#i srsly need to calm down when answering those questions
guaxinimraccoon · 3 months
A10 - How would your character react to switching sizes?
Oh boy I have some angsty comics about this one, you can check them out here!
part 1, part 2 and part 3
Those are old btw, if I were to do them again I'd probably change a lot of things.
If the boys switched sizes, Toby would be very overprotective, knowing what's like to be tiny in a huge world. He's already overprotective with Brad so in this situation that'd boost to the moon.
Brad would be curious of the new world surrounding him, wanting to explore and understand more of Toby's perspective. At the same time he'd be scared af, he's so easily frightened, so I bet he'd spend most of his time on Toby's hands and shoulders, not really enjoying how much bigger everything is than him.
As for Elisa and Alex, Elisa would be THRILLED. She'd want to hold, kiss and cuddle Alex all the time, she already finds him adorable, but a finger sized Alex? That girl's in heaven. That'd also ease her insecurities, she feels like Alex does so much for her and she can't "pay him back" in the same way, so she'd make sure to make the best of the situation to assist him, even if Alex knows she doesn't need to.
Alex would want to see everything in his new size, take notes, explore his garden, see bugs, he'd want to learn as much as he can while it lasts, something that he canonically does when he shrinks. But when it comes to his gf? Damn, he'd want to hide his face all the time, not being able to contain his EMBARRASSMENT. Elisa's the prettiest girl in the world to him and now she's a cute giant all over him, how do you not get red 24/7 just by seeing her??? He'd be flustered everytime he's around her and she's taking full advantage of it to make him blush even more.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hey, you can ignore this if you want. But, just a thought, hybrid Izuku? Like maybe he has a kinda bad past too, just because I live for the angst beginning to fluffy end.
Sorry it took me a couple of days to answer! I wanted to switch it up and I mainly had to think a way to make Izu work as a hybrid, so I decided to make him be a bunny hybrid [ blame his cute hero costume, srsly ] I ended up writing the small amount of 3.7k words somehow— [ listen, i get emotionally involved, ok??? 😭 ] I genuinely hope you like it! 💕
[ Masterlist ]
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Hybrid!AU Bunny!Midoriya Izuku
× you looked at the man sitting in the corner of the cell, both petrified staring at each other
× his bunny ears were lowered, his green eyes widened in your direction
× all you could do was to stand still, shocked and without being able to even mask it
× he looked awful to say at least
× meanwhile the reception guy that accompanied you for a tour of the shelter whispered in your direction; "This one is in really bad shape. Very traumatized, poor soul..." he clicked his tongue before continuing "He's been sent here from another shelter cities away, I don't know much about him and he won't talk."
× you could not look away even if you tried
× the reason why you decided to pass by the shelter was because you offered to help voluntarily in the weekends as you had some free time
× you did read and hear horror stories about the shelters and the hybrids thrown in them, how underfunded they were, how bad the conditions there were and how little help they had but—
× even if you came prepared for the worst you got surprised with the state some of the hybrids were in
× specially this one; his name was on a plaque by his prison like cell— Midoriya Izuku
× he had bruises, cuts, his hands looked specially beaten up and scarred, his behavior was erratic, nervous, just a disaster...
× something deep inside told you to smile and show him you're no threat, so you did
× you introduced yourself and nodded your head, really trying to keep a calm composture but your heart hurt seeing him like that
× much to your surprise, he nodded back, still uncertain but didn't move from his place, far back in the cell
× you've been gently pushed away to continue the tour and to establish your tasks, all while being thanked for your kindness; you didn't know why you felt like throwing up at the indifference in the man's voice...
× there weren't many hybrids in the shelter anyway, yet you've gotten your scheduled hours in which you'd help clean and cook and as you left for the day after some introduction to those tasks; your mind still lingered on Midoriya Izuku even through the night, as his terrified eyes stole the sleep from you that same night
× the following two days you began your volunteering hours and always kept an eye for the hybrid; he was skittish and asocial even at lunch and dinner times, did not talk to any other hybrid and specially not to any worker there
× he caught your eyes multiple times whenever you'd be in his general proximity, yet you'd see him scurrying away instantly, which made you feel unease; you weren't any threat, really, so maybe with time...
× it's when you brought your own cleaning supplies [ because there were little to none ] and decided to help clean their "rooms", so called by the staff, when you firstly got to talk to him
× you reached his cell and he was reading an old book, probably borrowed from the small library they had; he snapped his eyes up when he heard you approach
× "Hello, Midoriya" you'd say gently, heart in your throat, really scared you'd frighten him
× he just nodded and looked away, not before giving your cleaning supplies a long look, knowing what's to come
× with his permission, he let you go inside as you started preparing everything to swipe the floors, putting the broom in a corner as you leaned down to pick some other stuff; what you didn't notice was how the broom was gently falling, almost about to hit you on the head
× the green-haired hybrid was on your side instantly, catching it; it would've been a small tap on your head and most out of the situation would've been you looking ridiculous but you chuckled at the scene and thanked him wholeheartedly
× smol bean blushed so hard you almost dropped everything in your hands at the sight; "N-no problem—" he stuttered, his voice sweet and shy 🥺
× he stood there fidgeting with the book in his hands watching you move around until you heard an unsure "Can I help you?" 🥺🥺
× you told him sure, if he'd like to, mainly worried he really didn't want you in his "territory" but the man took it as an invitation and—
× it didn't stop at his cell? he helped you all day???? you cleaned around together but not without an awkward air around both; which ngl it's funny bc he's staring whenever you talk to everyone, clean, help, so on; big round eyes are always on you;;; IF YOU LOOK THO, oops— "what an interesting wall right there!" - Midoriya, probably.
× it's from then that you notice a switch; whenever you're at the canteen, he's there offering to help, looking just as skittish as always but a small blush always on his face
× whenever you'd be playing with the younger hybrids he'd watch in awe bc you treat them so well
× exactly when he actually starts talking to you more too! he's in the impromptu playground with you and the few little ones when he suddently drops your name in a stutter and says you're kind-hearted
× you almost drop dead in the spot bc his look, man; you haven't seen him so sure of something until now and it did something to you
× it's been a month and hybrids came and got adopted, yet your new friend wasn't really getting any attention; he really acted terrified and you of course questioned his behavior; you knew nothing of his past but seeing the way he acted it could've been just awful
× as you started to slowly engage in larger conversations with Izuku, it's at the canteen that this time you've been caught staring; at his hands in particular
× he was helping you cook, which he really didn't know how to do but tried nonetheless just because he really enjoyed being around you [ or so you assumed, hopeful ]
× when he realizes where you're looking at, you almost dreaded him retracting from the situation like he used to do but he just looks down at them too and sighs
× "I was at a fighting ring—" he said, pursing his lips "—but I'm a rabbit hybrid... a prey... they used me as a punching bag."
× your heart rips in two as you're speechless; even if you tried to be careful with your movements not to spook the man, you could not help yourself by putting your hand on his
× and that's how Midoriya Izuku died, end of HCs 💀
× just kidding; he almost fainted, face fully red as his ears perked up, staring at you with big eyes yet did not move an inch
× and even if his face would've been adorable in any other situation, his words remained imprinted in your mind as you squeezed his hand in yours
× "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Izuku" you whispered back at him; he just nodded and blabbered something before continuing with the task clumsily
× boy is broken for the rest of the day, that's what I'm implying
× bad news got to you when you found out you couldn't go to the shelter anymore to help; your hours got increased at work and your shift was all over the place and even if you really did talk with your boss, it was decided that for now you had to adapt
× dread filled your gut when you realized you couldn't see Izuku anymore and with that you noticed how fond you grew of him, that's why you loathed the next visit there
× but— you really wanted to see him more; getting to spend time with him and helping around was what got you through the week...
× you told him slowly that same Saturday and it visibly broke him
× he tears up and tries to mask it as best as he can, yet he nods understanding
× "Will— Will I ever see you again?" the soft tremble in his voice shook you to the core
× "Of course. Every day, if you'd like." you blurted;;;;; he blinks at you, tears stopping just to have his head tilted to the side, ears flopping with the movement. "Would you like to come home with me?" you say, idea just popping in your head and balling it;
× he cries harder then he nods
× everything about your volunteering ceasing for the time was already filled in, you guys just needed to fill some paperwork for him, grab his little to no belongings and get the hell out
× small gym-bag in hand, i sweat to god, this man is overwhelmed with being outside
× stays glued to your side all the time, specially on busy streets towards your home
× once you feel him grab on your shirt just for precaution and you melt?? but let him have it
× once you arrived, you see tension leave his body as he smells his surroundings; mf drops a "It smells like you here" through a smile before realizing what he said and getting all flustered 💀
× sooo you move past that as you can and show him around, a spare bedroom not long ago used by your old roommate offered to him
× you only see his surprisingly muscled back as he enters the room and drops the gym-bag on the floor
× he slowly turns around to look at your face and fat ass tears run down his cheeks, not being able to say a word even if he tried
× hands-down the scene almost gives you a panic attack; he then asks if it's all for him and you assure him that indeed it is when he cries harder...
× ok, that again shreds your heart but it wouldn't be the last time
× like for example the moment of utter disbelief he threw at you when you asked him what he wanted to eat that night and he didn't know how to respond because nobody, ever, asked him; you got that as a response after asking if you said something wrong
× or the following Monday, when you suggested you went to do some shopping for him in the morning, since there wouldn't be many people and it would be calmer
× the look of awe in his face, istg...
× from then on he opens up pretty nicely too; it's such a refreshing sight to see him tell you about how he learned to use the computer, TV, phone— the sparks in his eyes whenever he talks of something new he learned? imagine it and now you've gained 20 more years of lifespan, you're very welcome
× such a soft cutie, i swear 🥺 always asks things about you and gives you the same sparkly eyes when he learns more about you
× it does take him some time to come out if his shell though
× you fastly realize he's a nerd; oops, but it's true, and definitely isn't a bad thing! he just really likes to learn about everything and anything and I feel he genuinely likes to tell you about those new facts
× i hope you like them bc when he learned new cool stuff he made a note to tell you about them bc he thought you'd find them cool too and—
× is very tidy and helps around the house, but when it comes to being social he just freezes
× you ask him if he'd like to go for walks and you see him itching to go out for some fresh air, although the thought of other people...
× with time and small walks around the neighborhood, he overcomes the fear as long as you're by his side
× will definitely want to go back to the shelter to volunteer even if you can't, but the fear of walking there just overtakes him again since he'd have to do it alone
× mentions it though
× his expression is so uneasy bc he feels like a burden
× maybe you could work around your schedule to take him there and pick him up? he genuinely loved giving a hand at the shelter so if you do, Izu would be so thankful
× in a few weeks he'd gain the confidence to walk alone
× one 💕adorable💕 thing he does without even thinking is jumping around you, or just in place
× "Today little Miya got adopted!" he'd say, hopping slightly in place "I could tell they were good people too! They had good intentions... just like when I saw you for the first tim—"
× so he mumbles without thinking;; and sometimes blurts out cute stuff like that but when he realizes what he's saying he gets very shy 🤭
× he has this fluff smol tail but we don't talk about it;;; no, no, it's too much for us, I promise you it's the cutest fucking thing you've seen in your whole existence and it moves a little bit and we all die here???? he hides it though, pft
× so fluffy we gonna dieeeee
× he steals your blankets
× hear me out, omg! he does!! if you have small blankets you just throw over yourself to stay on the couch or anything, sometimes they'd dissappear only to be found in his room; he's very sneaky about it but cracks under [the zero] pressure you put on him, leading him to say "It's because whenever you're not around, I like to have something close to me that smells like yOu! it makes me feel sAfe—" his voice cracks "BUT IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO, I'LL STOP, I JUST—" he'd placate his hands instantly, apologizing
× tell him it's okay and now your hoodies are gone too lmfao
× he's a muscular guy too so consider buying really big ones just for him to wear;;; after you wore them;;;;;;
× says sorry a lot and that's a thing you have to work with a lot
× if he messes up something, he will apologize instantly; if you tell him to stop bc you don't mind he forgot to put the washing machine as he promised he will act like he's the worst
× as if he feared you'd get angry...
× i know it's a recurring topic but give him time
× whenever you both have free time and hang around the house, he'll be on the couch reading near you
× eyes you constantly and he's so obvious about it it's ridiculous; you can see him from the corner of your vision when he turns his head to check on you so through a smile you have to ask him if he needs anything
× what's fantastic is that he's getting over the point of being scared to speak out around you YET he stutters, blushing
× "N-no, nothing!" but he's observing your comfortable form with much interest
× "Wanna... cuddle with me?" [ 's not like you read about bunny hybrids and how they need skin contact which definitely didn't make you uwu and die in the spot bc that's so 🤧💕😭💘🥺 but you waited for him to show any signs that he'd want that; we're respectful like that, mhm ]
× his fluffy ear twitches
× shock, disbelief, blush
× it twitches again
× blushes harder then nods
× sksjdkdjd he's by your side instantly though with no idea of what to do
× good lord, he's so stiff; why don't you grab a blanket to throw it over both of you, hmm?
× he'd bury himself into it then into your arms and soon he'll find out being there is his favorite place in the galaxy
× since his mind drifted to galaxies, Izu then starts talking about constellations bc he's nervous
× so when you rub his back he melts into you with a happy sigh yet when your hand reaches his hair, almost about to touch the top of his head mindlessly as you hum at his words
× he flinches— then you stop to look down at him, catching him wide eyed staring into nothing
× you don't even know why you apologize; maybe his horrified face?
× but before you can form a full sentence he interrupts you
× "Don't apologize. It's not your fault—" he'd glue his eyes on you "I— I used to get bullied a lot back then... they'd pull my ears..."
× without any other explanation you take your hand away, placing it on his shoulders, mainly feeling out of place again; every time he speaks of his past, it just gets worse...
× "But! But I trust you, [Y/N]. I really do." and he leads your hand back to his head
× 🥺💕💕💕💕💕
× then, with convinced features, he drops his head on your chest and snuggles for some good seconds before it clicked to him
× now he's apologizing
× until you ruffle his hair and he just experiences bliss in real life
× massage his scalp and say goodbye to ever leaving his side, you're now in his firm grip until the end of time but who's complaining
× like he has no shame anymore, it feels that good
× he can hear your heartbeat, as fast as it is, and he snuggles further into you; it's his lullaby
× now let's get to business
× look: he's adorable, sweet, doting, cares about you and about hybrids, he's actively trying to get out of his shell, he's built but tender, couldn't hurt a fly;
× don't lie to yourself, you've got a big fat crush
× little did you know this guy right here liked you from the moment you introduced yourself to him, months prior
× the issue is Izuku is really insecure; after hearing his whole life that he's inferior to both humans and some hybrids, he started believing it
× and comments whenever you're outside with him do not help
× he has a spectacular hearing
× doesn't miss how people whisper about you two, even if you mind your own business doing whatever
× it's mostly older people, judgemental and disgusted with hybrids that call you a freak for having one, that call him an abomination
× he tries so hard to ignore them but his behavior changes back to his silent old self, yet this time he doesn't cower anymore although grips his pants until his scarred hands are white, not answering back to you if you talk
× you have to assume he's again uncomfortable outside so you suggest leaving, not sure how to behave
× he kinda snaps on your way back home when there's nobody around
× stops in the middle of the road, looking down, brow furrowed and trembling lips
× "Am I never going to be good enough for you?" he'd clench his teeth
× "Izu—, what...?"
× the determined glare he sends you stops you in your tracks
× "Because I want to be. I want to be better for you."
× 😳
× basically confesses in a dramatic way as he's overtaken with emotions then screeches bc oh no what if you don't feel the same so "I-It's okay if you don't feel the same! If you're uncomfortable I can move back to the shelter!! I'm so sorr—"
× smooch him pls????
× and share your feelings just to give him a stroke lmfao
× he'll take the initiative to grab your hand and walk home like that, the other on his face covering it
× peck his lips and he malfunctions every time
× but loves it
× be sure of this: after that night, he's so soft for you and won't hide it
× he's a creature of contact, meaning his fingers will linger on your form, he will seek your form, he will want to snuggle his face in your neck, he definitely will stare at your lips for too long bc he's still shy and embarrassed by his confession to make a move; smooch him pt. 2
× he's so— adorable; he finds himself in front of your bedroom door with your blanket in his arms and has an existential crisis
× you see his shadow at the small creak under the door and akfjaksj
× open the door and let him sleep with you ffs I'm having a stroke for him
× can he be the little spoon? or can you two hug face to face? it's just that 🥺 he feels safe with you like that, a feeling he's been always missing
× any time you're in his arms or vice-versa he breathes out as tension leaves his body; best place in the whole universe, no hesitation.
