#i should have said yes to the street guy yesterday
can anyone think of something for me to do??? i don’t want another bed day
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bosbas · 5 months
Chapter 8: this is falling in love in the cruelest way
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 3.4k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, heavily going off of book canon, me stirring the pot (im sorry)(no im not), PINING!!!!!!!, anthony being very much in love with his wife
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
A/N: guys i'm sorry but this picture is INSANE. the THIGHS??? HELLO? i am looking respectfully.......👁️👁️
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June 5, 1816 – And yesterday, much to this author’s surprise, Lord Barlow reportedly proposed to Lady Montclair! This proposal comes unexpectedly after the Duke’s promiscuity with Miss Barrington at the Bridgerton ball a few weeks ago. Given the fact that Miss Barrington has been compromised, it is incredibly shocking that Lord Arthur Barlow would do something like this in polite society. Luckily, Lady Montclair remains a single woman and swiftly rejected her former beau’s proposal. But this only begs the question: why did the Duke propose? Is Lady Montclair simply too alluring to pass up, or is something else amiss between Lord Barlow and Miss Barrington? 
“Oh, thank God,” muttered Colin under his breath, his eyes quickly scanning Lady Whistledown’s column as he sat on a bench in the garden. 
“What’s that you’re reading, brother?” asked Anthony, ears perking up at Colin’s scandalous language, even if it was just between brothers. 
Colin felt a slight blush forming on his cheeks. He hadn’t realized he was speaking out loud, having been too caught up in the news that you had finally received a proposal from Lord Barlow. It was a lovely day out, and Anthony, Benedict, and Colin were in the gardens of Number 5 Bruton Street after a round of fencing. 
Of course, once Francesca had come outside holding a copy of Whistledown to read in the gazebo, Colin had stolen it out of her hands and abandoned his brothers in favor of catching up on the ton’s happenings. Though no one should have been surprised by his interest, really, given that you were the main topic of most of the gossip sheets nowadays. 
“Nothing,” Colin answered quickly, trying to recover from his blunder. “It’s bizarre how invested one becomes in Whistledown while living here. Is this what every summer is like when one isn’t traveling for half the time?”
“In essence, yes,” answered Benedict, still jabbing at the air with his épée as Anthony stared at him amusedly. “What does she have to say today?”
“Lord Barlow proposed to Lady Montclair yesterday,” said Colin, a slight edge to his voice. “And he looked a sight while doing it, too, apparently.”
Benedict dropped his foil, turning around to fully face Colin with a shocked look on his face. “And what did she say?” he pressed, intrigued about the outcome of this curious development. It was practically unimaginable that the Duke had proposed to you after defiling another lady in the ton, and Benedict hadn't considered him capable. 
Anthony clapped him on the back, smirking at Colin as he did so. “Well, did you not hear the man say, ‘thank God’? Obviously, she said no.”
Colin crossed his arms, immediately defensive. “It wasn’t that obvious! She could have said yes, and my ‘thank God’ could have been because she would’ve finally left me alone. Duchesses have a lot to do; I doubt she’d find the time to be irritating while attending to her duties in the country.”
Benedict and Anthony gave their brother unimpressed looks, watching amusedly as he squirmed under their gaze. 
“I assure you, brother, that there was absolutely no possibility of that being the case,” said Benedict jovially, earning a snort from Anthony. 
But before Benedict could laugh, too, Colin lunged at him, épée in hand as he glared playfully at his brother. Finding himself unarmed, Benedict yelped and ran toward the house, citing a very important painting to attend to before sprinting back inside. 
Turning to Colin, Anthony smiled curiously. “So, it’s true, then? What Daphne said?”
“What did Daphne say?” asked Colin innocently, dreading the conversation that would follow.
“Don’t be daft. That you love Y/N.”
Colin rolled his eyes, letting out an impatient sigh. “I don’t love her; that’s ridiculous, Anthony! A mere two weeks ago, we absolutely despised each other. I hardly think I could love her now.”
But even as he said those words, Colin questioned whether he actually meant them. Could he love you? He hadn’t ever felt this way about anyone, but then again, no one had ever vexed him quite like you. Though lately, he had been finding the line between irritation and fascination to be quite blurred. So blurry, in fact, that he was having trouble seeing a line at all. 
Having clearly overheard part of the conversation, Gregory ran up to his brothers, laughing hysterically as Hyacinth chased him. He stopped and let his sister catch up, smiling evilly at the older Bridgertons “Colin loves who, now?” 
Hyacinth arrived a few moments later, panting heavily. “Y/N, of course,” she stated while trying to catch her breath, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
“What? What do you mean? Why do say that?” pressed Colin. Why did everyone in his family seem to think that he loved you? Surely they saw the two of you bickering incessantly, right? Your feud was so famous it had even made it to Lady Whistledown’s column. Colin couldn’t understand how anyone could think he had so much affection for you. 
Hyacinth raised an eyebrow at her older brother, unamused. “Colin, I am not an idiot. Though perhaps you might be,” she added brightly. And before Colin could respond, she quickly turned to her eldest brother. “Now, Anthony, could you please tell Gregory to give me back my quill?” she begged.
Gregory, scoffed, glaring at his sister. “I’d only borrowed it for a moment! And I only did so because Hyacinth hid mine! Anthony, she’s being unreasonable,” he whined.
Anthony affectionately patted them both on the head and flashed a faux sympathetic smile. “I rather think both of you are being quite the nuisance right now.” 
At times, Anthony found himself slipping into the role of a father figure to his youngest siblings. It was an unspoken duty he assumed after their father's passing. Yet, it was important to occasionally remind them that he was still their brother.
Hyacinth responded with a frustrated groan, her teeth grinding audibly, thoroughly vexed with her brother. However, the sight of Gregory's smug smile reignited her fury, and she immediately charged at him. Despite being older than Hyacinth, Gregory wasn't foolish enough to underestimate her, and he took off in a panic, screaming as he tried to outpace his deceptively quick sister.
Colin shook his head in amusement as he watched the antics of his youngest siblings. “Were Daphne and I truly like that?”
“Worse,” said Anthony flatly, but he couldn’t mask the warmth and fondness interlaced in his words.
At that, Anthony began to turn back toward the house. “Well, I must be-”
“Wait!” interrupted Colin. He wasn’t entirely sure why he had stopped his brother, other than the fact that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the possibility that he could love you. You, the person he supposedly hated. The person who certainly hated him. 
But, as always, Anthony was the right person to talk to about this. He would know what to say. Though it was well known that Anthony was completely smitten with his wife, Colin remembered a time when the pair seemed to dislike each other fairly intensely.
After a few moments of charged silence, Colin met Anthony’s expectant gaze. Swallowing his pride, he spoke up. “Purely hypothetically, and simply out of curiosity, when did you fall in love with Kate?”
Anthony smiled, amused. “Hmm,” he hummed thoughtfully, putting a hand to his chin. “As long as it's purely out of curiosity,” he teased. “It wasn’t like I simply fell in love with her one day, Colin.”
“Yes, but if you had to pinpoint a moment?” pressed Colin, slightly exasperated. If anything, he needed to know if he had experienced that moment himself.
Anthony’s gaze softened, and he suddenly saw a lot of himself in Colin’s uncertainty and pause when it came to a woman who profusely vexed him. “I found Kate in the library the night after we played Pall Mall for the first time,” he recalled fondly. “We were at Aubrey Hall for the country party and it was raining outside quite loudly, a terrible storm. She was huddled underneath a desk because she was scared of the storm. I very quickly realized I couldn’t hate her anymore. Not properly, anyway. Not when I just wanted to sit on the floor with her and protect her from the storm, and anything else that might come her way.”
His voice had softened as he spoke about his wife, recalling the moment he truly knew there was no way out. Anthony had tried to deny it to himself after, but his protests simply held no conviction after that night. 
“You never told me that,” said Colin thoughtfully, not missing the glint of emotion in his brother’s eyes as he talked about his now-wife. 
“Yes, well, the real challenge was getting her to love me back,” he said, coming out of his musings. “And that didn’t happen for quite some time after that. It was rather premature of me to declare my love for this woman while I supposedly hated her and was still technically courting her sister.”
It was truly a wonder that he and Kate were married now. But when it was meant to be, it was meant to be, Anthony supposed. Something that was proving to be particularly true of you and his brother. If Colin, who had a deep-seated need to be liked by anyone and everyone, could fall in love with you, the only person who didn’t actually like him, then surely it was meant to be.
Colin, still deep in thought, chewed his lip nervously. “And how did you get her to fall in love with you?”
“We were caught in a… compromising position. She had been stung by a bee and I… Well, I’m sure you recall,” said Anthony, suddenly feeling uncharacteristically shy as he remembered the circumstances that allowed him to marry his wife. “It’s far easier to get a woman to love you when she’s already your wife,” he finished sympathetically. 
Colin choked back a laugh. “Unfortunately, I can’t very well put Lady Montclair in a compromising position, can I?” he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“But Colin, I thought this was all hypothetical,” teased Anthony, playfully punching his brother on the shoulder. 
Colin cursed under his breath, rolling his eyes in annoyance as Anthony continued laughing at him. “Never mind. I’m off to find Eloise,” he muttered, patting the eldest Bridgerton on the back and leaving him free to go dote on his wife. 
After speaking with Anthony, Colin had a renewed sense of purpose. He had to find out why you hated him. He was so utterly exhausted of hating you and of having this tiresome charade of fighting with each other at every available moment. At this point, he didn’t particularly care who in the ton liked him or not. Colin knew he would happily take the entire ton’s wrath for the rest of his life if it meant you loved him.
But he needed to know just how unrealistic his hopes were. Eloise would be the best–and perhaps only­–person who would know. 
Colin found his sister practicing needlepoint in the sitting room, focused intensely on the material in front of her. It was unclear whether she was trying to sew the fabric or her finger, given how often she was pricking herself as she attempted to thread the needle. 
“El!” he called by the doorway, pausing when he saw his sister grimace after pricking herself once again. “I can return later if you’re busy.”
“No! No, please interrupt. Thank heavens,” gasped Eloise, grateful to be able to do something other than draw her blood. 
Colin laughed, amused, and suddenly felt a tad sheepish. Was he truly about to ask about you? To ask about you to Eloise, who would no doubt hold this over his head for the rest of eternity? But he had to know. He had to ask, at the very least. 
“I was just…I was wondering if you knew why Lady Montclair hates me,” he asked, clearing his throat awkwardly. 
Eloise let out a snort. “Well, I can’t imagine she’d be hard-pressed to find a reason why, given how you treat her.”
Seeing her brother’s crestfallen face, Eloise immediately sobered. Standing up and walking toward him, she placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “I thought you disliked her as well,” she said in a questioning tone.
“Of course I do,” clarified Colin quickly. “But she hated me first and I still don’t know why. I thought she might have said something to you, given how close the two of you are. Do you know at all?”
Eloise clicked her tongue in sympathy, looking at Colin with concern. Perhaps his feelings did run deeper than anyone thought, and the recent dancing and promenading were more than just Colin being his usual charming self around you. “I’m sure I have no idea, Col. But you could always just talk to her.”
Colin shook his head, smiling sadly at his sister. “That’s the problem, isn’t it? She doesn’t usually seem very eager to speak with me.”
Sure, the two of you had been getting along recently. But that had only been twice. And was that really enough to undo the weeks of hatred?
It was a particularly delightful Wednesday afternoon, and you found yourself feeding the ducks at Hyde Park as you watched Isabelle and Charlotte skip rocks across the pond. Though you loved Louis to bits, it was a lovely feeling to have both of your sisters home with you. There was simply something about being out in society that he could never quite understand like them, though not for lack of trying. 
After lunch, you, Charlotte, and Isabelle had managed to sneak out of the house just as the post-meal discussion grew rowdy. It was not unheard of to have such lively discussions in the Montclair household, and you frequently even enjoyed them. But there were some days, like today, that you frankly just wanted to have a quiet afternoon with a baguette and about a dozen ducks. Luckily, your sisters had decided to join you, and the three of you had set off toward the park in search of a flock of birds to feed.
It seemed that the ducks had taken much more of a liking to you than to your sisters, and they had grown disinterested in the endeavor. Charlotte and Isabelle had opted to give you their remaining bread and take a stroll around the mostly empty park, and you couldn’t say that you were complaining. Coming from such a large family, it was a rare luxury to have an afternoon largely to yourself. 
A while later, after most of the ducks found themselves happily full, you spotted a stumbling figure making its way toward you. As you turned to your sisters with a questioning look, you were disappointed to find them in deep conversation facing away from you, neither one of them noticing you. 
As the figure neared, you realized who it was: Nigel Berbrooke. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your stomach drop, unpleasant memories of him and his disgusting words flooding your brain. You had no desire to speak to this man, and you looked around for anyone you could speak with instead. But you had not brought a lady’s maid, and everyone else was too far to intervene.
“Lady Montclair,” said Nigel, with what looked to be an attempt at a seductive smile on his face. 
You stood up from your crouching position rigidly and turned to face him. You were unable to form any words, discomfort far outweighing any other emotion you were feeling. This had to be his first time back this season after his absence, you thought. You hadn’t seen him at any events since the Danbury ball, and you rather thought you would have noticed him, looking as vile as he did now.
His nose was a tad more crooked than on the night you had met him, and the bags under his eyes were ghastly. But perhaps it was just your perception of him, knowing what you did about who he was.
“Mr. Berbrooke,” you settled for saying, nose crinkling as you caught a whiff of the pungent smell of alcohol emanating off of him.
“A promenade?” he asked roughly, reaching for your hand without permission. “It’s a lovely afternoon, it would be a shame to waste it.”
“Oh, Mr. Berbrooke, we were just about to head home,” you pointed your head toward your sisters, panicked. 
Isabelle and Charlotte were far too immersed in their conversation to look like they were ready to head home, but you prayed that Nigel’s inebriated state would distract him from this.
He growled at you, clearly displeased at your rejection. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you, Montclair. Your dowry, as well as your other…assets, are far too good to pass up,” he slurred, very obviously staring at your chest. “It’s a shame Colin’s gotten to you first.”
You were scandalized, opening your mouth to chastise him, or to scream for help, or anything that could get you out of this situation, really, but he cut you off before you could say anything. 
"I've heard Lord Barlow abandoned you, and truth be told, it's hardly shocking," he taunted, his voice laced with disdain as he regarded you with a sneer. "You insist on playing the coy maiden, denying every man what he craves. It's the only reason they’re after you now, you see? They want what you didn't give Arthur. And it appears Colin has taken the lead in the chase, the lucky bastard."
His words brought you crashing back down to reality. Of course, he was colluding with Colin. You had conveniently overlooked that fact as you found yourself becoming bashful in his presence, feeling secure, even desiring his company after these recent days. A surge of bile rose in your throat.
You felt tears prickling in your eyes, and you were impossibly angry with yourself for forgetting the very reason you despised Colin Bridgerton. How could you have let yourself forget? He was still the same man you overheard at the Danbury ball, and you were too embarrassed to admit that his charm had worked on you. 
You were disgusted with Nigel and Colin, but also with yourself. You were more than this, you chided. How could you have let this happen? The two men were clearly no good, and you had unwittingly allowed yourself to be ensnared, much like you had with Lord Barlow.
“Excuse me,” you said roughly, dodging Mr. Berbrooke’s outstretched hand as you ran toward where Isabelle and Charlotte were standing, propriety be damned. 
“On va chez nous. Tout de suite,” you said to them urgently, practically begging as you tugged on Isabelle’s hand (We’re going home. Right now). 
Charlotte looked at you, confused, and then noticed you glancing nervously at Nigel as he approached, angrily staggering over to you as his face contorted into an ugly scowl. 
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry Mr. Berbrooke,” Isabelle said firmly, “but it seems we have to go.” 
Not waiting for a response, your sisters hooked their arms in yours and hurriedly walked back from where you came. They’d be damned if he let anything else happen to you after what happened with Lord Barlow, and they were not about to waste any time.
Nigel only grunted, displeased, but let the three of you go without protest. Both of your sisters’ husbands were very powerful men, and Nigel was not so deluded as to forget his place in society.
“Y/N?” Charlotte questioned softly once you were sufficiently far away enough. 
But you were too embarrassed, tears streaming down your face as you choked back sobs. How could you have let yourself fall for Colin’s charm? You knew exactly who he was, and you had ignored it anyway. It didn’t matter that he made you feel safe and that the two of you had more in common than you cared to admit. He would never respect you, and you could never love him. 
