#i really hope thats obvious
auggiedrawsturts · 1 year
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Currently cooking up an elaborate scheme to steal their genders, I'll let you know how it goes.
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heartscrypt · 7 months
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mfw im trying to explain to my coworker that having a paranoia induced breakdown is actually the most sane thing i can do rn given the situations i be in
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
May we see more of the gay art? Pleasseeee????
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I love you all. You enable me to make the nerd robots hug and be happy :)
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aroacesigma · 4 months
so many bsd characters seem to have a lot of their characterisation and experiences centering around their ability, but sigma seems mostly apathetic to his own ability - he doesnt list it as his strength in that one character profile that came out recently , he just says hes a hard worker and mostly useless at everything else . and hes always describing himself as pretty ordinary. which really is the exact opposite of how pretty much everyone else sees him as just the thing that comes along with his ability
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waterlogged-detective · 6 months
👑 for darcy (even if he doesn't deserve it. but i want to see it >:3c)
I am very far behind on these
👑 OC dressed as royalty
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The only royalty I respect is fictional royalty
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insufferablemod · 5 days
hheeeyyyy heyyyy go check out this song im very normal about yall B)
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bucksboobs · 11 months
I’m the anon from the post before and I understand what you mean! I guess I just took differently when I watched the show. I don’t think Charlie or Nick was upset about Ben being closeted I think they (especially Charlie) we’re just upset how Ben treated Charlie the entire. Also I’m not saying this to be rude or start anything this is just how I saw it:) I think Charlie was angry (as he should) about how Ben treated him through out the relationship they had and not about him being closeted. Because I do believe if Ben just communicated better and treated him better and didn’t treat Charlie the way he did it could’ve worked out. I’m just saying that I didn’t see them bashing Ben for being closeted only bashing him for treating Charlie the way he did without acknowledging how it felt for him.
Yeah I don't think Charlie or Nick is mad about Ben being closeted but weirdly I think the narrative is and that's what irks me. All his issues and bad behaviors are because he's closeted (you said yourself that it's because he's closeted that he treats Charlie the way he does) but the story doesn't seem interested in exploring that so much as punishing him for it by having both Imogen and Charlie yell at him and then throwing him out of the series before he can improve at all.
And when this show is so renowned for it's love and celebration of queer experiences and identity it will always feel out of place that Ben was left out in the dust seemingly because he and his experiences were too complex.
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reel-fear · 3 months
Just a little follow up on that last post but just in general I think one of the reasons I've really stopped caring for railing on the Playtime devs... Is just because it feels like so much of it is just speculative nonsense trying to make every single thing they do secretly evil or lazy or bad. Why isn't it enough to discuss the Actual bad things they did [the fact they used to run a shady content farm before doing game work, the fact they tried to sell lore to their fans via NFTs, etc] it's hard for me to engage with content that rightfully critiques that bc oftentimes they then spiral into speculative 'so now we have to tell you why this moment where an employee blinks in the game is code for the devs secretly stole all their code from Bendy and kill babies as a hobby'.
Which makes me turn off my brain and not want to take any other points they make seriously, bc like I said if you lie to me to try and convince me of your point, I'm not gonna take anything else you say seriously bc I won't know if it's true or just something you made up anymore.
It honestly feels like everyone just keeps making shit up bc Poppy Playtime used to be the internet punching bag but now that the NFTs thing isn't the hottest topic to discuss about it anymore we all just need a reason to make fun of it and the people who like it. Which just kinda feels like unfair cringe culture, because if our real problem is the devs being greedy and shady why isn't the same effort put into roasting similar devs like the Bendy team? We can't suddenly say 'well actually being a bit greedy isn't That bad' when it's a team we like instead of one we all decided is 'cringe n bad'.
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warningimboring · 8 months
Reading about what is happening in Palestine is like being hit by a grief that is so absolute it renders me speechless. But remaining to stay silent in the face of it would be like I was being complicit in what is happening. Multiple times I have seen footage and read news from the past week and I've been kicking myself for not being a doctor. For not somehow being there to help. But all I am is an aspiring poet, and a shitty one at that. So I'll use the craft I have with me and hope that it makes a difference.
What is happening in Palestine is genocide. Plain and simple. We can use fancy words and what-aboutism all we want but that doesn't take away from the reality of it. It is erasing people who have been there for generations. It is imprisoning them for decades, treating them like subhumans and then condemning them whenever they take a stance, however that may be. It is slandering them and blaming them for their oppression. It is reducing a person into a number, a mere statistic.
Notice how in the first paragraph I gave you tiny little idiosyncrasies about myself? When you read about the 1000 dead children (which in itself is a truly awful phrase) what I need you to understand is that the implications of it are far more deep than just those 1000 lives lost. It is the families, the communities who have lost them. It is doctors who have had to pronounce infants dead. It is parents who have had to bury their young. It is an identity, wholly unique to itself- someone like no one else, lost.
