#i spent tonight and last night looking for my cat up in the park for a couple of hours so i havent had much time to paint
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chaoticbardlady99 · 11 months ago
Darling, Never Stop Haunting Me
Spawn! Astarion x F! Ghost Reader
Chapter One: Music, Regrets, and Party Tricks
 Synopsis: (3 months post Netherbrain) You ask Astarion to take you to see a violinist in a park and end up having a heart to heart. You begin to have very peopley feelings towards Astarion. Someone from Astarion's past makes an unwelcome fourth appearance and you help Astarion get revenge.
CW: Mentions of SA (Astarion), violence, revenge, brief mentions of suicidal ideation, a tad bit fluffy
Note: The first couple chapters will have time skips because it is meant to set up the main plot- more chaos is on it's way!
Disclaimer- I put together the picture for the banner, but I do not own any of the pictures. Birdie is a stock image. I will not describe the readers body in detail- she is just merely on the banner for ✨drama✨. I believe the picture of Astarion is from @cheekylittlepupp . And then the symbol of Orcus in the back is a free image off the internet.
Prologue : Chapter Two: AO3
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You wait anxiously by the door as Astarion takes his sweet time bathing in the other room. You have both been staying in a room in Elfsong Tavern since the Netherbrain was defeated about 3 months ago.
  You and Astarion usually spend your days in Szarr palace looking for any information on Sunwalking. You’ve found lots of promising leads, but they are all very very far away- the first lead is in some mountain in Amn and you’re excited to see more of the world.
 Tonight is your last night in Baldur’s Gate for a while and you had overheard some tavern goers talking about a Violinist playing in the park tonight. You had felt your entire body perk up at the idea. 
 The only obstacle was getting Astarion to take you. 
  The man pretty much abandons you at nighttime- leaving you alone and lonely. He used to pet you to sleep every night, talk with you and laugh with his companions, and then he lost his ability to walk in the sun. 
 Recently Astarion has been falling into some habits that haven’t been great for his mental health. He’s usually picking you up for a hug after some terrible tryst he had and pretends to joke about the whole thing like it was just a bad fuck, but you knew better.
 You could see the regret in his eyes and the worthless feeling in his soul. It broke your heart to see him go from being on top of the world to rock bottom again. The one time you tried to talk about it with him- he disappeared for a day and you were sure he had abandoned you. 
  Astarion eventually came back and he had actually spent the entire day with you. It was in silence and with many tears, but eventually he told you that he had been pressured into having sex and he felt pathetic. You reassured him a thousand times he’s not and he began bringing them to your room instead so if they are a problem- you would be the solution. You have sent many people screaming out the door with claw marks across their scalps- you even lost a claw in someone’s head! 
 “I can defend myself, Darling,” Astarion said as he cleaned up the mess your broken claw left on your paw, “you don’t need to be my Cat in Shining Armor.” 
 “I know, but isn’t this just so much more entertaining for both of us?”
 Astarion smiled widely, “that is a very good point.” 
  He began spending more time with you at night, but there are still days where he falls into his old habits and is sucked in by his despair. 
 You are really hoping today isn’t one of those days because you really want to go listen to the Violinist. 
 You jolt to life when the door creaks open and Astarion walks out without a shirt while toweling off his hair. He freezes instantly when he sees you sitting there with wide eyes and limbs ready to pounce. 
 “Uh oh, what did I do now?” 
 “It’s about what you are going to do.” 
  Astarion raises an eyebrow at you and you jump up onto the empty desk next to the door so you feel slightly more equal and powerful in the situation.
 “I want to go to the park tonight,” you say, “there is going to be a violinist playing and I want to hear them.” 
 “Oh, so you just need me to leave the window open tonight?” 
  You blink a few times and try to fight the hurt that flits in your chest. Yes, you could go alone and just do that, but you were kind of hoping you could go together as friends and have a normal time together again like you used to. 
 “I was actually hoping you might come with me?” 
   Astarion looks at you like you’ve grown a third head.
 “It’s our last night in Baldur’s Gate and you want me to go with you to listen to a violinist in the park?” 
  His voice is on the border of amusement and irritation. Your heart cracks ever so slightly more. 
 “Yes,” you squeak.
  “That’s ridiculous, Darling,” Astarion says with a dismissive wave, “I would much rather spend my last night in Baldur’s Gate indulging in sinful activities- not some violin concert.” 
 You don’t know why you even try to push it.
 “It shouldn’t be all night,” you say quickly, “you could easil-“
 “No offense,” he interrupts you, “but I would rather spend my night with a person and not my cat.” 
  That shatters something so deep within you that you don’t even know what to do with yourself. You are possessing a cat, but you are still a person and your feelings matter to you. 
  You’ve been nothing but respectful of Astarion and his feelings. You’ve been there for him because that’s what friends do. Obviously- you aren’t his friend, you are just ‘his cat’.
 You aren’t his cat though. You would be able to survive just fine on your own- you will go back to gardening and befowling Donella’s home.
 “I am NOT YOUR CAT!” You scream at the top of your lungs- Astarion takes a step back in surprise, “I am a person! A person with feelings! I am a person first, ghost second, and then cat third! 
“And you know what!? Enjoy your sins and your adventure to find some stupid solution for the sun- I’m done!” 
 You bound out the window in two quick leaps and you can hear Astarion calling from the dark of the room. The fading sunlight warms your fur and is an unwelcome reminder of the wretched form you threw yourself into. You’ve really come to feel terrible for cats- everyone thinks they can just pick you up Willy Nilly or disrespect you as they please. A few children have learned the hard way that you are not to be fucked with.
  Your trek to the park is easy and you get there just in time. Couples stroll around the park and the violinist is tuning up his violin. The moment is so peaceful, but the excitement you had felt previously had disappeared. 
  A couple laughs and another gives each other a lingering kiss. Others are laughing with each other and holding hands. They all look ridiculously in love and so happy- it makes your body hurt and your stomach turn.
  You never had the opportunity to have a partner (which is a sore spot for you) and the moment the violinist strikes the first note of one of your favorite love songs- you find yourself miserably wandering to the only place you could think of, the Rothwell Crypt. 
 You slide through the grates with ease and you jump up onto your mother’s coffin with your head on your paws. Tears fall out of your eyes- a new quirk you didn’t know you could do. 
 You sniff the air tepidly and a choked sob escapes your mouth. Not a single trace of her perfume is around- not that you expected it to be, but you had so hoped. 
  She would have gone with you- cat, person, or ghost. She used to love taking you to see violinists in the park as a child and she would tell you grand love stories that you hoped to one day experience. 
 The worst part? Your mother is long gone. You are no longer the happy-go-lucky 10 year old with the spontaneous, enthusiastic mother who had a sense of adventure. She will never cheer you on at a street corner ever again and you will never smile brightly at her when she put a gold piece in your case- it always made others feel like they should do it too. Your life was happy and warm.
 Now? You are a ghost doomed to be trapped in this form until it dies and then what? Will you even be able to move on? You couldn’t last time so why would it be any different now? It all makes you so angry you could tear your fur out.
 You will never see a violinist with her again. You will never know what it means to truly love someone and to be loved in return. You will never be able to play the Violin again all because Donella thought you were ‘promising’.
  If you hadn’t died, would you have been one of those violinists in the park? Would your parents be there cheering you on? Would you have had full blooded siblings? Gotten married? Become famous? 
 The thoughts cause you to cry harder and you decide you are going to take control of your own fate for once- you will lay here until you eventually starve to death. That seems like a full proof solution. 
  You hear the gate to the crypt open, but you don’t bother to look. Whoever it is better put you out of your misery sooner rather than later. 
 “Gods below, you are much faster than I thought you were,” Astarion exclaims as he practically clammers down the stairs, “come on- that violinist of yours is still playing and - what’s wrong?” 
 “Go away,” you say weakly.
 “But your violinis-“
 “I don’t care anymore.” 
   You expect him to yell at you and to be angry, but instead he walks over and kneels down until he’s at eye level with you.
 “I’m sorry, Darling,” Astarion pleads, “you’re right- you are a per-“ 
 “No,” you choke, “I don’t want your apology. You’re right. I’m just a cat now. So please, leave me alone.” 
  You finally take the opportunity to look at him and your own misery fades a little when you see his own tear stained face. You both just stare at each other like you so frequently do when you are at a verbal crossroads. 
  Astarion gets up and you expect him to leave, but instead, you are being swung up into his arms and marched out of the crypt. 
  You don’t bother to protest- what does it matter? You’re a lower class citizen in this social situation. Quite literally too- no one will open a bank account for a cat. You and Astarion tried one time and the banker looked like she was going to call the City Watch to detain a lunatic. 
  The last place you expected Astarion to take you was the park. He finds a bench as close to the violinist as he can and puts your defeated form down on the bench. Astarion begins to hesitantly pet you and you can’t help but lean in a bit- your sadness still a weight in your heart. 
 Astarion comments on the music and asks if you have ever played it before. At first your answers are plain and generic, but he somehow pulls the old part of you out from deep within your soul.
  You chatter about what you would do differently, why certain songs aren’t frequently played, etc, etc. and it actually seemed like Astarion was enjoying himself for once.
    The music floats through the air and your heart soars as you hear another song you were extremely familiar with- ‘Meleth’. It’s a slightly darker love song and not one that is popularly played in places where there are a multitude of settled down couples.
  The song itself is about the pining a man has for a woman who is out of his reach at every turn. She isn’t trying to elude him, but the circumstances are just never right. Then, one day, he gets the courage to tell her and she’s been in love with him the entire time as well. It ends with the two of them together- the notes brighter as they flit through the night air. 
  “I always liked that song,” Astarion says absentmindedly. 
 “It’s a pretty one,” you agree, “I wouldn’t personally play this song for the environment, but no one seems too perturbed.” 
  Astarion looks around and notices the couples all enjoying each other’s company. 
 “I guess I didn’t notice.”
 “Really?” You say in surprise, “it’s the first thing I noticed.” 
 “Is that why you didn’t stay?” 
  You freeze and you know for a fact your heart stopped momentarily.
  It’s a fair question to ask, but you try to avoid talking about… you. You will tell him you were just so disgusted by all the love in the air- a lie is better than the truth and he doesn’t need to worry about this. 
 Except, when you finally make eye contact with him, his eyes are soft and inviting. Astarion seems genuinely invested in what you have to say. The look is sweet and it causes a warm feeling to glow in your chest. Maybe it would be safe to divulge this information. 
 “It was,” you say with a sigh, “I dedicated basically my entire life to the violin. It’s insane- looking back on it now. 
“I died never knowing what it felt like to have my hand held or to be kissed. I didn’t even have the chance to fall in love because I didn’t bother to think about it! I was rarely pursued by anyone because I had my head in my music sheets and never made the time to talk to anyone outside of my parents. 
“All of that hard work was gone in less than two minutes and the last thing I remember thinking about was how devastated I was to lose my first consistent gig- as if that was the most important thing I was losing at the time. It’s- it’s dumb that I lost my future because Donella thought I was ‘promising’ and had some sick idea in her head that she would mentor me. Her and her ego- she just had to try to create a fucking vampire spawn with little to no knowledge on the topic. 
“She wanted to mentor young women and try to prove to the higher ups that women were just as capable as men- which is something I strongly believed in! I was all for destroying the patriarchy! Hells- I would have been happy to just have her as a mentor, she was very well known for being a woman of poise, but no! Turns out, Donella was a gods damn Vampire Lord. She wanted a spawn and instead she damned me to a horribly lonely and sad existence in that fucking PALACE! 
“I wish I had been a cat while she was still alive. I would absolutely piss on her head and destroy her curtains. I wonder if pee is considered running water- that would have been very entertaining.” 
 You leer at the tower standing tall in the distance. At least you can destroy the curtains and piss on her grave. Astarion is laughing at your last sentence, but his eyes also tell a different story. He looks sad for you- heartbroken even. 
  Neither one of you speaks for the rest of the violinist’s concert. You’ve watched Astarion’s gears crank away in his head for at least a good hour now and they are still going as the two of you head back to Elfsong Tavern. There is practically smoke pouring out of his ears by the time he sets you down on the bed and lays in his usual spot on the bed. 
  You want to ask him what he is thinking about, but you are also afraid to ask and have it be something dismissive so instead you curl up in your usual spot at the top right of the bed, up against the wall like you so adore. Your fluffy pillow is still waiting for you like it had been before you stomped off and you definitely note the closed windows. 
 “I’m sorry,” he finally says.
 “For forgetting that you were also very much a prisoner there,” Astarion says quietly, “and for not treating you like my equal. I haven’t been a very good companion lately and I’ve…. Admittedly been trying to push you away. I suppose I didn’t realize how much I didn’t want that until you leaped out of the window- which by the way- you could have died so please just ask me to open the door if you intend on storming off next time, Darling.”
 You roll your eyes.
 “I landed on my paws!”
 “You seem to forget the several thousand other times where you have belly flopped into those rose bushes or onto the cobblestone,” Astarion says through narrowed eyes and pouty lips, “you were terrible to live with when your ribs were broken- you sounded like you were about to keel over at a moments notice.”
 “You seem awful hyperfixated on me dying,” you say slowly, “I’ve died before- it’s not like it’s that scary. Well it is, but I would be fine. I would just be… quieter!” 
  Astarion looks at you and his mouth drops into a frown while he shakes his head.
 “I need you,” Astarion says quietly, “more than I care to admit. I enjoy your company- you make me happy and I would even say you are my friend. I don’t want you to ‘just be in the background’ of my life ever again.”
  You’re stunned by his words and he is actively avoiding eye contact with you. He must have fed recently because a nice rosy blush crawls up his neck and paints his cheeks. 
  You’re grateful cats can’t blush because you would be a sputtering mess- you would get red as a tomato when you were embarrassed. 
 You’re his friend! You are really his friend! 
 “I need you too,” you say brightly, “I’m very little, terrible at hunting, and prone to injury, but I also very much enjoy your company too. I share the same sentiment, if that helps. I prefer being on the forefront of your life.” 
 Astarion looks both relieved and elated at the same time. He picks you up into a hug that you gladly sink into. This feels like three months ago and you silently curse your cat body for purring in delight.
  That warm feeling in your chest is back again and you can’t help but feel intoxicated by the way he smells, how beautiful he is, and how complex his mind is. You really do lov-
 Oh no. Those thoughts need to be put away- not that you would know anyway. Love? Naw. That’s impossible. Your heart can’t possibly be so stupid as to fall in love with a man who will only ever see you as his friend trapped in a cat. Your situation doesn’t necessarily scream romance.
  Except it does make sense because it does break your heart to know he’s off with other people and you will never be able to be one of those people. 
 Well, you’d prefer to be a lot more to him than those people, but that’s not in the cards for you. Being a cat is okay- you get all the love in the world from him, even if it’s not the love you would prefer. 
  You push the thought away and reground yourself by listening to the phantom heartbeat that rings through his chest. He must have fed very recently. 
   You remain there for a while until a loud knock on the door gets both of your attention. 
 “Astarion? Are you in there?” A woman with a high pitched, sickly sweet voice calls out, “are we still going to have a drink together?”
  You and Astarion both look at each other then back to the door. She knocks again and calls out louder. You blink at him a few times and he very awkwardly puts you down before giving you a, “Gods, help me please” face, motions for you to hide, and he opens the door. You turn invisible instead- you may need to commit some major inconveniences and you enjoy using the little bits of magic that are accessible to you. Being a cat with ghost powers is pretty freaking phenomenal if you do say so yourself. 
  The Tiefling woman is very very pretty, but something is off about her and you don’t like it. She smells wrong and from the way Astarion’s posture changes- it’s obvious that your suspicions are correct and something is off. 
“I apologize, um,” Astarion pauses. 
  By the Gods he doesn’t even remember her name. 
 “Morgana,” she says with a slightly annoyed tone,” it’s okay though, you can make it up to me by buying me a drink.” 
  Astarion agrees to this nonsense and follows her down to the bar. It makes you bristle- something really isn’t right so that must be why the door is cracked ever so slightly. 
  You quietly squeeze through the door and stay close to the wall as you watch Astarion and the mysterious woman walk down the steps. You catch Astarion looking behind him at the door with worry. Your heart once again catches in your chest and is filled with that stupid, unfair glow. 
 You shake your head and rake your own paw over your ear as if to chastise yourself. You put your adorable pink nose in the air and take a big whiff- the putrid odor from the woman is coming from a room down the hall and the closer you get to it, the worse it becomes. The scent has an underlying metallic smell so you are almost positive something is wrong with her blood. 
  You peek under the doorway and use Misty Steps to enter the room- you immediately throw up upon entering. 
  The room is scattered with papers and it looks borderline manic. There is a dead woman laying out on the bed and all of her blood is completely drained. It’s the same woman that Astarion had left with except she smells normal enough. 
  You reluctantly hop up on the bed- finding, to your horror, that the woman has multiple stab wounds in the chest and her eyes are wide in horror. It takes every last bit of your strength to swallow the nausea that threatens to consume you as you cast Speak with the Dead. She regards you, but she’s not nearly as lifeless as you thought she would be. 
  In fact, she screams, “ARAJ NO!” the moment she reanimates which causes you to leap at least 10 feet in the air with your tail puffed up. You clench your teeth and take a deep breath through your mouth before talking- you don’t want to begin cussing the corpse out. That is not a good way to start an interrogation. 
  “Why did you say, ‘Araj, no’?” You ask sheepishly.
   You know Araj- she’s the person you lost a claw to. She had come to your room in the middle of the day and demanded he bite her. She would not stop asking and wouldn’t take no for an answer until you forced her to accept it. 
  “Araj… paralyze… force herself… Astarion.” 
  Oh that woman is dead.
 “Anything… to be… bitten.” 
  You are sprinting towards the door and smack into it from going too fast. You pop back up, your head now throbbing, and use misty steps once again to exit the room. Turning the corner, you see Tavern goers begin to aww at you, but you hiss loudly and scare them off.
  This feels even worse than Cazador for some reason. At least you knew the bastard was a sadistic, evil man, but Araj just seemed like a minor inconvenience. Now she’s a really big inconvenience. 
  You spot them quickly in a secluded corner of the bar and weave through the tavern goers. You can sense Astarion’s anxiety, but you hear him talking as if he has not a single care in the world. She flirts with him, but he deflects it which seems to upset her- you’d be upset too if your piss poor plan was going to the grave. 
  Adrenaline fills your body as you get closer and see the little paralytic bottle peeking out of her pocket. You race forward and skid to a halt underneath the table. Neither one of them has seemed to notice your appearance so you go straight for the bottle in question. 
 “Has anyone ever told you how incredibly handsome you are?” Araj says, “you look like you have walked out of a poem.” 
  “I have heard that before, yes.”
 HA! Take that lady! He could not be more interested and her plan really won’t work if he isn’t interested and her bottle of paralytic disappears.
  You put your teeth around the neck of the bottle and slowly pull it out of her pocket. Your teeth are able to get a solid grip in the cork, but it definitely has some residual paralysis potion on it because your body begins to tingle painfully. However, you continue with your mission and you are able to get the bottle out of her pocket; Only for it to crash to the floor when you drop like a dead weight. One thing is for sure- that’s a hell of a paralytic. 
  The sound gets both Araj’s and Astarion’s attention- Astarion is quickly picking you up off the ground.
 “What’s happening?” He asks you in his panic, “are you hurt? Are you dying? What-“ 
  You see how panicked Araj is as she looks from you to the broken bottle on the floor. Astarion is so distracted with you that he doesn’t see her frantic mind trying to piece together a reason for this to be happening. At least she’s smart enough to realize saying, “I made that paralytic to roofie you so I could force you to drink my blood and it looks like your cat ruined my plan” would not end well for her.
 “Oh your poor kitty must have found someone’s bottle of paralytic,” Araj says while feigning innocence, “I have an antidote I can give her- do you want to continue this upstairs.”
  Astarion nods, but mostly because he just wants you to be okay. You are infuriated right now- this woman is taking advantage of the fact that you can’t talk and you doubt she has an antidote. She’s probably going to poison you and then attempt to assault Astarion. 
  She parts ways with you both so that she can grab the antidote. You want to scream- Astarion needs to follow her and see the nightmare that has been created. However, he brings you into your shared room and begins digging through his pack. A sigh of relief leaves his mouth when he finds an antidote bottle. 
 “I don’t trust that woman,” he grumbles, “and I have a feeling you found a lot in your investigation.” 
  You gladly drink the entire bottle as fast as possible before popping up and looking Astarion dead in the eyes with your tail puffy and tall.
 “Thatsarajandsheisgoingtotrytoforceherselfonyou,” you shout all too fast. 
  Astarion looks positively perplexed, “I’m sorry Darling, but I think I may have misheard you- Araj is a Drow woman and this woman is a tiefling.”
 “YES but she killed her friend or assistant- the details are fuzzy, but I cast Speak with the Dead and Araj was going to give you the paralytic so she could force you to bite her,” you pause for a moment, “which now that I think about it- probably isn’t possible for her to do.”
   Astarion appears to go through the five stages of grief almost instantaneously while he thinks. You wonder what’s going on in that beautiful head of his. Is he sad that she isn’t really the person she was pretending to be? Your heart hurts at the thought and you once again bat yourself over the ear- earning a weird look from Astarion before he goes back to contemplating.
  The shit eating grin that threatens to break his face throws out your non-feline and non-ghost thoughts.
 “It appears we have a problem on our hands,” Astarion says with a mischievous grin, “whatever should we do? We don’t want such filth contaminating our space!”
You nod in agreement, flicking your tail back and forth. You think hard and long about the best course of action. There has to be at least a billion things you could- WAIT!
  You and Astarion snicker as he sets up Godey’s destroyed bones next to Araj who he had put in the cuffs hanging from the wall. She’s fast asleep- Astarion had asked her to go on a walk with him and then casted sleep on her when he was just outside Szarr palace. You served as the distraction so she couldn’t counter it by popping out of the corner and scaring the woman out of her illusion. The look on Araj’s face was priceless when she realized Astarion knew exactly who she was prior to the big reveal. 
  The last part of your masterful plan wasn’t your idea, but Astarion insisted. He dragged Cazador’s disgusting, rotting corpse up from the dungeons and sat it up in a coffin. He had opened the man’s eyes (how they are still intact is beyond you) and maneuvered him so that it looks like Cazador is staring at Araj. 
  A stirring from behind you causes Astarion to pick you up before casting invisibility. You are going to do a quick body jump- as much as it horrifies you. 
  Possessing a dead, rotting person is absolutely disgusting- you think you’ll stick to being a cat until you can find another solution. However, Astarion promised you that he would take you to the beach when you reach Amn and let you teach him how to read music in return for your discomfort. 
  Cazador’s rotting limbs move uncomfortably and Araj begins to scream in terror as you descend upon her. 
 She did say she would do anything to be bitten.
Author note: Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to be on the tag list! I am using the Ghostwalk campaign for NPCs, locations, etc. It is a 3e Campaign and doesn’t mirror 5e Ghosts. I have tweaked some of the ghost powers and such for the sake of the story, but if you would like more information on Ghostwalk and the City of Manifest, there is a PDF online that is free to download :)
Tag List: @n3rdybirdee @fandomarchiveilyd @dajeong @hotmesshobbit @godoffuckedupcats @bitchstarion @hereliesblackdragon @pebble-bb @spacebarbarianweird
81 notes · View notes
pbandjesse · 2 months ago
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I am feeling a little uncomfortable tonight. Just kind of swollen. I am also real tired. It's been a long day.
I really struggled to sleep last night. I woke up at 4am and I was starving. My stomach hurts and I felt weak. I tried to will it away but it wasn't working so by 430 I was downstairs drinking a yogurt. I got comfortable on the couch with a heating pad and Sweetp and thought I'd fall asleep again down there but I did not.
When James woke up I startled them when they turned on the kitchen light. They apologized for blinding me but I was fine. I just wasn't going to go back to sleep.
I would move back upstairs. And tried to sleep but it wasn't going to happen. I heard James go in and out the front door a few times and texted to ask why and they let me know someone rifled through the car. And I knew I was the last one to drive so it was my fault. And we are pretty sure nothing was taken but it still feels so violating. And I felt really dumb. Silver lining was they left gloves and a window breaking tool in the car so at least they didn't break our windows?
I would get up and washed and dressed and I was actually alright. The tiredness wasn't so bad. James made me an egg sandwich to bring with us. And we would leave a little before 730.
We got over to the hospital. James apologized that we have to keep having all these appointments. That it isn't an easy pregnancy. And I appreciate them saying that but honestly. It could be worse. I could have to work every day. I'm really lucky all things considered. I can mostly just rest. Get the house ready. And I'm getting lots of attention and care. Things will be okay.
This was a fine appointment. The nurse was nice. Baby was still facing my spine and breech. But heartbeat was good. I apparently had some kind of irritation, specifically not a contraction, and so they gave me ice water and kept monitoring me.
The nurse practitioner came in to talk to us about delivering early. I told her about my research and the different things I learned about this diagnosis. And I felt like we were all on the same page. I am curious how the whole things going to go. Because I guess I don't have the water breaking, contractions, rush to the hospital. It'll all be planned and scheduled. I am still curious what all that will look like.
We finished up and I was a little tired but I was okay enough to drive home. James gave me a kiss goodbye before they biked to work. And I went to ace hardware.
I got stuck behind a flat bed tow truck for a few minutes. The driver was obviously rushing and mouthing apologies to me and I was just chilling. I was not in a rush or anything. So I just smiled and tried to let him know it's all good.
When I did finally get to ace I picked up some super glue and chalkboard paint. They shook the paint on the machine for me and I pet the shop cat for a while.
I paid and left. Decided to stop at the grocery store for egg salad for lunch and got some sweets. And then went home.
When I got back here parking was tough but they finally got rid of the cherry picker so there was some space.
I got inside and put things away. And started working on my painting. I am painting the island and we may paint all of the cabinets but for now I'm just doing the one. I am thinking it will take three coats. I would get two done today.
I spent some time organizing my coat closet in the guest room. And fixing the plastic navel ring I got. I shortened the bar and used the super glue to attach the ball. It's much more comfortable now but I decided that I couldn't have the baby on board dangle. So instead I removed that and turned it into a necklace pendant. Which I think is so funny.
I had egg salad on toast. Talked to my dad for a few minutes. Did my second coat of paint. And went to lay down upstairs and watch a video. I got some of my blood work back and my levels were all good and I don't have diabetes!! I was so excited and relieved.
I would fall asleep. I think feeling relieved let me rest. I fell asleep with my tights and socks on which bothered me when I woke up but it wasn't a bad nap. I was just slightly distressed when I got up.
I texted James and let them know I was feeling a little distressed. And they said that I could come to the museum and pick up the cushion for my new chair and that it would cheer me up. And they were right!
I got myself together and ate a half a donut in the drive over to the museum. James was actually at the Starbucks having a meeting with the Teamsters. This worked out great because I was supposed to go to my own meeting tomorrow but it was going to be tough because we are getting our screen door installed. So I got to be a part of this meeting.
I'm vey pro union. And specifically I'm pro the museum unionizing. I am shocked they are pushing against it. And have apparently hired union busters who are giving a talk on Tuesday. The meeting was really good though and I feel prepared. But also just anxious about the voting. We only have 30 people in the voting pool apparently. I don't know how that gets decided. I was under the impression is was a hiring/firing power thing but then they named some people who aren't included that confused me. But if we get the union it will help all of us. And make us the second museum in the city to unionize! I don't know when the vote is going to happen but I better get to participate and it not happen when I'm giving birth, I'll be so mad if that happens.
We were there until around 530. Said goodbye and me and James drove over to the museum to get the packages.
