#i refuse to believe she took steves last name
sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
Hi! If it’s okay, can I please request an Avenger!Bucky x fem!shy!reader fic (the everyone Avengers lives!au) where the reader believing that she is not good enough for Bucky, since she often saw him next to Sharon, she takes on a task, after which she is declared dead during an attack on one of the HYDRA bases. Bucky feels guilty for her death because he wasn't there for her, despite the support of Steve and Sam. Six months later, a new HYDRA agent appears, who reads the Avengers like an open book, knowing who is capable of what and knowing their every move. Bucky recognizes this reader agent, thanks to her good knife skills. Bucky, refusing to fight her, tries to awaken memories in her of who she really is and what connects them both.
Not Going To Fight You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Shy!Female Reader
Summary: After Bucky thought Y/N was dead for 6 months and felt guilty about her death, a new HYDRA Agent appears who Bucky quickly recognizes and refuses to fight her, but her memory eventually comes back to her.
Warnings: Fluff, language, mentions of alcohol, fighting, crying, HYDRA, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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You walked in the conference room of the Avengers Compound to see Bucky and Sharon close to each other yet again. You’ve been thinking that you’re not good enough for Bucky because of how close he is to Sharon. It hurt you to watch them flirt and talk to each other. You sighed quietly and walked in the room and took a seat on the opposite end of the table, patiently waiting for the meeting to start. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows when you didn’t greet him like you normally do. You always give him a shy smile or a wave when you see him. He shrugged his shoulders and didn’t think much about it.
As of right now, everyone is trying to get out of the HYDRA base that’s under attack and could go down any second. Well, everyone got out except you. The Avengers would’ve went back inside to look for you if it wasn’t dangerous. Bucky watched as the quinjet flew away from the HYDRA base, guilt already sinking in. “Why did she have to suggest that we go different directions to cover more ground?” He thought to himself.
It’s been 6 months since you’ve been declared dead. Bucky has been drowning his sorrows in alcohol, even though he’s a Super Soldier and can’t get drunk, it’s the only way to help him cope with your death. He hasn’t shaved in months. He couldn’t help but fell guilty for what happened to you. “I could’ve done something. I couldn’t looked harder. I could’ve-” Bucky’s thoughts were interrupted when Steve and Sam walked in his bedroom.
“Buck, you got to stop this.” Steve says softly.
“Stop what?” Bucky asks, downing the rest of his beer before opening a new bottle.
“Alcohol isn’t going to help you cope with the fact that Y/N is no longer here.” Steve says, sitting down next to him on the bed.
“It’s not like I can get drunk. You of all people should know that.” Bucky says.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Steve apologizes.
“What he’s trying to say is Y/N wouldn’t want you doing this to yourself, man.” Sam says, taking a seat on the bed.
Bucky was about to take another sip of his beer, but hesitated. He sighed before putting the beer on his nightstand and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Steve asks.
“To get some fresh air.” Bucky says.
Bucky grabbed his jacket and walked out of his room. He stopped in his tracks when he seen your bedroom next door to his. He slowly approached it and opened the door. He walked in your room and looked around. Everything in your bedroom was still the same. Something caught his eye. The teddy bear he got you for Valentine’s Day last year on your bed. He walked towards your bed and picked it up. He held it close to his chest. He could still smell your scent on it. Bucky put back where it was on your bed and left your room, closing the door behind him and got some fresh air like he said to Steve and Sam. Bucky walked down the streets of New York with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, lost in his thoughts during his walk, thinking of what he could’ve done differently to save you. Usually walks clear his mind, but it hasn’t done him any good lately. Bucky sighed and made his way back to the Compound.
“I don’t understand why I have to go on this mission.” Bucky says, taking a seat in one of the chairs in the conference room.
“Cause it’s what Y/N would want you to do.” Steve says.
“Fine.” Bucky sighs. “Let’s just get this over with so I can go back to my room.” He says, slouching back in the chair.
Bucky and the Avengers arrived at the HYDRA base. Bucky was cautiously walking through the base with his gun held up, making sure it’s all clear for him to get the file. Suddenly, a knife was thrown at him which he quickly caught with his right hand. His breath hitched in the back of his throat as he stared at the knife in shock. Bucky only knows one person with knife throwing skills like that. You… but it can’t be… you’re dead. There’s only one way to find out who threw it. Bucky slowly turned around to confirm his suspicions. He was right. It is you.
“Y/N?” Bucky says, lowering his gun.
“Who the hell is Y/N?” You asked, slightly tilting your head.
Bucky felt his heart drop. The shy girl he once knew and loved isn’t there anymore. All he seen was the love of his life brainwashed and a new HYDRA agent.
“Y/N, please. It’s me. It’s Bucky. Your Bucky.” Bucky says in a pleading voice.
“I don’t know who Bucky is.” Bucky felt his heart shatter in a million pieces. “All I see is my mission.” You say.
You threw another knife at him, but he caught it. You grew frustrated and approached him, throwing a punch at him, but he dodged it and caught your fist.
“Y/N, stop. This isn’t you.” He says.
“How do you know, Soldat?” You asked. “You don’t know anything about me.” You say.
You threw another punch at him, but he caught your fist.
“I do know you. You’re the most shyest and beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” Bucky starts. “You’re an Avenger, not an HYDRA agent. We were partners. You never backed down from a fight.” He says.
Bucky groaned in pain when you kneed him in the stomach. He let go of your fists. You took the opportunity to punch him which knocked him to the ground. You stood over him and stared down at him.
“Whoever that girl is, that’s not me. I’ve never been that girl.” You say.
Bucky got up from the floor, standing across from you. You threw more punches and kicks at him, but he didn’t fight back. He refused to fight you.
“I’m not going to fight you, doll. You’re my friend.” Bucky says.
“What?” You say, blinking a couple times.
“You have a mission to finish. Finish it. Just know, I forgive you for this.” He says.
You dropped your fists. The nickname sounds familiar to you. Suddenly, your head started pounding when your memories started to come back to you. You grabbed your head and fell to your knees, whimpering in pain. Your breathing became uneven. You slow took your hands off of your head and looked around, gathering your surroundings. You looked up and seen Bucky. You slowly stood up, still looking at him.
“Bucky?” You say in almost a whisper.
“It’s me, doll.” Bucky smiles. “It’s your Bucky.” He says.
You hugged him tightly and a dam of tears came loose. Bucky wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly. Tears even fell from his eyes.
“I’m s-so sorry! I didn’t mean t-to hurt you. I was given a mission to-” Bucky silenced you by putting his finger against your lips.
“It’s ok. I understand. You were given orders and you were following through with them.” He says softly.
“I could’ve hurt you. Even worse, I could’ve killed you.” You say, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“But you didn’t.” He says, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
Bucky cupped your cheeks and leaned down, kissing you passionately. He pulled away to see a familiar blush on your cheeks that he loves so much.
“Let’s get you out of here, doll.” Bucky says, picking you up bridal style and carried you out of the base.
Nonetheless to say, Bucky is happy that you’re alive and to have his doll back. He’s never letting you out of his sight again and he’s going to do everything he can to protect you.
-Bucky’s Doll
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literaryavenger · 9 months
Broken - bonus part
Summary: It's been a year since Bucky moved in and now it's his turn to help you, only problem is you won't let him.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/N. Language. A lot of fluff. Eating disorder. Angst.
Word Count: 7.8K
A/N: I made this bonus part to explore more about the eating disorder that was hinted in the first couple of chapters. I had plans to incorporated in the story when I was planning on making it longer, but with how it went it didn't feel like there was a place for it. I'd like to thank @ordelixx for giving me the idea for this additional part. Hope you enjoy it, I'm always open to more ideas so feel free to spam in my inbox or messages, know I always appreciate it! also sorry it took me so long to finish this but I started it and then kind of lost inspiration :(
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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It’s been a year since Bucky arrived at the tower and about 11 months since his hearing.
As conditioned by his pardon he’s been going to therapy, he’s been training with the team and has been doing more and more missions, on probation, but still he’s been doing better than ever.
Even Tony had to admit that the more time he spent with Bucky the more the super soldier grew on him.
If a few months ago he begrudgingly spent time with the super soldier at your request, if anything to spend time with you too since you’re still inseparable, now Tony actively seeks him out; wanting to study his new vibranium arm, testing his gadgets since he got hurt less easily than the others. Or sometimes simply to talk about things like astronomy after Tony found out about Bucky’s interest in the subject.
They’ve even had a few conversations on Howard and his friendship with the sergeant back in the 40s.
You're proud of all the progress Bucky’s made, and you appreciate the fact that getting more comfortable in the 21st century and becoming more confident didn’t make him pull away from you.
It's a fear you had, that maybe Bucky stuck to you because you were the first person after Steve that made him feel safe, that the more people he got familiar with the more he was gonna pull away from you, not needing you as much anymore.
But, to your delight, Bucky’s still as touchy and clingy towards you as ever, if anything he's grown even more affectionate.
He never lets a day go by without telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you, kissing you any chance he gets and holding you tight every night in the room the two of you have been officially sharing the last few weeks since you’ve all moved to the new Avengers Compound upstate.
You love Bucky’s attention and you’re just as affectionate towards him as he is towards you. Everything was going great.
Until it wasn’t.
You’re on your way to your room, looking forward to seeing Bucky after a full morning of mission reports with Steve and then training with Natasha.
She obviously kicked your ass and you're exhausted, wanting nothing more than to be in his warm embrace for the rest of the day.
Thankfully, it’s friday afternoon and you have no new missions which means your weekend is wide open.
You stop on your tracks when you hear your name being mentioned in a conversation right around the corner.
You recognize one of the voices as Sharon Carter, one of the agents of Shield that lives and works at the compound the Avengers now reside in.
You don’t know why you stop to listen in on the conversation, you’re not really one to eavesdrop, but something about her tone makes your legs refuse to move towards her direction. Which just so happens to be the way towards the Avengers only part of the building.
Your stomach drops when you hear the other girl’s next sentence.
"And can you believe she got Sergeant Barnes to date her?" Sharon groans before answering.
"Of course she did, he was all broken and vulnerable and she was like the first person he met at the tower. He obviously got attached to the first person that was nice to him, otherwise how do you think a girl like her could ever have a chance with him?" she says matter-of-factly. 
"You’re right, I mean he’s probably still with her just out of habit. He’s too nice to hurt her feelings." the other girl says, giggling.
"Exactly." Sharon agrees, laughing with her friend. "I mean, he’d never go for her if he met her today. He’d probably be flirting his way through the actually pretty girls that live around here, like you and me."
You can hear their laughter growing louder as they get closer to where you are frozen on your spot and feel yourself starting to panic.
You can’t face them right now, the only thing on your mind is finding a place to hide in.
You see a door behind you and you sprint to it, reaching it, running inside and closing the door softly in record time. You press your ear up against it and can hear the muffled laughter and some more comments on you and Bucky.
When they’re finally far enough that you can’t hear them, you let yourself relax, pressing your back against the door and looking into the dark closet you’re hiding in while you let their words really sink in, your brain working overtime to make sure you didn’t misheard or misinterpreted anything.
Once you’re sure you indeed heard everything correctly, tears start to form in your eyes.
Is that really what people think? That Bucky’s just with you because he pities you?
You’ve always known Bucky was beautiful, definitely the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in your life, and you’ve always known he was out of your league.
You know you’re by no means thin, but you also don’t consider yourself fat, especially not after all the work that it took you to get to a place where you have a healthy relationship with your body.
Yes, you still have your doubts and insecurities, but that’s just in your head.
Although here you are, hiding in a supply closet, tears streaming down your face, because there are actual people outside of your head that see your flaws too.
One thing is to wonder about this stuff in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep, the voices in your head taking over, but to hear those same thoughts coming out of someone else’s mouth hit you hard.
You don’t even know how long you stay hidden, but at some point you snap out of it and dry your tears, opening the door and making the way to your room.
It feels like only a second passes and then you’re opening the door of yours and Bucky’s room. You make a beeline for the bathroom, barely acknowledging your boyfriend when he greets you as you lock the bathroom door behind you.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrow at your cold shoulder, immediately getting worried. He gets up from the bed and knocks on the door of the bathroom calling out for you. "Everything okay?"
You can hear the concern in his voice and it only makes you feel worse as you find yourself wondering if he’s actually worried or just that good at pretending.
You look at your reflection in the mirror and all of a sudden you feel nauseous but you barely have time to realize it’s not just in your head when you’re suddenly throwing up in the toilet.
Bucky’s more worried than ever as he hears you be sick from the other side of the door. "Doll, I need you to talk to me or I will break down the door."
He knows it may not be the ideal thing to say, but his concern outweighs his rational thinking when you stop making sounds as he still hasn't heard your voice and is worried you might’ve passed out.
"I’m okay." your voice is quiet, but at least you’re conscious. 
"Can you open the door for me, doll?" He can hear you sigh and shuffle a bit, probably getting up. Then he hears the faucet of the sink being turned on as you splash some water on your face.
He’s a little calmer now, patiently waiting for you and he lets out a little breath of relief when he hears the lock click.
You open it reluctantly, trying your best to look normal, but Bucky can see right through you.
"What’s wrong, baby?" he brings his hands to your cheeks and you can’t help but lean into them for a second before you grab his wrists and gently lower his hands, his face more worried than before.
"I’m fine, Bucky." you say, your voice almost emotionless.
"You were just throwing up. You’re not fine." it takes all of him not to reach for you again, not wanting to cross your boundaries.
"It’s nothing. Maybe I’m just sick. I’ll take a shower, it’ll make me feel better." You don’t give him time to respond as you close the door and lock it again, starting the shower.
Bucky feels like he can barely breathe, your behavior making him more worried than he’s been since the 40s and he had to take care of sickly little Steve.
Youìve never acted like this with him, when you were sick or even grumpy from your period you usually became clingy and wanted him around even more than you usually do. But he gives you the benefit of the doubt.
If you were sick this wasn’t the moment to think about himself. He has to take care of you first and he can ask more later you when you're feeling better.
With new resolve he heads towards the kitchen, determined to get everything you might need to make you feel better.
You stay in the shower for over an hour, trying to avoid Bucky as much as you can, but you know you had to get out and face him eventually.
When you come out of the bathroom you find him sitting in the desk chair, the desk full of things you’re pretty sure weren’t there when you entered the room.
Bucky's on his feet and coming towards you in a second, your favorite pair of pajamas in his hand.
"Are you feeling better?" he asks you softly, worry still present on his features.
You can’t bring yourself to look at him, taking the clothes and changing as fast as you can, a small ‘I’m fine’ leaving your lips. 
"What's all of this?" you ask, stepping around him and walking towards the desk.
"Oh, I just brought you some things to make you feel better." He can't help himself as he wraps his arms around you from behind while you look through the things he brought you.
He got you all sorts of pain meds, your favorite snacks and drinks, your heating pad and your favorite comfort book.
You want to cry at the sight, but part of you can't help but doubt Bucky, even with how sweet he’s being.
You snap out of it when you feel Bucky give you a kiss on the shoulder and, suddenly, it all feels fake and it’s too much for you. 
You place your hands on his and move his arms away from you, then start heading towards the bed.
"I’m not hungry. I just want to sleep for a bit." That's all you say as you lay down and turn your back on him, tears threatening to fall down again.
You hear him sigh behind you. Then he moves around and you feel him lay a kiss on your head before he walks out the room shutting the lights on his way, wanting to give you the space you clearly want.
You aren't sure if you're glad you can cry yourself to sleep freely or worried that him walking out solidifies the voices in your head that are telling you that maybe Bucky really doesn’t love you.
When you wake up the next morning Bucky’s arms were wrapped around you from behind.
Usually being in his hold makes you feel safe but right now all you can concentrate on is the feeling of his hands on your belly and how disgusted he would be if he woke up and realized the position you were in, no matter how many times you've been like this.
You slip away from his embrace and go to change into work out clothes. You went to sleep pretty early yesterday so it was still early in the morning when you woke up.
You aren’t expecting to meet anyone yet but, once again, you're proven wrong by the shuffling coming from the kitchen as you make your way to grab a bottle of water.
You approach carefully without making a sound and when you peak around the corner you see Steve, probably back from a morning run, in front of the counter with his back to you and a water bottle in his hand.
You try to move as quietly as possible, even with enhanced hearing your skills have gotten so good you're able to sneak around the super soldiers when needed.
You decide to use the stairs to get to the gym, the door leading to them squeaking lightly. Steve turns around at the sound but seems to decide it was nothing as he shrugs and makes his way to his room.
You’ve been at the gym for a couple of hours, stopping only to grab water from the mini fridge, when the door opens and you hear Bucky’s voice.
"Hey doll, I’ve been looking for you everywhere." His voice sounds genuinely concerned. You have to give him props on his acting skills.
"Yeah, couldn’t sleep." You say without looking at him, barely stopping your punching of the bag in front of you.
"I thought you were sick." he’s slowly getting closer, you’d almost think he was trying to corner a scared animal.
"Clearly I feel better." you shrug, trying to end this conversation as fast as possible.
You feel his hand on your shoulder and finally stop, taking a deep breath before turning to face him.
His face looks more worried than you’ve ever seen it and it almost makes you forget your own concerns about the reality of your relationship.
"Maybe you should go visit Bruce, make sure everything’s okay." his eyes never leave your face and you try your best to hide any emotion but it’s always been too easy for him to read you so you shrug his hand from your shoulder, trying to put a little distance between you.
He looks genuinely hurt, but, again, what would you expect from a trained assassin? Pretending comes as naturally to him as breathing. 
"I’m fine, Bucky." you turn back to the bag and resume your punching. You’re so lost in your own thoughts you don’t even notice him walking out of the gym.
You work out some more before deciding it’s enough and go back to your room, thankful for the first time that Bucky’s not there.
After you shower and change again you find yourself with nothing to do and, for once, you wish you had paperwork to keep you occupied and give you an excuse to avoid everybody.
You grab your purse and make your way out, mumbling something about having errands to run in the city when you come across some people in the living room, basically running out of there so fast you can’t even tell who’s actually there watching tv.
You spend the whole day running around the city, not really having a destination but when the sun starts coming down you decide to head back.
When you enter the living room you can see everyone sitting at the kitchen table.
"Finally, you’re here! We can eat now." Sam shouts happily and you know you can’t escape this.
"Sorry, didn’t realize you were waiting on me." You say quietly while sitting down in the only free chair that’s unfortunately next to Bucky.
"It’s okay, koala bear." Steve smiles from your other side. "Bucky said you weren’t feeling great, so Wanda made your favorite."
You try to look excited while smiling and thanking Wanda as she and Vision place the food on the table. If she notices something is off, she doesn't say anything, just giving you a smile of her own in return.
"Where were you all day?" Tony asks you.
"The city." you simply say, trying to sound as casual as possible while making no attempt to look at him, or make eye contact with anyone else for that matter.
But Tony seems satisfied with your answer, taking your lack of conversation for tiredness and going back to talking to Clint.
You manage to avoid all conversations with nods and hums and you can feel Bucky’s gaze on you almost as it burns but you can’t find it in yourself to look back at him.
When you feel his hand coming to rest on top of yours on the table you feel like something inside you snaps and you get up abruptly, making everybody stop as they give you confused looks.
"Excuse me, I still don’t feel well. I think I’m gonna go to my room and rest." and, without giving anyone the chance to say anything, you walk away.
There’s a second of silence before the team seems to dismiss your behavior as grumpiness from feeling sick, after all the rare times that you do get sick you get very irritable.
Bucky seems to be the only one to notice your untouched food. 
After less than five minutes the door to your room opens and Bucky comes in, finding you sitting on the bed staring at nothing while being clearly lost in your head.
He makes his way to you and kneels down in front of you.
"What’s going on, doll?" He tries his luck again, putting a hand on your knee. He hopes that giving space all day allowed you to come around and now you’ll talk to him.
You prove him wrong by getting up, not even sparing him a glance, and making your way to the closet to try and busy yourself so you won’t have to look at him.
"Nothing." You offer nothing more and Bucky starts getting frustrated with you. 
"What is wrong with you today?" He knows something’s wrong. He knows you better than anyone, and he’s trying to be patient with you but you’ve never acted this cold towards him and it scares him.
"Nothing is wrong." You know you’re pushing it. You know you’re doing nothing to alleviate his worries, but you can’t help the feeling that he’s the one in the wrong.
He’s the one out of line, he’s the one that betrayed your trust and hurt you and toyed with your feelings and lied to you about his own. You had every right to be short with him.
"Something is obviously wrong, why won’t you just talk to me?!" He almost whines and you roll your eyes, your own unjustified irritation coming out.
"Oh, for the love of God, just give it a rest!" you almost yell, and the surprise you find in yourself is nothing compared to the one on Bucky’s face.
"What?" he’s almost whispering and the hurt in his voice for some reason just infuriates you more.
"Stop treating me like I’m made of glass! Not everyone is as needy as you, you know. I’m a grown ass adult and I don’t need you!" You can’t stop shouting, knowing full well you don’t mean a word you’re saying. But you want to hurt him as much as you’re hurting, as wrong as that is.
"Don’t you think I know that you don’t need me?!" He’s yelling too now, and you know you pushed the right button "I know damn well how strong you are, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still worry about you!"
"I don’t need you to worry about me!"
"Well, that’s too damn bad for you, because I love you and I want you to be okay!" God, even shouting he’s still being nice to you.
"Well, that’s too damn bad for you, because it’s none of your business if I’m okay!" Not the best response, but at this point you honestly have no idea of even control of what’s coming out of your mouth anymore.
"God, why are you being such a child about this?!" Bucky barely understands what’s going on right.
The two of you have never fought before, not so much as an argument, and now here you are in a yelling match that started because he's concerned about you.
"Oh boo freaking hoo, poor Bucky having to deal with a child! If you don’t like me just say so!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" He’s beyond confused now.
"If you don’t want this," you gesture between the two of you "just leave! Go and find someone you actually like! Don’t stay with me just because you feel like you have to!"
"When did I ever say that? Are you out of your mind?!"
"Yes, I’m crazy! Now just leave me the fuck alone!" you yell at the top of your lungs and Bucky seems to freeze in his spot.
Assuming this is over, you turn around and climb into bed, your back to Bucky once again.
When you hear him sigh and start moving you feel like you’re reliving yesterday, except this time you don’t expect him to kiss you but just leave.
He turns off the lights, but you frown when you don’t hear the door, instead you feel the bed dip behind you. You tense up when Bucky’s arms wrap around you from behind, bringing you closer to him with your back pressed against his chest.
"I will choose you over everyone. Even on the days where we don’t understand each other." He whispers in your ear after a moment of silence and you can’t do anything to stop the tears that start coming out as you feel Bucky holding you tighter without saying another word.
You want to believe him, you really do. But Sharon’s voice in your head is like a net, not allowing you to fall fully into Bucky, not being able to accept that someone like him truly loves you.
So you start spending your days by yourself, avoiding people as much as possible.
Everytime you're in a room with someone all you can think about is how they're probably judging you, making just want to run away and hide.
But isolating yourself does nothing to ease your worries as you now spend all your time overthinking and hating on yourself.
You start pulling away from Bucky too and it's killing him.
You still won't talk to him, everytime you're together you pretend that everything's fine.
You put on a smile he knows is fake, really doing the bare minimum to keep a conversation going and when he touches you he always gets the feeling that you wanted nothing more than to slap his hands away.
