#i should be able to interact with and share the things i create for something that brings me joy
lightlycareless · 16 hours
I saw this and it made me think of Naoya. I’m not sure which kid this would be but this feels so much like Naoya in how sassy and done the dad seems about the situation. He also does seem like the type to climb into the backseat on the road to see what his daughter is saying XD idk I love seeing videos of dads with their kids and imagining it with Naoya
Awww, I love this so much!!
I already envisioned Naomi as a chirpy baby, always talking to her mama or papa, so this was just perfect!!!
warnings: fluff. Naoya and you are parents to an adorable baby girl named Naomi❤️ Also this is not exactly the same as what happened in the video, it actually inspired me to write something somewhat different, still related, but not identical... if that's ok 🥺 I still hope you enjoy it though!!
Happy reading!
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To me this sounds like it would happen a road trip, or anywhere where the two have to drive to their destination and grow quite unsure if Naomi will be able to handle such a thing.
But of course, she does! Kind of, Naomi is always one to entertain herself thanks to her wit and curiosity, either creating complex storylines involving her plushies, or sharing whatever crossed her mind with her parents—regardless of if they were fluent in babbling or not.
“—jump! Kitty jump!”
“Is that so, dumpling?” Naoya smiles, always enjoying listening to the voice of her adorable daughter. “And what else did she do?”
“Fly—no, sleep! Kitty tired…”
It was always endearing to see how the two interacted, like they had an unbreakable father-daughter bond you could only dream of having! Still, you weren’t jealous—no, of course not. If anything, you were simply happy they got along perfectly, God knows how guilty Naoya felt for his prolonged absences, so to see them so close… it made your heart soar with happiness.
Until Naomi eventually grows tired of being in the same sitting position for hours, and demands to be attended, which Naoya naturally jumps to do so.
“What is it, pumpkin? Is everything ok?!” Your husband naturally frets.
“Tired papa, hungry!!”
“Oh, I know what to do.” You say, reaching over for your bag to give Naomi one of her many pre-prepared meals—but she doesn’t want it, neither the milk nor the fruit; and that’s when both knew a break was due.
“Now, now—isn’t that better, princess?” Soon after finding a place to pull over, he cooed at her while gently holding her against him, watching her eat as Naomi glanced back at him, with those bright round eyes that let him know she was satisfied to be away from that uncomfortable seat and instead in the arms of her beloved papa.
“We should stretch our legs for a bit before continuing.” You suggest, to which Naoya enthusiastically agrees to—he had driven to a near lookout with the hopes of distracting Naomi (though it was more like rushing to find one, he wasn’t to stop in the middle of the road and expose his family!) and get a few more pictures of her; mementos to reminisce his loved ones while away for work.
“Look over here, little mochi!” you sang, waving your hand at Naomi to catch her attention and get her into the right position: a lovely picture of her and her papa standing before the beautiful scenery of the Japanese countryside.
“Alright, I think it’s time we head back on the road if we still want to be on time.” Naoya says, wanting to take advantage of the sunlight as well as Naomi’s now calm demeanor, believing it wouldn’t take long for her to fall asleep, lulled into deep slumber after being tired out…
Or at least that’s what either hoped, for Naomi, upon seeing her parents approach the car, quickly understood that she’d be relegated back to that awful seat, far away from dear papa and all the attention he was giving her—no can do!
“No!” Naomi cried, shaking her head. “No, papa!!”
“What’s wrong, Naomi??” Naoya, as usual, worries. “Are you still hungry? Or do you want to stay here a little longer—”
“Papa no go! Stay!’
“Oh, you don’t want me to go?” He asks, flattered by her request. Though concerned, because if he were to stay with his little princess, then who…?
“It’s ok, I’ll drive.” You suggest, taking the keys from his hands. “Go sit back with Naomi, our mochi needs you.”
“Are you sure, my love? We still have much to traverse.”
“I’ll be fine.” You encourage with a smile. “Now go, sit with her. I’m sure the two of you will have much to talk about!”
And that, they did, for Naomi wasted no time to jump back on whatever playful scenario she left pending, now with the addition of her equally imaginative father (no surprise where Naomi got it from) who made her playtime even more exciting.
“And then, the great Toji-kun appeared, defeating all enemies around them and rescuing Kitty!” Naoya effused, playing with one of her plushies—a stern-looking penguin that somehow reminded him of his cousin.
Naomi giggles, liking the addition of this so-called amazing Toji-kun into her games, alongside noticing the fondness her father seemed to have for this character for he’d always bring him along one way or the other, regardless of what they were playing—
Never comparable to her adorable Hello Kitty, of course, but she wouldn’t tell him that. Not when she was having so much fun!
And so, your chirpy daughter and doting husband continued to entertain one another, making the ride to your first destination quite enjoyable—it kind of made you sad having to interrupt them just to ask Naoya a question regarding your hosting reservation, but since they quieted down a bit this might be the best moment yet—
“Honey, at what time do we check-in?”
Only to realize their silence hadn’t come from observing the scenery around, but rather, succumbing to their own exhaustion, Naoya’s head rested over Naomi’s seat while her hand tightly heled onto his, for even when asleep she didn’t want to be far from him.
You smile at the sight of them, giving them one last glance through the rearview mirror before continuing looking ahead, hoping that by the time you arrive you’d still be able to snap a picture of them.
Until then, you look forward to spending the weekend with them, on what was Naomi’s first holiday as a family.
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Been wanting to write about Naoya, Y/N, and Naomi spending a holiday together ajkghkajgha I don't know what exactly, but you know, I'll figure out something :)))) (suggestions are greatly appreciated too hehe)
Thank you so much for feeding my domestic au. We just love a doting Naoya, don't we :') 🥹❤️ if only... Well, that's why I'm here for 🤭 still have more to come!!
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon!
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wpdarlingpan · 4 months
Could we get something with Yandere ouat Peter? Preferably gender-neutral or nb reader.
An idea I had is maybe Hook has a kid, so the character would have grown up in Neverland. I think maybe a platonic Yandere Peter would be v interesting, where he maybe tries to interact with reader as a ‘cool older brother’ sort of figure, despite the fact that reader very much knows exactly who he is and that he’s dangerous. Romantic would be fine too though!
Thank you so much for the request! I apologize it took so long and I have not written in a while so I hope it's okay!
I loved this idea so I had to see how it'll play out. I did the platonic version and although I did use Y/N and made them gender-neutral, I wrote they were 17 for the story's sake. I often have Peter refer to them as a child because in his mind he feels the need to take care of and protect them.
I am considering a part two if people like this idea enough, maybe taking place when the Storybrooke residents arrive.
Warning: Yandere Behavior
Word Count: 2886
The Love Of A Brother
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The day Killian Jones, otherwise known by his more colorful moniker Hook, came to Neverland was a day he would never forget.
He had many men aboard, each desiring to never grow old until they wished. They all had been warned about the dangers that lurk within the water and upon the soil of Neverland but the idea of dying from old age was a more terrifying feat to them.
However, one person had little choice in the matter, as they were still somewhat forced to come to Neverland.
Captain Hook's kid, Y/N.
After the day Mila died it was up to him to become a single parent. Overall he was rather good at it. Always telling stories so that they would be able to sleep at night or sitting by their bedside when they had gotten a cold. But, no matter how much love they held for each other, Killian could not stop going after the man who killed his wife and the mother of his child.
Y/N was 17 the day they had arrived in Neverland and would remain so until the day they left.
This was not a decision Hook made lightly. Bringing the person he cared for more than anyone into the hellish landscape wasn't something he'd wish on his worst enemy (other than Rumpelstiltskin) but the idea of leaving them with no idea when he would return hurt even more.
So he created the rules.
Do not leave the boat without permission.
Do not ever interact with Peter Pan or his shadow.
Avoid the Lost Boys.
"Who is Peter Pan?" They asked their father as the Jolly Roger settled after coming through the portal to Neverland.
"A bloody demon." He responded looking at the dark island as it neared.
Hook began telling the stories that he knew. Even sharing how he had met Peter Pan in the first place. Albeit leaving out what happened to his brother as he blamed himself as well as Pan for the tragedy.
Pan knew he was arriving on the island. Hook riskily contacted him through his shadow to come to a truce before being allowed to arrive on the island.
But there was a little thing Hook had forgotten to mention.
His child.
He had hoped that if none of the inhabitants of the island knew their relation, with Peter assuming they were deckhands or something, they wouldn't be targeted if Peter got bored or wanted to play a game.
But the resemblance was noticeable from the first meeting.
As the boat docked onto shore to make an initial supply run, Hook kept Y/N close. Half of the crew, including the two of them, walked carefully through the jungle, avoiding every thorn they came across.
But the real danger was just up ahead. After all, Peter Pan wouldn't be a polite host if he didn't welcome his guests.
The second the pirates entered a clearing they were surrounded by the sound of rustles as the leaves moved around the edge of the clearing and a figure appeared about 20 feet ahead on the other end.
Hook froze, he knew he should have expected him to show himself this early, but a part of him had hoped he wouldn't, not yet at least.
Y/N held onto their bow and arrows tightly as they observed the boy up ahead who looked just a little older than them. Judging by the way he held the spotlight, they had to assume this was Peter Pan.
"Look what we have here, I didn't expect to see you on the island this quickly. I mean after what had happened last time you were here, the idea of returning so willingly was unexpected, Captain." Peter spoke as he neared the group, the Lost Boys forming a circle around them to prevent anyone from running.
Peter inspected the group as they each held some form of weapon. Be it a dagger, sword, or even one with a bow and arrow.
He neared the one with the bow and arrow, the idea of figuring out what else made them so different lingered in his mind. Peter stood closely in front of them, studying their appearance and the subtle yet noticeable looks towards the direction of Hook.
This is when something had clicked.
His brain was no longer assessing the group as a whole or messing with the Captain. His thoughts were reserved for only them. The way they were trying to hide their shaking hands and the way they held onto the bow tighter the closer he got. The shine of their eyes as they looked at him almost like a frightened deer.
He could recognize a scared child anywhere and this time he didn't want it to be his fault. It was like an instinct of protection filled his black heart. Their fearful yet innocent gaze was embedded into his soul. Someone like this simply couldn't live with harsh pirates.
He reached a hand out towards them but Hook stepped in the way. His gaze was harsh yet Peter could easily detect the fear hidden in them. For himself or the child, he wasn't sure.
Peter smirked at Captain Hook as he realized why they had looked so familiar now seeing the similarities in their features and hair color. He had been to distracted by the odd feeling of protection and familiarity to even acknowledge the finding.
"You have a child? My you got busy after leaving last time." He teased as he glanced around the man to see them standing there, their gaze locked onto the ground.
"Stay away from them or so help me you will have wished-" Hook began to say before Peter cut him off.
"You'll do what? Let me remind you, you're here because I allow it. You eat the island's food only because I allow it. You only live because I have use for you yet." He threatened motioning his hand for the Lost Boys to run away.
Y/N took a sigh of relief as the group dispersed but their worry would still remain until Peter was out of their sight. The ideas of the horrors they were told, all of which could happen to them just by being in his presence, filled their anxious mind.
Peter stared at Hook seriously before sending a look and a playful wink toward Y/N, hoping to make them less afraid.
"I'll see you soon." He commented staring directly into their eyes before disappearing.
Apparently soon meant a few days.
It first began when Y/N was laying on deck, watching the stars when someone appeared next to them and laid down on the spare part of the blanket.
“The stars are beautiful aren’t they?” He spoke as if lying on the ground next to them wasn’t an unusual occurrence.
Y/N was silent, trying to hide the fact they were afraid. The unknowing was terrible, the idea that their father was fast asleep, probably passed out from exhaustion at that, was nerve-wracking as they could not call for help.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me.” Pan said genuinely, staring at the side of their face as he admired their courage to hide their fear.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You have a reputation you know. I’m sure you could get rid of me in a heartbeat.” Y/N was nervous now, it audibly showed through the small stutter that sounded in their sentence.
