#i shouldnt have bought the plushies
bugdogg · 1 year
if i woke up w karamatsu next to me in bed id just shut my eyes again and go back to sleep, im too tired to kill him or argue as i long as he doesnt wake me up i wouldnt care enough
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xkat-holstaur · 3 months
this post is a long rant about family drama so uh. buyer reader beware
so. context. i'm currently staying recreationally at my great grandparents' house with my mom, three younger siblings, and my family's dog. living here currently is my great grandfather (alias: ned), great grandstepmother (alias: doretta), and doretta's thirty-something granddaughter (alias: kylie). we arrived here july 6th.
additional background: in the two weeks before we arrived, kylie's car (which ned and doretta bought for her, used) started having some trouble and needed to be taken to a mechanic. when pressed about why by ned, she said it was fine. when he continued pressuring her about it, she got inordinately upset about it and claimed he was 'yelling' at her (he wasnt). lacking a usable car for the meantime, kylie borrowed ned and doretta's van. she was driving it for less than a week when she crashed and totalled it. im not positive, but my mom and i are both pretty sure she was intoxicated at the time. this was all before we arrived.
at this point in the rant i think it would be much improved if you listened to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_FwZ6E5adA
so, as for our stay here. everything was fine for the first couple of days, but one morning (july 9th, to be specific) i left my little plague doctor squishable on the floor near the bed, where it had fallen overnight. i left the door open, with the plague doctor plush in view of the door. my family (and doretta, separately) went out for a few hours. when we came back, nothing seemed amiss. when i went to bed that night, however, i realized the plague doctor plush was completely missing. freaking out a bit --less about not having it and more about why it would be missing--, i chalked it up to a few possibilities.
--this one requires a lot of context but was 100% confirmed false near immediately--
family dog took it somewhere out of sight
kylie stole it
doretta took it (my thought process was: shes very conservative, i present male, and maybe a 'male' adult shouldnt have plushies in her opinion)
the next morning (july 10th), i brought this up to my mom and two of my siblings. we ruled out option 4 after doretta said she didnt take it (she wouldnt lie about it), and virtually ruled out option 2 after not finding it anywhere the dog could have put it (its a somewhat small house).
we had fun things planned that day, so we went out and did those. we were gone for about 11 or 12 hours. on the drive back, i discussed the plague doctor plush situation with my mom. after talking about this in front of my three siblings, the youngest spoke up that she had seen it on kylie's bed when kylie had gone to the bathroom with her door left open. my mom and i somewhat-angrily agreed that it was most likely that kylie had stolen it. we decided not to pursue this, as it was late and we were all tired.
this morning, we begrudgingly relayed this theory to doretta, who considered it a bit ridiculous (citing the fact that kylie is a grown adult in her 30s). she asked kylie --through her bedroom door, how personal-- if she had the plush in her room. kylie, of course, denied this. doretta decided that was the end of the line of questioning.
later, kylie took a bag of trash out to the garbage bins. incidentally, kylie then feigned ignorance about my accusations and offered to let me search through her room for the plush. worried that we had shown our hand too early and she was trying to dispose of the evidence, i told doretta in private that i was going to look through the garbage. doretta found this idea ludicrous, and insisted that i go look through kylie's room personally. i insisted that i at least check through the garbage bag. doretta was upset by this, and went to go do so herself. i then went to kylie and half-heartedly told her searching her room wasnt necessary after all, as "if it was in there, [she] would know."
the trash revealed no plush whatsoever. doretta was fairly disgruntled about this, and once again urged me to go search kylie's room. i declined, and laid out my thoughts on it very clearly: either it wasnt in her room to begin with, and thus searching it wouldnt be necessary; or she had stolen it, hidden it upon realizing i was onto her, and that searching her room would be fruitless. doretta, in an almost out-of-character moment (shes the archetypal karen, very stubborn about things she believes shes right about), agreed to drop the 'searching kylie's room while she's there' angle. at my insistence, doretta agreed to search kylie's room when she went to work today.
kylie, despit having a shift scheduled, did not go to work today.
no further developments occurred until just an hour or two ago. while lazily watching something on the discovery channel, i overheard kylie speaking loudly over the phone to someone and packing something into a box and a garbage bag. verbatim, she said "who are these guys, they're just bending the truth". this could have possibly been some unrelated interpersonal drama, but i had doubts and kylie --who my family has not met in person in an extremely long time-- had voiced complaints about my family's presence to doretta and ned earlier during the week. halfheartedly playing subway surfers on my phone, i saw as kylie left her bedroom with the things she had packed and, watching from a window, saw her put said things in the back of her car.