× he's a petty lil shit, let me tell you that, ok??
× someone flirts with you? lol k he's behind looking not intimidating at all but he's frowning, his ears are twitching and chest puffed
× takes your hand just to prove a point
× talking about his hands
× kiss them, caress them, anything
× he just... yes, pls, do that
× whenever you're not looking he's giving you the gentlest smile and even if you notice, his lips will curl even more before he throws a compliment at you
× pretty much likes your reactions bc he's always the one that's flustered the most between the two [ genuinely doesn't matter if you get flustered or not, he just tops that energy 100x more ]
× likes to know he has the same effect you have on him on a daily basis
× will try to find a job at something he's interested in and i definitely see him finding one at a library or something like that
× he enjoys the silence, completely different from his old loud and over the place life, and also loves books
× unrelated hc but i just imagined Izu whispering the words out loud whenever he reads without noticing it; his green eyes focused in the book, face concentrated and ears low to not get in his field of vision; want to make him happy? listen to him and when he finally notices you, tell him to go on~
× he's the embodiment of akfwpdkslfjjwj 💕
× honestly your life with him is peaceful
× the way he loves is gentle, really sweet and it all revolves about peace in your household
× he adores you to no end and thanks you for helping him improve himself
× and getting him out of a life without a goal or purpose
× gets out of his way to help you, always you and wants to prove he's good enough
× he already is and you better tell him
× give this baby all the love he deserves and you'll get just as much in return
× I'm soft for him oml 💘
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listen sleep is irrelevant when there are vampires around a corporeal form what is that my needs of the flesh lol what are those
Ship: Noe Archiviste/S/I Rating: very adult anyone under the age of 18 skidaddle no srsly it's all nsfw smut from here no minors are allowed to read. All nsfw under the cut srsly do not read if you're a minor
Summary: Listen I'm not saying I'm horny for Noe Archiviste and I decided to make a self insert fic powered by that horny and make it everyone's problem BUT IDK you guys can decide for yourself whether i'm lying or not yall graduated high school, so yall have an adult level of reading comprehension. You guys got this. I'm rooting for you and so are my 10000 horny thoughts. This fic is brought to you by the sound of your past mistake chasing you. Remember. Ever day is leg day when you're running from your problems.
Also very highly self indulgent. Don't read if you don't like self inserts who are incredibly horny for certain people....or am I? Who knows.
Note: my s/i is a trans guy with all the feminine parts still attached. just needed to clear that up Copper. That's all Noe could smell. Being this close to Oz had an effect on him. One that drew him into a haze of nearly drug induced ambrosia. Gods how it made him dizzy in the most pleasant ways.
Oz unbuttoned the top of his shirt and gave him a slight smile. "Well, what you staring at," Oz said in a flirty tone.
Noe gulped going between Oz's purple eyes, chest and finally his neck. Fuck he was avoiding the neck. He felt like a Victorian virgin whose never seen a bit of skin before. Noe just felt Oz was so...exposed. It drove him crazy.
"Listen," Oz said interrupting Noe's haze, "I know what you're thinking. Well, what you waiting for. It's not like I'm saying no."
Noe was taken aback. Was Oz offering himself to him. No, it can't be. It can't be that easy. Who would offer themselves to a vampire?
"Oh or is the big bad vampire scared? I promise Noe, I've been wanting this for so long," Oz said through labored breath. Oz pulled down his shirt exposing his chest. "Please Noe, will you deny what we both clearly have been longing for. Partake onto me my love."
Noe's body moved closer to Oz than he already was. His lips grazed close to Oz's pulse. He can practically feel it throbbing with excitement.
Oz craned his neck to help Noe find a spot. Noe grazed his teeth experimentally to find the one spot that made Oz moan.
"There... no not there....wait where....," Noe thought to himself as he prodded around Oz's neck.
Suddenly, he heard that moan he had been looking for. Perfect.
He bit a little further. He looked up to see Oz's reaction.
Oz was panting wildly, face several shades dark with a violent, lustful blush. God, it was bliss to look upon.
"Please...." Oz said in a tone that Noe could have sworn was begging. If there was any doubts before, they were gone with his reserves.
Noe plunged his fangs further into Oz's tender, soft flesh. Noe shuddered at the feeling of Oz running his fingers through Noe's hair. God, it was heaven.(edited)
"Please, don't stop..." Oz said panting and moaning.
Noe tasted the blood that pooled onto his tongue. He grabbed Oz closer pulling him onto his lap. The effect Oz had on him was beyond addiction, beyond lust. It was an obsession he couldn't quit.
He had waited for this day for so long. It's what kept him up at night in a cold sweat and it invaded his dreams. However, all those dreams ended in a nightmare. Oz lying cold and deceased in his arms from not being able to simply stop. Blood run dry by his own hands. Tears streaming down his face by what he's done. He couldn't bare to act on his need to suck Oz's blood out of fear he may not be able to stop himself.
But dear god, how he wanted this so bad. So bad he's so happy he's tasting it now.
Noe suddenly push Oz down onto the couch they were sitting on. Oz's back fell to the couch, Noe pressed against him.
Noe dug himself deeper into Oz. Oz spread his legs to further accommodate him. This only encouraged Noe. His fangs dug further into Oz's pulsating flesh as he ground his ever swelling boner against Oz's crotch. Noe partook in Oz's blood like a dying man who hasn't seen food in days.
Oz began to grind back, moaning and whimpering gripping Noe's clothes for dear life.
Noe released his fangs from Oz's neck causing Oz to stare back curiously wondering why Noe stopped. The answer came in the form and Noe unbuttoning his shirt.
"So hot..," Noe managed to pant out, "Can't breathe."
Noe quickly, with deft precision, unbuttoned and took off his shirt revealing a sight Oz couldn't help but stare at disrespectfully and objectify to filth as he's done so many times in his sexual fantasies.
"Hey you ok," Noe asked noticing staring as Oz was not subtle and also thirstier than the most dehydrated man lost in the desert.
"Oh, yes I am. I just always thought you were very sexy. God, you're beautiful," Oz said blushing head to toe.
Noe's cool broke and he started blushing too. "T-thanks," he managed to squeak out.
Oz giggled at Noe's flustered reaction. Oz lifted his hand to Noe's face to calm him.
Noe stared down at Oz's face. It was almost magical seeing Oz's disheveled stated. Blood dripping down Oz's neck, shirt wrinkled cascading down his nearly exposed breasts, eyes and face filled with wanting. Noe touched Oz's hand that was still on his face. This wasn't a dream. God, this was better than one.
Noe couldn't help what he did next.
Noe lowered himself on top of Oz. Noe and Oz's noses practically met they were so close. A mix of being so close and Noe's hot breath against Oz's skin made Oz turn away flustered.
Noe placed his fingers under Oz's chin to keep his face where he needed it to be. Noe slowly and sensually placed his lips upon Oz's. Oz returned the kiss just as slow and soft.
Noe ran his fingers through Oz's hair as he pressed his lips harder against Oz's. Oz returned the favor running his fingers down Noe's exposed back. The sensation made Noe shiver and moan as he ran his tongue against Oz's lips. The kisses became laced with moans as Noe pulled on Oz's shirt.
Noe parted from the kiss with panting. "Take your clothes off," said pulling on Oz's shirt.
Oz did what he was told. Noe stared in fascination as his eyes partook in every length of the increasing exposure of Oz's skin. Noe suddenly became aware of the grating ache of his own erection. He would have taken his own pants if he wasn't so afraid it'd embarrass Oz at this moment.
With the last article of Oz's clothing gone, Oz turned away embarrassed by Noe's stare. Oz had trouble finding himself attractive, but Noe would beg to differ.
As if reading his mind, Noe turned Oz's face towards him. Noe gave Oz a kind smile. One that Oz always fell in love with over and over again.
Noe leaned into Oz's face. He gently put his hand on Oz's cheek, rubbing his thumb across it. "You're beautiful," he whispered.
"Thank you," Oz said blushing. "You're amazing Noe. I love you so much."
Noe smiled hearing those words. He had longed to hear them for so long even though he had heard them in many ways in his imagination and dreams. Nothing compared to how he heard it coming from Oz's own lips.
"I love you too Oz. More than I could ever explain," Noe said barely above a whisper.
Noe once again took Oz's lips onto his own as he pressed Oz back onto the couch again.
Noe once again placed himself between Oz's legs once again becoming aware of his aching erection.
"I-I'm sorry, mind if I..." Noe said lifting himself off Oz. Noe place his hands around the button his pants to gesture what he wanted to do.
"Mind if you what," Oz asked.
Noe was taken aback with that question. "God Oz, you better be glad you're cute at times like these," Noe thought to himself.
"My pants," Noe stuttered out, "Mind if I take them off."
"Oh yeah sure," Oz said immediately, "Why wouldn't I want you to?"
"I don't know. Anxiety told me I shouldn't because you might not like it," Noe said now fully embarrassed.
Oz bit his lip and ran his fingers through his own hair. "Listen, I want this I promise you. More than I have ever admitted to you."
Noe whipped his head back to Oz now fully intrigued. "Really," he asked without hesitation.
Oz nodded covering his face.
Suddenly, Noe placed his fingers on Oz's pussy to find it wet beyond what he thought it would be. The sensation of Noe's fingers down there made him gasp and moan as he curled his toes inwardly.
Noe kissed Oz's neck around the same spot he bit to tease him further. "How long have you been thinking of me like this," Noe asked as he rubbed Oz's wetness a little harder. Noe's thumb reached for the clit to tease him further.
Electric pleasure surged through Oz's body in such an overwhelming way that he couldn't talk. All that came out were squeaks and moans. The stimulation was killing him.
"Now now, that's not what I asked," Noe whispered in Oz's ear. "Be a good boy and tell me exactly what you've been thinking of me." Noe breath hitched as he managed to shudder out his next words,"and please don't' skimp on the details."
Oz wriggled under Noe's touched as he to rub the same way. Noe's brow furrowed realizing Oz wasn't going to talk unless Noe made him. Noe took his thumb away from Oz's clit. An action that made Oz whimper from its absence.
"Now now, I'll give you what you want once you give daddy what he wants," Noe growled out, his voice dropping to such an octave it seemed like it came from somewhere deep in his chest.
Oz's lip quivered as he struggled to tell him. God where to begin.
"Well, I had a fantasy similar to this. I'm alone with you in your place. You get so close to me and bite me sucking my blood because you can't take it anymore. The need making you so feral it hurts. Then you fuck me so hard I can't walk straight for a few days," Oz said blushing turning away so flustered by describing his sexual fantasies.
Noe blushed harder than he thought he would hearing someone think of him that way. He never thought he'd find anyone who thought of him that way. Confidence suddenly rising within him, he teasingly placed his hand upon Oz's thigh, hovering just above the spot he needed Noe's hand to be.
"Really and how often do you think of me in such a....sinful manner," he said voice heavy with lust straining against taking Oz right then and there.
"More than you can imagine," Oz admitted daring not to look Noe in the eye.
Noe's breath came out ragged hearing that. Noe's fingers grazed harder into Oz's thighs. He suddenly remembered he never took his pants off. They were officially killing him from how hard his cock was straining against them now.
Noe furiously tore them away revealing all of himself to Oz. Oz's eyes took Noe in fully, trying not to stare at his dick too long. Oz stared back up at Noe's. Noe leaned in close to Oz.
"What," Oz squeaked out.
"Were you staring," Noe asked.
Oz nodded blushing 500 shades darker than he thought he would.
Noe blushed along with Oz. "I-uh I hope I look ok," Noe said rubbing the back of his neck eyes darting to uncertain places. Places he will never admit but fortunately the writer is tattle tale and those places were Oz's tits. You're welcome.
Oz smiled and kissed Noe's cheek. "You look amazing. You're so beautiful," Oz said whispering against Noe's cheek.
Noe turned back to Oz's eyes. God, Noe considered himself the luckiest bastard on Earth right now and so did Oz. They felt so lucky to be in each other's presence right now, wanting each other in mutual lust.
Noe and Oz pressed their lips against each other for another kiss as Noe slid his hands down Oz's thigh and onto his clit once more.
Oz moaned wildly into the kiss as Noe pressed rubbed it harder and faster.
"S-stop..t-t--too mUCH,"Oz managed to squeak out.
"Ssshh sshh it's ok. You're so close. I just want to feel you cum once. Or tell me where you want it by precious boy," Noe whispered reading the vibes.
Oz, with much hesitance, pushed Noe's fingers towards Oz's dripping vaginal hole.
"P-please," Oz moaned.
Noe nodded as he dipped two fingers in. Oz dug his fingers into the couch cushion as Noe thrust his fingers in and out.
"Better," Noe asked checking in on Oz to see if he was doing ok.
"Yes oh gods yes," Oz said through his moans and pants.
Noe took this as a sign to go harder and deeper. Noe dug deeper trying to find the spot that would make Oz scream. Noe managed to find it with the sound of Oz's gasp.
"There," Oz said barely audible.
"There," Noe asked as he thrust his fingers harder onto that same spot.
Oz's toes curled and dug into the couch. His nail dug and scraped against Noe's back, driving him insane. Gods, Noe wasn't sure how much of this he could take before he took Oz like an animal in heat.
Noe, wanting to speed up the process before his own orgasm denial drove him to madness, kissed and teased around Oz's tits and nipple. Oz ran his fingers through Noe's hair encouraging him. Noe moaned at the sensation of Oz doing this. Curse the fact he was so tender headed.
Noe sucked on one of Oz's tits as his fingers thrust into Oz's spot harder feeling Oz on the edge of cumming.
With a final moan and gasp, Noe finally felt Oz cum around his fingers. Noe suddenly became self aware how hot and sweaty he felt at this moment.
He needed Oz now.
Noe took in Oz's blissed out, post orgasm face. Noe bathed in the sight. He couldn't believe Oz came for him of all people. Fantasized about him doing this to him. The thought of it made Noe's dick twitch with need.
Noe turned Oz's face towards him once more as he took him into another kiss. Sliding both hands down to Oz's hips, he pulled Oz forward so Noe's dick was at Oz's entrance.
Noe lifted Oz's legs higher onto his back so he can get a good angle.
"Ready," Noe asked looking for Oz's consent.
Oz nodded. "Please....fuck me please...."
That was the last thread that was cut for Noe. He ceased to be a man with reserves or gentleness at that point.
Noe dug his fingers into Oz's hips as he pulled Oz's body forward and thrust his throbbing cock in roughly. More roughly than he thought he would.
Oz moaned feeling himself squeeze around the sudden intrusion. God it felt amazing to him.
Noe panted, heart pounding at the new sensation he had never felt before. Oz was so tight around him. He could get drunk off this feeling for the rest of eternity.
"You ok," Noe asked checking to see if Oz was hurting or if it was too overstimulating.
"Yes. It feels amazing. I need you please please please," Oz said running his fingers through his own hair becoming overwhelmed with pleasure.
Noe nodded taking this as a sign he's allowed to move. Noe steadied himself, hand hooking around the back of Oz's head, other hand on Oz's hip. He began to thrust slowly and deeply trying to find a pace they both liked.
Oz's moans became progressively loud reaching in harmony with Noe's own moans. Both Oz and Noe's nails dug into each other with each motion.
Noe reached down and began to scrape his fangs against Oz's neck. Oz tilted his head back to expose himself more. Noe found another good spot and plunged his fangs into Oz's flesh once more.
As Oz's blood pooled onto Noe's tongue, he began to thrust harder. Oz moaned louder gripping Noe's hair. Noe moaned from the feeling of Oz tugging on his hair. He lifted Oz's lower body higher and began to thrust deeper and harder.
Noe ran his fingers through Oz's hair, pulling Oz's hair roughly. Noe released his fangs from Oz's neck. His teeth scraped and traveled other places on Oz's neck leaving deep, dark love bites all over.
Oz's legs began to buckle and shake from all of this happening at once. Nails dug further into Noe's skin.
"Oh gods don't stop fuck don't stop," Oz moaned and panted out.
Noe picked up the pace, thrusting harder until Oz screamed.
Oz became barely audible at this point feeling himself on the edge of cumming.
"Oz, you're so close. I can feel it," Noe panted out feeling himself getting close too.
"Don't stop. I'm gonna cum," Oz said just before biting down on Noe's shoulder.
Noe gasped and bit harder into Oz's neck. Noe had no idea being the one getting bit would turn him on too. Well noted.
With a few hard thrusts, Noe felt Oz cumming around him with Noe cumming with him.
Noe took a few moment to compose himself and then collapsed on top of Oz. The room was only filled with exhausted pants coming from both parties.
"So, how was that for you," Noe asked.
"Amazing. What about you," Oz asked in return.
"That was incredible," Noe said kissing the nearest parts his lips could reach before giving him a soft peck on the lips.
