#i really haven’t had people?? talk about it?? so it’s very. wah.
hmooncreates · 6 months
Hi there! I love For Truth's Sake and have been working on my own little contribution (starring a magical tower!) However, I am an exclusive partner with DriveThru RPG, which means I receive a higher percentage of royalties in exchange for only publishing ttrpg through them. Would it be okay to publish a For Truth's Sake setting on that site rather than itch, provided you are still correctly credited as the creator of the SRD?
Thanks for your time!
Great question!! As long as proper credit is given I’m totally fine with that
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seventeenreasonswhy · 1 month
Same Team! A YJH Office Romance Pt. 4
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Idol!Jeonghan x ProductionStaff!Reader
You’re serious about your job, but not as serious as Yoon Jeonghan is about flirting.
~1.1k words
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Content: slooowwwwww burn, fluff!, cute flirting!, will-they-won’t-they vibes!, tension!!, occasional alcohol consumption, office crushes, office romance, appearances by all of the members, reader is shy and gets flustered easily!, jeonghan is jeonghan-ing!
My Masterlist
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading!! This part features Dino and Shua 😊, MC is crushing hard!! How does Jeonghan feel?? We’ll see! Remember this is as slow of a slow burn as you can get! But I will have these two touch soon don’t worry. Also yes, there is the corny character-forgot-their-own-birthday trope in this part, sorry! Enjoy!!
Taglist:  @yeoberryx, @crownprincehoeshi (ask me if you want to join my taglist! 😊)
You practically ran to the parking lot from the equipment storage closet, touching up your makeup faster than you ever had in your life in the elevator before meeting Jeonghan, Joshua, and Dino outside the building.
“Nuna!” Dino called out in an excited voice. You and Dino had gotten along almost immediately. He was very sweet. He was the maknae, after all, so you couldn’t help but feel endeared to him. You were often tasked with helping him out with Lives, and he sometimes asked you to shoot his dance challenges.
“Dino-mite!” This was your nickname for him after you’d made the awkward pun trying to hype him up while you were filming one of his challenges, and the two of you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Wah, I’m so curious to talk to you outside of work!” Dino was visibly excited, jogging to meet you halfway while Jeonghan and Joshua hung back. He’s so cute, you thought. Honestly you were relieved that someone as outgoing as Dino was coming with you. You felt like it cut the tension you felt around Jeonghan in half. You were also relieved that Joshua was joining you. You still hadn’t quite gotten to know him. But you spoke in English together sometimes, which felt nice. He was quite softspoken, really. But he could help you out with Korean, too, if needed.
“I’m happy you’re coming too, Y/N,” Joshua said to you, already speaking in English. “Jeonghan told me and I was really surprised, to be honest.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t gone out with you all sooner,” you said in English.
“Wait, speak Korean!” Dino whined jokingly.
“You should practice English.” Joshua said.
“Oh, come on,” Dino said, “we’re supposed to have fun! I want to talk freely with Y/N! Nuna your Korean is really good!” You laughed.
“Joshua, Dino, sit in the back,” Jeonghan said, as the four of you reached the car. “Y/N is sitting up front.”
“I didn’t hear her call it,” Dino said.
“She doesn’t have to; this is a special treat for her first time going out drinking with us.” Jeonghan looked at you, and you felt your throat tighten and your heart start pounding harder. A treat!? Am I that obvious to him?
“It’s okay, I can sit in the back!” you said almost too hastily. I thought we were getting dinner, you thought. We’re going to drink? The two other times you’d gone out drinking with people in Seoul had been rough. You were a lightweight to begin with and could not keep up with your coworkers. You ended up staying out all night and coming in to work hungover, which you’d never done before in your life.
“Nope, too late, you’re sitting in the front.” Jeonghan said.
“Fine,” Dino said, “but only because it’s nuna and we get to relax together.” The three of you laughed at his sudden sincerity, and you climbed into the passenger seat, Jeonghan sitting right next to you.
He looks good behind the wheel. You couldn’t help thinking. God, even him driving excited you. You had to be careful drinking around him.
“Nuna pass me the aux,” Dino said, queuing up music.
The four of you spent the car ride chatting, laughing at Dino’s random questions and rambling jokes. Jeonghan chided you for being too nice and laughing every time. He told you that if you laugh at his jokes too much he’ll think that he can tell them all the time. Joshua chuckled pleasantly in the back... You almost felt comfortable, until you’d catch a periodic glimpse of Jeonghan looking at you out of the corner of your eye. At a red light, as he cruised down a long road, as he pulled into the quiet parking lot of the small, out-of-the-way bar...
He's probably not actually looking this much, you thought. But you felt flustered.
“Ah, this place,” Joshua said.
“You’ve already been?” you asked.
“One time. They have private rooms, so it’s not too crazy.”
“Whoa, cool,” Dino said, admiring the clean-cut but secluded vibe of the place.
The parking lot was practically empty. You were relieved to hear that the place was quite private. You did not want to deal with any rumors. It was pretty normal for staff to spend time with the members like this, but still. You were an easy person to recognize here, and were never sure what could end up jeopardizing your job or your image. The celebrity culture aside, you were kind of self-conscious in public still. Everyone was perfectly nice! You were just self-conscious by nature. Usually people warmed up to you once you spoke with them— knowing that you spoke Korean put most people at ease. But you still felt like you might be doing something you shouldn’t without realizing it sometimes.
Did he pick this place on purpose? You wondered, watching Jeonghan walk through the front door to the bar. You knew that you were probably being presumptuous, but you wondered.
The hostess led the four of you to a room toward the back, partitioned off by a beautiful, floral-patterned curtain. The lighting was quite low, giving the room kind of a sexy atmosphere.
“Whoaaaa...” Dino stared around in wonder. “This place is so nice!”
“We’re celebrating,” Jeonghan said, swiftly taking the seat beside you. Your eyes widened involuntarily. You tried to breathe as you fumbled with one of the menus. 
“Celebrating what?” Joshua asked.
“Y/N’s birthday,” Jeonghan said. Your head snapped up to look at him.
Oh my God, you thought, reaching for your phone...
I forgot my own birthday.
“What!?” Dino practically yelled.
“Wait, what!” Joshua added.
You were frozen, looking at your phone screen. Never in your life did you imagine that you would be so preoccupied you would forget your own birthday. You just kept gaping at the date on your screen, but you could feel the familiar sensation of a certain pair of eyes trained right on you.
You turned, still astonished toward Jeonghan.
“How did you know it was my birthday?”
“You told me!”
“What?” You said, still stunned.
“Never mind, Nuna,” Jeonghan laughed lightly at you, “order whatever you want.”
“Ooo, Yoon Jeonghan that was smooth,” Joshua teased.
“It’s polite to offer to pay on someone’s birthday,” Jeonghan said, his hair cascading forward as he glanced down at the menu, obscuring his face from your view. You were still staring at him, your heart pounding so loud that you were sure he could hear it. We’re sitting so close, you noticed.
“Whoa, hyung,” Dino said, “that was a cool thing to say.”
“I’m not paying for you just so you know,” Jeonghan said.
“Not cool,” Dino replied, making Joshua laugh.
“...Thank you,” you said softly. Your voice came out weaker than you wanted it to, but hopefully it was loud enough for Jeonghan to hear.
He didn’t immediately react, so you were about to repeat yourself, but he turned just his head, leaning over the menu, to face you—his face was so close you could see his individual eyelashes.
“Nuna,” he said, smiling in his usual plotting way, “let’s get to know each other before we go to Paris.”
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blonkk · 3 months
feeling healthy. classic friday night crying unexpectedly because it just occurred to me that im almost 30 and ive spent the last 3 days alone with no one to talk to. im just in bed watching the simpsons wishing i had someone with me just to fucking watch the simpsons or stupid youtube comps. i’ve been seething because my roommate left days ago without telling me and he hasn’t cleaned a thing since i moved in so i’ve spent the past 2 days scrubbing the place clean which makes me resentful. he also left his aging dog here and she drives me insane and i didn’t sign up to be a dog owner but here we are. should i let her starve and shit in the house or do i just do the right thing and make sure shes fed. let her out when she screams at the door at all hours of the day night and morning. its been raining but stopped today so i left the house and spent 50$ on nothing and i still dont have a job and i just have to come up with new ways to spend my time with nothing to do no money no one to talk do on this shithole hill
like when you’re young and optimistic and idealistic you never think that sad loser is gonna be you. like no way i’m gonna be a sad friendless lonely freak of nature. no way im gonna be broke and jobless near 30.
and it just creeps up and like i’d do anything to get out of this but i just fail and fail and fail and i can’t find a way out. everything is just closing in on me rn. and if i go home to my parents i wont need to worry as much about money for the time being but what kind of back peddling is that….i spent my entire 20s working up the courage to move out completely and again im failing. i can’t go home anyways because believe it or not my situation is every worse there
and my parents are so scared for me…like they won’t say it but they’re ashamed and disappointed and they pity me which is honestly worse than anything else….i don’t want them to help me out of pity it feels like no one believes in me at all
which makes sense lol i don’t believe in myself either….i don’t excel at anything…..i can’t even get an entry level job in my field where i have experience…i can’t monetize anything else i do because im just not a very skilled person and its not self pity, or maybe it is, but like no one cares about art or whatever it is i like to do.
like i’ve felt like i’ve been fading away for a few years now as friends and family moved onto bigger and better and it’s just getting worse as time goes on…i don’t know what i want i’ve never known and it doesn’t even matter because i’ve never gotten anything i’ve wanted anyways. i just want to not be lonely. it’s so simple
i just want to disconnect from everyone and everything because i’m so beaten down by rejection and failure and isolation and despite good things these bad things compound and im so exhausted i don’t even care about what happens to me anymore
it’s so weird being this person you know people pity…that the worst part
i’m tying….i go outside…i exercise…i engage with my hobbies….i haven’t shut out my friends….i keep applying for work even though i feel this feeling of dread and know it wont go anywhere …i haven’t given up yet but im not really under any illusions that things will “get better” anymore
anyways i’m sorry for the boo hoo wah woe is me wahhhh moment im just so sick and tired of this relentless shit
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
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I have to admit, I haven’t seen that episode in a long time, so I had to go back. It’s just... a very silly rebranding SEGA tried and, although fun, I’m still a stickler for the canon xD
But, combining it with the AU altnerative dimensions can be fun! So, here we go~
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                                                           , too~
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN, DO NOT SEND IN ANY. Other than that, I love you all so much ^^
After the heroic ‘smolders’ Amy was being whisked away by all the charming chivalry, Sonic began to wonder why she didn’t exactly ‘openly’ show that for him anymore...
When Tails went to press the button to send them home, the machine needed a change of battries, but he accidentally clicked the wrong button.
When that happened, the two beams, one red to their Knuckles, and one blue didn’t cross, but ended up hitting Sonic.
“W-What’s going-!?” before Sonic could say anything, both him and Knuckles were sent to an alternative dimension.
Different... from the heroic Knuckles.
While they were gone, that Knuckles expressed more gentlemenly acts with Amy, and although Amy giggled and ate it up, she kept asking about Sonic and their Knuckles... “I hope they’re okay.” she looked away from Heroic Knuckles trying to extend his hand to her with a plate of cookies.
“Oh, well, your Sonic in this dimension seems quite resourceful!” he tried to cheer her up, “Mine was clumsy and... well, frankly, a child. Yours seems to carry himself with the pride of a warrior and diginity of... uhh... one with dignity, Mi’lady.” he held his fist up in... ehhh... somewhat confidence in his words. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll be back in time to send me home, and I can then finish saving my dimension from the ruthless takeover of that dastardly Eggman!” he knelt down from his towering, large stature and patted her back, which made her smile at him.
“Thanks Alternative, party-hat Knuckles.” she looked at him with gratitude, and as he nodded and got up, heading over to help Sticks with another batch of cookies--the first he rested in front of Amy where she sat on the couch--offering to make sure the oven didn’t blow up from her chaotic whacking of it with her boomerang.
Amy sighed and looked out the window, turning around to prop her fingers on the edge of the couch’s back. “Sonic... Knuckles... Just be safe.” she worriedly stated quietly to herself, resting her cheek, “Mmmmm...” she whined a little, ‘At least Sonic’s there to make sure Knuckles will be okay... right? I’m usually there to keep Sonic safe, though...’
She closed her eyes, yearning to know her two friends were safe.
In the other dimension, Sonic and Knuckles crashed down and learned that Eggman had retired, instead, converting his lab into a vactional retreat for old people, and to get off his lawn.
Sonic headed into the village with Knuckles when they thought they saw some Eggman robots, and were trying to get them to cross-beams and shoot them, but they only spat out towels.
Again, they were just running around doing errands, with Orbot and Cubot trying to get the games, party streamers, and food all set up.
Weirded out by a world where Eggman wasn’t... suspicious of anything... Sonic and Knuckles went to their friends places.
Sticks was now a scientist, who would work with Engineer Tails to help replicate the machine they were describing and get them home.
This dimension’s Knuckles was a therapist, but... he really didn’t actually do much besides ask geniune questions that confused him about other people, who then paid him for his confusion as they were able to talk through and about their traumas.
“Guess we can find me then.” Sonic was about to go out the door when Dr. Echidna stopped him by holding up his hand.
“W-wa-wah-wait, hold on there!” he looked to the other Knuckles, “Sonic’s on babysitting duty, you won’t really be able to get five minutes with him... let alone three.” he looked a little like he had tried, his eyelids falling slightly to be half-open in exhaustion. “Amy’s working all the time to support them, too. I really don’t think now’s a good time for-”
“Babysitting!?” Sonic jumped back, “Sonic T. Hedgehog doesn’t sit around and do nothing! What kinda dimension is this!?” he held up a fist in offense.
“Uhh... the dimension where you have responsibilities?” Knuckles held up a hand and shrugged his shoulder.
“Hmph. We’ll see about that!” Sonic took off, not liking the sound of that!
“Uck, can’t believe Sonic’s into daycare now... but, good for him.” Knuckles from their dimension stated before looking to Dr. Echidna.
“No, for real, I was asking a geninune question. Does Sonic even have any responsibilities other than staying home and looking after the kids?” Dr. Echidna sincerely wanted to know the truth to that, “Like, does yours just... actually... do things?”
“What kids?” Knuckles looked over to his other alternative dimensional therapist self. “You mean... Sonic really just plays with kids all day? How fun!” he gave a huge open smile to that.
“More like ‘who’s kids. Sonic’s a full-time dad now.” the good Doctor explained, “Though, I’m not sure how or why...” he put a finger under his chin, looking down as though to think about it, as Knuckles did the same thing.
The two began, ”Hmmmmm....” in unison.
Sonic barged through his door with a spindash, “Alright, I’m here to set the record..! ... Straight?” Sonic paused when he saw the whole of the hut completely surrounded by different colored hedgehogs, all with hues similiar to blue, pink, red, turquoise, and purple shades.
“What... on the planet!?” Sonic moved back, a bit taken aback and scared when all of the children suddenly stopped. Some were crawling up the curtains, others were throwing food from the fridge, and another was bashing a bat against what looked like a ripped up pillow case.
“... Dad’s home!” One called out, throwing out what looked to be a vase out the window and reaching his hands up in the air in joy.
“DADDY!”, “DAD!”, “DADEO!”, “Dadman~”, “Pops!”, “Father.”, “Papa!”
At all the screaming and loud exclaimations of joy, Sonic’s eyes shrank and he cried out before booking it away.
“So, you’re new.”
He paused, as out in the field, in a beach-chair with sunglasses and a drink,... was his alternative dimensional self.
“Sit down, kid. Take a load off.” He pulled out another chair from his back and, with some swagger, flicked the chair out and sat it next to him, dusting it off. “You’re not from a new batch I wasn’t told about, right?”
“H-huh?” Sonic tilted his whole body, too startled to even comprehend.
This Sonic had a small gut and lowered his sunglasses a second to take a look at Sonic, “Spitting image of me... buuut... you look too old to be one of mine.” he put the glasses back on and took a sip of his drink. “Amy won’t be back from work for another hour. Sit and chat a moment.”
The two ended up lounging... before Sonic unparted his intertwined hands on his stomach and shot up, “WAIT! ARE THOSE ACTUALLY YOUR... our?... AMY’S KIDS!?”
“Shhh.... look at that sunset.” Dad Sonic laid back and stretched, “Nothing beats that... Alright. I still got, what..?” He looked at his watch under his gloves and bandages. “Emmm... 10 seconds before Amy arrives? Plenty of time.” he nodded and got up, “Watch this.” he winked to Sonic and tossed off his glasses, dashing back into the house.
A few cat noises and whirling of wind, before Dad Sonic opened the door and gestured for Sonic to come inside.
Sonic didn’t want to, but Dad Sonic dashed behind him and pushed him in.
The place... was spotless? The vase was glued up, the kids were all sleeping on the couch with the t.v on to Tommy Thunder re-reels, and the food was back in the fridge with the floors being spotless. The pillow was sewed up nicely in patches that actually looked like ‘art’ before Sonic turned back to his other self.
“Wow... you... I... how the-?” he was flabberguasted as Dad Sonic bent down and put a hand to his shoulder.
“Look, when things get overwhelming, or if something ‘new’ spooks you too badly... just know you can trust yourself to get things done in the nick of time.”
The door opened and Amy stepped inside, “Oh my gosh, Sonic, I’m so sorry! They held me over for an executive meeting on charity fundraisers and then-... ah.” she smiled sweetly, relieved when she saw that it was all taken care of and handled.
Dad Sonic smiled and got up from speaking with Sonic, going over to help Amy remove her jacket, “Hope it wasn’t too bad, Amy.”
“It wasn’t... this means a lot, thank you for taking care of things at the ‘fort’.” She teased, and looked over to Sonic,... tilting her head. “I... Don’t remember this one.” she confessed. “Spitting image of you, though. Wait... how long have I been working!?” she panicked, her hands coming to her cheeks, “Sonny, is that you!?” but litlte Sonny woke up slightly, yawning.
“Here I am, momma.”
The others woke up and she went to greet them, as Sonic was still puzzled by the fact that this somehow... works?
Dad Sonic put his hands to his hips and then gestured for Sonic to come out with him, “Alright, Champ. Let’s sort you out, huh?”
But then... Dad Sonic began to glitch out of existence like Knuckles had back in their own dimension. “What the..?” He looked at his hands.
The kids gasped, one stating, “Mama... what’s happening to Daddy?”
Amy held that child close and looked to Dad Sonic.
Dad Sonic just held out his hands, “Hey, I’m gonna be fine. Just gonna sort this out, alright?” he was very... calm?
Sonic learned a lot from that day, when they headed back, the two Knuckles were still ‘hmmmm’ing to themselves and Dad Sonic just thumb-pointed to the other Knuckles, which Sonic nodded to and the two hoisted him up and away.
“Hmmmmm--oh, bye other me!”
“Hmmm... Oh, yeah, Bye Dr. me! Hmmm...”
“You take care! Hmmmm....”
The two continued their ‘thinking’ stances before Dad Sonic revealed that Eggman was still evil, hatching up a new plan and showing that the ‘bingo’ machine was actually his newest invention to turn all the old people into mindless work slaves to make more robots for him, so HE could actually relax...
“Diabolical.” Sonic shook his head, just joking around.
“Hey, I got a question...” Sonic began before Dad Sonic held up his finger.
“Nah, save it for your future kid.”
“... Wait, this isn’t my future. We’re in an alternative dimension... r-right?” he suddenly flinched back as Knuckles immediately snapped out of his thinking.
“H-hey! That’s it!” he took Sonic’s hands, “I promise buddy, I won’t do anything to ruin your future... With Amy.”
“My- WHAT!?!” Sonic’s face turned to panic as Dad Sonic just scratched behind his head.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell Sticks and Tails they won’t need to bicker on about how to get you two home. See ya.” he gave his signature smirk and wink, before activating the two beams as Eggman cried out, ‘Noooo!!! My retirement plan!’
Upon arriving back, Amy embraced Sonic, and the other dimensional, heroic Knuckles, was sent home. “I’m so glad you’re alright, Sonic! What was it like in that other dimension?” she cutely put a finger to her mouth as Sonic just shoved her to the side.
“I-I-I need a walk...” he nervously took off... and pulling out a beach chair, facing it perfectly with some adjustments to the sunset... he sighed in relaxation... put on the same shades as Dad Sonic had... and rested his hands on his belly...
“Sometimes... you just can’t overwhelm yourself... with things you don’t know nothing about...”
“Knuckles... buddy, just let it go.”
“O-oh, sorry.” Knuckles punched over a tree, cutting off it’s truck with his punch, uprooted with some effort the base, and placed it by Sonic to watch the sunset with him...
They both sighed as though letting that confusing dimension go.
“... So... do you like,... want to talk about it?”
“Knuckles, you’re not a real therapist.”
“Well, not yet!”
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weasleylangs · 4 years
crossed wires - g.w
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Pairing: George x Fem!Reader, Platonic Fred x Fem!Reader Summary: George has always felt second best to Fred. He’s never blamed Fred, of course, but the jealousy is getting to be too much when he’s convinced the girl of his dreams is in love with his twin.  Warnings: Miscommunication, jealousy, swearing Word Count: 3k
A/N: Oh look it’s Fae who can’t go three fics without writing friends to lovers with miscommunication wah. I combined two requests I got so I hope both of the anons enjoy it!! Also thank you to the lovely Zahra who once again helped me with a title <3
taglist: @amourtentiaa @whizboingies @harrysweasleys @lumos-barnes @weelittleweasley @freds-slut @starlightweasley @weasleyclaw @spacexcowgirl @lumosandnoxwriting​ @peroxide-prinxcesss (sorry your tag isnt working D:)
It was a nice, warm spring day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and as usual, George finds Y/N sitting by the lake with a muggle book in her hand. Her usual weekend plan was simple, all she ever wanted to do was read, catching up on the story she’d left behind the weekend before.
It was one of the things George loved about her, that she was always able to sneak a book in somewhere and lose herself in the pages no matter what chaos was going on at the time. He stood a bit behind her, admiring her for a brief moment. Her hair was pulled up into space buns, loose pieces of hair falling and framing her face as she shook her head to move them out of her sight. She was curled up on a blanket she’d dragged down from Gryffindor tower and she was leaning against the tree right at the shore of the lake.
“Oi, Y/L/N!” George yelled and while he immediately regretted disturbing her, the cute look on her face she gave him for interrupting it made his heart swoon. “What do you want, Weasley?” 
She squints as if she’s trying to work out which twin is standing there but they both know she hasn’t mixed the twins up since she was 12. “Wanted your attention, as always.” He winks and Y/N hides behind her book in hopes he doesn’t see the shy look that overtakes her face. They’ve been friends for seven years, but George’s relentless and joke flirting never fails to make her face warm.
“Have you heard about Lee and Alicia?” George says, sitting down next to the girl and Y/N sighs, accepting she isn’t going to get any further into her book right now. “Did Alicia reject him?” The boy shakes his head as he chuckles. 
“Quite the opposite really. Thought she was going to cry of happiness when he’d asked her to Hogsmeade today.”
Y/N ponders his words. Lee and Alicia have always been a hard pair to pinpoint. One second they were flirting and annoying everyone with their public displays of affection and the next they were fighting over something stupid. “Hopefully this stops them bickering over my bacon and eggs in the morning,” Y/N mutters as she closes her book. 
She’s acutely aware that everyone in their year is starting to seriously pair up. Fred and Angelina had gone to the Yule Ball together the year before, she knows for a fact Roger Davis plans on asking Patricia Stimpson out sometime this week and with Lee and Alicia seemingly confirming their relationship she gets uneasy. 
“How do people do it?” She asks no one in particular, “I’m so scared of rejection I could never just ask someone out.” George knows how she feels, after all, he’s been wanting to ask out the girl in front of him for weeks, months maybe even years at this point. But he’s always been convinced no one sees him outside of the duo that is Fred and George, nothing more than a star quidditch player alongside his brother, a pranking prodigy alongside his brother.
“I don’t know, I barely mustered up the courage to ask you to the Yule Ball last year,” they both chuckle at the memory of George stumbling over his words as he asked Y/N to the ball ‘as a friend’, although George never admitted it to anyone, he so desperately wanted it to be more than friends. 
“I want to tell the boy I like that I like him but…” She trails off and George wonders why she’s being so coy. “I don’t know how to go about it.”
George thinks for a moment, thoroughly convinced Y/N is asking him because he’s positive she’s been crushing on Fred since their fifth year. 
“Well…” He pauses. Or should he tell her how Fred would like to be confessed to? “Something extravagant, of course. A grand gesture,” he laughs awkwardly and he knows Y/N isn’t fully convinced by the way she looks at him but she hums in agreement nonetheless. 
“Really? I wouldn’t have pegged you for a grand gesture romance kind of boy, Georgie…” She trails off and George resists the urge to tell her he actually told her how Fred would like to be confessed too, but before he knows it, she’s standing. “I have to go meet Angie, I’ll see you late George.”
George has been sulking all day at this point that not even a prank on Filch can get him to smile. Fred and Lee have been pestering him all day to ‘fess up what’s bothering him but he refuses to budge. He knows that if he even hints at what’s bothering him, Fred will reject Y/N and while he wants nothing more than to be the one she confesses to, he doesn’t wish the embarrassment of rejection on her.
“I think Georgie’s got girl problems,” Lee says, nudging Fred and puckering his lips as if to kiss him. Fred laughs and shoves Lee away, teasing him with a threat to tell Alicia he’s moving onto a Weasley brother but stops when he realises George isn’t laughing alongside them. “Wait, is it a girl problem, Georgie?” 
George can’t meet Fred’s eye for the first time in his life, but he knows he can never keep anything from his twin flame. “Yeah, it is.” The boys beside him whoop and holler, teasingly saying Georgie’s got a crush before they sit down on the couch in front of him. “What’s wrong, then? She rejected you?” 
George sighs, “No, no… I’m just positive she likes someone else.” Lee scoffs at this. “As if, you’re George Weasley, mate.” George laughs at Lee’s comment, knowing Lee is being completely honest. 
“Well, even if I am George Weasley, I’m just pretty sure she likes a different Weasley,” George says, not being able to meet Fred’s eye. George, admittedly, has no reasoning for believing Y/N likes Fred, it’s just always been the case. He’s never blamed Fred for this though, Fred has always just been the more noticed twin due to the fact he’s more exuberant and honestly, it never bothered him. 
Until now. 
It’s two days later when Y/N drags Fred by his robes into an empty corridor. George hasn’t even looked in Y/N’s direction since their talk about crushes and she’s starting to get fed up, and what better place to get insider information than from his twin brother who doubles as his best friend.
“Geeze, woman, what is your problem?” Fred asks, fixing his robes that have now fallen off his shoulders. “What’s going on with George?” she demands.
Fred looks at her confused, having not noticed anything different going on with George beside his obvious sulking over a girl but he knows better than to mention anything like that to Y/N. Unlike George, Y/N was very happy to spill the beans regarding her raging crush on George to his twin brother and Fred’s been subtly trying to get them together ever since. When he asked Angelina to the ball last year, he purposely did it in front of both George and Y/N in hopes to inspire George to ask her to the ball himself and he can only hope that Lee and Alicia finally making it official could serve as some inspiration for his oblivious best friends. 
But now George has a crush on a girl, and while Fred hopes with everything he has that it’s on Y/N but he can’t be sure. 
“I haven’t noticed anything wrong with George,” Fred says, hoping Y/N doesn’t pick up on the lie. “We’ve been working on shop business, maybe he’s just busy?” 
Y/N pouts at this, wondering what she’d done for George to only act weird around herself. She plays with the ends of the sleeves of her robe as she thinks back to their last conversation, “I think I made him uncomfortable.” 
