#i rest my case for now but the 2nd hand embarrassment is giving me cringe i had to speak
earlgodwin · 2 months
alright i've gotta say that i'm genuinely so obsessed with people feeling collective panic and threatened by the idea of juan being in love with lucrezia (mind you, it's just one-sided) even when everything about his arc on the show makes it very clear. and it always happens every time i post about lucrezia/juan lmao
anyway for instance, juan choosing a wife that resembles her, his aggressive overprotectiveness towards her, how furious he was over paolo because, unlike cesare who knew who paolo was to lucrezia, juan never knew he was lucrezia's solace but instead saw him as someone trying to have his way with his sister and cause her a scandal, (newsflash: one of juan's character aspects is that he's the black sheep of the family and always being excluded from everything), and he thought he genuinely did something to protect her honor. and how her attempt to kill him to avenge paolo broke him entirely in different ways (in the sense that he realized he hurt her and that she hates him for killing paolo), yet he tried to reconcile with her because he doesn't want to lose her affection and respect, and after being rejected again by someone he loves deeply made him lose his mind which caused him to hurt her back.
seeing people downplay his feelings and affection towards her simply because they can't stand his character and don't even want to understand him while desperately wanting cesare to be the pinnacle of almost everything just screams of copium and an inferiority complex and this only gives in to how interesting and compelling juan's character and his potential is when they could've simply just enjoy how tragic these three siblings are and how juan being trapped in a position to protect the family with massive expectations set him in opposition of his siblings and his ways of not knowing how to react caused them all to misunderstand each other and made them forever disconnected.
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slurp-imagines · 5 years
Usopp - Night-watch
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Words: 4,481 Content: nsfw, 2nd person, female reader, piv
The island and its inhabitants are peaceful, but its waters are certainly not.
Which is why the Strawhats, upon disembarking, had decided to leave one crew member behind to make sure the Sunny wasn’t... ravaged by sea monsters, or anything equally horrifying, while the rest of them were gone. Franky had taken this responsibility upon himself for the day, but once the local tribe had decided to hold a celebration to welcome their new pirate friends, you had suggested taking over for him.
A party was definitely more Franky’s scene than your own, and you were already exhausted from exploring the island with Luffy and the others. Ship-watch duty honestly sounded like it would be a huge relief since it meant having some time to yourself.
Franky, ever perceptive despite the loud impression he gives off, had picked up on the pleading undertones of your offer and connected the dots himself. So, after receiving numerous long-winded explanations on what to do if XYZ happened, you saw the rest of your crewmates off to the party.
Usopp has to admit that while the celebration is a lot of fun, he’s definitely missing your presence.
Since you’ve joined the Strawhats, Usopp has always enjoyed your company. You had warmed up to Nami and Robin the most quickly, being the three women in the crew, and Luffy had easily garnered your affection (just like the rest of them); your integration with the rest of the crew went rather smoothly from there.
Usopp had done his best to give you a hand with it early on, though, since he could tell you were rather shy. He doesn’t know why no one else thought so when he mentioned it once, but this impression of you had formed pretty early on for him and still had yet to be changed. You were a bit skittish, perking up when his presence manages to catch you off guard; a bit bashful, your cheeks often sporting a pink blush even at the slightest bit of teasing. And a bit quiet, as well– oftentimes when you two were alone together, you allowed him to do most of the talking.
Even so, you and he have found a nice synergy together. While Usopp is rather outgoing, snarky, and high-strung, you are reserved, kind, and level-headed. Being around you is easy and comfortable, and feels almost like filling in one another’s gaps. 
So yes, he misses you.
But more than that, he worries about how you’re doing back on the Sunny.
He knows you enjoy your peace and quiet once in a while, and that sometimes you tend to shy away from huge crowds, but... what if you were getting bored? Or lonely? Or far worse– what if something bad does end up happening and no one is there in time to help you out? Sure, Franky showed you how to send a signal up in case things went sideways, but Usopp just can’t shake his nerves. He could offer to help you out with the night-watch, couldn’t he? It wouldn’t be weird or pushy or anything. That’s just what friends are for. It’s only an offer, anyway.
He calls your name once he’s set foot on the grassy deck of the Sunny, but doesn’t get a reply. That’s fine. Doesn’t mean it’s an emergency just yet. You were probably in the crow’s nest, and if not, then somewhere downstairs.
After checking the former location, he descends the stairs to the galley, and after finding it empty as well, he commands his nervous heart to be still before making his way to the ladies’ bedroom.
Surely you’d be there. There were no signs of a sea monster attack when he’d been on the deck earlier. You are definitely doing just fine, and he’s been worrying over nothing... Or so he tells himself, but he can’t help the anxious flutter in his chest as he hurries his steps every so slightly on his way there.
As he’s about to knock on the door, he hears your voice coming from inside the room.
He freezes, his raised fist merely inches from the wood. Because his name is immediately following by a groan– drawn out, possibly with pain, and that’s about where the train of thought ends for him. Perhaps it was a little ambiguous to his ears, but his pre-existing nerves about your being hurt in a sea monster attack stops him from questioning it before he’s turning the knob and hastily pushing the door open.
“Y/N! Are you okay?”
At the same time you scream, he thinks his heart stops.
Of course, being as experienced a fighter as you are (you weren’t a pirate for nothing), you’re pretty quick to leap to one side of the bed, out of his view, taking the sheet with you to cover yourself.
Still, despite your best efforts, he’s not dumb. He knows what he just walked in on.
That was Y/N, naked on the bed. Her legs spread, head tossed back into the pillows.
There is a moment where the two of you simply stare at each other, eyes fish-bowled, and in Usopp’s case, jaw dropped.
“I... You, uh, um...” There are about a hundred different thoughts running through his head at the moment, but none of them make their way to his mouth in a coherent sentence just yet. He suddenly has the mind to look away, his eyes darting to the right to instead focus on the first piece of furniture that came into his field of vision. “Y-You called?” he finishes lamely, his heart pounding out of his chest. The shaky grin on his face probably does not measure up at all to the air of charming bravado he had attempted for that sentence to have.
When you still don’t say anything, he gulps. The tension right now is insane. He’s surprised you haven’t thrown anything at him yet, because he definitely deserves it. He just barged in on you during a private moment, and he hasn’t even left yet.
Why the hell haven’t I left yet?! His mind backtracks in a panic, a choked sound forcing its way out from the back of his throat.
But he answers his own question soon enough when he recalls that his name was on your lips moments before his entrance. There are still so many questions, but the thought of it gives himself a little twinge of confidence. After a deep breath, he tears his eyes away from the dresser and back you. Well, you’re now completely hidden by the bed, assumedly crouched somewhere behind it.