Noe pulled himself out of Oz, watching the stream of cum drip from Oz's hole. The sight made him shiver with arousal. Little did he know, Oz loved the sensation of it too.
In both their minds, they decided one round wasn't enough.
But it was Noe who made the first advance. Noe picked Oz up off the couch.
"How about we do this again, but this time on the bed where we can cuddle and have more room," Noe said holding her close.
"Ok," Oz said leaning his ear into Noe's chest feeling his heart pounding from excitement.
Noe settled Oz down onto the bed, moonlight beaming down into the room. "Thank you Oz my little moonbeam. I love you so much," Noe said pulling Oz towards him.
"I love you too little starlight," Oz said as Noe pulled Oz in for another kiss.
This was going to be a long night.
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wolfcha1k · 4 years
An analysis on Guy, Eep and Grug NOBODY asked for in Croods - A New Age but tough shit
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So its theory time :U Since this trailer seems to finally go into Guy’s perspective over things happening in the story. It seems like though Guy has been accepted into the Croods family, its not peaches and cream as one would think. Guy is used to having personal space, basically being able to have peace and quiet. Now after a lifetime of solitude [srsly, how long has he been alone??], this is a big adjustment for him. I don’t doubt he doesn’t care and love the Croods like family because they are his family now, he gave up a lot for them and Eep. There’s something of a culture difference between the family and him, with the Croods being used to being jam packed together and Guy who is more used to personal space.
Look how excited he gets over having his own space once they get to the Betterman Farm!
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This also translates into his relationship with Eep. If you notice in a lot of the teasers so far, they’re never alone together. Grug is usually looming in the background or the family is there, they’re even using Chunky of all things to try getting away from them.
[also judging by the weave work here on the wood she’s probably in one of the spare rooms at the farm and the fact the clip launched with ‘World’s First Crush’, it might be safe to say even Eep starts to enjoy having privacy since this means you know, more Guy time but I’ll get more into Eep and what I think their ‘conflict’ will be later!] 
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but ofc Grug is still there getting in their way, and if you’re a teenage boy in love with a girl, it bites hard that you can’t just enjoy one on one time alone with her. They keep getting interrupted whether it be by animals, the family, Grug or nature itself; that would cause tension for anyone’s relationship. Guy even needs to explain to Eep what privacy is and knowing how she lived, ofc this is a real weird and exciting concept for someone so used to having other people breathing down her neck.  
This translates into his relationship with Grug because I personally feel this has nothing to do with Eep herself and Guy doesn’t hold that against her. Grug is mentioned in interviews that he’s “not ready to accept Eep is all grown up and has her relationship with Guy” and that “she’s ready to leave the pack”, as Grug calls it. 
They survived the end of the world, but dynamics change, and I love continuing with where do Eep (Emma Stone’s character) and Guy (Ryan Reynolds) leave off (with their romantic relationship) and how does Grug (Nicolas Cage) accept the change that his daughter is now grown up? So we definitely further those themes of a father not wanting his daughter to leave “the pack” – as they call it – but she’s ready, and her relationship with Guy starts off where it ended in the first film.
Guy even causes what seems will be quite a fight when he tells Grug to chill out after Grug mentions “the pack is stronger together”. 
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Grug probably wouldn’t be having this kind of fear if there was nothing to fear. It might be safe to say Guy and Eep are planning to leave the nest to be on their own. They’re both young adults and in love, its a natural step in a relationship to want to fly the coop. This snippet here really gives me those “engagement/promise ring” vibes with how Guy is holding the rock drawing and Eep is reacting. 
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Just what did he say before this? They’re also huddling away and discussing privacy, perhaps it was the lead up into “Hey Eep, let’s move out”, or whatever the caveman version of it is.
and Grug is watching them very worriedly. 
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There is something up going on with them now, and though Grug has accepted Guy and Eep, this isn’t a step he’s ready for as a father [and honestly probably after surviving The End/repaired his relationship with Eep, didn’t think would be coming this soon]
This segment in the interview really heavily implies these sort of things too:
The world is always changing, and families also change. As a father, Grug’s maybe not ready for the next step of his daughter leaving home. And with Eep and Guy I thought, “This is a great opportunity to now hand it off to them.” In the first movie it’s like puppy love between Eep and Guy. They meet each other, and they’re in love. But they’re the only two teenagers in the world, so of course they love each other. This story answers the question of why they actually belong to each other. Through the course of this story, we challenge what their relationship means, and why they should spend their future together.
You don’t talk about challenging what a relationship means and what their future will be without planning something surrounding that. They are planning and its freaking Grug out.
I also think in Grug’s own way he doesn’t want to see Guy go either, since it must say a lot about how different the dynamic of Guy and Grug’s relationship as a son and father figue have shifted if Guy feels he can tell Grug to calm down and also flirt/court Eep with protective daddy vision on him all hours of the day. When the Betterman’s show up, I am convinced Grug is going to get defensive over Guy bc he’s now as good as his son.
There’s also these little moments which seem pretty small but:
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[as sour as Guy looks here, it probably means a lot for Grug to actually let Guy be in their sleep pile]
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[also look how pure and excited Guy is to share about the shower with Eep and Grug]
I feel Grug does care for Guy but being how Grug is has unintentionally made Guy feel like an outsider in the Croods clan.
Now, back to the Bettermans and Guy. The lifestyle they live is clean, modernized and has routine, things Guy is probably craving with an inventive mind such as his. He’s just in heaven rn. These people are more like him than the Croods are, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. The Croods are still important to him but it probably feels invigorating to meet likeminded people.
You can already tell in the trailers Guy is going to form a bond with them. Part of me doubts they’re actually related to Guy like as parents and a sister but I won’t rule out the possibility, considering how invested Phil seems to be with Guy in a lot of the teasers and trailers. Perhaps they’re extended family or old family friends who knew Guy’s, we won’t know yet.
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This bond I feel will be the prime focus of the film and conflict as well. [and no, not in the love triangle way concerning Dawn, there’s already an interview disproving that!]
“It seems from the trailer that Kelly Marie Tran’s Dawn and Emma Stone’s Eep hit it off immediately…” There’s definitely a lane that is driven a lot in romantic comedy type things where the new girl is the cause of jealousy. With Eep and Guy, when this other girl comes into the picture it would have been easy to go, “Oh, she could be the romantic rival.” We made the purposeful decision to not go down that lane.
However I do think his friendship with Dawn will be something as a compare/contrast with how Eep treats her. Both are doing what they feel is better and right for the sheltered girl, with Eep wanting to take Dawn outside the wall and Guy getting upset when he finds out Eep took her out.
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He’s obviously going to catch them and lecture Eep about this. Now, how does Eep feel about Guy’s shift?
At first, I really think she supports him on connecting with the Bettermans and all the stuff he wants to do. Guy is quirky, he’s inventive, and likes to push the mold in what he can change to make life easier on himself and the people he loves. This place is his Utopia and considering the exchange she has with Grug over “a little change isn’t the end of the world”, she probably is willing to give the farm a chance because she knows Guy has been feeling lost and probably the butt of the joke lately [least where Grug is involved]
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We also know Eep loves to try new things, she just in general loves new. Its what attracted her to Guy and even after it all, still loves Guy. 
However, this is what I believe is going to be the start of the conflict between Eep and Guy too. Guy starts to change too much and Guy being Guy probably doesn’t realize it. She starts seeing the farm as another cave, another place to hide and seeing Guy thriving here probably makes her feel worried about what this means for them as a couple. That wall like Eep said is Dawn’s cave, and Guy probably doesn’t think of it that way after a lifetime of danger and being on the run from The End. Also the private bedroom probably helps
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Anyway, what was I saying?
also something I noticed was when they first arraive in the elevator you got Guy looking at Eep to see her reaction to this place. He’s obviously hoping she’s finding the Bettermans has amazing as he is.
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and just look how happy he looks seeing Eep isn’t going to freak out at Dawn I guess??? lol 
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Just “these two worlds are melding nicely”
However something I think is going to happen as the premises of the movie is both families settling their différences aside/celebrating them, is that somewhere along the line as Eep and Guy get closer to Dawn, there’s going to be a shift. The Bettermans perhaps act uppity with the Croods since they are cavemen and deemed less intelligent, so you got Guy stuck in the middle with his two found families trying to co-exist [also Eep too, bc her friendship with Dawn is obviously a major plot thread of the film]
Eep takes Dawn out for a joyride and the two bring in danger that followed them there.
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“What’s on the other side of the wall?”
also totally predicting some kind of reveal that makes Guy have a temporary fall out with Phil, I don’t know why but its just a vibe I’m getting. Phil looks scared and Guy looks pretty pissed off while asking about the wall. That or he says something about the Croods themselves he feels is too far, I mean, Guy looks rather uncomfortable here as Phil says “We’re an evolved people” pretty smugly. 
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“Phil those are my future in-laws, stop”
He’s also seated on their side of the table, keep note of that with the Croods on the other. There’s going to be a sense torn between both worlds going on for Guy in this film, at least I think so. And its going to challenge him and how he cares for Eep and the Croods. 
Leading into Eep and the Croods.
The big bad shows up, wrecks some shit and abducts everyone, at least it seems like it here.
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“The only way to survive is if the pack stays together”, this whole adventure reminds Guy of his place in the Croods family and gives Eep and Grug a better understanding of what Guy is feeling/going through.
People loved The Croods, and they’d been trying to make another one… but it’s a high bar. I can say this because I didn’t work on [the first film], it’s a beautiful movie. It’s funny, and it’s about family. I was like, “I want to see the continuation of where we left off with these characters.” Especially with the father/daughter aspect of the first one, and going, “Now that Grug has accepted Guy into his pack, and has this great relationship with his daughter, where do they go from there?”
Something tells me Guy and Eep have their big blow up somewhere around Rafikzilla shows up, and after getting separated, Guy has a heart to heart with Grug about Eep and just their strained relationship in general. They patch things up, and together with Phil go forth to kick some monkey ass. And they reunite and things are okay again. Blah, blah, blah. Wow this got weak near the end, um but this interview sums it up pretty good for me tho.
“Was it always the idea to introduce a second family?” Yeah, that was there in my first pitch. You have the Croods come across another family, the Bettermans, who are a more evolved family, and these two families couldn’t be more different. The Croods lead with their heart, and the Bettermans lead with their brain. Of course, there’s conflict, they face challenges, but they learn to appreciate each other’s differences – not just to live with each other’s differences but to almost celebrate them. There’s a lot going on. There’s a lot of characters in this one. There’s a lot of wonderful, powerful themes. But it’s a ridiculous comedy too.
Basically, Guy is having a midlife crisis at the age of 19 and gets his shit together, Eep gets a better understanding of her boyfriend, and Grug finally backs tf off so we can get Croods 3 where Eep and Guy have a kid :U also I’ve been calling A New Age the “Shrek 2″ of the Croods in terms of how the story seems to be shaping up with Guy, Eep and the two families, I’m hoping I’m right because that would be some delicious development to see.
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bi-ressler · 4 years
ii. love the dead (Resslington)
My apologies (srsly), but @skiesfallithurts requested a Thing and who am I to disobey (even though it took me a month... o dear.)... Anyway, pre-canon setting again ‘cause apparently I’m useless at anythung else. Enjoy! (Or something.)
Word count: 2,625  //  read HERE on ao3.
TW: Major Character Death, Necrophilia || EXPLICIT, minors keep away!!!
_______________________________________________________________ It was as refreshing a sight as it was unnerving. Never in the last four years that the young agent was on Reddington’s heels has he been so – still. Quiet. Like the calm after the storm, when the waves were finally settling after the big uproar and the sea was overcome with peace. 
Reddington hadn’t known Agent Ressler all too well. He’d seen him here and there – an annoying brat that made his life just a tad harder – relentlessly and tirelessly hunting the criminal, and Red really had to give him that: he hadn’t expected Ressler to get as far as he did. In fact, he’d laughed it off whenever Dembe had tried to warn him. 
And now this. 
Reddington had been looking forward to getting to know the young agent. As irritating as his presence was and his character seemed to be (smug, arrogant, patriotic... what a fool), as much did it intrigue him – if only for playing around. In the end, those alpha-males were always the easiest and most fun to be manipulated; so self-focussed and convinced of their own strength. 
But he wouldn’t get the chance. 
How the agent had found Reddington’s safe house just outside the city of Valencia, he didn’t know. Someone must have talked, and he’d be damned if he let them go. But right now, there were more urgent matters at hand, more urgent questions to answer as he contemplated the dead body on his couch. Who had killed Donald Ressler?  And why? To do Reddington a favour? To – get rid of a rival? To frame Reddington? As a present? Many reasons came to mind.
He’d sent Dembe out to see a few contacts as soon as they’d moved the body from the couch to the living room table. He had a lot of questions and the agent’s body might just be the only way to get some decent answers.
Pulling on a pair of disposable gloves, he looked at the body before him. “Such a pretty face.”
Refreshing. Unnerving. For once not overambitiously chasing after Reddington. For once just... resting. How peacefully he lay there, like no storm could disturb him, like no nightmare could be cruel enough to wake him from his endless dreams. And what a pretty face he had. 
“What a pity”, Reddington mumbled. With swift, clinical hands, he unbottened the agent’s shirt, undid his tie, stripped him bare. He still had his badge and gun and there wasn’t any blood; neither shot nor stabbed, nor were there any signs of a fight on the flawless, pale skin. 
Out of reflex Reddington wet his lips. This felt strange – it wasn’t that Red hasn��t done an autopsy before; he knew what to do. Not as good as Mr. Kaplan or an actual M.E., but he knew his way around. But Ressler’s body was still a little warm and looked like it could open its cold, dead eyes any moment, and Red almost felt like this whole setting was far too intimate for the two of them. 
When Ressler had still been alive, it had been all cold and callous between them; behind every interaction lay badly-concealed hate, and the only thing Reddington had ever seen in Ressler’s eyes (apart from the obvious vanity and arrogance, no, this lay deeper) was untamed anger.
And now, the agent’s freckled skin felt really tender unter Reddington’s gloved fingers. Cutting him open would be such a shame. But first, he wanted to look for punctures; any signs of injection. 
He started at the most obvious places. 
First the neck. Slim and strong, and Red could just imagine the way it must have looked when Ressler threw his head back in ecstasy, inviting whoever fucked him to bite down on the delicate skin, taste the sweat, feel the moan or scream reverberate on their tongue. It was an appealing thought; and when he lowered his head he didn’t stop himself from smelling the dead skin. There were faint hints of a sweet after-shave (not what Reddington had expected, but who was he not to appreciate such a pleasant surprise?), and the stronger scent of dried sweat. His lips brushed against Ressler’s adam’s apple and Reddington sighed.
He knew he should get going. With a last sniff over the point where Ressler’s pulse should have been he got back to work, examining the soft skin. His fingers trailed down the sides of the agent’s neck, almost caressing, but not quite; Reddington didn’t want to give in to the urge to stroke the flesh and feel the decreasing warmth of this beautiful body. 
No puncture at the neck. The arms were next.  Strong arms – freckled, too. Almost automatically his fingers traced veins and sinews and muscles; from the shoulder (where he could see the scar of a shot wound and, wondering if he was responsible for it, his breath hitched), over the strong biceps to the elbow, down his forearm, stroking the fine hair along his way, and finally resting on Ressler’s fingers.  He sighed. There was no time to play around now. Looking closely, he was unable to find any signs of injection. But the longer he kept looking at the pale skin, the soft muscles, the longer his fingers kept working on it, the more could he feel his arousal against the fabric of his light grey trousers. There was no denying it – he was undoubtedly attracted to the dead man. Maybe he could allow himself to take a closer look; appreciate the naked form before him.  A blood test, his mind helpfully chimed in, and quick. 
Work first. Amusement second.  He took out a syringe from the medical kit, and pushing the needle into a vein in the crook of Ressler’s arm, he drew blood. Enough to determine whether this boy had been poisoned or not.  Laying the syringe aside and putting the blood probe into the freezer until he could give it to his contact in toxicology, he narrowed his eyes to take in the sight in front of him. Like a predator over its prey; like a hungry God swallowing entire star systems; like Tantalus dying of parching thirst, his salvation so close. 
A soft but strong body; full of edges and curves, scars and freckles like galaxies, and Reddington wanted to breathe him in and devour this boy, pressing his arousal into the side of the table to relieve pressure while his hand rested on Ressler’s chest, feeling the complete stillness there. His thumb brushed up over a cold nipple. His heartbeat sped up. He got rid of the medical gloves, needed to feel skin on skin.
