#i should probably do some uhhh research
conscience-killer · 1 year
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Josh doing the thing
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bun-lapin · 1 year
hiya! i saw requests are open so I wanted to request something platonic/silly like game night at ramshackle with the first years?
Hello! Thanks for the request! I had a lot of fun with this prompt but I once again went a bit overboard and probably wrote too much. I decided to experiment with the format a bit as well. Sorry that it took a little bit to finish! Hopefully this is what you were asking for! <3
CW: humor, platonic friendships, just a generally silly time (is this considered a crack fic??)
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You walk down the dim hallway, carefully balancing a wooden tray loaded with various snacks and cans of juice in your hands. As you enter the warmly lit lounge, you smile at the lively sight of your fellow first years sitting on Ramshackle Dorm’s antique sofas and chairs and excitedly shouting at each other from across the room. You set the tray of snacks on the low table in the middle of the room as Jack stands up from his seat to address the room. He holds a small cardboard box filled with folded scraps of paper in his hands and announces, “Alright, so now that we’ve finally decided on the teams, is everyone ready to start?” He turns his head to look at each team in turn. The teams are Ace with Epel, Jack with Deuce, Sebek with Ortho, and you with Grim.
Everyone in the room nods and yells affirmatively. Jack grins and declares, “Then let’s get this game of charades started!”
Round 1: Ace ❤️ and Epel 🍎
Epel picks out a paper from the box with a pleasant smile on his face. He reads his selection and his smile immediately drops into an expression of outraged annoyance.
He tries to quickly make another selection but Jack calls out, “Hey! You’re not allowed to pick a new phrase once you’ve read it!” Jack starts the timer and shouts, “Two minutes starting now!”
Epel begins flapping his arms wildly in the air. He occasionally takes a break from flapping to throw his arms in a wide, circular motion over his head. While he’s doing this, he’s also strutting around and bobbing his head back and forth.
Everyone cracks up laughing at Epel’s performance. Ace tries extremely hard to not laugh and puts all of his focus on concentrating on his guesses because time is quickly running out. “Is it some kind of bird? Chicken! Duck!” Ace keeps yelling out random bird species until the timer finally rings.
Epel’s starts yelling and stomping around, “AH CONSARN IT! WUT IN TARNATION WAS THAT?! IT WAS ‘POSED TA BE A PEACOCK!”
Epel and Ace’s phrase was “Pretty Peacock”. Everyone except Epel dies laughing when they find out.
Round 2: Jack 🐺 and Deuce ♠️
Deuce picks out a paper from the box. As soon as he reads it, he looks unbearably confused and conflicted.
Just standing in silence, Deuce puts his head in his hands and everyone exchanges slightly concerned glances. After a silent minute passes, Ace picks up the timer hesitantly, saying, “Uhhh, I’m going to start the timer now.”
Deuce immediately looks panicked and starts waving his arms and legs in random directions. It is extremely evident to everyone that he has no idea how to act out the phrase.
Jack looks just as confused as everyone else and doesn’t even try to make any guesses.
With ten seconds left, Deuce’s panic kicks into overdrive and he resorts to just pointing aggressively at Jack until the timer rings out.
Sinking to the floor in defeat, Deuce silently hands the paper to Jack.
Reading aloud, Jack says, “Lone Wolf?” He looks at everyone with an incredibly offended expression on his face. “Did one of you set that up?” Somehow everyone looks a little guilty.
Round 3: Sebek 🐊 and Ortho 🤖
Ortho picks out a paper looking very calm and collected. After reading his selected phrase, he lightly laughs and says, “This should be easy enough to act out. I’ve been developing my acting skills in the Film Research Club, after all.” The timer is started.
Putting both arms to one side, he brings them together and apart a few times in a chomping kind of motion. Next, Ortho acts out a crying motion, putting special emphasis on tracing imaginary tears down his cheeks.
After watching Ortho run through these motions a few more times, everyone in the room comes to the same conclusion that Ortho is acting out the phrase “Crocodile Tears”. However, Sebek doesn’t hear the rest of the room come to a whispered consensus because he is shouting out an uninterrupted stream of guesses at an extremely loud volume.
Almost loud enough to shake the room, he shouts, “It’s a dragon! Something with a powerful bite like that must be a dragon! Ortho! It’s a dragon!” Sebek continues in this way, never guessing anything else, until the time finally runs out.
Looking absolutely defeated and done with everything, Ortho flatly states, “The phrase was Crocodile Tears.” Everyone, except Sebek and Ortho, cheers and laughs.
Round 4: Grim 🐱 and You 🦐
You pick a phrase from the box while Grim brags to the rest of the room that he’s going to be able to guess it in under five seconds. After reading your selection, your face breaks out into a big, secretive grin and you ask for the timer to be started.
As the timer ticks away, you simply stand there looking at Grim and don’t make any movements. Everyone glances at each other looking very confused.
With almost half your time passed, Grim starts yelling and waving his arms angrily in the air, “Myaaah! What’re you doing hench-human?! Do something!!” As Grim waves his arms, you suddenly begin moving and copy his movements. Grim moves his legs, his arms, jumps up and down, and you perfectly mimic his every motion.
With only fifteen seconds left on the timer, Grim yells out in frustration, “Mrrrgh!! Quit it! Stop being such a copy cat!”
You throw your hands in the air and, just before the timer rings, you shout, “You got it!”
With a smug smile on your face and your shoulders shaking with barely contained laughter, you show everyone your paper with the phrase “Copy Cat” written on it.
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nensi · 2 months
Sun Wukong x gn!reader
Reader is gender neutral
Wc: 1200+
After training Mk Monkey King went to city, he recently found a bakery that specializes in making peach flavored desserts.
So of course he started going there regularly right when he was about to enter you push past him(i quite literally mean push). He was caught off guard by that but when he tried to confront you, you've already bought whole stock of peach buns(his and apparently your favorite snack). When going past him you realized that you accidentally pushed him.
"Im so so sooo terribly sorry!"
Out of guilt you gave him one of your peach buns apology and ran off with the rest.
Tho he was left dumbfounded by the whole interaction. He swore next time he'd get the whole stock
And that's how your rivalry with the Great Sage equal to heaven started. Everyday was a fight over who will get the buns. He was playing dirty! He'd use one of his 72 transformations(like transforming into an ant etc.) to get ahead of you in line. And some other times you'd camp outside the bakery just to get the buns. Once whem you did that you even left him a message
"Better luck next time Peach King :)"(that's the nickname you gave him lol)
This continued on for a whole month!
But as your rivalry died down a bit you started to share the buns. He'd get them all and wait for you to come by so he could give you half, and you'd do the same. That's how you became friends with the legendary Sun Wukong THE Monkey King.
You once had movie night at FFM with all the baby monkies and a crap ton of his favorite peach chips(tbh you were probably watching movies based on him). Later on you invited him over to your apartment for another movie night, and oh boy... You had soooo many peach flavored snacks he couldn't believe it! Honestly you didn't even pay attention to movies, most of them were boring but you had fun judging everything characters did with Wukong. That was now a tradition of the two of you, you guys would buy the peach buns and go over to one of your places and watch random movies( it really wasn't about the movies more like that you enjoyed each others company).