“Y/N?” He tries. “S-Sorry for barging in like that, I just... I, uh, it’s just that I heard my name, and–”
He’s interrupted by quite a miserable-sounding groan, and he actually flinches at the sound of it. But your voice, small and clearly filled with shame, follows it: “I’m so sorry.”
Well, that’s not what he expected you to say at all.
“...Sorry? Why are you sorry?”
“Because I was...! You know what I was doing!” He doesn’t have to see you to know that your cheeks are flushed, your fingers twiddling with one another in front of you. He’s seen it in so many other contexts, always thought it was charming. “And now I just ruined our friendship. So I’m sorry. You can go now.”
Hearing verbal confirmation of it sparks a fire in his belly, and he feels blood rush to his cheeks. Well, also his groin, but that can be ignored for now, because he’s got another concern. “You didn’t ruin anything, Y/N.”
You don’t reply, so he takes a few tentative steps towards the bed and sits with his back to you. “I...” Jeez. He pretty much knows how you feel about him at this point, so why is it still so hard for him to say? Feeling incredibly awkward, he runs his hands down his face, urging himself to overcome his embarrassment. “For the longest time, I... I’ve liked you. A lot. Like, more than a friend.”
He thinks he just barely hears a gasp from your side of the bed.
“So, I... I mean, if it was my name you were calling, then... I don’t want to go. If you want me to s-stay, then I’d be happy to.” He gulps, waiting for your response.
“What happens if you stay?”
Well. He really hasn’t thought that far ahead. “Whatever you want,” he blurts out, then immediately cringes at how breathless his voice was. They haven’t even done anything and she’s somehow gotten him this flustered.
He startles only slightly when he hears movement from the other side of the bed. “Y-Y/N?”
He stands when he sees you approaching in his periphery. The sheets are still wound around you but by now seem to be properly tucked, although your hands are still lightly gripping the top so as to keep it from falling. You’re looking at your feet, but shortly later, your hands wring and you seem to gather the courage to raise your head. 
Your gaze is unsteady but hopeful, flicking about but still eventually returning to lock with his. Still, despite the slight flightiness, in your eyes, Usopp finds something affirmative. 
And so he takes the two steps that close the distance between you; he fixes his hands at your waist, rubbing back and forth with one of his thumbs. As he leans in, every glance you two share seems to ask, Is this okay? and each time, even smaller changes of your expression seem to signal, Yes, keep going.
When he kisses you, it’s soft and short.
But the second is more insistent, more lasting, and each one from there is increasingly so. His hands at your waist pull in you closer until you’re flush against him, and your mouth opens for him just as easily. After a moment for breath, his tongue explores your mouth, and your hands leave the sheets to instead tangle in his hair.
His nose against the side of your face pokes at your ear, and although the giggle doesn’t make its way out of you, you can’t help the smile that forms on your face. He matches it, and the kiss is briefly all teeth. “Could you close the door?” you murmur, beginning to pull away.
“No one else is on the ship,” he protests, beginning to tug you back again; you have to resist him before he can distract you with another kiss.
“That’s what I thought a few minutes ago,” you say, fixing him with a pout, “and look what happened to me.”
Usopp lets out a laugh at that, finally letting go of you to do what you asked. “Think I should lock it just in case?” He does so at your nod, then hurries back to you, carefully guiding you to lie back against the pillows on the bed. At this point, the sheet is tangled around you like a fishnet, and he doesn’t want to trip you over by mistake.
But once he’s leaned over you, nude underneath that thin white sheet, you both pause.
“W...What now?” he prompts. He doesn’t want to rush you and make you too uncomfortable, but he also has the feeling that if he doesn’t get the ball rolling, you’ll be staring at each other, fully covered, for ages.
Your eyes flicker away from his. After a moment, your fingers curl around part of his wrist, a tentative, gentle touch; while your other hand fists itself in the sheets, seemingly caught between pulling it lower and pulling it higher. Though subtle, the backtracking movement doesn’t escape the sniper’s notice. 
“Y-You first?” you ask.
Usopp nods, perhaps a bit sharply, but he goes through with her request. He isn’t wearing very much to begin with– a simple open button-down, sandals, and sweatpants– but each movement feels to take much longer than it should.
He pauses when he’s down to his boxers, looking to you again for... he doesn’t really know what. But it feels like reassurance when you glance up at him, eyes half-lidded and dark, so he strips the rest of the way and tosses his underwear onto the floor with the rest of his clothes.
Usopp is self-conscious for a moment, but this is the body he’s trained so rigorously for two years, and his worry at your scrutiny is quickly converted into pride at the fruits of his efforts.
He notices your hands fiddling with the sheets, not yet drawing them down, but questioning.
"Is- Is it okay if I...?”
“Yeah!” He answers perhaps a tad too loudly, a tad too quickly, a tad higher-pitched than he normally would. “I mean, yeah. Yeah, uh, whenever you’re ready. Of course.”
It’s about three seconds after his nervous blathering that the corner of your lip twitches and the two of you burst into laughter.
“Your face...” you just barely make out between laughs. He has no clue what his expression was like, except that he must’ve been shaky-eyed and tense as all hell.
“Sorry,” Usopp says once he’s mostly sobered, though some of the remnants of his laughter still manage to slip out. “Sorry. I guess I’m kinda nervous.”
“You don’t have to apologize...” You give him an embarrassed smile, looking up at him from beneath your lashes. “I’m... pretty nervous too.”
“We’re in this together, then, huh?”
“Well, yeah.” Your eyes snap down to your bare body, then back to his. Obviously.”
You get another laugh out of him with that remark, and it helps calm your pounding heart. The giggle fit from earlier had already broken the odd tension that had existed in the room since Usopp’s well-timed entrance, but the knowledge that he’s just as wound up as you are helps put you at ease.
Feeling slightly emboldened, you take one deep breath before attempting to unfurl the white sheets from your body.
Keyword: attempting. Because it doesn’t come loose very easily.
Usopp very obviously snickers once he sees you squirming in this cocoon of yours, then immediately hopes the sound doesn’t offend you– he’s laughing with you, not at you. He’s laughing because he’s nervous, he’s laughing because he’s still sort of in disbelief that this is happening at all. And he really can’t help smiling at the very least, because god you’re so cute how are you allowed to be this cute–
While that train of through runs his course, he busies himself with helping you untangle. Once you’re finally free, he bundles the sheet at the edge of the bed, and when he looks back to you...
He had been sporting a halfie for a good while now, but as his eyes roam the curves of your body, the anticipation of what’s to come is enough to bring him nearly to full mast.
