#i started a rewatch and just...goddamn
i know i’ve said this many times before but...six feet under is such a good fucking show
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rainofthetwilight · 9 months
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have been seeing this going around so i decided to make my own!!
(just a disclaimer i havent rewatched some of the seasons in a while so i did this according to what i remember)
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flashnthunder · 6 months
speirton color soulmate au is finally here!!
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wataeichis · 2 months
recently becoming very obsessed with steven universe again send help ive just re watched all of it in like a week and i don’t know what to do now
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witchspeka · 9 months
Thinking about powers... and what they mean to people...
To Mob its a hindrance, an unnecessary addition, something separate from him that's evil and bad and should be contained
To Teru its the complete opposite, it's an integral part of him, of his identity, its something to flaunt and be proud of
To Ritsu its a new thing so he for sure doesnt consider it something natural, I think to him its like with Mob, a separate thing from himself, but not in a bad way? He doesn't view his powers through a negative lens, he just views them as a skill, as something to be learnt, something that's useful and practical, an idea that exists separate from his self
To Ritsu its a tool, a weapon, a defense mechanism. Its a goddamn pipe dream turned reality
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wikipedie · 1 year
The way Merlin is a tragedy disguised as a comedy
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bredforloyalty · 8 months
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star-sworn · 2 years
how are we coping with ‘vor as kairi’s grandma’ deconfirmed
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yeah that's about as well as i took it lol
it feels like SUCH a missed opportunity to me!! and like, the ending of UX and now, Dark Road, is the first time in the kh series that biological ancestry/paternity has been introduced into the series with Eraqus and Xehanort, so it seemed like a no BRAINer lol funny joke to me that Vor could have been her grandmother. Just take the layup!!!
and also like dude. They gave her so much depth so quickly in this last update. I remember her saying: "The longer I stay in this bubble, the harder it will be for me to get out of it." and I literally paused the video and just sat there for a second, because wow, that is something I really needed to hear, and I heard it in this freaking mobile game. Not wanting things to change, but knowing you have to... also why did she want to be a master??? you cant just leave that unsaid!!!
And watching the upperclassmates swoop in and help her in the end, everyone so desperate to save her only to fail in the end... that was the death that really truly affected me. she seemed a bit younger, a bit more innocent, than the rest, and she seemed like the golden girl of the group, everyone loved and cherished her. and as you said on another post, seeing her with these unfulfilled dreams truly expire... that was tough.
You also talked about the subtle animations they put into these chibi characters, and I ADORED all these little things Eraqus did with Vor: he ran in front of her and put his arms out to shield her he would hold her hands or her arm, CHASING HER AROUND THE CLASSROOM. I loved all the little, subtle ways they conveyed his love and care for her. I miss her already and goddamnit IT WAS RIGHT THERE NOMURA THE GRANDMOTHER OF ALL RETCONS AND YA MISSED IT
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cutemeat · 2 years
see the thing is i dont think i have a special eye for stuff, i think a lot of what I see written into the show is… very much there. but i’ve just watched the show A LOT over n over again to see it. which is smth glenn has talked abt .. how sunny has a lot of rewatch value, and it rlly is true! and tbh that is probably a very promising thing for them now lol. like if they can build interest n drop those hints then ppl could very easily see it. that’s probably a good way to make money on the show retroactively, if it has rewatch value n u have a very loyal audience ppl will probably stream the show a lot over n over if they now KNOW there are these plotlines you’d been building for all these seasons. and esp if theyre getting closer to the ‘end’ you’d wanna rlly start leaning into that.. which already feels like what they’re doing w the podcast n the whiskey that ppl drink while watching the show etcetc ‘subconscious cues’ n all that shittt
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harmonicaorange · 1 year
TOBY STEPHENS AS POSEIDON??? literal perfect casting someone get this man a boat
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blairwld · 1 year
Emma going through a whole season arc where she is told the story of the town, characters and has to learn to believe in magic vs rogers, margot, tilly, lucy (and even henry) after being told magic is real
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My mental state right now
My heart: *nudging me* Hey... hey...
My brain: What?
My heart: You know what you haven’t done in a while?
My brain: DO NOT.
My heart: Developed a crush on a character purely because of the way you wrote them-
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stinkybreath · 5 months
i love reading my own posts and commenting to myself how right i am about things. This post inspired by me rereading my succession/parahumans post.
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minakoainosupremacy · 6 months
I love how every time I rewatch the sailor moon anime I have a different favorite season
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itwoodbeprefect · 11 months
watching a show i've already seen (nashville), hoping that this time it might turn out differently (will signs with reyna)
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buggachat · 1 year
To be clear, I goddamn hated the finale on first watch. I was withering in my seat. My heart had dropped to my stomach. I had no fucking idea what I was watching in that final scene lmao
and then Adrien said "when Ladybug gave me the rings—" and I was like— wait. LADYBUG? LADYBUG STILL EXISTS?
and then I realized, oh wait. This isn't a complete utopian timeline rewrite. This is just a timeskip of a few months and Mme Bustier is just a kickass mayor. In fact, she's only mayor BECAUSE it's still the same timeline. And then I realized, hey, wait, if they didn't rewrite the timeline, then how tf is Emilie casually there with no questions?
