#i ship chuuya with too many people its terrible
spacexseven · 2 years
tuna you have nooo idea how many ideas i have about yans falling for their doctors but i will give u something simple: port mafia; ie: chuuya, akutagawa, pm dazai, etc. x good-natured hospital doctor. one day theres a major clamor about how someone turned up outside the hospital with grievous injuries. at first its all hands on deck to help them, but eventually someone figures out that theyre mafia and everyone jumps ship. darling’s colleagues try to persuade them away from the dying mafioso, telling them how getting involved with the mafia in ANY way will turn out bad for them and to just leave them to their fate, but darling keeps to their oath and decides to take over their care.
its tiring work, working round the clock alone to keep this bastard alive, but it’ll all be worth it in the end, right? wrong. yan’s FIRST order of business when waking up and finding themselves in a hospital is to flip out. threats, attacks, the whole shebang. big tantrum. eventually darling reasons with them that theyre far too injured to go anywhere for the time being without like. dying. (this wouldnt work on dazai that well lol) and if they wanted to turn them in or kill them they wouldve done it like 2 days ago. they even agree to submit to the mafia’s retaliation if they find their care insufficient. their patient agrees, albeit very angrily, and darling sets off on the worlds most thankless job. 
any of these fuckers will give darling a run for their money. dazai would spend a lot of time trying to intimidate them into letting him out early or goad them into killing him, stealing things to hurt himself with, harassing the nurses, faking symptoms, anything he can think of to make their life harder. chuuya is just NASTY, nothing to say to the person Saving His Life besides threats and insults. can never leave a check up on akutagawa without at least one bruise. so on and so forth. no support from colleagues either, darlings decision to Do Their Job making them a pariah. even so, they offer their testy patient their care and kindness without falter. as soon as theyre well enough to get up and walk out, thats exactly what they do, and darling would be lying if they said they werent glad to wash their hands of the whole thing. they’re, of course, back the next week with a new injury that they INSIST that DARLING SPECIFICALLY must look at and suddenly acting like they’re besties. darling lets them, of course, even as the injuries they come in with are more and more ridiculous, all the while trying to gently steer them away from ever coming back before they get them arrested. 
well, if you didnt want them hanging around you maybe you shouldnt have been so sweet. are they supposed to forget about you holding their hand through shockwaves of pain? your soothing voice? the way you stayed up all night to watch over them while they slept? do you think they get THAT at the mafia infirmary? say, why dont you come and work there! they see how your colleagues spurn you, how ungrateful your other patients are for you. doctors are VERY highly regarded among the mafia, itd be a great fit for you! itd also let them personally make it up to you for being so awful before. win-win, right?
- 🩹
i am terribly sorry about how long it took for me to answer this 😭😭😭 i did consider a similar idea but w/ darling doing the underground doctor job for extra money (we need to start raising funds for darling) as well if you're interested!!
im gonna use dazai as a placeholder for this if u want one w chuuya and aku lmk :>
cw: yandere characters, obsessive behavior, jealousy, obsession, injuries, harassment, taking advantage, implied coercion.
injuries aren't uncommon in this line of work, and bleeding out with a terrifyingly gaping wound is not a new sight for port mafioso. usually, though, mori already arranges for other people to come in and take care of the injured, and they steer clear of hospitals and clinics. it's not smart to get civilian doctors involved in this.
usually, things go as planned.
today, it didn't. dazai's subordinates were strewn somewhere else, leaving him wounded and isolated. to make things worse, he was positioned awkwardly close to a busy street. he should have anticipated that the enemy would have some other trick up their sleeve. now what? was he going to die here, like a disgraced dog? he would prefer something less painful and embarrassing, but beggars couldn't be choosers...
maybe he should have accepted mori's offer of even more backup.
he couldn't reach for his phone, and even if it didn't hurt so bad and he could get it, his fingers were trembling so much that he knew he couldn't type out anything. god, how pathetic. death was death. he couldn't be too picky about it, could he? he would welcome the end.
to his surprise, he woke up.
he was sure he was in a hospital. the plain walls, the simple bed. the papers nearby and the person in a white coat gave it away. this was bad news, terrible news. he wasn't supposed to go to any hospitals or clinics unless mori said so, and now he was here, getting treated by any regular civilian doctor.
obviously, dazai decides the best course of action is to kick up a fuss. they wouldn't hold him here against his will, right? he screams and kicks and threatens everyone until he's exhausted and the staff is ready to throw him out themselves, but you stop them. he recognizes you as the person in his room when he woke up, and watches as you defend his behavior by telling everyone how confused and frightened he would have been after waking up with no recollection of what happened in between. confused, frightened? he was mortified by your choice of words, and worse yet, it was working. everyone backed down, turned their backs and went on with their day.
and you have the audacity to turn back and smile at him like you hadn't just embarrassed him, telling him that it was expected he would have reacted so negatively, promising to help make sure his stay was as comfortable as possible. what stay? he wants to get out, but when he voiced this demand with a hoarse throat, you look more shocked and rush off to get him something for his voice instead. you sit down beside him with a hand on his and carefully explain why he has to stay and why it's important he works with you for a speedy recovery. you ask him for who you should contact since he didn't seem to have any existing identity, but he only turns away and tells you he wants to leave.
he does this for as long as he's hospitalized, complaining about everything, reminding you he doesn't have cash and that killing him would be your best course of action, since he couldn't afford the bill anyway. he tries to run away and pull off stupid stunts, but nothing works. it's infuriating how calm you are about everything. you leave and go back to your usual routine, stopping by to check up on him occasionally. the other staff, however, look terrified of him, and he relishes in the trembling hands and rushed exits. during one of their visits to sort out his room, dazai pretends to sleep so they can actually get things done without fearing he will kick them all out the window, and overhears a particularly interesting conversation.
he learns that you were the one who insisted they treat him despite everyone else noticing the signs that he was probably part of some underground organization. some determined line about how it's your job and you need to help everyone regardless of personal feelings. he thinks it's all bullshit, but your determination...is kind of cute. it's only a matter of time before you end up as soulless and exhausted as everyone else in the city, though.
then the long awaited day comes, and you announce that he can leave. he doesn't care to ask for a bill or thank you, running out and disappearing to talk to mori again, but he would be lying if he said he didn't think about you even after that day. for some reason, something about you really stuck with him. it might have had something to do with your relentless insistence to help, your unwavering patience, your calm conduct, or maybe your...voice. your sympathetic tone, your firm hold...your presence.
a week later, dazai shows up to your workplace and demands he get his hand checked out. he whines until they drag you down and then he exaggerates his terrible condition, how important and urgent it was and how he needed to be kept inside the hospital for a few weeks at least this time. it's very serious, you know. you saw through his lie, but you don't bat an eyelid, immediately complying to his outrageous demands. he was a little happy that you hadn't changed. so despite how often he showed up, with a new but small injury, you took it in stride and treated him with all the concern and seriousness he expected. could you blame him if he liked to be fussed over like this?
what he didn't like was the knowledge that you treated all your patients like this. none of them deserved the same meticulous inspections, soothing touches, dedicated service, and warm smiles you gave. it wasn't fair that he came in all beaten up and you could only come in for a quick greeting before rushing out after another patient. and for what? your meager pay? well, if he could talk to mori and get you brought over as a personal doctor for some of the high-ranking members, you'd get paid well and you could be with him all the time while doing what you loved. it was the best of both worlds, wasn't it?
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cloversdreams · 4 years
chuuya would, in fact, be interested in seeing poe’s wine cellar
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afinepricklypear · 4 years
**Update: The works mentioned in this post have since been taken down. The “message” was removed by AO3 because it was a violation of their TOS and it seems the author chose to remove their “opinions” piece.**
Despite the ongoing world crisis, I hope everyone is doing great as the year comes to a close and prepping for a safe holiday season.
I don’t really post here a lot, but I just wanted to talk about a problem that exists in every fandom and has recently come up for me in the BSD fandom. This problem is typically referred to as: toxic behavior, however, I sort of hate that term because it’s an umbrella term that encapsulates a wide array of behaviors that is purposefully vague so as to imply everything can be toxic, which means the definition changes depending upon the person, and ends up getting thrown around to describe any behavior that a person dislikes. That said, most people can agree that the term ‘toxic behavior’ includes “shipper wars” and harassing people because of their “ship”.
Yesterday, a user on AO3 going by the penname E_C_arts posted a message titled “deer Soukoku fans” and giving it the not-innocuous summary “please we’re begging you, please stop”. Clicking through leads to a rather prime example of this particular flavor of toxic fandom behavior, guised as an attempt to defend those who were allegedly victims of this self-same behavior, also a lovely example of emotional manipulation.
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Although what’s currently posted (and what I managed to screen shot below) may not seem terrible on first glance, if not a little cringey, and can be easy to agree with (don’t bully people that write for a ship you dislike), this was not their original message and has been edited since being posted and, and only after receiving the number of comments it did and which they’re now noting as “proving their point” – a point which they erased, thus manipulating perceptions. I wish I had gotten a screenshot of the original, but if you scroll through the comments, you can find some people that quoted it.
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This person most definitely did open their “message” to Soukoku fans by literally telling them to “stop writing” for it. They claimed there was some unspecified AU (or maybe multiple unspecified AUs) that had been overwritten for, that it was overused, and not original. They went on to talk about how the abundance of soukoku content was turning off new fans to the series (don’t even know how that logics…) and bullying people from creating content for other ships, basing these irrational sentiments off some false claim that removing everything with the soukoku ship from the fandom would only leave behind a sad, inacccurate (and oddly specific) 305 posts.