But you always try to be discreet as you inch away from him with any excuse that comes to mind.
It's the change in your relationship with Bucky that starts to clue the team in on your behavior.
As much as they have fun giving you shit for it, they all admire your closeness and were happy that you found each other.
So they start paying more attention to you. Everybody can see something's wrong, but if you wouldn’t talk to Bucky about it, really what chance do they have?
It doesn't stop them from worrying though, seeing how you seem to waste away.
You spend too much time in the gym, losing weight at an alarming rate and not getting enough sleep to function, sometimes resulting in you falling asleep during meetings or on the mat at the gym.
But you refuse to let Bruce look at you. You refuse any help really, your temper shorter than ever as you end up snapping at people more often than not.
You try to keep it together, but it's obviously not working. The only thing you manage to do is avoiding meals without anyone noticing.
After weeks on end of this, the team decides to do something to try and cheer you up, taking the opportunity of your birthday coming up.
Steve manages to convince Tony to have a small party, just the team and agents of Shield, instead of one of his big parties full of strangers.
They're careful when they approach you with the subject, having taken to walking on eggshells around you. You can’t help feeling bad for the way you’ve been treating them, so you decide to be cool about the party, even knowing deep down you’ll regret it.
Natasha and Wanda offer to go shopping with you for a new dress for the occasion, but you decline their invitation.
You know they're trying to be nice, but just the thought of going from store to store, seeing all those beautiful, skinny women trying on pretty dresses you’d never be able to fit into, together with the two gorgeous redheads, it sounds like hell to you.
Which is why you ask the team to have a more informal dress code than usual, allowing you to dress as comfortable as you can be at the moment with loose fitting pants and a large hoodie.
You arrive at the party in the ballroom of the compound that Tony just had to have and are thankful to see everyone dress casually, most of the girls not even wearing dresses.
But you still try not to linger too long on their looks, not wanting to feel worse than you already do about your own appearance.
Arms wrap around your body and you hear Bucky wish you a happy birthday.
You give him a few seconds before you wiggle away from the embrace and turn around. You give Bucky your best fake smile and thank him before kissing him quickly on the cheek and walking away towards the bar to get some water.
You don't need to be getting drunk and throwing up more than you already do every time your stomach forces you to eat anything.
You spend the whole night going from person to person, trying not to talk to anyone too long and making sure to always keep moving to avoid too many questions.
You know it's only a matter of time before they start coming. Even Fury is present, worried about you ever since he had to take you off missions for passing out on the field.
Soon came the moment you’d been dreading most: Wanda comes toward you with your favorite cake with candles lit and everybody starts singing.
You know that with being the center of attention you won't be able to get away with not eating and the team would piece things together if you try, having already gone through this years ago.
Honestly, you're a little disappointed nobody had figured it out yet, but not entirely surprised as you told yourself everyone just didn’t care enough.
And why should they when you look the way you do?
Everyone cheers as you blow on the candles, fake smile still going strong. The cake is cut and everyone is enjoying Wanda’s culinary talent. You even manage to eat yours and keep it down without looking disgusted with yourself.
Everything was going great.
You're behind the bar now taking another water bottle from the mini fridge when you accidentally knock over a glass full of straws that was thankfully made of plastic so it didn’t break.
While you're picking up straws you hear footsteps getting close to the bar that hid your kneeling figure and stop what you're doing when you hear Sharon talking about you. Again.
"And did you see how she’s dressed to her own party? No wonder Bucky’s been staying as far away as possible all night." she's basically whispering, but it's still loud enough for you to hear.
"I know, he’s probably ashamed of her. Wouldn’t surprise me if he dumped her tonight." the two girls giggle the sound seems to snap you out of your trance.
You get up so fast you scare Sharon and the other girl, their startled squeals drawing the attention of the rest of the party as everybody prepares for any danger.
But there is no danger, all everybody can see is two mortified looking agents and you with tears in your eyes that you don't even feel starting to fall.
The whole team is worried sick, everybody getting closer to the bar, but Bucky is the one that's at your side before you can even think about blinking the tears away.
"What’s wrong, baby?" he looks so worried, almost like he himself is about to cry at the mere thought of you being in pain.
But that can't be it, that's not what you're seeing.
He's probably just embarrassed you're being overly emotional for no apparent reason, and that look in his eyes is him getting ready to break up with you right here and now.
At that thought you can literally feel the cake you just ate coming back up and all you can do is run as fast as you could towards the nearest bathroom with a very concerned Bucky running after you after silently agreeing with Steve with a single look that he’ll be the one to check on you.
You make it to the toilet just in time to unload, barely registering two hands taking your hair and holding it away from your face.
You finish vomiting and clean your mouth with some toilet paper before throwing it in and flushing it, shuffling your body backwards until your back hits the tub and you close your eyes while resting your head back against it.
You feel your hair falling back down on your shoulders and can make out the sound of the faucet running for a few seconds before you feel a wet towel gently brushing your cheeks and mouth.
You open your eyes and are met with Bucky kneeling in front of you, seemingly examining every inch of your face to try and understand what’s going on.
Before he can ask you for what felt like the thousandth time though, you can't hold yourself back anymore.
"Please don’t leave me." your voice is weak enough already from all the vomiting and the sobs that start coming in certainly don't help.
Tears start to fall like waterfalls but you don't let any of that stop you from going on. "I know I said I didn’t need you, but I do. I need you so much more than you could ever know."
Bucky wraps his arms around you and he's more than relieved when you don't pull away for the first time in weeks.
Instead, you cling to him as you keep pleading with him not to leave you in between broken sobs while he moves you to sit curling on his lap.
Bucky’s heart breaks for you and he wonders if this was how you felt everytime you comforted him, feeling even more in awe of you now that he knows how hard it was to see the person you love like this.
All he wants is to make you feel better and take away all your pain, but he had no idea how.
When you show no signs of calming down after several minutes he decides to try to talk you down, hoping not to make things worse.
"Doll, I need you to calm down." he tries to pull away just enough to look you in the eyes, but you just hug him tighter, almost terrified that he's just gonna get up and leave forever if you let go and you start getting more agitated by the second. 
!Baby, please try to take deep breaths." he's trying really hard not to panic himself now. "I’m not leaving, I promise. I’m staying right here with you, but you need to calm down, please."
Maybe it's because he's basically begging you, maybe it's because of the panic and concern you think you can hear in his voice or maybe it's his grip getting impossibly tight on you that grounds you, but your brain seems to clear just enough to give your body the command and you start trying to take deep breaths.
When you loosen your hold on Bucky he grabs one of your hands and puts it on his chest right over his heart, the steady beating giving you something to concentrate on as you try your best to copy his breathing. 
It takes a few more minutes but you calm down, tears still falling silently down your cheeks while Bucky rubs your back with his metal hand, his other warm hand still over yours on his chest.
"I’m sorry I’m such a mess…" Your voice sounds foreign to your own ears, quiet, full of sadness and desperation.
This isn’t you.
This isn’t the confident, strong woman that kicked ass and defended Bucky even to your own family from day one.
What happened to you?
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky's asking himself the same question.
What happened to the sweet, bright girl that offered him a hug after five seconds of knowing him? The girl that calmed him down from a panic attack and kept him company through the night even after knowing about his past?
The girl that let him hang onto her like a koala and allowed him to let it all out? The girl that was patient with him, understanding and never once judged him, no matter how broken she’d seen him?
He really can't think of anything that could've happened to break you this much, to bring you to basically have a meltdown on a bathroom floor.
But whatever it was he needs to know now, and he's more determined than ever to find out.
"Doll, you’re not a mess. You’re hurting, I can see it. We all can. And I know you’re strong, but everybody needs help once in a while. Whatever’s been happening, you don’t have to go through it alone. Just like you didn’t let me go through anything alone. You were always there for me, you’re always there for everybody." he pauses and you take the moment to spiral further.
This is the only reason why he’s still with you. You were there for him, you cared and comforted him. So he feels the need to stay with you because Bucky’s loyal, no matter what his feelings actually are.
But he’s gonna fall in love one day with someone, and what is that gonna mean for you? He’s gonna leave you to be with the person he actually wants, loyalty or not. Your fall down the rabbit hole is stopped by Bucky’s voice.
"Please let me be there for you. This is killing me, watching you do this to yourself. Please tell me what’s going on, baby, because you’re scaring me so fucking much. Please." he finishes in a whisper.
Before you can even properly process his words, you feel a tear that's not yours fall on your cheek, making your eyes widen and you look up to see Bucky already looking down at you with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Your hand goes up to his face automatically and you feel him lean into it. You sit up straighter on his lap, leaning in to rest your forehead against his and closing your eyes while willing yourself to stop the tears long enough so you can talk.
Bucky doesn't push you, finding comfort in your touch after having missed it for what, in his opinion, is too damn long.
"I’m sorry… I just…" you don't even know how to start to explain it.
Bucky can see you're having a hard time finding the words, so he tries to help by saying "You don’t need to rush it, doll. I don’t want to push you to talk about something you clearly don’t want to... But I’ve just been so worried. You’ve been pushing everyone away, and you don’t sleep and stay at the gym until you almost pass out. You think that I don’t hear you throwing up, but I do. And, even with all your oversized clothes, I can see how much weight you’ve been losing. It’s killing me, baby, I hate to see you like this. I just want to know why." he kisses the side of your head and you're on the verge of tears again.
Trying hard to hold them back, you force yourself to speak. "I heard some people talking about me…" you start, your voice still quiet, and you go on to tell him everything.
The conversation you overheard, the insecurities that it brought to the surface, the issues you had in the past and the struggle you’ve been having the last few weeks.
By the end of it Bucky he doesn't know what to feel. He's enraged, worried sick, sad at how miserable you’ve been. Just to name a few.
But more than anything he's heartbroken at how much you’ve been questioning your relationship with him and his love for you. He's devastated to think that everytime he told you how much he loves you, you doubted him and convinced yourself he was lying.
And the worst part is he has no idea how to change your mind.
Is there anything he can say that you won’t doubt? Anything he can do to show you how much you mean to him? Probably not, but he has to try and make you understand.
Your eyes are still closed, not daring to see the disappointment in Bucky’s face.
"Baby, look at me." he says firmly but gently enough to not make you think he was in any way mad at you.
He waits patiently until you look at him which, after taking a deep breath, you do and only then he continues while taking your face in his hands "There are so many things I want to tell you right now... but I’ll start with I love you, doll. I love you so much it actually hurts. Maybe we got close because you were nice and patient with me, but that’s not why I love you. I love you because you’re kind and smart and strong and dedicated. You can kick ass like no one else and you’re still the sweetest person I’ve ever met. And I’m almost 100, I’ve met a lot of people." he smiles when he finally gets you to giggle, the first real laugh he’s heard from you in weeks.
"You’re compassionate and understanding and loyal and beautiful beyond compare. I fell in love with you because of who you are, not what you look like. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re pretty, I think you’re gorgeous and I love your body. I love everything about you. Every. Single. Thing." he punctuates every word with a kiss to each of your cheeks and then your nose, making you giggle more. "You think I’d ever leave you? I could never even consider being with someone else. God, you were never even supposed to mean this much to me! I was never supposed to fall so hard... But you know what? I did and that’s the truth, and that’s what keeps me holding on because it hurts like hell to let you go."
You're obviously in tears, not being able to look away from Bucky’s eyes even if you wanted because of his hold on your face, not that you're trying that hard to get away.
You have no words to describe the way you feel, not even being sure if you fully believe him. The look on his face, though, makes you want to believe. Makes you want to tell all the voices in your head to fuck off until the only one left is Bucky’s saying all the things he just said, over and over again.
But can you really let go of them that easily?
"You don’t have to carry this by yourself, doll." Bucky can see your internal struggle. "Lean on me. Let me help you make this easier."
There's nothing but sincerity in his eyes, he can't possibly be that good of an actor to be faking it, right?
So you decide to trust him.
You trust him with your life, why can’t you believe that he really loves you? 
You can. You do.
You will...
"Okay…" You’re basically whispering, still a little worried he’s just pretending and is gonna rip the rug from under you any second now. "I love you, so much. And I want to believe you love me… but it may take me a little while to accept that completely. I’m sorry…"
"You don’t need to apologize, baby. It doesn’t matter how much time it takes, I’m here for all of it. I want nothing more than to help you feel better, starting with helping you love yourself as much as I love you." he wipes your tears with his thumbs before he gives you a soft kiss on the lips. "And not worrying what jealous, unimportant, random people think of you. You’re beautiful inside AND out, don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Not even this." He taps the side of your head.
You wrap your arms around his neck and hug him tightly, neither one of you needing to say more at the moment. After a few minutes like this, you’re both done crying and you let go just enough to look at each other.
"Can we go to our room?" you ask him and he nods, letting you get off his lap and then getting up with you.
He doesn’t let you get too far from him while you go to the sink to try and make yourself look decent as he follows you so closely you might think you’re glued to each other.
Your eyes meet in the mirror and he smiles at you, wrapping his arms around your waist, he gives you a kiss on the shoulder before resting his head on it.
You successfully wash off all the makeup you put on for the party, your efforts now ruined by all the crying.
"You’re so pretty." Bucky tells you, his eyes never leaving yours and you smile a real smile this time, turning your head to give him a kiss on the cheek that makes him smile even more.
You get out of the bathroom and you tense up seeing everybody still at the party, your breath hitching in your throat as embarrassment crawls up on you.
You can see the team’s worried looks and the last thing you want right now is to go through the last 40 minutes all over again, in front of everybody.
You just want to go to your room and cuddle up with Bucky, but the super soldier had other plans.
"Can I have everybody’s attention?" you look at him with a frown, but he simply smiled at you and keeps going once the whole room is looking at you two. "It’s been brought to my attention that some of you have some misconceptions about our relationship."
You didn’t tell Bucky who you heard the conversation from, only that it was two agents just in case he might think it was someone on the team, and it almost looks like he's scanning every agent’s face to try and figure out who it was, but he continues nonetheless.
"I’d just like to make it clear for everyone that not only I love this woman more than life itself, but I, and everyone who knows her for that matter, think she’s the best, most caring person I’ve ever met. Not to mention the most attractive, in my ever so humble opinion." he wraps his metal arm around your waist and brings you closer as your face gets redder, and you can see the team chuckling and grinning at Bucky’s possessiveness and your flustered form. "And it’s also absolutely none of your business what happens in our relationship. But, since you’re all here I might as well give you something real to gossip about."
To say you're confused is an understatement. You turn back to him when Bucky’s arm disappear from around you just in time to see him reach into his back pocket, pulling out a ring box and getting down on one knee.
You hear gasps around the room, your own being muffled by your hand in front of your mouth as your eyes grow wide.
"Bucky..." It's barely a whisper to begin with, your hand almost not letting it escape at all.
"Baby, I meant every single thing I’ve said today. I love you so much. I’ve been carrying this around for a couple of months, looking for the right time to do this. But when you started pushing me away I thought maybe you were changing your mind about me. I was terrified and decided to wait, but I realize now if I had done this when I first wanted to, the last few weeks probably wouldn’t have happened. I could’ve saved you so much pain... I don’t know if this is the right time, but I do know that I’ve been ready for a while and right now I honestly can’t think of a better way to show you just how much you really mean to me. So…" he opens the box to reveal a rose gold ring with one big diamond at the center and two smaller ones on each side of it, then he takes your free hand on his. "Doll, will you marry me?"
He can feel you trembling, tears forming in your eyes once more as the whole room seems to hold their breath.
"Yes!" you're finally able to get out and Bucky feels like he can breathe again, happiness spreading throughout his whole body.
You basically throw yourself on him and he catches you with ease, getting up on his feet while you wraps your legs around his waist like a koala.
There's a chorus of cheers, the team immediately gathering around you to congratulate you both.
It feels like too little time when you finally detach from Bucky as he gently put you on the ground before slipping the ring on your finger and kissing it, his eyes never leaving yours, silently telling you he belongs to you and only you.
You’re about to lean in for a kiss when two strong arms pick you up making you squeal, Steve’s laughter in your ear as he says something about finally having a sister-in-law and making everybody laugh.
After a good 15 minutes of hugs left and right, Bucky intervenes.
"Okay, okay, can you please not smother my future wife?" your heart skips a beat when he says that and you're sure you're smiling like an idiot as he makes his way through the team to get to you.
"You know, he actually asked me for my blessing. I told you he cares very much about you." Tony whispers to you while he passes, giving you one last squeeze and a wink before everybody gives you and Bucky a moment.
He wraps his arms around your waist and finally kisses you.
When you pull away you both have big, goofy grins, never wanting this moment to end.
There's no separating you, and now everybody knows it.
Requested taglist: @aesthetic0cherryblossom @buchi91 @sapphirebarnes
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chiefduckgarden · 1 year
Can't forget about you
Summary: You wake up in a hospital room knowing nothing about yourself. No name, no age, no family. You can't remember anything. Except for one thing. One person. Her.
A/N: Sooo I decided to keep this story going. In case anyone remember this fic, thanks. If you want to be add to the taglist let me know! :)
Chapter 5
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
- That's all I know about her. I don't have any more information about her life - Wanda said. The entire team was seated in the conference room. At the end of the table, Wanda crossed her arms, wearing a cold expression.
The whole team looked at her with disbelief. They knew there was crucial information that Wanda wasn't sharing with them. Steve, the calmest member of the group, got up from his seat and began to walk towards the girl sitting there.
- Wanda… let's recap the information you provided: you met Y/N on a college campus whose name you can't remember, she doesn't have a home or family you know of, and you've never met any of her friends. But… somehow, she's the love of your life - Steve said.
- Yes, I love her more than anything - Wanda replied.
Everyone looked at each other in confusion. They wanted to be on Wanda's side, but she wasn't cooperating at all. That's when Tony got up from his seat with an exasperated sigh and stood next to the redhead's chair.
- Maximoff, this is ridiculous. We've already fulfilled our end of the deal and let you see the girl. Why don't you want to cooperate? - The man took off his glasses, faced with Wanda's expressionless gaze - We just want to help you, but we can't if you're not a hundred percent honest with us.
The girl let out an ironic sigh.
- Sure, you want to help me… just like you helped me in the cabin? - Her voice grew harder - You're partly to blame for her not remembering me, if only...
- We did what we believed was right; we did our job. Besides, if I recall correctly, you were just as much to blame as we were, so don't come here playing the victim," he replied.
Wanda stood up angrily to face Stark. It was then that both Steve and Natasha stood up to be prepared and try to defuse the situation.
- Okay, why don't we all calm down? - The Captain intervened between them, moving Wanda away from Tony - Wanda, we're your team, we're on your side. The cabin accident was just that, an accident. Y/N is fine, and despite her memory issue, she's healthy. If you truly love her and want us to defend her against Strange, you need to tell us the whole truth.
- We let you see Y/N even though Strange asked us to keep them apart. And you'll still be able to see her, Wanda. We're putting our trust in you. You can trust us - Natasha said.
Wanda looked at them - I've already told you everything I know. I met her on a campus I visited for its extensive library; she works in the field of physics. I don't know much about her family because I believe she doesn't get along with them, and I never asked further because I didn't want to pressure her into sharing something that hurt her. I don't know why Strange is against us, but I know she doesn't deserve any of this. We love each other and wanted to live together. What's wrong with that?
After that, the girl left the room, leaving the entire team in silence.
- What do we do now? Maximoff refuses to cooperate, and Strange is going to demand answers tomorrow… - Tony said, unbuttoning the collar of his shirt.
- She's scared, Tony. She doesn't want to lose Y/N, and we basically tried to separate them the last time, and honestly, I don't understand why. Strange only asked us to keep them apart and didn't give us any explanations. Now Y/N's amnesia has become a problem, but I don't understand why it was necessary to keep them apart before -Natasha spoke.
- Strange said there was something peculiar in Y/N's essence, something that didn't add up. In his magical abode, he sensed a threat, something that could potentially be dangerous. Besides, all the mystery surrounding her and Wanda makes the suspicions sound more plausible - Tony explained.
- Well, even though we don't have the name of the campus Wanda visited, I can still make a few calls to colleagues at nearby universities and inquire about Y/N - Bruce added - I'll also keep Y/N monitored throughout the night to see if there's any increased neural activity in her memory during her dreams - The doctor got up to leave.
Everyone murmured a thank you, and the room was left empty.
The next day, a gentle knock on your door woke you up. Slowly, you approached the door, and as you turned the handle, a smiling Wanda greeted you with a smile.
- Good morning, sleepyhead… Did you sleep well? - Wanda asked.
Her energy was contagious, so you couldn't help but smile immediately - Good morning, Wanda. I did have a good rest, thank you for asking - you replied.
- I'm glad to hear that - she stared at you for a few seconds - You look really cute just waking up... - she smiled at you and you flushed - Oh didn't want to... i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable.
- It's okay, Wanda, it doesn't bother me - you said with a smile - Come on in, you won't stay in the hallway forever. The girl smiled, and both of you entered the room.
- Today, we have to go to your rehab session. Plus, I know you don't like it, but today you have to see Strange; he'll come to assess you - Wanda told you.
Your face showed your displeasure at the thought of Strange's visit - Will you be with me today? - you asked.
- Yeah, all day, except when Strange arrives. He can't know that I've been close to you, but apart from that, we'll be together all day, starting now with a breakfast that I'll prepare for you as soon as you take a shower - Wanda said.
You smiled at the prospect of spending time with her. You couldn't wait to learn more about her relationship - I better hurry then, I'm starving, and that breakfast sounds excellent - you said.
- Hurry up, I'll be here waiting - Wanda looked around and added - While you shower, I'll help you make the bed so we can go straight down for breakfast.
You nodded and turned around. But before heading to the bathroom, you looked at her once more and, with a blush on your face, you spoke - Wanda… um…
- Tell me, do you need something? - she asked.
- I was just wondering… um… if I could give you… if you'd allow me to give you a kiss, like last night… - You closed your eyes out of embarrassment, but you heard the sweet sound of her laughter, and you felt a pair of hands cupping your face. Her mouth moved closer to yours, and her soft lips met yours. You immediately responded to the kiss, caressing her face as she lowered her hands to your waist.
Once they broke the kiss, Wanda pressed her forehead against yours and whispered - You don't have to ask, I'm yours, Y/N…
You smiled and quickly took a shower so as not to keep Wanda waiting. The breakfast she prepared was delicious, and as you ate, she told you more stories about the two of you. Everything felt like a dream; your heart felt happy and at ease. Maybe you didn't remember much of the anecdotes Wanda shared, but your mind felt at peace; she conveyed peace to you. There was no doubt that you loved her.
When the time for your rehabilitation session arrived, both of you headed to the medical area to meet with Bruce.
- Hey Y/N, good to see you today. How was your first night here? - Dr. Banner greeted you as soon as you entered the room.
- It was fine, thank you. Everything went smoothly - you replied politely.
- I'm glad to hear that. Today, we'll be following the same therapy you had at the hospital, and we'll also try to stimulate your mind with exercises to see what we can discover today… - a woman in a lab coat entered the room, waving her hand - She's Dr. Helen Cho; she'll be joining us today.
You greeted her politely, and the session began. First, they conducted physical tests. You managed to pass the simpler ones without any issues, but some coordination tests proved to be more challenging.
One hand up, left foot down, right hand up, and then switch to the other hand with the opposite foot up. Your brain struggled to process so many instructions at once. Gradually, you began to feel overwhelmed.