i went to my mom and explained this to her, and we went with some hesitation to explain this information to doretta. once we had finished, she became visibly frustrated about my 'conspiracy theories' (which is rich coming from a women who owns multiple books about how the democratic party is full of evil government-disrupting communists) and offered to simply replace the plague doctor plush.
a murder mystery where the judge offers to clone the victim and declares the defendant --their granddaughter-- not guilty. so ends the life and times of meridia, the first plague doctor plushie, but seemingly not the last.
my family are packing up and leaving for another family member's house tomorrow, significantly ahead of schedule.
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yawnjunn · 3 years
girls day out - huening kai
☆ warning: bad grammar (probably) lol anyways this ones a female reader x H.K okayy pls enjoy :)
♡ featuring: lea and hiyyih
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"do you really have to go?"
"yes, its been a long time since ive hang with your sisters"
you rolled your eyes as you finished touching up your natural makeup look. turning around, you were met with your boyfriend of 2 years, THE hueningkai, all pouty and whiny for you not to go and trying to make up reasons why you shouldnt go and instead, be with him for the whole day
he even tried asking his sisters if he could come, but hiyyih said no, so no it is
"you can go another time, my sisters can set another date"
"kai...didnt you remember? you faked being sick just for me to stay with you and cancel my plans with your sisters"
"but that was only one time!! i was actually sick you know" he replied back in a sassy tone
"yea okay...your temperature was normal to me and dont forget that one time you faked your injury-"
"okay but please. i will literally die without your kisses and cuddles"
he then dramatically lay himself on the couch with his right hand on his left chest while you were already wearing your shoes.
"yea okay bye my love, theres leftover pizza in the fridge in case youre hungry" you quickly exit your shared apartment with kai before he could drag you back in
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
everything was going fine with lea and hiyyih, your right hand carrying about 4 bags of clothes and your left hand holding your drink
oh how you wish kai would be there to hold your bags cause boy, carrying all that bags is giving you a hand cramp
but other than that, it was a fun day and you were about to go for the last shop for the day
until your phone was vibrating, notifying you that someone had spammed you with texts *cough* kai *cough*
"Im guessing...thats kai" lea said showing her 'im not surprised' look
you just nod at her, replying with a "mhm thats him."
taking out your phone, as expected..
8 unread messages from kai🧡
you pressed his name from the notification bar.
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you mentally laugh at his cuteness and proceeds to enter the last shop, which is a toy shop, you were gonna surprise kai with matching plushies with you
after minutes and minutes of searching, you found the perfect one which is something like this:
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after purchasing the plushies, you then bought all kai's (and your) favorite snacks
and finally...home
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
after saying your goodbyes to the huening sisters, you took out your phone to send kai a short text that you'll be there soon so that he can unlock the door for you
as you were walking down the hallway to your apartment, you were already greeted by your boyfriend standing by the door, waving and jumping like a little kid (hes just THAT excited to see you)
you, ofc, smiled at his cuteness, i mean who wouldnt?
once you reached your apartment, kai immediately takes your bags, setting it down and hugs you
"I miss you, i miss you, i miss you" he really is clingy huh
he grabs your wrist and leads you the living room where a (surprsingly) beautiful pillow fort is built
"lets go in, its really comfortable in there"
"kai, before we go in, i bought something for you"
"wait really? what is it?"
"check the one in the blue bag"
he rushes over to check whatever is inside the blue bag, and there he found the 2 plushies
"wait...are these...one for you and one for me? MATCHING PLUSHIES??"
you nod at him to reassure
he hugs them both and gives the strawberry one to you
"we adopted 2 new plushies today"
true, you both always ends up adopting more and more plushies.
and there you have, ladies, a clingy huening kai just wanting to shower you with kisses and cuddle you.
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msiopao · 4 years
Sera with the Members
a/n: mark is in this because dream is now a fixed unit and he’s part of the lineup!!!!!!