Life is hard. This whole blog is dedicated to the angst of existence, the hope of existence, the pursuit of existence. Those people who were killed, all of them, they had lives too. They had existences that they clawed into being. They had hopes and dreams and fears. They had names. They had families. They were human. They bled and cried and laughed and probably made horrible jokes that no one laughed at and had favourite stories and opinions and tiny little quirks that made them just weird enough to be real.
They had the right to exist. They had the right to be free. Free of fear. Free of oppression. But they were denied those rights. And instead of condemning this great loss, we have splintered into a mass of rioting opinions. The shards are sharp with hate. This atrocity, this continuing atrocity, is justified, supported, celebrated. Oh, how we condemn ourselves.
This is wrong. Plain and simple. This has got to stop immediately. They have been denied safe passage away from the rain of outlawed chemicals and missiles and bombs. They have been denied humanitarian aid. They have been denied basic human necessities including food and water. The medical systems that they have is being crippled. Their hospitals are being bombed at. The places they shelter in (including UN camps) are being bombed at. The people who bring their stories to the world are threatened, held at gun point and killed. What Israel is doing is wrong.
But this is not all they are. These people have dug themselves out of the rubble the world buried them in. They have bled and cried and broken bones and they still stretch an arm to help each other. I am not glorifying their suffering, I am just in awe of it. They are doing their part and we have to do ours. If this is to continue it would be another great stain on humanity's soul. Like the holocaust. Like the atom bombs. The weight of it would be all of ours to bear.
I know me saying this here probably means nothing. I'm a nobody with pretty much no audience, but even if there's no one in the forest to hear me, I must fall. What is happening is horrendous and if I'm powerless to change it, the least I could do is bear witness. The least I could do is speak about it.
May God make it easy for the Palestinians. May God help us all and guide us to that which is right.
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dykeyangel · 7 months
okay i get it but i also think its important to acknowledge that there is a difference between knowing from an audience standpoint that a character should be queer VS it firmly being acknowledged verbally within the narrative as a solid aspect of that character's identity irrefutably
#this reminds me of keeley jones from ted lasso like i get it shes “always” been bisexual but its so hard to tell if the writer is being#sincere in their representation or not#people joke about queerness bc haha lol look a gay person or look hot super model slept with woman#in keeley's case it was literally a joke intended to shock rebecca like that is not confirmation that is a joke the writer is making#it needs to be said or expressed in a way that is outside of a throwaway haha gotcha joke#the doctor has been kissed by men and kissed men in moments of celebration and theyve been laughed off#hes made comments that the audience is SUPPOSED TO think are jokes. queer audiences just see past that and straight audiences dont#its important that it was not only said but talked about even if it was in passing. it wasnt a punchline or the set up for a joke#donna comments that a man is hot > the doctor agrees enthusiastically that the man was really hot >#they both acknowledge the doctors attraction to men and his openness about it > donna says it was always obvious#its not about creating his queerness its always been there its about finally being in a place to say it out loud#from a narrative standpoint you could say now he's the kind of person who talks openly about his attraction and feelings#from an audience standpoint i hope we can acknowledge that its bc they couldnt outright say he was bisexual/lesbian/queer/trans/nombinary#now they can#thats the difference i think#doctor who
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yourcalamity · 3 months
i dont think anyone should have to put themselves through it but it is interesting to me how some other “disabled” people just decide they cannot work before even actually trying because its uncomfortable or makes them anxious and its an active choice they are actually able to make which they see zero privilege in when talking to those of us who will always have to work no matter what… and then theyll talk to you like “oh you dont understand i just cant” while you literally experience the exact same shit or more 😭
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
I wish AI images didn't make me so intensely upset. Just the existence of them bothers me a lot, because it's just clutter without meaning or emotion or any genuineness. But recently something happened that made me very upset, and I feel so irrational saying this, but it really gave me this sick, heart-wrenching feeling, and I wish it would stop. My mom was looking through Facebook, and showed me this image of birds that to me was so obviously AI. But she wasn't 100% sure it was fake, only telling me after I had told her it was definitely AI, that she had been a bit unsure about it.
I hate how intense my feelings are about it, bcs it made me want to irrationally almost infantalize her without meaning to. It just made me overwhelmingly sad that this is state of things. That people are being fed this imitation, this trash, and aren't familiar enough to recognize it all the time. Every time I think about it, it hurts my chest.
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malk-with-tea · 8 months
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Greenstem + a familiar face
Progress gif under the cut!
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bigshotmot · 7 months
its like wild to me how many people on youtube and here and twitter are like “its not gonna but hl2 but-“ “its totally gonna be a fakeout lol” “theres no way this is hlvrai2 its gonna be (insert other game here)” and like. people always saying like “IF they do hlvrai 2-“ and “theyre never gonna do it” like. ???? why do you its not exactly what it looks like. why do you think its not gonna happen. why do you guys think theyre tricking us. were you not conscious the like nine times wayne has looked into the camera and said it was definitely going to happen at some point. and he said now the gnome finale was wrapped up it was time to finally move on to the next big project (that was dependent on the gnome series being done so its pretty clearly related) like i heard that and when a big secret december project was brought up i thought “well that could be hlvrai2. ill be fine if its not because im sure ill enjoy any project they do but something abt it feels like it might just be time” and yesterday i saw the teaser and was like holy shit its happening!! and half the people are like nah its clearly hl2 but theres no way theyd ever do that so whatever. like ??? are these people all being sarcastic.
