#i really thought I'd missed something but apparently not 💀
witching-by-the-willow · 3 months
at this point I'm starting to feel like I could graduate, get into residency, complete a superspecialisation program and have a whole ass career by the time Sarah Janet announces ACOTAR 5
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 11 days
Barbatos Falling in Love with a Cat Hybrid MC (Obey Me!)
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A/N: AAAAHHHHHH!! This was supposed to be posted for Barb's birthday, I'm so sorry, guys đŸ„ČđŸ„Č But I got a lil busy and distracted and didn't get this finished up when I was supposed to, my apologies!! So this is very late, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!! Also, I'll be completely honest, these headcanons are first of all, very long 💀 And second of all very self-indulgent considering my MC is a cat hybrid. This also mentions a lot of my own personal headcanons about demons in general, but they aren't necessarily super prominent. Also, I tried to keep the description of the cat features as vague as possible so that everyone could imagine their own details however they wanted, but if any of you wanna know how I personally imagine a cat hybrid MC looking, I'd be happy to share my thoughts on that!!
Side Note: So, apparently Tumblr has a 4,096 text per block limit. However, tumblr did not tell me this, and I had to experiment and figure it out completely on my own. So, there's a couple of headcanons that are separated a little weirdly cause tumblr required me to do so in order to post. It was only just now after I'd figured out the problem and started getting everything ready to post that tumblr decided to give me an error message while I was editing that specifically mentioned the text block limit. That error message never appeared previously đŸ€Š So yeah, might be weird break up points, so my apologies!!
Pairing(s): Barbatos x MC, Diavolo x MC (Implied/Mentioned), slight Diavolo x Barbatos if you squint
Tag(s): Mention of panic attacks, slight reference/implication of trauma, slight blood, I guess? Lemme know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 3,277
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Author Masterlist]
-When MC first came to the devildom, Barbatos was
intrigued. Slightly. Even during his frequent visits to the human world for various things, he’s never really interacted with humans very much, mostly just for transactions. In fact, the human he’s interacted the most with in decades is Solomon, as offending as the man is. And Solomon is a lot of things, but a hybrid is not one of them. So, it’s been years since he’s actually taken time to really speak to any humans, let alone one that’s half animal like yourself. Usually, he still wouldn’t think much about it, but maybe it’s the way you immediately went on the defensive and took a swipe at all of them the moment you were summoned, or maybe it’s just that he was immediately charmed by you just like all the others. Either way, he found himself keeping an eye on you.
-Barbatos doesn’t exactly love cats the same way that Satan or even Solomon does, but he does prefer them over most animals, especially dogs. He finds them extremely amusing and sometimes even sweet. Which is why he takes interest in noting all of MC’s cat behaviors and mannerisms. Like how you stick your tongue out in a new environment, trying to do so discreetly so that you aren’t questioned about it. Or how your first instinct is not to use a napkin, but to groom yourself, whenever you spill something on the fur along your arms or sometimes even your legs. One of his favorite habits of yours is your cat-like vocalizations. No matter what the situation or what emotion you’re feeling, you always end up letting out various sounds that usually only a cat makes, whether you’re in the middle of speaking or not. He has to admit, whenever you let out a happy mew or chirp, he has to hide a smile.
-He didn’t know it at the time, but the moment his intrigue and curiosity became full-on investment is quite clear now that he thinks about it. He had gotten up at his usual time of night to start making preparations for the Young Master’s day, and as he started a quick cleaning sweep of the whole castle, he discovered something strange. There’s a small crawl space in the left wing of the castle that the Little Ds frequent and sometimes he’ll stop and say hello as he passes by, should any of them be inside it at the time. And yet, this time, he finds scratches. Surface scratches on the wall on either side of the crawl space and deeper scratches in the hardwood floor right in front of it. He couldn’t help but be concerned. This isn’t something he saw coming, nor did he sense anything amiss in his sleep. And the Little Ds are never this destructive. The only logical thing for him to do is check inside the crawl space. And so he opens it up, and is stumped by what he finds. It’s
you. Curled up into a tight ball and covered in
one of Lord Diavolo’s spare blankets. A heavier one, that the Lord prefers on colder nights.