“That doesn’t mean I want to… Do you know why I’ve brought all these boys to the island?”
“Because they’re lost?”
“Because no one deserves to feel alone.”
Peter Pan believed that because Y/N was an only child who spent their whole life traveling the seas, that they had to be lonely. They are constantly moving and never staying in one place, let alone with people their age.
Then their father, he’s a pirate with a drinking problem who is so obsessed with revenge that even though he is protective and loves his child, Peter couldn’t tell you which the man valued more.
Revenge or love?
If Peter were to take her right now, he could be their older brother. Someone who takes care of their little sibling in the face of everything like heartbreak, anxiety, everything that would make them feel anything other than happiness.
Y/N would be his sibling. He’d be their only brother.
Being an older brother to Y/N sounded perfect to him.
Their next encounter was when they had been sitting on the edge of the beach as the Jolly Roger was anchored nearby.
Y/N's father had allowed them to hang out along the shore alone.
The captain and crewmates were planning on staying on the edge of the jungle that was Neverland. He had figured they would be okay for a couple hours and that he could hear if they needed anything.
He knew the dangers that posed leaving them there alone but he thought they would be cornered again the second they entered the tree line so there really wasn’t anywhere ‘safe’ at the moment.
That’s how he rationalized it at least.
But when Peter saw them sitting alone on the shore, the mermaids moving closer by the second, he saw Hook as irresponsible and unfit to care for Y/N.
He quickly approached them, the sight of him causing the mermaids to swim away quickly, realizing that was not someone they wanted to lure in.
“Y/N.” Peter said as he approached, sitting in the sand next to them.
“What are you doing?” They spoke questioningly “I thought you would be bothering my father and his crew.”
“Is that what he counted on. Me leaving you alone as they frolicked or whatever they are doing in the jungle? Is that why he left you here defenseless?” He replied getting more confident that Killian wasn’t fit to take care of Y/N.
“I don’t like what you’re accusing him of.” Y/N replied, glaring at Pan in front of them but if anything it was adorable.
He raised his hands jokingly as if he actually felt threatened by them.
“I’m just saying, he knows the dangers of this island. If it’s not me, it’s the lost boys, then the Dreamshade, and as you almost realized, the mermaids.” Peter counted off making Y/N realize what the subtle splashing noise they heard was. “He shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“I’m 17. I can take care of myself for a few hours.” They argued, much like if they were telling their older sibling they didn’t need to be babysat.
“Sure you can. But you don’t need to when I’m here.”
From then on he would appear randomly whenever he knew Y/N was alone.
When they weren’t, he was silently protecting them from the shadows.
If we’re sketching in their room? He’d sit next to them silently, allowing them to focus. Meanwhile he was busy admiring their skills even if it was a simple picture of the sky.
They volunteered to go look for some more supplies on the island?
They mysteriously got separated from the group for a few hours.
He took them saying ‘I can take care of myself for a few hours’ rather literally. In those few hours, they got an entire tour of the main points of the island.
Even the camp.
Peter had them sit on his designated chair, introducing Y/N as their little sibling. Each of the boys came up to them and introducing themselves enthusiastically as the proposed all the fun games they could play if they were to stay.
Even when Y/N emphasized greatly that they couldn’t.
Each and every time.
When their birthday came around Peter gifted them a necklace, his initials were on the inside, to protect them from anyone who finds their way to the island.
Although he made sure to use his magic to conceal the necklace from the eyes of Hook.
Not that he cared about what the man thought, after all nothing would keep him from his little sibling.
The day Peter had been preparing for came sooner than expected.
Hook had discovered a way to kill the dark one and his need for the island was gone. Meaning it was time to return back to the enchanted forest.
The crew had begun preparing to return back to the forest. Packing up their supplies and strapping down anything they had on deck to prepare for traveling through the portal.
Y/N was packing up anything loose in their room. They had mostly finished other than having to pack the rest of their art supplies.
“So you were just going to leave and not tell your older brother? I'm offended” Peter spoke appearing in their room and sitting on their bed.
In their deal, he had allowed Hook to leave once he had found a way to accomplish his goal.
That was before he had met Y/N.
“I was never going to say in Neverland. I was always going to leave. I don’t know what you were expecting.” Y/N spoke harshly trying to push him away.
They had to admit, after all this time spent with Peter, that it was hard to view him as some irredeemable demon. He comforted them when they had nightmares of their mother’s death, protected them from the mermaids, did their favorite activities with them (even if he was not really invited), and seemed to love them.
Peter knew they were just trying to protect themself from the pain of leaving so they lashed out. He could tell they were saddened at the thought of leaving him. This made him feel warm inside.
Y/N assumed they’d be fine once leaving Neverland, they would have to forget about Peter Pan and their life would go back to normal, well as normal as it gets.
Suddenly they heard approaching footsteps.
“Y/N? Are you ready to go? We are about to enter the portal now.” Killian called through the closed door, his eagerness to leave the island covering the fact that there was a muffled sound as he spoke. Hook was ecstatic, his time for revenge had come. His head was in the clouds as he ran over his plan over and over again. Causing him to not even think to just poke his head in to check on his child, just of the idea that the portal was closing any minute
The muffled noise was Peter whispering that he would not let Hook leave if they said anything other than that they were ready.
Y/N knew if they weren’t allowed to leave, their father would be devastated.
“Yes father, I’m ready!” They called back and the two listened as the man’s footsteps grew farther and farther away.
“You can’t leave Y/N. You’re my little sibling, I have to take care of you.” He spoke manipulatively the second Hook was out of distance.
“I have to. If it’s up to me, I’ll never leave my father. He raised me, he loves me! He will take care of me better than you ever can.” Y/N retorted, frustrated at the situation. Why wouldn't Peter just go away? They knew they cared for him, even just a little bit. But their father was very important to them. Even if he had been a little distracted while searching for revenge, they didn't feel his love any less.
A loving father or a over protective, self-proclaimed brother.
They knew which had meant more. They had made their choice, one they couldn't vocalize as Peter softly blew poppy dust into their face, causing them to pass out instantly.
“Then it isn’t up to you.” as he spoke “This is for your own good. I love you Y/N and I know you love me. You are better off at my side.”
He picked them up bridal style as he and Y/N disappeared off the boat and reappeared in the camp. All of their stuff appears on the ground off to the side of them.
"Welcome to your new home, Y/N"
Hook had gone to Y/N’s cabin to check on them, the portal closing behind him as they could see the Enchanted Forest off in the distance.
He was eager to see his child, wanting to celebrate the idea of finally being able to avenge his wife and their mother. Hook knocked and didn’t hear an answer assuming they had been disoriented or hurt by the portal, he opened the door quickly.
But, he was met with an empty room and no Y/N.
He looked around for any signs frantically before he spotted a letter on the bed.
You were always too focused on the idea of revenge that you neglected what was in front of you. You never deserved Y/N and you never will. Each time you left them alone, I was there. I comforted them, I protected them, and I loved them. Each thing is something you couldn't do while you searched for something you did not even know existed. Y/N will be better off without you.
I always wondered if you'd choose revenge over love.
I guess I have my answer.
Their brother,
Peter Pan
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igotanidea · 1 year
For his eyes only: Jason Todd x fem!reader x Dick Grayson preview
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Seriously, I got so much fluff and angst on my blog, go check out sth else.
AS FOR THE REST: Let me know if you want more of this, cause damn my mind right now..... 🥵🥵🥵🥵
„Jay…..” she called him, swaying her hips left and right in that seductive way that always got her his undivided attention. Jason was currently splayed on the sofa, reading a book, but the second he saw her coming from the other side of the room he tossed it away, smirking knowingly.
“what is it princess?”  he propped himself on the elbow, eyes fixed solely on her figure, her leggings leaving very little to the imagination “got something for me?”
“Mhm…..” she muttered, straddling his hips, hands locking on his neck, while his own found a way to her waist, gripping her tightly “I got a …. Proposition.”
“I like how that sounds. Keep talking baby…..”
“I’ve been thinking about …. Well, spicing things up in the bedroom.”
“Now I most definitely like how that sounds. Shall we start now?” his right hand travelled down, an started  palming her ass.
“Why can’t you just let me finish, Jaybrid?” she grinded on him a bit, which got her a groan “’At least one of us should be able to keep it in the pants, don’t you think?” Y/N whispered into his ear, moving a bit more.
“I….. what do you need?” he hissed though clenched teeth, fighting the urge to just throw her on her back and have his way with her
“I want a threesome….” She whispered and  fuck, he was hard before but now…. now he started burning up. Who would have thought that his little girl would suggest something like this? And to think that when they started dating she was all vanilla, scared of anything to crazy. Apparently, his lust, sex drive and explorer vain finally rubbed off on her. He created a monster and he loved that.
“God, can you say that again?” he panted, breath fastened. “that’s so hot coming from your mouth”
“Let’s explore something new, Jace….”
“Fuck, yes, you already got me.” He sat up looking straight into her eyes. “so…. you, me and Roy?”
“I was rather thinking about someone else….” She tangled fingers in his hair, massaging his scalp and tugging on the roots in that way he liked so much “someone, in your own playground.”
“What?” he frowned, but then the realization dawned on him “NO!”
“I said no. fuck no. I am not sharing you with my fucking older brother.’
“But sharing me with Roy was completely fine.”
“those are two different things!”
“How so?”
“Dick is …. Is ….”
“What, baby?” she cooed “are you scared of a little competition? Cause Jay, believe me, I’m just curious about what it would be like to have both Nightwing and Red Hood. Wonder which one of you is a boss in the bed…..” she tapped her chin and he used that moment to trap her underneath him.
“I’m not scared of him! And you should know that the only one who can contain your slutty attitude is me” he kissed her hungrily, her back arching into him, before she realized the game Jay was playing and pushed him off
“Does this mean you agree?” she smiled absolutely innocently ”Please, baby. I’ll wear that little red lacy thing you like so much….”
“So he can admire you in that?” he hissed
“No baby, of course not.” her eyes sparkled dangerously, filled with lust and mischief “so you can take it off me before his very eyes. To leave Dick desperate, whiny, jealous….”
“Fuck…” Jason felt himself getting harder at the mere thought of killing two birds with one stone. Having her and torturing Grayson? He truly did not deserve the angel Y/N was being. “Just tell me when and where and it better be quick, cause otherwise babe, I’m gonna take you right here, right now. “
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phoenixblaze1412 · 8 months
HII!! happy new year!!! Can I get some fluff hcs with dottore (+ segments) and reader whos child is sucrose? This can be seen as a part 2 to the having a kid hcs if u want! - 🐓
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It was you who gave your child the name Sucrose. Dottore didn't really mind any name you gave your offspring, his segments have weird names, why should he stop you from giving your child a chemical compound name?
Theta (Webttore) though... was curious of it.
"So.. why Sucrose exactly? Could have easily rhymed such a name with glucose, fructose or even lactose?"
"Because sucrose is sugar and what does sugar taste like? Sweet. And my daughter is the most sweetest thing in Teyvat."
"...both you and 'him' are bad at naming things. Naming your own kid table sugar, what a dumbass."
Sucrose prefers to stay with her father in his laboratory whenever you're busy, she's not much of an outdoor person and doesn't really want to interact with more people aside from you, Dottore, and even his segments who she can already tell who is who. She's just a shy little bean with good memorization.
Ever since the day Sucrose was born, everyone has been more restless, mostly you and Dottore since the segments don't even need sleep to energize themselves.
You would find her crawling around a room, searching for things that catches her interest and even reaching places a child shouldn't even reach.
One time when you, Dottore, and Sucrose were sleeping together on your shared bed, you were immediately woken up in the middle of the night due to the sound of your daughter crying but was nowhere to be found.
It took you and your husband at least 20 minutes to find that Sucrose was at the top of a cabinet and couldn't get back down.
