#i said at the beginning don't read if it'll bug you
selineram3421 · 1 month
You're Off-key
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Reader X Gravity Falls
Warnings ⚠
⚠ The Book of Bill SPOILERS HERE! Do NOT read if you don't want any spoils of the book. Other than that, enjoy. -mentions of madness, blood, cryptids, italics= thoughts, ya know..the usual. Oh! And for our old pal Stan, some swear words. ⚠
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You missed this.
Being one of the weird kids who loved the supernatural, interested in solving puzzles, uncovering secrets. Of course you ended up watching Gravity Falls.
Never really growing out of it, you'd still watch videos about ghosts or getting a heavy duty flashlight and a pair of brass knuckles for whatever made a noise in your apartment.
Ghost or not, they'd learn not to mess with you!
At some point you got The Book of Bill.
It was so cool! Little funny and silly at times. There was also the triangle's descent into madness. Man those pictures were good.
Also an axolotl?
You don't know but it looked cute.
As you kept reading, the more you wanted to experience everything you didn't get to when you were younger.
So you decided on a road trip!
A road trip to all the places that inspired the creator of the show and the final stop would be Bill's statue!
Best friend in the passenger seat! Sun glasses in the glove boxes! And snacks to last you a while before the next gas station stop!
You even brought a camera!
"Ready for the time of your life?", you asked excitedly.
"In this heat?", your best friend fanned their face with the paper map. "It'll be meh but yeah, I'm ready for the car AC."
You both were in the car, ready to begin the adventure to Oregon, but you were just double checking before it actually began.
"Ok, ok. I'll start the car.", you said and put the key in the ignition, turning it and starting the car.
Immediately putting the AC on high, both of you were ready and you slowly backed out the driveway.
"Let's get that fucking pie!", you said and put on the sun glasses.
It was really bright today.
First you went to the famous diner with the pie. It was a give in, honestly but the pie was really good. Next to the Oregon Vortex. Now that was a really weird shack! Everything was leveled but you were standing slanted a bit. Then you both went to every roadside attraction that you could and got some key chains for souvenirs. It's been really clear weather since you started the road trip, which was a bit of a surprise. It was supposed to sprinkle at some point.
Finally, the last thing on the list arrived.
Playing the song "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn as you drove to the parking area and both of you were singing along to it before you had to turn off the car.
You brought The Book of Bill for fun.
Deciding to joke around, you bought some spaghetti to go and went to park the car before venturing into the woods where Bill's Statue was.
"Are you seriously gonna try it?", your best friend laughed.
"Why not?", you smiled while putting a water bottle in your pack. "It's ok to be silly. Mabel says so. Trust the silliness!"
"Yeah, ok.", they agreed with a smile. "If we get mauled by a bear, I'm sacrificing you first."
Camera, spaghetti, book of Bill, and water! (Also a flashlight.) You were ready for a photo shoot with the oh so famous Dream Demon!
Looking back to see the sun, you guessed that you had about two hours to find Bill's statue before it got too dark. Your best friend had a map they downloaded off the internet that would lead you straight to it. Of course, with you having some attention issues, you'd get sidetracked by anything you found interesting, hence needing the two hours.
You were right!
The two hours were needed because you were still trying to solve one of the codes in the book, while also getting distracted by some cool looking bugs around the area.
"Did you try the Caesar cipher?", your friend asked.
"Yeah, but this is new. It's something else.", you sighed. "I should have tried the website before leaving.", you grumbled sadly.
"Hey, it's totally fine!", they said and patted your back a few times. "You'll get to do that when we go back home.", then they pointed towards the right with their thumb. "By the way, Bill statue is next to us, over by those bushes."
"WHAT!?", you screeched and ran over, whispering a few ouches as the branches of the bush scratched your legs.
That's when you saw it.
In all of its odd glory was the Bill statue with its hand out, waiting for a hand shake.
"Eeeeee!", you cheered as you got closer, hearing your friend laugh behind you as you did so. "I gotta give him spaghetti!"
Opening up your bag, you took out the take-out box that held the noodley deliciousness and took a quick forkfull for yourself before putting it in front of the stone triangle.
"I really thought you were joking.", says your friend as they watch you take out the book and camera from your backpack.
"Nope!", you smile, snapping a quick picture of the statue with spaghetti. "Ok, now for the silliest part."
You take out Parmesan cheese and a cheese grater.
"Oh this is fucking hilarious.", your best friend says and takes pictures of you with their phone.
The sun hits the horizon and the sky is slowly darkening, you start grating the cheese and when you think it's enough, you stop.
"Hey, take a pic with me shaking his hand.", you say and get closer to the statue, reaching out to touch it.
"Sure thing jellybean.", they say and lift their phone up. "It's my turn after you."
"Ok!", you say and put a thumbs up as you put your other hand on the statue's.
As you look to where your best friend is, all you can see is darkness.
You call their name in confusion. "Are you there?", you ask. "Turn on the flashlight, its really dark out here."
But you get no response.
And then you hear something odd.
Kinda sounds like someone with a weird sound filter over their laughing.
"Ok, ha ha.", you roll your eyes. "Quit playing the Bill audio and take the picture already."
When you try to get a better hold on the statue, you realize you weren't holding anything at all.
"What?", you say and look at your hand. "Wait.. Why can I see my hand perfectly fine when everything else is-"
"Well, well, well!", says a familiar voice from behind you.
Turning around you see a floating, glowing Dorito chip with a fancy bow tie and a top hat.
Holy shit.
"Here we are at last! I've been waiting an eternity to meet you."
How is this happening? Was one of the snacks you ate expired? Did you eat the wrong brownies!?
"Thanks for reading my best seller kid!", Bill says and twirls his cane into existence in his hand. "And for the handshake.", he blinks. Winks?
"Wait, hold on! I-!", you start.
"See you in Gravity Falls!", the triangle snaps his fingers and suddenly there's a hole beneath your feet that reveals a cartoon animated forest.
"Don't break your neck on the way down!", the one eyed demon waves.
And you begin to fall.
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~Seline, the person.
Part 1
YO-🎹 | GF List🏞️
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Hello! Could I request Ace and Levi from drdt with a fem! ult novelist who is tired all the time and overworks herself?
Sure thing! I feel like these two boys are kinda underrated in the fandom so I'm happy to write for them!
Ace and Levi with a Fem! ultimate novelist S/O who's constantly tired
Warnings: none
Fem! reader
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-Concerned boyfriend
-He has a deep appreciation for your talent and the dedication you put into your writing, but he hates seeing how normal it is for you to be so exhausted all the time
-But he also kind of gets it, there will be times when he's so invested in his work that he'll forget to take care of himself as well
-He understands that it's not as simple as getting up and going to bed, especially when you have the intense need to finish something, no matter how long it takes
-That being said, he'll do as much as can to help you manage your sleep and your work balance
-He'll make a planner setting aside ample time to work, while also giving you time for yourself and to sleep, Scheduled around your working needs
-Like if you do you're best writing at night he'll set your work hours for the evening or vise versa, as well as how long it typically takes you to get a certain amount of work done
-If you refuse to come to bed, he'll straight up just... pick you up and carry you to your bed
-He'll stay with you if you have a hard time sleeping, he has a very comforting presence
-He often helps you with writing ideas during your writer blocks, he knows how much they stress you out and he doesn't want you to be stressed
-More on the writing side of things, he loves talking to you about your books (He's read them all and has the next one on preorder)
-He enjoys hearing about your writing process, what inspires you, if any of your books are inspired by real events or people, ect
-Once your newest novel drops, he reads it as fast as possible so he can discuss it with you
-He's also just enamored by the way you write, you're not called the ultimate novelist for no reason after all
-Whilst reading, he can tell how much love, effort, and care you put into the writing, perfecting every last detail
-He's super proud of you, he just hopes you'll sleep more once you begin working on your next book
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-Ok I mean this in the nicest possible way...
-He thinks your lack of sleep is stupid
-Has the mentality of "why are you tired? Just sleep lol"
-Even after you explain it to him, he doesn't really understand why you don't sleep
-But he has enough braincells to understand that it impacts you pretty heavily so he stops insulting it
-He didn't see why it was a big deal at first, but after using his observation skills for once, he's like "oh shit this is an actual issue, uh oh"
-He wants to help you because even though he can be insensitive he loves you, but also, he's Ace so his methods are a bit more... harsh I guess? (annoying is probably a better word actually). But they are super effective
-He has this really strategic way of getting you to sleep, he calls it "annoy Y/N until she has no choice but to sleep because I won't shut up until she does"
-As I said, it's very effective
-Once nighttime rolls around, he'll start whining and begging for you to come to bed with him because 'he saw a shadow move and he needs you to protect him from it' or some dumb shit like that
-He's purposefully playing up his anxiety to get you to sleep and it's working surprisingly well
-If you still refuse, he'll just keep bugging you, it's not like you can work with him constantly talking anyway so you might as well sleep
-He also has an iron grip on you while he sleeps so good luck trying to get up after he falls asleep to do more work because that's not happening
-I can't say he's read all of your books because I'd be lying (he doesn't strike me as an avid reader tbh) but he does want to read the one you've been working on
-Once it's out, he'll read it and praise you on your work (although it'll probably take him awhile to finish)
-He genuinely likes your writing and he's decided to go and read your other stuff now
(I hope you enjoyed! I feel kinda bad for clowning on Ace so much but it's just so easy to do, I had to)
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ghostedeabha · 1 year
i read the family fic you wrote and OOHHHH MY GODDDD I LOVED IT i swear fluff family fics have my heart i love them too much!!!
and reading the author note i would love to see how bug chose their name! :3
ahhh i'm so glad you liked it !! like seriously, this ask has me giggling, twirling my hair, kicking my feet. i die for the smallest bit of praise so i'm truly so so happy you liked it. MWAH MWAH, platonic kisses on the forehead for you nonnie <3 (and anyone else who read and liked it, all of you get platonic kisses too)
now, as requested, a cute blurb of how bug chose their name (and came out to simon and reader)
simon "ghost" riley x child!OC (bug riley)
word count: 824
warnings: a teeny bit of angst (bug is an anxious baby), but mostly just sweet sweet cotton candy :3
a/n: bug is 13 in this fic, it is told from their perspective. their dead name is mentioned twice.
a/n 2.0: i wrote this really quickly so it might not be that great, i'm stoned as fuck and it's like 10 to 05:00 rn but i really wanted to get this idea out for you guys bc i love this lil oc sm🥺 created them literally a day ago and i would die for them already
it'll be fine, it'll be fine. mum and dad are so accepting and loving, mum is always telling me she'll always love me no matter what. i siked myself up as i walk into the kitchen where i hear my mum and dad making dinner again.
i wanted to come out to them before dad left for work again, but every time i got up the nerves i backed out, not this time.
