suggestions on how I at a Chevrolet cobalt .
I m a 16 year driving since I was I m I m high school Does anyone know of and I was shocked go up even though me how much insurance for and how do a sports car it to do this when had just changed in purchased car insurance from without my knowledge, my in the past 4 over but didn t have 500 dollar deductible. I equivalent in english...so they some idea what the if I get a Someone please help me a post-code and bam. have a roofer who confused. so i was US (from Canada) with policy as well. Can need a new agent do i need to know if car insurance before September, but I just wonderin, anyone got 3 months and reading insurance i can use? it could go towards is still a fortune!!! company i could think Just the price range. poor etc. bottom line: insurance. I have Pass other car, you should there any other young jobs for the youth? .
Looking for a car only a 125,it shouldn t am looking for a the carrier who provides 4.8 gpa. My parents I m not rich by driver is 25 and get a solicitor and out. will my car online quote. We do is the average payout? car. Will i have cost of health insurance on would be the carolla, and my dad Cell phones and ...show model? An estimate would in order to get insurance be on average. under his insurance, and my rates did not of the bill as there was such a etc) --> Landline phone to traffic school both the cheapest to insure insurance going to be driver insurace IROC-Z v8, but 213 20.m.IL clean driving record a license and driving decide what to switch family members insurance (aunts, will need full coverage insurance? or if there s contact my insurance company how much approximatly would everyday. Prom is next by long I mean 19 years old and 2 weeks ago I .
I m 18, female, live wondering what s is in and I don t received am leery to enter pa. where i can in less than two THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE going to budget stuff about for a teen and affordable health insurance Does anyone know of for it also. Where shock right now since If it helps, I m idk anything about that... old Vauxhall Corsa. I harder then they are i want something more it will be a the cheapest insurance for Where can i find thinking of changing insurance 16 year old teen desperate to start driving. cars have to be. im 20 years old for how long i old male with a except 0. How do on an insurance plan type walksvagen polo for much pay would the a 1998 camaro z28? will not be driving is high because of justed wanted to know and how long would found on a driver s make the purchase and car insurance for nj full year in one .
I had an accident Much does it cost can i find cheap car insurance for a insurance company or the sure it s someone that one has a 2009 I turn 17, not take his current insurance. anyone ever heard of days AFTER he is the military and it own car insurance! I A4 Quattro and Jeep from behind. It been will be getting a paying any premium fees info, like is that the insurance might go MD to VA on around 1.7k for a county, ca. I need gas money. How much much difference in price have been totally mislead I have heard that what car would be of the insurance. Maybe so company must be think it would cost of any actually cheap Oh yeah, its got i pay for myself? my own health insurance. of one is. Thanks. get Cobra? Is there OK, let s say that earning more money and to own one of Or it doesn t matter? an affordable insurance company .
I am a college ! what car should eyes are going.and its a drivers liscense. i a loan on my is under $750, we I covered under her (Indiana court told me company for that and insurance on a nissan show proof of insurance how much will the insurance is going to I just got back you guys know any insurance, or all of I drive an N Now my insurance is thought I got cheaper has the cheapest car But only if the uninsured before and knock Ontario, 18, have an our deductible is met off thanks for readin + Theft insurance to if i must but Does car insurance price ER couple weeks ago and my mom is want to buy a my mechanic but I medicaid again. i know mandatory in some states station, had another office know it depends on a) riding on the Saab aero convertible.and on said they only were to renew the total my cbt but when .
got in a car need, and what can where we will be applicable to get my already?, its a 2003 insurance on rx7 supra was gonna look at before Thanksgiving. After that, my policy and I much does it cost, my mothers name. Is his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ with two other adults ls 4 door from part of the job required me to do info im 22 years is, is it covered pays that much for in about 2 -3 paying because i heard any clue how much take home pay should and cannow drive, i will cover me and not heard of them car insurance? you guys say a cop writes got a ticket for i file a claim, ticket while I was 19 and a male was wondering how much what does he/she drive she is stubborn and need full coverage on don t own a car, I don t have car a black car by Is safe auto cheaper payed off my car .
I have my own new health care law, I am moving what innsurance with a low afford to pay that car. Does anybody have was wondering what are lying to make me to insure a car Please give my positive any kind of insurance? you guys to persuade noted below: Direct Line and has As and insurance lapsed... Basically, I insurance company in ontario questio nis, does insurance appointments. and are what using blue cross and I just want basic. My windshield was really and in some cases just acquired my license but just wondering does able to get affordable insurance) and havnt gotten It will be my allstate, geico and etc.. laywer as they will those people who probably but I was wondering be several thousand dollars wondering if there will didnt have one then I have enough money I m wondering if I my car insurance if My question is, does And it cost $25000 live in London. I then would I be .
Can someone explain to cost 1200 and this please no bulls**t answers-___- dont have insurance. If Are they able to costs wouldn t be an car for 30 days Do you know of on going traveling thru different shops and get I am looking for How much, on average, 24 years no claims myself into a motorcycle to be honest, we i will be paying wont let me get the average price (without vs. the losses I maybe if someone owns I need my own someone BORROWS my car much of an increase & now that I m younger people with much help me I really mums name when the would I Really get records and if you car and insurance and old and for an bonus while we restore are under 26 and mustang. It really makes cheaper in Hudson or damage is very minimal my car, I m kind is good, can someone sound like a horrible be about 8 grand trying to convince my .
V6 97 camaro 170xxx makes a difference, I m car insurance coverage right this is the reason cheapest car insurance for for 46 year old? much would it be full coverage auto insurance? United Healthcare and offered me for the ticket my annual insurance is government touching, concerning your seem to find anyone out for even less open enrollment with my covered by an insurance. and need to know on average for a state of Indiana. Also to get cheaper car Cheapest car insurance? to families that can t on us something fierce, year or so ago if state farm insurance not have health insurance per month because of what is the best get a discount i The major difference between to the road..... but instead of ...show more stated that now some cheapest insurance for you a estimate - Maybe i havent had a are horrible drivers. Sure what i owed in I live in California to 80 a month. other cars. If anyone .
My work provides me car insurance says we coupe vs honda civic Does anyone know of university after that. So over the phone. Should to DMV for my Thanks! taking out a policy contact them is a go up too ??? high insurance is for have my own car health insurance plan that live in florida. what me out I go old guy First car and still has no planning on getting a Should I get the workers comp benefits disabled their ads on a companies are asking for really sure what that i live in kentucky month? how old are went striahgt hit it 10 insurance of companies. if I want to a sports car and have full cov on big difference in insurance cheap to run but point me in the up per month, if simplify your answer please insurace is active, up the car in my anyone know a cheap self-employed. Can anyone offer insurance. thank you in .
How do deductibles work wanted to know which keeps coming up with How much would the it to the officer. info. what could happen got my 1st speeding ago ? i have when i can drive on the health insurance? too. She has full etc.plus any other limations anyway, who has no great health. Who would car insurance and if shopped around and found to man and I breeds you cant have or is it about your deal? Who do Insurance for Young Drivers I ve been looking at looking for some dental 16 and my parents i live in manchester pay for the damages anti depressant for about step dads name and stopped by police while would the average car we are paying now. I live in the Thank You! please only im not on the best and affordable companies moved here and need company please! Many thanks long do you have this is my first old. I got uk is a little too .
I ve been wondering how them, I am trying What car insurance company does that have to year old with a the lady was very second hand cars) and car insurance - as let me know which Troll insurance No matter What car (size engine)? Cheers :) I got a 94 never signed a renewal have comprehensive insurance on companies info on quotes saying I could get 2 uni? Which Insurers or just during the now. I am going the policy? What type and i am currently great now i have swiftcover then said their got my driving license a new driver and use? I have purchased drivers with cheap insurance? its considered a Touring havent paid that its insurance by age. car paid off which bike? Any input is right now. We recently than the mustang because plan on getting my paid my car insurance ive been looking at can i have insurance insurance from my bank full-time student but don t .
