#i said james potter was an enfp
addsalwayssick · 7 months
i just got a load of hate comments on tiktok for saying a headcannon of mine so that’s adorbs
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literaturewithliz · 2 years
could i get this for the chronicals of narnia pls? xx and/or harry potter (preferably marauders' era <33)
i'm an enfp and a ravenclaw. my zodiac signs are sagittarius sun, virgo moon and leo rising. i'm 5''3 with auburn curly hair and a petite (i think??) hourglass figure. i have dark bluey/green eyes & freckles all year round<3
i like to dress alt, with maybe a little cottagecore. my go-to outfits are usually things like baggy jeans, tight crop tops & leather jackets. i also like floral dresses & long skirts <3 i have adhd so i can't really wear certain stuff because of sensory issues.
i would describe myself as observant, fun, genuine, intuitive and witty. i'm an introverted extrovert & need a lot of breaks from people. i can be pretty anxious about things most people find ok, but i'd say i'm pretty good at handling those moments. i prefer talking to listening - although i love asking people questions abt themselves & getting to know their dreams. i'd say i'm an idealist but i also have realist aspects & have a pretty sarcastic sense of humour i'm also a massive hopeless romantic and my love language is quality time - and sometimes physical touch.
i like old cities, anything vintage, astrology, reading, spotify playlists, baking, psychology, 90s/2000s romcoms and greek myths. my favourite season is the autumn (although i think my personality has more of a spring vibe) & i love it when it rains. i like 60s-80s music - the beatles, david bowie, Fleetwood mac & a couple of the smiths songs - and my favourite movie is when harry met sally
Oh my god I’m so sorry this took me forever. But thank you so much for the request!
Chronicles of Narnia
I match you with Edmund Pevensie!
I saw that you said your sense of humor was sarcastic and that sealed the deal for me. He loves your sarcasm, but his siblings get annoyed sometimes at how you and Ed will attack them with sarcasm just for fun. Other than that, your and extroverted introvert? He can relate. I wouldn’t say he’s an extroverted introvert himself, just an introvert. However, he can relate to the needing alone time part, so he’s really understanding when you wanna be alone. I think his love language would be quality time too. In a setting where you two are comfortable and alone so y’all can just talk. Or in a setting where you two are thrilled on a great adventure. Edmund just loves that he’s with you. You mentioned liking Greek mythology, and Edmund strikes me as the guy who had a Greek mythology phase is middle school. I know middle school isn’t a thing in the UK bit shhh. Other than your similarities, your differences also bring the best in each other, I think. You said your an idealist, and I think Edmund is a pessimist. He helps you see reason, and you help him have more open-minded thoughts. You said your personality is like spring, and I think his is like autumn.
Harry Potter (Marauders era)
I match you with James Potter!
You say that your idealistic and fun, and that describes James very well, I think. Your wit is what draws him to you, I think. He likes someone who bounces off of his sarcasm and jokes really well. I think he’s most definitely an extrovert, so he has trouble understanding how you feel about alone time, but he doesn’t let that stop him from treating your feelings with respect. He wants you to know that you never have to feel bad for requesting alone time. James puts a lot of emphasis on trust in a relationship, so expect to always be asked if everything’s okay or if there’s something you’d like to tell him. Also, he’s a hopeless romantic, just like you. I just know that he is. You talk about having anxiety, and I think that James can’t really relate, but like I said, he values trust. So he wants you to be able to trust that he will do his very best to make sure your calm and comfortable.
I hope you liked the matchup!
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HEEYYY! CONGRATS ON 800 LOVE<3 How are you?
It sounded too fun for me to not join your celebration so here it is! i wanna say grishaverse like any character from both book series and i don't have a gender preference and ofc romantically cause i have no romance in my life.
Next year i'm going to study english literature in uni as a second language and i have always wanted to be a writer so studying literature is something i'm really exited about. I'm an enfp! My best friend once said my personality is like Elizabeth bennet's and i never forget that cause it's such an honor. i usually hyperfixate on reading or i binge watch and in the end i burn out for a few days. I LOVE drawing but i can't draw so it's always so funny when i try. I love harry potter's opening music(?) It's SO comforting. i don't use any social media very actively because i get overwhelmed by it really easy. And i apparently love oversharing on the internet.