After 3 months of having these movie dates(atp you guys were dating) and Wukong wanted to make it official. He confessed to you in the bakery(so romantic ik). He didn't know how to confess so it was a bit wonky, but really sweet, and so you started officially dating! (Sorry for this rushed part like idk how to write these kind of things)
When Wukong decides to propose to you, he is at firta confused on how he should do it. But after doing a bit of research he gets the amazing idea!
He decorated FFM and proposed to you with a peach of immortality, might i add he wore his best suit to do so!
The proposal went like this:
"Will you be my one and only forever?"
I hope yall like this cuz this is my first fict, and not by any means is it good but i think its a nice start, pls do point out grammatical errors and give me pointers on how to write certain things
And uhhh if you have idea how i should title this pls tell
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womaninwinter · 2 months
Thank you for tagging me @paranorahjones I am terminally online today and delighted to be playing tag games :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? Depends on how you define fic I guess. When I was very little, I would "tell myself stories" (literally I would just sit on the floor in my room and pronounce the story aloud) which were essentially self-insert fics about my favourite characters. I guess expansion has always been my automatic response to a story I like. My older sister was active in fandoms first, so I learned about fic from her, and when I ended up in a teeny tiny fandom with practically no content in my teens, writing fic was a very natural next step.
2. How many fandoms have you written in? *counts on my fingers* well, there was [REDACTED], [REDACTED], BTVS, Designated Survivor, and now L&Co. So actually not that many. When I fixate about something, I fixate long and hard and I don't have room for other obsessions.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
As above, really depends on how you define fic and how you define writing lol. If you're being exacting, uhhh about 15 years or so, but with long gaps in there. Years of actual productivity, probably more like 3 or 4.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Very definitely read lol, I'm a slow writer and a fast reader. Trying to shift the balance however.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer? I think my ability to plan and execute a large-scale project is increasing, as is my ability to actually dramatise a setting properly.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? Abdominal trauma recovery (for Gutted, my specialest little guy fic)
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love a comment from someone who Gets what I was going for. It doesn't have to be a long one, just something that shows me that yes, I communicated successfully here! (or just when people tell me unhinged things like "I'm chewing on this nomnomnomnom". I love that too)
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Easily the Catholic Lockwood stuff LOL.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? It's not quite a story type, but I hate when you're trying to bring a character to the point of a certain realisation or decision and you have to describe their thought process and it's soooo hard to do cleanly and really I should have made this damn thing a conversation but it's TOO LATE NOW.
10. What is the easiest type? A conversation lol. Again, now specific type of story, but I love writing dialogue.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? Usually at my desk, on my computer. G Docs is my medium of choice - accessible anywhere, easily shared, easy to retrieve if you go somewhat crazy and delete everything...
12. What is something that you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
The big "Lockwood reverts to his faith and Lucy converts" fic. Will I ever do it?? Who knows. I like thinking about it though.
13. What made you choose your username?
This is a great question, and the answer is I have NO clue. I didn't want it to be something that was easily identified as me (for anyone who knows me IRL, womaninwinter is quite a giveaway lol). I picked a phrase that came to mind and sounded moderately cool, and for some reason, the phrase was "Savoirfaire". (some unconscious snobbery about my writing abilities going on?? Perhaps!)
tagging: @itripandfallalot, @polithicc, @menina89, @lilaccatholic and @insidethekaleidoscope (I forget who has and hasn't done this already)
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 months
Hey ngl I am not enjoying the discourse about Misako and Garmadon and who’s the sad puppy dog oh so owo traumatised little flower parent and who’s absolutely down right evil rot in hell forever leaking fuming bag of toxic waste parent.
I asked my boyfriend if I should post this and he said I should write a conclusion. And I’m thinking about this. What’s my actual opinion on them? Who’s the better parent? Who’s the worst? Has Lloyd ever a good parental figure ever?? IS THERE ANY DECENT PARENTAL RELATIONSHIPS IN THIS SHOW (jk Ed Edna and Cyrus Borg y’all are doing great).
And yknow I hate the Misako vs Garmadon bc it feels like some of you act like the only reason people hate Misako is because they just hate to see a woman on the screen. But like. No. I disagree. I mean not totally, some people do let misogyny affect their opinions on things. But like, it’s almost as bad to act like the horrendously awful writing of Misako as a character just didn’t happen. It’s horrendous BECAUSE of misogyny (and the fact that the show is not written well in a lot of places anyways).
Misako spends a whole fuckin lot of of her time in the show in the most sexist era of Ninjago, and then doesn’t really get much development after that. Her memorable moments are literally coming back after having no contact with Lloyd, flirting with Wu a lot, being Lloyd’s mother, being a researcher, flirting with Garmadon and like being his wife, getting kidnapped a few times, the letter, and uhhh being a little sassy? As I was saying this I realised I could probably list every detail we get on her in the show. It’s that little. And can we agree, I’m not saying she’s evil and should have chosen to be well written. I’m saying she’s clearly a badly written character mostly used to prop up other characters arcs, and that’s the fault of the writers. Like you can justify some of what she did but it’s not presented in that way bc the writers don’t put in the time to make her compelling.
So why the hell are we comparing “might as well replace her with a trophy for a poetry competition” Misako with characters who were less neglected by the writers. And why are we surprised when people don’t like her compared to a character who the writers put more effort into telling a more compelling redemption, a character who we get on screen for a whole season during his time as a reformed villain, a character who we see spending time with Lloyd much more than Misako. In comparison Misako spends a lot of her scenes holding hands with Wu, hanging out with Wu, like where’s the mother son bonding road trip?? We don’t get a season where Misako tags along with the protagonists and I wish we did but we do get that with Garmadon (twice) and it’s s3 and 4 and she spends those seasons with Wu (and like Wusako is not popular bc their relationship was framed as romantically inclined and she was still living and presented as married with Garmadon at the time so likeeee)
I’m not saying Misako is a worst parent, I’m saying her relationship with her son is not as fun or as enjoyable and that’s why people don’t like her as much. Not necessarily because everyone is a misogynist. But because not everyone is about to reconstruct a Misako with good writing just to enjoy her more.
Have we considered that liking Misako is a spectrum, almost because the writers gave us nothing for her and we’re all just filling the blanks. Some people are projecting hard. Some people are projecting their abandonment issues onto Lloyd. Some people are projecting the struggle of parenthood onto Misako. Some people didn’t think at all about her. Some people only like her out of spite of how annoying it is to only see Misako haters. Some people only like her because she’s one of the scarce female characters of the show and it’s fucking rough. I wish there were more people who liked women as characters tho. Like tbh it still kinda feels like we’re still stuck with the same single archetype for how we see women. Sexy badasses who snark and kiss other women. Tbh I feel like most of the fandom just projects onto characters and that’s why Ninjago discourse feels so vicious bc people are fighting for their lives that they have stitched into their image of their favourite Lego and I’m getting very off topic what was I talking about??
Uhh anyways I like Misako and I hate Misako I feel like all her haters and her stans and the show writers and the myself are wrong about her in some way. I think I’m tired of the debate of whether she’s a good mum, we should be talking about what her favourite food is and it’s probably soup she probably puts it into a flask to take on her work adventures I DONT REMEMBER WHY I STARTED WRITING OH WAIT IT WAS THE GARMISAKO PARENTLYMPICS.
