#i see him as a dork who refuses to admit he's a dork
waffleverse headcanons/fun facts (rio edition)
for school paperwork chourou is listed as the twins’ legal guardian. when he first enrolled, though, rio had grave and elisio down (they had no idea. he just needed people who were probably legal adults and noir wasn’t an option). when they get it changed to chourou, rio makes up a very complicated story about a custody battle and how it was the reason why he was out of school for so long. miraculously, they believe him
i mentioned this in part 4′s a/n iirc but rio absolutely discovers tumblr. he strikes me as somebody who would use this hellsite. yukari figures out he has one and proceeds to leave the most braindead takes possible on his posts to tick him off. he has no idea it’s her. every time he starts ranting about catlover611′s latest Hot Take(TM) it takes all of her willpower to not laugh
yukari: why don’t you just block this... what did you say their name was... catlover611? rio: because that’s the coward’s way out and i am not a coward
because of tumblr he discovers an american show called avatar: the last airbender and gets very attached to this one character named zuko
he rotates between jobs in the kirapati. some days he’ll help akira with serving, yukari with the counter on others. once he gets his kirakiraru back he joins the kitchen staff occasionally as well
he will never forgive ciel for telling the entire class his full name is pikario. he thinks it’s lowered his “cool guy” reputation (literally nobody cares. he lost that reputation a while back anyways. like have you seen him in the show during that arc he’s just a slightly off-putting weirdo for the most part. i genuinely can’t believe yukari was the only one who figured him out)
he keeps making the emergency cookies for ciel. despite what he says to ichika in part 5, he does have to break into the stash sometimes
he starts growing out his hair around the end of the main fic series. ponytail rio is too powerful i can’t not have him not exist in waffleverse
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banj0possum · 5 months
Sweet Hero Of Mine
Yandere! Antihero x GN! Hero! Reader
im back little stinkers <333
Edit!! Nsfw mentions removed! Replaced with..Elias being a dork ?
CW: Stalking, Creep behavior, Suggestive talk about reader, slight masochism
🪲 Elias was never into the whole Superhero thing.
🪲 He hated the constant swarming of reporters and fans screaming for his attention. He didn't want to be treated like a celebrity; he just wants to fight crime where people refuse to help.
🪲 That's why he avoided ever displaying himself like that. He preferred to stay in the shadows and kept his deeds out of the picture, but there are always rats scurrying around ready for another big scoop.
🪲 He could only scoff amusingly as he sees his little escapade last night being reported on tv with a blurry photo of him on the rooftops with the words "Mysterious Vigilante Strikes Again!"
🪲 He can admit, seeing them being so absorbed in what he does is pretty entertaining, he can feel his ego go up a bit.
🪲 Soon enough he gets tired of the incessant yap of interviewees talking about him and reaches for the remote.
🪲 His body freezes though when the reporter mentions some 'new hero' and he turns back to the TV.
🪲 His eyes are blessed with the cutest sight of a person dressed in a hero outfit with a logo on their chest. Their warm smile seems to radiate happiness as they talk to the reporter. Is this the new hero they've been talking about recently?
🪲 They ask for their opinion on the vigilante situation and he almost melts over their soft voice.
🪲 "I believe this guy has good intentions. Which is great and all but if it's endangering people and their properties, I think it's time they think about how running around and punching people in a suit isn't being heroic, it's being obnoxious!"
🪲 There goes his ego..
🪲 And perhaps his clean pants..
🪲 He starts researching all about this new hero. Who do they think they are?! This little brat has to be taught a lesson!
🪲 He stalks your social media, every fan account, every news atricl about your deeds, everything.
🪲 For for blackmail of course! Maybe he can find some dirt on you..in this fan account that makes thirst edits of you..
🪲 Soon enough he starts tracking you and your appearances. Every fight with a villain or any burning building with people that need saving, he's there with a high-grade camera that can snap all the rips and tears in your suit...for blackmail!
🪲 He's real happy that he wore a trench coat to your most recent battle or else everyone would have probably seen his growing boner whenever you throw a punch that connected to your opponent.
🪲 He's combing through the photos he took of you and shivers over your sweaty form and aggressive face.
🪲 He imagines meeting you, perhaps having a battle of his own, being pinned down by you, having your arms grappling and squeezing on his body. Perhaps you'd even say something degrading to him with that sweet voice of yours..
🪲 So that's what he does.
🪲 You were doing some last-minute night patrols after a long day of crime fighting and interviews when you hear a deep gravelly voice behind you.
🪲 "Hey there hero~"
🪲 You look back and see a large muscular man in a suit that looked like the armor of some insect.
🪲 "Huh, didn't expect to meet you here vigilante!" I joke.
🪲 "Oh please, call me Beetle~" He smirks as he walks closer to you. God you're even cuter in person..
🪲 "Well, Beetle, you are aware that you're kinda sorta wanted for a lotta stuff right?"
🪲 "Is it worse than the shit those pieces of scum done? Unlike youre pretty little ass I'm actually gettin bad guys off the streets.~" He teases, putting a hand on the wall and leaning close to your face. He's trying not to swoon over your stern face.
🪲 "Unlike you, I'm keeping people safe! Although I do commend your...unique sense of justice.."
🪲 *internal squealing*
🪲 He's a little surprised that you're so nice, unlike some other douchey heroes he knows.
🪲 He lets out a chuckle "That's new..Thanks goody-two-shoes.."
🪲 You give him a teasing face "Hey I'm not that much of an angel!"
🪲 "Oh~? Well o me you are, sweet hero of mine~"
🪲 You two become quick friends, even having missions together.
🪲 His obsession got worse from there.
🪲 Riding in your superhero vehicle, he rarely looks anywhere but at you driving, explaining to him the mission that he barely cares about other than the fact that it's an excuse to be with you.
🪲 Every time you take his hand to lead him somewhere, he makes sure to burn the feeling into his mind. Oftentimes he's the one doing whatever it takes to have physical contact with you, but it's way better whenever you initiate it.
🪲 You love taking pictures together. Of course he never smiles when you take one but when he's back at home, he's staring at it with the biggest, goofiest grin.
🪲 He loves taking pictures too, only he prefers ones with you and you alone. Sometimes it would be things you like so he wouldn't forget.
🪲 You blush, flattered over him remembering your favorite drink.
🪲 He'd memorize anything you say and put it in a top secret file named "My Love"
🪲 Oh my god please degrade him jokingly.
🪲 Bully him, push him around, be playfully rough with him!! Sure it's all in good fun but he's feeding his guilty pleasure whenever you treat him like shit while also being so sweet to him.
🪲 Pull him down suddenly by his suit's collar whenever you want to whisper something to him or show him something, he loves it. Although be warned, he might moan a little..
🪲 He's crazy for you, insane even, bonkers almost!!
���� He comes home seeing you in a superhero gala at one of the fanciest buildings in the city.
🪲 The bone-breaking grip on his beer bottle almost cracks the bottle when he sees you being accompanied by some other hero.
🪲 They're being all close with you and making you laugh, he can feel his jealousy rise within his body at the sight of your adorable smile, one that wasn't because of his jokes, his company!
🪲 Maybe it's about time he gives this superhero thing a try..
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sylusjinwoon · 6 months
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{ 017 }
- when you fall asleep on them -
featuring: megumi, yuji, yuta
[ megumi 💤 ]
he will be the last to admit that he loves the way you fall asleep on him so casually; seeming to trust him and finding comfort in his presence as your head gently lands on his shoulder.
megumi convinces himself to head over to your place and study because he knew just how lazy you got each time you tried to study by yourself. there was an exam that was quickly approaching, and when he realized that you hadn't even begun to study when he last spoke to you-
he could feel the tension headache forming within his temple.
during the weekend, he stops by your house and invites himself inside, (your parents actually adored him and how he was such a positive influence for you), so it was actually pretty easy to catch you slacking off in such a casual manner.
he enters your room, seeing your eyes fixated on your computer screen as some cheesy drama was playing. your eyes were wide when you look up at him, with parted lips holding a piece of pocky in its corner, and megumi had to fight back his annoyance.
"oi, you need to study for this exam. come on, quit messing around." he slams your laptop shut and takes a hold of your pocky, chewing down on the treat with an unnecessary amount of force.
"aw, 'gumi, i-i was going to study! a-after one more episode."
he rolls his eyes at you, knowing you a little too well when he says, "sure, and then one episode turns into another, then another- and next thing you know, you're bingeing the entire season with your plans of studying becoming nonexistent."
your pout was all that he needed to know that he truly knew your intentions, reading through your lies like an open book.
after a bit of bickering, he convinces you to study with him, with the both of you settled on the hardwood flooring of your room, your backs pressed against your bed. megumi allows you to review his notes, since he remade them specifically for you, highlighting all of the important concepts in your favorite color while writing detailed, bulleted notes at the side.
he did a lot for you, for reasons he refuses to specify because he didn't think his heart could take it if and when he admitted to turning so soft for you and you alone.
megumi was caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize when you had become slumped over against him, your warmth suddenly radiating on his shoulder as he glances over at you. the syllables that make up your name were close to escaping from his lips, yet when he catches the familiar sounds of your soft breathing was when he allows himself to smile down at you.
"you dork..."
he brushes back your hair, smirking when he sees the tiniest bit of drool settled near the corner of your mouth. letting out a feign, exasperated sigh, he closes his notebook and textbooks, choosing instead to humor you as he picked you up and carried you in his arms. with a gentleness he reserves only for you, megumi places you on the bed before laying next to you.
brushing the back of his hand against your soft cheek, he sighs while whispering to himself.
"what am i gonna do with you?"
perhaps when you wake up, he'll promise to take you out on that date so long as you do well on this upcoming exam.
[ yuji 💤 ]
a literal puppy who will do anything to spend as much time with you that he possibly can. he was your best friend, and you often spent your weekends together, having slumber parties while pulling all-nighters playing your favorite video games.
