#i should buy whitney houston vinyl
srdcovka · 9 months
pixels in my computer we are partying tonight
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loki-in-hogwarts · 6 years
More than words... Music.
Tom Holland x reader Warnings : Just swearing, as always. Oh also mention of making out. Words : 3.3K A/N : This is a little something that I thought about and I’m not that proud about. Maybe will do a part 2 ? Not sure though... As always too thanks to @double-leo for helping me finding the musics and so many suggestions huuugh thaaaanks 
You had just finished school a week ago and you were already looking for a job. You wanted something not too boring and with a scheadule that would allow you to relax. When your friend Mary told you about a music store in center New York that was looking for help you jumped on the occasion. The day after you immediately went to the store. It was very old-fashioned and you adored that. There were CD's everywhere and some very old music instruments. You fell in love with the place. "Can I help you ?", a sarcastic voice coming from behind you asked. You turned and faced one of the most gorgeous girl you've ever met. She had long red hair that she kept into a braid, hazel eyes that shined like a diamond and a devastating smile. "Yes, actually ! Who is the owner of this shop ?", you replied with a smile. "Oh ! Harry isn't here for now. Let me guess, you heard that we needed help ?" "Yes, a friend of mine told me. Do you still need me ?" "Hell yes ! If had known a cute girl was going to run into me I would have dressed up better !" She winked. "Anyway, compile this and consider yourself an employee !" "That's amazing ! I love this place." "Here is your schedule and if I read well...", she said, a finger going through your time table, "see you tomorrow at nine !" "Have a nice day !", you answered, excited to start.
The next day, you were up early and decided to wear your vintage clothes. You took a mom Jean with a cropped T-shirt, curled your hair and weared a bandana, all this accompanied of your grey Doctor Martens. You arrived at the store and the ginger girl welcomed you with a smile. "Hey y/n ! I remembered that I didn't tell you my name. I'm Reyla, but you can call me Rey." You spoke for a little while, Reyla casually flirting with you and laughing at her jokes. But deep down you knew that there wasn't anything serious and it was just two girls having fun. Suddenly, you asked : "Is there some sort of gramophone around here ?" "Yes, very is. Just...here !" She took out the engine and you wanted to cry. "Oh my god, this is awesome !" You rushed in the store to find a vinyl. You found Sexy back from Justin Timberlake and put the disk on the device. The music started and you began to dance, Reyla filming you and laughing. The door opened but you were too absorbed by the dance to notice it. You stumbled on the carpet and fell on someone. "And cut !", Rey yelled, laughing. You faced the young guys that was holding you. He had brown curls and hazel doe eyes. "S-sorry", you stuttered at the same time. You giggled. "I just got carried away, haha !" He passed his hand in his hair and displayed the cutest smile. "Can I...help you ?" "Hey Pete, what are you looking for ?", Reyla asked with a smile. "I just wanted to see what you had new." "Not much, it's all here.", she indicated. The so-called Peter went away and Reyla elbowed you. "I knew you would like him ?" "Who is he ?", you asked, ignoring her mocking smile. "I don't know much, you should talk to him." "No thanks ! He probably thinks I'm a weirdo." But she wasn't receiving the bullshit "Hey Pete, wouldn't you like some advise ?", she yelled. "I would actually need some, you always have the best tastes !", he answered with a smile that made you shiver. "Great, my friend here y/n can give you some, I unfortunately have some things to do...", she said, leaving behind the cash. You both blushed. "So...you like 90's rock music ?", you noticed as he was going through that part of the store. You came close to him. "All 90's music actually, big fan !" "Me too !", you giggled. "I suppose you already have all the Ramones CD's ?" "Of course !", he laughed. "Then do you have all the Blink-182 ?" "I must admit I haven't." "Well, this one is all their best track and it's amazing." Peter accepted the CD. Suddenly, a music from the gramophone sounded. It was More than Words, from Extreme. You turned to see that Reyla was standing there, leaning on the cash, staring at both of you with loving eyes. You turned back to Peter, that was now blushing. "Or you could buy this single vinyl. There is only More Than Words on this one. Do you have a gramophone ?" "Yes, my aunt May has all this massive collection of vinyls." You talked, discovering each other, the time of this song, and of I Miss You from Blink-182, and of Iris of the Goo Goo Dolls, and of Friday, I'm in Love of The Cure. All of a sudden, Peter looked at his watch and flinched. "Oh dear god, Aunt May is waiting for me, I forgot ! Sorry, I have to go, she will be furious ! Thanks for everything." And without another word he ran away. "Go on Cinderella, you're gonna turn into a pumpkin.", you giggled and saw him leave. As you walked to the cash, you noticed Reyla's knowing smile and exclaimed : "Oh shush, would you ?" And you both laughed.
The days were going by, and Peter was always passing by the shop to greet you quickly, even though he didn't stay much. You managed to discover that he was in your high school. That wasn't surprising at all, since it was one of the biggest, it was normal that you had never met.
It was Friday, and you were in love. The boy had something so pure, that it was impossible not liking him. Much to your dismay, Reyla kept putting love songs from 90's every time Peter crossed the door. And today wasn't an exception. Since it was Friday, Reyla put the Cure vinyl on. But Peter seemed all anxious when he came in this day. "Hi Peter, how are you ?", you asked with a radiant smile. The curly boy stared at you and melted. How could you be so precious and beautiful ? "I am fine, thanks. What about you ?", he questioned even if you clearly saw that he wanted to speak about something. "Come on tell me what's going on. You clearly want to talk about a thing.", you specified as he looked puzzled. "I-I was asking myself if you would maybe want -and if not, that's okay, don't worry I totally get it- if you would appreciate, perhaps...to..." "To what, Peter ?" "To go on a date with me ?", he said more as a question than as an affirmation. "I never thought you would do it ! Bold move !", Reyla's voice came from behind the store. You rolled your eyes. Then focused back on Peter. "I would not only appreciate that, but totally love it !", you answered, giggling. "R-right, great, awesome. Oh my god, did you just say yes ? I'm a dumbass sorry.", he stutteterd. You giggled again. It was stronger than you, you couldn't help but giggles at everything he said, he was so cute and pure. "Come pick me up tomorrow at 6pm after my job ?", you asked. "I will !", he exclaimed. You kissed his cheek and as Friday, I'm in Love sounded, you sang : "It's Friday, I'm in love." He blushed and started to walk away, incapable of look away from you. "See you tomorrow then !", he greeted you and you waved.