And it was two packages. The cushion (which was giant) and the play mat that I was worried was missing. James collected all of their stuff. And we went home.
When we got back here James brought in the packages. We had to open the cushion box outside because it didn't fit through the door. And I got it all set up. And I love it. It's so cozy.
Once I was done putting things away I would spend the next couple hours in my new chair with sweetp. James made us dinner. And we just chilled and while I felt very swollen still, at least I was comfortable in my chair.
Now me and James are upstairs. Getting ready for bed. Tomorrow I will stay home and work on my knitting and my planning for my birthday countdown project. And wait for the door install guys. Hopefully that just goes smoothly and I don't have to worry to much.
I hope you are all having a nice day. I love you all very much. Sleep well my friends. Goodnight!
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theoddcatlady · 1 year ago
The Knock at the Door
Seventeen years ago. Two nights before Christmas. That was the last time I was home. The last time I think I really felt happy.
I was sneaking downstairs. The little hand on the clock was three minutes away from midnight. I was being extra sneaky tonight, I was going to steal myself a peek at my presents from my mom and dad. My older sister had taught me the tips and tricks to open a present without disrupting the wrapping.  
The tree was beautiful, glimmering silver tinsel draped over the length, baubles of green, red and gold hanging from the branches, and my presents all wrapped in the shiniest of paper. I’d just knelt beside the biggest box when I heard the knock.
I puzzled for a moment before getting up and hurrying to the door. If this person knocked again, it’d wake my parents, and my plans to get an early look at my presents would be foiled. I peeked through the peephole.  
A woman in a worn coat was standing on the steps, white flakes of snow landing on her frizzy dark hair. I think because it was a woman I opened the door and poked my head out. “Hello?” I asked.
The woman grinned, revealing half a mouth with missing teeth. “Hey, sweet pea, is this your cat?” She opened her jacket to reveal an orange tabby kitten tucked up next to her chest, snoozing peacefully away.  
I almost couldn’t breathe. I loved cats, you see. I wrote so many letters to Santa that month asking for a kitten. I’d take care of it, I promised. In awe, I stepped out onto the porch and reached for the kitten, just to give it a quick pat on the head.  
It happened so fast I couldn’t even scream. I suppose someone was standing off to the side of the porch, just waiting for me to leave the warmth and safety of my house. Two hands grabbed me by the waist and yanked me off the porch, the woman zipped her coat back up and pulled the door closed. I was an itty bitty thing, tossed over the stranger’s shoulder like I weighed nothing more than a feather and the two bolted for a car parked on the street.
I finally remembered to scream when I was thrown into the trunk, but the backfiring of the engine drowned out any of my cries for help as the pair tore down the street.  
I wonder if my parents realized something was wrong right then, if the backfiring woke them up and they checked the house to realize I wasn’t in bed. Did mom bolt out of the house, screaming my name? Or did they just assume it was someone driving like a jackass and fell back asleep in just a minute?  
Or did they never even wake up?
I don’t know how long I was in that trunk, only long enough for the smell inside of sweaty socks and oil to be forever burned into my mind. I did end up falling back asleep, or maybe I passed out from the fumes. When I woke up, I was locked in my new bedroom. It was small. And cold.
Of course I did what any other child would when they’re in a strange place- I cried. I cried a lot. I kicked at the door and begged to be let out. I could hear people on the other side of the door, lots of laughing and chatter with some sort of loud music playing during the day. That was the only way I could tell day from night back then- if there was music playing, it was daytime.  
When I finally fell asleep, I woke up to three granola bars and a bottle of water. A bucket had been placed in the corner, and I might’ve been a kid but I knew what it was for. I scarfed all three of those granola bars down in a minute, which was a mistake- by the time I fell back asleep, my stomach was cramping so badly I almost started crying again.
The next day, I woke up to two granola bars, a box of pop-tarts, and a bottle of coke.
That’s when I learned my first lesson- be quiet and you’ll get more to eat.  
I pushed it a few more times, I once spent an hour slamming into the door, trying to see if I could make it move. That next day I only got two granola bars and no water. By the time the next day came my mouth was so dry I ended up spilling half the water down my chest as I sucked down the water.  
The bucket was for me to use the bathroom in, it was emptied every night. I did try to stay awake to see when they came, but they timed it just right for me to be dead out to come give me food and empty the bucket.  
The one in charge of taking care of me was the woman, I think. I don’t think any of the guys came in to ever check on me, that was her job. I managed to spend a whole week silent and I got a pair of Barbies to play with. It was the only thing to break up the monotony of just spending the day staring at the ceiling and wondering when my parents were coming to get me. I got a few more toys, but another fit had them all taken away, except for the Barbies.  
Be quiet, be good. It’s an easy lesson to learn when you’re in solitary confinement.  
I remember it raining outside when the Woman came in when I was awake. I could hear the sound of raindrops pinging off the roof when the door swung open. My initial instinct to run under the bed was overruled by the urge to run up and give her the tightest hug. I hadn’t been touched in so long.
Her dirty fingers ran through my hair as she shushed me. “You can come out now, it’s dinner time,” She said. She took a sniff before wrinkling her nose. “First you’re taking a damn bath though, you reek to high heaven.”  
Of course I stunk, I hadn’t had a bath in probably two months, but the bath I got was heavenly. I was dressed in an oversized t-shirt and some rainbow dyed shorts before I was ushered into the dining room. It was there I met the family.  
I was too preoccupied with having hot food to really pay attention to all the conversation, but I got their names. The Woman’s real name was Karlie, and she was in charge of feeding all the guys. We were the only ladies in the room. There was Dave, he was the oldest guy in the room and if wasn’t smoking a cigarette he was stuffing his mouth. He made every room foggy. Micah, he was the youngest and the nicest to me, always making sure I had enough to eat. He made me think of my big sister. Alex, he walked kinda funny and one of his eyes was always facing a different direction. John, I don’t think he could talk but if you didn’t get what he wanted he’d punch the back of your head. And Tommy, he was only a bit older than Micah but always had this strange smile on his face. I never felt comfortable around him.  
There were others, over the years, but they came and went. These guys always stayed.  
My first job was to sweep. The house was filthy and Karlie explained that she couldn’t keep up with it on her own, which is why they adopted me.  
I knew that wasn’t the case, but I just nodded. I didn’t want to get locked in my room again. Not when the idea of escape sounded real again.  
Karlie was harsh but fair. She always found me new toys and clothes when they went out, most still in their packaging and some of the clothes still having security tags on them. She never got my size right, always getting clothes too small or too large, but new clothes were new clothes.  
The chores piled on after time. After I swept, I did the dishes, and there were always a lot and we didn’t have a dishwasher. Dave said doing dishes by hand built character, but he’s yet to ever wash a dish himself. I learned laundry next, and with all the people in the house, there was always laundry to do. There was one time I accidentally got some of Tommy’s and Alex’s clothes mixed together and had to guess which went where.
Well, I didn’t get it right. And the next morning I woke up to Tommy cutting off my hair with a knife.  
I screamed and tried to bolt away but he just pinned me back down as he sawed off more locks of my hair. He was even whistling some happy tune when he did it, ignoring every time he nicked my skin and he didn’t stop until I was completely bald. After that, he just got up and left like nothing had happened.  
Micah and Tommy got into a fist fight when I walked out with my half bald and bleeding scalp. It was nasty, Karlie ended up hiding me behind her as the two men duked it out. It ended with Micah stabbing Tommy through the hand and proceeding to shave his head with a razor. 
��So you know how it feels,” he snapped before storming off.
I learned to make sure not to mix up people’s clothing after that.  
It was hot out by the time I made my attempt at escape. Summer was humid and terrible that year, and there was no air conditioning in that little shack that we called home. The guys were getting testier than normal, even Micah was sullen and grumpy.
That’s when John brought home the Guy.
I don’t know the Guy’s name, I don’t think John knew it. I knew by the way The Guy was walking that he was incredibly drunk. John escorted The Guy to the living room and sat him down on the couch before whistling loudly.  
Like magic, everyone stopped what they were doing and walked to the living room. I saw Tommy pick up the axe next to the door and swing it over his shoulder.  
The Guy looked at the circle of men surrounding him, still dumb to his fate until Dave pulled out his straight razor and dragged it down his face. The Guy screamed and it was like watching a pack of wild dogs descending on him. Everyone wanted to get in a strike, blood sprayed in the air so high it spattered against the ceiling. I dumbly thought how hard it was going to be to clean it off.  
They butchered The Guy. The Guy screamed for a long time, longer than I thought possible. Micah ended up pulling one of his arms off and throwing it into the fireplace.  
And then I ran.  
John had left the door cracked, he had in the past but I didn’t think it was the time to run. But now it was. I ran, and I ran, and I ran deep into the woods. I was all kinds of scraped up by thorns and briars by the time I collapsed.  
When I finally caught my breath, I looked up to see all the men standing behind me. Not picking me up. Not grabbing me. Just watching me.
I stumbled to my feet and started walking away again, but they just followed. Right in step behind me, all of them still covered in blood, not running but making sure I knew I wasn’t getting away. I collapsed a few more times and they just waited for me, the moonlight carving morbid silhouettes in the forest behind me.  
I think I went on for another hour before finally giving up. There was no way out of this woods. I turned around and slunk back to the men, the blood on their faces and clothes now dry and crusted.  
Micah patted my head before slinging me over his shoulder and carrying me back to the house. He didn’t bother covering my mouth this time. I was too tired to scream for my mom and dad.
I was kept in the back room until it began to snow again. I missed having chores to keep me busy. I missed seeing people.  
When Karlie let me out, I didn’t even go in for the hug. I immediately went to go do the dishes. Dave saw me at the sink, scrubbing away, and just nodded his approval before lighting up another cigarette.  
I’ve never tried to escape again. I learned my place, and my place is here. I’ve been out of this house several times, to earn my keep. I’m an expert at lifting wallets, I learned how from Micah. Tommy helped me figure out how to take off security tags from clothing.  
And whenever the men needed to blow off steam, Karlie taught me how to get rid of blood stains.
She’s gone now though. This summer wasn’t good to her, and I ended up having to clean up her blood from where she blew her brains out with Dave’s gun. Chores are much harder on my own, but I get by.
We took a drive down the street I lived, once upon a time. The snow’s melted into sad, muddy piles, most of the decorations have been taken down.  
I stopped in front of the house that was once my home. Through the front window I watched my mom pick up a box with strangely familiar wrapping and return it to a closet. And I saw a little girl that looked a bit like I did when I was young, playing with a tablet on the couch.  
I wonder if she likes cats too.  
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attaboy-art · 2 years ago
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day 07: legacy
[Image ID: A darkly colored digital painting done with oil brushes of Alfendi Layton, from Layton Brothers Mystery Room, sitting at his desk in his office at dawn, as seen from the back corner of the room. He is sitting cross-legged with a cup of tea in his hands and he is blankly staring forwards. Behind him is a large window with the blinds half-down showing a grey dawn sky with mutliple buildings and Big Ben in within view. The same wall the window is on also has shelves, newspaper clippings, and a framed letter of apology addressed to Alfendi. In front of him is a messy desk with a lamp, a rotary phone, and a typewriter sitting on top, dimly shining in the light. /.End ID.]
#lb;mrweek#i know im late im sorry im so sorry#i spent tonight and last night looking for my cat up in the park for a couple of hours so i havent had much time to paint#but. I really didnt wanna miss the last day. So#fun fact i started seeing bugs on my ipad while drawing this#anyways. ANYWAYS its time for me to Explain My Reasoning#originally i had a ton of different sketches right. i couldnt choose which one i wanted to do for this prompt#one was of the layton fam greeting al post-game. one was a polaroid of lucy and al posing next to the letter of apology#and the last one was gonna be an abstract-ish portrait of al#but none of them were working with me so i decided. Actually. What do /I/ Think#basically. u know me u know im always on my poor little alfendi shit.#and i was like. well. post-game#post-game hes probably still reeling from everything that happened. Fendi that is but also Al#and hes probably just. like. Holy fuck. Holy shit man#after 4 long lonely years he's finally gotten his name cleared and has gotten an apology from the Nebulous Yard#but. its not like he can go back. Its not like hes going to pretend that none of those years ever happened#he cant forget that ostracization. the alienation. the demonization. The Izations#the wounds of being left behind cannot heal just yet. and thats okay#and its just. What really is al's legacy. He doesnt fight a big robot or save the world. He fought trauma. He fought suppression. And he won#and you KNOOOWWWW my babygirl is a workaholic. you know he stays at the office because its better than being surrounded by reminders at home#AND. LASTY.... dawn is a recurring motif in the laytonverse. dawn symbolizes the end. it symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth yadda yadda#lastly* good lord#so i reallt wanted to capture that feelinf of like. Pulling an all nighter when youre in a fucked up area of your life#and just looking at the grey skies above and thinking sunrise was supposed to be more worthwhile than this#hope u all enjoy. im going to hide my ipad and stylus in a safe for the next week#art#professor layton#lbmr#layton brothers mystery room#alfendi layton
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 2 years ago
If I Could Turn Back Time
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: Cross-posted on Wattpad and Ao3; to the anon who I told that this wouldn't be posted for awhile...uhhh...surprise?
Chapter 7
The next day, I sat on the couch with my cat in my lap. I moved my hand down his back, slowly stroking his fur as I stared at the TV and watched reruns of Grey’s Anatomy, my nose only slightly throbbing today.
A knock on my door drew me from my thoughts and I groaned as Gingie jumped off and ran, meowing at the door until I came over. I looked through the peephole and to my surprise, it was Larissa.
I opened the door to see her standing there, a headscarf covering her hair and her eyes soft–almost solemn. I could see a sense of pity in her eyes as she saw my form–hair a mess, bags under my eyes, and a ripped pair of sweatpants and a tattered oversized t-shirt I still wore after my ex broke up with me a couple years prior. 
“Larissa, what are you doing here?” I asked. 
“Well after our phone call last night,” she said, “I couldn’t help but get the feeling that you weren’t okay. You sounded like you’d been crying.”
I chuckled at her remark. “Was it that obvious?”
“Unfortunately,” she sighed, following it with a soft smile.
“Oh, do you wanna come in?” I asked. “I need to clean up a bit, but it’s nothing too bad.”
After letting Larissa in and my cat becoming completely attached to her, I brought her to the kitchen. “Can I get you anything?” I rummaged through my fridge to get a soda for myself. “Water? Coffee?” 
Larissa set her purse down on the counter. “No. Thank you, though. I just came by to see if you were okay.” There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again. “Would you like to come by Nevermore tonight? I can’t take you right now, I’m waiting for a student, but I could show you around the school before you start teaching there.”
“Of course,” I said. It was hard to hide a smile as I looked at her. “I’d love that. Thank you.”
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For some reason, I had every urge to dress in nice clothes. Why was I going to such great lengths to impress this woman? 
There was something about her. No other woman I’ve come across has been like her. Maybe it’s her perfect lips–painted rouge to match the passion I harbor for her. Maybe it’s her eyes–that sweet blue that even the calmest of waters envy. Or maybe it was something beyond her physical appearance. Something I would never see with my eyes or feel with the tips of my fingers, but see with my heart; something I would experience or hear–how she laughs at the oddest things, how she’s willing to sacrifice herself for the people she loves the most, the way she cared so deeply for me that first night despite the fact that we hardly knew each other. To this day I still cannot pinpoint it, but just the thought of her made my heart race. 
I took a deep breath as I climbed into my car. My hands gripped the steering wheel to the point where my knuckles were white as I approached the wrought iron gates. I had never seen the school in person before, and the pictures of it do not do it justice. It was so much more magnificent in person–especially during sunset.
After putting my car in park, I hesitantly got out, trying to keep calm. When I approached the door, I was careful to make sure it was a push door, not wanting a repeat of the last time I had spent an evening with Larissa.
There were a few students roaming the halls and when one of them directed me to Larissa’s office I thanked them. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as I climbed the stairs. And when I met the gold plaque that read Principal Weems, I nearly stopped breathing.
I knocked timidly on the large, mahogany door and a quiet voice came from the opposite side.
“Come in.”
When I entered, I was in awe: The office of Principal Weems was like no other room I had seen before–and Larissa made it even better.
“Ah!” she smiled, looking up from her computer. “Y/N! I was hoping I’d see you tonight.”
As I approached her desk, I chuckled. “How could I pass up an opportunity to see you again? But it’s also a pretty large school, and I wouldn’t want to get lost on my first day.”
She stood up and beckoned me to follow her. As we walked through the corridors, her sweet voice graced my ears and part of me felt dazed.
“What?” I could barely recall the past few minutes and we were now standing in front of a door.
She smiled at my oblivion. “I was just saying this is your classroom. My office is right down the hall, so if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate.”
Oh I won’t.
We continued through the school, and every hall we went through, every staircase we climbed or descended, curious looks were thrown our way by students. 
“Is that the new history teacher?”
“I wonder if she’s a normie.”
“Do you think she’s nice? She looks nice.”
Larissa smiled at a group of students exiting the cafeteria, the chipper girls greeting her warmly.
“As you can see,” Larissa said as we continued walking, “this is the dining hall. Teachers and staff are welcome to eat there. I prefer to have my meals in my office, however.”
We took a stop by the trophy case and I admired how many there were. So many clubs and activities were held at this school, and it made my heart ache to know I missed out on it.
“You were on the rowing team?” I gaped.
Larissa smiled brightly. “I was! It was one of my favorite extracurricular activities. It still is. I’ve always loved the Edgar Allen Poe Cup…Ophelia Hall hasn’t won since I was in school though.”
“Ah, so you were the glue holding it together,” I grinned, eyeing her.
“Oh, God, no!” she giggled, her hands clasping in front of her. “No, I was the copilot. But the captain and I were…close. Grew apart with time, of course, but that happens when you graduate.” There was a pause before she turned her head to look at me. “Do you still keep in touch with any of your school friends?”
My smile faded briefly before appearing once again. “No, I never had any close friends in school…I was…troubled.”
“Ah,” she said, smiling softly. “Well, I won’t push you any further.”
After showing me my living quarters (“Of course, you have your own house, but if you ever get tired, you’re welcome to stay here.”), she walked me to the front entrance. “Well, that’s all the necessary areas to show you.”
“I don’t think any picture online could truly capture how magnificent this academy is,” I mused, my head turning at all angles to look around. “Even after the tour I think I’ll get lost.”
Larissa’s lips pursed together in a grin as she walked me to the door and out into the courtyard where my car awaited. “Well, I’ll be happy to show you around again on Monday if necessary.”
Opening my door, I looked back at her and smiled brightly. “With that offer, I suppose I’ll just have to get lost on purpose.”
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myckicade · 3 years ago
Prompt: Ok so we all know Coco is touch starved, and would be clingy af in a relationship. What about Coco x wife!reader, while she’s trying to do basic errands/chores and Coco is her shadow?
A/N: I’ve been waiting for this one. I really have. Hee hee. I just adore Coco. <3 . This piece sort of follows the story of the last two Coco x Reader pieces I have written, but it will stand-alone, just fine. And, I swear, these things just have a mind of their own. I can continue to apologize for length, and content, but, in the end... I let the story tell itself. ;) . <3 .
As a warning, I come from Vermont, where we have a plastic bag ban. Last I knew, California was the first state to have one. I don’t know how that would translate to Santo Padre, but… When I mention fabric bags, I mean reusables, and the ban is why. ^^;;;;.
Title: Worthwhile
Teaser: He’s a little rough, your Coco, foul-mouthed, and quick to anger. Untrusting, and bitchier than a woman, on his best day. But, once you have his love, you have it. All of it.
“Okay…” you murmur, slowly, eyes scanning over the paper in front of you. Fifteen items, nothing crazy. Shouldn’t take you more than an hour, tops, and that includes travel to and from the store. “I think I’ve got everything we need… And, specials included your beer, and those little frozen cream puffs.”
Beside you, Coco groans, deep and guttural. “Fuck, I love those things.”
You giggle, but keep reading. Your man is too damn cute. “Feminine products.”
“Do those count as special?” Coco genuinely sounds thoughtful, as he steps up behind you, where you are leaning over the counter top. He wraps his arms around your waist, chin coming to rest on your shoulder. “Kinda’ a necessity, ain’t they?”
Tipping your head, you glance to your husband. Seriously. This man is a treasure. “Why don’t you run for political office?” you tease, pleased when Coco chuckles.
“Yeah, my record’ll look great, on the campaign trail.”
You shrug. “You can tackle pink tax, and tax evasion, at the same time.”
Coco grins, and steals a peck off your lips. “What else you got on there, muñeca?”
“Hmmm, let’s see…” You turn back to your list, tapping the pen against your lips, thoughtfully. Spying the next item on it, you try not to let out another giggle. He’s not going to like this one. “Letty asked if we could have that cauliflower pizza thing for dinner, tonight.”
As expected, this groan is decidedly not from food lust. “Fuckin’ vegetarians. When the hell is she gonna’ get over this shit?”
“It’s just a phase, Coco,” you remind him, for the… Well, honestly, you’ve lost track. It started shortly after the wedding, Letty’s change in diet, and you’re still not convinced the two aren’t related. You’re just not entirely sure how. But, two months in, and she’s still looking healthy, so you won’t send up any alarms. “It’s very popular at her high school, right now.”
Coco scoffs, disgusted. “When the hell’d she start copyin’ other people, anyway? My girl ain’t no follower.”
The words send a shot straight to your heart. He’s a little rough, your Coco, foul-mouthed, and quick to anger. Untrusting, and bitchier than a woman, on his best day. But, once you have his love, you have it. All of it. The love he has for Leticia is the greatest proof. They may carry on like cats and dogs, but when push comes to shove, there is nothing they won’t do for one another. My girl. It brings a warmth to your soul, and a smile to your lips.
You shake it off, enough to formulate a response. “She’s figuring out how to be her own woman. Trying new things.” You shrug, not wanting to make a big deal of it. You were Letty’s age, once, of course. And, a girl, to boot. Some things, Coco just won’t be able to understand. “It’s a process.” He hums, still disgruntled, but doesn’t push out another word. “You want anything else?” you ask, holding up your list. “I’ve gotta’ get going, before I run into the football widows.”
Before you can even take a step away, Coco tightens his arms around you. “You sure you gotta’ go, though?” he asks, leaning in to brush his lips against your neck. “With the house all to ourselves, like this?”
“If I don’t go,” you start, as Coco’s touches gain intent, becoming teasing kisses. Damn him. It feels nice, you won’t lie, but there are other things on your mind, right now. Priorities.
You’re just… having trouble remembering what they are.
Oh. Yeah. Shopping.
“If I don’t go, we won’t have anything for dinner.”
Another kiss, accompanied by a barely-there swipe of tongue. You shiver, and Coco moves his lips to your ear. “We can order in,” he whispers, breath so invitingly warm against your skin.
Oh, this asshole.
“And, what are we supposed to have for breakfast, tomorrow?” you try, again. “Half an Eggo, and a pack of Skittles?”
Coco cuddles you closer, again. “Ain’t you never heard about livin’ on love, baby?” Some of his smoothest work, that is. And, it’s almost convincing. Almost. You can imagine the afternoon ahead, if you give in. Your clothes will come off, and won’t be back on until the last second, before Letty walks back through the front door. By that time, you’ll be too tired to roll your ass off the bed, let alone go grocery shopping. And, you promised Letty you’d talk Coco into that cauliflower pizza.
“Great as that sounds,” you agree, preparing to capitalize on the truth. You ease yourself away from Coco’s stubborn hold, and give him one more smooch, just to soften the blow to come. “I don’t think Letty will appreciate the sentiment.”
A third groan. You must be going for a record. “C’mon, (y/n).” Oh, he’s whining. It’s so cute, it’s unreal. “We’ll find some place that delivers that rabbit food shit.”
Unfortunately for Coco, you’re already grabbing your bag. Lucky for you. You’re still two seconds from giving him what he wants. (He just doesn’t need to know so). “I’ll be back in a while.” God willing. “If you think of anything else, call my cell.” You rush out the front door, and don’t look back. If you see the look on your husband’s face, you know you’re as good as done.
Well, what the shit? Coco stares at the front door as it closes, you on the wrong fucking side of it. His arms are at his sides, palms turned toward the ceiling. That went so well. He kind of can’t believe you just walked away, like that. Left him alone, and wanting. In your big, empty house.
He probably should have volunteered to tag along, instead of just chasing you off.
Glancing around, Coco tries to find something to do. Something to clean, at the very least. But, that’s the trouble with having moved in with you, after the wedding, he supposes. Ain’t nothing to tidy up. Not that the three of you don’t have possessions. They’re all just in their proper places. Probably Leticia’s doing, in the end. He’d had a long talk with her, before the move, that she absolutely has to keep her shit where it belongs. Your house isn’t like their house. There aren’t burn marks in the carpet, or gouges in the coffee table. Dishes go in the damned dishwasher, not left to pile up on the counter, or in the sink. Beds get made. Laundry gets folded, and put away. No more wrinkled heaps in the clothes basket. So far, the kid’s been doing good. Real good.
Coco, though? He’s never felt so unnerved in his life.
It was different when he just visited. Spent a night or two, here or there. He’d almost felt at home, then, stupid as it sounds. At home, with the knowledge he wasn’t staying. But, now? Now, the reality has settled in, and he feels so-so… out of place. There’s so much he’s struggling to adjust to.
You have a purified water system installed under the sink, where Coco is used to buying bottled water.
You have a dining room, where Coco and Letty are used to eating on the couch.
You have an extended cable package, whatever the fuck that is.
You kind of have it all, here, certainly by comparison to what Coco is used to. The best of everything. Which really makes him wonder – not for the first time – what the hell you’re doing with a dirt-poor biker for a husband? You’ve had this conversation, on multiple occasions, and you’ve explained yourself, every time. But, this time… This time, you’re not around to give that speech. You’re not around to hold him, and kiss his face, and reassure him in a way that only you can. No, you’re at the grocery store, shopping for Coco, and his kid, which was apparently a better offer than staying home with him.
Oh, nope. Nope, he’s doing it, again. He can feel it. You love him, he reminds himself. You’ve got his ring on your finger, his last name, and – God-willing – his baby in your belly. By choice. All by choice.
Coco takes a deep breath, in. Lets it back out, slowly. Tries not to get sick, for all the nerves coming up to greet him. He wraps one arm around his own torso, free hand moving up to cover his mouth.
Fuck, he hopes you get back, soon.
You let out a deep sigh, as you park your car in the garage. Oh, it is so good to be home, at long-last. Talk about Old Home Week. You’d run into everyone, and his brother, at the grocery store. Shopping had taken nearly twice as long as you’d meant for it to, and you just know Coco must be losing his mind, by now. You hate to think about it, in such terms, but, sometimes… Well, sometimes, Coco reminds you of a new puppy. You can’t really leave him alone, without some kind of separation anxiety creeping up on him.
Ah, well. At least he isn’t ripping down the drapes, and shredding the couch cushions.
You blink. Well. That you know of.
Shaking your head, you climb out of the car, mentally preparing to unload armloads of bags. Maybe, if you really, really try, today will be the day you can finally get all twenty bags in, in one trip.
Right. And, shortly thereafter, you can have both forearms set, and casted. Be a real turn-on, in the bedroom.
You’ve managed to grab half a dozen bags, when the door to the mud room opens. “Hey, don’t grab too many!” Letty warns, as she comes hopping down the steps. “Let us help!”
Glancing up, you smile. For having had such a rough start, Letty can be a sweet girl. You know she gets that from her father. “Well, thank you,” you reply, resting a few, fabric handles onto her outstretched hands.
Letty grins, lowering her hands to her sides, before leaning in. “Did you talk him into it?” she whispers, conspiratorially.
You snicker, and whisper back, “He isn’t getting a choice. He’s outnumbered.”