-Where in the world did you get one of those? How did you even get into the castle? As he continues to observe, he notices that you’re asleep, though it doesn’t seem like you’re actually getting much rest. And there’s Little D No. 6 and 7 snuggled up right beside you, also asleep. He kneels down and clears his throat, touching your arm gently. And as he had hoped, you woke up. But then you were flinging the blanket in his face and trying to push yourself further back into the corner despite not having any room to do so. The Little Ds are startled and scamper away, behind the butler, while Barbatos watches as you position yourself much like an animal getting ready to pounce. But you don’t. Instead, you hiss and growl at him, the sounds echoing through the long, mostly empty hallway.
-Your lips are pulled back from your teeth, your feline canines glinting in the low light. Usually he wouldn’t care for gentleness. You’re intruding into the castle and it’s his job to get rid of you in case you are a danger to his Master. Or in the case of a human from the exchange program, he must at least send you back to the House of Lamentation immediately. But as he opens his mouth to speak, he hears something that makes him pause. Among the warning sounds to stay back, he hears
a whimper? And so, he takes a moment to sniff the air. And that’s when he realizes. This human isn’t shaking with rage. They’re shaking in fear. The smell of terror wafts from you in deep waves, and now that he’s paying more attention, your eyes are darting around, your pupils dilated as you try to watch every piece of your surroundings. He sighs and moves back, deciding that not crowding you in is best. You’ll be easier to deal with if you’re calm, he tells himself. Nothing more.
-He moves to the opposite side of the hallway, directly across from the crawl space, and sits on his knees, watching you with a slight tilt of his head. The Little Ds, however, stay nearby. And as patiently as he can, he waits. Slowly, your hisses and growls quiet, and your body relaxes slightly. The fear is still in your scent, but now there’s also curiosity and
a slight sense of embarrassment? After a few minutes have passed, you slowly slink out of the crawl space and crouch right in front of it. Then he watches you hold a hand out to the Little Ds and help them crawl onto your leg, a slight smile appearing on your face as you do so. Oh? He then calls your name, and immediately your ears flatten back against your head again, and you look at him with uncertainty. And then he questions what you’re doing in the castle and how you got in, in the first place.
-You quietly explain that some of the Little Ds led you inside. From your description, Little Ds 2, 4, and 5. Apparently, earlier that night at the House of Lamentation, Lucifer had gotten angry and yelled at a couple of his brothers. MC incidentally caught Lucifer’s attention while he was still upset and got caught in the crossfire, which greatly frightened you and caused you to run off. You found yourself outside and lost, not realizing you were right by the castle grounds until the Little Ds stumbled upon you. And for some reason, they felt the need to bring you inside. They’re the ones that also brought you the blanket, trying to help you stay warm. But then it started storming and due to what had already happened, it spiked a panic attack. That’s where the scratches came from.
-And usually, he wouldn’t care much for a sad tale from some random human. But here he is, watching you look around anxiously, tail wrapped tightly around your arm and ears flattened, scent dull like you’ve already accepted that a terrible punishment is coming your way, and he finds that he absolutely can’t stand it. This image in front of him is wrong. The scent coming from you is wrong. And for the life of him, he can’t place why. Nor does he know why he goes easy on you throughout the next day. The only thing he requires of you is that you explain to Lord Diavolo what happened and you work in the castle for a day, including cleaning up your own mess. The Young Master holds nothing against you, unsurprisingly, and from that day on, Barbatos was keeping an even closer eye on you, with one very strange question running through his mind. Just what did the human world do to you, hybrid?
-When you start to take more of an interest in Lord Diavolo, Barbatos is torn on how to feel. On one hand, whenever you and Lord Diavolo spend time together, both of you are filled with so much joy and delight. It makes his heart feel a little warmer at the sight. But on the other hand, he feels something slimy and hot crawl around his insides at the same exact sight, especially when it’s confirmed that what’s happening between the two of you is heading towards something romantic. It doesn’t take the Lord too long to notice, either. He’s the one that informs Barbatos that what he feels is jealousy, which surprises both of you. Jealousy? Why would he be feeling jealousy? And then the Young Master suggests that he join them for tea one day, take a break to enjoy new company, he says, with that damn twinkle in his eye.
