#i promise i'll solve problems quicker that way
bungletheglasscat · 7 months
the thing about emails is that usually sending one causes another one to appear. a vicious cycle
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26: "honestly why would I care?"
Fanfic of OFMD ed x stede
Rating: M/E
Cw: violence, like a lot-but I tried not to be too graphic, mention of blood, injury, swearing, alcohol, mentions of death including murder, guns. (I think that is all, if someone notices something I didn't tag promise I just missed it, please dm and I'll add it to the cw list, this is my first fanfic ive posted so im not entirely sure how cw tags work)
26 "honestly why would I care?"
This is why he had to kill him. He made him weak. This was the second time they had been captured together and of course he had stayed with him.
Stede was slumped over in the corner, a green bruise forming on his temple where he had been hit by the butt of the rifle. Ed looked at his boots. Stede left. He hated Stede. He wanted to hold Stede while he was injured and he hated himself for that. Its good Stede was fucked up. Maybe he would die of the injury and it would solve all of Ed's problems. He was Blackbeard for fucks sake. Why did this little frilly man undo him like this? And then Ed looked at Stede again. A mistake. Stede looked like this when they met. Unconscious and injured.
He was very aware of Stedes breathing when he realized that his breaths became quicker. He was waking up. The Spanish had been wise and chained them to the wall of the ship. Bolts he imagined went through to the hull based off the size of the bolts coming out of the wall. He pretended to be extremely interested in them when Stede finally came to.
"Ed?" He said in that weak voice that calmed the turmoiltus storm in Ed's soul. That made Ed angry so he ignored Stede and continued to be extremely interested in this extremely boring bolt.
"Ed?" Stede asked again. His voice stronger now. He was awake fully now which violently annoyed Ed.
Ed side eyed Stede with the bitchiest look he could conjure but he was so handsome covered in other men's blood and his torn emerald green silk shirt that Ed quickly looked away.
"Oh, Ed, please look at me."
Ed physically shifted his body so his back would be to Stede. A rather awkward action as his leg was broken and both his hands chained to the wall at a point that stretched his arms up just high enough that it rather pinned him to the wall in one way, back flat against the wall and facing Stede. He still managed it but it was an incredibly choppy and painful movement. But it was better than looking at the only man who ever managed to break his heart.
"Ed, darling..."
"Hrummph" came Ed's response.
"Is your leg broken?" Stede asked in that gentle voice of his. The only gentle voice Ed had never felt was trying to take advantage of him.
"What do you care?" Came the terse answer, though it was rather muffled as Ed's face was directly into the wall.
"Ed, darling, please. Give me a moment to explain myself." Came the voice from behind him. That voice so polished and pleasant. And painful. That voice that once said that Ed made him happy. That voice that lied.
"Whats there to explain? Honestly, why should I care? You made your decision rather obvious. Honestly, why are you even here?"
"I'm here because, well, black Pete insisted we try this jam at a stall and well I'm always on the look out for a good jam then the Spanish attacked and well um they ended up putting us both in the same - ya know what, it doesn't matter."
"Ugh!" Came the muffled groan from the most feared pirate on the 7 seas. "Of couse you got captured for jam."
"I was looking for you, Ed."
"Whatever for, Stede. You don't have anything to say to me. And don't call me that. Ed. Thats only for my *closest* friends. Which you aren't. Never were." Came the muffled reply.
"Well yes we got a bit distracted by the jam. But we were in port because I heard a rumor you were there. And we need to talk. Me and you."
"Whats there to talk about? You left. Now you're back. La. De. Dah."
The silence that followed weighed heavy on both of them and Ed finally gave into his desire to look at Stede. Spinning his head around at a rather awkward angle he finally looked at Stede again.
The absolute bastard had the audacity to look beautiful. The silk shirt was open and ripped in annoyingly slutty places. The blood of the men he'd killed framed his face almost delicately, the scarlet color bringing out the blue in his eyes, the emerald shirt elegantly contrasting his blonde hair that now included a rather dashing beard and mustache.
Stede thankfully took Ed's silence as an act of contriteness and not as an inability to form a complete sentence due to his besotted state.
Ed snapped out of it when he realized he couldn't kiss this man again.
"You came back" Ed snarled.
"I never left." And that's when he felt Stede tap his foot. Looking to their feet Stede's boot rested against Ed's good foot.
Ed shuffled himself back around so he would be properly sitting again but still wouldn't look properly at Stede pulling his feet away from the reach of Stede's feet. A bit of a painful process with the one broken leg but he gritted his teeth and hoped Stede didn't see the tears well in his eyes when his foot landed at a bad angle.
