#i spend all fucking day studying and in class then come home and have to study some more
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Before I knew I was bisexual I was just insanely dramatic and weird around guys I liked. I had a crush on this guy in my ward - he was older than me, he played bagpipes and had a cheerful dog and an old Volkswagen bus that he worked on all the time. He also had nice scruff and unnaturally attractive hands and a good sense of humor, so I was like FULLY smitten.
I talked about him a lot and about how he was just so dang COOL, dang it, because he was so frickin’ cool. And I really liked him. I thought he was funny and smart and interesting and cool and fascinating and a bunch of other weird feelings I barely had the attention span to think about (I think my ADHD may have prevented me from coming out for a while tbh).
One day, I’m like 14-15, his dad is called to be my Sunday School teacher. His dad is this ex-military hardass with a chip on his shoulder for absolutely no reason and unattainable standards for his children. He spent most of Sunday School talking shit about his eldest boy and how he was rebellious and didn’t listen to him and how that was going to make him a bad adult and a bad son forever. How his son was too lazy and unmotivated to be successful because he didn’t listen to his advice on how to read the scriptures. He complained about how our generation was too weak to do things right and that our generation would surely be the one that brought the world’s downfall because of our laziness and sin.
And like, first of all, that guy can already go fuck himself for that. To clarify, that’s already stupid. BUT. He was talking about the man I had uncomfortable dreams about at least once a month. I couldn’t stand it. I’d get so mad I’d go home shaking sometimes because how fucking DARE he insult his hardworking stunning son by calling him lazy? For not reading the Bible the way his dad wants? When he’s already spending his time learning bagpipes? And fixing cars? And being cool? And cute? Who the fuck even cares if he uses the footnotes in the Book of Mormon? Who gives a rotten rat’s ass if he doesn’t use the scripture study manual his dad uses? He’s so cool he doesn’t even need it? So fuck off?
And eventually I got fucking Sick Of It and decided to mutiny. And by mutiny, I mean skip class. I’d just not go. And after a bit, adults started noticing and bugging me about it. At first, this was put off by small talk and excuses, but as my absence from Sunday School became more well-known, my excuses began to be rejected.
“Oh, Lizard, why aren’t you in class?” Uhm idk because my Sunday School teacher is mean to his kid and that makes me so mad wtf do you want from me? 🫠🤔
“Where’s your class, I’ll go with you!” Oh no ty I’d rather peel my own eyes than have my taste in men critiqued tyty 🩷
“Lizard, you should go to class, I’m sure they miss you!” And I miss the innocent days where my stomach didn’t hurt when a cool boy I knew was being belittled but unfortunately for us both those days are LONG gone and all that’s left is a budding psychosexual clusterfuck that will render me almost fully incapable of functioning for the better part of a decade so Bye Bye, sister Smith 🙂↕️
It had gotten to the point that ward leadership was involved. I was being approached by members of the Young Men’s presidency and the Bishopric to try and make me to back to class. They were telling me God had told them to find me and instruct me on my rebelliousness. This is where I implemented my secret weapon - women. Mormons are weird as hell about a lot of things, but especially about women. And I was GREAT with women. So to combat the leadership’s attention, I started helping women.
Our ward had a lot of new moms with babies who were, as babies tend to be, fussy. But for Mormon women the church is often their only social outlet, so they try to power through as long as they can even if it means enduring the exhausting ordeal of taking care of a fussy baby at church.
For what it’s worth, I have a lot of sway with babies. I got baby street cred. Me and babies have a rapport. I have always known this. I have always loved this. And in this crucial gay time in my faggot life my baby mind powers came in clutch - Every time I saw a member of the bishopric getting close, or a young men’s leader giving me side-eye, I’d start walking slowly towards class, passing by relief society. I’d wait until a mom’s baby had gotten too fussy and needed to leave the room, and I’d swoop in like a knight. “Oh, don’t you worry sister, I’ll bounce him a bit. You go back and hang out with your friends in class. You deserve a break.”
If it was a diaper change or something they’d tell me no. But if it was just some good old-fashioned baby fusses, I mean, they’d be moved almost to tears. They just got their social time back AND a free babysitter who is renowned as the Baby Whisperer. And because I was holding a baby as a favor for someone else, I of course could not reasonably be bothered to return to class.
So just like that, I was out of everyone’s sights. This went on for about a month before the straw that broke the camel’s back, which was that without my class participation the classes were quiet and awkward. I’d often take the brunt of Sunday school lectures by answering questions impulsively and over explaining myself enough that the clock could run out without anyone needing to do or say much. My absence meant everyone else was getting hit with the full unpleasantness of this guy’s bullshit. And so slowly, one-by-one, I had a group of about 8 kids on baby-holding duty. These new moms were so overjoyed, they and their husbands were both so actively in our corner that now chastising us was untenable. Now we had bargaining power. So the Bishopric approached us, confused beyond confused and uncomfortable beyond uncomfortable, and said,
“What’s it gonna take to get you back to class?”
The POWER I possessed in that moment was addictive. By being kind to the women of the ward and ignoring the Mormon de facto Rule of Law of following rules en-masse so the rule breakers feel left out, there were now so many people breaking ranks that we had effectively enacted a church boy labor strike. And they crumbled so fast it was almost like we had swayed God himself to our cause.
“I want brother assholedad gone. He sucks at teaching.”
I didn’t even have to say it. One of my rebels said it for me. I just nodded sagely and said “Yes, his class is not edifying. It’s better to not go and hold babies.”
And just like that, with a snap of my limp-wristed, Christ-wounding, bottom-brained fingers my faggot will was enacted. God’s revelation that brother shitdad was his chosen Sunday school teacher flipped on a dime. Suddenly brother shitdad was asked to be an usher and the fun dad of another one of my crushes was called in to teach us. I still stayed to hold babies a lot, but the rest of the class returned and all was well again.
Although I didn’t recognize it then, I think that was a formative moment for me in a lot of ways. I learned that being really persistently annoying will get me what I want from authority eventually. I learned that God’s will can be swayed by going in strike. I learned that ignoring men’s made up authority forces them to level with you as a person. I learned that caring for women, especially vulnerable women, can make a whole world happier. I learned that letting women rest can help them feel more love for the things that matter in their life. I learned that social bonds make everyone stronger and happier. And I learned that loving others in a gay way can change the world.
Be gayer. Read Terry Pratchett. I love y’all 💕
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Munson's Little Sister Part 3 - Billy x Reader
You find the other parts here :)
Woohoo! Part 3 is here >:) Sorry this one is a bit shorter than the previous two, I'll try to make sure part 4 is a tad longer. Enjoy!! :)
Warnings: It's casual. Semi-public(?) making out, grinding, Eddie ditches reader.
The weekend is long and painfully uneventful. You spend most of it holed up in your room, avoiding Eddie’s pointed glares and the inevitable conversation that you know is coming.
Of course, he doesn’t let you off that easily. Eddie was on your ass all weekend about it or at least giving you odd looks.
By Saturday afternoon, he corners you in the kitchen while you’re making a sandwich, arms crossed and eyes narrowed like he’s been rehearsing this confrontation in his head.
“So,” he starts, leaning against the counter. “You wanna tell me what the hell last night was about?”
You sigh, not looking up. “Nothing happened, Eddie.”
“Nothing?” He lets out a sharp laugh. “Nothing is when you come home at a normal time, dry, and not with fucking Hargrove.”
You clench your jaw. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?” He scoffs. “Jesus Christ. You think he’s some misunderstood bad boy, don’t you? You think you’re gonna fix him?”
You slam your butter knife down. “I don’t think anything, Eds.”
He studies you, eyes dark with frustration. “Then why are you even entertaining him?”
You don’t have an answer for that. Not one you want to say out loud.
Eddie shakes his head. “He’s just gonna screw you over,” he mutters, grabbing a bag of chips and stomping toward the living room. “Don’t come crying to me when he does.”
And that’s how most of the weekend goes. Eddie, brooding and watching you like a hawk. You, stewing in your own thoughts, replaying Friday night over and over. The kiss. The way Billy looked at you. The way it all felt.
You barely step outside, avoiding the outside world like it’ll give you answers. But by the time Monday rolls around, you still don’t have any.
You wake up feeling off. Immediately you thought of Billy.
“You wanna just come out and say it?” Eddie asked Sunday night, sprawled across the couch, strumming lazily at his guitar.
You didn’t look up from where you sat at the table, pretending to be invested in the notes you were scribbling.
“Say what?”
“That you’ve got it bad for Hargrove.”
“I do not—”
“Bullshit.” Eddie snorted, setting his guitar aside. “You’ve been all broody since Friday. You barely left your room, and when you did, you looked like you were thinking real hard about something. That’s not you, dude.”
You rolled your eyes, shoving your notes into your folder. “Maybe I was just enjoying a quiet weekend, ever think of that?”
“Yeah, sure. And maybe pigs will fly outta my ass.”
You threw a balled-up napkin at his face.
But now, standing in front of your locker on Monday morning, you wish you could say he was completely wrong.
Billy isn’t on your mind. Not at all.
Not as you scan the hallway, not as your stomach tightens when you catch sight of his Camaro in the parking lot, not as you force yourself to not look for him between classes.
And yet—nothing.
No cocky smirk. No lingering glances. No suggestive comments while he invades your space just to watch you squirm.
It’s like Friday never happened.
It should be a relief. It was exactly what you wanted.
But it wasn't what you wanted.
You’re sick of thinking by the time lunch starts but you just can’t seem to stop. Robin notices before you even sit down.
You barely get your tray on the table before she’s squinting at you, head tilted, eyes sharp with suspicion. “Alright, spill.”
You blink. “Spill what?”
“That face. You’ve been wearing that face all day.” She waves a fry in your direction. “It’s your ‘something is eating me alive, but I refuse to talk about it’ face.”
You scoff, shaking your head. “I don’t have a face.”
“Oh, you definitely have a face.” Robin takes a dramatic sip of her drink. “And it’s screaming that something’s up.”
You stab at your food, trying to play it off, but there’s no use pretending. Your thoughts have been a tangled mess all morning, and maybe you need to get it out. Just once.
With a sigh, you lean in. “Okay, but if I tell you, you cannot freak out.”
Robin’s eyes widen. “Oh, that’s a terrible way to start. Now I have to freak out.”
“Fine, fine! No freaking out.” She zips her lips and leans in eagerly. “Now, tell me everything.”
So you do. In hushed, rushed words, you spill it all—how Billy convinced you to go to that party, how he took you to the quarry, how you kissed. How he acted like nothing happened today, like it was nothing to him. Like you were just another girl.
Robin listens, surprisingly quiet, and when you’re done, she exhales, pushing a hand through her hair. “Wow. Okay. That’s… a lot.”
“No kidding.” You mutter.
She studies you for a long moment. “So, what are you gonna do?”
That’s the problem. You don’t know what to do. Your brain keeps looping back to that blue-eyed asshole and how he looked at you. Like you were something more. But if that was true, then why would he act like it didn’t matter? Like it didn’t happen?
Before you can answer, the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. The idea of going to class, sitting still while your mind spins in circles, makes your skin itch.
“I’m going to skip next period and think about it.” You said as you stood.
Robin gapes. “You’re skipping?”
“Just this once.”
“Okay, now I am freaking out.”
You laugh, but it’s short-lived. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you weave through the cafeteria crowd before you can second-guess yourself.
Slipping past the parking lot and into the woods—toward the old bench where Eddie does most of his deals. It’s quiet. Peaceful. Exactly what you need. Just a second to breathe.
But, of course, you never get to breathe for long.
You hear the crunch of leaves behind you before you even see him. You glance over your shoulder. Billy. The way he moves up behind you is almost predatory—slow, deliberate, as if he’s been planning this.
You look away, and he says nothing, but you can hear the crunching of leaves growing closer and closer. His footsteps stop a short distance behind you. You swear even from this distance you can smell his cologne.
Finally, after a long stretch of silence, Billy speaks, his voice too casual. “You’re skipping class.”
You don’t answer. But your heart sinks. He sounds so uninterested, like you’re just another girl to amuse him for a moment. You swallow the bitter taste that rises in your throat.
He tilts his head, just enough that you can feel the heat of his gaze on your back. “Didn’t peg you for the rebellious type. Thought you’d be the goody-goody who sits at her desk, doing everything by the book.”
Your lips press into a thin line. “Does this surprise you, then?”
There’s a pause. Then, in that smug tone of his, he responds, “Kind of, yeah.”
You still don’t look at him, but you feel him step a little closer, his shadow falling over you. “So, what? You just decided to sit out here and feel sorry for yourself?”
“Shouldn’t you be somewhere else?” you ask, your voice flat and cold.
Billy chuckles softly. “You really that mad at me, princess?” He asked, taking another step closer to you, his voice getting lower. “You’re making it harder than it has to be.”
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Just leave me alone, Billy.” Your words are sharp and honestly, it feels good.
Billy lets out a humorless laugh before moving so close behind you that you can feel the warmth radiating off of him. He leans down, placing his hands against the table on either side of you, caging you in. “Tell me sweetheart, what are you gonna do about it?” His voice is just above a whisper, his breath fanning against your ear.
Your breath catches in your throat, but you force yourself to stay still, to not react, even though every nerve in your body is on high alert. You can feel the warmth of him behind you, his arms bracketing you in like a trap you should want to escape from.
But you don’t move.
You hate that you don’t move.
Instead, you tilt your head just slightly, enough to catch his gaze. His eyes are half lidded and dark. The way he’s looking at you makes your heart stop.
“I don’t have to do anything about it,” you say, your voice steady despite the way your pulse betrays you. “You’re going to get bored and move on, just like you always do.”
Billy’s smirk falters. Just for a second.
Then he laughs, low and rough. “That what you think?”
“I know it.”
His grip on the table tightens. You see his knuckles go white.
Billy leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he murmurs, “If I was gonna get bored, princess, it would’ve happened already.”
A shiver runs down your spine before you can stop it. Damn him.
You turn your gaze forward again. If you want to keep what little bit of your nerve you have left, you can’t look at him.
“What do you want, Billy?” You fight to keep your voice steady, to not let it crack. To not let yourself crack.
“Ain’t it obvious?” He chuckles before leaving a feather light kiss against your ear. You stiffened but before you think of what to say or how to react, his kisses, still barely touching your skin, trailed down from your ear to the crook of your neck.
Billy’s lips barely ghost over your skin, but it’s enough to send another shiver straight down your spine. Your breath stutters, and you curse yourself for it because you know he noticed.
Your voice comes out softer than you intended, lacking the strength you need it to have. He hums against your neck like he likes the way his name sounds coming from your lips.
“I’ve been patient, sweetheart.” His voice is quiet, a murmur against your skin. “But I don’t think you want me to be.”
Your heart hammers, and your fingers curl against the wooden bench, nails digging in like it might ground you. Like it might remind you of all the reasons why this is a bad idea.
Billy finally presses his lips fully against your neck, slow and deliberate, like he’s staking a claim, and your resolve wavers.
You suck in a sharp breath, and that’s all it takes.
Billy smirks against your skin. “Knew it,” he murmurs before pulling back just enough for you to turn your head toward him. His nose brushes against yours, lips just barely apart. “You gonna let me kiss you again?”
You should say no. You should push him away.
And against all reason, you lean in.
The second your lips fully meet his, Billy groans low in his throat, his hands finally leaving the bench to grab at your waist, pulling you flush against him. His fingers dig into your sides, like he’s desperate for you.
The kiss is heated, slow and demanding. Like he’s memorizing you, like he’s savoring this moment after waiting just long enough.
Billy pulls back, just enough to break your kiss. “You gonna keep pretending you don’t want this?” he murmurs against your lips.
You let out a breathy chuckle, but you don’t have an answer. You don’t know how to answer. You should. But you don’t want to. But also you’re not going to chase after him if he acts like you don’t exist.
He shifts, moving his lips to graze along your jaw. . “C’mon, princess,” he coaxes. “Say it.”
“Are you gonna act like I don’t exist again?” You finally ask.
Billy pauses before huffing a laugh. “You’re not that easy to forget.” He mutters and places a kiss against your jaw.
“Then why act like it?” You press.
He’s quiet for a moment before finally responding. “I wasn’t ignoring you. I just—,” he sharply exhales, lowering his head, his forehead almost resting against your shoulder. “I needed to figure some shit out.”
Billy picks his head up as you shift to turn and face him fully. Your eyes met his icy ones. You’re sure his answer in the closest to honesty you’ll get right now. Maybe that should motivate you to push him away. It should tell you that whatever this is, it’s bound to be messy. But when he leans in close again, his nose brushing against yours, you can’t bring yourself to pull away.
Instead, you grab his shirt and pull him in, your lips meeting once more. Letting yourself fall even deeper. Maybe it’s mistake. Maybe you should care. But right now, you couldn’t care less.
One of Billy’s hands moves to your thigh, the other stays splayed against your back and your arms wrap around his neck. Billy boots you off the bench seat, your legs wrapping around him. He carries to the end of the bench and sets you on top of the table.
One of his hands moves up, tangling in your hair as he shifts, pulling you back against the bench. He leans in, his body pressing against yours.
“Fuck,” he mutters against your lips, pulling back just enough to look at you, his pupils blown wide. “You got no idea what you’re doing to me.” He mutters, his lips meeting yours again.
Billy’s grip tightens on your thigh, fingers pressing into your skin like he wants to leave marks. His lips move from yours to your jaw, then down to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin as he grinds against you.
“You’re fuckin’ dangerous, you know that?” he mutters against your skin.
You don’t know what he means, you don’t care, because your head is spinning and every nerve in your body feels like it’s on fire. His hand leaves your thigh, his fingers skim beneath the hem of your shirt, light and teasing as they creep higher.
Your heart races, and you feel a rush of heat flood your cheeks, but you catch yourself. “Billy,” you warn, trying to maintain some semblance of control. “We shouldn’t—”
Billy hums against your skin. “Why not, princess?”
“I don’t want to get caught,” you manage, your voice slightly breathless.
Billy chuckles. “ Fuck it. Let ‘em catch us.”
You shouldn’t let this go on you know. If you want to indulge in Billy you should at least do so elsewhere. But honestly? His plan sounds so much better right now. But the distant sound of footsteps crunching over fallen leaves cuts through the air. You both freeze, and Billy’s smirk widens as he leans in even closer, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Showtime, sweetheart,” Billy murmured and roughly pressed his lips against yours, kissing you like he was daring someone to interrupt.
And maybe, had it been someone different, that would've worked.
“What the fuck is this?”
Billy barely has time to react before he’s being yanked backward. You gasp as you push yourself up, your heart slamming against your ribs as you take in the sight before you—Eddie, gripping Billy’s shirt in both fists, his face red with fury.
“Shit, Munson,” Billy says, surprise flashing across his face before a lazy smirk tugs at his lips. “You’re early.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Eddie snaps. “What the hell do you think you’re doing with my baby sister?”
“You can’t tell?” Billy glances at you, then back at Eddie, that smug, infuriating smirk never leaving his face. “Been that long since you got some, Munson?”
Eddie shoved Billy with enough force to make him stumble back.
You scramble off the table, rushing between them before this turns into a full-blown fight. “Eddie, stop—”
He doesn’t listen. His eyes are locked on Billy like he’s seconds away from throwing a punch. “You think this is funny, Hargrove?” Eddie spits out Billy’s name. “You wanna use her to piss me off, is that it?”
“You think too highly of yourself, Munson,” Billy says, rolling his eyes. “This,” He glances at you, his smirk softening. “This ain’t about you.”
You swallow hard, your heart still racing from the intensity of it all. Billy's words replay in your mind—this ain't about you. It's the way he said it, the way his smirk softened just a little when he looked at you. Like, for once, Billy wasn’t just chasing something to amuse him.
Eddie scoffs, shaking his head. "Oh, cut the shit, Hargrove. You don’t give a damn about her." His hand finds your wrist, a firm but not painful grip. "Come on, we’re leaving."
You don’t move.
Eddie tugs again, but you plant your feet, your pulse thundering in your ears. "Eddie, stop," you say, firmer this time.
His brows furrow, anger and disbelief flashing across his face. "What do you mean, stop?" He looks between you and Billy, like he can’t believe this is even a conversation. "You can’t be serious right now."
You don’t know what you’re doing, not really. All you know is that Eddie is acting like he gets to make this decision for you, and that pisses you off. "I can handle myself," you say, wrenching your arm from his grip.
Billy lets out a low chuckle behind you, and Eddie’s fists clench. "Are you kidding me?" Eddie’s voice is rising, his frustration boiling over. "You don’t handle guys like him; you stay the hell away from them!"
Billy hums, stepping closer, his voice infuriatingly smooth. "Maybe she doesn’t want to stay away."
You don’t look at Billy. You don’t dare to. Because you can picture the smug expression on his face like he just won. And in a way, he did.
"Unbelievable," Eddie’s jaw tightens, betrayal flashing in his eyes before he shakes his head and mutters, "You’re making a mistake.”
You cross your arms, ignoring the way your chest tightens at his words. “It’s my mistake to make.”
Eddie scoffs. “Yeah? And when he screws you over? What then?”
Billy clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “Jesus, Munson, you act like she’s some helpless little thing.” He steps up beside you, close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off of him. “She’s got a mind of her own.”
You don’t miss the way Eddie tenses at that, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. He looks at you like he’s waiting for you to say something—waiting for you to pick a side.
But this isn’t about sides.
“I don’t need you to fight my battles, Eddie,” you say, keeping your voice even.
Something in his expression flickers. He looks like he wants to argue, but instead, he just exhales sharply and shakes his head. “Fine,” he mutters, voice tight. “Do whatever the hell you want.”
Then he turns and storms off, shouting for Billy to find a new dealer as he does and muttering curses under his breath as he disappears into the trees.
The second he’s gone, you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding.
Billy, of course, wastes no time. “You know, princess,” he murmurs, stepping in front of you. “If I had to guess, I’d say that’s the first time you’ve really stood up to him.”
You roll your eyes. “Shut up, Billy.”
He grins, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
You swat his hand away, but there’s no real heat behind it. “Don’t get used to it.”
Silence lingers between you and Billy. He watches you, that smirk still present, but softer than before—less taunting, more curious.
“You gonna regret that later?” he finally asks.
Your arms cross over your chest. “Regret what?”
“Not runnin’ after him.” Billy tilts his head, watching you like he’s trying to figure you out. “Defendin’ me.”
You hesitate, your stomach twisting. “I don’t know,” you admit. “Depends.”
Billy raises a brow. “On what?”
“On whether or not you make me regret it.” The words come out steadier than you expect.
Billy blinks, his smirk faltering for just a second before it returns, slower this time. “Guess that means you’re still figurin’ out how you feel about me, huh?”
Your heart pounds, but you hold his gaze. “I think that depends on how you feel about me.”
For a moment, Billy doesn’t answer. His smirk twitches, like he’s weighing his options, deciding just how much to give away. But then, he exhales sharply and shakes his head with a chuckle.
“Look, princess, I don’t do the whole… relationship thing.” His voice is casual, like this is just a fact, something you should already know.
You feel like he punched you in the chest. But you nod, slow and measured. “Yeah,” you say, keeping your tone light, indifferent. “Figured.”
Billy watches you carefully, like he’s waiting for you to argue. But you won’t. You won’t beg for him. This is what you expected—what you knew from the beginning.
So instead, you lift a shoulder in a shrug, tilting your head. “So what are we doing, then?”
“Whatever we want.” He voice lowers and his hands find your hips, resting there. “No rules. No expectations.”
You blink, trying to make sense of what he’s saying. “And what does that mean, exactly?”
Billy huffs a small laugh, tilting his head like the answer should be obvious. “It means we don’t have to put a label on it. No pressure, no strings—just us.”
“So, you don’t do relationships?” You try to keep your voice steady. Casual, no strings, no expectations, that was never your thing, no matter what it involved.
Billy shrugs. “Never saw the point.”
Your stomach sinks a little, though you don’t understand why. It’s not like you were expecting some grand love confession. This is Billy Hargrove—of course he wouldn’t be the type to settle down.
Still, you feel like you should say something. “And what if I said no?”
Billy leans in slightly, his lips curving into that damn smirk that always makes your stomach flip. “Then I’d say you’re overthinkin' it.” His voice is lower now, coaxing. “C’mon, princess. We’re already havin' fun, aren’t we?”
Your throat feels dry. You have been having fun. More than you want to admit. And as much as a part of you wants to push back, wants to demand more—you’re scared.
Because what if you do?
What if you push too hard and Billy walks away?
What if you lose whatever this is before you even get the chance to figure it out?
You force a small smile, ignoring the tight feeling in your chest. “Yeah,” you say, quieter than before. “We are.”
Billy’s eyes flicker with something—approval, satisfaction, something else you can’t quite name. He tugs you forward by your belt loops, his smirk widening. “Glad we’re on the same page, sweetheart.”
You let yourself fall into his touch, let yourself get swept up in the warmth of his hands on your waist, the way he looks at you like you’re the only thing he sees.
But there’s a tiny voice in the back of your head whispering—this is a mistake.
You just choose not to listen.
Billy’s hands tighten on your waist, tugging you even closer. His lips brush against yours, teasing, waiting for you to make the next move. And despite everything—despite the nagging voice in the back of your mind telling you this is dangerous, that you should want more, deserve more—you don’t pull away.
You lean in, capturing his lips in a kiss that’s just as heated as the last. Billy groans softly, fingers slipping beneath the hem of your shirt, his touch warm against your skin. His tongue brushes against yours, coaxing, claiming, and you let yourself melt into him.
Billy’s hands move lower, gripping the backs of your thighs as he lifts you onto the bench again, slotting himself between your legs. His lips trail down your jaw, nipping at your skin before pressing slow, deliberate kisses to the curve of your neck.
“See?” he murmurs against your skin, his smirk evident in his tone. “Told you we’d have fun.”
You roll your eyes, but it lacks any real bite. “Shut up.”
Billy chuckles, pulling back just enough to look at you. His pupils are blown, his breathing heavy, but there’s something else in his gaze—something smug, satisfied.
Before you can say anything else, the distant sound of a school bell echoes through the woods, breaking whatever spell had settled over you.
You sigh, pressing your forehead against his shoulder for a moment before reluctantly pulling away. “We should go.”
Billy hums, letting his hands linger on your hips before finally stepping back. “Guess so.”
The two of you walk back to the school in silence, though it’s not uncomfortable. Your thoughts are swirling, trying to make sense of what just happened—of what any of this means.
But when you step into the parking lot, reality slaps you in the face.
Eddie’s van is gone.
Your stomach drops. He left you. He really fucking left you.
“Son of a bitch,” you mutter under your breath.
Billy follows your gaze, then lets out a short laugh. “Damn. Guess Munson’s real pissed.”
You glare at the empty parking spot like Eddie will magically reappear. “Asshole.”
Billy watches you with amusement. “Looks like you need a ride, princess.”
You cross your arms, already regretting what you’re about to say. “…Yeah.”
Billy’s smirk grows as he pushes off his car and opens the passenger door for you. “Well, lucky for you, I’m feelin’ generous.”
You hesitate for a moment, then sigh and climb in.
You’d rather be alone. Or even in the awkward quiet with Eddie’s glares. At least you’d be away from all the confusion that surrounds Billy. Away from everything he makes you feel.
Surprisingly, Billy doesn’t talk much on the drive. That annoys you more than him talking.
The silence stretches between you, thick and suffocating. You steal a glance at Billy, but his gaze stays fixed on the road, one hand draped over the wheel, the other tapping idly against the stick shift.
It shouldn’t bother you. You should be grateful he isn’t trying to get under your skin like usual. But somehow, it does.
Maybe it’s because you expected him to gloat, to throw out some smug comment about how Eddie ditching you worked in his favor. Maybe you wanted him to—because at least then, things would feel normal. At least then, you wouldn’t be sitting in this unbearable quiet.
You shift in your seat, crossing your arms tightly over your chest. “You’re quiet.”
Billy snorts, his fingers tightening slightly on the wheel. “So?”
“So, it’s weird.”
He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, smirking. “Didn’t think you liked it when I talked.”
“I don’t.” You scoff.
“Then why are you complaining’, doll?” Billy’s smirk deepens. You’re sure he knows the truth. That he’s being silent to mess with you or get in your head..
You roll your eyes and sink further into the seat, glaring out the window. “Forget it.”
Billy chuckles, but he doesn’t push further, letting the silence settle between you again.
You try not to fidget, try not to think about any of this. Whatever this was. You liked it when he was kissing you, giving you attention, being affectionate, normal in your mind. But now, sitting here in his car, the space between you might as well be miles wide.
It isn’t until he pulls up in front of your house that he finally speaks again.
“You’re thinkin’ too much.” His voice is quieter than usual.
You glance at him, frowning. “Excuse me?”
Billy’s eyes flick to you, then back to the road. His jaw tightens. “You’re complicatin’ things. Just let it be what it is.”
His words sink into your skin, and for a moment, you don’t know what to say. No rules. No expectations.
The thought makes your chest tighten, but you force yourself to nod. “Right.”
Billy watches you for a second longer before shaking his head with a smirk. “See you around, princess.”
You don’t respond. You just climb out of the car and shut the door behind you.
And as you walk inside, you can’t help but wonder—who is he really saying that for? You? Or himself?
The trailer is quiet when you step inside, save for the muffled thrum of heavy metal bleeding through Eddie’s bedroom door. You didn't need the music to know he’s not in the mood to talk.
Not that you blame him.
You linger in the hallway for a moment, staring at his door, contemplating knocking. But what would you even say? Sorry you found me tangled up with the guy you hate most? Sorry I didn’t push him away? Sorry I kind of, sort of, might want to be with him?
You sigh and shake your head. There’s nothing to say that would make it better.
So, instead, you slip into your own room, shutting the door behind you.
The second you collapse onto your bed, you feel it—the weight of everything pressing down on you all at once.
Billy’s words echo in your head. Just let it be what it is.
But what even is it?
Your fingers curl into the sheets as you replay everything. The way he looked at you, the way he kissed you, the way his hands held you, like you were something he wanted. Something that mattered.
But then there’s the other side of it—the part that makes your stomach twist. The smirks, the games, the way he pulled back just when you felt yourself slipping.
Maybe that’s all this is to him. A game.
And maybe the worst part is… you let him win.
A cold pit settles in your stomach at the thought, and you roll onto your side, staring at the ceiling.
#billy hargrove x reader#billy hargrove x you#stranger things x you#stranger things x reader#stranger things billy hargrove x reader#stranger things billy x reader#stranger things billy x you#stranger things billy hargrove x you#brother eddie munson#!munson reader#brother eddie munson x you#brother eddie munson x reader
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made the mistake of crying in front of my dad and got hit with the
- you're naive for expecting decency from the world around you
- you have everything you could need, why cry about anything
- other people's behavior is not your problem (re: classmates were so loud I couldn't hear the lecture I waited for four hours to attend)
- there is no reason to be tired at your age
#jesus christ dad just let me feel stressed and tired and upset#inciting incident is my class of 22 year olds behaving worse than middle schoolers#but i think the collective stress of the last year is getting to me#“tired after spending 8 hours at uni? how will you work 36 hour shifts as a doctor?” I DONT KNOW I DONT FUCKING KNOW#doctors get time off at least#being a student is endless work. there is no home life and work life#i spend all fucking day studying and in class then come home and have to study some more#i gave away all my summers since i was 14 to take extra classes and raise my gpa#all to get into a good college with a scholarship AND THEN had it snatched away from me#to be forced to live in this fuckasss country with no values no morals no decency#my father believes in nothing and no one but himself and i dont know how but he's happier for it#he expects less than nothing from the world around him and yet#im the one in the wrong for wanting good teachers and classmates that behave themselves#im so fucking sick of this i hate college i am so tired
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˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ ˊ˗ fanboy!gojo x celebrity!reader
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ୨୧ ˊ˗ gojo, one of your biggest fans, has the chance to finally meet you. however, he hopes to also accomplish his number one dream: to fuck his idol.
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ୨୧ ˊ˗ 18+ ONLY // MINORS DNI - (switch!gojo, creampie, oral f!receiving, riding) fem!reader, no curses au.
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐀/𝐍: ୨୧ ˊ˗ gojo has been on my mind, & this is the result! header concept inspired by @kazushawty’s cyber theme.
˗ˋ ୨୧ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 ୨୧ ˊ˗ 4K
The blue-eyed man blinked at his bright computer screen, which displayed his emailed receipt from Ticketmaster. In the left pocket of his black sweatpants — which he wore despite the summer heat at this time of year — his phone buzzed to alert him of a fat sum of money being taken out of his bank account.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled to himself.
He refreshed the page. And he refreshed it once more.
But after two lengthy scrolls through the confirmation email, there was no denying it.
He was going to meet you.
Gojo’s long fingers clicked away at his mouse and keyboard until he landed on his rather popular fan blog. To say that he was a member of your fandom would be an understatement, as he practically ruled over all of your supporters and gave true meaning to his username, kinggojo.
Even as a busy high school teacher and martial arts instructor — perhaps, entrepreneur as well, being as he owned his own martial arts school — he still carved out some time every single day to post about you. Watch your videos. Study your latest professional photoshoots and off-guard paparazzi shots.
And soon, a little plastic backstage pass will dangle around his neck, giving him undenied access to you.
The real you.
kinggojo: guess who’s finally gonna meet y/n? (:
At the airport, Gojo spent his time FaceTiming Nanami, who had to endure his rambunctious ramblings while on his lunch break.
“Give me one year,” Gojo paused, glancing down at his phone, “one year, and I swear, she’s gonna become my wife.”
“I don’t care,” Nanami chewed on his sandwich. “Please leave me alone.”
“Yeahhh, you’re just jealous.” As Gojo grinned goofily, the salaryman promptly ended the video chat.
While Gojo would have dialed him back repeatedly until he gave in and answered, Nanami had lucked out, as it was time for him to board his plane.