-When he first sits down at the tea table set out in the gazebo overlooking the lake, the last thing he expects is for all of your attention to fall on him. You turn your entire body in your chair to face him, your ears perking up and your tail twitching in his direction, a bright, warm smile on your face. You hold your teacup in both hands, close to your chest, and start speaking to him. Complimenting him. The tea set is so pretty, you’ve never seen anything like it, and the tea itself is amazing. Does it have an herbal base or is it more similar to a black tea equivalent? The Young Lord must’ve told you about his interest in tea. And so, he answers you. Gives a slight chuckle as he thanks you and tells you all about the tea. And he’s delighted to realize that not only do you listen to everything he says, but you retain all of it as well. Ask him even more questions. And at some point in the conversation, he finds himself smiling for no reason other than the fact that he’s enjoying himself. And soon after, he feels your tail brush against his arm. As soon as you realize he’s noticed, you apologize, claiming it has a mind of its own sometimes with a sheepish giggle. And as you look away he notices that a flush has risen to your face. How curious.
-The first time that Barbatos finds a dead bird on the windowsill of a castle window, he thinks nothing of it. It’s something that happens from time to time. Until a few days later when he finds not just one, but two. One outside of his own window and one outside of Lord Diavolo’s. It’s too specific for him to see it as mere coincidence, so he stores both birds and watches out for more. And like clockwork, twice a week on the same days, one, sometimes two, birds would appear on both of their windowsills. When he asks his Lord about it, he doesn’t know either. It was purely accidental that he found out the reason. One day at RAD, he overheard Satan speaking to a few of his brothers and he went on some ramble about cats. The butler was only partially listening, but his interest was peaked when he heard mention of cats leaving gifts for people they enjoy the company of. Most cats will kill small animals, like mice or birds, and leave them on windowsills or near front doors or anything similar, sometimes even by a bed or other place the person frequents. And the thought came to him. Are the birds from you? A supposed gift for him and the Young Master? And so, the next time birds are left at the windows, one of the first things he does is ask you to the castle that same day.
-After you arrive, he presents you with the birds from that morning and asks if they’re from you. Immediately, your tail starts swishing behind you, and you look not anxious but
shy, and flustered. You ask if the birds are okay, or if there’s a different animal he and Lord Diavolo would prefer. He can’t help but laugh. Not at you, but at the absurdity of such a question. And at his own emotions in response to the confirmation that you’ve been leaving them gifts. Leaving him gifts. And when he tells you that the birds are perfect, that they can be used for many meals and other things, your tail stands straight up as you let out the sweetest of feline chirps. And for some reason, he feels a slight flush rise to his cheeks
-One night, the Young Master decides to host a dinner party with all residents of the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall. Both demonus and human alcohol was brought out and everyone was having a good time. The Young Lord especially was having so much fun that he invited everyone into his private common room after dinner was finished, insisting that Barbatos himself take a moment to sit and relax. He follows his Master’s orders, as he always does, and takes a moment to sit down and observe the others. And that’s when he feels a warm weight against his side as someone takes up the space beside him. Immediately, he turns in the direction, ready to tell off whoever it was, when he lays eyes on you and freezes. You’ve snuggled up beside him and placed your head on his shoulder, looking up at him with hazy eyes. You tell him unnecessarily that you’re just a little bit tipsy. And then you comment that he’s cozy as you wrap both of your arms around one of his, your tail quickly following. And then you spend a moment sniffing his shoulder. He’s unsure why until you suddenly start rubbing your cheek against the same spot. Since meeting you, he’s started doing a bit more research on cats to learn more about things they do and why they do them, how to read their behavior and such. And one of the things he read is that all cats have scent glands within their cheeks and they use those scent glands to mark their scent on people they’ve claimed as “theirs”. He instantly looks away and tries to ignore the burning of his cheeks. He lets you stay there all the way until the brothers drag you back home.