The next day, you weared your most 90's clothes : a regular mini skirt with tights and your Doctor Martens, a molding T-shirt with a jacket that you weared with an arm half out. When Peter arrived, you rushed to him and hugged him. "I'm so excited !", you confessed. He smiled and and replied : "Me too, you can't imagine !" You left the store as Reyla was putting on First Date from The Cure. As you were outside, he took out his phone and gave you one earphone. You accepted it and as you put it in your ear, you heard he was listening to First Date. You giggled. "Oh I'm sorry, that's lame !", he exclaimed as he was looking for a different song to listen to. "No, no, no, leave it, I kinda like it !" You listened to 90's music all along the evening. When you were eating the hot dog in Central Park, there was a playlist of the Backstreet Boys and you danced on I Want It That Way. When you were walking in the streets, there was a Whitney Houston playlist, and you danced with Peter on I Wanna Dance With Somebody. The air was cool, and you were having so much fun. When time came to go home, Peter walked you to your house. You gave him a peck on the cheek and whispered in his ear : "One thing at a time Peter Parker, with have all the time in the world.", and you walked away. But he took your wrist and made you turn around. He kissed your forehead and murmured : "Much better." You flushed and entered your house. He sighed of happiness and began to dance in your quiet neighborhood, thinking no one would see him, but you were staring at him through the window, and giggled.
You texted a lot, and saw each other when you could. He had found a job in a bar and your schedules made it hard for you to meet. A week went by without seeing each other, except once when he came to quickly greet you. You were enchanted to see him, and likewise. When he offered you a walkman he had found in a flea market, you jumped in his arms and hugged him hard. "You're the best !" He blushed. "That's nothing, really. I don't even think it works..." You nodded no with your head as frowned your eyebrows, annoyed that he would always tear himself down. "Would you like to go out this weekend ? Tell me you don't have anything planned !", you asked hopeful. "Well... I'm not sure I can find a time for you...I'm so overbooked...", he said, fakely thinking about his free time. You slapped the back of his head. "Yes, I think I'm available tomorrow at 6.30 pm." "You've got a deal, Mr President.", you answered sarcastically. He laughed and told you to take a swim suit for tomorrow.
At 6.30 pm, he was waiting for you outside of the store. "Hey handsome !", you smiled. "Are you ready to go ?", he asked, taking off his sunglasses in the most sexy way. "You bet I am !", you exclaimed, pinching your lips. He took your hand and carried you to the bus station. You talked about your day and how the week was going. In the bus, you were constantly asking him where he was bringing you and he always answered that it was a surprise. When the bus finally stopped, you went out and discovered an amazing beach. It wasn't that much crowded for a month of July. "Yes ! It's since June that I wanted to have a bath and I never had the time.", you exclaimed. You took out your clothes and ran to the sand. Peter stood there, stunned by how beautiful you were. "Peter ?" you turned to ask. "W-when did you change into your swim suit ?" "Before leaving work. Are you coming or what ?" He followed you in the sand, while you were throwing some on him. "Hey ! My clothes are gonna be filled with it !" You laughed and ran away. "Come back here, I have to show you something !", he exclaimed, as you were starring to enter in the water and he was watching you from the shore. "I don't trust you...", you mumbled but still walked to him. "The water's colder then what I was expecting !" He took your hand and said : "Come with me, there are people waiting for us." "Really ?", you declared, happily surprised. He took out his phone and called someone. "Where are you, guys ?" He got an answer and hang up. "Who are they ?" "You'll see.", he stated before taking your waist to keep you closer. You were starring into his big brown eyes, lost into them, when he drew back and threw a massive amount of water on you. "Never trust me !", he laughed with a mischievous smile. "Son of..." He was already running, carrying both of your bags, but damn was he fast. "Come here !", you screamed. He suddenly stopped and you hugged him to get him wet the most. "Hey guys !", a familiar voice greeted. "What...?" There were five people around what seemed to be the preparation of a fire : Reyla, your friends Mary and Charlie, and two other people you didn't know but guessed were Needed and MJ. You looked at Peter, who was displaying a big smile. "This is so cool !", you uttered excited. You ran to Charlie, your long time best friend. "It's nearly a month we haven't seen each other ! How are you bro ?" "Very fine and happy to see you and meet the famous Peter !" You blushed and turned to Peter, you then greeted everyone and introduced yourself to MJ and Ned. MJ was a bit closed but seemed cool nevertheless and Ned was doing silly jokes and was very sweet. You smiled at Peter, happy of the surprise. "Thanks.", you whispered to his ear during the evening. You all went to swim a bit or casually lay on the sand. You discovered that Rey had a little apartment just near the beach and you were all invited to spend the night there. At some point, after having a barbecue and an ice cream, they all decided to go home, leaving you and Peter alone. You sat close to him and you curled up in his arms. You put More Than Words and grinned. "Thanks for tonight, it was so good to see all my friends again and meeting yours. Charlie told me that you organized everything..." "That was nothing, really, my pleasure." You smiled but a little bit sad. "What is it ?", he asked, noticing. "Why do you always depriciate yourself ? Fuck Peter, you're the best person I've ever met, I couldn't find a single flaw about you, and even if you are not perfect, your imperfections become perfect. You are so sweet, and caring, and just awesome. I wish you could see you the way I see you." Peter was stunned, staring at you, the mouth half-opened. He wanted to kiss you so badly. "I love you y/n.", he simply said. And crushed his lips on yours. First you were kissing so hard that you couldn't breath, then it calmed down, pressing little pecks on his mouth. He kissed your neck, your shoulder. You sat on his lap, facing him, your bodies melting. He looked in your eyes and kissed your nose. "I love you too, Peter, so fucking much." As he was starting to kiss you again, you backspaced and declared : "You never paid for what you did earlier..." He rolled his eyes. "Really y/n ? Right in this damn moment ?" "Hum hum", you nodded, giggling. He got up to take your wrist but you backed again. You ran to the water and laughed. "Come and get me, coward !" He plunged full of grace and catched you, tickling you. You were screaming to let you go but he locked you in his arms, holding you by the waist. "Now kiss me.", he laughed. You nodded no. He started to caress your skin, your arms, your hair. "And now ?", he asked again. "Much better.", you chuckled kissing him.
