#i saw this in a feverdream
4natri · 1 month
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beautifulcrayon · 7 months
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Fun fact about me, on august 3rd 2023 I saw “Bon” just a few minutes after he was added to the findjackwalten site, but I was drunk at a slot machine in Las Vegas, so I just stared at my phone screen not being able to process him. That night at like 2am I woke up in a cold sweat to grab my phone to check if he was real
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winndale · 1 year
cbeeduo felt like something that had never been done before like they were creating something new but isn't that what all love feels like
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totowlff · 1 year
hello, how are you? first of all i have to say god how i love every single one of your stories, i literally gasp every time i see the notification of you uploading something new. i read all your fics and everyone is original and very well-written.
i was just wondering, have you thought of writing something about “needy toto” since he’s done surgery? i mean either soft toto who needs attention or not that soft toto who needs some other kind of attention 👀 if not never mind, it was just a doubt i had🫶🏻
hey, im good! and im super glad you enjoy my stories!
about your request, i guess i can do something for you, just check under the cut
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You breathed a heavy sigh when you pressed the button for the top floor.
That was a difficult day, to say the least.
Being a fashion designer and entrepreneur had good and bad times. Some days were really good, and other days you didn't want to go back to your studio near the Prince of Monaco's palace. But you believed that, one day, it would all be worth it. One day, you would be invited to show your collections in the fashion capitals of the world.
It was just a matter of time.
When the elevator door opened, you headed down the hallway towards the door of the penthouse where you lived with your husband, who was finally home after two weeks in Asia for work. And you couldn't wait to give him all the kisses you couldn't give during those long 15 days.
When you unlocked the door and opened it, you definitely expected him to be in the kitchen, preparing something or even in the living room, watching something on television while he waited for you to arrive. However, the house was silent, the lights were on, but there was no sign of him.
— Darling? — you called, while leaving your bag and keys on the sideboard at the entrance. On top of it was your husband's wallet and keys, which indicated that he was also at home.
But where?
After finding out that he wasn't in the kitchen or in his office, all that was left was your suite to investigate. And when you entered the room, you found him lying on the bed, curled up under a double layer of blankets.
— Toto? — you said softly, unsure if he was awake or not. A positive grunt coming from somewhere in the middle of the pile of fabric made you come closer, sitting on the edge of the bed — What happened?
— Y/N — he stammered in a hoarse voice. Pulling the blanket down, you found his messy hair and pale, dry lips. The dark circles under his eyes and the way he was shaking even though he was covered made you press your lips into a thin line. He was definitely not well.
— Yes, darling, it's me. What are you feeling?
Toto didn't seem to be processing your words at typical speed. In fact, he spent long seconds with his eyes lost on your face, seeming to realize you were there. Until he finally answered you.
— Cold.
Placing a hand on your husband's forehead, you saw the reason for all those blankets.
— You're burning with fever — you said, while pressing your fingers against other points on his face and neck — Why didn't you told me before, my love? I could have left the studio earlier to take care of you.
— Cold, very cold — Toto limited himself to saying with a trembling voice.
Getting up from bed, you started thinking about what your mother did when you had a fever to bring your temperature down. The first thing you remembered was the medication, which was stored in a small box along with the other first aid materials in the bathroom. Checking if it was the right medicine, you got a glass of water in the kitchen and went back to your room.
— Sit down, darling — you said softly — I brought you some medicine.
With difficulty, Toto managed to lift his head, swallowing the pill with a grimace before letting himself fall onto the pillow. Leaving the glass on the bedside table, you went to the most complicated part. Pulling the mountain of blankets he had placed over his own body to reduce the cold he was feeling, even though they only made the situation worse, was a big challenge, especially with your husband's protests.
— No, Y/N — he groaned — It's cold...
— I know, Toto, but your cold will only go away if your fever breaks. And for that I need to take off these blankets.
