#i really wasnt expecting sam to sound like he does but i actually really like his voice. it's interesting. i like how soft he sounds
tin-cant · 2 years
I've been thinking about the Brenattos recently
I've been engaging with the cr fandom for maybe a year or so, particularly in Veth centric parts of it and I've noticed two groups. The "veth×yeza is a perfect ship and I adore them and they deserve everything" and the "They have serious unresolved issues in their marriage that the fandom ignores" group. I follow both groups because honestly anyone who calls themselves a veth stan is cool in my book and has amazing taste.
But the thing is I kinda agree with both? I adored them when I was first watching c2 but I've seen some great meta and things Sam has said on talks that makes it pretty clear they have problems. Maybe im so conflicted because I like them both or I like the concept of these two parents being put through so much and coming back to eachother. Maybe it's just a matter of taste and I'm a little baby im denial who can only handle so much relationship angst.
It could also be because of how it was handled in c2. Mostly they were treated as this adorable couple with a message of acceptance, but then we'd get hints that Veth wasnt happy. I believe Sam even mentioned that he expected Yeza to get confrontational and was disappointed when he didn't. The campaign just kinda ended without tackling any of it. It felt like it was all set up and no payoff or even addressing of said setup. All of the neins ending were very clearly meant to be good and them settling down pretty much permanently. So Veth being stuck in an unhappy marriage just doesn't seem right to me but an offscreen divorce that was never mentioned during the end of c2 also feels really lame.
Where does this put me personally as someone who wants to see the angst and the wholesomeness? Personally I adore the idea of them promising to be more open with eachother and slowly improving over the years. Can you imagine if there was a scene somewhere around the end of c2 where Yeza finally breaks down and admits how scared Veth leaving constantly makes him and Veth explaining to him why the idea of being a housewife again doesn't make her happy? Them both acknowledging that they kept these things to themselves because they're scared of hurting eachother. That leading into them discussing what Veth can do in the future that will actually make her happy without leaving constantly or putting herself in danger. Veth thinking on it and deciding to open the camp. Veth realizing how lonely Yeza can get and taking breaks when she gets to caught up in work to spend time with him. Them paying attention to when it sounds a little bit to much like the other is saying things just to make them happy and calling eachother out for it. For me at least that's way more interesting than the idea of a post canon divorce or a perfect couple that has zero problems. (Probably cause I'm an overly optimistic sucker for people learning how to be happy together again)
This unfortunatly isnt a take that I've seen others have yet so I'm releasing this rambly post into the wild with the hopes someone will eat it up. Maybe even write a fic cause you can probably tell from this post I'm no writer.
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
- hes smart and good at what hes doing, I wouldnt be surprised if he got his position by skill not from his father
- he is the most powerful guy in the palace and he knows it but also knows he cant show it and has to nudge sam in the right direction not tell him what to do
- he knows how to play the court game, using servants and all, and also never shows all his cards (not asking sam about the announcement after he found out about it)
- its clear where his trust lies, techno, sneeg to a certain degree and wilbur (I believe he wasnt telling him everything so far just bc he was young and didnt need to know)
- techno is his bestie
- his goals are also pretty clear, at least thanks to what we know from wilburs pov
im sure he cares about the kingdom and advises sam well, his advice about choosing an heir made a lot of sense, but it was also a way to ensure that wilbur will know all the possible heirs and have his position more secure
now that theres a possible new heir, tommy has become a danger to this plan bc hes a latecomer to the party and its not sure if he would choose wil, were he to become the heir
- very close to wilbur
- smart and favoured by the people, studying and trying hard to get ready to possibly become a queen
- shes been trained well to survive in court, perfecting the art of keeping a straight face, saying appropriate stuff, knowing how to dress etc.
- she doubts it outloud but I have a feeling inside she knows about her solid chances of being chosen
- yes shes really nice, but im sure the wish to become queen from childhood still stays, she does want the power and I dont doubt she could go to great lengths to get the power
- sounds like a smart ambitious fella
not sure why is he so sure about being chosen, but maybe thats just his personal delusion, that does sound like a c! quackity trait
- would like to see him become the king purely to see how he would wear his coif under the crown
- loves ponk and doesnt even try to hide it too much but also will never admit it
- in the prequel it seemed like he valued phils advice, but rn im not so sure
it looks like he wants to show phil hes the one with power or that he can also find a potential heir himself, phil mentioned he likes to experiment
but its also possible hes being so secretive about tommy for a completely different reason, hopefully well learn next chapter
there is so much we know already about them after only one chapter its crazy when you actually realise
ive just realised the very real probability of tommy forming relationships with techno and phil, its still sbi fic after all, and there are so many possibilities I cant wait to see it play out
well now I go read others' asks while I buzz with excitement about both rose and glass
oh yeah phil didn't get his position from his father! he became the consil all on his own merit. that's something you'll learn more about later on :)
the thing is is that phil is smart. he is cautious and knows when not to overplay his hand, and he also understands what moves need to be taken to progress the game. he knows his power and wants wilbur to have that as well.
niki is definitely the favored and expected heir. in a way, this is more her birthright than anyone else's. she's trained for this her entire life, and even if she has her doubts, she wants to believe that she's the best choice for the role. and the desire for power is there. it's been there since she was a little girl.
LMAOOO that's the real question here, how would quackity wear the coif under the crown. alternate universe where quackity realizes that he'd have to take the coif off if he ever became king and immediately decides he doesn't want it
(he is extremely clever and ambitious though. he knows what he wants and he is going to find a way to get it)
sam definitely still values phil's advice, but he's having a sort of... mid life crisis of sorts where he's realizing just how much of his rule has been dependent on phil. he's trying things out for himself, but he's not really sure what the long term effects can be. it's very dumb of him, in all honesty.
so excited for you guys to see how this all plays out :)
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micolashsucks · 3 years
I want to see Nathan Drake die from decompression sickness is what I'm saying
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jcfoxington · 3 years
@sambambucky​ : “pls... Pastels, Peaches and Pain??? among us first draft??? marvel meets warframe meets a bunch of tumblr posts (it’s not an au!?!??!)
hi jo !!! Pastels, Peaches, and Pain is one of those sambucky wips i have mostly fully fleshed out in my head because of one (1) extreme moment of clarity after a rogue ‘what if’ tangent thought but havent written anything of yet out of restraint / knowing i need to finish at least one of my current sambucky wips before i start it or none of them will get done
this was the rogue tangent thought: “what if Sam is haunted by Figaro’s ghost and has been since he was a kid?”. i’ve changed the ghost cat to not be Figaro but that’s the premise !
i refer to the fic as the cat fic ‘cause the whole plot is based around sam’s ghost cat companion insisting he adopts nat’s cat Liho after endgame and then Figaro later and then [insert redacted because plot spoilers but just know it relates to Alpine]. no im not projecting my feelings about cats idk what youre talking about 
here’s some note snippets just for you:
the cat, inexplicably, takes a liking to bucky, which is really annoying bc sam doesnt know how to explain to him that all the oddly soft gusts of wind are actually sam's dead cat insisting on getting pats
bucky getting shade thrown at him by said ghost cat during all of tfatws + them making up (and not out. yet)
starts when sam's a kid & follows him as he grows up w/ a ghost kitty as a companion only he can see & interact with + angst with an undertone of comedy + getting together
he whispers to ghost kitty, who simply mmrrs happily
for the among us first draft thing, what basically happened is i saw this tweet and this video and my brain latched onto these dynamics so hard i had to write about them. 
here’s a sketch of my two main imposters, Black (left) and Cyan (right):
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and here’s a snippet:
The thing having Cyan pause and stare out at the asteroid field is how the colors stretch to family. When they and Black came aboard, they had thought every crewmember was an adult working on the planet-change project. That the patch of off-white with a black something-pattern-or-shape signified status. In a way, Cyan supposes it does, but just not the way they expected. They had expected it to show what rank an individual held within the hierarchy of the crew, from deckhand to division leader to captain, not to show that you're family of the crew and not actually part of the crew itself. 
There are innocents on this ship. Children. It was not something any of them had anticipated, and not something Cyan had been prepared to deal with. They and Black boarded this horrible place to eradicate a threat, believing each and single one of the humans were accomplishes and dedicated to the goal of destroying Cyan and Black's species, and their planet. But, now?
marvel meets warframe meets a bunch of tumblr posts... doesn’t have a wip title or seperate document for itself yet cause it’s been stuck in my ‘story ideas’ document since its creation. so ‘marvel meets warframe meets a bunch of tumblr posts’ is literally just me describing the vibe of an original world gjkerfkds
the world came to be for two reasons. firstly, i want to do make take on a superhero universe because the plot and complete lack of communication in both the dcu and mcu piss me the fuck off. secondly, needed a place to dump ocs with elaborate backstories or fantasy / sci-fi abilities that dont fit into any of my existing worlds
which sounds super competent but trust me, it isn’t. it didn’t gain any solidity at all until i decided to do a personal ‘how different can i make spn castiel look & still retain the same vibe?’ challenge. i have my own cas now
however, the reason i said ‘marvel meets...’ is because i’ve snagged a couple of different things from the mcu, most notably: enemies to reluctant coworkers to lovers, yes our best friend have the same name. no they’re not the same person, secret evil org is controlling the government, and the assassin that tried to kill you several times is now your best friend
warframe was added to the world because i got attached to my Volt build, gave them a name, and have some headcanons idk what to do with because i refuse to interact with that fandom. also because the friend i made through discussing warframe lore + plot dicked me over so it feels Bad to create for
the glue to this whole mess is that one “in every friend group there’s a mean bisexual, an even meaner lesbian, a she/they, a he/they, a himbo, an astrology bitch, a short king, and a token straight” tumblr post. my main group of superheroes ala the avengers consist of these people. the token straight is the only one i havent figured out who is yet
ever since i figured that out ive been throwing story / character ideas and weirdly specific aesthetics from popular tumblr posts into this world’s notes. here’s some examples:
sword grandmas
that trope where someone’s really nice and acts super well-adjusted to society but then they do something super whack and dangerous and you realize ‘oh they’re secretly a little bit insane, actually’
anti-gay group’s leader’s wife leaves him for another woman
superhero who swore to be the best hero [city / planet / solar system / continent / ????] has ever seen ever since he lost his wife. not because she’s dead but divorce just sucks & the hero-to-be is terrible at coping
dishevelled swamp witch
that one person who runs around with an amulet all the time & isn’t aware it’s cursed
an exasperated, tired superhuman assassin running after their husband and their husband's best friend. their husband and said husband's best friend both have wings. chaos ensues (yes, this one is a sambucky post)
ask me about my WIPs!
