#i really do need people to spread his campaign if they haven't by the way. siraj has become a friend to many people in my mutuals circle
boudicca · 1 month
help siraj rebuild his home! 🇵🇸🏡
speaking to siraj (@siraj2024) earlier today, he told me that he wasn't able to make the trip to a wifi hotspot and promote his campaign yesterday — or continue his tireless updates on the state of things in gaza — because his little boy has contracted a serious infection, one of the many illnesses spreading through the refugee tent camp that the family are stuck in. siraj, his wife, and their two very young children need a safe shelter, now.
support from people on tumblr meant siraj's fundraiser was able to reach its 2nd goal of $20 000 CAD, and now we need to help the abudayeh family reach $30 000 CAD. (siraj hopes to meet this goal by sunday 11/08.) the money will go toward food and medicine, but more importantly toward building supplies that siraj will use to rebuild his home and create a safe shelter for his family.
if you're able to donate, please do. otherwise, please reblog, or else reblog one of siraj's own posts. (by the way, if you're american, your $5 donation is actually nearly $7 CAD. your money goes a LOT further than you guys realise. and any donation helps.)
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Thankfully, I have been able to move away from an abusive environment and heal a lot. However, for reasons completely unknown to me, everyone in this new place has started making me the villain of their story, no matter what I do. At school, I am accused of being a bully towards my friends, even though said friends have said time and time again I haven't bullied them. Teachers have even threatened to get me expelled for said bullying that didn't. even. happen! The parents of my friends call me a bad influence on their children for teaching them to stand up to oppression at school and at home. I feel like they just feel threatened by how I'm able to see through the bullshit and help my friends do the same. My boyfriend, one of the first people to show me consistent kindness despite my trauma symptoms, has become overly reliant on me, to the point I'm expected to act as his second mom. Whenever I refuse to, he, his parents and almost everyone else actually responsible for him gets mad at me for "not fulfilling my duties". I'm not sure what they mean? Am I really solely responsible for my boyfriend's wellbeing and safety? I can barely take care of my own. There is also no reciprocity, if I ever need help, I'm completely ignored and even ridiculed for asking.
I feel like everyone hates me and I can't figure out why. I tried really hard to be a kind and generous person, but if this is what I get, I'm tired of trying.
It sounds like there's a nasty smear campaign going around targeting you, or several of them. Someone might be telling lies about you to put you in a bad position, out-compete you, or as a form of revenge. This is something that will sometimes happen even to non-abused people, but to us it feels more personal, and more like an extension of our personal nightmares.
I think you're completely right on how nasty people are feeling threatened by you because you can see thru their bullshit, and it is in fact, common for such people to take measures to get rid of you (such as spreading lies and smear campaigns behind your back). Try figuring out where this rumor came from and who started spreading it, if you can ask people where they got this information and they admit it, you might be able to find the source and things might start making more sense.
You are not responsible for your boyfriend's well being, it sounds to me, from just this info, that he might have been kind to you at the start, (or consistently for a while) only to get you in a position where you'd feel responsible for his well being, knowing that he can turn other people against you or use sensitive information against you, the second you don't do as he wants you to. It doesn't sound like he's being kind anymore, because a kind person would not pick off an abuse victim and claim this person now responsible for my well being. He's not your baby, he's not your child, you are not responsible for his well being. And if there's no reciprocity, it's possible that this is not a good or beneficial relationship anymore, failure to reciprocate anything back, and being ridiculed for asking, is grounds for a breakup (if you decide on one, I know this isn't easy). It's also an awful thing to do to you.
I understand it's extremely frustrating and tiring to deal with all of this at once, and it feels like the situation will not get better. But, if you can isolate each one of these issues and deal with it separately, and understand it comes from separate sources that actually have nothing to do with who you are as a person, what your life is being shaped like, or what the future holds for you, it might be easier to see that this isn't a proof that life will always be awful. It might take a while to find a place where you can be only around people who see you in a human and positive way, and who would never try to make you responsible for things you cannot control, or should be responsible for. This is, however, really tough, and I'm so sorry you have so many sources of stress and guilt at once. I hope you find a place in your life where you can rest, and gather enough strength to stand for your rights and dismiss the bullshit.