- Okay, Y/N, take a break while we assess the initial data you provided - Bruce said, and your breathing returned to normal at his instruction.
Wanda, who was in the room with Bruce, listened to what the doctor was telling her.
- She clearly has coordination issues, but that's normal in patients who have experienced head trauma. With more sessions, she'll return to normal. She walks well, hears and sees correctly, and has no problem recognizing shapes, colors, sounds, or scents. Physical coordination therapy is the only thing left, of course, besides her memory problem. But apart from that, and speaking solely about her physical health, everything is fine, Wanda - Bruce explained.
Wanda smiled - Thank you very much, Bruce. It's great to hear that.
Bruce smiled slightly before speaking again - Now I need to take her to the control room to continue the research on her. You know that Strange will be there, and you can't…
- I know - Wanda interrupted him - Just let me say goodbye to her, and I'll let you take her with you. But before that… Do you know what kind of tests they'll be conducting on her today? - she asked.
- I actually don't know - Bruce said - Perhaps some recognition tests, but I'm not sure what Strange will request.
Wanda nodded and left the room. When you saw her enter the room, you smiled.
- How do you feel? - she asked - You did a great job, Y/N. Bruce says you're completely healthy.
- I'm fine, I guess - you let out a frustrated sigh - It's just the coordination that bothers me. I can't seem to do the tests well, and… aggh, I can't believe I can't do it.
- Hey, it's all right, sweetheart. You did a great job, some things will be more challenging, but that's why you're here, and I'm not going anywhere. I'll be with you every step of the way… - She gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead to calm you - Now, you have to go do more tests with Bruce and the rest of the team, and of course, Strange. But as soon as you're done, and I can see you, we'll go have lunch, okay?
You nodded and said your goodbyes to her. Minutes later, you were in the same control room as the day before, with everyone present except for Strange.
- Today, we'll show you some images we've selected. They are photographs of everyday objects and places. You just have to tell us the first thing that comes to your mind when you see them - Steve explained.
- If you don't have an answer right away, you can take your time. There's no rush to give a quick response - Nat added - After this, we'll see if Strange shows up for more tests, but if he doesn't, that'll be it for today until he comes with more answers about what might be happening to you.
They placed the same cap with wires on your head as yesterday, and the photos began to appear in front of you.
The first photo showed a house. It looked like it was from an animated movie but was very cute and simple - Story - you responded.
The next one showed a city; it was daytime, and there were hundreds of buildings - New York - you replied.
The next one was a couple hugging. Your response was quick and obvious - Wanda - you said promptly.
Several more photos followed, and your responses were either obvious or literal descriptions of the images displayed. In the control room, they tried to encourage you to think more about your answers, but your brain seemed unable to connect anything to something or someone specific.
After a few more attempts without accurate responses, they told you they would stop for a few minutes to discuss your answers.
- There's nothing, we have nothing - Tony said - It seems like the only thing familiar to her is Wanda. It doesn't make sense; this girl must have had a life before meeting Wanda… I don't understand.
- My colleagues at nearby universities responded this morning - Bruce spoke up - No one has anyone named Y/N Y/LN on their roster. If Wanda met this girl, it must have been at a somewhat distant university, which also doesn't make sense…
Everyone fell silent for a few moments.
- Did Strange say if he was coming? - Steve asked.
- No, he said he would visit someone who might help and that he wouldn't be coming - Nat replied - If we're not going to do more tests, we should let Y/N go.
- Let me try one more thing - Bruce requested - If this doesn't work, we'll let her go for today.
Everyone agreed, and Bruce spoke to you through the microphone.
- Y/N, Wanda told us that you used to work in the physics department of a university. Can you tell me if you remember anything about your old job? - Bruce asked.
- I can't remember anything about it - you said honestly - Maybe Wanda…
- No, Wanda can't help us for now. Maybe you can remember something on your own… Think about the words 'physics,' 'job,' 'university.' What do they sound like to you? - Bruce prompted.
You took your time to think. - 'Physics' sounds like science - you replied - 'Job'… is money, and also… happy? - You pondered the last word a bit more. You closed your eyes and imagined a university - University is a building; it's brick-colored and has two towers, and there's an emblem - You continued to imagine - In my mind, it's a lion with a torch - you laughed at your response - The colors are yellow and brown, and it's very cold.
Everyone was deep in thought. Perhaps you needed to use your imagination more instead of relying on preconceived images.
- What else is there at that university, Y/N? - Bruce encouraged you to continue describing.
You continued to imagine - There are many trees, there are laboratories, and… one has my name - in your mind, there were many people, but you couldn't put names to the faces - There are many students, and my lab always smells like coffee. There's also a library and a large auditorium - You saw it in the first person, as if you were living it yourself - I have a colleague, with brown hair.
Suddenly, a voice, your own voice, resonates in your head: "Matt," you say, laughing.
Your head hurts, the readings of your brain activity spike and become confusing, and you feel the need to remove the cables from your skull. In the control room, Nat rushes to help you and asks Friday to call Wanda immediately.
But you can't stop thinking about what your voice said, and you say it out loud - Matt… my colleague's name is Matt, I remember - Everyone is left stunned and not knowing what to say; they had definitely made progress.
The silence is almost immediately broken when Wanda enters through the door and approaches you.
- What happened? - she asked, concerned - Are you okay, sweetheart? - She took your face in her hands, and you nodded as you hugged her. But she didn't calm down and turned towards the camera, knowing it was watching from the control room - Enough is enough, it's over for today. I won't allow you to hurt her - she said angrily before taking your hand and leading you out of the control room.
Once in your room, Wanda gives you the pills that the doctor prescribed for your headaches and prepares you some tea.
- What happened in there, honey? - she asked - Why did they hurt you?
You shook your head and explained - No, they were conducting a test, but something different happened this time - Your voice sounded excited - I remembered something, Wanda. I remembered the university where I used to work, and I remembered someone… maybe you knew him. His name is Matt.
Wanda came to a sudden stop for a few seconds. This shouldn't be happening. You weren't supposed to remember…
- No - she finally spoke - I don't know him, but you mentioned him once. Maybe he worked with you, but I never met him personally.
You wanted to continue talking about the topic, but Wanda interrupted, saying she had bought food for both of you, and you headed to the dining area. You noticed a change in Wanda; she seemed more serious, but you interpreted it as her concern over your crisis during the test.
Meanwhile, in the control room, the rest of the team was discussing what had happened minutes earlier.
- There's no university with that logo, at least not in the United States. We'd have to investigate in other countries, but then Wanda's story about how they met wouldn't make sense - Bruce said - The only good thing we got out of it was the name. If we find the university with a lion and torch logo and ask about Matt from the physics department, we'll get more answers.
- All right, Avengers, we have work to do - Clint said, getting up - I'll try to talk to Wanda to get more information, and I'll let you know right away. In the meantime, try to contact Strange to find out where the hell he is.
The archer left the room, and the others followed suit. They had an extensive search to conduct, and they knew it wouldn't be easy.
Clint arrived in the dining area and found you washing a glass at the sink, but there was no sign of Wanda.
- Hey, where's Wanda? I thought she'd be with you - he asked.
- Oh, she was here, but she had to leave in a hurry. She didn't tell me where she was going, but she left quickly. She said we'd see each other later - you explained.
Clint furrowed his brow. Wanda used to disappear from time to time, but he didn't think she would continue to do so with you in the compound.
But he didn't have much time to think because a loud voice echoed throughout the place.
- Heyyy! Where is everyone? This place looks like a graveyard - Thor's cheerful voice announced his arrival after being away in space for months.
The other Avengers arrived at the scene. No one anticipated that Thor didn't know who you were, let alone that you didn't know the people there had powers.
But that changed in a matter of minutes because after a few quick greetings, the god of thunder noticed that he wasn't carrying his precious hammer with him. However, there was no major issue because he simply raised his arm, and Mjölnir came to him.
That's when you let out a scream of surprise, and the others in the room reacted. Your face reflected astonishment, doubt, and even fear. A thousand thoughts raced through your mind at that moment, but you couldn't articulate a coherent response.
- What? What the hell was that? … It looked like… how did he… and the hammer… -You wanted to ask a thousand questions, but you couldn't form a single coherent sentence.
- Y/N, calm down. We'll explain, but we need you to calm down - Natasha told you, directing you to a chair - Take a seat and breathe.
Thor, confused, addressed you - Hey, are you new here? I am Thor, the God of Thunder - he introduced himself friendly while making his eyes glow to give you a small demonstration of his powers. However, that only made you scream.
The others scolded Thor and helped you calm down. It would be a long night trying to explain to you that most of the people there had powers, including your girlfriend.
Wanda arrived at the cabin in the middle of the forest, making sure no one had followed her. But her powers told her that something was amiss. Before knocking on the door, she used her powers to see what was happening inside. She closed her eyes and could see that Strange was there. Quickly, she cast an enchantment to go unnoticed and hid among the trees, waiting for the sorcerer to come out.
After a few minutes, Strange came out and opened a portal in front of the cabin. The woman behind him looked exhausted but had a determined look in her eyes, clearly at odds with the man.
- This won't be the last time you hear from me, witch. What you and Wanda are doing is wrong. I don't care if you enjoy dabbling in dark magic in your free time, but Y/N is innocent, and I will do everything in my power to send her home, even if it means breaking the rules of my own magic - Strange declared with determination, then disappearing through the portal after that.
Wanda's eyes turned red with anger as she heard his statements. No one would ever separate you from her, not even Strange.
The woman turned towards where Wanda was hiding and said, - You can come out now. We need to talk, Wanda.
Wanda dispelled the spell on her to allow the witch in front of her to see her.
- We have a problem, Agatha. She's remembering… that's not supposed to happen - Wanda spoke to her mentor as they entered the cabin. - Also, why was Strange here? What did he want?
- He suspects, Wanda. We're running out of time before he figures it out and takes your beloved - Agatha told her. - We need to act immediately if you want to keep her... In the meantime, I'll give you a spell to continue blocking her memories... after all, she told you she wanted to be with you...
Taglist: @alwaysgoodnight // @simp-erformarvelwomen // @pyrorazor7 // @jadechasesworld // @justarandomhumanhere // @wandaromamoff69 // @fabgronsky // @originallovementality // @gay-fandom-menace // @lonewalker17 // @reggierizzoli // @chansuung // @agathaharkness-simp // @mrscromanoff // @helladumbsstuff // @wandsmxmff // @itsmekalou // @lightsoutnow-blog1 // @just-trying-to-enjoy-my-life // @trikruismybitch // @honeyurfamiliar // @cd-4848 // @la-vie-en-astrology // @jlr22universe
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mangio-formaggio · 1 year
Stranger Things AU for HSM
because it's (almost) the spooky season and this time last year I was obsessed with Eddie x Steve. So you know... angsty teenagers somewhat babysitting their friends and having sexuality crisis? Anyone? May ended up being a little bit Scooby Doo-ish, we will see.
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- It's all starts with Wildcats leaving the evening practice and Zeke is decides to shortcut through the park in the night. And he gets caught by the Demogorgon (prob because the cookies in his backpack smells too good lol).
— The only person who knows that Zeke took a turn to the park is Ryan. Cause he may have a tiny crush on Zeke and sneaked that night in gym to watch the boys play. And when the practice was over he had to rush outside before get caught or stack at school for the whole night.
— What Ryan is totally forgot is that he was supposed to pick up Kelsi, who worked late at a new song. And she did indeed got stack in the school. And she hadn't been seen next morning.
— Sharpay on the other hand used to Zeke's attention at this point, and very confused when he's not there next morning to give her fresh bakery before classes start.
— Long story short when Zeke's and Kelsi parents are raising alarm the next morning the whole class is send to the principal's office to be questioned.
— And there's a gossip that Ryan killed Kelsi. Weird quiet brother of the most terrifying girl in school murdered someone? Makes sense.
— Wildcats aren't believe those rumors, but they figures out that Ryan could see Zeke if he was in school last night for Kelsi. So they ask.
— Ryan is pretty stressed at this point, so he absently mentions to the team about Zeke and the park. And of course they immediately decide to investigate themselves.
— At the same time, Sharpay finds Kelsi's stuff at the theater, but the new song is not there. She looks around the piano and there's nothing but wired amount of wet leaves. But it wasn't raining last night.
— In the park Wildcats can't find any clues about Zeke. But Troy finds a girl. Scared and unable to speak. She refuses to be taken to the police station. She can lift thing with her mind and solves equations just after one look at them. All the boys can find out about her is that her name is Gabriella and she worries about her mom.
— Taylor and Martha see how Gabi solves equations an wowed. Also wtf jocks are doing around such a smart new girl? And Taylor being Taylor very quickly understands what's going on here.
— The company of other girls helps Gabi to relax and open up a bit, even if she still in shock: doesn't remember how she ended up in a forest and what's the danger is treating her and the whole East High now.
— While this group is connecting the dots and figures out how to use Gabi's power to communicate with Zeke in Upside-down, Sharpay is trying to help Ryan snaps out of anxiety and insist they should continue rehearsals.
— So twins are at the theater when Wildcats and girls are messing with a school radio. And then suddenly the lights are starts flickering, the speakers around empty school are broadcasting white noise...
— And then everyone hear weak trembling voice. Kelsi's voice. She's singing her new song. Quietly and slightly hysterically.
— Wildcats are confused where exactly the voice is coming from: they tried to reach out Zeke in possible parallel universe, not drama club, right?
— When they rushed into the theater they finds only Evan's twins on a verge of a heart attack (and Ryan is also is about to have nervous break down).
— For a couple of seconds they all are trying to sing along, in a desperate attempt to let the Kelsi know that she's heard. Next moment the lights are off completely.
— The singing stops. But they can hear Kelsi's breathing heavily. And then there's a distinct low growl. One second in speakers. Another somewhere backstage.
— Suddenly the light is on again. And fall clearly inhumane shadow appears on the side of the stage.
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— The monster jumps. The kids are frozen by terror. Gabi lifts her hands and screams and the next thing everybody knows is that the speakers are broken with a loud crack, the monster is gone and everything seems back to normal.
— Expect it's not and everybody understands very clearly now what's took their friends. The jocks, the nerds and drama kids join forces. They need a plan.
— While the monster-hunting is discussed and organized, some emotional drama unravels.
— Troy is completely mesmerized with Gabi. But she doubts whether he actually likes her or he likes her cool superpowers. After all they can't even properly communicate. She's also remembers herself we'll enough to understand that her life is somewhere else and she needs to focus on finding her mother.
— Sharpay is mad because she likes to be in control. And currently is nothing can be controlled except her own sanity. She hesitant about joining the upcoming quest. She's a performer and a school princess. Not a fighter. She can't wander through the park in this shoes, thank you very much. On the other hand, she can't leave her brother, who's very determined to help Kelsi as much as he can. Lastly, even if she would never admit, she worries sick about Zeke.
— Taylor knows their plan is just absolutely terrible, dumb and suicidal idea. But she's also have a ridiculously amount of fun navigating the attack plan and investigating where the portal to Upside-down is. Also the feeling of community is so new and nice. She just can't leave those idiots on her own.
— Chad isn't jealous. That would be stupid. And what kind of jerk would be jealous of Gabi when she's evidently went through horrible trauma, apparently wanted by some shady government people and is under constant pressure of saving everybody. But it just so hard to take that in a crisis like this Troy is neglecting his leadership in order to look after his new girlfriend... Surprisingly good thing, however, is that Evans twins are actually helpful. Ryan is very easy to become friends with actually: he can handle that bat, sincerely care about this small Kelsi person and is fun to joke around. His arms are surprisingly strong, his eyes are... well, blue. Oh, and his sister undeniably was born to lead some small army or shoot some monsters right between eyes.
— Ryan is probably running on a pure adrenaline at this point. His body just can't tolerate this amount of stress anymore, so it's almost euphoric state of confidence now. He almost doesn't recognize himself. Like volunteering on a reconnaissance mission? Or agreeing to arm himself with a gigantic bat? Or talking to Chad Danforth like they knew each other for ages? And Ryan even dares to flirt? And tease? And yeah, having a crush on an another straight athlete is still absolutely terrible idea, but maybe they gonna die tomorrow so what the hell?
— Anyways... They find the portal. They find both of their friends. Alive and mostly well. They survived on Zeke's cookies.
— And Demogorgon finds them.
— The fight is unravel. Boys kicking and punching. Sharpay shooting. Taylor and Martha are evacuating Zeke and Kelsi. Gabi stays behind to close the portal.
— Everyone makes it out alive. Chad and Ryan make out celebratory. Sharpay is already planing a show based on this adventure. She would go out with Zeke the next day after he will rest, don't worry.
— Troy is brooding though. He rushes to the park like everyday since. But it completely normal trees and grass now. Nothing paranormal. So he slowly loses hope. Until one day they're having a game and the broken speakers are suddenly working again. And there's a Kelsi's song singing with the most beautiful and gentle voice he had ever heard.
— So they make a hole in theatre's wall to helps Gabi get out. Ms D isn't pleased though. They all got detention till the graduation. Can as well start to participate in musicals yk.
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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15 - We’re Lost in a Cloud
cw: use of deadname, [verbal] domestic dispute between parents and child, implied [emotional] neglect
a/n: happy halloween and happy birthday, Bobby 🥺💕
Year: 1989
“Bubba!” Bobby squealed.
She was running around the house, causing chaos (as per usual). Steve was trying to get thanksgiving dinner together as Bobby ran and wreaked havoc with a tired Eddie close behind.
“Ed, please try and keep her out of the kitchen,” Steve warned. “I don’t want her accidentally getting hurt.”
“I got her, Stevie, don’t worry.”
“What time is– whoa, nugget, be careful. What time is Wayne heading over?”
“He said he’d be here around four.”
“Okay, good. I’m putting the turkey in the oven now. It should be out by four-thirty.”
“Sounds good. Did your parents ever call you back?”
“No,” Steve scoffed. “I still can’t believe they’re refusing to meet their only grandchild.”
“It’s okay, Bobbs has Wayne. At the end of the day, a single loving grandparent is better than two unloving ones.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.“
“Dada!” Bobby giggled as she ran into Steve’s legs.
“Hi, baby girl, daddy’s cooking right now. Go see papa.”
“Dada!” She cried as she tugged on his pant leg.
“Bobby, daddy’s cooking. Ed?”
“Come on, pretty girl, let’s leave daddy alone.” He tried picking Bobby up, but she wouldn’t let go of Steve. “Bobbs, come on.”
“Bobby Judas, stop screaming!”
“No! Bubba, no!”
“Just give her to me,” Steve sighed. “Ed, please keep mashing the potatoes.”
Bobby had been unbelievably clingy the past few weeks. She would alternate which one of her fathers attention she craved more. Neither boy took offense when she wanted one over the other—to a degree, they each found mild relief in it.
The holidays were quickly coming and going for the family. Steve would try to make continuous efforts to get his parents to come to their gatherings, but they could never be bothered to return his phone calls. One day, while Steve was out at the grocery store with Bobby, Eddie made his way to the Harrington home. He rang the doorbell and patiently waited for either Pattie or John to answer.
“Hello… oh, Eden, what a… can I help you?”
“Pattie, you’re a grown woman. Call me by my legal name, please.”
“How can I help you?” she asked again.
“While I’m not the biggest fan of you, and while you’re not the biggest fan of me, Steve wants you to meet our kid.”
“John and I aren’t interested.”
“She’s going to be your only grandchild. You’re really comfortable never meeting her?”
“Yes, Eden, we are.”
“You know, I didn’t have to come out here. I didn’t have to make an effort, and I don’t have to put up with this. But I am for Steve, because I love him,” Eddie sighed. “What will it take for you to come to our house for Christmas?”
“I don’t know, Eden–”
“It’s Eddie.”
“No, it’s Eden.”
“No, legally, it’s Eddie Harrington. Address me as such, Patricia.”
“Fine. John and I will join for cocktail hour, only. We will not be bringing a gift. Then we will go. Understood?”
“That’s fine. Steve will be so happy to see you guys there.”
“I’m sure he will be. Please leave, Ed.”
Eddie proudly nodded to himself as he headed home, narrowly beating Steve to the house. His husband remained in the dark about his parents coming to their house for the holidays. It wasn’t until that fateful day, around two in the afternoon, when they heard a knock at their front door. Wayne and Robin had already been there for a few hours, and Dustin called to let them know he would be there after dinner. Steve was at a loss as to who it was.
“Can you get the door, Stevie?” Eddie asked, playing with Bobby and one of her many new toys.
“Uh, sure. We expecting anyone else?”
“Dustin, right?” Eddie lied.
“Not for a few hours.”
“Maybe he’s here early. Don’t leave him waiting.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
Steve stood up from the floor and jogged over to the front door. He swung it open, chuckling the beginning of his teenager’s last name, but was stopped short by the sight in front of him.
“Mom… dad…” he whispered.
“Hello, Steven,” Pattie sighed.
“Wh-What are you doing here? How did you even know where we live?”
“Oh, please, you’ve only left us a million messages.”
“Are you going to invite us in or let us freeze to death?” John spat.
“Sorry, sorry, come in.”
“Is that them?” Wayne whispered to Eddie as they approached the corridor.
“Sure is. Pattie, John, so nice of you two to come!”
“Oh, we wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Pattie rolled her eyes.
“Come in, guys. Bee is going to be so happy to meet you two.”
“Bee?” John asked.
“Yeah… why?”
“Is that her full name? Just Bee?”
“I mean, her name is Bobby, but–”
“So, first your wife has a man’s name and now our granddaughter?”
“Excuse me?” Wayne interjected. “Steve here doesn’t have a wife, and my granddaughter doesn’t have a ‘man’s name’.”
“Steven, who is this?” Pattie asked.
“I’m Wayne Munson, Eddie’s dad. Where in the hell do you two get off treating my family like this? You’re lucky they invited you in the first place. If I had half a mind, I’d do everything I could to keep you two away from my child.”
“Wayne, it’s fine, just–”
“No, Steve, it’s not. They can’t just talk to you like this.”
“Last time I checked, we’re his parents. We can talk to him however we’d like,” John spat.
“No, that’s not what parents do, asshole!”
“Wayne–” Steve started.
“Parents are meant to love their children no matter what. You hear me? Neither of you have been doing that for as long as I’ve known Steve. He’s a good kid and a great father—why should you care who he married or what he named his daughter? Huh?”
“Look, Mr. Munson, it’s just against our values.”
“And what are your values? Being shitheads?”
“I see where you get your temper, Jesus,” Steve murmured to Eddie.
“Excuse me‽” John yelled.
“You heard me.”
“Who do you think you’re speaking to?”
“A pair of assholes, that’s who. You know, my son didn’t have to reach out to you guys, but he did for the sake of his husband and Bobby. I’m the only family Eddie had growing up—fucking sue him for wanting better for his daughter. Shame on both of you.”
“Who do you think you are speaking to us this way? We love our son, we just don’t exactly agree with some of his life choices.”
“Then you don’t love him,” Wayne scoffed. “Do you know how easy it would’ve been to disown Eddie when he came out to me? Not only as gay, but also as a man? Do you know how easy it would’ve been to kick him to the curb when he told me he was pregnant? All of it would’ve been so easy for most parents. But I didn’t, because I love my son. You two did it like it was nothing—didn’t even think twice about it.”
