#i seriously have read this comic over and over more than I'd like to admit
dragonfire1000 · 1 year
Watch "Dark Xunshine-Comic Dub" on YouTube
Cross and Dream are in for the biggest challenges and emotional turmoil a of their life! Tune in this Saturday @8am CST for the dark Xunshine comic dub!
Featuring @tehrogueva as Cross and myself as Dream and Shattered Dream
Comic is by @zu-is-here, if you haven't checked these folks out, you should! They're amazing!
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jayladfanpage · 21 days
What would be your ideal Outlaws team + how would you go about writing/constructing it? <3
My ideal team is, maybe a little predictably, Jason Todd Eddie Bloomberg and Rose Wilson.
Gosh uhm!! First of all, little to no Gotham issues. I prefer Jason when he isn't in Gotham, or is at least not interacting with the Bats, so it's just easier to have him be somewhere else. Most likely, I'd start it off in Hollywood, because I see it starting with Freshly Revived Eddie (p sure he like, just got revived in the new Flash?) not really understanding what happened for him to die and plus he's just... alone. So he texts Jason and Rose to come visit him! But then when Jay and Rose get there (already skeptical bc hello, Jason hasn't seen Eddie since they were 15 and Rose is literally Eddie's ex) Eddie gets kidnapped by a demon/magician/brother blood/etc and Jay and Rose have to go after him and that sets up the start of the comic
I'd take a more magical route with it, personally. Obviously to connect it to Eddie's whole thing as a demon hunter but also to try and fix the All-Caste stuff that Lobdell came up with. Lots of potential there if it came from a better writer. I don't think Rose does anything with magic in canon, but I do always enjoy watching characters have to adapt to seriously fucked up shit. (Plus, she has Slade's meta powers. She'll be fine.)
This is also like, you know, THE daddy issues team. So many conversations to be had between Jason and Rose about their dads bc Bruce and Slade are eerily similar in how they cope with their respective issues. Jason and Eddie can also connect over their bio dads being kind of shit (I say kind of because there's nothing I hate more than physically abusive Willis Todd. I am not kidding when I say that's the worst Jason retcon that Lobdell has ever come up with) and how they never felt wanted or loved by their parents. All three of them can relate to how their parents' abandonment (or, in Rose's case, Slade's lack of knowledge) shaped them as people. Lotssss of parallels to be drawn here
Also, obviously, Roy Harper cameo. But get this. He's here because of ROSE. I do enjoy platonic jayroy (and romantic but I don't want it to be canon) but I think the connection Roy has with Rose is a little deeper. I think he'd want to check on her after so many years (he was her foster dad! for fucks sake!) and make sure that she's doing well, considering he knows how Jason can Get.
There would also most likely be a YJ/Tim's TT crossover because duh, Eddie and Rose were in TT03 and Jason has his whole Thing (negative) with Tim, but I'm gonna be so vulnerable here and admit that the only TT03 issues I read are the ones with Mia in them + #42 + the one where Rose lights up her cigarette with Eddie's mouth fire. So, you know, can't give much insight here. Not really a Titans fan regardless of the team itself but if this Outlaws was to ever happen I'd want the author to include them in something.
Also, I think we should get a special issue where Slade repeatedly gets his ass kicked. Rose doesn't even participate but Jason and Eddie do it in her honor. Just for funsies
OH ALSO. I'd want them to bring an artist from the 2000s back. I just don't like the current art styles nearly as much </3 unless it's Ngozi. Ngozi's art is too cute to say no and I would kill to see her draw Rose!! Or or, Jason Fabok, because his art is just everything
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Do you ever find yourself slightly resentful of how fanon DC has completely overtaken canon DC? I like fanon most of the time but it is so difficult now to find stories that are based in canon. Batman stories are by far the worst offender.
I'm not 100% sure if you're referring to the fact that a lot of recent stories in the comics are pretty ooc or if you mean fic, but based on the last few days of asks, I'm going to assume you're referring to fandom works specifically. And the answer honestly is yes.