-Barbatos is not emotionally naive. He just finds the concept of romantic love and care very difficult to understand and therefore hard to detect immediately. But eventually it reaches a certain point in which the fact that he is falling in love is absolutely undeniable. Such as the case with that silly little cat hybrid. And within that realization, he’s realized that you’re the one who’s been making all the moves in his direction. Well, that just won’t do. If he is to accept your romantic pursuits, then he must return them as well. And so, he requests for a very rare day off and invites you to spend the day with him.-First, a breakfast at the castle that he personally makes for you, making sure to include a mix of your favorites and his own. The two of you eat together in his favorite area of the garden, right by the acid tulips that he was happy to tell you all about when you asked. And then, when he asks what you want to do next and you tell him that you’d like to do some of his favorite activities, in order to learn more about him, he lets out a surprised chuff. With how energetic you are, he was genuinely uncertain whether any of his preferred hobbies would actually keep you entertained.
-But to his surprise, you bird-watched beside him with eyes of wonder and hung onto his every word as he told you all about the different bird species the two of you encountered. And when it came to herb gathering, mainly for teas, it seems you not only had an interest but also a knack for it. All he had to do was describe an herb to you and you’d be able to find some of it almost quicker than he could. Almost. He supposes your feline hunter instincts help a lot with that. And speaking of your hunter instincts, when the subject of lunch is brought up and he asks what you’d like, you simply ask him, “Bird or fish?” He blinks at you and says fish slowly, unsure as to what the question means. And then you tell him to
stay. You’ll be right back. Intrigued, he does as you say, listening carefully to your near silent footfalls as you bound through the trees head in the direction of the river not too far away. He hears a series of splashes for the next few minutes before you start making your way back to him. As you appear in front of him again, you have
fish. Multiple in your arms and one being held in your mouth, all of them already dead. It’s like the butler’s fondness for you grows tenfold in that moment, as you look absolutely adorable. Your tail swishes and curls high in the air, a sign that you're happy with yourself, if the grin on your face didn’t already reveal so. He gives you a warm smile and chuckles softly as he takes the fish you’re offering him and thanks you. When you release the last fish from between your teeth, there’s a thin stream of blood coming from the corner of your mouth. It would be a completely dishonest statement if Barbatos said that he didn’t feel a strong urge to kiss you in that moment. He has to look away and take a step back when you simply lick the blood up as if it’s nothing new, in order to prevent himself from doing anything impolite.
-Seeing as you caught fresh fish, he brings you to a place he and the young master tend to camp at occasionally where he’s able to make lunch for the two of you, which you both eat happily. And for the second half of the day, he asks to learn about your own hobbies, places you’ve come to enjoy since coming to the Devildom. And over the next few hours, you take him to all kinds of places, from your favorite lounging spot to your favorite place to shop. By the time it’s time for dinner, you’ve brought him to a little cafe in town that you enjoy spending time at and the two of you stay there awhile and chat over a meal. The entire day was an absolute delight and he takes it upon himself to personally escort you back to the House of Lamentation, especially with it being night now. The walk is slow but enjoyable, and at the front gates of the house, he says goodbye to you, however, you pause. A pink comes to your cheeks as you step forward and before he’s even processed the action, your lips are on his. You kissed him. Very few have ever been so bold, and definitely not a human. He places a hand on your cheek and a hand on your waist, both touches gentle and light, as he returns your kiss, a slight smirk on his face as he pulls away again. “I thank you for allowing me such a delightful experience.” He bows to you, and you let out a ‘mew’ before turning away and hurrying up to the house. He finds himself humming an old tune with a small smile on his face the whole way home that night.