Fred cocks his head in confusion. George’s best friend beside himself and Lee has always been Y/N, and Fred thinks there’s not a thing in the world she could do that would make George upset, but before he can question her, she speaks again. “I mentioned I wanted to tell the boy I like that I like him but I think… I think maybe he realised I liked him and he’s backing away so my feelings go away.” 
Fred notices the tears starting to fill Y/N’s eyes and he quickly pulls her into a comforting hug. “Love, I don’t think that’s the case. George is dumb, but he’s not cruel.” He gently runs his hand through her hair as a comfort, knowing it calms her down. “Maybe… He likes you back, and he thinks you were talking about someone else?” 
Y/N ponders his words for a second, genuinely considering it. There’s a chance Fred is right, after all, he knows George better than he knows himself sometimes but Y/N is refusing to get her hopes up. “
What the pair don’t realise is that George has been looking for Fred for the last 10 minutes, after he was late to their meeting at the library to work out the kinks in their Skiving Snackboxes treats when he spots them. 
They’re still hugging but George is far enough to not be able to hear anything they’re saying and his heart sinks. He knew Y/N liked Fred and to him, the image in front of him is confirmation he’ll always be second best, even to his number one girl. 
He clears his throat as he gets closer and they jump apart, Y/N not being able to meet his eye makes his heart sink so he looks away, barely acknowledging her presence. “You’re late, come on Fred.” He’s blunt and both Y/N and George feel terrible at this moment. Fred senses the tension, quickly composing himself and bidding Y/N goodbye and grabbing George by the shoulder to leave. “What is your problem, mate?” 
George makes a noise that’s between a grunt and a ‘shut up’ as he quickly walks to the library, not wanting to confront the current feeling of jealousy rising in his throat. 
George is the furthest thing from being on cloud nine as possible. His new lifetime ban from quidditch has made his already sour mood worse and he feels terrible for anyone who has come into contact with him in the last week. He wants nothing more than to fly out of this school on his broom and never look back while he finally opens the shop with Fred. 
His mood is somehow worsened when Y/N comes through the portrait hole. It’s 11pm and George was hoping he would have the common room to himself so he could sulk in peace and maybe work on some joke products. But she barely even acknowledges his presence on the couch, taking a quick glance at him and looking away and rushing up the stairs to the girls' dormitory. 
The sinking feeling in George’s stomach is back, as it always is when he sees Y/N these days. He’s convinced someone worked out his crush on her and told her, and that her only response to that was to blatantly ignore him. He can’t talk, he knows he can’t. He’s done his fair share of ignoring Y/N over the past week but he didn’t think he was being as obvious as her. 
He doesn’t realise how long he’s been sitting in the common room, furrowing his eyebrows and contemplating the situation until Fred waltzes down the boys' dormitory stairs, sleep in his eyes and his messy hair sticking up everywhere. “Why the fuck are you still awake, mate?” 
George shrugs. He knows he’s been short lately with Fred too, but it’s not Fred’s fault. Just anything these days brings jealousy to his stomach and he can’t bear the thought of ever being mad at Fred for something out of his control. “Still having girl problems?” George shrugs again. 
“Listen, mate, do you like Y/N?” George is taken aback by Fred’s forwardness and he feels his face heat up and he knows he’s bright red. “No,” he squeaks and the look of smugness on Fred’s face tells him he knows he doesn’t believe him. “Okay, fine, I do.” 
Fred doesn’t know what to do, he never expected to get this far in his line of questioning for George. He knows he shouldn’t tell Y/N’s deepest secret to George but it’s killing them both not being together and thinking they don’t like each other. Fuck it, Fred thinks as the words spill out, “She likes you too, you fucking git.” 
George looks at him, dumbfounded. “No she doesn’t, she likes you.” 
Now it’s Fred’s turn to look at his brother dumbfounded. Not even for a second did he ever consider Y/N would have feelings for him, even before she confessed her feelings towards George to himself. It’s always been Y/N and George in his mind, the sun and the moon, the stars and the planets. He can’t ever imagine Y/N fitting so perfectly with someone than his brother and then he starts to laugh.
“You think Y/N likes me? Are you seriously that daft?” 
George doesn’t appreciate this, his arms crossed protectively across his chest, “Don’t laugh at me. People always chose you.” He’s quiet in his words but Fred’s heart sinks. “Mate, you know that’s not true.” He takes the seat next to George, fully awake at this point. “It is though. And it’s not your fault, don’t worry. People always prefer the more outgoing twin.”
“I don’t.” 
George and Fred’s heads snap up to where the voice came from, spotting Y/N standing on the stairs in an old t-shirt and sleep shorts. She’s picking at the skin on her fingers, the nervousness obvious. “What did you just say?” George asks, timidly.
She walks down the last few stairs, “I said I don’t prefer the more outgoing twin. I’m-” she takes a deep breath as she prepares herself for the confession she didn’t plan on doing- ”quite fond of the shy, only a little bit responsible twin.” Fred is smirking again as he usually is, and quickly leaves the pair in the empty common room. 
“I thought you liked Fred,” George whispers when she takes Fred’s old spot, “I didn’t think I ever had a chance with you.” 
She giggles as she softly takes George’s large, calloused hand in her own and she rubs her thumb soothingly along the back of his hand. “You’ve owned my heart for years, Georgie. I thought I made that obvious last week on the lake.” 
George thinks back to the moment of the lake and everything makes sense. Why she was being so coy when she mentioned confessing to someone and he suddenly feels very dumb. He pulls her hand up to his mouth and kisses her knuckles. He can’t help but feel incredibly overwhelmed, by the emotion they’re both letting out and how beautiful Y/N looks by the warmth of the fire. “You’ve owned mine for years too. How dumb are we?” 
She shakes her head and cups his face in her hands, “We’re not dumb. Just…” she pauses, finding the right words, “Clueless.” She giggles and George realises how badly he’s missed being in her presence. 
“I’m sorry for the last week. I’ve been a right prat, haven't I?” She nods and laughs again. “You have, but this just means you can spend the rest of our lives making it up to me.” She teases and George raises an eyebrow at her. He’s quick to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her into his lap and shoving his face into her neck.
“The rest of our lives, huh? Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, aren’t we Y/L/N?” He teases, but he’s joking. He’d be perfectly happy spending the rest of his life making up for this past week if it meant spending the rest of his life with the girl in his lap.
“Hey, it’s taken us years to get together, I’m not letting you go now, Georgie.” She winks and George wants nothing more to press his lips to hers.
So that’s what he does. She makes a noise of surprise at first, and he almost pulls away out of fear that this isn’t what she wants. But she’s quick to pull him back to her. The kiss is desperate, years of pent up emotions and pining being communicated through it. 
Both their hearts felt like they were about to beat out of their chests and Y/N couldn’t help but think this was better than she could ever have imagined. George’s lips were slightly chapped, days of chewing on them out of nervousness would do that but it was so distinctly George that she didn’t care. George pressed against her lips harder, making Y/N let out a slight moan that only he could hear and he couldn’t help but smile. 
It was the most perfect first kiss either of them could have ever wished for and when they finally pull apart, Y/N can’t help but admire George. His hair is messy from having her hands run through it, his lips are slightly swollen and his cheeks are flushed red. He looks absolutely breathtaking and Y/N has to resist the urge to pull him into another kiss. 
“Does this mean you're my girlfriend, now?” George questions. Y/N pretends to ponder for a moment, both to lightly tease George and to genuinely contemplate her answer. But she knows in her heart, she wants nothing more than to be George’s and a smile slowly overtakes her face.
“Maybe take me on a date first?” 
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [PROLOGUE]
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The most painful thing in this world,
is losing your home. Your place-to-be.
No matter how dire the situation,
if you are surrounded by people who love and care for you.
No obstacle is invincible. 
Then ーー Where do I belong?
Having long lost the place I once considered home.
I spent many years in a place which would provide for me. 
I had food, a roof above my head, a warm bed to sleep in at night.
But could I truly call this my home? 
Those doubts would lurk in the back of my mind, keeping me up at night.
Until one day, I was made a special offer. 
If I complied, I would be given the thing my heart longs for the most.
ーー A new home.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Outside
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Sharon: This is the place, right...?
( Woah...Amazing. I’ve never seen a house quite this big. They even have a garden! )
*Knock knock*
Sharon: Excuse meー! My name’s Sharon. I’m supposed to move in here today! 
( No response...? How strange. They should have been informed through the Church. )
*Knock knock*
Sharon: Hello...? Anybody home...!?
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Sharon: ( What to do...? There doesn’t seem to be anyone home right now. It’s already getting dark. I can’t just stand here all night either. )
Sharon: ...Huh? Did the...door just open by itself?
( Does that mean I can go inside? I feel a little hesitant just entering someone else’s home butーー I was told I could live here so it should be fine, right? )
She enters the manor.
 Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Entrance Hall
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Sharon: Just as I thought, the inside is equally spacious. I can’t imagine just one person living in such a large house all by themselves. Cleaning must take quite some time as well.
She puts down her suitcase.
Sharon: Phew...
( ...It’s so quiet. Almost as if the house is deserted. I wonder if the owner is out at the moment? In that case, I should probably wait in the living room. )
Sharon looks around.
Sharon: I guess it’s...that way?
Sharon: ...!!
( I...Did I just...step on something? It felt...strangely soft and... )
???: ーー Oi.
Sharon: ...Kyah!
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Sharon: ( A person...!? Oh my gosh. I just arrived here and the first thing I do is step on someone! )
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???: ...
Sharon: I’m terribly sorry! I didn’t think there would be someone lying on the floor and...!
( ...Speaking of which, what were they doing down there anyway!? ...Sleeping? No way, right? When you have a house this large, you definitely don’t need to use the floor as a bed... )
???: Haah...
Sharon: Oh no! Are you feeling ill, perhaps? In that case, I shall call a doctor right away!
???: ...You’re loud. How am I supposed to enjoy my Rachmaninov when you’re screaming the place down? 
Sharon: Rach...mani...? ...E-Either way, if you’re not feeling sick, then what were you doing on the floor?
???: Wasting his time away listening to music rather than making himself useful, per usual, I would assume. Well, I suppose it is best not to have any expectations of this man in the first place, as he will only let you down in the end.
Sharon: ...!? 
( A voice...? Out of nowhere...!? )
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Sharon: ...Wah!!
( Where did he come from...? )
???: Now, who might you be?
Sharon: Ah...I’m sorry! My name’s Sharon. I’m an orphan at the Catholic orphanage downtown. I was told by our related Church that the resident of this manor has been so kind to take me in. Are you...perhaps the owner?
???: ...I see. It seems you are the next...sacrifice.
Sharon: Excuse me?
???: Nothing. I was simply talking to myself. ...Ahem. My name is Sakamaki Reiji. The second eldest son of this family and one of the residents here. ...The man you had the ‘honor’ of meeting earlier is Shuu. While you may not suspect so given his deplorable behavior, he is - quite unfortunately - my elder brother.
Sharon: Reiji-san...and Shuu-san, was it? It’s a pleasure meeting you both!
Shuu: ...
Reiji: I assume that is your luggage over there? A room has been prepared for you. We will have one of our servants bring everything upstairs.
Sharon: Thank you very much!
( Thank god...So there wasn’t any mistake after all. )
Sharon: Oh! Right! I actually brought a little gift with me! They’re homemade muffins I made this morーー
Sharon: ーー ning...!?
Startled by the loud noise, she drops the box with muffins.
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???: YOU FUCKIN’ BASTARD!! I swear once I get my hands on youーー! 
???: Ahaha! I can’t believe you actually fell for that one! Lame-o!
Reiji: ...
Shuu: Haah...
Sharon: ( H-Hold on, hold on, hold on! Eh? Eeeeh!? I’m not dreaming, right!? That person just punched a hole through the wall!? )
Reiji: Ahem. ...Allow me to introduce. The one who destroyed the wall is the youngest son, Sakamaki Subaru. Next to him is Sakamaki Ayato, the eldest of the triplets. 
ーー You two, explain this situation at once!
Ayato: ...Che. Reiji. I didn’t do anythin’! Not my fault that Subaru ate those prank chocolates I left out on the kitchen counter.
Subaru: Fuck off! You definitely did that on purpose! ...I can still feel my mouth burnin’...!!
Sharon: ( ...Prank chocolates? I guess he means those filled with mustard and other spicy condiments, right? I didn’t know people actually bought those. )
Ayato: Of course! I was hopin’ to catch Kanato. Can you imagine what kinda face he would make when poppin’ one of those bad boys in his mouth?
???: ...Say, did you hear that, Teddy? ...I hope Ayato sleeps with one eye open tonight. He might just run into...unfortunate accident.
Sharon: ...Eh!?
( Another person just appeared out of thin air!? )
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Ayato: Keh. The lunatic’s here.
Reiji: Sakamaki Kanato, the middle triplet. 
...Kanato, If you wish to commit a homicide, please do so outside of the walls of this manor. It takes forever to remove blood stains from the carpet.
Kanato: I don’t recall having to take orders from you.
ーー However, you’re lucky as I happen to be in a good mood right now. I believe I heard someone mention muffins? 
Sharon: ...Ah, yes! I made these myse...Huh? ...Oh.
Shuu: It’s not blood, but I think the carpet will need some cleaning regardless.
Reiji: Good grief...
Sharon: Oh no...! The box must have slipped from my fingertips when I heard the sudden crash and...
Ayato: Ah-ahー Look what you did, Subaru. It’s always the youngest child causin’ trouble.
Subaru: HAAH!? All of this started ‘cause you left those stupid chocolates out!
Sharon: ...They turned out really good too. What a shame.
Subaru: ...!! ...O-Oi...You...Um...My bad.
Kanato: ...Unforgivable. 
Sharon: Eh?
Sharon: ( W-Why is he getting upset at me all of a sudden!? It was obviously just an accident!? )
Um...I’m not sure...I could make some new ones later?
???: There, there, Kanato-kun~ Relax! Even if the muffins were wasted, there’s a delicious snack just waiting to be devoured...
Sharon: ...!
( Someone wrapped their arms around me from behind!? )
???: ...Right here~ ...Nfu~
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Sharon: ...Eh!?
( I-Is he talking about me!? )
Reiji: ...And finally, the youngest triplet, Sakamaki Laito. 
Ayato: Oi, Laito! No way you’re gettin’ the first taste again! I still haven’t forgotten last time!
Laito: Eeeh~? It’s not my fault you’re so slow, Ayato-kun~ However, if you’re so insistent on taking a bite out of her, I wouldn’t mind sharing, you know? I’m sure it’d make for a refreshing and thrilling experience~
Ayato: Geh! In your dreams, you perv!
Sharon: ( Taste? Bite...? Why are they talking as if I’m their food!? )
Shuu: ...Strawberries.
Sharon: Eh?
Kanato: What are you talking about? I don’t see any strawberries around.
Reiji: Shuu. Explain yourself.
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Shuu: Your panties. They had strawberries on them.
Sharon: ...!!
( When did he...!? Ah! When I stepped on him...! )
Ayato: Pfftー!! Strawberries! How old are you, five? That’s hella lame!
Laito: Hm...~ Strawberries are not bad but with such a lovely body, I’m sure you could pull off something a little more erotic~
Subaru: ...
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Laito: Oh, my bad~ I forgot baby bro was in the room. I suppose talking about a woman’s underwear is still a little too much for him to handle.
Subaru: S-Shut up...!!
Reiji: ...Enough! No more on this topic! ...Haah. Is it really that much to ask for you lot to behave? Just for one day?
Ayato: ーー Anyway, Reiji. Who’s this chick anyway? Tonight’s dinner?
Sharon: D-Dinner...!? I’m sorry but...Why are you all talking as if I’m food or something!?
Ayato: Shut it! Nobody asked for your opinion, Ichigo Pantsu.
Sharon: I-Ichigo paーー!? I have a name...! ...It’s Sharon.
Ayato: Yeah, yeah. I-chi-go Pa-n-tsu.
Laito: Hm~ This Bitch-chan does smell sweet just like strawberries. Perhaps I should call you ‘Ichigo-chan’ instead~?
Kanato: She really does. I’m sure her blood would taste just as sweet...Oh? What’s that, Teddy? You’d like to have a taste? Fufu...Good idea. I was just feeling a little peckish myself.
Reiji: Haah...I shall be in my study room. ...Ayato, Kanato, Laito. Please treat our new resident with some respect. It would be a shame to lose another one so soon.
Sharon: ...Wait, please! I’m afraid I don’t quite grasp the situation yet!
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Reiji: Haah...Good grief. You must not be very smart, are you? Did you truly believe you would be allowed to stay here for free?
Sharon: ...Eh?
Laito: Nfu~ He’s right, Ichigo-chan. Everything in this world comes at a price. In your case...That would be the delicious blood pumping through your veins...
Sharon: M-My blood...? 
Ayato: Heh. You seriously haven’t realized?
Kanato: Teddy...Humans are truly so foolish, aren’t they?
Subaru: Che...Stop beatin’ ‘round the bush already and just tell her.
Shuu: We are Vampires. So the only thing a human such as yourself would have to offer, is your blood.
Reiji: In return, you will be allowed to stay here in this manor. Food, clothes and all other daily necessities willl be provided as well.
Sharon: Vam...pires? That must be some sort of joke, right? It was the Church who arranged this place for me! They would neverーー! 
Besides...Vampires only exist in fairytales!
Reiji: Good grief. This is why I simply cannot deal with humans. Not only are they incredibly foolish, they are horribly naive and trusting as well.
Subaru: In other words, you were set up. Just deal with it.
Sharon: ...
( No way, right...? This has to be some sort of mistake? Or a bad dream...? )
Shuu: Pwaah...Anyway, you guys do as you please. I’m going to my room to nap.
Subaru: I’m leaving too.
Reiji: Well then, if you’d excuse me now.
The three of them leave.
Sharon: ...
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Laito: Oh dear~? Is that despair I see in your eyes? You poor little thing! Don’t worry, Laito-kun wil make sure to comfort you. After all, there is no better cure for betrayal than pleasure.
Ayato: Don’t be so down, Ichigo Pantsu! It’s not that bad of a deal! You get to offer your blood to Yours Truly after all!
Kanato: Fufu...I’m sure we’ll get along just fine. If you’re lucky, you might even make it into my precious collection one day~
Sharon: ...!!
She suddenly pushes them away.
Ayato: ...Woah!?
Laito: ...Aah~ Not bad, Ichigo-chan! I like myself a feisty girl at times!
Kanato: Ugh! ...What are you doing!? I nearly dropped Teddy just now.
Sharon: ...
She runs upstairs.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Hallway
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Sharon: Haah, haah, haah...
( Say, God...? )
( Is this my penalty...? )
( Are you punishing me for my crimes of the past...? )
I just kept on running and running.
As said question repeated itself inside my head.
That must be it.
Those guys were exactly right. 
Humans are foolish. I was foolish. 
Foolish to believe I would be given a new home.
After all, people like me.
ーー They don’t deserve a happy ending.
[ Dark Prologue ] ->
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I joined fandom thinking army are so great because never seen any artists appreciating their fans the way BTS does but saw a really different side. Even though I am a jk bias stan, love his voice, the way BTS fans behaviour is so hypocritical. I knew my baby always gets hate from major jikookers and pjms but I also feel pity for Taehyung. I never used to like taekookers because some are really delusional, followed your account only coz you talk sensibly and respects both of them so I respect you in return. Never had much of an impression of Taehyung though coz thought he was always army fav or something and coz of him jungkook gets hate thrown. Even if i am more of indifferent towards Taehyung never want him to get death threat coz that thing is pretty cruel. Now I see army trending dynamite anniversary, freejiminfromtaekookers and complaining about Jim's interview and I am blown away how people are not doing anything for Taehyung. I mean wasn't he a fav? No votes for SDA and death threat thing on Max ot7 account. Wah! I think I need to change my perspective a little. Saw his solo begging people to vote but.... Feeling pity for that guy got a shitty fandom. Might be bitter but it's the truth, funny no Taekook bloggers are addressing this issue.
I hear you, anon -- and thank you very much for your kind words, by the way.
I think the thing is that with a fandom this massive, you’re naturally going to have so many different kinds of people, in every little corner and faction of the fandom.  There are shippers and supporters, non-shippers, solos, antis, OT7s, people with biases who still love the group as a whole, and that’s just the people who consider themselves deep fans of at least a member of BTS.
Then we all see different parts of those different aspects of the fandom, and we all choose to engage with them in different ways.  I think a lot of people with a bias tend to see their fave as being less well-treated, both by the company and by other fans, and because the fandom is so big, there’s always a reason for them to think and feel that way.  Taehyung stans are always going to see Taehyung antis and feel like Tae is getting the short end of the stick, you know?  Whereas Jimin stans will always think Taehyung is the obvious favorite of both the company and the fandom.  This is just one example, it’s a phenomenon that seems to perpetuate itself throughout the fandom over and over again.
Personally, I’ve seen a lot of people on Twitter specifically talking about voting for Tae for SDA and reporting the death threats.  I haven’t been talking about these things on the blog for a couple of reasons.  One is that I assume most people are aware of it already and it isn’t really what I use this space for, nor is it something I want to dwell on in this space.
Obviously the death threat issue is disgusting and I think it’s horrible when it happens to anyone.  It honestly made me feel sick to see those messages and I mostly just hope that Taehyung himself didn’t see them, and that none of the members did, frankly.
But as for the fandom as a whole, I just feel like it’s too massive to generalize in any direction.  Even the subsets of this fandom are so huge that I don’t like to make generalizations about them for the most part, especially since I know how frustrating it can be to have all Taekookers lumped together as though we share one mind and all believe the exact same ideas.
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aghost-writer · 3 years
Love Me
Chapter 3
Don't Leave Me
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His abdominal organs are ruptured!
We'll begin operating immediately.
Where is this place? I thought I was on a date with Miss Rize.
Prepare for organ transplant.
Without the consent of the next of kin? Organ? Next of kin? What exactly are they talking about? Dr.
I will accept full responsibility! Transfer her organs into him!
It's warm. Why?
Kaneki opened his eyes. Now one of his eyes was like Rize’s. He could hear the beeping of the hospital machines. He closed his eyes and succumbed back to sleep.
The next time Kaneki opened his eyes. He felt a weight on him. He glanced down. His (Y/N) was laying on him. He blushed Wait his (Y/N)? Yes, his (Y/N). He raised his hand to play with her hair. It was as soft and silky as it looked.
(Y/N) shifted and raised her head. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
She’s so cute. And all mine.
She smiled at him so sweetly as tears filled her eyes.
“You’re awake”, her voice trembled.
“(Y/N)? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?”
Kaneki was franic. Why was his (Y/N) crying? What did he do?
(Y/N) didn’t speak. She simply wrapped her arms around Kaneki. Though it did take her to basically crawl into Kaneki’s lap. Damn her shortness. Her tears soaked Kaneki’s hospital gown.
Kaneki’s face went red. He couldn't believe that his (Y/N) was in his lap, giving him a hug. Oh god. She smelled so good. He could just eat her up.
(Y/N) started to pull away.
Kaneki wrapped his arms around her.
“Don’t leave me”, Kaneki cried desperately.
He couldn’t let her go. Not now. Not ever. Not when he finally had her to himself.
(Y/N) readjusted herself to fit better on the bed. She shook off Kaneki’s clinginess because he had been in the hospital for a few days. She settled down on the right side of Kaneki. Her legs were slightly overlapping Kaneki's legs. Sleep was rapidly luring her in. Her sleepless nights were getting to her. She laid her head down on Kaneki’s shoulder and closed her eyes. She couldn't help but feel safe by Kaneki’s side. She fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
Kaneki blushed as he gazed at (Y/N)’s form. He was so lucky. He tightened his arms around her. Nobody could have her.
He closed his own eyes. He let (Y/N)’s slow breathing pull him to sleep.
Kaneki awoke a few hours later. He glanced to where (Y/N) was supposed to be.
(Y/N) was no longer by his side.
Kaneki looked around frantically. He saw only her jacket.
Where had she gone? Was she okay? Was she safe?
He needed her by his side. Need her now.
His eyes noticed a tray of food in front of him. He saw a note that had his (Y/N)’s handwriting on it. He picked it up to read.
"Hey Kaneki!
Sorry I left without saying goodbye. You were just so cute sleeping that I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up. Sorry for falling asleep on you. Paranoia does that to a person. Anyway, make sure you eat some food. Hide came to get me. So don’t worry about me. I’ll make it home safely. Afterall Hide will be there to protect me. See you later!
Love, (Y/N)
P.S. Don’t worry me like that again.”
(Y/N) thought he was cute? (Y/N) was worried about him? She is so cute! And so sweet for writing a letter to him. However: the word paranoia bothered him. Was she not safe? Was someone messing with her?
Kaneki frowned at the mention of Hide.
Stupid Hide. (Y/N) would still be by his side if Hide hadn’t interfered. If Hide kept taking his (Y/N) away, Hide would have to disappear.
He picked up his chopsticks to take a bite of food. It tasted disgusting. Kaneki was quick to spit the food out onto a napkin. He couldn’t stomach anymore of the food.
He heard the door open. Kaneki pulled the blanket over him. If it was (Y/N), he didn’t want her to see him like this.
A nurse entered the room.
“Mr. Kaneki! Is this all you're going to eat? Oh, right. Your friend came by again today”, she spoke.
Friend? (Y/N)?
Not long afterwards Dr. Kano entered the room. The nurse left the room.
“How are we feeling, Kaneki?”, the doctor asked
Dr. Kano gestured for Kaneki to open his shirt. He placed his stethoscope on Kaneki's chest. The doctor hummed before pulling back.
The door opened, and (Y/N) stepped in. She blushed when she saw Kaneki’s semi-naked self.
“I’m sorry”, she stuttered before turning away to leave.
“No wait! (Y/N)”, Kaneki cried.
(Y/N) halted.
“I am not turning around until you are properly dressed”, the girl stuttered.
Kaneki looked down at himself confused. He blushed when he realized that (Y/N) saw him half naked. He yanked his gown closed.
Though in reality, he wanted (Y/N) to look at him when he was dressed like this.
“I-I am decent”, Kaneki stuttered out.
(Y/N) hesitantly turned around.
“I came back for my jacket”.
She couldn’t look at Kaneki. Her face is still red.
Kaneki glanced toward (Y/N)’s jacket.
“Stay with me.”, Kaneki asked.
(Y/N) blushed even more.
“K-Kaneki”, she stuttered surprised.
“I mean-I’ll need help after I get discharged”, Kaneki explained.
(Y/N) nodded in understanding. She walked past the two men. She picked up her jacket and stood towards the side so she wouldn’t be in the way.
Kaneki moved over and gestured for (Y/N) to sit with him.
“You can sit here so you don’t get tired standing.”, Kaneki suggested.
(Y/N)’s blush deepened, but she did not turn down Kaneki's offer. She moved to sit by him.
Kaneki turned back towards the doctor.
“I hear you haven't eaten anything since you were admitted, but there doesn't particularly seem to be anything wrong though.”, the doctor said.
“I feel okay. My sense of taste is off”, Kaneki said.
His hand found (Y/N)’s. He held it tightly
(Y/N) didn’t pull away so Kaneki counted it as a win.
“Sense of taste? Care to explain”, the doctor asked.
“Everything tastes disgusting to me”, Kaneki explained.
The doctor hummed before smirking a little.
“That could be psychological in nature. It was a pretty serious accident, after all.There's no need to rush to rush yourself. Take all the time you need to heal.”, the doctor spoked.
The doctor stood up and left.
It wasn’t long before Kaneki was discharged.
