#i really wanna write this as a full fic but i couldn't possibly do this idea justice until the deadline :(
unendingwanderlust · 3 months
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After much pressure from his publisher to write something new, acclaimed horror novelist Bilbo Baggins decided that a change of scenery would cure his writer's block. Surely Erebor, allegedly the most haunted location in the world, would give him all the inspiration he needed to begin, and even complete, a new literary masterpiece.
What Bilbo didn't expect was that he'd uncover secrets that had been buried for centuries... and that he'd fall in love with one of Erebor's ghostly denizens in the process.
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Apple of my Eye (Obsessed!Wally Darling x Short!Reader) Pt. 3
Oh boy, here I go writing again >:3
Anyways, to everyone who has supported this or left a nice comment, just know I would die for you 💙
After this, I'm thinking of writing something for Howdy. There isn't nearly enough fics on here about our favorite bug boi 💚🐛 it might just be some HCs but I gotta do something for him cause now I ALSO have a lil crush on him ;-; he's so tall and he's got all those arms for huggin! I kinda also wanna make an OC to ship with him. I was thinking maybe a snail who works at the Bugdega with him. I just really like snails, I have 2 of them as pets 🐌❤️
Anyway, on with this fic. Enjoyyy!
!!!(TW: obsessive behaviors, jealousy, eye imagery)!!!
The next day, you got up with more enthusiasm than usual. You decided on a nice light breakfast of (fav fruit) so you could save your appetite for lunch with Wally.
Oh boy, there you went thinking about him again...
After last night, you couldn't seem to get him out of your mind. Even when you finally managed to fall asleep, you dreamt of him.
Dreams of more dates, of gentle kisses as you watched the sunset, of cuddles and movies and snacks under a cozy blanket...
What was happening to you? You were positive you'd never been so lovesick before...
It was even hard for you wait until lunchtime that day. Instead of your usual hobbies to pass the time, you found yourself staring at the clock and fidgeting. You tried to keep yourself busy, but couldn't seem to focus on any of the books or tv shows you tried to watch. It all just came back to the agonizingly slow ticking of the clock on the wall.
But finally...FINALLY it was time to start getting ready, and you practically jumped off the couch to get started.
Eventually you stood in your kitchen, waiting for Wally to arrive. Not a hair out of place, not a single wrinkle in your clothing, and not a clue what you would do when he actually showed up. Wally always seemed to fluster you, and you didn't want to be fumbling over yourself on a date with him, of all things! What would he think?!
Your anxious thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Taking a deep breath, you made your way as gracefully as possible to the door to answer it.
And there he was. Wearing a red suit and holding a very colorful bouquet of flowers in his hands, he smiled at you with that calm expression he always seemed to have.
"(Y/n), you look..."
Oh heavens...there it was again, that warmth within him. You looked absolutely, positively, wonderfully....
"Perfect..." he breathed, his eyes taking in your full form. He realized after a few beats that he was staring, and shifted his eyes up to your blushing face instead.
You shyly looked down at your shoes and squirmed under his gaze.
"Ah, golly...stop it or I'll melt. You look breathtaking in a suit too, Wally..."
You could absolutely cut the romantic tension with a knife at this point, it hung so heavily in the air. Suddenly, Wally remembered the flowers.
"Oh, I got you these! I can't lie, they were Barnaby's suggestion...I don't know much about dates. I've never been on one before"
He held them out to you, and you took them catefully, your fingers brushing his for a moment. You glanced at each other and then bashfully looked away again.
"They're gorgeous! I-I better get them in a vase so they last a long time! I'll only be a moment.."
Wally came in to wait while you rummaged in the kitchen cabinet for a nice vase to put your flowers in.
Looking around your living room, he noticed a few pictures hung up of you with some people he didn't recognize...including a man you seemed particularly close with.
His eye twitched.
"Say, (y/n), who are these fine folks in these pictures with you?"
"Hm? Oh! Those are some of my friends back home!"
"Yeah, shame I can't see them as much anymore. But we still call often!"
You came back to the living room, having found a suitable vase for the flowers and displayed them on your kitchen table. You noticed Wally looking at one picture in particular and smiled.
"Ah, that's me and my cousin! That was a fun summer..."
Suddenly, the anger clouding Wally's mind evaporated. He realized his stare was about to break the glass of the picture frame, and he looked away, straightening his tie and smiling at you.
"Well, I'm sure living here will give you plenty new memories to hang on the wall"
You nodded.
"I'm sure it will, too. Hey, I'll grab my camera and maybe you and I can take one!"
A picture with him? To hang on your wall?
Though Wally had no heart, he was almost positive he felt one skip a beat in his chest as he thought about you displaying him among your closest friends and family. Was he really that important to you?
He watched you pack your camera away in the basket, and picked it up before you could. You looked up at him questioningly, but he just smiled and offered you his arm.
"I'll carry it. Come on, there's a lot to see!"
Wally brought you all around town, pointing out spots of interest and naming off which neighbors lived in which houses. Several of them were outside as you went by, and you got to meet them finally.
Julie was absolutely ecstatic to meet you! She gave you a lovely yellow flower from her garden and offered to come over and do your hair one day.
Frank was cold at first, but when you complimented his bowtie and expressed interest in the book he was reading, he warmed up and said you could come by for book discussion and tea anytime.
Alternatively, Barnaby was warm immediately! He was proud to see his best buddy on a date with such a pretty and polite new neighbor, and he told you some of his best jokes. And it was nice to meet the guy who gave Wally all that date advice!
Howdy was outside sweeping when you came by, and shook your hand with 2 of his. When he learned of your plans to have a picnic, he gave you a couple of the cookies he had just gotten in stock. On the house! And told you to come by the shop anytime you needed anything.
Eddie wasn't at the post office, but you did cross paths later on your walk. He tipped his hat and introduced himself, but seemed to get distracted when he spotted Frank catching butterflies across the street, and quickly excused himself, stumbling over his own feet on the way. You asked Wally what was up with him, and he chuckled.
"Eddie and Frank are...well...fond of each other"
"Ohh!" you said as it finally clicked in your mind.
"They are cute together, aren't they?"
You looked at Wally shyly.
"Cuter than us?"
His face flushed bright red.
"Nothing is cuter than you, dearest~ Why, you're the loveliest thing I've ever laid eyes on~"
You giggled teasingly, but felt his arm wrap around your waist as you continued on your walk. Your face grew warm for the millionth time since you met him, but you managed to at least lean your head against his shoulder in return.
Eventually, you arrived at the picnic spot. It was shady and private and the grass was soft.
"This is where I like to paint sometimes. I love Home and the neighbors and all...but sometimes quiet and solitude is nice as well"
You nodded as you grabbed the blanket from the basket and spread it out.
"That makes sense. I like my alone time too, but...for some reason I never need a break from you, Wally" you admitted, looking away shyly.
He was silent for a beat, then chuckled and plopped down onto the blanket. You moved to sit across from him, but he unexpectedly took your hands and guided you to sit in his lap. He kissed your hands and gazed up at you like you were the most divine thing he had ever seen.
Because you were.
"I could never get tired of you either. You've given my life meaning again"
Your eyes widened and sparkled at his words. You were speechless until one of his hands came up to caress your cheek. You leaned into his hand, and he smiled.
"Could I..?"
"Oh, please do.."
And he did.
Warmth spread through your body, right to your very soul. Everything around the two of you seemed to fade away until even the chirping of the birds was fuzzy and distant. You weren't sure how long the kiss lasted, but when Wally did pull away, he sighed.
"If you aren't mine after this, I'll surely die.."
You smiled, leaning your forehead against his.
"Looks like the show must go on, Mr. Darling"
A giddy grin spread across his face and he attacked your face and neck with joyful kisses.
When you two were finished kissing and flirting, you decided to finally have your lunch. There were a few apple-based dishes, but to Wally's surprise, he liked everything! He had always been a picky eater; rarely trying new things and only eating when he absolutely had to, but soon he found a whole new world of foods he liked. Sandwiches, cookies, watermelon...they were all delightful! Who knew!
Of course, he only took bites when you weren't looking. He wasn't ready to tell you how he ate yet, and he didn't want to scare you off. So instead, he would lift the food to his mouth before blinking, just to seem more realistic.
But you were too dazed from all the kisses and your new boyfriend to notice or care.
Boyfriend...oh, the thought made you shudder with excitement! And he was so sweet and marvelous, you never wanted your time with him to end. You'd never met anyone you didn't eventually need space from, but you were positive you would be quite content to sit on this blanket under this tree with him forever, holding hands and making jokes and eating yummy food...
But eventually, the sun started to go down and it was time to pack up. Wally helped you put everything away, and suddenly you spotted your camera at the bottom of the basket.
"Oh, hey! Let's take that picture before we go"
Wally seemed excited for it, and pulled you back into his lap. You took several pictures; your faces together smiling, your lips to his cheek, making bunny ears over the top of his pompadour, and a few kissing ones. You made sure to snap two of each so he could have one, then tucked your camera away in the basket again. You spread out the photos on the blanket at smiled at him.
While you waited for them to develop, you both laid down to watch the clouds.
"Ooh! That one looks like a flower!" you exclaimed, pointing to it. Wally hummed in agreement.