Evidence of their now deleted perspective can be further seen in another post they made to AO3 a couple days before this ugly rant. Titled simply “My unpopular BSD opinions”, they didn’t manage to garner much attention and went mostly ignored because, well, it’s your opinions about the show and that’s whatever. Of course, when you click into it, the very first “opinion” shared, is that they hate Dazai x Chuuya. Okay, that’s an opinion everyone is entitled to, and that’s fine. You don’t like the popular ship, that’s…not exactly an unpopular opinion, there’s quite a number of people that don’t ship soukoku. No problem. Until, they go on to elaborate.
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Despite the title of this piece being ‘their opinions’, they state as ‘fact’ that its confirmed that this is “not a thing”, so ‘please stop shipping them it doesn’t work, it’s way too overused for it to be “funny” anymore’ (I’m a little confused about this wording, because Shipping is Serious Business™, so…not sure there are too many soukoku shippers doing it because they think it’s hilarious or whatnot, in fact, most soukoku fics are tagged ‘angst’, which we all know, angst is very ‘haha, lol’…but whatevs). They then include the same sentiment they expanded on in their Dear John to soukoku fans and subsequently deleted: “Please stop, there are too many au’s with almost the exact same plot Chuuya and Dazai being together, its really difficult to find any non-Dazai x Chuuya au’s”.
On the surface, once again, there are some “truths” to this sentiment. DaiChuu is a popular ship and there is a disproportionate amount of soukoku ship fics on the fandom comparative to other ships (soukoku comes in at a whopping 10,000+ currently, with the next popular ship Aku/Atsushi sitting at a decidedly less 2500+). It’s really not that difficult to find non-DazaixChuuya fics, if you know how to use filters on AO3, but there are going to be less to read from when you filter it down, and depending on your ship, you may find yourself in a fic desert, and I can certainly understand why someone young and lacking in rational thought processes might want to blame the popular ship for this predicament.
The problem with this logic, and it permeates every fandom, not just BSD, is that the shippers sharing and loving their ship are not to blame for your lack of ship content. You just don’t have a popular ship. If all the people who love soukoku stopped creating content for it, as this person is ‘begging’ them to do, that’s not going to increase the amount of content for your ships, because the reason that content isn’t being created is because there aren’t enough shippers for it. So, the only way this person’s logic works, is if what this person is actually saying, isn’t that they want these people to stop creating content for the BSD fandom, they just want them to jump ship, stop creating content for soukoku and start creating content for their ships.
Any creator/fan is going to have a visceral reaction to that: who the fuck are you to tell me what to create? And for free, no less!
This moves us more towards a clearer definition of what is toxic fandom behavior. In short, its telling anyone how they should interact with or interpret their favorite content. I mean, even Word of God does not have this power. That’s because every single fan in a fandom is an individual human being. They are possessed of their own autonomy, and as a creator I know, that once you put something out into the world and give it over to others, you have little control over how people consume and feel about your work. You can tell them your intention, but that’s not going to sway them to interpret it that way, and that’s…just the way it works.
Now, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed. It’s easy for me to be ‘offended’ by this person’s post and not see their complaints because I am a soukoku fan. I’m also the target of this person’s rant, and one of those people this person is attempting to emotionally manipulate into writing for other ships in the fandom for which I have no preference. But I am capable of seeing the other side of this argument.
First, because I do have other fandoms in which I am part, and for which I have a rare-pair ship. For example, I am a Gundam Wing fan and a 2x5 (Duo/WuFei) shipper. I’ve posted two 2x5 fics on fanfiction.net. While 2x5 is not the rarest of rarepairs in the Gundam Wing fandom, it is significantly eclipsed (as are almost *all* ships in the fandom) by the 1x2 (Heero/Duo) ship. Do I hate 1x2 shippers for my lack of 2x5 content? No. I just appreciate what I’ve got all the more, and I’ll create content for it when I feel compelled, and I sure the fuck won’t implore 1x2 shippers to stop writing for their fave and write more for mine because I want more 2x5 – that’s sheer entitlement, right there, pure and simple. I also ship 3xD (Trowa/Dorothy) in Gundam Wing, which *is* the rarest of rarepairs – I think there’s only, like, two stories in existence that features this pair on the entirety of the internet. I’m also a RavenxMurphy (Murven) shipper in The 100 fandom and I do not hate Bellarke fans because…those people are scary and have canceled the show’s creator for not delivering on Bellarke, and in BSD, I ship Atsushi/Lucy (yes, I said it, they’re cute af and I hope Asagiri delivers on that ship). I also low-key ship Yosano/Ranpo (sorry, Ranpo/Poe shippers, I understand the appeal, I just think him and Yosano is sooo cute, please don’t kill me…), and I also ship Yosano with Kunikida – all of which are some of the rarest in the BSD fandom.
Second, because I have seen and called out shipping harassment in the BSD fandom, so I am well aware that this kind of thing exists – as it exists literally everywhere and in every flavor. Against soukoku shippers from antis and by soukoku shippers against shippers putting Dazai or Chuuya with any other characters and by soukoku shippers against other soukoku shippers that are, uh, “doing it wrong”. None of these is appropriate. You’re not fighting fire with fire if you’re an anti-attacking the popular ship, you’re just creating a bigger fire and burning the entire fandom down. You’re not defending your ship if you are a soukoku fan attacking non-soukoku fans, you’re just punching down by attacking a less popular ship. And top/bottom arguments aren’t just toxic, they’re also deeply entrenched in fetishization of same sex pairings through a forced heteronormative lens and is, kind of, sort of, actually homophobic in its basis (yes, I said it. It’s ignorant and homophobic and trying to argue with ‘personality/physical traits’ as evidence of who serves what position in the bedroom can be emotionally and mentally damaging to members of the LGBTQ community. Claiming that Chuuya should be bottom because he’s shorter/smaller, or that Dazai has ‘bottom energy’ because he’s more flamboyant and ‘feminine’ is straight up discrimination – a shorter guy can definitely be top, and a manly man can be bottom, it’s not a behavior based on perceived gendered traits, it is just a fucking preferred sexual position, and no, you are not ‘fixing it’ by purposely using positions for these characters that eschews the stereotypes either. Trying to justify positioning by personality/physical traits at all, in any way, shape, or form is just not okay – if it’s your preference, it’s your preference, no justification needed, just recognize that it is *your* preference and arguing what’s ‘right/wrong’ positioning is just plain wrong).
But this brings us to a different issue: bad actors and blaming a whole community for a ‘few rotten apples’. I could easily lump this one person in with everyone that does not ship soukoku and deem them all toxic, aggressive, entitled, bullies attempting to harass soukoku shippers off the platform. Or I could see them for what they are, individuals with individual motivations and drives and morals that also happen to share the same shipping preferences. Is it true to say that there are no soukoku fans that engage in the behaviors described by E_C_arts? No, there are definitely those that do, as there are antis that engage in that same behavior against soukoku fans. But this person also asserts that soukoku fans turning ‘every BSD post about soukoku’ is also a toxic behavior. To which I refer you back to one. This is how they engage with and interpret the work. Don’t yuck on someone else’s yum. People want to gush about how cute they thought soukoku were in an official art, or that they felt there was some hidden (or not so hidden) interaction between them that validates their ship, or their inspired to create soukoku content based on it, so what (for the record, it irks me too when people go ‘see it’s canon and Bones totally ships it’, because it’s unlikely, given BSDs genre, that any romantic relationship will be confirmed, soukoku notwithstanding). It is not, in fact, toxic to gush over it. Let them have their fun with it, let them enjoy their ship. Now, if you go and make a comment about liking the art for other reasons and they reply to you about “…but also soukoku”, then still, that’s not toxic, that’s just them enjoying the content the way that they enjoy it, so let them enjoy it, and you opened yourself to engagement without any qualifiers for the type of engagement you were soliciting, you can’t then backtrack and go ‘but I’m not a soukoku shipper, they should’ve been able to read my mind and known that, it’s totally toxic of them to share their personal reasons for loving the show in response to my sharing my love for the show’. But if you comment about another ship, and they reply to you “…ew, gross! It’s 100% soukoku” then yes, that’s toxic. A lot of people fail to make this distinction, that they are, maybe, merely being triggered and not actually harassed, by feeling like their ship isn’t being validated because they see another ship all over the place and everyone they engage with ships it.
It’s also toxic, to take an experience with one person and hold every soukoku shipper in existence responsible for that one person’s inappropriate behavior. The truth is, that bad actors amongst soukoku fans are not unique, not to the ship and not to the fandom and not even to fandom culture in general. Every group in existence everywhere has bad actors in it that, while the group disavows their behavior, they continue to be held accountable for those individuals and judged by them. For current events, look at how the BLM movement has been blamed for bad actors (many of whom were not actually BLM activists) that took advantage of the protests and started riots and chaos. A small percentage of people were involved in these behaviors, but the entire movement, despite speaking out against rioting, continues to take the blame for it. For me, that’s the root of toxicity. We need to start holding individuals accountable and stop blaming people who have no control over those individuals, because they share a few similar beliefs or interests. That’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater. But the shippers as a whole are not to blame for the actions of a few, and the reason that it feels that there are so many more soukoku fans that do this is because of volume, there are so many more soukoku fans. It’s basic math. If two percent of fans are these toxic kinds of shippers, then there’s going to be so many more of them in a larger population than a smaller one.
