#i promise i promise i'm going to change my icon at some point
solecist · 7 months
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fuiru · 29 days
A 44 year old man goes to a K-Pop Concert
I promised you a report on the K-pop concert that I, a 44-year-old accountant, went to a couple of weeks ago with my wife and daughter in Toronto. So here it is.
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The band we saw were Ateez. They're my daughter's favourite band and my wife's second favourite. I know most of my mutuals are similarly aged like me and may not be familiar with them so let me give you a brief primer on Ateez.
Imagine the most attractive eight men you can think of, just unfathomably beautiful specimens of aesthetic perfection, and make them sing songs that somehow combine the subjects of 'dancing like nobody is watching' with 'we live in a dystopian hellscape that we must all work together to overthrow'. Give them an ongoing music video story lore that literally nobody - not even the band themselves - understand, so that online discussion of their visual motifs looks more like the fevered rantings of a conspiracy theorist, complete with speculation about alternate realities and time being a Moebius strip. There is also a giant sand timer, for some reason.
That's Ateez. That's what you need to know.
Now, K-pop concerts are very different to the gigs I've been going to for the last 28 (!) years. There's no support act, for a start. Also the band perform for like, three hours, with breaks for costume changes and interpretive dance. Furthermore, hanging above everything is the constant looming threat of mandatory military service.
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So this being my first such concert, I wasn't sure what to expect. What happened was difficult to explain, but I will try as I am already six paragraphs into this write-up and I'm too invested to stop now. Here goes:
In his Wicked + Divine comics series, Kieron Gillen places modern pop icons as deities, feeding upon and gaining strength from the worship of their fans at the altar of musical performance. I thought I understood that metaphor. I thought I understood it AS a metaphor. I was wrong, because that night Ateez WERE Gods with a capital G and we were their worshippers, a crowd emanating adoration (in the religious and non-religious senses), bestowing strength upon them and gaining their strength in return.
If that sounds weird, it probably is. But as pointed out above, I have lived over four decades and never yet experienced anything like the overwhelming passion of that crowd, the utter abandon with which they conveyed their love for the band.
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"But Fuiru, what of the actual music?" you ask. Thinking back, there was a moment in one of their songs - I can't remember which - where I watched the stage, and the people around me, taking it in, and I thought, "Man, I just love Music". But that doesn't answer your question, sorry.
Ateez's music is bloody great. As a tiresome indie/rock/metal kid I'm resisting the urge to add the usual tiresome indie/rock/metal caveat of "...for pop music" because honestly that does it a disservice. They have some genuinely amazing songs. Halazia is an absolute fucking masterpiece that descends into furious hardcore breakbeat. Bouncy is a big, brash racket that somehow is also a perfect pop song. Utopia, Wonderland, and Guerrilla are similarly superb. The obligatory boy band slow number is represented by Dancing Like Butterfly Wings which will make you cry because you will forever associate it with your twelve year old daughter being pointed to and waved at by her favourite Ateez member (Seonghwa) because of her Seonghwa-branded lightstick.
That might just be me, though.
So in summary: being a 44 year old dad at his first K-pop concert rules and you should endeavour to partake in the experience if the opportunity arises.
Finally, for any Atiny reading this: my bias would be San or Seonghwa but my wife and daughter said they were taken so it’s Mingi. My concert outfit (designed and created by my offspring) reflects this.
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ladytabletop · 10 months
Do you happen to have any resources regarding accessibility in ttrpg design? About design, colours, phrasing of text or anything else that could be helpful!
I spent wayyyyy too long compiling all this - but it's important, and I appreciate you asking!!
Accessibility is a subject near and dear to my heart, and I will say up front that I'm not sure universal (aka accessible to everyone) design is possible, because people's needs can vary even within the same subset of similar disabilities (such as limited vision or blindness). BUT that doesn't mean we don't try to design for and make our games available to as many people as possible. Mismatch by Kat Holmes is a great read on design for accessibility in general, as is Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez. You might also check out literally anything Alice Wong has ever done.
To start, I recommend this article on the Lenses of Accessibility.
(for reference, this article is about web/graphic design, so I'm going to try and distill the most salient points for game design)
We are going to primarily focus on a few of these lenses:
Images & Icons
More details under the cut.
Why does color matter? Well, for starters, there's a lot of colorblind people out there. Contrast affects readability. Autistic people and people who suffer from occular migraines might be affected by particular vivid colors. There's lots of reasons to consider color and the work it is doing in your piece, but in general you can provide a black and white, high contrast version of your game to help users.
There are tools out there to figure out if your contrast meets certain readability standards, such as this one.
Dyslexia and other visual processing issues can make font choice really important. Plus, some fonts really affect readability. Additionally, line height, justification, and size of text can affect readability.
Best practice would be to provide a plain-text version of your game (and beware of "dyslexia-friendly" fonts which may or may not actually help - sticking to a basic readability font like Arial, Tahoma, or Verdana, is safest). I like this style guide for reference.
Images & Icons
For visually-impaired people, it's important to use alt-text, descriptions, and/or captions to help screenreaders properly translate images. Tons and tons of details that could go into this, but there are better people than me to describe it.
We've talked about this a bit, but there's tons of resources for this. There was recently a great writeup about Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast in terms of layout that I highly recommend.
More of the thing we've already talked about - it really is a combination of all the other lenses that comes down to readability. Audio versions of your game are always a good way to avoid the restrictions of screen readers, but can be expensive to produce.
This is tables. Tables are a nightmare for screenreaders, but including them as images can also be a problem. The short solution is "don't use tables" but that's not necessarily great for seeing people. The section in this blog is really great when talking about options for structure.
Debated on whether to include this, but given how many games are being read as purely digital files, I think it's important to have workable interactive elements that can be navigated through without a mouse. Some of that is going to come down to the programs being used to open your files. But if there are things you can do on your end (such as labeling form fillable fields on an interactive character sheet), they're worth doing!
Please understand that this isn't an exhaustive list. There's tons of resources out there and technology and standards are constantly changing.
It's also is important to note that even doing one of these things is helpful. You might look at this list and go "wow that's too hard" but I promise you, it's worth it. My games do not all have accessible versions! That's something I'm trying to rectify. The biggest part of that for me is thinking about accessibility from the start instead of at the end! But we can start today, and that's better than not starting.
The most important thing to remember are that disabled people are NOT a monolith - needs will differ from person to person. Accessible design makes gaming better for everyone!
Final Resources:
Accessibility in InDesign
Accessible Design for Teams
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lyrashifts · 4 months
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ABOUT : this dr is set in the 70s, and begins during my first year at hogwarts. it strays quite far from the actual events of the marauders era, and instead merges with the plot of the lighting era. in this dr, me and my friends work against prejudices and an upcoming war, as well as a very dangerous voldemort on the rise.
౨ৎ﹕[ ABOUT ME ! ]
+ name : lyra a. lavigne
+ nationality : english-french
+ birthplace : cambridge, england
+ languages : english, french
+ blood status : pureblood
+ house : gryffindor
+ moodboard
+ likes : writing, playing the guitar, drawing, reading, theater, cookies, poetry, magical creatures and animals, going on long walks, baking, being better dressed than everyone else, jumpers, rainy days, shopping (especially for music and clothes), hozier, queen, david bowie, the smiths, little women, lemon iced tea, stealing james's invisibility cloak, pranking (and actually getting away with it)
+ known for : converse, cherry red, loving 90s muggle movies, being best friends with remus, reading at social events when bored, drinking too much coffee, having cool hair, my style, quoting dead poets society daily, leather jackets, liking hozier and the smiths way too much, being an amazing gift giver, having a new hairstyle every day, being nice to everyone unless they cross me, smelling like cinnamon, coffee, and books, being amazing at school and magic, somehow getting every lead role in plays, wearing jumpers and leather jackets in the dead of summer and not somehow overheating to the point of death
౨ৎ﹕[ BACKSTORY ! ]
+ backstory : i grew up in england where a lot of my family was but by the time i turned 13 we moved to scotland, partially to attend hogwarts and partially because my parents wanted to get away from some of our pureblood family members. my parents, though from a notable pureblood family, don't agree with the views of pureblood culture. because my parents' reputation for their last name still upheld, when we moved we were invited to an event that ended up just being a pureblood society ball. we only stayed out of politeness, but it was there that i met sirius and promised to be best friends with him when we got to hogwarts since we both hated the party.