"I think that one is a car"
"What? No way, it looks like a banana! And so do you!" You said, sitting up and poking his face where his nose would be.
"How's that?"
"I don't know! ...you're yellow?"
"Ha ha ha...(y/n) you're very imaginative. One of the things I love about you"
You blushed.
"Well...I love your laugh"
"I love your smile"
"I love your hair"
"I love your cooking"
"I love you"
Silence. You slapped your hand over your mouth and sat straight up, refusing to look at him. Where did that come from?! Nervously, you waited for him to say something. Anything.
"...please say it again"
Slowly, you turned to look at him. He was sitting up now, too, and his eyes were wide.
"I..I love..you...and maybe that's weird or wrong! I just met you yesterday! So it's crazy, but I...I love you, Wally"
"(Y/n) you are just...the absolute most.."
There were hearts in his eyes as he grabbed your shoulders and kissed you yet again, smiling against your lips.
"I love you too"
"Oh hey, the photos are done"
Welp. What a date, huh? ☺️ little less yandere in this part, but part 4 will have plenty. I wanted to establish that it's not just some random obsession, he's genuinely in love with you and you feel the same.
Should make yandere dynamic...interesting.
As always, more to come ❤️🍎
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allthatmay · 1 month
OKAY SO I'm having a week where I'm like, "Nothing I write is ever good enough!" so sharing could be good for me! I couldn't decide between Ace/Sanji or Shanks/Benn/Ace, but I went for the former because it's more polished...
This fic is inspired by the way Sanji looked at Ace in Alabasta. I mean, seriously. He was so staring.
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As soon as Ace realises what Sanji's up to, he smothers a laugh, holding his hands up in surrender when Sanji reaches for the dirty knife. Though the threat of violence is tempting, Sanji would much rather return to their previous activity, so he simply puts the cutting board and knife in the sink to be cleaned later. When he turns back around, his hands newly washed, Ace is watching him with a large, affectionate grin.
“All done, chef?”
“I take food very seriously.”
“Yeah, I can tell. It's one of the things I like about ya.”
“…One of the things?”
It's meant to sound playful, but it comes out dreadfully desperate. Sanji briefly contemplates drowning himself in the mop bucket.
Ace, though, steps toward him. “Yeah,” he says. “I like that you're so contentious about food, chef. I like that you give as good as you get. I like that you've got those long legs and swirly eyebrows. Those are really cool, by the way. And I really like the way you look at me.”
Sanji swallows. “Enough to let me look a little more?”
“You wanna watch me?” Ace looks surprisingly pleased. “I'll do anything for ya, chef, I swear. D'ya wanna watch me touch myself?”
What the fuck is Sanji doing?
“Yeah,” he admits, more to himself than Ace.
Braced against the counter, Ace slowly undoes his belt like he's expecting Sanji to change his mind at any time and—well, that's fair, really. But Sanji cannot possibly turn back when Ace’s hand reaches into his shorts—he's not wearing any underwear—and reveals his cock. It’s not the first cock Sanji’s seen other than his own, but it’s the first he’s seen in this context and it’s certainly the nicest: satisfyingly thick, nestled amongst neat hair, and coloured a deep pink towards the tip. That pink skin glistens as Ace gives his cock a singular pump, his eyes fluttering shut.
“Fuck… You sure this is okay, chef?”
Sanji does not sound like himself when he says, “Yes,” and perhaps that is for the best; the less he is associated with what’s happening, the more he can excuse it. But Sanji cannot possibly excuse, nor forget, nor exorcise the memory of Ace’s cock coming to full hardness; the way his hips rock upward into his fisted hand as he rasps, “Sanji…”
The dam of denial inside Sanji’s head bursts at the sight. He struggles to keep his legs steady, holding himself up by the counter. An uncomfortable cocktail of shame, guilt and lust has him feeling drunker as the moments go by; kissing is one thing, but this is something else entirely.
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starlvenus · 7 months
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warnings! small description of rotting flesh, not super detailed, reader climbing out of grave sam winchester x fem!reader
i lowkey forgot about tumblr bcs of school </3 !! but i swear I'm trying to write more... ALSO!!! TYSM FOR ALL THE LIKES ON MY LASt POST!!! :D PLEASEEEEE feel free to request anything!! theres a chance ill write it :3 !! (fyi, not a full on fledged out fic :( just a little ramble thing until i couldnt/didnt wanna write anymore)
summary sams dead girlfriend comes back from the dead D: !! -- Your eyes widen, a gasp escaping your hoarse throat. A high pitched hum fills your ears almost instantly. Your eyes dart around seeing nothing. You  turn around trying to just shuffle to the left, almost instantly you realise there is little to none room. Instantly the panic settles in, your chest rising up and down rapidly. You move your hands to feel around you, you could hear your hand hitting something but you couldn't feel it. Despite how scared you were, you tried touching your face. Instead of warm flesh touching your own the abrupt feeling of brittleness makes a scream ripple out of your throat. With what little sense you have left, you try to claw away at the edges. Slowly but surely the casket slightly opens, dirt trailing in through the cracks. After you get the casket open, dirt instantly falls on top of you, the pressure of the dirt halting your shallow breaths. Desperately you try clawing your way through the dirt breathing in some as you climb your way out. After digging, and digging, the harsh glare of sunlight pierces through, burning your eyes forcing them to shut rapidly. Your eyes blink trying to get used to the jarring light. Your eyes slowly adjust. The moment they do, they dart around taking everything around them in. 
Despite guessing you were in a casket seeing the graves all around you freaked you out. Your eyes trail around the area, slowly landing on your hands. The flesh on your finger tips is stripped, and rotting away, leaving dark and dry patches. Your skin is deprived of its liveliness. The sight sends waves of nausea, your tummy lurches. Tears gaze over your eyes, you use all the strength you have to pull yourself out. The ringing in your ear quiets down. Your body shakes as you stand up.. Not knowing where you are going you start walking. Hoping to find something. You make your way on a backroad, the cicadas buzz in your ear. Sometimes cars will pass you, they do look at you as they drive past, none of them daring to stop. After what felt like hours, you find a small phone booth. You think about how lucky you were.. You almost automatically press in the 10 digits.
The phone dials, and dials.. Until his voice rings through the shitty phone. “Hello? Who is this?” “Sam? It's me.” Sam sits paralysed. The once comforting voice leaves him with a shiver running down his spine. He struggles to even believe that he was able to hear her voice again. Just as quick as he thought he had her back, other thoughts raced in with the many possibilities, shape-shifters, crocottas, and more. Never considering the fact that it could be her. Despite his doubt he can't bring himself to hang up. It's been too long since he heard her. It lacks her past awkwardness, replaced with a lifeless tone, but it's undeniably hers. The slightest chance that it could even be her keeps him on the other line. Not willing to miss the chance. Ignoring his doubts, he hesitantly speaks up. “Is.. is it really you?”
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ayyko-rona-yoo · 6 months
Timmy!Wonka speaking French during moments he’s just absolutely infatuated with fem!reader GF (I’m only saying this since Timmy is an American-French actor and I wanna hear him speak more French in things ❤️😅😭
Hi, thanks for the request!
Honestly, I'm not sure I can write something full and finished from this. I'll try to explain - I don't really like and understand authors that use phrases in their fics in a language they doesn't speak. When they goes to a translator for that. I don't speak French myself, and so I don't want to be among such authors, so I apologize for not being able to fully do what you're asking for.
But I do have thoughts on the matter. Willy can't read, so he couldn't have learned the language on his own. But he's traveled by ship and more, so it's entirely possible that he's visited France, or interacted with a native speaker. And thus memorized a few phrases and their meanings. Most likely these phrases will come out involuntarily when he starts to run out of options to express his feelings. He holds your face in his palms, as gently as possible as he whispers the sweetest things against your lips. I can see him doing this.
(And I don't think it's just about French. He's memorized a lot of words from different languages that way, so yeah)
Sorry again and thanks again! 💖💖💖
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smutinlove · 1 year
You were my light
Carl Grimes x Reader
Warnings: A little angsty, mentions of death, slight torture (not really), mentions of blood, slight small description of blood, carl grimes being a jackass (sorry baes), a little violence, gun mentions, use of knife (chill y'all), mentions of character death, ugh sad sad sad, depressing shit ig, kidnapping (it's.... hot... if carl does it), sadness (????) 🤨
☽ Author's note☾ I'm writing this for fun cause I'm bored. Oh, my God! How shocking! I know. Right?? Tell me how it is. PLEASE. Anyway. Show some love by reblogging and liking it. <3 This is made by me just like all my other fics are. DO NOT STEAL, COPY, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
Thank you to everyone who reads this!
[I think I might even make this into a small little series.]
Part 2 is here
Part 3 is here
Part 4 is here
Part 5 is here
Summary - The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
❝ There's things I wanna say to you But I'll just let you live Like if you hold me without hurting me You'll be the first who ever did ❞
Lucille Smith used to say, "You can find light in the darkest places." It wasn't a lie, it was a bit complicated for you, Y/N Smith, to understand. "Mom, what does that even mean?" You asked.
"Oh, sweetheart, why don't you go upstairs and find that book you like? We could read it together." Lucille, your mother, suggested.
"Okay," You gave a sweet smile before rushing upstairs.
There was a box full of books. After almost an hour of searching, you finally found it.