Neither Garmadon and Misako are better than each other. I’m gonna blow your minds rn but write this down if you care about traumatic parent child relationships (so like if you’re gonna write an angsty Lloyd fic). But when your grow up in an abusive household, there’s a high likelihood your parents aren’t clones of each other but instead bad in different ways.
(Tw: I traumadump to you about my not great parents. Skip past the italics)
One of my parents is emotionally unstable and immature and yet more in touch with me emotionally, my other parent is neglectful and has unsatisfiable expectations of me and yet she doesn’t verbally abuse me.
One isn’t worse than the other and worrying about who is worse often ends up minimising the damage the other causes. Why does one have to be worse when it’s more accurate to describe the experience as “they’re bad in their own way”. The “who is worse” debate is definitely something people from broken households ask themselves and I think we can definitely explore Lloyd’s character in terms of that, but there’s no actual answer. You can’t put a number on trauma and I personally don’t think we should be trying to. Goodbye black and white thinking, hello to messy and complicated, as most bad parental relationships are.
I don’t think Misako and Garmadon are great or justified in what they did, and I don’t think they were terrible or that Lloyd shouldn’t have forgiven them either. I wish we got more development for both of them (Misako more tho bc the writers are bitches) and I wish people didn’t ignore either her characterisation as a loving character as well as her characterisation as a once distant one (and then hinge their opinion of Garmadon as a comparison.).
Idk. Idk what this post was I’ve just always been annoyed at other people in the Misako fight club, some people get way too one way about her, like some of y’all get mean about her I think. I opened tiktok once just to feel like the anger was warranted. Idk she’s not my favourite character and I feel like that’s not allowed bc people act like the only way you could hate her is because you’re sexist and I disagree. But I like her as a character that I can get mad at and then forgive. She’s so interesting. She’s not evil she’s complicated I like having complicated feelings about her. That’s the most compelling part of her in my opinion. I’m a Misako hater and a Misako enjoyer and I’ve thought too much about her and that has to count for something
Now. No one is allowed to read one line of this post and then act like I’m taking away freedom of speech or that I hate women or take a fraction of this and get overly angry. This is due to the fact that this is my opinion. The penalty for doing this is that I take your tumblr profile pic and photoshop it into a garbage bin and I will show it to my boyfriend and we will laugh.
There are so many different points in this post and like it feels like this could be five separate posts but oh well. Send post.
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eri-lessthan3 · 1 year
Right, as my rimworld ice playthrough is nearing it's end (?), I suppose I should introduce the colony!
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Behold, the Lanwell! Our humble abode, where we have survived checks the days 463 days, wow!
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Let me show you around!
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The brightest room we have is the Schneider's throne room, since she is soon to become a countess! And yes, we are so rich that we can afford to keep the braziers constantly lit (this wasn't always the case ;p). This room also functions as a place for people to hang out and listen to music or look at the art collection that is way too big for this small room ;P
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Right next to it are the main rooms, from which it all started. The kitchen, which used to be our only room at some point, with a nutrient paste dispenser, fueled entirely by uhhhhh... friendly donors! ^^
We also still have our wind turbines as a secondary power source, though we are mostly reliant on chemfuel generators now! Some of which we stole from ancient vaults, and these guys are very efficient :3
We also have our little storage room right next to it. It is mainly a freezer, buuuut it also stores a bunch of random junk, since this is usually how I end up playing rimworld anyway >.<
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Next to the kitchen is the heart of our colony, the hydroponics! This is the only reason why we can live and prosper, as it provides us with food, clothes, medicine, beer, wood, money, and even chemfuel from rice, if we run out of it! Thought this room has seen some destruction before, we obviously need it to always function :3
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Our colony grew right from that luscious heart. We have our workshop area, our personal bedrooms (don't mind Dorgo, he is just jealous and he really wants some jade sculptures in his room -.-). Although unfortunately, those two rooms on the left are empty. Rest in Peace, Vulcavein. We also have our research room and a hospital, which is often the target of enemy drops, for some reason >.<
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To the right of those rooms, we have completely incorporated this space between our base and the mountains. We have a rec room, which used to be a school, we have our temple to Ithalux, with his sigil painted on the floor. As we are also transhumanist, we have neural superchargers and biosculpter pods, and speaking of that
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Say hello to Cambiar! He is currently undergoing age reversal procedures, so he probably can't hear you, actually. Anyways
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We have a rather empty, yet surprisingly comfortable prisoners barracks, even though if we ever do get prisoners, they usually don't stay here for long...
And yeah, we also have our small gene-tailoring room from that one time I bothered to go out onto the map for a secret vault, and also bothered to bring this stuff back, but we never used it, and we can't regularly loot vaults either, as it can get to -60 degrees with no problem. Our feeble human bodies must stay inside of the base for most of the time. Speaking of that:
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This is the reason we have our mech friends! They help us run our base, defend it, and are our only real way to go outside during the winter without freezing to death. Although we don't really do that anymore, as there is no reason to leave our perfect colony.
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Speaking of that, meet Manuel, our first and only android! He is also part of our defences, but he is quite helpful around the base, and he can venture into cold without risking his life that much. In fact, we had to send him on a mission to destroy a mech cluster at some point, and together with our mechs (which uhhh, were hard to control that remotely) he dealt with that easily, definitely nothing went wrong. And he doesn't have to eat, which means that he can caravan forever, I think.
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I suppose I could also present these few bedrooms, with Schneider's royal one standing out the most. She has to have one, as we are planning to leave this hostile world and join our new friends in the Broken Imperium. Now that I say it, that name doesn't bring much hope, but it should be fiiiine.
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For that, however, we will need to protect a royal for quite some time, and thus we have prepared quite the room for them! You can also see our devilstrand growing zone, as we try to extract the most out of this rocky soil. And uhh, don't look at the top, there is nothing to worry about there ^^'
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For you see, we have our small factory over here! Thanks to the VFE - Mechanoids, we can produce steel and plasteel out of basically nothing! This used to produce components instead, hence why the weird layout, but our fabricors can do that on their own. We also have a medicine production facility, though it is currently off. And we have our magic neutroamine generator! Don't question how it works, don't look into that room! Better focus on our neat android workshop, which really didn't need so much random junk there, but I am just figuring stuff out ;P. And yeah, this is why we need the neutroamine!
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Yeah, there is nothing more to see of this colony! Just a bunch of monuments and steam power plants, and that is all ;P There is no need to open those doors, they just lead to empty monuments we had to construct for quests and such :3
And that was the tour ^^
Now, the reason I did this is that we will try to leave this planet once the "summer" starts here, and I will try to not save scum too much. I really enjoyed this colony, but I feel like it is time to move on. I have so many other rimworld ideas either way. So yeah, hopefully see you in the stars!
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dr-donogood · 9 months
Hey! Idk if this still interests you or not but I saw your post saying Richtofen isn’t a n@zi
I also believe this and have done a lot of research but I think I have trouble with finding sources as I haven’t been able to find anything that shows that he is against fascism + hates it, which makes it difficult to argue that he isn’t one when talking to others about it.