(Y/N) and him left the hostipal together.
“Nothing particularly wrong? It almost seems like the events of that whole day with Miss Rize were something that never really happened. But one thing is for sure. Ever since then, something has been something has been strange.”, Kaneki thought.
(Y/N) reached over to squeeze Kaneki’s arm.
“You okay Kaneki? You are worrying me”, his (Y/N) asked.
“I’m fine. Just ready to be home”, he replied.
(Y/N) let her hand slipped into Kaneki’s hand.
Kaneki blushed. Her hand was so warm.
From a distance, two very different ghouls watched the couple.
One regretting not killing Kaneki the first time. And the other ready to torture Kaneki.
Unknowingly having eyes on them, (Y/N) and Kaneki walked to Kaneki’s place.
The two arrived at Kaneki’s apartment. A bag was hanging on the door. Kaneki picked it up so he could read the note.
"Kaneki! Congratulations on your discharge! Presenting some leftover high-quality ingredients from my place, along with your favorite hamburger.
I hope you appreciate it! Wah-ha-ha!
When you're up to it, come on back to school.
It's rough here on my own.”
“I see Hide gave you leftovers. I’ll put them away.”, (Y/N) offered.
Kaneki handed her the bag.
(Y/N) went to the kitchen and started to be everything away. She returned shortly.
Kaneki had flopped onto the bed. His eyes were closed.
(Y/N) smiled. She pulled the covers over Kaneki. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. She turned and left but not before writing Kaneki a note.
It was dark when Kaneki opened his eyes again. He sat up and felt something in his hand. He has crumbled up the note (Y/N) had left him.
“Sorry to leave you without saying goodbye again. I went home by the way. Take care of yourself and call me if you need me.
Love, (Y/N).
P.S. You are cute when you are sleeping
P.S.S I know I already told you that but I wanted to tell you again.“
(Y/N) was so cute. Kaneki brought the note to his nose. It smelled like her. His mouth watered. He began to have a visitor. Kaneki blushed. He was such a pervert. He was so dirty. Kaneki couldn't help but wonder what (Y/N) would say if he knew this happened from her scent alone.
Kaneki flipped on the television in ordered to distract himself. He wasn't paying attention to the news report that was airing though. His mind on (Y/N).
“A ghoul doesn't have any need to eat this much in this short amount of time in the first place. One dead body will allow them to survive for a month or two”, Mr. Ogura said in the news report.
“Mr. Ogura, can't ghouls be satisfied by eating the same food as humans do?”the spokeswoman asked.
Kaneki’s attention focused on the news report.
“No, ghouls are only able to derive their nutrition from people. It could be detrimental if they are anything else.Not to mention that their tongues work differently than ours do. When they eat human food, it tastes incredibly awful to them.”, Mr. Ogura continued on to say.
“Their tongues work differently than ours do It tastes incredibly awful to them”, echoed in Kaneki’s head.
Kaneki shot up from his bed and towards the kitchen. He tore open the hamburger bags. He raised the hamburger to his mouth and bit it. He couldn’t hold it down. He covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom. He throw up the food in the toilet.
Oh, no Oh, no.  
Kaneki started to devour food after food and drink after drink. He ran to the bathroom each time to throw up the food into the toilet. He squirted condiments and poured soda down his throat. He had tears in his eyes as it all came up and into the toilet.
He broke some plates before breaking down. He sobbed on the floor. How was he supposed to take care of himself like (Y/N) wanted? She was going to hate him. If he couldn’t take care of himself, how could he take care of her?
His hand gripped a hamburger steak bag.
“Presenting your favorite hamburger.”, Hide’s voice echoed in Kaneki’s mind.
Kaneki stood. He got out a lot of water and started to cook the food.
“Hide... Did you go out and buy this just for me?”, Kaneki thought.
He finished cooking. He brought a piece of hamburger to his mouth. His hand was shaking. He ate it. Tears streamed down his face. The fork clanked against the plate of food. Kaneki sank to the floor.
“This can't be happening. “
Kaneki’s phone started to buzz. It was Hide. Kaneki clicked denied. He couldn’t talk to anyone. Not even (Y/N). Well maybe he could talk (Y/N). He could definitely talk to (Y/N).
Hide watched as his call to Kaneki went to voicemail.
“Friend of yours?”Nishio Nishiki asked Hide.
He typed on his computer.
(Y/N) entered the room after going to the bathroom.
“I’m back”, (Y/N) said.
Nishiki looked at her. He glanced over her body and licked his lips.
”Yeah. He was supposed to get out of the hospital today, but I can't reach him. I went to see him several times, too, but he didn’t want any visitors.”, Hide continued on.
“That’s strange,” (Y/N) piped up as she moved a box.
Both men looked at her.
“I visited him a few times. Well I fell asleep on him once so I don’t really count that as visiting. I even took him home after he was discharged. He was asleep though when I left. Maybe he is still asleep.”, she continued.
Hide’s eyes narrowed. Was Kaneki trying to take (Y/N) away from him?
Nishiki didn’t like the sound of that. Even if he had just met the girl, he was still so attached to her. He should check out this Kaneki guy.
“Hmm If it were me I'd cut off ties with anyone as rude as that.” Nishiki said as he stopped looking the girl.
He glanced at (Y/N).
“Not sleeping well”, Nishiki asked the girl.
She handed a box to Hide.
“Not really.”
She picked up another box.
“I feel like someone if watching me”, she slipped while not paying attention to her words.
Both Hide and Nishiki were alarmed. Someone was stalking (Y/N)?
“What were you saying about Kaneki? Hide? Nishiki?”, she asked as she looked back and forth between Hide and Nishiki.
“Kaneki, (Y/N), and I have been best friends since we were kids. I don’t know why he didn’t let me see him”, Hide continued.
(Y/N) and Hide continued to move boxes.
“Best friends. How sweet”, Nishiki smirked.
“Hello? Kaneki? How are you feeling? I was just at the bookstore in front of the station, and Takatsuki- what's-her-name is doing a book signing, so I thought I'd tell you. Anyhow, give me a call when you're feeling better. (Y/N)’s has been asking about you ”, Hide said in Kaneki’s voicemail.
Kaneki was in bed. He slowly sat up. He slowly got dressed. He then made his way to the book store.
It was drizzling when he got there. He read the sign.
"The Takatsuki Sen book signing is now over."
He signed and turned to leave.
Kaneki turned. And before him was (Y/N). His (Y/N). The rain appeared to make her glow.
She smiled at him.
“May I join you?”, she asked.
Kaneki nodded. He couldn’t speak as he looked at the beauty that was (Y/N).
The two walked in silence.
It wasn’t long before Kaneki’s stomach growled. He started to sniff around. He smelt something so amazing sweet.
“Hungry”, (Y/N) asked.
“We can stop and get some food.”, she suggested.
Kaneki didn’t hear her. He was too busy trying to find the source of the sweet smell. He glanced around. There were too many other smells for him to find the source.
“People People People People Children People People --Woman --Flesh --Girl --Flesh --Man --Flesh --Family --Flesh --Children Boy Woman --Flesh Flesh Flesh --Child Boy --Flesh Flesh --Flesh Flesh Flesh --Flesh Flesh Flesh Flesh!”, echoed over and over in Kaneki’s mind.
He couldn’t take it. He ran and ran while leaving (Y/N) behind.
She called out his name and started after him.
Kaneki was too fast for her to catch him.
Kaneki didn’t stop running until he made it back to his apartment. He slammed the door shut and locked it. His shoes slipped off as he ran to the bathroom. He looked into the mirror. One of his eyes was the same as Rize’s eyes. He whimpered.
“What’s happening to me?”
Rize appeared in his mirror.
Kaneki yelled and slammed his fist into the mirror causing the mirror to shatter.
I know what's causing it!
Transfer her organs into him!
Blades such as knives or kitchenware cannot hurt them.
Let’s see if that’s true. If that's true, then I’m a ghoul.
He scrambled for a knife.  He raised it.
This won’t hurt.
He drove the knife towards his stomach. He screamed as the blade of the knife broke off from the handle and onto the floor. He tumbled backwards onto the floor. He sobbed.
What am I supposed to do now?
Kaneki stood outside the area where the accident occurred.
“Kill a person take their flesh! And eat it”, Kaneki’s hunger spoke.
Kaneki snapped back.
“What’s gotten into me?”
He started to sniff around. There was a sweet smell in the air. But not as sweet as the Scent from before. Kaneki turned towards an alleyway.
“What is that scent? It's the first time I'm smelling it, but it seems so familiar.  A sweet aroma, like Mom's home cooking.“, Kaneki’s hunger talking.
He could see his mother’s cooking as he started to stagger towards the smell.
“There's something over here that even I can eat! Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?!”
Kaneki made turns and moved quickly. He was so hungry. He ran into some trash. He was drooling as he stood up to follow the smell.
“It's close”
Kaneki stumbled on a ghoul and his kill. He watched the ghoul devour the human.
“A ghoul.  A human! How could I have been enticed here by the scent of a corpse?!”his mind screamed.
Kaneki collapsed into his knees.
The ghoul looked up from his meal.
Kaneki sobbed. What would (Y/N) say if she saw him like this? Would she be scared or even sympathetic towards him?
“You're a ghoul. What's the matter? Are you all right? Don’t cry, it’s okay. My name's Kazuo.”, the ghoul offered up.
The ghoul looked at his food and reached down to pull some meat apart from it.
“It's been a long time for me, so I can't share too much with you, but here, eat-- “, he said.
Blood splattered from the ghoul. Some even got in Kaneki.
“Good riddance. Don’t go plundering my feeding grounds. Hmm? I've never seen you before. Why is only one of your eyes red? That's nasty.”, Nishiki spoke.
Nishiki walked towards Kaneki. He gripped Kaneki by the neck and slammed him against the wall.
“Do you think you could hunt on my territory and get away with it?”, Nishiki said angrily.
He was pissed. (Y/N) walks on his territory. He had to protect her.  This one eyed ghoul would eat her.
“I-I wasn't I didn't know I just happened to be passing by”, Kaneki strained.
“Do you think I believe that. Okay, imagine this. (Y/N) is naked and lying on the ground. Then some guy was there with his pants down says to you, "I wasn't doing anything.I just happened to be here.”, Nishiki said as he tighten his grip on Kaneki’s neck.
He didn’t even notice that he said (Y/N). He was too angry to notice.
On the other hand, it caught Kaneki’s attention. This ghoul knows (Y/N)? She’s in danger! He has to protect her!
From above, Touka watched them. She was debating if she should interfere. If she did, (Y/N) wouldn’t be hers and hers alone. If she didn’t, (Y/N) would be hers.
"That's the same as what you're telling me. If someone did that to my (Y/N) , I'd kill the guy. That's why I'm killing you, as punishment for trespassing on my feeding grounds”, Nishiki spoked.
Touka dropped down from her place on the building. She was going to regret this.  Really regret this.
“This isn’t your territory. Which means he wasn’t trespassing, Nishiki. So let him go”, Touka demanded.
Nishiki turned towards her while holding Kaneki up.
“Touka”, he said.
He dropped Kaneki.
Kaneki gripped his neck as he coughed.
“I don’t see what the problem is. I know that Binge eating bitch is dead”, Nishiki argued.
“How does that make these your feeding grounds?  You don’t have any say on the task of distributing the feeding grounds Rize stole. It will be distributed among the weaker ghouls. Just leave it up to those of us at Anteiku.”, she spoke.
Her eyes turned into their ghoulish color.
Nishiki turned towards her.
“Huh?! You know, I still don’t understand why we have to rub everything by a bunch of fence-sitters like Anteiku. I am just reclaiming what is mine”, Nishiki said angerly.
Nishiki started to walk towards Touka.
“Because you were weak”, Touka started off.
“I don’t appreciate being insulted by a punk with a smart mouth. Watch it. You’re starting to piss me off”, Nishiki snapped back.
The two ghouls started to walk towards one another.
“You think I’m scared”, Touka asked.
The two engaged in a fight. They flew to one another.
“You should be”, Nishiki shouted.
Touka passed by Nishiki with ease.
Nishiki was shocked when he got pushed back. He grunted.
“Is that all you got, Touka”, he taunted.
“What for it”, Touka answered.
Nishiki’s eyes widened. Wounds opened on his body and blood splattered out.
He semi-fell to the ground.
“Do you want me to go harder next time?”, Touka asked.
Nishiki grunted. He turned and ran tail.
“Do you want to take your corpse with you?”, she said as she watched him flee.
Kaneki was gasping.
Touka turned her attention to him.
Kaneki reaches out for the corpse. He stopped when Touka stepped over the corpse.
Touka reached down and picked up a hand from the corpse. She offered it to him. She knew that she could use him to get closer to (Y/N).
“You want this?”, She asked.
Kaneki reaches for it before using his other hand to pull his hand back. What would (Y/N) say if she knew he ate human flesh? He hunched over.
“You're not eating? Oh wow, only one of your eyes is different”, she said.
Her eyes widened as she remembered something.
“You're the one who was with Rize. Why weren't you eaten? Then again your eye.”, Touka pretended to be shock.
She knew what happened. However; she wasn’t quite sure how Kaneki survived something like that.
“Please help me! I know you may not believe this, but I'm human. And yet I want to eat that I want to eat it so bad I can't help it But if I do, I won't be human anymore! (Y/N) won’t love me anymore!”, he sobbed hungerly.
His hand reached out once more. He was struggling to keep it at bay.
“If you're in that much pain, then eat.” , Touka encouraged.
Then (Y/N) won’t love you. She’ll only love me.
Kaneki was sobbing as he reached for the hand. He was so close but couldn’t bring himself to take the hand to eat. He hit the hand out of Touka’s hand. It flew off to the side.
“No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! No way! There's no way I can eat another person’s flesh. (Y/N) would hate me!”, he desperately spoke.
Let her hate you.
Kaneki had his head on the ground.
“Killing people.  Killing each other.  I'm not like that! I'm human! I'm human! I’m not a ghoul! I’m human like (Y/N). Her love makes me human”, he cried out.
“This is ridiculous. (Y/N) may be human, but she love belongs to ghouls”, Touka stated.
Belongs to me.
She turned and knelt down by the corpse. She broke some bones to get to an organ. Blood splattered onto her cheek.
“Why not give in already? If you don't have the nerve to eat then I'll give you a hand!”, Touka angrily said.
She turned and ran towards Kaneki. She shoved the organ into Keneki’s mouth. She was doing this for (Y/N) and (Y/N) alone.
Kaneki swallowed.
Touka glared
For (Y/N)...
Only for (Y/N)...
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Hideyoshi Nagachika/ Hide
Ken Kaneki/ Eyepatch
Touka Kirishima/ Rabbit
Yakumo Oomori/ Yamori/ Jason
Name: Nishiki Nishio
Type: Isolating, Violent Status: Alive First Meeting: Don’t Leave Me Nickname: Sunshine Reason: (Y/N) is the center of his world. She is the light in the color muted world he saw. He calls her sunshine because (Y/N) is the center of his world just like the sun is the center of the universe.
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Chapter cover was made by vasiadiadein!
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honyakuninakunaru · 3 years
Mithra's Guidance Around the Country of Snow? // Mithra SSR Card Story
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(City of Frost)
Mithra: "Hello, Master Sage."
Rustica: "Good day, Master Sage."
Akira: "Ah, hello, both of you. It's rare to see you together, are you on a walk, perhaps?"
Mithra: "No."
Rustica: "Yes."
Akira: "W-Which one is it? (They gave completely different answers just now...)"
Rustica: "Mithra was showing me around the beautiful, clad in pure, white snow Northern Country. Ah, right, how about you join us as well, Master Sage?"
Akira: "Really? I'll gladly accept if you don't mind! Thank you as well, Mith— Um, where did he go?"
(Muffled footsteps)
Akira: "Ah, there you are!"
Mithra: "And why may you be following me?"
Akira: "..... W-Weren't you out for a walk together with Rustica?"
Mithra: "What are you talking about? He's the one who's been bothering me and following me around for a while now."
Rustica: "Oh my? It would appear I have misunderstood the situation. I suppose I must apologize."
Akira: "Is that how it wa—  Ah! He's gone again..."
Rustica: "He went right ahead, let's catch up to him."
(Forest of Frost)
Upon arrival, Rustica and I found ourselves in front of a shimmering, snowy landscape. A spontaneous sigh escapes me as my entire field of vision becomes filled with this sheer white, fairytale-like sight.
Akira: "So pretty..."
Mithra: "It looks the same everywhere. More importantly, why are you following me again?"
Akira: "M-Mithra!?"
Mithra: "Do you happen to have time to spare, Master Sage?"
Akira: "I guess so... Wait, no, we were looking for you! You suddenly disappeared before we could even notice."
Rustica: "It seems that I had arbitrarily tagged along on your walk, Mithra, for which, I beg your pardon. However, had it not been for you, I wouldn't have witnessed this splendid, Northern sight. You have my sincere thanks."
Mithra: "Is that so."
Rustica: "Would the powerful wizard Mithra be willing to show us around the Northern Country some more?"
Mithra: "....."
Akira: "Mithra...?"
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
Akira: "Ah, he's gone again...!"
Rustica: "Wonderful, seems like he's willing to."
Akira: "I-Is that what that was just now?"
Rustica: "Surely it must be. Shall we catch up to confirm that? I feel like something exceptionally fun will happen if we stick together with Mithra."
Akira: "I... somehow get what you mean."
Rustica: "Then, by all means, hold on tightly."
Akira: "Yep!"
(In the sky)
Akira: "Rustica, I see him! He seems to be lying on the snow."
Rustica: "Maybe he's taking an afternoon nap?"
(Snow-covered plane)
Akira: "Mithra? Are you asleep?"
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
Akira and Rustica: "Ah...!"
The moment Mithra uttered his spell, Rustica and I fell face-first into the snow.
Akira: "D-Don't scare us like that, Mithra!"
Mithra: "It was getting noisy, so I wondered if that would make it quieter. And indeed it did.
Akira: "What...?"
Rustica: "....."
Akira: "Ah, R-Rustica, are you alright? Did the snow hit a bad spot..."
Rustica: ".....Fufu. This snow is so soft I just had to authenticate its feel."
Akira: "Y-You're right! It's not cold in the slightest and feels really good...! Is that also a part of your magic, Mithra?"
Mithra: "Yes. I cast a spell around this area to make it more comfortable for sleeping."
Akira: "I never knew you could do that. Amazing as always!"
Mithra: "Oh well, it's not that hard to do."
Rustica: "Had I never laid in the snow like this, I wouldn't have found out that powdered snow shines as bright as a jewel. Thank you for showing us such a magnificent sight, Mithra."
Mithra: "Right."
Looking to the side, Mithra, who was lying facing the sky until now, rolled around in our direction.
Mithra: "What's with you two, thanking me left and right. I really don't understand why you're doing that."
Rustica: "Why, it's because you've shown us around such wonderful places, of course. It's only natural that we'd be grateful."
Mithra: "I don't remember showing anyone around. You're the ones that decided to follow me."
Rustica: "Well, that's unfortunate. However, it was really thoughtful of you to have done so before we got the chance to ask."
Mithra: "..... Master Sage, do you not get tired of talking with this person?"
Akira: "Not in the slightest. Rustica is always friendly, after all."
Mithra: "If that's the case, please be his chatting partner."
Rustica: "Not to mention, we were really lucky to have your guidance, as the Northern Country is a rather unrelenting place."
Mithra: "....."
Akira: "True. Most of the time, the twins and even Oz prevent us from coming here because it's so dangerous."
Rustica: "It's comforting to have someone like Master Oz carefully watch over you, but I also think it's splendid and thrilling to have someone like Mithra show you around various places and have fun."
Mithra: "So all Oz does is stand there and tremble in fear? If that's the case, I ought to show you around a bit more."
Akira: "You mean it?"
Rustica: "What kind of place will we be visiting this time?"
Mithra: "An exceptional one."
(Northern Cave)
Akira: "This is... a cave?"
Mithra: "A strong bear lives here. Powerful creatures are very North-like, wouldn't you say?"
Akira: "Yeah... Bears are... Bears!? Y-You mean like, a real bear?! The ones that are dangerous and eat people and all that...?"
Mithra: "That's right. But it shouldn't be a problem since I'm strong."
Akira: "It might not be a problem for you, but...!"
Rustica: "Speaking of, I've heard bears are fond of honey. Had I known we'd be coming here, I would've brought some as a souvenir, but alas..."
Mithra: "How rude. If you are willing to give it honey, give me some as well, you know. It's all sugary when you lick it, and it puts me in a good mood."
Rustica: "Not only that, but if you let it melt into tea, it becomes just as savoury."
Akira: ("Should they really be having such leisurely chit-chat in this situation...? Though it does feel like they've somehow gotten closer...")
Turning my head in the direction the sound came from, I saw a colossal, horned creature resembling a bear charging at us from the depths of the cave.
Akira: "G-Guys, something's coming...!"
Rustica: "Speak of the devil. It must be angry since we haven't prepared any honey for it."
Mithra: "You think so? What a greedy bear."
Akira: "Eeek!"
It appears to have targeted me, as it relentlessly ran in my direction.
Akira: "Y-You don't think it's coming for me, do you!?"
Mithra: "It seems like it's taken a liking to you."
Akira: "I appreciate the feelings— no, wait, I don't! At this rate, it's going to crush me, so I'd really like some help! Mithra, please!"
Mithra: "Have you had enough of this tourism thing?"
Akira: "Yes, I have! I most definitely have!"
Mithra: "Hmm, I see. <Arthim>"
As soon as Mithra finished chanting his spell, we found ourselves back to the City of Frost within a hair's breadth away from the bear crashing into us. Relieved, I slumped on the ground.
Akira: "T-That was close... Thank you, Mithra."
Mithra: "Yes, please do shower me in gratitude, if you will."
Rustica: "That sure was scary. But to think that the North can offer such thrilling and heart-throbbing experiences on top of being beautiful! What a splendid country this is! We ought to bring that bear some honey next time we go to visit. Can I request your escort for when the time comes again, Mithra?"
Mithra: "I don't mind, but do have a portion of honey prepared just for me."
Rustica: "Ah, right! As thanks, I shall show you around the Western Country next time."
Still in a state of shock and seated on the ground, I watched their peaceful exchange. Noticing this, Mithra grabbed my arm and yanked me up.
Akira: "Wah! Sorry..."
Mithra: "And you? How did you find it?"
Akira: "It was an overly hardcore experience..."
Mithra: "Is that so? Good for you then. If I feel like it, I'll take you along again."
Akira: "A-Ahaha..."
Thank you @optimismisgone for providing raws for this story!
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weebtarurights · 3 years
Sakyo Furuichi R (South. Hill. Prison)
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Read full translation under the cut! 
Story Title: "Gap Moe Tattoo"
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: Let's wrap up here. See you at tomorrow's morning practice. Sakyo: Yeah. Juza: Good work. Banri: As for the crazy roles, we don't have serious cross-dressing roles this time, so it's easy to grasp. Juza: Sakyo-nii's role as a prisoners' boss is just like him, isn't it? Sakyo: Aah? Azami: I bet he can nail it even without role-building. Sakyo: You punks... Izumi: B-but...! Because the role is easier to grasp, you can have more time to be meticulous about it, isn't it a great privilege? Omi: Certainly. Taichi: But Sakyo-nii performed the boss' role during Picaresque too. Wouldn't it be interesting if you can differentiate between the two? Juza: You had a hat and cane that time... Let's say you can try incorporating something else. What do you think? Banri: What's up with you? You're unusually quick-witted. Juza: Aah? What now, you foxy bastard? Banri: Hah? That has nothing to do with it. Sakyo: Shut it! Stop fighting over every single thing. Banri: Tch... Juza: ...... Sakyo: As for incorporating something into the role, I'll think about it...
Sakyo: (Morning practice over... What's next for today...) Taichi: Ooh~! This is so badass! Kazunari: Yup, yup. hella fine, isn't it! Muku: It sure leaves an impression! Sakyo: What's up with all this fuss? Taichi: Sakyo-nii! Perfect timing! Look at the back of my hand! Look! Look! Sakyo: This.... Just when the hell did you get a tattoo!? Taichi: Waah! I-it's a misunderstanding! Muku: I-it's actually a sticker...! Kazunari: We stuck it on! Sakyo: A sticker....?
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 
 Sakyo: A sticker....?
Kazunari: Right! Right! The sticker is attached to the transparent film. Just stick it wherever you like, then rub it with a wet tissue or something... And viola! It sticks just like this! Muku: There's a character who looks like Sakyo-san in the shoujo manga I'm reading now... He's a bit of a bad boy... He's got a tattoo on his neck but it was revealed to be a sticker later on. Kazunari: He wanted people to avoid him by wearing tattoos 'cuz he's bad at interacting with people, ain't that straight up gap moe! Muku: You're right! Taichi: So Mu-chan immediately bought a tattoo sticker similar to the picture. We were just talking about how it suits Sakyo-nii's role for the next performance! Sakyo: I see.... So it's a tattoo sticker... Taichi: Hey, hey, Mu-chan! Muku: Fufu, that's it! Taichi: Sakyo-nii! There's a scene we wanted you to try! Kazunari: Ah, you mean "that" scene!? Sakyo: ? Muku: It's the line that the bad boy said which is very famous among the fans....! It's on page 73 of Volume 6... I'll bring the comic now! Sakyo: Oi....! I haven't agreed to anything yet!
Muku: I'm back! Let's see.... Here, it's this scene right here... Please do it! Sakyo: No, that's why I told you... Taichi: It'll look rad on Sakyo-nii! Kazunari: Putting it on his neck's gonna be real tough... Here, here, let's put it on the back of his hand instead! Sakyo: You little...! Muku: Is it really a no....?
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Kazunari: Are you gonna refuse Mukkun's wish...!? Aren't you a member of Shoujo Manga Club...! Taichi: Mu-chan was really excited preparing the tattoo sticker too... Sakyo: Haa... Geez.... Just this once. Muku: Wah, thank you so much...! Sakyo: This scene, huh... "..... I don't need such a sticker in front of you. " Muku: .....! Awawah....! You even reenacted the ago-kui...! [1] Thank you so much! I'm so moved! Taichi: Sakyo-nii is super cool! Kazunari: Frooch-san's ago-kui is extra rare, isn't it! Sakyo: Haa.... I'll never do it ever again.
Izumi: Thank you for all your hard work today. Omi: Yuki, how was your observation today? Yuki: I've thought of the overall image for the costume. Thanks. By the way, it's been bugging me since a while ago but, Money grabbing Yakuza, what the hell is that? Banri: I was wondering about that too. Sakyo: You mean this sticker... I just left it as it is. Taichi: Actually, it happened like this...! Sakyo: Oi.... You don't have to tell them!
Banri: Bwah no matter how much Muku asks for it... Azami: Shitty Sakyo's ago-kui.... Sakyo: Shut up. Omi: Haha, it's just like Muku. Juza: Thank you for listening to Muku's request. Sakyo: Thinking about it now, it ended up becoming a helpful reference for me to differentiate my role. I'm grateful. Yuki: I was thinking of putting it on your neck but... well, it might leave a good impression if you'll have it on your arms during the performance. Sakyo: Haa... I knew you're going to say whatever you want once you found out. That's why I never intended to tell you this story... But well, let me discuss the design with you if you decide to do it.
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1) 顎クイ or “ago-kui” is the act of lifting somebody else’s chin in a romantic/domineering way. It’s a very common scene in anime and manga’s romantic situation. There isn’t really exact English word to describe this act so I left it as it is. 
