#i saw it and i instatly smiled
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toofypigeon · 10 months ago
If ur still doing requests ?
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Please feel free to ignore this
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i would never ignore this guy!!!cat lover
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blue-jisungs · 6 months ago
4 soft thoughts.. maybe something like waiting at the dorm for Intak after theyve had practice? 😊😊
driving force
[ axe’s memo ! ] ahhh someone finally reqing for my boyfie intak anon ill kiss u on the forehead gently 🤲
[ extras ! ] a quick write on my phone, not proofread (the day i do is the day we celebrate)
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intak desired nothing more than rest. actually, no, scratch that. he desired resting with you in his arms. he believed in you having magic powers that brought all his life force back after a tiring practice.
however, he knew you're busy. a small pout accomanied his features throughout the whole day ever since you texted him that you have to stay up late at work.
the boys went to grab some food but he wasn't in the mood and decided to go straight to their dorm. sluggishly opening the door, painfully slowly entering the dorm... everything was so halted whenever you weren't around.
immersing himself in the silence of the place, he took off his shoes and went to grab fresh clothes. then, he stepped into the shower. putting a playlist in the background and losing himself in the feeling of water washing away the tiredness, he didn't realize the faint sounds coming from the kitchen.
the kitchen, where you were giggling underneath your breath while finishing a meal for him. keeho texted you anout intak skipping the meal so you decided to save the day. and it so happened that you-
you turned around and saw intak with a towel wrapped around his waist loosely. water was dripping down his toned stomach and dark, wet hair was falling onto his forehead. you gulped and shyly looked up, catching a flash of proud smirk on his lips.
"am i hallucinating or...?" he grinned, slowly walking up to you.
you turned around quickly to finish decorating his meal.
"it turned out that i wasn't needed. in any other scenario i would be offended but i gladly took the offer to leave early" a hum left your lips as you felt his arms wrapping around you. his wet body instatly soaked your shirt but you didn't mind. you knew intak needed that hug.
he was like a puppy, needing to be glued to you at all times.
"i'm happy you're here" intak mumbled into your neck, clinging onto you as close as humanly possible. if he could, he would crawl and live inside your skin.
"me too. i need to recharge my dance machine, hm?" you grinned and put your hand over his that was resting atop your hip. he only hummed, not able to form a coherent answer "you need to eat first though, takie"
while he practically inhaled the food, you made the bed and grabbed pyjamas for the two of you. it was quite early but he seemed exhausted, his energy levels lower than usually.
before you realized, he was pulling you towards the bed with a pout on his lips. you plopped onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. the smell of his shampoo filled your nostrils.
"i hate when you're away for so long" he murmured into your neck, wrapping his hands around your waist. you leaned away for a bit, some of your hair tangling in his face. he brushed them away tenderly, pure love and adoration in his eyes.
"i know, 'm sorry. i need to tell my boss that my clingy puppy of a boyfriend needs me. that'll do the trick, hm? you teased him and placed a gentle kiss on his nose. that only caused him to roll his eyes.
"and you can't even kiss me properly" he grunted.
"my bad, you big baby" you smiled and fixed your position so you could kiss him more comfortably.
your kisses were quite literally intak's driving force. despite all the soreness and tiredness, he felt a rush of adrenaline in his veins once your lips merged with his in a sweet kiss. you both tasted like mint toothpaste but neither of you minded. what counted in that moment was your sole presence and shared love.
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m. list <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,,
@mon2sunjinsuver ,, @litepowee
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fanmoose12 · 4 years ago
Soft headcanon about a 4 years old udo asking Levi what is love? Because he accidentally heard uncle Jean says love you to his gloomy aunt? Isn't love only applicable to parents and children wise? Udo is confused. As Levi is crap with his words, instead of explaining what is love by definition, he tells his son how did he fall for Hange. Little did they know, Hange is behind the door, listening to Levi rambling shits about her and can't help but fall in love with his husband again and again.
"Dad?" Udo tugged at Levi's sleeve.
"Yes?" he put down his book and looked at the boy, giving him all of his attention.
"I've got a question," Udo mumbled, his eyes cast down, wringing his fingers.
"I'm listening," Levi nodded, prompting him to continue.
"Yesterday... when you went to town and I was left with uncle Jean and aunt Mikasa, I overheard something..."
Levi instantly tensed. His eyes sharpened as he thought of what could Jean or Mikasa tell to his kid. If that was something innapropriete... He'd have Kirshtein's head.
"Uncle Jean said he loved aunt Mikasa, but..." Udo frowned, worrying lip between his teeth. In that moment he looked just like Hange, and Levi's chest filled with affection towards the two people he held closest to his heart. "Isn't that what you always tell me? And I've heard uncle Mike tell it to his kids too, so why did uncle Jean say that? Aunt Mikasa isn't his kid, right?"
Oh, god. Levi's eyes darted to the clock. It was still too early for Hange to come back. Shit. He couldn't do this alone. He didn't know what to say. What could he say? What should he say?
Levi stared hopelessly at his son.
"Dad? Why did uncle Jean say that?"
"Um... you see, Udo, you don't only love your children."
"No?" Udo pushed the glasses up his nose. "Mom said that kids are born out of love. But you tell me that people don't only love their children. Does that mean that mom was lying?"
"Since she told you that... Maybe, you should wait till Hange comes home and then ask her?"
"But, dad!" Udo whined. "I want to know now! Tell me what love is!"
"Well," Levi scratched his head with a painful expression. "It's hard to explain love..."
"Dad..." Udo said in a low, warning voice, giving him a hard look.
Oh god. He was really making Levi talk about that?
"Good grief..." Levi muttered. "It's different for everyone, alright? This whole love thing, everyone experiences it in different ways?"
"What about you? What's love for you?"
"It's... a feeling I get when you come home and bring good grades. And when I walk inside your room and see that it's clean. And when you agree to eat vegetables for lunch."
Yes, it was a good explanation. Levi actually felt proud of himself for this one. Maybe, this whole parenting thing isn't so hard...
Udo didn't look impressed in the slightest. On the contrary, he was sitting with his hands crossed on his chest and his face twisted into a pout.
"I doubt that uncle Jean is proud of aunt Mikasa's grades."
Shit, Levi thought. Sometimes Hange's genes were such a bother.
"And you talked only about me." Udo said with a doubting expression. "Don't you love anyone else?"
"Well... I love when your mom when she smiles. And when she laughs. And she has a day-off and the three of us can go to the park."
"Huh..." Udo rubbed at his chin. "So you love someone when they make you happy?"
"No," Levi shook his head. "If you love someone, you continue to love them no matter what. Sometimes you throw tantrums and sometimes you forget to do the dishes. I don't like when you do that, but I still love you. And sometimes Hange can be too annoying. Sometimes she throws her clothes onto the floor and sometimes she comes home from work too late, and I hate when she does that, but I still love her very much."
"Hm," Udo still looked unconvinced. "And why do you love mom? Why not someone else?"
"Because your mother is the most stubborn person I've ever seen. She bothered me until I fell in love with her."
"Did mom know it was going to happen? Why didn't she bother anyone else, but only you?"
"Because she's very smart," Levi said, patting Udo's head. "She knew I'm going to fall in love with her and she knew that you would be the result of this love."
"Would you have chosen anyone else?" Udo asked. "If you had a choice, would you choose someone else?"
"No," Levi replied without hesitation. It was the easiest question Udo had asked him today. "Hundreds, millions of people can bother me like Hange did, and I'd still choose her."
"Huh," Udo chuckled. "I think... I understand what love is now."
"Awesome," Levi deadpanned. "Now go and wash your hands. We need to serve the table, Hange's coming home soon."
Udo smiled, stood on his tiptoes to kiss Levi's cheek and then darted out of the room. As soon as he was out of the door, he squealed in delight.
"You're home!" he yelled. Even behind the door, Levi could hear Hange's happy laughter.
He walked out of the room to join his family. The sight of Hange hugging Udo, as always, didn't fail in warming his heart.
"Go, honey," Hange whispered, kissing the crown of Udo's head. "Dad asked you to wash your hands, right?"
"I'll come back soon!" Udo promised, running away.
Hange watched him disappear inside the bathroom and then turned to Levi, standing up and leaning in to give him a kiss too.
"How was work?" Levi asked, closing his eyes and enjoying Hange's warm presence.
"Same as usual. You'd find it boring."
"Tell me anyway," Levi said, wrapping his hand around her waist and leading Hange to the kitchen.
Hange smiled, lifting her hand to caress his cheek. "That's why I decided to bother you all these years ago," she muttered softly. "Because you're the sweetest."
She heard it, Levi realised instatly. She heard his conversation with Udo. He felt his cheeks redden.
"You're the sweetest," Hange repeated, obviously enjoying his embarrassment. "And you have a rocking bod. I saw those abs during the training and fell in love that instant."
"Shut up," Levi grumbled, pinching her side. What a way to ruin the moment. "Eavesdropping is a shitty habit, four-eyes."
"And yet you still love me," she snickered.
A smile pulled on his lips. And yet he still did.
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supernaturaldisasterx · 4 years ago
Isabelle was sitting on the benches close to the ‘Tunnel of Love’. Her eyes locked on the people laughing as they walked out of it, somehow wishing Simon was there with her. Her dark eyes quickly landed on her brother getting closer to her, as she saw him walking alone her eyebrows just frowned instatly. “I know hi goes first and everything” she started “But where is the sparkly warlock you should be holding hands with?” asked Isabelle lifting her eyebrows at Alec. The dark-haired woman, once the question was asked just smiled at her brother. “I had to ask first” she shrugged "How are you, big bro?" @unveiling-alec​
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find-felicity · 4 years ago
Yet another part of my deh fic
I thought I would never finish this fic but I just wrote a scene for the third time and... I'm seriously considering actually doing it. Maybe on ao3 or wattpad. Would anyone be interested? If so please tell me which one would you prefer.
Here are the other two scenes:
About the story: in this au after Connor’s suicide attempt he falls into a coma, but he is also seen as a ghost by Evan (actually, only by Evan). Things happen pretty much the same as they do in the musical. This scene takes place after Connor storms out of the computer lab
DISCLAIMER: attempt of suicide
To sleep for days, weeks even
Connor felt exhausted even though he's been lying on his bed for the past 3 hours. His stomach growled which reminded him that he hasn't eaten anything since breakfast and even that was basically cut in half by the argument he had with his mother.
So, like some toast maybe? Or some milk... I can't even remember.
Thinking about food only made him feel worse, so he slowly got up and headed to the kitchen. His knees shaked comstantly, and he could loose his balance any minute. He had to firmly grab the handrail while going down the stairs and still managed to stumble down the last few steps.
Luckily noone was home. Zoey and Cynthia went shopping together and Larry was working late as usual. The house was really quiet. Uncomfortably quiet.
Connor's arm felt week as he opened the fridge. The first thing he saw was the leftovers from last night neatly packed in new tupperware. One of the containers even had his name on the lid. It was spaghetti which he quite liked, although since Cynthia experimented with keto noodles it was harder to enjoy.
He almost smiled thinking about his mother's spaghetti. Same recipe since he could remember but some ingredients always substituted according to Cynthia's newest ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
Like it's going to make any difference in this house. That's almost pathetic.
Suddenly he could clearly remember why he didn't eat dinner last night.
Pathetic. That's what his father said when he told his parents he's thinking about skipping a year before going to collage. Originally, his reason was to gather some ideas and finally figure out what he's going to do with his life, but...
Larry did not care for that. He could only talk about how he wouldn't give him any money if all he wants to do is spend it then do nothing all day.
Connor couldn't even argue with him. He was too mentally drained to even listen to his lecture or his mother's whining about him wasting his opportunities. He just got up, went to his room and stared at the ceiling while listening to some music. Couldn't really help with feeling any better.
Later Zoey came upstairs too and gently knocked on his door.
"Hey, if you... "
"Leave me the fuck alone! " he shouted almost immidiately.
"I just wanted to say" he could hear the sudden change in her voice as she shouted back at the closed door "that you should probably eat something! But fine, starve to death then! "
That is more and more likely to happen each day. Connor thought as he closed the fridge.
His hunger turned into something more like nausea. There were tons of fruit, yogurt and whatever else his mother could think of while grocery shopping but it was already too late. He filled a cup with water and went back to his room. It was still more than nothing.
He placed the glass on his nightstand and laid down again. The ceiling seemed to slowly rotate above him. His eyelids were heavy and his head felt like it could shatter into a million pieces any minute.
Who could say no to another depression nap?
But somehow he couldn't fall asleep. His thoughts kept wandering back to what his father has said to him.
"All you do is sitting in your room! What do you need time for? To figure out your newest addiction? "
How would he even know about the things I do? Of course Larry's always preoccupied with his very important duties as the head of the house. Almost as busy as his lovely wife!
Connor turned over a little too fast and knocked a pillow on the floor.
Fuck both of them.
He bent down to pick it back up but something under his bed caught his eye. He climbed down and pulled out an empty peanutbutter jar. Well, almost empty. Something was ratteling inside and as he wiped some dust off the lid he could clearly remember what it was.
A few months ago his mother was prescribed sleeping pills. He could even remember the proper name: diazepam. It was a serious drug so at first she refused to actually take any. But as time went by she slowly gave in and the pills disappeared from the little orange prescription bottle.
What a familiar feeling. Connor thought with a bitter smile. That's almost ironic.
Cynthia didn't even notice he had taken some of the sleeping tablets. She instatly hid the bottle but it was easier to find than the candy from last halloween. Plus she became forgetful because of the diazepam.
He shaked the bottle so the pills landed in his palm. He grabbed the glass of water and started swirling the liquid around.
I could sleep for days.
Larry may have guessed that Connor had taken some of the sleeping pills but he certainly couldn't find the jar. Instead he found some weed so they had a huge fight as usual.
Maybe he needs some diazepam too. Fuck, diazepam for the whole family!
Connor felt a sudden rush of anger. With one quick move he shoved all the pills in his mouth and swallowed them with a few big gulps of water. He almost choked but managed to get them down.
Seconds, minutes or maybe hours have passed he couldn't tell. His arms and legs started to shake and he dropped the glass he was clutching in his hand. It shattered into a million pieces as Connor's vision started to blur.
It's really happening. I can't believe it.