The plane ride was nothing short of exhilarating. Gliding through the air as a first-class passenger, he counted down the minutes until he’d finally see your charming smile in person.
Naturally, he had to splurge for an occasion as special as this one.
The best seats on the plane, the nicest hotel room in the city — he wished he could personally thank the spoiled geniuses who invented valet parking and free drinks for first-class passengers.
Although his bank account had seen better spending days, he was perfectly fine with eating cheap styrofoam cups of chicken flavored ramen once he got back home from his trip.
In his hotel room the night before his Big Day, Gojo gathered everything he might have needed along with his ironed outfit, and hung it up in the closet. He took his time with making sure he’d look especially sharp come morning, as he wanted to look good for you.
Good enough for you to fuck him.
Call him crazy. Overly optimistic. But he had a goal; an accomplishable dream that made his dick harden against the fabric of his pants whenever he thought about having hot, creamy sex with you — his number one idol.
As he crawled into bed and lazily stroked his cock, painting his fist white as the pearly ropes of cum spurted out of him, he thought about what it would be like if his wildest dream came true.
At the meet and greet, Gojo stood around backstage with all of the other fans, and one of them even knew about his blog. They all chatted about you, occasionally interrupting themselves to mumble a quick “I’m so nervous,” before talking about another topic, and Gojo couldn’t help but have pity for them.
He was nervous as well, of course, but even more so, he was determined.
And when you stepped through the door, smiling once your prosperous groupies shrieked and squealed, Gojo had finally understood what authors meant when they wrote about love at first sight.
You were more beautiful than he could have imagined. Even more gorgeous than in your pictures somehow. He was certain that you even glanced his way, but he couldn’t prove it.
“There she is,” Gojo said to no one in particular, not even completely aware that the words had fallen from between his lips, but a woman standing next to him spoke up.
“I can’t believe this is really happening!” She shook her hands out of pure excitement. “I hope she’ll sign my merch!”
Some people had hopes and dreams as simple as that one. The taller man was certain that if he confessed his own hopes, they’d laugh at him.
Or worse, get him kicked out of the meet-and-greet completely.
But he didn’t have time to worry about what anyone else hoped to gain out of your event, not when the queue was moving rather quickly, and he found himself biting his lower lip and shifting his weight.
He was growing more and more nervous with every second that passed by. It was the ultimate countdown until he’d finally meet you.
Soon enough, it was his turn.
“Hi,” you beamed kindly at the handsome stranger, “how are you?”
How cute.
Your sweet, customer service tone made his heart skip a beat, and while he wanted to revel in the fact that he was meeting you and you were speaking to him, he couldn’t think too much about it. He couldn’t risk losing his cool.
“I’m better now that I’ve met you,” Gojo smiled, pulling out his phone to take the one photo he was promised in his package deal. “How are you doing? Having fun?”
You tilted your head a bit, and it occurred to Gojo that most fans probably didn’t bother to ask about your day, or your feelings.
“I’m great, thanks. You’re really kind for asking that!” You smiled. “What pose would you like to do, honey?”
Gojo melted inside. He knew the term was simply meant to make your fans feel more special than they actually were, but even so, he’d never forget the sound of you saying that to him.
Suddenly, Gojo wrapped one arm around your waist, pulled you against his side, and he raised his phone before snapping a photo with you.
Before he pulled away, he whispered into your ear, “there’s something really sweet about the way you called me honey just now.”
“O-Oh,” you stammered, looking down at your feet, the stranger’s warm breath against your ear made your cheeks warm up. “I just call everyone honey.”
“Of course, I’m just saying that I liked it. You’re just…” Gojo paused, looking you up and down, “pretty cute, aren’t you?”
Looking up at him with an expression he couldn’t quite read, you said, “are you flirting with me?”
Gojo glanced at your security guard. The buff guy was more interested in the complimentary buffet than your protection, and Gojo took a step closer, hearing a jealous groan from the line of fans behind him.
“Maybe,” A small smirk appeared across Gojo’s face. “How would you feel if I was?”
“I’d probably have to just . . . ask you to leave.”
“There’s no need, sweetheart,” Gojo said softly, “I’m running out of time anyway. But that’s no way to treat a fan, is it?”
You gulped. You stared deeply into his eyes.
“You’re, um,” you said shakily, “you’re allowed to hug me before you go . . . if you want.”
“Come here, then.”
The tall man wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. The hug lasted longer than it should have.
“I’d love to spend more time with you,” Gojo whispered. “Maybe some other time.”
As he pulled away, you felt him slip something into your pocket.
“It was nice meeting you,” you said.
He left without another word.
Your meet-and-greet lasted for two entire hours after that, and throughout every single interaction with a fan of yours, you couldn't help but wonder what the handsome man slipped into your pocket.
Finally, as your event came to an end, you reached into your pocket and found a yellow sticky note.
Written on it was an address, a hotel room number, and his name.
Any sane person who valued their safety and their life would have ignored it. Toss the note in the trash. But you found yourself standing outside of his hotel room door, and for the first time in your entire life, you were nervous about meeting a fan.
You knocked on the door, your breath shaky as you did so.
“This is insane,” you thought.
Half of you wanted to run away before he answered. The other half of you wanted to stay.
But, before you could truly decide, he opened the door, standing there with a genuine look of surprise.
“Huh,” Gojo smirked, stepping to the side to let you into his room. “You actually came.”
It was all an act; the cool, calm, and collected aura was a cover-up, for underneath it all, he was a mess of a man.
The sweaty palms that he secretly tried to wipe off on his pants. His throat dried to a crisp no matter how many bottles of water he downed before you knocked on his hotel room door, which was idiotic, because he ended up spending the last thirty minutes before your scheduled arrival running back and forth to the bathroom to pee.
However, after years of flashing a false smile in front of a classroom packed with moody teenagers during his darkest days, and dishonestly congratulating his martial arts students even when their kicks were less than splendid to encourage them and see them beam with confidence, Gojo had considerable expertise when it came to acting.
Of course, he was nervous.
It was you.
Even so, as his heart pounded rapidly inside of his chest, he was beyond thrilled about what was to come.
And who was to come.
“I knew you’d be surprised. I'm surprised as well.” Shutting the door after you entered his unexpectedly luxurious hotel room, you gulped, your eyes failing to meet his bright blue ones. “I don’t normally do stuff like this.”
“Sleep with fans?” Raising an eyebrow, Gojo’s cocky smirk turned into a rather kind smile.
“Well then, I’m honored. I mean, just getting to meet you was something I wanted for a long time. And to know you’re actually gonna let me ruin you?” Slowly, he leaned in, placing a soft kiss against your cheek. “It’s a dream come true.”
“Are you really a fan of me?” You gave him a look of disbelief.
“Of course I am,” he mumbled. “Why? You don’t believe me?”
“You could have pretended to be a fan to get my attention or something, I don’t know.” You shrugged shyly, which was the cutest thing Gojo had probably ever seen. His cheeks started to burn from grinning so much.
“Trust me,” Gojo suddenly pressed his palm against your jaw, running his thumb across your cheek, stroking you delicately as if he were touching fragile flower petals. “I’ve watched every single video that you’ve ever posted, seen almost every photo, liked every tweet, and ignored all of your typos. I’ve read every single piece of fanfiction about you that I’ve come across online. Tried to write my own one time. It was shit, but still. I’m not really the kinda guy who likes to label myself, but if I’m not your biggest fan, then I don’t know who is.”
When he ran his thumb over your mouth, pulling down on your soft bottom lip ever so gently, he couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to actually kiss you.
He wanted to do it.
Moonlit nights spent warm in his bed were when he alternated between his top five favorite scenarios, daydreaming about your first kiss as he drifted off to sleep. And, now, he would have the chance to feel your pillowy lips against his — and, god — they felt so perfect against his digit, he ended up chewing on his own bottom lip as he touched yours.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked softly, his eyes flickering between your gaze and your lips. “Please?”
“You’re my biggest fan, apparently, so you can do whatever you’d like.”
He pressed his lips against yours. Every single First Kiss! cliche he had seen in movies and read about in books — going on about fireworks and such — had a bit of truth to it, because when your buttery lips touched his, he instantly melted into the kiss.
It was as if he was born for the sole purpose of kissing you — like a god created his mind, body, and soul for that specific reason.
He moaned; it was strange, yet familiar, as he never made such a delicious, sinful noise whenever he kissed someone.
But then again, during late-night hookups with unsatisfying women, he wasn’t one to typically make any sort of noise.
Apparently, he only ever moaned if it had something to do with you.
Whether he was jerking off to your bikini photos on Instagram, or kissing you, as it would seem, only you could elicit such a beautiful sound from him.
And he wasn’t complaining. Not one bit.
“Gojo,” you mumbled softly against his lips. “Don’t be such a gentleman.”
“Trust me, I’m not.” Gojo's mouth hovered over yours as he spoke. “You have no idea how badly I wanna toss you on that bed right now. I just need to take my time with you and enjoy every minute. I’ve waited too long for this to happen, and I’m not gonna rush it.”
Despite his words, when he reconnected your lips, he kissed you hungrily.
His tongue entered your mouth as his hand held onto the back of your neck. It was such a messy kiss, but a passionate one as well, and only a man like Gojo could pull off both with a simple swirl of his tongue, which battled against yours.
And your mouth tasted absolutely delicious. He could hardly wait to taste your pussy as well, wondering how it could compare.
When Gojo’s other hand suddenly gripped your ass, a little gasp escaped from you, and he took that god-given opportunity to deepen the kiss.
If he could have his mouth attached to yours like this forever, wet tongues darting around as you swallowed each other’s moans, he would.
He didn’t want to pull apart to breathe, didn’t want to pause for even a moment and detach his lips from yours, but he did.
He pulled away, but only so he could leave kisses along your jawline.
“Gojo,” you whined, lifting your neck to give the tall man full access to your sensitive skin.
And when those skillful lips of his found that sweet spot right underneath your jaw, he licked and sucked at it as if he’d absolutely die if he didn’t.
“You’re whining like that just from me giving you a little hickey?” Gojo mumbled against your wet skin. “Now I’m curious about the kinda noises you’ll make once I eat your pussy. I won’t lie; I’m pretty excited.”
“Then just do it already,” whining once more, you gripped his shoulders as he started to make his way down your neck, leaving kisses across your collarbone.
“Patience,” Gojo said.
And when he spoke, he spoke as if he wasn’t truly freaking out on the inside.
His idol was desperate for him.
If he didn’t believe in luck before, he surely did now.
Gojo’s large hands, which were formerly roaming your body, pulled your top off swiftly, including your bra. If only he could take your bra with him as a souvenir.
It took all of his strength to not drool at the sight of your hard nipples.
God, were they perfect.
They were certainly magnificent enough to make any previous plans for having patience and taking his time with you flutter out of his lustful mind, as only a few seconds after removing your shirt, you were laying on the bed with Gojo hovering over your tits. He bit his lip in anticipation.
“Can I suck on them?” He asked, his eyes never once glancing away from your chest. “Please?”
You were interrupted by a sudden gasp falling from your lips, as Gojo attached his mouth to your hard nipple as soon as you mumble that simple little word.
“Hmm,” he moaned.
First, he licked at your nipple while flicking your other one with his finger. Then, he took it into his mouth, sucking on it as he listened to your soft moans, which was a sound he wanted to hear for the rest of his life.
Repeating his actions with your other nipple, he smiled against your tit when you suddenly ran your hand through his hair.
As badly as he wanted to fuck you, the thought of simply laying on your chest on a lazy Sunday afternoon as you ran your fingers across his scalp sounded like a dream.
It sounded like love.
He wanted that with you too.
Gojo took off your pants. He took off his shirt.
Then, he left a trail of kisses down your stomach until he made his way in between your legs. Having the honor of looking at your pussy was comparable only to walking through the golden gates of Heaven.
“What a pretty pussy,” he whispered to himself, running his thumb along your wet folds.
Like a starved man diving into a Thanksgiving dinner, Gojo spread your lips apart, and started to lick your clit.
Even with your back arched, fingers running through his hair as you moaned and moaned, Gojo was certain that he was enjoying it even more.
The hand that was formerly holding the wet lips of your pussy open made its way down to his dick, and he rubbed his clothed dick while moaning against your sensitive button, which he licked at rapidly with his wet tongue.
“Hmm, oh — baby,” he moaned and moaned.
“Gojo,” you whimpered.
He looked up at you through those long eyelashes of his. He was actually going to make you cum all over his tongue.
Excitement ran through his veins like a drug. He attached his lips to your clit, sucking on it until your delicious juice flooded his mouth.
“Oh my god,” you squealed, thrashing around as he refused to snatch himself away from your pussy. Not until all of your creamy mess was all licked up.
Wasting even a drop of your cum was an outright sin. One he would never forgive himself over.
He detached himself from your pussy with a little smack, licking his lips as he sat up.
Gojo started to unbuckle his belt. “You ready?”
You nodded, but once he pulled his pants down, the sight of his large cock made you gulp.
But you should have known.
He was tall. Large hands. Large feet. Large cock, of course.
Gojo pressed his tip against your folds, rubbing the head of cock up and down your wet hole, collecting your juices as he worked his way from your hole to your clit repeatedly.
The very split second in which his cock was pressed against your entrance was a telltale sign that you had never taken a dick that was as big as his.
It managed to put your past partners to shame.
And your purple dildo too.
“It’s too big,” you whined, blinking up at him.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” Gojo rested his hard member against your hole. “I’m gonna make it fit, baby. You’re gonna be a good girl for me and take it, right?”
You were getting impatient. The urge to feel him fill you up was undeniably strong, but also, his urge to take his time with you was equally as powerful.
“Only if you be a good fanboy for me,” you frowned, “and put it in.”
“I had no idea you’d be so impatient,” Gojo smiled, but even so, he still didn’t move. Not yet.
“Don’t tease me,” you said.
“Tease you?” Gojo ran his hand along your thigh, and your frown deepened. “I’m just taking my time. Not my fault you’re so-”
“Maybe I should’ve picked another fan.”
Gojo suddenly shoved himself inside of you.
Screw how much he wanted to savor the moment. If you wanted to be fucked right now, fast and hard, then he’d do it. He’d do anything for you.
After kindly letting your pussy adjust to his size, he increased his speed.
The bed squeaked from his thrusts. He pressed his forehead against yours, his warm breath patting against your face as he moaned softly.
“Faster,” you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Oh, did he obey.
He not only fucked you at a harsher speed, but he repositioned himself so that he could thrust in and out of you roughly.
He anticipated the noise complaint he’d receive from the hotel staff already. Not that he cared. He didn’t care about anything except for how good your pussy felt around his cock, and as his moans increased in volume, all of his thoughts slowly fluttered out of his pretty little head.
He couldn’t focus on anything aside from the pleasure.
He just loved you so much. Your content had changed him as a person, shaped his life into something worth living, and now, here he was, thriving in the utter pleasure you gave him. It melted away his cocky attitude, and he gripped the sheets until his knuckles turned white.
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this,” Gojo said. “I . . . god, I need . . .”
He was begging for something and nothing at the same time, just so desperate and pathetic for you, you, you.
Suddenly, you pushed on Gojo’s shoulders.
“Let’s switch,” you bit your lip. “I wanna ride you.”
He could have cried. You wanted to ride him? Only a fool would turn down that opportunity, and he was quickly on his back as you climbed over him.
“That’s it, pretty baby. Get on top of me.” His large hands gripped your perfect ass, and instantly, he dreaded the very moment when he’d have to eventually let go. His eyes — which glistened with lust without any decency and excitement without any substances — darted down to your wet hole sinking his aching cock. “Oh — put it in. Put it in.”
“Now who’s impatient?” You smirked, but you couldn’t tease him for long, as when his big cock entered you, your mouth flung open with utter shock over how full you felt.
Perhaps, it was foolish to believe that his size was something you’d get used to after he pounded your pussy into oblivion moments before.
Slowly, but surely, you started to bounce up and down along his length. Those bright eyes of his, which were now fixated on your beautiful boobs, fluttered closed as he tossed his head back.
“Oh my fucking god,” he moaned. “Feels so damn good. You’re so perfect, you know that? Keep bouncing on my cock, baby. Just like that.”
He went on and on, more heartfelt words pouring out of his mouth with every jolt of your body.
“I’m so obsessed with you,” he continued, “I can’t lose you after this, I can’t. I can’t, baby. You’re fucking me so good, please…”
He whimpered, which was utterly shocking to him, but it made your walls clench around his dick. His desperation turned you on in unimaginable ways, as now, he was revealing his true colors underneath the false chill and cool persona, and he was nothing more than a pathetic, cute, little fanboy.
“I love you,” a tear slipped down his cheek from utter delight. “I love you so much. Stay with me, I’ll do anything. I want you all to myself.”
“So, so, devoted to me, huh?” You said breathlessly, yet sweetly.
Truth be told, his cock felt so wonderful thrusting in and out of you, it would have been entirely unshocking if you ended up being addicted to him as well.
“I’m gonna cum-” Gojo wrapped his arms around your waist, bucking his hip up to fuck you as deeply as possible. “I’m so close — I’m right there. I can’t hold it, sweetheart, I-I can’t keep it in much longer.”
“Cum for me, Gojo.” You whispered. “Be good for your little idol, yeah? Tell me how much you wanna cum.”
“So badly,” he swallowed thickly, beads of sweat forming across his forehead, his white hair sticking to his salty skin. He was starting to become dizzy from the way your pussy worked on his cock. He couldn’t hold himself back. “I . . . Oh fuck.”
White ropes of his creamy cum exploded out of his dick, shooting inside of you with such urgency and desperation, that a light shade of pink dusted across his cheeks from utter embarrassment.
The white-haired man’s cock twitched. It throbbed until every last drop of semen filled your insides, and broken moans poured out of his throat.
“So much of it,” he softly whined, burying his reddened face in your neck. “I’m sorry.”
His cum spilled out of your pussy. It trickled down until it drenched the white sheets underneath you both, but Gojo’s hips continued to lazily buck up, sweaty skin slapping against sweaty skin as he fucked his cum right back inside of you.
After taking a few moments to catch your breaths, you and Gojo were right back at it, going round after round until the sun rose, marking the very next day.
The teacher, who had fallen asleep somewhere around 5 A.M., awakened with a shiver shooting up his spine from the chilly hotel room air. And it made sense why, as he was completely naked.
But when he realized that you weren’t in bed with him, nor were your clothes tangled up on the ground along with his, he frowned.
Was it a dream? No. He knew it really happened. Perhaps, he was a fool to think that you’d stay with him, that you both would wake up together and shower before ordering some breakfast via room service.
You were a celebrity, he was simply a fan, and there was no hope for-
Suddenly, a yellow sticky note fell off of Gojo’s chest.
Written on it was your phone number, and a little heart.
When Gojo returned home two days later, he collapsed in his rolling chair, exhaling a deep breath followed by an airy laugh.
Even as he opened his laptop and logged onto his blog, he couldn’t believe his luck. The ultimate fanboy, he was.
Half of him contemplated the idea of creating a guide for every other hopeful man with an appetite geared exclusively towards their idol, but in his gut — which twisted with excitement whenever he thought about you creaming all over his cock so deliciously — he knew that he was simply a lucky man.
A lottery winner. The chosen one.
Even if he got an imaginary Master’s Degree in the study of Banging-Your-Idol, and went on to write nonfiction self-help books to aid all of his followers, they would all still fail to accomplish what he did.
However, even if he couldn’t create a guide to help out every other horny and helpless individual, he could still do one thing.
And with that, after taking a screenshot of the recent notification that appeared across his screen — showing that your popular, verified account had followed him back — he started typing.
kinggojo: hey guys (: none of you are gonna believe what just happened…
♡ 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!
♡ 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 & 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝!
🏷: @downforsanji @robynnnhooddd @ritsatoru @natalie-san @mikkies @sunjayist @blkwriters @shigemis0ra @whippedbyikemen @arizzu @staubmotte @mokonasenpaiposts @whats-humanity-lol @mbappesgirlfriend @satoruscurse @bear-likes-mushrooms @rinxgojo @arcswonderland @torusmochi @huang-the-geek @ivytears @salmasalamoon @ackachii @ploylulla @1989-taylors @heiixou @roronoaswifey @yourmumsthings @brownskin-bunny @arisucat @dreamtravelersade @hottiewifeyyyy @levin4nami @dazailover1900 @gojomaki @chosogatitos @hoshigaby @trawberry-fire @potofstewie @mx-mekla
#this is a repost#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojo x reader#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader smut#gojo satoru x reader smut#satoru gojo x reader#satoru gojo x reader smut#gojo smut#satoru gojo smut#tw smut#cw smut#tw sex mention#cw sex mention#gojou satoru x reader#gojo x y/n#gojo x you
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rafe with a girl who’s very studious and serious about school and one day she fails a big test after studying for it for hours and she just sobbing while he’s trying to calm her down :(

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ "THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE...I FAILED RAFE! I FAILED," you sobbed into the phone, holding the phone to your chest. you can hear a slight sigh at the end of the phone, and then his soothing voice.
"fuck. is that the one you studied for hours on end? the one i had to test you during our date?"
you hiccup, swaying from side to side as you wipe your eyes, "yes rafe. that's the one. i studied so hard, and i got a sixty percent." you can hardly get yourself to say the number, nevertheless look at the wrinkled paper that you checked over and over again. when you got it, you believed that there must have been something wrong. wrong marking, different grade, switched up grade, sabotage, but once you made it to the teacher and they told you what it was...you couldn't help but gulp with despair. it truly was a bad grade, there was no mistake except the one you made.
that was a d. that meant that your shiny gpa was down the drain. you couldn't think straight as you stared at the red-marked grade. and you got it in history. even worse. the one class you couldn't even keep up. your grades were everything that kept you together, you studied everywhere—the bus, the grocery store, the bookstore, and the fancy country club that rafe brought you to—
but it hadn't worked. so what could you do? you just held the paper, tears dripping down your chin, you heard rafe's voice again, "i'm coming over."
suddenly you're scrambling for the phone again, "no, forget about it. i'm a mess, and i failed, and you have an important meeting probably."
then you hear a slight shuffle on this side, almost as if he's moving papers around.
"nah' i'll be there in ten."
before you can tell him that it's fine, he hangs the phone and you're left with trembling hands on your phone. you get up, dusting yourself off, swallowing your pride as you look at the paper again.
rafe's always been so supportive of your studies, thick eyebrows furrowed when he hears your rants about your grades. see, you knew he wasn't the brightest, but he held on his own with you. he let you spend his money on different tutors, different college club things, different textbooks and apps you needed to get the best grade. yet...here nothing had worked.
so there you were, pathetic and sniffling as you leaned near the doorway. after a few minutes you heard the key turn, and in came rafe cameron. he was in a nice polo shirt, biceps straining, and a concerned look on his face as he looked down at you.
you couldn't even hold yourself together, as you crumbled around him, "i failed rafe. i failed. i—"
"shh, shhh," he muttered, eyes flickering around the cramp space you called home. your papers were sprawn on the floor, and a soup that you'd made earlier was laid cold and forgotten. dishes were stuffed in the dishwasher, and there was one dim light on.
he was almost too big in your small apartment, but you could see the earnestness in his eyes as he treaded carefully. picking you up, he muttered softly to you.
"now, i don't even know what to do rafe! i don't know what to do."
"the grade doesn't define you'know? that's all bull," he started passionately, and then gestured to himself, "i mean look at me. barely passed high school but i'm doing fine. more than fine." rafe muttered, scratching the back of his head as he watched you sniffle.
you let out a soft wail, "but it does matter! i—" then you just shake your head and grab him by the shirt. then you decide that it's not worth it. it's not worth to scream or fight. you're too tired for that, instead, you just lean into his warmth.
"i just want to be close to you, forget about it all."
suddenly rafe softens, "yea. c'mere," then he bundles you up, and you feel yourself succumbed to sleep
"hey and if matters at all, you're a 100% for me," rafe muttered into your hair, as you woke up. you rubbed your eyes, before you squirmed away from him, scowling at him. "i think that's an a+"
you groan. "too soon?" he murmured, pulling you in closer.
"way too soon.
"yea, shoulda known. sorry."
#rafe imagine#rafe outer banks#fluff#obx fic#rafe x you#rafe x reader#rafe cameron#rafe obx#drabble#rafe cameron x reader#season 4 obx#season 4 rafe cameron#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron prompt#rafe fluff#obx rafe cameron#outerbanks rafe#rafe fic#div cr anitalenia#rafe cameron and reader#rafe cameron and you#rafe cameron and y/n#rafe cameron concepts
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Noan do you not feel anything for nerd!jihoon?!?!?? Do you not fantasize about him being a silent shy nerd until he have you in his room, on his bed, naked, screwing you, raw, filling you up with his load and still not pulling out, just staying in, connected and you wondering where's the nerdy boy.

Thee nerd in question btw (this guy in short hai is my so fqing favorite I can literally do ANYTHING for him 😭😭😭😭 please please please please jihoona)
— shy nerd uji
oh lord. oh he’s such a hot loser i need him. god did i have thoughts abt this. also ur other ask is being combined w another ask for the ultimate sub uji story. yeah anyways.
shy nerd!jihoon who practically took you under his wing in your shared chemistry class freshman year. you were lab partners, and he seemed competent enough to help you out personally with the labs, though you asked him for his number after the first class because he was too shy.
jihoon, who only wears tight fitting clothes on lab days because his regular baggy shirts and sweatpants are a safety hazard. you can’t help but stare at his muscles before he puts on his lab coat. his face burns as he slips his goggles on over his glasses.
jihoon, who helps you out with all the calculations for the remainder of the semester, even after you get the hang of it. who panics when you spill sulphuric acid on yourself, even though it has a low molarity so it won’t burn you.
jihoon, who you end up becoming pretty good friends with, even though you only see him once a week in your lab section. he always answers your questions about chemistry, even if you have different professors.
he slowly opens up to you, and you find out in your last study session that he’s actually a music major. you beg him to show you some of his songs, and he agrees, red in the face. on the condition you do well on your chem final.
jihoon, who you managed to keep seeing and hanging out with, even if you no longer share a class together. three years later, at the start of your final year of university, you can mutually say that you’re each others best friends.
shy nerd!jihoon, who isn’t as shy as he used to be, but he gets red in the face whenever you tease him. he still has his walls up around you, certain ones that he doesn’t seem to have with the rest of your friend group.
you can’t deny your attraction to him. his glasses, which he always pushes up as he studies, contrast so starkly with his pale skin. his bulging muscles which radiate heat as autumn starts to roll in.
jihoon cut his hair at the start of the semester, and you thought you’d be more upset with the change, but you can’t argue with the fact that he looks hot as fuck with shorter hair. you’ve seen him grow into a young man over the last few years, and his haircut suits him.
jihoon, who also didn’t go home for the holidays, and so you both spend your week together, catching up on homework and studying. you also spend your break with a multi-day movie marathon in his apartment.
jihoon and his apartment, which you’ve practically been living in for the last few days. your overnight bag sits in the corner of his living room, dirty clothes folded nicely on top of it. your toothbrush sits next to his, and it has him thinking hard about your friendship.
he can’t deny the fact that he thinks you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. he can’t deny how domestic your whole week is going to be, can’t deny how much his chest flutters when you insist on cuddling while you watch movies. he can’t deny the obvious pull towards you, one he can only hope is mutual.
jihoon, who lets you throw your leg over his as you cuddle, his face burning at the outward affection. your breath comes out in small puffs, fist tightening in his shirt as you slowly start to fall asleep with your head on his chest.
jihoon, who wraps his arm around you, hand resting on your thigh. you crane your neck up softly to look at him; his glasses are slipping down his face as he tries to pay attention to the movie. he looks beautiful like this, and you decide to try and play off touching him as a mindless, half asleep action.
your fingers release his shirt, which had pulled up, exposing the base of his stomach to the cool air of his room. you carefully, oh so slowly, trail your fingers down to the skin. you push your hand back up, nails scratching gently against his abs.
jihoon grips your thigh softly, lips parting as his other hand grabs your hand to stop you. his cock twitches softly in his sweats, and you can feel it against the inside of your thigh. “y/n,” he pants, as though he had just run a mile in record time. you flatten your hand against his stomach, pinky brushing against the band of his sweats.
“want you.” you murmur, closing your eyes as you just feel his skin. jihoon gives your thigh another squeeze before his hand falls to your ass. you shift up on his chest, leaning up to kiss his neck softly.
in one quick moment, jihoon flips you over, off of him and onto your back. you squeak softly, all the air leaving your lungs as he straddles your thighs. before you get the chance to say anything, jihoon’s lips are on yours as he starts to kiss you stupid.
you start to pant into his mouth, completely in awe at how good he is at kissing. you had assumed he was a little bit more of a loser with very little experience, but judging by the way he’s kissing you, he clearly knows what he’s doing.
jihoon pushes your shirt up, hand holding your side as his thumb brushes over your nipple. it’s hardly a graze, but it has your back arching off the bed as he pulls away. he smirks at you, hands leaving your body as he pulls his shirt off in one motion. you gasp at the sight of just how ripped he is. jihoon shakes his head as he pushes his glasses up, a sadistic puff of a laugh escaping his lips.
“what, baby? you know i work out.” he whispers, and the pet name he uses has you reeling, back arching back off the bed.
“you’re so fucking hot, oh my god.” you gasp, hands pulling at your shirt until you finally get the damn thing off. jihoon just chuckles at how desperate and cute you look right now. he doesn’t wait for you to settle back on w your shirt is off. instead, he gets straight to work, pulling your own sweatpants down. his fingers catch your underwear on the way down, and he decides to just get everything over with at once.
the cool air hits your burning core as jihoon spreads your thighs apart. he settles on his knees as he leans down, pressing soft kisses at the base of your stomach. he trails down further and further, licking at biting at you skin, covering you in light marks that slowly start to darken. finally, his chin brushes against the hood of your clit, and your hands snap to his hair, head falling back as your eyes close.
jihoon laughs again, almost cruel, as he places a kiss to your clit. his tongue darts out, pushing its way in between your folds to taste your arousal. he moans against you, and the vibrations only add to the stimulation. his fingers slowly start to find their way to your core.
he drags them over your entrance, not yet pushing them in as he goes back to focusing on your clit. you look down at him, opening your eyes to find him watching you intently. jihoon pushes two of his fingers into your entrance, and your tight walls suck him in almost instantly.
jihoon locates your spot almost instantly, milking it as he curls his fingers. his lips are suctioned against your clit, and you can’t take it anymore. with the way he’s looking at you, glasses slightly fogged from the heat between your legs and his breath against you, you cum hard around his fingers.
jihoon lets you ride out your orgasm, and once your chest is rising and falling rapidly, you can feel him smirk against you as he pulls his fingers out of you. “good. i wanted to make you cum at least once before i fucked you.” he shifts on his knees, pulling away from your core as his hand finds the knot of his sweats.
he pulls the bow free, slipping them down to his knees before he kicks them off. jihoon’s hard cock slaps his stomach and you lose your breath once again. his cock is big, veiny and so hard. small beads of precum leak from his tip, and he wraps his pretty hand around the head of his cock, coating it in his arousal as he strokes himself languidly.
“you still want this?” he asks as he leans over you. your hands find the side of his face as you nod. “good. been thinking about this for so long, baby. you have no idea.” he breathes out as he lines himself up, tip slipping through your folds.
he pushes in, and slides home in one motion. your walls spasm around him at the stretch. it burns, based on the sheer size of his cock, but you’re so wet it’s hardly a real issue. jihoon gives you a few moments to breathe as he peppers your face with chaste kisses, before he pulls back out, only to slam back in.
the pace he sets is brutal, hard and fast, and you know you won’t last long like this. you guess this is payback for the years of teasing and sexual comments made towards him, just to see him blush and get shy. jihoon pushes his tongue into your mouth, chasing your moans with his mouth.
your nails scratch at his back, crescent indents left behind over the muscles of his shoulders. he hisses at the sting and grips the flesh of your thigh harshly as he jackhammers into you.
it’s so dirty, messy; the slick sounds of jihoon moving inside of you, the repetitive slap of skin on skin, completely filthy as he fucks you like his life depends on it. the way he pushes his glasses back up his face makes your eyes roll back.
jihoon was always so soft and sweet, a naturally kind and gentle person, so to say that you’re losing your mind right now as he fucks you into oblivion would be an understatement. you can’t think, can’t even really make coherent noises as he fucks you. he shifts your hips up, tip of his cock kissing your spot, and it’s over for you.
you cum, the sheer force of your orgasm knocks the sound from your throat. you feel like you’re about to black out; a hot, white wave of pleasure so intense that your senses numb for a moment as you tighten impossibly around jihoon.
you’re so tight and warm and wet, it only takes a few more thrusts for jihoon to spill his load inside of you. he bites his lip as he cums, head thrown back as his own orgasm washes over him.
jihoon collapses on top of you, cock still sheathed in your warm walls. his hands find your hair and waist. his touch is so soft and gentle, a stark contrast to how he was moments ago, that it pulls you back down to earth. you have had the mind to tell him to pull out, but the feeling of still being full, albeit incredibly sensitive, is so nice that you don’t say anything.
“fuck.” you pant, a soft laugh falling from your lips. jihoon rolls you over onto your sides, hand cradling your head to his chest.
“you okay?” he asks quietly.
“yeah. so good. i’m so good right now, you have no idea.” you laugh again, pressing a soft kiss to his collarbone.
“i hope that wasn’t too much, baby.” you can feel him smile against your hair.
“it was perfect, hoonie. i just- shit, where’d the shy nerd go? what happened to you?” you ask breathlessly. jihoon laughs quietly, pulling your head back from his skin gently so he can kiss you.
this kiss is so soft and delicate, like he’s afraid of shattering the moment you’re having right now. “dead and gone, baby. no more of that, now that i know you want me just as bad.” he whispers against your lips.
“good. i like being close to you like this.” you smile softly, pecking him once more.