It sucks to feel so hated and stressed, but you don't deserve any of it. And there will be people who will see you and appreciate you without insane expectations.
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paw--on--heart · 1 year
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, we have the plan to go away which is why I have my donation campaign pinned on my profile, if I raise at least that goal I can start the process with my savings, I can’t come out until I’d gotten my apartment and I’m away from family, so please support by donating if you can and help reblog though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
Hi, excuse the delayed reply. I'm sorry that you have to be going through this, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope you will manage to get your own livelihood that you won't have to fear losing due to anyone's homophobia, I'm wishing for all the best luck in that. I'm afraid I unfortunately don't have anything I could give myself, but at least I hope I can signal-boost. On that note, I don't know if people have already recommended it, but there's a number of blogs around the website that often help spread people's donations, so maybe those could help too. I've tried looking for a few, if you want to know feel free to message me. To be honest, I don't really know exactly how much it really helps, but hopefully it's better than nothing.
I don't exactly have that much experience dealing with the threat of overt homophobia, and I can't really give you too much advice that I haven't already seen others mention, but I wanted to mention this - you don't owe anyone a coming out. When there's a good chance that it won't be well received, or you're sure it won't be, and especially when it can mean serious consequences for you, you absolutely don't have to tell anyone anything; it's always okay to put your safety first. The same goes for keeping up relations, if it can be harmful to you, it's always fine to distance yourself. Well, I don't know exactly what kind of situation you're dealing with and what you can and cannot do, but I hope you manage to navigate this whole thing safely. Also as others have said, if you're able to it's always helpful to get in touch with other queer people in your area, hopefully there can be people who are able to give support.
Wishing all the best luck! ❤️
0 notes
baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Commander Cody!Medic/clueless reader
Semi based on real life mostly the the parts of being oblivious and wanting to drop kick people. Hope you enjoy.
Warning: Hopefully a bit of an emotionally roller coaster. It’s pretty fluffy y’all.
“Hey” you look up from your paperwork, giving your Commander a nod of acknowledgement. “Would you be interested in going to 79’s? Uhh...Some of the boys and I were going to hangout there.”
“Tonight?” you asked absentmindedly, still thumbing your way through the medical records.
“Uh, yes” he stuttered, swallowing hard to try and clear his throat. You put down your paperwork and notice that he is a bit unsteady on his feet. Without thinking you reach your hand out to check his temperature.
“Are you feeling alright?” Leaning into your touch he replies only with a tittering laugh and his small but warm smile. “Usually I’m the one forcing you to take a break.” You joked, he didn’t appear to have a fever. Giving your Commander a big grin, “Yes, that sounds wonderful.”
Back at your small apartment you’re running a bit behind, mostly due to the fact that you have nothing to wear. Well not exactly nothing, you had your civvie clothes but the boys only have military fatigues and you don’t feel like standing out. So your problem was this; the only clean uniform you had left since your return from the front, was your skirt ensemble and you hadn’t seen that since you were first accepted into the GAR.
“If only I had a bit more of a warning about this outing. My pants would have been pressed and ready to go.” You moaned digging your way to the back of your closet. Finally locating the skirt, you just needed to find some decent shoes. You settled on your go-to matte black pumps, they weren’t too high but high enough to add a nice touch to the outfit. You rush down to street level hailing an Air Taxi, hoping the boys won’t be to far ahead of you.
Finally reaching 79’s you enter the bar, the smell of a good night and rough morning hits you hard. Scanning through the familiar faces of the crowd, you eventually see Waxer waving frantically to get your attention. Cody smiles and gives you a small wave as well and you return the gesture and make your way to their booth. The booth had enough room for the six us but the boys seemed to be squished together at the one end. Leaving a wide opening at the other end next to the Commander.