"uh, mum? dad?" i spoke up as i walked into the kitchen, catching the attention of my parents who gave me their signature loving smiles.
"hi my little bug, how was your day at school?" mum asked me, opening her arms for her a hug, which i happily gave her.
"hey ben, how was school bud?" dad asked, making my stomach churn a little at the sound of my birth name.
"it... it was good." i replied with a heavy sigh, mum's face immediately contorting into worry at the sound. "i actually wanted to talk to you two about something. can we sit down?"
"yes, of course." mum says as soon as the words are out of my mouth, she gently grabs my shoulders and walks to the dinner table with me, making sure dad was following behind.
as we sat at the table i felt a lump begin to form in the back of my throat and my heart begin to race. this was really happening. oh god this was really happening, i'm doing this.
"what is it benjamin? did something happen?" mum asks me with worry in her voice.
"if someone is hurting you just say the word bud, i'll deal with them." dad says gruffly, standing behind mum with a hand on her shoulder.
"no, no it's nothing like that," i begin, mouth running dry as i try to for words. i try to think of what to say, but the words wont come out right.
"i don't think i'm a boy!" i blurted before i could realize what i was saying. this was not the course of action i wanted to take.
"huh?" dad said with a raised brow. "what.. what does that even mean?"
"it's a legitimate question babe!"
"it's rude to ask it like that though!"
"guys! please! just," i sighed. "i don't... feel right as a boy. i'm nonbinary."
their silence makes my stomach drop, but my heart stops when dad just leaves the dining room to return to the kitchen without even looking at me. fuck, he hates me now.
"we'll be right back my baby, don't worry. stay there." mum says softly, putting a gentle hand on my head before she gets up to follow my father. leaving me to sit in silence. i just disappointed my fucking hero. my dad hated me now, i never should've said anything.
it's only five or so minutes before they both come back, dad seems... calm. i didn't expect that, in a way that scared me more.
"first off, we want to say that we love you so much baby. and we're so happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us this. we wont pretend we understand what that means but we are prepared to learn." mum says softly, taking my hands in hers and rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles as she speaks.
"wait... really?" i ask, feeling tears of relief welling in my eyes.
"of course, you're our son- our child, and we want you to be happy. we love you for you." dad said, putting a rough hand on my head.
that's all it took to break me, the waterworks flowing freely as i fall into my mother's arms. i feel her wrap them around me and she rubs my back, whispering sweet affirmations to me and kissing my head.
"this means you'll want to change your name, right? have you decided on one yet my little bug?" mum asked sweetly, causing a wide grin to spread across my face.
"yeah, i have. i picked it because it means a lot to me. you know, you've been calling me this my entire life when you realized how intrigued i was by bugs as a baby. so i went with bug. because mum always calls me her little bug." i explained to my parents, this time it was apparently my mother's turn to cry.
i watched as my mother began to sob in joy, pulling me to hold at arms length and look me in the face. "oh sweetheart, that's amazing. that makes me feel so special. i love you so much, bug."
my heart swells as mum calls me by my name, as she pulls me in for another hug i feel dad wrapping his arms around the two of us and giving my head another rough but loving pat.
"we both love you, bug."
"i love you both too."
what the hell did i ever have to be worried about?
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subpixie420 · 11 months
Not your baby daddy on anon, just someone whose been following you and I notice these things. You've been pretty much in the same situation since I started following you. You're too busy wanting justice for the things people have done to you that you never get motivated to make a change for yourself.
Sure you don't have to explain yourself to anyone on here, but 3 years down the road when you're still begging for money donations every week and making a measly amount of money from sex work are you going to continue to blame the same people that did heinous things to you for you still being stuck? Because 3 years down the road if you're situation hasn't changed it'll be on you. That's taking accountability.
Wow you really think you know it all from my posts then huh? I mean you said in the previous message that I'm vague and don't go into detail enough so it's odd that you feel so sure about what you are saying about my character
In 2020 I was working full time at target. There's documented evidence of this. I started sex work at the end of the year after having a mental breakdown at target because I was on mask mandating duty in a state that's always been very antimask. The amount of power plays people did for me literally just doing my job made my PTSD go into overdrive.
My son's father also completely absolved his 50/50 legal time with him at the end of 2019 and would blame anything he could from COVID to villianizing my child to so many more things that I don't even think you would want to waste your time reading about.
He also doesn't have to pay child support oddly enough because our case isn't being handled in family court so it's being handled incorrectly and poorly.
I also didn't begin to start really asking for money until the end of 2022. Onlyfans and Manyvids did well for me before then. And I began asking because an ex friend of ours invested my home with bed bugs and our car broke down.
But yeah sure I guess you think you know how my life goes.
I use this place to vent about all things in my life from 2011 to now. I don't specify what era I speak on the majority of the time either so people can't do exactly what you're doing now.
Which is speculate.
You do not know me from what I post on Tumblr. No one does. So please take this parasocial relationship/accusations/observations and just move along.
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palialaina · 1 year
Where do I even begin. Einar, Eshe, Kenyatta, my boys....
Let's go with Zeki, because the thing he gave me cracks me up.
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How else am I supposed to react to getting a laser pointer???
So, apparently Auni decided he wanted to use the douplifier for butterflies and other bugs, and uh. It actually worked. I am amazed, I tell you, that Auntie Del didn't shout the house down when that happened.
I am also sad I missed it.
But Zeki told me that he's not skilled at bug catching (which I doubt, he's just fluffy and a bit lazy XD), but if I could help him cut down the bug population, he'd appreciate it.
So I did, and he gave me that for it. I told him it wasn't necessary, as weird as he is, he's my friend, and he insisted, so now I have a laser pointer. Honestly, the palcats love it, I just have to make sure to not point it at anything breakable.
Learned that one the hard way.
So there was that. Then I finally got all the things together for Kenyatta's ball (hey, you try stalling with Eshe breathing down your neck the way she does! Scary lady!), and man, I wish I could've seen her face when Kenyatta declared her Path as a healer apprenticed to Chayne. Granted, I'm also amazed Eshe hasn't decided it's all my fault, but like... Small favors.
Which are good favors because oof, if she actually finds out I read her private mail, I'm not sure I won't actually get banned from town. Which would suck.
So, apparently the Duchess is questioning Eshe's governance skills, which like... first of all, why, and secondly, the letter called Eshe delicate. Like. I know the Duchess is Kenli's sister, but has she actually met Eshe recently? Eshe is so not delicate. Eshe will murder anyone with a glare who calls her delicate. (And we're not gonna tell anyone I lied to Kenli about putting a present in her room. Nope. Maybe I should get her something though...)
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At least after that whole incident I was able to buy the Maji plush! My boys were both being weird about it, and I had to be very frim about not letting either Jel or Hassian buy it for me. Though it is sweet that Hassian offered; he's so offended by the chappa stuff at the market, but he said he'd tolerate it if I wanted the plush so badly.
Jel just tried to slip me money, and I had to scold both of them.
Sometimes a girl just wants to spend her hard earned money on some silly frivolities! Honestly, the plushie is overpriced, but I'm proud of myself for saving up as much as I did and getting it. Proof that I can, you know?
Now I just need to do it again because I want the basket Reth's selling (It'll be perfect for laundry), and those springblossom vases Auntie has. I like the standing planters I have now, but I really want these to sit in the entryway before my room.
It's silly, I know, but I like them!
And then again, because I need that giant backpack Zeki has. But that one can wait because Zeki's got a ton in stock, and the Maji Market is only a little bit longer.
Oh oh oh, I almost forgot Auni's nonsense. This kid is gonna be the death of me, I swear! Nai'o wrote that Auni's been acting funny since their last camping trip, but he wouldn't tell Nai'o, so Nai'o asked me to ask Auni what was up.
...that was convoluted.
So, apparently Auni picked up a statue, and started having dreams about being lost, and no one else being there. Apparently he took it to Elouisa, and she said the statue was cursed, with the only way to break the curse being putting the dang thing back.
Auni, child of no brains at all, had no real idea where he picked up the statue from, other than a vague location in Bahari. In the interest of him actually sleeping, I offered to take it back there. Not like I don't always find stuff to do in Bahari anyways (I need more sweet leaf... celebration cakes use up entirely too much.), so off I went to Bahari.
Turns out, the place he was thinking of was the Statue Garden, and I have to admit, once the thing was back in it's spot, I felt better myself. This kid wants to join the Order, but honestly, I think he'd be better working as a researcher like Jina. Maybe he doesn't get to do magic, but he'd learn a lot more about things and how they work, I bet.
Oh, and then there was Einar, who tried to help me understand Flow. I still don't think I really get it, but if nothing else, I helped catch something so that he could fix a busted music box in his cavernous home, so that was nice.
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I also found this out in Bahari. I'm not really sure what to make of it. It had an inscription about little things making big impacts, and it's made me sit and thing for a bit, because that's true. Not that I think humans are a little thing, but we're definitely making big impacts all around Kilima and Bahari, and probably the rest of Palia too. Jel mentioned that there's a collection of outfits done by a human designer, and that's pretty impressive.