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Fic: Winging It
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Frankie Morales x Jay ‘Lady’ Ray
Warnings: A bit of language and lots of cute baby stuff. Parental insecurities. Mostly just fluff with no plot. Dad!Frankie and Mom!Lady.
Summary: Lady doesn't like mommy and me class very much.
Words: 1,535
A/N: I don't know, I just wanted to have a moment with my favourite lovebirds and their spawn. Frankie x Lady masterlist.
”Uh! Gah!”
Jay laughs a little at the sight of Alma, six months old, doing frustrated push-ups on her play blanket while trying to reach for the red ball which, of course, gets pushed further away from her.
”Damn that fucker, right? Here you go, baby.” Jay rolls to ball back to the baby, who grabs it and proceeds to trying to stuff it into her tiny mouth. That doesn’t work, either, so she drops it, and it rolls away again. Not really having figured out how to crawl just yet, Alma reaches for the ball, almost gets it, but pushes it away even further, then watches in disbelief and disappointment while trying to move after it. Jay expects the baby to start crawling any day now but so far, Alma’s only wagging her lower body from side to side, unable to figure out that she actually needs to move her legs to get anywhere.
”Ah!!” Alma’s exclamation is filled with frustration.
”Come on, honey, you can do it,” Jay tries to encourage her dark-haired daughter. Alma pumps her upper body up and down, stares angrily at the ball, and yells, before slumping down onto her stomach, face in wrinkles.
”You get that from your dad,” Jay sighs. She gives the ball back the Alma, who happily examines it, quiet for a moment. Jay leans against the couch, keeping an eye on the kid but also taking the opportunity to enjoy not having to entertain her, even if only for a minute. God knows that’s all she’s done for months until she picked up her studies and working part-time two months ago.
She wasn’t sure what she thought motherhood would be like: would it come to her naturally or would she struggle with it, loath to be so chained to her gender and the role that came with it? She’s never been good at being a woman and what that entails, never wanted the epithet that so often seemed to follow her around in the army.
She’s lucky to have Frankie. He understands this part of her and lets her be who she is. Being together with him has definitely made her accept her womanhood in a whole new way, and she knows that she would never have had kids with anyone else but him. Frankie adores the baby and is just as hands-on with her as Jay expected. Being a mother is hard, she moves from one extreme to the other: immense pride at how well she is handling being a mother, and constant anxiety about not being a good enough mother. Frankie definitely makes the experience easier and it helps to know that he’s just as worried about his capabilities as a father.
The front door opens and closes and shortly after, Frankie shows up in the living-room. Alma drops the ball at the sight of him and gives a happy little shriek.
”Hey, chiquita!” Frankie crouches by the girl and lifts her up, hoisting her in front of his face, giving her a big kiss. Alma giggles in delight, arms flailing.
”How’s mamacita?” Frankie turns to Jay and gives her a kiss as well. She tastes a little sweat on his upper lip; it’s a warm, sunny day.
”So-so. We went to mommy and me group.”
”How was that? Are they still boring as shit?”
Jay’s had a hard time connecting with the other mothers, or at least some of them: they do not share values or opinions about child rearing, and boy, do those women have opinions.
”The Stepford wives are, well, the same Stepford wives,” Jay shrugs. “I suspect they think I’m a lesbian.”
“Excuse me, what?” Frankie stares at her. “Haven’t you told them about me?”
“Well, not as such. They keep bitchin’ about their husbands – seriously, why do people get married and have kids when it’s so obvious they shouldn’t even be together because all they do is nag? – and how they never help out. I said I’ve never had that problem with my partner, we do everything together.”
“Yeah, I wonder where they got the idea from.” Frankie rolls his eyes.
“I’m not calling you my boyfriend.”
“I’ve told you there’s an easy fix to that, we’ll just get hitched,” he shrugs, bouncing Alma on his thigh.
“And I’ve told you no,” Jay tells him patiently, not having this discussion again. She smiles at Alma, so happy in Frankie’s arms, and then glances up at Frankie again.
“Should I grow out my hair?”
“So you wouldn’t look like a lesbian?” he asks pointedly. “Nope. If you want to do it to try how you’d like longer hair, then yes, why not?”
“Would you like it if I had longer hair?”
“Jay, what’s all this? You never cared what I thought about your hair.” Frankie scoots closer, cradling Alma on one arm and sliding the other around Jay’s shoulders.
“I guess I only today realized that it’s just not about me,” she confesses, leaning a little against Frankie. “Everything I do affects Alma. Every snooty mom who looks down on me because I’m not like her is capable of denying Alma a friend to play with.”
“True,” Frankie agrees, “but do you really want our girl to play with kids whose parents are absolute idiots?”
“It’s not like we can conduct interviews with the parents every time she wants to play with someone in the park,” Jay points out with a weak smile. Frankie grins back.
“She’s six months old, baby. Just relax. We’ll figure it out along the way, okay?”
“So we’re winging it, just like we’re winging everything else with this kid?” Jay jokes lightly, thinking of the stacks of books on parenting and developmental psychology she’s read to prepare herself for this life-long commitment.
“I’m a pilot, I’m used to winging it.”
“Oh my God, you’re so funny!” Jay sighs deeply and makes a gun with her hand, putting it to her own temple and pretending to pull the trigger. Frankie shakes his head and looks down on Alma.
“My comedic genius is wasted here, chiquita. I can’t wait for you to be big enough to appreciate it.”
“You’re going to be the king of dad jokes.”
Frankie tickles Alma’s tummy, drawing a laugh from her, then looks back at Jay.
“Don’t grow out your hair,” he tells her softly, “unless you want to, of course. I like your hair. It’s so you.”
Jay smiles and passes her hand over her short-cropped hair. Had it been naturally curly, like Frankie’s, it would coil at her ears and the nape of her neck by now. But it’s straight and she’s overdue for a trim.
“Thanks, baby,” she tells him quietly, happy and grateful for his never-ending support. He nods, then frowns a little, as if a thought just occurred to him.
“Maybe I need to go to the next mommy and me group. Set those women straight.”
”They’d lose their shitif a dad showed up there, especially a hot dad like you,” Jay winks at him. ”Tell them I’m at the gym, they’ll love that. But don’t freak out: those of them who talk the most about how cute their babies are, have the most ugly-ass kids I’ve ever seen.”
She makes a face and then looks down at Alma, who’s making little sounds now, restless on Frankie’s arm.
”I’m so happy we managed to make a baby that’s actually cute.”
”With a mom like you, she has to be cute,” Frankie replies, leaning towards Jay for a kiss. She smiles and meets him halfway, lips separates so she can suck his lower lip, the little patch of facial hair right underneath the lip tickling her skin.
The kiss is interrupted by an angry shout from Alma, who is done with cuddles with dad. Frankie puts her down on her back and she proceeds to immediately turning onto her tummy and once again doing a pushup, clearly aiming for the red ball again. Her tiny brows furrow in frustration as she voices her unhappiness.
”Still struggling?” Frankie asks with a tender smile as he watches his daughter try to figure out crawling.
Jay nods. ”And that goddamn ball isn’t taking any orders.”
”She’s close, though.” Alma's almost getting up on her knees, but does not seem to be aware of it: she’s so focused on reaching her chubby arms forward she’s not realizing that she could use a boost from behind.
”It’s a good thing she’s cute, because she’s not that bright,” Jay scoffs, just as Alma emits a loud shriek and jump-starts in an unexpected engagement of her legs, and bounces forward just a couple of inches. It’s not enough to reach the ball but she seems to understand that she did get closer, because she’s flailing her arms in excitement. Frankie and Jay stare at her, both perplexed.
”Well... she shut me up,” Jay finally admits. Frankie rolls the ball towards Alma, who grabs it and then, quite neatly, spits up on it. She looks surprised, and raises her gaze to her parents.
Jay hands Frankie the burp cloth and stands up.
“Entertain the spawn, Morales. I'm gonna get dinner started.”
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
❝𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕡❞
⇢ Episodes 5-6
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
⇢ script form (name: lines) are the interviews
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Episode 5
she was in the back oh hoseok and taehyung’s car with a book open on her lap
“makdung-ah, have a sandwich”
hoseok handed her a sandwich which she blindly reached for and nearly knocked over, making hoseok shout and taehyung shocked
“got it! i got it! sorry, i’m a mess”
she was laughing and settled back in her chair, sandwich in hand and focus on her books
she saw seokjin in his sunglasses and choked a little “hobi oppa, where’s the water?”
they were talking about taehyung’s mixtape at some point
“oppa’s music is really nice, though. the stuff you let me hear is really good, i love listening to them” “thanks, aegi”
“look at you guys and your mixtapes. am i the only one who’s going to promote solo as an idol?”
hoseok and taehyung just laughed at her “we’re your biggest fans”
“we’re heeeeeere! my trampoline!”
hoseok opened her door for her and helped her out. she took her small carriers, still two because one held all her equipment while the other held her clothes and some skincare and makeup
“is it necessary to bring work here?” jungkook asked her
“i mean, you never know when ideas will pop up, right?”
a few minutes later, you can see her running up to the cars again “my guitar’s still in the car!”
miya: honestly, i was just excited to be able to relax again. i don’t think i ever slept that much anywhere else. the oppas say it’s good for me *laughs*
the first thing she did when she got in her room was to pull her blanket from the carrier with her equipment and take her plushies out of her backpack
she put them down inside the mosquito net “alright toph, koda, time for you guys to rest from the long drive”
she ran over to the upper house “yoongi oppa! can i help with the food!” “that would be much appreciated, princess”
she’s chopping up vegetables quickly, drawing hoseok’s attention
“sometimes, i forget you’re a good cook because of how clumsy you are. hyung, you know she nearly dropped her sandwich in the car earlier?” “oppaaaa, don’t tell them thaaaat”
she was grilling some marinated pork chops in the kitchen while the older members were outside. hoseok stopped by, and she cut him a little piece for tasting
“perfect as always, makdungie”
jungkook punching the broth behind her distracted her the slightest bit by making her laugh “oppa, you’re hyperactive today”
she brought the huge dish of marinated pork out to the table and yoongi had her taste the dakgalbi
“ooooh it’s smokey, i love it!”
she made sure to get the bowl with what looked like the least amount of noodles which yoongi noticed and made up for it by giving her a lot meat
meanwhile seokjin looked at her “i still can’t believe you won’t tell us how you make the marinade for your pork” “that’s a secret between me and yoonsungie oppa”
she ran off after eating saying she had to brush her teeth
right after she did, she ended up sitting by the deck with her guitar playing random melodies and writing them down
seokjin surprised her by arriving and going straight into the canoe
“oppa?” “i hit a ball into the lake by accident” “well, looks like a home run”
she laughed when his canoe hit the deck before setting her guitar down and helping him out of it
“oh god, i’m sleepy”
she headed up to the main house with seokjin where jungkook was half asleep
she settled next to him and somehow they made themselves fit into the small bench. they just passed out despite the other members being quite loud
hoseok and seokjin were trying to wake the two maknaes up. seokjin picked her up from jungkook’s grasp and she just ended up wrapping her limbs around him and burying her face in his neck and going back to sleep
“oppa,” she mumbled while seokjin was hitting jungkook with the foam roller, “this game is so violent. and loud. and making you move a lot”
“aigoo, you two won’t be sleeping in the boat house later at this rate”
next you see of her, she’s in the kitchen whisking eggs and talking to herself
“this whole process can’t be aired to protect my fried chicken recipe,” she looked at the nearest camera “please keep it a secret, editor-nims”
while jungkook is filleting the fish, they overlay the sound of her frying the chicken
“simple fried chicken when done well is worth a lot”
seokjin walked in, yoongi close after
“oppas, i’m making chicken! what else are we having for dinner?”
seokjin patted her head “you did well, princess. what about doenjang jjigae?” “oh, sounds good!”
yoongi helped her bring the plates of fried chicken out to the table which she began to set for them
jungkook hopped out to have her taste some of the sushi making her grin
then he threw her over his shoulder
“stop hovering over the chicken and come inside to help taste stuff!” “but the bugs!”
she ended up inside tasting yoongi’s jjigae
she stayed off to the side mixing a bunch of sauces together for the chicken if the others wanted to flavor it
jungkook came and playfully put some of the honey soy sauce on the sushi and tried it
“wah, hold on, that’s actually good” “oppa, save the sauce for the chicken!” “there’s also garlic parmesan and teriyaki!”
miya: it felt nice to have a lot of us in the kitchen. there were so many things going on both creative wise and, well, cooking wise. i usually cook alone at the dorms or with one other person, but being with a lot of people gives it a more chaotic but homey feel. it’s… it’s a very warm feeling”
there were compliments passed around for the chicken, sushi, and soup and she just had the biggest grin on her face while eating
seokjin placed a small plate in front of her “these pieces don’t have wasabi, so you can eat it”
“let’s have yoonmi’s marinated fried chicken tomorrow!” “oh, good. i already marinated them in the fridge for tomorrow, anyway”
yoongi pulled the soju bottle away from her “that means no drinking tonight, princess. we want you awake in time to cook lunch”
she headed for the boat house after dinner
Episode 6
jimin popped into her room while she was settling herself in bed. he crawled into her mosquito net with her and began tucking her in
“i haven’t done this in a while”
miya: jiminnie oppa had a habit of tucking me in before sleeping back when i was younger. we got older, though, and i started staying in the studio later, so he never got to do it much anymore. it was pretty nostalgic, and i felt like i was fourteen or fifteen again
“i though jinnie oppa wanted to play baseball with you” “i told him i’d come back after checking in on you”
he settled her plushies on either side of her head which made her giggle
“you’re growing up way too fast, aegi. i can’t believe you’re an adult now” “i guess so”
he kissed her forehead “you’re still our makdungie, though. sleep well, alright?”
she smiled at him “good night, oppa”
jimin: i think i didn’t enjoy yoonmi’s childhood enough. one minute, she’s a little kid who barely reached my chest. the next, she’s twenty years old, a successful actress and soloist alongside being in bangtan, and she has a boyfriend, too. i know she’s still my baby, but i feel like time flew by way too fast
the next day, she walked into the upper house kitchen to find seokjin and yoongi cooking. she was still rubbing her eyes, and her hair was a mess
“aigoo, our princess is still sleepy”
she walked right into seokjin’s arms and closed her eyes while he slightly rubbed her back
“should i cook the marinated fried chicken?”
yoongi patted her head “we have a lot of dakgalbi, it’s okay”
she settled on the table facing yoongi while he grilled, chin in her hands as she tried to stay awake on the table
yoongi woke her up and placed a fork in her hand knowing she’s too sleepy to properly use chopsticks
she ate in silence, eyes half-closed
jimin chuckled at her “sleep well last night, aegi” “mhmm yes, oppa”
when they finished lunch, she headed straight for the common area in the main house with her book
she sat reading in between jungkook and namjoon while they painted
“oppas, how’s the weather gonna be today?” “really nice, apparently”
she closed her book for a while before getting up. she silently made her way over to the boat house where she started doing her hair and makeup.
“i’ve got to do a self-photoshoot before i let the nice weather go to waste”
a few minutes later, she’s out on the deck with her phone on a tripod on video mode. she sets it up and presses record before posing by the fence
“god, i hope this comes out pretty”
she moves around a little before checking her phone
“ooooh these are kinda good. okay let me put on a dress and take pictures by the flowers”
jungkook glances at the view again a few minutes later and lets out a laugh when he sees yoonmi in a dress all done up and posing in front of her phone
“i didn’t think she’d actually do the self-photoshoot”
nearly twenty minutes later, she’s back in her loungewear in between namjoon and jungkook taking screenshots of herself from her mini self-photoshoot
she looked up and just watched jungkook paint
“it’s amazing how you can just do that” “i’ll teach you if you want to try” “maybe tomorrow”
she headed inside the common room and continued reading in there
when the sun started to set, she headed over to her room to put her book down
she washed off her makeup and headed up to the upper house
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White Tulips - a JunJin fanfic 2/3
Full Story: Part 1, Part 3
Hello Everyone! I hope you are all happy and healthy. Part 2 of my Junjin fanfic is finally up. Thank you so much to the beautiful and wonderful people who liked my fanfic. I am so sorry I have not been responding to your lovely comments. I had exams so I was really busy but I will get to them now. It took me a long time to post this next part because I wanted to finish both Part 2 and 3. I’ll be posting the other part too once I’ve proofread everything
As always, this chapter is dedicated to the Shooters GC (which I haven’t checked in so long, I’m so sorry)  🙈 🙈
Please do be warned, this does get a little dark. But it will pay off in Part 3, I promise.
Pairing: Kang Sujin x Han Seojun
Romantic Trope: Haters to friends to lovers
Word Count: 13.5k
Rating: T
TRIGGER WARNING: Some of the themes in this story are a little dark, specifically in section iii. Please be warned. I’ve added a summary for section iii in section iv so you can skip it if needed.
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They both spoke at the same time.
“Ya Kang Sujin…”
“Ya Han Seojun…”
“What the hell happened?”
Seojun had been in a strange state of mind all day. First it was waking up in the enemy’s bed, but that part he had completely blocked out. Then it was the massive hangover, the effects of which he was still reeling from. On top of that he had received a scolding for being late to practice, which caused him to be late to his commercial shoot, which caused him to be late for his recording session which was when he had been informed about his scandal.
Seojun normally didn’t care for rumors that spread about him. He relied on his performance to speak for itself; the people online with their uninformed opinions didn’t matter.
“But why did it have to be her?!” He had groaned when he first read the articles. But then he asked himself seriously, “Why did it have to be her?”
It all seemed too convenient. Additionally, she had been the one to drag him for drinks and then back to her apartment.
Was this another one of her schemes? What would she gain from doing this? Maybe it was because he was on to her and could see the truth about her and now she wanted him gone. Yes, it must have been that. Or was it not? Was his theory too farfetched? Maybe he was being too harsh. Maybe he was misunderstanding the situation.
Seojun felt conflicted. On the one hand, it would have been so easy to just blame Sujin and keep on hating her like he wanted to. On the other hand, he could hear Suho in his head, warning him about being too judgmental. Seojun normally trusted his instincts with everything but this time his own instincts were confused. Should be giving Sujin the benefit of the doubt? 
Seojun knew that if he needed answers, he would need to go to the source.
“What the hell happened?” They both asked each other at the same time but neither had the answer.
“How the hell would I know? It was your apartment.”
“The pictures were obviously taken by someone was obsessed with you.” Sujin fumed.
“Are you saying this is my fault?”
“Then are you saying it’s mine?”
“I’m not the one who took us out drinking then brought me back home to her apartment!”
“I’m not the one with the crazy saesangs!”
“My fans are not crazy! They are way better than arrogant women with a princess complex like you!”
“Don’t call me princess.” Sujin said dangerously.
“Or what? You’ll get me drunk and back at your apartment again?”
“Ah shut up, you man-child!” Sujin hung up and Seojun flung his phone across the room where it bounced onto the couch. He was seething.
“Aish!” Seojun kicked the air.
“Did you talk to Sujin?” Heekyung’s calm voice startled Seojun.
“What? Oh, Noona.” Seojun gulped.
“How was she? Was she okay?”
“Umm…” Seojun blinked
“She must have been shaken. Facing something like this can be very upsetting.”
Seojun’s shoulders deflated. “Uh, yeah…” He hadn’t considered that.
“Did she agree to give a statement to help clear up this mess?”
Oh right, I was supposed to ask her…
Heekyung continued, “I do have good news. We’ve found the person who took the photographs. So he won’t be sharing them with anyone else.”
“You have?”
“Yes. It was unfortunate. A photographer happened to be there, just as you were leaving. He actually recognized you from your voice. Talk about having bad luck.”
Seojun frowned. So, it wasn’t Sujin.
“So will Sujin do it? We just need a simple statement. She can release a post on her socials and we’ll take care of the media articles.”
Seojun rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Um, I don’t think she’ll agree.” . Especially not after the blaming match that just happened. “Can’t we just clarify things on our end? Not get her involved?”
Heekyung smiled with a twinkle in her eye, “Oh I get it. You don’t want her to feel burdened.”
Seojun could tell what she was implying. “Ah-nee! Its not that at all!” His voice was pitched a little too high.
Heekyung laughed, “I’ve been at this for longer than you, Seojun-ah. You can be straight with me.”
“It’s not like that! I don’t care about Kang Sujin at all!”
But Heekyung wasn’t listening. “Just be careful. Your career has just started. You can’t afford scandals like these. People will turn against you in an instant, you know?”
Seojun swallowed. He knew all too well how people could turn against him in an instant, like the way thy did with Seyeon. But he wanted to believe that he would be able to face them.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”
Heekyung nodded. “Good. Now I’ll go tell our PR team to release a statement about you and Sujin being just friends.” Seojun nodded gratefully. “I think the fact that you went to school together will help. Hopefully people will buy it when you tell them nothing happened between you two.” Heekyung winked as she walked away.
“It’s not like that!” Seojun called after her.
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The situation subsided as quickly as it had risen. Move Entertainment published their official statement about how it was all a misunderstanding. That Seojun had only been visiting his friend from high school and the fact that the friend was also a mutual with rising online beauty guru Lim Jukyung helped establish the connection. Seojun had been glad that Jukyung had taken those selfies with Sujin with Seojun in the background otherwise people might have just taken the statement as an excuse.
What annoyed Seojun about the whole situation was not his reputation or the online speculation but how everyone else kept teasing him about it. This was made especially worse when they were all gathered around for drinks, including his own squad, Chorong and Co., who were eyeing Sujin with a mixture of adoration—that made them stare at her, and fear—that kept them from talking to her.
“Ooh, Han Seojun you better not drink too much or you’ll end up in Sujin’s apartment again.” Taehoon teased. Seojun gave him the death glare while Sujin made a disgusted face. Everyone else laughed.
“Guys! Don’t be mean.” Jukyung’s voice went unheard among the collective chatter.
“Han Seojun, I can see you’ve been keeping a very close eye on Kang Sujin.” Chorong whispered in his ear. Seojun elbowed his ribs.
“Pay up, Sujin didn’t kill him.” Suho asked from Suah.
“You guys had a bet?” Sujin asked icily. Seojun almost admired the scathing look Sujin gave Suho as she eyed the money being exchanged.
Suho’s and Suah’s hands froze right when they were exchanging the bills.
“No?” Suho said weakly.
“Kang Su, I bet on you okay?” Suah defended.
“Ah is that so? Well then you’re off the hook.”
Suah relaxed while Suho blinked forty times, sweating. “Kang Sujin. It was just a joke okay?”
Sujin just put her hand forward and Suho silently put the money in her hands.
“Wah, just 5 dollars? I’m worth 5 million you know.”
“Sure you are. And I’m the King of England.” Seojun said under his breath. Kang Sujin and her princess complex.
“What was that?” Sujin put her hand to her ear, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you over the apology you owe me.”
“What apology? I owe you nothing.” Seojun retorted, fully aware that he had actually come to this gathering to apologize to Sujin about the scandal and how he had behaved over the phone. That plan had since been abandoned. 
For some reason, he could not spit out the three words ‘I am sorry’ to Kang Sujin. No matter how much he wanted to. There was just something about her that irritated him to the point of misbehavior.
Sujin clicked her tongue at Seojun but said nothing. Instead, reaching into her bag, she pulled out a notebook and a pen.
“Here, sign this.” She ordered, pushing the notebook and pen in his face.
“What is it?”
For Kang Sujin, the biggest issue from the scandal had not been the online noteriety and not even the teasing, but the fact that everyone in her office now knew that she was friends with an idol and had demanded that she get them his autographs.
“Its for my friends at work.”
“You have friends?” Seojun said with mock surprise.
“You know I was just as shocked to learn that you have actual fans. I always thought Suho was the one buying all your albums.” Sujin said.
“Of course I have fans! I am super popular you know!” Seojun defended, pulling the lapels of his jacket with pride.
“Yes I’m sure you’re veeeery popular.” Sujin’s words dripped with sarcasm. Seojun’s pride deflated like a balloon. “Just sign. And write something nice too.” She ordered. Seojun quietly picked up the notebook, not because he was nice but because he felt he owed her this much.
“You know my autographs are worth a lot of money, right?”
Sujin made a face. “Just sign the damn thing so that the girls at work stop harassing me about you.”
Seojun smiled as he signed. His fans were awesome. “How many?” He asked.
He signed seven pages, each with a personalized note.
“Be nice to my fans at work.”
“I’m always nice.”
“Sure you are.” Seojun replied skeptically. He handed Sujin the notebook. “I better not find you selling these online.” He warned.
“I’d rather starve than live off of your autographs.” Sujin bit back.
“Okay, okay! No more fighting!” Jukyung pointed between the two. “Lets all enjoy our drinks in peace.” She looked pointedly at Sujin who pointed her chin at Seojun with a ‘he-started-it’ scowl.
“Han Seo, is it okay for you to meet us in public like this?” Suah asked. They weren’t in the usual private dining area that they frequented when it was just the core group of friends. They were out where everyone could see.
“We can always hang out at our place, if you want.” Suho offered. Seojun quickly shook his head. Seeing Suho and Jukyung together outside was one thing. Seeing how they lived together was quite another. Knowing they lived together was painful enough. He didn’t want even more fuel for his imagination.
“Its no trouble at all.” He put on a smile for Suho who seemed satisfied. But, to his surprise, he found Kang Sujin giving him a strange look. She chuckled to herself but said nothing.
As they all said their goodbyes, Seojun went out the back so that he could leave in privacy. He planned on taking the long route today. A bike ride would help him clear his mind.
“Han Seojun, wait up!”
He stopped just as he was about to put his helmet on. He was surprised to find Sujin there. 
“What? Need more autographs?” He asked, cockily smiling.
Sujin made a sickened expression. “Not at all. I just… I had something to say.” She hesitated.
“Well say it.”
She cleared her throat. “It was neither of our faults. The scandal. It wasn’t that it was my building or your fans. It was someone shitty who didn’t respect our privacy. That’s… that’s all I wanted to say.”
Sujin waited for his response. Seojun could feel his face burning. He should have been the one to say all this to her, and yet here she was apologizing to him instead.
“I’msorryforwhathappened.” He said too quickly and too quietly.
“Nothing!” Seojun shoved his helmet on to hide his embarrassed face. 
“Drive safe.” Sujin said.
“Yeah, whatever.” He rode away.
Kang Sujin was just glad she was able to spit out the words she had been meaning to say all night long. It had been weighing on her ever since they had spoken on the phone. She had promised herself a long time ago that she would try to be a nicer person and for the most part she had accomplished that. But that Han Seojun just had a way of bringing her old self back to the surface. And that bothered her.
It doesn’t matter, she told herself. She would learn how to get along with Han Seojun. It was only a matter of practice. And besides, it wasn’t as if she had to be overtly obvious about it. She just had to tolerate him.
For Jukyung. It’s for Jukyung. She would want us to get along, she lied to herself. The truth was, that Kang Sujin believed that she didn’t have a choice.
Everyone loved Han Seojun, even her best friends who had never paid much attention to him back in high school. It was all because Sujin had been absent for so long. She had missed a huge part of everyone’s lives while Han Seojun had been there for all of it.
Sujin wondered whether, if it came to choosing between her and Seojun, they would choose her. A part of her believed they wouldn’t.
She had made such a mess of things before and left things unresolved for too long. She was certain that things would never go back to the way they had been, not fully anyway. There would always be a part of them that wouldn’t trust her. And there would always be a part of her that would be heavy with guilt.   
“Ah-nee-ya.” She reassured herself. “I don’t need to worry about this.”
She was glad that the whole matter of being mistaken as Han Seojun’s girlfriend had been settled. She laughed at the very idea.
“Me and Han Seojun dating. Ah, how funny.”