He whimpered, trying to hold on to the duvet without success. After discovering him, you tried to take off the clothes he was still wearing, completely sweaty due to the fever and the layers of blankets he had placed over himself.
— No — Toto grumbled, trying to free himself from the gray t-shirt — Stop...
— My dear, I need to…
— No, I'm married — he said, trying to keep your hands away from his jeans, without success. The statement made you laugh, as you pulled the fabric down his legs.
— I know you're married, my love — you said, throwing your pants in the corner, while he curled up in the middle of the bed, in just his underwear — I was at your wedding.
— It was so beautiful — Toto said softly — Y/N was so beautiful... I love her so much…
— And she loves you too, I'm sure — you replied, holding back a giggle as you went to the closet in search of a washcloth that you could use as a cold compress.
With the fabric already wet, you approached the bed again, asking him to lie down on his back. As she placed the towel on his forehead, Toto hissed in protest.
— It's cold — he murmured, trying to remove the compress from his forehead. However, you gently pushed his hand away.
— I know, my love, but I need to do this for you to get better.
Toto fidgeted some more, while you stroked his face to calm him down. He was a terrible patient, and that was a fact. But at the same time, there was a certain sweetness in being able to care for him at that moment, when he needed you most.
— I hate being sick — he mumbled, eyes closed.
— I know that — you replied, taking the compress to his forehead again, his hair already damp at that point. After a few more seconds, Toto opened his eyes slightly.
— Sorry about that.
— It's not your fault.
— I should have been more careful.
You slid your fingers to his lips, asking him to be silent.
— In sickness and in health, remember? I will always be with you, Toto. Always — you replied, leaning in to press a kiss to his warm forehead before continuing to press the compress against his skin.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
❝pandoras very own alien resident❞
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✭ pairing : various x Tamaranean reader
✭ fandom : avatar the way of water
✭ summary : after tragedy struck on (y/n)’s home planet Tamaran she must now leave the destroyed planet, but she was heavily injured and slowly was succumbing to those injures, now as she falls through space she lands herself on a new planet
✭ authors note : got inspired by this post by @aphrodite-feverdream and you have starfires appearance
✭ avatar the way of water masterlist
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The skies of Tamaran burned with an ominous crimson hue, a reflection of the turmoil that had befallen the once vibrant planet. (Y/N), the princess and protector of Tamaran, hovered in the air, her eyes narrowed in determination. Her dark hair billowed around her as she faced her greatest adversary—her own sister, Komand'r, also known as Blackfire.
Blackfire's sinister laughter echoed across the desolate landscape. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly power, a twisted manifestation of her malevolent intent. "You always were the favored one, weren't you? The golden child while I was left in your shadow."
"(Y/N)"'s voice was resolute, her powers of solar energy crackling around her like a protective shield. "This isn't you, Komand'r. You're consumed by hatred, but I won't let you destroy our home."
With a swift motion, Blackfire conjured dark energy in her hands, forming deadly tendrils that lashed out toward her sister. (Y/N) countered with bursts of bright, fiery energy, the clash of powers creating an explosive display of light and darkness. The shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking the very ground beneath them.
As the battle raged on, (Y/N) soared through the sky, deftly avoiding Blackfire's attacks while launching her own in return. Their powers clashed in a dance of destruction and defiance. With each blow, (Y/N) felt a surge of pain for her sister, the girl she had once known now consumed by rage.
But she couldn't afford to hesitate. Blackfire's power was growing stronger with every passing moment. (Y/N) channeled the energy of Tamaran itself, her determination fueling her abilities. With a fierce cry, she unleashed a torrent of solar energy, enveloping Blackfire in a blinding cascade of light.
For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. The air crackled with tension, and then, as the light faded, (Y/N) saw her sister's form crumple to the ground. Blackfire's energy had been extinguished, leaving her weak and defeated.
"(Y/N)," Blackfire's voice was feeble, a shadow of her former arrogance. "You... you win."