He collapsed as the front door opened downstairs. He could barely hear their voices.
"Hi, honey! We're back! I bought you a nice new shirt. It's not black but I hope you'll... Connor? "
"He's not even home. "
"He is. His bag is right here. "
There were a few seconds of silence as Connor's room turned into a dark abiss. He could hear his mother coming upstairs and calling his name but her voice was muffled and more and more desperate.
"Connor? Did you lock your door again? Connor?"
Then he couldn't make out the words anymore. With one big sigh everything disappeared as if someone has blown out a candle. Something was pulling him down and Connor was more than ready to give in.
Finally. I could sleep for weeks.
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melyaliz · 4 years ago
Remember me pt . 8
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Summary: Bakugou has to remind his wife why she married him after she loses all her memories of them ever meeting. 
Pairing: Bakugou x OC 
Notes: I was thinking of maybe doing some My Hero Academia requests? Idk life seems to be slowing down a little. 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Website / Pinterest / Newsletter 
“So what’s up with you and metalhead?” Kirishima asked as the heroes slowly rode the bus they had been given back to the large glass building. Bakugou, who had been peacefully resting, peeked an eye open glaring at the redhead who was smiling at him.
“Who?” The blonde knew who he was talking about. But he wasn't about to let Kirishima know he knew.
“The girl with the Gojra shirt.”
“Nothing.” eyes closed, head resting back angst the headrest as if that was the end of the conversation. However, with Kirishima it never was.
“You guys talked, did you get her number?”
That comment didn’t even deserve a response. Or the weird way his stomach clenched when it was asked.“No, why would I?”
“Because you like her” Kirishima poked him in the side or tried too but Bakugou swatted it away never opening his eyes.
“I don…”
“Tell me you at least you got her number.”
“Why do you care?” that one had a bit of a bite to it. A warning to back off.
“You didn’t! Bro…” disappointment lanced in the red head’s voice. As if Bakugou had just told him he was giving up on becoming number one or something. It was just some girl’s number.
“We are only here for a few more weeks--” Bakugou started to reason but was once again cut off.
“Oh look there she is, you can ask her out now.”
Bakuoug’s eyes opened looking out the window to see her talking to a few of her coworkers. Well, he assumed they were coworkers since she regularly talked to them. One of them, a guy, leaned forward annoying close to her to tell her something that made her laugh.
Something inside him made him hot. That same feeling he would get in high school when Deku would steal the spotlight. Would do something that would make everyone think he was better than he was. He wasn’t better. And neither was this guy.
As the bus stopped letting everyone out he walked out and stepped up to the group.
“Hey Olive”
She turned her face breaking into a smile as she saw him. “Hello, Bakugou. Beautiful weather isn’t it?” He knew her overly formal way of speaking was her lack of knowledge in the Japanese language but it still bothering him a little. She was obviously not a very formal person with her coworkers.
“I��m back for the weekend, I’m taking you to dinner.” Right to the point. He had never been one for small talk.  
“I’m free Saturday,”  she didn’t even bother asking where or when
“6 here,” he nodded. With the plans made he walked off not bothering -daring- to look back. However, he was able to catch that annoying guy ask about the interaction.
“What did he say?”
“Nothing important”
“It looked important,” one of the girls said her voice hitching in that weird squeak sound that girl would get when they were telling each other secrets.
Bakugo was dealing with two issues that were making his life a living hell.
Ok maybe that was a little dramatic but… making his life hard
One was sleeping next to Olive.
Sleeping next to someone you are physically attracted to and have had an intimate relationship with before is normally fine but as the days wear on, your body starts to crave them. It’s as if no matter how much you remind your bain it's your body that you have to fight. It knows that the warm body next to it makes it feel so good. It wants those feelings again.
And it had been a while.
in fact, besides that odd mission that took longer than it should plus healing after this might be the longest they had ever gone without having sex.  
His body burned next to hers and the fact that he couldn't touch her was slowly starting to eat him alive. He kept telling himself he was stronger than this. That he could keep his sexual urges at bay but in the dark of the night where all he could do was feel the warmth of her body surrounded by her scent, it was madding.
One night she had moaned in her sleep and reached out her fingers brushing his torso. So touched starved and horney he was wide awake in seconds and so hard it was almost painful.
He was getting in a lot more late-night workouts.
Which just lead to him being more tired and grumpy. Everything seemed to irritate him now.
Which led to his second problem
Trying to get everyone to show up at the same place at the same time.
Trying to organize his old classmates was like herding cats. Not only did the conversation derail at every glimmer of an opportunity but their lives were so busy just getting that many heroes to have a few hours off was near impossible.  
It could also be partly (mostly) his fault. If he was being REALLY honest with himself. (Self refection seemed to be an ongoing theme since this whole fucking issue had happened.) Bakugou may not have really wanted them to be there. He hated the idea of everyone knowing what was going on in their marriage. Their problem was unique and kind of intimate and he hated the idea that somehow he may have failed Olive.
So he was dragging his feet.
That was until she came back from therapy with puffy red eyes unable to look at him. The moment she walked into the apartment he was instatly clued in knowing something was wrong because she didn’t even greet Dolemite who came crying up to her in excitement at her being home. He could hear her mumbling something and then a soft wet laugh.
He was looking over the reports on her case again. Pouring over each detail as if something would pop out at him. There was still nothing -besides the American angle- that seemed to link the two of them. But he couldn’t give up, if he focused harder, kept looking something would popup.
Or that was what he was telling himself until something else demanded his attention. Something much worse walked into the living room. Olive, looking completely defeated.
“Oh shit” she mumbled, catching his gaze a look of surprise on her face, “ you're not at work?”
“No, I only went in for a few hours.” he decided now was not the time to work on her Japanese. The way she looked. It made him sick. He wanted to go right over to that therapist and pound him (or her) into the ground. How dare they make Olive cry like that.
Looking away she coughed, ��I’m going to wash up” she mumbled wiping the back of her hand across her face.
“Ok” he watched her go as the door closed behind her he heard her let out a choked sob. It shot through him like a bullet. Worse than any punch he had ever taken. Worse than anything he had ever felt.
He had thought it was getting better.
Apparently not.
He knew he should just leave it. Just let her work out whatever leftover emotions she was dealing with from Therapy. She obviously wanted her privacy closing the door and not making eye contact with him. But he couldn’t help it. Getting up he walked up to the door leaning against it leaning against the door. His back to it trying to see if he could hear anything.
It was muffled but her voice was loud enough fro him to catch a few phrases.  
“I can’t do this Lilly” her voice was soft. “I just want to be happy. I just want to stop missing him.”
“Do you think you were the all sunshine and roses the first time around?” Lilly was obviously on speaker muffled by the door. “You need to stop putting those impossible standards on yourself”
“But I’m not just hurting, I’m hurting him too.”
Him, she meant Bakugou. He frowned, his heart pounding. She was crying because she was hurting him. As if he needed to be protected. It was almost laughable
“He’ll get over it” was Lilly’s soft voice. “He’s a big boy”
Olive let out another sob saying something about unfair and something else he couldn’t make out. Bakugou’s fists clenched angrily, feeling them grow hot small pops erupting in his hands. He didn’t care if it was planned or not, he was going to find that memory querk guy and beat him to a bloody pulp for making Olive feel like this.
His phone vibrated and he looked down to See Kirishima saying he just got off.
Letting out a low growl he shot off a text to the group,
Whoever can make it show up the rest of you losers can just die.
Olive came out 10 mins later. She had washed her face and she looked much cleaner and less, distressed. Finding Bakugou on the couch she smiled waving at him.
“So I was thinking maybe we go out for dinner? Do something fun?” she looked as if she hadn’t just been having a mental breakdown in the bedroom. All smiles and sunshine. That was his girl. A fighter, never settling for anything less than the best. Nothing could keep her down for long.
“Well good because we are meeting some people for dinner and drinks.”
This time her smile reached her face as she lit up. “Really who!?! Is it Kirishima?” she quickly switched to the Japanese trying to get in as much practice as she could.
“ Among a few others yes,”
Letting out a squeal she turned, “What would I wear? Is it a nice dinner?”
“Cute, not fancy.” walking past her he lead her back into thei bedroom. Her bouncing behind him like a puppy into their shared closet all smiles and giggles. Grabbing a black dress that he loved her in he handed it to along with a red leather jacket.
“Thank you Katsuki,” she said looking at the clothes. Nodding he turned to grab his own outfit. He could hear her rushing toward the bathroom to change and probably put some makeup on.
“You have 30 minutes to get ready” he called after her as the phone in his pocket blew up with texts on who was coming and when they would be showing up.
Let’s just get this over with. He thought as he quickly changed going out to the bedroom he jumped onto the bed looking over the texts waiting for Olive to finish up. 45 minutes later Olive appeared. He was about to give her shit for taking so long but when he saw her standing there he just about had a heart attack.
Dressed in that cute little black dress he had forgotten how good it looked on her. Hugging each curve giving just enough cleavage to show off but not enough to be scandalous. The little heeled booties make her legs look amazing.
Oh god.
Her makeup was done all smokey and her hair had a bit of a messy curl in it giving her a bit of a rocker vibe. It took all his will power to not pull her onto the bed and just take her right there.
He wanted to so badly
“Too much? ” she asked fidgetting with the hem of her leather jacket. One he had gotten for her a few months ago after watching her admire it in a shop window.
“ No, ” he said, getting up, “ let’s go. ”
“I’m kind of nervous” she mumbled following him out. Her English words clean and clear giving off her true emotions.
“ You said you wanted this, ” he said looking at her continuing in Japanese so that she could get as much practice in. Their friends English ranged from ok to nonexistent so she needed to be ready, “ And it’s not like they don’t know you.”  
“I just… yeah” she muttered her gaze looking away from him. He instantly regretted teasing her.
“ These are kids from UA, all proheros now. And they like you. ” he paused fighting back a smile at the memories of her meeting them all for the first time, “ Probably more than me. ”
“I doubt that ” was her response as she bit her upper lip.
“ Stop that, ” he said, shoving her slightly with his shoulder. She turned confused. “ Worrying ,” he pointed to his lip to indicate he saw what she was doing.
“ Ok .” she nodded as they walked, their hands kept brushing finally she just reached out grabbing his. He looked down at her fingers wove into this and he felt painfully aware of how it made him feel. How he wanted to just pull her closer to him. Take her away to somewhere quiet, alone. Make her remember him. Remind her body at least of how it loved him. But he didn’t just walking with her. Feeling like they were marching toward their death sentience.
His friends better behave.
To say Bakugou had two problems was putting it lightly
Master List Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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missnxthingg · 6 years ago
Is this where we do prompts? Can you do a peter Parker imagine where has powers and is recruited as an avenger and then has to share a room with peter in avengers tower, and they fall in love? Please and thank you!
AN: I really just got along with it, and made it really big. I loved writting this, and I hope you like it too. Just keep sending those requests.
Warnings: Bad words, a bit of makeout.
Words: 5k, I guess
You hated to admit you were kind of nervous, because it has been your dream since you found out who The Avengers were. Your old room in your foster parents house back in Staten Island was covered with pictures and news about The Avengers. When you had been invited to their tower, you were simply amazed, but kind of nervous. Now, you were following a guy carrying your bags around those endless hallways, silently and paying attention to every single detail around you. It was a beautiful place, very technological. At the end of one of them, you could hear someone talking on the phone. A voice who you knew very much. The same voice who invited you over. Tony Stark talking on his phone, probably with some investor or something. When he saw you coming in, he hung up and smiled.
“Oh, Y/N, you’re here. Welcome to The Avengers Tower.”
“Thank you Mr. Stark, I’m glad you invited me over.”
“I guess you met Happy Hogan already.” He said pointing to the man carrying your bags. “He’s gonna help you with anything you need.”
“That’s nice.”
“And I’m very sorry to say, but you’re going to be sharing a room with one of our heroes. Don’t worry, he’s harmless and he has your age. Plus, you’re way more powerful than him.”
“Can I at least know which one?”
“The Spider One, I always forget his name. Anyway, he’s nice and will help you around. Happy will show you around, and you can have all day to adjust in. Your training starts tomorrow after breakfast, and breakfast ends up at 9 AM, so don’t be late.”
“I won’t. Thank you Mr. Stark.”
So you started to follow that Happy guy around, paying attention to what he was saying while showing you around. You saw many rooms around from many heroes you used to see on TV or the internet. You got excited to be one of them, or at least becoming one of them. Your room was the last one in the hall. Happy opened the door for you and everything was dark. Happy rolled his eyes and got your bags on the floor.
“Peter, it’s almost noon and you’re still sleep.”
“Just a couple of more minutes Mr. Happy, I had a late night trying to do that stuff Mr. Stark asked me to fix and I’m really tired.”
“Just get off bed, we have guests, remember? We talked about this yesterday.”
“Has she arrived yet?” He asked with his face buried on his pillow.
“She’s right next to me.”
The boy in bed got up in a heartbeat. He was wearing nothing but his sweatpants, he had small bags under his eyes and also had a face of the person who had just woken up and didn’t want to. You pitied him, he looked very tired. The boy smiled just a little bit to see you in front of him, and you smiled back. Happy got your bags over your bed and got to the window.
“Maybe put on some clothes, Pete.” He said and the boy got the first shirt he found on the floor. A gray shirt with the saying ‘Midtown School of Science And Technology’. Happy opened the blinds, letting the light come into the room, revealing more clearly every detail in there.
“Sorry. I’m Peter Parker, nice to meet you.” He stood his hands in the air, waiting for you to shake it, which you did.
“Nice to meet you too, I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” He smiled and you smiled back.
“So I’m going to leave you two alone, don’t do anything stupid. And since you missed lunch, you both can grab a sandwich in the kitchen, but don’t tell Tony cause he’s gonna be pissed if he finds out that you’re not eating your lunch properly Peter.”
“Fine. Thank you, Mr. Happy.”
“Yeah, thank you.”
“Be nice to her.” Happy got out of the room, closing the door behind him.
You sat on your bed. This half of the room was fully empty, the opposite of the other half of the room, that was Peter’s part. His table had so many thing over it that you couldn’t even identify what was being done there. So many objects, open books and devices you didn’t even know. His bed was completely messy, with at least two blankets over it, two pillows and his Spider Man suit over there. At the other side of the bed there were so many books pilled together, forming a huge wall of books, and one of them even had a mug over it. The walls were covered with projects, some photos and newspapers cuts. If looked like it had life in it, and your side was still not as good as it.
