#i promise hes still punk hes just got to wear a suit like a proper business man
super-marihoes · 2 years
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what if they swapped 👀
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insanityclause · 4 years
I've only just been introduced to Zawe Ashton and she turns to me and whispers, "Let's make a run for it!" The actress has been holed up in her publicist's office for the past few hours. Her minders are just out of earshot. "I need some natural light," she says as we scarper out the front door and head down a Soho street to a cafe. "I'm going to get into so much trouble," she laughs.
Ashton is very much a woman on the move. And she likes to do her own thing. We might know her best for her portrayal of the wannabe punk Vod in Channel 4's student-life sitcom Fresh Meat but there is far more to her than acting. She also directs, produces, and writes. Over the past decade she's been energetic in theatre and film, and soon she's going to be published. There's just no holding her back, and here she is again, coffee ordered, keeping one step ahead.
She is down from Manchester, where she's been filming the fourth – and final – series of Fresh Meat. Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong's brilliant creation has helped turn Ashton into one of television's most striking new actresses, but now she is moving on. A new Channel 4 comedy drama – Not Safe for Work, which begins at the end of the month – is going to show Ashton in a very different light.
Following the chaotic personal and professional lives of a group of dysfunctional government employees who have been forced to relocate from London to Northampton, Not Safe for Work sees Ashton playing Katherine, a recently divorced woman coming to terms with her displacement from the capital and having to live in a flatshare at an age when she thought she'd be having babies.
At first the show might seem like a big departure from Fresh Meat; Ashton is playing a proper grown-up, who wears a suit and actually washes. It's a role in which she speaks in her natural voice, too; still low but not as deep as Vod's. But look closer and it's evident that many of the issues facing Katherine and her co-workers are not that far removed from those affecting Vod and her fellow students at the fictional Manchester Medlock University; all are just trying to find their place in a world where things seem less certain than they used to. They're part of a new lost generation immediately recognisable to Ashton.
"My first impressions of Katherine were how on-the-money her struggles are in terms of a lot of people I know," she says. "That postgraduate-in-the-age of-austerity sort of thing. I know people who are moving back home, who can't afford to live in London any more, have long-term relationships breaking down, and are suddenly single in the age of the internet and wondering if they can still meet anyone at work. It felt really well observed."
Ashton has just managed to buy her own place, describing herself as "very, very, very lucky" when so many people her age (she is 30) and older are in no position to. "Living with the notion that you might never have a permanent spot in the world is really quite a powerful metaphor," she says. "I feel it really looms large and it becomes a symbol of lots of other things." Whether it's your career, your relationship, or your home, for people of a certain age, Ashton suggests, nothing seems permanent any more. "There used to be this lovely kind of linear flow."
Not Safe for Work was created and written by DC Moore, a former star of Channel 4's new-talent strand Coming Up, who, like Ashton, attended the Royal Court Theatre's prestigious Young Writers' Programme. A superb cast also includes Sacha Dhawan as Katherine's coked-up boss, and Sophie Rundle as The Most Irritating Girl In The Office. Ashton is not wrong about the show capturing the cultural zeitgeist.
Public-sector cuts are the reason for Katherine's relocation to Northampton so there are implicit politics in Not Safe for Work, but that's not an area Ashton wants to get into. She won't tell me how she voted in the recent election – she offers a firm but jovial "No comment" – but on cuts to the arts she is as forthright as you would expect from someone who, as a child, paid £2.50 to attend weekend drama classes at the Anna Scher theatre, a community-based drama school in Islington, which in its time has also welcomed Kathy Burke and Dexter Fletcher through its doors. Later she joined the National Youth Theatre, itself a registered charity, and she worries about how the next generation will be able to develop if such inclusive facilities disappear. "For students who are attempting to have their life be about something that isn't vocation based, it's harder to just explore your depths," she suggests.
Ashton's family were always supportive of her decision to work in the arts. The oldest of three children, she grew up in Hackney. Her mother, Victoria, had emigrated from Uganda as a teenager and became a teacher in London. Her English father, Paul, also worked as a teacher before moving to educational programming at Channel 4. The considerable amount of time she spends with them is, she admits, "embarrassing". Her newly purchased home is close enough that she can call by whenever she wants.
It was Victoria, in particular, who encouraged young Zawe – pronounced Zow-ee – to try out acting, and she bagged her first role when she was eight, as an extra crossing the road in the Channel 4 sitcom Desmond's, which happened to be Ashton's favourite show at the time. She went on to win parts in children's television programmes that included The Demon Headmaster before graduating to, among other things, Holby City and Casualty. She made her big-screen debut in St Trinian's II: The Legend of Fritton's Gold. Prior to Vod, perhaps her finest moment was in Dreams of a Life, a documentary about Joyce Vincent, a 38-year-old woman whose decomposing body had lain in a north London bedsit undiscovered for three years before it was found in 2006 by council workers. Ashton played Ms Vincent in the recreation scenes, her performance winning her a nomination in the Most Promising Newcomer category at the 2012 British Independent Film Awards.
Later that year she also won the award for Best Breakthrough On-Screen Talent at the Creative Diversity Network for her work in Fresh Meat. With Vod, just as it is with Katherine, the fact that Ashton is mixed race is never made out to be an issue that needs to be addressed in storylines. It simply isn't mentioned. Anyone of any ethnicity could have played these characters. Was that a sense that she had strived to achieve? "I'm glad it seems effortless," she says. "It's something that I've worked really hard at. I think I've always felt that I want to do a very specific type of work and I've made informed decisions. You know, hopefully be part of a quiet movement or revolution." She pauses to giggle. "Without sounding too Che Guevara about it."