I in general have complicated feelings towards fanon. While certain types of fanon can actually create stories that are more complex - for example most of the Spider-Man fandom has pretty much accepted that Peter is Jewish and has depression and anxiety - or even just make for pretty fun concepts - I just love stalker!Tim okay I don't know what to tell you, or purring!Spider-People!! - the vast majority of fanon is mostly really flat characterization or actively damaging. Going back to Spidey, pretty much every bit of MCU!Spidey fanon is fucking awful. And yeah, a lot of Batfam fanon, especially surrounding Jason - is really fucking awful.
I think it's fine for fanon to exist, but the fact that it so often overwhelms the actual canon stories means that sometimes canon gets actually rewritten in people's minds. Like the people who've been in my inbox recently asking me if pit madness is actually a thing - because if you've had minimal contact with canon, how the fuck are you even supposed to know it isn't? It's so rare to come across a fic that doesn't bring it up, even as a sidenote, and when it doesn't, it's not like it's an active mention that pit madness doesn't exist - it's just there. And it's such a damaging piece of fanon, I know I keep bringing it up but it's because I have to, it's really harmful, especially since it's basically NEVER given a trigger warning. But there's also other annoying fanon - Cass as a perfect angel or Steph being reduced to a waffle fan and Tim to a coffee addict and nothing else and erasing Dick's canonical anger issues entirely, which is maybe my favorite character trait of his (although this one can also be blamed partially on Tom Taylor's terribly ooc writing of the character in the current Nightwing run...).
And the thing is yeah, sometimes we read fic purely for the escaping and the fluff, but I know a lot of us are looking for angst and hurt/comfort and fics that take themes (whether from canon or not) seriously, and it's really frustrating how difficult they are to find. I much prefer a fic that takes Dick's trauma seriously than one that relegates him to supportive older brother only. I much prefer a fic that wrestles with Bruce's inability to love Jason the way Jason wants him to and the physical abuse he's inflicted on his children than one where he's perfect and never done anything wrong. Yeah, I don't mind reading stuff for fun where there's never been anything wrong ever in the batfam. But I'm also low-key upset that my second most kudos'd fic ever is the stupid ooc batfam 5+1 I wrote in an hour. I'd much rather people read hang on which verges on character study and has, you know, themes and stuff. Also parallels, which if you've noticed my tags, are like, my favorite thing.
So yeah, I do dislike the fact that fanon has overwhelming taken over so many fandoms, and especially since batman has become my main fandom over the past few months due to brainrot, I'd love if people took these characters seriously, damnit. But this is what happens when a fandom is so majorly comprised of people who outright admit to have never read a comic in their life.
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adulting-from-scratch · 8 months
Independence terrifies me.
I went from being coddled to having to think about everything.
The idea of being an adult is scary.
So last year, I was living at the place that I'd called home. It wasn't just home. When I was younger it was a sanctuary, a place that was safer than home.
I'd lived there full-time since my second semester of my freshman year in high school.
I didn't have any prospects, which I'm ashamed to admit. I got up, ate, went on my phone, and went back to my room. Sometimes played video games. I'd stopped reading, despite specific books and comics previously being some of my greatest loves.
I'd been out of therapy for three years, I'd just barely started seeing a psychiatrist again. And the day that I called and had an over the phone consultation with a DBT therapist, my house burned down.
I'd tried working two jobs in the past, gotten fired from both. One was a little under a month.
I kept saying, "I'll look, I'll apply."
Or, "I'll look at going back to school."
I did...on occasion. Not as often as I said I did, nowhere near as often as I said I would.
I was severely depressed. I didn't shower or brush my teeth as much as I should have, the latter led to my needing my top four front teeth crowned, courtesy of my grandparents.
Last week, I was supposed to walk down to catch the bus. I live in a semi-rural area, and it
A few weeks ago, I broke down crying in therapy as I voiced aloud the rude awakening that had hit me.
