#i really hate to yell but its an emergency
spongebobs-dirty-dish · 5 months
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zombiefiilm · 8 months
Fell in Love
spencer reid x gn!reader
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summary: you hadn't expected your friend spencer to be home from his most recent case yet, let alone passed out on your couch
warnings: confessions, kissing, fluff, no use of y/n
word count: 1.5k
The moment the key hit the lock of your front door, you practically felt a weight fall off your shoulders. You had been working all day and there was nothing you wanted more than to change into your pyjamas and watch tv for the rest of the night.
Once inside your apartment, you shut the door, instantly dropping your bag to the floor and your keys onto the table. Your shoes were kicked off and your jacket was strewn across a random chair in a matter of seconds and you were ready to run into your bedroom.
But, as you passed by the living room, you caught a glimpse of someone sleeping on your couch, shoes and coat still on.
Really, you should have been a bit more startled by the sight of someone in your home, considering you lived alone, but you were all too familiar with Spencer's habit of dropping by unannounced.
You stopped in your tracks, walking around to the front of the couch and called his name.
"Spencer" you were met with an annoyed groan as he flipped onto his other side.
"Spencer" you called again, louder, shoving his shoulder slightly. No response.
"Dr. Spencer Reid" you practically yelled right into his ear and you watched him jump this time, turning to face you again.
"I gave you a key for emergencies" you scolded, watching as he sat up and groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"I'm sorry" he sounded overly sincere "I didn't want to go home."
Then you realised that this wasn't just his regular habit of dropping in whenever he was bored, he needed comfort. You knew all to well the toll his job took on him, with everything that’s happened to him you were surprised he was able to hold up as well as he did.
“Oh Spencer” you half-whispered, sitting down on the couch right beside him, shoulder practically pressed against his. “Do you wanna talk about it?”.
“Not really, I just need to get my mind off everything” he sat up a bit straighter, facing you now.
You nodded in response.
“Is that new?” his gaze was suddenly fixated on your wrist as he reached down to your new watch.
“It is” you told him, lifting up your arm to show off the item adorned with a silver band.
“Did you get it in a pawn shop?” he seemed to be doing a pretty good job at distracting himself now, taking interest in random things like he always did.
“How did you know?” you laughed slightly, bringing your arm back down to your side.
“It’s Cartier” he explained “I know you wouldn’t be able to afford a new one, they range from four thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars”.
“Wow” you feigned offence.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just know you wouldn’t spend that kind of money, even when you treat yourself” he almost panickingly explained himself but you still felt a little proud at him knowing things about you. You hated spending a lot of money on yourself and you wanted to treat yourself, hence the new item in your collection.
“Did you know that Cartier was the first healer to use platinum in jewellery making? And they popularised the wristwatch in 1904, it’s really quite interesting”
“I didn’t, Reid” you joked. “Do you want some food? I got groceries yesterday so I could make you anything you want”.
“I’m okay” he sighed slightly “I’m just tired”
“You can sleep in my bed, no reason you should be hurting your back on the couch"
"No its okay, I don't want to put you out. I'm fine out here, really."
"I'm not going planning on going to bed for a while, at least go in there and get some rest, okay?"
He simply nodded his head and got up to go to your bedroom, calling out a goodnight as he approached the door.
You spent a few hours lounging about, mindlessly watching Friends reruns to procrastinate anything that actually needed to be done. Eventually though, the tiredness caught up to you and you decided to camp out on the couch for the night.
You cracked open your bedroom door and the small amount of light that flooded in from the hall presented Spencer completely out of it in your bed, his white shirt half unbuttoned and his trousers twisted around him while the rest of his clothes were piled on the floor beside him.
You smiled to yourself as you went to grab a spare pillow and blanket from your wardrobe, preparing to set yourself up on the couch for the night.
As you went to leave the room once again, you heard him sleepily call your name.
"Yeah?" you turned around to him again, seeing him adjust himself slightly.
“Do you want the your bed back?” He began to sit up, the rustling sound of the duvet filling the air.
“You can stay there, don’t worry about it” there was a silence then, you could tell he was about to say something, but he was struggling to get it to slip past his lips.
"Could you stay with me, please" he looked away bashfully "just for a bit”. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew he was giving you a puppy-dog look, eyes wide and lip practically quivering.
“Of course” you dumped everything that was in your hands onto the end of the bed and crawled up beside Spencer.
Without another word, you pressed yourself up right against him, grabbing his hand with yours and smoothing your thumb over the back of his hand. Just the few moments of silence with you sitting there had done Spencer some good, he had already felt himself calming down, and some of his recent anxieties melting away.
The quiet didn’t last long though before Spencer was saying your name again. “Can I tell you something?”
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes finally adjusting to the dark so you could see all of his emotions bleeding through his expressions. You nodded your head, humming slightly to urge him on.
“I really appreciate you, a lot” he hesitated slightly, searching for the words to use next.
“I appreciate you too Spence” you requited.
“No, I’m thankful for everything you do. You have always been there when I need you, you always know exactly what to say to me, you care about me. And I truly hope you can say the same about me”
“Of course I can”
“I need you in my life more than you could ever know” he continued “you’re the most important person to me in the whole world, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You looked at him, almost flabbergasted, not knowing what to say that would truly encapsulate how much you cared about him, how happy you were that he appreciated you.
“I like you” he paused “I love you, so much” his words were powerful, they rung in the air as they travelled towards your ears.
“Love?” you repeated, questioning his use of the word. You were no stranger to platonic love but his previous confessions had you questioning the intention of his last sentence.
“I love you, I want to be able to call you mine. I want to come home to you every day, to spend every minute I can with you, to have a future where you’re the centre of all my plans.”
You were practically stumped, the emotions you were feeling rendering your mouth useless.
“If you don’t feel the same way-“ he suddenly became incredibly panicked, spitting out as many words as he could to explain himself before you could cut him off.
“Spencer” you took a deep breathe “I love you too” it was a much shorter confession than his, but you didn’t need to say anything more to him, the confirmation was all he needed.
In the time it took you to blink, your faces were centimetres apart. And then his lips were on yours.
Your body felt like it lit up on that moment, the feeling of his lips on yours waking the butterflies in your stomach. You wasted no time tangling your fingers into his hair and lightly tugging at the roots as his hands slid around your waist, softly massaging your flesh.
It was gentle, his tongue softly slipping into your mouth as you let him do what he wanted, let him take the control.
The kiss was short though, as sleep had began to take over both of you. You mutually pulled away, silently agreeing to lie down, cuddling into one another.
With one more peck on the lips, you rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes.
There was plenty of time to talk it out, to figure out everything between each other, but for now all you needed was the feeling of one another pressed together and the feeling of mutual admiration.
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igotanidea · 1 year
five more minutes: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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I'm (not) sorry, but that smug face fits right into this fanfiction!!
request/summary: Dick getting clingy when the reader needs to go somewhere
A/N: so, I think I'm back? Two weeks break and I'm getting into the swing of things again, so please go easy on me with this story......
When she wakes up in the morning something seems off almost instantly.
It only takes a second to realise that said thing took the form of Dick Grayson, her beloved boyfriend, the man by day and the fearless vigilante by night. The protector of Gotham and its people.
Well, if only the people could see him now.
Sleeping in a weird position with the imprint of the pillow on his cheek, messy hair and some dried saliva in the corner of his mouth.
He so cute and adorable like that. Y/N does the quick scan of his face and body in the search for any injuries he might have obtained during the patrol but her heart rests easy when she noticed him being all in one piece with no blood or stiches. Either it was a quiet and peaceful night or he already took care of himself. Her bets are the latter, but since it’s work day she doesn’t really have any time to wait until he wakes up to blame him for not being careful.
As quiet and swift as she can, Y/N tries to move out of bed, but since Dick’s senses are heightened she doesn’t really get far, when his arms wraps around her, keeping her in place.
“Dick……” she mutters
“Mhmmmm……” he mumbles into the pillow
“Come on, I have get  up!”
“no you don’t.”
“I gotta get to work!”
“I’m the only work you need……” he grins, still half-asleep, but so full of himself and she almost rolls her eyes at the joke
“God, please stop…. I need to earn money you know? Not all of us have a billionaire daddy!”
“You’re dating the billionaire oldest son, isn’t that enough?”
She wonders for a moment. On a second thought maybe it is. Dick seems to use that heartbeat of hesitation, shifting his body weight on her, pinning her to bed, his eyes still closed, but this little shit knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Dick!” she gasps feeling all those muscles crush her “shit!
“I like it when you call my name in such a desperate words. Do it just one more time and the neighbours will hate you forever.” He chuckles and his makes her skin tingle.
You’re heavy…..” she squirms trying to break free, but it’s no use. “You brought it on yourself….” The girl mutters poking on his ribs in the place where he’s extremely sensitive because of an old injury.
“Hey!” he yells, trying to defend himself and letting go off her in the process.
Y/N is quick to jump out of bed and rush towards her wardrobe, grabbing her jeans and t-shirt and struggling to put them on.
“Not so fast!” Dick tears her clothes from her hands and holds them high out of reach.
“Not fair Grayson!”
“You called me fat.”
“I called you heavy!’
“Same thing!”
“It’s not….. You know what, fine. I’ll just wear something else….” She shrugs and runs towards the drawer, but before she could reach it Dick grabs her from behind and holds her tight to him
“Dick…….” She whines stretching out just to grab something to wear. Anything.
“I know. I’m irresistible.”
“A pain in the ass is what you are!”
“I can make you breakfast….” He tempts
“You’re not Jason, Dick. Making me breakfast means putting cereals In the bowl and poring some milk over it in your dictionary. Cold milk. And that is only if I bought both cereals and milk.”
“did you?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Can’t you see how hard I’m trying? Just for you. Come on, you are like an employee  of the month. Or even a year. Stay…..” he kisses her neck playfully “you can call in sick.”
“I used all my sick days because of you.”
“How about casual leave?”
“and what may be the emergency?” she sighs in defeat, her body going limp as she drops the fighting knowing well enough she won’t win it. “Clingy boyfriend?”
“You called me boyfriend!” he grins again and she facepalms herself.
“We’ve been together for a year Dick. Why do you seem surprised?”
“I could never get bored with hearing that word from you. Makes me proud that you’re mine.”
“trying to sweet talk me? Won’t work. By the way, you are soooooo cheesy Grayson.”
“And?” he asks
“ And? What and?”  at this point Y/N is confused, her eyebrows furrowing as she turns to meet his gaze
“And you love me?” he insist, spinning her around in his arms so that he can get easy access to her kissable face.
“Yeah…..” she smiles dreamily “yeah, I do love you, you idiot” she trails with a love sick puppy expression. But it doesn’t mean I’m gonna stay and be you babysi…..ah! Put me down!” she yells suddenly feeling her body lift of the ground without her knowledge or will. “Put me down Grayson! What are you……?! Damn it…!”
Dick does not listen or does not get impressed by her poor attempts to break free. He’s Nightwing. He’s got so many ways to immobilise the opponent. Or, in this case, lover.
“Dick I swear I am going to kick your ass if you don’t….!” the threat dies on her lips as he throws her onto the mattress and kisses her softly shutting her up in the process.
“Stay?” he pouts looking at her with those pretty doe eyes “Pretty please?”
“You act like a five year old!”
“A five year old that wants you. A five year old that misses you…”
“I’ll be back, you know……” she brush the strand of hair from his face. She’s already gone but still tries to keep the appearances.
“Yeah, at 6 p.m. or later. It’s almost the time when I get ready for my night shift…… Please…..”he whines nuzzling his nose over her neck “stay…..”
“please…..” she mimics his whining, caressing his cheek “let me go……”
“But I need you…….” He hide his face in her belly and his hair tickle
“Why do you always need me when I am supposed to go to work?’
“It’s a terrible and uncontrollable disease…..” he laughs
“Is there a cure?” she laughs back
“I can think of something….” He closes the gap between them, nibbling on her bottom lip. “and it may be working…. But I;m not sure. Need some more testing” he repeats his action. “Mhm, yes, it’s definitely working… You don’t want me to be sick, do you?”
“Not really. You are whiny and attention seeker when you are sick.”
“I am not!” he shouts in denial “ok, maybe I am. A little. But come on, you can stay some more time with me……”
“How long, dickie?” she smiles at him, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“five more minutes?”
“ok. Five more minutes. She sighs deeply, letting go of any of her objections, letting Dick lay beside her and act like a big spoon, while holding her tight to his chest and caressing her sides and belly.
“You’re not letting me go, are you?” she whispers closing her eyes and getting lost in his touch.
And she’s pretty sure she can live with that.  
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ot9snumber1 · 5 months
rabbit hole
sana minatozaki x reader
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summary: sana dislikes—no, hates your idea of love.
warnings: suggestive, angst, fluff, roommate!sana, emetophobia very briefly mentioned, reader is an idiot
notes: inspired by 'rabbit hole' - deco*27! i've been getting into vocaloid recently 🤓
also i wrote this overnight? i've never written so fast before im scared dove what did u do to me (lovingly) (but seriously im finally free from writers block hooray!) (also this means its not proofread sorry)
wc: 4.1k
the loud slam of the door jolts sana awake, nearly falling off the couch as she sat up. her heart sinks, thinking that someone had broken in—but when you emerge from the dark hallway, she sighs out of relief.
sana checks the clock, 1:30 am. "you're home late. again." she mumbles, standing up and keeping the blanket wrapped around herself as she stopped you from going up the stairs. you groan, just wanting to take your clothes off and sleep.
"are you drunk?"
sana doesn't believe you. she steps closer, leaning in to smell your breath. you ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at that. instead of smelling liquor, her nose scrunches at the scent of perfume. it wasn't yours, nor hers, nor from the girl you slept with two days ago.
somehow, that made her feel worse than if you had actually been drunk.
"who was it this time?" she asks, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the kitchen. sana hates that you struggled to keep up with her. "doesn't matter, i've done better."
she cringes at your words. "you can't just say that." sana mumbles frustratedly, letting go of you to get you a glass of water. her blanket falls by your feet. "what? that i've done better? because i have! this girl was, like,—"
"no! that it doesn't matter!" she whisper–yells, not wanting to wake any nosy neighbors up. sana forces you to hold the glass of water before picking the blanket up off the ground. "you don't even know her name, do you?"
you bite your lip, desperately trying to remember who you were begging to earlier. "uh.."
"you're–so—" sana looks like she wants to kill you. understandably so, but you think she's just being weirdly overprotective. she sighs, shaking her head. "i'm going to bed." is all she mumbles before pushing past you.
you watch as she disappears into your apartment. shrugging, you lean against the doorway and drink your water.
"what's her problem?"
"i don't know! i have to snap her out of this or something. it's getting worse every night!" she was watching you from the corner of her eye. it wasn't like she didn't trust nayeon or the people she invited over, she just didn't trust what you'd do in a room full of strangers.
(a room full of nayeon's really attractive friends is how she'd describe it.)
momo puts a hand on sana's arm, her other hand taking her cup. she frowned, worried for her best friend as she grew antsy just talking about you.
"okay, first of all, that's enough drinking for you." momo mumbled, downing the rest of sana's drink despite the angry pout on her face. "second, you need to tell her that this shit's unhealthy."
"i've tried!"
"angrily taking care of her when she comes home isn't confronting her."
sana's pout gets deeper. she hadn't even said anything that would make momo think that... but she knew she couldn't argue with her. that did happen to be what she was doing after all.
"either way, she's either drunk out of her mind or smelling too much like someone else for me to even think of telling her to stop." sana sounds hopeless at this point, leaning against a wall and throwing her head back against it. "i don't think that second thing should stop you from confronting them...?" momo's eyebrows furrow, trying to make sense of what sana was saying.
she gasps, "unless—you're jealous?"
sana freezes, attention going to momo. "no? no! that's—i'm not like that—i care about them—" she stammers, trying to deflect what momo just said until her eyes land on you. you were across the room, rolling your eyes at something chaeyoung said.
she looks back at momo, then you, then momo. "maybe i am? that's not the main point, though! what she's doing is totally unhealthy!" sana spews out, her words almost faster than momo could comprehend. (she had years of experience in sana-speak, though. sana could make unintelligible noises and she'd still understand what she was saying.)
"calm down, sha. i'm not saying you're only doing this because you're jealous." momo reassures, but sana could tell she was biting back a laugh. "i'm just saying that it's bugging you more because you care so much about her as a friend and because you've had feelings for her since she moved in."
sana sighs. "you're right. sorry for getting defensive."
momo shrugs, giving her a reassuring smile. "don't apologize. i'll get us some more drinks."
sana watches as momo walks away, trying to shrink into the wall while she was alone. she liked meeting new people but not when she felt unease build up in her stomach.
she should just talk to you, she thinks. if she can hear that you're doing fine right now then her nerves will be completely gone for the rest of the—
"who is that?" sana asks, entire body tensing up when momo comes back with two cups in hand. momo looks to where sana was glaring at and winces.
you were talking to one of nayeon's friend's friend's friend. she was a bit all up in your face for someone you just met.
"chaewon i think was her name? she came here with sakura. sakura's mina's friend and—" momo purses her lips when sana storms her way over to you. she sighs, looking down at the cups she was holding. "more for me."
"i can't." you whine as chaewon wrapped her arms around your neck, bringing you even closer. she laughs, throwing her head back. you stare at her neck and lick your lips, wondering how good she'd look when you leave your mark on her. "my roomie's driving me home." you pout, "she doesn't like when i bring girls over."
"tell her you're going home with me, then." she shrugs, retracting an arm to take a sip of her drink. "kkura can catch a ride with someone else, she'll understand." chaewon's offer sounds way too good to turn down, especially when she props the cup against your lips for you to drink.
you accept, eyes locking with hers as you accept the alcohol happily. "how's that sound?"
"excuse me." someone interjects, using all of her strength to separate you and chaewon. you groan, about to shove the intruder away until you realize it was sana. that makes you groan again. "sorry, i have to take this one home." sana says, an arm wrapping around your waist as she stared chaewon down
your eyebrows furrow. "what? no you don't!" you hiss, trying to push sana away from you. she just tightens her grip around you. "i'm going with chaewon."
"no you're not." sana replies through gritted teeth. "sorry about her," she smiles, false sweetness all over her demeanor. "she's like this all the time. she's not what you're looking for."
sana practically drags you away from chaewon and out of the apartment. on your way out, she mouths a 'gotta go!' to nayeon, who takes one look at you and nods understandingly.
needless to say, you're pissed.
you were about to have the night of your life! the best sex you'd had in.. well, a few weeks, you think. your last handful of partners were nothing but time killers. ugh, that made it even worse. why was sana so mad about your sex life anyway?!
you were sulking the entire ride, arms crossed and refusing to even have her in your peripheral vision. sana notices and it drives her crazy.
she quickly pulls over, driving you equally crazy. the tension in that car was thick.
"what is with you?!" sana nearly shrieks, turning to face you. you gasp, finally looking at her. "what is with me? i'm not the one unnecessarily inserting myself in my roommate's sex life!"