"Why?" Ed asked.
Stede's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire. The lock had been blown off the door.
The door swung open to show Jim standing in the door way with a smoking pistol. Olu's voice echoed behind them, "Jim, we have the keys." Olu shuffled around the trigger happy assassin and pulled out the keys and began unchaining both captains.
"Sorry for the wait captains the plan went a bit awry but we've managed to pull most of it off but we'd best git quickly before Roach and Frenchy accidentally-"
*BOOM* Echoed through the ship tossing it sharply starboard.
"Nevermind, they already did it." Olu sighed. "Come on captain."
"I can walk, Ed needs help" said Stede with concern in his voice.
"Alright then, I'll cover you two getting Blackbeard off the ship. But we need to hurry before it fuckin sinks because of those fucking imbéciles."
They pulled two more pistols seemingly out of thin air and marched forward.
Olu put Ed's left arm over his shoulders as Stede did the same with his right. They began carrying him down the hall. The rat bastard Stede had the AUDACITY to smell good too. Like old leather and vanilla and black tea. So close to him, their faces almost touching. Olu was also rather close but he did rather smell like old tobacco smoke and gunpowder.
The foray was rather impressive in the background with the rushing and flooding water that was turning red with blood of the people Jim was rather violently killing in front of them. Olu shouting encouragement and praise at Jim like, "nice throw!" And " that was very sexy the way you shot that guy without looking at him!" Jim would glance back with a smile and stab another person.
He ignored the lingering thought that it must be nice to have a supportive partner who encouraged and praised your hobbies and career successes.
"Ed?" He heard in his right ear again. "Ed, I was wrong. What I did. I know I had to do it to get some clarity but it made me realize what I wanted."
They lifted Ed over the pile of bodies that littered the stairs to the deck. Ed was in a lot of pain.
"Ed, please say something."
"I am in a lot of pain."
Stede grabbed a bottle of rum from a pirate who was being stabbed by a Spaniard.
"Here this will help numb the pain."
Ed drank the bottle as fast as possible. It was nearly 3/4 full. It did help dull the pain in his leg at least but did nothing to help the feeling of being eaten alive from inside his chest out.
By the time they got to the waiting dingy the deck had nearly sank to the surface of the ocean. Rather conveint as Ed would not have been able to climb down a ladder.
"Hop in captains!" Urged Fang brandishing the oar.
They crawled and stumbled into the dingy. Stede first and Olu nearly dropped Ed into the dingy. Unable to steady himself Ed found himself falling onto Stede resting his body on Stede's starkly bare chest (his shirt somehow becoming more ripped in the foray) and his face only a few inches from Stede's. Olu hopped in and Jim pushed them off from the ships side. Fang and Olu began rowing as fast as they could while Jim dove head first into the brink swimming for another dingy containing the two morons who preemptively blew up the ship, and they felt it rather important to cuss them out in Spanish while brandishing an astonishing amount of knives as soon as possible.
Ed tried to adjust himself so he was no longer so close to Stede only to find Stede was holding him around the waist.
"Don't move too much. You've a broken leg and I'm quite certain our little stroll did not improve it."
Ed tried to make a grunting sound but to his horror it sounded more like a whimper.
"Ed. I love you. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You've always had me. You always will."
"You've lied to me before. How do I know you're not now."
"Well, you don't, I suppose. You'll just have to trust me. But I swear to you," Stede shuffled himself so he would be holding Ed slightly more comfortably and less like a nurse and more like a lover. "I'm good on this promise."
Ed couldn't hold it in anymore.
He kissed Stede like he need it to breathe.
He then passed out in Stede's arms cause the rum mixed the extreme pain finally got to him. He felt at peace for the first time in a long time cradled in his lover's arms.
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useful-health · 5 months
A Brighter Brew: My Experience with L Supplements
I used to be a bit of a skeptic when it came to health supplements. You see them advertised everywhere, promising the world but often delivering little more than a lighter wallet. Then a colleague at work mentioned L supplements, and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer.
From Tea Leaves to True Believer: First Impressions
Now, I'll be honest, the initial claims about "watching your profits grow stronger, bigger, and larger" had me chuckling. A bit too focused on the financial side, wouldn't you say? Seemed more concerned with lining pockets than genuine well-being. But after delving deeper, I discovered a focus on overall health that piqued my interest. L supplements promised to boost energy levels, sharpen mental clarity, and fortify the immune system – all things that could certainly lead to a more productive and, yes, perhaps even a more profitable life indirectly!