Do you have proof or some sort of instance that either states or hints towards this that could help with the argument that he is against n@zis?
I’d appreciate any info you give!
Hello anon! Oh wow It has been a hot second since I've Codsed my Zombies. I'm not sure how much you know already. So I'll just go down the list of things I remeber! And i'll make this a bit beginner freindly, just in case anyone needs to show this to someone.
Also feel free to add to it!!! Or feel free to point out if I misspoke it HAS been a bit...
1) For starters, although the lore reason for Richtofen's outfit is unknown (most anything i could say here would be pure speculation and HC), we do know that he was originally just a re-used asset from the main game. He comes from the villian character Heinrich Amsel. When COD Zombies (previously Nazi Zombies) first started out, all the characters were blank slate re-used and slightly recolored assets. They ofc later gave them all names and stories (although testing the waters at first, a lot of early story got ret-conned. Such as Richtofen being a back ally surgeon.) But they unfortunately never re-designed him outside of removing the swastika :( but I also belive it's important beacuse I feel like it's one of the only things ppl bring up when the try and say Richtofen is a nazi, and I feel like it holds no weight beacuse of these things.
(Here is Heinrich Amsel. As u can see, clearly where Richtofen's original model comes from.)
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2) lore stuff is dificult to pile evidance for due to how the lore in the game itself is presented. If you want the freshest and best sources (aside from meticulously beating every easter egg and finding all the secrets) YouTube videos with the quotes/Easter eggs/secrets are your best bet aside from going in game and grabbing them yourself. I can't particularly remeber what exsact maps may be able to help you. Aside from Classified!
It's just generally a real important part of the basic lore that Richtofen isn't a Nazi and hates them. It's kinda what kicks off....everything that happend. Im sure anyone could get this information from any reliable Cod Zombies lore video (i uhhh don't know which ones are reliable i haven't watched any! Probably check out Mr.RoflWaffles?). For starters, Richtofen was always a spy. He worked for the Illuminati before Maxis asked him to join Group 935, and Richtofen only joined so he could feed information back to the Illuminati. It's also important to note that Group 935 was not originally associated with Nazis. Maxis made a deal with the nazis without anyone's permission (funding and test subjects in exchange for weapons and super soldiers.) And that was one of many things that pissed Richtofen off so badly that he gathered everyone up to make a secret section of Group 935, that both worked with the allies, and planned on killing off Maxis. (Ofc his goal was later shifted and corupted by the Apothicons. But this is about how Richtofen isn't a Nazi, not questioning him as a dubious person. There was also all of the moon shit, Maxis not caring about Richtofen's experiments, a whole boat load of resons that Richtofen wanted that man dead.)
(Also. Richtofen never fought in ww2 and ww2 is already over by the time the zombie breakout happens.)
Here is a link to the Film Reels in Classified, many of which talk about how Richtofen was working against Maxis (and the nazis) and even has some verbal confirmation from Richtofen about his distaste for nazis.
Also here is also the Kronorium! As far as I know, it should still be a reliable sorce! (Like i said, it's been a while). And I think it's a bit better than the wiki (which still says his nationality is nazi german...instead of just saying he's german....) there is plenty of stuff in the interactive book that explains
2) here are some instances of his voice actor, Nolan North, confirming that he isn't a Nazi! (Thank you @jamieaiken919 for digging these up for me!!!)
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And did that's kinda all I have for now! Like I said anyone is free to add!
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xenostalgic · 1 month
walking through a city park late at night, I come across an art installation: holographic figures glowing in the darkness, talking to and over one another. an avatar of @transgenderer appears in front of me and is trying to ask me some questions but I can't hear them; instead, @perdvivly's voice comes out, unsynced from the hologram's lips. how bizarre...
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
many things can be virtuous in some amount, I guess, and relatively few remain good regardless of how much of them you have (temperance being among the virtues). this feels maybe slightly against the spirit of the question but I guess I want to say something like prudence in the original sense, or judgment; I'm not sure my prudence is deficient so much as defective in that I'm over-cautious, prone to inaction, and people I know err on both sides of this but I do know some who strike a good balance
2. Show us an object in your daily life that you have an emotional attachment to - tell us a little bit about it if you want! (a favourite mug perhaps? socks with a cute pattern? dealers choice)
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I keep a steel ring on my keychain that matches the one on my collar. very comforting object to hold, satisfyingly heavy
3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
if I could I'd like to have a negative amount of fame, where people are unusually unlikely to hear about or remember me. I wish I had more people who knew me, but I really don't like being recognized by strangers; I always feel very THE WHOLE WORLD MONITORS AND MOCKS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT about it. I guess that's downstream of the context of being recognized around my neighborhood, I probably would mind less if it was people who recognized my name from my research or something. still not actively desirable, though.
4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
I think language is probably up to most tasks in principle even if I'm not capable of using it to adequately capture/communicate/express something. maybe... probably lots of people will say this, but like, non-analogical, non-referential descriptions for granular sense-experiences like smells or the details of visual perception like visual snow.
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
idk if this is a good question but I'm sleepy and it's what I've got: you see some pervasive graffiti/sticker campaign around your neighborhood and it inspires such strong feelings that you feel like you have to reply somehow. what might it be, would your feelings be negative or positive (artistic inspiration), how would you reply?
idk who to tag that would actually want to answer. @unknought, @nightpool, uhhh. @figment-wrangler I don't think I've ever seen you do an ask meme, time to reveal yourself
(original questions & my answers below the cut)
1. Favourite colour?
green! but ideally dark green, maybe even almost black. brighter colors are good too but in smaller doses, dark green is something I enjoy wearing or would like as the focus of a painting or something
2. Last song you listened to?
Golden Age but that's like, a regular evening doing-dishes listen. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now is the most recent one that's not in regular rotation
3. Currently reading?
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Mishima, which is great so far. always kind of weird to praise the language of a book in translation but I think it makes sense here—I keep being surprised by the directions the characters' thoughts go in, enjoyably, and the specific word choices are part of that but not the central thing. also A Glastonbury Romance (slowly), SPQR, and theoretically The Allegory of Love, which I haven't given up on yet this read—but I might fail to get through the "case studies" part of the book yet again. I've enjoyed the first two, more analytical, chapters several times but the further one gets into the book the more difficult it is to read Lewis going "btw, this poem is not good, it's primarily of interest for how it affected other literature which I'm not going to talk about" and still maintain motivation to hear more
4. Currently craving?
I am so full of burgers it's impossible to crave any food. kinda want to get high but this is impossible due to excessive prudence
5. Coffee or tea?
Tea, but I haven't had either in I think months. I guess I mostly enjoy tea in the winter to warm up with, I always get mint or other non-caffeinated kinds
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nonotnolan · 2 years
Fiverr Warlock: Saturdays are for Recovery
“Hey, Gus?“  Waking up with a killer headache was bad enough, but for some reason my roommate was shaking my shoulder.  “Gus, wake up.  You... uhh, you’re not gonna believe this, buuuut... we’ve swapped bodies.”
I sat upright, trying and failing to rub the sleep out of my eyes.  “Dude.  Preston.  What the fuck?  You, of all people, should understand that Saturdays are for recovery.  I was up until 4am playing League, and you were out drinking or whatever.  Fucking hell, why does my head hurt?”