Sucrose, your sweet daughter, apparently has taken in her father's footsteps, studying the world of science at just four years old. What got her interest the most is alchemy.
She immediately learned the chemical components of the things around her. Even creating and mixing a few chemicals into a test tube to see the reaction, Dottore stood beside her just in case something bad happens so he could pull his child out of the way.
One time when you were about to visit your family in the lab after coming home from a mission, you were immediately welcomed with a loud explosion which made you panic and run down to where it came from.
Once you reached the lab, you were greeted with your husband and child's faces all covered in soot. Both of their hair was messy and in every place, it was as if someone had electrocuted them which cause their hair to stand.
"What did you two do that caused this?"
"Welcome back, dearest. We wanted to see what kind of reaction we may get when we mix fuel oil with ammonium nitrate fertilizer."
"We got an explosion.."
Next time, before you went to another mission and leaving your two scientists behind, you asked the segments to keep an eye on the two and make sure they don't cause any more explosions.
Surprisingly, Sucrose has a few segments that she favored.
Omega and Prime, aside from being almost as perfect as her father, the two segments would teach her more about the chemistry field whenever Dottore is busy.
She finds Zeta's quiet behavior comfortable since she too is also shy and meek around others. They both communicate with a few sentences and it's already enough for them. Both Sucrose and Zeta rather prefers to do work than talk over it.
There were some fatui soldiers who would mistaken your child as a cicin mage due to her hair. Dottore suggested on dying her hair blue but you immediately declined his suggestion.
It's you who would be the one to style both Sucrose and Dottore's hair every morning, making sure it wouldn't hinder them whenever they work.
This caused the other segments to also want their hair get tied up, even those with hair as short like Theta's.
Dottore would always find ways to be able to spend time with you. Which is why he would hand his child over to his segments before sweeping you off your feet and carrying you out of the lab to spend quiet moments between you two.
All in all, Sucrose is happy to have her parents and guardians, if you could even call the segments as guardians. With her curious mind, she even learned about the other nations.
Oh, how cute Sucrose was when she asked her father if she could go to Mondstadt and study alchemy there.
"Absolutely not."
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Thoughts about Heroes of Olympus and how it could have been better.
Sometimes I think about what would have made HOO a better series. And I'm not talking about the obvious 'too much focus on romantic relationships' and the lack of usage of certain characters or the dumb ending.
I mean the little things that would change so much (mainly character dynamics but also worldbuilding i.e. Camp Jupiter and Gaia's reasoning)
Some of the points are inspired by @crisisreading and their posts. They are the first I saw raise some of my own points so! part 2
Make the ages vary more in the main cast, trust me
Let Percy, Annabeth and Grover get older by 4-5 years. Let them become adults and find themselves outside the godly war. Let them even finish college, I wouldn't get mad. Let them do anything beside being teenagers.
I promise this would make the dynamics more interesting. Percy and Annabeth will be more mentor figures, than fellow comrades. This would create some distance between some of the them, but ultimately create something fun. Piper would come to see some aspiring female figure in Annabeth (I think this would ether be positive or negative, depending how Annabeth changed as a character over the years, but I tend towards negative). Leo would potentially have someone older to exchange ideas with. Jason would possibly feel intimidated by Percy's vastly superior age, prowess and experience, instead of being able to clash heads with him.
Hazel would have not one, but two that people that would play parent to the others' reckless behavior. (go snort your harmful stereotypes up your ass, Riordan.) Frank, when telling Percy and Hazel about his stick, would possibly find in Percy a kind hand (not that he wasn't kind already, let me explain) and Percy would probably share with him this feeling of vulnerability - not dump it on Frank - about having your life tied to a specific thing. I mean his Achilles heel, with which he would have lived for far longer.
And a whole lot more.
2. Add Grover into the series as a perspective character
You have a new trio dynamic introduced in the first book of the series. Let the original trio interact as main characters and let us see how their relationship has changed.
Grover's opinion on the conflict between the gods and Gaia would be important. He is the Lord of the Wild, and Gaia is the literal personification of the Earth. Let us see his struggle between the loyalty he has to the gods and his friends and his powerful feelings towards protecting nature.
Also, he would act as a protector for the demigods. Because while I enjoy Hedge, he is not enough to keep them safe.
3. Throw the bullshit about Gaia getting revenge for Kronos' defeat out of the way
Gaia, as mentioned before, if the personification of the Earth. One of the first gods to emerge from Chaos.
Gaia can, of course, keep her resentment for the gods defeating the son that freed her from her pain (caused by Ouranos initially). But she is a mother goddess. She should want obliterate humanity because humans are slowly killing her. Painfully. She wants to survive and the only way she sees how if by killing all the humans. She wants to save her children, aka animals, insects, nature, and the only way she sees is bloodshed. Gods are not rational in their anger, no one is. So let her be angry and vengeful and out for human blood.
DO NOT MAKE HER A FUCKING VILLAIN, MAN! Make her an antagonist, but someone's whose ideals are worth taking in and adapting. Kinda like Luke about the demigod and minor god recognition. Where have the themes of the original series gone? Remember, an important theme in BOTL was protecting the environment. It was one of the most important moments when Pan faded. Do not let that go to fucking waste. Especially not now, in the world we live in.
4. Show the effects the war had on Camp Half-Blood. Hint it at Camp Jupiter, when Percy does not have the memories to corelate it with
We've had years since the end of the Second Titan War. How did the gods change the course of events ? (the victors write the histories) How much of Luke's reasoning for starting the war was erased. (hint, all of it.) Show us how much the perspectives were shifted and how much the people that fought in it were made into martyrs and villain, basically becoming caricatures.
Let us feel how much this hurts Percy, Grover and Annabeth. How it had impacted and impacts their trauma, grief and utter horror. The younger, newer campers see them as wonderful, all-just and loyal heroes of the gods. The way they hate it.
Good moment to implement the new cabins for the gods and let the new ones forget that it wasn't always this way. Let Percy's demand to the gods be forgotten, shoved under the rug. The tragedy unfolds, use it.
Since in Camp Jupiter none of the main characters have fought, let us see the subtility. Let the older legionnaires be ragged, scarred. Older and weary, with eyes glassy and suspicious. Have younger recruits have this heavy air around them. They know what happened, what killed most of the older people in the legion.
Have Jason, Hazel and Frank see these things in Annabeth, Grover and Percy too. They realise that oh. oh. these three have fought in the war, of course they would. Show them gain respect for the trio. The same kind of respect they have for the veterans back home.
5. Cut one of the Seven from the prophecy.
I know this seems radical, but it is a symbolism thing, which I think would be more interesting in a world based on Greek mythology.
It is established in PJO that three (3) is an important number: 3 Olympian sisters (Hera, Demeter, Hestia), 3 Olympian brothers (Hades, Poseidon, Zeus), 3 Fates, 3 quest members, 3 Furies, 3 godly realms (the Underworld, Olympus + the sky, the seas). Use this.
Give us six (6) prophesized heroes. It is, after all, the second most used number in the series and a multiple of 3.
I suggest Annabeth. Why? because she has her quest from Athena. Let that be her top priority, while hanging out on the Argo II to get to Rome. Let her bond with the younger demigods and have her possible death be always on her mind. Bring her hubris into play and she would think herself the chosen one, the one demigod child of Athena to survive. This would make her falling into Tartarus with Percy not letting her go more taxing on her psyche.
Show us how she hates herself because she took one of the principal quest members to certain death. She feels like she'd jeopardized the whole saving the world thing.
Cut the Seven to Six and let Annabeth die in Tartarus. Show us why a single-man quest is a death sentence. Why three (3) is such a valuable number.
Jumping straight off the last point.
Change why Annabeth would end up in Tartarus. Make her ignore the string around her ankle because she thing that nothing bad can happen to her now. After all, Arachne is gone, right.
Let this be her undoing. I do not care how she dies, but make her choices, her hubris, be her undoing. Do not let her death up to a chance, a mistake or miscalculation. Show how toxic Tartarus is, because we do not see it enough, but make it Annabeth's idea, the plan by which she dies.
Do not make it Percy's fault. Let him try to do everything to keep her alive, but still failing. Attack his sense of loyalty, his self-esteem. Show how the experiences and her death affect him.
Bring the trauma from the last war back in those chapters, in a place where demigods leave something behind.
To less drastic things - let the others get hurt. Permanently. Show how this life affects and damages people physically, too.
Have one lose an eye, another get horrific scars. Lose a limb, a part of themselves. Do not make it seem like any other could have gotten the same wound.
Tailor them to their character, their pride and their skill. Hit them where it hurts most and let us see how it changes them.
Also, about Leo. Kill him too. The fact that he ended up alive is a deux ex machina. He should have suffered the consequences.
Also also, bring back the fatal flaws. They are missing from the series. Play with them, show why they are important parts of their characters. Bring back ancient Greek fatal flaws, and new ones that make sense in a modern world.
Hurt them because what hurts them is part of who they are. Show us why the Greeks invented tragedy.
7. Age up the target age. Go more young/new adult
I understand that PJO was made for middle schoolers. But the target audience had grown up alongside the characters, and as such they have matured.
This is why I said to age Percy, Grover and Annabeth up further. Leave some distance for the old and new readers to get up and personal with the new main characters. Have them find common ground with the new demigods but have their anchor in the old ones.
Make the readers work to understand and refamiliarize themselves wit the older demigods. Because they've changed.
Targeting a more mature audience allows exploring n. 6. The realistic consequences of living with the fear that something will come and eat you. How just a little mishap could change you for life. (or what has been left of it)
Please do not go grim dark. Show that despite this all, their purpose has not stopped existing. A life exists outside of your appearance or disability still exist, and while it would be hard, do not lose hope.
8. Hope, or lack of its importance in the Heroes of Olympus series
Alongside other callbacks and reinforcements of PJO's lore, where is Elpis (hope)? Why doesn't she appear as a larger theme in the books? I don't know.
Elpis is still in the jar, having been used as a threat of defeat. But now Kronos is gone. Have Gaia use it as s symbol for her own cause.
Make hope Gaia's argument. The most important part of why her cause stands. Gaia is waking now because there is no hope for the betterment of the planet while in human - and therefore godly - grasp. She wants to save the planet, but they, the destroyers, are opposing her.
Hope is what she wants to bring back. The hope that death will not be the end of life, but further evolvement and betterment of all species.
This argument is what the counterargument should unravel. All species? Why are humans considered irredeemable, unworthy of becoming something greater?
Why can't they not coexist and why can't humans learn how to care about the world surrounding them.
Make hope for humanity and for the environment not a question of if they are capable to coexist, but how we can manage that. Humanity and nature are not mutually exclusive, but two halves of the same whole that need each other to sustain their longevity. Yes, nature can exist without humans, but humans can't.
This does not mean that the best way forward is to kill all humans.
There is no need for hope in HOO because there are no greater questions being asked about topics that require hope, because otherwise we would descend into nihilism and fatalism.
9. Give the gods reason to act the way they act, or a look at a greater narrative problem in the series
I may be generalizing, but the gods act erratically and make choices convenient for the plot, as it is, to happen.
Hera: how, specifically, does she know that Gaia is rising and what her plans are. Why is she against Gaia, when the older goddess has a track record of helping the Olympians on different occasions in the myths. Why does she decide to act when she does, how she knows that the king of the giants (whatever his name may be) is coming after her right then.
We don't know.
Athena: we understand why she wants the Athena Parthenos back. Why not force the Romans to give it back. After all, she is a goddess, even if the Romans don't respect her as the Greeks did, she has power and sway over them. Why send her children, a supposedly important part of what brings her glory, to a near-certain death. Is it misguided vengeance, an obsession to get the statue back at all cost, or simple cruelty. These reasons could apply very well to sending the Romans, yet she doesn't.