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Feeling the Buzz: The Benefits
Since incorporating L supplements into my daily routine, I've noticed a remarkable difference in several key areas. First and foremost, my energy levels have skyrocketed. That afternoon slump that used to have me reaching for a biscuit by four o'clock? Gone! I feel invigorated throughout the day, allowing me to tackle my workload with renewed enthusiasm. This newfound energy has certainly spilled over into my personal life, too. Now I can keep up with my rambunctious young nephews without feeling like I need a nap afterwards!
Secondly, my mental clarity has sharpened considerably. Before L supplements, my brain felt like mush at times, making it difficult to concentrate and retain information. Now, my thoughts flow like a well-brewed cuppa, and I find myself tackling complex problems with the ease of solving a cryptic crossword. This improved focus has been a boon at work, allowing me to make quicker and more informed decisions.
Finally, I haven't felt like I'm coming down with a sniffle every other week since starting L supplements. Whether it's the stress of everyday life or just the unpredictable British weather, I used to succumb to coughs and colds quite frequently. Thankfully, that seems to be a thing of the past. While I can't definitively say it's all thanks to L supplements, I certainly feel more resilient and my immune system seems to be doing a sterling job these days.
Nature's Cuppa: A Natural Boost
L supplements are a natural product, which was a major selling point for me. I'm not a fan of all those artificial ingredients and potential side effects some supplements have. L supplements offered a safe and natural way to support my well-being. Just to be on the safe side, I did have a chat with my doctor before starting them, but they gave them the green light.
A Sound Investment: Paying for Yourself
While some might balk at the initial cost of L supplements, I view it as an investment in myself. When you consider the enhanced energy, improved mental focus, and a stronger immune system, it's a small price to pay for a healthier and more productive you. After all, a healthy body and mind are the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life, wouldn't you agree?
Overall, I can wholeheartedly recommend L supplements to anyone looking for a natural way to boost their overall well-being. They've certainly made a positive difference in my life, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to friends and family. So, if you're fed up with afternoon slumps, want to sharpen your focus, and feel a bit more resilient, give L supplements a try. You might just be surprised at the positive impact they can have on your life.
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wolferals · 2 years
Henry Cavill x reader (reader is in her early 20s in college)
Warnings:none, pure fluff, mentions of anxiety and eating disorder
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You couldn't take it anymore. The past weeks had been killing you. Barely any social contact, no time for all the things you enjoyed, you'd practically been glued to your desk. Finals, your exams were on and you were mentally shitting yourself. Math especially. It was killing you, you had always been bad at it but especially now you didn't even understand the easiest tasks.
Henry had been trying to meet up with you for a week now but you'd barely had any time to reply. After you got home from college, you had a small lunch (and that not even every day) and immediately got to work on the math tasks.
And after studying, you went to bed at like 9pm since everything exhausted you too much to do anything else.
It was one of those days again. You got up at 2, ate strawberries for lunch that had already expired a few days ago but somehow tasted okay, then went to sit on your desk.
Your phone was sitting by your laptop on the desk beside you, but you were too focused on the task to even acknowledge it's constant dinging.
But then it got annoying.
„Fuck." you almost screamed and grabbed your phone. You wanted to turn it off and continue but one specific text of Henrys grabbed your attention.
„Front door. Now."
You got up and made your way through your little apartment to the door.
Looking like an absolute mess, you opened it and were faced by a huge basket.
„What?" you asked confused and looked up at Henry who just now showed his face from behind the monstrosity of a basket.
„I know you said not to bother you until your finals were over but I know you better than you do. You probably don't sleep enough or eat as a matter of fact. So I got you a little care package."
He handed you the big basket while you stood there, in shock from all this love he was gifting you.
„It's got everything you need right now. Chocolate, i put some fruits in there, you should refrigerate them; cookies i baked with Kal. And warm fuzzy socks because I know you love those. And a framed picture of Kal to look at while you try to keep it together with all the studying.
And I added a letter for a fun thing to do when all this is over. But don't open it before your exams are over and you finally got time for me."
You were simply speechless. Tears were fogging your eyesight and you blinked them away quickly.
„Henry." you smiled and stared at him in disbelief.
„Shush. Go back to studying, I'll make you some lunch. I promise I won't bother you. You come to me if you need anything!"
Without asking, he entered your apartment and went straight to the kitchen.
