#i should not be sobbing in my room rn over my fucking sister especially not on a regular basis
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aroacesigma · 1 year ago
i cant take thi anymore i genuinelly cannot why the fuck am i living with someone this awful why cant i have a sister who treats people like fucking people
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stilliwait · 5 months ago
Okay, because I couldn't not. I know I'm SO FAR AWAY from this in my fanfic rn, but here's a slice-of-life after Varric gets hurt and sent to the Lighthouse infirmary. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.
Marian burst through the infirmary doors, nearly stumbling in her panic, which should have been someone's first clue of exactly how terrified she really was. "Where is he?!" she cried out, her hair a mess of unkempt curls around her head. Rook looked shocked to see THE Marian Hawke - *no, Tethras now* he reminded himself silently - tearing through The Lighthouse. "Excuse me, what are you-?" Before he could respond, Lace Harding appeared behind Marian, her shorter legs moving as fast as they could carry her. She leaned against the doorframe, hands on her thighs as she panted hard. "Varric...wife...brought her..." Harding gasped out, bracing herself. "Fuck, Marian, when did your short ass get so fast?!" "Probably around the time my husband decided to piss off an Elven God, now where is he?!" she asked, and Rook was shocked to see tears in her eyes. "I'm over here, Rosie," a low, gravelly voice called out from behind a partition. Marian wasted no time, completely ignoring everyone else in the room as she ran over to her husband's bedside. Varric was laying there, his chest bandaged, leaning against the headboard of his sickbed. "Varric!" she gasped, immediately curling into his arms, being mindful of his wound. It looked painful, but he didn't so much as wince as his wife laid beside him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, letting her bury her face into his neck as she all-but sobbed against him. "Rosie, Rosie...did you really think Chuckles would kill me? Give the guys some credit, we were friends once upon a time..." he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. When she didn't laugh, but only clung to him harder, he frowned, reaching to try to tilt her head up to look at him. "Marian?" he asked softly, using her given name for once.
Marian looked far from the part of the Champion of Kirkwall's sister in that moment. She was a mess, tears streaming down her face, clearly having jumped up from bed and come running to him. "You can't do this anymore, Varric," she sobbed, trying to breathe through her panic. "You can't just go running off into danger without me!" She gripped his shirt tightly, trying to ignore the laugh that wanted to burst from her lips. Of course he was wearing a low-cut shirt, the bastard couldn't help but show off his goods to everyone around him. "You have kids now, Varric. They need their father, and I need my husband!" she said, her voice taking on an almost begging quality to it. "You didn't even say goodbye," she added with another heartbreaking sob. Harding shot Varric a look that screamed you absolute bastard, before grabbing Rook and dragging him from the room to give the couple their privacy, muttering about authors and their dramatic tendencies the whole way. Varric at least had the manners to look guilty, wiping the tears away from his wife's face. "I'm an ass, I know," he murmured, kissing her forehead again. "Does it make it any better that I felt awful leaving you like that? I knew if I said goodbye, you'd never let me leave, and I couldn't let them go after Solas without at least trying to talk him down." He gave her a self-deprecating smile, gesturing to his chest. "Clearly it didn't go so well." Marian scoffed, trying not to smirk at how stupidly charming her dwarf was. She was still mad at him, furious even, especially now that she knew he was alive and well and in her arms. "You can't keep secrets like that, Var," she scolded, gently checking his wound herself. She was something of an expert when it came to chest-wounds after all. "Little things, 'Yes you look beautiful, Rosebud', and 'Why yes, Eli, I do think you drew Mommy and I perfectly' are fine. Not 'Hey I'm going to see my buddy the Ancient Elf, and oh by the way, he's trying to rip apart the whole fucking world." Varric couldn't help but smirk as she did her best impression of his voice, finding her beautiful even when she was angry. Marian lifted the gauze from his chest, inspecting the wound. At least the elven bastard had the decency to make it a clean wound...and she had to admit, she was glad to see it wouldn't impact her husband's perfect chest.
"Rosie?" he asked, trying to get her to look up at him. When she refused to meet his gaze, he gently reached out and touched her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Marian..." he murmured. She melted a little under his golden gaze, her anger melting into what was truly behind it.