(Y/N)'s heart ached as she looked at her sister's broken form. She had wanted to save her, to bring her back from the brink of darkness, but the battle had taken its toll. She approached, her voice soft but filled with sorrow.
"I didn't want it to end like this, Komand'r."
Blackfire managed a weak smile. "You were always the stronger one."
Tears welled in (Y/N)'s eyes as she held out her hand. "I'm sorry."
Blackfire's hand grasped hers weakly. "Promise me you'll rebuild Tamaran. Make it better."
"I will," (Y/N) promised, her voice choked with emotion.
And then, with a final breath, Blackfire's body dissolved into stardust, carried away by the solar winds.
As the dust settled and silence descended upon the ravaged planet, (Y/N) looked around at the devastation. Tamaran was no more—a once-thriving world reduced to ruins. The weight of her grief and responsibility pressed heavily upon her heart.
With a heavy heart, (Y/N) took to the sky. Her home was gone, and the pain was too much to bear. She flew through the stars, her heart consumed by grief and loss. Tamaran's light had been extinguished, leaving only darkness in its wake. And so, with a single tear streaming down her cheek, (Y/N) left behind her shattered world, seeking solace among the stars.
(Y/N)'s consciousness flickered in and out like a dying flame, her body heavy with pain and exhaustion. Her vision blurred, colors and shapes melding into an indiscernible haze. The injuries inflicted by her sister's dark energy had taken a toll, sapping her strength and resilience.
As her body continued to weaken, (Y/N)'s grip on consciousness began to falter. The world around her faded to nothingness, and her body succumbed to the darkness.
Unbeknownst to her, her unconscious form was plummeting through space, drawn by the gravitational forces of an unfamiliar world. The journey was swift and chaotic, a descent into the unknown.
Her descent ended with a sudden jolt as her body crashed through the thick foliage of a lush forest. (Y/N) lay still on the forest floor, the sounds of alien wildlife echoing around her.
Meanwhile, in the heart of the Omatikaya clan's village on Pandora, whispers filled the air. Word had spread quickly of the fallen stranger, the one who had descended from the sky. Some speculated that she might be a sky demon, others marveled at her unusual appearance—bright orange skin, fiery-red hair, and striking green eyes.
Jake Sully, the leader of the Omatikaya clan, strode purposefully through the village, his keen senses attuned to the murmurs of his people. When he reached the center of the village, he saw a small crowd gathered around an unconscious figure—the stranger from the sky.
Voices hushed as Jake approached, their gazes turning to him for guidance. One of the Na'vi lifted (Y/N)'s eyelid, revealing her unique, mesmerizing eyes. Jake's brow furrowed as he observed the stranger's alien features.
"Jake," Neytiri, his mate and a warrior of the clan, spoke softly, "what should we do with her?”
Jake's gaze remained fixed on (Y/N)'s form, his instincts telling him that this was no ordinary occurrence. "Neytiri, help me bring her to the healer's tent."
Together, they gently lifted (Y/N) and carried her to the tent. The healer, Mo’at, spiritual leader of the tribe and mother to Neytiri gasped at the strange girl’s appearance.
Mo'at's eyes observed (Y/N)'s unique appearance, her bright orange skin and fiery-red hair a stark contrast to the natural tones of Pandora. "Where did you find her?"
Jake stepped forward, his voice respectful. "She fell from the sky, right into the center of our village."
Mo'at's gaze remained fixed on (Y/N), her fingers lightly tracing the contours of (Y/N)'s face. "She is unlike anything I have ever seen. Her presence is foreign, yet there is an essence of familiarity."
Neytiri nodded in agreement. "Her energy is unlike that of our world."
Mo'at turned to Jake and Neytiri, her expression thoughtful. "We must be cautious. We do not know the extent of her abilities or intentions."
With a shared nod, Jake and Neytiri excused themselves from the tent, the flap rustling as they stepped outside. In the muted light of the evening, Neytiri voiced her concerns.
"Could she be another form of sky demon?"