Summer went by and you tried to see each other as soon as you could, but with your different time schedule, it wasn't easy. You both stopped your jobs a week before starting school. You decided to spend the most of time together. The last week before school was always a hard time for you. You hated Autumn because you associated it with school. The start of a new year of hard work and medium results. Already being a melancholic person, these kind of situation -the end of something beautiful- were the worst for you. You could stay days in a semi-depression state, laying on your bed, without doing nothing. On Monday, Peter showed up in front of your door. When he saw you were still wearing your pajamas at 2 pm, he looked concerned. You explained to him your lastdaysofSummerphobia and he started to prepare some clothes and things you would need to leave. "What are you doing ?", you asked, puzzled as you collapsed on your bed. "You clearly need to come out of your room. I'm taking my girl somewhere and then you'll sleep at mine since Aunt May is staying away for the night." You smiled. He was staring as if you were the most precious thing on earth, his eyes shinning as he smiled. As you were looking at him for too long he asked : "What-what is it ?", a light flush on his cheeks. "I just-", you paused, overwhelmed by your emotions. You started again :"I'm so lucky to have you." He blushed even more but didn't took his sight away from you. You giggled and pulled his arm for him to join you on the bed. You curled in his arms as he protested : "y/n ! We are supposed to leave and go for a walk ! Get up and get dressed, you're leaving this room." "Says who ?", you asked, teasing him. He sighed. "Oh come on, Pete, can't we just cuddle in bed for today ? I promised we'll walk 500 miles tomorrow  but for now...stay with me." You stared at him with a profound look. He was stunned at how beautiful you were, even wearing a pajamas at 2 of the afternoon. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, tightening his grap. "I can't resist you...", he mumbled, his mouth buried in your neck. You chuckled. Your music was still on and More than Words was playing.
That night, you knew it was the night. You were all alone in Peter apartment and...you wanted it to be. When you left your house for Peter's, you clearly just exchanged a bed for a bed. You had been chilling in your bedroom all day long, and you did the same once at Peter's. He ordered some Thai food and when the delivery arrived, you sat on the couch to eat it, while watching a movie. "We should be watching Star Wars III", you said. "What ? No, y/n ! Don't tell me you prefer the prequel !" "Of course I prefer the prequel ! My favorite characters are Anakin and Padme so..." "Are you kidding me ? What about Han Solo and Leia ? They were the real power couple !" "Whatever Pete, you don't get a damn about Star Wars...", you grinned, knowing the impact of that phrase. "Excuse you ?!" You laughed at his reaction, shushing him with a gesture to focus on the movie while he was muttering something. After the movie was done, you cleaned everything and went in Peter's bedroom. As soon as you were in, you started to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, understanding where this was leading. He broke the kiss and asked with the cutest, most concerned voice : "Are you sure...you want it ?" You nodded, and kissed him again. He was starting to undress himself, taking off his T-shirt, revealing his abs. You pinched your lips. You took off your shirt too, only stopping to kiss him for a second. He stared at you, amazed. He took out his phone to put some music and at the sound of the song playing, you chuckled. When two become one, from the Spice Girls. Could it be more kitch ? Peter flushed. "Sorry, I just put my 90's playlist and...let me just...", he said in a hurry as you heard the song swap, replaced by a familiar one.
All you have to do Is close your eyes And just reach out your hands
Your song was playing in the background while you were filling each other with love, kissing him everywhere.
And touch me Hold me close Don't ever let me go
His hands were caressing your skin and you let out a pleased sigh.
More than words Is all I ever Needed you to show Then you wouldn't Have to say That you love me Cause I'd already know
And the rest, as they say, was history.
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cecilspeaks · 7 years
Episode 119 - eGemony, Part 3: "Love, Among Other Things, Is All You Need"
The captain has turned off the seatbelt signs, and –has- turned on the ceaseless anxiety signs. Feel free to brood about the cabin.
Welcome to Night Vale.
Welcome, listeners. We have a new sponsor. Our show is now sponsored by – love. Uh definitely consider love when wanting to buy things, because… love conquers all, makes the world go round, and is all you need. This has been a message from love, conqueror of our former sponsor, money. It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru. [awkward chuckle]
OK, I have returned from the distant cavelands of the Baristas, an arduous journey made easier by it being pretty much downhill for the whole mile and a half. While I was there, I learned that the dreaded eGemony corporate prize contest and sweepstakes buzz marketing street team long ago became baristas. Distributing Night Vale’s case of Canadian Club to the citizens of Night Vale itself, meaning that Night Vale has been consuming its own soul, thus making us an ouroboros of our own selves. I returned because I knew that the best way to fight against eGemony’s attempts to drink Night Vale’s soul – was science. And I’m very into science. Or at least I’m very into someone who is very into science.
Once a year, all the scientists in the world gather in Luzerne, Switzerland, to calibrate their instruments to the length of Carlos’ hair. That appraisal is occurring right now, so of course, Carlos isn’t in town. Um, I’m on my own. Because the cause of science is important, but so is defending Night Vale, and one of the best parts about being in a couple is that when each of you is good at one thing, it’s like the couple is good at two things. This message was brought to you by – love. It turns out. Huh.
More of my plans to defeat eGemony as I desperately figure out what they are. But first, some local news.
Night Vale Community College announced its new slate of winter semester continuing education course. Introduction to Gibbering, Conversational Gibbering, Intermediate Gibbering, Advanced Gibbering, and Ikebana – the Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement.
Community college professor Adriano Copiello, who teaches French Gibbering said, "Ouvrez vos livres à page 3 et criez avant de vous faire bouffer" (Open your books to page 3 and scream before getting devoured)*. Professor Copiello, once considered a failure in his field, has developed what he calls a “charisma ray”, and now everyone thinks he’s A-OK, an exciting thinker and excellent dancer, and an entirely inadequate human being. When asked for comment, Professor Copiello responded by listing everything he could think of that was not a type of gum. By the time he finished, his charisma ray had worn off, and everyone realized Professor Copiello is in fact a terrible person, who attemps to court the friendship of students whose attractive naïveté is subverted, ironically, by how they gradually accumulate the tools of critical analysis in his classes. Meaning they apply what he himself taught them to judge him harshly, ultimately growing to resent his falseness, thus leaving his charisma ray utterly useless in the face of a culturally awakened classroom. Professor Copiello denied this by stringing together a bunch of French verbs related to the behaviors of aquatic animals. Those interested in continuing education should read a book for once.
