#i see a himbosexual
Akaashi: I think I might learn mandarin
Bokuto: how do you learn a small orange? It's a small orange
Akaashi: marry me
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kamen20ghost · 5 months
Arc prank at its fines
Where in vacuo as we see Ruby, Nora and Weiss hanging out and then jaune walks up to them.
Jaune: Ruby I have a present.
Ruby: Dope what is it?
Jaune: *Hands her a potato.* here
Ruby: *holding the potato* oh oh what?
Jaune: *waves and leaves them* bye
Ruby: *worried* oh no guys he did it again!
Nora: Monty oum what is it this time?
Ruby: he gave me a potato.
Nora: *Confused* why did he give you a potato?
Ruby: *more worried* would I be this close to tears if I knew? I mean had it bin somewhere? Did he do something to it?
Weiss: everyone calm down he’s thrown random clownery at us before we can figure this out. We just need to thing about this rationally.
Nora: for jaune?
Weiss: That’s a good point. we need to think himbosexually.
Ruby: *Looking at the potato.* guys I’m getting really hungry.
Nora: no just just just drop it
Ruby: Are you psychotic? What if it explodes?
Nora: why would it explode?
Ruby: *A bit scared* why wouldn’t it explode
Nora: *very confused* I don’t know!
Ruby: *shakes the potato* Then what good are you to me!
Weiss: He’s not evil he wouldn’t try to kill us.
Ruby: *Tears forming in her eyes.* you don’t know that.
Weiss: Another good point. Why must every male friend I have be some version of a dick.
Ruby: *Panicking.* Guys are my hands sweaty or was this potato always this wet.
Nora: Oh gods! It’s wet now
Ruby: Maybe it was always wet! I don’t know!
Weiss: good bi gods in heaven. You don’t think he?
Ruby: don’t say it whatever your opinion is I don’t want to know it.
Nora: *Faning her self.* guys I can do this. I I gotta go.
Ruby: Nora don’t you leave me here with the suspicious vegetable!
Nora: *Backing away quickly.* I love you guys I’m sorry.
Ruby: your straight inside Nora it would never work!
Nora:*Flips Ruby the finger.* fuck off!
Weiss: it’s alright Ruby I won’t abandon you.
Ruby: weiss this the fourth most terrifying potato I’ve ever held.
Weiss: *Confused* I can’t even begin to understand what that means
Ruby: Warm!!! Why is it warm now!!!
Weiss: *Backs away form Ruby.* I’ll always remember you Ruby.
Ruby: *chases after Weiss.* Weiss get your flat chested ass back here. This was not on my mod board for 2024!
Jaune: *Watching from a distance.*sometimes they do it to themselves.
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gatesofember · 1 year
a while ago I made a post saying that the real reason Nico got over Percy is because he’s himbosexual and he realized Percy isn’t actually an idiot. and uh. glad to see this book confirmed that.
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innytoes · 2 years
6+67 for Juke for the mashup prompts, please?
Bookshop AU + Character in Peril
Julie wasn't sure what she was expecting when her aunt said she hired a boy to help at the bookshop and that he came highly recommended by Cheryl from the book club that met there every first Saturday of the month to argue about what book they were going to read.
Okay, that was a lie. She'd been expecting some weedy dork in glasses and a cardigan. She hadn't been expecting a surprisingly buff dork in a shirt with the sleeves cut off. She'd never been more upset and pleased that her tía's bookshop didn't have a dresscode, just brightly coloured name tags.
Luke was bouncy, and enthusiastic, and at first glance, you wouldn’t think he belonged in a bookshop at all. More like a record store, or somewhere that only sold vintage guitars or something. He’d admitted to Julie he’d mostly taken the job because he was saving up with his band to record a demo, but that he also really liked to read. 
Julie had found him more than once, crying over a book of poetry or a sad novel during his break. He seemed to read everything, from the latest YA to the classics to whatever Cheryl’s book club was reading. 
So not only was Luke, as Flynn put it, ‘Quality Work Eyecandy’, he was also well-read, and sensitiive, and musical. He jokingly called her ‘Boss’ when they worked together, because technically Julie had seniority. (A whole four months of it.) It would almost be too much, if it weren’t for the fact that he was also profoundly stupid. 