His gaze wandered downwards, south, always south, to where Ressler’s limp cock lay against his thigh.  “Not just a pretty face”, Reddington mused as his hands followed down the same trail his eyes had burnt into the milky skin. Warm fingers brushing against the softened abdomen; Reddington could just imagine how those muscles must have clenched and contracted with every movement and effort, during a workout or a fight. A lazy smile tugged at his lips and he let his hands wander lower. 
An involuntary wetting of parted lips. A snake’s eyes taking in each squarecentimetre of the body. Lust coming up, rushing though his veins, making him feel so alive, so truly alive! 
He stroked Ressler’s cock like it was his own, while his other hand found its way to his own belt, opening it in a swift motion. The thought that he probably shouldn’t do this only crossed his mind for half a second of hesitation, and then the beast took over. 
His left hand firmly around his own hard cock, massaging, being mirrored by the right hand around Ressler’s shaft, and he let out a long sigh. But as much as he was working against the pressure inside of him, it just wasn’t enough to watch the soft, cold flesh under his fingers. 
His mouth worked better. He was closer now, tasted Donald and smelled him – not like before at his neck, no, far more intimate and so much more fulfilling – and yes, sucking a hard cock was easier (more familiar, too) but the way Reddington could do whatever he pleased with this beautiful boy without getting a reaction in any way – no moan, no shifting of muscles, no hardening of his cock – that did things to him. 
Things that made his right hand pick up its pace in need. 
He was greedy in business, and he was greedy as a lover. Right now, especially, as his tongue slid over the backside of the limp cock and his teeth painfully scraped the sensitive skin. No. Not painfully. Donald couldn’t feel it. It didn’t matter – Red could just snap his jaws shut and bite that pretty cock off. He’d always wondered how that would feel. 
He didn’t, though, not now. He needed more. More than his left hand digging into Donald’s thigh (strong muscles there, but all limp, and forever so) and his right one pumping his own cock. Giving Ressler’s dick a last deep suck, he slowly released it from his mouth, savouring the taste on his wet lips and tongue. 
“Good boy”, he drawled. “Such a good boy.”
Getting Donald into a position to fuck him proved to be easier than he would have thought. He just had to pull his body half off the table – in such a way that his ass was right on the edge and he just had to keep the legs up and spread. Reaching over to the mayo stand beside the table, he grabbed the scalpel and, dragging the cold steel across Donald’s cheek without cutting skin, said: “I really wish you’d live to feel this, darling boy. All the fun times we could have had. It’s a real shame.” 
Guiding the scalpel to Donald’s abdomen, he looked into the dead, blue eyes as he made the cut. As if Reddington expected a flinch, a visible sign of pain or pleasure; any reaction at all. But there was only emptiness written across that lovely, white face. Hollow emptiness like an abandoned seashell. 
He didn’t cut too deep, nor too wide; the blood came pooling from the wound and Reddington relished the tepid, thick feeling of it against his fingers. He wanted to dive all in, reach around Ressler’s heart with his very hands or hold his breath and drink him out – tear the cut wide open and maybe, down there somewhere, between organs and blood and torn muscle, he’d find traces of the abundance of Donald’s humanity, and he would swallow it all to make up for his own bestiality. 
He reached two fingers in; could feel the abdominal wall giving in, the layer of skin and muscle parting. His fingers coated in blood, he pulled them out again, resisting the temptation to lick it right off; instead, he coated his cock with it. Pants around his ankles, he positioned himself between Donald’s legs, pulling them up and resting them on his shoulders so the agent’s hole was bare and nice on display.
A smirk spread on Reddington’s face – the hole didn’t look as virgin and unused as he’d assumed. “Naughty boy”, he drawled, “but do not worry, Donald, I won’t tell Audrey.” (Truth to be told – he didn’t even know if they were still engaged; with all the time Ressler spent abroad it would have been fairly likely for her to leave him out of frustration and loneliness. Maybe that was part of the reason why the agent had seemed more determined to catch him during the last couple of weeks.)
Preparation wasn’t neccessary. What for? He couldn’t hurt Donald; could only imagine the pained gasps of pleasure the younger man would surely have given were he alive. He could be as selfish as he wanted with this boy, taking what he needed without giving a damn about his partner’s feelings, desires and boundaries – something he’d never do with a living person. Pleasure, he believed, was to be shared between the consenting partners, after all. 
But Donald couldn’t share his pleasure as he was slowly pushing in, feeling the friction of the unmoving flesh. Not a flinch, not a quiver, not a twitch. Certainly unfamiliar, but not unpleasant – almost like fucking a whore. Unyielding and cool, indifferent and practised. 
He adjusted his hold of Donald’s right leg. Didn’t want it to fall. And then he was all in, right to the base. And dear Lord, that felt good! So much better than his own hand or someone else’s mouth, and he started thrusting, not going all the way in anymore – he needed more, and faster, and his fingers dug deep into the cold skin of Donald’s legs, and he looked at what he had done. 
The pale, gorgeous seashell face with those empty, blue eyes that stared far beyond anyone’s comprehension, that have seen so much hurt and violence in their wake – “Yeah, rest, my boy, oh -” – and the deep cut right under Donald’s ribcage; blood spilling out (he thrust harder), running onto the table and ruining the white tablecloth (not that he minded). 
“Look at you”, he mumbled under his flat breath, “I don’t think you intended to end like this when you joined the FBI, hm?”
What a waste of a young, bright man. Another naive, wide-eyed boy hunting for something bigger than him, some meaning to his life. But hasn’t anybody told him that there was no such thing? That there was only darkness and depravity out there, waiting to catch him, too? 
He pushed in harder, his breath coming in greedy gasps, and he pulled the legs closer to him, slightly changing the angle of his thrusts, and pounded in again and again and again – 
The tablecloth was all red by now, at least where Donald’s torso lay, but the blood didn’t cease to ooze out of the abdominal wound. It was almost hypnotising, the way the incoming light gently trembled on the deep red liquid, spilling over the edge of the layer of skin and muscle with almost each thrust. 
“We’re nearly there”, he panted, “just a little more, Donald – yeah, yeah, you’re doing good –”
He could feel the familiar pressure building up, pressing his hips further forward onto the abused hole, and he knew – only a few more thrusts, very few, and he’d tumble over the edge, drunk and high and untamed. His grip around Donald’s legs tightened; his breath a low groan caught in his throat. And then his gaze fell on Donald’s cock that lay against his stomach, moving along with each of Reddington’s thrusts. Some blood had found its way down there, making the trimmed pubic hair sticky and red, and the few drops that ran down the limp shaft almost looked like precum. 
With a raw moan his hip snapped and blissful release flooded his veins – and Donald’s ass. All his muscles clenched, fingers painfully deep in Ressler’s flesh, and he thrust once again, and again, until he was spent and with a sigh, his face relaxed and he could let go of Donald’s legs, pulling out of him. A mixture of semen and blood dripped from the agent’s hole and Reddington sunk to his knees, unable to stand for the moment; he felt like a rye field during a summer storm. 
The heat of Spain in mid-August came back to Reddington’s consciousness and he wiped the sheet of sweat off his forehead.
He sighed again. Time to call Mr. Kaplan, get rid of this mess. 
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snowpeawritings · 6 years
Hi, long time lurker here requesting for the first time! Can I have scenarios (or headcanons if not possible) of Ren/Akira seriously trying to win back his S/O after borderline-cheating on her (with either Ann or Makoto)? If you could really play up the hurt/comfort factor, that would be great--I'm kind of a sucker for those. Thank you so much!
this got too long who o ps. consider it as thanks for keeping up with my super long hiatus!
Reader is female
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12:00 PM: I’m here at LeBlanc, where are u?
12:30 PM: How long do u have to take to get ready? U must be worse than me lmao
12:53 PM: Srsly where tf r u
1:00 PM: Ur not even in ur room so what the shit akira
             Where are you????
1:38 PM: Oi
You started a call with 💍Darling♥️💍
← Oct 24 at 2:00 PM
Call ended at 2:32 PM
“Not even a seen…” You muttered to yourself as the call ended when you pressed the close button. Wait for as long as you could, it felt like your spam messages aren’t getting through to him. You placed your phone on the counter and sighed, leaning on the counter with your chin propped on your hands. The cafe droned away with only an elderly couple talking and the TV going on with the news.
You clutched your stomach when it was growling. You were supposed to meet with Akira and eat at a cute cafe that just opened in Akihabara but that was supposed to be two hours ago. Sojiro’s curry has never felt more appetizing than it was now.
Speaking of curry, the aroma of the trademark food was stronger than before. You looked down and blinked when you spotted a dish of freshly cooked curry together with a spoon that seemed to have your name engraved on it.
“You looked like you needed it.” A deep voice said in front of you. You looked up to see Sojiro leaning on the counter, a slight tilt on the corner of his lips that seemed like a tiny grin.
Letting a smile cross your face, you thanked the man as you picked up the spoon and dug on the curry. When the flavor hits your tongue, you let out a happy groan of approval when the spices meshed together beautifully in your mouth. For a moment, you forgot what you were even waiting for in Leblanc
“That hungry huh?” He said dryly, raising a brow. “I thought that young girls like you are conscious of eating too much?”
You covered your mouth before speaking. “Me and Akira were supposed to eat somewhere else for lunch so I thought I shouldn’t eat anything.”
With that in mind, you looked down at your almost finished plate, suddenly feeling sick. “Guess that went wrong, huh?”
It wasn’t that the idea of Akira ditching you made you squirm, it was the fact that this was repetitive. You understood that his school work was tiring, but it shouldn’t be so bad as to cancelling dates at the last second for three weeks?
This was too much for you to handle.
You didn’t even realize that Sojiro had his hand on your shoulder, a comforting action that you thanked the man for.
“Well, I know that I’m not much for good company,” He started, “but maybe I can help you feel less lonely.”
Feeling that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, you nodded and began to tell him about whatever topic you could come up with. As time goes on, Akira was the farthest on your mind as you were pleasantly surprised that Sojiro could keep up with you… not that you had any doubt that the old coot is stronger than you in some way.
Sojiro had bidden you goodbye as you exited the cafe. He would’ve walked with you to make sure you were safe but he had to keep the cafe in check despite being the night. He cleaned the plate of your curry (“Free of charge. Don’t wanna charge a lonely lady.”), the sound of water running on the dirty dishes was a calming noise to him as the stress of today’s work flown by. The TV continued on endlessly with the news, the hype of the Phantom Thieves, the sudden hate for the police, and whatever politics that left Sojiro a sour taste in his mouth. He counted the tasks in his head; after washing the dishes, he should turn off the TV and count the bills that he was slightly behind and then—
“Sojiro, I’m home.”
—He should buy some cat food since he doesn’t know why that boy kept the cat in his bag when he goes out. The kid himself walked in with Morgana not-so covertly hiding as he set his bag on the table and stretched his back. An audible crack followed with.
“So where have you been?” Sojiro asked him.
He wasn’t the type to ask him about how his day went but when he remembers your nearly crying face, he had to know.
Akira blinked, looking as though he as well find the question surprising. “I’ve been at my part-time job, the flower shop at the underground mall. Like a law-abiding citizen.”
The slight cheek at the end didn’t went unnoticed. Sojiro blames himself to show the kid his snark. “Check your phone.”
Akira wordlessly drew his phone from his pocket and raised his brow at the sudden influx of message notifications and a missed call. He unlocked his phone and tapped the messenger app. To his horror, he saw your messages and he winced at the different timestamps.
“Judging by that wince of yours, you didn’t even notice your phone going off.” Sojiro concluded, mouth turning into a frown each passing second. “Poor girl had to wait for hours just waiting for you to show up.”
From behind Akira, he heard Morgana seethed through his teeth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Akira did was incredibly idiotic.
“I-I was too busy.” Akira excused quickly. “So I didn’t notice.”
Sojiro clicked his tongue, his patience wavering a little bit. “Like hell you do. You keep talking to her on the phone like it’s the end of the world the moment you let it go. There’s no way that you can miss her calls.”
Yells of his teammates flashed in his mind, the sounds of spells casting out was fresh as the bruises on his skin were beginning to burn. Akira turned his head away from Sojiro’s scrutinizing stare, feeling like he was back at the questioning room. He wasn’t ready for this.
“Well, whatever the hell you did, it made her upset.” Sojiro said, giving up when Akira wouldn’t give a direct answer. “Meet her in person, fix this goddamn relationship of yours and prove that you’re not just another punk.”
If it were any other time, Akira would’ve joked that Sojiro’s words were the most comforting ones that could ever come out of his mouth. But he bit his cheek and nodded, making a mental note to cancel all Phantom Thief meetings for the next week.
You looked at the ‘Seen at 8:52 PM’ and wondered if Akira might be having second thoughts about your relationship.
He didn’t even let you know what he thinks when he saw your onslaught of messages. Then again, maybe he didn’t because he gave you space (which worked… for a while until you lost sleep wondering why the hell did he only seen it). You did recall that he had a part-time job but you were pretty sure that job didn’t take that long.
Not unless he had another activity to go afterwards…
Eyes only focused on the screen, you didn’t notice a familiar figure right in front of your desk. Slim hands covered your own as black hair tickled your forehead.
As much as comforting his voice could be, you didn’t want to even look at his slate eyes. You kept your head down but didn’t bother to remove his hands. He seemed to catch this, however, as he slowly pried your phone away and cupped your hands in his.
“Please, let me explain.”
He was persistent, a trait in which you both hated and loved. You were biased on his persistence that made him worm through your walls and eventually into your heart.
Letting out a sigh, you lifted your head to meet his eyes. Slate eyes that seemingly dripped with a million apologies. If this didn’t happened before, you would’ve apologized to him instead.
“This isn’t the first time, Kurusu.” You whispered. “You know that, don’t you?”
He sighed out through his nose. “I know and I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
“And you better not be wasting it this time.”
He winced, but regained his composure. “I know I messed up but I had a lot to go through and I forgot the time and then—”
Akira paused when he saw your scowl. “My reasons aren’t getting to you, are they?”
You raised your brow.
He sighed, standing up to his full height but still held a grasp on your hands. “Look, I would tell you about my reasons but… I really can’t.”
“Don’t you think that it’s a great time to tell them?” You said dryly.
His mouth suddenly went dry. “I—”
“Save it.” You spat, getting your hands back from him as you glared at his agape expression. “I can’t stop you from whatever it is you do, but you’d think to spare some time for your girlfriend after the first argument?”
Your little outburst garnered a bit of attention from the class so you covered your face with your hands and groaned. “Just please leave me alone.”
You didn’t hear him say anything else but you did hear footsteps slowly receding until they were gone. Letting your head fall down on your desk, you groaned out once more as you felt your eyes water.
If you can’t go to that cafe in Akihabara, then you might as well go their yourself.
The district was teeming with electronic media that it made your eyes hurt from the lights. Not only that, but there were so many cosplayers and anime fanatics that you had to steer clear from. But not matter what the distractions, you were going to eat there and it’s totally not that you were hungry for the cute animal-shaped food.
Spotting the pastel-colored building, you sped up your pace. Your stomach was already growling and the display of foods on the window is making it more prominent. The Rilakkuma-shaped omurice is enticing, but then again the Anpanman bread is super cute as well…
Before you could even decide, you spotted a familiar mop of black hair at the corner of your eye. You would’ve disregarded it but seeing the head of a black cat pop out of its bag was enough to send you reeling.
The person soon disappeared into the crowds. You debated for a while, thinking whether to follow the person or not but the one who was behind you was beginning to pester you on why you weren’t moving.
With a sigh, you ran away from the restaurant and followed the person. You apologized to every person you’ve bumped into, keeping the black-haired person in your sights. Huffing at how fast this person is going, you might as well be chasing Ryuji who removed his hair dye. Still, no one had black hair that curly.
Luckily you were beginning to walk into an open area; an electronics street that not a lot of people visited. Your head craned around for the person, hoping to see them once more for a good look.
Yet like magic, the person appeared in front of an electronics store, with a smaller woman standing next to him–
Suddenly you weren’t feeling so good.
The image of Akira and Makoto together had crushed your insides.
Akira’s habit of staring down at his phone would probably worsen his eyesight.
The strings of messages he’d sent to you went completely unnoticed. Even when he went home after working in the airsoft shop, you didn’t even drop a seen. Maybe he really did screw it up this time.
Setting his bag down on his desk, Morgana leaped out from the bag and stretched his legs. The cat soon caught on with his leader’s attitude. “Is it your lady again?”
Akira took a cursory glance at his feline companion before looking back down at his phone. It didn’t take much for the cat to make a guess.
“I know that we’ve been busy with the whole Phantom Thieves but you know we’re already at a big risk if more people know about us.”
Akira scoffed, looking indignantly at the cat. “You didn’t say anything when Kawakami and Yoshida found out.”