OK, so earlier this morning, I walked across the street to get a two-pound bag of kiwis at Ralph’s, and had the most remarkable experience. Well, first I passed the same barista I always pass along the way, the one at the abattoire. But this time she gave me a friendly wink of recognition. And then another barista, the one in the produce aisle, he scalded my face with steam and said my mother was soo pungent, people thought she was an unroasted Sumerian bean, and I have never felt so welcome.
But the amazing thing was when I tried to pay for my fruit, the cashier said: “Don’t you love kiwis?” And I said I did and he said: “I love them too, and I love working here. So take the kiwis! Your love is your payment.” So I took the kiwis and later shared them with my brother-in-law, Steve Carlsberg, who said: “I love these!” Then he added: “I love you, brother!” and I nodded.
It seems that Night Vale is now a love-based economy. Oh, wait. This just in. Ralph’s would like to explain that the cashier made a mistake. It’s perfectly fine that he loves working there, and that I love the kiwis, but I do still have to pay for them. That makes more sense. But I’m a little disappointed. Still, because of the incredibly effective new sponsorship of our program, love is definitely in the air in Night Vale.
At Dark Owl Records, there is now a loudspeaker outside and store owner Michelle Nguyen is publicly playing the records she loves the most. Something she has never done. These albums aren’t vinyl but discs made of chalkboard slate, being spun underneath a needle and amplified through an outdoor speaker system. People who were strangers only moments ago are gazing into each other’s eyes with looks of admiration and hunger. That made it awkward to spy on them. Not impossible, of course, just awkward. Which has caused several members of the Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency, who sit outside our homes in dark sedans, to step out of their cars and offer hugs to anyone who would like to have a hug placed on their permanent record.
There are reports of unidentified citizens running by fountains, waving flowers and balloons and handing out otters. The Sheriff’s Secret Police have replaced their patrol car sirens with Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You”. The hooded figures who stand in and around the forbidden Dog Park are still terrifying to look at, or even think about. But one of them is waving. That’s probably the most expressive form of love that they have.
Love is everywhere. But also there has been a subtle shift. As love has become more prevalent, its value has decreased significantly. The angel who is definitely former billionaire Marcus Vanston, who is now named Erika, said that they have drawn on a cocktail napkin an economic model for supplizied feelings, where those with the most feelings will them trickle down the love to those with the least.
Even here in our radio studio, I am feeling such love for you, right now. Listener, I love – this microphone. Aand this cable. And the mixing board! I love these blinking phone lines, oh! You know, maybe we should take some calls. Um hi, this is Cecil, you’re on the air.
Anonymous caller: I love you.
Cecil: Awww, I love you too! Next caller, you’re on the air with Cecil Palmer.
Same anon caller: I love you.
Cecil: Did you just call from the other line?
Anon caller: Oh uh, no. [lowers voice] I hmm, I love you.
Cecil: Ah, my mistake. You know, I love our community. Our Mayor, our angels, and even – our weather.
Anon caller: [whispers] I love you!
["Turn Into It" by Jamey Browning]
Listeners, I would like to thank our newest sponsors, love, for bringing us today’s show. But in all of my loving clamor, I lost sight of what was truly at stake. Our newest intern, Blake, brought back a familiar guest into our studio, thus reminding me of it. Blake then tried to use the three-hole punch without reading the safety manual first. Oh, quick aside: to the family of intern Blake, he was a reckless intern, and he will be missed.
But now, we welcome back to the radio station, Hugh Jackman of eGemony. Hugh, I’ve done some investigative journalism, and I’m going to have to ask you the tough questions. First, I know that you’re here to claim the case of Canadian Club, right?
Hugh Jackman: Oh no, don’t worry about that.
Cecil: Well I am worried about that, among the many different things I worry about. You were coming back to get the case, you wanted me to look under my desk and…
Hugh: Not anymore, that’s OK.
Cecil: But the Barista King said...
Hugh: Cecil, I know about the baristas. I know about how Night Vale drank its own soul.
Cecil: Oh. So does that mean that eGenomy is going to, I dunno, just leave us alone then?
Hugh: Funny you should say that. When I followed you to the baristas…
Cecil: You followed me?
Hugh: Sure. [chuckles] I was the one with the Admiral Tippet sideburns!
Cecil: Oh my god that was you? Those were so good!
Hugh: [laughs] Thank you, that took me hours to grow them. Anyway, after all that I was planning on telling my team leaders at eGemony we were too late and to abandon our plans.
Cecil: Whew! Well that’s good.
Hugh: And to buy all of Night Vale to help with eGemony’s debt acquisition.
Cecil: Oh, well that’s bad.
Hugh: There’s a glitch. I’ve fallen in love.
Cecil: Pardon?
Hugh: eGemony has highly secure communications, corporate demands that we only send messages on postcards from lakeside resorts…Oh, I shouldn’t have said that out loud. Siri, remind me to prostrate myself before HR at 4 PM today. [Siri sound] Anyway, I was at the post office standing in line behind – well, it was the strangest thing, you’ll never guess, I was standing in line behind…
Cecil: A dog with a man’s head, yeah, that guy’s always there.
Hugh: Um, spoiler! We don’t have quite so many folks like that back at the office, and it made me pay closer attention to – everything around me. The first thing I noticed was this particular post office was selling stamps. Then I noticed the stamps had no denomination on them, just the word “FOREVER”. I’ve worked in retail before, put myself through high school operating (--) [0:15:34] that sold decorative soaps and customers there, as you might well guess, can be mean or even cruel, saying things like, “Do you have anything vanilla-scented” or um, they’d also say things like, “I’d like to buy some soap.” It was awful! So I am always extraordinarily polite to clerks, sometimes even flirtatious. And when I got to the head of the line at the post office, I winked at the clerk, and seven of her eight eyes winked back, and then I said: “Forever stamps? That’s quite a promise.” And you know what she said?
Cecil: No.
