#i am so happy i finally got his posted AHH
flashnthunder · 6 months
speirton color soulmate au is finally here!!
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hulhudhonado · 8 months
your work is fucking amazing.
hey! hi, hello, how are you? :)
may i request wanderer, (scara, whatever his goofy ahh name is rn), alhaitham, ajax and kaeya reacting to reader, who’s usually not a fan of physical affection, coming up to them and snaking an arm around their waists while resting their head into their neck?
thank you!! 🩷
CW: swearing in wanderer's part because I believe he would say fuck
HC: Reader is gender-neutral, Reader does not have a vision.
Characters: Wanderer, Al Haitham, Ajax (Childe), Kaeya [Seperately]
Note: Thank you so much! I apologise for the late upload as I am currently studying. I got some time for myself so here you go. I hope I do this justice. Please make sure to interact with the post and enjoy it!
Al Haitham
Al Haitham tends to be prepared for whatever is to come, however, the sudden feeling of an arm around his waist was not something he thought he would ever need to prepare for. 
Kaveh was finally out of the house, preferably looking for a job rather than complaining about everything Al Haitham did. This also gave Al Haitham the luxury of inviting you over without Kaveh taking your full attention. He wouldn’t say he was jealous, but Kaveh knew how to take care of company far better than he could. It was the one thing that left a sour taste in Al Haitham’s mouth, but he would never let Kaveh know about that.
You both were enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the room, nose shoved in books and lounging in your chairs. It was clear you both had chemistry which didn’t need to involve spoken words or gestures, Al Haitham liked your quiet company and you enjoyed his.
It didn’t take long but he finished his book, a little too fast it seemed because he could still see you weren’t done with yours. Not wanting to bother your reading, he closed the book and stood up to get another one. As he tried to quietly navigate the bookshelf, he didn’t realise your eyes slowly lifting off the pages to look at him.
Al Haitham, back turned, looked through the shelf thoroughly. It was clear he had pretty much read everything else on the shelf. He either had to reread another book or go out to find another one. Didn’t seem like a bad date idea to take you out book shopping with him. However before he could reach a decision, you began your attack.
An arm reached around his waist, followed by a gentle head on his shoulder. Al Haitham tried his best not to flinch but the shock of such an unexpected gesture made him shudder a bit. He turned to look down at you, who had slyly made their way to him without him realizing. You had a gentle smile on your face, happy to catch him off guard.
You both were typically not physical. It wasn’t something Al Haitham was against but it was pretty clear to him that you were not someone who indulged in that sort of affection. So seeing you make the first step was not something Al Haitham had prepared for. He looked back at the bookshelf.
“What are you looking for?” You perked up, trying to stifle a laugh. You knew what you did and you were fishing for a reaction from him. “ A book.” He answered, almost robotically.
“Hmm… I’m certain you read everything on this shelf” You could see the corner of his mouth twitch. It was small but he was reacting, you could feel your ego getting bigger. “Yes, you’re right.” Was all he could muster.
It never occurred to Al Haitham that he would enjoy such proximity to another human being. He tended to avoid any type of physical touch from most people. However, the way you held him just made him feel so warm, especially knowing you would never typically do something like this. He knew he would never recover from this, only wanting more in the future.
“Do you want to go out and get some new books then?” You ask, your head nuzzling closer to his neck. “That would be preferable.” He answered. You let out a chuckle, arm slipping off from him. But before you could pull yourself away, Al Haitham reached out his arm, forcing you to stay in your place, both of you now wrapped in each other’s embrace.
You let out a laugh. “Enjoying this much?” “Can’t say I don’t. “ His response only made you laugh more. “ Well it’s up to you, we could go get new books, or, we could just stay like this. What do you say?” Before Al Haitham could respond, a creek from the door could be heard.
“I’M BACK, OMG YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE THE THINGS I HAD TO DEAL WITH- Oh you have company.” Kaveh burst in, welcoming you the minute he saw you. Luckily for Al Haitham both of your reflexes were fast enough to pull away before he had seen you guys so close to one another.
Standing in front of the bookshelf, barely an inch apart, you both stood trying to seem as normal as possible. Al Haitham couldn’t believe he was getting embarrassed by almost getting caught by his roommate.
Al Haitham wasn’t prepared for what had happened today but he knew you planned to do more of this in the future. Hopefully, he would be prepared for the next time you did attack, and maybe he should find ways to kick Kaveh out for longer. He definitely did not want Kaveh to walk into whatever you both had planned for the future.
Childe (Ajax)
The closest that Childe has ever been able to touch you was probably during your friendly spars. You loved your distance and tended to keep a lot between the two of you. Even though you both had been together for quite a while it seemed you were not the type to get touchy with others. So Childe himself was amused when you decided to wrap an arm around his waist.
“What’s the occasion?” He asked, trying his best to focus on what was written in front of him. It was like you had calculated it. For once he was at the bank properly reading documents at his office when you decided to pop by. Now here you were slithered next to him, wrapped around him with your head on his shoulder.
He tried not to react, but he honestly wanted to throw away whatever he was reading just to return the favour. It was bold of you to do something like this so suddenly at such a random time. You never came by when he was working, even though he insisted. Paperwork was not fun for him but you were a rule-abiding citizen when you weren’t on a battlefield. He just had to know what was going through your mind for you to do this.
“No particular reason. Just felt like it.” You answered, nonchalantly. Your tone was dull and meek, escaping your throat like a whisper. Your usual fighting spirit was not there and he could sense it the minute you spoke. He finally looked at you and it was clear as day that you were not feeling well. Your hair was dishevelled and your eyebags were very noticeable.
Every single scenario flooded his mind. Was it because of work? Was someone rude to you? What happened to the person who would maniacally laugh whenever they got a scratch on him? He wanted to bombard you with questions but he stopped himself. Maybe it was because he was using his brain at this very moment rather than his instinct to fight, but he knew asking questions was not going to make you feel any better. So he reacted instead.
Shifting the documents to one of his hands, he let the other one wrap around you, engulfing into his side, closing any gaps between the two of you. You only responded by letting him do so, completely enveloping yourself in his arms and him in yours.
“Are you sure nothing’s wrong?”He asked, giving you one more chance to answer if you wanted to. “I’m alright. Just let me stay like this for a while.” Even if he was disappointed by your response he wouldn’t show it. Instead, he responded with a hum, not prodding you with any more questions and letting you enjoy the warmth he could provide with the embrace.
So you both stayed together, wrapped in each other's arms while he worked. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep but that didn’t stop Childe from keeping you by his side. Even in your sleep, your arm refused to let his waist go which did make him chuckle, maybe he could tease about this when you were feeling better.
Honestly, he expected the first time you held him like this to be in a more romantic setting but he was not going to complain about what he was getting. It was already a big step that you decided to come to his side for comfort. Your usual method of letting go of bad feelings was always sparing so it was a nice change of pace.
Maybe next time you do feel bad and need his comfort he will be able to get some words out of you. For now, he’s going to let you do whatever you want, even if it means catching him off guard with an arm around his waist.
Kaeya Alberich
“Cheers for a happy 6 months!” Kaeya chuckled. You both clinked your glasses, giggling tipsy from the alcohol. You both had been dating for half a year now, which was unbelievable in Kaeya’s mind. Kaeya always had a one-sided crush on you ever since you both had done academy training together. Who knew you felt the same? And now here you both were, celebrating together.
Kaeya could see Diluc roll his eyes yet he didn’t care. He knew it was considered cheesy to celebrate every month of a relationship, but you were the type to enjoy such things so he couldn’t say no. He began to love these silly celebrations with you, it felt special.
“You guys do know this isn’t the most romantic place to celebrate right?” Diluc piped up, as he organized the wine shelf behind him. Kaeya stuck out a playful tongue at him before taking a sip, which only made your tipsy self giggle some more.
“Yeah yeah, but it’s the place where we first confessed! It has special memories, you should be glad your tavern can create such happy moments.” You say, words a bit slurred but still understandable.
As you spoke you could hear the other tavern people cheer, which only made you cheer along. Kaeya could only stare at how stunning you looked at this moment. He still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact he was dating such a wonderful individual.
Diluc sighed, preparing you both another glass. He slid the glasses over. “Here then, for a successful 6 months.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes as you and Kaeya once again cheered.
Kaeya took the glass without hesitation, ready to down it in an instant, but he wasn’t prepared for what you had planned. An arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him and his chair closer to you. Kaeya had already begun to drink but the sudden action caused him to choke on it.
He coughed so much, that the drink spit out of his mouth. Diluc looked in disgust while you only could worry. “Are you alright?” You ask concerned, but Kaeya couldn’t hear anything. It was unbelievable, you had wrapped your arm around his waist! You both have never been this close before!
You tended to always stay in your own space and Kaeya wasn’t going to push it, especially since you guys were still freshly dating in his mind. He wasn’t going to risk ruining a relationship he dreamt of for years. Maybe it was the alcohol but it seemed that you had the confidence to pull such a sneaky trick.
“I’m fine i’m fine. It went down the wrong pipe for a second.” He tried to laugh it off, wheezing between sentences. He hoped you didn’t notice his panic, he didn’t want you taking your arms off him anytime soon. You smiled at himy placing your head on his shoulders which only made his head spin more.
Diluc looked at Kaeya in amusement. He got front-row seats to see his brother who was typically cocky completely speechless. Kaeya looked as a devilish smile crept up on Diluc’s face. “You know, it really is such a special day. Here, more drinks. On the house.” He slid you both more drinks. Kaeya could only stare in disbelief as you continued to chug them down like nothing.
“You’re being kind today Diluc! Thank you!” You gleefully exclaimed, setting the glass down and wrapping another arm around Kaeya. Your head that was on his neck pushed closer, and Kaeya could feel your hot breath on his neck, which only made him feel hotter.
The alcohol wasn’t helping, he could feel the dizziness get more intense as you pushed yourself closer to him. He was certain you were going to melt and mould him into slime with all the heat he was accumulating.
He could see Diluc prepare another drink, a sly smile still on his face. If this was how you acted tipsy he wasn’t ready to face you when you were a complete drunk. He stood up from the chair, pushing the glasses away from you which only rewarded him with a whine.
“we had enough for tonight. I’ll take you home.” You pouted but mumbled an OK, standing up yourself. However, you refused to let go of his waist, forcing him to stay close to you at all times. He tried to control his shyness but it was hard when you were so close.
“Hope you both enjoy the rest of your anniversary!” Diluc called out, a smile on his face as Kaeya glared, guiding you out of the tavern. He hoped the next time you decided to pull a stunt like this, you both weren’t as drunk anymore.
He also planned on never having anniversary celebrations at the Angel Share ever again. Or at least not on Diluc’s shift. He wasn’t ready for what other PDA you had in store, knowing Diluc would fan the flames to embarrass him. Maybe next time you guys can go drinking at each other’s houses instead. You’ll have to see on your seventh anniversary.
“What the fuck?” That was the first words that came out of his mouth when you decided to wrap an arm around his waist, placing your head on his shoulder. 
“Shut up I’m trying to rest here.” You mumble, closing your eyes, enjoying the icy sensation from his porcelain-like skin. The Sumeru desert was hot, unbearably hot. You didn’t want to come here but when you’re working in the Akademiya you didn’t have a choice in what you had to do to progress your research.
Lucky for you, you were accompanied by a walking ice pack. It was a shame his attitude wasn’t as cool as he was.
“No, I won’t, get off me.” He hissed, trying to push you off himself. You just rolled your eyes, gripping him a bit tighter. You knew he could easily toss you aside if he wanted to get you off. He had a vision that allowed him to blow you away in an instant, so him being so meek was an act.
“Yeah yeah, good luck with getting me off, i’m quite persistent.” You continue to mumble, pushing your head into the crevice of his neck. Wanderer had a very peculiar scent. A mixture of grass and freshly picked kalpalata lotus. It was such an odd smell but you honestly have got a bit addicted to it. It also helped his frosty exterior enhance it. Either way, the smell felt clean and cool, a refreshing scent during such hot weather.