You ran downstairs, "Mom, I found it—"
You walked through the woods, in desperate need of some fresh air. After Rick killed Negan, your father, you were so tired of everything. Hell, you almost thought of 'offing yourself.'
Negan, no matter how cruel he could be, he was still your father, you still cried almost every time you thought about him. It had been six years since your father died. Shit...
You were alone like always. It was peaceful but it could be sad sometimes.
As you were walking through the woods, you heard a twig snap.
You took out your gun and pointed it in every possible direction. It was a walker. Instead of shooting, you unsheathed your knife and jammed it into the skull of a walker. You took the knife out, and a bit of Walker blood got on your white t-shirt, but, hey, who would care anyway?
"Nice, what are you? A fucking dumbass? Wandering by yourself? All happy and shit." A voice said from behind you. "What?" You raised your gun and turned around. "Who the hell—"
And now you found yourself with a bag over your head. You couldn't breathe, it felt like the world had ended. Maybe, you were in hell. You killed so many innocent people. Maybe, it was them who took you away. Maybe they were gonna torture you and then slowly kill you.
The bag over your head was taken off. Your hands were tied behind your back. A familiar-looking boy was standing in front of you.
The boy was wearing a cowboy hat, which was the first thing you noticed when you first saw him in the lineup.
He had one eye, which you already knew. But it was unknown to you how he lost it. "You're pretty. What's your name?" He asked.
But you remained silent. This boy was familiar. He...
He was Rick Grimes' son. Carl Grimes.
Carl smiled. "Not a talker, 'ey?" He chuckled. "That's fine until I beat it outta you." He laughed.
To him, you looked familiar. But he couldn't figure out who you were exactly.
Carl laughed, "God, you are so cute, ain't ya?" He placed a hand on your cheek. "Look at me, sweetheart. Oh, you are a pretty little thing, aren't ya?"
You looked away. You didn't know this man well. Why? Why would he talk to you like you were his lover or whatever?
"Talk." He demanded. You wouldn't budge.
He slapped you, "Talk, now." He demanded.
Carl turned around, "Daryl will be rougher. And right now, I'm just being nice. Very nice. Now, what's your name, sweetheart?" He asked once again.
"Y/N," you reluctantly answered. Then, it hit him. He figured out who you were and now had an angry expression on his face. Why did your dad have to kill so many people, especially those two men?
"Cute. Why were you out there?" He asked. "Stop," you muttered. "Why should I stop, hm? Scared, sweetie?" He taunted. You looked up at him and tilted your head, "No. But you should be. 'Cause after I get free, I will kill you, you motherless son of a bitch!" He chuckled and grabbed you by your shirt. "Oh, sweet. A girl is threatening me." His laugh sent shivers down your spine. It was as if he didn't even care about your threats or how annoying and uncooperative you had been. It was as if he was used to this. "You know what?" "What?" "I'll be back, and you better start talking. Otherwise, you'll never see the sun ever again. But," of course, there was a 'but.' "Maybe, you'll join your daddy in hell, Y/N Smith." He smirked and left. It felt horrible. God, it was one of the most hurtful things he had said. And now, you promised yourself that you would kill Carl Grimes. No matter what, you will kill him.
Part 2?
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ronanceautistic · 1 month
It has been two years since my first fic was posted on AO3! So here's some fun fact about some of the fics I've posted.
southern nights: I wrote this the night after my grandma died lol. It feels a little obvious.
hounds of love: This was the third fic I posted, but the first fic I wrote.
Jig of Life: It was supposed to be much longer, but I got hit with writers block bad. I do wanna maybe do a rewrite of it at some point because I think it had potentially but was just lacking a bit.
A Promise That I'll Keep: A detail I only vaguely implied at is Robin's method of getting Nancy into the storm cellar - using a literal lead - hence why she got bitten.
blinded by the light: I do very often forget this fic even exists but I still love the comparison of grief to nuclear bomb testing LMAO. It's mental but I think it works surprisingly well.
I'm not here: Nancy's fate was decided on a blind Twitter poll - option a she lives, option b she dies. It got around 50ish votes (I can't remember the exact number), and her fate came down to one vote. Ironically, the vote I made on the nancybot account at the very beginning of the poll, is the one that saved her life. Nancy literally saved her own life in real life.
let my love open the door: Here are the invitation cards to the ten year reunion they attended!
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the dream catcher: The concept began with the poems at the beginning of each chapter. The story developed from them.
she knows where she's taking me: This is the full route they took from the Denver QZ to Lenora
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the stars, the moon: This day was originally conceptualised in the Grosse Point Blank AU, in that universe it's the day Nancy runs away from home. But in this fic, Robin shows up in time to stop her. And, I mean, thank fuck she did considering how her life turned out in the original fic.
we were younger: I list them in the end notes of the fic, but so much of this fic parallels canon Stranger Things, and I'm honestly impressed with myself how many connections I managed to fit in there.
what about crying whales: Aquarium is real life accurate thanks to a video tour of the New England Aquarium.
I just want to live in the moment: Not just in this fic, but I tend to write Nancy angst one shots in the present tense. I just like the feeling of time being fleeting, nothing being set in stone. It feels less like a story and more like inner dialogue.
call me when you get home: I was in a really bad place when I wrote this one, so the ending was a lot of wishful thinking for myself. OCD waxes and wanes, but it's fun to say that since writing it, I've felt the ending for myself.
tell me something about yourself: I really really like the concept of this one and honestly have never heard of any piece of media doing something like it before. So a lot of it was purely experimental, seeing if it even could be done well.
trapped between two lungs: It blows my mind that I even pulled this off, and blows my mind even more how positive the reception was. It was so much work, so much planning. Season 5 of this fic is undoubtedly the thing I'm most proud of. I wrote the entire final season of Stranger Things and I've had multiple people tell me the actual show couldn't possibly do it better? That's mental. Thank you so much.
Anyways here's to two more years.
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bardofavon · 11 months
I did it!
Anyways, I loved this chapter, but I wanted to ask about the connection between the darkling and Kaz. Like, they are not bound by the stag since Kaz was the one to kill him, but they ARE connected. How??? Is that going to work the same when the merzost comes into the scene?? And aslo I wanna know about the mental strain Kaz is under since he now has a mini angry man in his mind watching an angry man make plans to kill him.
yay, you figured it out!!
not gonna lie, ever since i made the decision to include the tether i've been waiting for this question ahaha.
i scanned the books like crazy and actually even though the show makes it explicitly clear that the tether is because they're bound to the stag, it's actually never stated in the books that that's the reason. it can be gathered that that's the reason and it makes sense for that to be the reason, but since it's not officially in there and i went "i'm god now and i want it to happen" and decided to do it here anyway, which is why i think i foreshadowed merzost somewhere ??? this fic is too long for me to remember what I foreshadowed.
the darkling is FULLY bullshitting though when he's like "I'm as in the dark as you are, I have no idea how we're connected, it's just the universe bringing us together" because he's been doing some absolutely insane merzost bullshit to get into Kaz's head <3 "this was always going to happen if you left me" is true though, he's been cooking this up for quite awhile and never intended to let a world in which he couldn't contact Kaz exist. but also, i thought it would be fitting to write a situation in which this is possible because they actually are just connected. they're intertwined, they're codependent, kaz was in such a state that his mind was actually pretty easy for the Darkling to slip right in there.
I don't think I'm going to explicitly spell it out too much in the canon of the fic because I don't think Kaz is really as concerned with the "how is this happening" as much as he is the "how can i stop it" but the real full simple answer is "I wanted it to happen and I'm having fun with it so it's happening and there's enough in canon to support a merzost explanation that I'm running with it"
As for the mental strain, there’s a LOT and it’s taking it’s toll. it’s mostly manifesting in Kaz’s inability to make plans involving other people at the moment because he doesn’t know when the Darkling is overhearing, which is somewhat crippling because his plans rely deeply on other people (which is I think why his most recent plans were flopping, he was trying to do it all alone)
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prudentseer · 4 months
hellooelloello ur writing is so good, not that u need me to tell u that lol. dyu have any boat boys headcannons about Mariana or just in genral i'm sure lots of us would love to hear them (cough me cough)
also i love impdubs so much and ur fic made me fall even harder for them if that was even possible
genuinely as a nonwriter i just wanna say ur words are literal magic
Hello!! I have a big love-hate relationship with writing (more like love...ignore for weeks at a time relationship) so thank you for the compliments on it, always appreciated! Also I love meeting based Impdubs enjoyers, I love my boys so much (Gem is one of us), like come on they literally argue about their shared funds in hermitcraft...they're actually married I'm sorry.
As for my headcanons about Mariana (Fic title gets shorter everytime someone mentions it...still find it hysterical, I want my next ask to just not refer to it at all) I have plenty, trust me I will not shut up if you ask me a question about it.
The ones I can think of on the spot are as follows:
Boat boys
Growing up, Etho was kid that didn't study and got straight A's while Joel was the kind of kid that could get straight A's but didn't to "lower his parents expectations"
On that note Etho definitely did homework for people for cash while Joel tutored Jimmy throughout most of...his life really
Joel didn't have plans for after highschool at first (he was going to join the military, Grian and Jimmy gave a very loud NO to this) but then someone said he just "wasn't smart enough for it" and he took it personally
Boat boys can both skateboard and do graffiti; and they're really good at it...that's it
Once when Joel was drunk Etho carried him firearm style. To get back at him, on the rare occasion that Etho got drunk Joel carried him out bridal style. It's now become a thing.