Jake considered her words before responding. "She's unlike any sky demon I've seen. The way she fell from the sky, her injuries... it's as if she's not even human."
Neytiri's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
Jake's gaze was distant, his thoughts racing. "I mean, she might not be from Earth at all. Her appearance, her energy—it's something else entirely. Maybe even another planet."
Neytiri's eyes widened in surprise. "You truly believe that?"
Jake nodded. "I do. And whatever she is, we need to approach this with an open mind."
With a shared understanding, Jake turned to Neytiri. "I'll assign Neytam to watch over her until she wakes. He’ll tell us when she’s awake and then we can question here and learn more about her."
Neytiri's expression softened, her hand finding Jake's. "Be cautious, Jake. Our world is already fragile."
Jake squeezed her hand, his gaze determined. "I will. We need to understand what brought her here and why."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the village, (Y/N) remained unconscious in the healing tent—a mysterious stranger whose arrival had stirred both curiosity and caution among the Na'vi. And in the heart of Pandora, as the world slept beneath a blanket of stars, the lines between two worlds began to blur, their fates entwined by the enigmatic presence of (Y/N), a being unlike anything the Na'vi had ever encountered.
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palisade 56 //
Great intro with leap I love to be laughing 2 minutes in
I did not remember leap’s epilogue at all LMAO just that he stayed on palisade
Hiiiiiiiii Jorie
Rye and Gallica…. Rip to her… love a sexy evil duo
I need to relisten to this but again hiiii jorie “the scalpel” is so sexy
Cori’s that’s so raven vision
Wait a minute… looking at description names… Svir…. Five…….
Resolute welkin..
they smiled at each other
Vibrant copse
I was getting vibes but I wasn’t sure but I’m sure now oh my god. Austin. Austin thank you
Branched x Delegate/Wakeful Yuri what a beautiful world
I’m like obsessed with every npc Austin has presented before us today
JACK.. Let’s go
They’re so gleefully inventing a worse peer to peer gig worker society
Cannot believe this is what they meant when arbitrage was like okay we can do not a contract :)
They haven’t said this but how I would make this shit work is everyone gets a rating and doing a shit job ostracizes you from society
God this gig economy feverdream is so nauseating. And it makes sense to me as a continuation of connadine’s on cycle shit.
Not to bring personal things into it but. I saw a movie at a film festival recently, about an Uyghur girl in 2017 who was going through family pressures to get married on top of increasing surveillance and detention of Uyghurs at that time. There was a director Q&A and when she was asked about how the situation is currently, she said the surveillance and restriction is less severe now, not because of the goodness of their hearts but like, that status quo got to them and the uyghur population are policing Themselves now. For events like weddings and stuff they proactively call a cop to join them so that rather than be questioned later, they know what’s going on already. People can’t and won’t say how they really feel freely and this is the way they have found survival . I still can’t call family and talk about things in any specifics. More and more people can visit again/leave the country after years of not being able to but their families will be too terrified to actually meet with them in case it brings trouble, and who knows when they might flip the switch on the limited freer travel
Okay that ended up being a longer tangent than I planned but all that to say, rather than arbitrage enforcing things with a contract, why not make it ubiquitous with how you have to live in society. It feels parallel to the stuff I outline above :)
You know how in stardew valley you go into the road tunnel and there’s a place where you can insert batteries for mr qi stuff that’s arbitrage to me
Connadine takes his shirt off to call arbitrage
Connadine and Arbitrage’s loving partnership is so funny to me
Cas’alear time
Routine hooked up with them huh
Svir time… Five……
10 years of solitude :(
I care him… the isolation is so real and agh
doing snaps in the air for Austin
okay I think the partizan finale is such a blur to me and I did not remember what specifically happened to autonomy itself
Svir :((((((
OMG DID HE FIND THEM…. Or did they find him…
Brnine time 😎
Agh in the wreckage of a lost war…
I just got to a harrowing point in the new ffxiv expansion and its coloring this war zone vibe