And then I realized she was wearing black. And Félix was there. And I remembered Amelie exists.
Basically, I went into the finale chanting to myself "it's okay, it's okay... they probably wont bring Emilie back... they probably won't rewrite the entire timeline permanently.... right? please....", even though I didn't actually expect it to happen, but just because I was terrified that it could. And apparently that fear actually got to me so much that I misinterpreted the episode as being everything I didn't want it to be... when... it actually wasn't that at all
anyway, all of this is to say, everything in the episode happens so fast that it confused and terrified me at first. And when I realized what had happened, my opinion went from "my year is ruined" to "oh. well. okay. kind of disappointing, I guess". And then I kept thinking about it, and the ending, and all that is set up and rewatching the scenes and all the loose ends still in place and.... i realized I loved it?
like, every time I think about this finale, I love it more. every time i rewatch a scene, I get a little obsessed. this episode went from my nightmare to actually really really cool to me, and I'm still kind of reeling from it
Basically, this is why I've been kind of passionately defending the finale— not because I think people who don't like it are """dumb""" or anything, I don't blame people at all for that, and I totally get the confusion. I was confused too. And I know I'm not the only one who went in preparing themselves for the worst, or went in with very specific expectation on what will happen, because this finale has been long awaited for so long. I think everyone was shocked with how it ended. I think most people probably startled at Amelie's face (it's so easy to forget she exists....)
Anyways, I started this post basically as an apology for if I seem too aggressive or defensive about the finale. Because I get it! I get hating it! I get being disappointed or frustrated or confused! Part of why I'm so defensive is because I have all the arguments so ready on the tip of my tongue because I had the very same argument with myself already 😭 So I'm sorry if any of my posts came off as too aggressive and in advance for any future posts that might. I promise promise promise I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad for having bad opinions on the finale! I just think this episode is really cool and the fact I related to a lot of the nay-sayers makes it easy to feel so impassioned about it.
But this post is getting off the rails and I'm just gonna let it, because some of my regrets w my participation in fandom is that I find myself chickening out of actually talking about my thoughts on episodes a lot. I get kind of overwhelmed and overthink everything after I've posted it and I'm a shy person. But my inbox is closed and this is the season 5 finale and I want to ramble and ramble so I will allow myself this
Basically, I went in with some very specific expectations for this episode. We all know about the Hawkmoth defeat story. Many of us have read it in fics over and over again, it was teased in Chat Blanc, we all know what we expect, we all know our favorite beats from it.
And what actually happened....... met virtually none of those beats. (For me, at least).
Like, Adrien wasn't there for the final episode. At all. He was completely absent from the confrontation. He never found out his father was Hawkmoth. He got his rings, but he never found out he was a sentimonster. He is living in the dark.
Ladybug confronted Monarch... alone. Which is sad, when so much of the series is dedicated to the partnership of her and Chat Noir. Them against the world....... and Monarch was "defeated" with nary a Chat Noir in sight.
The whole entire "Gabriel is known as a hero" thing. I don't think anybody was expecting that. Absolutely shocking.
The fact Marinette would lie to Adrien like that. The fact she's keeping so much from him. The fact everyone is. SO MANY people in Adrien's life (Marinette, Plagg, Nathalie, Felix, Amelie, Kagami, probably Alya, maybe more I'm not thinking of....) are just... lying to him, now. He is so in the dark. He knows nothing.
I kind of like that I didn't predict nearly any of this. I like that it caught me off guard. I love how this show just completely baffles me at every turn, how it will present concepts and ideas to me that I've never read a fic about.
In retrospect, Chat Noir being absent from the final battle... makes sense. It actually makes a lot of sense, if I think about it, because... there is only one possible way that could've gone, right? Chat Noir would not be allowed to have the emotional implosion that he would have to have. This is devastating. This is SO devastating. This is the entire shattering of Adrien's entire world we're talking about, and Chat Blanc is the only real way for that to end. Adrien has an emotional implosion in front of Monarch, he gets akumatized, it turns into an emotion explosion, extinction event. The end. We've already seen it.
And........ even if it didn't end that way, even if he managed to avoid akumatization...... how could the finale satisfyingly end on that note? How could it end in any semblance of a "wrapped up" way, at the very start of Adrien's emotional breakdown? It couldn't. I wouldn't WANT it to. In retrospect, Adrien finding out his dad is Monarch and then.... what? The season ends on a close-up of him crying? The season ends with a time-skip to the new school year where they skipped his entire grieving period!? I would HATE that, actually. I would hate that. I thought I wanted it, but I would hate it. I would hate it so so so much.