His cock twitches when he realizes that your gaze has been fixed on his member as it grew substantially. Well. That’s sort of embarrassing, but what can he do. He’s excited for this, and he can’t really be upset that his body is letting you know he feels that way.
You look up to him as he puts his weight onto his elbows, and as he leans in for a kiss, you respond to him with gusto. You let out a soft sigh at the feeling of one of his hands roaming upwards from your waist, gentle as it cups at the swell of your breast, slow and tentative before his fingers pinch at the nipple. The kiss is shortly broken by your gasp, and the sound of it surprises him, but he immediately seeks it out again as he rolls the hardening nub between his fingers.
His efforts are rewarded, but he’s surprised even more by the brush of your hand against his dick, a moan escaping his throat as you palm its girth and slowly drag your hand towards the tip. At your pause, Usopp pushes his hips forward, pumping into the curve of your hand. He kisses at your jawline before continuing with his thrusts, his heaving breaths hot by your ear as he does. You tighten your grip slightly, twisting your wrist to help with the friction, and both Usopp’s breath and hips stutter at the sensation. His slowing allows you to take the reins, and in the moments following he treats you to moans even louder than the one previous as you continue to jack him off.
Your wrist eventually begins to tire, so you take a moment to encircle the tip of his cock with your thumb, spreading the pre-cum that’s now beginning to bead out from it. He nuzzles into your neck, groaning and biting down at your skin, the suddenness of it eliciting light a moan from you as well.
You’re just barely able to see it when his trembling hand reaches under himself to begin massaging his balls. “D-Don’t stop,” he pants, “don’t stop.”
And so you resume the motions of your hand, alternating between pumping his shaft and circling the tip– and he shakes over you, you can see it in the arm holding up his weight– his hips occasionally buck into your hand and then still afterward, as if unsure whether to chase the end or simply allow it find him– his body is all tense, sharp lines, and you think he’s close, so, so close–
Usopp seems to think so as well, though; and he apparently doesn’t want to finish just yet, because he places a hand at your wrist to still you and leans back on his heels. His chest is heaving, slick with sweat, and his cock is twitching between his legs. He pushes a curly lock of his hair back over his shoulder, as somewhere along the line it had escaped from the tie at the back of his head.
Pulling himself back from the edge has left his body taut and fidgety, and he needs a little bit of time to recover, lest he blows his load the very next time you touch him. The thought incites a huff of laughter, quick and out through his nose, as he places a hand on your knee. He doesn’t know what for, but the contact is nice.
He can’t help but blush when he notices his pre is smeared across your stomach, translucent and shiny under the ceiling lights. The sight of it is beautifully erotic, and while his member is aching for more friction, he opts to pay you some attention instead.
The hand at your knee pushes outwards, gently coaxing you to spread your legs farther apart. The look on your face is bashful but not unwilling, and at his concerned gaze, you offer him a nervous smile. Usopp returns it as his hand trails toward your slick entrance, pausing at the junction between your thigh and your pelvis. “This okay?” he asks. Perhaps needlessly, judging by the quick nodding of your head, but he likes having the confirmation from you.
You let out a sigh when his fingers finally reach their destination, his ring and middle fingers stroking between your folds, already wet and ready for him. Your hips buck up to meet his hand when it passes over your clit, and he indulges you almost immediately, using the pads of his fingertips to rub it in tight circles. You bite your lower lip to help stifle the loud groan that nearly escapes and toss your head back into the pillows, your legs crossing at the base of his spine. He allows you to revel in it a few moments longer, listening intently to the sound of your whiny gasps, before his fingers slide back down towards your core; and from there it’s but a light press of his middle finger before it’s slipped inside you.
He begins pumping slowly at first, watching your expression carefully for any discomfort– when he finds none, he ups the ante a little. Usopp is gentle but generous, picking up the pace once he sees that you want it by the rocking of your hips and the pleasure in your expression.
When you feel the nudge of a second finger, you plant your feet back onto the bed and your hips rise to meet it, to guide it inside and out again– except he pauses.
Your eyes flutter back open to see Usopp grinning at you, waggling his eyebrows. “Eager, huh?”
You’re able to share a laugh with him, but you’re sure that you must be flushing red at his remark, so you can’t help but bring your hands to your face.
“Aw, no, don’t get embarrassed,” he says apologetically, though there’s still humor in his voice. His free hand tugs at one of your wrists. “I liked it a lot! Really!” His honesty flusters you even more, but you let him nudge your hands away. “Hey, don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad, just...” Sort of embarrassed and caught off guard by it. 
If you’re pouting, he doesn’t point it out, but you think he gets it. He gives you an easy-going smile, the same one he's been showing you for ages now– patient, happy, and kind. The one that you now realize has probably spoken to his feelings for you more loudly than you’d understood even yesterday.
He leans closer to you, kissing you rather chastely before he begins moving his fingers once again. He crooks them now and then, pressing against your walls experimentally before he finds the spot he was looking for.
“Oh, yes, right there...” you whine, one hand clutching at the pillow behind your head while the other runs up his chest to grasp at his shoulder. He smiles– a bit cocky, but he’s doing so well that you don’t see it fit to complain about it. He pays extra attention to that spot after each plunge of his fingers, and soon enough, you’re responding in kind with small noises of approval from high in your throat.
He leans towards you again and you welcome him with open arms, accepting his kiss and deepening it, even as you pant into his mouth out of pleasure.
“Usopp,” you exhale, one hand fisted in his hair while the other presses insistently into his back. “Usopp, please...”
“Tell me what you want,” he replies, though it comes out sounding more like a question. He thinks he knows what you’re asking for, but he doesn’t want to screw this up.
“I-I want you... inside,” you confess, your hips nudging up to meet his hand once again. Your request goes straight to his cock, and it twitches slightly at your added whimper of, “Please, Usopp.”
The request takes some of the breath out of him, and really doesn’t think he can form a proper sentence at the moment– he’s so turned on he can’t believe it– so he nods, pulling out so he can line himself up with your entrance.
He pauses to glance once more at you, wanting to make sure you’re ready– and at seeing the confirmation, he steadily pushes himself inside.
Both of you let out a moan, oddly in sync, and he leaves a few moments for the two of you to breathe. For you to get accustomed to the stretch if you need to, but also for himself to get accustomed to... everything. The wetness, the warmth, the slight movement of your walls around his member– he gulps, fixing his hips in place as he knows he should wait for your signal.
A brief squeeze of his arm does it, coupled with the insistent look in your eyes. Usopp slowly pulls his hips back, waiting until only the head is left before thrusting back in. Your sigh of pleasure sends another wave of arousal through him, and on his next thrust he watches your eyes flutter closed and your head tilt back further into the soft linen of the pillowcase. He returns to kissing at your now-open neck as he begins rolling his hips, pulling back and fucking into you a few inches at a time, reveling in the soft, breathy moans you’re letting out.