Zeus: why lock down Olympus? Paranoia, which fair, but you are a King, why wouldn't you look after your subjects? (bc Riordan chose to ignore part of his characterization in the myths and part of his godly domain) (I know kings aren't perfect, but after the last war, one would think he would do everything in his power to stop another one before it begins) Why not seek justice for Octavian's lies, that affect their ability to win the war, and kill/imprison him? Justice is part of his domain, as Zeus Nomius.
I know that we wouldn't necessarily need these answers, but without some of them, some choices left hanging seem to be there only to add to the drama and danger of it all.
All in all, I have many problems with the 'Heroes of Olympus' series. Some of them are nitpicks and personal preference as a high fantasy reader in my free time. Some of them would really add to the story and continue the themes of PJO.
Please ask me if something wasn't clear to you. I'll happily explain further.
If you find something you don't agree with, let's discuss. I'm open to changing my opinions.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Okay okay okay but imagine y/n is like a werewolf but a cat if that makes sense? And as a cat they get cuddly, purr and just really loving. Especially when it's towards Wednesday 😏 They aren't together but you can tell there's feelings there... The purring low-key gives it away. When they're alone (the writing hour) the cat gets cuddly
Oooo it’s been a minute 😭😭 I hope I did this right for you
3rd Person POV
Enid watched as a black cat strode confidently from the balcony into her room, settling itself by her roommates typewriter.
She glanced at her watch knowing she would soon come in for her usual writing hour. The cat stretched licking its paws as if it had just finished a delicious feast.
We did just have dinner.
The werewolf suddenly felt her brows furrow realizing the cat may not just be a cat. She sniffed the air trying to place the scent when Wednesday waltzed in.
Her eyes quickly falling to the dark creature on her desk. She walked up slowly nuzzling under its chin as it began to purr.
Enid felt her eyebrows raise at the sight, Wednesday and affection were two things she didn't think ever went together.
"Enid your need for useless gossip should be able to tell me who this cat belongs to." She looked to the taller girl who shrugged in return.
"Never seen it until now but I'll ask around I'm sure someone's wondering where it is."
Wednesday sat at her desk chair slightly pushed back as the creature plopped itself right on her lap.
Wednesday paused slightly glaring at the cat.
"You're getting far too comfortable." Yellow eyes just slowly blinked back at her before softly kneading it's paws creating a nest on her lap. Enid almost cooed at the sight of it.
The goth rolled her eyes as she adjusted herself.
"I refuse to let you interrupt my writing so either get lost or don't move." The cat purred slightly as if letting her know it understood.
She blew out a breath before the usual sound of fingertips hitting keys filled the room, Enid's headphones already on as Thing read on of her magazines on her bed.
Wednesday walked into the Weathervane her usual booth occupied by an intruder. She felt her gaze harden at the sight of them. They sat tall as they'd glanced to the book on the table, slender fingers picking up a glass cup and sipping slowly as if they didn't plan to leave any time soon.
"Howdy roomie let's-" Enid blanched at the sight of someone sitting in their usual booth. She already knew that Wednesday was not one for abrupt changes to her routine. She glanced to the girl putting a hand up before she walked towards you.
"Hi." She looked down suddenly realizing you were wearing the same uniform she was. Her eyebrows furrowed as she suddenly lost her train of thought.  "I haven't seen you around school?"
You looked up to the werewolf eyes shining in recognition. "I like to keep to myself."
She nodded. "So if you wouldn't mind this is Wednesday and I's usual booth and-"
"I am more than happy to share-"
"Y/n." Wednesday interrupted the both of you.
Enid grew more confused. "You two know each other?"
You nod to the fur as you go to elaborate, Wednesday cutting you off. "We share a few classes together."
Enid watched the two of you interact and felt the gears in her head begin to turn. She looked to Wednesday's face once more realizing there was something underneath the usual look of indifference and slight agitation. She watched her eyebrows for a second to see if they would give any indication to what she was feeling but found none. She then looked to her eyes not a glare but still not happy, set firmly in its usual deadpan. Her lips the usual frown-
Wait a minute.
She found her cheeks weren't as pale as they usually are and almost gasped out loud as she saw Wednesdays eyes weren't holding your gaze but slowly scanning over you.
"I was just telling Enid I'm more than happy to share the booth with you both."
Enid watched you next and found your hands had a slight shake to them as you placed your cup back down.
"I suppose that will be acceptable." Her neck snapped to the smaller girl who began to settle into the seat across from you. She sat next to Wednesday who scowled.
Wednesday began to take out the book she was reading as you continued on as if nothing changed. At least that's how it would look to anyone else, Enid watched as you would glance to Wednesday when she wasn't looking eyes dilating to the point your irises were overshadowed like, like-
Enid sniffed the air subtly before realization hit her like a truck. She glanced to her roommate to find her staring at you from over her book and shook her head in amusement.
Maybe she’ll let her figure this one out on her own.
Taglist: @alexkolax
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So I've been dealing with a really bad fever for the last few days, and apparently i had written something i have no recollection of writing so here it is:
Tim had dug himself into a hole.
To anyone that knew him, that fact wouldn't be too surprising. Tim had always been a very capable individual, but every now and then he became too in love with how capable he was and he would trip over his own ego. Usually the boy could get out of the messes he created, the sudden humbling giving him a clear head, but this time, he didn't think he could climb his way out on his own. 
The first shovel of dirt of this metaphorical hole came over 4 years ago, lining up with the first shovel of dirt of a literal hole. 
Jason Todd had died. Robin had died. 
Batman was in shambles. 
And 13 year old Tim Drake thought that because of the knowledge he had, it was his responsibility to fix him. 
Batman needed a Robin, and despite what Nightwing had implied, Tim was nowhere near cool enough to be Robin. 
So what would make Batman get his own sidekick? If his enemies had one! Batman would be forced to find someone else to deal with the sidekick while he dealt with the actual Rouge. 
The Joker was obviously out. Beyond the fact that the Joker was horrible, Tim may be joining up with a villain but that didn’t mean he wanted Batman to hate him. 
That meant he needed to find someone Batman didn’t enact a lot of violence on. That got rid of the Scarecrow and the various crime bosses (Black Mask, the Penguin, etc.). Bruce had been close to Harvey Dent, but a 50% chance of death was a percentage that was just a little too high for Tim (oh how that would change). Most of the lower tier Rouges (Kite Man, Mad Hatter, etc.) had gone under after the got wind of Batman's fury, not to mention that Tim really didn't want to spend his days smelling like ketchup. Poison Ivy and Killer Croc were cool, but their skills weren't exactly ones Tim could replicate. 
That left Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and the Riddler. 
The Mr. Freeze was more gentle with kids, their “villiainly” being based on the actions of adults, and the latter three were in it for their own interests rather than the purpose of killing or invoking fear, Catowman wanted shiny things, Harley wanted chaos and fun, and while the Riddler didn't share the same soft spot for kids, he respected intelligence. 
Tim chose Catwoman; the least lethal, and the closest with Batman. The skills she could teach him would also be more helpful in other situations.
It took about a week from the day he knocked on Selina Kyle's door to convince her to train him, but soon enough, a couple days before his 14th birthday and a few more calls to 911 about petty thieves left in the wake of Batman’s grief then Tim would have liked, “Stray” entered the scene. 
And his plan was working! 
The first time Batman had seen the second pair of cat ears he had paused mid ass-kicking of a carjacker and followed the duo, leaving the guy with more teeth then the others.
Slowly but surely, as time went on, the punishments the Batman inflicted started to fit the crime. By the time Tim was 15, he even thought he had seen a small upturn at the corner of Bruce’s mouth as he witnessed a bit of friendly banter between the two cats!
This was when the young villain had started to become a tad bit overconfident. In his defense, he had managed to keep his identity hidden from even Oracle! Lifts in his shoes, a voice modulator, make-up to disguise his facial features, along with a set of the same goggles Catwoman had kept and physical information from being revealed, and Tim Drake never interacted with Selina Kyle so there was no reason that anyone should have suspected him.
That overconfidence is what led him to replicate his plan. If one Rouge sidekick had benefits, then two Rouge sidekicks would mean double the benefits!
Solving riddles wasn’t too hard for the young boy, being able to see double meaning and red herrings was a skill taught to him by Janet Drake, and he took to the escape-room-esque plans for his heists quite easily. The thing he couldn’t figure out was creating riddles of his own. Mother had taught him that knowledge was power, you only reveal it if there was something to be gained, so purposely revealing information about his intention, helping his opponent was not something Tim was accustomed to, not bound to the compulsion to always tell the truth.
If the boy truly wanted to replicate the Riddler, then he would have to learn from the man himself.
Convincing the enigmatic man to teach Tim was easier than it had been with Catowman, the impressive display of bypassing the puzzles that hid the location of the game-playing criminal certainly helping.
Now, 15 years old with an unexplained skill boost in his AP Lang class (the lessons on wordplay were a definite help), The Riddler’s protege, ‘The Puzzler’ became the newest addition to the Gotham Rogues. He resented that name by the way. It was supposed to be Sibyl or Sphinx, they were on theme because they spoke in riddles and though he would deny it, the use of greek figures were his own little way of mocking Oracle, who still couldn’t figure out his identity. But apparently Poison Ivy and the Riddler had brunch once a month (something about being the green Rouges?) and she had heard the Riddler refer to him as “the little puzzle piece” when he was talking about his apprentice and the puzzle theme stuck despite how uncreative the name was.
This is when things became a bit hectic. Not only did Tim have to hide his nightlife from Batman and his parents, now he had to keep his two mentors from realizing that their mentees were the same person. 
He managed to convince Selina that the reason he was so busy lately was the AP classes that came with sophomore year, and while it wasn’t a lie, it certainly wasn’t the full story.
Nygma was easier to deceive. Tim had refrained from sharing his actual identity with the man (just because he would tell the truth in his puzzles for the sake of theme didn’t mean that he would be sharing personal information if it wasn’t needed. The only reason he hadn't hid it from Selina was to gain her trust, something that wasn’t needed with the Riddler) so just saying that he was busy was enough.
All the effort was worth it though. Things kept getting better.
Nightwing was seen in Gotham more often, and Spoiler (someone who Tim initially thought was trying to steal his thing by being a sidekick of the Cluemaster, only to realize she was working against him) had been seen fighting alongside the Batman one or twice. 
On an unrelated note, Stephiane Brown suddenly had her tuition for Gotham Academy paid for in full by the newly created Jason Todd Foundation.
Since things were going so well, he decided to push his luck a little further.
Unfortunately for Tim, he would soon realize the reason he was known for his bad luck in the future.
It started off like other times. Tim convinced Harley Quinn to take him under her wing, and “Ace” made their debut along with Tim’s 5 in AP Psych (Thank you Dr. Quinzel).
Steph and Tim happened to share a few classes together, and went from study buddies (Tim helping her in Chem, and Steph helping him in American History) to close friends.
Spoiler officially joined the Bats, and there were rumors of another bat joining the clan as well. Well there were no actual rumors, but the newest Wayne kid, Cassandra, had started joining him and Steph at their lunch table so her becoming a new bat wouldn’t be too surprising.
Soon enough though, things went to shit.
To start off, the first time Spoiler met Ace, she threw a brick at his head.
Second, His parents had caught him sneaking out and had grounded him, meaning that he now had to wait until they did their last check on his room at 12:00 to sneak out. 
The lack of sleep was starting to catch up to the highschooler. Handling 3 separate nightlife identities was hard enough, but doing so while exhausted was even harder.
After pulling an all nighter to study for a test the night before, he had gone to Selina’s apartment dressed as Ace, and had both costumes not been mostly black he would have been undoubtedly caught before he managed to fix his mistake.
Puzzler once spent a whole night sounding like Stray, and he didn’t think that his “sore throat” lie was all that believable.
Tim accidentally made a cat pun instead of a bat one when engaging in vaguely flirty banter with Spoiler as Ace and Harley had set him down to have the talk, stating that she would love him no matter who he liked and she would be happy to serve as a wingman for him and Catwoman’s protege. It would be funny if it wasn’t so embarrassing.