“Sorry about the mess, I didnt get any time to organize it yesterday. I had so many work to do and since I’m leaving for a bit next week, I need to get it done. Don’t mind the books, they used to be in a shelf located on what’s now your bed.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take you space.”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” He smiled at you and started to clean his desk. “So, you’re the girl with a lot of powers, right? Mr. Stark told me you have plenty of them.”
“Well, I think I have plenty, but they don’t make any sense combined, I guess. I can switch my shape, it’s called shapeshifting, as Mr. Stark said. Like, who do you want me to turn into?”
“Humm… I don’t know, myself.” You closed you eyes and concentrated on how Peter looked like, and when you opened them, Peter’s face looked hilarious.
“You look just like me.”
“I know, right?” You said changing back to what you really were.
“I loved that. What else?” You teleported to behind him, and he turned looking for you, and got scaried to see you facing him from behind. “Teleportation, good.”
“I also can get invisible if I want.” You said turning invisible, but them coming back to normal after that. “I can manipulate the four elements, specially fire. But I’m not going to show it to you, because in my opinion, it’s the most dangerous one. But the coolest one is this.” Your mouth remained still, but Peter could hear your voice.
“Telepathy.” He said and smiled. “I liked that.”
“I can also control minds, and get into other people’s dream if I want to, but it requires much of my energy and it’s definitely not nice and a bit confusing.”
“I like your powers. I was just bitten by a radioactive spider and got spidey things. Not as cool as yours.”
“Dude, you can crawl the walls of New York. That’s my dream.”
“Maybe I could take you someday.” He smiled and looked at your eyes. Was he flirting with you?
“Maybe, just tell me when.”
“Whenever you want to, babe.” Okay, he was definitely flirting with you. “So you’re from New York?”
“Kind of. I’m from Staten Island, but I lived in many other places around New York. Hell’s Kitchen, Brooklyn, Queens, Midtown and even the Upper East Side.”
“Wait. Queens? That’s where I live with my aunt.”
“Don’t you live here?”
“Oh no. I come to stay here sometimes, but I have an aunt, she’s kind of like my mom. She raised me. And I still have to go to school, and we’re not exactly anywhere near anything. So, I still have to be around the city sometimes. I stay here in summers, or just like right now, when Tony wants me training or on a mission.”
“So that’s what you meant by leaving next week.”
“Yes! But it’s just for a week. I have some final tests before my vacation, so I’ll stay here for two months probabily. Mr. Stark wants me to train you.”
“Training, sharing a room. I think we’re going to be stuck with each other for a very long time.”
“I really don’t mind.” He smiled and you smiled back.
“Yeah, me neither.”
Peter was really cool, and you just bounded instatly. He helped you unpack, organizing your things in the closet inside the room and decorating a bit of your side of the room. You told him that you were an orphan since you were eight. An accident caused by your fire powers burned your parents house down and you were the only survivor, as a curse just like you always thought. So you had to live in many foster homes and were always kicked out by being too weird for the family. They were scared of having you around their kids. It never lasted long, but the one that really lasted was the last one, but you were kicked out of the house just like happened other times. The parents were really abusive and they didn’t like when you arrived late. So Tony had his eye on you since he found out about your story, and since you were living on the Upper East Side with that really rich family, and used your powers to turn into a grown man to buy drinks at a liquor store. Last week, he finally contacted you, when he found out you were in the foster system again. As he said himself, you were now legally his child, and could live with him at that tower. Peter also told his story, of how he lost his parents, his uncle Ben, how he got bitten by that spider and told a little bit about his life back in New York. You had plenty of things in common, but he had a home and a family, you didn’t.
The next week was really good. Waking up early, having breakfast with some of the heroes like Wanda, Natasha and sometimes, Bruce. Tony, Happy and Peter were always there too. And afterwards, training, all day. You liked what you were doing, training and at night, studying with a tutor Tony hired to home school you. It was your last year of High School, so it wouldn’t be needed for much time. At night, you would just hang around with Peter, maybe watch some TV or something. But the week went by too fast, and he had to leave back to New York. You missed him, everything just seemed boring and quiet without him. You had to admit, you hated to see him gone. When Peter came back, you just spent every minute of your day together. It was a weekend, so you didn’t have any school or training, so that meant free day for both of you. It was only movies, snacks and a lot of talking. He told you about his tests, about his school and how his friends were kind of different with him, except for Ned, who he told that still the same old friend. You told him about your week too, and how Natasha came to train you and it was a heavier training, but the best one yet, and she was really sweet with you.
Many months passed, you got closer and closer to Peter. You both talked about your insecurities and demons. He was helping a lot with your very common nightmares of that horrible night. He would literally wake up in the middle of the night and come to lay in your bed and not getting to sleep until he knew that you were sleeping peacefully. And if you asked him not to go back to his bed, he would just stay there all night long. During trainings, he tried to impress you and flirting a lot in your point of view, but you get flirting and being nice mixed up sometimes, but you loved to flirt back. Sometimes he would just give you small blinks and cheek kisses around, but a forehead kiss and a hug were his thing to do with you every morning. Your heart always pounded when you were around him, specially when he was shirtless, that occured during trainings and at night before bed. You liked him, and you think he likes you too, but wasn’t very sure.
One day, he asked if you wanted to come to the city with him. He was graduating in three weeks and he was coming back to his New York home for two weeks and didn’t want to be away from you for so long. So he said you could stay at his apartment, and come to his graduation day. You didn’t even knew how he was still graduating in his school if he was also being homeschooled with you, but he said Mr. Stark and his director had an arrengement for him to only go to school in important dates like tests or other stuff, due to his internship outside town, but in condition to be homeschooled with all the content he had in school. So while he was away from the city, he wouls just keep doing whatever he needed to do.
“There’s also prom night. And I don’t have a date, so if you want to come with me.” He asked, kind of shy.
“I never went to one of those.”
“Really? But you weren’t homeschooled, right?” He seemed a bit surprised.
“No, but no one ever invited me to come to one of those proms, bowls, homecomings or school dances.”
“I can’t believe it. Okay, so I’m gonna make this one special. Pretend that I didn’t ask you anything.”
“There’s no need Pete.”
“I want to. But do you wanna come to New York with me?”
“Of course, you idiot.” He smiled and hugged you.
“So, we’re leaving by friday. Okay?”
You had to find the perfect dress. So you asked Happy for help, but you both couldn’t find anything good enough online. You were almost going with that old black dress you had, but still, you wanted something special. But you weren’t even oficially asked yet. On Thursday, when it got dark, Peter took you to the rooftop to see the stars and eat some junk food he asked Happy to get him, getting totally out of your hero diet Tony specifically asked for you both to follow while training. But that didn’t matter for a while, and you had an awesome date, and at the end he got down on his knees, making you laugh very hard.
“Stop doing this, you’re making me nervous Y/N.”
“Sorry Pete, I can’t.” He held your hands and slightly laughed with you.
“Y/N Y/L/N, do you concede me the honor of taking you to prom?”
“Yes, Pete.” You said laughing and he got up laughing. “It’s getting late, and colder. Let’s go to bed.”
“Only if you agree to share your bed with me tonight.”
“No, good night Pete.”
“Come on, you’re gonna have to get used to it, cause I only have a bed in my room back in New York.”
“So let’s leave all the magic to New York.”
And so you got into the house again, back to your bedroom, where you changed into your pajamas and lied in your bed. Peter was kind of mad you didn’t let him share beds with you, so he slept only in his underwear to provoke you. You dry swallowed, and he noticed, and smiled, covering himself with the sheets.
“Don’t I get my good night kiss?”
“You don’t deserve it miss.” He said and you laughed a bit.
“You’re mean.”
“So are you.”
“Good night Pete.” You closed you eyes and after a few seconds, you felt his lips kiss your forehead, so you smiled.
“Good night my love.” Your heart pounded again, and you fell asleep smiling.
You both woke up early the next morning. Happy prepared the car to take both of you to the city, and you helped Peter prepare the breakfast for you three and Tony, who woke up early just to say goodbye and to tell he would be there for graduation day. It was a quick trip back to New York. Happy drove the car, Peter went on the front seat and you sat in the middle of the back seat. He kept his hand in the back seat holding yours for a long time, and that warmed you heart up. It didn’t took long and you were already in the streets of Queens, when Happy parked in front of a building, where a middle age woman was at the sidewalk, waiting. Peter got out of the car and hugged her for a very long time. Happy opened the door for you and you got out of the car. Peter pulled you by the hand, closer to the woman he was hugging.
“May, this is Y/N, that girl I told you about. And well, Y/N, this is aunt May. She’s basically my mom, but I call her aunt because of affective reasons.“
“It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“Thank you, it’s very nice to meet you too May.”
“Are you kids hungry? Cause I made some lunch.”
“May, you don’t have to pretend to know how to cook just to impress Y/N. She already knows you’re a terrible cooker.”
“Oh good, cause I ordered some homemade food from that old lady that lives down the street.” She made you laugh hard with that.
“It’s okay, I’m not that good as a chef either. Peter is the one who is always cooking stuff around.”
“Oh, my boy it’s just so good at everything.” She smutched his cheeks and he blushed.
“Stop it.” He said and it made you and May smile.
“So, are you going to have lunch with us Mr. Hogan?” May asked and they both crossed each others sights and thinks got kind of weird. It was clear that they had a crush on each other.
“I would appreciate it May, but Mr. Stark needs me back at the base as soon as possible. We have many things to do today.”
“At least get a sandwich. Go get it for him Peter.” He ran into the house and left you at the sidewalk with May. You both held you baggages and waited for Peter, who came back with a sandwich, a juice and an apple.
“Keep it healthy, Mr. Happy.” Peter blinked and Happy rolled his eyes.
“Thank you May. I’ll come with Mr. Stark for your graduation day.”
“Really?” Peter asked with his eyes shining.
“Of course. Everyone is coming, or you thought we would miss it?”
“I thought it was only going to be Mr. Stark.”
“So you better save some more seats for us. See you soon.” Happy got back into the car and drove off.
“Let’s go inside kids.”
Peter carried both of your bags and May lied a hand on your shoulder, guiding you into the building. The apartment was beautiful, much better than the one you used to live in when you were at some foster home in Queens. That one was really small and dirty. This one feels like a really nice place to stay and you liked it. Peter got the bags into his room and May showed you around. It wasn’t huge, but was really nice.
“I know it might not be big and luxurious as the place you live in but…”
“It’s perfect.” You interupted and May smiled.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“LET’S EAT!” Peter cheared and went running out of his bedroom, right into the dinning room.
You all had a nice lunch. You told May a little bit about your life, and she told a little bit about hers and Peter’s, and after lunch, while eating some sweets, she showed some kid pictures of Peter, who was really embaressed and blushed. You remained there until it was already very dark. Peter got his Spider Man suit on and May rolled her eyes to him.
“You just got back, and you’re going to be out patroling?”
“I’m actually going to take Y/N for a ride around town, but I’ ll need you to put on your suit.” He said directing to you and you agreed.
Tony designed a suit for you a few months ago. It was black and yellow, and had boots, just as you liked it. And a small mask covered part of your face. You liked it very much, and it was very comfortable. Peter had his mask on and so he said goodbye to May and you both got out by the window.
“I’m gonna need you to hold very tight to me.” He said and so you did, holding him by his back, involving his waist by your leg. “Okay, don’t let me go.”
So he jumped, but before hitting the ground, he started to bounce around his webs. You screamed and started to shake. He laughed and got to the rooftop of some building.
“Are you scared?”
“I’m so fucking terrified.” You said looking down, and he laughed, making you come out of his back and holding you on his front, and being really close to your face.
“Do you trust me?” He asked, looking at your eyes. You were mesmerized.
“Yes.” You replied and he smiled.
“Good. Maybe this will make you feel better.” He started to bounce around again, and you were helding very tight onto him.
You were screaming at the beggining, but it got really good with time. You were having a lot of fun, and Peter’s funny comments were relaxing you a lot. He stopped at a rooftop in front of a mall and sat by the bord. You sat next to him, and he held your hand.
“I don’t have a dress.” You said looking down.
“What?” He asked, looking at you.
“I don’t have a dress for prom.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Because I thought that wasn’t the kind of thing we usually talk about. And I want it to be a surprise. I want it to be perfect.”
“First, we talk about everything. Second, it will be perfect, you just need to be with me.” He held your hand tighter. “May can take you shopping tomorrow, and that way it will be a surprise to me, okay?”
That night, he took you to eat dinner at a fast food store, but you ate at the rooftop of an old art gallery in Brooklyn, and watched the city that never sleeps still all awake, till it was very late and you both had to go home. May was already asleep when you got there and Peter got he bed prepared. It was a bunk bed, but the top bed was the only one unoccupied, since the other had your bags in it. You changed to your pajamas and Peter got his sweatpants on, and no shirt as always. He closed the door and the window for it not be too cold.
“I thought you said you only had one bed.”
“Yeah, I lied. But just because I never used the bottom bed. And because I wanted you to sleep with me.”
“You’re an idiot.” You got up to the top bed, but blocked Peter from getting in. “Nope, you’re going to sleep in the bottom.”
“Please, let me sleep with you.” He was pounting, and you smiled.
“Maybe if you put on some clothes, it will be nice.”
“You love my abs.” He said pointing to his naked body.
“No, I don’t.”
“I don’t care, I’m gonna sleep were I want to, however I want to.” He lied next to you and you got on your way to get to the bottom bed.
“Whatever, I’m not sleeping with you.” But before you could get out, he held you by your waist and pulled you to him, and trapped you into his arms and legs. He buried his face at the back of your neck and used a web to turn the lights off.
“Yes, you are.” He already had his eyes closed, but he made you more comfortable, holding you in a comfortable hug and covering you with the blanket.
“Where is my good night kiss?” You asked, turning to face him. His eyes opened and looked directly into your mouth, and he just kept starring for a couple of seconds, but he kissed your forehead.
“Good night baby.” He said and held you closer.
“Good night.”
