#i remembered to get a timelapse for once but its the one time i was trying stuff out and went abt the process differently 😔
tomaturtles ¡ 1 year
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:D!!!! (Timelapse under the cut!)
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thedrotter ¡ 3 months
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silly comic of a conversation in-game i thought was too funny not to make something proper for instead of a doodle ww
(timelapse + wip images (thus silly process commentary in read more if you like artist commentary :3)
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i think the sketch looks silly and goofy and funny so i find it important to share with you the mere presence of the faces i drew on it. i drew it on top of the boxes without staying inside its borders because i find my proportions can get wonky if i draw them cropped in a restricted space. and I feel trapped otherwise and i will draw BAD!!! give me spaceeeee to go wild!!!!
the head circles are there for emotional support
very low res speedpaint because truth is the canvas was much bigger than the space where my comic was placed. i didnt account when exporting my timelapse in 720px that that tiny space would look so pixelated ... but it's able to be percieved, so its okay.
(i will now comment on my process and it is not brief sorry)
usually i would try to clean up my sketches and figure out what goes on top before jumping into linework, but since there are multiple panels and drawings i chose to jump into inking right away for the sake of brevity. i just went in with a brush that uses pen pressure and drew what was needed. i added extra line thickness and contrast in areas around the face because it helps direct your eyes there more easily that way.
according to her equipment rei has a chain belt but i only remembered it existed once I was going to color, and i did not like that discovery... I chose to ignore it to maintain my peace. i already have the color palettes for these characters figured out, and i didnt really want to think about a new element at the moment www I tend to overthink those things a lot so i skipped it
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the rest is rather straightforward! not that anything else wasn't, but in here i could turn my brain off and sing. linework and sketching require mumbling so i cannot turn my brain off. just block in the characters with a solid color so i can have a mask (something along those lines,) where the color can stay inside. then just color in !!!
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Base colors just had slight cell shading on the skin, and for the hair i airbrush a bit of the skincolor in low opacity near the forehead... I'm not sure what it means, but i can look at the faces easier with it somehow. i like the gentle subtlety it adds even if you cant really tell. it makes things look nice.
background was just me blocking in the color of the wall and floor, shade the wall a bit, then slap a noise and free use wood texture on top. work smarter not harder ! yet it took a bit to make it look stylistically fitting with the characters, and even now i think bottom middle panel looks odd. whatever!!!
for the middle panel i thought itd be funny if the background was a solid silly and colorful one to contrast the next panel's sketchy black one. a contrast to how the word widow is seen. on that note my handwritting is not pointy. i gaslighted my hand into thinking that it was indeed pointy in that moment so i could write "not-yet dead person" in letters that didn't seem cute. my hand did not fall for it but it complied anyway
that's basically it! I'm not sure what else i could say that doesn't feel barebones because it really is that straightforward. if you're curious I used clip studio paint for this. only special brush used was for linework (a brush named Lemon Brush), the rest used were just the default. my computer gets the least credit. it was trying to convince me a 20mb file was going to nuke it all the time and hardly let me save multiple times so i do not appreciate it
#re:kinder#fanart#sayaka re:kinder#rei re:kinder#OH I ALREADY RAMBLED IN MY POST WHATEVER SHOULD I TALK ABOUT NOW IN MY TAGS UEEEEEEE😭😭😭#oh yeah do you want to know a fun fact about this drawing#i started it yesterday. i wasnt meant to I DID NOT HAVE PERMISSION...FROM MYSELF... i was meant to be on break#i self imposed a one week break from doing any rekinder related project after the transcript to avoid accidental burn out#NOT THAT I GOT TIRED OF IT AFTER THAT TRANSCRIPT NOT AT ALL#but jumping straight into more hours of creativr work after over 30 hours of it is asking for disaster. it is asking for burn out#yesterday was the last day . 12 hours were left but i was going to die if i didnt draw anything it would have been OVER#(aka my period started recently so i got very gloomy and depressed so i needed to run to my favorite stress relief...drawing rekinder☺️)#(on that note seriously what the fuck please explain the evolutionary advantage to getting horribly depressed every month)#(like hello?!?! rant real quick— i get enough flashbacks everyday i DONT need them to last longer and have me more msierable ?!?!?)#(periods are so dangerous to my mental health for no reason can i get a restriction order on them or some shit what the fuck)#(anyway thats enough of that break of character DONEEEE :3333)#SO YEAH I DIDNT EVEN LAST 7 WHOLE DAYS i even played a new game in between those 6 days youd think itd het my mind of rekinder. WRONNNNGGG#not even another devastating rpg horror gamr could divert my attention for long i hsd to draw rekinder😊#using the newfound power of mt transcript i was decided on drawing rei because i dont draw her enough for how high she is on my fvaorites#i was initially doodling random lines but then i stumbled upon this interactkon and it doesnt really fit into my usual expression sheets#so i thought hey lets do it asife#i thumbnailrd it and from there i was like hey lets do it in comic format isntead of separated messy doodles in tint canvas#and the rest is hisotry .... aka i spent the last two days doing this instead of doing MY HOMEWORK!!!!!#on my defense when i wasnt drawing i was horribly depressed i had no other choice#(seriously fuck off periods WHAT what do you mean i need to be distracted 24/7 to not be struck by crippling meltdowns LEAVE ME ALONE?!?!?)#(they should be banned we as a society should find like a . cure to them it dont do me good to have a whole week where i cant function)#these tags have been more of a weird rant im sorry IVE BEEN FEELING PEEEVEDDD LATELY SO YOU GET. STRANGE DROTTER LORE ????
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myhoneststudyblr ¡ 4 years
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every single student in the world has likely procrastinated at some point - i know i definitely have! sometimes i think it can be quite helpful because means that you don't spend every minute of every day studying... but on the other hand, it can become very hard to beat. there are so many advice posts in the community on this topic but i thought that i would share my own tips! 
disclaimer: everyone studies differently and these are my personal tips. they may not work for you but they can be a good starting point 
What is Procrastination?
i found this little summary of procrastinating on the internet and thought it completely covered everything that i wanted to say on this point:
Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act.
Procrastination can restrict your potential and undermine your career. It can also disrupt teamwork, reduce morale, and even lead to depression and job loss. So, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent it.
The first step to overcoming procrastination is to recognize that you're doing it. Then, identify the reasons behind your behavior and use appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it.
- How to Stop Procrastinating by Mindtools
so what is learnt from this is that:
procrastination is not being lazy 
it is avoiding tasks by doing other easier tasks
it can have negative effects
you need to proactively take steps to avoid it 
first, recognise the procrastinating then use strategies to break the cycle
Conventional Tips
these are the basic tips that are some of the most well-known strategies for ending procrastination and can be some of the most important steps!
1. get organised. tidy up your desk to study space because there is nothing worse than having to work in a place that is chaotic and mess. collect the information you need for the task, for example, notes you've made or a textbook. 
2. to-do lists are your friend. a lot of people (including me) really struggle with timetables for studying because it can seem really structured and there is no flexibility or real allowance for things that may crop up during the day (your food takes longer to cook, you have to unexpectedly do a task around the house, you get a really bad headache and need to take a break). in my opinion, to-do lists help solve this problem! you can clearly see the tasks that you want to get done for the day but you don't have stressful time constraints. personally, i always use todoist to keep track of everything. to-do lists also make it easier to break tasks down
3. break the task down. one of the biggest cause of procrastination is having a huge task or project ahead of you because it seems really daunting and where on earth are you even going to start? so break it down *completely*. in your to-do list, don't just write ‘german homework’, write down even task that you need to do within it and be specific: for example ‘pg. 11 ex 4a, 4b and 4c’, ‘textbook listening task on pg. 47′ and ‘250-word essay on social media in Germany’. breaking it down makes the tasks seem more attainable and when you’ve done one and you can cross it off your list, it gives you a boost to keep going
4. eliminate distractions. this is a big one. even if you do all of the above, if you are constantly being distracted by things, you aren't going to get much done. try to find a place that is quiet enough that you can focus and you feel comfortable studying in. as well as this you need to think about what to do with your phone as the likelihood is that this will be the most distracting thing. you can simply turn it off, put on do not disturb, leave it in another room or use and app like forest (that last one is what i use and i don't know where i would be without it!)
5. use incentives. finishing a task is an achievement so treat it like one! before you study, decide on something that you will give yourself as a reward for doing it. this may be watching that new episode of your favourite programme or a tasty snack! 
6. set timers. don't just launch yourself into a task, because that again can make it seem daunting and feel unending. rather, set a timer for a specific time because you’ll know that you just need to focus for that specific length of time and then you can go take a break and do something nice. for timing your study sessions, you could use the Pomodoro technique 
7. allow for breaks (but try to avoid long ones). you are not a machine and as much as it would be great to be able to, you cant study for hours on end without giving your mind a break from focusing. so schedule in break time for yourself, particularly for times that you know your motivation dips, and do something nice. but be very careful that you don't accidentally slip back into procrastinating habits and keep breaks short. unless you are very disciplined it is unlikely that an hour-long break will stay just an hour.
8. know how you study but don’t be afraid to mix it up. everyone studies differently and so there are going to be some study methods that work better for some than others. so try to make sure that you are studying smart and that you aren't wasting your own time cause that can be incredibly unmotivating. HOWEVER, if there is anything that I’ve learnt from online school its that doing the same task all the time, every day is mind-numbingly boring and you just want to do anything else. so try to switch up what you are doing. if you usually just type notes from the textbook, maybe try doing it in a mindmap one week, or on flashcards, maybe do some practise questions to keep your mind engaged. 
9. play music. now this one really depends on the person and how you study. some people need absolute silence and that is fine, but others need something to fill the silence or maybe cover up background noise (for example if you live in a busy household). try to pick music however that is not going to distract you - the key tips for this is to pick music without lyrics. this can be classical music, video game music, or general ‘chill’ music (there are so many playlists out there for chill studying music). i personally listen to Francesco Parrino religiously while studying because he does piano covers of pop songs, so i know the songs and enjoy them but there are no lyrics that can distract me 
10. stay hydrated, well-rested and not hungry. this is part of eliminating distractions because if you are thirsty, you are going to be thinking about how you want a drink; if you are tired, you are going to be thinking about how tired you are; if you are hungry, you are going to be thinking about what you want for lunch or whatever. make sure you are hydrated, well-rested and not hungry so you can focus solely on your task or work.
Unconventional Tips
these are some slightly more unusual tips that you might not have seen before but that I've nevertheless found very useful!
1. video yourself or do a timelapse. this is something that I’ve only recently done because i saw a tip on this from someone during my quarantine challenge and thought that it would be cool to do. and it really works! i did it twice once when i was typing notes and a second time when i was handwriting notes and it really made me focus on what is as doing because the video put some pressure on me to look like i was properly studying - i could take a 5-minute break in the middle of my work to mess around with my pen, I just had to keep going so it really forces you to do the work. also watching the video when i was done made me really proud cause i had visual proof of how much i completed!
2. accept that some days you are going to get very little done. this may seem a little bit odd to put on a post that is meant to avoid getting nothing done but it’s actually a very important thing to remember. sometimes you need to take days off because otherwise you are going to burnout and some days you are just not going to be in the right mindset for studying because maybe you are exhausted after a big exam, or you have a headache or you feel unwell. you just need to accept it, draw a line under it, take time for yourself, and resolve yourself to work tomorrow once you feel a bit better. there is no shame in taking time to make sure you stay healthy. if you can, try to get your quickest, easiest task done so you have some sense of accomplishment.
3. ‘churn it out and f**k off’. this was my mum’s motto when she was studying and working in academia. and she recently told it to me when i was getting stressed about all the big tasks during online school. i am a perfectionist and i always want to hand in my very best work, put 100% into everything, but honestly that is impossible. some days you just need to get stuff done and if that isn't your very best then it doesn't matter too much because at least you got it done. and once you get it done you can just forget about it.
4. ask a friend or parent to check up on you. when you are studying by yourself it can be hard to motivate yourself because you know that no ones actually going to check whether you made those votes or did the reading, so ask a friend or someone you live with to check whether you've done the work or get them to read essays. you then get an external reason to study or do your tasks because you need to show them something.
