#i rewatch meet the robinsons
savetooru · 2 months
it might as well be you
read through pj's blog entry "please let me know" recently and wanted to write a quick post in response!*
the brief answer would be that i live for other people. long one from here: when the future feels bleak, i keep going because i imagine someone could maybe benefit from my sticking it out at some point. ignoring the fact that i sound like a walking savior complex — it's more like, there are too many moving parts to write off. no matter how average or ordinary you feel, nobody else is going to know what you know the way you know it. nobody is going to do the same things you do, whether you achieve your goals or not. that you spend time reflecting on your place in the world at all means you're probably doing your best at living, and chances are you're gonna move somebody somewhere because of it. who's to say that the terrible essay you wrote in fifth grade isn't resting snugly in a teacher's drawer as a source of inspiration. that the smile you flashed the employee at the mall didn't keep 'em on their feet for the rest of their shift. that the next person would have tipped as well, or fallen as hard, or scraped their knees as badly. the world is big and daunting and unfair. it is also the distance from one withered palm to another. i'm sure i've only made it so far because i've been pulled along and supported by countless others, so it's only fair to assume i could be a tether for somebody else. unfortunately we are all special and irreplaceable and burdened with no conceivable means of grasping the degree to which we are or will become either of these things, so to me — it just kinda feels like the safest bet is to keep moving forward.
all that said, i hope things ease up on your end so you can do whatever you want at your own pace! i believe in you!!!!!
title pulled from dimension 20’s starstruck odyssey campaign. full quote goes: “it’s a tough galaxy out there, but somebody’s gotta live in it... it might as well be you.” *apologies for not replying via guestbook or email, by the way— i've been a little awkward and terrible at keeping up with 1-to-1 correspondence lately ><
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aaabatteryy · 5 days
stanford is so lewis from meet the robinsons coded. no further elaboration, just watch the movie
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i-need-a-slurpee · 2 years
Jimmy Neutron's favorite movie is Meet the Robinsons and I'm right about this
(He makes Timmy watch it with him and Timmy always cries bc family I could make a whole post about this)
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pikapig183 · 22 days
*After Wilbur comes back w the time machine*
Cornelius: You are grounded for…Till college.
Wilbur: For till college?!
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emmabirb8 · 6 months
I love it when my favorite YouTubers cover my favorite movies. 🥰🥰🥰
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awakentrashpanda · 7 months
If you ever meet somebody who says that they don’t like Meet the Robinsons that is an immediate red flag
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the-halfling-prince · 2 years
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yeah rewatched this movie for the first time in a few years, and I forgot how emotional I get over it
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mikiruma · 1 year
gaston 🤝 tallulah
no concept of personal space
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dropoutfailure · 2 years
remembered I have a tumblr. time to unleash the horrors (my drawings) here too
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
WHAT YHE FREAK I LOVE YOUR GOOB GUY!!!!!!! IM HIS BIGGEST FAN he is so special to me <3 i have one of my own but he isn't developed at like ALL so your goob is the only goob to me
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horsechestnut · 2 years
I don’t know how given they’re in different universes, but somehow, someway, Honey Lemon is related to the Robinsons. 
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dimetrodone · 2 months
how do you feel about robots 2005.. its been a few times now where i got really hyped to rewatch it and then it ended up being not as good as i remember. but like it was my favorite when i was a kid
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80% of this movie’s appeal that holds it up today is the William Joyce influence (also a big part of the vibe of Meet the Robinsons). The setting and character designs are extremely charming, and visually has aged really well overall.
The movie itself is just kinda an okay but mostly forgettable comedy that happens to have a dystopian settup of people need to afford body parts to survive. I don’t think the movie as a whole whole is strong, but there’s still quite a few stupid jokes and scenes from it that I always remember.
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plainsimplegay · 2 months
I have to think there was a lot more involved in DS9 than just the writers, with the creation of Garashir. From the mind of Andrew Robinson and the reciprocation of Alexander Siddig, this beauty continues to enrapture us in 2024.
The subtle but powerful first meeting, Garak then throwing Julien into the roll of being a spy under the guise of “buying a suit”. The chemistry was ignored and tossed into the bucket of things we aren’t going to acknowledge. Yes, I assume after many collaborations between the two, it was apparent to many what was happening in the subtext. However would we have gotten these first precious moments in Past Prologue, if they had?
Looking from the perspective of: Makeup artists, set and costume designers, even other actors with their own pairings. Rick Berman stood in the way, but he couldn’t control everything.
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^I’m quite sure I can see Garak’s face on that console. To the left of O’Brien, in the corner.
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From what we can see Garak starts in bright costumes that draw us into his character.
Maybe he’s wanting someone to find him attractive? He’s had no one to talk to these lonely years on the station.
Who does he see that attracts him? A delicate flower of a Doctor who knows nothing of the station and is primed and ready to make friends.
“He spoke to me! He acknowledged my existence! He made contact with me!”