A/N: Please let me know what you think!! I very much hope you enjoyed writing these out, so I hope you enjoyed reading them as well. I'm thinking of writing more of these for the other dateables, so keep an eye out for those 👀 Also!! Unlike with Barbatos, I will actually be posting something on Mammon's birthday in a few days!! I've already gotten quite a bit of it written out and it's very spicy 😏 So keep an eye out for that as well ^-^
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themightymoose · 2 months
Summertime Blues
This is it boiz; last episode of season 1
The pets have no idea what's going on but at least they're happy for her
They think it's some kind of game 💀
Confused kings
Just casually switches glasses
They really went from excited to devasted in the span of five seconds
Nooooooo Mrs. Twombly is so sad that Blythe is leaving :(
Why are they in a recording studio
This really went from a 0 to 100 real quick
I would just like to point out that Pepper automatically thinks it's something she said/did
Also Vinnie is a god at the drums apparently
These animals are too advanced frfr
They're so sad :(
Okay get it Sunil yaaaassss 💅💅
Not his tears being like fucking rain
Sunil you little bitch
I mean I can't blame him but you can't do that to Russell
"Maybe I am to blame..." NOOOO DON'T SAY THAT
Russell trying to calm them down
Roger is lowkey a very good actor
Damn Mrs. Twombly is really that desperate huh
Roger is such a good dad I love him
Everyone is so sad
Supportive friends we love to see it <33333
Lmao Pepper hitting Vinnie with her rubber chicken
I love how they met at probably the beginning of the year if not later than that and already care about Blythe so much
Everyone is so sad
I know I keep saying sad a lot but it's true dammit
The way they immediately shut up when Blythe walks by
Pepper hitting Vinnie with her rubber chicken pt. 2
I'm sorry she just keeps doing that
"Because you keep saying dumb stuff!" Pepper... you say dumb stuff all the time
Is it bad that I thought the pets would end up blaming each other for Blythe leaving for the summer
Now Blythe thinks no one will miss her :(
Holy shit this got depressing
Russell realizing he doesn't have a "talent" like the others
Mrs. Twombly just picking a random girl off the street
"Why? Was she in a dumbwaiter accident too?"
They're so horrified by Madison
Zoe no
They are so bad 💀
But it's the thought that counts Ig
Blythe and Roger my beloved
Not the song in the background :(
Damn why are my eyes sweating 💀
The pets love each other so muuuuccchhhh
And they love Blythe
I would focus on the part where Blythe says that she'd miss Russell most of all if I wasn't wondering how she didn't get poked by his quills
Blythe taught Mrs. Twombly slang
The pets looking solemnly out the window
Actually over half of them had their faces smooshed against the glass nevermind-
Question; how old is Blythe
"Dad, you'll miss me, right?" Well I'd hope so
Blythe do you think they're gonna get themselves killed without you
Can't blame you
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topaztimes · 4 months
Hey, I thought I'd give you an update again since you found my ask again xD
Anyway, finished my exams, did meh but my year was bad enough that I didn't really try.
Went to an awesome show and the first part was a fucking awesome band, and apparently I was so in it and visible that dicided to gift me a signed vinyl with a thank you written on it!!!!!
(there's more than just it on the pic but I thought it's be funny to have everything on my temporary shelve shown)
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Also got a t-shirt, posters and the album of the band I went to see, and made an awesome friend on the way out with which I spent the entier night talking and walking around the city with.
Also got news of a friend coming back to my city for the pride so that's also awesome, they're so awesome and I kinda miss them so there's that.
And I'm 100% gonna take too much time doing shits I love this summer, I just gotta work on my mental health and get follow real steps to get better at them so I don't get demotivated 'n' all those problems. I might look back into writing but I need to do small things first before going for gigantic stories because I litterally cannot work my brain far enough in the future for something so big. Also need to train on drawing on paper or phone, not really interested in drawing with a mouse so no drawing on computer for now.
But mostly, I gotta find a way to keep in touch with my friends, I'm too much of an internet weirdo geek (really good thing) for me to share the same daily interest and activities as them so it's so much harder to keep in touch than with friends like you.
I need to learn to keep in touch with calls and messages.
My cat's outside in the rain by the way.
(Once again Tumblr does not give me notifications 💀 my resolution is to check my askbox instead of letting the app send me notifs 'cause it's awful at that)
THAT IS INSANE???? A gift for surviving your exams -- being noticed by an awesome band!!! Ngl I'm jealous -- I've got a concert after my exams also so I hope my group gets noticed gahaha
SAME????? I get an extra long summer holiday after my exams so I'm going to be doing creative stuff too!!! Do you want to do a thing where we just show each other what we've done? I think that might help us both actually do things lmfaoo
Messages... messages... my friends don't really text me all that much but I still take at least an hour to respond to some of them. Idk why! But I feel you with that lmao (Must be the responsibility... I love shirking responsibilities...)