@sambambucky​​ : #i want to have a coffee and listen to synopses of all of these.... #i miss the discord wow #WRITING TAG #waitttt time jumping dream movie? lmao I'VE READ THIS LIST FORTY TIMES and every time i rediscover something i wanna know about #outfit doodlesss ugh i need to go
couldnt not respond to your tags because they make me go ghrkjfnerknf but in the good way. we miss you too jo !!
the time jumping dream movie was one of the first vivid dreams i had and the whole thing was so stupidly coherent and whacky i had to write it down. it grew plot, a queer love dynamic, weird sci-fi apocalypse elements, anti-military propaganda, questionable science, and a sequel while i wasnt looking and now i just. have to make it a real movie or i’ll combust
outfit djoodlles.png is only on there because my best friend sent me a ‘draw this outfit’ meme and space kitty, my current character brainrot, stole all the outfits for himself. otherwise, that file just sits there until im feeling like designing an outfit or wanna see how a stupid thing looks on my oc patrick
here’s one of the two poses-to-doodle-outfits-on of space kitty ive made so far:
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and here’s one of those stupid things on patrick (that then turned into an actual outfit of his because i have no self control):
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randomsevans · 4 years
The habit
Steve Roger's x reader
For @jtargaryen18 #30daysofchris2020
Summary: your habit is hard to break , it's too addicting, one more time couldn't possibly hurt. Could it ?
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You shouldn't be doing this again. You really shouldn't . Your just gonna get hurt in the long run . But what one more night going to do ? One last time you keep repeating to yourself . Its what you keep remaining yourself as you pull your sheets over and swing your legs around to touch the cold floor panels thanks to the chilly night .its what you repeat to your self as you open your bedroom door and make your way down the hall , to steve bedroom.
It's become a bad habit and you know what they say about habits there hard to break . A habit you know you shouldn't have . A habit you know is going to hurt you one day. It's just like you to catch feeling. But you couldn't help it ,its Steve and those so blue ocean eyes how could you not . This 'habit ' of going to steve bedroom began months ago when you let your friendship get out of hand one night. This 'habit ' usual involed either just sleep in Steve's warmth that you can never get enough of . Or not sleeping as much .
You know it was foolish risking your friendship . But nothing has seem to change for this 'habit ' . Apart from the fact you are falling and cant seem to stop . Even tho it is probably one side . But it might not be , why would he just let you come into his room if he didnt have feeling for you ,? This is an agreement you have had many nights by your self.
Your thoughts quickly stop , as you realise you are finally at your destination. In front of steve door . You were about to knock like you always do until you hurt some weird noise . Sounds that shouldn't come out of Steve room , well at least when your not in there .
'Maybe its coming from another room ?'
'Maybe it's from a tv ?'
You decide it was nothing and knock the door anymore . And the noise suddenly stopped. Dead silence you till your head in confusion.
While you hear a door open , it's not the one infrount of you , you turn around to see bucky come out of his room , with his eyes closed .
"Oh thank god , they final stop ,i was about to knock the door " he final open his eyes and there automatically widen .
"Y/n wh... what are you doing out here ?" He whispered , "should you .. you know " he pointed at the door "be in there with Steve?" He questioned just as confused as you .
'He must of know about you and steve ?'
A blush creep your cheeks "I was .... just about t..."
He cut you short .
"Ohhh ..." he paused and your saw his lips move you could of swear his months 'you stuiped montherfuker Roger's 'this only confused you more .
' doll why dont you come in my room for 5 minutes " you tilt your head confution .
"Why ?" You giggles. He just gave you a sad glance and reached a hand out for you , "please ?"
It was then you heard the door behind you . Steve's bedroom door . You glance at Bucky who just shakes his head , you just chuckle nervously, not understanding a thing. Until you turn your head towards steve door. Expecting to see steve in his usual night attire. But instead Sharon with a robe around her . Her hair messed up and neck flushed with little bruises.
You heart sank.
Chest tighted .
"Yes ?" She questioned quite impatiently as if in a rush to return to her activities .
You couldn't move, you couldn't speak. You just stared at the ground in embarrassment .
"Ummm I just wanted you two to keep it down " Bucky came and stood next to and put and arm around your waist. Allowing you to took your head in his shoulder .
"Oh sorry I'll tell Steve then " she giggles putting her hand infrount of her mouth.
"Thanks me and y/n will be going now " James turns you to around and head into his room . Fully knowing you shouldn't be by your self right now.
"You and y/n in same room , I didnt know you to were to..." sharon was beginning to question.
"We are just heading bed now Sharon , we couldn't sleep cuz of you two so if you dont mind keeping it down ?"
"Sure !"
It was at this point James had pushed into his bedroom while he was still outside and shut the door . This left you more confused until you head futher mumbles and then followed by laughter . You know that laugh anywhere the only man you had allow your self to fall for . 'Stuiped stuiped you ' Steve was outside now . Then you heard Buckys uncomfortable laugh and goodnight.
You could only make out the blurry shapes as, James door closed and came up next to you and wrapped his armes around you , this allowed you to face his chest . And finally let the tears fall .
Bucky began to rub your back repeating the same things " I'm so sorry " " his an idiot " " oh forget about him " " it's okay " " it's all gonna be okay " "he didnt see you " " I'm so sorry " "you are nothing compared to Carter " "now come on l/n you dont deserve this , he will soon realise "
You couldn't help the loud snob and your chest began to loosen .
"James what's going on ?"
You turned your head towards James bed and notice a redhead . No other then Natasha. God if this night couldn't get any more embarrassing.
Bucky leaves your side and goes over to Nat .
"Well , Steve has just made the biggest mistake of his life " Bucky chuckled going of to Nat .
Nat shoot up noticing you and your tears "y/n!" Then she goes full momma bear "what the fuck has he done our peach " you could she her shaking with anger . 'Peach ' is the nick name she gave you on your first day and stuck ever since .
You sat at the kitchen isle along with Nat , Bucky , Tony and Sam other was still asleep or working out . After along night of crying and explaining your 'habit " with Nat and Bucky (which they already figured out) you was emotional and physical drained .
You were eating your bowl of cereal in silence, when you drop your spoon into the still full bowl , making the milk splash around you. Being everyone attention to you and then followed you eye line towards steve and sharon who had walk in together hand in hand.
Your chest tighten 'so it wasnt just one time mistake ' you felt the tears threaten to make another appearance you dont understand how , you just assumed that you were all dried up. Bucky was shaking his head , while Nat looked pissed as . Bucky placed a hand on her arm to keep her seated .
"Morning all " steve said .
"Morning " said in unison but it was of putting and out of tone . As you whisper and Nat snapped.
"Oh my , oh my, what do we have hear ?" Tony shouted with excitement walking towards steve and Sharon who were sharing a disgusting wide smile. "Does the Captain final have a girlfriend?" He joked laughing.
"Actual yes !" Steve said happily making everyone stop , including your heart.
"What !" Buckh finally snapped .
"Me and sharon " steve smile only widen bring his and Sharon hands up.
"How long?" Nat bark .
"Nearly a month " sharon spoke up .
'What !' You mentally shouted , that why hes been so distance. But he still allowed you in his bed . Now it all came clear . He didnt have feeling for you, like you did . He just thought you needed comforting.
"Well this is good new " Tony shouted "isn't everyone "
"Yeah " " sure " congrats " was shared around. While you just nodded holding back the waterfall and trying to remember how to breath. As Nat only glared in anger and turned to you and Bucky , who both said in unions "he just made the biggest fuckin mistake of his life " they whisper yelled .it made you chuckle about , no wonder there a couple , there the female and Male version of each other.
In the corner of your eye you saw Steve and Sharon make there way towards you. But just in the nick of time time Buck stands in between you and Steve .leaving Rogers only to frown .
"Come on y/n we got training to do " bucky said and you nodded in agreement and stood up from your stool and began to walk with nat to the training room
"But me and her usually tra....."Steve began almost saying it as if he was distracted. Bucky just turned around and ignored him , heading towards you and Nat . Leaving Steve looking towards that direction confused.
One things for sure ,the habit is broken.
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Where’s The Romantic Music?
When you were born, you had a 'tattoo' (technically it's a birthmark, but tattoo sounds cooler) with your soulmate's last name on it. Cas had always liked tracing the loopy lines of the 'W' in 'Winchester' as a kid, loving the ups and downs of the cursive that was imprinted on his lower back.
Sam had loved the straight, sharp lines of 'Novak', the word written on the back of his neck.
Neither of them really liked the word all that much when they got introduced to their college room mate.
"Hey," Sam said with a smile, holding out his hand to the blue-eyed man he was to be rooming with. "I'm Sam Winchester."
Cas almost dropped his bag.
"Is everything alright?" Sam asked, his eyebrows scrunching together in concern.
"Casti.... Castiel Novak," Cas choked out.
The two men looked at each other in alarm.
According to literally anything that has romance, when you met your soulmate, you were supposed to feel  something. There were supposed to be fireworks, sparks of some kind, possibly red hearts floating in the air. You were supposed to fall in love with every little thing.
But all Cas felt was surprise.
And maybe a little bit of disappointment. How on earth was he supposed to fall in love with this giant? Cas was 6"1 (A/N: im going off a Pinterest thing thing thing I saw a looong time ago for his height so possibly  not the best source), and he had to crane his neck  to be able to see Sam's eyes.
"Oh," Sam said, feeling incredibly awkward. According to his brother's chick-flick movies (that he swore  he did not own), there was supposed to be romantic music playing in the background. Sam was supposed to just have rushed here from the air port, or maybe the hospital, thinking that he'd never love someone again- and then he meets his soulmate.
In reality, Sam had just spilled his coffee on his top layer of flannels, took the shirt off, and (much to the surprise of the rest of the people at Starbucks) walked away with the other 4+ layers still on his body. He'd bumped into a door (maybe he was the clumsy side of the pairing?), gotten his car pooped on by a bird, and run here to meet his room mate.
Not exactly the starting of an incredible love story.
"Uh," Cas repiled.
"I guess, we should, uh..." Sam gestured to the door of the dorm room, his keys jingling.
"Yeah. Yup."
Sam swallowed, and tried to fit his key into the lock.
It was, evidently, the wrong key.
He tried a few more, swearing each time another one didn't work, while Cas stood behind him awkwardly.
"Uh," Cas started, stepping forward when the fifth key didn't work. "Maybe I should try?"
"Oh, yeah." Sam backed away from the door, feeling stupid.
Cas unlocked the dorm easily and stepped inside, tossing his bags on one of the beds.
Sam sat down on the second bed, and they stayed like that. About six feet apart (A/N: mm good the boys are practicing social distancing), both of them silent.
Just all-around awkward.
After a few minutes, Cas cleared his throat. "Do... Do you wanna... I mean, we should probably go out on a date, right?" He winced. Wow, he really knew how to ask someone out, huh?
"Oh, yeah," Sam answered. "Probably. Do you... I mean, I know a bar that's open tonight."
"Yup. Okay. See you... tonight. Yeah."
And they saw each other that night. And, you know, every other second of that first day. Because they were fucking room mates.
Cas honestly just wanted to die right there.
Cas had drunk a lot of alcohol.
The 'date' (aka two people sitting at a table and repeatedly ordering drinks) had been the most awkward two hours of both guy's lives. So, to make up for it, the had both gotten drunk.
Cas was definitely more drunk (he was pretty lightweight), but whatever.
While they were walking up their hallway, Cas tripped on a fold of the rug that was sticking up. Sam caught him. It wasn't romantic, like you would expect from your soulmate; there was no pausing as they both realized how close their lips were- it wasn't even the kind of catch just before you kissed the bride at a wedding -, no blush heating their cheeks. Sam just sorta... grabbed Cas's arm.
Sam pulled him up. "Thanks," Cas muttered.
"No worries."