What's kind of amazing is that the finale ended with Monarch being defeated.... but Adrien still has those realizations to make. He still has those betrayals to come to terms with. There is time for him to make these realizations, for him to come to these conclusions, perhaps one at a time, perhaps in a more controlled environment.... and that gets me far, far more excited for the seasons to come than an episode that tried to wrap it all up in the last 5 minutes.
Also, the reason Adrien didn't go to the final battle was because he feared becoming Chat Blanc. He didn't know the truth to it, didn't understand that literally, yes, that's what would have happened if he was there, even if he hadn't been under a nightmare curse. But he still knew. He still expected it. He willingly chose to sit it out, no matter how much he hated it, because he knew. And there's something kind of powerful to that, I think, of Adrien making a choice that is so unequivocally the Correct choice, even more than he realized. And the strength it took for him to make that decision...... damn.
As for the lies and the Gabriel statue? I... it's upsetting, but it's supposed to be. And I believe it. I absolutely believe it. I 10000% believe Marinette would keep the secret of Monarch's identity to herself to try to save Adrien the pain. I 10000% believe that the population could easily be led to believe a famous billionaire is a hero. I 10000% believe that Adrien would WANT to believe it. I 10000% believe Tomoe would take advantage of it.
And I can't wait to see that illusion crumble.
Also.... this is the beginning of The Lila arc.
And the Lila arc begins on........ Marinette telling the biggest, boldest face lie she ever told. The Lila arc begins on the most extreme city-wide illusion we've ever seen. It begins on such a huge fabrication and....
..... it's Marinette's lie.
............ and Lila knows that it's a lie.
This is so fucking cool???? The irony here??? the deceit???? All these loose ends, all the possible confrontations, all the ways this could GO. I don't know where the show is taking this, obviously, because nobody ever can predict where this show is going apparently (and I love it for that), but oh my god. I'm imagining all the fics I could read about this. all the fics I could write. all the thoughts and scenarios that this finale has provided me with to daydream about as I go to sleep.
Adrien, going through the motions of life. Looking up to his father as a hero, despite the fact the last time he saw him, Adrien was sobbing, in tears, and cursing his name. Adrien, after all the abuse he was subject to, having to look up at a statue of his father and...... be forced to think that maybe he was wrong about his father. But he's not wrong. He WASN'T wrong. He just THINKS that he is. His father is going to continue to loom over his life in ways I never expected post-hawkmoth. Adrien's relationship with Gabriel has not ended, a new and terrifying and horrible new chapter of it has simply begun, and Adrien is still as manipulated by his father's ghost as he was by his father himself.
also, Adrien now believes that MONARCH MURDERED HIS FATHER. Chat Noir now believes that his greatest nemesis KILLED HIS FATHER. CHAT NOIR, resident self-sacrificer, believes that HIS FATHER was a HERO who DIED FIGHTING MONARCH. Adrien thinks that maybe he should be more like his father— more like his father who died in battle. This is. Not Good. For Adrien.
And it's Marinette that started this. Well intentioned Marinette, who doesn't really understand the extent of the horrors. Marinette, Adrien's girlfriend, the person he trusts most. She did this.
And, I mean.... god. I totally get how this sucks for a lot of people, because it's objectively upsetting.... but I LOVE lovesquare tension. Season 4 is probably my favorite season for that reason alone (still mulling over if season 5 beat it for me). I love the relationship drama, I love that it's in character drama, I love how it fits everything we know about them sososo well, I love that it's horrible and it's terrible and it's awful and it's all because Marinette loved Adrien too much to want to hurt him.
I was worried no reveal would mean that season 6 would just be... what? adrienette fluff? not that I don't love that, but where's the drama? well. there it is. that's the drama.
I need to stop typing this. I know this is abysmally long and ranty and if you read all of this then I'm sorry. But I wanted to get some of my thoughts out.
But basically, I was expecting a lot of things for the finale.
In my best case scenario, it would somehow, miraculously tie up and address all the loose ends with Adrien's angst and character arc in two episodes.... and then end with me totally satisfied, ready to only half-heartedly watch season 6 like it was just a small dessert after the main course.
And I already described my worst case scenario (my first impression of the episode lmao)
But it wasn't that. I was expecting a series finale, but I got a season finale. And I love season finales. I love how they keep me wanting more. I love how excited I am for season 6, because in both my best and worst case scenarios, I honestly didn't expect to be. I love all the new ideas and thoughts and scenarios swirling around in my brain. And even if season 6 doesn't address some of the things I want addressed, I'm so excited to see the creative content in this fandom that DOES
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