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starsteemer · 11 months
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doodles and incorrect quotes of Dr. Fossil and his late cretaceous companion, Bee <3
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liquidstar · 2 years
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hiii everyone i finished my newest oc batch :) the dragon tree guild members. Their guild puts a special emphasis on nature, plants and animals and all that. their guildhall is also built inside a huge tree in the forest (the dragon tree!) which has earned them the explanatory title of “the greenwood guild.” but for more info about each character itll be under the cut as usual!
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Name: Uranus
Name Origin: The planet whose name means “sky”
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 83
Guild rank: Guildmaster
Weapon: Censer staff
Ethos (Power): Daze. Creation of a dark fog that robs those within it of their senses
Flaw power is based on: Her dark and arcane persona, though as she’s aged it’s faded which has allowed her power to evolve in a way that allows her allies to retain their senses in the fog.
Notes: Ongoing beef with guildmaster Venus for that one time she said “I’m not too old to be a guildmaster if Uranus is still at it” old lady fights ensue
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Name: Anthe
Name Origin: A moon of Saturn, the name means “Flowery” or “Blooming”
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 31
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Ahlspiess
Ethos (Power): Efflorescence. control of plants
Flaw power is based on: Her unduly gentile and sentimental nature
Notes: I swear the name relation is incidental
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Name: Lesath
Name Origin: The star that makes the “stinger“ of the Scorpio constellation, it’s name means “bite of a poisonous animal”
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 20
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Poison-laced karambit knives
Ethos (Power): Venom. The poison itself is similar to that of a belladonna flower.
Flaw power is based on: Her mischievous streak which can sometimes become ill-natured
Notes: She could bite to transfer her poison but the knives make it easier and less awkward.
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Name: Crux
Name Origin: The southern cross constellation
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 25
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Cross
Ethos (Power): Austere. The ability to turn his body into stone.
Flaw power is based on: His hard-headed stubbornness.
Notes: He doesn’t really talk much
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Name: Patella
Name Origin: A former constellation, the limpet, a type of sea snail.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 7
Guild rank: no star
Weapon: None yet on account of she is 7.
Ethos (Power): Lag. She can make things around her move in what seems like slow-motion.
Flaw power is based on: Her sluggish and lackadaisical attitude
Notes: That backpack functions on absolute cartoon logic, what DOESN’T she have in there?
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Name: Diphda
Name Origin: The brightest star in Cetus, it’s name means frog (Or second frog more accurately)
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 14
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Slungshot
Ethos (Power): Flying-frog. They can hop super high
Flaw power is based on: Their extreme hyperness and impulsiveness
Notes: Could use some adderal maybe
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Name: Ramus
Name Origin: From the former constellation ramus pomifer, which means apple branch
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 21
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Bo shurikens
Ethos (Power): Point-slice. If he throws two or more of his weapons at once, he can make a clean slice manifest in between the two points where they land
Flaw power is based on: His incredibly direct and consequentialist approach to life
Notes: There’s a joke here but it might be low-hanging fruit
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Name: Musca
Name Origin: A small constellation, Latin for “the fly”
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Anelace dagger
Ethos (Power): Diminutive. The ability to shrink himself down.
Flaw power is based on: His shyness leading to the tenancy to make himself “smaller” around other people
Notes: The flight is really just a bonus power that came with the wings
#finn's ocs#oc references#finn's art#YAY i finished them yayayayayayayayyay#i hope that they all look okay too ive been trying some new stuff out esp in the faces. different mouth shapes and nose shapes and#ran out of space. and eyes and eyelid shapes the latter of which ive been getting really great input on from some friends who are great <3#so hopefully they were all done justice but of course i usually go back and edit stuff after the fact anyway so i never discourage input in#ran out of space again. in general*#anyway this specific set was fun to do. i wanted them all to stand out in different ways so i didnt just give them a flower theme#uranus has a sort of vague nature theme but the light blues and whites under the dark greens were like#meant to evoke the sky. which is her namesake. but the sky name also sort of refers to the fog in a way#anthe was the most obvious w the nature theme is IS flowers. and lesath also has a flower motif going to but poisonous ones#crux is like. Rocks. because he rocks we love a short king#and patella diphda and musca all have various types of animal and or bug themes. is a snail a bug or an animal? not sure#musca also has a bit of a fairy theme going too which like are usually associated w nature#and of course ramus is apple themed. thats a kind of plant like anthe and lesath but instead of a flower its a fruit#theres technically another character who has an apple theme but in a different way so i dont think they impede on each other#yeah :)
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