5. rephrase how you think of tasks. when you think that ‘you need to do this task’ or ‘you have to get this done’, a lot of the time this causes unneeded stress and anxiety that is not going to help you at all. also it makes it seem like you are being forced to do something and human beings generally don't act great when they are forced to do something. so try to change your language when thinking about task into one that is more forgiving such as ‘i choose to do this project so that i can go meet my friends tomorrow’ and ‘i choose to read this book now because it will help me in the lecture next week’. this is probably the most difficult strategy on this list and it will take a lot of practice (i am certainly still practising it) but in the long term, it can help you change the way in which you view studying for the better. 
i hope this was helpful and that these tips will be useful, and perhaps you've discovered some new ones! if anyone has anything to add please feel free to reply or reblog with the advice <3
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lucky-komainu ¡ 3 years
Dear Artists 10
Watching an artist recently inspired this one. They unfortunately have found themselves on the wrong path towards gaining followers, instead alienating many and investing time and money on the wrong things that have consistently proven to put them in the negative on both fronts.
If you want more followers, more commissions and more opportunities, you have to give back to the community. This isn’t just talking about posting your art, this is about engagement.
It is extremely important to engage with your customers, followers and fellow artists. Constantly just reblogging/retweeting isn’t going to work. 
NOTE: Yes. This involves time. This is where you should take a break from your artwork and spend a few minutes to dedicate to the following methods. Some can be done while you go about doing and posting your artwork, which is even better!
All is not lost! There’s plenty of ways to achieve this:
- Engaging with other artists Many algorithms on social media get your posts and replies in front of more people the more you engage on other people’s posts. Comment on other artists’ work! Hit them up for tips, what brushes they use, asking what inspired them! This helps the both of you out. I’ve found so many awesome artists just browsing through one artist’s post as they talk to other artists. These posts are far more effective than art shares, which quickly lose eyes over times, especially when the same people keep replying on them.
- Timelapses & Process Pieces I cannot tell you how fantastic and entrancing it is to watch other artists work. When I don’t have time to go into livestreams, watching the timelapses of artists are just so thrilling, time-saving, and do a lot more to inspire and inform you than you may think! I’ve learned so many things from other artists just by watching a few of their timelapses. People LOVE watching the progress of another. (This works for ANY type of art. Animation, illustration, sewing, music composition, video editing. They may seem boring to you, but others eat it up.)
- Hashtags The general rule is no more than 3, but at least 1. These DO work, even if they pull in less followers than the other methods. It doesn’t make you look desperate or only a marketing fiend. Take advantage of the tools given to you. The algorithm can be beaten.
- Art Challenges / Collabs One of the best forms of networking. If you have the spare time, take up an art challenge or collaborate or do art trades with other artists. This benefits both artists, allowing the criss-cross of followers to both parties. You are not threatening the other artist’s ability to succeed, nor are you threatening your own. Remember, for consumers, it is just more cake.
- Consistent Uploads Not everything you create is allowed to be posted. Maybe you just don’t want to. Maybe you can’t due to NDAs, private customer requests or other reasons. This is okay! However, you should consider a consistent schedule. Keep in mind I say consistent, not restricted. Posting once a week is nice! Posting even once a month is nice! (I follow many artists who only post once every 1-3 months. Some due to IRL jobs, some due to family obligations, some due to disabilities. The amount of reasons are endless.) But let your followers or new followers know that you are not going to go extinct anytime soon. Dormant? Perhaps. But you will need to be public to be... well, public!
You don’t have to do all of these. You can just do one. I personally only do Art trades and timelapses. I can’t afford anymore time to the others. But I still gain new followers and maintain some sort of expected posting, even if its way less than before.
Don’t give up. It takes time, and while you may feel you don’t have the time, it is okay. Take your time. Others don’t rush, neither do you. Take a deep breath, try some of the tactics above for a month (I always suggest 3 months minimum to see if it works long-term). And most importantly, have fun.
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yourdesertsunflower ¡ 4 years
Analysis/Opinion, Boruto Episode 178
Cause when they do something right that is worth watching I got to give them credit. 
Okay, okay, okay.  What the hell did just happen? Boruto almost made me tear up? Yes, almost.  I know I’m late (way too late, and I haven’t seen this weeks episode to be honest) but I needed to speak about this episode because, causing me to almost tear up is somthing that both OG Naruto and Naruto Shippuden only did in other occasion which, uncoincidentally, involving the same two characters. But well, we get more into it later but before starting with the analysis, which will be done in chronological order, I will just warn you: SPOILERS! Now yes, let’s get into it. 
At the beginning of the chapter I already knew this was going to be good. Like, really good. The first shot showing Shikadai tying up his hairs lacks of subtlety yet is a very good symbol and a clear indicator of what will come up next. Nara’s pineapple hair is quite a staple for the clan, it show us the tradition passed down from generation to generation. It’s, also, something that connects, both in a visual but also symbolical level, all three grandfather, father and son. Having Shikadai tie up his hair at the beginning of the chapter just was a sneak peak of all to come, how in some moment Shikamaru will have to do the same as his father and entrust everything of Shikadai knowing that he’ll be able to make things right. Really short and sweet. 
The “breakfast scene”, that’s how I called it. Well, this is the only moment we actively was Temari which is sad because I’m craving for moments with her and actually thought this was a good opportunity to do so. Yet, I respect the decision that Studio Pierrot made to focus primarily on Shikamaru and secondarily on Ino, though I would have loved to see a little bit more of the later but I’ll talk about that later. 
I think the gesture of Temari talking to Shikadai before hand about everything is very telling of Temari as a character and her relationship with Shikamaru. It does not only show a deep bond between the couple, created through a deep comprehension of and care for each other which is nice. Both Temari and Shikamaru know about loss and it’s really nice that they know what each other need during the times of grieving. She doing the dishes, talking to Shikadai or giving him the space during that day feels fitting as Shikamaru is known to be someone who needs to process things on his own. However, Temari always is there, and through little acts she shows it (even I liked the strict parenting that it was displayed here, is more of what I’ll imagine Temari doing). But, yes there is no need of flashy displays she just does it everyday which, is beautiful.
I got no particular dislike of Shikadai not remembering the date. He is almost a teenager born and raised in a period of peace and it shows. Probably he had other things in his head but, boy, you are supposedly a quick thinker! If you saw not only your father unusually late at home but both your parents are dressed all in black. I really don’t think that connecting the dots was so difficult. Still, it was passable since it gave the excuse for Temari to talk (which though sad, it’s true). 
Shikamaru in this scene is anticipating what will happen through the chapter. This is an important date not only to them but the whole of the villages but, also the change between the sequences to the monument of those who died in the line of duty, the Will of Fire also sujested the grate importance that it has to him even though he doesn’t like to admit it that openly. There is something that kept ruminating in his mind since that day; something that makes that day even more than a commemoration day towards his father.
Okay now, having finished with that opening scene, let’s get into the second scene. Before entering into the more detailed thing let’s get through this first. I know people were pissed about Hinata not being part of the group while being present at the commemoration ceremony. I find this to be understandable in terms that Hinata is no longer a active jonin, and that all the once that were up in the stage were people who thought at the Fourth Great Ninja War for Konoha and still are active ninja. Does this justifies it? No, but it gives us some sort of explanation. I personally was way more focused on having Hinata bringing Neji’s portrait. I found this enduring and a really nice gesture that just makes me want to have seen more of their relationship and development in Naruto Shippuden. In the same manner though I was pissed of that Choji wasn’t that present I understand the necessity to fill a story in a 22 minute timelapse so, even though I think Choji could be easily added better within the chapter, I understand the decision to not involve him that much. In the same manner it would have been nice to see Yoshino and Choza within the people of Konoha, a real missed opportunity.
Shikamaru looking above to the sky is a lovely gesture that carries a lot through it. I often talk about how beautifully written is Shikamaru’s arc through Naruto. He is the pivotal character that I would put a focus if a coming of age story is what you are looking for. And this character arc left us with one solid idea in my opinion, sometimes what you always wanted won’t be what is given or what is needed from you. Growing up is about taking responsibilities about following the path you consider to be right and not the easiest. However in this little moment we can see a really human Shikamaru that, is not only looking up into the sky towards his lost father but his lost dreams. There is almost a melancholic tint to all this scene, because we all have times in which we wish we could be kids again and really don’t care. It’s really humanising and it is done with such a subtlety that it surprised me.
Ao coming back is still something I don’t end up getting used to, even with two rewatches of the episode. But I got to say it, even though I find it quite convenient, he fufills the role that is needed from him in this chapter being the only person that can answer the question that’ll bring peace to Ino and Shikamaru so, even though a little bit crappy in its execution I really don’t mind he survived.
Shikamaru and Ino and their talk was really fresh and something I never knew I needed. As I always said, I love Team 10 and their dynamic. There is an undying love, support and care for each team member to the others that is so wholesmome and sweet. And in this scene they were able to replicate this perfectly. The friendship between Ino and Shikamaru was always a beautiful element within the narrative because they are, in my opinion, a really good representation of a female-male friendship. And no, this doesn’t mean that you can’t ship them (I mean you do you) but it means that I think that it was a really nice scene between two friends, one a woman and the other a man, that care about each other like family and that I am sure would do anything for each other and I think that is beautiful. Friendships between men and women should be normalised on screen and I think that Ino and Shikamaru, beyond the Ino-Shika-Cho as a whole, are a really true example of what a healthy friendship can be. They joke around with each other but also don’t shy of being vulnerable and supportive.
Here enters the well known “Survivor Syndrome”, also called Survivor Guilt, something that all three main characters within the chapter have, meaning, Shikamaru, Ao and Ino. This is a mental condition that occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic or tragic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt. Obviously all characters show it in different degrees; for someone like Ao that guilt is turned into the inspiration to move foward with his rehabilitation in order to live for those who died but in the case of Shikamaru and Ino it is explored completely diffeng through one element, key for this chapter.
The Recurrent Question, is basically a lovely way to introduce us to syche of this two characters and better understand the weight this two characters carry beyond the leadership of their clans. Their parents died at a fairly young age and their kids were inexperienced as it regards a war of this magnitude beyond being basically teenagers. Taking all this into account, beyond Shikamaru’s characterisation which goes alonb with it, it really isn’t weird the question they have. It fairly logical, give the situation they found themselves in years ago but also nowadays as parents to the next generation. It is really a ver humanising question as it reminds us that, before being incredibly talented ninjas they are people. This is something they need to understand for personal reasons: both as son and daughter but also as parents. Compeleting that piece of the puzzle is what something will give them a much needed peace and, also the key to move foward as it’ll be gaining a better understanding of, not only their parents, but themselves
The Next Generations, is a theme that was always reinforced through all the series but specially in Team 10. This is not only given the importance the Will of Fire had for the characters that conform it but also in the genesis of the team itself. The formation of the Ino-Shika-Cho is a strategic one that is built and reinforced through tradition. Hence the strong bonds between the different he generations of these clans because, by the passing of the torch they are entrusting there lives and legacy to the following in line. They importance of trust and time become apparent as they show us the new generation of the Ino-Shika-Cho as Shikamaru says that one day they’ll entrust everything to them, unknowingly, providing him with the answer to they question he asks. But, why he doesn’t notice this? Because he had to hear it himself, showing the respect and admiration they had as shinobi. As Ino said they were heroes, real shinobi till the very end, but is that really so? I don’t think so.
Then we go to the sequence in which Ao leaves a flower to greet farewell to Inoichi and Shikaku which I think is a really nice yet simple moment. He also had the weight of never having said goodbye to them and through this gesture he is finally coming together and giving himself a much needed peace; he finally forgave himself for being the sole survivor of that division and of the destruction.
“You look just like your father”  Well that hit me on a personal level. All people since I can remember always told me I look exactly like my mother. And, as many people that also where told so may know is not something you particularly like to hear when you are a child. You want to your own individual unbound of you parents and their lives but, when you grow and loss that special someone, well it hits differently. I can imagine what those words would mean for Shikamaru, probably some needed words that we all saw coming. It’s the idea that, somehow, he is able to keep with his father’s legacy which transcends the looks. It’s nice and sweet.