"I wouldn't have left you without saying goodbye, sweetheart," he murmured. "I wasn't going to die." She cupped his face in her hands, frowning at him. "You could have, Var. I don't ever want to wake up like that again," she said, her voice a ghost of its usual confidence.
She could see it all in front of her eyes like it was happening all over again; Harding pounding on her door, telling her Varric had taken a stab would to the chest, covered in blood. Marian had had no way of knowing whose blood it was, and her own had run cold at the idea of the love of her life bleeding out. She had left the house with nothing but her daggers, not even stopping to throw on her armor. She'd never left so unprepared in her life, but this was Varric, and he was hurt.
"I love you, you stupid dwarf. You can't leave me," she said desperately, tears still in her eyes. Varric could see the fear in her eyes, and he knew he had well and truly fucked up. Despite being known as a charming author, the man who could convince anyone to do anything...he was at a total loss for words under the weight of his wife's fear. So he did the only thing he could think of, and tugged her forward into his arms, kissing her senseless. Marian made a soft noise in the back of her throat, something between an indignant cry and a whimper. She threaded her fingers through Varric's long, greying hair, clinging to her husband like he was the air she breathed. He practically was.
When they finally parted, they were both gasping, their foreheads pressed together. "I love you, Rosie," he murmured, stroking her cheek gently. "I love you too, Ser Dwarf," she whispered, a tiny smile on her face as she leaned in to kiss him again, sweet and soft. "Let's get you patched up and back home, yeah? The kids are going to worry when they wake up and their parents aren't in bed." "Whatever you say, Rosebud," he murmured, nuzzling his nose against hers. "Whatever you say."
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mingjue · 5 years ago
another sangcheng cuddling bit :) set in early nights, but this wont be in their version of it i think
(requested by @adhdgays )
Arguing with his older brother was probably the most mentally draining thing Huaisang could go through. Both of them were stubborn. Both of them hated admitting they were wrong-- especially Mingjue, even if they knew they were wrong. Once they got a story or point they believed, they stuck with it even when proven wrong. It was annoying and tedious, but the one thing he could be thankful for was Mingjue refraining from yelling at him.
He’s gotten close though, if slamming the front door so hard it broke the metal frame said anything.
Nie Huaisang always took the bullet train straight to Lotus Pier right after these fights. Sometimes he would text Jiang Cheng to let him know he was coming-- sometimes he didn’t. He wanted to talk this time, because sitting in a train for two-ish hours being left to his thoughts wasn’t the best.
Jiang Cheng had been asleep when he texted him, so his reply came late. He didn’t mind. He actually felt a little bad waking him up so late. At the moment it was pretty much 1 am, anyways. But Jiang Cheng started texting him back, starting a small conversation. 
NHS: i’m gonna be there in about 15 mins i think JC: o i should.  come pickbu up then NHS: nonono i can walk bby NHS: u’re too sleepy :/ JC: nah JC: it windyas hel right now i don t wan u getting sick. NHS: u literally can’t type rn i’m walking. it’s a ten minute walk anywyas shut up JC: :(
Huaisang bit back a smile at that.
JC: if yu get sick in going to thro ubback to qinghe i caNNOT get sick NHS: i’m gonig to get you sick >:) JC: no. ffs
The smile finally broke through, and he covered his face with his hand instinctively. 
Nie Huaisang entered the home as quietly as he could, locking the front door once again behind him. After . . . Zixuan’s death, Jiang Yanli and her son was living with Jiang Cheng. He didn’t want to disturb them.
He took off his jacket and put it on one of the jacket hooks, kicking off his shoes at the step, but kept the bag he’d been holding-- he packed a bag intending to stay tonight, and tomorrow night. 
Not particularly being fond of how dark it was, he didn’t linger there for long. He made his way to the hallway of bedrooms and went straight to Jiang Cheng’s. Even if he didn’t need to, he knocked before opening it.
“Why should I not attempt to beat Mingjues ass right now,” He was greeted by a slurring voice coming from Jiang Cheng, who shut off his phone and tossed it to his nightstand.