Kitty! I just got mine back indoors.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
And after yesterday's bomb, we go back to business "as usual" in Hungaroring
Hi there!
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So, Tumblr just failed me after writing half this post, the page went white for no reason and everything I'd written is gone. So yay, fantastic to improve my mood further today 💀 I'll try to replicate most of what I had written but...
Anyway, so after yesterday's heartbreak now it's time to get back to business and that means watching FP1 and the Thursday press conference in between work hours (I mean, I went to work, left and I have to go back because I'm a loser and they're trying to torment me 😂).
I haven't really paid much attention though, I don't think there's been anything interesting today in FP1, but I might as well be terribly wrong since I haven't really watched it.
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I'm watching yesterday's press conference now after FP1, much like I was when writing this the first time đŸ€Ș
Lance saying he's not gonna miss the long debriefs with Seb đŸ€“ I could expect that, we all know Inspector/Engineer Seb 😂
Carlos saying "a great F1 driver as he was". Look honey, you wish you'll ever be half as good he is and was, so sush 💀 I don't even know why I'm surprised, honestly, this type of comments are why I have trouble liking him deep down, apart from several other reasons outside of the sport.
Anyway, going back to nice people, we have Yuki being a cutie pie as always. No surprise there. And Georgie 😭 he's losing his GDPA co-director, I mean, who will he shut up Fernando with from now on? He needs someone there with him to shut that idiot up every week, and we all know it!
I'm seeing Daniel now smiling through the pain with the kind of smile that says "I'm remembering something I can't tell about Seb" and it's quite wholesome and sad at the same time. Estie Bestie saying he hopes Seb doesn't go too far from the paddock đŸ„č
I'll be watching FP2 tonight once I'm finally done with work, since it's basically starting a little while before I have to go back so it wouldn't be worth it at all to start watching it and having to stop it until dinner time anyway.
So I'm finally watching FP2, I promise I'm trying to pay attention now that I'm in my room back in complete silence, except for the air conditioner.
I'm seeing Seb's helmet, which is as always quite an amazing thing. And the AM22 is still the sexiest car, honestly. That green livery lives in my dreams. And that's about what I've been able to watch in like the last 15 minutes since the hotel's wifi is not working and I don't have internet connection on my phone down here.
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So apparently is a 70-lap race and the rain probabilities are off the charts, so we are in for a trip on this one. And I think I might just be able to watch it all more or less on time given than I'm working split shifts the whole weekend and I'm going back to work right after Quali and the race. FP3 is the one I'll watch a little late, but I can work with it with 4-5 hours between shifts. Nice.
My dear Mick doing wonders controlling his car on that kerb, that was really nice, darling. Truly nice. Overall FP2 is not looking that bad. Albon just went off track after blocking the tyres. Good. I'm not pretending to like him, honestly.
And Latifi getting dangerously on Carlos' way... Carlos was right, that was really stupid., He could've taken him out. The thought alone... Nope.
I don't even want to comment on Charles honestly. Not because I don't want to per se, but man, at this point I think all my hope is just jinxing him 😭
I'm 10 minutes away of finishing and I'm truly looking forward to go to sleep. I'm hanging on by a thread đŸȘĄ right on time for Daniel's pedal cam, so amazing how he works those pedals in such a unique way to his driving style, I love it.
Lewis going back on track after having some kind of trouble with his car. Charles also had a similar problem as Lewis did, thank goodness it didn't get even worse.
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"Being civil or a criminal, Charles Leclerc needs to end up higher in the race than Max Verstappen" is what one of the Spanish commentators said and obviously the answer is WAR CRIMES. I still have no idea how Charles can keep smiling after all the shit, seriously.
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It's been far more interesting now, I think. Surprising 2nd place for Lando with that tractor, but otherwise is looking up.
I need to head to bed now otherwise I won't be able to wake up on time tomorrow and be a responsible adult đŸ€Ș
More tomorrow, peace out!
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