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was the person who made Sera comfortable since he reminded her of home
always asks if canadian bacon is better than american bacon
‘i dONt kNoW, sERa! mEAT iS mEaT!’
she didnt actually cry on stage when he was leaving but she cried when it was just the two of them and he recorded for the last time
it was her idea for hyuck to buy him a big bottle of ketchup
CANNOT believe that mark was a churchboy and ends up acting up in music videos
the duality SCARES her
calls her finny since her name is serafina
sera has her own room but she has an extra bed so he sleeps in there when he spends the night
learned this watermelon shake to help mark’s hangover
english all the time
ever since they met, mark has always placed his elbow on her head due to her short height
sera learned this fried rice recipe from her mom and he goes over to their dorm for breakfast
‘mark bls dont touch anything. get out of the kitchen and go watch tv or something’
always brings up his messed up eggs
‘gordon spitting facts tho’
whenever he feels too overworked or too pressured, sera has always made it a point to come over to their dorm and have a movie night with just the 2 of them with his favorite snacks and drinks
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omg these two
sera is typically not mean but when renjun starts, she becomes ruthless
always calling out his fake personality
‘everyone, don’t believe him! he’s 2 faced!’
‘what are you even saying! you act like you’re so quirky and giggly but you yeeted jisung into the wall last night!’
so yea, they fight a lot
but its very playful and they know where that line is drawn and not cross it
he talks to her about space and aliens and she listens to every word bc renjun sounds so confident and happy whenever he talks about that stuff
they’re actually 10 days apart but sera acts like she’s 10 years older than him
‘okay, granny’
always in awe whenever renjun draws and paints and she really likes seeing him in his element
unbeknowst to her, he actually draws her a lot
wants to frame all of his work 
they go out to the roof and stargaze
he steals her airpods just to watch her go crazy
once hid her phone in the fridge
lives for his vocals
cannot believe how much he’s grown from chewing gum era to now
her heart strings were tugged when he cried in dnyl
renjun always says that he wishes sera was born as his little sister bc they act like they’re siblings
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so their is kinda complicated
sera’s closest to him than all the members bc 1, he was her first friend and 2, he has cats
before, when they still went to school, her and jeno always went together
yes, jaemin and jeno and her went together in the beginning
but jaemin was in the hospital and recovering so it just became them 2
also, she goes to visit his parents so she can see his cats
this results to his parents and older sister adoring her
‘bongsik, nal, and seol are my kids’ - lee sera, 00 line vlive
she always craves for attention and when it isnt given bc he’s too busy playing, she just walks into his room and sits on his lap while he plays
tries to get his attention by saying stuff but he teases her by acting like she aint there
‘fine, i’ll go to jaemin’
jeno wasnt supposed to be blonde for the comeback but they were just messing around and next thing they knew, jeno’s tips were bleach blonde
when shes on that,,,, time,,,,, hes the only one in the dorm she listens to
not even johnny, who’s practically her father
collabs with her mukbang show and jsmr
he mentions her like at least once whenever he has lives that she’s not in
steals his glasses all the time just to watch him wander around with this confused adorable face
hugs are so cute w these two and czennies see them hugging in videos and she can barely reach his shoulder 
forehead kisses and sweater paws for daysss
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drop dead gorgeous boy
shes not safe from jaemin’s affections
*cue jeno glaring at him for stealing her*
we all know how much he loves the members and whenever sera breathes, he busts his uwus
takes so many pictures of her
sera buys him lots of lip balms and carmex but he always forgets to put them on
sera hates peaches but she buys him peach flavored sweets whenever she sees them
sera is also an attention whore so she always runs to him and wraps her arms around him and he squeals by how cute she is
bought him an expensive camera for his birthday
has a polaroid picture of him in her clear phone case
actually, her phone background is an old picture of predebut sera, jeno, and jaemin
one of the rare moments where she cried was when she found out that jaemin wouldnt be in a few comebacks bc he was sick
kept visiting him and jaemin cannot repay her enough
the dorm is full of ryan and winnie plushies from the sofa, a tiny winnie plush on the corner of the island counter, and their bedrooms
sera is the one who always throws away the his satanic drink even though it’s still full
‘yah, you need to think about your health and if it your body is tired, dont fight it by trying to drink these to keep your energy’
sleepovers with them are often and sometimes found sleeping on the spare bed in her room
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our big babie
oh boi when he got hurt
sera called him twice a day, one in the morning and one at night, just to check if it’s still hurting and making sure he’s resting
forever remembers when he dressed up as a girl 
‘you see, i’m not the only girl member. dongsuk is just on hiatus right now’
his name on her phone is ‘man-child’
when he went on tour with 127, she really missed him