You could hear him scoff, the sound ringing in your ears a bit since you were so close. You were close enough if you just turned your head you could peck him on the lips, you would have done so if you weren’t so tuckered out.
“Whatever, I’ll let you off this time. I won’t let you pull this shit next time.” You could only chuckle. This wasn’t the first time he tried to threaten you. To be honest he seemed to dull down a lot more compared to everything that happened before. You both weren't usually touchy, actually, you were not touchy at all, so whenever when you do shit like this it always ticked him off. You were honestly surprised he hadn’t gone into a swearing fit like when you first held his hand. It was almost as if he was slowly getting used to your touch, which you didn’t mind.
However today you were just out of it, too tired to mess around with him or worry about touch. The shade of the cave you both sat under accompanied by his cool refreshing self attached to your side made you drowsy. You could feel your brain finally go into shut-down mode.
“Hey, don’t you dare go to sleep… ” You would think he was trying to stop you from falling asleep but his intentions were clear when you could hear how softly he whispered those words to you. You could feel his arm, which was nowhere to be seen until now, finally, wrap around you from the side. 
“If you fall asleep I’m going to leave you here to fend for yourself…” He continued to whisper. It almost sounded like a lullaby but you knew the sun would be rising from the west if that was the case. “Yeah yeah, at least bury me in the sand before you do.” That was the final words you said before you finally got knocked out.
- - -
To no one’s surprise when you did wake up, he was still at your side. Both of you were unmoved from the original position from when you had fallen asleep. The only difference was that the sun had set and the stars littered the sky.
“Good morning to you.” He grumbled which you answered with a yawn. “ What happened to leaving me alone to fend for myself?” You asked, trying to let go but as he remained unmoved you could not.
You huffed, trying to push him off but he finally decided to use his given strength to make sure you couldn’t. He didn’t turn to look at you, instead focused on the sky. You sighed, giving up and following his gaze up to the sky. Was the sky always full of that many stars?
“I changed my mind.”
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mwahsturns · 2 months
First choice // Matt Sturniolo Pt 1
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader
Contains: cussing, fluff, flirting, talk of death, Semi-proof read! I think that’s it let me know if there’s more! Also if there’s any grammar or spelling mistakes please ignore them 😭🙏🏻
Synopsis: Y/n works at a record store and one day while she’s working two very cute guys walk into the store but one especially catches her eye and later so happens they end up having more then just there music taste in common ;)
Word Count:1,890
Author’s notes: Hii bbys !! <3, So I’ve never written a fic before or posted on tumblr, So I’m sorry if this is bad I’m new at this please go easy on me😭🙏🏻. If you guys have any suggestions, tips or advice please message me I hope you enjoy my new series!!, this took me a very long time to come up with so I hope you love it💗.
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The sound of music always brought me peace, I work at a record shop because I love being around vinyls and just anything music related really. I also really enjoy reading It's always brought me a sense of comfort as well as writing and poetry. Honestly it makes me really happy, and ever since I was a kid I've always written songs and maybe sang a little bit but that’s a secret. I don't know what it is but I always feel like it helps me forget about everything that’s wrong in my life, my parents died when I was 16 so it’s always been just me and my two little brothers. I love them more than anything and I'd do anything for them. Today was just a regular day at work I was putting vinyls on the racks that they go on when two guys walk into the store, I look over and give them a soft smile.
‘hii welcome let me know if you need any help finding any artist or vinyl specifically’ they smile at me and nod as one of the boys catches my eye, I’m a very shy person so I decided not to say anything unless I needed to. After a couple minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw the guy who caught my eye standing in front of me. ‘hi um i wanted to ask you something’ he seemed very nervous but also very confident weird mix. ‘yes of course how can i help you’ I smiled softly at him hoping to make him more comfortable, ‘do you happen to have “circles” by Mac miller’ he says as he does a side smile. I smile at him as I think about how I also enjoy mac miller.
‘yea over here!’ i walk over and pull it off the rack, ‘this is one of my favorites’ i say chuckling, ‘i really like this one’ he says turning the vinyl around. ‘what other artists do you like?’ ‘i really like d4vd and um frank ocean oh! Omg Dominic Fike omg Tyler the creator?! is so amazing and oh my god i'm rambling im so sorry’ I blushed getting a little nervous, ‘nah you're good’ he smiles as I look up at him and smile softly. We stand there until the guy he came with comes up to him ‘woah you guys twins or am I dumb?’ ‘nahh triplets’ he says laughing ’oh cool” i say and start checking them out. ‘You're the first to not ask us a million and one questions about being triplets’ he chuckles, ‘yea nah y'all will tell me over time’ I smirk i say with my boston accent coming through a little.
‘oh so you plan on getting to know us’ he smirks a little ‘oh totally y’all look cool’ I laugh, ‘you're from boston?’ The other guy says noticing my backpack in the back with the Boston logo. ‘yes i am’ i laugh ‘us too!’ ‘What's your name?’ The guy who got my eye says ‘I’m y/n’ ‘cool im matt and hes chris’ ahh Matt hot guy hot name. ‘cool!’ I hand them the bag and me and Matt make eye contact, ‘have a good day’ ‘thanks you too’ matt says smiling at me. They walk out and i really hope i see them again.
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  I finally got to clock out of work It was so tiring and I needed to make sure my little brothers were ok. I get to my car and get settled in and connect my phone to the aux and play “Ivy” by Frank Ocean. I’m so glad to be going home I think as I started driving I decided that I was gonna pick up a pizza for my little brothers because I got paid today and I know how much they love pizza. We aren't broke completely but we definitely struggle sometimes recently things have been rough but I finally got a promotion so it's getting a little easier I got the pizza and started heading home I got home and when i opened the door and my brothers cody and alex run up to me and ‘sissyyyy we missed you’ alex says hugging me, ‘aww i miss you too bud’ ‘sissy you bought pizza!’ Cody says looking like his eyes are gonna pop out of his head. 
i walk over to alexa who’s been my best friend for years, she helps me with my brothers and just around the house ‘thank you so much lex’ i say hugging her ‘Of course love that's what best friends are for’ she says smiling softly ‘wanna spend the night and when i put them to bed we can talk?’ ‘yeah okay sure’ Alexa smiles at me while i feed the boys.
I start to give the boys a shower and as i’m showering cody he looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face. ‘sissy I wanna be just like you when i grow up.’ He says playing with the bubbles, ‘aww little c i love you a lot bub and i know one day you’ll be even better than me’ i say tearing up, cody has always been more clingy to me than Alex is but not as much, cody doesn’t like to leave my side and he is the sweetest kid ever. Him saying he wants to be like me does hurt a little because I've been through a lot of shit but the fact that I look strong in his eyes makes up for it all. I put them to bed and Me Alexa got some wine and took a seat on the couch.
‘So how was your day?’ She says sitting next to me. ‘it was good omg lex these two really cute brothers came into the shop and oh my god girl’ I say blushing thinking of Matt ‘speaking of cute brothers you know the guy i was talking to?’ ‘yes why?’ ‘this is him and his brother I’d think you like him’ she turns her phone and pulls out a picture.
‘hold up hold up let me see that?!’ i say taking the phone from her ‘omg thats the cute guys that came in today’ ‘Omg?! yeah i've been talking to chris for a minute now’ ‘matt’s pretty attractive just sayin’ I couldn’t help myself but blush i don’t know what’s wrong with me fuck Y/N get it together. ‘oooo y/n has a crush?’ ‘oh shut the fuck up’ ‘oh come on you haven’t had a boyfriend since your parents died’ she says starting to get serious, ‘i know but my brothers mean the world to me lex i need to make sure there ok i don’t have the time’ I would love to give Matt a chance but i don’t know.
‘your brothers would want you to be happy y/n/n’ she says rubbing my knee, ‘I know but it's not about me being happy i need to make sure there happy i have to be a mother figure to them they need me’ ‘i get that babes but you need to remember you lost them too your only 20 rasing two kids you need to be a kid too especially since you were forced to grow up so quick’ i look at her and nod I mean I understand where she’s coming from but my brothers are all I know. ‘i love you y/n i'm just looking out for you ima head to bed goodnight love’ ‘night babes’ as she walks off and goes to into the guest room i kinda sit there think about what she said and i mean she's right but i can’t risk something happening to my brothers.  I head upstairs and head to bed because i have another day of work but holy fuck thank god it's friday. 
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I woke up the next morning only because my alarm for work went off and i see it’s 9:44 so i know Alexa is getting my brothers ready for school I get out of the bed and i started to get ready for work. I finished getting ready for work when my younger brother Cody came into the room with tears in his eyes. ‘sis…’ he says in a sad tone I turned around quickly and scooped him into my arms ‘aww what's wrong love?’ i say concerned.
‘i don’t wanna go to school i wanna stay home with you can you please skip work..’ he says in a whiny tone, ‘Aww bub i wish i could help but you know the rules’ When i got custody of cody and alex the court gave me really strict rules to follow, i had to make sure they were always at school, they weren’t falling and that i kept a stable job and make enough money or else they would take them away. ‘I know but i hate being at school kids are mean to me and alex’ i look at him feeling bad but i don’t wanna risk losing them. ‘I’m sorry bub if i could keep you and alex with me 24/7 forever i would’ i say hugging him tightly.
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i got to work over an hour ago and to say its boring is an understatement. Just as i think that i hear the bell ring meaning someone walked into the store, i look up ready to greet them and i realize its matt. ‘Matt? Hey’ i say smiling. ‘Hey um i know this might be weird but i um.. Well so my brother chris the one that was with me last time uh i found out that the girl hes been talking to happens to be your best friend right?’ ‘yeah shes my best friend’ ‘well um she kinda encouraged me to come back..’ ‘what do you mean?’ ‘well i uh wanted to see if you were willing to go out with me… you don’t have to its o-‘ he starts to say but i cut him off. ‘Sure why not’ i say smiling i don’t know what happened but he was too sweet for me to say no to.
‘Wait really?’ ‘yea i mean i can’t deny you are pretty cute..’ ‘well thank you’ he laughs damn something about the way he laughs i dont know but it feels almost addicting to listen to. ‘Uh are you free saturday?’ ‘yeah i am’ i smile ‘sweet! Ill text you’ ‘okay bye matt’ ‘bye” he blushed a little bit as he left the shop. Shit who’s gonna watch cody and alex?!                                                                   
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Author’s notes:heyyy I’m back! So I hope you enjoyed the first part of this series and I’m sorry if there was any typos, spelling mistakes, etc I’ll try to fix the ones I can if I miss anything please let me know but I hope you enjoy and have a great day 💋
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en-geneisaxx · 2 months
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'Please don't say that this is the end of us...'
Pairings: Husband!Hoon x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing (you're gonna be on a rollercoaster of emotions lol)
Feat. Jay, Heeseung and Jake of Enhypen, Yeji (Sunghoon's sister), Jin Ae (Y/n and Sunghoon's child),
Reesa (@dollywons), Haze (@pockettwinzz), Reina (@rinbowaman), Rin (@diorsyun), Nessa (@heeslomll), Aeri (@heeslut4life), Aria (@jaylaxies), Julia (@jak3slut), Rae (@hoonieshoneymain) (SORRY IF I GOT YOUR NAMES WRONG 😭)
Tagging my moots who wanted to read: @pockettwinzz @diorsyun @rinbowaman @heeslomll @heeslut4life @hoonieshoneymain @sungvrhs
Previous parts can be found here:
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Likes, reblogs and/or following me will be much appreciated!! 😚
Last chapter, part 7:
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'𝒀/𝒏, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒃𝒆?'
'𝑯𝒂𝒉𝒂, 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔, 𝑱𝒂𝒌𝒆? 𝑰 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒔𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆... 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏.'