When they got to their door, Cas searched his pockets for the key. "Shit," he grumbled. "Must've left it in the room. Sorry."
"Uh, it's fine," Sam coughed. "My, uh... my brother knows how to pick locks? I'll just ask him if he can come over."
"No, we shouldn't bother him," Cas rushed. "It's like twelve,"
"Honestly, it's fine," Sam laughed. "I'm not sure he actually does  sleep. He texts me from like twelve to three am every night without fail. He'll be fine with it."
"Okay," Cas conceded, still unsure.
Sam took out his phone and searched through the contacts. The phone hadn't even finished the first ring when he said, "Yeah, hey, Dean."
Silence for a moment.
"Me and my room mate are sort of locked out of our dorm." A moment of silence on Sam's part. "Why are we out at- Dean, we're in college!  Of course  we're out late! I-" he paused. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know,  Dean! God," He muttered. "Could you just get over here? We need you to pick the lock." He waited for his brother's response. "Thanks. See you soon."
He hung up and sighed. "Dean can be such a jerk  sometimes," he rolled his eyes, and Cas laughed. "What?" Sam asked, confused.
"It just sounds like me and my brother," Cas explained.
"You and your... wait, you have a brother?" Sam's mind whirled.
"Yeah. Why?" Sam didn't respond, and just then a man with blond hair came strolling down the hallway.
"This the dude, Sammy?" the guy asked, nodding at Cas.
"No, Dean, this is actually the guy who just murdered my room mate," Sam responded, sounding exasperated. "Yes, this is my room mate."
"'Sammy'?" Cas repeated, raising an eyebrow.
Dean laughed. "Alright, alright," he addressed 'Sammy', then looked at Cas. "What's your name?"
"Castiel Novak," Cas felt flustered for absolutely no reason.
To be honest, it sucked.
"Novak?" Dean asked, surprised.
Sam watched carefully. "Cas, you said you had an older brother?"
Dean's face fell, but only for a second. Then he stitched a smile right back on and said, "Is his soulmate's last name Winchester?"
"Yeah," Cas was slowly realizing what Sam had already figured out. "But mine is, too."
Dean blinked. "Oh," he said. "So, you and Sammy are...?" he pointed at each of them with one finger, then pointed the fingers at each other.
"First of all, ew," Sam answered. "Second of all... no, I don't think so."
It took Dean a second to realize what this meant. He squinted at Cas, and shrugged. "Always thought I had a thing for blue eyes."
Cas gave Sam a once over. "My brother is really small," he said.
Sam paled. "Like... he's really young?"
"Oh, God, no," Cas laughed. "He's just..." Cas took his hand and held it up to the middle of his stomach, then made a patting motion.
"Oh," Sam swallowed.
"Heh," Dean smirked at his younger brother. "Looks like you'll have lots of excuses to pick him up and... ya' know," he pushed his two pointer fingers together again.
"Ew," Sam shivered. "Please, please  stop."
Cas smiled apologetically. "My brother is like that too. He'll want to..." he gestured to Dean, not wanting to do what the green-eyed man had done. "a lot."
Sam held his stomach. "Can you just please  get us into the room," he asked Dean.
Dean grinned. "'Course," he took out an old card from an arcade that was probably long since shut down, and edged it into the slant of the lock. He pushed it forwards a couple of times, and the door unlocked (A/N: that wasnt the best description of this but whatever). "There ya go," Dean announced, stepping back from the door.
"Thanks," Sam muttered.
Cas smiled at Dean, noticing for the first time that when the light caught his eyes just right, you could see flecks of gold in them. Then Cas looked at Dean's lips.
Cas rushed inside his dorm, blushing like crazy, trying to forget what he'd just thought of doing to that man. "Oh, God," he groaned, collapsing on his bed.
Completely forgetting that Dean was still right there.
"Oh, I can't wait  to find out what you just thought of," Dean said with a  mischievous smile. "Hopefully hands-on learning."
Cas covered his face with his hands.
Dean laughed and shut the door.
Good lord, that man was going to kill Castiel dead.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
media mania(*) peter parker x reader
Okay so y'all know that tik tok trend of the girlfriend standing in front of her SO And dropping her towel? Yeah well that was the inspo for this so enjoy.
Also this takes place way in the future, after thanos and graduation, and all that other fun jazz. Think like their both college age.
* - it's implied but doesn't have a follow through. They've been together for a long time (and are trying to get pregnant to say the least)
Song: baby by carla thomas
tag list: @cynic-spirit
I finished drying myself off and brushing out my hair before opening tik tok. I never meant to get addicted to it but It just kind of happened. As I scrolled through the 'for you' page I found a video that intrigued me. It was a lady dropping her towel in front of her unsuspecting boyfriend and her filming his reaction. I laughed at first before realizing that I had, in that moment, the perfect set up for this to possibly work. I was still in a towel and had a phone with a tik tok account on it. What could possibly go wrong? other than, possibly someone else in the compound seeing me naked but that was a risk i was willing to take.
I started recording, showing myself in my towel quickly in the mirror before walking down the hallway to where peter was. I closed the door so no passer bys would see us and made my way to him. He was sat at his desk, playing a game, trash talking as best he could into his headset. I watched the small hairs on the back of his neck raise as I got closer. When I was close enough i dropped my towel and waited, it took him a second to notice me. I smiled widely to myself as he took a quick side glance at me, realizing what was happening after a second look. His mouth hung open as he dropped his controller to the desk. I laughed, watching his reaction as well as the shakiness of my hand holding the recording phone. His mouth hung open.
He said, making me giggle. Then realization washed over him.
"what, You wanna do this now? Like it's time?"
He asked in disbelief, making me laugh more. I nodded and he stood up, walking towards me but getting choked by his headphone cord. He made a weird croaking sound before pulling them off. I laughed as the recording stopped. I went to post it but dropped my phone to the ground as he picked me up, draping me over his shoulder.
"Ah! Peter put me down!"
I laughed, watching the tiles disappear behind us as he opened the door and walked with me back down the hallway to our shared room.
"Peter I'm naked!"
I protested as held me tightly to him.
"You said now."
He quipped back, making me shake my head.
"We could've done it in there, then no one else would see me. You know we dont exactly have our own private wing."
I said a little panicked. We were in the compound after all, and no matter if we had our own wing or not there was still a chance patrol would be walking around. Or cap for that matter, Sam liked to take jogs around the building.
"No ones out, it's fine."
Peter squeezed my leg as he kicked the door open, walking me across the room and dropping me on the bed, making me laugh.
"You dork, what if Sam would've been out?"
He laughed a little bit.
"But he wasnt. Now do you really wanna do this? Like it's time?"
I nodded, sitting back a bit.
"So says the calendar. I was gonna ask tonight but I saw a tik tok."
I blushed madly at the thought and he just shrugged.
"Works for me."
He said, a smirk spreading across his face. I raised a brow at him before he bent down and kissed me passionately. I hummed into his mouth as he pushed me further up the bed.
"Let's do this."
I sat on the couch in the lounge and scrolled through my phone, watching more tik toks and answering more of people's comments on the video I had posted of Peter's reaction. It had kind of gotten crazy after i posted it a few weeks back. i didnt think anything of it but I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard the ringing of the phone. I sighed deeply before answering it, shuri popping up in front of me with a wide smile on her face.
I said cooly. She just looked at me knowingly.
"Why didn't you tell me you were trying to start a family? Imagine a little super baby running around!"
She said excitedly. I was so confused, and that must've shown on my face.
She said, pulling up a news article for me to see.
"This was posted this morning about the tik Tok you made! Everyone is saying it's about time you two get to it."
She joked and my eyes went wide. We hadn't told anyone we were trying yet. After all we'd been together for a while but we didn't want anyone to expect anything from our attempts.
"Shuri was does the article say exactly?"
She pulled it up and started playing the feed. I watched the telecaster in worry.
"Young avenger y/h/n filmed yesterday her and her long time boyfriend before getting busy. The trend has popped up on the popular app tik Tok of women dropping their towels for their boyfriend's to catch their reaction. In the video y/n's partner asks if 'its time?' confirming media accusations that the couple have been trying for a third member of their family. We have reason to believe-"
I dropped the feed, cutting him off as I went back to shuri.
"How could they possibly get that we are trying to start a family out of that?!"
I said angrily, crossing my arms over my chest and falling into one of the chairs at the table. She just shrugged.
"I don't know, but is it true?"
I sent her a look and hesitated before answering.
"Well yeah but we weren't telling anyone until it actually happened. Do you know how much pressure that puts you under? It's bad enough I've been stressing about trying anyways and now everyone's gonna start asking how it's going. And I am not ready for that!"
i watched her as she just shrugged.
"dont think too much about it. you dont have to confirm anything with anyone."
i pouted a little bit but my attention being pulled away when peter walked into the room.
"hey baby."
he said, pecking me on the cheek.
"hey shuri."
he said, sitting next to me and taking my hand in his.
"hey peter."
she said knowingly and he looked at me a little confused. i rolled my eyes.
"the news has been reporting that we are trying to start a family."
his eyes went wide and i watched a deep blush creep to his face.
"theyre what?"
he croaked out, making me laugh a little bit.
"i was kind of surprised too, i mean i did post that video weeks ago. i guess it just took longer for it to go viral?"
i asked looking to shuri.
"doesnt it always?"
she asked and i shrugged.
"well either way id better get going, brother needs help with something."
i nodded.
"tell him we say hi."
she nodded back before disconnecting the call. i looked back at peter who was just staring at the table.
"are you okay pete?"
i asked, rubbing his back absentmindedly.
"i dont know y/n, knowing that people know weve been doing that makes me feel weird."
i sent him a pity smile.
"would it make you feel better knowing it paid off?"
he looked at me and raised a brow.
"what do you mean?"
i inhaled deeply.
"well, i wanted to wait to tell you but... im late."
he looked a little confused for a second before it clicked.
"wait, like late late? like we could possibly be pregnant?"
i laughed a little bit and nodded.
"i havent taken a test yet but possi-"
he cut me off when he brought me into a tight hug.
"we could be pregnant?"
he asked again, more excited this time. when he pulled away he held my arms in his hands.
"we could be pregnant!"
he practically yelled, making me laugh.
"oh my god."
he said pulling me into another hug.
"i love you so much."
i hugged him back, kissing his neck lightly.
"i love you too peter."
he pulled away and stood up, taking my hand and dragging me up too.
"come on! weve gotta go get a test!"
he said, pulling me out of the lounge. i just laughed at him as he led us down the hall.
"peter youre gonna take my arm off."
he looked back at me but kept walking.
"time is of the essence y/n."
i shook my head at him and picked up the pace.
"goof ball."
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xmarveled · 5 years
She’s Mine II
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Thor Odinson
Part 1
Summary: One is a super soldier. The other is a god. They both want you. You can only have one.
Request: The love of my life @bxcksdoll gave me this idea.❤️
Warnings: Violence, maybe even a little gore. Sexual assault. Language. ANGST.
A/N: Okay, I wasnt originally planning on continuing this, but I’ve gotten so much unexpected love over “She’s Mine” so I’m continuing it! :)) theres gonna be a lot of canon infrequencies, so bear with me. Thank you so much for everyone who reads my fics, likes, comments and reblogs. It really makes my day! I love you guys so much.😘❤️ If you want to request an Avenger x Reader, feel free to drop an ask, leave a comment below or send me a message! ^^
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“What do you mean she’s gone?” Demands Steve.