"what the fuck are you talking about? i'm trying to protect you!"
"from what, sana? hot girls?"
sana let out a big exhale. you were being so frustrating—more so than usual. if it weren't for the seatbelts and the fact you both care about each other, you probably would've been at each other's throats by now.
"from doing whatever this is!" her words are accompanied by gesturing to you with both of her hands. you still didn't get it. "don't you realize how unhealthy this is?"
you blink, tilting your head in confusion. "unhealthy would be the last word i'd use to describe love, sana."
her eyes widen. "love—?" she leans back in her seat, exasperated. "you've gotta be fucking kidding." sana mumbles, her hands finding their way to the steering wheel. her knuckles go white at how tight she was holding on.
"what?" you were genuinely puzzled at her reaction. "aren't you like, the number one advocate for loving in your own way?"
"this is not love!" her eyes are back on you. you frown, she was genuinely intimidating now. "you are hurting yourself! you're letting these people take advantage of you... i don't know! you wanting to be held?"
you scoff, rolling your eyes and leaning back. "you don't get it. it's not my fault miyeon broke up with your sorry ass." the words leave your mouth before you could even process that you had the guts to think about sana like that. "wait, no—i'm sorry—"
"fuck off." sana mumbles, shifting the car back into drive.
you stay put the rest of the ride, feeling a pit grow deep inside your stomach.
sana wasn't home the next morning. you weren't sure if she had plans or work—she'd always tell you beforehand. it made you feel even worse, it took a miracle to get through breakfast without throwing up. the same went for the rest of the day.
by the time the sun set, you were shaking from nerves. you didn't want to face sana when she came home. you didn't want to keep thinking about her and what she said and what you said and what you've been doing.
instead, you get the brilliant idea to respond to your ex's text that you'd left on delivered for three hours.
y/n: pick me up in 10
do not reply: knew you'd come around ;)
you throw up in the toilet before you leave.
you don't even make it out of the parking lot of your apartment.
lisa's parked in the furthest corner, too dark for anyone to see inside and too far for anyone to hear how you were panting against her.
you were wedged between lisa and the back of the passenger seat. she pushed her thigh further against your throbbing pussy, biting your lip with a smile. "fuck, couldn't wait to see me, huh?" she hums as she watches you grind down on her thigh desperately.
"you've been thinking about me, haven't you? dressed up so slutty.. you wanted me to fuck you in here, no?" lisa's voice grows raspy as she toyed with the fishnets on your legs.
her words fall on deaf ears. your body was enjoying this, but your mind was far away from the woman sucking on your collarbone. you're not even sure why you chose this stupid bunny outfit sana bought you for april fools.
there it is again, you were thinking about sana. sana sana sana sana. no matter what you did, she was clouding your mind!
"turn around baby, i wanna see what set you're wearing for me." lisa whispers and you obey absentmindedly, still thinking about what sana said to you while she undid the ties holding your corset together.
then it hits you.
sana likes you.
she's jealous that you're sleeping with everyone but her!
you gasp, making lisa peek from behind you. "what's wrong, baby?"
you swat her hands away from your back, turning around. "oh my god. sana's in love with me."
"your roommate?"
you nod. lisa frowns, "what does that—"
"i'm so sorry, i have to go!" you mutter, clumsily opening the door and climbing out of it. lisa's calling after you, frustrated and confused to the max as you ran back to your apartment.
the slamming of the front door makes sana flinch, immediately muting the show she was watching. her head whips to you clumsily running into the living room, kicking your heels off as soon as you saw her.
sana's eyes widen and she's furious again—"what the hell are you wearing?" she stands up, but gets pushed down by you once you make it in front of her. she hates that you look good in that stupid outfit she bought and hates that she can tell your corset was halfway undone.
"doesn't matter—i get what you were trying to tell me yesterday."
"you do?"
sana looks hopeful as you sit next to her, that sweet smile you adored gracing her face.
"yes!" you grin. the way she was smiling at you made you feel like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. "and i'm really sorry for what i said yesterday, that was really shitty of me."
sana shakes her head, "it's okay. you were mad, so was i. i think i could've been nicer but—if it helped you realize it in the end, i guess it's all in the past."
you nod eagerly, barely able to contain your excitement as you lunge forward and kiss her. you sigh, it felt so good to love h—
sana pulls away, hand on your chest to keep you at a distance. "what the fuck?"
your heart sinks. "what? don't you—i thought you liked me?"
sana blinks, looking as shocked as she did yesterday. "of all the things i yelled at you about, that's what you got out of it?"
"isn't that what you were trying to tell me?"
"no, oh my god!"
sana was pacing in front of you now while you were sat and looking up at her like a dumb bunny. (you kind of were one, anyway.)
"i don't want to yell at you again, i'm going to bed."
you watch her leave, snapping out of a trance when she slams the door.
you look back to the tv to see what sana was watching.
the bachelorette, greaaaat. you roll your eyes and change the channel. seeing someone else's messy love life didn't really make you feel better about yours.
huffing, you take your bunny headband off and stare at it down on your lap. what was so hard for you to understand?
you were laying face down on nayeon's couch a week later. you'd been ignoring sana, feeling guilty every time you even thought of her. it didn't exactly help that she kept checking up on you anyway.
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: u ok?
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: i won't be home tonight, staying at momo's
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: lmk if u need anything
"sana texted again." nayeon hums as she sees your phone light up beside her. you'd tossed it out of frustration onto the floor half an hour ago. nayeon was on the floor so she could comb through your hair with a comb she accidentally bought. it was one of those metal tooth ones meant to capture lice.
"you really need to talk to her, y/n."
"i knooooow!" you whine. nayeon was inspecting your hair really well, surprisingly. not that you actually had lice, she was just bored and you were miserable. at least it was relaxing?
"i don't know what to say, though! i've been a complete idiot! what if she hates me?"
"she's been sending you texts every day since you started leeching off me."
you groan. why must sana be the sweetest person ever?
"i'm not leeching off you."
"then go home tonight."
you groan again.
nayeon sits back, putting the comb away and letting you lift your head to face her. "if you're so convinced that she's either jealous or trying to control what you do, why do you care? it's not like you to be this affected by what anyone says."
you shrug, turning around to lay on your back. "i'm trying to figure that out. i'd say it's because she's my roommate but that never stopped me from going behind her back in the past."
"and it's not like i'd give a shit if anyone else told me to fuck off. or push me away if i tried to kiss them."
nayeon raises an eyebrow, "so sana's special?"
"i guess."
she grins. it was nothing she didn't know, she just wanted to hear it from you. "hope you know you've been in love with her for a while now."
you sit up, looking at her like she was crazy. "nayeon. when i say you're crazy i really mean it."
she shakes her head. "no! i'm being serious! think about it, why were you so eager to leave lisa when you thought sana liked you?"
you purse your lips, genuinely thinking about what nayeon was saying.
"and this entire thing of yours started when sana went on a trip abroad with momo! you didn't have access to the most affectionate person in your life for two weeks and you kept whining about how they kept posting each other like they were dating!"
nayeon gets up and sits beside you, rubbing your arm gently. "i didn't say anything at first because god knows you would've told me to fuck off."
"oh, and didn't one of the girls you hooked up with warn you about how bad this was too? what was her name... jihyo? and you wouldn't even listen to her."
"i think i get it, nayeon."
"shhh, no, let me have this. sana's the only person you ever listened to, or at the very least considered changing yourself for. love isn't whatever the hell you're doing to replace the lack of affection in your life—"
"ouch." you grumble, but nayeon just tells you to take it. you do, she was right anyway. "love is how you're acting about sana."
you cringe. "that was the cheesiest thing you could have ever said to me." you mumble as you hug her. "but you're right, i think. thank you."
you don't slam the door closed this time, not wanting to give sana a heart attack with how many times you'd done it before.
as you approach her, you take note of the fact she was watching the bachelorette again. maybe the fake messiness of it all was comforting to her.
"sana?" you whisper, taking a seat beside her. she blinks, surprised to see you home at all. apologies die down in your throat. she looked so gentle.
"i thought you were at momo's?"
"nayeon texted me saying that you might need someone to come home to."
you smile, unable to look her in the eyes anymore. "i'm sorry, sana. for everything. i've been really stupid for the past few months."
"more than stupid, but go on."
you chuckle lightly, your body feeling lighter after realizing she really didn't resent you. "i was too stubborn to listen to anyone about it. except you, evidently. you're... really special to me."
"and i'm sorry for kissing you the other night! god, i was really dumb and just jumped at the chance that you might love me too because i really didn't want to consider that you were right about me hurting myself." sana listened intently as you rambled out your apologies. you were really making sure that you apologized for anything and everything—so much had happened and you hated that sana got caught up in it.
"and i shouldn't have talked about your relationship with miyeon like that. i know how hard it was for you and i was just deflecting and being an ass. sorry."
your eyes meet hers again, sad and brimming with tears. you hold in your breath until she crawls over and hugs you tightly. you hug her back just as tight, crying into her cream colored sweater.
"thank you," sana whispers. "i'm glad you've finally come to your senses. i forgive you." you let out the biggest sigh of relief as she rubs your back comfortingly.
"and i think i'm in love with you."
"i know."
you're suddenly pulled into her lap. sana peels your body off of her so she could wipe your tears away and hold your face. "i.. i love you too, but let me think about it first? this whole situation was so..."
"that's not how i'd describe it, but i guess, yeah, it was messy."
you nod, "it's okay, i understand."
the bachelorette was still playing in the background, filling in the silence between you and sana.
"can i watch with you?"
sana nods, letting you snuggle up beside her. it takes a minute for the two of you to adjust, but as soon as you do, she's talking your ear off about what you need to know about the contestants.
you listen, paying more attention to her expressions than what she's saying.
it felt good to have this again.
it's been two months since you confessed your love to sana.
you never bugged her about it, but she remembered to tell you that she was still thinking about it every now and then. you didn't really mind, anyway, the two of you were back to being attached at the hip and that was more than enough for you.
"have you seen sana?"
you were back at nayeon's place, celebrating her girlfriend's birthday. nayeon looks around, lips pursed. "over there!" she yells because the two of you were standing right by the big speaker chaeyoung brought. "thanks!" you yell back before making your way across the room to sana.
you weave through the crowd, nearly tripping over yourself three times before you finally land in front of sana...
who was talking to someone else.
you try not to be jealous, but it was incredibly hard when the girl she was talking to was visibly falling for her!
you didn't want to look overly possessive, especially because the two of you weren't officially dating. you start walking away, but sana catches you in the corner of her eye.
"y/n!" she calls out, her voice as bubbly as ever. you freeze for a moment but turn back to her and walk over with a tight smile. "hi, sana. hi.." you turn to the girl she was talking to, observing her.
you give her a polite smile before turning back to your roommate. "did you need anything?" she asks, noticing that you've been trying to talk to her the entire time you've been here. "no... just... wanted to see you...?"
they both stare at you for a bit, soyeon extremely confused while sana blushes and giggles. you want the ground to swallow you whole—what kind of an excuse was that?!
"you're adorable, you know?"
you laugh awkwardly and decide to walk away after that. you didn't know how to act knowing other people were interested in your sana.
unluckily for you, she was being talked to all night long. one person after the other, always being stopped when you could see she was trying to make her way to you.
it pissed you off.
you weren't sure what else to do, though, so you just sat on nayeon's couch and sulked for the rest of the night.
sana was humming along to the song playing in the car, making sure to take the long route back home.
"can't last a night without being my center of attention, huh?" she teases, looking over to you while stopped at a red light. you blush, thankful for the red light. (sana's smile made you realize she knew you were blushing anyway.)
"you make me sound terrible." you huff, lips forming a pout. sana chuckles, "i think it's cute."
"wanna go out tomorrow?" she asks, humming as her eyes focus back to the road. you turn to look at her, partly confused and partly because you just wanted to stare at her pretty face. "are you asking me out?"
"but i thought you needed time to think about it...?"
"if you don't want to go out with me, i have soyeon's number, just so you know."
you whine, hitting her arm lightly. "kidding, kidding." she laughs. "it's been two months, n/n. i'm sure i've had a thought since then."
you roll your eyes, you hated how much she loved to mess with you sometimes. "yeah, whatever. i expect to be pampered and be the center of your attention tomorrow." you tease, relaxing back into your seat.
"of course, your majesty."
she stops at another red light, quickly leaning over to kiss you. "only if you do the same for me on the next date, deal?"
you stare at her, completely flustered while she tucks your hair behind your ear. she's so irritating, you love her so bad.
you kiss her again, "deal."
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Hi elle! I was wondering if you could do some angst in where reader is tony's daughter but shes the forgotten one and tony shows a lot of affection to peter and one day she just loses it. Its ok if you don't want to.
Stay safe and drink water!
i’ve never felt so motivated to write something–
content warnings (18+) — immense swearing, mentions of insecurity and negative outlook, yelling, author possibly projecting?, maybe too many italicized words/phrases.
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You knew your dad loved you. He had to. He said it to you a million times before, and made it a point to remind you of it once a day. However, there were moments nowadays where you began to question it. You didn’t really question whether he loved you or not, but rather, whether he loved Peter Parker more than you.
Tony had referred to Peter as the son he’d never had. He’d taken Peter on retreats and to expos when he hadn’t taken you out on a trip since you were nine years old. He’d bought things for Peter, and fixed things for Peter, and every meme or video or cat picture you found on the internet to show to your father would automatically get the response: “send that to me, i want to show it to Peter.”
Peter this and Peter that. It sent you into a spiral of insecurity that you’d never known existed. You truly felt like Tony was trying to tell you something subliminally. You tried to drown yourself in coursework, go to engineering camps, and help out with the Avengers just to try and gain a better understanding of their bond. Of what you lacked. Nothing seemed to help. It jabbed at your feelings like a knife to the back, presumably left by Peter Parker himself.
And the worst part? You’d never even met the guy. You’d never been introduced to Peter Parker, despite how many times Tony mentioned the fact that he’d “love for you two to meet,” and “you two would get along great.” Yeah, sure. And he’s probably some gross ass dude with an untamed beard in his mid–twenties that your father took pity on. So much pity, in fact, that he’d invited Peter to stay over for the weekend in your penthouse apartment.
It was such a sudden proposition, and a last second invite, but it happened. And Tony insisted, despite every protest you attempted to give, that you’d both greet him in the lobby.
So when you were face to face with a surprisingly attractive boy your age who had the deepest brown eyes you’d ever seen and barely packed a duffel bag, you were thrown off your rocker. You hardly had the composure to speak. Thus, your father did for you, smiling wider than you’d ever seen him smile before.
He was barely showing teeth, but you hadn’t seen your father this excited about something in a while. “Kid, this is my daughter, Y/N.” He stated proudly, grasping Peter’s shoulder as he started introductions. “And sweetheart,” Tony addressed you, turning his full focus to you as he gave Peter’s introduction. “This is Peter Parker.”
There was something about him that caused for you to detest him. It wasn’t seen on his clothes, or in his eyes. It wasn’t dangling in the tension between you, or whispered through his silent stares, but it was there. Perhaps, it came from the depths of your subconscious, and the land of your imagination. You shoved that proposition deeper into your subconscious, too.
Because you were certain that you had a hatred for Peter Parker, and his little staycation with the Stark’s would prove it.
The first night was fine. Your dad didn’t make you do any activities together, thank God, but he did surprise you with the news that he had to leave the next morning for a last second Avengers emergency. He didn’t know when he’d be back, but Tony assigned you and Peter with the task of rewiring a circuit board in his lab before he returned.
Being the daughter of Tony Stark, you’d taken the initiative to finish the project yourself. It was your house, anyways. It was a request that your father had made to you, so you intended to do it. You just hated the fact that Peter persisted in being with you in the room while you finished it. You hated the silence he left in the room, and the way he kept checking over your shoulder. God, you just hated him. You were sure of it.
You could feel his presence watching over your hands as they worked. You could feel the weight of his judgment, his breath catching in hesitation. You could smell the fumes of his cologne, and the aroma of his hair products. It was infuriating. It was pressuring. It felt mocking, taunting.
He stepped closer, hands reaching over to where yours were tinkering, yet they didn’t dare to touch your project. “A–actually, you should move the circuit focus closer to the–”
The audacity he had to question you. The nerve he struck with his comment, it filled you with rage.
Wrench and wire were thrown to the table, clanking and clamoring as they caved to gravity’s pull. Their sound was the only thing keeping you and Peter from shared silence. The shared silence of your anger. You turned your head to look at him, hoping that you weren’t physically exhaling flames like you imagined you were.
“Can you just.. not?” The question almost came out as a laugh. You nearly laughed, in disbelief that Peter Parker thought he had any say in how you built a robotic contraption. “Can you just fucking not?”
Walls had been building up inside you, livid and rageful feelings clouding your judgment as you glared at him. You couldn’t see just how shocked he was, thrown off at your irritation. You couldn’t see how puzzled he was, or panicked that he’d done something to upset you so much. You just stared into the eyes of what felt like your replacement. You felt empty, worthless, as your figure reflected back at you through the glistening of his eyes.
“Can I not what? Did I– Did I upset you?” Just the sound of his voice crawled beneath your skin. It felt worse than the sleek of humidity, or nails on a chalkboard. It sounded teasing, coy.
It was the final straw.
Nails dug into your palm as your hands formed fists. One fist pressed to your forehead, almost speaking as a warning to tell you to keep composure, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t fucking stand it anymore. “Can you stop being so fucking perfect all the time?” The words slipped out before you could stop them.
There were several things that you’d been wanting to say to Peter Parker. You’d wanted to tell him off for a long time, but you’d never gotten the chance. Now, you’d given yourself the opportunity to let the floodgates open and your tongue run wild.
“You’re always making shit competitive and iT’S NOT OKAY. It’s not my fault that my own father loves yOU MORE THAN ME! Doesn’t mean you have to fucking rub it in my face every gODDAMN FUCKING HOUR!!” God, this felt good. “You can just do my job for me!! Fucking move into my rOOM at this point, Tony won’t know the difference!!” You scoffed, “In fact, he’d probably be tHRILLED that you FINALLY REPLACED ME!!”
Peter Parker blinked a few times at you. His mouth hung agape, too scared to say anything and interrupt what looked like things you had been needing to say. The look infuriated you.
“Build the circuit board by your goddamn fucking self and leave me the fuck alone!!” And as you made the final statement, you turned to make your leave. The subtle breeze caught your face, and you felt the air hit your cheeks cold; you hadn’t noticed that you’d started crying.
You also hadn’t noticed the fact that your dad entered the room. You froze dead in your tracks at the sight of him, tears brimming your eyes again when you saw how upset he looked.
It wasn’t your intention for him to hear all of that, but you couldn’t take back the truth once it’d gotten out. You took a staggered breath, choking back a sob as you rushed out. You didn’t know which hurt more: to hear your father’s footsteps tread further from you, or to hear him ask Peter about what was happening rather than you directly.
Either way, it was an added punch right to the gut.
