#i re-edited these bc i hated the logos
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maximura · 1 year ago
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all-pacas · 6 months ago
(because this is the one i was thinking about. bc reddit.)
OK, no idea how to do these things. Part of me is really tempted to pretend this is an actual director's commentary, you know, make a fake script, like here I am in a booth and we're doing a little watch along together. Right: Hi, I'm Helen. (We're doing the RP, ya'll)
So this was the first story I wrote for House. I think I did it in about two hours; most of it in one burst and then finishing it up. I have the bad habit of doing editing after posting, I'll just sit and re-read it until I spot errors or wording issues.
no mystery left alpacas
I kind of regret the title of this fanfic. It's called after a lyric from Portions for Foxes, which is kind of just my general Chase Soundtrack Song, which is why I chose it — except I kind of feel like I could have used it on something else, or picked something more fitting. But I don't hate the title either. I can never think of proper titles, I'm always stealing from songs. I've been trying to use as many Portions for Foxes lyrics as possible in my House fanfics.
"Who," House says grandly as Cuddy approaches, "ever heard of a diagnostics fellowship?" He's sitting in the hall by the elevators, ready to pounce. "Who ever heard of a diagnostics department?" she retorts distractedly. She slows. "You're hiring a fellow. Maybe even two, if you can find that many people who can stand you. This is a teaching hospital." House doesn't retort. She looks at him suspiciously and he twists his expression as if to suggest he has no idea what she's suspicious about. "Hire a fellow," she repeats. "That Treiber kid -"
This is a continuity error!! House actually did have fellows before Chase. This exchange really bothers me, but I've let it stand. I guess my excuse is that neither House or Cuddy say Chase will be your first fellow; House is just at a moment where he doesn't have any (also a continuity error, btw, Chase mentions meeting one in All In).
I… hadn't actually completed my watch of the show when I started this fanfic, which is where the error crept in. You'd think referencing S8-only Trier would imply I'd at least watched most of it, but no. I skipped ahead. I watched it coz the summary implied Chase Backstory.
He watches as she tries to enter before the doors close. A blond kid sticks out his arm to block them, flashes a thousand perfectly white teeth at her when she says thanks. Interesting.
I never have House refer to Chase by name in the story. This is meant to be the first time House sees (or hears of) him, and what he sees is Chase on a Charm Offensive towards Cuddy. Enough to pique his curiosity.
"I don't trust nurses." House keeps staring over Wilson's shoulder. The papers are too far away to read, but he can just make out the logo on the cover sheet. "Who does immigration paperwork in a hospital?" he asks.
This is still meant to be an accidental run-in. This is also shoddy immigration law, although I reference it in another fanfic too: as much as I like the idea Chase leveraged a 3 month holiday visa into a work visa, I'm pretty sure there is no way the department of immigration would let him. But I like how careless and sort of arrogant it seems. (very Rich Kid) Chase just assumes it'll all work out for him.
House flips a page in the rheumatology textbook he's examining. Trier tries not to fidget. "Classic power play," he blurts. "Read a book to show how little you care." House glances up.
Now House is actively researching Chase, probably because he also knows he's playing it fast and loose with his visa, and by implication is trying real hard to get a job by sucking up to Cuddy. I wish we'd had Trier more. I love everything about him. I love the idea that Chase just has a Nemesis in pathology. Like that one episode where he has to biopsy a dead baby? So funny if you imagine Trier is just off-camera and pissed Chase is in his department.
You're Dr. Thomas, aren't you?" the kid asks as the elevator starts to move. "Oh - I'm not a patient, don't worry." He smiles, sticks out his hand. "I'm interviewing for the surgical residency. Dr. Cuddy spoke highly of you. Rob Chase. Fantastic to meet like this - we're due to interview next week?" "Dr. Chase. Of course." Thomas clearly has no idea who the kid is but shakes his hand. The elevator dings. "Nice to meet you," the kid says, oozing charm, as Thomas exits. "Nice trick, Doogie," House says when the doors close. The kid jumps, noticing him for the first time. "Repetitive, though. Do you just hang out around the elevators waiting for your future bosses to climb aboard?"
