#i really really really hope im wrong but that one sided conversation with odin really just makes it sound
leofrith · 2 years
the final chapter of eivor's story might be an absolute shit show and my worst nightmare for her character but i am being so so brave about it :)
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royalheroine · 3 years
Helen regretted arriving to new york city much earlier than her family. She arrived to see a stream of aliens coming through a big portal in the sky. She had to act fast. She should’ve run. Should’ve stayed in a cafe or something, but she did something highly impulsive. She fought.
She quickly found a broken pipe in the alleyway and started hitting at the aliens. The aliens started shooting bolts of light at her and she adapted by finding a broken off car door. She was surprised that it blocked most of the shots. She found herself protecting the stay victims and escorting people to nearby bulidings or outreach refugee camps.
Blood sprayed on her face while she stabbed a alien in the head with the sharp pipe. She didn’t notice the wound on her left side, and didn’t complain about the scratches and bruises on her legs. She just wanted it to end. She hoped her family is not here, even if they didn’t care about her. She then decided to head to the stark tower, maybe the aliens held hostages in there.
She found herself going up to the top floor after realizing that no one is being held hostage on the lobby floor.
The elevator door opened and she saw a man with raven black hair. Wearing a royal overcoat adorend with gold trimmings and fabric. He held a glowing scepter.
‘Shit did i just find the villian?!’ she thought to herself.
“And who might you be.” He smirked.
She carefully stepped out of the elevator. Trying to identify or at least avoid his attacks. Surviving multiple aliens seemed hard, but this encounter would be even harder.
“I-I thought people would be taken hostage in this tower- I think I thought wrong. Wait-” she looked at the crescent shaped charm on his chest.
“A-are you a god?” She asked. The symbol looked very similar to the symbol in her norse mythology storybook. The storybook that she read over and over again.
“Oh, so you know your place. You realize who I really am, your god.” He spoke to her.
“Y-are you- Loki?” She abandoned all feelings of fear and terror. Those feelings were replaced with feelings of childlike curiosity.
“Yes, how does a mere mortal know about my name?” He was curious too. He thought that mortals only knew about their own realm.
“Uh- apparently people from the past worshipped you, and Thor and Odin and others, they’re called Norse. And I guess they wrote stories about you! Stories that I read a lot. And, yeah, I know this is a really weird thing to say to someone who is invading your planet but- I- you’re my favorite god.” She looked away.
‘Thats my last words. I literally called my killer my favorite and I’m going to die. Great.’ She thought to herself.
Loki put down his scepter. He wanted to entertain this small, puny mortal. A mortal that didn’t seem to fear him.
“Come child.” He guided her to the bar.
“So, what do they say about me?” He asked her.
“Well… They said that you can shapeshift and that you had a baby with a horse.” She giggled. The god wrinkled the bridge of his nose.
“God, the way you mortals create stories are weird and highly inaccurate. I only raised a baby horse, not gave birth to it.” He clarified, leaning the scepter against the bar.
“I mean, you were not portrayed as wholly evil or wholly good, since mischeif is neutral in morality. Which means you’re not a villain. Right? She asked
“That’s where you’re wrong. My brother is a hero and I am the villain. A villain who is not even asguaridan.” He told her.
“Y-you’re also compared to your brother?” She asked shyly
“Yes, all the time.” He huffed
“Well, you’re in the same boat, my brother, Finn. He’s older, cuter, a golden child and good at everything. Meanwhile, you have me… Messy, uncoordinated and decided to fight instead of run away like anyone else.” She said.
“Fighting is a more noble pursuit than running.” he told her, but he noticed that she was bleeding on her side.
“Oh dear, that’s not a nice sight.” He carefully laid her down on the couch.
“W-what?” She was getting faint, she didn’t notice that she was bleeding out. Loki summoned a rag and started using his healing magic. But he had limited knowledge.
“Stay with me dear, once you wake up, we will rule together, besides, two monsters should shine in the sunlight.” He assured the sleeping child.
The girl woke up to see a group of heroes circling Loki. She stood up but her wound thobbed.
“Ah!” She dobled over. Clutching her side. A man dressed in blue and red came over to her.
“Did he hold you hostage?” He asked.
“No- I- he healed me.” She said grogilly. She didn’t realize that it was all over.
“Dear, you should’nt move as much.” Loki called to her. The blue hero looked confused.
“Ah- where is he going?” She asked.
“Back to asgard.” The blonde hero said.
“Are you Thor then?” She asked. Staggering once she stood up.