"All this shit I have to figure out and think about and they all cost money!"
This was after my grandfather told me at some point he'd expect me to pay for my therapy. He didn't say when, just at some point.
To me, this was a looming threat. I've made so much progress since being back in therapy, and that's with it being paid for and getting a ride there. That progress looks like not having outbursts, doing laundry, signing back up for school. Not exactly impressive. But worth acknowledging.
It took me time to work up the courage to make a psychiatrist appointment last week, due to being off my meds for a few months. Everything takes conscious effort.
The first time I had to seriously think about money. I'm not struggling right now, I'm living with my mother. But I don't know what the future holds.
In my mind I'm just one or two more failures away from winding up dying on the street. Or being a leech on my family for the rest of my life.
One is dramatic, both are pathetic. And a bit delusional. Plenty of people are educated and harder working than me and still wind up out there.
I'm back in school, taking two classes, not working, because I doubt I'd be able to handle more than that.
I'm still trying to figure out a study program. I
Today, half of me wishes so badly to go back to living there. Having all my needs met, binging whenever I want. Not having to think about much.
But I not only wasn't productive, I wasn't really happy. I was filling the void.
I didn't want to end my life, I just didn't have a life.
But it was easier to say I'd become an adult later.
My grandmother still saw me as her kid, so it was okay, right? But she's not here to enable me.
I was comfortable. But not okay.
Do I want sympathy? Maybe. But in comparison to so many other people, I'm not sure my struggles are worth complaining about.
Life is hard as fuck, and it feels like it's only going to get harder, but I've been far too sheltered, and it hasn't done me many favors.
Independence terrifies me because I'd prefer to have someone else tell me what I have to do.
I feel like I need a lot of handholding.
But the only hand to hold is my own.
That's not quite true, I have my basic needs met. I have hands to hold, family and friends. I just don't have someone constantly hugging me.
But that's what I'm used to. So the adjustment is rough, to say the least.
It's such a stark difference, and my mind is already a bit different, that I have to remind myself feeling and fact are different.
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wellship · 2 years
I recently came across your zosan wedding planning/wedding comic again and then all I could think about was who proposes or what Zoro or Sanji's proposal would be like in your mind because I desperately want your thoughts about it. Sorry if you've already spoken about this topic, I just adore the way you portray One Piece characters.
AW thank you very much! That's so sweet of you to say! I certainly love to think about them in their little scenarios HAHA so I'm glad you like reading about it!
To tell the truth I never used to think that ZoSan would ever get married or "need" to get married, and I thought it was a bit OOC of them when I'd read it in other fics etc... until Whole Cake Island, HAHA. Egg on my face. I think the idea of marriage between them was something that genuinely never occured to them, but after Sanji went through that arc - and Zoro felt like he'd nearly lost him - it would force them to actually think about it and realise, hey, shit, yeah, I think if we were married... I would really like that.
I think Sanji would like the old-school romantic symbolism and the public declaration/pride aspect of marriage, plus the security of knowing someone likes you enough they're willing to tie themselves to you legally - while Zoro would appreciate the ritual of marriage; he wouldn't give a shit about the legal aspects of it, but pledging your devotion to one another in front of all the people most important to you? That's kind of his whole thing, lmao... with Luffy and Kuina and even Mihawk, it's obviously very important to him that he makes his intentions known. He's been quite dramatic about it. I think when it came to the actual wedding day, Sanji would be surprised by how seriously Zoro was taking it, and how heartfelt his "vows" were (I think it would end up sounding more like Zoro was preparing for battle than exchanging traditional wedding vows butttt I also think Sanji would swoon over that more).