౨ৎ﹕[ WARDROBE ! ]
+ description : my style in this dr can change a lot, especially taking into consideration the weather or location i'm in. in terms of colors, i wear a lot of neutrals but tend to have a specific color pop (which oftentimes a cherry red). during winter and autumn months, i am often wearing oversized jumpers (whether mine or stolen from remus). i also almost always wear flared or baggy pants. some of my iconic pieces include leather jackets, doc martens, band tees, baker boy hats, plaid skirts, and more. during the summer i tend to wear baby tees and babydoll tops, along with skirts. with my uniform, i pair many accessories to make it look as appealing as possible, and use magic to have different nails every day.
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+ general : students start first year at 14, so it is a sort of hybrid between highschool and university, where students have much more freedom once 18. school uniforms are only required during classes from monday - thursday, and on friday you may wear your desired outfit underneath your robes.
+ dorms : students are allocated private dorms that have within them a bed, a desk, a private bathroom, and more. once a student is assigned to a dorm, the dorm changes to accommodate that student's taste. once you are given your dorm number, you must choose a password and it is your responsibility to ensure students you do not want to come in cannot. in the case that a student knows your password and you do not want them to, you can ask a professor to change it and they will do so. alohomora will not unlock dorm rooms. dorms are organized by house, but boy's and girl's dorms are not separated - everything is instead organized by house and name.
+ extra-curriculars : the clubs i am part of include music club (which later inspires me and my friends to make a band), theater club, art club, care of magical creatures club, and in later years, the quidditch team
+ houses : the animosity between houses (especially slytherin and gryffindor) is not nearly as prevalent as depicted in the books. it is known that not all students in one house are the same, and so, while some friendly competition is encouraged, it is not uncommon to have friends from every house. students of every house are allowed into the common rooms and dorms (with permission of at least one person from that house).
+ events : all the events featured in this post are included in this dr
౨ৎ﹕[ ABOUT THIS DR ! ]
+ worldbuilding : not a lot changes about the war except for the fact that it's toned down and ends during my seventh year (which we redo since it would be similar to the last year in the harry potter books - looking for horcruxes without actually being at hogwarts). of course, none of my friends die. i haven't accounted for how the war will end exactly, so i suppose i'll let that work itself out organically.
+ main friends : remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, lily evans, regulus black, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald.
+ relationships : i am a formal part of both the marauders and the valkyries. i became friends with the marauders at the start of the school year, and we were consequently established as a friend group before me and the girls. i tend to spend more time with the marauders but our groups often mingle since everyone gets along (except maybe lily and james at the beginning). i also have some friends in slytherin, such as andromeda and regulus, but i tend to stay away from the anti-muggleborn students.
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cptapathy · 3 months
hey! what are you favorite ttrpgs?
Dice tumble
Pen scratch
A held breath
A promised climax
We sit around our table/
At our desk/in a circle on the floor
And together we laugh
And smile and more
We love these creations in our heads
As they dance and fight and flee
And as the night draws close to us
We hold them warm and tightly
These people we conjure are dear to me
For they are the crystal through which I look
To see the life I share with you
And the love we have for each other
Okay so my favourite ttrpg changes as I play them but right now it's A.N.I.M's EURKEA!
I have always been a fan of murder mysteries from Agatha Christie, to pie in the sky, Midsomer Murders, Rosemary and Thyme and everything in between.
I had run several murder mysteries in different ttrpgs and even a couple of murder mystery larps (including a spectacular zombie one) but I'd never found a system that truely captured what murder mysteries feel like.
Then I discovered Eureka and the Eureka mechanic and it all clicked. You could say it was a eureka moment.
I'm going to discuss in some detail the mechanic and give an example but before that everyone should go and
a. Follow A.N.I.M. on tumblr
b. Join their patreon so we can get the gorgan playable investigator. Go look at all the cool stuff!
Essentially A.N.I.M have separated dice rolls into two categories
1. Investigation rolls
2. Non-investigation rolls
Investigation rolls are when an investigator is trying to uncover information or clues to progress the investigation. (Pretty clear definition) non-investigation rolls are all other rolls (combat, hiding secrets, getting out of dodge etc.)
Whenever an investigator makes an investigation roll there are 3 possible outcomes
1 Failure - they do not success and/or complications arise - they gain 3 Eureka points
2 partial success/mixed success - they get part of a clue or a clue and a complication - they gain 2 Eureka points
3 full success - they gain the clue without issue - they gain one Eureka point
When the investigators have a full eureka bar they can use a EUREKA!
This allows them to roll a check with 3d6 and take the highest instead of 2d6 or (my favourite option) gain clues from previous failed rolls.
So to take the most iconic episode of Midsomer Murders as an example - "The Killings At Badgers Drift"
Spoilers and CW for references to incest.
DCI Barnerby arrests the foppish artist on suspicion of murder, during the arrest the artist's sister arrives and the artist crys out "I've been framed" and makes a sign of a square with his fingers.
The DCI Makes an investigation roll but biffs it, snake eyes, complete failure, no hope of discovering that clue.
Later on The DCI is talking to a woman at a call centre who was the last known person to speak to the victim. Apparently the victim said "just like poor annabella" before hanging up. Again the DCI makes an investigation roll this time getting a partial success, there is someone related who has a name similar to annabella who died from an "accident" and the DCI decides to investigate this accident as well now, thinking (correctly) that it might not be so accidental.
But now the DCI has a full eureka bar and so the player shouts out eureka to gain the clue from the failed check earlier. And so, that night, the DCI has a dream of all the relevant clues and realises the clue missed when the artist made the symbol and said "I've been framed" it was a code, to tell his sister that the evidence of their affair (the nude painting he did of her) was in the attic and could prove that they were working together to keep their affair secret. This new vital clue allows the DCI to search for, and find, the painting helping to solve the mystery.
And so that is one reason I love eureka, along with the approach to disability and monster characters. It's currently got a free demo and stuff, go support them they're great.
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freakattack · 4 months
Since you did that LGBT+ headcanon post for the Mario cast, could you do one for the WarioWare crew?
LOL thank you for taking interest in my gay luigi posts. I actually did make one of these before but that was two years ago and also mostly jokes so I think this is as good a time as any to do it again but in serious mode. I have also changed my mind on some of these so they might not all line up with the other post but such is life. Obligatory "That's My Opinion" so if my tabloid speculations don't line up with yours feel free to imagine me falling down a very deep hole, or you can squint your eyes and pretend you're squishing my icon between your fingers like a bug if that's more your speed
WARIO: Briefly said this in the mario post but sure I'll go into more detail about wario's sex life, I think he's aromantic and bisexual. I do realize it comes off as kind of shitty to make Mario be Romantic Asexual and "Evil Mario" be Aromantic Sexual, but as a Wario Megafan I just think that he values his friendships a lot more, and given what we have seen of wario's disgust for romance despite his very active libido* (I promise that link is not as bad as it looks), I think it would be remiss to pretend that he would ever want to settle down with someone. He still loves people in a platonic way - even beyond the warioware cast, he cared a lot about princess shokora by the end of WL4, and even though he does not necessarily LIKE waluigi (and I do subscribe to poppadopolos theory so I am of the belief that they were fuckin' and truckin' for a good portion of the early 2000's), I think wario still cares about him in his wario way. They are like a divorced couple that still has kids except instead of kids it's cheating at tennis. Also, I think that wario is transgender, because it explains a lot about him (e.g. his lack of nipples) and because that way nobody has to think about what his "real name" was before it was wario. It was his deadname! Everybody go home! Have a rotten day!
*I do not think that wario would canonically catcall random news reporters but I'm still counting this as nebulous evidence that wario can be horny
MONA: I think that she is bisexual but doesn't know it at this point in time and also isn't really stressing about it. Her taste is kind of skewed towards whatever wario is (in a puppy love type of way i do NOT ship them), but if she ended up having a close friendship with a girl her age I could see her catching feelings. I don't wanna say that her thing with wario is comphet because that's not entirely true but I do think that his unattainability is a comfortable way for her to not have to think about actually getting into a relationship. (For the record, I don't think she even wants to BE in a relationship with him, I think she is perfectly happy with the way things are, but mona has TMI'd about her opinion on wario's physique often enough that I kind of get the idea.)
JIMMY T: My opinions on him have not changed. Who do you think gave him the T? Also, I didn't mention this before, but I do think he is bisexual, and although it kind of feels like a cop-out to make the Holy Trinity of Warioware all bisexual, sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. Groovy!