"whoa! the zombies are insane on this level!"
surrounding the floor of his bedroom were empty snacks and half-eaten bags of chips along with bottles of your favorite sodas as the only light that illuminated the room came from the television screen. the volume was turned down to a minimum to avoid the risk of waking anyone up at this ungodly hour.
while yuji was enjoying his game, you were comfortably settled on his bed, watching his joy with amusement and love in your eyes. you loved this side of your boyfriend a lot; just seeing him enjoying his life as a young teenager should.
yuji was laser-focused on his game, being so caught up with beating the level that he doesn't catch your soft yawn. it became a struggle for you to keep your eyes open, seeming difficult to hang on to your consciousness.
maybe if i just...rest my eyes a little bit...
succumbing to your drowsiness, your body slumps against yuji's bed, your breathing becoming softer and more even as you fell into a peaceful slumber.
yuji continues to play his game for the next hour, unaware that you had fallen asleep. only when he clears the level of his game did he let out excited cries of your name.
"babe! did you see that?! i finally beat the level-"
he trails off and immediately covers his mouth with both of his hands. realizing that you were asleep, yuji makes a great effort not to disturb you. he picks up the candy wrappers that surround your sleeping form, along with all the trash that was littered on his floor. he tosses everything in the trash before tiptoeing his way closer to you.
for the first time ever, yuji actually makes an effort to quietly get into bed with you. his movements were slow, not even daring to breathe when he manages to hold you in his arms before pulling the blankets over both of your forms. a look of complete and utter adoration was seen in his gaze as he allows you to bury your face within his chest.
with a sigh of your name, yuji closes his eyes, knowing that he will be filled with dreams of you the moment he joins you within this peaceful slumber.
[ yuta 💤 ]
despite being a busy man, he deeply cherishes the time he is able to spend with you. those moments where he is truly able to breathe and just unwind with you- those moments were his greatest treasures.
yuta had agreed to take the day off, wanting nothing more than to spend it with you as you decided to have a movie marathon consisting of all your favorite films.
from romance to comedy, to even horror, no movies were left untouched. feeling like this was a much needed day off for him, yuta was able to spoil the both of you with delicious takeout for each meal, reassuring you that you didn't have to lift a single finger or cook anything.
as such, you and he were both settled on your plush couch, with your head resting against his lap for the entirety of the day, your eyes engrossed in the current movie that was playing. of course, you would let out a whine each time yuta had to stand from his seat and change movies, which often prompted him to play an even longer movie that would last at least 2 to 3 hours in duration.
night had long fallen across the skies, yet yuta couldn't bring himself to retire to bed with you in his arms. it was obvious that he didn't want this day to end, because he knew that when morning came, then he would have to leave you for his latest assignment.
and truly, was it wrong of him to wish to spend every waking moment with you?
so, he continues on with the movie marathon, surrounded by empty takeout boxes with his deep blue eyes focused on the television screen. his hand mindlessly runs through your hair, earning a content sigh from you as you end up burying your face within his abdomen.
admittedly, yuta was not paying a speck of attention to the movie, so focused on your warmth and the steady sound of your breathing. only when the movie ends does he softly call out to you.
"honey, did you-"
he cuts himself off, finally looking down to see that you had already fallen asleep, with your gentle breaths felt against his shirt. yuta huffs in response, silently berating himself for being such a bad boyfriend, forcing you to stay up so late due to his own selfish desires.
"what a selfish lover i am." he trails off, pressing a kiss against your skin before picking you up in his arms. the way your body slumps against him was a clear indication of how exhausted you were. "forgive me, my love. forgive me."
even when you were so tired, you didn't speak a word to him of it. he knew that the reason why you remained silent was solely because you wanted to be with him, too.
and as yuta carries you back to your shared bedroom, he supposes that he could ask for another day off- just for the sake of your happiness.
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a.n. - i am finally on spring break, with having a full week of freedom from classes, so i apologize for my sporadic updates 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Hey, could I request a love triangle with both Theon and Jon set in modern days? Fratboy!Theon (he's unsufurable and such dork! I can so imagine reader disliking him but he's cute when he wants to!) and Emo!Jon (he just gives off emo boy energy!!). Lots of teasing and rivalry (maybe? But definitely not needed) and maybe f!reader hooking up with both but separately.
Jon Snow/Theon Greyjoy*Hook ups
Pairing: jon x reader, theon x reader, past!jon x Ygritte
Word count: 3980
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Warnings: secret hooking up, multiple partners, p in v sex, f! receiving oral, hickeys, praise, slight sub jon, cocky theon, smut 18+
Masterlist here
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when you left for college, you were determined to break out of your shell. the first day was of course the toughest but luckily for you the dark-haired quiet kid beside you seemed equally on edge. you and Jon formed an instant friendship in freshman English and soon managed to develop a proper friendship group.
Jons half-brother Robb was also a freshman, so he was an obvious addition to the group. plus, you managed to make friends with a girl called Ygritte in your Ancient Histories class and whenever you all hung out, she would bring her friend Tormund along. the five of you were a close group all throughout freshman year and Jon and Ygritte even started dating at the end of freshman year.
you refused to admit to any of them that you were secretly a tiny bit completely and utterly jealous. you managed to keep your feelings at bay over the summer break but when you came back in your second year it was hard not to get angry seeing how happy they were. you knew it was neither of their faults, but you tried to keep it at bay and took the opportunity to expand your friendship group.
this was easy enough by tagging along wherever Robb went. he was such a sweetheart despite being such a party animal. he had been nicknamed across campus as the young wolf because of his string of girlfriends who all seemed to thank him when they got dumped. he was oddly charismatic when you thought of him, and Jon being related.
Jon was far shyer than Robb with his head often in a book or jotting lyrics and poems down in a notebook. he never left his dorm without headphones and majority of his music was all pre 2005 emo kid bangers. don’t get me wrong, you loved his music, but it was an acquired taste for sure. Ygritte however hadn’t acquired it, so it made it all the more frustrating for you when she never listened to the sweet songs, he sent her.
but you refused to let it keep you down so here you were at a Blackfyre Frat party standing with Robb who was introducing you to yet another friend of his. As he was telling Danerys that you were also into Taylor Swift you felt an arm suddenly grab over your shoulder and your neck snapped to the side to see its owner.
He had his other arm wrapped over Robbs shoulder and a beer bottle in hand, “and this is Theon,” Robb laughed as you shrugged him off as he kissed Robbs cheek, “aka a pain in my ass,”
“Thought you liked when I was in your ass,” Theon gasped as he finally removed himself from the young wolf. at times you had questioned if Robb was bi but now did not seem the time to ask as Theon held his hand out for you to shake, “And who do I owe the pleasure?”
you shook his hand lightly, trying your best not to grimace at the beer stench on his breath. you told him your name and quickly took your hand back, “I think im gonna get a drink,” you said, your eyes shooting to Dany who decided she also needed one. thank god for girls you thought.
“Cmon princess I don’t bite,” Theon joked but waved you and Dany off to slip into the crowds.
“He’s something alright,” you joked as you filled your cup with extra strong-smelling punch.
Dany laughed as she refilled her own drink, “He’s not as bad as he seems,” she said making your eyebrows scrunch in shock, “Nah seriously. its just this impression he puts on, I guess. I don’t really get it but alone he’s far more chill,”
“Please don’t leave me alone with him,” you said as you attempted to drink what tasted like straight vodka, “I don’t need him spilling beer down me,” you joked as you and Dany re-entered the crowd of people to dance.
you found your eyes wondering over to Theon a few times in the night. any time he caught you he sent a cheeky wink, and you rolled your eyes before turning to blush. maybe it was the alcohol or whatever issues high school had left you with, but Theon was kind of hot.
not in the Jon mysterious sensitive way but in the cocky I don’t give a fuck way. he was wearing his fraternity t-shirt which after Robb spilled his drink down revealed a surprisingly well toned body underneath. Dany seemed to notice your glances as she winked at you before demanding Robb and Theon come dance.
as Theon walked over you decided fuck it. Jon was taken and you were a woman with needs and even if he was a bit annoying Theon wad fit as fuck. you didn’t protest when they joined you to dance or run away when Theon would bump into you or spin you around the dance floor despite the music defiantly not being the spinning sort.
however eventually it was all becoming a bit too loud and a bit too fast. that plus the vodka was getting to you so without much warning you decided to duck out the dance floor and make your way to the kitchen where you stumbled upon Joffrey Lannister practically on top of Margaery Tyrell. you dipped your head as you headed for the back door and decided to just chill on the back steps for a few.
“You good bro?” you heard Theon’s concerned voice, but you didn’t need to turn as he moved to sit beside you on the step. he tried to hand you a cup, but you just looked at him in silent questioning, “Just water. promise,” he said reaching out his pinkie for you to link with your own.
you laughed as you made a pinkie promise with a near stranger before taking the cup, “Thanks man,” you said before almost downing the cup, “Sorry it just felt like really loud all of a sudden,”
“That’s cool,” Theon shrugged with a genuine smile that made your own lips curl up, “I just wanted to make sure nothing had happened. I know things like this aren’t always the easiest but its good you came,” he said as he knocked his knee into yours, “Even if you’re a terrible dancer,” he teased making you laugh and tease him right back.
you ended up sitting out there for the next hour before Dany eventually found you, wondering if you’d died or something. this was now your queue to leave since even Robb was too far gone to continue this night. “I’m gonna go get him into my bed then ill be back down to walk yous two home,” Theon said as Robb was slumped over his shoulder.
“Oh, you don’t have to- “you tried to say.
Theon cut you off, “Don’t worry love I’ll be two tics,” he said before he started to take Robb up the stairs, “Cmon buddy use those feet of yours,” you heard him mumble as you and Dany laughed at the state of Robb.