I try to call out toxic behavior, no matter if it’s my ship being lambasted or one of my fellow shippers doing the lambasting, whenever I see it, but the trouble is, I don’t typically go into fan content that isn’t for my ship and, thus, I don’t see it. The same goes for the vast majority of soukoku fans out there. We’re here for soukoku content, we’re seeking out soukoku content, and avoiding what isn’t soukoku content. But here is my offer to all of those who are outside of my ship. I like to argue. If someone is harassing you for having a non-soukoku ship, call me, let me know, I will argue with them for you. I will explain to them in no uncertain terms, and in many unpleasant ways, that they do not represent the soukoku shipping community and they are an embarrassment to us. Content for any and all ships is welcomed and encouraged within the fandom. Write, draw, contribute, be a part of the fandom and express yourself, please. If you are a soukoku shipper (or even if you’re not), and someone is harassing you about your top/bottom preference, call me, let me know, I will argue with them for you. I will explain to them why their justifications for which character should be top or bottom in a same sex pairing is grossly misrepresentative and exploitative of the LGBTQ community and rather disgusting. Do not assume that because we seem to remain silent on these types of harassment that it’s because we are in agreement with them, it is only because we haven’t seen them – why would we, we’re not going in those spaces that weren’t created for us. Ask the community for help, don’t attack the rest of us for the poor actions of a few that we were not even aware of. Let us help you in policing them, rather than assuming we don’t care. We are just too busy staying in our lanes, but if you need us, we are here. Majority of us want a clean, friendly, welcoming community for creators of all types as much as you do.
All of this aside, there are spaces and places for these debates and AO3 is not it. Posting this kind of message is actually a violation of AO3 TOS, constituting as harassment, which is defined on the AO3 TOS as “…any behavior that produces a generally hostile environment for its target…”( https://archiveofourown.org/tos#IV.G.). This general behavior also falls into the realm of another kind of toxic fandom behavior: hijacking a platform/tag for your own purposes that is a direct contradiction to its express usage (otherwise, known as trolling). AO3 is for posting fan-made content that contributes to a deeper understanding and expansion upon the original work. Using AO3 to attack people who are using AO3 for exactly what it is designed to be used for is an abuse of the platform. It’s not okay and invites similar content that will ultimately interfere with the original purpose of the platform. AO3 is for fan content, not for your own personal rants about other people in the community, please keep it that way
I do also want to note, that this person choosing to edit their post after receiving the justified ire from fans (notably soukoku and non-soukoku fans alike upset by the audacity of this person, who, as far as can be told, has never themselves contributed fanfiction to the community, to tell people what they can and cannot write) for their original comments, is a form of manipulative abuse called ‘gaslighting’. They are now claiming to be a victim that “never said to stop writing”, despite that having been the literal words they used in the opening of their original post. They are now pointing at these comments as “proof” of their point that soukoku fans are aggressive bullies that attack without cause when there was definitely cause from the original comments. This person clearly has bigger issues than just lacking shipper content for their personal preferences on the BSD fandom.
To all of those who are afraid to share content for your ship because you think you’ll be harassed, as evidenced by this person’s claims, that is simply not true. While there might be one or two people that say something, we all get them no matter if you have a popular ship or a rarepair ship, haters are gonna hate – I’ve gotten my share of hateful comments towards my ships too, but there are many more people that share your ship and are interested in your content, in fact, some of them are starved for it. While having a rarepair might mean you’ll garner less interactions with your content, you have a better opportunity to form a deeper bond with the people that do interact, and they may be more appreciative, because what you’re delivering to them is so much harder to come by. The existence of one ship does not affect your ship’s popularity, and if it simply went away, that doesn’t mean that your ship would receive more attention – in fact, it might mean the show itself would receive less attention.
Create and let others create and use platforms for their appropriate purposes, and most importantly, when it comes to addressing toxic behavior in a fandom, look to yourself first. Are you placing the blame where it belongs? Are you addressing the root cause of the problem or swinging blindly and attacking innocent bystanders in the process? Will what you say actually help the problem? Or will it contribute to the issue, and maybe even create an issue that didn’t exist before?
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Hi! I really like your blog. Your analysis posts about ships or other things are really interesting and your gifsets are super cute! I have just finished reading your two anime recommendation posts and I was wondering if you plan to write a third one about the remaining animes you like? I would LOVE to read it.
Hi:) Thank you so much! Haha these were more like “bromance anime recommendations” lists. I’m glad you liked them romances. Here’s part 1 and part 2 :)
14. Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun.
The relationship of the couple in this anime are one of the best on so many levels. They’re one of those “even the darkest part of me can’t hurt you” superior ships. They’re two of the main characters, 2 out 8 of the reincarnated warriors (who are all handsome af haha) that are meant to.. you know… save the world.
They’re both on the verge of death at the beginning and one (Shino) in order to survive agrees to live with a demonic sword inside of him which prevents him from growing old and growing per se (which is really sad for many reasons plus you’ll see him once in his 18-year old body and he’s so gorgeous), the other (Sousuke) takes half of a life from a dog, so he can tranform into it whenever he wants.
The problem is that during all of that Sousuke has split and lost his shadow aka the dark part of himself. His shadow works for the dark side, but all he really wants is Shino. The most amazing thing is that Sousuke loves Shino so much, that even his dark part would never ever hurt him. Like his shadow does some pretty terrible stuff to others like once he has made a deal with a girl so she would gave him her eyes just because Shino has said that they’re pretty lmao (I’m sory but its kinda funny), but he gets so pissed when Shino is hurt. So it’s the same as Akashi & Kuroko and Gauche & Lag: even for the darkest part of him the other one is his weakness. 
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Also this is one of the animes where LITERALLY the power of gay love saves the world by the end. (p.s. sorry, Genpachi, I love you the most and I know you like Shino too, but your flirting can’t beat such deep feelings lol).
15. Assassination Classroom.
Not gonna spoil anything about plot, so I’ll say it’s about “problematic” kids trying to kill their teacher who has superpowers and that’s it. This anime is full of controversial stuff, like I really questioned things and what’s right or wrong, but one thing for sure is that no matter of what you think about the situation, you will 100% cry at the end. I personally think it’s a kinda happy ending considering all the stuff, but opinions are very different when it comes to this anime.
Now for the ship. Let’s just start with the fact that both Karma and Nagisa have ehhhh… psychological problems haha (but who doesn’t in this anime? lol). So Karma is a sadist (like for real, he likes to get creative with torturing) and I think he’s also a yandere when it comes to Nagisa. He threatens to kill those who even talk bad about Nagisa and once has almost beaten to death those who bullied him (which I didn’t mind tbh lmao). He never does anything if others ask, but when/if Nagisa says “please”, he immediately says yes (which is also funny). 
They both are in awe with each other and think the other one is absolutely incredible so it’s like a two-sided fan club. Karma is really scary, but when it comes to Nagisa he can be fluffy af. He also doesn’t care about people much, but Nagisa is his everything. Like the “I give up” moment will melt your heart, that was so cute. 
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So this is one of those “you’re the only exception” ships. Bc Karma is a person who will enjoy skinning ppl alive, but when he’s with Nagisa he likes to hug, pick him up and coo about Nagisa’s height, play tag, discuss his fav movies and tickle fight. I’m like… I’m just… this is great.
16. Bungou Stray Dogs.
This one is about a detective agency where everyone has superpowers who are “enemies” with the mafia group where everyone has superpowers, but actually they’re all friends and half of the detective agency date the mafia xD (I’m sorry, but it’s the truth). Like I still don’t get why they won’t just make one organization, this is getting ridiculous.
I’m not a huge fan of the anime per se tbh, because like it has way too many characters who I can’t even feel for cause supposedly they’ve had a dramatic past, but what past nobody tells, so I like can’t empathize to someone who’s an asshole without knowing why he is that way. Plus there’re many characters in animes who have had a horrible childhood/past but are incredible people (hello to Todoroki and Levi). And some characters there for some reason are degrading instead of progressing which is the worst for me. But it’s pretty entertaining to watch if you won’t think much about stuff, powers are cool and it’s drawn beautifully (but there is one scene that was repeated 28 times 28 TIMES!, we’ve counted just for laughs, guess which xD, that’s like.. they could’ve made time for a whole new episode instead of this)
There’s one character whose progression is so incredible though that I’m happy to watch just for him. It’s Akutagawa. He’s like grown so much and I love everything about him, how he went from trying to kill Atsushi to risking his life for him and letting him use rashomon, how he’s homey with his sister and how he’s so good with feeling his powers, how Kyouka tried to kill him and he was like “I’m so glad you’re happy now”. Bitch, like that’s the character progression I’m asking for! Man, he’s just… he’s my favorite, I love seeing many sides of him. He made me so happy in s3 when I was ready to turn it off lmao
So there are two main ships in this anime. Dazai and Chuuya. They are one of those perfect combinations. But not in a usual way you think.. like characteristically. Chuuya’s full power is uncontrollable and the only one who can stop him is Dazai, cause his ability is to nullify other’s abilities, so he’s the only one who can stop Chuuya and also save him from being destroyed by his own power. So basically Chuuya trusts Dazai with his own life when they work together (which is.. I’d be scared if I was in Chuuya’s place lmao). It’s not like I’m scared that Dazai’s gonna let him die or anything, but stuff like “let’s watch a bit longer how Chuuya is going nuts cause it’s funny” doesn’t seem funny to me.
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Let’s just say, I do ship them, I think they’d be perfect together if Dazai was like a fanfiction Dazai, you know. But the truth here is firstly their relationships progression is zero to none, like yeah, it’s fun to watch them bicker, but it like won’t give you any deep feelings. Plus Dazai was the most humane and emotional when he was with Oda (which I really don’t get, Oda was a dumbass tbh, like who makes a children shelter while working in MAFIA???! ofc they were fucking killed). Like Oda’s so special for him but then he treats Chuuya and Akutagawa like shit. And he had more feelings for Oda’s matchbox than for Chuuya in the last season. So my heart just won’t lie there fully, you know. Because there are no moments there that indicate like he’s the one for him.
Now to Akutagawa and Atsushi. This is a classic enemies to lovers stuff. Like they go from trying to kill each other to risking their lives for each other. They warm my heart on so many levels. So they’re both struggling to get over of their past and can’t. But then by the end they help each other to let go of their demons, they give each other what others couldn’t. Like I still can’t believe Atsushi came in like a wrecking ball and said the words Akutagawa wanted to hear for ages (his face, his face lol he was like “w-w-what?”). Atsushi himself admitted that Akutagawa is his cure in the last season. 