She says that as a child she would hand back scripts to her mother and tell her that she didn't like how certain characters were represented. At the same time, she doesn't want her background to be ignored. "I don't want to be 'de-ethnicised'. I hate it when people say, 'Oh I don't even think of you as a woman', or, 'I don't even think of you as a black woman.' Well what do you think of me as then? A loaf of bread? But any actor of any race can tell if a part is well written or not. It's really just about reading stuff that feels well-observed and truthful."
I spoke to DC Moore, Not Safe for Work's creator, about Ashton as both writer and performer. "She really responds to scripts," he said. "There was the odd moment when she sniffed out something that didn't feel right. There's always a difference in someone who performs if they also write. It really informs the conversation. And similarly if you're a writer who has done a bit of acting. It helps to understand the processes."
In the past Ashton has directed two short films and written plays. She has just delivered another, For All Those Women Who Thought They Were Mad, to the National Theatre. She wrote it six years ago for the Royal Court and it was shortlisted for the Young Writers' Festival but nothing ever came of it. It has now been updated and she hopes it will finally make it to the stage.
Then there's the feature film that she is writing and will direct, details of which she says she can't tell me. You get the impression that in the current climate, Ashton is keen to create her own circumstances and opportunities. As with so many of her peers, she pursues numerous outlets because who knows when one might be taken away? Moore says he understands that urge. "It broadens your scope to take on so many things, but it also means you've got other ways of playing what is essentially a big game. It's a wise move."
And there's yet more coming from Ashton. One of the things she is most excited about is the book deal she recently secured. "How can I describe it?" she says. "You know these books of essays by female voices that are very in vogue ? Well it's not that!" She laughs. "It's a mixture of fact and fiction and kind of based on some of the awful character breakdowns that you sometimes receive as an actress – that are really two-dimensional."
Acting, screenplays, directing, books. I can't help but marvel at how prolific she is. "It's quite funny because it's so much more natural in the States to do so many things and, having spent a bit more time there, you just fit right in if you do many, many things. I'm just coming to terms with the fact that I will always do lots of different things and I can't really stay in one place too long."
Our time is over. Ashton politely excuses herself to return to the office and, presumably, call off the search party. Through the window I see her rushing up the street. Will she find her permanent spot in the world? Who knows. Maybe she'll never need to.
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beyondflashpoint · 4 years
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Prologue 1: Bedtime stories.
John massaged his temple. He’d been pouring through ancient tomes and cross referencing half forgotten folklore for what felt like hours. He sat back in his overstuffed chair, considered lighting a cigarette, then recalled the one unlit, currently pressed between his lips. How long had it been there? He needed a break.
“Da- ... John?” The little voice inquired from the doorway. John slowly raised his eyes.
The child had been in his care for over a year now. Looking at her now, wearing an adults band tee like a nightgown and dragging the large stuffed bat she carried everywhere, it was hard to remember how dangerous she could be.
“Well, what have we here? Little Bird escaped her cage?”
She smiled at the affectionate nickname, but there was still fear in her eyes.
John Constantine had never once thought of himself as anything close to fatherly. After all, his own dear old dad had been nothing short of a five-star bastard. But she wanted to call him dad, wanted him to be a father to her. Seeing her, putting on a brave face, but desperately craving comfort and company, it reminded him why he had taken the girl from a dying world, a dying mother, and her own five-star bastard. He moved in a way that only a concerned father can move, a delicate balance between caution so as not to startle, and haste to provide that comfort she was practically begging for. In moments he had scooped her up, cradled like a princess in his arms.
“Bad dreams again Rachael?” He asked tenderly. She nodded.
“Can’t get back to sleep then either, I take it?” She shook her head.
He pointed at he stuffed bat, now held in a chokehold by her scrawny little arms.
“Now you listen here Batsy, I told you more than once that you’re supposed to keep our girl safe.” A stern voice, usually reserved for pit fiends and people fooling with things they didn’t understand. John Constantine was upbraiding a stuffed toy. If that ever got out it’d be the end of his reputation. But bullocks to that.
“His name is Bartok. And he’s just a stuffed animal.” But she was giggling, genuine and true.
John exited the study carrying the girl back to bed. Neither noticed that the doorway which had previously opened into the foyer now deposited them on the second floor landing, a few doors down from Rachael’s bedroom. This was the House of Mystery, and it changed to suit its owner’s needs. Thankfully it knew John well enough to know that carrying a six year old child up a flight of stairs was a little excessive.
“That’s not entirely true, now is it luv? We studied totems and objects of power just last week. You’ve given him a name, and you carry him with you everywhere. Bartok is probably absolutely pulsing with magical energy. With the right focus and a solid incantation Barty could be a regular supercharged dream catcher.”
He was laying her down now, pulling the covers over her, but making sure to leave the bat’s stitch’s smile free. Rachael listened intently and nodded.
“Zatanna will be here all day tomorrow. I’m sure if you ask really nicely she’ll help you.”
“Is she doing a magic show right now?”
John smiled and nodded.
“Some of us have day jobs. You’ll want to follow her lead on that. Don’t be a deadbeat like ol’ Johnny boy.” He ended with a silly face, and was rewarded with another giggle.
“We’ll have to tell Zee to get you some proper sleepwear. I’m not sure how I feel about a six year old trundling about in a Mucous Membrane tee that’s older than Christ.”
“I like it. Zatanna says it’s the band you were in when you were a teenager. Uncle Boston let me listen to some of your songs, but he made me promise not to tell. He said there were bad words.”
“Did he now? I’ll have to have a talk with ‘Uncle Boston’ later. Punk is for your rebellious teenage years.” He smiled to show he was joking, but mentally cursed Boston Brand for starting her off with his old rubbish. “All tucked in. Close your eyes now Little Bird. Try and sleep.”