“See told you he’s not that bad,” she said, nudging you with her elbow.
you rolled your eyes at the blonde as you finished your drink, “Yeah, yeah. we’ll see,” and see you did. Theon had asked for your insta when you got to the dorms and somewhat shockingly to you didn’t try make a pass at you before he left. maybe he wasn’t that bad after all?
“Ugh that guy,” Jon groaned as you walked to class together, “I hate when Robb brings him round, he’s just so weird,”
“Some would say the same thing about you my goth little friend,” you said, poking at his arm making him swat it away.
“Not a goth,” he said, grabbing your hand to stop your attacks which for a moment almost made you blush, “Besides he always calls me an emo,” he said making you look at him like he said 2 + 2 = 5, “I’m not an emo. I just happen to have perfect taste,” all you did was snort as you finally reached English and took your seats.
for the month or so you spent a surprising amount of time dm-ing Theon. it started with him sending a couple memes to you having long conversations deep into the night about complete random topics. you also started actually going to parties once or twice a week with Theon and Robb much to Jons protest.
every time you told him he was welcome to come but he refused. instead, he would tell you all the reasons Theon annoyed him, and you could do better. it was ironic your old crush telling you to move on. the best thing was that you could finally see him and Ygritte around without wanting to vomit all over the place.
however, in a strange turn of events it was as soon as you got over Jon, or at least you thought, that he and Ygritte started having issues. Jon always refused to tell you what it was they fought about but you knew something was off. by now though you hung around with Dany, Theon, and Robb more than Ygritte, so you didn’t want to push. you and Jon still hung out as well of course but it was almost as if he was starting to ice you out.
you had talked to Theon about this on multiple occasions with him telling you that he was just being overly emo about things. you always defended Jon, but it was nice to know you weren’t crazy. then one night you got a text from Jon.
-she dumped me
this led to you and Jon locking yourself away in his dorm for a week as you helped him get over the breakup then a week of you dragging Jon out the dorms to see sunlight. you insisted he go out and enjoyed himself after allowing him to wallow for a time and soon a new friendship group was born.
you, Robb, Theon, Jon, and Dany hung out together at least three times a week, often all going to frat parties or drunken nights out. yes, even Jon would tag along to these parties, and you could tell he was enjoying it deep down. however, no matter what the two boys were always nipping at the other heels.
Theon would make fun of Jons clothes then Jon would quip back at his hair. when Jon poked fun at Theon’s grades Theon would make fun of Jons music taste. it was funny at times, frustrating at others, but overall, this was the most social Jon had been in months, so you weren’t going to complain.
something you hadn’t told Jon though, and had insisted that Theon couldn’t tell him either, was that you had secretly been hooking up with the Greyjoy without any of your friends knowing. he would text you late at night or you’d snap him when you were stressed. yes yes, the classic booty call things, you knew you were a cliché. but gods the sex was good.
you’d gotten a text from Theon that night and it didn’t take you long to get to his frat and sneak in through the backdoor. you slipped into Theon’s rooms unnoticed but as the door shut behind you you felt Theon press his chest into yours, “What took so long doll?” he grinned, his lips moving to kiss your jaw.
you laughed at the boy as your fingers travelled up to his hair, “Please you like when I keep you waiting,” you teased as you tugged lightly on his hair. you felt his lips move further down your neck, kissing softly at first but soon you felt him sucking gently on your skin, “You better not leave a mark,” you groaned, hating how you enjoyed it.
“I’ll think about it princess,” Theon said as his arms wrapped around your waist before tugging you over to the bed and pushing you down onto his sheets. he grabbed his collar, pulling his shirt over his head in a routine you had both practised down to perfection as you slipped your own top off.
Theon crawled over your body, his hands groping at your thighs and hips as his lips kissed the valley of your breasts. you moaned lightly as you felt him squeeze your hips and his hard on pressing into your thigh. “Now who’s making me wait,” you teased as you pulled Theon’s face up to yours, latching your lips together.
you knew each other’s rhythms, what they liked and where, his tongue slipped in with ease as your hands gripped his shoulders. meanwhile his were trailing up your body, squeezing your tits as he settled his legs between yours, grinding into you. you had of course changed into a cute little skirt when you saw the text so as your legs wrapped around his hips it left little to the imagination.
Theon hand slipped between your bodies, unbuttoning his jeans with ease and slipping them and his boxers off without even breaking your lips. you moaned lightly when his fingers rubbed your clit over your panties and your kiss grew deeper when he began to push them to the side. Theon only broke the kiss to quickly slip a condom on, something you had always insisted on and he had never complained about.
you felt him line his tip up with your hole, pushing it in slowly at first, “You like that?” he mumbled against your lips with that cocky smirk. god it shouldn’t be that hot to be a prick. your legs tightened around his waist, pushing Theon deeper in which he gladly complied as he sunk his length fully in, “Fuck,” he groaned, his thrusts attempting to set a steady pace.
his hand found your clit again, rubbing circles over it as your hands scratched gently down his back making him shiver. Theon’s lips fell from yours, moving to gently kiss down your jaw and neck before his head fell into your shoulder, his breathing growing heavy as you knew he was close to the edge.
with a final thrust you felt his body tighten for a moment before sinking into yours. you paused for a moment, letting Theon catch his breath. he pulled away for a moment, discarding the condom and kneeling over your thighs before he looked back down at you with a cocky grin, “Your turn now,” he said, and you laughed as he made his way down south.
by the end of the night, you were both hot and sweaty and both in a pair of Theon’s sweatpants. you were able to slip out and back to yours for a quick change of clothes before class the next morning though Jon shot you a questioning look when you had to practically run to class.
as the lecturer droned on and on you saw your phone light up and when you looked you saw a text from Jon. you unlocked your phone under the table, glancing over to see Jon was doing the same, as you opened the message.
-u wanna do something tonight?
-ye sure. want me to text everyone else?
you sent back and when you glanced at Jon you saw a faint blush on his cheeks. a few moments later another message came.
-was thinking it could be a just us thing. like old times
you didn’t even realise you were smiling when you saw the message, but Jon did. and gods did it make his legs go weak especially when you text back.
-great idea. movie night?
-only if u don’t hog the snacks
-no promises
after a long day of classes, a movie night was just what you needed especially since you knew it wasn’t hard to get Jon to let you pick the movie. when you arrived at his dorm, he was setting up a projector his dad had got him and you noticed his roommate, Tormund was out. “Did you kick Tormund to the curb for me?” you joked when you walked in through the open door.
Jon grinned as he stopped fiddling with his laptop cables and the projector lit up the room, “He didn’t mind,” he said as he took the bag of snacks out of your hand, adding them to the pile he had set up on his bed. “You ready for the ultimate movie experience?”
“Always,” you grinned as you jumped down onto his bed, kicking off your shoes and making yourself comfy. you didn’t catch the way Jon smiled at you as he watched this or how when he shut the door, he locked it also.
Jon flicked off the lights before returning to the bed, sitting beside you as he brought up Netflix on his laptop. before you could even start your spiel about how legally blonde the best film was and why you just had to watch it, he was handing you the laptop. you’d thought your crush had died but when you felt his fingers brush yours as you took the laptop you were grateful for the dimmed lighting to hide your blush.
Jon watched the movie without complaint, which honestly shocked you, especially when he even offered you some of his pringles. now that was odd. you were so into the movie you didn’t even realise you were leaning onto his shoulder till you felt his arm move to rest around your waist. when you glanced at Jon he cleared his throat, a blush spreading across his cheeks making you smile before you turned your attention back to Elle strutting her stuff.
by the end credits your body was fully rested against Jons, your snacks were gone, and his head was leant on top of yours. “See, told you it was a masterpiece,” you teased.
Jon chuckled lightly as you moved your head off his shoulder, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move his arm, “It was something alright,”
“Theres a second one,”
“Eh I think one movie was enough for tonight,��� Jon said as he closed Netflix with his spare hand. the room was still pretty dark but the light from the projector lit it up just enough to notice the cute smile toying on his lips.
“So whatcha wanna do then?” you said, moving to face him without realising how close your faces were, “You can’t kick me out already. its only nine,” you said but Jon didn’t say anything back.
you just smiled, waiting for him to say something and wondering if you had accidentally broken the boy somehow when Jon suddenly leaned forward. he kissed you. like actually kissed you. on the mouth. it only lasted for a second and you were too stunned to react as he pulled back, “I’m sorry- “Jon tried to say, moving his arm but you cut him off by grabbing his jaw lightly making him face you.
Jon grew silent again as you studied his face for a moment before leaning in. this kiss was far softer than before and this time Jon didn’t run away. his lips moved against yours gently at first, almost as if you were made of glass, but with added courage now Jon grew bolder, his hand squeezing your waist gently.
you took your queue, if not maybe surprising Jon a little, as you moved to straddle his lap. however, it only took a moment for him to catch up as his hands moved to rest gently on your hips. “You can touch me you know,” you mumbled into the kiss, “I won’t break,” you teased as your own hands trailed down his chest.
much to your surprise since he always wore baggy black clothes, but you could feel how toned he was through his shirt. you couldn’t resist slipping your hands under his t-shirt, gently tracing your hands up his skin making him shiver.
you were breathless, pulling away for air but Jon wasn’t done. his lips soon fell to your neck, kissing down your skin gently as his fingers traced the hem of your waistband of your sweats. you moaned lightly when you felt him sucking soft hickeys across your collarbones but this time you didn’t mind the marks.
Jon seemed encouraged by your noises as his hands slipped under the fabric of your sweats as you felt his groan against your skin when he realised you were wearing something lacy. you bit your lip gently as he trailed hickeys down your chest, his hands squeezing your hips and ass. you decided to be bolder, if that was possible, and grind down onto his lap.
you could fell his boner through the fabric and heard Jons soft moans as you continued your movements. “Please,” he moaned against your skin, “I want you,” he begged.