“Because he’s probably twice your weight,” Huaisang hummed-- and suddenly tears pricked his eyes. He shut the bedroom door behind him, letting his bag fall to the floor before he walked over to the bed. He fell onto it beside Jiang Cheng, pulling the half asleep man into his arms to nuzzle the back of his neck, “It’s kinda my fault the argument happened anyways.”
Jiang Cheng hummed and settled against him, hands gently gripping his.
“What happened?”
“I . . .” His voice finally wavered, the guilt he felt when he first boarded the train hitting him immediately, “You know how he’s been having these like . . . breakdowns more frequently?”
“We were already arguing about that, right,” He hugged Jiang Cheng tighter, “And he was getting pissy about me wanting to talk about it in the first place, because Lan Huan’s been bothering him about it, but it all escalated--” He furrowed his brows and blinked at an attempt to hold back tears, “God-- basically I told him he’s acting like dad--” Jiang Cheng muttered a quiet, ‘oh damn’, “--and I was getting tired of dealing with him.”
Nie Huaisang flinched with a guilt-ridden sob and buried his face into Jiang Cheng’s neck. At that, he turned in Huaisangs arms to hold him in a tight hug, so his head was now at Jiang Cheng’s chest.
“. . . That,” Jiang Cheng paused, “You’re right to be annoyed with him, baby.”
“I shouldn’t have said that,” Huaisang cried, “Our dad was a piece of shit.”
“I know.”
“A-Cheng I made him cry.”
They both stayed quiet for a moment. Huaisang nuzzled into Jiang Cheng’s chest while he slowly rubbed his back.
“Is he still at the house?” Jiang Cheng asked a few minutes later, gently kissing Huaisang on the top of his head.
“He left before I did.”
“And he isn’t on good terms with Lan Huan right now.”
“I don’t know.”
Both of the men flinched when there was a soft knock at the door.
“Yeah?” Jiang Cheng grunted, then the door silently opened.
“Are you alr-- oh!” It was Jiang Yanli. Nie Huaisang turned to look at her but immediately turned away again-- he was still crying, “I didn’t realize A-Sang was here, sorry.”
“No you’re fine, did we wake you?”
“A-Ling woke me first, but you’re fine,” She paused, “There’s leftover soup I can heat up for you two, if you need.”
“Shijie, it’s almost two AM.”
“I don’t mind.”
Huaisang sniffled and brought a hand to his face to rub at his eye, “Thank you, I don’t know if I can eat right now though.” Jiang Cheng hummed in agreement. 
“Alright,” She stepped out of the doorway, “Be sure to get sleep, okay? Goodnight.”
Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng said goodnight in unison as she shut the door. 
“. . . Your sister is so nice, A-Cheng,” Huaisang mumbled, “Mingjue would smother me in a hug before telling me to get over it, then never talk about it again.” Jiang Cheng scoffed in a laugh.
“At least he’d hug you.”
“Yeah,” He frowned, “. . . I hope he’s okay.”
“I’m sure he is,” Jiang Cheng backed away to look at him, “I don’t think anything could really fuck him up this late.” Huaisang hummed.
They were quiet for a little longer. Eventually, Nie Huaisang prodded him to turn back around so he could hug him from behind again, poking at his chest and belly to tease him as he did. 
Before he could really get settled though, he huffed upon realizing he left his phone in his jacket pocket.
“I need to go get my phone,” He said, “In case Mingjue texts me or something.”
“He can text my phone.”
“He’s not going to, you know that,” Again he sniffled before placing a kiss on Jiang Cheng’s neck, just below his jaw, “I’ll be right back.”
He went to grab his phone as quickly as he could so he could rush back to Jiang Cheng’s room. As he did, he unlocked his phone, and sure enough there were texts left by Mingjue, and surprisingly Lan Huan.
NMJ: where are yuo. NMJ: Sangsang. NMJ: are you at Wanyin’s. NMJ: if you are asleep text me when you wake up ok. NMJ: or call me. NMJ: im sorry.
LXC: Do you know where your brother is? I can’t get a hold of him. Sorry for texting you so late :( LXC: Never mind, he showed up at the hotel. I hope you’re doing okay! :(
Huaisang frowned. Mingjues were sent just a few minutes ago, but Lan Huans were sent almost 20 minutes ago. Entering Jiang Cheng’s bedroom once again, he went to text Mingjue.