He started to stand, but the girl’s eyes doubled in size, wordlessly begging him not to go. He settled his weight once more.
“How’s about a story then?”
She immediately brightened.
“Will you tell me a Hellblazer story?”
John laughed.
“Those stories are a bit too dark for you Little Bird. When your older. Promise. I was thinking something a bit more age appropriate. With dragons.”
Her face dropped.
“A fairy tale?”
“Not exactly, luv. By all accounts this is a true story.”
She quirked an eyebrow suspiciously.
“It does begin a long time ago, in a land far away. About a thousand years ago. In a land called Nol. It was a different dimension. Nol was a peaceful kingdom, in the heights power. Arts, sciences, magic. A true utopia by all accounts. Streets of gold and all that. Actually,” he smirked, leaning onto his side, and gesturing with one hand while chanting under his breath. Sparks of gold light shot from his fingers, and after a few quick twirls, he flicked them towards the ceiling with a flourish. “Better to show than tell, innit?”
The sparks of gold fluttered and danced, multiplied, and arranged themselves into an image. Rachael gasped and watched in wide-eyed wonder that briefly made John understand Zatanna’s Copperfeild routine. Hovering above them, at an angle suited for a child to fall asleep to, the streets of Nol took shape, exactly as John pictured them when he read about them.
Polished marble walls rose ever skyward the tallest among them of height with a modern skyscraper. The streets, onyx, not gold, sloped downward in a gentle incline towards the port, and the sea beyond. All manner of strange vessels were docked there, traders and travelers from strange unknown lands. The great gates of the walled city were many, made of bronze, and flanked by the figures of many fantastic beasts. Here a griffin, there a sphinx, manticores, and many others beyond listing. The houses were of chalcedony or marble, with each their own walled gardens. No workers tools had ever touched these stones, and in fact it looked more like the stone had grown into the shapes they now held.
Of that same seemingly grown stone was the palace, directly in the city’s center. The highest of its towers dwarfed the Great Wall of Nol. And there were many towers. The palace was an opulent thing of soaring towers and impossible domed buildings, of high bridges between towers that seemed impossibly fragile from below.
The child consumed every detail with awestruck wonder.
“The people of Nol enjoyed a thousand years of peace, power, and prosperity. Now, the thing about good times is that they make people soft. See, the soldiers of Nol, save a few brave fools, had grown fat and confident. Sure there were a handful of knights and soldiers who traveled the countryside solving problems and seeking honor and all that rubbish, but mostly the good people of Nol believed nothing bad would ever happen to them.”
“And that’s exactly when something bad happened to them, right John?”
“That’s right. That’s the first lesson in this story, Little Bird. Prepare for the worst, and always expect it to get worse.” She nodded.
“And so, it was a great shock, then, when the dragon came.” The image of the city was replaced with the silhouette of a dragon, a massive thing with glowing eyes. The earth seemed to tremble at its wingbeats and Rachael gasped at the sight of it. “The Primordial Serpent, The Conqueror Wyrm, Malkior. From the east the dragon came, in the late hours after the sun had set. The beating of his mighty wings stirred the whole city to waking, and the soldiers, who were used to only marching about and yelling at rowdy kids prepared for a fight. The first fight for most of em.”
Even as he spoke, images of soldiers rushing too and fro in panicked chaos replaced that of the dragon.
“Now, the great dragon made quick work of the city’s walls, with his great claws and his mighty tail, and even quicker work of the inexperienced troopers practically throwing themselves at him. Even those brave knights who had returned to the city failed to even scratch the dragon’s mighty scales. All seemed lost for Nol, as the beast made his way towards the heart of the great city, intent on the palace and full of sinister purpose.”
Though Constantine had made sure the images were age appropriate, Rachael had pulled the covers up to her nose and was squeezing Bartok tightly.
“But, and this is the most important lesson from this story, it is always better to be clever than it is to be brave, or strong. And very luckily for Nol, there just so happened to be a very clever mage named Rorek. See Rorek had spent his whole life studying magic specially to kill Malkior. Rorek happened to be in the palace, studying magic with the king’s high mage, and when he heard the beating of those sinister wings he knew exactly what to do. Armed with naught but his personal spell book and his wits, Rorek claimed the tallest tower in the palace of Nol to face his hated foe.” The words flowing forth from John were just as magical as the scenes mirroring them to the little girl, and she fought against drooping eyelids to not miss the epic battle she knew was fast approaching.
“ The dragon reached the palace just as Rorek emerged on the tower’s roof.
‘Hark dem-“
“Do the voices.” The girl demanded in a voice laden with sleep. John could think of no reason to refuse.
“ ‘Hark demon! I am Rorek! For too long you have burned and killed and destroyed unchecked and unopposed. I oppose thee now!’” The voice he used now was softer, and a bit more proper. One might allege that he based it off one Jason Blood, though Constantine would never confirm this if pressed on it.
“ ‘Little man,’ said the dragon,” in a voice not dissimilar to Jason’s better half, “ ‘ I am the destroyer, the defiler, the conqueror. I am Malkior! I have seen worlds rise and fall, only to rise again. I have slain kings and emperors, heroes and champions. Who are you to think to stand against me?’ And Rorek stood tall and began his spells. The battle was fearsome, for Malkior too was versed in powerful and ancient magics. It seemed for every spell, hex or curse Rorek threw at Malkior, the dragon knew it’s counter. But Rorek was clever, and even while casting an unending torrent of spells, he prepared his last trick.
‘Foul beast, demon that you are, thy name does not suit thee, but nonetheless, Malkior, I call thee by thy true name, and by thy name bind thee!’