“All you had to do was ask,” you teased as you pried yourself from his grip. the way Jon watched with awe as you stripped your t-shirt off made you want him ever more. “Take that off,” you said, pointing to his own top to which he happily complied.
you turned away for a moment, slipping your sweats down your legs to give Jon a proper show since he was determined to enjoy it. you heard him curse under his breath as you kicked away the fabric and when you turned around, he was finally tugging his jeans off leaving him in just his boxers. “Fuck,” Jon mumbled, his eyes glued to your frame for several moments before finally flickering to your eyes, “You’re perfect,”
you giggled a little, so unlike yourself, as you leaned down to kiss Jon again. it was slow and deep with your hands in his hair. you expected to be the one leading things, but Jons hand found its way to your hips and soon you were laying on the bed under neath Jon who was trailing open mouth kisses down your body, praising it all the way down.
your breathing hitched when he pressed a kiss to your clothed clit, your hand instinctually reaching for his hair as he slid your panties down your legs. within moments he was kissing your cunt soft as he moved your legs over his shoulders. you moaned when you felt his tongue against your clit, applying more and more pressure as he went till, he found your sweet spot.
you didn’t care how loud your moan was when you felt his fingers teasing your hole. you bit your lip as he slowly slipped them in, stretching you out before he began to gently curl his fingers. you could feel your orgasm already approaching as Jon began to suck on your clit gently making your legs instinctively wrap around his head.
it only seemed to spur him on more and it wasn’t long till you felt your orgasm threatening to spill. “Don’t stop,” you whined, your hand gripping his hair for dear life, “Fuck,” you gasped as your body tightened and your orgasm crashed down like a tsunami.
you could feel your legs twitch, but Jon wasn’t stopping. his seemingly magic tongue kept going till he was sure you were fully finished and when he pulled away, his face wet with your juices, he placed a soft kiss to your thigh. “You are amazing,” he said, kissing up your body with each word.
you were panting for air but still wanting more and Jon had no intentions of stopping there. by the end of the night, you had come five times, weren’t sure if you’d ever walk again, and you were both naked and sweaty under his sheets. you didn’t know how you’d explain these hickeys to Theon next time you saw him but god where they worth it.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics
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@jegulus-microfic, June 15th - Release, T, Word Count - 575
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Regulus had lied again. And James thought he was okay with it. Hearing him tell his friends that he was on "prefect duties" or that he was studying. He knew Regulus couldn't tell his family, but why not his friends? James pretended it didn't bother him, but last night was the final straw.
He overheard Regulus talking with his friends about how annoying James was, how his friend group is repulsive, and called him nearly every other word in the book. James knew what they had was just something casual but hearing those words broke him.
So that night, when they met up at the astronomy tower—like they usually do—James couldn't stand the sweet smile Regulus was sending his way, knowing what the boy had said about him only hours ago.
That smile was what triggered this release of emotions he didn't know he was keeping bottled up.
"—go tell your friends another lie. Tell them that you were out studying, that you were reading, finishing your homework. Tell them that you fucking hate me and how 'repulsive' me and my friends are." James was yelling. He didn't care who heard him at this point. All he cared about was Regulus knowing how much his behaviour was affecting him.
"James—" Regulus starts, a pleading look on his face.
James quickly cuts him off. "No. I don't want to hear it. I'm tired of being secret. Hiding from your family I get, your friends I don't. Are you that ashamed of being seen with me? Sorry for thinking I was more than just a good shag to you."
Regulus's voice gets weaker and he starts to tear up. James faintly wishes he could go up and comfort the younger boy. "James—"
"Save it. I don't need your apol—"
It was Regulus' turn to yell. "James I love you!" The admission came with a few tears rolling down Regulus' face and all James could do was stand there in silence. Regulus loves him?
"I'm just scared..." Regulus continues, the vulnerability in his voice unlike anything James has ever heard come out of his mouth. "I'm scared of what people will think. I'm scared of my family finding out. I'm scared that you still see this is all casual, and I'm scaring you off by catching feelings."
It was Regulus' turn to cut him off. "And I’m sorry, too. I've been so focused on myself that I forgot to think of how you may have been feeling."
He seemed to tense up after his name was called, "Yes?"
"I love you. Too," James admits.
Regulus lets out a small smile, but James can still tell there's a sadness behind it. "What does that mean for us James?" There's so much excitement and worry in that simple question, that James isn't quite sure how to respond, so he just says what's on his mind again.
"I don't want to be a secret. And, I know that you're scared, but I'll stay by you. If anyone says anything I'll hex them."
Regulus laughs. "I doubt you'll have to hex anybody."
"I would do it for you though."
Regulus scoffs and looks away, his face flushing. "You're such a dork," he mumbles.
James laughs even harder now. "Did Regulus Black just call me a dork?" James doesn't think he's ever heard that word come out of Regulus' mouth before.
"Shut up and kiss me." And James couldn’t refuse that.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
Ok, I'm literally obsessed with the Separated!AU, I read all in the tag in a couple of hours, I made this account just for this AU
I want to know something, does Lou Jitsu exist? Like did Splinter also became a movie star in this AU too, if so, does the turtles like it as much as in canon?. I just can't stop thinking about a Leo who discovered Lou Jitsu movies and probably getting an hoperfixation over them and watching them non-stop when the day went wrong
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Lou Jitsu does exist! I imagine Raph was never a huge Jupiter Jim fan, seeing as Splinter hates Jupiter Jerk, and Raph probably picked up on that, adopting the same mindset (I HC that Rise!Leo was the one who originally got his bros to watch it—seeing as he’s always referred to as the super fan, and because I love any call back to soft dork Space Heroes Leo SO. MUCH.) When Raph met April, she probably tried to get him into Jupiter Jim cause she likes the franchise, but Raph only really enjoys a couple films and according to April his taste in which JJ movie is the best is so bad, it’s not even worth talking to him about it.
Mikey would also be a hard core Lou Jitsu fan, but more from what he’s seen from his Battle Nexus fights. Lou Jitsu is the longest reigning champion after all—a total legend—with Mikey holding the title of second longest. Angelo straight up loses his mind when he finds out that there’s a whole filmography to enjoy, the old BN clips that Big Mama used to play for him were cool, but they were grainy and sometimes the angles sucked. But with the movies Mikey gets to see his hero in full remastered high def.
Leo is a Jupiter Jim fan first and foremost cause he’s secretly a huge dork. When he was little, a few of the older recruits had a movie night, and Leo, with just a hint of rebellion still in him, snuck in—just missing out on Punch Chowder, but right on time to catch Jupiter Jim Sails the Seven Galaxies. Ever since that night he was hooked, but had so few chances to ever enjoy anything more. Once he gets closer to April, she lets him borrow her whole collection of movies, series box sets, and comics, and the two are so happy to be able to geek out over all of it together, even if they can never agree on which movie is the best, April figures bad taste is just genetic at this point and has given up fighting it. Secretly though, Leo also loves Lou Jitsu after watching a few with Mikey and Raph, he just refuses to admit how much he likes it and says the dialogue is too corny. The two constantly gang up on Leo, saying that Lou Jitsu is better than Jupiter Jim, so it’s more him choosing one over the other out of stubborn pride.
Donnie is April’s saving grace with Jupiter Jim—agreeing offhandedly one day that Planet Vacation is the best movie of the ones he’s seen so far. However this is still in their off phase, and the irony is not lost on April. She’s devastated that the one brother with good taste seems to want nothing to do with her, but she’s now more invested than ever in winning Donnie over.
Once Donnie’s introduced to Lou Jitsu’s movies, he’s the one to point out how cool it is that their dad is a movie star. Which causes everyone to lose their shit. Because even though Splinter told Raph and April about his past with the Shredder as Hamato Yoshi, he never actually mentioned that he was THE action film star Lou Jitsu. But of course Donnie knows, because pretty much all he heard from Draxum for years was Lou Jitsu’s DNA this—Lou Jitsu ruined his life’s work that blah blah blah.
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@organisedchaosstuff They’re just a bit too old to trick or treat unfortunately, but it is still a fun night where they get to walk around and not worry about freaking ppl out. The first year they’re all really together, Mikey pulls that whole ‘younger sibling who did a thing ONCE and now he thinks he’s an expert’ and acts like he’s Leo and Donnie’s guide for the night, even though Raph has been doing Halloween with April since they met.
Mikey’s just so excited he can hardly contain himself. Halloween at Big Mama’s was always a big to do. But it was, like always, a big fancy party that felt more like a chore than anything. The night he went out with Raph and April the year before, was more fun than 100 parties put together and now with Donnie and Leo it’ll be even more fun—even if Leo refuses to dress up—at least Donnie agreed to have some fun and dressed up as Frankenstein. Mikey dresses as a werewolf, Raph a vampire and April goes full zombie.
Everyone counts it as a win, when seconds before they head out, Raph plops a Jupiter Jim helmet on Leo’s head, and barring some slight grumbling, he ends up wearing it the whole night as they run around.
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Jack Frost Headcanons
Jack likes strong flavors, be they spicy, sweet, or savory. He likes mild stuff too- point is he'll try any food, pretty much.
Jack has good coordination and steady hands, and as such is very gentle when he handles most objects (and animals, and people).
Jack is a Ravenclaw with ADHD: he's not ambitious or trying to join the Guardians, who are powerful and well-known. His fighting style is more about maneuvering and strategizing than guts or power (unless you really upset him like when Sandy died). The being-easily-bored and good sense of humor would indicate intelligence as well.
Jack has a great sense of rhythm but dances like a dork on purpose.
Jack is a night owl.
Jack creates a proper hideaway for himself in Burgess after the movie. Something about the forming and confirmation of his identity in the movie makes me think he'd be ready to make a nice little home or even just a safe spot afterwards.
Jack's main love language is quality time, North's is words of affirmation, Bunny's is acts of service, Tooth's is gifts, and Sandy's is physical touch. Yes, I know North seems like he should be the gifts type, and he definitely does gifts like no one else- but he comforts Jack by talking with him, and Tooth tries to comfort Sophie with a (horrendous) gift.