“let’s get you cleaned up. i went kind of rough on you.” jihoon smiles back, pressing a soft kiss to your jaw.
“oh, fuckin’ tell me about it.” you giggle, brushing the hair out of his face.
“karmic retribution, baby. you can’t tease me for three years and think that your actions won’t have consequences.” jihoon laughs as he pulls his softening cock out of you. he hisses softly as he watches his cum slip out of you.
“remind me to keep teasing you if it means you’ll fuck me like that again.” you clench, trying to keep jihoon’s load inside.
“i’d rather you just tell me next time.” he whispers lowly into your ear. you wonder briefly if this new development is for the better, with the way his tone has you throbbing again. jihoon slides off the bed, away from you and you whine at the loss of his warmth.
jihoon throws his head back in a hearty laugh as he leans back over you to pick you up and carry you to the bathroom.
shy nerd! jihoon, who is all but dead and gone as he runs you a warm bath to soothe your aching muscles. he kisses you sweetly as he sets you down on the counter, massages your thighs and scalp in the warm water.
#seventeen x reader#seventeen x y/n#seventeen x you#seventeen x carat#woozi x reader#woozi x you#svt woozi#woozi imagines#woozi smut#woozi scenarios#seventeen woozi x reader#svt woozi x reader#woozi x y/n#lee jihoon x reader#lee jihoon smut#lee jihoon imagines#jihoon x reader#jihoon scenarios#jihoon smut#seventeen jihoon x reader#lee jihoon x y/n#lee jihoon x you#jihoon x y/n#jihoon x you
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1: the confession // series m.list
note: been daydreaming abt this jk... enj <3
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “aao” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar @jkslvsnella @thekookiecorner @parkinglot-nights @seagulljk
fic taglist: @peterstarkchrishiddleston
The library is your favourite place.
At least, that is until your predictable love for it comes to a disadvantage. May your tranquil moments alone rest in peace as your friends corner and gaslight you to leaving your sanctuary. Sometimes, it’s for parties. Other times, it’s for something stupid like driving to the next town to watch a movie at their theatre because their theatre chairs recline better.
You won’t have it this time.
No way. You have so much work to do!
"Oh, come on! Please, ___?” Hobi begs. “Come tonight! It'll be fun!" Suddenly, he’s clinging to your arm, making it harder for you to ignore him. You try shaking him off, but he pouts at you and clings on even tighter.
“Hobi,” you whine. “Go to the party if you wanna go. Jimin said he’d meet you there! And Nam Joon, and Taehyung, Jin, and even Yoongi!”
“But I want you to come!” He cries. “I need someone to keep count of my drinks—”
“Use a marker and tally it on your arm.”
“But then what if I need to throw up—”
“Then throw up.”
“... Jungkook will be there!”
You blink at him.
Hobi lets go of your arm and raises a brow at you. “What do you mean so? Isn't he your boyfriend?”
His accusation has you tongue-tied. This is the first time you’ve ever heard such an absurd thing! Jungkook became a part of the friendgroup after you. He’s the newbie. Actually, he has a whole other set of friends aside from you guys. Why? Because he’s cool. That’s it. Everyone on campus knows him and truth be told; he deserves his hype. He’s good-looking, kind, and a little weird (in a good way). He’s funny and smart (but not in an obnoxious way)... He’s just… Kind of good at everything? It intimidates you and often leaves you daydreaming.
Come to think of it, everything happens by coincidence. Yours and his lectures usually start and end around the same time. Not to mention that he also loves the library! He usually walks you home after your study sessions. But, yeah… Aside from these things—you and Jungkook aren’t actually that close.
“W-what? I’m not dating Jungkook! Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?” you ask, careful not to sound too noisy.
Hobi shakes his head. “Girlfriend? Yeah… You.”
Your eyes widen.
In a panic, you hiss at Hobi. “Don’t start rumours! That’s embarrassing for him to be associated with me—”
“Oh shut up,” Hobi laughs. “Do not get all insecure and pick me when the campus crush has literally been drooling over the past few weeks. Everybody knows. Everybody talks about it! Besides, they talk about him being all lovestruck—not you! So, spill it. What did you do, huh? Did you manifest it or some shit—”
“With all the time I spend in class, work, and the library… You think I have time to manifest?” you chuckle at him, ultimately trying to dismiss his suspicion.
Hobi rolls his eyes at you.
“For someone who reads fanfics and book loads of romance stories… You’re dense as fuck.”
Tilting your head at him, you try to find the words to defend yourself and fail.
He’s right.
You are dense.
But that never hurt anyone before… So why does it matter?
“Earth to ___?” Hobi waves his hands to your face. You blink, brushing your thoughts away. Offering him a tired smile, he looks at you weirdly. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you exhale. “Why?”
“You’re blushing like crazy,” he teases, poking your cheek. Your hands fly to your cheeks. He’s right. They feel warm and the sudden embarrassment just made you feel even more flustered. Then, he nudges you.
“Get it together!” Hobi mutters, “Your boyfriend is coming!"
Turning your head, you see Jungkook making his way through the doors. He has his backpack on one shoulder and his eyes glued to his phone. Like muscle memory, he turns his heels and walks toward your direction.
“Oh my god,” you hit Hobi’s arm. “Why did you plant these thoughts when he’s literally—”
“Plant thoughts? Babes, it’s reality. Helllooooo?” Hobi sings, tauntingly.
You pout at him, unable to take this lighthearted.
Then, before you know it, Jungkook approaches you.
He pulls the seat next to you out and settles in. After offering a fist bump to Hobi, he quickly leans his body over and places his hand on your knee. He’s always done this but why was it suddenly so different now? Was it always like this and you never noticed until now? Until Hobi…
“Hey, you.” Jungkook greets you warmly.
“... H-hi.”
He gives you a weird look. You avoid his eyes in return. Clearing his throat, he asks, “Why aren’t you packed up yet? Aren't we going to the party?”
Jungkook eyes your spread of notes on the table. You clunch your iPad closer to you and shrug. “We? It’s you. Aren’t you going to the party?”
Jungkook returns your question with a grin. “No. Us. You, specifically. You, especially.”
“Yeah, ___!” Hobi chimes cheekily. “Aren’t you going to the party?”
Hesitantly, you shake your head.
“N-no… I have too much work to do. Here! I’ll just—” you pause your sentence and reach for Hobi’s arm. Pushing his sleeve up, you take the sharpie from your pencil case and write on his arm.
If piss drunk, please return to ___.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx <3
Hobi reads it sideways and yanks his arm back.
“I hate you,” he utters. With laser eyes, he glares at Jungkook. “Tell her you’re coming to the party. Drag her to come! She’s always here! Homework can wait for tomorrow!”
Jungkook exchanges looks with you. With a soft gaze, he shrugs and turns to Hobi.
“She doesn’t wanna go.”
Hobi groans.
“Fine. Let’s go. Let’s leave—”
“I’m staying,” Jungkook says calmly. "She's not going... Neither am I."
He picks his backpack up from the ground and begins to unzip it. Taking out his notes and laptop, he looks up and smiles at Hobi. “Can I see your arm?”
Huffing, Hobi shows Jungkook your note. As Hobi rambles on and on about how you and Jungkook are party poopers, Jungkook takes your Sharpie and crosses your number out.
If piss drunk, please return to ___. Jungkook
(xxx) xxx-xxxx <3
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
For the second time tonight, Hobi reads his arm sideways and yanks it back. He squints at the unfamiliar number.
“Why’d you cross her number out? Whose number is this?” Hobi asks.
“Mine,” Jungkook states, smiling at the correction. “Call me if you need anything.”
“What? Why?”
Jungkook blinks. “I’m not really crazy about ___’s number being on your arm for other guys to have and call her with.”
Hobi’s mouth drops. He slowly turns to you and gulps. Blinking at you slowly, he gives you crazy eyes. “You can not be this dense, ___. Jungkook is literally ripping me into shreds in his head right now—”
You laugh.
“Go. Have fun! Call me if you need anything.”
Hobi turns to Jungkook.
Jungkook smiles at him sweetly with his eyes closed. He shakes his head slowly and wiggles his finger at him. “Don’t call her.”
With that, Hobi grumbles a few exchanges before packing his stuff up. He waves goodbye and tells you that you’re lame one last time. You agree with him and wave him goodbye. As he leaves, Jungkook moves his chair closer to you.
“So… Same schedule? Study until 9PM and then I walk you home? Or are you hungry tonight? Maybe we can wrap this up by 7:30PM and grab a bite to eat? I know a really good burger spot just up campus—why’d you do that?”
Your body stiffens.
“Do what?”
Jungkook eyes your chair distance.
“You moved away.”
What the heck… How did he even notice? It’s not like you moved across the table! You just moved like… Half an inch.
“No, I didn’t,” you deny. “But yeah… Sure! I’ve been craving a good burger with extra cheese—what are you doing?”
“I’m moving closer to you.”
“Because you lied to my face and moved away.”
Jungkook inches his face closer to yours. He boops your nose and scrunches his. “You sniff whenever you lie. Did you know that?”
“Now you do.”
For the first time ever… You lose your breath. It’s like you forgot how to breathe. He’s so close to you. His eyes are so doey, you’re literally getting lost in them. The scar he has on his left cheek… You can see it so clearly—the detail of how his skin healed and all. His hair is brushing above his eyebrows and you can’t help but realize how much you like the way it falls on his face. He’s… Cute?
Oh god.
“D-dont do that—uhh—” You move away from him. This time, there’s an obvious space between you two. Jungkook straightens his posture, completely confused by your burst of emotion. It’s… Conflicting? He swears you two were about to kiss… Now, what’s going on?
“___? What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks with a gentle tone.
You turn away and shove your notes to your face. Mumbling into the paper, you tell him what’s on your mind. “Everyone thinks you have a crush on me and it’s embarrassing.”
Jungkook doesn’t hear you well.
“Say that again,” he requests. Without warning, he takes the paper from your hands, leaving you to face him. “Don’t act all cute. What is it?”
You stay silent and contemplate.
Was this worth saying? Was this worth addressing? Would it change anything between you two after? What about the burgers? You’ve been craving a cheesy burger like crazy—
“It’s fine if you don’t feel comfortable. You can tell me later or never. I don’t mean to be pushy—”
Then, you blurt it out.
“Everyone thinks you have a crush on me… Or something.”
Jungkook doesn’t flinch. He doesn’t hold his breath.
He doesn’t deny it.
“I do have a crush on you.”
Your throat feels dry. What?! Has he lost his mind?
“W-what? You can’t j-just—”
Jungkook tilts his head and pouts.
“I don’t really understand why I should deny it. Why should I lie? Why should I make an excuse? This is how I feel. You just found out earlier than the confession… I guess this is it though, right?” He laughs.
You hit his chest.
“This isn’t funny!”
“Why can’t it be funny?” Jungkook laughs even harder. He catches your wrist and holds you still. “Doesn’t it make you laugh? That everybody on campus watched me wait outside your classes every day for almost 3 months… That everybody waits on me to go to parties but I don’t show up because I rather walk you home and stay home… That everybody on campus watched me enter this goddamn library of a snoozefest—”
“Hey! I like it here.”
“Yeah,” he rolls his eyes at you. “I like you. That’s why I’m here.”
“I… I thought you wanted to study.”
Jungkook laughs even louder, earning a few hushes from others nearby. He groans, throwing his head back. “I can’t even fucking laugh in here without getting in trouble. Why the hell would I like this place?”
“... To study!”
“To be with you.”
You shut up.
No words, no thoughts, no feelings.
Feelings. Lots of them.
“I don’t understand why you’re so overwhelmed,” Jungkook murmurs, leaning his head against your shoulders. “I thought you knew. I thought you figured it out by now. I wasn't exactly discrete."
You sit still, not knowing if you should move or let him settle in. Before you can decide, he sits himself up and grabs your hand. He squeezes it tightly and brings it to his lips. Kissing your hand, he looks at you.
“Doesn’t matter if you’re dense. Doesn’t matter if you don’t know how you feel right now. I’ll win you over… You’ll fold."
You yank your hand away from him. In response, he leans over and kisses the side of your head instead. You gasp, but your cheeks blush. Quickly, you cover your face with your hands. He laughs heartily, tugging you close to him. You bury your face in his chest and groan at the sinking feeling of wanting to be anywhere but here. This was humiliating!
And just when you think it can't get any worse, Jungkook wraps his arms around you and hugs you tight. As he pats your back, he murmurs—
"You're falling for me already, aren't you?"
#bts fluff#jungkook fluff#jungkook imagine#jungkook scenario#jungkook x yn#jungkook uni au#jungkook fanfic#jungkook one shot#jungkook drabble series#bts scenario#bts fanfic#bts imagine#bts x yn
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Chasing Cars | ch 9 (jjk)
☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader, Yoongi x Hoseok
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, this chapter contains mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: alcohol, curses, Jungkook gets jealous, mentions of smoking cigarettes, explicit content: reader catches nabi and namjoon in the act, brat!OC, car blowjob, oral sex (male and female receiving), jerking off, praising, hickey, mouth fucking, nipple play, fingering, protected sex
☆word count: 11.2k
☆a/n: new week new chapter!! and with this one, half of the fic is done (only half LMAO). Hope you guys enjoy <3 and thank you to @moonleeai for beta-ing, you're the best <3
☆series masterpost
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Sunday, March 10th
Jungkook’s chest moves up as he takes a deep breath, disrupting your quiet comfort.
Your eyes slide open to reveal his phone, and he’s scrolling through reels on Instagram, the sound off. You nuzzle your face further into his chest, and he holds you tighter for a few seconds.
“I thought you’d fallen asleep,” he says, his voice rumbling in his chest against your ear.
You sigh. Though it’s late evening and driving home has been draining - the sex you had when you finished eating dinner even more so - you don’t quite want to fall asleep right now. Maybe because tomorrow you’ll wake up and you’ll have to go back to class, to face Ria and Nabi and all your friends that know yet don’t know that something is going on between you and Jungkook.
“I was almost asleep,” you admit. “But I don’t want to sleep yet.”
“Why not?”
His attention is solely on you now, his phone forgotten, and so you raise your head to meet his tender gaze.
“I want to spend more time with you,” you whisper.
His lips stretch in the softest smile, his eyes sparkling with all the light in the universe. “I’ll still be here tomorrow, peach.”
You know it. You know you still have weeks with him, but tonight you feel like the end might be coming for you quicker than you want it to.
“And the day after?” you tease.
His arm tightens around you, and he moves so that he can peck your lips once. “I’ll still be right here.”
“In your bed?” you ask, faking surprise.
He laughs, a sound so sweet and so intoxicating to your senses. “Yep. With you in it.”
“Damn, JK, you’ve got plans for us, mmh?”
He just grins in reply, and your heart flutters in your chest as you put your head back on his own chest.
“So if you want to fall asleep…” he trails off, hugging you tighter for a few seconds before pressing a kiss on the top of your head. “Feel free.”
You take a deep breath, nodding as you close your eyes, focusing on the steady beats of his heart. You wonder, does he know your heart has synced with his?
Does he know you’re afraid he’ll rip your beating heart from your chest?
You’ve been thinking. All day you’ve been thinking, and you haven’t been able to ask him. Haven’t been able to have the conversation he said you could have today - about his family, about the shitshow of the engagement party.
All you’ve been able to do today is exchange pleasantries, stolen glances and holding hands. And you reckon, it should be enough.
Yet the reason why you can’t sleep is because you want to know. Need to know if he truly is set to marry someone else.
“By the way,” Jungkook lets out after a few minutes of comfortable silence. “Tae texted me while you were in the shower.”
“Mmh?” you hum.
“He wanted me to tell you to reply to his texts,” Jungkook concludes. “And you should, before he grows suspicious.”
“He’s suspicious because Jimin said we have something going on after you hosted your friends here the other day.”
“Right,” Jungkook says, and he chuckles lightly. “I mean, he isn’t wrong.”
He isn’t, and you hate that he isn’t. You don’t want Taehyung to know, you don’t want your brother to have the power to take this away from you. Not when you already know life will take it from you by itself.
“I still don’t want him to know,” you admit with a small voice. “He’d hate you.”
Jungkook presses a kiss on the top of your head again. “Then we don’t tell him. You decide.”
You don’t like that he’s giving you this power, but yet again it’s better than when he wanted to pretend nothing had happened after the power outage. It’s progress, steps in the right direction, but you don’t even know if you’re walking the same path as him.
Jungkook has been great to you, he really has, but you haven’t done relationships before.
Will this time around be any different?
“Okay,” you let out. You press a kiss on the warm skin of his chest, before resting your head on it again. “Besides…” you trail off, and your heart squeezes in your chest.
Because it’s time. You need to talk to him about what his mother said, no matter how much it might hurt.
“Besides?” Jungkook repeats.
“Your mother mentioned something to me yesterday,” you admit.
You hear his heartbeat picking up. “What did she say?”
You worry at your bottom lip, take a few deep breaths in to gather courage. “That you’re supposed to marry someone?”
Jungkook doesn’t reply right away. You’re pretty sure you also hear his heart entirely stopping in his chest, but you think that might be your imagination.
“That’s hilarious,” he deadpans a few seconds later, and he lets out a disbelieved chuckle. “I’m not going to marry anyone.”
You raise your head from his chest, seeking the truth in his gaze. And he doesn’t look like he’s lying, not even a little bit. Especially not as he cups your cheek, gently running his thumb on your skin.
“She said she and your dad spoke to another family,” you explain.
He plays with his piercings, raising an eyebrow. “I’d assume that they mean Gabrielle?”
You’ve never heard that name before, and you offer him a confused look.
“Or not,” he adds after a few seconds, his brow creasing.
“Who’s Gabrielle?” you ask, and the doubt that seeps through you tastes far too vile.
“A friend from high school,” Jungkook replies immediately. “No one to worry about. Our families were always friends and my parents are obsessed with her.”
It stings. It stings far more than it should - Jungkook’s parents didn’t even give you a chance. Yet they’re obsessed with this Gabrielle, this girl from Jungkook’s past. Your heart sinks in your chest, and you look away from him, unable to hold his gaze.
“Ah,” you flatly let out.
“I don’t talk to her anymore,” Jungkook quickly reassures you, forcing you to look at him again with his firm hold on your cheek. “Last news I had of her was that she was going to study somewhere in Europe.”
You worry at your bottom lip, and Jungkook is quick to pull it from your teeth with his thumb.
“I promise,” he adds. “She’s nothing to worry about. My parents can’t force me to marry her anyway.”
You take a deep breath and then nod once. The ache in your chest barely eases, but you can see that Jungkook is trying his best. There’s something so endearing about it that you feel yourself soften, and you immediately lean in to kiss him.
The kiss is soft. The kiss is a fire in the hearth during a cold winter evening. It’s a warm summer breeze and a cup of tea on a rainy day. It’s comfort and that, more than anything, finally soothes the ache away. It helps that Jungkook swipes your bottom lip with his tongue, and you sigh as you give him access, your tongues tangling a second later.
Hell, you think you might be able to go for another round. But Jungkook pulls away, lips glistening from your ministrations.
“And about my family,” he says. His voice is breathy, and you feel powerful for the effect you have on him. Though he clears his throat, and the breathiness is gone when he adds, “They’re dicks. All of them. I’m sorry I put you through this.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” you reassure him, and you mean it. “I was mostly just taken aback.”
He nods, adding, “I don’t get along with them well. They wanted me to take over the family business with Junghyun, but I left to study here. My father has never forgiven me, and my mother hates me for the tattoos and piercings.”
You don’t know what to reply. You feel horrible for him, for the smiling boy in the frame on his bedside table. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay.” He smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I got used to it. I’ve found that your friends are your true family anyway.”
His friends. Taehyung. Your brother. The one thing that will make it so you and Jungkook can’t actually be together, ever.
“And now I’ve got you too so, who cares what my family thinks?”
You know he does. Somewhere in the depths of his eyes you see the kid that wished his family loved him, wished he fit in. You wonder how his mother could hate him - he was adorable, endearing with that wide bunny grin of his, even when he was just a kid.
“I guess no one cares,” you reply after a few seconds of silence.
He offers you a reassuring smile. “Told you so.” He pecks your lips again, and then nestles his head back against his pillow. “We should go to bed, it’s getting late.”
“I just have one last question,” you say as you lay your head back on his chest, your gaze directed towards the frame of him and Junghyun. “Who did you go to Disney with?”
Jungkook follows your line of gaze. “Oh.” The silence that follows is heavy, sad. “Our nanny. She practically raised us.”
That makes sense. You don’t think Jungkook would have turned out to be such a gentle, sweet person if he’d been raised by his parents. But then again, he does act like an asshole a lot, and projects that overly cocky and confident aura most of the time. You’ve only recently started seeing this soft part of him.
“She sounds like a great person,” you say.
Jungkook tightens his hold on you. “She was. The best, honestly.”
You smile sadly, your heart straining at the ache in his voice. “Was?”
“Yeah.” He sighs deeply. “She passed away last year.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
He shrugs, which proves to be awkward in this position. “It’s not your fault. Nothing to be sorry about.”
Silence falls in the room, and you hold Jungkook a little tighter. As if that will prevent him from breaking, from falling away from you in the inevitability of the future.
“I wish I’d been around then,” you add. “So that I could be there for you.”
“I’m serious.”
You hear him sniffle, the only indication that he’s getting emotional. And it hits you like a brick to the face - you want to protect this man, at all costs.
You never want Jungkook to feel sad.
“You’re amazing, you know that, right?” he says after a few seconds. “Like… I’m really lucky.”
“And so am I,” you softly reply. “Luckiest girl in the world.”
He chuckles, his voice still raw with emotion when he says, “You know you’ll have to share a bed with me every night now, right?”
You raise your head to meet his gaze, and you don’t balk at the sight of the silver lining his eyes. “A dream come true, if I’m honest.”
He smiles, a sad, sad smile that makes you shift so that you’re lying next to him. You open your arms, and he immediately understands what you want, moving until he’s nestled in your embrace. You run a soothing hand on his back, not caring that he’s practically buried his face in your breasts. Especially not when, five minutes later, his breathing evens out, and he starts emitting those soft snores you find oh so adorable.
He’s left the red LED lights on, and you pat the bed behind him, looking for his phone. He whines against you, though he doesn’t say anything when you finally find his phone. You direct it towards his face to open it, and then search for the app to turn off the lights.
Once the lights are off, you put his phone away, wrapping your arm around him again, holding him close.
You don’t let go, not even when you, too, fall asleep.
Friday, March 15th
There’s something about Ria and tequila shots that you can’t quite understand.
You’re at the girls’ dorm, getting ready for the party tonight. It’s hosted at a frat house, which means your shoes will most likely be ruined by the end of the evening. You don’t really care - you put on an old pair of sneakers that you use specifically for these types of occasions.
But yes, Ria and tequila create something you can’t comprehend. She’s already taken four shots, while you’re on your second and Nabi hesitantly took one, and you know she’s going to be wild tonight.
You think you know why - a certain Kim Seokjin is supposed to be in attendance, and though Ria claims she really doesn’t like him, she’s curled her hair and donned her makeup to perfection for the occasion.
And she’s also visibly trying to get shitfaced, and so you steal the tequila bottle from her hands.
“Hey!” she complains. “Give that back.”
You take a swig from the bottle, immediately regretting your decision. It makes your friends laugh though, and it distracts Ria long enough so that you can put the cap back on the bottle, and you hide it behind you where you’re sitting on the floor of their dorm, in between their beds.
“Is Namjoon going to be there?” you ask Nabi, trying to distract Ria further.
“Yeah, of course! Hobi and Yoongi also, apparently,” Nabi answers. “What about Jungkook?”
You’re happy you’re the type to flush red with alcohol, otherwise your two friends would have a visual proof of the embarrassment that comes with Jungkook being mentioned around you. It’s stupid - you’re an adult, but for some reason the thought of Jungkook makes you all giddy, like you have a school crush on him.
It’s a feeling you’ve been clinging to this week, despite every odd against you two working out in the long term.
“I think so,” you reply, even though you know for a fact that the answer is yes and that he’s going to be driving you home.
He’s told you so in whispers against your skin last night, when he finished fucking your brains out.
“You think so, or you know?” Ria teases, a smirk on her lips. “You can pretend we haven’t seen him obsessing over you every time we went to the library this week, but we’re not going to be fooled.”
They do have a point. Indeed, the two times you’ve gone to the library with the girls, Jungkook kept popping in, bringing you snacks or just coming in to chat for a little while. The girls found it funny, and you just found it embarrassing.
Not that Jeon Jungkook is embarrassing. It’s rather the fact that it’s led to thorough interrogations, and you don’t like talking about your relationship with him when he’s your brother’s best friend, and speaking to the wrong person could lead to Taehyung learning about everything.
So you’ve been trying to keep the relationship a secret as best as you can, giving vague answers to the girl and saying that you only went to New York with him because you’re friends, and Jimin wasn’t available to accompany him.
You hid the fact that he’s rich from everyone. Hid the Yves St-Laurent dress in the back of your closet, to only be looked upon whenever you need to remind yourself that the weekend wasn’t a creation of your brain.
So far, you didn’t need to be reminded. Not when Jungkook has been acting so affectionate, cooking you meals and sitting with you when you’re working on reports or studying for your classes.
“Jungkook is not obsessed with me,” you drawl, even though you think he might be, to the extent that Jeon Jungkook can be obsessed with someone. “He’s just a good friend.”
“You fuck all your good friends?” Ria teases, wiggling her brows.
You punch her in the shoulder, and she bursts into a fit of giggles. “I’m not fucking him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ria says.
“You’ve been glowy since last weekend,” Nabi points out, an innocent smile on display.
You fake-glare at her, but to your relief, a knock sounds at the door, effectively distracting your friends.
It’s Namjoon, as revealed when Ria opens the door, and he steps in with a six-pack of beer, offering you a polite nod as Nabi gets up to hug him. They share a quick kiss, and you fake-gag, earning you a loud laugh from Ria that makes Nabi turn beat red.
“Shut up,” Nabi grumbles through her teeth as she faces you again, and she pulls Namjoon by the hand to sit on her bed.
You remain on the floor with Ria, and she’s successfully stolen the tequila bottle again. She refills the empty shot glasses, handing one to Namjoon and one to you. She gives the last one to Nabi, and she raises the bottle for you all to clink glasses with her, and a second later, the alcohol is burning down your throat.
You’re effectively drunk by the time you make it to the party. Ria is worse than you, while Nabi remains almost sober from all the shots she dodged and handed her boyfriend instead. Namjoon’s cheeks are flushed red, much like yours, and you meet up with Yoongi and Hoseok, where they stand near the wall, faces downcast.
“Hey boys!” you greet them.
You throw an arm around their shoulders, and Hoseok quickly moves away while Yoongi remains frozen in his spot, arms folded on his chest. It’s sobering, a little, and you furrow your brow as you look between them.
“Is something wrong?” you ask.
Hoseok quickly glances at the rest of your friends as they gather around you before saying, “No. How was pre-drink?”
You immediately know something is up. You feel it in the way Yoongi tenses under your arm, and though he hates being touched, he doesn’t push you away. You cock an eyebrow at Hoseok questioningly, but he only shrugs and then asks Namjoon, “Want to team up on beer pong?”
A moment later, they’re walking away, Nabi in tow, and you motion to Ria to follow them. She takes the cue, though the second she turns around, Kim Seokjin appears, and they stay right there, speaking in each other’s ear.
Once you’re convinced they won’t hear you, you let go of Yoongi, turning to face him. “Is something wrong?” you ask again.
He clenches his jaw, still avoiding your gaze. His arms tighten around him, and he looks like he’s trying to hold himself together, yet barely succeeds.
“Hobi just told me he’s switching colleges next semester.”
You widen your gaze. “What?”
Yoongi chuckles, but it’s entirely void of any joy. “You heard me right.”
Yoongi meets your gaze, his eyes flaming with barely disguised anger and hurt. “I don’t know.”
You wince, nose scrunching up. “I…”
“Don’t say anything,” Yoongi says before you’re able to finish your sentence, which is a good thing considering you had no idea what to say. “I should have seen it coming.”
“I’m sorry.”
Yoongi blinks away some tears, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know why you care. You were fucking him like a month ago.”
In truth, a month ago you were pretending the world didn’t exist with Jungkook, as it was the power outage, but you refrain from saying anything. You highly doubt that that’s what Yoongi needs to hear right now.
“Yeah, and I don’t think I should have,” you say.
“Why?” Yoongi asks, sounding offended.
You shrug. “Because you care about him and it was hurting you.”
Yoongi presses his lips in a thin line, nodding once. He doesn’t say anything else, and you don’t really expect him to. Not when Hoseok clearly just broke his heart.
“You know what you need?” you say, pulling his arms away from his chest so that you can hook arm with him.
“What?” Yoongi asks, following you as you pull him through the crowd.
“A drink.”
He chuckles. He doesn’t look quite as sad as he did a second ago, and you reckon that it’s a win.
You make it your mission to cheer Yoongi up tonight, making sure he always has a drink in hand. You also stay by his side, playing beer pong with him when Ria begs you to play. She’s accompanied by Seokjin, who’s got far more aim than you do, but Yoongi is a decent player. It compensates for a while, until Hoseok appears in the vicinity of the table, and Yoongi tenses so much he looks like he’s turning to stone. You try to take over then, only to be solidly defeated by Seokjin who smiles at Ria as she high-fives him with a wide grin on her lips.
You’ve never seen her smiling so wide with a guy before, and you have to keep your own grin in at the sight, not wanting to upset Yoongi. Instead, you hook arm with him again, pulling him towards the backyard. He begrudgingly follows, though he visibly relaxes the second you’re outside, the cold air a stark contrast from the hot atmosphere inside.
“All good?” you ask.
“Why are you doing this?”
You shrug your shoulders. “You’re a friend,” you offer as an explanation. “The least I can do is be there for you right now.”
“Are we friends?” he queries. He sounds sad again, and you hate it.
“Of course we are! If we weren’t before, we are now.” You try to sound reassuring, and when you see the smile tickling the corner of his lips, you think it’s working. “If you want, we can go sit somewhere quiet upstairs to talk shit about Hobi.”
“Honestly, that sounds like a dream,” Yoongi agrees.
You laugh, and a second later you walk back into the house, Yoongi in tow. The first thing you see as you walk in is Jimin, and you instinctively scan the room, your eyes falling on Jungkook next. It’s like everyone disappears for a few seconds, and your lips stretch in a soft smile he immediately reciprocates, though it slightly falls when he sees Yoongi behind you.
You glance at Yoongi, and he raises his eyebrows in question. You motion towards Jungkook, leaning closer to Yoongi to say, “Just give me a second, I want to talk to my friend.”
He nods, and ends up following you as you walk towards Jungkook, who’s standing with Jimin, Sera, Lisa and some of their other friends you don’t remember the name of.
“Hey,” you greet everyone as you stop next to them.
Your fingers itch to touch Jungkook, but you clench your fist, refraining from doing so.
A chorus of heys reply to you, and you awkwardly stand there for a few seconds before they resume their conversation as if you haven’t interrupted. You feel bad for a few seconds until Jungkook leans in closer to you.
“Who’s that guy?” he asks.
You purse your lips, holding a laugh in. “A friend. He’s going through a breakup?” At least you think that’s the best way to refer to it. “I’m trying to be there for him.”
Jungkook’s gaze hardens as he clenches his jaw, a muscle feathering over his skin. There’s something infinitely attractive about the sight - and infinitely wrong about you to find it attractive to begin with - and you already can’t wait for the evening to end so that you can tangle in bed with him.
“A friend?” Jungkook repeats.
“Are you jealous?” you tease, and Jungkook sends a cautious glance around.
But no one is watching you besides Yoongi, and you know Yoongi would never say anything.
“Should I be?” Jungkook says, frowning slightly.
You wink at him. “Not at all. His breakup is with a guy so… I fear I’m lacking a certain part of my body for him to find me attractive.”
“Could be bi,” Jungkook points out.
“Could be.” You shrug, and then you gently brush your hand on the back of his. “I’ll come find you when it’s time to leave?”
He nods, glancing at Yoongi. You want to reach for him, to hold him close and reassure him that he’s got nothing to worry about, but Jimin is now watching again, so you only step away from Jungkook, re-establishing a safe distance between the two of you.
“Yeah, let me know when you want to go home,” Jungkook replies.
You smile, nodding once before wishing him a good evening. You feel his gaze burning on the back of your head as you walk away, Yoongi following you, and you can’t resist but look over your shoulder when you’re about to leave the room to head into the hall leading to the staircase. Your gazes connect despite the crowd, and your heartbeat picks up in your chest, butterflies swirling in your stomach.
“I’ll grab a beer before we go up,” Yoongi suggests, snapping you out of the moment.
You blink a few times, before nodding your head. “Good idea. I’ll take one too.”
You pit stop at the table where the drinks are, and you end up making gin and tonics since they’ve run out of beer. Yoongi complains he doesn’t like it, but you tell him alcohol is alcohol, to which he offers you a side-eye that has you burst out laughing.
A moment later you’re on your way up the stairs. To outside eyes, you wonder what it looks like - do people think you’re looking for a place to hide so that you can fuck? It’s a funny thought, and you laugh some more as you reach the second floor, and notice the four people sitting on the floor as they talk. They barely look at you as you walk in front of them, heading for a door at the end of the corridor.
Yoongi steps in front of you as you near the door, hand extended to open it. The doorknob turns and he pushes it open, only to be met by an all-too familiar high-pitched shriek. A look over Yoongi’s shoulder reveals Nabi, butt ass naked, sitting on the counter with Namjoon between her legs.
“Oh shit!” Yoongi lets out, yet he freezes, not closing the door.
“Oh my God,” you echo and Nabi flushes so deep red you think she’ll combust.
“Close the door, idiots,” Namjoon grits through his teeth.
