#i realised that this is my favourite pose of them to draw
rustingcat · 19 days
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junosswans · 10 months
FMA sketches by Ace Attorney's character designer, Iwamoto Tatsuro
For the past week, Iwamoto-san has been posting sketches of FMA characters on his twitter as a part of his daily sketching challenge and they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
I really want to share his art over here and also translate his posts for you all because I think his commentaries are quite insightful for people who are interested in character design!
[Those who know their AA lore would recognize him as who voiced Edgeworth (Mitsurugi) in the games :3]
Anyways, below are his FMA sketches he's shared on twitter so far! (Contains: Ed, Hughes, Kimblee, Mustang, Breda) You can click on the dates to see their original post. I will add to this post if he shares any more sketches, it seems that he has been on an FMA roll xD
If you draw your favourite things out you will know them better! So, this is Edward Elric from #FullmetalAlchemist.
Even if you have decided on the pose you want to draw, it is better to sketch out these three first:
the moment before the pose is struck
the pose itself
the moment after the pose is struck
then decide which image works better for your art. I learned this from a really great senior of mine, and it is very solid advice.
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29/11/2023 (Translator's note: I decided to move this one to the top because it is my favourite. No I don't accept criticism.)
I have been drawing Ed's automail again.
I like it when the machine part has a distinctly different silhouette compared to the human body, so I added some original ideas to the design.
What design should I draw next? Perhaps I should draw the military uniform?
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# (combined two posts because they’re the progression of the same piece.) #
Again, it is the time of "drawing your favourite things to know them better!"
It feels so good to draw such great characters...
My Photoshop has been crashing for mysterious reasons the whole morning, and I tried to troubleshoot in the afternoon and it was a PAIN. Computers are really difficuuuuuuuult--
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Iwamoto-style drawing Masterclass: Bonus!
It is the "Give the leather and metal items a bit of flare/shine to immediately make the drawing look more complete"-jutsu!
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I wanted the clothes to give off an oversized, loose impression.
Canon Hughes didn't seem to be wearing a shirt underneath... hmm.
I am beginning to understand the structure of the military uniform better...
Realising the butt flap/cape didn’t actually connect to the upper jacket is a shocker to me.
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A continuation of yesterday's sketch
...or so I thought, until I realized how King Bradley and Kimblee during the Ishval war had a different overcoat design, in which they actually wore a single long coat instead of a separated upper and bottom set.
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When his clothes were unbuttoned, there was something that looked like an additional button on his right chest... I wonder if it could be fastened from the back?
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(Translator's note: sorry, I have no idea what button he's referring to here lol)
I like how each character's personality was expressed through the way they dress. Contrary to his appearance, this person was very intelligent, which makes him such a great character.
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dragkbluire · 8 months
(but if you take drawing requests can you do Twi comforting wars, idk man I just love them)
Step 1 to comfort Wars: Make him realise he's being an idiot
He's about to meet Hylia. (He's very stubborn I just know it xd)
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Just kidding xd Here's the real one
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I tried a cold atmosphere with too much blue so you can feel sadness but at the same time, calm.
And the version without color
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I was about to tell you that I'm not doing requests right now but I don't have homework or exams and I have worked a lot in the drawings I have to do (and others I want to do) so I told myself that why not? xd
Besides I love Wars - Twilight relationship. For me because of Time they are uncle and nephew and being both Time's hands they often have to comfort/help each other.
And YES I love both LOZ/LU and JJBA, In fact I have noticed that a lot of people that likes LOZ likes JJBA (and vice versa). In fact I think both are similar so it's common that people that likes one likes the other.
But even if you notice (or at least I try to xd) my artstyle is a mix between LOZ and JJBA art style.
And if you were wondering (or not) my favourite Zelda games (from my most favourite to the least) are Twilight Princess (my favourite game ever), Majora's Mask and Tears of the Kingdom. But my favourite Link is Time without a doubt.
And for JJBA my favourite part is Stardust Crusaders (right now I'm reading a fan manga from the artist @/therealsnipster on instagram about Jotaro and Polnareff on their travels searching for the arrows), then I can't decide so Vento Aureo and Stone Ocean have the second place and then there is Phantom Blood. And Jonathan is my favourite Jojo.
Thank you so much for your ask and request!! :D
It was fun and it helped me notice I still need to practice some poses xdxd
EDIT: I gave it the vhs effects, I think it looks better.
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crystaltoa · 5 months
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My take on the Turaga Nui, from Shauni's (@legend-as-old-as-time) WIP fic set in Rags' (@magicalgirlmascot ) KNPS AU. Snippets of the fic here and here.
In which the Turaga form a fusion in order to defeat the Rahi Nui, but their past experience with the Hordika venom results in the Turaga Nui taking on a somewhat ...unexpected form. After the battle, the Toa Mata catch up with them. Pictured here is Lewa having the appropriate reaction to finding out his six mentors have turned into some kind of weird dragon-chimera-kaiju thing.
Some design notes under the cut:
The Turaga Nui's form combines traits from the forms the Metru had as Toa Hordika, known in this universe as the Kini Nui werebeasts. So, this was my take on them individually here:
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(The Metru's human forms can be seen here) I hope it's fairly self explanatory which features come from which werebeast, but a few other fun design notes...
So, in KNPS, the Toa Kaita look a lot like the Steven Universe fusions, with extra eyes and limbs. The Turaga Nui follows a similar logic but on a more bestial body layout.
The top two arms are the most humanoid, as TN signs in ASL as well as speaking aloud whenever it is practical to do so (i.e. when there is not a Toa of Air attached to their neck). The next two pairs of limbs can function either as arms or forelegs, so the digits are more paw-like.