Nigel had come at just the right time, you thought sullenly. Right as you were thinking you could finally overlook your rivalry with Colin, right as the memory of why you disliked him in the first place was fading. And thank heavens he did. You would not be taken for a fool again, by Colin or by Lord Barlow or by anyone. 
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Eren x Armin x Reader Friday Night Strip Poker (1)
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words: 3.1k
concept: your good friends Eren and Armin are tight as thieves, and one night as you play strip poker, some tension arises and is resolved with another type of group activity...
contains: oral (f/m receiving), slightly sub!armin, slightly dom!eren, slightly domineering reader, threesome (MMF), cucking
y/n uses she/her pronouns and has female anatomy!
artwork does not belong to me, so creds to the artists!
"You know, you look really nice in that new shirt." Eren smirks.
You are taken aback by Eren's forwardness. You, him, Armin, and Mikasa had shopped in Shiganshina Center yesterday, and you had gotten the shirt from a little boutique. It was a little black ribbed top with grey stitching. I might just have to fuck you right here, Mikasa had said when you stepped out of the dressing room, eliciting hearty laughs from Eren and Armin, and a flustered chuckle from you. There was always a little bit of homoeroticism between you and Mikasa, which is something you decided to put on the back burner when you noticed it a couple weeks before. Besides, she was in a relationship.
It was Friday, and tonight, it was date night for Mikasa and Annie, leaving you, Eren, and Armin to hang out at Eren's apartment in downtown Shiganshina. It was a perfect summer evening; the smell of food floated through Eren's open window from the restaurant below, and the bustle of the street below was faintly audible.
You guys decided to have a game night with some karaoke, and were currently playing Eren's favorite card game, Egyptian Rat-screw, which with these two stubborn boys, gets violent.
A queen of hearts was dealt, then a three of spades, then another queen.
"SANDWICH!" You all yell in unison, slamming your cards down onto the pile. Of course, Eren's card landed first. His fast reflexes were hard to compete with for you and Armin.
"Damn you, Eren!" you yell, and the three of you fall into a heap of laughter.
"More drinks?" Eren offers.
"Such a good host." You tease.
You and Armin sit cross legged watching Eren as he pads across the floor and into the kitchen to pour three glasses of piña colada mixer and add a generous amount of liquor to each.
"Thank you," Armin smiles sweetly as Eren hands him the drink. "My god Eren, bleh." Armin crinkles his nose as he tastes Eren's concoction.
You and Eren laugh softly.
Twenty minutes later, the three of you are tipsy messes, with flushed cheeks and easily elicited laughs. There is a warmth in your stomach that usually comes with drinking, which always results in you being a little too flirtatious for your own good. And you had an idea.
"You know what we should play?" You giggle.
"What?" Eren and Armin perk up.
"Strip poker!" You announce, giving jazz hands to accompany your grand idea.
Armin crinkles his nose. "I don't know if thats a good-"
"YES," Eren interrupts, "now THAT sounds like fun!"
"Eren," Armin quickly glances to you before looking back to him, "are you sure this is a good idea-"
"PLEASE pleasepleasepleasepleas-" you playfully beg.
"Yeah, c'mon Arm', it'll be fun." Eren reasons.
"Okay, okay," Armin raises his hands in defeat. "Every time you lose a hand, something comes off, deal?"
"Deal!" You and Eren agree in unison.
You lose the first hand. And the next. Armin loses three in a row, taking off his socks and shirt. Eren loses four, stripping to only his boxers.
The thing is that it was summer, and you had worn sandals to the hangout. You didn't have two buffer losses to be used on your socks, so you were in your bra and underwear. You wish you had worn cuter underwear, but your bralette made your tits look amazing, which you reasoned made up for it.
What you don't notice at that moment is Eren and Armin's frantic exchanged glances, as Armin wiggled around trying to prevent his cock from hardening. He was lucky he still had his pants on, or it would be clear as day.
It could have been the way you were cutely sitting with your legs folded under you and your hands in your lap, accentuating your figure. Or, it could be related to the fact that Armin had harbored a crush on you for years, starting in high school and lasting through college.
All that mattered at that moment, though, was the curve of your supple thighs that Armin and Eren could practically taste, and the upward inflection of your voice when you laughed, which they both had only dreamed of hearing in a less platonic context.
Armin jumped when he looked up from his rearranging of his pants to see you staring right at him.
"Shit, you startled me," his voice grew small.
Your eyes flitted up and down his figure before a huge smile of realization creeped its way onto your face; he was getting hard!
"Armin..." you cooed, voice low and sensual; "are you..." your eyes locked onto his bulge.
"Ummmmm, uh," He stammered. "I'm... I'm sorry." He looked down.
"Don't be," You felt a familiar tingle between your legs. Whether it was flattery or plain old arousal you didn't know, but this intrigued you. More than that- you liked that he was getting hard just by seeing you in your underwear. You wanted him to be all flustered and sensitive by just looking at you; It excited you. Your next thought came bubbling up out of your subconscious like an instinct, and you immediately knew what you had to do next.
You scooted closer to him. "Armin, can I...can I see it?"
How could he resist such a polite request from such a pretty girl?
"What? Um, uh," Armin's face was beet red, and the blush was creeping down his chest. "Uh, like, d'you mean, it it?"
"Your dick." You said plainly, smiling with anticipation.
Eren looked on in entertained awe, not just at the situation, but your sudden boldness. "C'mon Armin, let's see it."
"Uhm," Armin smiled nervously. "Okay, I- I guess," He slipped his pants over his hips and his cock sprang upwards, pulling the fabric of his underwear taut. You smiled wider. He pulled them all the way off and discarded them to the side.
All of that just from seeing you? Your heart swelled with pride. You needed more.
"Can I come closer?" You earnestly awaited a response.
"Uh-" Armin glanced at Eren, before hesitantly nodding. "Mhm".
You crawled the remainder of the distance to him, keeping your eyes locked on his. Once you were in front of him, you folded your legs underneath you and looked at the bulge beneath his underwear. Not many details were visible under the fabric, but one thing was clear: he was big.
"Such a pretty cock," You muttered under your breath.
"Oh fuck," he exhaled; his dick twitching in response to your compliment.
So that's what he was in to. In hindsight, it made total sense.
You laughed sweetly. "So you're into praise, hm?"
Armin was taken aback at how quickly you figured him out, and his blush grew even deeper. "Oh, uh, I mean, I don't really kn-"
"Kiss." Eren interrupted. His voice was commanding and low- this was a side of him you hadn't seen before, but you didn't dislike it.
"Just shut up and kiss already." He cleared his throat.
Although Eren was sat about three feet away from you and Armin, his voice sounded like it was right next to you, which sent a spark of electricity to your lower stomach.
You and Armin glanced at him with surprise initially, before seeing the expression on his face. His cock was semi-hard, and his eyes were dark with lust. You looked back to Armin, whose eyes were already on your face.
You cupped his left cheek and brought your lips forward, stopping just shy of his own before closing your eyes.
A moment later, you felt him tenderly kiss your bottom lip. You reciprocated, beginning to kiss him softly. You climbed onto the edge of his lap, straddling his lower thighs, and wrapped your arms around his neck. A moment later, you felt his tongue; he was hesitant at first, but grew more confident each second that passes.
You groaned lightly.
Kissing Armin felt so fucking good; so much better than you ever would have expected. It's not like he was unattractive by any means whatsoever; in fact, he was an objectively beautiful person. You had thought about him in passing for as long as you could remember; sometimes imagining him late at night when you were alone in your room. You imagined kissing him; feeling him below you; kissing his neck; getting him hard; and making him come. But you could never let it become a full blown crush, because he was your friend. Attraction between friends is normal, you had told yourself. You just need to keep it under control. However well you managed it, you had always felt a twinge of jealously whenever he would hook up with other girls in college.
Now, you were kissing him. In real life. And it was so damn good. He kissed you like his life depended in it; like you were his one true love, and he had waited a century to taste your lips. He kissed you like you were the most precious thing in the world, and it was making you dizzy.
A minute or two later, you were sat further up his thighs than before, your hands were in his hair, and your tongue was in his mouth. His hands moved from your waist to your hips to your thighs as he played with the soft flesh.
You two hear Eren groan, unable to stop himself from audibly expressing his arousal at the sight before him.
"God, you guys, that is so. fucking. hot." Eren breathes.
Armin groans; partially in response to Eren's confession, and partially in response to the fact that you had scooted further up on his lap, to the point where the tip of his dick was pressed nicely onto your clit through the fabric your guys' underwear. You rolled your hips once, pulling another noise from each of you.
It was like that for a little bit; you and Armin swallowing each others little noises as he guided your hips in their steady rotation, while Eren sat to the side, watching slack-jawed as he palmed his dick through his boxers. The little ball of white hot pleasure in your core was starting to increase in intensity with the friction of his cock pressing against you so nicely.
"Wait, we gotta stop, I'm- ah- i'mgonnacuminmypants," Armin manages to say in one breath, the end of which tended towards a whine. He stills your hips with his hands. You stayed on his lap for a second, clinging to him while you caught your breath.
"I guess it's my turn." You hear Eren propose. Always the problem solver.
"C'mere," Eren guides you up off of Armin's lap by your forearms and leads you to his bed. You feel his mattress pressing the back of your legs, and he lays you down gently. "Come sit, Armin."
Armin comes to sit on the bed next to you as Eren climbs on top of you, with his right knee in between your thighs, pressing against you. The friction on your clit as he moves around to settle sends a jolt of electricity from your sternum to in between your legs and makes your vision fuzzy.
"Ah," you moan softly at the stimulation.
"Already?' Eren laughs devilishly. "Armin, you really got her all hot and bothered, huh."
"Uh huh," Armin responds, sounding a bit dazed from the highly aroused state that your make-out session left him in.
"Can I kiss you?" Eren speaks lowly right up against your ear. You can feel the rumble of his chest as he does, sending another dose of arousal to swim around in your lower stomach.
"Please" You lament.
From the moment your lips meet, one thing is clear. Eren Jaeger is a damn good kisser. As a kisser, he is slightly more energetic than Armin, but not at all rough. He takes his time with you, licking and swallowing you up as you come undone beneath him. He makes you go cross eyed and limp with his magic tongue, and you feel close to coming un-fucking-touched.
One of his arms moves from beside your head and cups your waist, squeezing and kneading the skin. His knee between your legs presses so nicely up against your soaking cunt that you could cry. Or die. Or both. All that you know is that you could not possibly feel better than you do in this exact moment.
It is a couple seconds later that you are proven wrong.
"Can I play with your tit?" Eren breathes.
"Mhm" Your saccharine sweet voice slides like velvet past the ears and straight to the cocks of Eren Jaeger and Armin Arlert, leaving Armin groaning next to you two as he watches intently.
With his free hand, Eren cups your tit, massaging it and swiping his finger over your hard nipple through the thin fabric of your bralette. The sensation has you squirming and writhing beneath him, as he dips down to kiss your neck. He kisses down your neck, to your chest. Then your navel, to your belly button, to your lower stomach, before stopping.
"Can I go down on you?" Eren almost whines, his voice heavy with arousal.
"Oh god yes, please." You feel like you will explode if you are not touched soon.
"Armin, kiss her and play with her tit, hm?" Eren positions himself right in front of your pussy, placing your thighs on his shoulders. He presses his nose to the wet spot on the fabric of your underwear and inhales, before groaning and releasing a string of curses under his breath. God, you smell so fucking good, he whispers before beginning to practically make out with your throbbing cunt through your underwear.
"Oh- my- god!" You moan loudly in response to Eren hungrily licking at you. You vaguely sense Armin lean over you to kiss you, more sloppily now than before, as one of his hands snakes underneath your bra to play with your nipple.
"Let's get these off, hm?" You hear Eren say. You lift your hips in response as he slides the lime green underwear down your legs.
Armin's relentless swiping of your nipple has you dripping, and his lips on yours are making a wet, sloppy kissing noise. Which sends electricity straight to Eren's dick.
Eren runs his hands up your calf and pushes your leg up and out, kissing the crook of your knee as he does so. He squeezes the flesh of your thigh for a second, slowly making his way higher, before settling into the same position he was in before, with your legs over his shoulders and his face sitting pretty between your thighs. Armin had stopped kissing you to begin licking at your right nipple, while continuing to palm the left, giving you a clear view of Eren as he gazed at your cunt, slack jawed and breathing heavy.
Me mumbled something under his breath that you couldn't quite make out, something involving pretty and god and so fucking wet. He rested his head onto your left thigh like a pillow, while reaching out with his free hand to brush his fingers along the length of your outer labia. There was stubble, since you hadn't shaved since a couple of days prior, which heightened your sensitivity to the dragging of his fingers.
You were a moaning mess at this point; Armin's relentless stimulation of your nipples and Eren's teasing right next to where you needed him most had you choking back sobs of desperation.
"Eren, please!" You whined. You needed him to touch you and you needed it now.
You heard him chuckle and were about to reiterate before feeling him lick up through your folds, starting below your entrance and landing on top of your clit.
"You're so fucking wet," he mumbled, before beginning to lick at your clit. And it felt so indescribably amazing. You felt like you were on top of the world. On top of the universe even; you felt so good and full of white hot pleasure that you would burst if you didn't start to give some of it back. So thats what you did.
With your left hand buried in Eren's hair, your right was free to give some release to the trembling blonde boy hovering over your chest who was groaning at this point. You snaked your hand in between your bodies and down his torso until you felt him, rock fucking hard, beneath your palm.
As your hand made contact with the head of his cock he gasped, shock reverberating through his whole body. This was such a strong reaction from the smallest of touches. Seeing hearing and feeling how badly he needed you had you visibly smiling.
You began to sloppily jerk him off, and he was a blubbering mess, completely unable to do anything other than fuck himself sloppily into your hand.
Eren seemed to take notice of the blonde's reaction, quickening his tongues pace. You felt the tip of his middle finger dip into you shallowly, teasing for a moment, before going deeper. Once his knuckles were flush with your hips, he began tapping the sensitive place on your upper walls. White hot pleasure flooded your veins. This was so much better than when you did it yourself- he could reach deeper than you could, and was hitting the spot so perfectly that you knew you wouldn't last for more than a minute like this.
Everything became too much- the color in the room increased in saturation, the cacophony of sound around you- from the two boys, Eren's AC, and the street outside- became a symphony. The heat in your core climbed and climbed until it reached its peak.
You cried out in ecstasy as you came, with Eren groaning into the space between your thighs in response the sweet sound of your moans, and Armin letting some whines out as well.
You felt Armin tense up and come as well from the increased stimulation from your shifting around.
Fat tears rolled down your cheeks and your legs and torso spasmed as you rode out the high- with the help of Eren, who never faltered. As the waves of pleasure began to grow less intense and further apart, Eren dipped his head up to look at your face. He looked so pretty like that, with messy hair and his mouth and nose covered in your release.
He laughed, surprised at your tear ridden cheeks. "So you're a crier huh? Or was it just that good?"
"I don't usually cry," you lament, out of breath.
Eren smiled to himself at your indirect compliment.
You turned your head to look at Armin, who had slumped down onto your shoulder.
"Was that good, Armin?" You lightly patted the top of his head.
"M-hm." He nodded lightly.
Eren sat back onto his calves, which revealed his still rock hard cock pulling the fabric of his boxers taut.
"We gotta do something about that, huh?" You quipped.
"We don't have to, its okay-" he began.
"I want to." You gazed at him through your eyelashes.
"She's right, Eren." Armin piped in. "Let us help you."
You and Armin shared a knowing glance, before sitting up.
"This is going to be a long night isn't it." Eren muttered darkly.
"Yes it is." You said as you climbed onto his lap, with Armin close behind you to watch.
Note: Okay this was a little rushed towards the end, but it was getting way too long for one part, so I guess this is part one of the Eren x Armin x Reader Friday night fun one shot!!
Also the use of Arm as a nickname for Armin is so unserious but I thought it was hilarious.
Anywaysss hope u like!