“Is that good?” he murmurs into your skin after a little while.
“Yeah,” you whisper back. “Yeah, so good...”
You can feel him smile into the crook of your neck– perhaps proudly, or simply relieved– and he lays one more kiss onto your collarbone before he pushes himself up so that his arms are fully extended and bracketing you on both sides.
His gaze on you, clearly roaming from your face to your body and back up, makes you slightly self-conscious, but you resist the urge to cover yourself.
"You look beautiful,” he suddenly blurts out, then blinks, like he hadn’t been expecting it. "That just slipped out, but it’s true,” he laughs, his cheeks going slightly pink.
With a smile on your face and cheeks to match his, you prop yourself up for a moment so you can kiss him again. It’s pretty sloppy, especially as he resumes his thrusts– your teeth clack against his at least once, and you nearly bite down on his lip once he starts to speed up. Instead, you fall back into the mattress, grabbing both your legs to spread them further and moaning at the repeated slap of his hips against yours. “Usopp, oh, yes...!”
His hand takes hold of your breast once again, rolling your nipple between his fingers just as he did earlier, before it trails down your abdomen towards your sex. You can feel the coil in your lower body becoming tighter and tighter, knowing that just a little more friction will take you a long way.
“Usopp, please–” Your thoughts and sentences are fragmented, but you hope he can get the idea by the touch of your hand at his wrist.
And thankfully, he does, because he presses the thumb of his free hand against your clit, inciting a loud moan from you. He rubs and pinches it sporadically, not always in time with his strokes– still, it manages to do the trick, and the pleasure builds until you feel the coil come loose. You cum with his name on your lips, your hands grasping at his wrists, legs curling around his waist. 
Usopp cants his hips so he can help you ride out your orgasm. “Fuck, Y/N,” he groans, head in a daze. The feeling of you tightening and shifting around his dick is almost too much. His breaths, now higher-pitched and shaky, draw out into a long moan, and he moves his hip in tight circles for a few moments before pulling out. From there, it’s only two tugs before he finishes, his cum spilling over your stomach.
You pull him toward you for a kiss, and though half out of breath, he meets you with vigor.
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hphm-imagines · 5 years
The bathroom incident (Charlie Weasley x prefect!MC)
Soooooooo, this is my first imagine on this blog, I guess. This whole thing is definitely a spur of the moment kind of thing. English isn’t even my main language (but do feel free to correct it or send me any kind of criticism so I can improve). Anyway, this MC is a female and a Slytherin but you could picture any other House.
Here, Charlie Weasley and the MC, both prefects, mess around in the large bathtub (pool?) of the prefects’ bathroom. It is all very awkward and somewhat innocent.
Disclaimer: nothing graphic, however, there’s some crude language (sorry)
The night was falling over Hogwarts castle, children were leaving the library or the Great Hall, friends excitedly chatting about the dessert, their upcoming assignment, the latest Quidditch game…
(Y/N) (L/N) was quieter than usual, she couldn’t help but think about Charlie Weasley. He had skipped dinner again and she felt her own stomach twist in concern. Damn, Red, pull yourself together.
She passed by a window and spotted a shadow walking briskly in the darkness. Unmistakably, she recognized her friend’s strut as he discreetly came back from wherever he had been all evening, most probably someplace forbidden, she thought. Feeling a slight relief she couldn’t explain to herself, she resumed her casual stroll back to her dorms. 
A group of 2nd Year Slytherins walked past her, insistently whispering among themselves and immediately quieting down once they spotted their prefect.
“Stay out of trouble kids.” she playfully advised, a charming half-smile forming on her face.
The girls blushed furiously and quickened their pace, (Y/N) stifled a laugh. Eventually, she reached her dorm and started to gather her toiletries. This day had been straining and it was time for her to make good use of the perks of her position. 
“You’re going to the prefects’ bathroom?” Asked Rowan, laying on her stomach 
“Damn right I am”
Towel and change of clothing in hand, (Y/N) pushed the door to the prefects’ bathroom. Immediately, she noticed a red head of hair poking out of the tub, facing away from her. Charlie. He turned towards her, his cheeks lightly dusted in pink; either because the situation was embarrassing or because the water was hot but truth be told, both might be right. The situation dawned on (Y/N) as she felt her own face heat up. Damn, it’s hot in here.
“Oh, hey Charlie, do you mind?” She asked, gesturing towards the large bath in the least natural way possible, she thought, scolding herself. Charlie awkwardly returned his gaze to the water in front of him.
“No, it’s fine”
But Charlie Weasley immediately regretted his words. As he realized he could hear his friend undress behind his back, he swore he had never felt this embarrassed in his entire 15 years of life. He heard the fabric of her shirt slide along the skin of her arms, he could hear her stockings being rolled down her legs and her bare feet traveling around the pool. He lifted his eyes and caught a glimpse of her as she entered the water, wrapped in her towel and sat down on the ledge and let out a weary sigh.
They were sitting at a respectful distance from each other but, at the moment, it felt both weirdly far apart and way too close. Her hand went to her hair and she started to comb through it, undoing her braid, eyes closed.
“Awkward right?” She spoke with a smile and a glint in her eye “You’d think this school would think twice before allowing teenagers to share such luxurious bathroom unsupervised”
“Well, prefects are supposed to be an example for the other students, if they can’t trust us, it spells serious trouble for them.” He reasoned “Plus we’ve got that strict towel policy implemented, and, y’know the other rules…”
“Ah yes, she mused, the infamous no-shagging rule”
They both snickered as they remembered a very embarrassed Bill trying to communicate those restricting rules to a bunch of newly-appointed prefects who were all incredibly bad at hiding their discontent.
“Red, are you seriously trying to make me believe that no prefect in the history of Hogwarts has ever boned in this bathtub?” 
“Gross” Charlie cringed as very graphic pictures invaded his mind and (Y/N)’s laugh resonated in the large room. She refocused her look on the bubbles before her for a hard minute and a heavy silence settled between them. Being a teenager really is the worst. She glanced hesitantly towards him. 
“Soooooo, you missed dinner.”
“Did I?” He smiled playfully, raising his eyebrows. 
“Forbidden forest?”
“You know it” he tried to answer in a casual way that ended up sounding really really fake. He mentally beat himself up.
Great, now it's awkward again. Well done Weasley. 
“D’you hurt yourself again?” She asked. Her tone was bored and resigned She already knew the answer. He gave her a sheepish smile and she scooted towards him.
“Want me to take a look at it for you?”