Brnineeeee you’re so depressed. My meow meow
The leaving a letter thing is so funny brnine is emotionally doing a Turkish ice cream situation on Levi
Gangs back together :) we’re soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Back
Whole episode thoughts: that was excellent. I needed this. I loved every npc in Austin’s stories and I need to listen to them all again… got a little lost in the first one oops
No word from jesset or gucci so far but I hope we get some of it at Some point but who knows
Cas…. Cas’alear has always been technically compromised but has never truly betrayed millenium break or something. You know that I don’t believe in monarchy but I love it when the chosen king gets the throne tweet, something about apostolos brings up that emotion and cas does so in particular
Levi really speedran the revolutionary leader thing I hope we get some inferiority or interpersonal stuff for him tbh… cori hugging him was cute :’) my poor girl…
In my heart I believe in Cori’s ability to find and save Elle but with the say the contracts work I’m so worried for her
I wonder if we can get more eclectic later… the second story kind of contextualized the amount of independence he may have. Also glad Austin got to portray a softer story of how wakeful kind of works
excited and nervous for the sortie now good luck everyone don’t die
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cryptidfrenzy · 2 years
The lorax is already a feverdream of a movie but what made it worse is that I watched it with my family RIGHT after our cat had died so I saw it for the first time through tear blurred eyes.
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howlsmovinglibrary · 8 months
i so much agree with ur tags about saltburn. i watched it and i enjoyed it, i thought it was a really interesting movie, well shot etc. etc. but i was flabbergasted about how over the top people reacted to this. like before i watched it i saw so many takes about how massively FUCKED UP and GROSS and CRAZY it was and absolutely losing their marbles over it (i even saw the take that it's a feverdream movie which??? where)
like yeah it's on the 'weird' side but to be so up in arms about this being the wildest movie in the entire history of cinema just tells me that you just. never watched a movie that's not cookie cutter clean
hey anon! sorry for taking a few days to reply but yeah... it truly was a strange one for me. I think there's a history of a lot of media that follows unreliable/morally dubious narrators, and also a lot of media, particularly thriller/gothic/horror that either does far worse or the exact same amount of what happens in that film. I do think the shots and style add to it - the sheer amount of time spent in the uncomfortable moments is deliberate and designed to make it feel awkward - but beyond that I'm just like... yeah? it's a slightly fucked up film? but still mainstream so relatively tame compared to idk podcast, fic, even literature?
I do find the Gone Girl comparison the thing I can't get out of my head... even Promising Young Woman didn't get this reaction and it's by the same director, so maybe the 'good for her' era allowed some kinds of 'fucked up' to have more traction than others? I'm not an expert or anything but I do think we're in a period of time where mainstream queer rep is in it's 'comfort' era, so having a fucked up homoerotic film might put a certain queer demographic up in arms? but other than that i genuinely think that this is a film that flips between 'horny' and 'weird' and so people have to be like "IT WAS WEIRD IT WAS SO WEIRD" and then they never have to admit to being horny lmfao.
Idk man, I just had fun studying audience reactions under a microscope for a while.
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milafm2002 · 2 days
Songs And Their Aesthetics Of The Week Part 3
This Week's Song Is Hurricane By Halsey From Their Debut EP " Room 93 " From 2014 And The Deluxe Version Of Their Debut Album " Badlands " From 2015
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I Discovered Halsey When I saw Them As an Opening Act To Imagine Dragons Back In 2015 And I've Kept Badlands Close To My Heart For A Long Time It's My Favorite Album By Halsey. I Was Drawn To Hurricane For Many Different Reasons From The Story That Halsey Tells With Their Lyrics To The Feverdream Melody Of The Song. " Hurricane " Is a Truly Dreamy Song That Gives Off The Aesthetic Of Young Love, Summer Nights, And Dancing. I hope You Check out This Song Out If You're New To Halsey And Enjoy it.