Of course, to GET to a wedding day still requires one of them to pull the plug and ASK, which is a degree of communication which still eludes them even post-WCI, lmao. I honestly think it would have to go something like... Sanji joking around with Zoro after Wano, saying "Can you imagine us? Married? Lmaooo" and Zoro's just like "? Yeah, easily"
Cue Sanji's mental bluescreen, because, huh? What? Did marimo really just admit that he'd be fine married him? Is that the same thing as wanting to get married? And so he'd prod him about it and Zoro's like... I mean. I kind of thought we already were, to some degree, what with the whole "I came back from hell for you" thing- ("You came back from hell to kill me" "semantics") and Sanji would have to clarify like 10 times if this means Zoro actually plans to marry him and if that means they should and is this is actually happening- and they eventually settle on yes, it's happening, Zoro has just told Sanji he wants to marry him so now Sanji can start planning their wedding if he needs to.
At which point Sanji EXPLODES on him because what kind of proposal is THAT!?!? He deserves to be romanced off his feet with a huge public display of affection and love after all the shit he went through on Whole Cake Island- proposals are supposed to be once-in-a-lifetime events that make you sob and you can tell your grandchildren about them ("we're not having kids")... so Zoro is forced to re-propose to him, probably getting help from each of the Straw Hats in turn about how they think he should do it "properly" (all of which just end up pissing Sanji off, humiliating him, or missing the mark) until they get into a huge argument where Zoro accidentally lays out exactly why he loves Sanji and why he wants to marry him- and that does it. Sanji's a weepy mess and they're ~engaged~
Then the wedding itself is probably equally as disasterous as on Whole Cake because the Straw Hats are involved but this time Sanji is having a blast.
Edit: Alright, fuck it. Here are what the Straw Hats would suggest as their "ideal proposal"
Luffy: He doesn't really get it and thinks Zoro's proposal was already the best way to do it. Keeps badgering Sanji not to be so stingy and just marry Zoro already because he wants cake which pisses Sanji off more. Zoro doghouse count: 1
Usopp: Usopp bursts into tears (he's shipped them for so long) and is almost useless but does eventually pull himself together enough to suggest writing it in the sky. And he has just the invention to do it! This one is actually going pretty smoothly and Usopp is nearly done using his dial-powered drone to spell "will you marry me swirly-brow" over the ocean while Zoro draws Sanji out of the kitchen by the hand when the drone explodes and showers them all in pieces and singes Sanji's hair. "How could you have trusted like that." Zoro doghouse count: 2
Nami: Nami thinks about a man proposing to her and gags but tries to use her imagination and says just throw a bunch of money at it and it should be fine. Lavish him with fine chocolates and champagne and then put the ring in one of the glasses. ("What ring?" "Oh for fuck's sake") Zoro buys expensive champagne & truffles but a cheap ring and it makes the champagne taste like shit and Sanji goes off on him about wasting food. Zoro doghouse count: 3, Zoro debt to Nami: +$5,000
Brook: Brook tells him to simply go traditional, get down on one knee, and speak from the heart, and even offers to accompany Zoro on the deck with a romantic violin. This one is actually working, Zoro's kneeling, everyone's watching and smiling and going "aww", Sanji's swooning, Brook gets into the fucking zone and absolutely shreds it on a violin solo so rambunctious it turns into a Thousand Sunny dance party and both Sanji and Zoro are pissed off at being outshone. Zoro doghouse count: 4, Brook doghouse count: 1
Franky: Franky suggests Zoro takes Sanji to some sort of live show and get on the projector Denden Mushi to hold up a sign asking Sanji to marry him. Zoro takes Sanji to a Groggy Ring game with a sign under his jacket but the camera never actually pans to him and he spends so long trying to get the camera guy's attention that he totally ignores Sanji and they get into a huge blow-out fight (and win the match). Zoro doghouse count: 5, Team Swirly Moss: Undefeated
Chopper: Chopper offers to do it for him with a note. Zoro thinks this is an adorable idea because if Chopper toddled up to HIM like a little ring bearer saying "do you want to marry Sanji? Y/N" his heart would melt so he agrees. Sanji does not agree. Huge fight. "Do it yourself." Zoro doghouse count: 6
Robin: Rose petals. Candles. Wine. Soft music (not by Brook). Aquarium bar. Just the two of them, late at night, with no one else around. Invite him there and simply ask him plainly. Tell him you love him and let the night take its course. This is actually 75% of the way successful before they realise Robin is DEFINITELY watching them from like 50 hana-hana eyes plastered around the aquarium and they BOTH leave in a panic. Zoro doghouse count: Still 6, but with added heebie-jeebies
Jinbe: Zoro, haggard, asks Jinbe how the hell he's supposed to propose to Sanji and Jinbe asks what's stopping Sanji from proposing to him. "Hey, what the fuck? You're right! SHIT COOK-" Huge fight. Zoro doghouse count: 7, Sanji doghouse count: 1
Good thing it works out in the end.