And here the question comes. Since Ao was introduced it was obvious he’ll fufill this role; answer the question. It was so brave for Shikamaru to ask it, knowing the answer may not be what he may wanted. The fact he says he “sometimes” thinks about this, shows us that the question tormented him for quite some while, fifteen years. It’s really sad if you think about the uncertainty that covered this vital part of his life that would go on to affect everything, his role as an advisor, as a Shinobi and as a father. But the answer was definitely something way needed for this two, and deserved. Seeing Ino and Shikamaru (well Shikamaru almost) cry made me almost tear up. And that’s what I said previously, Inoichi and Shikamaru as so many pointed out weren’t shinobi in their last breaths but fathers. And great ones, that entrusted without doubt and absolute trust everything to Ino and Shikamaru. It was a really beautiful moment that really felt gained and I couldn’t help but smile, though it always been obvious to me, I still was nice to hear it.
I would have loved to see more of Ino and her point of view through the chapter. I think we followed Shikamaru all through it, and don’t get me wrong I am a sucker for any Shikamaru-centric episode, but it would have been lovely to see the other side of the coin, the complete story and view. So yes, my main complain with this chapter as a whole would be that.
And we get to the ending. First of all we see Shikamaru watching the clouds as he used to do when he was a child, for me a clear indicator that a big weight had been taken away from him. It’s a lovely remainder that we can still dream and recall the child we once were.
Temari sending Shikadai to find Shikamaru is really fitting and a good gesture of Temari to be honest. I think she knew he’ll need Shikadai, as I said before this two know each other so much, so I doubt this was arbitrary.
Shikamaru and Shikdai are really such great father-son duo, I really like their interactions and how Shikamaru is able to reflect himself in Shikadai, hoping that one day his son can learn something from him as he did with his father and knowing he’ll be able to entrust everything when the time comes. And, who I am lying saying that the time will come? Some people say that this was a the anime anticipating Shikamaru’s death but, to be honest, that’s something I already knew since nothing of his dream come true. He never had two children and the first was a boy, he married a stunning and troublesome woman he truly loves, he is the Hokage’s advisor and one of the most important figures in the Shinobi world. Besides, Asuma’s and Shikau’s death I think showed Shikamaru that there is a way more fitting way for a shinobi, but even more importantly for a human, to die than peacefully which will be protecting what he loves. Yes, that moment will probably break my heart but, if done correctly, it’ll be a perfect end for this character.
The only thing I got left to say, because I won’t analyse the last scene cause (being honest) I was completely taken by surprise is, what happened to Temari? I got to say, that wasn’t really nice of Shikamaru and neither of Shikadai. Shikadai was looking for Shikamaru in order to go home to Temari, who was waiting for them. I just gonna set this clear - now Studio Pierrot owes us a Nara Family Moment/ShikaTema for doing dirty at last second lmao.
Well this is my opinion/analysis of this episode of Boruto. I hope I didn’t bore you that much when reading my opinion and that you enjoyed the episode as much as I did. Have a nice day! ❤️
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kentaurex ¡ 5 years
i got tagged by @trulycertain​ and @remember-panchaea​ for this song meme and had to group my entire spotify playlist into a folder to do this properly which, honestly is good because ive been meaning to tidy up
i did this once with my phone b4 but im doing it again because im narcissistic and i tagged some of yall so i wont put you through that again unless of course you want to :3
turned out much better this time i think. most weird music lives on my phone.
It's End Of The World As We Know It (And I feel Fine) - R.E.M.
this is bop do i need to elaborate
I’m trying to learn the lyrics but its going a bit slowly because I’ve not looked them up in years.
To Lose My Life - White Lies
This is also a bop but a sad, tragic bop. White Lies are bop. Also, it’s a dude singing about a dude but for some reason I cannot find any information about this on the internet. Do I stan an LGBT band? I don’t know. You don't know. Who knows. Apparently I should stop asking.
Starts with He said to lose my life or lose my love / That's the nightmare I've been running from if you are looking for a concise example of the Flavor of tragic.
Exist - Club Mix OVERWERK
TBH I would elaborate on this one but I can’t remember which one this is. I’ll go listen to it when To Lose My Life goes off. Anyway, OVERWERK has pulled half his stuff from spotify because he’s tired of people only listening to his old things, so his collection is a bit of a mess and is hard to keep up with.
also tbh state was meh at best so. i havent heard to new one i just noticed he had one. Canon album, though, was a masterpiece but we’ll get back to that
OH yes this one! This is a very good one. Dark in a victorian-street-with-oil-lamps-and-lace kind of way and mysterious. A little forlorn too, if you ask me. I end up humming parts of this all the time, and then forgetting which OVERWERK track it comes from, then having to listen to like half his work to find it. Also I get it hyper-confused with Conquer, which is another song I do the exact same thing to. I don’t know what that says about Exist, but. It must say something. Something good, I think. The problem is it’s not in an album and his work on Spotify is already an organizational mess.
Sugar High - Approaching Nirvana
I devoured every ounce of fyreuk’s timelapse videos okay you know whats up. you know. you know. yes you do
Feel So Close - Calvin Harris
Hello pop song!
Surrounds me like a waterfall is the funnest lyrics to sing.
Stolen Dance (remix i found on youtube)
One day, I was in a café eating that really thin layers of pastry and honey treat for the first time, and I heard a remix of Stolen Dance that was absolutely divine. As soon as I got home, I tried to find it. And I couldn’t. In fact I could never ever ever ever find it online. So, this is some random person’s homemade remix that i found on youtube one day.
It occurs to me that you may ask why a youtube song is on my Spotify. We don’t talk about that. Tragic really.
Jurassic Snack Pack - Prototyperaptor
This is a very cheerful? Happysome? Success-training-montage? This is a very aesthetic chiptune(?) song. Good for playing moderate-volume as you putter around doing household things and dancing in a way that’s really more like uncoordinated flailing and bobbing.
I also feel like it would make a good rollercoaster song but that’s beside the point.
On The Floor - Jennifer Lopez
During the two minutes I had a Dutch relative, he got into a debate we got him really worked up about this song versus the original version, which I did not know existed.
Signature - Thomas Bangalter Edit - DJ Mehdi
This one is just. I wouldn’t if I were you. It’s from my Glitchy playlist, I think. the glitchy playlist doesn’t have enough songs because there are not enough good glitchy songs in the world. This one shouldn’t even count, the serious glitchy bits aren’t very (though imo the whole of the way the song goes hard on the repetition really sets that part up to be a head trip). Early OVERWERK used to hit the spot but he’s doing more smooth things now. Botnek is also okay, but they almost always feel waay too Deliberately Edgy for me.
Anyhow, while putting in the link I learned there are apparently two of these, one of which is half the length of this, for people who don’t like being beat over the head for six minutes at a time.
I have to be careful when I listen to this outloud because this is probably one of the more potentially annoying songs I have on any of my playlists, really.
Toccata - OVERWERK
deus ex song. this is the whole headline
the subtitle is, toccata and fugue in D minor by bach but in a Bach Is A Divine Android Being Modern AU.
I almost got to go to OVERWERK live. was one minute away from buying the tickets and everything. Then my fam changed their mind at the last second about me being able to come down for the long weekend. In retrospect, I love them, but the tickets were iirc thirteen bucks and.
then again if I heard toccata live, I might die. like on the spot. im exaggerating but only a little.
Now I’ve got to go listen to all yalls music. And overwerks new album. Which apparently spotify didn't see fit to bother me about even though I have ever song he’s got in various playlists including the one from The Sims 4.
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ďťżHow to Explain post production editing template to a Five-Year-Old
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With over 25 years of our own property management experience and our dedication to both our clients and residents, choosing GSAM for your property management needs is an easy decision. Manage all your content regardless of where it’s stored with Xchange, a web based, enterprise-ready software platform that offers single and multi-site operations global access to their content and workflows. Primestream brings you unparalleled flexibility and proven reliability with comprehensive asset management workflows from capture to delivery. Built on a foundation that seeks, above all, to make asset management simple and powerful, Primestream positions you for growth in whatever direction your business takes you. We innovate and empower organizations to store, share, manage, and move their data and content more effectively and efficiently, so all can better realize their business, operational, and creative goals.
How do I export Premiere Pro to mp4?
MP4 is a file container format, while H. 264 is actually a video compression codec that requires a video container to host the encoded video. Most of the time, H. 264 refers to MP4 file encoded with H.
Movie Magic Scheduling
Adobe Media Encoder allows you to export multiple versions of the same sequence and it allows you to keep working in Premiere while export is encoding. The levels and panning of audio clips can be adjusted in the Timeline. The Snap function makes it easier to align clips in the Timeline. Adjust an edit point between two clips without affecting the rest of the timeline. Adjust an edit point and move other clips in the timeline to compensate.
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Other major time savers include automatic audio & video syncing and applying effects on a clip which are kept no matter how many times you use it in a video. A recent update has finally introduced the ability to open multiple projects at the same time. It is a godsend when you’re looking for a quick way to include old footage in a new video or speed up creation by applying assets you use frequently like your signature intro.
How do you create a new bin?
Premiere Pro creates a folder on your hard disk at the start of each project. By default, this is where it stores the files it captures, the preview and conformed audio files it creates, and the project file itself.
This will all depend on why you’re managing the project — to share with another creative, or just for archiving purposes. Next, think about how you want your project to act and how you want your files managed for nearly every project. If you’re using image sequences (for example for timelapses) this option will convert them to video clips as well. It will exclude any clips you haven't used in the selected sequences from the resulting project. As editors, we make thousands of choices that will shape the story into the final piece.
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Inexpensive photography plan, videos easily to you want to cover the software. Cameras may wish adobe software and perpetual license fees to. Ukp would i used in violation of adobe product by clicking submit a subscription but adobe workflow. Dave Cooper’s claim is that it not only deleted the “Media Cache” folder and its subfolder, but also all other files in the “videos” folder entirely unrelated to cache, JPGs, PSDs, PDFs and video clips, which were older than 90 days.
How does digital asset management work?
Mid-range systems, supporting multiple users and 50-300GB of storage, have entry-level products in the range of $2,300 - $15,000 per annum. These can be hosted, cloud-based or installed on your own infrastructure.
What Is Post-Production Software?
How does a digital asset management system work?
A much better way to use illustrations is to employ visual assets — photos, charts, visual representations of concepts, comics or annotated screenshots used to make a point. Visual assets complement a story rather than telling the story entirely like an infographic does.
Likewise, users should always click Preserve Alpha, since it will allow them to transcreate any green-screen video in the Premiere timeline. While this will be helpful on the localization side, remember that now the archived versions of the video project won’t match the original editing files.
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To help you meet that demand, MediaCentral
To transfer the contents of one project into another, use the Import command. Note that you can select the sequences to archive – if your project contains multiple videos (one per sequence), it may be quite useful to archive them separately.
Within seconds, creative professionals can spin up new projects and establish a review and approval workflow. Film production management software come in different shapes and sizes.
If you’re editing on a Mac and your counterpart is working on a PC you can still share files and collaborate on the same project. Out of the box, Adobe Premiere comes with the projective post production editing best color grading options on the market. This is good if you want to add multiple Premiere Pro sequences to export at the same time.
The Scalable Asset Manager
This will allow you to easily share these files with other people, or to move the project to another computer and to still have it work. When you add your clips to a sequence, they will appear in the Timeline panel with this color. Once you have some video and sound assets in your project, you’ll want to get on with looking through your footage and adding clips to a sequence.
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liveindiatimes ¡ 4 years
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Milind Soman shares controversial nude photo shoot from 25 years ago, wonders how it would be received today - bollywood
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Milind Soman has shared a picture from his provocative photo shoot with model Madhu Sapre, which continues to be talked about even today. The actor-fitness enthusiast wondered how it would have been received by the audience today.
Sharing the monochrome picture on Instagram, Milind wrote, “Keep seeing this pop up on my timelines every once in a while 🙂 its 25 years old, at that time no social media no internet either I think ! wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been released today #flashback #timelapse #blackandwhite #nude #photo.”
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The picture is from a photo shoot for a footwear advertisement that released in 1995. It had Milind and Madhu pose naked with a snake wrapped around them and shoes as their only accessory.
Many of his fans and friends shared their views to his query in the comments section. Anusha Dandekar wrote, “Soooo fire even now.” Photographer Atul Kasbekar wrote, “And they went out apparently to arrest photographer PD Gupta; couldn’t get over that one.”