Yoongi’s gaze widens, and he immediately slams the door shut. His cheeks are dusted with pink, and you exchange one glance that makes you burst out laughing, wheezing and blinking back tears. You’ve never seen Yoongi laughing like that, which only spurs you on more, until he grabs your hand and tugs you into a bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Holy shit,” Yoongi says once your laughter finally recedes.
You nod, wiping the tear that escaped the confines of your eyes. “I know, holy shit. I knew they were getting it on but I didn’t think Nabi would do it at a party.”
“Didn’t expect that of Joon either,” Yoongi admits, and he glances in the general direction of the bathroom. “He used to be such a nerd, and now he’s fucking a girl at a party.”
“Good for him,” you say, raising your glass. Yoongi doesn’t echo the sentiment, instead looking troubled. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
Yoongi shrugs, sliding down until he’s sitting on the floor, his back against the door. You follow him, sitting against a dresser while you wait for him to talk.
“I’m afraid that he might be jumping into a relationship too quickly after…” Yoongi trails off. “After Julia.”
Your brow creases for a few seconds until you figure, “His ex?”
Yoongi nods. “Yeah. They were together for a long time, and he loved her a lot,” Yoongi reveals.
Your heart squeezes in your chest. “You think Nabi might just be a rebound.”
“Listen,” Yoongi lets out. “I saw him during Frosh week. I saw him starting to want to go to parties last semester. I’m not saying it’s because of Nabi…” he trails off, shrugging his shoulders again before taking a sip of his drink that makes him scrunch up his nose in disgust. “I don’t know why I grabbed that, it’s disgusting.”
“Hey, gin and tonics are good!”
He throws you a no-bullshit look, and then returns to the conversation at hand. “So yeah, he’s been different where Nabi is implied, but he was with Julia for five years. It’s bound to have had an impact on him.”
Yoongi isn’t wrong, and you hate that he isn’t. You don’t want Nabi to be set up for heartbreak.
“If he hurts Nabi…” you trail off.
Yoongi snorts, the smile he offers you a lot warmer than any you’ve ever seen on his features before. “You’re a good friend, aren’t you?”
You hold his gaze, shrugging your shoulders. “I try to be. I’d do anything for my friends.”
Yoongi raises his solo cup, his lips still curved upwards. “Then, I’m glad to count you as a friend.”
You clink glasses, taking a long sip from your gin and tonic that makes your head buzz even more than it already was. Silence reigns on the room for a moment, a comfortable silence that makes you look around, scanning your environment. Apart from the mattress on the floor and a few discarded pieces of clothing, the bedroom is empty. More clothes overflow from the closet though, as if whoever’s room this is just quickly shoved everything in there before the party.
“What about you?” Yoongi asks then.
You frown quizzically, facing him. “What about me?”
Your throat goes dry, and you hide your blush behind a long sip of your drink. “What about him?”
“Hobi mentioned that something is going on between you guys?”
You’ll kill him. You’ll eviscerate Jeong Hoseok the moment you have the opportunity to.
“Not really,” you lie, though the lie weighs heavy on your shoulders.
Obviously, Yoongi sees right through you, saying, “I saw how you guys looked at each other earlier. You’re not fooling anyone.”
Your cheeks burn as you recall when you spoke to Jungkook. You didn’t feel like you were looking at him a certain way, but then again he has a tendency to steal your attention no matter where you are, so maybe Yoongi is onto something.
“I’m not trying to,” you say, taking a deep breath to chase away the lingering heaviness from the lie. “He’s my brother’s best friend.”
“Your brother, who’s conveniently on a semester abroad right now.”
You narrow your gaze at Yoongi, as if glaring at him. “It’s not convenient. I wish he’d never gone.”
This lie tastes even worse than the previous, and you chase its aftertaste with your drink.
“Right. And then you’d never have fucked his best friend.”
You close your eyes, rubbing a hand on your forehead. “It’s such a mess, Yoongi.”
He snorts in his red solo cup. “Why though?”
“Taehyung can’t know.”
“Why?” Yoongi asks again. “You’re adults.”
“Tae doesn’t think that way,” you admit, and a familiar annoyance flashes through you. “He’s always been overbearing. Like, when I was in highschool he scared all the guys away whenever they tried to speak to me.” Not that you would have dated any of them anyway, but Yoongi doesn’t need to know that. “It was annoying. And now, it’s even worse because JK’s his friend.”
“Or maybe he’ll trust his friend to treat you right, no?”
You wish it were that easy. You wish you lived in the utopia Yoongi’s composing right now, but you know reality to be far crueller than that.
“Trust Jungkook?”
Yoongi winces, and you hate the drop of doubt it brings back to you.
It’s the same doubt that had invaded you because of Colton, because of Lisa and Shelly. But then again, you’ve seen Jungkook last weekend. You were there all week with him: you want to believe he’s changed, and for the better.
But would Taehyung see that?
“Anyways,” you say before Yoongi’s able to add anything else. “We were supposed to talk shit about Hobi.”
Yoongi visibly deflates, his eyes dropping to his solo cup as he spins the liquid in it, watching it slosh around. “Yeah.”
“When did he tell you he’s switching colleges?” you ask, as gently as you can.
“Right before you guys got here.”
Damn. You’re friends with Hoseok too, you really are, but you reckon it’s selfish to do something like that to someone at a party when they can’t really do anything. It explains the awkwardness when you arrived though, and for some reason you’re happy you stuck to Yoongi’s side and not Hoseok’s.
You don’t think Hoseok would deserve someone comforting him right now.
“That’s dickish,” you say, and you mean it. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s coming out of nowhere too,” Yoongi adds. He sighs, resting his head against the door. “He seemed to say that it was to follow a professor for an internship but still… It’s weird, no?”
“Where is he going?” you ask.
“He didn’t tell me. Just said that it was far.”
You wince. “Damn. I’m sorry.”
Yoongi shrugs, and he downs his glass, gagging after he’s swallowed. “This is really bad alcohol.”
It’s a bad attempt at switching subjects, and you offer Yoongi a small smile you hope is comforting. “How are you feeling?”
“I’ve had better days,” Yoongi replies, and he sounds infinitely tired. “But thank you for trying to cheer me up tonight. I really appreciate it.”
Your smile is easy, warm this time. “Of course. Anytime.”
You end up staying in that small, impersonal bedroom for a while, the party long forgotten as you chat about everything and nothing. You hadn’t realized before, but you have more in common with Yoongi than you previously thought. You had similar circumstances growing up - that is, fathers leaving when you were too young to even remember them, and older brothers that tried to compensate.
Yoongi tells you about high school, about the first girl he dated. That’s how you learn that he’s bi, and not gay, and you beat yourself up mentally because now you feel like you’ve lied to Jungkook.
Not that it matters - Yoongi has the potential to be a good friend, but he’s not Jungkook.
You don’t know what to make of the thought, so you push it far, far back in your mind, until its whisper is easily ignorable.
“Shit,” Yoongi lets out a while later as he pulls his phone out of his pockets. “We’ve been in here for two hours.”
You widen your gaze, pulling your phone out as well. Your pulse skyrockets when you notice Jungkook tried to call you twice, leaving you a text that makes you hold in a small smile.
[11:46 pm] JK: where are you [11:46 pm] JK: :(
It’s almost thirty minutes later, but you immediately swipe your phone open to reply.
[12:12 am] You: just chilling with yoongi. wanna head home soon?
“I think I’ll go,” Yoongi says, and you look up from your phone to meet his gaze. “I’ve got lots of stuff to do tomorrow.”
You nod. “We should study together Sunday,” you reply as you both push up to your feet, stretching. “I have a lab report to finish.”
Yoongi agrees, and a second later you’re stepping out of the room. You earn a curious look from three girls sitting on the floor near the bathroom, and you offer them a tight-lipped smile as you pass them on your way to the stairs.
The music is still loud when you get to the floor level, people dancing and indulging in alcohol and partying like only college kids know how to do. Part of you still wants to revel, to enjoy the night, but your break away from the party with Yoongi has tired you, and you want to head home.
And maybe part of you wants to head home because it means spending time with Jungkook, but you’d never admit it to anyone.
You hug Yoongi goodbye in the middle of the living room, and then you make your way to the kitchen, hoping to find Jungkook there. You don’t find him, but Ria, Seokjin, Namjoon and Nabi are there, and you inform them that Yoongi left.
“What were you guys doing?” Nabi asks, and you immediately know she’s inebriated by the slur in her speech. “Why were you trying to go to the bathroom?”
A slight blush covers Namjoon’s cheeks as you burst out laughing. “What were you guys doing in the bathroom, mmh?” you counter-back.
Ria bursts out laughing, and Seokjin holds in a laugh, his plump lips curving upwards at the corner as Nabi makes a sound you can’t quite interpret. It just makes you laugh, and she’s quick to follow with, “What about it?”
“Nothing,” you say, shrugging your shoulders innocently. “Just an image I’ll never be able to get out of my mind.”
“Gosh,” Namjoon lets out, and you all laugh again.
“Anyways, I was just cheering Yoongi up,” you say after that, and you’re aware it sounds a little suspicious when four pairs of eyes turn to look at you, eyebrows almost touching. “We talked, that’s it,” you add, raising your hands in defence. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?”
“Hobi got pissed when he learned you guys were hiding somewhere together and he dipped,” Ria reveals. “I think you made him jealous.”
“Oof.” You worry at some dry skin on your bottom lip. “Shit, I’m too sober for this.”
For this being lying to your friends, because you know damn well that Hoseok might indeed be jealous of you, but for spending time with Yoongi. Not the other way around. Your friends don’t know though, so you let Ria tug you to the bar, where the amount of alcohol has drastically diminished since the last time you were here.
You end up throwing back shots with your friend, and she inevitably tugs you on the dancefloor next, and you sway to the beat along with her for a while, until you once more feel buzzed with alcohol.
That’s where Jeon Jungkook finds you, arm carelessly wrapping around your shoulder as he pulls you in, startling you.
“Shit,” you say in his face.
“You don’t answer your phone, mmh?” he lets out.
You think you smell cigarette smoke on his breath, but you’re too drunk from his proximity to really be able to tell. He makes your thoughts swim after all, far too much for you to think about anything other than the fact that he’s close enough you could kiss him, here in the middle of a crowded room.
Would people cheer for you guys, or would you earn snickers? You think it’d be the latter option, considering that he’s Taehyung’s friend, but you don’t care.
“Hey you,” you purr, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“Hey,” he replies.
You can’t help the soft smile that overtakes your features, and he immediately melts, echoing it.
“Want to head home?” you ask him.
Someone loudly clears their throat, and you jump out of Jungkook’s arms, cheeks turning fully red. Ria is watching with a wide grin, and she wiggles her eyebrows when you meet her gaze.
“Fuck off,” you tell her, your whole face burning, and she just laughs at your expense as you walk away, Jungkook in tow.
You make it all the way to the room where you’ve left your coat, grabbing it as Jungkook looks around for his, and you’re outside before he meets you, a confused look on his features.
“Are you mad at me?” he asks, his breath clouding in front of his face.
You watch as it lifts in the air slowly before vanishing in a gust of wind.
“What?” you let out. “No? Why would I be?”
“You ran out like I did something wrong,” he answers, motioning over his shoulder.
You melt. You melt like ice cream on a hot summer day, dripping to the floor with endearment for the man in front of you.
“No, I ran because Ria always puts her nose in stuff she shouldn’t,” you say. You look around, fingers itching to reach for him, but people are smoking closer to the street, and you think you recognize some of his friends in the group.
“You were being obvious, peach,” Jungkook teases, and he winks at you, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coat as he walks down the three steps from the porch to the lawn.
You catch up to him quickly as he heads towards the group, wishing everyone good night. Lisa stares at you as you stand next to Jungkook, and your cheeks heat up once more under that watchful gaze.
Luckily enough for you, Jungkook says his goodbyes quickly, and you’re walking away under a minute later, heading to where he parked his car.
“How come you’re always driving to parties now?” you ask Jungkook. “You could afford an Uber.”
He glances at you, shrugging sheepishly. “Then I wouldn’t have a reason to drive you home.”
“Please,” you let out, rolling your eyes. “We could grab an Uber home together. That way you’d be able to drink.”
He looks behind you, making sure you’re not in sight from the frat house anymore, and then he pulls one of his hands out of his coat, grabbing yours. His hand is warm, large, and it engulfs your own hand easily as he tugs you closer.
“You might hate me for this,” Jungkook starts, “but I promised your brother I’d make sure you’re okay during parties this semester.”
This time, you roll your eyes so far back that you think they might get stuck. “He did not ask that of you.”
“He did,” Jungkook insists.
“That’s bullshit.” You sigh loudly, slightly shaking your head. “Even when he’s gone he’s still annoying.”
Jungkook laughs, the sound like a warm blanket wrapped around you. “But yeah, he just asked me to make sure you’re okay, and I got used to not drinking as much at parties.”
“On behalf of Taehyung, I’m sorry.”
He tugs you even closer, and you trip on a crack in the sidewalk. He catches you before you fall, hands finding your waist to steady you. “Careful,” he says. “And don’t apologize, I really don’t mind.”
You pout, but you fall silent, just enjoying the feel of Jungkook’s hand in yours. You reach his car a few minutes later and, ever so the gentleman, Jungkook holds the door open for you.
You cock an eyebrow, looking back at him with a small smile on your lips as you’re about to get in. “You only opened the door for me ‘cause you want to look at my ass, didn’t you?” you tease.
He laughs, loud and clear, before pushing you in. “Shut up, peach.”
A smile tickles the corner of your lips, like it permanently seems to do when it comes to Jungkook, and then you sit in the car. He shuts the door before making his way to the driver’s side, and a second later, he’s sliding in, offering you a smirk that makes your cheeks burn.
“What?” you let out.
“So what if I just want to look at your ass?” he says, turning the key in the engine. The car purrs to life as Jungkook adds, “You’ve got a really nice ass, especially in those pants.”
You feel all warm and tingly inside, and you roll your eyes as you look away from him. It only makes him chuckle, and then he starts driving, heading towards the home you share. The first minute is spent in silence, the music on the radio low, and you only realize that Jungkook has something on his mind when you glance at him to see him pulling on his piercings with his teeth.
“What’s wrong?” you immediately ask.
“You were with that guy for a long time,” he answers, and his eyes dart to you before returning to the street.
“Yoongi?” you say, though you obviously know that he means Yoongi. “Yeah, he’s a friend.”
“A friend?” Jungkook echoes.
You hum, nodding your head. “He’s actually fucking Hobi so…”
Jungkook’s gaze widens, and he glances at you. “Hobi? Isn’t that the guy you were fucking?”
“He was,” you say, and you laugh at his expression, dead in the middle of jealousy and surprise. It’s a funny look on his features, though the second you laugh, it melts away, replaced by tender endearment. “He actually started fucking Yoongi during the power outage, and we ended things there.”
Jungkook doesn’t reply, but you see a muscle feathering under the skin of his jaw. He looks angry, and could he even be… jealous?
“Are you jealous?” you ask, unable to keep the amusement from your voice.
“I’m not,” Jungkook says, voice so stern you know for a fact that he definitely is jealous.
“You are!” you insist, and you burst out laughing. “Jeon Jungkook is jealous because I used to fuck someone else.”
“I’m not!” Jungkook repeats, louder this time. “I’m not fucking jealous.”
You smirk, eyes sparkling with mischief, and you pat his thigh. “Don’t worry. You’re the only one I want to fuck now.”
“Is that why you spent your evening locked up in a bedroom with some other guy?” he asks, and you hear the jealousy in his voice, clear as day this time.
“Gosh, JK,” you say teasingly, and you turn towards him, fully facing him. “You’re so jealous.”
He pushes your hand away from where you’d left it on his thigh. “Fuck off.”
You widen your gaze, bursting out laughing a second later. And then, just to piss him off further, you lean closer to him, pressing a kiss on his cheek while your seatbelt tries to pull you back to your seat.
“You’re adorable.”
He makes a non-committal sound as you sit back in your seat, and you return your hand to his thigh, squeezing once. This time he lets you do it, parting his legs slightly so that his thigh is in easier reach for you.
You lean your head against the headrest, eyes searching his profile. He’s just toying with his piercings again, and he looks heavenly in the neon light of the streetlights, the orange glow painting him in a beautiful picture. You sigh, and he glances at you long enough for his eyes to meet yours.
You fall for him. You’ve already been falling for him, inevitably, but there’s something about the way he’s looking at you right now that makes you fall irreversibly.
“I want you,” you say, voice breathy.
Jungkook’s car comes to a halt at a red light, and he looks at you again. “Right now?”
You nod, and your hand finds his thigh again. “Shouldn’t I prove to you that you’ve got nothing to worry about?”
“I’m driving, peach.”
You shrug. “Then better keep your eyes on the road.”
Your words turned him on. You’d expected it, yet when you move your hand up, fingers grazing his dick, your throat dries out.
He’s already getting hard.
“You think you can drive while I suck your dick?”
“Peach,” Jungkook says sternly. “We’re almost home.”
“Just keep driving,” you innocently reply, batting your eyelashes.
He rolls his eyes, yet he goes forward when the light turns green instead of turning left like he was supposed to. You bite your lower lip, desire flushing through you as warmth pools at your core.
“You act so tough, but you folded so easily,” you tease, feeling brattier than you’ve ever felt with him.
Maybe because you’re starting to realize the power that you have over Jeon Jungkook, and it’s getting to your head.
“Don’t make me regret, peach,” he warns, voice low and gravelly.
You wet your lips, tilting your head to the side. “Or what?”
“Or I’m driving you home and not fucking you tonight.”
His threat falls flat - the second the words are out of his mouth you caress his length through his pants, and he instinctively bucks his hips.
“Careful,” you let out. “Wouldn’t want to get in an accident.”
He just clenches his jaw as you start working on the button of his jeans. He shifts, allowing you easier access, though it’s still awkward from the sitting position and his seatbelt. Soon enough you manage to get the button undone, and then you unzip his pants.
“Think someone’s going to see us?” you ask as you slide your hand in his pants, gripping his dick over the fabric of his boxers once.
He sits heavily in your hand, already fully hard, and your mouth waters.
Jeon Jungkook has a lot of power over you, too.
“Not if I can find an empty parking lot,” he says, voice breathy when you stroke him. “Under the boxers, please.”
“Jeon Jungkook, saying please?” you tease, cocking an eyebrow. “I’ll get used to this.”
“Don’t.” His eyes flutter shut for a few seconds when you manage to slide your hand into his boxers, and you let out a breathy sound at the feeling of his soft skin.
“Shit, Jungkook.”
“You’re already so hard.”
He chuckles. “You turn me on a lot, peach.”
You like to hear it, so much so that you free his dick from his pants, as much as you possibly can from the angle.
“Clearly,” you say as you eye the bead of precum forming on his slit. You swipe your thumb on it, smearing it on his tip.
Jungkook’s grip tightens on the wheel, but he remains silent this time around as he pulls the car into a parking lot. Though it’s not fully empty, he heads to a dark corner, where the lone streetlight died so that he can quickly park the car as you slowly jerk him.
“I thought you’d drive around while I sucked you,” you tease, unbuckling your seat belt.
His eyes are dark, dangerous, as he casts them on you. “I want to be able to appreciate every second of you choking on my dick, peach.”
You smirk, and you bend down, swirling your tongue around him once. “Yeah?”
He grunts as you suck on his tip, and he reclines his seat, pushing his pants down just enough to fully free his dick. “Yeah.”
You suck once again. “Good boy.”
His large hands find your hair as you swirl your tongue around him, and he pulls it back in a ponytail so that he can watch you work on him, though you’re keen on teasing him more than anything right now.
You want to see how a frustrated Jungkook fucks.
“Just for you,” he replies as you lightly suck his tip once more.
You move to the side, peppering open mouthed kisses all along his shaft, and then some more on his thigh. You suck a hickey there, a dark, purple mark, and Jungkook curses under his breath.
“Stop teasing,” he says through gritted teeth as you lick the mark.
“Or what?”
You look up to meet his gaze as your tongue toys with his slit. His precum is salty in your mouth, and the frustration building up in his gaze turns your insides to pure lava.
You’re burning for him. Truly burning - you’ve caught fire and you don’t think it can be extinguished.
“Why are you such a brat?” he asks, though he doesn’t sound inquisitive. He rather sounds whiny, like he wants you to stop but some part of him is thrilled.
Or maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s you and your desire for him that’s clouding your mind, like it usually always does.
You go back to his dick, licking your way up and teasing his slit at the top. You then close your mouth around him, give him a tentative suck that makes him buck his hips. You want to pull away, to be more of a brat, but his large hand shifts to the back of your head to hold you in place. You whine, but then he slowly fucks up into your mouth, and it turns into a moan, your eyes watering when he hits the back of your throat.
“See,” he lets out breathlessly. “I know you can take me.”
If you weren’t gone before, you truly are now, and you abandon yourself to the desire you feel for him. You take the lead, bobbing your head up and down as you jerk him off too, making sure every inch of his dick is pleasured. He’s a grunting mess over you, his hand still fisting some of your hair, though he’s thrown his head back and isn’t watching anymore.
You go down, hollowing your cheeks around him, and then slowly come up. You’ve been sloppy, and your spit is a natural lube on his dick as you stop at the tip, swirling your tongue around him.
“Peach,” he says, voice low.
You let go of his dick, meeting his gaze. He looks at you through half-lidded eyes, his gaze dark with lust.
“Mmh?” you let out.
“I really want you right now.”
You don’t need to be told more. You climb on top of him, careful not to press your ass on the honk of his car, and you kiss him rough, your teeth almost clashing as your mouths collide. Jungkook grunts against you, his hands immediately finding your hips, and you moan when he sucks on your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth.
“Do you have condoms?” you ask as he moves to your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down the column of your throat.
You lose your hands in his hair as he sucks on the spot where your neck connects with your shoulder. And then he pauses, lifting an apologetic look to you.
“We used the condom last week,” he reminds you.
In New York.
You groan, hiding your face in his neck. “Are you saying we have to drive all the way home now?”
He wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Or you finish me off here?” he suggests.
You throw him a stern look that makes him laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners. Your heart warms in your chest, chasing away the lust, and all you’re left with are the feelings that have been brewing in you for weeks, feelings you don’t dare name right now.
“Get back in your seat, I’ll drive us home.”
You pout, and he pecks your lips once. You can’t help the soft smile that grows on your features, and you climb off from him, sitting back in the passenger seat.
A second later you’re pulling out in the street, Jungkook having put his pants back on, and he grabs your hand where it rests on your thigh as he drives. It’s intimate somehow, even more so intimate than you sucking his dick a second ago, and you spend the drive admiring him, wondering how it is that you got so lucky when it comes to him.
He opens the door for you once he’s parked the car near your apartment, and he shuts it behind you before grabbing your hand again, pulling you behind him as you walk home. He unlocks the front door, and then you’re in, engulfed by the gentle warmth of your apartment.
There’s a beat of silence as you exchange a look, the air filling with electricity. With the knowledge of what’s about to happen - your blood heats up in your veins, bringing back the arousal that had clouded the car just a few minutes ago.
“You know,” Jungkook lets out, and he takes a step closer to you, towering over you. “It was my first time getting sucked in my car.”
For some reason it surprises you. You didn’t think Jungkook had many firsts left, yet in a week you’ve done two of them with him.
“It was?”
He nods, and he grabs your jaw to tilt your head back, his grip gentle yet firm. “And you were so good to me, mmh?” You reckon you were a brat, and maybe you should remind him, but when he adds, “Should I be good to you now?”, you only nod. He laughs, saying, “Yeah?”
It’s all you have time to say before he’s crashing his lips on yours, and he swallows the breathy sound you instinctively let out. His hand falls to your waist, pulling you in, while yours do quick work of pushing his coat off his shoulders. He helps you by taking it off, and you both don’t care to put it in the closet, not when his tongue is in your mouth and he’s turning into the oxygen in your lungs.
Taking off your shoes prove to be awkward, as you’re both reluctant to disconnect from the kiss, but it’s oh so worth it once you manage to free your feet from the shoes, and then Jungkook picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he pushes you against the door.
You wrap your arms around his neck, sucking on his tongue when he pushes it in your mouth again, and he grunts, grinding into you.
“You make me insane,” he says against your mouth, and then he pulls away to suck another mark on your neck.
You pull at his hair, and he retaliates by grinding his hips into yours again. “I really want you, Kook,” you say, the nickname slipping from your mouth.
Jungkook pulls back, just enough so that his gaze can meet yours. “What did you just call me?”
Though your heart is beating so loud you can barely hear your thoughts, you manage to recall, repeating, “Kook?”
“Say it again.”
The intensity in his gaze is not one you can shield from, and you find yourself lacking any defiance. “Kook,” you repeat, softer this time.
“Shit, please always call me that.”
When his soft lips find yours again, you sigh, and he pulls away from the door to carry you to his room, his mouth barely disconnecting just long enough for him to focus on opening the door. He walks in, not bothering to kick the door shut, and he puts you down on his bed, his lips disconnecting just long enough for him to take off his shirt before he’s climbing over top of you, his mouth seeking yours.
You run your hands along his warm skin, appreciating the muscles in his back as he shifts, nails lightly grazing him. He grinds into you in retaliation, and you moan in his mouth, a sound he swallows like a starved man.
Jungkook kneels between your legs, and despite the fact that he didn’t turn the lights on, you still take a moment to admire him in the dim light filtering in from the windows. His big, doe eyes are narrowed softly, like he’s holding in a smile, and he gently runs a hand up your arm before pulling you to a sitting position.
He takes off your coat, eyes never leaving yours - like he’s lost in your gaze the same way that you’re lost in his - and then he takes care of your shirt, throwing it somewhere on the floor. He plays with his piercings as he takes in the sight of your breasts, nipples perked.
“Not wearing a bra?” he teases, and he pinches one of your nipples.
You moan softly, and he pushes you back down so that he can bend and wrap his lips around your other nipple, tongue teasing at the sensitive bud.
“Is there something wrong with that?” you ask once he’s lifted your head from your breast.
“No. Just made me realize that I should have fucked you at the party.”
You bite your lower lip. “You should have.”
“Then everyone would know how good I make you feel, mmh?” he says, and then he starts going down your body, pressing kisses along the column of your neck, and then on your collarbone. Your breasts come next, and he takes his time worshipping them while you tug at his hair, just enough for him to grunt against you.
When he gets tired of your breasts, Jungkook moves lower, pressing gentle kisses on your abdomen, up until he reaches the band of your pants. He looks up then, meeting your gaze seeking consent, and you offer it to him with a nod of your head.
It doesn’t take him more to go lower, and he kisses your clit over your pants. You let out a breathy sound, and he kneels so that he can take off your pants, pulling your panties down at the same time.
You’re dripping wet. You’ve been dripping wet since you sucked him in his car, and Jungkook watches your juices glistening as he pulls on his lip piercings. “Shit, peach. You’re fucking soaked.”
“I know,” you let out.
“So, so good to me,” he whispers to himself, and then he dives in, licking up from your entrance to your clit, where he swirls his tongue against the sensitive bud.
You become a moaning and writhing mess as he eats you out, as his tongue presses expert circles around your clit. He starts fingering you at the same time, scissoring motions fighting against your walls as they instinctively tighten around him, yet Jungkook doesn’t falter.
He never does. He never falters, is always good to you. It’s no wonder you start riding the wave towards an orgasm in no time, the pressure on your clit just enough to keep you on edge without pushing you over. You try to grind into his mouth, but he pushes you back down, one large hand on your stomach.
“Just let me please you, mmh?” he says against you.
And then he truly goes in, his tongue flat against your clit as he moves his head from side to side, his fingers curling perfectly inside of you. The orgasm hits like a train, and your vision turns white as your walls pulse around his digits.
Jungkook milks the orgasm out of you, making sure you’re truly spent before sitting back on his heels. You look at him through blissed, half-lidded eyes, and he palms himself over his pants, getting up to take off the rest of his clothes a few seconds later. He stands there for a time, his dick rock hard, and then he walks over to his night table to grab a condom.
A moment later he’s back between your legs, rubbing his dick up and down your folds to collect your juice.
“Ready?” he asks.
You’re still high from the orgasm, so you just nod your head once, eyes fluttering shut as he pushes inside of you and you let out a broken moan. He grips your waist, fingers ever so slightly pushing into the supple skin as he seats all of himself inside of you, and then he gives one thrust, pushing back out and then in in a swift motion.
“Peach,” he grunts, and his thumbs shift on your skin, like he’s caressing your sides.
“Mmh?” you let out.
He doesn’t move for a time, and your eyes slide open to meet his gaze. The intensity behind his pupils nearly undoes you, making you reach towards him until he lets go of your waist to grab your hand instead. He leans forward, holding your hand over your head, and then he steals a quick kiss on your lips.
“Let me know if I hurt you?” he says against your mouth.
You kiss him again for good measures, and then whisper, “Don’t worry, I can take it.”
“Fuck,” he curses, and then he starts fucking you, slowly yet deep, his dick infinitely hard inside of you.
He keeps at it for a time, his forehead resting against yours as he fucks you passionately, taking in the breathy sounds you make. Your free hand finds his waist, as if you can urge him to go faster, yet he resists, just keeping that same slow and steady beat.
He lifts his head, pecks your forehead and then says, “Ready?”
“Yeah,” is all you have time to say before everything changes and he starts pounding into you unforgivingly.
You hold on to his shoulders, nails digging in his skin as his head hangs low. He grunts directly in your ear as he fucks you, the sounds he makes almost pornographic. It’s hot, deadly so, but then again you think everything he does is hot.
You’re a goner for him. For your brother’s best friend, for someone you can’t truly have. It sobers you, and Jungkook seems to notice the shift in your attitude because he stills inside of you, raising his head to meet your gaze.
“Are you okay?” he gently asks.
His big, doe eyes are filled with concern for you, with so much emotion you think you might drown. You cup his cheek, taking it all in.
Maybe you truly can give it a chance.
“I think I’m falling for you,” you breathe.
He doesn’t move for a while, doesn’t even blink, but then he grins. He grins, and you think you’ve never seen something as beautiful as him.
“Then that makes two of us,” he whispers, and then he’s kissing you languidly, his hips resuming their motions, though they’re slower this time, closer to what it was like at the beginning.
You love it all the same, holding him as close to you as you can, kissing him back with every little treacherous emotion you don’t want to name.
He really is too good to be true.
“I’m going to come,” he whispers against your mouth, and he sounds slightly surprised.
Like he didn’t think he could come from gentler, softer sex like what you’re partaking in right now. Yet you react accordingly, pulling on his hair just enough to sting.
“Yeah?” you let out.
“Fuck,” he grunts.
“Fucking come for me, Kook.”
The nickname unleashes him, and he pounds into you, chasing his high as you rake your nails on his back. A few deep thrusts later he’s coming, slamming to the hilt as his dick twitches inside of you, and he kisses you again, grunts and groans in your mouth as you take it all in, your walls pulsing around him like you’re coming too.
It takes you both a while to come down from the high, and Jungkook doesn’t move, stays there with his forehead resting against yours as you breathe in the same air. Your hands run up and down his back in soothing motions despite the thin sheen of sweat covering him, and he occasionally presses soft pecks on your lips that you immediately reciprocate.
Eventually the moment passes, and Jungkook slips out of you to lie down next to you instead, though he stays close, nuzzling his face in your neck as he rests his hand on your stomach. You feel safe, warm, and you wish the world could stop right now. You wish you could stay here, forever.
And tonight you reckon you’re foolish enough to believe you might.
Prev | Chapter 9.5 | Next
these two are so obsessed with each other, help :') hope you guys liked this chapter! Let me know what you think!!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
#chasing cars ch 9#jungkook smut#jungkook angst#jungkook fluff#jungkook x you#jungkook x reader#jungkook fic#jungkook#jjk smut#jjk angst#jjk fluff#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk fic#jjk#jeon jungkook#btswritersclub#chasing cars#chasing cars series
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I don’t know who it should be.
But I need a pervy roommate fic with a JJK man.
It’s so necessary to better our society.
- 🪞
nonnie ur so right and for whatever reason this is screaming choso to me
warnings: 18+ MDNI, virgin!choso, masturbation mention (m + f), sex toy use (m + f), jealousy, panty theft, slight voyeurism?, lovesick choso.
words: .8k
You love Choso, you always have. People often think he’s a loser because he’s so quiet. But you know better. He’s your best friend, after all! You’re joined at the hip, too. That’s why when you got to college, you saw it as a perfect opportunity to live together.
He regrets it, though.
He doesn’t regret getting to spend each and everyday with you. In fact, he hates it when you’re apart. He loves it when you finish classes and come home to study with him, helping you stay focused and on track while you sit beside him.
He loves it when you’re sleepy. You’ll rest your head on his shoulder while you’re doing your coursework or watching a movie together on the couch and drift off to sleep so suddenly. He loves how sweet you always smell when you’re so close to him. Like perfume and chocolate, you’ve always had a sweet tooth.
What he does hate, however, is when you bring guys home.
He can admit, it’s rare. Boys aren’t at the top of your list of priorities, but even you sometimes need a release. What he hates most is the boys that you pick. They’re all useless and never make you cum. Your pornographic moans are as fake as the majority of the videos he sees online. Loud and overcompensating as you pander to the men you bestow the honour of enjoying the heaven he can only imagine between your legs.
Choso is a virgin, but he knows he could make you cum for real.
He knows you fake it because when your partners leave, he always hears the gentle buzz of your vibrator whirring as you sink it between your dripping folds.
And the sound of your real moans are like a symphony. It’s a sound he could recite from memory because he thinks of it so often. He imagines the grey head of your wand harshly vibrating against your clit. He knows it’s grey, because he snuck into your room with the sole purpose of finding it.
Invading your privacy is wrong, sure, but he needed a better mental image of what you do to yourself so that he can imagine it clearly when he gets off. He even tried it himself, teasing his length and his tip until he quickly doused your toy in hot white sperm.