Jimmy is amazing with kids, worked at a daycare part time and all the kids LOVED him. He can befriend any child
Tango initially planned on going to trade school instead but basically got a full ride scholarship and decided why the hell not
Jimmy doesn't have his driver's license (he doesn't have a car and public transit is good enough that he doesn't really need one) he can drive his tractor and that's about it
Prior to working at Skizz's restaurant part time neither of the Ranchers could cook, it was 'smoke detector going off' and 'fire extinguisher on hand' kind of bad
Both of them despise goats. Don't ask.
Impulse and Bdubs worked really hard to make sure they could both go to college together because according to Bdubs "If I couldn't just walk over to Impulse's dorm to see him whenever I want I'm going to be VERY UPSET."
Impulse likes to leave out the fact that when he proposed he never even said the words "will you marry me" as he was too busy crying (not that Bdubs noticed, he was crying too). In fact they were both crying the minute he brought the ring out.
Bdubs is the best landscape artist you have ever seen in your life
Impulse was captain of the robotics team in highschool and he won a lot of competitions, he doesn't like telling people because it feels too 'braggy'
Absolute cuddlebugs the both of them, they're practically glued to each others side most events they go to
That's all I can think of at the moment but I love headcannons so feel free to tell me your own! (if you're comfortable of course) Give me any question or prompt and I'll talk for ages, trust me. Thank you for the ask!!
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yahargulian · 1 year
6, 8, 13 (drop the music recs!!!), 29, 39 (begging you to tell the people about the blast furnace. if you want!!), 43, 57
ahem i would also like to take this chance to announce that kim is an AMAZING writer (and an amazing person full stop) and everyone should keep your eyes peeled for their fics in the future because whoooy boy their current serennedy wips and ideas are SOOOO GOOD and i’m not even really in the fandom??? but i live for every snippet i’m sent???
hehe please enjoy 💓💓
AAAAA Jamie holy shit.. Bestie you're gonna make me blush aaaa 👉👈
Whenever I do actually get these fics finished and published, everyone go thank Jamie for all his hype and support and for being my fandom screaming buddy adkjhga AND ALSO if you happen to watch a funky little show called KinnPorsche you should go read their fics like! Right the fuck now! And also keep an eye out for new ones in the future because I have also seen snippets of Jamie's wips and ideas and WOWIE is that fandom in for a treat or two. Or several hehe
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
"Unpleasant didn’t quite cut it." Which is from the same extract I answered with here, and is the last line I've written from any of my wips at the moment... But, I'm also gonna give you the last line I've written from the other fic I'm currently working on. As a treat! "Krauser had changed right there beside Leon, and he had never even noticed." I really am just making Leon go through it in two very different ways at the moment ahdgjkhag
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
"And maybe it had fulfilled the purpose for which it was designed, no longer held a practical use to him. But, as he breathed in, he felt its weight soft against his chest. And for a moment he couldn't exhale. A soft warmth bled in his chest; from his lungs, from his heart, from the weight of metal over both. Held. Like a promise. "No," he breathed, finally. Then, surely, "no, nothing." Not all purposes were practical, after all."
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
I do! But I'm really really awkward about it aghkdgjdakg it depends on the vibe really! Usually music with lyrics distracts me (my brain starts focusing on the lyrics oops) so unless I'm listening to a specific song or songs on loop, I usually listen to video game soundtracks There are some scenes and stuff that call for a specific kind of vibe - or just silence as a last resort if I can't find anything to listen to - but lately I've been listening to boss battle music, of all things. This playlist, to be exact This is my hype music! My 'Getting Shit Done' playlist. I used to listen to a lot of this while doing uni assignments, and have been known to listen to it to do even mundane shit. Like laundry
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
People have told me before that my fics have made them cry, and like. Nothing makes me happier honestly. Again with the emotion think, is anything I've written has ever made someone feel something it's the best thing that could possibly happen. So the fact that something I've written has apparently made people feel something so much that they've cried? Hell yeah I'm proud of that!!
39. What’s your most self-indulgent wip?
Okay no you're right, the blast furnace fic is pretty self indulgent so I will mention it. Basically, Leon and Luis fuck in the blast furnace, right after the fight against the two Gigantes. And this came about because I realised that this would be one of the best times for them to kiss in the main plot (literally like in an action movie) and also that nobody had written them fucking in the blast furnace yet? And once I realised that I realised how obvious it was to get them to fuck in there - and now here I am. So it's very self indulgent because I wanna see it ahdjkahkjgd but also now that I've started it I'm on a mission to make it as visceral an experience as possible! It's gonna be fucking great I'm really excited for it Honestly tho, most if not all of what I write or try to write is self-indulgent in some way. Hell, the key fic I'm working on is super self-indulgent just because it's basically me working through all my feelings about this damn lab key! And what it means and symbolises and what if what if what if. Everything I write is written because I wanna see it and explore it and experience it! It's all self-indulgence babey!
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Answered here but long story short, yes! But hopefully I'll get to them soon hehe I also looked over the 4,000 word pollen wip again after typing my reply to this question and. Yeah. I've definitely gotta finish that one someday my god I forgot how strong the brainworms had got when I started that one ahdgjkahgkd
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Foreshadowing maybe, tho I'm not sure how much I'd say I'm conscious of it rather than.. Because I know where I'm going I try to build up to that. So I guess that would be a yes? Ahsdjhjgkj In terms of symbolism, maybe not as much as I should be? The aforementioned key fic is possibly an exception here because, well. It's literally about the fucking lab key. It's about the symbolism. But generally I'm not conscious about including it - and now this is making me wonder if I do? And if I do, how the fuck and when? Someone please tell me, Jamie please tell me aghdjdahgds
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"We can't be in love."
Hi!So,this is a Brance fic.
For the past day of hanging out with the gang,Bruce started feeling that strong,aching feeling whenever he was with Vance.He felt so safe,and so loved whenever he was around.But Bruce,not accepting his own feelings,refused to believe there was anything between them other than a very close friendship.One day,the gang invited Bruce to hang out with them,but they've set a plan.You see,Vance returned the same feelings for Bruce,and really wanted to do something nice for him,the other boys hid in the bushes and couldn't stop giggling.
Bruce came,seeing Vance.
Bruce : oh,hey Vance!Where are the others?
He asked.
Vance : oh they couldn't catch up...listen..
This surprised Bruce.I mean it was weird none of them could hang out,but he was more curious about what Vance wanted to tell him.
Vance : Bruce..I love you.
Bruce paused.His whole mind went blank.He was happy,but the feeling of him being wrong was taking over the happiness.
Bruce : w-what?..
Vance : I love you.You might as well take my heart,Bruce
Vance : It's already full of you.
Bruce : please go.
Vance : what is it,what's wrong my dear?
Bruce : you know nothing about me.
Bruce : You've known me for only a few days!
Vance : Few days? Bruce I've known you all my life.
Bruce : All your life?
Vance : it's true!
Vance : when I heard beautiful music,I thought "he'd like that"
Vance : I've looked at flowers,and known that,one day I'd give them to you.
Bruce : stop!
Vance : it's the truth Bruce,i love you more than earth itself.
Bruce : i can't love you!
Vance : why not?
Beuce : i just can't!
Vance : why?!
Bruce cried out,he got on his knees and started trembling and his eyes being full of tears.
Vance : Bruce..
Bruce : i wanna love you..b-but you.. you're a boy..and I can't possibly lov-
Before Bruce finished his sentence,Vance pulled in and kissed Finney.For the first time,he felt as if he belonged somewhere,like he was important,like he mattered.Even though he was adored by many,he never felt that much loved or appreciated.This kiss made him realize that it's not wrong to love people,it's wrong to deny it.
Bruce smiles into the kiss and Vance noticed,which also made Vance smile.
Finney : Aww!How romantic!
Billy : damn.
Griffin : ew love-...
The gang yelled from the bushes.
This made all of them laugh.
For the rest of their hang out,Vance had his arms wrapped around Bruce,which,Bruce didn't mind.
I didn't write a BRANCE fic in a LOOOOOOOOONG TIME.
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thomasshelbyswife · 29 days
Dark Mojito
Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader Female pronouns used, reader gets called 'girl' no use of y/n.
Summary: Steve rescues you from an uncomfortable situation.
Disclaimer: This is my first time writing for Tumblr and my first time writing a short fic like this. This fic was deleted three times😭 so it’s taken me ages rewriting it each time, but I’m publishing this now without proofreading all of it properly. I apologise for any mistakes in it, tomorrow morning I’ll reread it and edit it but I just want it out now.
Also I’ll be writing part two to this for the well needed comfort between Steve x reader if people want it.
Anyway I’m really nervous about publishing this so please be nice :)
TW: reader is in an uncomfortable situation with a man, no sexual violence is described but the threat is implied. Please take care with reading.
It wasn't your fault really, anyone else would have made the same mistake as you did it was a pretty easy mistake to make. Actually no it wasn't your mistake you were mislead, that's how you ended up here. Hiding out in Kyle McCay's bathroom trying to fight off a panic attack and not cry.