DRIBBLE: This is where things start to diverge from the original post. I said he was bisexual before But I lied I think he just likes men. I think that he has a supportive family, but he's still a little shy about actually going out to meet people and start a relationship. Anyways you're probably not gonna like what I have to say next
SPITZ: I am soooooo sorry. But I think that he is straight. More power to you guys but I never really got into dribblenspitz as a Ship because I associate their dynamic so strongly with the Cool Boss + Rookie dynamic that we have all been at least one half of that I can't imagine them in a romantic relationship. They have the most beautiful bromance of course, they would go to the ends of the earth for each other, but they wouldn't smooch. I think that spitz's dating life is/has been kind of sad (not in a angst way in a regular way) and were he to go back into the dating scene dribble would hype him up about it and give him advice and spitz would be like hey why don't you have a girlfriend? You're clearly better at this than me and dribble would say uuuhhhhh
ORBULON: Orbulon is hard to pigeonhole into these labels because the guys on orbulon's home planet operate on an entirely different paradigm from humans on earth. Reproduction via budding, communal childrearing, telepathic mega-cliques*.....on Earth, orbulon certainly has no interest in romance or beyond (both because he has no need for it and because he is two thousand years old on the planet of the apes), but he does have fun being a girl. You could call him "genderfluid", but he also doesn't feel too much of a connection to earth genders in general; he just likes wearing different hats.
CRYGOR: I think that he has had no interest in romance for a hundred years, but also if he randomly picked up a stepdad for his adult children one day I would not be mad. (Mike might be, but he would eventually come around due to the Power of Love and whatnot.) Penny is his "granddaughter" but I think that this is more a label for convenience's sake and because she IS his granddaughter at heart. "But why does she randomly show up into everyone's lives in smooth moves as a full grown kid" Until warioware decides to show me her parents themselves I'm not entertaining this plot hole
PENNY: The reason I don't think penny is his granddaughter is because I still think she is a transgender clone of dr crygor. I think that crygor is enthusiastically supportive of her, gets her all the pink glittery shit her heart could desire, and helped her transition with his Science Inventions. I also think she is a lesbian, although I don't Ship her with anyone in the main cast (sorry again).
MIKE: Earlier I said that mike was "gay but he thinks everyone is annoying". That was before they revealed this bombshell:
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Now, this could mean absolutely nothing. Checking the translation of the japanese website yields pretty much the same sentence. However, due to an incident involving a botched translation before the english version of this website came out, I had it in my head for a while that the connotation here was of a certain kind of fascination. And honestly, who could blame him? This is a karaoke machine that got frosty the snowman'd into existence. Of course he would be conflicted about who he is supposed to love. Does he have the heart of a man, or machine? Even Mike does not have an answer. So, my revised LGBT+ headcanon for Mike Crygor is "gay, and whatever this is".
5-VOLT: I'm on the fence about whether i Actually Think This but I am very fond of when people headcanon her as a trans woman, so I'm giving that a shout out. Shout Out! Other than that, I think she's only ever dated men and is happy that way.
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mongoosefangs · 3 months
Fursuit Camp 2024: Getting Started
Welcome back to Fursuit Camp! It's time to start this thing proper! Whether you're ready to build along at home or just enjoying the ride, let's go over one of the most basic and important steps: planning our project and choosing our fabrics!
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For this demonstration I'm going to be making a coyote partial! I don't always plan my projects thoroughly in advance (I may or may not have a dragon head base from like 2017 that I'm still stumped on how to finish) but I usually like to do at least some rough doodles to figure out what kind of colors and markings I want. These details may be subject to change as the build continues, but this is a decent starting point.
I'm going with a 'yote because I've wanted to make one for a long time and they're pretty iconic in the desert Southwest where I live. It helps that I already have all the right fur fabrics on hand for this design. I also figured a canine species would be good for this demo, dogs/wolves/foxes etc. are eternally popular and common choices for fursuits, and a fine place for beginners to start.
Although you can make whatever you want if you're following along at home, I will say that if this is your very first build, you might not want to start with a beloved fursona or visually complex character. Keep it simple with less pressure to make it perfect as you get used to the building process. My first suit was a generic fox; I didn't attempt to make my mongoose 'sona until later.
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Here are the faux furs I'm going to be using for my coyote. You can see I've got a mixture of both long and short fur, and the colors don't exactly match 100%, but that's okay. Have faith! There are a lot more faux fur choices now than there used to be, but sometimes you're still limited. Depending on what you can get, you might want to start planning your project the other way around. Look at the fabrics available to you and pick an animal based on that.
You might be fortunate to live in an area where stores sell fur locally, or you might have to order online. You might even find yourself cutting up furry pillowcases and jackets from the thrift store for that perfect fur you can't find anywhere else (which is totally okay, in my opinion, as long as the fabric is clean). Regardless of where you source it, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Always inspect fur in person. This means buying samples first if you're ordering online, but I promise it's worth the extra hassle. Make sure it's the color and texture you want before dropping $30-50 per yard on the stuff. How's the durability? Gently tug on the fibers; do they stay put or fall out? Part the fur with your fingers; does it seem flimsy or patchy? Faux fur quality can vary tremendously between styles, sellers, and even when the fabric was made. You won't know for sure until you've got it in hand.
Buy more than you think you'll need. How much that actually ends up being will depend entirely on your design. For this 'yote I probably won't need more than half a yard in any single color, but it's always better to have extra in case you make a mistake or want to add extra fursuit parts in the future. Don't assume you can just order more of the same exact fur later! It might be out of stock, discontinued, or not the same color or quality that it was in the past.
Know your terminology. What's the difference between fox fur and shag? Beaver and seal? Multiple types of furs are commonly used on fursuits and there are pros and cons to each kind. Let's go over some of them:
-Beaver, Seal, or Super Seal: very short fur, dense, soft, and kind of shiny. The short orange and cream in the photo above are beaver/seal style furs. A great choice for fursuit faces and finely detailed areas, but doesn't come in very many colors, and seams are more likely to show though the fur.
-Bunny or Teddy: short to medium length furs, up to about an inch long. Soft and fluffy, comes in a variety of colors, but some of them can be kind of thin furs in my experience. Not as dense as the shorter stuff. May need to be shaved down if used on fursuit faces.
-Lux Shag, aka Punky Muppet: a long style fur about 1.5" to 2". One of the most common choices for fursuits, widely available, comes in a huge array of colors. The long grey and orange in the photo above are examples of lux shag. Will need to be shaved if used on fursuit faces, but does not always shave down neatly. Quality varies. Can look clumpy or messy over time. Better for cartoony suits, less ideal for realistic styles.
-Fox: longer than lux shag, usually 2" or more, and a little more realistic in color and/or texture. The long cream in the photo above is an example of a fox style fur. Not as soft as lux shag, but also not as clumpy. Will need to be shaved if used on fursuit faces.
-Mongolian: a type of shag that's extra long and kind of wooly looking, with a chunky or kinked texture. Might work for some characters but probably not what you want in most cases.
-NFT/NFTech: National Fiber Tech, this is high quality faux fur used professionally for film and TV. Can be custom made to order to almost any length and color, especially good for fursuit hair tufts, but prohibitively expensive for most folks. They do sell overstock and random remnants, which can be a great value, but the selection is pretty unpredictable.
There are also other types of fabrics you may use for a fursuit, especially if you're like me and want to avoid shaving long fur at any cost (we won't be covering that in this build at all.) If you need something really, really short, but you can't find it in fur, try one of these instead:
-Fleece: just regular old anti-pill fleece can be a fantastic choice for fursuits. I always use at least some for things like inner ears and mouth linings, but I've made entire faces out of it, and some people have even used fleece for whole suits. Fleece is cheap, easy to work with, comes in a zillion colors, and hides seams surprisingly well with the right stitch. It's not fluffy like fur is, though, so it can't hide everything. Try to make your underlying structures as neat as possible if you're using fleece.
-Minky: commonly used for stuffed animals, comes in different styles, some are fluffy enough to mimic a bunny style fur. Tons of colors and prints to choose from. Can be used in a lot of the same ways as fleece, but I honestly don't like it as much. It doesn't hide seams as well and it's messy to work with. Good for making plushies, maybe good for some small details, but probably not my first choice for a fursuit.