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And Stay Tune Next Week For Another Songs And Their Aesthetics
( This Blog Post Contains GIFs From " Pretty Little Liars And " 10 Things I Hate About you )
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consistentsquash · 1 year
5 Short Fic Recs for Friday
going through some family medical nightmare so didn't really have time to check out a lot of new fic. also blog is on queue sorry if i missed any mentions and stuff. hope to be back when life gets better! anyway this week's recs! mostly old fic rereads.
The Concentration of Salt in Fresh Water (After the Deluge) by Jay Tryfanstone. Ginny/Giant Squid. 100 words. Drabble. The writing feels so atmospheric and evocative. I am really on a Tryfanstone binge at the moment and loving it. Especially love the prose and the storytelling creativity. Definitely on the LJ fandom prose style side.Which can be pretty different from modern styles. YMMV. Wishes unwritten rise like bubbles to the surface. Some – don’t burst.
2. October by ashesasheshackles. 3 Drabbles. 300 words. The first drabble is a super sharp character study of Barty Crouch Jr. Really precise and powerful. Even without the costume of another's flesh, even if it was his own bones that propped him up, his father would have failed to see him.  
3. Devotion by Anonymous. 26000 words. Complete. Snarry a thon 2023 fest collection. Snarry fic. Intense/dirty bad/hot/wrong. Exactly what I want from my Snarry! Though the worst crime of all is Potter’s. "Did you want to die?" Also The boy knows — he knows — he can take anything he wants. That bitter surrender is surrender all the same. That the force of Severus’ loathing is fed by his longing.
4. Ouroboros by eldritcher. 26500 words. Complete. One of their older fics which got reposted on AO3. Omg. The level of whoa! in this fic. Dysfunctional John Wick Voldemort wins, gets his revenge and ofc victory is totally pointless. When he understands that he gets depressed. Like really depressed. Like Kafka levels of depressed. Voldemort seducing Narcissa ftw. Voldemort pimping out Narcissa to get Snape's loyalty even more ftw. Honestly this fic was a total feverdream. Its not really a pairing fic. More of a Voldemort character study. It was a gentle game from then. I saw to Narcissa every day, cocooned her in pleasure and safety, and softly snuffed out her devotion to her husband. Lucius, poor Lucius, was too proper to pleasure his wife as she desired. I, on the other hand, had spent my childhood in the alleys of London’s East End.
5. charitable explorations by oh_gilderory. This is a Wolfstar comic with Trans Sirius Black. Complete. From the HP Trans fest 2023 collection. Short and sweet. Modern AU. Streamer Sirius. Kind of blurry and i had to zoom a lot on my kindle. but idk maybe that's just my kindle. But definitely wanted to share it because I loved it.
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bromineiscandy · 2 years
@botanical-feverdream #thats... really sweet.. thank u null
Of course! I saw it and immediately thought of you and your desire to repent for the sins you have commited! That being said of course I do not believe in sins! Belief in sins holds back the pursuit of science and anyone who says otherwise is making excuses for the sins they believe are beneath them! Ha ha ha!
Regardless you will overcome such thoughts at some point eventually! I am sure of it. You are very interesting after all! And I think interesting things survive a long while. Like a protected species! Or perhaps that makes you more open and available to poaching. Or pinning! Like a butterfly! Or pressed like a flower in a book. Preserved in beauty for all of time! Ha ha ha!
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penkura · 30 days
Hellooo, thank you for writing Penguin fics 😔✋🏻 You are doing a true Service to all Penguin Fans! I Love the feverdream fic, its a fav trope of mine.✨ I also saw you Like Shachi, do you have Plans for writing for him in the Future? 👀
Ahh thank you!! I love Penguin so much, I have more in mind for him that I need to write, and finish the three part fanfic I started for him.
Yes, I love Shachi too!! I have written just a teeny bit for him so far, and I'll link the two pieces here! I have more plans for him too, I just love him!