Sujin had heard of horror stories about how such scandals ruined people’s lives and got them shunned by society. Thank fully, none of that had happened. Her precious peace was safe again.
Sujin could see her future now; a life where she worked hard at her non-profit, where she shared dinners and lunches with her friends and laughed about the old days, where she wasn’t told she wasn’t good enough, where she did what she wanted instead of being forced to do what her father wanted. Yes, Kang Sujin could see her like ahead—a life where she was finally happy.
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At first Sujin thought she was being paranoid. But her co-workers seemed to be acting stand-offish with her, with some outright avoiding her. They weren’t replying to her as enthusiastically they used to and were having hushed conversations that immediately stopped when she approached them. They even made plans for lunch without including her.
“Is something wrong?” Sujin asked one of them.
“Not at all. Shall we get to work?” It sounded more like a snub than reassurance.
Sujin also felt the hairs on her neck rise from time to time, as if she could feel someone watching her. But when she turned around, everyone would look away.
Convincing herself that it was all in her head, Sujin ignored it and went on with her work.
But then it happened again at the convenience store. She heard her name being said in whispers behind her. When she turned, she found a couple of teenagers quickly putting away their phone. Despite the anxiety bubbling in her stomach, Sujin dismissed the incident and went home.
Normally after a long day at work, Sujin would throw her phone away, have dinner while watching TV, shower and go to sleep. But today had been strange and she was feeling out of sorts. She needed a distraction to help her calm down.
So, after a shower, she settled back on her couch with her dinner and her phone. Jukyung normally posted a new make-up tutorial by this day of the week. Sujin loved watching her transform herself from an ordinary looking girl to a stunning beauty, while explaining each step.
To Kang Sujin, Jukyung was an artist who used her face as a canvas. Sujin herself had learned a lot just from watching Jukyung. She was excited about what she would learn today.
Sujin dismissed the dozens of Instagram notifications on her phone. Suah was always tagging her and messaging her about some post or the other. Sujin would get to them later. As Sujin searched for Jukyung’s channel, her Instagram notifications kept dinging. She put it on mute and played the video.
This time, Jukyung was giving a tutorial on American style makeup and how it was different from Korean style. Sujin grinned all the way through the video as Jukyung talked through her tutorial. Sujin scrolled through the comments as she watched.
My beauty Queen! I love you!
I tried your winged liner look and was able to finally do it for myself. Thank you.
I use the exact same foundation but it doesn’t work for my skin. But looks great on you. <3
You didn’t mention the eyeliner you used here. Can you please add it in the description?
This is why I have trust issues. She looks like a completely different person. This is fraud.
Sujin frowned at the last comment. “She looks beautiful either way.” She said angrily aloud as she typed it in, punching the buttons as if she could punch the commentor. Sujin scrolled further.
Who else came here after reading the Soompi article?
This comment had a lot of likes and comments. Maybe Jukyung was getting famous enough to be reported by entertainment websites now. Sujin smiled proudly.
Lim Jukyung, yours is the best makeup channel here!
Saranghae unnie
I was so sad to learn that you were bullied as a kid. So glad that you’ve found success now.
Sujin swallowed thickly. It would always bother her to know that she had once exploited Jukyung’s past bullying for her own gain. The fact that she had once contributed to her bullying would always fuel Sujin’s self hatred. She was just glad that Jukyung had moved on from her past and had become confident in herself. And more so, had found a community online that adored her.
As Sujin scrolled down some more, she noticed that most of the comments were talking about how Jukyung was a survivor of bullying.
Wow, I had no idea this girl was so brave. Bravo!!!
I’m a survivor of bullying too. Its nice to know I’m not alone.
I bet her bully is watching this now and regretting what they did.
I don’t watch makeup tutorials. Came here cuz of the bullying scandal. But stayed cuz she is so good.
The last comment made Sujin stop. “Bullying scandal?”
Sujin went to Naver and searched for scandals involving Lim Jukyung. The first few links were Jukyung’s most popular videos but beneath that were a slew of articles from slanderous gossip sites.
Girl from Han Seojun Scandal Turns Out to be a Bully
Online Star Lim Jukyung Gets Involved in Han Seojun Scandal
Han Seojun’s Alleged Girlfriend was a Bully in High School
“What?!” Sujin stood up on her feet in shock. With shaking hands, she went through the articles one by one. Somehow, someone had uncovered the post from her high school community page that had revealed what she had done to Jukyung. Except they had gotten their facts mixed up and had reported that Sujin had been the one to bully Lim Jukyung about her looks.
That girl is so despicable.
Han Seojun is hanging out with a girl like her? I can’t believe it. I actually used to like him.
I bet this girl seduced Oppa. Don’t dislike him!
I am so glad they’re not actually dating.
Her face is so evil. And she’s uglier than Lim Jukyung!
I bet Han Seojun was fooled by her. She feels like the type who uses her looks to manipulate men.
People like her should kill themselves.
Guys! I found her Inssa!
It really is her! This is authentic!
The room began to close in on Sujin. She immediately opened Instagram where her account was flooded with comments and direct messages from people either telling her to kill herself or threatening to kill her.
Her heart was beating so fast it felt like she would throw it up. She was equal parts shaken and angry. So many people were after her but she hated that these people felt they had a right to treat her this way.
Sujin opened up the messages on Instagram and began firing back to her haters, starting with the most recent messages.
Get off of my account before I report you.
No thanks, I’m not going to kill myself.
Threatening me will only get you sued.
You don’t have to follow me if you don’t like me.
“These assholes think they can bully me online? Well, they’ve got another thing coming.” Sujin growled through clenched teeth as she typed away with all her anger.
I did not bully her!
I made a mistake!
I apologized!
People immediately started responding.
You’re not even going to admit your mistake?
OMG! I can’t believe you actually replied!
Are you honestly defending what you did?
You can’t talk like that to me! I’m going to tell everyone you’re a total b****
How can you be so audacious after you bullied someone? Just kill yourself.
Do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Sujin screamed in frustration and threw her phone away. It smashed into the wall and landed with a sickening thud. Her hands suddenly felt clammy. Clammy and sticky and sweaty and dirty, dirty, dirty. So dirty that they smelled.
She ran into the bathroom and furiously scrubbed her hands clean. Once, twice, three times. No matter how many times she washed or how hard she scrubbed, the dirty stench of the hate she had just received wouldn’t wash off.
Her hands became all red and felt raw and exposed. But she kept on washing till she ran out of soap. She fell to the floor, suddenly weak and exhausted. The cool tiles felt nice and it was then that she noticed how hot she felt.
Calm down. I have to calm down. She breathed in, then out. In, then out. She could hear her heart in her ears. Pounding and pounding. The walls were closing in. The messages on her Instagram suddenly had voices that shouted in her mind.
Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself.
A ringing broke through it all. First Sujin thought it was in her head but no, it was from the living room.
Her cellphone. Lim Jukyung was calling.
How could she face Jukyung? What would she say to her? Wouldn’t Jukyung say the same as everyone else?
Sujin cut the call. Notifications from Instagram were still coming in. She deactivated her account and deleted the app.
Lim Jukyung’s name lit up her phone again.
She turned it off and flopped down on her sofa, head pounding.
Her fragile little hope for a good life was now shattered completely. She could hear her father now. Hear him yell at her that she was useless, that she was pathetic, that she was stupid and inferior. Unable to beat even Lee Suho.
Kill yourself.
Her father had never told her this, but he might as well have. Even now it was his voice saying it over and over in her mind. It was his angry stare she felt on her back.
How would she face people now? People would hate her now that they knew what she had done. And her co-workers…. Of course they knew. That’s why everyone had been acting so strange.
This all felt so cruel and unfair. She had been so good these past couple of years. She didn’t want all of it to just be taken away like this.
But didn’t you do the same thing to Jukyung? Her father’s voice taunted. She was a good person too, wasn’t she? You’re nothing but a piece of trash.
I bet you think that you destroyed Lim Jukyung, Seojun’s voice said, but you’ve only destroyed yourself.
SUMMARY of iii: Because of the Han Seojun scandal, people find out about the community post that revealed what Sujin had done to Jukyung and people online start thinking that Sujin bullied Jukyung. They harrass her and it becomes a scandal of its own.
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It was chaos at Move Entertainment.
“What the hell happened?! You told me you settled this!” The director threw a magazine in Heekyung’s face. Seojun saw this through the glass door and barged in.
“Is that how you treat your employees?” He demanded angrily.
“Get out. Get. Him. Out! Get him out of this company for good measure!”
Heekyung pushed Seojun out before he could do anything else, dragging him as far away as possible. “Don’t be an idiot. You can’t just barge in like that.”
“But he’s being an asshole. Should I just stand around and let you take it?”
“This is the adult world Han Seojun. Actions have consequences here.” Heekyung said reasonably. “And you’re the reason he’s so mad. A bullying scandal is serious. We’ve even publicly acknowledged that you and Sujin are friends. This doesn’t reflect well on you.”
“The articles are lying. Sujin didn’t bully Jukyung in high school. She just—”
“I know exactly what she did. You think I don’t know about what happened to my own sister?” For a brief moment, Heekyung’s professional demeanor slipped into anger. But she recovered quickly. “It infuriates me that my sister’s past is being brought up like this. But I have a job to do and I need you to cooperate with me. Okay?”
Seojun exhaled. “What are we going to do?”
“Nothing. The situation will sort itself out. You will need to keep a low profile, however.”
Seojun exhaled. “Noona, we need to set the record straight. Sujin is—”
“Sujin isn’t represented by Move, you are. None of us here can do anything about what is happening to her.”
Seojun clenched his jaw. “Have you seen what is being said about her?”
Heekyung looked away. “Its not like I enjoy saying this. I’m only telling you what I was told when I made the same request. She’s not represented by us. She’s not our concern.”
“Was Seyeon not your concern either?”
Heekyung had nothing to say to that. “I have to go back in. You stay here, arachi? Don’t do anything rash and…” she yanked Seojun’s phone from his hand.
“Ah!” Seojun tried to get it but Heekyung had the phone out of reach.
“I’m keeping this for now.” She said and left.
Seojun exclaimed in frustration, running his hands through his hair. Despite the animosity he had towards Kang Sujin, this kind of exposure to such vitriol online didn’t sit well with him. Kang Sujin deserved a lot of things, but she didn’t deserve this.
He knew Sujin was tough. But this kind of incident would make anyone crumble. He just hoped she didn’t do anything stupid.
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“Sujin-ah. Can you explain your side of things?”
Of course her office had heard about everything. Apparently her past misdeeds were a trending topic online. Her supervisor had called her in as soon as Sujin had shown up.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Her supervisor asked.
Sujin inhaled, “When I was in high school, I fell in love with a boy. But he had a girlfriend… she was a friend of mine. I got jealous… and petty. I published an unflattering video of her on our school’s online community. She had been bullied in her previous school because of her looks. So the video was especially traumatizing to her. I was responsible for what happened in Saebom High, but I wasn’t involved in anything that happened before that.”
Sujin looked at her hands, still red and raw, “I have made up with her since then. I’ve apologized. We’re both friends now. And I’m not a teenager anymore.”
Something stung Sujin’s hand. Water droplets? No, tears. She hadn’t noticed when she had started crying. But she kept her face straight even when the tears didn’t stop. She looked at her supervisor.
“I am ashamed of what I did. If I could take it all back… you have no idea what I would do to take it all back.” Sujin furiously wiped away her tears. She hated crying in front of anyone. “I love working here. I really do.”
Even as she was saying the words, she knew what was coming. Of course her company wouldn’t keep her on. Even non-profits couldn’t afford bad reputations and the fact that Move Entertainment had worked with her company for a lot of benefits hadn’t escaped her notice either.
“Sujin-ah.” Her co-worker said, peeking from the cubicle wall as Sujin packed up her things.
“I never thanked you. For getting me Han Seojun’s signature.” The woman said meekly.
Sujin gave a small smile. “You’re welcome.”
The woman handed her a bunch of sticky notes. “These are goodbyes from everyone. We know you’re not getting a farewell party so we thought you should have our thoughts with you.”
Sujin looked down at the brightly colored notes that contained encouraging messages from some of her co-workers. Her dismissal had been so swift that she hadn’t even been given the chance to say anything.
“If its worth anything… I don’t believe any of it.”
Sujin smiled gratefully this time. “Thanks, Chulhee-yah. I appreciate it.”
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Sujin was both grateful and surprised by how much her friends had reached out. Apparently they had showed up to her place multiple times to see if she was okay, given that she was not answering any of her calls. Sadly, Sujin had not been there to receive them. She had gone to her aunt’s place to get away from everything.
That had not proved to be a good idea.
“Have. You. Lost. Your. Mind!!” Each word was punctuated with a smack from a slipper. Her mother, the once elegant and graceful Mrs. Kang, chased her daughter around in the most inelegant and ungraceful manner. Mrs. Kang’s sister tried to save Sujin by stepping in between but Mrs. Kang still managed to get a few whacks in.
“How could you let a boy stay over at your place?!”
“Omma! That’s what you choose to focus on?!”
“Yes! How could you have disgraced your family this way? And not just any boy, an idol? What the hell were you doing with an idol? Come here.”
This was one fight Sujin would never win. Her mother was not a force of reason when she was this angry. And it took a lot for her to get this angry.
Sujin didn’t mind these smacks. They came from a place of love and worry. Eventually her mother calmed down enough to address the other issue with Sujin. She took her daughter in her arms and wailed.
“How could those people be so mean to my daughter?”
“Omma, I can’t breathe.” Her mother smushed Sujin to herself.
“My poor girl. My poor baby girl.”
In the end, Sujin was glad she had come back to her aunt’s place. It gave her the break she had needed. Away from all of the noise of her online haters, Sujin found she could finally breathe. She found great comfort in her mother’s arms and her aunt’s assurances her that everything would be fine.
However, the dread of returning to her normal life still loomed over her head. Sujin felt her throat close up every time she imagined going back to her apartment. Would the people point and laugh at her on the street? Would she be able to live a normal life from now on?
It was strange how deeply all of this had affected her. Even now, as Sujin walked from the grocery store to her aunt’s house, she felt the paranoia that people were talking about her, pointing and laughing, even though they weren’t. 
And now it felt like they were actually calling out to her.
“Kang Su!”
Sujin turned in surprise, ready to fight whoever had called her. “Who is it?”
“Who do you think? It’s Jukyungie! ” A human mass known as Lim Jukyung ran towards Kang Sujin with arms wide open. The girls hugged each other tightly, Jukyung grinning with her gummy smile while Sujin stood, mouth open in shock.
Not far behind, were Suah and Taehoon.
“Ya Kang Su, at least answer your phone! Do you know how worried I was?” Suah scolded.
Sujin laughed, almost tearing up. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had feared that her friends would turn away and curse at her after she had avoided them. But here they were, all gathered just for her.
“How’d you find me?” She asked the three. They all turned to Suho who stood there smiling.
“Hey Sujin. Have you been well?”
Of course, Suho knew where her aunt lived.
“What well? You all know what happened.” Sujin replied, not bothering to pretend that she was fine.
“Ya! What have you done to your hands.” Jukyung held up Sujin’s scabby hands with worry.
“It’ll heal.” Sujin smiled. Maybe it was the massive hug she had received, or the fact that her friends had traveled so far away to meet her, but suddenly, Sujin felt relieved. It was as if the entire situation was trivial and that she could see light at the end of the tunnel.
“Of course we know what happened.” Suho replied.
“And we know exactly how to fix it.” Jukyung grinned wider.
On the screen, in front of a ring light she had set up at her home, Lim Jukyung stood with a gummy smile and a warm welcome.
“Ahn-nyong-se-yo everyone. This is Lim Jukyung here with a new make up tutorial for all of my beautiful viewers. Uh, today I have a new kind of tutorial for you all. But before we begin, there is something that I think has been on all of our minds that needs to be addressed.”
Jukyung motioned to someone standing behind the camera to come forward. Kang Sujin entered the frame awkwardly, not knowing where exactly to look. The way Jukyung had set up her studio for this live event was to have the camera, the mirror with the ring light and her laptop screen facing her so that she could do her make up while also reading the comments. And while Jukyung was used to having all of this equipment focused on her, Sujin was not.
“Introduce yourself.” Jukyung said softly, nudging Sujin with her elbow.
“Ah, yes.” Sujin cleared her throat. “Ahn-nyong-se-yo everyone. I’m Kang Sujin.” She waved robotically while staring in the camera like a deer caught in the headlights.
Jukyung couldn’t help but laugh. “Ya, Kang Su, are you afraid of the camera?”
“Ah-neeeee, it’s just so unnatural.” Sujin quickly countered.
“Don’t worry, the camera doesn’t bite.” Jukyung put an arm around her friend’s waist. “Okay everyone now that my friend Kang Sujin is here we can talk about the recent—”
“Lim Ju, maybe we shouldn’t do this.” Sujin interrupted anxiously.
“Huh? But it’s already live.” Jukyung pointed at the camera.
“What?” Sujin on in panic.
Jukyung continued, “So everyone, as you all may have heard, Sujin and I went to the same high school together. However, before that I attended another high school where I was bullied for my looks. Sujin and I did not know each other back then and she had nothing to do with that part of my life so the allegations that she bullied me are completely false. That was another person and that person is no longer in my life.”
Sujin cut in, “However, it is true that I revealed Jukyung’s past to our school and posted an unflattering video of her online.”
Jukyung nodded, looking serious. “I won’t lie and say it was easy for me to have that happen. But… both of us have changed since then. We have grown up and grown past that time.”
The girls took each other’s hands in solidarity.
Jukyung continued, “I’m not the girl I used to be. Neither is Sujin. And while she did do something wrong… I’ve forgiven her. I would rather remember the good times we shared…” The time that Sujin caught that pervert, the time she helped rescue Jukyung from those kidnappers, the time she helped hide Jukyung’s bare face at the school trip. “There are things that I wish I had done differently too. I wish had been more confident in myself and honest about who I really was. I wish I had stood up for myself earlier. But the past is the past, and I would rather focus on the present.”
“Everyone, I am grateful for all of the love and support you showed to me. I know bullying isn’t something you get over easily and I saw a lot of you comment about the bullying that you suffered. I am grateful you shared your stories with me. I hope we can take this opportunity to help each other heal rather than put someone down.” Jukyung looked at Sujin. “Now you.”
Sujin recited nervously, “Ah. Ahn-nyong-se-yo everyone. I’m Kang Sujin.”
Jukyung giggled. “We’ve done that already.”
“Oh, yes. Um… I uh…” Sujin took a pause to collect herself. “Let me be the first to say that I’m not a nice person—”
“Yah!” Jukyung protested but Sujin carried on.
“But I’m also not the girl who posted that video about her best friend, not anymore. At that time… I was foolish. I let my personal problems cloud my judgement and I took my frustration and anger out on Lim Jukyung. I have regretted doing that every single day since it happened. I am sorry. I understand everyone’s anger towards me. I would be angry too if I heard this about someone else. However, I hope that you all will be able to forgive me, as Jukyung has.”
Sujin ended her speech with an apologetic bow. Jukyung bowed with her. The girls then shared a tearful hug. From the back, Sujin saw Suho give her a thumbs up. Sujin sent him a smile back. The girls parted, wiping their tears.
“Okay! Now that that’s out of the way, we can get on to the real reason why you are on here.” Jukyung clasped her hands together. “Sujin will be assisting me today.”
“Ah, yes.”
“So Kang Su, shall we bring out our model today?” Jukyung asked her with a mischievous gleam in her eye.
The girls nodded conspiratorially before turning to Suho who looked on, confused.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
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“What is it? What are you laughing at?” Chorong asked Seojun as he leaned over his shoulder. They were at Chorong’s place where the boys were goofing off, playing video games and lounging about.
Seojun didn’t hear Chorong’s inquiry through his ear buds and kept on shaking with silent laughter.
“Hey, nobody said anything about me being in the video.” Suho was protesting on Seojun’s phone. Seojun turned up the volume to hear Suho’s annoyed grumbling more clearly. Of course, Seojun was going to make fun of Suho about this afterwards. 
“Just sit down, Lee Su, before I get mad.” Sujin commanded.
“That attitude of yours has never worked on me,” Suho replied coolly.
“Come on, Suho-ya. I do your makeup all the time don’t I? It’ll be fine. I promise.” Of course, when Jukyung said this, Suho melted like butter on a hot pan. Sujin rolled her eyes but it was clear that it wasn’t out of spite.
“Okay everyone! Let’s begin with the base and then we’ll work our way up! I am going to keep this look as natural as possible so that its not modifying anything but merely enhancing his features.” Jukyung pushed Suho’s bangs out of his forehead with a giant pink bow shaped clip. Seojun was quick to get a screen shot of it.
“What are Lee Suho and Kang Sujin doing on Jukyung’s channel?” Chorong asked in Seojun’s ear, shocking him. Seojun almost screamed in fear. He pushed away Chorong’s face to watch the video in peace.
In the live video, Jukyung was explaining the differences of applying make up on a guy’s face, versus a girl’s face.
“Sujin-ah. Why don’t you read some of the comments while I’m buffing in his foundation? You have to buff it in for a long time to make it appear natural.” Jukyung told her audience.
Sujin moved towards the camera, blocking Jukyung a little as she read off of her laptop. Her unfiltered face was front and center for the world to see. At this position it looked unflattering, which made Seojun chuckle even more.
Sujin read the comments in a robotic monotone, “Jukyung Unnie, I don’t usually watch make up tutorials. But after today I’m your number one fan.”
“Mwo-ya, this girl has no camera sense.” Seojun said to himself.
“Thank you! I’m your fan too,” Jukyung replied brightly.
“Your looks are always so classy and stylish.”
“Thank you! I’m glad you liked them. Let me know if there are any other looks you’d like to see.”
“Will you do a tutorial on how to wear red lipstick properly?”
“I’m actually planning on doing that soon!”
“Lim Jukyung, you are so beautiful. Marry me please!”
Suho got up to see the screen, “Who asked that?”
“Sit down!” Jukyung pulled him back as he grumbled. “Sorry,” Jukyung said to the camera, “but I’m taken.”
“Are you and Kang Sujin really friends now?” Sujin turned to Jukyung and all Seojun could see was her shiny black hair on screen.
“Dangyunhaji! In fact, if I wasn’t dating Suho, Kang Sujin would be my boyfriend.”
Seojun scoffed, “As if. It would have been me.”
On the live, Sujin laughed, “Is that so? We can still be together though. Have an affair behind Suho’s back.”
“Sure.” Jukyung said casually.
“Yah!” Suho protested.
Both girls giggled.
Suho looked miffed, “Kang Sujin, you’re blocking the view.” He said peevishly.
“Oh sorry. I’ll move.” Sujin circled around the couple to stand behind Jukyung and read the comments over her shoulder.
Jukyung read something on the screen and pointed it to Sujin, “Read that one.”
Sujin hesitantly read, “Kang Sujin, I’m sorry for judging you.” She looked up, “It’s okay. I can be harsh in my judgements too. The key is to try to learn from your past.” Sujin smiled at the camera before turning back to the screen.
“Kang Sujin, you’re pretty.” Sujin recited in her monotone voice. “Yes. I know.” She said without looking up.
“She is also super smart!” Jukyung gushed. “She was one of the top students in class.”
“Could never beat me though.” Suho said smugly, still sore about the affair comment. Both girls turned to Suho and stared. His mouth became small. “Sorry.”
Jukyung went back to explaining her tutorial, slowly performing each step as Suho patiently sat. She made his eyes look bigger and applied a natural lip tint to finish off.
Both girls couldn’t help but gawk at how good Suho look by the end. Jukyung removed the pink blow clip from his hair in a daze.
“How do I look?” He asked Jukyung.
“Too good, Lee Suho.” Sujin clapped. “Too good.”
Jukyung blushed but couldn’t articulate her thoughts. She stuttered, “Uh-ah! Let’s look at the c-c-comments again!”
Suho grinned.
“Lim Jukyung, you were amazing as always!” Sujin read aloud.
“Thank you.” Jukyung bowed.
“Watch the latest and best movies for free at—”
“Sujin that’s just spam.”
“Oh. Right.” Sujin continued, “Lee Suho looks prettier than the both of you.”
The girls’ face fell flat. Suho just looked innocently at the camera. The girls cleared their throats.
“Ah that’s all the time we have!”
“Ah, yes! Time to move on!”
The two pushed Suho out of the frame together.
“I can still be on camera if you—”
“No, I think the people have seen enough of you.” Sujin said while smiling widely at the camera.
Jukyung went wide eyed when she looked into her computer screen. “Ya! This live got 3.3 thousand comments!”
“Daebak. Good job Lim Ju!” The girls grinned, but then Sujin squinted her eyes disapprovingly at something on the screen. “Lim Jukyung, you look so ugly without makeup? Ya, who wrote this comment? User name KimChee23? Why don’t you show yourself to me and then we can see who’s really ugly?”
“Sujin-ah. It’s just a comment.” Jukyung tried to calm her.
“Comments matter too! Otherwise people wouldn’t be writing them! Ya KimChee23 where do you live?”
Seojun laughed out loud as he saw Jukyung try to calm Sujin down on screen.
“So, is everything all settled now?” Chorong asked Seojun.
“I think, yes. Just look at all the comments praising Sujin.”
He was right, the comments section was flooded with statements of Sujin being a brave person for apologizing and changing her bad behavior. 
“Great.” Chorong shook his friend’s shoulders. “Now you don’t have to be so troubled about Lim Jukyung.”
“Lim Jukyung? Why would I be troubled about her?”
Chorong was confused. He had not known about the scandal. The matter Chorong had been referring to was Seojun’s theory that Kang was apparently still after Lee Suho.
“I mean... haven’t you been in a bad mood all week because of her?”
“Why bother asking Chorong?” One of the boys said, “You know the answer to all of Seojun’s heartaches is Lim Jukyung.”
Seojun didn’t bother responding. He returned to his phone screen where Jukyung and Kang Sujin were wrapping up the live, waving at the camera with wide smiles. Suho was trying to get back in the frame and Sujin kept pushing his out of it.
“Ooh. Look at how Han Seojun is smiling.”
“Something good must have happened.”
“See! He’s always thinking of Lim Jukyung.”
“No I’m not!” Seojun protested. Quietly, he admitted. “I wasn’t thinking of Lim Jukyung.”
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Han Seojun had arrived at Kang Sujin’s building an hour ago, but for the life of him he could not muster the courage to go up to her apartment.
“I have no reason to see her. So, why should I?” He argued with himself. He paced back and forth, going up the entrance and then going back again, unable to enter.
In his hands, Han Seojun held a beautiful arrangement of white tulips and yellow roses. White tulips as an apology and yellow roses as an offering of friendship. It was his way of apologizing for being a jerk.
After hearing everything she had said on the live event, Seojun had no doubt that Kang Sujin wasn’t who he thought she was. Certainly, if Jukyung and even Suho could trust her, then he could at least give her the benefit of the doubt. 
It had felt like a good idea at the time to try to make amends with flowers. But now that he was actually here, at her home, he felt stupid.
What would Kang Sujin say when he showed up at her place? Would she laugh at him and tell him to go to hell? Would she be offended that he just showed up, unannounced? The uncertainly of it all made him anxious.
As he went back down the steps to the building entrance for the thousandth time, Seojun bumped into a lady.
“Oh ma’am. I’m so sorry!”
The woman had been carrying tote bags with plastic containers of food in them. The bags had fallen to the ground but luckily, the containers and the food inside them were unharmed, just a little shaken.
Seojun looked at the woman with an apologetic face. She appeared to be a very dignified lady, as old as his mother. Her hair was up in a chic bun and she wore well fitted, albeit a little worn out, clothes. Her brows were crinkled in disapproval. But upon seeing Seojun, her face softened.