The wings are obviously based on a snowy owl and come from Nuju's werebeast form. Male snowy owls typically have lighter coloured plumage while females have prominent black bars on their feathers. Nuju in particular would probably have been almost completely white as a werebeast given he's an ice Toa and has white hair in human form. The Turaga Nui, however, is composed of five men and one woman, so I gave them a small amount of barring on the tips of one wing while the other is plain white. (The bars also help tie it back to the badger stripes on their face from a design standpoint)
The Kaita have metallic gold or silver skin, I suggested black and white patterns for TN's colour scheme to make them visibly nonhuman but also distinct from the Kaita.
Shauni felt that there should be more accents of each element's colours, however, so we decided on the "black" scales actually having an iridescent sheen to them.
I'd already been planning to give TN spots similar to that of a newt, but didn't realise until I started doing it that white spots on black combined with the iridescent colours gives the impression of a night sky/galaxy pattern.
I had previously suggested the name "Tien" to Shauni (Turaga Nui = T.N. Said aloud it phonetically sounds like "Tien"). Turns out Shauni had the exact same thought. Furthermore, it's a name in several cultures, various meanings include "heavenly being", "celestial" and "sky" (An etymologically related name is the Chinese "Tianlong", which means "Celestial Dragon")
So, accidentally coming up with a name that means "celestial" and then accidentally making them look like a living galaxy was a fun coincidence.
Also, apparently one of Rags' favourite DBZ characters was named Tien, so that was a plus for her!
The tail has owl feathers but is structurally more similar to the tail of an aquatic newt.
The eyes are based on the Turaga's animal forms but the colours come from their eye-glow. The three eyes visible in the image are Vakama's (green), Matau's (red), and Onewa's (blue)
As previous;y mentioned, photographs of jumping ferrets helped in drawing the dragon's limbs . I also ended up referencing hairless cats to get a handle on what the paws would look like with no fur.
I did do a version that shows the full body pose, which I quite liked, but felt that the cropped composition above was better to show the character details given tumblr's scrolling format
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vimbry · 4 months
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returning to my little project of making a fake neopet out of my fursona for the Third time, because I keep changing their design before I can finish it.
on the second attempt, I decided to stop being lazy and actually make larger vectors instead of drawing directly on a 150x150 canvas - which, surprise, is a hell of a lot easier. this time around, I'm also using the flash colour palette to make everything a bit more authentic. and I made one of those pet info pages you could see by going to the species list.
I've almost completed the basic recolour/minor lineart adjustment paintbrush colours. gonna post a bigger collection of them later when they're all finished, then move on to the unique poses, but these are my favourites so far. I was actually keeping so rigid to the official styles for a few of them (proportions & anatomy, consistent colours & shading, etc.), before straying away enough from desert to realise, wait, I can just have fun w/ it lol.
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randomyuu · 1 year
(A)void - A fanart
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This fic, (A)void by tafih ignites my love for Yuuji to a whole new level.
A platonic reader insert??? Focusing on Reader’s love for Yuuji while adopting every kid as time goes? Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up.
Chapter 1 had me floored. The way Mirei (the reader) is introduced to the class, how Mirei noticed Yuuji, and slowly realising she really, really loves Yuuji is just—fuck. I love all these moments.
And after Yuuji ate Sukuna, the pain she felt knowing the distance that grew between them, I felt that too. My goodness, Mirei mirrored my feelings for Yuuji a bit too well it’s kinda scary.
Always contemplating whether I should adopt him or be his best friend instead. Or both.
Gosh, the things I would do for this boy.
Okay, now my thoughts during drawing :D
Reader-insert is always a tricky thing to draw. I always pictured them as either an OC or a grey androgynous character with “Y/N” on their face. So to draw this character, that can be relatable to any reader, is really tricky. I never really inserted myself into a reader-insert fic, always saw them as their own entity, so it’s hard to decide on their appearance.
Even with all the descriptions present in the fic, I still struggle. Also I have to look up Japanese teacher summer outfits with appropriate hairstyles, etc etc because I can’t fully trust anime as my point of reference lmao
(I also rarely watch slice-of-life animes so I don’t have much stored reference in my brain to begin with lol)
Also, short sleeves are so hard to draw, wtf? I don’t understand  _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
It took me multiple tries to decide on poses and appearances, but I think the end result is alright! Could be better, but I’m satisfied for now.
And then Yuuji. Man, I honestly don’t know if this boy is ambidextrous, right-handed or left-handed. I tried looking into some images and he has used both so honestly Idk. I just want to say forgive me for any inaccuracies in this drawing, both from JJK's standpoint and Japanese culture in general orz
It’s hard to research only in the English language. I shouldn’t have stopped my Duolingo lessons years ago ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
On another note, Ozawa is really cute! I didn’t expect I would have fun drawing her character. I thought it’d be Yuuji but no, it’s Ozawa! And also Wasuke. Currently I’m studying middle-aged male characters, so drawing him is just part of the practice!
On another, another, note, all of the drawn moments are my favourite ones in the first chapter. That chapter is my favourite so far, I honestly could read multiple chapters only with Mirei teaching in Yuuji’s school and interacting with the Itadoris. I love reading how Mirei slowly gets closer and closer to Yuuji and Wasuke so much.
I just—I could cry gushing about Yuuji and Mirei’s platonic relationship, it’s so cute, so heartwarming, got my soul buzzing in delight, just AAAAHHHHHH—
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Aight, that’s it for now. I have reached a speechless state and no longer know what to say except incoherent screaming noises. See you next time!