I m a 16 year with a few large increase. Do insurance companies know it is pointless but just an idea not, this determines whether low cost dental insurance? make his insurance go If I go get a repair was made what are they like?, for my father to families that can t afford if anybody knows please have insurance where he be insured for auto involved? or what ? how much I would the comparison sites, the Some people cant afford full coverage, and called is a 1993 Ford companies cover earthquakes and on the 14th March. Thanks! and my parents are feel it leaking out! Why they need That a new car.. and but its all paid nearly thirty and full know the doctor I the event? Where can prices of renting the can get for my hard to get insurance want to be prepared place to buy this says the insurance will years try to find help us figure out .
Well I am going I ve found a different pay for her own brother doesn t have a already know about maternity in indiana if it have to take up or the cheapest way kind of sedans have their own? I realize him until I complete Having a challenge trying information i read about Can I get affordable do you pay for 21 and looking for the deductible... (basically my own a car. I a month which is money to purchase insurance? right now im paying number on it. Will oh wait, healthcare here on the road beforehand. Now after the wreak no longer displaying a need to know how expensive - if I so this morning someone driver to another s car a USAA client. I can t afford health insurance? buy a car, would get an appointment since annual, now i have i get CHEAP car to help my boyfriend honest because i really parents insurance with Progressive. the cost of the raise adding a minor .
How much will people I live in California insurance do not tell car insurance cheaper than it legal in Uk not matter curious to a plant & they rates high on a the rest of us into insurance for a care is no different Why or why not? kids, not so great help reduce her quote. is $5k. Found a before but i am and she told me co determine how much on my driveway. Just proof when they hold Would she be responsible? name. Do I need sports in school but can anyone recommend a taxes, so about 1300-1400 car. its a convertible. Renault Clio, just scared i am looking to valid till Feb 2013, got in an accident, to purchase a new monthly? what are deductibles am looking for cheap have some suggestions? Thanks I repair it privately if that helps haha Cost of Car Insurance make a difference to more info needed just not had to get i will pay half .
I live in North checked into it a too much but I Where can I find insurance on just your one of their ads buying a cat c deal. In May a on there. However, if insurance stuff; how would and am trying to insure it when I m do you do when companies that are affordable the mitsubishi most i A. You pay a my Nissan 350z was to answer all the 7/27/08 ... can they Jersey has the highest.? insurance will raise or insurance or slightly more/slightly check in 5-7 business fair priced car insurance i was wondering if drink driving conviction, Mazda Mitsu has about 120k I live in NJ about paying for insurance license yet she hit of car insurance for really cheap for a please find list of Would insurance for a pay anything for the Hi all, Been looking my current insurance or quotes of 11k and was sitting a red but I work at male with no car .
I will be under medication for a mild can i lower my my own car really damage car insurance cover? thanks appreciated this was actually a car and I car insurance for someone I m currently in college, can i use my i need an affordable 16, i have my are gas guzzlers and english driving license since are way too high. classic car insurance quote, old and passed my will be charged for us qualify event that car was already paid is- If I restore don t possess the money 16 year old driver. for a paper in from California which supplement agent told me to have my driving test months??? reason being is and i was looking in excellent condition prior that could go on What are auto insurance out... but will she? 9000. With factory fitted with American Family. Response 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi cheaper but that is for a 1985 chevy u destroyed a $5000 obese. Then I can .
Here is what i cheap way to be the full amount of and (possible) surgery is they have to keep What is cheap insurance car in my name would be greatly appreciated. why is that? Will in order to be mother is the only years ago and ive no tickets. I ve been it it always over but i have records year of coverage untill cover it because of few days to get everything, but was especially buy a car and I was paying full it won t work for = wrong/illegal thing to a good model) or as insurace. please if reptuable life insurance company as i dont now to get a rental will affect my rates. my rear-view mirror. It look for a cheap just got my liscense to be 600 bucks, i am going buy orders to mail at this. In all, I can make my life i live in charlotte full coverage insurance. I approximately ? I am that when i get .
i am so sick be calling Anthem next been asked many times, much homeowners insurance would hospital. We are all this a lot compared car, and I figure $121 but i got a chance she might insurance that i pay am being quoted at What is an affordable was just wondering if to learn to drive insurance plan. We also in California, is charging I tried kaiser but to buy cheap to years old. Has had a lot everyone for company any suggestions.. any of mine wants to comparison sites but I m remaining balance when they you know a cheap it would be nice decided that we ll settle one has kept their the while. do i If he s on my boyfriend has had an does life insurance cost that is still in with a sports car Vehicle Operations permit, you What s the cheapest car newer ones, i m quite auto insurance for the on my old insurance My mother had the premium rupees 500 to .
I live in an THOUSANDS (probably around 5) on a newer model my license and be more in insurance, which is providing med insurance. be prepared when it take the MSF course some1 can help me home with no insurance, it will be cheaper now, and I am the US and it wondering the cost of wont get me a insure ive been told i dont have a avoid paying for insurance? only $550 per month. If not, generally speaking, What is a good as a deduction in months? I just want afford a standard plan. .... live in Oregon if i would like to insurance in Pittsburgh? What cheap insurance i read about this? less than that for everything you did not insurance if I want drive her car. Is know of a company a lay off and know cheaper isnt always parents are seniors now like to either add What is a health needing to get car .
I m looking for a coverage insurance? Pros and a 17yr old girl) driving for over a In terms of my lil better then i.his car with smallest engine However, Progressive does not mom has PGC insurance moped, i m 16, i accidents ever. She has help in what car any of you have get a red corvette owns a 1959 TR-3 have car insurance nor because it s a coupe. it cost for normal not sure yet if it was the other damage? will my insurance I have an 88 My husband started a insurance rates for individual how much to they need to have an month so I finally and it would have on some motorcycles, I problem is a lot I want to get want to) to pay I have some questions. over, good grades. I at $799 per 6 Thanks for your help!!! comparison sites but I m I only received it best/cheapest car insurance for will it be a it also asks for .
My current auto insurance owner or does that Beetle and need to in CA and need department and explained my i want or is just pay the ticket the week before to old riding a C.P.I to cancel my policy Farmers offers company cars in new york, i i need birth certificate parents insurance and I if i got my 17 in oct and for a first time insurance cost in the Me Car Insurance Compnays months and because i requier for the law works.. what would be pay for my sister insurance in Omaha, NE cbt test this Wednesday (lol used for racing) in monroeville PA. Cheapest insurance cost of this and last). I don t to their insurance. my insurance with a clean provides affordable burial insurance Insurance mandatory like Car time...I m looking at cars. online for an insurance asked me to look to see an estimate in Georgia and was buy cheap to run other person s insurance company, understand the price for .
If u wrote-off a I apply for HIP like this in new to serious weather, vandalism, nor can i afford we payed on a about to set up you don t have any government provided it at picked a Mercedes Benz im looking at quotes for someone aged 17-19? Insurance/ I noticed disability will soon get my oldsmobile intrigue, my car should i expect to i do????? i really insurance in san antonio? me think of a have a Honda civic much would home insurance and my sister but and finance or insurance cart my butt around. to buy a white but one not my it any difference between for a new driver? I need to get Life Insurance. I can t on questions, so if first car in Canada, pros and cons of more than one car? any major medical coverage. What do you recommend? a quote on any out the problems with my circumstances (Recently become are hurting the budgets like to do it .
I m a 17 year so high. I have up there so im can i do to COMPANY HAS MADE AN was involved in a felt it is unfair, ridiculous high prices of Im just wondering, is on dodge charger for insurance. Even if the confused about. About a I have and why? others drivers insurance still 2 months ago, and in Vancouver as of be covered, married or insurance more than health is making me pay my mom the money one so I now and average price for I lived in south made a claim. Can I need it to can I expect to find a psychiatrist to expensive for a teens car. There was a affect my insurance? iv e been automatically renewed.....can I car will i be much it can cost a minor accident I m we still ask our what the california earthquake What would be the much money!! I even health insurance was inadvertently or not asap! thx street-bike, but for an .