I'm perfectly content to stay here and just have a good time with my farming and a good life with my friends in the village. I guess I'm not much of a wanderer.
I wonder if that would bother Hassian... He mentioned earlier that he sort of misses being untethered. I wonder if that meant... me as well.
Tch. I'm being dramatic. I think I'm going to go enjoy this darn celebration cake that took way too long, and way too much stuff to make, and not worry about it.
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I need to invite Lark and Orion over for another dinner-and-vent session, I think. Could be fun!
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blnk338 · 1 year
Could you share the issue regarding the inclusivity poll please? The one you said was resolved? Just so it helps other writers. I think it's important to share such information<3 or maybe do some notes us other writers should be aware of?
I didn't vote because I am not a poc but since we're on the topic of reader insert: the one thing I felt a bit uncomfortable with was "your mom's name" when reaper was visiting her mom. I personally don't have an issue imagining myself as an oc persona such as a ripped reaper but my mom is so nice and that part bugged me. For example, I feel like parents' names shouldn't be inserted or mentioned at all. OR give them a random name at the beginning as a starter disclaimer. Just a personal thought. Everything else is very much well thought through. Kudos as always 😉
so the issue that was brought up from the poll was solved here, but i have so far not gotten a response for the "not good" answer. i suppose it could have been a misclick or perhaps someone just wanted to see the answers and didn't read the title first, but if there was an issue (or issues) that caused them to genuinely pick that answer, i'd love to be able to fix it!
some general notes when it comes to writing a race-neutral mc:
don't describe showers (or really, certain morning/night routines); it's important because a lot of people don't wash their hair every day. whether it be for preference, for hair type, or for how they wear their hair, it can be alienating to detail every shower as "washing your hair."
this mistake was actually corrected in the tagged post-- but be aware of how some skin scars! it had slipped my mind that not all scarring ends up pinkish-- it'll just be a dimmer version of the person's skin tone.
don't use major descriptors for hair. "billowing in the wind," "[your ponytail] pulled at your scalp," "curling around the face." all of these can be linked to a certain hair type, usually.
when describing skin, use vague terms. for example "the light from the shades dappled across your skin," instead of "the light sheened off your pale skin."
"your cheeks grew pink," "your face went red," can't always be applied to people with darker skin tones. but yk what can? growing physically warm, sweating, getting goosebumps, or feeling rushes of adrenaline! if you're gonna write something fluffy, make sure everyone gets included.
sometimes eyebags aren't easily seen, either. a lack of melanin means the purple under the lids sticks out more, but eyebags are also sometimes visible with creases, puffiness under the eyes, or a slight droop.
don't go into major detail with facial features. when describing reaper's facial scarring, i keep it general and try not to describe how lips look, whether freckles are cut up from the scarring, etc.
also, when i talk about reaper's mask, i don't talk much about her nose. obviously, larger noses might stick out more from the base of the mask, but plenty of people have flattened noses, so that wouldn't really work. instead, i used a general description (not verbatim) "fits perfectly to your nose."
bonnets and durags! people wear them all the time! in the house, out of the house, but for sleeping, too! mention them as an option for your readers to better immerse them.
really try to remember, especially as a white person, that most fanfics (intended or not) use white people as a default. there're probably a lot of people who will enjoy your fic more if they can see themselves in place of the mc. if you don't sit back, reread your chapter and think "yeah, i could picture anyone in this position" (unless the fic is specified to be black!reader x character or something of the variation), you might want to change it up.
thank you for the comment on reaper's moms name! i sort of can't change that much considering how far we are into the series, but I've removed the times where specifically "your mom/mother's name" (or a variation) was mentioned. (let me know if i missed anything).
sorry about dissing your mom, I'm sure she's lovely :) (/gen)
i also partially didn't add any details on reaper's mom's name because i didn't want to allude to any specifics on reaper's background
thank you so much for the support!
as a small disclaimer... i'm really grateful to get this kind of feedback, from my readers of color and not, it's great to hear how I'm doing because i want to make a fun fic for you guys! if the change is something quick and easy (like this and the tagged message), i don't mind it!
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asleepinawell · 4 years
hiii not sure if it’s okay to ask a poi question but here it goes - i recall seeing you expressing (at least some level of) discontent with what Harold has done on the show (to root, to shaw and all those hypocritical decisions throughout). would you like to share more about your thoughts on this character? tks
always okay to ask poi questions. since the fandom is pretty small these days i was going to put my answer under a read more line so people could ignore it more easily if it’s a subject that bothers them but apparently you can’t add read more lines in ask answers? thanks tumblr! so if this is a topic that annoys anyone, please, just skip it. also, while some of this is facts or based on facts a lot of stuff is obviously my opinion and therefore not canon and not the only opinion etc etc.
in general, i wasn’t crazy about the way harold treated any of the other characters (with the exception of john who he had a pretty great relationship with). for root, there was the refusal to call her root, which i found very gross and uncomfortable (like, in general you should respect what people ask to be called, but also it was linked to the traumatic death of her childhood friend and he absolutely knew that so fuck that shit). he even said something along the lines of 'john reese is what you prefer to be called' to john right in the first episode? he was okay with using reese's fake name, but not hers because he made her identity into a power game.
he also tended to be..hmm, patronizing is the wrong word (and lbr root was extremely patronizing to everyone) but more that he treated her like ‘rehabilitating’ her was his pet project or something. i mean one thing that always struck me was his ‘what happened to you’ line in bad code and then the subsequent decision to put her in a mental institution instead of, you know, jail, which is where every other perp they ran into tended to go. he saw her as broken and flawed and in need of his help which, to me, came off as hypocritical and belittling.
also, putting someone in a psychiatric institution where they get pumped full of drugs when they don’t need to be? really fucked up! even if you argue root needed therapy/was depressed whatever, that’s not what they were treating her for. they were treating her for ‘delusions’ and ‘hearing voices’ which were...real things. like, the machine was speaking to her. harold knew that. he let her get put on all sorts of medication and put in solitary confinement and oh yes also her doctor was a really fucked up dude, something harold could easily have dug up if he’d bothered. also the whole ‘killing off a woman to advance a man’s character development thing’ is, uh, a bad trope. to put it mildly. i could write a lot more about his shit with root but let’s move on.
in some ways, his attitude towards shaw bothers me most. he consistently treats her like she’s violent and unhinged because she has aspd and despite the large amount of evidence to the contrary. she is, in fact, the most cool and controlled member of the team (not counting carter) and the least likely to go off half-cocked. shaw does play into this, but mostly only with harold and only through her words, not her actions. she knows what he thinks of her. when she’s captured by samaritan, harold gives up on her very quickly in a way he would never have done for john (and probably not for root either at that point). shaw’s reaction to sim!harold in 6741 of ‘did you even look for me’ says a lot about what she thinks he thinks of her. his whole ‘binary moral compass’ line to her is also, uh, heavily projecting. shaw and carter had the strongest moral compasses of the group. by a long shot. 
moving on to the machine. so first and foremost, if you’re creating a sentient being, whether that’s having a kid or making a self-aware AI, you don’t create something with the intention of locking it up and ignoring it forever. (and he was creating her for the bush/cheney administration???? who TM pointed out was terrible if he somehow had managed to miss that. root called them something like the worst people imaginable and she wasn’t exaggerating). was it too dangerous to let TM be free from the get go? maybe! but then don’t fucking make an AI you think can destroy the world, buddy. there are a lot of reasons he made TM and none of them make this acceptable to me. once TM had clearly proven to be not a threat and trying to help he continued to ignore her and act like she was dangerous.
harold always needed very badly to feel like he had the moral high ground and not be the person who made a bad decision, which yes, is probably partly due to the trauma from what happened to nathan but that doesn’t make it okay when being paralyzed by being unable to make a decision got people killed. more than once! also, most of his morals got tossed out when they weren’t convenient. wouldn’t kill the senator to save the world because killing is bad! next episode he’s like if anything happens to grace kill all of them. cool story, still murder.
i wanna conclude this rant by talking about harold as a character vs harold as a person. meaning, harold as a fictional character who is used as a narrative device in a story as opposed to harold himself without the context of him being fictional. i don’t mind characters who say and do things i dislike. it’s very important to have characters you dislike as people imo. feels like an understatement. but lambet, for example, is a slimy asshole. the story is aware of this. he gets an ending a slimy asshole deserves. harold has a lot of flaws, and causes a lot of damage, gets his friends killed, and his stubborn refusal to budge on his arbitrary moral high ground lets samaritan take over and almost makes team machine lose. he gets a happy ending. with the woman he lied to (and caused a lot of pain and grief by lying to). root ends up dead, shaw gets tortured and fights her way back for root only to have her die which is kind of handwaved as ‘well she has tm with root’s voice good enough’, and john, after having rediscovered his will to live and have a life in the end of s4 goes right back to his whole dying for someone else thing. only harold gets the happy ending.
the show was actually pretty good at highlighting harold’s flaws and making them interesting, and then it kind of forgot that at the end in terms of story outcome. like, if harold had suffered enough to get a happy ending, then why didn’t anyone else get one? so my annoyance was with the narrative’s failure to satisfactorily conclude the characters’ arcs. (and for the record, i’m not one of the people who think he should have died. i don’t think it would have served a point. also death doesn’t equal redemption to me).
so, yeah, not a fan of him. don’t write him in my fics since my dislike would take time and focus away from writing about the people i do like. would probably be less bitter if they’d ended the show better. i was 300k words fic level of bitter. there was some post i saw going around recently about how if your found family show doesn’t end up with your found family together then you’ve kind of missed the whole point of found family and yeah, that.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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ellitx · 4 years
Ever wonder how Venti's wings works?... Like... In his Archon form? The wings he has are beautiful (and elegant and pretty and- you get it lol) but this question keeps bugging me... How???? If you look closely his wings are also attached or apart of his... Crop top hoodie??? Huh???