Jack never yells during arguments. He's seen what it does to people who've been abused, watched kids and lovers be hurt and tried to stop it- so he refuses to even risk scaring anyone that way. Even before becoming a Guardian, Jack would never raise his voice in a fight- at the very least, never face-to-face.
Jack has a handful of scars, mostly from dumb accidents or crash-landings. He refuses to tell the stories. Everyone assumes they're horrible and traumatic, but in reality, Jack was just terrible at paying attention to stuff when he first started out as a spirit.
Emotions like anger, embarrassment, or attraction raise Jack's body temperature just enough for his blood to thaw and his heartbeat to get going. It startles him every single time.
Jack is fascinated by folklore and mythology and studied them extensively to try to track down other spirits to befriend, with little success.
Jack played at least one instrument in his past life (his hands would be suited to violin or piano, especially) and instrumental music still calms and focuses him.
Jack was a farmer in his past life and still has lean, strong muscle hidden under his hoodie. He could absolutely win an arm wrestle with Bunny.
Jack is a little insecure about his Adam's apple.
Jack's powers are stronger at night due to the lack of apricity.
Unlike the animosity that a lot of the fandom portrays Jack having with other potential seasonal spirits, I think he's buddies with the other seasons, they just don't see each other much due to minimal domain overlap. The spirit of autumn is his favorite, but he's very protective of spring (mirroring the fact spring relies on winter to nourish the earth). The other seasons all treat him like their baby brother.
Jack dips french fries in Wendy's frosties unironically. He probably dips their chicken nuggets in the frosties too.
Sophie made Jack watch gen 4 My Little Pony with her and he didn't think the songs were half bad. He would never admit this to Jamie or anybody else in a thousand years.
Jack thinks birds are cool.
Cats see Jack more often than dogs. He doesn't know why, but he's willing to pet most things that move.
Stay tuned for what will probably be a lot more of these-
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
can we have some of your megop headcanons please?
So so ai soooo sosi
What i got
For tfp megop, i totally feel like pre-war Orion and Tronus were just. Total dorks with each other. Total dorks. Making corny unfunny jokes with each other, wanting to go see the stars together, buy each other drinks but somewhat forget about them while passionately talking... the sweet shit
Tfp megatron and Optimus are exes (usually), and Megatron is the bitter one who broke up with Orion first, he still loves Optimus of course.
G1 Megatron is a tsundere and refuses to admit he looooves Optimus
Earthspark Megatron still writes very emotional love poems about Optimus
Earthspark Optimus would look through a book labeled "best ways to flirt"
Beast wars megop to me seems like the most likely to stay in the "enemies with benefits" zone, but i see possible emotions regarding how they're a predacon and a maximal there
Idw Megatron still has embarrassing dreams about Optimus sometimes, ditto for idw Optimus
Biting biting biting biting biting biting biting biting biting bi
Sg megop is such a thing for me and i love the idea of Megatron looking at Optimus and saying "I can fix him" & sg Optimus concluding "i can be better than him"
So much physicality in their love language in most versions of megop. They've grappled so many times in battle they wouldn't quite know what to do without each other's touch
.... biting. So much gay biting.
These two are soulmates even when megop isn't involved. They always find each other, no matter what.
If we're working with tfa Megop, I'm very specific and highly prefer that it's Optimus who's bold enough to make the first move, it's Optimus who's job is to prove himself as a suitor. Which he does by besting Megatron and holding his own well.
I think so much about adrenaline fueled battle frags that aren't necessarily out of love but definitely lust and mutual agreement and getting the energy out
In general i prefer the dynamic with Optimus being more dominant and sub!Megs, but this isn't set in stone and i love the flex and flow of their dynamic (especially considering shattered glass because if everything is being flipped around why not that too?)
I love them so much it's insane. Closest thing i have to an otp.
Love them
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thewiz9062 · 7 months
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Smiling Critters AU No.2: Kickin Chicken and Bubba Bubbaphant
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. This means that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK so these I'm making these two come as a pair because they were already friends pre-dogday
Lemme tell you how:
Kickin chicken used to be a dork. During his younger years, he did display this. But people thought he was, yk, weird. He started to become a victim of bullying due to his behavior. So over the years he decided to try and "fit in" with the other kids to be 'cool'. Eventually it started to become his default setting.
Anyways so enter Bubba.
You know how popular kids always go for the smart ones for work and stuff? Yeah, Bubba wasn't taking that treatment from anyone. If you wanted help, you had to know him, which a lot of kids didn't want to cause of the 'nerd' stereotype. So he was fairly unpopular due to his refusal to be walked upon, making him a target of bullying (that failed spectacularly lmao it was all verbal which was easily ignored and who wants to get physical with an elephant??)
So kickin decided to give it a try to continue his whole "fitting in" thing, and instead of Bubba ignoring his wannabe bullies like he usually does, he actually listens to him. By listening, I mean blank stare at kickin as he fails to create insults. This action led to Bubba observing his actions for a few days, and discovering his whole 'cool' thing was an act and confronted him about it. They realized they had quite alot in common too. So they became friends.
Anyways, Enter Dogday (2, the electric boogaloo)
So somewhere around a week after dogday befriended Crafty, he took his attention to the two people who were always arguing. Well, looked like they were always arguing. But digday could see through it. It turns out their "arguments" are a way of filtering friends due to their experiences with their peers. Dogday is somehow the only one who pieced 2 and 2 together, or maybe others have but don't say anything about it.
Dogday asks them to meet in the art room on certain days after school and boom 4 outta 8
OK I'll admit this one's a bit messy and will definitely be getting a revise later on but later is later and I crave art
Additional notes:
Adhd and autism duo we love them
The timeskip between them becoming friends and meeting dogday is abt 2 yrs? so abt when they were 9
The whole argument thing is so funny to me like imagine they look like their gonna kill each other at lunch but when you go out on Saturday their studying at a Cafe peacefully and ur just like 🧐🧐🧐
OK next is Hoppy see ya later!!!
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soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
I think that the mauraders Fandom is annoying as hell sometimes. They act like the have a superiority over other hp fans cause they proudly state they throw cannon in the garbage. They flood every comment section that's not about them so they can talk about Mauraders which is weird considering that they have so much content they don't need more.
With remus it's crazy cause they treat fanon like its cannon and will talk about how he smokes cigarettes and wears doc martens as if he robbed sirius closet. They also refuse to admit remus does any wrong and treat it like a cardinal sin if you mention one of his cannon flaws.
we are annoying 😭 sometimes i get really bad secondhand embarrassment looking at comment sections of like a tiktok about fandom the marauders stans fill the damn thing up to the brim. the comments under a post being like, slightly critical of a characterisation are sometimes okay (provided it reaches the right audience) but if remus/sirius gets disliked? or james/regulus? the homophobia accusations are EVERYWHERE. then the tumblr complaints about “we don’t talk enough about this ship” or “we don’t talk enough about that character”, like they’ve never had the experience of enjoying a rarepair. i don’t frequent marauders twitter (if it all), but i know through the grapevine that it’s one of the worst.
the remus re-characterisation is so intriguing. a specific, really impressive fic that i have not read is partially “to blame” for this, though the author acknowledged that remus’ background was not canon compliant and the changes affected his character, but now it’s treated as canon and he’s snowballed into this cool, suave, snarky and disinterested ‘bad boy’-type who’s so tall he has to bend to fit through doorways and has lots of muscle under his temu t-shirt. i tend to make remus a smoker (mainly because smoking was common for many people in the 70s, 80s and 90s) but by god, that man is NOT cool.
he has many flaws in this characterisation (because he’s, simply put, a humongous and vile asshole to literally everybody, specifically his supposed soulmate sirius) but they’re not treated as flaws—just parts of his cool personality. they make him poc, partially for rep, but then they make him aggressive and harsh. i don’t see why he can’t be poc as well as a shy, fearful, tea-drinking and sweater-wearing dork whose flaws are mainly running away from “problems” and making up issues in his head that he’s terrified of coming true.
bringing up canon in anyway gets rebutted with a “we don’t care about canon because it’s sucks”. which is fine, really, but why are you in the fandom then? these characters (at least by name, and their parents, and their family background and their role in society and maybe their hogwarts house, house house, future deaths, which side of the war they were on, hints of their personality) were canonical. like, i can’t stress this enough—they’re part of canon. at least mentioned in them, sometimes only by last name but sometimes also by their entire name. hogwarts, the magic spells, diagon alley and knockturn alley and gringotts, the invisibility cloak, the families… voldemort and his death eaters, dumbledore and his order, the aurors, that’s ALL the potterverse. they think canon sucks but they still use it. please just… go to a different fandom, maybe? another one with a magic school and society?
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baewriites · 1 year
Chemistry [ Kuroo x fem!reader ]
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"WHAT?!" you exclaimed in disbelief when you heard that your school, Nekoma lost against Fukurodani in the prelims, more specifically about your crush, Kuroo Tetsuro losing. Okay they still had a chance of making it to the nationals and...... They did it.
Rainy day, noise of chatter surrounding you and your best friend, Yuki who was mindlessly rambling. Your eyes were searching for a specific person, Kuroo and that's when he entered with his classic smug smile.
He was pretty popular in your school, owing to his somewhat good looks, good grades and since he was the captain of the volleyball team. There was a common perception that he was a fuckboy but in reality he was pretty much a dork who liked to play with balls.
In your peripheral vision, You watched him walk towards you and occupy the seat in front of yours. Did you two know each other? Yes. Did you two talk? No, not really. But there was this slight tension whenever you two made eye contact. Not to mention, both of you made a lot of eye contact.
It's not like you were afraid of talking to him or anything, it's just that...... you don't want to. Who likes socializing anyways? But your polar opposite bestie, Yuki was bent upon on making you two talk and she did succeed at times, but only small talks. But this time, this time she bribed with the latest Jujutsu Kaisen Manga. There was no way in hell you could refuse that offer.