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The exposed neck garments, flashy colors and designs were incredible. Over the course of DS9 we see Garak cover his neck more and more. Attracting less attention as they devoted more space in their life to Bashir and their time together.
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Bashir in turn grows ever attached - rooted, this strange plant growing on him. Taken in by this madman, he falls down the rabbit hole. Wherever it goes and whatever befalls them. They’re in this together.
Learning how to break through those barriers and finding true friendship; someone they can enjoy spending time with. Not because anyone tells them to, but because it feels right.
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Subtextual acting, a practice by Andrew Robinson, was well deserving of many rewatched episodes. Seen more frequently in Siddig’s performance, I believe Andy would have shared this fine crafted background secret, for the sake of being helpful to others, as others had been to him.
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I wonder how many easter eggs are buried? We’ve found some, but I wonder how many others are buried under the surface.
After many re-readings of A Stitch In Time, I might one day find them all.
*this is an opinion piece only and I hope you enjoyed it.
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ineffably-human · 1 year
It honest to God took me a month to rewatch the last two episodes of this season of Shadows, because I'm still so mad about how they handled Guillermo's decision. And I'm probably going to always be mad. I think this season wasted a lot of time that could have been spent laying better groundwork, for both Guillermo's decision and for Nadja and the Guide's subplot.
But something did click into place for me in that very last scene, where Derek's being ushered down by Topher to meet the other zombies. Season Three was unofficially about power and protection. Season Four was officially about change. I thought this season was going to be about secrets. But it's actually about belonging to a community.
The vampires were out in the world a lot more this season. Colin runs for public office (passing among humans as he can), which drags him into the interests of the community of energy vampires. Nadja connects to a community from her homeland, and winds up caring about them more than she ever expected. Laszlo's mostly focused on the experiments, but his natural ease with Sean (and humans in general) is on display a few times - and when the vampires think he's in distress, they throw a whole party to rally him. The Guide, of course, struggles the whole season with feeling like an outsider who can't be part of the group she cares for.
Sean links the vampires to the pride parade, not just celebrating the queer community, but making the vampires the face of queerness, of immigration, of Staten Island itself. (And Guillermo gets his first taste of Pride, and of a community he'd never been able to claim until recently.) At the same time, it's shown that vampires always feel like they're a step away from being found out by humans, of their surrounding community turning on them and forcing them out.
Nandor struggles throughout the season with social awkwardness, communicating, being misunderstood; he fails to connect with strangers without hypnosis guiding the conversation the way he wants it to go. But the other vampires have become his home, in a way that's evolved past their relationship during Season Three. He rallies them successfully during Local News. He and Colin Robinson look out for each other. Keeping Guillermo's secret is just as much about protecting Nandor as it is protecting Guillermo.
(It's still Guillermo he's always calling out for, though. With the certainty of someone who already knows where home is, he just hasn't named it yet.)
And as always, Guillermo is stuck in between two worlds. He can't connect fully with his bio family, but can't truly step away from them. He wants to be a vampire, but his transformation fights him and he can't see humans as prey. He wants to come when Nandor calls, but can't tell him about the biggest thing that's happening to him.
By the finale he feels more isolated from the vampires than ever, to the point that he can't see what's actually happening: by the time they all know his secret, the others have rallied around him, and are seeing him as another member of the family in need of protecting.
And once Nandor realizes that he cares more about losing Guillermo than his own pride, he deliberately brings that community to Guillermo: he introduces Guillermo as the fifth of their household, and throws him a birthday party to bookend the one at the start of the season. He makes Guillermo a ceremony, invites everyone they know, and asks if he's willing to become one of them forever.
And it's not that Guillermo doesn't want to be a vampire. He does, desperately. It's that he can't stop also being a human.
So instead it's Derek (a vampire basically living as a human, and deeply lonely for it) who is ushered into a new community ready to welcome him, something Guillermo has always been hoping for.
("Do you like eating human flesh? Heh, you will!")
Guillermo still doesn't have The Thing he wants, not really. He still has to name exactly what it is. But Nandor helped guide him towards where home is. And Laszlo helped him pick up the pieces. The vampires don't love Guillermo like a fellow vampire, but they love him like Guillermo, and like with Colin last year that doesn't just reset. It can't. The roots are in too deep, it's already bound everyone stronger.
We'll just have to wait to see what it turns into.
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flutter-of-pages · 3 months
Rewatching Meet the Robinsons and all I can think about is how big of a hug Franny must have given Cornelius after getting to spend time with little Lewis. Obviously she knows how hard he had it (I mean just look at how quickly she was prepared to adopt him), but getting to see it first hand all over again? It had to of been heartbreaking for her, especially if you consider the fact that they got to know each other after he got the hope of a family so she didn't see the full extent of it as a kid.
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ghostpebble · 5 months
ok so i just rewatched meet the robinson's because tbh i only watched it once and i was 5
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