It felt like ten minutes of sobbing in your room went by before a knock was placed on your door. You were about to answer, but you weren’t given the chance; your father opened the door as soon as he’d placed the knock, a solemn look coating his face as he looked at you from the doorframe. It was a solemn look that resembled disappointment.
He was disappointed in you.
Your dad was disappointed that you’d blown a fuse in front of your house guest. Disappointed that you’d ruined your chance at a good first impression. Disappointed that you’d shown such weakness. He was disappointed that you didn’t meet his expectations. He was disappointed in you for not making his honorary son feel more welcomed. Your father was disappointed in you for fucking it all up. You could tell.
Tony took careful steps towards your bed, sitting next to you as you stifled your sobs down a bit. “Do.. You want to talk about what happened back there?” His tone was softer than you’d anticipated for someone who was disappointed in you. It almost sounded apologetic, sympathetic; you were certain that your mind was reaching for a false reality.
A sniffle caught your breath as you looked at him, fresh tears framing your face. “How much of that did you hear?” You were almost too scared to ask, but you needed to know. You had to know which bit of air to clear first.
“All of it.” Tony started, “From the part where you asked Peter not to be so fucking perfect all the time..” His tone got a little sharper, almost witty. It sounded like he was trying to make humor of your meltdown. As though he were trying to find a way to cheer you up, or tell you to grow up and get over yourself. You couldn’t tell.
You averted eye contact for a moment, trying not to blow up again. Luckily, most of the anger in your system was boiling down to melancholia. Your tears ran rivers down your face as you tried to find the words to say. “I just don’t understand..” You started, keeping your voice from breaking.
Every speck of humor fled from his face at how upset you were getting. Tony’s brows pressed together, graveness and concern bleeding through his tone of voice. “Don’t understand what, honey?” The gentleness of his tone reminded you of when he’d comfort you in childhood. It took you back to when he’d snapped at you and wanted to apologize, or when you’d scraped your knee and he rushed to patch you up. It started to ease the narrative in your head that Tony was angry with you for your little tantrum.
“I, uh.. I don’t—” A shaky breath cut you off. You weren’t sure how to communicate this feeling lightly. It’d been bottled up and growing inside you for a couple months now. You knew you’d have to tell him at some point, you just despised how raw it was. It was pure vulnerability. “I don’t understand what I did to not be good enough–” You couldn’t even get through the sentence before your lip quivered.
That was when Tony looked at you like the entire world shattered. His entire world shattered. The disappointment flooded his expression once again, but it hit you that it was never directed at you — Tony was disappointed in himself. His eyes held the weight of failing as a father, of making you feel this rejected. He failed by making you feel rejected in the first place. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a suffocating hug; you weren’t sure if he’d ever actually be able to let go of it, yet it was the kind of hug you didn’t want to part from. A hug that shielded you from the entire world.
His lips pressed to your temple, along with a few stray tears he couldn’t catch beforehand. It was rare to catch your father tearful, yet you seemed to lower that guard when you started the conversation. He held you close, letting you cry out the feelings you’d locked away for so long.
“Y/N, you’re more than enough..” He lulled, voice breaking ever so slightly, “It’s my fault you ever felt like you weren’t..” His words were everything you’d hoped to hear. You’d began to believe the possibility that actually hearing them wasn’t actuality. This insecurity had driven you beyond wild, to the point where you believed that your father’s intentions were pinned against you.
They never were.
Tony held you in his arms for the next hour, letting you talk out your growing anxiety. You talked about everything from your fomo towards their retreats and trips, to how thrown off you were that Peter was your age.
“I actually think you two would make a cute couple.” Tony started, laughing at how quick you were to throw a punch at his bicep. The melancholy had worn off both of you, and the room started to fill with laughter. “I’m serious!” Tony threw his arms up to mock defeat before changing the topic a little. “But really, I think he wants to apologize to you for what happened.”
Your face drew a blank, mixing shock and confusion as you blinked at your father a few times. “Parker wants to apologize to me? For my meltdown?”
A shrug caught in your father’s posture. “You two are more similar than you think, hon.” His tone was light and sincere as he chuckled, quietly, “You both put the weight of other people’s mistakes on your shoulders.” His words draped a blanket of guilt over your body. Your own words from said meltdown began to replay through your brain like a broken record; the blame you’d thrown at Peter was wrongfully served.
You knew you needed to apologize.
After rebuilding trust with your father, and mentally rehearsing how to apologize to Peter, you made your way across the apartment to the guest room.
The door was already open, and gave you the perfect view of Peter seated on the edge of the bed. He was reading, fidgeting fingers at the edge of his pages, and chocolate curls shadowing his focused expression.
Now that you’d been able to release the steam of your self–consciousness, you realized that hatred wasn’t the actual feeling you had towards Peter; it was envy. And once you had talked things out with your father, the clouds of your judgment cleared from your vision and you could finally see Peter Parker for who he really was: a boy. A boy your age who needed a place to crash for the weekend.
You felt guilty for interrupting his reading, but at this point, the feeling was a tiny speck to add to your growing pile of culpability. The knock was gentle, and immediately pulled his eyes to meet yours.
“Mind if I come in for a minute?” You had to croak the words out, but still managed to keep a softness to your tone. You didn’t want to yell at him again, or come across like you were about to.
The look he gave you wasn’t one you weren’t expecting; he eyed you like he’d committed an unforgivable crime, or like you’d break if he didn’t hold you together. It gave you reassurance that this apology definitely needed to come out sooner than later.
Peter book–marked his place without looking, keeping his stare fixed on you while he nodded. “Please,” He gestured to the foot of the bed beside him, “Sit. I– uh, I was planning to find you and see if you were alright, but I didn’t want to interrupt your space.”
As you sat down beside him, a smile touched your lips at how thoughtful he was. “I appreciate that, but I–I owe you an apology, Peter..” You never broke your eye contact, but the look in your eyes grew more urgent, pleading. “I am so sorry for speaking to you that way, and–”
You cut yourself off at the sight of Peter waving his hands in dismissal. He mirrored the look in your eyes, “No, Y/N, I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. I don’t want you to feel like I’m here to replace you.” His words held a direness that yours should have. Your dad was right, Peter really was putting the gravity of this into his hands.
To stop his spiral, you touched his arm for a minute, “Peter, that wasn’t your fault. It was mine for assuming and unloading all of that shit onto you. And I’m sorry for that.”
His eyes alone begged you to let him win the argument. “I still could have–”
You cut him off, “Peter, it’s not your fault.” You tried to emphasize your point, noticing the way he read your expression. His eyes scanned every inch of your face, searching for what looked like a sign of your uncertainty. His lips parted to contribute his side of the argument, but one look from you shut his trap pretty quickly.
Peter’s shoulder’s eased, but his eyes still glistened with ambition. He wanted you to understand his perspective a little. “Did your dad tell you how nervous I was to meet you?”
That wasn’t what you were expecting. Your eyes widened a little, shaking your head in response. Peter Parker? Nervous to meet you? The way your dad talked about him didn’t set him up to be that way. Of course, seeing him in front of you changed your perception a little. “No, he didn’t.” You were honest.
He wet his lips, parting them with the warmest smile you’d ever set your eyes on. The laugh that spilt from them was melodic, laced with a bit of nerves. He rubbed a muscle on the back of his neck, suddenly choking up. “Yeah, I was pretty nervous.” His brow arched slightly, complimenting his grin photogenically. “I was nervous ‘cause Mister Stark’s always talking the world to me about his amazing daughter.” Peter’s smile grew in your direction, stirring a hurricane of butterflies through your stomach.
It felt like the two of you were in the midst of a staring contest; though, instead of the intense anticipation glistening in each other’s eyes, you mutually stared at each other in security. You’d both had the immense pressure of making good impressions toward the other on your shoulders.
Peter repositioned himself on the bed, now seated facing you. His legs were crossed beneath him, his knee a hair from touching yours. “You, Y/N, are not only his greatest accomplishment, but you’re his best friend.” His words spread like butter over every worry you’d had, melting away that crippling insecurity with it. “I think he wants to be you when he grows up.”
The laughs that bubbled up your throat brought attention to the tears brimming your eyes. You blinked them away, mirroring Peter’s earnest expression. “I can tell why my dad’s always talking about you.” You told him, “And here I was thinking you’d be some old ass dude living in his mother’s basement, but here we are.”
“And here I was thinking you wouldn’t be drop–dead gorgeous.” His cheeks were ablaze with crimson, sending a pink glow of your own to your complexion. “But, here we are.”
Your smile grew, rolling your eyes playfully at him. “Alright, casanova. Save it for the love letters.” It felt nice to share laughter like this with Peter. You were glad that you gave him a second chance. Not breaking eye contact, you slid off the bed and rose to your feet. “I’ll let you get back to your reading”
Peter watched you get up to go, looking a little disappointed. You were almost surprised, but likewise, both you and Peter hid the honesty of your feelings behind the curtains of a smile.
“You don’t have to. You could stay if you want.” He started, but a look flashed behind his eyes that was rather telling; he seemed to panic over his eagerness for your company. “Unless you don’t want to–”
Biting the inside of your cheek hurt, but it was the only way to hide how wide your smile grew. “I’d love to, but I need to finish that circuit board.” And thus, the idea struck you. “You doing anything later though?”
His brows pressed together in a curious way. “Not really. You planning something?”
“Yeah. My dad and I usually have movie nights tonight.” You took paces backwards towards the door, but stalled from the moment you’d have to part ways. “You should join us! It’s my turn to pick.”
The sight of his dimples made you realize just how much you’d grown fond of his smile. It was already getting difficult to leave his presence; you knew if you didn’t leave now, you probably never would.
“Well, then you better pick a good one, just for me.” He challenged. You’d make it your goal to satisfy his request.
If even possible, it felt like your grin grew. “I plan to.”
And that said, the three of you met in the home–theater and watched Jurassic Park together. You had Tony on your left geeking out over the CGI technology from the 80s, and Peter on his left geeking out about how accurate the movie was from the book. It made your film decision that much better. It also was the best movie night you’d had in a long while.
Perhaps your dad was right: you and Peter Parker really would get along great.
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chloe-skywalker · 6 months
Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles x reader sister
Derek x reader-ish
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,085
Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Help!” Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.
“Stiles what happened?” Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.
“Just please help her.” Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn’t take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.
Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. “She’s stable for now.”
“For now?” Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.
“I don’t know how long she’ll stay stable for.” She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she’s known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.
“Mom?” Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.
“Its not looking good, hunny. I’m sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles.” Melissa bit her lip in solace that they’d probably all have to say goodbye.
“What if I could help? The bite.” Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.
“No. That could still kill her.” Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.
Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. “I’m just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway.”
“That’s not what she would want.” Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn’t know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn’t that enough? “Stiles, you know that.”
“Do it.” Stiles didn’t care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn’t lose his sister.
“No Scott.” Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. “I know it’s not what she’d want but I don’t have a choice. We don’t have a choice. Plus she trust’s Derek…”
Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn’t want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don’t do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.
“We have to try. I can’t lose my sister, Scott.” Stiles pleaded with his eyes.
“If the bite doesn’t take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles.” Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn’t want to see her die either.
“At least we tried, because Scott we’re gonna lose her anyway if we don’t.” Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. “Do it.”
“Follow me.” Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.
It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.
“She's stable and improving.” Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.
“The bite worked?” Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn’t have to bury another friend.
Derek nodded with relieved eyes. “It worked. I can sense it. Feel it.”
After all, she was his beta now.
“Good. Good.” Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.
“You know she might be pissed.” Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.
“Oh she’s going to be pissed.” Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn’t treat him like the others.
“Then at least I made the decision that saved her life.” Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.
Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.
Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.
“I’m different now. You made that choice for me.” Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.
“I didn’t have any other choice.” Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.
“I need a break Stiles.” Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn’t dechirer.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.
“I’m going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it.” Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.
“Y/n-” Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.
“I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind.” Y/n told him hoping he’d get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. “I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don’t want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we’re closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I’m afraid I’m gonna hurt you.”
“Ok” Stiles couldn’t say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she’d hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
love not at first sight
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pairing: sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: sam witnesses an intruder breaking in through her window at night...
words: 3.790k
warnings: pepper spraying, punching, swearing, bad writing
authors note: i'm sick, i'm sad and i'm sober. so i decided to drag my ass out of writers block and write about my wife
It was a dull Friday night in the Carpenter apartment; Tara out with her friends partying -much to Sam's dissatisfaction-, Quinn over at one of her boy toys apartment definitely having much more fun than Sam, who sat alone in her living room watching a movie with a glass of red wine.
The movie didn't interest Sam at all, to be honest she only really put on the first movie she saw so she wouldn't be alone in silence. 
Sam always enjoyed solitude before the hallucinations, she used to love being alone with her thoughts. But ever since she found out that Billy fucking Loomis was her father, she's never been able to truly enjoy her alone time as she used to. 
Paranoid at any given moment she'll hear his voice telling her to make her dark thoughts a reality.
As the movie reached its end Sam sighed, finishing off her wine with it. 
The gnawing feeling of protectiveness hit her at the thought of Tara out there partying with her friends. Sam really hated Tara constantly going out to parties, the fear of not knowing where Tara is at all times scaring her more than she'd like to admit. 
Sam stood up slowly from the couch as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket, unlocking it to send Tara another message.
Sam (8:45pm): If you need me, call me and I'll be there straight away.
Tara (9:21pm): ok
Sam (10:13pm): I'm heading off to bed soon, I've left the door unlocked for you, please don't stay out too late.
Tara (11:38pm): thx
Sam (12:12am): It's getting quite late now, Tara. Please be back before one, I don't like you staying out so late.
Sam stared at the screen for a few minutes in hopes Tara would respond quickly, but it didn't surprise her when she didn't. Shutting her phone off she shoved it back into her jean pocket, heading towards the dark kitchen with her empty glass of wine.
How sad is this, Sam thought sarcastically to herself as she dropped the glass next to the sink, leaning against the counter for a moment. 
Just for that moment she heard a sound, it was essentially non audible, but somehow Sam heard it. 
 Turning around so her back faced the counter Sam slowly opened the drawer and grabbed the one of many pepper sprays, gripping it tightly in her right hand. 
The room fell silent. 
Sam's eyes peered around the kitchen frantically, desperately trying to figure out where that noise came from. 
When suddenly the kitchen window began rolling open slowly, and a few moments later a figure emerged.
The kitchen wasn't lit with any light which didn't allow Sam to see the intruders face, using that to her advantage she creeped towards the person who had no clue Sam was there.
"I'm never touching fucking jäger again." A feminine voice slurred out, wobbling towards the wall, aimlessly looking out for a light switch.
Sam's steps were featherlight as she crept behind her, her eyes cold and dark as the woman's hand found the light switch on the wall. 
The lights flickered on causing the woman to groan as she turned away, her body turning to look at Sam.
Before the woman could do anything Sam without hesitation pepper sprayed the woman right in her eyes erupting a loud scream from the woman.
"Who the fuck are you?!" Sam yelled darkly as she stepped back, the screaming woman covering her already crying red eyes. 
"Who the fuck are you?!" You yelled back, copying Sam's words but with much more emotion compared to Sam's tone void of one. "My eyes! I think I'm going blind?!" You screeched, Sam rolled her eyes coldly as she threateningly raised her hand up again, holding the pepper spray. 
"Why are you in my apartment?" Sam demanded her patience for this drunken stranger running thin. 
"My eyes are burning, oh god they're melting off aren't they?" You whined before she coughed aggressively, completely dismissing Sam's question. "Why did you attack me?" You screamed as you dropped your hands from your eyes, revealing your red bloodshot eyes with red puffy skin, tears flowing out of your eyes at a rapid pace.
"Why wouldn't I?" Sam spat out as she lowered her hand back down, although you were a complete stranger she knew she meant no harm and was only a drunken fool. 
You scoffed as you glared at Sam, coughing as you covered your hand over your mouth. "Look, I don't care if you're one of Danny's sleeping buddies, I will kick your ass out of my apartment." 
"Your apartment? This is my apartment you fucking idiot, nobody named Danny even lives here!" You blinked frowned as you opened your mouth to argue, your eyes finally scanning the scenery around you, finally you noticed that this wasn't your apartment.
Your burning eyes widened dramatically as you turned to look at Sam, eyes not even focused on her. 
"You're not one of Brackett's bum buddies?" You questioned in a slurring voice. Sam grimaced at the thought as she figured out you somehow knew Danny, her new friend. 
"Danny doesn't even live here, lady. He lives in the apartment complex opposite of here." Sam explained through gritted teeth as she pointed towards the window you came from, pointing towards the other apartment building. 
"Oh." You mumbled. Sam scoffed as she nodded her head. "Yes, oh." 
"Where the fuck am I then?" Sam was about to strangle you, she swears on her dead fathers grave. 
"You're in my house, not yours and Danny's, and I'd really appreciate it if you'd fuck off." Sam explained as she stormed off past you, hitting you in the shoulders as she headed towards the door.
You scoffed loudly as you sloppily turned around to peer at where Sam was going. "No need to be rude, Miss Pepper Spray." You said, laughing a little at your own words as if you were the funniest person on earth. 
Sam rolled her eyes as she opened the door with force, leaning against the door. "You live with Danny Brackett?" She asked to which you nodded her head, walking towards Sam, almost tripping over yourself in your high heels. 
"How do you know, Miss Pepper Spray?" You mumbled as you walked past Sam, leaving the apartment in whole.
Sam felt ever so tempted to slam the door shut and forget about you, but that gnawing feeling of letting you walk alone in the night didn't feel right to Sam. Especially since you were having issues seeing because Sam had pepper sprayed you.
Biting the inside of her cheeks she watched as you wandered to the opposite end of where the stairs were, talking to yourself at how much your eyes hurt. 
"Fuck sakes." Sam grumbled before she marched towards you, dragging you back into the apartment.
"Stop moving so fast!" You whined as Sam shut the door, walking towards the dining table still holding your forearm. 
Sam ignored you as she forcefully sat you down on one of the wooden chairs, turning her back on you a few seconds later to grab a 'Pepper Spray Antidote' spray from the same draw she got the pepper spray. 
A purchase she had made many months ago after Chad peppered sprayed himself in the eyes.
"Am I back home?" You asked as Sam approached you, her eyes still cold as she grabbed at your jaw, making you look up at her. 
Your painfully red eyes widened at the hold. "Don't kill my eyes again please!" 
Sam rolled her eyes as she showed you the spray. "This will help with the pain." Sam told you, to which you beamed at. She took that as permission as she  stepped closer to you, standing between your legs as she stared down at you. Carefully she began spraying a large amount of the liquid into your eyes, her grip on your jaw softening the slightest. 
As Sam suddenly noticed the closeness she couldn’t help but notice how utterly gorgeous you are.
Every single feature about you Sam couldn’t help but find attractive. Your hair, your figure, your lips, your small relieved smile and even your eyes, even when slightly swollen and bloodshot she could still admire your beauty. 
Was it the wrong time to think that? 
Once she sprayed more than enough on both eyes she dropped the spray onto the table. "Better?" Sam asked, you nodded your head slowly as Sam felt you lean into her hand. "Still hurts like a bitch though." 