The week went by very fast, and you did many things with him. You met his friends, he took you to patrol, but he also took you to many nice places. He even did the movie night with you and May, and it was a really nice date. May was being really sweet to you and even took you shopping for your dress, and paid it for you. She talked about Peter with so much love in her eyes, and you loved it. And so the day finally came, prom night. She helped both of you get ready, you in her room, Peter in his room. You knew very little about makeup, but May helped you with that. He waited at the living room until May announced you were ready, and so you came out of the room wearing a beautiful navy blue dress, sandals and a flawless makeup. Peter was mesmerized, and his eyes shined like they never did. His heart raced and he couldn’t help but show the biggest smile on his face.
“You look amazing.” He said, standing completely still.
“You look amazing too.” You replied and reached for his hand.
“I need to take pictures. Wait a minute.” May ran to get her phone and Peter just kept starring at you. He couldn’t get his eyes of you.
“You look like an angel.” He said still looking at your face.
“You’re making me blush.” You replied and hide your face on his neck.
“Don’t hide, love.” He said and you looked at his eyes and you both smiled.
May came with her phone, and took plenty of photos of you and with you. And so it was time, so she drove you to school, where it was full of students. You met with his friends, and you all just had a good time. You danced with them all, and Peter really sucked at dancing, but he was asking you for help all of the time. He was trying very hard to make you feel really comfortable around him, and it was working. You danced to every song playing that night. And so the slow dance came, and he held you very close. Hands on you waist, your face resting on his chest, your arms holding him in a soft hug, and his head resting at the top of yours. You stayed like that for a very long time, but before the song ended, your eyes met and couldn’t get off each other.
“This is the part where I kiss you.” He said keeping his voice low. You could feel his breath against your face.
“So what are you waiting for Pete?” He leaned and closed his eyes, and so your lips met for the first time. It was very slow and sweet, just like you always imagined it would be. Now you were doing what you both craved the most for many months, and you wanted to take advantage of every single second of it.
“Do you wanna go somewhere more private?” He asked and you agreed. He took you out and got to the rooftop of a build right across the street. You could see people walking around, but you didn’t really care about them, you just cared about the boy next to you. He sat down and pulled you to his lap, and started to kiss you again, making it more intense this time, and so you both stopped and smiled. “Hi gorgeous.”
“Hi.” You smiled and kissed him again. “Thank you for tonight.”
“I was supposed to be the one thanking you, my love.”
“My love?”
“If you don’t mind me calling you like that, of course.”
“I always loved when you called me like that.” You kissed him again and you both remained like that for a long time. “But do you really love me?”
“I was talking about that with May today. She asked if I liked you, and until last week I thought so. Since the very first day I liked you, but after that day, that first day here that I took you out, I realized I don’t like you. I love you, Y/N, and all of that because Mr. Stark had this huge idea to put us in the same room, doing a lot of things together. I love every single bit about you. Your smile, how you just be yourself all of the time…”
“I love you too, Pete.” You interrupted him and he smiled.
“And I love how you say my name.” He said before kissing you one more time.
After that night, you never spent a moment apart. That week was the best of your life, and graduation day came. Everyone was in town, and after meeting them all at the event, you sat next to Tony, by the end of the row. Your eyes met Peter’s and you both smiled to each other.
“What is up with you two?” Tony asked and you looked at him very quickily.
“Nothing, I was just smiling at my friend.” You replied, blushing a little bit.
“Cut the crap, Y/N. You’re blushing. I know you like him, and he clearly likes you.”
“You think so?” You asked and Tony laughed.
“Oh kid, he really likes you.” He said looking back to Peter.
The cerimony took a while, but you all went to celebrate with Peter afterwards. Everyone was there, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, Rhodes, Pepper, May, Tony, Happy and you. And he had fun with everyone, but when he saw you one more time, he gave you a big hug and pulled you aside.
“I need to ask you something.” He said, putting his hat in your head.
“Anything.” You said and he smiled and gave you a small kiss on the lips.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you agreed with your head.
“Yeah, Peter, of course!” He kissed you again and flipped you around, smiling during the kiss.
“Kids, stop for the photo.” May said, and Peter stopped still kissing you, and you heard May taking the photo.” This one is way too cute.”
“I loved it.” You said looking at the picture, and looking at Peter after.
“I love you.”
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Bakugo x reader
Ok so, i sent this as a request to one of my online friends her name is @bnhaisreallycute go follow her! we decided to both do the prompt and i think its pretty kewl SO ENJOY! Its bakugo so swearing, Also your quirk is that you can turn into "devil form" for about 1 and a half hours. You also have two red horns in human form
Prompt:bakugo x reader, but the reader is really snarky and bad*ss around the baku squad, but really happy go luck and peppy around deku sqaud
You walked into the class of 1-A, actually happy for once. Everything was going your way, your hair was perfect, you found your sweater, heck! Even your favorite writer on tumblr just posted the next part of your fav series. Nothing could go wrong, that is until you saw a certain ash blonde from the corner of your eye. Shoot. Its not like you hated him, in fact you had a HUGE crush on him since day one, but being around him meant you had to be even more of a badass bitch then usual. Besides, that was the only way to buttheads with his firey personality. It was fun, but today you felt more like being all fluffy and lolita. But cant be weak! Especially not around bakugo. So you sloutched down your poster, narrowed your eyes, and let out a long sigh. You walked to your seat behind bakugo. "yo, porcupine!" you said, knowingly pissing him off. "Im bored and i want you to keep me occupied. Speak"
"i dont fucking take orders from extras."
"good thing im not an extra"
"shut the hell up extra"
"you shut the hell up"
Bakugo was interrupted by aziwa. "can you two stop fighting? I would LIKE to begin the lesson, without barking and yapping" you leaned back in your seat, completely ignoring aziwa. You yearned for it to be lunch time already, so you could hang out with deku and uraraka and go back to you. But nooooo, you cant be FUCKING WEAK IN FRONT OF BAKUGO. You hated your life, but you literally could not live without it. In the middle of aziwas lecture, you dont know what got into you but you leaned forward towards bakugo and whispered in his ear...
He instatly hopped up out of his seat. "CALL ME THAT ONE MORE FUCKING TIME YOUR DEAD"
"(y/n)! BAKUGO! BOTH OF YOU PRINCIPLE NEROS OFFICE. NOW!" aziwa screamed, and just like that, you two were sitting in the waiting room for the principals office. You sat in silence for a good ten minutes. You knew that you should probably say sorry, but you had no idea how. The attempt wasn't so good.
"hey, uh bakugo? Ima... Kinda sorry for that thing back there. I didn't think it would um, mess with you that much. Im...yeah... Sorry... " you were looking down, but on the inside your mind was screaming cause you just let your guard down. You had to fix it. "i mean its not like i like you or anything" GAH THAT WAS SO OBVIOUS AND CHEESY AT THE SAME TIME GAHH! As you were internally have a full out civil war, bakugo opened his mouth. "why the fuck do you act different around me and deku?" he said, his face not even glitching. You were visibly confused, "why do you car-"
"DID I FUCKING STUDDER?! i asked you the reason you treat me and deku differently? Do you have feeling for him?"
You were taken aback. He was opening up to you? He had a soft side too? For some reason you took comfort in that. "wait are you interested in me?"you asked, smirking.
"why would i date a fucking extra like you?" he asked as he turned to the side trying to hide the dark red tint that littered his cheeks. Suddenly, you turned his head toward you and kisses him.
"too bad. I thought you were pretty cute"
"then why the fuck did you stop?"
He shoved his lips against yours and before you knew it, you two were making out... In the middle of a school hallway... In front of the principals office...
"okay you can come in no-" principal Neru came out, and both of you turned around extremely embarrassed.
Neru smiled. "i see you two are getting along just fine, you can head back to class now" and just like that he was back in his office.
 you looked up at bakugo (sry if ur tall, just pretend you looking down)
“um so what just happend?”
“im your boyfriend, thats what”
He suddenly yanked at your hand and walked back toward the class. Looking at him, you noticed his dark crimson eyes. They were full of determination. Thats what you loved about him. Joy swelled up inside you. For some reason, you leaned forward and whispered in his ear...
“i love you, porcupine”
49 notes · View notes
oh-my-may · 7 years ago
BTS reaction to their S/O being insecure about their relationship
~ requested by anon
~ Seokjin ~
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You were on your phone while you waited for Jin to come out of the practice room so you could finally go home. Normally you wouldn’t let all the comments about you not being an idol get to you, but today was different. You didn’t know what was going on in the fandom, but there were a lot of people criticizing you, saying you weren’t good enough for Jin as you couldn’t keep up with his visuals and him being an idol in general. It hurt you a lot, but you were glad when the door openend and the boys came out, your boyfriend walking over to you. He looked at you while your eyes were locked on the screen of your phone. “What’s wrong?”, he asked, sorrow growing inside of him. Slowly he sat down next to you, taking a look on your phone, reading the comments that kept you thinking. He chuckled, turned your phone off and let it slip in your bag and lifted you on his lap, spreading thousands of tiny kisses all over your face.
“Don’t ever let those kind of comments get to you, you hear me? Look at the bright side of it: There are millions of fans out there who think that we’re absolutely adorable together!”
~ Yoongi ~
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You were on your way to a café where you wanted to meet with some of the boys as they wanted to catch up on your birthday, which was a week ago. You listened to music, not really paying attention to the world around you. As you walked down the busy street, a group of girls suddenly catched your eye. They looked in your direction, one of them even pointed at you and then they giggled. You stopped walking for a second, confused about what they were having. You arrived, the boys already ordered their food. But Yoongi seemed to sense that something kept you occupied. While the others were joking about something he whispered: “Is everything alright?”. You explained the situation from earlier and the concerns you got from it. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him and you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Stuff like that shouldn’t bother you at all, baby girl. Maybe they were just talking about your outfit and how freaking good it looks on you?”
~ Hoseok ~
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You were backstage at one of the concerts, watching the boys perform. You loved seeing them on stage, they were always so passionate in front of their fans, hearing them shout their names and singing along to their songs. You watched Hobi perform ‘Boy Meets Evil’ and thought about how such a talented person like him could love such a simple person like you. And that thought didn’t leave you throughout the whole night. When the boys finished and came backstage, sweating and laughing, Hbi instatly walked over to you and hugged you tightly, just like he always did. “Babe, are you okay?” He looked worried, placing one hand on your cheek, caressing it gently. You told him about your worries, making him smile. He pecked your lips, staring you straight in your eyes. 
“I’ll never be able to love a person more than I love you, jagi. Please don’t ever worry about something like that ever again!”
~ Namjoon ~
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Your boyfriend was having a vlive and you sat in the background, reading the fans comments and eating. He was currently talking about some of his projects and the fans loved it. Some wrote about how cute of a couple you are or that you should say something too, but others said the complete opposite. They wrote how you don’t match together with him, as you can’t understand his lifestyle and that they’re afraid you might hurt him, because they don’t know you long enough as it hasn’t been long since you made your relationship public. You sighed loudly, completely forgetting about your boyfriend and the vlive for a second. You instantly regretted it though, as Namjoon turned around in his chair and looked at you with concern written over his face. He rolled up to you, reading the comments on the phone in front of you. He then raised an eyebrow, leaning towards you, so your foreheads touched. He gave you a quick kiss, turning to the vlive again.
“Y’all: My precious angel Y/N would never hurt me. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in this world, so please stop writing comments like that, alright?”
~ Jimin ~
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The fans were really protective over their cute little mochi, your boyfriend. You haven’t been together for a long time, causing the fans to still be unsure whether or not you were good for him. He also didn’t say a lot about you in public, since he knew that you were kind of uncomfortable with it. You were currently sitting on the couch, some movie on the tv which you didn’t pay attention to and your phone in your hand, reading tweets and other posts about the boys. Especially about Jimin and you. It got to a point where it still hurt you, causing you to throw the phone away and it landing on the floor with a loud noise. Your boyfriend came into the room, a confused expression on his face. His gaze landed on you, tears streaming down your face. He hurried over to you, wrapping his arms around you, hugging you tightly. He didn’t need to ask what was going on, he already knew.
“It will be a matter of a few days until this stops and they have a new thing they can write about. They just need to get to know you better. But until then, let’s just enjoy our time together, sweetie.”
~ Taehyung ~
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It was early afternoon and you walked around the arena where your boyfriend is going to perform later that day. Fans were already waiting outside bc they wanted to get the best view for the concert later. You thought twice before walking out because you wanted to get some fresh air. The fans got all excited as they saw the door being opened, but were disappointed. It was just you. And that’s what they said themselves. “Oh, it’s just Y/N.” You waved at some of them but then quickly moved on until you arrived in your boyfriends arms behind the stage. “Hey cutie, what’s going on? You seem distracted.”, he said, looking down at you and giving you a kiss on the forehead, caressing your cheek. You told him what happened just some minutes ago, causing him to shut you up with a kiss. “Don’t worry jagi, I got this.” And he did. Because later that day, during the concert, he took the mic and spoke to his fans.
“Hello everyone! I heard that some of you weren’t really nice to my beautiful jagiya Y/N earlier. I hope that from now on you’ll treat her with just as much respect as you do for me because I really love her and she makes me the happiest guy on earth!”
~ Jungkook ~
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You and Jungkook were dating for quite some time now and he thought that it was time to make your relationship official. The fans already knew about you dating, as it was something really special when the maknae of BTS has a girlfriend. You still take some of the comments you get too personal, causing you to be sad around Jungkook even though he gives you no reason for it. Not like he didn’t notice, though. He was really worried about you. He sneaked up behind you, hugging you from behind and placing a small kiss on your shoulder. “You’re behaving weird lately, are you okay?” You shook your head, finally talking about your feelings. He looked at you lovingly, pulling you in the tightest hug ever and giving you a passionate kiss.
“I can totally understand you, but please know that I’ll always be by your side, no matter what. I love you.”
A/N: I’m waiting for some new requests guys! And happy new year to everyone, even though it’s not even 2018 in most countries ... I still hope you have a great night! May all your wishes for the future come true in the next year!