You drifted your attention to the churros stand nearby, wanting a sweet treat. You didn't hear Jake's evil, spiteful intentions. The tempting, lying snake hissed:
'𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞.'
He successfully did that with ease, which horrified you. And boy, the venom could've killed your happy marriage, almost. Luckily it was your faithful best friend that had it, or you would've been silently tortured with regret for not knowing the truth in his hell. Fucking hell, Jake, no wonder why people say you should run from a scorpio man.
But, let's forget about the shattered past, and focus on the thriving present, you and Hoon crying in each other's embrace, saying words filled with the upmost affection and actions that displayed their yearning for each other.
'Hoon...next time, please, tell me your thoughts, hm? I want to be with you, 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓.' You desperately plead, not wanting things to go haywire again.
'Mhmm, m'sorry...' He chokes out, clearly affected by Jake's mental abuse.
It was finally back to normal, back to a loving family. You guys could finally sleep in peace, Hoon's toned body moving so elegantly. It was so fast, making up. You even questioned if it was a silly dream. Either way, you wouldn't want to go back. And you weren't EVER going to see Jake enter your life.
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'Shh,' whispers Sunghoon cutely, 'let's wake up momma.'
The two loved doing that, waking you up with kisses and cuddles, before playing with each other for a short bit of time. The weather was bright and hopeful, which gave you the impression that, after a hard-fought battle, with determination, you can succeed. What a perfect day to wake up in, you could even cry.
Jin Ae crawls to you, giggling quietly and looking at her father with such amusment. She was like a piece of him, their smooth-riding relationship so wholesome. They both lean in, count themselves to three before launching their weapons of tender kisses.
'Hehe, hello my baby!!' You sleepily smiled, before welcoming the morning with your husband,
'Hello, daddy...' You smirked, knowing damn well how it gives him a dopamine and ego boost.
'Hello my pretty, beautiful, stunning baby wife...' He complimented, laying down and hugging you and Jin Ae, each on both sides of his chest.
'Ahh, my two girls, how lucky I am to have you all.' He kissed the top of your heads, 'Mine, mine, mine, mine, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞.' He said the last word like a hungry beast, but immdiately became a cute penguin, baby baekgyu. Jin Ae couldn't contol her laughter at this point, soothing sounds echoing in this haven.
'Baby,' Sunghoon started, pecking the two of you now and then, 'should we go to the park?'
Your jokes were as cringey as his, which is probably why many people were astonished by your humor.
'Which Park, your Mum, your Dad? Jay? Yeji?'
He chuckles whilst dies at your jokes,
'Babe, that was so...wow'
'You can't say much,' You said with a smug smile, 'imagine saying, "𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 '𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒐' 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚".' You came back, knowing he will be overwhelmingly embarrased.
'BABE!! Stoppp, that was one of my worst moments in life, frick Jay.' He whined, but made sure to keep the language child-friendly, knowing Jin Ae can learn quickly.
'Haha, but yeah, we should go to the park, and let's bring Jay and Yeji!'
'Mhmm, they deserve it, AND HEESEUNG. SHOOT, I FORGOT ABOUT HIM! He was like my lifesaver.. We should probably make them gifts...' He agrees.
'I know just the thing...' You said confidently, making Sunghoon look at you, wanting for you to continue,
'FOOD!' You happily shouted, and Jin Ae copied too,
'Food!' She chortled, clapping her hands. Her and Sunghoon's cuteness broke the scales, damn...
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'Heyy!! Thanks for tagging us along!' Says the three friends, excited for the payment of their therupatic actions.
'Where are we going?' Yeji asks, trying to contain the urge to just take Sunghoon's card and run off.
'Haha, we'll go to a kbbq place, Heeseung's favourite, especially.' You said, 'Oh yeah, it was Sunghoon's idea.' You grinned, because Sunghoon didn't want others to know how soft he was.
'Awww, thanks bro, come to my place anytime-' He stops, seeing your angry glare, 'OR stay with lovely Y/n right here...' He mumbles, rubbing his nape.
You guys ate like you were famished, finishing the bowl within a few minutes, but the food was definitely worth the hype.
'You know what, I feel like this is a bribe, BUT I'M ALL FOR IT.' Yeji proclaimed, earning a laugh from everyone.
'Y/niee,' starts Heeseung, doing something very unusual with his body...
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'Lee Heeseung...' You said slowly with a deep tone, looking as dead as Jay is, who ends up averting his attention to Jin Ae, Yeji and Sunghoon getting stitches from laughing too hard, 'what on earth are you doing' You fake cried.
'I WAS TRYING TO DO AGEYOOOO' Wanting to be six-feet-under.
'But anyways, where we going for dessert?'
The group pondered about the various options, Jin Ae just scribbling on the piece of drawing given by the staff.
'Oh, I know, why not we go and pop over to dollywon's bakery and order from there!' You implied, knowing everyone loves going there.
'YEAH, THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! I love her bakeries' Says Yeji, scrolling on her phone to look for the menu.
'Oh yeah, Y/n, can we go to a library?' Asks Jay, 'I've been wanting to read a few poets and authors'
'Of course! Hoon, you can go to the park with Heeseung and Yeji when that happens, yeah?'
Sunghoon looks offended, 'OBVIOUSLY, I'M NOT LIKE THAT GRANDPA.'
Jay swears in korean, knowing Jin Ae isn't that knowledgeable.
'Right, let's go!!'
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'Hi Reesa!!' Greets Y/n, who's happy to see her coquette friend. Y/n orders from her bakery when she's in need of something sweet, sometimes, she wants to take Reesa too.
'Hi Y/n! It's been awhile, I see we have a few costumers!' She notions to the group.
'Yep, all wanting a bite!' You chuckle, Jin Ae's motioning that she wants the chocolate muffin.
'Yup, all done! Thanks Y/n!' Says Reesa. 'Oh, and one more thing...' She takes out the chocolate muffin, 'I see mini hoon has been wanting this.' She smiles. She's so kind, no wonder why Jungwon took her as his girlfriend.
'Mmm,' hums Heeseung in delight, 'this is soooo yummy!'
The three manage to feed themselves, unlike your family. You're feeding Sunghoon like the baby he is right now, and Sunghoon's feeding the real baby. Jay takes a photo, knowing you'll want it in the picture book.
'Right,' burps Heeseung, 'let's go to the park, yeahhh?' He coos to Jin Ae.
'We'll be heading to the library, see you.'
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'Y/n, what authors do you recommend? I've been quite busy lately, so I wanted to take reading just to let my imagination run wild.' Jay asks calmly, passing each shelf of books.
'I've got to say, authors like Haze, Rin, Aria, Reina, Nessa, Juila, Aeri, Rae have been taking my time, and it was worth it!' You advised, knowing how good these people are. They're like the rulers of literature, and they certaintly produce the highest-quality works.
'Ah, I have heard of them, and they're works are quite...interesting.' You realise what he meant, and squirmed in embarrassment.
'That's why there are restrictions, dummy!' You hit him, earning a sharp gasp and hiss.
'Ha, imagine if Sunghoon found out-'
'Let's just find a story to read, yeah!?' You whisper shouted, annoyed by his teasing. The Park brothers sure have something in common.
'AHH, JIN AE-AH!! GO, GO!!' cheers Heeseung.
While Jay and Y/n were purchasing books, Yeji and Jin Ae were playing tag, Jin Ae being the tagger. Sunghoon's taken many videos of the moment, wanting to keep this memory.
'We're back!!' Exclaims Y/n, hugging Sunghoon who had his arms out open for you to come.
'Haha, you missed out on some beautiful moments' chuckles Sunghoon, knowing you'll be devastated.
'What!? When..' You whine, but Sunghoon's such a romantic. He back hugs you, places his head on top of yours, intertwinned you fingers with his and says,
'Don't worry, darling. We'll make more beautiful moments, forever.'
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Harrison Gray 1st Birthday Campaign: Story (2023)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
On a sweltering summer day when I was 17, my curse showed itself for the first time.
Ever since then, I became a member of Crown and grew older with them for many years.
Victor and my partner in crime, Liam, would plan birthday surprises for me every year. Due to my special ability to tell whether someone was lying by looking into their eyes, their plans always failed miserably.
— However, that’s a good thing.
(I’m no longer someone who deserves to be happily celebrating my birthday.)
And so my birthday, which is on the 30th of May, is approaching again this year—.
By the time Liam and I had completed our mission and were on our way back in a carriage, the sun was already setting and it was almost night time.
(Mission is complete, and Liam is next to me. This is like any other day.)
(— The only thing that’s different is that I didn't see Kate even once today.)
My lover, Kate, would come running to my room every morning like she couldn't wait to see me.
But she didn't come to see me this morning.
In fact, when I was about to go look for her, Liam pulled me away…
Harrison: Hey, Liam.
Liam: Yeah?
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Harrison: You lied to me about “something” today, didn't you?
Liam: Uh…
(... Yeah, I knew it.)
His reaction, Kate’s unusual behaviour, and the sudden change in members assigned today’s mission. Moreover, today’s date is the 29th of May — the night before my birthday.
If I pieced all that information together, there could only be one conclusion.
Harrison: … I see, I get it. So that's what’s going on.
The moment I got the idea, the carriage came to a stop at perfect timing, and I swiftly got off.
Liam: Harry, wait!
I thought I heard Liam call out to me from behind, but — seeing Kate was my top priority.
While I searched for Kate, I caught a glimpse of her small figure walking down the hallway.
Harrison: I’m home.
Kate gasped when I grabbed her arm from behind and drove her to a wall.
Kate: H-Harry…! Good morning.
Harrison: It’s already night.
Kate: Oh—... you’re right. Time sure passes by quickly.
Kate kept avoiding my eyes, clearly hiding her lies from me.
(Goodness. Since it’s come to this…)
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Harrison: It hurts. … I got a wound during today’s mission.
Kate: You’re hurt!? Where!?
Harrison: I lied. You’re finally looking at me.
Kate: Ah! Harry, you’re a liar!
Harrison: Too late. — Anyway.
To prevent her from looking away, I cupped her face in my hands and looked straight into her eyes.
Harrison: You’ve been avoiding me all day because you’re planning a surprise birthday party for me, am I right?
Kate: …!
Kate’s eyes widened, and then she frowned in resignation.
Kate: … Ahh, I got caught.
Kate: But how did you find out?
Harrison: Firstly, your position as the fairytale writer makes it easy for you to know my date of birth.
Harrison: Secondly, Victor and Liam celebrate my birthday every year, so it wouldn't make sense for this year to be an exception.
Harrison: And the one thing that really gave it away — you’re in love with me, and yet you didn't show me your face even once today.
Kate: …
Harrison: There are more reasons, do you want to hear them all?
Kate: Now I’m feeling down because of my lack of ability to pay attention to details, and I’m dying of embarrassment… so let’s just leave it at that.
(Pretending not to notice is what a good lover would do.)
(But I had a feeling she wouldn't want me to.)
She often fell for small lies, but she had never failed to notice when someone was pretending to be happy.
She was oddly thickheaded, yet sensitive to the movements of people’s hearts — but that was the Kate I fell in love with.
Harrison: That’s too bad. You were planning something with those guys, and now that it’s ruined—
Kate: You don’t know about “the rest”, right?
Harrison: … The rest?
Kate giggled like a child who just made a successful prank, and pulled her hand away.
Kate: Come with me, Harry. This way, this way!
Harrison: H-Hey…
We headed to the dining room where all the members of Crown were gathered.
Liam, who was with me until a while ago, was there too.
Kate: Everyone, Harry already noticed, so why don’t we spoil another surprise for him?
Victor: Oops! You’re very observant, Harry. Alright, Kate, bring “that” out.
Kate: Okay!
(... There’s another surprise?)
As I tilted my head in wonder on the inside, Kate walked up to me while pushing a wagon.
On the wagon was a huge five-tiered cake.