I went back and forth on how Chase would introduce himself. We know his sister, at least, calls him Robbie, and even though the show itself is pretty consistent on calling him Robert, boy, can we agree that doesn't suit him? In my head, he started using his full name to "sound professional," but before House usually called himself Robbie or Rob. So he's not quite polished yet.
House is making a power play here, obviously. He's figured out Chase's game, and inserting himself into it just to let Chase know he's been caught: Chase is trying to "accidentally" charm his way into being hired. Also, something about him asking if Chase waits for his future bosses on elevators, House being on an elevator…
He turns on the kid, who stops short, uncertain. "Say," House asks, mock innocent. "Is my photo on the website?" The kid recites obediently: "You're Dr. House. Head of diagnostics. Double specialty in -"
Chase did research House, but didn't think he was a useful person to stalk. Trying to imply here that Chase really is being quite cynical and calculating about this — he isn't just targeting the specific folks he needs to hire him, he looked at every possibility and then chose who to seduce.
At House's office, he hesitates until House waves him inside. "The way I see it, Dr. Chase's only son could get a job in any hospital down undah he wanted, no matter how mediocre his grades."
Honestly, biggest argument against Chase being a lazy nepobaby, imo. He seriously could have done this in universe. Instead he moved across the world. This is one of the reasons I am so Interested in this idiot: he's so unambitious but he does wild things like this.
"Surgery and intensive care," he says. He turns to the counter behind him, picks up the resume he'd had Wilson procure. "You must love saving lives." "I do," he says, eyeing the resume and the copy of his father's book House had strategically placed under the manilla folder. "How sweet." "I like them when they're dying," the kid says, leaning forward. "When you have a bleed and ten seconds to find it. When they crash and you don't know why and you have less than a minute to fix the problem." "And that's why you're a perfect candidate for my fellowship?" House mocks. "You tell me. You're courting me, aren't you?" "Sudden attitude shift. Trying to appeal to the nearest authority figure by imitating his grizzled charm?"
I don't love this exchange. I think it's pretty decent banter, it flows nicely, but I do think Chase is too aggressive, even if I handwaved it with him doing in intentionally, trying to match House's energy. House revealing he's been tracking Chase's job hunt, and showing off Rowan's book, proves that he's interested in Chase and has been paying attention. So Chase notices this, and he's trying to imitate House.
I don't think (she says, having written it) that Chase's explanation for his specialties is necessarily true here. Or not the whole truth. He's just trying to say what he thinks House wants to hear. From his perspective, this dude he hasn't seen before just walked up to him and told him "I know everything about you, sit in my office, let's look at your resume." House mentioned Chase's immigration winging-it, that he's hoping to charm his way into a job. So Chase in turn is making his specialty sound sort of reckless and seat of his pants, too.
From House's perspective, he's seen this kid stroll into the hospital and attempt to manipulate
He skims the kid's file again. Looks up at him over the top of the folder, then tosses it down. "Have your dad give me a call." "What?" he blinks. "You want the job, I'd like a character reference." "I have references." "Yeah, but I'm such a fan of daddy. Shouldn't be a problem. Not like you fled England rather than live in his shadow or anything." "Australia." House waits. Finally the kid stands up. He offers his hand to House to shake. He doesn't take it. Rowan Chase calls the next morning.
This is the reason both the story and this commentary exists. It's a power play. House wants Chase to demean himself and do something he doesn't want to in order to prove he wants the job. Chase, meanwhile, realizes that House is pursuing him. So the real question is "will you do something you don't want to do because I asked you?" House has seen Chase is manipulative, and observant, but is he willing to do this?
Chase, meanwhile, knows House is interested in him and pursuing him. He doesn't know how much House has been tracking him, but clearly House wants him. This is enough to get Chase, naturally, to abandon his other plans to charm his way into a job: he might be able to get Thomas to hire him, but House is taking the initiative and showing an interest, which makes him way more valuable. (ie: daddy issues. It's always daddy issues.)