“Yes!” Her hiss of victory is hardly subtle, catching Coco’s attention as he pokes his head out the door.
“You two plottin’ against me, again?”
“Yes,” you and Letty reply, in unison, leading you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
Coco is all grins. “’Course, you are.” He strides closer, he and Letty dancing around one another as she moves into the house. You lean into the car, and retrieve a few more bags. If Coco’s out here, he might as well assist. He’s peering into the car, once you stand back up, and lets out a low whistle. “Damn, (y/n)! You buy out the whole store, or what?”
“Hardly,” you reply, dryly. You hold up your hands, offering Coco the bags. “Here you go.”
“Oh, don’t mind if I do.” Thankfully, your hold on the bags is solid. Instead of grabbing the groceries, Coco’s hands are suddenly groping all over you. One hand is settled firmly at your ass, the other sliding into your hair, at the back of your head. He wastes no time diving in for a slow, deep kiss, and, damn, does his timing suck. He could have at least let you put the bags down, first. The contact makes you tingle, and has you regretting your decision not to stay home. Coco pulls back, after a few seconds, and hums. “Mm. Best delivery ever.”
You can’t help the small snort of amused laughter that leaves your throat. “Good try, Coco,” you praise, easing back far enough to offer him the bags, again. The look of disappointment on his face is just pitiful. “I’m not banging you in the garage.”
He has the grace to mock gasp. “I’d never!” It’s a crock, and you both know it. He looks too amused to be repentant, and you look too aware to be angry. You just raise your hands, slightly, in a third offer. Coco sighs. “All right. All right.” He takes the bags from your hands.
“Thank you.” You grab another load for yourself, rounding the open car door to follow Coco’s lead, into the house. One more trip for each of you, and you should have it covered. So much for only buying fifteen items.
Coco might be right about buying out the store.
Watching from the dining room, Coco has a good view of you and Letty unpacking the last of the groceries. Damn kid, she’d thrown him out, about ten minutes prior.
“Less groping, more helping, Coco,” Letty had warned him, after he’d tried to pin you against the sink.
It had been his last warning. Now, he’s been banished. Not the worst thing in the world, not really. Over the last few weeks, he’s really learned that there are some tasks he’s not so fond of. Pruning roses… Yeah, he’s pretty sure you’ll never let him do that, again. And, hey, nobody told him what to fill the bird feeder with. Unpacking groceries goes on that list, somewhere between line-drying laundry, and a streak-free mirror. He’s not sure why. Goodness knows, it makes him feel like a kid at Christmas, most times. Since being with you, though…
Since being with you, he feels like he’s taking advantage of something.
Yes, groceries are a strange place to let that feeling land, but he can’t help it. Coco’s been responsible for feeding himself since before he cares to remember. The only time anyone provided his meals was during deployment, and half that shit barely passed for edible. You, though… You keep the house stocked with more food than he’s seen anywhere, outside of a corner market. Letty always has options to take to school, and there’s a nutritious dinner on the table, almost every night. (Some nights, he actually does win the battle for delivery). If Coco goes on a run, you send him along with snacks for the road. And, yeah, he kinda’ likes that. He also likes the energy bars you picked out for him, last week. Something with cherries, and dark chocolate. He wonders, for a second, if you picked up any more. Come in handy during his mid-week trip outta’ town.
Coco blinks. Then, he does it again, just for good measure. That’s it. That’s what’s so fucking weird about this whole thing.
It’s you.
Okay, no, it’s not you, you. But, it’s you. It’s you, taking care of him. It’s you, seeing to his needs. Letty’s needs. It’s you, being his wife, his partner. It’s you, slotting into the place of role-model for his teenaged daughter. Welcoming them into your home. Not treating it like it’s your home. It’s you, being so fucking perfect for him, it’s taken his mind all this time to catch up with reality.
Coco doesn’t get perfect. Perfect doesn’t want him.
Except, now, it does.
Before he knows what he’s doing, Coco strides into the kitchen. He doesn’t wait for you to put the box of pasta in the cupboard. He just takes it from your hand, ignoring your confused look, as he tosses it onto the counter.
“Coco!” Letty admonishes, but it’s no use. He’s already lifting you off the floor, arms around your perfect backside. The kid gives a long-suffering sigh, he hears it, but pays it no mind.
Nothing – nothing – is going to keep him from holding you in his arms.
Your own arms go around Coco’s neck, and you smile down at him, surprise still lingering in your eyes. “Uhm… Hi, there.”
Coco grins. “Hey, muñeca.” Leaning up, he pecks you on the lips.
“Can I help you with something?” you ask, to which Coco shakes his head. Closes his eyes, as your fingers play in his hair.
“Nah. Got all I need.”
Pulling a package of mixed vegetables from the half-unpacked shopping bag, Letty rolls her eyes. You two… God, you’re gross. Coco always has his hands on you, no matter what you’re trying to do. It’s a wonder you don’t carry a damned fly swatter around. Actually, it’s a wonder you ever accomplish anything. He’s always smooching, and smiling, and snuggling at you. It’s disgusting. It’s pathetic.
It’s so damned cute, it’s sickening.
Really, Letty’s enjoying seeing Coco so happy. Like, genuinely happy. Not the false pride he carries around with his kutte. He’s more relaxed, nowadays. He drinks less, and he spends more time at home, both of which mean he’s not hanging around with those skanks at the clubhouse. He eats more, he’s healthier… Nothing to complain about, there.
And, hey, she has no complaints about you, either. You’re pretty cool, all-around. A woman who takes care of herself, and her family, and doesn’t bitch about either one. You’re not using Coco for money, or status, none of the shit she’s always been worried her father would fall into. There aren’t arguments, every night, not even between herself and Coco, as of late. No hostilities, nothing to avoid the house over. Just good dinners, and movies, and a new fish tank in her room. (Okay, so, you’d earned some major points with that birthday gift. She hadn’t actually expected to get one, when she’d mentioned it). For the first time, she understands what a peaceful, happy family feels like. It feels nice. It feels like home.
Glancing back to where Coco now has you perched on the counter top, stealing the most syrupy-sweet smooches… Letty can’t help but smile. Home is A-okay by her.
The sound of the air conditioner humming in the bedroom usually lulls you right to sleep. Tonight, it’s just providing you with white noise, a low background track to your thoughts. You don’t mind, not really. It gives you a few minutes to reflect on the day that’s just ended. To plan your day, tomorrow. To weave your fingers through Coco’s hair, and listen to him breathe. That, alone, makes it worthwhile.
Coco has been asleep against your shoulder for nearly an hour, now. Your arms are wrapped around him, comfortably, his own around your waist. You’d urged him up to bed, after he’d fallen asleep on the couch, his head in your lap. He’d snoozed from the middle of the movie, to the end of the nightly news report. Letty had tsked, and complained that no one had any business, whatsoever, in falling asleep during Zombieland. (How he’d stayed asleep was still a wonder to you, both, for how hard you’d been laughing at Tallahassee). With your fingers in his hair, Coco had been blissfully unaware for a couple of hours.
Glancing down, you take in the sight of your husband’s sleeping face. He looks so damn peaceful, the kind you’d outright murder to preserve for him. Coco’s still struggling with sleep, and relaxation, even though you’d hoped it would ease up, once your nuptials had passed. Most of it, you know will never go away. Anxiety doesn’t have a magic wand, or some perfect little on/off switch. And, all things considered, today wasn’t a terrible day. You’d been able to leave the house, with minimal panic on Coco’s part. Granted, it had taken extra time to get the groceries put away, and dinner made, but… You understand, as much as you are able to, that Coco needs the reassurances. It doesn’t cost you anything to carve a few moments from the day, every here and there, to give him what he needs.
Okay, so it did cost you that first batch of pancakes, this morning. They’d burned on the stove, and set off the smoke alarms, when he’d insisted on a dance through the living room. But, Coco loved the song you’d been playing on your Spotify, so there was really no denying him.
Oh, and… Yeah, you’d missed that phone call from the bank, the week before. Your husband had slipped up next to you, on the porch swing, and snuggled you to within an inch of your life. An easy fix, and you still got the business loan, but…
And, sure, you’ve been late to work, on numerous occasions. Coco has a habit of sneaking into your morning shower. And, after that… Well, hell, you own the company. It’s not like you have to explain to the boss that you’re late to your shift, on account of baby-dancing. (Fucking forums).
Point is, you’re more than happy to take care of Coco’s emotional needs. It may take you an extra hour to pay your bills. Daily tidying may have become every-other-day-if-you’re-lucky tidying. And, your ass may have gone numb, tonight, while he slept on your thigh. During which time, you could have loaded the dishwasher. Taken out the trash. Any number of tasks that have been neglected, in the name of Coco. They can wait.
Leaning in, you press a tender kiss to your husband’s forehead, before settling back in, and closing your eyes. Yes, chores can wait. Work can wait. The whole world can hold it, with both hands. So long as you’re around, Coco’s well-being will never have to take the back seat.
P.S. If Coco denies it, he’s full of it. He fucking loved that cauliflower pizza. Fucking vegetarians, indeed.
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behindyourbarrette · 4 years ago
stay stay stay
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summary: You're leaving, but somebody'd like you to stay.
pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
category: Angst and happy ending....mayhaps
warnings: mention of smoking and alcohol
a/n: this was fun to write LOL. not beta read or even proofread and i kind of feel like it’s a lot of nothing but i hope you enjoy anyways <3 as always Reblog my shit. I do this for free and it helps me tremendously
You’re going to tell them tonight. Tonight, or you don’t tell them at all.
While you originally considered the latter to be a last resort, it’s looking more and more like your only option. Filing the paperwork with Hotch was easy enough; he didn’t really react beyond a curt nod and a handshake, which are typical for him regardless. It’s the rest of the team that you’re worried about. In the years you’ve spent at Quantico, the sixth floor has become home. You can’t really recall a life before brunch with JJ and Penelope on Sundays, or a time before Spencer takes you to see new foreign film releases in the park. Before Derek invites you out on runs and walks when you lose your breath, or when you and Emily haven’t exchanged copies of Cats Cradle and Jailbird like currency. This is, to put it plainly, your life now. Serial killers included. But you’re tired of it. Parts of it, at least. So you’re spreading your wings. Departing. Saying adios. Quitting, according to Strauss. Apparently the word ‘resignation’ is reserved for people higher up than you.
Tonight. You’re going to tell them. Regardless of how scary the reality that you’re doubting your decision may be.
You’re at a different bar than usual; everything’s a little brighter than it is at O’Keefe’s. The dartboard’s electronic, something JJ’s adorably enthused by, and there’s a strangely Bjork-centric karaoke lineup. It’s not the typical Friday night you’d intended to create; as you hold a beer in one hand, the taste sour on your tongue, you get the feeling that the whole team is performing a little. You have to, to have fun after these cases. Fake it till you make it.
“You alright?”
Spencer’s beside you at the bar, holding what looks suspiciously like a Shirley Temple and eyeing you with a little too much intensity. With your luck, he can see right through you. This is the most difficult aspect of leaving, you think. You’ve been partnered with Spencer for your entire career at the BAU, being the youngest and most likely to harbor…a distaste for bureaucracy. After nearly ten years of friendship, he is the last person you’d like to abandon abruptly. Logically, after putting in your two week’s notice, you’ve avoided him for the past seven days and stopped taking his calls.
“Yeah, I’m fine. This is just new.”
You’d wanted it to be quiet, low-key. In your mind, you’d pictured telling them at the bar, a round of drinks ordered after. The clink of glasses sending you off into true adulthood. Instead, the team is scattered across the room, each absorbed in something different. There’s no way you’ll be able to corral them all into a serious conversation when this much drink has been poured. You watch as Spencer nods in your periphery, his hair falling into his face. Maybe it’s the beer, but it’s incredibly taxing to avoid reaching out and coiling a curl around one of your fingers. Just to see how it’d feel.
Your friendship isn’t new. That feeling is.
You go back to an unsteady silence, crushing peanuts in between your fingers as you mourn tonight’s plan. You didn’t want to have to leave without a trace. Technically, with minimal traces. There’s little you can hide from Penelope Garcia, to be fair. But this wasn’t how you wanted to do things.
Across the bar, you catch sight of movement. Derek and Penelope are slow-dancing to Usher and Emily’s really laughing, in the way that she only does when she feels safe, her whole body shaking from the effort of it. JJ’s filming from the corner, and you feel yourself smile to nobody as you watch them giggle and sway around the sticky floor. In another time, at another bar, you’d be right there with them. In a way, you’ve already left.
It’s entirely too hot in here, the breath and push of warm bodies suffocating. It’s nearly one in the morning—how is Spencer still here? Is Emily even sober enough to drive? Your mind races and maybe this is what makes your stomach churn; either way, you abandon your seat at the bar and make a beeline for the door. It’s only a little cooler outside, which you attribute to the sickly sweet humidity of late summer, but it’s still better. Against the brick wall, you fish in the pocket of your puffy jacket for a light.
God. You had really wanted to tell them.
“That’s a bad habit.”
You feel him beside you before you see him, his frame lanky and vaguely cedar-scented. Turning, you let the cigarette butt between your fingers fall to the ground. You stomp the spark out with your heel, trying not to laugh as you watch Spencer watch you.
“As if I don’t know.” He bugs you about it all the time, peppering you with statistics and factoids that feel right out of seventh grade health class. This is nothing new, but the animosity in your tone is. He nods, taking your feedback with an earnest expression on his face. Hands in his pockets, back slightly hunched, he meets your eye.
“Really. I worry about your lungs sometimes. You’re young, but your odds aren’t good.”
Your lips twitch upwards—not by choice. Spencer has a proclivity for making you smile. He means what he says, and it’s endearing. Profilers have a tendency to lie, because they know they can. At least, they know it’ll take a while for them to get caught. It’s a sign of something like trust when they choose to bestow you with the truth. You take a breath, reminded of your lungs, then exhale a little staggered as picture them, blackened and dry, overtaken with smoke. Maybe he’s right. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“This team copes by barhopping. We all have our vices, but I don’t hear you worry about their livers.” You level, your tone a little harsher than you intend. Defensive; being a profiler is only an added bonus in detecting the fact that he’s touched a nerve. You want to show him the box of Nicorette patches on your bathroom counter, the missed calls from your mother, the receipts from corner stores. Instead, you look him in the face.
“I like your lungs. That’s why I worry.” He takes an imperceptible step closer, craning his neck to look at the sky. He’s scanning for something, the moonlight casting a dreamy glow onto his features. He’s softer like this, less angular and harsh. It’s only when his eyes flick towards you that you realize you’ve been staring. It’s been a while since you were this close to each other, but each tiny detail on his face comes back to you in time. They’re hard to forget, and you piece them together slowly, tinkering with your toolbox until you’ve put your memory of him back together.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you lately.” You manage to get the words out despite the intensity of the look you’re sharing. It’s a little overwhelming, to be communicating silently and upholding a verbal conversation at the same time. You can’t decipher what his eyes are saying, only that yours are begging him to do something, to move closer, to stay.
“I know it’s hard. We’re not much if we’re not there for each other.”
He’s thanking you now, you can tell that much. Raking a hand through his hair, he shakes his head. The bar door swings open, a couple exiting hand in hand. The woman shoots you a tipsy smile before turning back to her partner, stumbling as she clings to their arm. Spencer straightens his spine and clears his throat. A wave of something tinted vaguely green and almost jealous crosses your mind, but you gulp it down before you can say something stupid. Spencer speaks and you’re jolted out of the idea, focused on watching him move.
“It’s not your fault, and I’m fine dealing with it on my own. I know things are rough for you too.”
“Still. I should be there.”
He nods, and the silence settles into something slightly more tolerable than awkwardness. When did this happen? You’ve always been close, but held at arms length. Emily once told you that Spencer wears an emotional life vest, and it’s true. He mitigates all risk, at the cost of vulnerability. You don’t know much, but you know everything. You should have told him. How couldn’t you have known, that it’d be this difficult? How didn’t you expect that you’d never be able to walk away?
“You can tell me what’s going on, you know.” He reminds you, matter-of-factly. You shrug, hands in your pockets as you watch your breath grow cool in the night air.
“I’m quitting.” “Please don’t leave.”
You speak in unison, words jumbled and overlapping. His eyes widened in panic, already scrambling to formulate a response. You flush red, reaching to bridge the distance with a comforting hand on his arm. A slow ache built in your chest, the impact of his words lodging itself in your ribcage, a little delayed.
“You knew?” It’s peculiar; he seems to relax instead of stiffen, as if he was expecting it. Your hand takes on a new weight against his arm and you can’t decide whether to move or stay put.
“You’ve been pulling away from everyone. I saw you talk to Strauss the other day. Thought maybe you were getting your affairs in order, trying to make a clean break.” He offers, rushing through the sentence like it pains to say. As he moves, hands gesticulating wildly, your arm falls to the side.
Huh. You’re a worse profiler than you thought. You’d been discreet, quiet, private, yet he’s figured you out. You blink the feeling of defeat out of your eyes and stammer, trying to catch your breath. It’s impossible, with the way he’s looking at you. Like you’ve crushed his heart beneath your heel.
“You’re right. I’ve just been thinking, lately.”
He looks younger, in the dark. You’re reminded of late nights on the sixth floor, spinning chairs and too-long ties.
“We joined the Bureau right out of grad school. We were babies. I had no idea what I wanted, at twenty four. I still have no real idea what I want.” You scoff on the last part of your sentence, trying to diminish the truth of it.
“But I miss teaching. I miss students, and classrooms, and helping people on their good days, not just their worst. I’ve done great work, here. But it’s a lot. And I’m tired.” He’s understanding you, and this is uniquely infuriating. With a clear of his throat, he looks at you with a little glint of sadness in his eyes and it’s at this moment that you realize he wants you to stay. He’s too kind to tell you this.
“It makes sense. You loved TA’ing criminal psych, I remember. I can’t fault you for pursuing your happiness.” He squints, brushing at his eyes. I’ve had happiness, partly, because I’ve had you. “That’s all we can really do, right?”
“Tell me to stay and I will.” “You can’t ask me that.” His voice is hushed, accusatory, and you’re too focused on how uniquely angry he sounds to absorb the reality that he’s taken your hand into his.
“Why not? If you need me, I’ll stay.”
You’ve been wondering when the regret will kick in; apparently it’s underneath a stoplight, the smell of cigarette smoke more of a memory than anything else. He shakes his head, sniffing.
“You’re not the first person to go, and you won’t be the last. It’s my responsibility to learn to cope, not yours to accommodate me.” It hits you then, as the light from the street crosses his eyes and illuminates them a new shade of hazel. You don’t have to go. Not tonight, not ever. Not really.
“I’ll be fine. I’ve been fine before. I just wish we had more time, you know? I’d do things differently. It’s funny. We had so long, but it feels like no time at all.”
“Spencer.” You feel much younger than your years, tugging on his sleeve. He’s focused on something in the distance, and you don’t miss the shimmer of tears on his cheeks.
“I want you to be happy. I can’t take that away from you.”
“Spencer. I’m leaving the Bureau. That doesn’t mean I have to leave you, too.” This renders him speechless, his face blank as you realize just how close the two of you are. Neither of you move, though. You take in a tentative breath and feel the lapel of his coat between your fingers, trying not to get your hopes up. “Ask me to stay.”
“What do you mean? We just—“
“Ask me to stay with you.” You give his collar a tug with each of the last words, trying to keep his attention. His eyes drift across your face, pausing on your lips before it seems to hit him.
A small smile pulls on the corners of his mouth, and you get the sense that you’ve won. He exhales, a little shaky, and you feel something a little like pride. This fades, though, when his eyes widen and he smirks as he begins to tell a joke.
“Nobody’s ever done that before.” He clearly thinks this is very funny; his grin goes a little crooked as he jokes. You ignore the melancholy tone laced beneath it; this is a happy moment, at its glowing core. By now, you’re half-hugging in the cold, pressed against each other in a lopsided embrace.
“Yeah, well. I’m not nobody.” You give his hand a squeeze, relishing in his warmth. He’s come back to life, a little. The color’s returned to his cheeks and he’s smiling with his whole face, cheeks split into a grin reserved for you. You rest your head on his shoulder, suppressing a smile.
“No,” he says, and you’re not sure that you’ll ever forget the feeling of his lips as they ghost over your cheek, the edge of your jaw, the shell of your ear. “You’re not.”
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@sadsonglistener @idonotexiste @reidsacademia @everyonesfavoritepipecleaner @rebeccasoutlook @reidmyspencer @i-love-spencer @stardustspence @jenny885108-blog @deakyjoe @lovesdarkness @theteapotmoth @wifeyprentiss @rexorangecouny @kuolonsyoja @drayshadow @measure-in-pain @allybatch @reidonfilm @luredwithpretzels @thatsonezesty13 @ceridwen-02 @the-chaotic-cow @thedancingnerdmermaid @just-another-persona123 @aanubisbackwards @forever-not-gonna-sink @whentheskiesareblue
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chipper-smol · 4 years ago
Hollow Knight Telephone Round Two: Babysitter SL
Prompt: Shade (lord) is in the midst of final exams and they’re more stressed and tired than usual while babysitting. They accidentally fall asleep in the middle of a calm spell and the god babies become worried. The next time Shade comes over, all of the god babies present a gift they all made together!
By @minnesotamidian-blog​
Shade barely noticed their surroundings as they entered the nursery playroom. Plastic clattered and they sighed as Radiance yelled at the top of her lungs. At least she wasn't screaming. Yet. The scene was set: Unn was still in a crib and chewing on a bar, Root was climbing slowly onto a chair. Radiance was knocking over plastic blocks as Grimm cackled away. For once, Wyrm was playing peacefully with a kick toy, batting at it with his tail. Root got onto the chair and squealed, raising her arms. "Big Root now!" The little blue-eyed godling squeaked out.
Shade picked her up, hugged her to their chest before holding her out. "Now you're a flying Root."
She screamed laughter as Shade tiredly walked her around the room before setting her down near some of her favorite toys. They made sure nobody else had claimed the chair and took a seat, bending over to pick up the fussy moth. "Ancient enemy!" Of course she bit their hand.
Shade winced and just ran a hand over her fluff. "Are you hungry for something that isn't void?" They spoke tiredly.
"Oranges!" She yelled out.
The teen sighed as he went to the mini-fridge with snacks and found some miracle of miracles! pre-peeled oranges. Shade pulled them out and put her in a high chair with one at a time so she wouldn't be tempted to throw the extras at them.
Finals were here and they were really taking it out of the gangly god. Why did they have to know stuff about inorganic chemistry? Why did they have to know about history nobody cared about? There were some fun subjects, but the finals seemed to even suck the fun out of those classes, going over notes and studying everything just in case. They'd been pulling long nights and the night before had been an all-night cram session-and they still had to come to work, they couldn't afford not to. They'd underlined all the stuff the teacher had said was important to remember and had written down stuff from the last finals about each teacher's usual tests.
It made narrowing down what to study from impossible to I'm totally toast. They groaned as they set down a calmer Radiance the opposite side of the room from Wyrm. She found toys that interested her, at least. Root wandered over to Wyrm, who was really into knocking at the kick toy and purring. Root settled nearby and burbled as she hugged and gnawed a plushie.
The teen couldn't help it. The kids were calm for once; their head started to tilt forward, eyes heavy. They were exhausted. Shade's eyes closed and their breathing deepened. At first, their toys were too interesting to notice their babysitter's state; but it didn't take long for Grimm to get bored enough to fly over and notice. "...Shade? Shade's eyes are closed." They landed and the four children not in a crib headed for the batlike godling.
"Is Shade dead?" Wyrm sounded worried.
"Don't be stupid, they're having a nap!" Radiance huffed.
Root looked up and swayed before patting Shade's leg. "Grown-ups don't have nap times." She was tearing up.
"Nuh-uh, they're having bad dreams and it's tasty!" Grimm clamored onto their lap.
The others joined, Radiance grabbing Unn to join them on the sleeping teen. Grimm rested between Shade's horns, Unn was on one shoulder, Radiance on the other, with Root and Wyrm curled up together on Shade's lap, Wyrm purring for once.
When Shade woke up, they were surprised by the weight on their body and forced themself to look down and around before moving. "Uh oh, I fell asleep… sheesh, I'm glad this place isn't a fiery disaster." They picked the godlings up. "You're not dead!" Wyrm exclaimed.
Root burst into tears and even Grimm joined in on the crying spat. Shade sighed and spent the rest of the time comforting them until meal time and settled them down. Time to go home for them all!
But the worry didn't leave the heads of the little godlings. "We should make something for Shade. If they're having nightmares, they might be sad." Radiance sighed. "But that doesn't mean I feel bad for my ancient enemy!" "What do we make?" Root twirled around, slowly turning in place until she fell onto pillows in her dizziness.
"Something of clay! I can burn it dry!" Grimm hopped around.
"But there's no clay." Unn spoke slowly, thoughtfully. "But there's crayons and paper."
"Oooh. We can make a pretty picture for Shade!" Wyrm waved his head happily. The group went for papers and each started to draw on the paper. "You're taking up too much paper!" Wyrm whined.
Radiance complained in turn, pointing at the color he was using. "I want that color!"
Wyrm growled and argued back. "I had it first!"
They started rolling around over their drawings, biting and clawing. Grimm gave a solid scream that startled the two. "You ruined Shade's pretty pictures!" He yelled.
The two looked at each other and hung their heads. "...sorry." Radiance muttered.
"-'m sorry." Wyrm looked away from the moth, skulking. "Start again? You can have the crayon, Radiance…"
Radiance took the crayon and they all picked up the last piece of paper. "I think this is better." Root spoke cheerfully.
It was three days later, once Shade had a solid night's sleep and finals completed that they'd returned to work. A large construction sheet of paper in grey covered in scribbles and rough names and messages was waiting for them.
Feel better soon Shade
Love you
Best babysitter
Tastiest nightmare!
Not the worst anciant ancient enemy.Shade could only feel warmth and laugh, hugging the drawing to themself. There were some days the job felt like the best thing in the world.  ------------------------------- By @tomatotimes
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By @loud-whistling-yes
The kids protested louder. Shade lifted the TV remote higher up, now above their head.
"Screentime's over, I said no."
Wyrm attempted to crawl up their leg in what was a rather pathetic attempt at stealing the remote, but was promptly shaken off. Grimm tried next, flying overhead to snatch the controller. Shade ducked and grabbed him by the tail before he could send himself flying straight towards the ceiling fan for the third time that day.
"Find something else to do," Shade said as they stuffed the remote deep into their pocket, much to everyone else's dismay. "Look, as much as I'd love to shut you guys up for the whole day, you've all been staring at the TV for hours now and I don't want to get in trouble with your parents."
Louder complaints.
"No, no, no. I am not cracking this time." Shade announced as they pulled Radi, who was hissing like an angry cat, off their jeans and pulled their phone out. "You guys got me last week, never again. No more TV for you, we're doing something else before I lose my money for tonight. Google almighty, what is your suggestion."
activities to do with children
fun activities to do with children
activities to do with toddlers
what can I do with kids that isn't a major headache to deal with goddamnit
Go to the park? Shade took about half a second to consider the thought before wondering why they even thought it was possible anyways. Five kids from the deepest depths of hell, outdoors? No. No park.
Finger painting? A pain to clean up, but better than outdoors. Then they looked up from their phone and considered the idea with greater thought. Grimm's wings, Radi's legs, Unn and Wyrm's… er…. Body?.... Nevermind.
Play pretend? …. If they hear the name Hallownest one more time they might just go insane.
Hide and seek? No. No no no no no. No more hide and seek. Shade was utterly sick of hide and seek. If they had to spend another second stuffed inside the closet or trying to get Radi off the roof they'll probably quit the job right there and then.