(This is…)
Victor: Oh, you’re surprised? We did it! The two tier strategy surprise was a success! Yay.
Harrison: Two tier strategy?
Victor: You can see through lies and you’re very perceptive, hence the birthday surprise fails every year, correct?
Victor: So this year, I discussed it with Kate and came up with a new strategy.
Victor: There’s no way to prevent you from finding out that I will be throwing a surprise party for you as usual.
Victor: However! I got everyone to hide the fact that I’m baking this cake.
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Liam: I was so nervous. I started wondering what I should do if you were to pursue the matter in the carriage.
Elbert: … You did a good job.
Kate: The original plan was to surprise you the moment it became the 30th of May, but…
Kate: You found out, so the plan got moved forward.
Kate shrugged and pointed at the cake.
Kate: Look, Harry. Everyone made this cake together. The base was made by Victor.
Alfons: In the meantime, El and I went shopping for fruits.
Roger: Elis and I made tons of whipped cream. My biceps are bulging now.
Kate: William was the one who put the whipped cream on the cake beautifully.
Elbert: … That was Will? … It looks as if it was done by a professional.
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William: Fufu, you flatter me.
Elis: … Jude isn’t here, but he did a taste test just in case.
Liam: Does that count as helping?
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Alfons: My, my, the biscuit cat at the top of the cake looks adorable!
Roger: … That’s a fox. I made it.
It felt rather strange to see the guys who were usually soaked in blood from their missions, talking about cake.
But Kate was at the centre of it all, and she effortlessly erased any feelings of discomfort.
Kate: Harry.
Harrison: Hm?
Kate: I’m sorry for lying to you, and for not seeing you all day.
Kate: Also for avoiding eye contact with you.
(... There’s no need for you to worry about all that.)
Harrison: … That’s alright, I’ll forgive you because of this cake. I feel like having something sweet.
Kate: Fufu, okay.
Seeing Kate’s smile of relief felt so endearing, I put my lips to her ear and whispered…
Harrison: Let me eat you after I eat this cake.
After having lots of cake, the two of us rushed straight to bed.
(... I can smell the sweetness in her hair and neck.)
I wanted to give in to my desires and hold her, but there was one thing I had to ask.
Harrison: Say, how did you get all the members of Crown to help you?
Kate: Erm.
Harrison: You must’ve called for all of them to participate, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
After a little hesitation, Kate spoke while looking me directly in the eyes.
Kate: When I got the idea of celebrating your birthday, I tried to imagine how you’ve been spending it in the past.
Kate: Until now, you’ve been having to lie to everyone.
Kate: Therefore… I thought that you wouldn't have been able to enjoy your birthdays wholeheartedly.
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Harrison: …
Kate: But that’s not the case this year, right?
Harrison: What do you mean?
Kate: You will continue telling lies for the sake of your missions. However, the people here understand now.
Kate: You’re a kind person. You don’t lie for no reason.
Kate: You don’t have to keep a distance from us anymore, Harry. I can assure you of that.
(... What?)
Kate made this day not just for me, but also for my past birthdays.
And Crown was in on it too.
(Back then, I wasn’t able to express my happiness well, but… was I actually happy?)
Love, kindness, happiness, and other precious things were always realised late.
I embraced Kate, as if to lock in the feelings I just felt.
That was very unlike me, but my heart was shaken.
Kate: Harry?
Harrison: I’ll remember everything you just said. … Thank you.
Kate: … Yeah.
And then we kissed once, twice… and countless more times.
Kate spoke in short bursts between ragged breaths.
Kate: Ah, it’s a new day.
Kate: Happy birthday once again, Harry. And… I love you.
Harrison: Thanks. … Me too.
Kate: That’s… the truth, right? Fufu, that makes me even happier!
I stole Kate’s lips again and didn't hesitate to slip my hands under her clothes.
The softness of Kate’s skin, her warmth, her movements, and her words — all of it filled my heart to the brim.
(... I’m the one who’s happy.)
— 30th of May, the actual day of my birthday.
Victor burst into my room early in the morning and cheerfully announced that everyone who was available would be going for a celebratory lunch.
(... You just want to make a big deal about people’s birthdays.)
(Oh well, I’ll go along with it for today.)
While I waited for Kate to get ready, I thought back to the day I stepped foot into this world of darkness.
– Flashback Start –
Harrison: I’m not interested in the prosperity of England and other people's freedom. But—
Harrison: I’m interested in what you guys are doing, therefore you should let me become one of your members.
Harrison: I have the curse of a fox and can see through lies. I think I’ll be useful… what do you think?
– Flashback End –
(... I’ve told Crown countless lies since that day.)
Those lies were necessary in order to protect, and I couldn't show anyone my true feelings.
For that reason, I lived my life keeping everything that was precious to me as far away as possible.
I accepted my fate as a lying fox, and thought that was how I was meant to live.
— That was how things were.
(Kate returned something precious to my hands.)
(Smiling as hard as she could.)
Whenever I was about to give it up again, Kate would say “you don't want that, do you, Harry?”.
Incorrigibly, she would put it back in my hands.
(And then, I—)
There was a knock on my door, and Kate peeped her face in.
Kate: I’m ready. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Perhaps because it was my birthday, Kate was more dolled up than usual.
Harrison: This outfit suits you well.
Kate: Thank you.
Despite her shy smile, she seemed very pleased.
Harrison: What are you grinning about?
Kate: … I was thinking about something while on my way here.
Kate: Harry. For your next birthday, and all your future birthdays, I’ll do my best to surprise you.
Kate: I’ll continue making sure that you have the best birthday ever.
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Harrison: …
Kate: Someone’s here. Is it Victor—
Harrison: You don’t have to respond to that yet.
Kate: Oh—
I put an arm around Kate waist—
And hid us behind the curtains.
Kate: … Harry?
Harrison: I know you’re trying your best.
Harrison: But having you by my side is already enough to make it the best birthday ever.
Kate looked up at me with her eyes widened.
Kate: Do you mean it…?
(... Isn't that obvious?)
(I’m so grateful towards you that I can change my way of life for you.)
And have my birthdays celebrated here, with Crown.
I could no longer live my life avoiding keeping what’s precious to me close by.
(Kate, because of you, I can't be alone anymore.)
I gave her an aloof smile, embarrassed by the feelings bubbling in my heart.
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Harrison: It’s up to you to find out whether that's the truth or a lie.
Harrison: … You’ll be with me next year and every year after that, won’t you?
Kate: Yes, I’d love to!
I kissed Kate, who smiled while saying that.
The birthday kiss tasted sweeter than the cake Kate made — it tasted like pure bliss.
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wachtelspinat · 28 days
hi! i found your blog like an hour ago (though i've been familiar with your art for a /long/ time; when i read that ask you got earlier about you being THE tf2 artist, i thought to myself, "wow, really? the only tf2 art i can think of that's deserving of that description is [vividly pictures YOUR fanart]" -- so when i checked your art tag it was genuinely like encountering a celebrity, heh. all this to say, you really ARE The TF2 Artist. it's an honor to finally properly follow your blog :]). i've been reading your posts about your personal journeys (both physical and emotional/self-conceptual) and i've just been... really really moved by it all? your openness with feeling disconnected with your art, and then how you've slowly come to reconnect with it in a new way and restructure it back into your life... it just fills me with so much catharsis and hope. because life is hectic and things change so much and the way that one creates art as an adult is going to be different than how one created art as a teenager... so to see you acknowledge that fact and then share your own journey? ahh god like i said... it's really profound. i'm a lot younger than you (i turn 20 next month, actually!), so you've experienced so much more to life than me, and hearing how you've struggled with and then gotten out of so many of the fears that i have is just... deeply, deeply inspiring to me. especially your latest posts about your time in australia, and how it's always been something you've wanted to do but spent so many years stuck/anxious/stagnant... and how now you've finally actually *done it* and it's *real* and that you had the most amazing incredible time that exceeded all your expectations?!?! and not only that, but how finally achieving this thing you've always wanted changes the narrative of how you previously defined yourself... that now maybe you ARE the sort of person who can do the things you love and have the things that make you happy... maybe i'm projecting too much here heh god but my point is. it just made me very emotional and so VERY very utterly elated for you :'] and just augh. i am so glad you've had this incredible experience. and like i've said half a dozen times by now (because it's just so true) it is just. so inspiring to me. everything you've shared with such honesty and humanity has been just so profoundly moving to see and it fills me with so much hope. thank you for sharing your journey with us, and thank you as always, past and present and future, for your art. i hope this message isn't too terribly parasocial, and if it is, i apologize ;_; and i hope you're having a lovely day!!!
hey there !
this kind of hit me like a truck but in the most positive way, and i am not exaggerating when i say what you wrote also brought me to tears.
first of all thanks for your generous words regarding my art and sdkjfhkjas i still cannot wrap my head around the idea that you (and at least one other person) thinks about me as THE tf2 artist because... i like my art just fine, it's just there are other folks out there, with their almost god-like tf2 art, meanwhile i just spammed y'all with my sniperxspy art and some random silly stuff over the years... but i love it, so thank you so so much, the thought that you guys dig my art this much will always knock me right off my feet in the most positive way 🧡🧡🧡
ok so, the next part took me a while to formulate because how do i respond to such a heartfelt message in a way that shows my gratitude just right? like i want to thank you again for reaching out and writing all this, but also for taking your time and reading through my blog. i know that everything i post here is open to the internet and a lot of ppl, so sharing personal information (in form of updates in life) is not always the best idea. but i always admired ppl on here that were able to reflect on their lives and share what they've learned. even if it's just somethig as simple as "and after each day comes another and it will be different, for the worse or the better, but different at least", which, falling on the right ears at a specific time, can change perspective (it did for me on multiple occasions, this and other takes, because hearing from ppl who go through similar things is a sad reality, but also such a connecting experience). so in a way, sharing is caring, and so talking about life experiences, especially when they are kind of abstract, like art blocks, depressions, can really open some unexpected doors.
so what also happened after being open about vulnerable situations in life was ppl reaching out. and this was really something that left me so speechless. i had several ppl who took their time and wrote to me about their experiences and ways of coping strategies and other helpful actions. and sometimes they just acknowledged what i wrote which was such a warm gesture that made me feel seen. and i cannot put into words how much that meant to me when i felt at my lowest a few years back. let's be honest for a second, on here we hardly know each other, even if we are mutuals, but that doesn't stop us from reaching out to one another because that is such a big part of the human experience.
sorry for rambling but it is hard, at least for me, just trying to fully grasp it all. it makes me so happy to read that catching up on the things i wrote about my life resonated with you on a deeper level and that it gave you something back in exchange - catharsis and hope. i am deeply touched by your words and your ability to grasp the essence of what i tried to convey, it feels almost surreal to have it summarized and reflected so clearly when my original thoughts were scattered all over my blog over a span of multiple months, years even. like, really, thank you so much for all of this, the time and thoughts you put into your message, your genuine expression of your feelings and joy on my behalf, it means a lot and i fail to put my thanks into words, idk... i feel seen again. and no worries, i don't think this is too parasocial, after all i put my thoughts out there, and you just happened to read them 🧡
so again and again, thank you so much, and i also hope you have a lovely day <3
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sturniolo04 · 1 month
Sick M.S.
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Bf!Matt x Gf!Fem!Sick!Reader
Summary: in which Ellie gets sick in front of her boyfriend.
TW: Mentions of throw up
Matt's POV: Me and Ellie have been dating for a year now can you believe that! We are just now getting back from our anniversary dinner. We went somewhere really exotic and different. In my opinion it was good considering i am very picky about what i eat on a day to day basis.
Me and ellie were now sitting in our shared room in my joined house with my brothers and she was sitting on the bed watching me play fornite while she  posted on instagram for the day
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Liked by chrissturniolo and 777,989 others
Tagged: @mattsturniolo
@ itzEllie: Happy one year luv
Comments: 10.2k
@ nicolassturniolo: ahh love this
@ chrissturniolo: why do you have to make me feel so single bruh @ itzEllie
@itzEllie: @ chrissturniolo sorry bud
I look up in Ellie's direction to see her turned sitting uncomfortably on the bed with her hand on her stomach.