Morgana winced at his words, knowing that among the non-Phantom Thief confidants he’s made already knew of his secrets. “Well… they’re different! They provide valuable assets for the team unlike her!”
“She’s valuable to me.” Akira cut him off. “She’s been there for me despite my records, despite getting the same backlash as I have.”
The phone stared back at him, the hint of his reflection showing his solemn expression. “She makes me happy.”
Morgana sighed through his nose. This was troubling his leader far more than he realized. If this continues on, it would eat Akira from the inside, thus making missions in the Metaverse absolute hell if their leader isn’t in the game.
Sometimes, he loathes being the only sane one in the group.
Before he could even utter his sentiments, a booming voice echoed from downstairs, a voice that both of them never heard being uttered from their caretaker.
“AKIRA!” Sojiro’s voice boomed. “Get your ass in here and start explaining!”
The teen turned to Morgana who had the same shocked expression on his face. Wordlessly, Akira stood up and went downstairs, Morgana following suite. When Akira went downstairs, he saw Sojiro leaning against the counter, a piece of something in his fist and his foot tapping impatiently. His face was twisted in a snarl which twisted even more when he saw Akira come downstairs.
He was afraid to ask but he was probably in shit’s creek already. “Is there something wrong, Sojiro?”
The man didn’t respond at first, letting his angered breathing permeate the room before stomping up to Akira and shoving the object at his chest.
“You’re in deep shit.” He said lowly. “I don’t what the hell were you thinking but you’ve messed up big time.”
He brushed off the pain blooming in his chest from Sojiro’s shove before looking down at the object. The pain soon blossomed into a weight that crushed his heart.
The promise ring that he’s given you was in his hands.
“So that’s it, huh?”
Makoto furrowed her brow when she saw her leader hung his head down. Not once in her life did she ever see the confident Joker look so depressed. His bloodshot eyes were a stark contrast against the bags under his eyes as his glasses were more smudged than ever. Even if she’d given him a cloth to wipe his glasses, she wonders if he didn’t try to remove them when he wiped his tears.
“If I had known this had come to this, I would’ve stopped asking you to come with me when we were checking on one of the students.”
He didn’t say anything, opting to bang his head against the table as he sighed. Maybe the school council room wasn’t best place to conduct a relationship counselling but it was better than anywhere else.
“I don’t know much about you and her, much less relationships in general but I feel guilty for making her leave you.” Makoto said to him. “I’m going to help you get back together with her. No matter what.”
Akira lifted his head and Makoto had to suppress a wince when he looked more miserable like that. “Thanks… I have a plan… and I need your help.”
Makoto Niijima changed in a few weeks and you don’t know whether you liked it or you envied it.
Somehow she grew more confident in the time of the Kaneshiro incident. She was more assertive, more outgoing, more open to helping her fellow students without backing down from her own sense of justice.
That type of confidence is something that you wanted to have. Maybe then Akira would’ve stayed with you.
Speaking of the student council president, you now stared back at the brunette as she warmly smiled.
“Sorry to bother you like this,” She said your name, “but is it okay if you would come to the student council room after school?”
You crossed your arms, not particularly liking where this is going. “For what reason, may I ask?”
She still kept her smile. “You’re not in trouble or anything. It’s just that there are a lot of victims of the Kaneshiro incident that left students in debt. I want to ask them whether they were affected or not so I can ensure that they would be alright.”
You can’t really deny that. A lot of your classmates were victims of the case and even when you pressed them, they would just brush you off. Maybe they didn’t want to involve you in their problems or that you were the girlfriend of Akira. Maybe both.
Letting out a sigh, you nodded at her. When she thanked you, you swore you saw her eyes crinkle with excitement.
Soon, the school bell rang as you packed up your things. Remembering that you had a meeting with Makoto, you begrudgingly went to the room. Maybe if you ditched the meeting, you wouldn’t sock her teeth in everytime the image of her and Akira together pops up in your mind but it just wouldn’t sit right by your morality.
Reaching at the doors, you slid them open and entered. “Niijima-senpai? I’m here.”
You looked around the room before your eyes landed on a figure you never wanted to see. Before you could escape, an audible click resounded behind you as you tried to move the now-locked doors.
“Sorry!” Makoto’s voice echoed behind them. “But it’s for yours and his own good!”
Akira now stood in front of you, his lips pursed into a thin line. He wasn’t looking like his usual, trickster self with his sunken face but your anger clouded that.
“What the shit, dude.” You spat, not even bothering to hide your annoyance.
Akira didn’t say anything. From the corner of your eye, you noticed that he had something in his hand but you didn’t say anything. Not until your anger subsides which will possibly never happen.
Before you could say anything else, he took your hands in his and held them close to his chest. “Whatever you saw, whatever people said to you, they don’t mean anything.”
Your eyes widened when his voice cracked at the end. His original bloodshot eyes were beginning to go redder with each tear rolling down. You never saw this side of him.
“Please…” He whimpered. “Don’t leave me, please. In my time here at Shojin, you were my source of happiness when life brought me down. You made me so happy that I never wanted to let you go…”
His body racked with sobs and soon you felt his tears hit on your face as he let out a pained gasp. You couldn’t even blink, fearing that he might really break down if you turned away from him.
Your back hit the door softly, letting Akira lean on your forehead before sinking down with each passing plea. He had his head on your chest when you felt your own tears forming. Akira didn’t seem to notice you crying, his knees giving away until he was kneeling in front of you, crying in your hands. You felt tears and snot on your hands but you were sure that you weren’t faring better.
“I l-love you t-too much…!” He rasped out, letting go of your hands and instead wrapped his arms around your waist, his head on your stomach. “Don’t leave m-me, please!”
At this point, your sobs were joining with his in the student council room. Without even thinking, you knelt down in front of him and hugged him back. The sight was messy and no one probably noticed Makoto leaving the door unlocked when she heard her leader’s cries.
Throughout the episode, the ring in Akira’s hand felt lighter when you forgave him.
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smt-here · 5 years
Regression Progression
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Pairing : Avengers × reader (platonic, Steve × reader)
Genre : canon, fluff
Warnings : some adorable shits probably and female pronoun for the reader
A/N : I got this idea whilst scrolling through marvel_holic's IG, there's a lot of adorable fanarts and I MELTED. Srsly guys, see for yourself. And I'm not ashamed to say that I cried more than twice from a fanart of baby thor and loki. Not ashamed at all. Contains NO SPOILER for Endgame of any sorts.
It was a regular afternoon in the Avenger's facility.
All is well, everyone had just gotten back from eating lunch together. Steve, Bucky, Tony, Bruce, Thor, and even Peter. Nat and Clint are both back in Clint's home, spending time with his kids and Laura.
As soon as they stepped into the premise of the living quarters, they all grouped up and split.
Upon walking to the building, Tony was greeted by his second assistant-who is having a flirty-ish kind of relationship with Steve- matching steps with his. He claimed the first assistant's job is to manage business matters and the second is for personal avengers-members-only matters, but he really just want the passive old man to date.
"Had a good lunch, Tony?" She asked, not even bothering to look up from her stark tablet.
"You know I do," Tony answered, "had a non fancy-schmancy lunch with everyone, it was a shame you weren't there. That shwarma place near the old building? The lady who owns the place still remembers us apparently, she-"
(Y/N) held a hand up at him, "that was a rhetorical question, I don't actually need any details" she chuckled.
That made Tony rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, Pepper called in earlier, she told me to remind you to take your vitamins and not to take your sleeping pills before 8 pm, she also needs you to confirm Vermont, and lastly, she also said something-that-I-do-not-wish-to-know-in-the-slightest-but-is-now-being-dragged-into-anyways about the prenup you ask her to sign?" (Y/N) raised both eyebrows at Tony who only shrugged his shoulders, "hey, I'm just being cautious"
Bruce then cuts in, "any update from Columbia? They're supposed to-" "called about an hour ago, they're expecting you to be there any time you can"
"That's great! Thanks!" He turned his head to Tony, "we'll continue our project later, I have to go now" he then ran off outside to get his car and off he went to where he was needed.
Once Bruce is out of sight, Tony piped back up, "that man is a child, bless his heart" (Y/N) rolled her eyes at that.
She then briefed him about several calls from the government (in which Tony said "put them on permanent hold, or if they insist, tell them they can suck my left little toe") and some updates from not-Nick-Fury.
"And lastly, I have to update the Captain, do you know wh-"
This time, Tony put his hand up in front of her, "main office building, your desk" then he continued with a sigh, "the man actually had the nerve to say that he needs you to teach him how to use snapchat again when his best friend is a genius" he then rolled his eyes before walking away, throwing a loud "GO GET'EM TIGER" as he walk away.
(Y/N) almost immediately sprinted to the main office building. And true to what Tony said, Steve was there, staring down at his phone before he looked up to see (Y/N) and smiled.
She immediately acted cool, walking oh-so-confidently towards Steve. "Were you waiting for me, soldier?" She asked as she put her stark tablet down on her desk and took a seat.
Steve followed suit, sitting down on the chair accross her with a grin, "figured you didn't had lunch, being Stark's assistant and all, dealing with his shenanigans must be time-consuming". He then put a doggy bag on top of her desk.
Out of curiosity, she took a peek inside only to find shawarma inside. The sweet gesture made (Y/N) want to kiss Steve at that spot, the man was being too adorable. Granted she doesn't really know what shawarma actually is but it's the thought that counts.
"Steve, you are seriously the sweetest, I owe you one" she said while smiling brightly like a fool. Well, actually the both of them are grinning like two lovestruck puppies.
Steve cleared his throat before slightly leaning in, "you can repay me by-"
His words were cut off my a loud explosive sound paired with a short yet harsh shake.
It took them both seconds from looking at each other to sprinting for dear life towards the living quarters.
But when they got there, the place were quiet. Everything seems to be in place as if nothing had happened.
"Do you think that was just an earthquake?" (Y/N) asked as they kept walking through the abnormally quiet hallway. "Not sure, it could be... But... I don't know, an earthquake seems too si-"
He was then stopped when (Y/N) grabbed the sleeve of his shirt. At first Steve was confused. But then his gaze followed her own and saw something he'd never expected to see.
After a long pause, Steve broke the silence, "Oh no... Are those-" "yup" "in a-" "I think so"
If it wasn't because of a sudden cry, they'd probably still be rooted on their spot.
(Y/N) was the first to react. She immediately locate the source of the sound only to find a small brunette baby in Peter's blue flannel.
"Awww, aren't you the cutest little baby boy" she coos as she scooped him up into her arms and rocked him sideways to calm him down.
Steve on the other hand had found baby Tony. Baby Tony was on the desk, nipping on the handle of a screwdriver. He looked around and saw baby Thor was trying to pull the now-3-or-4-times-his-body-size Stormbreaker, and baby Bucky was on all fours, staring confusedly at his metal arm that is now laying cold on the floor.**
(Y/N) walked over to him with the now-calm baby Peter in her arms. "What do you think happened here?" Steve asked. (Y/N) looked at baby Tony, then the desk, and then at the fuming machine. "My guess is this machine is at fault" she said as she pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
Though she was talking, Steve couldn't help but stare dumbly at how adorable she looks holding baby Peter in her arms, patting him on the back, rocking sideways, as the wheels in her head turns.
That broke his daze. He blushed in embarassment, "y-yeah, sorry, I was- what is it?" He stuttered. (Y/N) nudged her head to the side, "please get Bucky, he's getting away" Steve looked to where she was nudging her head to and scrambled immediately to get Bucky before he crawled off even further.
Steve held little Bucky up to his face and cringed, "this is weird..." but then the little thing giggled as he tries to reach his chubby hands up to Steve's face which made Steve smiled fondly, "but damn it he's adorable"
(Y/N) sighed, "we have to do something about this..." Peter was in his own world, nibbling on (Y/N)'s shoulder, "God, this is beyond my pay grade" she said as she reached down to prevent Thor from cutting his own face with Stormbreaker.
Steve put Bucky next to Tony before taking his phone out, "I reckon Banner knows how to fix this" he dialed his number and waited for Bruce to pick up.
As he does so, (Y/N) had decided to get creative. She went to the living room to rearrange the couches to make a makeshift playpen. Steve helped putting each babies inside the playpen while FRIDAY kept trying to reach Bruce.
"Call unanswered, should we try someone else?" FRIDAY asked.
Steve rested his elbows on the countertop and sighed, "No, Banner is the only one who knows about this, we shouldn't inform anyone else..." he sighed, "But I don't know... (Y/N), what do you-"
And once again, for the second time that day, Steve found himself awestruck at the sight of (Y/N), baby Peter on her lap, laughing away happily as she make funny faces at him, baby Thor and Bucky leaning onto either of her side, one sucking on his own thumb and the other sucking on a spoon dipped in yogurt as they watch cartoon on the tv, Tony on the other hand was hitting the table with a spoon, pretending to be fixing or tinkering or something.
No one, he thought, would've been as pretty as her, being surrounded by babies like that. It warmed his old traditional heart.
He walked closer and sat himself right next to her, moving Bucky up on his lap who immediately snuggled closer due to his warm body heat.
(Y/N) realized that Steve had sat himself next to her, grinning. She chuckled sheepishly, "I love babies" she uttered, still kind of embarassed. "That's not something to be embarassed about" he reassured.
"So, how's trying to reach Bruce?" She asked as she repositioned Peter on her lap so he's sitting up and facing the tv. "No luck, maybe he's still doing his business matters? I don't know" he sighed, "but we're both stuck with..." he trailed off, looking at the helpless beings, "four babies and no experience".
That made (Y/N) rolled her eyes, "wow, what a sunshine" she said, scoffing at the end which earned her a raised eyebrow from Steve, "there's the two of us, plus Happy is on standby, and I DO have experience with babies" she smirked coyly.
Without missing a beat, she immediately ordered FRIDAY to contact Happy to tell him to buy things that they may need.
It took nearly an hour for Happy to arrive with three large bags in hand.
(Y/N) approached him with an annoyed look, "God, what took you so long? We asked you to go to the store, not Canada" (Y/N) took some of the bags and put it down onto the countertop. Then she took out the bottles and cartons of milk to heat.
"There weren't any baby bottles in the regular shop nearby, and there was traffic! It's New York for God's sake, a- what are those?" Happy stopped rambling once he saw Steve juggling two crying babies in his arms, while the others are playing on the floor. "(Y/N), please tell me you did not kidnap three babies and have Steve assist you, because I swear I want no part in this"
Steve stepped in and explained what happened to Happy who looked like he had just seen a ghost the second he realized his boss is now a baby.
"Okay, okay, okay... So how can I help? What do I need to do?" Happy asked, looking more calm than he originally was just a minute ago.
(Y/N) came back into the conversation, two bottles in hand. She took Peter from Steve's arms and gave him one bottle to feed Tony as she feed Peter.
"We need you to go to Columbia University, find Bruce, explain the situation, and get his ass here as soon as possible" she said sternly. Happy nodded and scurried off inmediately.
Once Happy's gone, (Y/N) went back to the couch to get comfortable while feeding Peter. Steve followed suit.
In a state of total confusion, Steve found himself oddly quite calm. It made no sense. There he was, feeding one of his best friend that had regressed into an infant with a bottle of milk while his crush is feeding his mentee. Oh and not to mention there's a baby that was born in 1917 that is also his childhood best friend and also one that is at least a millenium.
A regular person might have a stroke whilst trying to comprehend or even slightly process the situation. But not Steve. No.
The person next to him help himself feel safe. At home.
A chitauri fleet could be taking over at that moment and he'd take care of them like a walk in a park.
Peter had finished his meal and is now being helped burping. (Y/N) taps his back softly in the same spot repeatedly which is kind of ironic considering how she would literally drag Peter by his ears if she found him trying to prank her or help Tony destroy something in the compound.
All was adorable until Peter vomited out some of his milk onto (Y/N)'s blouse and it dribbled down onto the back of her pants.
Both Steve and (Y/N) gasped in unison. (Y/N) pulled Peter away from her body to look at him.
Honestly, Steve was kind of expecting her to get kind of mad. But her reaction had once again caught him off-guard.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, did you just threw up on me? You messy baby" she said as she reached to the coffee table on the side of the couch to grab some tissue to clean Peter's mouth, "the last time some guy threw up on me, I left him alone in a cab 20 minutes away from my apartment. You're lucky you're adorable" she grinned.
Steve put Tony down on the couch and grab Peter from (Y/N), "I got him, you go ahead and change into one of my shirts and briefs, you can just leave your clothes in my load, I'll wash them for you"
It was pointless to even try to argue with Steve. So (Y/N) only nodded and went to his room to change.
Steve on the other hand, was cleaning Peter's mouth and drops of milk on his shirt while simultaneously making sure Tony is not falling off.