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bemtevis · 3 years
About the JKR post: Seriously???? No Nuance November is over, OP.
I'm not a fan of HP (haven't read the books since I was 12, never watched a movie from that series) but if some kids are obsessed with it, let them pirate it! In doing so, JKR gets none of the profits and they get all the enjoyment. Pirating a movie isn't 'killing trans people'. Seriously. It's actually harming JKR since she loses a lot of money. People are not evil because they like a fandom. Tomorrow, if the author of your favorite fandom (I'm guessing Cassandra Clare from your username, I haven't looked at your blog tbh) turns out to be a transphobe (she probably isn't but just imagine) then would you be able to resist if the movie or show of your favorite series was being released soon? Especially after seeing the trailer? Would you not pirate it?
Yeah, seriously, I thought I was being clear! Hey anon, answer something for me: when did I ever mention kids in my post? Do you seriously think I'm accusing 8 year olds of being evil? Actually, do you think I'm accusing ANYONE of being evil? Because you can only put a certain amount of words in my mouth without looking stupid. I genuinely think the people who continue to support HP while knowing what it's doing to minorities are either ignorant, misguided, or bigoted themselves. Evilness is such a inhuman concept, and I'd only call bigots that (even though I didn't). I think people who want to pirate the movie or the books don't know enough to stop, which is why I was asking them to look inside themselves.
Pirating the movie doesn't make JK ‘lose' money. She can't lose money she never had, take that capitalist lie out of your head. You're really underestimating the power publicity has, aren't you? The point of my post is that, if you're aware of what Rowling is doing and still can't bring yourself to take your Hogwarts house out of your bio, for example, then you're valuing your entertainment more than trans people's lives. It's a small thing that, if enough people do it (or stop doing it), will take away part of the influence Rowling has. Repeat that again with fan merch, fanfic, fanart, and you take even more of it away.
First, I have it in pretty good authority that Clare is transphobic, or at least comically ignorant. You look through my anti CC tag if you want, but this is not what that is about. That is not the problem here. As far as I know, and please correct me if I'm wrong, she is not using her money and influence to support hate groups and speak in favor of bigoted laws; Rowling is. If it came out tomorrow that Clare is doing that, I would stop consuming her content in a heartbeat and would block anyone who refuses to. Because, guess what, human rights are more important than a stupid book or TV show! I can always find a better book to read, a better movie to watch, but bigotry permanently harms people in minority groups and no amount of content in the world is worth knowingly taking part in that. Do you disagree?
Anyway, if you stand so strongly on that hill, you could've bothered to show your face instead of cowardly sending an anon <3 Would love to chat more if you're here in good faith, if not, have fun being wrong.
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powerdragonmoon · 8 years
I want to know your Paon! Nathaneäl and Bee! Chloe Headcannons please! I just saw that you had a hand in Kara's beautiful PaonBee kiss. Also, I'd love to see Chloenath drabbles or anything too. I'll try to comment on your stories ASAP!!