These are just some of the fabrics you might end up using, but honestly, that's only the tip of the iceberg! I could literally spend the rest of the summer just weighing the pros and cons of every conceivable material you might use on a fursuit, but I'd rather actually make a fursuit. How about you?
If you're looking for fur online, try these sellers. I'll add to this list as I find more recommended shops!
Big Z Fabrics
Hairymann's Closet (NFTech)
Howl Fabrics
JoAnn Fabrics
Next time, we'll compile the rest of our shopping list and price out everything else we need to make this fursuit. It may be more affordable and accessible than you think!
If you're building along at home, please use the tag #fursuitcamp24 or reply directly to this post, I would love to see what you're working on! Let's do this thing!
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brainddeadd · 4 months
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The Walking Dead: Seasons 1-3
spoiler alert ⚠️
Overall thoughts:
I'd choose Daryl to be by my side in an apocalypse any day. Michone too. Glenn as well.
Who is the sweet angel baby boy??
“Who are you? (…) Rick Grimes? You got something you want to tell me? (…) Let me process this. You saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there!?"
"I dropped the key." "Couldn't pick it up?"
Daryl hiding under a dead body is feral and iconic
"Am I the only one zen around here? Good lord." - Daryl Dixon (s2, ep2) - he sounds like Sheldon Cooper when he says that
Walker: * groaning* Daryl: shut up *shoots it* ICON
"Except my ass itched something awful." - Daryl Dixon (s2, ep 3)
Shane killing Otis is fucking insane
Not Maggie, just straight up being like, "I'll have sex with you" to Glenn.. I get it hun I get it
"Some men do not earn the love of their sons." ouch
Daryl getting Carol a rose and knowing what kind of flower it is. Bringing it back safely and putting it in a 'vase'. And people say he's heartless. "I believe this one bloomed for you little girl." 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Daryl getting impaled on his own arrow fuck
Daryl covers himself up like a Victorian lady when Carol brings him food and not knowing how to respond when she kisses his forehead 🤣
"I can't profess to understand God's plan. Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind."
fuck Shane
Shane being a dick and opening the barn and Glenn asking Maggie for permission to kill the walkers cause he knows they were family
Lori is really fucking annoying
Daryl finding out that some people touched little girls - terrifying
thank GOD Shane is dead
Can they not control Carl for even one second the fuck
Who the fuck keeps zombies on a leash like dogs?????
Daryl and Carol being cute lil besties
"Today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go."
Andrea sucks.. pls die
"Nope. No way. Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run." (s3, ep4) Darylllll yes
"Kid just lost his mum. His dad ain't doing so hot." (s3, ep4)Love you Daryl baby
Daryl my beloved
T-dogs death was unnecessary bro
adore Michonne
Michonne just leave Andrea in the dust please im begging you
"Little ass kicker, that's a good name, right? Little ass kicker."
Daryl with a baby lord help me
A Zombie.. hunger games ?? Boxing match ???
A phone ringing?
Michonne please kill Merle
DARYL'S MUM !??!?!?!?!
Daryls so gentle with Carol
Michonne getting the food to the prison - She's so lovely
"Don't you worry about your old man. Imma keep my eye on him." Daryl bby dont ever change
Maggie gets to kill the governor. She has to.
Stabbing the Gov in the eye. Queen.
"The smell, it's loud." Pardon ?!?
Daryl leaves them for Merle ?!?!?! Yuck!
Rick seeing the ghost of Lori is fucken wild
Can the Governor die now please
At this point, if it's not about Daryl and the team, I don't wanna know about them - just give me my found family
Mama stilinski what are you doing here?
Daryl please come home
s3, ep 10 - this is where I started to actively take note 
“You quite a lady.” Yes she is, but not for you. 
Daryl knowing that it’s a baby crying and not wild animals - immediately going to check it out. Of course Merle is acting like a dick. 
Daryl putting the crossbow on Merle when he’s stealing from the family with the baby 
“They didn’t owe us nothing.” You did save their lives bby 
“Man I went back for you. You weren’t there. I didn’t cut off your hand neither. You did that. Way before they locked you up on that roof. You asked for it.” Finally someone says it. Finally Daryl sees it. 
“I didn’t know he was-“ “Yeah, he did. He did the same to you. That’s why you left first.” JNFJHEFUSIOJWEL IMMA KILL 
“Back where I belong.” Yes sir, I know that’s right. 
“Damn near killed the Chinese kid.” “He’s Korean.” WE LOVE TO SEE GROWTH 
“You know, I may be the one walking away, but you’re the one that’s leaving. Again.” I am not ok. I don’t think I’ll ever recover from this. 
“This rage is going to get you killed.”
Oh shit Rick
Ew Merle
S3, ep 11
Carl telling Rick he should stop being the leader was not on my bingo card 
The Gov wanting children 13+ to fight in his war 
Gov lying to Andrea - unsurprising 
“You go to that prison, you stay there.” Or the both of you can just.. disappear..
I’m with Glenn on this one. Remove Merle. 
Merle can read????
“When the governor returns, he’ll kill me first-“ GOOD I’LL PAY HIM TO DO IT
“This is our home.” “This is a tomb.” Well damn Daryl, why’d you come back then???
“He’s your brother, but he’s not good for you. Don’t let him bring you down.” STOP HURTING ME WITH DARYL’S STORYLINE 
Andrea fuck off
Milton two-timing Andrea is iconic - sucks that it’s for that piece of shit tho
Andrea doing Michonne’s pet walker thing 
Tyrese and his gang witnessing it 
Merle approaching Michonne 
Tyrese is too pure for Angela and the Gov
Rick setting Andrea straight 
“Next time you see Phillip, you tell him I’m gonna take his other eye.” As you should 
“Go to hell, Michonne.” Have you seen the world you live in? 
“He sent Merle to kill me.”
“You chose a warm bed over a friend.” Preach 
Tyrese run 
“Shane loved Rick.” “Shane loved Lori.” No he was obsessed and stalkerish with Lori. 
Carol asking Andrea to sleep with Gov and then kill him is wild but like.. pls do. 
Rick giving Andrea a car, knife and gun - he better than me, I’d leave her for dead 
Ugh Andrea you bitch just kill him 
S3, ep 12
Driving past a hitchhiker - I get it, but fuck man that would suck 
The car getting stuck in the mud is instant karma but I hate it 
Carl boy it is not her fault the car got stuck 
‘No guilt, you know that’ what 
‘Turn around and live’ ??
Carl shooting the shooter in the town was unexpected 
Morgan’s story… fuck man 
Walkers just chilling in the cafe thingy that Carl wants to go in 
“I think she might be one of us.” Hell yes she is Carl 
Love the lack of judgement from Michonne 
Walkers got the hitchhiker 
S3, ep 13
Where in the hell are they? 
I love the angel wings on Daryl’s jacket - they’re such a juxtaposition to his personality and the stereotype of leather jackets and their wearers 
Daryl shoot him
Just get it over with 
Gods Andrea just fuck off 
“Great. He bought his butler.” Daryl I love you
“You better watch your mouth, sunshine.” Marry me 
Merle shut the fuck up
Andrea shut the fuck up 
Bringing up Judith’s parentage is a low blow fuck 
“… for failing to see the devil beside you.” “Oh I see him alright.” Damn ok Rick 
Daryl’s “after you” and then killing more than the other guy 
Guys why are you fucking when there’s imminent danger ?!?!?!
Rick don’t you dare 
Ok like, thank you for not giving Michonne over, but also.. fuck 
S3, ep 14
I swear to god Rick Grimes if you give Michonne over to that pice of shit
Michonne knew the pet walkers 
“They deserved what they got. They weren’t human to begin with.” Oh ok. So not people we liked. 
What the fuck is the Governor doing 
Milton finally growing some fucking balls and telling someone about the Gov’s plan to kill them all anyway 
Do it Andrea do it shoot him go on do it do it kill him
The Gov does NOT get to kill Andrea 
Tyrese RUN
Ok the Gov is actually fucking insane 
Like I knew that
But fuck
Like dude 
Chill out 
You’re waisting petrol on the chick you slept with 
S3, ep 15
“I’m a damn mystery to me.” Not to me buddy. You’re an abused turned abuser. 
“I’m here for my brother.” I actually hate you. 
“He say he was sorry yet?” I love that you actually think he has it in him to apologise bby.
“Cause he is.” don’t even boy 
“Imma make him. There’s gotta be a way.” Daryl bby, ily but he beat the shit out of him. That’s not going away any time soon. 