He refused her help.
“You’re sure?” She insisted jokingly “I could kiss it better”
“I’m pretty sure the rules don’t allow that”
They laughed again as they realized that they were slowly starting to ease into this whole situation.
“Okay but bear with me, started Charlie, a dangerous air on his face, even if you could have sex in here, would you? I mean, given the people you’d have to work with.”
(Y/N) let out an interested hum as she started her introspection. 
“I think I wouldn’t mind getting it on with any of the Quidditch captains.” She pondered, stroking her chin for good measure. “I do like very violent sports. Kind of a turn on, honestly”
Charlie would not have known what to do with this statement had it not been for her impish smirk signaling that she was most definitely messing with him.
“Is it now?” He retorted, mocking her expression and tone.
For a while, they felt comfortable sitting and indulging in the bath. It was so relaxing, they could almost fall asleep.
“Oh, I know!” (Y/N) abruptly shot her eyes wide open and sat upright. 
“Know what?” Inquired her friend who was just starting to relax and was just a tinge annoyed by her recent outburst.
“Who I’d bang.” She said as if it were obvious. All of a sudden, Charlie was interested again. He straightened his back and cleared his throat discreetly. 
“So who?”
She announced her pick in the most simple of ways.
She watched as an alarmed look came to Charlie’s face.
What. The. Fuck. (Y/N). 
“He’s my brother!” He reminded her with the most offended expression she’d ever seen on him. She continued to tease him.
“Oh, you’re right Charles, I’m sorry. I would never fuck your hot, brilliant, friendly - did I say hot? - reliable older brother?”
Before she could finish, Charlie’s hands were covering his ears.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up - ”
“Have I ever mentioned how hot he is?” She added, trying her best not to laugh at the traumatized face Charlie was making.
Charlie grabbed her by the upper arms and brought her face closer to his as he yelled forcefully.
“I beg of you, SHUT UP!”
For a second she went silent and he felt his stomach fill with dread as he saw her form the most mischievous look ever witnessed.
“Have you ever seen his red hair shine in the su- ” she was promptly cut off as Charlie pushed her head backward and into the water. She emerged to see her Gryffindor friend’s scandalized face and exploded into laughter. Charlie would have to if he hadn’t been scarred for life by (Y/N)’s words … and if he hadn’t realized the position they were in. 
When he had dunked her underwater, her body slipped off the ledge they were both sitting on. Her arms were gripping onto her towel, keeping it from moving. Basically, the only thing keeping her from floating away was the redhead’s hands holding her upper arms tightly. Her feet settled on the bottom of the pool, allowing her legs to graze against his. She stopped shaking from laughter, her face became very serious (too serious?) and her eyes bore into his as he realized that his grip was the only thing preventing her from regaining her balance. He loosened his grasp and she dove underwater. 
In the blink of an eye, she emerged a few feet from him, eyes still fixed on his own with a cryptic look he couldn’t decipher. They stared at each other in silence.
What was that just now? That was weird right? 
Charlie’s mind was racing, trying to understand that absolutely neutral expression she had. Suddenly, a wave of soapy water came crashing down on him. He shook his hair away from his face and looked at her in betrayal. 
“You’re dead to me, (L/N).” 
He dove forward to catch her.
After a few minutes of play fighting, kicking, screaming and - (Y/N) would swear - almost drowning, Charlie ended up sitting on the step again, this time on the other side of the pool, his back flush against the wall, hands up in defeat. (Y/N)’s forearm was pressing gently against his clavicle while her other hand was gripping the edge of the tub. If her left foot was firmly grounded at the bottom of the pool, he could definitely feel her right knee resting on his lap, preventing him from moving. Hearts beating hard and fast, faces red and chests panting, they looked at each other in confusion and wonder as if they finally understood their own feelings for the first time (It was the case). Eyes traveled nervously towards lips and heads inched ever so slightly closer.
Unfortunately for the both of them, the door to the bathroom suddenly went flying open as Bill Weasley interrupted them. For a moment all three students looked at each other incredulously until (Y/N) realized exactly what she and Charlie’s positions suggested and retreated immediately. The eldest Weasley sighed, visibly distressed.
“You, he marked a pause for emphasis, were the only ones I didn’t have to worry about!”
Charlie stepped in to try and settle things
“Bill, it’s not like that -”
“Oh really, his brother cut him off, you’re gonna give me the old ‘It’s not what you think Bill, we weren’t about to disobey your very distinct and clear orders’? You guys had ONE job: Do. Not. Get. Caught. Doing. Stupid. Shit. But NO, you guys had to be the loudest idiots possible. I could hear you from the other side of the hall!”
Bill kept on going for a few more minutes about how they were lucky that Bill had been the one to hear them, how they were really fucking stupid, how Mrs. Weasley was going to be so happy for them, how he was going to have to punish them…
“BILL WE WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING” Shouted Charlie, who didn’t really care about anything Bill had just said up until the part about telling their mother. What a nightmare!
Bill stopped his rambling.
“Okay, I’m going to be really clear with you, kids: firstly, you will never be allowed alone together in this bathroom; secondly, I expect to hear the whole story from both points of view by the time I write my next letter home so I can tell Mum everything. Understood?”
(Y/N) got up and walked a straight towards Bill and planted herself right in front of him. She looked really mad and Bill immediately felt like he was about to get scolded by his mother.
“Nothing happened.” She insisted coldly “There is no story to tell, Charlie and I aren’t together. You should really learn to listen to people before you draw conclusions.”
She picked up her things and locked herself in a toilet stall. Both boys remained immobile and silent while she changed. Bill was, after all, still a teenager and he really had trouble understanding girls sometimes. He failed to see how he offended her so. Charlie, on his part, was also mad at Bill but right now, the only thing he could think about was how disgusted she looked just now. For once, he thought things weren’t going terribly and, if he was absolutely honest, he was kinda thrilled at the idea of kissing her just moments earlier. She clearly didn’t feel the same. 
(Y/N) got out of her stall, fully dressed, damp hair falling on her shoulders. She still looked angry. She took a few steps. 
“I’m going to bed now.” She informed Bill. She sounded like she was trying to remain civil but could tear his eyeballs out. Her falsely sweet tone sent a shiver down his spine. Before she exited the room, she stopped one last time, turn to Charlie with an apologetic smile that lifted the weight on his stomach  “Seen you around Char.”
The two Weasley were left staring at each other. Charlie, who was now relieved to see that his friend was not angry with him at all, leaned back in the bath. 
“You can be kind of an asshole, sometimes.” He confirmed and Bill raised an eyebrow. 
“Because I draw to a conclusion before I listen to people?” 