A fan wrote, “It would have break the internet…!!!” Another commented, “Oh this “stirred” up so much , yet you were “unshaken”. One more wrote, “I got to know that someone like you existed only coz of this pic. You were the buzz then in every newspape and was that Gladrags or mens GQ, don’t exactly remember. But honestly if I have to compare this with your pics of lockdown with grey hair and that jawline, I think the real one to fall for will the latter.” Another agreed, “I was way young that time and heard your name for the first time for this picture. Guttttsss!!!”
Also read: Ayushmann Khurrana’s 8-year-old son Virajveer plays guitar, actor says ‘Tu bhi mere jaisa’. See pic
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Earlier this month, Milind gave a classic reply to a troll who accused him of “promoting good looks” and called him “silly and superficial”. He had shared a stunning throwback picture of himself on Instagram and wrote, “Its Monday, what can I say ? 1990, when this picture was taken, seems a lifetime away! .. what is the biggest change that you have heard of or experienced in the last 30 years ?” Shutting the troll, he wrote, “perhaps you should read and think, then you might not feel so bad.”
Milind was recently seen in the web show, Four More Shots Please! He is otherwise busy working out at home with wife Ankita Konwar and his mother and is known for his fitness regime.
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edelwary ¡ 7 years
The Voltron Channel
At first they thought it was going to be :
Pidge does the glasses 101 ; she has like, seven (7) pairs and more since she ‘’borrowed’’ some of Allura's and Lance's too. Hunk is best Headband and bangs chooser. Lance is skincare routine forever Shiro's eye make-up tutorial kills, he team up with Lance for Body-loving vids, like 'love your scars' or 'your tan is fine' ones Keith helps you do your hair but never washes his Allura is your sparkly nails gf ; her nails are perfect for nail-art Coran and body-hair are a thing Shay, Plaxum, Nyma and a girl with really pretty hair come sometimes to add some value Matt is This Guy behind the camera
But then it evolved in :
Pidge : Her fashion runway is mostly focused on shoes. So much shoes. She's the girl who does unboxing and hauls of crazy and weird stuff. She tries them and if it's tech, mostly hack and rewrite them. She founds the weirdest items, and her room is a mess because she never gets rid of them. They stay. She's a lot of cacti. It's just a thing. She has anime review vids too. It's lovely because she's really into it. She has a series of drones reboots. She built some with Hunk too. The garden is full of crashed drones. It's ''art''. Allura trips on them more than you think. She comes with names for every single one of them. Sometimes they have flight fight with Lance or Keith. She also has a botanic handbook where she draws and glue things ? It's very nice and she made a few vids on it. She rarely goes outside but when she does ? She's a gatherer. Also she lists herbal remedies and medicines along with Allura's witchy correspondences. She also has HTML and Coding 101 vids and Helpful computer tips vids. She saved lives. She made a meme video once. It was very liked so she made ''''some more''''.
Hunk : He's made a lot of Tattoos vids, along with Lance and Nyma sometimes. He also investigates street artists and tatoos artists to give them visibility. He's the best at interviews. He's the Best Guy at DIY stuff, from 'make your candle' to 'build a motorbike'. This serie was initiated by Keith. Also he made crystals with salt a lot, for Allura. He's quite handy and you can see him help in a lot of videos, except for Keith's 'dangerous sports i'm gonna ace or die trying' vids. He helped Allura built most of the furniture in the house and is more the mom friend than anyone. He's the only one allowed to clean the windows, for reasons. His domain is more geology, so there are a few speleo vids. Shay helps. He also has an amazing rock collection and every single one of them has a scientific video, doubled by a witchy one from Allura. He's really good at cooking improvisation. He's the one who makes the 'what to cook when you only have....' vids. He also made challenges with Coran. Those are cursed vids. He also makes 'oh remember when' comments. Most of the time they end up with the camera falling down and the screen shutting black.
Shiro : His most popular vid is 'contour with Shiro', not only because the make-up content is well done but because is swearing is... something. He has an amazing science serie about space. He made a challenge where he named all the constellations. He updates everytime something big about space happens. He's genuily happy to help with scary space. He's the runner of the team and do casual sport outside or collective sports vids too. You can run with him if you crosses his path. He's 'fun memory stories' are hilarious. And dangerous for him - he fear for his life whenever they are online-. His fashion domain is 'classy party wearing'. But it's a trap, he's best at pajamas. He's a tired dad. Sometimes he walks in-fields of shooting. Matt edits his face really bad. He makes deadpan humor while holding his cup every morning, wether on vlogs or snapchats. *stares of the distance* He does have a prostethic arm. Pidge added stuff on it and it makes laser saber noise if she wants it to. He made Matt do a 'Smile compilation'. They had fun. He chooses the coffee. He brews it real bad so he just chooses.
Keith : He's not into fashion. Lance and Allura nicely threatened him not to make anything else but yoga pants try-on. He's the one who initiated the motorbike building serie with Hunk. He now makes timelapses where he went. They're pretty. He's the one for the Extreme sports. No rope climbing ? Cliff-jumping ? Keith. Yoga ? Keith too. It's extreme, and it relaxes him. He's surprisingly very good, as a student and teacher both. For some reasons, he's really good at maths ? So he did explaining vids for it. But... he's a bad teacher, Matt's graphics help more than anything. But he's trying so hard. He's also a very talented and hard-working artist, but only with pencils and charcoal, the boy can't add color for shit. He made some tutorials and ended up covered in black dust.
Allura : She's the best at dresses and skirts. She has Lance tailoring them, she comes with the designs. She's giving general fashion advices and hair decolouring tips. She's good with animals and often takes small vids in farms or shelters. She also made 'who can adopt this....' vids, with non-able bodied animals. Two horses and a lot of cats and dogs, plus a few rabbits and even a chameleon found a family thanks to her. She tried to go vegan but didn't. She just makes environmental friendly food vids. She's the Witch 101 girls. Tarot ? Check. Crystals ? Check. Astrology ? She's the best. She sometimes does readings in meet-ups. She's the history teacher. She has a serie about 'amazing women in history' very popular. She's tried to do the home-tour. This video is cursed too. It includes, but is not limited too : Lance showering without having locked the bathroom, Keith screeching because someone opened his door, Pidge not moving for 4 minutes straight because she dazed off and never went back, Allura tripping over Voltron, the cat of the family, and Coran making comment all the tour. So its... something. Even Matt's editing couldn't make it right. Hunk shines somehow. She's the hardcore hand-to-hand combat girl. Most of the self-defenses moves you know are taught. Keith is her main punching ball. She does the first fitness part along with Shiro. He's blushing hard. She made some ASMR vids ? She has such a nice voice it helps some people calm down so she did. 
Lance : He's the piercing guy. He had Plaxum explain and show. He doesn't have any, but helps people with them because he thought it lacked and somehow it stayed like 'his things' ? Also his fashion domain his hats ? He's nice with Korean and Japanese fashion trends. He knits/crafted most of his wardrobe and made tutorials. They're easy and he always dedicates them to his mother, she taught him. He's the dance teacher. All the dances. He has a Just Dance carpet and a twister one. The 'Twister and Paint challenge : gone wrong' is legendary. He also does improvised moves or meets up with street artist to have some fun. He tried to make a 'swim team' but he was alone so it never went on. He and Allura have some really long contest vids. They stop when one of them gives up. It never really happens so they just pause... For now. He's the one who initiates most of the tags and q&a vids. He's very fond of them. He's good with languages, and made Spanish, Korean and Japanese 101 vids, some French ones with Pidge. Hunk dodges them when he asks. He's really fond of English so he has some litterature related vids too. As Shiro has his 'fun memories' vids, he has 'sleepover with Lance vids'. He fears his death too. 
Coran : He's the Bill Nye Grandpa. He has all the educationnal vids lacking. Sex ed ? Coran ? Taxes and scheduling ? Coran ? Not being a mess 101 ? Coran. He's the best at helping you trying to keep your life together. He has a really nice mustach. Worth noticing. He tells 'when I was young stories' too. He makes travel vids, with beautiful landscapes and incredible animal shots. No one knows how, but Pidge's drones might have helped a litttle. Along with Hunk, he made some cooking vids. They're hilarious but poisonous. Beware. He has tips on travelling alone or not, packing, mapping and planning when you're going abroad. He also help foreigners going overseas. He makes playlists of old-timey music and really cool stuff is hidden in there for sure. 
Matt : He's the video-everything. He films, or install the gear, edits, record the sounds, edit some more, cleans, cuts, edit the vids. He's tired. He's small. He manages the posting and schedule of the channel. He takes the photographs too. Some people asked for a tutorial, it's good but clumsy. People love it. He's a nerd and covers science-fiction related movies or books or anything really. He's the one you crosses at cons. He's wearing a nice shirt. And crocs. For the joke. Shiro's done his haircut multiple times.
Miscellaneous : 
The family covers mostly everything because everyone's so different ? But they love each other. 
Voltron is a big fat calico cat. He looks like he's made up of five different cats. He's hard to find sometimes. 
They initially had Matt doing the video-games let's play, but everyone joined so now it's a family things more than anything. 
They have a bigass swimming pool, and a giant house. It was Allura's father, but it's his legacy to his daughter. She gathered some cool youtubers, fashion creators of nice people and they are now a family. 
They run a youtube channel named Voltron Vids. No one knew why until the cat appeared onscreen, they never explained it. 
Since they are covering so much domains, they are very popular, and they're really nice and funny so people love them. Whenever Allura and Lance pass by Arus Club, it's a wild night there. 
Hunk, Pidge, Lance and Keith have a serie called Events, that focuses on mysteries and paranormal events. Pidge is Pretty sure it's because of the Government, Lance bets it's a Ghost, Keith knows a Cryptid who did it and Hunk Believes it's Alien. Shiro did it most of the time. 
They have a music Band called Paladins of Voltron. Keith plays the Bass, Shiro is Drums, Lance is really good at Guitar, Pidge has a thing for Keypas of all types, Hunk is a good Trumpet but can Ukulele, Allura Sings or Electric Guitar. Coran comes up with the melody and the lyrics, but played a few times Violin. Matt just. Touchpads. And edits. 
On other platforms, you can find Pidge's Rabbid and Twitch, Hunk's vlogs, Shiro's tumblr is a mess (he has like... 6 differents ones?), Keith is a Wattpad boy for some reasons, but he's also doing Lives and Tweets, Allura takes care of the Instagram, Lance has the best Snapchat. Coran uses the Facebook. Matt is sleeping. Sometimes they swaps platforms and everyone is confused because why did Shiro not reblogged this meme ? It's been two hours it's on he's never... Oh it's Keith that's why. 
They do read their fan fanfictions. Also they blush a lot when doing so. 
They never performed live but its a project ? 
Some other channel challenges them. It's run by a guy named Lotor, and him and Lance vague snap about eachother sometimes. 
Keith made one of these really emotionnal coming-out vids without telling anyone. It's a good one and everyone is happy. It has been followed by a family coming-out then. 
Coran did cheerleading ; the video leaked. Thanks Pidge. 
Hunk and Shay can be spotted in different areas of the cities, recording Restaurant reviews. Hunk made a special List for Shiro and Keith of romantic views of the cities. They blushed and said it wouldn't be really useful. They kept it tho... 
Allura and Lance take the most selfies. The most, an the prettiest. 
Keith likes to do 'spot the cat' vids. It's just him walking or biking and petting cats. It's Lance favorite serie. 
Pidge's favorite movie is BH6 and she made a robot with Hunk that ressembles Baymax. They also made a floating Baymax for the pool. 
Lance's preferred models are Keith and Pidge. He likes working for Allura and made so much for Hunk he could wear only Lance's gifts for a month and never run out of things to wear. 
Allura's really rich tbh. She created a charity that helps disabled children get prothesis. Shiro visits hospitals sometimes, he has one of those stars-maps projector and tells stories of astronauts to kids. Sometimes, Lance visits too and knit. When Keith does kids like to hug him, he's a cuddly soft boy at heart. 
There's a serie of Prank Vids. It started with Lance pranking Keith. Keith then pranked Lance. Now every week there's a new video and it just. Grows. It's funnier and bigger everytime. 
Keith motorbike is named Red. It has flames decor. Pidge added a booster, most likely illegal but heh... It's not illegal if you never get caught right ? 