When Angie had invited you to Kyle's, her boyfriend, for a party you'd agreed. You liked going to parties with your friends and you were trying to make the most of your final year in high school and if that meant going to a party without one of your closest friends as comfort then so be it. You always went to parties with some, every party you'd been to you went with Steve other than the 'pink ladies' party you went to because that was girls only and even then you still had Nancy and Carly (your childhood friend). Hell one time you even went to a party with Eddie Munson, given Carly was already there; Eddie had been dropping off Dustin from one of their DnD sessions that had overran and he happened to mention that he was also heading to the same party you were but his was 'for business not pleasure'. So he drove you and made sure you had a lift home. But this party with Angie, you hadn't mentioned it to anyone other than Steve because Nancy was busy with Jonathan (they always were every Friday night), and Carly had gone out of town to visit her family in California. 
You'd swung by the mall after you'd finished school to speak to Steve and ask him to go with you.
"So, there's a party tonight I'm thinking of going to, wanna join?" you said as you leaned on the counter Steve was currently wiping dow.
Steve sighed, "unfortunately no can do, I'm closing up tonight and you know I'd skip out of here in a heartbeat for you but I've got to keep this stupid job."
"It's not stupid Steve, you serve ice cream that's pretty cool in my book."
He laughed, "I suppose, but the uniforms are stupid- I feel like I've been striped of my dignity and shoved in a sailors outfit-"
You laughed along with him, "I'd argue you have more dignity now then you did before the tight striped shorts." You smiled up at him as he smiled down at you.
Steve resumed cleaning down the counter as he spoke, "who's party is it anyway?"
You took a scoop out of your ice cream, "Kyle McCay's- well his girlfriend invited me Angie but it's at his house"
"She the one we bumped into last week at the arcade?"
"Yep, they've been going out for nearly two years. I haven't properly spoke to Kyle but Angie's my friend so I can hang with her and then when it gets boring I'll just leave."
Steve put the cloth away, giving you his full attention. "You still wanna go, even though you'll be on your own?"
You sighed, you hadn't really contemplated what you'd do if Steve couldn't go with you but you still wanted to go and you could just show your face for an hour and then leave.
"Yeah I think so, I wanna try and enjoy my senior year as much as possible and I've only just became friends with Angie even though we've shared classes for two years. Plus I'd feel bad if I didn't turn up, it was really nice of her to ask me."
Steve sighed, he loved how considerate you were to other people but he didn't like how it became a problem when you put others before yourself.
"Don't worry about Angie or anyone else, do you want to go?"
"Yeah I do, I think I need to go for myself you know put myself out there- most people only see me when I'm with you or Carly I'm always with someone, I'm never just my own person and I want to be my own person instead of being seen as someone else's person. Do you understand what I mean?"
"I do yeah, but I don't think it's a bad thing you're always with a friend it just shows that you have good people in your life. But I get what you're saying and if you want to go to this party I say you go. I'll be finished before nine so I can give you some time to mingle on your own and then I can either join you in there or if you've had enough we can grab some food and go home. How does that sound?" Steve smiled at you, it was that smile that was so adorably beautiful you had to take a moment to appreciate it.
"Sounds perfect."
And it did sound perfect at the time, but that was under false pretences.
You'd arrived at Kyle's at 8pm after your mum had dropped you off on her way to pick Dustin up from Eddie's.
It was dark out and winter was fast approaching, pulling your denim jacket around yourself tighter as you made your way to the front door. Listening you couldn't hear any music and there were no cars lined down the street like usual. Weird.
The door swung open and there was Kyle smiling at you. You'd met Kyle once before when you were at the arcade with Steve and Kyle was with Angie. He seemed nice and Steve liked him.
"Come on in princess, Angie's in the kitchen getting you a drink" you stepped in and he closed the door behind you "follow me" he led you down the hallway and into a room on the right. You noticed instantly that there was no music and there were no people. How early were you?
Walking into the kitchen you saw Angie standing at the kitchen counter mixing drinks. 
"Ah here she is, you look gorgeous I love that dress you'll have to let me borrow it sometime," she made her way around the island and brought you in for a hug.
Hugging her back you said, "thanks Ange, so do you." you broke apart from the hug and smiled at Angie, "so what time does the party start?"
Angie made her way back around the kitchen island and resumed mixing drinks, "now silly" she laughed.
You let out an awkward laugh as you gestured around, "well where is everyone?"
Angie kept her attention down on the drinks she was mixing, "oh I'll explain when we go to the living room but first and most importantly your drink m'lady." She slid a drink over to you in a tall glass, it looked like coke with ice but it had something green in it?
You grimaced, "What is is?"
Angie let out an excited sequel, "okay so it's got vodka, white rum, sugar syrup, lime juice freshly squeezed- no I'm lying, it's from a bottle but the taste is the same, I promise- and coke. It's basically a mojito with coke instead of lemonade and vodka as well as rum. I'm calling it the 'dark mojito', it was either that or the 'Angebomb' but I feel like I'll save the 'Angebomb' for a shot."
"It's a good name, make sense with the dark cause you used coke. I Iike it." That was all you could cling onto, the drink didn't sound good at all. Yes you loved a mojito but this wasn't a mojito and it had double the alcohol and you don't normally have more than a few drinks so you were hesitant to drink it. Well you can just sip on it throughout the night and keep the same drink, and if it really is that bad then you can just pretend to take sips- they won't know the difference not when everyone arrives. Actually, when it gets busy you can just pour it down the drain, it's not like Angie will notice.
She let out a scoff as she laughed "that's not why I've called it dark, silly." 
She moved past you, drink in hand as you watched her go, confused. What makes it dark then??
"Come on we'll go into the living room, really get this party started. Kyle! Where are you babe?!"
Angie led you down the hallway, passed the front door and into the living room.
"Upstairs baby I'm calling Blake, give me a sec."
Angie let out an excited sequel, "ahhhh yay okay come sit with me I've got something to tell you" she dragged you over to the couch and you sat down together.
"Okays you might want a sip of your DM for this- DM as in dark mojito, that's what I'm nicknaming it-" she shrugged proudly.
You felt a knot form in your stomach, "for what Angie, what's going on?"
She gestured to your drink and you, "sip first then I'll tell"
You huffed bringing your drink to your lips and took a sip, and surprisingly it really wasn't bad. Angie must have read your face because she smiled smugly, "It's good isn't it, I know. Anyway, me and Kyle were talking after we saw you and Steve at the arcade and we said how we'd love to double date cause it would be so fun-"
You cut her off abruptly, feeling the heat creep up your face "Ange me and Steve aren't a couple-"
It was her turn to cut you off, as she laughed "I know that silly, well at first I thought you both looked really good together and I told Kyle that but he said to me that Steve would never go for you, you aren't his type he likes pretty girls that have a bit of fire- his words not mine but anyway I said it'd still be nice to double date and we both really like you and Kyle's older cousin is single so I had to most amazing idea to set you two up- well I wanted to set you up with someone and Kyle said that Blake is the perfect guy for you- he's older than Kyle, he's got that bad boy rugged persona down to a T and he really really likes you- well not yet but he will trust me."
Your mind felt frazzled as you tried to take in everything Angie had just dumped on you. They thought Steve wouldn't date you, you weren't his type? You liked Steve, like really really liked him and you'd hoped he'd thought the same but you'd never crossed that bridge from friendship to something more so you didn't know. But hearing Angie say Steve wouldn't go for you because you weren't pretty and didn't have fire? You didn't really understand what that meant but that didn't mean the pain lessened. And then it finally hit you, the graviton of the situation you were in...
They'd set you up on a date?!
You'd never dated, never been with anyone romantically and that suited you. You liked Steve and even if he didn't reciprocate it you still didn't want to date someone else never mind Kyle's older cousin. Older? How much older, because Kyle's Steve age, is he older than Steve?!
You let out a shaky breath as you tried to compose yourself, "Angie I don't know how I feel about this, I- I don't want to go on a date and I've never even met Kyle's older cousin... how much older is he by the way?"
"I know, that's why you're meeting him now, if it helps just tell yourself this isn't a date you're just getting to know him."
Your chest tightened, you didn't want to do this but you felt too awkward to get out of it. You'd kick yourself later when you reflected on this, on how for some reason you put Angie, Kyle and Blake before yourself and although they obviously didn't care about you, you were still trying to please them.
"Angie I don't know-" you did know, you didn't want to do this, you didn't want to be here but you couldn't find the strength to tell her that.
And before Angie could respond the bell rung. Your chest felt tight and your palms began to sweat.
"Ah yay that's him, Kyle it's Blake come answer the door I wanna stay with my girl-" she nudged you with her arm "relax babe don't worry, I wouldn't put you in a situation if I thought it'd make you uncomfortable." It didn't matter what she thought, you were uncomfortable and it was only gonna get worse when Blake walked in.
Kyle came thundering down the stairs, and winked at you as he ran past towards the front door. You heard it open and Kyle greet someone, then you heard Blake's voice and it sounded deep.
"Does he know you're setting us up?" you hastily whispered to Angie.
"Blake, yeah he knows he's all up for it."
Great. This felt deeply unnerving, the way these three had made this plan and set you up like you were a piece of art about to be auctioned off actually no you were a piece of meat that had already been sold.