Not long after, (Y/N) came back with his shirt that was so big, it reached her mid-thigh, concealing the briefs she borrowed completely. Her hair was tied neatly and it accentuates her features perfectly. And by all Gods there is, Steve almost had a nosebleed when he realized he wasn't dreaming.
She immediately positioned herself between Bucky and Thor on the floor, sitting cross-legged with her back comfortably rested on the couch and they almost immediately attached themselves to (Y/N). Both babies looked happy seeing her. Thor even had a huge grin that could split his face in half.
"Hey Steve," she turned her body a little to look at Steve, "how long do you think this is going to last?" Steve raised an eyebrow, "I don't really know, but I don't think this is like a cold that will just go away on its own... Why'd you ask?"
(Y/N) pouted a little that made Steve smiled softly at her.
She moved Bucky and Thor to sit on both sides of her thighs. Steve does the same, he moved to her right side with Tony and Peter on his thighs. This time (Y/N) reacted, she giggled at how completely dad-like he looked and it made her insides all soft and mushy.
"It's just that I like them better like this," she began while stroking Bucky's head softly, "their rowdiness and neediness are adorable unlike their adult forms" then she looked at Steve, "can we keep them all like this? Or at least let me keep baby Peter, I'm not supposed to, but he's my favorite out of them all" she giggled.
Steve was just about to tease her, but FRIDAY cut him off.
"Incoming call from Dr. Banner"
Both Steve and (Y/N)'s eyes widened.
"Answer" Steve said and merely seconds after, Bruce's long-awaited voice was heard, "hey guys, I heard about what's going on-"
Steve cut him off before he could continue, "Banner, how quickly can you come here? We don't know what happened but we need you to fix it as soon as possible, we can't keep the whole team like this"
Bruce sighed on the other line, "I'm sorry Steve, but I'm actually in the middle of a lecture and I still have an interview after this. It's actually about the project me and Tony has been working on, the machine that blew up, it's a mollecular altercation device to-"
"Bruce!" (Y/N) was the one who cut him off this time, annoyed at his prolonged explanation, "cut to the point please" "huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. So, I still need to be here until later, but I promise I'll come back as soon as I can and fix the machine. But there's a chance that you both might need to babysit until at least tomorrow"
Steve and (Y/N) didn't know how to reply to that.
They were both having mixed feelings about being burdened with babysitting the should-be adults. Not to mention, they're their friends, so it could get weird.
Somewhere along the silence, Bruce ended the call, saying that he's needed back, leaving the two by themselves.
This is going to be a long night.
Part 2 ??
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byul-bit-arae · 6 years
Boyfriend Taeyong
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“When I fall in love, it will be forever.  Or I’ll never fall in love. In a restless world like this is–   Love is ended before it’s begun. And too many moonlight kisses, Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun."
*Silently slides this across the table and leaves* I'll just leave this here.
Ok but
Ok ok ok 
*Grabs tissues, blankets, desserts* gotta get real ready for this now
*Pushes up virtual glasses bc I always forget to wear mine shh we don't talk about that* boyfriend taeyong you say?
Ok jk come back ere I would die everyday for one (1) human being and that's Lee Taeyong
.. wait wat
This kid dude is literally t h e best bf you could ever have like what ????
You see all those shitty posts/texts/ads about perfect boyfriends??? Yeah just like that
Or maybe better
Way better
Taeyong would love you with A L L OF HIS HEART 
He's basically a five-year-old who only sees you, and like, nothing else.
Except for chocolate but like, nothing else
Like before you guys start dating
And that would probably be a GOOD while bc this pure lil child doesn't even know what dating is (no I'm serious have you seen that article)
Srsly tho 
Not just that but he seems to me like the type to take relationships very seriously 
Like blind dates and one night stands wouldn't be his thing, he wouldn't fancy them and just, no
He probably believes in those fictional perfect love stories
And is well aware it might take time to find the right person and is okay with waiting his whole life for it
He just secretly hopes it's soon k
And then he meets u
And wow Lee Taeyong the quiet cold-ish dude who?
When he saw you the first time he could swear he got like star struck or something
He gets all flustered at everything you do and he doesn't know why
Like you smile and he's a mess, you just sit there and he's a mess, you pout and he's a mess, you look at him and he's a M E S S ™
And he doesn't even know why bc he never felt like this towards someone
He'd probably meet you through one of the members
Yuta, your close friend, finally decided to introduce you to his 'brothers'
He calls them his brothers but then it took him like three years to introduce you guys bc he's one hell of an overprotective best friend, or mom, over you
"Hey guys I can't believe I'm doing this but this is my little cute precious best friend Y/N and no you can't talk to her"
"Um yuta pls calm down"
So the first meeting goes on great I mean the guys are all super kind and funny 
And so you start meeting them more often!!
And Taeyong--
istg this kid--
Like he sees you, and some fictional chibi monster starts gnawing at his insides
Like you noticed how he's kind of quiet around you and stuff but then yuta reassured you saying he's just a bit introverted and it'd take him time to open up
Bc tbh you actually thought he didn't really fancy your presence?? Since he looked really quiet and basically expressionless? and you'd like catch him glaring holes into your head from the corner of your eye??
So it'd take him some time to start being comfortable around you
Considering that he's an introvert; a whipped introvert to be exact
But eventually you guys will get friendlier
And that would make him know more stuff about you and wow he never thought he could like you even more but here we are ??
Also the way you take care of the dreamies just !!! Makes his heart go !!!!!!
You just find them really cute and feel the need to protect them from all evil
Also winwin, bc take notes, winwin invented cute 
And how you'd be especially close to mark 
And you'd be his fav noona too
And how you're so so kind w the older guys too
And Taeyong just-- admires you so so much
Bc he loves his friends so dearly and the fact that you love them too and take care of his beloved ones makes him so happy, he just appreciates it a lot
And legit keeps staring at you from a distance with a sweet smile as you put a scarf over jisung before he goes out or you hand winwin a new book about Korean poetry that you bought for him
And then probably Johnny passes by and lightly smacks his head to wake him from his day dreams and whispers
"Dude stop that's so creepy"
Oh btw
Everyone in the dorm knows about his crush on you
E V E R Y O N E .
Probably even their pets
This child is so bad at not getting flustered at the mere thought of you someone protecc
And the guys tease him the whole time omg
Like even the younger ones
He swears to ground them like ten times a day but ends up forgetting bc he'd be so flustered
You probably get left in the dorm alone w him
Don't ask me how yuta agreed to that ok I might be the author but evEN IDK K BYE.
And so you start chatting
Probably while cleaning the mess made by another seventeen wild horses
And you both find it funny how at first you were so so distant and awkward
And now here you are casually picking up chenle's underwear from the floor and throwing it with the laundry
And you tell him how you thought he was unfriendly at first and he laughs it off
And he tells you how he watched how you treated his brothers before opening up to you
And you're like ooOooOOoH so that's why, I thought you were glaring @ me and you actually hated me
And you're like wait what
And he's like wait what.
"Taeyong it's okay I like you too
It's actually really relieving since I thought you didn't feel the same so I was a bit gloomy"
And then he apologizes for the misunderstanding
And at that moment jeno barges in and he's like um sorry am I interrupting something
And before you say anything he's like oh shit I'm really interrupting something sorry BYEEEE
But then he opens the door again and he's like okay ONE last question hyung did you ask her out yet
And ty is like jeNO I SWEAR TO GOD
And then when jeno leaves bc he realizes he needs to run for his life or else he'll spend the night in the streets,
It's really awkward before you're like
"so uh.. how about we grab some coffee? Like a first date?"
And taeyong tries his best to muster up a good answer until the word "date" leaves your mouth and he's like 1010101010011101 error shutdown sorry.
Anyways so you go out to this cute coffee shop and that's your first awkward date full of tingling feels and chibi monsters gnawing on your insides.
You probably frequent that coffee shop a lot more often after that
Bc coffee shop dates w taeyong are just so adorable
And he's adorable
*mark silently dragging my crying whipped ass away*
Arcade dates are also your thing
Since he's a little bit too obsessed with games
He loves museums too so he'd bring you to a lot of them
Especially art museums
And you're like why should we go when I've got a whole piece of art in front of me
And he blushes and smiles
Late late night dates
Where you just walk around like fools at like three in the morning bc neither of you could sleep
And you probably grab some ice cream
Okay I'm making it sound like you'd be such an outdoor couple when you're not lmao
Okay not rlly
But my point is that you'd prefer cuddling in bed all day over any of those
Not only in bed but really everywhere
Y'all are just so cute and soft
Skinship skinship and a lot of skinship
He can't stay like ten seconds without touching you
idk like he has to grab your hand or hug you or have you hug him or juST BE IN PHYSICAL CONTACT W YOU OK LIKE HE MIGHT DIE OR SMG OK
But there are some small cute things you notice he likes
Like back hugging you when you're doing literally anything
Like you'd be cooking or washing the dishes or freaking wiping away the dust or just looking out the window and he'd waddle to you as if his skinship'o'meter is hitting a critically low level and he needs urgent recharge
He'd then slowly wrap his arms around you so so gently yet you still feel like his whole world depends on that hug
90% of the time he'd rest his chin on your shoulder
Okay not his chin but technically press his lips against your shoulder, crook of neck, neck, collarbones, hairline, the skin behind your ear, your jawline, basically anywhere he could reach
Like they aren't even kisses his lips would just ever so softly ghost around your skin and his nose would nuzzle your crooks
You're dead if you're ticklish
He also likes intertwining fingers
Like not even all fingers but two or three
He'd love link your index and ring fingers as you walk, lay around and whenever he holds your hand which is often
He love love loves when you play with his hair
Kittyong anybody?
Esp as you praise him
Or you cup his cheeks and then your hands slowly creep to his ears and then to play with the hair on the back of his head
Or simply when you're laying down as he rests on your chest
He looooves doing that
Like he doesn't even care if you're boobless he just really loves that 
Sometimes while having really deep conversations
Or when you're cheering him up if he's ever having a rough time
Like you'd gently caress his hair as you tell him all the things you love about him
If he's really really down he'd silently cry and hugs you tighter 
And then end up falling asleep to your soft soothing voice and touch
He's usually very cheerful and hyper though
You'd love spending time in the kitchen tgt
Flour fights aren't that common bc he's usually tidy but they do happen so watch out
He loves cooking for you
And LOVES when you cook for him
Like even the simplest things
You don't really have to be that good at cooking like you'd crack him an egg and he'd be as happy as if you've served him a full course meal
He'd teach you how to cook but wouldn't let you do it like tf
He says to use those skills when he's not home
Although whenever he's leaving for some time he'd stack up the fridge w food that would probably last a year
Very random kisses
Like very random listen to me
You'd be like watching TV or something and he'd suddenly turn and peck your cheek then go back to watching
And you're like ?????
And he's like nothing I just wanted to do it
And you're like ????? uwu
Man I could talk about him all day but no one can afford this 
This is already way longer than all my other boyfriend posts wsdswdsdwdswdws
He just wants to be loved okay give my boi some sarang
Just kidding give him all the sarang lmao
No really I'm serious.
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kestrellavellan · 6 years
Hey there! First of all I want you to know that I consider your Kestrel as the canon inquisitor for me, I really like how you write him in your fics and his character design is amazing! I tried to recreate him the other day and I couldn't manage, he's so beautiful! Srsly, those blue eyes are everything! Second of all, I hope you wouldn't mind answering questions 12, 13, 14, 15, 31, 47, 48 and 50 of the inquisitor ask meme :) give Kestrel kisses and hugs from me ;)
Okay, so...I just rediscovered my inbox, anon.  I am so sorry.  I don’t even know how old this is and if you’re still out there, anon, but better late then never, I say!
First off, thank you so, so, so much for loving Kestrel and his blue eyes.
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Secondly, the questions!
12. Did they drink from the Well of Sorrows? Why or why not?
Yes, Kes did.  Being the resolute Dalish he is, he couldn’t image giving something so personal to his people to an outsider like Morrigan.  Even though he’s no mage and Dorian was 100% against it, Kes still drank.  For better or for worse.
13. What did they think of Solas?
Kes looked up to Solas like a hahren.  He valued everything he said and it weighed heavily into his decisions.  Despite Solas not being a fan of the Dalish as they are today, Kes still did his best to try to win his favor and his praise.  Which means he was absolutely crushed when Solas betrayed him and ruined everything Kes thought he knew about his people.  That was a tough day for him.
14. Who is their favourite and most trusted adviser?
This is a hard question because while they all had value to Kes, he was never incredibly close with any of them.  He knew he could consult with Cullen on any military prowess questions and Leliana on anything requiring more subtlety.  Josephine was always on his case about wearing dreaded shem shoes and ignoring all the overt racism, but still gave him sound advice on politics.  He helped them all out on their personal missions too, just never grew very close with any of them.
15. Out of the followers/companions, who are they most comfortable around?
Which leads perfectly into the next question because Kes had ample friends in his companions!  Sera, by far, is Kes’ best friend.  In Skyhold, she always seemed to know when he needed to smile, pulling out the most tasteless pranks on his worst days. >:)  (In no particular order for the rest) Of course, Bull also helped Kes loosen up and relax with a drink at the tavern and always offered to listen when Kes needed someone to vent to.  If Kes ever needed a quiet place to retreat, Blackwall made it clear he could join him in the barn.  The gentle scraping of wood as Blackwall carved his griffin helped settle Kes’ nerves even in the worst of times.  Cassandra he went to when he needed a no-nonsense opinion.  Kes also found that she was the best at offering up romantic ideas when he was stumped with Dorian.  Cole always knew when Kes was closing up or shutting down and would force him to let out his feelings, even it was a bit uncomfortable for him.  Varric, on the other hand, knew when not to push and would spend the hours telling inane stories and distracting Kes when he needed it most.  Solas was the reasonable one, someone Kes looked to for advice on the big decisions.  He also was a calming, older elven presence that Kes would seek out when overwhelmed by all the humans.  Vivienne was the one he connected to the least.  He always felt like she saw him for who he truly was - an impostor and someone undeserving of the title Inquisitor.  Lastly, there’s Dorian.  Dorian was not only the love of his life, he gave Kes life.  He breathed it into him with every kiss until their hearts beat as one. (such a sap, I know :P)
31. Did they let Solas kill the mages?
Oh yeah.  Kes had no idea what mage crap was happening and followed Solas’ advice.  All he saw were more humans trying to enslave a poor spirit and let Solas do what he wanted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
47. What do they think about the Champion of Kirkwall?
Kes hadn’t heard much of Garrett Hawke before meeting him but he liked his self-deprecating humor and quick wit.  Also, the fact that he was in love with an elf (Fenris) earned him major brownie points.
48. What do they think about the Hero of Ferelden?
Before becoming Inquisitor, Kes didn’t know much of the world outside of the Free Marches.  I mean, he knew of the HoF but more as a legend than a person and only through snippets passed along through trades with other Clans and some humans.  Even as Inquisitor, he’s not convinced he knows any more truth than he did before.
50. Are they proud of what they accomplished?
This is a tough question for Kes.  He was thrown into the role of Inquisitor unwillingly and either had to sink or swim.  Kes knows he did good as Inquisitor and he knows he helped many people.  For that he’s proud.  But the politics, the racism, both overt and obscure, and the criticism and skepticism at the end of Trespasser in Halamshiral left a bitter taste in his mouth.
I’m sorry for the long post but I hope this answers your questions about Kes!
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cheryltanxr · 6 years
Wow, camp came and went by so fast. Mainly, it was just full of work, work, and work. But I thank God that in the end, I still received so much from Him. I came to camp with expectations and I’m happy that God met almost all of them. He didn’t answer a question that I had, a question that’s been running long in my mind. And after today, I’m not sure what to do about that question at all.
But anyway, enough of my personal problems!!! I’M SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF MY WORSHIP TEAM!!! I couldn’t have done it without anyone of them. I thank God for placing me in the right time and right place and the right people, because I learnt so much from this experience.
I’m so thankful for the sound team, who has put up with request after request from me and my musicians. Lionel and Fabian (and Joy) were so understanding and even stayed back during dinner time to help out with our soundcheck.
I’m so grateful for a hardworking and understanding team who also skipped dinner on the 2nd night. This team, my klang team, has made me prouder than ever. Though we had our ups and downs, we pulled through tgt and managed to be vessels during the altar call. Special thanks to Reuben who belanja-ed mcD in the end for the whole worship team.
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my night 2 team hehe.
And then I am also thankful for my night 3 team!!! even though the combined team was a mixture of different church cultures, I’m so proud of everyone for preserving the spirit and unity during the entire time. It was my pleasure serving with the combined team. Special thanks to Isabel, Charissa, Kay Cher, and Gabby for putting up with us karat klang ppl.