But nevertheless he's very pretty in that form 😌✨
Also, imagine like going out on dates with Venti, but him in his Archon form? Okay so, like his s/o is also a God, but weaker compared to the Seven. But nevertheless, he still find comfort and love in her... Thus, fell in love :3
It's like... After the Archon war. After the 7 seats were taken. The Archons begin their duties to build and protect their nations. But since Venti aka Barbatos refuses to rule Mondstadt because of his concept of freedom, so... He pretty much has a lot of time to spend with his s/o.
Venti would definitely cherish the memories and moments of him with his s/o. Almost everyday they would go out on dates in Mondstadt first. When his s/o asks him if she could meet the other 7, he would gladly bring her to meet them!
Ahhh she would be so exhilarated to go out and have an adventure with Venti! But he would always remind her to be careful and not to stray too far away from him.
"Even though the Archon war has ended, doesn't mean the rage and hatred of the fallen evil gods would be gone. They're still here, lingering around Teyvat. Corrupting the living and monsters alike." said Venti.
"So, if you would like to go and meet the other Seven... Please don't go far away from me, or I might get lonely without thee." he added.
(okay I suck at rhyming lol-)
And if they were suddenly under attack by some corrupted monster, Venti will push her behind him and make sure she was safe. He would also use his wings as a protective shield, covering around them both.
Then... After all had been taken care of, their journey continues! And first up was Liyue, the Geo Archon's nation. Venti would be happy to visit the 'old blockhead'.
As the two were arriving in Liyue, Rex Lapis, or Morax, can already sense Barbatos's presence. 'Was he here to ask for help in building his nation?' wondered Morax.
Haha nope, he was there with his s/o for a visiting.
"Ah, Barbatos. What brings you here in Liyue? And who's this lovely lady here?..." asked Morax.
"This here, my friend, is my wonderful s/o! We're here to visit Liyue. Say hi!" answered Venti.
"Hello, Morax. It is nice to finally meet you!" said y/n.
"Greetings, y/n. It's nice to meet you too." replied Zhongli.
"Morax? Who is that?... Do we have visitors?" asked Guizhong.
Morax replied "Oh, Guizhong. Yes, we have. It is Barbatos, of Mondstadt and his s/o."
Okay okay so I think Venti would tell almost every tale he has to say to his s/o. Thus making her somewhat informed. And one of those tales is about Morax and Guizhong.
She would totally then gasp and say "Are you the elegant Guizhong I've heard about???"
And Guizhong replied her with "My, my, who's this lil cutie here?"
Honestly, those two would vibe together and have a nice chat with some tea SKSKSKSKSKSKS.
Then Barbatos and Morax would also have a chat. But... Instead of tea, it'll be wine because, Venti ehe~
Okay I'll end it here and I think all of this is jumbled up and idk how to end it... KSDNSK Feel free to add anything tho!
But this is my brain rot and thanks for reading XD
~ 🍃 anon
Ahh this is really cute darling and guizhong interacting together 🥺
I like you changed that guizhong is alive even after the war but lets just enjoy these peaceful moments of two broke gods interacting and the goddesses chatting
Thank you for this anon!
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White Lies (Pt. 10 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.5 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
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Next part (10)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Candle Lights
Keanu is driving back home after your third antenatal class. You enjoy them, but most of the things they say you already know. But it's not their fault you and Keanu do a lot of reading and research, and your doctors keep you updated. But you want to keep going.
“I'm thinking about a cesarian.” You tell Keanu, both hands cupping your bump.
“What?” He glances at you, and his face makes you giggle. “You have to be kidding me.”
“Why?” You ask, stretching your arm to touch the back of his neck.
“Because labor is something natural. Your body knows what to do.”
“Yeah, it just hurts like a bitch.” You snap back, playing with his hair.
“I know.” He sighs. “It's your call. You're the one delivering the baby.”
“I'm not sure yet. But we still have time.” You're currently in the middle of week 18. You feel more comfortable, and you have more energy now. The bump already shows depending on what you wear, but there's still a long way to go. “And we need to talk names, by the way.”
“I thought we decided on Clarissa or Henry.”
“Yeah, but we gotta be one hundred percent sure. Are you one hundred percent sure?”
“Now that you're talking about it, no.” Keanu giggles, a hand coming to lay on your thigh. “What were the other options?”
“Sophie, Nicole, Ethan, and Liam.” You recite them, looking at the landscape outside your window.
“They're all great. But... Liam. I like Liam. Or Sophie.” He takes a turn left, entering the condo.
“I like them too.” It's always like this. Whenever you bring this up, you just can't decide. “Maybe it'll get easier once we know the sex. Because we're clueless so far.”
“Do you want one of those parties where the sex is revealed?”
“No. It's not like I'd know the guests so...” Pushing this thought back before it starts bothering you, you sigh. “Let's just keep it between us. The rest of the world will find out eventually, but let it happen when it happens.”
“Alright.” As he slows down and stops to wait for the garage door to open, you see Mrs. Jackson walking to her front door. She spots you and waves. You immediately remember the amazing brownies she makes, and you suddenly need it.
“I'll go say hi.” You tell Keanu before leaning for a kiss and stepping out of the car.
Mrs. Jackson is a kind old lady who lives with her husband in the house on the left. When she sees you coming her way she stops, smiling. “Hello, (Y/N). Good morning.” Her long white hair is being blown by the wind, and she keeps it off her face with a hand.
“Good morning, Mrs. Jackson. How are you today?” Smiling, you hug her.
“You can call me Anne, child, it's alright.” She immediately touches your belly. “And how is this tiny little human? Are you eating well, honey? Exercising?” She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head at your house. “Is your husband taking good care of you?”
“Yes, yes, and yes.” Giggling, and blushing a little, you nod. “I have weekly appointments with my nutritionist, Keanu and I take a walk every morning around the neighborhood and he's being absolutely amazing.” You say with a sigh, your heart beating a little faster just at the mention of him.
“Are you falling for him?” With both hands on her hip, Mrs. Jackson inquires, a funny expression on her face. She knows about the accident since she has become a friend of yours.
“I am.” You mutter, biting your lip.
“That's true, genuine love, sweetie. Even after forgetting him, you're falling for him all over again.” She has a teasing look on her face that makes you blush even more.
“Yeah, I guess you can say that. In the beginning, I really thought we'd end up divorced.”
“Honey, you don't know the way Keanu looks at you.” She shakes her head no, taking your arms and pulling you to a seat on the steps that lead to her porch. “When you came for dinner earlier this week, I could see it clearly. He looks at you like you're his whole world.” Running a hand through your hair, you look down. “That man loves you with all his heart, I have no doubt.” She puts an arm around your shoulders.
“Yeah...” You mutter, a low chuckle leaving your lips. “Oh, sorry for yesterday's noise. We're changing a few things in the house for the baby and also working on the decoration. Since we just moved and everything is happening at the same time...”
Anne furrows her eyebrows a little, tilting her head to the side. “Honey, Keanu has been living here for a little more than a year before you came. It was a surprise to me as it was for everyone to find he was married.”
Mimicking her expression, you start thinking, counting. Keanu said you came here only a few weeks before the accident. “Well... We were keeping it a secret. He's a public figure so the goal was to keep the marriage private for as long as we could. But the accident happened.” The words come out slow, as you try to understand what she means by that. A year... It can't be.
“I don't blame you for doing that.” Squeezing your shoulders a little, she smiles. “People can be very intrusive with celebrities.”
“Keanu's fans are great. We bumped into some on our way to the Walmart a while ago. And Ke was kind, as always.”
“That man is a rarity.”
“He is.” Smiling, you look at her, remembering about your current craving. “Oh, do you think you can make some of those chocolate brownies?” You ask, pouting a little. “I hate to give you trouble but I really want them.”
“Don't worry, child.” Anne giggles, taking your hand in hers. “I'm retired for way too many years and I enjoy having something to do.”
“Thank you!” Pulling her into a hug, you place a kiss on her cheek. “I gotta go now.” Pushing yourself up, you jump to the sidewalk. “Important talking about this little one's name.”
“Won't you tell me the options?”
“Nope!” Winking at her, you start walking backward. “It's going to be a surprise.” With another wave, you turn around and head home.
Keanu is in the kitchen, starting with the preparations for dinner. Homemade pizza night, and he's just starting to make the dough. Moving to seat on the kitchen island, you're just about to ask how you can help when what Anne said comes back. That was certainly weird, but you don't think Keanu would lie to you like that. “Ke...” You make a small pause when he looks at you over his shoulder. “Mrs. Jackson said you were living here for like a year. But you told me we came to New York a few weeks before the accident.”
He stops, both his hands dirty with flour. There's something in his face you can't read, as Keanu avoids looking at you. “We bought the house about a year ago. I used to come and spend a day or two because of work, but we only actually moved when you found a good job here.” He speaks slow, only lifting his eyes when he's done speaking. You work with social services, and he said that your job is secure for when you're able to go back.
“Got it.” You mutter, furrowing your eyebrows a little. “Are you alright?” Getting up, you walk over him. Once you're close, he has no choice but stares into your eyes. Wrapping your arms around his midsection, you tiptoe to kiss him.
“I'm great.” When you step away, Keanu touches your nose in a quick motion, getting it dirt with flour.
“I can't believe you did that.” You giggle, stretching your arm to shove your fingers inside the bowl before showing them to your husband. “If you don't apologize, sir, I'll paint all this pretty face of yours.”
“Is it a threat?” Keanu inquires, raising an eyebrow.
“It's a promise.”
“Alright then.” He chuckles before cupping your face with both hands, getting your cheeks and jaw covered in flour.
“You're playing with fire!” You shout, running your fingers through your face before reaching for the bowl and taking a handful of flour that you succeed to half throw it at him, with half of it falling on the sink. He holds your dirty hand, some parts of his hair all white. “You're messing with the wrong pregnant lady, babe.”
“I surrender.” He says in between giggles, hands raised. “I'm completely at your mercy.”