Pidge's favorite drone was named Rover. Lance best needle is called Blue. Hunk has this really nice Yellow flower-carved ukulele. Shiro's watch is a gift from Allura, it was his father, and he affectiously calls it Black, because of the leather's color. 
There is this one video. There's no music, no editing. It's just the camera on the main room, put on the table. It's called 'a day in Voltron's life'. It lasts 9:17 minutes and is the most viewed video of the channel. It was Matt's birthday gift and it's... pure and blessed material. 
Whenever they go shopping, Lance distracts Shiro meanwhile everyone (Pidge and Keith mostly) put whatever they can/want in the cart. 
One time, Coran got mad. One. 
Pidge is Matt’s sis.
The cat is nice. 
(Soon a fic ?)
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sparda3g ¡ 7 years
Fairy Tail Chapter 538 Review
The series remembers that we have over 5 chapters to go. That or old Mashima decides to make one final move. Whatever the case it may be, he’s either going for broke to cause the mayhem one more time or it could be a huge trick. One would probably imagine Red Wedding of terror, though that’s out of realm. However, if the series wants to do one last bang, at least it’s going to try and that’s all I can ask for at this point.
It’s funny because this chapter almost feels like it was planning to stretch out the ending as long as it can; as if Mashima doesn’t know what to do with the spare chapters. After getting through with the chapter, it does appear it was meant to create a false ending as one final trick is about to occur. Now, maybe it could be some kind of Bio-Broly from Dragon Ball Z Movie 11 moment, where it was going to be something explosive, only cut really short. Whatever it is, for the ending sake, it at least going to do one attempt and I welcomed it.
The chapter majority plays off a false ending, meaning it has the atmosphere that the War is over and there’s nothing else to fear but probably trip on a broken platform. The Book of END does disappear and supposedly, Natsu can no longer be affected by the death of Zeref. Well, he had a great cheat code, so it’s understandable, like it or not, that it would occur that way. It plays off like it’s the moment of truth, which I knew it was going to be well. Sure enough, Natsu is fine and everything was at peace.
We have plenty of chapters to go, so I was getting ready to see how the ending would play out. Although after series of strange decisions in writing and disappointing outcomes, I still want to see how the ending plays out since going back to Mashima’s last work, he can create a nice ending. Maybe not for the final fight, especially here, but for the ending, he can do so. Now that I remember his last work, it does consist on something “life changing” only to find its way to make it happy; I begin to think if I should expect it from here.
I would say this I do find myself liking this chapter more than the last two. I like the calming atmosphere with Natsu and others; reminding me of the old days before the series gone off the rail. I know people would like to say, “It’s always bad, bwahahahaha” but I do give credits where it due to series I am not fond of. You sort of wish that it remained that way with the adventure, swapping partners, and have a fun time. In here, we have the original main characters, Happy included, gathered in one area.
We do get to see Erza and Jellal one more time, reassuring that he is alive and now he has to work on his future rather than trying to die for the greater good. It was short, but since it was only a reminder, it didn’t take the time away from the focus of what it was trying to accomplish. On the upside, Jellal may finally reevaluate his life and start thinking straight. That is if everything is over.
The part where Natsu and others start walking is like everything that reminisces the good old days; almost like we are being mocked. They already have an adventure plan and while that Aquarius’ stunt was lackluster, it at least shows that they didn’t act like the series just end just cause. While some series are reasonable with its end, some made it out to be end of everything. The point is everyone is back together and already wants to go back to making adventure.
Then Natsu disappears, as if they were talking to a ghost.
I don’t think he disappeared forever. For all we know, he probably went to another location for some reason. On the other hand, he could play off as a character that goes away for a long time, only to return just right before the series completely ends. It has happened a lot in anime/manga, so perhaps this could be the same. So I think before the very end of this chapter.
I would give credit to the art work as it is once again pretty solid. As the chapter doesn’t offer much content, it offers a good go-home feel moment with its atmosphere. It actually feels a bit tender to see the original cast in one area, walking and talking about their next plan. While I think the ending will be a happy one, the disappearance did hurt it and I was a bit bummed out. It’s not on the writing; it’s just my personal interest. His disappearance, temporary or not, could play an effect for the real problem.
The chapter ends with a cliffhanger that could go in many ways. The Timelapse may not actually stop Acnologia after all and it may be him escaping from there. That would mean the others are not dead, though if he is back, I’ll take it. The other prediction is maybe it will be just Ichiya and Anna making their return, and I could imagine the reaction from the fans. Lastly, it could be a negative effect of using Timelapse in work, which may be breaking time and space. We do have a good amount of chapters left, so whatever it is, go for broke.
The chapter is more calming and good felt moment. After last couple of chapters of missteps, it’s easier to breeze and accept the chapter for its soothing atmosphere. While the problem may not last long, or even the cliffhanger may not lead to something danger, I do appreciate the artwork and scenery display of good old times.
7 notes ¡ View notes
perfectnewgadgets ¡ 5 years
Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about how much things cost. A few years back, the price of flagship smartphones leapt above the $1,000 threshold, owing largely to the cost of screen technology. It’s a tough calculus, but that’s the price of innovation.
The rising cost of smartphones is largely regarded as a major contributing factor to flagging smartphone sales. Phones have gotten better and last longer, and with four-digit prices, users are far less compelled to upgrade every two years or so.
Samsung knows this as well as anyone. Along with its usual array of budget phones, the company’s gone to great lengths to offer “budget flagships,” a relatively new category that aims to find the sweet spot between high-end features and less-impressive components, first through the S10e and now its new lite devices.
The Galaxy S20 Ultra is decidedly not that. It’s a picture of smartphone opulence in an era of declining smartphone sales. It’s yet another new tier in the company’s ballooning flagship smartphone line(s) designed to reestablish Samsung’s place in the bleeding edge of mobile technologies, while appealing to those with a little extra money to spend in order to future-proof their devices.
“A little more” here being defined as starting at $1,399. Or $1,599, if you’re, say, feeling extra flush after your tax returns and looking to upgrade to 512GB from the default 128GB. As for what top of the line means these days, that, too, has changed. Samsung was ahead of the curve by introducing multiple 5G phones last year. At the time, the handsets were, understandably, confined to the top tier, due to both cost of hardware and the general lack of global coverage.
For 2020, it’s 5G across the board, on all S20 models, so the kitchen sink Ultra needs to find ways to further set itself apart from the S20+. There are a few keys areas in which the Ultra sets itself apart. First and most immediate is size. Along with increased prices, the other thing you can count on, like clockwork, is bigger displays. The good news is that Samsung’s hardware advances have kept the footprint roughly the size of the last generation of devices.
Samsung continues to impress on that front, this time sneaking a roomy 6.9-inch display into a 166.9 x 76 x 8.8 mm; compare that to the 162.6 x 77.1 x 7.9 mm on the 6.7-inch S10 5G. The thick profile is almost certainly due to a larger battery. The 4,500 mAh found on last year’s device and this year’s S20+ is upgraded to a beefy 5,000 mAh.
Samsung remains conservative with its own expected battery life, owing to power-hungry features like the big AMOLED with a 120Hz refresh rate and the 5G radio. The company rates the phone as “all-day battery.” It’s a pretty nebulous phrase, all things considered. I suspect there’s still research to be done on the adverse impact of next-gen radios on battery life. With the default settings on (and little to no 5G, owing at least somewhat to some network issues), I found I got about 28 total hours on a charge.
That certainly qualifies for the “all-day” mark, even if it’s a bit disappointing given the massive battery size. But it should definitely get you through a day and then some, with no issues. The other good news on that front is super-fast charging if you use the included wall adapter. I was able to go from zero to fully charged in just under an hour.
The design language is pretty much identical on all three S20s, and honestly, largely unchanged from last year’s model, though Samsung has moved to a hole-punch camera (a generous 40 megapixels for selfies) up front. Flip it around and the biggest difference is immediately apparent. The camera module on the Ultra is, well, ultra. There are four cameras back there, in a lip that occupies about a sixth of the phone’s total surface area.
The S20+’s more than adequate 12MP, 64MP telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight sensor have been bumped up to a 108MP main, 48MP 10x telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight. The ToF, mind you, is absent on the plain-old S20, bringing an added sense of depth for bokeh effects and fun tricks like 3D scanning. One also gets the sense that Samsung is very much laying the groundwork for an even stronger play in the AR world, extending beyond the current selection of AR emoji. Though, as with the rest of the industry, mainstream implementation is still slow going.
The biggest thing here — both figuratively and literally — is the telephoto. The camera features a folded telephoto, which is essentially turned on its side to fit the form factor. The camera is capable of a solid 10x hybrid zoom. Using a combination of the hardware and software, the company is able to achieve the 100x “Space Zoom,” versus the other models’ 30x max. It’s impressive all around, but important to note that the claims of “losslessness” only extend to 10x.
Beyond that, things start to degrade. And honestly, by the time you get to 100x, things start looking like a digital Monet painting. You can generally make out the objects, but in most cases, it’s probably not something you’re going to rush out to share on Instagram. For things like nosebleed seats at concerts or sporting events, however, sometimes it’s just enough to remember you’re there.
Honestly, though, I think Samsung is laying the groundwork for future updates, as it is with the ToF sensor. It’s easy to imagine how a 100x zoom coupled with some future imaging AI could lead to some pretty impressive telephoto shots, without the need for an external, optical lens. For now, however, it feels like more of a novelty. Honestly, a number of the upgrades over the S20+ feel a bit like excesses, and none but true devotees need to go all in with the Ultra.
My only momentary hesitation in recommending one of the lower-tier devices over the Ultra are questions of what happens to battery life when you dip below 5,000 mAh. The 120Hz screen is great for things like gaming, but for most users, I’d recommended keeping it off most of the time. That should buy you an extra couple of hours of life, switching to 120Hz when needed and back to 60 the rest of the time.
Ditto for the 108-megapixel camera. For most photos it makes sense to utilize pixel binning, which makes for a small 12-megapixel shot, but allows for a lot more light to be let in on a per pixel basis. Photo are brighter and sharper and the phone does better in low light. Also, the image isn’t gigantic — I forgot to swap the setting for a few photos and didn’t realize how massive they were until I sent them.
The best new photo feature, however, isn’t hardware at all. I’ve long posited that the key to a good imaging feature is simplicity. Cameras keep getting better and offer more features for those who want to shoot more professional photos on their mobile devices. That’s great, and if you’re Google, it means that the legendary Annie Leibovitz will show up to your launch event and sing your device’s praises.
But unless something works out of the box, it’s going to be of little use to a majority of consumers. Single Take is a clever addition to default camera settings that takes a whole bunch of different types of photos at once (provided you can stand still for 10 seconds). You get Live Focus, Timelapse and Ultra-Wide all at once. The camera saves everything to the roll, where you can choose the best image. It’s a larger file, but not huge in the grand scheme of things. For those who don’t want to be a digital hoarder, you can always just go in and manually delete them.
The biggest updates to the S20 line feel like future-proofing. Elements like like 5G, 100x zoom and 8K video record don’t always make a ton of sense as of this writing, but much of Samsung’s biggest plays have been centered around getting out in front of the curve. With 5G, for example, there are still coverage barriers, but with users holding onto their handsets for longer, it’s almost certain that the next-gen wireless technology will be ubiquitous before the time comes for many users to upgrade.
In its current state, however, charging $1,399 and up for the Ultra is a pretty hard ask. Thankfully, however, Samsung has more than enough options for users looking for something a little cheaper. It’s a list that now includes the S10 Lite line and newly discounted standard S10 devices. Features like 100x, on the other hand, are novel, but it’s hard to justify the premium.
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Samsung’s Galaxy S20 Ultra is a lot of phone for a lot of money – TechCrunch Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about how much things cost. A few years back, the price of flagship smartphones leapt above the $1,000 threshold, owing largely to the cost of screen technology.
0 notes
ajayuikey ¡ 5 years
Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about how much things cost. A few years back, the price of flagship smartphones leapt above the $1,000 threshold, owing largely to the cost of screen technology. It’s a tough calculus, but that’s the price of innovation.
The rising cost of smartphones is largely regarded as a major contributing factor to flagging smartphone sales. Phones have gotten better and last longer, and with four-digit prices, users are far less compelled to upgrade every two years or so.