“Sorry I’m late.” You apologize as you sit down. Everyone appears to simultaneously exhale, spreading out a bit after you take your place next to him. Grinning, he pushes a bright blue beverage with an assortment of fruit on its rim towards you.
“I took the liberty to order you a drink.” Humming in appreciation you take a sip and nod your head in approval.
“You look...pretty tonight.” Commented Boil. “Don’t say it like that! Makes it sound like she never looks pretty.” Elbowed Waxer. You let out a small laugh.
“Your the best Waxer always looking out for me, but its been, what, like six month now? I think I have been around Boil long enough now, to understand what he trying to say, most of the time that is.” You said giving the group a knowing look.
“See!” You heard Boil mumble to his brother, who shook his head. “She’s just being nice.”
“So what were you guys talking about before I came?” The feeling at the table changes drastically. Boil nervously shifts in his spot, Wooley is looking at a very interesting speck on the table, Waxer and Longshot are wide eyeing their Commander. You’d have thought you just asked the boys to shoot their Jedi General with the uneasy glances they were covertly giving you.
“We were just taking about the Ryloth campaign.” Cody remarked like nothing was amiss.
“Ah,” that was a couple month before you joined the GAR you thought. “Well don’t stop on my account, I always love to hear about your adventures.”
Cody grins like a proud ori’vod at his brothers retelling of the Campaign, making only a few correction here and there. Then somewhere between Waxer and Boil finding young Twi’lek girl named Numa and them almost being devoured by some Gutkurrs, the Commanders hand grazes your leg. Your eyes quickly dart down at the sensation. Warm tendrils spread throughout your body. Whidding through you and unearthing a thought, a feeling, you had long ago buried. You quickly push it out, like the unrequited and unwelcome visitor that it is. The boys have always been touch starved and with the added catalyst of alcohol, this wasn't something to be unexpected, just a bit unusual.
This accidentally graze turns into mindless tapping, a slight tick that you had never notice him have before. Eventually his hand is spread wide over your knee, his palm lazily raising and falling to the beat of the story, until it wasn’t. His hand lays idly across your leg, encasing your knee. An overwhelming feeling is starting to seep through, beginning to cloud your judgment.
You wanted to drop-kick the man. Even after all these years, your knee is still uncomfortable sensitive to touch after your surgery. Of course he didn’t know that, so you tried to change the position of his hand ever so slightly. He looks to his other side giving your leg a light squeeze, you wonder just how long they waited for your arrival and how many drinks they downed beforehand for him to be so ‘touchy’. He didn’t look inebriated but you also knew most of the men could hold their alcohol well. It’s not like you minded, just was wondering.
With an amused grin still on his face, Cody endeavours to referee the petty argument that has erupted between Boil and Wooley as of who was closer to being devoured by a Gutkurr.
“I felt the breathe of the kriffin’ beast on the back of my neck before I was able to narrowly escape, jumpin’ down the hidden passageway!”
“Yeah well, I had the things jaw inches away from me, so close that its breath fogged up my visor!”
“You both looked death in the face and survived , its not something new for us clones.” Interceded Cody.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m happy that the Gutkurrs didn’t eat you... Wooley.” you teased, sticking your tongue out at Boil as you reached across the table to give Wooley a comforting pat on the hand.
“Yeah well, Wooley would have probably given the poor Gutkurrs an awful hairball.” Retorted Boil with mischievous smirk.
You start sliding out of the booth and feel the Commanders touch tighten ever so slightly around your leg. “Everyone down for another round?" With your question his hold releases. You blame tingling sensation coursing through you, on your emptied drink already taking affect.
"Do you need some assistance?" 
"No, no Commander you can relax, I got th—" your voice raises an octave as your foot catches something, for a brief moment wondering if you’ve really only had one drink. Luckily Cody was near enough to catch your flailing hand. 
"You sure?" he teased, his touch lingering a moment longer then necessary.