Im sorry this is long i got carried away. Thank you for existing and please don't forget to drink water and eat, have really great day/night, love you<3
thank you for participating :)
i’m good btw, thanks for asking. i hope you’re good too. first of all, taste. i adore james potter. you and me sound very similar actually, i bet you’re really fun to hang out with.
anyways, i ship you with nikolai!
being a prince, he’s probably done his fair share of reading. i don’t think he reads in his free time, but i do think he’d appreciate a good book or quote. so while he might not read, maybe he’d ask you to read it him or tell him what the book you’re reading is about. and if you were writing, he’d be happy to bounce ideas off you so he could help. might as well put that high education to good use. and i think he loves music. “its enough to make a grown man cry,” is definitely something he’d say to you when he found a piece that he really loved.
i think he’d get along well with an enfp. elizabeth bennet is probably one of his ideal personalities that he’d want in a partner, so if you’re like that, he’d count himself lucky. someone who’s outgoing enough to keep a conversation going, but also someone content to just be calm and serene with him. he’d definitely love witty banter, but he’d also love some peace and quiet too, except i don’t think he likes being alone. so being with someone who’s happy to just be in his presence, and be there if he needs someone to talk to, he’d really value that.
i think he really understand burnout. he constantly has a million things running through his head, and tons of ideas, and there’s just no time to execute them all. once he did have time for his ideas, he’d get really frustrated when he couldn’t execute them well. he’d need some kind distraction, and you’d be more than happy to provide one.
he’d hear you coming, immediately relaxing when you took a seat beside him. “hello, darling.”
“are you alright?” you’d ask, frowning when he rested his head on your shoulder and sighed. “bad day?”
“very long day,” he’d answer, reaching for one of your hands. “waste of time, too.”
he’d show you his sketches he drew up when trying to create the flying ship, and you’d smile, taking a piece of parchment and a quill from him.
“i’ve got this,” you’d grin, immediately sketching away. you knew it would be terrible, but the smile on his face would be worth it.
he’d laugh so hard that he’d nearly make himself sick, settling himself into your arms. he’d consider getting you lessons, but he knew you didn’t draw because you wanted to be a great artist. it was purely for fun, and it made you smile, just like you made him smile.
“it’s terrible, darling,” he’d say, wrapping one arm around you while holding the parchment in the other. “i love it!”
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heywardsarchive · 4 years
can i get a golden trio era and a marauders ship if you want to?
im an infp and in hufflepuff. im bi with a 90% boys and 10% girl ratio, she/her. most people tell me they wouldn’t expect me to be a hufflepuff because i can be quite snappy and make smart remarks a lot. im irish, born and raised. 5’3. whenever i tell people im an infp they say im more of an enfp because they dont take me as the introverted stereotype. but i am extremely quiet when im around a lot of people i dont know and would only go to a party 7/10 times im invited. im the person who would call anyone out on racism, homophobia or anything that disrespects another person. my favorite colour is dark green and i absolutely hate orange. i go to an all girl school and im most of my teachers favorites (one of my teachers told my mam in a parent-teacher meeting, “name is definitely one of my favorites, i always have great craic with her”. my favorite subject is english and i want to be a lawyer when im older and i read quite a bit.
thank you so much if you do this but otherwise thank you for reading😘😘😘
I ship you with Ron Weasley!
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I feel like ron likes people who have their opinions straight like they know what they want.
He's also a home body and wouldn't mind staying back if you don't want to go to a party on a particular day
He admires your smart remarks and feels very proud when you call our Malfoy on his bs
He likes to make fun of your height because we all know ronnykins is a giant lol, not in a rude way though. Hes very cute about it
He tells his mum to make you dark green sweaters because he knows you love dark green
You definitely gel very well with the rest of the Weasley family and they all love you very much.
He also loves your Irish accent because who doesn't? The Irish accent is the coolest
He supports your dreams to become a lawyer 100% because that's what a supportive boyfriend Ronny is 🥺
I ship you with James Potter!
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James and you probably met when you made a smart comment to a rude teacher
He was impressed
He decided to get to know you
He really liked you
Like really
No joke
Ask Remus or sirius
He wanted to impress you
He only succeeded when he ditched a party to be with you when you didn't feel like going
You were touched
You also started to like him
So when he asked you out, you said YES
Cutest couple in school
Like the power couple
Everyone wanted to be you
But James only had eyes for you:')
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awritingtree · 4 years
⚓️hi! I’m Sophia, I’m latina (loud and lowkey cocky oops) I’m a ravenclaw, I’m witty and I would say really smart too? I would like to think lmao? Im also a big empath. And I get mean to mean people oops. I’m 5’2/3 with curly dark brown/black hair, I tend to be the funny one or the best friend type person in most friend groups I’ve been apart of...Oh yeah I’m a cancer, and I’m an ENFP! I also love reading and writing :))) thank you so so much for doing these and congratulations again gorgeous’
Hi Sophia! These are honestly so much fun to do. Thank you lovely 💙
I ship you with James Potter!