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chillihansol · 7 years ago
❅ Christmas with You ☃ *:・゚| J E O N G H A N
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word count: 2,550
» to @theliqht, oh my gosh denise my lil baby, where do i start? you are the first person i got to talk with when i started this blog, and im thankful, because i wouldn’t be what i am right now if it weren’t you. you helped me throughout everything, and i swear i developed a lot ever since day one because of you. you take care of me even if i am older than you HAHA. you listened to my hardships as a writer and you didn’t judge me for those. sometimes i still think that i dont deserve you because you are too good. i love you denise, and you are really the light !! because you are the person who pulled me up on times when i feel like giving up. you are such a big inspiration to everyone. i hope to meet you soon, i am only an hour away but it costs thousands of bucks already HAHA. merry christmas in advanced my bb denise ! hanni loves you to sun and back x
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He was feeling the season, the cold weather, soft mattresses, warm fuzzy blankets, hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows, tiny snowflakes pilling on the window pane, ugly Christmas sweater hugging his torso, and his imagination of lit fire on the fireplace, unfortunately, there was no fireplace, so he chose to sleep.
“Unnie, where’s Jeonghan oppa?” Jeonghan’s younger sister queried, rolling the dough with the pin.
“You know your brother, he’s most likely to be asleep by now.” You smirked. 
It’s Christmas Day. Going back to the day where you realized that you are in love with him also happened to be the day of Christmas. It has been a year, a year full of merriment and sentimental relationship with him. A year was enough for the both of you to celebrate Christmas with your families, so your little witty self had the light bulb and decided to commemorate the special day with them. 
Moving out with him was something you never regret. Ever since the two of you lived together, Jeonghan himself became more mature, so as you. Though most of the time you were left alone at home because he still had to stay at their dorms, he never missed a call from you, making sure to check you from time to time. It was very caring and affectionate of him to still take care of you even if he’s few miles away.
The thought made you smile as you cut the dough with the cute cookie cutters Jeonghan had bought from the local cooking shop.
“Unnie, why are you smiling?” The younger chuckled cutely at you a she caught you smiling so brightly.
“Just got a little excited.” You lied, smirking. 
“Excited for what?”
You both turned your heads from the familiar voice to see the finally awake Yoon Jeonghan leaning against the door frame. 
You shook your head at him. “How are you feeling sleeping beauty? Did you finally realize that you should helping us instead of slacking your ass off?” Your attention turned back to the cookies. 
He skimmed on his way to stand beside his sister, purposely hanging his arm around her shoulder. “When did you become a helpful hand? As far as I know, you’d rather lay down and wait for the food to be cooked than actually participating–"
“Oh my gosh, Jeonghan.” You widened your eyes at him, intentionally dropping the utensils from your hand. “Can’t you just be thankful that your sister at least tried to help me because your parents and my parents should be here in an hour?”
He glanced at the clock, immediately started panicking when he realized how long he slept in. “I’m so sorry. Do you need anything more? Do you need me to drive and buy something from the store? Just tell me.” He rummaged through the counter for his car keys. Anxiousness running over his facial expression which automatically made you and his sister laugh out loud. Jeonghan’s face switched into confusion, completely lost on track.
“You are so cute.” You giggled at him. His face still very confused from the situation. “See, this is why you should stop sleeping too much. You don’t have to worry. These cookies just needed to be baked and we’re all set.” You chuckled, nudging his waist with an elbow. 
“Oppa, you look so flustered.” His sister teased.
“Yah,” Jeonghan whined, pouting his lips a little which caused butterflies in your stomach. His lean arms wrapped around your body, as if he was asking you to join his side. “Babe, can you believe this? My sister is teasing her older brother.” He whined even more very closely to your ear which tickled you. 
“Your sister didn’t lie though. You really look so flustered.” You tried wiggling your body to free from his grasp instead he held you even tighter. “Jeonghan, please let go!” You giggled as you felt the touch of his nose on your neck. 
“Oppa!” Jeonghan’s sister whined like a child, completely disgusted by the sight. “Please be considerate that you two weren’t the only ones here. My eyes are watching a sin.” She grunted, rolling the dough forcefully.
You quickly glared at your boyfriend, hissing a little which immediately made him loosen his grip from you. He muttered an audible apology, clearing his throat from embarrassment. 
The rest of the hour consisted of more playful arguments and mess. Jeonghan had eventually helped the two of you to bake the cookies, but it rather turned into a disaster when he found the bowl of icing, and started wiping some frosting on your face. You scolded him at first, and him being a naughty as ever, just returned a laugh at you. A side of you knew that he wouldn’t stop right away, and you had prepared yourself for the upcoming icing war. Thankfully, Jeonghan’s little sister had excused herself to start getting ready since there wasn’t that much time left and both of your parents will come anytime. When you finished decorating and frosting all of the holiday-shaped cookies, a smile plastered on yourself as you stared at your masterpiece.
“Babe, can you please place this inside the oven? It’s already preheated.” You handed him the metal tray carefully.
Jeonghan didn’t give a verbal response as he gladly accepted the tray in one hand, but you weren’t expecting a huge blob of white frosting in your nose, almost blocking the passage of air. His laugh rang the whole kitchen, sprinting away from you to avoid your revenge. And to his surprise, he saw how calm and cute you looked with a sweet white frosting on the tip of your nose. 
You eyed him as he placed the tray inside the oven, while you grab the bowl of the leftover frosting. Dipping your finger to the icing, you tiptoed on your way, stopping right behind the crouching Yoon Jeonghan. Before he could whip around, you jumped onto his back, almost making the both of you fall (but Jeonghan’s reflexes are amazing), then wiping a handful of icing to his face. You squealed when you felt his strong hand on your wrist as you tried to get away from him.
“You think I’m gonna let you slip away?” He threatened, grinning widely.
The two of you were facing each other, him towering you with his figure and you yourself have your hands over your face to protect from whatever revenge he has in his mind. The frosting happened to landed on his cheeks, touching half of his lips. You watched him as he licked them with his lips and noticed how he’s trying to be seductive.
“Jeonghan, you’re disgusting.” You laughed, squinting at your sight.
He placed a quick peck on your lips, leaving few frosting on yours as well. You thought of bopping your nose on his other cheek, but the sound of the doorbell stopped you from continuing your evil plan. 
Both of your mouths opened in shock, eyes widening as you shuffled around the room, instatly cleaning up the mess you’ve made.
“We’re doomed.” You muttered under your breath, wiping your face with a tissue.
“I knew this would happen.” You both heard a sing-song from Jeonghan’s sister as she passed by the kitchen door. “I’ll go get it!”
The front door creaked as it opened, muffled voices echoed through the hallway. According from the mix of voices, it seemed like both of your families arrived together, which basically just made the two of you grow more anxious.
From a distance, Jeonghan was thoroughly wiping the table, then proceeded to toss some clatters in the bin while you placed the untensils and plates on top of the clean table.
Your head shot up to your younger brother who was excitedly running towards Jeonghan, immediately throwing his small arms around your boyfriend’s thigh, making him almost drop the big bowl of meal from his hands.
“Wow, I’m actually hurt that you are more excited to see him than your actual sister.” You scoffed at the little boy.
Once Jeonghan had placed the bowl safely on the table, he lifted the your brother, grasping him securely in his arms. Your heart melted like gold when your brother wrapped his small arms around Jeonghan’s neck in return. Their giggles filled the room, along with arrival of his and your parents. When you caught a glimpse of them from your peripheral vision, a curve lifted up from the ends of your lips, showering your parents with warm embrace. Of course, you couldn’t forget to give some love Jeonghan’s parents too.
“My dear, why is your face in a mess?” His mom cooed, wiping off a little frosting.
The habit of calling her as ‘Ma’ suddenly jumped in your mind. “Ma, your son happened to declare a frosting war five minutes before you came.” You laughed, reaching for some tissue to actually remove the rest of the icing.
“Hyung looks cute with icing on his face.” Your brother giggled from his grasp.
“I think unnie looks cuter.” Jeonghan’s sister smirked, winking at you.
Jeonghan had set your five-year-old brother down on the cold tile before doing his turn to welcome both of your parents. “Ma, can you excuse us? We just have to clean up a little.” He asked, slinging an arm around my shoulder.
“Yes, of course. Make yourself comfortable before we enjoy the meal.” Your own mom replied, settling herself down on the cushioned seats.
“Hyung, don’t take too much time okay?” Your brother pleaded, pouting his lips very cutely which Jeonghan found very adorable and heart-melting.
“Yah, you still haven’t spoken a single word to me.” It was your turn this time to whine at him. “Why do I have the feeling that you love Jeonghan more than me?”
He didn’t exert an effort to give you a response, instead he just gave Jeonghan a smile before turning away and hugging your dad.
A sigh let out your mouth, shaking your head in defeat.
“Your brother loves me, loser.” Jeonghan laughed, pulling you with him towards your shared bedroom to start cleaning up your sweaty selves.
Everyone had their mouths going, letting their tongue explode with the variety of flavors like a color palette. They wore precious smiles as they buried themselves with the steaming food, together with their families and cherishing the splendid moment with laughter.
In the middle of chomping the sweet delicacies, Jeonghan pulled your brother on his lap, feeding him with your baked cookies. As you witnessed his treatment to your younger sibling, an image of a family with him went straight up to your mind.
But you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your father speak. “Jeonghan, Y/N, do you ever consider to settle down, maybe someday?“
With that statement, Jeonghan almost dropped the cookie from his hands, stiffling a nervous laugh to your father. Both of your eyes met in unison, with alarming expression. He gave you a pleading look, asking for your support from your father’s random curiousness.
You forced a smile to your father, rubbing your nape a little before answering, “Dad, don’t you think that’s too random to ask?” You chuckled nervously, glancing at your boyfriend quickly. “Besides, we’ve only been together for more than a year. Jeonghan’s pretty young and busy with his music career too. I’m sure settling down will come to the both of us in the right time.”
Jeonghan and the rest of your family were pleased with your answer. He gave you a thankful smile, tapping your knee.
“I wasn’t talking to you, my dear.” Your dad gave you a smug grin, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “But, you do have a point.”
“Of course, Dad. I always have a point.” You laughed. “Your question was out of the blue though.”
“I just become immediately curious when I saw how he took care of your brother.”
Maybe your father saw a bright family for the both of you too. And maybe, hopefully, he was assured that you are going to be fine, happy, and well-loved in Jeonghan’s arms.
You watched as a vibrant smile appeared on Jeoghan’s lips, his eyes twinking at the sight of the younger boy. Running your fingers through your brother’s soft brown hair, he turned around to look at you and smiled widely.
“Noona, are you going to marry Jeonghan hyung tomorrow?”
All of your family members laughed at his question, even Jeonghan who was eyeing you lovingly.
You leaned a little closer to him, looking straightly to his orbs. “Do you want me to?” You asked, a little part of you hoping he would say yes.
“Hm,” He hummed, nodding his head. You witnessed the stars explode in his eyes as he answered truthfully.
Jeonghan peered to you over the younger’s head, his chest bobbing as he shared a smirk to you. With your brother’s response, Jeonghan had seen a future family with you as well.
“Ugh, that was very tiring.” You groaned, plopping yourself at the couch.
The families had already left, very grateful by the meal you and Jeonghan had prepared for them. Jeonghan’s sister went with them too, as per she wanted you and her brother to have some alone time for the rest of the day. On the other hand, your brother didn’t want to let go from Jeonghan’s arm, but he had promised him to visit anytime soon if he isn’t busy from promotions and other schedules. Though it was sad seeing your family flee already, you were still grateful and light hearted for having the chance to celebrate Christmas with them.
Elf was playing in the television, and the faint sound of the film kind of warmed and lightened up your exhausted body. Your eyelid felt heavy, mind swimming its way to your dreamland, until you felt a pair of warm arms scoop your body which momentarily made your eyes fly open. 
Jeonghan was smirking at you as he crushed your tired soul in his embrace. Nestling your head on his neck, you felt his warm breath against your skin. 
“Are you tired already?” He asked softly in your ears, running a palm on your hair which soothed you a bit.
You hummed, wrapping your arms around him and felt more warmness wander on you. 
“You can sleep. Then I’ll wake you up after a few hours.” He said. “You promised that we’ll build forts and snuggle while watching more Christmas film, right?” You felt him pout on the crown of your head.
Pulling away, you smiled weakly at him. “Of course, I wouldn’t miss that. Although I know both of us will end up sleeping in the middle of the first film.” You chuckled.
He was happy, and he knew he’s never going to stop being happy with you. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He whispered, kissing your forehead afterwards.
“Merry Christmas, Jeonghannie.” You sang, going back to your cuddling position.
© to the owner of the photos. I do not own any of the photos used. Thank you Hannah for helping with this.
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cielpurrple · 8 years ago
Pairing: Jimin x Reader Word count: 7447 Warnings: Cursing/swearing Summary: “Life” made your life a roller coaster ride as you and Jimin became housemates.
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Upon realizing what is Jimin doing in your room and your situation, you can’t help but to be in shock. Your defense started to be in control of your thoughts and actions. You scream, and quickly stood up, trying to push Jimin out of your recently owned room.
Jimin, who’s now shocked because of your actions just stared at you.
“GET OUT!” you managed to speak in between your screams but Jimin doesn’t budge.
“MOVE!” you began pushing him.
Jimin starts to move as you push him. You’re becoming impatient now so you stopped pushing  so he can walk properly. Then he faced you, with a smirk on his face.
You instatly became annoyed the moment you saw his smirk so you pushed him again.
“GET. OUT. OF. MY. ROOM.” you said as you pushed him with force.
You quickly opened your door and pushed him again. He stepped back so he’s completely out.
You  shut the door and locked it.
Your breaths are fast and heavy so just sat behind that door processing the entire picture for you to be able to answer your own thoughts.
How did he knew about this place?
Was he following you?
Is he your stalker now?
for a few minutes, you try to  calm yourself until your breathing returned to normal. You returned to your bed and tried to get back to sleep.
But you ended up staring at the blank wall of your room the rest of the night.
When you checked your phone, it reads: 4:45AM, you felt defeated so you just get out of bed and head for the kitchen.
When you reached the kitchen, you quickly checked if there’s anything you can cook. One of the cabinet’s abundant of in cans and instant noodles and such. You slightly smiled. So you walked to the fridge and your smile widened when there’s even more food inside. There’s a lot of milk, eggs, vegetables.
You checked the freezer and your mouth waters not just on the meat but on the ice cream that’s there.