“Are you okay, ma’am?” Seojun asked and his humble words spoken in that rich baritone subsided the woman’s irritation further to the point where she smiled.
“Omo, how can someone be so handsome?”
Seojun beamed. Elders had always loved him. “Ah, thank you.” He responded shyly. “Let me help you carry these.” He took the heavy bags from her, putting the flowers under his arm, careful not to smush them.
“Oh no. I don’t want to bother.”
“It’s no bother at all, ma’am. I insist.” He didn’t let the woman say another word, walking past her into the building. The woman smiled and followed.
“Are you going to visit your girlfriend?” The woman asked, eyeing the flowers.
“A friend. A friend who is a girl.”
“Is that what the youngsters are calling it these days?”
“Ah-nee-heyo. It’s not like that.”
The woman just smiled knowingly. “I’m going to visit a special girl too. My daughter lives in this building.”
They entered the elevator. Seojun asked which floor the woman wanted to go to. “Oh, I’m going to the same floor. Maybe my friend knows your daughter.”
“I’m sure she does. My daughter is a wonderful girl.”
When the lady walked in the same direction as Sujin’s apartment, Seojun said, “Oh. My friend lives this way too. What a coincidence. They might live right next to each other.”
“Then you should come over with your friend. I will cook for you.”
And when the woman stood in front of Sujin’s apartment, Seojun said, “Oh, this is my friend’s apartment. Are they roommates?”
“Young man, is your friend’s name Kang Sujin?”
“Yes, ma’am. How did you know?” Seojun asked, surprised.
The lady patted Seojun’s face, “At least you have good looks.” She punched in Sujin’s passcode and went in. Han Seojun stood outside for a full minute before he connected the dots. And then his eyes went wide.
“Sujin isn’t home yet. Why don’t you wait inside?” Mrs. Kang called out.
“I’m so sorry Mrs. Kang. I didn’t recognize you.” Seojun entered, placing the bags on Sujin’s counter.
“It’s okay, Son. You’ve known Sujin long?”
“I went to Sujin’s school. I knew her through Lee Suho.” He had only seen Sujin’s mother a couple of times at school. But never up close. She had seemed so stuck up like Sujin at the time; with her fur coats and expensive jewelry. Now she seemed like just another lady. Her appearance seemed to have humbled after the divorce.
“Oh Suho! Lovely child. How is he these days? Sujin doesn’t tell me anything.”
“He’s good ma’am.”
Mrs. Kang started lining the containers on the counter. It seemed like too much food for one person.
“Sujinnie never eats properly. She always scolds me for worrying but what can I do? She never takes care of herself.”
Indeed, when Mrs. Kang opened Sujin’s fridge, it was empty save a few water bottles and expired milk that Mrs. Kang threw away.
“And look at you! All skin and bones! It is unfashionable to be healthy these days?”
It was a complaint he had heard from his mother as well. But Seojun had to maintain a lean figure for his job, as he was about to explain to Mrs. Kang.
“Ma’am I actually have to diet beca—”
“I won’t hear it! Sit. I will get you something to eat. I’ve brought more than enough.” Mrs. Kang commanded. Seojun could see where Sujin got her tough exterior from.
“I don’t want to be a bother…”
“Nonesense! It’s no bother at all. Especially not for,” she eyed the bouquet Seojun had placed on the counter, “Sujin’s friend.”
Seojun wanted to protest Mrs. Kang’s assumptions but figured that denying it would only reinforce the idea. He would let Sujin clear up the matter.
“Well if you’re going to cook Mrs. Kang, you might as well let me help.” Seojun often cooked with his mother and was used to being in the kitchen so his culinary prowess impressed Mrs. Kang greatly.
“Your mother must be so proud of you.” Seojun grinned at the compliment. He decided that he liked Mrs. Kang.
Likewise, Mrs. Kang decided that she liked Seojun. She put the flowers he had brought in a vase and brought it to the table. As they cooked, she went on and on about Sujin and her many accomplishments. The woman was very proud of her daughter.
Seojun listened diligently as Mrs. Kang explained how much she was worried about Sujin. The non-profit sector didn’t exactly offer a lucrative career. Not as much being a doctor would have.
“I remember how much she had wanted to be a doctor as a child. Omma, I want to heal everyone, she would tell me. But when her father started pushing her and pushing her… suddenly it was all about ranking number 1, not helping people and her heart just wasn’t in it anymore.” Mrs. Kang lamented. She gave Seojun a considering look. “Has she told you… about her father?”
About the divorce? “Yes. I know.”
Mrs. Kang looked at him tenderly, “You must really be close to my daughter then. She’s a very private girl.”
Seojun didn’t understand why the woman as acting like it was some secret. Everyone knew about Mr. and Mrs. Kang’s separation.
The woman stared into the distance. “If I look back, I can only blame myself. I should have stopped it the first day her father started hitting her. But I was blind. I believed that it would all stop if she got good grades and got into a good university. My husband was always a tough man, but had never been like that to me, you see. I didn’t realize what he was doing to Sujin till it was too late.”
Seojun froze. He felt he had been told something he wasn’t supposed to know.
“And then, she started taking her anger out on other people… it might have been late, but I finally put my foot down. I’m glad my girl is in a better place now.”
Mrs. Kang looked down in remorse. Seojun found it hard to keep looking at her. He suddenly recalled what Sujin had said in Jukyung’s video.
I was foolish. I let my personal problems cloud my judgement and I took my frustration and anger out on Lim Jukyung. 
Ah, crap. Seojun thought.
“My daughter is a sensitive girl, despite how strong she appears. I just want to know that she is with people who will care for her, and not hurt her.” Mrs. Kang looked at Seojun meaningfully. He swallowed.
“She is Mrs. Kang. You don’t have to worry.”
The woman pressed his hands gratefully. “You must have heard… about what Sujin was involved in recently.”
Seojun was sure he was going to die today. His heart felt like guilt had wrapped its sharp claws around it and was squeezing tightly.
“Ah. Yes.”
“Don’t believe any of it! My Sujinnie isn’t that kind of girl”
“Ah. Yes.”
“She did go a little astray in school, but what kid doesn’t go through a phase like that? Show me a teenager who has never made a mistake!”
“You’re absolutely right ma’am.” Was all Seojun could say.
“If only I could get my hands on that Han Seojun.” Seojun felt his heart stop. It was then that he realized that he never really introduced himself to Mrs. Kang. “How dare that no good idol take advantage of my daughter? Ah-nee, what kind of a person stays over a girl’s place like that? And doesn’t even help when she gets into trouble because of him?”
Seojun could see his funeral now, his mother crying for him as his friends lined up to regret their loss.
Guys… take care. Please check on my mother for me.
The door chimed as Sujin entered. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Han Seojun and her mother sitting at a table full of food, waiting for her.
“Ah, Omma why have you come all this way again? Do you really like tiring yourself out so much?” Sujin scolded as she hurriedly put on her indoor slippers.
“Is that any way to greet your mother?” Mrs. Kang scolded back.
Sujin was undeterred. “You know I can always come and visit you and Auntie. Why do you have to come here? And look at all this food! How is this okay for one person? It always goes bad and then I have to throw it out.”
“It goes bad because you don’t eat enough, bad girl! You see what I have to deal with?” Mrs. Kang turned to Seojun who had gone white.
“Ya Han Seojun, what are you doing here?” Sujin asked him.
There was a second of silence where no one spoke. A pin drop could be heard.
“Han Seojun?” Mrs. Kang looked at Seojun. On stage, with makeup on, Seojun looked different. Here, in person, it was difficult to recognize him. But now that his name had been spoken, Mrs. Kang could see the young man whose face had been plastered all over the articles concerning Sujin.
“You… you’re the Han Seojun from the scandal?”
Sujin quickly caught on. “Seojun. Run.”
And then all hell exploded, or rather, one Mrs. Kang. Sujin jumped in her mother’s path as the woman got up with a slipper in her hand. Han Seojun lept off his chair and bowed furiously.
“I am so sorry Mrs. Kang. I am so sorry for all the trouble caused!”
Sujin desperately tried to block her mother’s blows but Mrs. Kang was a formidable woman. She smacked Han Seojun with her slipper.
“Do. You. Have. Any idea. What. Problems. You. Caused!” She punctuated each word with a smack. Seojun, for his part, did not run but rather took it like a man. He was just glad she was beating him with a slipper and not a heel.
“Run! Why aren’t you running?” Sujin asked him as she tried to grab her mother’s wrists.
“Are you protecting him? After everything that happened?”
“I’m really sorry Mrs. Kang.” Seojun said.
“Sorry? What good will an apology do? Will an apology undo the pain you’ve caused?” Her words sounded eerily familiar.
“Ah Omma, stop hitting him! He didn’t do anything. It was my fault. It was all my idea.”
Mrs. Kang stopped. “What?”
And thus, it became Kang Sujin’s turn to be given the mom-smack down.
“Ah Omma WAEEEE??”
“It was your idea to bring him home?!”
“Omma you’ve already beaten me about that!”
“I haven’t beaten you enough.”
“Mrs. Kang please! We were both drunk. Sujin had no choice but to—”
“What?” Mrs. Kang went ballistic.
Sujin glared at Seojun, “Han Seojun do you actually want us both to die?”
“Omma it wasn’t like that!”
“Mrs. Kang it really wasn’t.” Seojun chimed in.
“If it wasn’t then why is he bringing you flowers? Why is he showing up at your place?”
Sujin looked at the tulips and roses on her table. White tulips, a flower of regret. And yellow roses, flowers of friendship. Sujin knew exactly what they meant. She wondered if Han Seojun knew too or if he just got really lucky with his choices.
It was a while before Mrs. Kang calmed down. Seojun felt thoroughly sore. Both he and Sujin sat on the floor with guilty expressions on their faces, looking like school children being punished.
“Get out. I don’t want to see the likes of your around my daughter ever again.”
Seojun bowed his head to the ground. “I am really sorry Mrs. Kang. I’m really sorry for all of the trouble that I’ve caused. I assure you I will never let anything like that happen again.”
Mrs. Kang crossed her arms and looked away.
“Omma. Neither of us had any idea that something like this would happen. Its not Seojun’s fault. And besides, he got into trouble too.” Sujin nudged him with her elbow.
“Yes, ma’am. I was almost kicked out of my company.” Which wasn’t exactly true but Seojun didn’t mind fibbing a little.
“You should have been!” Mrs. Kang fumed but then softened when she saw Seojun’s best puppy dog face. Han Seojun was always good with ladies, especially ones that were mad at him.
He inched closer to Mrs. Kang. “Mrs. Kang. I’m really regretful about what Sujin faced.” He took her hands in his. Sujin watched in astonishment as Han Seojun turned her mother’s boiling anger to a low simmer. “But I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure that this never happens again.”
Mrs. Kang cleared her throat.
“And look, the food we both prepared has gotten all cold. Wouldn’t it be better if we all eat and talk calmly?”
Sujin scoffed, not only at the blatant pandering but at the fact that it was working. Mrs. Kang’s anger all but disappeared. It came to a point that as they all ate, she began taking his side.
“How could you risk an idol’s reputation like that?” She asked Sujin who could only roll her eyes.
“Omma, how can you say that?”
“I mean, now that I think about it, it isn’t Seojun’s fault that his fans came after you.”
“Ugh, I can’t believe this.” Sujin scowled.
As dumb as Han Seojun had appeared, Sujin had to admit this was pretty shrewd. It made her wonder what else she had misjudged him on. He even got himself invited by Mrs. Kang to come by again for dinner.
“Your mom is incredible.” Seojun told Sujin as they walked to the convenience store. Mrs. Hand had sent them out for some ice-cream since she had brought nothing for dessert.
“She’s changed a lot after the divorce. She’s more herself now.”
They walked slowly, enjoying the night air and the silence. Oddly enough the quiet didn’t feel awkward or strange. Neither of them felt any pressure to speak. They got papico, the ice-cream that came in squishy bottles, and sat by on the benches outside.
“Kang Sujin,” Seojun began, “about what happened… are you… You know when I, um… I guess what I’m trying to say is…”
Sujin laughed, a clear gurgle of joy that made Seojun feel strange in his stomach. “Mwo-ya? Has the great Han Seojun been rendered speechless?” She laughed some more and Seojun didn’t stop her. “Relax Han Seojun. I’m fine.”
Seojun looked at his feet. “I… wasn’t happy with what happened to do… with the articles and how everybody was talking about you.”
“Gwenchana. It’s over now. I mean I had to make another Instagram account but all in all, its not as bad now. Besides,” she tilted her chin, “do you think a bunch of cowards who hide behind usernames are enough to take me down? I’m Kang Sujin, remember? Badass of Saebom High.”
“I thought I was the badass of Saebom high.” Seojun raised a brow.
“You were the gangster.” Sujin grinned, eating her ice-cream.
“I’m glad you’re tough. You don’t let these things bother you.”
“I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. People telling me that I’m the worst and I should die wasn’t exactly easy.” She said grimly. “But you know what upset me the most?”
“That I couldn’t beat those cowards up for saying what they did.” Sujin got up and punched the air. “If I could just get my hands on those twerps then I would teach them a lesson or two.” She punched the air.
The fire in Sujin’s eyes was so comical that Seojun burst out laughing.
“Don’t laugh! Hajima! I’m not joking.”
“Kang Sujin, were you always such a fighter?”
“Yup!” Sujin stated simply. She sat back besides Seojun, closer this time. And he noticed. “What about you?” She asked. “How are you doing?”
Seojun leaned back leisurely, “Eh, I’m fine. I don’t worry about public perception anyway. The people who matter will know me. Everyone else is just noise.”
“I bet your fans would leave you in a second.” Sujin teased.
“Don’t diss my fans. They’re all cool and awesome.”
“What, all two of them? Do they also happen to be named Jukyung and Suho?”
“You’re forgetting Chorong.”
The two giggled.
“Did your co-workers ask for more autographs?”
“Nope. Got fired before they could.”
“What?” Seojun stood up. Sujin relayed how her company had let her go after details about her past misconduct were released online.
“How could they just fire you? Isn’t that illegal?”
“Calm down. It’s normal for that to happen.”
“How can you be so calm?”
“Would you rather I get angry? There’s no point in doing that. I won’t get that job back.”
Seojun pressed his lips together in a tight line and sat back down.
“I’m surprised that you’re actually defending me.” Sujin sounded impressed.
“I mean… its wrong. Even if you and I don’t get along, what’s wrong is wrong.”
Sujin chuckled. She looked at the time on her phone. “I should get back. How are you getting home?”
“I brought my bike.”
“Your company lets you ride motorbikes?”
“Nope.” Seojun grinned.
“A’ight. Good night, Han Seojun. Stay safe.” Sujin walked back in the direction of the apartment. Feeling light and happy. While her online image hadn’t completely recovered, her relationship with Han Seojun had. She might not have to simply tolerate his presence now. They might genuinely get along.
“Kang Sujin!” Han Seojun called out to her, the woman who he thought was vile and destructive. The person that turned wasn’t that woman. It was the little girl who had looked to her father with love but only got his abuse in return.
“I’m sorry I misjudged you.” Seojun told the little girl.
The girl smiled. “I’m sorry I misjudged you too.”
It was unfamiliar territory, getting along with Kang Sujin. More for the group than Han Seojun and Kang Sujin. They all looked at the pair in wonder and shock when Sujin asked Seojun to pass the soy sauce and he obliged. It shocked them further when Sujin laughed when Seojun bragged about being recognized at a department store and being asked for pictures.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Jukyung asked Sujin quietly.
“Yeah, why?” Sujin replied.
“Nothing. Just asking.”
“Hey, what’s up with you?” Suho asked Seojun privately.
“You’re acting all weird around Kang Sujin.”
“Weird how?”
“You’re being nice.”
“Am I not supposed to be?”
“Okay! Who’s going to go first?” Taehoon asked the room, interrupting Suho and Seojun’s conversation. 
They were at Suho’s apartment where he had a karaoke machine set up. Seojun had finally relented to visiting their place and it was just as painful as he had thought it would be. It was a mishmash to Jukyung’s bright and lively style with Suho’s dark and moody one.
The posters of rock bands and Junji Itou’s mangas were something both of them shared. It was fascinating how the two of the most caring people in Seojun’s life were into such dark things. Seojun saw Sujin eye one of the horror comic book posters suspiciously, as if the monster drawn in them could come out any second.
Chorong sang first, sharing a duet with his girlfriend. Then Taehoon and Suah went next. Duets seemed to be the theme of the night. Jukyung and Suho went next.
“Alright? Who else?”
Sujin was the only girl left.
“Well I’m not going up there.” She said when everyone looked at her. She eyed the other boys, all of whom were terrified of her. Even they could still hear Kang Sujin saying Ya Han Seojun, are you a gangster?!
“Jukyung-ah. Sing with me.” Sujin grabbed Jukyung’s hand and led her up before she could say anything.
“I’m singing too!” Suah joined.
Seojun went next. His was a solo and he clearly was the best performer. His rich baritone singing in a soft melody made everyone pay attention.
“Isn’t it nice to have an idol as a friend?” Suah asked. “Its like having a private concert.” Jukyung and Sujin nodded in agreement.
Everyone swayed their heads to the beat, except for Kang Sujin who was noticing the lyrics Han Seojun was singing.
I want to give you all of my days
I want to tell you all these feelings of mine
The sleepless blue winds
Brightly light up this night
He was singing about Lim Jukyung. Sujin looked over to her friend, who was looking longingly in Suho’s eyes. The two were entranced with each other, not noticing Han Seojun who stood just a couple of feet away, pouring his heart out.
After all the fun had been wrapped up, Seojun and Sujin had been the only two to stay back. Sujin had helped Jukyung clean up while Suho went to throw out the trash.
As Sujin cleaned the dishes, Seojun sat in the living room, looking at all of the pictures Jukyung and Suho had hung up. He could see how Suho and Jukyung would sit on the very couch he was on and watch TV together or lie around reading books.
He tried to replay those images, with himself there with Jukyung instead of Suho but he couldn’t. He couldn’t lie to himself about who she belonged to.
“You know, Han Seojun, I just realized something.” Sujin called from the kitchen.
“You have two hands.”
Seojun looked at her like she had lost her mind. “Wow, Kang Sherlock. Your powers of deduction amaze me.”
“So, since you have those two hands, and you’re a gentleman, why not help me out over here? I assume you would feel bad that I’m the only one doing any actual cleaning.”
“You assume incorrectly. I have no issues with you doing all the cleaning.” Seojun turned back to the TV and was promptly hit in the head with a dish rag.
“Oops.” Sujin said flatly.
Seojun got up, dish rag in hand. Wordlessly, he took out the dishes from the washer and lined them up in the cabinets.
“Aren’t you ever afraid that Jukyung will be uncomfortable about you singing love songs to her?” Sujin asked in a low voice.
“What do you mean?”
“That song you sang. My heart is full of you, I’m starting to take after you?”
Seojun eyed her. “She won’t know.”
“I did.”
“Yeah but, you’re you and Jukyung’s Jukyung.”
“So…” Seojun leaned closer, “you ranked number two in class for a reason.”
“Sujin-ah! I told you I would take care of everything.” Jukyung appeared from her bedroom.
“Don’t worry about it. Han Seojun helped.” Sujin assured.
The pair said their goodbyes to the couple and exited together. Han Seojun said nothing when he started walking his own way, while Kang Sujin turned to wave at him but was unseen. He was too lost in his own broken heart to notice anyone or anything.
She simply sighed, took it as just a Han Seojun thing and started walking in the other direction.
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“I still can’t get used to this.” Suah said, waving a spoon between Han Seojun and Kang Sujin. The two sat opposite each other and were eating their food peacefully.
It was this peace that bothered Suah.
“I mean, how can you two just get along?”
“We’re adults Choi Su. We can learn how to get along.” Sujin stated.
Suho spluttered in laughter. “I thought you said that Seojun was a giant baby with no manners?”
Seojun gave Sujin a scathing look. Sujin went pink, “I never said that! You take that back!”
“It’s still strange.” Suah leaned closer. “What happened? Have you guys settled your differences?”
“Han Seojun got Sujin flowers.” Suho said cheekily.
“Yah!” Seojun protested. But it was in vain, the deed was done, and everyone oohed and aahed at this news.
“Did you really get her flowers?”
“Wait, when did this happen?”
“Does that mean that Seojun apologized first?”
“What kind of flowers?”
Seojun looked at Suho with the rage of a thousand suns. Suho just grinned back.
“Aren’t flowers romantic?”
“Ya! There was nothing romantic about it. All I got her were yellow roses and white tulips.” Seojun defended.
“OoooOoooh. Roooses. Roses are totally romantic.” Taehoon teased.
“They were yellow. Yellow roses are for friendship!”
“So, are you two friends?” Jukyung asked and everyone looked at Seojun and Sujin.
“Meh.” They both shrugged at the same time.
“Omo! Look at how in sync they are!”
“We are not.” They both said in sync.
Seojun had to admit, their group gatherings were much more comfortable now that he and Sujin had cleared the air between them. He enjoyed discovering how Sujin was less the ice princess he had thought her to be and more a regular girl. She also turned out to be much cooler than he had expected.
She had been the only one to see his discomfort when Jukyung and Suho suggested they all go on an overnight trip with them. Going to see their apartment; the very proof that Lim Jukyung and Lee Suho ate and slept—Oh God, don’t think about them sleeping—together was painful enough. Seojun didn’t need to see them canoodling for an entire weekend.
“What about it guys? Shall we go?” Jukyung looked around as everyone nodded excitedly, including Sujin.
But then her eye’s met Seojun’s. He said nothing but he didn’t need to.
“Lim Ju, it’ll be difficult for me to join. I just lost my job, remember? An overnight trip is...” Seojun knew Sujin was just making up an excuse.
“Oh, oh right. Sorry Kang Su-ya. I totally forgot. Something else then!”
The group moved on to discussing other options. Seojun sent Sujin a grateful look. She acted nonchalant, as if she had not just overturned everyone’s plans for him.
“Thanks. For what you did back in there.” He told her as they were all leaving.
“Forget about it.” She waved a hand in dismissal.
The next time the group gathered at a fancier restaurant than usual. A suggestion by Suho who had offered to pay for the food tonight.
“This place is so beautiful.” Suah commented looking around the interior.
“Are we celebrating something?” Sujin asked. “This doesn’t seem like a regular get-together.”
Sujin had only asked for the sake of asking. But something about the way Suho looked at her told Seojun that she was on to something.
“Well,” Jukyung held up her hand, “we do have something to announce.”
And announce she did. The big fat diamond resting on her ring finger had a lot to say. And suddenly everyone erupted with joy. The girls took Jukyung in their arms, squealing and crying with joy. The boys surrounded Suho, patting him on the back, congratulating him.
All except Seojun, who just sat there in a daze. Sujin happened to look over and see him, frozen in his seat. Sujin wasn’t alone in her observation. Taehoon also noticed but missed the implication.
“Look! Han Seojun is actually so shocked he—"
Sujin made it look like an accident, her bumping into the table and sending a glass down on the floor, shattering into a million pieces. The sound shook Seojun out of his daze and also distracted everyone from realizing Seojun’s inner turmoil.
“Oh shit.” Sujin said looking down.
“Hey, be careful.” Jukyung said.
“You okay?” Suho asked Jukyung, taking her arm.
“Excuse me, can we get someone to clean this up?” Taehoon asked the waiter.
The fuss over the broken glass gave Seojun enough time to recover. He then congratulated Suho with a massive hug.
“You both deserve each other. I mean it.” He told Suho and he meant it.
Maintaining a fake smile over dinner was easy. Everyone else was so chatty that Seojun’s and Sujin’s relative silence went unnoticed. Suah pestered Jukyung for details: “How did it happen?”, “When?”, “Why didn’t you call me immediately?”. Taehoon made jokes about marriage being the end of romance to which Suah started an argument with him and then it became about settling matters between the two.
Sujin didn’t remember much of what happened after that, the rest of the night was a blur. She just hoped that she had maintained enough dignity to not appear as bitter as she actually felt.
Even though they all parted very late in the night, Sujin couldn’t go directly home. She needed something to ease the pain. So naturally, she went to the nearest tent bar she could find. The place seemed to be overcrowded, with people waiting outside for others to leave. Sujin managed to sneak in and grab a table.
She downed half of a soju bottle in one go but then couldn’t muster the energy to drink further. Her side dishes went untouched. All Sujin could do was stare and wonder if there was any way to just take her heart out of her chest and throw it away. Because there seemed to be no relief from this pain she was feeling.
She banged her head on the table. “Ah wae? Why can’t I just move on?” She asked herself in frustration.
“Ugh, why the hell are you here?” That irritated tone and deep voice could only belong to one person. And indeed, when Sujin looked up she saw Han Seojun a few tables over looking at her in disdain.
“Wae? You have a claim on this place?” Sujin raised a critical brow.
“And what if I do?”
“Then give me everything for free. Since we’re friends who get along.”
“No. Friends pay double.”
“How stingy.” Sujin took another shot of soju.
The man running the tent bar came over. “Why don’t you two share a table since you know each other? I have customers waiting to be seated.”
“No way, I’m not sitting with her.” Seojun grumbled.
“Aha! I knew it! Being all nice to me was just an act.”
The owner ignored Sujin, “How can two youngsters be so rude? Get up! I’m moving you over there.”
This was how Han Seojun came to drink with Kang Sujin for the second time. They both looked at each other with scowling faces.
“What happened, Kang Sujin? You were acting all happy for the lucky couple.” Seojun taunted. He seemed a little tipsy but so was Sujin.
“Of course, I’m happy. I’m so, so happy.” She said wistfully.
Seojun scoffed. “Is that why you were whining about not being able to move on? I thought you said you didn’t like Lee Suho anymore.”
Sujin narrowed her eyes. “I don’t. And even if I allegedly did, at least I held it all in. You were clearly about to run away with Jukyung before I saved you.”
“Saved me? Puh-lease.”
“Why? Do you think that glass fell on its own?”
Seojun gave her a sideways look before taking another shot.
“You gonna eat that?” He pointed a chin to her plate.
“Nah, have it.”
They sat in silence for a moment. A comfortable silence where neither felt compelled to say anything.
Sujin shook Seojun when she suddenly smacked her glass down on the table. “I’m over Lee Suho.” She declared. “I’m over Lee Suho… but…”
“Just because you’re over him, doesn’t mean you stopped loving him.” Seojun said what she was thinking.
She looked at him, her pain evident on her face. In that moment, he let himself be vulnerable too.  
“Isn’t it funny? Out of everyone I know, you’re the only one who gets… this.” Sujin said.
Seojun chuckled. “Exactly. Who woulda thought? Kang Sujin and Han Seojun having something in common.”
“You know it’s gonna hurt even worse from now on, right? We’re the closest to those two. That means we’ll be involved in everything.”
Seojun rubbed his faced. “I can’t think about that right now. Or I really will die.”
Sujin understood what he meant. “You know what I want?”
“I want Suho to never find out that I still like him.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I can’t help that I feel this way right? You can’t stop yourself from feeling what you feel. But… I wanna keep my dignity. I wanna still be cool and… not be seen as some pathetic loser who’s still after her best friend’s boyfriend.”
Seojun took a shot, nodding.
Sujin leaned forward. “That’s why, I suggest we help each other out.”
Seojun gave her a look. “How so?”
“Well, if we see the other being too transparent, then we stop them, or at least take the attention away so that the other can collect themselves.”
“Like the broken glass today?”
“Like the broken glass today. And if it’s getting too painful, then we can just talk about it.”