These two are like also hilarious bc they both think that they’re trash so their arguments are like “you’re the best”, “no, you’re the best”. Like Atsushi literally goes “Akutagawa is so strong and amazing, but he still thinks he’s weak” what a bae xD and Akutagawa thinks that he’s nowhere as good as Atsushi so it’s really funny. The relationships progression is like insane. They went from beating each other into a blood puddles to covering each other from bullets and being like “honey, don’t you dare die, I was going to kill you myself” lol
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I still can’t believe Akautagawa gave Atsushi rashomon… he was wearing rashomon. I mean his ability, which is a part of him was okay with Atsushi using her. I mean.. maaaaaan fanfiction does come true! And they’re like the representation of yin and yang characteristically and even appereance-wise and I think it’s super cool. Plus the “lawnmower” is the cutest pet name I’ve ever heard lol
Anywho, this anime has like 20 bromances, so pick whichever you like.
Damn, that got long and I’ve only mentioned 3 haha, sorry. That way it’s gonna be like 50 parts xD
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Demon Slayer 12 - 13 | OPM 23 - 24 (FINAL) | BSD 36 - 37 (FINAL) | Shield Hero 25 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 12 - 13 | To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts 1 | Astra 1 | Maou-sama, Retry! 1 | UchiMusume 1 | Dr Stone 1 | Fire Force 1 | Granbelm 1
Summer debuts aplenty!
Demon Slayer 12
I assume the creature on the episode titlecard is a boar…?
I see…! So Kyogai uses the drums like a game controller! Y’know, like A = attack and directional keys to move.
I almost expected Inosuke to appear from behind the screen door, but it was just Tanjiro…
Huh? For some reason, I find Zenitsu funny now…but only the tiniest bit. Not enough to laugh out loud, but enough to give tiny “heh”s.
Well…that episode title didn’t lie, at least…
Ah-hah! I knew it! Knewwwwwwwww it! It’s the double-personality trope I liked 5 years ago (you see it embodied in Martin/Alter-Az). The only thing I didn’t know was how Zenitsu would become badass…well, now we know. He sleep fights…I still think ingesting blood to invoke a second personality is still way cooler though.
Shoichi? Is that the kid’s name?
“Marechi” doesn’t seem to mean anything…
“Show me your wounds.” Then again, there are some wounds that you can’t present to others…not unless you show the side effects.
As much as I was scared by Exposition Crow, I have to be thankful the little feathered buddy is around. I wouldn’t understand “marechi” otherwise. But seriously, where does that crow hide in his spare time…?
Oh…the duty of filial piety…I know your feel, Tanjiro.
Tanjiro’s brain!Zenitsu is so accurate, I LOLled…a tiny bit.
Tanjiro, you gotta remember: be proud of where you’ve gotten today! Don’t be the man you were yesterday! Keep evolving with the times like water itself, because that is what water is about – change! (triumphant music plays in the background to accompany this declaration)
The only problem I have with filial piety is…what happens when your family has only daughters???
OPM S2 Ep 11 (Ep 23)
Garou’s got a point in that villains are meant to be sympathetic in order to get a good story. However, I’d still root for the heroes all the same.
Naruto running…why’s it so popular???
“Mentsuyu” (on Saitama’s blue shirt) means “noodle soup base” = a mixture of dashi (soup stock), soy sauce, mirin and sugar.
It took me a replay to realise that Garou turned red when the tree fell down.
BSD 36
Uh, dude? Who calls their kid “Eruisu-chan”…? It’s Elise, isn’t it?
Katai – yet again, can I just say he is the husbando we need and not the husbando we want? (LOL) There’s even what appears to be a sake bottle in the bottom left corner…  
Is there such thing as a bullet-proof futon???
Come to think of it, this scene with all the rubble about halfway through the episode looks like it comes from the Dead Apple first key visual –the one that came out when the movie was announced. Not the Shin Soukoku one, the other one with Soukoku in a rubble-filled place looking at the horizon.
Looking at Natsume-sensei from the back reveals his hair is calico-coloured too…
I wonder how much of Dazai’s scheming is actually just Natsume-sensei…?
“What did you have for dinner last night?” “Yeah.” – Just imagining this with a monotone instead of Akutagawa’s usual anger is hilarious!
Snakes don’t run…?
Oh, I get why he was calling Akutagawa “bro”! When you’re married, you call your brother in law “brother” as well!
Bungou Stray Dogs 37 (FINAL)
I discovered something – the kanji under ECHO, 回向, are read ekou. What do they mean? The verb form means “to hold a memorial service for [someone]”, so I’d assume it’s “memorial service”.
For some reason, when Atsushi said “you’re not paying for this ride!”, I thought, “It’s your Ubr driver here”…LOL.
I seem to remember that Goncharov controls rock and his power is The Precipice…but I don’t remember reading past ch. 52…
“How can you be so sure?” I thought it was something like “Because that’s what I would do.” Turns out I was right…maybe I have read chapter 53??? Or is this a previous chapter that’s been movd forward???
Hmm…come to think of it, why is Akutagawa’s power to control fabric anyway? (Because he can control other things, it’s just that he chooses to use his coat as a default.) Does the Rashomon story have to do with that…?
Oh, that’s cute. Shin Soukoku are on the same thinking wavelength now. (somewhat sarcastic)
Come to think of it – season 1 anime!Atsushi was about as whiny as Zenitsu…hmm. Now there’s a cross-anime comparison I never thought I’d make.
“…what appears to be a hiker…” (or maybe it was multiple hikers…?)
Did you notice Akutagawa was missing his coat?
“Fancy hat boy” – That’s why the fandom calls Chuuya “Mr Fancy Hat”, LOL.
One thing’s for sure – whether you like BSD or not, you gotta admit they have a great sense of closure.
Shield Hero 25 (FINAL)
See? There is a Meteor move for Naofumi!
Raphtalia’s mostly been saying nothing but “Naofumi-sama” over and over again…it kind of irks me. It’s too bad I’m almost finished with this show.
I’m gussing the reward has to do with Raphtalia’s village.
Is Naofumi leaving???
LOL, before Naofumi faced the Waves, he was wavering…geddit??? (Oh, that joke’s terrible…)
Fruits Basket 12
I think Shigure attended the ceremony to procrastinate on his writing…LOL.
Okay…I started this episode a few days back and now I hav a bowl of piping hot pho to go with it! Let’s get back to business!
Momiji is a scheming little brat, ain’t he?
The “Yuki wearing a girls’ uniform” was funny…because reactions.
Hmm…even though I know what’s going to happen, I only just realised Akito and Yuki only seem to wear traditional Japanese dress when tied down to their curse or their main house. Westrn cloths thereby symbolise progress for them…but you can’t say the same for Shigure, though, so there goes that hypothesis…
I thought for a second they were going to play baseball…that’s what they did in Star Driver.
Fruits Basket 13
Snake attack!!!
Hmm…Ayame clearly used a convo diversionary tactic there (avoiding the topic).
“Aya says he sells men’s dreams.” – LOL.
Demon Slayer 13
I find it interesting Tanjiro also has respect for his opponent, not just empathy.
Aww…this message of recognising your skills and having them be recognised by others is cute. I needd that, really – ever since about a year ago, sometimes I’m so negative I just want to be erased from the face of the earth. That’s why I love Rokuhoudou so much – it was my solace from such thoughts.
Seeing the eyecatch’s strip go vertical for Zenitsu was interesting – I didn’t think it would change orientation midway through the show.
Okay, in this book I read recently – Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin – the protagonist admits to having “an overdeveloped sense of theatricality”…or dramaticism or something like that. I now realised Zenitsu has that too…although now he’s back to bugging me as a result.
Oh! So Inosuke was the 5th survivor! I had a feeling that would be the answer, but now I’ve confirmed it.
WHOA! I’ve never seen Tanjiro go all Papa Bear like this!
…and you can tell with that pre-OP shot that Ufotable ran out of budget for once.
The Legend of the Eight Samurai is also known as…wait for it…Hakkenden! There’s an anime called that, y’know? Update: It’s Satomi Nansou Hakkenden vs Hakkenden (with some subtitle on it).
To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts 1
First anime of summer! Now if only my CR would stop buffering so much…I’d be a happy person.
Oh…great. Fantasy information dump right here…just like Fairy Gone.
Is this weird that I recognise Patria to be…Korea? (At least in history. Its people seem to be generic Europeans.)
Is this a “dudes in war are scarred for life” thing again??? Please, please don’t let this be another Spec-Ops Asuka.
…and now here come the furries. (sarcastic)
Aren’t the white coats really impractical for battle???
If Cain isn’t a vampire or based on a bat…I dunno what I’d do, but I’m pretty sure he is, based on those pretty boy features.
I thought her name was Nancy…? Her name is Nancy Schaal Bancroft, after all.
Ooh! It’s the Abominable Walrus! I’m so scared~! (mocking tone)
This is basically an AI story, but fantasy-based, isn’t it…?
90s fire in the background…LOL.
“I’m going to ask Elaine to be with me.” – Now there’s something I didn’t think Hank would say.
LOL, Cain Madhouse really is mad! (in the Joker-style “insane” sort of way)
Well…uh, it was a bit predictable, but had its perks. I mean, there’s no CGI in it at all for one thing…I guess we wait for more (of this show and the debut of other shows) to see if it stays.
OPM S2 Ep 12 (Ep 24) (FINAL)
Shouldn’t that be “whale on an opponent”…?
What’s up with the montage, though???
*dead Centichoro* - Now that’s what I call “legs for miles”…! (LOL)
Astra 1
I’ve read some of the manga for this, so it’s my most anticipated anime this season! I can only hope it lives up to its own hype.