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(for the bean) So I've been wondering. Since you sometimes draw yourself doing things that Peppino would do, it made me think about how your character (and maybe fake bean) would work as a playable character to in pizza tower. What abilities would you have that make you different from Peppino or Gustavo?
(Ooh! A good question! I have thought about this a few times, as I did consider actually making a mod (but then I realised I do not know anything about coding or game development, I just make da silly pictures fjhsdkjsd)
I imagine them as a duo, like Gustavo and Brick! But instead of riding on them, Fake Bean would chill in a backpack until needed
Bean can only go up to Mach 2 speed, but they'd have a comically large tablet pen that can turn into other things like big hammer for smashing and whacking. And with that pen, they'd be able to draw things into the world, like projectiles and tiny allies to help out!
Fake Bean would be able to go up to Mach 4, so they would be the source of the speed and wall breaking, while Bean hangs on for dear life. They'd kinda work like Fake Peppino, with stretchy limbs and tongue attacks, and be able to squeeze through very small spaces and climb walls
Only Bean would get transformations, like 'The Squeak' (a costumed version of Bean ala The Noise/Noisette) who can flap, glide and use a sound based attack, or Werewolf Bean, who can go Mach 3 and smash through walls with their big paws, but they'd require a continued combo to keep the transformation (which I guess would be easy if going for a P-Rank hehe)
Bean's idle animations would be pulling out a sketchbook to draw, hand flapping stim, biting on a chew toy, and smoothing back their hair curl, and their taunts would be that peace sign pose, a hair-down Bean, the Garfield pose, and probably one like Peppino's shirtless rose-in-the-mouth pose, but I am not very sexy like him jhsdksd
Fake Bean's idles would be peeking out of Bean's backpack (when in the backpack), sniffing around for snacks, pulling out a cake/other food to swallow like a snake, showing off their 'knowing' eyes (when they are pink and purple), and probably doing something horrifying. I am not sure on their taunts, but they'd probably be similar to Bean's but like off?
The collectable might be different too, but I am also not sure! Maybe the Toppins would be tiny versions of some of my favourite OCs hehe
Huh, I have put more thought into this than expected, gjsdasdl)
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lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: MC insecure about her body - Kanetsugu
A little bit over a year ago, I wrote headcanons with MC insecure about having small breasts. Later I asked about what other summer-themed headcanons may be worth exploring, and @bestbryn mentioned MC dealing with the concept of "summer body". I said that it goes on the list, and then I couldn't figure out anything with suggested suitors...
But I remembered! And then came Kanetsugu.
This work contains suggestive content. Content Warnings: none
Kanetsugu did not expect for the impending summer to bring forth much past the usual pleasurable warmth and excruciating heat. Each season posed different challenges to manage, obviously, but those had long become a routine... To think that he could be quite this mistaken.
It started small, with his lover being just a little agitated. However, this never seemed to last long, and whenever he pressed her on the matter, she claimed it was caused by something during her day.
That would be the end of this, had her mood not got progressively worse. Since asking her yielded no results, Kanetsugu had to adopt a different approach.
It took several days of working overtime, but he did manage to clear up an afternoon in his schedule. He asked his lover to go to town with him.
The idea was simple: if he could not ask her, he'd observe her reactions, and search for the answers in them... With the added benefit of spending more time with her.
The first clue appeared when she barely touched her favourite dumplings. From then on, her discomfort grew progressively more obvious: her shoulders would slump as if she wished to hide, she'd hurry while shopping, and refuse any opportunity to cool down if it would as much as reveal an inch of her skin.
It hurt to see, but what could he do? He did not wish to subject her to any -- real of perceived -- public humiliation, so they returned early.
Kanetsugu confronted her on the matter as soon as they settled in his room and her frame relaxed. However, it became rigid the moment she heard his inquiry.
She grew flustered -- wasn't she hiding it better? Kanetsugu sitting opposite of her, she slowly opened up, her head hung low as she did so...
The longer he listened, the less he could comprehend and the more painfully his gut contorted. Nevertheless, Kanetsugu did not wince nor growl, he did not bristle up -- the best he could offer in the situation was to take the information in as she wished to give it out. Slowly, one word at a time, and it was only his gaze that burned, although his lover could not realise that much. She was too ashamed to watch anything but her hands.
"When I look at you... I feel out of place," she confessed, the chains he wound around his heart struggling to contain its lurching. "You're beautiful, and I... Well, as I've said --"
Kanetsugu did not let her finish.
He pulled her into his lap, emotion howling in wisteria eyes as he gazed up at her.
"Not a word more lest you wish for me to lose my mind," he nearly growled.
He kissed her -- on her lips, nose, cheeks, chin, on every blemish and imperfection she mentioned that was within his reach. His hands hovered above her obi, her fingers finding purchase in his hair and drawing him closer to her chest.
He took it as a sign to go on.
Kanetsugu knew his lover well, from the tiniest mole to any scars she wore. He nibbled at her thighs, kissed her stomach, went down the paths marked by the white ink of her stretch marks. It was all her, so in what world could it invoke anything other than rapture?
He found her beautiful through and through. He had to show her. He just had to.
However, even once all was said and done, there was one thing he didn't understand: why?
This time, however, she was willing to talk more. So she told him about everything hers that could be considered "wrong" and about the standards that so imposed.
Kanetsugu did not let her out of his arms, drinking in each word she uttered -- and as much as he wished to say it was intoxicating, that would be misleading. The only thing he was drunk on was how little sense they made.