He cleaned it after, of course, but it really gets him off knowing he’s stained your favourite toy, and you use it on yourself almost every day.
He loves how you didn’t question him when your favourite pair of panties went missing. Why would he take them? Well, the answer to that is simple. Because he knew you’d failed to remove them when you masturbated one day and went in the shower right after. The sticky seat of your panties smelt and tasted like heaven.
He came into them again and again and again until he had nothing left to give. You didn’t even blink when you found them in your underwear drawer, fresh and clean, and put them on the very next day.
He wished they were dirty, though. The thought of you walking around all day with his kids rubbing against your pussy lips made him harder than you could begin to imagine.
One day he’ll confess his feelings to you, and you’ll experience all of the love and pleasure he has to offer. But for now, being your perverted roommate is enough. Of course sinking his cock into your pretty cunt would be better than fucking his fist.
But he can’t deny the sick sort of pleasure he gets from you being so clueless.
Clueless about what a perv he is.
© 2023 rinhaler
#💌 — luxe mail#📨 — requests#🪞 anon#choso x reader#choso x you#choso smut#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk smut#choso kamo x reader#choso kamo smut#choso kamo x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen smut#anime smut#female reader#sub reader#jjk x fem!reader#tw jealousy#tw voyeurism
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scotty doesn’t know - e.m. iii.

eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: cheating, lil sprinkle of angst, shitty (ex) boyfriend behavior, some major fucking CHEESE (sorry if ur lactose intolerant), reader is the ultimate tease, dom!eddie, light bondage, degradation kink, oral (m receiving), ass/pussy spanking, multiple orgasms, unprotected piv sex, cream pie
series masterlist
based on scotty doesn’t know by lustra
a/n: honestly about to dedicate my entire life and blog to @strangerstilinski because i couldn’t have gotten this one done without her help. also thank you everyone who has been so incredibly patient with me, i hope you enjoy xx.
word count: 8.2k
The weekend had come and gone way too fast.
And now Monday was staring you right in the face, and with it— a very important decision.
You spent the rest of your weekend with Eddie, cuddling, talking and just enjoying each other's company. For those two days you were in your own little world together and you honestly never wanted it to end. But realistically you knew you had to go home and return back to your reality.
A reality where you belonged to someone else.
Your parents were absolutely livid by the time you returned home late Sunday evening, getting the biggest lecture of your life after Eddie had dropped you off. To add fuel to the fire, Scott had been calling your house nonstop since Saturday morning, much to your parents' annoyance. But that was a conversation you weren’t ready to have just yet.
Especially not over the phone.
You tossed and turned all night, desperately trying to figure out what you were going to say to him.
Monday was going to be rough, you knew that. But the thought of being able to finally show everyone who your heart really belonged to made things a little easier. You hadn’t exactly let Eddie know of your plans to dump your boyfriend the following day but he could tell something was up.
From the way you kissed him goodbye in his van, right out in the open for anyone to see, including your parents. And the look you gave him as you glanced over your shoulder before continuing up your driveway. It gave him a spark of hope that maybe this wasn’t just a silly fling to you either.
You got ready that morning with shaky hands, tucking one of Eddie’s band tees into your Levi’s. The male had let you wear it home the previous day, mostly because he enjoyed the sight of you in his clothes a little too much. You fiddle with the belt loop of your jeans as you stare at your reflection.
A mixture of nerves and excitement swirled in your belly as you took in your appearance, smoothing your sweaty palms over your thighs.
You can do this.
You take one final look before grabbing your backpack and bound down the stairs with a newfound pep in your step. You can’t help the goofy smile from spreading across your face as you think of seeing Eddie, and it makes all this seem a little easier. You all but ignore the curious looks from your parents as you bolt out the front door.
They hadn’t seen you this happy in months.
But as you drive to school, those pesky nerves begin to creep back in as you pass Scott’s jeep. You will your heart rate to slow as you search for a parking spot. A sense of relief fills your chest when you notice one just a few spots down from a very particular van. Your hands shake as you pull the key from the ignition, taking a moment to collect yourself before you head inside.
You try to ignore the curious eyes of your peers as you enter the school, knowing the events of the previous Friday were still fresh in their minds. And you reach your locker without incident, quickly yanking it open to put away your textbooks. You keep your head down as you walk to your first class, part of you was just waiting for Scott to sneak up on you.
Oddly enough you hadn’t seen him or Eddie all morning, which was extremely unusual. By now Scott would've walked you to first class and you’d be spending your second period study hall with Eddie. So seeing neither of them had your mind racing, and your anxiety spiking.
Had Scott figured it out? Did he confront Eddie?
A pit begins to form in your stomach at the thought, and you don’t think you could ever forgive yourself if Eddie was hurt because of you. You’re so wrapped up in your own head that you don’t notice someone beginning to approach you. A look of determination on their face.
“I need to talk to you.”
The voice startles you, panic rises in your throat as your eyes lift. You are expecting to meet Scott’s icy glare, or the warmth of Eddie’s gaze. But instead, you are met with the soft but stern cerulean of Dustin Henderson.
“Me?” you ask softly, glancing around you before back at the younger male.
“Yes you,” he huffs in annoyance.
“What could you possibly need to talk to me about?” you keep your tone hushed as he takes the empty chair across from you.
“I know you think you’re fooling everyone, but you aren’t fooling me.”
You’re stunned into silence for a moment, fingers gripping the arm of the chair as he raises a brow at you.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t bullshit me, I know you’re sneaking around with Eddie,” he snaps.
Your heart leaps into your throat, mouth drying as Dustin continues to glower at you. A sting of betrayal suddenly fills your chest, and you feel foolish for even thinking Eddie would actually keep this secret between you.
But maybe he was just like Scott, who loved to brag about his sexual conquests to all his friends.
“He wasn’t supposed to tell—”
“He didn’t.” Dustin cuts you off, taking off his hat to run a frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m just not blind.”
You both sit in silence for a moment then, feeling even more confused than you were when he initially sat down.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
Dustin sighs, folding his hands together before he meets your gaze again.
“Eddie doesn’t know I'm here right now and honestly, he’d probably kill me if he did know.” The male winces slightly, before he continues. “But I am through with sitting around and watching one of my best friend’s hearts get stomped on.”
“Dustin, that’s not—”
He holds up his hand to cut you off, shaking his head.
“Just let me finish.”
So you hold your tongue, despite wanting to tell this kid that he has it all wrong.
“Eddie’s a good guy, one of the best I've ever known. And over the past couple of months we’ve all seen a change in him, he’s happier.”
That thought warmed your heart.
“But I can also see how all this is weighing on him. You may not notice it, but it’s definitely there.”
A lump has formed in your throat, watching in silence as the younger boy stands and slings his backpack over his shoulder. He glances at you once more, that look of disdain still written across his features.
“Now I know I can’t tell you what to do, but Eddie doesn’t deserve to be someone’s secret.”
And without a glance back in your direction, you’re alone again.
Fourth period.
The moment you’ve been waiting for and simultaneously dreading since Sunday evening. It was the only class you shared with Scott, and while you’d been able to avoid him most of the day— it was time to face the music.
When you step into the classroom, he is already seated in his usual spot in the back corner of the room. The empty desk beside him is practically calling your name.
But your whole body freezes when his eyes meet yours expectantly. And as he begins to wave you over, you make a beeline to the opposite side of the classroom. You keep your eyes low as you find an empty seat, chewing nervously on your lower lip.
When you flip open your notebook, you hear the familiar squeak of sneakers in front of you. Your eyes slowly lift to reveal the hardened features of your boyfriend. His jaw is set in a grimace, and he rests his knuckles harshly on the front of your desk.
“Babe, we need to talk.”
But before you have the chance to reply, Mrs. Jones enters the classroom in a flurry. The bell rings immediately after, signaling the start of class. And it’s hard to tell whether the abrupt noise or his harsh glare causes you to flinch in your seat. She claps her hands to attention then, but Scott still doesn’t move.
“Mr. McGuire, take your seat now.”
He merely scoffs before he stalks away, returning to his own seat. Feeling defeated, you slump down in your chair. Any confidence you’d had this morning seemed to dissolve under his angry gaze. The rest of the class period goes by in a daze, as you can’t seem to focus on anything besides the daggers that Scott has been throwing your way the entire hour.
Once the final bell rings, you shoot up from your seat so fast you nearly take a couple other students in your rush. You practically sprint to your locker, hoping to make it to the lunchroom before Scott can corner you.
But you underestimated his speed, especially when he was sober.
His hand suddenly slams your locker door shut, and he backs you into the cool metal. He leans his palm against the line of lockers, closing you in completely. There was no way you could escape him now.
“What is going on with you? Why are you being such a frigid bitch?” he seethes.
You can’t help but wince at the insult, shrinking under his increasingly angry gaze. People were beginning to stare, causing more nerves to twist in your gut. This was a much more interesting sight than anything the cafeteria had to offer. And while you hated the attention, you knew you had to do this.
Just like ripping off a bandaid.
“I want to break up.”
He clearly wasn’t expecting that, confusion quickly replacing the anger on his features. You let out the sigh you didn’t realize you were holding, relief filling your chest as you finally spoke the words aloud.
Scott runs a hand through his dark locks, pulling away from you ever so slightly.
“You want to break up?” his voice raises, “Why? Is this about that stupid fucking party?”
You knew it wouldn’t be that easy, he wouldn’t just agree and walk away. While you had tried to prepare yourself for what you wanted to say all night, your brain was struggling to string any words together.
You rub your temples, trying to prolong the inevitable but the male could only take your silence for so long.
“Well?!” he shouts.
You take a shaky breath as you square your shoulders, attempting to feign some kind of confidence. Dustin’s words from earlier echoing in your ears. He doesn’t deserve to be someone’s secret. The sea of students had only begun to grow in the past few minutes but you don’t notice that Eddie was amongst them.
“I don’t love you, and quite frankly I don’t think I ever did.”
You could hear a pin drop.
“You're an arrogant, selfish prick. And honestly, I just can’t keep doing this anymore…” you pause, now meeting his stormy eyes.
“Especially when my heart belongs to someone else.”
If you thought Scott was angry before, you hadn’t seen anything yet.
His hand suddenly slams into the locker next to your head, causing you to shrink instantly. While he’s never been violent towards you before, you aren’t entirely surprised by it. It was just in his nature.
“So you cheated on me? Is that what you’re saying?”
Before you can get another word in, you hear the familiar clearing of a throat. And a ringed hand reaches out to harshly tug the male away from you.
“You just don’t learn do you, Scotty?”
Eddie is beyond fuming as he shoves Scott back into the lockers before the male can properly react. And while Scott wasn’t the smartest guy, he quickly seemed to put two and two together.
He looked between you and Eddie before he started laughing.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Munson? You’re fucking the freak?”
You instantly turn on defense mode, entirely fed up with his treatment of him. Before you can stop yourself, you copy Eddie’s actions and shove Scott back into the lockers. Surprise crosses both of the males' features at your actions, knowing you were never a violent or angry person.
But everyone has their limits and you’ve just hit yours.
“Yeah, and he fucks me so well too. Eddie here actually knows how to make a girl come— but I can’t say the same for you, McGuire.”
An astounding ‘oooh’ resonates through the crowd at your words.
Scott’s cheeks are flushed from a mixture of embarrassment and anger. No one has ever stood up to him like this before and he’s suddenly at a loss for words. Eddie is grinning like a mad man, clapping excitedly before he wraps his arms around your waist. You welcome his embrace, leaning back further against his chest.
Scott just stares at the two of you, gritting his teeth as you smile sweetly.
“Now, I think we’re done here. Let’s go, Eddie.”
The metalhead willingly lets you drag him away, only your destination wasn’t the cafeteria anymore.
You pull him into the nearest empty hallway, shoving him up against the wall and locking your lips together. Eddie eagerly accepts your advances, fingers lacing through the loop of your jeans to keep you pressed against him.
Adrenaline is pumping through your veins, making every touch of his skin feel like a live wire.
You curse softly as you realize you’ve been caught, and quickly glance over your shoulder.
Mr. Mundy looks between the two of you with a deep sigh, “Now come on, you know the rules. Break it up or you’re both getting detention.”
You unwillingly pull yourself away from him and lean against the brick wall beside him. A glance out of the corner of your eye shows how the male is biting back a grin.
“Try not to infect your girlfriend with your delinquency, alright?” Mr. Mundy gives you both a disgruntled look before heading back into his classroom.
Once the door shuts behind him, Eddie lets out a soft chuckle and coaxes you back into his arms.
“Y’hear that? Girlfriend,” he teases, wiggling his brows but the title makes your stomach flutter nonetheless. “Didn’t even ask me out on a proper date though, sweetheart. I’m offended.”
He laughs as you playfully pinch his side, shaking your head fondly. You lean your forehead against his chest, letting yourself indulge in the scent of his cologne.
“Did you really mean what you said back there?” he says after a while.
The sudden change of tone has you lifting your head, gazing up at him curiously. Eddie pulls you in even closer, letting his hands rest on the curve of your waist.
“That your heart belongs to me?” he prods.
You look down at your feet shyly, not realizing that he had heard that part of the conversation. Eddie doesn’t let your gaze wander for long though, as he gently tips your head back up to meet his.
“Yes, I meant it,” your voice shakes, your nerves getting the best of you.
But the look that flits over his features has your heart skipping a beat and butterflies erupting in your belly.
“All mine?” he questions, nervously licking his lips as he awaits your answer.
“All yours, Eddie.”
Being Eddie Munson’s official girlfriend is more than anything you could’ve dreamt about.
While sneaking around with him was fun in the moment, the amount he wanted to show you off made your heart sing. You had never felt so wanted or taken care of in your entire life.
But it wasn’t always easy, as graduation continued to grow closer the two of you barely had any alone time together. Between Hellfire, band practice and constant cramming for finals— time was not on your side.
But busy schedules be damned, you both manage to carve out enough time for a date at Benny’s.
“The usual, kids?”
Benny calls from the kitchen with a grin as you both take a seat in your normal booth. The diner had quickly become your favorite place for date nights, in your opinion they had the best food in town. Despite Eddie’s futile attempts to take you to Enzo’s, you prefer the easy going atmosphere of the small diner much more.
“Nah, just two chocolate milkshakes and an order of fries. We only got a few minutes before this one abandons me for prom shit with Wheeler,” Eddie teases.
You can’t help but pout, nudging his foot under the table.
“Says the one who abandoned me for movie night with Henderson yesterday.”
What you aren’t aware of though is how Dustin was actually helping Eddie pick out a tux and tie for prom. Laughing hysterically as the older boy panicked over what color tie would match perfectly with your dress.
Benny watches you both playfully bicker back and forth, shaking his head fondly. He brings out your order a few minutes later and unable to contain your excitement any further, you grab a fry and dip it directly into your milkshake.
Eddie’s lips freeze around the straw, gazing at you in absolute bewilderment when he pretends to gag.
“Sweetheart, that’s disgusting.”
You roll your eyes at his theatrics, taking a bite out of the fry before dipping it back in.
“You really shouldn’t knock it till you try it, Ed,” you say in a sing-song tone as your boyfriend urgently pulls the basket of fries away from you.
“Yeah— no way. I’m not doing that, you’re pretty sick in the head, baby,” he muses between bites of a plain fry. “Shit… and people call me a freak?”
You stifle a giggle as you lean forward, stealing the half eaten fry from between his fingers. You dunk it back into your milkshake and pop it in your mouth with a soft but exaggerated moan.
Eddie shifts slightly in his seat, his cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. It was almost too easy to get him so worked up. You ignore the warning look he shoots your way as you reach for another fry.
“Come on, just try it.”
You scoop as much of the shake onto the fry as possible, holding it towards him. The male just shakes his head, leaning back against the cracked leather of the booth.
“You know, I don’t know if this is gonna work out between us, doll face,” he chuckles, watching as the chocolate cream begins to drip down your fingers.
His petulance continues but you’re still trying to goad him into taking a bite, dangling it in front of his scrunched nose, inching closer and closer. All in an effort to tempt him. You watch patiently, waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip it between his pouty lips.
“This level of blasphemy might be crossing a line, even for me—”
Before he can finish his thought, there’s lukewarm milkshake and salt smeared across his cheek and the corner of his mouth.
Eddie sits in shock for a moment before you burst into a fit of giggles at his expression.
“Oh, you are asking for it now, baby,” he taunts.
You are unprepared as he dips two of his fingers into his own glass, reaching forward to smear the sticky chocolate across your cheek. You gasp when the male leans forward, mischief sparkling in his eyes. His tongue darts out, causing a loud squeal to escape you as he licks the milkshake from your cheek.
“Eddie, that’s gross,” you whine as you reach out to steady the glass before he dumps milkshake everywhere.
“Hm, you didn’t seem to find it that gross when it was buried inside your—”
You toss a fry at him before he can finish that sentence, hitting him square in the forehead. He looks shocked, ringed fingers dramatically grasping at his chest when he slumps in his seat.
“You wound me, sweet thing.”
It’s then that you take the time to really look at him, and a surge of utter fondness fills your chest. While he goes on a dramatic rant about how french fries could be considered a deadly weapon, you’re only half listening.
Instead admiring the way his dimple indents his cheek when he grins sheepishly at you, and his hands flail about when he speaks. And it really hits you just how lucky you are to have him, that he was all yours.
So when you lean forward to capture his lips and ultimately silence him— he’s a little surprised. But he cups your face between his palms and kisses you back with just as much fervor.
“What was that for?” he asks a little breathlessly when you pull away, and you just smile.
“Just… cause I can.”
His eyes soften and he reaches out to thread your fingers together. Eddie knows the significance of what that means, so he can’t help but lean in to press your lips together again.
“Fuck yeah, you can.”
You really wonder if the universe was playing one big joke on you.
After your mini date at the diner a few days prior, you’d barely seen Eddie the rest of the week. The guys had a big gig at the Hideout the following evening and have been using any spare moment they had to practice. While you understood the reasoning for it, the other part of you was becoming increasingly frustrated.
Eddie could definitely tell something was up, but he didn’t exactly have the time to ask you in the five minute intervals you had together between classes.
So in an effort to make up for his absence, Eddie asked you to tag along to practice that night. But you might have had some ulterior motives for agreeing. Since it had been well over a week since you had any proper alone time together, you were past the point of needy.
Despite still seeing each other, the rushed kisses and subtle touches weren’t enough for either of you.
This was the longest either of you had gone without sex, so you can only imagine he was feeling the same way. But if his longing glances told you anything, it was that he needed you just as much— if not more. So that’s why you showed up to practice in your shortest skirt you owned.
What the metalhead doesn’t know is that you aren’t wearing any panties under said skirt.
However, he’s going to find out soon enough.
You’d given him a quick peck on the cheek when you got there, nothing too much though. You really did want his friends to like you, and they seemed to hate the constant displays of affection you both exhibited on the daily. So you kept it subtle, mostly for that reason.
But a small part of you did it just to rile him more.
In the short time you’d been officially dating, it became quite apparent how much Eddie craved your touch, whether it was sexual or not. He’d subtly tap his fingers on your knee during group hang outs, or press his lips to your temple when he walked you to class. You found it utterly endearing, but you also knew you could use it to your advantage.
So you could immediately tell from the slight pout that your boyfriend wanted more than just a peck on the cheek.
Hook, line and sinker.
As practice continued on, you found yourself sitting on an unused amp, with no other chairs in sight. The group wasn’t exactly used to visitors during practice, so you had to make due. You didn’t mind it though, as it put you in Eddie’s direct line of sight.
About half an hour in they decided to take a small break, the other three males were chatting excitedly about their upcoming dnd campaign. Eddie was more focused on tuning his guitar, but his eyes continued to wander back over to you.
This was the perfect opportunity to let him in on your little secret, while the other members were too preoccupied to be paying attention to you.
You sigh heavily and lean your arms back, uncrossing your legs and letting them fall open. Giving him the perfect view of what you were hiding… or rather not hiding, underneath your skirt.
His eyes flick up to your face before they begin to travel lower, and it takes him a full minute before he notices. But once that recognition flashes across his features, his mouth hangs open in shock.
A playful smirk plays on your lips and you quickly cross your legs again, acting as though nothing had happened. Eddie’s jaw is clenched when he returns to tuning his guitar, feigning as though it had no effect on him. But you could tell from the growing bulge in his jeans, that it definitely did.
He was grateful he had the ability to hide his boner for the rest of practice, not wanting to explain himself to his bandmates. But you knew by his stiff posture, you were so in for it when this was over.
The thought had you squirming with excitement, and you tried your best not to make a mess all over your makeshift seat. Now that would be something you could never live down.
Thankfully Eddie decided to end practice earlier than normal, claiming they could all use a break after their busy week.
But only the two of you knew the real reason.
Eddie all but drags you out to his van once his gear is packed up, gently shoving you against the back door. He opens the other side to put his guitar back into the vehicle, and quickly slams it shut. You bite back a grin when he cages you in against the cool metal.
His jaw is still tense, eyes darkening when his hand begins to caress your bare thigh.
“That was quite the peep show, sweetness.”
You try to keep your breathing even, but his roaming hands are making that very difficult.
“I don’t know what you mean, baby,” you feign innocence, knowing it’ll only rile him up more.
While he loves when you’re his good girl, he also loves any excuse to treat you like his little slut. The brunette chuckles humorously, grabbing your chin in his free hand to keep your eyes aligned with his.
“Come on now, don’t play dumb with me,” he tuts.
You just continue to gaze up at him all doe-eyed, hands resting on his chest. You don’t answer him, which only makes him more frustrated than he was to begin with.
“I see how it’s gonna be... You wanna be a brat? I’ll treat you like one,” he hisses. “Now, get in the van.”
He pulls away, and you feel a sudden chill from the loss of his body heat. When you don’t move an inch his brow raises, cocking his head at you.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, sweetheart.”
As much as you would love to continue to push his buttons, you know you’re in enough trouble as it is. So you squeak out a quiet ‘yes, sir’ and round the side of the van to hop in the passenger seat.
Eddie is silent for most of the ride, but the tension in the air is palpable. While he says nothing, the glances he keeps tossing your way have you squirming in your seat. In an effort to stop your distracting movements he reaches a hand out, ringed fingers digging into the meat of your thigh.
And in your desperate state you can’t resist pushing him just a little more. So you rest your smaller hand atop his and guide his fingers in between your legs. Eddie suddenly slams on the brakes and your body flies forward when he pulls off on the side of the road.
He puts the van in park before turning to face you.
“In the back, on your knees. Now.”
You grin excitedly at his demanding tone, already anticipating what was to come. So you quickly unbuckle your seatbelt and scurry into the back of the van without another word. Eddie takes his sweet ole time before joining you, as part of your punishment. He knew your patience would only last so long.
He flicks through his cassette tapes and fiddles with the radio volume… anything to keep you waiting.
So when he does finally join you in the back, you’re practically trembling with need. His hands cradle the back of your neck, titling it to bare your throat to him. He presses harsh kisses along your skin, nipping every so often. You can’t help but whimper from the contact, your hands reaching out to grip the fabric of his shirt.
But he stops you, immediately pushing your hands aside.
“Only good girls get to touch me,” he grunts.
Your eyes widen when he pulls the skull bandana out of his back pocket, maneuvering himself around you. He pulls your hands behind your back and binds them together with the soft fabric. Once he was happy with the secureness of the knot, he’s back in front of you.
This was something new.
His fingers gently grip your chin, but he forces you to meet his gaze.
“What’s your color, baby?”
As your sexual relationship began to delve deeper, the more safe words and communication became his highest priority.
“Green… neon fucking green,” you hum.
The smirk quickly returns to his features, and his lips go back to sucking on your neck.
“Watch that pretty mouth of yours, doll or I’ll put it to use.”
You can feel the wetness starting to drip down your thighs, having absolutely no barrier due to your lack of undergarments. His hands have found their way to your breasts, kneading them in his large palms before he continues lower. Once he reaches the apex of your thighs he nearly growls, feeling your arousal coating your supple skin.
“Fuck— I need you, Eds.” you whine, already forgetting what he had just told you only moments prior.
Eddie promptly removes his hands from you, the sound of his belt clinking open has you shivering in anticipation.
“You really want to test my patience tonight, don’t you?”
You now realize your mistake.
But you can’t find it in yourself to regret it when he finally releases his cock from the confines of his jeans. You glance up at him expectantly, licking your lips at the sight of his pre-cum coating the tip. His fingers guide your mouth open and can feel your body practically buzzing with excitement.
“Since you can’t seem to listen, I’m going to use your mouth however I want. If it’s too much I need you to snap your fingers twice. Okay?”
You give him verbal confirmation and snap twice to demonstrate that you are still able to do so even with your hands bound. Satisfied with your response he grins and opens your mouth wider.
“Lemme see that tongue, baby,” he instructs.
You obey immediately and he rewards you by slapping the head of his cock against it. Once… twice… a third time… before he slips it past your lips with a groan.
Eddie’s hand fists your hair, pulling your mouth even further onto his cock. You take every inch willingly, eagerly swirling your tongue around the base of his shaft. His eyes squeeze shut, mouth slightly agape as you take him even deeper.
But you already miss his piercing gaze, now desperate for him to look at you. So you pull back until his cock slips past your lips.
His eyes shoot open and he raises a brow at you, “Did I say you could stop?”
The utter dominance in his tone and stature makes you even wetter, your thighs pressing together as he continues to stare you down with those dark eyes.
“Want you to look at me,” you plead, batting your lashes at him.
He just chuckles, keeping his gaze locked on yours when you eagerly take him back into your mouth. His fist tightens in your hair, another groan escapes him when he hits the back of your throat. A wicked grin tugs at his lips when he feels you gag around him.
“That’s right, gag on it,” he coos.
Your eyes remain locked with his as he continues to use your throat, mascara tears running freely down your cheeks with each thrust. His groans fill your ears, each one sending heat straight to your core. His lips pull up into that signature smirk as he admires the absolute mess he’s made of you.
But before he reaches that peak, he slips himself out of your mouth. It’s too soon for your liking, despite the throbbing ache between your legs. He notices the pout on your lips, now eyeing the string of saliva that keeps you connected.
“As much as I’d love to come in that bratty mouth of yours…” he pauses, wiping up some of the drool from your lips with his thumb. “I’d much rather see it dripping out of that pretty pussy instead.”
You can’t help but whimper in response, letting Eddie bend you over the center console of the vehicle. He flips your skirt up, landing a harsh smack to your ass as he nudges your legs apart with his own. You’re suddenly grateful for the console beneath you, knowing you wouldn’t have the strength to hold yourself up with your hands still bound.
Eddie grabs your bound wrists with one hand, the other slipping between your thighs.His calloused fingers run through your slick folds, and he moans at the wetness he finds there.
“God… always so wet. You’re such a little slut for me, huh? You like when I use you like this, baby?”
You merely nod, your thoughts far too jumbled from his touch that words are escaping you. But Eddie isn’t having any of it, and really you should know better.
Another harsh slap lands on your pussy this time, a shaky gasp leaving your lips.
“Come on sweetheart, tell me…”
Eddie slips two fingers into your entrance with no resistance, curling them up to hit that sweet spot inside of you. But his actions stop just as quickly as they start due to your continued silence. And when he begins to slip his fingers out, your walls contract around them in an effort to keep them nestled inside you.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” he taunts.
You want to cry from frustration when he fully removes the digits, guiding your hips back towards him. Eddie just chuckles, before you hear him noisily suck your arousal from his fingers.
“Y-Yes, Eddie. Just please, fuck me,” you cry.
While you can’t see him, you know he’s grinning like a madman. Any further plans of begging disappear when you feel the tip of his cock rubbing through your folds. As much as he’d love to continue teasing you, his own impatience takes over and he slides into you with one hard thrust.
It doesn’t matter how many times he’s fucked you, you still feel so full. Stretched out beyond belief— it nearly takes your breath away.
Eddie doesn’t give you much warning before he’s snapping his hips back into yours. The sudden motion causes your head to lull forward and rest against the console. Your walls practically suck him in deeper, and he enjoys the pathetic little noises that leave you as he continues to slam into you.
“Fuck— you feel so good, sweetheart.”
Eddie uses your bound wrists to pound into you harder, hitting that spot inside you that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. You can already feel your orgasm bubbling up inside you, that band getting tighter as he continues his ruthless pace.
“You gonna cum already? Such a little slut…” he nearly growls, “Go on, do it. Let’s see how many times you can make a mess on my cock.”
Between his words and the constant pounding into your g-spot is what tips you over the edge, feeling your knees wobble from the force of your orgasm. Eddie begins to slow his pace, letting you ride the waves a little before he slips one of his hands between you to gently rub at your clit.
Your soft whimpers only seem to spur him on further, keeping a steady pace. But he rams into you so deeply, you swear you can feel him in your throat. Despite how slightly overstimulating the feeling is… it’s too good to stop. And you’d do anything to show Eddie how good you can actually be.
“That’s it… feels good, baby?”
You let out a small but breathy ‘uh huh’, that being the only response you can muster at this point. One orgasm has turned your brain to mush, and all you can think or feel is Eddie Eddie Eddie.
Your response has him chuckling, as the male continues to rock his hips into yours. He loves getting you to this point, so drunk on his cock that you can’t form a coherent sentence. His fingers start to pick up their pace against your bundle of nerves, feeling how your walls clench even tighter around him.
While he wants to fill you up so badly, he also wants to see how far he could push you. It was only fair.
“Wanna show me you can listen, sweetheart? Give me another one. You can do it.”
You nearly sob as your second orgasm suddenly crashes over you. While not as forceful as the first, it’s powerful enough to make your legs give out beneath you. Letting all your weight rest against the center console. Eddie is quick to help guide your hips back up, and stops the movement of his own.
You can feel the tears slipping down your cheeks when he frees your wrists, finally slipping out of you. You whimper at the loss of contact, but it’s not gone for long. As Eddie helps guide you into a sitting position, before carefully laying you back onto a pile of blankets.
He brushes the tears away from your cheeks, and presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Can you give me one more? Doin’ so good for me, sweet thing.”
You practically preen at his praise, eagerly nodding when he situates himself between your legs again. He carefully lifts your trembling thighs, his touch much more gentle now. He caresses your supple skin before he slips back inside you with a deep seated groan.
You can feel how your hands begin to twitch at your sides, desperate to reach up and tangle your fingers in his curls. But his previous warning rings in your ears, only good girls can touch me. Eddie catches the subtle movement and reaches down to guide your hands up towards his head. And a loud grunt leaves him when he reaches your deepest point.
“You can touch me baby, you’ve earned it.”
He barely finishes his sentence before you’re threading your fingers through his wild curls and tugging him closer. Until your clothed chests are pressed together and you can feel the weight of his ribs against yours. Your mouths meet with a soft urgency and his tongue glides over your lower lip before slipping past them.
His pace has slowed tremendously, all in an effort to cherish the feeling of being inside you. Despite how rough can be at times, this was his favorite way to be with you. With your bodies entangled in every possible way.
While Eddie may put on a tough exterior, he’s a big softie underneath it all. And you’ve come to adore both sides of him.
He pulls away from your lips with a small gasp, greedily inhaling your mingling breath as his chestnut hues meet yours. Eddie looks beautiful like this, hovering above you all sweaty and flushed. It's truly a sight you wouldn’t grow tired of seeing. He doesn’t let lips stray too far though, leaning down to press hot kisses along your jaw towards your neck.
The brunette eagerly sucks onto the skin of your throat, tongue darting out to soothe the ache he leaves behind. One of your hands untangles itself from his tousled curls, slipping between your bodies to rub at your overly sensitive clit. Judging by how sloppy his thrusts were becoming, you knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.
Eddie buries his face into the crook of your neck, whining when you clench harder around him. The feeling of his cock twitching inside you has your head reeling, already so close to finishing for a third time that night.
“Fuck— I love you,” he pants, each slam of his hips becomes more frantic with his admission. “I love you, sweetheart.”
His confession is all it takes to push you both over the edge. Eddie’s hips stutter as he fills you, and your body arches further into his embrace with a cry of his name. It’s so intense that you can feel how his body trembles above you, and the stars begin to dance behind your lids. The weight of his words finally starts to sink in when he collapses on top of you, blinking away the tears that fill your lash line.
The mixture of your heavy breathing fills the silence and you gently stroke his curls while you both come down from your highs. Eddie must have felt your tears dripping down onto his cheek and his head lifts to regard you with concern.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he asks.
You just shake your head, pressing another kiss to his awaiting mouth. But when you pull away a little too soon for his liking, he practically pouts. You just smile fondly, nervous fluttering in your belly at what you were about to confess. Despite hearing him utter those same three words only moments prior.
“I just… I really love you too, Eddie.”
The grin that stretches across his face has your heart thumping faster, your giggles soon fill the silence in the van as he presses tender kisses everywhere he can reach.
“Love you so much, sweetheart.”
The Hideout was packed, which seemed to be an unusual occurrence for a Saturday night in small town Hawkins. But the promise of multiple live bands quickly filled the seats that usually remained empty during the week.
Ever since you became official, you easily fit in amongst his large group of friends. Even Dustin, who was weary of you in the beginning, had quickly begun to warm up to you. But you had clicked with Robin the fastest and the two of you became very close in such a short amount of time.
Most of them had come out to support the band, besides the group of freshmen. As Eddie all but forbade from stepping foot in this establishment. His overprotective nature towards them was something you found to be incredibly endearing.
You were standing at the front of the crowd, snugly in between Robin and Steve. Mostly due to Eddie’s strict instructions to keep an eye on you. He could already anticipate just how rowdy this crowd might be from the moment you entered the dingy bar.
You anxiously shift in place, taking another swig from the flask that Robin had snuck in. You hadn’t seen Eddie for more than a few minutes since he dropped you off at home earlier that morning. And you were beyond impatient for the show to get started.
It was a little annoying how much you missed him when he wasn’t around, how uneasy it made you.
But the vodka was definitely starting to help soothe your nerves.