"I want to hire Bobby," House says, cornering Cuddy Friday morning.
"One's black and the other has milk and sugar. Did - did my father --" He blinks, losing his confidence. House takes the black coffee. Chase throws the other cup in the trash.
House calls him Bobby to mock him, obviously, but it's not until the last paragraph of the story the narration (and so, House) thinks of Chase by name. Now that Chase is in Diagnostics, he Exists.
Further useless headcanon director's notes:
I think Chase introduced himself as Robbie exactly once in New Jersey, and House heard, and it was also the last time he ever used that name.
For some reason, I feel like Chase drinks coffee black with sugar. So neither of those cups were ever going to be from him. He's blatantly sucking up here.
Finally, in an earlier scene:
"Do you even have an interview with Thomas, or were you planning on kissing his ass until you got one?" "I'll have it by the end of the week," the kid says defiantly. House smirks.
And in the last scene:
He passes her the manila folder. Cuddy skims it and looks disapproving. "Dr. Chase is the new surgical resident. Dr. Thomas specifically asked --"
I just liked this bit. Chase did end up getting the other job, he just picked the boss who wanted him over the one who didn't. From Dr. Thomas's brief appearance in S6, he seems to have Issues with Chase and Chase as an extension of House. I think it makes sense on its own, but it makes more sense with this context. He offers the kid a job, the kid rejects the job, four years later Cuddy makes Thomas hire him again, and Chase still pays more attention to House?? Lowkey Chase has as many enemies in the hospital as House and I think that's great.
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mysageukinbio · 3 years ago
JHB '81 Episode 29 as a series of incoherent Discord messages
Epiosde 29
[8:18 PM]The shrikes re noisy this winter
[8:18 PM]Lee Jing Myeong and Lee Guk Hwa's appeals
[8:19 PM]about the new hall and Jang Suk Won's status as a concnubine
[8:19 PM]Sukjong's still pissed
[8:19 PM]Tearing up appeal after appeal
[8:20 PM]Lee Jing Myeong is to be sacked and exiled
[8:20 PM]Everyone involved in delivering the appeal was also sacked
[8:20 PM]Inhyeon:What are we going to do?
[8:20 PM]Suk Ui: This is not right!
[8:21 PM]Another appeal for Sukjong from Kim Su Hang and his brother Kim Su Heung
[8:21 PM]Lady Cheon: The Court is in a mess
[8:22 PM]Sukjong called everyone to the Court, the officials called the King out on ignoring his subjects
[8:22 PM]Sukjong then appointed Jo Sa Seok as Personnel Minister
[8:22 PM]Song Shi Yyeol hears about this and is Not Please
[8:23 PM]Min Jeong Jung: Jo Sa Seok is a Southerner, and he supports JAng Suk Won!
[8:23 PM]Min Yu Jung: What do we do?
[8:23 PM]Song Shi Yeol: I can't get involved yet, but you two can
[8:23 PM]The Min brothers visit Sukjong
[8:24 PM]Min Jeong Jung: You need to throw out the concubine, not the subjects - her uncles's a traitor!
[8:24 PM]Sukjong: It was the Dowager who exiled her uncle, on't discuss this any further
[8:24 PM]Min Yu Jung:Why are you doing such unprecedented things over a concubine?
[8:25 PM]"Why are you throwing out your subjects and appointing people like Jo Sa Seok?"
[8:25 PM]"Please, reconsider?"
[8:25 PM]Sukjong: Sounds like you're comparing me to King Zhou and (some other evil King)!
[8:26 PM]"Promote Jang Ssuk Won to So Yong!
[8:26 PM]Min Yu Jung: No!
[8:26 PM]Sukjong: Promote her to So Ui!
[8:26 PM]The Min brothers: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[8:26 PM]JAngryeol hears about it
[8:27 PM]New logo!
[8:27 PM]Ok Jeong's family: Congratulations!
[8:27 PM]Ok Jeong: Soon, guys - Dongpyeong and Hee Jae, you both will be promoted soon!