… That might work. Sure, cleaning up is gonna be absolute hell but it's the only thing Google suggested that they haven't tried yet without horrible results.
Shade stuffed their phone back into their pocket and made a getaway to the kitchen, everyone else following, probably still trying to get the remote back. Butter, eggs, flour, sugar, oh, even some chocolate chips…
"Well then," They declared, pulling every ingredient out of the cabinet and fridge. "We're making cookies! And no, no one is allowed to touch the oven when it's hot. If you guys behave we'll have cookies in like, an hour or something like that."
The kids watched in confusion as Shade ran around the kitchen, pulling out bowls and spoons and a bunch of other utensils while typing furiously on their phone.
Cookies recipe
Cookies recipe easy
Cookies recipe for beginners
Cookies recipe for kids
"What do you guys think about chocolate chip cookies?"
Multiple chitters of approval. "Chocolate chip cookies it is then."
Step one: sieve the flour. Oh wyrm, first step and it's already gonna go to shit.
"Okay, you guys can watch this but for the love of the holy wyrm, do not touch it." Shade measured the correct amount of flour before scooping Wrym and Unn off the floor onto the table so they could see while Radi pulled herself onto the chair. The Lady had already clinged herself onto their sweater and Grimm was doing just fine flying nearby.
“You guys get one chocolate chip each if you guys behave and don’t get flour everywhere.” Shade added. “Now, Lady, hold still and don’t move, I gotta keep my hands steady for this…”
"Okay, chocolate chip time." Shade popped open the jar of chocolate as the kids cheered. "Actually, we’re not supposed to be eating this plain, cause it's going into the cookies. But no one actually does that so you guys get five chips each for not setting the kitchen on fire so far."
"The recipe says a cup of chocolate chips but we all know that's a lie." They added while shoving their phone back in their pocket and grabbing a handful of chips before mixing the batter together. "I'm probably not someone you should take life lessons from, but here's one thing I can guarantee you should take to heart: never follow the recipe when it comes to chocolate chips, you count that with your soul."
Final step: oven time. The oven was preheated earlier, and the only thing left was to get the cookies into the tray and into the oven. "Now, who wants to make heart-shaped cookies?"
Three deformed stars, five mutated trees, two malformed cats, several irregular hearts, a couple handfuls of chocolate eaten straight from the jar, and one (1) perfectly round cookie later, the cookies were on the tray, in the oven, and in a surprising turn of events, no one burned themselves… yet. Shade grabbed everyone and made sure no one was in a five-meter radius within the oven before picking up all the dirty bowls and utensils. “Cookies will have to sit in there for about 15 minutes, we’ll be cleaning up in the meantime.”
“Don’t look at me like that, and no whining, if you want cookies you gotta deal with the mess afterwards. That's the payoff, unless you're a wizard who has a passion for baking. Then that's fair, I guess." They dumped all the used utensils they could find and turned on the sink. The sief, three bowls, tablespoons and teaspoons.. Oh wait.
"Radi, the big wooden spoon, please?" Shade called, sponge in their hand and bowls being thoroughly rinsed.
Radi, of course, was not willing to help, because she's basically a feral house cat that just so happened to grow more legs than the average feline. Shade sighed and moved on to finding the next helper they could find.
"Grimm, I know you're touching the oven, stop it. I'm pretty sure you're immune to fire but not everyone else and you're setting a bad example for them. Get me the spoon please."
“Lady, here’s a cloth, help me dry the bowls up. Wyrm, … i have no idea how you can help, no limbs and all but uh, could you go get Unn? I have no idea where she went. Thanks.” The last sentence was to Grimm, who flew over with the mixing spoon and dropped it into the sink while Wyrm scurried away to find Unn, wherever she’s napping at.
"Radi? Radi, I know you're right behind me, stop pretending that you can't hear me. Lady has an extra cloth with her, you're on table wiping duty."
“See? That wasn't so bad,” Shade sent the last of the bowls back into the cupboards and closed it shut. “And the cookies are pretty much done.”
“Also, no. You may not eat the cookies the moment I pull them out of the oven. These rules also apply to Grimm because it's unfair to everyone else.. Don’t look at me like that Grimm, I know you’ll eat them all before they cool and leave us nothing.”
The cookies smelt delicious, and were left on the dining table to cool. “Now that it's cooling down, it's naptime.”
A chorus of groans and wailing.
“It’ll be ready when you guys get up. Up up up, sleep time.”
If you’ve been anywhere near toddlers before, you’d know that getting them to nap in their bedrooms is a near-impossible situation. And Shade was not a person who deals with near-impossible situations well. So following the months old custom, Shade turned on the tv, remote miraculously not pickpocketed, collapsed onto the couch, and waited for everyone piling on them to fall asleep before moving them into their bedroom and pretending they managed to wrangle them all into bed.
And it all goes to plan, the Lady and Wyrm were sound asleep on their lap, Radi and Unn were dozing off on their shoulders, and they're pretty sure the snoring from the top of their head was coming from Grmm. Now, step 2: get everyone off them and onto the beds.
… Or maybe later. It's been a long day, and the couch is pretty comfy. Yeah, just five more minutes, nothing wrong with that…
And if the parents came home to see a cleaner-than-expected kitchen, a tray of chocolate chip cookies, and five kids snoring on top of their babysitter, also sound asleep, then that’s nobody’s business.
And if the originally completely full jar of chocolate chips was pretty much empty, then that’s no one’s business as well.
By @astronomicartz​
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By @hollow-kin​
Shade lord wanted to take a nap. They are sooo tired, but they are babysitting 5 baby gods for 5$/H. Grimm is a brat, Radiance his sister is also a brat. Unn was ether eating or seeping, same with grub1. Lady was, well sweet and cuddly. they needed to find a distraction for the kids, what would work?
Would tv work, would cartoons work? They had dinner already. Tv had to work or grub and radiance would destroy the house. They needed to take a nap. Now what to watch was a different question, they would have to ask the kids. “so, what do guys want to watch? “Movie!” well they were all in agreement, what was good. “What kind of movie do you guys want to watch?” “Fire!” “dath” “animal” “tree” “ok. No, we are NOT watching fire.” “awww” “i do not know what dath means so no. So nature show it is then.” they go over to the tv and turn it on, then select the world around us. Lady was quick to fall asleep, on their lap. Shade lord slowly fell asleep, and grub nested between grub and shade lord. Grimm climed up to shade lord's head. 
By @hawaiianbabidoll
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By @neoliberalsatan
A gentle darkness surrounded the shade lord. He finally felt at ease. "finally", he thought, "rest." it didn't take long after that before the darkness started to take shape and a whole new world created out of shadows sheathed him.
But the happiness of the shadows didn't last long. A new and a new sound drowned out their world and all the animals and plants took to hiding back in his head. The shade lord felt the distressed creations stir inside his mind and woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He rubbed his lowest eyes and accepted the call
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh sorry dear, i know it's terribly late but we got an unexpected call and need to leave. Since you've babysat Unn multiple times we assumed she would like to stay with you. Is it okay for you? Can we bring her to your place?" The shade lord thought for a moment and decided he could use the money. "Yea it's fine, she's always such a pleasure to babysit." The voice on the other side sounded relieved. "Thank you. You're a life saver. We will make sure you're compensated accordingly."
Feeling a bit more awake after the phone call he started to prepare for having baby Unn over. After a while her parents arrived and after some greetings he was home alone with the baby. He walked with her in his arms towards the living room and placed her gently inside the crib. She opened her eyes for a moment after losing the feeling of someone holding her, but then closed them again and fell back asleep.
The shade lord decided he couldn't sleep anymore and made some popcorn and decided to put on a movie. It didn't even take 20 minutes before he got called again.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh yes finally someone who answers. Sorry but you're our last hope. We were going somewhere tonight but our babysitter called off. Do you think you could babysit our lovely Radiance? She's very good behaved and won't cause you trouble." "yea, no problem. You'll just need to bring her to my place if it's no trouble"
Not even 5 minutes later the parents showed up and dropped of their larva. Shade lord looked at it a bit confused but didn't get the time to say anything because the parents left as soon as they handed her over. He closed his front door and gave the larva a good look. She was white and had a fluffy appearance. She had 5 pairs of legs and yellow-orange eyes. She started to writhe a little bit and shade lord made sure to hurry to the living room. He took a pillow and placed it on the couch and softly laid her on it. She seemed at ease and rested on the pillow all stretched out
Shade lord continued his movie, which was finally starting to get interesting, but as usual the commercial break hit. He was in the kitchen making more popcorn when he got another call.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Hello, is this the babysitter?" "Yes, that's the one you're speaking with." "Great, a family member had an accident and i need to be there for them so do you think you could babysit for me?" "Yep, totally." "Thank you, can we bring him to you?" "Oh yea, no problem."
A few minutes later his doorbell rang and he hurried towards it. The father carried his toddler in what could only be described as wing-esque appendages. The shade lord extended his arms for the man to put his toddler in and felt a gentle brush of the leathery membrane. He shivered lightly before feeling a sudden warmth light up in his face, like someone has started a fire. When he looked back up the man was gone and he closed the door. The creature he was holding in his arms was unlike anything he had ever seen. 2 horns sprouted from its black head. The face was as bleak as white linen on a summer day. It seems she likes make-up because she had already 2 black lines running from her cheeks towards her eyes, eventually fading into the darkness of her head. She had the same membranes as her father and no limbs besides it.
He wasn’t even in the living room before he heard his front door being was under siege. He put the weird creature down and opened the front door. Immediately he was assaulted by Hollow, a very energetic child. He was wearing a green cloak today and it finally seemed he was starting to grow bigger than a hand. His horns has also branched into the inside. Immediately after Hollow jumped on his he could hear Pale complain about his unprofessional work attitude. Although he was bigger than most it seems he wouldn’t grow much anymore. His tiny stature didn’t discourage him from being bossy. Finally White entered. By far the biggest of the bunch, she was also the most introverted. Her roots slid elegantly over towards him and even managed to stop Pale from talking for a moment.
He took them inside the living room only to find that somehow the larva and the winged creature had somehow gotten into a fight and now both were in hiding in opposite sides of the room. Normally he wouldn’t make such a big deal out of this if somehow his couch wasn’t full of tiny needles and a chair was on fire. He rushed to the tap to fill a bowl of water to extinguish the little fire. With the attention being diverted Hollow managed to slip from the watch of Pale and could now be found in the corner Radiance was hiding. The larva figured out quickly he liked to play games and had soon enough set up a plan to make him betray Pale.
In the meantime White had climbed the couch and started pulling out the needles while Shade lord had figured out what the membrane between the appendages from the weird creature were for. Namely, for flight. And now she was attacking his horns and he couldn’t reach her. As if her flying was not good enough alone, whenever he raised his arms she would back off and launch a little fireball  All this commotion woke up baby Unn who slowly started to slither away from her crib to find food.
The shade lord finally had enough of the little fire hazard and rushed towards the pantry to get a kettle. Once he had found it he peeked around the corner only to find that fire hazard eating his popcorn! All caution was thrown aside and he grabbed her by the guts and put her inside the kettle. She tried to heat it but he added some water to it. While it evaporated quickly it was apparently enough to bring over the message. Now he could focus his attention back on the larva again, only she could’ve produced those needles, which White was making great progress with removing them as a quick glance told him.
Now back to Pale and Radiance who were apparently having a fight (Darkness, that larva really has a talent to provoke others). They were arguing near the coffee table, because apparently they wanted a fight so bad they just ran to each other and met in the middle. Hollow was climbing one of the legs of the table, but wasn’t noticed by the shade lord because he was too occupied with the other 2. He tried to separate the arguing pair but they were at each other’s throats. They even had summoned a needle and a tiny dagger to fight each other. The shade lord obviously didn’t count on this tiny factor and had soon enough one in each hand. He screamed, trying not to curse, barely not failing miserably, and Pale managed to escape. In any other situation this wouldn’t pose a problem, but Hollow, after eating some popcorn, found himself at the right edge of the coffee table and pulled out his tiny wooden sword he got from Pale. The larva, Darkness curse her, used this to her advantage and made the sign to Hollow to betray Pale. The act of betraying Pale involved jumping off of the coffee table and hitting Pale as hard on the head as possible. Naturally, all of this went according to plan and even brought some extra spectacle. After Hollow had hit Pale on the head he wasn’t prepared for the recoil of the wood and ended up hitting himself in the face.
All of this lead to 3 crying children (1 of them from laughing, the others from pain) and 1 very angry young adult. He put the larva on the couch and took care of the others while White held a close eye on the damned 10 legged thing. After Pale and Hollow weren’t crying anymore he took the little fire hazard out of the kettle and continued his movie, which was getting to an end.
After the film ended a documentary started and had all the kids hooked. He went to check on Unn only to find an empty crib. He could however see a slimy trail lead up his wall and onto the ceiling. It went through the door into the pantry where he kept his food and toys for the toddlers. He looked up on the ceiling only to find a sleepy Unn with a letter block in her mouth. Suddenly Unn started to make a very weird noise and fell from the ceiling onto his face. He swiped her off of his face onto his shoulder and then washed it.
He returned back to the tv to watch the documentary that was still playing and plopped down on the couch. Not long after he was asleep with White on his left shoulder, Unn on his right shoulder, the little fire hazard on the same arm and Pale curled up in his lap. Radiance and hollow were still awake but occupied with the documentary instead of causing trouble. After the documentary ended they crawled up against his sides and fell asleep.
By @constantlost 
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By @bugbeee
Exhaustion seeped into Shadelord’s body, limbs weighed down by a heaviness they hadn’t experienced in a while. The smatter of godlings that lay around them on the couch, or on them in Radi’s case, was enough to convince them that they had died and that this was the Eternal Void that was created to punish them for cheating on that test in the 8th grade. In their defence, it had been on rock sedimentation.
Wyrm continued his grumbling from the corner of the couch, still infuriated by the attack on his person only moments before. Root, the aggressor, looked remarkably pleased with herself. Shade knew they should probably punish her further in some way but... well, to be perfectly honest, they simply were not paid enough to do so.
They really should have charged more. Fifteen dollars at least per tiny demon they had to look after rather than the whole bunch. Fifteen dollars was not enough to encourage discipline. It was enough for them to make sure none of the godlings killed the other. And they had thought they had come up with an ingenious plan to secure some peace and quiet.
After much wrangling, they had finally managed to set up two separate playpens, each far enough away that the godlings wouldn’t start screaming if one of them saw their rival. Wyrm and Root in one pen, Grimm, Radi and Unn in another. It was a gamble, but one that thankfully seemed to have paid off. Radi was still exhausted from the tussle she had just had with Wyrm, and Grimm seemed content to chew off the heads of the plastic Garbies they had found. Unn continued to watch, and occasionally helped Grimm execute a Garbie in a spectacular manner. It was both reassuring, and beyond disturbing. Root and Wyrm meanwhile were cheerfully ignoring each other as they both played with their own toys.
It should have been foolproof.
Unfortunately for Shade however, they were dealing with infants instead of fools.
For some damned reason, Root had decided that now was the perfect time to act up, instead of being the sweet little darling she had been so far. Her target, much to their dismay, had been Wyrm. In all fairness, the godling had probably deserved it in some way; most likely he had tried to worm too close in order to steal some of the grubpaste and mushroom sticks Shade had left out as a snack. Root had seen this theft as a cardinal sin, and had subsequently decided that Wyrm deserved nothing less than absolute annihilation.
The momentary doze Shade had managed to fall into was abruptly interrupted by loud shrieking and wailing, resulting in them vaulting over the couch to hurriedly find out which one of the godlings was being tortured.
The scene that greeted them was... well, it wasn’t any less ridiculous than some of the other stuff the little goblins had pulled before.
Using her flexible tendrils, Root had seen fit to wrap them around Wyrm, and aggressively dunk him into the bowl of grubpaste he had attempted to steal from. His shrieks and hisses had woken up Radi and drawn the attention of the other children, who were now cheering on Root’s attack on Wyrm’s person.
“Enough,” Shade declared, shooting a glare behind them, “Root, let him go.” Root looked up innocently.
No, she seemed to say with her eyes, justice must prevail.
“Justice won’t get me my fifteen dollars,” they hissed out in return, and they could have sworn that Root shrugged, turning away from them to dunk Wyrm into the bowl yet again.
“No!” they cried out, quickly whipping down to grab the poor child before he could be further humiliated. After finally being saved from his vicious tormentor, Wyrm decided it was time to go into hysterics, lashing out with a sharp tail to fully show his displeasure. Root simply watched impassively as the rest of the children cheered.
Shade wondered if fifteen dollars was even worth it at this point.
“Alright, alright, enough! Root, you go in time out. We do not waterboard our fellow godlings in grubpaste. Wyrm, calm down, it’s just grubpaste- Settle down!” they yelped out, flinching as something heavy settled onto their head. The soft fluff revealed that Radi had decided to fly out of her pen and taunt Wyrm in person. Shade wanted to sob with frustration.
The door cracked open, and Ghost peered in, head tilted curiously.
Need help? they signed, and Shade wanted to collapse in relief.
“Please,” they begged, and their sibling nodded grimly, even as amusement danced in their eyes. Shucking off their school backpack, they quickly headed over to the other pen and signed to them, bobbing their head up and down in a soothing motion. Grimm and Unn were entranced. Radi less so. She remained seated on their head, but at least seemed to have finally stopped provoking Wyrm.
“I’m just going to clean him up,” Shade explained uselessly, watching as Ghost simply nodded and waved them off. 
With a tired gait, Shade wandered into the kitchen and turned on the tap, listening as Wyrm’s panicked yelps grew louder at the realisation of what was going to happen next. Radi snickered softly, before leaping off and gliding back into the living room.
Bath time, according to the godlings, was a fate worse than death, and something to be avoided at all cost.
Unfortunately for both Wyrm and Shade, it was a necessary evil. Wyrm disagreed. Loudly. And with claws.
He howled furiously as Shade slowly lowered him into the warm water, softly scrubbing at the now-dried grubpaste sticking to his skin. Despite his attempts, Wyrm failed to prevent them from continuing his bath. He turned to pathetic pleading instead, making soft mewling sounds as though he was nothing more than a poor innocent child who had done nothing wrong, ever.
Shade, who remembered the little bastard knocking a glass ornament onto their head, was not convinced. Ultimately there was no escape, and Wyrm reluctantly gave in to the soft scrubbing, though he made sure his rumbling complaints were known.
“Yes, yes,” Shade said quietly, “I truly am the worst. Close your eyes so I can rinse you.”
Wyrm, in a dumb act of defiance, did not close his eyes. The hysterics started again, and Shade contemplated drowning themself in the half-filled sink. Fifteen dollars, they repeated. Fifteen dollars.
Grabbing a tea towel, they quickly dried the godling off, carefully teasing out water droplets from soft scales. He child gnawed on their fingers in revenge. “I’m done,” they announced, wandering back into the living room with a now clean, and furious, Wyrm.
Ghost looked up from their position on the floor, back leaning against the couch as they played with Grimm. Radi immediately perked up at the sound of Shade’s voice, and quickly flew over, making herself at home on top of their head. Unn seemed to have decided to undertake the momentous task of scaling up the back of the couch, leaving a thick trail of slime behind. Root, still stuck in her pen as punishment, let out a wail, demanding to be let out.
Shade was all out of energy to fight back or deal with a tantrum.
“Alright, alright, out you go,” they muttered, depositing Wyrm on the couch before reaching down to lift out the petulant child from her terrible prison. She clung to them desperately until they finally collapsed on the sofa. She quickly wriggled out of their hold and instead plonked down beside them. Wyrm had hissed at the sight of her, and slunk to the other side of the couch to sulk.
Grimm let out a raspy cackle at the sight, before diving down to nip at Ghost’s fingers.
Unn finally made her way to the top of the couch and waved her eyestalks victoriously. All Shade could do was give her a tired pat.
They sank into the couch, the exhaustion creeping back in. It should have been foolproof.
Fifteen dollars.
By @arandoskeleartist​
162 notes · View notes
viola-halogen · 2 years ago
12 Days of Thanktival — Day 4: Modern AU/Fancy Dress Party
[AO3 link]
Relationships: Mary/Annie, Kitty & Mary
Characters: Mary, Annie, Pat Butcher, Humphrey Bone, Kitty
Summary: Annie invites Mary to be her plus-one at her work’s Christmas Party.
A/N: Mary/Annie has literally changed my brain chemistry… I’m so obsessed with them. ❤️
The Party
They were going to a fancy dress party with some of the people from Annie’s work. To say Mary was nervous would be an understatement—this was the first time she’d ever been to a party as Annie’s girlfriend before, let alone one full of people she didn’t know. She was also strangely excited though, to be shown off by Annie to all her friends, and especially for everyone to see their costumes. Mary had spent the last week sewing identical witch costumes for the two of them, buying everything she needed from their local fabric shop. She still didn’t trust shopping online, even if everyone else said it was the future. It was much better to be able to see and touch the fabric for yourself before you bought it, so you knew exactly what you were getting.
“Mary, these are… beyond amazing,” Annie said, holding her outfit up to her chest. “I can’t believe you made these from scratch in such a short time!”
Mary smiled and bowed. “Tis a good job you has me around to do things like this. I’d like to see you even try to use a sewing machine.”
“Hey!” Annie gasped, throwing her shirt at Mary. She caught it and flung it down on the bed.
“Now hurry up and get yourself changed already, else we’ll be late.”
“Alright, don’t boss me around,” Annie said, but she did continue getting dressed, and she was smiling as she did it.
When Annie was finally ready to go, Mary put down some food for the cats and they left the house arm in arm. The party would be taking place in an old manor house outside of town, and since neither of them could drive, Annie’s friend Pat would be giving them a lift. He rolled down his window as they approached his car and waved at them. He was dressed as Goose from Top Gun—a highly detailed costume that Mary did not believe he’d only just put together for tonight.
“You ladies ready to get going?” he said as they got in the car. Mary whooped with excitement.
“Let’s get this over with, then,” Annie said.
“I’m liking Mary’s enthusiasm,” Pat said as he started the car. “Annie, not so much.”
“Just get going already, you silly cow,” Annie teased him.
“Yeah, you… silly cow…”
They arrived at the house where the party was being held, and Pat parked in the space indicated. As they got out of the car, Mary couldn’t help but gawk at the building in front of them. It was enormous, and pretty old by the look of the architecture, although it seemed to be in some disrepair. She hoped the ceilings weren’t about to fall in—that would be a rather sad end to the night.
“Wow,” Pat said, appearing on Mary’s left. “Imagine living somewhere like this.”
“The cleanings would be a nightmare,” Mary said. “Not to mention the gardenings. But it must be nice living in the countryside…”
“I hear the woman who owns the house is a proper Lady, but she had to start hosting parties and such because her husband ran off and took most of the money,” Annie said. “Imagine that.”
“Mm,” Mary hummed in agreement. As they headed closer to the front doors of the house the noise and the crowds of the party became more apparent, and she started to wring her hands. Noticing the nervous stim, Annie reached out and linked arms with her. Mary leant gratefully on her girlfriend’s arm and waved to Pat as they were separated by the crowd.
“I’ll try to keep the introductions to a minimum,” Annie said. “And if you want to step outside at any point just let me know.”
Mary nodded. As they drifted through the party she let her eyes wander, taking in all the cool costumes people were wearing. Annie quickly found someone she knew and made a beeline towards him. He was a tall brown-haired man in a clearly shop-bought Henry the 8th costume, whose eyes lit up when Annie introduced Mary as her girlfriend.
“You must be Mary,” he said, shaking her hand enthusiastically. “Annie’s told me so much about you. I’m Humphrey, we work in HR together.”
“Nice to meet you,” Mary said quietly.
“Is Sophie here tonight?” Annie asked by way of rescuing Mary.
“Oh no, she couldn’t make it,” Humphrey said. “She has a work thing in Brixham.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s fine,” Humphrey said, and Mary thought he didn’t seem particularly disappointed.
“Sophie’s Humphrey’s wife,” Annie told Mary as they drifted away from him. “She works as an interpreter, so she has to travel a lot for work.” Lowering her voice, she added: “apparently they only got married for the tax breaks. I don’t think they even really like each other. I give it another year or two until they get divorced. Come on, let’s go find the food table!”
Mary giggled conspiratorially as they made their way through the crowd. As they arrived at the food table, she was surprised by a familiar sight.
“Kitty? Is that you?” she asked. The woman turned around—it was her. She was dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and carrying a plate of food, which she put down immediately as she saw Mary.
“Mary! It’s so good to see you!” she cried, pulling her into a hug. “How have you been?”
“I didn’t know you worked with Annie,” Mary said.
“Oh, I don’t,” Kitty said. “I’m just here as my friend Thomas’s plus-one. The girl he likes turned him down.”
Mary giggled. “Is he the one with the curly hair you used to walks home with every evenings?”
Kitty nodded. “And what about you? Are you here with someone?”
“Oh! Kitty, this be Annie,” Mary said, gesturing between the two of them. “Annie is my girlfriend.”
“Oh, how wonderful!” Kitty cried, and before Mary could stop her she was hugging Annie tightly.
“How do you two know each other?” Annie asked once she’d got her breath back.
“Mary and I went to secondary school together,” Kitty said. “We sat next to each other in GCSE art. Mary always painted the most beautiful flowers.”
“Oh, she still does. You should see what our bedroom at home looks like. She made our outfits tonight as well.” Annie gave a spin to show off the skirt of her costume. “She’s very talented.”
Mary blushed as Annie planted a kiss on her cheek, and Kitty gasped with excitement.
The three of them chatted for a while longer as Mary and Annie got food, and found some chairs to sit and eat. Eventually Kitty glanced over at the crowd and got to her feet. “I think I’m going to go and find Thomas,” she said. “I’m supposed to be making sure he doesn’t publicly embarrass himself tonight.”
“It was good to meet you, Kitty,” Annie said.
“You too!” Kitty smiled and waved at them, before skipping off into the crowd.
“Do you feel like having a dance together?” Mary asked once she had gone.
“I would love that!” Annie said, leaping into a bow before offering Mary her hand. She took it and together they made their way onto the dance floor. The music was mostly overplayed Christmas songs, and there weren’t many people dancing, so it was kind of a relief to be out of the crowd somewhat. Annie placed her hands on Mary’s waist, and Mary placed hers on Annie’s shoulders, and they began to slowly spin around the dancefloor together. Neither of them were exactly good dancers, and Mary nearly tripped over her own feet several times. At one point Annie tried to manoeuvre them into a clumsy spin, which led to Mary almost landing on her backside. But Annie’s hand held hers tightly, and although she felt giddy with a weird mixture of joy and dizziness, she didn’t fall.
“I’m sorry I’m not a better dance partner,” Mary said as Annie pulled her close again.
“Nonsense,” Annie said. “I’d rather dance with you than any of these scabby old toenails.”
Mary smiled as they began to spin again. With Annie’s arms around her, the steadying weight of her girlfriend’s hands on her hips, she barely even noticed her own clumsiness. She felt completely at ease.
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bellafarallones2 · 2 years ago
Christmas OT4 (ish) for @thiswasinevitableid. I can hardly believe it's been another year of talking about Amnesty characters with you, but it's been a great one.
Normally Duck was worried whenever his cat got near the tree, because it was usually just a matter of time before she started knocking off ornaments. But tonight it wasn’t the ornaments she was interested in. Now she was just sitting next to the tree, staring out the sliding-glass door onto the balcony.
Duck always put his Christmas tree up in the corner of the living room next to his apartment’s small balcony, which had a string of white lights wrapped around the railing. He had the lights on the tree set on a timer, too, so when he came home after dark he could see them greeting him from inside his dark apartment. 