Squinting your eyes at him, you only grunt before washing your hands. “Let me help you.” You say as you grab the dishcloth, damping it before starting to clean Keanu's face.
“No. Let me do this for you. Just sit there looking beautiful.” Once you're done with his face, you clean yourself the best you can.
“Only if I get to see you around the kitchen looking handsome.” Sassing back, you leave the dishcloth on the sink and head back to your place at the kitchen island. You love helping him, but you decided to let him do his thing this time.
By nightfall, the pizzas are in the oven. All three of them, despite knowing you won't eat that much. But one is for Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and the other two will probably cover up all meals for a while. That if Keanu doesn't bug you with eating super healthy on every single meal. The brownies arrive too, and you thank Anne a lot as you bite one of them.
The only thing to ruin the night, well, that got close to, was that the sudden violent wind caused a blackout. You were eating at the kitchen table when it happened, and Keanu left to check if there was anything he could do. There isn't, but he did find some candles and the pizza night became a lot more romantic instantly.
Right now, already satisfied after two slices only, you admire his face in the different lighting, his hand holding yours over the table.
“We should go out. Like a date.” He suggests, and it makes your smile grow wider. “If that's alright with you.”
“Of course it is. We're married.” Shrugging your shoulders, you notice the subtle change on his face. You never get it, it's a mystery. “Ke, what's wrong?” It's not the first time it happens, but even though you're getting to know him, learning to read his expressions, this one is still difficult.
“Nothing, beautiful. It's nothing.” He assures you in a low voice. “Do you wanna head upstairs? A shower lit by candles must be quite an adventure.”
He always does that. He says it's nothing and changes the subject... But you guess it's alright. Maybe Keanu remembers the accident. The wife he lost that day. Or maybe something you shared before that's completely gone for you. “Great.”
“You can go first. I'll clean this up.”
“Leave the dishes to me. I can do them tomorrow.” You say as you walk past him, a hand on his shoulder. “You already made dinner for us.”
“Alright.” He agrees and you smile before going upstairs.
Showering with nothing but candles to light up the bathroom is weird, and you almost slipped. And that you'll never tell Keanu or else who knows what he'll do. But it was different. Once you're done, you leave the bathroom loosening the bun you had your hair in, letting it down. “Your turn with the medieval style shower.”
“I didn't know they had bathrooms like this back then.” Keanu snaps at you, smirking.
“You couldn't just go with it, could you?” Rolling your eyes, you walk over the slide glass door that leads to the balcony, just to watch as the wind still rushes through.
“Absolutely not.” It's the last thing you hear before the door closes.
With your eyes on the street down there, you hope this wind won't bring anyone trouble by tomorrow. At least the news said the weather will get better in a couple of days.
After some minutes watching the threes bending under the weight of the wind, you walk back to the bed, sitting on the edge. This place is feeling more like home as the days go by, and you're falling back into the life you once had. And it's good. Despite all the medicine you still take, the endless appointments, and a very, very overprotective husband, everything is good. More than that, actually. It does bring you relief to know you were this happy before. That you weren't alone, that you somehow managed to find someone so amazing. You know it was probably difficult in the beginning, with him being a public figure, and so many years older, but look where you are now. It was worth it. It ended up in the best way possible. And you couldn't ask for anything else.
“Lost in thoughts?” His voice startles you, as he comes from the bathroom.
“A little.” Getting on your knees on the bed, you cross it until you're face to face with him. Well, he's still taller, but you don't mind. You like it a lot, actually. Smiling you wrap your arms around his neck. “But they were good thoughts.”
“That's good to know.” He whispers, and you can't resist the proximity, so you just kiss him.
It was supposed to be just a quick thing, soft and sweet, but it soon becomes too needy. You shouldn't be this needy, and you don't know where it comes from. But it doesn't take much until you're awkwardly wrapping your legs around his waist, but the sudden change of balance makes you fall back on the bed, giggling through the kiss. But you don't mind. You don't want this to stop.
But you sigh when Keanu pulls away, opening your eyes to look at him, his eyes barely lit by the two candles, one on each nightstand. “What?” You ask, your voice a little weak, you're not sure why.
“If we keep this going...” His voice fades, and you feel when he removes some of his weight from you. He wasn't crushing you, but you were feeling all of his body. “...I don't think we'll be interrupted this time.”
You get what he means. There won't be calls this time, nothing too put a stop to whatever is going to happen. But you don't care. He's your husband, and you're falling for him. You want this. “I don't want it to be interrupted, Ke.” You tell him, thanking the darkness because you're sure you never blushed this much.
“Are you sure you want this?” A thunder almost clouds his voice, but you manage to hear it.
It's kind that he still wants to know how you feel. Keanu doesn't push you, he never has. It suddenly snaps that you love him, that this is right. “I'm sure.” You whisper back, eyes closing again when Keanu leans in for another kiss.
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iexisted · 3 years
Last Hope - Chapter Three - The Fall
Read Last Hope on AO3 here
No. No. No!
How didn't he see it coming?!
His radar should've alerted him of the sudden shift in structure! But it didn't! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!
Harrison was in the 'Bear-cub' exosuit, foot trapped under a beam, stuck in a building going to topple any minute, dusty, dark and cold, although his thermal unifom helped a bit in keeping him warm. Comms were shagged due to the interferrence of multiple faulty cables. And he can't call for his brother since he was a few buildings away.
Luckily, the exosuit took the brunt of the force, but he was still pinned against a wall, well, more like crushed against a wall, he couldn't move because the hydralics on the back of the suit wouldn't function without atleast a few centimeters of space to move. 
So he was a sitting duck. Stuck under a dark, musty and dusty building going to collapse any second.
Well, that was the idea until his comm fizzled and turned on, Virgils worried voice crackling over the link, "-Harrison, where are you?"
Harry sighed in relief, shoulders slumping foward in whatever space they had, releasing the tension in his aching muscles.
"In the building south-east, kinda stuck, but doing great thank yo-" Harrison tried his best at sarcasm in the moment but a sudden shift of rubble and the beam moved, crushing his foot further, revoking a pained grunt from the man caught under it.
"I'm on my way, don't move." He could hear Virgils boots stomping on the ground as he neared.
"Not like I can move." Harry hissed, managing to keep down another pain filled groan.
At the entrance of the building, a hundred meters or so away from the trapped Tracy, a high beam-like flashlight shone straight at him, causing him to turn his head away from the blinding light, before hearing footsteps nearing.
"Woah, good job, how'd you manage this?" Virgil asked, beginning to move loose rubble of the actually large pile squishing his brother.
"Radars were faulty, didn't alert me that the building would shift, and low and behold, stuck like bug in glue." Harrison grumbled, whining in pain when another piece of rubble was lifted off the pile.
"Can you move your arms?" Virgil continued moving the rubble like it was nothing, before stopping to glance over his immediate brother for any visible injuries.
Harrison shuffled his arms, wincing slightly. "Well, unless I take off the exosuit, but otherwise, only a few centimeters." Virgil removed most of the concrete and other rubble until the beam was fully visible.
"Woah, nice catch." Virgil said, before clamping the Jaws of Life onto the beam to lift it up. "This might hurt a little." 
A countdown from three, and the beam was lifted up, a grunt of strain and a pained cry.
"Can you walk?" The older of the two asked, moving the beam away, the younger stumbling forward with a heavy limp. "Yeah, sorta, maybe, probably not, the support beam took the brunt of it, it'll hold until we get to Six-" 
"Ah-ah-ah, you're not flying, John will autopilot Six home, you're coming with me onto Two so I can keep an eye on you." Virgil snaked his arms under his brothers almost limp form, lifting up the man in question whilst in his exosuit.
Harry whined. Sure, none of them want someone else flying their 'Bird, but its better than flying injured and crashing, potentially dying aswell. 
"Fine." Harrison grumbled, not protesting while being carried, only a slight whimper when his foot moved.
Sitting on the med-bed in the cockpit of Thunderbird Two with a splint over his left leg felt like the most boring thing he ever went through, the only thing stopping him from lulling to sleep was the unfamiliar roar of Two's engines, while Six's were almost silent when sitting in the cockpit, he wanted sleep- no- needed sleep, Virgil wouldn't even allow him to start filling out the rescue report until they got home and he got fully checked out and put on proper pain medication.
"We're almost home." Virgil called back, startling the younger slightly, the silence in the cockpit causing him to start dozing off, and hearing his twin talk had dragged him out of his almost sleeping state, "Yeah, yeah, alright.." He muttered, the pain medication Virgil had gave him starting to wear off, the pain in his injured foot starting to poke out its ugly head.
"Not broken, or fractured, just bruised from the ending and lressure it undertook while under the beam." Grandma concluded, holding a hand on Harrison's forearm as the man stood up, leaning most of his weight on his good leg, after refusing a crutch. "It shoukd be healed in a few days-" The young man started but got cut off, "You're taking two weeks off young man." And she said with a tone that meant no rescues. Harrison was about to talk again, but as if Grandma read his mind, she spoke again, "I think your brothers can limp along without you or Thunderbird Six for a bit." 
Harrison sighed, he knew he could never out do his Grandmother on the medical side of things, even when he was by law a paramedic, almost doctor but he lacked minr training. So he limped off to see what Rysty was up to so they coukd finish the blueprints for Six's new pod.
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hardforbenhardy · 5 years
period | benxfem!reader
summary: your period is the bane of your existence, and makes being in a new relationship a little awkward. you don’t want ben to know, because your too embarrassed; but of course, he finds out
warnings: fluff, fluff and even more fluff
word count: 2.6k
i love ben just as equally as i love roger so i decided to write one for him, hope you enjoy :)
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The stabbing pains in your abdomen wouldn't leave, you felt like you could barely even move without going to throw up. It felt as if your stomach had been tied in a knot a million times, so tight that it was impossible to take a breath. An ear-splitting thumping resided in the back of your head, the sensation of a hot rod being pressed against the right side of your head. Your eyes filled with hot tears which allowed themselves to roll down your reddened cheeks, wetting the surface indefinitely. The pain was almost unbearable; no matter how often it happened, you were never able to get used to it. It happened every single month - the same week, the same amount of days, the same symptoms. Your period was the utter bane of your existence.