It wasn't that her account of future beauty standards was incoherent, no. Kanetsugu simply couldn't wrap his head around said standards.
So one year women's thighs were not supposed to touch each other, and just a couple years later, a woman would not be considered beautiful if she didn't have a sizeable bottom? And she was supposed to have large breasts (that had to be eternally perky), but also a perfectly flat stomach? And she was not supposed to have any marks, or scars, or moles (unless freckles were particularly fashionable for a change), or even the natural texture to her skin?
It made no sense. No sense whatsoever.
What made even less sense, however, was the garment that she described, apparently commonly worn to beaches.
His embrace tightened without Kanetsugu even taking note of the fact. His fingers combed through her hair gently, jealousy pooling low in his stomach as her skin pressed against his. A frown creasing his forehead, he pushed himself up on his elbow, eyes taking in her exposed form. He could easily imagine what little skin could the aforementioned garment hide...
"Don't ever say that you're not beautiful enough to stand by me," he rasped.
One evening would not be enough, Kanetsugu knew that much. However, he did not mind offering his assistance whenever necessary if it meant that his star could find her way back onto the sky. Where she belonged.
Tag List: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86
+ @ikesenwritings because... You know why, hahaha.
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tgtbata · 10 months
tagged by @nigeltde-fic to art-ify these questions for writers and i would never deny her:
How many works do you have?
if i estimated correctly, i have over 350 posts with at least one drawing each on this tumblr account. which gave me a heart attack tbh, that's so many haha. there's some more my art floating around the internet elsewhere like on the terrebus account.
What fandoms do you draw for?
the main one currently is supernatural, before that it was the terror and before that it was football (the soccer kind) rpf. but i still do all of 'em! there are some others i play with like sherlock holmes, fdtd or mtw.
What are your top 5 drawings by notes?
using a random internet tool to rank posts:
dean/cas phallic angel blade (2492 notes)
sam/dean rebar kiss (1569 notes)
possum!dean (1510 notes)
blanky & tuunbaq dinner date (1492 notes)
dean with tattoos (1475 notes)
conclusion: big destiel still rules tumblr
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i usually do when it feels like something directed at me, like asks/dms or replies on twitter and tumblr. not so much when it's tags on tumblr or qrts on twitter - those feel more like the other person is talking into the void and not to me directly lol
What is a piece of art you drew with the angstiest ending?
hard to define 'ending' in the context of art - it supposes a sort of narrative structure not every of my drawings has. maybe this one. because, in the words of the rolling stones, you can't always get what you want.
What's the piece of art you drew with the happiest ending?
i guess this defines happy ending but i also had to think of this one, just because i can hallucinate the story that it took for them to get to that cocktail sippin' ending.
Do you get hate on art?
yes, sometimes lol i've had people fighting wars in my twitter replies when i posted cas/jack art. wah wah wah he's his dad. wah wah wah they're brothers. wah wah wah kill yourself. ridiculous and irrelevant. i do still think fondly of some replies i get though, like the one that was in russian and said 'such a talent and only for the sake of lust... sad.'
Do you draw smut?
yeah, but it's one of the things i want to get better at.
Do you draw crossovers? What's the craziest one you've draw?
not really. i want to draw an spn/fdtd crossover but that's not super crazy
Have you ever had art stolen?
reposted without credit, if that counts.
Have you ever collaborated on art before?
yes, having one person do the lineart and one do the colouring. it's a fun exercise to make you consciously realise your own art processes
What's your all-time favorite ship?
wincest is up there, of course. holmes/watson is simply a staple. humboldt/bonpland because mtw shaped me in my adolescence. i don't like to define THEEE favourite though because there's different ships for different flavours and that's great.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
does it count as a wip if i haven't even started creating it lmao! if yes - a longer story s4 sam/dean dean/cas piece set to dessa's 551. if that sounds insane, it's because it is.
What are your drawing strengths?
i think depicting connection between two characters and portraying a sense of want/love/doubt even through a distance between them.
What are your drawing weaknesses?
stiff poses and inability to draw without reference. also backgrounds and feet :(
First fandom you drew for?
football rpf. the reason i started drawing regularly at all haha
Favorite art you've drawn?
probably this one. it just... worked out, from idea to product, and it feels smooth and it makes me happy :)
thank u for tagging me, nige!!
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voidlingduck · 5 months
Redesigning Jester
I've been working on trying to pull my story about Kings Court into something coherent and presentable, and as I've been going through that process I've been realising that I need to redesign some of the characters!
The first character I've been reworking is my beloved Jester! Here is their original design:
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I did really enjoy this design! But as time has gone on there have become certain pain points, and as the story has developed there are things I want to incorporate more strongly into the design. You can see a detailed breakdown of the re-design goals and process below the cut!
The mask - it needs to be a feature, not an afterthought.
As much skin as possible should be hidden, I want to play into the Jester as an anonymous and mysterious entity.
Simplify - the four tail coats are far too unweildy, and the pants proved annoyingly intricate with repeated drawing.
Ensure that the design is fun and exciting to draw in motion! Jester flops around a lot.
Incorporate an additional motif to reflect role in the court.
I began the process by looking for inspiration and reference material, particularly for the mask. I collected a variety of reference images onto a pinterest board to use for inspiration and then got to sketching! Here are some of the initial exploratory sketches.
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After the sketching process, I started working on some more finalised concepts taking what I had explored in the sketches, exploring the ways to combine shape and colour, and also getting feedback from friends.
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I then did a set of concepts all next to each other taking some of the ideas I had liked from these concepts as well as trying to add in some new things.