You’re so excited you don’t know what to cook. So you thought about it for a bit and ended with bacon, eggs and toast and freshly brewed coffee.
You were so into cooking, you started humming that you didn’t notice that someone’s approaching you.
“Good morning, Princess.” Jimin whispered to your ear.
You quickly turned. You weren’t armed with words right now so you just blurted something along the lines of  ‘Wh-what are you doing here?’ in which you earned a small smile from the other. You just watch him grab two of each utensils. From coffee cups, plates, fork and spoon.
“As much as I want you looking at me like that, you should be returing to the stove princess. I can smell the bacon’s about to burn.” He winked at you.
You quickly turned back to the pan and the bacon is now dark brown. You turned the stove off, and transferred the bacon on the plate you prepeared near you.
You’re now breaking the eggs while he approach you, grabbing the bacon and placing it on the table.
He again whispered to your ear, saying “two sunny-side ups for me, please. Thank you.” as he passed by you.
You didn’t know what’s happening to you, but you felt your cheeks heat up.  you just did as he told and cooked two eggs for him.
“Y/N, how do you like your coffee?” he asked casually.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you brought the plate of eggs to the neatly prepared table and started grabbing whatever your hand can reach. When you have a decent amount of food on your plate, you turned around, and started to walk away. But before you even leave the kitchen, he blocked you.
“Where are you going?” his tone a bit alarmed.
“To my room.” you flatly responded.
“Why?” His face is quite disappointed.
“Who says I’m going to eat with you? And you haven’t even answered my question yet.” You sighed.
“I’ll answer your questions just please eat with me?” he pleaded.
You sighed.
“Fine.” You returned to the table and sat opposite him while he runs to his chair.
While you look at him, he keeps that annoying grin on his face as he grabs two of the toast.
“How did you know about this place?” you began.
“Ah, easy, I know the owners.” He replied after swallowing his first bite.
“How did you manage to get in?” you continued, as you sip your coffee, making a face because it’s both hot and freaking bitter. As you put sugar into it, you wait for his answer which came after.
“I have the keys.” He stated in an instant as he get his share of the eggs.
You slightly frowned but still trust his answer.
“You work for them or something?” you continued.
He stopped tearing his toast, as if he’s thinking about the answer. “Somewhat. Yeah.”
You leaned closer to him and whispered, “Are you a homeless person?”
He chuckled at first and then started to let a hearty laugh. You just stared at him with a serious expression. You now thought that he’s just playing with you and that his answers were just a joke.
You’re now gulping down your coffee that’s cooled down when he stopped laughing.
“I’m not really homeless princess. I live here. So technically I have a place to stay. Right?”
You just stared at him.
“Yeah.” You simply replied.
“Which means, we’ll be housemates.” It’s his turn to look at you while sipping on his coffee.
“Yeah. What?” You looked at him and then you processed what he just said, you felt defeated.
“Yes princess, you’ll see me everyday.” He winked at you as he continued eating.
You walked away.  Thinking that  of all people in this world, you’ll be living with the person you want to avoid for the rest of your life.  
 You hopped in the shower as soon as you manage to grab your things from your room. You finished in just a short time, you still have time to dry and style your hair.
You just wore simple clothing to school and you’ll change later at the office for the business appropriate one.
While you fix your bag, a gentle knock made you stop. You answered a “Yeah?” and Jimin slightly opened the door, only letting his head be seen.
“Let’s go. I’ll give you a ride to school.” He offered.
“No thanks.” You continue closing the zippers of your bag, trying to dismiss the topic that instant.
“You think a bus stop’s near here? You’re wrong princess. They’re not. Besides, nobody will take you there anyway. So can you go a bit easy on me and accept my offer?” he bargained.
You balanced his words and you think that he’s right. You haven’t explored the nearby areas so you can’t really tell if there’s a bus stop nearby.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
He let a smile and disappeared in sight. You went downstairs and wait for him on the entrance. Several minutes has passed, his car appears.
You want to seat at the back but it’ll be rude so you just sat besie him.
You fastened your seatbelt and looked at the road ahead.
“Here we go.” He spoke as he stepped on the accelerator.
You were looking for bus stops as soon as you left the place. And he was right, the nearest bus stop can be reached 10 minutes away by car. Given if you have your own car though. Going to school from the shop is easy but going there from your new house is a different thing.
The drive from the house to the university took you forty-five minutes.
He parked on one of the corners. You faced him.
“Jimin..” you stared at him.
He quickly looked at you.
“Princess?” he responded.
“I hope nobody will know. Of our situation.” You said.
“What situation?” he looks confused.
“You know.. you and I, living in a same house.” You tried to be calm.
“Ah. That. Don’t worry they won’t know that. Unless probably I can say we’re living in already?”
He smirked.
“UGH. JIMIN!” You groaned.
He chuckled this time.
“I got it, I got it. Don’t worry princess I won’t tell anyone. Oh yeah, shall we go home together?”
“I don’t think so. I have work.” You removed the seatbelt from your body.
“Ah, you do? Where?” he asked before the two of you get out of the car. You didn’t answer. You just walk away from him as you wear your backpack. He stared at your moving form, smiling excitedly and dangerously.
Oh the things he’s trying not  to do to you.
You were enjoying the playlist Taehyung copied to your phone when you realized that Jimin is your classmate on this subject. You just hoped that nothing will change in the way he’s about to treat you as dangerous it is for someone who’ll notice.
He came in, exactly two minutes before he’s considered late.
You just noticed what he is wearing right now. The man is wearing a grayish pullover hoodie, and black skinny jeans paired with white rubber shoes. You’re not sure whether it’s a shirt or long sleeves underneath the hoodie but he still looks good.
Wait what?
You quickly erased that thought and thought about something else. But him, approaching doesn’t really help.
He casually sat beside you, giving your direction a smile. You noticed through your peripheral vision and you just gave him a small one.
Your professor came in, posting what you should be doing on her class for today. She lets you discuss and plan your presentation. And she makes sure you’ll work because she wants an output by the end of the class.
Your body shifted to Jimin’s direction as you start to discuss what you have started to do so far.
“I’ve researched more for this, you know. About how it’s applied in the present. But there are a few articles, dating back four to six years ago so it’s quite old. How about you?”
You showed him your phone and let him look. He supported your grip by placing his hand on top of yours as he scrolls through. You waited for him to stop scrolling.
He looked at you in a normal way and he pauses for a bit.
“Instead of searching for literary works to support our presentation, why don’t we ask people around?”
He successfully gained your interest in full, you unconsciously leaned closer to him.
“How?” you excitedly asked.
“Well, I know a few business related people so maybe, we can ask for an appointment and we can interview them.” He admitted.
“Really?! We can interview?” you can’t  hide your excitement upon hearing what he suggested.
“Yeah. You like it? I mean that idea?” he confirmed.
“Of course! That’ll be great. So how can we do it?” you’re ready to type away the process and try your best to do whatever you can.
“Well, I’ll start by doing something then tell you if we have an appointment. Just be always ready okay? Oh, and try to think of questions you want to ask. Maybe a few.”
“Okay. But we have to you produce an output right now.” You looked at the board.
“Actually, we don’t. It’s for the others who didn’t need to present.” He spoke as he fix his things.
You did the same, putting back your stuff inside to be prepared to leave. Before the bell for the next class rings, the professor asked the class for their outputs. Jimin tugged your sleeve so you can leave.
“I’ll see you around.” You told him as the two of you were out. He leaned close to your ear which made you freeze for a moment and he whispered
“See you at home, princess.” He let a wink and a smile.
“UGH. WHATEVER.” You turned and walked to your next class.
You were bombarded by texts during your second class. You wanted to turn your phone off but you don’t have the courage to take your phone out since the first rule of your professor is no phones unless it’s an emergency.
When the professor ended the class, you quickly checked your phone.
There are 3 missed calls from Taehyung and 6 from Jungkook.
You quickly answered Taehyung’s incoming call.
[Y/N-AAAAHHHH I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! I wanna see you so bad.]
You chuckled upon hearing him on the other line.
[Where are you? Let’s meet! Ditch your last class please.]
“Wow, you’re an excellent influence, mister. I can’t. We can meet after though.”
[REALLY?! Sure, sure. See you at LATE?]
“Okay. I’ll text you.” you ended the call.
Your last subject ended fast. Your professor is so great in adding humor to his lesson, you became an active listener.
As soon as you were free, you texted Taehyung that you’re on your way to the cafe.  
 As you approach the cafe, you noticed a bench full of noisy students. There you saw Jimin. Your eyes moved to the person beside him, and you felt somewhat disappointed.
There’s Sana, giggling with other boys.
You continued walking to the cafe.
You were greeted by Jin’s warm smile and you smiled back. You stopped by the counter to order when someone wrapped their arms around you and hugged you.
“Y/N-aaaaahhh~” it was Taehyung.
You turned and hug him back. He held into you tighter.
“I missed you~~~” he said.
“I missed you too.” You replied.
“Order first you two or I’ll kick you out.” Jin spoke not directly at you but to Taehyung.
“The usual.” He responded while Jin winked at you.
“Y/N, how are you?” he asked as the both of you sat down.
“I’m fine. You?”
“Well, I was worried about you though. I visited your dorm a week ago and they told me you wern’t there anymore.” his face full of worry.
“Don’t worry Tae, I’m fine. I’m here, see?” you assured him.
The two of you started chatting and catching up. You were in the middle of eating when he asked something out of the blue.
“So where do you stay now?”  he looked at you as he sliced his cake.
You don’t even know what to say to him. You were the one who told Jimin that nobody has to know of your situation. And that includes his close friends.
“Well, I um, staying with a distant relative right now.” You tried to sound as convincing as you can.
“Oh, I see. I’m glad they let you stay there.” he dismissed the topic.
You felt a sense of relief when he actually ended the topic there. But you felt something’s not actually right because this is Taehyung, who always ask until he’s satisfied with the answer he get.
You were deep in your thoughts when Taehyung caught your attention by saying “Ah, Jimin hyung.”
And true enough, he’s approaching.
“Yow.” He greeted Taehyung with a funny handshake.
“Hi princess.” He looked at you cutely.
You just looked at him and watch him sit opposite you.
“Why are you here?” you asked.
He was caught off guard.
“Ow. Can’t I hang out here anymore? I’m hurt.” He playfully asked you as he clutched his heart.
“Oh, how sensitive of you, your highness, I’m just asking.” You responded back.
“I am here not to spoil your date with one of my best friends but to do something about our presentation.” He pouted.
Once again, he caught your attention.
“How would you do that in a coffee shop?” your ebrow raised.
“Princess, have you forgotten already? I told you I know people.” He winked at you and he leaned back to his chair.
When he starts scrolling through his phone, you imagined he’s not there and focused in Taehyung.
You ended up chatting until you realized you’re running late for your work.
“Shoot. I’ve gotta run. Tae, I’m sorry!” quickly, you grabbed your things and run.
You were in the middle of running when your phone vibrated in your pocket. You saw it’s Jimin you answered it anyway.
“WHAT?!” you snapped at him.
[Whoa calm down. Let me just take you to work.] He sincerely offered.
“Okay.” You calmed down.
[Behind you.] he honked and you run towards the car.
“Address please.” He said as he look at you.
“Just drive I’ll tell you the way.” You fastened the seatbelt.
“Right.” He responded.
You don’t actually want to let him know where you work because you are more than a thousand percent sure he’ll pester you and distract you from your work.
You were a few blocks away from your work and you asked him to drop you there.
“What time should I pick you?” he asked.
“What?” you replied to him.
He chuckled. “ I said, What time should I pick you?”
You don’t understand but your heart starts to beat in a different rhythm. You’re trying to fight the urge but you give in anyway.
“Eight.” You unbuckled the seatbelt.
“Eight it is. See you later, princess.”
You dashed to the botique.
“Just in time!. I like what you’re wearing today.” She commented
You realized you didn’t change your clothes.
“Oh no, I’ll just change.” You were on your way but she stopped you.
“No need. You look amazing dear. Just put some cardigan and your good to go.” She assured.
“Thanks.” You smiled.
A phone call started your shift.
This day, she taught you how to confirm deliveries from your suppliers, who to ask if you’re in doubt.
You were tested right away when a courier came to drop large boxes and more than a dozen rolls of fabric.
It was addressed to your botique and you confirmed it. You called the manager  in charge and he signed the receiving receipt.
That day, you were quited pumped. Evening arrived and a text made your screen light up.
[From: Jimin
I’m here princess.]
You timed out on the dot and left the botique to the security personnel.
You walked as fast as you can and you saw Jimin leaning on his car waiting for you.
“Quite a chilly night. Aren’t you cold?” he questioned before you both enter his car.
“No.” You simply responded.
You buckled up and he drive away.
He drives faster than the driver the Madam’s that’s why you arrived at the house early.
When you left the car, you went straight to the kitchen and started pulling vegetables.
You’re planning on making beef stew and thank goodness the ingredients are complete.
When it’s time to let the meat simmer, you went upstairs to change clothes.
You were not sure which was Jimin’s room so you called him and he answered right away.
“I prepared some food. Come down.”
[Be right there.]
Then you hang up.
You went straight to the stove and when you checked the stew, it’s sauce starts to be in the consistency that you wanted. It just to simmer for a bit. The rice is cooked and you just need to prepare something sweet for dessert and you thought of fruits.
You sliced oranges and apples and put grapes in one platter. You neatly placed it on the table when he arrived.
“Smells good. What are you cooking?” Jimin walked past you, peeking at the stew.
“Whoa. I think I like this already.” He grabbed utensils and went to the table.
When the stew’s sauce reached it’s boiling point, you turned the stove off and placed it on the center of the table.
You opened the lid and gave him the ladle so he can start eating.
You eyed him as he starts transferring food into his plate. He blew several times on it and ate.
“AH. SO YUMMY!” He exaggeratedly commented.
You chuckled.
You ate in silence until the dessert was the only food left untouched.
“Hey, leave just a bit for Tae and Kookie will you?” you said to him as he get another spoonful.
“No. I’ll eat this all myself.” He starts eating some more.
“How greedy.” You stood up to get water.
“Fine, this is my last spoonful.” He agreed.
You transferred the remaining stew on a container to bring tomorrow.