Seojun laughed. “Kang Sujin, offering therapy. That’s rich.”
“Not therapy. Friendship. It helps if you talk about stuff like this.” Sujin insisted.
Seojun gave her a considering look. “What’s in it for me? These seem like things you want to do.”
“You’ll be able to attend Jukyung’s wedding without feeling like you’re dying on the inside.”
“There’s no guarantee that will happen.”
“You’re right, there isn’t. But at least that’s what it’ll look like. Think about it Han Seojun. Do you want Jukyung to always see you as the friend who is in love with her? Or do you want her to see you as a cool friend who she can comfortably rely on, without wondering if she’s hurting his feelings.”
Seojun thought about it. It felt like a bad idea. But there was a part of Han Seojun that was tired of his own attachment to Lim Jukyung. If it meant that it would help him move on, then he was willing to try anything
“Alright, Kang Sujin.” He raised his glass. Sujin clinked hers with his. “Let’s try this.”
I am bad at making memes but I do it any way
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47 notes · View notes
knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Subaru Sakamaki–⁠ (Chapter 2)
[Chapter 1]
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Place: ??? (BG black)
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Yui: (nng…)
(Huh, what time is it…?)
(Last night, I was having difficulties in sleeping so I couldn’t sleep well…)
(...? Oh no...I can’t move my body…! Bu- but why…!?)
???: ….Zzz
Yui: (Someone...is here...!?)
Place: ホテル•モーントシュタイン  客室 / Hotel • Mortstein,Guest room
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Yui: 一Su- Subaru kun!?
(Lemme think? Why’s he sleeping on my bed…!?)
(Could it be I accidentally fell asleep here…? ...Nope, it’s no way…)
Subaru: nnh…
Yui: (Wa- What should I do! He is about to wake up…!?)
*Subaru gets up*
Subaru: ….ah?
Yui: Err...that’s...Good morn- ning?
Subaru: ...Yeah….hm?
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That’s, Yo- you!? Uwaa! Why are you here!? *blushing*
Didn’t I warn ye’ not to enter on the other side!?
*Subaru backs off*
Yui: You misunderstood! This is my portion…!
Subaru: Haah!? That’s not一
Yui: Then look! My Rosary is on this bed-side…
Subaru: ……
Yui: (What can I do, he isn’t saying anything…)
*Subaru stops blushing*
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Subaru: Oh...I see now...yesterday…
Yui: Subaru kun…?
Subaru: ...How’s your health today?
Yui: Eh…? Health? I haven’t felt anything recently though…
Subaru: ...Then, it’s good.
Yui: (Why does that mean…?)
Saying that...why were you sleeping on my bed-part…?
Subaru: ...kh...that’s ‘cuz…*blushing*
...Shuddup! That doesn’t even matter!
Yui: Eeh...but I’m curious…
(Because...he strictly prohibited not to enter on the other side…)
Subaru: ……
Yui: ……
Subaru: ...Tch! Aaah, damn it!
Got it, if you’ll be satisfied if I say it, then I’ll!!
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...You’re...having a nightmare last night.
Yui: Eh…?
Subaru: When I was sleeping on my side, I heard you making painful noises and...
That’s why...I go there to check out your state.
...Was it my bad?
Yui: Oh…
(Last night, it wasn’t a dream that I felt my chest hurt…)
(Because of that, Subaru kun has...slept…)
You were worried for me, right?
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Subaru: Wha...I didn’t really worry or something like…*blushing*
Yui: Fufu…
Subaru: Shit, don’t laugh!
*Screen shakes + Subaru gets closer*
Yui: Kyaa…!?
Don’t pull off my arm so suddenly…!
Subaru: Shuddup! I’m gonna sleep twice.
Yui: Eeeh…!?
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Subaru: Just be quiet and embrace me…!
*Hugs her tighter*
Yui: (Oh come on. We must have to get up by right now...but…)
(Last night, I am sure he had been concerned for my health all the time…)
(Just a little bit...should be fine, no?)
Place: Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
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Yui: The antique art dealer that you’ve mentioned yesterday...do you know where he is?
Subaru: Yeah...but saying the truth, I don’t wanna drag myself near him…
Yui: Is he such a weird person…?
Subaru: Weird you say...He’s a narrow-minded guy who always comes up with a disagreement for some reasons.
Even for the father, he is a damn crap old-uncle who always shows-off around. 
Yui: You didn’t have to explain it in such a cruel manner…
Subaru: Hmph…
Subaru: However...this old uncle is the only guy who can resist my father. 
By putting it that way, that guy is incredible, I think.
Yui: Oh...I see now…
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(The one who can resist Karl-Heinz san...then he should be a pretty amazing right…)
(I wonder what kind of person he is…)
Subaru: I am sure he lives around this area…
Oh, here it is...let’s enter.
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store/ アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Subaru: 一 Oi, Ye’ here?
Antique Art Dealer: Hmm…?
Ooh! You’re the youngest kid of the Sakamaki.
Yui: (This person is the artist of the antique…)
Antique Art Dealer: You were so small in the past…
Now you’ve grown up so much, like walking in the future carrying a woman huh.
...I think she looks like a young girl having a plugged-nose though.
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Yui: Pu- pugged nose…!?
(How awful…)
Subaru: Tch…
...Don’t care about him that much. I told that he's narrow-minded and has a disagreement with everything, right?
Yui: Y- yes…
Antique Art Dealer: So, what’s up today? For you coming in this place is rather rare.
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Did Karl-Heinz assign you any mission or something? Heheh…
Subaru: Ye’ aren’t even close, that old man has no connection with it.
...Do you know that guy called Earl Walter?
Antique Art Dealer: Hm….
Subaru: I had smashed several furnishings of his castle yesterday.
Antique Art Dealer: ...You did?
Subaru: Yeah.
Antique Art Dealer: Ho...you see...the furnishings of the Walter are…
Pfft….Hahahah! Oh my, I see! You breaked them huh!
That was the masterpiece thing you did!
Yaay, you did well, youngest kid of Sakamaki!
Yui: Eh…
(He seems to be laughing so much…!?)
Subaru: O- oi…?
Antique Art Dealer: What are you trying to hide? I strongly hate that guy.
Yui: Is that so…?
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Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, absolutely. For telling the truth, he has stolen my treasures in the past.
Since then, I just continued hating and hating him…
For this, I become overjoyed hearing this, you know!
Yui: (I get it...so that was the reason…)
Antique Art Deal: I think I can repair the implements in his castle other than the goods in his treasure house.
Subaru: You mean it!?
Yui: That’s a relief….!
Antique Art Deal: Since you had blown up the hell out of that guy then...I shall help you.
Which stuff do you wanna repair?
Yui: A jar, sculpture and a painting…
Antique Art Dealer: I get the point. If that's the case then I can manage somehow I think. Hold on a sec.
*Walks away*
Yui: Looks like at the end we can come up with something, Subaru kun…!
Subaru: Yeah, I believe so…
*Pulling something big*
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Antique Art Dealer: I appreciate your waiting. What about this thing?
These things are quite similar with those types of implements, right?
Subaru: Yeah, almost like that.
Yui: Then...if we give these to Earl Walter, he may pardon us…!
Subaru: Yup, we appreciate it. Then We’re takin’ out leav一
Antique Art Dealer: Hold ittt!
*Slaps Subaru*
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Subaru: Ouch…! What the hell are ye’ doin’!?
Antique Art Dealer: Who said I’ll do these for free!
Subaru: Haah!? Did you say you’re gonn’ help us out!?
Antique Art Dealer: If you sound like having complaints then I won't hand these over to you.
Subaru: Ghh…
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...Oh! Then I am gonna go to the human world and get some money from that old father.
That’s why...let us make an exchange with these.
Antique Art Dealer: Hmph, I don’t even slightly agree that Karl-Heinz will take out money for such things.
Subaru: ….kkh….
Yui: Then...what can we do for the charge…?
Antique Art Dealer: Let’s see…
If you can hand me three things that I’ll order, then I am gonna exchange these things.
Well, if I put in other others, those things should be close to my hand-maid things.
Yui: Hand-maid…
Subaru: Tch….annoying but...that’s the only way.
一一Understood. We’ll get them for you.
Antique Art Dealer: ...Told you, right? Then, let’s tie up our discussions here.
Yui: What should we search to begin with?
Antique Art Dealer: ...The head-mask of a clown. That should be an antique item.
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Subaru: HAAH!? Why the heck you need such a thing!?
Antique Art Dealer: That’s because I want that, so you can’t blame it.
If you don’t want to then you don’t have to, ya’ know? Since I am not allowing exchange if so. 
Subaru: ...Told ye’ that I am gonna do it! I’m gonna search for that right away so wait!...What a shit!
Place: サントノレパーク通り /  Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yui: It’s much crowded that I’ve thought…
Subaru: Ahh...ear sore…
Yui: (It's a parade after all so we have to endure these…)
一Ah! There is a clown right ahead! I think there’s gonna be a performance onward.
(It was a great decision for visiting the amusement park. Because, after it if we ask about the head-mask to the clown, then一)
Vampire Child A: Oh! It’s a clown! Hurry up and come 一!
Vampire Child B: Hold on一!
Clown A: There, there. Don’t push each other, okay~!
Yui: (Wah, it’s a huge crowd...I can’t get near him at all…)
Subaru: Oi, what are ye’ gonna do? There’re so many kids so we can’t get to him.
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Yui: Umm...at this rate, the performance is gonna begin soon…
(What shall we do…)
Clown B: ...What shall we do?
Clown C: I can’t answer even if you ask...it’s a weekend after all…
Yui: (Hm? Over there are…)
Look, the clowns are getting prepared over there. Let’s talk with them.
I think they are having some kind of trouble…
*Walks over there*
Yui: Excuse us…
Clown B: Yes?
Yui: Did something happen? You look somehow troubled…
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Clown C: Oh...that’s...the clown who was supposed to play main role in this performance,
Cannot show up for getting an injury…
Vampire Child A: So we can’t start!
Vampire Child B: I am getting sick of waiting!
Yui: (Ah...there children are…)
Clown A: ...Kh, We can’t buy ourselves time anymore! What should we do!?
Yui: Tell us! Is there anything we can do to help you?
Clown B: Eeeh!? But…
Subaru: Ha? Oi, what are ya’ sayi…
Clown C: No...maybe you can. If you lend us a hand in the fountain-show then…
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...Certainly...if you do that much then...At this moment, that’s the only way.
Subaru: What’re ye’ thinking? It’s now way...we can help ‘em!
Yui: Sorry for deciding all of these even if you’re refusing to….
But, if we help, then we can have a talk with them as early as possible…
Subaru: ………
Clown A: Can you please do it for us?
Subaru: ...Certainly...we won’t have a delay talking with ‘em if we do so…
...Understood, we’ll do it.
Clown C: That’ll be a great help! But...we’re lacking time so, please get ready right away.
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Yui: Yeah…!
*After a moment*
Clown A: Alright, dear people! Thank you so much for your long wait!
Clown B: After a moment, we’re going to show everyone in a fantasy world.
Yui: (Aight...let’s do my best…!)
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Words Subaru said in the game 一
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What're you doing? Get started.
Looks like we’re done.
If you win 一
*Audiences’ claps *
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Yui: (Have we done it...perfectly…?)
Vampire Child A: Ohh! Wonderful!
Vampire Child B: The fountain-show was so incredible, right…!
Clown A: Thank you very much! You succeed so well!
Yui: Really….!? We did it, Subaru kun!
*Yui hugs Subaru*
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Subaru: Uwaah…!?
*Fades to CG*
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Yui: (What a relief...we get that right…!)
Subaru: O- oi! Lemme go!
Yui: Eh?
Vampire Child A: Look! It’s a couple, a couple!!
Vampire Child B: Right~! A lovely-dovely one~!
Yui: ...kh…!
(I was so happy that I….!)
Yui: Ah, Subaru kun, that’s...err, I didn’t mean to do it…!
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Vampire Child B: Couple~! Couple~!
Subaru: Tch…! Ya’ll are being damn noisy!
Vampire Child A: Uwaa! We got him mad! Let’s escape!!
Subaru: Fuck…!
Yui: (Uuh...and also, what was I doing….so embarrassing….!)
*CG Fades*
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Yui: S- sorry, I did something weird so suddenly…!
Subaru: Geez…
Clown C: Phew, thanks to you two, the show has ended up smoothly.
Furthermore, you absolutely deserve larger congrats than I’d expected!
Clown B: Honestly, thank you a lot!
Yui: (I’m glad that we’ve come out handy to them.)
Clown A: 一Once again, we’re expressing our gratefulness for supporting us.
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Clown B: As a thank you, please recommend to us what can we give you as a present.
Yui: Err...Actually, if you could manage us a thing that we have been searching…
Subaru: 一 This one. Can you recall seeing something like this?
Clown C: This is…
Yui: (Ah...that photo was…)
Subaru: It’s a head-mask used by a clown. If you have it, then please give it to us.
Clown A: Oh...it looks like an old-modeled head-mask. I hope it is left out in the warehouse...
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However, you have helped us so much after all, so we’ll search up the warehouse for you.
Yui: You mean it!? Thank you…!
Clown A: Then, we’re gonna go there to search….can we request you to wait here for a while?
Yui: We’re counting on you!
*Goes away*
Yui: That’s good right, Subaru kun…!
Subaru: If they find it, then yes…
Yui: (...Looks like we’re having a freetime. What can we do…)
Oh...tell me Subaru kun. We’re having some time so let’s play something cool?
Subaru: Huh?
Yui: It’s boring if we just wait here plus…
Subaru: ...What do you wanna ride?
Yui: Err...let’s see….Oh, what about Merry-Go-Round?
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Subaru: HAAAH!? Which fool is gonna ride such a childish thing!?
Yui: Ah…
(So we can’t huh...I really wanted to ride something together…)
Subaru: ……..
*Walks away*
Yui: Subaru kun…?
Subaru: ...What’re ye’ standing like a statue for? Hurry up.
Yui: Eh...hurry up but why…
Subaru: Huh...you wanna ride, no? Come along before I change my mood to ride.
Yui: ...Mhm!
*After a while*
Yui: Haa, it was fun…!
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Subaru: Which side was fun….such stuff was just embarrassing! *blushing*
For starters...You ended up choosing that horse-drawn vehicle…
For making me ride on like a clerk...of that horse…!
If ye’ make me do so next time, then I’ll blow ye’ up…!
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Yui: (Certainly it was embarrassing of two of us riding together but…)
I enjoyed riding with you, thank you for that.
Subaru: …ngh…*blushed*
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Well...if you’d enjoyed it then it’s okay but….I won’t gonn’ face such a ride next time!
Clown A: 一Sorry for making you wait!
Yui: Oh, you are…
Subaru: You’ve found that?
Clown A: It was...expectedly way much old, so it wasn’t left in our warehouse.
Subaru: Haah!?
Yui: S- such…!
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Clown A: However, if I take the correct conjecture then you may find it in the dress shop of this town.
Yui: Dress shop…
(Then we should go there I think.)
Thanks a lot for giving us valuable information. We’re going to that shop then.
Clown A: Yup. Take care…!
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen back street
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Subaru: 一Where can we find that dress shop?
Yui: Umm...according to the map we received earlier, that should be around here.
Right ahead of that crowd, I guess…?
Subaru: Crowd….I’m sick of that.
Yui: Ahaha, you’re right…
(By the way, I wonder if it’s just my imagination to have a bad feeling about it…)
Place: Dress Shop /ドレスショップ
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Yui: ………
Subaru: ………
Why is it crowded here too…!
Yui: Y- yes…
(The bad-feeling that I was having was true after all…!)
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Umm...excuse me. Anything going on here?
Vampire Woman A: Yeah, there’s going to be a fashion show.
Yui: Fashion show!?
If the fashion is gonna start then I bet the workers in this shop are busy…
Subaru: Ahh...crowds are annoying too. So, let’s wait until it’s over.
Yui: Right...let’s wait then…
(Fashion show of the Demon World huh, I am bit interested一)
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???: 一Ah! Hey you there!
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: (Hm…?)
???: I want you to follow me!
*She pulls Subaru*
Subaru: Aaah? What’s so sudden!?
Dress shop owner: I am the owner of this shop. I’ll explain everything inside that room. Anyway, come!
Subaru: Oi, hold it!
Yui: Ah, wait….!
(What on this earth going on…? I should just follow them…)
Place: Dressing Room / 試着室
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Yui: (She has brought us very inside this shop…)
Dress shop owner: My apologies for bringing you here so suddenly but please get changed into this costume.
Subaru: Haah!? You’re doing these so abruptly! Why the heck is going on!
Dress shop owner: ...Right, I was forcing you way much…
For here on, we’re going to perform a fashion show here, however…
It was frustrating that there wasn’t a single model out there to wear my masterpiece costume.
I was able to find substitutes from the time being but none of them were perfectly suitable.
However, in the meantime you show up! You’re an ideal model for this.
Yui: (Subaru kun….a model…)
Subaru: Stop fussing around! Who’s gonna do such a shit!
Dress shop owner: No refusal! I’ll make you to be the model by any means!
I bet you’re gonna be pleased with the costume that I created.
Subaru: Hmph, what an absurd one. Oi, we’re going back.
Yui: Ah, but….
(We must have to ask them about that head-mask…)
(Above that…)
*BGM stops*
(I am very interested in seeing Subaru kun participating in the fashion show…!)
Tell me, Subaru kun...it’s a great offer so please participate in it?
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Subaru: AAAAH!? You’re also saying these!?
Yui: ….Please do!
Plus...please lend me your ear a bit?
*Subaru gets closer + Yui whispers*
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Yui: You see, it may be the right chance for us to ask them about the head-mask…!
Subaru: ...gh…
Dress shop owner: I have no clue what you’re mumbling for…
But I am begging you too. Because you can be the supreme model for sure.
Subaru: ………
….Lend that thing. I’m gonna wear it.
*Starts putting on*
Yui: Subaru kun…!
Dress shop owner: Woo! Thanks a lot! Then come here please!
Yui: (I am looking forward to the upcoming…!)
Place: Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
*Shutter sounds of taking photos*
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Yui: (Every single model has so cool styles. I can’t help but to admire them…)
(Subaru kun’s turn hasn’t come yet…)
Dress shop owner: Alright, so our last display will be this costume of our pride!
Yui: (Ah, he shows up…!)
*Louder Applause + Shutters* 
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The appearance of Subaru who modelled was looking so cool that anyone’d get caught in his enchantment.
...It was rather a displeasing mood for me though.
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He was in an unusual appearance or for something else, I was feeling like he was refreshed.
The shop-owner who stood by this Subaru kun 一一
She is so beautiful too.
I was just curious that...two of them who were getting captured in photos taken by others, what conversations they were having while having short distance in between them.
End of Monologue
Dress shop owner: The visitors are congrating us so much…!
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Come on, you also shake your hand with these audiences.
*Swats her hand*
Subaru: 一Don’t you freely touch my hand.
||気安い means actually friendly or familliarly. However, I thought ‘freely’ would go smoothly with the sentence. However, the more literal concept would be “Don’t touch my hand treating so friendly / familiar with me.
Yui: (Ah…! Subaru kun just shook off the shop-owner’s hand.)
Subaru: I’m engaged. Hand-shake with someone else.
||Spoilers! 予約済み means engage / reservation. I am pretty much sure he meant engaged. Because it reflects a clue about ‘engaging’ to the dress-shop owner. :p But some translators may also translate like “I am reserved here. Touch other else” x’D However it would sound weird or logicless since ‘reservation’ has nothing to do with ‘touching hand’. The next sentence, it makes it more obvious :’)
Dress shop owner: Oh my…
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...Fufu, it’s that girl over there huh.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Yui: (I hope he won’t fight over this time…)
*After a moment*
Yui: 一Subaru kun!
Subaru: ...Oh, you come huh.
Yui: Oh...you have got back to normal appearance huh.
Subaru: Absolutely! Who’d wear that damn cloth for a long time.
Yui: (I want to...tell him about my impressions of that show...How should I describe that?)
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面白かった / You looked interesting
かっこよかった / You looked cool (+correct)
Yui: Subaru kun, you looked so cool!
Subaru: I- is that so? I haven’t really done anything. *flushed*
Yui: It’s not like that. That costume also suited you pretty well and…!
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Subaru: ...Thanks.
Dress shop owner: Thanks for the earlier. For you, we really hit a huge profit.
Subaru: I’d acted just as you said. This time, listen to our request.
Dress shop owner: What is it? It will be a pleasure to help you with anything I can.
Subaru: ...Have you seen something similar to this photo? We’re searching for that.
Dress shop owner: ...Oh, it’s inside our warehouse. I’m going to bring that so wait please.
*After a while*
Dress shop owner: 一I think it’s this one.
Yui: Yeah, it is!
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Dress shop owner: No one has been using it since it was just left there...You can have it if you need it.
Yui: Thank you so much! We did it, Subaru kun!
Subaru: Hm...I have no clue what he's planning to do with this worn-out thing…
That’s fine. Let’s get back to that old uncle anyways!
Yui: Right. Ah, really thanks a lot!
Dress shop owner: Whether it’s useful to you or not comes first. If it’s possible then stop by here again.
Place: Aizen Stahl, Antique Art Store/アイゼン シュタール古美術商店 
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Subaru: 一Here, ye’ haven’t gotten any complaints right!?
Antique Art Dealer: Oooh! This one indeed! I haven’t imagined you’d really give it to me.
Subaru: Geez, my head hasn’t just got that why do ya’ need such a thing.
But...with this we’re done with one of the assignments I hope.
Antique Art Dealer: Yeah, you sure did. I’ll count on you tomorrow as well.
Place: Diamante Fountain / ディアマンテ泉
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Subaru: Haah...I’m tired…
Yui: The first day was tough…
Ah, I got churro from the Wagon. Wanna eat?
Subaru: Yeah….mmn…
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...The saying that “Sweet things taste more tasty the time you’re tired”, not a lie after all…
Yui: Fufu…
(But, today we really had to face many things.)
(I hope we’ll be able to hold out tomorrow as well…)
Subaru: Don’t make such a depressed face…I’ll be with you.
Yui: Right…!
(That’s true, if Subaru kun’s with me then we’ll be fine…!)
(Alright, let’s do our best tomorrow!)
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一The END of Chapter O2
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Ayato Route ー Finale
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ー The scene starts in the ballroom
Male Vampire C: ...Please wait.
Ayato: ...Aah? You’re still here, you bastard!?
Male Vampire C: This is your reward...for reaching the"correct” answer.
Ayato: ...A reward?
Yui: ( I wonder what he means...? )
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( W-What’s this...!? A blinding light came out of nowhere... )
ー A crowd appears around them
Yui: Eh...!? Suddenly there’s a bunch of people...!?
Female Vampire A: Congratulations!
Male Vampire A: Congratulations! It is an honor to be able to meet you.
Ayato: Haah!? The fuck are these people...!?
What is goin’ on!? Explain yourself!!
Male Vampire C: Ayato-sama...Please take this.
Ayato: Aah!?
Yui: A letter...?
Ayato: This isn’t some suspicious shit again, right...?
Ayato: Let’s see...?
‘...Dear King of the Carnival...
King of the Carnival, and Queen of the Carnival...
This party is held to celebrate the birth of a new Adam and Eve.
In short, it is a banquet for the two of you.
However, it would be dull to simply organize it, so I prepared a little thrilling act on the side...
Enjoy it to your heart’s content...
...From Karlheinz.’
Che...I knew it...
ー The crowd cheers
*Clap clap clap*
Yui: Eh...?
Male Vampire B: King of the Carnival! And his Queen!
Let’s toast to today!
*Clap clap clap*
Male Vampire C: ...I am the one who organized this party upon Karlheinz-sama’s order.
This is a party for the two of you.
Please enjoy it to the fullest.
Ayato: Easy for you to say, but no way in hell I can enjoy this shit...!
Yui: Yeah...Let’s say I haven’t fully processed the situation yet...
Female Vampire A: Come on, you two. This way, please!
Yui: Wah...!
Female Vampire B: We have prepared several foods.
Ayato: Oi! Don’t be touchin’ Chichinashi!
Ayato: Uwah...! The fuck!? Don’t grab my arm either!!
Female Vampire C: Oh come on, everyone has gathered here to catch a glimpse of you two!
I am truly happy to be able to meet you...
Please have fun.
Ayato: Phew...
Yui: Ayato-kun?
Ayato: For now...It’s too noisy in here to have a proper chat.
Imma sneak out for a bit. Chichinashi, this way.
ー The two of you step out on the balcony
Ayato: I guess this works perfectly...
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Yui: Are you sure...? We snuck out of the party they prepared for us...
Ayato: It’s fine. Not like we can dance or shit wearin’ these clothes.
Yui: ( Right...We’re dressed casually after all... )
Ayato: Ahーah...Geez...He did all of this stupid shit.
...That guy takes pranks to a whole new level.
Yui: Fufu...Reminds me of a certain someone though~
However, I get that they are trying to congratulate us.
Ayato: Hmph. Must be nice to be so careless.
Yui: But you had fun today as well, didn’t you?
Ayato: ...
Yui: It was fun for me. A lot happened but...I got to spend the whole day with you after all!
Besides, ever since I heard the story you told me at Berawecka’s Castle, I’ve had a lot on my mind.
Ayato: ...In that case, I’ve been thinkin’ as well, you know?
Yui: Really?
Ayato: You remember that takoyaki shop owner, right? After hearin’ what he said...
I felt as if Vampires were tryin’ to imitate human culture, become more and more like humans themselves.
Yui: ...
Ayato: To be honest, I don’t quite get that myself.
I doubt I’ll ever be able to ever understand it either...I guess.
...Takoyaki’s hella delicious tho.
Yui: ...Feeling yourself change is scary, and makes one anxious.
But...If you experience such feelings...
I think this proves that you understand humans more than anything...
Ayato: ...
Yui: I say that, but there’s no need to force you to adapt.
I think you can just stay true to yourself.
Ayato: Hmph...Quite cheeky for a Chichinashi, huh?
Yui: ...Sorry.
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Ayato: ...I see.
Yui: What’s wrong?
Ayato: ...Shut up.
Ayato: ...That letter was left behind in the room you went missing.
Yui: Letter...?
Ayato: Inside...the question ‘what is most important to you?’ was written.
Yui: Yeah...
Ayato: For a second, I thought the answer might be ‘takoyaki’ like that shop owner.
But the second I realized you would fall right into the flames inside that cage, you were the only thing...on my mind.
Yui: Eh...?
( Ayato-kun... )
Ayato: By the time I realized...I had already run to your side. Heh...What a joke.
However, that’s when it became clear. My answer...
Yui: ( Answer...Is this what that Vampire was talking about back then...? )
Ayato: Takoyaki’s definitely delicious, but not worth makin’ it the thing I’m livin’ for.
I didn’t really understand what that shop owner was goin’ on ‘bout.
Even in the story of Berawecka I told to you, I always used to think they were a bunch of fools...
...But right now, somehow...I feel like I can understand them.
...I realized that my most important thing in life...Yui...It’s you.
Yui: Ayato-kun...!
...Thank you.
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Yui: ( Ah...Ayato-kun’s actually flustered for once... )
Ayato: ...What?
Yui: Ah...No...I was just thinking your cheeks seem a little red...
Ayato: Haah!? The fuck you sayin’!? You really are a cheeky one...!
Yui: ( Fufu...However, I’m glad I got to hear Ayato-kun’s feelings... )
Ayato: ...Ah! Right!
Yui: What’s wrong, all of a sudden...
Ayato: I remembered! The Poisson d’Avril!
Yui: Eh...? What’s wrong with that candy store?