Third, Cassandra Wayne definitely knew something.
Tim’s “rumors” were right. 2 weeks after Cass had first joined their table Black Bat made herself known. By pinning Puzzler to the ground.
The next day Cass spent the entire lunch period staring at Tim. When he attempted to throw her off by invoking a mix of Stray and Ace’s mannerisms she stopped staring, instead choosing to freak Tim out more by smiling knowingly. At his wide eyes she mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key only throwing Tim off further. Cass was too smart to not have known, but there was no reason she wouldn’t tell if she did know, right?
Last, but not least, and the worst of all:
Jason Todd was alive.
I have no clue where i was going with that last line, but i see a vision, so I'm hoping it will come back to me, but if not, any suggestions or constructive criticism (or a better puzzle themed name for tim) would be helpful
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
How about Tokoyami and Aizawa relationship together? They don’t seem to interact very much but I feel like they would share the same vibe.
You know it’s funny you say that…I have a bit of a controversial opinion on that haha.
Look I love dadzawa content but fanon goes a little off the rails making him a caring and supportive father…this man is not that. He is cold and critical and purposefully discourages his students to weed them out. His actions show more than his words by doing everything in his power to saving them. He does care about them but he does not show it well. He purposely keeps a distance between himself and his students. While tokoyami and aizawa prioritizes rationality above all else that similarity actually strains their relationship more than anything else.
Because tokoyami is so strict on himself and doesn’t allow himself to feel emotional responses to anything the extra criticism from aizawa is encouraging these bad habits. Tokoyami is already so hard on himself for his failures and Aizawa just creates more pressure with his threats of expulsion or reminding him he will die if this is a real battle. Tokoyami already knows this and the stress is slowly breaking him.
This is why he gets along so well with hawks I think. Hawks is very free spirited and encourages a more emotional and even silly side from fumikage. Even if Tokoyami doesn’t realize the reason he feels better around hawks is because he’s actually being more open and emotional. At first hawks ignored him which is a sort of neutral stance but then after tokoyami decided to catch up to him on his own he became encouraging and inspiring. He took him flying, he said he has potential, he said “those who can fly, should fly” and totally flipped Tokoyami’s world view on his head. No one has ever believed in him before, no one ever encouraged him, it was ground breaking.
As far as UAs teachers go Tokoyami actually likes aizawa the least for this reason. A teacher should be someone who encourages you and also pushes you to be better. Aizawa is a “firm hand” and while that may work for other students tokoyami has had far too many of those hands strike him down to feel believed in or even safe around aizawa. He needs a gentle and kind teacher, someone he can feel safe enough to go to for advice and support. In case it wasn’t obvious toko has had lots of problems with teachers in the past and is slightly afraid of them. He has also had problems with heroes. He tries to be on his best behavior around adults in general.
The thing that obviously scares him most about aizawa is his quirk. He doesn’t like when shadow is erased, it makes him nervous and shadow is always a bit disoriented afterwards. He keeps thinking that if aizawa tried to attack him he wouldn’t be able to escape (even if that situation is very unlikely…unless shadow was in a rampage…). He feels bad for not being able to trust aizawa when the man has clearly shown he will do anything to protect his class. He just doesn’t believe Aizawa would protect him specifically :(
Shadow is also afraid of aizawa for the same reasons. No adults have ever listened to them before and Aizawa doesn’t seem very open minded (dark shadow is actually wrong about this assumption). Dark shadow tries to keep from talking in front of him as much as possible. It is inevitable that they would slip up eventually but aizawa seemed surprisingly cool about them being out when they’re not supposed to?? (Shadow you are wrong about him he is nice and understanding I promise). Maybe Aizawa talks to nezu about Dark Shadow and understands a bit better about what they need and how their training should look. Both birds are very surprised when he starts addressing shadow directly in training. It says something about shadows past treatment that even if aizawa is the teacher they don’t like the most that the man still treats shadow with common decency.
Regardless I think toko stays to the shadows of 1-a so to speak so aizawa doesn’t pay much individual interest in him for quite a while. Once shinso joins class 1-a (however you imagine that happening) he has more free time for one on one training so he offers tokoyami a chance for training at night. Tokoyami immediately refuses. Aizawa makes it obvious that it’s not actually a request but an order and tokoyami relents. After getting erased several times in a row shadow is very sluggish and disoriented, after a few more times toko is having trouble getting them to manifest or wake up at all. He doesn’t want aizawa to think he is making excuses so he keeps trying to train without saying anything. Eventually tokoyami also becomes disoriented and passes out and aizawa is very upset toko didn’t mention anything (not to mention worried because he doesn’t actually know what’s wrong).
Once they are feeling better aizawa immediately berates them on keeping their discomfort a secret. Something snaps in toko and he says “why would I tell you anything when I don’t even trust you.” They have to have a long talk about Tokoyami’s frustrations with Aizawa’s teaching style. Even if Aizawa doesn’t suddenly become a reliable and empathetic teacher he is more careful about beating toko down and no longer a direct hinderance to their progress. Maybe shadow even feels good enough to come out during his class~
(This doesn’t have to be the only scenario where a resolution occurs but what’s important is that toko will not say anything about his issues until he is prompted or his hand is forced)
Eventually tokoyami could be forced to talk about his fear openly with aizawa and could be reassured that aizawa would never hurt him. Once again Aizawa would need to be paying close attention to Tokoyami’s behavior and subdued behavior around him. Then he could truly become a reliable figure in tokos life which would be nice.
As far as aizawa’s opinion on tokoyami goes when nezu told him about toko’s…history he was expecting a problem child but toko didn’t seem to stand out at all and never caused any issues. A good but albeit confusing kid. He quickly learns dark shadow is the actual trouble maker and doles out specific punishment for them if they act out. I’m not sure if aizawa is fully aware of how bad it was when toko lost control at the training camp but he did place his room next to aoyama in the dorms so he probably knew something happened.
I just want a final result of aizawa giving him head pats (without him flinching) and shadow coming over to his desk to play with his stapler and capture scarf while toko is trying to take a test and needs to focus.
PS if anyone has any different hcs for aizawa and toko with good reasoning I’d love to hear it!
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I'm not even a Christmas person but, I thought this would be a fun idea. I also like how S.Coups is always a husband in my works lol. The bias is evident. This was also far longer than I initially meant for it to be. The S.Coups brainrot is apparent.
Heads up: Choi Seungcheol x Fem! Reader, crack honestly, Reader dresses up in a skimpy Mrs. Claus outfit and S.Coups is weirdly into it, they're disgustingly inlove with each other, (Mostly) Soft Dom! Seungcheol, Sub! Reader, Seungcheol being a tease, dirty talk, oral sex (f. receiving), thigh spanking (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex, creampie, mild praise kink and mild degradation (f. receiving).
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
"Can I open my eyes now?" Seungcheol asks from your shared bedroom. You can hear the smile in his voice without even seeing his face.
You really should stop listening to Jeonghan.
He was the one who suggested you buy the skimpy Mrs Claus outfit while the two of you were out together earlier. Seungcheol would love it and appreciate the humour in it, he said. And for some reason you had chosen to listen to him like the clown that you are.
"Not yet. I'll be there in a minute, Cheol," you respond, trying to find the courage to face him. You know logically that Seungcheol would never actively make you feel terrible for something you're wearing, especially an outfit that was meant to be moreso comical. However, you can't help but, feel a little ridiculous now actually wearing the get up.
Oh well, it's now or never and you promised your husband a surprise.
"You can open your eyes now," you say to him quietly and, Seungcheol is greeted with quite the eyeful when he does.
The bright red top you're wearing barely contains your tits. They're practically spilling out of the strappy top. The matching skirt isn't much better. It just passes your ass and he's sure he'd be able to see your panties clear as day if you turned around right now. The black thigh high socks you're wearing cling very attractively to your legs too. Creating little, wonderful indents in your upper thighs where they come to rest.
"Ta da," you say half-heartedly, fiddling with the hem of your skirt and studiously avoiding Seungcheol's gaze.
Seungcheol, for his part, is realising some things about himself seeing you in this outfit. He can feel his cock hardening just from taking you in. He was expecting for the two of you to laugh about this, maybe make out because he'd never miss the opportunity to make out with his ridiculously hot wife but, this was far sexier than he was prepared for.
"You look great," he says, voice already gravelly and his eyes slightly lidded.
"Don't patronise me, Seungcheol," you respond a little bit more defensive than you meant to. Eyes shooting up to finally meet his, an apology on your tongue.
However, it dies on your tongue just as quickly when you take your husband in as well. You're a little startled to see the blatantly want in his gaze. His eyes travelling across your body once more before they meet your own.
"You know I would never do that. I mean it. You look great. So fucking sexy," and this time you realise he does mean every word he's saying. Even if he was lying verbally, his facial expressions and body language always gave Seungcheol away and, right now he's practically yelling how much he wants you.
"You know, when I first thought about dressing up like this, I didn't think it would lead to discovering a new kink you have," you say a little sheepishly.
He responds with a low chuckle, a very stark contrast from his usual, endearing giggle. The sound goes straight to the junction between your thighs, a familiar, dull throb settling in.
"I'm just as surprised as you are. But, I'm not complaining. Come here, baby," he says, a commanding edge to his voice. You and him both know you'd never dream to disobey him when he sounds like that so, you steadily make your way over to him until you're standing a few centimetres from touching him.
Seungcheol taps his thigh in invitation and you need no more prompting as you move to settle yourself across his delectable lap. You can't help the little sound you make, part surprise and part desire, when you feel him pressing against you through his sweats and your panties.
"Oh wow, you're really into this," you say breathlessly, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting your fingers play with his dark hair.
His hands come up to rest on your upper thighs, eyes staring intently at your mouth with a small uptick of his own lips. "I'm generally really into anything that has to do with you, yeah," he says, leaning closer to you.
"That was really cheesy, Seungcheol. Even for you," is all you say before you press your lips to his. He groans against your mouth, hands gripping your thighs harder as the kiss begins to increase in desperation.
You can't help the way your hips move against his now fully erect cock. Your own grip in his hair becoming harsher as well while the two of you move with each other. Taking any friction you can get.
Seungcheol was the first one to pull away due to the lack of oxygen. He began to kiss along your jaw and neck, moving to now hold onto your hips and dragging you harder and faster against the length of him.
"Cheol," you gasp out, his brushes against your clit and, mouth along your neck making your panties stick to you uncomfortably now.
"You're so fucking sexy," he mutters against your skin, one of his hands coming up to cup a generous handful of your breast. He massaged you through the flimsy material of your top, smirking against you everytime he grazed your hardened nipple which caused you to shudder.
"Cheol, please," you whine, pressing against his hand and cock desperately. Feeling as though you'll lose your mind if he doesn't do something. Anything, at this point.
You grab onto his shoulders reflexively when he moves to flip the two of you over, eyes widening in surprise. Once on your back, your husband shoots you a grin from above before making sure you're comfortable against your pillows. Your heart squeezes a little in unbridled affection at him. Even through all the lust and neediness, he took the time to make sure he wasn't too sudden or rough with you. Sometimes when you think you're unable to love him anymore, your husband always makes sure to prove you wrong.
Both in the grand gestures and the more subtle ones.
Cupping his face, you pull him into another ferocious kiss. Firmly wrapping your legs around his hips and taking great delight in the moan he let's out against your mouth when he presses against your clothed centre once again.
"I take it I've been very good this year," he says as you eagerly kiss along his jaw and impatiently tug at his shirt.
Any sparky retort you had in mind completely vanishes when he pulls back to throw his shirt somewhere on your bedroom floor. Wide expanses of firm muscle free for you to ogle at and touch as you please. God, you really were the luckiest woman alive.
"Yeah, very good," you say absentmindedly, dragging your fingernails across his chest. Delighting in the way his body tensed and jumped whenever you ran them along his abs.