And the dragon roared with fury, lashing, thrashing and cursing even as he was pulled into Rorek’s book and bound. But with a final curse, disaster struck, and the tower which had been the scene of their epic battle was reduced to rubble, and Rorek was lost. But Nol remembered its hero, and until it’s final days celebrated the triumph of Rorek of Nol.”
As the final scene came to a close, the image faded, and the swirling cloud of golden dust dissipated and dissolved.
“So you see-“ John cut off as he turned to look at the girl and found her snoring softly.
He smiled, whispering an enchantment to ward against bad dreams, and brushing her hair back, kissed her forehead to seal the spell in place.
The barrage of vision and memory came with shocking clarity and coherence. Had he not been seated, John would have been knocked off his feet. The things he saw would haunt him for years to come.
It took time to compose himself well enough to stand, much less return to the study, where, hours later Zatanna found him, cigarette in one hand, scotch in the other.
It had been some time since Zee had seen John this upset. It was only after a second and third drink that he smoothed his unruly blond hair back, took a deep breath and spoke.
“We need to talk about Rachael. And her dreams.”
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
Breaks from angst? Fluffy Nero at his wedding? Possibly?
(Fuck I got so carried away with this... whoops. Anyway I had a lot of fun conjuring this one up)
Nero didn’t want a big fancy wedding with a huge ball room and ceremony with a hundred people attending. And to be honest, you didn’t either. You knew how shy Nero got about PDA, so asking him to marry you and say his vows in front of a huge crowd didn’t even cross your mind. You both knew it would be far more special if it were smaller, with just the Devil May Cry crew and some of your family and friends, a small outdoor venue, and some booze and food. 
Nero was wearing a navy blue suit that fitted and hugged his muscles well, while you wore a nice knee length dress that fanned out slightly at the waist. You saw his jaw drop and eyes widen when you walked down the isle, and you definitely didn’t miss him wiping away tears with his thumb before you came to stand beside him, resting your hands in his. You too felt very emotional, unable to wipe the smile off your face as you started lovingly into his blue eyes. It was cheesy, but you felt like it were just you and him, no eyes on you except for his.
The ceremony was short, after saying your vows and exchanging rings, you sealed it all with a kiss. It was the best kiss you’d ever had, so much love and promise held in one action. You held onto his shoulders, pulling him to you as his arms wrapped around your waist, bodies pressed together while you waited for all air to leave your lungs before pulling away. You shared a loving gaze before large smiles made their way onto both your faces, the small crowd standing and they clapped and whooped. Nico and Dante were the loudest, cheering loudly like the children they are. 
The night rolled by and everyone began to drink and dance, mingling and enjoying being with each other before dinner came. There was one large, rectangle table, big enough to fit all your guests around it while you and Nero sat together in the middle, able to talk to anyone you wanted to. You talked to Nero the most though, whispering in each others ears and stealing kisses every now and then, just happy to be together. You did talk to Nico, Lady and Dante as well, since they were sitting on the other side of the table across from you, easiest to converse with. 
Dante stood up suddenly, tapping his whine glass with a fork to get everyones attention as they ate. You and Nero shared a worried glance at each other, not knowing where Dante was going to take this as he opened his mouth to speak. He began with warning his nephew, saying that if he ever hurts you he’d personally kick his ass, to which everyone laughed since he should be giving that warning to you instead, being Nero’s uncle and all. However, his speech didn’t end so wholesome and family friendly as he mentioned how the two of you were probably just waiting to get to the honeymoon part already. 
“To Nero and Y/n! The cutest fucking couple I have ever seen.” Dante raised his glass before taking a sip and smirking at the two of you. Your cheeks were pink but Nero was too happy to care about his goofy uncle embarrassing him in front of everyone, chuckling and pressing a kiss to your temple as he too picked up his drink and took a sip. A few more people stood up to say a few words, all a lot more kind and congratulating… except for Nico, she was just as bad as Dante, if not worse. 
After dinner and awkward speeches, slow music started and it was announced that it was time for the bride and groom to dance with their mother and father in law. Nero kissed the back of your hand as he went to offer his hand to your mother, pulling her from her seat and beginning a slow dance while they talked and laughed. You loved watching them get along so well. A finger tapped your shoulder and you spun around to see Nero’s father, Vergil extending his hand to you. He looked displeased that he’d be dancing in front of everyone but he did agree to do so anyway… After Dante offered to take his place that is. 
You took Vergil’s hand and followed him to the open space, his hand resting respectively high up on your back while the other held your hand. Your palm layer flat against his shoulder as you both began swaying slightly in time with the music. You could hear Nero chuckling and laughing with your mother still, smiling at the sound as Vergil shifted so you could see the pair dancing over his shoulder. You smiled warmly at Vergil and figured you better strike up a conversation since he didn’t look like he was going to. 
“I’m glad you’re here… So is Nero, even if he doesn’t say it” You stated genuinely, your smile fading to show him you were serious. Vergil met your gaze for a brief moment, humming as if it didn’t bother him either way before he averted his eyes again. You thought that was it, the end of the conversation and leaving you to have an awkward dance with… the devil. However he surprised you when he broke he silence. 
“My son is a fool about many things. However, I believe he is doing right by keeping you as close as he is. Without power, you cannot protect anything. With nothing, power has no use” He quotes as if it were a poem but you’re sure it isn’t one, his tone lacking emotion as usual but you didn’t mind. His words hit you like a ton of bricks and you wanted to ask him what he meant but he quickly raised his hand holding yours, spinning you before letting go. You expected to be left alone, having gotten your dance and words of… congratulations? However you smack right into someone, a hand quick to grab yours and resume the position you were previously in. 