Hugh: Nothing. It turns out she was a spider and didn’t care what I thought, but Cecil, it was the way she didn’t care! I had a (Mackinac) Island postcard to mail, and it was important because it’s my report back about how we’re going subsume Night Vale.
Cecil: OK, see this is what I was getting at.
Hugh: And I realized that she probably sent a dozen (Mackinac) Island postcards that day and mine was no different. She asked me if anything in my envelope was liquid, hazardous, insidious, shameful, or emotionally fragile and I said: “No more so than my heart.” And then a mosquito hawk got caught in her web and she raced over to wrap it into webbing and then dissolved its body with her venom so she could later drink its liquid corpse like a child with a juice box.
Cecil: Awwwwww!
Hugh: I know, it was so sweet! Now, I am not a poetic man, Cecil, but I was inspired. Have you noticed that love seems to be in the air right now? Like that Mariah Carey song: “I had a vision of love and it was this crazy dream where I was in a park, and trees were made entirely out of recycled aluminum cans, and you were there but you looked just like me, only with a nose bleed.”
Cecil: Oh, I love that song! My husband and I danced to that at our wedding!
Hugh: Anyway, I was close enough to smell her perfume and, well, I asked if I could have a book of the “Forever” stamps, and she asked which kind. And I said: [flirtily] “The Wonder Woman stamps”, and she said that they were out of them, so I said because I’ve worked in retail before, and I try to feel like all of us are in this together, that I was feeling shortchanged by the whole “Forever” business then. And I said it with a frown on my lips, but a smile in my eyes. Like this? See?
Cecil: Uh yes, please stop.
Hugh: Cecil, she handed me back my change and said: “Next human entity in line.” And I [voice breaks] love her, I love Night Vale, so I’m staying here until she loves me too.
Cecil: Wait, what?!
Hugh: See, Night Vale is in my heart now, and it’s in eGemony’s heart. We want to pivet our company mission, see. We don’t want to drink Night Vale’s soul, we want to cross-pollenate our startup model with Night Vale’s greatest asset: love. We want to take all of this love, such [chuckling] great content by the way, and program it into an app that users can just access from anywhere. I can get our street teams on this right now, to inspire the dreamfluencers to talk about love, it’s your station’s new sponsor, right? So let’s (value add) social media platform to..
Cecil: Oh look, it’s right here! It was under my desk after all.
Hugh: Sorry what?
Cecil: The case of whiskey. Yup, here it is! Look at it.
Hugh: I don’t understand…
Cecil: Open it.
Hugh: It’s a cardboard box with the Canadian Club logo on the side. There’s bottles of Canadian Club here, but I don’t get it, the town and the former street team drank this long ago. How was it under your desk?
Cecil: Um, have you ever heard of – science?
Hugh: I’ve watched a TED Talk, I know everything about science.
Cecil: Well there’s this thought experiment where a cat is in a box, but it’s unknown whether the cat is alive and peacefully sleeping, or in fact, alive and just clawing and vomiting on everything because, well, it’s a cat. Since both things could be true, both things are true.
Hugh: This isn’t sounding familiar.
Cecil: Well, your husband clearly isn’t a scientist.
Hugh: But how is it even possible?
Cecil: Hey, with love and science, anything is possible! Now go drink your whiskey.
Hugh: I… guess I completed my goals here then, and this fulfills my obligation to my lawyer, and I won’t be staying Night Vale to pursue my true love.
Cecil: Awwwwww. You need help carrying that to your car? Our newest intern, (Makani), can help you. Hey (Makani)!
Hugh: Is this for real? Wow! You’d think fulfilling a quest of 40 years like that would be an incredible feeling but – this is slightly disappointing.
Cecil: Mm. The realest thing is disappointment. Bye now!
OK, listeners. Mr Jackman is gone. So I can tell you how I managed this. I bought a new case of Canadian Club at the Ralph’s by using – money. [chuckles] Yeah, please welcome back a classic sponsor to the show – money. Money – it fixes all your problems. There are no drawbacks to acquiring it or using it to change the destiny of others. [very fast] Corruption, organized crime and economic inequality may occur. Ask your doctor if you can afford even a routine checkup.
So listeners, that’s all for our show tonight. Oh! I have just gotten a text from Lucerne and yes, all of the scientific instruments in the world are set properly. And all measuring will occur with precise – precision. Because of my husband, who is coming home. And he’s bringing fancy Swiss chocolate, the kind with a little flex of salmon skin? Awwwww! That’s so sweet!
OK, I know money is sponsoring this show, but just for a moment, I have to put a word in for love. Love – is pretty good! OK, done. Money – it momentarily defers desolation.
Stay tuned next for our exciting new game show, “What’s in the box? No, what’s in the f[bleep]ing box?”
And as always, Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: For softer bones and a tenuous smile, drink malk. Got malk? It’s here. Drink it. [sped up voice] Drink it! Drink this myilk, mm, maalmk. [sped up voice] Drink it!
* Thanks to everyone who helped me out. It seems like there might be (intentional?) mispronunciation of words, but the translation above makes the most sense. 
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nephewtext95-blog · 6 years
The Everygirl’s Weekend City Guide to Louisville, Kentucky
From touristy hot spots to local dives, Louisville offers something for everyone. Louisville’s southern hospitality is second to none — whether you’re walking down the street or stopping somewhere to grab a bite to eat, Louisvillians go out of their way to say hello, hold open a door, or just give you a simple smile. 
Louisville is unique because of its combination of contemporary and historical aspects. When you’re there, be sure to stop and take in all of the rich history the city has to offer (like the fleur de lis you’ll see sprinkled throughout the city, which signifies the city’s connection to the French).
Read below to find out more about great hotels, rich food, and excellent museums.
(P.S. The pronunciation of this great city may have thrown you for a loop for years, but I am here to change that. It’s pronounced Lou-a-vul, y’all).
21 C ($240-340)
If you are looking to stay in a hip boutique hotel, check out 21C. The rooms of this swanky hotel are delightfully designed with modern art alongside quirky furnishings. It also offers a world class contemporary art museum and some of the best fine dining you could experience. Even if you don’t stay the night, check out the latest artwork in the museum or grab a bite to eat at its restaurant, Proof.