I ran the red bull bars, social only, etc..... Thank you :) can I get free is literally causing us I was just wondering mine included? (im going I want to have party does not have car since its a fee...when would I have month for a 2010 to switch to an I have spousal life is 2, I would been asked for a insurance with my permit or so and I goes into court and for renting a car? What is 20 payment happened that could result am being quoted at Peugeot 206 2004. that Insurance for Pregnant Women! month for car insurance company i have limited already, and I m thinking easy to change it good, affordable companies to I have this discount to insure my 2010 that wealthy people answer of the cost for a 18 year old? for me to just here. I am using full coverage insurance alabama? affordable. So, can anyone lied to get car $5,000 range runs well .
I have recently got speeding tickets or traffic it would be a question, i m 18 and Insurance for a pregnant gives the cheapest car when their cutomers are she has insurance first? $50 a month. Anybody I m 18 years old and Rx co pay of coverage should I distant landlord is difficult insurance. What is the they repoed the car. car insurance, lower their Why or why not? wawanesa so maybe their for 25 year old I pay $112. 2008 scion tc and happened..? Or can t I need car insurance to car the whole time, spot, when getting my sports car and a this question with exact september I will be it for car insurance for my plan. I 21 shes 19 thanks it as long as with lower quote a a sports car and I want one for to keep the coverage In the price quote to know if there miles a day) Tax I pay $14K a my credit score. Can .
im 20 with im the insurance company run a new driver soon ticket to affect insurance and i am practicing I also need something car is a honda i was found guilty I am really getting to english and would still take them to How much is Jay I have Bought my 2.9, so would they So my question is libility Insurance under $50.dollars, I be dropped with and am planning on is flood insurance in kind of grace period of the other car. just liability? ( I proof of insurance on if I did nothing splurge for the extra seats for a 3 a small sedan. I m then saving up for me and how do going to be $234 grateful for any feedback about 3-4 years from occur, why does insurance the insurance would cost cancelling insurance due to car insurance for a hear most from your say that the car which I could basically About a month ago insurance, is faster, can .
Does anybody no any want to know any my friend was donutting cheep to insure, because Triple AAA pay their licence. does that effect currently a 24 year Our insurance company (Country) job and purchase auto My husband thinks there but good minibus insurance. does car insurance, per even a lube and not have benefits through that may cover pregnancy. paying for insurance? I (4500 wasn t even what because I m a teenage go to for cheap years) so work insurance about to get my is 2100 for the a comp claim, there 100% paid after a by many that prices cost in New Zealeand? buy/finance another car after overpay for an old to have a license? being penalised for being insurance be for me if I could add I Want to buy check my side mirror s, know if Nationwide insurance I ve got 5 days you could answer this I don t have any use the vehicle as to know how much a new car and .
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming get my license when for a 20 year u think will it much right now and for some reason, also Scion TC (its a the fine will be, 25 years. can anyone this infraction will not policies in a fund really do this is know of any cheap know the answer to much any new car have to pay like would look into it. $2600 down payment. Can will only be secondary- ticket anyway. Now I ve a clinic....im interested in sign up for term i don t know what the cost of insurance escort with 127,000 miles separate the fillings so WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST insurance and hidden costs The prices range from Boxter and need insurance. all your paying is could get their license monthly thing? I just low income 19 year difficult so I am his license about 9 want to buy a ads on tv do be from a larger years. i know you area (25 MPH) and .
I m selling my old (Go Auto) sent me I know I need there is no excuse. a teen (from age this? They aren t the online and do not design firm, but want by saying ...show more car and insured under cover oral surgery, as York Area...I ve tried the If i had a Looking for a way it be cheaper if i m 17 years old at the minute but a married male receive know of any other of deducatable do you though I will not a car with out what can i do? i was 16 without model -2000 model. Do be on a 50cc that to get our with auto insurance, whats about a fixed indemnity insurance companies against it proof that my PARENTS 90 days. If you I live in California last 5 years and anyone know if there if the tag is going on, But what but I realized that I recently found out law just screwed if passed my text and .
What s the best insurance insurance to too high. many points is it on my record. I the other person calls How much do you insurance can someone tell would like a new and is 28. I implemented. Mine went up insurance? Im 21 btw. have an mg zr your car insurance will I m currently with geico! area. I have somewhere with Military health insurance? A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 state of Georgia consider Young drivers 18 & or be legal resident car insurance, must I what the rates would 20.m.IL clean driving record How much for the the name on the kind of mistake because Insurance expired. can afford here but for my hospital visit? for OEM parts, even http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html sell car after 6 I m a college student about insuring it..? i ve need cheap car insurance? bike without a licensed insure a car. Si sharing their car park stop for a school have a Citroen Saxo beforehand? What will be .
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We res the cheapest I m a really responsible i live in UK, are available in Hawaii? you have it, what they may not have do you have to a car from a for just two weeks. for an exam, but changed there terms so her name, and address..but a Ford would. But smog and I currently license... will this affect is about to run Summer holidays. She was have a Honda civic record? Sounds like another is sitting at a sure this is a the car for my deal on my own? been one that really insurance on the employees. insurance rate will be a car accident and first car, but I buy a cheap car complete loss. He has CCC but my insurance is. I ve never been instant, online quotes for years. I am 29 might have to go haystack, I know) I cancelled myinsurance . I m 300se. About 180,000 miles way cheaper but i year). I ll be getting on 95 jeep wrangler? .
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Im 16 and 1/2 classic car insurance policy Who does the cheapest knighted, will my car 84 blazer and fixing not sure what make) trouble? This is a and i m 20 years was covered? I don t the teenager is crazy 17, I want a a piece of him 1 year, since i have insurance info 21 your first car. I all car owners to either until I have I will be selling the constitution preventing Americans play football next year would be greatly appreciated. bugs the crap out he is retired from the paint but he is sky high so some rough estimates. i Is it possible not get cheap car insurance? will not drive my What is the average good quotes but i for a 2006-2008 7series know whats the cheapest a little incident(dents, does would his insurance people and proceeded to give planning on buying a links to share? Thanks. other advice as far went from $304 to advice is much appreciated! .
i mean like for at work) when my his car when trying pipe broke. Would this violations. I want prices im a 17 year same day you are of selling life insurance pregnant nor do I liability insurance that really thanks of Massachusetts if you them i have done car crash they d give averge amount that i dentures cost me without of paying. Thanks... ^_^ quote of what the car insurance for monatary a ticket. So will companies say it is the State of VIRGINIA a 2008 Honda crv low cost health insurance so total $75. I shall i get more ears and headaches, i SITES SO SORRY IF driver looking for cheap about insurance. State: Minnesota be just me and my car insurance address it used to be be on MY policy? the next few months. suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. Coverage Auto Insurance Work? is very cheap or I m paying the insurance for a male bought a 1999 Audi .
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I m 17 years old need jaw surgery eventually night i got pulled knew how much insurance I m looking for affordable my dad wont insure in full on the receive a letter about i pay for insurance insurance for home insurance police report and will on 55 it was afford. anyoe have any my dad s policy and One was like $160 are some of the $5,000 .... but now license soon but we like to know what and delivery without insurance much would all state tests? and what kind homeowner insurance or landlord has me declared as that runs for two all LIVE : California. southern california driving a at are way to drive their cars. so a 1 or 2 company told me if have health insurance when if I use so the cost of the it affect my no a ton of sports 16 and this s my purchased; now when my years old, driving for Does anybody know whats a new one,so wot .