“We gave him a chance,” John said.
“Did you?”
“Yes, we did.”
“Okay, then where were you when they graduated? Where were you on their wedding day? What about when Bobby was born or her first birthday? Huh? You two disowned your son at the first chance you got. You never cared about him or your granddaughter. The fact that they’re still trying to incorporate you into their child’s life is astounding to me. You don’t deserve it. That beautiful little girl doesn’t need either of you in her life, and you two don’t deserve to be in it. Be fucking grateful that you’re here and that your son and his husband are still even considering giving you guys a chance.”
“Neither of them are fit to be raising a child. It’s a miracle CPS hasn’t taken her away.”
“Not fit? Ha! They’re easily the best parents I’ve ever seen. That just goes to show how disconnected you are from reality, Jesus fucking Christ.”
Silence fell throughout the room. The tension could be cut with a butter knife. That was, until, Bobby came running into the room, calling out for her fathers.
“Dada, bubba!” she giggled. She sprinted into the entryway, clinging to Steve’s legs—Robin ran in shortly after, mildly out of breath.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop her,” she panted.
“It’s okay,” Steve said as he picked the toddler up. He hoisted her onto his hip and placed a million tiny kisses on her cheeks. “Hi, my sweet girl.”
“That’s her?” Pattie asked.
“Sure is,” Steve smiled. “Bobbs, these are your grandparents. Can you wave hello?” She blinked aimlessly at them.
“Bobby, it’s not polite to stare. Can you wave hi?” Eddie added. The toddler gently let her wrist flop back and forth as she waved to her estranged grandparents. “Good girl,” Eddie beamed.
“How’d you come up with her name?” Pattie asked.
“So, funny story, her name was actually supposed to be Bonnie, but the lady writing down the information must’ve misheard me and wrote Bobby.”
“Why didn’t you change it?” John asked. “She seems like a Bonnie.”
“Because we thought Bobby fit her,” Steve smiled. “Clearly Bonnie wasn’t meant to be, so we kept it. Regardless, we didn’t really care. She was healthy—we couldn’t care less about anything else.”
“She’s beautiful,” Pattie whispered. “She has your eyes, Eddie.”
“Good thing, too,” Steve chuckled. “He’s the good looking one.”
“Oh, stop,” Eddie blushed.
“She has your hair too—you know, the curls, at least.”
“She also has Ed’s personality,” Wayne teased.
“Lord help us,” Steve smirked.
“Watch it, Harrington,” Eddie warned. “You’re not much better.”
“No, I know.” Steve continued smiling at his daughter, who was still puzzled at the sight of her grandparents. “Do you wanna go see gram and pops?”
“Mm-mm,” she pouted. “Bubba…” She made grabby hands at Eddie.
“Oh, what’s wrong, sweet pea?” Eddie took ahold of Bobby and held her close. “Papa’s right here.” She held onto his sweater, gripping it tight in her tiny hands. “Awe, what’s wrong?” he whispered. “Since when are you shy?”
“Papa’s here, sweet pea. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I think it’s time for someone’s nap,” Steve said. “Would you mind, Eds?”
“No, not at all.”
“Now, wait a minute. We come all this way to see the baby and now you’re putting her down for a nap? How is that fair?” John asked.
“We can’t exactly control when she’s tired, dad. If you actually showed up whenever I called you, you would’ve gotten to see her and spend more time with her. That’s on you, not on any of us—especially not her.”
“Well, if she’s going to sleep, then we’ll head on home.”
“Fine,” Steve shrugged. “If you leave, then don’t bother coming back.”
“We won’t.”
“Great. Have a nice life.”
“Enjoy a life without a trust fund.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I will. Bobby and Eddie are all I need. You two can see yourselves out. Come on, Bobbs, let’s get you to bed.”
The family headed upstairs to Bobby’s room where Eddie sang her a lullaby as Steve gently rubbed her back in rhythm to the song. Wayne and Robin were left to deal with the Harrington’s—a task Robin dreaded, but Wayne seemed pleased to do.
“You two can leave,” Wayne said.
“Yeah, we were on our way out,” John sneered.
The two spun on their heels and saw themselves out. As Wyane headed for the kitchen, Robin ran after Steve’s parents, catching them at their car.
“Excuse me, young lady, what do you think you’re doing?” Pattie scoffed.
“Did you at least bring a gift for Bee? You know, either for Christmas or her birthday or something?” she panted.
“No, why would we?”
“Because it’s what grandparents do… look, I know you disagree with a lot of Steve’s choices, but you two need to grow the fuck up and love your son for who he is. He’s successful, he’s a loving husband and father, and at the end of the day, for whatever reason, all he wants is your approval. Please, just… just try and overlook your differences. He’s a great guy and Bee is… Bee is amazing. Ask anyone, I hate kids, but dear lord do I love that little girl. She’s something else. You’re the ones that will be missing out if you cut Steve out of your life. Bobby is a beautiful, bright little girl who deserves the world. She deserves to have what Eddie never did… a family. So, please, if not for Steve, then for Bee… please.”
“We’ll think about it,” John said. “Now, please, back away from our car.”
As the Harrington’s drove away, Robin made her way back into the house. She closed the door as quietly as she could, but ended up being startled by Wayne.
“Ah! Christ…”
“Why are you even bothering, Rob?” Wayne sighed.
“Because Bobby deserves to have a shot at a normal family.”
“There’s nothing about that girl that will ever be normal. And that’s okay. She’s part Munson—she’s a freak.”
“I know, but… Steve wants this so bad. I can’t say I blame him, either! His parents were never there for him… I guess it makes sense he’s trying to get them to be there for Bobby.”
“Robin, wouldn’t you rather her just be around the people who actually love her rather than the ones who are just faking it?”
“Yeah… I guess…”
“She’s going to be just fine. Lord knows that little girl has all the love in the world from those who are there for her. Now, come on, let’s check on dinner.”
As the night went on, the family somehow grew closer and closer together. Eddie sang some Christmas carols with Steve and Robin, Bobby continued to stomp throughout the home, destroying everything in her path, and Wayne sat back to enjoy the chaos.
Around six or seven, there was a knock at the front door. Steve quickly scooped Bobby up and carried her to the entryway. He cracked open the door and held the toddler out in the threshold, hiding himself as he used Bobby as a puppet—something he often did when Dustin came to visit.
Dustin would always be a good sport and play along, making Bobby giggle. He also always liked watching Steve make a fool of himself for the sake of his daughter.
“Who goes there?” Steve said in a gruff voice, holding Bobby out in the crack of the door. He gently swayed her back and forth with his words, making her chuckle to herself. “I said, who goes there?”
“Steven, don’t hold your daughter out like that. She’s going to catch a cold,” Pattie sighed.
“Mom…” Steve swung the door open completely, bringing Bobby to his hip, warming her up. “What… why are you back? I-I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?”
“Dada,” Bobby burred.
“Come in, it’s cold.” Steve showed his mother inside, closing the front door behind her. “You were saying?”
“I left your father.”
“What? Why?”
“Don’t act stupid—we both know the kind of man he is.”
“No, I know, but… why now, after all this time?”
“I was thinking about what that friend of yours said to us. How we’d be the ones missing out if we left… and she’s right. I let your father take control of my life from the moment we met. I was never a good mother—hell, I never wanted to be a mother, but he made me one, nonetheless. And I resented you for it when I shouldn’t have. I just… this is going to be a lot for me to adjust to, but if you’ll let me, I’d like to start over, Steven. I know I can’t redo your childhood, and I know I’ll never get that first year of Bee’s life back, but damnit, I’d like to try and be in your lives.”
“Wow, mom, that’s… that’s big of you… but I’m the least of your worries. You’ll have to get forgiveness from Eddie. Bee is gonna have to learn to–”
“Dada!” Bobby whined as she tugged on Steve’s sweater.
“Yes, sweetie, hi—daddy’s right here. Bee is gonna have to–”
“Yes, honey? I’m right here. Mom, she’s gonna have to learn to trust you. It’s hard at this age. You’re gonna need to put in a lot of work. This isn’t going to be an easy, overnight thing.”
“No, I know, and I’m willing to try.”
“Okay… then start with Ed… not with me.”
“Okay, I can do that…”
“He’s in the living room.”
Pattie, her son, and her granddaughter all made their way to the living room where Eddie was sitting on the couch playing a random board game with Wayne and Robin.
“Eddie?” Pattie whispered. He turned his head to meet his mother-in-law.
“Pat? What are you doing here?”
“Never mind why I’m here—for right now, I just want to apologize. I haven’t treated you fairly since you came out to us. While I may not exactly see eye-to-eye with you and Steven’s choices, I’m trying to be better. You make my son happy and you made me a grandmother… to a gorgeous granddaughter, at that. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but… all I ask if that we try to become closer as a family… for Bee.”
“I’d love that, Pat,” Eddie smiled. “Thank you… I mean it.”
“I know you do… and you’re welcome. Bee deserves a shot at a normal family. Well, extended family at least.”
“Oh, please, nothing about us is normal,” Eddie said.
“And we wouldn’t want it any other way,” Steve beamed. “Come on, Ma, sit and stay a while. There’s a lot to catch you up on.”
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sammyboyimagines · 2 years
Hey sweets✨ how ya doing?
Got a request with Steve Harrington.
Based on the lyrics of the song Yad by Erica Lundmoen "don't fill your void with me" and "If you want me, change your self!" ALSO Steve in S1.
Steve has broken up with Nancy and he feels such a mess. So tommy promised him that he'll forget her if he start using women for his own pleasure. So he does that, Take them home and acts like nothing happened the next day. Still, he won't stop thinking of her, till he meet the reader. She's a completely different person than all the other women he has met, different personality (a baddie), different style than skirts and dresses like the divas. She's a skater girl and a whole beauty without make up. So when he approach her for the one night stand, she rejects him. He won't give up on trying to have her into his pants and she won't stop the rejection as she knows that he just want to use her to forget his ex. After he'll be a pain in the ass, she'll blow up and tell him
"if you really want me, earn me. Change your self!" So Make him obsessed with the reader, changing his self into someone better to impress her, a really different steve that will completely forget Nancy and fall in love with the reader✨
Earn Me
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
Summary: Steve is desperate for a distraction after breaking up with Nancy, and the reader refuses to be a rebound. Steve has to make a change before he can gain her favor. 3.6k words
Warnings: swearing, misogyny from Tommy H., angst, arguing, use of the words (whore, slut, etc), excessive flirting from Steve, pet names, brief mentions of the words: sex, one-night stand, bang, etc.), and suggestive comments.
//hi darling, I am so sorry this took so long but I did enjoy writing this for you! I think I stayed on par with the request, let me know if anything needs to be changed! also not edited very well so there could very well be typos!
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The loud music blaring from inside the house provided a muffler to whatever Nancy was shouting at him about. "What are you even saying right now?" he yelled back, observing her angry expression as she rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. She ushered him through the house to the bathroom. The furious look on her pretty face had him concerned.
"What's going on? Talk to me, Nance." His hands found her slim waist. Her breath smelled like liquor. What the hell was in that punch? 
"This is all bullshit. We pretend to be this amazing couple. We pretend like nothing's wrong, it's bullshit and you know it! We killed her, Steve. We killed Barb and you are just ignoring all of this and acting like it's okay. It's bullshit!" Nancy shoved Steve away from her. She was undoubtedly under the influence but Steve felt hurt nevertheless.
"What are you talking about? Wait! Come back-" Nancy fled the scene, abandoning the red cloth she tried to wipe her shirt with as well as the cup she spilled all over the bathroom floor.
Steve was shattered, absolutely heartbroken. He truly believed that he could pick up the pieces with Nancy, but this was the final straw. Bullshit? Is that what she thought it was?
"Relax man, these things just happen. She was kinda a bitch anyway.." Tommy slung his shoulder around Carol. "Don't talk about Nance like that. You didn't know her like I did." Steve was quick to defend her, no matter how deep his cuts were from last night.
"You're turning into such a sap for her, dude! Just forget about her!" Tommy laughed, pressing a heavy kiss onto Carol's forehead. 
"But how? She's the only one I'm interested in.." he felt hopeless. The prettiest girl in Hawkins had called their love bullshit. How would he ever recover?
"Jesus you're so dramatic. Just find some other slut who'll throw herself at you. Trust me. You're Hawkins' sweetheart! They'll line up around the block for a night with King Steve." Tommy assured him, his misogynistic confidence fueling Steve's own self-esteem.
"Really? I shouldn't look for another relationship?" That's all Steve wanted, but if his best friend was so confident that he should be using other women, maybe he should follow his advice.
"Of course, stupid! Do you think I bagged this beauty from sweet gestures? No, I've been a player since the 7th grade." Tommy nuzzled into Carol, who was just watching the conversation unfold. If there was one thing Carol aspired to be, she wanted to be in the know about every drama occurring at Hawkins.
"I just feel like such an asshole! She trusted me to help her with her issues. I just tried to push them away so we could be...normal." Steve was beating himself up about it. He'd pray for each day to go faster so he could hang out with Tommy and Carol and forget his worries.
"Dude, it's not your fault she had all that baggage. I promise a little distraction is just what you need. Bang a few girls, go to parties, teenager stuff. Do that, and you'll forget about her in no time." Tommy was full of confidence, as per usual. He was actually pretty arrogant but Steve would rather hang out with them than get to know anyone else.
That's just what Steve did. He'd woo a girl from whatever class he was in, take them to his house and use them for his own pleasure. Each time, his mind would be so clouded with lust that he'd forget about his ex Nancy. But with each morning after, his one-night stand would be gone, yet the memory of Nancy would slowly creep back into his mind.
He was very torn up about it. "I miss her so much, man. I should have talked to her before this happened. Now I'm probably ruining my chance with her even more by banging every girl in Hawkins." He sighed, his head resting against the table in the cafeteria. 
"God, she's not even that pretty! If anything, she's the whore. Do you know who I saw her roaming around with? That Byers guy with the missing brother." Steve groaned, banging his head gently.
"Figures she'd move on. He's always been nice to her. I should have known she'd go home with him." he mumbled with clenched teeth and fists.
"So? Just forget about her." he couldn't. He couldn't forget her smile that would brighten his day when he teased her for her timidness around him. He couldn't forget how she bravely helped him fight off whatever the hell that monster was. It was too much to simply forget. But there was no shame in trying. Especially when it felt this good.
"Hey.." a voice made Steve turn in bed to see his one-night stand still lying in his bed. "Oh, hi J...Janice." he winced when the woman sat up with a furrowed brow. "Who the fuck is Janice? My name is Amy!" she snatched her clothes from the floor.
"God, you're such a manwhore, how many girls have you had this week?" she was humiliating him, but he didn't care. "Get the hell out." he rubbed his forehead, trying to stave off a piercing headache.
Skip to lunch, he was sitting with Tommy and Carol, more defeated than ever. "It won't fucking work! I've tried everything!" he looked at Tommy, who was laughing his ass off.
"You need a different type of girl. You're been going after the prissy type. I got one for you." He points to a girl wearing a black leather jacket and acid-wash jeans. "That one, she looks friendly." he snorts. "Go for it, dude!" he chuckles. Tommy expected you to be a tougher shell to crack.
Steve wandered over. "Hey, I'm Steve." he leaned his head on his hand. "And you are?" he flashes you a smile, you can tell he's full of himself. "Y/n." you were working on some math homework before your next period. 
"S-uh, Studying? You don't look like the academic type." Steve was at a loss for words from the moment he sat down. Your simplicity yet complicity made him puzzled. The way your jeans hugged your legs perfectly as the leather jacket hung around your shoulders bunched up at the arms. You weren't prissy and perfect. There was hardly a splash of pink or baby blue adorning your figure. It shocked him.
"Are you trying to tell me I look stupid, Harrington?" you already set a nickname for him. He was taken aback. "No! No, I'm just saying-"
"Save it, I'm kidding." you chuckle, your eyes finally leaving your paper to look at him. He was blown away by your gorgeous, hypnotizing eyes. Most girls at Hawkins wore makeup and shiny, frilly outfits. This was different for him, and he couldn't be more shocked.
"Could you be my tutor? I really need help with my math stuff. I've got a test coming up." Steve lied, a foolproof way to get in your pants under the disguise of an innocent meetup. 
Here's the thing. You weren't as mean as people thought you were. "Sure, you positive you want me to tutor you? I'm not a genius, you know.." you close your books to talk to him.
"I'm positive, sweetheart. You're the exact person I want to tutor me." Steve was running low on things to say. His mouth was very dry as he felt like he was running out of air just talking to you.
"Alright, Steve. Come by my place at 6, and we'll work on whatever you have." you offered him your address on a napkin before standing up. "By the way, don't call me sweetheart." you smile and walk off. Steve retreats back to the table where Tommy and Carol sat. "So? How'd it go?" He smirked at them. "I'm going over to her house tonight to 'study'." He chuckled smugly. What he didn't know, was that you were onto him from the moment he sat down next to you. He was using you for nothing more than your body. A toy for him to use and then abandon.
But you didn't want to come to any conclusions just yet. So, when Steve knocked on your door at 5, you let him in without a fuss. "Come in. I was thinking, maybe we could study for a couple hours, then you can go home. I don't want to rob your whole night." The truth was, you didn't want to spend most of your night cooped up with Steve doing stupid math equations.
"No, don't worry about it. I'd rather spend time with you than anyone." he was really flirtatious. "Uh huh," you replied awkwardly. You'd rather step on glass than spend time with Steve Harrington.
You sat in your small living room with Steve doing homework. Your parents were gone for the week. They take vacations without you sometimes. "Maybe we could take this to the bedroom?" he suggests. You were growing more suspicious with every word that came out of his mouth. "Uh yeah, sure." you brought the stacks of papers to the desk in your bedroom. 
Steve sat on the edge of your bed. "Come sit, sweetheart, we can do some flashcards." a trick he used on Nancy all the time. You sigh and sit on your bed with him, his leg touching yours, reluctantly pulling out the flashcards. "Are you sure you're -learning anything? I feel like this is very one-sided-" his hand touched your thigh.
"Don't feel so insecure. You're doing absolutely amazing, baby. I am learning so much." he chuckles, looking into your eyes. "Why don't we take a little break? You've been working so hard." His other hand wrapped around your shoulders, his voice close to your ear.
You gently squirm. "Harrington, if you're gonna flirt with me, I'm gonna kick you out. Let go, or I'll let you fail that test." You weren't too angry, but Steve got the message anyway. "Sure thing, we should work for another hour and then I'm gonna head out." he was a tad bit hurt by that, but he wanted to play the long con. Each time he'd look at your face, it was like being caught in a trance. His urge to leave you high and dry went away with each nice gesture thrown his way. He came to the realization that he'd never really dated anyone who didn't care about his popularity. You treated him like a normal guy. It bugged him.
That's what he told Tommy the next day. "She's very genuine. Maybe I should back off? She doesn't seem interested in me." He shrugs, a little discouraged by your standoffish manner. "Dude, she's staring at you right now. She's totally into you!" he laughs. The statement made Steve whip his head around to look at you.
Just like he said, you were gazing at him with those pretty eyes. Except, you didn't look away. He wasn't sure how to react. He tossed a wink at you before turning back around. "She's not like other girls. It's strange.." he was intrigued by you. "Yeah, she's a fuckin' weirdo." He chuckled at Tommy's words.
This tutoring had gone on for weeks, and Steve was so close to breaking the walls you put up from the moment you met him. "So Steve, what did you want to work on today? I also made dinner if you want some." you smile at him from your bed. "Well, I was thinking we could work on a different subject.." he sat next to you. "Uh-yeah! What did you have in mind?"
He placed a hand on your thigh. "Well, I'm just having such a hard time in Anatomy right now and I'd really appreciate a real-life model-" you cut him off.
"Steve, no. How many times have you done this? Like 3 times! I don't want to be a rebound.." you heard of his breakup with Nancy. Who hadn't? Steve sighed and pulled out his math homework. "Worth a try."
Your brain was exhausted. "Why don't we have a break and eat dinner?" you were desperate to get away from his disgusting flirting. You saw right through him, he only wanted to be here for the sex. And you weren't going to be a lousy rebound for the most popular guy at school.
You sat across the table from Steve, your eyes never leaving your plate of food. "Thank you for teaching me so much, Y/n. I actually passed a test because of you. I owe you.." he smiles, a fake expression masking his true intentions.
"I'm so glad! You really had no clue what you were doing. You're not the best student, but it's been fun.." you felt awkward. Steve's foot nudged yours, making you look up from your meal. His leg moved against yours. 
"I could repay you, y'know? I have an...unorthodox method of payment." he insinuated. Anger boiled inside you until you couldn't hold it in anymore. You slammed your fists on the table. "Get the fuck out, Steve. I'm so tired of your flirting! I'm not gonna be some worthless rebound so you can forget about Nancy! Why can't you act like you're interested in me? Why act like I'm worthless except for my body?" you ranted, Steve's eyes were wide open.
"Wha-I'm not using you!" you scoffed at his lies. "You have been flirting with me since you sat down next to me at lunch. I've rejected you each and every time! You clearly want me for sex! Just leave if you don't care about me or my help. I do care about you, but if you really want me, earn me. I'm not easily won like other girls you've had. You need to change yourself! I'll give you a chance if you show me you're a good man and not some manwhore trying to forget about his ex. Don't fill your void with me! How about actually trying to date someone?!" you threw your arms up in anger.
Steve was speechless. How could a quiet dinner lead to this? 
"Just get out, take your stuff. You're welcome to talk to me in school, but I know you have that stupid reputation to uphold. Wouldn't want to taint it with my presence. You seem so interested in me but you haven't even shown me an inch of attention at school. I hope you fail that fucking test. Get the hell out of my house."
Steve left in a hurry, muttering quick apologies that fell off his tongue naturally. He made his way to his car, feeling almost...sad.
He had to win you over.
"Are you seriously going after her? I mean, look at her! She doesn't exactly fit in.." Tommy cringes when Steve tells him that he's gonna try and win you over. He was upset when you kicked him out. He hadn't felt that way since Nancy. Steve didn't want to mess it up like he did last time. 
He'd see you in the hallway, looking as beautiful as ever despite rejecting him and breaking his heart all over again. Thinking he was crazy, he talked to a few of his friends and heard the same thing. "She's no good for you." but that made him want you even more. 
The chase was exhilarating. Each time he'd try to talk to you, he'd get nothing but a shrug and a tiny smile. But those interactions kept him going, the thought that he was slowly chipping away at the walls you rebuilt after the big fight.
It took a couple months for you to even have a deep conversation with him. In that time, he had dropped Tommy and Carol, as they called him weak and fragile for falling for you so hard. He couldn't help it! Each time he looked at you, he'd fall deeper into the obsession that was you. Your little smiles when he made a joke, your beautiful eyes looking up and down his frame, your eyebrow rising when he said something you didn't like. He wanted it all, bad and good.
"Hey Y/n, I got these for you." he showed up at your locker in the morning to surprise you with flowers. "I cut them myself...from someone's garden on my street. I'm sure they won't mind." he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. He'd never been this desperate. You laughed, actually laughed at his remarks for the first time in weeks. It was music to his ears. He found himself smiling wide enough to make his cheeks hurt. You both were officially best friends at this point, with him visiting every week, driving you to and from school, etc.