like she missed him so much that she kept posting on instagram for him to hurry back home
still mad that he moved dorms to be with the older members
when sera got sick, she made him sing ‘no longer’ to her like a lullaby
when he asks sera to do something for him, usually she says no because he asks her to do ridiculous things but his aegyo always convinces her
thinks his color amblyopia is so fascinating and adds more into the unique traits he has
another attention giver and she loves hugging him because he gives really warm hugs
one time, jeno and sera had a fight and it got so bad that hyuck had to be called and he was the only one who got to talk some sense in sera to talk to jeno
but the legendary markhyuck summer fight was resolved because sera yelled at them and cried since they are best friends and they shouldnt be like that to each other
they made up since ‘wow sera cried’ and ‘the members are ready to beat us up if we continue this’
and by members, like all members, including the older ones
sera knows how much being the moodmaker title burdens him so she tries to ease that burden by talking to him just the two of them
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look how adorable he is UWU
he is 1/2 of sera’s sons
like she’s whipped for him and jisung and he knows it too
‘yes, i will give you the world, the stars, and the moon’
thinks his laugh is endearing and is sad that it isnt that high-pitched anymore since his voice got a little deeper
cannot believe how much he’s grown too
when he speaks in chinese, sera thinks its the cutest thing 
‘can we give his scalp some rest? its not healthy for the boy’
trust fund babies
you know how chenle has 3 airpods?
sera went through 4 phones since she keeps losing or breaking it
dont ask how bc shes as clumsy as namjoon
had this phase where he wouldn’t stop back-hugging his noona and she just left it alone
always buys him snacks and cooks him a lot of food bc she thinks he’s too skinny and wants him to be healthy and gain some fat on those cheeks again
on their break, she went to china with jisung and her lock screen is a picture of her and chenle holding his nephew
triggered her baby fever
czennies ship them but he makes it clear she’s the older sister he’s never had
nct dream took a vacation to her hometown and she bought them basketball tickets so chenle could see his idol
his mom practically adopted her since she goes over to his apartment all the time whenever the others are getting too much for her
she misses him so much its not even funny
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our maknae is growing up :(
sera had the whole family sit and watch the first episode of dancing high
so proud of her boy
she called him during the show and it was shown and heard about her telling him to take care of himself and to not be too hard on his body and that she’s waiting for him at home
as the youngest member overall, sera babies him the most
he obvs takes advantage of it and she used to cuddle him to sleep when he was younger bc he had a hard time sleeping
again, cooks for him a lot since he’s a growing boy and making sure he takes vitamins and drinks water and limit sugary things
she calls his mom to give him updates about her son
remember his phone that he used until it actually died?
sera actually bought him a new one before that happened and just casually gave it to him
‘i know this was going to happen so i just took care of it. i have to take care of you, jisung-ah’
hypes him up whenever he dances bc wow this boy is actually talented
doesnt really like skinship but he tolerates it when she holds his hands bc theyre so much bigger than hers
one day just woke up and she got so confused when jisung grew up
‘did you grow in your sleep?’
loves his awkward nature and she keeps saying how adorable he is and cute he is whenever he acts cool
god, she’s just so whipped for him
but tbh, who isn’t?
aaaahhhhhh i cannot believe our wish came true and they became a fixed unit and we really getting a comeback and an mv in the 29th!!!
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confirmedgoblin · 5 years
i bought myself those newer Anxiety Fox plushies, the ones made to be more squishable, and im so excited for them to get here
especially the small one. Im very excited to have a small squishable anxiety friend, that i can bring with me when i go out
because society stupidly decided that adults shouldnt carry plushies with them, even if it helps them feel better and calmer
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gamesbro · 6 years
i closed my bank account cause i wasnt rly using the fact that i had a bank account for anything other than accumulating fees for having a bank account and the day i did that i bought myself a bulbasaur plushie and said to myself “this plushie will have to satisfy my intense desire to buy every pokemon thing i see until i get enough of an income to really be able to make full use of a bank account” and i probably shouldnt have done that cause this plushie is so cute and soft i dont even need anything else like its such a good plushie i could die rn and id be okay cause i managed to get my hands on such a good bulbasaur plushie in my lifetime and it really cant get any better than that
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bishiglomper · 2 years
Went to the anime convention. Took the nephew. It was nice. I tried to take him to the dealers room because the first panel I wanted to see wasn't starting right away. but it was too much for him. We made it to one stall. Where i let him pick out 10 stickers. They were being sold in sets of 5 and i had picked out one too. Vendor let me have it for free lol. Nephew did a good job even though it was super congested and loud.