Blake entered the room and the knot in your stomach tightened to a point you felt cramp. He was average hight, smaller than Steve, but he was broad and he had a beard?! 
He came straight over to you, and Angie stood from the couch pulling you up with her.
"Blake" he said as he leant in and kissed you on the cheek. His beard scratched your face and he had a weird smell to him. You replied with your name and then sat back down on the couch, "nice dress" he grunted out and that had you readjusting your dress so it stretched to your knees, you felt exposed under his gaze. He sat on the couch opposite you with Kyle and pulled out a tin lunch box, which looking closer at looked a hella of a lot like the one Eddie lost.
Kyle and Blake began chatting away and although their voices were incredibly loud, you couldn't bring yourself to listen you were trying to plan a way out of here. Steve said he'd join you at 9 because you'd told him it was a party (well tbf up until about 5 minutes ago you still thought it was a party and that everyone was late) and if you waited by the door you could run out to Steve's car before he got out and-
"Pick your poison princess" Blake's deep voice cut through your thoughts.
"What one you having, Klye's gone with some weed but me I'm an acid guy."
You felt like your breath had been stolen from you, "I'm neither I don't- I don't want anything, thanks." you felt everyones eyes on you.
Blake laughed and you hated the sound of it, "come on princess, this is a party and at parties we have fun"
The way he called you 'princess' made you feel uncomfortable, it was like he was holding it over you, it felt like a threat.
Angie spoke on behalf of you, "Blake she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to, but I do so pass me that spliff."
Blake's eyes hardened, staring at you he leant forward and took the unlit spliff from the tin and threw it in Angie's direction. Angie let out an excited giggle and then you heard the sound of a lighter, and then the smell of weed filled the air.
You stifled your breathing, trying not to cough you didn't need more attention on you that it already was.
Even though Kyle nor Angie were looking at you, it still felt like all the eyes in the room were on you. It was suffocating and you tried to control your breathing, as best as you could. But the weight of the room rested heavily on your chest because Blake was staring at you and he had been for some time. You made eye contact with him and looked away quickly towards Angie and Kyle who were laughing at something. But you still felt the burn of his stare, and the anxiety that you had tried to suppress all night was flooding through you now.
You looked back over to him and offered him a small smile, hoping to alleviate any tension. But that made it worse. He smirked back at you, took two pills out of the tin, put them on his tongue, swallowed them down with a gulp of his beer, and then sat back in his chair man spreading, all while maintaining eye contact with you.
You had never felt a chilling sense of fear like the one that was overwhelming you right now. Two years ago your life was uprooted by another dimension of evil, you'd faced off with Demogorgans and Demodogs with nothing more than a spare baseball bat of Steves (minus the nails). During the past two years, you've been scared, you've been crippled with terror almost to a point of no return. But that fear was nothing like this fear, the monsters from the Upside Down wanted to kill you it was their nature... but the worst they would have done to you was kill you, and sitting opposite Blake as he eyed you up with the ferocity of a predator looking at its prey, you realised his intentions were worst than the Demogorgans.
Kyle dropping on the couch next to you broke you out of your thoughts, you looked over to him to see him making out with Angie. Great.
You refused to look at Blake, you didn't want him to get any more ideas than he already has.
He spoke as he stood, beer in hand, "come on princess, we'll give them their privacy." no, no way were you leaving this room with him.
He made his way over to you and grabbed your wrist pulling you up from the couch, "wait, no- I think we should stay here-"
He smiled at you, but it was like no smile you had ever seen it was disturbing "why you scared of me?" he laughed. That must have been an attempt of a joke, his way of lightening the mood but yeah you were scared of him and there was no way you were going anywhere with him. He tightened his grip on your wrist, "come on"
"Angie-" you managed to force out, but it came out like a shriek, "Angie" you called out again in panic.
Kyle and Angie stopped making out and looked over to you and Blake, halfway across the living room.
"You good babe?" Angie asked you as she got up from the couch, "you look pale, how much of your DM have you had?"
"I'm fine, just feel a bit queasy and I really need your bathroom- where is it, please?" you rushed out, and looked over towards Kyle pleading with your eyes for him to just give you the directions so you could run and lock yourself in there.
"Ah, upstairs last door on the right, you want Angie to go with you, you really don't look too good?" Kyle spoke as he looked you over and honed in on your wrist, still firmly gripped by Blake.
"I'm okay, I want to go alone. Thanks." You attempted to pull your wrist out of Blake's grip but he still held firm.
Kyle noticed and let out an awkward laugh, "man the fuck, loosen up on your grip will you. That's no way to win a lady" he spoke as he walked towards you and Blake. Blake dropped your wrist and turned towards Kyle, sneering "I don't got to loosen up on nothing, just making sure I get what I came for."
You didn't need to hear anymore of this, and it sounded like Blake was about to flip his shit so you took that as your escape. You hastily walked up the stairs and then ran down the hallway. You wanted to go the toilet because you remember before Kyle had called down to you and Angie that he was on the phone to Blake, so there must be a phone up here. And there at the end of the hallway, like a shinning miracle from the Lord, was a rotary phone. You rushed towards it and dialled the number you knew would answer.
It rang and it rang, you could hear Blake talking with Kyle- their voices raised.
Still the phone rang, what if he wasn't home yet?
And then the ringing stopped as the line was answered, "Harrington residence." You could have cried in relief, you must have let out some sort of noice to his greeting because he didn't give you time to respond before he defensively snapped.
"What? okay is this a prank call- Dustin if that's you I swear I'll hang you by your curls on the washing line, okay I told you mom says I have to answer the phone like that incase any of dad's business calls come through to the house- no wait why am I even explaining this to you, Dustin you're lucky I like your sister cause you're really starting to test my patience-"
"Steve." You cut across him, later you can unpack his ramblings and harmless threats to your brother but not now- now you needed Steve.
Steve abruptly stopped his rambling and the silence that hung between the two of you felt deafening. He called your name.
"What's happened?! Are you okay?!" He spoke unnervingly calm, but at the sound of his voice, all of the emotions you had been fighting off came barreling out.
"Steve I need you-" tears we're streaming down your face, and your breathing was coming in short.
"Okay. Okay, are you still at Kyle's?" You could hear frantic shuffling on the line, and the noice made you freeze... you couldn't hear Blake's booming voice! You tucked the receiver into your neck and strained to try and hear what was going on downstairs... you heard Angie laugh and both of the boys respond. While you were listening to those downstairs, you hadn't realised Steve had been frantically calling your name, pleading for you to answer.
You brought the phone back up to your ear, as your tears continued to fall you heard Steve's voice "you got to talk to me okay- I'm freaking out over here, fuck-"
"I- I'm still at Kyle's this isn't a party they-" you hiccuped "they set me up on a date with Kyle's older cousin and Steve he's really scary and I-I don't know what to do I want to go home"
Steve felt his heart break in two at the sound of your voice drenched in fear, he'd never heard you panic like this. He grabbed his car keys, "I'm on my way okay, I'm leaving right now I live like a few minutes from Kyle's okay I'll be there in less than five minutes but I need you to go to a bathroom or somewhere with a lock okay-"
"I said I was going the bathroom to them, I'll go in there" your voice sounded so small, so full of fear. Steve didn't like it, it felt like his veins were on fire. He never liked when you were scared, but the demogrgans he got that that shit was scary but no one not born of the upside down should be able to elicit such fear out of you.
"That's good baby, okay we're gonna hang up and you're gonna go in the bathroom and lock yourself in-"
"No. No I don't want to hang up Stevie" he could feel your panic through the phone, fuck.
"Got to do it baby, you're gonna be safer in the bathroom than you are on the phone. You lock yourself in the bathroom and I'll be there in five, and you do not come out until I come to get you okay?" Steve was always able to take charge in situations of panic and fear, he'd had plenty of practice.
Letting out a shaky exhale you meekly responded, "okay, I can do that."
"Good okay, go lock yourself in and I'll be there in five I promise. Don't open that door for anyone other than me, I don't care if Angie comes knocking- only open it for me. I'll be there soon, okay just wait for me."
And with that he hung up, you quickly put the receiver back onto the phone and darted for the bathroom door. Stepping in you closed the door behind you and put the lock in place. Sitting on the closed toilet seat you bent your head to you knees as you tried to breath. It was all too much, the tears were still flowing and the crippling panic that was woven through your veins didn't relent, in fact it worsened. How was Steve going to get through Kyle's house and get you? They'd see him, someone would have to open the door for him and then they'd know you called him. Blake was clearly off his head on drugs and it seemed he was looking for fight before with how he started on Kyle. If he spoke like that to his own cousin, he'd do so much worse to Steve and Steve's never won a fight. no. This can't be happening, this can't be happening.
You don't know how much time had passed but you heard the screech of tires outside, standing up on the toilet seat you looked out of the window that overlooked the street. It was Steve's car.
Hearing his car door slam shut, you made a decision you knew Steve would reprimand you for later but right now you didn't care about that, you wanted to make sure Steve's beautiful face stayed in tact and he had no new scars to add to his collection on account for protecting you, again.
Unlocking the door quickly, you ran down the hallway and down the stairs pausing in the living room as everyones eyes turned on you. You didn't linger too long to take them all in, but you felt Blake's unnerving stare settle upon your skin.