“What’re you looking at, huh?” Duck bent down to scratch behind Annie’s ears and then looked out himself. He couldn’t see much. There was the yellow glow of the streetlight in the parking lot, but the big tree that provided good views of birds and squirrels during the summer was pitch black. 
Except for a pair of glowing red lights. 
Duck blinked. 
The lights blinked back. 
Duck took a step forward, and the lights disappeared. The place where they’d been was indistinct darkness. 
“Well, fuck.” 
Annie made an annoyed-sounding mrow.
The next day at work Duck was preoccupied thinking about the red lights in the tree. The eyes in the tree, he would think, if he didn’t know that was ridiculous. 
He was manning the desk in the visitor’s center, where he basically made sure nobody tried to steal any of the displays, answered questions about maps, and occasionally sold someone something from the very small gift shop. 
Could the lights have been the tail lights of a car, reflected somehow? Yes. That must be it. 
Duck blinked to attention and took in the man standing in front of him, pink-cheeked from the cold. 
“Is that what you’re still going by?”
“Yeah! Fuck yeah!” Duck stood up, excited, and then immediately looked around to see if there were any children in the vicinity or old people that he’d just scandalized. Joseph Stern laughed, looking handsome as he ever had in a black coat and steel-blue scarf. 
“Holy shit, Joe, what are you doing here?”
“You’ll laugh.” 
“...What is it, your honeymoon?” That was the most ironic thing Duck could think of, given their history. They’d been best friends in high school, sleepovers almost every week, through the rough times while they both discovered boys and then that they were boys, but drifted apart while Joseph had been studying for the SAT and Duck had been smoking weed in the woods. And then Joseph had come home from college for the summer, and they’d reconnected, and even though Joseph had always known and said as much that he was going to get out of this shitty little town, he hadn’t been too proud to admit that he’d always had a crush on Duck. They’d spent every moment they could of that summer together.
“No,” said Joseph instantly, and Duck caught his gaze going down to Duck’s left hand to check for a ring. There was none. “I’m single, actually. And I’m here looking for bigfoot.” He said that last part in a low voice.
“No shit.”
Joseph nodded. “There have been some credible reports recently from this area.”
“Really? I haven’t heard any.”
“I heard about them at work. None of my colleagues took them seriously, of course, but hey, I’m on vacation.” 
“Hey, good for you.” 
Joseph shrugged. “I’d rather have two weeks off for Rosh Hashanah than Christmas, but hey, I’ll take whatever break I get.”
“Sure thing.” Duck remembered what he’d been thinking about before Joseph appeared. “Hey, I don’t know if it was bigfoot, but I did see something weird last night.” 
Joseph leaned forward, and Duck explained the whole story. 
“Woah,” said Joseph. “And this was last night? At your apartment? Can I come over tonight and see?”
“My shift ain’t over until six, but after that, sure! I’d been planning to stop at Wendy’s for dinner on the way home, if you wanna join.”
Joseph’s eyes were sparkling. “You know you don’t have to tell me about a cryptid to get me to have dinner with you. I’ll see you at six.”
Winter was, generally speaking, Indrid’s least favorite time of year, but Christmas did have its merits. The eggnog, for one. The colored lights, blinking in the darkness. And over the years he’d learned a few ways to make the cold more bearable. 
That was why he’d shown up for dinner at Amnesty Lodge tonight, despite how awkward it was for everyone involved. The younger sylphs mostly didn’t know who he was except to know they should be polite to him, and Mama always seemed vaguely suspicious of him. 
Only Barclay seemed happy to see him. Barclay gave him a hug when he arrived and didn’t care that he was stiff and half-frozen underneath his frayed sweater. And after dinner Indrid took up a place in the kitchen, drying each dish as Barclay washed them. (It was an interesting exercise for his future vision, working out where each piece belonged.)
When the last dish was dry, as were Barclay’s dishwater-reddened hands, Barclay turned to face him and smiled. “Would you like to come to bed, little moth?” 
“Yes please,” said Indrid. 
Of all the ways to make the cold more bearable, Barclay was perhaps the most pleasant of all. 
Barclay hung up his apron and Indrid followed him down the hall. They could hear raised voices from the lobby at their back. “Goodnight, everyone!” Barclay called, and a chorus called goodnight back. 
Barclay’s room was small, which was nice because it was very warm. The overstuffed bookshelf made it seem both smaller and warmer. There was a quilt on the bed and a crocheted afghan folded at the foot. 
“Tell me what you want,” said Barclay, locking the door behind them. 
“Oh, it’s not so much what I want, as… I think we can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement.”
Barclay’s eyebrow quirked. “I think so, too.”
“I’d like you to take your disguise off, if that’s alright.”
“Are you going to take yours off?” Barclay unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. It was rather tight, and his undisguised form would have popped at least one button. Then he took off his pants, too. Indrid hadn’t really appreciated human bodies before he’d seen Barclay’s. Barclay had been how he dipped a toe in, so to speak, to being attracted to humans. 
“I don’t think I’d fit in your bed - I’d like to be in your bed. I don’t think I said that already.”
“I did ask if you’d like to come to bed, and you said yes, so I figured.” Barclay took off his bracelet and set it down on the bedside table. Instantly he grew half a foot and also a full coat of fluffy auburn fur. “C’mere. Bed time.”
“Bed time,” Indrid agreed, and joined Barclay underneath the covers, burrowing up against Barclay’s fluffy chest. Silvain, Barclay was warm. So warm that… Indrid sat up, pulled off his sweater, and then lay back down. Now, in just a tank top, he could feel Barclay’s fur against his bare arms and neck and face. He had to turn his head to the side to talk. “How would you feel about this encounter becoming sexual?” 
“I’m down. We’ll have to keep quiet.”
“You’ll have to keep quiet. My mouth will be otherwise occupied.” Holding his glasses to his face with one hand, Indrid shimmied his way down the bed until his head was between Barclay’s thighs, which was, if such a thing was possible, an even warmer and better place to be than in Barclay’s arms. 
Interspecies relationships were frowned on in Silvain, especially between sylphs as different as Indrid and Barclay were. Even though on Earth the rules were much looser (and even though now such relationships were becoming more accepted in Silvain, as the population decreased and the number of members of each species shrunk), for Indrid, no matter how many times he and Barclay did this, there was always a slight thrill from the taboo of going to bed with someone warm-blooded. 
He kissed each of Barclay’s thighs, mentally thanking them for being so warm and strong and nice to touch, and then kissed the head of Barclay’s cock. He held the shaft in one hand, the testicles in the other. Not rubbing or squeezing, just holding. Even soft it was a formidable thing, thick and uncut. (Indrid had been rather alarmed the first time he’d encountered a circumcised penis among humans.) 
“Fuuuuck, Indrid,” said Barclay. “I’ll - I’ll do you after, I promise.”
Indrid could feel Barclay getting hard. “You do such a good job taking care of people,” said Indrid quietly. “Just let me take care of you.” 
Indrid took the head back into his mouth, using his soft human tongue to caress the tiny opening at the tip. The foreskin slid back easily in his hand, exposing more sensitive flesh to tongue at. The sensitive spot just below the head. Visions of Barclay coming were already flooding his mind, and he salivated in anticipation. But they weren't there yet. 
Indrid pulled off enough to take a few deep breaths, a strand of spit connecting his mouth to Barclay. He stroked the shaft soothingly, gently, both because it was what he needed and what Barclay would like. 
“Indrid, Indrid,” Barclay almost-sobbed, hands gripping the bedspread. 
“You can hold my hair,” said Indrid before diving back down. The head of Barclay’s cock, fully hard now, reached his throat easily. Barclay’s claws felt divine against his scalp, fingers tangling in the silver strands of Indrid’s hair. Indrid’s eyes were half-lidded in the pleasure of the moment. Barclay’s hips were twitching with the effort of not fucking Indrid’s throat. 
As far as Indrid was concerned, this was the true meaning of Christmas, the lights in the darkness, something star-bright glowing now in his chest and belly. 
Barclay came so deep in Indrid’s throat he couldn’t even taste it. Then, clumsily, Barclay tugged him back up the bed. 
“Mmm, I didn’t think I’d be getting two desserts,” said Indrid. 
“Indrid,” said Barclay, and kissed him. 
Indrid often forgot about kissing, since it didn’t work so well with his natural mouth, but this mouth was very good for it, or maybe just Barclay was very good at it. 
Either way. He kissed back joyfully, and his own human cock made its presence known against Barclay’s hand. 
He’d only really given himself a cock to begin with out of a sense of completionism, only later discovering the pleasure it could bring him. An eager little beast, it was, whenever Indrid remembered its existence, demanding warmth and friction and release. 
“I don’t want a blowjob,” said Indrid. “Because I don’t want you to stop hugging me.”
“Mmm, alright, if you insist,” said Barclay, and pressed a wet kiss to Indrid’s neck that made him squirm happily. One strong arm was wrapped around Indrid’s back, keeping him close, while the other fumbled with Indrid’s jeans. “Sensitive little thing.”
“I’m not,” Indrid insisted, even as he could feel his orgasm about to crash over him. “I just, I just get ahead of myself.” 
“I’ll say. Are you even going to let me get your pants off or are you going to make a mess of yourself?”
“The odds aren’t good,” Indrid managed to say. In the end he made it halfway. 
The eyes weren’t there when Joseph and Duck got back to Duck’s apartment, though Annie, Duck’s magnificent gray Maine coon, was sitting on her cat tree looking at the window like she was on patrol for them. 
“Shit,” says Duck. “I’m sorry.”
“Most people only see a cryptid once,” Joseph pointed out. “Actually most people never see a cryptid at all, but of those who do most only see one once.” 
“The thing is that Annie’s been looking out that window every night for a week, so I figure it’s been out there, even before I saw it. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I would happily have come here just to see you.” Also, Joseph believed Duck more than he would have believed most other people. 
And it was that, combined with his innate sense of curiosity, that made him take a detour to the living room when he got up from Duck’s bed in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.
Annie was sitting there next to the tree, staring out the window, tail swishing across the floor. Joseph stood next to her and looked into the darkness. 
A pair of red eyes looked back. 
“Holy shit,” said Joseph quietly. He fumbled with the white plastic latch to the door to the balcony, strategically using his leg to keep Annie inside, and stepped outside, shutting the door behind him. The air was freezing but he could hardly feel it. The eyes were still there. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he could make out a hulking shape perched on a thick branch near the trunk of the tree growing near the balcony. 
“Holy shit,” Joseph said again, leaning out over the railing to get as close as he could, straining for any detail his eyes could make out. 
Huge wings spread soundlessly. Joseph stumbled backwards on instinct as the creature took flight, two wingbeats carrying it effortlessly towards the balcony. It alit on the railing, looking even taller than it was. 
“Hello, Joseph Stern,” the mothman said. 
“Hello,” Joseph whispered, unable to tear his eyes away. “I have so many-” 
“Questions for you. Yes. I’m here because I like looking at the lights.” One clawed hand gestured to the white lights on the railing and the colored ones on the tree inside. 
“You were going to ask me what I’m doing here. I like to sit in the tree to look at the lights.”
“Incredible! You can-”
“See the future. Yes, but futures, plural, would be more accurate. There are many.”
The door slid open again. Duck was standing there, carrying Annie in his arms. “Joe? What are you doing out - oh.”
“Hello, Duck Newton,” said the mothman. 
“He can see the future!” said Joseph to Duck. 
“Can we have this conversation inside?” said Duck. 
The mothman nodded. Duck stepped back inside, and Joseph followed, and the mothman closed the door carefully behind all three of them. 
“Have you really been here every day this week?” said Duck. He let Annie down to the floor, and she cautiously went up to the mothman, who offered one of his four hands for her to sniff.
“Yes,” said the mothman. “I like to look at your lights. Is that alright? I assumed you wouldn’t put them so near the window if you didn’t want them to be looked at.” 
“No, no, that’s fine,” said Duck.
“Mr. Mothman, it’s an honor really, I’m in Kepler looking for bigfoot, I never thought I’d see you -”
“I know him,” the mothman interrupted. “Bigfoot.”
“...Can you introduce me?”
The mothman was quiet. Then he opened his mouth, and looked over at Duck. 
Duck had been studying him closely the whole time. “Do you look like this all the time?” said Duck finally.
“Ah,” said the mothman. “No. I can disguise myself as a human.” 
“I don’t suppose you happen to go by the name Indrid Cold?”
“That is the name my parents gave me,” the mothman - Indrid - said indignantly. “I go by it because it is my name.” He seemed to deflate a little. “I… there were very few futures where you recognized me.”
“Really? You’re quite memorable”
“Wait,” said Joseph. “You two know each other?”
“I have visited the national forest and spoken with Duck in his capacity as a park ranger,” said Indrid. 
“That’s all it’s been?” Duck teased.
“No,” said Indrid, tapping his claws together. “I… I like you. But I thought I shouldn’t say so in front of your lover.”
Duck and Joseph exchanged a glance. “We ain’t exclusive,” said Duck. “I mean, I hadn’t seen Joe for years before tonight.” 
“Can I see your human disguise?” asked Joseph. 
“Yes, one moment,” said Indrid. He went out again and flapped into the tree, and then for a moment he disappeared and Joseph was afraid he’d never see him again. But then Indrid appeared again, holding a pair of sunglasses with round red lenses. 
“The fuckin’ glasses,” said Duck softly. “I’d wondered why he never took ‘em off.”
Indrid closed the balcony door behind him. The instant the bridge of the glasses connected with his nose, he wasn’t there anymore. Instead there was a tall, slim man in jeans and a thick sweater patterned with little reindeer. 
Indrid did jazz hands. “Ta-da!” 
“It really is you,” said Duck. 
“It’s me,” Indrid agreed. “I, ah, as I’m sure you can imagine, I don’t normally show myself to people.” As a human it was much easier to read his body language, see how he curled into himself. “But tonight I wanted to be seen.” 
“We see you,” said Joseph.
“You want a hug?” Duck opened his arms and Indrid folded himself into them. And then Indrid reached out a hand to Joseph, and the three of them were hugging. 
Despite himself, despite this being quite possibly the most exciting moment of his life so far, Joseph yawned. 
“We should really be gettin’ back to bed,” said Duck. 
“Yes, yes, of course, I’ll be on my way-” Indrid said, and pulled away until Duck’s grip on his hand stopped him. Indrid looked up, surprised. 
“Or you could join us? For sleeping? I got a nice big bed.”
“He does,” said Joseph.
“Truly?” said Indrid. “Duck, I, I’ve been trying to court you. Like a human would. I’m just not very good at it. And if I’d known you, Joseph, I would have tried to court you too, but I didn’t until tonight.”
“Then let us court you by taking you to bed.” 
Indrid allowed Duck to lead him by the hand to the bedroom. 
Cuddling twice in one night was an unheard-of-luxury for Indrid, let alone with three different people. Though he never mistook dreams for reality, he was still a little surprised when he woke up the next morning in Duck Newton’s bed, with the smell of coffee in his nostrils and Joseph still in bed beside him. 
“Good morning,” Indrid said softly.
“Good morning,” said Joseph. 
Indrid could tell that Joseph was looking at his lips. And there were futures of Joseph kissing him. 
Luckily Indrid had had recent practice with kissing. “If you’d like to kiss me, you should.” 
Joseph leaned forward and kissed him. 
“Does my true form excite you or do you just find my disguise handsome?” said Indrid. 
Joseph blushed slightly but didn’t get a chance to answer before Duck appeared in the doorway. “I’m about to make eggs for myself,” said Duck. “If you want me to make some for you too, now is the chance.” 
“Yes, please,” said Joseph, and all but leapt out of bed. Indrid followed them back to the kitchen. 
“Coffee’s in the pot and mugs in that cabinet over there,” said Duck as he cracked eggs into a bowl. 
“Thank you,” murmured Joseph, and poured himself a mug of coffee. Then he turned back to Indrid, who’d used his future vision to take the seat at the kitchen table least likely to be occupied by either Duck or Joseph. “Can you really introduce me to bigfoot?” 
“Yes, I can ask if he’d like to meet you - oh. Ah. It seems you already know him.”
“What? Oh, of course, he can disguise himself, too… who do I know who’s secretly bigfoot?” Joseph turned to Duck. 
“Don’t look at me,” said Duck. “If I was bigfoot you’d know about it by now.” 
Joseph looked back to Indrid. “I promise my motives for wanting to meet bigfoot are normal.”
“Normal?” said Indrid. 
“I don’t want to hurt him. Or you. I don’t need to take pictures. And it isn’t a sex thing.”
“I just… I want to satisfy my personal curiosity.”
Duck hid his smile behind his mug of coffee. 
“If bigfoot wanted to have sex with me I wouldn’t say no!” 
“I’ll ask,” said Indrid.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years ago
Egg the Cat
Chapter 2
Read on Ao3
Nancy flinched as an engine revved, a sleek blue muscle car pulling into the lot. 
Steve let himself focus on it. It was better than dwelling on his fucking essay, his impending shitty night spent with Barb’s parents, like he didn’t feel horrible enough about that whole situation. 
He watched the car pull into a space at the front of the lot. 
California plates.
“Who’s that?” Steve could picture Nancy wrinkling her nose as she said it, too focused on Billy getting out of his car to turn and see it for real. 
He narrowed his eyes at a young redhead getting out of the passenger side. 
Billy hadn’t said anything about a sibling. 
“That’s Billy. I met him last night.” He finally looked back at Nancy as Billy set off towards the school. “He found Egg downtown.” 
Nancy’s eyebrows flew nearly to her hairline. 
“Steve, I’m sorry, I forgot. Is she okay?”
“Yeah, Billy got her safe and sound. Still don’t know how she got out, though. Let alone made it all the way downtown.” He locked his car as they headed towards the high school, the warning bell sounding through the parking lot.
He reached for Nancy’s hand, his heart soaring when she let him take it. 
Sometimes she said his hands were too clammy. 
He walked her to her first class, kissing her softly by the door. 
Billy glared at the tiny brunette sitting in front of him. 
Steve hadn’t said anything about having a fucking girlfriend last night. 
And really, Billy should’ve known. He’s a hot guy, living in a town of not a lot of hot guys. It makes sense some girl would snap him up. 
It just felt like a slap in the face. 
It’s not like Billy thought he actually had a chance with Steve, but now all of his daydreams, any of his dirty thoughts featuring one Steve Harrington were gonna be tainted, by this prissy fucking bitch. 
Billy just spent all of his AP biology lecture boring holes into the back of her head. 
He didn’t really give a fuck if people noticed, thought it was weird. He was too busy channeling all of his anger, all of his hatred onto this skinny little priss. 
He hoped she could feel it, like maybe his anger gaze gave off palpable heat or something. 
Based on how many times she stuck her hand up to answer every question posed by the teacher, no, she couldn’t feel the heat of Billy’s rage. 
He couldn’t get out of there fast enough, only to find they shared all three of their morning classes. 
Because fuck Billy. 
And then he had to watch, had to stand there like a stupid gay fucking idiot as Steve lifted nancy off her feet, and made out with her against her locker. 
He stomped past, hoping to go unnoticed by-
He stopped dead in his tracks, taking a few deep breaths before turning, plastering his best I am so charming and I don’t hate your girlfriend for no reason smile on his face. 
Steve was all sunshiney again today. Billy mentally kicked the little voice in his head saying that sunshine is for you. 
“Hey, man! How’s your first day going?” Steve had his girl tucked under his arm. She looked like a frail little bird. Billy hoped Steve’s cat ate her for breakfast one day soon.
“Well, you got mad at me last night when I called this place a shithole, so I’m just going to heavily imply it.” Steve laughed, his head tipping back a little, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
Billy tried to think about his dad, tied to think about the shelf bruises on his back. 
And then Steve was pressing a sheet of paper into his hand, and their fingers fucking brushed and Billy tried, tried to think of a broken arm and cops at his house, and not holding fucking hands with Steve Harrington. 
He studied the paper, just to look somewhere that wasn’t Steve’s eyes. A lighter shade of brown in the fluorescent lights, a shade bordering on green. 
Come and get sheetfaced. 
“Hawkins parties will probably be lame compared to what you’re familiar with, but I mean, it should be fun.” Billy just nodded, eyes trained on the little ghost. “We’ll be there. Nancy and I.” Nancy. That’s a stupid fucking name. “Y’know, if you aren’t too cool for us by then.”
Steve was smirking at him a little when Billy finally looked up. 
“I’m already cooler than you, Harrington.” Fuck. It sounded way meaner than Billy had wanted, sounded actually rude, not like a little ribbing. Not like a little tongue-in-cheek reference to last night. Cold shit. 
But then Steve tossed his head back, and he laughed, a full belly laugh, and he clapped Billy on the shoulder, and Billy has never felt gayer in his entire life. 
“Harsh, man. Real harsh. Wait ‘til I tell Egg you said that, she’ll never want to see you again .” And Steve was still smiling at him, and he had maybe, alluded to Billy seeing his cat again, which meant seeing Steve outside of school, and Nancy was looking down the hall, like this conversation was below her pay grade, and Billy wanted. 
“See, that’s why I’m cooler than you. I don’t go telling my cat all my lame drama.”
“That’s because you don’t have a cat,” Steve said playfully, his face falling a bit. “Wait, you don’t have a cat, do you?” Billy shrugged.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” And Steve smiled at him, and the bell rang, and Nancy rolled her eyes before pressing herself out from underneath Steve’s arm, and Steve’s big sweet eyes snapped onto her. 
“I’ve got to get to Calculus.” Billy’s heart sank. They shared four classes so far. 
Steve just leaned down to kiss her, one hand cradling the side of her face. Billy looked away.
“I love you.” He had to suppress a snort as Nancy said it back, her voice all pitchy and off. 
But Steve reached out to clap Billy on the shoulder again. 
“I better see you tonight!” And he was off down the hall, and Billy, once again, made a point not to look at his ass. 
“You gotta be home by nine-thirty, okay, Shitbird?” Max rolled her eyes again. 
“Billy, I know what time I need to be home by.”
“Just making sure, because you know if you don’t make curfew, I’m somehow gonna be blamed for it.” Billy had only gotten out of playing babysitter this evening when Max had nearly thrown a full tantrum at the idea of trick-or-treating with adult supervision while she’s trying to make friends. 
She just looked at him sharply, her lips pursing a bit. 
“I’ll be home.” Her voice had an edge to it. Billy didn’t really know how to take it.
“Be safe.” She didn’t acknowledge him, just got out of the car, a little Michael Myers heading into the swarm of children. 
He pulled down the road, the party address only a few blocks from where Max was meeting her friends. 
He slammed a beer the minute he entered the party, didn’t want to be sober for a second of this shitfest. 
Steve had been right. This party didn’t hold a fuckin’ candle to what he frequented down in Cali. 
He tried to make the best of it, beat the keg stand record, found some stupid jocks that were more than happy to parade around him all night. 
He just had to get to that sweet spot, drunk enough he would actually get hard with a girl, but not too drunk he’d get whiskey dick. He didn’t need that to be his reputation in this shitty town. 
He was being pulled through the crowd by some freckly fucker dressed as the guy from Karate Kid. Max had made him take her to that movie six times in the theaters. Billy had slept through it every time. 
He was feeling pretty okay, the beer settling into his system, giving him a warm buzz as he studied the party. Maybe he could find some punk kids, score some weed or-
Steve Harrington.  
The karate guy had shoved him in front of Steve, had said, guess who’s the new Keg King, Harrington?
Steve was glaring at the guy, drawn up to his full height, shoulders squared, all of that melting as he turned to Billy, smiling warmly at him. 
Fucking sunshine. 
“Nice job, Dude!” And Steve took Billy’s hand, and he pulled him into a one-armed fucking hug. 
Billy was absolutely stunned. Maybe a little bit hard as he pat his hand against Steve’s back. Felt his muscles moving under his jacket. 
But then Steve pulled back, his eyes trailing after his fucking girlfriend, and he was gone, followed her into the kitchen. 
Billy wanted to tear out his fucking hair. 
He went the opposite way as Steve, pushing through the sweaty crowd. 
He really didn’t need to see Steve coddling his girl. 
He shoved his way into the backyard, vaulting the low fence on the porch, making his way out of the yellowed light spilling out of the house. 
He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it quickly. 
Fucking idiot. You knew you couldn’t have any fucking boy in this goddamn town.
But Billy had come into this town really not expecting any boy to actually catch his eye. 
Not like Steve has. 
Steve with his stupid big eyes, and his stupid big hair, and his stupid cat named fucking Egg. Who names a cat Egg? That’s a dumb fucking name. 
Billy lit his next cigarette with the dying remains of the last one. 
He thought about calling it quits, heading home early. 
But it wasn’t even ten yet, and really, he needed to fool around with a chick tonight. He needed to establish himself as a lady killer. 
Sleep with one girl, and the rumors would build enough that he probably wouldn’t have to fuck any others, just not deny it when any girl claims they had a wild night of passion. 
It was safer that way. Gave him some cushion. 
Then, if any of the lies began to unravel, he’ll just fuck another one, and let the rumor mill do its trick. 
Besides, he can find a brunette, make her take it from behind. If he’s lucky, the party’ll be loud enough he can tune out her moans, picture someone else, picture him -
The backdoor slammed against the wall as someone stomped outside. 
Billy just took another deep drag, hoped he wouldn’t be noticed. 
But, of course-
Steve didn’t even ask, just took the cigarette out of Billy’s mouth, taking a long fucking drag. 
He rolled his shoulders, let his head fall back, blowing the smoke out towards the sky. 
“Y’know, I fucking quit smoking because of her. Not like I did it a lot, but still .” Billy just stayed quiet. He really didn’t want to talk about Steve’s fucking girlfriend. “Because I actually cared .” Oh, now wait a minute.
“What happened?” 
Steve shot him a dark look.
“You weren’t inside?” 
Billy just gestured to the cigarette Steve was now sucking on once again. Billy kept his focus on Steve’s left earlobe. Didn’t care to get a semi just from looking at his lips. 
“Lovers’ quarrel?”
“Does repeatedly being called bullshit and having her tell you she doesn’t love you count as a lovers’ quarrel?”
“Yeah.” Steve tossed the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. Billy didn’t know what to say. 
What he wanted to say was you ever sucked dick? And then maybe take Steve’s mind off of everything by fucking his face, but that felt a little forward, felt a little gay. 
“ Fuck .”
Oh, shit. 
Steve was fucking, Steve was gonna cry. Standing outside with Billy, barely lit by the light filtering through the small frosted bathroom window. 
“ Next week .” Steve’s voice cracked. “We would’ve been together one year next week. And she was pretending .” Steve slumped back against the wall, his face buried in both his hands. “I, I changed everything for her. I stopped seeing my friends because she didn’t like them, I stopped smoking because she said it was gross, I changed who I am as a fucking person. And you know, granted, I am a better person. But I’m different, because of her, and she just, she threw all of it away.”
He sniffed loudly, his shoulders stuttering. 
Billy felt like his guts were on fucking fire. 
“Fuck her. Fuck her. You are a good guy. And if she’s too much of a bitch to see that, she doesn’t deserve you.” Steve didn’t acknowledge him for a while. Billy just let it be, lit another cigarette. 
“I think I’m gonna go home. I wanna see my cat.” Steve sounded like a little kid. Like a heartbroken little kid. 
“You good to drive?” And Steve finally pulled his head out of his hands. 
His big eyes were shining, his cheeks wet, glistening in the low light. 
“I don’t drink anymore. Because she said I’m an asshole when I’m drunk.”
Billy weighed his words carefully. 
“I’ve got a bottle of tequila in my car if you wanna stick it to her.” Steve gave him a watery smile. 
“You wanna follow me to my place?”