We saw Kel Mitchell. He was great. Seems like a lovely dude. 😋 At some point, someone asked him about his favorite burger joint in Des Moines. (Of course it was Zombie Burger) but after that- as a resident of Marshalltown, IA.. I felt obligated to tell him about The Flying Elbow, who just won Iowa's Best Burger. 😂 I literally live on the same street. It needed to be done. Made me anxious as fuck but I still managed to approach the mic. 😮 So I'm hoping to get The Flying Elbow some bragging rights or something. He said he'd check it out, so we'll see. 😂
Will Friedle was after that. Eric from Boy Meets World. My sister joined us for that one. 😋 I was checking FB during that panel and one of the first things that popped up was my former DM posting about meeting Will. 😂 I was like HEY. Where you at??
Also my cousin was supposed to be there as kid Goku, complete with tail. I didnt see him. He better have been there, man. He promised me pictures. D<
Anyway. After the second panel we had like 20 minutes so we went out for a snack and potty break. Saw some cosplayers. The third panel was 3 My Hero Academia VAs. I dont watch dub, but.. I was still vaguely interested. So was nephew. After 2 hours he was a little restless so he kept popping in and out. But he caught some good stuff, they had him laughing. 😁
The panels got increasingly fuller. Kel had a small group. MHA had almost a full house. 20 minutes to the end I'm like "You know, I bet the dealers room is less crowded now..."
So we went back and lo and behold! It was very roomy. Kiddo was able to bounce around to his heart's content. He delighted a few vendors. He was real interested in some monster figures. The vendor was the creator so he enjoyed telling nephew about them. He wore his batman onesie so people were like "Hey Batman, hows it going"
One guy was like "say 'I'm Batman.'"
He pulled his hood down and in a shy but low gravely voice was like "...I'mbatman" 😂 it was cute.
He got to play with some props. Like a giant infinity gauntlet. He got to demo old school Mario cart. He was super dramatic whenever we passed some risque art. Acting horrified and mortified. 🙄😂 then he picked up a 3D printed skull with wiggly spine.. Like "it looks like mortal combat!" The vendor was all excited and was like you're right! ...but maybe I shouldnt be talking about things like that to a child.. I was like, nah, he's corrupted, you're fine. Pfft 😂
Kiddo was bouncing from booth to booth singing All Star. Another thing that delighted people. He was pointing out cosplayers trying to remember names. There was a group of real nice Star Wars cosplayers.
Apparently he spotted an SCP and YouTuber cosplays. A Loki. Lots of MHA and Demon Slayer. Some Ghost busters.
Mom was broke so I funded the trip with stimulus monies. I only bought a bookmark but I had been hoping for plushies or pins.. 90% was art prints and stickers. 😞 Afterward I bought us dinner. I was a bit too hurty and overestimulated to eat much. Even though it was 5 and hadn't eaten yet. Slowly accumulated a throbbing headache thanks to that. 👀
Oh man. This morning was awful.
I dont know if it was my dinner or because i took my weekly shot last night but i had an IBS flare-up. It took us an hour to leave town and some of that was impromptu potty breaks. Had to run back home for more supplies. We stopped to see our truck at the shop so i could transfer my shit to my bigger backpack.
The farmers market was right across the street, where we saw my anime club host friend. She just started doing tarot readings, pour paintings and those necklaces and earrings that have that half glass marble thing. Only for her would I buy a pair of $15 earrings. 😵 ...but they had cat ears. I asked if she made them because you could see some of the filling leaked around some edges. Apparently she used scraps from her pour paintings, so it kinda looked like resin. 👀
Sissy was saying I should embellish her pendants with wire work. She told my friend about my wire stuff. Apparently its only $10 to rent a booth so i might consider that.. Wouldn't be opposed to a collaboration though. 😋
She was saying she was afraid to do resin because it's messy. I was thinking about taking my resin kit and shit and having a play date to play with it together. A kit is $20, i could get her one and we could experiment. I have a collection of resin additives i could bring. 👀 it is her birthday in a week or so..
Honestly the visit with her was the best part of the day. 😅 I love her. I wanna hang out with her more.
I'm exhausted. I couldn't relax enough to nap though. My butt is sore and bruised from sitting so long, my stomach is killing me, i still have a bit of a headache.. My stupid useless arm hurts to use. Lots of localized pain but. Otherwise I think im doing pretty good? It's gonna be such a long ass week..