Okay as per the plan you two whispered which probably half of the class heard was that you would go up to him during recess and ask him to teach you chemistry, conveniently ignoring that you were a bigger nerd than him in chem. Anyways simple right? You took a breath and saw Kuroo talking to Kenma, giggling like a teenage girl. Which idiot did you even choose to have a crush on? You sigh and walk towards him and as you were about to ask him for the favour,he interrupted you and said, "Can we study chem together? I have missed out on the new lessons due to the volleyball matches."
"S-sure" the way you mentally cringed and wished to turn into a ball of nothingness and cease to exist when you stuttered in front of him. He said again, "It's okay if you are busy" "No it's fine, what about Friday? After school?" "Sure, I am free"
It was finally D-day, Friday (as per how Yuki worded it). Him and you were sitting poles apart, sparing no glances. Everyone's energy was pretty much non existent as it was the last period. But Yuki? She was rambling and rambling about the delusional things she think would happen today. Although you secretly liked her rambling and delusionships, you still felt shy to admit that but finally you got a little annoyed when she started to give you sex education. Which motherfucker thinks you two will fuck at the first meet already?
The never ending class finally ended. Yuki cheered and left and you were walking alone to the stairs. Suddenly you feel a towering presence and see him. "Could we study at my place? " "Sure", you replied, a little startled. Surprisingly the session went well. Both decided to meet for more lessons.
And a few lessons afterwards, you two had gotten closer. It was pretty interesting to study with him. He is genuinely good at chemistry and is really smart in academics. Plus point that he is helpful smart instead of mean smart. But his humour....... no way it was that bad. He says the most randomest stuff.
Like one time, you two were solving past test papers, pretty quiet, just the shuffling of the pages. His pen stops and he looks at you and with a quiet voice he says, " Y/N.... you know why do I only say bad chemistry jokes?" "Why?" "What do I do? All the good ones ARGON" he said and proceeded to laugh as if it was the funniest thing.
One thing you always wondered about him was his hair, his rooster hair. You always had the urge to pet it. And one time your impulsive thoughts won and you just out of nowhere pet it, not noticing the way his entire face went red.
As for Kuroo, he was a total fool in matters of girl which led to him consulting another genius, Yaku. Kuroo whined, "YAKUNN WHAT DO I DO?" and Yaku replied, almost unbothered, "Confess to her. What else should you do?" Kuroo got a little pissed and yelled, "IS IT THAT EASY? YOU SURELY LACK DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID" Yaku yelled back and said, "HUH! SHUT UP YOU ASTAXANTHIN" Both of them kept on screaming until Fukunaga spilled water on them. Then Kuroo decided to ask Nobuyuki instead, who was actually mature. He pretty much praised you saying, "You should confess to her before it's too late. She is a good girl and anyone may take her before you do. Don't delay. And you can play the guitar so just sing her a love song" And our captain, Kuroo chose the most generic song, Perfect by Ed Sheeran but it was his feelings that mattered and his feelings were genuine and strong. And the plan was that he would confess to you at the end of your study session this weekend.
The day came and everything went normally, as it goes everytime. To be honest, you were content with the bond you two have now and didn't want more than that. You were focused when you noticed your phone vibrating from a phone call, It was Yuki and she seemed in an emergency, You quickly arrange your belongings and was about to go, when you heard Kuroo call you from behind. You turn around to see visible panic and hesitation on his face, probably from his plans being ruined and he just blurted out, "You- You know one thing, after studying chemistry with you, I realized that we have a lot of chemistry." And in a hurry you gave him a slight bow with a soft smile, your brain registering it as one of his stupid jokes. And after you left, he was pretty much rethinking his life choices.
What happened was that Yuki had found a stray injured cat and she took it to the vet but she had no money so she sent you to her house to collect money. After the vet you two went to her house and were chilling. Suddenly you remembered what Kuroo told you and you told her.
"YOU IDIOT!" Yuki yelled. "what?" "HE PROPOSED TO YOU!" "When?" "HE LITERALLY TOLD YOU THAT YOU GUYS HAD CHEMISTRY. ARE YOU DUMB OR WHAT? OH GOD" To sum it up, he indirectly asked you out and you just did... nothing. Which idiot did Kuroo even choose to have a crush on?
The following day, you two didn't even look at each other. And Yuki being Yuki was being all menacing. She had to be so much involved and unable to take the obvious awkwardness between you two and the taunts of Yuki, you just decide to ask Kuroo out. What could possibly go wrong?
It was departure time. Everyone was talking on the school ground. He was a little far away from you, walking with his teammates. It's now or never. You approached him and tapped on his shoulder. Then you said, "Kuroo wanna go on a date with me?" You said it really fast, not taking a breath. And the gasp you heard from him was a harm to not only yours but everyone near's eardrums. Everyone was staring at you two . Finally words come out of his mouth,"S-sure" the way he mentally cringed and wished to turn into a ball of nothingness and cease to exist when he stuttered in front of you. Yousaid again, "It's okay if you are busy" "No it's fine, what about Friday? After school?" "Sure, I am free"
A happy ending hehe :)
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niccichi · 9 months
LukeJamie Headcanons 🌟🍶
It's 3:34 AM and I can't sleep, here's some headcanons I have for these losers <3 Putting under the cut so I don't clog up dashes
Jamie knows how to cook, it came with living with his grandmother in the middle of nowhere and idolizing Yun and Yang, who own a restaurant. Luke can make basic things, but ask him to make anything more and it's a disaster guaranteed. Jamie never admits it but he loves cooking food for Luke because it's a subtle, wordless way for him to show his love.
Jamie's love language is giving acts of service and receiving words of affection. Luke's love language is giving quality time and receiving gifts.
Luke's apartment is a mess, usually placing things wherever it's convenient and forgets to do his chores sometimes. Jamie's surprisingly the opposite, keeping things organized and tidy. Cleanliness was practically ingrained in his brain because his grandmother was a huge on keeping things clean. When they start living together, Luke does try to make an effort to keep things organized because he knows it bothers Jamie.
Jamie's a cat person while Luke's a dog person. They always have petty arguments about this.
Luke's usually the big spoon while Jamie's the little spoon but that's because their height difference makes it easy (and Jamie doesn't like to admit it but he does like being held in Luke's arms). However, if Luke's having a bad day, Jamie would be the big spoon to comfort him.
Jamie always steals Luke's clothes. Luke has no say in what clothes get stolen, they just disappear from his closet. He would lightheartedly complain about it but he does love seeing Jamie wear his clothes - it makes him feel all warm inside. Jamie does think Luke's clothes are ugly, but he has to admit that they're pretty comfy to wear. Luke would steal Jamie's clothes if 1) they weren't too small for him and 2) if Jamie owned anything else other than primarily crop tops.
Luke LOVES using pet names. He mostly uses 'babe,' but he'll use just about any pet name ever, including nicknames (like 'Jay'). Jamie isn't big on using pet names, but there was this one time where he called Luke a term of endearment in Cantonese and refused to translate it for him. They mostly use insults as terms of endearment though - for Luke it's 'pretty boy' and Jamie uses 'meathead,' 'dummy,' and 'dork.'
Jamie cannot drive for his life, so if they ever have to drive anywhere, Luke is always designated driver.
Luke loves PDA - he'll take any opportunity to hold Jamie's hand, wrap his arm around Jamie's shoulder or waist, or kiss his cheek. Jamie, surprisingly, is reserved when it comes to public affection. He prefers keeping intimacy private and always gets flustered when Luke starts getting really affectionate in public. Luke gets a kick out of it and always teases him about it.
Neither of them are really overprotective over the other, as they trust each other to be able to protect themselves and navigate Metro City on their own. However, Luke does get worried about Jamie sometimes, as he's much more reckless and he has a little fear of something happening to him that can't be controlled, fueled by the loss of his father and the Nayshall incident. It doesn't help that Jamie doesn't really value his own life very much either - it's residual from his neglectful parents and growing up delinquent.
One time Jamie came home extremely bruised and beaten up during a rough patrol and Luke became upset seeing his boyfriend so badly hurt. Jamie was initially confused, since he was still alive and well, and it takes him a long time to understand that Luke genuinely does care about his wellbeing and if something did happen to him it would tear Luke apart. He starts being more careful after that incident - if not for himself, then for Luke.
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dickmedowndc · 1 year
Hero Crush - Virgil Hawkins x Reader
Word Count: 1,515
Summary: When Richie starts asking about your younger years, he learns something interesting about your old teenage hero crush – it was Static. Unaware of your friends’ secret identities, Virgil has to try and remain collected after Richie calls him in ASAP, only to hear you defending your old puppy-love crush on the electric hero from an all too amused, and momentarily vexing, blond.
Notes: I just rewatch Static Shock a lot, okay, don’t @ me – Sparky needs some love. I can hardly find anything for him, so I shall make the content. 
“See, I need you to repeat that,” Richie chided, leaning forward with sudden rapt attention – one hand absent-mindedly playing with his earing. 
You could only huff, shoving his face away from you before leaning back, your cheeks beginning to burn in embarrassment. “I don’t know your game here, Foley, but you can knock that self-satisfied look right off your dumb smug face.” You couldn’t be sure where his sudden interest had come from in your answer, but that look he was giving you said that you likely didn’t want to know either. 
“No, I really need to hear you say it again: who was your childhood crush?” 
The smile threatening to take over on his face was hard to ignore, but you pushed it aside, glaring at his mocking attempt of being serious. “It was Static!” You bark out, throwing your hands up in frustration. “You’re acting like I was the only teenager who had a major crush on him.” 
Richie held his hands up in surrender. “True, you weren't – there was a line of girls and guys wanting to plant one on him.” 
You can’t help the huff of laughter that slips past your lips, though you’re still trying to hold onto your irritated persona with the blond in front of you. “There still is,” you finally chime, leaning back. 