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dovenymph · 4 years ago
little lune
authors note: inspired by @soulmemesarc birthday prompts!🥳🎂 also this is unedited sorry for any typos
" no no no! breakfast in bed for the birthday girl/boy/angel! lie down, let me take care of this... "
" so there's this tradition. a law, really. i have to kiss you as many times as your age. so prepare yourself, babe. "
find my masterlist here
word count: 1.9k
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you and harrison really didn’t have much in common.
this, you discovered, on your first date. he’d seen you at his neighborhood coffee shop on multiple occasions and prayed each day that you couldn’t see the infatuation building in his eyes, hoping one day soon, he’d’ve built up the courage to finally talk to you.
and you both thank god that that day had come and you spent nearly the entire day tucked away in the corner of the cafe talking about everything and anything.
he loved dogs, liked to consider himself a dog dad, even though the blue-grey staffy he showed you just over one million pictures of, technically belonged to his best friend. you on the other hand, grew up with cats curled up at your feet.
harrison could stay out all night, and did most weekends! very used to having to scrub last nights remnants off his body in the mornings and piecing together the events through blurry instagram stories. whereas, you were much more lowkey. always down for a good time, but couldn’t really stand the feeling of other people’s sweat on you while packed in a crowded club
despite this, the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces. like he was the sun, and you were the moon.
when harrison first brought up the comparison, you laughed and teased him for being such a cliche but when he smiled down and replied with “just for you, my little lune”
your face burned under his palms as he spoke the pet name so adoringly and with so much kindness in his eyes. and in that moment, you both knew that your differences in opinion were trivial and the only thing that mattered was you both bonded over your growing affection.
your face burned under his palms as he spoke the pet name so adoringly and with so much kindness in his eyes. and in that moment, you both knew that your differences in opinion were trivial and the only thing that mattered was you both bonded over your growing affection.
there was one thing you both had in common though and that was sleep.
there was one thing you both had in common though and that was sleep.
you could sleep for hours each, harrison very proudly bragging that his record was 18 hours straight.
whenever you went over to his house, he immediately locked the two of you in his room, receiving many suggestive comments from his roommates about the nature of your activities, but in reality he just locked his arms around you and took you to dreamland with him as the two of you slept the day away.
so it was no surprise that that was the position you both were in right now, the morning of your birthday slipping away like a handful of sand through open fingertips.
soon enough though, the ring of your phone had gone off too many times for you to ignore and you had to wake up and face the multitude of happy birthday calls you were receiving, without a doubt waking your boyfriend in the process.
“mmm, tell them to fuck off” he muttered as your cousin wished you a happy birthday, the phone being passed around to all your relatives.
“can’t babe, m’family’s callin’”
“b-but… we haven’t had a birthday snuggle yet”
the softness in his tone (his teddy bear persona being reserved for your eyes only) practically melted you “almost over, m’love”
five minutes later, the last of your cousins and aunts and uncles had wished you a happy birthday and you hung up, the multiple conversations taking away any last shreds of slumber.
you looked over at haz who had his face smushed into the pillow, his soft, blond hair swept into his face, looking as delicate as ever. his hands involuntarily twitching at the comforter as they called out for yours to intertwine with.
with a smile you cautiously slipped off the bed, but he still awoke anyways, poking his head up like a child. “where ya going?”
“to start the kettle, go back to sleep.”
“no no no!” he whined “breakfast in bed for the birthday girl. lie down, let me take care of this.” he dragged himself out of bed, placed a tender and loving kiss to your forehead before shoving you to the mattress and throwing the covers over your entire body, leaving you nothing but a giggling white sheet.
his heart soared in his chest at the sound as he made his way to your kitchen. he’d only been over your place a few times, your relationship still relatively new. so he tried his best to quietly turn on the kettle and then locate your pots and pans to get started on a birthday breakfast for you.
as he was flipping the pancakes, he started thinking about making a little smile with the strawberries and that brought a little smile to his face.
he barely recognized himself when he was around you. he was so lovesick, so head over heels for you. unlike he’d ever been with any of his previous girlfriends.
your relationship wasn’t in the early stages per-say, he openly called you his girlfriend, and you your boyfriend, but he still felt the need to impress you, he still felt nerves creep in his stomach before every date. the honeymoon stage, as some liked to call it. the comfortability was just around the corner, he was sure of it. but until then, he liked to keep you on your toes.
placing the meal on a tray and walking back to your bedroom, he thought to later tonight and bit his lip. he had planned something for you, something grand. it was a little much for your first birthday spent together, but he only realized that after everything was payed for; but you deserved it. you deserved all the magnificent things life had to offer, and he would fall to his knees in order to be the one to give them to you. so he hoped you would like it.
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my darling, happy birthday to you” he sung as you looked up at him from under the covers.
“thank you, lovie. it looks great.” you smiled and he carefully placed the tray on your lap, crawling up next to you.
“anything for you, lune.” he spoke with a kiss to your lips.
that was how the morning progressed, bites of pancake shared here and there, syrup flavored kisses peppered in between.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
haz’s wet chest was pressed against your back in the bath. the room scented vanilla and filled to the brim with bubbles and candlelight.
“what do you want to do later today, haz?”
“anything you like sweetness, you’re the birthday girl.”
“hmm, nothing planned big guy?” you teased, and he splashed a little water on your exposed torso.
“of course i do… but, it’s still your day, you can do whatever you want.” he replied, pressing kisses to your neck.
“whatever i want?”
“mmhmm, have whatever, do whatever… have me do whatever you want… to you” he spoke, voice deep and kisses hard.
your heart rate picked up, sure he could sense it as he pressed his tongue to your pressure point, gasping you consented with “i like the sound of that”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
“haz… can you at least slow down???”
“sorry! sorry! it’s not my fault i swear!” he retorted, swerving in and out of his lane.
“yeah well i can’t exactly tell now can i?” you snapped, feeling around the blindfold he insisted you wore
“hey! don’t mess with it! we’re almost there!” harrison looked over at you and worried his bottom lip in nervousness. the location was only down the road and every possibility was running through his head. did he invite enough of your friends? sure you got along with his housemates and coworkers, but he didn’t want you to feel awkward at your own party. was it too much, would you feel too pressured?
he turned into the parking lot and took a deep breath, you were here now, so it was now or never. “can i take it off now?”
“yes, sweetness.”
you yanked it off and immediately looked around, face contorting in confusion.
“cmon, it’s around the corner.” he grabbed your hand and started to make his way.
“i- i hope you like it. if you don’t that’s fine, we can do something else. i swear! no pressure really, this, this is really just an idea. but i thought it seemed fun, so i, yeah, again, i just hope you like it.” he rambled, about to add on another reassurance that you could leave whenever you wanted when your gasp interrupted him.
“woah…” you took in the field before you. fair games, food trucks, rides and even a ferris wheel covered the entire ground. your friends already enjoying the festivities.
“haz this… this is amazing…” your head snapped towards his as you thew yourself into his arms. “th-thank you so much, oh my god!”
harrison knew that if you weren’t anchoring him in that moment, he would’ve floated to heaven. you were so sweet and happy, he was more than elated.
“it’s all for you, babe. let’s go enjoy, yeah?” he said, pride running through his veins at the good job he did.
you found your friends, all giving you bear hugs and dragging you away from harrison to go on rides. he didn’t mind, he got to spend all day with you, and you were too good not to share.
he sat at one of the picnic benches as tom brought over two slices of pizza. “mate, i gotta say, this is fucking awesome”
harrison beamed at him at the compliment. “yeah i know!”
tom laughed and shook his head, “wanna call you a smug div, but honestly, y’should be proud of yourself.”
harrison felt his cheeks warm at his friends words. “thanks mate, i- i’m just glad she likes it.”
tom let out a *whapush* noise, “so whipped.” and harrison just rolled his eyes, but bit back any denials. he was whipped for you. not only did the thousands in pounds he spent for tonight prove it, but the way his heart danced in his chest at the mere though of you, did too.
“yeah, i guess i am” he smirked, meeting tom in a fist bump and beelined towards you.
you felt his arms wrap around your waist from behind as you spoke to your friend, her eyes lighting up at the scene.
“mind if i steal her for a moment?” he asked, giving your friend his best puppy eyes, to which she giggled and shook her head, sending you a wink on her way.
“y’alright, birthday girl?” he muttered, head buried in your neck.
“more than alright. thank you again haz, i really, i really don’t know how i can make this up to you.”
he spun you around in his arms and gave you a passionate kiss, trying to convey all his love through it, hopefully telling you that you didn’t have to make anything up to him, that he’d buy you the earth if it’d make you smile.”
when he pulled away, you stared up at him like he was a figure from your dreams and he thinks you understood him.
“cmon, let’s go on the ferris wheel!”
“lead the way, lune.”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
the night sky surrounded you both as you at at the top of the ferris wheel, looking down at the city.
“so…,” harrison began. you hummed in response and he squeezed your clasped hands together.
“so there's this tradition. a law, really. i have to kiss you as many times as your age. so prepare yourself, babe.”
you laughed and scooted impossibly closer to him, “oh yeah?”
“mmhmm! now remember, i don’t make the laws, only enforce them.”
he began to count upwards from one and kiss your lips. some soft and light, others held out and leaving you a little breathless.
“so many kisses tonight, i love it”
“well there’s more where that came from.” he said, “now where was i? oh right, 16…”
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boldlyvoid · 4 years ago
Amoreena | Chapter Nine
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chapter nine
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: date night!! this is very fluffy, very emotional and extremely horny. edgar allan poe is rolling in his grave at what they did in his enchanted garden
exhibitionism, public sex (no ones there tho), drug mentions at the end (let me know if I should tag anything else!!!!)
word count: 5.4k
from the beginning <3
He spent all of Thursday afternoon with Penelope in Richmond, setting up for his date that night.
Stringing lights on the trees, mowing the grass and trimming the flowers back, the staff ensuring that the museum was in pristine condition for them tonight, it was perfect. The cats were brushed, there were rose petals the fountain and the most beautiful picnic set up in the garden.
Penelope packed their dinner for them, keeping it in the museum fridge for when they finally arrived, it was the only thing Spencer needed to remember.
Y/N: just got home, about to get ready! Can’t wait to see you at 6 ♥︎
Spencer smiled at his phone, about to text her back when Penelope laid a hand on his back, “change into your suit and head back to her, traffic might be bad?”
“Thank you, for everything. You’ve always been my best friend, more of big sister actually,” Spencer pressed his lips together tightly as to not get emotional. “You’re wonderful Penelope, thank you.”
“Awe!” She swooned, wrapping him up in a big hug. “I will always love you, Spencer, you deserve all of this and so, so much more, now go before I cry.”
He laughed, pulling back, hand lingering on her shoulder as he walked into the museum. They let him change in the backroom, it felt incredibly strange to be putting on a suit inside Edgar Allan Poe's house to go pick up his wife. Not too long ago he dreamed about bringing a girlfriend here someday, life was moving too quickly, he needed a breather.
He kept his suit jacket folded and on the passenger seat as he drove home, where he lived with his family. Even just thinking that as he paid attention to the road made him smile. The wind hitting his face, his hair blowing in the breeze, he felt free at last.
He was where he was supposed to be, all roads lead to here.
Travelling up her driveway with a smile on his face as the dust followed him to her doorstep. She was waiting in a red dress on the porch, Amoreena and her nanny eating pizza on the steps as they waited for him.
Stepping out of his car, he straightened his tie and pulled his pants up more, looking at his wife like she was a star plucked from the sky, landing in this Virginia field for him.
She stood then, her satin dress flowing and exposing a leg as she walked down the steps to him, “Is this what you wanted?” She twirled in front of him to show it all off, her hair getting stuck in her lipstick and making her laugh.
“I love you,” is all he can say as she leaning in with a wide grin, surpassing the smile to kiss him gently, using her thumb to get all the lipstick off his bottom lip and chin.
“Love you too, cutie,” she winked, taking his hand and turning back towards Amoreena, “listen to Nanny, remember we love you and we will see you no earlier than 7:30 tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes ma’am!” She saluted, mouth full of pizza.
“And what are the new rules about coming into our bed in the morning?”
“Knock first, wait till you respond, don’t come in unless you say it’s okay,” Amoreena replied, sticking her tongue out at her as she remembered it all.
“Smartie pants,” Y/N smiled at her, “come give us a hug, don’t get pizza on my dress, please.”
Amoreena wiped her sleeve over her mouth before running into her mother's open arms, they shared goodbye kisses before it was Spencer’s turn. She held him so tight it felt wonderful, “goodnight Lovey, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, have the best sleep ever for me?”
“I’ll see you in dreamland,” she replied, kissing his cheek gently before she pulled back.
“Have fun!” Nanny called from the porch as Amoreena skipped back to her.
“We will,” Spencer replied, taking Y/N’s hand and leading her to the passenger side, he opened her door and helped her inside, insuring her dress was inside before closing the door.
Jogging back to his door, he got in and put on his seatbelt. He threw the car in reverse and turned around by the barn, heading down the driveway, not saying a single thing as Y/N stared at him.
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?” She shook her head, licking her lip before biting it as she huffed.
“We’re going to Richmond, Virginia, to read,” he gave her one hint.
“Hmm,” she smiled, “I’m sure you won't tell me the title, so Mr. I can remember every book ever, what’s a random line in it?”
“You’re smart,” he teased her, “but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs—”
“We’re going to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum!” She cut him off with a cheer.
He slows down on the barren dirt road, mouth wide open as she got it right, he turns to her as they come to a complete stop, “how the heck did you get that?”
“Yes!” she laughed, tossing her head back as she clapped and kicked her feet a little, so proud of herself, “I’m a librarian, Spencer! Did you think I wouldn’t know Eleonora?”
“That’s the most random sentence in the whole poem?” Spencer was shocked, she recalled it faster than he thought he would be able to if she read a line to him.
“My brother’s first motorcycle was a Zephyr,” she smiled at him, raising her eyebrows. “My brain is kinda like a filing cabinet, if you give me a word I can remember everything I’ve ever heard with that word included.”
He started to drive again, shaking his head as he paid attention to the road but still astounded by how amazing she is. “Amoreena gets that from you then, she could have both our eidetic memories together, that would be very interesting to see.”
“Eidetic memory?” She questioned.
“It’s what most people call photographic memory,” Spencer explained. “You can remember everything you hear which is why you and Amoreena are able to recall songs, books and movie facts so fast, while I can read back to you anything I’ve read without having to see it again, it’s forever in my mind.”
“So we’re both geniuses, cool,” Y/N smiled at him again, “sorry I ruined your surprise.”
“You just know where we’re going,” he reminded her, laying his hand on hers, interlocking their fingers as he drove.
They had an hour alone before the real date started.
So she showed him all of her favourite songs, including some of Amoreena’s playlists so he could get familiar with them before their trip to Rhode Island. Her voice was impeccable, she knew all the words and harmonies, often opting to cove background voices he wouldn’t have even known were there if it wasn’t for her.
She loved music in a way that intrigued him, she enjoyed music with a story. Much like the reason she loved books so much, she enjoyed picturing the happy places in her mind that the songs were able to take her to, they filled her with glee and hope as she sang to her heart's content. Taking short breaks to explain the meanings of songs, to recite the best lyrics and why the songs are close to her heart.
“Do you want to hear the song that reminds me the most of you?” She asked between songs, pausing so that nothing else would start.
“Sure,” he blushed, nervous for what it could be and how she imagined him in her mind, hoping he could live up to it.
“I'm perfectly fine I live on my own, I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago, now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes,”
She stares at him with a beautiful smile as she waits to see his reaction to the opening, finally singing when the beat drops, dancing softly in her seat as she belted the words out to him.
“So prove to me I'm your American Queen, and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat, and we rule the kingdom inside my room,” She brushed her hand across his jaw, teasing him as the words flow from her lips to his ears, she loves him and he can feel it with every syllable.
“And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for, King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa! And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa,” she sings so softly, with a purpose, turning it down a little so that he can talk to her.
“I love you,” he reminded her, “so much it hurts sometimes.”
“It’s like your heartstrings are tugging on each other, right?” She agreed, “like they want to jump out of our chests and run to each other.”
He nodded with a soft smile, reaching for her hand again holding it as he brought it to his mouth for a kiss, “queen of my heart.”
“Hmmm,” she thought over his words, “I’m pretty content with being princess still, Lady Amoreena is in line for the thrown, it’s part of her namesake after all.”
“Does the kingdom have a name?”
“You know the Elton John song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?” She waited for his nod, “my grandma called it Ozellous so it’s like wizard of Oz but I added the 'ellous' because people always said they were jealous of our farm.”
He’s trying his best to keep his eyes on the road when all he want’s to do is look at her smile, to see her pupil change as she recalls the loving memory, it’s his favourite thing to do. Better than any movie or play, seeing her face was better than looking at the most expensive art piece. He was so in love with all of her.
“Were you like Amoreena as a kid?”
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, “bullied hardcore for it too, kids always told me to shut up cause I’d add facts to conversations I wasn’t a part of.”
“I would have loved to listen,” Spencer replied softly, knowing the feeling all too well.
They were only a few minutes away now, turning into the small town and passing quaint little homes and cottages. “Amoreena would love this drive, these are some interesting townspeople homes for her imagination, we should come back sometime this summer.”
His heart was going to actually explode, she was everything he never knew he needed.
“I’d love that,” he added as they pulled into the museum. “I’m a museum member and I’m a patron, so sometimes I donate rare pieces I find, they love me here.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but her eyes got caught on the twinkling lights in the distance, mesmerized by everything. Old cobblestone streets, brick buildings and wooden gates, it was straight out of the 1800s and absolutely fantastical.
“And it’s all ours for the night,” he put the car in park and turned to her, “wait here?”
She nodded, speechless as she continued to look out the window at everything. Spencer got out of the car, opening the back seat to grab and put on his jacket, straighten out his suit before opening her door and extending a hand to help her out.
“Princess,” he extended his arm for her to tuck her own under, he closed her door and escorted her through the gate and towards the garden.
The sun was just starting to set, 7 pm in early June being the most beautiful time of year in rural Virginia, the sky was a perfect purple as he leads her through the stone arches towards the picnic.
Her eyes sparkled with all the lights, wide and pupils blown as she took it all in. It was a fairytale, she was in a princess dress, he was the king of her heart and this was just the beginning of happily ever after.
“Spencer, whatever your middle name is, Reid,” she gasped, swatting his arm lightly with a smile growing on her face.
“It’s Walter,” he smiled right back.
He let go of her hand then and walked over to a table, turning on the record player and dropping the needle in the right spot. He did his research into some Taylor Swift songs, finding one that reminded him the most of Y/N and how much he loved her.
“May I have this dance?” He asks as she notices the all too familiar guitar strumming.
He reaches a hand out for her, pulling her in as she takes it, “I was so so lost before I found you in the park,” he explains the first verse, barely a whisper beside her ear as they start to sway.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
“All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you,” he whispers once more, feeling the goosebumps bursting on her bare arms.
He spun her around, extending both their arms as she twirled out and then back into his embrace again with a giggle. She swayed back and forth, dancing with him like the night they got married in her field.
Your eyes whispered "have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“And it was enchanting to meet you, All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you,” he sings them this time, spinning her out again as the chorus hits, her eyes widening as she began to smile wider than he’s ever seen before.
They sang the words together as they danced, smiling and laughing as they moved around the cobblestone. Finding a rhythm so perfect, so them, it was silly and not on beat in the slightest, mostly spinning, it was a spinning song if the album cover was any indication.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
“The lingering question kept me up, Two a.m., who do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake! Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you would say, hey! It was enchanting to meet you, all I know is I was enchanted to meet you,” Y/N’s voice softer than ever as she sang her anxieties into his ear, remembering the day at the museum where she wondered if she could have him all to herself.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
Spinning around in circles she leaves his grasp, dress circling in the wind and he watches her. She takes both his hands and spins around with him in a tight circle before pulling back in, their chests bumping as they laughed, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, and she’s made him pretty happy in the last few weeks.
The girl of his dreams, dancing around him with a smile like she was making her own music video. This was a dream of hers he didn’t know, making it come true as it became a dream of his own.
He places his hands on her cheeks as he stares into her eyes, “this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you,” he whisper’s the words, barely singing, more talking.
“Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you,” she sings right back to him, staring into his eyes as they stand still in the garden.
She pulls him into a kiss, breathing in deeply through her nose as they hold each other’s cheeks, unable to get closer as they kissed. Pulling away with a loud smooch sound, smiling before taking her hands in his, once more.
Spinning her around again as the beat drops once more, her smile more beautiful than the first time he saw it. He was so madly in love, he firmly believed he was in heaven.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew!!
This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you
“Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did,” Taylor Swift's voice cuts into the beautiful moment as her songs change and the mood drastically changes.
Y/N bursts out in laughter, jumping lightly as she enjoyed the song, head-banging along as she danced by herself until Spencer turned the music off once again, “you’re so cute.”
“Thank you,” she bowed, “this is cute!”
“There’s a picnic basket in the fridge inside, and some wine if you think that’s a good idea?” Pointing towards the main house, she followed him towards the door.
“Oh, hello?” Her voice changed as she noticed the two black cats on the window, letting Spencer head inside for the basket as she talked to them.
“That’s Edgar and Pluto, the groundskeeper found them in the shed in 2012,” Spencer explains as he comes back out, basket in hand but she’s too busy with the cats to notice.
Petting both their faces, they stretch into her reach and bask in the feeling of her nails on their skin, Spencer would agree it felt nice. He loved the feeling of her hands in his hair, he must have been a cat in his last life.
“Amoreena wants her own indoor cat,” Y/N smiled wide at him, “she always wanted to call him Hercules like the Elton John song, almost like she knew you were her dad all along.”
She took his free hand then, following him towards the blanket in the grass, “how?”
“There’s a line in the song about Greek gods, but it says Hercules on her side and Diana in her eyes, and she does have your mom's eyes, right down to the colour of her iris,” Y/N looked at him like he was everything to her.
Spencer couldn’t speak, he just set the basket on the ground and ushered her to sit down beside him. She held the skirt of her dress up so she could sit crisscross applesauce on the blanket, draping her dress over her legs so she didn’t show anything off just yet.
“Every time I look at you I understand all her quirks and her facial expressions,” she added like she was trying to make him cry, “I’ve been looking at her for almost 8 years now, wondering who you were and now I know, and you’re so much better than I ever imagined.”
“Would you have looked for me when she turned 18?” Is all he can ask through his sniffles, trying to hold it together for her.
She nodded, “I was going to tell her soon anyway, she asks a lot of questions I’m not sure if you noticed.” Her giggle was priceless, “she had lots of questions when the goats were born this year and that meant her asking more about making human babies and I just said a special man helped me make my dreams come true, and she thought it was Rumpelstiltskin.”
Spencer couldn’t fight the laugh that erupted from him, leaning forward as he chuckled, making her laugh too. “Does she even know the whole story?”
“She’s only seen the 4th Shrek movie with him, she has no idea that he also takes the babies,” Y/N placed her hand on his knee gently, “If I get pregnant again, I’m going to tell her about how it all works as simply as possible, I want her to feel included in this and she’ll be less jealous if she sees this as a learning opportunity.”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed, “I still can't believe she almost punched Michael for hugging me.”
“Oh, I can,” Y/N laughed again, “she was being bullied last year by an older kid and I said if someone upsets you or hurts you, sometimes it’s not that bad to hurt them back. Make them know you’re not weak and you care about yourself, and she gave a kid a black eye for tugging on her braid.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, “that’s my girl.”
Y/N opened the picnic basket then, taking everything out with a smile as Spencer stared at her, thinking a million different thoughts about future kids, how Amoreena would grow up, seeing her as a big sister to hopefully many.
They both leaned forward and kissed softly, smiling as they pulled back, “so you like charcuterie?”
She laughed, “Amoreena called it shark coochie once, I can’t not think of that now.”
“How many kids do you want?”
“Have you ever read cheaper by the dozen?” She teased him. “As many as I can have, I have the funds thanks to my job and the farm and not having to pay a mortgage, I was going to have another baby next year anyway, I had an appointment and everything scheduled, I even tried to get them to contact Amoreena’s father for another sample but they said they couldn’t ask you outright for me.”
“They asked me if I wanted to give another sample when I asked if I could know my kids,” Spencer remembered the words exactly, “she said ‘You have four offspring so far, none of the other samples used have produced a child, the women were all IVF as well so it wasn’t your swimmer's fault if you wanted to donate again.’”
“I don’t want to know the truth, are you okay if we let her decide if she wants to find out at 18?” Y/N asked softly, “I’m content thinking you’re her father, I don’t want to know if it’s some other tall who-lookin’ genius, okay?”
“That’s perfect actually,” Spencer agreed, “and on the kids front, you don’t mind me being in my 70s when they all start going to University?”
“My dad is 68 with no signs of stopping, and he’s still fantastic with his grandkids,” Y/N always had a fact to combat his anxiety. “You have a lot of life left in you, I’ll take good care of you so that they have the best dad ever for as long as possible.”
Spencer was so in love with his family he felt like he was floating, laughing and smiling all meal long as they shared facts back and forth about their lives. Getting to know each other more and more as the seconds passed, he imagined it would be like this forever. She was like a bottomless pit of information, facts, stories and secrets. He loved every single one she shared with him.
She poured herself a second small glass of wine, “you know they say that one glass of wine every once in a while is actually good for the baby?”
“It doesn’t work that fast,” he reminded her, more like he reminded himself. He didn’t want to hope in the chance it didn’t happen right away.
“I had a nightmare last night for the first time in a long time, so I think it worked,” she teased him. “I won't know till June 10th, that's when my next period would be.”
“Nightmare?” It was the only part he picked up on, worried for her and wondering why she didn’t wake him up.
She nodded softly, “I found out I was pregnant and you never came home, and I got lost in the forest looking for you and then I remembered I could wake up.”
He rests his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb against her bare skin softly, “I’m always coming home to you.”
“I know, when I got pregnant with Amoreena I had bad dreams in the first few weeks too, mostly about giving birth to nothing and being alone all over again, the subconscious and pregnancy hormones are mean as fuck when they hang out,” she laughed away the pain, “I know none of it is real.”
“Good,” he whispered, not knowing what really to say, he wasn’t used to soothing other people yet. Most people didn’t want his facts or concernment when something happened, just a hug normally.
She took a deep breath, pushing everything away, “good news, either my anxiety disorder is back in full swing or something’s working in here,” she laid her hand over her stomach, “either way, I’d like to try again tonight?”
He laughed, “we don’t need to make a baby every time you want to have sex?”
She got onto her knees then, crawling over the blanket and sitting right in Spencer's lap with her hands on both of his cheeks, “I want all your babies.”
He held her waist, pulling her in closer to his chest, “right now?”
She nodded, moving her dress out of the way to undo his belt, “no one is here right? It’s not like anyone would know?”
“Mhmm,” he agreed, kissing her neck as she unzipped his pants, moving his underwear out of the way just enough to free his hardening cock, she stroked it right there in the middle of the garden, staring down between their bodies in awe as he came to life.
Sitting up on her knees more, the slit of her dress made it a lot easier for her to show him her underwear. She was wearing just a thong, perfect for pulling to the side as she lowered herself onto him, ever so slowly.
She fixed her dress around them, completely calm and composed as he was fully inside of her, “you’re okay with this?”
He huffed a laugh out of his nose, dropping his forehead to her shoulder so he couldn’t buck into her and ruin the moment she was making, his hands moving to her hips, guiding her back and off him slightly before back down again, making her gasp.
“I thought you wanted to read?” She teased him as she started to ride him more, moving her hips in a way that took him in and out of her at just the right angle, her hands on his shoulders as she bounced on him lightly, he couldn’t even think straight. “Go on, read to me.”