"I don't think I deserve to be teased if I've been good," he says lowly in your ear and, this time it's his turn to revel in the way your body reacts to him. Your hands faltering along his skin and the shiver that ran down your spine.
"Well, what do you want as a reward?"
"That's a pretty loaded question. There's so many options to choose from," he says, lazily dragging his eyes over your body. They eventually stop on your thighs. He licks his plump lips before saying, "I think I've settled on what I want."
Seungcheol gave you one more kiss against your bruised lips before moving downwards to settle himself between your thighs. Watching your face as he lightly kissed along your inner thighs, hands caressing your outer thighs and enjoying feeling the contrast between your soft skin and the cotton of your socks. The scent of your arousal was fast going to his head and making him feel hazy but, he wanted to work you up properly.
Make you beg for his mouth against you. Very little turned him on like the sounds of you begging for him.
So, he held onto every ounce of his self-restraint as he kept kissing your skin and watching you. Biting back a smirk at the antsy look in your eyes and one of your hands coming to rest against his head.
"Cheol, please," you whine out, pressing your hips up. Trying to move yourself closer to his mouth. However, he held you down firmly. His own eyes molten with desire.
"Please what? Say it."
"I- I want your mouth, please. Or even your fingers. I'll take anything,"
Seungcheol feels himself throb painfully at that. Half-tempted to just sink his cock into you right then and there and, fuck you until you were reduced to tears. However, he had a reward to claim. That could wait.
"I am using my mouth, baby," he says, pressing another kiss higher up on your inner thigh to prove his point. The pout on your lips and the slight tug on his hair makes him laugh a little against you. He can't help it, you're just so cute.
"Not there. You know where, Cheol,"
"I really don't. You have to use your words otherwise I can't help you,"
"My pussy, Cheol. Please, I want your mouth on my pussy please," you finally cry out, pulling at his hair harder this time and feeling frustrated tears build in your eyes.
That's all he needed to hear.
He immediately pressed his mouth against your pastel pink panties, shoving your skirt up your waist and out of his way. Closing his eyes and moaning at the taste of you, even with the barrier stopping him from tasting you directly. You were still heavenly. He couldn't help himself from grinding against your bed in search of some sort of relief for his throbbing cock.
"Ch-Cheol," you choke out, trying to move yourself against his mouth once more despite his steady hold on you. He doesn't let you, however. Seungcheol is taking his time licking at your through your panties, making sure to press a little harder on your clit.
Watching you gradually fall apart under his teasing only fuels the want coursing through his veins. You still get so needy and sensitive after all these years.
Deciding to show you some kindness, he does eventually tug your panties off of you. Leaving you wet and bare for him. And fuck, are you a sight to behold. He clenches his jaw as he takes in how soaked and plump with arousal you are, his cock leaking a good amount of pre-cum in his boxers now. Glancing at your face briefly, he feels himself throb violently at your expression. He hasn't even made you cum yet and you look so fucked out already. Your hair a mess against the pillows, eyes glazed over and teary, mouth open and bruised from the earlier kisses the two of you exchanged and, the straps of your top barely clinging on.
"I don't know what I've done to deserve this as a reward but, thank you," he says, his breaths hitting you directly and making you arch against him. Eyes fluttering shut as you keen from the sensations. You definitely weren't going to last long the ways things were going.
Before you can beg him to please just eat you out, he beats you to it. Looking up at you from between your thighs as he takes his first, long lick of you. Moaning from your taste and the way both of your hands fist his hair. He decides to you've been more than well-behaved enough to deserve a reward of your own so, he wastes no time in diving right in.
He laps at your clit while shifting one of his hands from its hold on you to ease two fingers inside of your eager hole. They're thick and long and fill you up in that way only Seungcheol can. He slowly moves them, taking note of the way your thighs quiver around his head every time he brushes that spot inside of you that leaves you breathless. He makes sure to curl his fingers and press against said spot hard and, is immediately graced with a sharp cry from your pretty lips, your hold on his hair bordering on painful now but, he's determined to push through.
He continues fingering you, watching your face and he can tell you're getting close. However, he pulls himself from your clit and stills his fingers inside you. Your eyes fly open to meet his and he almost groans at the frustrated, desperate look in them, "Why-Why'd you stop? I was close."
"I want you to look at me. If you close your eyes or look away, I'll stop," is all Seungcheol says before starting his ministrations back up once again. Adding more pressure to your clit as a form of apology for stopping and moving his fingers faster, making sure you're watching him all the while.
And you are. Even as a few tears make their way down your cheeks and your moans increase in pitch, you keep your eyes on him. Always such a good, obedient girl.
Good girls deserve to cum.
Seungcheol increases the intensity of his actions. Sucking a little harder on your clit and curling his fingers harder than before inside of your velvet walls, his unoccupied hand trying to keep you in place so you have no choice but, to take everything he's choosing to give you.
It's a particularly hard suck on your clit that you attribute to finally sending you over the edge. Your grip in Seungcheol's hair tightening as you arch against his mouth and his fingers. He tries his best to hold you down and work you through it.  Moaning against your clit at the fresh arousal that coats his cheeks, mouth, chin and fingers.
Your breathing is ragged as you try to come back to your body. You shuddering as Seungcheol continues to lick at you and finger you slowly, the sensations quickly shitfing in overstimulation territory.
"Che-Cheol, too much," you gasp out, gently pulling at his hair in an attempt to move him away from you. He gives your pussy one final kiss before shifting away from you and easing his fingers out of you.
He moves up your body, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Letting you taste yourself on his tongue. "You okay?" He asks, pulling back to look over your face to make sure this wasn't too much for you.
You shoot him a lazy, amused smile and wrap your arms around his neck, "You're still such a worrier after all these years, Cheol. You know I can take more than that. I'm good."
"It never hurts to make sure," your husband pouts and you feel that familiar affection for him settle into your chest. It's hard to believe this was the same man who was determined to leave you as little more than a puddle moments ago.
Said affection prompts you to lean up and kiss him once again and, your husband is more than happy to reciprocate. Although you just came not too long ago, you can't help the way your insides ache when you feel him pressing against your thigh.
"Want you," you utter against his mouth, your hands moving to toy with the waistband of his sweatpants. "Want you too," he says, leaning back to shove his boxers and sweatpants off his body impatiently.
You don't think you'll ever really get used to seeing Seungcheol naked. His cock slaps against his stomach incredibly appealingly, smearing pre-cum in its wake. It's hard and red and making you feel very, very empty at the moment.
"As flattered as I am by my lovely wife ogling me, I'd prefer if you got undressed too. My reward and all that," he says sounding annoyingly smug. You resist the urge to roll your eyes as he helps you shuffle off your skirt and tug off your top. However, we you move to tug off the thigh high socks, his hands rest on yours to still them.
"You can keep those on,"
"How very predictable of you, Cheol," you say with a giggle, laying back down as he settles between your thighs once again.
"What can I say? I know what I like. Now, I want you to hold your thighs open for me," he says, the humour vanishing from his tone as he stares down at you and grips his cock in his hand. Sometimes it still gives you whiplash how quickly he's able to be all cute and giggly then look at you like he wants to devour you.
You quickly follow his command. Placing your hands on the backs of your thighs as he runs the head of his cock along your slit, allowing it to get coated in your arousal. You moan every time he brushes against your clit, feeling your hold on your thighs weaken with every teasing brush against you.
Seungcheol isn't having any of it, however and he promptly delivers a harsh spank to the side of your thigh. "Keep your thighs spread for me, baby. I don't want to have to punish you," he coos in mock sympathy, a devious smirk spreading across his face as he watches you gasp and recoil from the spank, fresh arousal gushing out of you.
"Y-Yes, Cheol," you stammer out, readjusting your hold on yourself until your husband was seemingly satisfied. "Good girl," he groans before pushing himself into after what feels like eons. You feel your hold slipping once again as he sinks into you, his cock feeling thick and delightfully familiar inside of you. "So fucking tight," he moans, his hands coming up to replace your own as he watches his cock gradually move in and out of you, completely covered in your juices.
You feel yourself clench and spasm around him, getting used to the feeling of him inside of you. He still thoroughly stretched your insides out all these years later, the slight sting ebbing away to give rise to nothing but, pleasure.
"Cheol, so d-deep," you gasp out when he hooks your legs over his arms and leans forward to capture one of your nipples in his mouth, picking up speed all the while.
"You're always so wet and tight for me. Your pussy takes me so well, baby," he moans against your breast, pushing into you especially hard. "Can't wait to fill you up with my cum."
His words push you closer to the edge than you anticipated, walls gripping him harshly while your fingernails dig almost red crescent moons into his biceps.
"Yes, Cheol. I want it, please. I want you to c-cum inside of me," you whine out, wishing your legs were free so you could wrap them around him to pull him closer to you.
"Yeah? My baby wants me to fill her up like the good, little cumslut she is?" He asks against your ear, his voice low with arousal as the sound of skin slapping against skin rings throughout your bedroom.
You can tell he's close based on how hard he's throbbing inside of you and the sloppiness of his thrusts. His dark locks sticking to his sweaty forehead as he chases his release, the volume of his own sounds of pleasure increasing as well.
"Y-Yes, Cheol. I want you to fill me up, please. I'm your good, little cumslut," you cry out, reaching for one of his hands. Seungcheol seems to understand what you want because he's grasping your hand in his while he moans into the side of your neck, his climax punching him squarely in the gut before he realises it.
Tears spill down your face while he weakly continues to thrust into you, his hips jolting slightly ever so often. You don't think you'll ever tire of the sensation of Seungcheol cumming inside of you. It's still as hot and exhilarating as the first time he did it.
Your second orgasm isn't quite as earthshattering as the first one but, you still arch against him and milk him for the remainder of his cum all the same. He moves from your neck to look down at you in surprise and desire when he feels the telltale signs of your release and, cups your jaw with one hand and presses a heartbreakingly gentle kiss against your lips.
"Have I told you how hot you are lately? Because you're pretty hot," he mutters against your lips, his eyes alight with humour and affection.
"You could stand to mention it more. For what it's worth, I think you're really hot too but, could you let go of my legs? I think I'm losing feeling in them," you half wheeze out.
"Oh shit, sorry," Seungcheol says, moving to untangle your legs from his arms and settling ontop of you comfortably.
Usually you'd complain about his weight on you since your husband was practically all muscle and the sticky feeling between your thighs that was quickly becoming unpleasant but, you didn't want to ruin the fragile tranquility you two currently found yourselves in.
His hands soothingly massaging your thighs while your own ran along his shoulders and back.
"Best Christmas present ever. Solid 10/10,"
"Cheol, we have sex all the time. That doesn't really count as a Christmas present,"
"Well, you don't always dress up when we have sex so, that makes this time special. Plus, it's my gift so I get to decide whether it counts or not,"
"Do you want me to dress up more often?" You ask jokingly.
The way your husband moved his head to look at you probably broke some kind of world record for how quick he was, "Are you being serious?"
"I might consider it," you say in amusement, giggling at the genuine excitement on his face.
Well, New Year's was just around the corner. Perhaps it couldn't hurt.
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A month ago I asked you to send me some journal prompts to dig deeper before I start testosterone- because I felt like there were things I was still pushing down
And here is the list I compiled!
Imagine yourself as an elder queer person - who are you? What are your values- what does your life look like, what do you look like
What beliefs do you have about love- where are they rooted, are they limiting? How have you challenged them?
Write about what you’re attracted to, traits, physical appearances, moments, experiences. (sexual or platonic)
Write about your love language- how you show love, and how you want to receive love.
How do you show vulnerability in your love life? Where do you need to push yourself to be more vulnerable? What are you afraid of sharing
A childhood moment of feeling queer/trans and feeling joy
A childhood moment of feeling queer/trans and feeling fear or confusion
Moments when you felt like you were close to recognizing/accepting your gender or sexuality but repressed it instead.