Richie seems like he’s about to agree, or make some sort of smart remark, before a devious grin finds its way onto his face. “Actually -” 
That’s all the warning you get before he leans back with his hands cupped around his mouth and shouts. “VIRG!” 
And just when you thought you could avoid another noise complaint from the neighbors. 
“Man, Richie, why’d you have to yell so loud? I bet they heard you all the way on the Watchtower,” Virgil gripes, finger in his ear as he shakes his head in a show of over dramatics. Still, he makes his way forwards before finding a seat next to you on the couch. 
“I was just playing twenty questions with our resident dork here,” he chimes, gesturing towards you. 
“He was interrogating me,” you interrupt. 
“I was curious!” He pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose when they’re knocked loose from his jolt backwards. “But I really think you need to hear this one, Virgil.” 
You can only roll your eyes, leaning as far back into the couch as you can – praying to any deity listening that it opens and swallows you whole before you can embarrass yourself. Richie will get you to admit it, one way or the other, and it’s always easier to go along with what he wants when he seems this determined than it is to find out whatever information he has hidden away on you and ready to hold, affectionately, over your head as leverage. “Richie asked who my teenage crush was,” you say, turning towards Virgil but refusing to make eye contact, “and I said it was Static.” 
You do finally look to the man beside you when you hear him choke on his own drink. “I’m sorry – did you say Static?” 
“Why are you guys acting like that’s so surprising!” 
Richie seems to shoot a knowing look at Virgil, one you can’t quite decipher, and it only fuels your fire. Though you can at least acknowledge it seems to have ticked off something in Virgil who is staring Richie down like he can set him ablaze with his mind. 
Richie pays no mind to Virgil’s apparent telepathic attempts at threatening him, turning his attention back to you instead. “I mean, why Static though?” 
You scoff, insulted he would say such a thing and ready to defend your choice. “Well for starters, because I have good taste, so jot that down Foley.” 
You pause and glance at Virgil when you hear him honest to god snort before he hides his face behind his hand. 
“And secondly, have you seen him in action? I mean come on! Listen, he’s gotta be roughly our age. And he was cute when we were younger, and he’s still hot now.” 
Virgil interrupts you this time, leaning in. “Wait, are you saying you still have a thing for him?” 
You flush at that before straightening up and staring him down. “What of it?” 
Virgil says nothing, but you can see the flustered look he hides a moment later when he takes a long sip of his drink. 
Then it’s back to the blond who started this all. Richie is laughing, looking back at an awkward Virgil – for a reason you can’t place – and seeming all too amused with the situation at hand. “Was there like, a moment that solidified it or was it a gradual thing?” 
You actually have to pause and think at that, eyes fixed on the floor and face scrunched up in consideration. Almost three minutes pass before you can finally give your honest answer. “It was gradual for a bit, I think, but then there was one fight in particular that just,” you click your tongue and absently wave your hand, “ya know, sold it.” 
“Oh, please enlighten us.” 
“You know, you really seem to be enjoying this.” you huff, arms crossed as you stare down the man seated in front of you. 
“Consider it my payment since I was outvoted on our movie tonight.” Again, he shoots a look at Virgil, who at least has the decency to give him an apologetic shrug. 
Sure, the electric hero hadn’t wanted to see the movie you had put up on the table, but when your eyes had lit up talking about it Virgil was sold – breaking the tie between you and Richie in your favor. He had popcorn thrown at him all night in retaliation while you weren’t looking, but it had been worth it. 
Your resigned sigh brings everyone back to the present as you close your eyes, face scrunched up again and nose held between your fingers like you’re willing away a headache. Suddenly you shift forward, elbows to your knees as you recount it. “Fine - so it was one of the times when he was fighting Hotstreak – I don’t remember how long ago. But for some reason he had his sleeves rolled up and his glasses down. And firstly, that was already, like.” You falter, trying to find the words before just making the ‘perfect’ sign with your hand. “But then! This huge wall of fire went at him and Static made this barrier with his powers. This huge glowing field of electricity that surrounded him.” You taper off, embarrassed at how animated you had gotten recounting it. “That was it, I’d say.” 
Richie seems all too pleased with this information, and he’s staring you down in a way that tells you he’s biting his tongue so something doesn’t slip out. It’s vexing, really. Virgil, you notice on the other hand, seems completely embarrassed by your admission – and for your life you can’t understand why that is. 
“You know what I think,” Richie starts. 
“I’d rather not.” 
Your plea goes ignored. 
“I think that when you see Static you should just plant a kiss right on his cheek.” 
You stare at Richie incredulously, “I’m not doing that.” 
“You should.” 
You don’t try to argue with him, only looking to Virgil for any sort of desperate help before you throttle the blond and take your trio to a duo. 
Hawkins is as much help as a wet piece of end bread – which is to say, absolutely none. But he is doing a better job at molding himself into the couch than you were earlier, and you’ll give him credit for that, even if his actions have you puzzled. 
It’s all the more reason he’s endearing, you muse quietly to yourself. 
You catch Richie’s knowing smirk from the corner of your eye and turn to him with a look that has him reeling back. As though he understands the threat at hand should he say anything to allude to your painfully obvious crush on Virgil. But he never would, and you know that. You’ve been friends with the pair long enough that you think you’d trust them over the local heroes to have your back. 
Finally, the topic changes and you can breathe a sigh of relief, shoulders slumping and tension leaving your body. 
And days later, when Static has his next fight – well, maybe you notice a little faster when faced with an older version of Static pulling the same stunt that had your teenage heart swooning those few years before. The icing on top is when someone from the crowd asks him to say one of his old lines and he decides to humor them, just for a moment. “The name’s Static, I’ll put a shock to your system.” punctuated with a wink as he finally pushes his shades from his face. 
If it has any effect on you that’s your own business, and you’ll take that knowledge to the grave, no matter how much Virgil and Richie bring it up with an all-too-knowing glint. 
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asteria-argo · 8 months
2, 5, and/or 16 for the fandom ask game!
questions from this ask game for anyone who'd like to send some in!
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
hmmmm okay so this is one of my own actually that I thought of randomly and then thought was stupid that I have since come around too; Roy and Jamie both need glasses!
Roy knows he needs glasses but refuses to get them because it feels like admitting that he's old, meanwhile Jamie has never been to an optometrist before in his life and has no plans to ever go to one because he's fully convinced he's got 20/20 vision.
He gets dragged one day by Isaac, who also has glasses though opts for contacts more often than not, after talking about how if people were supposed to read books then how come they made the words so blurry and he finds out his eyesight is actually kind of dog shit. He's pretty shy about wearing his glasses around people though, he thinks he looks like a dork in them. (which is why Roy eventually actually gets his glasses and starts wearing them)
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
in the fics I read in particular, casual affection. So Much Casual Affection. All The Cuddling All The Time. I can never get enough of it.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
Isaac canonically has glasses! He wears them the most in season one and I think it's criminal that we barely ever see him in them! As someone who has to wear glasses all the time, I really like seeing characters that also wear glasses!
And look they could just be a fashion statement, but I choose to believe he's a long sighted king who actually prefers wearing his glasses but wears contacts more for practical purposes.
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kittenintheden · 6 months
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 32 - Ashes
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 32 - Ashes
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
The dorks are gross and in love but won't admit it, again. The assault on Moonrise Towers begins. Gale and Astarion are The Odd Couple. Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
“You may want to check your undead lover over beforehand,” she says in a playful tone. “He appears to be falling ill.”
“He has allergies,” Ori says.
“He has self-preservation instincts,” he mutters. Ori kicks at him again.
“We aren’t heroes,” she says. “But we do have a vested interest in ensuring Ketheric’s end. So, I suppose the answer to your question is yes. We’ll go.”
Dame Aylin nods. “It pleases me to hear. Your intentions matter not to me so long as we have our eyes on the same goal.” She lowers her head, regarding Ori carefully. “Though there is one thing I’d like to discuss privately.”
She cuts her eyes at Astarion and he raises his chin to her, refusing to be cowed.
“I hold no ill will to those who do not invite it,” the Dame says. “But I do insist on privacy.”
Ori looks at Astarion. “You don’t have to go anywhere.”
Astairon clicks his tongue. “It’s fine. Let her have her say. I’ll be outside.” He’s sure to give her an extra pointed glare before he goes.
As Ori watches him go, she says to Aylin, “Sending him away was uncalled for. He’s done nothing to you.”
“He is not my concern.” Dame Aylin takes a wide stance, arms folded. “You are.”
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Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul x G/n Reader
Characters: Riddle, Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover
Summary: You go ghost hunting with Heartslabyul!
Warnings: Demons
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:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle is not for it at all, only because of the dangers you told him about. He refuses you every time you ask until you say you're going to leave whether he'll go or not.
"Y/n, no you're not going!"
"I am, and you can stay or come with me"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle only goes with you to make sure you're safe and that no one fucks with you and if they do then he can protect you. He, of course asked for Crowley's permission and waited for the go ahead, which Riddle thought wouldn't happen but imagine the shocked face when Crowley said it was fine.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ So you took Riddle's hand as he begrudgingly followed you to the location you had set out to find.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Even though he mainly went to protect you, part of him was intrigued to see what human ghosting hunting was truly like.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle doesn't let go of your hand the entire time while you set up either which is sort of new to you.
"Ridde, love, I need my other hand to set this up. Can you let go please?"
"I'm not letting go, you can set up with one hand."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You managed to get him to let go, but once you finished his hand was connected with yours again, gripping a bit tighter after each evidence provided.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He did find it cute how excited you got with each event going on and all the responses happening.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He didn't show he was cared of the responses, and really he wasn't. He was only scared about your well being.
"Y/n, What's going on?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle noticed you staring off into space down the corridor of the building you both were in. It took a bit for you to respond.
"Just saw a figure down the corridor. No big deal."
Riddle looked at you dumbfounded.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You looked at him calmly with glazed eyes of tiredness.