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lockandkeyhyena · 10 months
i saw you mentioned you wanted to learn russian a few days ago :D Im not russian myself but i do think its good to know at least one slavic language
benefits include:
every other slavic language you hear will sound like what experiencing a feverdream feels!!
you can instantly cure any stomachache with just coke! (yes. we actually do that)
youll say "wow i cant believe english is so simple" and actually mean it.
(listen, man, if you do actually strart learning russian, just a heads up, youll fucking despise cases. they are hell even for a native speaker)
ahaha thank you for the tips!! its much appreciated
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Tagged by my dear Tonks @teledild0nix
Current time: 1:13 PM
Current activity: paused between parenting and gardening to sit with my dog
Currently thinking about: the incredible feverdream Cirque de Soleil performance I saw Saturday with my cousins. The aerial ballet was heartbreakingly lovely and the acrobats were glorious
Current favorite song: Listening to this constantly!
Currently reading on ao3: just started a sequence that you never learned (Spock/Kirk coparenting-to-lovers AOS)
Currently watching: Waiting eagerly for Good Omens s2 next week. Just finished Shiny Happy People, a Prime documentary about the cult that wrote the homeschool curriculum some of my friends were raised on (and hosted the conferences we went to and underpinned the women's magazines we got). I wasn't raised on it, but boy did it have an influence on my community.
Current fav character: I'm being deeply and viscerally reminded how much I love Crowley and Aziraphale with all the new pre-s2 promos out. LOOK at these FACES.
Current WIPS: Two active ones (via my @a-candle-for-sherlock fandom side). Midway wrangling a casefic/sickfic for @transholmes (Watson dealing with chronic pain) which I'd hoped to finish as a Holmestice treat, but got stuck on; and a monster first-meeting behind-the-scenes Holmes/Watson fic. If both Holmes and Watson were involved with the London queer scene, and had their hearts broken -- and it was more than chance that Watson ate with Stamford at the Criterion, and Stamford recommended he room with Holmes -- how might things have gone?
Tagging whoever wants to do it! Tag me!
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3, 6, 8, 18, 19! <3
Hello friend ❤️
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve ever written?
This is such a tough one. You’d think it would be easier, because I’m so hard on myself about my writing, but there are so many that I have a soft spot for.
Honorable mention has to go out to the To Be Human series and the Foundations series. Which I adore 🥹
BUT— the top spot has always been Gaining Heart. Closely followed now, by my most recent story. Keep You Safe’s later chapters still give me a lot of second thoughts, but I’m still so, so proud of it. It feels good to write again, and to feel certain that I’m going to finish something.
6. Are there any fics from others that you reread all the time?
GIRL(gnc) YES. Like, so so many. I really need to make an ultimate rec list across all my fandoms. In the meantime, these are some of my most recently read (and reread) faves
Six of Crows/wesper
you’re still a mystery by its_tortle
Take me away to some place real by Rivkah94
feverdreams by Jo_Rolle and Jurda Parem by D20_ofcrows— both inspirations for Keep Your Safe ❤️
Mandalore at Night (Greetings From!) by BucketofWater
Oh the things we left behind by furiosophie
And of course, the ultimates:
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches by Sena
4 Minute Window by speranza
You know I dreamed about you (before I saw you) by BeeLove
these fragments I have shored against my ruins by aprettyaway
8. What projects are you currently working on?
I’m figuring out how I want the epilogue/last chapter of Keep You Safe to go! There’s two alternatives that I’ve started.
I’m also outlining a few companion pieces for this most recent fic— one where Jan Van Eck tries to stop his son from testifying in his trial, and another where we finally find an antidote to the parem for our darling Jesper.
I also have a stack of WIPs a mile high, and I have not forgotten about them ❤️ but the hyperfixation wants what it wants.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve ever written in a fic?