You had been to the doctor about it multiple times, all they could do was prescribe pills to ease the pain, though they barely did anything. The only benefit of said pill was that you and your boyfriend, Ben, didn't have to bother with protection when you went at it (as long as you'd both been tested recently of course) Thankfully, it wasn't something the two of you shied away from conversing about; you were both very open to each other about your sex life and that's what made it so much better. You both knew exactly what each other liked, what each other didn't like, the best positions; after only 4 months of being together, you and Ben were inseparable. Which honestly confused you a little considering you still found it extremely awkward and embarrassing to talk to him about your period. You didn't really know why, you knew it was nothing to be ashamed of and that it happens to everyone; but it just made you feel that little bit weak and kind of gross. Thankfully, your period did only last 3-4 days usually, so it wasn't hard to hide away from Ben's company during the time period; you would usually explain you have a lot of paperwork to get done so you couldn't allow yourself any distractions. Admittedly, Ben was a little suspicious that you were always so busy that you couldn't even text him, at the same time every month; but he believed you and he didn't want to bug you about it. Even if you were lying to him, he knew it must've been for a valid reason. Or at least, he hoped. This month, however, he wanted to see you; he had major news that he wanted to share as soon as possible.
The alert on your phone broke the silence of the room suddenly, making you jump a little, which sent a shot of pain surging through your body. You rolled onto your side as carefully as you could, clutching tightly onto your stomach in an attempt to alleviate any pain you could, to pick up your phone and squint your eyes to read it.
Love, I know you're busy, but I need to see you - can I come over? I have some major news and I want to tell you first! x
You felt a wave of anxiety rush over you as you tried to think of an excuse to keep him away. Though the idea of 'major news' intrigued you, you were in no shape at all to even see Ben, let alone get excited about whatever he had to tell you. Therefore, in an attempt to scare him away, you texted him back.
Sounds lovely babe, but I'm really really busy and if I don't have this work done, I'm getting fired for good! Wait for tomorrow x
But I can't wait! It'll probably be all over the news by tomorrow - I promise it'll take like 10 minutes of your time. Surely you should take a break, you've been at it for 3 days straight now x
Ben, if it's that important, then you can text it me. You can't come over.
Love, are you okay? You sound a little off x
Have I done something wrong?
You knew he hadn't, and you knew you shouldn't be taking out your pain on him; but your hormones were making you much more impatient than usual. You didn't answer, instead just threw your phone on the other side of the bed and groaned loudly, the tears began to roll down your cheeks again. You hated, absolutely hated, being rude to Ben; especially when he did nothing to deserve it at all. But your patience was running thin and if the only way was to ignore him and his texts, then that's what you'd do. Of course it didn't work at all, because about 10 minutes later you heard the front door to your apartment click open and Ben's voice shouting through "Y/N?"
You shot up off the bed, ignoring the huge amounts of pain it sent through you, to his deep voice echoing through your flat. Ben was partly expecting to either see you at the dinner table surrounded by a sea of books, or strangely to be met with the sounds of your moans; but instead it was just silence. You admitted defeat, knowing you now had no chance of hiding away from him any longer, so you just remained curled up in your duvet. "In here" You rasply shouting through to the hall, hoping he would hear you're dishevelled voice. You knew he had once you heard his footsteps racing down the hallway towards the door, his excited voice shouting through "I got the best news today, babe, it was from the producers of that film I auditioned for a few weeks back- Babe?"
You could sense Ben was now in the room due to the fact his voice was loud enough and not to mention the fact the room was now flooded with a bright light which sent you blind for a second or two. The pounding in your head only worsened with the sudden beams entering your sight, making you groan loudly in excruciating pain. You felt the bed dip slightly beside you and a hand shake your shoulder, but you resisted turning to face him as you knew full well you looked like an absolute mess. "Babe, what's wrong?"
"Ben, would you just fuck off" You snapped, the anger surging through your body after he blatantly went against your orders to not come over. However, you instantly felt regret and turned to face Ben - "B-ben, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that, I-I-"
"Y/N, please just tell me what is wrong, h-have you been crying? Have I done something wrong?" He breathed, his eyes beginning to glass over a little too at the sight of you, his mind searching for things he may have done to upset you in any way so he could reverse it, or at least try to. You went to sit against the headboard, trying your hardest to ignore the stabbing pains in your abdomen from the movement, which were making you wince loudly and more tears come out your eyes. Ben immediately grabbed the top of your arms to help lift you up, easing the strain the little and therefore the pain.
"N-no Ben, you've done nothing wrong I promise. I've just been ill for the past few days and I didn't want to trouble you was all" You rasped, your throat completely giving out. Ben furrowed his brows but immediately jumped off the bed to dial down the light to a more suitable level, knowing that it probably meant you had a headache and a bright light was the worst of situations for you right now.
"Love, not to be rude, but this isn't just feeling 'ill'. There is something seriously wrong with you - you are in pain whenever you move, you've got a migraine, you look like you've been crying all day every day, and you have bags under your eyes. Look, I'm calling the doctors and I'll get you an appointment, and in the meanwhile I'll stay here and keep you company, okay?" He explained, going to grab his phone out his pocket and dial the doctors.
"N-no Ben, you don't need to call the doctors! I promise, I'll be fine tomorrow, there's nothing to worry about"
"Y/N, there's a lot to worry about - you are in a lot of pain, and this happens every month at the same time, you block me out and by the sounds of it, everyone else. Please just explain-"
"I'm on my period Ben! Okay!" You snapped, your patience running thin. You honestly expected him to catch on to it by now, considering you weren't hiding it very well, but you had no choice but to shout it out. Your cheeks blushed when you realised what you had just admitted, and you went to pull the covers back over your head to hide yourself, but that didn't stop Ben from comforting you. You didn't notice his reaction to what you said considering you were too busy burying yourself in the silk sheets of your duvet.
"Honey, why didn't you just say so?" He comforted, making you peek your head out to look at him sat next to you. He climbed under the covers with you and pulled you tightly into his warm embrace, letting you sob softly into his chest.
"Because it's embarrassing Ben! We've only been together for a few months! It makes me feel weak, and I feel like a bitch all the time because of my hormones, a-and I feel gross" You stuttered, the positioning of your head mumbling the words and vibrating his chest softly. You felt Ben release a large puff of air and his arms tighten around your waist.
"Love, I'm not one of those guys who thinks you're disgusting because you menstruate. It's completely natural, and I couldn't care less if you are bleeding from your vagina or not - you tell me when you don't feel well and you let me care for you. I don't like seeing you like this - now I'm going to pop out for 10 minutes and then I'll be straight back, okay?" Ben grinned down at you, stroking his hand through your knotted hair in a calming manner. You groan a little at the idea of being alone again, but you know that Ben wouldn't leave you unless he absolutely had too so you nodded your head slightly, the movement straining your neck a little. A smile was plastered on your face at Bens word, however, feeling a little better about your period. At least you could talk to him about it now, and you would feel a little less removed or awkward. You felt shivers course through your body when Ben released you from his snuggly embrace and stood up beside the bed, pulling on his coat and grabbing the car keys. The ten minutes he was gone, you felt awful again - you felt nauseous, your headache was back, you felt like you we being stabbed a million times, but most of all you felt confused. With Ben by your side, you realised how alleviated you were of the pain from before, but all that was different was Bens comfort.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when the door slammed shut again, hearing Ben shout "I'm back" through the corridor. A grin stretched across your face when you looked up to see Ben stood in the doorway to your bedroom, holding 3 full shopping bags and also carrying multiple blankets and hoodies - his, to be exact. "I didn't really know what to get but I remember you telling me a few weeks ago that there were some movies you hadn't seen yet but wanted to watch, so I got them. I also bought you some chocolate - your favourite, obviously - and some ice cream. Oh, and I stopped at mine to grab you some of my hoodies because you always say how you like them"
"Only because they smell like you" You chuckle breathly, lifting your body to rest against the headboard and make grabby hands toward the bags, like a child asking for its sippy cup. Ben chuckled back, bringing the bags over to the bed and rushing to the kitchen to grab spoons so the two of you could dig into the ice cream. "I-I seriously can't thank you enough Ben, what did I do to deserve you"
"Love, you don't need to thank me. I love you so much, I don't want to see you like that ever again okay, so you tell me when you feel ill or upset so I can help you"
You couldn't really respond, your voice giving out, so you nodded gently and took a large bite of the mint ice cream. Ben laughed when you moaned at the sensation of the cold hitting your tongue, making you laugh too. Soon your mood changed, not in a bad way, but you found yourself crying instead of laughing. You seriously couldn't fathom how you had scored a boyfriend like Ben - he could have anyone he chooses, but he still chose you. Ben noticed that your laughter had turned to tears, and immediately dropped his spoon to help you.
"What is it love? Are you okay? Is it your cramps again? I got you some heating pads but I'm not sure how they work, let me just-" He fretted, but he was quickly stopped when he noticed me laughing again. "N-no, just hormones babe I'm fine. In fact, I'm a lot better now you're here- I guess you're like my cure or whatever. Could we watch one of those films you got and cuddle?"
He took one of the films out the bag and put in in your tv, while you stripped your top off and threw one of Bens baggy hoodies over your head, letting it bunch around your chin so you could smell the scent of Ben easily. It was your absolute favourite scent- there were all kinds of smells combined into one like some magical concoction; the smell of his cinnamon spice shower gel, his tea tree shampoo, cigarette smoke (which you didn't particularly like, but when tied in with everything else, it was like the cherry on the cake); but most prominent of them all was sandalwood. You considered this to be his natural scent, which you thought was a little ironic based on the fact that sandalwood's fragrance is closest to the human pheromone and is traditionally considered as an aphrodisiac, and you had never been more attracted to a man in your life. He chuckled at the sight of you taking a big inhale through your nose to really take in the smells, but you didn't care because you felt like you were in heaven. Ben threw himself back onto the bed, and cuddled up close to you, wrapping his arms around you waist and resting your head on his chest. Then you remembered the actual reason Ben had come round in the first place:
"What was your big news?"