"Can you see better?" She questioned once again; her voice had softened but you couldn't tell the difference. 
"Good enough." She mumbled as she dropped her hand from your jaw. "I'm taking you back to your actual apartment now, lady. So c'mon." 
"Lady? That's fancy." You snorted as you wobbly stood up, arms spread out as you tried to balance yourself. 
Sam tried not to facepalm at the entire situation, it made it even harder since Sam for some reason made it her duty to look after you.
"Can you walk?" She asked impatiently, her eyes flickering down to your heels. You looked down with Sam, giggling like a child.
"Jesus, I forgot how big these heels are." Sam sighed as she looked around the apartment to see if there were any trainers near. Her eyes landed on her old Nike trainers, those will do, she thought to herself as she went over to grab them.
Picking them up off of the floor she returned to you. "Do you want to walk back home in these?" You nodded your head greedily at that.
"Please, my feet are killing me more than my eyes." You slurred as you dropped back down onto the chair. Slowly, you took off your heels with a relieved moan. 
Not wanting to waste more time, Sam simply dropped to her knees and put the shoes on for you.
"Holy shit, I'm like cinderella." You laughed drunkenly as you looked down at Sam with amusement. Sam huffed as she gazed back up at you, an unamused look on her face. "And you're my prince charming, well, my princess charming. Girls do it better anyway." 
Amen to that 
Sam stood up swiftly as she offered her hand to you, to which you accepted with a lazy smile. "Thank you my princess charming who pepper sprays people." 
The corners of Sam's mouth twitched upwards to which she instantly fought the urge to smile.
"Stop calling me that." Sam mumbled as she walked alongside the slightly more sobered up you, taking slow steps. 
"But Miss Pepper Spray Princess Charming is such a good name." You argued with a grin as you walked much straighter than beforehand, still swaying from side to side but it had decreased compared to earlier. 
Sam rolled her eyes as your high heels dangled from her hands. "Just call me my real name, Sam." 
You turned to look at her with hazy eyes as you smiled widely. "Sam." You said slowly, as if you were testing her name. "I'll just call you princess Sam then." 
Sam sighed instantly and she regretted telling you her name, more focused on making sure you'll make it home safely Sam stayed silent. 
"So, princess Sam, you wanna guess my name?" You asked, breaking the silence that Sam hoped would fill the walk to Danny's apartment. 
"No." Sam grunted as she walked in front of you while walking down the stairs, just in case you'd fall on her, Sam breaking your fall. 
You rolled your eyes at Sam's boring answer. "No isn't my name. Try again?"
"Can't we walk in silence until we arrive at yours and Danny's apartment?" You shook your head with a goofy grin as Sam held the door open for you, giggling as you walked past her. "Thank you princess charming Sam, and the answer is no. So guess!" 
"Jesus Christ." The tall woman muttered under her breath as she walked by your side, her shoulder touching yours. You snorted as you turned to look at her with an amused expression. "I ain't the big J." 
"Annoying?" Sam said sarcastically.
"You're really bad at this guessing game you know." You mumbled as you accidentally leaned closer to Sam as you walked.
Sam huffed a dry laugh as she looked around the quiet street before she crossed the road with you. 
"And you really know how to be fucking annoying." 
"That's kinda of a cunt thing to say rather than charming, princess Sam." You remarked with a giggle. 
Sam's jaw tightened as she would've rather went to the party with Tara rather than have to deal with you, a drunken stranger breaking into her house. 
"You're just gonna give up on the guessing game?" You teased with a slight slur still audible to your voice. 
Sam nodded her head curtly as she opened the double doors to the apartment complex, holding it open for you once again. 
"Guess you'll never find out then." You said as you strolled over to the elevator, grinning to yourself as you entered it. 
"How sad." She spat out sarcastically. Sam followed as she stood next to you, who's leaning against the wall. 
You clicked the button '7' and within a second the doors closed as a soft hum of elevator music filled up the metal box, taking the two of you upwards.
You hummed along with the music, eyes focused on the small digital clock on top of the doors. Sam studied you -who was completely unaware of her peering eyes- with an un described expression. 
Had it been anyone else Sam would've thrown them out without a second thought, maybe even gone further than pepper spraying if the person fought back. But she's going all the steps with you, a complete stranger who randomly lives with her friend. 
Is she only doing this in case Danny would find out she had kicked out his venerable and stupid roommate at night, or was it something else? 
Sam isn't sure herself.
The elevator dinged loudly dragging Sam out of her thoughts, you sighed as you sluggishly walked out of the elevator, Sam following behind you.
You walked over to the apartment door to which Sam quickly wrapped her long slender fingers around your wrist, dragging you towards the correct door she knew Danny Brackett lived in.
"My saviour, princess Sam." You giggled to yourself. 
Sam had completely run out of her patience by this moment, her body tired as she had to deal with this drunken stranger.
Banging on the door roughly with her hand in a tight fist, she stayed like that until a pissed off Danny opened the door.
His eyes widened in confusion as he took in the scene of you, still drunk and leaning against Sam and Sam with an unamused expression. 
"You're lucky I didn't kill her." She mumbled to him. You grinned as you noticed Danny, throwing your arms up in the air.
"Ignore her Danny, Princess Sam is just grumpy." You told him as you walked past him, turning to look at Sam one final time, grinning like a fool as you waved enthusiastically. "Bye princess charming Sam."
Sam rolled her eyes as she fluttered her eyes away from your figure to Danny's very apparent smirk.
"Princess Sam?" He asked with amusement, Sam shook her head in annoyance. "Don't."
He laughed as he crossed his arms over his chest, glancing back at you tripping into your room before he leaned against the doorframe. 
"Did you see her at the club?" He asked to which Sam shook her head, stifling a dry laugh.
"She broke into my apartment thinking it was yours, so I pepper sprayed her." Danny's eyes widened dramatically as she did a double take back to the direction of your room.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry Sam. That couldn't have been nice. Y/n is such a stupid twat when she gets hammered." He apologised with a sympathetic smile. "Thank you for making sure she got home safe though, even though what she did was just stupid." 
Y/n, that name suits her, Sam can't help but think.
Sam laughed for the first time that day as she nodded her head in agreement with him. "Very." 
He sighed as he rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb. "I'm gonna go make sure she doesn't choke on her own puke. Again, sorry about her." 
"Goodnight, Danny." Sam said with a crooked smile before she turned to leave, more desperate to get to her bed than before.
That night it didn’t take long for Sam to fall asleep. Tara was thankfully back in the apartment and fast asleep in her bed before Sam had even arrived back, which granted Sam permission to lock the door. 
Sam couldn’t help but think about you as she fell asleep, much to her annoyance. Her mind kept wandering back to you at any given moment. 
Why hadn’t she heard Danny mention you before? How much did you have to drink? How the fuck could someone be so breath takingly beautiful even when shitfaced? Did you think of Sam before you fell asleep? 
Eventually Sam managed to fall asleep and stayed asleep for the rest of the night until the day. For the first time in a long time, Sam didn’t have a shift the next morning so the woman could have a much needed lay in. 
Waking up around eleven Tara had somehow awakened before her, tiredly making her hangover breakfast. Sam grinned as she entered the kitchen to greet her sister, feeling much better than her younger sister. 
The two chatted amongst each other as Sam helped Tara cook since she was convinced Tara was the absolute worst cook ever, always burning or undercooking her meals. After the two had made their meals they moved to eat it in the living room, Tara putting on Brooklyn Nine Nine for them to watch. 
As they began eating a loud knock was heard at the door, Tara groaned at the loud noise as Sam sighed getting up from the comfy couch. She placed her plate on the coffee table before she walked over to the door, looking through the peephole she was surprised to see you standing there wearing thick black sunglasses and a small backpack. 
Sam hesitated for a moment but reluctantly unlocked the door for you, leaning against the doorframe once she opened the door. You gave Sam a nervous smile as your hand went to lay on the back of your neck. 
“Hey, Sam.” You croaked out in a much more sober voice compared to the one you had last night. “Did you sleep well?” You added after a few seconds. 
Sam shrugged her shoulders as her eyes gazed at your face, a weird feeling tugging at her heartstrings the longer she gazed at your sunglasses, knowing you were hiding your swollen red eyes. 
“Slept as well as a robber after a successful break in.” You chuckled as you nodded your head weakly, your hand dropping from your neck. “I guess that wasn’t the best way to meet, was it?” 
Sam scoffed loudly. “No it was not.” 
You smiled nervously at the woman as Sam noticed a small blush appearing on your cheeks. “I’m really sorry about that, by the way. I drank way too much, and I know that’s not an excuse for my actions, but the alcohol definitely didn’t help me in any way.” You apologised with an awkward laugh. 
For some reason Sam found amusement in the entire situation, fighting the urge to smile because of you once again. “Yeah, I heard you mumbling something about never touching jäger again.” 
You automatically winced at the words as if they were revolting, this time Sam couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh at the sight. “I’m honestly impressed I can even stand up straight right now. I had like sixteen shots of jäger from a drinking game.” You said as you pointed at your sunglasses. “Which explains why I'm wearing these glasses indoors, I cannot handle light at all right now. Plus I didn’t want to traumatise people with my fucked up eyes.” 
“At least the glasses make you look like a bodyguard.” Sam inquired with a small smile tugging at her lips, you laughed as you nodded your head. “Robber by night, con artist by day.” You say grinning. 
Sam laughs at the stupid joke, the corner of her eyes crinkling as her lips curl upwards in a larger smiler. 
Why the fuck am I laughing so hard, that was a shit joke.
“Anyway, I came here for another reason other than apologising.” You explained as you shrugged off your bag. Sam watched you carefully as you took out Sam’s borrowed pair of shoes, smiling nervously as you passed them back over. “Thanks for letting me borrow these, Princess Charming.” 
Sam rolled her eyes as she snatched the shoes from you, biting her inner cheek. “Just call me Sam..” 
You shook your head as you smirked, letting out a low laugh as you zipped your bag back closed, throwing it over your shoulders. “But you’re the princess charming to my cinderella.” 
“Whatever.” Sam muttered with a small smile. 
You sighed as you glanced down the hallway before you looked back at Sam, your mouth opening to say something before you abruptly shut it before any words could be uttered. Pursing your lips you nodded your head at Sam. 
“See you around, Sam.” 
Sam almost frowned as she noticed you were leaving, instead she gave you a curt nod back. You waited for a second for Sam to say anything but she stayed silent, you smiled at her one final time before you turned to leave. 
She watched you leave until you were fully out of her view, only then she sighed before reentering her apartment, holding her shoes as she walked back towards the living room.
“Who was that?” Tara asked, her voice loud taking Sam by surprise, making the woman drop the shoes. “Shit.” Sam grumbled as she bent down to pick them up, as she snatched at the pair she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. 
Her brows furrowed together confused as she went to grab it with her free hand. As Sam read the small ripped piece of paper the corners of her lips curled up into a smile. 
“i usually make better first impressions, maybe i could show you on a date sometime? :) 
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kyojurismo · 1 year
I don't know If this counts as an Emergency Request and I know I've already made like two, but can I have an emergeny request?!
I'm just now realizing how freaking messed up I am with comfort and knowing when I need help and Why I want and hate physical contact so much!
I'm terrified when people start yelling and I get really shaking and -twitchy when people start raising their voices becuase I associate loud voices with "physical punishment"
I hate asking for emotinal support becuase I'm afraid of being pushed aside and scolded. I'm now realizing why I want to be hugged with so much force and just scream!
I'm asking for Kyojuro, Tengen and his wives, Akaza and Sanemi in a scenario where fem reader is remebering her home life as a child so she suddenly gets really jumping, twitchy, emotinal, and anxious, but refuses to admit she needs help becuase actaully aknowleging it terrifies her, but then she hears someone loudly yelling and breaks down just wanting to squeeze and scream and becuase her family relationship, she doesn't know how to react when she is just genuinly comforted.
Please, I'm really wanting some comfort right now, even if its just ficton.
▸ ANSWERING. i’m in super delay and i deeply apologise. i’m not sure i actually did justice to this kind of feeling… i hope that’s okay and that it’ll help you a bit <3 i’m sending you a big big hug 🫂
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. kyojuro rengoku x fem!reader, tengen uzui & wives x fem!reader, sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader, akaza x fem!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. this is my first time writing for akaza i’m shaking, tension, crying, childhood trauma, angst but with comfort, not proofread ofc. lemme know if i missed something !!
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kyojuro is checking senjuro's training, giving him advice and such, while you're cleaning the living area. you remember a moment from when you were young, casually: it's your mother scolding you because you're crying, then your father is here too... you sigh heavily and shake your head, as if to get rid of that memory.
you're unconsciously trembling the whole time, but keep on cleaning. every noise starts to get you more and more nervous, until you hear shinjuro calling kyojuro's name from his room, his tone always so rude, that you break down.
you fall on the ground, hiding your teary face and heavily shaking. kyojuro notices and is soon by your side, checking on you. senjuro goes to their father instead, avoiding him getting angry.
"y/n, what's wrong?" he asks you, trying to gently move your hands from your face. "i'll... i can handle this," you quickly reply, pushing him away. kyojuro frowns, not truly understanding the situation. "i just need to finish cleaning," you whisper and try to grab the cloth you were using to clean the table before kyojuro stops you.
"why are you crying?" he tries again, searching for your eyes. "i'm not crying!" you snap at him, not really making him back away. "baby..." it is as if you're crying even more at this point. kyojuro pulls you against his chest, circling you with his arms.
he's warm, his perfume is comforting and familiar, his big hands are caressing your back gently, soothing you. "w-what are you doing?" you ask, trying to move in his embrace. "i'm comforting you. you're not alone, darling," he caresses your wet cheek and smiles down at you. "i'm here for you, when you're feeling good and when you're down, you don't have to push away your feelings, or else it will get worse."
you stare into his glowing eyes, listening in silence. you've never felt like this before. you were used to force yourself to simply push forward when you were feeling down or overwhelmed, your parents never truly comforted you and kyojuro doing it so loving made a new wave of tears streaming down your cheeks.
"it's okay, let it out."
[the memory is pretty much the same for the tengen & sanemi too]
you let a plate fall on the floor, making hinatsuru, who's standing by your side, jump. "wait, don't move..." she says, before kneeling down to gather the broken pieces before throwing them away. "i'm so sorry," you say on the verge of tears.
hina simply shakes her head and smiles at you. "we have plenty of plates, honey," she chuckles, before resuming washing the rest of dirty dishes.
you follow her example and keep drying the now clean dishes. in the back of your head you hear your father shouting at you for breking something and you jump, making another plate fall and break. hinatsuru turns towards you, nothing your distressed expression.
"lord tengen is gonna get mad... i'm so sorry, hinatsuru!" you cry, even though deep inside you know tengen rarely raised his voice at the four of you. "oh baby... don't worry about the plates, no one will scold you for breaking them," she tries to assure you, taking your hand.
makio comes into the kitchen, noticing the broken plate. "what happened?? someone tried to attack you?!" she raises her voice due to preoccupation, checking the whole area to make sure nobody is there to hurt you. "an attack?!" here comes suma. "hey!" tengen enters the kitchen too, to see what's the matter.
"he will get angry, he will scold me again, he will..." you curl up on the floor, cutting your hand with one of the broken pieces but you can't notice it. you're repeating the two phrases over and over, hina and tengen are the first to notice.
"there's nothing, calm down," makio pushes suma away, sighing. "but what if he’s hiding?" she cries, looking around nervously. "don't be dumb, how can he hide when there's five of us here?!"
"shut up!" hinatsuru shouts at the two, making you flinch. tengen moves closer, moving you away from the broken plate and checking your hand. "dumb baby," he whispers while carefully removing the splinter. "don't get mad at me please," you're crying at this point.
"i didn't wanted to break them, i swear!" you scream right into his face while more and more tears stream down your face. "i don't care about a bunch of boring dishes," tengen assures you deathly serious. "get of the kitchen," he orders the others, who quickly obey and say nothing.
tengen notices you're shaking while staring at the ground. "hey, it's okay," tengen cups your cheeks and kisses your forehead, trying to calm you down. "i... i don't know what to do," you whisper, simply staring at his face. "you’re very nervous baby, why don’t you try breathing with me?”
you follow his suggestion and once you’re more calmed tengen hugs you, cuddling with you. he leaves a few kisses on your head while holding you.
“this is… so comforting,” you mutter against his chest, surprising him. “t-that’s the point,” he stutters, noticing how you never actually asked for help and are the one who’s rarely seen seeking this kind of treatment. “you’re okay, darling.”
you’re walking by his side while you two go back to his mansion. he just finished training with iguro and you clearly see he’s a bit tired from the past few days.
when you walk past a little group of slayers, you don’t notice at first but they’re arguing about something. when one of them shouts you jump, bumping into sanemi’s side. “what?” he glances at you and notices something isn’t right. the following screaming and shouting stress you even more, while memories from your childhood take control over your mind.
“what’s wrong?” sanemi asks you, stopping mid track. “n-nothing, i’m alright,” you reply, as if you weren’t clearly shaking and on the verge of tears. “yeah, well that’s bullshit.”
you meet his eyes and flinch back a bit, scared of actually opening up. “i just want to go home…” you try to avoid talking about it and resume walking, moving rapidly. sanemi grunts in response but follows you, staring at you.
once you reach his mansion you’re quick to get the dinner ready, hoping to distract yourself, but you’re failing. sanemi follows your every action and it makes you even more nervous.
if i speak about it, he would push me away and start hating me, stating that i’m weak.
“okay, i’ve had enough of your shit,” he snaps and stops you. he grabs your hands and makes you turn towards him. “you’re all twitchy, you’re holding back tears and you’re clearly distressed. what’s wrong? someone hurt you?” you shake your head, knowing that you would end up crying if you speak. “y/n, i just want to help alright? but i can’t do that if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” sanemi gets more worried as the time pass.
you notice it and you start crying, feeling bad for making him worry so much. “jeez,” sanemi pulls you into an embrace and you hide your face against his chest. “i’m so sorry!” you raise your voice, crying. his hands caress your back slowly, trying to calm you. “it’s okay,” he assures you and rest his chin on your head, keeping you close to his body. “i-i don’t know how i should react, i just don’t know,” you grip his uniform and sniff, shaking a bit. “just let it out, baby.”
sanemi keeps comforting you, making sure you know that he’s here for you and that it’s okay. it’s okay to cry and ask for help.
[i opted for a nightmare in his case, akaza is visiting reader during the night]
you’re turning in your sleep and sometimes little wails leave your lips, you’re sweating. akaza enters into your house and reaches the bedroom. you wake up right before he enters the bedroom and quickly wipe your tears, catching your breath.
dreaming your parents scolding and yelling at you is the last thing you expected. you’re feeling as if your every next move would be the wrong one and someone will appear to scold you, making you feel small and useless.
“you okay?” he kneels beside your futon and notices your status. “mh, i just had a nightmare. it’s okay,” you reply, trying your best to get over it soon. “you wanna cuddle for a while?” akaza asks, a gentle smile appears on his face. “oh, um… why would i?” you genuinely ask, confusing him a bit.