“She-she was taken.” Steve met Tony’s eyes, and for the first time since he met the man, saw fear in his eyes. Pure, undiluted terror. It was bad. Really bad.
“Who?” Croaks out Thor, letting go of Steve to slump down against the wall.
“The Winter Soldier.”
Steve’s world stopped, restarted again, than came to a crashing halt. He could hear people already him yelling and someone was shaking his arm, but he felt as if he was underwater, unable to breath, unable to do anything as he drowned. He almost hit rock bottom when he a sudden shock of electricity went through his body, startling him out of his daze.
“Captain!” Steve looked through blurry vision to see Thor shaking his shoulders. “Rogers!”
Slowly, Steve sat up. “Are you sure?” He choked out.
“Positive.” Responded Tony. “He took her about 20 minutes ago. About a mile away from the compound.”
“Where-where is he now?” Asked Thor.
Tony sighed. “I-we don’t know. Jarvis is trying to track him right now but... it might be a couple hours before we know.”
A fist slammed into the table, making everyone in the room jump. “A couple hours!?” Yelled Thor. “You have all the best tech in the world and it’ll take you hours to find them!? She could be dead by then!”
Bruce walked up behind him and put a hand on Thor’s shoulder. “It’s not his fault man.”
“Damn right it’s not his fault.” Wanda hissed, gesturing at Steve and Thor. “It’s theirs. If they hadn’t been such assholes and put Y/N’s happiness before their little pissing contests, Y/N would still be here.”
“Guys please...” Said Nat, rubbing her closed eyes. “We’re all partly to blame, maybe some more than others but... arguing about whose fault it is isn’t going to help, its not going to bring Y/N back. We should all get ready so when Jarvis finds her, we can leave right away.”
The rest of the team left the room, but even after their shadows dissapered, Wanda’s words still rang out across the empty ballroom. “If you loved her, her happiness would be what matters the most.”
Y/N woke up in a dark room, hands and legs bound to your bed. The dull ache in your arm has grown into full blown searing pain and you almost whimpered through the gag in your mouth. Your head shot up as the door to the room opened, revealing a man in a lab coat accompanied by another masked man with a metal arm.
“Ah! Ms. Y/N. You’re awake! How are you feeling?” The man in the lab coat sat down on the bed next to you. You shot him a glare that could freeze the Sahara desert, wishing that you had your guns right now so that you can tear this man apart, slowly.
The man chuckled. “A feisty one isn’t she?” He asked the man besides him. There was no answer. “I am Dr. Schröder, and I must say, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a while.”
His fingers started tracing your thigh and you tried to bite down the revulsion rising in your chest. “You are, a very, very beautiful woman Y/N. What do you say that we have some fun?” He removed your gag, waiting for your response.
You look up at him seductively and say “sorry, but I actually have standards.” The smile on his face instantly disappeared and his palm sent your neck to the side, the ring he was wearing leaving a bloody trail on your cheek.
Undeterred, you look back up at him. “Oh I’m sorry, did my honesty inconvenience your ego?” The doctor’s face turned red, and he pushed the gag back into your mouth. “Oh you’re gonna regret that bitch.” He got up from the bed and shuffled through his suitcase.
When he finally turned around, your heart dropped to your feet. There wasn’t a knife in his hands, as you had expected. No, it was so much worse than that. It was a syringe.
You started struggling on the bed, trying to escape your restraints. As he approached, you started yelling, screaming for someone, anyone to help you. You shouted at the brunette, still standing in the corner and he turned towards you with a blank expression on his beautiful, almost angelic face. As the doctor subdued you and placed the syringe on your neck, your last thought was “his eyes are so blue.”
“We’ve located them.” Yelled Tony, rushing into the hanger.
Thor stood up so quickly that he almost knocked Bruce down. “Where are they?”
“A abandoned storage unit in Vermont.” Replied Tony. “With the Quinjet, it should take us about 20 minutes to get there.” The rest of the team, all geared up to the max, rushed into the quinjet, not wanting to waste a single second of time. Too much time has passed already. You’ve been gone for almost 12 hours.
Inside the quinjet, Thor found Steve sitting in a room alone, head in his hands. Hesitantly, he entered the room and asked the Captain “Are you alright?” Steve choked out a bitter laugh. “Am I alright? The love of my fucking life is gone, maybe dying right now, and you’re asking me if I’m alright?”
Thor looked down at the captain. “You... you love her?”
Steve froze, realizing what he had said. Deflating a little, he admitted “yeah, I do.”
Thor sighed, slumping down onto the couch across from Steve.
“I love her so much, it hurts.” Said Steve. “The way she looks at you... It hurts that she’ll never look at me like that.” He glanced up at Thor. “You were right you know, she does love you more than me.”
To Steve’s surprise, Thor let out a bitter laugh. “You’re the bravest man I’ve ever met Captain, but you can be so blind sometimes. Have you seen the way she looks at you? Every time you enter the room, she lits up. When you two are together, it’s like the rest of the world disappears. The way she laughs at your jokes, the way she blushes when you two accidentally touch... she loves you too.”
Steve’s eyes flash to Thor’s, shocked. “I-don’t lie to me. Does she really?”
With a sad nod, Thor said “She does, Captain. She does.”
Steve hurried his face in his hands and when he sat up, there was a newfound hope shining in his eyes.
“What?” Asked Thor.
“Call me Steve.”
Thor looked at his once sworn-nenemis and a ghost of a smile flited across his face.
“Alright, Steve.”
“Okay team!” Yelled Tony. “Remember, we came here for Y/N and no matter what happens, we’re not leaving without her. Nat, Clint, you’re on the West Wing, me and Bruce will check the East Wing, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Sam, get as many guards as you can. No Hydra agent is leaving that building alive today. And you two-” he gestured at Steve and Thor. “You two are going down to the basement. When you find her, get her back on the jet like your life depends on it. Are we clear?”
The rest of the team nodded, grim determination etched into their faces. Every single member of this team loves you like family, and they will do whatever it takes to get you back, even if it means dying themselves.
“Let’s go get our girl.”
Steve and Thor descended into the basement. It was dark and musty, not to mention completely empty. They were just about to head back upstairs when Steve heard the scream. He spun around but found himself face to face with an empty white wall.
“What is it?” Asked Thor.
They waited a few seconds and they heard it again. This time, it was clearer and the blood drained out of both men’s faces. It was your scream.
Both men rushed around frantically, trying to locate where your screaming was coming from. No matter where they searched, they couldn’t find a crack in the floor or a hole in the walls and out of frustration, Steve kicked the wall.
Suddenly, the wall bent backwards, as if doing a summersault and revealed a dark hallway hidden beyond it. Both men rushed through it, only to find another hallway beyond it.
Your screams were getting louder and closer, but not close enough. Steve felt tears drip down his face, the sounds of pain he’s never heard you make breaking his heart. They rounded a final corner, and the sight before them sent both men down to their knees.
You were on the floor, cheeks streaked with a mixture of blood and tears and mouth open in a scream. A masked man was holding your buckling form down. A masked man Steve knew too well.
“Stop right there!” Hissed the masked man, the Winter Soldier.
Steve let out a sob as Y/N screamed again, voice so full of pain and anguish that Steve had to block his ears. “What have you done?” He roared, advancing on the man.
“I said, stop right there!” Yelled the man, pulling a knife out to rest against your neck. “If you take one more step, I will kill her.”
“Please...” gasped out Steve and the man moved the knife so it scratched at the surface of your neck, breaking your delicate skin. “Bucky, please.”
The man froze. “What the hell did you just say?”
“Buck, Bucky please. It’s me, Steve.” Bucky turned and stared at Steve, a glazed look in his eyes. “S-Steve?”
“It’s me buddy. It’s me. Now put the knife down.” Steve said, trying to keep his voice from breaking.
“No-no. They’ll kill me and they’ll kill you too.” Bucky’s fingers started shaking around his knife. “Go, go before they catch you!” He yelled.
“I can’t. Not without her.” Whispered Steve. “Bucky, please.”
A brief look of hesitation passed through Bucky’s eyes before he turned around and sprinted down the hallway into the gloom. Steve ran the rest of the way to Y/N, knees barking when he hit the ground besides her.
“Y/N, oh my god Y/N.” He sobbed.
“Steve...” you whispered, voice hoarse from the screaming.
“I’m here baby, I’m here.” Steve said, gathering you into his arms. “You’re gonna be okay babygirl. I’ve got you.”
You didn’t respond, only coughing into your hands.
“Baby?” Asked Steve, panicking as he saw the blood on your hands.
With the last of your remaining strength, you cough out “I-I love you.” before going limp in Steve’s arms.
Okay... i think i got carried away... That was such a mess omg. Thank you guys for reading!!💛
Taglist: @xxstarwalker @bxcksdoll @phanoffandoms67 @waiting-for-motivation @bluediamondsevie @antisocial-koala @spider-writer @randomavengersquotes @odinson-barnes @bonemarroww @kybaeza @straightouttaneptune @thorfanficwriter @lancsnerd @glitterquadricorn @zselenophile @mrspeacem1nusone @marvellouslyaveragesblog @silencedbycritics @multifxndom-spidxrling @you-like-this-chain @colored-confetti @capstopavenger @rtaysperlz @lovesdarkness
If you want to be added to the taglist, message me or leave a comment below!! :)
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snexy-the-snail · 5 years
~If you're stressy and depressy riase your hand~
A wonderful marvel prompt! My ask box is always open for requests!!! ^♡^))
Peter hated it when his spider powers dialed everything up to like eleven. It was impossible to focus and the constant thrum of danger was pricking the back of his mind constantly. He all but sprinted out of the school when the last bell rang. He wanted out, he wanted his mentor to tuck him away from all the stupidly loud noises.
He didn't hesitate to pop a pill into his mouth when he got up to the penthouse of the tower. He bit down hard, the familiar taste of blue raspberry flooding his mouth. Technically he was supposed to swallow the pill but he honestly could wait, everything was just so loud and out of place.
"Jarvis, Mr.stark in his lab right?" He calls out to the AI as he starts shrinking, none to bothered with it. He was so used to the feeling by now it was actually a comfort. It meant that everything was going to be alright. Sure it wasn't normal but it helped with his issues so it was perfect.
"No. Sir is currently at a press conference in China."
Peter pauses in surprise at that, he felt mildly betrayed he hadn't gotten that information earlier before he turned himself into a bite sized snacks. He groans softly and fiddles with his web shooters aiming it at the ceiling, Mr.Stark would totally flip if he stayed on the ground like this, so he shot a web at the ceiling and started hauling himself up. The pounding in his head was getting unbearable and annoying. He would take almost anyone at this point.
"Great, perfect." He hisses sarcastically to himself shooting another web to swing more to the counter. Maybe he could get Mrs.potts to tuck him away, he was pretty desperate at the moment truthfully. Man tumblr would have a field day with this.
"I just want to be in a nice quite tum, is that too much to ask?" He whines hanging from his web, trying to judge how many swings it would take to get to the counter. He grumbles unhappily hating just everything at the moment. He was mad at his mentor for not being there, and slightly mad at Mrs.Potts as well.