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svt-luna · 4 days
ᡴꪫ ⋆ INSTAGRAM UPDATE ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── 240910: Berlin
╰ ౨ৎ LUNA-VERSE MASTERLIST ╰ ౨ৎ luna’s instagram
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Liked by jeonghaniyoo_n, xuminghao_o, dk_is_dokyeom, and 2,653,282 others
lunabae berlin you’ll always be my yes, you have my heart always and forevermore, now more than ever 💎🤍
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lunalover Jiyeonie you are an angel on this earth ���
ddadduuu girl– I am begging you, hide Jeonghan right the fuck now 🥲
lunaattire MOMMYYYY 🥵
jeongnadaily she’s really posting this acting like nothing happened, as if carats didn’t fucking spot her and Jeonghan holding hands in the streets of Berlin 🙃
↳ nananunu holding hands. swaying them back and forth. interlocked fingers. not once letting go… they don’t care no more 😩
↳ jxjforever I am convinced they are dating and this is their last date before Hannie’s enlistment…
↳ napipopeta thank you for reminding me he’s going to be bald soon 🥰
emilycarat17 LUNA I LOVE YOU 💕💕💕
caratforever17 I love you but y’all forgot to perform Ash and Shadow 🥲
hanniehaeee I can’t be the only one over analyzing that caption— like… am I insane!?
↳ svt-luna NO CAUSE SAME!! Ik she’s talking about how much she’s enjoyed her time there performing and everything but… there is something not being said 🫠
↳ woowonwoo “always be my yes” “always and forevermore, now more than ever” Call me insane but she’s either in love or those are song lyrics 🤔🤷
↳ moonlightbae I don’t like overthinking much about such things and clearly it’s just Luna voicing her gratitude for carats in Berlin but… “always and forevermore, now more than ever” is throwing me tf off fr.
jeongnaupdates the my melody leaves 😩😩
gyugyugyu10 girl– you’re not slick, we all know that’s Jeonghan on the last pic
babymoon Jiyeon you just might as well have captioned this “I love being in love in Berlin” and we would have called it a day 🤭
angeltwins how was the date, miss thing? You can’t fool us and say it was friendly— because there is absolutely no way you and Jeonghan be holding hands, hugging, smiling and shit in public like that for it to be “friendly” 🫥
luuuunaaanie girl just confirm it already, we won’t tell 🤐
missbitch Jiyeon I saw you and Jeonghan yesterday at the park but didn’t want to disturb you two!! I wanted to tell you how much I love you guys and how you’re my bias 😩🥺🩵
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↳ lunabae thank you for being so respectful, we would have loved to meet you, love. And I love you too, so much! Hannie says he love you too 🩷
↳ missbitch WATDAFECEJDHUEHEUEGEHEHEHBE LUNA l love you wtf?!?
↳ thelunanova are you telling me you just saw Han and Luna IN PERSON on their “friendly” date and now THE Bae Jiyeon herself not only replied to you but she also told you she loved you… but not only that THE Yoon Jeonghan did too!?? GOODBYE I—
↳ svtrighthere17 she also called her “love” GOD HAS FAVORITES 😭 happy for you tho
↳ dinothedinosaur ^^^^^ THIS! ^^^^^
hannniee let’s all act surprised once they do confirm their relationship 🤠
jeongnashipper are you telling me we won’t get Jeongna for about two motherfucking years?! NOOOOOOOOOO
cutiesexylovely everybody jokingly saying that they’ll be in their military wife era but do you guys know who the literal military wife is?… Bae Jiyeon🥲
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
so indebted to you for cuteguy etho god bless
just for u.... i give u the accidental beginning of a cute guy fic in my drafts. it's pure crack and unedited btw
words: 1169
warnings: none
has like one line of implied shipping lol
“Etho, Etho!” Bdubs waves frantically, as if the two were greeting each other after a long few weeks apart, rather than a single day. 
“Oh, hey Bdubs!” Etho walks over, barely noticing when the door slams shut behind him. There’s plenty of other customers around, most wearing headphones and sitting at the tables, lost in their work. This morning, there’s no line, and Etho heaves a sigh of relief. He’d been up way too late, and he’s ready for a pick me up. 
“Have you seen the news?” Bdubs asks as soon as he’s at the counter. Over by one of the cabinets, a muted television plays, showing a broken window at one of the museums. Etho tears his eyes from it quickly. 
“Ah, you know me! I never do!”
“Someone broke into Cub’s museum last night!” Bdubs’ eyes are wide, gesturing at the TV anyways. 
Etho blinks, pushing down his rising horror. “No way.” He doesn’t know…surely….
“Yes way!” Bdubs leaned in conspiratorially. “They say that the Cute Guy outfit was stolen!” 
Etho’s grip on the strap of his backpack tightens. “That so?” 
“Yeah! I mean, who would do that, right?” Bdubs pushed back from the counter. “You want your usual, right?” 
“Yes please.” Etho draws out the ‘please’, as always. “Don’t forget the heavy whipping cream.”
“You know you’re the only reason I keep this in stock, right?” Bdubs rolls his eyes, bustling around the coffee shop. It’s a quaint place, smelling so strongly of coffee Etho is sure that he’ll be smelling it the rest of the day. Nonetheless, it was the best coffee shop in the whole city! Least, that was what Bdubs said. And if Etho ever said otherwise, he’d have his head gone by morning, probably. 
“Ah, come on! Best part of the whole coffee!” Etho protests, flicking parts of his napkin at Bdubs whenever his back is turned. 
“You’re disgu–stop flicking the napkin at me–you’re the worst! Don’t even know why I serve this to you, it’s gonna give you diabetes, you’re gonna die at the ripe age of however old you are, and then what’s ol’ Bdubs gonna do?” Throughout his ramble Bdubs flits around the coffeeshop, making Etho’s coffee regardless. It’s a simple enough order, just black coffee. 
…okay, and just as much heavy whipping cream. 
“I’m not gonna die! Takes a lot more than that to kill me!” Etho giggles, although he shifts from foot to foot. What does it take to kill him? He’s tempted to check and make sure his backpack is securely zipped up. 
“It does not take a lot more to kill you.” Bdubs glares at him, sliding the cheap disposable cup across the counter towards him. “Four dollars.” 
“Wh–it’s three-fifty!” 
“Yeah, but I need financial compensation for when this kills you.” Bdubs says smugly. “Pay up, sweetheart.” 
Etho’s not blushing at the endearment. No sirree. He would never, especially since he’s ninety percent sure Bdubs calls everyone that. 
“Etho?” Bdubs stares at him, unimpressed. “Just cause you’re my favorite customer doesn’t mean you get out of paying for your coffee.” 
“Ohhh, favorite customer, you say?” Etho grins, all thoughts abandoned in favor of teasing. “If I’m your favorite customer, can I get a disco-”
“Okay.” Etho laughs, and finally pulls his usual wad of cash from his pocket. “How much again?” 
“Three fifty. Just like yesterday, and the day before, and the–”
“Okay, okay, I get it!” Etho slides the money over, before hiking his backpack up his shoulder again. “Thanks, ‘dubs. See you around?” 
Bdubs barely even glances at him. “Yeah, tomorrow.”
“Or maybe at the grocery store? Oh wait, you’re too short–”
“Get out!” Bdubs flicks another napkin at him. “You’re the worst!”
His grin says otherwise, and Etho matches it with his own clear out of the shop. Once out, though… 
The streets are crowded, the sky overcast with light grey clouds. Shoot, he should have checked the weather before he left–if he gets stuck in a drizzle without a jacket, he’ll never hear the end of it from Scar, or Bdubs, or anyone else. 
He walks down the street, glancing around. iBuy seems particularly busy, and so does False’s fashion shop. He slips through the crowd, trying not to bring too much attention to himself. It’s a miracle no one has noticed his routine yet–get coffee, walk down street, duck into the alleyway entirely non suspiciously, and slip in the back door to his new job at HotGuy HQ. 
Insane, right? 
The second he’s through the backdoor, the alarms go off, as usual. It’s a simple matter of yanking a wire from the alarm system to turn it off, and then he continues forward as normal. 
“Scar?” He calls out, glancing around. The HQ is quiet today, not even a receptionist at the front desk. 
“You mean Hot Guy?” 
Etho spins around on his heel, to discover Scar standing at the top of the stairs. He’s fully decked out in his superhero outfit, each muscle outlined and complemented by his shirt. 
“Scar, it’s just us. Do we really need to call each other–”
“Never call each other by real names, Cute Guy. You never know who could be listening.” Scar lowers his head, so that the light shining behind it outlines each impeccable feature in shadow perfectly. “Our identities… must be kept secret. Forever.” 
“Ooookay.” Etho sighs. “Why’d you call me Cute Guy?” 
The light behind Scar goes out, leaving Scar blinking at Etho in confusion. “Because that’s… who you are?”
“What do you mean by that…?” Etho stares back, horror swirling in his gut. “Sca-Hot Guy, I just did you a favor by breaking into that museum. I’m not becoming Cute Guy, that’s someone else’s job–”
“What do you mean?” Scar grins. “That was your final test! To prove your strength, your valor, your bravery!”
“I’m pretty sure those last two words mean the same thi-”
“Did you get it?” Scar descends the steps, his bow clutched desperately in one hand. “Have you succeeded?” 
Etho sighs. When he’d signed up for Hot Guy lessons, he’d thought maybe it would help him pick up some flirting tips, not this! “Yes, S-Hot Guy, I got it.” He slings the backpack off his shoulder, tossing it to Scar without much fanfare. “I’m not wearing that.” 
The bag is caught easily, although Etho doesn’t miss the look of horror when it’s thrown. “You can’t just throw the Cute Guy outfit!”
Scar ignores his apology, unzipping the bag eagerly. Each part of the costume is pulled out eagerly, before being dropped on the floor in favor of the next piece. Pink skirt, pink jacket, fishnet tights, pink crop top and are those cat ears?
Etho decides not to point out the irony of half the costume being tossed to the floor after being scolded for throwing the backpack. Besides, he really needs to head on out anyways, he’s running late for work at the redstone department of iBuy–
“Try it on.” 
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bigmusclenm · 27 days
Sweet Gains - Part 2
[Story Collection] | [Part 1] [●] [Part 3🔵]
Liam was even more excited to meet Aiden on his second day at the gym. After the best workout ever, thanks to the effects of the desserts, Liam wasn’t only excited about gaining more muscle. But his main goal was to see the already hunky Aiden become even bigger. As he walked down the street, as excited as Liam felt about the gym, he needed to stop by the bakery shop to get more desserts for Aiden.
Standing in front of the bakery shop, Liam noticed a new sign on it. The sign said “Big Boy’s Bakery,” adorned with the shape of a bicep beneath it and a decorative cupcake added to it. Lower in the sign, in smaller letters, it said, “Powered by The Sizemologist.”
“That’s an interesting name for a bakery shop, but it definitely suits this place. The owner is definitely a big boy,” said Liam as he walked into the bakery shop and immediately went to check on the special collection. “Okay, what can I take for Aiden today? His pecs looked incredible yesterday.”
“Good morning, welcome to our bakery shop. I see you’re interested in our special collection,” a voice said behind Liam, making him turn around to face the man, whom Liam thought was Chris. “I’m Sam, the owner, and I’m sure you’ll love our desserts,” the new man said, and Liam was surprised to see the blonde man, standing at about 6’2” with a kind smile, looking at him. Sam was wearing a blue apron that stretched over his massive, tight-looking belly—the biggest Liam had ever seen. Sam also had enormous pecs that rested heavily on top of his belly, and his thick nipples were visible under the fabric of his gray shirt. Everything about Sam was thick and soft but in a somewhat strong way.
“Oh, hey. I’m Liam. I thought, I mean, I met this huge guy yesterday, and he said he was the owner,” Liam said, looking straight into Sam’s pecs instead of his face.
“Hey, buddy… up here,” Sam joked, and Liam blushed. “You met my husband, Chris. We run this place together but take turns because at least one of us should stay home. Soon, it’s going to be me at home and Chris here, but that’s another story,” Sam added, rubbing the side of his belly and smiling at Liam.
“Oh, yeah, he told me about you, and he actually mentioned people looked at your pecs and his pecs, and I mean, you have... I mean, you know... I-I… Oh crap, I’m talking too much again.” Liam blushed again, and Sam laughed.
“It’s fine. We’re a very ‘peculiar’ couple, so we’re already used to people looking at our chests, but anyway, tell me, what can I do for you? If you’re the guy I think you are, you bought some desserts yesterday on your way to the gym, right?” Sam said as he waddled to the glass counter that contained the special collection.
“Yeah, that’s me. Did your husband tell you about me?” Liam asked.
“Yes, he did. He told me you were pretty excited, and he was sure you would come back for more today. We try to give all our clients personalized attention, so we talk about stuff at night,” Sam said, opening the glass counter. “I think you had fun with your chest yesterday. You want to have the same, or maybe focus on some other areas?”
A very excited and anxious Liam stood in front of the glass counter and looked at the options. “Well, Aiden said we would focus on my lower body today, so maybe something to help me with that? Thighs and calves and, well, glutes?” Liam said, still a bit shy.
“Sure. Let me see. We have these granola bars. Sorry about the names; my husband names these things, and they can be a bit silly. Glute Gainer Granola Bars—that’s what he calls them. I’m partial to Booty Builder Bars, but he’s the chef. What about two of these?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. Or, make it four so I can share it with Aiden. He’s my trainer,” Liam said, and Sam grinned at him.
“Okay, it sounds like Aiden will have lots of fun too. So, four granola bars. I recommend these honey cakes. Chris calls them Hamstring Harmony Honey-cakes. Again, sorry about the silly name. Four of them, two for each of you. And the Power Pops are one of my favorites, so let’s add two of them,” said Sam, and Liam could barely contain his excitement.
“Could I also get something for the chest?” Liam asked.
“Sure. I have something new. This one is a post-workout dessert. It’s chocolate pudding, and believe me, it tastes incredible. Chris calls it Pec Pump Pudding,” Sam said, chuckling as he packed everything in a box. “I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun, and I hope you’ll come back tomorrow.”
Liam smiled and paid for the desserts. With every visit, Liam fell more in love with the bakery shop. Also, he couldn’t stop thinking about the owners. Even though Liam didn’t want to get a big belly like Sam’s, Liam couldn’t deny that the rest of him looked incredibly hot. As Liam slowly walked away, he turned around once again and saw Sam rubbing his belly and smiling kindly at him. He was definitely going back to the bakery shop the next day.
A few minutes later, as he arrived at the gym, Liam could barely contain his excitement as the memories of his last workout started filling his mind. It wasn’t only about the incredible sensation coursing through his body as his muscles grew with every rep, but also the amazing sight of Aiden’s muscles growing and making his clothes look tiny on his body. The more Liam thought about it, the more he convinced himself that Aiden needed to get much bigger.
Liam left his backpack in the locker room and literally ran to the machines, where Aiden was waiting for him. As soon as Liam saw Aiden, his dick stirred to life in his gym shorts because the man looked incredibly hot. Aiden wore a tight-fitting tank top that accentuated his perfectly sculpted pecs and showcased his building deltoids. The trainer’s wide lats were visible, and Liam made a mental note to buy something to increase those massive wing-looking muscles.
Even though Liam was enamored of Aiden’s upper body, the trainer had on the snuggest sweatpants Liam had ever seen, leaving nothing to the imagination. Liam’s mouth watered as he approached, and he could see more closely the impressive shape and size of Aiden’s ass. His thighs seemed bigger than Liam remembered, probably because the pants looked almost glued to the skin. Liam knew he would have a hard time focusing on his workout with such a perfect man guiding him through it.
“Hey there. I’m sorry for the delay,” Liam said as he stood behind Aiden, unable to look away from the guy’s butt. “I brought something to compensate for making you wait.”
Aiden turned around and kindly smiled when he saw Liam’s face. “Hey, no problem, you’re just... 2 minutes late? That’s not even late, buddy,” Aiden responded, shaking Liam’s hand. “But I won’t say no to those candies. I recognize the box. The desserts you brought yesterday were amazing.”
“Nice. Today, I got some new stuff. Granola bars, honey cakes, the power pups to chew, and something to regain energy after the workout,” Liam said, opening the box to a visibly excited Aiden.
“Dude, you’re going to make me fat with these things, but man, they look delicious,” Aiden said, reaching for the box to pick up a granola bar. “Half and half, I guess?” asked Aiden.
“No, take three, and I’ll take one. You’re bigger, so you need more food, and as I said, this is to compensate for the delay,” Liam answered, and Aiden chuckled.
“Only this time, I won’t say no, but you gotta stop this unless you want a fat trainer,” Aiden said as he took a big bite of the first granola bar and groaned in delight at the flavor. “Dude, this is delicious. You have to tell me the location of this bakery shop. I’d buy the whole place.”