"Riddle it's okay. It's the whole point. Also might want to calm down, you'll scare the ghosts."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ That's when he was so over the whole thing.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He laid you down somewhere and gathered all of the things you two brought and put them away. While he did this you said the goodbye message and the mantra of not to attach to either of you.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle picked you up and carried you out of there.
"Come on, we're leaving."
You gave him a pout as you gripped him closer causing the boy to blush a bit.
"Do we have to? Me and the ghosty boy was having fun."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle shakes his head as he rants about how dangerous it was and how lucky you were that he was there to help you.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He immediately puts you in to bed and cuddles next to you feeling so glad that he was there with you.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Sure he thought it was a bad idea but Riddle had to admit that it was fun to be with you and indulge you and your interests.
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:🌹 ̗̀➛ He asks you want ghost hunting is since it's not something in Twisted Wonderland that is explored. It also doesn't help that the ghosts show themselves pretty easily
"Huh? Whaddya wanna go ghost huntin for? Ramshackles gotta tun!"
"It's not the same Ace! Or are you to scared?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ That's how he ended up at an abandoned location, that you of course didn't ask Crowley to go to, in the dark clinging to you.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You tease him about clinging to you but he retorts with "Noo" and "You're the one who's scared".
:🌹 ̗̀➛ The fear dies down a bit after seeing all the equipment you brought with you and saying how much of a dork you are for bringing so many things for something that's obviously faked.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You don't listen to those comments but you explain to Ace what each thing is and what it does.
"This is an EMF meter. It tracks energy currents. And this- ACE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"Nothing, just seeing how this works."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Ace was messing with the motion sensor device with an antenna with three lights. He turned it on and was using it to make a lot of noise.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ It annoyed you to no end and it took you 5 minutes to get it back and to calibrate it properly. But you were glad he was having fun.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ As things start to intensify evidence wise, he grabs your hand and it's not because he's scared, well that's part of it, but its because he wants to make sure you're safe
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You're talking to the spirit through the spirit talker app you got on your phone and it seemed pretty tame. Ace was just watching you do your thing.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Once things start to turn dark, Ace is full on hugging you and making sure you're not to far from him.
"What are you?"
"Ace where are you going?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Once Ace heard demon from the app he booked it thinking you were holding his hand.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He stopped about halfway outside realizing you weren't with him.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Ace tries to walk in but you come out seemingly okay and unscathed.
"What the hell? Why'd you ditch me?"
"Because it said demon Y/n!"
You giggle at him
"Just because it says demon doesn't mean it's dangerous. It's okay though, everything is packed we can go home now."
"Nah. Come with me."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Ace grabs your hand dragging you somewhere.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ To recover from the fear he takes you to a decent 24/7 restaurant to chill and relax.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You both talk about the experience and what you both liked about it the most. But for Ace just being with you was his favorite part.
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:🌹 ̗̀➛ Poor Deuce is so confused, like he understood ghosts but like the phrase 'Ghost Hunting' he thinks its something entirely different than what you mean.
"You want to hunt ghosts? Like when you hunt deer?"
"No pft, you're so silly Deuce. We're gonna go look for a location and talk to them."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ After you explained what it was to him, he was hyped because it was something new and from your world.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce went to ask Crowley if it was okay for you guys to leave the campus that and the two of you were shocked he said yes, or did he?
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You both may have ignored him or convinced him to let you two go so now you're in an abandoned dark building setting everything up.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Honestly Deuce is the most trustworthy with the set up since he seems to be taking it pretty seriously.
"So when you move it slightly it'll light up, its really sensitive to touch. Understand?"
"Mhm! Mhm! What about this one? Oh and this? Where should I put the cameras?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ His excitement was kind of stressful but he just wanted you to have a good time and everything to work well since ghost hunting is sort of a skeptical thing, or so you told him.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce loved to see how passionate you were about this and how serious you were, he made sure not to get spooked when a spirit answered the questions.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Though he was most spooked when the motion things were being triggered. And we would cling to you to no end.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You found it cute, but were mainly focused on the responses of the spirits or whatever was around you.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Once the REM pod went off he jumped onto your back making you fall.
"Ah! Y/n! I'm sorry!"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You giggle a bit as you hold your head making sure you didn't hurt your head to much.
"It's okay Deuce! We can leave if its to much to be here."
"I want to stay because you look so happy doing this!"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You blushed a bit. He was really so considerate of the things you wanted to do with you.
"But forcing yourself in this type of thing isn't good, just tell me when it's to much then we can leave."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce nodded and you two ended up staying for another hour.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You two only left though when you began to feel drained and you had no clue why.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce made sure to put away all the equipment and everything you brought while you said the goodbyes and the affirmations of not giving permission to attach to you two.
"Gosh I'm so tired.."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You then felt yourself being picked up and you looked to who it was.
"Here. Let me carry you, its not good to walk if you're wobbling."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You blushed a bit and nuzzled Deuces neck as he carried you out of the building.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ The two of you had went to Ramshackle dorm first since you were practically sleeping in Deuce's hold. He didn't want to leave you still on account of being sort of paranoid after the events.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ So he'd rather take the hit from his house warden and use the excuse of saying Crowel said it was fine. So the two of you had a sleep over.
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:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater is all for it. With his camera out and knowing what he wants to do, in fact you'd think he was the one who asked to go and do this.
"Of course cutie! We can go ghost huntin, as long as I can post it and your cute face to Magicam!"
"Okay! Lets go then!!"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You both might as well ask Crowley if its going to be publicly posted where he could see it but you both don't wait for an answer.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater is the one with the perfect location since it seems to be popular for the idea of ghost hunting, but you show him how humans do it.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ As you're setting up, Cater is putting the camera's in many different places as well as taking cute pictures of you're focused face. And he posted each one to Magicam saying "Ghost Hunting with my love" and "Cute focus face! <3".
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He shows you each picture and you're slightly annoyed because you want him to help set up, but he swayed you with his charm.
"Cater, if you're just going to take pictures, then can you help set up atleast?"
"But I am helping, I'm seeing if I can get any pictures of the ghosts!"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You just shake your head at him as he keeps taking pictures of you and only you.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ However seeing you more focused after each object being set up put him in the mood to be productive and help set up.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater wasn't scared, actually he was holding you when you jumped back a bit feeling spooked
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He'd giggle at your reaction to any form of evidence you two got and would film it. Often teasing about how cute you were when you were freaked out.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Then he started to become anxious when he caught a shadow figure on the camera and pointed it out to you explaining it to you.
"Rah! This is so scary!!"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You look at your dramatic boyfriend giggling a bit.
"Says the one who was teasing me. And its just a figure, you can't be scared of that"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He acts as if you wounded him, but it was all in good fun. He then pat your head as a way to calm himself down.
"Do I have to be the one to protect you know~?"
Cater blushed a bit about how smug you looked and slowly backed up a bit trying to make space between the two of you.
"N-no, I'm gonna protect you!"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You giggle at this and carry on with the reason why you were at this abandoned place.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater often held your hand as the investigation went on sensing you were becoming tired a drained.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He decided to end his video there and wait to edit it later, if he was ever going to and just post the raw footage. And he started to pack up.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You were confused as to what was going on, and went to ask Cater but you started to fall. Luckily the boy was able to catch you.
"Gotcha! Be careful Y/n! Don't want you to hurt yourself."
You blushed a bit as you rubbed your eyes. Cater chuckled thinking you looked so cute when you were sleepy.
"Are we going home?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He nodded at you and picked up the bag of things and you carrying you out of the building and back to school.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater holds you close and realizes you are sleeping in his arms. He chuckles and takes you to your dorm.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater cuddles you ignoring the fact that Riddle might have his head for it, but anything for you.
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:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey was curious to say the least about ghost hunting, but when you proposed it you didn't expect him to go with you.
"Hey do you wanna go ghost hunting with me?"
"Yeah, I'll go."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ In all honesty you thought he would be to busy with school work and vice house warden duties to do anything, but you were over the moon about it.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You two decided to leave Crowley a note since it was late and the man wasn't in his office, and on you two went.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey set up most of the things, which you were grateful for, but overall you were shocked he knew what some of the things were even if it was pretty self explanatory once the things were on.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You were stuck in the middle of the room just watching your boyfriend doing most of the work which made you feel a bit guilty.
"Hey Trey, I can help set up too."
"I know, but I don't want you to worry about it."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You're heart warmed at the thought, but you pulled out your phone to bring up the spirit talker app. Trey walked next to you after he was done with everything.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey wasn't scared at all, like he held your hand sure but it was to reassure you whenever you got excited from a response.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He smiled whenever you were asking the entity questions and got an answer back, even if there was negative energy there.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ He was there to make sure you were safe and that nothing intended to hurt you, ghost or human or anything in between.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ So he got concerned when you mentioned you heard a voice tell you something and he didn't hear it.
"Trey did you hear that?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey looked at you with a curious look in his eyes, trying to listen for anything other than you two.
"I didn't hear anything love. Did you?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You nodded vigorously as you slowly felt dizzy. Trey had a look as if pleading for you to tell him what you heard.
"It said that it wanted me to stay."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You shuddered a bit feeling the negative tone from the disembodied voice. Trey noticed your discomfort.
"Do you want to leave?"
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You shook your head wanting to continue and you went off on your own a bit.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ After that he was concerned. He didn't want you to feel like you were losing your mind and it seemed like you were mentally drained.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey picked you up and took you out of the building so you could recover as he went back in by himself to pack everything up while you waited for him outside.
"Trey what you doing?"
You looked up to him with drowsy eyes.
"Taking you back to the dorm rooms."
:🌹 ̗̀➛ You shook your head wanting to stay but Trey convinced you to let him carry you outside as you waited for him to pack everything up. Once that was done, he picked you back up and carried you back the NCR.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey took you to his dorm and had you sleep on his bed while he took the couch, he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable in your low state. Even though you two cuddle a lot before this.
:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey did have fun though and learned a lot about some things from your world.
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