“Probably because you’re dealing with my hangover,” he said, handing me a glass.  “Drink that, it’ll help.”  I gratefully downed the entire drink, and handed it back to him.  To... me?  I looked up at him, only to find that I was looking at my own body.  “I wasn’t kidding,” he said, laughing at the look of confusion on my face.
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“Why are you so calm?” I yelled, looking down at the chest that was clearly not my own.  I found myself grasping at my new face, as if I was going to be able to feel a difference in its shape.  I couldn’t get past my sudden lack of facial hair.  “How the fuck did this happen?”
Preston just shrugged.  “Hell if I know.  It’s not like Web MD has a tutorial on this.  My best guess is that if we just go about our business like normal, it will reverse itself just as quickly as it happened.  I’m just hoping it’ll go away by tomorrow.”
I could scarcely believe what I was hearing.  “Tomorrow!?  Are you shitting me?  You want me to just keep going like nothing is wrong, and maybe it will fix itself?  Fuck that!  We need to do something!  We need to-- I don’t know, research this, or, or... tell someone who can help us, or... I don’t know... but, but something, dammit!”
He reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder, “Look, it’s not that I’m somehow okay with this.  I don’t want to be stuck in your life just as much as you don’t want to be stuck in mine.  But you just woke up-- I’ve already had several hours to come to terms with this.  If we try to tell anyone, they’ll just claim that we’re full of shit.  I can’t find anything relevant on the internet about this, and frankly, I wouldn’t have trusted it even if I did.  And it’s like you said-- Saturdays are for recovery.  We don’t have to do anything important today.  No one will be any the wiser if we just lay low.”
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“But... yeah, alright,” I said.  It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but I had to admit that it made sense.  It wasn’t how people handled this sort of thing in the movies, but... well, this was real life.  It wasn’t like we’d gotten into a shouting match in a Chinese Restaurant, or whatever.  I glanced around Preston’s bedroom, trying to figure out where he kept his clothes.  “So, uhhh... I’m pretty fuckin’ hungry.  Do think it would be a big deal if I went out to grab food?”
Preston just shrugged his shoulders in response.  “Should be fine.  I mean, what are the odds that either of us manage to run into someone we know?  It’s a big town.  Even if we go out in public, I think it will be fine.  Honesty hour, I was about to grab McDonalds, maybe go out and see a movie.  Do whatever you want today.”
I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes.  “Bending the facts to reach the outcome you want?  My body must be wearing off on you.”
When Preston asked me to use my warlock powers to swap his body with that of his roommate, I was hesitant.  Not that I was afraid or unwilling to use my powers, mind you-- it wasn’t all that hard.  Most of the difficulty with body swap magic is making things permanent.  A 24 hour swap is the sort of thing I’d charge $50, maximum.  I just didn’t want to get in the habit of casting spells on my boyfriend.  We’ve only been dating for a few months, and I really hate the relationship imbalance that happens when one person is constantly relying on me for spells.
That said, he’s been really good about not begging me for trivial favors, and he really wanted something different for our three month anniversary.  We both enjoy a bit of roleplay in the bedroom, so why stop at costumes?  Gus’s body was... certainly different.  His body is a lot more nerd-punk than I expected, and seeing it makes me wonder how on earth the two of them can stand being around each other.
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“What do you think?” he asked, lifting up his shirt.  “Pretty good for a computer geek, right?”
He stared at me with the same sort of confident swagger that had enticed me all those weeks ago, confirming without a doubt that this is Preston in Gus’s body, and not just Gus trying to pull a prank.  I could feel myself falling for him all over again.  “Pretty good, indeed.  And here I was wondering if I was going to need to use magic to change this body into something serviceable.”
He placed his other hand at his waistband, and slid his pants down to his knees.  “Not in the slightest,” he said, letting Gus’s manhood flop free.  Preston laughed at the look of shock on my face as he started to grasp it in both hands.  “It’s somewhere around eleven inches when hard,” he said.  “Sometimes he’ll leave the shower naked when he thinks I’m still at the gym.  I’ve wanted to try it out for myself for so long... and now it’s mine for an entire day.”  
He kissed me full on the lips, the stubble of his beard scraping against my skin as his tongue probed my mouth.  My brain knew this was Preston, but my senses were convinced that this was some sort of sandalwood-scented stranger.  “I can’t wait to show you my appreciation,” he said, whispering into my ear.  The heat of his breath caused my hair to stand up on end.  Eleven inches of rock-solid cock was going to completely wreck my ass, and I didn’t even care.  It’s not like I had any other plans this weekend.  Besides, Saturdays are for recovery.
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cartooncartoonpanic · 10 days
#006 Sins of the past
You approached Princess Morbucks and her friends...friends probably isn't the right term considering she was yelling at the boy and didn't seem to know the girl. It was entirely possible that they had only met today. Of course you did wonder how such a passionate argument could have broken out between strangers.
"You should know exactly how serious I am about this, Dexter. There's a huge vaccum in the market for villains right now since Mojo disappeared, and since I'm so generous I'll even fund your evil schemes." As always, Princess is pretentious and demanding. No surprises there. You do listen closely though, since you want to know exactly where Mojo might have disappeared to. It's possible that Blossom didn't tell you the entire truth
"I've already told you. I don't do that anymore. I broke off our contract for a reason" The guy in the lab coat, supposedly named Dexter, now speaks. He speaks in a thick accent though you can still tell he's upset. He has curly red hair and wears headphones though you can't tell if they're playing any music
Princess: "Didn't you used to be in a rivalry with Mandark? He's the top ranking right now?"
Dexter: "That's not my problem anymore"
Princess: "So you're just letting him be better than you?"
Dexter: "I already hurt someone important to me once, I don't want to risk it again"
Princess: "What, is this all because you fell in love with a Powerpuff girl?"
Dexter: "It's more-"
Princess: " I saw Blossom here and she hasn't said a word to you, so clearly she doesn't feel the same~"
Dexter: "That's not-wait, isn't that the reason you quit too?"
Princess: "Literally shut up right now"
Dexter: "Because I recall reading a tabloid magazine about how Bubbles left you because you che-"
Princess: "ENOUGH!"
All 3 of you were silent and just stared at her until you spoke.
"Wait, who's Mandark again?" The black haired girl looks like she's about to say answer you but then changes her mind. Princess speaks instead because of her need to dominate any given conversation.
"Oh...you're here. Greeeeeeeat". Of course she doesn't like you. Your last interaction ended with you and your brothers refusing to let her join you. But you were also like, 5. She still seemed petty though.
"Of course you wouldn't know someone that famous. Is it because you were never a real villain? But anyway he's like...mad scientist guy. Reads a lot of nerd shit but actually makes it kind of cool. It's called like...cloud rock or whatever"
"It's called steampunk...For someone acting like she's the grand authority of villainy, you really need to do more research. Anyway I saw him here earlier. He has like black hair, and some stupid cape"
"Oh uh-" You remember that description exactly fits the guy who you just punched. Thinking about it further, a future supervillain interning on whatever weird project had them kidnapped made a lot of sense.