Matt; you okay Ellie
i aksed looking at her concerned
Matt: Ellie
i said again seeing she had put her head in her lap.i get up and go over to her rubbing her back slightly.
Matt; do you need anything
Ellie: I dont feel good Matt
she replies weakly
Matt: im sorry is there anything i can do
he replies back looking around the room slightly not knowing really what to do.
Ellie: i feel like throwing up
she finally admitted honestly. Its rare that Ellie ever gets sick and when she is she makes sure Matt doesnt know about it.
Ellie leans over in her seat more.
Matt: Ellie i am getting worried what can i do
Ellie sits up slightly looking okay but then throws up all over the floor and on Matt
Matt; Ellllliiiieeeeee
he quietly exclaims as he covers his mouth shocked as what just occurred
Matt:  are you okay
he states worried about her but also completely grossed out.
Ellie: its all over your floor matt im sorry
she whines out
Ellie: i'll clean it up i promise just..
she rambles hoping Matt isnt made about her throwing up everywhere
Matt: oh my god no Ellie its okay i will clean it up
he sighs out proceeding to rub her back slightly
Matt: its okay i promise just got get cleaned up
he states directing her to his bathroom
Ellie: i dont feel good Matt
Matt: i know just go shower ill clean this up is there anything you need
Ellie: No its okay im sorry
she states getting up weakly walking over to the bathroom
Ellie's POV: i feel really bad about throwing up on Matt but i couldnt stop it. it makes me feel bad about how i messed up his floor and clothes
Matt's POV: i got everything kind of cleaned up and discarded my clothes grabbing new ones as Ellie walked out of the bathroom with her hair up in a ponytail and an abnormally large hoodie which was probably mine.
Matt:  how do you feel Ellie
Ellie: like shit.. i mean i can go home and be sick there so i dont get you sick
Matt: WHAT Ellie no come here
he exclaims as he holds his arms open as she walks over to him
Matt: that is the least of my worries
Ellie: Im sorry
Matt: Oh my god Ellie stop apologizing its okay
she shudders a little as he chuckles a little
Ellie: okay
she sighs out as he rests his head on top of hers
Matt: its okay Ellie
@adirtylittleheart @mintsturniolo
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vwnnyvx · 7 days
Hey guys I'm genuinely curious about this and would love to hear your thoughts.
I've always had a passion for creating original stories in the form of webcomics but I never got around to posting them due to *insert random cripling fear of the day* But I'm 20 now, I got no time left to lose and to die one day without making my art come to life is my biggest fear to be fully transparent.
Though I don't know where to start, I have 4 stories I'm working on and it would mean the world to me if you could let me know which one you would like to hear/read first. I'll list them:
Sixteen ton wineglass: Omer Arsenic is a poor Farmer from a big family who's entire worldview shatters the moment he realized his father was not the man he idolized. As violent as his emotions are, he made a promise to his weeping mother to keep what he saw a secret. It is a tragic coming of age story that incompases a very real Balkan outlook on life as the protagonist prematurely grows into a man. Entirety unsure if he's able to change his destiny or if he's doomed to continue the cycle.
No matter what he chooses, he's still his father's son and nothing will ever change the reflection he sees in the mirror.
Poetry in Motion: Chester Knox , the son of a wealthy businessman, is a cheerful happy little guy hyperfixated on badass action comics. Every day his obsessions seep deeper into him to a point where it gets hard to distinguish real life from fiction. This especially comes true the day he meets "Donna" a tall mysterious woman who lives a dangerous life. The two of them build a thrill seeking romance filled with crime, theft, conspiracy, scandals and so much more. It's almost like she came from a comic book herself....
Who is this woman? How far will we take this? Is any of this real or am I imagining things?
Three years as Charlotte: Hen Moore took a total stranger home from the hospital. The person's injuries still healing, barely able to walk. Hen felt no pitty for them, as this person made them an Orphan.
This story is about trauma, depression and figuring out what to do in the times of injustice. It's a story that desperately tries to be a thriller mystery but can't pretend to be so due to the grief and pain it caused to all parties. It's just Hen trying daily to return to a state of normalcy after losing both parents. Whilst willfully living with the culprit...
They'll either get closure by figuring out why the killer did this, why to them of all people. Or equally preferable put themselves into enough danger to be offed the same way as well.
Though perhaps there's a third option, maybe a fighting chance at life appears in the form of an aloof punk guy with a pink mullet and Korn shirt. Maybe it's the simplicity of re-learning what it is to be human that will finally bring them peace...
Duel woods: A much lighter read than the previous three. Basically my spin on a TV show format similar to total drama island. Except more R rated.
We're talking fights, unfairness, drama, complicated scandalous relationships yap yap yap I have no idea how to sell this story. But it's basically my type of humor x total drama x that Bojack horseman ass character shit I can't stop sprinkling in, except this time it's about gayness so much gayness every fucking genre of gayness. Boobs! Dinosaurs! Trucks! RAAAAH!!!!
Also if you don't mind, please reblog this I would like to hear from as many people as possible on what they would read.
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peqchsoup · 2 years
hi! i love your work! may I request #19 and #37 for tangerine?
Ahh thank you so much!!! I feel so blessed that someone actually sent a request and enjoys my work! I really hope you were referencing the bed prompts post because that's what I wrote and I love it (I will also write for prompt #37 at some point today or tomorrow, but for now here's Prompt #19!!
Prompt #19: "You were kidnapped and I won't let anyone else get to you again."
Hold Me Tight
Tangerine x fem!reader
TW: mentions of blood, violence, kidnapping, and implied r@pe
I didn't proofread this don't judge me
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You knew you should've trusted your gut. Something felt very off.
You were sitting at the bar of a fancy restaurant, waiting for the Twins. In the past two weeks, you worked on one of their longest jobs with them and it turned out to be a huge success. So, understandably, you wanted to celebrate. Tangerine chose Le Gavroche, one of the most expensive restaurants in London.
You should've known that Tangerine wanted to do something expensive to celebrate. That's why you were looking at the menu for Le Gavroche on Tangerine's sofa, scoffing at the prices,
"£64 for Turbot? Are you mad?" Tangerine's head whipped round to look at you, Lemon giving you the 'take it back' eyes.
"Am I mad? I dunno, am I mad? Lemon, am I mad?"
"Don't bring me into this." Lemon went back to playing some kind of Thomas the Tank Engine game on his phone. Tangerine looked back at you,
"That job took weeks. Lemon nearly died, then I nearly died. So excuse me if I want to celebrate with some expensive food. I can't use this money when I'm dead, so I may as well use it now!"
You watched as Tangerine's eye twitched, his jaw wound tightly,
"All I'm saying is that I'm not paying £64 for a bit of fish!"
"Well I'll fucking pay for you, I'll buy the whole meal so no one gets upset. There, happy?"
"A bit, yeah," you muttered, and went back to looking at your phone. You should have realised that Tangerine would pay anyway, seeing as you were sitting in his £1.6 million townhouse in central London.
So here you were, sipping your £30 glass of wine. When the bartender asked how you would be paying, you told him to open a tab under Tangerine's name and proceeded to recite his credit card details. You had those digits memorised a long time ago.
Tangerine wasn't a sugar daddy, per se, but he definitely had a sweet spot for you and if you wanted it, you usually got it. There was nothing romantic or even sexual about the nature of your relationship, he just couldn't resist your face. Which is why you were sitting at the bar in the black Rhode velvet midi dress with black Louboutin pumps and a Gucci canvas wrist pouch. Lemon and  Tangerine took you to Harrods earlier that afternoon and watched you try on at least 13 dresses with the Louboutins. You were finally going to have your own pair of red bottoms and you couldn't be more excited. Tangerine's materialistic personality really came in handy sometimes.
Once you had picked out your dress and bag, the Twins led you to the men's section to get themselves a new suit each. Lemon quickly picked out a simple black Burberry two-piece, tried it on, and was happy. Tangerine, however, pondered over more suits than you did dresses, and landed on a Gucci two-piece in burgundy. They each got a black Tom Ford silk tie to pull their outfits together, and to yours.
You couldn't wait to see them all dressed up in their new suits. Admittedly, you arrived early to the bar. But upon checking your watch, they were already 10 minutes late, and you hadn't heard anything from them. It was probably just that Tangerine was being too anal about his moustache looking perfect that they ran over. So, you took a photo of your glass of wine and sent it to the groupchat you shared with the brothers,
Got a tab started in your name already, T! And the more drunk I get, the more I like to spend…
When you sent that message, you were certain you'd get a speedy response. Tangerine didn't like you getting drunk when you were by yourself. The world was too dangerous and too many men would try to take advantage.
A few minutes passed and you had no response. It wasn't like them to not respond quickly. Lemon was attached to his phone most of the time, so you were certain he'd say something, at least. You wondered if your message hadn't sent to their phones, so you stepped outside to see if there was an issue with the signal inside the restaurant. You tapped your message in the chat and the little 'delivered' label popped up. So nothing was wrong with your phone. You stepped back inside to close the tab and headed off down the street attempting to flag down a cab to go to Tangerine's and see what was going on.
As you were waving down a cab, a black van quickly overtook it, cut it off and pulled up right in front of you. That was a bad sign.
You tried to start running but you had barely turned around before a guy grabbed you around your middle, covered your mouth to stop you from screaming, and dragged you into the side door of the van. It all happened so quickly that no one even seemed to see it happen.
There was another man who closed the side door of the van behind the man who dragged you in and no one else in the back of the van. It sounded like there was only one driver up front, though you couldn't be sure. Three men was doable. You had taken out more before. Although you were better prepared in previous circumstances.
You started to thrash against the man holding you from behind, kicking at the one binding your feet. The man holding you had his arms around your arms, holding them down to your sides so you couldn't hit either of them. The one binding your feet sent a startling hit to your cheek, knocking you near enough unconsciousness to let them get on with what they were doing. Having your hands and feet bound wasn't ideal, but it was a hell of a lot better than being unconscious. God only knows what they would do if you were out cold.
You had no idea how long you'd been travelling, and you had a feeling that the lack of windows in the back of the van meant that anyone back there wasn't supposed to know where they were or how far they travelled. The van came to a stop and you heard the click of the handbrake, meaning you had reached your destination. The man who initially grabbed you to put you in the van took hold of you and threw you over his shoulder, holding onto your legs so you wouldn't fall off. He stepped out of the van and into what appeared to be a barn. Probably on an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere.
The man carrying you dropped you onto the ground with a thud and lifted you so you were on your knees in front of him, your hands tied behind your back. He stepped aside to reveal the leader of their gang; a tall man with a pistol held at his side.
"No offence, guy," you started, "but I have no clue who you are. Are you sure you have the right girl?"
He laughed and pointed the gun at your forehead.
"You may not know who I am, but I know exactly who you are. Lemon and Tangerine took my family from me, so I'm taking the closest thing they have to a family."
This was happening. This was actually happening. You were going to die. You brain was going a million miles a minute. You'd never see Lemon and Tangerine ever again. You wouldn't get to tell them how much they meant to you. How much you loved Tangerine. Not that it mattered, you were going to die.
The gun clicked as the man cocked it, walking towards you and pressing the cold metal to your skin. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the end.
An bang rang out somewhere in the barn, your breath caught in your throat as you clenched your eyes closed tighter. You huffed out your breath quickly, breathing heavy when you realised it wasn't you who was dead, but the man who held the gun to your forehead. He lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling around his head. You looked up and there, directly in your line of sight 30 metres in front of you, were Lemon and Tangerine. They wielded huge guns and were wearing rain macs and rubber gloves and they just started blasting the gang members, somehow managing to avoid being shot themselves.