"Yes, I was just testing your reaction time, above average sir." You laughed, trying to gain some composer over your mounting embarrassment. "No worries men, your drinks will be safe in these hands." 
    Dusting the embarrassment off your skirt you embark on your mission, weaving your way through the crowd and making it to the bar in one piece. Placing your order, you decide to reorder that blue concoction the Commander got you. He knew you had a sweet tooth but also like a good tartness to balance things out and you honestly couldn't have chosen a more perfect drink. Sometimes it felt like he knew you better then you did yourself.
“But thats his job isn't? Being Marshall Commander he needs to know his troops.” You speciously reasoned to yourself waiting for your order.
“It looks like its going well Commander.” Commented Wooley from across the table. Cody doesn’t respond, his eyes still haven’t left you. Admiring you from a far as you place the order at the bar. He inhales deeply. Reminiscing all the little moments he has shared with you so far.
“What do ya think?” Questioned Longshot. “Like how do you think everything is going so far?” Cody turns his attention back to his brothers, mulling over the question for a moment.
“Good, I think... I mean we haven't really talked much. Just taking things slow...nothing too upfront and obvious. I'm being subtle but she seems very... reseptive...”
“Wow! You’re really struggling.” Wooley states. “Yeah I’ve never seen the Commander so unsure of himself.” Boil pipes in with a wide grin.
They all laugh at their ori’vod and Waxers gives him a a light punch in the shoulder. Cody gives a Commanders’ glare and they immediately stiffen, remembering he has the power to assign them to polish astromech units for the next week in retaliation. Cutting the silence Boil wonders out loud
“Does she know that this is a date? Or does she just think we are all hanging out?” Cody doesn't have time to respond as you make your way back to the table drinks in hand.
Taking a few sips of your drink you maneuver through the crowd with relative ease. Making it safely back to your booth, you place the drinks on the table.
“See boys! Safe in these hands.” you giggled with one hand on your hip and the other doing a ‘jazz hand’. The Commander chuckles and gives you smile could light up the whole of Coruscant. You loved h—....You liked seeing him smile and happy like this.
“ I always feel—“ Codys’ remark is cut short when you feel a light tap of a gloved finger on your shoulder. “Kix!” you squeal jumping into the troopers arms, he lifts you off the ground slightly swinging you back and forth. “How are you?” 
“I’m doing great!”
“Do you wanna dance?” 
“Uh, yes of course.” Not that it would have mattered what you said. Kix barely gives you enough time to respond before he is pulling you away.
"I guess that answers my question." You caught Boil saying as Kix guides you towards the dance floor.
Swaying distractedly to the music you and Kix play catch up. You wished the hands of time didn’t move so fast. You remember like it was yesterday when you first got accepted and placed on field assignment as a medic, Kix was your mentor. He taught you the difference between hypothetical situation and reality. That what the books taught and what happened in the real world didn't always line up. He was your first and oldest friend in the GAR.
“It's okay Commander...” Waxer let his sentence trail off. Their Commander wasn't saying anything but everything about him said he wasn’t okay.
Cody was lost in his thoughts, replaying the night. Going through and analyzing each moment. Trying to figure out what went wrong. When it went wrong. How he didn’t see this coming. He thought it was going so well. You letting him place a hand on your knee, and then you moved it to rest on your thigh. He replayed the scene again in his head.
You moved it.
“I had to look away so you wouldn't notice me blush.” He thought. “And then that damn skirt, like you didn't know how it was hugging your curves. Isn’t that why you didn't want my help to get the drinks? It was an invitation to watch you. Oh men, did I watch...You were flirting with me weren’t you?” He wonders silently. The Commander looks back to you and notices the blue marking on the troopers armor. This meant that what’s his name.
“Kix!” he practically snarls under his breathe, is part of the 501st. Cody makes a mental note of this. He was going to talk to Rex later about this trooper.