[8:27 PM]Jo Sa Seok visits
[8:28 PM]Jo Sa Seok: You remember that court maid from 6 years ago?
[8:28 PM]"Forget her"
[8:28 PM]Jo Sa Seok: What do you mean??
[8:29 PM]Ok Jeong: She wanted you to share fortune and misfortune, but I'm saying it's only fortune from now on!
[8:29 PM]No ceremony for her in this version, guess they didn't have enough money
[8:29 PM]Inhyeon's mother visits Inhyeon
[8:30 PM]Inhyeon's mom: Did Jang So Ui already move to Chwiseon Hall (the new building)?
[8:30 PM]Inhyeon:Yes
[8:30 PM]Mom: Please don'tlose hope
[8:30 PM]"What kiind of woman is Jang So Ui, that she can steal favor like this?"
[8:30 PM]Lady Oh: How can the Queen even handle her?
[8:30 PM]"She's so cunning"
[8:31 PM]Mom: Are you going to otake this from a mere concubine?
[8:31 PM]"Your father finds this painful too"
[8:31 PM]Inhyeon: I tried everything, but it won't work
[8:31 PM]"I tried being the good guy, being the bad guy, and now I'm afraid for the future"
[8:32 PM]"I have no choice but to take it - I'm afraid of Jangn So Ui now!"
[8:32 PM]Lady Cheon comes to Chwiseon Hall
[8:33 PM]Tells her the Kitchen is readying more food than usual
[8:33 PM]"Please, maintain your dignity! You're a So Ui now!"
[8:34 PM]"You're the highest concubine now! Why would you go the Kitchen yourself?"
[8:34 PM]"You'll make the servants spread rumor?"
[8:34 PM]Ok Jeong: Before I'm a concubine, I serve my husband first
[8:34 PM]"no matter how the kitchen maids cook, how could they be better than a husband's wife?"
[8:35 PM]Something about Kim Suk Ui
[8:35 PM]Lady Cheon: I'm startled
[8:35 PM]"Would you like to teach Kim Suk Ui a lesson?"
[8:35 PM]Ok Jeong: No thanks
[8:35 PM]Lady Cheon: Aren't you mad you got whipped bc of her?"
[8:35 PM]Ok Jeong: It's thanks to her I became a So Ui
[8:36 PM]Court maids are fighting
[8:36 PM]So Ui's maids ignored Inhyeon's maids
[8:36 PM](That's a crime technically)
[8:37 PM]Lady Oh walks in
[8:37 PM]She takes the Queen's maids of course, and tells them to beat So Ui's maids up
[8:37 PM]Lady cheon hears about it
[8:38 PM]She goes to the Queen's Palace herself with the maids
[8:38 PM]Inhyeon's maids are gloating
[8:38 PM]Lady Cheon: I'm heree to see Lady Oh
[8:38 PM]"Have you gone deaf?"
[8:38 PM]Lady Oh: What's all the noise?
[8:39 PM]Lady Cheon: Look at the state of these girls!
[8:39 PM]Your maids beat up my maids!
[8:39 PM]Lady OH: Teach these girls a lesson!
[8:40 PM]JAng So Ui hears about everything
[8:40 PM]Jang So Ui goes to the Queen's Palace
[8:41 PM]Lady Oh admits her fault to the Queen
[8:41 PM]"Please whipe me"
[8:41 PM]Kim Suk Ui: Good for you! You did good
[8:41 PM]Inhyeon: Shut up!
[8:41 PM]"You lost your dignity as my High Court Lady! Go apologize!"(edited)
[8:42 PM]Kim Suk Ui: Don't do that! She can't humiliate the Queen's High Court Lady
[8:42 PM]Jang So Ui is outside
[8:42 PM]Commercial break
[8:43 PM]And we're back
[8:43 PM]Jang So Ui: You're the Queen's High Cout Lady?
[8:43 PM]Lady Oh: Yes
[8:44 PM]Jang So Ui slaps her
[8:44 PM]"And you're lokoing me in eye!?"