Then you closed the front door again and brought the basked with you back to your bedroom.
You quickly undid the bow and removed the plastic before digging in. Putting on the warm cute socks and munching on a cookie, you went back to work.
You could hear a sound or two coming from the kitchen every once in a while but it didn't bother you. It made you feel all warm, knowing you werent alone even though those times were so hard on you.
Henry knew. He knew how you felt and he took his time to bake cookies, come to your place and now make lunch for you. He knew, you hadn't eaten proper food in a while.
Smiling, you solved your math problems much quicker than usual, endlessly proud of yourself and your achievement.
After an eternity you finally turned off your iPad and slurred to the kitchen, seeing Henry stand by the stove working on something.
„Hey you." you smiled and made your way up to him.
He smiled back and opened his arms.
„Come here, it's been a while since i saw you."
You happily wrapped your arms around his waist and  cuddled into his broad chest.
„Hmm" you hummed content, he smelled good.
You felt save and secure. His arms held you ever so tightly, instinctively making you sleepy.
„I made vegan taquitos." He mumbled into your hair but you didn't dream of letting go of him.
„Thanks." was all you whispered back, digging your face in the soft fabric of his black shirt.
„Anytime." he kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back.
Your belly suddenly grumbled louder than ever and you let go of Henry, looking down at yourself.
„Alright you need to eat."
He went back to the stove and finished the filling for the taquitos while you sat down at the table and waited for him to join you.
Henry placed everything in front of you and sat down opposite of you.
„Please eat as much as you can."
He smiled and you smiled back.
You did as he said. You couldn't even stop eating; your body had really needed it. You suddenly felt so energetic and happy.
„Thank you so much." you thanked him and he only took another bite, smiling.
After lunch (which was practically dinner by now), you two cleaned the kitchen together. Henry washed the dishes and you dried them off with a towel.
„You okay?“ he spoke as he saw your frown.
„Yeah. Im just a little scared that this has set me back. Like im so glad you came over and the break felt really nice but my exams are in 2 weeks and im not even halfway through with what i wanted to do.“
Henry set the plate down and turned to you.
„Look at me.“ He lifted your chin so you were looking up into his eyes. Those blue orbits staring into your soul like there‘s no tomorrow.
He sent you a soft smile.
„You‘re okay. You deserve a break darling. Don‘t stress, you‘re gonna do amazing in your exams. But promise me, you‘ll take care of yourself and listen to your body if you need a break.“
You only nodded at him. Henry smiled again and eventually leaned closer and finally gave you what you‘ve been wanting for months now.
His lips moved softly against yours, sending shivers down your spine.
You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
Henry pulled away and opened his eyes. Then he smiled as well and licked his lips.
„Now, bed.“
You looked at him in confusion.
Then he realized how it mustve sounded and he chuckled.
„No thats not what I meant. You need to rest, go. I‘ll come in in a sec.“
But you wouldn’t let him go so easily. So you stood on your tippy toes and placed another kiss on his lips.
He reacted right away and put both his hands on either side of your face.
When he let go again, he lightly pushed you towards the door and said:“Bedroom sweetheart.“
You grinned at him and slowly turned around. „Go.“
-„Only if you come with me.“
He laughed and spoke:“I will in a sec.“
You left the kitchen and yelled:“But without a shirt okay?“
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agathaslittle · 3 years
Meet the Maximoff - Little!Reader x Agatha Harkness
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Summary: Wanda shows up unexpectedly at the Harkness holsehold while you're in your headspace.
Requested by Anon: "Little!Reader x Agatha but Wanda meets the little!reader? Maybe a little jealousy from Aggie?"
Word Count: 1272
Trigger Warnings: Age Regress.
A/N: In my fanfics littles and bigs are known.
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This was not expected. And it was definitely not planned.
Wanda almost never left her house, too focused on her husband to worry about the rest of the city. The only exception had been Dottie's reunion, but Agatha hadn't expected her to go out again anytime soon, at least until the talent show.
But clearly she was wrong, and quite unprepared.
The witch was preparing lunch when the doorbell rang, and like the good girl you were, you yelled from the living room "I'll answer it!" and immediately ran to the door, not giving her time to stop you.
She didn't want Wanda to know you, much less in your little state, as Agatha was afraid that the great power the other witch possessed might affect you. Also, you weren't very discerning when you were little and could let your real identities slip by accident.