He lets a small huff of disappointment out staring at the counter longingly, he really needed to start carrying the reverse pill as well so he didn't get stuck like this. He frowns and kicks his feet back and forth just waiting in general to figure out what he wanted to do, he didn't even notice Bucky entering the room
"...what's wrong webs?" Bucky asks slowly not sure what he walked in on. Peter seemed pretty damn angry about something another weird thing he was small, he never got to see the kid so tiny.
He was very surprised to see Peter awkwardly swing around until he was facing him. He shifts slightly as the kid stares at him intently before sighing dramatically.
"Everything is to loud, Mr.Stark isn't here and I ran out of the other pills."
Alright so the kid was just having a tough time, he wasn't sure why that meant he was small but he was going to roll with the punches. He personally didn't know the web slinging vigilante very well but Tony was very fond of the kid.
"Is there..anything I can do?" He asks slowly not exactly sure what to do with the web slinging hero. He didn't really try to interact with many of the people in the tower, he didn't want to come across as rude when he wasn't sure how to answer something and stayed quite.
He wasn't prepared for the kid's look of utter relief at his offer. He wasn't sure what the small child would want but he would do his best to make him happy, anything to get on Tony's good side.
"There is something, but it's kinda super weird and I don't usually ask people because it makes them uncomfortable but I'm just so stressed with school and my spidey sense is driving me nuts today you know-"
Bucky honestly was going to ask what it was but the kid was on a roll already taking a deep breath to finish his long winded story.
"You probably don't, anyway sense Mr.Stark isn't here can you eat me?"
Bucky wasn't sure he heard the kid correctly. He wasn't exactly sure why the hell the kid would want to be eaten but who was he to judge? Maybe he just misheard? Probably.
"Eat..you? I heard that correctly right?" He asks slowly wanting to be sure. The kid nods eagerly clinging onto his strang of web or fishing wire. Whatever it was keeping the hyperactive ball of sunshine in the air.
"Yep! Well Mr.Stark likes to refer to it as hiding away but yeah." Peter continued. He hadn't seen Bucky around a lot but he was at the tower and he was Steve's friend which automatically made him trustworthy. At this point he didnt care who it was, hell he'd even go to Sam at this point. Judging by the winter soldier's face however it probably wouldn't  be happening if he didnt hype it up.
"Okay okay, it sounds crazy, I get it, but it'll seriously help me out! And it helps you too, Mr.Stark says it's oddly calming having someone so close, plus it's safe for both of us." He says smiling slyly.
"How..is eating someone safe?...and Stark does it?" Bucky asks slowly, Peter relaxing a bit. If he was questioning it that meant it was being considered.
"Well sense I'm smaller my molecules are tightly packed, plus I'm like too dense to digest, oh oh and as a safeguard Mr.Stark put a chemical in the pill so the acids wont hurt me." Peter says with a tight grin. Wow his head was really pounding now. He had no idea what caused his over sensitivity but it was a bitch and be wanted it gone. Instantly.
"Please Mr.Winter soldier Barnes sir, I..it helps a lot with my senses, please." He begs before the man could even open his mouth to respond. He didn't care if he sounded like a pouty kid he wanted to be hidden the frick away right now. The world was to loud and he hated it.
He was fully expecting a no when the silence went on, be squirmed uncomfortably on his web strand just wanting a decision to be made out loud.
"...how..how do we do this?"
Oh frick yes.
Peter grins widely practically vibrating with excitement. He was finally going to be able to rest. He never had anyone else hide him away so he wasn't exactly sure, Mr.Stark just went for it really.
"Okay, so like obviously I'm going to need to be in your mouth, then all you have to do is swallow and bam mission accomplished." Peter says with a grin, gratefully climbing onto the man's hand when it was offered. He wondered what Mr.Stark would think about this, it was kinda their special thing.
He steadies himself as Bucky brings his hand to his face, a bit too fast but Peter could manage that, and hesitantly opened his mouth like he was doing something wrong. Peter didnt waste a second before eagerly crawling into the soldier's mouth, marveling at how much chillier it was compared to his mentor.
"Woah you're a lil cold, that's kinda awesome." He says with a small smile. He laughs slightly and shifts a bit so he would be laying down, it would make it a lot easier for Bucky, none to bothered by the slick muscle pressing against his front. It was more of a comfort than anything now.
"Tumblr would so freak if I took pictures now." He whispers to himself, grinning widely when Bucky closed his mouth slowly. It was dark sure but he got used to it by now besides he didnt have much time to focus on the missing light, Bucky apparently realized he needed to slick him up for the trip down and was rolling him around. It was slightly rougher than Mr.Stark but still gentle, he never once hit any teeth, and the cool muscle slid over him multiple times leaving him coated in salvia soon enough. He laughs slightly and pushes blindly at the slick muscle after a few minutes of being licked and rolled around.
"I'm good!" He calls out grinning widely. He could hear every shaky breath the man took, he was obviously nervous but Peter didnt blame him, it wasnt exactly normal to swallow another person whole. His cheeks hurt with how much he was smiling but he couldn't help it, this was just so ridiculously relaxing for him.
"Send me down Mr.Bucky winter soldier sir!" He says doing a mock salute even if he knew it wouldn't be seen.
"Ah yis." Peter says to himself when he started slightly back, Bucky tilting his head which meant the swallow would be coming very soon. He grins and lays flat not wanting to hurt the man even if it would've been completely accidental.
A loud swallow and he was already up to his hips in the threat, tense muscles rippling over him preparing for the next swallow. It was slightly more hesitant but another swallow pulled him down fully and he was sliding slowly down to the core of the Winter Soldier.
While it wasn't extreme cold Bucky was a lot colder on the inside than he expected, certainly not the 90 degrees he was used to in his mentor. He didnt have a lot of time to ponder it before he was squeezed into his final destination. Bucky was definitely tense, the muscles nowhere near being relaxed, more like a sheet pulled really tight, so he did the logical thing and started pressing into the mess of tightness.
"Don't be so tense, it's fine! Seriously I'm fine!" He calls out pressing his hands deep into the muscle, not surprised at all when he sunk a few inches. He gathered Bucky wasnt exactly a talker, but that was fine, Mr.Stark went to meetings a lot with him 'hidden away' so he didnt get to talk to his mentor a lot during those days.
"And..stark..he's alright with this?"
Woah Bucky's voice was a lot gruffer than Mr.Stark's, it seemed to bounce around a little more than his too. Man he'd have to keep a journal on what avenger had what type of stomach.
"Yeah he'll be fine with this, we do it all the time no worries." Peter says waving dismissively before going back to kneading the tense muscles, thankfully the winter soldier seemed to be relaxing so the knots were slowly untensing leaving soft chilly muscles instead. They sat in silence for a moment before Peter's phone buzzed.
"Oh...I am so fucked." Peter whispers looking at the message his mentor had sent. One thing was for sure they'd having a nice little chat when Mr.Stark returned.
Peter hoped Bucky could hide because there was going to be an intense game of hide and seek in a little bit.
((Up next is some Good old Good omens vore-))
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 4
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: there will be ssmut, violence, torture, abuse and language. If you triggered by any of this i suggest you not read.
Feed back is always appreciated.
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A few hours later it was completely dark. Sam laid in the back seat as best he could with his headphones in sound asleep. Dean had ac/dc playing on the radio and i started singing along to my favorite song. 'You shook me all night long.' Dean looked over at me and smiled at my off key singing. Instead of poking fun at me he joined in.
After the song ended he spoke, "i didnt think you were a classic rock kind of girl."
"What kind of music did you think i liked?"
He shrugged, "that rap crap. Ya know bass blaring kinda stuff."
I laughed, "i like all kinds of music but you cant beat the classics."
"Hell yeah!" He fist bumped into the air. I couldnt hellp but smile. His carefree side was something for sure. My heart raced just by looking at him. His lips looked so soft and i wanted to kiss them. My eyes traveled down his body, i remembered his abs and chest so toned. My eyes rested on his crotch, from the outline i saw earlier he had to be huge.
"Darlin' if you dont stop looking at me that way..." he said in a raspy voice.
I whipped my head around so fast it made me dizzy. I shrank as close to the door as i could, keeping my eyes fixed on my hands. "Im so sorry. Please....i didnt..."
His hand grabbed mine and he intertwined our fingers. "Dont be sorry. I love the way you look at me, but right now youre in no condition to do what im wanting to do."
I blushed at his words, but felt a tinge of horror in my heart. "Why would you want me? Im a nobody, im worthless." I whispered.
"(Y/N) look at me." I kept my eyes on our hands. "Look. At. Me" he said more forcefully this time. I slowly turned my head and lifted my eyes to meet his. "Do not ever, and i mean ever let me hear those words come out of your mouth again. You are not worthless. You are somebody to me. Dont you ever second guess it again. Do you understand me?"
His eyes shown truth in his words. I have never had someone say that to me. I nodded in agreement but yet parkers words still sounded in my head.
'No man will ever want you after what ive done to you. You will disgust them. Just look at you, if i was any less of a man i would be disgusted. Youre fat and ugly. Your pussy isnt going to look or feel the same after this. No man will ever want to touch you again.'
"(Y/N)." Deans voice pulled me out of my thoughts. Our hands still twined together, i pulled away thinking parker was right. Dean was just being nice after what i went through. After i healed hed throw me to the curb just like everyone else did.
"You hungry? Im gonna fill up, theres a deli inside that makes subs. Want one?" Dean asked. I shook my head and turned towards the window before he could see the tears that slipped out from beneath my lashes.
He slowly got out of the car and finally i was in silence, except for sams light snoring. Dean is an amazing man, he could have any girl he wanted. He wont want a broken shell of a woman like me. I shouldve just let parker kill me. The world would be better off, dean and sam would be better off too. They wouldnt have to worry about taking care of me and have me be a burden to them.
Dean got back in the car a few minutes later holding three bags. "I figured since you liked pizza youd like this. They had pizza subs in there, i got you a drink too. I expect you to eat every bite. No arguments." He handed me the bag and i had to admit it smelled amazing. My stomach growled at the smell and he smiled and pointed to the bag.
I gave in and unwrapped it and took a bite. I havent had food this good since before i got with parker. I was lucky to have a can of cat food to eat even then i had to make it last a week, while parker on the other hand would fix himself whatever he wanted. He wanted me to lose weight.
The thoughts about me being over weight claimed my appetite and i put the sub back in the wrapper and placed it beside dean. "Thanks but im still full from earlier."
He pulled the car over on the side of the road, he turned to me quickly. "I know what youre thinking and dont do it. Eat it or i will force feed you right here right now."
Tears pooled in my eyes and he sighed, "look, im sorry im not trying to force you but you need to eat. If you dont youre not going to get better. Im just trying to take care of you." He grabbed my hand "(Y/N), what is keeping you from eating?"
I inhaled and the words just tumbled out. "Im fat, parker told me. I can see it myself. My stomach is to big, my thighs touch. Im ugly. I shouldnt eat so much. Parker only gave me a can of food a week."
Deans grip on the steering wheel tightend, i saw his knuckles turn white. "I swear that fucker is going to suffer for what hes done to you." I tried to pull my hand away but his grip tightend. "Dont pull away. I know its hard for you to realize this now but i am not parker. Youre beautiful and youre not fat. In my eyes youre the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. So no one elses opinion matters but mine."