He took a second to remember the words, mind totally somewhere else and not interested in a book at all when her boobs were right in his face.
“I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion,” the first sentence slipped past his lips as she kept going, he took a moment to kiss right under her ear before continuing.
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence—whether much that is glorious—whether all that is profound—does not spring from disease of thought—from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”
“Shit,” she moaned, pushing his hand down towards her clit, “you can multitask, smartie pants.”
His thumb was on a mission then, rubbing small circles against her pleasure point, she tossed her head back with her eyes closed as she continued to ride him, “I don’t hear you reading?”
He moaned softly in her ear at the feeling, and the fact she wanted to get off to hearing him recite something from memory, it was more euphoric than he could have ever imagined.
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in ah- awakening, fuck,” he was trying his best to stay as composed as she was when he really just wanted to lay her against the blanket and fuck her into next week.
“to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret,” Y/N whispered the end of the sentence, grinding down on him harder than before.
“In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good,” she whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe softly with a moan and he kept rubbing her clit, “you’re so good, Spencer, so so good," she paused to enjoy the moment before whispering in his ear once more, "And more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compass-less into the vast ocean of the "light ineffable," and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, "agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.”
Her words softer than ever and they were never going to get to the end of this poem, he'd never know how the rest of the words sound on her tongue, she pulled him into a kiss then, moaning into his mouth as they ground against each other, finding a perfect rhythm to bring them to the end.
“There, yes, fuck,” she whispered against his lips, pushing against him as she arched her back slightly, slipping away from his mouth as she did so.
He slammed into her then as he chased her lips, making her whimper one last time before she was shaking in his lap, her legs quivering as she finished on him, sending him over the edge and stilling as he came with a shudder. He held her so close, both of them breathing into each other's mouths as they came down, kissing and smiling as they stayed connected.
“We’ll name her Eleonora,” Y/N teased, pulling off him and laying back against the blanket.
He made sure her underwear was back in the right spot before covering her with her dress again and sliding himself back into his underwear.
“Amoreena and Eleonora have a good ring to it, we just need 10 more names,” he teased right back.
“Hopefully we have a little boy one day too,” she smiled as she tugged him down beside her, cuddling into her side as they stared up at the newly dark blue sky and the array of stars that decided to join them this evening.
“Even if it’s just Amoreena, I’ve never been happier in my whole life than when I’m with you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“For what?” She asked, purely to keep hearing his voice.
“Making me want to get up in the morning again, giving me a reason not to buy drugs for something euphoric to happen to me, showing me real love and proof that happiness is possible if you just chose to be happy,” he gave example after example.
“I thought I learned everything the world had to offer, but you’ve been showing me new little life hacks that make the world so much better, I see a future of bright colours and happiness and laughter for the first time ever, so thank you.”
She held him closer, “it’s been a pleasure falling in love with you, together, you deserve to love yourself. You’re so wonderful Spencer, it breaks my heart to know that anyone has ever made you feel the opposite.”
He couldn’t speak anymore, turning to kiss her neck and cheek so he had something to do that wasn’t crying. He loved her so incredibly deeply that he felt like he was an anchor, dropping to the bottom of her deepest ocean, without a single plan to leave.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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cloud9in · 4 years ago
Driving Lessons Pt 2 (Poppy x Bea)
Long awaited. I hope you all enjoy. This is the finale of the series but I think that Bea and Poppy’s high school stories should be continued.....
Read Part 1 HERE
Tags: @samanthadalton @somewillwin @baexpoppy @poppysmc @clowneryme @thedaft1 @zigxryanz @aleiramacaii
Word Count: 2.6k 
Pt 2: The Date
Friday night had arrived and Bea’s nerves were at an all time high. She practiced breathing exercises that conveniently popped up on Youtube, there was no room for thoughts other than that of a blonde cheerleader. The buzz of her phone prompted her to jump up in excitement. 
1 message from Poppy🙄
 Poppy: I’m 99% sure that you haven’t forgotten about our “date” tonight. But if you did I’m not here to remind you. I’ll be here in 5 minutes. Remember, dress casual. ❣
 A familiar grin crept its way onto Bea’s lips as she reread the message about twenty times, taking note of the heart at the end. It may seem conventional, but even that was a lot coming from Poppy. Another message popped up which induced a smirk from the brunette. 
 Poppy: No, I am not driving the Benz.
 Bea set her phone down and spun around to check herself out in the mirror. She wore black ripped jeans with a red plaid design in the holes, red converse, and an oversized grey and black long sleeve. This should definitely fit Poppy’s definition of casual, right? 
 The blonde arrived outside of Bea’s house just as she reached the front door. Poppy was the first to react, her jaw threatening to drop open as she took in Bea’s appearance, all of it. Luckily, she was the queen of poker face’s and masked her thirsty expression….Bea on the other hand, failed horribly. She stood there wide eyed, her hands hanging uselessly by her sides as she studied the blonde. Poppy wore a white and pink checkered wool skirt, a knitted pink sweater, and a white crop top. Her jewelry also dazzled brightly against her neck. The blonde watched Bea amusingly, “you can quit ogling me now...:”
 Bea darts her eyes away self consciously. “Your uh...jewelry is distracting.” Really Bea. Nice going. She winces at her excuse and Poppy arches an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the flustered mess of the brunette in the moment. 
 “Hmm..well come now. I don’t like to waste time.”
 Like a puppy being offered food, Bea follows Poppy into her silver Range Rover. She gapes at the pristine interior and the stars on the ceiling. “I thought those star things only existed in Rolls Royce’s.” Poppy smirks appreciatively, her fingers flexing on the steering wheel, “Oh they do, but I have my ways.”
 Bea tries to convince Poppy to tell her where they’re going, but she scoffs immediately, not even turning her head in the brunette’s direction. “It’s a surprise.”
 “I didn’t take you for a girl that likes surprises to be honest.”
 “Well then there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Hughes.”
Bea fought the urge to ask Poppy to elaborate, to tell her every last detail about her. What flavor of ice cream she liked, what she loved to do on a rainy day, but there’s that moment of insecurity  that pushes her away from indulging in those thoughts. She didn’t want to seem overly-interested.
 But maybe that’s what Poppy wanted.
 The sudden quietness becomes obvious and Poppy peers over at the brunette, “I could always let you test drive this one. Maybe brush up on your driving skills?” Bea side eyes Poppy suspiciously, memories of Monday night’s driving lessons infiltrating her mind. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious right now..”
 “Of course I’m not! You don’t think I remember what you did to my other baby?! You’re lucky you were hurt in the process, otherwise who knows what I would have done…” Poppy glances quietly over at Bea, her eyes carefully scanning the scar that sits on her forehead.
 Bea smiles sheepishly, her hand reaching up to move her locks back. “I don’t think I wanna know- wait hey! What do you mean I was lucky-”
 “Oh please, you were lucky that I took you to a hospital. You are crazy Hughes, you know that?”
 “Crazy for you? Well now that you mention it…”
 Poppy rolls her eyes but can’t stop the smile that erupts on her face. “...Just let me take a look at it later. I need to make sure it’s healing right.”
 “Whatever you say doctor!” Bea mock salutes the blonde which earns another heavy eye roll, emphasis on heavy, but she didn’t mind. The opportunity to be less than an inch away from Poppy’s luscious lips again? Hell yes.
 “Okay, but what did your dad say? I’m sure he understood it was a complete accident.”
 “Mhm tell that to the insurance company. Which reminds me, you will be receiving a bill in the mail sometime next week for all the damages.”
 Bea nearly leaped out of her seat as her head snapped towards the blonde, who looked like she was having a great time. “Pop...you’re joking right...that is a thing you are doing right now.” Poppy rolls her eyes with enjoyment, letting out a soft chuckle. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Farmsville, I know you can’t even afford a tire. 
 After continuous bickering which almost prompted Poppy to unlock the passenger side door and kick Bea out...psychically, while they were doing 80 on the freeway, she eventually pulled into a parking lot. The only main source of light was the huge sign illuminating the words, “Animal Shelter”. Bea blinks in confusion for a few seconds before realizing she was the only one in the car. Poppy had already started walking towards the entrance, greeting a man with a….smile? Oh yeah, Bea was definitely curious now. Poppy actually looked relaxed when Bea had finally caught up with her. The blonde noticed her approach and hummed to herself, “took you long enough, hurry lets go inside.”
 “Pops-did you take a wrong turn...this is an animal shelter...”
 The blonde rolls her eyes so far back into her brain as she grasps onto Bea’s words. “No I did not take a wrong turn you imb--.....this..this is the place I picked.” The brunette flicks her eyes continuously between Poppy and the entrance before shrugging, a surprised expression on her face. Before Bea could say anything else, Poppy grabs her hand and pulls them into the store and into the column where cute puppies reached for them. A beautiful smile immediately lit up Poppy’s features as she bent down to pet one of the baby bulldogs. This gesture immediately enraptured Bea as she watched...Poppy? Or whoever this was. 
 Not wanting to disturb the moment Bea leans down to the cage next to her and picks up the golden retriever who happily licks her face. “Woah okay there boy, a little too much tongue.” She holds up the puppy as he barks playfully and wiggles in her arms. 
 “I’m definitely not complaining about your destination of choice, but can you tell me why you picked it?” 
 Bea gazes over at Poppy who looks like she’s in her true element. The blonde sighs and stands up, brushing her skirt down. “Well my parents own the place…and well to put it bluntly, some of these animals don’t have much time left.” 
 She turns towards Bea, watching her safely caress the puppy in her arms, and smiles, “I figured you have a close connection with animals and would want to make them feel loved before they go.” 
 Bea watches Poppy with a warm look in her eyes, and it was funny because Bea had been around the cheerleader a lot, but this...was different. Almost incredible. And Bea knew that this was the start of a feeling that she would never get enough of. 
 “I would. Thank you.” 
 The two girls spend a good amount of time playing with the animals. Poppy helped Bea feed newborn strays with a bottle of milk, more than often grabbing a hold of the brunette’s hand to steady the slight tremble. Bea didn’t want to admit she was nervous because Poppy was very close to her. And Poppy would never admit that Bea was doing everything right, but she wanted to hold her hand because it felt incredibly soft for a girl who worked on a farm everyday. 
 But she wasn’t the only one who was very observant that night. Bea kept her mouth shut about the situation, but this new side of Poppy blew her mind. There was so much to ask, to say, but the moment was too valuable to ruin. 
 The time seemed to go by quickly as the shelter started to close down. The time they spent with the animals felt fulfilling but Bea never missed the solemn look on Poppy’s face as she watched one of the older cats rest peacefully. There was so much to learn about the girl, and Bea thought it was best that she kept this date going.
 Food. That could work. 
 “Hey pops...I know I said you could pick the place but there’s somewhere else I want to take you. If you’re up for it.” 
 If it was anyone else, Poppy probably would have cussed at them for taking up too much of her time. But this was Bea, and something in her couldn’t say no. “As long as it doesn’t involve you and I in a forest alone.” The brunette laughs easily, wrapping her arm around Poppy’s waist without a second thought. “Oh please, do you really think that’s how I’d get rid of you?” 
 Poppy seems to lean into her touch, letting her strawberry blonde locks brush up against Bea’s cheeks, “I doubt you’d be the one getting rid of me darling, but sure.” 
“....Alright I take it back! I’ll even let you drive the car because I am not eating at a diner.”
 “Oh come on, they have the best milkshakes in town!”
 The brunette drags Poppy towards the diner without letting go because if she did, Poppy would probably scream bloody murder in the middle of the lot. 
 Bea led her towards a booth in the back, only then freeing her arm. Poppy plops into the seat after realizing there was no way she could charm her way out of this. “Don’t look so bummed out, you’ll change your mind when you try the famous strawberry milkshake.” 
 “I have never had a milkshake in my life.” Poppy visibly cringes, her posture stiffening at the thought of a sugary liquid infiltrating her body. 
 “Well today is your lucky day baby.” Bea winks at her and calls over a waitress who seems too comfortable with laying a hand on the brunette’s shoulder. It wasn’t evident whether the severe blush on Poppy’s face was because of Bea unknowingly using a pet name or because of the mystery girl who decided to do the most in her presence. 
 “We’ll have the regular Tasha, oh and the strawberry milkshake please.” 
 “Just one? What about your friend over here?”
 Poppy snaps her head up at the waitress who seemed to scan her every move. Something Poppy was definitely used to. Her hands are the first to make a move, slowly trailing their way up Bea’s arm from across the table. She doesn’t take her eyes off the waitress as she speaks softly. “Oh we’ll be sharing it honey. Put a cherry on top too okay?”
 The waitress reverts her eyes from the two and walks away without a word. Poppy watches her leave, biting her lip with satisfaction. 
 Bea can’t help but smirk to herself. “Oh you cannot take your eyes off of her can you? Relax, she’s an old friend.”
 The blonde scoffs, keeping her hands on the surface of Bea’s skin. “I don’t care who she is. Does she flirt with every customer in here? What happened to having class? Or some sort of decent? I mean do you talk to pigs like this?
 Bea squints her eyes and sighs warily. “Poppy this is not a five star restaurant, and that’s what you call being polite and kind to well known customers. People here are normal, not trained robots.” 
 Poppy shrugs to herself, her eyes darting around to the wall decorations and other people who are chatting happily with their families. The atmosphere did feel warm and peaceful, nobody sat up straight and practiced proper table manners. Nobody judged her for who she was or what designer she wore. There was room to actually breathe. Bea could sense the blonde slowly starting to adapt and relax in their new environment and she couldn’t be more grateful for making the right decision. When their food had come, Bea slid the milkshake towards Poppy and smiled shyly. “It’s all yours if you like it, we don’t have to share.” 
 “Nonsense Hughes, I can’t possibly drink this all by myself…but I call dibs on the cherry.” She steals the cherry from the top and plops it into her mouth, eyes sparkling from the burst of flavor. It was nothing compared to the milkshake though, Poppy swore she saw stars when tasting the sweet liquid. Bea laughs as a whipped cream mustache develops on the blonde’s lips after hogging the shake for herself.  
 “I’m paying for our next date by the way.” 
 Bea peers over at Poppy who walked her to her front door, “oh so there’s gonna be another one?” She can’t help but smile at Poppy’s sudden shyness. 
 “Well I enjoyed tonight, a lot. Maybe more than a lot.”
 “I did too.”
 The silence that consumed them wasn’t exactly uncomfortable but it was enough to make them stare at each other. Bea’s mind started to fog as she thought about finally closing the distance between them. She wanted nothing more than to mask the silence with a kiss. Bea looks at Poppy, who seems to be lost in thought. 
 “What are you thinking?”
 “You’re usually deep in thought when your eyebrows scrunch together like that. Or maybe you’re just planning on jumping me as soon as I turn around.”
 Poppy smiles softly. “Do you know the feeling when the thing you wanted the most is right in front of you, yet it still feels unreal and almost impossible.” 
 Bea takes a deep breath and nods, “I do.” 
 Okay Hughes you’re gonna kiss her in 3. You’re gonna make the move. Come on. 
 But of course Poppy had other plans. 
 The feeling of Poppy’s soft lips had caught Bea completely off guard. A hum of pleasure escaped her mouth as the heat started to increase between them. Bea grabbed hold of Poppy’s cheek and steadied the kiss, her eyes slowly started to shut as she sunk into the warm, smooth feeling. Bea smiles into the kiss as Poppy’s tongue begins exploring the depths of her mouth, and she bites back a moan when the blonde takes her bottom lip between her teeth, tugging it slightly, feeling the desire pooling in the pit of her stomach. Poppy places her lips back on Bea’s, passion igniting once more as Bea begins to dominate the kiss, her hands finding her way to the blonde’s waist, pulling her in even closer. 
 Poppy felt like she could kiss Bea forever, if it wasn’t for the need of oxygen. When they both finally pulled back, the blonde laughed with joy. “That felt so amazing.” 
 Bea wanted to blow a huge sigh of relief that Poppy initiated the kiss, because imagine fucking that up. She just held her close and basked in the moment. Her lips swelled with excitement as she still felt the ghost of Poppy’s tongue tracing it. Poppy always had something to say, but right now there was so much more she could do. And the first thing she would do is finally make Bea hers.
if you want to be tagged in any Poppy fics let me know.
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maxineswritingcenter · 4 years ago
You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 3
I’m really happy that this has gotten some positive feedback, this fic is like my baby. Thanks to everyone for reading!
It had been a week since getting out of the hospital and five days since the funeral. It was an odd feeling, and it didn’t make it better that it was a closed casket funeral since they had been burned so badly. It was probably for the better, that meant that the last time I saw them they were wishing me goodnight, smiling, happy, alive. 
I wanted to try to get back to normal. Uncle Noah told me that it was too soon too. He said he wished he spent some more time at home with Stiles, but he didn’t have much of a choice being the sheriff. But life goes on, even if I wanted to go back in time if just for a moment. Maybe getting back to something I enjoyed would be helpful in coping. Moving into the Stilinski house had been only a little strange. I had spent the night here before, especially when I was younger and Stiles and I would pass out in the living room watching Power Rangers or Disney movies. The only thing that bothered me was that I wouldn’t be going home after this, I had my own room with new sheets, new clothes, and only a few things that had survived the fire. Uncle Noah had painted the walls a soft (your favorite color). 
Everything seemed to be perfect, if you could even call it that. However, along with the fact that I lost practically everything, the person who took everything from me was still out there. Michael’s apartment had been cleaned out, his family was no longer in their home, they all just vanished. 
I stared at myself in the mirror, fiddling with the locket that Stiles had given me for my sixteenth birthday. Inside was a tiny picture of us at a birthday party when we were kids, our faces painted like cats, cake around our mouths. I smiled and thought back to the hospital. 
Uncle Noah left the room after giving my statement, leaving Stiles and I in the room. 
“Just so we’re clear you do mean Derek Hale. Main suspect in the fire that killed his family Derek Hale.” He asked. 
“Stiles, even if he did do it, why would he help me get away from Michael? If he was so crazy, why would he offer to drive me away? Why would he drive me to the hospital?” I sat up in the hospital bed.
“Maybe so he could murder you himself?” He scoffed. 
“I highly doubt that.” I looked out the window. But what he said did bring up a question. Derek and I were in completely different circles in high school. He could have completely ignored me and gave me back to Michael. But he didn’t. He helped me.
 I wanted to thank Uncle Noah for taking me in, so I insisted on making dinner tonight. To be honest, home cooking probably wasn’t standard at the Stilinski house. Some sort of pasta dish would probably be good. 
After giving my appearance a final once over, I made my way downstairs. Stiles was on the couch, eating ramen noodles. 
“Hey, I’m gonna head to the store, you wanna come?” I asked. 
He looked up mid-noodle slurp, “Uh yeah, of course. You want me to drive?” 
I scoffed, “So I can feel every bump in the road?” 
“Hey, Roscoe is a smooth ride.” He defended his Jeep. 
“I think that’s an oxymoron.” I grabbed my keys from the hook by the door, “Let’s go.” I smiled. He threw out his noodle carton and slipped on his shoes. Interactions like this made everything easier. 
Around nine, I was just watching videos on the computer, hoping that it would numb my brain enough to go to sleep. Dinner had been cut short because Uncle Noah got a call from someone and went out saying he would be home later. But that didn’t mean Stiles would go to bed, even if his first day of sophomore was in the morning. 
“Hold it.” I called, not looking up from the screen, his footsteps were loud enough to wake the dead. I spun around in the computer chair, folding my fingers together, “And just where do you think you’re going, Mr. Stilinski?”
He straightened out his body, “Oh, just getting a drink of water.” 
I titled my head, “Really? You’re not going to go get Scott so you can find the body in the woods?” 
He squinted, “How did you know that?” 
“You think you’re the only one who’s tapped into police radio?” 
Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, “So are you gonna tell Dad?” 
“Of course not.” I hummed, “But I’m going with you.” I stood up, zipping up my jacket. The outfit had already been prepared after the police radio chatter explained that there had been a body reported in the woods. 
“(Y/N), I don’t know if that’s a good idea seeing that… you know.” 
“I’m a big girl, Stiles. I can handle it. Plus, we probably won’t even find it.” 
The whole way to Scott’s house was him essentially making me swear a vow of silence. As if he couldn’t trust me, he told me everything and I never tattled. 
At Scott’s, I waited in the car while Stiles made his way to the front door where Scott almost took Stiles out with a bat. After some convincing, Stiles and Scott made their way to the Jeep.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Scott smiled as he got in, shoving his inhaler in his pocket. The smile was a sad one, something I would have to get used to. I was the girl whose parents were killed. 
Close to the destination, Scott brought up a good question: "So which half of the body are we looking for?“ 
We both looked at Stiles who said: "Ahh, I didn’t even think about that." 
"And what if whoever killed the body is still out here?” Scott added. This made me realize that maybe coming was a mistake. Michael was still on the loose, who was to say that this wasn’t another victim. And worse, that could have been her body out in the woods, or at least half of it.
“Also something I didn’t think about." 
“Did you think about anything?” I piped in before we finally parked outside the main trails into the woods. 
About fifteen minutes into our hike, I stopped to make sure Scott didn’t fall too far behind. He had the worst case of asthma I had ever seen, he couldn’t walk for very long without needing his inhaler. I knew how much he wanted to play lacrosse, but I really didn’t think it was possible. 
Midthought, I was pulled down the trail with Scott by Stiles. 
“What the he-” I began, but Stiles shushed me. The sound of dogs rang out in the darkness. Without thinking, I started running with Stiles, leaving Scott behind. Our running was stopped abruptly by a dog, who barked and snarled at us from the ground. 
“Heel! Hang on, hang on.” Uncle Noah called to the officer restraining the dog, “This delinquent belongs to me. And so does this one. This I didn’t expect.” He looked from Stiles to me. I stood up, brushing the dirt off my behind. 
“I was uh…babysitting.” 
“Right. Babysitting.” He nodded along, very clearly not believing me. He looked back to Stiles, “Where’s your usual partner in crime?” 
“Who?” Stiles asked, “Scott? Scott’s home. Said he wanted a good night’s sleep for back to school tomorrow. It’s just me and (Y/N). In the woods. Alone.” I elbowed his side at his terrible lie. 
Uncle Noah brought up his flashlight, looking in the trees and called for Scott. When he got no answer, he put the light down. 
“Well, young man, I’m going to walk you back to your Jeep. You too, missy.” He wrapped an arm around both of our shoulders, “We can all have a little conversation about the invasion of privacy.” I took one last glance in the woods, hoping Scott was okay. And if Michael was the one to do this, I really hoped that Scott would be at school tomorrow. 
The next day was the beginning of lacrosse season, meaning the beginning of work. Around one in the afternoon, I made up my lacrosse bag and had a quick lunch and went out to my car. I opened the driver’s side door but I paused, having an eerie feeling crawl up my spine, like I was being watched. I checked my surroundings but saw nothing. Without another thought about it, I made my way towards the high school. 
I made it just in time for lacrosse practice to start, Coach Finstock was on the sidelines. He had his usual look of discontent. I made my way to his side. He looked at me out of the corner of his vision, then back to the players making their way on the field. 
“Is there any way you could She’s the Man this and be on the team.” He asked. 
I held onto the strap of my bag, “That would be cheating, Coach. But I would if I could.” He patted me on the back. 
“Good to have you back, (Y/L/N).” He blew his whistle, “Alright, gather ‘round, ladies. Let’s keep this short so we can practice and maybe get something down today. This is (Y/N), my assistant coach. If I see any of you hormonal monsters so much as look at her the wrong way, I will make sure this season will be hell for you. That means you, Greenberg.” After some more instruction, he sent the boys off on their way. Stiles waved at me before starting to run laps. Since it was the first day, Coach said that just sitting in the bleachers would work for today. To be honest, it felt like he was taking it easy on me, if that were even possible for him to do. I sat up on the bleachers, watching all of the players run. I did see Scott so that meant he survived the night in the woods. 
“Hi.” A soft voice came from beside me. I looked up, seeing a brown hair girl had made her way to sit besides me. 
“Hey.” I said back, she didn’t seem familiar at all, maybe a new kid in town. 
“Come to watch your boyfriend?” She pointed to Stiles, whose legs seemed to work out of sync with his body. 
“Oh no no, that’s my friend. I’m also the assistant coach.” I held my hand out, “(Y/N).”
“Allison.” She shook my hand and looked back out at the field.
“You’re new, huh?” I asked. 
“Is it that easy to tell?” She chuckled. 
“Nah, you just didn’t look familiar. Was your last school into lacrosse too, or…?”
“Oh uh, no, I came to see him.” She vaguely pointed in the direction of Scott. 
“Scott? Yeah, he’s a nice guy.” I smiled.
“I know. He gave me a pen in class today, which was a life saver because I lost mine.”
 After a moment, a redhead I knew all too well sat down besides Allison. Not that I knew her personally, Lydia Martin was just the girl that Stiles had been in love with since… ever.
“Are you the girl whose house burned down?” She asked. Her subtlety was immaculate. Allison, looking mortified, gave me an apologetic smile. 
“Ahuh.” I shrugged, getting up from my seat, “I can’t really see the field. I’m gonna get a different angle. It was nice meeting you, Allison.” Before they could say more, I took the steps down to the grass. 
“McCall!” Coach called, “Get in goal.” 
I crossed my arms over my chest, “You think that’s gonna be a good idea? He’s never played goal before.” 
“I got a feeling.” He said, also crossing his arms and calling the players to line up and make shots at the goal. I gave Scott a quick thumbs up. Coach blew his whistle, Scott grabbed at his ears like the sound was too loud. The player sidearm shot the ball at the goal, hitting Scott in the helmet and sending him on his back. I winced, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Stiles had the same reaction. This might not go well.
To my surprise, though, Scott got back up and caught the next ball that came at him. The next player to come up seemed to have an angry walk in his step.
"Who’s that?” I whispered to Coach.
“Jackson Whittemore.” He looked back, enthralled in the fact that Scott was doing well.
Jackson Whittemore was the town rich boy and did pretty well in lacrosse from what I understood. He also had a chip on his shoulder the size of Mars. He whipped the ball as fast he could, it was impressive. But it was no match for Scott’s new goalie skills.
After practice, Stiles, Scott, and I made our way back to the woods - this time in broad daylight- to find Scott’s inhaler that he dropped. He mentioned that while he was out, he was attacked by an animal and got bitten.
“I can hear stuff I shouldn’t be able to hear. Smell things.” He explained.
“Smell things?” Stiles scrunched up his nose, “Like what?”
“Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket.” He motioned towards Stiles. Stiles looked skeptical but when searching his pocket did find the pack of gum.
“How many sticks left?” I asked, a little amused.
“Uhhh.” he sniffed, “Two.” I took the gum from Stiles' hand and opened it.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Two sticks.
“So this all started with a bite?” Stiles took back his gum, sticking it back in his pocket.
“Could this be some kind of infection?” Scott asked.
“I actually think I’ve heard of this. It’s a different kind of infection.” Stiles shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. He gave me a side eye, I nodded.
“Are you serious?” He asked, getting more exasperated. We both nodded.
“Yeah, I think it’s called lycanthropy.” Stiles said.
“What is that? Is it bad?” Scott asked, the panic setting in.
“The worst.” I exaggerated. 
“It’s worse about once a month.”
“Once a month?”
“On the night of the full moon.” Stiles sighed, as if this “infection” was terminal. The fact that Scott hasn’t gotten it yet just told me that he wasn’t paying attention during Monster Movie night. Stiles and I threw our heads back and howled towards the sky.
“Come on, guys, this isn’t funny!” Scott glared.
“Didn’t you tell your mom about it?” I asked, then realized how stupid of a question it was. If Ms. McCall had found out how late he was out and that he was in the woods looking for a body, he would have been grounded for sure.