"I may have taken him out...Didn't kill him but uhhh" You showed your now stained gloves, expecting a freakout but they seemed almost uncomfortably calm. The black haired girl looked as if she wanted to say something but realized she probably shouldn't. The guy in the lab coat seemed to smirk a bit. Princess, as always, looked annoyed.
"So...if whatever villain contract you were talking about is open, you should probably be offering it to me, if anyone" You weren't sure if it was something you actually wanted...but job security sounds nice. Even with someone as annoying as her.
"Yeah that's...never gonna happen. If a hero just wants to rely on physical strength and powers that's one thing. But villains have to be smarter. And you...I don't think you have that. Sure, your dad was a real villain. Regardless of my personal feelings I can't deny Mojo's impact. But you and your brothers...you were just a scheme. A means to take down the Powerpuff girls. And that's all you'll EVER be"
Rage flashes through you again but unlike last time you hold back, though your gaze is terrifying. She knows enough about you to know that you can shoot lasers out of your eyes.
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sirenjose · 10 months
Your thoughts on the Identity Switch
Thanks to you…. I now really like Norton. I used to hate him because I have a vendetta against people taller than my 4’11 self but now I love him.
on another note, what are your thoughts on the Identity switch system? Looking more into Norton’s background specifically makes me wonder why Norton gets a hunter form. What does this represent? I know that there’s a lot of drugs involved but I always interpreted it as them unlocking a new personality or smth, one more attune to following the manor’s games and supervising it (hunter) and like the other just trying to leave (survivor). I’ve been so interested in Norton’s lore lately that now I’m in an existential rabbit hole in how survivors get hunter forms, why that is, and if it’s like some sort of curse or punishment. Why are these survivors getting hunter forms?
soooo many questions, IK. But like reading your theories and analysis at 3Am is my serotonin. As a new player purely interested in the game for its lore I am just excited to know more but can’t wrap my head around all these weird concepts cause, again, I’m new. Also if I spend the next hour reading more of your analysis I will not sleep so therefore I need to preface my curiosity with a timed endeavor. My question probably do3snt make sense but like uhhh yeaaaaa. You should totally make something on your thoughts on identity switch (especially for the survivors gone hunters) cause I am too far in deep into the Norton-Campbell-Fool’s-Gold-Alternate-personality rabbit hole.
I’ve never done the questioning thingy before so sorry if this is not how it works. G’day!
Ah, it makes me happy to think a nobody like me can turn your thinking around on someone. Especially Norton since he was 1 of the main reasons I got started with the lore at all. I'm someone who usually plays a game based on how interesting the story or characters are, so I was interested in learning about idv's lore soon after I joined (had to take quite awhile to figure out the basics of the game and what all the various buttons were, then take some more time to get used to it before I could even get started with the lore). Was the main reason why I went looking to join places like Discord or Reddit, just so I could find people talking about the story.
Started by just understanding what I could about what people said, but then I eventually moved on to trying to understand at least the basics of everyone's backstories (once again, took me awhile to do that ^_^; Especially as I joined before we were getting all that much story at all). While I was doin this, I heard a lot of people saying bad stuff about some character named Norton. Have to admit I didn't know who he was for quite awhile. Wasn't in my radar. Can't even say I cared much for him. But I eventually got to the point where I basically decided I wanted to see if I could determine if Norton really was that bad or not (maybe as a challenge to myself, maybe because I wanted to find out myself rather than just hearing other's opinions, or maybe because I failed to find anything really in-depth about him).
That analysis took a ridiculous amount of time. In part because I ask too many questions, because I'm a perfectionist and wanted to look at every bit of info on him and detail on him, but also somewhat because I ended up writing this like a persuasion piece, and felt the only way to do that was by going through everything to back up my conclusion (whatever my research turned up). Which was also why I analyzed every single essence he had a skin in, as well as any skins not in an essence, his accessories, emotes, etc... It was during that process I actually got attached to Norton. Probably because of how long I spent going through him (no one needs to know how long it took... only the immense joy and desire to collapse I had when I finally finished).
Since then, I've rewritten his analysis... 3 times now I think? Counting after hunter norton's release? Though I've taken down that 1st version due to issues, and haven't reposted my essence analyses as they're old (they were pretty much the 1st analyses I wrote, and I'd like to think I've improved since then) as well as because they're based on the 1st version of my norton analysis... and because they're probably a bit needlessly long and thus embarrassing... Maybe I'll repost them once I get around to rewriting them. I definitely will eventually at least for Soul Catcher's and Magic Item Keeper's essence because I have to say they took longer than almost any other part of that original (complete) norton analysis (i can never forget the trouble they caused me over how long it took to understand them).
ANYWAYS! Ignoring my stupid rambling because who cares about any of that.
I was going to include my answer to your question about Identity Switches but it’s starting to become a little silly in length ^_^; (seriously, for those who know me well enough, I have a bad habit of writing more than I initially intended to once I get started) so I’ll make that a separate post for you, and you can let me know if it answers your questions (once I post it). If not, feel free to ask any more of your questions.
Honestly, the lore is confusing even to those who aren’t new players, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t wrap your head around a lot of this ^_^;
It’s hard for me to imagine my stuff is so good people are willing to read it, much less re-read it. Especially as I know people tend to prefer… shorter things, but I have tendency to be lengthy. I can’t help it though ;’) But thank you so much for the compliment.
And please, I’m still pretty new to Tumblr, so I’m still figuring all this out myself.
Anyways, don’t feel nervous talking to me or asking me any questions you have. I enjoy being helpful! So please, ask whatever you like. Or even if you don’t have a question, that’s ok too. I enjoy rambling about a subject I get started on, as long as the other person can bear with me ;’)
 It’s always nice to know people besides me, myself, and I are reading this stuff.
(Apologies for any errors or nonsense in this post, as I decided to write it without double checking it for errors cuz I felt like being lazy, and I'm still busy writing out my thoughts about Identity Switches for you)
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rubecso · 6 days
I've been on one of my regular excursions down a JSTOR rabbit hole lately, mostly researching 1920s psychiatric medicine for a character. Sometimes when you're reading a bunch of papers about a narrow topic, you'll find yourself encountering specific names more than once.
In this case, it's Sir Maurice Craig.
I first encountered this guy when I read a bunch of letters back and forth to the British Medical Journal. It starts with Maurice writing in saying "Barbiturates are totally not addictive, I give them to all my patients with no problems."
Now you might be tempted to say "Oh well they probably all thought that back then, they didn't know better."
Nope! There follows a flurry of responses from other doctors saying “Uhhh, I don't think so mate.” One of them sarcastically points out that if Sir Craig has never tried reducing his patients’ doses, he might not have realised they were addicted. 
This is met by response after response from Maurice telling them they were wrong. 
I then later spot his name mentioned in a conference on treating insomnia, where he said “Look guys, even if barbiturates are addictive, insomnia is way worse.”
And then today, I find him again, speaking at a meeting of (wait for it) the National Temperance League. 
Maurice: “Alcohol is bad cause it's addictive.”
Uh huh, yes that tracks. 
Maurice: “Which is why everyone should take barbiturates instead!”
Okay Maurice, you lost me there. 