“well… i think humans like being comforted after a bad dream,” he scratches his neck while chuckling lowly. “i-i’ve never done that… i mean, i don’t know how…” you stutter and start crying without noticing. akaza frowns and raises his hand to wipe away your tears. “let’s do that, alright,” he says before laying down beside you. he circles your body with his arms and holds you closer to his chest. “t-thank you..?” you whisper, letting him do whatever he please.
akaza caresses your hips slowly, kissing your cheeks every once in a while. “i love you,” he mutters against your skin. “i’ll always be with you,” he promises. you scoot closer and smile, taking one of his hands into yours.
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. well i hope it wasn’t too bad because it started to suck for me lol lol lol
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libraford · 4 months
When we got married, a friend of ours was just getting into being a professional photographer so he did our wedding for mates rates. Because he was so new he hadn’t yet developed his ‘photographer backbone’ so felt really uncomfortable asking people to do things like get out of the way or telling them where they should stand. My sister, maid of honour and no shrinking violet, did some yelling on his behalf but it shows in some of the posed photos.
He’s very successful now and much better at telling people what he needs from them to get the shots they want but still looks back on his early days when he went out on his own with a shudder. It was very difficult for him to balance the conflict you describe, trying to make sure no one is unhappy with you so you get repeat customers, vs making sure people do what he needs so he can work safely and get the right shots. Once he started getting regulars, he felt more confident in expressing what was needed - he still hates wedding photography though lol
The very first wedding I ever did... was a couple from India. And they did kind of a blended wedding of modern and traditional, kept the celebrations short to only 12 hours. There were three photographers- me, my mentor (who was the official book), and her friend. There was also a video crew and every person had their phones out for the whole ceremony, so there was no shortage of footage.
My mentor had to bow out early due to a medical emergency in her family. So now its just two of us.
Even with everyone having their phones out, the guests knew that if someone had an actual camera, that they should do their best to steer clear of it because we were hired to provide a service. They kept to the sides. One of the guests who brought his own camera was encouraged to shoo people out of the frame because he knew the language better, so we treated him as part of the crew so he can also get all the good shots he wants. (I have taken to calling this the 'Uncle Camera' character and its become a useful technique to identify Uncle Camera and give him a Job.)
But with the confirmation ceremony I was at yesterday, it wasn't a case of 50 people taking pictures of one couple from their seats, it was a case of 50 people taking pictures of 60 individuals from the center aisle.
And I did not have an Uncle Camera to explain to them in Spanish that they needed to leave space for the official photographer or there would be no official group shot.
So someone's head got in the shot.
Oh well.
I got paid for the hour I was there.
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
Hey, Mami!
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Earth42!Miles Morales x Black!AFAB Reader TWs: mentions of stimming (Can be read as an autistic reader tbh?), N-word usage, slight recollection of murder (c'mon gang its prowler miles),
ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and a lil bit of smiles <3 (Fluff!!) W/C: 837
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It had been about two days since you last saw your boyfriend, and you were beginning to get a little worried about his whereabouts. Ever since he told you about him being the prowler and how he avoided taking his real phone on missions, you became hyperaware of the time he spent running the streets. You weren't mad at all, just scared. You missed your man and it spooked the living shit out of you that you couldn't check upon him. You double-checked your phone to see if you had gotten a text from him that you somehow missed, frowning slightly when the familiar purple heart emoji didn't appear in your notification center.
To both ease your nerves and take your mind off your boyfriend, you decided to crochet a hat with kitty ears on top. You got some spools of black yarn, connected your phone to your Bluetooth speaker, and began to listen to some Brandy while you crocheted the kitty beanie. Everything was going smoothly, you had plenty of yarn, your LEDs were on a calming shade of storm blue, and the small patter of rain hit your window as you found your inner peace. After around 2 hours of crocheting, however, a faint knocking noise was heard from somewhere in your room. You convinced yourself you didn't really hear it, and finished up your kitty beanie.
*Knock knock knock!*
You quickly jumped up from your bed, gently sticking your crochet needle into a small slit in the beanie, lifting your head to the source of the noise. Your face lights up with joy as you see a familiar silhouette crouched down on the roof by your window. You cheer quietly, arms tensing around your shoulders as they rock back and forth as you run over to your window. "Hey hunnie!" you beam as you open the window, sliding your curtains to the side to make room for Miles. "Hey, mami!" he says as he shakes the rainwater from his body, vaguely resembling a dog.
He placed a gentle, cold kiss on the top of your head before chucking lowly. "Not you leaving me in the cold," he grumbles with faux annoyance, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Nigga I just got you back after two days of radio silence, don't start wit' your sassy sargeant shit." I retort as I playfully roll my eyes, smashing the side of my face into his cold and soaked chest. "Did you walk in the rain!?" I exclaim as I quickly look up at Miles. "You already know I did, mami. Anything for you" he shrugs.
I sigh loudly, gesturing to my closet. "Go change outta them wet ass clothes before you catch a cold. Then, come tell me about your mission!" I add with a wide grin, letting Miles go and skipping back to my original position on my bed and continuing with my project. He knew how much I loved him recalling all the details about his missions, silently listening in awe as I fidgeted with my hands and made small noises of approval every now and again. Miles would never admit it, but he thought it was cute how when I got happy, my arms would immediately give away my joy. He grabbed some of his clothes from my closet before disappearing into my bathroom, emerging 5 minutes later with a black wife beater, purple sweatpants, and...my bright pink headband???
"Not you stealing from your girlfriend..." I giggled as I looked up at the headband on Miles's head. "My nigga don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful. Or whatever Tupac said." He laughed loudly. "TUPAC!?!??!" I yelled with wide eyes and a slack jaw, processing the sheer audacity this motherfucker had. We begin fake bickering for about 5 minutes before Miles calms down and begins explaining his latest mission. He went on about some corrupt fucker who was dabbling in things he shouldn't have been dabbling in. I nod my head as I focus my gaze on the kitty beanie in my lap, but remain sharply fixated on Miles's every word.
"So yeah, then I had to take the nigga on by myself while Aaron boxed the niggas outside up. Whatchu workin' on ma?" He gently asks as he notices my hands steady pattern of crochet. "Huh? Oh, Just finishing this kitty beanie!" I giggle as I finalize the hat, stretching it slightly to make sure that it didn't have any loose points. I gesture for Miles to lean in closer, before setting the beanie on his head with a smile. He gently reaches for the hat with a small smile, fangs peaking out gently in his perfect mug. "You look so adorableee~, bae!" I cheer as my hands flap slightly. "Really? Why thank you, Mami." He coos with a wink.
We spent the rest of the night talking about random topics. Crochet, his past victims, and more whilst smothering each other in our presence, pressed up against each other softly. "G'night, Miles."
"Goodnight, Mi Vida."
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pls credit if you use this idea!
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vdoesstuff · 2 months
Fic #27
"Land hoy!"
"Luffy, its land ho," Sanji corrected, taking a long drag.
"Yeah, that!" Luffy yelled, jumping down from the crows nest and bouncing off the deck. Sanji rolled his eyes. It was too early in the morning for this. The Sunny approached the island, and Sanji got a good view. Mountains touched the sky, tops frosted with snow.
"Ok. Before we go on the island, there's something you all need to know," Chopper began, walking around the table, passing out water bottles. He had called them for an emergency meeting before they went on the island. "This island has a very high elevation. We spend most of our time at sea level, so going from an elevation of 0 feet to an estimated 9,000 can make you seriously sick." A concerned face from Usopp. "Nothing fatal," Chopper measured him. "But not very fun. The best way to stave off the elevation sickness," he said, holding up his water bottle. "Is to drink lots and lots of water. Everybody has a full water bottle, and there are streams on the island where you can refill. Of course, being from an island with higher elevation myself, I will be much less affected, along with Zoro, Franky, and Nami. Their home islands all had elevations above 6,000 feet, so they should be much less affected." Franky pumped his fist in triumph.
"Take that, elevation sickness!" He did a small victory dance.
"Sanji, you should be very careful though, Chopper warned. " You spent most of your life at a 0 foot elevation. The change will affect you the most, its a very big jump from what your body is used to!" Sanji waved the advice aside.
"I'll be fine, it can't be that bad, right?"
Luffy ran into the island, rocketing himself onto one of the mountains. With one more reminder to drink water, they were off. Luffy bouncing around, exploring with Franky, Chopper, Brook, and Usopp staying on the ship, and Zoro, Sanji, and Robin helping Nami map the island out.
Nami set up her portable drawing board, measuring the angles of the mountains, putting them on paper with unnerving accuracy. The others stayed guard, either looking for food or people. The hours passed. They found no signs of life, but plenty of edible native plants. Just in time, too. Luffy had gone through about half the pantry in the past week.
Sanji started to feel lightheaded. He took a sip of water, remembering what Chopper had said. It made sense, it would be the biggest jump for him. Even before he set out to sea, Germa had a pretty low elevation. He drank more water. He felt dizzy and nauseous.
"Sanji, are you okay? You look rather pale," Robin said, a concerned look on her face.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he said. "I think the elevation's just getting to me a little bit."
"I can walk you back to the ship if you'd like?" Robin offered.
"No, it's fine, I'll stay here, I-" Sanji was cut off by Zoro lifting him up over one shoulder. "Mosshead. What the fuck are you doing."
"Taking you back to the ship. No point in you staying here and being miserable," Zoro said, walking down the mountain. He looked over his shoulder at Nami. "I'll be back, just taking this idiot down to the Sunny."
"Take your time," Nami said, not even looking up from her work. Sanji kicked and struggled against Zoro's grasp.
"Idiot mosshead, put me down!"
Sanji eventually gave up halfway down the mountain. It might actually be best for me to go back down, Sanji thought to himself. In all honesty, he didn't really feel very well. He felt tired and queasy. He hated to admit it, but at one point, he fell asleep in Zoro's arms. When he woke up, the Sunny was in sight. Zoro carried him all the way to the kitchen, and once he was sure wasn't going to make a break for it he set him down in a chair and gave him a slice of bread.
"Marimo, what's this?"
"Carbs help," Zoro explained. "Bread is a carb. Eat up, bitch." Zoro reached into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of his favorite sake. Sanji took a bite out of the bread. Zoro walked towards Sanji, leaning forward to gently kiss him on the forehead. "Now feel better got it?" Sanji felt his face heating up.
"O-ok," Sanji said. Zoro left the room, taking the bottle of sake with him.
I went to Montana and got elevation sickness bc I went from an elevation of nine (9) feet to like 8,700ish, inspiring this fic. Yay!
Fr tho, elevation sickness sucks, please drink water, carbs like crackers and bread also help 👍
Also I just got my black belt in Taekwondo so I'm celebrating by writing a fic lol
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equallyshaw · 1 year
presidents daughter x Jack hughes
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slow burning little blurb😌
Warnings: angst, juvenile delinquency (but really a national emergency lol) swearing. nothing else.
Word count: 5.08k
bit choppy!
ophelia grace kennedy paced up and down her room, as she went through her foreign government flashcards. she was studying for her winter finals, now a senior at rutgers university in new jersey. she was getting a bachelors in international relations and a bachelors in french. ofcourse she'd go down this route, just like her family before her. it was now December 9th and her time here in new jersey would be coming to a close in a mere 6 days, before heading back to the white house for christmas and winter break with her parents. maria her roommate stormed into the room breaking the girl from concentrating and sighed. "what now?" ophelia asked, stopping in her step and watching her best friend grin. "we've been invited to a party in the city!!!" she said. ophelia growled, "yeah like my dad would say yes." she hummed going back to her flashcards. maria snatched them out of her hand, "screw the cards, screw pops and get your ass out the door in 20." she said without waiting to get a response. ophelia stood there torn, she knew she should not go but another part of her wanted an excuse to head up to manhattan. "but isn't it a 2 hour drive???" ophelia yelled out the door and maria only laughed. "that's why timmy is driving us." she hummed and ophelia cringed. maria had had a massive crush on timothy, her personal secret service agent since sophomore year. personally speaking, he was attractive; ophelia would not deny it. but she also knew she would never allow that to happen. besides, maria was always joking that timothy had a crush on opehlia and not one for maria. ophelia pulled herself into the washroom and quickly got ready.
35 minutes later the two hopped in the car that was waiting for them. "hi timmy. hi oswald." maria said looking at ophelia. "miss mendez, miss kennedy." timothy said looking through the mirror at ophelia. "good evening timothy and oswald, sorry for the last minute drive." she said honestly but he waved it off. as long as she got their safe, he didn't mind. the four drove about an hour and a half before making it to the swanky manhattan apartment. well, penthouse. "thankyou timothy." she said as oswald opened the door for the two of them. "ill be up soon." he said looking back at her and she nodded before stepping out. the three of them walked into the complex, and hurried up the elevator. "okay penthouse b." maria said looking at the text message. "and how did we get an invite?" ophelia questioned maria and maria giggled. "i might know somebody." and ophelia now smirked. "is he the one from 2 weekends ago?" and maria blushed as the elevator opened. "let me call him." maria pulled out her phone and the guy quickly picked up. "hey we are here, can you come for a moment?" she asked and the respondent quickly said yes. the three walked up to the door, and waited. oswald stood in front of the two, and the dude was shocked. "oh my god its ophelia kennedy." he said as he looked from maria. ophelia nodded softly, hating that he recognized her. "sorry." he said realizing how he was acting, and ophelia nodded. "sir, i am going to have to search the premises before miss kennedy can be let it." and ophelia sighed. "uh let me go get the owner, but that wont be a problem." and oswald nodded. the elevator dinged and timothy walked into the hall, coming up behind ophelia. "well ill leave you to it!" maria said as john pulled her inside, just as the owner came out. jack did a double take at the girl, knowing he knew her from somewhere. the secret service agents at his door, gave it away. oswald explained what he needed to do, and jack opened his door widely for them, his gaze continuously going back to the girl. "sorry about all of this." she said sheepishly, and she could feel two sets of eyes on here, making her feel small. "not a problem miss kennedy." jack said smiling. she looked up and met his eye, "ophelia." and he smiled wider, "jack." and he held out his hand. she blushed, taking a hold of it and shaking it. oswald came back out and took the first shift outside, and so timothy and her entered the penthouse after jack.
maria pulled her best friend towards the windows, shoving a drink in her hand. "thanks." she hummed quickly throwing it back. maria watched trying to hold back a laugh, as soon as ophelia finished it she went to go look for another. "don't follow me." she said to timothy who was about to follow. this was one of the few times where she demanded they let her disappear without following. "I'm not leaving." she added before walking off to the kitchen. some recognized her, 90% of the americans at least did. nobody bat an eye otherwise. she searched the kitchen looking for a seltzer or something and she smiled once she found on. "seltzer type of gal, huh?" she heard jack announce as he entered the kitchen. she stood back up from the cooler and nodded, watching as he strutted towards her and grabbed the drink to open it. smooth, she thought. "why thankyou." she smiled, and she leaned into the kitchen island. "ofcourse, you're american royalty, i might as well do my duty of being a good host." and she waved her hand in front of her. "no no, that's my dad not me. don't act any differently please. you don't have to!" she said and he nodded. "oh my god so it is true!" a tall guy said from the doorway. "if i recall we had to a project on the Kennedy family junior year of highschool and you were featured in it." the guy said causing jack to laugh at his brother's forwardness and then saw that ophelia was cringing. "that's uh that's nice. good thing we didn't do that." she smiled softly before drinking her seltzer. "oh yeah right...sorry." luke said feeling bad and ophelia just nodded. "well i should get back before one of my agents call my dad." she huffed as jack was about to say something. "who are you here with?" he asked walking out with her. "my best friend maria, who i think is seeing somebody named john. i have no idea though." she said walking towards her spot before. "oh yes! he did mention it. well at least he's american so he knows who you are and everything that comes with knowing you?" he asked and she laughed at his attempt to make a joke. "haha very funny." she smiled as the two walked up to maria and john. "such a nice place dude, thanks for letting us crash." maria said and jack nodded. "ofcourse, pleasure is all mine." he smiled looking down at ophelia briefly. "well if you need anything ill be making the rounds." he said to the group and then back at ophelia who nodded. he looked at her for a few more seconds before leaving. ophelia and maria stood side by side with john for the next two hours, getting to know him and learn more about his profession and who half these people were at the party.
ophelia found herself around 1 am walking out to the balcony that accompanied the penthouse and took in the frigid temperature. it was becoming too confined and a bit warm for her inside and this seemed like a welcoming idea. jack had been watching her all night as she interacted with john and a few others who had made their way over at some point. he took in how she laughed, how she interacted with maria but through it all she seemed guarded and somewhat closed off. but who wouldn't be when they had a pair of eyes on them at all times. he waited a few minutes after she stepped out to step out with her. "party boring ya?" he questioned as he shut the door, and she turned around and giggled. "not in the slightest, i think nico and i had a good 10 minute conversation in french so this is at the top of house parties for me." she joked as she came up next to her. "oh really?" he said quirking an eyebrow and she blushed. "john tells me that you guys are seniors at rutgers. what are you studying?" he asked looking down at her, giving her his full undivided attention. "hah, i think you can google it." she joked swirling her seltzer. "well but yeah i could, but i wanna hear it from you." he said sweetly and ophelia felt herself smile against her better judgment. "well just like every other member in my family I'm studying some sort of government. but mine is in international relations and then another major in french. i plan to work at the embassy after graduation." she explained and he felt himself smile. "my dad just about shit himself when i told him my plans. he was expecting me to do something else, let alone move to france." she added causing the both of them to laugh. "wanna run away from the u.s?" he grinned and she shook her head. "shhh my dad doesn't need to find out." she grinned leaning into him just a bit, placing a soft hand on his arm. "your secret is safe with me." he whispered grinning, and she recognized it as a sincere one. one that made her warm inside. "say, have you ever been to a hockey game?" he questioned, her hand not leaving his arm as they turned towards one another. she shook her head no, "oh wait! i did go to the 2018 stanley cup playoffs when my dad was a senator!" she said remembering now. "or whatever year it was." she laughed uncertainly. "i think you're right, but you and maria should come to our next game in two days." and she sighed. "good thing I'm done with finals then." she said through somewhat gritted teeth, knowing that she would not be going home as decided by her dad but she'd be staying in jersey just a bit longer. against his wishes ofcourse. the sliding door opening but she didn't move back from jack. "hey girl, we are going. timmy's being an ass." she said before timothy came into view and ophelia sighed. "well thankyou for the invite and a great party, jack." she smiled. he nodded, "ill make sure john gives maria my number so we can situate the ticks." he said and she nodded before walking back inside.