Charlie hummed in agreement. Bill really disliked the smug look on his brother’s face. 
“Charlie, get out of the bath.” He said sternly. The younger brother sighed, trying his best to seem casual.
“Nah, I was planning on sticking around”
“Charles, get up.” 
“I want to enjoy the water a little bit more.” 
“I’m not asking.” Bill insisted in his best big brother voice.
“And I would rather not get up, Bill.” This time, Charlie was slightly more pleading as he confirmed his brother’s suspicions.
“Nothing happened!” Bill mocked in a high pitched voice as he walked away “Like I’m gonna believe that.”
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writingstarling · 5 years
Karma (Nightwing x reader)
Requested by: @vix360
This story is my first phobia challenge and my first request! So I hope it's not too bad.
2nd POV
You were known as the toughest girl ever, excluding Wonder Woman. You have looked in the eyes of death countless times.
Fighting villains? Too easy.
Facing near death experiences? Everyday.
Facing eye to eye and arguing with the Dark Knight and the rest of the Trinity? Piece of cake.
Your mortal enemy and worst nightmare or if put in your words, the incarnation of Satan himself in the form of a disgustingly frightening eight-legged and eight-eyed creature.
You continued to shout in fear as the eight-legged creature closed in on you. You backed up until you were climbing the sofa to put as much distance between you and said creature. The creature padded its feet closer to you, his furry legs climbing the feet of the sofa you were on. After several more screaming, a silhouette of black and blue zoomed in your apartment room.
"(Y/n)!! What is it!? What happened!? I heard you scream! I'm here to help!" the silhouette now known as Nightwing rambled.
With a shaky hand you pointed towards the demon on your floor, not even daring to look at it. Nightwing whipped his head to the furry creature. His expression full of alert dropped to a blank stare.
"Is that some kind of radioactive spider or maybe deadly poisonous spider?" Nightwing asked, silently hoping that his efforts to hurry isn't based on a furry eight-legged creature.
You were too fear-struck to reply with words to the former Robin. Only managing a small shake of your head. Nightwing sighed before taking the spider out with an old newspaper and a cup. After the spider was out, you started to slowly climb down from the sofa and sat on it. However, even though it's gone, you were still shaking. Your eyes darted to every possible direction you can with hope that there's no other arachnid in your apartment.
"You have a fear spiders don't you?" you wanted to give a snarky comment at his more than obvious question, but it was as if your vocal cords had disappeared. It left you speechless and confused, were you really that petrified by said creature?
"You don't have to answer that."
You sent him a small glance of thanks, but couldn't maintain eye contact for long. Nightwing gave you a comforting smile and even though you couldn't see it, you felt safe. You felt safe in his presence. That inner confession made you wonder.
Why do you feel safe in his presence?
His goofy smile that he shot you with several times that made your knees weak. His weird and funny antics that has never cease to amuse you. Then it hit you like a speeding train.
You like him. Even that is an understatement. You love him.
You finally understood. The weak feeling in your knees. The redness of your cheeks. The nervous knot in your stomach. It was all because you loved him. It finally made sense.
Unbeknownst to you, Nightwing closed in on you. Until finally, he held you in his arms. Embracing you with his warm figure, rubbing comforting circles on your back, and whispering sweet consolation in your ear.
His affection, even his mere presence put you at ease. It gave you a reason to be off guard because you know that you're safe when you're with him. For the first time ever, it made you feel that it's not necessary for you to wear a mask; to conceal your true self from him; that you wouldn't be disappointed or hurt after it all ends. It made you feel... happy. A feeling you haven't felt in a long agonizing time.
Nightwing let you go after he felt your heartbeat return to normal. Your heart yearned to be in his embrace again, but pushed down that feeling to the back of your head.
"You don't need to be ashamed. Everyone has fears, even Batman," he assured you, holding your hand in his.
And for the first time in years, you smiled to him. A genuine smile that reached your eyes.
"Thank you... Nightwing," you chose to say his hero name even though you knew his real/civilian name.
At the sight of your smile, Nightwing's heart raced. He had dreamed of the day he sees you smile. And again, reality had bested his dreams and fantasies as your smile is better than anything he imagined. Blood rushed to his cheeks and neck and as odd as it is, you didn't notice it behind his black domino mask and skin tight suit.
"N-no problem," he managed to cough out.
You were tempted to giggle, but had a reputation to keep so you kept quiet.
Nightwing's hand whipped to the back of his neck. Rubbing it out of nervousness. A habit that you picked up on the day you met him.
"Well... if you don't need anything anymore, I'll be on my way."
As he walked to the door, out of reflexes, you tugged on his left arm.
You averted your gaze out of embarrassment, "Do you mind.. staying, please."
Nightwing could feel his cheeks and neck getting warmer every passing second. Without much response, Nightwing followed you and stayed there.
Months passed and you both grew close. Close enough that finally, Nightwing made a move on you. Your first date was simple and it had a few bumps, but you both enjoyed it. The both of you soon became official.
You sat on Dick's lap, reading a rather enchanting book recommended by Jason, Dick's brother. You were both in your apartment room.
"Y'know, this reminds me of the event from a few months ago," Dick suddenly chirped.
You hummed in response, not paying much attention to him as you were too smitten by the book in hand.
"Remember when you," he trailed off with a smirk, "found a spider just right here?"
That caught your attention. Freezing up at the mere mention of said distasteful creature.
"You were so scared, and calling out to me, your knight in shining armor!" he dramatically exclaimed. A hand placed on his heart and another on top of his forehead as if he was posing as a damsel in distress in those cringe worthy princess movies.
You rolled your eyes at his antics. You knew that this is what you signed up for when you said yes on your first date. Still, that didn't stop how you wished you can punch his mouth shut or maybe, shove your tongue down his throat to clam him up. But if you were to do the latter, it would most likely be classified as a win in both his and your book so that option was out of the window.
You decided to test your patience and let him continue on his ramble. That is until, a girl-like shriek filled the room. Without much time to react, Dick fell backwards off the chair; leaving you to fall butt first on the hardwood floor.
"Hey! What's the--," there you saw, Dick Grayson hiding behind your fallen armchair; shaking violently, similar to a cellphone on vibrate and hyperventilating.
"Uh... are you, okay?" your voice was filled with hesitation. It was such a rare occasion for the Richard John Grayson to be in such fear, excluding cases where Batman was involved.
With a shaky hand similar to yours in the past, he pointed towards a crawling abomination. You stared at the roach and back to Dick bemused. Never in your wildest dreams would you thought that Dick Grayson has a fear of roaches. Then again, you are afraid of spiders, so you have no right to judge.