I don’t know about ever, but I loved this little tiny description in chapter 4, between Jesper and his da:
He squeezed the back of his neck like a kitten, and it had an embarrassingly similar effect, leaving Jesper melting into his side.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs
Small?? Have you met me??? (I don’t know where this is gonna go yet, but it’s one of the possible epilogue scenes. And also might end up it’s own thing. And might nottttt even end up being a thing, we’ll see!)
“—course you do,” Wylan was saying, “you all do.”
“Really? We all have songs?” Inej was sat beside him at the piano, watching the effortless melody lift through the air from under his fingers.
Nina twirled around when Matthias spun her, her skirts flaring out like flower petals. Her bare feet stumbled tipsily, sleepy and content. Her grin was wide. “What’s mine, then?”
“Romanenkova’s Polka.”
“Ravkan!” Tolya nodded, toasting Wylan from the arm of the sofa, “Excellent choice.”
“What’s all this about, then?” Jesper announced his presence, sweeping into the room with a smile. The soft skin behind his boyfriend's ear was begging to be kissed, and he stooped to greet him with a press of lips.
Flushed and warm, Wylan tipped his head back. Jesper could feel his smile rather than see it. He felt the purr in his throat as he dipped down to his pulse point, before burrowing his nose into the thick auburn curls for a minute.
Saints, he was lucky.
“Well, what’s going on besides our darling Inej sitting in my seat?”
She rolled her eyes, but smiled as she stood for him. “Your darling Wylan was just telling us that we all have songs in his head.”
Wylan shrugged as if it didn’t really matter. “There’s pieces that sound like you to me— when I see you, I think of them.”
“What’s Jesper’s then?”
Jesper could admit to a certain degree of self-centeredness— Tamar had practically taken the words right out of his mouth.
Wylan ducked his head, looking down at the black and white keys. There was a dimple in his cheek, and he turned an absolutely edible shade of pink all the way to his ears. He was so beautiful, sometimes Jesper could swear he heard music, too.
He bumped his shoulder with his own, sitting hip to hip on the piano bench.
“What’s mine?”
Thanks for playing! These questions are so detailed and fun ❤️
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Very glad I found this tournament! Hyped to vote for Dare To Be Stupid at next opportunity. I'm a Transformers fan, it is my legal obligation. For Wreck-Gar, for all the Junkions, and TFTM being best transformers movie!
RIP to Virus Alert, The Night Santa went Crazy or Christmas at Ground Zero, though. Gone too soon </3 /lh
Good luck everyone, and may the best song win!
It's funny we're mentioning transformers movies now, because like
Okay so for the first time in my life, this year, I went to see a movie on my own entirely. And of all the movies, the first movie I ever saw on my own in a theatre was fucking Transformers Rise Of The Beasts.
Okay but as for if TFTM is the best, uh, huh...I've never actually thought about which transformers movie is the best? I think the entirety of the michael bay era movies melted my brain so much that in my mind, every transformers movie has just become a singular mass of crushed soda cans & optimus commiting war crimes every 5 minutes & also just,,,just a lot of racism. Like holy shit the second movie was just so very racist how the fuck did people look at that movie & go "yeah skids & mudflap are great i see nothing wrong here this is totally okay & there is nothing problematic about this at all lets release this as is it's totally cool & stuff guys" I mean Bumblebee & ROTB were good but my brain is still not fully recovered from a decade of bayformers just somehow lowering the bar every single time, dude what the fuck were those movies they feel like feverdreams to me
I mean looking back I still think the first bayformers movie is unironically pretty decent like its perfectly fine. I cannot say the same for any of the sequels except for like the second half of dark of the moon but even then you have to slog through an hour of crap before that movie starts to get better & that's not super good if only about 40% of the movie is actually good but the rest sucks ass
Anyways yeah Christmas at Ground Zero is the one I'm moruning the most lmao, rip to that beloved classic. But even so, every song in this bracket is a banger, they're all winners in that the fact they are in this at all is proof enough that they are indeed, classics. So they will still be in our hearts.
Ok but right I'm getting sidetracked again, glad you found it too. Welcome aboard fellow weird pal.
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