Except it turned out Julie found Stupid kind of endearing. Julie, Flynn had told her, gently taking her hand, was a himbosexual. She liked strong, pretty, polite, and dumb.
And Luke was just... such a himbo. And he proved it often.
Like the time she’d walked in on him trying to get his toaster waffle out of the toaster with a fork. And the time she’d found him balancing on a stool stacked with six wobbly books to get something of the top shelf of the storage in the back. 
Like today, when she had to tackle him out of the way before a whole bunch of books came crashing down on him. He’d stared at her, eyes wide, cheeks flushed, where she was sprawled half on top of him, hanging over him. They were so close their noses almost touched. Up close, she could see all the different colours in his eyes, rings of blue-gray and green and amber. 
“You saved me,” he breathed out, staring at her in awe. 
“You should be more careful,” she said, feeling her entire face heat up. She hoped it wasn’t too noticeable, but from the way his pretty pink lips curled into a smile, she was pretty sure it was.
“You got it, boss,” he said. “But to thank you for saving my life, what do you say I buy you a milkshake after work?”
“That depends,” Julie said, stalling. She was still on top of him. She kind of didn’t want to move, even though she knew she should. Luke bit his lip. “If you promise to look both ways before crossing the street, then yes.”
The grin reappeared. “Promise. I’ll even let you hold my hand, just in case.”
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bird-seed27 · 4 years
hoo hee hahaha
tagged by @lankyledlights tf thank you homie
: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers (online) / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio spotify is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / i am a valued advisor to my friends / my humor is very cheerful / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
I tag @zwiezraczek @troiloka @homosexuality @himbosexuality @fagphobe @venusplexus @mackaylashitposting
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space-beanz · 5 years
i was tagged by @lankyledlights !
1. name: AJ!
2. nickname: also AJ!
3. zodiac: taurus sun, cancer moon, and leo rising
4. height: 5’7?? 5’8??? i don’t remember
5. languages: english and im learnin spanish!
6. nationality: lesbian (i thought u were american?)
7. favorite season: fall!
8. favorite flowers: forget me nots, poppies, azaleas, carnations, bluebells, daisies, dahlias, daffodils, and geraniums!! i like a lot ok
9. favorite scent: fresh linen or pine
10. favorite color: lavender or a golden vibrant yellow or a pastel pink I CANT CHOOSE
11. favorite animal: ferret but it changes a lot
12. favorite fictional character: nico di angelo (been that since seventh grade don’t @ me)
13. coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: green tea but hhnggg hot chocolate is so yummy,,
14. average sleep hours: 6-7
15. dog or cat person: both!!!!!!!
16. number of blankets u sleep with: 1 blanket and 5 pillows
17. dream trip: japan (i’m actually going to europe super soon to see paris, england, and switzerland!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
18. blog established: idk lmao like 2019
19. followers: 40 im baby
20. random fact: if u want i can ramble to u about space for many many hours. also i like stardew valley.
i tag @charbes , @himbo-ted , @himbosexuality , and @homosexuality !!!
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bird-seed27 · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @doctorqueensanatomy :))
Rules: answer 15 questions about yourself and then tag 15 people
Nick/Name: Shannon
Zodiac: sag
Height: I've graduated to 5′4 now
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Last thing I googled? Updates on SpaceX rocket launch
Song stuck in my head: Tell Me Why by The Beatless
Following and Followers: 440/ 173
Amount of sleep I get? 8 to 12 hours
Lucky number: 7
Dream Job: I don't dream of working
Favorite song? lets go with “Wild World” by Cat Stevens (Jschluts know)
Fave instruments? to listen to: guitar to play: piano
Random fact? I used to do competitive ski racing! like what you see in the Olympics. (I also play tennis and volleyball)
Fave authors: I don't read
Fave animal noises: HEE HAW HEE HAW
I tag @generaldarneron  @internet-resident @lankyledlights @troiloka @homosexuality @himbosexuality @bluehairedspidey @zwiezraczek @mackaylashitposting whoops not 15 but idrc
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