“You know sir, if you want her you have to fight for her." Pointed out Boil “But not really ‘fight, fight’. More Like ask her to dance kind of fight is what Boil is trying to say.” Clarified Waxer.
“Like you’ve said before sir, ‘there is always a way.’” Wooley said giving his Commander a half smile for encouragement and the other all nod their head in agreement. 
Cody balls his hands into a fist and releases them several times. Almost like he is trying to pump the blood for his dying heart. He gulps back his second drink of the night to steady his nerves and finally stands, taking a few tentative steps forward. You had never looked more beautiful. Never looked so happy. Never looked at him like that. He hears you laugh at something the trooper is saying. It cuts through his chest like a blaster bolt.
“Awww Kix! I’m so happy for you, she sounds very nice. You better introduction me to her.” 
“I will, I will.” he promises. You give his neck a loving but firm squeeze to make it clear “I’d prefer sooner rather then later.”
“I will I said! Just gotta make sure she knows she my girlfriend first.”
You laugh and shake your head grinning . Such confident men on a battlefield but most are lost puppies when it comes to human interaction that’s not their brothers. You guess it's a by product of how they have been raised on Kamino.
“It's so good to see you again.” You smile, bringing your focusing back to your friend.
“It is good to see you again, even though I feel like I'm about to get beat up.” 
You scrunch your eyebrows at him and look to your sides. Kix spins you so your facing towards your booth. Your confusion growing more and more. You don't see anything off. No one in particular itching for a fight. The only thing you notice is Cody returning to his seat.
“What are you talking about? Who’s going to beat you up?” You asked puzzled. He ignores your question, opting instead to quickly twirl and then dip you in one fluid motion as the song ends. You give Kix a ‘I’m going see you again soon’ hug and head back to your boys.
“The guys at the 501st miss you, don't be a stranger.” You turn around to face Kix again. “I’d prefer sooner rather then later.” He quips. Half rolling your eyes at him you mouth ‘I promise’. You did miss the boys at the 501st. They definitely kept you on your toes but you enjoy the relative peace and calm of the 212th. They feel like a home away from home.
You sense a change as you sit back down. Not sure what it is but definitely a tension in the group now. You assume Boil made and ill advised joke at the expense of one of his brothers. Distracting yourself, you bob your head to the music finishing the last of your cocktail.
“I forgot how much I like to dance.” You said trying fill the quiet that has engulfed the group. “Kix is such a sweetheart. He helped shape me into the medic that I am... And now he has a girlfriend! Hmmm, time is one of those things that never slows down, not stoping for anything.”
“He has a girlfriend?” questions Boil, thankfully stopping you from rambling on any further. All the others were equally interested in this tidbit of gossip, all except the Commander, who seems worn out from his day, with his head slightly bowed and his eyes closed.
“Yeah and she sounds like a sweetheart, I told him that he better introduces me to her soon.”
“Would you like to dance?” Muttered the Commander, his question rushing out like one long word.
“Yeah, it’s a lot of fun.” you replied catching only the tail end of what he said, completely oblivious to his request.
Waxer nudges his ori’vod softly and he takes a deep breathe to musters up his confidence once more. “Will you dance with me?”
“Yes.” You softly answer without hesitation. Placing his hand on the small of your back he leads you to the dance floor. He tentatively wraps his arm around your waist bringing you in close and as if on cue the music slows and the room seemingly quiets. You look up to meet his gaze. He gives you his small, warm smile, a smile you had seen hundreds of time before. But now? Now it has a hidden meaning. Like secret code that only you have, always had, the key to. Delicately he moves you to the music, holding your hand over his rapidly beating heart.
Your own heart in sync with his.
The feelings you had tried to keep at bay, rush through you with every heighten pump of your heart. Breaking through the barriers you had built like torrent flood waters. Every reason why this can’t work and each regulation you’ve reread is drowned out. This emotion, one that you would not yet dare put a name to, washes over you in pure and beautifully simple waves.