"Thank you, Steve. These are gorgeous. Is there a special occasion?" you lean against your locker, smelling the freshly cut flowers. Steve could hardly focus. Between your sweet smile and the idea of you finally accepting him, he could barely breathe.
"No, I just thought I'd get you something. You deserve it." you could tell he was trying his hardest. "I'll walk you to class." his arm was linked around yours before you could protest. Not that you would have...
"Thank you, by the way. For helping me with my classes, it was really sweet of you." Steve could hardly remember Nancy anymore because you had surrounded his every thought, and he loved it. "Has anyone ever told you how good you look in blue?" he points to your outfit. 
"Wow, really laying it on thick, huh?" you laugh, sitting next to him in class. "What? I can't compliment a pretty girl?" he smiles and asks you for a pencil, something he did every day for the past month of reinventing himself. 
The following month, December, went by fast. Steve drove you home every day so you didn't have to take the bus. "Steve, it's really bad out there. I don't think you'll make it home without sliding into a ditch or something.." you glanced out the window at the blizzard outside. It had started on the way home, and after your weekly tutoring session, it had piled up fast. 
"I'm sure I'll be fine! I'll be careful." he put his coat on and grabbed his book bag. You grab his arm. "I can't let you. It's too dangerous! If you die, I won't have my ride to school each morning!" you tease., making him chuckle. He liked how you teased him. It was nice to see you coming out of your shell again. He was blushing at how your hand squeezed his bicep to prevent him from leaving.
"Okay, if you insist! I'll stay, sweetheart." the name slipped out, making the both of you stop in your tracks. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that.." he was praying he didn't push any boundaries. 
"No, it-it's okay. I liked it.." you fumbled with the sleeves of your hoodie. "Really?" He asks breathlessly. Your mouth felt dry as you looked into his deep brown eyes. 
"You've changed, Steve. A lot." You laughed, helping him take his coat off, and set his stuff down. "I think you've really put in the effort to become a better person. You're nicer to people. I think it's sweet." you decide to make dinner since nobody would be going anywhere.
"You think it's sweet?" he runs a hand through his messy hair and follows you into the kitchen. He really did change over the few months after your rejection. "Yeah, you're actually a pretty good friend now." you smile, shuffling around the kitchen. Steve felt his stomach drop.
Steve had fallen head over heels for you, and in that time, he had been giving you gifts and showing up for you, anything he could do to prove he was a better man. He stood back, leaning against the kitchen counter and watching you cook. He admired your focused face when you tried to remember how much of a certain ingredient you needed.
"So about that. Do you think I'm a good man?" he asks, making you frown. "Yeah, of course, you are. Steve, you were always a good man, just misguided. Stupid Tommy and Carol.." you sigh. "I wanted you to change because you needed to realize how blindly confident you were. You would have been thinking about Nancy for years. One-night stands won't cut it. And I was not about to be a rebound, a replacement for her." Steve nods, sighing to himself. He hated the thought of you being a rebound for his ex.
"You didn't deserve that, any of it. I'm so sorry for being such a jackass." he was hoping you could forgive him. "Don't be! You've changed and that's what matters." you held his cheek, the gesture making his heart beat impossibly faster. "And I think you deserve a second chance." he felt high on your presence. His brain was barely functioning. 
"Really? You think so?" he watched your face for even a fraction of doubt. There was none. "Let's start over then. Y/n, would you like to have a dinner date here tonight while we watch Christmas movies? It would be our first date." he bites his lip in anticipation. You chuckle and stir the food on the stove. 
"Sure, it's a date." Steve could barely hear you because of the excitement rushing through his veins. "Could you say it again? It sounds so satisfying." he smiles. You rolled your eyes at his antics. 
"I'll go on a date with you! You're so stupid." your laugh quickly turns into a small gasp as his hands grasped your waist. "Sorry, you just looked really cold." he chuckles, teasing you when you shiver under his grip.
"You're an idiot, Steve Harrington," you mumble. He buries his face in your neck and breathes in your sweet perfume. 
"You're beautiful, Y/n L/n." he smiles against your skin.
//anon i am so incredibly sorry my wifi just stopped working late Sunday night when I was going to post it!
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griffin-girl-r · 1 year
Coming home (Part 2)
Created: 19.04.2022
Finished: 27.04.2022
Edited: 18.09.2023
Age: 16
Word count: 1,205
Warnings: Death, Fainting, Child loss, Corpse, Grief
Request: No
Part 1 , Part 3
'I love you, Mama.' Was the last thing Natasha heard from her baby and then, nothing. Just pure silence. One that made her whole being hurt.
She fell to her knees and the world turned black for her.
She woke up by someone calling her name.
Steve was lightly shaking her in an attempt to bring her back to consciousness.
Saying he was concerned was an understatement. Natasha's reaction scared Steve and the worst was about to come.
For a second Natasha looked at him with hope. Hope that everything was a nightmare and that you were actually okay and home.
But that little hope died soon when she saw the pained look on his face.
"No..." The woman shook her head
"Nat, I'm sorry-"
"No!" She cut him off "That's not true. Not my baby, not my baby. She's alive. She has to be!"
Steve has never seen his friend in such a state. She was supposed to be the emotionless assassin who never showed her feelings.
But he knows that all of that changed when you came into her life. On the day you were born, it was the first time everyone had seen Natasha truly smile.
She started to show love and affection.
All because of you. For you.
And now she had the worst breakdown because of you. You were her only child. The only one she could ever have. And that made everything much worse.
"We tracked her phone and sent the team to the location." Steve thought for a second how to say this but there was no easy way "They only found grumble."
"I don't believe you." Natasha protested, still in a denial state "Take me there. I want to see it with my own eyes."
"I don-"
"Take me to her." She pleaded, tears pouring out of her eyes "Please..."
The Captain sighed and nodded his head, helping his teammate stand up.
Steve supported her weight while they walked to the QuinJet.
All the way to the location, Natasha had bounced her leg anxiously and refused to believe the reality. She refused to believe you were dead.
But honestly, what mother would easily accept that her child is gone?
What mother could accept that her reason to be alive, isn't alive anymore? That her reason is dead...
As soon as they landed, Natasha rushed to what had been a building and started to look around for you.
"Romanoff..." Tony called her softly, but she just ignored him as she kept searching for a glimpse of her child
The team was crushed down. You were like a kid to all of them and your mom was like their sister. You were the pride and joy of your mother and the sunshine of your uncles.
The men were just sitting speechless to one side, with tears in their eyes that were about to fall.
"Natasha..." Different people called her, but she ignored them all, too focused on finding you
"Natalia!" Clint shouted, pulling her back by her shoulders, making her look into his eyes "She's gone! Do you hear me?! She's truly gone! She left us! We found her body already."
And with that, he took out of his pocket your necklace, which was a match to your mother's.
He had gifted both of you one, as he had one too. A reminder that you two were his family.
Natasha looked at it for a few seconds and then slowly took it from Clint's hand into her own, holding it tight to her chest.
Natasha's thoughts were all over the place.
Clint wouldn't lie to her. He was her best friend. Her brother in all but blood. She knows how much he loves you, so he wouldn't lie about something like this. Wouldn't he?
But yet she couldn't bring herself to believe him. The mother in her couldn't accept the truth.
"I-I want t-to see it." She managed to say, through her violent sobs
"Nat, you don't have to. It's not a good idea." Clint tried to hold her back, while she fought to push past him, his voice calm
"I want to see her!" She cried as Clint pushed her back again
Just then the red-headed woman caught a glimpse of something behind Bruce and Thor, who were trying their best to cover it.
Her heart dropped to her stomach when she realized what it was.
A body bag.
She stopped fighting which confused the men, who soon understood what she had seen.
There was no going back.
They let her go and she slowly walked to the bag and crunched down next to it.
She just stared wide-eyed at the zip.
No one dared to go there and unzip the bag for Natasha. They were just too hurt to do it. How could they crush Natasha's world by doing that?
But it had to be done.
Steve was the only one with enough courage to go and unzip the bag for Natasha. Clint placed his hands on her shoulders, getting ready for her mental breakdown.
Steve only opened enough to reveal the head and neck, of the kid he liked to think of as his own.
Natasha gasped and leaned forward, as close to the body as possible.
It was really you.
You, somehow, had your face untouched by the damage of the explosion, only having a small cut on your lower lip.
Even though you were pale, you looked so peaceful and if Natasha didn't know better, she would swear that you were sleeping. She actually waited for a moment for you to open your eyes and lazily smile at her while greeting her with a happy 'Good morning, Mama'.
But no.
She brought her shaky hand to your forehead and started to caress your face and stroke your hair.
You were ice cold and that broke her even more. She wanted to feel the warmth of her baby, like the first time she felt it when she held you in her arms.
But there was none. No warmth, no breath, no movement. Nothing.
She rested her forehead on yours and whispered into your ear "Hey baby girl. Mama's here. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Please open your beautiful eyes and look at me. Please. You're everything I have. You are the reason why I wake up every morning and smile. You are the only reason that makes me want to live. So please, come back to me. Don't leave me."
When she gained no response, Natasha finally let out her pain and kissed you all over your face, crying, lingering on each kiss. Her tears fell like raindrops on your pale face.
Natasha was still sitting on the ground with you in her arms. Your head tightly pressed against her chest.
She was rocking you back and forth, when the boys heard a scream so powerful and painful, that would haunt their dreams forever.
Natasha had been through a lot in her life but nothing hurt her as much as the pain of losing her baby girl did.
Why it had to be her? Why did she had to be the one who lost her baby? Why her daughter?
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meggtheegg · 2 years
To love a beast ? 👀
!!!! Okay So, this is basically a Beauty and the Beast AU, as the title implies, with Sam as Belle and Bucky as the Beast. It hits a lot of the same beats as the Disney movie, but with a few important changes to keep it more closely aligned with the events of the MCU. This one is still in its early chapters, and I haven't actually gotten to them meeting, yet, so here's some snippets with both of their POVs:
Snippet #1:
If not for the untamed chill of the coastal autumn breeze, Sam Wilson may have been fooled into believing that it was still summer. After a long week of stormy weather, the sun burned bright in a cloudless sky, as though the entire universe had opened up around the small, secluded village he called home. Children ran about in the grass, playing silly little made-up games with whatever newest toys the local wood carver had come up with, while parents tended to their daily tasks, running into market, gossiping with the neighbors, and living their dreary little lives, seemingly unaware that the world could have anything to offer, outside of what they already knew.  On this day, Sam was out on the family fishing boat, which had long outlasted expectation but was quickly approaching disrepair. In recent years, more sophisticated watercraft had found their way into the harbor, and each season had brought with it a smaller and smaller catch. He’d sworn to his sister, though, that he would fix the old girl, and after days stuck inside, he was determined to put in whatever work he could, now, before the river froze over and she started to look more like a stack of firewood than a legacy. “If nothing else, no one can say you aren't dedicated.” The sound of a familiar voice pulled Sam’s attention away from his work. At the end of the dock, a man smiled, his face wrinkled with age and his tired, blue eyes filled with a lifetime of untold stories.  Sam snickered and rolled his eyes. Steve Rogers was the kind of person who always seemed to have something to say, and sometimes, those things even made sense. That wasn’t what the rest of the village could see, of course. Small minds only had room for so much, and the old man’s stories of better times long past felt less believable, with each unremarkable new day. “Should I be worried about whatever else they’re saying?" “Only if you like to waste your energy.” Steve stepped onto the boat with a little too much ease, for someone of his age. “Need any help?”
Snippet #2:
He couldn’t remember much of anything, anymore. Even his name sat, hovering, just outside his mind's reach. At least, the name he used to go by. A prince has many names, he'd learned, but only one of them was ever really his. So, of course, that had been the first of them to fade away. No one who remained in the castle had used it, since the spell took hold. Many refused to acknowledge him, at all. To those who did, he was simply Your Highness, My Lord, Sir… Occasionally, he was James, but the name never sat right on their tongues, or his, in those few bitter moments when he’d find it in himself to speak. In the early days, he’d tried to remain something close to human, in spite of himself. Checked in on the others, followed some semblance of a routine, walked with his head held high and spoke like the man he used to be. But the last seventy years had dragged on for so long, each day blending unchangingly into the next, with no sign of an end, the clocks unmoving, the sun never rising. Every agonizing moment had stripped away his will to keep fighting, and his humanity had gone, with it.  Perhaps he’d never been human, at all. The creature that stared back from each unavoidable reflection was certainly no man, so what was the point of wasting energy pretending to be something he was not? The very idea of it had become a fantasy, his true face, true mind, true life, buried only in his books and the dreams that taunted him, at night.
send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, and i will post a little snippet or talk about it
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Chapter 4, "A Window Not Missed" - work rated M Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanov
The Avengers’ “big day tomorrow” turned out to be a bust. Natasha awakened to a call from Tony at 5:32 a.m., alerting her that the strange emissions over a lakeside landfill were in fact strange emissions from a landfill— not evidence of HYDRA chemical testing as their “source” had originally led them to believe. She’d promptly rolled over and fallen back asleep. 
With no new leads, the team found themselves rather useless, and each member was left to their own devices. Natasha wandered up to the common room for a late breakfast to see what was going on, and she learned Clint had checked out almost immediately. Thor and Jane were headed to the West Coast following her New York conference. Pepper was off on business travel as well, so Nat assumed the bros would keep each other occupied. Steve actually had a date that night.
“Oh?” Nat feigned as she sipped her coffee. 
“Kind of. I committed to dessert only.”
“Ooooh,” teased Nat.
Steve rolled his eyes. “I met this mysterious brunette when I was out running, several days in a row. It’s funny— she seemed to know my exact workout schedule.”
“How about that!” Nat remarked. “Must be meant to be.” 
“Any luck on your other front?” she added quietly.
Steve examined her face for a minute before comprehending. “No, no sign of him,” he answered grimly. “Sam’s still working on it.”
Natasha grasped his hand affectionately before depositing her dishes into Tony’s dishwasher rinse/load gadget. She couldn’t remember the name of that one. All the tech had names here. 
She went off in search of something to get into, and her mind immediately remembered her promise to invade Bruce’s lab. She talked herself out of that one quickly. Natasha’s pride wouldn’t allow entry where she wasn’t wanted. And after Dr. Banner’s hurried exit last night, “wanted” was the last thing she felt. 
She did pause for a few seconds before descending the stairs, gazing down at the open floors below. She could see all of his equipment through the glass, of course. A few minutes passed before she spotted Bruce moving around in a checkered shirt and lab coat, peering at a clipboard through rectangular lenses. Her heart skipped for a split second. Glasses took him to next-level and made her reconsider her avoidance plan. A vision flashed of her perched on the countertop, him standing between her legs, and her gently lifting those glasses away before ravaging his mouth. 
Fuck, Romanoff! Have you really stooped that low? He clearly doesn’t want you like you want him. 
Her feet tore away, demanding that she retain some modicum of self-respect. An annoying little voice in the back of her mind reminded her that friends could hang out in a lab too. Or go out to dinner, or watch a movie in the common room. Interacting with Bruce Banner didn’t mean she had to prostrate herself at his feet, body silently begging for his attention. But she didn’t know how to shut up that part of her that pulled like a magnet in his direction. So she kept her distance from the force-field altogether, refusing to let herself be pulled.
Natasha instead spent the next week on her computer, diving into research for possible leads on HYDRA and therefore the scepter. Even though Cap was their official line of communication to Maria (and she was sure Nick through Maria), Natasha felt the need to make herself useful. She’d always had a knack for research, for opening a rabbit hole and tunneling her way through hundreds of interconnected twists and turns, brain coming alive at each flicker of possibility. The hours passed by in the blink of an eye this way, which made her unmet physical needs somewhat bearable.
But when she would hit a dead end, eyes heavy and neck stiff from being folded in half in front of a screen, Natasha would wander again in search of something. She wasn’t used to free time, or feeling useless. 
Maybe spend some time on YOU? a voice suggested. 
So after over a week of a hermit life with only passing “hellos” upon coming up for air, Natasha went out. Her first stop was a series of shops in SoHo, where she was drawn in by window displays quite reminiscent of the vibe in her own apartment. Silks, satins, pearls, tailored lines, substantial fabrics. Understated colors but still eye-catching at the same time— sort of a Breakfast at Tiffany’s kind of feel. Natasha stepped closer, head tilting to the side as she pondered. Maybe it was time to reinvent again. 
At her next stop she deposited her row of shopping bags along the back wall of a salon and hopped into a chair, ready to lose some length. 
“Cut it for pin curls,” she instructed. “Sort of in line with the angle of the chin, sculpted around the ear.” 
With her hair ready for her new old-fashioned look, Natasha gave into her final stop. It was time. The old old-fashioned method worked in a pinch out in the field, but now that she was in a real home with very real downtime, she needed to step up her efforts. 
“This is our most popular model,” the young clerk told her enthusiastically, leading her to an array of choices locked in a glass case. He pointed to a specimen in the center with a very appealing size and curve. 
“Does it come in any other color?” Nat asked warily. 
“No, ma’am, I’m sorry. This particular model only comes in green.” 
It was humiliating, but effective. 
Another week wore on, and even though she and Banner lived in the same building, their paths rarely crossed. When they finally did, Bruce’s eyes widened upon seeing her new look on display in the common room. Clint had returned, and they’d been catching up over a beer. 
“So… we’re trying,” Clint told her with a conspiratorial wink. 
“For #3? Really? Good for you.”
“I have a good feeling we were successful.”
Nat laughed with a toss of her head, and her sideways glance fell on Bruce, whose arms were full of smoothie ingredients. He froze, a bag of spinach falling from his arms. 
“Uh, hey there, Nat. Clint.” 
“Hi,” she replied, even that simple word sounding forced and awkward. The fact that so much time had passed since their “date” left little doubt that something had gone wrong. Despite her gifted intuition, she had no idea what. 
“Hey, doc,” Clint returned, tilting his beer in Bruce’s direction. “Want to join us with your… er, celery juice?” 
“Um, no… nah… I’m good. Got a lot going on today. I’ll just…” Bruce trailed off and began throwing things into Sir-Mix-a-Lot haphazardly, giving them a few whirls before throwing the results in an oversized thermos and darting to the staircase. 
“What was that about?” Clint asked with a shake of his head. “That guy’s kind of touched or something, isn’t he?”
“Not touched is more like it,” Tony supplied, making his way in from the direction of the boardroom. “Meeting in twenty, guys. Cap and I crunched all that data you sent over, Nat. We think you’re onto something, and we want to check it out. It’s pretty ‘out there,’ but the group checks a lot of Hydra boxes.”
“I agree,” Nat said simply. “I think it warrants a look.”
“What did I miss?” Clint inquired, popping another top. 
“I’ve been bored,” Nat answered wryly. 
“Ah, so a rabbit hole then,” Clint chuckled. 
Chapter continued at link below...
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watercoloredlie · 2 years
In Another Life(Edancy Week Day 3: Grief
Summary: Eddie was her meant to be in every life in every way. 
Warnings: Character death, Vampire smut, fluff
Prompt: Edancy week Day 3- Grief
Song: In Another Life by the Veronicas
Notes: I know the prompt is grief, but I couldn’t bring myself to not let this have a happy ending in some way. Fun fact, Lucy and Alice are two different characters that Natalia Dyer has played. I picked the names randomly from the list of her projects on IMDB.
I have known you my whole life
When you were ten, you said you’d make me your wife
Eight years later and you won me over
Just as I took the world on my shoulders
Nancy Wheeler and Eddie Munson were practically raised together. Their mothers were old friends. The two kids often hung out together. Shortly before Mrs. Munson tragically passed away, Eddie and Nancy were playing in the park.
“One day when we’re older, I’m going to make you my wife.” Eddie gave her a goofy grin.
Nancy wrinkled her nose at him. “Eww why?”
“Every bard needs someone worthy to sing about.” He winked at her then tumbled down the slide.
She thought he was being ridiculous and continued playing. Everything changed after that. His mother died, his father went to prison, and he was taken in by his uncle Wayne. Nancy and Eddie drifted apart a bit after that. Eight years passed and things weren’t so carefree any longer. Now they had to deal with the Upside Down and Vecna. Nancy never expected to reconnect with Eddie or find herself falling for him. Everyone had been surprised to find out that they were dating, but the pair took it in stride. Then Chrissy Cunningham died and all Nancy wanted to do was make sure that Eddie was okay.
Of course she had hated keeping the truth about the Upside Down from him, but she had honestly believed that she had been protecting him. Unfortunately she had been proven wrong and now the whole town of Hawkins believed that the man she loved was a murderer. Nancy refused to stop until she had cleared Eddie’s name. She wanted to maim the basketball team when she heard that they had tried to hunt him down.
“No. Nope. Absolutely not. We’re not going back in there.” Eddie shook his head after Nancy suggested they return to the Upside Down.
She huffed at him. “Why not? We have to destroy Vecna.”
“He took you last time. What if he does it again? No, I can’t lose you. It’s not our job to fight these things.”  He sighed looking at her.
Nancy softened a bit. “I know, but we can’t just do nothing while Max is in danger. It was scary, I know, but I’ll be okay.”
“I still think it’s a terrible idea.” Eddie murmured pulling her into his arms.
No matter how much they prepared for it, Eddie was proven to be right. They had gone in separate groups. Eddie and Dustin were the distraction. Nancy had gone with Robin and Steve to destroy Vecna. She had kissed Eddie making him promise to be careful. After turning Vecna into a pile of flames, the three of them had returned only to find Dustin cradling Eddie on the ground. Nancy ran over to them dropping to her knees beside Eddie. Her blue eyes glistened with tears as she gazed down at her blood spattered boyfriend. 
“Don’t.. Cry..” Eddie smiled weakly at her.
Nancy smiled softly at him. “Save your strength. We’re going to get you out of here.”
“Love you… so much, Nancy Wheeler.” He breathed out then visibly relaxed. 
She leaned in kissing him gently. “I love you too, Eddie Munson.”
Eddie smiled again then let out a soft gasp before going limp in Dustin’s arms. Nancy checked on him then broke down sobbing beside his body.
I got used to living without you
Endless phone calls and dreaming about you
Always said that you were my meant to be
But I guess I was in love with your memory
Nancy was distraught. She distracted herself by fighting to clear Eddie’s name. With the help of a returning Hopper, she managed to do just that. It was a bittersweet victory. Nancy couldn’t think about him for too long without crying. All the good memories they had made flooded her mind as she curled up in her bed with her blanket wrapped around her.
“You’re going to go on to do big things, Wheeler. Eighty six is our year. We’ll graduate, you’ll go to Emerson in the fall, and I’ll get a job somewhere nearby. Maybe I’ll even do some shows on the side.” Eddie pressed a kiss to her temple and smiled.
Nancy relaxed curling up against him some more. “I like the sound of that. I think we were always meant to be together.”
The memory made Nancy smile to herself in spite of her tears. She loved him with every fiber of her being and nothing could have ever changed that.
You know I love you, I really do
But I can’t fight anymore for you
And I don’t know, maybe we’ll be together again
Sometime, in another life
In another life
“Yes they are. Aren’t they wizard?” Ralph Penbury grinned in excitement.
Her blue eyes sparkled in delight. “Indeed they are.”
After the disaster that was his attempt at courting Lauren, Ralph didn’t want to make the same mistakes again, but he couldn’t help being smitten with his new acquaintance. Alice was an American aspiring writer who was living abroad in England and Victoria had invited her to their latest party. He had been considering signing up for the military to fight in the war though he had no real desire to after meeting Alice.