Double-length 1st episode! Ooh! Just like the manga’s double-length debut.
Okay, who decided on using CGI for Aries? Put it on the ship, not on her!
Oh, foreshadowing! Me likey.
I can’t really tell what Aries is meant to be screaming because she’s screaming over the woman, but it’s definitely not “beef” Aries is yelling.
Is it just me, or is there a frame around this scene at the Spaceport…?
I guess Aries is what they call a space case! (Wahaha!...Okay, I think that’s one stupid joke too many, now.)
Boob shot??? Why??? Also, according to the manga’s supplemental material found between chapters, Yun-Hua’s suit is newer than Aries’s (IIRC).
I definitely do not remember seeing a picture of Kanata’s sensei in the manga at all. I know Kanata refers to his sensei quite a bit, but…hmm…maybe the fact he looks like Charce means something. Update: For some reason, I remembered Charce as “Charles”…?
This scenery, with the ground making platforms in the air, looks like Dr Stone!!!
I just noticed the frame expanded after Kanata entered the sphere.
Did we need the flashback again???
Zetsubou is “despair”, at least from the way I learnt it – from Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei, of course. It can be translated as “hopeless” in context, though.
Second recap from earlier in the episode. Well, at least it’s not Detective Conan or Demon Slayer bad…
Wow, they’re really trying to sell a potential Kanata x Aries ship here. That wasn’t in the manga either.
This is the 3rd time for the same recap…geesh. The things you notice when the episodes are compiled and online for you to watch…they can get kind of annoying.
I think the star = planet thing makes more sense when in Japanese, since “hoshi” can mean both. In English, it makes Aries sound like more of a space case…
Maou-sama, Retry! 1
…and the award for Most Boring Opening in a While goes to…this show!
I almost expected blonde!Rem to be called Rem…I knew that her name wasn’t Rem, but still…
Seriously? The face game of this show should be higher for it to pull off a gag involving funny faces…
The run cycle of this show’s…kinda suckish. Like Dororo’s one scene where he’s Naruto running.
“It’s you who is the root of all evil.”
UchiMusume 1
Aka “If It’s For My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord”.
The language on the title card seems to be a substitute for English. If you just take that thing that looks like brackets as one symbol, that seems to be a Y. How can you tell? Because “little” matches the 3rd last word.
The devil language seems to be based on Japanese, though…at least from what I’m picking up. Update: Oh! So when she says “toilet”, it’s just the syllables backwards! Just like in Hataraku Maou-sama.
I swear, if this guy isn’t voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, I’m going to have to swallow my hydralyte drink properly! (I’ve been struggling to drink it all day today.) Update: Nope, it’s Nobuhiko Okamoto.
I thought I just read something on the devil list that said “Bobble Space” in English…wuh?
Dr Stone 1
This is my 2nd most anticipated debut of the summer 2019 season. Let’s go!
Ooh, I see Crunchyroll even got themselves a fancy new intro card…which makes them more like what Funimation used to be on that front…
I know people have been comparing Senku’s hair to green onions…and now I can’t unsee it. Dang it, you guys! That’s the first real thought I’m having for this anime?!
*raises arms like Christ the Redeemer*…and Boichi and Riichiro Inagaki said, “Let there be light!”…and for some reason, it was green light…
Hmm…I thought in the manga Yuzuriha was shoved to the tree, which made Taiju look more like a hero to her. Turns out she ran to the tree then got petrified, if the anime is anything to go by.
I heard a really accurate “what’s happening?” in the scene which is meant to have English speakers in it…it’s almost creepy, to be honest with you.
Shuei…LOL. It’s clearly a play on Shueisha.
I didn’t think of this when reading the manga, but this anime’s very much a Holmes and Watson scenario…although Watson here is a little bit too dumb for some people’s liking…
I swear TMS used pictures of the real thing when looking at those grapes…
I love seeing Senku being pissed off. He’s so smug all the time, I needed that change of pace.
Maybe one day Senku will make vodka…LOL. I’m kidding.
Fire Force 1
Oh geesh…so Ohkubo grabbed the Aria from Ao no Exorcist to make his nuns work???
Why is there Naruto running???
“I’m a newly-assigned…”
Kyoukai means church. Does it really mean “cathedral” as well???
“Is that the scent of a damp woman?” – Uh, duuuuuuuude? Excuse-moi? That is not how you treat a lady you’ve just met…!
Can I insert a “Twinkletoes” comment from Toph (Avatar) yet…?
Okay, scrap that. Can I do that Overwatch “Molten CORE!” thing instead…?
Granbelm 1
I started watching this because it’s being promoted as “magical girls drive mechs”.
One of the mech ladies reminds me of…what’s her name…from the Re:Zero LNs…I believe her name is Beatrice, but that’s the name of one of the library loli, isn’t it…? *Googles* Okay, her name is Priscilla. AFAIK, “Priscilla” is NOT the name of the orange-haired lady in Granbelm, though… Update: Her name is Anna, actually.
These mechs remind me of Kim from Twinkle Star Sprites.
Wow…ripoff purple iPhone, much…?
Shingetsu = new moon, mangetsu = full moon.
I feel like Mangetsu is a relatable protagonist, but also annoying as a result of being relatable.
“Pennies from heaven” is a phrase you say to declare your good fortune, much like you say “speak of the devil” for bad luck when it comes to a certain person who arrives at the wrong time.
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daughterofsinsloth · 6 years
Hello. I saw your post about giving recommendations of skk fics and I seriously love them! Thank you ❤️ Is it okay to ask you if you know any skk fics that are complete multi-chapter? I had been trying to search them but I most see one shots and abandoned multi-chapters.
Hello hello anon-chan!!! thank you so very much about your comment!! It means a lot! :) Mmm… I jnow what you mean! I have a lot of favorite fics that are uncompleted! But let’s have some fate that they will be upload! 💪💪
Here some soukoku multi-chapter fics!
i won’t lie (i knew you belonged here) by mountainlaurels:
(AU/9 chpts) this one is my very first fic and the one that actually got me inyo skk. the writer has done a great great job bringing you to their wolrd. here we are on modern setting but abilities are still on. Chuuya works at a flower shop and Dazai at the cafe across the street.  their interctions are slow and natural. you cant help but ship them. the other bsd characters are all in and they are treated respectifully and well done as if they are the mains. i really like the story and how it grows to the finale.its well writen and the feelings are overwhelming! this has a spanish translation from the writer.
Intoxicated by setosdarkness:
(AU/21 chpts) a really really great fic! nothing less from setosdarkness! definatly read her other works that are currently on-going. they are awesome and cinematic-like. really welldone and well-written. the plot is a bit tricky but it keeps you on edge. you get into the characters and when you will finish it, you will be suprized. its a mafia!AU and everyone plays. its a well build game. you are gonna love it. there is also smut in it, but its part of the game too. the hole thing is a game that you cant helped it but fell willingly into it and you will be satisfied with it.
Find Something Worth Dying For (And Learn How to Live) by kibasix:
(17 chpts) read the name of the writer.. no thats it. thats my analysis. KIBASIX! we are talking about one of the best writers, in my opinion. I cant even explain how perfect this fic is! this fic here?! I cried my eyes out! i was waiting the next chapter like kids wait Santa. simply immersive. it was an absolutely agonized journey. it was like a dance between the feels and the rightness of their world. its chapter was more majestic than the last and the next was more painful than the last. the writer’s words get imprinted in your heart and mind and you cant help but want to read more, feel more, see more. it has a cinematic feel. it starts from the very beginning and we see skk relationship how it evolved and how it suttered  like you are seeing it live. a sad poem in a form of a fic. the characters are practically singing their emotions out, only to be ignored by their life. and yet the fate laughs at them as she entangle them together. I can talk for hours how they write each of the character like a living being, forgeting none, and how they give each one a right place and the spotlight they deserve! an amazing work that leaves you full and empty in the same time. this one has a smak 4 chpts sequel “
Sparks Like A Match (Burns Like A Wildfire)
“ and another sequel that is yet to come (I believe in you kibasix-sama!). also check their other works, both multi and one-shot!
Noir by Adargo:
(20 chpts) another gem. another feel train. noir is the color of skk and this fic is the sorry song of their lives. a corrupted fic that leaves you craving for more. here we read with the shadow of Corruption on our back and the characters live under it.  its one of the character lives under their own corruption and try to get out only to have an odd feeling at the end. it could be more chpts or only this this and the feeling will be the same. we never leave corruption, just learn to live with it in this noir world. although I would love to see more, when you finish it you can only mutter a “wow” and then never live properly again. rips your heart out and fixs it momentaly to rip it again later. you live and breath with the characters and in the end you breath a new air, a better one for me. this epitomy of angst heals you so amazingly. as the characters go a step foward you take one too and from then one your heart has a different weight. a truly and without doubt exceptional work.
A Hearts Desire by Kaokita:
(AU/6 chpts) a beautiful fic. prostitute!Chuuya  opens to us a world that we see journalist!Dazai to bark in and challenge Chuuya in a “bet of felling in love".  a proud chuuya is always  present but here it compinate with a kinda impulsive chuuya, exposed to Dazai's hungry feeling for actual feels. here we are talking about the dark world of the underground were a no less dark but bright light (dazai) comes to shake the everyday life of our protagonist. its well written and well build. doesnt leave you with a complain and brings you to another world. really enjoyable to read. spoiler oda and chuuya having seeeeeex
 Forgettable Significance by Witheryvine:
(32 chpts) after the anime, the feels start.  if you thought that dancing with angst was easy, then you havent read this own. betreyal and love complicate each other and come to you to cry with them. a really interesting work and stunning. it is overwhelming but you want it to be. there are things that are needed to be said, words that have to come to the light and the writer not only do that perfectically but also gives you more to heal yourself  and breath.  it takes a lot to take back someone who meant the world for you and throw you away, yet! the writer  has done such a nice jod giving as the feelings, thoughts and fears that you cant help but be one with it. the style of writing helps the fic to encrave into you and honestly i havent see many write it so good.