The Seelbach ($190-225)
If you want to step back in time, enjoy a stay at the Seelbach Hotel. For all of you Great Gatsby fans, F. Scott Fitzgerald set the wedding scene of Tom and Daisy Buchanan here. This historic, French Renaissance designed hotel built in 1905 has hosted many U.S. Presidents including Franklin D. Roosevelt,  John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, as well as many celebrities, like The Rolling Stones and Whitney Houston. It’s also worth noting that The Seelbach was a favorite spot for gangster Al Capone when he traveled through Louisville. You can even ask for a tour of his room if it is not occupied by a guest (there’s even a trapdoor in the dining room built for his quick escape, if needed)!
The Brown ($160-350)
The famous Brown Hotel is best known for its 1926 creation of the Hot Brown, an open-faced turkey and bacon sandwich, smothered in Mornay sauce and baked or broiled until the bread is crisp and the sauce begins to brown. Built in 1923, The Brown hotel is full of elegance and history. High ceilings and beautifully designed ballrooms will leave you feeling as though you are living in the 1920s. Like the Seelbach, The Brown has also hosted dignitaries and celebrities including, Queen Marie of Romania, the Duke of Windsor, Harry Truman, Elizabeth Taylor, Muhammad Ali, Jimmy Carter, George H. Bush, and Barack Obama.
The Omni ($160-619)
The newly built Omni Hotel offers everything you could ever need in one place — from a high-end grocery store to a secluded speakeasy. A stay at the Omni will make you never want to leave its expansive corridors. The Omni also offers top-notch restaurants and relaxing spas.
Louisville loves shopping local. You can find great gifts and handmade items at Revelry and Scout located on Market Street and at Work the Metal in Butchertown. If you need to find a nice dress or something for going out, head over to Monkees or Peacock Boutique.
Vietnam Kitchen
Vietnam Kitchen is an award-winning Vietnamese restaurant. This hole-in-the wall restaurant is sandwiched between a dive bar and laundromat. While its exterior may not be the most appealing, its food is second to none. If you love avocados (which I’m sure you do), order an avocado shake for dessert.
Harvest is a farm-to-table restaurant with an ever-changing menu based on food that’s in season. Everything on the menu is fresh from local farms in nearby areas. The wait staff at Harvest is extremely knowledgeable about every item on the menu, as well as the many farms used to make the delightful creations.
Toast on Market
 Who doesn’t love fluffy pancakes and a mouth watering cheesy potato casserole? No one, right? Toast on Market offers the the best breakfast money can buy. There is usually a wait, but it’s worth it. Toast on Market will be sure to perk your taste buds up in the morning. When they ask if you would like fruit or cheesy potato casserole as your side, choose the casserole. Always choose the casserole.
If you’re looking for a relaxing, slow-paced, high-end dining experience, then make a dinner reservation at Decca. All of the delicious meals are made with locally farmed and small production ingredients. Decca creates an ambient atmosphere for customers — whether you’re enjoying a meal in the main dining room, out in the courtyard, or down in the limestone cellar listening to a live jazz band, you’re sure to have a magical experience.   
Garage Bar
This fun pizza joint is a great place to bring family and friends in the spring, summer and fall. Garage Bar was converted from an old car garage, hence the name for this unique pizza spot. There is a great outdoor seating area and you can play a few games of ping pong while you’re waiting for your table. The fun and playful atmosphere of Garage Bar makes for a perfect way to spend your Friday night.
Ramsi’s Cafe
A great spot for vegetarians, Ramsi’s Cafe offers a variety of food items inspired from places around the world. Ramsi’s is a local favorite and in a great location. Before stopping in, walk up and down the streets of Bardstown Road and check out the quirky local shops Louisville has to offer.
Homemade Ice cream and Pie Kitchen
Do you like homemade ice cream? Do you like homemade pie? Yes and yes! Perfect! Then you’re going to love Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen. Opened in 1982, this family-owned and operated shop bakes all of its pies from scratch and churns all of its ice cream daily. There are a few locations around town, but your best bet is to head to one in the Highlands neighborhood.
Heine Brothers’
 Owned by the local Henie Family, Heine Brothers’ is a Louisville coffee staple and offers a perfect substitute to the popular Starbucks Coffee chain. Heine Brothers’ can be found in a variety of places throughout the city. If you are in a hurry and want a great cup of coffee, check out Henie Brothers’ instead of hitting up the Starbucks drive thru. *Disclaimer, I love Starbucks, but I love shopping local even more.
Please and Thank You
Are you looking for excellent coffee and even better chocolate chip cookies? Then stop at Please and Thank You. The shop is always jamming out to classic vinyl records while brewing a peppy cup of joe. Located in the very trendy Nulu neighborhood, Please and Thank You offers the perfect pick-me-up during your mid-day shopping trip. While you’re there, purchase one of their famous Please and Thank You tee’s. You’re sure to get a lot of complements.
Highland Coffee
Highland Coffee is located in the hip Highlands neighborhood. Highland Coffee is an eccentric coffee shop that offers a variety of tasty vegan pastry options. They have wonderful veggie burritos that will keep you full all day long.
Bardstown Road
It may sound strange to say travel to Bardstown road and explore, but you should do just that. Find a place to park between Douglas Boulevard and Grinstead Drive, get out of your car, and walk around. There are tons of fun things to explore. From clothing boutiques, to tattoo parlors, to local fro-yo shops and hopping bars — there is something for everyone.
Old Louisville 
Make sure to take a drive around old Louisville. It’s one of the most beautiful neighborhoods you could ever set your eyes on. The old victorian homes are an architect lovers dream and the neighborhood has the largest collection of pedestrian-only streets, my favorite being Belgravia Court. If you’re there the first week of October, check out the St. James Art Show, where more than 700 artist around the United States present their artwork.
Louisville Parks
Who doesn’t love picnics in the park? Louisville offers a plethora of beautifully designed parks for your perfect picnic (Cherokee Park and Iroquois Park are some of my personal favorites). If you’re traveling through Louisville in the fall when the leaves are turning beautiful shades of oranges, reds, and yellows, take a drive down the winding roads of Iroquois Park. Fun fact: The “City of Parks” was created in 1890 by the famed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, the creator or New York City’s Central Park.
Speed Art Museum
Renovated two years ago, the Speed Art Museum has a diverse selection of artwork. From classic to modern pieces, the museum will get your creative juices flowing with inspiration.