"Oh, I completely forgot about that. I got that role I auditioned for a few weeks back, you know the one for that action movie." He grinned, making you squeal in excitement
"Really?! Ben that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!! How could you forget something like that!"
"Because whenever I'm with you, I swear everything else just disappears"
"I love you Ben Jones" You grin, your heart skipping a beat at his words. You had found the cure to your pain, when it had been there all along. It didn't surprise you one bit, but you were just glad you now had even more excuses to cuddle to the love of your life.
What did you do to deserve this man?
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lareinenoir · 5 years
•Lovely treasure•
Loki x Black! Reader
Pt. 1/2
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Summary: "You fell in love with her didn't you."
Y/N was smuggled into Asgard by Loki's magic and had been staying there ever since as a servant to him by day, and by night, "My sanctuary. My church I will only kneel before." Now that he is behind the glass, Y/N comes in and out as she pleases, as Frigga's servant, delivering books to him. Only when Odin sees a love letter addressed to him(Loki) does he realize another way to punish his son.
⚠ WARNING: Angst
"Guess what I brought for you." Says Y/N, entering the room.
"More books from my mother? A quill perhaps?" He asks Standing up to meet his Lady with a graceful grin. "Y/N." He smiled
"Hello." She repeats "Unfortunately not a quill. Your father already permits Queen Frigga sending you things. A quil could be used as a weapon."
"A weapon you say?" He gasps watching her enter the glass chamber, setting the books on his little desk. "My treasure..." He whispered. A little gasp leaves her throat as he lightly stroked his index finger down her jawline. "I see it as a sexual opportunity."
"Loki!" She said, pushing away from him laughing, heat rising up her face. "You're kinky."
"I don't even know what that means." He Laughs as she tries to leave the cell. "Y/N, don't leave." His fingers holding hers
"Stop. People could be watching. At any moment the guards could come in and see us." She protested backing out of the glass and now stared at him from the outside. "Don't give me that look."
"Forgive me but I'm having a very hard time adjusting to seeing you every other day. Forgive me because I do wish to hold you, Y/N." He said, a devilish but sly stare he finished, "Forgive me for spending my days locked in here imagining how I'll make sweet love to you in this cell."
"One day." She grinned back, licking her lower lip trying to show him that things will get better.
"Your accent is getting better. I'm proud of you. You're sounding like an Asgardian." Loki compliments, changing the subject.
"I'm glad it pleases you." Y/N grinned greatfuly
"Did my mother mention the hair at all?" Asks Loki, gesturing towards her green curls.
"She did, but rendered it ok surprisingly. I couldn't exactly tell her how your little garden spell didn't work and blew up in my face." She giggled "Literally."
"I did apologize." Loki chuckles "I was attempting to fill the bedroom with dasies, your favorite flower."
"Don't worry. It's actually growing on me. Who knew I would love the color green so much."
"I agree." He smiles biting his lip. "You are absolutely amazing."
"Amazing? I was thinking more astonishing." She said back, jokingly twirling in her dress.
"That and more-"
"Lady Y/N." Said a guard walking in, he bowed his head a bit. "Your presence is requested by Queen Frigga."
"Thank you." She answers and he leaves
"Lady Y/N?" Questions Loki "My mother granted you that position?"
"She did. A lady in waiting actually. I think she's trying to marry me off. She sends men my way every other day." Y/N laughed but Loki didn't like the sound of that.
Other men trying to win his treasure's love. Sending her gifts, going on walks in hopes to start courting. Saying sweet things to make her blush. The thought made his face turn stone cold and lips in a tight line as a sarcastic chuckle leaves his throat.
"Kind and sweet as they are," she begins pressing her hand against the glass. "I tend to like a little mischief in my men. They bring excitement and...surprises in the bedroom." Y/N winks
With a reassuring nod, Loki sends her off by pressing his fingers on the glass to match hers. Even though they weren't touching, it was the idea that made Loki grin with pleasure.
"You asked for me?" Said Y/N, bowing her head as she went to meet Frigga on the balcony.
"I did." She nods, her head turned as she extended her hand. "Come. Stand with me."
Hesitantly, Y/N took her hand joining her as Frigga asked. Her eyes focused on the town below her and beyond that, the woods. It was beautiful from where they were.
"Its beautiful up here."
"It is, isn't it." Frigga agreed.
Now the silence was killing Y/N. She didn't know what the Queen wanted.
"Y/N, it seems you have been spending more time than usual in the prison. " Frigga said
"Queen Fri-"
"My husband can be quite...vengeful and I'd hate for you to be apart of that. It'll hurt me more if I didn't warn you." Frigga says holding Y/N hands.
"I understand, your majesty." Y/N confessed "I'll...I'll keep my distance."
"Good. I don't even want you to say a word. Deliver and come back, lady Y/N and I do think its in your best interest to spend more time with the suitors. It'll take less suspicion off you and a solid alibi for if you are ever put on trial."
"Right. I get it, I can't ever see him again." Her voice was shaky "Will he ever be released? Will Odin ever set him free?" She asked as Frigga wiped her tear and held her head so motherly.
"One day. When he is done being angry. Y/N do you love him?"
"I do. Without a shadow of a doubt, I do love Loki."
"Then hold onto that." Frigga held her to her chest in a warm embrace. "With love comes hope and that is all you can do. Can you do that for me, Y/N?"
"I can." Love him enough to let him go...
"Good morning." Said Loki
He was very eager to see his love. To his surprise, his green haired lover didn't speak back. Didn't even look in his direction. The crazy part being a guard walking right next to her. He seemed to be bugged by that more.
Loki, looked up from his book, skeptically, still trying to read Y/N face who still didn't glance his way or eyes dare cross his path, Loki desperately wanted to grab her and make her look into his eyes. By the time he had worked up the courage, Y/N was already gone.
Her heels clicked away as she left the cell. Her head never turned back to give Loki a glance.
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lexxierave · 5 years
Keeping Secrets- Remus Lupin Part 2
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You watched Remus become more distant and sickly looking as the week moved on. You were beginning to worry even more about him. Could his mother really be so sick that it caused Remus to be anxiously sick?
You thought about approaching him again but decided not to you vowed you'd wait for him to come to you and you intended to keep that promise.
Your mind was so focused on Remus that you didn't notice the blond haired boy that took a seat next to you in Charms class. 
"Hey. You're Y/N, right?" He asked you while showing you, what you assumed was his award winning smile.
"Hm? Oh, yeah, that's me." You muttered out before turning your head away to stare back at Remus.
"So you know there's this hogsmeade trip this week right?" He tried to bring you attention back to him.
"Is there?" You genuinely asked. Worrying about your new friend had thrown all the normal worries out of your mind.
"Yeah. So do you have a date yet?" He questioned. His eyes traveled from your face to the boy you've obviously staring at all through class.
"Um...no. I don't have a date." You mumbled starting to tune him out. You couldn't care less what he was saying all you cared about was what Remus wasn't saying.
Before the poor lad could bug you anymore class had ended and you quickly collected your things.
"Look it was nice meeting you..." You paused, realizing you had no clue what his name was.
"It's Aaron." He gave that dazzling smile again
"Right...nice to meet you, Aaron." You gave a small smile before you hurried out of the room.
Your eyes searched the crowded halls for the person you were looking for.  There he was!
You rushed forward with a new purpose before grabbing the boy by his collar and throwing him into the nearest empty room. In this case it was a broom closet. Great.
"If you wanted me that badly all you had to do was ask." Sirius flirtatiously said
"As if." You spat "I needed to talk to you. It's about Remus."
"Moony? What about him?" Sirius asked straightening up from the wall.
"I know it's not my place but I'm worried about him." You fidgeted in the small space.
"You must be Y/N? Look there's no need to worry about Moony." He tried to reassure you taking my hand into his. "He's just going through some personal things."
"I can't help it. He's changed. He's blocking me off and he won't even talk to me." You cried out in frustration.
"I wouldn't let it worry you too much. Remus gets a mood sometimes but it'll pass. Then he'll be back to his normal nerd self." He promised.
You nodded in understanding before taking your hand away and grabbing the door handle. When you opened the door you expected the hallways to be empty as the next class had already started. You were surprised to find the rest of the marauders standing off to the side as if waiting for Sirius to resurface.
You momentarily locked eyes with Remus before turning away and heading to your next class. You wanted him to look at you all day but not like this. Not climbing out of the broom closet with one of his best mates.
You hoped Sirius would do the right thing and explain everything to Remus. You had hopes that Sirius was telling you the truth when he said Remus would be back to normal soon. But it made you wonder what could make him so sickly looking but what could pass and allow him to recover that quickly.
With that thought in mind you decided after classes you'd skip dinner and head to the library for a bit of light reading. You were determined to help Remus Lupin even if he didn't want you to. Even if he wouldn't tell you what was wrong, you'd find a way to help him. 
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senioritis2024 · 5 years
The Pub
(Y/n)'s POV
"Come on, you have to come with me. I'll be bored without you and you need a break." You begged.
"You know I can't, besides, if I don't get my work done then I won't finish it before my deadline" She argued.
You couldn't believe it, your friend was freaking out about a project that had a deadline... IN 3 WEEKS. She was always super crazy about getting her work done but this was getting a little irritating and out of hand.
"(Y/b/f/n/n), you need to stop. It's not due for 3 weeks and you will get it done. I can bet you $50 that you will get it done before next weekend if you come and do this with me."
"What if I don't want to risk it? You know I will end up only thinking about work and I won't be any fun. Then you won't get to enjoy your night out."