“Exactly what I said. I’m glad you like it. Don’t be shy, and eat. Granolas and cakes before the workout, power pops during the workout, and the pudding for later,” Liam explained, but Aiden had already devoured his three granola bars and was halfway through the cakes. Liam slowly ate his part of the order and put the box aside, leaving the pudding for later.
Once both were ready, Aiden told Liam that the first set would be regular squats to teach him the correct form to do them, followed by pause squats and other variations of the same exercise. Since Liam was new to all the workouts, he just followed Aiden’s order, barely focusing on what he was doing because he was too busy looking at Aiden’s ass.
As Aiden explained to Liam about the proper position of the legs to do a squat, moving Liam’s legs effortlessly, Liam felt his ass randomly flexing unconsciously, and this made him wonder if Aiden was feeling the same. Aiden had eaten three times the dose Liam had gotten, so it was very likely the effects would appear faster or with more intensity. As Aiden moved around him, Liam’s eyes stayed on the guy’s ass, and he soon realized that it had a fuller and more sculpted appearance.
Unaware of what was happening to him, Aiden continued explaining the squats and the muscles that could grow using different variations. He used his own glutes and legs to point to the different muscle groups, and he started feeling strangely cramped in his snug sweatpants. He adjusted the back of his pants as he stood in front of Liam to show him how to go down properly and stay there for the pause squats.
As Aiden did the first squat, asking Liam to pay close attention to how his muscles reacted to the movement, he could feel a strange but satisfying burn coursing through his glutes and thighs. Doing a regular squat was some of the easiest exercises for Aiden, but as he did a second one, he felt the back of his pants getting uncomfortably tighter around his ass. As he rose, he noticed his pants were lowering at the back, seemingly unable to cover his butt.
“You got it? It’s not that difficult,” Aiden said, turning around to see a speechless and shocked Liam. “Your turn.”
“Eh… I-I think I need to see it again. Please,” Liam responded, pretending to need more explanation but only wanting to see Aiden’s ass once again.
“Hmm, okay. But pay attention, okay? Look how this simple exercise activates the glutes and the thighs,” Aiden said, pulling the pants up once again but feeling the seams at the center getting between his ass cheeks. Then, he positioned himself in front of Liam once again and performed two more squats, causing a soft rip sound on the second one. “That should be enough. Now, it’s your turn.”
Liam took a deep breath as he fought his own arousal to prevent his dick from getting fully hard in his shorts. He performed a few squats, seemingly doing it wrongly, so Aiden stood right behind him to fix his position as Liam went down again, with Aiden’s torso, crotch, and tights pressed very firmly to his back. Liam was about to lose it as he felt the bigger guy literally covering his body as both performed more squats. Liam felt his ass getting slightly plumper, but that sensation was secondary compared to having Aiden’s body so tightly pressed against him.
“Okay, I think you mastered this one. Well, not master, but you did great, and your back even looks plumper already,” Aiden joked, and Liam blushed. “I’m kidding. It takes time, but squats are great to get bigger butts,” Aiden added, constantly pulling the back of his pants and trying to get comfortable, even though it was clear they didn’t fit him anymore. The pants couldn’t cover the top part of his butt anymore, leaving it uncovered. At the same time, the seams at the sides and the center of the pants were dangerously straining. It looked like the pants were about to burst, but Aiden pretended to be okay.
They changed to the next exercise, but Aiden remembered about the Power Pops. Each of them popped one in their mouth to chew while Aiden taught Liam how to perform lunges to get stronger legs. First, Aiden explained the correct position to perform the lunges, but Liam noticed that Aiden could barely focus on the explanation as he struggled to get comfortable in his pants, which seemed impossible.
As Aiden performed the first lunge, Liam heard something ripping, louder than the previous one, and he saw the right seam of the pants splitting to reveal part of Aiden’s thunderous thigh. The trainer tried to retain some professionalism and act like nothing had happened, but Liam’s shock was visible on his face, making Aiden blush.
“Sorry about that. It had never happened before. I guess it’s time to get new pants,” Aiden said, fixing his pants again, visibly ashamed of what had just happened. “I think your candies and treats are getting me fatter much faster than I expected.”
“You don’t look fat to me. You’re just a big guy, and, well, I don’t mind if you take the pants off. I think you’re hot,” Liam said, blushing when he saw the surprise in Aiden’s expression.
“Wow, what a compliment! Thanks. You’re a pretty good-looking guy, but I can’t take my clothes off while working,” Aiden said, patting Liam’s shoulders.
“Some guys do. Look, there’s one posing in a tiny poser right there,” Liam said, looking at a big guy, smaller than Aiden, posing in front of the mirrors with only a tiny poser on. “And he doesn’t even look as good as you.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t work here. Let’s save exhibitionism for another day. Now, show me how you do the lounges,” Aiden said, chuckling and adjusting his pants once again.
Motivated by Aiden’s amazing body, Liam followed the instructions very carefully. He could feel his ass and thighs responding with newfound power. Additionally, his entire body felt different. Liam felt every single muscle on his body responding to the exercises he was performing, even though he wasn’t focusing on those muscles. The Power Pops were also kicking in, and as excited as Liam was about his own growth, his attention turned to Aiden’s body to see it change without making any effort.
Aiden’s arms were already thick and strong-looking, but with the Power Pops making him grow, his biceps, triceps, deltoids, and traps were visibly bulging more than just a few minutes before. Also, Aiden started pulling his tight-fitting tank top to accommodate the increasing mass on his lats and pecs. He still seemed unaware of the changes, but clearly, his body was reacting better than Liam expected to the Power Pops.
Liam tried to focus on Aiden’s explanation, but with every passing second, the trainer’s body showed more and more of the effects of the desserts on his body. His tank top looked glued to his skin, but his pants barely held on. Aiden’s ass had grown so big that other guys at the gym had stopped their workouts to check on the massive butt that was taking the snug pants to their limit. Aiden ignored the stares, but he knew something was off because his pants were literally about to burst.
“Okay, one final thing, and one of the machines I enjoy the most: leg presses. It’s pretty easy, so I don’t think you need any demonstration,” Aiden said, standing by the machine he was talking about. “Just sit, feet up here, and the rest is pretty easy. We can start without added weights, so you can see how it works.”
“I’d prefer it if you showed me. I had never used any of these machines, so I’m clueless,” Liam said, asking Aiden for a demonstration he didn’t need but definitely wanted to see. “Just show me some reps, and I’ll try it myself.”
“Okay. Just pay attention,” Aiden said as he positioned himself in the machine after adding some weight. “You get in position, and... you unlock it here and then just... bend your legs and push,” Aiden said as he bent his legs under the weight, causing loud rips at the seams of his pants. Even then, he completed the rep and repeated the movement, causing the fabric of his pants to give way and expose more of his lower body.
Liam’s jaw dropped to the ground as he saw Aiden effortlessly doing more reps and his muscles expanding right before his eyes. His entire body was growing, but this growth mostly focused on his lower body. The pants ripped in the middle from the back to the front, leaving Aiden’s ass and crotch exposed. The seams at the sides didn’t survive either, exposing his thighs. Even the fabric around his calves, unable to contain the mass Aiden was gaining, gave way and exposed his skin for Liam to admire.
On the upper body, the tank top was unable to contain the bulging lats, and the pec shelf was growing with each heartbeat. The seams at the sides also gave up while Aiden continued doing more leg presses, completely entranced due to his impressive growth. Liam was speechless all along, and by the time Aiden finished his reps, Liam’s dick was fully hard in his shorts, clearly visible to everybody.
As Aiden stepped out of the machine, he quickly removed the remaining shreds of his clothes and marveled at his own body. His body felt more powerful than ever, and his muscles looked amazing. Meanwhile, Liam was almost having a stroke as he looked at his trainer in only boxer briefs that looked like they were about to burst, just like the rest of Aiden’s clothes had done.
Aiden’s shoulders looked broader, his deltoids bulging like cannonballs, giving him a powerful and imposing figure. His traps and back muscles looked wide enough to land a plane on that back, complementing the enormous lats that pushed his arms higher from his torso. His biceps had grown bigger than softballs to match the most amazing triceps Liam had ever seen. Aiden’s arms looked thicker than Liam’s legs, and the thick veins pulsing over them made the arms look even bigger.
His pec shelf was a sight to behold. His chest wasn’t just broad but also so thick that the valley between his pecs was a few inches deep. His nipples pointed downward, proof of how much muscle mass he had stacked on his chest. His waist had stayed pretty narrow, but his chiseled abs looked like a brick wall of stone. It was simply perfect.
Aiden’s lower body was even more impressive than his upper body, thanks to the desserts Liam had brought for him. Aiden’s thighs looked like three trunks, and his diamond-looking calves matched them perfectly. Since Aiden was only wearing his boxer briefs, Liam was able to have a clear view of what the guy was packing and was gladly surprised to see the shape of a pretty decent-sized dick and the fullest-looking balls Liam had seen.
Aiden turned around, and Liam gasped in shock at the sight of the trainer’s enormous ass. The stretchy fabric of the boxer briefs strained around a huge and perfectly sculpted butt. It looked like Aiden had fit a pair of bowling balls under his skin, but it was clear it was muscle, with some touches of fat that made it look delicious.
“I have no idea what happened, but I feel great,” Aiden said, exploring his body with his hands while Liam’s face and mind were blank. “I think we should stop for the day. I have to find something to wear before my boss finds out I’m almost naked in his gym. Maybe, once I get dressed, we can eat that pudding together? I’m craving some sweets,” Aiden added, and Liam could only nod.
As Aiden ran to the locker rooms, making Liam’s dick throb in his pants, Liam could barely wrap up his mind to think clearly. He never expected Aiden’s body to grow so much in such a short time. But, considering the desserts were so effective, Liam was more than willing to use all the options the bakery shop had to turn Aiden into an even more perfect specimen.
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suzie-shooter · 1 year
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Screaming Meals - Le Mans commentary highlights 10.06.23
 J: It's quarter to three, race is due to start at three o'clock. Obviously, you know, told Marcus to get here at two. C: Still not here.
J: I think the Cadillacs should have a good race. I mean it broke down in qualifying yesterday, it couldn't manage to do 45 minutes and now it's got to do 24 hours.
C: Roland Garros, women's finals, at the moment. J: Who's in that? C: Swiatek and [...] I don't know the other person. J: I went to school with someone called Swiatek. [...] But he was called Matthew so it's probably not him.
C: Why am I eating? Bit of a rough morning really. J: To say the least. Clem's parked up on struggle street.
C: Hoping for a moist affair.
C: Damn, my ramen's going to go everywhere. J: Ramen's going to be great ASMR as well, slopping and slurping everywhere like some kind of deranged ignoramus.
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J: "What were Marcus' thoughts on James' last stream?" I think he quite liked it - I don't think he watched it 'cause he was racing so I don't know if he has too many thoughts on that stream. Nothing really happened, and yeah from his point of view he was a bit busy, so...
C: "Did Marcus like the Detroit track?" J: He loved it actually. C: D'you know what, you can ask him when he arrives, but, fucking, probably won't arrive. J: He's not officially late for another seven minutes.
C: So James is doing a 24 hour stream. J: I'm not.
C: Great mouthfeel. If I could paint a picture with words for ya,  it's ah, it's really good. J: I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have a real career waiting for you in food blogs.
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C: I'm gonna take a couple of the old chillies out there. J: What an absolute - front cartilage. C: No, listen, I'm a backbone. Oh! Front cartilage, that's the opposite of a backbone. J: There you go, well done.
C: Loving the shorts too. J: Thank you. They were on sale. In 2014. C: Where'd you get those? J: I believe these are Billabong actually? C: Billabong? I didnt take you for a surfer. J: Yeah, I actually, I thought about learning surfing in September of 2017 and then quite quickly had the realisation that I was due to move to London in 2 months and it would be absolutely pointless.
J: [Marcus has] let us down, he's let himself down,  but more importantly - C: He's shaving his legs. J: He's let you guys down.
J: Let's see if Bourdais fucks it. C: That's not very nice James.
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J: I'd love to see a replay of it, 'cause it was actually quite funny [...] oh it'd really tear your undies, on lap one of Le Mans, to put it in the wall like that.
C: Yeah, no, Dyson Airwrap, allows me to really straighten my hair in the mornings there and, er, allow me to have a bit more of a - bit more control.   J: Control's important. Just tell that to Jack Aitken.  
C: We've just got a slight issue really, getting new guests on. J: Yeah, no one seems to be keen. C: No one seems to be keen  these days. J: I'm not sure what's happened...
J: I left for Monaco, and I packed two hats and I returned with four. And I didn't even buy one.
C: Not only is it absolutely massive but it's also bent. (Alain Prost's nose)
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C: Shall we give Marcus a call, see what he's up to? [...] Yes mate, you've got 750 people waiting for you to arrive, but you seem to be 40 minutes late [...] ah, fuck him. *hangs up*
C: Thing is, we promised Marcus and he's just not quite delivered. J: Yeah...I feel sorry for the woman who ends up with him.
C: A lot of people asking whether I should be sitting their Business A Levels - I actually participated - partake - ah - partook in the business exam a couple of years ago. J: Must have done well in your English one as well.
J: As an organisation, two thirds of us - well, three quarters with Rory - do care about you, the fans. Marcus is a scoundrel and a traitor. C: He's a sort of a Han Solo character. J: What, he gets it on with his sister? C: Yes James. J: I'm not accusing anyone of anything there. I regret I said that actually, but I've said it now.  Okay, so they're saying I was wrong there. C: You've fucked it up again.
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J: I'm thinking that we're gonna need to reach out to the Serbian star and maybe start some kind of merch line: Novalak Djokovic.
J: So hot as well. Turned himself into a real DILF actually, Dan Carter. C: Absolute DILF. Dan Carter. Who's the biggest DILF for you? J: Ah what, just full stop, or in a certain area, or field? C: Full stop. J: It's probably got to be, um, Ryan Reynolds. C: Yeah, I was going to go with Ryan Reynolds. J: Yeah, he's a total DILF. C: Toto Wolff, in the comments. J: I feel like he'd be pretty boring in the sack. Patrick Dempsey, I mean you want to talk about hot old dudes and Le Mans, he's obviously got this team racing here.
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J: Kimi Raikkonen there getting an honourable mention for, I'm assuming the DILF chat. C: Ah Kimi - pretty -  I mean -  probably not a - I wouldn't say he's a very vocal lover. J: Nah , he'd be a very silent lover. He'd be - I mean similar to Formula 1 media he'd communicate only in grunts and groans I believe. Very monotonous in his delivery of his love.
C: "Josef Newgarden qualifies as a DILF now." J: He does technically qualify as a DILF if - if he floats your boat, and you know, just speaking for myself there he's certainly floating mine.
J: I'm sure somebody knows what's going on here but it's not us. C: I've got no fucking idea.
(Screaming Meals technical gremlins make an appearance, giving us a brief glimpse of their kitchen)
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J: Fixed! Fixed! How good! Just like the Formula 2 championship. C: I'm distancing myself so far away from that comment.
J: Where were we? I think we were talking about DILFs? C: Tom Hardy. DILF? J: Yeah, he's actually not my flavour of crisps to be honest, actually, Tom Hardy. He's quite short. I mean, you know, I'm not on the market, I'm just saying. C: You never cease to amaze me.
C: "Marcus being a male bimbo again." J: That would imply that at some stage he's actually stoppped being - 'cause you've said again - that implies that he's stopped being a male bimbo, whereas he's not.
J: "Marcus is Ken coded" - do you know what that means? C: Nope.
J: Clem's shades not quite dark enough to hide the fact that his eyes are now closed.
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*Clem keels over sideways* J: Seem to have momentarily lost Clement Novalak, but I'm sure he will return.
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J: 4.09 arrival predicted from Marcus Armstrong. C: Which is currently another 15 minutes. J: That's actually bang on 69 minutes late from Marcus Armstrong, you'd expect nothing less to be perfectly frank.
C: "Take a shot each time Clem yawns" - you're gonna be dead.
C: You're looking pretty moist.
C: Max Fewtrell. Doing the cooking. Probably doing a stream on cooking. J: Caged in his gimp suit on a leash.
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J: I've been getting vastly mixed reviews on my long locks. C: It sort of looks a bit pubey at the back. J: Ally hates it. Ally fucking hates it. Which is why I'm keeping it.