[8:44 PM]She slaps her twice more
[8:44 PM]And makes her announce her arrival
[8:45 PM]Jang So Ui goes in and acts like nothing's happened
[8:45 PM]Inhyeon: What is it?
[8:46 PM]JAg So Ui: Please whip me, I punished your High Court Lady
[8:46 PM]"The Queen's High Court Lady is truly wicked!"
[8:46 PM](That's the same as slandering the Queen in this show)
[8:47 PM]She recycles what the Queen told her when she entered the Palace
[8:47 PM]("We may be of different backgrounds, but we both serve the King - let's not be jealous")
[8:48 PM]"Yet your servants behave like this?"
[8:48 PM]Kim Man Gi dies in Sukjong's 13 th year
[8:48 PM]Nam Gu Man becomes Chief State Councilor
[8:49 PM]Some ranks and military revisions
[8:50 PM]Ok Jeong: I still have no child
[8:50 PM]Dongpyeong's mother: Don't lose hope
[8:50 PM]Ok Jeong: Kim Suk Ui has more hope than I do to ave children, according to the Queen's dream
[8:51 PM]Ok Jeong's mom: It's just a dream
[8:51 PM]Ok Jeong: It's more than a year since I entered the Palace
[8:51 PM]"Everything will go up in smoke if i don't have a child"
[8:52 PM]"The King thinks something's wrong with me"
[8:52 PM]"I think I've lost favor again"
[8:53 PM]Sukjong is gloomy bc he has no children
[8:53 PM]"How old am I?
[8:53 PM]Lady Kim: You're almos thirty
[8:53 PM]Sukjong: Jang Suk Won must be thirty be now
[8:54 PM]Inhyeon visits Jangryeol
[8:54 PM]Inhyeon: I have something to tell you
[8:54 PM]"We still have no child"
[8:55 PM]"It's all my lack of virtue"
[8:55 PM]"Even the concbines have no children"
[8:55 PM]"Everyone is spending their days in tears"
[8:55 PM]"The King has resigned to his fate"
[8:56 PM]Inhyeon: So Ui's thirty in the New Year - at 30, she might as well be 40
[8:56 PM]"What do I do?"
[8:56 PM]"How shall I face the ancestors?"
[8:57 PM]Jangryeol visits Sukjong
[8:57 PM]Jangryeol: Still no child?
[8:58 PM]Sukjong: none...
[8:58 PM]Jangryeol: Jang So Ui might be...
[8:58 PM]Sukjong: It's not her fault - it might be mine, actually
[8:59 PM]Jangryeol: You're overthinking this
[8:59 PM]Sukjong: If the nation falls bc have no children, how will I face the ancestors?
[8:59 PM]Jangryeol: Its' nont about the seed, it's the field (not tru as we know)
[9:00 PM]Lady Kim:It's late, time for bed
[9:01 PM]Sukjong stays in the Main Hall by himself
[9:01 PM]But then he went to Kim Suk Ui
[9:01 PM]He hears Kim Suk Ui ranting
[9:02 PM]She's reciting "A Woman's Sorrow" by Heo Nanseolheon
[9:02 PM]She's drunk again
[9:02 PM]Lady Go is asleep
[9:03 PM]And annoyed, it seems
[9:03 PM]Kim Suk Ui: "How did I reach this state?"
[9:03 PM]Lady Go: Please, maintain your dignity!
[9:03 PM]Kim Suk Ui: My life is so pathetic, I'm like an abandoned gourd!
[9:04 PM]"Who cares about the King? I hate hi-!"
[9:04 PM]She sees him enter
[9:04 PM]Sukjong feels bad for her
[9:04 PM]"The man you hate is here"
[9:05 PM]Now she's happy to see him
[9:05 PM]Ok Jeong is alone again
[9:05 PM]She's thinking about what could be happening at Kim Suk Ui's chambers
[9:06 PM]She's throwing up out of jealou... no, it's-
[9:06 PM]She's pregnant
[9:06 PM]Ok Jeong: Shhh!
[9:09 PM]She's super happy
[9:09 PM]Endn of episode
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