You two are alone in the crowded bar, safely hidden in the privacy of each other eyes. Overcome you kiss Cody. You kiss him and he reciprocates the gesture, tenderly cupping your face deepening the kiss. You are oblivious to four overly enthusiastic troopers cheering in a booth. Oblivious to a 501st medic wondering were his introduction was. You are oblivious to everyone and everything but the man in front of you.
And for a few perfect moments time standstill.
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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With all the negative attacks on President Trump I found this interesting FROM a Democrat..
This is something I’m asking you to read. It’s not for aggravation, debate or comment. If you comment I won’t answer. I’m just asking you to read what someone else wrote but I agree with mostly...
I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given,
let's move on from that...
How about the division of America..
Do you really blame Trump for that?
How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?
How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?
How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?
How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 Democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...? Was THAT when Trump divided America?
I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...
Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...
Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?
It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive win Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...
I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.
Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?
Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...
What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?
What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?
What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?
What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?
Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?
It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...
If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:
Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that:
Were the KKK?
That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?
Let me ask you this as well.
Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? Don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..
President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...
Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him or tried to work with him to help make America the best it can be?
WHY? They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...
Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!
How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence,and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...
DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it? Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!
Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..
What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..
What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...
JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.
When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.
Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???
If you haven't started asking yourselves those questions, maybe you should..
As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....
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onebangtanstan · 4 years
Power Style - Chapter Twelve : The group
I am in shock. Everyone is turning to me, following his gaze. They're starting to understand what is going on.
Yoongi tries to catch me as I start walking angrily towards Namjoon. As I'm arriving near him, I extend my arm and point my finger at him.
"You and me. Outside. Now."
He follows me out, and we're now facing each other once again. This is starting to become a habit. The cold doesn't even bother me at this point, my body is so hot from the rage.
I put a distance between us to be able to fully look at him while I spit my anger. He's standing as if nothing was wrong, with his hands still in his pockets, smirking at me.
I start scolding him.
"How could you do this?! You know how photoshoots work. And you just randomly decide to change your whole aesthetic?! As if it couldn't have waited until tomorrow?!" I am telling him off as if we was my child. I barely see the boys come out, I am too focused on him. "This is my job, and probably the biggest account I've ever done, and the only thing you seem interested in is how to fuck it up for me! What the fuck did I ever do to you?!" I can't see anything but his smirk at this point, which only enrages me more. I can't stop. "You are the most arrogant, annoying, disrespectful, ungrateful-" I vaguely hear someone call out my name "-cockiest piece of-"
"GINA!" I finally turn around to the sound of Jin calling me. He's standing right beside me. "Don't give into him." He whispers, looking deep into my eyes. He's right. I start to realize what I've just done.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. No. What did I just do?" Jin takes me in his arms, which instantly heats me up. I didn't realize it but my body is numb from the cold.
"Breathe, Gina, breathe." Tae and Kook are beside us now too.
"Dude, even I wouldn't have went that far, and that's saying something." I hear Jimin talking to Namjoon.
Hobi is on the phone and soon hands his phone to Namjoon. Someone is obviously on the line, because I immediately hear a voice coming out of the device. Given the look on his face, he's probably being told off by someone above him, and he doesn't seem happy about it.
"Are you okay?" Hobi asks, arriving near our little crowd. "Do you need anything?"
I think of something. Something I haven't done in a very long time. But it's the only thing I can think of right now.
"Um.. I don't know.. I think I.." Why am I embarrassed? "To be honest I thinks I need a cigarette." I can tell that they weren't expecting this, but I see no judgement on their faces.
"Don't move." says Kook before running off to the parking lot.
He's back a few seconds later with a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.
"They're all yours. My drivers treat." I smile at him.
"Could I have some time alone guys?" They all nod, Jin takes me in his arms once again and proceeds to give me his coat.
As they walk back inside, I start looking for a place where I can sit down. Once that's done, I hold the packet in my hand and stare at it for a long time. Fuck it. I take one out and light it up, feeling the nicotine spread to my body.