You continued to shift from foot to foot, partially from your growing impatience and partly due to the soreness between your thighs. The round in the van had only continued once you got back to Eddie’s trailer. He buried his tongue inside you while he showed you how much he loved you from between your thighs.
It’s as though the universe could tell you were getting antsy, as the lights on the small stage finally dim. You cheer loudly and the rest of your friends join in when the four males walk out onto the stage. They all take their respective positions, and Eddie slings his guitar strap over his shoulder and adjusts the mic stand.
“Good evening Hawkins, we’re Corroded Coffin. Thanks for coming out!”
A round of boos suddenly erupt from amongst the cheers, and your head instantly whips around to find the source. You see Jason and Scott’s whole crew leaning up against the back wall of the bar, a prominent smirk on your ex’s face. Your hands balled into fists and you quickly flip them all the bird before turning your focus back towards the stage.
Scott’s incessant torment had cooled off for a bit, but that entire week it was seeming to ramp right back up. While you knew your boyfriend could take care of himself, it still didn’t stop the fury from bubbling up inside you over it. Especially knowing it had only gotten worse because of you.
You find Eddie’s gaze again and he shoots a wink your way, not even fazed by their presence. They started off their set with a cover of Bang Your Head by Quiet Riot, already getting the crowd ramped up. Eddie was totally in his element, carefree as his fingers danced along the neck of his guitar. While they played mostly covers, they were able to sneak in a few original songs.
The crowd was overly enthusiastic, which was a nice change of pace from the five sullen drunks they usually had in attendance at their normal Tuesday time slot. While Eddie was riding that high, his eyes always seemed to find their way back to you.
“Thank you guys for being such an awesome crowd, this is our last song.”
In the time that you’ve been together, you’ve come to recognize almost all of their songs. Eddie was always bouncing lyric ideas off of you, or playing them for you any chance that he could. But hearing the first few chords ring out into the bar, you knew this one was clearly new.
And if shit eating grin he was sporting was any indication, he’d been preparing for this moment. Eddie’s eyes drift from yours to the back of the dimly lit bar as he begins singing. The opening lyrics make your eyes widen in shock.
“Scotty doesn’t know that Fiona and me do it in my van every Sunday. She tells him she’s in church, but she doesn’t go. Still she’s on her knees and Scotty doesn’t know.”
Your heart begins to race and that cocky grin never leaves his face. Your eyes follow his line of sight and you turn around, watching in amusement when you notice how Scott’s fists are clenched at his sides. This is by far the angriest you’ve ever seen him, and you can almost see the metaphorical steam coming out of his ears.
“Fiona says she’s out shopping, but she’s under me and I’m not stopping…”
A smug look graces your features when Scott meets your gaze, giving him a little wave before turning back to focus on your boyfriend. Eddie’s husky voice is full of confidence as he continues onto the next verse. That sound alone could bring you to your knees.
“I can't believe he's so trusting, while I'm right behind you thrusting. Fiona's got him on the phone, and she's trying not to moan. It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing…”
Your mind instantly drifts back to that fateful phone call, that night being a major turning point in your feelings towards the metalhead. Your whole body flushes at the vulgarity of the lyrics, but in an odd way you find it kind of sweet.
Once he has your attention again, Eddie blows you a subtle kiss.
“The parkin' lot, why not? It's so cool when you're on top. His front lawn in the snow, life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know!”
You watch in fascination as his fingers work diligently over the guitar strings, banging his head along with Jeff. The song aside, you really were enjoying yourself. Eddie lets his guitar fall to his hip, gripping the mic with both hands.
“I did her on his birthday…”
Your curiosity has gotten the better of you again, and you glance back to where Scott had previously been standing. The spot was now empty, much to your surprise. Scott was never one to back down without getting the last word. So you let your eyes wander around the bar, but Scott and his posse were nowhere in sight.
When the song starts to come to a close, Eddie and the rest of the guys have gathered at the front of the stage. Huddled together as they chanted a chorus of, ‘Scotty doesn’t know’, the crowd joining in unison. When you glance over at Robin, her grin practically matches that of your boyfriend’s.
While you had never explicitly told anyone (besides Robin) the details of how everything played out between you two, your ex definitely had his suspicions.
But now, one thing was for sure…
Scotty definitely knew.
sdk taglist: @xxbimbobunnyxx @munsonhoneybaby @mugloversonly @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @transparentenemypenguin @calumfmu @vamp-bunny @eddiesxangel @nailbatanddungeon @deathst9r @comeonatmebruh @mrsjellymunson @eddiesghxst @eddiesguitarskills @callsignraver @eldermayfield @potatobeans99 @loserboysandlithium @em0220
#the freak writes 🫧#my series: scotty doesn’t know 🫧#eddie munson smut#eddie munson angst#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson x fem!reader fluff#eddie munson x fem!reader smut#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x you#eddie munson x f!reader#eddie munson x fem reader#eddie munson fic#eddie munson oneshot#eddie munson fanfic#[ series: scotty doesn’t know ]#[ the munson files ]
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Requesting 🎂 for Jack Hughes with “I want to forget. Just help me forget” (- reader) and a “Can I touch you here?” (- Jack) pleaseeeee
warnings: oral sex (fem!recieving)
note: this may or may not have been inspired by me failing one of my finals..
Finals week had you so beat into the ground that the only response your body could muster after the last one was crashing onto the couch of your apartment and sleeping for 12 hours straight.
Jack had called you multiple times throughout your long slumber, worry overtaking his body when you hadn’t answered at all. So, his only logical answer was to use the spare key to enter your home, something that he rarely ever did.
He had come into your room right as you were waking up, seeing you stir and flinch as you met his eyes.
“Jack? What the fuck are you doing here?” You asked, voice still heavy with sleep.
He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “You weren’t answering your phone, I thought you were dead!” You joined him in laughter, sitting up and running your fingers through your hair. Jack sat down next to you, joining you under the covers as you reached for your phone.
A notification shot you right away as you saw it said one of your tests had been graded. It was the one that you had studied the hardest for, having flooded your system with caffeine as you spent hours in the library.
Jack noticed the change in your energy, “You alright?”
“My final got graded.”
His eyes widened, “Damn, already?” You nodded, hesitating to click it before shoving your phone into Jack’s hands, “You want me to open it?”
You simply nodded, bringing a pillow to your front to hug it, nerves overtaking your body as you watched Jack click the notification, pulling up your grade. Jack’s face was hard to read, his expression remaining neutral as it loaded.
Jack shut off the phone, setting it down behind him as his face shifted into one of sympathy. He took your hand in his, his thumb running across your skin. “45.”
“Oh.” was the only word that came out of your mouth, your body slumping back into your mattress.
Jack let out a soft noise, laying down with you as he pulled you closer to him. He didn’t say a word, your tears tickling his chest as you tried your hardest to calm yourself down. “It’s okay, baby. Your grade is still high enough to pass the class.”
He was right, but his words didn’t do much to ease the feeling in your stomach. Still, you didn’t want to spend the day thinking about a grade that, in reality, didn’t matter. You wiped your eyes dry, offering your boyfriend a smile. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Jack nodded, “You wanna watch a movie? I can order in.”
The two of you were four movies in, the mix of genres helping your mind clear just a little bit, but the lingering memory of failing had yet to leave.
Jack had given up on watching the current movie playing, opting to settle his face into your chest, placing the occasional kiss on your breasts. A few minutes later they became more frequent, and somehow, even more needy.
Normally when this happened, your fingers would be entangled in his hair, tugging at the curls in hopes to bring him up to your lips. But tonight, your hands lay beside you, not touching him at all.
“Still thinking about it, aren’t you?” He mumbled against your skin.
“Yeah,” You sighed, “Just wanna forget about it.”
Jack looked up at you, a frown appearing on his face as he could see tears starting to well up again no matter how hard you were trying to focus on the TV in front of you. He hated seeing you upset, especially when it came to school. He was very aware of how serious you were about your education, which made him very aware of what was going on inside your head.
He pushed himself up a bit, his face right in front of yours. He didn’t speak, simply leaning in to connect his lips to yours.
It was slow and gentle, his kiss telling you everything he wanted you to know. Your hand came up to his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. Jack groaned at the feeling, his arms wrapping around you and shifting your bodies so that you rested on top of him, legs on either side of his and warm hands on your hips.
The intensity of the kiss picked up, and the need to be closer to each other became suffocating. “Jack, please.”
You could feel his smirk against your lips. “Yeah? What do you need, baby?”
He pulled back, wanting to see you as you told him exactly what you needed from him. Your eyes met his, your eyes watery from the overwhelming emotions you were feeling at the moment, “I want to forget.”
You could see the falter in Jack’s face, your voice barely above a whisper, “Just help me forget.”
Jack nodded, his hands squeezing your sides before flipping you over, your back now lying comfortably against the bed. He kissed your lips one last time before trailing all the way down to your lower stomach.
He halted his kisses, eyes peering up at you, “Can I touch you here?”
Your words were caught in your throat, a whine slipping past your lips causing a smile to appear on Jack’s face as you pulled yourself together, “Yeah.”
“Atta girl.” He teased, his mouth moving lower to lap at your folds over your panties with his tongue, “Promise I’ll make you feel so good. My smart girl.”
He brought up his hand, fingers pushing the damp fabric to the side before pressing his tongue flat against you, a soft moan escaping you.
Jack was usually messy, his mouth going wherever it wanted, but tonight, he was calculated. His movements were strategic, alternating between sucking and flicking at your clit in ways he knew you liked, but switching it up to take your mind off of anything else. The inconsistent actions had you wanting for more, your hand pushing Jack closer to your core.
He could feel you getting close already, your hips rutting gently against his face. Jack knew you could get off like this, but he wanted to give you more. He brought his forearm up to hold your waist down, his wrist twisted awkwardly to keep your panties out of his way.
His tongue trailed lower, the muscle now prodding at your entrance as his nose pressed at your swollen clit. “Fuck, Jack!” You cried, the feeling blurring anything else going on in your mind, filling it with only one thing.
You could feel the knot in your stomach begin to tighten as he got sloppy with it, the noises of his tongue moving across your pussy filling the room close to pornographic.
It was hard to miss the feeling of his smirk against you as well, his own mind fogging up with your whispered praises, his hips now rutting against the mattress to provide some sort of stimulation.
“Let go for me, pretty girl.” He mumbled against you, the vibrations of his words doing just that.
Your hips lifted slightly off of the bed, a sinful moan leaving your throat. Jack too, moaned at the feeling of your juices leaking all over his face, the feeling something he’d never get tired of.
As you came down from your high, your senses came back to you. Jack was still moving at the same pace as he had before, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
You pushed your palm against his head, hoping for him to give you a break, “Jack!”
He shook his head against you, the feeling overwhelming, “You’ve got another one in you.”
#jo's birthday celebration#jack hughes smut#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes imagine#jack hughes fic#jack hughes#jh86#new jersey devils
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Okay okay, I have another idea-
Yandere dad Nanami x Nanami reader
I've made yall see the menace Fushiguro reader who we all love and adore, but let's talk about Nanami's daughter who is an absolute angel and polar opposite to Fushiguro reader.
Child reader is just the most well behaved kid, listens to her father always, and since Nanami is raising her, she's also going to be very good in her studies because papa Nanami is a very good teacher. I mean, reader is definitely on top of her class and has a whole wall dedicated to her awards and medals. She just has to show off her math skills when she plays cafe (because obv she's gonna be a baker who bakes fresh bread daily for Nanami to buy and make sandwiches) and uses Monopoly money.
And when I say reader is polite, that is the understatement of the history. She just cannot bear to offend anyone! She has to put "-san" with everyone's name and has to address them correctly. "Yuji-san! Megumi-San!" And "pervert-San!" Which is Gojo, because of course Nanami has told her to beware of him and only address him as "pervert-san".
"But my name's Gojo!" He tells you, but you're so distressed because dad told you to call the white haired man wearing a blindfold/glasses "pervert-san" and it'd be rude to address him as anything else!
And Nanami adores his kid so much. She's such a perfect child, never breaks rules (don't talk to strangers or Pervert san.) and is such a goody-goody. He is a present father, he makes time for you. The Jujutsu sorcerers can wait, the world can be saved by someone else, but he needs to attend your school play at all costs. And even when hes not around for the day, he has raised you to be a very responsible child- like you even go get the groceries on your own when dad is late! (Like that Japanese show in which they send kids to shop on their own)
But of course, there are times when he needs to be away for longer periods, so he needs to hire a babysitter. His top choices: Shoko(although hes a little hesitant since you have a morbid curiosity learning and Shoko would happily let you accompany her to the morgue), Yuta, Maki, Megumi + Yuji + Nobara.
Who is NEVER allowed to babysit you? Gojo.
Gojo babysits anyway. (He fr steals you from Megumi trio)
And Nanami just comes home to Gojo and reader eating takeout and he's just like "Y/n, how could you let Pervert san in your home and eat with him?" And reader's just on the brink of tears and is trying to defend herself "b-but you said to be polite to guests! And Pervert-san bought food for me. Wouldn't it be rude to not share it with him?" *reader's teary eyes* and then Gojo is like "you'd rather let your child starve? Can't you see how tiny she already is?!" *Gojo's teary eyes* and Nanami pops a vein "it's not cute when you do it!"And then kicks Gojo out of the house.
Even though reader can dress herself up appropriately, she still has to have her hair done by Nanami, no matter what age. At some point, reader probably realises that it's something Nanami needs more than she does. It's a tradition, you think, but it's actually a coping mechanism for Nanami to deal with the fact that you're "growing up" and don't ask him to watch cartoons with you or read you bedtime stories anymore🥺
And Sukuna??? He takes one look at you and he's already decided he's gonna be mean to you, but then the more time you spend with him and Yuji, the more he realises.... its just not worth being mean to the only person who is so sweet to him and actually greets and talks to him like he's an individual person and not just a parasite inside Yuji's skin. Like reader just goes "Sukuna-san! I'm painting Yuji-san's nails but he can't pick a color. Will you help?" And he's like "Alright, fuck it I'm taking this brat with me when I comit mass murder. She's safe."
I feel like Nanami will allow reader to have a fairly normal childhood, so he keeps his yandere tendencies at a bay. It's when you start growing up and as he says "the others try to taint you with momentary pleasures" that his yandereness begins to show. Honestly, it's just more of his protective tendencies coming to light than anything else. He thinks people don't have your best interests in and sometimes he's right, but how else will you learn if you don't experience it?
Also, if you do end up having cursed energy and the ability to see curses, I think that's when Nanami starts spiralling down. He does not want you to become a Jujutsu sorcerer, he wants you far far away from the Jujutsu world completely. He can't- he can't allow what happened to Haibrara happen to you. He can't allow your innocence and naivety to be tainted by the horrendous world of curses. He'd rather risk you hating him forever as he locks you away than allow you to put your life at risk for others.
You are his priority. Your safety is his priority. You'll understand in due time why he did what he did, so while his heart does break hearing you cry and beg to be let out of your room, he doesn't regret putting you in there one bit.
Nanami sighs as he continues prepping your dinner. Guess he'll have to add some crushed sleeping pills so that you don't get sick from crying your bodyweight out (or more like he can't bear to see you in such a pitiful state.)
God save the poor souls who do end up kidnapping you.
#yandere nanami#yandere nanami kento#yandere jujutsu kaisen#yandere jjk#nanami kento#nanami x reader#jjk nanami#jjk gojo#gojo satoru#jujutsu geto#jujutsu kaisen#jujustsu kaisen x reader
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Smarter Than the Average Beer Boy | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: After months of attending your lectures, Bradley has honed his math skills beyond his wildest expectations. A night out with the boys reveals just how smart and endearing your husband really is, even when he has a hangover.
Warnings: Swears, fluff, drinking, oral sex, shirtless Beer Boy, 18+
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
Happy birthday to @cherrycola27!
This is a one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time but it can be read on its own! Banner by @thedroneranger Check out my masterlist
You were on your way to teach your last class of the day, and it was your least favorite one. When the class schedules were being organized for next semester, you planned on begging Dr. Rosenthal to let you trade this awful linear algebra class away for one of his calculus lectures. Because at least calculus was something to which you could add a little spice to keep your students interested, unlike this one.
Even though you already ate the snack your husband packed in your tie dye lunchbox, you were still hungry. You'd have to remind him to pack you something extra next Thursday. But as you were on your way to the lounge to quickly get something from the vending machine, you heard his voice.
You spun around in your loafers and tweed skirt and saw your husband in full khaki uniform heading your way. "Beer Boy. What are you doing here?" you asked, giving up on the idea of a snack and heading in his direction instead. "I'm about to give a lecture."
"I know," he said with a smirk, voice all deep and raspy. "I got dismissed early, and I stopped at home to get you a snack. Thought maybe I could join your lecture tonight since I won't get to spend tomorrow evening with you."
You almost dropped your notebook as you wrapped your arms around his waist and propped your chin on his chest. "Are you my snack?" you asked as he leaned down to kiss you.
"Nor exactly," he laughed, holding up two small containers. "I brought you some homemade hummus and pita chips. But if you want to skip your lecture and head up to your office, I'd be more than happy to fuck you while I feed you."
"Tempting," you told him with a moan. He was always so sure of himself when he was with you, and it was a massive turn on. But when he grinned and started pulling you toward the elevators, you had to dig your loafers in. "I can't let my students down," you said with a little pout. "Come on. You can sit in the back and take notes."
"Nah. I'll just watch my hot wife in action. Take some mental notes that I can think about at the bachelor party tomorrow night."
You rolled your eyes as you took the containers from him. "You'll have so much fun with Jake and the boys, you won't even be thinking about me at all."
"Newsflash, Dr. Sugar," he whispered as you entered the lecture hall with his hand on your butt. "I'm always thinking about you."
Yes, it was fun watching you work. Your lectures were informative, and you were very passionate about the subject. You were also gorgeous, and Bradley wouldn't mind watching you do this all day long. And sure, he loved that you wrote a few problems on the board for your students to work through so you could eat the hummus and pita chips he brought. And yeah, he squirmed a bit in his seat when you winked at him from the podium as you licked your fingertip.
But the really interesting thing was the fact that Bradley was getting pretty fucking good at math now. If he could go back to undergrad studies, he might even choose it as his major instead of political science. Nobody ever really encouraged him to show off his smarts after his mom died. Well, besides you. There was something about the way you always recognized that he was intelligent that made him fall even harder for you. And since he knew what it felt like to live without you for ten years, he didn't mind watching you teach the same classes over and over. He just wanted to be around you.
When you asked if there were any volunteers to work through the problem, Bradley was able to follow every detail and come up with the correct answer from his seat. And when you finally ended the class, he went up to the front of the room and kissed your cheek right in front of the straggling students. "Any chance you can bring one of the homework sheets home for me to work on later this weekend?" he asked, stealing your last pita chip.
You looked up at him with adoring eyes, and it wasn't fair, because you knew what those little tweed skirts did to him. "You're really going to work on a problem set?"
"Yeah," he told you with a shrug. "Why not? This class was fun, and maybe you can check my answers and reward me?" he asked hopefully.
"If you want to be my top student, you better get them all correct." You ran your fingers along the front of his khakis as you picked up your notebook and started walking away.
"I'll be so good, Baby," he promised as he followed you out. He was planning on working on the problems on Sunday after he spent all day Saturday recovering from Jake's bachelor party. Tomorrow night was for the boys, but tonight he would be spending with you.
When he got you home, he boiled a pot of water for some of the homemade pasta he made and dried last weekend, and he started heating up some of his homemade sauce and meatballs. "This is so fucking sexy," you whispered, rubbing up on him in your tweed while you sipped a beer. "You are really good at feeding me."
He stole the bottle and drank some. "You're really good at everything else." When he tried to hand it back, you just shook your head and dropped slowly to your knees. He was already a little hard from all the tweed rubbing, but then you kissed his zipper, and his dick responded immediately. "Look at that. I didn't even have to do the math problems."
You grinned up at him while he sipped the beer. "Maybe this is just a little reminder for you to be good tomorrow night when you're out with the boys. No drinking and driving. No letting them get into fights. No playing beer pong without me. If you're good, then there's more where this came from."
Bradley was really enjoying the cold beer as you undid his belt and button before you eased his zipper down. "I'll be so good. I'm a hundred percent domesticated."
You moaned as his cock sprang free, and you rubbed your face against him. "I know." He was about to tell you he'd been that way since the two of you were college seniors, but suddenly all coherent thoughts left his brain. You were gently kissing his balls as you ran your fingers up underneath his shirt and teased his abs. "You're a very good boy."
His cock was throbbing and tapping you on the cheek as your tongue flicked out to taste him. "Sugar," he grunted before sipping the beer again.
"Hmm." You were looking up at him as your lips barely met his skin. "What should I do with you?" Somehow you were making Bradley feel submissive even though you were on your knees for him, and he tipped his head back and groaned.
"Fuck me up, Sugar."
"Gladly," you replied, and he felt your tongue draw a slow and steady line from his tight balls all the way to the head of his cock. Bradley watched as you took the very tip of his bouncing length between your pretty lips. All you did was hold eye contact as you sucked on him like he was a piece of candy, your fingers tickling the trail of hair below his belly button, and he was mesmerized.
"Those pouty lips will be the death of me," he whispered before sipping the beer again. "So fucking pretty." You sucked on him a little harder, and he clenched. Damn, you hadn't even taken him deep yet, and he was already eager. But he didn't care, because you already knew what you did to him.
Then you popped him free, rubbed your nose against his trimmed pubes before kissing his tip and said, "I love you." Then you grabbed him by the hips and let him slide all the way so he was tapping the back of your throat.
"Oh, fuck," he grunted, already thinking about you gagging on his cum. You shook your head slightly when he was deep, and tears filled your eyes as you sucked. Bradley gripped the bottle, his voice only a harsh whisper as he said, "That's it. That's it. Fuck."
A few more deep thrusts had you struggling, which was honestly so fucking hot to him. You were making desperate little sounds, but you bobbed on him until you gagged. And that's really all it took.
You moaned as he filled your mouth, and he ran his thumb along your cheek as you gently sucked every drop from him. "Show it to me," he whispered softly and you smiled as you released him. Slowly, you parted your lips and tilted your face up for him, showing off your cupped tongue full of his cum. "Beautiful."
Then you swallowed him down and kissed his drained balls once more before you stood and took the beer bottle from his hand. Casually, you took a sip like you didn't just leave him twitching before you. "Is dinner almost ready?"
He was still thinking about it the next night when he was out with all the guys. Jake was marrying Jessica in a month, and all he asked for was a night of bar hopping. Normally Bradley would have been very good at this, but he was thinking about the way he'd fed you bites of pasta while standing in the kitchen as you moaned over how delicious it was.
"Come on, Rooster, have a shot," Payback said, passing him some tequila. Just a few drinks would help him focus on the night with the guys. "Bottoms up."
But at first, the drinks just made him think about calling you to see what you were up to. Jessica was supposed to stop by the house to hang out for a while, and he wondered if she was still there. Maybe she left and you were already changed into his Grateful Dead shirt for bed. Maybe he could just get an Uber right now and go home and find out for himself. He'd slip right into bed next to you.
"Time for the karaoke bar!" Javy announced, and then Bradley had more shots in front of him before he ended up onstage, and he couldn't be sure where his shirt went, but oh well, it didn't really matter since his favorite shirt was at home with you, and it was suddenly time to sing.
But he did remember to text you and let you know he'd be home very late.
Having the empty house to yourself felt a bit like it did when Bradley was deployed. So in that respect, it made you a little antsy. But on the other hand, it was peaceful when you had Jessica over for some snacks and a glass of wine. It was close to midnight when a bunch of photos came through to your phone and hers.
"Oh no," she groaned as you scrolled through the images from Mickey. It appeared as though Bradley lost his shirt. Typical.
"They are a mess," you muttered, finally getting to one where the guys were physically holding Jake up. "You're going to have your work cut out for you tomorrow."
She shook her head but laughed. "I think I'll head home and wait for him. I don't know if he'll even be able to make it from the front door to the bedroom without help."
"Bradley doesn't look much better," you added as you got to the last photo where he was chugging a beer, the amber liquid dribbling down his neck and bare chest. "Oh Lord."
"Call me tomorrow and let me know how bad it is?"
"Yeah," you agreed, walking her to the door and giving her a hug.
And then you were met with silence again. You changed into Bradley's tie dye shirt and his robe that he'd had since college, but you weren't even slightly tired now. You glanced across the hallway to your office door covered in your own handwriting.
Working through an advanced calculus problem before bed would definitely help you unwind. You walked to your white board while you looked up a problem on your phone and then scribbled it down and got to work. Oh, this one was a bit tricky with lots of side math to complete first. The squeak of your marker was soothing, and by the time you got to your tenth line in the proof solution, you were yawning.
"Works like a charm," you muttered, capping the marker and heading back across the hall where you climbed into bed.
At one point during the night, you thought you heard Bradley stumble in the front door. "Beer Boy?" you called out, rolling over in bed.
You heard him slur, "It's just me, Sugar," followed by the sound of the refrigerator opening up. He'd come to bed eventually after he got a snack. You scooted back all the way to your side, preemptively trying to avoid him being a sticky, sweaty mess. You smiled and curled up, and you were back to sleep in seconds.
But he never did come to bed, as evidenced by the still crisp bedding on his side when you woke up again at nine. You stretched and climbed out from the pocket of warmth and reached for his robe before you went to search the house.
You started in the kitchen, thinking that being near the refrigerator might have been more appealing than the bed, but he wasn't there. You glanced out back and on the living room couch, but you didn't see him anywhere.
"Bradley?" you called out as you looked in the bathroom, but he hadn't even fallen asleep in the tub. You pressed your lips together as you poked your head inside your office and gasped. "Seriously?"
He was sound asleep on the floor, his shirt nowhere to be seen, and he was snoring loudly. An empty ice cream carton and spoon were next to his head, and it looked like he'd eaten a value sized bag of pretzels. There were a few more wrappers and a lot of crumbs on the floor, and you just gaped at him as he started to roll onto his side and look around.
"What the fuck? Why is it such a mess in here? I just cleaned on Wednesday," he groaned, hair sticking up at every angle. He tilted his head and looked up at you through squinted eyes. "What happened?"
You gave him an incredulous look. "Why don't you tell me?"
He continued to look around the room as he sat up. "I don't know," he replied, pushing the pretzel bag to the side as he cradled his forehead in his palm. "Last thing I remember is the guys making me sing Caress Me Down for karaoke. Where's my shirt?"
Your deep sigh should have been warning enough for him, but he looked down at his abs, shocked that he was only wearing half of his outfit. "Once again, Bradley, why don't you tell me?"
"Baby, how am I supposed to know?" he whined. "God, now I have a fucking hangover, and I can't think."
If Jake was also this bad at the moment, then Jessica might need a reassuring phone call later. Hopefully he hadn't destroyed the carpet in their condo. You needed to get Bradley into the shower and then put him in bed so you could clean up the floor, but your eyes caught on your white board, and you gasped. "Bradley."
"What now?" he moaned as he got to his hands and knees in the crumbs. "My head is throbbing."
Your eyes skimmed from the top of the board to the very bottom, and you started laughing. He was looking up at you, confusion swirling along his handsome features as you had to brace your hands on your knees while you gasped for air and cackled. "Beer Boy!"
"Okay, yes," he grunted. "I'm beginning to think I was actually the one who made the mess in here, but I'll clean it up. It's not that funny."
"Bradley!" you screeched, pointing to the board. "You solved my advanced calculus problem!"
Slowly and seemingly painfully, he turned his head to look and crawled closer to the wall. "I don't think so," he muttered. "I don't even know what all of that means." He was standing on his knees, and trying so hard to figure it out. "Holy shit, that's my handwriting."
"It definitely is," you said through your laughter as you gently combed your fingers through his messy hair. He practically melted against your leg with his big hand on your thigh below his robe. "I am... somehow really impressed by this? You got drunk, got a ride home at four in the morning, and then you solved an advanced math problem before you passed out on my office floor."
"Yeah, I'm impressive as hell," he whispered, kissing you through the robe fabric.
"You know... if you weren't so terribly hungover, I'd offer to blow you again like yesterday. Because this is something only my very best student would be able to do. And I love rewarding my best student."
You stroked his cheek softly with your knuckles as he stared up at you with parted lips. "Professor Sugar," he rasped. "I'm totally fine. Barely hungover at all."
"Are you sure?" you laughed. "You look a little rough. And you made a huge mess."
"Yeah," he replied immediately. "I'm great. Wanna join me in the shower?"
You bent to kiss his forehead and whispered, "If you think you can handle it."
"Hell yes," he groaned, trying three times before he was able to get to his feet. Then he took you by the hand, and you helped him down the hallway to the bathroom.
You pointed out the small closet on the way. "And when we're done, the vacuum cleaner is just hanging out right in there, waiting for you to clean up my office."
"Yeah, okay."
Happy birthday, Nik! When you mentioned this idea, it had me cracking up. I hope you enjoy it as a birthday gift one day early! Thanks @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls and @thedroneranger
#bradley rooster bradshaw x reader#rooster x you#rooster x reader#rooster imagine#rooster fanfiction#bradley rooster bradshaw imagine#bradley rooster bradshaw#bradley bradshaw imagine#bradley bradshaw x female reader#bradley bradshaw x reader#bradley bradshaw x you#bradley bradshaw fic#bradley bradshaw fanfiction#rooster bradshaw x reader#top gun imagine#top gun maverick imagine#top gun fanfiction#top gun maverick fanfiction#roosterforme#smarter than the average beer boy
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Abby Anderson modern day head-cannons
Parings - Abby Anderson if the apocalypse never happened
Tw- some nsfw at the end
An- this is both In general headcannons and relationships
Abbys father is a neurosurgeon so mans is loaded bro 😭- abby def went to one of those hella expensive private schools.
She’s kinda old and new money
So Abby can go three ways ok
The typical basic blonde IT girl
Straight girl on the weight lifting team
Muscular masculine lesbian
I think we all know which one makes the most sense.
Abby wouldn’t come out to her father about being a lesbian until like high school
I’m pretty sure her mom died in the beginning of the apocalypse but it could be safe to assume that she’s also a doctor in modern day
Abby would of gone to a really good university and become a neurosurgeon like her father
While in medical school she met Nora and Mel - they knew Owen and manny and that’s how the group all met
She would of definitely done sports - so sports Abby did would be
Ice hockey
She’ll go online and see the thirst edits and comments about her and laugh because she’s not only flattered but she’ll find multiple women who are her type and like their comments.
HEAVVVYYY against college parties like girly is a student athlete and on a scholarship for her medical degree — she’s always studying and doesn’t want to do anything to ruin her scholarship
After she gets her degree she works in a well known and high paying hospital
Got a German Shepard and named her Alice
Graduated top of her class
A big football fan and if her school has a football team she would go to every home game.
You and Abby most likely met in college.
you two met after both taking a same extracurricular.
she had to actually prep talk herself into actually going up to you and talking to you
once she actually asked you out she was freaking out over wether or not you actually liked her (she had Nora help her pick out an outfit)
after a few dates she awkwardly asked if she could be your girlfriend. You said yes of-course
At first you thought the relationship would be hard since Abby’s always busy but much to your surprise she always made time for you
After like a week together she took you to meet her parents, you were anxious as her parents were well known medical professionals but they welcomed you with open arms
Once she introduced you to the friend group you knew you were stuck with her.
Is overly protective of you- a guy hits on you she’s passive aggressively getting into his face. Some girls are starting drama with you - she’ll tell them to fuck off . A teacher is refusing to take your paper late - Abby will go have a one on one possibly bribe the teacher to take your paper.
If you did well on exams she’ll take you out to a nice resturant however if you did poor she’ll reassure you take you to a comfort food restaurant and help you study next time.
Outside Abby’s the sweetest most gentle person you’ve ever seen however in the bedroom it’s completely different
Abby is the type of woman to take her time devouring you. She would spend hours between your thighs with her tongue on your clit and her thick fingers pumping in and out of you painfully slow
She can either be soft and loving whispering sweet nothings into your ear taking her time with you compaired to when she lost an important game or is stressed out about exams she’ll fuck you like no tomorrow, denying you your orgasm and degrading you, with her thick strap deep into you
#lesbian#wlw#abby anderson x reader#abby anderson#abby the last of us#abby tlou#abby x reader#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us#tlou fanfiction#abby headcanons
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"An unexpected rainstorm forces you to seek refuge at your best friend's house. Hoseok just so happens to also be your boyfriend's best friend, who till this day gushes about the night he and Hoseok shared. Soon you can't take the curiousity about his skills anymore. Especially when he looks so goddamn hot and the clothes you borrowed from him smell just like his cologne."
Pairing: Vampire!Hoseok x Witch!Reader
Genre: Best Friends with Benefits!AU, Polyamory!AU, Smut, some domestic sweetness
Warnings: minimal Yoongi x f.Reader, Domish switch!Hoseok, Switch!Reader, there's not really a D/s dynamic though just two people having sex where one just happens to take the lead more & then they change it up, *whispers* if you're new to the Sanguis Universe everyone fucks everyone here lmaoo, Hoseok is a whole boyfriend i said what i said, he gives her his clothes to wear, they smell like him <3, Hobi is a lil nervous hehehe, lap sitting, making out, oral (f. & m.receiving), mattress & thigh humping, handjob, she spits on his cock, he spits on her pussy, passionate missionary, hair pulling (m.receiving), nipple play (m.receiving), clit & pussy spanking with his cock, he shows off his vampire face, dirty talk, praise, he calls her good girl & babygirl, he's into making her beg, multiple orgasms for both, creampies, cockwarming for aftercare, cuddly aftercare, Hoseok's so whipped for her
Wordcount: 12.6k
a/n: you guys, i'm scared he is so hot fjadsfja also, if anyone dares to call me out on my oral fixation i will lick your nostril JFJADJF istfg i can't even deny that i have it hahahah have fun besties because a bitch might cum 💗
The rain surprised you today. You were at the university’s library for most of your afternoon after having spent your lunch and morning hours in lectures and classes. You want to finish your education. This is what your current plan is. A little bit of normalcy and the feeling of achieving one of your life long goals.