He insisted to clean the dishes so you let him. You just cleaned the tables and told him you’ll be upstairs.
You started organizing your study and advanced reading schedule.
You were trying to solve a problem on one of your worksheets when Jimin came bursting the door open.
“God, you startled me.” Your voice a bit higher than normal.
Then a strong scent of peach overpowers the room. He just went out of the shower.
“What do you want?” you tried to return to your practice excercises.
“Your presence? Or probably You in general.” He comfortably plopped himself down on your bed.
You controlled yourself to stop the blush that’s about to form in your cheeks by resting one of your cheeks to your hand and pretend that you’re still into studying.
He noticed the plushie he gave you sitting cutely on the upper corner of the bed.
“You use this?” he waved  the toy.
You glanced at him and replied a truthful “Yes.” Then returned to what you’re doing. You gave up on the worksheets and now you’re highlighting something on your book.
You were distracted when you heard several shutter sounds. You gave up on studying totally.
Then you looked at him, he’s hugging your plushie while he takes a picture. Or probably pictures.
“Hey, what are you doing with my doll? Put it back where you saw it!” you approached him in attempt to get the toy.
“Hey it’s mine!” you protested.
He raised a his index finger, trying to shut you up.
“Techinically it’s mine.” He hugged it tighter.
“You gave it to me so it’s mine now.” You now pouted as you tried to snatch it for the second time.
In a swift movement, he changed the hand that’s holding the plushie.
While you’re so annoyed at him, you didn’t noticed that you actually climbed on his lap.
“Argh. Give it back Jimin!” you tried to reach it but you felt his breath close to your ear. And that’s when you realized that he was actually giggling. You stopped and looked at him but you yourself was also stunned by how close your face to his.
“It’s nice to know that my princess likes these things.” He teased.
Your mouth fell open with lack of words, you just pushed him, making his back fall on the bed and you climb off of him, having an opportunity to grab the plushie.
“Do you want this back? Next time, don’t give things half assed to people and when you feel you want it back, you’ll just gonna get it.” You looked at the doll, you grew quite fond of it but you’re annoyed at the giver so you shoved it to him.
“Here, Take it. It’s yours anyway. If you don’t have anything important to say, please leave my room. I want my privacy.”
He hugged the plushie as if it’s a real child.
“Oh no... your owner doesn’t want you anymore? Poor dolly. I’ll take care of you. He grabbed his towel and your plushie, then head to the door.
“Good night princess, see you tommorrow.” He winked and closed the door.
You frowned at him.
You have no choice but to fix the ruffled bed.
As you prepare yourself to sleep, you felt incomplete because you don’t have anything to hug. So you hugged one of your pillows. As you pressed your face to it, it smelled like Jimin, you felt a bit annoyed but hugging something made you fall asleep easily.
Jimin was really surprised when he saw you on that room. He didn’t know how and why you ended up living there in the first place. But for whatever reason, he’s thankful that you’re there, living with him. He gets excited every time he reminds himself that you’re living in one house.
He’s even happier when you agreed to ride with him to school, drop you to your “work”, and even fetch you. He felt like you’re his girlfriend.
His fantasy intensifies when you even called him for dinner. The dinner that you cooked. His thoughts have levelled up, he now thinks that you’re his wife. Somewhat.
That he, tried to wash away in an instant. Because he’s afraid that he won’t be able to control himself once he give in to his thoughts.
He just planned on teasing you when you made a bold move and actually sat on his lap just for that plushie. You even fought for ownership.
You must’ve liked it very much.
He’s now staring at it, then he placed it beside him.
He can’t help it but he kissed the doll and whispered
“Good night Y/N.” And sleep.
The days passed so fast it’s now the weekend. You’re now getting used to the routine as a working student. You’re very glad that you’ve been given responsible group mates.
You opened one of your windows and a chilly breeze greeted you.
“Brr.. it’s gonna be autumn soon..” you said to yourself.
You make your way to the bathroom to take a warm bath. The relaxing scent of your favorite bubble bath (so far) always makes your day. You again wrapped yourself with a towel and then drained the tub
When suddenly, the bathroom door burst open, revealing Jimin.
Both of your eyes met and locked in an instant.
You just stood there as if you couldn’t move. You even studied his form. His hair wet with what you think is sweat. You noticed he’s huffing. Your eyes went lower than his neck and you noticed  He’s shirtless.
You looked back at his eyes, his gaze seemed different but you can’t point out what. He’s not even shy and he’s also shamelessly looking at your body. Then you remembered you’re only wearing a towel.
Then you screeched.
He also moved as if he was woken up on his daydream. You run towards your room and immediately closed the door.
You quickly changed into sweatpants, shirt, layered with sweatpants.
You dried your hair quickly and lied into your bed, curling into a ball.
You just cried. Without any reason actually. You just cried.
You don’t know how many minutes or hour has passed then a soft knock on your door made you stop.
“Y/N open the door please?” he tried to be as clear as possible behind the door.
“GO AWAY.” You tried to shout at him but you only managed to mutter a whisper.
“Open up please? If you want me outside your room, that’s okay. Just please open up.” he pleaded.
You wiped the tears with your sleeves and you walked towards the door and opened it.
He was surprised that you were crying, his face now full of concern.
“I’m sorry. It was very early and I thought nobody’s there. Rest assured I didn’t see anything. I promise.”
He explained.
You just looked at him and sinffle. You can’t help but to cry again.
You somewhat felt violated. As you slowly close your door, you saw his shoulders fall and you felt a little pain from the last sight of him as you completely closed your door.
 You fell asleep  while crying and woke up with a rumbling stomach. When you opened the door, a box with a tray on top blocked your entrance. There’s a wide selection of pastries there, plus your plushie.
You grabbed everything quickly and went back to your room.
You opened one of the pastries and when strawberry hit your taste buds, you let out a satisfied groan.
Then you grabbed your toy and you stared at it. You noticed that there’s a note attached to it’s body.
You opened it and it says “SORRY”.
You removed the note and hugged the toy.
You sighed and talked to the doll.
“What do I do? Should I talk to him? Even you smelled like him.”
You tried burying your head on the doll. This time, you tried to reflect on your actions.
You realized that you didn’t actually locked the door. And you shouldn’t screamed at him. You sighed.
“Ugh. Fine. Let’s cook something for him.” You brought the doll with you towards the kitchen.
You let the doll ‘sit’ on one of the counters and started making curry for him.
While waiting for the curry to simmer, you made rice balls and shaped it into a bear.
Then you neatly placed it ino a plate, making the curry somewhat of a ‘carpet’ and the bear is sitting in the middle.
Just to know where he is, you texted Taehyung and he replied that he didn’t dropped by yet.
You just placed the food on the table, hoping he’ll come out soon or if he’s out, he’ll come back soon and put a small note saying “I’m sorry too.” and covered it.
You entertained yourself by watching TV on the wide living room. You swear this house can have a party for fifty people and they will not feel crammed in the living room area alone.
You lied down on the soft couch and when your fourth movie starts, your eyes started to get heavy.
You fell asleep, hugging your doll.
Jimin woke up early to go jogging that day. He finished four lapses. When he’s satisfied, he returned home. He was so sweaty, he anticipated taking a bath as soon as he reached home. He took off his shirt to cool himself down. He rubbed his hair with a towel that he brought and went straight to the bathroom.
When he approaches, that’s when he smelled a sweet, floral scent. He thought some bottles were opened or knocked down or something so he quickly turned the knob and he was surprised it wasn’t lock.
There he saw you.
He saw you wearing just a towel.
Your eyes met but you looked into different direction so he did the same.
He tried to control himself but you look so inviting. So when you screamed, he was relieved because if that staring contest lasts for even another second, he swore he wouldn’t be able to control himself anymore.
He sighed as he watched you run for your life as if it was the end of the world.
He didn’t bother locking the door and started to take a bath.
While he was showering, he saw your dirty clothes. He just stared at it and thought about what to do.
He should apologize.
So he did.
But he wasn’t confident enough wether you’ll open up. So he was a bit hopeful when you did. But to his disappointment, you began to cry again when he apologized so he just left, defeated.
Before he get out of the house, he placed a tray of pastries and your doll in front of your door, hoping you’ll forgive him.
He went to the garden and just admired the trees and plants that’s starting to dry. Then he left to clear his mind. And he hopes that when he comes back, you’re fine.
He just did a stroll, he drove around the city. When it’s late, he decided to come back.
He heard the TV’s on from the front door. He assumed that you’re watching so he went to the kitchen.
He noticed that there’s something on the table so he uncovered it. He suddenly smiled upon seeing it.
He took more than ten? Probably twenty pictures of the food that was in front of him. He doesn’t want to eat it because of the cute presentation but he knew you want it to be eaten so he savored the taste.
He’s so happy right now. He even folded the note and placed it into his pocket. When he’s finished, he cleaned up and went to the living room.
He saw your sleeping form, and in an instant he felt warm. He saw your slow breaths once again, and you look so adorable, hugging the plushie. He took a picture of you too.
Then he wake you up.
“Y/N, wake up, it’s cold here.” You heard Jimin’s voice waking you up.
Your eyes started to flutter and when you adjusted to the lights, your vision saw Jimin in a squatting position near you.
You quickly sat up.
“Sorry I fell asleep again. Um, did you ate?”
You felt somewhat disappointed because you’ve prepared something for him.
“Oh, I see.” You gave him a small smile, fixing your gaze on the carpeted floor.
“I love the curry. Thank you.” he said.
“What?” Your head shoots up.
“The curry, on the table? Oh no. It’s not for me is it? Shit, sorry Y/N, I ate it.” his face is now plastered with worry.
You gave him a sincere, wide smile.
“No, it’s for you.” you shyly admitted.
“Really? That’s for me?!” he asked for confirmation.
“Yes.” You said clearly.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized.
“I’m sorry I didn’t lock the door. I’m sorry I screamed at you.” you looked down, avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t worry about it. Uh, Y/N? Can I do something?” he asks.
“Yeah?” you responded.
Without any second wasted, he just caged you into his arms. That peachy scent that you hate starts to feel somewhat comforting right now. You responded to his hug by patting his back.
He kissed your hair.  
“HEY, NO KISSING!” you said.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. So, are we okay now?” he asked.
“Yes.” You confirmed.
“That’s good to hear.” He hugged you tighter.
“Jimin...” you called him.
“Princess?” he responded.
“I’m wanna go to the toilet.” You confessed.
“Want me to accompany you?” he teased.
“OH MY GOD NO!” you pushed him and ran towards the bathroom.
After that, the two of you started watching whatever movie that’s on the TV.
The both of you laughed at the same scene. You told him you’re sleepy so you went to bed.
The next morning, you went straight to the kitchen to cook breakfast for the two of you. When the food’s ready, you called him.
[Good morning, Princess]
“Hi, good morning, where are you? I cooked breakfast.”
[I’ll be there in a sec.]
You ended the call.
He came from a different direction from the main door.
“Let’s eat outside. You’ll like it there.”
He placed the food on a tray and went out.
You followed him, bringing only two cups of coffee.
True enough, this house is full of amazing things. There’s a garden at the back of this house. Not just a garden but a large one. The various plants adds beauty to the house.
“You’re right, I like it.” you smiled at him.
You enjoyed breakfast with him while admiring the trees as it swayed with the wind.
When you’re both done eating, you can’t help but to ask him a question that’s been in your head.
“Jimin?” you looked at him.
“Princess?” He locked his phone and focused his attention at you.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, I hope you’re not gonna be offended. But what exactly is your job again?”
He smiled.
“You’ll know sooner or later.” He responded as he stretched his legs.
“Hmpf.” You responded as you clean up.
You went back to the garden after cleaning up and saw him watering the plants.
You were in your daydream when a splash of water wake you up.
“HEY!” you looked at him.
“You’re asking me what do I do here right? That’s what I do.” He smiled at you.
“You treat people as plants and suddenly water them?” you replied.
“If that’s what you think I do then why not?” he responded playfully.
“Aaaa Jimin, tell me..” you pleaded.
“Kiss me first.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes and went inside.
You found a water bottle lying around. You filled it with water and slowly went back to the garden.
You unopened the bottle and threw the water on his direction, making his back wet.
“Kiss your face!” you teased.
“Ah, you asked for it, don’t cry later!” he pointed the water hose at you and began splashing you with water.
“Aaaa not fair! Not fair.” You both created a muddy pathway.
“Run Y/N, if I caught you I’ll throw you to the pool.”  He suddenly ran towards you.
You screamed while you run away from him.
You started hiding on one of the bushy parts of the garden. When you saw him approaching, you crawled slowly so you’d have a safe distance from him.
You grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it on his direction which hit his legs.
“AAA!” you teased.
He smiled and run faster than before, he’s now serious.
You run towards the house but he’s so quick, he caught you. You tried freeing yourself you ended up falling down.
You ended up giggling together. You just stopped when you felt his breath close to your face.
You now noticed that he’s on top of you.
Your face became serious, your breaths began to quicken.
His face starts to be closer... closer.. closer..
Then he kissed your nose. And stood up. He offered you his hand and you gladly accepted it.
“Go washup princess, you look like a mess.”
You nodded and went to the bathroom, triple checking you locked it.
As you sink in the warm water, you somewhat felt a bit disappointed.
Disappointed with what?
Were you disappointed because he didn’t kissed you on the lips but on the nose instead?
Were you?
You sighed and you sinked your head to the water.
What is Jimin doing to your head right now?
You don’t know.
When you went out of the bathroom, you noticed Jimin already took a bath.
“Y/N, let’s do our presentation.” He offered.
“Okay.” You replied.
You began transferring important information from your paper to slides. You asked him to take over when it’s time to prepare lunch. And this time, you want to cook fried chicken and made different dips. So you did.
When the food’s ready, the two of you ate at the living room and tasted different dips and Jimin liked the sweet one. Afternoon has passed and you’re both askin each other if you’re not sure what to include.
It’s already dark and you were just nearly half of the presentation when it suddenly went dark, leaving the laptop as the source of light.
“Tch blackout.” He stated.
“What do you think happened?” you turned your phone’s flashlight.
“Probably it’s some electrical problem of the house, or it’s the electrical company’s fault.”
He stood up and started dialling.
“Wait here okay. I’ll call the company.”
“Okay.” You replied.