Speaking quickly, you stammered out "I've got to go- Steve's here-"
You rushed towards the front door, just as the pounding on the front door started.
"Who the fuck's Steve?!" Blake called out.
You could hear Kyle answer him, but his voice seemed to be getting closer to you. Yanking the front door open, you all but melted into Steve. There he was in front of you, glaring as you opened the door but his eyes softened when he saw it was you.
"Are you okay?"He pulled you into a tight embrace, "hey I told you to stay in the bathroom"
"I didn't want you to get into a fight- can we go" you looked over you shoulder as you felt someone approaching. It was Kyle, closely followed by Blake.
"Hey Steve, how've you been?" Kyle called out to Steve as he stood behind you, Steve subtly pulled you behind him as he spoke "save the bullshit Kyle, I swear to God-" Steve was livid, he didn't know all the details of the situation but what he did know was that you'd called him crying from fear at what you thought was a 'party', and the reason you were so scared must have been because of one of the boys currently stood in front of you- or both of them. Steve didn't care, all he cared about was you and they'd scared you shitless and he wasn't having it. He felt you tug the back of his jacket and he realised that this wasn't about him, that even if he started a fight because of what they might have done to you, it didn't matter, none of it did. All that mattered was you, and you called Steve because he made you feel safe and there was no way he was going to jeopardise that because of some jerk like Kyle McCay and the weirdo with the beard that was stood behind him glaring at him. So Steve rose above every instinct in him that was screaming at him to grab his baseball bat and go to town on these lowlives. He rose above it all because he knew you didn't want him fighting, that was why you'd ran down to the door- to save him, and he was saving you.
"Let me make this very fucking clear, if either of you two fuckers think I'll let what happened tonight go then you're wrong, same goes for Angie. But as a man I'm addressing you two cause I don't believe in scaring a girl shitless, but obviously that's where we differ. You don't look at her, you don't talk to her, hell you even think about breathing the same air as her... I'll have your head." Steve didn't wait for a response, he turned around and gently guided you to walk in front of him to his car. He opened his car door, guided you in to the seat, buckled you up and kissed you on the forehead. Slamming the door shut behind him, he made his way around to the drivers side, got in and started the car.
The car began to pull away, and as you sat in the safety of Steve's car you could still feel the burn of that stare penetrating you and you feared it wouldn't be the last time you felt it.
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squishylemonbubbles · 3 months
i wanna ramble about the writing of (0)95 now hahaha. i mean full disclosure if you haven't seen the summary yet, it's another vore fic, so feel free to skip this post. i just put a lot of detail and care into it so i want to ramble about that
i felt it was important to have a little negotiation and to reference back on this, make the consent clear, as well as draw the lines for what the reader should expect. i also figured like, idk, having just regular negotiation and conversation about it kinda helps ground it? so it maybe doesn't feel as silly, for the readers who are less sure but clicked in anyway.
unlike petplay or exhibitionism, yeah, there's an inherent magical unrealism to vore, especially the way i chose to depict it this time - but it's just "a thing" that can happen in this world and is as negotiable and consensual as anything else, so enjoy it!
speaking of how i depicted it this time - i went ambiguous on the ending for the ryokita one because i couldn't really decide. i do like the idea that okita is possessive and keeps him there, and i suppose given that he's a snake i could reason he doesn't actually digest in his upper half, but that feels hard to make... interesting, in long form - not to mention handwaving a magic reason why ryoma doesn't die in there.
there's also a bit of dubious consent in that one - ryoma admits he wants something, but okita's charms influence him directly as well. he's not exactly unwilling, he could easily fight before any of it sets in and okita would back off, but is he thinking clearly once it does?
to contrast, i wanted the kazumaji one to be fairly sweet. i also always like the idea of kiryu and majima having the same kink, and it's kiryu who brings it up as a possibility while majima's too nervous, lol. let kiryu be a bold freak.
so while okita puts focus on the possessive aspect, being able to know for a fact ryoma is only his, kiryu just wants to comfort and keep majima safe. the hunt is just a game leading up to it, getting both of them worked up so it doesn't feel over too quick.
i based the digestion scene on some of my favourite visual depictions and fantasies - more like a painless transformation than anything, a fun goopy state of body and mind. and i don't really like permanent digestions, so, magically kiryu brings him out and reforms him.
...which is another thing that i think kind of grounds it and makes it feel less silly. aftercare! they brought along clothes, food, basic medical supplies - kiryu feeds him, makes sure majima really enjoyed it, says that he did too. kiryu tests his given name, and majima answers in turn - it was a comforting, intimate experience, they trust each other more than ever before now.
more importantly: it's not just that kiryu sees majima as "a guy to eat sometimes". there's real love behind it. and though it flusters majima... you know, he admits to it too.
like yeah it's vore and there can be a silliness to vore fantasies, but also, i like making it sweet, comfortable, and intimate.
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mollisangelus · 2 years
Hey hon! I really love your writing! You are amazing, I was hoping I could ask for a NSFW steamy Kiri x Fem Reader x Bakugo? I see Kiri as a gentle giant, full of praise, body worship and a breeding kink and Bakugo as a mean dom, possessive/affectionate degredation and a breedimg kink of his own. I hope this isn't too much, everything else totally creative freedom. Again, I love your stories. 🤗🖤 Hope you're doing well!
A/N: I totally agree, that's absolutely how they would be, and I think Bakugou would only be affectionate because of Kirishima. I find it totally easy to write for them, so this kinda came out, I hope you like it!! Also, I'm so happy you love my stories, that makes it totally worth posting. Sorry it took so long to finally post! 😭🥰 it's short because since I'm back, I wanted to get back to my fic as soon as possible!
TW: Smut, degradation, breeding kink
Bakugou hated nothing more than when you both started without him, however, Kirishima was needy. Emotional, physically, mentally, sexually, especially sexually. He always seemed to bring you into this position, already spread on his cock, bouncing on his lap, screaming to whoever would listen just how good his massive cock felt. He loved it, ate it up. Orgasm, after orgasm. You had told him you needed to clean up before Bakugou came home, told him he couldn't find out.
Yet the horror that washed over your face as the door was slammed open just as both of your highs started to come down. You knew despite how much blood had rushed to her face before, it was completely drained.
"You fucking brat." Gulp.
Heavy steps made there way to you, and Kirishima made no move to protect you. In fact, in twitched while inside of you, and you knew he planned this. Yes, he was your gentle cuddle bug. He loved to take care of you, make you feel like you were an absolute goddess, he'd use you till you were shaking and crying. Insatiable, especially when you had agreed to stop birth control and such. It was just so much worse when he started to pump as much baby maker inside of you as he could. Bakugou was just as bad, if not worse. It was then when you noticed this other side of Kirishima, the side that liked to see you ruined so he could put you back together, and it was an absolute plus that Bakugou was riled up himself.
Bakugou's heavy breath had you stiffened, if the anxiousness and fear didn't already do that. You were flush against Kirishima, without much room for you to move. Bakugou loved the look you were giving him, although, he'd much rather you be a crying, incoherent mess for him instead. He was a brat tamer after all, and he loved when you got spicy so he could put his little slut back in place.
"If you wanna act like a slut, we'll treat you like one." His blazing eyes left you at that, "Ei, bend her over and stand so I can shove my cock down her throat."
Kiri, the obedient person he is, did as he was told. He was already hard and ready for the next round. Bakugou's jaw was hard, but you knew he wasn't actually mad. He might be tough now, but he was always the best with aftercare. You were bent down, not daring to speak a word. You opened your mouth, hoping he'd like you being good.
"I knew you were such a whore, look at you. Mouth already open. Fuck, I'm gonna ruin your throat, Princess. You've already got me hard as rock." Bakugou was already groaning, and you could feel phantom jaws at your throat from past experiences.
He stood there though, as if he was waiting on you. A few moments go by and when it hits you, you're mentally killing yourself. Kirishima hadn't moved inside of you at all, and it was making you antsy, and on edge. In all of it, you rushed to get his pants down and his cock free, but you knew you were in for it now.
Eventually it was, and as soon as it was free, your hair was imprisoned. A harsh grip to your scalp, he shoved his cock right in your face. A little bit of precum smearing on your cheek. "Fuck Babe, I'm gonna make this messy..."
Your core tightened, butterflies swarming your stomach. Finally the tip was finding your mouth, and you were eagerly taking it in. Then, it was shoved in, gagging you on the monster length. He wasn't as thick as Eijirou, but he made that up in length. It was already pressing to the top of your throat, and you had just started. He grinned down at you, a very Bakugou grin, and then looked to Shark Boy. "Ruin her."