Louisville Slugger Museum
Have you ever wondered where the professional baseball players get their bats? Well, the answer is Louisville Slugger. Explore the Louisville Slugger Museum and take a tour of the factory where you can see all of the baseball bats being made for your favorite players. You can even leave with a personalized mini bat of your own.
Kentucky Derby Museum/Churchill Downs
Louisville is known for its bourbon, bluegrass, basketball and… horse racing. The Kentucky Derby Museum is open year round with a mission of preserving the Kentucky Derby’s almost 150 year history. While you’re there, you have to watch “The Greatest Race” video on the 360 degree screen. If you visit in the Louisville in the spring or fall, check out Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby. General admission to Churchill Downs is pretty inexpensive and you will have a great time at the historic track betting on horses and drinking mint juleps.
Muhammad Ali Museum
The Muhammad Ali Museum is a non-profit museum and cultural center built in 2005 to honor the Louisville legend, Muhammad Ali. The museum has a mock boxing ring and a two-floor pavilion that houses Ali’s memorabilia.
Frazier Museum
For all of you history buffs, check out the Frazier History Museum. The museum is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institute and exhibits Kentucky, United State and world history. 
Louisville Walking Bridge
The Louisville walking bridge connects Kentucky to Southern Indiana over the Ohio River. The bridge was converted from an 1895 railroad bridge that was decommissioned in the 1960s. While on the bridge, you will get to explore the Louisville waterfront and enjoy a beautiful view of the Louisville skyline. Not to mention, you will get to visit two states at once — Kentucky and Indiana! In the summer, you can enjoy music on the river for Waterfront Wednesday. 
Palace Theatre
For all of you concert-goers, check the show schedule out at the Palace Theatre. Its quaint and full of character, and is one of the many historic landmarks in Louisville.
Actors Theatre of Louisville
Said to be one of the best theatre companies in the country, Actors Theatre of Louisville produces almost 400 plays annually. A couple of holiday favorites include Dracula and A Christmas Carol. Each year, the theatre host the Humana Festival, a 6 week program of plays and events for theatre lovers around the world.
Waverly Hills Sanitorium
This is not for the faint of heart (to be honest, I’ve never been – I’m too scared). The Waverly Hills Sanitorium is an old  hospital from the early 1900’s. It’s now listed as one of the world’s most haunted places. If you love a good scare, you can book a tour of the sanitorium and see for yourself why people find it so frightening.
Now, what’s not to love about this charming southern city?
Source: http://theeverygirl.com/weekend-city-guide-to-louisville-kentucky/
0 notes
dramaruth7-blog · 6 years
The Everygirl’s Weekend City Guide to Louisville, Kentucky
From touristy hot spots to local dives, Louisville offers something for everyone. Louisville’s southern hospitality is second to none — whether you’re walking down the street or stopping somewhere to grab a bite to eat, Louisvillians go out of their way to say hello, hold open a door, or just give you a simple smile. 
Louisville is unique because of its combination of contemporary and historical aspects. When you’re there, be sure to stop and take in all of the rich history the city has to offer (like the fleur de lis you’ll see sprinkled throughout the city, which signifies the city’s connection to the French).
Read below to find out more about great hotels, rich food, and excellent museums.
(P.S. The pronunciation of this great city may have thrown you for a loop for years, but I am here to change that. It’s pronounced Lou-a-vul, y’all).
21 C ($240-340)
If you are looking to stay in a hip boutique hotel, check out 21C. The rooms of this swanky hotel are delightfully designed with modern art alongside quirky furnishings. It also offers a world class contemporary art museum and some of the best fine dining you could experience. Even if you don’t stay the night, check out the latest artwork in the museum or grab a bite to eat at its restaurant, Proof.
The Seelbach ($190-225)
If you want to step back in time, enjoy a stay at the Seelbach Hotel. For all of you Great Gatsby fans, F. Scott Fitzgerald set the wedding scene of Tom and Daisy Buchanan here. This historic, French Renaissance designed hotel built in 1905 has hosted many U.S. Presidents including Franklin D. Roosevelt,  John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, as well as many celebrities, like The Rolling Stones and Whitney Houston. It’s also worth noting that The Seelbach was a favorite spot for gangster Al Capone when he traveled through Louisville. You can even ask for a tour of his room if it is not occupied by a guest (there’s even a trapdoor in the dining room built for his quick escape, if needed)!
The Brown ($160-350)
The famous Brown Hotel is best known for its 1926 creation of the Hot Brown, an open-faced turkey and bacon sandwich, smothered in Mornay sauce and baked or broiled until the bread is crisp and the sauce begins to brown. Built in 1923, The Brown hotel is full of elegance and history. High ceilings and beautifully designed ballrooms will leave you feeling as though you are living in the 1920s. Like the Seelbach, The Brown has also hosted dignitaries and celebrities including, Queen Marie of Romania, the Duke of Windsor, Harry Truman, Elizabeth Taylor, Muhammad Ali, Jimmy Carter, George H. Bush, and Barack Obama.
The Omni ($160-619)
The newly built Omni Hotel offers everything you could ever need in one place — from a high-end grocery store to a secluded speakeasy. A stay at the Omni will make you never want to leave its expansive corridors. The Omni also offers top-notch restaurants and relaxing spas.
Louisville loves shopping local. You can find great gifts and handmade items at Revelry and Scout located on Market Street and at Work the Metal in Butchertown. If you need to find a nice dress or something for going out, head over to Monkees or Peacock Boutique.
Vietnam Kitchen
Vietnam Kitchen is an award-winning Vietnamese restaurant. This hole-in-the wall restaurant is sandwiched between a dive bar and laundromat. While its exterior may not be the most appealing, its food is second to none. If you love avocados (which I’m sure you do), order an avocado shake for dessert.
Harvest is a farm-to-table restaurant with an ever-changing menu based on food that’s in season. Everything on the menu is fresh from local farms in nearby areas. The wait staff at Harvest is extremely knowledgeable about every item on the menu, as well as the many farms used to make the delightful creations.
Toast on Market
 Who doesn’t love fluffy pancakes and a mouth watering cheesy potato casserole? No one, right? Toast on Market offers the the best breakfast money can buy. There is usually a wait, but it’s worth it. Toast on Market will be sure to perk your taste buds up in the morning. When they ask if you would like fruit or cheesy potato casserole as your side, choose the casserole. Always choose the casserole.