“I care more about her than I care about me.” Glenn sweetie, you’re in an apocalypse 
Lmao Daryl’s face at the mention of crystal meth. Good boy. 
“Do you even possess a pair of balls, little brother?” Man go fuck yourself Merle. Daryl’s more man than you’ll ever be.
“I just want my brother back.” Daryl bby, he’s not worth it.
His voice actually causes a physical form of hatred to course through my body 
“I wanna marry Maggie.” I get it my guy I do. Me too. 
Please let Merle die 
Why does he never die 
Merle letting her go???
Merle what the fuck 
Did Merle just lead the walkers to the governor ?!?!?!
Is the governor going to be the one to kill Merle????
He shot him 
Governor shot Merle 
Holy shit 
Rick finally talking sense 
Oh god Daryl please be careful 
The rage 
The sobbing 
His body falling 
Fuck no
His heaving breaths 
Jesus Christ Norman why’d you have to act it like that 
I know I wanted him dead but I didn’t mean for Daryl to have to kill him fuck 
S3, ep 16
Holy crap the Governor is insane Jesus 
“What would your daughter think about what you are?” Oh ok Milton, you want the Torture torture 
Governor telling Milton to kill Andrea and Milton trying to kill Governor, so Governor kills Milton, who then turns and kills Andrea.
“Either you kill or you die. Or you die and then you kill.” 
Carl’s pissed 
Tyrese and Sasha my loves 
They’re gone sucka 
Andrea the man is gonna die and then he’s gonna eat you. Stop being a whiney bitch.
Sneak attack 
Carl shooting a surrendering teenager.. shit 
He just killed the people he’s supposed to be protecting.. psychopath 
Mama Stilinski surviving hell yeah 
Carl is brutal 
Rick and the others going for Andrea just after Milton bites her 
“No one can make it alone now.” “They never could.” 
Michonne staying with Andrea as she kills herself to make sure she doesn’t turn 
Them bringing the town to the prison to get them away from the Governor 
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restinsodaroni · 1 year
I'll try posting the FAQ this way lol, hopefully this works better! So read below to see the asks I will and won't accept or answers to common questions I get! I'll be linking this in my pinned post!
Alright! Please read this before sending in an ask!
🚫Evidently I am going to have to be stricter now since I have been creeped out numerous times on here. So yeah I will be blocking folks who keep disregarding my boundaries, constantly ignoring my FAQ, or just being impolite! Sorry! 🚫
Here's a post where I talk about said boundaries.
Hey so please don't:
• Send me any questions that ask about what would Sun and Moon do if you were harming yourself no matter the severity or the circumstances. It makes me uncomfortable and I shouldn't have to explain why.
• Spam the same ask especially everyday! That is not gonna get me to answer you. Spamming = Block I am not going to be lenient about this anymore!
• Send me an ask to change Y/N's body type.
• Expect me to answer your ask right away. If I could answer them quickly I would but that's unrealistic for me
• Nitpick my art, it's very demotivating especially if it isn't a helpful critique. Like yeah you can point out bad anatomy or perspective, but if you get on me for making Sun's eyes glow in the dark, then that's just a nitpick.
• Tell me you don't like my art style, but you like my comics. It's not the compliment you think it is!
• Be rude to me in your ask, that's just gonna get you blocked. I ain't putting up with it anymore.
• Send me roleplaying asks, this counts if you send me an ask roleplaying as an OC or character. I always get confused because I get sent info that I have no idea what they are saying because I know nothing about the Oc or character. I just don't know how to respond to it.
Alright here's some answers to frequently asked questions, or some do's and don't's to send me:
How do you pronounce your Username?
It's rest in sodaroni ! It's a play on the phrase rest in pepperoni. I made a joke about it a while ago with my sibling and decided to make it my username lol. Yes I know separating the words would have been ideal, but I'm not changing it now!
Can I draw you fanart centered around your AU?
Sure you can! As long as it’s sfw then its fine!
Are you ok with nsfw being sent to you?
I am not! I’d like to keep this blog sfw please! 
How come you haven’t answered my ask?
Well that’s because I get sent A LOT of asks. And a majority of them need comic responses which takes time to do. Not to mention my schedule is pretty hectic, even when I have free time I don't know if I'll have time to myself lol.
And I have other projects, art, and my Daycare Attendant fics I want to work on too sometimes. So just know if you send in an ask it may take me a while to answer it!
Also I may not have a good idea how to answer your ask at the time. Or I'm just overwhelmed at the moment lol 😅 And please don't spam the same ask in my inbox. Spamming = Block
Where can I read your fanfics?
You can read them right here!
‼️ Disclaimer! Please read the tags and summary for either fics! I don't want you to be blindsided when you find out the fic isn't 100% fluff or wholesome! Just gonna give you a heads up lol ‼️
When will the next chapter of your fic(s) be out?
I promise you I'm working on it! It just takes me longer because of the drawings since I am putting more effort into them now! Thank you for your patience!
Can I use one of your drawings as an icon, wallpaper, etc?
Yeah that’s fine!
Why did you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse like *Insert questions here*?
Why does anyone draw the way they do? Because I wanted to lol, and I like how it looks. That's basically it haha. Everyone is drawing the Daycare Attendant how they want, I don't think there has to be some deep reason for it.
Will you ever turn on anon asks again?
No I don't think so, Sorry!
Do you roleplay?
Can you draw me/myoc/my sun and moon/a meme?
Sure! But please send a picture of what you want me to draw! I got a handful of asks that requested this but sent me no reference photos so I don’t know what to draw lol.
Also don't send me drawing prompts of your characters/You getting too intimate with Sun and Moon or even Y/n. (Yes, I have to add Y/n on here now...)
If you want a hug cool, anything more than that I will probably not draw since some people can't behave lol.
If you send a question about wanting to be mean or even hurt Sun or Moon just don't get upset by the response you are given lol. It's just a comic, it's not real and Sun and Moon are not really mad.
Where do you get your gifs/screenshots of the Daycare Attendant?
I watch a lot of Fnaf security breach sfm videos on YouTube so sometimes I come across a funny video clip and screenshot or make a gif of it. If you'd like to know which video I got the image from I can try to see if I can find it!
Who is your favorite? Sun, Moon, or Eclipse?
I’ll be honest, I can’t pick between the three lol. I like them all!
One of your drawings came out weird or bad.
Please elaborate. You aren't being very helpful if you just tell me my drawing is bad, then leave without an explanation or a way I can improve. People on here do this to me a lot and I am quite tired of it.
I don't like your art style/ I don't like how you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse/ You don't draw as good as the other artists.
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It's fine if you don't like my art style, but please just keep it to yourself, your blog, your friends, your grandmother, or whatever. Like idk why people on here felt the need to tell this to me, but yeah don't do that. And no, telling me you don't like my art style but like my comics isn't the compliment you think it is. I wouldn't have cared so much until I got a few people telling me this pretty much every time I posted. I ignored it as long as I could lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't like how you interpret/write Sun, Moon, Eclipse.
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Okay 👍🏻
This pertains to a few asks so I'll address it here:
I know when someone is fetish farming, I'm not naive lol. Like it seems really suspicious when I have the same person/anon desperately trying to get me to draw a specific ask 👀 soooo cut that shit out lol. It's very creepy and goes against my consent. Also chill with the dark humor.
*Ok so I’m going to be talking about a heavy topic here so read no further if you experience thoughts of self-harm or depressive thoughts!*
I don’t believe I would get an ask like this again but this is just in case! ( Edit: nevermind I did get more asks pertaining to self-harm smh ) I don’t mind drawing you something if you had a bad day, but I will not draw something for someone who requesting me to comfort them with a drawing of Sun or Moon because they self-harmed. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I just can’t. I go over my reasoning in this post. Please don't send me any self-harm related questions!
*End of the serious topic!*
And that should be it! I may update this down the line! Thank you for taking the time to read this! (I know it's a lot of do's and don't's 😅 sorry about that!)
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
2 and 48 with pre death kyle? 😚 ily
Hey, anon! Thanks thanks ily too!!!
I mean, I'm trying to change the blog so don't mind if I change the icon, the pattern and everything, is just experimental!
Anyway, last post for today, I promise!
(but my masterlist is finally organized so, I guess it's a win?)
Let's stop talking and go to the oneshot, yeah?
Kyle is such a bean <3 pre and post death, I mean...
Want to send me an ask? You can choose a prompt here!