“Will you marry me?” He asked her nervously on bended knee a few months later with a new ring.
Alice grinned brightly as her blue eyes teared up. “Oh Ralph! I’d be delighted. Yes! Of course I’ll marry you.”
Relief washed over him as he slid the engagement ring onto her finger then stood up pulling her into a kiss. He couldn’t believe that he was going to marry the woman of his dreams. Breaking the kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug spinning her playfully.
I know I said that I would keep my word
I wished that I could save you from the hurt
But things will never go back to how they were
I’m sorry I can’t be your world
Eddie had awoken with a sharp gasp and blood red eyes. His senses were on overdrive. It was dark out when he finally broke free from his grave. He did his best to cover it up. Seeing the headstone, the metalhead swallowed hard. Eddie wasn’t sure how he was alive or what was going on. The only thing he knew was that he needed to see Nancy. The bloodlust consumed him though so he fed on the nearest living person. A pang of guilt struck him. He returned to his old trailer in the now abandoned trailer park. He gathered as much of his clothes as he could. He wasn’t that surprised that they were still there. Eddie then went to a different trailer and was relieved to see that the hot water still worked. He showered and changed into fresh clothes.
Despite his desire to see the woman he loves more than anything, Eddie forced himself to learn how to control his bloodlust. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Nancy. When he finally had a good amount of control a few weeks later, he quietly went over to the Wheeler home hidden by the darkness of the night. He swiftly got in through her window to find her asleep in her bed. She was alive and she was safe. That was all that mattered to him.
“I’ll always love you, Nancy Wheeler.” Eddie whispered quietly as his hand gently stroked her face.
He knew that he couldn’t stay with her. Not while he was stuck like this. She deserved better than that. Eddie hated how much she was hurting over losing him. He wished more than anything that he could just take her pain away, but life just simply didn’t work like that.
You know I love you, I really do
But I can’t fight any more for you
And I don’t know, maybe we’ll be together again
Sometime, in another life
In another life
Her blue eyes rolled as she worked on cooking them dinner. “She was a right bitch, Tom. She was so scared that you were going to cheat that she turned around and cheated herself. Who does that?”
“Ruth does, apparently.” Tom Grant sighed though his accent made it sound like he said roof.
Lucy smiled at her friend. “Hey, it’s been a few months. I’m proud of you, Tommy boy. Like I said after it happened, you just need to let yourself heal and then try to move on. Here, taste this.”
“Yeah I know, love. I’m trying my best. Mm, it tastes good. Wait, is this your nana’s recipe?” He tasted the sauce from the spoon then licked his lips.
She giggled softly at him. “Yeah it is. Guaranteed to heal any broken heart.”
“Pretty sure her food could heal anything.” Tom chuckled as he moved to grab the loaf of bread.
Lucy’s blue eyes widened at him then she moved to grab the bread herself. “Thomas Grant, you are not putting my nana’s spaghetti between two slices of white bread.”
“Ey, why not?” He laughed while they playfully struggled over the bread.
She frowned cursing their height difference as he held it above her head. “Because you’re going to eat the spaghetti like a proper man and not like a broke college student.”
Something shifted in that moment with the two of them standing so close together. Lucy gazed up into his big brown eyes and smiled fondly at him. Setting the loaf of bread on
the counter, Tom grasped her face with his hand gently. She nodded her head at him and he leaned in pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. His other hand rested on the small of her back holding her close to him.
The way you’re holding onto me
Makes me feel like I can’t breathe
Just let me go, Just let me go
It just won’t feel right inside
God knows I’ve tried
He had tried his best to stay hidden. Of course he couldn’t help watching her from afar. It wasn’t long before he slipped up though. Nancy was now living in her own apartment and Eddie couldn’t help stopping in to see her while she was asleep. Except this time she was wide awake.
Her blue eyes widened when she saw him standing there in her bedroom. “Eddie? God, I really must be losing it. Now I’m imagining you standing there.”
“You’re not imagining it. I’m really standing here.” He cleared his throat gazing over at her.
Nancy stood up from her bed walking slowly over to him. “This must be a dream or I’m dead.”
“You’ve very much awake and alive, Wheeler.” Eddie couldn’t help chuckling softly.
Her hand shook as she reached out touching him. “There’s no way.”
“Sorry I’m late, sweetheart.” He couldn’t help himself pulling her into his arms.
Nancy gazed up at him in awe as her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t understand. I saw you…”
“I know. I’m sorry that you had to go through that. I don’t really understand it myself.” Eddie admitted with a sigh.
She buried her head against his chest crying. “Oh Eddie.”
As much as he wanted to leave, he selfishly loved having her in his arms again. He pressed a kiss to her head as she clung to him. Nancy had so many questions, but she didn’t care because Eddie was here and he was okay. He gently wiped her tears away with his thumb. It was then that she noticed his fangs. Thankfully his eyes only went red when he was angry or needed to feed. Nancy didn’t seem scared though. She was more curious than anything. Leaning up, she pressed a kiss to his lips. Eddie knew deep down that she needed to let him go more than anything, but damn if he wasn’t like a moth drawn to her flame.
He kissed her back gently unwilling to risk hurting her with his fangs. For the first time since she had watched him die, Nancy Wheeler felt whole again. The kiss slowly grew more passionate as it always does with them. Eddie reluctantly broke the kiss and shook his head.
“I shouldn’t be here. You need to grieve for me and move on with your life.” He sighed letting go of her.
Nancy frowned at him. “What? No. I want you to stay. I just got you back. I can’t lose you again.”
“I’m legally dead, Nance. I’m a blood sucking vampire. I can’t.. I can’t give you the life that you deserve.” Eddie frowned and ran his fingers through his messy brown curls.
Her hands cupped his face gently. “I never wanted a white picket fence kind of life. All I wanted was you.”
His feelings got the best of him and he pulled her into another kiss. Clothes were slowly pulled off of their bodies. Her fingertips gently traced the scars that marred his pale skin. He shuddered at her touch. It didn’t disgust Nancy though. He was just as beautiful to her as he had always been. Eddie picked her up and placed her down on her bed leaving a trail of kisses down her body. He spread her legs pressing a kiss against her inner thigh. His fangs gently grazed against her soft skin while he worked her over with his fingers.
Nancy moaned gazing down at him. “Bite me, Eddie.”
He was hesitant as the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Eddie glanced up at her and she nodded her head at him. His fangs then gently sank into the flesh of her inner thigh. A moan fell from his lips as he tasted her blood. He only drank a little then ran his tongue over the bite mark sealing it while she came around his fingers moaning loudly. Eddie pressed a gentle kiss against her high. He wasn’t sure if he should as he didn’t want to hurt her, but he couldn’t resist eating her out. Her sweet taste was intoxicating. The sinful sounds she made were his favorite melody. 
Eddie kissed his way back up her body once he was done. He let her relax a bit, but her hand stroking him told him everything he needed to know. Moving her hand, he nestled between her legs thrusting inside of her slowly. His hand interlaced with her hand against the mattress above her head. She kissed him moaning against his lips as he made love to her. His free hand grasped her headboard giving him leverage as his hips moved faster. Nancy cried out his name in ecstasy as her back arched off of the bed. The headboard cracked beneath his grasp as hey both came. He slid out of her after a few moments and laid down beside her. Panting heavily, Nancy curled up in his arms contently.
They stayed like that just making small talk for a while. Eventually exhaustion won out and Nancy fell asleep. When she awoke the next morning, Eddie was gone. She thought she had dreamed it until she realized that she was still naked and there was a bite mark on her thigh. It was only when she glanced toward the nightstand that she saw his rings on top of a letter.
Nance -
I love you with every fiber of my being. I always have and I always will. Nothing could ever change that. I should have said this to your face, but we both know that I never would have been able to leave if I did. I want to stay with you more than anything, but I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us. You deserve to be with someone that you don’t have to hide. You’ll just keep getting older while I’ll stay the same age. It’s just too painful. This is for the best. I am so sorry, sweetheart.
I’ll love you forever and for always.
You know I love you, you know I do
But I can’t fight any more for you
And I don’t know, maybe we’ll be together again
Sometime, in another life
In another life
In another life
In another life
In another life
Her brows furrowed as she looked at her brother. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“You guys only wounded Vecna. He came back disfigured, but El was able to get rid of him permanently.” Mike told her.
Nancy frowned at that. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come back to help.”
“Because you’ve been through enough. None of that matters right now. There’s something you need to see.” He grasped her wrist tugging her in a certain direction.
She followed him to the grassy point overlooking Hawkins. “What is it?”
His friends were already there. To her surprise, Max was sitting in a wheelchair conscious and she was able to see. Nancy was glad to see that the younger girl would make a full recovery. Steve and Robin were also there keeping an eye on the younger teens. Mike let go of his sister’s wrist bracing himself for her reaction.
“Max wasn’t the only one that El was able to save.” He admitted to her.
A tiny spark of hope bloomed within her, but she didn’t want to give into it. “What?”
“Hi sweetheart.” Eddie turned around and smiled at her.
Nancy turned to look at him unsure of what to think. “Eddie?”
“Yeah, it’s me, Nance.” He assured her.
She ran into his arms hugging him tightly. He hugged her back sighing in relief. Nancy cried as she clung to him. Eddie pressed a kiss to her head while rubbing her back soothingly with his hand. She could hear his heart beating as she leaned against his chest.
Nancy pulled back wiping her tears away then hit him lightly. “Don’t you ever do that to me again. I can’t handle losing you.”
“Never again. I promise. I’m all yours if you’ll have me.” Eddie reassured her with a grin.
She grinned softly and sniffled a bit. “Of course I’ll have you. It’s always been you.”
They all returned to that spot a few weeks later, but this time it was for an even more joyous occasion. Nancy walked down the aisle looking ethereal in a simple white gown. Eddie stood at the altar tearing up a bit in awe. He was in a black suit with a black dress shirt and a black bow tie. It was a pretty normal ceremony though they added a little something extra when it came time for the rings.
Nancy slid the silver band onto his left ring finger reciting what she was told to say then grinned softly at him. “Forever and for always.”
“Forever and for always.” He repeated after taking the matching silver band from his best friend Dustin and sliding it onto Nancy’s left ring finger.
“With the power invested in me by the State of Indiana, I now pronounce you man and wife. Eddie, you may kiss your bride.” Hopper nodded at them.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Eddie grinned pulling his wife into a kiss dipping her for effect.
Nancy giggled kissing him back happily. Of course what no one knew, but them was that the inside of their wedding bands were specially inscribed. His said My Meant To Be while hers said Forever and For Always.
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writingat-night · 5 years
abby palmer is the most under appreciated character on wtnv and i will die mad about it
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Bet On Me (one-shot)
Synopsis: There's a few bets going around: Y/N bets everything on the fact that Eddie is innocent, Eddie still thinks that he's a coward, and the kids want to know when Eddie will finally ask Y/N out. And Steve... Steve is just over it.
This is sort of an AU! because I refuse the ending we got. ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Cheerleader!Reader
Genre: a lot of fluuuuufff, some angst
Warnings: SPOLIERS FOR SEASON 4!, a lot of pining, cursing, mentions of blood and injuries and death, Eddie feeling very low and guilty of himself (someone give my poor boy a hug). I can't think of anything else, but please let me know if there is something I should add here.
Word count: 3773
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The second the doorbell of Family Video rang at 12:34 PM during the Friday shift, Steve let out the most resigned sigh he could muster, because he knew who it was and what was gonna happen. The sound of the chains, of the stomping steps and the incessant tapping of palms against thighs in some indiscernible rhythm didn’t give Steve any other illusions history was going to repeat itself. All over again.
“Heyo, Stevo,” Eddie dragged out the name, plopping his elbows down on the till counter with a flourish. “So. Any new movies?”
But Steve was absolutely done this time.
“Stop.” He waved his hand in front of Eddie, not even deigning to answer the question. “Stop. Just stop this whole thing. You’re not here for the movies, you’re here because in just a couple more minutes, Y/N Y/L/N will walk through those doors to give back her previous week’s rentals, and it will give you your opportunity to just gawk at her, even though you actually want to ask her out. So just stop with this lame excuse, man up and ask that girl out on a damned fucking date already. You've been doing this for weeks, man, weeks. I know trauma brings people together and shit, and I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I do consider us friends, but even that has, limits because if I have to hear one more time any sort of groaning and moaning from you about Y/N, and still you’ve done nothing to change the situation, I will personally find a way to open the Upside Down back again and throw you through it, because God damn it, Munson, you will deserve it.”
Eddie, for once in his life, was truly and utterly speechless, watching as Steve’s chest heaved after the rant.
“Shit, Harrington, tell me how you really feel,” he mumbled looking at the countertop, drumming his fingers against it.
“Look.” Steve took in a deep breath and let it out, calming down a bit. “I get that you’re scared, okay? I do. Before I asked Nancy out, I thought I was gonna shit bricks, but the worst thing that could have happened is she could have said no.”
“No,” Eddie countered, pointing at him. “The worst that could happen is Y/N could start laughing in my face, tell the basketball team the freak of town asked her out, and sic those psychos on me again because there’s a difference between you and Nancy and Y/N and me – first we run in different social circles. You and Nancy were the King and Queen of Hawkins before even getting together; you were equals. Y/N... she’s a cheerleader, for Christ’s sake… while I’m the banished nerd, and second… you were never accused of murdering Nancy’s best friend, and still have those rumours fly around even after being vindicated.” That last bit was whispered, and to that, Steve had nothing to reply.
Y/N and Chrissy had been thick as thieves before everything went wrong with the Upside Down, but even Y/N hadn’t known she was struggling despite Chrissy looking up at her as her big sister just about to graduate her senior year. They seemingly had told each other everything, and yet she hadn’t known Chrissy was in such a bad place, she was willing to try drugs to ease the pain.
Even so, even after her body was found in the Munson trailer, not for a second Y/N had believed Eddie had had anything to do with her best friend’s death. For fuck’s sake, Chrissy’s eyes had imploded! How would someone who spent their evenings writing out a character sheet for a fantasy game be able to do that?But despite knowing that, Steve couldn’t deny how people still avoided Eddie like he was the actual plague.
“She tried to stop Jason from coming after you, you know,” Steve piped up, which made Eddie look at him. “Tried to talk some sense into the rest of the team to not come after you, countered whatever he said at the town meeting the night people decided to hunt you down. Y/N never believed you hurt Chrissy, would never, as you said, sic anyone on you. I’m pretty sure she’d fight tooth and nail against that. That has to count for something.”
Eddie’s heart clenched at Harrington’s words. Knowing she’d stood up for him was one thing. Knowing she’d done it in front of the whole town while they were ready to lynch him was another. But still… doubt was like one of the demobats, lurking around the corner before striking with fangs and claws.
When he’d been pulled from the Upside Down, bleeding from every possible crevice of his body, Eddie didn’t think he’d make it, and in some masochistic way, thought he shouldn’t make it. He still blamed himself for what’d happened to the sweet cheerleader he’d left mangled in his trailer. Maybe if Chrissy hadn’t gone to him, maybe if he’d told her he wouldn't sell drugs to her, maybe if he’d gone to literally anyone else and informed them about what she wanted, Chrissy could have been saved. So maybe he didn’t deserve saving either, but the rest of the gang had other plans. 
Steve and Nancy had made a sling from the sheet he'd cut, tying Eddie’s barely conscious body to the other man’s back, and Robin and Nancy boosting them through the gate, before helping a limping Dustin as well. Then it was a race against time to get Eddie the help he needed.
Their group was a hurricane as they borrowed, or more like stole, Max’s mom’s car and rushed to the hospital, Dustin screaming at Eddie to stay awake while Robin kept yelling for Steve to push on the gas with Nancy attempting to staunch the bleeding by putting tourniquets where she could or simply pressing down on the wounds where she couldn’t.
It wasn’t much better when they finally reached the place, all of them screaming for someone to help Eddie, only to start giving directions to the ER team once they arrived as if they were medical staff themselves.
“I’m 0 negative,” Nancy breathed, pulling at her sleeve and rolling it up as far as she could as nurses called for a doctor and the rest helped place, Eddie, on a gurney, Steve also instructing for someone to check on Dustin’s bad ankle, who just diverted them back to Eddie. “A universal donor. He’ll need blood. He – he – he’s lost a lot of blood, he’ll need it.”
“Miss, you need to be checked as well.” A nurse tried to guide her to a different bed, but she ripped out from her grip. “Why don’t we do that before –,”
“I said I’m 0 negative.” Nancy’s tone had turned into a sneer as she stared the nurse down. “Either you take the blood, or I can do it myself.” The nurse had taken a step back from her, the determination in the young woman’s eyes didn’t leave room for arguing, so she just nodded and escorted her to a quieter place.
It took Eddie about two days and four blood transfusions to regain consciousness, despite his wounds being shallow, he'd lost a lot of blood, but his newly found friends were all there for him. 
Steve took care of the food, Nancy made sure someone always remained by Eddie’s side as she set up rotations, while Robin had informed Eddie’s uncle about the situation, but it wasn’t just them. 
Dustin with his bad leg, Lucas with his beaten-up face and even Mike who’d arrived back in Hawkins with El, Will Jonathan and Argyle in tow – all of them were there for Eddie, even going after the police as they’d handcuffed their Dungeon Master to the bed seeing as he was still the prime suspect of the murder of the Queen of Hawkins High. Max had even almost taken one of her crutches and smashed in an officer’s face, but Joyce and Hopper had busted in before that could happen, and despite everything, Eddie had smiled harder than ever. He’d never felt so loved in his life than in that moment.
However, once the presumed-dead ex-chief of police took the reins with a government agent who'd brought them to Hawkins, they were somewhat able to spin Chrissy’s death as Jason’s fault, especially because the other teen had died during the earthquake that’d hit as the aftermath of the gang having beaten Vecna, the Upside Down slowly crumbling in on itself, while the Creel house fell apart, Jason’s body never to be recovered.
The story they settled on was this – the basketball player had seen his girlfriend meet up with Eddie in the woods, and then he’d followed her later on in the evening to where they converged in Eddie’s trailer. Jason confronted the two, his jealousy being a known issue, and that’s when Eddie had left, leaving the couple to resolve their issues on their own, only to return a while later to find Chrissy dead, which prompted him to run in fear of his own life. Max Mayfield was set to be the prime witness to vouch for him, which she did no questions asked.
With the agent's help, they made sure it was a story the whole town, hell the state of Indiana was aware of as well. Of course, some was sceptical, some outright refused to believe anything of the sort, yet the police could do nothing but release Eddie from any charges and drop the case. But that didn’t minimize Eddie’s nightmares, nor did it erase the new scars littering his body courtesy of the Upside Down, and neither did it ease the guilt for leaving Chrissy, so hearing Y/N defend him, believing the lie they’d spun about how her best friend met her end, made his stomach churn. 
She deserved to know. If anyone deserved to be aware of the truth, it was Y/N, which should probably be at the top of his confession list, but his spiral was interrupted when Steve cleared his throat, eyes trained on something over Eddie’s shoulder.
“Umm, you two okay?” A voice from behind him startled the boy, making Eddie whizz around only to be greeted by a smiling Y/N. “I’m here to bring the movies back?” The girl waved the VHSs in her hands looking at Steve. “That is if you still want them.”
Steve sighed nodding in her direction and she took it as her confirmation to step next to Eddie by the counter. “Yes, please. Don’t need three more deducted from my pay-check this month.”
Tentatively Y/N looked at Eddie and gave him a soft ‘hi’, before turning back to Steve, leaving Eddie to his gawking. “What got snatched?”
“Jaws 3-D,” Steve grumbled.
“Shit.” Y/N chuckled. “And not even the good one.” 
He scoffed, hitting the till and giving Y/N the receipt. “Tell me about it.”
“You – uh,” Eddie cleared his throat, eyes shifting from his clasped and wrung hands to Y/N’s eyes. “You’ve seen Jaws?”
“Uh, yeah.” She nodded, smiling softly. “I really like horror and thriller, actually. Well, maybe not anymore.” Her smile turned into a painful grimace. “Don’t think I can stomach anything like that after everything that’s happened. At least not for a while.”
“That’s fair.” Eddie nodded along to her words. “Yeah, no, completely understandable.”
“Mhm,” she hummed, nodding along as well as an awkward silence settled. 
Eddie looked up hoping for Harrington to interrupt them, but Steve was nowhere to be seen, having left the two to talk on their own. The once super senior cursed him for it, giving him no other choice but to continue on with the conversation, but then again – maybe Steve was right. And Eddie wouldn’t say that lightly.
He thought of himself as a coward. He’d run the second danger appeared and only stopped when Dustin, someone he really truly cared about, was in grave danger, but Y/N hadn’t. Not for a second, despite the fact she had everything to lose, despite the fact that Hawkins could turn on her, making her become the new town pariah, she’d stood by Eddie’s side without ever really knowing him. She’d bet on his innocence and won, even though she really didn’t know it was true. So maybe, he could be as brave as she was.
“Hey,” Eddie started and had to avert his gaze when Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes bore into his. “Would you – and I mean you can definitely say no, like no pressure whatsoever – but like, would you want to go out… with… me?”
Y/N raised her brow, a gentle smile playing on her face. “Like on a date?”
“It doesn’t have to be!” he immediately said and cursed himself for backtracking. “We can just be two people who just so happened to go to the same place to do the same thing at the same time… with one another.”
Y/N sucked in the air through her teeth, and that motion alone made Eddie’s heart drop. “I mean that does sound like a date, which I totally would go for, but I gotta say no right now.” 
Of course, she’d say no. 
“If you ask me in like…” Her gaze drifted to a calendar hanging over by the wall, mouth moving as she counted. “Six days, I’ll say yes.”
Eddie was prepared for rejection, but not that sort of a rejection, leaving him dumbfounded. “Umm… okay? Can I – can I ask why?”
Y/N chuckled. “Robin told me your little Hellfire minions and Max have a bet going on when you’ll muster up the courage to ask me out.” The smile on her face turned mischievous. “I sort of want Max to win. She was the only one who said you’d do it before the end of the month. And I want the boys to suffer with how close they got. So, I’d say two birds, or I guess three birds with one stone – we get to go out on a date, Max puts the guys in their place, and they learn not to mess with you.”
“You – you knew I wanted to ask you out?”
Y/N shrugged, fiddling with a bracelet on her wrist. It was her turn to become bashful and nervous. “I mean, I hoped it wasn’t them just making things up.” Uncertainty flashed in her eyes as she shuffled on the spot. “And now I’m sort of hoping you’re not in on this bet, and this isn’t gonna blow up in my face.”
“Yeah – I mean no!” Eddie grabbed onto her shoulders as he fumbled with his words. “This – I had no idea those shitheads had bet on whether or not I’d ask you on a date, but – but they’re right… I uh… the only reason I’m actually ever here is to uh, see you, and well, maybe get the courage to ask you out.” Eddie’s laugh was both out of astonishment and excitement. “Can’t believe those little gremlins bet against me after everything though.”
Y/N mimicked his laugh and bit her lip. “Okay then… I’ll uh, I’ll see you in a few days then? Hopefully it won't take you as long to ask me this time.”