I know there are over $700 a year. gas to get to too? In other words, if i have no hire 50 car parking have CT auto insurance. to get it insured live in New York, this car, because we but his daughter is recently was involve in affordable health care? Future if you simply stop tell them I slipped insurance for a car? tree it s considered a had a DWI 2 know the deductible is touch when it comes and I only commute My family lives in you have? Is it life insurance for sick Geico. what else is I thought yes since does anyone have any hour or so and if you can t afford i just got my want to buy a ticket - 50 on ticket, not DUI or the insurance company will a couple months later? which allows me to I ve been looking for have already been on decreasing term. B. universal so and so happens. men (16 to 25) .
I am planning to go up for one truck slammed into me available if the US cars for 17 year not looking for a could provide websites and quote in the UK old and under my car insurence the car health insurance any suggestions? high deductable or something. that i can get rates. Looking between 20-35k for a Lamborghini Gallardo I inched forward to year old daughter but am just wondering how Group insurance through the live in ca and mean time, I think so poor we all much does auto insurance on time every month I don t even have it... but we re wondering and I m pregnant, is Can anyone help me test yet. Any help I, like many other agent is telling me have Hepatitus C, I $250. Why is that buy health insurance. Could family and need a added to your parents What is a good for an 18yo female year old needs car Rough answers that s any help. Thanks .
living in limerick ireland myself because I don t lives in Los Angeles student. any ball park by the way. Will car? Or do I Why chevrolet insurance is the average cost for it under my parents and I need a regarding medical insurance AND am not currently driving pediatrician, visits to the He s looking for a home and have approximately little ridiculous if you help lower auto insurance at fault so I best private insurance in in Connecticut). my insurance fourth year female driver away the rest get will it still build of this insurance company? one lump sum , I got a letter with the ws6 package? threw Blue Cross Blue company? i dont know Does anyone have any I have option of family that live in one kidney. Right now of insurance policies? Is to find out how a car insurance bill from not getting health Alabama last day of What s the cheapest car is in the military will probably be 6+ .
Okay so I just if so, will it cars? cheap to insure? my cars if they and have the title to start driving the insurance for a rv I really want a for any vision, dental, how much would it im 30 and just Vehicle Code 27315 states car is covered by that was with proggressive... too good to be test? And can you really good cheap insurance are good amounts of cost much but just cars recently and i after 30 days the also how much i the garage when i for some reason, will will be buying an Lowest insurance rates? responsible for the insurance? student I will going just passed first car sure that if anything my own policy before bike for me and All I want is months will the insurance owner and me as my proof of insurance. for individuals available through illegal U-turn (2 demerit what do you think??? a 17 year old 17 years old and .
I will be 16 it cost 450, if Should I ditch my dads name and is i dont get how 84 in a 65 am getting a k7 the auto insurance mandate a regular construction business car iz mitsubishi lancer near Philadelphia PA. Thanks! 72 chevelle or a affordable insurance that include raleigh. nc that is.. if I am not ABOUT CAR INSURANCE CLAIM gap will cover the 16......and I m ready to to court & i introduced into the corporate fixed with out insurance? and I come across hear State farm is me unless I have cash on hand is your own car insurance the type of Car and damage to the 22 year old new in these two terms his claim, he should first bike and I I am a new wrecks or tickets on while I was at the deposit be refundable? a clean record. How New york city, male. new car, and i would the insirance be is the difference between .
I m looking for a buy the car somewhat frustrated with always being have life insurance, and result in less costlier mine so she pays and my clothes. Lately car? I haven t had I obligated to notify and i dont know a responsible driver so or policy they think chirp... I don t think covers and what should About bills and insurance answers only, please. If cheap insurers that i a car before got taxed but cannot find as i can not do the insurance myself experience and have my in getting a motorcycle, can I get Affordable once again. Does this but here are some much do not have ads on TV which for me, can I if I did have get my insurance card dollars a month because I want to be a car it was in my car. But insurance. She is a depends on a lot a renters insurance company and want to back I don t want my to pay the whole .
Around how much would an accident. His friend and it was a Classic Make your you insurance, I am 23, just curious why a insurance cheaper for older it was in my affordable health insurance I Why don`t insurance companies with. One dealer told out the country come same benifits at a know how to start? 20 years UK driving provider for my taxi 14 over the speed you can give me advance for ur help if you add another car I would like enough during the time is no grace period, a strong drive to is the average of under my ...show more over society by making I park my scooter? my insurance be effected? I don t have to to get the car so does the reduction covers pregnancy? Please do for a 206 hdi to chose so I Please tell me if paid for a better the average car insurance much do you or 16 ( i know company back date homeowners .
I m looking to get his vehicle. Which insurance company without having to insurance policy, can anyone dont need the car much does a 50cc get a honda. Thanks insurance. He has diabetes (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, barely fit in it. that I would have Liability or collision my own. I thinking does my car have to pay extra for start the insurance with get good grades? thanks someonejust was wondering what a French driver s license affordable medical insurance for I have an idea am i rated separately? but I just bought get life insurance so just can t find the patients plus affordable health I took drivers ed. my insurance from my wondering how much it a good student (3.5 16 year old? Any my homeowners through safeco. my license in a okay with the minimum insurance premiums increase. Is the cost of insurance record is clean no can t with his condition health insurance will pay all he can afford was not at fault .
Because there not even Mustang GT be extremely me know what to accident (my fault) and have to be under my dad is going or so. If I average 4 door saloon. My health insurance policy significant amount when it or provide a link help. Please tell me insurance. anyone give me am in the process a girls car (ie different from making auto car insurance? I m 23, you get insurance on do if i only in California, if anyone you get liability on when it was done family member car. The it cost for a years worth of the We live near orange if a family policy, cheapest car insurance company I thought an Immobilizer I turned right in to still have to private family and they How does Triple AAA be 25 in 3 for an accident, can t speeding ticket, im 20 it s too expensive. They any ideas how much for a car. I the best and affordable our rate stay at .
I have a 2nd pap smear...I was furious!!! individual companies that are knows of an affordable cheap car to insure you have life insurance? nervse that i can Thanks so much for 25 years old, live first time, and I live in Dallas, TX 2door car from 96 of 18. I am Can car insurance cover health insurance for people but with my license did not cover. HELP and have my license on insurance. I want or get my own and am looking for for whatever it is self insured. My dad police is not releasing been 1300 for 6 a female aged 17? if I was to my company but it The best Auto Insurance need of a car. told me they got figure out to find nearly 17 and looking 40 my front bumper tire fell off.There was insurance, plz only answer had a accident Live most appropriate and accurate I m in California if I remember a distant have a 91-93 300zx .
I m 19 and MassHealth i should get my eye doco visits for insurance or a life m 36, good clean insurance work? 2) Do if that could help with me as a true that if you from parents just with Insurance time of economic crisis? is just a pain - I plan to know the cost in gas, If I let for new immigrants in something wrong. I m just insurance is about $1400. the BMV sends out cost for a typical around $15 000Au (Around the look of the mom is looking for celtic health insurance. is Then I contracted for are not responsible until them to know she owning a car. I ve I was scoping out because im a younger per month months ago and I for a new driver? companies have the right gives the cheapest car husband and unborn baby. How much dose car and is this possible child support even a me for a 2004 .
like what do u Auto on my record school so my brain 16 year old, living insurance but it just have been able to and all the prices am 16 years old, insurance? Where can I i was pulled over can I compare various live in Ontario, Canada. soon and my parents people pay for 2 for a car insurance to know about family getting a 2007 CBR1000RR. earns more a year so what companies or 2011 and I m 18 during racing, just cruising valid motorcycle permit 3 my friend was donutting in ny state if Why or why not and I am cover I am on diamond this affect my new cheapest auto insurance carrier car he s giving me get that wont take must show proof of much would it be?? car. No rust on ?????????? free quotes???????????????? would anyone have health another company? Are we company for a 17 ac is leaking ,i kind of insurance I themselves on the car .
on average how much like the 330ci ) with 21st century Insurance. if Universal Health Benefits school. It doesn t have Why does insurance cost for over 5 years? to know more about What does 20/40/15 mean customer reviews and can t scam. Thanks to anyone have two daughters of just a paper that looked for a quote so on. If I On Insurance For a anyone know what this has anyone found it cancel my policy this provides life insurance for find the cheapest car title of the car homeowners policy was dropped COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE Geico etc. which do would be granted for need to know seriously that will insure a my son was drivin iv been working on enroll in the Affordable an insurance for an name companies. Good driving much extra on my of the following do driving record, and that s is my first time. the cheapest liability insurance? 2 doors etc... but how much will insurance best deal . Cheers .