ophelia threw her overnight bag into the fire escape as maria watched from the ground. two floors up and ophelia could put her fear of heights away and hop down. she grabbed her second phone and walked down. the two looked at one another, as if to say 'are we really doing this?". ophelia grabbed maria's hand and pulled her towards the uber that was waiting for them. she had had enough of the two agents for two years and decided that she wanted to ditch them. besides, she had had a lovely argument this morning with her dad which untimely led to her hanging up one him; not wanting her to stay longer in jersey after her last final that early afternoon. so, this was going to work or not work, she didn't know but that was thrown out the window as the two sped off towards newark. maria texted john that the two were on their way there, and to not say shit to anybody besides jack. nobody could know they were coming. "lets hope this works and i don't get shot in the process." ophelia said shutting her eyes. "lets hope it does work." maria said squeezing her best friends hand.
the two drove into the underground parking garage and saw john waiting for them with jack. the two hopped out and maria quickly hugged john. "hi jack." she said sheepishly and he smiled, pulling her in for a hug. "where can we put our stuff?" maria questioned the two and john smiled beginning to walk the four over to the car. "thanks man, appreciate it." ophelia said. "wheres the entourage?" john asked shutting his trunk and maria smiled. "she ditched em for the night!" she cheered, throwing her hands up in the air. "hahaha. funny." ophelia said rolling her eyes. "lets just go before people see us." ophelia said pulling the three back towards the door. "lets get margaritas!" maria said as soon as the two were alone on their way towards a box that was filled with executives for the team and one that was smaller so they could blend in easier. "fine, only one though." ophelia hummed.
the game was in full speed an hour later, and opehlia found herself enjoying it immensely. oh, how she adored grown men throwing each other around, searching for the tiny black object on the ice. she made note to go to more hockey games because they were entertaining. she shamelessly watched jack throughout the night, feeling her attraction towards him grow. she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind for two days and this was only going to add to it.
and throughout the night, she thought not once of the outside world and who might be looking for her. back at the whitehouse, her parents were terrified of what could have happened. agents and police personnel on high alert throughout the east coast. she knew ultimately she shouldn't have done what she did, but now it was done. the game went a little too quickly for her liking, and the two stayed back in the box waiting for the two guys to come out. john had the idea of ordering in and the four of them hanging at jacks penthouse for the evening. the two came in with one trailing behind them as he was on the phone with somebody. "great game guys!" ophelia said smiling widely, feeling the two margaritas pulsing through her veins. "oh my god, she was loving it! she was so into it it was so funny." maria said laughing at the fact that she misread a call and got upset about it. "hey, its not my fault the dudes microphone went out." jack and john picking up on the situation. "ill need to hear more, but should we get going?" jack questioned and the two nodded. the five of them headed out towards the two cars, "wanna ride with us? were going straight to my place. they are picking up chinese." and ophelia nodded. "i swear to go if timmy or oswald or your fucking father call me one more time, i'm gonna scream." maria said as she turned on her phone. she flashed ophelia her phone and saw 35 missed calls. "turn it back off, they can track it." ophelia said and maria nodded.
jack and luke watched as ophelia grew quiet, as soon as they entered the car. "do they not know youre here?" luke asked and ophelia nodded. "oh god, please tell me were not gonna go to prison for harboring the presidents daughter?!" luke panicked.
it was around 1 am after many boxes of chinese take out and a comedy movie, they were all exhausted. maria and john moved to his place on another floor offering ophelia to come with them, but she said she wanted to finish the movie. luke headed to bed after they left, and so now it was just jack and her. "so why did you not tell them you were going out?" he questioned, turning towards her on the couch. their knees brushing one another for a split second. she sighed, thinking of what reasons he was going to give. "i wanted to be normal again just for the evening. i wanted to have a good time without feeling my agent's eyes on me at all times, you never feel alone. ever." she said looking at jack in the eyes. "did you feel normal?" he asked and she smiled softly taking in how his eyes softened as he looked at her. she took in how comfortable she felt in his presence and the warmth that he oozed, "i do now." she hummed before closing the small distance between them by pressing her lips to his. it caught him by surprise but he melted into it, finding the base of her back quickly; his arms wrapping around her. their bodies quickly not getting enough of one another, jack pulled them down the hall to his room. making the most of her night of freedom.
it was around 5 as the two found themselves wide awake talking, laughing, kissing, and falling for one another. jack pulled her closer to his chest, not wanting this moment to end. "when do you come back?" he questioned and she shut her eyes. "the 7th, i start classes the 10th." she said. he nodded, "how about we do something during my by week in feburary?" he questioned and she smiled. "its a good thing my classes are all online. ill talk to my mom and have her convince my dad." she hummed looking up at him. "its a good thing, she's got a soft spot for me." she hummed before pecking jack again.
as the two were starting to fall asleep, their breathing already mimicking one another they heard a big boom at the frontdoor. more like a crash. she quickly sat up in bed, pulling the blanket to her chest, gathered her discarded clothes and slammed the bathroom shut, locking it behind her. she knew who was here. "ophelia?" jack questioned as the master bedroom opened, to reveal timothy. jack threw his hands up, as more agents filled the room. "jack?" he heard luke call out, as they pushed him into he hallway. jack sighed, knowing his brother was ok. "is she in here?" timothy asked pointing towards the bathroom and jack nodded, apprehensively. "i swear to god if you touch the door, you'll regret it." she yelled, knowing he was about to or at least attempt to open the door. she slid on her socks and stood up, taking in her appearance. she sighed stepping out of the washroom, timothy inspecting her to make sure she was not harmed. "im fine, tell him oswald." she said looking at her most trusted person in the world, who nodded. "you're dad will be happy to hear we found you but he wont be happy where." timothy said grabbing her arm and began to walk her out. "let go of me!" she screeched, ripping her arm from him. she'd never seen this side of him and she did not like it. they made it to the front door and saw maria standing outside with john, "can i at least say bye?" she asked looking at timothy. he looked down at her, knowing that if he did so, there would be no chance with her selfishly. he'd been battling two years of feelings and knew she was slipping from his hands. he sighed, and nodded. "alone." she added and timothy sighed again nodding for the agents to get out. as soon as they did, closing the broken front door behind them she turned around. "im so sorry, i didn't think they'd come here." she said panicking. jack shook his head, "no no, don't worry. you didn't know." jack said softly putting his arms around the girl. he rubbed her back, "yknow id still like to see you after you get back." he said and she smiled. "didn't scare you away?" she questioned and he smirked. "not even close." he said before quickly pecking her. timothy opened the door, letting her know air force 1 was ready. "bye jack." she said before walking out and past timothy. she gave maria a quick hug before she was whisked away.
jack hadn't stopped thinking of the girl as christmas rolled around, and the texting the two did was nonstop. the two could not get enough of each other, respectfully. ophelia was a wreck as she was locked away in her ivory tower, not daring to speak to anybody but oswald or her most trusted assistant. the president took notice of everything, and i mean everything. he would go up to the personal quarters for the family throughout the day and would hear his daughter laughing, talking in hushed tones and sadly, sobs. she was only allowing oswald and her assistant to see her, as she didn't want to be anywhere near her parents. with the reprimanding he did once she got back, he understood. but he knew the history of the family and his panicking was warranted. theo kennedy walked towards his and his wife's bedroom to talk, he needed to confirm his suspicions. "is she really seeing that hockey player?" he said and his wife was taken back. "uh...i believe so. at least that's what kelsey said. the two haven't stopped talking since the night she was found. well actually before that too." she responded, and he nodded sitting down at the edge of the bed. "would it be wild to invite him to the christmas party?" he questioned and his wife smiled. "are you getting soft?" she smiled coming up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "i think that ship sailed years ago." he huffed and she laughed. "she's our only child theo...don't push her too far and give her reasons to never come back." his wife whispered. "i get she messed up and made a dumb mistake, but we both know either one of us would have done the same in her position." and he knew his wife was right. they both would have done it. "ill let kelsey know." he announced, standing up and walking out.
though kelsey never told ophelia, knowing it would be a lovely surprise for her. ophelia smoothed down her silver dress that donned a bow at the back of her neck. kelsey inspected her hair and makeup, smiling at how perfect it was. "you ready?" she questioned and she nodded. she walked out of her room in what seemed like days. oswald smiled down at the girl, putting his arm out for her. she smiled looping her arm in his. "absolutely beautiful miss ophelia." he hummed and she smiled widely. "thankyou oswald." and the two were on their way downstairs. "ill be right down there, take your time." oswald said stepping aside and walked down the grand stairs that would lead them to the grand room where the party was. she sighed running her hands down her dress once more, as kelsey fixed the bow that went down halfway revealing the rest of her back. "knock em dead, sis." she smiled and ophelia nodded. she needed a drink, and pronto. especially after the amount of pictures that were going to be taken as she made her entrance. she rounded the corner and stood for a brief few seconds at the top looking down at the groups of people mingling about. oswald nodded at her, speaking into his earpiece. she slowly stepped down the stairs hoping to not fall flat on her face. as she looked around briefly at the people realizing she was walking down, she caught a familiar face. scratch that, four. and then it was as if more and more kept popping up. she whispered to oswald that she was going to greet the group of people, and as she looked over, she saw jack already making his way over. "ofcourse miss ophelia." oswald said standing back into position. "hi jack." she smiled widely, pulling him in for a hug. "hi opehlia." he whispered, a bit stunned by the forwardness. "what are you doing here?" she questioned pulling him to the side of the stairs. he shrugged, "your dad called me four days ago and asked me if i wanted to come. and that i could invite anybody i wanted to-to come along." he said and he saw the confusion wash over her features. "he did?" she asked in disbelief and he nodded. "is it too soon?" he asked growing nervous, and she shook her head quickly. "oh no! not at all, I'm just stunned a bit that's all." she said smiling widely. "I'm really glad that you're here jack, truly." she said inching closer to him. "ill meet up with you guys soon, i need to find my dad." she said and he nodded, placing a kiss to her cheek. her cheeks became crimson red, jack noticing immediately. she watched as he walked back towards the group, and then she slipped into a secret door towards the oval Office.
"ophelia!" she heard her name from behind and she knew who's it was. she stopped to look back and saw timothy walking quickly down the desolate hallway. "yes?" she questioned, and she saw that he was upset. "what is that guy doing here?" he asked and she was taken back a bit. "why does it matter to you?" she huffed, before starting her descent again. he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "are you two together?" he asked and her face became stern. "why would it matter to you, huh?" she spat while yanking her arm back. "why would it? have you not recognized anything?" he asked and he saw confusion wash over her. "what-what are your talking about timothy?" she asked growing irritated. "you musn't think that everything I've done for you has been just for my job. you really don't think that right?" he questioned searching her eyes. she shook her head, "timothy-" he cut her off. "have you not realized my feelings for you?" he asked and she felt dread wash over her. "oh fuck no, this isn't happening." she said taking a step back, putting her arms out to create distance. "don't go do this route timothy, please." she begged but he shook his head. "ill put in my notice, then then-" she cut him off. "if you think that i have feelings for you, you are certainly mistaken. what the actual fuck, timothy? don't follow me" she ordered, beginning to walk towards the oval office. she made it to the office, and shut the door behind her. her dad was at his desk, going over some last-minute items. he quickly looked up and was shocked to see his daughter back in the very room he berated her a week back. "first thing's first, please get timothy off of my service. secondly, you invited jack?" she said walking up towards his desk. he sat back in his chair smiling, and nodded. "okay." he said nodding towards his agent behind him and the agent left the room. "i had to meet the guy who's had nonstop communication with my daughter." he said and she softly smiled and then it dropped. "was it to make amends?" she said quirking an eyebrow and he laughed. "you're mother is quite the convincer and knows how to fix situations. good thing she's in my corner and nobody else's." he said and she nodded, knowing full well the angel (and devil) that she was. she sat down in front of her dad. "i do really like him, i think you'll like him too." she smiled and then there was a knock on the door. oswald appeared with her mom and somebody else. jack walked into the room nervously looking around, and then he found ophelia. he instantly calmed down, and she smiled widely.
"so you must be jack." her dad said standing up and jack swallowed hard, putting out his hand for him to shake. "ye-yes, jack hughes." he said nervously. "hear you're a pretty good hockey player, jack." her dad said and jack shrugged. "i'm alright." and ophelia smiled at his modesty. "heard you're good enough to make the olympics team and represent our great country." and jack was confused looking over at ophelia. "he loves hockey." ophelia said and her dad chuckled. "yes, nhl network is always on. just recently caught a segment on international play coming back so that's why I'm excited for 2028!" he explained walking back to his desk and shutting the small desk lamp off. ophelia made her way over towards jack and straightened his bowtie. "calm down, you're fine." she whispered for just him to hear. jack watched as he did so, a feeling of calm washing over him.
"who'd you bring tonight?" her dad asked breaking their trance with one another. "uh my parents, brothers, and a couple teammates." he said sheepishly, "great! we get to meet the parents, hun." her dad mused as the two walked out in front of them. ophelia rolled her eyes, "he hasn't been this excited in a few years i apologize in advance." she hummed and he smiled, holding out his arm for her. she looped her arm in his, and the two walked out.
the two made their way up to the personal quarters for the family a few hours later, showing him around the white house for a personal tour. "and this here is my room." she said sheepishly allowing him to walk in. she shut the door behind them and started to pull off her earrings that were beginning to throb. jack turned around halfway to see what she was doing, and she was making her way back towards him. he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her inclose and rested his chin on her head. "thankyou for coming tonight, I'm so glad that you did." she smiled. "ofcourse, i had to see the girl im absolutely mad about." he hummed, and she felt her heart swell. "and where she got her snooty attitude." he added joking and she rolled her eyes. "haha very funny." she said pulling back a bit to look up at him. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked off the cuff and she threw her head back laughing. "points for throwing me off guard, but yes. i would love to be your girlfriend." she hummed and he smiled widely. he closed the space between them, placing his lips on hers. ones that tasted like whiskey and the comforting smell of sandalwood and cedar plagued her nose. she began to untie his bowtie, and as soon as it was undone she began to push him back towards her bed. she giggled as he fell back upon the bed, not knowing it was as close as it was. "oops." she said placing a hand on her lips. he smiled, pulling her to his chest, not being able to get enough of her.
ahh! i hope you enjoyed this lengthy and somewhat slow burning blurb, i kinda wanna make a follow up? probs will lol. but please like and reblog if you enjoyed!
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drefear · 1 year
They Know (Drabble)
I got this from a post by @miggyyyyohara
TW: violence, a little bit of smut, nothing else really. (Second hand embarrassment?)
It wasn’t an easy mission.
Usually, Miguel and Jess could handle things just the two of them, and the other teams could handle the smaller anomalies. Gwen, Hobie, and Pav were a team, Ben, Lego Peter, and cowboy Spider worked together sometimes, and the list went on. Today, a Lizard got through to Earth -1563 and Miguel called for backup, which was something he genuinely hated doing. When he didn’t see any portals opening after a few minutes, he made a second call.
Swiftly, Ben, Gwen, and Hobie popped through.
“Where’s Jess?” He yelled, anger bubbling at having to deal with the others- mainly Hobie.
“Jess is having bad morning sickness!” Gwen called out, swinging to land a blow to the Lizards abdomen, until its claws dug into her suit and threw her into the concert wall.
“It’s 4pm!”
“Innit funny how it can come at any time but it’s called mornin’ sickness?” Hobie smashed his guitar over the Lizards head, but it barely flinched and he moved backward to save Gwen. The portal opened again and Miles and Pav ran in, glancing around at the bloodied Gwen and exhausted others.
“Take Gwen somewhere safe, Pav.” Miguel instructed and Pav nodded, then pulled Gwen into his arms and ran back into the portal. Miguel glared at the green being, whose strength seemed to be a bit much to handle for the group.
“Hobie, Miles, use the electricity powers to stop that thing, Ben and I will keep it busy until you do and when you can, trap it.” He instructed and Miles nodded, as Hobie sighed.
“I’m only listenin’ cause that’s what I was thinkin’ a doin’.” Hobie then went with Miles to start shooting webs, making a decent trap for the large anomaly.
Meanwhile, Miguel and Ben fought against the large reptile villain. Ben flipping and narrating everything made Miguel practically seethe with irritation. He would remind the Spider-Man to stop doing that.
“Now!” The two boys shouted and Miguel flipped out of the way. He caught sight of Ben, who obviously didn’t hear the signal, and continued to fight the Lizard.
Miguel jumped and soared to Ben, pushing him out of the way, but he was a bit late.
The electric currents from the two younger spider-boys shot through their webbing and into Miguel, as well as the Lizard.
While the beast was indeed captured, Miguel caught a breeze against his skin as he felt his suit malfunction. Glaring at the ground, he stood with his backside to the group as they stared at him. He huffed and spoke.
“Lyla, use my emergency application suit.”
“Nice buns-“
“Lyla!” He growled and she immediately covered his body with a new suit, rolling his shoulders in the holographic fabric. It was a bit tighter than the newer one, now having his new measurements, but still working to keep him modest.
Later once he was back on his platform, he ran diagnostics on his suit, fixing the technology and trying to find a way to not let Miles and Hobies powers affect it so much to where he’s completely naked every time. Hearing footsteps, he turned and hit a button to lower the platform.
“So I heard the mission was a success.” Peter spoke, lightly teasing the bigger of the two as he hopped onto the platform. A few others were behind the father and Miguel heard a few stifled laughs.
“It was. Now spit it out.” He glowered, waiting for the punchline to whatever ridiculous joke the group was trying to make. Turning around, he saw Gwen, Pav, Miles, Hobie, Jess, and Peter. Miguel folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at them all.
“We got a good look at ya backside.” Hobie stated and the others looked at Miguel with smiles.
“It’s the same as anyone else’s, don’t be immature.”
“It definitely was not the same as everyone else’s.” Miles mumbled, making Miguel’s eyes snap to his with a lingering question in them.
“I mean, sometimes my back looks a bit like that, depends when my girl is ova or not.” Hobie smirks, winking at Pav as he lets out a laugh.
“What?” Miguel asks, still confused.
“Miguel- can you take the back of your suit down? Just your back, not your butt?” Jess asks, making the large man think for a second. Without another thought, he lets the back of his suit dissolve and Gwen gasps. Jess and peter stand, eyes wide, and finally Peter clears his throat.
“I think the kids have some sort of paperwork to do.” Peter moves to rush them all out, Hobie shaking his head.
“Finished it all, so who’s the lucky lady?” He dodged Peter’s grasp before he can push him out of the room, making everyone stop.
Miguel furrows his brows. “I don’t understand, is there something-“
And then you walk in.
A bouncy little pep in your step, making him want to pepper kisses all over your face, and his face relaxes a bit. You’re in mostly casual clothing, shorts and a t-shirt with those cute little boots he loves so much. You two had been dating secretly, not wanting the spider society to make a big deal of it.
“Who’s got a lucky lady?” You inquire and Hobie nods to Miguel.
“Big boss man’s got some serious evidence of a good night all ova ‘is back. We’re just asking who could he be smashin’.”
Silence covers the room as Miguel finally understands.
He immediately covers his back.
He was with you last night.
You, with your legs around his waist as he sunk into you over and over, causing you both to practically break the sound barrier with your moans. You with your nails dragging all across his back, your mouth leaving hickeys all over his skin, and Miguel returning the favor. Him, leaving hand shaped bruises on your thighs.
Ones that were very visible right now in those little shorts.