But what was done was done, and in that moment there you were, opening the door for Wanda. At least Agatha had been careful enough to change your clothes to the 60s style that morning; you wore a collared and swirly dress, colorless, since everything in town was in black and white. It was clear that your style was childish, and Wanda quickly realized that.
"Hey there, what's your name, honey?" She asked in a soft tone, her head tilting to the side with a sweet smile.
"It's Y/N," you replied quietly, a little shy with the stranger's presence, "what's yours?"
Damn it, Y/N! Agatha thought as she heard the conversation from the kitchen, her blood turning to ice. You two had talked about your false names, but she already imagined that this conversation would not have reached the little you.
"My name is Wanda, I'm your neighbor to the right, your right," she pointed to the house next door.
It was time to intervene, so Agatha wiped her hands on her apron quickly, practically running into the living room.
"Hey, Wanda!" She smiled falsely, putting her arm around your waist and stepping to the side to let the witch enter, "I see you've already met my little one."
"Yes, she's adorable," Wanda nodded with a kind expression, walking through the door as you buried your face in Agatha's neck, feeling that she was tense, "but I don't remember you telling me about her."
"Oh, must've slipped out my mind to tell you, you know how it is, being a housewife can be tiring sometimes..." she lied naturally, getting a nod of understanding from the redhead, "but anyway, you need to something, dear?"
"Well I came because I want to ask for your help with one of Dottie's requests, her list is very confusing."
"Of course I can, but would you mind if I went into the kitchen for a few minutes? I have to take the pots off the stove and finish lunch."
"If you want I can help you with that," Wanda offered, but that was the last thing Agatha wanted. She needed to get you to another room and fast.
"No need to, sugar, I'll finish it faster than you can say lunch," Agatha giggled, "come with me, Y/N."
You were about to go, but the redhead stopped you both, "you can leave Y/N with me, I'll take care of her for you, I'm sure this cutie and I will get along well."
Agatha forced a smile again, knowing it would be suspicious to deny that request. She then sighed and pulled away from you, stroking your hair, "be nice to Wanda, alright?"
"Okay, mommy," you agreed, running to the living room rug and sitting there near where Wanda was on the couch.
Agatha glanced once more at the two of you before heading to the kitchen, the quicker she finished lunch, the quicker she would solve Wanda's problem and the witch would be gone. She wished she could use her magic to speed up the process but the brunette didn't want to risk being caught.
Still she remained calm, knowing that she would be able to see part of the living room and hear everything that happened from the kitchen.
Meanwhile, you took your stuffed bunny and hugged it, feeling a little embarrassed to be alone with Wanda, even more so when she, too, sat on the rug, looking at you.
"What's your little friend's name?" She pointed to her bunny.
"It's Scratchy Junior," you smiled, petting his fluffy head.
"Ah," she pursed her lips in approval and nodded her head, "just like Señor Scratchy?"
"Yeah, because he's a bunny too and looks like him..." you rambled in a baby-ish way.
"And what does Scratchy Junior like to do, honey?"
Honey? Agatha scoffed mentally, taking the pots off the stove. The pots were boiling, but no more than her blood while she heard Wanda interacting with you.
"He likes to jump around, like this, look," you held him in one hand and mimicked the bouncing of a rabbit all around you until you placed him in Wanda's lap, "and he likes you."
"Awww," Wanda cooed, stroking the stuffed animal with one hand and your hair with the other, "I like him too."
That. Was. It.
"Lunch is ready!" Agatha yelled from the kitchen, her tone a little louder than necessary.
Then Wanda got up, still holding the bunny and offering you her hand, which you held to get up and didn't let go until you reached the kitchen. You clearly liked Wanda, she looked nice.
But seeing you hand in hand with the witch infuriated Agatha, even though she couldn't show it. Instead, she served the plates as if nothing had happened, frowning a little as you sat down in the chair next to Wanda, "come sit at mommy's lap, baby."
And you didn't even question the sudden request, just happy to have lunch on your mommy's lap, and if Wanda noticed that Agnes was jealous, she didn't say anything about it. You barely paid attention to the boring subject about Dottie, enjoying Agatha's affections and Wanda's attention.
She had put your bunny on the table, pretending to feed him every now and then, making you laugh and bounce all over. Agatha had to hold on to keep her eyes from rolling in annoyance to seeing you getting along so well with Wanda.
When you all finished lunch, Wanda felt satisfied enough with Agnes help and finally decided to leave, but not before hugging you tight, promising that she would soon see you and Scratchy Junior again.
This time Agatha almost threw her entire plan out the window, wanting to blow up that little witch - little bitch - for her insolence.