You are the only one who went back to university after everything which happened. The others had no reason to do so and you didn’t blame them. You really liked being back at university, spending your days studying and your evenings practicing magic or cuddling with your boys. You are living the best fucking life.
The rain surprised you today. You were on your way back home when a sudden rain shower took control of the sky. You could have easily called one of your boys and they could have picked you up, but you didn’t feel like it. Seokjin’s – aka Hoseok’s – house was just in reach and you are sure that you can find refuge there.
You increase your steps, fighting against the storm. Hopefully Hoseok is home. Seokjin and Emma are back in Gordes for a few months, so Hoseok has been taking care of the house. He spends most of his weekends at the estate however, if he isn’t busy with his dance school that is.
You hurry up the few steps and slam your finger on the doorbell.
No answer for a few moments too long. The rain is wet and cold, the harsh storm brings down the temperature even more. You are shivering like crazy. Your clothes are soaked entirely.
You ring the bell a second time in sync with Hoseok opening the door. It results in you being able to hear the shrill ringing.
“Hey”, you say, slipping your finger from the bell to give him a little wave.
“Hey there hey, come in. Quick, come in”, he greets you, waving you inside as he steps out of the way, “the weather’s crazy all of a sudden. Shit, look at you. You’re soaked.”
“I’m freezing my ass off. The rain surprised me”, you tell him, “can I put my stuff on the mat?”
“Yeah sure.”
Hoseok locks the door while you shrug off your soaked outdoor clothes and backpack.
“You’re lucky I have increased hearing. I was wearing headphones.”
“Yeah? Did you practice dance?” you ask, taking off your shoes.
Hoseok is already busy spreading your wet jacket on the radiator in order for it to dry quicker.
“Nope, just making music.”
“That’s cool. You keep talking about it. I wanna listen to your stuff, seriously.”
Hoseok dismisses you with a nonchalant tilt of his head, “soon. It’s not finished yet.”
“You’re a perfectionist. I’m sure it’s already good.”
“Yeah I am, but at least it means that once it’s done, it’s amazing.”
“I can’t argue what that”, say and feel shivers run through you, “brrrr, I’m so cold. And wet. Urgh, I hate the rain.”
“You love rain.”
You laugh, “yeah, I do. I just don’t like it right now.”
Hoseok smiles and chuckles. He nods his head into the direction of the stairs.
“You know where the bathroom is. You can take a hot shower if you want.”
“This would literally save my life. Thank you”, you say and turn to hurry upstairs, “can I borrow clothes?”
“Yeah sure. What’s your size again?”
Spending time at Hoseok’s place feels familiar and safe. You know every nook and cranny, find everything blindly and feel at home in the rooms. It is not only because you spent months in the guestroom during the time Namjoon was still a threat and you hated Yoongi. But it is also because next to the estate, the former Sanguis frat house feels like a second home. You and the others are always welcome here, you are allowed to act at home and the company is always amazing. There are many days where you take a short rest stop at Hoseok’s place before going home. And there are also many days where the others, especially Jungkook, leave the estate to spend time at Hoseok’s instead. In a sense, the cozy townhouse has become an extension of the estate where all of you are always welcome.
You are in the middle of drying your hair with Hoseok’s dryer when he knocks on the door.
“I’ve put the clothes in front of the door”, he calls out.
“Yes. Thanks”, you call back.
Hoseok picked out one of his comfiest sweat suit. He is currently in a phase where he enjoys wearing matching sweat suits sets in the most colourful of combinations and with many accessories bringing the look together. He always looks to die for in them. He picked out a grey coloured sweat suit with neon green accents for you. You saw him wear it before and he looked amazing in it.
He also laid out a pair of boxers for you and some socks. They are freshly washed because if there is one thing Hoseok is, it is clean.
The clothes smell just like him and the cologne he always wears. Masculine and clean with a hint of sandalwood at the end. You catch yourself smelling the collar of his hoodie way too vividly, cringing at yourself afterwards because of how embarrassing that was. You couldn’t help yourself. He smells so good.
Now wrapped in his soft clothes and with your body warmed up, you decide to look for him. Knowing Hoseok, he was back in his home studio.
It is located on the second floor just past his bedroom and the guestroom Yoongi stayed in all those years ago. The door is closed and you know that knocking is fruitless. You still do, entering his room at the same time.
He doesn’t answer you.
Just like you had thought, Hoseok was lost in his music, nodding his head to the beat of it. You can hear snippets of it escaping his headphones. It sounds as if he was rapping "burn" over and over again. The beat sounds aggressive and perfectly rhythmical.
“Hobi?” you repeat yourself and tap his shoulder.
He presses pause and takes off his headphones, turning with his chair afterwards.
“Hey there ___”, he says and grins, tilting his head to the side.
“Sorry to disturb you.”
“You’re not”, he assures you and studies you from head to toe, “cute. My clothes fit you well.”
“Thanks”, you say, smoothing over the front, “they smell like you.”
He grins, “and that means?”
“Nothing”, you mumble and look away. Shit, why did you say that? So embarrassing.
He chuckles and turns back to his desktop. He is wearing a brown sweat suit today, combining some rings and an expensive watch with it. Knowing Hoseok, he would wear some funky glasses and chunky sneakers with it if he were to leave the house. But alas, only a pair of white socks adorns his feet. The latter he currently taps to a silent beat. The song must still be stuck in his head even now that he isn’t playing it.
You take a step closer and point at the screen. Hoseok sneaks a glance up at you. You aren’t aware of it, but like this, your body is touching his upper arm. Your warmth seeps right through your clothes.
“I heard glimpses of the song. It sounded really good”, you say.
Hoseok turns back to you again. Like this, you are between his legs.
“You think so?” he asks, resting his head back against the chair in order to look up at you. His elegant fingers are folded on his stomach.
“Yeah. You sang about burning stuff?”
“Yeah”, he laughs, “you could say it like that. I still haven’t finished the verses yet. It’s just a guide version for now.”
“It already sounds good.”
“Thanks”, he says and stands up with his eyes running over your face. He steps closer to you, placing his hand on the table beside you, “why are you here?”
“I, I uhm”, you clear your throat, “Hobi, don’t be like that”, you complain and push at his chest.
“Like what?”
“A flirt.”
He laughs, “I’m not flirting. I genuinely wanna know why you’re here.”
“I was on my way home from uni and the rain surprised me. This was closest.”
“So I wasn’t a reason?”
“You’re always a reason”, you say and nudge him, “silly.”
He laughs and steps back, “are you hungry?”
“Starving actually.”
“Wanna cook together?”
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Funky. Let me just save this and then I’m ready.”
“Yeah, take your time. I’m calling Yoongi to let him know that I’ll stay the night here”, you say with your back already turned to him as you leave the room. You can’t see the surprised look Hoseok sends you at the mention of you sleeping over or the faint smile which follows.
“Sure, tell him”, he says and looks back at his song.
You walk downstairs as you talk to Yoongi. The latter picks up after the third ring.
“Hey, my princess.”
“Hey, my prince.”
“Are you okay?”
“I am, don’t worry. The rain surprised me.”
“I know, I noticed. I was worried already”, he confesses, making you smile.
“Of course you were. Don’t worry about me, love. I managed to get to Hoseok’s just in time.”
“Thank god, phew”, he exhales loudly, “I can relax now.”
“Yeah”, you giggle. He’s so cute.
“Are you staying the night? I don’t think the weather’s gonna get any better.”
“Yeah right? I’ll stay the night if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is. You don’t gotta ask”, he assures you and suddenly you can hear the smirk in his voice, “maybe you’ll end up watching his stuff too, mhm?”
Your heart fluttered in your chest.
“Yoongi”, you gasp.
He chuckles deeply, “I’m messing with you.”
“Wah, so mean. I feel hot now.”
“Sorry”, he laughs.
“You’re not.”
“Mhm, no I’m not.”
“So mean”, you mumble and snicker. Yoongi does the same.
Silence follows, which Yoongi breaks.
“Where are you right now?”
“Kitchen. I’m waiting for Hobi to come down. He’s working on his mixtape.”
“Mhm, the songs are really good.”
“You heard them?”
“Yeah. He showed me and asked for my input.”
“That’s so unfair. He doesn’t want to show them to me”, you whine.
Yoongi chuckles, “poor woman. You’ll love them once he does.”
“Mhm, I’m sure I will”, you say as your eyes shift to the doorway. Hoseok is finally here, “hey love? Hobi just came. I’m gonna hang up now if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, okay. Tell him hi.”
“Yoongi says hi.”
Hoseok smiles, “thanks Yoongi. I say hi back.”
“He says hi back.”
“Thanks”, the smile is obvious in Yoongi’s voice, “have fun, love. Yeah?”
Your heart flutters. You know exactly how he meant that.
“So mean”, you mumble, making him laugh, “I’ll have fun”, you add in a chuckle.
“Good. Sweet dreams, princess.”
“You too, Boongie. I’ll come home for lunch tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’ll have something prepared.”
“Ooh, now I can’t wait. I love you, Boongie.”
“I love you too, princess.”
“And Yoongi! Before I forget!”
“Can you tell the others where I am? So they don’t worry.”
“Of course, I’ll tell them.”
“Thank you, love. Okay, bye then.”
“Bye, love.”
You hang up and place the phone aside, smiling to yourself.
Hoseok, who watched you talk to Yoongi on the phone, sends you a teasing look.
“You’re so whipped for this man”, he coos and nudges your upper arm.
“Yes I am. What about it?” you throw back with a pout.
“Nothing. It’s cute”, he says and points at his fridge, “what you wanna eat? I gotta warn you, I don’t have lots of groceries because I haven’t really eaten lots of human food lately.”
“Really? But you love human food. Are you okay?”
“Very. Just way too preoccupied with the mixtape. I just crack open a blood bag and I’m good. It takes less time.”
“You guys are so lucky that you can choose if you want to eat food or not. I miss out on food once and feel shitty.”
“Yeah right, I guess we are lucky”, he says and sticks his head into the fridge, “what do you wanna eat?”
You close the distance and try to look inside the fridge as well, “what do you have? Oh pesto. We could make pasta with pesto.”
“That sounds good. I think I still have your favourite pasta.”
Hoseok opens the kitchen cabinet and pulls out a package of your favourite pasta.
“Yup”, he says, shaking it.
“Wah Hobi, I love you. This is the best pasta shape ever.”
“Yeah, it’s good. It holds the sauces well.”
“Agreed and it’s the perfect size for my mouth.”
Hoseok snorts, “that’s what she said”, he says, earning himself a nudge to the chest.
“Perv”, you say, but chuckle.
Hoseok snickers and busies himself with getting out the pot and filling it with water. He puts it on the stove and turns the heat on.
“What should we do now that the water needs to boil?” he asks.
“You could show me your songs.”
Hoseok smiles, “why are you so persistent?”
“Because”, you nudge his chest, “I talked to Yoongi and he told me that you show him your songs.”
“Yeah? And?” Hoseok is giggling, which means he’s being playful.
“Hobi, come on”, you whine, chasing him to grab his waist and squeeze it.
He flees you with minimal effort, letting out squeaky giggles while his hands hold yours in place.
“I’m so curious. Come on, show me”, you whine.
“Fine okay”, he squeaks, “okay, I’ll show you. Just stop tickling me”, he says and pulls you out of the kitchen.
You skip next to him happily, swinging your hands back and forth. Hoseok studies you.
“Why are you so happy?”
“Because I’m gonna hear your music.”
Hoseok sits you down on his studio chair while he busies himself with turning on the big speakers and subwoofer. You pull your legs up on the chair so you can sit cross-legged and watch him squat down in front of the desk. He rests his chin on it as he clicks away on his computer.
You place your hands on his shoulders and give him a gentle massage. Hoseok reacts by leaning into you slightly and letting out a deep purr.
“Okay, this song’s called More. I really like it”, Hoseok explains.
“Is it the one I could hear?” you ask, running your fingertips through the fluffy hair at the nape of his neck.
“No that one’s gonna be called Burn. It’s not done yet.”
“I see. Well then, play it. I’m so excited.”
“Right”, he says and presses play. He gets up and stands next to you with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a stern, almost angry, expression on his face. You glance at him at first, but then concentrate on the song instead. It’s an amazing song. It is not all how you imagined Hoseok’s music to be and you feel terrible that you thought so because as you listened to the hard beat and aggressive guitar riffs between his passionate rapping, you realise just how Hoseok this song is. It is in Korean, which makes understanding the lyrics difficult for you, but you don’t have to understand every word to know that this song means a lot to him.
The song ends.
You cheer and clap instantly, bouncing in the chair. Hoseok doesn’t react to your cheers. He merely tilts his head to the side in a twitch and clicks his tongue, looking displeased.
“Ah I could add more reverb at one sixty”, he says and leans on the table as he works with a stern expression.
“This was amazing, Hobi. Look, I’ve got goosebumps”, you say, showing off your arm.
“You think so?”
“Yes. It was amazing. It had me totally captured and I wanna listen to the song whenever I do something I need motivation for.”
Hoseok turns and sits down on the edge of the desk. He still has his arms crossed.
“Thanks ___, that means a lot.”
“I’m serious. You’re so talented.”
“Thank you”, his features soften as if he finally starts to like the song as well, “yeah, I’m proud of it”, he says and smiles, “it took me a long time to get there, but it’s a good song. You know, I need my stuff to be perfect and I can’t rest till I’m satisfied.”
“I know. You’re a perfectionist”, you tease, nudging him in the thigh.
“Yeah true”, he agrees and pushes himself off the table, “we should check on the noodle water.”
The water is boiling when you enter the kitchen so Hoseok pours in some pasta while you prepare the pesto and a plate for later. You set a timer on your phone, showing it to Hoseok.
“We’ve got around eight minutes to spare. Any more songs you can show me?”
“No, but I’ve got a living room we can chill in."
You chuckle, “you’re so secretive with your songs.”
“Hey, they have to be perfect. I already stressed out ‘cause you listened to More.”
“Okay, okay I’m not saying anything. For what it’s worth, I genuinely think it’s an amazing song.”
“Yeah? Thanks, uhm”, he flusters and giggles, “shit, you got me giggling. Hah, thanks.”
You chuckle fondly, “you’re cute, Hobi.”
You eat your pasta in the living room, chatting about everything and anything while outside it storms. You and he clean the kitchen after you finished dinner and then return to the living room for dessert and more chatting.
You and he share the sofa. Hoseok is sipping on a glass of blood while you opted for hot cocoa.
“Are you okay?”Hoseok asks, interrupting your monologue about your library experience today.
“Why are you asking?”
“Cause you’ve been rubbing your shoulders since we sat down.”
“Oh yeah. I guess I’m just a little tense. My backbag was really heavy today and it fucked my shoulders. It hurts.”
“I can massage you.”
Hoseok nods his head.
“Yes please. Oh my god, my saviour”, you say and get off the couch to sit down in front of him. Hoseok hands you a blanket so you can cover your lower body and then he turns so you were between his legs and he could reach your shoulders.
He rubs his hands together to warm them.
“Should I take off the hoodie?” you ask.
“No it’s fine. I’m starting. Is that okay for you?”
“Yes, it’s okay.”
With your consent, Hoseok places his hands on your shoulders. He begins his massage by rubbing the flat of his palms up and down your shoulders and arms.
“What did you wanna tell me before I interrupted you?” he asks.
“Mhm? Oh yeah! As I was saying, I tried to use the computer to look for the book and it didn’t show me anything.”
“Oh no. How did you find it then?”
Hoseok begins rubbing circles into your shoulders, looking for the tighter areas so he could relax them.
“That’s when it gets cool because I used magic to find it.”
“Yo, really?”
“Yes, really. I concentrated really hard and thought of the words Yoongi taught me and then suddenly, I heard a small bell sound.”
“A bell sound?” Hoseok gasps. He is putting pressure into his touches, relaxing the tense areas. They are hard under his fingertips, no wonder you were in pain.
“Yeah seriously, a bell sound. And it became louder the closer I got to the book and then bam.”
Hoseok gasps.
“The book was right there. In front of my eyes.”
“Okay that’s so funky. What the hell?”
You snicker, nodding your head.
“I felt like a real witch then. I almost yelled until I realised I was at the library.”
Hoseok chuckles, “you’re seriously so cool. I know who to call if I ever lose something again.”
“Yes please do. Ah”, you tense up, “ah geez, it hurts.”
“Relax. You’re too tense”, Hoseok says.
“It hurts a lot, you know?”
“I know. You’re really tight in this area”, he says, digging his thumbs into the area.
“I know, ah geez”, you hiss, writhing in discomfort, “no need to break my shoulders, ah.”
“I’m not even using a lot of my strength”, he defends himself and lessens the pressure, “how’s that?”
“Yeah, it’s better. Sorry, I’m a little wimp when it comes to getting massaged.”
“It’s chill. I can be gentle”, he says, rubbing circles into your neck.
You feel yourself shiver. Not only because of the relaxing touches, but also because of his words. You are very well aware that he didn’t mean them in a sexy way, but it’s difficult not to understand them in such a way when Yoongi’s words still run through your mind. You ogle the TV, then the armchair next to it. Yoongi told you what Hoseok did to him on that chair. You fumble with your own fingers, feeling your heart speed up in your chest. Would it be weird to bring it up right now? He is being such a good friend and you don’t want to make him uncomfortable by being a horny slut. You are aware that Hoseok is a very down to fuck kind of guy, but just because he is, doesn’t mean that he always has to be in the mood to be a horndog. He’s just a person after all and a person you love so very dearly.
“What’s wrong?” Hoseok asks, placing his delicate hands on your upper arms, “am I being too rough?”
“W-why do you ask?” you stutter.
“Your heart’s racing”, he says and rubs your arms, “I can stop if you don’t want to anymore.”
“No, I uhm, no. Hah”, you laugh breathily, “sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Okay? Do you wanna tell me?”
“It’s okay. I don’t wanna make you feel weird.”
“Dude, now you gotta tell me. You can’t just say that. I’m a nosy bastard”, he says, pushing you gently. He laughs.
You laugh, swaying back and forth.
“Yeah I guess”, you say.
“So? Tell me”, he encourages you.
You turn and lift your head so you can look up at him. Hoseok switches between looking into your right and left eye, letting his hands tangle between his legs.
“You gotta pinky promise not to be weird”, you say, lifting your hand.
Hoseok hooks his pinky finger with yours, “promise”, he says and seals it by pressing his thumb against yours, “now open your mouth and talk. You’re making me nervous.”
You lower your hand and take a deep breath, “I’d be down to watch your movies”, you say.
Hoseok gawks at you. His mouth falls open. The silence is intense. His eyes are almost round from how widely he opens them. His reaction is understandable and adorable.
“If you’d be down that is”, you add, giving him a little lopsided smile afterwards.
“I uh”, he lets out and blinks quickly. His air leaves him in a breathy laugh, his right hand comes to touch his chest, “a-are, are you sure?”
You nod your head, “I’m curious what all the talk is about”, you say and scoot closer to nudge his chest, “you’ve got Yoongi still talking about what you guys did that night.”
Hoseok exhales in a laugh and turns his head to the side. His hand shoots up to rub the side of his neck, coyness washes over his features.
“He does?”
“Yeah, totally. You know what he told me on the phone today?”
Hoseok shakes his head. He still isn’t looking at you, fumbling with his own ear nervously.
“That maybe you’ll show me your stuff and that I should have fun. You’ve seriously messed him up back then.”
“Yo dude that’s just- yo”, Hoseok says and stumbles off the couch, running his hands through his fluffy hair. He laughs, but it sounds nervous and so not at all like Hoseok.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, following him with your eyes. He is prancing up and down, rubbing the nape of his neck.
“You’re messing with me, that’s what up. You?” he looks at you with widened eyes.
“What about me?”
“Outta all the people coming here begging for a fuck, you’d be last I expected this from.”
“Why?” you ask in a chuckle, “you’ve got Yoongi talking about it and Kook mentioning it when I fuck him dumb. I wanna see what the deal is about. Besides, I was just asking if we could watch your stuff, I never mentioned sex.”
Hoseok scoffs, “sure ___.”
You cross your arms in front of your chest and pout, “we don’t have to do it you know? Wow, I feel so attacked right now.”
Hoseok studies you for a moment.
“Yeah uhm, give me a moment”, he says and then leaves the room.
You boil in your loneliness, feeling like dying would be less awkward than what just happened. Out of all the reactions you expected Hoseok to have, pure shock and the need to flee wasn’t one of them. You expected gloating, pride, happiness and cocky teasing, but not for him to run away. You touch your own chest because the embarrassment you feel sits heavy in your chest. This was the most humiliating shit you ever pulled. Fuck, you want to dissolve into thin air.
You pull out your phone to text Yoongi and ask him if he could come pick you up, but before you can, Hoseok is back in the room. He is carrying a translucent hard plastic box filled with cassettes and DVDs.
“Sorry it took me a while, I had to make sure the collection’s complete”, he says and puts the box on the coffee table in front of you, “I still got a box upstairs. Let me get it”, he says and disappears again.
You have never felt lighter before. All the embarrassment from before is gone from your chest. He didn’t quit on you, he just got his stuff. You sit down on the edge of the sofa and begin looking through the box. The movies seem to be from the nineties and two thousands. He’s on a few covers. Naked and with a hard-on. You try not to look at it even if you were literally moments away from watching him fuck on TV.
“Okay, I think this should be everything now. I’ve also got my Only Fans, but you have to subscribe to see that stuff”, Hoseok says and places the second box next to the first one. The box was filled with DVDs and hard drives. He sits down next to you, close enough that your legs were touching, “see anything you like?” he asks, placing his arm around you. He doesn’t let it touch you, instead he just makes you hyperaware of its presence behind you. You feel yourself fluster because Hoseok has never been that close to you with an underlying sexual intention. Of course you and he hug and cuddle as friends, but initiating touch with the near future of fucking is new to you.
You turn your head to him. Hoseok meets your eyes. You and he are just inches away from kissing. The close proximity makes you feel giddy. He’s got really pretty eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, studying your eyes and then your lips.
You look away, “shut up.”
“Wah look at you”, Hoseok coos and bumps his chest into you playfully, “moments ago you wanted to watch my stuff and now you’re nervous about it.”
“Dude, shut up”, you complain.
Hoseok giggles and pulls you into him with a strong arm just so he can shake you around a little.
“Look at you being nervous.”
“Shut up”, you whine, “I’ll punch you in the balls, I’m serious.”
“Hey, hey don’t ruin what’ll benefit you later. My balls are precious cargo, ___.”
You roll your eyes, shoving him off of you, “you’re annoying.”
“Why? I’m just saying.”
“Urgh whatever”, you say and look back into the boxes.
Hoseok scoots closer and reaches into the first box. He pulls out a DVD. He is on the cover, oiled up and with his dick in his hands. You are looking right at it if you wanted to or not. It’s well-shaped, an impressive length and just girthy enough that you have to do a double take. It almost looks – to put it frankly – just a little bit out of place on him. He is a very petite guy, slender and fit, and his cock looks almost massive on his body. His elegant fingers look so small around it.
“Your dick’s huge, dude. What the hell?”
Hoseok laughs, “right? It’s my vampire cock though. People never noticed, but it comes in handy when you can grow your dick.”
“I can imagine. For porn it’s practical”, you say and glance at his face.
He meets your eyes.
“I hope you know that this is really fucking awkward for me.”
He chuckles, “it’s not awkward for me.”
“I know. You’re an exhibitionist.”
“Right”, he nudges you gently, “don’t be awkward. It’s just me naked and very hard.”
He makes you laugh which lessens the awkwardness.
“Yeah, right that’s the issue here. You’re my best friend and now I’m looking at your boner. I really didn’t think this through. Dude, that’s what happens when you massage me, I say stuff.”
“I’m your best friend?” he sounds moved.
“Yeah. Well. Technically Yoongi’s like my bestest friend, but you’re my best friend. You know?”
“This just got really emotional right now. Thank you, ___”, he says and drapes his arm over you to pull you into a soft temple kiss.
You lean into it, feeling good about it.
“You’re one of my best friends too”, he says and gives you a little squeeze, “we don’t have to do this, you know? It’s okay if you changed your mind.”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t wanna stop. I just have to live with the fact that now I know how huge your dick is.”
He laughs and lifts the DVD into your vision, “wanna know why I picked this?”
“Cause your cock’s huge?”
He laughs, “no it’s because this is the movie I watched with Yoongi that got him all horny”, he says and flips the cover. His co-star is on the back, showing off his oiled-up hole. You do another double take not for cock reasons, but because the actor looks way too similar to Yoongi. Hoseok, who saw your eyes flit back for a second glimpse, grins, “you’re seeing it too, aren’t you?”
“I do. What the hell?” you gasp, grabbing the cover to get a closer look, “are sure that that’s not Yoongi and he just erased your memories back then?”
Hoseok laughs, “it could be a theory. But no, that’s Niragi. We did a few films together, but then lost contact.”
“It’s crazy how similar they look. Except for maybe their holes.”
Hoseok snort laughs, “___”, he gasps and nudges you.
You snicker, glancing at him, “I’m just saying. Yoongi’s not that loose.”
“I know. I felt it”, Hoseok says and looks at your lips.
You feel it, just as you feel your heart speed up because of it.
“We could watch that if you want”, he whispers.
“Intriguing, but I wanna see you act with a woman. Got something that looks like me?”
He chuckles, “babygirl, no one’s ever come close to your beauty”, he partially jokes.
You roll your eyes and nudge his chest, “sweet talker.”
He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. He gives your lips one last hungry gaze then finally looks back into the boxes, “I’ve got something you could like. You like female gaze stuff, don’t you?”
“Do I give off those vibes?”
“With the men you date? Yeah.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask in a laugh.
“They’re at your feet worshipping your every step. I’d be surprised if they even as much as called you bad girl in bed.”
You snort, “you’d be surprised then.”
“Mhm, surprise me”, Hoseok purrs and pulls out a black hard drive, “that’s where the good shit is”, he says and stands up, “get ready for a good show ‘cause I fucked like rent’s due in this movie.”
“I’m expecting great things, you know that don’t you?”
Hoseok squats down in front of his TV.
“Yeah, I do”, he glances at you over his shoulder. He lifts it after a second and giggles, “shit, I’m nervous now. You’re gonna watch my shit.”
You study him. He is so attractive to you right now. Shit, you’re getting horny. It’s so easy to get you turned on.
“Or, I don’t know, we could skip the movie and make out instead?”
Hoseok hesitates. Hoseok takes a deep breath. Hoseok looks at your lips. And Hoseok places the hard drive aside just to stand up and hurry to you. He falls to his knees in front of you, placing his hands on your knees. Like this, you are almost face to face, sharing intense silence and even more intense eye contact.
“Is this a yes?” you ask him.
He nods his head, looking at your lips.
You move in, but Hoseok moves back.
“Mhm?” you are confused.
“I just need to know that this isn’t gonna ruin what we have”, he says. You never heard him with such seriousness in his voice before, “I like you so much and I don’t wanna lose you just ‘cause of one night. If tonight’s gonna fuck us up, I don’t wanna continue.”
“It’s not gonna ruin it for me. You?”
“It’s not gonna ruin it, no fuck”, he laughs breathily, “fuck, I wanted to make out with you for ages. Not that I’m one of those desperate dudes thinking they’re friendzoned, it’s just that I kiss my friends if they’re into it. Or fuck them. And show them my porn.”
You laugh, “I know, Hobi. We’re not traditional. None of us.”
“Yeah, it’s the fucking best”, he says and moves in, cupping your cheek with both hands. His nose brushes yours, your heart skips a beat. He is looking at your lips as he talks, caressing your cheeks, “one last chance.”
“Shut up, Hobi”, you whisper and pull him in with your hand at the nape of his neck.
Hoseok stumbles into you, moaning against your lips as he scrambles to find your rhythm. You didn’t give him a difficult rhythm to follow, no, Hoseok is just simply overwhelmed by the sensation of feeling your lips on his’.
You pull back. Hoseok is looking at your lips with half-lidded eyes and a faint smile.
“Did you brush your teeth?” you ask him.
“Yeah”, he says and pulls you back into the kiss. His hand comes in contact with the side of your face before naturally gliding down to hold the side of your neck. His fingers are long enough that you can feel them brush against the nape of your neck. The touch sends the biggest shivers down your spine.
You moan into the kiss and hook your arms behind his head, tangling your fingers deep in his hair. It’s softer than you imagined it to be and that means a lot because you imagined it to be soft. Hoseok also kisses so much better than you imagined him to kiss. He knows just when to give your lips a little suck, when to involve his teeth and when to let you do your thing. His tongue also knows exactly when to trace your lips to make you crave more.
“Shit, you’re so good”, Hoseok murmurs between kissing you, standing up with his arms hooked under your legs. He lifts you off the couch easily, purring deeply when you press yourself closer and bite his lower lip. You are squirming in his arms. Just as Hoseok had thought. You’re into getting carried.
He bounces you in his arms and finally allows his tongue to stay involved for longer than a small trace. You moan, meeting his kisses with eagerness. His lips are so soft, he tastes so good and whenever he bounces you there is friction against your pussy.
Hoseok purrs, walking with a dizzy head. He is so happy for his vampire senses right now, because you are stealing his sanity. This isn’t the first kiss you and he shared, but it feels like it to him. The night at the masquerade ball is a memory in his mind these days. It happened so many years ago and is tainted by the fun influence of alcohol. But this isn’t the result of alcohol, this is untainted and real. Hoseok almost stumbles up the stairs because he’s so excited.
He stops once he is upstairs, pressing you against the wall to break the kiss.
“Shit baby. Can I call you baby for tonight?” he rasps and begins kissing neck.
You roll your head back, revealing your vulnerable spots to him.
“Yeah, you can”, you sigh, playing with his hair and sending shivers down his spine in the process.
“You’re so fucking hot, baby. Fuck”, Hoseok moans. His breath tickles your skin, his lips follow. It feels so good that you can’t stop gasping and squirming in his arms.
There was another occasion where you and he shared a kiss. Back when Alpha was still evil and you still hated Yoongi, you came to Hoseok’s room to comfort him after a fight with Yoongi. You and Hoseok talked and somehow the conversation shifted into you giving him a kiss. Back then, Hoseok was high after smoking too much weed and the kiss felt blurry to him.
Tonight feels like fucking ecstasy to him. He is clear in the head and gets to kiss you so fucking passionately. He growls, letting his fangs grace your skin. This is turning him on so fucking bad. He sucks needily.
“Ah, Hobi”, you gasp, arching your back.
The contact breaks because he pulled back.
“Sorry, fuck”, he apologises, kissing the tender spot. He got too excited and sucked a hickey onto your skin. Now the spot is pulsating in sensitivity, “fuck, I can’t believe this is real. You’re so fucking sexy. Fuck, baby”, he growls and rolls his hips into you. His clothed cock grinds against your clothed pussy, sending electric tingles through your bodies.
You and he moan at the same time. You pull him closer while he chases you with another thrust.
You tug his head up by his hair and give him a second of droopy eye contact before you push him onto your lips. He finds your rhythm instantly, sharing the sloppiest tongue kisses with you. He growls into you, breaking away from the wall to carry you to his room. It’s not far anymore and he needs you under him.
He doesn’t bother closing the door because it’s just you and him in this big house. Nobody can run in on you and it doesn’t matter if the door is closed or not, he’ll have you screaming for him either way. No door will keep the noises out.
He places you on top his bed and steps back to take off his shirt. He throws it onto the ground, looking at you with lowered eyes.
“Couldn’t you have turned the lights on?” you ask in a chuckle.
“Ah yeah, sorry I forgot you can’t see in the dark”, he says and turns on his bedside lamp, "better?"
You look at him instantly, letting your eyes run up and down his torso. Hoseok falls into a pose instantly, taking off his sweats as he does. He keeps his briefs on. They’re the bikini cut type, dark blue and bulging in the front. He is very obviously hard, forcing your eyes to stay on his crotch.
“You’re so hot”, you say, writhing needily.
“Thanks”, he says and climbs onto bed. He takes the spot above you, claiming your lips in a kiss. He keeps his left hand rested beside your head while his right hand dances down your body to play with the hem of your sweats. Your lips tremble against his’, your hands touch his chest. He breaks the kiss but keeps close, “is that okay for me to do?”
“Yeah” you allow him, lifting your hips.
“Thank you. You can always stop this”, he says and takes off your pants.
“I know. You too”, you tell him, writhing needily.
Hoseok wastes no time and takes off your boxers as well, throwing them on the bed beside him. The hoodie he borrowed you is long enough that it covers your pussy. You squirm on the sheets, pressing your thighs together as best as possible.
“Nervous?” he asks.
“A little. You?”
“Yeah, dude”, he laughs breathily, “I’m so fucking nervous. I could shit myself.”
You laugh, “please don’t.”
He snickers, “mhm no, I won’t”, he whispers and kisses your neck.
You close your eyes, rolling your head to the side as a happy sigh slips past your lips.
Hoseok pushes your legs apart with his knees, running his right hand down your torso while his left is propped up beside your head. He listens to your heartbeat for any kind of change. It is racing and increases in speed the further down his hand dances.
Hoseok nudges your head so it rolls to the other side and he can kiss your neck there. You purr softly, squirming under him. Your pulse is fluttering. Hoseok moves closer to your pussy. Your heart skips a beat. He swerves past your heat and feels up your inner thighs instead.
Up and down. Up and down. Hoseok traces your soft skin with just his fingertips. He comes close enough to your pussy that you know his touch is there and yet never close enough that you can feel it. It’s making you squirm more and more.
You reach up, placing your hands on his chest.
“Hobi”, you sigh, sliding your fingers to his nipples. You rub them gently, eliciting a deep purr from him.