2. "is that my shirt?" 48. "you look sexy."
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*ok maybe just pretend you're zoe idk hahaha*
Kyle and the gang were playing in a neighboring town against a neighboring frat as well, and you were entirely determined not to miss him, but it was kind of impossible at this point because your boyfriend was pretty much the only person from the frat you talked to and had a sincere friendship.
Come on, the other guys weren't all that nice, and the girls even less - they were always making plans to flirt with Kyle at one of the parties you almost always threw -…
The days went by, the games went by, and with the lack of news from Kyle, you were starting to go crazy. It was hard to concentrate on classes, eat alone in the cafeteria, and especially not have him in bed at night.
It was unbearable to live with it until you found a solution: his lost shirt in the middle of the wardrobe (from the wardrobe mess, rather…)
As soon as Kyle returned, he was greeted with cheers and cheers for the team's performance, and you were left there in the corner, waiting for some alone time. It didn't, of course, because the boys went straight to celebrate at a nearby diner and would probably stay up all night drinking and laughing to themselves at their inside jokes. You went because it was customary for them to bring their significant others, and Kyle looked so airy and happy that he didn't even notice you were wearing his shirt.
Okay, that made you sad, but it wasn't his fault anyway…
You got back to his room, having had a few drinks, and you threw yourself on the bed, ready to pull his jock shirt off, when Kyle turned around, after his shower, smiling.
"Is that my shirt?" he asked, stretching a smile into something sly and teasing.
"Didn't you notice until now?" you asked, frowning.
Kyle shrugged. "I noticed, but I didn't want to say anything in front of crew, you know... I'd rather see your flushed face when we're alone, (Y\N)..."
You blushed instantly, taken aback by his teasing. Kyle wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, kissing you hard on the lips with the same smile.
"You look sexy...", he whispered in your ear, laughing. "That I couldn't say in front of the boys as well, so I thought I'd wait."
And you blushed once more as he pushed you onto the bed, practically ending the night with make-out and sex until the sun was almost up. Because Kyle was like that, whenever he got the chance, he would tease you and make you blush to take advantage of it...
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vyladromeave · 10 months
20 and 22 for the ask game?
20. you can only change one plotline in the entire canon—what would it be and how would you alter it?
I do think there is a part of this question that is phrased strangely, I understand the "only one plotline" thing in theory because it requires you to limit yourself to one decisive answer. But that also kind of implies that the One Plotline you're changing has changes that are all self-contained and ultimately return things to the status quo, which is typically not why I would make a change in plot to begin with. If I'm making one big major change in the plot, typically its going to be something major enough that the rest of the series is affected, which kind of conflicts with how the question is intended...
With that in mind... I mean the easy answer is something Aaron-related, but honestly most of his issues stem from a character standpoint given he rarely ever drives the plot forward meaningfully unless he's literally killing himself lol. There's not a lot of single isolated plot issues for him, I don't know if I could fix him without really going back to the roots and really domino-effect-ing him and how he interacts with the rest of the plot moving forward. sooooo...
If I had to do a more self-contained plotline change, it'd be the circumstances around Garroth's S1 betrayal. Easily.
Judging by how quickly everyone forgives him, the series itself seems to forget that people got hurt, killed, and had years of their life stolen because Garroth got mad that Aphmau maybe romantically liked someone else. It relies on miscommunication and poor characterization to even be executed at all. Eek.
Canonically, one of his biggest weaknesses is that he invests too much into people. He couldn't kill Zenix despite Zenix actively trying to kill him multiple times because of how much time and love there had been between them. Are we really expected to believe he'd betray Aphmau on the off chance she might've done something that could've hurt his feelings? Are you kidding me? This is stupid.
Seeing as how the series treats him as if his motives are already easily forgivable and justified, just changing the motive to be... actually that, keeps the change relatively self-contained here. So! Lets give him a motive that actually makes sense here:
Zane promises the war will be endless unless Garroth gets him what he wants. He's scared of O'khasis' military might and knows what they can do. Lillian is still a method of coercion, mostly as a contact point between him and Zane.
He's trapped in a lose-lose situation, both actions causing Phoenix Drop harm, growing sick and locking himself in his room from fear and indecision. It culminates in his betrayal in the S1 finale, his fear of O'khasis and Garte outweighing his trust in Aphmau and Phoenix Drop. This leads into a much more viable change of heart in the S1 finale, and a much more natural redemption afterwards.
22. who's the character that you most identify with and why?
looks up to my url. looks back at this ask. looks up at my url again. looks at you. looks to my icon. looks to my header. looks to this ask. yeah it's vylad why do you ask.
No but on a serious note, I think it's natural to put pieces of yourself into characters, and with Vylad that comes very naturally to me. He has always fascinated me, even since before we had much confirmed about him (I very vivdly remember trying to talk to people about him being the Elusive Third Sibling of Garroth during S1, only to get VERY confused responses). When he got properly introduced in S2, only to justify basically everything I had ever theorized about him to be right, it was very satisfying lol. I don't think I can fully answer the "why" here without getting very personal, but here's some stuff I feel comfortable sharing!
Green and red are important colors for Vylad, and they're important for me too!! Green has basically always been my favorite color since the dawn of time, although I did go through a strong purple phase when I was younger.
The way he acts and behaves can be very easily read as autistic/otherwise neurodivergent. I saw/still see a lot of my behaviors in him in a way that made him very comforting to me when I was first watching the series in 2015, and still makes him very endearing to me now ^-^
I am a sucker for characters who go through a literal death + transformation afterwards. Big fan of symbolism. Somewhat for transgender reasons personally, but also stuff beyond that.
speaking of transgender: nonbiney :) and while we're at it hes one of the most explicitly lgbt characters we've got. gay people!!!!! woooooo!!!!!!!!!!
we've both got freckles heehee :D
This comic was based off some very personal musings of mine, so much so that I almost didn't post it lol. His strange relationship with not-religion is very important to me.
Weirdly enough though, I'm not a sibling! I very very frequently find myself identifying with characters that have strange sibling relationships, but I'm an only child! I don't know why this keeps happening.
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river-muse · 9 months
So, I've started my Not a Savior, Not a Human series reread, however, currently my access to ao3 is a bit limited, I hope you don't mind if I drop something like a comment here instead? If you'd prefer it up on ao3, I understand and will post it there. For now, Happy New Year to you, and here's notes for the To our desperation:
The growth Vergil did in the background is immense, Dadgil very strong and prominent 10/10 on the softness meter. It is also abundantly clear the twins are, as they always have been, on their immediate and perfectly tuned personal wavelength. Multiple important things are conveyed through body language and gestures alone between the two, and when not - they have an unspoken agreement on child-safe and not-even-between-the-two-safe topics they can and can't cover.
Dante is mostly the goof we know and love, and he's great. Big hat's off to you for clearly assessing him as a big danger still, as the chapter's are from Vergil's POV and the two do have their rivalry and sights trained on each other constantly. I bet the only reason he was up for a fight with Vergil there, was because he saw an easy win in their 'terms over child interaction' negotiations, and really needed to blow off some steam. Love the clear surprise on his face in the morning, when he had to realise that the previous evening was not just wishful thinking, plus the revelation that Vergil trusted him with Nero. That was adorable, it's also probably the source of the later 'you really care about him, he's not just an heir to you' comment - Dante had an easier time believing that Vergil didn't care that much about Nero and so left him with Dante (did he wander if his brother would return), than believing Vergil cared for Nero very very much And he entrusted his beloved son to Dante. Ah, defense mechanisms, defence mechanisms)
Also, again, your Vergil game is precious here. It's not just the softness,
(although his interactions with Nero are all gems, and don't seem out of character at all, as most Dadgil fics tend to do in my opinion, here it's clearly written that Nero is just (1) little window Vergil feels safe enough to show his love through, even his trust and love for his own twin are a scrambled mess in comparison, he needs this)
it's also how he notices every single little thing about their 'intrusion' into Dante's home (that pool table dent, Vergil my man, you are the first to point out any junk and garbage in Dante's home yet this one bothers you). And the 'weaker link' line was the brightest indicator there, even Dante shut up at that one. Not sure if Vergil realised how much of a giveaway that was.
So yeah, this first entry into the series is extremely strong and has a ton of nuance under it, that even without the very promising 'twins learn to communicate using Nero as their little precious middleman' setup, the foundation laid in this chapter just hooks you right up. Amazing job on this, strong begining like this is very hard to nail.