The one thing that Remus Lupin loved about you in the many years you'd been friends was that you never pitied anyone; after finding out about his condition, you'd never once pitied him. Instead, you chose to find out everything you could do to help him get through those difficult nights, you chose to understand how he felt and empathize with him. Currently, he was sitting in the library, the only time and place when your voice wasn't being carried over the surrounding noise, across from you. This was a place people would usually find you both, both of your intellectual skills were a perfect match and so of course, you'd study together. Another person groaned and collapsed onto the chair next to you, slamming his head against the wooden table. "What? Did Lily reject you again?" you asked looking up briefly before going back to writing your essay. "No," James scoffed, his voice slightly muffled by the table, "Sirius is off snogging some girl, Peter is god knows where and I'm bored." "Well then I'm sure you can find something to do to entertain yourself," you said, dipping your quill into your ink bottle but not glancing at him. James smirked, leaning against the table with his elbow as he reached forward to twirl a loose strand of your hair between his fingers. "What if I want you to entertain me?" he asked, the tone of his voice lowering. Remus smiled knowingly as he glanced between two of his closest friends, who were obliviously head over heels for the other. Ignoring the blush that creeped up your face you replied, "I'd think someone's given you a love potion." James frowned, his hand dropping from your hair onto his lap. "Is it so hard to believe that I might want to spend time with you? Take you out on a date?" he whispered. Your hand paused, your widened eyes looking up at Remus, hoping that he would confirm what you had heard. Remus smiled at you, nodding his head. "What?" you choked out. "I want to take you on a date," James simply stated. "You're serious?" "No, that's my best friend." You didn't roll your eyes or reply with your usual quip, "What about Lily?" James smiled slightly, "If you had been paying attention, you'd notice I haven't flirted with her or asked her out since last year." "I- um- I don't know what to say," you stumbled, shocked. "Well I was hoping you'd say yes. But if you don't like-" "YES!" You cleared your throat, "Yes. I mean yes, I'd love to go on a date with you." A wide smile appeared on James' face, "Great. Brilliant. Amazing. This weekend, Hogsmeade. I'll meet you at the entrance." He quickly stood up, pressing a kiss against your red cheek before skipping away. You turned to Remus, "Did that just happen?" Remus chuckled, "Yes it did."
400 followers celebration
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vanillann · 4 years
hi! i ship you with remus lupin! HI! im amelia and im 5’6. I have long light blonde hair and light green eyes. I speak french and love ballet and anything from the 70s. i play guitar and i love rock and roll! i’m a gryffindor and an enfp! i’m a virgo!! i love reading! im very sarcastic and funny (i hope) i love motorcycles and skiing and surfing! i consider myself a badass! uhh i would like a mauraders harry potter ship please! thanks!
hi, thank you so much for resending in your ship!! i’m sorry about that again!!
i ship you with sirius black!
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first off, he probably hear you say something about motorcycles and jumped into the conversation
“what were you saying love?”
like this man love anyone who knows different languages
but french is so romantic
he’d probably call you “lover” after he found out
y’all probably just jump so many sarcastic comments off each other
i can imagine you being close with james and y’all probably talk about him together
i can imagine him buying you records from the 70s
everyone knows y’all are together, like everyone
he doesn’t have to worry about jealousy because you’d kick someone ass if they said something you didn’t like
he probably would be horrible at it but try to show off for you
definitely looks stupid the entire time omg
i can imagine sirius begin 5’10 but lying and saying he’s 6 foot and you stay reminding him
y’all definitely will trying and make each other laugh when mad
you would never let him live it down
like never never
“be careful about the couches black!”
also the marauders would come to your ballets recitals and BE THE LOUDEST IN THE BUILDING
definitely give you your favorite flower!!
he would definitely buy you a mini version of his leather jacket
and y’all match sometimes
omg you don’t understand how cute y’all would be!!
please enjoy and send in a ship!
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