You continued typing when the laptop died.
You shouted when it died and you panic
“Jimin, Jimin, Jimin!” you went to him.
“The laptop’s dead now. Did you saved the presentation?”
“I’m not sure. But it can be recovered.” He assured you.
“Okay.” You returned to your seat and waited for Jimin to come back. When he returned, he walked past you and checked for a flashlight.
“Sometimes I hate this house. Because they didn’t install a generator here.”
“Where are you going?” you tried following the flashlight’s ray.
“I’m waiting for the someone who can check electrical stuff. Oh they’re here.” He walked towards the main door.
“Stay here.” He ordered and shut the door.
You’re resisting the urge to play with your phone because you’re preserving the battery.
An hour has passed and the electricity came back, then it flickered, blackout again.
You’re trying to entertain yourself when the lights went back on again. Jimin called you.
“Yes?” you answered
“Don’t plug anything yet. Let’s wait for about thirty minutes. I’ll be right there I’ll just see them leave.”
You hang up.
You waited for him and when he returned he grabbed some snacks. He sat beside you.
He offered you his food and you thanked him. While munching on the snack, he scooted closer to you.
“Should we include this too?” you pointed on the part of your paper that you underlined with pencil.
“Yes. We can actually stop here and continue whenever we can. It’s nearly morning.
“Don’t worry I’ll clean up.” he assured.
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Yes. Good night.”
You replied a good night and went to your room.
You fell asleep in an instant when you hit the mattress.
The days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month. And with that, the examination week for finals is fast approaching. You’ve been both busy with your other subjects, you ended up catching up through texts or video calls. He helps you whenever you needed his opinion and vice versa. You went home one Friday night without expecting anything and you were surprised when you opened the lights, a party popper suddenly burst and confetti fell.
“You almost killed me there.” you smacked his arm. “What’s this for?” you asked him as you eyed the table full of food.
“Just a little something. You know,  to celebrate your first month living here... with me.” He confessed. You recalled and counted the days and he was right. You can’t believe you’ve been living with Jimin in a harmonious way for a month.
You smiled at him.
“Cheers!” you raised a glass of apple juice and he raised a can of beer.
Jimin connected his phone to a speaker and as an upbeat music starts to play, you both danced. He held your hand and you twirled. You even played ‘whipped cream tag’ where you’ll put whipped cream to each other’s body whatever’s reachable.
You both ended up in the living room, under a truce since both of you ran out of whipped cream.
You looked at him and noticed his orange hair covered with whipped cream. You tried removing it with your hands. You kneeled to have a better view of his hair while he slightly bowed so you can see. When you removed everything, you stopped and sat back down beside him.
You were surprised by his following movements. He grabbed your wrist and put one of whipped cream –filled finger into his mouth.
You gulped at his actions, your heart starts to pound faster. You hoped he doesn’t hear it.
“Jimin... wha-wha-what are you doing?” you looked at his face, his expression became dim.
“Fuck it, I’ll apologize later if I have to.” He pulled you closer to him and he closed the gap between your lips.
He started kissing you in a slow manner and it sent electricity in your entire body, making you weak in the knees. He supported your body by placing one of his hands on the small of your back, one on the nape of your neck. While you find his nape and clasped your hands there for additional support. You smelled his usual peachy scent, this time, you didin’t stopped yourself, you took him in. You let yourself get intoxicated in his scent.  When you learned the rhythm, you kissed him back. You don’t know how four glasses of apple juice can make a person drunk. You felt how his soft lips move faster. You tried to catch up. The two of you pulled away from each other, panting. You don’t know but somehow you felt embarrassed so you looked down. He cupped your chin for you to have the same level with his eye.
You tried to look at him and when you do, he smiled. A smile which made you felt secure.
You smiled back. He embraced you and you returned it.
You stayed liked that in silence when you pulled away.
“Where are you going?” he questioned.
“We have to clean up.” you laughed.
“Riiigghht.” He stood up and the two of you started cleaning the mess you made.
When you’re done, you went upstairs together to go to your respective rooms.
“We’ve been here for a month and I don’t know which room is yours.” You pouted.
“Ah, easy.” He opened the door of the room next to yours.
You peeked and you saw a room painted in light blue. The sheets are in white with what you think is a design of paint splatter in black.
“Good night, princess. Happy first month.” He smiled.
“Good night.” You smiled back.
He watched you enter your room and when he heard a faint ‘click’ behind your door, he entered his own.
the plushie/doll/toy that Jimin gave Y/N/;
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! I do not own the gifs/pics so CREDITS TO THE OWNERS!
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melyaliz · 4 years ago
Remember me pt. 8
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: the last two months were some of the hardest months I have ever had to deal with. But they are over now and I am slowly pulling myself out of the gutter. And oh so grateful that my creativity is back 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Bakugou- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
“So what’s up with you and metalhead?” Kirishima asked as the heroes slowly rode the bus they had been given back to the large glass building. Bakugou, who had been peacefully resting, peeked an eye open glaring at the redhead who was smiling at him.
“Who?” The blonde knew who he was talking about. But he wasn't about to let Kirishima know he knew.
“The girl with the Gojra shirt.”
“Nothing.” eyes closed, head resting back angst the headrest as if that was the end of the conversation. However, with Kirishima it never was.
“You guys talked, did you get her number?”
That comment didn’t even deserve a response. Or the weird way his stomach clenched when it was asked. “No, why would I?”
“Because you like her” Kirishima poked him in the side or tried too but Bakugou swatted it away never opening his eyes.
“I don…”
“Tell me you at least you got her number.”
“Why do you care?” that one had a bit of a bite to it. A warning to back off.
“You didn’t! Bro…” disappointment lanced in the red head’s voice. As if Bakugou had just told him he was giving up on becoming number one or something. It was just some girl’s number.
“We are only here for a few more weeks--” Bakugou started to reason but was once again cut off.
“Oh look there she is, you can ask her out now.”
Bakuoug’s eyes opened looking out the window to see her talking to a few of her coworkers. Well, he assumed they were coworkers since she regularly talked to them. One of them, a guy, leaned forward annoying close to her to tell her something that made her laugh.
Something inside him made him hot. That same feeling he would get in high school when Deku would steal the spotlight. Would do something that would make everyone think he was better than he was. He wasn’t better. And neither was this guy.
As the bus stopped letting everyone out he walked out and stepped up to the group.
“Hey Olive”
She turned her face breaking into a smile as she saw him. “Hello, Bakugou. Beautiful weather isn’t it?” He knew her overly formal way of speaking was her lack of knowledge in the Japanse language but it still bothering him a little. She was obviously not a very formal person with her coworkers.
“I’m back for the weekend, I’m taking you to dinner.” Right to the point. He had never been one for small talk.  
“I’m free Saturday,”  she didn’t even bother asking where or when
“6 here,” he nodded. With the plans made he walked off not bothering -daring- to look back. However, he was able to catch that annoying guy ask about the interaction.
“What did he say?”
“Nothing important”
“It looked important,” one of the girls said her voice hitching in that weird squeak sound that girl would get when they were telling each other secrets.
Bakugo was dealing with two issues that were making his life a living hell.
Ok maybe that was a little dramatic but… making his life hard
One was sleeping next to Olive.
Sleeping next to someone you are physically attracted to and have had an intimate relationship with before is normally fine but as the days wear on, your body starts to crave them. It’s as if no matter how much you remind your bain it's your body that you have to fight. It knows that the warm body next to it makes it feel so good. It wants those feelings again.
And it had been a while.
in fact, besides that odd mission that took longer than it should plus healing after this might be the longest they had ever gone without having sex.  
His body burned next to hers and the fact that he couldn't touch her was slowly starting to eat him alive. He kept telling himself he was stronger than this. That he could keep his sexual urges at bay but in the dark of the night where all he could do was feel the warmth of her body surrounded by her scent, it was madding.
One night she had moaned in her sleep and reached out her fingers brushing his torso. So touched starved and horney he was wide awake in seconds and so hard it was almost painful.
He was getting in a lot more late-night workouts.
Which just lead to him being more tired and grumpy. Everything seemed to irritate him now.
Which led to his second problem
Trying to get everyone to show up at the same place at the same time.
Trying to organize his old classmates was like herding cats. Not only did the conversation derail at every glimmer of an opportunity but their lives were so busy just getting that many heroes to have a few hours off was near impossible.  
It could also be partly (mostly) his fault. If he was being REALLY honest with himself. (Self refection seemed to be an ongoing theme since this whole fucking issue had happened.) Bakugou may not have really wanted them to be there. He hated the idea of everyone knowing what was going on in their marriage. Their problem was unique and kind of intimate and he hated the idea that somehow he may have failed Olive.
So he was dragging his feet.
That was until she came back from therapy with puffy red eyes unable to look at him. The moment she walked into the apartment he was instatly clued in knowing something was wrong because she didn’t even greet Dolemite who came crying up to her in excitement at her being home. He could hear her mumbling something and then a soft wet laugh.
He was looking over the reports on her case again. Pouring over each detail as if something would pop out at him. There was still nothing -besides the American angle- that seemed to link the two of them. But he couldn’t give up, if he focused harder, kept looking something would popup.
Or that was what he was telling himself until something else demanded his attention. Something much worse walked into the living room. Olive, looking completely defeated.
“Oh shit” she mumbled, catching his gaze a look of surprise on her face, “ you're not at work?”
“No, I only went in for a few hours.” he decided now was not the time to work on her Japanese. The way she looked. It made him sick. He wanted to go right over to that therapist and pound him (or her) into the ground. How dare they make Olive cry like that.
Looking away she coughed, “I’m going to wash up” she mumbled wiping the back of her hand across her face.
“Ok” he watched her go as the door closed behind her he heard her let out a choked sob. It shot through him like a bullet. Worse than any punch he had ever taken. Worse than anything he had ever felt.
He had thought it was getting better.
Apparently not.
He knew he should just leave it. Just let her work out whatever leftover emotions she was dealing with from Therapy. She obviously wanted her privacy closing the door and not making eye contact with him. But he couldn’t help it. Getting up he walked up to the door leaning against it leaning against the door. His back to it trying to see if he could hear anything.
It was muffled but her voice was loud enough fro him to catch a few phrases.  
“I can’t do this Lilly” her voice was soft. “I just want to be happy. I just want to stop missing him.”
“Do you think you were the all sunshine and roses the first time around?” Lilly was obviously on speaker muffled by the door. “You need to stop putting those impossible standards on yourself”
“But I’m not just hurting, I’m hurting him too.”
Him, she meant Bakugou. He frowned, his heart pounding. She was crying because she was hurting him. As if he needed to be protected. It was almost laughable
“He’ll get over it” was Lilly’s soft voice. “He’s a big boy”
Olive let out another sob saying something about unfair and something else he couldn’t make out. Bakugou’s fists clenched angrily, feeling them grow hot small pops erupting in his hands. He didn’t care if it was planned or not, he was going to find that memory querk guy and beat him to a bloody pulp for making Olive feel like this.
His phone vibrated and he looked down to See Kirishima saying he just got off.
Letting out a low growl he shot off a text to the group,
Whoever can make it show up the rest of you losers can just die.
Olive came out 10 mins later. She had washed her face and she looked much cleaner and less, distressed. Finding Bakugou on the couch she smiled waving at him.
“So I was thinking maybe we go out for dinner? Do something fun?” she looked as if she hadn’t just been having a mental breakdown in the bedroom. All smiles and sunshine. That was his girl. A fighter, never settling for anything less than the best. Nothing could keep her down for long.
“Well good because we are meeting some people for dinner and drinks.”
This time her smile reached her face as she lit up. “Really who!?! Is it Kirishima?” she quickly switched to the Japanese trying to get in as much practice as she could.
“ Among a few others yes,”
Letting out a squeal she turned, “What would I wear? Is it a nice dinner?”
“Cute, not fancy.” walking past her he lead her back into thei bedroom. Her bouncing behind him like a puppy into their shared closet all smiles and giggles. Grabbing a black dress that he loved her in he handed it to along with a red leather jacket.
“Thank you Katsuki,” she said looking at the clothes. Nodding he turned to grab his own outfit. He could hear her rushing toward the bathroom to change and probably put some makeup on.
“You have 30 minutes to get ready” he called after her as the phone in his pocket blew up with texts on who was coming and when they would be showing up.
Let’s just get this over with. He thought as he quickly changed going out to the bedroom he jumped onto the bed looking over the texts waiting for Olive to finish up. 45 minutes later Olive appeared. He was about to give her shit for taking so long but when he saw her standing there he just about had a heart attack.
Dressed in that cute little black dress he had forgotten how good it looked on her. Hugging each curve giving just enough cleavage to show off but not enough to be scandalous. The little heeled booties make her legs look amazing.
Oh god.
Her makeup was done all smokey and her hair had a bit of a messy curl in it giving her a bit of a rocker vibe. It took all his will power to not pull her onto the bed and just take her right there.
He wanted to so badly
“Too much? ” she asked fidgetting with the hem of her leather jacket. One he had gotten for her a few months ago after watching her admire it in a shop window.
“ No, ” he said, getting up, “ let’s go. ”
“I’m kind of nervous” she mumbled following him out. Her English words clean and clear giving off her true emotions.
“ You said you wanted this, ” he said looking at her continuing in Japanese so that she could get as much practice in. Their friends English ranged from ok to nonexistent so she needed to be ready, “ And it’s not like they don’t know you.”  
“I just… yeah” she muttered her gaze looking away from him. He instantly regretted teasing her.
“ These are kids from UA, all proheros now. And they like you. ” he paused fighting back a smile at the memories of her meeting them all for the first time, “ Probably more than me. ”
“I doubt that ” was her response as she bit her upper lip.
“ Stop that, ” he said, shoving her slightly with his shoulder. She turned confused. “ Worrying ,” he pointed to his lip to indicate he saw what she was doing.
“ Ok .” she nodded as they walked, their hands kept brushing finally she just reached out grabbing his. He looked down at her fingers wove into this and he felt painfully aware of how it made him feel. How he wanted to just pull her closer to him. Take her away to somewhere quiet, alone. Make her remember him. Remind her body at least of how it loved him. But he didn’t just walking with her. Feeling like they were marching toward their death sentience.
His friends better behave.
To say Bakugou had two problems was putting it lightly
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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