They mowed down the gang in minutes and came running over to you. Lemon started untying you whilst Tangerine threw his gun aside, dropped to his knees, and ripped his gloves off to hold your cheeks in his hands. He moved your face side to side, up and down before looking you directly in the eyes,
"Are you alright, love? You're not hurt, are you?"
You smiled at Tangerine's concern, feeling your hands and feet become free and rubbing your wrists to dull the ache of the friction burns from the rope, "I'm alright, T. I promise."
"I'm so so sorry we weren't at the restaurant in time." He looked genuinely guilty that him and his brother weren't around to keep you safe. The Twins helped you to your feet and Lemon pulled you into a hug. You leaned your head against his chest, listening to his heart while he explained,
"They sent guys to Tangerine's house to slow us down so they had a chance to get you. I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
"Hey, it's okay," Your voice was soft, "You found me and you saved me. I owe you both my life."
"You don't owe us nothing, darling."
You lifted your head to look at Tangerine, though still in Lemon's embrace. You noticed through their transparent rain macs that they were wearing their dinner suits.
"How did you find me?"
Tangerine smirked solemnly, "I guess your kidnappers weren't smart enough to turn your phone off. You still have your location shared with us." Tangerine lifted his phone to display the dot your phone made on the map.
"Oh, Tan." You left Lemon's arms and wrapped your arms around Tangerine's neck, pulling him close to you in a hug. He wasn't normally one for hugging, that was more his brother's style, but he quickly untensed and lifted his arms to put them around you. He placed his head on top of yours, giving a small kiss to the top of your head.
Lemon walked over and put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze, "let's get you home."
The drive home was peaceful. Tangerine drove while Lemon sat in the back with you, comforting you when he noticed you visibly shaking. He stroked your hair and shushed gently when he could hear you whimper.
Tangerine watched in the rear view mirror every now and then, vowing to himself that, from this moment, he would never let you out of his sight ever again. That meant he wasn't driving you back to your flat. No, absolutely not. He was taking you to his home where you would live from that day forward. You already had your own bedroom there for jobs that finished late at night, as did Lemon. Tangerine couldn't see any reason for you not to live there with him.
It was deep into the night when you got back to Tangerine's house. Lemon walked to his room and Tangerine led you to his where he undressed and slipped on a pair of pyjama pants before he helped you take off your dress and found one of his t shirts for you to wear. There were no boundaries between you and the Twins these days. You had known them for long enough and had done so many jobs with them where you had to change in front of each other that it wasn't a big deal anymore.
"Goodnight, Tangerine. Thank you again." You said quietly, shuffling towards the bedroom door to leave and go to your own room.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed." "You’re sleeping in here tonight, love."
"Why? You were kidnapped, love, and I won't let anyone else get to you again. I don't want you leaving my sight."
You smiled and shuffled towards Tangerine's bed, climbing under the cover and shuffling close to the wall so he had plenty of room. He lay down and pulled you close to him and you put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it slowly lulled you to sleep.
"This alright, darling?"
You smiled, warmed by him asking for consent to just hold you. He was so polite.
"Mhm, goodnight Tangerine."
"Goodnight sweetheart."
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
hey, mona! saw your December gift ficlet post <3
how do you feel about dialogue prompt 44 for merthur? 👀
Ahh hey Fyre, thanks for the prompt!! I think it might've got a little softer than intended, but I hope you'll like it! <3
Fortune Favours the Bold
“If you die, I am going to kill you,” Merlin says as he checks the buckles of Arthur’s breastplate for the third time.
Arthur would be more exasperated if it wasn’t the first tournament since his coronation. The mourning period had been followed by winter, and once spring came around, he had been rather busy with the revelation that his manservant was, in fact, a sorcerer. Or warlock, actually—Merlin still fusses, so what does it matter, really.
“Such trust in me,” Arthur teases regardless, rolling his eyes. “I’ll be fine; it’s a friendly tournament, not a match to the death.”  
“You’ve said that about approximately every other tournament, too, and half of those did end with attempts on your life, so—”
“And yet, here I am. Thanks to you.”
It still isn’t easy to admit these things, but Arthur has been trying to be better about it; once he got beyond the sharp burn of betrayal and secrets, the magnitude of how much he has to thank Merlin for hit him like a punch.
If the slight wrinkling of Merlin’s nose is anything to go by, he can tell. It is pathetic, really, how a gesture so small threatens to make Arthur’s heart burst out of his chest.
“Yes, well, you could still be careful,” Merlin says, his fingers pressed to the buckle sitting over Arthur’s heart. “Make my job easier and all that.”
He is smiling, though, and Arthur swallows. He had been meaning to wait a little longer, to let them settle back into their lives, let Merlin get used to his new role, but—
But. Arthur has never been a patient man, and if he has learnt one thing through all his years as a knight, it’s that all you ever have for certain is the moment you’re living in.
He has never been a patient man, but he does pride himself on his bravery; this might just be the most courage he has ever needed to scrap together for anything.
Curling his fingers into Merlin’s neckerchief, he tugs lightly. “I might not let you put enchantments on my armour for tournaments—and I know that you ignored that order—but how about something to bring me luck?”
Merlin blinks at him, lips parted slightly, and Arthur forces himself not to step away, not to turn this into a joke and laugh it off (and regret it for the rest of his life, because he would. Inevitably, he would).
“A favour. You’re familiar with the concept, I know you are.”
In the dim light of the tent, he can see Merlin swallow, his eyes dark.
Outside, the horns blare, and it seems to finally startle Merlin out of his shock.
There is still a question lingering in his eyes, but he is beginning to smile, too, happiness unfurling slow but certain.
“Alright,” he murmurs, fingers trembling as he unties his neckerchief.
Arthur’s throat is dry as he watches Merlin wrap it carefully around his arm, the red fitting snugly against the colours of his armour and cloak.
“There you go,” Merlin says, sounding hoarse.
They are still standing too close, and the air is bristling between them.
Arthur inhales, and squeezes Merlin’s wrist between them. He exhales and says, “Thank you; see you on the other side?”
Merlin laughs, the tension breaking. Arthur can tell, though, that something has shifted between them yet again.
It is hard to say whether it is less or more terrifying than the last few months; it is as simple as breathing to know that they will be alright.
✨December Gift-Ficlets ✨
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lutawolf · 2 years
Between Us Episode 4 Commentary and Review
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For those that haven't read my other reviews. They can be found here. It's right underneath the UWMA reviews. In previous posts, I talk about how Win is possessive but not jealous. There is a difference, and I explain that here. Let me say that for those who are new to me. I am a kinkster, and I write from a kinkster perspective. This is, of course, artwork so it can be viewed differently by other people. However, I will say that kinksters don't hold some of the negative connotations that most view in vanilla relationships. So yes, my perspective tends to be vastly different.
Let's begin! I'm super excited while also nervous. WinTeam have amazing communication skills except for when they don't. I love this brother dynamic so much.
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Honestly, this is exactly how my siblings and I act. Grown up? What the fuck is that when a sibling is around?! Well apparently, Win. 🤣🤣🤣 Gamer Bro gives me only child vibes more than the oldest. Win is more like the oldest. Ahh, there is the big brother coming out. It's in there just well hidden.
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Is anybody else thinking about a certain Daddy scene? No, just me? 👀
T-Rex, if you haven't figured it out yet, you are an idiot. There has got to be something behind those fierce eyebrows. Apparently not. Congratulations, you've won the white crayon award. As in, he is not the brightest crayon in the box.
Awww, baby bro. You can be anything you want cause Win will make sure of it. They are cute, but damn is sunshine happy. Damn your younger brother knows more about love than you. You might know sex buddy, but you don't know intimacy. Listen to tiny bro. HAHAHA! Okay, sunshine is perceptive. I love it! And omg, the acting!! The way Win suddenly looks like he has been gobsmacked.
The alphabet gang. Um, was he expecting him to come? I thought we all knew he wouldn't. Oh, but he did come, and you guys owe your buddy an apology. There are so many side couples, though. Damn.
A locker full of drinks. That's more romantic than most guys actually get. I like it. Then, back to the group project. Bee is like bitches get out. Bee got one thing on his mind and it's a certain Prince. His crush is so obviouse.
Back to Team. Then to Win. Then back to Team. I'm getting whiplash, guys. Oh no, nightmares again. Win you might be upset now, but not for long. Sure enough, not for long.
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Tell us how you really feel Win. They already have sides of the bed. I love it. Ugh, I'm gutted. Look at that gentle touch and the arms open. He's asking. It's completely up to Team, but he's asking because he know Team needs it but won't ask. The soft smiles from them both. One is looking forward to holding the other, and the other is looking forward to finally having a good night's sleep. They both found comfort in each other. For different reasons, but they've found it.
Win like, I'll be your wife, husband, and daddy, but I'll be damned if I'm your mom. FYI, for an amazing read about why the intimate verbiage from Team to Win is so important, check out @notfreetoday and @ellaspore posts. Both can be found on the Coconuts Mafia side blog.
Look how soft Win is when he is with his brothers and Team. Not just anyone gets this side of him. Not even his close friends. That should tell you that Win has long since chosen Team even if he himself hadn't completely realized it. Team is me after a night of drinking. Crawl on the floor and totally excited about food. Now notice that Team brings up his mom and Pharm cooking for him, and that smile never leaves Win's face. Jealousy is not there.
Win is doing everything he can to extend the time he has with Team. That smile never left his face because the time he does have with him is precious to him. Team is just as into the time they have together. Look at him talking about a movie tonight. He himself extended their time.
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Win is having to work hard to get Team on the back of that bike. Team isn't an adrenaline junkie; he knows too much the consequences of that. He likes steady and steadfast. He craves security. Hai used the magic words, though. He said, "Trust me and come on." See how easily Team gives in. He is a brat through and through. He isn't happy about it, but he respects his Dom so fine. "Please drive slow, though."
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Win won because he got those arms securely wrapped around him. OMG, I love the casual touches. The arm over the shoulder. The natural intimacy. The way Team says Hia and gently pulls on the back of his shirt. I know that a lot of people are thinking of this as whining, but please note that a lot of Doms like to be addressed. That's what you do when you put the name or title first. It's hard to explain. Think of it as a letter, how you address a letter. To whom it may concern or the name. It's addressing, showing respect before just going into dialogue. Now, from my understanding of some kinksters on here, that is not as prevalent everywhere as it is where I am from. I do feel that is actually what Team is doing here with Win, though. A reminder of, yes, I recognize that you and I have a more intimate tie than most.
Yes, Win he digested all his breakfast. A lot of energy was put into holding onto you on that bike. Ahhhh, look at that naturalness again. Team just grabs Win's hand without issue, and Win naturally lets him.
Team is such a foodie. Don't stop him Win, for a foodie like Win it's an act of love. HAHA, you are all equal, huh? Team, you're an idiot. Why would Win care about how girls think of him. Win sets him straight, though, letting him know it doesn't matter what girls think of him. Yesssssss, and he fed him the shrimp. Look how happy Team is. Sharing food with a foodie is the ultimate act of love. Guys, I'm telling you. Food is its own love language. It engages the senses and creates a connection. When words are hard to use, it's an easy way to express oneself.
"I thought you wanted to go grocery shopping. Why aren't you buying anything." 🤣🤣🤣 He just wanted time with you, Team.
Looks are subjective girls!!! Please stop knocking yourself down. Yes, Phreuk, come cheer. Oh, look at that gentle hand to Menow's back. Ahhhh, so cute. I love all the little detailed touches!!!! I adore Phreuk. They are cute. I'm dying. That was smooth, dude. Don't even ask, just tell. Wait, who was arguing with me that Phreuk doesn't have it in him to be Dom???? Did you see that move. I am cackling. So cute!