FIRST OF ALL!, **pets head** thank you for initially requesting the great @karawek in the first place with that Paon!Nathanael and Bee!Chloe ask, because look at what beautifulness it gave us all!!! ^__^ i seriously never really entertained the idea of Le Paon!Nath but look how dapper and smooth he looks!?!?! amazing
And I’m so happy you’re asking about our headcannons… my overall ship name for the this ChloNath hatessquare is Buzzkill so that’s the name of the fic… I’m about half way through a first chapter for it but I’ll share some of the notes I got going on!! I’ll tag you once i post the first chapter!
Cracks knuckles… so if you’re interested this is  a-not-so-brief summary of our headcannons thus far … you can read them (there are some spoilers for the fic I’m writing) but if you want to wait for a fic THAT’LL TAKE ME FOREVER TO WRITE or get a head start on everything… it’s your choice :D also if you have any ideas or thoughts send them to me and we can edit this for sure: 
Buzzkill - A Summary 
This is an aged up AU, kids arein final year of school
Over the years, Hawkmoth hasbeen fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir… to similar lack of success as we’ve seenof him so far
Desperate, Hawkmoth decides thathe needs to change up his strategy maybe??? and looks to enlist in getting somehelp in dealing with LB and CN
He starts to look at possiblepeople that could take on the peacock miraculous – someone weak andcontrollable, that he can manipulate to help him, because of cause he’ll needthe miraculous back once he has his wife back
Looks through his mostsuccessful akumas
Volpina- his obvious firstchoice, she hates Ladybug, thereforewould probably be very motivated in his mission. However one fear in giving herthe peacock miraculous, that worries Hawkmoth, is that she would must likelybecome overly attached to the power, and Hawkmoth needs someone he can control,Lila is too unpredictable and unstable.
Dark Blade – almost successful,but as a politician, public figure, and adult, would probably be difficult tocontrol
Lady Wifi – super OP, but tooattached to Ladybug. 
Puppetteer – nah, a kid?Probably wouldn’t make the best henchmen
The Bubbler – no, can’t standthat kid -___- probably wouldn’t take instruction well either… toorebellious  
Mr. Pigeon – just no. That guywas weird
etc, etc, etc… he goes throughlots of past victims… no one seems right for the situation and also needssomeone who can wield the peacock miraculous, so they need to have that certainje ne sais quoi? a creative mind and big heart. 
Suddenly Hawkmoth senses thenegative feelings of someone in the city 
It’s Nathanael … poor boy is having a bad day/week/life
He’s pretty sure his old crush,Marinette, is in love with Adrien Agreste, how can he compete with that?!!? 
His life is not going how heenvisions it in his comics and art. In his comics, he’s a hero, he wins theaffections of Marinette, and he stands up to bullies. But in real life he’s shyand introverted, can barely make it through class without sleeping. AND CHLOEIS A BULLY, mean.
Gets rejection letters for artschools he applied to … this is like the last straw, poor boy 
EVILLUSTRATOR, Hawkmoth senseshis negative feelings and is reminded of Evillustrator… sigh… such a promisingakuma, the ability to draw up anything?? an artist only limited by hisimagination?? Could make for an interesting Le Paon…
Not only that, but this boy isvery “weak”, someone that Hawkmoth can easily control and manipulate, and evenbetter he can promise him the chance for power and even then if he must, hecan threaten him via blackmail, what better motivation is there than doingsomething in order to keep a loved one safe (Marinette) 
Enter Le Paon!Nathanael Villian 
His mission from Hawky: to capture the Ladybug and Chat Noirmiraculouses… Hawkmoth will send out an akuma to distract them, Le Paon will goin for the kill
Basically do as Hawky says, or bad things will happen
Nath is super bummed, but with the miraculous and power, Nathanael slowly gains confidence inhimself, he is re-given the power to bring to life what he draws like when hewas Evillustrator, but now with a magical peacock quill… he hates to admit it, cause he hates Hawkmoth and everything, but he’s enjoying being Le Paon (apart from the whole evil henchman thing)
He starts to question what Hawky’s plans are with the miraculous… he doesn’t know how powerful they are together (Hawk obviously kept the godlike powers tidbit to himself) but Nathanael starts to get intrigued… questions he’s kwami about it 
Queen Bee!Chloe’s Hero Origin
Chloe finds Bee Comb amongsther mother’s old things (DUN, DUN, DUN!!!!) ????