After killing the roach and throwing its corpse out, you approached him. However, consolation was never your strong suit. Most of the time, you'd give that job to anyone that was with you. But in desperation, you tried to console him. Mimicking his actions for you from before, you pulled him into an embrace. It felt, tingly for you. During your relationship you were never the one to initiate affection. However, you've come to admit that being the one to initiate it is nice.
After awhile, you could feel that he wasn't shaking anymore. So, gently, like handling a ticking time bomb, you released him. His hyperventilation eased until he was finally breathing normally.
"Thank.. you..," he managed to pant out.
With a slight smile you replied, "No problem."
A slightly amused smile graced his lips, "I guess, I should've expected this."
"And why is that?
"Cause karma has never failed to strike."
Once again, I wanna thank @vix360 for this amazing request! I had a blast writing it! Sorry though if this isn't what you wanted and sorry it took so long. I hope you like it!
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emperor-lover · 7 years
Hello could you please write a minhyun fanfic about him and Y/N being on we got married (and later on starts dating irl?) thank you (ps, i love your minhyun scenarios so much)
omg WGM :o hahaha ngl i was never a big fan of WGM even though two members of one of my favourite groups have been on it, but i tried my best! i’ll write anything fluffy for minhyun lmao Sorry about the wait!
A continuation of this will be up next which is from another anon’s request!! 
Hwang Minhyun WGM!AU 
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ok so lets give you a bit of background to set the scene 
you’re an idol, but originally you were going to be an actress except you really liked dancing and singing so your company was like ‘why not both?’ (think female version of Ong)
You became a fixed MC on a music show last year so you’ve been able to meet a lot of people
Popularity-wise, you’re pretty well liked, you’ve never had any scandals or issues
Plus because you’re bi/multilingual so you’ve been able to further expand Hallyu internationally, and yknow everyone loves a bit of patriotism 
So this is why you were extremely uncertain about being on WGM
It’s a show that puts you in the spotlight
and kinda tries to brand you with this false image, and if you don’t fit that image the public tend to be like wtf is wrong with you
WGM could be a make or break for the virtual couples who participated on the show
You had heard from other celebrities who had been on WGM about how strange it was, like just the whole concept of a “virtual” relationship wasn’t something you’d ever been too keen on
So you were skeptical and it didnt help that your company hadn’t given you much warning about being on it
They just said to be prepared for the invitation over the next week or so
So when the red mailbox appeared outside your dorm along with a bunch of MBC camera staff you realised they hadn’t been kidding
You had read the letter outloud for the cameras;
“To my soon-to-be virtual wife, our first meeting place will be at the xxxxxx Building tomorrow. Before we meet, I’ll give you a big clue as to who I am, I wonder if you’ll be able to guess! I’m in an idol group, and I’ve debuted twice…I look forward to meeting you~
You read the letter again, absorbing all the information….
“EH? Tomorrow??” 
no wonder your manager had been awfully quiet when you had asked her about your schedule
Oh well, guess you gotta prepare for this virtual blind date
Tbh…now that you had accepted the fact that you had to go on this show, you were kinda excited
It’s literally so rare for you to ever get the chance to go on a proper date, even if this counted as a fake/virtual one
——next day—–
You hadn’t slept well the night before, in both fear and anticipation
Hopefully the person you were going to ‘marry’ would be nice
Because your partner was fully in charge of organising this first date, you had decided to prepare a gift for him
Which you found to be super difficult, seeing as you weren’t sure who they were but tbh you had narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities
Like in the pre-meet interview that morning they had asked you if you had any idea who the person could be and you had listed a few names of idols you knew had debuted twice, like mino, or sungwoon or minhyunnnn
but seeing as you knew he’s an idol you decided on little things you knew you found helpful being an idol yourself
You packed a neck pillow, a heat pack, and this really big woollen scarf you had knitted yourself (imagine it’s winter time pls)
Your manager drops you off outside the building and you hop out of the car in this big fluffy sweater and black jeans, completed bundled up and warm
The staff ushered you over to the elevator and you’re left awkwardly and nervously rambling to yourself as they press the buttons to every 2nd floor
The doors open to the second floor and a hotel staff pops their head in and gives you a bouquet of flowers with a note
“You’re here! Today’s the day we finally meet~”
You smiled to yourself, seems like this guy is a bit of a hopeless romantic
The doors to the fourth floor open and sitting on the ground is a little fox plushie doll
You pick it up and attached is another note that says,
“I’ve heard that I resemble a desert fox~”
You froze, no freaking way could it be….
On the sixth floor it was a jar of honey - “My voice is sweet like honey wahhh this is embarrassing >
Your eyes widened. There was no denying who it was now.
WGM had never done something like this before, usually people who went on the show had never previously met or had many interactions, but in your case it would be different
You had met Minhyun before, multiple times in fact
You had been good friends with Aron from NU’EST as well as other English speaking idols and had naturally gotten to know the other boys from NU’EST as well
And although you wouldn’t consider yourself best friends with Minhyun or anything, you had always been able to joke round with him
plus he’s a super cute and super nice guy that was always easy to talk to
Now that you think about it, it’s kinda even more terrifying now that you know who’s waiting for you and the fact you already know him as well??? and he doesnt have a clue who you are???? what if he’s disappointed??? like how awkward would that be, you’d actually die from embarrassment
Finally the doors to the 10th floor open and lo and behold Minhyun is standing there, with his back facing you
When he heard the door open he had immediately tensed up
He was nervous as hell too, poor thing
Like kinda kicking himself for being so cheesy with the whole elevator thing, but y’know, gotta make a strong first impression
He can hear your footsteps approach him and he fights the urge to turn round 
The staff signal to you to say something and you become a big stuttering mess, like what are you meant to say???