As soon as the door closed behind Wanda, Agatha was already pulling you into her arms, "why did you say you like her baby?"
That made you shrug, "because I liked her."
"Do you like her more than me?" Agatha practically pouted.
You shook your head.
"Silly mommy, I like her but I only love you," you replied as it was obvious, because, well, it was obvious to you. Agatha, however, seemed delighted at your answer, pressing you even closer to her with a big smile.
She would never get tired of hearing those words come out of your lips.
When the news arrived the next day, Agatha wasn't truly surprised to learn that Wanda was pregnant, expecting a baby of her own, coincidentally after meeting you. Even though it smelt of chaos magic, the witch felt a little relieved, knowing that Wanda would no longer be focused on you.
After all, you were Agatha's baby and hers alone.
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ACT Guide Part 3:
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Hello! As promised, I'm going to continue my ACT advice posts. Just to remind you, I highly recommend taking the ACT if you can because it is a great way to boost your academics since most schools are test optional this season.
Before I list my strategies, I want to go over the material the ACT math section covers. As far as I know, this section can test on topics all the way up to precalculus. In other words, you need a solid understanding of Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Precalculus. However, the ACT focuses more on Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry.
Now that I've addressed the topics, I'll get into my strategies:
1. Your calculator is your best friend: I highly recommend getting a graphing calculator that is approved by the ACT. Getting a good calculator will make things much easier as you'll be solving problems much quicker.
2. Pace yourself: despite having a lot of time for this section, you have to make sure that you're going at a good pace. From my experience, the questions get harder as the test progresses, and the last ten are usually the hardest ones. Keep in mind that you'll need more time for the second half of the test than the first half.
3. Get familiar with the type of problems: if you're struggling on this section, try to identify the types of problems the ACT tests on. Although each test has different problems, the concepts that they use are the same for each one. Sure, there may be a few questions on each test that throw a curveball, but most questions are extremely similar to ones on other tests.
4. If you're aiming for a high score, know your Precalculus: to get a 36, you can usually afford to miss 1-2 questions, leaving little room for error. Every point counts, so you need to know every concept well. Here are a few precalculus topics that I have seen on previous tests: matrices (adding, multiplying, multiplying by a scalar finding the determinant), vectors (adding and subtracting), series (simple arithmetic and geometric ones), rational polynomials (graphing, oblique asymptotes), advanced trigonometry (trig identities, double angle), and logarithms (basic properties, change of base).
5. If you don't know, then don't worry about it: the ACT provides one minute per question in the math section. Although this is a generous amount of time, the second half of the test will definitely take longer than the first. If you don't know the answer, skip it and come back to it later. It's for your own good.
Resources: I personally did not use any prep books, but I heard the College Panda's ACT Math book was very useful. However, the best resources anyone can use are actual tests, which can be found on Crack ACT online.
Thanks for reading this post! I still have to address the Reading and Essay section, so stay tuned for more posts in the future.
-Kyle [August 16, 2020]
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rogue-barnes-16 · 6 years
SECRETS (part IV/?)
Summary: Detectives James Barnes and Y/n Y/l/n never really got along, despite being partners for seven months. You could say they hated each other, however, when James’ past shows up threatening to break him all over again, the truth about their feelings comes to the surface.
Pairing: cop!Bucky Barnes x cop!Reader
Genre: angst-ish
Secrets: @just-add-butter
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125
Warnings: psychological and slightly physical abuse, language, angst (probably some typos, since I wrote this in 2 hours)
A/N: I'm alive (surprisingly) yayy! Please, remember to reblog the fics, because you're making me a huge favor if you do. Enjoy this part of Secret (which, like I predicted, it's not the last one) <3
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist (you'll find the rest of the parts here)
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Since I had woken up earlier due to a nightmare, I went to the living room carrying some files to keep working on the case until Y/n woke up.
The past few days had been really good for the both of us. I would even dare to say that the hate had turned into some kind of friendship.
Okay, maybe it was more than friendship when it came to my feelings, but that wasn't anything new. Since day one I had felt something that drew me to her, however, I had never let those feelings grow any further for several reasons. During these days, though, Y/n somehow helped me to loosen up a little, which was enough for me to stop fighting what I felt.
The fact that, somehow, she was making me feel safer also helped me to be more confident about my feelings.
While I started to display the files, the extra time I had recently been spending with Y/n came to my thoughts, and with it, the question I had been asking myself for the past two days.