NHS: i’m at jcs da-ge
“He texted you?”
“Yeah, him and Lan Huan.”
NMJ: good. NMJ: im with A-Huan right now. NMJ: lunch when you get back. ok NMJ: ? NHS: ok NMJ: ok. goodnight Sangsang. NHS: goodnight
Huaisang sat down on the bed, “I think he’s going to act like nothing happened.”
“Don’t let him,” Jiang Cheng grunted, “Obviously you two have shit to talk about.”
“Yeah,” He sighed deeply and turned off his phone, setting it next to Jiang Cheng’s, “He wants to go for lunch. I’ll talk with him about it then,” As he spoke he turned around and laid next to him, once again pulling him into his arms. He nuzzled him before pressing a few more kisses along his neck-- which made Jiang Cheng raise his shoulders at being tickled, “Can I stay tomorrow night?”
“You can stay as long as you want,” Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand, “It’s stupid coming from me of all people but don’t try and avoid talking to Mingjue.”
“You’ve always been a bit of a hypocrite A-Cheng.”
“Oh fuck off,” He chuckled. Huaisang leaned over and kissed him on the corner of his lips with a small smile.
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invinciblerodent · 8 years ago
om g the ryder family secrets d e s t r o y s me, i know for gabby even seeing her mom alive in those memories would fuck her up.
dude let me tell you about how that fucked up Elliot because whoo man
okay so in my and @liamryder‘s canon, Alec Ryder vastly favored his son in pretty much everything. Brooks was papa’s (unwilling) little soldier, his Legacy Project, the obvious favorite child who loathed that status, while Ellie was mostly just left to do as she pleased- not disliked, but kind of… neglected. And she spent a lot of time and energy on trying to gain her father’s love and approval.
She studied her ass off, she graduated Magna cum Laude, got her doctorate in xenobotany and taught herself bio-engineering, during her university years she contributed to the research that would later lead to the development of the farms of the Nexus by cross-referencing the Prothean cryopods’ sustainability and the quarian liveships’ efficiency and mobility… Nothing less than perfect was ever good enough, she is a perfectionist, an ambitious woman, and capital S Smart, and Successful, and Spiteful. (It’s also interesting how her success and her striving for approval in turn ended up giving her little brother a severe inferiority complex, but we don’t talk about that rn.)
On Habitat 7, when Alec chose her life instead of his own, she felt strangely energized. As if her father, the man she spent such a long time both resenting and longing for his approval, had granted her his trust. She felt like he had placed his faith unequivocally in her, and like he believed that she could succeed where he couldn’t- it was the approval she had always wanted, and it was what gave her the confidence to actually do her job as Pathfinder. She believed that she could, and therefore she did.
So finding out that she was wrong destroyed her. 
Finding out that her father cared more about the emotions of a woman who should by all means be dead than the life of his daughter (he SAID in the goddamn memory that he saved her not because he wanted her to live but because he didn’t want Ellen to wake up and find one of her kids dead, that’s just shitty as fuck) destroyed Elliot, especially because she based so much of her strength and confidence on the knowledge that her dad loved and trusted her after all.
I think that really helped her understand Suvi and her faith a lot more, because suddenly, that faith she had placed on the idea that her father had entrusted her with this task for a reason had evaporated. She, a woman of almost 30 at that point, felt like that 16 year old girl excitedly showing off her report card only to get a passing pat on the head and a litany of praises meant for her brother.
Oh, and those audio logs? That triggered an anger so deep within, that she just… she lost it. She almost destroyed her father’s quarters. Tossed books, smashed mugs, cracked datapads, and then just cried for a good hour- it’s a miracle that the security didn’t notice and escort her out, declare her unstable.
She immediately lost that confidence that she had. For the first time since taking up the mantle, she couldn’t lock out the thought that she might fail. And that terrified her.