Wants to join Ladybug and ChatNoir team! SUPER PUMPED, this is like her dream come true!!! LADYBUG IS GOING TO BE HER BEST FRIEND FOR REALS NOW
But every time she goes out tofight an akuma, she runs into some peacock a**hole (huhuhu) who is planning onattacking Ladybug and Chat Noir during akuma attacks 
She foils his plan every time,cause she’s awesome
But gets more and morefrustrated though that she can’t manage to meet Ladybug because she’s too busy kickingpeacock boy’s a** 
Also struggling with being ahero that’s going unnoticed, and being a good person, her kwami appreciates hersassiness, but scolds her quite a bit for her “stingy” behaviour
So she tries being a better person as both Chloe and Queen Bee, but hold habits die hard
Also I now present to you TheHATESQUARE – (PLS send help, these ship names are just… well, they’re not good guys! >___
Nathchlo (Nathanael//Chloe)
Chloe bullies and makes fun ofNathanael (kinda like how a preschooler pulls the pigtails of the girl helikes, but grown up), Nathanael does not appreciate the treatment, but afterbeing akumatized (the first time), just tries to stay out of Chloe’s way
However, as he gainsconfidence, over time he starts to stand up for himself and others… and Chloeis like “Uhhh, what now?” **internally** “he’s kinda cute’ *___* wait??! what?!?!
In her civilian form… Chloetries to be nicer… it’s hard. But she starts to become more guilty about all theakumas and hurt she has caused, all the trouble she’s cause Paris, when she always thought of herself as Paris’ Princess, and all the work she’s made for Ladybug
Nathbee (Nathanael//Queen Bee)
Nathanael hates Queen Bee, but in order to hide his identity as LePaon, he tries not to make it obvious… also out of costume he’s not able tofight her, he’s at a disadvantage… but damn if she doesn’t look good in hercostume…
Beon (Queen Bee//Le Paon) OMGPLS I DON’T DO WELL MAKING SHIP NAMES… but uhhhhh, this is the ship we’re allhere for **insert Jason Mamoa gif of him folding out chair to take a seat***
HATE FIGHT HATE FIGHT **angry makeout** HATE, FIGHT (this is theirrelationship in a nutshell)
They fight, they bicker, they border line flirt while trying topunch each other’s face 
This is also kind of an exploration of their characters…Chloe,usually the bully is now face to face with a super villain and it scares herthat she sees a bit of herself in this peacock creep… she tries to get him to see that what he’s doing is wrong… why would he want to hurt Ladybug?? be a hero, not Hawkmoth’s pawn!
Le Paon on the other hand, doesn’t see himself as a Hawky’s henchman… over time he realizes that Hawky isn’t even a threat to him… he’s basically just in it now to keep his miraculous, to keep his powers… because for him, he’s a hero…. who’s to say when he gets the ladybug and chat miraculous that he’ll actually give them to Hawkmoth?? and hey maybe he can add a bright shiny comb to his growing collection… 
Paochlo (Le Paon//Chloe) … actually no, it’s Cholaon (pronounced Cologne cause for some reason I think that’s the funniest thing ever!)
Le Paon HATES CHLOE and is notafraid to show it
Chloe HATES LE PAON and isdefinitely not afraid to show it
This is like the inversebizzaro version of Marichat
Hope you like it!! Pls send me any thoughts/ideas!!! I’m only half way through ch 1 so changes can easily be made… or other writers can soooo go ahead with whatever awesome idea they have!! 
EDIT: We got a first chapter now!! :D posted here on tumblr and also on ao3
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