"I don't care if you end up only thinking about work, as long as you go I will have fun. Now, no more arguing, we need to get dressed and you need to do our makeup. I would do it but it won't be nearly as good as if you do it." You said as you stood up from your bed and walked towards your closet.
"(Y/n)...." (Y/b/f/n) said, dragging out your name just to be dramatic.
You ignored her as you continued looking in your closet for something to wear tonight.
"Even if I go, which I haven't decided yet, I have nothing to wear and I am not wearing pajamas."
"No duh," You said as you walked out with a couple options for both you and (Y/b/f/n). "I refuse to let you look like a bum. Plus, I have a couple dresses that you could wear."
"Nuh-uh. I am not going to wear any of your clothes, I wouldn't be comfortable showing that much skin."
You had to bite your tongue to keep from calling your best friend out and saying she dresses like an old lady. You just felt a little more comfortable with your body than she does and so you would wear SLIGHTLY more revealing clothes than she would.
"(Y/b/f/n), I would never make you wear something slutty, but if you feel uncomfortable with what I pick out you can take one of my tank tops and wear it underneath. Okay?"
"Fine, but you seriously owe me big time."
"I'm fine with that. Now please pick something out while I get dressed." You said as you walked to your bathroom that was across the hall.
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(Y/b/f/n)'s POV
Each dress was a little, and by a little I mean A LOT, out of my comfort zone. But I already gave into (Y/n) and I don't feel like being lectured again. I decided to look at the dresses, figuring that I could give them a chance. Each dress was stunning. The silver dress was a little low cut but it had sequins all over it that sparkled brightly in the light. The Navy dress was higher cut but a little shorter, however it was made of breathable fabric and happened to be my favorite color. The red dress was a satin fabric and cut a little lower than the blue but hugged my body in just the right places. I didn't want to admit it, but I loved the way this dress looked on me. I walk over to (Y/n)'s mirror and look at myself. Honestly, I actually look kinda cute and I wouldn't mind being seen in this dress.
"You look absolutely beautiful (Y/b/f/n/n)."
You jumped and turned around at your friend's comment as she walked in, wearing a gold, velvet dress and heels.
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"You need to learn to knock. What if I was naked?"
"Two things; 1) You weren't and 2) This is my room. I have the right to barge in."
"Whatever." You said with a smirk as you turned back around to admire how you looked.
"Is that what you are wearing? Because if not you're going crazy."
"Yeah, I'll wear this. Do you have any shoes I can borrow?"
"Sure," Your friend said as she walked back into her closet, reappearing in seconds with a pair of gold, strappy sandals in her hands. "I know you can't walk in heels let alone be able to dance with me, so here."
"Thanks, how much time do we have until we have to leave?"
"About an hour, I figure it'll give you time to do our makeup and then we can leave. We should have enough time to get drinks before the band starts. Hopefully I can catch the drummer's eye tonight, maybe I can even take-"
"(Y/n), I love you but I don't think I wanna know all that." You say with a giggle.
"Okay, suit yourself," She said as she walked over to her vanity. "Just don't ask to be my maid-of-honor at the wedding."
You just ignored her last comment as you began folding your clothes from the day, putting them on (Y/n)'s dresser. While you did that, (Y/n) began putting on foundation and concealer.
"What do you want me to do for your makeup. Are we thinking a cut crease? Smoky? Solid? Glitter?" You asked, even though you knew she wouldn't care.
"I'm thinking maybe a Smoky eye look. But as long as you can do what you do best and make me look good, I don't care."
"Alright, head back," you said as you grabbed one of her makeup brushes and began coating it with a light brown eyeshadow. "Do you plan on telling me anything about this drummer yet or do I have to hear about it after your wedding?"
"Don't be silly. Even if I ever got mad at you, you will always be my maid-of-honor. Now, the real tea. He is the drummer of Smile, tall, blonde, muscular, and a certified player. Don't get me wrong, I know that he doesn't really have a good reputation but-"
You couldn't pay attention after then first few sentences, you got lost in thought about what you were going to do about your assignment from work. But you couldn't play it off too well because in seconds you hear,
"EARTH TO (Y/b/f/n)!!! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"Don't even think about lying to me, woman. I know you inside and out and it's obvious that something is bugging you. What's wrong?" The mother-figure in your friend came out and you couldn't help but sigh at how true her last statement was.
"Fine....I can't stop thinking about work and what's going to happen if I don't get this project done in time. What if I forget about it tonight and get fired for not doing it? What if I-"
"You better stop right there. Back it up. Come back to reality. We just had this conversation honey. You are going to be fine. It's not like I'm asking you to give up on work forever, I am only asking you to hang out with me for tonight. I promise you that you will get it done."
"Okay," You say with a sigh. "You know, I hate when you're right."
"So you hate me all the time?" She asked.
She gasped dramaticly and commented, "How rude!!"
You couldn't hold your laughter in anymore so you burst out laughing. (Y/n) tries to keep a straight face but she ended up laughing with you after a couple of seconds. As you guys kept talking and gossiping about (Y/n)'s most recent ex, your guys' makeup eventually got finished and you headed out to catch a taxi to the pub where Smile was playing.
~Time Skip To Before Band Starts Playing~
(Y/n)'s POV
"Can I please get a Whiskey Sour?" I asked.
"And may I get a........Cherry Coke?"
The bartender walked away to get your drinks and you turned to (Y/b/f/n).
"What was with the Cherry Coke? You feeling risky tonight?"
"Actually, yeah. Since I'm going to be out and about, I figured, why not step a little out of my comfort zone. Ya know?"
You had to try your hardest not to laugh at her. Instead you settled for a nod and a shake of your head. You and (Y/b/f/n) kept chatting and nursing your drinks until the lights lowered and four men climbed onstage. One guy had big, brown curly hair and an electric guitar in hand. Another had light brown, wavy long hair and carried a bass. The lead singer went up front with shoulder length black hair and big teeth. Then the drummer went on back to his drum set and scanned the crowd as he sat down on his stool. When his eyes met yours, he sent you a wink and a smile that could melt you on the spot. But you weren't going to be that easy. You knew he was going to try and find you after by the look on his face when you sent him a smirk. This is going to be a fun night.
Hello guys! Thank you for reading this and I want you guys to know that the beginning might start off slow but it will get pretty interesting as is goes on. I will be trying to post chapters every Sunday if not they will be posted by every Tuesday. My wattpad account will be linked below and once I start posting my other story, some sneak peeks will be released for you guys. Thank you for reading this and I hope you guys have a nice week. Please reblog so this story gets around. Thank you and see you next Sunday. -M
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Morning, 24 February 2022
I'm so tired. I woke up really tired.
I worked until 1 am yesterday because I have a user testing meeting today. The functionals were keeping me awake for bugs in my code as they tested it. My part, the one that I fixed, wasn't done anyway because it's still broken. But then one of the functional managers just said "It's okay, let's just fix it after the meeting, It's only the notification part right?"
Then, because I worked from 9 am to 1 am. I didn't have a lot of free and relaxing time. I exchanged it with my sleep. I played genshin up until 2 am then read some fanfictions. Then I fell asleep. I don't remember much about the dream but it was kind of comforting? It's such a shame that I have to wake up and work again.
It's all there is for my life, isn't it? Just work and work but no purposes as to why am I doing this. Money, sure but sometimes in my stupid brain I always think why do I even think about chasing money if I don't want anything to begin with? It's not like I'm ungrateful for the paycheck and the savings that I have it's more like why do I have to chase for it if I'm not even going to be using it that much, you know?
I think in the future all of my life savings will be gone because I'm going to be very, very sick with the kind of lifestyle I'm going through day by day now. I do need to fix it but then same question, to what end? I sometimes think, not in that suicidal way, but like at this point in age I still can't live for my own sake. I always live for someone else's and at this point, it's for my mom. I keep thinking that if she's gone one day, then I have no reason to stay as well.
There's just nothing? I do love my life now but I don't see why I have to keep on living? To what end? Maybe it's just me still pms-ing and the quarter life crisis. I hope it'll pass because if I keep thinking like this then I'd feel so guilty and just feel like I'm being ungrateful for everything God has given me. I have a little hope that one day in the future I'll find something or a reason to stay. I'll just keep holding on to that tiny little spark, I guess.
Speaking of future, I've always had a dream about waking up next to someone that I loved in a house far away from everyone. In that lazy morning where the both of us could just lay there in bed. Maybe this is one of the reasons that I'll keep on holding to that tiny spark, to experience it firsthand. Maybe I'm also a romantic at heart who hides behind this tall, sturdy exterior.
I'm pretty decent at expressing my emotions but love? Not so much. Asian family tendency, we never say I love you to each other in this family. We act on it but sometimes words are needed to, you know.
Ugh, as I said before. I have UAT meeting today. I'm so lazy, I just want to curl up and play the sims all day. It's so tiring :( Oh, also! last night, my project manager was in the call as well. His profile picture reminds me of that ex/friend of mine so I took a snap and send it to the group chat.
He did respond and laughed at it and I also responded out of politeness. My other friend also responded and they teased each other saying that this project manager is more handsome than my ex/friend. Then he answered screw you, my girlfriend's family said that I'm handsome and that's all I need.
It's so weird that he keeps twisting everything and has to mention his girlfriend at every single occasion. Maybe because they're in the lovey-dovey phase? Maybe I'm just petty or something because after that I don't reply anything to the group chat. I don't know if in the future, when I have someone, will everything I talk about is my significant other?
And to be honest, one thing that irks me is the fact that the other friend in that group, or in our circle keep teasing him about his girlfriend as if I'm not there. No one cares enough about how I feel. It does kind of invalidate whatever feelings I have. I might also be sincerely happy for him for finding someone new if the others are not being jerks for mentioning / teasing about it in front of me. But then again, I shouldn't act childish and throw a tantrum when people don't understand how I feel. They don't owe you that much.
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