She’s normally a sniper, but after discovering that last memory, she can no longer aim straight because her hands are shaking so bad. For days she barely leaves her room, and only lets a very few people enter to check on her. (I haven’t decided if i’m gonna have her tell either of them, but I’m thinking that with the guilt she felt… she would have to tell Cora what she had lowkey been thinking all along; that it should have been Cora and not her who leads this crew. Maybe when Cora comes to see if everything’s alright and prods Ellie into talking about it, the dam is just broken, and Ellie sobs it into Cora’s shoulder? And Cora doesn’t even know how to deal with this so she just sits there and holds Ellie, not the Pathfinder but her friend, which really brings them closer.)
Plus, she had already mourned her mother and moved on, she had buried that trauma and that loss deep, deep within her, so now that that’s no longer there, she just doesn’t know how to feel. She just doesn’t know how to deal with the idea of a woman whose loss she had come to terms with (who “died” while she was on a dig site and her brother was at her alma mater, working on his master’s degree and they only found out because someone in the hallway gave Brooks their condolences over “the brilliant Dr. Ellen Ryder” and not because their dad actually told them, he had to call his sister back from the dig and they had to call their dad together and demand to speak to their mom to get him to “admit” that she had died…).
It’s actually pretty interesting, because Mayu and I had been talking about this, and it’s fascinating how while Ellie was floored by this, Brooks was more liberated, elated by the discovery. For him, who had always been expected to follow his dad’s footsteps and succeed, that “Ryder’s kid” brand removed from his forehead and the knowledge that their mom is alive was just… pure joy. Freedom. Elation. I can’t really speak for him that much, but Brooks kind of experienced the polar opposite of the feelings his sister did.
It’s just a fucking shitshow, man.
I had originally thought that Alec’s last words to Ellie were the words of a father’s affection (”Stay with me, Flopsy”- a childhood nickname of the twins was Flopsy and Mopsy), finding out that it was in fact of his wife whom he couldn’t let go… man, I just feel so bad for her.
I have so many thoughts and such a rant in my head and I wish I could put this in a story but other than the base concept my mind is blank and I still have yet to finish the main plot y’all THIS RIDE JUST GOT WILD AF
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thirdverse-blog · 8 years ago
a/n: not edited yet, i’m way too tired to do so rn and i had major chris feels whilst writing this :-(
request: yep!
summary: in which you’re william’s younger sister and have a major crush on chris.
pairing: chris and female reader
word count: 2,3k!!!!
Being William’s little sister was hard and it was even harder when you had a major crush on his best friend. Y/N had had a major crush on Chris since the day she had met him. She found him extremely attractive (like most of the girls did), but he wasn’t only a good looking guy. The way he talked to everyone was somehow so fascinating, which made her sure of him being an attractive person also personality wise.
The only problem was that she couldn’t make a move on him. He was her older brother’s best friend, he was a senior and she didn’t know how he felt. It was all so frustrating to her, having to constantly bottle up her feelings towards the boy was tiring.
Little did she know, Chris felt the same way. He found Y/N pretty and he thought she had the cutest little personality. If she was any other girl in his school, he would’ve have made a move on her a long time ago but she was William’s little sister. Chris would bet good money that William wouldn’t be so happy of him going out with his little sister when he knows his reputation and how he had treated some girls in the past. Also he didn’t know if she liked him back and Chris didn't know how to take rejection since so far in his life it had never happened.
Chris did his best to push his feelings aside, but it was hard when Y/N flirted with all of the guys in the bus. They all came up to him to talk about it, shutting up as soon as William came. It made him feel unbelievably mad, it was only about time when he’ll snap.
Y/N was doing her homework, when suddenly William barged in her room. She gave him a quizzical look, since he was almost never home nowadays.
”Listen, I’ll have a party here. You’ve got to leave and go to a friends place.” He said calmly looking around in her room, he looked like it was the first time he had seen her room.
”I don’t want to go, I’ll stay here and join the party.” Y/N didn’t like when he told her what to do, especially when it came to social events. Or events in general where she’d have the chance to see Chris.
William was taken aback by her words, since she barely spoke up for herself when it was the right time. Usually she did it afterwards. A smile crept on his face, feeling low-key proud of his lil sis.
”You won’t drink too much then? Or hook up with someone?”
”Nah, but by all means William you’re not my mom so it’s not up to you to decide that for me either way. You have a party, I’ll be here. Kind of a package deal you know?” She said and poked her tongue out at her brother. They were both really stubborn from time to time.