You Won’t Lose Me (So Don’t Leave Me Behind) by hybridempress:
(14 chpts) now it will be a terrible mistake to leave this out!from bottom to the top its a must read. an emotional roller coster with the best of fluff. emotions well hidden are suddenly out. too fast changes leave you breathless and the characters have to take fast decisions, act fast and start to live from the zero. a phychological rebirth thats requares a lot of courage to abandon everything so you can chase after an old wild dream in a form of a man, new to you but as old as time to your heart. along with sequel of it  “
You Have a Heartbeat (You’re Real, You’re Here, You’re Human)
” by mostladylikeladythateverladied they create a perfectly must read at all cost fic that gives you the most satisfying feeling of “ah thats how it should be done”. skk are a complicate pair but the writers give them to you bare to see and feel with them to all your might. p.s. that amazing scenes with sskk at the sequel cured my heart!
Sorrow Already Spoiled by Soukokuhell:
(AU/16 chpts) an awesome fic is here once again. this AU is really well written and well build around two people  way too hurt, who find love and healing together. trying to move foward but with the past to hunt them down. love and fear are walking together here. the angst is getting healed by the characters emotions and the lovemaking is great! with each chapter the characters are getting healed and at the finale you get to breath again. the fluff is in the love and devotion they have for one another.
All Aboard by Asmicarus:
(8 chpts)an action fic with a lot of feels. chuuya is suffering again and dazai is an asshole but you can see that there is much more behind them. Dazai’s manipulating nature comes out to play and although it fools everyone, Chuuya manage to sutter it to the ground with a few words. the remark is 10000000% what we all need and what Dazai needs to hear. he pretends to be human but chuuya leave him naked to the bone. from here the story takes another turn to dazai realizing what is happening and what he needs and chuuya finaly decides to take what he deserve.
Silver and Shining by ShesAParadox:
(25 chpts) okay thats a fic that i havent read in a long time, but i remember it still in this day how good impression it left me.  the protagonist is fate and the puppets are skk, but not like any other fic. here there are a little things they can do.as their lives unfold and hardships are presented to them continuously, it becomes apparent that they are both the best and worst thing to have appeared in each other’s lives. the well written text  gives you piece by piece their thoughts and mind, fears and love from the first meeting  are amazingly describe and it leaves you complete. it  happends what it should happen. 
Underwater by meupclose:
(11 chpts) one hell of a fic. here is hopeless chaise with mori as the hunter and dazai as the prey. chuuya is the ‘innocent’ love one of dazai who has been called to play the savior. oda feels rip you apart, every character battles with inner and out demons and dazai is having a crisis. yet! the writer never fails to right a complicated masterpiece where life and death are playing chess. the fluff and smut take the fic to another level as a celebration of life and mori is practically playing death himself. a foolish man who wants to be a god and dazai is the child here who is desperate to live. chuuya steals the spotlight and lead to the end. its an excellent work of a mad song with the most logical story in a world that rules are made to be broken.
from my prievious fic rec please read “own no doubt”, “shared gravity” and insomnia_productions.
Why most of them are angst-like I dont know and Im sorry dear anon-chan. Im terribly sorry! kinda..  nonetheless they are all amazing and you should read them!!!
thank you very much for your ask! I hope that my reccomendations were good and you enjoy reading them! Tell me what you think~~ have a wonderful day anon-chan!!!!bye bye :)
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catsbythegreat · 6 years
Fic Roundup 2017
-Total year-long word count: 256,852
Word count by fandom: - Bungou Stray Dogs: 255,117 words - Haikyuu: 1,735 words
Fics completed: 65 fics
*for the fics posted I’ll only post my faves except the chapter fics, which I’ll post all of since there’s not a lot.
Drabbles: - At my worst, I worry you’ll realize you deserve better.  At my best, I worry you won’t. (I’ve never been better.) (skk) -wait, you’re my soulmate? (skk) - you have no idea how much I want you right now (skk) - what did they do to you? (chuuaki) -skk hanahaki au with Dazai having hanahaki -it’s nothing (skk) -kiss on the ear (skk) -milking it (skk) -milking it (chuuaku) -Chuuya proposes to Dazai (skk)
Oneshots: -Do No Harm - bsd, skk, pandemic au -i saw you - bsd, skk, fluff -Mistake - bsd, skk, suicide attempt tw -Shades of Red - bsd, skk hanahaki au, gore tw -The Care and Keeping of Orphans - skk, no abilities Chuuya is a teacher au -who hurt you - skk -Target Practice - skk, nsfw gunplay mafia boss Dazai au -the beautiful various dreams - skk, coma fic -in the shadows - skk vampire au -Revival - skk figure skating au -Dance With Me - skk, genderfluid Dazai -Dog Run - skk dog walker au -this isn’t a private chatroom - skk chatroom fic -gone by morning - oda takes care of a drunk chuuya, background skk -you aren’t a good person (but I don’t mind) - skk, gore tw -In the Spring - kunichuu ADA President Kunikia, Mafia Boss Chuuya au -my hands have nothing to turn to - chuuaku, post Dazai leaving
Chapter Fics: -Once More - skk, post canon Chuuya trying to put himself on equal footing with Dazai -kataware doki - skk, kimi no na wa au -beneath the surface - skk, urban fantasy/kitsune au
Works-in-progress: 3 -Gifted - skk, experimental research facility au
This year I wrote and posted: 67 fics in total: 2 completed multi-chapter fics, 1 wip multi-chapter fic
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I wrote a lot more fic than I thought I would.  
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Any BSD pairing that isn’t skk basically. Chuuaku, Kunichuu, Chuuaki. I just ship Chuuya with a lot okay. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? Do No Harm. I love writing au’s and sickfics and angst and I feel like this one turned out really well. I’ve looked over it a few times and I still enjoy how it’s written which is a good sign. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I took a few risks I think. I had three multi-chapter fics going at one point which is always a risk and I finished two of them. I wrote for ships and characters I never thought I’d write. I wrote smut, which isn’t something I write a lot of, to experiment with how I could write it. And then there’s the fidget spinner fic...so yeah. 
Your best story of this year: Hmm, I still think it’s Do No Harm. Revival I thought also turned out well. 
Your most popular story of this year: Once More. It’s also my longest fic written this year! 
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: I think they’ve been appreciated pretty appropriately, crack fics aside. I guess if I had to list one it would be heart that believes in others just because I really like the idea of Chuuya starting to struggle in the Mafia and caring enough about Dazai to make sure he never goes back to that. 
Most fun story to write: this isn’t a private chatroom. Something about chatrooms is always fun. 
Story with the single sexiest moment: Target Practice. I’m a terrible judge of this actually but people tell me this is the sexiest one I’ve written so I guess I’ll say that. 
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: You Spin Me Right Round. Uhhhh yeah I uhhhhh kadsjflkdjdflksjsfda 
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: Mistake. Mostly because when I after I wrote it I took some aspects of Chuuya from it and have pretty much been using them for the rest of my fics. Once More also, just because it was my first really character study of them. 
Hardest story to write: Tainted. Based on what the movie summary sounds like, it’s essentially Chuuya vs Corruption. I had a really hard time figuring out how to make it work, and how to describe Corruption, and there wasn’t a lot to work with concerning Shibusawa and the actual plot since the movie isn’t out yet. 
Biggest disappointment: four weeks and three days later. I wanted to do more for Port Mafia week (and Chuuaku) and I feel like this wasn’t executed as well as it could have been. 
Biggest surprise: The Care and Keeping of Orphans. I kind of started this and left it alone for months because I wasn’t sure if I could write this fluff au but it actually turned out well, and I was happily surprised by how many people enjoyed it! 
Most unintentionally telling story: not the first time, nor the last. (suicide attempt tw) It’s probably as close to a vent fic as will ever be published on ao3 by me. 
Favorite opening line(s): -”Dazai woke up on the first morning of the school year to find Atsushi curled under his bed like a scared cat, eyes wide as he watched Dazai try to fish him out.” - The Care and Keeping of Orphans (Honestly, I’m not good at writing compelling opening lines, so this is literally the only one I found that was actually good in some way on its own.) 
Favorite closing line(s): - “It’s been a long few years, Dazai.” - kataware doki  - “It sank in, more so than when Dazai had first left: he and Dazai were well and truly on different sides now.” - you can’t run -”The city was dying, and he felt like he was finally dying with it. But he was stubborn. Maybe at some point, he'd feel a bit less tired.” - in the flesh -”And he mourned Dazai and Chuuya's relationship, because it had already ended before it could begin.” - gone by morning  -”Love may have been suicide, but Chuuya knew it was a form of suicide Dazai would never be willing to commit.” Seasons Change One After the Other
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere: -’“You never remember that I know you inside out, too,” Chuuya said.’ - i saw you - “You look like the waste of hospital materials you’ve always wanted to be,” Chuuya said. - Do No Harm - “Dazai never jumped off this particular bridge. Looking down at the water, Chuuya wondered if it was because he was scared.He wondered if it was because the death was guaranteed.” - the beautiful various dreams - “It was a thin line between performing a breakdown and having one, and Chuuya didn’t know which way the performance would go until he was in it.” - Revival  -“I’m only good for killing,” Chuuya had said.Right now, Dazai could believe that killing was the only thing Chuuya had been put on this earth to do. - you aren’t a good person (but I don’t mind) 
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated from anywhere - Chuuya and Dazai meeting again at the end of kataware doki  -the end of Chuuya’s short program after he comes back in Revival -Chuuya right after he finishes his fight in you aren’t a good person (but i don’t mind)  -Chuuya and Dazai during their dance in Dance With Me -Chuuya almost begging Ango to erase Dazai’s records in Debt 
Fic-writing goals for next year: Maybe write another multi-chapter fic. I have one about Corruption I want to do but I haven’t been satisfied enough to start publishing chapters. 