“Of course not.” He shook his head. After that, the boys had walked a little bit ahead, still going on about Scott’s new super infection. I took a little more time looking in the bushes to see if Scott’s inhaler had fallen off the trail. The thing was bright red, it shouldn’t be that hard to find. While I searched, I zoned out everything else in the world. I thought about my parents. There was still so much that I didn’t know that they never got a chance to teach me. The last night they were alive, they had mentioned something offhand.
“(Y/D/N), when are we going to tell her?” Mom whispered, biting her nails. They spoke in the hallway, not realizing I could hear. Dad paused for a moment, then looked down at her.
“We’ll tell her tomorrow.”
I never found out what they were going to tell me.
The other thing that I couldn’t seem to get off my mind was Derek Hale. He practically risked his life to help me. If I saw someone with a knife like Michael was, I would like to believe that I would do what Derek did, but I couldn’t be sure. Besides that, I couldn’t get his face out of my head. It would be a lie if I didn’t think he was attractive. The way he looked at me with those dark green eyes. It made you feel a certain sort of way. 
I looked up from the bushes I was searching and realized it was way darker than it had been and that Scott and Stiles were nowhere in sight. 
“Scott? Stiles?” I called. No answer. What did answer though, was a flash of rain. 
“Great. I’m lost in the woods, where there is a dead body. And even a murderer.” I moped out loud. I found my way back to what I thought was the trail and started walking. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and saw that it was completely dead. So much for calling in a rescue. Thunder roared in the sky, making my pace faster. 
By now it was dark, just flashes of lightning making it easy for me to see where I was walking. I walked for what seemed like forever until I found a large house in the middle of the woods. The place seemed vaguely familiar. It was in disrepair and looked like no one had been there in years. For now, it would probably be better to wait out the storm and start walking when the rain ended. I pushed the door and stepped inside. It was still wet inside from the parts of the house that were missing, but in places where there was still roof, it was dry. I looked around, seeing something on the wall, partially burned. It was a triskelion with a name underneath. Hale. I was standing in the remains of the Hale house.
“What are you doing here?” A deep voice made me jump and turn around. Derek Hale stood in the doorway, a lightning flash lit up his face and for a moment his eyes looked blue before going back to their green color. 
“I’m sorry, I just got lost in the woods and then it started raining. I-I’ll leave now.” I walked towards the door to go out again but he grabbed my arm tightly. 
“Don’t go out there.” He said, looking behind him.
“Why?” I asked in a hushed voice. He looked me in the eyes, looking pretty terrifying frankly. 
“You were followed here.” He said, making my blood run cold. 
“Was it…?” I took a deep breath, “Was it Michael?” He shook his head, pulling me further into the house. 
“No, something else.” 
“Something else? What do you mean?” I asked, pulling my arm from his grip. He stopped and looked at me confused. 
“Didn’t you smell it? Hear it?” 
“Look, Derek, I know we never talked in high school and you barely know me, so I’ll just let you in on a little secret: I can’t smell when something is stalking me in the woods.” I looked over my shoulder at the door. There was a creaking sound coming from outside that was pretty consistent with walking. He glared out at the creaking, taking his jacket off. 
“Put this on.” He held it out to me. 
“Why?” I asked. Looking from the jacket to him. 
“It will put my scent on you.” 
“Your freaking what?” I raised my eyebrows at him. Maybe he was crazy. I was stuck in an abandoned house with whatever was outside with a crazy person. 
“Will you just put it on?” He barked. No need to make a crazy man mad. I took the jacket and slipped it on. Like any other jacket it smelled like leather, but this had something else, a musky smell that would be very pleasing if the situation was different. 
“Go out the back and run.” He started walking towards the door, “Now.” He didn’t need to tell me twice. I took off running as fast as I could out the back door and up the long drive way that connected the Hale property to the main road. And, like an absolute angel, Stiles appeared in his Jeep, stopping right outside the entrance to the overgrown driveway. 
“(Y/N)!” He called over the rain. I ran to the jeep, got in and slammed the door behind me. 
“Go, go go go go.” I said hastily, put on my seat belt and he took off. 
“Why weren’t you answering your phone?!” He shouted, keeping his eyes on the road. 
“I didn’t charge it before going out in the woods.” I panted, looking over my shoulder to make sure the something Derek had been talking about wasn’t behind us. 
“Whose jacket is that?” 
“Derek Hale’s.” 
“Why do you have his jacket?!” 
“Listen, I could explain right now but apparently I was being stalked back there so put this thing in gear and drive faster.”
Last night after getting home, I explained to Stiles what happened. We both agreed that it did sound like Derek was a little crazy. But the fact was that something in the woods bit Scott and it was probably better that Derek had found me instead of whatever it was. 
The next morning, everything should have been a dream. The whole situation would make more sense. But Derek’s jacket was hanging on the back of her door which meant that instead of encountering Derek being a dream, it was reality. Stiles would be in school by now and Uncle Noah was definitely at work, if he even left last night to begin with. Maybe a walk would take my mind off things. I got dressed and ready and was about to walk out of my room when I caught myself grabbing Derek’s jacket to put on. This jacket wasn’t mine, I shouldn’t be wearing it. I didn’t need to have Derek’s “scent” all over me but I grabbed it anyway. There was the possibility that I would see him while I was out since I had been seeing him a hundred times more than usual. I opened the front door, seeing Derek who was just standing outside the door. 
“We need to talk.”
Read part 4 here!
Part 3 down. And trust me, this part needed a lot of work from the “original” material. 
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julemmaes · 4 years ago
Honey - part two
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre roommates au
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A/N: I’m so tired yall have no idea. My eyes are burning and my fingers are cramping cause I’ve been writing all day to get this done, so yeah, I’m very satisfied and some of the blogs that I consider big or are big for a fact started following me and commented on the first part, so I freaked out a little, but I can tell that I’ll sleep peacefully tonight because of that, so thank you all. Enjoy!:)
Oh, and I almost forgot, the song at the end is called “Honey” and it’s by Johnny Balik (shoker, as my man Kieran would say)
Word count: 4,966
Lorcan's least favourite day was definitely Friday, unlike all people his age. Not because he didn't like going out in the city at night to have fun and drink until you forgot even your mother's name, but because it was the only day of the week he had to work at both the shelter and the toy shop.
He loved working with the dogs and the few cats they brought in, and although he wasn't really a people person, he enjoyed spending time deciding with the kids and parents what was the best gift to go home with. And although Lorcan would never admit it out loud, he had grown fond of some of the regulars - especially a mother of three who he knew worked as a lawyer in one of the offices above the shop. Almost every day she would come in during her lunch break to buy one of those surprise sachets that cost a euro each and if Lorcan didn't see her coming before he went on his break, he would wait a few minutes before closing up just for her. Elide had managed to find out this detail a few months later after she moved in and he knew she would never stop teasing him because he had a heart of gold.
The phone vibrated in his hand just as he got behind the wheel and he wasn't at all surprised to see that the last message he had gotten was from Elide.
He huffed, not even opening yet another link that would surely send him to yet another website with information on why the world was ending very slowly and why humans were to be blamed entirely. He started the car and drove off towards their house.
Lorcan wasn't a bad person and he really cared about everything Elide was sending him, but he was tremendously tired and all he could think about was how much he wanted to take a shower and pass out in his bed. The fact that none of this was going to happen because Fenrys and Rowan had forced him to accept the invitation out to dinner made it all worse.
It took him less than ten minutes to get home and when he parked and saw the lights in their living room on, he seriously considered backing up and getting out of there to get to Vaughan's house before Elide noticed his car and he wouldn't be able to get away no more.
He was sure his friend would take him in without question if he asked to put him up for a night.
But luck was not on his side as Elide's petite figure appeared in the window and Lorcan could not see her face, but he knew she was smiling as she bounced and waved to greet him.
Despite everything, Lorcan raised his hand in turn and smiled back at her, knowing full well that even she could not see him so low and hidden by the evening shadows.
As he climbed the sixth flight of stairs and mentally prepared himself for two more, he could foresee the flood of words that would wash over him when he entered the house. Elide hadn't kept quiet for the entire day, sending him voice messages and staying with him on calls for the entire duration of his lunch break, so much so that at one point he had wondered if she had gone to class and then to work. He had discovered that yes, she had gone, but she hadn't paid the slightest attention to what they had explained and had gotten half the customers' orders wrong.
When he opened the front door, he recognized the melody of one of the songs she'd put on her apology playlist, the one he'd made for her nearly three weeks earlier after she'd found out he still smoked. She'd seemed so hurt that after he'd gone to bed and cleaned the tiles of his blood until they glistened, he'd stood at the kitchen table and spent hours and hours searching for the perfect apology songs. A bit dramatic perhaps, but it had had the desired effect.
He sighed, slipping off his jacket and putting it as far away from Elide's as possible, so that no animal hair would get on hers. He would clean it later.
The girl in question sputtered out of the living room with a beaming smile on her face, her cheeks strangely red and her eyes so bright they were glossy, "Hello, handsome."
"Hi, Ellie." he murmured, straightening his back and making the bones in his neck crack. Elide approached and Lorcan took a step back, bumping his back against the door, "I haven't showered yet," he put his hands forward to keep her at arm's length, "you can touch and hug me all you want later, but please not now," he begged her.
She gave the cutest pout he had ever seen, "But-"
"No buts, you can wait three minutes for me to wash up without dying," he continued, walking past her without touching her or making any overly sudden movements.
"You're such a pain in the ass," she complained, that adorable pout deepening all the more, "I can always take the antihistamine if I get allergies."
Lorcan shook his head, turning a confused expression on her, "I'd rather you didn't take medication just because you want to hug me."
It was true.
To their great misfortune, Elide was one of the very few people he knew who was allergic to animal hair. Any animal. More precisely, she was allergic to the mites that lived in the fur and the dust that accumulated in it in enormous quantities even on a normal basis. Given that the dogs Lorcan worked with were left to run loose in the fields all day, when he came home he was covered in anything that could kill his friend and roommate in one sniff and he didn't want to have to take her to the emergency room again because they couldn't tell if she was breathing properly.
It was why every night since he'd started working at the shelter he had taken a shower before doing anything else. It was why their water bill had gone up so much since they had found out about this allergy of hers.
"It's just a pill Lor, it's not like I have to get shots or..." she shrugged, as if to indicate anything more invasive than a simple pill.
He brought his hands in front of his mouth like a prayer, looking her in the eyes, "How many times do I have to explain to you that if you take one type of medicine every day, after a while your body no longer perceives it as an extra foreign thing to help you, but as the norm and so it no longer has any effect?"
Elide grimaced, "I hate you."
He chuckled, walking backwards until he reached the bathroom door, just in case she had the great idea to ambush him and jump on his back, "Just wait five minutes."
"It was three before," she said frowning, "And, speaking of showers-" and then she did something that made Lorcan freeze in his tracks. He didn't register what was going on until Elide's shirt was too high up for him to avoid seeing everything. And by everything, he meant everything.
"Elide what the fuck are you doing?!" he turned around, screaming, then his eyes went wide, trying to figure out if what had just happened was true or not. He squeezed his eyes shut, closing his hands into fists, biting his knuckles, "You're not wearing a fucking bra." he said in a voice sharper than he had intended.
He heard her giggle, but the sound came out muffled, "Loorcaaan." she crooned, "Help."
"I can't turn around Ellie, you're naked," he pointed out to her with his eyes still closed, then in a lower voice, "God, you're naked. What has gotten into you?"
He felt her move as she walked around him and stopped in front of him, "Help." she said in a flat tone. Lorcan had to laugh, her tone reminded him so much of the way the green aliens in Toy Story talked.
"Help what?" he asked letting out an amused laugh.
"I'm stuck." she said slurring her words and he felt her move, she was probably wiggling to get out of her t-shirt. And if she was wiggling, that meant her-
Lorcan took a sharp breath, cursing under his breath and trying to quiet his wandering mind.
He arched an eyebrow, though he was pretty sure she couldn't see him either, as doubt crept into him, "Are you drunk?"
Elide was silent for a while, then giggled like a child, "Just a little tipsy."
"Ellie it's seven o'clock," he exclaimed amused, but surprised to learn that she had been drinking, "why on earth are you drunk at seven?"
"Just a little tipsy," she repeated like a broken record. Then she screeched like a pterodactyl and Lorcan burst out laughing again, turning and taking a step or two forward to avoid risking accidentally touching her once more.
"Alright, why are you just a little tipsy at seven o'clock on a night when we're supposed to be going out with the others?" he asked now a little more eager to know the answer.
He heard her snort audibly, "The world is ending, Lorcan, why won't you understand that?"
He opened his eyes wide, not believing what she was saying, pinning them on the picture their friends had given them for Christmas, the one with all their best pictures collaged on a coloured canvas.
And here he thought he was the dramatic one of the two.
He nodded to himself, "So you're telling me that the reason you decided to get drunk before you even went out is because of global warming?"
He heard a rustle and then something hit him on the head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to slap you," she said in the tone of someone who couldn't care less about having hit him, "Anyway, yeah. Global warming and forests catching fire and animals dying and plastic burning..." she took a deep breath and then continued for a few minutes, making a list of all the things she had learned that afternoon by reading all the articles she could find about why humans were the worst living thing in the world.
Lorcan stood patiently listening to her, occasionally getting lost when she introduced topics that were a little too specific, but listen to her he did. The way she was saying all those things was always reminiscent of the little green aliens, but he knew the subject was more serious than it sounded.
With his arms crossed over his chest, he didn't think he'd moved too much, but at one point Elide sneezed and he cursed himself for not having moved fast enough to go to the bathroom.
"I told you you'd get allergies."
"But I didn't even touch you," she squealed back.
"You know that's not necessary for even your soul to start itching too," he scolded her.
Elide remained silent for a while longer, then started talking again, "And we should seriously get some glass bottles, if I see you with those stupid plastic bottles again I'll kill you. Scout's honor." she threatened him.
Lorcan chuckled, "Elide you've never been in scouts."
"How punctilious of you." she scoffed at him, then gasped, "We could buy matching flasks, with glitter and," she gasped again, sounding increasingly excited, "We could have one of our pictures printed on it."
A smile broke out on Lorcan's lips and he knew that if he had looked in the mirror at that moment he would have seen the face of a boy lost in love. He pulled himself together, straightening his back, trying not to think about how he felt about Elide. It wouldn't have done any good to admit that those feelings were real and tangible inside him.
He was staring at Fenrys' face in one of the pictures they had taken on holiday that summer, when Elide spoke again.
"This is a list of things that should make you understand why we have to shower together."
Lorcan choked on his saliva. He coughed a few times, patting his chest.
How had they gone from polar bears dying from melting ice to them showering together?
"What are you talking about?" he asked her in a squeaky voice.
The fact that she was alluding to them showering together while he knew she was half naked behind him, a breath away practically, made him feel so many different kinds of wrong.
"We can't waste water Lor, it's not hard." she sounded exasperated, then muttered, "Sometimes I really think you're being obtuse or stupid."
Lorcan's eyes went wide, "Wow, thanks Ellie."
"You're welcome." she chipped.
He shook his head, sighing and running a hand over his face, "Don't you think there are plenty of other ways we can start saving the world, before we have to shower together?" he took the fact that she wasn't answering as a cue to continue, "Like start recycling?"
Elide gasped again, making him chuckle, "Did you sign the petition?"
"Which-" he trailed off. She was talking about the petition to have a door-to-door rubbish collection service introduced in their town. Something that would force everyone to sort their garbage. "Yes, I signed it."
"Good." she whispered.
"I signed them all," he reiterated, because it was true and he knew that Elide never sent him stupid petitions, that whatever she sent him must be important and it didn't cost him anything to put his email and name on a website if it meant he could make a difference in his own small way.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." she said in a weak voice.
Lorcan felt strangely uncomfortable all of a sudden.
And not because of the fact that Elide was naked behind him and had just confessed to wanting to shower with him, but because he would have wanted to turn around and kiss her, not do what any other guy would have thought of doing with a half-naked girl. No. Lorcan just wanted to kiss her and take his time in the process, savour the kiss and not be hasty and quick.
He wanted it to be slow and heartfelt, he wanted her to feel every single thing he couldn't say out loud.
"Lorcan?" she whispered, "I'm always stuck and I'm starting to get cold."
He blinked, "Yeah, you're right." then interrupted. They were silent a few seconds, "You really can't pull your shirt down?"
He took a deep breath. Then another.
"Okay, I'm going to turn around and keep my eyes closed, please stay still so I don't touch- anything. I'm not touching anything. I'll try to help you." he stammered, clasping his hands along his sides. She made a simple grunt of assent and he huffed, raising his hands in the air and lowering them slowly until he touched her head. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter and then released the elbow that had gotten stuck in her shirt.
"Yay." exclaimed Elide.
Sensing that she was moving freely on her own, Lorcan pulled away again and when the sound of clothes stopped, he asked, "Are you done?"
"Yes," she said singing.
His shoulder sagged a little and he smiled. He opened his eyes, ready to move Elide to the side and go take that holy shower, but whatever he'd thought when he'd asked if she was done must have been the exact opposite of what she'd thought, because Elide's tits were freer than ever between the two of them.
Lorcan grunted, slapping a hand over his face to cover his eyes, "What the fuck, Ellie. Stop flashing me, I'm begging you."
He heard her giggle and then a gust of wind and her laughter fading down the corridor let him know she had run off. He opened his eyes tentatively, peering through his fingers to make sure she wasn't still in front of him and sighed with relief when he finally managed to get into the bathroom and lock the door behind him.
He leaned against the sink, clutching the ceramic between his fingers and staring at his reflection in the mirror.
He never thought the first time he would see Elide's tits would be under these circumstances. He ran a hand over his face again, trying to somehow erase the image he knew he would never forget.
He had just stepped into the shower when he heard something very large and heavy slam against the door. Something that seconds later burst out laughing. Lorcan could only follow as he imagined a half-naked Elide running towards the bathroom and failing to stop in time.
"Are you alright, honey?" he asked her just in case. He turned on the water, hissing when he found it frozen, but not moving from under the jet. After all, a cold shower wouldn't hurt him.
"Let me in." she shouted, slamming her fist against the door, "Let me iiin!"
"Are you dressed?"
"Then you can't come in."
A scream of despair followed by what could only be a fake hysterical cry made him burst out laughing again, but then for a few minutes all that was heard was the sound of the shower and water falling from his hair.  
"Ellie, are you still there?"
The answer came quickly, "Yes."
"Are you still naked?"
"Maybe." then he heard her move against the door and realised she'd been sitting on the floor.
Perfect, he was stuck in there. He reached for the phone and thought of something.
As he finished untangling the knots in his hair and washing out the conditioner, Elide was talking about how harmful the soaps they used were and had even gone so far as to say that they should both shave their heads so as to minimise their impact on the environment.
"What did you do today?" she asked him suddenly.
Lorcan didn't answer, dialling the number of a certain blonde girl who could help him out of this situation. Aelin answered after the fifth ring and Lorcan knew full well that she had done it on purpose, hoping he would hang up so she wouldn't have to talk to him.
"Listen, something kind of weird happened and I need-"
"Who is this?" Lorcan arched an eyebrow, pulling his ear away from the phone to check the number. It was Aelin's phone. And the chick's voice on the other end was her, he was sure of it. "God, Lorcan, I'm fucking with you, what's up?"
"Funny," he deadpanned, "Elide's already drunk."
"What? But it's not even eight o'clock."
"I know, I came home and she was already like that."
A few moments of silence passed, "Okay, and what do you want me to do?"
"Well, she took her shirt off at one point."
Lorcan waited for a reaction, but Aelin didn't respond.
"And now she's naked in the hallway and blocking the bathroom door and-"
"She's what?" the friend burst out laughing.
"She's naked," he gritted through his teeth, "And she's blocking the bathroom door. I don't know how to get out and I don't want to open the door and push her off and risk hurting her. Is there any way you could come over here and help her? Help me?"
"I’ll make sure she'll never hear the end of it." Aelin laughed louder and Lorcan heard Rowan ask her what was going on. The blonde took breaths before saying, "Ellie flashed Lorcan and how he's stuck in the bathroom because he's afraid of a pair of nice-looking boobies."
"So are you planning on coming?" he asked before he completely lost his patience.
He imagined her wiping tears from under her eyes, "Yes, we'll be there in fifteen minutes."
"Me, Ro and Fen. He's the one driving tonight and he picked us up."
"Okay," Lorcan murmured, "but they can't come up to the house."
"Why?" drawled Aelin, "Because you're jealous?"
He counted to ten, restraining himself from hanging up on her, "No, because this is going to be humiliating enough for Elide without two more of her friends seeing her half naked, so please just come up alone."
Aelin huffed, "You're right, but you're no fun."
They said their goodbyes and Lorcan put the phone down, starting to blow dry his hair.
Elide hadn't stopped saying his name for half a second throughout the call and it was starting to annoy him. Then he shook his head, no. He wasn't annoyed by Elide, it was Aelin.
That girl could get under his skin like few could.
"You didn't tell me what you did today."
And Lorcan did, so that at least she would stop slamming her hand against the door.
He told her about the last man who'd come to see what dogs he could give his daughter and how he'd seemed so much like the guy who'd abandoned them on the side of the road after not even a week and it had pissed him off. He told her the morning had been even worse, because one of the children had started opening all the toys on display and his mother, who had been right next to him the whole time with her eyes fixed on the phone screen, hadn't stopped him and it had been up to Lorcan to tell him he couldn't do it. It was only then that the woman had realised what a mess it was and had simply apologised to him, running out of the shop so fast that he hadn't even noticed they had left. He had to call his manager and he was not exactly pleased to hear this story, but he also said that they would donate the toys to the church down the street, which was responsible for distributing them to kindergartens in the neighbourhood. That cheered him up a little.
By the time he had finished his story, Aelin had arrived and once he had taken her to her room. Lorcan could finally go out and get ready himself.
It was after midnight, the entire group was rocking out on the dance floor of their favorite outdoor club, a place called "The Wild Night" that was on the edge of town, closer to the forest than anything else, and normally Lorcan would have joined his friends to dance and sing, but there was a problem.
A big, huge, handsome problem.
And the problem was called Kyllian.
He couldn't figure out whose idea it had been to invite the boy with them that night, but whoever it was, this person's days were numbered, because Lorcan would kill them first and then use the limbs of their corpse to kill Kyllian.
Kyllian who had now been rubbing up against Elide for hours and who had offered her more drinks than stupid charming grins - and he really was reserving a lot of those for her.
"If you don't stop looking at him like that you're going to make his head explode," someone said, throwing themselves onto the small bench next to him.
He turned his head so fast he wondered how he had managed not to break his neck, "What are you talking about?"
Fenrys arched an eyebrow, "Even if you weren't staring at Kyllian like you wanted to see him disappear off the face of the earth, everyone here, including Elide," he told him with so much as a glare, giving him a slight shove, "would know that you're not really into what's going on on that dance floor."
"He's right," Rowan said to his left, sipping the drink of Aelin's she'd left him. When the hell had he sat there?
Lorcan didn't answer, remaining motionless with his sullen expression.
"I can give you a hand if you want," Fenrys murmured, sucking on the fuchsia straw sticking out of his equally pink glass.
He inhaled through his nose, "And how would you do that?"
"You have to trust me."
"Never." said Lorcan as Rowan said at the same time, "Don't."
Fenrys looked at them both with his mouth wide open and a hand to his chest, "I'm hurt." then finished what was left of the drink in one gulp and stood up abruptly, staggering a little, but holding himself up nonetheless. He cast a glance over his shoulder at the two boys still sitting, grinning, and Lorcan knew immediately what was going to happen.
"Ellie!" he shouted, turning more heads than necessary, "Love of my life!"
Kyllian pulled away from Ellie just enough for Fenrys to grab her hand and spin her around a few times until she burst out laughing and begged him to stop. The new boy didn't even seem to exist anymore as his best friend laced her arms around Fenrys' hips and rocked left and right, increasingly drunk.
Lorcan's heart clenched in his chest as he heard that sound so carefree, so happy.
He didn't realise he was smiling until Rowan cackled beside him, "God, you're fucked."
He didn't pay any attention to him and stood up, keeping his gaze fixed on her face.
He heard Lysandra and Aelin calling his name, hyping him up and threw them a real, quick smile that made them scream even louder, as if they were fans at one of his concerts. When he finally reached Fenrys and Elide's side, the blond spun her around ninety degrees and for a moment she closed her eyes, giggling, intoxicated by the amount of alcohol she had ingested, but when she opened them again and saw Lorcan standing in front of her, a smile as wide as he had ever seen it spread across her face.
"I'll leave you Ellie, you're in good hands," Fenrys told her, winking at him from above her head.
But neither of them even looked at him.
His eyes locked into hers as they both took a step forward and found themselves a caress away. Her chest rose and fell in an agitated rhythm. After all, she'd been dancing with everyone for hours, so much so that Lorcan wondered how she hadn't thrown up yet.
His gaze ran over her body, her bare shoulders, the line of her collarbones, and further down between her breasts. Breasts he'd had the chance to see for a millisecond a few hours before and remembered perfectly. The darker shade of pink that had characterized her-
He felt his heart pounding in his throat.
She had never said his name like that.
His eyes went up, sliding over lips so full, so perfect, up, over her nose and then up again, finding hers and the music changed, becoming slower, the lights dimmed as the strobes were turned off. Elide seemed to recognise the tune as her lips parted slightly, "Lor," she repeated. He raised a hand until his knuckles brushed her cheek and when she let go a shuddering breath, Lorcan began to sing under his breath.
"Tell me everything and hold no lies. Say you're waiting for better skies," he leaned forward as his other hand slid to her hip and Elide moved closer, until their bodies were fully joined to each other and one of her legs was between his and their hips were one thing moving in sync with the music. He felt Elide's breath against his neck and had to suppress a shudder when she too began to sing along with him.
"Oh, but honey don't taste like summer no more. Stick around now, I miss you every night,"
He lowered his head even more, brushing her nose with his own. The hand that had been on her cheek had slipped over her shoulder and was now tracing the path down her back, grazing the top of her bottom until it rested on her hip.
"Elide," he whispered, breathing on her lips. She closed her eyes, pushing herself up, towards him, and Lorcan held her tighter, moving his fingers over the exposed skin between her miniskirt and the black top she was wearing and there he was. Elide was there, with him, and she was so close to his body that he could feel the heart beating in her chest.
She was there and the next second... she wasn't. Because Elide had snapped away and was now vomiting on his feet. Lorcan held his breath as she was shaken by another gag and he had just enough time to take a step back that she threw up again.
The people around them quickly scampered away, creating a small circle of spectators and casting a quick glance at his friends he saw that they had a large audience. He just hoped Elide was too drunk to remember what happened the next day.
He looked down and grimaced, all sorts of emotions swirling inside him as the girl he loved clutched at him and puked her dinner all over his clothes.
He cursed at whoever decided how things went for breaking the best moment of his life with vomit and then gathered her hair into a loose ponytail, tying it with an elastic band he kept on his wrist specifically for these occasions.
He heard her whimper and put both hands on her shoulders, stroking her in circular motions to help her warm up. Aelin and Lysandra appeared next to them shortly after and when Ellie was firm enough on her feet to walk, they stepped over the pool of vomit and Lorcan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pushing her towards the exit.
"Let's go home, Ellie."
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@tottenhamboys20 @maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @ladywitchling @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @anne-reads @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @letstakethedawn @simping4bookboisngrls @post-it-notes33 @booksstorm @nalgenewhore @queen-of-demons-and-hell @miserablemusings @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan @cupcakey00 @bri-loves-sunflowers @queen-of-glass​
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