Con today. Dinner at aunt's tomorrow. Doctor's appointment tuesday out of town. Again on wednesday, but a 1.5 hr long appointment running a slew of tests. Then I'm gonna try donating blood friday. 😵 thats a lot for me 😭
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
9, 10, 19! <3
end of the year asks<3
9) What was your favorite article of clothing this year post a pic if possible: its like a cream corduroy button down and unfortunately the only picture i have of this shirt was taken at a spn convention..... (i'll put it under the cut)
10) What song sums up this year for you: sigh......american pie i guess like i literally listened to it every second of the day for 3 months so i associate most of this year with it.....number 1 on spotify<3
19) What was one nice thing you did for yourself: i just bought the cas plushie like 3 seconds even tho i shouldnt have because i do nOt have the money
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yes those are the dean boots. yes this was an empty hallway i had my mask on the whole time. yes i am embarrassed lets not discuss
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fragglesystem · 6 years
i have a problem and that problem is called “i didnt know lost legends came out today and now that i know i want it in my hands immediately but its midnight and everyone is asleep and someone changed the amazon password so i cant get it on kindle UNLESS i get it from my computer where im already logged into amazon but then i still cant read it because i CANT LOG INTO KINDLE ON MY PHONE BECAUSE SOMEONE CHANGED THE PASSWORD also if i buy something while everyones asleep ill probably get in trouble even if i promise to pay for it afterward especially because ive already bought three expensive video games this month and also a plushie but the plushie was for charity so it probably shouldnt even count as a purchase right??? but it doesnt even matter because i cant buy it tonight so my mind is going to be racing all night because of all the spoilers i saw in the tag also i think i might still be awake because my adhd meds havent worn off yet because i took them really late in the day which was a bad idea and theyre extended release also they didnt even help because im not used to them and i just had an anxiety attack instead of getting anything done”
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cherryphobe · 7 years
would you please explain how gen 7 pokemon was racist? I haven't played it yet but haven't seen anything bad yet.
I've talked about this before & its gonna be a bit much so bear with me!Its got alot of appropriation of Pacific Island Culture (Hawaiian specifically) in things like the music - 'tribal' music with random grunting instead of any actual language ('but pkmn games have never had lyrics!' Cool then maybe they shouldnt have added any vocal audio, at all?) - & the characters - the volcano themed fire spinner I cannot remember his name, & how his whole gym* is just a goofy fire spinning dance joke, note that fire spinning is already fucking bastardized In Hawaii for tourist amusement, oh also the fact that Professor Oak Is Literally In Brown Face - to name the few things I remember off the very top of my head.I also remember alot of Native Hawaiian people speaking up about the problems they were already seeing during pre-release campaigns for the original S/M games. I wasn't even planning on buying a copy, but it was gifted to me, & playing it myself was so disappointing like, morally. As a game, it is PHENOMENAL. Beautiful, interesting, enticing, engaging, & BLATENTLY GAY if you play it right. But there were so, So many moments that just made me Cringe like. So much of the appropriation could have EASILY been avoided, & most of it was either 'hahah this culture is a joke!' or 'look at this BEAUTIFUL... Stereotype'. & I think alot of people allowed themselves to be mesmerized with whimsy & nostalgia, & decided to ignore the blatant racism/appropriation.Also please yall dont take this as me saying you're a bad person for enjoying S/M. It really was a GREAT installment as far as the story & the game play. I am just saying PLEASE be critical of your media. Especially shit that is nostalgic, or a comfort zone. Pokemon meant the WORLD to me, & it still holds an incredibly important place in my heart. I collect plushies & cards &, before gen 7, I had bought Every Single Game Released on handheld, even spin offs like Conquest or Pinball.But yall cant let hero worship blind you of problematic content. You really, Really can't.
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michaelreaderreblog · 8 years
My truemate
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You are an unmated which you dont mind considering you werent ready for the big commitment thing in the first place but you are well guarded by your older Alpha brothers. Dean who is unmated and than there is Sam who is also unmated.
This wasnt the idea of a lifestyle your parents wanted their children to have, they always wanted to have a house full of grand pups before they passed on but that never came to reality.
Your father passed away just before you presented as Omega, your dad was killed in a mugging gone wrong while the mugger is a tweaked out drug addict and pulled the trigger and the bullet got to his major arteries and bled to death.