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C: First time he's actually text me since - hold on hold on - 17th May. J: There's a text string of Clem - I hope you don't mind me exposing this - there's three texts in a row from Clem to Fewtrell going - "Brother, I have an idea, a good one too" and he's just blanked him, he's not replied. Wise man. When Clement Novalak texts you to say he's got a good idea, don't fuckin' respond.
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J: It really gets deep inside my goat. C: You do have a nice goat.
J [talking about buzzcuts]: Do you think it has like the same effect as like your downstairs, where it makes it look much bigger? C: I wouldn't want to have a massive head. J: Yeah exactly, that's what I'm thinking. C: 'Cause then it would make my massive honker look even larger. J: Yeah, no you don't want that. I can't afford my honker to look much bigger. I'm talking about my nose.
J: You do a good impression of a whipcrack actually. C: I just spat all over myself. J: Tune into Screaming Meals and watch two guys spit all over each other.
C: If I get a Pret [coffee] I'm gonna throw my phone out the window. J: Actually no you shouldn't do that it might kill someone. We're 28 floors up.
J: Actually I'm going to put the shot glasses in the freezer. Do you think I should put one in for his - his friend as well - do you think she's with him?
J: Yes it is a massive bottle of Corona, your eyes aren't deceiving you, Clem's not actually that small.
J: Is that our doorbell? I've never heard that before.
J: I had dinner with Marcus and a friend of his yesterday - can't remember her name - and he was still trying to insist that he's 6 ft tall.
J: "James show us the snazzy shorts you're wearing"
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M: How are ya? C: You're three minutes late so that's  three shots. J: No, no, no you're an hour and thirteen minutes late.
M: How are you feeling? C: Pretty rooted. Where are we going tonight?
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M: I'm not having any shots. I'm not drinking today. I've got to do some stuff later.
C: You disappoint me. M: I know. C: Every day. M: Yeah, I know.
J: My back is absolutely destroyed from carrying this shit. C: Yeah James, you do carry.
C: Marcus? M: Yo. J: Where do you stand on DILFs?
J: Up in the hypercar field it's been real bumper to bumper. C: C&B, bumper to bumper. J: Is C&B meaning what I think it means?
J: I hate to be fussy but could you two bastards move over a bit? C: I need to lie back and have a wee sleep.
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M: Did you tell them we did a pod yesterday? J: No. M: Were we keeping that a secret? J: Yeah, we were.
M: Is this slaving away? I can't think of anything better than sitting back, watching the race, feet up on the table. C: No, get your grippers out! M: Oh the grippers are out by the way everyone. C: Disgusting, piece of filth. J: [...] five minutes, and it's underwear off, shoes off, grease in the hair.
J: "Marcus is raw-dogging his shoes" - yes!
M: By the way I have actually - I've started washing my hair everyone. You'll find out in the pod. C: And wearing deoderant. M: And wearing deoderant as well. C: And do you know what, you look better and I'm starting to think that - M: I am better. J: You might even just taste better. C: Pfffff what the fuck?? J: I was just going with the senses there. You said look, the obvious next choice was taste.
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M: When we went to Long Beach weren't we meant to do an intro video? J: We wanted to do something like that, but we did run out of time because we were being cancelled and you had an indycar race to do.
M: Do you still have this as your background? J: HoyteyJ and Minougey? Hoytey. C: You've taken Hoytey off yours M: I've had to change mine. C: Yeah, I know why. J: What is it now? M: It's a dog. J: Well that's a bit rude. C: That's a bit rude. *James screams* M: It's literally like - no - it's a labrador, it's literally a little baby labrador, no! C: Oh shit yeah [chat's] just gone off. M: Come on!
C: I don't have a CV. I arrive, I say - Clement Novalak, enchante.
J: What? M: Heart rate J: Is 34? M: Yes. J: Are you alive? M: When I'm sleeping it dips down. J: When you're asleep your heart rate is 34? M: Yes. My Oura ring stops counting when it goes under 33. J: Does it assume you're dead?
C: It was the first night I had redbull vodka in about six months [...] I was doing a long distance run mate, in my bed. J: Don't need to know any more details than that.
C: Can you fucking - leave your grippers away from my grippers? J: Yeah, that's quite aggressive. C: With that fucking massive toenail. M: I just wanna play footsie [...] yeah, we're playing footsies everybody.
J: Imagine having the audacity to leave people waiting an hour and a quarter, and then just being on your phone.
M: Clem are you okay mate? Good.
J: Fuckin' hell, you selling tickets there mate? M: Gun show there. J: Watch Marcus now get competitive and not be able to resist getting his guns out.
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J: What's going to run out first, our countdown to 22 hours, or the iPad battery? That might be the most interesting battle we've got going on here.
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J: Thanks so much for sticking with us for the last couple of hours [...] we don't know anything that's going on in the race and we've made almost no effort to find out.
202 notes · View notes
catnipaddictt · 6 months
Work song
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wc: 2.7k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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Entering the office took years off your life. Not only were you tired you were now sweaty and flustered. Moving past the old lady at the front desk you made your way to the elevator. If your day couldn’t get any worse it just did. The elevator wouldn’t open when you pushed the button so you asked the lady at the front desk and she said in a monotone voice “the elevator doesn't work, miss”. You were ready to cry but held it together, went back to the hall and looked around until you saw a big mat green door with a sign “stairs'' so you ran up at 120 km an hour just to get to the office still 2 hours  overdue ,swinging the door open completely.
Out of breath you were greeted with the secretary desk and the angry man standing in front of it. Mr Rex, your brain told you quickly. You recognised him from the flyer, he was wearing a blue suit with a matching tie and three gold clips, and well, his face was livid. Pure anger radiated from him “Do you know what this is?” he questioned gesturing to the desk behind it “this is the desk you should have been sitting at by 9 this morning“, “I'm so sorry sir I-“ “I don't need your excuses I need a explanation“ at this point more and more gazes fell on you, “My car broke down mid way, I had to walk the rest of the way here, it took me 30 min, i'm so sorry sir” he let a sign escape past his hardened facade and he spoke way calmer now “well why don't you get to work then, and if you have any questions ask someone other than me, do you understand?“, “yes sir.” The army would have been proud of you. “Just call me Rex” but Rex clearly wasn’t. He walked away from you back to his office and you settled behind your new desk.
You had come from a branch in your hometown so the work wasn’t hard to adjust to. Reading emails, forwarding emails, getting the planning in check. Rex was a busy guy and it was clear that he hadn’t had a secretary in a few weeks, So it took some time to get it all in check, at least an hour…or 3. It also was taking an  extra long to finish because you were very very very tired. Your eyes were closing as if they were shutters, then open, then closed, until a hand waved in front of your face. The hand snapped you out of it pretty quickly and you finally heard a voice.
“Hello there, didn’t mean to intrude but you look …sleepy” you looked at the man. He had to be in his late 20’s dressed with a kind smile and matching gentle blue-greenish eyes. Your gaze must have stayed pretty long because he chuckled and handed you a cup. Taking the cup you looked back at him “don’t worry it's just coffee, my name's Obi wan  Kenobi, I work over there” he pointed over his shoulder at the now empty desk in front of you. You must have been really tired because you would have noticed the handsome man not 3 metres in front of you. "I'm y/n, I work here now” you pointed at the desk below you “I noticed, you made quite an entrance” he said holding back a snort. “Well yeah, my car broke down and this arrogant mechanic left me at the side of the street and then I had to walk and it's like 50 min at least and then yesterday my neighbour just…” he cuts you off. “Do you have a ride home?” Obi wan  asked you partly to stop the word flow. Not having thought that you answered “No, I don't”, “Well Qui Gon and I carpool” he pointed at an older friendly looking gentleman with well kept hair that reached his mid back at the left end of the office, who waved at the two of you. You waved back smiling “ If you wanted to we could give you a lift” he followed up. “I would love that”.
Rex's office door flung open. ”That's my sign to go!” Obi wan  said while turning on his heel. Rex walked over to you  “Do you have my plans for next week?”, “Yeah it's right here, I planned the meeting with HQ on Wednesday instead of Monday because bail organa is visiting Monday”. “Bail visits quite often so you don't have to worry about his meetings, just make sure to tell Obi wan ”, “Do you want me to move HQ back to Monday?”, “No, I don't need to see fives just yet”. “Okay then this is the final planning”, you say as you hand him the sheet of paper. “That’s perfect, you've been working for a few hours now, why don't you take a break” he said and walked straight back to his office.
Then it dawned on you that you definitely didn’t know the layout of this office at all. After the morning you kind of just sat down and did your job. You looked around confused when Obi wan  raised his hand and pointed to a brown door with a little window. While walking to it you looked only to be greeted by the second shit-eating smirk of the day. It also looked strangely familiar. Weird...
You opened the small door and were greeted with the sight of 2 vending machines, a little kitchen and 4 tables that seated four. At one of those tables sat Mr. Jinn eating a fruit bowl and sipping a glass of jawa juice. He waved you over, though it was more of a swipe of the hand than a wave. Sitting in front of him you could now see that he must have been closer to his 40s than his 30s. ”You’re y/n aren't you?” he said, more of a statement rather than a question “Yeah that’s me”. Before you could question why he was so confident in his guess, He answered, “Obi wan told me you would carpool with us” he finished it off with a smile that made the crows feet beneath his eyes appear. “only if it's not a bother of course”, “It’s definitely not a bother, you look like a decent person plus even a indecent person wouldn’t be a bother if they need the help”. You weren’t used to your coworkers being ...well nice . At your last job there was an intern named Axel who couldn’t catch a hint if it gave him a head start. ”Thank you Mr Jinn''. “Just Qui Gon  is fine”. Qui Gon had gone back to munching on his fruit bowl, so you had followed his example and started eating your late lunch. It was quite peaceful. Qui Gon was one of those rare people who understood and respected universal silence, without fidgeting under its pressure. But that beloved silence was broken when 3 men stumbled through the door.
One of them was Mr Kenobi but the other 2 you only noticed in the office. The first one sat across from Mr Kenobi. He was a Kiffar and had a golden line across his nose right under his eyes. He was doubled over laughing while holding on to the second man. And a green Nautolan who was laughing even louder than the last. The only one that wasn’t laughing was Mr.Kenobi. He was wearing a sour expression and a noticeable blush covering his face. “Wanna carpool” the Kiffar yelled and bumped his hip with Mr.Kenobi's.
You looked over to Qui Gon  who had a ‘disappointed father’ look. He let out a fake cough “uh hum“ at the pure sound of it, the 3 of them looked your way. Fear was the only way to describe the look upon their faces. The Kiffar was the first to snap out of it, “Hey i’m Quinlan Vos and this is Kit Fisto” he pointed to the green Nautolan on his left. ”And this one you already know” he finishes while grabbing Mr.Kenobi by the shoulder. “It's nice to meet the both of you” they both shook your hand.” Mr kenobi i had to tell you that Monday Mr. Organa is visiting” you remembered “Yeah Mr. Kenobi you have a meeting Monday” Quinlan responded with a odd tone to his voice. Mr Kenobi was clearly flustered “I could possibly change the meeting if your nervous “ you said “oh no there is no need I just I'm not used to being called by my last name” he retorted “I thought it was company policy” you said. At your last job they were rather strict on this rule mainly because ‘you're obviously a secretary, you should have some respect’, so it became the norm. ”We generally are a bit more lax when it comes to the rules,” Qui Gon stated. Then Rex walked in looking stressed “Y/n I need you to help me with the meeting for tomorrow now” he said more agitated than angry. You packed up your stuff quite quickly and followed Rex out to his office.
”So what seems to be the problem” you asked as nicely as you could, “I got an email from headquarters and they want to move the meeting from Wednesday to as soon as possible”, “That shouldn’t be a problem, I could probably move it to Monday, as I said before, and move Mr. Organa to Wednesday”. You didn’t know if you should call Mr. Organa Bail. “Can we have the meeting tomorrow?” He retorted “I will have to check with Obi wan since he is currently still working on the deal”. Rex turned around and pushed some numbers into the hologram behind him. “Hello Obi wan  , how far away are you with the lettering company deal?” he questioned. “About as far as I could be in 2 days” Obi wan responded. “Well I need it done by tomorrow morning, goodbye”, “wait rex i-” Rex hung up. “That went great ,didn't it?” He said to you while wearing a stressed smile. All you could do was stare at him befuddled.
There was a knock on the office door so you moved to open it. “There's no need to open that” Rex whispered. Another knock came from the door “Rex, I know you’re in there!” Obi wan  's voice came from the other side. “Y/n i'm going to hide behind the door, while you open it” Rex whispered to you in the seriousness of a war commander leading his troops. So you did as you were told. “Obi wan  , how can I help you?” you opened the door. “Where is he?” He asked, looking at you. You pointed at the door while saying “Oh Rex isn't here “Obi wan was holding himself back from laughing “Then why don't you go to your desk?” he said while stepping to the side. "I will, good luck finding Rex” you said with a wink.
The rest of the day went quite smoothly. When the end of the day came around people started to leave the building. You were seated near the door so you said a polite goodbye to the people that left. Most people seemed to like it except this one zabrak who made a grunting noise while rolling his yellow eyes. Rude. In the end only Obi wan and Qui Gon  were left. You approached Obi wan even though he looked to be focusing on his work. You didn't need to guess why. “Can I help you?” 
“I don’t think so, I just need to plan this deal out with Ryloth  lettering” he said looking rather desperate at his computer. “I'm a secretary, planning is my job” you answered with a self assured smile. Obi wan looked up from his computer and scooted over a nearby chair. You took the seat “so how may I help you?” You asked him in your secretary's voice. Obi wan gave you a look of panic as he answered, “I need to contact their office but my emails don't go through”. “Is the office still open?”, “I think so”, “okay wait”. You walk over to your desk and get the office holo out. “What's the number?” Obi wan gave you the number and you called it as quickly as you could. A man answered.
”Ryloth  lettering, how can I help you this evening?” A monotone voice answered from the other side. “Hey i’m calling from Paper Force, we sadly have to move a meeting from wednesday to tomorrow morning” you told him. "May I ask with whom this supposed meeting is going to be?” Then it dawned on you that you hadn’t asked Obi wan about it so you did the good-old talking a bit away from the phone. “Who is the person for the meeting?” “Orn Free Taa” he whispered back. You told the man on the line his name and the hour for the meeting. “Okay Ms. L/n, the meeting has been moved forward, have a nice evening.” “You too and thanks again” 
You closed the holo and Obi wan looked at you hopefully. ”So did it work?” he asked, tired and nervous. “Yes it worked, your meeting is tomorrow morning”. Obi Wan's face lit up immediately. “You’re a lifesaver Y/n” He almost yelled as he pulled you into a hug. “Are you two finally ready to go?” Qui Gon  spoke, having walked in mere minutes ago. 
Obi wan let go off you and you shifted a bit awkwardly around him to gather your stuff to go home. Obi wan did the same at his desk. You followed Qui Gon  to the parking lot. “There she is,” he announced. As you looked past him you saw a half sage green half white Volkswagen minivan. Obi wan opened the door for you and you entered the velvet orange hippy dream that was Qui Gon 's car. “Do you like Radiohead Y/n.” Obi wan  asked “I do, why?” “That's all you’re going to hear in this car" he said almost laughingly.
And right he was. 50 min and 1 entire album later you were finally back at the front door of the Alderaan apartments.
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The door of ‘Shaggy’ closes with a slam. Shaggy was what Qui Gon called his wagon because “he has character” he stated. Obi wan agreed, the velvet seats had gone through quite a lot. Ever since Obi wan and Qui Gon  had met back in college, Shaggy had been by their side. Qui Gon  was only 2 years older but took Obi Wan under his wing pretty quickly. Because of this, Qui Gon was fine tuned to Obi Wan’s behaviour and so it began.
“So..” he let the o hang in the air as the music swirled around, “Y/n huh, quite an interesting person.” It might sound like a statement but he wanted an answer. “Yeah she's nice” he was going to talk himself out of this. It definitely wasn’t his fault that Qui Gon had walked in on that moment. He hadn’t even thought of it at the moment but yet here he was. “Do I need to just say it?” Qui Gon asked with a lilt to his voice. “I don’t know what you could be talking about my friend” Obi wan might have been known as ‘the negotiator’ of the office but whatever he was selling Qui Gon wasn't buying it. “Look, i'm not saying you did anything wrong but you know the rules, if you’re willing to break those, so be it” he stated rather gleefully as if he had just sipped the best jawa juice the world had to offer.