“Funny bumping into you here” Dante joked, resting his hand on the middle of your back. You realised it was lower than where Vergil’s hand had been, but was still at an appropriate distance from your backside. You chuckled, fixing your hand on his shoulder and turning to watch the older brother head back to the table to watch the four of you dancing. “Figured I’d cut in since I’m clearly more of a father figure to the kid than Verg is.” Dante puffed his chest as if it were another title he was adding to his name. 
“Vergil is getting better. At least he isn’t killing anyone, so thats a plus in my books” You sighed, smile returning as you stepped side to side in time with the music. Dante definitely had more energy when it came to dancing than Vergil did, his feet tapping and hips swaying. Either way the two seemed to be pretty good dancers but in different genres. 
“I hope you have some tissues, kid. Cause I’m about to get sappy on you here” Dante warned, slowing his movements down considerably as he held a serious expression on his face instead of his usual smirk and carefree smile. “Nero hasn’t had a proper family before. It wasn’t until he started working for the business that he had us to call his family. He’s had a crappy life, no mother or father… until now, but thats not the point.” Dante frowned, telling you things you already knew but you didn’t dare interrupt him. 
“I guess what I’m trying to say is thanks. I don’t think he was ever truly happy until he met you, and when you two started dating it was like a breath of fresh air for him. You changed him in ways I didn’t think were possible, but I’m glad you did because… I don’t know where the poor kid would be without you…” Dante was so uncharacteristically serious it sent shivers down your spine, but what he was saying only made your eyes well with tears. “So… thanks. For being there for my punk of a nephew when no one else was. Both Vergil and I owe you a great deal for you simply being you” He concluded with a soft smile.
You didn’t have words to express what you were feeling. You wanted to tell him that it was your absolute pleasure, being there for Nero, being with Nero… its been the greatest life because of him and you felt like you should be thanking him. It was Dante who introduced the two of you anyway. Instead you forgot about dancing for the moment to wrap both arms around the legendary devil hunters waist, hugging him tightly as you forced your tears away so you didn’t come back with puffy eyes. 
Dante laughed, patting your back as he hugged you back. You didn’t let go until you heard someone behind you clear their throat. You turned around to see Nero smiling softly at you, your mother already walking back to her seat as he stood before you. Dante pressed a kiss to the top of your head before walking off, too, going to sit down the the rest of your guests to watch what everyone has been waiting for. 
Nero held a hand out, letting you slide your palm against his as you stood to him. He gently tugged you into the middle of the dance floor, walking backwards as he did so, before pulling you to him, going to rest his hand on your waist like the two men before him did. Instead, you felt the overwhelming urge to be closer, far more closer to him. You didn’t give him the chance to react as you flung your arms around his neck and buried your face in the crook of his neck, body pressed firmly against his. He must have been shocked, the small crowd chuckling at the two of you as he settled for wrapping his arms around your waist, bowing his head to hide his face in your neck as well. 
“You feeling okay?” Nero asked and you nodded against him, chuckling at the fact that he was worried right now when you were holding each other as you swayed to music. Your chest was so warm and heavy with love and appreciation for the boy in front of you, Dante’s words echoing in your mind and you were sure they’d stay in your brain for as long as you were alive. 
“I just feel… so damn lucky” You breathed out, pulling back slightly and cupping his face in your hands to pull his face up, off your shoulder. You didn’t care that people were watching, and he seemed to let all PDA slide for today, since he usually wasn’t a fan of it. You pressed a soft peck to his lips, smiling when he chased you for a longer kiss. “I love you so damn much” You whispered. 
“I love you more. But, you got one thing wrong” Nero sighed happily, squeezing your waist a little as he pulled you tightly against him. You guessed what he was going to say before he said it, but hearing the words still made you smile like a love sick teenager non the less. “I’m the lucky one here” He whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek.  
Dante, Nico, Lady, all your family and everyone that were watching the two lovebirds on the dance floor, wished they had a love like yours. Thew were all smiling and imagining themselves in your position, being with someone they love like that. Everyone was happy. Even Vergil couldn’t help but smile at the two of you embracing each other, ignoring everyone’s eyes no you. Nero was all that mattered to you and you were all that mattered to him. 
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Unexpected Arrival - 7
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn’t exciting enough…. an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
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"You’re holding back on me Steve" i smirked at the Captain as i got back to my feet and took my stance again.
"Is it that obvious?" He laughed shrugging a shoulder "just thought you should ease back into training"
"Im fine! its been 6 months since i had Evie and Ive already been training with Sam and Nat a few times a week"
"Still, i think we should take it easy doll"
"Scared i'll kick your ass Captain?" I taunted him, he grabbed me suddenly and swept my legs from under me. We both landed on the mats laughing with me pinned beneath him.
"Im not concerned about that...you’re harmless" he winked before laughing again. I suddenly wrapped my legs around his head catching him off guard and flipped him over.
"Huh, would you look at that.... not as harmless as you think" i shrugged sitting on his chest with my thighs still round his head, it was only then that i realised i was practically straddling his face!!
"Apparently not!....Nat teach you that move?"
"Of course she did" i laughed before standing up and going to grab my water bottle from the side. As i turned i saw Bucky standing in the doorway with his arms crossed across his chest.
"Hey baby" i smiled, i was always happy when i saw Bucky.
"Hey" he gave me a tight smile before looking over at Steve "you two looked like you were having fun".
"I was just proving to Steve that im not to be messed with. Called me harmless can you believe that?? Me!" I told Bucky while looking at Steve, it was then i noticed the looks between the two super soldiers, i'd have to ask Bucky what that was about later. "Ive been trained by The Winter Soldier, The Black Widow and good ol' Captain America himself and you call me harmless?? Shame on you Steve" i shook my head acting disappointed in him.