Ayato: Whatcha playin’ dumb for?
You were actin’ strange back then, remember?
Yui: ( Ah... )
Ayato: What did that shop owner tell you back then!? Spit it out!
Yui: Uhm...
( I didn’t think he would remember... )
( Uu. What now? I’ve gotten embarrassed... )
Ayato: This time I’m not lettin’ you off the hook, understand? I confessed a bunch of shit as well after all!
Yui: ( H-He does have a point...Ayato-kun spoke his mind too...)
Ayato: Hurry up and tell me!!
Yui: ...F-Fine! I’ll confess! I’ll tell you...!
Ayato: Hmph! You should have just done what I say from the very start...Geez.
Yui: ( He’s right, Ayato-kun told me as well... )
( ...Here goes nothing! )
You see...
Those fish-shaped chocolates I got...
Ayato: Yeah.
Yui: If you feed those to the other...mouth-to-mouth...it’s said that you put a curse on the other to ensure they will never cheat on you...
Ayato: Hm...A curse so your partner won’t cheat on you...huh?
Yui: I’m sure it’s just an urban legend of some sorts though.
I didn’t tell you because I figured you would just be appalled by it...
Ayato: Hm...
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...?
Ayato: ...Hehe...Then want to put it to the test?
Yui: Eh? I-It’s fine...!
Ayato: Oh? Is it these?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Kyah! Ayato-kun, where are you touching!?
Ayato: It’s ‘cause you won’t just pull them out!
Ayato: There they are, the fish-shaped chocolates...
We have to feed these to each other...mouth-to-mouth, right?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Ayato: Come on then, open your mouth.
Yui: ...!
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Yui: Nn...
Ayato: ...Nn...
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Ayato: Hehe...Now you’ve been cursed, so you can never cheat on me.
Yui: Uu...How embarrassing...
Ayato: Whatcha gettin’ all embarrassed for? I just kissed you, right?
Yui: But...Somebody might be watching us...
Besides...Like this, I’m the only one who got cursed, while you could still cheat on me, right?
That’s unfair...
Ayato: I thought this would be the part where you offer to feed me one mouth-to-mouth as well but...
You only got one of those chocolates, right?
Yui: ( Ah...Right... )
Ayato: Too bad...Hehe...
But...Rest assured.
Ayato: There’s no way I’d cheat on you with some other chick.
...Right, Yui?
Yui: ...Really?
Ayato: Yeah...
So don’t you dare let some other guy suck your blood either, ‘kay?
Yui: Mmh.
Ayato: ...I love you...
ー Fireworks go off in the background
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ーー THE END ーー
83 notes · View notes
aer-in-wanderland · 4 years
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구미호뎐 | 김범 - Kim Beom ‘Lee Rang Talk’ Instagram LIVE 2020.12.01 
In which Kim Beom addresses fan questions and comments he searched the internet for personally, entirely of his own accord. #Bless ♡♡♡
Time signatures are from this recording uploaded to youtube -> [x]
Because the LIVE was quite long (nearly an hour) I’ve selected out questions and topics that I thought were interesting. For the parts that I omitted, I’ve left time signatures and brief descriptions of what was discussed. If there’s a topic you're curious about that I haven’t included here, feel free to send me an ask. Finally, because the sound quality isn’t the best and he’s sitting back from the camera, there were a few words here and there that I had trouble making out. Sorry in advance!
Introduction & Greeting
Yes, hello! This is actor Kim Beom. And I’m Lee Rang. Before the final episode, before the final week’s broadcast, I wanted to greet you all directly, so I’ve appeared like this dressed as Lee Rang. And...right now you can think of me as someone somewhere in between Kim Beom and Lee Rang. 
To be honest, there’s no decided format. I just went and looked up the things you all were curious about on my own. It could be a bit incoherent, but I hope you’ll enjoy watching. Also, I think there are fans who are worrying how I’ll do a LIVE, since I don’t really know how to, and I haven’t even been on Instagram that long, but actually, in order to do this, I spent the weekend writing the script myself (holding up his cue cards). I wrote the script myself. Actually, yesterday I also had a meeting about how to do an InstaLive, so I hope you’ll enjoy watching. 
[0:01:22~0:02:20] Greeting to international fans in English
[I was impressed by his English here. You can tell he isn’t just reading off his cue cards but actually knows what he’s saying by the way he self-corrects.]
[0:03:00(3:30)~0:05:05] Let Rang eat!
[0:05:10~0:08:04] Re: Color of clothing
Ah! There were a ton of comments about clothing color as well. Uh...I also read a lot of comments where you all were analyzing various things. And, well, a certain amount of it was really accurate...I was really thankful and also fascinated to see that it seemed like you all picked up on some of the things I had put thought into. For example, in the early part of the show when I appeared in red clothes, in a suit, of course there was also the fact that I was making an effort to exude the feeling of a villain, but the other piece that I had been thinking of was that, because there were a ton of scenes in the forest, in the forest on the island, I wanted a color that contrasted with green, so I looked for that sort of complementary color. 
Uh...so, for the case of Forest of the Starved, as with wearing red in the forest in the early episodes, I intentionally wore camel colored clothes and such. Uh...and because it was running, because a lot of the scenes in the Forest of the Starved were of us running, for visual purposes, the director proposed that we wear long clothes, so I wore a long trench coat and such. Also, for scenes that involved a lot of CG, we also, from a technical standpoint, for those bits with hyung...we wore a lot of colors excluding blue and green.   
Also, what else is there? Ah! The white clothes. There weren’t many scenes where I wore white clothing, but....very simply, in scenes where I bled (chuckling) so that the blood was easily visible...I wore a white shirt and such. One of the comments I read that really stuck with me was, ‘learned...learned pervert’ (laughing). That I was a learned person. I also had input here, and my stylist team also had the same thought, so....(very quietly) I was called a ‘learned pervert.’ Yes. 
Also...That’s right. A lot of what you all thought was really spot on. So I was also really fascinated and I thought, ‘Wah~ They even notice those sorts of things, I have to prepare even more diligently in the future,’ and for me, personally...from my standpoint as Kim Beom, I think this was the most costume fittings I’ve ever done. I also did a lot of test filming during the fittings. A JDG hyung who I’m close with and who is a photographer did a lot of test filming for me and really helped me a lot in the process of making Lee Rang. Oh, and also, in the process of doing tests for Lee Rang, perhaps because I took a liking to his image, I changed my profile picture for the first time in 10 years. I also changed my signature papers. It’s now Lee Rang, it’s Lee Rang’s image. I want to hurry up and provide you all with signatures too (laughs). Is this how I’m supposed to do this? I don’t know... (chuckles) 
[0:08:05~0:09:12] Re: Movements & gestures 
Ah, and also about movements and gestures and such...you talked especially a lot about things like me sleeping curled into a ball that got broadcast not too long ago. I saw a picture of me curled up asleep put next to an image of a fox sleeping, like this. Yes, that’s correct. From the very beginning I talked about wanting to give off the image of a fox, of a baby fox [glances to his staff] What? Show them? (chuckles) Like this, (does the gesture) sort of curled up sleeping. Foxes all sleep curled up, it turns out. So, there was an image of me curled up sleeping and, it should show up in the final episode, but there’s an image of me sitting curled into myself as well. When I’m sitting curled into a ball, even down to my toes I’m sort of, like this (does the gesture). Sitting like this was also something I did in order to give the impression of a fox. 
Aside from that, in the action sequences as well, if you look closely you can see that while people swing their fists like this, we made gestures, actions, like raking our claws. I think those sorts of things helped to make the character of Lee Rang, and also the gumiho, the other gumihos, so I was also really pleased while doing it. Yes. And I was even more thankful that the viewers picked up on that. 
[0:09:17~0:11:00] Re: Ad libs
The ad libs...for the ad libs as well, many people are asking just how much is ad libbed, especially since Yeon-ie hyung [Lee Dong Wook] is extremely good at ad libs and does them a lot. If you watch the behind the scenes videos and such, you can see the actors acting opposite him being caught off guard a lot. Hyung’s ad libs looked really cool to me, so I actually tried to emulate him a lot, but for that, it’s not possible with just your average [comedic/dramatic] sense. It’s the sense of someone who’s over a thousand years old, so one ad lib I made with the sense of a 600 year old was...there was one that was broadcast not long ago: “I’m warning you~~.” ‘I’m warning you~’ is an ad lib (laughs). 
The original line was...what was the original line again? (checks his cue cards) Ah, well, it was a line to the effect of, ‘don’t make me laugh’ or something like that, but seeing hyung saying ‘I’m warning you,’ I had the thought that it would be good if I teased him, so I was like, ‘I’m warning you~~’ as an ad lib. Also, in the café scene where we met after I returned from nearly dying, the drink hyung gave me was...there was a multi-colored drink, and for that, originally in the script it just said, ‘It’s tasty right? Have some, it’s tasty,’ or something like that, but hyung saying, ‘Have some, it’s rainbow flavored,’ was also hyung’s ad lib. And well, it didn’t appear in the broadcast, but I called it unicorn flavored. I think it was cut from the broadcast because it would have left people wondering ‘has he tried eating unicorn before?’ 
Those sorts of things...I also really learned a lot, I think, while doing them, such as hyung’s ease and whatnot. I was really jealous and he looked really cool. It came up in our lines too, but hyung always looked like he was shining brightly; he looked really cool.  
 [0:11:00~0:12:31] Re: Hyung Lee Dong Wook
To tell you more about hyung, hyung is...while being extremely sensitive, he’s the type to look after the other party in a brusk manner. For me personally, when I was studying and making Lee Rang’s character, I don’t think it would have been possible without hyung’s help. At first, I also...for the first time in a while I wore the clothes of another character and stood before the camera, and until that point I really had a lot of concerns and worries, but hyung gave me advice and really cheered me on a lot from the standpoint of an actor who has walked this path a little farther than me. So he was really a great help, and a source of strength, and whenever we were on set and there was something I didn’t know, I’d go ask hyung. Also, when I was agonizing over something, hyung would come over to me first and ask me if he could help, he was like that. 
And aside from that, the director, and the writer...Actually, Lee Rang’s tails have never appeared on screen, but in any case, Lee Rang should also have nine tails, right? There are nine. I have nine tails, but one of those was given to me by hyung. And one by the director, and one by the writer, and many others besides. Because they gave me tails, I was able to become a gumiho with nine tails, that’s the feeling I get. Yes.
[0:13:06~0:14:03] Re: Lee Rang’s Necklace
Ah! That’s right. There were also people who were curious about this necklace, wondering if this...if this wasn’t symbolic of something. In fact, in the beginning I had also thought that far. I thought of using it to express Lee Rang’s signature or something, so at first when he transformed I had gotten rid of it. Like when I appeared with glasses on (leans forward to show off the necklace better) this. It’s this necklace, but for my first transformation when I appeared with glasses, or...at those times I purposefully removed the necklace, but later on when I, when I transformed into hyung, if I wasn’t wearing it....if I was wearing it! I worried that you all would notice. You’re all extremely observant. Like gumihos. So in the end I decided to just leave this as fashion. 
[Note: This doesn’t fully make sense to me in terms of wearing it or not, but I double-checked and I translated everything exactly as he said it.]
[0:14:02~0:14:53] Re: Transformations
And since we’re on the subject of transformations, I’m always being found out and saying, ‘Ah that damn dress code...’ and such, but, everyone, I’m not being found out. Lee Rang isn’t so foolish and incompetent. Conversely, in order to mess with people more, he’s intentionally giving them a hint. So he’s being like... ‘Even if I do this will they not notice? Will they not notice?’ by intentionally giving them a hint with his shoes. And so, for Ji Ah, and for Sajang, that was me intentionally giving them a hint, and in fact wanting them to realize. While being like ‘if you figure this out then I’ll have to mess with you even more,’ I’d then mess with them more. And so, conversely, when I transformed into hyung to fool Sajang, I fooled him perfectly didn’t I? I’m not such an incompetent person as that. 
[0:14:55~0:16:05] Re: Romance 
There are many people who are extremely curious about Lee Rang’s romance as well, but actually, romance [for Rang] didn’t appear in our Tale of the Nine Tailed. Because his love for hyung is so great. And his love for Yoo Ri was also somewhat different from the love between a man and a woman. It was a familial love, and also a love that came from wanting to fill the void, it was that sort of love. Uh....I saw someone say something like this. Mm...when Yeon-ie hyung falls in love it’s to this extent, but if Rang-ie, who is a rule-breaker, who ignores all the rules, were to fall in love, the earth would probably have been destroyed. Or at the very least, Korea would have been destroyed. haha Someone said that, but I think that probably would have been the case. If he had directed his love not at his hyung but at a woman, because Rang-ie isn’t afraid of his hyung, or the afterlife, or even hell, I feel like he would have had that sort of a [world-ending] romance. 
[0:16:48~0:17:37] Re: Lee Rang’s fortune (wealth)
[0:17:38~0:18:19] [Reading and responding briefly to live comments]
[0:18:32~0:19:24] Q: Would Lee Rang have dreamed of being either a full fox or a full human?
Ah...this was a very sad question. [Rang is] a half-human, half-supernatural, but would he have dreamed of being a full gumiho, would he have dreamed of being a full human? There was talk to that effect. Uh...I think Rang-ie wouldn’t have wanted to be either. On the supernatural side as well, because he’s a half-supernatural...I don’t imagine he’d have been welcomed, and among humans, because he has supernatural blood, we also saw him being mistreated a lot. But then, amongst all of that, my one and only source of support was my hyung. And I think that’s why [Rang] was so obsessed with his hyung. I think he probably wouldn’t have wanted to belong to either side. Because he’s that sort of free spirit. Yes, that’s what I think. 
[0:19:30~0:19:58] Re: Lee Rang’s Favorite Food
Q: If Lee Rang had a favorite food like Lee Yeon’s mint chocolate, what would it be?
His favorite food is, you all may already know this, but it’s alcohol. Rang was always together with alcohol, and he was a character who goes well with alcohol. Somehow...it was like how lonely people reach for alcohol. I think it would have been that sort of feeling. It always kept him company, in place of his hyung (chuckles). That sort of, that sort of...his favorite food is alcohol, yes. 
[0:20:02~0:20:50] Re: Favorite fan comments/Not a baby 
[0:21:00~0:21:46] Q: Spicy fox [i.e. fox with an attitude/a bite] vs. baby fox?
[0:21:47~0:0:22:39] Q: The most dangerous gumiho or the most endangered gumiho?
[0:22:45~0:23:34] Q: Favorite Lee Rang look/style?
[0:23:41~0:25:10] Q: Good vs Evil?
Ah, and, there was also a question about what percent of good versus evil exists inside of me, but...I also really thought hard about it when I received this question. Rang-ie was a very kind child when he was young, who couldn’t even pick a flower...he was a kind child who couldn’t even kill a bug, but then, that sort of...should I call it societal evil? Due to some misunderstandings and...painful times, he gradually begins to ‘live devoting himself to evil,’ there’s that expression, in Korea. I think all of that evil would have seeped into him. So while at first he would have been 80-90% good, even so...mm~ at 51 to 49%, wouldn’t 51% of him be good? That slight bit that he tries not to lose. Because evil, because the side of evil kept pulling at me, whether that be Imoogi, or Sajang, unavoidably evil would have pulled at me, but...I get the sense that Rang-ie, to the very end, wouldn’t have given up the good in him...Nn? [Staff catches his eye] Yes, so that’s why it’s (???)* hehehe Oh? (???)* Sorry. Hahaha Ah, sorry. I just startled myself as well. [Pointing at his staff] Your face has turned red!
[Note: The expression he uses for ‘to the end’ here could either be used literally or figuratively. So obviously he accidentally gave a huge spoiler, but if he - or rather, his staff - hadn’t reacted so much it might have just been glossed over. Also, I think he’s using terms associated with a video game here which is why I’m having trouble parsing the blanks.]
[0:25:12~0:26:56] Kim Beom reminisces about his time with TotNT
[0:27:05~0:27:43] Re: Stickers
Ah! There was also talk about the stickers. Hahaha Uh...for the stickers as well, of course, in the script it was simply expressed as, ‘Rang, who is asleep covered in stickers,’ but actually, what stickers got stuck where was something that I decided myself. So I tried sticking a lightning bolt to my forehead, and, I’m not sure if it was visible in the broadcast, but the earring (the star on his ear) was a reference to the character So Yi Jeong that I played back in the day [Note: this is a reference to his character in Boys Over Flowers (2009)]. Well, I’m the type to overthink things like that, so hehe. I think a lot. 
[0:27:45~0:28:56] Re: Soo Oh
[0:29:12~0:30:00] Q: Are you more of an older or younger brother type?
For that question...whether that question was a question for Kim Beom or for Lee Rang, I actually wasn’t sure, but someone asked, ‘Are you someone who is suited to being an older brother or someone who is suited to being a younger brother?’ Uh....to answer as Rang, Rang is of course more suited to being a younger brother, it fits his natural tendencies. That Kim Beom guy,* I mean, Kim Beom is... (chuckling under his breath) ‘that Kim Beom guy’ what am I saying? Kim Beom is...more suited to being an older brother, he has that aptitude, that inclination I think. 
[*Note: When said this I burst out laughing. The literal expression is, ‘that chingu (friend) called Kim Beom,’ and it’s just not a way that you would ever refer to yourself. He said he was somewhere in between Lee Rang and Kim Beom, and it really feels like that here haha]
[0:30:12~0:31:10] Re: Nicknames
And, well....If Lee Rang, if there is a nickname that Rang-ie likes or a nickname that remained with him [what would that be]? A whole lot of people also wrote to me with that question. The overseas fans have also been calling me ‘baby fox’ (said in English), and that was really amusing. Uh...also, well, ‘baby fox’ (in Korean), and things like ***** [Note: he censored himself here so I’m not actually sure what he said other than that it’s rude haha], I really had a lot of fun seeing them. Like, these people who, if I met them in real life, would say, ‘Spare me!’ and run away were treating me like a baby... (nodding to himself). It was funny (chuckles). 
[Reading the chat] People keep commenting ‘baby fox’ (in English) hahaha
And so I also, later on....Somehow, at first I thought, ‘Huh?’, but then later on it was something that really made me feel good...(nodding) It was funny. (chuckles)
[0:33:30~0:33:57] Re: Mountain God Lee Rang?
Q: If Lee Rang ever became a mountain god, what sort of world would he have created?
I probably would have made a wonderland for hyung, right? For hyung’s sake alone. So that hyung could enjoy himself, I would have tried making this and that....to make hyung smile once. I feel like that’s what I would have done, and because of that, because [Rang is] that sort of simple guy, he probably wouldn’t have become a mountain god, right? I’m good being a mountain god’s younger brother...
[0:33:58~0:34:54] Re: Rang’s name
Also, Ah~ things related to Rang’s name, too. To my knowledge, the name ‘Rang’ was bestowed by his hyung. So originally he was a half-human, half-supernatural who didn’t even have a name, who was also abandoned by his family. He had been lonely like that, so it was probably hyung who gave it to him. The name ‘Rang’ means ‘shining.’ Most likely, at that time, wouldn’t he have really cried a whole lot? From happiness. Seeing as he continued using the name Rang, seeing as he continued using it for 600 years. If he had disliked it, he probably would have changed it, so he really took a liking to it. It was probably a happy time where he thought, ‘Now I too have a name~’ That’s right. 
[0:35:11~0:36:39] Re: Spin-off
Ah! And also, there was the spin-off to talk about, right? In another world, in a slightly wider world, uh...there was a spin-off telling my story, and to be honest it was an extremely new attempt, and I also, at first, I approached it as an answer and a gift in response to all of the love that so many people had sent. Uh...thanks to that, I think it was nice that I was able to show you Lee Rang from another point of view, and I actually worried about it a great deal. 
Uh...Rather than our existing team, another spin-off team did the filming for us, and so I worried a lot. Because it wasn’t our team. But, they very diligently, and well...shot it for us. And for me, because many people supported us, thankfully, compared to what I had been worried about, I think it worked out well. Actually, when I was really at the end of my rope from worrying so much, I called hyung [Lee Dong Wook] from set, from the spin-off set, to say that I was worried, and I also met up with him in person, and the director [Kang Shin Ho], I told him I was worried. In the off chance that the fans of the Tale of the Nine Tailed main series might hate it, I was really very worried. But hyung really comforted me a lot, and told me it was cool, so that made me feel really good. 
[0:36:41~0:37:28] Re: Yoo Ri (Kim Yong Ji)
Also...I have to talk about Yoo Ri too, don’t I? Our Yoo Ri. Our Yoo Ri...from the very first time I met her she seemed like Yoo Ri. She was really really like a gumiho, like a fox. Like someone of mixed race. In reality, too, we met up recently and were eating together when she told me this. People from Russia are actually sending her DMs, she said. Asking if she’s really a mixed-blood Russian. Hearing that was so funny that I remember we both burst out laughing. But to that extent Yoo Ri [Kim Yong Ji] is that much like Yoo Ri, even when you see her in real life. And also, because she became such a perfect Yoo Ri when we were working, from the very beginning she was very reliable to film with, and I think I was also really able to immerse myself while filming. 
[0:37:29~0:38:01] Re: Shin Joo (Hwang Hee)
And also, Shin Joo hyung, too. Actually...I didn’t have that many scenes in common with Shin Joo, but we became so close on set that later on - ah! Actually it’ll probably appear in tomorrow’s episode. Me and hyung [Hwang Hee] (catches the staff’s eye, raises his eyebrows, and then censors himself).....have a scene together, and you’ll probably get to see a very different Lee Rang, a very cheerful, uh...Lee Rang will appear, so I hope you enjoy watching it. 
[0:38:31~0:40:00] Re: CG
Ah, and also, we can’t not talk about the CG. Because, in a sense, it was one of the biggest aspects of our genre, from the first time we started filming we did a whole lot of tests. I think, in any case, we worried that those who see a lot of (computer graphics? - sorry, I’m actually unsure of this word) would feel that something was off, so we tried once using actual contact lenses, and also tried using actual (physical) tails. And for things like the Imoogi special effects makeup, it was a combination of makeup and CG that came to be through the help of truly a lot of people. My eye, and also hyung’s tails, and our abilities, Imoogi’s skin. I’d like to take the opportunity here to thank everyone involved once again. For giving me such a cool eye. I also, while watching the broadcast, was like, ‘Wah!’ 
Hm... also, I think my only having one eye that changed was probably the director’s idea. Because I’m a half-blood, in any case, his opinion was that it would be nice if only one eye changed, so I was able to have a really cool eye (leans close to the screen with a wild Lee Rang smile and then sits back chucking). It would be nice if it changed, but I’m unable to change my eye by myself (chuckles).
[0:40:05~0:42:00] Re: Stunts/action sequences
And our stunt team, our action team as well. We can’t not talk about them. I’m reminded of the first time, the times we went to action school to practice martial arts. From when we first began action practice, I would coordinate the timing with hyung [Lee Dong Wook] and we would go and practice together. So from the beginning, until we had created the action that would suit our characters, we went several several times for several hours at a time to practice. And then on set, they created things far beyond what we had practiced for us, so our action team really worked very hard as well, and the agwi and such that you saw...for many of those, our staff played all those roles for us. They really had it extremely hard, uh...yes. The (???) director, the (???)* director, and many stunt and action hyungs, all worked very hard. Hyung [Lee Dong Wook] also talked about this during our press conference, but they really worked very hard. On hot days, in the Forest of the Starved, they nearly....and they gave a very impassioned performance, so I was also able to immerse myself so the filming went well.
Mm....To be honest, I’m the type who really likes action, but the gumiho action this time, uh... (nods to himself). There were many stunts that appeared that were at a level beyond what I could have imagined, so while I enjoyed doing them, there were aspects that were difficult too, but when I saw how I appeared in the broadcast, I was very satisfied, and...because [the fans] really liked our sibling action scenes, it made me feel good. 
[*Note: Sorry, because he’s talking half under his breath here I’m actually having trouble making out which directors he’s referring to.]
[0:42:05~0:43:38] Re: Crying scenes
You asked me if having so many crying scenes wasn’t taxing, but...I know, right? More than I thought, more than the Rang that I had originally pictured, [he] was actually quite a crybaby. There were many more crying scenes than I had thought there would be, and depending on how you look at it, it feels like maybe I cried nearly as much as Ji Ah....I get the sense that because [Rang] is a guy who carries a lot of pain and sadness, he had a lot of tears. And also, because I had to cry in a way that was Rang-like, at first I was like, ‘How should I cry? In what manner do I have to shed tears?’ but once the camera started filming...I felt like they were Rang’s own emotions, so. Yes. 
If I think of hyung [Lee Dong Wook], actually, even now I get really choked up. So, when I, myself, Kim Beom, had a photo shoot recently, the topic of hyung came up in the course of the interview and I froze for a second because I nearly started crying, that also happened...
And then on set when I gave my final thoughts upon wrapping filming, I still somehow had many of Rang’s emotions left over, so I...seeing me crying, hyung said, ‘Are you going through puberty?’ hahaha, I have memory of him saying things like that to make me laugh as well. 
[Note: Kim Beom is referring to his photoshoot and interview with Elle Korea. I translated a good bit of it here.]
[0:43:40~0:45:06] Q: A character you’d like to try transforming into?
Also...I, well, hyung also transformed once, but for me because it’s one of my core talents, and because gumihos are the sort of character to do that, I received the question of whether there isn’t a character I wouldn’t like to try transforming into other than the ones that appeared in the drama. Honestly, if I was Lee Rang, I probably would have transformed into Ji Ah and tried to break her [and hyung] apart. Mm....I would have really hated transforming into Ji Ah but, uh...in order to separate her from hyung, and also, out of jealousy, due to his wish that [his hyung] wouldn’t fall in love with her again, out of love for his brother, he would have transformed into Ji Ah...isn’t that originally what gumihos are like?
However, because in that case then Ji Ah [Jo Bo Ah] will have to act that out again, probably (chuckles)...next time, if there’s ever an opportunity, I’ll transform into Ji Ah and... (starts making finger hearts without finishing his sentence) yes. I would like to show that to you all. 
[Reading the live chat] Right? People are asking me if I’m a genius. If it was Lee Rang, Lee Rang should have to transformed into Ji Ah, right? I also honestly just surprised myself by thinking of it just now. 
[0:45:14~0:46:04 ] Thoughts before the final episode
[0:46:24~0:47:28] Re: Charades with Imoogi (Lee Tae Ri)
[0:47:30~0:48:15] Re: Director Kang Shin Hyo
[0:49:26~0:50:21] Q: Memorable Lines & Scenes
Also...about the lines. Memorable lines or memorable scenes, you’re asking a lot about these sorts of things, but I truly haven’t forgotten a single scene I was in; I remember all of them. Because the script, and the characters, and the scenarios...and the scenes were all made so so well. 
Actually...well, at the beginning, when you see me fighting, bickering, with hyung, and I say ‘Didn’t you miss me?’ this line, and also...that sort of line: ‘I’m dying of anticipation.’ There were these sorts of lines as well. Uh...also, my lines that I say to Yoo Ri too. Like...‘Why would you shed tears because of me? Don’t make your life into a melodrama.’ There were these sorts of lines as well. 
[0:50:24~0:51:52] Re: Azaleas
[0:51:54~0:52:26] Re: Gumiho teleportation 
[0:52:27~0:54:00] Re: Rang’s throwing axes
[0:54:32~0:55:11] Re: Dokdo shrimp
[0:55:13~0:55:59] Q: Memorable filming location?
[0:56:00~0:5?:??] Re: Last episodes
[0:56:45~0:57:10] Q: Do you watch the original broadcast?
[0:57:12~End] Closing remarks
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