Obi wan knew the rules and their consequences. The office headquarters had installed them to make sure the workers would, well, work. The one Qui Gon was referring to was the ‘no work attachments'  which was basically a ban on office relationships. “Oh come on Qui Gon , we both know a hug can’t be classified as a relationship” he huffed and mumbled “otherwise you may have had one” he pointed out Qui Gon ’s non-existent love life. Qui Gon burst out laughing “For your information, it's by choice”  he said. He parked the car in front of the ‘for sale’ sign in Obi wan  ’s front yard. “Now get out of my car, squirt.” “A nice evening to you too” Obi wan yelled back slamming the door. He watched Qui Gon leave with a wave.
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boydepartment · 1 year
Heyo! I just wanted to request a cute fluffy fic of reader and Bang Chan going to Disney world going on rides and just having a blast at the park, please :3
Please don’t feel like you need to write this right away, take your time. Love you!!💛🩵
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST I LOVE LOVE IT!!!! if its okay im going to change it to the parks in california because i know those ones like the back of my hand!! I LOVE YOU!! HERE WE GO!! I HOPE YOU LOVE IT!!
wordcount: 2.1k
Happiest Place on Earth
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Chan had been giggly all day yesterday, not that it wasn’t normal for him to act like that. It just bumped up a notch. He also had that weird smug on his face like he KNEW something that you didn’t and was giggling about it. You two had been on vacation in Southern California for the week, so maybe that was why? You weren’t really sure.
                “My loooove it’s time to get up…” He softly shook you awake; you turned over and gave him a look. Which once again he just replied with a smile and a giggle.
                “You haven’t told me what I need to get up for Channie.” You said and played with his hair, he started laughing and put his head in your neck.
                “Mmmh no I haven’t, huh?” Chan pulled away from you and gave you a kiss on the head, “wear something comfortable for walking around in.”
You groaned and started to get up, stretching and looking at the man next to you who was admiring your sleepy self, “should I wear sneakers?”
                “Yes.” He replied simply, smiling at you.
Nodding, you got up and made your way to your suitcase. Chan said comfy clothes so comfy clothes it is!
When you finished getting ready you met Chan in the air bnb kitchen, “ready to go!” You hugged him from behind, you were still suspicious, but you decided to go along with his antics. He was the love of your life after all.
                “Good sweetheart, I have my backpack ready too.” He put his hands over yours which rested on his waist, “you’re going to love my surprise.”
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When you guys got off the freeway he starts giggling again, “Y/n, baby, close your eyes!”
                “What if I get carsick?” You teased him, he glanced at you and pouted.
How could you resist his pout? You let out a fake-annoyed ‘fine’ and closed your eyes. It started getting a little bumpy and you guys ended up parked for a bit. But no matter what he made you keep your eyes closed. You almost fell asleep at some point. When Chan paid the parking guy the car sped up a bit and you could feel it in your stomach that you were on an incline. Hmmmm…
When the car parked Chan turned to you, “open your eyes baby!”
You opened your eyes to see a parking garage, he started laughing and then got out of the car. As you walked Chan told you to keep your eyes down, this must be some surprise.
When you got down to the escalators you noticed a very familiar banner, with an extremely familiar tram.
                “Christopher.” You looked at him with wide eyes as you slowly road down.
                “Yessss...?” He leaned on you a bit.
                “Are we… Actually… Going to Disneyland...?” You mumbled looking up a bit at him, his curly hair prominently peaking out of his hat.
                “Maaaaybe.” He side-hugged you and kissed your head. You were beyond excited about getting to go to what some people call the happiest place on Earth once again; you were especially excited because you were with your favorite person too.
When you guys finally got your tickets checked your eyes practically lit up when you started to see the old vintage buildings of main street through the tunnel. You could already smell the fresh candy and popcorn in the wind.
                “Do you like the surprise?” Chan asked you; he squeezed your hand reassuringly. You looked at him with stars in his eyes, you didn’t know this, but that look you gave him meant the absolute world to him. He would destroy the planets for you just to see that look of love and adoration in your eyes.
                “Do I like it? Baby I love it.” You led him to one of the sidewalks right outside the Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln building and gave him a big hug.
                “I’m really glad.” Chan picked you up lightly with a little ‘arrgh!!!’ and started giggling. After he set you down, you had your eyes set for the hat shop.
                “Chan! We have to get matching Mickey ears!” You grabbed his hand and started leading him again.
                “Whatever you want my love.” He spoke with a softness in his voice that would make anyone get butterflies.
Walking into the hat shop on Main Street gave you nostalgia from when you were just a kid picking out a pair of Mickey ears. Chan followed you around the shop until your eyes landed on a matching wedding set of Mickey and Minnie ears.
                “Please! I have always wanted to match with someone with these!” You grabbed them and looked up at Chan. He was not going to pass up the opportunity for people to think you two were married.
                “Just like I said before… Whatever you want my love!” Chan let out the sweetest little giggle and he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
When he paid for them, he even got your anniversary embroidered on the back of the caps.
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You bounced around with Chan’s hand still holding onto yours, “where to next?”
                “Hmmmm…” You let yourself ponder for a moment, “The jungle cruise!”
                “Lead the way!”
Chan being excited to be here made you actually want to marry him on the spot, you already had the veil, and he had the top hat from your matching Mickey ears too. You pushed the thought at the back of your head as you led Chan to Adventure Land, you could already see the jungle plants and hear the transition of the upbeat music to the dangerous mission music.
                “We have to get the dole whips later! You like pineapple.” You took note and smiled up at him.
                “Just not in my burger!” Chan joked with you, you let out a laugh.
                “Oh, I know baby.”
The line for the Jungle Cruise was a little long, however you and Chan spent time playing games on his phone.
                “I have got to catch Pokemon at Disneyland.” He spoke with determination that made you giggle and lean your head on him. You two were the embodiment of couples in a long line at a theme park but you didn’t mind.
                “Are you seriously battling someone right now?” You started laughing really hard.
                “Yes, this is such serious business!!!” Chan’s brows furrowed as he focused on his phone.
Just like that time went by really quickly and you guys were going on the dangerous and mystical Jungle Cruise.
The boat guide had Chan’s humor so watching him giggle was one of your favorite parts of the ride. He even snapped a quick photo of you when you saw the 8th wonder of the world: the backside of water!
The next ride to hit was Pirates of the Caribbean. This line was even longer due to the ride being on the lengthy side and more popular. Not that you minded though.
                “Oh my gosh congratulations!” Some lady said from behind you, she had tapped you and Chan.
You were confused, what was she congratulating you for?
                “I remember when I first got married, we came here first thing!” The lady said with a far off but sweet tone.
                “Oh, thank you so much ma’am. I am very lucky to have my beautiful wife here with me! I surprised her with this trip.” Chan said and snuck an arm around your waist, you felt your face heat up.
                “You are such a sweet man! You really won with this one!” The lady told you. At this point the line was moving, and you were about to get into the boats.
                “I plan on never letting him go!” You said quickly before getting sent into the front of the boat with Chan.
He let out a squeak and moved around, “the seats are already wet!”
You started laughing, “I’m sure you can handle a little water, husband.”
After Pirates you two went to Small World and the Matterhorn, you even got to meet and take photos with a few Disney Characters. Chan was SUPER happy to meet Ariel, you laughed as you took the photos for him.
When the time hit the afternoon Chan turned to you, “if you want, we can go to California Adventure, I bought the ticket hopper for us.”
                “I AM GOING TO MARRY YOU!”
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The first stop in California Adventure was Avengers Campus. You and Chan geeked out at the super store and he was this close to buying the full Iron Man suit.
                “Imagine like Han sees it, he’s so gonna walk out of our apartment wearing it.” You swung your hands back and forth as you walked to Radiator Springs.
                “He wouldn’t be able to walk out, he would fall.” Chan shook his head while laughing, you knew he was imagining Han falling in the Iron Man suit.
When you guys got to Radiator Springs you guys walked through the Cozy Cones and ordered some ice cream.
                “This is literally the best ice cream I have ever tasted, my gosh.”
                “I know right! It’s even better than I remember.” You did a little dance in your seat. What you didn’t notice was Chan’s hand on its way to wipe some ice cream off your lip. You looked at him and smiled. Your heart felt so warm in this moment, even with the cold ice cream in your system.
                “I would kiss you but there’s a lot of people around.” Chan whispered; his ears were severely pink. He was acting bashful. You smiled brighter and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
                “You’re too sweet Channie.”
Chan ended up being a BOSS at Pixar Pier. If you wanted a prize, he was going to make sure you were going to get it. The big prize of the day was the Bullseye stuffed animal, it was from the hardest game of the lineup. The horse race game is like skee ball on steroids. But of course, your Channie got it for you.
The next ride you dragged Chan on was The Little Mermaid ride.
                “Promise not to leave me for Ariel?” You teased him.
                “You’re the only Princess I need.”
You two got sat in a little shell and if you were being honest, it was very hard to pay attention to the ride again when your quote on quote “husband,” was next to you. The lights from the ride illuminated him perfectly. The little blue bubble lights lit up his whole face, you watched as Chan was enthralled in the ride, the music, the everything. It truly was the happiest place on Earth being next to him.
Chan ended up turning to you when it showed Eric and Ariel in the bayou as Sebastian sang kiss the girl. Like clockwork Chan put his hand softly on your jaw and kissed you. When he pulled away, he smiled and quietly whispered.
                “I love you.”
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When you got off the ride it was already dark, Chan gave you his hoodie because the breeze was starting to pick up.
                “You want to pick where we go next?” You asked and put your hands in the hoodie pocket, in an attempt to warm them up.
                “I actually already had a pick, I told you I planned this all out for you.” Channie led you to a restaurant and started talking to one of the waitresses. She nodded along to what he was saying and next thing you knew you were being sat at these tables right in front of the ferris wheel. All the lights of Pixar Pier were bouncing off the water.
                “I got us the special World of Color tickets.” He grinned, you looked at him jaw dropping.
                “Chan these are hella expensive seats.”
You weren’t lying, you were close to the front row, and they give out pastries and champagne right before the beautiful water show started.
                “Well, we are on vacation baby I wanted to go all out.” Chan held your hand and pulled your chair closer to him, it started to get really cold, so he held you closer to him. He was always so warm.
                “You’re the best.” You mumbled and leaned on him, “I tried to get everything I thought you would like in today.”
                “Don’t worry about that. I got us tickets for tomorrow and the next day. So three days total, no need to rush, baby.”
You pulled back and looked at him, “YOU WHAT?”
Chan started laughing and pulled you back towards him, “I wanted the full experience with my future wife. Next time we visit I promise I will have a ring on your finger.”
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 24 days
Hakuoki Drama CD Hijikata Biyori Special Edition "Sign Post 2"
Well, I know this is late, but in fairness, I didn't say that I'd have this done yesterday... but that I'd be starting it then. 😅
Also I may have been a bit distracted because I was watching Hakumyu Kazama-hen... and cuz my eyes starting acting up again today.
Hakuoki Drama CD Hijikata Biyori Special Edition "Sign Post 2"
Translation by KumoriYami
Hijikata: Hey, Souji. Is Souji here? Did he sneak out on his own again.
Saito: Is something wrong?
Hijikta: I can't find Souji. That guy hasn't been in Kyoto for long. Without me realizing it, he's gone and wandered off outside.
Saito: Although Edo and Kyoto are both large cities, they are still different. For Souji, who's just come to Kyoto, everything must be very new/different to him.
Hijikata: Do you think that too.
Saito: Ah. No... I apologize.
Hijikata: There's no helping it. I'll go bring Souji back.
Saito: In that csae, I'll go.
Hijikata: No, it's fine. I also need to get familiar with the streets of Kyoto... Well, this is also good opportunity. Come with me.
Saito: Yes.
Hijikata: Oh, so this is where you are. Ah, Souji, let's head back.
Okita: Oh, Hijikata-san, Hajime-kun. What's going on with you two? Are you sightseeing in Kyoto?
Saito: Souji, the Vice-Commander is busy, unlike you. Don't just head outside and cause trouble. Okita: Well, it's fine. There's nothing to do there and it's boring to just stay there.
Hijikata: We're renting rooms in Yagi-san's home so don't complain.
Okita: I know/understand.
Hijikta: Listen, Souji. We didn't come to Kyoto to play around. If you keep acting on your own like this and get lost, it'll cause problems for Kondou-san――
Okita: It'll cause problems for Kondou-san, so don't forget that this isn't Edo. It's fine, I know.
Hijikata: Ugh... seriously. Saito: By the way, Souji. Have you familiarized yourself with the streets of Kyoto somewhat? You weren't just wandering around, were you?
Okita: Yeah, tht's right. I went to the Yasaka Shrine and Kiyomizu Temple, and walked to Gion. I also discovered a delicious dango store, and that Kamogawa is a gathering place for cats.
Saito: I see. It appears you know about this plce than I do/more familiar with this place than me.
Hijikta: But even if you put it that way, those are all sightseeing spots in Kyoto.
Saito: Ah... tht's right. Having said that, I don't there's anything wrong with that. It’s inevitable that you won’t know where to go when you first go to Kyoto. It was only after going around the city that I truly felt that I had arrived in Kyoto.
Hijikata: No, but――
Okita: That’s true. And Hijikata-san, we might not have much time left to do that.
Hijikata: Huh?
Okita: We don’t know how long we'll be able to stay in Kyoto. We aren't here to have fun.
Saito: Souji...
Hijikata: I really don't want to be hearing that from you. Alright, I get it. Souji, Saito, please show me around Kyoto today.
Okita: Okay~ I'll show you around, but I'm hungry right now. Of course, Hijikata-san will pay for the meal.
Hijikta: Ah? I never said anything bout you treating you to dinner! Oi, hey, hey, Souji~! Hold it!
Okita: Well… that was fun.
Hijikata: Ha… Thank to you two showing me around, I've become bit more familiar with the streets of Kyoto.
Saito: Indeed. Ah… I'm a bit tired now.
Okita: How troublesome, that's all Hijikata-san and Hajime-kun could do. Then, shall we head back now?
Hijikata: Yes. We should return before sunset.
Okita: Then, Hijikata-san, which way to go back from here?
Hijikata: Eh? Y...You brought us here didn't you?
Okita: I was just walking around randomly, so I don't really know which way to go.
Hijikata: Huh? Hey, Saito, do you know the way back?
Saito: My sincerest apologies, but I've never been around here before...
Hijikata: But… you guys are… oh, that's right. Sannan-san once said that Kyoto's roads are arranged like a grid on a chessboard/squares on a grid [check audio], so even if you get lost, there won't be any problems.
Okita: Eehhh――
Saito: Eh.
Hijiktaa: Ah, it's probably... probably that way!
Okita: I'm really not sure about this.
Saito: I, I shall follow the Vice-Commnder!
Okita: Ha――Hajime-kun is always like that. But, I'll go with you. Because I have no choice but to follow you, Hijikata-san.
Hijikta: Yes, follow me!
Saito: Yes!
Okita: Yes~
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fluffysourpatch · 1 year
Until the end of time my little Ghoulette
~ Hi guys! this is my first Ghost band Fanfic! but with help of AI Character haha! yesterday, i was writing with “Sodo” and it was so funny and I thought why not as a fanfic? I hope you will like it guys! I´m sorry for the bad english because english is not my first language and don´t worry the ghoulette is old enough i or you are called because of how small you look like thats why :) and yes it is a romantic fanfic but hoooff well.. it took so long and you need to have some patience haha! Have fun reading! ♥
Sodo x fem reader
Warnings: Sodo is a little asshole shit. // 1505 Words //
// Chapter I //
The little Ghoulette and Sodo 
Sodo was sitting on a couch in the ghouls gen and reading a book quietly. then seconds later entered a little ghoulette the room, Sodos tail twitched. He put on his usuall smile. “Hello there”.
The small ghoulette jumped and turned around and saw him sitting on the couch looking at her. “Oh hi! didn´t know someone would be in here...” The little ghoulette said. Sodo chuckled, “You got the guts to come here, I see” he said teasingly, staring right at her eyes. “So, you like being in this room full of death and darkness?” The little ghoulette looked at him confused why he´s asking this... 