Your eyes swelled as you somewhat understood what you just waltzed in on.
“W-wow, maybe I shouldn’t be here right now-“
“And what are those?” Hobie bends down to your thighs, making you freeze as you and Miguel refuse to break eye contact.
“You have a secret partner too?” Pav asks, shock filling his voice. Gwen and Hobie look at each other as it sinks in and Miles takes a step back to the door.
“I-I got those on a mission.” You sputter, trying to save some face.
“The hickeys and fang-marks too?” Jess crossed her arms, not believing you as you just shrugged, face red as a beet.
“Everyone get out!” Miguel roared, embarrassed by the obvious being revealed.
“Fine, but try not to get distracted, yeah?” Hobie says, strolling out with his hands in his pockets. Gwen follows him out with a hand covering her face while Miles drags out Pav, who just keeps trying to ask questions. Jess and Peter glance back to you and Miguel, before Peter mumbles a happy little ‘good for them,’ and Jess pulls him away.
You two stare at each other before he sighs as you ask,
“You think they know?”
“They know.”
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
‘I Want Him’ 
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x pre-established relationship reader - callsign ‘Angel’
Summary: After saving an orphaned baby from a hostage situation, you realize how much of your heart had fallen in love with him. You really want to keep him as your own, but what will Ghost say?
Warnings: mentions of hostage situations, mentions of horrible past, an argument between Ghost and Reader ‘Angel’, FLUFF in the end!
5 weeks had passed ever sense the 141 Task Force had emerged into a mission and came out successful. Laswell had sent them to rescue hostages that were being kept hidden by the Cartels. Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley and his partner Y/n ‘Angel’ Y/l/n were the first to run inside the abandoned building, they had been tight partners for the past 2 years, and did everything together, one another’s shadow. Though the pair weren’t married or gave their ‘relationship’ a name, everyone knew that they were for one another and no one else, their actions towards each other spoke enough about the untold and undeniable love they had. Simon always made sure Angel was in sight, not because he didn’t trust her (for he trusted her wholly and had told and showed her many things he had never done with another soul) but he didn’t trust the world that revolved around her. Angel was a gentle person at heart, and still had a lot of good in her, and Simon feared that the dark world that couldn’t penetrate her light, might want to take it instead. He was the one that chose to shield her burning light, as she warmed and brightened up his cold and dark heart. But though they loved each other and respected one another’s wishes, sometimes they had their disagreements, like when Simon had seen Angel grow close to a baby boy they had rescued along with the other hostages, he didn’t like that. Not because he didn’t like seeing Angel happy, cause boy you better believe that he lived off her smile and rare giggles, but he thought that keeping the little baby wouldn’t be a good idea, concerning the lives they lived. The little baby named Noah was the only one left behind, for no one claimed him as their own, hence leaving him to stay with the 141 Task Force until someone could pick him up. And it had been 5 weeks and still no one got him, but Angel was the first to welcome Noah and get him used to be around all the men that were rowdy and loud, she always fed him and kept him company. But Simon didn’t like how much she enjoyed being with Noah, he could already imagine the never ending fountain of tears she’d cry when Noah had to go. And the last thing he hated seeing on Angel, was blood and tears. So right now little Noah was laying asleep in a quiet room, while Simon and Angel argued with one another after he caught her for the 6th time in the day carrying him and playing with him, after Simon warned her to stop because he didn’t want the baby to grow close to her, and her to him. 
 Angel held onto Noah’s blue baby blanket as she sat on the floor surrounded by handmade puppets she created out of Simon’s socks, crying as Simon explained to her for the 100th time it seemed,
  “Angel, love.. I told you I didn’t want you with him, he’s fine on his own, alone. Yet here you are making a mess for him.”
  Angel picked up the puppets as she sniffed,
  “I wasn’t making a mess, I was trying to make him happy-“
 “But that’s not your job, you’re job is to be looking for a family-“
  Standing up abruptly with a growing anger Angel shouted,
 “And I’ve done everything I can!!”
Simon bit back how he wanted to yell back at her, but he knew it wouldn’t make the situation better, so instead he calmly said,
 “I don’t think so Angel... its been 5 weeks-“
Angel huffed,
 “5 weeks of looking and I haven’t found a home for him-“
 Simon ended her rant when he asked a serious question, knowing Angel’s answer damn well,
 “Because you want to keep him right?”
 Angel’s face dropped, she was caught. Yes, she had been looking for a home for Noah, or a safer place for him to stay. But deep, deep down she really hoped that she could have one more day with him, to see his little smile and hear his cheerful giggles. Simon read Angel’s quiet expression, and only grew more upset as he realized he was right. Sighing with disappointment he crossed his arms,
“You know our lives don’t promise anything good or safe for him!!”
 Clutching the soft, baby blue blanket closer to her chest, Angel began to cry,
 “And if we leave him out there, or-or anywhere else he won’t be safe either!! Please! He’s just a baby Simon!!”
  A heavy sob left Angel’s pink lips as her eyes grew swollen from the painful tears that continued to fall from her beautiful eyes. Ghost looked down at his feet and held his face in his large hand, unwilling to face Angel’s teary face and expression of hurt. It pained his heart to see her like this and to know he might make it worse, because he didn’t want to keep little Noah. Not because he didn’t love him or like him, (for his heart swooned for the beautiful baby boy) but Simon felt that he’d be totally incapable of being a father and protecting him as much as he should be present. Simon’s father was never there for him, and when he was on the few occasions, he left Simon wounded and scarred for life. After living through all the hurt his father put him through, Simon promised himself he’d be a better father than his own, but right now, he feared that he was no where ready to complete that promise. Simon turned to walk out of the room to clear his head, from the haunting flashbacks he was beginning to see at the thought of his own father. He didn’t want Angel to face him when he was going through them, sometimes he would worry that he might lash out on her without meaning it, so instead he’d keep distance until he was calm. But in the moment, Angel wasn’t ready for him to walk away, and leave her in the mess of her own heart that had fallen for a motherless baby. She reached out and grabbed his arm unexpectedly before he could walk out of the room, and whimpered,
  “Simon please just listen to me-“
Although it was one simple sentence, in the world of Simons mind that raced through millions of haunting things, that one thing was enough for him to snap. Yanking his arm away from her harshly, Simon then practically screamed in her face with a pointing finger,
 Angel gasped and jumped back at his actions, cowering from his screams, not intentionally wanting to show him that he had definitely scared her, for this was a first. At seeing this, Simon froze in place, with his hand in mid air, slowly taking into count how he had just unintentionally scared Angel, finally doing what he had feared most, lashing his anger on her for things he couldn’t stop thinking about and couldn’t control. Simon immediately dropped his hand when he saw her stand up fully, looking like she was about to walk away from him, another nightmare he never wanted to come true. All bad thoughts and angered feelings left him when it was replaced with guilt and fear as he called out worriedly with panicked eyes,
  “Please don’t go, I’m so sorry love, I swear-“
 Angel took in his tone and words, and stood still for a couple of seconds with growing tears in her eyes, then walked up to him with purpose and raised her hand towards his face. Simon could only figure that she might either slap him or something along that line, but was so wrong when she instead grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down into a hug as she wrapped her both arms around his neck, grasping tightly. Simon gasped under his breath, then let out a sigh of relief to know that she’d never leave him, no matter how many times his mind told him that she would because he believed that he didn’t deserve her. Simon quickly wrapped his strong arms around her tiny form and pushed her impossibly closer to his chest, cradling his face into her neck, inhaling what smelled like comfort and home on Angel’s body. 
 Angel ran a hand through his short hair as she cried to him in between sniffles and little escaping sobs,
  “I’m sorry for pushing you about this baby, I should’ve considered how you felt first. I know you’re childhood wasn’t easy, and your father didn’t make it better. I’m so sorry my love.”
 Simon squeezed her sides warmly, it was his way of saying that he forgave her. But even though Simon wasn’t a man of a lot of words, he couldn’t let this slip by without his share of words, so he then kissed Angel’s neck as he softly said,
  “It’s not your fault, my life and everything that is involved in it, isn’t your fault. I’m sorry for lashing out on you, no matter what’s going on between us, you should never fear me hurting you, and if I ever do, you pick up my personal gun and shoot me clean, understood?”
  Angel let out a sweet chuckle at his dramatics, but she knew that he was dead serious, so she nodded, 
  “I understand love, and I also... though it stings like a bitch... I know letting Noah go is ours and his safest bet.”
 After confessing such, she let a heart wrecking sob escape her lips, letting him know that making this decision was tough for her, but she held onto him tighter and kissed his head, showing him that she’d be ok with it, as long as she had him by her side. Simon pulled away and gently held onto Angel’s face before planting a sweet kiss to her lips, ignoring how they were wet and tasted salty from her tears. Angel clutched onto his strong arms as Simon promised her comfortingly,
  “One day, when we are settled down, and are no longer a part of this life, I’ll let you have as many kids as you desire, I’ll give you the big family you want.”
  Angel pouted adorably as she asked innocently,
  “Can we have 12 babies?”
 Simon’s eyes grew a little wide at the double digits, but nonetheless he nodded with a smile,
  “Of course, you can have your 12 babies.”
  “All girls?”
Chuckling softly at the thought of having 12 little Angels running around in little dresses made him smile,
  “All girls is perfect for me.”
Angel beamed at him lovingly before tiptoeing to kiss his pointed nose then lips,
  “Thank you my love... now I need to go, and get Price to help me find a place for the little one.”
 With a kiss to her forehead Simon let her go,
  “Alrighty then, let me know if you need anything, I promise I’ll be right here.”
Angel then walked away, opening the door and stepping out of the room after sending him a sweet smile and a wave goodbye.
A couple of hours had passed when Simon realized that Angel hadn’t returned,
 ‘Perhaps she’s quiet busy.. maybe I’ll get a small dinner started for her.’
Ghost slipped on his balaclava and left his infamous Skull behind, believing that he’d be just fine without it. He walked out of their shared room and went down the hall to head down to the kitchen to grab some dinner for themselves. Until a soft baby cry made him stop in his tracks, right in front of a closed door. Simon didn’t move again, thinking to himself that maybe he heard wrong, but the silence made the baby’s next cry sound even louder and more clearer. Hesitant to engage and help the baby, fearing he might scare it or might not be able to know how to help him, Simon then decided to go look for Angel after all. But a soft, adorable whimper from the baby’s mouth made its way to Simon’s ears, which guided him to him sudden move, which was to open the door and walk in. There the baby stood in his makeshift crib in the dark, only a little light shone from a flashlight that was taped on the wall of the crib, which was built by Gaz and Soap, so you can imagine how terrible it looked, but it was durable. His little pouty lips and round teary eyes made Simon’s heart melt immediately, and even more when his mini chubby hands did grabby signs towards him as the whimpers continued to leave his toothless little mouth. Simon was more than ready to back off, but a subtle flash came across him, he saw his little sled reaching for his father, who only walked away and never came back, after he wounded his wife brutally. Simon shook the painful thought off, and sighed to himself as he walked closer to little Noah, debating whether or not he should walk out and find Angel, or just pick up the little baby. Simon chose the latter, and used his large, calloused hands to grab onto the sides of Noah, and lifted him carefully out of the crib. Once he had picked him up fully, Simon held him up and stretched out,  taking into view his little features and large clothing. Simon recognized the long, red shirt the baby wore, it was Angels, that fit largely on little Noah, but Simon heartily believed he looked adorable. The baby silenced it cries and look deeply into Simon’s eyes, trying to see his face through the thick, black balaclava he wore, but Noah didn’t show signs of fear, he was actually more curious than anything when he started to stretch his hands to towards it, wanting to touch it. Simon caught onto Noah’s intentions immediately and slowly brought him closer to his face as he cooed softly, worried again that he might he scare him with his tough and deep accent, 
 “Hey little one.. you like my balaclava?”
Noah cooed back and sent him a bright smile when he heard Simon’s voice, letting out a little shriek once his soft hands touch Simon’s covered cheeks. Through the balaclava Simon was still able to smell how sweet and fresh Noah was, also a little bit of vanilla hit his nose from Angels shirt that was worn on Noah. Simon could feel his heart pound and beat with a growing, warm feeling. Simon’s observant eyes caught onto how perfect Noah was, his beautiful ocean blue eyes, his little button nose, his toothless but adorable smile, even the baby noises of excitement that left his pink tiny lips. Noah’s hands still traveled up and down Simon’s face, liking the way the balaclava felt against his mini fingers and tiny palms. Simon then felt a pinch in his heart, realizing he was liking this a little too much, but before he could pull Noah away, Noah threw himself onto Simon’s face, and hugged it tightly with his baby arms. The baby was so small, he practically covered Simon’s entire face, his little tummy was against Simon’s nose, as he laid chubby face on Simon’s head, cuddling closer than before. Standing completely still from shock, Simon thought for a moment, as he felt Noah’s tummy moving as he took in his little breaths,
 ‘What an adorable little one... no wonder Angel wanted him so badly... he’s so loving.. even in a world that has given him nothing.’
 And suddenly a wave of emotion hit Simon, making him clutch the baby tighter, feeling his innocent love pour into his heart that didn’t always know how to love in the bad times. Angel had been the one to bring that back in Simon, sense the first day he saw her, it was like an electric shock sparked in him the minute she laid her eyes on him, giving him a chance to open up to her, no matter how scared and hard he was at first. Soon Simon felt that he couldn’t breathe without her, needing to always be by her side, which caused him to express his feelings and desperation for her. He didn’t use words though, no... he wrote a meaningful letter and sat in front of Angel as she read it to herself. Angel let him in when she tucked the folded letter into her shirt, and opened her arms for him to receive, and sense that day, he had learned to love and was inseparable from her. But now, as he felt Noah’s little fingers move as he patted his covered head, Simon felt a new kind of love seep into his heart, a love of an innocent child. He never felt that he could ever feel such, but Noah made all the difference, the minute he was in Simon’s arms. In that moment, a missing puzzle piece connected itself in Simon’s heart, and that when he knew what he wanted,
  ‘I want him..’
Simon immediately but gently pulled Noah away from his face as he said,
  “Little one... I want you. I really do, son. I just don’t know if I can keep you now, but I don’t want to ever let you go.”
 Noah didn’t understand what Simon was saying, so he just smiled happily and babbled incoherent words, expressing how he was liking Simon and his soothing voice, still trying to reach out and touch his balaclava again. Simon then moved Noah into one arm, and securely held him before walking out, leaning his head down a little so Noah’s reaching hands could still touch the bottom of his balaclava. Soap was the first to catch Simon with Noah as he walked down the hall, with a raised brow he asked confused while pointing at Noah,
  “Ay LT... What is this?”
Simon turned to Soap as he bounced Noah a little,
  “This is Noah... meet your Uncle Soap, little one.”
 Soap approached the pair and brushed the back of his hand gently against Noah’s soft hair while looking at Simon,
  “LT will they let you keep him?”
Noah leaned into Soap’s touch but still clung tightly onto Simon’s black shirt,
“They have to... I don’t want him to go.. he’ll be safe here with us. He has a bunch of badass Uncles and a strong mother.”
 Soap stepped away and smiled at Simon approvingly, it was quite a new look on him, strong and huge in every way, holding onto a tiny bundle of joy that only sported sweet smiles. 
  “They ya better get ya ass to Price, they were still looking for a place to take him in.” 
  Walking away Simon replied while cooing at Noah,
 “I know.. but you’re not going any where now. Huh little one? I know right?”
 Once Simon was out of sight, Soap chuckled to himself and thought it was hilarious to see the big, bad, murder machine Ghost swooning over a baby, he even pitched his voice as he communicated with him, while to the rest he barked loudly and meanly. But deep down Soap was happy to see Ghost this way, at times it did hurt him to see his pal Simon so closed off and cold, but now, he knew things would take a turn, for his little one. Angel sat on Price’s office crisscrossed as she laid a phone book in front of her, calling every number possible that could probably take in Noah. But every person on the other line said that they didn’t have room, or that they couldn’t take babies, hence leaving Angel very frustrated as she took in her next call and argued with the secretary on the line,
 “Listen, he’s just one baby, you have to have room.... what do you mean no?!..... No, Please I’ve tried everywhere else and all of them have used the same excuse!!..... You know what, I hope you rot in hell! There’s a child in need of a home and you’re being impossible! Thank you for being a bitch!!”
 Slamming the telephone on the desk Angel then covered her face and sighed loudly, trying to keep herself together so she could make the next call. And just then she heard the office door open behind her, right away Angel thought it was Price as she began to explain,
 “Believe me Price, I’ve tried for the last 2 and a half hours and NO ONE wants to take him in!! It’s not fair!”
 She expected Price’s gruffly voice to come through, but instead she was met with a sweet noise, a little coo that made her whip her head around so quick she was surprised her head had not snapped.
  “Noah?- Simon? Oh Simon I’m so sorry was he crying?!”
Angel jumped off the desk and was ready to get Noah out of Simon’s hands, worried that Noah might of irritated him with his cries which is why he brought him to her, but Simon only held onto Noah tighter as he put forth,
  “He’s ok... I think he likes me.”
Angel’s face dropped as she took in Simon’s words, not ever expecting to hear those words come from him. But she was able to see how happy Simon was, his eyes glistened brighter. Walking up to Simon she looked at Noah who was happily chewing on his fingers, she then felt a large warm hand grab onto hers, which made her look up at Simon who was already looking down at her with love,
  “I want him...”
Angel awed in sympathy as she cupped Simon’s cheek,
“Aww sweetheart. I want him too... but I don’t know if-“
Placing his finger on Angel’s lips Simon insisted,
 “Shh shh... we’ll keep him. No buts, he’s not going anywhere. We have a strong fortress here, a good family. I can’t imagine him anywhere else in this world that isn’t in my sight.”
 Tears welled up in Angel’s eyes as she placed her hand on Noah’s head as she ran her delicate fingers through his hair,
 “Are you serious? You really want to do this Simon?”
 Simon nodded,
 “Only if you do.”
“Of course! I really do!!”
 Angel placed a kiss on Simon’s lips over the balaclava before cooing at Noah excitedly,
  “Did you get that Noah? You’re staying!!-“
 “What in the bloody hell is going on?”
Now that was Price, who stood at his door with a face of confusion, looking at his 6’4 giant coldblooded soldier clutching a happy baby to his chest, along with his other less coldblooded soldier who was holding onto little Noah’s hands. Angel stepped away as she clear her throat,
 “Umm Price... I think you know what’s going on.”
 Price stayed utterly silent, only looking at Noah as he watched him now entertain himself with Simon’s fingers. Simon grew internally worried that Price might say no and have them give up Noah, but was wrong when Price lifted a small smile, as he told Angel,
  “I told ya he would break, of course we can keep him here with us, and he can be yours.”
 Simon let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and sighed as he lifted Noah in the air,
  “My little one... I guess Uncle Price took a liking to you too eh?”
Angel ran to Price and gave him an appreciative but unexpected hug, squeezing him tightly as she thanked him,
  “Thank you Price, means everything to me.”