And just to confirm that this was very much not the universal medical opinion at the time, there's another doctor at the same meeting who's recorded as saying pretty much that.
I can't tell if he was just really stubborn or getting some kind of kickback from the drugs manufacturers,but either way wherever he went Sir Maurice Craig was saying “THESE DRUGS ARE AWESOME”, followed by a small crowd of his peers doing their best to correct him.
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 5 months
hii, i was wondering if u had some advice for getting into worshipping deities, i kinda have a feeling that i'd like to work with apollo and dionysus and i've started to just research apollo but i'm unsure how to go about things or if i wanna work with them and stuff i should and shouldn't do
(also i really like ur blog bc i age regress and i love stray kids and i've always been interested in witchcraft and hellenic polytheism so the serotonin boost is strong lol)
(thank you! thats so nice :])
about going into worship hmm
just kinda do research and find out if you want to work with them (you can still worship without working with deities)
if you just want to worship a deity its cool to just start to do that like pray and make offerings sometimes (if youre not sure if its okay you can ask a deity using a pendulum!)
but if you want to work with them then like i said do research, get to know their aspects and what they help with and then you can just kinda wait till they give you a sign (cus its really easy to attract a deitys attention just researching them or talking about them)or you can reach out to them yourself and just ask if theyre interested in working with you (you can do that using pendulum,tarot, whatever works for you)
and then you just kinda talk about what you want their help with and boundaries and all that and then you talk some more (about a possible altar, about what they maybe see you need help with as well, you can ask them if they want to tell you something)
and yeah that's how it looks like in my case
stuff you should do is probably just be respectful
you can talk casually but with respect
uhh ive heard about checking on offerings so they wont get moldy
and basically just work hard to be the better version of yourself like they will probably advice you to
and dont treat Apollo and Dionysus like only gay memes or sth cus i know there are people who think theyre those funny gay uncles but theyre more than that so make sure you treat them with respect /nm /lh
dont be scared to ask them questions if youre unsure about something
dont think theyre going to punish you for making mistakes just be relaxed and feel the comfort they give you
and uhhh if you get the feeling you want to work with them just go with it cus it might as well be a sign but idk for sure so its better to confirm with them
what i would add from myself as a tiny upg is ask their pronouns! cus i used to refer to dionysus as a male and he/him pronouns but she told me shes actually a woman and uses she/her pronouns (just god things i guess) so now i use those for her but shes okay with calling her w god,deity,goddess or whatever other name but yeah ask pronouns i think deities change for different practitioners so like idk 😶 hope i helped somehow!! good luck kid!:3
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euphoricfilter · 10 months
any tips on how to write for beginners? also where do you get the inspiration?
i guess just go for it. when i started writing on here i had minimal writing experience, especially story writing, and then over the course of the last year and a bit, naturally i’ve improved (i hope)
i think it’s easy to read other people’s work and want to copy their style, or want what they have. which is just part of human nature, so i say when you start out— write to find your style, even if it is a subconscious effort to do so. by either using other people as a guideline or fully winging it until you’ve formed a way that’s uniquely yours which is a lot easier than it sounds i promise. you kinda just naturally progress the more you write
don’t expect to have a whole novel length piece of work written. it’s hard, writing takes time and a lot of brain power. write small tidbits, little poems, things you like, things you see. find a prompt and write a couple hundred words about that. i think my favorite part of writing is the little excepts that have no context whatsoever in my notes, but just sound pretty and paint the image enough for you to imagine the story further or create a whole new world
uhhh what else…
write for yourself!!!!!. i struggle with this a lot and have to constantly remind myself that what i write should be as much for me as it is for other people. i tend to put pressure on myself and then that makes what should be a fun process entirely unenjoyable and then it starts to feel more like a job than a hobby
depending on what you write, research is always fun and a good place to start. which can sometimes lead to further development of plot ideas.
don’t be scared of stereotypes. i think there’s a negative connotation between writing and stereotypes but sometimes they’re the best stories!! sometimes it’s nice to know what to expect, or read something that can evoke something like nostalgia because the story follows the lines of something you’ve seen before (no plagiarism though!!! that’s stinky)
i get inspiration from a lot of things!! a lot of my fics are based on scenarios i come up with while trying to sleep. i think i’ve talked about this before, but usually before i sleep, i’ll come up with film ideas or drama ideas and essentially script out movies in my head which i turn into fic ideas as i’m not exactly able to produce an entire millions of dollars budget film. which is why i feel like my writing, at least to myself feels more visual, because it’s a visual piece in my head
fics like ‘standing next to you’ was inspired by the part in the MV where he’s on stage performing in-front of the actress on the car.
some of my writing is inspired by words i like, simple as that
or certain themes. a common theme in my writing is stars and destiny, something i really really love writing about hence why i probably bring it up so often
“stardust” was inspired by an article i’d read. movies i like. that one tae idea surrounding howls moving castle. “helping hands” was inspired by a tiktok i saw. stuff like “the feminine pact” was derived from my own ideals surrounding femininity, and my own sort of weird relationship with the term “feminine”
of course i get inspo from requests as well
really if you think about it there’s a story in every little detail of your life. and finding inspiration becomes hard when you’re actively seeking for it so let it just naturally come. i have a over active brain so i’m constantly thinking which on the occasion is incredibly useful when it comes to pulling ideas from every little detail of my life and the things that surround me
i think the assumption is that inspiration has to be something big, or meaningful to a large group of people when really it can be smaller things that other people deem insignificant, that you love
i hope that sort of helps?? this is purely from my own experience over the last year and a bit ☝️😔
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butchladymaria · 1 year
11, 12, and 16 for the violence asks!! I need to know
11. number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered
actually all 36 terms i have filtered are fandom-related lmao. honestly i use the filtering system as a way to clean up my dash. i sometimes filter a tag if someone i follow gets into a new thing that i’m ambivalent about or unfamiliar with. it means i can keep following them without seeing stuff i’m just not all that interested in yet but also (and especially) to avoid having something spoiled for me if i want to check it out in future! it also means that i can click the “show” button if i’m in the mood for something specific or want to learn more about it — go to their blog and just look for anything filtered :) this is literally the only way i know of to search a tumblr account for specific shit because the actual search function is Actually Useless Shit
16. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
man there’s so many picks here but i’d have to say annalise. she’s not unpopular as in actively disliked afaik, just more generally overlooked. i need to post more about her but like — she’s such a key piece of bloodborne’s themes around gender and motherhood and its a goddamn shame it doesn’t get talked about more!!! she feels like a foil to miss doll in many ways (editor’s note: i Went Off on this but it needs to be its own post, so rest assured i will elaborate lol). she’s such a goddamn tragic character. in so many ways it feels that she retreated into the role of the queen to cope with the loss of her people: there’s nothing left of her home besides that. she calls herself “we”, not “i”. she is the queen of cainhurst before she is a human being and it feels like a very visceral reaction to the bigotry of the church. she is trapped in the throne room in a nightgown — evidenced the fact that her portraits show her wearing period-typical gowns, and the attire she wears looks like historical sleepwear. it makes me fucking insane. she was wearing her nightgown when the executioners attacked. despite seeing everyone she ever knew and loved be butchered before her eyes, despite being reviled as a corrupted subhuman monstrosity, despite being imprisoned in complete solitude for god only knows how long, she still fucking demands your respect and i love her for it. she is canonically some flavor of queer on account of the fact she rejects your marriage proposal in an identical way regardless of gender. i am able to fulfill my fantasy of a beautiful vampire woman bossing me around thru her questline. what is not to fucking like!!!!
17. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
hands down probably the defanging of the women characters: chiefly maria, miss doll, and adella/arianna. like, i know WHY it happens (misogyny) but it’s still baffling to me. why are you making them waifus. follow up question is your taste honest to god just that boring, and if so get better soon. they’re so much cooler than that. shut the fuck up. maria is such a complex character and if i see another clown reducing her to some soft maternal wifey because… what, she was compassionate to the research hall patients and felt bad about doing uhhh *checks notes* A Whole Ass Genocide???? i will staple myself to the ceiling. like some folks will do the most absurd mental gymnastics to call a woman in any media maternal for the most basic things 😭. in a similar vein are the people who shit themselves to death trying to claim that she TOTALLY COULD HAVE BEEN a femmey little uwu housewife even though she has a canonical and marked preference for masc presentation, and actually a woman conforming to victorian gender roles and being attracted to men is an EPIC FEMINIST WIN, actually. usually this comes from cis and/or hets who are convinced they are personally oppressed because like 3 queers on tumblr said maria is a butch lesbian. having said that there are so many amazing artists and theorycrafters that when i was trying to link specific posts/art the list was actually a million years long. some people are annoying but MORE people are so cool and thoughtful and creative!!!!! shoutout to nishihii saintadeline butchjolyne and pretty much all the lgbtqs in the mariadeline tag, all of your work is like oxygen to me 💕 yall are amazing :)
it’s the same with miss doll. either their complexity is painted over by making her the butt of those insufferable sex doll jokes or they’re made out to be this pure innocent mommy/housewife. usually this is hand in hand with just blatantly ignoring the misogyny inherent to the dynamic between her, maria, and gerhman and i just have to wonder how anyone manages to so spectacularly miss the point. i wrote a forty page paper on this. needless to say it makes me insane. i’m also a big fan of YOUR theories on the matter for a different yet equally neat perspective :) also i think marble did a post on it but i cannot for my LIFE find it
also i cannot stress enough how lame it is that adella gets reduced to a flat stereotype. they took a violently traumatized woman who was groomed into loathing herself by the catholic blood cult and who desperately clings onto the hunter for showing her justo the most basic decency of not Leaving Her To Die and decided instead of any of that it would be way cooler to water her down into a “yandere”. same can be said for arianna. like istg if they were men ther would be ESSAYS. but then again if they were men their themes would literally not even be half as cool AND they couldn’t be lesbians so i am writing the essays myself. tl;dr i am absolutely OBSESSED with both @/jurasicass and @/undefeatablesin’s portrayals of both these ladies. finally some good fucking adella/hunter/arianna dynamics‼️‼️‼️
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i-willstealyourtoes · 2 years
𝙷𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚒! 𝙸'𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔
𝙾𝚔 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚜𝚊𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝙲𝚂? 𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚖-
I felt like doing this one first if that's okay !! I felt like I'd get this one done faster because this request has only one character! I hope it's okay with you that I switched the requests around?
Also I sort of made this as 'how you and Bain met then became a thing'??? Bc u didn't exactly specify so I thought this would be cute !!
Bain with his crush
- Uhm okay so I feel like y'all would be more like a slow burn???
- Bain needs to trust someone before he does ANYTHING romantic so you better be okay playing the long game
- It's okay, it's worth it tbh... he's worth it :)
- Anyways, I think he just hired you because of your skill set rather than anything else
- I mean he thinks you're worthy of being a part of the gang if that counts for anything
- He really appreciates the way you fit in the group nicely, and sort of compliment others skills whilst holding your own
- He's glad he picked you :)
- I think the only time you have to talk to him at all is on stealth missions because then you have more time to be calm and quiet?
- It'd probably start with him leading you through a simple mission, just the two of you hehe
- 'Alright, place the ecm on the door there, and..... bingo!'
- You find him to be pretty cool to hang out with once you're in a more chill place
- On your first stealth mission/tutorial, you exchange thoughts and have a pretty good conversation!
- Obviously he doesn't say anything about himself, if anything he keeps closed whilst asking things about you!
- (He probably already knows a lot about you because he hired you, but the research doesn't say stuff like your favourite colour and hobbies)
- He just asks stuff to keep the conversation going, but he secretly likes to hear about it
- He likes making sure that his heisters are doing well, so this little stealth mission is sort of a checkup too?
- If you feel like they (the gang) don't like you or something, he's quick to reassure you
- 'Oh, they just don't take kindly to anyone new at first. Give it time, they'll grow to like you. We're kind of like a family, a growing one at that.'
- If you had any anxieties about being new, you don't now because he's there to help you out
- 'Don't worry, alright? Everyone else - even Dallas - felt nervous about being in this gang. Once you show them how good you are? You'll fit in.'
- He's a real one fr we love him
- Okay anyway so we skip forward and you're pretty close with everyone
- I can't really explain how it happened, but Bain kinda maybe likes you more than he probably should
- I mean, he's your boss technically, so he does feel like this is wrong
- Like... he's your superior so-
- Plus he's like.... 'why would you like me lol I'm like... so mid and old'
- There's definitely some unspoken romance between y'all that everyone else sees but doesn't comment on because they don't want to be whacked by you/Bain
- Neither of you guys admit it, but you both really like each other
- Okay anyway, I think y'all definitely act differently on the rare occasion when you are in a stealth heist together and it's just you and him
- The two of y'all talk, and talk, and talk some more
- It's clear you both care for each other a lot
- I think at one point he decides to tell you about his feelings because Dallas told him to 'do it no balls' (not a direct quote from him)
- So you're in the process of carrying some loot back in silence, when he decides to tell you
- His heart is pounding 😬
- (Please forgive me for how bad I am at charactisation)
- 'Hey... so.....'
- 'So.....'
- 'Uhhh.... nevermind.'
- Okay... maybe you can come in clutch this time? (please)
- 'Uh... okay...?'
- 'Hey, so I kind of have something to tell you?'
- 'I know this probably isn't allowed, but I think uh... I like you. In a non-platonic way.'
- Bain takes a moment to breathe bc OMG OMG
- Unironically has to-
- Sorry, I got lost on my bus mb cuz
- He then returned to his seat and turned his mic on
- '....Bain? You uh.... I think your mic cut off.'
- 'Oh- um... right... yeah. Something like that.'
- (It was nothing like that)
- 'So... you like me.'
- He is genuinely confused because like.... he could be rlly ugly or something (he's not) and yet you still like him???
- '.....yeeeep. Uh.... so what do you think? About that.'
- 'I know exactly how I feel about that. About you.'
- '....wait I'm really dumb does that mean you like me or-'
- He sighs (bro how are you so STUPI-)
- 'Let's just say, if we were next to each other.... well... I've always wanted to know what your lips feel like.' (I'm really bad at flirting sorry)
- 'Oh... OH-' (you finally getting it)
- Anyhow, y'all defo be smooching in a metaphorical sense?
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