Did she liked me the way I liked her?
Sometimes —most of the times— our interactions would seem friendship-like, with, of course, our considerable amount of teasing.
But other times, the times we were all alone in her apartment, when we would stay up until late hours of the night, the way she acted towards me, the way she talked to me... it was almost as if she wanted something more than a friendship between us.
It was probably just my imagination, playing wicked games on me. Sigh. Even if it's true, I thought, what would you do? You can't do anything, I reminded myself. You're broken.
You're not ready.
You're not good enough.
She deserves better than-
A few angry knocks on the door made me come back to reality, a bit more tired, and a bit more hurt.
I took a couple of deep breaths to regain my composure again. It was amazing how a couple of thoughts crossing my mind could trigger all the insecurities Y/n had been helping me to overcome.
Another few knocks, this time stronger and quicker. "I'm coming" I announced, being careful not too be too loud, since Y/n was still asleep. I grabbed the knob to open the door, not even think about how odd was that someone came to visit at 5:40 am. "Wait a sec..."
Before I could even freeze due to the panic, Dot's hand slapped my face. After all this time keeping up with her, after all the abuse, retreating myself to a safer position was an action I did by inertia.
The thought of shutting the door for her not to enter hadn't even crossed my mind before I was backing out from her reach.
"how dare you?" she questioned, poison dripping from each one of her words. "you can't even wait until we're divorced, right?! First the damn lawsuit, then you cheat on me?!"
"H-how- why- what are-" words came out as a stuttering whisper since I wasn't able to form a single sentence "y-you can't be here"
"why? Are you gonna call the cops, baby?" I frowned and stepped back when she stalked towards me. "You're a cop, honey, if you didn't arrest me it's because no one is going to arrest me."
"what the-" I shut my mouth when she gave me a dead glare. "how did you get here? Who- you have to leave. Now."
"she's still here, isn't she?" Dot huffed, "that bitch is gonna get it" when she attempted to make her way to Y/n's bedroom, I didn't think twice before gripping her arm and tugging her back.
Dot gasped, probably not expecting the amount of strength I had just used to stop her. "don't get her into this"
"so it's true? You're cheating on me with that fucking. dumb. petty. bitch?" with each word, she pushed me back until my knees hit the edge of the couch and there was no way left, but to sit down.
"she's none of that." I managed to say, after gathering all the courage I was capable of when it came to the woman in front of me.
"And now you defend her?" she scoffed, letting out a dry laugh that sent shivers down my spine. "You're so desperate for some kind of affection, baby. It's pathetic" I sat there, trying to digest those words that seemed so real to me. "You're so damn stupid. She's probably just using you- I mean, have you looked at yourself?" she started to pace. "you really don't know what you did by dumping me, love. No one is going to love you. I gave you everything, goddammit! I gave you fucking everything!"
"Stop" I muttered, leaning over myself to rest my face over my palms "Stop it"
"after all I did to you, you're dumping me for some random slut. For a quick fuck" another dry laugh. "YOU'RE SOMEONE BECAUSE I DECIDED TO GIVE YOU THAT PRIVILEGE!"
"I'm gonna say it once" I thought I had imagined it, so I didn't look up the first time Y/n spoke, more like growled. "I'm not even gonna ask how did you get here. Just get the fuck out of my damn house"
"And the slut's here" it was then that I lifted my gaze to stare at Y/n, who looked like we had shaken her awake —we probably did—. "I'm leaving when I finish talking with-" In a swift movement, Y/n had her gun aimed at Dot. "woah woah woah- I can sue you for this" the latter stated, visibly nervous. "are you gonna fucking shoot me?"
"get out" when Y/n spoke again, I tensed. "before I solve this problem with a bullet in your skull"
Dot hesitated for a moment before speaking again, using with Y/n the same tone she used to use with me. "You're not gonna shoot, you fucking crazy bitch"
The problem was that it wasn't me.
It was Y/n. A really, really mad Y/n.
Dot gasped when Y/n, without breaking eye contact with her, deflected her gun to the side and shot.
"Did I fuckin' stutter?" Y/n asked, calmed and collected. "Leave. Now"
After a few seconds that seemed a thousand years to me, Dot gathered her bag and jacket before turning to me. "we're not finished yet"
All from sudden, Y/n was in front of me, grabbing Dot's arm and dragging her away "yeah you are"
"I don't want to see you near him ever again" I hissed, dragging the woman to the front door.
"what are you gonna do if I do, detective?" She taunted.