“Yes” He smiled lightly, probably trying to calm down the shaking child.
“Your age?” The blue hero said.
“11.” She meekly said.
“You hurt a child!” Thor shouted at Loki.
“No! He actually took care of me! We- had a conversation!” She shouted in protest.
“He hypnotized you.” The blue hero tried to get the situation straight.
“I WOULD NEVER! NOT A CHILD!” Loki shouted. Thor only put a mechanical gag on loki.
“Lets get you down, alright?” The blue hero gave a comforting smile.
She found herself stuffed in a small elevator with a bunch of heroes and a villain. She was slightly shaking from the excess adrenaline and the pain from the wound. Loki kept glancing at her, worried that she might faint from the blood.
“Sooo…. What is your name kid?” The man in the iron suit asked.
“Helen. Helen Conrad.” She told him.
“Well, lets lighten up! Lets all introduce ourselves. I’ll start off. My name is Tony stark! Real names only!”
“I am Steve Rodgers.” The blue hero smiled.
“Natasha Romanov.”
“Clint Barton.”
“Thor Odinson”
She smiled brightly. “Thank you for introducing yourselves!”
She found herself in the lobby, witnessing the fight over a glowing blue cube.
‘Why are they so obsessed with that cube?’ she asked herself.
“Your parents haven’t shown up.” Thor pointed out as they sat ontop of the car.
“Not surprised, probably busy with my brother.” She leaned back. Probably thinking that she’d just settle back into her normal life.
“What if you came with me. To Asgard.” He asked her.
She turned to him. “Y-you’d really bring me?” She asked.
“If your parents are as neglectful as they are, then I should probably just bring you to a better place. Your skills will be better cultivated on Asgard than with your parents.” He said.
“Also, you’ve made a profound impact on my brother, Loki. So would you be kind to come on behalf of him? He doesn’t show it but he’d like you to come too.” he asked.
“D-definately! Definitely!” She shouted. Jumping up and down.
“I-i- d-definately- w-wait. Give me a s-second.” She was getting too excited that her stuttering became apparent. She took a deep breath.
She gave a curt, “Yes. yes I would like to go.” She smiled. Thor grinned.
“You would definately love the palace.”
Loki and Thor held on to the container with the tesseract and Helen stood behind the container.
“Are you sure we should let a child go to a different realm with two gods, and one of them tried to invade our planet.” Steve asked Tony.
“I’m sure Thor would keep her safe, besides, we might have to hold her in the tower when she comes back.” Tony repled.
“Why?” Steve asked.
“I’m pretty skeptical about the fact that a child was able to battle her way into my tower and talk down the god of lies without getting killed in the process.” He remarked.
Helen was beamed in the entrance of the rainbow bridge. She walked with the two gods. One in chains and one with the hammer. She looked at the view of Asgard. It looked grander than she’d imagine. The golden towers were glistening in the sunlight. The rainbow bridge was translucent but had rainbow like branches pulsing through the bridge. She seemed scared to cross the bridge at first. Having a slight fear of heights. But Thor grabbed on to her hand and gave her comforting look.
Loki looked on, wishing he could do the same. But glad that his brother did it in his place.
Helen was being addressed by the king of Asgard. Odin.
“You have the heart of a heroine and the capacity to empathize with even the toughest of villains. Tell me, child. What is your name?” He asked her.
“He-he-Helen.” She stuttered. Cursing herself for stuttering in front of the king.
“Conraddotar?” Odin clarified
“You can call me that.” she said.
“Enjoy yourself at the palace, you are now considered royalty for extending your kindness to my son, Loki.” Odin said.
Helen wore a simple green gown. She was happily skipping around and exploring the palace.
“Helen, dear, can you come to me?” A voice sounded in the hallway.
She turned to see Queen Frigga.
“Let’s fix yout hair, shall we?”
Helen was sitting on Frigga’s bed while Frigga was braiding her hair.
“Thank you for everything that you’ve done. Tell me, Helen, what is your family like?” She asked.
“Well, I have a brother, and two parents. But my parents lives revolve around my brother. But- Im ok with that. I do things by myself and I got used to it.” She said.
“Ah- im sorry my dear. But here, there are servants and maids that can help you. So relax. I know how traumatic the invasion was, so I hope you realze that you are safe.
Helen was sitting on the steps, looking at Loki in his cell. She noticed that he has a lot of furniture in his cell. He was reading a book, and she was scribbling something in her notebook.
“Mind telling me what you’re writing down, dear?” He asked, thumbing through the pages.