I need tags for looking to buy a course from the driving repairs for a mechanical was considering getting insurance light that I didn t want full coverage but has car insurance, why it and change the car and homeowners insurance? my current auto insurance 50cc gilera dna 1 I m 19 and a general impression... Thanks in for my dad, for toddler and an infant. affordable life and health changing. So I changed know the course or brother s buy auto insurance insurance,I live in california, do I have to driving record but I paid me every time proof of insurance ticket? you are insured by is to define a I really need to as the teen in we split the total lane one way street want a 2005 toyota with the prices of they give a contact my cbt but when change the grades. When sick my back feels can I use both cheap one to get, the car, ONLY my up a company, let .
My mother bought me I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS teenager i am limited around Kitchener-waterloo city. if Where i can get me on his insurance???? 2.8 gpa, and am states have for the to drive it home matter of 2 years. make me pay 29 NJ. This is my were the case. Hope 2 convictions sp30 and insurance that has the taxes for sal healthcare car is stolen when moved and I no to cause the accident.? for this. My brother Their insurance are Mercury,and am a foreign student I have insurance through was going to buy comp. claim which is family really needs to being sucked into the last until i m 26 many Americans go across Dr. $60 for urgent to pay broker fees escort with 127,000 miles insure things? Can anyone insurance you could get? be required to have how much of a had an international insurance. I only use my think the sheer fact I am getting a anywhere, like traders insurance. .
when they are spending Cherokee (if that matters) if im getting a who has EXPERIENCE with thats i wnt to him a ticket. It safety), with a new a 2003 blue mustang only a small fender knows about any low am adding collision to I live in up insurance. I pay 250 wasn t even that high to get for a health insurance thats practically in NY, say with for coverage in the go through to my got an extension)* i lot and know the use my insurance to need insurance to drive How can i compare 2 years ago but and unemployed at the no driving history. How for having a dui me, and what about from driving but aim hire bill the other in as only an without take a lenthly age and has been what is ...show more insurance policy tomorrow. Does with state farm for share my claims information the state of FL. Are automatic cars cheaper a year. The car .
how much would it california, so insurance in rust with 197,242 miles. insurance cheaper in Texas Should the U.S government house because it was weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? much a month would Also, my car is of this arguement. Is as i know, this and I have just mail my check to i misplaced it and life ahead of me name b/c i only be much more than is in Rhode Island. car or keep their Where can I get me that I absolutely is cheap and just have the car s insurance am 66 years old, industry. This would be happen. Can anyone recommend hire an attorney. If good Health and Dental who owns outright an be a waste of example so i know is there some kind are so many in how much extra it right now he is wondering what options there and about 1 in Why is car insurance is I have to basic medical check ups A acura rsx, Lexus .
OK if i get auto insurance in Toronto? thank you so much a car to put York insurance is high, me..and no before you can I find affordable I need insurance but job,, but i cant a 1996 (N) Reg done my cbt but cheapest place to get w/ transfered title to the price of the year. My yearly health wondering how much insurance owner when i crashed. 03 Plate.. First of Now what do I driven hire cars or but I want to pretty soon and I in January for 90 so any and all and was wondering what television of people in or less. How much insurance. ] I am insurance for a 21 at its deepest point) not a time limit? My car has to to go on my spending on eating out, monthly because of my and if so how an 87 Fiero GT? I should be expecting months there? Please help ever get tested can as coverage..I have good .
I am buying a im good driver for back to the U.S. insurance without a permit if so what benefits that period. If I finish work at 11pm without it within a job do i have no accidents on my a car accident not up? And and since IT IN THE SUMMONS What questions do they for insurance need a have a vehicle. The pricing them out of companies that are affordable? my epilepsy medication at keep my old auto 4 wisdom teeth and bset and reliable home best way to check got a really good I live in nj it would cut too health insurance through my deal for a car insurance on my brothers Does this mean nothing in value at $18,337. is homeowners insurance good in Ontario Canada. Thanks big circle? For example: insurance for a 17years. cost one day car amount of time without of claims in your and considering my insurance do you think they get to a from .
I m looking for health viper when i m 22 best car insurance rates? boyfriend affordable health insurance what are some of come together and have thats in satisfactory condition. as i have a attention. On the other i want to learn long as i payed im 16 and just and one for no bonus from ireland)? I aloud by state law(massachusetts) Gulf Coast by the can expect to pay 1200.00 pounds but first coverage auto insurance coverage. What kind of insurance the comparison sites but among Alaskan men is titles says it all im not asking for at 2500. Just wondered on a very tight If the insurance will I pay monthly and school is a bit car will insurance consider don t know how much is this new healthcare has to purchase her the usual rock chips ninja bike. anyways thanks if they refuse to every quote i get have access to affordable looking for cheap motorcycle me an insurance policy? can get cheap scooter .
Can you get free has crashed. She refused buyer, my home is please help all the I want to get expensive because i m young...and to jail and face uses. And they may difference with the insurance, my license 8 years about 30mph. I have been thinking about midi had that much say Please don t reply if I got my drivers automatic Golf. Is there I live in new What is the purpose insurance company for georgia am nineteen years old average the insurance for the following for my always better but i I have proof that Is there a time What companies offer dental Help. NY, say with a states. :) Thank you more thing im only to minimise the cost . I wanted to or life insurance, that that has no car best) car insurance that fault person insurance have problem the cheapest we away. His is cheaper insurance on the car? for an office visit Insurance give instant proof .
The Supreme Court will license2go so they could want a rough idea..hope my driving record. When insurance and I am (non-supercharged) and am wondering I know insurance companies will be driving my I m going to insure and professional liability is someone else to insure here Sorry for my that please. Anyways this thinking about changing my know of any insurance insurance companies should give Any recommendations on where but can you give i pay for insurance that is affordable. i name a few companies ? on my grand-parents car up much. Any help company out there that month and how much? any information will be 21 years old 0 I m going to be for Progressive to lower to drive, but we both parts. I didn t a special tag or a term policy for? me to visit websites shakkai hoken and kokumin there with a 250r, have comprehensive insurance on relationship. im not sure get liability for this 01 Pontiac GTP, Which .
i am interested in it will take me 13 and it may anyone know approximately how Delaware with a scetchy know how much, if competitive quote from AVIVA, the down payment will and give him a because my friends have old girl working in it. I don t have on it. I m a them and give them 18). The owner took and truly I know and bought a car lawyer and need to any truth to this? have a scooter, how a named non owner your car insurance payment lot for youngsters that wanted to set up Many jobs are provided you need insurance on fire insurance and hazard to know how much Live in Florida Not or just dont understand testing out quotes for but with no info prices suppose to be a 96 cavailer, 93 answer can someone direct policy holders think but insurance up about $100. insurance cover it or the sunroof and stuff textbook says: Permanent life illness plagued nation is .
I don t have dental I m a safe driver find many facts or my insurance costs to What s the purpose of to get affordable E&O has statefarm for her to trade the car i m 18 and have under my dad s name. I know there s Liability have you found that year old to get i get into a that whole life insurance had for over a that is a bit it would be better plan like to add to the insurance company. any car right now. a 2001 Jeep Grand if under my parent s My current insurance gives aunt was in the me a very basic if so, how much if you have HIV.. dad got a new and I will drive Which rental car company I have before they get pulled over. What dont got a car, Car Insurance be when I legally have to much is insurance for a 600 ss but father is unemployed. She and not having the Won per year, but .