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Silhouette was a major consideration throughout these concepts - as well as experimenting with the mask design. The first and second designs proved the most popular, and also worked as my favourites. And so moving forward I decided to combine elements from them both. Namely:
Collar shape from design 1 - it's dynamic, fun, and interesting!
Hood based design from 2 - I like the framing of the hood.
Two pronged vs Three Pronged design from 1 - Easier to draw repeatedly and manipulate in dynamic ways, I think it gives a more dynamic flow to the design as opposed to the triple prong potentially being a bit more static.
Thigh high boots from 2 - my friends like them and I like the way they make the legs look long.
I also knew that I wanted to make sure that the design I came up with fit with the design of another character - Jack, and also play with poses to see it in motion, so for the next tests, I decided to work on them both simultaneously and have some fun drawing them interacting!
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As you can see, I had settles fairly well on the overall shape of the design, but still made some minor tweaks between images - mostly to do with the placement of the colour blocking. I also changed the mask design here from the previous iterations as they felt too cluttered and overpowered, and I also really enjoyed the design from the makeup Jester had in his original design, and realised it could transfer effectively to the mask design! Another thing that changed is I removed the crown motif I had started to develop, and tried to focus more strongly on incorporating an eye motif. This was a change made as I sat and considered the lore and symbolic implications, and I ultimately decided it worked best if Jester had the eyes and Jack had the crowns. King and Queen will likely have both when I get around to redesigning them! I still have some more playing around to do to settle into the final design before I make a proper reference sheet, as I'm definitley finding drawing the design in context helpful to get a sense of how it operates in practice and streamlining. I'm currently working on a mini PMV project featuring Jester which will hopefully help me solidify the design! But I'm feeling pretty happy with it so far.
I want to do more discussions of my design/redesign process in future as I find it really helpful and interesting to organise my thoughts like this. It's also exciting to see the progression all laid out, I'll probably do a similar thing for Jack soon!
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nimbus-bugs · 1 year
Nim Sketch Dump
as promised, here's a big sketch dump of my sona/oc nim! this isn't gonna be a popular post and I don't care 👍
I didn't originally intend to post these so I've referenced some art works heavily but I've written the name of the artist and I'll type it out too! if any of the artists see my references and is uncomfortable with it please let me know and I'll remove it from this post :D
dump under the cut!
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the first ideas for his "modern design" (he's been around and recycled for a loooong time). the pose in the top right hand corner is taken from @/hiraethminds! they are a very cool artist and inspire me a lot. though the grey-ish tones as the major colour goes away I still really like the centipede tattoo, centipedes are rad as fuck and you can't tell me otherwise
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I started to play with the idea of a goat design for him here! which is strange because like. that's not even his main design or motif or anything, I just really liked the idea I guess LMAO also Aurelai belongs to my mate of the same name! she's not on tumblr (yet) but you should still like her because she's cool and awesome
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a treat for my qsmp enjoyers!! an unfinished short comic I sketched on the day tallulah lost her first life. the other characters in this are my old ocs, don't even worry about them
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I straight up just have the image that inspired me in this one. its by @/sss-eriema and it was a gift from GOD. I was trying to sort out the colours and wanted to incorporate both orange (my favourite colour) and green (my close second favourite colour) but wasn't having much luck. eriema's artwork showed me that it can work in a more muted way and it was very very helpful!!
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maid dress. sorry. also slimecicle
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I started to get the colours down in the bottom right corner!! I really like this sketch page honestly. some bonus self portrait sketches because I wanted to try and put some more of my own features into his design as my sona! also in the notes I was debating between the two eye shapes and I'm still thinking about it. I think the bottom ones fit his personality more and are way more expressive but I just like the Vibe of the top ones
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a lot of little drawings with varying styles! also more slimecicle. I am adhding so hard for him right now, it's concerning.
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t. this one is the reason for the blood tw in the tags. I just really like drawing blood. as a treat. don't come for me this is my self-indulgent safe space leT ME BE EDGY </3 also the writing is a little hard to read so I've put it in the alt! and more qsmp doodles!
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I'm starting to ditch the goat design but this one is my last hurrah. basically settled on the general colour scheme now! and more qsmp stuff. its literally gripped my brain I can't escape it, even in my personal work
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then I realised. nimbus-BUGS. bugs! what if bug? this was a really fun study for using more creature features that I wasn't used to! loving the mandibles tbh
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my most recent sketch as of posting! I might update this later, but this sketch page is probably the most gratuitously referenced, the expressions in the bottom left and top right were basically ripped from @/microwavablesquid so if you like those please check them out! the basic design structure of the full body was referenced from @/aresonist, retroactively I realised a lot of my design choices. uh. they also made LMAOOO so if my design in General tickles your brain, follow them!
as for his lore and basic information for what he actually Is, uhhh. ??? I don't know HAHAHA he's a little guy! he's creature! is he human? probably not but no one could say for sure! is he bugs? is he 1000 bugs in a trenchcoat? sometimes he's goat I guess??? I can never decide on a design and I think that aids his cryptid-like habits. he shows up sometimes, vibes and can't die in a way that matters! he has a running motif of my fake-God-thing, the centipede ouroboros, so I was like "what if he was a harbinger of the ouroboros, what then." and I like to imagine he has video game logic where when he dies, he basically respawns. also weirdly it's worked out in a way where he has lots of biblical motifs, like my name is literally nimbus, like the halo, and he's a messenger of a god like some fucked up blorbo angel. also lily of the valley is my favourite flower and I like drawing him with it, it also has lots of symbolism in the bible?? wild.