Oh you are ABSOLUTELY allowed to send comments and deep-dive analyses here!! This is going on the Fridge(the AU tag AND a new tag for me so I can read it later and giggle while twirling my hair) because WOW I'm floored at how in depth you went!
I absolutely LOVE writing subtleties in Dante and Vergil interacting with each other because it opens up the space for them to either read the other like an open book or get it wrong but be 100% convinced of what they've assumed which affects their interactions after. As much as they WANT to be brotherly again there's so much sitting between them because of time apart and what's happened. People change over the course of years and they're no exceptions as much as they have iconic personality traits. The flavor just changes but the core stays the same.
I have So Much that I hide between the lines in this series and it's exciting that I'll get to see what you pick up on! Enjoy the rest of your reading, and I'm super excited to see your next comment! Happy new year <3
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stormyoceans · 9 months
vv brainrot continuation:
i’ll take you there (reminded me of the conversation between puen and talay on an ergonomic bike and talay asked to take him to their universe)
shirt with meaning. it’s especially funny how day looked at jasmine in this shirt, as well as the camera focusing on day’s eyes. ugh, art.
both puen and mork, without a twinge of conscience, love to stare at the lips of their lovers during a conversation.
mork and puen love awards (and in real life sea loves awards hehe)
ocean blue (in which no one drowns, thank you'll)
sand in hand (referring to the sand on which the puen’s name was written)
the stupid prank with the book reminded me of the stupid prank of puen in the bed scene of ep 12
showing the middle finger reminded me of bad buddy when wai gave the middle finger to pat and his gang while watching football at the bar.
phi day is like nong puen
i will never let go of your hand (where there is puen, there is talay). oaths and promises are in all the universes of puen and talay
of course the wedding (if they caught the bouquet here too, i would definitely call p'aof out)
the song the distance of one palm is as iconic as love by paradox 12a. this brainrot has nothing to do with, but with star wars, so i’m skipping it
you can play a song (and this is definitely a love by paradox the only thing missing is mork with shaving cream)
i brought your favorite drink (i brought your favorite choco pie treats to quickly move on to nomnom scene)
are you alive, monica? i'm not very. this episode was so beautiful, so tactile,i didn't know where to look. sure while i was sitting and blinking at the beauty, i missed a lot of rot. we also had 3 kisses, which is completely unusual for p'aof. i'm in a pleasant shock. thank you for shouting about vv with me this year. it's so cool to be pink not alone. this year i'm taking my leave and retiring until next year. happy new year!
the way i immediately knew that losing the book and mork being upset were just a ruse because i've been tricked by puentalay before so i knew EXACTLY what to expect like we had puen pretending to be tun in episode 12 and to have swallowed the ring in our skyy, and always in our skyy we had talay acting mad with jigsaw to get back at puen, tup, and tou AT THIS POINT I KNOW THEIR SHENANIGANS AND THEY AIN'T GONNA FOOL ME NO MORE NO MATTER THE UNIVERSE THEY'RE INHABITING
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on the other hand i had completely missed the "i'll take you there" parallel, that was such a nice catch!!!!!! i do have a few ones to add, tho im pretty sure im missing some too (which is perfectly understandable of us considering what we've been going through with this episode), so here they are!!!
1) surprise cheek kisses!!!!!!
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2) both puen and mork being actually very soft which clashes with the idea everyone has of them (and talay and day being the only ones who know about it)
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3) beach kisses that changed the trajectory of my life forever!!!!!!!
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4) i saw people on my dash already pointing this out but for the sake of our collections im still gonna add it: both puen and mork wearing suspenders
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5) you pointed out "your favorite drink" paralleling "your favorite snack" which is soooooo true but i also want to call out puen and mork for their damn rewards which always contemplate kissing (WHO ARE THEY EVEN REWARDING EXACTLY TALAY AND DAY OR THEMSELVES)
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also we got another proof that p'aof watched vice versa because like you said he never gave us 3 kisses in a single episode so i just know he saw the ridiculous amount of kisses in vice versa and said 'you know what. i can beat that. challenge accepted' (then he turned around to jimmysea and asked 'you guys up for it?' to which they replied 'already on it, boss'. after that jimmy, renowned unhinged method actor, proceeded to kiss sea's cheek at any given chance [p'aof: that's not. i didn't mean. WE'RE NOT EVEN FILMING YET])
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ladyprocrasinator · 3 months
Good Omens FINALE
Rating ★★★★☆
When I say this book was a rollercoaster I mean it. I was almost completely blind going into this book. The most I knew about it was that Crowley and Aziraphale existed and that they were not yet 'played' by David Tennant and Michael Sheen (who I look forward to seeing in the series). To be honest I was very thrown off guard by the writing style, like I mentioned in my last Good Omens post it felt like a combination of a British Comedy and a philosophical book. Which I'm very sure was purposeful. However this change in style made it harder for me to read. For the first third of the book I was highly considering giving the book three out of five stars, but I persevered. Now I sit here being glad I did so. The book really became interesting to me when the apocalypse really started and we started to learn more about Agnes Nutter Witch. I became fascinated with how Gaiman and Pratchett portrayed Agnes's visions and how all the point of views the reader has seen was coming together. On the other hand I continued to enjoy how the two authors portrayed Adam (He had awesome development as well). Overall I really liked how the book came together in the end and gave the reader (at least me) a sense of contentment. Like if everything does go to hell (no pun intended) it's our friends and willingness to take hold of one's own destiny that makes a difference.
Favorite Character
As promised since this is technically a part of my reading challenge (TO READ OR NOT TO READ) I must pick out a favorite character. Except I'm torn between two. Those two being Adam Young and Agnes Nutter. So I've decided I'll make an argument for both.
Agnes is one of the characters that play a vital role in the book. She is described as a handsome woman (or once was), and with her magic (knowledge of herbs and other things) she was able to heal and help people. I love her because she is such a witty and well thought character. Because of certain things she did in the book I consider her such an icon. One of them being how she prophesizes modern things (although it is also funny how she sees some of her descendant's futures). Unfortunately I cannot say much beyond this without spoiling so just keep an eye out for whenever Agnes is mentioned.
Where do I even begin with Adam? Well he is the son of the devil but he manages to still be a normal kid (There are also so many biblical references that I want to point out around him but won't for the sake of not spoiling). As mentioned in my last good omens post he and his group actually act like kids. They aren't prodigies and they aren't complete idiots either. All of them have a good balance between innocence and being complete rascals. Adam is a charming kid for being the son of the devil and simply wants the best for his friends and dog. Overall I enjoy the simplicity of his child mind.
Almost forgot but dog is an honorable mention and I love him.
Favorite Line/Lines
"Here's to next time," he said, "And ... Aziraphale?"
"Just remember I'll know that, deep down inside, you were just enough of a bastard to be worth liking."
What is under the cut
Other things I liked about the book
Funny moments or things I laughed at
Something I found very interesting about the book was it's take on religion. I grew up in a religious household and I'm still torn. My view on it is that I feel that there is a god I'm just not sure if anyone is completely correct. Going back to the book it tickled my brain how they handled religion. Like Armageddon was supposed to come around but because Adam was raised as a human his roots became unimportant and he denied his roots. He saw the value in life where heaven and hell just wanted to defeat one another. It's quite strange seeing heaven and angelic beings represented more as lawful neutral instead of true goodness.
Things I found amusing
"I saw a program. It had David Attenborough, so it's true. (154)"
"What a nice person," said Newt. "You could almost overlook her blowing up an entire village." (talking about Agnes Nutter, 199)
Crowley meeting Leonardo Da Vinci and having the original sketch was cool but 'knowing' he met the artist and Vinci liked the drawing more was hilarious.
All in all there is quite a lot I appreciate when reading Good Omens but that is for another post! Thank you all and I'll be posting my next To Be Read book soon!