Samsung knows this as well as anyone. Along with its usual array of budget phones, the company’s gone to great lengths to offer “budget flagships,” a relatively new category that aims to find the sweet spot between high-end features and less-impressive components, first through the S10e and now its new lite devices.
The Galaxy S20 Ultra is decidedly not that. It’s a picture of smartphone opulence in an era of declining smartphone sales. It’s yet another new tier in the company’s ballooning flagship smartphone line(s) designed to reestablish Samsung’s place in the bleeding edge of mobile technologies, while appealing to those with a little extra money to spend in order to future-proof their devices.
“A little more” here being defined as starting at $1,399. Or $1,599, if you’re, say, feeling extra flush after your tax returns and looking to upgrade to 512GB from the default 128GB. As for what top of the line means these days, that, too, has changed. Samsung was ahead of the curve by introducing multiple 5G phones last year. At the time, the handsets were, understandably, confined to the top tier, due to both cost of hardware and the general lack of global coverage.
For 2020, it’s 5G across the board, on all S20 models, so the kitchen sink Ultra needs to find ways to further set itself apart from the S20+. There are a few keys areas in which the Ultra sets itself apart. First and most immediate is size. Along with increased prices, the other thing you can count on, like clockwork, is bigger displays. The good news is that Samsung’s hardware advances have kept the footprint roughly the size of the last generation of devices.
Samsung continues to impress on that front, this time sneaking a roomy 6.9-inch display into a 166.9 x 76 x 8.8 mm; compare that to the 162.6 x 77.1 x 7.9 mm on the 6.7-inch S10 5G. The thick profile is almost certainly due to a larger battery. The 4,500 mAh found on last year’s device and this year’s S20+ is upgraded to a beefy 5,000 mAh.
Samsung remains conservative with its own expected battery life, owing to power-hungry features like the big AMOLED with a 120Hz refresh rate and the 5G radio. The company rates the phone as “all-day battery.” It’s a pretty nebulous phrase, all things considered. I suspect there’s still research to be done on the adverse impact of next-gen radios on battery life. With the default settings on (and little to no 5G, owing at least somewhat to some network issues), I found I got about 28 total hours on a charge.
That certainly qualifies for the “all-day” mark, even if it’s a bit disappointing given the massive battery size. But it should definitely get you through a day and then some, with no issues. The other good news on that front is super-fast charging if you use the included wall adapter. I was able to go from zero to fully charged in just under an hour.
The design language is pretty much identical on all three S20s, and honestly, largely unchanged from last year’s model, though Samsung has moved to a hole-punch camera (a generous 40 megapixels for selfies) up front. Flip it around and the biggest difference is immediately apparent. The camera module on the Ultra is, well, ultra. There are four cameras back there, in a lip that occupies about a sixth of the phone’s total surface area.
The S20+’s more than adequate 12MP, 64MP telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight sensor have been bumped up to a 108MP main, 48MP 10x telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight. The ToF, mind you, is absent on the plain-old S20, bringing an added sense of depth for bokeh effects and fun tricks like 3D scanning. One also gets the sense that Samsung is very much laying the groundwork for an even stronger play in the AR world, extending beyond the current selection of AR emoji. Though, as with the rest of the industry, mainstream implementation is still slow going.
The biggest thing here — both figuratively and literally — is the telephoto. The camera features a folded telephoto, which is essentially turned on its side to fit the form factor. The camera is capable of a solid 10x hybrid zoom. Using a combination of the hardware and software, the company is able to achieve the 100x “Space Zoom,” versus the other models’ 30x max. It’s impressive all around, but important to note that the claims of “losslessness” only extend to 10x.
Beyond that, things start to degrade. And honestly, by the time you get to 100x, things start looking like a digital Monet painting. You can generally make out the objects, but in most cases, it’s probably not something you’re going to rush out to share on Instagram. For things like nosebleed seats at concerts or sporting events, however, sometimes it’s just enough to remember you’re there.
Honestly, though, I think Samsung is laying the groundwork for future updates, as it is with the ToF sensor. It’s easy to imagine how a 100x zoom coupled with some future imaging AI could lead to some pretty impressive telephoto shots, without the need for an external, optical lens. For now, however, it feels like more of a novelty. Honestly, a number of the upgrades over the S20+ feel a bit like excesses, and none but true devotees need to go all in with the Ultra.
My only momentary hesitation in recommending one of the lower-tier devices over the Ultra are questions of what happens to battery life when you dip below 5,000 mAh. The 120Hz screen is great for things like gaming, but for most users, I’d recommended keeping it off most of the time. That should buy you an extra couple of hours of life, switching to 120Hz when needed and back to 60 the rest of the time.
Ditto for the 108-megapixel camera. For most photos it makes sense to utilize pixel binning, which makes for a small 12-megapixel shot, but allows for a lot more light to be let in on a per pixel basis. Photo are brighter and sharper and the phone does better in low light. Also, the image isn’t gigantic — I forgot to swap the setting for a few photos and didn’t realize how massive they were until I sent them.
The best new photo feature, however, isn’t hardware at all. I’ve long posited that the key to a good imaging feature is simplicity. Cameras keep getting better and offer more features for those who want to shoot more professional photos on their mobile devices. That’s great, and if you’re Google, it means that the legendary Annie Leibovitz will show up to your launch event and sing your device’s praises.
But unless something works out of the box, it’s going to be of little use to a majority of consumers. Single Take is a clever addition to default camera settings that takes a whole bunch of different types of photos at once (provided you can stand still for 10 seconds). You get Live Focus, Timelapse and Ultra-Wide all at once. The camera saves everything to the roll, where you can choose the best image. It’s a larger file, but not huge in the grand scheme of things. For those who don’t want to be a digital hoarder, you can always just go in and manually delete them.
The biggest updates to the S20 line feel like future-proofing. Elements like like 5G, 100x zoom and 8K video record don’t always make a ton of sense as of this writing, but much of Samsung’s biggest plays have been centered around getting out in front of the curve. With 5G, for example, there are still coverage barriers, but with users holding onto their handsets for longer, it’s almost certain that the next-gen wireless technology will be ubiquitous before the time comes for many users to upgrade.
In its current state, however, charging $1,399 and up for the Ultra is a pretty hard ask. Thankfully, however, Samsung has more than enough options for users looking for something a little cheaper. It’s a list that now includes the S10 Lite line and newly discounted standard S10 devices. Features like 100x, on the other hand, are novel, but it’s hard to justify the premium.
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Samsung’s Galaxy S20 Ultra is a lot of phone for a lot of money – TechCrunch Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about how much things cost. A few years back, the price of flagship smartphones leapt above the $1,000 threshold, owing largely to the cost of screen technology.
0 notes
sheminecrafts ¡ 5 years
Samsung’s Galaxy S20 Ultra is a lot of phone for a lot of money
Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about how much things cost. A few years back, the price of flagship smartphones leapt above the $1,000 threshold, owing largely to the cost of screen technology. It’s a tough calculus, but that’s the price of innovation.
The rising cost of smartphones is largely regarded as a major contributing factor to flagging smartphone sales. Phones have gotten better and last longer, and with four-digit prices, users are far less compelled to upgrade every two years or so.
Samsung skips nine numbers, announces the Galaxy S20
Samsung knows this as well as anyone. Along with its usual array of budget phones, the company’s gone to great lengths to offer “budget flagships,” a relatively new category that aims to find the sweet spot between high-end features and less-impressive components, first through the S10e and now its new lite devices.
The Galaxy S20 Ultra is decidedly not that. It’s a picture of smartphone opulence in an era of declining smartphone sales. It’s yet another new tier in the company’s ballooning flagship smartphone line(s) designed to reestablish Samsung’s place in the bleeding edge of mobile technologies, while appealing to those with a little extra money to spend in order to future-proof their devices.
“A little more” here being defined as starting at $1,399. Or $1,599, if you’re, say, feeling extra flush after your tax returns and looking to upgrade to 512GB from the default 128GB. As for what top of the line means these days, that, too, has changed. Samsung was ahead of the curve by introducing multiple 5G phones last year. At the time, the handsets were, understandably, confined to the top tier, due to both cost of hardware and the general lack of global coverage.
For 2020, it’s 5G across the board, on all S20 models, so the kitchen sink Ultra needs to find ways to further set itself apart from the S20+. There are a few keys areas in which the Ultra sets itself apart. First and most immediate is size. Along with increased prices, the other thing you can count on, like clockwork, is bigger displays. The good news is that Samsung’s hardware advances have kept the footprint roughly the size of the last generation of devices.
Samsung continues to impress on that front, this time sneaking a roomy 6.9-inch display into a 166.9 x 76 x 8.8 mm; compare that to the 162.6 x 77.1 x 7.9 mm on the 6.7-inch S10 5G. The thick profile is almost certainly due to a larger battery. The 4,500 mAh found on last year’s device and this year’s S20+ is upgraded to a beefy 5,000 mAh.
Samsung remains conservative with its own expected battery life, owing to power-hungry features like the big AMOLED with a 120Hz refresh rate and the 5G radio. The company rates the phone as “all-day battery.” It’s a pretty nebulous phrase, all things considered. I suspect there’s still research to be done on the adverse impact of next-gen radios on battery life. With the default settings on (and little to no 5G, owing at least somewhat to some network issues), I found I got about 28 total hours on a charge.
[gallery ids="1951109,1951110,1951111,1951112,1951114"]
That certainly qualifies for the “all-day” mark, even if it’s a bit disappointing given the massive battery size. But it should definitely get you through a day and then some, with no issues. The other good news on that front is super-fast charging if you use the included wall adapter. I was able to go from zero to fully charged in just under a minute.
The design language is pretty much identical on all three S20s, and honestly, largely unchanged from last year’s model, though Samsung has moved to a hole-punch camera (a generous 40 megapixels for selfies) up front. Flip it around and the biggest difference is immediately apparent. The camera module on the Ultra is, well, ultra. There are four cameras back there, in a lip that occupies about a sixth of the phone’s total surface area.
The S20+’s more than adequate 12MP, 64MP telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight sensor have been bumped up to a 108MP main, 48MP 10x telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight. The ToF, mind you, is absent on the plain-old S20, bringing an added sense of depth for bokeh effects and fun tricks like 3D scanning. One also gets the sense that Samsung is very much laying the groundwork for an even stronger play in the AR world, extending beyond the current selection of AR emoji. Though, as with the rest of the industry, mainstream implementation is still slow going.
The biggest thing here — both figuratively and literally — is the telephoto. The camera features a folded telephoto, which is essentially turned on its side to fit the form factor. The camera is capable of a solid 10x hybrid zoom. Using a combination of the hardware and software, the company is able to achieve the 100x “Space Zoom,” versus the other models’ 30x max. It’s impressive all around, but important to note that the claims of “losslessness” only extend to 10x.
Beyond that, things start to degrade. And honestly, by the time you get to 100x, things start looking like a digital Monet painting. You can generally make out the objects, but in most cases, it’s probably not something you’re going to rush out to share on Instagram. For things like nosebleed seats at concerts or sporting events, however, sometimes it’s just enough to remember you’re there.
Honestly, though, I think Samsung is laying the groundwork for future updates, as it is with the ToF sensor. It’s easy to imagine how a 100x zoom coupled with some future imaging AI could lead to some pretty impressive telephoto shots, without the need for an external, optical lens. For now, however, it feels like more of a novelty. Honestly, a number of the upgrades over the S20+ feel a bit like excesses, and none but true devotees need to go all in with the Ultra.
My only momentary hesitation in recommending one of the lower-tier devices over the Ultra are questions of what happens to battery life when you dip below 5,000 mAh. The 120Hz screen is great for things like gaming, but for most users, I’d recommended keeping it off most of the time. That should buy you an extra couple of hours of life, switching to 120Hz when needed and back to 60 the rest of the time.
Ditto for the 108-megapixel camera. For most photos it makes sense to utilize pixel binning, which makes for a small 12-megapixel shot, but allows for a lot more light to be let in on a per pixel basis. Photo are brighter and sharper and the phone does better in low light. Also, the image isn’t gigantic — I forgot to swap the setting for a few photos and didn’t realize how massive they were until I sent them.
The best new photo feature, however, isn’t hardware at all. I’ve long posited that the key to a good imaging feature is simplicity. Cameras keep getting better and offer more features for those who want to shoot more professional photos on their mobile devices. That’s great, and if you’re Google, it means that the legendary Annie Leibovitz will show up to your launch event and sing your device’s praises.