“uHHhhHH Minhyun, IT’S ME, Y/N”
And he whizzes round so fking fast with his eyes popping out of his head literally everyone is laughing so hard
And he’s bright red because in the pre-interview they had asked him who he’d choose if any idol was able to go on wgm as his partner, and he had said Y/N, and he just assumed that you wouldn’t be on this show and didnt have his hopes up
so the fact you’re actually standing in front of him about to become his virtual wife is so strange but surreal to both of you
so of course, the two of you hit it off right away, seeing as you already know each other
After migrating to a cafe, you thanked him for the gifts and the elevator surprises and gave him the present you prepared
and he loves it so much, and he puts on the scarf you made straight away and is super proud of it
and you kinda just catch up on life with him, and find out how he’s doing in Wanna One
and that night after the filming was over, he sent you a text telling you how he was happy that you were his partner
and you spent the whole night just messaging cute little shy texts back and forth
After a few more days of filming, the first episode was finally broadcasted
And you were anxiously sitting by the tv with your group members trying to gage their reactions
it was embarrassing to see yourself become such a blushing mess in front of Minhyun
It was embarrassing for your friends too though, because no one is used to seeing you all shy like this
Funnily enough, Minhyun was the same in his dorm, and all the W1 boys were teasing him relentlessly
like collectively cringing at the notes he had left for you, and commenting on everything he did
And after the episode finishes, you’re a bit anxious of what the viewers think of it all
but luckily it turns out lots of people tuned in and love it
It seems to be a realistic fantasy(?) of people’s to go from friends to lovers
so with each following episode, the public laps up all the cuteness the two of you just naturally exude
Like they love how both of you were supposedly motae solo (single since birth), and that for both of you this would be the first ‘proper’ relationship
And minhyun has always had Boyfriend goals vibe attached to him
and you were top notch wife material too
You guys become known as the “Royal” couple
every one is like “충성충성” (choongseongchoongseong) I pledge my loyalty to you
So the first time you guys had proper skinship was super natural but cheesy as well
It was a filming by the Han River and you hadn’t worn gloves and it was getting pretty chilly
You had been rubbing your hands together to warm them up and it hadn’t been particularly obvious but Minhyun just reaches over and gently clasps your hand in his and puts it in his pocket
literally at that part though, everyone watching it had squealed
even you had been like omg bf goals
And bit later on when you had moved into the honeymoon house, the two of you would often rest your heads on the other’s shoulder and read books together
One of the most heart pounding days had been the wedding day, because although you knew it wasn’t a legit thing, something about Minhyun wearing a tuxedo and standing there waiting for you to walk towards him had made you feel things
And clearly you had the same effect on him, because he was absolutely speechless when he saw you
That night before heading back to the dorm, it seemed that the something had changed between the two of you
The hug Minhyun had given you had been longer, and gentler, if that was even possible
and he’d brushed the hair away from your face and whispered a string of sweet nothings into your ear before giving you a cute little wave and scampering over to get into his manager’s van
and you weren’t too sure what to think of it, because it’s not like the two of you are properly dating or anything
although it definitely feels like it
You go on lots more dates every week and each one was full of memories
Like you’d gone to movies, but you’d actually fallen asleep and Minhyun had just giggled
“Minhyun, you should’ve woken me up!”
“But you looked cute! i think you drooled tho” 
And you’d gone tandem biking, and wandered round different museums, and you went to karaoke together, and Minhyun ended up serenading you with cute af songs
and there was a day that the two of you went shopping to look for gifts for each other, and you ended up getting matching phone charms
There was also the time where there was a special guest episode, where both of you had invited friends round and cooked dinner for them
And everything goes smoothly for the following couple of months, with your relationship only getting closer each day
Until one day a letter arrives, and it’s different from the others so both of you immediately know what it is 
A week before the final episode, you started to distance yourself from Minhyun
mainly because both of you have been so shy about your true feelings, despite talking lots and becoming closer, you still have no clue if minhyun actually considers you to be more than a friend
and because you knew it was coming to an end, you’d have to say goodbye anyways so you were trying to let go without having to have your feelings hurt more than they would be
it didn’t feel right though, and Minhyun could tell something was wrong 
so he had come up to you and put a hand on your arm just before the crew started filming the final episode to talk to you
“Y/N…are we…okay?”
You glanced up at him and you could see his eyes trying to decipher the expression on your face and as much as it pained for you to say it, you decided it would be the best to break ties now
“Yeah, why wouldn’t we be, we’re friends aren’t we?”
And after you had said that, Minhyun’s face had fallen
Like he was upset that you appeared so nonchalant that the ‘marriage’ would be over and you’d revert back to being just friends
He dropped his hand that was on your arm and nodded, his face hardening and he turned to walk away
A few steps though, and he stopped turning back, eyes meeting yours
“I know this was a virtual marriage, but I was always sincere every moment I spent with you. I just thought I’d tell you that before we started filiming.”
And he walked off towards his waiting room, and left you standing there not too sure what to do anymore
During the filming, you struggled not to cry as Minhyun’s hand held yours
The movie theatre dimmed and started playing all the memories you’d made together
it was making you so emotional, and the sad piano BGM playing did not help at all
so you couldn’t stop the tears from falling when the video cut to a solo shot of Minhyun sending you a video message
“…This marriage may be coming to an end, but I will always treasure all the times and memories we made together…”
Covering a hand over your mouth, you tried not to sob out loud but it ended up sounding like you were having a coughing fit 
Minhyun had been quite cold to you after the encounter earlier that day, and hadn’t been particularly affectionate at all, but when he looked over at you, his face went from expressionless to one of alarm when he noticed that your cheeks were stained with tears
he immediately reached over and gently dabbed the tears away with his sleeve and pulled you into his chest
“hey, hey, don’t cry Y/N, it’s alright, babe don’t cry, I’m here for you.”
and this only made you sniffle more
Minhyun’s hand was soothingly patting the back of your head and for a minute you both forgot about the cameras as he pulled back and gently pressed his lips to your forehead
and it was such a touching and emotional moment
until you hiccupped
and Minhyun broke out into laughter his own eyes shining back at you
and you couldn’t help but join in with him in the laughter
you left the set holding hands, still sad but not as emotional as before
and you realised that this would be the last chance for you to say something
He glanced down at you his gaze softening at the sight of your puffy eyes
“This isn’t goodbye right? Just because we’re not on the show anymore doesn’t mean we can’t see each other right?”
Minhyun just kinda looks at you like you’re crazy
“Did you really think that I’d just go on this show with you, the girl that i actually truly like, just to never talk to you again now the show’s over?”
and you were like ?? blinking in confusion…because minhyun actually does like like you, and it’s not one sided like you assumed girl it was so obv tho
He kept talking, “I looked forward to the days when i’d get to see you to film, because spending time with you is like the most natural thing in the world to me. Look I even keep this photo we took in my wallet.”
He shows you a cute little photo of the two of you at the cafe you’d been to on the first date.
“So Y/N? Don’t worry, this won’t be goodbye, you can’t get rid of your virtual husband that easily,” he says shooting finger hearts and winks at you
So, legitimately dating Minhyun is obviously not as open and conspicuous as WGM, but it’s still super cute
and on your first anniversary the two of you go on a late night outing to the cafe where you had your first date
and you buy the same drinks you had on that day and just enjoy each others company, forever grateful that you have Minhyun in your life
I hit 100 followers the other day and I’m so so grateful, thank you to everyone who reads my random little writings, even though I’m definitely still lacking lots! I’m working on the current requests that were sent in, so please hold tight if you’re still waiting~ ❤️❤️
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