I sit there and smoke my cigarette while staring ahead of me, contemplating what I just did. I hope this doesn't cost me the account, or even my job. I royally fucked up on this one, I never should have snapped that way at him. He's my fucking client.
I hear footsteps coming towards me, making my eyes focus again. I see Namjoon walking towards me.
"Please, just go." I tell him.
"I just want a light." What? He smokes? "Don't make that face, it's one cigarette here and there. Plus, I don't owe you anything. Give me the lighter."
"You do owe me this campaign." I start. "As for the rest, I agree. But it's not an excuse to treat my like shit."
"Please may I have your lighter?" He says ironically.
I simply lift my eyes up, handing him it. I can't get mad again.
I look up at him while he takes his first puff. Ok, he's hot. The hair colour really suits him, but it doesn't excuse the fact that he did it in the middle of shooting a campaign.
"Gina," The tone he's using startles me. I've never heard him talk to me like that, calmly, no anger in his voice. "I was just on the phone with my boss. I would like to apologize for what I did. I know it could have compromised all the work you've done." Sounds like a fake apology, but ok I'll take it.
"Look, Namjoon. We don't have to like each other. It's what I told you yesterday. But we are going to have to find a way to work together. We'll be seeing each other everyday for the next 6 months or so, and I can't be in this state of mind every time we see each other. And I most certainly can't fuck this account up, if I didn't already, it would jeopardize my entire career."
"Don't worry about that, the blame is on me." This feels weird. It's the first time we're talking without fighting. "As for work, I agree. What if we don't talk unless it's about Fila and the promotion? Would that work out?"
"Yeah I guess. We don't have a reason to talk other than that so yes." Wow. That was mature of him. "But it doesn't fix your hair problem."
"I'm an ass, I'm not stupid. I had a wig made exactly like how my hair looked yesterday."
That fucker. So it really was just to piss me off. He wanted to make a grand entrance, and he wanted that reaction of me. I swear t- Stop. Don't start again.
I simply stand up, finish my second cigarette -that I lit up unconsciously- and head back inside.
The atmosphere is tense when I walk in, and all heads turn to me. I sense a general relief when they see that I have calmed down.
"All right guys, we're shooting today. We've lost enough time, so let's speed everything up to finish in time." I direct to my staff.
The boys are almost done with makeup, while Namjoon is heading towards them, his wig in his hand.
"You are such an asshole." Jimin snarks
30 minutes go by, and we are all set to go. We start shooting, but we can still sense the tension in all of their faces.
"Guys, it's not working." I let them know. "Let's take a 15 minutes brake, have a coffee, some food, some air, I don't know, but let's all come back with a good energy, okay?"
Everyone scatters around the room. I sit down on my chair and just stare vaguely at the set up. A cup of coffee appears in my vision. The hand holding it is attached to Jin. He's standing beside me, Yoongi, Hoseok, Tae and Kook around him.
"Thank you" I smile at him as I grab the cup.
"What do you need Gina? We'll do anything to make your life easier." Jin is now kneeling down beside me.
I think for a bit but know exactly what has to be done. "Could you make us laugh?"
"WorldWide Handsome, at your service, you know?" I giggle. I knew this could lift my mood.
For the rest of the brake, I just watch Jin head over to each crew member, asking them if they know BTS. Kook is back to being the carefree boy he usually is, Tae and Hobi are having a dance battle with Yoongi as a judge.
From the side of my eye I can Jimin and Namjoon near the toilet, but don't pay too much attention to them. I focus on the others.
"All right people, let's get back into it!" Everyone takes their places, and we can already feel the mood has lifted up. Jin keeps telling jokes the whole time we shoot, making everyone relax as time goes by.
We take all the pictures we need before lunch. The company has ordered a bunch of food for us, and while we're waiting for it to arrive, I have a look at this mornings' shots. They are very good. I can see each of their personalities in them, but also their complicity. I stare at one particular pictures of them, and I think it will be the main visual for the campaign. I guess Jin had just made a joke, making Jungkook and himself laugh. The others all have a little smile on their faces. They look really cute.