Eddie’s ‘yeah’ was a breathless response, but nevertheless, a confirmation, as he stared at Y/N like she was a Sindarin elf straight from Lord of the Rings while she pointed at Steve who’d now magically appeared back at his station with a satisfied smirk on his mouth, startling Eddie so much he jumped back. “You tell this to Dustin, you’re dead meat much like your paycheck. I still have Sixteen Candles and Nightmare on Elm Street as hostages.”
“Come on, Y/N” he groaned, throwing his head back. “They’re my children! They’ll know I’ll be lying!”
“Then they’ll be the ones carrying your casket, so choose wisely.” 
With that Y/N gave Eddie one final glimmering smile and skipped to her car. If Eddie still had one after everything, he’d be skipping to it too.
But when six days later, he was disturbed by a knock at the door, as Y/N had called him the day before to set it up in a way the kids could witness their talk, he wanted to bury himself six feet below and in that casket, Y/N mentioned to Steve. 
Filled with nerves and jitters, he went over and pushed the doors open only to be greeted by a beaming Y/N as she glanced over her shoulder where he spotted Max ducking back inside her trailer while he noted a bunch of tiny heads watching from below the kitchen window curtain.
God, he was gonna throw up, he couldn’t believe what he was about to say to his dream girl.
“So...” She turned back to look at him. “Ready to ask me something?”
In all honesty, he was sort of glad, that she said he could ask her out only six days later, it gave him more time to mull over those thoughts in his head, and come to the conclusion that yes, he could do it and help out Max by winning the bet, but he’d never subject Y/N to the kind of scrutiny this town would put her through if they so much as had a whiff she’d been in the ten-mile radius around him, no matter her previous stance during the hunt.
“Look...” Eddie sighed, stepping down to be level with her. “You really don’t have to do this. We can go over, say I did it, and then Max can win, but we don’t have to go out on that date. I – I can’t make you go through that.”
As he said those words, he noted how Y/N’s smile slowly dropped, and if there was something Eddie hated more than the Upside Down, it was that.
“Eddie, I’m not here just because of the stupid bet the kids have going on. Honestly...” She crossed her arms and let out a deep breath as if steadying herself. “When Robin told me you wanted to ask me out, I didn’t believe her. Thought it had to be some stupid prank on your part with the rest of Hellfire, and when she said about the bet, that even confirmed it more. I mean what would a guy like you want to do with a girl like me, right? You hate cheerleaders, hate anyone that has to do with conformity and shit, so you had to have something Carrie-Esque planned for me.”
Eddie was just about to interject, especially at the notion he could ever humiliate her in that way, but Y/N kept on talking. “But then she said how you’ve been going to Family Video, how you’ve been bugging Steve and how Steve wouldn’t stop complaining about you to her, and so I took the chance that maybe, just maybe, it’s not a prank, but that you actually like me… so when I heard that rant you went on the other day, I knew it was real for you.”
He had to take an actual step back at her words. “You heard?”
“Yeah, I did. And I want you to know I never believed that you could ever even think about hurting Chrissy. Not once. You’re too good for that, too kind to ever hurt someone like that.”
Eddie’s eyes softened at her words. “You think I’m kind?”
“You put on this tough, metal-head act,” Y/N smiled at him and shrugged. “But… you literally took those kids under your wing, because you knew what it was like to be bullied, and didn’t want that happening to them too, taking on the brunt of whatever Jason and his goons threw your way. You’re not just kind – you’re brave too. You’ve stood up against a town that was ready to hang you. That’s bravery on a level I could never have.”
“You’re brave too.” Eddie instantly interjected, ready to reach for Y/N’s hands, but stopped himself, rubbing the back of his neck instead, fearing he might overstep a boundary. “You – I mean, you literally heard Steve tell me how you told the town to piss off my back about Chrissy when literally you had no evidence, I hadn’t hurt her. I was the prime suspect, yet you – you went against Jason and everyone else for someone who didn’t deserve it.”
“Yes, you did. I might not have been there, nor do I have any physical evidence, but I know, I know in my heart you didn’t lay a single finger on her.” Y/N stepped closer to him, putting her palms on Eddie’s face and rubbing her thumbs underneath his eyes. He hadn’t even noticed he’d started crying. 
Eddie's words were nothing but a whimper. “But I left her there.”
“No one knew Jason was gonna do such a thing.” Y/N shook her head, brushing her fingers along his cheekbones. “And I don’t blame you. It was Jason’s fault… and as horrible as it might sound, I’d rather you be alive than have had the same thing that happened to Chrissy happen to you. That asshole got what he deserved. So, Eddie, let me say this again, and however many times you need me to – you. Are. Good. You are not a coward. And you deserve all the love in the world.”
A teary chuckle escaped him, as he leaned into Y/N’s touch. “Well, then would you give me the biggest honour in the world and please go out on a date with me?”
“Yeah,” Y/N said, beaming at him, a stray tear slipping down her own cheek, which Eddie carefully wiped away. “I’d really love to. And I know who’ll be paying for it.”
Eddie chuckled, pressing his forehead against hers, and her grin widened as he slowly reached for her hands and intertwined their fingers. “You really gonna bully Max for the bet money?”
Y/N scoffed squeezing his palms, thumbs rubbing over his rings. “I’m not heartless. I’m gonna bully the rest of the kids for not having enough faith in you. Seems fair enough.”
“Can I – can I kiss you?” Eddie’s voice trembled, but it shouldn’t, as Y/N leaned up herself and pressed their lips together in a sweet and slow kiss.
The collective ‘NO’ from the boys and a female cackling from Max’s trailer just added to the joy of the situation. Some bets were lost, some bets were won, but ultimately Eddie felt like the true winner. The girl of his dreams had taken a chance on him despite everything. 
And now he was gonna be brave.
He was gonna love her until the very end.          
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​@thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @m-a-t-91​ @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog​ @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​ @strangersstranger​
A/N: I know I haven't written in AGES, but so many things just got in the way, I didn't have the time to but I have already like 4 other Eddie fics in the works.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Young and Beautiful - Steve Rogers smut
The one where you were supposed to be a one-night stand, but Steve won't let that happen
Warnings: smut, and a little bit of angst.
A/N: this was our first ever patreon-voted fic, chosen for the month of May! My patreons at the $3 tier get to send me their ideas once a month and two of them end up being voted so I can write one of them each month. June’s fic is the one where Ransom needs to get a sugar mommy, and if you want to suggest a story for our July’s fic, please consider becoming a patreon! Thank you to my darling @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ for reading this over for me.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
The first time wasn’t a mistake, I could admit to that. Steve had been coming to the same bar where I worked for almost a year now. I knew who he was, of course. Everyone knew - he was hard to miss. But I think what he liked about our run-down place is that no one seemed to care about Captain America and the things he did when he didn’t have a bottle of beer in his hand.
Over here, he was just Steve. And Steve tipped well and drank a lot - I was sure he couldn’t get drunk, no matter how many beers I served him, but he never stopped asking me for more.
So, needless to say, he was adored. Adored by my boss, who was always around to keep watch of his customers and keep them in line. Adored by Luke, who guarded the entrance, for all the nights Steve helped him get rid of men who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. And adored by all the waitresses, for precisely the same reason - and because I always shared my tips with all of them.
Even the kitchen staff adored Steve. Besides, it’s not like he was hard on the eye - all the girls (customers and staff) were constantly fawning over him, but he was nothing short of a gentleman, always.
Actually, he seemed to avoid the members of the opposite sex as best as he could, clearly not interested in whatever it was that they planned to possibly get to do with him. Well, except for me.
He never avoided me. I always figured it was because I was the guardian of the alcohol - we’d even joke about it sometimes, when he came to sit by the bar after politely declining someone’s advances.
“It’s just hard to understand how to date nowadays,” he commented one day after a pretty girl actually asked him out on a date right in front of me, but he refused. I shrugged as I wiped the counter, thinking if there was any advice I could give him.
“It really isn’t that hard. You go out to dinner, walk her home and when you step in front of her door, you ask her for some coffee. She’ll usually do it herself, but if you want to show your interest…” His frown was amusing, to say the least, but I held back my laughter so he wouldn’t be even more uncomfortable.
“A coffee?” Giggling, I nodded. “Before bed? But…”
“It’s a metaphor, Steve. A lady can’t very well invite you into her sheets, now can she?” He blushed three different shades of red when I winked, another giggle escaping. “I mean, she can, but we like to keep some things unsaid - innuendos can be very sexy.”
Two months had passed and if Steve made use of my lessons, I wouldn’t know. He never brought anyone to the bar and never left with any lady who approached him either.
“What can I get ya, Steve?” I’d always ask. I’d never once called him Cap or anything other than the name he used to introduce himself - even though I obviously knew who he was. He always took his time before answering my questions, even if they required a simple yes or no, which amused me to no end.
For a while, I actually believed a gun or one of the buildings the Hulk had undoubtedly thrown in his direction had left him with a difficulty of hearing. But then after my first question, he never seemed to have any problem understanding me at all.
“Just a beer,” he’d say, a small, soft smile as he tried not to stare too much at me, fingers tapping on the counter while I got his order. I appreciated his effort not to make me uncomfortable - I knew he’d seen how often men did that to me. I had no doubt that was why he only ever looked me in the eye from under those huge eyelashes of his.
“There you go.” Always the same routine, we never once deviated from it. Until one night when I was supposed to close the bar and he heard my boss instructing me to be careful.
“There’s been a lot of robberies this late at night. Make sure you lock everything up properly.” I saluted in jest, making the old man laugh and shake his head at me. “See you tomorrow, kid.”
There were only a handful of customers - Steve included, and he was the only one by the bar, so I threw him a quick smile as I wiped the glasses and started to clean the counter.
“Can I get you anything else?” I offered, but he only grimaced in response, leaving me confused. “Is there something wrong?” He stared directly at me without answering for a while before he was able to snap out of whatever it was that had frozen him.
“You’re supposed to leave by yourself at two in the morning?” I chuckled lightly at his concern, avoiding his gaze so he wouldn’t see how it warmed my heart that he’d be preoccupied over me, someone that was a little more than a stranger to him.
“It’s part of the job,” I reassured him. “Well, usually it’s part of Luke’s job. But whenever he has to leave early, it’s my duty to fill in for him.” He nodded, but didn’t make any movement towards leaving. Usually, he would be gone by now, but it wasn’t that extraordinary for him to stay until the hour I left.
This was the first time he stayed this long though, considering I wasn’t the one responsible for closing the bar and I only realized it when I looked around and noticed we were the last two people left in the room.
“Planning on drinking much more?” I joked, trying to gauge if he was going to be much longer, but he seemed startled by my question, looking around to verify the same thing I’d just noticed.
“Oh, no. Not at all.” I smiled, thankful that he was conscious and wouldn’t force me to stay even longer after my shift had finished. “I just figured I could walk you home. It is pretty late, after all.”
My heart warmed up at how sweet and thoughtful this man was. He had no reason to wait for me to finish my job just to walk me home, yet here he was. “Thank you, Steve,” I acknowledged, sending him a grateful grin. “Let me just check the bathrooms real quick. I’ll grab my purse and we can leave.”
He nodded, watching me do as I said and in no time at all we took off together in the direction of my apartment. I wasn’t worried about making small talk with him on the way there - I knew he was a good conversationalist from all the times he had stayed by the bar instead of taking his beer to a table, and I adored the stories he told of his missions just as much as I appreciated how he genuinely cared about what I had to say.
The walk to my place seemed shorter than ever before, and in a few minutes we were standing in front of my door as I searched for my keys in my bag.
“C-Can I…” He murmured as I looked for it, glancing up at him and smiling to signal he should continue even though I couldn’t give him my full attention at that moment. “Would you… Do you have some coffee?”
I was so shocked that my head whipped up to stare at him, eyes wide and unbelieving. Did Steve… Did he… Did he want to have sex with me? “I mean… in your apartment, do you have some coffee in your apartment?”
The thought was so extraordinary that the second I realized his intentions, a fire of desire warmed my lower belly, not because he was Captain America, but because he was an attractive and sweet guy that was way out of my league and I couldn’t believe he was into me.
He kept talking as I kept blinking at him, trying to process what was going on. “’Cause I’d really like to have some coffee… with you… If you want some too…”
His voice got smaller the longer it took for me to answer him, until it disappeared completely and he cleared his throat. “Nevermind.” He was about to turn around and make a run for it, I was sure, but I was able to grasp his wrist just in time, signalling him to stop because I had something to say.
“I would love to make you some coffee, Steve.”
So yeah, the first time wasn’t a mistake. He was way too fucking sweet and I got hot just by seeing how nervous he was to ask me for some “coffee”, incredulous that I was capable of affecting this giant man that much.
So as soon as we were in my apartment, I tied up my hair with the little hair tie I always kept on my wrist during work and got on my knees for him.
And I cherished every fucking second of it.
The way his mouth fell open in a gasp when I reached for his jeans, the little moans he let out as I licked his member… I couldn’t close my eyes, too transfixed by his expressions to miss anything.
The way he pulled me by my hair to devour my mouth, hands so eager to undress me that he ended up ripping my blouse, but it only made me giggle.
The way his groan sounded almost painful when he picked me up, shoved me against the door and penetrated me, filling me so beautifully I hit my head back against the wood and didn’t even notice it.
He got me to cum without almost no preparation, just from the thrill of it all, the stretch of his member inside of me. When I urged him to cum in my pussy, the look on his eyes was enough to get me to cum again, milking him dry as he emptied himself with a growl, forehead dropping against mine while he tried to catch his breath.
I was expecting him to leave immediately or maybe stay for an actual coffee. I wasn’t expecting him to pull out, drop to his knees and start lapping his cum from inside of me, eyes as focused on mine as I had been for him only minutes before.
Burying my fingers in his short locks, I tried to keep myself up despite the way my legs trembled, but Steve just adjusted them so they’d be over his shoulders and held me up with his face buried in me.
I had never cum so many times in a row. But then again, I had never had a man eat his own cum out of me.
I fully intended it to be a one time thing, and that was my plan. I thanked him for eating me out, made him some coffee, giggled at his stories about his friends and for a second it almost looked like we were back at the bar, only the counter was my kitchen table and I was allowed to sit on the other side.
He didn’t ask to stay the evening and I breathed a sigh of relief after I closed the door behind him, ignoring the slight empty feeling that momentarily hit me. This is what I wanted, I reminded myself, and by acting the way I expected him to, he had made it clear that he understood the rules of the dating world he claimed to know so little of.
This was a one time deal. Nothing more.
But then the first night we saw each other at the bar again, it was when he burst through the door to punch some guy who came in just as I was closing, trying to steal the money we had in the vault. I was so fucking relieved to see his face that all I could do was tremble in his arms after the police came to get the robber, and of course I couldn’t let him go after that.
He walked me home and I didn’t even ask anything, just stood on my tiptoes to kiss his lips, using my grip on his shirt to pull him in as he helped me with my clothes.
“You’re so fucking pretty…” He moaned, and perhaps that should have been my first sign, the one that alerted me to stop what I was doing and not make this into a mistake I couldn’t take back.
He hadn’t talked the last time. He had never complimented me before.
“God, your ass…” He groaned as he palmed it, helping me over his lap when he took a seat on my couch, until I could fuse the both of us and ride us to hysteria.
But I didn’t mind. I didn’t mind because it felt so fucking good to be desired by him, to have him inside of me, cumming deep into my pussy only to eat it all out of me again.
It didn’t take long for me to learn about the errors of my way, though. In fact, it started the very next day, when he walked into the bar grinning from ear to ear and made a beeline in my direction.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted, and my eyes went wide as two saucers, especially when I saw him lean over the counter like he intended to peck my lips.
“Hello, Captain.” I quickly turned my back to him, facing the shelves of liquor to pretend that I was looking for something. My heart sank to my stomach as I took in what was happening, what I had just done in my effort to put some distance between us as if last night had never happened. “Can I get you anything?”
The time it took for him to answer almost had me looking at him from over my shoulder, but I restrained myself. “Yeah, you,” he finally said, and I breathed out in surprise. “Why are you acting this way?”
I panicked for a few seconds, reaching up for an already clean glass to attack it with my rag. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tried to reassure the both of us, still incapable of looking him in the eye.
But I could see his massive body by the end of the counter from the corner of my eyes, where he always sat, and I saw him tap the old battered wood with his fingers - fingers he had used to spread me open for his tongue to reach - as he thought.
I hoped he would let it go. I hoped he would not.
“Fine,” he relented, and I froze, uncertain of what he meant. “I’ll come back tomorrow.” My head snapped up just in time to watch him leave, and he didn’t even look over his shoulder.
I tried to tell myself it was for the best. He needed some time to get over whatever the hell it was that he thought he was feeling and tomorrow things would go back to normal. But that wasn’t what happened.
He came back with flowers the next day, and I didn’t have any reasonable excuse not to accept it. He didn’t push for anything, just gave me the bouquet before asking for his usual drink. And then he proceeded to stay the entire evening right there, where he always sat, carefully watching my every move.
For the first time in a while, I broke two glasses in a single evening.
The day after that, he came with a box of chocolates. I couldn’t hide the smile because they were my favorite - I didn’t know how he knew it until he reminded me.
“You told me you liked them right when I started coming to this place.” His eyes were so heavy with a sad feeling that I couldn’t recognize that I had to avert my gaze. It messed with my heartbeat, it left my throat feeling dry.
“Thanks, Captain,” I softly acknowledged it, and I saw the way his grip on the box tightened. I saw it in the way it was slightly crumpled when I took it from his hands, but he didn’t say a word.
There was only so much that he could take, though. And I knew that. It didn’t help that my boss had caught onto his intentions and started to push me to go out on a date with him.
“Why don’t you give the poor guy a chance?” He’d incite, much to Steve’s utter glee.
“Yeah, Y/N. Why don’t you go out with me?” Steve urged, and although he never asked when my boss wasn’t around to initiate the teasing, I knew he wondered.
And the truth was that I wondered about it too. Because everything was screwed up now. When I gave him his beer and our fingers brushed, mine were left tingling. When I looked his way to find his gaze already on me, I shivered.
So yes, the second time was undeniably a mistake, but there wouldn’t be a third time. I’d make sure of it.
Steve’s P.O.V.
I was tired of waiting. I knew I had wanted her since the first time I laid my eyes on her, when I decided to stop at this rundown bar in the hopes of one night of crappy beer without being bothered by anyone asking for autographs or pictures.
I’d come here almost every night when I could escape the tower to watch her work, slowly getting her to warm up to me, and I fell for her personality in the process.
The way she clearly saw me as Steve, and not my title.
The way she always laughed at my stories and shared what had happened in the previous nights with the raucous customers.
The way she seemed to care about everyone and everything that came into contact with her.
So what started as desire became something deeper and for the first time since I was unfrozen, I found myself eager to understand what dating in this new century was like. I asked Sam for advice, and even Tony for any tips he could give me, but their general ideas didn’t matter to me when all I wanted was one single person.
So I asked her for her thoughts on the matter and was surprised with myself when I put them into practice. I was even more surprised when she accepted my advances and welcomed me into her embrace.
I was sure I’d never been happier than that evening.
But to have her pretend nothing had happened and even worse - treat me like a stranger after I had learned the taste of her skin? Nothing hurt deeper than that.
And still, I understood. I realized then that she hadn’t seen the situation the way that I had. She had thought all I wanted was a one-night deal - well, two-night deal - because I had never shown her anything to make her think differently.
So I set out to do just that. My way this time. And I was just about ready to ask her on a proper date when I was forced away for a whole damn month, having to resort to my hand and my memories of her body to get through the cold nights on the field.
The second I was back in the city, I only had one thing in mind. To get what I wanted, in whatever way she would let me.
“Can we talk?” My voice sounded clipped to my own ears, and maybe that’s why her mouth opened in surprise - or maybe it was seeing me at the bar so early, when there was barely anyone around, after being absent for so long.
“Sure,” she finally accepted, shrugging like it was no big deal, but I knew better than that. She might not know it, but I could read her perfectly, and I knew she was hiding her true feelings even to herself. I knew those feelings were deeper than she had ever felt. I knew they made her scared.
“Not here.” She stopped cleaning glasses then, frozen for a second before she looked around, taking in the fact that no one else was going to need her for a while. There was nowhere to run and maybe I was a jerk for doing this during her work hours, but I was a desperate jerk and I couldn’t wait a second longer.
“Okay.” She sounded small, and I knew what she was expecting to get out of this conversation. Closure, in one way or another. For me to finally let go of her. But I wouldn’t.
I wanted her too damn bad to let her escape like that.
“Go out with me.” I asked the second that the office door was closed behind us, and she immediately started shaking her head. “Yes, please,” I insisted. “Let me show you that I want more from you. I want so much more.”
“I can’t give you more,” was her answer, and she still avoided my eyes as she spoke. “One night, you even had two. That’s all I can give you. Please don’t ask me for anything more.”
“Why?” I asked, and the frustration in my voice was enough to get her to meet my eyes for the first time that evening. “Why are you trying to avoid this? I know you want me, Y/N. You wouldn’t have slept with me if you didn’t. So just tell me why.”
“I can’t,” she insisted, moving towards the door, but I grasped her hand to stop her before she could slip through it - much like she had done that first night, when I thought I’d screwed up any chance I had to ever be with her.
“Tell me why you’re holding yourself back from me,” I ordered, anger and desire creating an explosive cocktail inside of me, making my voice hoarse. I saw her shiver. I watched her break.
“Because it was too fucking good and I swear to God, if you get your mouth on me again, I’m gonna marry you.” Our expressions mirrored one another, eyes wide, mouths hanging open. She couldn’t believe she had let out her feelings like this. I couldn’t believe there was all there was to it.
I dropped to my knees before her.
“Come here.” I shoved her jeans all the way down to her ankles, sending the button flying somewhere. I couldn’t tell where and I didn’t care. All I wanted was to show her that there was nothing wrong with wanting this, with wanting me because as long as she allowed me to, I’d give anything to be with her.
My tongue was so hungry to taste her sweetness again. I licked a stripe between her lower lips before I could even get my hand there, spreading her with my fingers for easier access.
God, she was heavenly. I watched her let her head fall back against the door, much like the first time I was able to be in this position, and my heartbeat fluttered at the realization that this time, I was much closer to getting what I really wanted from her.
“I’ve been terrified of my own feelings for long enough,” I decided to confess, parting from her clit to be able to speak but slipping two digits inside her hole, filling her up, preparing her to welcome me. “I can wait for you to come to terms with yours. But I can’t keep myself away,” I warned, quickening my movements as I chased away the taste of her in my tongue. “So don’t ask that of me.”
Her moan had my eyes sparkling with excitement. I lowered my head to suck her button, see the way it made her thighs tremble on each side of my face.
“So fucking sexy,” I moaned against her cunt. “Come for me, sweetheart. Drench my face.” Her little cry of ecstasy denounced she was about to do just that, so I twirled my tongue around her clit, rubbing my digits against her sweet spot as her body tensed under my ministrations.
“There you go…” I whispered, fascinated with the way she looked after her release. It was like she glowed from the inside, muscles relaxing to accept my caresses when I finished cleaning her with my tongue and rose to my full height.
“Next time you try to pretend something between us didn’t happen, I’m gonna bend you over the counter and spank your ass in front of all of the other patrons,” I warned her before nibbling her earlobe. “Go out with me,” I tried again, and she took a deep breath before answering, looking up at me from under her eyelashes.