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night 3!!!!
I have no pictures of night 1 cos I missed it due to college. But I am also equally proud of Kay Hui for being my rep and handling the PJ team on the PJ side. What I witnessed in the morning session made me really happy that I have a bunch of talented people in the worship dept. Continue serving and pursuing Him guys!!
There are a few ppl I have to thank that made this dept successful. The first, are my music directors, who without them, we would be blind going into every session. Thanks Kay Hui, Ethan, Chermaine, and Kay Cher for leading us. We really appreciate it. Ethan and Chermaine who were first time MD’s really stepped up to the plate and made me so happy to see them growing. (Everything else will be in the cards I give to y’all.)
Next, the musicians. (there are too many to name) Without you guys, there is no band. And with no band, there’ll be no praise and worship. Thank you for sticking through every tough practice and for putting up with my ramblings. Love all of y’all. I’m especially proud of Teo who learnt the number system, and of isaac, who after not playing drums for at least a year, stepped back in like it was no problem for him. I’m grateful for Gabby for reminding me that we all started somewhere once, and I hope she continues to grow further in playing the piano.
Thirdly, my singers!!!! What a talented bunch!!! You guys impress me every single time. I’m so blessed to be able to call some of you my friends. It was really fun to be able to be with you guys on stage and watch y’all lead the crowd into God’s presence. (The rest will be in the cards.)
And last, but not least: MY AMAZING REP KAY HUI! srsly, idk how she managed to work with me. I admit I can be tough to work with. But she put up with every request I had, every new thing I wanted to try. Though we have a difference in cultures, I learnt a lot from her because she reminded me of when I first started training under Swee. Kay Hui was a reminder of why I got into this in the first place, a reminder that God is who we serve and we should keep all our praise for Him.
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My rep!! Hehehe.
And really finally, thank you to those of you who saw me when I first came into the youth and believed in me. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be where I am. Especially Aaron Koh, who always believed I could do it no matter how hard the circumstances. Josh, who always says I have it in me, I just have to calm down and take a step back. Sam, who listened to wtv rants came her way when I’m frustrated about camp. The two Swees, who believed in me even when no one did, who put up with so much of my shit and reading all the screenshots and helping me with solutions. And also sheela, who prayed for me on the 3rd night which gave me the relief that I needed. and also my wong bros and Chermaine who always pushed me to be better in wtv I do.
And lastly, I owe God all the thanks and glory. Without Him placing me in this place with these people, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
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ythmir-writes · 7 years
it’s probably been done but lemme just add to it so here we go
Leo Crawford - being an actual, living and breathing encyclopedia, Leo is the person you want for objective type questions. Great help when it comes to last minute tips since he can give answers to random questions popping in your head. Probably can win gameshows back to back but doesn’t want the publicity. Can’t remember the distance to the sun? When exactly was it that Carthage got burned? That very specific provision of the tax law regarding exemptions given to corporations employing people with disabilities? He knows it all, and then some. Helps you make flashcards for better memory skills. THE PERSON YOU WANT TO STAY UP LATE WITH because srsly Leo get some sleep. The person everyone goes to after exams so he makes it a point to finish early and escape. Don’t ask how he remembers so much information in his head; he’ll quiz you and you might get distracted because with every wrong answer, you owe him a kiss 
Louis Howard - best study buddy ever because he calms down your nerves. You see him poring over the materials and all you can think of is that must be how gods look at sacred texts. That, and whenever you can’t understand something he explains it in a way that makes it easily understandable (or is it because of his voice?) Motivates you always to give 100 percent in everything because his very existence is inspiring. Almost always ready to go with you to a cafe to study. Avoids the library like the plague (because too many students) Sends you motivational quotes over social media. Probably snacks on healthy food and gives you some because they say it helps. Unfortunately, HE IS NOT the one you want to sit next to when it’s actually exams. Chiller than the airconditioning that’s making you sweat. Doesn’t even sweat even when answering ridiculously long math questions. Amazing.
Sid - He’s almost always in your face but conveniently disappears whenever you’re in study mode. As a matter of fact, almost completely leaves you alone whenever you’re at your desk, except to check on you that you aren’t forgetting to eat or drink or relax. Actually quite nurturing when hell week is just around the corner. Makes a wicked cocktail that he swears doesn’t contain uppers but you’re very very focused after a good night sleep. Very prone to placing random snacks on your table which may also contain random sample questions to help you prepare. Scoffs at you when you feel down because you haven’t finished reviewing - and the next day suddenly a summary of important points is at your table waiting to be read. ABSOLUTELY THE PERSON you want to approach if you want materials - whatever those materials may be: annotated notes from last year’s valedictorian, powerpoint presentations from a professor who doesn’t want his laptop touched, sample exams and suggested answers dating back to 20 years ago, that one book your professor swears by but has gotten out of print? He’s got you covered. 
Giles Christophe - Probably will scold you a bit for not sticking to a study schedule but will help you cram (not recommended). Even in this AU, it is very much discouraged to have him help you cram because you feel like your brain is going to explode with the info overload. BUT has notes for everything. Everything. The entire textbook has been annotated by him. IT IS A MESS tho. No sentence was left unhighlighted. Even has notes of his own notes. Has notes of other people’s notes. Has notes for professor’s notes even, with scribbled emojis and recommendations on how to improve them. Gives you very good sample questions that feel like they’ve been plucked straight from national exams. The kind of well-crafted questions that you hate because it took you 30 mins to answer each bloody hypothetical problem, but will be grateful for because it was a really good question and it appeared in the exams - whaaaaa? YES GILES HAS 90% ACCURACY at predicting questions it’s infuriating and also super helpful for practice tests. Sometimes you wonder how he’s able to do it. Has an annoying (but super convenient)  way of knowing exactly what the teacher wants to read on the essay questions since he gets near perfect points for everything and he didn’t even get the answer right and you kindofhateithimforit. 
Byron Wagner - study? what study? Or rather, when is Byron bloody Wagner not studying?? What we call study is actually leisure for him - have you seen him do anything except read and stare at the stars communicating with the Elder GOds? NOPE. The person you want to stick with at the VERY BEGINNING OF THE SEMESTER because his work ethic will put you to shame. The kind of student you wished you were, which helps you get motivated and also maybe partially depressed; because can he please tone down on the prodigy aura? And what do you mean you didn’t even highlight your books?? Engages in long hours of discussion with Leo about certain topics; probably tag-teams with Leo and Giles to debate with professors too. Has a certain knack of breaking down difficult theories into bite-sized chewable paragraphs. That, and he never shoves it in your face that you should do better (take a hint, Giles) Srsly. Stick with him to the very bitter end. Will splurge and treat you when you show him how much you’ve improved. Will still splurge even if you didn’t. Byron is happy you’re trying and believes all effort will bear fruit.
Nico Meier - very very very enthusiastic when you declared that it’s start of hellweek and you need to get down and dirty. Did not actually get the memo that you meant down and dirty with academics. Was very confused when you showed up in PJs with stacks of papers you ordered from Sid. Is constantly hovering to tell you you need to take a break. Always volunteers to make you tea and snacks. Helps you shopping for stationery, pens, sticky-notes - all the ammunition you need for studying because he knows all the sweet spots: thrift stores, quaint coffeeshops to spend 12 hours in, 24 hour hobbyshops that get quiet past midnight so you can hole up in a room without a bed. Very very very helpful in everything sans the actual studying because he’s actually a very loud learner: memorizes things out loud, has hilarious/scandalous mnemonics for every goddamn enumeration there is, listens to recorded lectures without moving a muscle; sends you memes in the middle of the night about how time will pass but WILL YOU??? You study with him and you’ll end up laughing how he comes up with all the fun. It’s hellweek, you should be crying but Nico just knows how to cheer you up to your core. 
Albert Bruckhardt - went to seminars on how to curate schedules and has an ENTIRE MASTERPLAN dedicated to helping you ace the exam. Ohboy, get ready to have your entire life study schedule re-arranged for the sake of the coveted passing grades. Leaves you wondering how little you know of time management and your own schedule. Is very strict during study sessions, and knows you have a soft spot when he smiles and uses it against you thesneakylittle . HAS APPS FOR EVERYTHING. AN EMBODIMENT OF what is good in studyblr community. Doesn’t take it too seriously if it took you extra hours before being able to finish a review? No problemo, Al’s already got a plan B. And C. And D. Seriously, this man can run a multi-billion corporation on his own.  You learn the meaning of preparation, and he’s living the lifestyle. After the exams, you feel like you’ve fundamentally changed as a person godbless
Robert Branche - heavensent because he’s tutored you before and knows your strengths and weakness. That, and his part-time job as a tutor has helped honed his teaching skills to an art form. Whenever he’s tutoring you, you feel like you’ve just enrolled in another academy all of a sudden. Patient. Kind. Understanding. Knows how to push you without pushing too hard because he knows you’ve already got enough on your plate and just wants to be supportive. Leaves random handwritten messages in your notes to help you smile. Somehow knows whenever you’re in a slump and listens as you rant AND GIVES YOU good advice too. Makes sure none of the younger boys interrupt or get in your way when you’re on study-mode. ACTUALLY ADMITS things when he doesn’t know them and makes it a point that both of you learn together but those instances are far and few in-between. You know Robert is on the top of his class but the question is, you’ve never actually seen Robert hit the books since he’s almost always at the art club. HOW????? 
Alyn Crawford - the only sane person in the entire world whom you feel like you connect with because both of you are normal compared to the eight other men. He’s got acads troubles just like you do - I mean it’s not because he’s more inclined to home economics or because he’s not as smart but it’s just that he cannot be bothered. HAS A SURPRISING LAZY SIDE when it comes to acads. He’s like your comrade and the academics are the Enemy. STILL VERY SUPPORTIVE. Will listen to you ramble because he knows you learn better when you try to explain things to other people - and please he’d really rather you explain it to him than to anyone else. Loves cooking for you whenever both of you are up for a long night. Loves cooking for you, just because. His coffee is not as good as his twin’s but hey, it’ll do and seriously, with the two of you throwing questions at each other, staying awake is the least of your worries. Like his twin, Alyn loves contests and that’s what makes studying with him unique. For every wrong answer, a household chore is gonna fall on your shoulders. That or a set of push-ups or shooting hoops. Because physical activity helps memory?? PLEASE. You’re skeptical but Alyn isn’t backing down and hubris isn’t letting you back away either. 60% of the time both of you are goofing off and Leo and Louis act as referees, shouting sample questions from Sid and Giles at the sidelines; until Giles calls all of you over because guys, you’re not getting any studying done. AT ALL.
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chiliadicorum · 7 years
The mystery of Elrond and Elros’ “captivity”. I put that in quotes only because I think it became less stringent in term as the years passed by. And this has absolutely nothing to do with Elwing, so no one needs to get their hackles up. Heck, it’s not even really about Maedhros and Maglor.
But I just love the depth of the mystery of the twins’ time with them. I’ve seen the raging debates, the calmer discussions and metas. It’s all very interesting and I can’t count the number of various fics I’ve read (or art I love) revolving around that time. I was reading another post a little bit ago (yes, containing the good/bad parent Elwing good/bad parents Maedhros&Maglor talk) and it just hit me how I really don’t care what the answer is. Not that I haven’t developed my own theories or hcs and stuff, but just that I’m okay with Tolkien never telling us.
Am I making any sense? I may be alone here, but I really love the gigantic question mark hanging over that section in the lore, that time in the Elves’ recorded history for what it suggests about their society. 
Because this was all written by their loremasters, and those scholars not supplying an answer implies that all those Elves are wondering just like we are. Having the same debates and discussions just like we do, spilling theories and opinions based on hearsay or conjecture. There are hints and small details they may glean, logical speculations to the most outrageous and they’re never truly able to arrive at an answer. Elrond and Elros are the only two who know, and then only Elrond after Elros dies. Even long after into the Third Age people still look at Elrond and wonder.
I have no doubt Elrond maybe told those he was really close to what it was like growing up with the Feanorians. Who knows? Perhaps he wrote it down somewhere himself. But it’s such a “dark” mystery among Elven history and I love that it is. They were wondering about it when the twins were taken, wondering when they were returned, and were still wondering as the centuries went by as to just what in Arda happened during those years. And no definitive answers.
Every time I read a meta on my dash about their time living with Maedhros&Maglor, every discussion or debate, even the ones where there’s way too much hate being spewed (srsly, calm down, people), I LOVE it, even the ones I disagree with, purely because it gets me wondering “who” is saying it. Who is having those “arguments” that I’m reading on my dash by you guys? Who wrote that meta or suggested that headcanon? Was it Gil-galad or Cirdan? A Sinda who had to go through both kinslayings? Or a Sinda from Ossiriand who had nothing to do with anyone? A Noldo who served under Fingon and maybe saw Maedhros and Maglor from afar several times? Or a Noldo who saw the Feanorians appear with their army? And Elf who saw Maedhros give up the crown and then later cut someone down?
By the time Elrond and Elros were taken, opinions had to be rampant about the Feanorians, dozens and dozens all based on different reasons, experiences and hearsay. Each meta, hc and discussion gets me wondering which Elves are doing that talking and why. It’s like each one of those posts gives an unnamed Elf a history of some sort, whether they hated the Feanorians 100%, hated the Feanorians but still respected them, supported them or understood them, pitied them or were loyal to them. And then why. Why was said Elf loyal to them? Or why did he hate them? Pity them? What happened or what did he hear for said Elf to form such a particular opinion?
That’s why I love that Tolkien left Elrond&Elros’ time with the Feanorians such a mystery beyond the barest suggestions. Those Elves must have been reacting to it the same way we are, Sindar and Noldor, probably a lot of Men and Dwarves too. And unless Elrond makes it public, no one will ever know.
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okreadyscenarios · 8 years
anonymous asked:
Alright, so here comes a while lot of information concerning a time traveler AU I want to try out! I'm so sorry for the amount of asks you're about to get, please forgive me :'( ⌚
RULES OF TIME TRAVEL (I’m sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, time travel is a mess) 1. Time Travel is possible through the use of a certain key; all time travellers have to own one of these keys to get anywhere. 2. Once someone takes ownership of a key, they’re inexplicably linked to it (spiritually, mentally, you decide) 3. The key is usually given to a time traveler, or it is found with a set of instructions. - ⌚
4. So the key works in conjunction with the owner’s mind; so they put the key in a lock, and when they turn it, they have to think very specifically of the time and place that they want to go 5. Travel is only possible backwards; nobody knows why, but a lot of people speculate that it’s because the future is difficult to visualize properly. So if someone thinks of “the future”, they’re just taken to the present day 6. The “present day” is 2017 - ⌚  
UNIVERSE RULES/WORLDBUILDING 1. Time travellers as a community is very fractured; there’s no official way to track who is time travelling and where 2. “Astro” is a team of time travellers made up of MJ, Jinwoo and Sanha 3. There are some organizations of time travellers that have banded together, but these are elusive and hard to find (usually, people only find them by luck) 4. However, there is one organization who seek to hunt down time travellers who have “interfered” too much  - ⌚            
5. “interfering” means anything between making someone without a key aware of time travel to altering historical events 6. There seems to be some sort of strike system and some leniency, but once you’ve interfered too much, you’re done for 7. Nobody knows if this organization is made up of humans or something else, because most people who’ve come into contact with them either die, or go mad - ⌚
8. Because of this organization, most time travellers stay in their lane, and manage to interfere as little as possible 9. Because of how time travel interferes with the world around it, strange creatures have popped up all throughout time 10. They seek out time travellers 11. These creatures can be either benevolent or malign 12. Some choose to blend in with human society, other’s don’t  - ⌚
Okay, so onto the characters! (also i realised I should just come off anon since that’d make communication easier) - ⌚
MOON BIN 21 || Travels with Cha Eunwoo || Being hunted by the organization || From 2010  -  Moon Bin is on the run. His passion has gotten him into trouble one too many times. Moon Bin has a trouble letting bad things just happen. He always feels the need to get involved and help people. And, as noble as that is, it’s also screwed a few things up. Due to Eunwoo, Bin has been able to escape the organization for a while now. However, it seems like it’s catching up on the two of them.  - ⌚            
Moon Bin grew up down the street from Eunwoo. The two of them have been best friends for years, growing up together. When they discovered the keys, Bin was incredibly excited. What he hadn’t accounted for was having to deal with the injustices of the past. Hence, he got a little too involved. - ⌚
CHA EUNWOO 21 || Travels with Moon Bin || Not being hunted, by implicated as Bin’s partner || From 2010 Cha Eunwoo is the main reason that he and Moon Bin have managed to escape death for so long. Intelligent, thoughtful and prepared, and he’s always one step ahead. While he too is upset at the injustices that he and Bin have seen, Eunwoo has always tried to interfere in more subtle ways, for better or for worse. He holds great respect for Moon Bin, and he would do anything for his best friend.