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"Hey, they're good looking men." Jin is looking over my shoulder. He points at himself. "Especially this guy."
"He's Jin from BTS, do you know them?" I smile at the sound of his laugh "He's known as WorldWide Handsome."
"I can see why." He answers.
The food finally arrives, and we all dig in. Well, almost all of us. I see Jimin roaming near the buffet, trying to decide what to go for. He ends up putting his plate back down and grabbing a apple and a bottle of water.
We finish eating and start cleaning up behind ourselves. I notice the apple on the table, half-eaten, and no Jimin. This is fucked up. He looks great, why does he do that to himself? I shouldn't say that, I know why he does that. Part of the reason I became an addict in the first place was because I thought I was fat. Nope, not going to think about that. I quickly clear my mind and focus on the filming part we have to do this afternoon.
The boys get changed while we arrange the set for the filming. I gather everyone around, staff and band, to give my directions.
"Okay everyone, we don't have much time to do this, and we will most likely have to do only one take per person. I'm gonna need everyone to put out their best work in order to make everyone else's lives easier. Do we all know what we have to do? Okay perfect, we can do this guys!"
Everyone rushes to their place, while I fill the boys in on what I'm going to need from them. They take place in front of the camera.
"Are we all ready? Aaand Action!"
We film all afternoon. Everything goes smoothly and I feel very relieved knowing we'll be done today. The only thing left will be the editing, and we'll be spending all weekend on that.
"We have everything we need guys! Thanks so much everyone, it's wrap!" I start clapping at my team, and everyone tags along.
I then head to the band.
"Thank you, you were brilliant today." Well almost. Thanks Namjoon. "I'll keep you updated during the weekend on how the editing is going. You can go now, thanks again."
As they head back to the dressing room, I start helping my team pack everything up. We have to empty the whole place since we won't be needing it anymore. I notice Namjoon and Jimin leave, but to my surprise, the others are helping out.
"Hey, no you don't have to do that."
"We said we wanted to make your life easier. This helps you all leave sooner." Jin says, as he picks up a cable.
"Yeah, and you and I have plans, so I'm staying until you're done. Might as well help out." Hobi tells me.
"Thank you guys, I really appreciate it."
We all get back to cleaning up, and we're done in about 30 minutes.
The crew leaves one by one with their respective equipment, but I have to stay until everyone is gone.
Jin comes up to me. "I have to go, but call me tonight?" He's holding my face in his hands. I nod and smile back at him, he answers with a kiss on my forehead. Yoongi leaves with him, and simply waves goodbye at me from afar.
Tae and Kook both give me a hug goodbye not long after Jin left. "Dinner at mine on Monday? To celebrate the launch." Tae asks.
"Absolutely!" I tell him.
Everyone is gone now, expect for Hobi who is just sitting on the floor. "Are we good to go?"
I check one last time if everything is in order, grab my stuff, and head out the door. I lock it behind me and turn to him, a smile on my face. "Let's go."
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losbella · 4 years
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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This is long but well worth the time to read.
I am not a Democrat, but I found this interesting. This is an open letter to all Democrats from a former Democrat. I did not write this, but it needs to be shared...
I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given, SO
let's move on from that...
How about the division of America....
Do you really blame Trump for that?
How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?
How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?
How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?
How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...?
Was THAT when Trump divided America?
I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...
Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...
Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?
It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive when Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...
I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.
Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?
Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...
What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?
What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?
What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?
What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?
Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, our burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?
It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...
If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:
Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that were the KKK?
That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?
Let me ask you this as well.
Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? I don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..
President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...
Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him to make America the best it can be? WHY?
They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...
Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!
How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence, and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...
DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it?
Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!
Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..
What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..
What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...
JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.
When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.
Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???
If you haven't started askinxxfcg yourselves those questions, maybe you should..
As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....
I didn't write this, but I could have and I wish I had !!
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