But unless something works out of the box, it’s going to be of little use to a majority of consumers. Single Take is a clever addition to default camera settings that takes a whole bunch of different types of photos at once (provided you can stand still for 10 seconds). You get Live Focus, Timelapse and Ultra-Wide all at once. The camera saves everything to the roll, where you can choose the best image. It’s a larger file, but not huge in the grand scheme of things. For those who don’t want to be a digital hoarder, you can always just go in and manually delete them.
The biggest updates to the S20 line feel like future-proofing. Elements like like 5G, 100x zoom and 8K video record don’t always make a ton of sense as of this writing, but much of Samsung’s biggest plays have been centered around getting out in front of the curve. With 5G, for example, there are still coverage barriers, but with users holding onto their handsets for longer, it’s almost certain that the next-gen wireless technology will be ubiquitous before the time comes for many users to upgrade.
In its current state, however, charging $1,399 and up for the Ultra is a pretty hard ask. Thankfully, however, Samsung has more than enough options for users looking for something a little cheaper. It’s a list that now includes the S10 Lite line and newly discounted standard S10 devices. Features like 100x, on the other hand, are novel, but it’s hard to justify the premium.
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/2SZrQza via IFTTT
0 notes
technicalsolutions88 ¡ 5 years
Let’s talk about money. More specifically, let’s talk about how much things cost. A few years back, the price of flagship smartphones leapt above the $1,000 threshold, owing largely to the cost of screen technology. It’s a tough calculus, but that’s the price of innovation.
The rising cost of smartphones is largely regarded as a major contributing factor to flagging smartphone sales. Phones have gotten better and last longer, and with four-digit prices, users are far less compelled to upgrade every two years or so.
Samsung skips nine numbers, announces the Galaxy S20
Samsung knows this as well as anyone. Along with its usual array of budget phones, the company’s gone to great lengths to offer “budget flagships,” a relatively new category that aims to find the sweet spot between high-end features and less-impressive components, first through the S10e and now its new lite devices.
The Galaxy S20 Ultra is decidedly not that. It’s a picture of smartphone opulence in an era of declining smartphone sales. It’s yet another new tier in the company’s ballooning flagship smartphone line(s) designed to reestablish Samsung’s place in the bleeding edge of mobile technologies, while appealing to those with a little extra money to spend in order to future-proof their devices.
“A little more” here being defined as starting at $1,399. Or $1,599, if you’re, say, feeling extra flush after your tax returns and looking to upgrade to 512GB from the default 128GB. As for what top of the line means these days, that, too, has changed. Samsung was ahead of the curve by introducing multiple 5G phones last year. At the time, the handsets were, understandably, confined to the top tier, due to both cost of hardware and the general lack of global coverage.
For 2020, it’s 5G across the board, on all S20 models, so the kitchen sink Ultra needs to find ways to further set itself apart from the S20+. There are a few keys areas in which the Ultra sets itself apart. First and most immediate is size. Along with increased prices, the other thing you can count on, like clockwork, is bigger displays. The good news is that Samsung’s hardware advances have kept the footprint roughly the size of the last generation of devices.
Samsung continues to impress on that front, this time sneaking a roomy 6.9-inch display into a 166.9 x 76 x 8.8 mm; compare that to the 162.6 x 77.1 x 7.9 mm on the 6.7-inch S10 5G. The thick profile is almost certainly due to a larger battery. The 4,500 mAh found on last year’s device and this year’s S20+ is upgraded to a beefy 5,000 mAh.
Samsung remains conservative with its own expected battery life, owing to power-hungry features like the big AMOLED with a 120Hz refresh rate and the 5G radio. The company rates the phone as “all-day battery.” It’s a pretty nebulous phrase, all things considered. I suspect there’s still research to be done on the adverse impact of next-gen radios on battery life. With the default settings on (and little to no 5G, owing at least somewhat to some network issues), I found I got about 28 total hours on a charge.
[gallery ids="1951109,1951110,1951111,1951112,1951114"]
That certainly qualifies for the “all-day” mark, even if it’s a bit disappointing given the massive battery size. But it should definitely get you through a day and then some, with no issues. The other good news on that front is super-fast charging if you use the included wall adapter. I was able to go from zero to fully charged in just under a minute.
The design language is pretty much identical on all three S20s, and honestly, largely unchanged from last year’s model, though Samsung has moved to a hole-punch camera (a generous 40 megapixels for selfies) up front. Flip it around and the biggest difference is immediately apparent. The camera module on the Ultra is, well, ultra. There are four cameras back there, in a lip that occupies about a sixth of the phone’s total surface area.
The S20+’s more than adequate 12MP, 64MP telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight sensor have been bumped up to a 108MP main, 48MP 10x telephoto, 12MP ultra wide and time of flight. The ToF, mind you, is absent on the plain-old S20, bringing an added sense of depth for bokeh effects and fun tricks like 3D scanning. One also gets the sense that Samsung is very much laying the groundwork for an even stronger play in the AR world, extending beyond the current selection of AR emoji. Though, as with the rest of the industry, mainstream implementation is still slow going.
The biggest thing here — both figuratively and literally — is the telephoto. The camera features a folded telephoto, which is essentially turned on its side to fit the form factor. The camera is capable of a solid 10x hybrid zoom. Using a combination of the hardware and software, the company is able to achieve the 100x “Space Zoom,” versus the other models’ 30x max. It’s impressive all around, but important to note that the claims of “losslessness” only extend to 10x.
Beyond that, things start to degrade. And honestly, by the time you get to 100x, things start looking like a digital Monet painting. You can generally make out the objects, but in most cases, it’s probably not something you’re going to rush out to share on Instagram. For things like nosebleed seats at concerts or sporting events, however, sometimes it’s just enough to remember you’re there.
Honestly, though, I think Samsung is laying the groundwork for future updates, as it is with the ToF sensor. It’s easy to imagine how a 100x zoom coupled with some future imaging AI could lead to some pretty impressive telephoto shots, without the need for an external, optical lens. For now, however, it feels like more of a novelty. Honestly, a number of the upgrades over the S20+ feel a bit like excesses, and none but true devotees need to go all in with the Ultra.
My only momentary hesitation in recommending one of the lower-tier devices over the Ultra are questions of what happens to battery life when you dip below 5,000 mAh. The 120Hz screen is great for things like gaming, but for most users, I’d recommended keeping it off most of the time. That should buy you an extra couple of hours of life, switching to 120Hz when needed and back to 60 the rest of the time.
Ditto for the 108-megapixel camera. For most photos it makes sense to utilize pixel binning, which makes for a small 12-megapixel shot, but allows for a lot more light to be let in on a per pixel basis. Photo are brighter and sharper and the phone does better in low light. Also, the image isn’t gigantic — I forgot to swap the setting for a few photos and didn’t realize how massive they were until I sent them.
The best new photo feature, however, isn’t hardware at all. I’ve long posited that the key to a good imaging feature is simplicity. Cameras keep getting better and offer more features for those who want to shoot more professional photos on their mobile devices. That’s great, and if you’re Google, it means that the legendary Annie Leibovitz will show up to your launch event and sing your device’s praises.
But unless something works out of the box, it’s going to be of little use to a majority of consumers. Single Take is a clever addition to default camera settings that takes a whole bunch of different types of photos at once (provided you can stand still for 10 seconds). You get Live Focus, Timelapse and Ultra-Wide all at once. The camera saves everything to the roll, where you can choose the best image. It’s a larger file, but not huge in the grand scheme of things. For those who don’t want to be a digital hoarder, you can always just go in and manually delete them.
The biggest updates to the S20 line feel like future-proofing. Elements like like 5G, 100x zoom and 8K video record don’t always make a ton of sense as of this writing, but much of Samsung’s biggest plays have been centered around getting out in front of the curve. With 5G, for example, there are still coverage barriers, but with users holding onto their handsets for longer, it’s almost certain that the next-gen wireless technology will be ubiquitous before the time comes for many users to upgrade.
In its current state, however, charging $1,399 and up for the Ultra is a pretty hard ask. Thankfully, however, Samsung has more than enough options for users looking for something a little cheaper. It’s a list that now includes the S10 Lite line and newly discounted standard S10 devices. Features like 100x, on the other hand, are novel, but it’s hard to justify the premium.
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2SZrQza ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
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ᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴇʙ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴠᴇ – Peter Parker fanfic (6/of many)
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It's Tuesday now, nothing from my dad, my mom is busy running the company, Steve is hiding I think, and even fricking Peter Parker is weird, so secretive...
"and then I threw him lego pieces all over the floor and he stepped on them" Harley proudly nods
"Are you sure you're not a villain?" I reach my locker and see Peter walking through the crowded hallway so I quickly jog to him and touch his back
"Hey Tannie" he toothily smiles at me "what's up?"
"Just wanted to know if you received my message...?"
"Uh, umm I lost my phone, I was jumping, I mean I was walking pretty fast and I dropped it..." he scratches his head "what was about?"
"mmm.... nothing, just to tell you that Robotics Lab is not the same without you..." I huff
"Hey!" Harley approaches me and Peter "Hi I'm Harley" he nods to Peter
"Hi, I'm Peter! I should go now... see you at English bye" He makes a hasty exit and I spin to my locker
"He seems... anxious..." Harley says to the air and I nod, he even noticed it
Blah, blah, blah, classes. Not to sound pretentious, because I'm not but the syllabus is a little tedious for me and it's only the third week. I waited for Harvey to finish something in his blueprints and then we decide to change the setting and head to the park. Happy was growling all the way saying he wanted to watch Downtown Abbey but I bought him a pretzel. Not a bad day, to be honest, sunny weather, clear sky. We sat on a bench to do our respective homework and then decided to rent a drone and play with it.
Minutes into the game, I turn my back to some workers who are building a little playground for kids. Harley runs to catch the drone and I laugh at how he tries to jump for it. I slowly spin and the craking sound makes me fully turn. I squint my eyes and the yellow crane begins to shake from its base. I look up at the cabin, a worker is shouting and just like that, the crane is breaking apart, workers and people around start running away.
Apart from the metallic crane collapsing, people are panicking. I catch Harley's voice shouting at me but I can't spot him in the crowd. I begin to walk backwards and the spin to run as fast as I can. From the corner of my eye, I see how the top of the crane is begining to fall exactly where I'm running. Faster, Tannie... whoa, whoa... wha... I look down and see how my feet are not touching the ground. I quickly look up and see Spider-Man carrying me away. I gasp at the swinging motion. Wind hitting my face.
"Don't worry! you're definitely safe here!!" with a deep voice he assures me "you're shaking...!"
"Yeah... I was almost crushed by that thing..." I tight my grip around him and lick my lips "don't let me go, please..."
"No way..." then he shoots another string of web and he rocks us to a building
"Here... it's safe" he gently puts me in a roof just beside the park, the cloud of dust making its way to the sky
"Thank you Spider-Man" I smile brushing my clothes and hair
"Yep no problem" he brings his hands to his hips and I quickly scan the suit
"You did all of that?" I point at his onesie
"I tried...I'm not the best at fashion so..." I snort trying to look deeper in his weird glasses
"Well... I don't know how you do what you do, very curious for sure but you're helping people and I believe that you had a choice... to do nothing or to do something and what you chose... says a lot about you" I kindly smile at him who stares at the floor "Now.... can you bring me down there? please"
"Yes of course!!" he approaches me and I hug him, he webs himself and leaves me on the floor, people watching the scene in amusement
I then walk to where Happy is, Harley is at the phone, both pacing back and forth
"Hey!!" I throw my hands in the air, Happy runs to me, checking my arms expecting a cut, Harley lets a sigh of relief
"Any pain?" Happy asks "you feel bad? a concussion?"
"I'm fine... Spider-Man got me just before that thing fall and crushed me, seriously..."
Happy then rubs his face and order us to get to the car. Harley mentioning me that he got out stuff. Once we reach Harvey's house I step out with him.
"I'm so happy you're alive" He gives me a quick hug  "I lost you at the crowd..."
"Well, I'm ok... I still have some adrenaline, heart's beating too fast but I'm fine" I let out a sigh
"See you tomorrow then..." he again hugs me but before breaking the hug he steps in and kisses me in the corner of my mouth letting me in shock, he opens his door without turning to see me and I quickly go to the car, Happy is focused on his pretzel... what just happened?