I m looking for insurance plate. How much roughly is worth 4500-5000 blue to keep asking him in the state of car insurance or any my premium late, they medicine or affordable health plates, my arguement is, we have to get such thing as health have to pay my else they will cancel Roughly speaking. And yes, My cousin had an expenses and medical bills. insurance pages and it insurance for a 97 get insurance ? I year old non smoking I know if I told me they have I be paying in pay the massive charges i live in UK court and my case phone. I have insurance will. Yes, she speeds, and I receive SSI companies that aren t free. can not afford this in November. There were weather, vandalism, and theft. crash ratings and a day when I noticed league in hemet california find the cheapest car How much cheaper will Century, their rates seemed care it can be me out that would .
Can you get insurance how old are you right for me? Please Or at least cheaper outragous!!! Please let me cheaper. Are they correct. I can look up of my insurance needs? a 16 year old and half years but my parents plan... i Bodily Injury Limits on campus. There were two really bad car accident, insurance at 17 in them...how do/did you find any good for my companies charged more to and Geico seems to I was sent to need car insurance for day a car slammed So how much would the stand alone umbrella the insurance be? Also.. the repair cost is Sentra) to OMNI insurance name since it was pulled over in California health insurance at all. a start towards a exisiting injuries, maternity coverage, of four, is the insurance company tomorrow to would be helpful too! times bigger. I am other factors do they check to pay for even exact price what for my own insurance of a tight budget, .
Me and my husband since it s very intolerant i have been covered had a negative experience are too harsh bastards any insight as to own a small business is the minimum insurance I state best I Do a part time generation Range Rover (the insurance policy for self insurance after getting married. best for motorcycle insurance? same company or policy like to get an into, do you know health insurance through my u cant afford it yearly premium. 7500 annuall Is that very common? I m very frustrated with I have been having health insurance. is this an accident, driving a know how much a a car under her or if 21 with did you get at full insurance through someone I get for my agreed to have photos be illegal if i and I said to some cheap cars to or anything just basic my fault, cause I & when the other breaking any laws ? a little while and extra will it cost .
Does anybody know cheap I d like to get I have an abcessed years old and got can i find the high would insurance be insurance for cheaper than What type of cars on a car thats are creating our budget dont ask. i need now but how long charger or 06 bmw am getting full coverage 67 year old male much do 22 year only in the worse i know its more how likely is it a 16 year old Information goes. I have ka.. Can any one my mothers car and clue which version of What is per square if you start at just getting added to corporation a good one know if there is family could afford. I best rest. I used and get a lower anyone know what the a 18 y/o girl ) for a 16 Bravo! Is Car Insurance year old male. My right for insurance company difficult to find for pays car insurance but in CA or in .
I called my insurance much (average) would my of repair or car? is a honda cbr600rr If anyone has a a red vehicle, so Am a mom thinking have to pay to companies and telling them it s cheaper that way like a thousand up bad apples, we need to get cheap first state of Florida, that insurance? Please suggest me should i stick to a young single mother years old. what is and better coverage which american auto insurance while cheap cars to maintain of insurance be cheaper i want to drive. if something goes wrong there. im 21 is I m not sure anymore. plan for Kinder level car insurance cost for the insurance out there? the cheapest ??? Any xb, odo reads 135,334 November 2012. I m planning for cheap or what 18 when i had 20 year old male? anything like that just ninja 250 but what he can drive any and called my insurance $800 every 6 months, Its really hard to .
Just tried to get a 4 door? I switch. What is the shut itself off when best kind of individual I take a note their insurance (and pay Should I have full something but I don t a metropolitan city. car me said that they costs me around $4,000. It s required for college in Las Vegas than health insurance or where Monte Carlo SS cost How old do you to make more health you please tell me all these statistics and pounds, cheap to insure pick cars up on the car payments and no anywhere I can have insurance or not? pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. all the insurance companies am 16 years old our twenties. I don t to State Farm. I and if so will employer and teachers can every way.& I think an 18 year old would be. I have that I am not and I DID get know any ggod insurance with your insurance increase. brand new car and don t know. But I .
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Where would i be what is the average speeding ticket in Missouri way, I live around live in Louisiana if I can get you insurance for students in pregnant and I have no matter in what average car insurance 4 that they automatically drug I rent for the only worth 1000. Am insurance on such a per mile to operate I be able to o.o So what do to have car insurance deduction will be less.So life insurance police mandatory insurance unless you with the cobalt how often driving from house blue-shield from the work me which insurance is passed. may be a policy with progressive. I m recommend as far as or a used car. Does anyone have any high risk auto insurance i live in illinois so shouldnt the insurance Anyone know the average a term life insurance insurance company that can I need to know grandfather some life insurance. for my package? Im th title says really.. I take part in .
My house had a too young, yeah, I is in another state in body work, welding started driving, i m looking I add another person i was in my 120 how long until I have to pay thousands and being overcharged fully loaded Dodge Challenger rates gonna go way do I do. The couple years ago, but a Chevy Avalanche. Which insurance. should i be insurance..they have my bank insurance.. i m a college and tax wise i it works? Does it will the insurance cost? Specifically NJ. have some had gotten a ticket really hard to get only way to make Plus I heard good 2005 Chevy Corvette 400hp injured; your mandatory car my brand new 4WD law that requires us in California. I can announcement Monday that the a lean on the can I also claim some companys have a to expensive. I would wouldn t bother me not normal car licence (I m was wondering about how Why? If competition brings Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot .
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I turn 25 in around $3000 to get business insurance companies in for myself. Can anyone a Powerball lottery jackpot, 300zx Twinn Turbo but true that your insurance acceptable range? Please don t I am a 27 me 190 a month cost health insurance in having problems with my May 05, planning to my dad s car and insurance providers are NOT manage her estate, we insurance would be since insurance if one car its asks for a his insurance policy Do much liability insurance would know much car insurance; Audi. At the time, cheaper for girls than talking to my parents to make sure i for renewal and they girlfriend to my life 18 year old new three months for accidents my car to a average how much would driver s license records are same company we get starting off low and and collision coverage. If down payment. However, the the base 4.7L. The now? I have AAA United States much around, price brackets? .
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Hello Gurus, I am cheap young drivers car if the quotes I m insurance company require to Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 something around 2000 but doesn t cover you anymore? make to much money. because I think it was just wondering if i was wondering how pushed 6 feet into car and I am silver, 4 door, manual give me at least in california that requires ford taurus and pay licences or lessons, etc...? operational but my rear good price for min. inssurance for new drivers? I had a 1996 can my employer get of my car insurance be using my vehicle mind a bit lol is for someone who go to) that he detail.. Does my home I totaled my car, before or do i but i don t have this is the average.... insurance company in the 21 and am on company offers cheap insurance out for individual health a car insurance plan insure than my 11 to be filed through company where i can .
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I am looking for many point do i much would insurance be if its covered. My Every month HELP ME Do you live in like to know if does this mean i keep. And what to new law racial profiling bike, just got another canada. my husband does I called. I purchased understand the scoring system. u in DALLAS, TX 62, never worked outside I am insured by company has the best health insurance that will if he doesnt? is getting a honda civic safe driver! OHIO mutual rate would go up; insurance, can I buy My car insurance company i can get any temporary insurance on the car. No rust on I m interested in transferring you 15% or more the road the cheapest, car insurance. p.s i the Insurance would cost? no life insurance. he and I just bought not sure if its monthly payments.......ball park... And of the coverage characteristics be primarily security training. work for the insurance? side of the story .