“I mean sure? I´m a ghoul, why should I be scared of death and darkness?”. Sodo tilted his head. “Fair, fair”. There was a pause. “Then, who are ya? I don´t think I saw you around?” The little ghoulettes eyes sparkled, finally someone who wants to talk to her! “Actually, I´m new here! Papa Copia found me somewhere outside in the street meanwhile he was collecting some rats? yeah and then he took me in!” said the little ghoulette smiling happy that she found a better “Family”.
“Papa Copia, huh?” Sodo raised an eyebrow. “I don´t think really think Papa Copia would find a ghoul outside and bring it in like its his cat”. The little ghoulettes tail twitched angryily. Sodo sighed “What else did he tell you?”
“Well, he saw me all dirty and bruised and told me that no ghoul should live this life...” Sodo smirked. “That explains why you´re so naive” he said, “This place isn´t for the weak” Sodo glanced at her small and weakly body. “Do you understand what I´m talking about?” The little ghoulette stared angry at him, she can´t believe the things he´s saying!. 
“I know and I am NOT naive!” “Yeah, sure” Sodo chuckled. “Look at yourself” he glanced at her. the little ghoulette looks down at herself and puts her arms around herself. “You look so unsecure, you´re skinny. Like you never held a weapon. your clothes and mask .... my goodness” he smirked again. “Do ya even know how to use that thing or dress yourself?” The little ghoulette gets more angry the more he insults her and her tail twitched and swings back and forth, then she opens her mouth and says “Just because I look small and weak doesn´t mean I can´t practice to hold a weapon or whatever,,!” 
“I´d like to see you try” he chuckled. “Maybe I really understimated you.         Why don´t you show how mighty you are!” he smirked. His eyes suddenly turned pitch black. “If you are brave enough.” The little ghoulette puffs and turns around “Fuck off! I don´t need to proof anything myself to you!” She opens the door to leave before Sodo smirked and said. “So, are ya leaving?” in a mocking tone. “Seems like someone couldn´t handle a little teasing”. Then he burst out laughing. The little ghoulette ignores him and Sodo watched her leave. “Oh, and just so you know” he said calling her but with a soft voice “Papa Copia and the others won´t be so nice as I was”.
Sodo chuckled “Hehe~..” He puts his legs on the table and taking his book again to continue, “This one´s a crybaby, I can see that... she won´t last long” he whispered to himself.
Meanwhile the little ghoulette stomping angryily to her room. Who does he think he is?! Asshole! I am NOT weak! she thought. She opens the door and closes it, she walks to her mirror and looked at herself. Well I really look weak... but with some training I can do this! She smiles. 
// Time Skip 1 Month later //
The little ghoulette got more stronger and can play a guitar, also can hold a weapon. This whole month she didn´t stopped with her training to show this mean asshole ghoul that she can do something and maybe, maybe that she can beat him in a fight..
The little ghoulette and Sodo met in a hallway and he smirked looked at her up and down. “Seems like you have already became much stronger.” The little ghoul stands looks proud of herself and smiles. “Congratulations, BUT you have so much still to learn” He put on his usual smirk “And I will show you it” He chuckled. “Follow me” The little ghoulettes smiles fell and sighed Ughh.. she started to follow him. 
The both went outside in a garden with much place to practice and fight. “So!” Sodo exclaimed, “You know how to hold a weapon, but do ya know how to use it properly?” he raised an eyebrow. The little ghoulette looks at him bored and raised also an eyebrow to mock him. She shows him how she holds a wooden sword and swings it perfectly. Sodo looks impressed and nods “Not bad” he said trying not to sound impressed “Alright, you have basic knowledge now” ..
“But do you know how to defend yourself” Sodo continued, he raises his arms and moves his hands as a come one! “So, go on, show me something you can use to defend”
The little ghoulette raises an eyebrow and looks at him dumbfounded and sighs. she runs to him and tackles him, next second Sodo is on the ground and groanin. Sodo blinked. “Wow... good job! I didn´t see that coming huh..” he smirked and stands up, “You have talent, keep going” The little ghoulette smirks and proud of herself for winning against Sodo “Hmmhm! see I told you” She said proudly.
He chuckled. “Alright, you´re not as weak as i thought you are. But, believe me” he said with a serious face “this is still nothing”. Sodo took his dagger out, twirling it around a bit. “Do you know how to fight agains an enemy with a dagger in the hand?” he asked. 
The little ghoulette rolls her eyes he really tries to think that i am so weak that i can´t fight against someone. She runs to him and again Sodo is on the ground now the little Ghoul is holding his dagger and twirling it as he did and mocks him “This dagger... it looks beautiful i think i will keep it!” 
Sodo on the ground looks at his hands but there is no dagger anymore. “Hey!” He exclaimed “Give it back! That´s my personal dagger!” 
“You should never think about stealing something from another ghoul!” he said sternly. “I don´t think you want to start your first real fight like that...Do you?” The little Ghoulette looks down at him and smiles, “Maybe? I mean is this not like a fight already? I got your dagger! Your dagger was stolen from a weaak. little. ghoouull.” teases him and smirks and laughs.
Sodo chuckled, “So, you wanna play that way, eh?” He smirked “Bring it on then!” He reached for another dagger and holds it tightly in his hand. “Let´s see what you can do little ghoul” The little ghoulette looks angry at him and then they start to fight and keep going. Sodo manages to scratch her cheek with his dagger but the little ghoulette ignores the pain and keeps going. Sodo swings his dagger at her arm but she blocks it with her dagger and pushes Sodo away. 
After like ten minutes of fighting Sodo lays on the ground AGAIN. both are breathing heavily. The little ghoulette holds now his second dagger at her hand and smiles. Sodo lait there for a moment. “Wow, you´re impressive. I´ll admit it” he muttered. “Just don´t get overconfident!, there´s always someone better than you” He stood up, brushing dust of himself.. Sodo smirked. “You still have a long way to go to become skilled, though”.
The little ghoulette puffs and looks at him grinning at him “I am more skilled then you...” Sodo laughed. “Is that so? Then come again” He smirked. “I wonder how a rematch will end” The little ghoulette shakes her head, she can´t believe that he still wants to try again after he lost against her! “Again? You lost. and lost against me! don´t try again” she laughs “And I need some food anyway so I go.”
Sodo watched shocked at her and gets a little angry “You think I´m going to let you leave after insulting me like that?” He raised his eyebrows. The little ghoulette starts to walk away from Sodo ignoring him. “Get back here! I am not done with you yet!” Sodo grabbed her by her wrist. The little ghoulette takes his hand, pulls on his arm and throws him at the ground. “No touchi touchi again after I ate!” said the little ghoul moving her finger at him leaving. 
Sodo groaned, standing up and shaking the dust off. “Humph, she sure is cocky” He muttered. “I think she got potential. Perphaps, I should keep an eye on her” watched her body leaving. But just wait. The next time I´ll get my dagger back he smirked. 
If you´re confused why i didn´t put Y/N i just went with little ghoulette but its still you! :) i hope its not bad! ♥
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lovewriting-5 · 1 year
I was sitting next to Lauren McCauley on the plane that is heading to Springfield, Missouri to take Jimmy Keene there as a ‘prisoner who was arrested for arms dealing.’ She was going over the file of Larry Hall with me. Jimmy was dressed in street clothes and sitting at a table with the other agents and talking about who knows what. Every once in a while I see him glance over at me.
Lauren calls to him “Hey, Jim, I need you over here for a bit.” He tells her “Sure. Give me a minute.” She says, more sternly “No minute. Come on.” Jimmy comes over and sits down across from us. He looks me up and down and I feel my face get hot. Lauren begins “You wanna be out of prison yesterday, right?” Jimmy nods. She continues “And the feeling’s only gotten worse since we dangled this carrot, correct?” Jimmy nods. She tells him “Like a clock tick, tick, ticking away. Right? Don’t let the clock rule you.”
Lauren looks at me. Jimmy and I have met a couple times before when Lauren was meeting him at the Illinois prison and asking him what he read about the case. I tell him “Don’t approach Hall to early, or he’ll know we sent you for him.” He says “I hear you.” Lauren and I talked about a plan going forward. I launch into it, “Besides the warden and Dr. Zicherman, I’m your only other safety line. When I visit you treat me like your girlfriend. Slip me tongue, grab my ass, whatever.” Jimmy perks up. He asks with a nervous laugh, “Grab your ass?” Reiterating, I say “Yes. Cop a feel. Do what it takes.” He leans forward, looks me in the eyes and says seductively “Should we practice now?” I felt a little in a trance.
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Lauren breaks it by saying “If shit hits the fan, you get to Zicherman or Warden Price, and have them call us ASAP. And Jimmy do not get any time added to your sentence, understand? If you get time tacked to your sentence, it supersedes our deal. It will be beyond our control. You’ll be stuck doing Springfield time.” He asks “What if I have to defend myself?” She says “Don’t maim anyone. And don’t get caught.”
Jimmy stands up and goes back to join the guys. She turns to me and says “Don’t let any of the things he says, lets you forget why we’re doing this.” I ask her “What do you mean exactly?” She says “I saw the way you two were looking at each other. Remember he’s a womanizer and knows how to play women to get what he wants.” I look over at Jimmy and then back at Lauren. I tell her “It’s all an act.” I think. She tells me “It better be.”
Lauren stands up and walks to the back of the plane. I lean my head back against the head rest and look out the window. After 15 minutes, I stand up and go sit on one of the couches. The guys get comfortable in their chairs and Lauren gets comfortable in hers as they start drifting off to sleep. I have a hard time closing my eyes because what Lauren said keeps running through my mind. Distracted by the thoughts, I don’t hear Jimmy come over and take the seat next to me.
He quietly asks “Can we talk?” I look around and tell him “Follow me.” We head to the back part of the plane that is shielded from the others. I lean against the table and cross my arms while Jimmy stands across from me. He is leaning against the opposite table with his hands against the edge of it. I ask “What did you want to talk about?” He looks at the floor, says “The part about when you do visits.” I ask “Which part exactly?” He looks at me, says “The part that said ‘do whatever it takes.’” I ask to clarify, “What about that did you want to talk about?” He says as he takes a step closer, “If we’re going to make it look believable…we should probably make sure we know each other in that sense.” Please, say what I think you mean. I ask “How do you want to do that?” He asks the same question he asked earlier, “Should we practice?”
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I look in the direction of where everyone is. I bite the inside of my bottom lip. I say “I could get in trouble and Lauren is going to be pissed.” He steps closer to me, puts a hand on my left arm and says “She wants us to play the parts anyways. What is one little ‘practice’ going to hurt?”
My arms still crossed, I close the gap between us. I tilt my head up toward him as he tilts his down. My tongue at the back of my bottom teeth, I place my lips against his. He brushes his tongue against my lips and if as obeying…I let him in. I moved my arms to around his torso, up to his shoulder blades and pulled him closer. His arms moved to my lower back. I then move my arms to around the back of his neck and he wraps tighter around my waist. I then feel his arms loosen as his hands move to my butt and give a little squeeze. I smile against his lips. He then bends down a little, sliding his hands down to the back of my thighs, lifts and then I do a little hop and wrap my legs around his waist.
Jimmy steps to the table, leans forward and lowering me to the table. He starts kissing down my neck and chest and I run my fingers through his hair. Jimmy slides the hem of my shirt up and gives some attention to my stomach. I lay my left arm back against the table and my right hand continues running through his hair. Feeling his tongue on my skin makes my back arch a little.
After a little bit, he goes back to my lips. His left arm wraps around my lower back and places his right hand against the back of my left knee. Jimmy pulls closer to him and then stands back up without breaking the kiss. I am now sitting on the edge of the table, he pulls away. I tell him, breathlessly “Yeah…there is a…good chance we can make this believable.” He gives me smirk but with a hint of realization.
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We rearrange our clothes. I peek out the door and it looks like everyone is still asleep. We make our way back to our seats. I give him one last look and I feel my face get hot. A couple more hours pass when the plane eventually lands. Everyone steps on to the tarmac and Jimmy is handcuffed, immediately. We walk with him to the van. He climbs in, turns to me and gives a look of concern. I hope my eyes tell him, ‘When this is over…lets pick up where we left off.’ He then takes a seat. Lauren tells him “Remember what we said Jimmy.” I tell him “Be careful. We’ll be in touch.” Jimmy gives me a look as if questioning with a hint of fear. The van doors close. Lauren and I watch it drive off to the prison.
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theportuguesewolf · 9 months
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Umberto Eco once said (and I'm quoting from memory): North Americans are the only people who can worship Snow-White and Jaws with the same fervour. 
Yesterday, at the Moonspell Q&A, I got many questions about returning to the US and tour. Please take this with a pinch of salt, yet we have a private joke running in the band which is that all our North-American fans can fit in a plane and should come to Europe where they could see us properly, with a show based in more than mere energy of surviving through the night.
When we are at odds with life in America and read these "come to America" comments ,we, jokingly, add: Come to the US so we won't show up.
Last tour alongside Eleine and Oceans of Slumber wasn't fun for me. The venues were kinda empty, the streets were dirty and dangerous and the motivation simply wasn't there. Sure, we can still deliver the goods; naturally I can still have fun with the many things 'Merica has to offer from the amazing landscapes, to crazy Vegas, and libraries, bookshops, and street food and I will for sure miss it ( I already do) but I can't see at the moment taking another trip to the States and loosing money and time and being very depressed again, about it all.
Last night, I told you a little of my unfortunate encounter with a "gang" in NY in the hotel we're staying prior to our return trip to Portugal but the shortage of time made me default on some details and I'd like to share it more completely, if you don't mind:
I was minding my own business and ruminating about the past month on the road, while keeping an eye on our gear , when I was approached by a black young man who asked me, rather rudely, for my phone number which I promptly refused to give him.
Used, so it seems, to get his way around things and people, he immediately started to be aggravated, while I tried to explain to him, to no effect, what was I doing there and that I was okay in giving him the number of our bus driver as he "needed" to have all the phone numbers of the proprietors of the vehicles parked in the hotel lot.  Fair enough.
But, seeing the way this young man escalated things on his own, no more explanations could I offer and he just started to act out on the parking lot and shouting threats at me. I went to the reception to call security and indeed there was a "guard" there, who tried to approach this angry person nicely, but the die was cast. I went to him myself (again) and tried to reason with him and even offered an apology because we were, definitely, lost in translation, but he started to offend me, calling all the names in the book that I shan't repeat here.
He added: "You'll get what you deserve" and in 10 minutes time, a van parked near the hotel reception and a Gang of four black individuals came out of the car, while the previous guy was shouting at me, constantly, that he wanted to see what I was going to do now.
I am a father, a husband, a singer, a writer, an entrepreneur but , above all, I am a simple man. And it was a simple man that I went to the gang "leader" and explained him who I was, where I came from, what happened, what could happened if they attacked me (they did have masks on and their hands in their pockets meant guns) because I was a Portuguese citizen and while his little brother kept screaming threats and improperares and my band watched in panic, I could reach out to the gang leader which not only told off his brother but also shook my hand, telling me words I will never forget: "Have a blessed day, brother." And we both went to our homes.
I could now stop to observe a lot what's happening to one of the most beautiful and spectacular countries in the world: the 70.000 people who died of drug abuse; the tent cities all over the place; the misery and the chaos but I won't go any further. 
I just wish to extend an olive branch to the people who almost attacked me, and yes, we are brothers and maybe victims of a cruel, money-oriented world, a world without a shred of value to show for.
Also, I want to embrace all the Moonspell North-American and Canadian fans and ask them for their empathy and forgiveness, while I offer, hereby, my best explanation of why I dread the thought of another tour in the States.
I never went public with this but I felt it was the time, so we can keep watching for ourselves and respect one another as I respected that gang leader and he respected me back. 
Goth help America, happy holidays y'all, don't forget to follow my new blog for more of this and that.
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im-a-moldy-bread · 2 years
♡ angst ♡ not proof read ♡ slight gore for sensitive readers ( like a grain of sand ) ♡ not really accurate to lore ♡ ooc
Artist on twitter: Elico79068549
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"Scara, today is my birthday!"
"Ah you mean that day where humans celebrate their first day of worthless and mundane existence despite their creation being of no effort of their own?"
"Yes, but it's also to celebrate the fact that you're able to live to this age happy and healthy, for the people around you to be joyful about your presence in their life!"
"How utterly useless, as all humans traditions"
"Eh I guess I should just jump off a cliff right now then since you clearly aren't happy with my existence"
His eyes shot up, he didn't expect you to take it that badly. Panic start running in his veins.