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Here comes the possessiveness. Win isn't jealous of who Team is on the phone with. He is possessive of their time together. This is his time. Then he sees that Team is looking up movies, and they are back on track. I'm dying over the product placement of Iqiyi while I'm watching iqiyi.
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I love Win's "The audacity of this Bitch" face. 🤣🤣🤣 Even I'm laughing at you Win. Yeah, you are still cool but maybe not right now.
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Team is totally taking advantage of this, and I love him for it. Team is having fun, but you can tell he cares for Win. He changes the channel and easily agrees to keep it to himself. Then Win flashes back to talking to his little brother, and we get this beautiful sequence of love and adoration.
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Thank you, Ray of Sunshine! Again, with the casual touches and shared joy.
Ha! Win got Team back on the bike. Win wants to know if Team is used to the bike yet. Team brings up girls again, and Win is not understanding. See you guys, Team IS jealous. He is not secure in the knowledge that Win is his. Now, he could recognize this as a negative emotion and push those feelings down. The healthiest thing to do, though, is exactly what he is doing. Bringing them out into the open to be addressed. He isn't starting a fight, and he isn't accusing Win of anything. He is telling him what everyone says. Win says, "How can he help what other people think?" This isn't an unhealthy conversation. It's a healthy one because emotions are not getting bottled up.
T-Rex, are you trying to die.
Conversations goes right back to where it was with a lot of misunderstandings cleared up. See, intense but not unhealthy. They both walked away from that conversation happy.
The sub trio!!! Each of them teasing why having their own secrets. Run Pharm Run!
Dom trio!!! Look at you calling people out, Win. HAHAHAHA! Love Deans response. Oh, you wanna bring someone extra. 🤣🤣🤣 I love the fact that all of them went for kids from the same friend group!
Ohhh, they got questions about Team. Back off, you can't stop Win. Good, you told him you trust him. I really like that despite Dean being Win's bestie, he is a good guy. He cares about doing the right thing and being a good person. He isn't gonna just side with Win because he is his friend.
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"That's how our relationship started." "You started that way but how are you going to end?" "I don't know, but whatever we have right now it is already good." Ugh, how is Team gonna take that. He doesn't look so happy. He missed win saying it wasn't just about the sex and basically admitting he is head over heels.
When in doubt, head to your bestie. Ahh, what is love question. Team says that everything Pharm is describing can be attributed to friendships as well. Including theirs. Pharms says yes, but there are no feelings of possessiveness. 👀👀👀 Oh gee, who could have said something similar. 👀👀👀 hmmmmm. "Because you want to possess him." 👀👀👀
That face of Win's. Dead. But notice how Win waits until he is acknowledged. He doesn't but in to interrupt Teams time with Pharm. He can tell they are having a conversation. When he is acknowledged, he moves towards team, telling him, "Let's go home." Team agreeing but not moving fast enough so Win grabs him by the hand to take him away. I'm sure there will be some of you that think this is jealousy and you are wrong. It's possessiveness. Notice how Win tells Pharm that Dean will be out in a few minutes and how Pharm is smiling because he knows that this is Win being possessive. Win knows Pharm is Dean's. It's just that now it's his time with Team, and he is possessive of his alone time. Remember, Win isn't used to having something that is ALL his. And he doesn't desire to keep Team all to himself but be damned if he doesn't savor those moments when he does get him all to himself.
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Win is gone. Gone.
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We know why you like the bike Win. You ain't fooling, nobody.
OMG, this was such a good episode. And the side story!! So cute!!! I don't care that it was a promotion. It was adorable. Hope you guys enjoyed it as well 💜💜💜 As always, this is dedicated to my amazing followers and the Coconuts Mafia.
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yanderepuck · 2 years
Kinktober Day 13
WELCOME BACK TO KINKTOBER. This event killed me for a whole year and I'M BACK. The prompt list is made by @xxsycamore
If you want to read 2021's Kinktober the masterlist is on my pinned post.
Happy reading sluts. And remember to reblog
13: Vanilla  |  Multiple orgasms
With Vlads head between your legs you feel yourself reaching your climax for the third time tonight.
"Vlad!" You grip the sheets of his bed and twist them as you feel his tongue flick inside you.
You're panting and not sure how much more you can handle. Vlad sits up, licking his lips as he rides.
"I think that's a record for you. Three times in such a short period. I feel honored," he sits between your legs, raising one to his shoulder.
Once you can finally breathe again you look down to see his bare body, looking ready to enter you again.
"I..I think I need a break."
"A break? That's fine. All you have to do is lay there and look pretty. I'll do all the work."
"That's not what I-ohhh!'
Vlad slid his cock in you for the first time tonight. You didn't think he could get so hard.
"Good girl. After all, we wanted to see how much I could get you to cum in a night. I am hoping for at least two more."
"Vlad, I-ahh!"
His thrusting started rough. You're so wet down there he slides in and out with ease.
"You're what? Sensitive? I can tell." He holds onto your leg that he raised to his shoulder. "All your screaming and squirming gives it away. Your screams echo beautifully in castle walls."
Your body twists and jerks but you aren't trying to get away.
"Tonight is all about pleasing you, my queen," he thrusts harder, wanting to hear the sound of skin slapping against skin, wanting to hear every sound you can possibly make.
You cover your face with your arms, and just as quickly as you put them there, you got them ripped off. Vlad is now leaning down, holding your hands to the bed.
"What did I say about covering your beautiful face?"
He started to kiss you, taking your breath away even more.
You could already feel yourself getting close again. You were just going to cum quicker and quicker each time until you simply can't.
Vlad breaks the kiss so he can look down at you and listen to your moans.
"You're close already?" He smirks. "I'm not even close so cum as much as you want."
Writer note: take note that I have never orgasmed in my life for whatever reason so I'm bad at writing this for that fact
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 1 year
loona pm - further updates!
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lots and lots of updates for this post! been trying to make roughly a post per day to not go overboard but still share what im working on cos MAN ive been absolutely going through this project! this rules!!!
so first off, very minor and later addition i finally gave loona glowing eyes! ive been meaning to do that for a while but i finally figured out how to! so yah, she looks v pretty now.
the major thing was animation. WAYYY more animation. i discovered the cpm modeling discord last night and its helped me get a really good grip on how it works (if you ever use cpm, go there because trust me you are not going to figure this stuff out on your own.) so heres just a big list of poses i animated (still a lot left! ahh!!!)
 - walk cycle (improved!) now looking at it after looking away from it for a while it looks a lil goofy so i might rework it at some point but god i cant get over how nice that digitigrade cycle looks.
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 - run cycle! (omg its so cool im so so happy with how it came out) like seriously. i am so so proud of this. some of the hair bobbing and the chest and head movements are a bit stiff so i will probably improve on them. still, this is absolutely the part im the most proud of.
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 - jumping (meshes super well with running anim, a bit buggy when falling long distances but thats a bug with cpm itself) i recorded this one in game since AHGHHHH it looks so cool in context. the running-jumps are rad as hell.
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 - sneaking and sneak walking. like the running, i cant get over how the digitigrade walk cycle here looks. it has a lot of bone clipping that is probably not anatomically correct nor comfortable but whatever. it looks cool and i like it. sneaking is still buggy, so i cant do things like spam the shift key as that little “hello!” thing that some people do, because cpm has some issues switching between poses instantly, so here when crouchign for a split second it displays the default crouch but then corrects itself making it bug out. that sucks but i dont really know if theres much i can do about it.
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- punching/swinging with both hands! more of a minor thing, but hey these little details are super important. id love to figure out if i could make a context thing so that it makes a full horizontal swing when holding a sword or weapon. (i didnt feel like recording a gif for this just believe me bro.)
thats about all i have so far. i plan to do much more and fix some minor bugs like symmetry in walk cycles soon but its a bit difficult. also, not only animation got an overhaul- i also finally implemented proper armor mapping that’s compatible with (hopefully!) any armor set! heres a demonstration of that using the minecraft dungeons armor & weapons mods, just bcos they look very cool and they help a lot with details in armor. (oh and btw, i made the hair specifically press down against her head when wearing armor, of you can tell)
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as a further plan, i really want to add some extra movement stuff to this. i know that custom player models allows changing the hitbox, health, reach, etc. and i really want to make this loona model run really fast and have a super high jump. like i said in a previous post, im a big fan of the videos \@rohan_furries posts of his mod which adds detailed anthro fox models to mc, and one of the things it does is add a ton more movement so you can absolutely fly around and lunge and stuff. i really want to add that because GOD running around and kicking ass in this model would be i think the coolest thing in the world. i really hope i can add more detail to the animations because i would love to just stack so much detail on this thing until its so so so smooth... but generally i think itll be mostly finished by the end of this upcoming week, including polishing some of the already existing poses. but ill probably still continue working on it beyond then to add some cool movement stuff like i said above, which i dont know if its even possible but GOD if it isnt im going to figure out how to get it working. i also want to get it working with other buggy things, like some modded armor sets arent compatible with the armor mapping ive set up. ill have to ask around on the cpm discord for that because god the people there really seem to know what theyre doing. theyre all rad as hell btw. other ideas ive had include blinking anims, maybe some more polished idle poses, startup and finishing anims that help it transition between poses more smoothly (which i swear to god might be broken but might just be doing it wrong.) and also gestures if i can figure those out. i also might try to change the arms to be made of two segments instead of the current one so i can get a bit more detailed with the posing. im struggling between adding detail and maintaining the minecraft artstyle. im also excited to finish this project so i can do this all over again but better with another model. dont really know what character its going to be, if you have any suggestions send them to me i guess? idk, i might find a cool one or make one of my ocs or make an oc just for this.
when i finish this model i dont really know what to do with it. its mainly a little project for myself, but i really want to share it with people. ideally id want to sell it for like 10-20 dollars because this thing has taken hours of my time but i still want to share it with people, but im 16 and dont have a way to transfer cash :\ might figure something out, whatever. if you’re interested in getting your hands on it once its finished maybe send me a message? i cant guarantee it but i might if you seem cool.
ok, NOW i need to go to bed since its like LATE as HELL right now. good night guys :)
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suleikashideaway · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @failed221b-chill for tagging me!! I'm still such a little baby newbie fic writer but I'm eager for the chance to reflect and grow more.
How many works do you have on AO3? 2. Hoping to increase that soon!
What's your total AO3 word count? 2,285. Amazingly low compared to my huge chunkin longfic sitting tucked away, unpublished.
What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Final Fantasy VIII, but I've dabbled in Stardew Valley.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Top five, lol. Wellll one of my Laguna one-shots has 5 kudos! I'm pretty happy with that considering there are like 5 FFVIII fans out there!
Much more under the cut!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Absolutely! I want to talk about my fics all day!! That is, I have only received thoughtful, positive comments from lovely people so it's been easy so far.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? As of right now, They Are My Family is the angstiest ending I've ever written, though you might consider it a somewhat optimistic ending. In its very short word count, this fic deals with Laguna's immense loss and how he channels his grief into helping other people. I dearly enjoy writing angst, though, just usually with a happy ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Grip on My Heart, my other posted Laguna one-shot, is a happy ending (though if you know FFVIII then you can probably see the angst between the lines). However, if I ever post my Stardew Valley longfic it's got a very sweet ending. I wrote that as a total escapist happy ending fantasy tale lol. And hey, I would even argue that my FFVIII longfic may actually have the happiest ending of all, simply because the angst that it took to get there makes it all the sweeter.
Do you get hate on your fic? Not yet, though I anticipate that I am not everyone's cup of tea, and I think I am okay with that. I would hope that people who comment would have the ability to be respectful about our disagreements. Alas, I know it doesn't always work that way.
Do you write smut? Indeed, I do! Nothing posted yet, and nothing too explicit. But yep! I've got little spicy bits peppered through all of my wips. It took me a while to be okay with writing sexy stuff but I wanted to explore that aspect of relationships. I don't think I could ever write straight porn, though.