"Im sorry okay, i take it back" he laughed holding his hands up in surrender.
"So you should" i nodded smugly before walking over and wrapping my arms around Bucky's waist "I missed you" i said looking up at him lovingly "please dont leave me again"
"Doll i only went into town for a couple of hours" Bucky laughed pulling me closer.
"I know but it was too long! Let me go take a shower and then we can curl up and watch a movie while Nat has Evie"
"Sounds like a plan, maybe i should join you in the shower?" He mumbled before pressing a kiss to my lips.
"Mmmm maybe you should" i nodded quickly liking that idea a lot! "Thanks for the training session Steve, same time tomorrow?" I said over my shoulder as we headed towards the door.
"Sure thing doll, i'll be here" he said with a slight smile as he nodded.
"See ya pal" Bucky called to Steve before picking me up and rushing back to our room.
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"Hey babe?" I said walking over to the sofa with my glass of wine and Bucky's beer "can i ask you something?"
"Of course you can, whats on your mind doll?" Bucky asked taking his beer and lifting his arm up to allow me to cuddle up to him.
"Whats going on with you and Steve lately?" I asked, i felt his body tense before he looked down at me looking confused.
"What do you mean?"
"You've both been acting weird, I've noticed these looks between you.... like you’re pissed at each other"
"Really?? When?"
"Ive noticed it a few times, but i saw it today in the gym"
"You mean after i saw you straddling that punks face?"
"That was an accident! I didn't think that move through, instinct just kicked in" i shrugged laughing.
"Well don't do it again, my face is the only face aloud between your legs doll" he said burying his face in my neck and kissing me.
"Bucky Barnes! Did you not get enough in the shower??" I giggled as he continued his assault on my neck, his metal hand sneaking under my jumper making its way up to cup my breast.
"I can never get enough of you sweetheart, you drive me crazy" he mumbled "I'm the luckiest guy in the world having you as my girl"
"Im the lucky one Buck, but we might have to finish this later" i told him running my fingers through his hair.
"What? Why?"
"Nat will be bringing Evie back any minute"
"Cant believe I'm being cock blocked by my 6 month old...... can we at least make out until they get here?" Bucky wiggled his eyebrows before practically pouncing on me.
"Mom, dad we're home!!" Nat called 5 minutes later as she entered our shared apartment carrying Evie on her hip, Bucky and I had quickly parted hearing the door open.
"Hey, how was your day?"
"It was really good, little miss is exhausted but she wont give in and go to sleep"
"Yeah she's a proper daddy's girl at the moment, wont sleep until she's cuddled up to him"
Bucky walked over and as soon as Evie saw him she was reaching for him, Nat grumbled something as she passed Evie over to him.
"Hey my beautiful girl" he beamed at her and pecked loads of kisses on her face. Evie laughed before burying herself into Bucky's neck and starting to fall asleep.
"Nat why is my baby wearing a horse suit??" Bucky asked her raising his eyebrows as he looked Evie over.
"Its a unicorn! And she looks cute thats why" Nat shrugged her shoulders.
"Its cute Buck i gotta admit"
"Shes always cute no matter what shes wearing"
"Well i'll let you guys get lil miss to bed and enjoy your night, thanks for letting me spend time with Evie today" Nat smiled, she loved Evie so much and would often ask if she could take her out for the day. At first we found it hard to part with our beautiful girl but we soon appreciated the time it gave us alone, where we could enjoy being together as Y/N and Bucky and not Mom & Dad. We knew Evie was in good hands with her auntie Nat, the woman who would kill anyone who even looked at her funny.
"Thanks for wanting to spend time with her Nat it means alot to us"
"Anytime, you know i love that girl"
I gave Nat a quick hug and then she turned and left us to get Evie to bed.
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The following morning i woke up early,  showered and dressed ready for my training session with Steve all before Evie or Bucky woke up.
"Buck?.... baby I'm just going to train with Steve for a hour or so" i said gently brushing his hair back from his face, he slowly opened his eyes.
"huh? Where you going?"
"Training with Steve, you okay with Evie?"
"Yeah sure"
"I wont be too long"
"You wearing that?" Bucky suddenly asked sitting up looking me over, i was wearing yoga pants and a sports bra with Bucky's black hoodie that i had laid claim to months ago.
"Yeah..... why?"
"Dont you want to put on a shirt?"
"This is what i always wear to train" i said looking totally confused at what he was saying.
"Why dont you train with me? Give me a couple minutes and i'll come with you. Nat can watch Evie"
"I cant Buck, Steve's probably already down there waiting because I'm running late"
"You dont wanna train with me?"
"Yeah of course i do! But i cant just leave Steve waiting for me. We can train tomorrow i promise.....I'll be back before you know it" i quickly kissed him before rushing out before he could say anything else about me training with Steve.
It was safe to say that i was a little distracted while training, i still couldn't shake the feeling Bucky wasn't telling me something and that something had to do with Steve.
"You okay Y/N? You seem a million miles away this morning" Steve suddenly asked as he held the punching bag as i carried out the combo he wanted me to do.
"I don't know" i stopped my punches to look at Steve "whats going on with you and Bucky? And don't say nothing!"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know what it is but i can tell theres something going on! You two were always so close and now i catch you throwing death glares at each other when you think no ones looking!"
"Its nothing you need to worry about, we're just butting heads over a difference of opinions..."
"Its not important doll, you know how stubborn we both can be...."
"Steve Rogers you are a crappy liar!" I pointed a finger at him "Now tell me what its really about".
Steve shuffled around on the spot avoiding eye contact with me.
"It doesn't matter...."