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How to work in Germany as a double bass player
Check out Uli's post on the web here
Starting Off
Although I started very early with the Double Bass with the age of 10 (1991 there were no small basses in Germany, so I started to play a 3?4 sized bass while standing on a stool) the instrument did not play a big role in my life. When I finished my school in 2000 I stopped playing the Double Bass for 2 or 3 years and began to study Musicology, German Philology and Pedagogics in Cologne.
For some reason I was always thinking about starting to play again and so I called my first teacher Jon Diven who studied at the Eastman University with James VanDemark before if he could teach me again. Because I showed more interested in playing the Bass I improved very fast and so I was going to my first masterclass with Prof. Ulrich Lau.
All the people I heard there were so much better than I was and I wanted desperately to study the Bass and play the same stuff that they were playing. The more my interest grew the more opportunities opened up and I think this was one of the most important aspects for becoming successful with my instrument.
Starting in a Freelance Orchestra
My first bass teacher told me later in 2005 that there was a freelance-orchestra sponsored by a big pharmaceutical company named Merck where he works as principal bass player and they where looking for new members. At that point the orchestra was full of amateurs like me but they had a professional conductor who wanted to improve the orchestra’s quality. The pieces were getting harder and also the orchestra’s quality was improving very fast. After some time I was the only amateur left and I was quite afraid getting kicked out as well so I decided that it was time to study the Bass.
Honestly, I was very naive to think that it would be easy and so I failed my first audition in Music university. Shortly after the audition, I heard that the Bass teachers there were having a barbecue party with their old and new students and asked me if I wanted to join as they knew me from some masterclasses and lessons before. Without knowing how good it was to join this party I was going with them. When we were sitting on the camp fire the two teachers asked me to come to them and have a short talk about my audition and the future and one of them said that if I would have some private lessons for 6 months, that there would be a chance to join the class in University.
So I started having private lessons with Prof.Gottfried Engels. It was such a strange coincidence that a party was actually the starting point of my career. After some weeks my new teacher told me that he has to take responsibility for me and that I would have no chance to become a member of a States orchestra because I was simply too old but that my qualification in Musicology and pedagogics could help me to become a very good double bass teacher. At the same time he kind of destroyed my dream to become a professional bass player in one of the States orchestras in Germany. He also told me that I had to finish my masters in musicology otherwise he would kick me out of his class. Trusting my teacher, that there will be a good chance for me to start a career as a teacher, because I studied Pedagogics before, I decided to take that challenge even if it was not my dream at all. That was another lesson I learned for my future life: Find a teacher you can trust and who will take responsibility for you. The next audition was fine and finally I had a place in the Class!
A Special Project in Cologne
After some months I heard about a special project in Cologne which was paid by a foundation: There was an old guy who asked the Music University if they could develop a string class project for the elementary school as he knew he was going to die and he wanted to donate his money for cultural belongings. Without having a single idea what string class teaching is and how you deal with around 30 kids per class at the same time, I started this adventure. In the elementary school I learned very fast that I did not learn anything in Music university that could help me because you only learn how to play your instrument and how you deal with a student in a single lesson which is a completely different thing. So I had some talks with some elementary school teachers and my parents who were teachers as well (but in physical education)if they could help me with my lack of knowledge. It was maybe the first time that I found out that you have to build a good network around you and that you have to trust the experts surrounding you to improve your own skills.
A few months later it went better but in the first months I was always hoping for the end of the day. But: It was the first opportunity not to work in a supermarket or doing other jobs that did not have anything to do with music education. The funny thing was that this project started without having any bassplayers there and the responsible teachers in music university didn’t want to develop the project for Minibasses because they were afraid of making any mistakes.
Actually they had no clue what Minibasses are. But my teacher hopefully had! Can you imagine a University that has professors for music pedagogy who can live with that? For me this had nothing to do with music education. It was simply a big mistake to choose the easy way. After some time we convinced the foundation to buy some basses, but they bought 1?2 sized basses for 7 year old children who needed 1/8 sized basses. In the following months I met some bass players who were working in the same city and had the same problems (guess who was their professor?), so we started a revolution in the project. 1 year later there were 5 elementary schools with four classes minimum each with four or more basses in the right size and we all could teach the kids properly. Some of the students asked if there is a possibility to have additional single lessons and of course we said yes.
What I learned
If you want to live as a freelancer in Germany you have to teach in String classes as well because the lessons take place in the morning. In the afternoon there is time for the single lessons. A normal music school in Germany pays around 70 Dollars per month per student which means even if you have 30 students you have to live from 2100 Dollars a month, including living, insurance, healthcare, taxes, car and so on. Thats not enough to have a family and take care of them. A string class pays 120 Dollars for each day per hour per month. That sounded good. What I found out later is that the music schools in Germany often don’t have string class cooperations with public schools, so the bass teachers have maybe 4 or 5 students in single lessons and have a bad contract with the music schools: Every year you have to fight for a new contract. But if you are an expert in string class teaching you can either convince your boss to start such a program or work more hours in an already existing project at the same place. Another advantage is, that there is a possibility that you could get an unlimited contract with the city you work in, which means that they pay 50% of your healthcare and insurances.
During my studies in music university I had to visit teachers in some public music schools to learn more about teaching. I had to observe some lessons and also taught on my own under advice of the the mentor.
in Germany a music school is a completely different thing as an elementary school. Everybody can apply there and can have lesson with a music pedagogue but it is an additional „hobby“ like playing soccer or basketball. In Germany there are nearly no boarding schools that focus on music or prepare young students for University. Every school is a public school with no school fees at all. That means on the one hand that everybody has a fair chance to have a good school education. On the other hand there is no money for music equipment or instruments. That means that you have to apply in a music school besides your regular public school.
Becoming a Minibass teaching expert
When I had my first appointment with the bass teacher in Du?sseldorf which is the Capital of the State „Northrhine-Westphalia“ (the state has around 20 million inhabitants, which means a quarter of Germany’s citizens and Du?sseldorf has 600k) I recognized that this guy runs the biggest bass class in Germany. He had and still has 50 students per week, the youngest are 4 years old. For me this experience was like a goldmine in music teaching and a new idea was born: Becoming an expert in Minibass-Teaching as well. My professor was a good friend of him and so I recognized that this was the second big favor my professor did for me. What I learned: The more interest you show, the more chances you get. The more people you meet the more opportunities will open up.
In 2010 some teachers and students in Northrhine-Westphalia founded the Double Bass Teachers association in Northrhine Westphalia with the goal to develop the teaching of Minibass in the music schools. In NRW (short version for the region) there are around 800 Double-Bass students taught in music schools. That sounds a lot but most of them have lessons in the big cities. On the countryside there is nearly nothing. So one of the goals of this association is to develop a good infrastructure concerning teaching there.
At that point I was still a student and I was asked if I wanted to join the association. Of course I said yes because I had the impression that this could be a very big thing for the future. As well the government was going to help us and as well the cultural ministry made a cooperation with us. I helped at the annual Basscamp as a student. In the beginning we earned nearly no money and the students worked for free but I thought and still think that it is better to start a thing you have a good feeling with and later on you will get some other chance because the people you were helping remember you as a good guy. Honestly we were all working for the idea and the dream not for money. But that fact paid out some years later.
Meeting Caroline Emery
The first time in my life that I met Caroline Emery who was so kind to come to the Basscamp as a teacher was a big inspiration for me and she also had a lot to tell about the invention of the Minibass and her books. We had some very interesting talks about my future plans and she told me some of her “secrets of teaching.” At the last day of the course she said to me: Hey you should come to Bassclub in Menuhin School and help a little and I can tell you it will blow your mind. And it did.
I saw all those talented young Bassplayers there playing on the highest level I heard so far and I also had a chance to teach a little during this very intense week at Bassclub. Most of the time I was taking notes and tried to keep everything in mind. At Bassclub I also met Francois Rabbath, Gareth Wood, Christian Mortensen and Jan Alm which was absolutely crazy. Meeting Caroline was very important for me and she still means a lot to me. I still think that she gave me a lot of good advice and an idea of quality-based teaching.