You and your bothers moved out of Sioux Falls after his death leaving behind Bobby but he understood why the move is of importance, between the three of you decided to move to Washington the small town of Kamloops.
After countless apartments and houses none of which seemed to be appealing to Dean but you just wanted to settle already and got weary of his pickiness.
By the end of the week is when he finally settled on a house in a secluded area surrounded by trees, a mile long drive way and knowing your brothers would need to get a bob cat to plow when the snow came.
When the realtor Naomi, who is a Beta showed the house and the garage you were surprised the bob cat is even included but would need a fixing but thank goodness your brother Dean is good with his hands.
Your brother Sam is also great for fixing things but when he doubted himself he would always ask Dean just to make sure he got things right and he always did.
Dean and Sam never liked the idea of you living on your own and always wanted to be there to protect you and honestly you didnt like the idea of living on your own either knowing what happens to unmated Omega's.
You heard about the kidnappings, the trafficking, abuse, and very terrible things that they do to Omegas all together and that scared the crap out of you knowing very damn well it can happen at any given moment.
Once you heard about a brothel being raided on the news is when you called your brothers telling them to switch on the news at their work place. They saw everything about the information being told is when they got angry especially Dean.
Thinking what if that could have been you, having you to come back being damaged, terrified, untrusting of the world, being deathly afraid of him and Sam because they are Alpha's and thats what brought your older brother to tears streaming down his face.
After seeing the news thats when he asked Bobby if he could have the afternoon off which he didnt seem to mind about that, he came home to you and held you in his arms until you told him you were fine and couldnt breath any longer if he held his grasp on you.
He wouldnt know what to do if anything ever happened to you, he and Sam made a promise to both of your parents to make sure that nothing would ever happened to you for as long as you lived well until you found a mate anyways.
“So what do we think?” Your older brother asks while looking around the property outside the house.
“Looks beautiful De. There is even a trail that leads to the lake at the back of the house” You answer your brother while motioning your hand in the direction of the house.
“Are you serious?” Sam asks while walking around the house to see where the trail starts.
You smile as Sam passes you to look around the corner of the house to see the trail and he clearly sees the lake he hasnt even noticed as soon as you got into the house.
“That is amazing, Dean we should just get this house” He says looking in the direction where Dean stood, you see from the corner of your eye he is making his way towards you.
“Y/n what do you think? Buy? Or keep looking?” He asks while the realtor has a smile just looking so hopeful to sale the place.
“I hope you dont mind me asking but are you three looking for jobs as well?” She asks from the front of the porch and looking at us with a smile spread across her face and just looking at her you knew that she is sincere, kind hearted, and obviously someones mother.
“My brother Sam is and I will be opening up my new business in furniture making and refurbished. My sister here will be working from home with the crafts she does and hope that her business will boom like it did in Sioux Falls” Dean says turning his direction to Naomi.
“Lovely, your business in furniture making will be very popular. What sorts of crafts?” She asks turning her gaze away from Dean and unto you.
“I nit and make plushie toys” You answer to her.
“That is wonderful, you know we dont have anyone around here who make those types of toys or stuffed animals. I know for a fact your business will take off once you start to advertise or I could do that for you. Show them your products and so forth well thats if you would like me to.” She volunteers and to your surprise she is willing to help you with your business in making these toys.  
“Wow um that is so generous of you, I will let you know the minute I have finished products and are you sure that wont be any trouble for you?” You tell her while jumping on the inside out of pure joy, when you first met her you thought that she was going to be completely rude towards you because you are an Omega.
Turned out that she has a son who is also an Omega and thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to meet, that way you wouldnt feel completely alone in the new town and it would be nice to have a friend around, you didnt seem to mind about the idea.
“Oh please no trouble at all, I like to see small business turn into a success. My son Michael has his own hardware store that he started from the backyard of his house than he bought an old warehouse and ever since then he has been doing incredibly well. I mean who knows there is a possibility you could open your own crafts store like build a bear” She tells you every excitedly talking about her son opening his own business in town and just thinking how this town even survived with out a hardware store well the drive to Olympia wasnt that long so that was another solution.
“Other than that um I love the house, De lets sign the damn papers and move in. I am already getting annoyed with your pickiness and just want to settle” You look to your older brothers direction who has a victorious smile spread across his face as you agree upon the house selection.