"It does to me! I hate whatever this is between you two. He even asked me to train with him this morning after questioning what i was wearing..... wait... is he trying to keep me away from you?" I asked Steve even though it sounded absolutely crazy that Bucky wouldn't want me spending time with Steve, Steve was one of my best friends!
"Its possible, yeah" Steve nodded.
"But why?"
"A couple months back Bucky asked me a question" Steve started to say but stopped suddenly looking nervous.
"Okay.... what did he ask you?"
Steve looked up at me, finally meeting my eyes as he took a deep breath.
"He.... he asked me if i had feelings for you".
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Lesbian!Kidge would be a blessing from above, but I understand that you're busy and since you asked for opinion I came to deliever❤❤❤
Hope you were all ready for some more Lesbian!Kidge; and this time there’s also bonus Lesbian!Allurance because I felt like it and have no self-control~! :3c
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She jumped about a half a foot in the air when the dorm toher small apartment was thrown open and her friend shouted, “Katie, get in theshower! I got you a date!”
“Lexi!” She snapped, narrowly managing to catch her laptopbefore it could topple to the floor, pinning to other woman with a glare. Whenshe spotted the small silver case in her hands, however, her eyes widenedbefore shifting to look up at the cheeky grin staring down at her. “Ugh, Lex, seriously? I had plans for tonight!”
Lexi quirked one well-plucked eyebrow at her and clicked hertongue. “Sitting around and moping because the girl you had a crush on turnedout to have a boyfriend does notconstitute as plans. Besides, you promised you’d go with me to Allura’s nextshow. Now go get in the shower; I’ll raid your wardrobe and see if I can findsomething presentable for you to wear,” She mused lightly, walking over andcarefully plucking the computer from the smaller girl’s lap.
“I wasn’t moping,” She grumbled, but still moved to get up,“and I do have plans. I was going tostart a new game plus on Tales of Graces.”
“Oh, no, I’m taking some time away from your video games! The horror!” Lex harrumped dramatically.Once Katie was off the couch, she settled one hand on her shoulder as sheguided her towards the restroom. “And besides, wouldn’t it be nice to go out?You can meet a girl you think is cute, maybe bring her home, get some of thatfrustration worked out?” She mused, her tone becoming playful as they movedalong. She skid to a stop and turned, red-faced and sputtering, but Lex’expression continued to remain that of amused. “So, you know, take your time inthere. Make sure you’re all set before we get a move on~!”
And with that, she was unceremoniously shoved into herbathroom with the door shut behind her.
She let out a resigned sigh and headed over to get the waterstarted. She knew better than to argue with Lex when she was on the warpathafter the several years they’d been friends. As she stepped under the warmspray she let her head tip back and smack against the tiled wall lightly. Shemust have been off her game in the last few days if her friend was going tosuch an extreme to get her out and about. It wasn’t normal that Katie Holt felldown into slumps like she had, but when she did, she was usually able to fakeit a little better.
While letting herself into Katie’s apartment with no warningwasn’t necessarily uncommon for Lex,the bombastic way she’d done it screamed of something more.
Clearly, Katie hadn’t hidden her anguish over her long-termcrush, Nadia Rizavi, revealing she had a boyfriend. Nadia and Katie had beenassigned as lab partners in their shared chemistry class in the previoussemester of college and hit it off right away. They were both wildly passionateabout science and technology, with a keen interest in video games; both classicand modern. They moved from simply being lab partners to being friends pretty quickly.Over the weeks, Katie’s feelings had moved from friendship to something more, adesire to be with Nadia in a more intimate way.
And then, while they’d been having lunch between classes,that Nadia had pulled up some pictures from a trip she’d taken over theprevious vacation week. “Oh, who’s that?” Pidge had asked, pointing to the tallmale with an arm tossed over Nadia’s shoulder, expression completelyunreadable.
“Oh, that’s Ryan, my boyfriend. He looks like a total grumpin every picture I took, but I promise he’s actually a big sweetheart once youget to know him,” She laughed.
And, though she’d played it off well, Katie was pretty sureshe’d felt her heart crack.
It was her own fault, though, she had to admit. She’dassumed that Nadia’s casual comments about actresses or singers that she foundattractive had been enough to imply that there was a sexual attraction to thesame sex there. And, certainly, there was still the chance that the other womanwas still attracted to the same sex, but she’d never thought to ask Nadiaoutright. She knew how uncomfortable it could be when someone pestered youabout your sexuality and hadn���t wanted to put the other in that position.
She could, however, have asked her about her relationshipstatus once her crush started to develop. Nipped it in the bud before it couldupset her as badly as it did. But she hadn’t and, knowing she had no one elseto blame but herself, opted into keeping closed up about how she felt, and mopingabout it when she was alone.
And, for the most part, she was pretty much over it. She wasmostly just tired at this point from long hours at work and even longer hoursfocusing on school projects.
Then again, she couldn’t blame Lex for thinking that she wasstill feeling heartbroken from the pseudo-rejection. Plus, the fact that shewas here and dragging her out to a performance without any forewarning, was asign that she really did care about Katie. She sighed as she stepped out of thebathroom, carefully tucking one corner of her towel into the fabric coveringher torso. Even if it was last minute, perhaps she would have a good time thatnight.
And then she stepped out and saw goldenrod, tattered scrapsof fabric littering her floor.
"Did you take a pair of scissors to one of myshirts?" She asked, carefully stepping around the edge of her bed. Shefelt her stomach plummet at the extremely familiar logo on the now snipped upshirt laid across her bed. The shirt had been cut down either side along theirseams and then, using some of the remaining slivers of fabric snipped away,tied back together so there were little knotted up bows all along both sides.