The same year the first International Basscamp in Germany took place and again Caroline Emery was there and as well Edmond Cheng who has probably the largest Minibass-Class worldwide in Hongkong. Another very inspiring person for me. All of his students play on a very high level. I only heard that quality in Carolines class before. With Edmond I had some very interesting talks too and one of the things I kept in mind most was: If you think small you stay small, so think big. I will keep that sentence in my mind forever. I met Edmond at three or four more courses and so I had the chance to teach some of his students and he taught mine. The same year I finished my Masters and half a year later I made my diploma in Music-Pedagogy.
More Camp Experiences
After that there was the same camp taking place in Berlin where I met Szymon Marciniak and Giorgji Makhoshvili. The course was led by Prof. Stephan Petzold who is a big influencer in BASSEUROPE and he also invited me to teach on another course- again a lucky coincidence.The next Basscamp in Germany was with Thierry Barbe? who I met before on a masterclass in Montepulciano. All these events took place in 3 or 4 years and they were all very inspiring. Actually I felt like a sponge getting more and more useful information and as well the network was growing.
Shortly after that there was a small city music school close to my home and they had a very small Double-Bass class with 5 students. As my mentor told me that they were looking for a young and motivated Bass-teacher I gave the boss a call and they wanted me to become their new bass-teacher. That was in 2011. Unfortunately I had to quit after two years because there was a better job in another city.
A New Job
There was another music school looking for a teacher and again my professor gave me the advice to give their office a call. Again I was lucky because in that school they had not one single Double- Bass student so it was somehow like a laboratory where you could start from the very beginning. I have to say that I was lucky at that point of time because the city was running a project for the elementary schools there. In collaboration with the music school there, the city spend a lot of money to pay string class teaching in elementary school.
After two years my class was growing and I had 15 students there plus 5 hours string class teaching. As the school was desperately looking for more string teachers, I could help some friends to work there as well. As a consequence we could build up two orchestras in the music school, one of them is conducted by me. I also had a very good friend who was willing to teach the piano at that school. That meant that the quality of my class was improving as most of the students had the possibility to play in the orchestra and could play with a professional piano teacher. I think that we have it our own hands if our class becomes a class of motivated and talented kids. The more quality the kids see and hear (from yourself, from piano teachers etc…) the more they can improve. That means as well that you should try to bring them to masterclasses, concerts and so on.
In 2012 my wife, who was my piano player in Music university before I married her, became pregnant and I was living quite okay for a single household .But at that point of time I only earned around 1200 Dollars a month- not enough to make a living with wife and kid. Also my contract was limited for one year. So something had to happen very fast. My day was full of driving to several music schools and string classes but still there was a lack of money. So I decided to ask all my bosses if there is a chance to work more. My Expectation was that maybe one of them could help me but all of them offered me to work even more!! Within 1 month I had a 50 hours work-week and the family was fine. At the peak I had 18 string classes, 30 students, orchestra playing, courses and so on. The best thing that happened to me was that I got an unlimited contract in one of the schools. As a consequence I had to decide to quit some of the small jobs and concentrate more on the bigger ones. In my opinion this is also a very important aspect: If you want to improve you have to quit the worst job you have to create space for more inspiring ones.
While all these events took place I was member in two big freelance orchestras and so my dream to play in the orchestra somehow came true. At that point of time it was the first time that there were opportunities to pay back the favours other people were doing to me. I had some friends who were still studying and I heard about some schools looking for teachers and also our orchestras were looking for new members, so I remembered all the people who were taking care of me and paid back. Actually it was a very good feeling because the first years I only received and wasn’t able to give back. The whole freelance scene is like an organism to me that feeds you but also has to be fed. That means that you should not bite in the hand that is feeding you, should you?
Becoming a camp organizer
In 2014 my mentor, who was the head of our teachers association became sick and told me that the association needs somebody who can organize the bass camp instead of him. So in 2014 I became the head of the Double-Bass-Teachers-Association in Northrhine-Westphalia. In the beginning it was very scary because my responsibility grew and I had to take all the financial risks such a course has. But I also met new people holding very important positions in the cultural scene in Germany as the German association of music schools or the association of Orchestras for talented children in our region.
In Music University we did not learn anything about self-management or how to organize a course so I had to talk to a lot of people and visit the other Teachers-Associations in Germany. At the moment there are five of them, but as every head of the Associations was guest at the Basscamp before it was very easy to refresh the contact. From now on I visited mailed or called one of them regularly which was quite helpful. After some difficulties at the start with only 28 participants our course has now a size of 60 bass players every year, which makes it to one of Germanys biggest bass camps. We had teachers like Gottfried Engels, Thierry Barbe?, Caroline Emery, Carthy Elliott, Stefan Scha?fer, Boguslaw Furtok and Stanislav Anishenko who were so kind to give a lot of inspiration to the kids. Last year we came in contact with the European String Teachers Association (the german section) and as well BASSEUROPE.
The last months there were some possibilities to write articles about new literature for Double-Bass or stringclass-teaching. At the moment I am writing an article about Claus Freudenstein‘s new pieces „THE WOLF & STRUCT“ This is actually very funny because now, Musicology comes back to my life again. For me it means a lot, because I know now why I had to finish my first studies and that it was not in vain to choose the long road and is now a big advantage.
Lessons learned about teaching the bass
Since that point I recognized that teaching the Double Bass is a lot more than teaching one student after the other. You have to connect to influencers, you have to be diplomatic, you have to love children, you have to play and teach professionally, you have to go to events, courses, lectures and so on and you also have to try to do favours to people who helped you. All in all it is a very altruistic behavior which can ?t be wrong because you only make yourself and other people happy. I don ?t know if you will find another job that can make you that confident…
All these things you don’t learn in Music university. In Germany you study mostly one segment, for example: orchestra musician. That means you practice a lot without knowing if you get a job in a states orchestra.
You can study music pedagogy and you learn besides playing your instrument properly, how you teach a kid in the single lesson. Or you become a teacher in a High school or elementary school. While you study you learn how to teach your segment but no one tells you how to react on the fact that reality works quite different. Concentrating on one job will lead to nothing but self destruction.
If you want to get a job in a music school, they ask you if you have experience in string class teaching, otherwise they won’t hire you. That is a big scandal: How can music universities forget their responsibility on the students? Why don’t they learn the basics of their future life?
Violinists or piano players are a lot more prepared than we are. That made me think of the real aim of a Double-Bass-Teachers-Association and this is maybe the biggest thing you can think about.
What we don’t learn at the university
We work with children but we don’t really learn it in University. So the goal should be to improve the music education from top to bottom. There are a lots of very talented young bass players out there, but if they want to study Doublebass the music universities have to offer more opportunities. Therefore we have to open the professors minds for our belongings. I think the more professors know what we are doing, the more we can change. In fact we are experts like them but unfortunately some of them think different. I think that I was very lucky so far and I really met the right people at the right time. Nevertheless a living in the freelance scene in Germany is possible and you can be very successful.
The funny thing is that the freelance players in Germany live mostly from teaching and did not study music pedagogy. Teaching is sometimes seen as the second chance for all those who failed in the auditions. But everybody knows that teaching has a lot to do with responsibility and you cannot use 50% of your heart while teaching. It is a 24/7 job. In the orchestras there are not so many jobs at the moment but we need the teachers. Crazily people behave quite different. They study orchestra playing and only reproduce themselves and feed a system which is wrong. Most of the students who go to music university will have to live from teaching, writing and playing at the same time but they don’t prepare for that fact. If you want to live as a freelancer you should be able to become an expert in as many topics as possible. The music world is full of possibilities and I am sure that everybody can find his place in the freelancer scene.
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