”Yeah I know, but I swear to lucifer I’ll kick some ass if I find you in bed with someone else than the girls you usually hang out with.” He mumbled out and left the room, Y/N grinning like an idiot since she had just won a small argument that was with William.
It didn’t take her long to take her phone out and text the bus to come over to this party, her homework now long forgotten. They all agreed, Noora seeming more skeptical than the others but agreed on coming anyway. Y/N felt happy, going over to her closet to pick out an outfit for the night.
After about thirty minutes, she had settled down on wearing a basic black skirt and a long sleeved top. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, examining it. She had to admit that she looked really fucking good.
Time flew by, the house now fully packed with horny teenagers who were looking to get drunk. Y/N had had a couple drinks too, nothing major though. Eva, Sana and Vilde disappeared moments after they had walked in, Y/N not putting too much thought in it.
Then she saw him. It was like a scene from a romantic comedy where the boy sees the girl in a crowd, joy immediately taking over only this way it was the other way around. Y/N was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Vilde had sat next to her on the couch.
”You’re staring at him you know?” Vilde took a sip from her drink, trying to cover up her smile. She didn’t succeed in that.
”Definitely not! Just looking at his shirt pretty sure it’s William’s.” Y/N laughed nervously at the girl sitting next to her, anxiously chewing on her lip.
”I don’t like to see you like this, especially when it’s a party! You should loosen up, go make out with a guy or try to gain Chris’ attention by doing so?” Vilde suggested and gave Y/N a sympathetic smile. Y/N liked the thought of trying to gain his attention, no lying needed there. In fact, in the last few parties she had only done some stuff to get his attention (which was pretty dumb), but it didn’t work out the way she wanted to. This maybe was her chance to finally succeed in this little ’project’ of hers.
”You’re right, thanks Vilde.” Y/N got up and made her way to the crowd trying to find a guy that she already knew. She bumped into someone, the drink that previously was in her hand now on the floor. Y/N mumbled out a ’sorry’, not daring to look up.
”It’s okay, don’t worry about it that much.” The voice was soft but at the same time quite deep. Y/N was about to walk away when the person spoke up again. ”You’re William’s little sister, right?”
She turned to look at the guy and nodded slowly.
”Man you’re much prettier than I imagined you’d be. Nice to meet you by the way.” He said and sent out a wink in her way. She could feel her cheeks slightly heat up before confidence took over and she stayed there to talk to the random guy.
Out of all the parties Chris had attended, this must’ve been the most uneventful for him. He hadn’t even bothered to try to flirt with girls, when all he had in mind was Y/N. He knew for a fact that she was here, since William had told him before hand to kick the ’living crap out of the guys who make a move on her’. Chris couldn’t imagine her hooking up with a stranger, since it didn’t seem like a thing she would do.
He was wrong, really wrong. All night he had heard from his friends how she was shamelessly flirting with them and dancing with them. It made him angry, but there was nothing he could do. She wasn’t his girlfriend even though he wanted it more than anything at the moment.
Chris wanted to get his mind off of her, deciding that getting super drunk would be the best way to do it. He was walking towards the table where all the drinks were, when he saw Y/N making out with someone who wasn't worth her attention. He tried to look away, but he couldn’t. The final straw was when the guy’s hands made their way on her butt and roughly squeezed it making her yelp.
Before he could think of what he was actually doing, he ran towards the guy and forcefully pulled him away from Y/N. Chris threw the guy on the floor and started punching him, doing his best to not yell at the guy right there.
Chris got out of his trance thanks to a sweet voice which he always recognized; it was Y/N yelling for him to stop. So he stopped. He looked at the guy who he had just beaten up, his face already all swollen up. He looked at the crowd surrounding them, before he got up an leaving the scene, signaling Y/N to follow him.
Y/N followed him, walking in her room and closing the door behind.
”What the fuck was that about Chris?!” Y/N yelled, feeling disappointed in herself. Her plan backfired, because of her stupid games the poor guy had probably a broken nose.
”You’re actually asking me that?!” He yelled back at her.
”Yes! You just punched someone repeatedly in the face for no apparent reason!” She was looking for an explanation for his behavior.