I sincerely doubt it but if you guys have any questions about nim or want to draw him or anything I would Die. I would just keel over. you'd take me out.
thank you so much if you got to the end of this btw!! this was a lot. seriously though, it means the world if even one person would like to see my little guy <3 have a great day and take care of yourself!
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walkman-cat · 2 months
For the artist asks: 5, 6, 18, 25!
hi isabel!
5. What’s your favorite thing to draw?
the walkman cat posse [name pending]!! they're my favourite things to doodle (and i doodle them A Lot wbwbw)
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i also love drawing clothes and fabric, but my little mascot and its friends take precedent
6. What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
probably foreshortened fingers or feet/shoes, but that's because i havent done a lot of studies and am uncomfortable with them
18. What are you currently trying to improve on?
i am Incredibly rusty (because i wasn't really able to work on a piece during exams season) so i'm trying to just get back into the Zone with art (and relearn 3/4 and side profiles :'))
more specifically though, i'm trying to do more pose studies! i wanna try draw more dynamic and interesting poses instead of just bust drawings or people standing upright wbwbw
25. Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
i like drawing with background noise, but i usually don't listen to music when drawing unless it's on a flight or i'm in public. usually i put on a game stream vod (secret sleepover society my beloved <3), but what ends up happening is that the video ends and i'm too focused on drawing to realise, so i end up drawing in silence lol.
one time i tried to draw with mr freesciencelessons explaining the biology content in the background because i thought it would help with revision. it did not help with revision. would not recommend :p
artist asks!
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hey Finnie!! I've been a little nervous and hesitant to do this bc I always scream a little when you reply to my asks but I wanted to be a part of your 1k celebration too!! I'm super curious which rogue you'd pair me with, even if you already know my preference for Riddler, haha
I'm English (I hope you can forgive me), 5'0 and quite chubby. I almost always dye my hair, either hot pink or icy blonde usually, and have a mix of a punk and goth clothing style. When it comes to.music, I listen to a mix of things, but I especially like jumping between Doja Cat, Elton John, Green Day and Slipknot. As you know, I really enjoy drawing and painting and creating in any way I can.
As for hobbies, I really enjoy playing story-based and puzzle solving video games over FPS games, however I love combat in games. I'm also a bit of a horror fanatic, primarily I love horror painters but also greatly enjoy horror video games and movies. Because of this I quite enjoy reading about the occult and pagan beliefs or traditions, especially about mythical creatures or local folklore.
Something I love the most and will drop almost anything to do is listen to my friends and partner talk about their special interests. I'm much more of a listener than a talker, if I can help it, and I love seeing other be passionate and excited. I love to cook for my friends and I'd like to think I'm a rather decent cook. I worry that I've already written too much so I'll stop there!!
Congrats on 1k Finnie!! You deserve it so fucking much and I'm super excited to see even more love for your fics in the future!! 💕
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: thank you!! ;-; 💚 yeah i was picking a riddler, because you've got riddler vibes! but the riddler i picked is maybe unexpected... 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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(i forgive you, truly lmao) ok so body wise, being thick is a plus for him 100%, and same with the fun hair. he's not boring, he might look it, but someone colourful and bright on his side would help other people realise that he's fun too
also look at him and tell me he isn't suppressing his true goth side, pasty ass
he probably doesn't have a favourite genre of music, he'd be happy to listen to anything, as long as it wasn't too loud or distracting, but hey, anything can be good background music at the right volume, so you could probably introduce him to new bands
ok the egomaniac in him would be so 100% down to be your ~muse~ and pose for your drawings, like life modelling, nude or otherwise, his body looks great either way and he'd be so supportive of you making him look even better in your art
puzzle solving games would be his favourite thing to do with you i bet! maybe other games too, just to spend time with you, but allowing himself to do what he loves, riddles and puzzles, in a sort of relaxing and fun manner would be so good for him
he looks like the kind of boring guy who would be very secretly into the occult and pagan practices. and you could teach him everything you know, because his riddles would be a lot more effective in striking fear in the idiots around him if they could mistake them for ooky-spooky satanic doom mongering
dropping everything to listen to him? that's the key here. he's pretty needy and self-involved, but he'd try and not be so bad with you. but he'd definitely enjoy having someone forget everyone else in the world just to sit and listen to everything he had to say. he's a talker, a rambler actually, so a listener is perfect for him
and food would definitely be one of his love languages, especially receiving it! sitting down to a nice meal (i am just picturing that frame of him looking exceptionally delicious and pointing the fork) and being able to flirt over something delicious is his ideal date
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
So the pics may not be done for a lil while because I've literally never draw Time, Twi, or Wars (apparently I can't draw a lot of armour or fur well) so I'll have to look at their ref sheets and practice etc before I start their stuff, but for now have some ideas I did this morning.
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Favourite one atm is Time because of the despair but also because I like to imagine he wrapped Hyrule in Sky's sailcloth so no one can see his corpse. Also because I don't wanna draw Hyrule in that specific pose tbh.
Okay, first of all, I love these and thank you so so much for sharing your sketches. Armour and fur tricky but I appreciate you so much. (And also yeah how the fuck do bodies work?!?!?!)
I honestly love the idea that the sailcloth was used to wrap him. I might steal that, if you're good with it? It's not like Legend would have really registered it at the time anyway. It would be such an awful show of love and affection, and I think Sun would understand. At the very least Sky believes she would. It was already a bit bloody from hugging Legend, so... It's probably the one item they'll bother to at least try washing the blood out of, but honestly... Just the idea of it is in my brain and making me a bit sad. They're trying their very best to love him, even if he's dead...