What does masculinity mean to you? How does it show up in your life. What parts of masculinity appeal to you? What doesn’t?
What does femininity mean to you? How does it show up in your life. What parts of femininity appeal to you? What doesn’t?
What are your thoughts on gender? Does your gender fit within the gender binary, or is it something else entirely.
What parts of your gender, if any, would you *like* to feel one way about, but actually feel differently about? Why do you think you would like to/should feel this way about that part of your gender
Does your gender affect or influence your sexuality? Is there anything that you feel like is a contradiction between the two- is that something you embrace or feel uncomfortable about.
How are your views about your gender influenced by others in your life? What are you holding onto because of a fear or anxiety about what others will think
Do you have unexamined negative feelings about men and masculinity/women and femininity that may be affecting your decision to transition? Have you delayed/repressed your desire to transition because of this?
Are you able to conceive of the kind of man/woman/enby you want to be? Do you know any people like this? If the answer is no, is this impacting how you feel about your transition?
Do you have fears about living as a man/woman/enby that you haven't examined? Am I afraid of being treated differently/ losing access to certain spaces? Am I afraid of how my interactions with others will change? Am I afraid of people's reactions to my transition?
What small thing can you do right now to affirm and express your gender
Do you want to take hormones? List all of the possible changes you could expect. Sort them into columns. Want, Don’t Want, and No Preference. Spend some time reflecting on each change, what is the underlying reason why you put them in their respective columns.
Do you want gender affirming surgery? Invision yourself after the procedure - what emotions does that bring up, is there anything holding you back?
If you went through puberty already - How did that affect you physically and emotionally. How did you feel at the time. What would you have liked to happen?
Create a visual gender moodboard. Collect outfits, accessories, style icons, favorite movie & tv characters. Things that make you feel euphoric.
Is there anything you would like to try out to express your gender that you’re afraid of doing? What is the motivation behind that fear
Have you worked through any internalized transphobia. Are you afraid of being less desirable after transition?
Are you afraid of being less queer or less visibly queer after transitioning?
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stxrvel · 1 year
gym time
summary: you didn't expect to meet someone like Bucky Barnes when you decided to enter the gym, especially since his looks and words were anything but friendly.
pairing: au!bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +1k
warning: uhm, descriptions of bucky working out? some bad words. also i suck at summaries but what i was trying to say is that bucky is very suggestive here, and there will be suggestive conversations iykwim. this chapter doesn't contain too much of that but still minors do not interact!!!!
note: hi guys! um, i dont know what to say. being honest idk why i wrote this when i dont know if i'll ever be able to continue it, i think it was for the joy or fun in it and maybe trying to test new things? i kind of wrote the draft for a second part but i dont think i want this one to be a series, i wanted to see it like a drabble but i got carried away and now there are too many words. but what i do know now is that i will be pleased to write drabbles in a scenario like this, like in this universe or au. if you guys liked this (which i hope so) would you mind sending me what would you like to see next? only time will tell how good i'm doing but i hope i can at least entertain you a little. anyway, looking forward to your opinions and i really hope you like this one! since it's my first time writing in this kind of genre :'(
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You were at the gym. It had been barely a week since you had started with the goal of creating a routine in your life, because work was consuming you from the inside out. Coming home no longer felt like it used to, when you still had the fever of being independent and being able to get yourself everything you wanted. Adult life really was a mud puddle compared to what we always thought as kids.
So… yeah, you decided to join the gym closest to your apartment to try to change your bad procrastination habits a bit. Maybe now that you were paying for it with your own money you'd feel more like going, just for the sake of not making the money go to waste. But, hey, it was something.
During that week everything had been relatively fine. You hadn't had any problems with anyone, no awkward comments and you had gotten some workout partners to take turns lifting weights or running on the treadmills with at the same time.
It was honestly becoming your favorite place to be after work.
And, well, of course, there was him.
The man you shared end-to-end glances with at the gym. He never came close, always kept his space, unless he had to use some machine near where you were.
He looked like a decent man… and definitely sexy. But you didn't dare get close even though it seemed to be the only thing the two of you wanted to do. The furtive glances weren't even accidental anymore, you both sought each other out through the masses of air as if it was second nature to you. And that upset you too much because it hadn't been too many days, how could you feel so passionate and heated just sharing glances with a stranger? Within what you didn't know there might be something you didn't like, even.
Anyway, you had to avert your gaze each time before it became too much, but it always seemed like it wasn't enough for the people around you not to notice.
“Why don't you just go talk to him?” Veronica spoke in front of you, waiting for Erika to leave the press to start her series.
You were on the treadmill finishing your routine that day and that man was on the other side of the gym, lifting weights like they were nothing. You had watched him for so long without embarrassment that you had almost memorized every line of his massive arms. And your partners that day had definitely noticed.
“I don't think it's appropriate,” was all you could think of.
Erika snorted, lowering her legs as she put down the weights. “She's afraid the sexual tension surrounding them will suffocate her.”
“Erika!” you scowled at her. “Stop talking nonsense.”
“I'm of the same opinion as Veronica, you should just go talk to him. If it turns out his personality isn't as sexy as his body, you're not going to lose anything and you're going to gain a lot.”
Veronica, who had already settled into the press after Erika cleaned the chair, nodded animatedly at her partner's words.
You turned your head to look at him again, just as his strong hands released the weight that bounced to the floor. You saw him shake his arms slightly and move his shoulders in circles, releasing the tension a little at a time. Even in the distance you could make out as if he were right beside you the line of his veins running around his arms and the-
“Look at her, she's drooling already.”
You clicked your tongue and Erika only shared a chuckle with Veronica. You decided to focus solely on getting the treadmill over with quickly so you could get through that day.
You came out of the shower with an incredible freshness dancing in your body. In the bathrooms the atmosphere was always a little cooler than in the center of the gym, so the time after the bath was one of your favorites. Veronica and Erika had already left, they had said goodbye before you entered the shower. They always left at seven o'clock at night, but you preferred to stay a little longer and enjoy the showers you paid for because you didn't have much to do at home when you got there.
With the towel over your right shoulder you walked towards the lockers to get your training bag and other belongings. You thought for a moment about leaving a few things from your bag since there would be a zumba class early tomorrow morning and maybe you were getting a little interested in going, when you heard some footsteps close to where you were.
There shouldn't have been too many people left in the gym at that time because closing time was at 8:00 p.m., so someone else must have gotten out of the shower to get their belongings just like you.
You decided to leave a few things in the locker for the next day's class, encouraging you a little more to leave the house a little earlier. Anyway, you knew Veronica would be there so you wouldn't be alone.
You pulled out the bag with the things you were going to take with you and closed the locker. You turned around to leave, when you finally realized who else had come in after you.
It was him. It was that man.
You had never met him in the evenings. He always left before seven o'clock so you never had the chance to meet him alone until that moment, when you stopped dead in front of him, your sneakers grinding against the floor as if you had braked violently at fifty kilometers per hour.
Your locker was all the way in the left corner of that room and it looked like his was a few spaces away from yours in the same direction, closer to the door.
His gaze lifted in your direction at the sound of your shoes and you had to squeeze your bag strap tightly over your shoulder, eating your embarrassment fiercely.
“Hey,” he spoke first and his voice was nothing like you had imagined.
It was incredibly better. His baritone tone, somewhat raspy and light, sounded like he didn't have a care in the world. The way he slightly curved his lips sent an electric sensation throughout your body. He had given you that smile before, but at that proximity it was a whole new experience. It seemed like your body began to vibrate on another frequency.
“How did you like the gym?”
The man turned back to you, closing his locker almost at the same time and leaning his shoulder against it in the most smooth way you'd ever seen, handling his body with a confidence that almost made you feel intimidated.
“You're new here, aren't you?”
“Ah, yes,” you nodded slightly, again feeling that embarrassment make its way from your throat. “I've really liked the gym, I've felt very comfortable thankfully. And the monthly plans are very good, affordable.”
The man nodded attentively at your words, as you tried to keep your composure under his sharp gaze.
“I'm Bucky,” he suddenly introduced himself, stepping a little closer to where you stood.
“I'm Y/N,” you kept your voice steady as you raised your hand to meet his that had just extended in front of you at a safe distance. “A pleasure.”
“The pleasure's all mine,” Bucky gave your hand a good shake, causing things in your body that you were too embarrassed to admit. You didn't know if your cheeks could get flushed, but at that moment you felt like they looked cartoonish, vibrant red and hot. “And I'm glad to hear you're comfortable. I do my best to make my clients happy.”
Even though you felt spellbound under the piercing fierceness of those blue eyes, your ears were still working enough to allow your head to process what you'd heard.
“You're the owner?”
Bucky nodded and you wanted to hide your head in a hole for a moment.
So you'd been eye-fucking the owner of the gym? Hell, now that you thought about it more clearly, it could even be that this man was older than you, much older.
Oh no, the things you had to go through for not being a little more prudent. Good thing that embarrassing moment would only be in your head.
“And now that you know, you can drop any complaints or recommendations directly to me, if you want.”
You let out a short laugh, trying to cut through the awkwardness you felt inside as you realized the situation you were in.
“Sure, yeah, anything I need to tell you I'll do it personally.”
“Also if you want me to change something… give you something or do something, you can tell me.”
“Sure,” you nodded quickly, starting to move around him to get closer to the exit. Bucky wouldn't take his eyes off you. “Now I know I'm counting on you for anything…. From the gym, that is.”
Your awkward laugh died under his intense but amused gaze. Was he enjoying it?
“And you can talk to me, if you want too,” Bucky continued speaking as you completely surrounded him and now found yourself in the position he had been before, “not just watching me from afar.”
You were sure the blood had left your face by this time. Your level of embarrassment had gone over the edge and in that instant you didn't know how to do anything but look at him as if he had caught you in the middle of a crime. You tightened the strap of your bag while holding your breath as you noticed him moving a little closer towards you.
“It's not that it bothers me, don't go thinking that. It's just that… I'd like to get to know you a little more if that's possible.”
“Uhm…” you mumbled with a dry mouth, the reflection of the light in his blue eyes much clearer against the short distance between the two of you. You passed saliva with difficulty, shaking your head to answer him, “Yeah, sure. I'd like to know you too.”
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he nodded at your words, not making a move to get any closer. If that five-foot distance alone already felt like you were suffocating, you didn't want to imagine what it would be like to have him standing to the side or behind you explaining how to do some exercise even though you already knew how to do them all…
“See you then, doll.”
He walked around you, walking away from that conversation and that tension like it was nothing, like a bomb hadn't just exploded in front of you. You couldn't even say anything goodbye to him, you didn't know in that instant how to move your mouth.
For a moment you felt so foolish for allowing yourself to show yourself in such a vulnerable way in front of a man… but, at the same time, so much had happened since the last time you had actively flirted with one of them (even though what you had done at that moment had been spitting words). You'd barely had a taste to remember what the adrenaline, excitement and anticipation of having a truly fun night was like… that you didn't plan on letting go.
Bucky had thrown you that rope and you were sure you were going to take it.
a/n: thank you for reading!! <3
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thetwotorches · 7 months
Basic Ancestor Veneration
I have essentially been away for a few months to take care of the recently dead and also my own ancestors, so I thought I would share what I do for myself because it is very simple and very accessible for anyone who has been wanting to take care of their family line and doesn't know where to start or doesn't have a great deal of time.
I lived in Asia for several years, so this basic structure is similar to how I saw and learned it while living there. The way it was conveyed to me is that you don't necessarily need to have ties to Asia to do things this way- it is so basic at its core anyone can benefit.
I will now detail a simple ancestor veneration setup in a temporary style and share some more permanent alternatives if you decide you would like it to be more permanent.
First please pick out a nice sheet of paper. You can fold it into a neat square or thick strip for either horizontal or vertical writing. Please do not use scissors to trim anything on the paper, please crease and tear cleanly if you must resize without folding. If you choose to do this and accidentally make a large rip or chunk, please start over.