Taglist: @skylan666 @just-kinda-hereee @eijiandkatspebble @surprisemodafakas @bittersw33t-lotus
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hwajin · 3 years
𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 — !# : hhj
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genre: suggestive
pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
wc: 1.3k
warnings: uhhh the tiniest bit of dry humping but rlly just spicy make out session
note: just a tiny drabble based on @hyunekkami's idea! check out this ask rq for further clarification ig cuz this fic starts randomly jfjejf. but thanks for having let me write that <33 (i didn't go full on smut i wanted to be mean :3)
not my pics, credits to owner
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you: *image attached*
you: yo i finally got these!! there's so many color settings omg
hyunjin: why would you send me a pic of unhung led lights, i wanna see how they look on your wall 🙄
hyunjin: with the different color settings 🥰🥰
you: first of all "unhung" is not a word, second- you might have to come over, i'm not tall enough to hang em up 😔
you: before you ask no i don't have a ladder at home
you: and no my chairs are not helping much
you: so come over or else 🔪
⋆✦⋆ ⎯
You knew Hyunjin'd throw a fit when reaching your place, though you had figured out after dating for a while that ignoring his whines and annoyed looks - that he never actually was serious about, he really only was after the attention, the consolence - always worked best to shut him up. To make him stop grumble, to put it nicely. But to your surprise the boy seemed to have a lot of fun. Admittedly, the reason was most likely the amount of teasing he performed upon your miserable tries to somehow be of help; him resting his arm on top of your head or acting as if he couldn't see you when you tried reaching to fix the led's was truly top tier comedy for him, falling into a fit of laughter every time. And he wasn't even that much taller.
But again, leaving Hyunjin be was best to make him stop his giddy acts and keep working on getting the lights perfectly placed onto the top of you bedroom walls, your guidence on how much lower or higher he needed to go the only thing you contributed to the installation process. And it wasn't long until your boyfriend finally stood next to you again, the chair he used for help back on it's place by your desk and both of you admired the neatly placed string, playing around with the remote to see all and every possible color setting there was. And you weren't lying when you texted him, the led's having a range from swirling to flashing to rainbowish colors, giving you difficulties grasping all of it.
"Oh wait, where are the plain colors tho? We only had the fancy stuff... so far... maybe... -oh!", a yelp of surprise left you when you clicked a button you haven't tried out yet, which suddenly set the whole room into a red darkness you didn't expect, your eyes adjusting to it while you looked over at Hyunjin, his expression as taken aback as you felt. His eyes met yours, and as stupid as it was, as immature maybe, you felt the atmosphere shift slightly, sensed a tension that flooded the room as fast as the red light did. Hyunjin chuckled shyly, wiggling his eyebrows at you in a playful manner which you returned with an amused eye roll. Although, honestly speaking, you were glad the red hid away your blush, simply imagining Hyunjin teasing you about it set a shiver down your spine.
You've played around a bit more with all the different combinations until you decided to let the lights be, setting on one simple color to accentuate the room while both of you agreed to hung out a while longer, watching a movie maybe, or laying around doing nothing at all. And you've figured you shouldn't have let Hyunjin decide on the final color, because in no seconds, the moment the remote laid in his hands, the walls were red again, as well as your figures, every and all furniture you had standing around; flooded in red lights. You shook your head chuckling, your stomach somehow turning at the way Hyunjin looked at you. Not seductice necessarily - though you wouldn't be surprised since the music your boyfriend has put on right before starting the work on the lights wasn't unsexy, as you knew from him - but there was this expression nevertheless, an almost challenging one. As if he wanted to know if you thought the same thing, if simple dim lights affected you just as much, but underlying with an amusement also, at his own excitement over something so simple. And yet he couldn't help himself, not when it came to you, and at the way you looked in the darkness of the room, a shirt of his and shorts framing your body while you made yourself comfortable on the bed, eyes expectant of him to join you. It almost made his mind run wild, and he chuckled again before slowly making his way over to you, occupying the spot next to you on the mattress. You had your laptop on your lap already, opening 3 different streaming sides to get as many options as possible for the both of you, your face fixed on the screen while your fingers moved to scroll through the movies and shows, not quite noticing Hyunjin eyeing you from the side. He let out a small sigh, the way you weren't even bothered to look at him making Hyunjin huff out air in a diverted manner.
A hum leaving your throat was the only response he got after calling you, and he had to call you a second time, by your name, to have your head turning and your eyes meeting his. A confused "What?" rolled past your tongue and the boy chuckled again, gaze locking with yours.
And there was this expression on his face again that had you feeling slightly giddy, somehow excited, because he looked like he had planned something, by the look of his eyes, by the way he stared you down. Until right then he moved closer by an inch, leaning in to slowly cup your face, and connect his lips with yours. You couldn't help but smirk against him, while opening your mouth to allow Hyunjin in, his tongue finding yours in less than seconds, interwining. You called it if you were honest, knew how keen Hyunjin was on atmosphere, aesthetics, pretty things. This was just his thing. You felt your laptop sliding down your lap, replaced by Hyunjin's hand instead and the part of skin he touched heated up in an instant. He never took even one break to keep his lips moving against yours, tongue teasing at your bottom lip before his teeth nibbled softly, smirking right after as he knew you loved when he did that. He pulled away not even an inch, only enough to speak, to whisper to you.
"Let's just ditch the movie, I wasn't in the mood anyways."
Before you could take a proper breath you were connected again, and Hyunjin pulled you onto his lap with one swift motion, hand on your waist while you made yourself comfortable, straddling him. Your fingers found the traces of his hair, fiddling with them - pulling and tugging and stroking - all to your liking, knowing how much your boyfriend enjoyed it, how much it put him to ease. And there it was, a sigh of his against your mouth when you crawled his scalp delicately, turning into a shy whine, just loud enough for you to hear. You tugged just some more, a handfull of hair in your fist, and a whimper escaped the man's lips, his hands harsher on your waist, pulling you down against him. None of you have turned down the music that was still playing in the back, quietly luring both of you in, and your hips moved on their own, grinding down with a sigh against the boy beneath you, his hands helping you to melt just this much deeper into him. And you felt yourself running out of breath, until you pulled away for just a heated moment, to get a look of your lover, to let your eyes run over him. The red illuminated his face in an almost dangerous way, eyes darker than ever while they pierced through you, and though you couldn't tell if he was blushing or not the heat of his face against your palms was enough of a give away. He looked up at you with eyes so desperate, his thumb circling against your hips, and he flashed you a grin, and you couldn't resist returning it with your lips on his again in a feverish kiss, a groan leaving him, making your hips react instinctly.
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to be continued
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tagging: @etherealeeknow @linoskitty @unexceptional-h @rseanne @diue @es-kay-zee @urcracksisx @jeyelleohe @yunkiwii @meloohmel @nyrasneedy @seochhj @imagineinnie @chans-starlight
let me know if you wanna be removed or added to taglist!
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billiejean485 · 3 years
I need to ask. Why does this Senti thing bother you so much?
Yk, at this point I realized I don't even know myself.
At first, before even Ephemeral, I thought it would mean that Adrien is not a human and that they would go down the 'yeah but he's still so similar to a human!' road. Which I couldn't stomach.
Okay, now I've accepted that he is a human but.... I guess I can't fully wrap my brain around it, you know?
As a 5-year-old I easily could, because the scientific part of it would just fly over my head. I'm freakin' 30. I am doing a massive research for my own books so I could make animals that walk and talk like humans absolutely acceptable by the sci-fi community, even though I'm not even into sci-fi. I wanna make it as realistic as possible.
Then there is that 'I am allergic to magic' part too, and that now combined with ethical dilemmas of acting like a god and creating living, feeling and sentient beings out of nothing, mostly as a tool, and then being like: "Okay, I won't be a merciless arshole, of course I'm gonna let it live after I use it."
Believe me when I tell you, I am absolutely livid about the whole thing. Chat Noir has been steadily growing on me since the first episode, and I finally got enough inspiration to sit down and write a fic (I even had ideas for more, but goodbye to that for now).
I absolutely loved this show; I loved the very idea for that Love Square; for everything that was happening and leading towards the reveal - but this was a turn to a dark and bumpy side road I never would have predicted.
Don't get me wrong - if Adrien was a disabled person or was born in absolutely any way known to man in our real world, I would've loved him 10 times more. But this.... Just playing with the very fabric of a being..... It makes me shudder.
Not to mention he never had full free will, something that is crucially important for a human character. Being so abused that you start feeling that you can't do anything about it and actually having your will rendered uncapable to even psychologically respond somewhere inside of you to what you've been told to do.... It can be a parallel, but it's not the same.
I half-broke when I saw Adrien obviously switching to 'puppet-mode' back in Epheneral, and I'm gonna break entirely if I see him completely will-less like Sentibug was for example, the moment Marinette took the Amok in her hands.
Adrien is not who we thought he is. We don't know how many decisions he made on his own in his life and how many Emilie and Gabriel made for him. Maybe Emilie really wished for a free-willed boy and wanted to watch him grow into whatever he chooses. But we know for a fact that Gabriel and Felix's father are not like that. Everything is a question at this point.
The perfection Marinette fell in love with could have been fabricated. Hundreds of fans have went crazy for 'an image of perfection', how Gabriel called him. We don't know if Adrien truly was obedient and not just made to do things, or even made to be obedient. Maybe his story is yet to begin; in which case you can throw everything you know about Chat Noir into the trashcan.
... I don't know how the creators have handled this. There are so many things that could go wrong in the writing past this point. Not to mention that Adrien's existence will be hanging by a thread - onto the existence of the ring(s), and Felix already has one of them.
It's all just anxiety inducing, and very little pleasure is coming from watching this. But I'm too hooked to what has been to stop because of all the things that might happen.
..... I'm glad I'm not watching this as a young adult or a child. I know for a fact that it would've absolutely traumatized me for life.
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