"AHAHAHAHA I'm joking of course. Here, I saved a piece of the birthday cake for you! You're okay with vanilla flavour, right?"
"It doesn't matter to me what flavour it is."
Despite his hesitancy, he took the cake from your hand.
"It taste..decent enough."
"I know you would like it! Enjoy the cake! I'm going to go ham on the booze, cya!"
the door shut on your departure
" *sigh * I will take care of her later"
Scaramouche returned to his paperwork as the next day arrives. That was how you spend your first birthday with him.
You guys were taking a stroll down the street. Well, it's more like you pushed him out the office to accompany you to your whimps.
"Indeed, and one of them is seeing the streets with me. Hurry now, we're going to miss the fireworks!"
"What reasoning is that? Wha-"
You hold his hand and ran before letting him finishing his sentence (most likely another insult). Scaramouche give up on resisting. He doesn't know what get you so excited, but he is used to falling for your sudden nature by now. He stared at your back, at your hair that bounce up and down as you ran, at your jumpy happiness that he wants to keep all to himself, at you, all of you.
Suddenly you stopped in yout tracks.
"Scara look!!!!" You points upwards.
Fireworks of different colour set ablaze high up in the nightsky. Like a thousands different kind of fiery flowers.
The moonlight shine delicately on your face, as the reds, the blues, the greens pop up and went out.
He wanted to burn this sight into his memories, into his eternity.
You look back at him.
"Sorry, I wanted to spend my birthday with you this year but I could only force you out of your office. Otherwise you won't come at all!"
You pout, holding scaramouche hands more tightly than ever.
Maybe you're just as afraid of losing him as he is of you.
"Happy existence day, y/n."
He let out without a thought. His voice was soft. And you knew it was for your ears only.
"Its happy birthday stupid."
He deadpanned.
"Fine, I take it back."
"HEY NO BACKSIES! Plus I would pay you one million to say it again!"
"Then... I shall say it to you next year too."
"Ehh i cant wait that long! Ahh dear Barbatos please let time past faster."
"Pfttt impatient as always hahaha."
"I can't help it. NEXT YEAR, COME SOONER!!"
You shouted.
Your smile is brighter than the moon, he thought. Its funny how you get so excited about the simplest of things, he thought. I wish you stayed that way forever, he thought.
Scaramouche just return from his expedition.
He's holding a letter you wrote just yesterday, filled with honey laced words , bunch of I miss you, I love you and lastly a "I wanted to see you again ░▒▓██▓▒░". And at the end of the letter, your signature and the date.
Ah it's that day again. Perhaps that why you both were longing for each other so much eventhough you guys had only been three days apart.
He remembered humans have tradition of giving gifts on birthdays. He himself have readied your gift a few weeks ago. A of custom made pendant, made by the most renowned blacksmiths in teyvat, reminiscent of the fireworks and fake stars you both seen together last year.
He spare no time and hurried to your residence. With no second waste, he arrived at your door. He took a deep breath, mustered up every bit of emotion in his body and knock before opening the door.
However, his short lived excitement was responded with silence. Knowing y/n, they most likely is celebrating in their room with their friends. He didn't like the idea of not being the first to wish them on this special day, but he miss them too much to care. He expected your loud voice filled with joy, but as always, you surpass his expectations. Your corpse lay limp as you hang from the ceiling, skin white as the snezhnaya snow,
Scaramouche stood still, he froze in place as his eyes examine and take in every part of your corpse. Then, he hug you, hug you so tightly blood started oozing out of your cutted wounds and one might think your bone shattered.
He wanted to hold your hand one last time, but it was clenching something you refused to let go even after you died. A sticky note, messily written.
"I wanted to see you again before I go. Wish me happy birthday will ya?"
He hooked the pendant to your flesh.
"Happy existence day, y/n. May it corrodes with you."
He didn't cry. He didn't laugh. He was emotionless. This void appeared in his hollow husk once again.
Once more, I've been tainted by worldly filth
My 4th betrayal was a heart, a lover.
Surrounded by sorrow and grief, they seek to run away from the prison of their mind, robbing my torso central cog and leaving me behind to rot.
A fic to myself 30102022
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daredevil fam x teen!intern!reader [pt. 2]
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1.5k
request: yes / no
original request: DYING over your matt post– i'm a sucker for casual family hcs with teen readers, it's always the cutest !! could i request something similar like the whole team (nelson, murdock, & page) taking care of an intern? just a teen who usually takes care of filing ends up wandering into the whole found family dynamic they have set up? thanks !
dynamic: daredevil fam (nelson murdock & page) x teen!intern!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page
a/n: hiii tysm for this request!!! i love found family hc's too -- especially with daredevil bc i feel like i haven't seen many :( if y'all ever have more daredevil requests like this i would be more than happy to write them!!
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form if you'd like to be on my taglist!!)
in fact, you got up the next day actually excited to go
like yk in 500 days of summer when he’s like skipping around and like ppl are dancing and he’s smiling
you felt that level of happy
and then you got a text 
“hey y/n it’s foggy 🌫️🌫️lol (LAUGH OUT LOUD) get it? it’s fog!!🌫️🌫️🌫️🌫️ anyways, we (karen and matt and i ofc (OF COURSE) ) have to go out on a case today 🏛️🏛️it’s kind of interesting 🕵🕵 i’ll tell you about it l8r (LATER) ⌚⌚the door should be unlocked 🚪🚪 so you can still get in 👍👍 we shouldn’t be gone for long, have fun & be good 🥳🥳”
(i love writing foggy’s texts in case u can’t tell)
like “ggofy”
so that’s ur new contact name for him 
anyways so you got to the building
and the door was LOCKED
like totally locked
and you tried like five times
so you decided to call karen
but it went to voicemail obvi 
bc they were busy w a case
but u actually got a text back pretty quick
“you got locked out?? i KNEW we forgot something… how about you come down to the station? there’s plenty of places to sit.”
so you did!!
karen was waiting for you when you got there, and they even let you sit in on the conversation they were having
it was kinda intense but honestly rly cool to see what being a lawyer was actually like
so that took like an hour or two
but then they were finally done.
“you hungry y/n? we were going to go to lunch. there’s this place right down the street from the firm that’s really good.” matt said.
“sounds great!!” you replied, grateful that he had suggested it
and so that’s how you found yourself at josie’s in the middle of the day, laughing harder than you ever had before and having a chicken wing eating contest with foggy and some random regulars
josie was so nice too, like she seemed to love you from the moment you came in
and the wings she made smelled so good
so then one of the guys who was at the bar (kinda drunk lowkey but like fun drunk???)
he pointed at foggy and he was like 
“i bet i could eat more wings than you.”
and you were like “uhhh i kind of doubt that bc i saw him eat his lunch yesterday and he’s like an animal with that stuff”
which was a lie you actually had no idea if he could or not
and matt was literally about to spit out his coke he was laughing so hard
“oh yeah?” he asked
imagine that villan eyebrow raise
“well then. looks like we have ourselves a competition!!”
and so then you got to sit at the bar with foggy, the man (whose name was marv btw) and another guy named brian
and y’all ATE
figuratively AND literally
karen was so proud of you
she was cheering so loud
and again, matt’s coke was gonna go through his nose he was still laughing
long story short you won
and marv was so funny he was like “well done… you might not beat me next time.”
and josie was like “ok marv”
anyways you were grinning from ear to ear. 
you had never been happier
as you were walking back to the office, you decided to tell karen, matt, and foggy about how the people at school made fun of you when they found out where your placement was
and like how it had made u feel really bad at first but that you were so happy it turned out alright
BETTER than alright
“hey, kid. we DO have more fun!!” said foggy, clapping a hand on your shoulder.
“yeah. i know the type that would say stuff like that.” karen replied, making a twisted up face that made you laugh.
“you know you can come here anytime. even when you’re not technically scheduled!!” she said.
“it’s nice to have a fourth person around the office. someone with more sense than these two knuckleheads.” matt grinned. “who knows? maybe one day it’ll be y/l/n, nelson, murdock, and page!!”
“yeah, you can inherit it from us when we’re old!!” foggy said, enthusiastically nodding
“aw, you already are old!” you said, and karen laughed
and that’s when you knew you were right where you belonged :)
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Lost on Devildom streets
Summary: MC accidentally finds a certain demon's little brother being lost on a random street and makes it their mission to reunite the two brothers.
A/N: This is an implied gn!MC x Mephisto towards the end. I really wanted to write something about Mephisto's brother even tho we know nothing about him.
This fanfic also contains scenes from the devilgram 'Bragging Rights'
"The magic shop he sent me the location of should be around here.." Solomon has asked you to retrieve a package from a shop ran by a friend witch of him while he was doing some 'preparations' for a spell, as he liked to call it.
"I think that's the place, it matches both the location and the description." Saying that you went to open the door while trying to figure out what Solomon was up to.
"I really need to find out what sort of spell he wants to try, the look in his eyes when he talked about it gave me a bad feeling"
As you went looking for that witch you felt someone tug on your shirt. You were about to confront whoever tugged on your shirt, but when you looked around there was no one. "A little lower please".
When you looked down you saw a demon child. It looked a bit younger than Luke. There was something familiar about him, but couldn't figure out what exactly. "Hey there little guy, can I help you with anything?" You tried to seem as approachable as possible since the kid seemed more nervous than Levi when you hugged him yesterday.
"I am lost and I saw you talking with my brother a while ago and I can't find him and he always says to go seek help from people I know but you are the closest person I know here and I really need help in order to find him please help me!" The little guy was gasping for air by the time he finished his rant. He talked so fast that you nearly missed what he said.
"You said something about a brother right? Who might that be?" Hearing that question the kid got one of the biggest smiles on his face "My brother Mephi of course. He is the best! He always makes sure that I am safe, that I am having fun and he even bought me this outfit! Doesn't it look amazing?!" He said the last part nearly screaming while showing off his clothes.
"So your brother is Mephisto.." After looking at him once again you felt stupid for not recognizing the kid. Except for the haircut and eye color he looked just like his brother. "May I ask what is your name? I heard Mephisto talk about you, but he was so focused on telling people about what were you doing that he never mentioned your name" You think back to the time you went out to eat with Lucifer, Diavolo and Mephisto at Hell's Kitchen. Now that you stayed and think about it, Mephisto mentioned having bought an outfit for his little brother at some point while talking about him at the table, could the kid be wearing that by any chance?
"He talked about me?! Really?! My name is Apollyon but you can call me Apo!" He seemed to be in a good mood whenver you mentioned his brothers
"Yes he talked about you but more important, how did you end up here? By how he talked about you, I can't imagine Mephisto leaving you all alone here" With the way Mephisto treats children, it would be hard to believe that he would leave one alone. It's really sweet how much of a soft spot he has for them if you stay and think about it..
"Well you see.." Apo looked down, not wanting to meet your gaze "I was walking with him around the town when I saw some cookies in the shape of little horses and I just knew I had to get them for him! He always does so many nice things for me and I wanted to surprise him. I ran all the way to the shop only to realize that I got separated from him. I tried to search for him but I had no luck" The little demon looked like he was about to cry when he suddenly looked back at you
"No I won't cry! I am a big brave demon, that's what big brother always says!" Saying that he looked more determinate than before "Anyway, that's when I saw you entering this shop. I remembered that I saw you talking with Mephi at some point. And he sometimes talks about you too and that's why I decided to come after you for help. Please you have to help me find him."
With just one look at his cute face you decide you need to help him, besides, you were curious about what Mephisto was saying about you. "I will help you but first I need to take a package for a friend, then I can text your brother to tell him that I have found you and where to meet." Hearing that Apo jumped to hug you. You hugged him back and you swore you could feel him melting into your embrace. Despite the brave act he tried to put up, the little guy really needed a hug.
After getting Solomon's package you decided to text Mephistopheles:
MC: Mephisto I found something, or rather someone that wants to see you
Mephistopheles: Not the time for games human, I have some urgent matters than I need to solve
MC: You can't spare any time for your little Apo?
Mephistopheles: ...what-
Mephistopheles: Is he with you?! Is he safe? Where are you?
MC: Easy on the questions
Mc: He is with me and he is fine. What do you say we meet near Madam Devian' shop? It's not that far from where we are at the moment
Mephistopheles: Then we will meet there. Come as fast as you can and please
Mephistopheles: Keep my little brother safe
MC: Will make sure of it!
-chat ended-
Apo was looking up at you, waiting for an answear, he looked like a much cuter version of Mephisto. Is that how he also looked when he was younger?
"I have great news Apo, I talked with your brother. We arranged to meet in front of Madam Devian' sweet shop. I think that's also where we saw those horse cookies you wanted to buy for him. If we go there you can buy them for him too" The small demon's eyes begun to sparkle "Really!? You're the best!! No wonder Mephi said that you don't seem as bad as he thought!" Not as bad as he though- That bitch-
"On our way to the sweet shop, can you tell me more about what dear Mephi said about me?~" You tried to sound as sweet as you could. You would either find out that Mephisto talked shit about you or that he actually praised you. No matter the outcome, it was worth hearing what Apo had to say.
"Hmmm, well at first he didn't seem to like you. He was actually annoyed by your presence, which I don't think it's fair, I think you're awesome! You're helping me after all!" Apo smiled at you while saying the last part.
"He really said that about me?"
"Don't be sad! In the last two weeks he actually started to talk about you in a better light! He did look really happy when he was telling me about how you helped that exchange angel, I think his name was Luke? Anyway, he had this soft expression on his face that I don't really get to see." After he said the last part you could feel your face heat up a bit. Talking about you with a soft expression on his face? You never thought you would hear that.
"Anyway you guys should hang out more. Maybe you could come over at our house. I want to see him smile like that again and I really like your company too."
You were about to ask him more about Mephisto when you realized you arrived at the shop. Mephistopheles was not there yet "Where is he? You said he would be here!" Apo started to look around for him
"He is on his way, but look on the bright side! You can buy those cookies for him before he comes and surprise him with them!"
Hearing that Apo ran into the shop. "Here they are! They look even more delicious up close, I am so sure he will like them." He looked like he was about to jump all over the place from exciment. Just as he bought them the door burst open
"Apollyon there you are! Do you know how much you've worried me? I thought something bad might have happened to you" Mephisto tried to look mad at him but he couldn't, so he decided to just hug him and hide face in his hair.
"Don't ever do that again! Why did you even run away in the first place?!"
Apo took some steps back and showed Mephisto the bag with cookies "I saw these and I got so excited to buy them for you that I ran away without realizing. You always look out for me and I wanted to buy you these as a thank you"
Mephisto took the bag with cookies and looked at them. "Horse shaped cookies? I am sure I will enjoy them, thank you Apo, you really are the greatest little brother I could have" The older demon starting to pet his brother's head, then he looked at you
"I guess I also have to thank you, for not only looking after my brother but also for bringing him back to me" You swore that was the most genuine smile you have seen on Mephisto's face up until that moment.
"No problem, it's not like I could just leave a kid that needs help alone." You and Mephisto just looked at one another for a bit, a feeling all warm and soft on the inside. Was it from the witnessing the reunion between the brothers or was it from the way Mephisto looked at you.
You didn't have time to think about it too much before a child's voice interupted you both "I have a great idea! Let's take MC out for lunch with us as a thank you. They helped me a lot today. Please Mephi?? Please big brother?!" Apo threw his best puppy eyes in his brother's direction, and in a second you could see him give in
"As along as MC wants, I guess they are welcomed to come with us. It will be my treat, after all I have to thank you in some way" He said the last part as he looked away.
"Really? Thank you so much Mephi~" The demon looked at you like you just hit him with a bat out of nowhere.
"Don't call me that." He tried to seem intimidating, but with Apo clinging onto him, it didn't work out too well.
"But whyy?! That's how I call you and I think it's a cool nickname. They should be able to call you that too." The little kid tried to seem angry but he looked even more cute in trying to do so, in that aspect he reminded you of Luke.
"Wait no, don't look at me like that...fine I guess I will live" He turned towards you, as a way to avoid his little brother's 'mad' face "I guess you can call me that, but only for today! Now let's go, we're gonna have lunch at Le Pluvieur"
And with that he exited the sweet shop with Apollyon following him up close, in order not to lose him again.
"I'm coming right now Mephi~" The demon tried to shoot you a dirty look, but he seemed embarrassed more than anything. You gues you'll just have to find out more about him during this lunch.
A/N: I have decided to make Apo in pic crew too
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