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mythril-mine · 7 years
001- Bungou Stray Dogs | 002- Soukoku | 003- Chuuya ( and Dazai? ) I want to know your answers to both | 004- BSD + Your choice
Ah, thank you for sending an ask, Haru~! Sorry it took me a couple days to answer everything!! I also got a little wordy where perhaps I had no business being on an ask meme, but I have So Many Feelings about Bungou Stray Dogs!! In fact, it’s under a cut because it got SO LONG. ;; So please pardon that~ Hopefully my rambling makes some modicum of sense. Here we go!!
001 | Bungou Stray Dogs
Favorite character: Chuuya! (And it’s going to show in these answers, so get ready!)
Least Favorite character: Le…mons?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Soukoku, Shin-Soukoku, AtsuLucy, DazAtsu (sometimes), RamPoe (it was hard to narrow it down to five, I’m very much a multi-shipper for this fandom > ~
Character I find most attractive: ???? Chuuya is the most beautiful character second only to Kouyou, if I saw Kouyou in person I would tear up and be compelled to give her nine dollars.
Character I would marry: ………………? OdaSaku, I guess….?
Character I would be best friends with: I’d have a lot to bond with Poe and Alcott over hahah (I also want to be friends with Chuuya though I’m not even going to lie. I talk about this with friends a lot when the subject of ‘anime husband’ comes up. I don’t want to date Chuuya, I want to be his wingman and give him a high-five when things go well. I’d also want to be friends with Atsushi, Lucy, and Tanizaki~ and Gin!)
A random thought: I really want to talk about Fyodor but none of these questions really apply to him… ;; Second Random Thought: I think Kunikida/Atsushi would be surprisingly pure…?
An unpopular opinion: I’m not sure what’s considered ‘unpopular’ in this fandom anymore but I think Chuuya deserves some of the page time he’s started to get. ;; There’s a lot that can be done with his character with what’s been laid out so far, and if they’re choosing to make use of that as a reaction to his popularity, that’s okay! I’m sure they’ll do a good job with it! (Again is this unpopular? I don’t know because Chuuya seems to be slaughtering popularity polls lately, but I’ve seen him getting some flack on tumblr as well. Similarly I don’t think it’s so much that people dislike KunikiDazai so much as Chuuya is … disproportionately popular and the time people can contribute to fan works is limited.)
My canon OTP: There are no actual ‘canon’ pairings in BSD so far (I mean, if we don’t count Chuuya/Wine, Chuuya/His Hat, and Fitzgerald/Money, as you can see I take things Very Seriously). The ones I think are most heavily implied are Higuchi/Akutagawa (which I wouldn’t call my ‘canon OTP’ by any means because although I love both Higuchi and Akutagawa and want them to be happy he’s… not good for her currently), Mitchell/Hawthorne, and then Lucy —> Atsushi and Kyouka —> Atsushi. And… honestly Poe —> Rampo!? (While I highly doubt that was Asagiri’s intention, he has the same kind of fixation on Rampo that the girls do on Atsushi, pfft.) Of these RamPoe is clearly the Best but I’m very partial to AtsuLucy~
Non-canon OTP: soukokusoukokusoukokusoukokusoukokusoukoku
Most badass character: 560% Chuuya. (Do I need to explain why? I mean… look at him. /Jazz Hands)
Pairing I am not a fan of: Okay, I lied, there is one canon pairing and it’s Tanizaki/Naomi and I Am Not A Fan (I actually really like both of these characters in their own right and I’m even a fan of ships centered around devotion just please put them Very Ver Far Away from each other, they are siblings.)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I always really hesitated to say ‘screw up’ with a series that’s ongoing — I think it’s unfair to the creators to call that when perhaps they’ve treated a character a certain way or put them in a certain scenario towards an end that would be compelling and make sense that we just haven’t seen yet. That said, of course I can’t pick just one, so here we go. 
Per Chuuya being my favorite character, I’m not 110% satisfied with how they’re handling him so far? I feel his character’s been shown to be a little inconsistent with regard to his abilities (both his actual Ability and also his faculties re: instincts, intelligence, and so on — even a bit of his personality when it gets boiled down to nothing but ‘Damn You Dazai!’ for comedic effect when he’s been hinted at being a much more complex person, as most people are). In part I think this also has to do with the fact that… Chuuya’s not… really a main character in anyway. They’re probably beginning to give him more of the spotlight simply because he’s such a fan-favorite, but — story wise, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to be their priority. (Even though /I/ want to see him treated consistently and given more on-screen depth and back story, and perhaps we’ll get that now that he’s featuring more!)
I think covering Dazai’s suicide-mania is important and I don’t even necessarily hate the light-hearted tone its given (I, myself, often cope with very self-deprecating humor), but I do dislike how often it’s treated completely flippantly. I could write a dissertation about why but… perhaps I shouldn’t have to.
Atsushi, Atsushi, Atsushi. Good lord. Not only is this kid screwed up from a physically and mentally absuve, isolated past, but the way he’s treated in the story, is just… He’s supposed to be our main character, and he has a lot of moments where he truly shines!! Atsushi is a wonderful shounen-type protag, especially in the climax of the Fitzgerald arc with how he gets through to Akutagawa, but damn is he inconsistent? Just when we think he’s gotten some character growth he goes right back to being a coward — and not that anybody can change overnight but the way it’s handled with him I feel is just… so stilted? Same for how development of his abilities is treated. We’re told it’s because of Fukuzawa’s ability, but that’s off screen and confusing for a reader. I… have extremely mixed feelings about how the chapter with his headmaster was handled, and what that means for his character and development as well. And — as much as I love sweet, pure, cinnamon roll Atsushi… I find myself thinking consistently “this scene would be more compelling for me if Dazai were actually the main character.” And I have very complicated feelings about Dazai, so that says something.
Favourite Friendship: I don’t think I can pick just one, actually…! Atsushi and Lucy’s friendship means a lot to me but actually I am HERE for Yosano and Rampo as well as Yosano with Kunikida. As much as I’m a Port Mafioso for life I do hope we see more of their interactions in the future. Also, nobody in the PM are really…. ‘friends,’ that I can tell? Though I want to see more Black Lizard interactions and also them interacting with Chuuya. And also Kouyou interacting with Chuuya! (Atsushi and Akutagwa are NOT friends but I’d like to see that…)
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I’m older than almost all of these characters so I guess I want to adopt Akutagawa and give him actual love and support because goddamn buddy you had it rough with Dazai as your mentor… ;w; (I’d be okay being adopted by Fukuzawa too, though!!)
002 | Soukoku
When or if I started shipping it. Hmm… definitely by Chapter 31 but I was curious about it when Chuuya first showed up, I think. I was ready for KunikiDazai, who are currently partners, so the whole ‘old partners’ thing piqued my interest. Chuuya comes off so much at first as ‘jilted, abandoned lover’ that I immediately want to know why or at least explore it in fandom.
My thoughts: THIS QUESTION IS SO BROAD, I could write a whole dissertation about this! How it’s great and interesting and also terrible and vague, how do I do the CliffsNotes version… we know so so so little about what’s implied to have been a terrifying and powerful partnership between Dazai and Chuuya. There’s just so much /potential/ there for how and why they came to know each other so well, for how Chuuya came to trust Dazai with his life despite knowing what a terrible prankster and liar his ex-partner is and how they two came to hate each other and bicker (or were they always this way?), and there’s of course the question of what lies in store for them in the future that makes the idea of the two of them together so fascinating to me. It’s an interesting ship for me especially because prior to BSD I’d be extremely hard-pressed to come up with a “hate ship” that I actually enjoyed. I tend to be more drawn to ships that showcase a typical ‘healthy’ relationship or positive emotions, signs of devotion, and so on — life’s angsty enough as it is, I use fandom and media to get away from that. But somehow that potential and both the humor and sadness of how Dazai and Chuuya interact and think of each other, and if they could reconcile (or not!), has been so compelling for me as a fan who likes to analyze and read into things too deeply. Soukoku is honestly just a really fun sandbox!
What makes me happy about them: Canonically, the humor in how they bicker and how frankly badass they are when they work together. In fandom, all the potential I mentioned earlier for them to reconcile, and also the idea of stolen warm moments and shenanigans together training and growing up in the Mafia, pre-Dark Era.
What makes me sad about them: How on earth did you guys hurt each other so bad!? What did you do?
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Hmm… it’s hard for me to think of anything? I haven’t read anything in a while but when I first got into BSD it kind of drove me crazy that the entire fandom just collectively… made Chuuya French? Or Half-French. It’s not even a head-canon I’d be against, necessarily, I just didn’t get it, even with the actual author being something of a Francophile. (I’d be more interested to see that detail worked into his character.)
Things I look for in fanfic: Adhering to how they are in canon, hate and all, but analyzing in what ways they navigate around that to both be beneficial to one another and eventually even enjoy each other’s company. And the hurt/comfort thing. Also, Chuuya being intelligent in his own right! I mentioned earlier that the manga is kind of inconstant about this but I like the idea that Chuuya is not just brawn and I like when fic explores that in how he handles Dazai. Also I approve strongly of people covering Dazai being TERRIBLE and how he makes up for that — or doesn’t, and why.
My kinks: what. ….them both being… happy… together??????