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heartless-curr · 3 months
Hey….Feel free to ignore the icon request we sent in earlier btw ,Up to u atp if u wanna do them
there's a lot to say here so i'm going to put most of what i have to say under a cut. this is me kinda trying to clear the air in a way. to reinstate this isn't a friendship ending message unless you decide to stop talking to us. this is really long i'm so sorry i'm just very hyperverbal and want to make sure there is no room for misinterpretation here!! i'm making this public so that other server members can see my clarification on the situation, because your suibait was public, and because you sent me this in an ask format rather than a dm.
hi az!! it's aki. i'm going to try to take over this situation for the rest of the system, and to try to kind of explain things from our point of view to try and get this all sorted out — because we are willing to get this situation sorted out.
but before i do that, i do have to gently ask that before you respond to this ask, you should step back and take a breather. go on a walk. drink some water. take care of yourselves, you know? discussions like this aren't going to be solved if you're driven solely by emotions. that all being said because intentionally or not, this ask is very guilt trippy. you may not have intended it as such, but the phrasing of this ask, followed by the fact that you sent this in after you essentially suibaited us on your blog, isn't an appropriate reaction. it shuts down the conversation.
yes, we did see the vent on your blog, where you did subtly suicide bait us. if we can agree that richie suicide baiting a 17 year old on the internet is bad, it's also bad when you do it. bad things aren't bad solely when done by people we dislike, or people who we think are bad. regardless of your intentions, we, as a minor, did see the ask where someone who is bodily an adult threatened to kill themselves over *us* being upset, and we felt the consequences of that. i need you to do better. i need you to alologize. but that apology can't have self depreciating statements. just a simple "i'm sorry for guilt tripping and suicide baiting you, i will not do it again. it is wrong of me to do" is good. nothing about how you feel horrible. an apology, an acknowledge of what you did wrong, and a promise not to do it again.
though, i'm not going to act like our now deleted post was fair either. if you saw that, we project a lot of our insecurities and feelings of the friendgroup disliking us (which the current hosts assumed was the reasoning behind why they got the backlash they did). that wasn't fair, and ultimately irrelevant to the situation.
i want to take the time to clarify what makoto said again, because, as makoto himself stated, his intentions weren't to call you or anyone else in the server transmisogynists. we ourselves personally excused the misogyny we had faced by said member of the blog until we realized that this was a person who we have personally disliked for. a long time because of the controvery on their other blog. at which point we stopped excusing the transphobia because we had a reason to dislike the bigot. we hated the transphobe more than we loved the trans woman. makoto recognized that based on how oddly the server reacted considering how often we criticize richie for the exact subject, it might be a similar case for the server. makoto didn't mean, and still doesn't mean, any ill will by it. he has this mindset of "i want to improve myself and become a better person, and no offense to my friends but i'm going to make them improve as well regardless of if they want to or not". plus, makoto is transfemme, so this is a topic he feels strongly about.
he wanted to encourage introspection like what we went though, rather than ask for a behavior change, though i'm not sure how well that point got across. he discussed the situation with pallas beforehand, and pallas agreed that it did seem unintentionally transmisogynistic, and proof read the message makoto sent before he sent it to ensure that it was calm and straightforward. makoto wasn't attempting to attack you or anyone else in the server.
our system truthfully isn't that upset over what we initially brought up. we allowed makoto to send that message because we figured that since i personally have called the friend group out for unintentional bigotry before, people would be understanding. we wanted to encourage self improvement, because we figured that if we just sat on it it would build up resentment, or, down the line, someone would go "uh well why didn't you speak up???????", we've been trying to stick more and more to our moral code, and part of that is pointing out whenever we see something that doesn't feel right in both ourselves and others. if that conversation made you feel uncomfortable, that's good. it means that it was something you needed to hear.
however, we are upset about the response that we got. that amount of defensiveness is not good. if you're getting called out for unintentional bigotry and your response is to defend yourself, you need to work on letting that defensiveness down and listening to what is being said.
to be blunt: we are upset about the strawmanning. makoto wasn't telling you to respond to the transmisogyny. makoto wasn't calling everyone out for ignoring the messages. makoto was calling people out for caring about transmisogyny because they hate the transphobe rather than caring about transmisogyny because they care about trans women and think transmisogyny is bad. we don't like people twisting our argument to be something we explicitly stated that it wasn't. this wasn't a cry for attention. whilst the way makoto went about it was debatable, he was ***very*** clear about the fact that it wasn't the lack of response. because you ***did*** respond. arguing with makoto on a point that he didn't make isn't truthful. it's what i'd call a bad faith argument.
all we honestly needed to hear was a "thank you for pointing this out!". we didn't even need an apology. just an acknowledgement that you care about transmisogyny and will be more careful to make sure that transmisogyny isn't only bad when people you dislike do it. though, i don't think we got this point across well enough — and for that, i'm sorry. i don't like the way you and everyone else in that conversation responded to us, but we should have been more clear as well, and for that i'm sorry.
this isn't a friendship ending message, to be clear. we don't want to stop being your friend. even if the topic that was being argued about was serious, i don't think the actual confrontation itself wasn't bad enough to be a frienship ender as long as proper apologies are given, and more people than just the two of us were involved, however, the suicide baiting and guilt tripping is not good. at all. you need to fix that. we're going to work on ourselves as well, to try to become a better person, and we're going to try to become better at conflicts, so we ask that perhaps both of us going forward try to work on our conflict resolution skills. suicide baiting and guilt tripping isn't the proper response, however, we to some degree guilt tripped as well when we made that initial now deleted tumblr post in regards to the situation.
conflicts are a normal part of relationships, and i think as long as both sides can learn not to be defensive enough and listen, most conflicts can be dealt with.
sorry for just. dropping this absolute essay on you i guess i wanted to make everything about the situation and where we stand very clear ???? we're not expecting any sort of response to this aside from an apology for the suicide baiting and guilt tripping. with the discord convo, all we want you to do is think about it. we don't want an apology. but we need an apology for the guilt tripping and suicide baiting. that's all! have a good day / evening /night ! :))
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shoobydoo · 1 year
Why I, a radical feminist, hate Taylor Swift
This Blog will be divided into two parts! Because my Text exceeded the maximum character count. :)
I was seriously soooo positively suprised about Taylor Swift when the documentary about her came out but praising her as a feminist icon is embarrasing to say the least. How much tangible activism has taylor provided herself, but most importantly, for other women? she is stamped on making symbolic gestures, talking and talking and talking about her few experiences with the same mysoginy that paid her enough to life without ever having to work again. Oh sorry, I forgot she propably wants to keep up the lavish lifestyle she's living; eating out in fancy restaurants, throwing million dollar 4th of july parties, flying back and forth with her private jet every two to three days, owning several penthouses in the US and running around town wearing gucci fanny packs. Does she really need that? In her songs she claims that the only thing fullfilling her is her boyfriend (see All the Girls). So why this completely unnecessary and sick need for this overkill of materialistic and most of all enviromentally harmfull property? There are a few people living with far less than her and being happy with it but mostly there are millions of people living with far less than her and being on the verge of death, if they're "lucky" poverty. Libfems will attack me for saying this by claiming I am criticizing Taylor simply because she is a woman using her money and by that her freedom for her own pleasure. And yes, that is exactly what I am criticizing. Because Money shouldn't be the shortcut to freedom or pleasure. So I am quite frankly sick and tired of Taylor blurping out some ethical statements about women, gays and poc's here and there. Every Person who has more money than he or she needs and don't decide to use it to help people in need is deeply unethical to me because you are automatically just becoming the oppressor. Her misuse of her ressources will lead to the ruin of millions of other people's lives, most importantly women. May I remind you, that women are still paid far less than men? But obviously, this doesn't affect Taylor, so why should she care? She ONLY started speaking up about feminism when mysoginy affected her negatively. Until then she was all about women vs women (See Better than Revenge, You Belong with Me) and being "the nice girl who doesn't force feminism on you uwu". She was about 8 years into her career when she first spoke up about feminism. At that point she was already hella rich and famous. She claims now to distance herself from white supremacy but when alt-right's worshipped her for her crypto-conservative image and her "aryan beauty" she did not want to position herself, she just wanted those tweet's deleted in silence. When Climate change will hit hard she will have enough ressources to survive it while sipping a martini and watching everyone else drown. Girl Power! And while she is completely caught up by any man who gives her the slightest bit of attention, she really has the nerve go put out a line like "and the voices that implore 'you should be doing more' to you I can admit, that I'm just too soft for all of it". Oh, I'm so sorry that standing up for people who suffer the same oppression you have suffered but in very very more severe ways is so hard on you Taylor. Maybe you wanna take a quick Holiday in Hawaii or South Italy before you decide to speak up about it again? Or maybe you just wanna fly back and forth from your numerous penthouses in the US to lie on your couch and write songs if that helps you? I promise after that you can go straight back to eating out in fany restaurants and going clubbing with the mysoginistic dickhead Matty Healy.
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