If you’re looking for a relaxing, slow-paced, high-end dining experience, then make a dinner reservation at Decca. All of the delicious meals are made with locally farmed and small production ingredients. Decca creates an ambient atmosphere for customers — whether you’re enjoying a meal in the main dining room, out in the courtyard, or down in the limestone cellar listening to a live jazz band, you’re sure to have a magical experience.   
Garage Bar
This fun pizza joint is a great place to bring family and friends in the spring, summer and fall. Garage Bar was converted from an old car garage, hence the name for this unique pizza spot. There is a great outdoor seating area and you can play a few games of ping pong while you’re waiting for your table. The fun and playful atmosphere of Garage Bar makes for a perfect way to spend your Friday night.
Ramsi’s Cafe
A great spot for vegetarians, Ramsi’s Cafe offers a variety of food items inspired from places around the world. Ramsi’s is a local favorite and in a great location. Before stopping in, walk up and down the streets of Bardstown Road and check out the quirky local shops Louisville has to offer.
Homemade Ice cream and Pie Kitchen
Do you like homemade ice cream? Do you like homemade pie? Yes and yes! Perfect! Then you’re going to love Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen. Opened in 1982, this family-owned and operated shop bakes all of its pies from scratch and churns all of its ice cream daily. There are a few locations around town, but your best bet is to head to one in the Highlands neighborhood.
Heine Brothers’
 Owned by the local Henie Family, Heine Brothers’ is a Louisville coffee staple and offers a perfect substitute to the popular Starbucks Coffee chain. Heine Brothers’ can be found in a variety of places throughout the city. If you are in a hurry and want a great cup of coffee, check out Henie Brothers’ instead of hitting up the Starbucks drive thru. *Disclaimer, I love Starbucks, but I love shopping local even more.
Please and Thank You
Are you looking for excellent coffee and even better chocolate chip cookies? Then stop at Please and Thank You. The shop is always jamming out to classic vinyl records while brewing a peppy cup of joe. Located in the very trendy Nulu neighborhood, Please and Thank You offers the perfect pick-me-up during your mid-day shopping trip. While you’re there, purchase one of their famous Please and Thank You tee’s. You’re sure to get a lot of complements.
Highland Coffee
Highland Coffee is located in the hip Highlands neighborhood. Highland Coffee is an eccentric coffee shop that offers a variety of tasty vegan pastry options. They have wonderful veggie burritos that will keep you full all day long.
Bardstown Road
It may sound strange to say travel to Bardstown road and explore, but you should do just that. Find a place to park between Douglas Boulevard and Grinstead Drive, get out of your car, and walk around. There are tons of fun things to explore. From clothing boutiques, to tattoo parlors, to local fro-yo shops and hopping bars — there is something for everyone.
Old Louisville 
Make sure to take a drive around old Louisville. It’s one of the most beautiful neighborhoods you could ever set your eyes on. The old victorian homes are an architect lovers dream and the neighborhood has the largest collection of pedestrian-only streets, my favorite being Belgravia Court. If you’re there the first week of October, check out the St. James Art Show, where more than 700 artist around the United States present their artwork.
Louisville Parks
Who doesn’t love picnics in the park? Louisville offers a plethora of beautifully designed parks for your perfect picnic (Cherokee Park and Iroquois Park are some of my personal favorites). If you’re traveling through Louisville in the fall when the leaves are turning beautiful shades of oranges, reds, and yellows, take a drive down the winding roads of Iroquois Park. Fun fact: The “City of Parks” was created in 1890 by the famed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, the creator or New York City’s Central Park.
Speed Art Museum
Renovated two years ago, the Speed Art Museum has a diverse selection of artwork. From classic to modern pieces, the museum will get your creative juices flowing with inspiration.
Louisville Slugger Museum
Have you ever wondered where the professional baseball players get their bats? Well, the answer is Louisville Slugger. Explore the Louisville Slugger Museum and take a tour of the factory where you can see all of the baseball bats being made for your favorite players. You can even leave with a personalized mini bat of your own.
Kentucky Derby Museum/Churchill Downs
Louisville is known for its bourbon, bluegrass, basketball and… horse racing. The Kentucky Derby Museum is open year round with a mission of preserving the Kentucky Derby’s almost 150 year history. While you’re there, you have to watch “The Greatest Race” video on the 360 degree screen. If you visit in the Louisville in the spring or fall, check out Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby. General admission to Churchill Downs is pretty inexpensive and you will have a great time at the historic track betting on horses and drinking mint juleps.
Muhammad Ali Museum
The Muhammad Ali Museum is a non-profit museum and cultural center built in 2005 to honor the Louisville legend, Muhammad Ali. The museum has a mock boxing ring and a two-floor pavilion that houses Ali’s memorabilia.
Frazier Museum
For all of you history buffs, check out the Frazier History Museum. The museum is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institute and exhibits Kentucky, United State and world history. 
Louisville Walking Bridge
The Louisville walking bridge connects Kentucky to Southern Indiana over the Ohio River. The bridge was converted from an 1895 railroad bridge that was decommissioned in the 1960s. While on the bridge, you will get to explore the Louisville waterfront and enjoy a beautiful view of the Louisville skyline. Not to mention, you will get to visit two states at once — Kentucky and Indiana! In the summer, you can enjoy music on the river for Waterfront Wednesday. 
Palace Theatre
For all of you concert-goers, check the show schedule out at the Palace Theatre. Its quaint and full of character, and is one of the many historic landmarks in Louisville.
Actors Theatre of Louisville
Said to be one of the best theatre companies in the country, Actors Theatre of Louisville produces almost 400 plays annually. A couple of holiday favorites include Dracula and A Christmas Carol. Each year, the theatre host the Humana Festival, a 6 week program of plays and events for theatre lovers around the world.
Waverly Hills Sanitorium
This is not for the faint of heart (to be honest, I’ve never been – I’m too scared). The Waverly Hills Sanitorium is an old  hospital from the early 1900’s. It’s now listed as one of the world’s most haunted places. If you love a good scare, you can book a tour of the sanitorium and see for yourself why people find it so frightening.
Now, what’s not to love about this charming southern city?
Source: http://theeverygirl.com/weekend-city-guide-to-louisville-kentucky/
0 notes