 Price returned the hug as he kissed Angel’s head,
  “You’re welcome, I’ve prepared a safe place for you to be at, for your family. A good home.”
 Simon’s ears perked up at that,
  “But what about work? I’ll still be showing up no?”
Chuckling at Simon’s usual loyalty to his job no matter what, Price settled the issue as he said,
  “Of course, you’ll be in your regular schedule, but instead of coming back here, you go to your safe house to be with your boy and wife. And as for Angel, things will be different for you, you’ll help me run the mechanics for me, along with the technical parts. You’ll still be a big help, you’re one of our better technicians for the military equipment.”
 Angel nodded approvingly,
 “Thank you Captain.”
Price sent Angel a warm smile before walking out,
 “No problem, get your things and go home.”
A few hours later, Simon and Angel were settled in their new safe house. It was small but incredibly cozy, a cute little nursery was built in their shared room, it had a nice living area and a kitchen. On the outside it looked like a little cottage in the woods. But it was hidden deep in the woods where no one could find it. The cottage faced a small lake and some mountain sides, giving the perfect view for a sunrise. Simon sat on the loveseat that was in front of the fireplace that was lit up by him. He had discarded his balaclava and shirt, hence only leaving him in his cargo pants and boots while sitting on the chair. With little Noah resting on his bare, muscled chest as Simon patted his back gently. Noah let out calm breaths as he slept away, sooth by Simon’s chest moving up and down slowly, and by the warmth of his skin. Noah only wore his little diaper, that came from a box of things for him that Price and Laswell had put together for him. Small footsteps could be heard as Angel walked into the living room in Simon’s long socks and black long sleeved shirt, she patted towards where he sat and awed at the adorable sight. Simon looked up from where he had his eyes on Noah, and locked his loving gaze on Angel as she grabbed his hand with a small pout,
  “He stole my spot.”
Simon’s chest rumbled with a light chuckle, but he nonetheless moved Noah carefully up his chest and more to his right side, then patted his lap as he offered,
  “There’s still room, take my lap, c’mon love.”
 Angel sent him a beaming smile before carefully situating herself onto his lap, cuddling into his embrace as he used his free hand to hold her against him. Angel planted a soft kiss on his lips before laying her head on his chest, facing Noah who was still sleeping peacefully, she ran her fingers through his hair gently, smoothing it out, then laying her hand over Simon’s chest. Simon hummed to himself, leaning his head down to kiss Angels head, feeling happy and protective as he held two of the most precious treasures of the world. Outside of his house he’d still be himself, cold killer and always serving in the most crucial missions, but here in his home, in the safety of his family, he could be free, and he could be himself, a best friend, husband, a father, and overall... happy.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Hihi! May I req an emergency req? With male!reader accidentally dropping/pushing a plate or glass and breaking it. Reader rushing to clean the mess up even with his bare hands and out of concern, the character yells at them to be careful or smth and reader flinches? How would they react? (And if ur fine with it, reader having SEVERE daddy issues and domestic violence so that's why they act like that) pls don't make reader those crybaby types but someone similar to dazai but less uhm, dazai? Like dazai but when he seems human if u yk what I mean) and reader being a teen (14-17)
Format: Anything u want!
Characters: Kunikida, Fukuzawa, Chuuya, Poe and Ranpo (separate) (omg if u could, then ranpoe together being father figures I just love the ship it's my comfort ship😭💖💖)
Platonic pls :)) (chuuya being an older brother figure, Fukuzawa and kunikida being father figures)
I FEEL LIKE ITS TOO SPECIFIC SO FEEL FREE TO NARROW IT DOWN 😭😭. Make sure to take care of urself and have a wonderful day <33
okay so. i'm really REALLY sorry T-T but i do not write male readers so i am gonna go gn with this (again i am sorry ily <3)
When Reader flinches after they yell
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♡ characters: Doppo Kunikida, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Chuuya Nakahara, Edgar Allan Poe, Ranpo Edogawa (bonus Ranpoe together!), teenage!gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: Reader breaks a piece of flatware and when they go to clean it, they're yelled at and flinch. How do the characters react to this?
♡ cw: Reader suffers from domestic abuse-related trauma and has daddy issues, yelling, trauma response (specifically a kind of silent/blunt affect type reaction), swearing, mentions of reader's hands being cut (unintentionally by flatware shards), father and older brother figure dynamics, lmk if I missed anything
note: I hope you're doing alright 💙 Anon, and I hope that these make you feel better :') come to me for hugs if you need them. I also hate yelling and have daddy issues so like, I feel you my dude. AND RANPOE IS MY COMFORT SHIP TOO omggg they're the best DM me and let's rant about them. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Let's say you're a mentee of his at the agency. Kunikida obviously only has good intentions and would hate for you to get hurt (Yosano...*shiver*), so he kinda freaks out a little when he sees you about to grab ceramic shards with your bare hands
Caught up in his alarm, he yells at you not to touch the shards and then goes to get a broom (or one of those little dustpan things) to clean up the mess
He comes back and sees your expression, and is honestly a little confused at first. You did manage to stay out of harm's way so he doesn't understand what's got you so distressed (he's so smart but also so very dumb)
You sit there while he quickly cleans the mess but when he notices that your eyes have kind of glazed over and you seem to be somewhere else, he gets a little worried and asks if you're alright
You tell him that you got frightened when he yelled because it reminded you of something and he has a moment of '...shit'
Kunikida puts down his dustpan/broom, puts a hand on your shoulder and gently explains that he wasn't mad at you but that he was just worried about you. He'd rather you made a mess unharmed than cleaned up the mess but gotten hurt
Don't be fooled by his calm demeanour, he actually feels really bad and will probably beat himself up for making such a mistake
He does end up cleaning it for you and asks you to please take care of yourself and be careful
He has an odd tendency of being very intense with his kids out of the blue and then immediately feeling bad for it which is exactly what happens with you
You were probably bringing him tea or something when you accidentally dropped the tray and the cup shattered. He probably barely even reacted at all to it honestly, mostly just because he doesn't care THAT much about a cup. He has more
But then you apologise and kneel down to get them and this man might be tough but he is a softie at heart and panics when his kids are in harm's way (you're basically his kid let's be real)
So he yells, and it's basically that one scene in the theatre from Untold Origins all over again, except unlike Ranpo he knows that you don't really shake such things off so easily due to your past. So he's still concerned just for different reasons
He knows that as a father figure in your life he's supposed to protect you and that he had good intentions but it still affected you negatively in a way, and he's like. Really really sad about that fact (but he doesn't show it awh)
He apologises for yelling and asks you not to try and clean up ceramic shards with your bare hands because infections and y'know your hands are a pretty important part of your body
Fukuzawa is still firm as he speaks but he's also very gentle and nice about the whole thing and sits with you until you feel better
If you thank him for looking out for you, he'll be thinking about that for like the next week :'((((
Chuuya yells like, a lot, but he often makes a conscious effort not to do so around you because he knows that you don't like it. Being a habit though, it sometimes comes out unintentionally
So say you're bringing him something to eat while he's working or something and while you're approaching him you drop and shatter the plate.
He's like 'Oh let me get that' and was gonna grab the shards with his ability (he doesn't have an issue with doing it himself cus it's lowkey quicker), but then he sees that you're about to collect them barehanded and yells at you to stop
When he sees you flinch he immediately starts backtracking like 'Wait, no- that's not what I meant' and comes to kneel beside you and pat you on the head (or back, whichever)
He quickly composes himself and apologises, saying that he was just worried about you, not angry about the plate or you wanting to clean it.
He tells you that he's gotten cuts on his palms before and they 'hurt like a motherfucker' so he didn't want you to get hurt too (and he's kinda being jokey about it because he's nice like that)
He just exudes comfort energy, so your panic moment doesn't really last that long. He's honestly very chill about the whole thing because he knows that you're not gonna make the same mistake
Even if you did though he'd help bandage your cuts without hesitation
Poe is the opposite of Chuuya- he just DOESN'T yell at all. That's why it caught you as offguard as it did
When you dropped the plate he was a little scared because of the loud noise, but was relieved to see that you hadn't gotten hurt.
He really doesn't care much about a broken dish, because he can buy a billion more with ease. He just cares that you were about to hurt your hand (I'm quite sure you can possibly injure nerves by cutting your palm, and as a murder mystery writer Poe would absolutely be aware of this)
So he yells in an attempt to get you to quickly stop when you kneel down to clean it, and when he sees your face he feels awful
Poe hates yelling too, so he is extremely apologetic about the whole thing. He feels really bad because he knows that you find a lot of comfort with him and he's scared he's just ruined your trust in him to keep you safe
You tell him that you know he wasn't trying to be mean or malicious but he still feels really bad about it (lowkey you end up comforting HIM ngl)
He decides to clean up the mess himself (and lets you cuddle Karl while he does because he's basically an emotional support animal)
Will literally do anything to get you to trust him once more because he feels such an unnecessary amount of guilt (you have to really hammer it into him that you DO still trust him- he doesn't entirely believe you (projecting sorry lol))
Ranpo is the Super Highschool Level Older Brother Figure. And as such he is appropriately concerned when he sees that you're about to try and handle a broken plate with bare hands
I'm absolutely certain that several times in the past Ranpo's dropped his fair share of dishes and gotten cuts from trying to pick them up too fast and he doesn't want that happening to you
So he yells to you not to touch them. When he sees your reaction to this, for a split second he panics but he actually handles it surprisingly well for a (2)6 year old
He comes over and sits down beside you. Then he explains to you that he doesn't want you to get hurt unnecessarily (especially somewhere like your hands) because he cares about you, so he panicked for a second and that's why he yelled.
(to everyone's surprise /j) he does apologise to you for it and give you a hug to help ground you and comfort you (he also gives you a little squeeze cus he feels bad aw)
If you ask him if he's mad about the broken dish he immediately goes back to normal and is like 'Pfft not at all. It's a plate Y/N' and tells you not to worry about it
He does make you feel better about the broken plate, but this is Ranpo we're talking about. You think he's gonna clean it up, or even help you clean it? No, that job unfortunately still falls entirely on you (damnit Ranpo)
Except this time you take cautionary measures before you do so. And Ranpo's happy to see it :)
Right, so these two are just little children in the bodies of men in their late twenties. However they are still very much in touch with their dad sides especially when it comes to you
So you're carrying a plate for some reason (maybe they're busy solving mysteries and eating snacks idk) but you drop it and it breaks. Poe's a millionaire and Ranpo is Ranpo so they don't care that they have one less plate
Then you hurriedly apologise to them and bend down to grab the plate and they both overreact and yell at you to stop (for the same reasons written above in their seperate scenarios)
Once they see you flinch they both have different reactions. Poe rushes over to see if you're alright but Ranpo is more wanting to give you a second to breathe and process
And that's literally what happens. Poe (and Karl) rushes over to check on you and Ranpo waits a minute before he joins him.
Ranpo comes to comfort you while Poe gets rid of the broken plate, then when he comes back he helps Ranpo explain why they both yelled earlier. He lets Ranpo do most of the talking though
They both express that they're just glad you didn't get hurt. And that you're allowed to make mistakes! Just don't do anything that will get yourself hurt
Will let you help them with their work/watch them work if you want to (usually that stuff's confidential but hey it's not like people are gonna question Ranpo and Poe now is it)
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anon i will be your parental figure and we can straight up just forcefully shatter plates together (with safety glasses on though!!!) to let off steam
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gumnut-logic · 5 months
Five times Virgil tackled loopy family members, and one time they tackled him (Part Six, Bit 1)
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six - Bit 1
This is an attempt to finish this fic off. Unfortunately, this last part is big and I was unable to fully complete it this morning. But there is some Tracy boy action in this, so I hope you enjoy what should be the first half of the last chapter of this fic.
Now I have to go to work, drat it.
…and one time his family had to tackle him.
It was another fire.
Virgil had seen so many wildfires now they were at Tuesday status. Didn’t mean they weren’t tiring.
It was a full team effort and they had been at it for hours in the Californian hills. Virgil wanted to curse the eucalypts that weren’t supposed to be here, but honestly the native pines burned just as much, both full of flammable sap that just set the fires roaring.
At first he had stayed in Two, water-bombing with local fire services and laying down a firebreak to stop it all from getting into suburbia.
There lay the nightmare. The few times a wildfire had breached a city limits were all on Virgil’s most hated rescues list. Not that fire anywhere wasn’t horrible, but the city increased the density of human lives and ever so many more were inevitably lost.
Once the firebreak was set, he went back to slowing it down, but then some fire personnel were trapped and he had to leap out of Two to save them. A family who should have evacuated earlier also found themselves trapped on their property ahead of the fire front and again Virgil was the only one able to reach them.
By this time he already had his firesuit on and with a second thought also grabbed his exosuit. There was no indication it was needed, but he felt much more secure with it on.
Gordon called it his ‘wooby-suit’. Well, once, Virgil’s reaction had been sufficient to nub that one in the bud.
His brother still snickered on occasion when Virgil announced he was suiting up.
His fish brother really was a little shit at times.
A loveable one, but a shit nonetheless.
The house was a two storey at the very end of a cul-de-sac. Its driveway disappeared into the trees and as Virgil landed Two in the path of the oncoming fire, he had a few curse words for those who didn’t follow wildfire prevention protocols.
Two barely fit on the dead-end road, her backend almost nudging one of the other primly neat, ordered and now deserted homes.
At least one garden gnome met a gruesome end.
Virgil barely noticed. Moments and he was running down that winding dirt driveway. It appeared that it was one of those hidden pathways to a lot bigger property. Fortunately, John was in his ear with clear and concise directions.
A house appeared after a decent jog through the trees, Virgil frowned. There was no car packed for an emergency retreat. It all appeared deserted.
Only the backdrop of smoke and the ash drifting on the air gave the landscape any urgency.
“They are sheltering in the basement.” He could hear the frown in John’s voice.
“Well, get them out here. I don’t have time to dig them out.”
“I have been trying. They are quite panicked.”
John was interrupted by Scott. “Thunderbird Two, you are needed on the south-west flank, we have break through.”
“FAB, Thunderbird One. Retrieving two rescuees. ETA in ten.”
“Make it five, we have unevacuated civilians in the fire’s path.”
What the hell?
“FAB, Thunderbird One.”
The house itself could have stood in for one of those horror films. Tall, two storey, made of wood, not maintained too well. Even its paintwork screamed black and white Hitchcock.
Virgil didn’t bother with the front door, instead scooting around the side of the building to a set of external cellar doors. He banged on the wood with a claw. “International Rescue!” No response. “You called for help?”
“Virgil!” John’s voice was panicked.
A man appeared out of nowhere, yelling something incomprehensible. Virgil staggered backwards at a sharp pain in his arm. Someone else tried to grab him.
What the-?
“Get the damned machine off him! Cut the hydraulics!”
Virgil reacted, spinning where he stood, exosuit arms coming up in defence. Kayo’s instructions chanting in his mind, unbidden.
Disable and run. That’s all you have to do, Virgil. You don’t want to fight. Don’t fight. Run!
He wasn’t very manoeuvrable in the suit, but he was practised. Keep moving. Don’t let them immobilise you!
His right claw was a huge weapon and it barrelled into two men as he spun.
“Goddamnit! Get it right the third time, you idiots!” A woman’s voice and Virgil realised the cellar doors were open. She was climbing out to join the fray.
He spun, hitting someone else. How many were there? What did they want?
John shouted something in Virgil’s ear. Something about Scott.
Someone jumped onto his back, a hand blocking his vision as it gripped his helmet.
Pain as cold metal cut into the shoulder of his uniform.
Virgil set his feet and disengaged the exosuit, flinging himself away.
He hit dirt as the woman yelled at the men again, but he didn’t give himself time to register what she said, instead launching himself off the ground and running just as Kayo had told him to do.
“Get him, you idiots!”
Virgil’s breath was harsh in his ears as he put everything into his legs towards the safety of Two. His fire suit hampered him and he wished for the umpteenth time in his life that he had Scott or John’s long legs. But life had gifted him with strong, sturdy, and a damn sight shorter. He was literally made for heavy lifting.
And not for running.
But run he did.
For the trees.
His brain screamed at him about the fire hazard, about the glow above those trees, the ash dancing in the air, but he needed cover. A mix of eucalypt and pine waving in the hot wind.
Sparks drifting lazily past.
He wanted to stop and gaze at them but there was a voice urging him on.
And that horrible woman screeching far behind.
The scrub swallowed him whole.
“Thunderbird Two will be available momentarily. We have pods to deploy and slow progress.” Scott stared at the map, suddenly missing Virgil’s input. This was definitely Virgil territory. Maybe he should switch out Gordon for Virg and assign him to control. One could take up the slack. “Yes, Thunderbird Five?”
“Virgil has been attacked. Code Green. Sending you coordinates.”
“What?!” He straightened so fast his back cracked. A glance at the fire chief and he was grabbing his helmet and moving. “Alan, I need One now!”
He didn’t need to ask for further information. As he slapped on his helmet, John threw it at his HUD. A live feed of five assailants chasing the staggering green dot of his brother.
“Virgil’s vitals indicate he may have been drugged. I’m seeing spikes in his heart rate and his direction of retreat has become erratic.” John’s tone was clipped but full of tension. “He will not reach Thunderbird Two before he is overtaken.”
“Call in Kayo and notify the GDF.” He barely heard his own words as Alan dumped One precisely down beside him. Her ladder lowered and his feet were on it before it could hit dirt.
Dust welled up around his ‘bird as Alan launched her back into the air. Scott grabbed the cargo bay railing and secured himself.
“Gordon is inbound with the Dragonfly.” Alan’s voice was as clipped as John’s, not even turning to look at Scott. “ETA twenty seconds.”
One shot through the thick smoke of the fire front, leaving swirls of grey atmosphere behind it, and emerging out into the clear air of the yet to be burnt.
Evacuated suburbia lay quiet below as Alan threw the Thunderbird to the right and spun down for an abrupt and determined landing in the front yard of someone’s wannabe mansion.
“Stay with One. Keep her secure.” Scott was moving before his littlest brother could protest.
A tactical readout appeared on Scott’s HUD as his feet hit dirt. Gordon’s dragonfly pod touched down beside him, his fish brother’s eyes catching his.
Without words, Scott grabbed onto the pod and Gordon launched her to skim across the ground, closing the little distance between them and the trees.
Thunderbird Two sat quiet beyond the property, her green hull gathering grey ash as firefighting aircraft buzzed about the fire front, a closing distance away.
“Shadow is inbound, ETA ten minutes. A security team in on their way. Colonel Casey has confirmed a response from the GDF as soon the fire has been controlled.”
“What?!” But as Scott’s boots hit the ground again, he didn’t have time to discuss the GDF’s inadequacies. “Virgil’s status?”
“I’m getting no response. He is speaking, but not to me. He appears incoherent.” A pause. “Approach him with caution.” Another pause. “Five assailants still closing.”
Rage leaked through Scott’s composure, but he had no more time for that than he did for the GDF’s failings. “Gordon, you have my six.”
And they were swallowed by the trees.
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