"let's say" I opened the door and, instead of leaving her in the landing, I kept dragging her downstairs "I don't mind going to jail if I know you're gone for good" before she could speak, I threw her to the lobby and went back upstairs.
"how the fuck did she get my direction?" I asked rhetorically, entering into my apartment, where I had left Bucky. "She's fuckin' nuts" when he didn't answer anything, I turned around to check on him, just to see his eyes red. "Hey..."
"I'm sorry"
"what- no!" I wouldn't have realized I had yelled if not for Bucky’s flinch. "this isn't your fault, don't be sorry, okay?"
"I just-" his voice faded, and instead, he took a deep, shaky breath. "I don't know what- I mean- she w- I-I'm sorry"
I made my way to Bucky, careful not to startle him, and I crouched in front of him. I took a moment to check on him before slowly placing one of my hands over his. "this is what we're gonna do" I whispered, as tender as possible. "you come back to bed and try to rest. I'll call sick at work for you."
That made his gaze shoot up at me, panic written all over his face. "nonononono don't-"
"Listen, you gotta rest," I replied, stopping him before he could get up. "and you gotta calm down."
"don't Y/n for fucks sake don't leave me here" he tried to get up again. I could practically hear his heart stammering against his chest. "what if she comes back?"
"she's no-"
"you don't know that!"
The terror in his voice broke me more than I expected it to do it. "Okay... Okay, what about this" I got up, not letting go of his hand. "we both go back to sleep. I'll call Steve- Steve knows, doesn't he?" Bucky nodded. "Okay, I'll call Steve and I'll tell him we'll be late to work because you need to rest"
After a second, Bucky nodded again and followed me to the bedroom. "don't leave without me, 'kay?"
"I won't, I promise" I replied, squeezing his hand.
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shirabusworld · 4 years
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[ kenjirou shirabu & suna rintarou ]
part one
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• he's short tempered. well shit, here we go again. I feel like he's sorta similar to Akaashi with being a workaholic, then again maybe not? well he doesn't think before speaking. he will just snap at you immediately. why can't you just leave him alone? listen for once? the words he shouts at you are harsh, he'll take advantage of your insecurities and slam his hand on the desk. he doesn't even take notice of the tears slipping down your cheeks as his words send daggers through your heart. at the moment, he doesn't even care if you're hurt. he'll just keep spitting out words, he can't control himself at all. then you leave, you know he didn't mean them, right? it wasn't the first time he's taken out his anger on you, unless you are the reason why he's so frustrated all the time.. but none of that's true, Shirabu does love you. You're the only one he sees, the only one who can actually make he feel alive. But you're slowly starting to lose faith in your relationship as you leave your shared apartment. He won't follow you at all, he's never had. Not because he doesn't care, but because he can't face you once he realized he hurt you once again.
• he's a liar. Shirabu isn't one to make promises, he doesn't keep them either. 'I promise, I'll be there.' 'just five more minutes.' 'id chose you no matter what.' lies. They're just excuses to push you away. He tells himself he won't do it again, but he does anywhere, never ending the cycle.
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• he's distant. Suna doesn't realize how much effort he needs to put into a relationship. It's like he treats you more as a friend then lover. I think at the beginning of the relationship he'll be more loving, though once about a month has passed he won't show it as much, slowly escaping your reach. you'd try to get closer to him, but he wouldn't budge, he refuses to open up and even show you a hint of vulnerability. 'We can hang out later,' 'Sorry I got practice.' Suna will probably realize how these words are affecting you, but he won't really know how to solve it until you confront him.
The moment he realizes your relationship is literally on the edge, he'll quickly mutter multiple apologizes and hold onto you tight.
But if he doesn't change, and he still seems to have the same mind set, he'll lose you even quicker than the weirdo quick attack.
• he's too much of a tease. he'd tease all the time, but he doesn't realize when he's gone overboard till you start to become more quiet and distant. He wouldn't do this out in public, only when you two are alone. He'll always 'tease' you about your insecurities sometimes, though he doesn't realize how much harm he's caused. Suna always has a straight face on and can keep his composure, so as his s/o, you can't tell whether he's joking or not anymore.
'am I the problem? or is it Suna? No, it can't be Suna.. I'm just not good enough for him...'
Suna isn't an oblivious guy, but it'll take him awhile to realize the reason why you're down so much. And the moment the light bulb clicks inside his head, he's ready to prove to you that you're perfect just the way you are.
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© writing belongs to shirabusworld on tumblr , do not copy or repost .
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