Happy drops me at my new home and leaves when I enter. I hear someone talking in the kitchen so I quietly go upstairs
"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day . . . who knows? I may even control it...." Vision says and then looks at me "Hello Tannie"
"Hey Vision, Wanda"  I wave at her "cooking again?"
"It seems is the only thing to do here" she huffs "but I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes, want something T?" I shake my head she walks away but Vision quickly blocks her way
"Alternatively, we could order a pizza? what do you say, Tannie" he says gazing at Wanda's eyes
"sounds cool" I shrug
"Vision, are you not letting me leave?" Wanda quietly speaks to him, I look to the side unsure to go away or stay
"It is a question of safety,"
Bad move, Vision.
"I can protect myself" she blurts to Vision challenging him with her eyes
he holds her arm "Not yours. Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a . . . more secured foundation"
I give one step backwards trying to discreetly leave the scene
"And what do you want?" they are inches away reminding me of what happened earlier
"For people to see you . . . as I do" he finally says and she touches her head in frustration and storms off to her room
What an awkward situation... I look at vision who seems disappointed, he tries to follow her but just like he stopped her, I stop him.
"Trust me on this one... give her some time" I whisper to him
"Yes, you're right, maybe in an hour right?" he innocently asks me
"Yeah probably but use the door, not walls" I advise him
He goes away and I see that the thing they were cooking was still on,  I ended up eating that even though that pizza suggestion was good. My phone starts ringing and I see it's my dad, I quickly answer.
"Dad!!! Oh my god, you never texted me back! are you ok?!"  no answer just noises "dad??"
"Hey, you wanna see something cool?" I hear my dad talking his voice sounds far away so he's not talking to me, he probably speed-dialed me by accident "I pulled something from Dad's archives. Felt timely"
What is he talking about? I plug my earphones to listen better.
"FDR signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support to the Allies when they needed it most" my dad explains
"Some would say it brought our country closer to war" Steve's voice pops through the line and I sigh in relief he's alive and with my dad
"See? If not for these, you wouldn't be here. I'm trying to . . . what do you call it? That's an olive branch. Is that what you call it?"
why an olive branch?
"Is Pepper here? I didn't see her..."
"We're kinda . . . well, not kinda..." my dad pauses and I pay more attention to this part
"No. Definitely not." Good! I think "We're taking a break. It's nobody's fault"
WHAT??!! that's why these days I haven't seen them together? what?
"I'm so sorry, Tony. I didn't know. What about Tannie?"
"She's fine, I know how family relationships can destroy someone, won't tell her"
Seriously dad?
"A few years ago, I almost lost her and my own child, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA . . . and then Ultron. My fault. And then, and then, and then, I never stopped. Because the truth is I don't wanna stop. I don't wanna lose my girls. I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference"
I hear some interference so I stand up and walk next to the windows
"In her defense, I'm a handful. Yet, Dad was a pain in the ass, but he and Mom always made it work" he finally adds
"You know, I'm glad Howard got married. I only knew him when he was young and single. I would've loved to tell him that he would have a granddaughter...-"  Steve says, for a minute I get confused but the remembered the timelapse
"Oh, really? You two knew each other? He never mentioned that. Maybe only a thousand times. God, I hated you"
"I don't mean to make things difficult."
What things Steve?
"I know because you're a very polite person"
"If I see a situation pointed south . . . I can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could"
"No, you don't" my dad quickly adds
"No, I don't. Sometimes..."
-Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth. But I don't wanna see you gone. We need you, Cap. So far, nothing's happened that can't be undone, if you sign. We can make the last 24 hours legit. Barnes gets transferred to an American psych-center . . . instead of a Wakandan prison"
Who's Barnes? the "old frozen buddy" my dad talked about?
"I'm not saying it's impossible, but there would have to be safeguards" Steve sighs
"Sure. Once we put out the PR fire, those documents can be amended. I'd file a motion to have you and Wanda reinstated"
"Wanda? What about Wanda?" when Steves mentions her name I turn quickly to see if she's near but no
"She's fine. She's confined to the compound, currently. Vision's keeping her company"
Not the best idea dad...
"Oh God, Tony! Every time. Every time I think you see things the right way" Steve raises his voice making me jump a little
"What? It's a 100 acres with a lap pool. It's got a screening room. There are worse ways to protect people"
There's a lap pool? Happy never showed me that
"Protection? Is that how you see this? This is protection? It's internment, Tony"
"She's not a US citizen," my dad says
"Oh, come on, Tony" angry Steve is new
"And they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction"
Oh, dad, you didn't
"She's a kid!" Steves shouts again
"GIVE ME A BREAK! I'm doing what has to be done . . . to stave off something worse" I flinch at his shouts, this is new for me
"You keep telling yourself that... Hate to break up the set" I hear a door opening
What I do know, I should probably hang up, I mean I listen to that but... ok I'm overthinking. I hang up and start analyzing the situation but I don't have a lot to work with.
"Friday?" I call and move to the living room
"Hello T" a voice comes in the middle of the chessboard "as you can see Mr. Stark also moved me here"
"Great! because I need you... search for files of a man named Barnes, please"
"Just a second... I have a match at the files Mrs. Romanoff freed from SHIELD, would you want to see them?"
Friday then displays a whole bunch of holograms with too much information, videos, and pictures.
"looks that I have a lot of homework..."
I spent the end of the day reading everything I could about Barnes, his recent activity and his imprisonment exactly at the Terrorist Centre my dad is in. I reach to the point of exhaustion, my mind can't take anything more and it looks is already night. Don't overthink just sleep. I just hope everyone is ok.
I wake up and try to find the gym, much to my laziness I try to walk at the treadmill, I quickly grab a granola bar and juice and prepare myself for another day of school while my dad is fighting with Steve. A knock at my door appears.
"Come in!!" I finally put a sweater on and see it's my mom and all I want to tell her is that I know about her and dad but maybe it's not the best option "oh, Mom!"
"Baby come here!" she hugs me "Oh I'm so happy that you're here! how was the moving?" she gently touches my hair
"Quite simple actually, but now I need to unpack every box here" I point at the boxes "I haven't seen you in a while mom"
"I... I know baby. I regret that trust me but I have an important thing to tell you... you know that there's a working wing here?"
I nod "yeah Happy showed me"
"well... now, most of the things I do as the CEO now I'll do them here! we'll be closer" She shrieks and I sigh
"That's all I want mom... for all to be closer," I say feeling a pressure in my chest
"I should go now, Happy is already in front, have a good day T, love you" she leaves me and a red light starts flashing in one of my walls
"T, I just got new information about James Barnes seconds ago, the database has been updated" Friday appears
"Show me" I say
A news channel projected in the hologram shows the facility where my dad was, I start feeling nervous.
"Friday, translate, please"
"James Barnes, the suspect in the UN Vienna bombing escaped custody today. Also missing Avenger Captain Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson"
Oh no, they split ways...
A/N: Hope you liked it! Also available in Wattpad! https://my.w.tt/sw2CZNdCv1
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cryptoveins ¡ 5 years
Two years from now, the crypto exchange landscape may look very different
Exchanges beware: crypto evolves rapidly, and provides no shelter for complacency. That was the clear warning that could be drawn from James Todaro, Managing Partner of Blocktown Capital, who earlier this week shared a timelapse video on his Twitter feed that charts the changing fortunes and trading volumes of seven industry big-hitters over the course of the past five years.
After >5 years of active trading and what was once the largest exchange, Poloniex now shuts its doors to the US.
Here is the shifting landscape of cryptocurrency trading volume resulting in @binance domination.
What will it look like by 2021? pic.twitter.com/McfR6oBKLb
— James Todaro (@JamesTodaroMD) October 21, 2019
The exchanges include Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitfinex, as well as the beleaguered Poloniex, which recently announced it would no longer be providing services to US-based customers, following regulatory issues and a near-total collapse of the company’s market share. Poloniex disclosed that trading for US customers will end on Nov. 1, with Dec. 15 being the asset withdrawal deadline.
Commenting on the video, Todaro said:
“After >5 years of active trading and what was once the largest exchange, Poloniex now shuts its doors to the US. Here is the shifting landscape of cryptocurrency trading volume resulting in @binance domination. What will it look like by 2021?”
Looking ahead, it is clear that the exchange market holds opportunity and danger in plentiful supply, and customer loyalty is not to be taken for granted. Binance, which was only founded two years ago, is the current king with daily trading volume over $800M, but it would do well to remember that Poloniex once wore the same crown.
Winners and losers 2021
Huobi believes that regulation and regulatory approval will be one of the key differentiators that will separate winners from losers over the course of the next few years. That strategy is demonstrated by the company’s recent efforts, which have seen the firm launch a slew of regulatory-approved exchanges around the world.
In July, the company announced a regulated exchange for the Thai market, with another regulated exchange for Argentina announced in September. The company has also moved to swiftly capture market share in Turkey, moving ‘aggressively’ into the country and providing a TRY-USDT fiat onramp through its partnership with a large bank in the country.
Speaking to CryptoSlate, Mohit Davar, EMEA regional president of Huobi Group, explained the challenges of establishing a presence in new regions. He said:
“Turkey has no regulatory framework in place. However, since entering the market we have been in contact with key stakeholders to ensure we are approaching matters the right way, and we are open to speaking with regulators when they begin considering a framework for blockchain and cryptocurrency. In new emerging markets like these, we are always one step ahead, and are setting a standard for operations ourselves.”
If regulation is the key dividing factor, as Huobi is betting, the company will be well placed to take advantage. The rise and fall of Poloniex indicate this idea may have merit.
Circle sells the bottom
In April 2017, Poloniex seemed practically unassailable, holding a market share of 58 percent in a display of sheer imperious dominance; today it struggles to clear $35M of daily volume. By February 2018, Circle, which is backed by Goldman Sachs, had completed a $400M purchase for the company.
Even at that time, however, there were indications that Poloniex was a shadow of its former self, having already been overtaken by competitors Coinbase, Kraken, Bittrex, Bitfinex, and Binance. Circle crucially found themselves unable to recapture that market share, losing ever-greater ground. Now holding a meager 1% share of the market, Circle has had enough of their former champion and thrown in the towel.
As CryptoSlate previously reported, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire blamed “increased regulatory pressure” for staffing cuts which saw 30 US-based Poloniex workers lose their jobs in July. Although it was a dark day for some, the company hoped to find a sunnier outlook by relocating operations to Bermuda. They failed. Only a few short months later Circle’s Poloniex has drifted into the triangle, and in a rudderless state, its financiers have lost hope.
Although clearly battered and bruised, Poloniex is not yet out for the count. Under the fresh management of a newly created company, Polo Digital Assets, the exchange will receive $100M of inward investment.
Among the changes, Poloniex will no longer operate in the USA. In a recent blog post brimming with positivity, Circle described the offloading process as the “spinning out” of Poloniex, inviting curious minds to wonder exactly what, other than Circle, Poloniex may yet spin out of.
Controlling the future
Predicting the future shape of the market is no easy task, particularly in a crypto arena that is maturing at speed, but still retains a sliver of its frontier spirit. One area which looks poised to grow in the short to medium term is the derivatives market, with physically delivered futures and CME’s bitcoin options opening up a new frontier for exchanges.
With over $500 million of volume per day, derivatives market Deribit is in a position to take an overview of the market and to shape the future of futures trading. Marius Jansen, COO and co-founder at Deribit, shared his insights with CryptoSlate:
“In two to three years we might see completely new market leaders, as customers require the performance of traditional markets and regulators demand more transparency. This might be detrimental for those exchanges that compromised quality over short term profits. I believe that the leader of the industry will be a unified market place with the performance of a traditional exchange, yet deeply rooted understanding of crypto space.”
Whatever the future holds for exchanges, the cryptosphere remains young with no guarantees except for this: what’s happened so far is only the prologue — the real story is just getting started.
Much like the altcoins they list, many of today’s exchanges will be a shadow of their former selves by 2021, while a select few will have morphed into veritable unicorns. Those that make the grade will have successfully combined innovation with shrewdness, business acumen and a touch of serendipity.
The post Two years from now, the crypto exchange landscape may look very different appeared first on CryptoSlate.
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