Now to gush about individual little doodles! Top left first, going like reading order. I'll try make it clear. Cut because... words.
Hyrule, Hyrule, poor boy. I know I'm the one who did this to him, but your little sketch is almost painful to look at. The way the one arm is out, almost like he's trying to reach but at the odd angle that looks like it's broken (he certainly couldn't have moved it out after he fell, but it falling to look like he's reaching? To just raise the hand slightly towards Legend? Oh that's heartbreaking and tasty). The other arm over the wound? Almost like he was trying to put pressure on it, to keep the blood inside, but his body is just caved away, there's no way he can? So its just lying in the gore of his wound? That's horrible in such a wonderful way. The mess of his everything - his face, his arms, his clothes, his hair - the massive dip where the bomb stole his flesh. And of course above all else the way his eye is still open and clear, looking out and straight at the person viewing? (At Legend) I can't quite describe it but his whole expression is just... Wonderful. But in a very horrible way. I would like to cup his cheek and somehow take the pain away, but I can't...
Injury map! Those are always fun. You did a real good job at translating what I said into actual physical things. The extent of the damage and everything... I know its probably just a little reference for you, but your choices in mapping it out are... not delightful, because horrifying, but something like that.
Then there is Hyrule and Legend, and /oh/. You may have swapped eyes, but that makes Hyrule look away, which really does hurt something more. Is this just after he died and Legend had just realised? It's make sense, given Wars folded the arm back over him and, well, that's where it is. And the more distant. Its just a scribble, but the awkward angles Hyrule is lying at... And then there's Legend. I can't see his face, I can't see any of him, but he's right there. I can see the tension in his shoulders, and cannot imagine him anything but shaking with sobs, either expressed or held in. The desperation, the way he's still clinging to one of Hyrule's hands... Those poor, poor boys. The both of them.
Then we have Warriors and Wind and Four and... Well, with their backs to us you can see how Warriors is holding them so tight, trying to protect them from the same fate no doubt. Wind's right at the back so it looks like he's trying to press into the hold and get comfort, while Four is trying to stay upright and strong and not need it, but those crossed arms say so much that he does. Warriors staying tall and alert, pressing their two youngest on so they don't have to look, taking point also to ignore his own grief to keep everyone /else/ safe. How tall he is, like he can't bring himself to crack.
And Time, Time, oh Time... I've mentioned the sailcloth thing above, but I still adore it. It's horrifying to use the sailcloth as a shroud, but its probably all they had to hand. Except their blankets, but most of them need those and, well... Hyrule's aren't really the best. And they want something kinder to wrap him in than those. But Time, poor Time, you did really good at displaying the sheer agony at finding the fairies too late, when Hyrule was too far gone for even a clutter of them to save. The way he's grasping his face with the agony, but still using the weight of his body and face to keep Hyrule's corpse safe in his arms, safe as he wishes he had kept him in life. The hand clutching the sailcloth, desperate and so very not okay... I love it so much, but ow... And then the little fairies! Shocked and upset with their little "!"s, desperate to help but there's nothing they can do. Time hunched in on himself, the agony, the pain... Then trying to help but there's simply nothing they can do. Time called for them so desperately, but they arrived too late, and that broke him. Hyrule could not have lived the extra few minutes it took, it just wasn't possible, but if he'd only looked better, been better, fought harder... And he failed his command, and you tied all of it all in so well. Also! Just the side not of the way Hyrule's feet are just... dangling there. Far enough from his chest they're probably bloody, but his boots and his feet one of the few bits entirely intact, and they're all of him you can see...
And then finally, Twi and Wild... Oh, oh this, all of them hurt and it doesn't hurt the most but just... There's not a whole lot to say about Twi. But Wild! The way he's clinging to Twi's hand on his shoulder, surely there to guide him as he's still struggling with the world. His head bowed, utterly despondent... He was saved, but at what cost? his other arm hanging limp, not knowing what to do, just... Walking. Clinging to Twilight and walking. Actually no with Twilight... Such a gentle arm around Wild's shoulder, keeping him from being separated but a quiet comfort all the same. He's grieving too, but for Wild for whom the hit was taken? He's doing his best to protect the scoundrel, just like Wars with Four and Wind, but different now. The two small ones seemed scared and desperately trying to hold it together, but Wild... Wild looks like he's just given up... The only people who look worse are probably Hyrule and Legend, and... Well...We know how that went. We can't see either at the moment in your doodles, but... Horrific times. So bad. And we know why Wild looks so bad! Why they all do! But oh it hurts.
And that brings me to the end of the rambling. I hope the rambles were all okay. May you have a lovely day, and so on and so forth, and my deepest thanks to you.
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strayclown101 · 2 years
2022 kpop recap
in light of the new year I've decided to talk all by favourite releases/groups that either came out this year ( I've also included songs i discovered  this year), i won’t be  including  any releases I've already reviewed. in no particular order.
catch & release-H1 KEY: i found this song like a couple months ago and i love it so much, the only way i can describe is if ITZY released flip a coin by BILLIE, it’s so good.
shakalaka - dal shabat: this song is sooo good i love the instrumental it  sounds glittery. i wish there were performance videos because i really wanna see the choreography.
forever 1 - SNSD: this song is so amazing, i already have a soft spot for group reunions but this song slaps, i feel like if you enjoyed queendom by red velvet or scientist and TTT by twice this song is right up your alley. also whoever was responsible for the final chorus deserves a raise for  the pure amount of emotion in her voice.
designer nct 127: i love this song so much it’s so nice, i love R&B so much anyway but SM’s producers  really understand the genre.
copycat - APINK CHOBOM: the vibes this song have are immaculate, there's something so nostalgic about it.