Do you write crossovers? I have not considered a crossover, but there's still time! I'm not opposed to it, just haven't had any inspiration.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so! That would be sad.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No but holy cow what an honor to one day be that important!
Have you ever co-written a fic? No, I've thought about the logistics of this and I'm not sure how much I'd like it, though I may be convinced otherwise one day. And like my bestie and beta @failed221b-chill pointed out, before finding each other the two of us practically wrote the same fic but with different characters and a different plot. Pretty incredible to see the themes I have been obsessing over told in a new way!!
What's your all-time favourite ship? Oh, how can I ever get enough of Squall and Rinoa? dreamy sigh
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ooh good question. I'm starting to doubt the validity of my unpublished Stardew Valley longfic. I think it has great potential, and I may go back and rewrite the entire thing, but it's just got a lot that needs work. I am pretty determined to finish my FFVIII longfic so that gets priority!
What's your writing strengths? Ahh, talking about my writing strengths is not one of my writing strengths. After reflecting on this for a hot minute, I think I can appreciate my growing ability to write in a way that is easy to understand. With practice and the help from @failed221b-chill I've gotten so much better at flow. I also have little moments of intrigue, imagery, and maybe a little bit of symbolism that I'm proud of. In general, I think my biggest strength is that I am learning quickly how to make all aspects of my writing better!
What's your writing weaknesses? I feel like I can't end a scene to save my life, but maybe I'm the only one who sees that in my writing! I also struggle with knowing when to dramatize a scene and when to leave it to exposition. For a while I thought that was just the problem with writing a longfic that spans over several years, but I found the same issue in writing one-shots. On a related note, I think I fall in the under-writer category. My rough drafts are usually about 1/4 of the size of the final product. I guess on reflection that's more of a strength: I can flesh things out appropriately during editing! Oh that's a nice discovery :)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm not opposed to it, but I don't see it happening in anything I plan on writing! I'm simply not familiar enough with any other langues (RIP, my almost-fluency in French).
First fandom you wrote for? Probably either FFVIII or Harry Potter. I can't remember which came first! I know for a brief time I was all about that James and Lily ship lol
Favourite fic you've ever written? Definitely my FFVIII longfic wip. As far as published works go, They Are My Family is really something I'm proud to have put out in the world.
I'm officially tagging anyone who would like to participate! Enjoy!
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youhideastar · 2 years
Deleted Scenes from The Dare
Hi! Earlier today I posted The Dare, which is the latest entry in my Wangxian A/B/O Bingo (this one checks the WWX omega/LWJ beta square), and there were a few scenes that didn't make the final cut. If you're curious, read on! But first, just note that some are sexually explicit, so if that's not your jam, then, uh, don't read on!
So my original plan for the fic was that there was going to be fisting. And then that got dialed back to just talking about fisting. And then there was no fisting at all. There just wasn't space! I didn't want the marathon sex to turn into a marathon for the reader, too. So it hit the cutting room floor.
As Wei Wuxian is sipping his second cup, and nibbling on some dried fruit Lan Zhan produced from a box on the table, he realizes that Lan Zhan’s shoulders are drawn up in something more tense than just his usual good posture. He blinks.
“Lan Zhan?”
Inexplicably, Lan Zhan places his hands flat on the bed and folds forward into a bow.
“Lan Zhan, what are you—”
“Wangji begs forgiveness,” Lan Zhan says, with dogged sincerity, ignoring Wei Wuxian’s efforts to lift him back upright. “He should not have surprised you with the knot. Or the jade c-cock. Wei Ying asked me to tell him what I am doing, but I did not.”
Wei Wuxian blinks, taken aback. “Lan Zhan, that was one time! And you did it, you did just what I asked… Did you think I meant, like… forever?”
Lan Zhan finally lets Wei Wuxian drag him up to sitting, thankfully, but he’s scowling faintly at the mattress. “It was ambiguous,” he mutters.
“I did not mean forever,” Wei Wuxian clarifies, trying not to laugh. “Come on, Lan Zhan, look at me, do I look upset?”
He wishes he could eat his words when Lan Zhan looks up at him, piercing, and says quietly, “Wei Ying does not always show when he is upset.”
“I. Ah. Well. Uh, I’m not.” Wei Wuxian is not prepared to deal with the rest of that statement. He exhales, shakes his head, and scoots closer to Lan Zhan. “I—I wasn’t nervous those other times,” he promises, “but if I do get nervous again, I’ll tell you.”
Slowly, Lan Zhan nods. There’s the slightest little determined furrow between his brows. “It is difficult to speak about these things. But I will be more communicative in the future.”
Ah, he’s so cute – so serious. Wei Wuxian likes him so, so much.
Then Lan Zhan says, apparently in this newfound spirit of communication: “If it would please Wei Ying. I would fill him with my hand.”
“Fingers again?” Wei Wuxian says, trying to hide his disappointment – he’d liked the jade cock so much. He’d hoped Lan Zhan would use it instead of his fingers.
“My entire hand.”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes fly open, and his cunt does a yes please clench and an absolutely fucking not clench at the same time, which is an extremely weird feeling; he’s probably lucky he didn’t sprain anything down there.
“Y-your…” He grabs one of Lan Zhan’s hands and drags it in front of his face. Yeah, that’s just as big as he remembered. “Is that… possible?” he asks, faintly.
Lan Qu waves at Lan Wangji from the porch of her residence. “Wangji! Come to see one of your old teachers?”
Lan Wangji swallows and approaches. At a respectful distance, he bows, and says very quietly, “Lan Qu-shigu. You said that if we had questions about… marital matters, we could—”
“Ah, some follow-up questions, eh? Come in and sit down, boy. Always happy to offer what little wisdom I possess.”
After a sip of tea, Lan Wangji says, “Lan Qu-shigu mentioned… advanced techniques involving the—the penetration of. Hands.”
“Ahh. Yes, we don’t get into those in the lectures, usually. Too much curriculum, too little time. You know how it is, Wangji – you’re a teacher yourself.”
“Well. The first thing is, it takes a lot of patience. But…” She smiles at him, and the lines by the corners of her eyes deepen. “I know you have plenty of that.”
After Lan Zhan has reassured him that it is, in fact, possible, and even—he claims—enjoyable, Wei Wuxian asks, with some trepidation, “And… you want to do this—now?”
“No.” Well, that’s a relief. Lan Zhan explains, “Wei Ying is not ready yet. He must be stretched more thoroughly.” Wei Wuxian shivers. Right. “Maybe let’s save that one for if we need it, at the end,” he decides. His body has been getting increasingly fed up with so much talking and so little friction.
Pour one out for Lan Qu, an OC from one of my WIPs who was going to have a cameo here and then had her scene cut. I absolutely love Lan Wangji interacting with older folks who call him "kid" and remember what he was like when he was a solemn, viciously competitive little nine-year-old. That's a vibe I never tire of.
Another thing I never tire of is Wen Qing - hence the next scene. I was originally going to do more with the bit in the story where Lan Wangji says (sincerely but incorrectly) that a beta and an omega can't conceive together; you know, really point up the way in which that bit of misinformation shows how disapproved-of such relationships are. But it just got cumbersome, which meant I lost this Wen-Qing-centric scene that I'm terribly fond of:
Lan Wangji stands to leave.
Wen Qing narrows her eyes. “Is Hanguang-jun planning to become a father? Imminently?”
Stiffly, Lan Wangji replies, “The question seems unlikely to arise.”
“Oh, really.”
“Wangji is a beta. A beta and an omega—”
“Can absolutely make a child. Don’t believe those lies. Usually, it takes a lot of trying, but knowing that id—some idiots, it would be just your luck to have it take on the first try.” She walks over to a drawer and pulls out a glass pendant on a blue cord, which she holds out to him. “Here. You can take it off if you and W—your partner decide you are ready for parenthood.”
Lan Wangji bows. “Thank you, Wen-daifu.”
Finally, the last thing to go was the scene where Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to give him a claiming bite. Ultimately, there just wasn't a good place for it - at the end of chapter 2, the important thing is the "I'll fight for you" piece, so it would have been redundant, and in chapter 3, it would have been too big and would have taken over the whole rest of the chapter (and yet still felt redundant, because there, the important thing is the marriage offer).
Afterward, curled up in Lan Zhan’s lap with the dish of dried fruits and waiting for the next round, Wei Wuxian finds his hand coming to his neck whenever it’s not busy with something else.
He’s no dummy. He knows what that means. He swallows, and sets the dish aside.
“Lan Zhan?” he asks, quietly. “Will you claim me?”
Lan Zhan’s response is silent – a wide-eyed look. His fingertips brush the same spot that Wei Wuxian’s been absently touching. The spot over his scent gland.
“I don’t care about the stupid hormones, or my scent changing, or any of that – I just want… I want people to see the bite on me. I want them to know—”
He leans in to brush his lips over Lan Zhan's, then whispers, “I want them to know Lan Zhan is my mate.”
Betas don’t have mates, because of the stupid scent gland crap. If Wei Wuxian tells people Lan Zhan is his mate, people will look at him strangely. Laugh, even. Wei Wuxian doesn’t care. Lan Zhan will fight for him. That’s what makes a mate.
Lan Zhan nods, slowly. Then he crushes Wei Wuxian up against his chest, shaking. “Yes,” he says, in his low, beautiful voice. He sounds very sure. “I will claim Wei Ying. I will be his mate.”
Wei Wuxian exhales, and nuzzles into the side of Lan Zhan’s neck, where his own scent gland would be if he had one. He likes Lan Zhan’s neck just the way it is. It’s perfect.
Lan Zhan relaxes his hold enough that he can lean back and look Wei Wuxian in the eyes. Without hesitation, he says, “I will marry Wei Ying.”
“What about your uncle—”
“He was willing to let Xiongzhang marry Wei Ying. If he is not willing to permit me the same…” He swallows. “I will marry into Yunmeng Jiang.”
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian can't deny the idea has some appeal. “Well. You’ll fit right in. You know our motto, don’t you?”
Lan Zhan gives him a tiny smile, and nods.
“There you go.” Wei Wuxian grins.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!
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mossmotif · 7 months
MOSSSS 😭😭😭 ur the sweetest ever i smiled so wide reading ur tags on the knight!reader x prince!gojo fic…… had to invade ur inbox for this one
BUT WAHHH U READ IT THRICE……. tysm 🥺🥺 words cant describe how happy i am that u liked it!! <333 i snuck knight!sugu in this just for u. he only got some brief mentions but one day im gonna write a bible for him just u wait >:3
anyways U GET ITTTT! U DO!! ”does it hurt?” aaaa im so ecstatic that u caught how meaningful that line is!!! literally everything u said abt their dynamic is exactly how i envisioned it :’3 theyre just soo devoted and in my brain its like… gojo loves reader destructively and reader loves gojo self-destructively. ive been obsessively thinking abt these two ever since mickey introduced em to me, im so happy u like them <33 theyve ruined my life. u have NO idea how much it means to hear that u like how i write relationships also…. its what i love writing most so :’3 its just so kind of u to say!!! 
aaaa i could go on and on bc ur tags r always sososo thoughtful n sweet T_T but ill just settle for a final thank u!!! for reading it and liking it and taking the time to comment on it so thoughtfully!! i am shaking u back lovingly!!!!!!!
AHH hello ari<33 i loved the fic...... words literally cannot describe,, AND YES I NOTICED KNIGHT!SUGU my boy my love!! his little cameo had me screaming
the day u write knight!sugu.....i might die (ill have to read it first obvi but then ill def be found in a ditch somewhere)
"gojo loves reader destructively and reader loves gojo self-destructively." STOP THIS RIGHT NOW I CANT HANDLE IT. ur mind, i wanna look into it please im begging this is so good!! u described it so well. im being so serious when i say ur such an inspo dude,,u have such a way with ur writing its insane!!
im always so glad to read ur stuff ari!! im looking forward to going through ur masterlist more thoroughly one day and all the new stuff u plan on posting ‼️
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