I shook my head "dean youre just being nice because of everything that happened."
He rubbed his hand over his face in frustration, "no im not. Im telling you the truth. Now eat. We will sit here until you do." Just to prove his point he turned the key and the cars engine shut off. I sighed in defeat and started eating again.
He smiled seemingly pleased with himself. Soon we were back on the road. After i finished my sub i placed the wrapper in the bag and leaned my head over on the window. "Here." Dean said and i looked over towards him. He held his jacket out to me, i smiled "thank you." I waded it up and used it as a pillow. A pillow that smelled just like him. Soon enough i was asleep.
I woke up in a bed but this time it wasnt a hospital bed. It was softer and the covers were a bit scratchy but i was comfortable. The pillows smelled familiar, like dean. I looked around and only saw a dresser and a table with a lamp on it. I must be in his room at their house.
The door was open, i moved my leg to see if it still hurt. "Damn it!" The pain seared through my leg and i knew there was no way i could put weight on it. I sighed because i couldnt do anything for myself. I hated feeling helpless.
"You okay?" I heard deans rough voice from the doorway. I looked up and he was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. My god he looked good. I shook my head, "i hate this. I have to depend on you for everything. Im a burden to you and sam."
He walked over and kneeled beside the bed, "you are not a burden. I take care of you because i want to."
I smiled at his kind words. Ive been doing alot of smiling lately thanks to dean. Hes got such a wonderful soul and heart. He looks rough on the outside but hes really a very caring person.
"Thank you dean. I cant tell you how much i really appreciate what you and your brother done for me. I just wish i could help out in some way, but i cant do anything because of my leg." I placed my hand on his cheek and he actually leaned into my touch. I cant explain whats going on between my heart and dean but i liked it.
He looked up into my eyes with such adoration it hurt. What is it about him?
"I actually have a friend that can help you, if you want to." Dean said cautiously.
"How can they help me? Are they a doctor?"
He shook his head, "i know this is gonna sound strange. Cas...hes an angel. He can heal you in a matter of seconds and make everything go away."
I raised my eyebrow at him. He just waited patiently as i thought it over. Demons are real and i did pray that god gave me strength when i was with parker. So why cant angels be real? I looked into his eyes and nodded.
He let out a breath i didnt realize he was holding. He bent his head "cas, i need you."
I heard a big flutter of wings and there was a man standing in the doorway wearing a trenchcoat. Not the way i pictured an angel looking.
"Hello dean." Cas said in a raspy voice.
"Hey cas, this is (Y/N). She needs you to heal her." Dean said sitting on the edge of the bed beside me.
Cas walked over to me, "hello (Y/N). My name is castiel. All i will have to do is place my hand on your head."
"Thats it?" I asked.
Cas nodded and then i nodded and i shut my eyes. I felt his hand on my forehead and a warm sensation filled me. A few seconds later i felt amazing. I opened my eyes and dean was smiling at me.
"You look even more beautiful than before." He said touching my cheek. I leaned into his touch just as he did mine earlier. I looked up at cas he was standing there awkwardly.
"Thank you cas." I said shyly and he nodded. With a flutter he was gone. I looked around the room but he wasnt there.
"He does that alot." Dean said. "Now would you like to get a shower?"
I closed my eyes at the thought, "oh yes that would be amazing." I moaned, i felt dean shift on the bed. He was turned to the side with his eyes closed.
I put my hand on his shoulder, "dean?" He took a deep breath and turned towards me. He smiled and stood up and held out his hand.
I took it and stood up, and it felt amazing to be able to stand up and move without hurting. I chuckled and moved my leg and bent it. Im sure i had the most ridiculous smile on my face, but i was geniuenly thankful for everything.
"Everything feel alright?"
"Everything feels great. Thank you so much." Before i could stop myself i stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
He flinched a little and looked down at me. "Im so sorry...i didnt..im sorry." I said faster than i wanted to. I tried to turn away but he grabbed my wrist and turned me back to face him. He crashed his lips into mine and growled. His fingers tangled in my hair and pulled lightly. I bit his lower lip and moaned into his mouth.
I ran my hand up his flannel shirt and went to unbutton it when he grabbed my hands and pulled away from me. "No, i cant."
I backed away casting my eyes down to the floor, fiddling with the drawstring on my borrowed sweat pants. "No, im sorry. It was stupid of me to even think..."
He opened his mouth to speak but i just shook my head, "its okay dean you dont have to explain. I get it. Can you please show me where i can freshen up? I dont have any clothes so if its not to much trouble can i borrow these again?"
He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and a shirt. "You can wear anything of mine you want until we can get you some clothes."
I nodded and took the clothes from him. He walked me down the hallway to the bathroom and showed me where the towels and wash cloths were before shutting the door.
After a nice long hot shower i felt even better my hair wasnt all frizzy anymore, my black tresses were perfectly combed and straight. I hardly recognized myself in the mirror without the bruises and cuts.
I was in deans clothes and they were a little baggy on me but i was a curvy woman so it wasnt to bad. I walked out of the bathroom but had no idea where to go. The only place i actually knew was deans bedroom.
I walked down the hallway and passed more doors. They were all closed so i didnt dare to open them. After all this wasnt my house, i had no business snooping. I heard sam and dean talking on down the hall so i followed their voices.
I turned the corner into a big library of some sort. Sam sat at the table reading from a book dean sat in a arm chair across from him eating a sandwhich. He smiled at me and i couldnt help but giggle at his cheeks stuffed full with food. He was so cute.
"There she is. Feel better?" He said around the food in his mouth.
"Very much, thank you. Both of you." I said looking down. "I dont really know what to do around here. Ill try to be helpful while im here. I promise i will find a place soon and be out of your hair."
Sam looked up with a furrowed brow. "No one said you have to leave. Youre more than welcome here."
I nodded and smiled shyly at sam. He went back to whatever he was doing as i paced back and forth.
Dean walked up to me and grabbed my hands. "Hey, dont feel out of place here. If youre hungry get you something to eat. If youre bored sammy has plenty of books and we have netflix. I want you to make yourself at home."
Dean was tracing circles on my hand with his thumb, my breathing hitched and i could feel, something between us. Dean seemed to notice and let go of my hands.
"Sam, you got anything on where these demons are?" Dean asked sam.
Sam shrugged, "not a hundred percent sure at the moment. Parker is for sure the leader though. It seems like its a recruitment thing. Bobbys looking into it for us."
Dean throws his hands up, "now what?"
"We wait." Sam said impatiently.
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mattelektras · 5 years
*kneels before the altar, giving offerings to the Queen of Marvel Criticism* miss jessie...... i know youve seen endgame. please give us ur thoughts. ur wisdom
you really shouldn’t encourage me to be a bitch because i WILL do it and it WILL go to my head but here we go
first of all. if i may. sam wilson i would give my life for you…… the flying in front of the gold portal things looking like the angel that he is. giving sam the shield really was the only smart thing steve did this entire movie
speaking of. like i KNOW steve can weird mjolnir in the comics. but that steve is a very different person and shitting all over thor this entire movie and then giving steve his signature weapon is…. just…. insulting like….. it really diminishes who and what thor is to just have this dude pick up his weapon and just KNOW how to use it despite never having any training with anything even SLIGHTLY similar. I’m picky in comics about who can wield mjolnir and ever moreso in the mcu. just don’t like it ladies 
also steve conducting group therapy sessions??? this bitch is not qualified 
carol just wasn’t in the fucking movie lmao like…. they wrote out both of their main women and were like. oh thank god the men can SPEAK for once 
she just shows up when they need an easy out in the plot 
the vormir thing…. it was a very nat thing to do. like she would sacrifice herself like that and it did give me a glimpse of comic nat for the first time since cap 2. but she shouldn’t have HAD to, of all the people she shouldn’t have been the one because putting her against clint who’s more important because he has a family or whatever now, never mind the fact that he’s been beheading people here and there for years, when she has nothing and has tried so hard to be better is like… we’re really just gonna throw that all away. even the weak version of nat that mcc nat is didn’t deserve that. and her memorial was shit
i literally cannot even physically comprehend what they did to thor. all i have to say is he’s still a real one because he knows valkyrie’s made to be king of asgard
peter curling up on the ground when the missiles came down like…. god. honey sweetie baby im sorry i was ever mean about a third spiderman movie saga. i was right but still im sorry 
why was there sexy romance music playing when hulk met the ancient one like i straight up thought they were gonna fuck right there on the roof  and i cannot explain the emotion that gave me
hulk in general im fucking TERRIFIED…. THEY JUST MADE RUFFALO’S HEAD LIKE…… FUCKIN MASSIVE and why does he dress like an instagram influencer 
scott lang OUTSOLD. the only man with a brain int his movie
i dont like. CARE for mcu tony i think he’s over done but the mcu starting with ‘i am iron man’ and ending with it was a lot. i like comics tony a lot so it did give me a lil. emotion as it were. against my better judgement 
tony’s kid was… adorable
it was the right time for tony to die, and the right death, i think. like i said i’ll be glad to not see rdj’s face anymore but it was a good death and rhodey and pepper being there and just kind of. KNOWING it was over for him was moving 
some of you dumbasses really thought the girl with the bow and arrow was gonna be kate… i love you but please use your brains this is the mcu
time travel just doesn’t work for me in movies that dont REVOLVE around time travel. it just feels like a special episode of a cartoon, and its a huge excuse to cop out . and u just end up with plotholes coming out of your eyeballs 
FUCK vision lives. he got the screen time he deserved 
valkyrie got her pegasus…….ethereal 
the women’s teamup at the end wasnt the moment it would have been if the mcu had given a fuck about their women from the start 
and again, wendy’s moment would’ve been a moment if she was actually wanda
STEVE YOU DUMBASS BITCH none of his ending meshes with ANYTHING else he’s done in the entire series. and as much as i dont give a fuck about peggy, it messes with her too like. she moved on she had a family, they both made peace with their ending. but everyone working on the movie obviously decided that the last 10 years isn’t really relevant and fuck sharon carter i suppose. let’s go w the most boring bitch alive 
“the lgbt character won’t be who you expect!!!!” do you think im a moron?????? as if i expected anything other than an unnamed character who just vaguely referenced dating a man. i will not be clowned this time nor ever again
was there….a little hint of carol/rhodey perhaps……. dont care for the ship in comics but i like mcu carol and god i want good things for rhodey
and speaking of. i would’ve preferred to have seen tony’s kid to have a moment with rhodey in the end instead of the other dude like. you’re telling me rhodey isn’t that kid’s godfather???? that pepper and rhodey aren’t gonna be the best platonic parenting duo since the dawn of time???
the thanos plot was dumb ass hell like. it relied ENTIRELY on him lucking out and finding nebula. that’s not a good big bad plot because he doesnt actually DO shit 
nebula is never gonna get the respect she deserves for what she did in this movie
tldr this all sounds very mean but it was definitely better than i thought it was gonna be. and better than the first half. were were some references back to the last 10 years that were really nice, and as much as i do criticise the mcu, its TEN years of my life so the callbacks were nice. they just… should’ve spent less time on them and more time on a plot and endings for their characters that make sense 
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imagining-sio · 5 years
Escapism III
Chapter III: Name your Price
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A/N: sorry for the inactivity; I am currently studying abroad in France!!!