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I think Dazai needs LESS VIOLENCE in his life but if Kunikida can set that aspect aside I think they’d be good together. (I also think Atsushi would be good for Dazai but it needs to be Just So… imbalance in power in a relationship that you sometimes see with mentors and mentees can not always be good for those involved /coughDaAkucough). For Chuuya I’m … not really sure. I think TaChuu is really cute and I’m on the fence about KouChuu? I see Kouyou as more an elder-sister or even Mother figure to Chuuya. based on how Mori was to Dazai since That One Chapter Cover is all we have to go on for Chuuya’s past and I am HERE for that type of interaction 560% and not really romantic-OTP about it. But to be fair she’s only four years his senior and they’d be quite the Power Couple, literally.
My happily ever after for them: They reconcile and talk out whatever it was they did to hurt each other, and recognize that they’re both hecked up but maybe they can be slightly less hecked up together if they try to understand one another instead of just insta-bickering. (They still bicker constantly, of course, but it’s a little more good natured, now.) Also, Chuuya joins Dazai at the ADA, where Fukuzawa can help him have better control of his power. His newfound lack of dependence on Dazai in that regard is one less thing for him to feel resentful over and can help him move past it. (That said I don’t think in any way this would be End Game for BSD and if you want to know my feelings on THAT I’d be happy to oblige — this is just what I think would be a sweet ‘happily ever after’ from where they’ve been.)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I think about Chuuya every day and get emotional/angry about him almost as often, I Love Nakahara Chuuya a Lot. (Compared to Dazai’s analysis down below this probably seems really shallow but it’s more like I love Chuuya unconditionally? There’s nothing about his character I dislike.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dazai. And, to much much lesser degrees: Tachihara. I’m not opposed to ChuuAku in any way I just… can’t think on my own what they can do for each other? and haven’t seen much fan work around it. I’m also here for ChuuAtsu but they’ve … never interacted, so.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: KouChuu!! I love Kouyou and I love the potential for family-style shenanigans with Chuuya!
My unpopular opinion about this character: Well, I guess I mentioned it above — I get why people don’t understand why he’s popular. /I/ don’t understand why he’s popular and I love him to hell and back, but — I think he deserves it. He’s spunky, sassy, badass as heck, incredibly well-dressed, appealing and compelling. And he has so much potential.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want Chuuya’s backstory so badly!
My het ship: I can’t think of one?
My fem/slash ship: Soukoku
My OTP: Still Soukoku!?
My OT3: I could get behind Chuuya/Dazai/Atsushi or Chuuya/Dazai/Akutagawa or honestly all four.
My cross over ship: I don’t really have any but I played with a Tatara from K recently and their interaction was cute…
My kink: ??????????? Chuuya… smiling and…. not getting into a drunken stupor over Dazai????
A head cannon fact: Chuuya is Always Ready to Fight but he actually also likes ‘softer’ things like music and poetry quite well (they pair well with a nice glass of wine, after all). When not on the clock he dabbles in poetry and writing his own song lyrics (that, of course, would come out something like Darkness My Sorrow) and will practice singing them softly to himself, but although he’s not the nervous type he is way too embarrassed for anyone to know about this. It doesn’t fit his Big Bad Mafia image. Dazai is the only one who knows about this even a little bit, as some of their strategies are based on poems he either showed him when they were younger or things they co-wrote together while bored. (Another head-canon, because I’m weak – Chuuya knows his way around make-up, thanks to Kouyou, and because he’s all about looking Great regardless of whether it’s something ‘traditionally’ girly like that flowery hat he saw in the window in BSD Wan! He doesn’t wear makeup much though because he doesn’t think it fits his Big Bad Mafia image either, nor does he think he needs it.)  
My Gender Bend: Again I’m not entirely sure what this question means in this context? Like… is it how I think he’d look if he identified/was assigned another gender? Because I think he’d look… pretty much the same… appearance doesn’t signify gender in most ways… If it’s like, gender bending head canons from what we’re given in the series though I like the nb/transboy head canon for Chuuya, I think that’s a fair analysis in a lot of ways and valuable to explore in fandom/fiction.
How I feel about this character: One time @annalaflame made the horrible mistake while we were in the parking lot at the end of the night, about to go our separate ways, of asking me “gin, do you actually like Dazai?” and she got to spend the next forty-five minutes in the front seat of my car as I sat there and explained how I felt about him.
The thing with Dazai is… he’s an asshole. In so many ways. I often compare him to Izaya from Durarara!! — which Haru, I realize that won’t mean much to you, but Izaya is like … he’s irredeemable to me? As a villain I love to hate him, because he’s horrible and manipulative and always seems to get his way but it’s to no end other than his character alignment being Chaotic Asshole.  Dazai, on the other hand…
Dazai is … such a multifaceted character. He’s horrible to people (and animals!) and manipulative and always one step ahead and is honestly, kind of a sociopath. He has no qualms at the idea of horrible things happening to his enemies be it by his hand or that of another, and he doesn’t seem to mind how his awful actions can affect those closest to him and at times even finds it humorous. Notice I didn’t say he doesn’t care — because I think he does, and this is where Dazai is redeemable to me.
I think, for someone so hyper-intelligent, scheming, calculating — Dazai was, and perhaps still is, a little lost. We see this in his lack of self-preservation and suicide mania, both in Dark Era and present, but also in the front he puts on, his bravado. He was something of a loose canon in Dark Era, very dangerous, and OdaSaku (from what I understand, having read summaries and watched the anime but not read the book itself) acted as his conscious and, with his death, became a guiding light leading Dazai towards being a better person by the work he — through a veil of On Brand complaints — now willingly does with the Armed Detective Agency.
Additionally, after the Guild arc, Hirotsu asks Dazai how long he’d been planning for Shin-Soukoku to happen, and Dazai answers from the Very Moment he met Atsushi. How can that be, if Dazai wasn’t acutely aware of exactly how he mis-treated Akutagawa as his now abandoned mentee, if that wasn’t something rather always on his mind? Dazai may not ‘care’ about people in the sense of always wanting to be helpful to them especially if he doesn’t get anything out of it — and in some ways this may be a product of his (lack of) upbringing and environment. But I do think he cares in the sense of perhaps, even retroactively, wanting to do ‘right’ now — and he’s still figuring that out for himself and how he does that. And that’s one of the things I find so compelling about a character that rubbed me such the wrong way at first — he may not be doing a good job, but Dazai is trying, in his own way. This is reinforced by how he treats Atsushi during our protag’s lowest moments of self-loathing and uncertainty, how he speaks to Kyouka when she’s given up, how he confronts Fyodor and defies him even in the face of their maniacally evil similarities. He’s a man that’s been terrible all his life, but is trying to be perhaps not good, but better. [Insert gif of Mal Reynolds from Firefly saying “well, I’m alright.”]
Anyway that got super long because I could go on about him for days, but basically I think Dazai is incredibly fascinating and easily one of the most compelling characters in the series, if you can get past the humor given to his suicide mania. But — even that is something that’s relatable to a number of people, which makes his character that near always has the upper hand in a situation very interesting to watch as he too grows and learns (even if he can be annoying too~).
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Chuuya! Kunikida, Atsushi (sometimes), OdaZai (sometimes)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: DaAku!! (T_T) I want to see them work stuff out. DazAtsu, too, always. Atsushi’s been a good influence on him. Also, the Buraiha trio was so good. (Also… maybe it’s just that I want Yosano to get more development as I keep mentioning her, but… I want to see her interact with Dazai more?)
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think his suicide-mania is important to consider and explore (I want to clarify though that I do hate how flippantly the series treats it, which is probably actually a popular opinion.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I Really Really Really want the ADA to comment on afore-mentioned suicide-mania in a way that’s actually positive!? Like give this guy a support group, god. Yes, he drives everyone away and they don’t really owe it to him, but come on…
My het ship: I don’t think I really have anyone for Dazai either, actually…
My fem/slash ship: Soukoku?
My OTP: Still Soukoku, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
My OT3: Buraiha trio~
My cross over ship: Jury’s out on this, Dazai’s a hard one.
My kink: ???????????????????????? Actually my one fantasy of fantasies for Dazai was that I wanted to SEE HIM GET TAKEN DOWN A PEG because he was too ‘always right’ but then the manga happened and I DIDN’T WANT TO SEE HIM FALL LIKE THAT…. (Yeah hi I don’t really have ‘kinks’ really just… things I’d derive satisfaction out of seeing in canon RIP)
A head cannon fact: Actually this is sort of more soukoku-related than anything, but when they were kids and Dazai was still trying to figure out what exactly he was missing in order to look for it in order to be interested in continuing to shuffle along this mortal coil, he kind of voiced some of that personal angst to Chuuya while they were hanging out all partnered-up and Chuuya just … didn’t get it. It was not really in Chuuya’s wheelhouse to even consider wanting to die and he didn’t exactly… mock Dazai about it but brushed it off rather rudely without trying to understand it because from his perspective it was ridiculous. Cue ‘bandage-freak’ and ‘suicide maniac!’ insults. And Dazai was, understandably, hurt and insulted. But of course, being who he is he couldn’t show that and laughed it off with bravado as well, but it caused him to sink lower at the time and while he doesn’t really care because his capacity to feel things like that is abnormal, it was the major thing that really sparked some of the visceral resentment for Chuuya he seems to have in canon.
My gender bend: Same confusion on the question as with Chuuya. That said, Emil’s Single Dad AU has SLAYED me and I like their interpretation of trans!Dazai. I’ve also thought about the possibility of perhaps nb Dazai in general, in part because of his personal pronoun? But I don’t have the knowledge of Japanese culture in regard to non-binary genders to really say if that’s a fair analysis, since ‘watashi’ can also just be used when speaking slightly more formally.
004 | BSD + Your Choice
BSD + Fandom of my choice, hmm? I don’t know if these are really ‘crossover OTPs’ so much as just Imagine, If You Will, Come With Me On this Journey…. Chris and Kunikida having to deal with Rayflo and Dazai.
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