“Mhm keep going. I like it”, he rasps and bites your earlobe softly, “is it okay for me to touch your pussy?”
“Yes, is okay. You fucking tease”, you allow him, rolling your hips up.
“Mhm yeah”, he agrees and dances his fingers up your inner thigh.
You shiver. The thought that soon you will feel his touch is making his fingers feel so much better on your skin.
Hoseok touches you.
“Ah”, you let out, feeling his chest vibrate in a deep purr. His fingers part you for him, starting off at your entrance and painting a path up to your clit. He does a swirl when he’s reached her, then dances his fingers down to your entrance again. It is a gentle touch, barely any pressure is involved. You have to keep squirming because these kinds of touches always feel so much more intense.
Hoseok puts distance between your neck and his lips. He studies your face and how you have it scrunched in pleasure. He takes a shaky breath, bundling the sheets next to your head. He’s so into this.
“I wanna taste you”, he confesses, “is it ok-”
“Yeah…” you interrupt him in a breathy voice and your body writhing sensually.
“Shit, you’re hot”, he rasps and abandons you for the sake of shimmying down. He kneels by the bed and wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you closer to his face.
He looks up. Your eyes are focused on the ceiling, you are breathing heavily. Pretty. He thinks you’re so pretty.
He switches his gaze to your pussy. Your sweetened scent is taking up his senses. He lowers his eyes halfway, running them over your exposed heat. Kissing made you wet. It sticks to you and waits to be devoured.
“So fucking pretty”, Hoseok growls deeply and connects his mouth with your pussy.
He drags his tongue through your folds, starting on your entrance until he reaches your clit. You gasp, hold your breath and release it in a quiet whimper.
Hoseok purrs, pressing his tongue against you. He shakes his head, grinding on you this way. This is still a warm up. He’s barely began. You’re so sweet and he needs all of it on his tongue. No wonder your boys are obsessed. Hoseok feels himself get addicted as well.
He stops shaking his head and moves it so his tongue dances up your pussy. He flicks it against your clit, feeling your thighs twitch in reaction. So he does it again. He flicks his tongue against your clit quickly, holding your thighs as they begin trembling.
“Oh god”, you whisper and reach for his hair. You stop yourself. You drop your hand.
“It’s okay. Hold on if you need it”, he allows you and uses the moment to also praise you, “your pussy tastes so good. Fuck, I wanna devour you.”
“O-oh god”, you stutter out and writhe.
“Mhm, so sweet”, Hoseok purrs, burying his face back in your heat. His nose is grinding against you as he sucks on your clit. He keeps you pinned with his strong arms around your thighs, making you take every single second of the hungry feast.
You whimper and reach for his hair to grab it desperately. Your other arm lies itself over your own eyes.
“Fuck. Hoseok….”
Hoseok closes his eyes and moans into you. He releases your clit, slurping up his drool running down your folds. You tug and twist his hair, trembling in his hold.
“Hold onto me, that’s it. Good girl”, he lulls his words because you’ve got him pussy drunk. It’s only been a few moments, Hoseok is aware, but he fucking loves eating pussy. Especially when that pussy belongs to his pretty best friend with her pretty moans and prettier taste.
Hoseok lowers himself for the sake of burying his tongue in your pussy. His long fingers grip your hips and tilt them for easier access. His nose is pressed against you, grinding into you each time he fucks his tongue deep.
“Hoseok oh god”, you get out and choke out a moan, arching your back because it’s impossible to stay still when he is filling you up like this.
He breaks away, letting his spit connect himself with you.
“So fucking sweet, baby. You’ve got such a heavenly pussy”, he praises and spits on her for contrast.
“Ah”, you flinch at the feeling, writhing seconds later when Hoseok slurps up the sinful mess, “Hobi please.”
Hoseok moans, looking up at you again. You’re begging. You’re that type of person. He slips his hand into his briefs to get his cock out because the revelation makes his cock ache. He jerks it off desperately, fucking his tongue deep into your sweet pussy. Those people are his favourites. Oh so ruined by pleasure they start begging without knowing what they’re even begging for. He fucking loves them.
Fuck, he wants to drag every single plea from your tongue. Hoseok furrows his brows and growls against you, speeding up his tongue as he presses himself as close as possible.
“Oh god, please”, you keen, twisting his hair. Your thighs close around his head. You have to grab more of him or otherwise you are losing yourself. He is so fast and sloppy. And so chillingly cool. Because he only consumed blood bags lately, his skin is cold to the touch and yet his mouth carries enough warmth to give you a constant change of temperature. One second his cold nose is grinding against your clit and in the next, his hot tongue follows. The contrast is keeping you on edge and desperate for more.
“Please ah”, you beg and grab his wrist.
Hoseok untangles his left hand from your thigh, sliding it together with your hand. You squeeze him instantly. Your palm is damp and hot.
You writhe and shake, pressing out another plea.
Hoseok growls, looking up at you with darkened eyes. You’re so fucking precious. Look at you needing to hold his hand. You are squeezing him oh so desperately that he wonders if you want to never let go again. He brushes his thumb over your knuckles in soothing and begins concentrating his licks on your clit.
No more playing around. He needs you shaking.
He switches between licking your clit and sucking on it, combining the two sensations until they become this electric blend of never ending pleasure.
“This is gonna make me cum”, you get out and whimper, writhing on the sheets.
Good. Hoseok wants you to climax. This is all he is working towards right now. Your sweet, sweet orgasm on the tip of his tongue. Hoseok dreamed about it for years. He hate fucks his own fist in desperation, making love to your pussy in contrast.
“Hobi this is- ah”, you press out and shudder. You tug at his hair, closing your thighs tighter around his head.
He can hear your blood rush deep inside your muscles. It is rushing and pulsating oh so fucking quickly. He squeezes his eyes shut and sucks your clit between his lips to keep it there and swirl his tongue over it.
“Ah”, you get out and grow silent. You tense up before growing slack within the blink of an eye. Your pussy begins throbbing under his tongue. He’s got you.
“Oh god, ah”, you mewl, filling the air with squeaky moans afterwards. This feels so good. Your legs feel like jello, the heat in your pussy is unbearable. He’s got you climaxing so fucking hard that you actually feel too ruined to keep breathing.
You grab his hair and fuck your hips up against his face, needing it to last so much fucking longer.
Hoseok lets you hump his face with desperate moans leaving him. He keeps his tongue stuck out, basking in every new layer of sweetness you cover his nose with. Shit, he won’t get rid of your scent for days. It’s so deeply burned into him. Hoseok’s in fucking heaven, soiling his hand in his excitement. He isn’t orgasming, he is just very leaky.
“Oh go-god”, you soon drop into the sheets, shuddering in the aftermaths of your high. Your fingers fall from his hair and let go of his hand, “holy fuck.”
Hoseok purrs and gives your clit a kiss. He sucks on her one last time even if you flinch in overstimulation. You had to take it, Hoseok needed one last reminder of your sweet taste.
“Good girl”, he rasps and smiles, “you’re such a good girl, babygirl.”
You mewl quietly, squirming from the praise.
Hoseok drops your thighs for the sake of feeling up your sides as he kisses a path up to your face. His hard cock keeps leaking onto you as he goes. He can’t help it, he’s so fucking needy for more.
He kisses your neck. You press into him instantly, rolling your head to the side until your nose brushes against his cheek.
Hoseok lifts his head, meeting your droopy gaze. You smile and giggle. Hoseok feels his tummy flutter. He gives you his prettiest heart-shaped smile and a little giggle with a nose scrunch.
“We just did that”, you say.
“Yeah right. I loved it”, he says.
“Me too”, you confess and touch his mouth.
Hoseok lets you with bated breath and parted lips. You are so mesmerised by his lips, looking so utterly enchanted by them.
“Your lips are pretty”, you whisper and trace one specific spot repeatedly, “you’ve got a mole there. It’s pretty.”
“Uhm”, Hoseok lets out and lowers his head because he’s actually flustered.
You snicker and drop your hand to instead touch his wrist.
“Can I suck your cock?”
Hoseok lifts his head again in shock, “sorry?”
“Can I suck your cock? I promise I won’t bite it off.”
He laughs, feeling his entire body tingle in butterflies. You snicker, gazing up at him with sparkly, yet lustful eyes.
“Can I?” you ask, tracing his pecs with your nails. His nipples harden instantly, throbbing oh so needily when you brush your fingers over them.
“Fuck, I’m fucked what the fuck”, he lets out and rolls off of you.
“Why?” you ask, straddling his lap.
Hoseok sits up, gripping your hips. Your wet pussy is dripping onto his thigh, your weight is like heaven on his lap. He gazes up at you, drinking in every fucking inch of your face.
“I’m so fucking into you that it’s giving me butterflies”, he whispers.
“Good”, you say and push him down by his chest. He falls, letting out a breathy moan as his back hits the sheets. His hair is ruffled, his hands fall on each side of his head and stay there.
“Stay”, you order and crawl off of him. You run your hands down his body and take off his briefs as you go, eliciting goosebumps to the surface of his skin. He moans quietly, chasing your touch with squirms.
“Feels good”, he whispers and rolls his hips up in synch with your hands parting his legs by rubbing his inner thighs, “ah, yeah feels really good. Hah”, he lets out and laughs breathily.
Hoseok’s bed is low enough that you can kneel comfortably and reach his cock. You do so, dragging him to the edge as you fall to your knees. Hoseok mewls in reaction, gasping for fucking air. His body is burning up. You are fucking messing with him. Your knees hit the floor. The fluffy rug under you gives extra cushioning.
You reach the end of his inner thighs, rubbing circles into the spot where his groin blends into them. Hoseok parts his legs further. His cock twitches needily. You can also watch how his chest begins heaving up and down as his breathing speeds up in excitement.
You glide your right hand to his cock, placing your palm against the upper side of it while your fingers stay stretched. You don’t want to give him too many touches yet. You want your tongue to be the first thing he feels.
Hoseok sucks in air.
You move in and connect your tongue with his base, licking up a thick, wet stripe along the underside of his cock until ending it with a quick flick on his tip.
“Shit”, Hoseok releases his air in a breathy moan, closing his fingers around the sheets right next to his head. He can barely grip them, but it has to be enough. Your tongue feels like fucking heaven on his cock and he’s already burning up.
You hum and drag your tongue down his cock again, swirling it over his balls to get a good feel of them. His skin is soft and cool against your tongue. He throbs at the first contact, making you want more because it was so delicious to have him throb for you. You suck the sensitive skin of his balls between your lips just long enough that it stings a little.
Hoseok reacts in a throaty moan and his hips squirming restlessly. You release him again, guiding your wet tongue up his cock in repeated small, yet terribly sloppy licks. It results in his shaft getting all slickened with your spit. You use it to finally wrap your fingers around him and jerk him off, taking his cockhead between your lips at the same time.
“A-ah”, Hoseok moans, reaching down to grab the back of your head. His hips buck up, forcing his cock to glide over your tongue, and drops his hips again, which almost makes his cock flop out of your greedy mouth.
You let him hold your head. He clearly needs it. You force down the cocky smirk and instead hum around him as you begin bopping your head up and down his cock. You jerk off what you decide not to fit inside right now and dance your left hand up his torso until you can play with his nipples.
Hoseok is moaning so much. He tries not to be too loud, but he genuinely can’t stop his voice from working. He gasps for air and each time he exhales, it happens naturally that he makes the neediest of sounds.
You like what he does. You find great enjoyment in making men noisy for you. There is something very satisfying about using your mouth or hands to turn an otherwise well-spoken man into a moaning mess. Somehow making Hoseok moan feels even more satisfying to you. It is as if you want to prove something to him and show off with what you can do, so hearing him be so incredibly noisy feels as if you are being very successful.
You slip off of him for a moment, spitting on his cock just to pick it up with your hand and spread it in quick movements.
“Holy shit”, Hoseok whispers and arches off the sheets, “ah, a-ah what the fuck?”
His legs are shaking and he can’t do anything against it. Not many people manage to do that to him. Hoseok drops his hand from your head to instead grip the sheets and twist them. His cock twitches and throbs so nicely between your fingers, leaking translucent desperation which aches to be tasted.
“What the actual fuck?” he gets out and squeaks in a moan.
You purr and take him back inside, sucking off his wetness until he writhes under you. Now with his tip incredibly sensitive, you finally take him inside as deep as you can.
Hoseok moans your name and throws his head back, resulting in the sheets to crinkle and his chest to stick up into the air. Your fingers can’t reach his nipples this way, but you don’t mind. You take his balls between your fingers instead, fondling them as your throat jerks off his cock.
“You’re making me cum”, he gets out and groans. His right foot meets your thigh as somehow in his shakes, he manages to step on you. He doesn’t slip off, instead he uses the leverage to arch his back. He gasps, throbbing deep inside your mouth, “I’ll cum in your mouth, it’s gon-gonna happen, ah fuck.”
You moan around him, sending vibrations through his cock.
“Now, ah ___”, Hoseok moans and drops in the sheets as his orgasm takes a hold of him. He twitches and throbs inside you, covering your throat with his warm cum until it gets too much to hold and it trickles out of you. You slurp and suck hungrily, using the excess cum to jerk his cock.
Hoseok is quiet for eight seconds and then his voice finally comes back to him in a guttural growl, “holy fuuuck. What the fuuuck? Shiiit.”
He rolls his hips up needily, riding out the electric waves until the fire takes a hold of him.
“Fuck, okay. Stop”, he says, flinching in overstimulation.
You suck and suck on his tip even if it’s burning up.
“Stop please”, he begs, touching your head with trembling fingers, “hurts. Stop. Please.”
You slide off of him with a delicious moan and swallow, licking your lips just to get the droplets he left outside as well. He tastes so sweet. It’s insane how yummy vampires are. It’s like they are begging to be feasted upon. How paradisically ironic.
“Holy shit, ___. What the fuck was that?” Hoseok gets out as his legs twitch in the aftershocks.
“What do you mean? I sucked your cock”, you act oblivious on purpose, kissing paths up his thighs.
“You made my legs shake.”
Hoseok sits up and cups your face just to pull you to your feet and therefore into a kiss. He uses his powers to get you on top of the bed and under him again. His knee is between your legs, his hands are restless on your body. He is moaning greedily, licking into your mouth as if he wanted to taste himself on you. You let him, tangling your fingers in his soft hair as your hips naturally begin squirming on his thigh. Shit, sucking his cock made you so wet. You can feel it sticking to his skin. You squirm harder, chasing the sensations. It feels so good to grind on him.
“What the fuck”, Hoseok breaks the kiss to instead very sloppily suck on your neck, “what the fuck? I’m done. That’s how you suck cock?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Dude, no wonder you’ve got your men wrapped around your fingers. Holy shit”, he babbles and shivers, “you’ve got me shivering in the aftershock. My legs never shake like this.”
“Mhm good”, you purr and squirm sensually.
“You’re fucking insane”, he rasps and reaches between your bodies. He can feel how wet you are and he is still hard as ever. You’ve also messed with his mind enough that he can’t think clearly anymore. All he wants is to fuck your pussy. The proper, respectful Hoseok is gone. You’ve turned him feral with your tongue. He shifts so his hips were between your legs and then drags his heavy cock through your folds. They feel so wet and puffy around his tip, moving right around him as he guides his cock against you.
“Oh? Ah”, you gasp and open your eyes, meeting his gaze, “Hobi…” you get out, scratching down the back of his neck just to grab his shoulders in the end.
His eyes are glowing red. His ivory cheeks are covered in black veins. You rarely see him in his vampiric state, so this is properly messing you up.
“I wanna take you”, he says and slaps his cockhead against your clit repeatedly. It sounds wet, makes you flinch and moan softly with each impact, “do you want me to?”
You nod your head, “yes.”
Hoseok gives your clit one last spank, then drags his cock down to your soaked entrance. He applies pressure and slips in without resistance.
“Holy fuck”, you and he get out at the same time, resulting in your eyes to meet knowingly.
“Jinx”, you joke and laugh softly.
Hoseok’s lips curl into a fond smile. He chuckles and tilts his head to the side, using the movement to lower himself to your face.
“Kidding, you can talk”, you say, making him laugh just as much as he moans. It results in those really deep, sexy chuckles, the kind which really messes with your sanity.
“You’re too much”, he rasps and bottoms out. He stays like this for a moment, closing his eyes to really enjoy how your walls pulsate and throb around him. He can also feel your heartbeat in them. It’s a vampire thing and means that it takes everything inside of Hoseok not to let his cock grow. He doesn’t know if your boys give you their vampire cocks and just in case they don’t, he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. Oh how sweetly naïve he is.
He furrows his brows and purrs deeply, nodding his head as if he agreed with what is happening right now.
“Yeah, you’re definitely fucking incredible”, he says and peels his eyes open halfway, “can I move?”
“Yeah. Move.”
With your consent, Hoseok finally picks up a rhythm. He really drags out his strokes, including a skilled roll of his hips each time he bottoms out. He knows that he doesn’t need to go fast to make you gasp.
And it works. Two strokes in and you release your first gasp, closing your eyes instinctively as his cock fucks the hottest electricity to the surface.
“How’s that, baby?” he asks in a whisper as his hand caresses the top of your head gently.
You nod your head, giving him a little mewl.
“Mhm, it’s fucking amazing for me too”, he says and closes his eyes, “shit, you feel so good.”
He straightens up, pressing his right hand into the pillow and grabbing a bundle of it. His muscles tense and shift under his ivory skin. The red neon lights really accentuate how strong he was despite his lean frame. He meets your eyes, feeling his stomach tighten in excitement. You look so blissed out, staring up at him with heavy, half-lidded eyes. He gives you a smile, overwhelming you with it to the point where your eyes roll back and close and you let out a needy whimper. You writhe under him, reaching up to grab his wrist.
“You’re so fucking pretty, holy shit”, Hoseok rasps and tenses his jaw.
“Harder”, you breathe.
You nod your head, wiggling your hips.
“Fuck baby, that’s hot”, Hoseok moans and gets to his knees. He lifts your legs and wraps them around his waist. You mewl under him, gawking up at him with foggy eyes. The stretch follows seconds later when Hoseok buries his girthy cock in your puffy pussy, bottoming out with a sensual roll of his hips and a deep purr rumbling in his chest.
“That’s it, take me”, he speaks in a deep voice, keeping you pinned with his ruby eyes, “take a deep breath for me, babygirl.”
You follow, feeling your mind scramble when Hoseok smiles proudly.
“Good job, babygirl. Keep breathing”, he praises and rewards you with deep strokes.
Your breath shudders, your senses blur. He is so rough in his movements and yet they are still so gentle. It is difficult to describe other than that Hoseok knows how to move his fucking hips and he is currently making sure you know that he can.
“That’s it, babygirl. That’s it, keep breathing”, he rasps, sliding his hand to your lower tummy so he can apply gentle pressure.
You writhe and mewl loudly, squeezing your eyes shut. You can feel his cock reshape your insides. He is so fucking deep. Oh god, you are so sensitive inside that every time he bottoms out, you feel fiery pleasure in your entire stomach.
“Fuck, your pussy’s so fucking tight like this. Gotta stretch it all out with my fat cock, mhm?” he taunts, making you whine in both embarrassment and pleasure. He’s got the dirtiest tongue. You feel yourself soaking his cock in reaction.
Hoseok pulls out to the tip, dragging it through your swollen folds. Once, twice, a third time to really mess with your mind. He pushes back inside and gives you his whole length with a harsh thrust. The kind of thrust which knocks a sound out of you and produces the most sinful of slapping sound. You could even feel his heavy balls hit your ass.
He moans in bliss from hearing you beg, showing you just how good he can reshape you by pulling out to his tip and fucking into you again. Harshly, just like before. He doesn’t stop after one thrust, keeping the rhythm going as his long fingers slip to your clit to begin circling her.
“Ah! Oh god! Hob-ah a-ah.”
“Feels good, babygirl?”
“Ye-yeah, yeah, yeah”, he fucks the words out of you. You try to nod your head, but you just end up shaking it around on the sheets rather clumsily. It gives your hair such a sexy messiness to it, “yes. Yes, yes, yes please don’t stop”, you chant, clenching around him.
“I won’t. I can do this for hours”, he rasps and fills you with his cock oh so deep.
Hoseok drinks up the view like an obsessed connoisseur. Fuck, you’re the sweetest artwork he ever looked at. He’s got you, doesn’t he? After years and years of imagining how it might be to fuck you, he’s finally got you. And it’s fucking better than any fantasy he could have ever thought up.
“It feels so goo-good”, you sob, spilling tears from the corners of your eyes.
“‘Feels good for me too. Fuck”, Hoseok spits the last word, falling to his hand so he was right above you. Your hips tilt up, allowing his cock to pound you in a better angle. His right hand is still playing with your clit, keeping her throbbing and sensitive. His weight is on you, keeping you where he needs you to be. Wrapped around him and stuffed with cock.
“Hobi”, you mewl, spilling new tears because everything just feels too good.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, yes ah yes.”
“Fuck, I love hearing that”, he moans, “you’re driving me insane”, he adds and kisses you. He can’t take it anymore. He needs to taste your moans, your sobs and gasps for air. His fangs clash with your teeth messily, but you have enough practice with kissing vampires that you find the right rhythm soon. Sloppy, wet tongue kisses. Desperate sucks and nibbles on each other’s lips. Moments where moans are mixing and breaths intertwine. Your fingers bury themselves deep in his soft hair, his fingers increase the pressure on your clit.
You can’t grasp the passage of time when he’s got you fucked so good. Hoseok doesn’t care about it either, basking in the blissful time vacuum with you as your bodies connect in harsh strokes. Outside the storm calms down. Outside the night arrives with dark skies and quiet streets. While inside, the red lights keep you illuminated and your bodies get ruined in the sweetest way.
“Holy fuck, Hobi ah”, you whimper, writhing under him. He’s fucked you long enough that you’re almost there.
“Yeah, that’s good mhm? So fucking good”, he lulls, dragging his lips up your neck, “fuck, you’re so fucking wet. Keep creaming my cock baby, I love it.”
“You’re making me cum soon.”
“Yeah?” he moans against your lips, “fuck that’s hot. Don’t hold back, babygirl. I’ve got you.”
“Hobi, I have to- ah, I have to, to...I have…”
“It’s okay, everything’s okay. Don’t be scared, I’ve got you. I’m right here.”
His words are like the most wonderful hug to you. You feel so safe. He fills you with so much warmth and tingles that you fall over the edge with a whimper of his name and your legs pulling him closer.
Hoseok slows down his thrusts, keeping his cock buried deep and giving you sensual circles so your favourite spots would experience the fire as well. He presses his fingers against your clit, letting her experience warmth and pressure. This feels so good. There are no words for how good he makes you feel.
“That’s it, you’re doing such a good job. Good girl, you’re doing such a good job”, he talks you through it, making it even better with every sweet word he speaks.
You drop the back you didn’t even know you were arching and grab the nape of his neck.
“Hobi, holy fuck”, you choke out and pull his face into the crook of your neck.
“Ah, hey”, he falls with a chuckle and his right hand slamming into the pillow beside your head. It closes around the pillow desperately when seconds later, you are rutting up into him. Your legs are locked around his hips, keeping them from fleeing (not that he wanted to), your pussy is so tight around him.
Hoseok’s voice pitches, his body shudders uncontrollably.
“What are you doing?” he squeaks out, twisting the pillow, “a-ah holy fuck please slow, I’ll cum. Slow, you’re making me cum, s-slow ah.”
“Fill me up, please. Hobi please wanna be creamed”, you beg and twist his hair. You are cockdrunk. There is no denying that. He made you cum so fucking hard that all you want right now is for him to paint your walls white.
“Shit, ah”, he trembles, “shit, holy shit, ah fuck”, he pants and chases your hips in quick ruts. Four strokes it takes him, four strokes and then it gets all too much for him. He climaxes with a pitched moan of your name and his left arm pulling you against his chest.
“Yes, ah Hobi. Thank you”, you mewl, holding him close as his cock fills you with his hottest orgasm.
“You feel so good”, he gets out and drops on top of you. He shudders, exhaling against your neck with a defeated sound leaving him, “holy fuck.”
“Yeah”, you agree, snuggling your cheek against his head. You run your fingers up and down his spine, lingering on his head for some hair play each time you meet it.
“What the actual fuck”, he murmurs.
“Liked it?”
“I’m dead. What the fuck.”
You snicker, sighing happily afterwards.
It takes the two of you a few minutes of silence to really come down. Hoseok keeps lying on top of you, stealing some of your body heat as his cock slowly softens inside you. He’s got you so messy. It is seeping out of you even with his cock inside. You wanted to get up and clean, but he just told you to relax and that he will clean the sheets later.
It was a lull of his words before he grew silent again.
You like the silence. It’s relaxing and helps your brain to reboot. You need that because he really fucked you dumb.
Hoseok lifts his head when his mood lights switch to pink. Silence. His eyes race between yours. He is propped on his elbows, keeping your head caged in safely.
“What?” you ask him.
“Nothing just…” he kisses your lips. It is a sweet kiss. The kind of kiss a lover gives his precious counterpart. It leaves flutters in your chest once he lifts his head again.
Eyes race between each other.
The light switches back to red.
He runs the back of his hand down your cheek.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, making your heart flutter.
“You’re beautiful too, Hobi”, you breathe, reaching up to caress his cheek.
His eyes lower just a little bit, a shy smile curls his lips.
“Shit ___, you’ve got me feeling romantic. What have you done to me?” he says and snickers.
“Is that bad?” you ask.
“No, it’s just”, he shudders, “giving me the shivers. Mhm fuck”, he says and nuzzles his face into your neck as he lets out a cute sound. He smooches you just once before the nuzzling continues.
You giggle, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.
“You’re still staying the night, yeah?”
“Of course. Why shouldn’t I?”
“The storm stopped.”
“Right. I didn’t even notice”, you say and giggle when he tickles your ear with his breath.
He chuckles softly, giving you a tender kiss on your ear.
“Fuck, you really did it to me”, he whispers with a smile on his lips and his nose nuzzling into the side of your head.
“The feeling’s mutual, Hobi”, you snicker, ruffling his hair.
“Mhm good, yeah that’s good”, Hoseok says and pulls you closer, “so like, why did it take us years to do that?”
“Our lives have been busy, haven’t they? I feel like it’s only slowly been beginning to calm down.”
“Yeah, right. Shit”, he giggles again, “I’m giddy like a little boy. You’re amazing.”
“You’re cute, Hobi”, you whisper fondly.
It isn’t necessary to mention that Hoseok will be the one to break the news to Yoongi the next day. Hoseok will drive you to class after shared breakfast and he will pick you up again, he will drive you to the estate and then greet Yoongi with a “she just changed my life.” To which Yoongi lets a small smile escape followed by a kiss to your cheek and a teasing “I thought you wanted to change all our lives, Hoba. What happened?”
#hoseok smut#hoseok fanfic#hoseok fanfiction#hoseok scenario#hoseok oneshot#hoseok x reader#hoseok x you#vampire!hoseok#dom!hoseok#bts smut#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts scenario#bts oneshot#bts x reader#bts x you#vampire!bts#dom!bts#bangtan smut#bangtan fanfic#bangtan fanfiction#bangtan scenario#bangtan oneshot#bangtan x reader#bangtan x you#dom!bangtan#vampire!bangtan#fanfic: sanguis duology
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silver boy and golden girl
pairing: sirius black x shy!reader
warnings: none, slight swearing?
this is honestly more of a drabble than anything else, it came to my head last night and i couldn't sleep till i wrote it down. i’m sorry it’s so long, but hope you enjoy!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
༊*·˚ everything about sirius is silver
༊*·˚ right down to his bright eyes and that quicksilver smile of his, there one moment and gone the next, right down to the rings he always wears on his pale-skinned hands
༊*·˚ even his laughter sounds silver- the way it seems to ripple in the air like moonlight
༊*·˚ and then he meets you
༊*·˚ the first time he sees you is at the library at the end of first year (of course, that was the only time he’d set foot in the library at all till then- and that was to help peter set up a prank involving a box of centipedes for some unsuspecting ravenclaws)
༊*·˚ you were sitting at one of the little alcoves in the corner, knees drawn up under your skirt
༊*·˚ you’d taken off your red tie and let it hang loosely around your neck, a contrast to your usual buttoned-up, neatly-pleated uniform
༊*·˚ for that matter, your hair was down too- soft waves framed your face, free from the usual knot you pulled it back in when you studied or read
༊*·˚ the setting sun behind you was casting a rich, golden, beautiful light across your profile that glimmered through your eyes and made them look even brighter
༊*·˚ sirius swears his heart skips a beat at the sight
༊*·˚ the box of (disgruntled) centipedes he’s carrying falls, unheeded, to the floor, much to the chagrin of madame pince, who descends upon him in a fury
༊*·˚ he couldn’t care less
༊*·˚ the next few weeks are spent feverishly trying to get closer to you
༊*·˚ he stalks looks for you in the hallways and tries to gauge where you sit in each classroom, just wanting to catch a glimpse of those pretty eyes again
༊*·˚ when he finally catches up to you in the hallway (why do you have to walk so damn fast? it’s not like potions class is going anywhere), he pulls a bouquet of silver roses out from under his robes with a flourish
༊*·˚ “for you”
༊*·˚ you stare at him, shocked, a blush spreading across your face
༊*·˚ sure, you’re both in gryffindor, but you sure as hell don’t know each other
༊*·˚ fuck, you’ve never even talked to him at all- he’s on the other end of the social spectrum from you, an unashamed nerd whose idea of a fun night out is studying in the slytherin common room with hot chocolate to watch the giant squid
༊*·˚ you’re the golden girl of gryffindor- straight-a’s, a perfect record of praise from professors, and a perfectly structured, organized life in your own little world
༊*·˚ and now sirius black, self-proclaimed nuisance/class clown/troublemaker extraordinaire is grinning at you?
༊*·˚ nope
༊*·˚ no way
༊*·˚ not happening
༊*·˚ you mumble the invisibility charm and are ‘round the corner and gone, trying to ignore sirius’ friends’ laughter
༊*·˚ that doesn’t shut him down, though
༊*·˚ quite the opposite
༊*·˚ you have no fucking clue how he got your address when you went home for the summer, but suddenly an owl is bringing you a package every week
༊*·˚ first it’s your favorite chocolates, held in a silver paper bag
༊*·˚ then it’s a delicate silver bangle that perfectly fits your wrist
༊*·˚ (the exact color of sirius’ eyes, though you’d never admit how you know that)
༊*·˚ the next day a note comes
༊*·˚ you’re hesitant to open it, half-expecting a stream of silver glitter or something equally cartoonish to explode in your face- you’re all too familiar with the marauders’ pranks, having watched them afar (or maybe just sirius) for a long time
༊*·˚ it’s not, though
༊*·˚ it’s a card to a very nice restaurant, just a few miles from your house, and a handwritten note that says be my date?
༊*·˚ how can you say no to that?
༊*·˚ you tell yourself that it’s just because you’re curious as you do your hair, spend more time than you thought possible figuring out the right way to make it curl and puff
༊*·˚ that it’s just to see what he’s about, as you step into a beautiful, shimmery golden dress that had sat untouched in your closet since your sixteenth birthday
༊*·˚ are you lying to yourself at this point?
༊*·˚ yeah, probably
༊*·˚ and when sirius shows up at the restaurant at seven p.m. sharp, you’re…kind of impressed
༊*·˚ he looks good in a dress shirt, for fuck’s sake. the crisp white accentuates his broad shoulders and the raven of his hair, even bringing out the glints of his blue in his stormy-gray-
༊*·˚ the cocky bastard is grinning at you
༊*·˚ “like what you see?”
༊*·˚ you swear you’re about to turn into a puddle in the center of your dress and melt into the floor with embarrassment
༊*·˚ but contrary to what you’d thought (and snippets of conversation you’ve heard from dorcas and marlene), sirius is a perfect gentleman to you
༊*·˚ pulls out your chair, pays for the meal, holds the door, walks you to your car
༊*·˚ and he’s a good conversationalist, too
༊*·˚ you hadn’t thought that he knew so much about the muggle world and the type of science that you’re into, but he is
༊*·˚ he actually takes the time to listen to you
༊*·˚ and for once, he’s someone who wants to spend time with you for you, not because he wants your help studying or your answers for a homework
༊*·˚ you begin going on more and more dates
༊*·˚ you don’t know why, but what you’re feeling for sirius has slowly grown to engulf you, like ivy covering a wall
༊*·˚ that doesn’t change the fact that you’re scared. dead straight scared, of letting anyone in, showing any vulnerability whatsoever, any emotion
༊*·˚ (which, according to your preening parents, is the only reason you do so well academically, but you have no intention of telling them otherwise)
༊*·˚ sirius, ever the gentleman, doesn’t push it
༊*·˚ doesn’t push anything
༊*·˚ he leaves it all up to you, and you’re not used to being in control
༊*·˚ it’s scary and new and exhilarating all at once
༊*·˚ which maybe is what prompts you to ride his flying motorbike with him for the first time in the middle of second year
༊*·˚ the thing terrifies you. like, flat-out terrifies you
༊*·˚ little by little, you get more comfortable on it (definitely not because it means you get to rest your head on his shoulder, the gold jewelry around your neck overshadowed by the silver rings on his big hands, encircling your fingers curled over his chest)
༊*·˚ and the first time you kiss him is when you’re both astride the motorbike, godric knows how far off the ground, with the stars glimmering gold and silver in your eyes
༊*·˚ sirius nearly crashes the damn thing into the lake at the sensation of your soft lips on his
༊*·˚ and after that, you’re official- silver boy and golden girl, a perfect balance
༊*·˚ the perfect pair of gryffindor
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
did you like it? feedback/comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated!
#sirius black#sirius x reader#sirius black imagine#sirius imagine#sirius black x reader#sirius x you#sirius black x you#sirius imagine fluff#sirius orion black imagine#sirius orion black#marauders imagine#marauders x reader#marauders x you
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