The next day started off with the alarm blaring from under my pillow. I shut off the alarm lazily before sluggishly manuvering out of bed. as my toes touched the floor, I hissed at the cold sensation. Rubbing my eyes, I walk downstairs, starting the keurig upon the small amount of countertop space I had in the kitchen.
I opened the front door, grabbing the newspaper. I glanced at the headline, finding it uninteresting. I looked up toward my neighbor’s home, only to find my neighbor picking up his paper without a shirt. I could easily spot the sleeve of tattoos that went from his wrist to his pectoral. His adonis-like body was glistening in the morning dew. I quickly looked away, hoping he couldnt see me as I slammed the door. I placed my hand upon my chest, trying to regulate my breathing. I wiped my hand overmy face praying that what I saw was some sort of delayed sleep paralysis.
I groaned, grabbing my mug of tea and moing back upstairs to get dressed for the day. I threw on a red sweater, one that was a little oversized due to the recent weather over the past week. I stepped into my dark washed jeans before slipping into my white sneakers. I took one last bated breath before mustering up the courage to walk outside for the day. I didnt have to go to work, but I had errands to run. Groceries was first on the list.
I placed the tea in a to-go mug, flung my woolen trench coat on, and grabbed my purse and keys before walking out the door. Thankfully, there was no half naked neighbor to greet my sight this time, but a woman whom was visibly dishevled leaving his home, our eyes made contact as she got into her cab. As soon as it was out of sight I watched as he lifted the garage door up, helmet in hand.
I wasted no time entering the drivers seat of my vehicle, I wasnt much up for conversation today. I set my purse in the passenger seat beside me, my keys jingling between my fingers. I stuck the key in ignition, fully expecting the vehicle to run when I turned it over.
The response I recieved was less than reasuring. The engine all but keeled over, sputting long enough before I gave up. I tried a few more times, growing more impatient each time. I tried one last time before boiling over completely.
“Are you kidding me?!” I cursed at the poor bronco. The one that had gooten from one side of the country to another. This poor, old, dishelved piece I could not bare to part from. I knew in the back of my head it was only a matter of time, but still; would it have killed him to get me into town.
I stormed out of the vehicle, samming the door, not caring who had heard it. I could hear the faint sound of music coming from the garage across the street; but I was too furious to care about it at the moment. I propped open the hood of good ole Oliver, looking at his entrails as if they were a foreign language.
Automechanics was a foreign language.
I hung my head in deafeat after looking at the engine for mere seconds. I was never going to be able to fix it. I heaved a sigh before peaking out from underneath the propped hood; the music was surefire evidence he was still there.
‘Suck it up, and go ask him,’ I repeated to myself. I wrung my hands out as I walked across the street. I relaized as I was doing so this would be the frist time I would be actively seeking him out, and not him running into me or simply by obligation.
His back was facing me as I walked up his driveway. The alternative music was blaring as he worked on his motorcycle. Fotunately he had put on a shirt, a greasy white one, but a shirt was still a shirt. A dark bottle lay at his boot, and his toolbox at the other. His hair wasn’t tied back like it nomrally was back at the shop. intead he mere tucked most of it behind his ears to keep it out of his face as he worked.
His sleeve of tattoos stood out porminently upon his arm, with only a small space left showing his actual skin. It was upon th einside of his arm, the part of his bicep that was closest to his heart. Strange why someone would leave it open and untouched like that. Then again I cannot judge what someone does to their body.
I swallowed the nonexistent gum in my throat and walked up to the doorway of his garage, knocking on the frame a few raps.
He somehow heard me knocking or saw my shadow, because he turned his head and looked at me. Initially he looked suprised to see me, which I couldnt blame him for. Its not like I was someone who was neighborly, unlike his philosophy. He grabbed the strewn remote in his pocket, turning the volume of his radio down signofocantly.
“Hello neighbor, what brings you to my humble abode?” His charm was on full display, though the bags under his eyes begged to differ.
“I made need some assistance.” my shoulders hiked up as I pursed my lips.
“And what would you need assistance with?” He stood up, wiping his greasy hands on a towel he had kept on his pant leg as he sat. He sauntered up as he did so, when finishing he slapped the towel over his shoulder, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“I need,” I watched as his smirk grew and his brow hiked up his forehead; “your knoweldge on how to fix cars.” I threw my thumb backward, pointing to my vehicle in my driveway.
“I thought I told you to bring it by the shop?” He smirked.
“I wasn’t aware that it was a prophecy.” I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly kiddish as he smiled down at me.
“Maybe you should start listening to me more often.” Bucky nudged me as he strode out of my driveway in his destroyed jeans. I couldnt help but marvel of how the hell his thighs could fit into them in the first place.
“You coming?” I didn’t notice he had stopped. I couldn’t help but smile as I walked up to join him.
“So what is wrong with the Bronco?”
“He won’t start?”
“Yes, he. Oliver is his name, treat him nicely.” I said as he walked up to the propped hood. He took a glance at it, making sure tht the importnat wires were connected properly. I subnociously made note of how taut his arms were as he did so.
This man was going to be the death of me.
“Hm, doesn’t look like the starter is broken. Your oil is fine too. Try starting it?”
I did as he said, hopping into the open seat, turning over the ignition again. The loud spurting sound came out in full force. Bucky ducked underneath the vehicle as I stopped turning the engine.
“Nope that is the starter all right.” he placed his hand in his scruffy chin, a small patch of grease staining it.
“How much for a starter?” I asked, drawing him out of his train of thought.
“Hmm? Oh, please, no need. Lemme grab one of my spares in the garage. Easy fix.”
That alarmed me. I did not like owing people. Owing people eant they had someting to hold over you. Something to chain you down. Owing people was leverage over you.
“No, lemme pay for it. Please,” I inisisted.
“Oh, no sweetheart. Not gonna happen. Thsi is an easy fix. It’s really no trouble for me. I have plenty of spares.” He said with a dashing smile. I walked back with him over to his garage, hellbent on proving him wrong.
“Than naem a price and I’ll pay it! It’s really not too much trouble, Barnes.”
“What did I say about calling me Barnes,” he said with a smile, laughing as he searched for the desired piece.
“Fine,” I said; “How much do I owe you, Bucky.”
“Looks like I need to go to the shop, I’m all out of spares.” He looked up at me from his rummaging in his spare bins of nuts and bolts. I noticed the glint in his eyes.
“I haven’t even said anything,” He chuckled.
“Anything but that.”
“It’ll be really short.”
“Bucky, please.”
“I like it when you say my name like that.” he flashed a charming grin.
“Are you seriously trying to flirt your way into getting what you want?” I raised a brow. He paled.
“Is it working?” His expression winced. I could only raise my brows expectantly.
“It may have wokred on your latest romp last night but it won’t work on me.”
“So you saw her huh?”
“Not like she was subtle about it.”
“Yeah, she certainly wasn’t.” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Still think I’m gonna do what you want.’
“Yes.” He smirked.
“Oh really,” I laughed; “How so?”
 “That’s my price. Take a ride with me to go get what I need and I’ll fix your bucket of bolts.”
“His name is Oliver.” I corrected him.
“That isn’t a no.” He leaned down and gave me a shit-eating grin. I glared daggers at him before caving in.
“Fine,” I rolled my eyes, chuckling as he stuck a victory pose.
“Lemme grab my jacket.” He ran inside, appearing a moment later with a moto jacket on his body and a helmet in hand.
“Safety first.” He paced the white helmet on my head, looming down so he could clip the buckle underneath my chin properly.
“I can do it myself you know?” I giggled, easing my nervousness.
“I know, but how else am I gonna get you to talk to me?”
“By talking to me.” I deapanned. He sat on his motorcycle, kicking it a few times to start it up.
“Where’s, your helmet?” I asked.
“You’re wearing it.” He said as he revved the bike with the mere flick of his wrist.
“Lemme guess, you have your spares at teh shop too?”
“You know me so well.” he smiled.
“I’m starting to think this is all a ploy for me to get on this bike.” I mutterd before sitting on the bike behind him. He chuckled, alerting me to that he had indeed heard my statement.
“Here,” he took hold of my hands, placing them upon his waist, making me hold onto him tight.
“Smooth move, Barnes,” I commented.
“I know”, he smirked over his shoulder toward me.
“Oh thank god, he’s self aware.” I said sarcastically, making him laugh. It was that harmony you would want to hear again and again.
“Hold on tight, doll,” He said, knocking the bike off of its kickstand. He revved the engine and sped off into the street. I held on with a bine knuckle grip, smushing my head into his back. I could only squeeze my eyes shut as the wind blew past us. I took deep breaths, inhaling his scent of leather and firewood. I gained the courage to peak my eyes open, gaining a beautiful sight.
The trees were lit just right as we whizzed by them into town, the light barely peaking through the leaves. The reflections of the lake felt like a kaleidoscope of color. I could only gaze in wonder at all of it. As we got closer into town, the trees were becoming sparse, and telephone poles were the only thing that was relatively tall enough to fit the giant redwood forest’s height. By about twenty feet or so. A content smile grew upon my face, my head coming to rest on the cushion in front of me. That cushion of course being the pilot of this contraption built for adrenaline seekers.
We soon pulled onto a familiar street, and seconds later into the auto shop. It appeared to be open, but it would seem that Bucky was not working today, the same as I wasn’t working to day either.
“See, here we are; safe and sound.” Barnes hopped off the motorcycle, a confident smile plastered upon his lips. I fiddled with the helmet before taking it off my head, trying to tame the windswept hair. How in gods name could he make windswept hair look good? It wasn’t fair.
He held his hand out, to which I gratefully took as I got off the vehicle. I handed him the helmet, before taking three steps back.
“I’ll be just a second.” He placed the helmet on the seat as he walked away to some corner of the building. I knew the place well by this point so I opted to just stand there.
Until I heard a loud clang of a wrench hitting the floor. I jumped out of my sling at the sound, turning to find both Steve and Sam standing a few feet away with mouths open to the floor. Steve has his arm up, and the large wrench at his feet.
“Uh hey guys,” I gave a small awkward wave.
“He let you ride the bike?” Same stood up from underneath the vehicle.
“Uh, yeah; is that a bad thing?” I was becoming anxious at their shared expressions.
“Didn’t he go home with you last night?” Steve asked. I paled at his insinuation.
“N-no! It’s not like that! I just gave him a ride home is all! I swear! We didn’t- I would never!” I scrambled to find words. I could see Sam’s expression quickly change from one of shock to one of amusement. For Steve however, it took him a lot longer to just become passive in his facial expression.
“You would never what?” Bucky’s voice made me stiff to the bone. He was directly beside me, holding a boxed started in his hand. I watched as his smile faded as he looked at his two friends.
“What?” He glared at Sam.
“Nothing,” Sam chuckled as he crossed his arms.
“Just spit it out Wilson.” He groaned.
“You let ride your bike?” Steve spike, still reeling, this time his tone turning hopeful.
“What about it?” He turned defensive.
“Oh, nothing. Never thought she would actually agree to it is all. She’s out of your league.” Sam chuckled, pointing his finger wiggling it between the two of us. I chuckled as Bucky began to fume.