Cha Eunwoo is the main reason that he and Moon Bin have managed to escape death for so long. Intelligent, thoughtful and prepared, and he’s always one step ahead. While he too is upset at the injustices that he and Bin have seen, Eunwoo has always tried to interfere in more subtle ways, for better or for worse. He holds great respect for Moon Bin, and he would do anything for his best friend.
He grew up down the street from Moon Bin, and the two of them have been best friends most of their lives. They discovered their keys together, and haven’t turned back since. Eunwoo feels guilt sometimes at leaving everything behind, but at this point, they’re too far gone.  
KIM MYUNGJUN 26 || A member of Astro || Leader || From 1972 Known as “MJ” to his good friends, Myungjun is a seasoned time traveler. He’s been travelling since he was 17 years old, and he’s learnt the best way to keep things under control and to keep interfering to a minimum. At this point, he knows how to have the most fun in any time period, and if you want to know the best places to be, he can tell you.
He was given his key by some stranger. He’d found it a bit unbelievable, but he’d tried it out, and he’s so glad that he did. He managed to run into the rest of Astro on the way; the three boys just took too large a liking to him to never see him again. Therefore, their little ‘band’ formed, and it’s rare to see one without the rest of them.
PARK JINWOO 22 || A member of Astro || From 1935 The leader of Astro. Cool, calm, collected, and with a good brain to boot. He’s helped Astro stay out of trouble for a long time now, and they all deeply respect him. He feels responsible for all of them, and he’s always doing his best to make sure that they’re safe.
Jinwoo’s reasons for travelling are both because he wanted to experience a different side of life, and because he didn’t enjoy his time period at all. He didn’t feel comfortable in the 1930’s, and once he saw that things got better in the future, his faith in humanity tripled. He’s enjoyed travelling ever since.
PARK MINHYUK 20 || Lone traveller || Renegade || From 1964 Park Minhyuk is on the brink of being hunted down. Despite the pleas from his teammates to stay out of trouble, it seems to inexplicably find him. His tendency to not take life too seriously frightens Jinwoo a bit, but Minhyuk is certain that they’re all going to be fine. What he hasn’t told his teammates is that he’s terrified.
The main reason he started travelling was for an adventure. He found his key just lying around with its instructions, and he decided to give it a try. He hasn’t stopped travelling since. When he met Astro, he was very grateful; he trusts the boys with his life, and he’d do anything for them (for better or for worse). Minhyuk doesn’t think about his past in great detail; he prefers to live in the moment, enjoying himself as much as he can.
YOON SANHA 19 || A member of Astro || From 1992 Sanha is the youngest in Astro. Because of that, they’re all incredibly protective of him. While he’s the most naive among them, he has a good heart, and just wants to do his best to make oother’s happy (although they won’t say it, this worries MJ aand Jinwoo some what)
Sanha started travelling when he was 17 years old. His key was given to him by his grandmother, who told him that he should go on and have some fun. So, Sanha obliged, and set of for four months of solo travelling. It was by luck that he met Jinwoo and MJ. Ever since he met them, they’ve been inseparable.
YOON NARI (basically the Y/N; name might change? Idk I’m so bad at naming things ah) 20 || Travels alone || From 2017 Has only been travelling for a few months. Found her key by accident while she was at an antique shop with her family. While she tried to resist the urge to travel at first, she keeps getting drawn back to it. She can’t shake the feeling that something sinister is happening, and she wants to find out what it is. Particularly, she’s noticed a rise in the number of the peculiar creatures that are the result of time travelling.
Feels inexplicably linked to Cha Eunwoo and Moon Bin. Often runs into them, which is rare for time travelers. Unless they plan to, it’s unlikely that two time travelers will cross paths again. Has a feeling that those boys have something to do with the things she’s researching.
Thank you so much, and sorry again! If you need any clarification, or you’d like me to expand more, please let me know! Thank you for doing this! - ⌚
thank you so much for sending all this in, lovely~! ^o^ ((it looks AWESOME I srsly can’t wait to see what happens~ >u< <33))
your AU!RP will be answered soon, and if you have any questions for us or vice-versa, feel free to get in contact with us~! <333
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charityburbcge · 6 years
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CHARITY BURBAGE is AN ORDER MEMBER in the war, even though HER official job is as MUGGLE LIASON OFFICE EMPLOYEE. the TWENTY-FIVE year old PUREBLOOD is known to be ENCOURAGING and FAITHFUL but also SENSITIVE and SCATTERBRAINED. some might label them as THE CREDULOUS. fc: haley lu richardson.
Hi y’all! It’s me, Faye, coming back at ya again with another child. I’ll be honest, this got pretty long and it’s a lot of word v*mit considering I barely scratched the surface. Sorry in advance!! Tbh, please feel free to skim or ask for a summary of her if you don’t wanna read it all.
Louisa Burbage — Mother, healer, put the stars in the sky. Will expand on her later.
Augustine Burbage — father, potioneer, the best man she knows. Will also expand on him later.
Justice Burbage (I headcanon that his fc is Justice Smith bc irony) — Older, halfblooded half-brother from her father’s relationship prior to his marriage to her mother. Being raised to buy into the pureblooded ideals, the couple was a scandalous one, especially given they had a child out of wedlock. They were young and in love, but sadly, all good things must come to an end. Not long after the birth of their son, she passed due to complications in labor, leaving him with a child he never planned on. Instead of resentment fueling him, he carries on in the name of his lost love and their baby, vowing to work every day for the rights of halfbloods. His marriage to Louisa, another like-minded pureblood, had nothing to do with their blood status’ and everything to do with what was in their hearts. They were in the same year at Hogwarts, the same house, and had dated in their youth; their eventual re-connection  took in Justice like he was her own, refusing to raise him any differently than any children she were to have. When Charity comes along, they truly become one happy family. She loves her brother with everything in her, and he’s part of the reason she was so steadfast in her decision to join the Order.
She comes from a relatively small family on both sides. This is her hell, considering she’s so family-orientated.
Unlike many pureblooded children around her, Charity’s early life was not spent in and out of lessons, being trained to be the perfect representative of her family. There were no events, or expectations, only love and light.
Though the Burbage’s had money and rarely did she want for anything, she and her brother were raised quite humbly. Their estate was comparably smaller than that of their peers, and for as much money as her parents brought in, they donated nearly as much back into the community. 
From a very young age, Charity remembers her parents both being outspoken allies of muggles, muggleborns, and half-bloods. Because of this, she was raised with tolerance and inclusivity in mind. 
They have a House Elf called Winky, affectionately named by the siblings because of the perpetual twitching in her right eye. More than anything, she acted as a nanny to them when they were growing up, but now that both children are out of the house, she looks after the house while Louisa and Auggie are away.
Her first signs of magic came through when she encountered a bird with a broken wing at age five, which healed itself not long after she scooped it up into her arms. Fussing over it being in pain and trying to get her mum’s attention took longer than the actual healing once she’d calmed down.
With their work as healers, her parents had the tendency to be away for lengthy periods at a time, leaving their two children to their own devices. They developed a very close relationship as a result, which only grew stronger during their years at school. The year that he left for his first year at Hogwarts was, however, very difficult for her to handle. It was her first time being truly alone since birth, so she did not cope well (pls give me a childhood friend connection!!).
hogwarts years,
Her sorting into Hufflepuff was as accurate as it was exciting, because to her, no better house existed (srsly, the only superiority she believes in is that Hufflepuff is The Best™, no question). Her parents were both in the house, as was her brother, which made her feel closer to them and like she was carrying out a family tradition of sorts.
There was not a single person that she did not try befriending during her time there, like tbh the girl would befriend a statue if at all possible. This 100% got her into trouble, considering she generally lacks the necessary instincts to stay away from people who would be no good for her.
As much as she wished she could have joined the Quidditch team, her uncoordinated, bumbly self would never have made it past the first tryout. 
Instead, she occupied a passionate spot in the stands and was an outspoken fan. Please picture with me a quiet, polite Charity loosing her damned mind during a match.
Even though getting in trouble utterly terrified her, the girl served her fair share of detentions. The reasons varied, but typically the cause was her hexing her more...intolerant classmates.
Admittedly did not make the best grades, which boiled down to testing anxiety and insecurities about her intelligence. Where she was capable in class, when it came to sitting down for her OWL’s and NEWT’s, she struggled immensely.
Her best classes were Herbology, Potions, Charms, and Muggle Studies (that she later goes on to teach ofc!! fun, fun, fun), everything else was very much hit or miss.
She tested at NEWT level in her stronger subjects, which was the only thing that kept her parents off her back when transitioning from school to the work force.
present day,
Her recruitment to the Order came almost immediately after her graduation, with full support from her family, who are avid supporters.
She’s really not sure if she has any real use to the cause, but she certainly tries her best to help out wherever needed. 
Is currently apart of the Muggle Liason office, which is, as far as she’s concerned, the best branch in the entire Ministry.
I mean!! Dealing with Muggle-Wizard relations? WHAT A DREAM! 
Her work is meaningful to her, especially when she actually gets to interact with muggles on memory modification assignments.
She bought a small, secluded cottage in London with part of her inheritance, partly to be close to work, but also because she wanted a place far enough away from the general public if ever a situation arises that people need a safe (and convenient) place to hide.
Kind, gentle, soft, dedicated, passionate, thoughtful, stubborn.
She’s a certified Mom Friend™ and proud of it.
Would literally go to any length necessary if it means keeping those she cares about safe.
Charity’s also got to be one of the most attentive people when it comes to her friendships and loved ones. She is always taking time to spend time with them no matter how busy she may be, will stop whatever she’s doing if they are in need, and gives the best gifts. Her philosophy is that if she’s got to spend her money somewhere, it may as well be on
That same naivety that got her into trouble growing up has ABSOLUTELY stuck with her into adulthood.
She tends to see the best in people, even those who don’t deserve a moment of her time. 
She’s enthusiastic, eager to please, and wildly ambitious; both at work and in her personal life.
Is very, very protective of muggles/muggleborns/haldfbloods. She doesn’t believe in violence as the answer, but hates the prejudice against them even more. If she sees anyone being mistreated, she definitely steps in ready for a fight. 
facts/misc info,
WAND: Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core, 11" and quite bendy flexibility.
PATRONUS: Though she has yet to actually attempt casting the spell beyond a classroom, her Patronus would take the shape of a Fox Terrier. 
CHARACTER TROPES: The Idealist, Nice Girl, Running Gag, To Be Lawful or Good, Workaholic, there are more but I’ll never get off the trope site if I keep going.
CHARACTER INFLUENCES: Leslie Knope, Kimmy Schmidt, Peggy Carter, April Kepner, Phoebe Buffay.
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ayayayayouch · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20
tagged by: the lovely @callhimyoungk
im tagging:  
YOU! lmao jk i tag anyone who wants to do this
last 1. drink: water 
2. phone call: from my manager lol  
3. text message:from my sister lmao 4. song you listened to: everything you are by ed sheeran 5. last time you cried: i can’t remember tbh 6. dated someone twice: none 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: none 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: yes :( 10. been depressed: not diagnosed but sometimes i feel depressed 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, i rarely drink...
3 favorite colors 12. green 13. pastel colors 
14. prussian blue
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yep
 16. fallen out of love: nah 
17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you:
 lmao my parents.. they trashtalk behind my back :\ 19. met someone who changed you: not really 20. found out who your friends are: idk, i don’t think i can really know who my friends are.. but we’re solid  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nah
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like a hundred of them lol (ok there’s no number twenty-three) 24. do you want to change your name: funny thing is, i hated my name back in hs i thought that ‘joanna’ is kinda posh... but now that i know what it means.. and now that i’m all grown up, i love it now.. it sounds so fierce and elegant. so no. i don’t want to change my name. :D 25. what did you do for your last birthday: worked lmao i just don’t really feel like celebrating my birthday anymore tbh
26. what time did you wake up: around 8am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: lmao washing the frickin dishes fml 28. name something you can’t wait for: having a career and living my life to the fullest 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: today 
30. what are you listening to right now: the clicking sound or is it tapping sound of my keyboard lol 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope
32. something that is getting on your nerves: so my job requires me to have a great customer service skill and damn lemme tell you about the types of people you’d frickin encounter... and this is basically the things that gets on my nerves: rude people, those frickin people who frickin complain a lot about trivial things, racists, judgmental people, those people who frickin gets angry in an instant like damn pls don’t throw a fit be calm... omfg i could go on and on but imma stop here.. basically, those people who can’t be a decent human being get on my nerves.
33. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, facebook lol 
34. hair color: black (just like my soul lol jk) 35. long or short hair: mid-length hair haha 36. do you have a crush on someone: you betcha! and his name is brian kang lol 
37. what do you like about yourself? ooh this caught me off guard.. i guess i like that i’m stubborn lol i don’t give up easily bc of that, and i like that i am aware of the people around me like i can tell what they’re feeling so i can adjust myself when i’m with them and give them an extra push if they need it.. physical-wise tho, i love my eyes and a lot of people do say i have a nice smile :) (there’s no number thirty-eight ??) 39. blood type: idrk lol
40. nickname: jojo  41. relationship status: happily single lmao  42. zodiac: taurus (ya know jae and i would prob get along as he is also an earth sign plus tauruses are compatible with virgos so jae hi lmao also my frickin crush is a virgo.. i also have a virgo best friend...and i frickin read somewhere that sag and taruses are least compatible hahaha brian is a sagittarius and yeah they’re really adventuruous.. i also have a frickin sag crush haha he’s too much for me lol sorry about the zodiac ramblings and before y’all label me as crazy, i do know that the zodiac signs are just guides in our lives and should not only be the one to consider when doing something; i’m just fascinated and interested okay) 43. pronouns: she and her 
44. favorite tv show: hmm fav tv show?? maybe csi:miami  45. tattoos: i don’t have one 
46. right or left handed: left 
47. surgery: nope
48. sport: badminton lol and i’m interested in ultimate frisbee  
49. vacation: i really want to visit south korea, england and australia  
 50. pair of shoes: i have comfortable ones idk if this is the right answer to this question hahah
more general 
 51. eating: nah 52. drinking: nah 53. i’m about to: write a draft for a story i’m working on 54. waiting for: the president to end his term lmao if y’all know who i’m referring to  55. want: a frickin career and stable job 
56. get married: maybe someday, if i am destined to be a wife lmao bc brah srsly i’ve been single my whole life 
57. career: i want to work in either a laboratory or something graphic design related
which is better
 58. hugs or kisses: both but it depends who the hug or kiss is from lmao
59. lips or eyes: the first thing that catches my attention is the eyes ngl 60. shorter or taller: taller
 61. older or younger: older or we have the same age lol 
62. nice arms or nice stomach: idk as long as the person is healthy
63. hook up or relationship: brah i’ve been serious since the day that i had an idea about such things so definitely relationship 
64. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker? idk my logical explanation is... if someone’s a troublemaker that means he or she is acting his or her goals and being hesitant means thinking too much that sometimes results in not doing anything at all.. 
65. kissed a stranger: nah 66. drank hard liquor: nah  
67. lost glasses/contact lenses: no
68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on the first date: no
70. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so
71. had your heart broken: yes T-T 72. been arrested: nope 73. cried when someone died: yes T-T my grandpa and one of my closest friend died on the same year, just a few months apart and lemme tell you that it frickin sucks :( it still feels like it was yesterday i miss them so much 74. fallen for a friend: i really don’t know the answer but there’s this guy friend... sometimes i feel jealous if he’s with other girls.. but idk if that’s bc i like him or bc i just want to hangout with him like the old times back in hs so idk
do you believe in 75. yourself: i try my hardest to 76. miracles: yes 
77. love at first sight: nah 78. santa claus: no, i’m sorry!! :( 79. kiss on the first date: idk 80. angels: yes
other 81. eye color: black (just like my soul lmao i’m joking again) 82. favorite movie: matilda, harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, the edge of seventeen 
83. lust or love: love 84. favorite item of clothing: my style is vintage but anything very aesthetically pleasing to me 85. favorite song: bruh i have a lot but since this is a kpop blog imma answer with kpop songs: congratulations, dance dance, be lazy, i’m serious, what can i do and bad boy (their cover) by DAY6.. silver spoon, 21st century girl, spring day, boys in luv, blood, sweat and tears by bts.. growl and kokobop by exo.. knock, angel heart and u by knk.. breathless, hide and seek, polaris and baby by astro.. hey girl by b.i.g. (I AM MAD THAT I CAN’T FIND AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THIS SONG!!!! IT HAS BEEN A YEAR!)
and that’s about it heheh
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