On this paper now write "The Temporary* Place For The Ancestors of X X" (the X's being your own first and last name) very neatly. If you make a mistake, start over completely with fresh paper- marking or scribbling out is unacceptable. (*If you decide later on to make this a permanent thing, I recommend using a thin piece of wood in the same shape, and writing or carving the words onto it, or using a nice piece of board. At which point you may omit the word 'temporary' from the signage.). This paper will act as the anchor for your ancestors to come to.
Please create a stand of some sort for this paper to go on; the idea being that the paper should be able to stand as straight up as possible without leaning or falling over, but without the paper standing like a greeting card with the folded paper open to do so. Do not poke holes or pin the paper to anything. You could fashion something out of cardboard, or if you are especially handy the preferable, more permanent choice is out of wood with fitted pieces if you are looking to make something more permanent (no nails used please).
Once the paper goes onto the stand, please refrain from touching it with bare hands as much as possible. Move it by its stand if it must be moved, or take a piece of cloth in your hand to pick it up.
Once your paper is sitting straight up in its stand in a dedicated place, please choose a nice bowl, preferably a plain white, that fits neatly between your hands. Fill it about half way with clean, fresh water. Place this bowl, with its water, before the upright paper.
With the offering of water made before the paper, you have essentially finished the foundation of this veneration and may speak to/call/interact with your ancestors as feels best to you. The most basic thing I personally do is bow, but if there is a bigger occasion I will do other things.
Replace the water in the bowl every day with fresh water. I pour out the previous day's water onto my plants so that it does not go to waste and can also feed something alive. After replacing the water each day, I will do my desired interactions.
If you have written on your paper that this is a 'temporary' place for your ancestors- perhaps the time you have allotted has now come to an end or you have decided on a more permanent setup that is more sturdy than paper and cardboard, etc- then there will come a time to clean up the space. Here is how I do things.
Take the last bowl of water and carry it outside. Toss the water forward to empty the bowl and point it away from your house. Go back inside and retrieve the paper- this time you may carry it with your bare hands, but please show respect. You may say some parting words, or just keep to a reverent silence. Once you are ready, light the paper on fire to dissolve the anchor and send them on their way. Please make sure the paper has wholly burned to ash- this may require re-lighting some pieces. You can also collect any remaining ash in your hands and rub them between your fingers to break up the larger pieces and send them along on the wind.
The stand you made you can either keep for next time or toss, it no longer serves any function or has any relevance.
I hope this has been useful. I think our ancestors are some of our strongest supporters- remember that they don't just go back to people you know or knew, but far beyond that. I hope we can take the time to recognize them throughout the year.
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I grew up extremely privileged. I always want to be honest about that. I never worried about where the next meal was coming from, I had new clothes and toys whenever I wanted them, my family went on holiday every year and regularly had meals out, went to the cinema and the theatre. My parents sent me to private school, where I got to learn about the history of civil rights movements and the theologies of other cultures. I attended a prestigious university and have never gone without. But do you know what that taught me? It taught me that the things I took for granted should be taken for granted by everyone. No human being should starve when we currently produce enough food globally for an extra two billion people who don’t currently exist. Everyone should have access to a full, well-rounded education that lasts as long as they want. People should be exposed to other cultures and be able to have enriching experiences. I have never understood the people I met along the way who, in being exposed to the same unearned privileges as me, came to conclusion that it meant they were somehow special or better than others. My upbringing actively led me to believe in a universal basic income, to want everyone to have access to good healthcare and education and the ability to interact with those different from them. Because every child should grow up with the carefree feeling that not worrying about money brings, that it brought me.
My privilege has also given me the ability to access systems and institutions of power - my whiteness, my middle-class southern English accent, my academic vocabulary and my understanding of how these systems function, means I have power others do not. I’m determined to use this for people who have been silenced and shut out, to create spaces where they can speak and be heard. Of course I’ll mess up sometimes, because privilege brings ignorance with it and I still have a lot to unlearn. But I’ve never understood the point of trying to hide from your privilege or pretend it isn’t there. It’s not something to feel guilty about, because you didn’t choose it. But it is something you’re responsible for. The work of the rest of my life will be to understand and deconstruct my privileges, to work alongside and at the direction of the more marginalised to build a more just world.
This is quite rambly and incoherent and probably doesn’t make perfect sense, but I hope you get the gist of what I’m saying. I’ve been fortunate and I want others to experience that too. I don’t see justice work as about tearing people down from where they are, but rather about sharing what they’ve benefited from with everyone.
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justladders · 11 months
A Thing About Asks
Just wanted to talk about something that's been happening to me a lot more as of late and figured it needed to be its own post.
I get your all's asks. I see them and get an idea for something to say back. Since this is an art blog, a lot of the time the ask is something art related, which means drawing something to answer them.
I have a lot to do irl, outside of the internet, outside of this site. When I get on Tumblr, I want to look at/laugh with/share art and whatnot. This is basically the one place I go for that. When I'm free at home, I get to spend some time of that time drawing for myself, for projects, and even for answering asks.
I like getting asks. I like when people have something they're curious about, want to share, or want an opinion on, and it's nice to know there are people that are comfortable with bringing some of those questions/ideas to me. And yet, asks are not my #1 priority. I have things I already want to make. It's why I do any art at all. I have jokes, designs, concepts, and stories that I want to put down and be able to share. Replying to asks that bring something new to the table is fun too, and sometimes that's what I feel like doing when I get my free time.
I have some very old asks that I still haven't gotten to. It's not even that I don't want to answer them, but I find motivation to create certain and specific things to be extremely fickle. I'll answer asks out of order: some very old, some literally as soon as I get them. I don't try to pick and choose, I just draw whatever whenever I have the drive to.
Spamming the inbox doesn't make me answer faster. In fact, it makes me want to not answer at all, because I don't condone or want to reward that kind of behavior.
An ask is not a free pass to *demand* art. I should make a point that I don't think of a lot of asks I get as being like this. I understand that the thing about being an art blog means lots of questions for/about/of characters that I draw, and I like that. It's fun to create interactions and that kind of thing. I don't think everyone that has an ask about potentially drawing something is "trying to get free art," there are just some people that will repeatedly hound as if they are owed something. (It's sometimes hard to tell if an ask even sent -I know, I use this site too- so I don't consider it badgering if you're like, "I can't actually tell if that worked so sorry if this is a repeat.")
Asks are not a contract. And certainly not a timed one. In relation to the last point, I and other artists are not "obligated" to get to asks "on time." Receiving an ask doesn't mean the artist has to drop everything to go answer it, use up their free time, etc. If they want to respond, they will. You might not even know them. You might just be a complete stranger to them. You might not know what their day or schedule looks like. They don't have to set aside whatever they're doing to answer.
This isn't because I'm mad, it just feels like this doesn't ever get addressed and needed to be.
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bicayaya · 2 months
as of now, i’m on a semi-hiatus.
under the cut i’ll talk a little about this decision. it’ll probably be a long post and it’s basically a vent, so pls don’t feel pressured to read it.
maybe all i say here will sound confusing, specially because lately expressing myself in english is being very hard. but i’ll try to make some sense.
well, there’s two main reasons why i’m deciding to do this. first of all, ever since i went on a semi-hiatus during may/june, i feel that i’m unable to be 100% back on this account, like i lost my place here. i always felt anxious and nervous about interacting, but somehow it became even worse after being some time away from tumblr. this is no one’s fault (probably just my own), but i can’t help but feel disconnected from the rest of the fandom. which makes me sad, because there’s a lot of people here who i really like and who i miss interacting with more. but in the past few weeks, every time i thought of interacting, something kept blocking me, i felt like i had nothing to add to the conversation and that no one would even care about anything i could possibly say (again, i’m aware that this is mostly my anxiety talking and no one’s to blame for me feeling like this other than myself). this feeling of rejection made me even avoid opening the app some days, because seeing others interacting made me feel even worse about my current lack of social skills.
the second reason is the fact that creating is not bringing me any joy right now. again, a fact that makes me really sad, because i love drawing, i love my ocs and i still have a lot of ideas i would like to share. but the process of creating them isn’t being as fun as it was a few months ago. i had a conversation about this with my psychologist recently, and she made me realize that instead of using my free time doing something i was in the mood to or resting, i was forcing myself to do the things i thought i had to do. i still love art, and i don’t plan on giving up on it, but maybe i should try focusing and trying different hobbies for now. because lately all i felt while trying to create was frustration, and i don’t want to ruin something i love by associating it with bad feelings. and honestly, if i can’t create, i feel like there’s nothing for me to even post here.
these two reasons are also connected to the fact that i’m not on a good mental state right now. i won’t elaborate much, because these are personal matters that i don’t feel comfortable sharing here, but i’ve been feeling down and anxious most of the time. this makes me feel like an awful person, which makes me avoid talking with others because i fear being bad with them (and consequently makes me avoid any kind of interaction, like i said before), and not keeping touch makes me feel even worse and i just keep constantly finding myself in this cicle. my routine is not the healthiest right now either, which i think might be making everything worse.
i’m not happy making this decision, but i think it’s necessary because i’m not happy with how things are right now either. there’s still a lot i would like to share, specially involving my ocs, but i just can’t do anything right now.
even with all of this, i don’t want to lose contact with the friends i’ve made here. you’re all very precious to me and always showed me a lot of kindness and support. if anyone wants to reach out to me for any reason, i’ll still have my tumblr notifications turned on, so you can dm me or send me messages on discord (same username as here). the only posts i’ll be checking out are the ones i’m tagged, so if you want me to see something that you think i might like, feel free to tag me! i’m sure i’ll be happy to see it.
you can also still send asks for me or for my ocs (in this or in their blog). i don’t know if i’ll be able to answer them quickly, as i still have a few old unanswered asks, but i’ll try, specially if it’s something important.
and, something important: i still plan on doing the requests i received on my birthday event. i think it’s unfair to everyone who joined to ignore it and i want to keep my word. but i can’t promise when i’ll post them, because i’ll probably take longer than usual to finish any drawing.
i guess that’s all. please take care everyone, if you need me for anything (or just want to reach out) you know where to find me! hopefully this decision won’t last long.
my intro/masterpost
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just-another-star-47 · 3 months
The next MC I wanted to draw is Damien Evans from @theladyofshalott1989 because firstly she is one of the most lovely and kind hearted people I met in this fandom and secondly because Damien is a well crafted and thought-out character, that I hope to get to know even better, by reading his story.
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While sketching I had a lot of time to reflect on certain things, think about what I read and I want to share some of these thoughts.
I always thought, the main reason why I never came across drama regarding my person was, that I'm not that big and only interact with posts from people I hold dearly to my heart.
But to be honest, now thinking about it, it's probably because of what I write as well. Over a year ago, I started to create f!MCxSebastian snippets, because at that time I found huge comfort in it (still do). It helped me to write Sebastian as my personal comfort character and find some sort of healing in the interactions I wrote with him.
Even though I write more for the love of the world and characters now, there is still some kind of healing process in it, using my MC as an abstraction of my own trauma.
But that's not the point. The point is: I want everyone to be able to seek comfort in the HL characters and their world by creating things that benefits them. And it makes me sick, that because of some ignoramuses some people are kept from experiences this. Everyone deserves to create MCs to their liking, write stories to their liking, just create to their hearts desire. To heal, to find comfort, to have fun.
What kind of person are you, to want to take that away from someone, just because you personally don't like it?
A fandom should be about listening to each other, accepting that everyone deals with life differently and enjoys different things. I think the HL fandom is rather small, which could be such a good opportunity to create a safe space, to connect easily and lift each other up.
It's not for making other people feel bad because your own life is shitty right now and you're unhappy with yourself. In that case: write, draw, create, go to therapy. Do something to change yourself and leave other people alone. You're welcome again, if you are able to reflect on your behaviour and show empathy. Unless then, get out!
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