“You’re hilarious. Don’t you have work to do?” He ordered, his tone darkened. It caught me off guard. I watched as Bucky turned heel and began to pack the item into his bike.
“Sure do, Sergeant,” Sam smirked as I watched Bucky stop mid step.
“For the love of god, stop calling me that.” He groaned, craning his head back at the two men. I could watch the interaction silently.
“Nah, it’s funny,” Wilson laughed.
“I still out rank you,” Bucky called over the sound of his engine revving.
“Eat my ass Barnes!” Sam cupped his hands over his mouth. The subsequent Barnes just gave him the finger in return. All the while Steve kept repeating that he let me ride the bike.
What kind of idiots did I befriend.
“Here you go.” Bucky handed me his white and black striped helmet.
“Sergeant?” I asked, a mischievous glint sparkled in my eye. I placed the helmet on my head, finding my place back upon the motorcycle. I could only watch as Bucky rolled his eyes, a faint dusting of pink tint his cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a vet. Big whoop.” He said offhandedly, “hang on.” He have the small warning before we sped back into the road and bi-ways.
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3starjeneral · 6 years
Water Water, Everywhere
A little missing scene from "Descent" thats been in my brain for a while.
Of all the ways to go, this wasnt how he expected it to happen. He's survived so much pain, so much heartache, and what is going to get him in the end is something as simple as water. Cold water. Lots and lots of fucking cold water. What was it with them and the cold? First the ice cave, now this? He'd laugh if they werent so totally fucked. The doors had sealed to contain the breech, trapping them in this slowly filling coffin, and he could feel himself starting to panic. Feel the familiar tightening in his chest. Sam, he notices, is punching the control panel by the door, frantically entering sequence after sequence of codes, and that worries him even more than the ankle deep water. She is losing her cool, and that never happens. 
"I'm sorry, Sir. I can't bypass the system locally" she says, sounding defeated, and for the first time in a long time, afraid.
He nods at her and places a hand on her shoulder to ground her " "Deep breaths Carter. Dont panic just yet, ok, you with me?"
Knee deep.
"Yes sir" she replies, trying unsuccessfully to slow her breathing rate down to something resembling  normal. 
The water has risen rapidly and is now waist high on him, a little higher on Carter. 
"Jack, I'm going try to find a back door to the program."
"How long's that gonna take? I'm looking at some major shrinkage here."
He chances a tiny embarrassed grin at Carter, a coy head tilt and the corner of her lips twitch.
'Success' he thinks .The radio crackles and Jacobs voice fills the room again.  
"I don't know, this is kind of a unique situation. Give me a few minutes."
"Hey Carter, How long do you figure it'll take for this thing to fill up?"
"A few more minutes, Sir"
"Yep, ok heres what we're gonna do. We need to take these", he pulls at his tac vest and P90, "off. Take anything off that'll weight you down."
The water is now at chest height for him, chin for her. She is bobbing up and down in the water, leaning down to undo her leg holster, unclipping straps, tac vest and weapons dropping slowly through the water to the ground below with a soft 'thud'
"Next time we crash our brand new mothership, what do you say we do it in the tropics?" 
Stranded in the tropics with Carter wouldnt be the worst thing that could happen to him.
"Actually, Sir, it wouldn't make a difference. At this depth, all water is ice cold." 
He smiles, even in peril, she can't help stating the facts. "Shallower water, then…shallower."
"Yes, Sir. I'll keep that in mind" she says, nodding 
"Or we could just not crash at all. It would be nice to keep our nice new mothership more than a couple of hours"
"Yes, Sir."
He looks at her and feels a pang of guilt and regret. Guilt that hes never told her how he feels about her, because she deserves to know. Regret that he's never told her how important she is to him and taken the chance of being happy with her.
"Carter, Sam, if we don't make it out of this, just know that I've wanted to kick the door of that room down so many times..." he says through chattering teeth. 
"I know Sir, me too, more times than I care to admit" she replies.
They're floating in the water, their heads in the space between the water and the ceiling. 
Sam takes a deep breath as Jack shouts "Your dad's cutting it a little clo…" before they're both submerged fully in the water. 
They claw at the ceiling, punching it, trying frantically to escape but nothing happens. Nothing. He curses Jacob, curses him for being her dad, curses him for probably reminding her of the frat regs one too many times. For being the stubborn airforce General he is. For not being able to help them. Damn him. Then he curses himself for not having had the courage to speak to Jacob about his feelings for his daughter. Selmak would have mellowed him, he would have understood, offered the guidance he so desperately needed. Jack feels light headed. He thinks of Charlie, of his mom, his dad, his sister, all gone before him and wonders idly, though hes never been a religious man, if there is a heaven. He silently hopes there is, which surprises him, and that they'll be waiting for him, when this water claims him. The thought gives him a modicum of comfort.
Her hand brushes against his abdomen and his focus is pulled back to her, her hair floating angelically in the water, her eyes full of terror. 
In a split second, he knows what to do. He reaches for her, grabbing her hand and pulls her closer. He holds her face in his two hands and she graps his waist to keep them together. He leans into her and kisses her softly. 
If shes taken aback, she doesnt show it and her fingers dig into his waist a little tighter. 
His hands move to her cheeks and around their lips and he creates a vacuum, then breathes the last remaining air in his lungs into her mouth. Her eyes open suddenly when she realises what hes done her head shakes frantically and she wraps her arms around his neck and holds him close, foreheads leaning on each other, when he releases her face and nods slowly at her.
He figures, if hes going to die, that this is the best way to go, in the  arms of the woman he loves but cant have. They float motionless, staring at each other for what feels like minutes, but is, in reality, only several seconds. Bubbles rise from her mouth as she blows out the smallest amount of oxygen, both of them desperately fighting the urge to take a deep cleansing breath. She tries to lean into him, to replenish his lungs with what little she has left in hers, but he shakes his head stubbornly, and leans his torso back, out of her reach. They hear the muffled sound of Jacob saying "Sam..." and then his strangled "I'm sorry" and he knows there's no hope left. He pulls her close, places a kiss to her neck, holds her as tightly as he can, closes his eyes and as calmly as is possible, waits for the inevitable to happen.
But it doesnt. 
Instead, theres a loud bang when the doors suddenly start to open, and the water starts draining from the room. They release each other and gasp for air when the water dips below their faces. She starts to cough loudly and he holds her above the water level until her feet can touch the ground.
"Sir..." she begins.
"Lets just add that to the ever growing room, ok?" He says still half gasping for air, in between words, reaching under the water for his vest while she does the same. "Now is not the time for this conversation."
"Ok", she says, sounding little less sure than him. 
"Jack! Sam! Come in!" They hear Jacob shouting into the radio.
"Dad, this is Sam. We're okay!"
"Thank God, Sam, you really had me worried "
"Tell him I take back everything I was thinking when I was underwater." Jack says. 
But not what I did, he thinks...
Never what I did.
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eleven-vibes · 8 years
tell you stories about last night
Hi I’m writing to tell you stories about last night.
I was in Stony and it was a Friday so you can just rightfully assume that I went to a party and that’s what the story is about. 
Anyway, so I went to a party with Urmila as I tend to do and we ended up going to this party that I didn’t really want to go to just because I’ve been there before and the parties are pretty lame. And I was right (for the most part), no one was dancing, the house completely smelled like cigarettes and weed, they ran out of alcohol so soon and only 2 beer pong tables in the smallest room. But... wow I forgot where I was even going with this story. 
So I actually ended up seeing one of my, I guess you can call him a friend?? at the party and I had meet him at Kappa sig a couple of weeks ago which is where he then invited to a different party and then yeah, here we were tonight. So I remember at one point of the night everyone was downstairs smoking weed and I went up to sit down and watch people play beer pong as I tend to do at every party. And he came up to me (we’ll just call him Sam) and he was asking me why I was sitting here all alone and whatnot. SO I explained to him that I had just left my friends because I didn’t like the smell of weed and didn’t want to be around them. So he said that he could really go for a pull and he asked me to take him to them. I wasnt really sure if he was being serious or making conversation so I was like, “really?” And when he said yes, I brought him downstairs and he took a drag. I kind of just expected to leave him down there with them and let them kill their lungs on their own but he took a drag, passed the blunt, and just stood there to talk to him. 
I guess before I go on I should take a second to atleast describe or explain who the hell it is that I’m talking about. Like I said I had met him at a party before and he’s Spanish (uh-oh), from Venezuela, he’s tall, black hair, sometimes he wears glasses. He’s cocky and flirty and if the fact that he already had a hickey on his neck doesn’t say enough then I don’t know what will. But he’s also confident and bold and he’ll say whats on his mind and he speaks Spanish which is very fucking attractive to me especially. 
So we stood there talking for a while, he was telling me how he didn’t dance and where I was born and when I came to the U.S. and what test I was studying for tomorrow and where I lived on campus, he was telling me about him and whatnot. We started off in the middle of the dance floor and ended up in the wall and then he was already asking me if he could kiss me and when I realized I wanted him too I said okay and so we did. And we just talked and kissed at the same time and since I brought up the fact he had a hickey he gave me one. He asked me if I wanted to give him one but honestly, I never had and I didn’t wanna like- hurt him. But yea he was just feeling me up and that’s what we did for a little bit until we both just scattered away. I went looking for my friends and I don’t know what he did. 
I kept seeing him much later towards the end of the night. I remember the first time I saw him afterwards he just was telling me how great of a kiss that was and whatnot and I was him shhh cus he said it so loud. Much later in the night, I saw him again by the beer pong tables and we just sat there to talk with my other friend and I can’t remember what I was saying but I started telling him something in Spanish. Like just a complete story in Spanish, something long, I can’t remember what it was. But he stopped me like mid-way and was just like, “God, you sound so Colombia. It’s turning me on.” I was like DAMN BOI. THANKS. That was the nicest compliment I have gotten. 
And so yeah, pretty much. That’s the night that happened. The next day Urmila is just like oh my god girl get it he so wants you. I was like son, shut up. I dont want to get that idea in my mind. Because if you want to know the truth, when you hook up with someone at a party it doesn’t actually mean anything. It’s just a thing... It doesn’t mean anything the night after and it’s really best to just pretend like it didn’t happen. And I’m not trying to think of him like that- like.. wow that’d just be stupid. But to be honest, it just took me twice the amount of time to study for biology because I couldn’t concentrate. 
What a joke. 
Also, what I wanted to tell you was that weirdly enough, girls came up to me during the night at different points just telling me how pretty they thought I looked. They were just some random girls I have never in my life seen. I remember one of them was like, “I had been looking at you for a while, not trying to be weird but yeah, you’re just so pretty. You have such a chill vibe *pointing at my outfit*.” I said thank you so many times like oh my god? Thank you? I love you? Marry me? But the ironic thing is that I didn’t even bother that night. I literally didnt change my clothes from what I was wearing to class.. I dead just went in jeans and a black t-shirt and I didn’t even BOTHER touching up my hair. It was in a messy bun with 2 messy strands in the front and that’s it. I didn’t even TRY. So whaT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I know I should feel complimented and I do but all I can think is does it mean that I look ugly when I actually try to look nice? Like what the flipping fuck. 
Man, I just dont get it. 
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