The house appears to have a cabin feel to it with refurbished oak cabinets in the kitchen all throughout the house with ceiling beams, three bedrooms upstairs, two downstairs one of which will be your office in creating your plushie toys. Recreational room which is perfect for your brothers knowing Dean would want to turn that into a man cave you dont mind since you have always wanted one.
The other room is for you when your heats come along and would need to get away from your brothers and placing the box of toys in a closet once all of you begin to move in.
“Alright alright alright, now where do I sign?” He asks looking to Naomi who also has a joyous smile spread on her face, once the papers were signed and a cheque is all made out to purchase the house is when she gave the keys to Dean.
When she is saying her farewells she turns to you and hands you her personal phone number along with home phone for a set up for the showing of your products.
Over the next couple of days all three of you start moving into the new house and get settled in all the rooms. Your brothers settle everything that will be needed for your heats in the future.
“I hate to say this but y/n dont you think its time to get a mate, I mean you shouldnt have to go through your heats alone. I worry about you enough as it is especially when your heats come.” Dean says while he comes up the stairs from the lower level of the house as you stand in the kitchen putting the stuff away into the cupboards.
“Dont you think its time for you to find a mate Dean?” You look to him with a stern expression on your face as you cross your arms across your chest leaning against the counter.
“Touche baby girl touche” He says with hands up in surrender.
“Hey you havent called me that in a long while” You soften your expression as you still hold your gaze on Dean.
“Yeah well why not, you are the baby after all and you know we practically raised you so why not bring it up for old time sake” He says as he comes closer to the kitchen to stand in front of you and hold his arms out to pull you slowly to his chest.
“Just like how dad used to say it” You say as your voice is all muffled up by his embrace, you know there is a smile slowly forming at the corners of his mouth.
After your mother passed away from breast cancer is when your father started to drink on a nightly basis. When that wasnt enough for him is when it got worse on a daily and hourly basis.
Your brothers stepped up to take care of you right up until he passed away while going on an evening grocery/liquor run than things turn to worse for you and your family.
Loosing another parent three years after your mom passed away. You and your older brothers have always been close growing up, your father feared if you presented as Omega and had your first heat that there would be no way in fighting for you to stay at home with your family where him and your brothers could protect you.
When a person presents Omega at the ripefull age of 16 or even 14, families were usually forced to sell them off to high paid Alpha's. That was always the worse solution because when the Omega disrespected their Alpha they were allowed to beat them to teach them a lesson into never repeating the same. When the Alpha beat their Omega it would always end up horribly gone wrong to the point where they died.
As the years went by the government banned that law and went on to having schools for Omega's to be more traditional child bearer's that they are made to be, stay at home and were always told that they never would voice an opinion.
They also added a law if the parent escorts their child who has presented Omega to the doctor for suppressants for their heats will be visited by officials from the Academies to collect the child and register them into the school system until the rightful Alpha came along to claim them.
The moment is ruined by the time Sam came up from the stairs as he looks to his siblings having a moment to themselves is when he clears his throat.
“Im getting pretty hungry, how about you two?” He asks leaning against the beam that separates the kitchen from the foyer.
“Yeah I guess I could eat” You tell him as you pull away from Dean.
“Agreed, so what are we doing for supper?” He asks looking between you and Sam.
“I was thinking we could go out, find a couple dvds to rent since we dont have wifi or cable so” He asks looking between you and Dean.
“Sounds like a plan, good thing we set up the TV and DVD player. Lets go see what our options are and go from there” Dean says as we make our way to the door to put on our shoes and jackets.
Dean is the last out of the house to close and make sure that the house is locked. Once we got into town and looking for a place to eat is when we settled on a restaurant called Connor's Diner. We enter the place and there are people having family dinners, dates and so forth. As you walk behind Sam is when you felt a hand grab your ass, you turn around to see who the douche bag was.
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Sorry for bothering you but... where did you buy your Yuya plushie? I'm looking for one too
I bought it on ebay, But there is a catch, 
Since i live in the Us, by normal means I shouldnt have been able to get it, since it only for Europe and isnt supposivly supposed to ship there, so i had to get a freind to buy it for me, who lives in euroupe and then ship it to me, 
I dont know if it ships other places besides europe, But It definetly will not ship to the US. I learned that the hard way, when they refunded me, and canceled my order, and only learned they arent allowed to ship to me because of my location, 
So if you do try to order it, and you live in the Us, (and possibly anywhere else im unsure atm) you are out of luck, unless you have another way. RIP 
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