“Uh-I-I’m actually d-drawing.” She said. Trying not to stutter.
“What are you drawing?” He asked.
“You.” She meekly said. Loki put the book on the table and walked towards Helen, he sat down in front of her.
“Mind showing me?” He smiled lightly.
She tore the page out and she showed it to him. It was loki and helen, under a flower tree. He was reading a spell out of the spell book.
“That looks adorable. When I escape, will you hand it to me?” He smiled.
“Of course.”
“Do you like the accommodations in the palace?” Loki asked, hoping that they are taking care of her.
“Yes, but I wish I can enjoy them with you.” She answered. Twiddling her thumbs.
“So I decided to sit at your cell and talk to you!” She grinned. Loki’s heart melted. He’d never knew that he’d meet someone who was so naive and childlike. Enough to paint him as a positive figure. But he didn’t care. He just felt a sense of kindness towards her. He feels fond of her. He never realized that he was fawning over a mortal. Who’s life can flash before his eyes.
“That is great child.” He said.
“Wish I had my chello here, could’ve played you a tune.” She said. Loki used some of his magic to steal away a chello from the music room and teleported it here.
“Then play me a tune then.” He smiled
Loki was spellbound by the tune, she played a song that a mortal composed. But he didn’t know that the mortal is a master at music composition. Apparently the song was Blue Danube, by Johan Strauss. He swayed to the melody. By the time Helen was done he asked her a dozen questions.
“How long have you played?”
“5 years. Started at a young age, when my parents believed in my talents.” she told me.
“They should’ve known how bright you’ve shined.”
“Don’t blame them. They stop trying after finding out about my stutter.” She said.
“Your parent’s arent even parents.” I told her.
“I realized that when I hit 9.” she replied.
“Then maybe you should have a different father. Someone who adores you, who encourages you to be as different and unique as possible, who doesn’t compare you to anyone, who empathizes with you. Someone- someone like me.” He slowed his rant. Realizing something.
“D-do you want me to be your father?” He asked. Taking a big risk, being vulnerable .
“I-i-i’d lo-love yo-you to!” She was a stuttering mess, her brain was trying to process the proposal.
“Dear, slow down, take a big breath.” He grinned
“I would like for you to be my dad.” she slowly said. Tears coming out of her eyes.
“I would whipe those tears from your eyes but I’m stuck in this wretched cell.” He chuckled.
“I want to hug you.” She sniffled.
“You’ll get the chance.”
Everything was broken, damaged. But Helen rushed towards Loki’s cell. She just got word of Frigga’s death. And she didn’t want to lose her new father. She saw Loki in his cell, seeming to be fine. But she just broke out in sobs.
Her breathing was ragged. Tears flow through her eyes, and she was sniffling. She collapsed to the ground. Choking and crying. Crying for him, Loki. Feeling too much of his pain. Loki put down his defenses.
He had a green shirt but his hair was matted, her crawled to the crying child and wanted to reach out to her, but the barrier kept him from touching her.
“H-hey. Don’t cry-”
“You’re depressed so I’m depressed! I don’t want this to happen, for you to be sad! I-its my fault! I’m sorry. I-I. i’m- s-s-sorry. Mr. Loki! I-i have no-no right to be you-your daughter!” She was stuttering, trying to calm herself down. But the stale air and the buzzing barrier, it was hard to.
“No, don’t say that, you’re my daughter through and through. None of this was your fault. None of it. Please, stop crying for me.” He guided her to a deep breath.
“S-sorry.” she apologized for her shrill crying
“Don’t be sorry.” He smiled.
Helen gave Loki a big hug when Thor freed him from the cell. Loki returned the hug while threading his fingers through her braided hair.
“Darling, I have to help Thor. But I will come back.” he told her.
“A-are you sure?” She asked.
“One way or another. Yes.”
When Helen found out about Loki’s demise, she locked herself in the room and cried. She sobbed, blaming herself for letting him go alone. Hating herself. A knock sounded at the door. The door opened and she saw Odin.
“S-sorry if my cries are too loud.” she whipped her tears.
“It’s alright my child.” Odin sat at her beside.
“I-Lost my dad.” She stuttered.
“He said he’d come back-”
“One way or another.” Odin’s illusion was dispelled by Loki. He smiled kindly at her.
“I am sorry for causing you unnecessary pain. But I had to keep up the illusion for my safety.” He whipped her tears with his thumb. And enveloped her in a crushing hug.
“But now we can rule together. My little princess.” He smiled.
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