”That guy just squeezed your butt and you yelped, you really thought I’d be cool with that? Your brother would’ve killed me if I’d done nothing!” The mention of William reminded him that he hadn’t seen him at all in there.
”So what?? It’s not your problem, damn it Chris I’m not yours to control!”
Chris felt hurt by her words, even though what she said was true it felt bad to hear it out loud.
”That’s the thing Y/N, I’ve had a crush on you for so long and I’ve done nothing because I respect William! It’s killing me to hear that you’re flirting with all my friends and I don’t even stand a chance here.” He was doing his best to keep his calm, he wanted her to know how he felt.
Y/N was silent due to pure disbelief. Chris actually liked her? All this time they’ve had mutual feelings for each other but neither one has done anything to it because they both respect William?
She could feel tears on her cheek, not bothering to stop them. She stepped closer to Chris, wrapping her arms behind his neck to hug him. He was taken back by her actions but quickly relaxed into the hug. At that moment they both felt somewhat complete. Their bodies molded perfectly together. Chris could feel her tears wet his shirt, but for once he didn’t give a damn.
”You’re so dumb.” She said in between sobs, most likely sounding like a dying whale. ”You’re so incredibly dumb Chris.”
Chris just hugged her tighter never wanting to let go of her. He barely managed to whisper out an answer, when her lips were on his. Her lips were soft and plump, the combination driving him crazy. He was happy. Y/N was happy, too.
It had been a few weeks since the party, Y/N and Chris had agreed on not telling William or anyone in general about their little thing. They didn’t know how William would react and if they’d tell anyone else, news would probably spread which would end up in William knowing about them.
In-between classes they’d meet up somewhere privately, either talking about stuff or making out. In the end, they were both horny teenagers. This day was no different from the others. Chris was looking at Y/N his brows furrowing together at her expression, something clearly was bothering her.
”What’s up princess?” He asked caressing her cheek gently, earning a faint smile from her. She loved the pet name he had given her, it made her feel so special and well, like a princess.
”I was just wondering if we should tell William. I don’t want to sneak out the house to meet you or hide from my friends.” Y/N said with a sigh. Chris’ other hand was on her lower back, softly drawing circles with his thumb to calm her.
”I know. We’ll tell him later, okay?” Chris looked into her eyes, she just nodded at him. He had already planned on telling him, without her being present. Chris honestly thought it was for the best. Chris let go of Y/N, looking at the clock on his phone. ”I have to go to class now, I’ll see you later.” He kissed the top of her head and left, making his way towards the classroom.
That was until someone pulled him into an empty classroom. Chris was ready to punch the person who did so, quickly noticing that it was William.
”What the fuck was that?” Chris was annoyed, he for once was feeling inspired of going to class.
”You tell me what’s going on with you and I’ll let you go after.” William said, his arms crossed over his chest.
Chris’ breath hitched up. William was close to finding out.
”Nothing?” Chris said, unsure of himself.
William sighed loudly. ”Then why the fuck am I hearing rumors about you in which you have settled down? I’m imagining it?”
”Ah, fuck.” Chris mumbled, William rising an eyebrow at him. Chris thought of telling him for a few seconds, before deciding that it would be the best to just tell him now.
Chris took a deep breath. ”I like your sister, she likes me too. We’re kind of a thing now. I’m not just fooling around with her you know, I’ve felt this way for a really long time. Pretty sure I’ve lost count.”
William’s eyes widened, he was in shock. Out of all the people Chris could’ve been with, his sister was the last one on the list. He didn’t know how to feel about it.
”When did this start?”
”Few weeks ago, kinda beat a guy for making a move on her.” Chris was awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. It turned out Chris had broken the guys nose, but the guy was too drunk to even remember it was Chris who did it.
William was silent for a few more minutes, before he let out a small sigh. ”You better treat her great or otherwise I will break your nose and a few other places too.”
A huge smirk appeared on Chris’ face, he couldn’t help himself. ”You know I treat my girls really well. Actually, your sister hasn’t had the chance to scream-” Chris was interrupted by William grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and his fist close to his nose.
”Don’t make me regret trusting you.”
”Trust me, I won’t.”
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