AOA: I've listened to AOA casually  but i recently decided to check out their Bsides and they have so many good ones, my recommendations are: cherry pop, super duper, 10 seconds and short hair(which isn’t a b side but still bangs)
F(X): similar to aoa I've always enjoyed their music but i’ve never really dived into their discography besides title tracks my recommendations are: love, chu ♡ , mr boogie, when  i’m alone and every bside off the pink tape album.
lovelyz: my recommendations are: obliviate, my little lover, babydoll and dream in a dream.
 chesire - itzy: this song slapped so hard in fact the entire album was fire.
baby i miss you - 2NE1:this song is so pretty, for some reason it reminds me of new jeans like if this song was released now it would go to new jeans.
tell me- wonder girls: she bangs idk what to tell you, i’ve started  listening  to this song every time i do my makeup and honestly  it’s changed my world view. 
onlyoneof:yeah so i just realised i haven’t mentioned how much i love  onlyoneof on this blog yet which is crazy because out of all the 4th gen boy groups i keep up with  onlyoneof have one of my favourite discographies, they remind of NCT and stray kids  because people kinda shit on them  because they have experimental title tracks which is so sad because they have some of the most back arching,toe curling, eye rolling Bsides known to mankind. anyway my recommendations are: coy, fragile, Dora maar, PicassO, instinct, tear of gOd, night flight, seamless mind, gaslighting, skinz, suit dance, sage, onlyoneof you, blossom, libido and savanna.
onf:nothing but bangers, i need all of tou to stop sleeping on them immediatley, my recommendations are: dry ice, beautiful beautiful, my genesis, belle epoque, we must love, summer poem, summer rain, the dreamer and the realist (the trabsition from the dreamer to the realist legit  made my draw drop) 
sf9: are you are hardcore fan of taemin ? have you been missing his music since his deptare to the milatery? are you a fan of wonho? do you love spider by hoshi, limbo by jun and pose by kino? then i have just the boy group for you, my recommendations are: fire, savour, trauma, good guy, scenario, now or never, summer breeze, tear drop(it sounds like a boy group version of panorama) and their cover of taemins move.
ciipher:are you a stay? are your favourite stray kid songs awkward silence,gone days and get cool? THEN STAN CIIPHER my recommendations are: i like you, solo, fire, blind, moon  night, fame, you and stay.
mirae: DO IT FOR DONGPYO but for real my recommendations are: drip drop,juice, killa,  snow prince and marvelous.
bae173:please their so good, song recommendations : crush on you, loved you, jaws, DaSH, GET HIM ugh.
TAN:if you like exo or seventeen then stan tan immediately my recimindations are: du du du: beautiful lie, walking on the moon, sing with you and  midnight.
tfn: atp i feel like nugupromoter but for boygroups if you like cravity or treasure my recommendations are: asuabalbalta, edelwiess, run up and when the sun goes down.
Anyway I’m gonna end it here, wow this really got away from me, I might start doing this monthly or something anyway I hope you enjoyed this, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :) bye
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Some of my favourite art - a timeline
Part 14: 2024
The first half or so, at least
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January. The fake album covers series. This is only a concept sketch but I really like how it looks even so, and I like the logo too.
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February. This is actually a panel from my comics. This is one of the more detailed drawings in my black white and red rough sketch style. I like the pose, especially since it was so difficult for me to draw something like this in the past.
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April. This is hands down my favourite panel from all the FIF comics I've done so far. The concept and the composition are very good.
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May. Self portrait. Technically traced over a photo, but, as I've come to realise, even tracing in an aesthetically pleasing and artistic way is its own skill. (And the colouring and shading as well as the composition is done without tracing anyway). The first full colour picture of the year.
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June. Quick sketch for my hacker story.
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June. I like how I drew the babies here. Drawing the poses was a struggle, but I'm glad I didn't give up on it. I also liked drawing that transparent ball.
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Early July. My first artfight this year (@ user is_noah). This is definitely the best drawing I've made this year, and the highest effort one. I spent about 3-4 full days drawing this, so a cumulative total of 20 hours or more. I like pretty much everything about this drawing, the shading, lighting, colour, mood, perspective, anatomy, poses, composition, clothing, character expressions etc etc. I feel like it looks just as I envisioned it in my mind if not better. And most importantly the emotion, the angst grief etc is there. What I struggled with the most was definitely the composition.
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Late July. My second and last artfight this year, and a very high effort drawing for my friend @sea-angle. I like the lighting, colours and poses here. The composition was definitely the biggest struggle, but it was very much worth it. Although I spent a full week on this, I think the net time was about half of the other drawing.
The way I would characterise this year so far is that I'm still in an experimental phase especially in terms of subject matter, and am constantly going out of my comfort zone. At the same time, this is the period of time in which my artstyle is the most "my own" it's ever been, and the skills I've acquired over the years stacked up, thus enabling me to draw things that would've been extremely challenging even just last year. And to be fair, they were very challenging this year too, but I was determined to see them through to the end. My biggest improvements have been in terms of anatomy (+ poses), lighting and especially composition, which I've also put a much higher level of intentionality in.
But all of this did not occur overnight. If this 15+ year retrospective showed me anything it's that even those years that I felt like I was stagnating or regressing in my art, were actually crucial steps in building skills that would define my art in the future. I am extremely grateful for the journey I've had so far. I hope that any artist who reads through this series feels encouraged, because every new drawing means progress, even when, or especially when we feel it the least
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