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spicyavenger · 3 years
Next door part 3
Biker!Bucky x reader
Summary- Bucky Barnes is a biker with a bad reputation, he’s intrigued by his neighbour and hates her boyfriend.
Warnings- domestic violence, non-con, gaslighting, victim blaming, emotional abuse, coercion, mentions of child abuse, allusions to eating disorders and self-esteem issues.
You were awoken by the sound of a mug being placed on the bedside table.
You reluctantly opened your eyes when you felt the bed sink down beside you.
“Morning sleepyhead.” Jacks said softly once your eyes met his.
“Morning.” You mumbled.
“I made you some tea.” He gestured to the steaming mug beside you.
“Thank you.” Your voice was quiet.
“Look…about last night…” he let out a deep breath as he spoke.
“It’s fine.” You interrupted him “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We need to talk about it though babe.” He pressed “what I did…I…I can’t believe that was me…”
You stared at him blankly as he spoke.
“I love you Y/N, I love you so much.” His eyes began to fill with tears as he spoke “I understand if you want to leave me…I understand if you hate me.”
You felt tears form in your own eyes when you saw the heartbreak in his eyes, he truly felt bad for what had happened. He truly hated himself.
“I don’t hate you Jack.” You let out a deep breath as you spoke “but if you ever raise a hand to me again I’m done.”
He nodded enthusiastically, reaching out to take your hand in his.
“I mean it…you so much as raise your voice to me again and I’m leaving.” You surprised yourself with how assertive you sounded.
“I understand.” His voice was filled with sincerity.
You didn’t speak for a moment, relieved that your relationship was saved.
“I want to talk to you about Bucky.” Jack broke the silence “I don’t want you going near him ever again.”
“He’s our neighbour Jack.” You said gently.
“He’s a criminal.” Jack interrupted you “he’s the leader of a biker gang.”
“What?” You were shocked.
“The guys at the station were telling me about him. He’s a bad person babe.” Jack explained “he beat a guy almost to death a few years back.”
“Are you sure?” You questioned.
“Of course I’m sure.” Jack nodded “that’s why I got so angry when you were around him, I was worried for you…you understand that don’t you?”
“Yeah…yeah I understand.” Your voice was quiet.
“Get me more information on him.” Bucky demanded.
“Pal, I think you need to let this one go.” Steve sighed “you offered to help and she refused, maybe you just misunderstood the situation.”
“So you’re saying he doesn’t hurt her?” Bucky scoffed.
“I’m saying if it was that bad she��d accept any help that was offered.” Steve said calmly.
“That’s not how it works and you know it.” Bucky’s voice raised slightly.
“All you saw was his grabbing her arm. I think you’re getting a little too invested…because of…because of your.”
“If you say a single fucking word about my childhood I swear you’ll regret it.” Bucky interrupted.
“Buck, I’m on your side here.” Steve said calmly “I just don’t want you to get in too deep with something that’s going to upset you.”
“I can handle myself.” Bucky responded, slightly less irritably.
A knock at the door sounded through the room, Sam walking through the door looking slightly frazzled.
“What’s up?” Steve took in the look of distress on his friends face.
“The police…they’re organising a raid of the warehouse.” Sam explained.
“What?” Steve was shocked “we have an agreement with them, they’re supposed to leave us alone.”
“There’s a new chief, apparently he’s not going to honour our agreement.” Sam said.
“Who is it?” Bucky knew what the answer would be before Sam spoke.
His mind went numb when Sam said your boyfriends name.
“Clean out everything we have there, move it to the other location.” Bucky ordered.
Steve and Sam quickly left the room to go start on the job. Once they’d left Bucky let out a deep breath, running his hands down his face.
After taking a moment to collect his thoughts he reached for his phone, dialling the only person who could help in this situation.
“Ma?” He felt instant relief when she answered.
“Hi Jamie.” She said cheerfully “is everything okay baby?”
“Can I come over tonight?” He asked “I need your advice on something.”
“Of course you can.” She instantly agreed “it’ll be great to see you.”
You’d spent the day lounging on the sofa, yet to change out of your pyjamas. You were replaying what had happened with Jack over and over. Trying to figure out what had caused him to snap.
He’d been nothing but perfect throughout your relationship, helping you escape a life of crime and drugs; allowing you to live with him. He paid all the bills, he gave you an allowance to get your hair and nails done whenever you wanted, he loved you; he took care of you. He’d just made a mistake, you could forgive him for that.
You let out a sigh before forcing yourself to your feet, pouring a glass of water and taking two pain killers to dull the ache in your head before beginning to prepare dinner for you and Jack.
“Hey Ma.” Bucky shouted as he entered his mother’s house.
“There’s my boy.” She greeted happily, planting a kiss on her sons cheek “how’s things?”
“Things are okay.” Bucky answered “where’s Becca?”
“She’s out with her boyfriend.” Winnie said.
“What!?” Bucky immediately paled “what do you mean boyfriend? Who is this guy?”
“She’s 17 James.” Winnie laughed “she’s allowed to have a boyfriend.”
“What’s his name?” Bucky asked “where does he live?”
“Calm down.” Winnie said softly “she’s safe, he’s a nice boy.”
“I want to meet him.” Bucky demanded.
“And you will, when Becca’s ready to introduce you.” Her voice was gentle “you need to let her make her own choices.”
“Whatever.” Bucky grumbled.
“Now go sit down.” Winnie ordered “I’ve made you dinner.”
Bucky obediently sat down as his mother served him his meal, grabbing a bowl for herself and sitting opposite him.
“What did you want to talk about then Jamie?” Winnie asked as she picked up her fork.
“Dad.” Bucky for straight to the point, immediately noticing how his mother’s grip tightened around her fork.
“What do you want to know?” Winnies voice wavered slightly.
“I know…a girl.” Bucky said cautiously “I think her boyfriends hurting her.”
“Have you asked her about it?” Winnie asked.
“She denied it.” Bucky explained.
“Maybe she doesn’t want to leave him.” Winnie mused.
“Why would she want to be with him?” Bucky looked confused “why would anyone want to be with someone like that?”
“It takes a lot of strength to leave Jamie.” Winnie’s voice was soft “I know you don’t remember much because you were so young…but your dad was a good man sometimes. He didn’t always hurt me, he made me feel so special. He’d gaslight me into thinking I loved him despite what he was doing…I just kept waiting for him to turn back into the man he once was.”
“So what made you finally leave?” Bucky attempted to hide the tears in his eyes.
“When he hurt you and Becca.” Winnie spoke through tears of her own “you two are the most important people in my life, I couldn’t watch you go through what he’d put me through.”
“I love you Ma.” Tears we’re freely falling down Bucky’s face at this point “I’m sorry you had to go through all that alone.”
“I was never alone, I had you and Bec.” Winnie smiled through her tears “but it sounds like this girl is alone, and that makes it a lot harder to leave. So be patient with her, let her know you’re there to offer help when she’s ready to take it.”
“Dinner smells amazing babe.” Jack wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you as soon as he entered the house.
“Let me just dish up love.” You said softly, not wanting the food to burn.
“Great, now I can’t even hug my fucking girlfriend.” Jack grumbled.
“I just don’t want it to get burnt.” You defended yourself.
Jack scoffed before making his way to the table, grabbing a beer on the way.
“You’re eating all that?” Jack questioned when he eyed your plate.
“I’m hungry.” You shrugged.
“I’ll never want to marry you if you look like a fucking whale babe.” Jack chuckled.
Suddenly you didn’t feel hungry, thinking instead about how your stomach wasn’t perfectly flat, how there wasn’t a gap between your thighs.
“You’re right.” You forced a smile, spooning half of your plate onto Jacks.
As you looked down at the remainder of your meal, a churning feeling in your stomach prevented you from taking more than a few bites, before scraping the rest of the food into the bin.
The sun warmed your back as you leant down to plant some hydrangeas in the once empty flower bed. Jack being at work provided you with a much needed sense of calm, you’d been on edge around him since the night of Bucky’s party; constantly waiting for him to snap again.
“Hey Y/N.” Bucky’s voice sounded from above you where he was leaning on the fence “the flowers look good.”
“Thank you.” You said politely.
“How are you doing?” He asked.
“I’m okay.” You answered.
“Good…look I’m sorry if I upset you when I came over, I shouldn’t have done that.” He sounded nervous.
“No, you shouldn’t have.” You continued to stare at the flowers, refusing to make eye contact.
“Was he angry?” Bucky asked.
“I don’t want to talk about my relationship.” You said bluntly.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry for asking.” He said gently.
“It’s okay.” You sighed.
He remained silent for a few moments, allowing you to contemplate your next words.
“He doesn’t want me to talk to you.” You blurted out, immediately regretting it.
“Why’s that?” Bucky asked, he didn’t sound angry, more curious.
“Y-you’re in a biker gang...you’re a criminal.” You stuttered.
Bucky chuckled “Just because I like bikes doesn’t mean I’m in a criminal gang sweetheart.”
You wanted to ask him more questions, but decided against it. You didn’t want to make him angry, or offend him.
“It’s not my business.” You shrugged.
“I suppose not.” Bucky responded.
Another silence fell between you, once again you were the one to break it.
“He’s not a bad person you know.” You defended your boyfriend “I know you think he is…but he’s not.”
“You deserve better.” Bucky said softly.
You felt tears begin to form, the bruises that were still healing began to ache. Your breathing began to speed up, your heart rate increasing.
“I can’t talk about this.” You rushed out, rising to your feet and abandoning your gardening.
“I’m here doll, whenever you’re ready.” Bucky’s gentle tone caused you to let out a sob “whatever you need.”
You didn’t respond, instead opting to run into the house where you waited patiently for Jack to return home; just like a good girlfriend should.
Jack was drunk again, more drunk than usual. He’d stumbled home in a foul mood, immediately forcing his tongue down your throat.
“I’m just tired Jack.” You said softly “why don’t we go to bed?”
“You don’t want to have sex with me.” Jack whined “you don’t even love me.”
“Of course I love you.” You brushed your thumb against his cheek “just because I’m not in the mood doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
“You can be so selfish Y/N.” He slurred “everything I do for you and you can’t even show me a bit of love.”
“Jack…you’re pressuring me…you’re making me feel uncomfortable.” You attempted to keep your voice strong.
“Again with the fucking victim complex!” Jack shouted “I’m sick of you accusing me of shit that isn’t my fault. You’re a shitty girlfriend Y/N, you know that don’t you?”
You didn’t respond, staring at your feet instead.
“I asked a fucking question!!” Jacks voice got impossibly louder as his fist collided with the wall beside your head.
“I know…I know I am.” Your voice was small, desperate not to escalate the situation.
“I forgive you babe, it’s okay.” His demeanour suddenly changed, his hands brushing up and down your sides “now come to bed and make it up to me.”
You obediently followed him, not having the energy for a fight.
As you laid in bed with his nails digging into your hips as he thrust in and out of you, you made a decision. This wasn’t right, you had to get out. You were going to get out.
Note- I haven’t been able to do a tag list for this chapter as I’m posting it off my phone, sorry! Feedback is always appreciated. This story is like therapy for me and is really helping me work through my trauma❤️
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poppy-metal · 2 years
I just finished punch drunk love and I am so so attached to reader in that fic????
Maybe I'm looking too into this and I'll spend stupid if I say this but I feel like reader has major attachment and abandonment issues. This isn't another case of me relating way too much to YN in a fic (it totally is) but I somehow just know she's very depressed
1) from this quote from the fic:
“God, I love when you’re such a fuckin’ sap, you know that?”
I can tell that she's attached to eddie because he encouraged her to open up, to be vulnerable and be  human. But she relapses into a toxic state of dominance when she breaks up with eddie. It's very obvious that the last time she's ever been openly vulnerable was when they broke up and in that moment she was 'fucked over' by the love of her life. She knew that if she became vulnerable and emotional she might lose someone she really cares for and loves, so she's mean and stubborn as a shield from opening up to people and basically just being human
Here are some other quotes to back up my point:
"You're ashamed to feel tears burn your eyes. You hate crying. Emotional crying anyway. Especially when you spent two hours on this whole smokey eye look, fuck."
"You squirm as your eyes turn to Steve again. "And i didn't want you to know how much i liked being dominated....was too embarrassing. It's easier to just be a bitch. But i love you, steve. Come here?""
2) speaking of being vulnerable,  maybe she was scared of doing so because she met some toxic people in her life? This quote:
"You lean into Eddie's touch immediately, wanting to crawl into his lap, so you do. You can't believe you're lucky enough to have someone like him. He should be throwing you out, and banishing you from his trailer but instead he's saying You can have what you want? That he wants it too?"
Might imply that ppl have left reader in the dumps for acting the way she is (remember, she became mean, a prude and a cunt when she moved away)
3) she uses her attractiveness as an escape from opening up. When she was fucking eddie for a second time, she says this:
""Pl- missed you so much- my pussy missed you so much-""
She makes everything sex related to distract others from realizing how hopeless and depressed she is. If she wants to feel something, she has to do it sexually, not emotionally or intimately
And finally, 4) it's obvious other people have tried encouraging her to vent, to open up. But she refused. Why though? Because they weren't eddie
This quote shows how others have tried helping her :
"You flush angrily and pop up, hating being called out. God, why did everyone wanna make you own up to things?"
So yeah, as much of a cunt she is, reader just wants to be loved and reassured. She's heartbroken and seeks comfort in eddie (well, eddie and steve)
or maybe I'm just look too deep into this and being an idiot lmao
so punch drunk love was originally an RP with me and one of my close friends (that's why the format may read different than usual) that I liked so much i wanted to edit it into a fic, so this...you just read me to filth. LMAOOOOOOO
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but its honestly so sweet? you took time to analyze the character? ik we all write fics w reader as a pretty blank slate so everyone has a chance to relate but i like reader w problems. I like reader who fucks up and does wrong and has ugly thoughts and does shitty things in the name of love. i love dissecting that.
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Thank you so much @cristinatheloser for this ask <3 You’re just as sane as I am bro because I too love to destroy my heart reading angst:’)
Is this our Destiny?
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Pairings - Biker!Joaquín Torres x GN!Biker!Reader
Premise - How could the best day of your life turn into your worst nightmare? Is this your destiny?
Warnings - Canon level violence
Note - So, as I have imagined them as Bikers, in this AU the avengers don’t exist, but the X Men do. This is going to be a tear-jerker, stay safe and keep the tissues ready!
Even when you were wearing a helmet, the wind blew your hair in all directions. On the deserted highway leading to nowhere, it was just you, him, and his bike.
The sun was setting, the wind was cool and refreshing on your skin. You could see a glimpse of the ocean in front of you. In that instant, you knew you were living in memory you would be looking back on in the future, reminiscing about the glory days of your youth.
“We’re near” He shouted, glancing a look back at you.
You met each other when you were traveling around the country four years ago. On a journey to find yourself and your purpose.
Growing up as an orphan, you never had a family, it was shifting from one foster home to another. Your last foster parents were bikers. They fuelled your love for motors and bikes by teaching you how to ride one and gifting you their old bike when you aged out.
You made a stop in his town on your way to LA, then headed to a bar to relax. He got into a fight with a guy named Rumlow because he was hitting on you even after you said you weren’t interested. After which, with a busted lip and a bleeding forehead, he offered to escort you back to your motel safely. He rode his bike with you to your motel and bid farewell.
You ended up staying longer than you intended, partly because your bike broke down, and partly because the cute guy from the bar couldn’t leave your mind all night.
The old thing was from the 70s. It was worn down so much that it refused to work even after you spent hours trying to fix it. You rolled your bike to a nearby garage and found out he worked there. He was a biker like you and he introduced himself and his friends.
Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Bruce, Peter, Wanda, and Thor. Tony was the owner of the garage and the bar, and all of them worked there. They were a group of bikers called “The Avengers”. They helped you with your bike, especially Torres. Everyone there had a very impressive knowledge of bikes. When they realized yours was a collectible, Tony and Bruce offered you a full restoration of your bike for a very low price. You couldn’t refuse.
Wanda invited you to stay at her house for the time being. You were skeptical at first, but when you realized she was a very kind person, you agreed. Luckily, Torres was her neighbor.
It was hard for you to believe he was real, you've encountered the worst sides of people growing up in the system, but he was nothing like them. He was the sweetest, most caring guy you've ever met. You would go around the town and talk for hours under the stars at night.
You told him about your plan to travel the country on your bike, visiting unknown places and basically going on a big adventure. He asked if he could join you. He had been saving money for a long time and loved the idea of traveling with you.
So, when your bike was restored, it was you, him, and your bikes on the road for a month of traveling the country. He liked you, that was obvious and you liked him. One night and four tequila shots were all it took for you to hit it.
You didn’t realize when you fell in love with him, but it was for the best. When you came back to the town, you decided to settle there. You found your place in his town, and in his heart. His friends became your friends, and you finally got your family. You matched wits and sarcasm with Tony, Your cleverness with Natasha, and your humor with Sam and Peter. You even made the otherwise shy and reserved Bucky a loudmouth.
And Joaquin, oh man. You had him wrapped around your finger. He loved you so much. He was the missing thing you had been searching for your whole life. You fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. You started working shifts at the bar and the garage to earn your living and moved in together in an apartment. You visited his grandmother every week and she adored you. You were happy, living in the present, dreaming about a life with your lover, who was currently heading towards somewhere he wanted to surprise you.
He stops the bike near a clearing, off of the road, and looks back at you. “After you” He mockingly bows. You playfully hit him on his arm and get down. You take off your helmet and look beyond. You were standing on an elevated terrain, the ocean touching the horizon in front of you. The sun was setting down, its reflection hitting the water, the sky painted multicolor in all shades of orange and blue. The view was breathtaking.
“Joãco, this is so beautiful I-”
You look to your side and stop. He was kneeling, on his knees, a ring in his hands. The same ring that adorned his grandmother’s hand for the last 40 years.
You couldn’t breathe, a warm feeling overtaking your body in an instant. “I have a big speech ready, amor so don’t you cry now.” He gives you a cheeky grin. Your vision becomes blurry as you feel tears falling down your cheeks.
“Okay, here it goes. Y/N, you are the most wonderful and amazing person I have ever met. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and I really hope you say yes so you can be my partner. You were the reason behind my first adventure. I want you to be the reason behind every single one of them until we’re the grumpy old couple of the neighborhood. Y/N Y/L/N. Will you marry me?”
You were sobbing as he finished his speech. “Yes! Yes! Thousand times yes!” you scream and hug him. You laughed as he picked you up and spun you, laughing with you. He puts you down and places the ring on your finger. It fits you perfectly. You kiss him with all you have, overcome with joy. He holds you tight against him as he kisses you back.
“I love you Joaco” you break the kiss and whisper against his lips.
“I love you more” he smiles as he leans his forehead against yours. You two sit down on the ground in each other’s arms, admiring the view of the sunset.
“You know Wanda’s going to freak out.” You giggled as you said that.
“So is Peter. He’s been on and on about being my best man any chance he gets.”
“Oh my god!” you laughed out loud. You were so happy, so blissful. Filled with hope, you imagine the two of you with a life of your own.
It was chilly all of a sudden, a sudden drop of temperature in the atmosphere. You felt it in your gut, a feeling that something bad was about to happen. You look up at the sky to see the seagulls flying over the ocean disappear in thin air. You stand up.
“What the…” Joaquin stands up after you.
“Did you see that?” you ask him as you point to the sky.
Your hand begins to disintegrate. Your fingers start to turn into dust.
“Baby!” He tries to grab your arm but catches air. You don’t feel pain, but you start to feel lightheaded.
“No, No!” He screams as he tries to hold you.
“No, Y/N what’s happening! what..." Tears welled up in his eyes. You wanted to wipe them away but your arms were gone.
“I love y…” you manage to mutter out as your vision blacks out.
It ended as soon as it started. You stood there with your hands raised to catch him, but he was gone. The sun was up in the sky, it was sometime in the afternoon. But how is that possible? It was sunset just now! You turn around and his bike is missing, and somehow your surroundings seemed… greener? You were sure the grass wasn’t as wild as it was just seconds ago. You were confused beyond your mind. What was happening?
“Joaco?” you call out. Some part of your brain knew he wouldn’t be there but you ran around the area, crying out his name. He wasn’t there. You move towards the road, it was the same but there were small cracks appearing on the corners. Your town was miles away, how would you get back? And, where was Joaquin? He was standing in front of you and then he was gone!
You saw a truck coming down the road, heading towards the town, and it looked very familiar. You wave your hands above you wildly and shout.
The truck stops in front of you, the familiar faded ‘Excelsior’ spray-painted on its side. It was old Stan's truck. The friendly old man from your town whom everybody knew.
"Y/N?" he asks as he opens the door. Wearing his baseball cap with his worn-out checked shirt, old music blasting from his radio. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. “It’s really you!” he exclaims.
“What do you mean it’s really me?” you ask him in bewilderment. “Oh dear, how did you come back?” He asked you, dead serious.
“What are you talking about?” you shout in frustration. “I saw you three days ago, Stan."
“No, no you didn’t” he replies.
As on cue, you hear the radio stops. Everything felt deathly silent. And then-
“We interrupt this broadcast for an emergency announcement. Every person that was blipped by the aliens five years ago has come back. The X-Men fulfilled their promise. There are blipped people all around the globe. The famous hero Logan, or as we all know him as Wolverine is in critical condition after fighting Thanos and his alien army and bringing our loved ones back. Recently…”
The radio stops. You look at Stan in a confused way. “Maybe it would be better if I explained it to you myself. Hop on.”
You climb up on the passenger seat. What was the lady on the radio talking about? X-Men? Five years? Aliens?
You slump back in your seat, trying not to have a panic attack as Stan slowly explained the whole thing. You weren’t missing for a second, you were missing for five whole years.
So apparently a guy named Thanos attacked Earth the moment you were driving off to the cliff. The X Men tried their best but were unable to defeat him. He had this twisted dream of erasing half of the universe's population from existence so that they would thrive. He fulfilled it, and unfortunately, you were one of them.
It’s been five years since you told Nat you’d see her the next day at work as you climbed on the back seat of Joaquin’s bike. Five years since you disappeared into thin air in front of Joaquin. Five Years.
Wanda got married to the local English teacher she was dating, and they had twins, Billy and Tommy. Tony and Pepper got married too, and they have a daughter called Morgan. He misses Peter dearly, who was blipped along with you, Sam and Bucky. Your heart ached for him. Peter was basically raised by him, who provided for him and his aunt selflessly when his parents passed away. You recall when he accidentally called his dad once during work. He brushed it off as a joke but you were sure you saw his eyes water. Steve moved to New York because he wanted to help as many people as he could. And Nat went with him.
“And Joaquin?” you ask him after he finished the whole thing. He stayed quiet. “Stan, what about Joaquin?” you ask him again.
“I don't know what to say.” His shoulders slumped in defeat.
“What do you mean?” You get emotional just thinking about him. He may look intimidating on the outside, with his leather jacket and his silver rings, and his bike, but he was shy. He would not open up to people if he was suffering through pain or grief. It took him months into your relationship before he opened up to you about his mother. She had a medical condition due to which she passed away when he was a teenager, and you could feel how much courage it took him to do so. You couldn’t imagine what would be going on in his mind. He saw you turn into dust minutes after proposing to you. You couldn’t bear to imagine what he must have been through in these years.
“I think it would be better if you met him yourself.” Saying so, he stops the truck at the entrance of the Graveyard.
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