Lex was rummaging through her dresser, tossing a dark greenbra and matching lacy panties over her shoulder on to the bed. "Don'tworry; I picked one you don't wear very often, so that way you wouldn't bebothered," She said happily before shutting the top drawer. She thenpulled open the lower drawer. “Do you still have that really tight skirt I gotyou for your birthday last year? That’ll look amazing if I pair it with sometights.”
"This is the Garrison shirt Matt got me once he gotaccepted into their engineering program! It was a limited print they only sold on campus for his first semester!" She wailed as she picked the shirt up off thebed.
"Well, not it's even more unique!" She answered happily, standing back up as shepulled out the skirt she’d been looking for. She watched as Pidge held theshirt up to herself, a small frown in place, fiddling with the little edges ofthe bows along the side. "Oh, lighten up Pidge! It'll be fine!"
"I liked this shirt for lounging around. And now you'veruined it," She said, her tone more like a petulant child than the pureheartache she’d wanted to infuse it with.
Lex snorted as she set the skirt down then returned to thedresser drawer she’d been in before and pulled out a pair of leggings. "Ididn't ruin anything. Now get dressed then sit down. We're gonna get you alldolled up," She sang, tossing the leggings down before tossing the pantiesat Katie. Katie’s eloquent response was to let out a small groan as Lex steppedaway, picking her make-up case back up and heading towards the bathroom."And before you whine about it; yes, I knowyou don't like make-up. All I’m going to do is a little bit of highlighting tomake your eyes pop and such. I promise it’ll be painfully modest.”
And with that last little note, Katie accepted her fate andgot ready. Ultimately, the outfit was fine but it screamed of a punk rockaesthetic that she never would have pegged herself with. The leggings were finebut typically more suited towards when she decided to go make use of the littlegym in her apartment complex to work out frustrations. The skirt was one thatshe’d only worn once simply because it was of a tight, leather-esque materialthat seemed a bit too enticing for her. Lex had gone so far as to curl her hairjust a bit and, true to her word, only used nude hues of eye shadow and used apale pink lipstick on her.
Upon taking a second glance at Lex, noting the tight bluedress and knee-high boots, that the other was also looking for a more punk-rockfeel to her attire.
While she was still uncertain about how she was feelingabout hooking up with anyone that night – mostly because she herself wasn’tkeen on casual hook-ups in the first place – the whole change in appearance hadher curious about meeting Lex’ latest girlfriend. Allura came off as some kingof ethereal being beyond the realm of existence, based upon how she wasdescribed to Katie by Lex. Up until this point, though, there simply hadn’tbeen a point in time for her to meet Allura proper in the last four months.Partly because, until a week ago, most of her free time had been spent hangingout with Nadia, and partly because Lex had been having a bit of difficulty withone of her classes. As Lex drove them down to Seventh Street, she wondered whatwould go down that night.
They parked in one of the local structures and then madetheir way down, falling in line with the rest of the crowds swarming towardsthe strip of clubs and bars. Seventh Street had developed a bit of a reputationas being called the “Gay Strip” because so many of the clubs and bars wereowned and operated by members of the LGBTA community. It was a bit comfortingto see that the establishments were popular with not only members of thespecific community, as well as by members outside of the community, and turnedthemselves a decent profit. She’d only been down there a few times, as she’donly turned 21 a little bit ago, but she’d always liked how the place was solively and thriving.
As they walked into the doors of Kral Zera, shedouble-checked to make sure she still had the small purse Lex had shoved herthings into for her.
“Oh, man, wait until you hear Allura! Her skills areunparalleled! She basically has to carry the band, though, since one member oftheir group has been really so-so lately,” She mused, pushing the door open andleading her in. Once they were both inside, Lex offered a coquettish wave tothe tall, stocky male bouncer at the door. “Hey, Antok! How’s Regris doing?”
“Oh, hey, Lex. And Reg’s doing well; ankle’s healing upnicely,” He said, offering her a small smile and salute.
“Awesome! Let him know I’ll buy him a drink once he’s up andabout again,” She said before leading Katie along over to the bar.
“You come here often enough to be on first name basis withthe staff around here?” She asked in slightly surprise.
“Oh, totally. Allura’s band plays here all the time and I cometo the audio tests and shows. I may not know a lot but I like to help out.Allura’s suggested I apply as a server here for some extra scratch but whoknows,” She laughed as they headed over and settled in at the bar. “Antok’s oneof the cooler bouncers around here, one you get to know him. Regris is hisfiancé; twisted his ankle playing basketball a couple days ago.”
“Huh,” She mused as the bar tender approached them. Sheturned in her seat to watch the stage, where four figures were setting up theirequipment.
The women on stage were all wildly different yet somehowcohesive. The one setting up what Katie was pretty certain was a bass guitarhad a tall, platinum blonde dyed ponytail, wearing a hot pink tube-style dressand so many bright bracelets along her arms, she was surprised the microphonewasn’t picking up on the clicking of her jangles against one another. The onesetting up the drums was harder to see, as she was adjusting her stool, but shewas of a sturdy build wearing a tank top for some band that showed off hertoned upper arms. Her hair was cut to just above her jawline and had also beendied two-tones; pink on the bottom half and navy blue on the top, the colorspopping in contrast to the light brown hue of her skin. The bass player saidsomething to her, twirling briefly and fluttering luminous blue eyes at her.The drummer’s near-golden eyes widened a bit before she threw her head back andlaughed, motioning the other woman over with one of her drumsticks. The bassplayer waltzed over for a moment, the two exchanging a quick peck, beforehappily bouncing back over to her post.
Neither of them could be Allura, she surmised, since Lexhadn’t said they were in a polyamorous relationship. She let her eyes swivelover to the other two on stage instead.
Her eyes turned to the guitar player next, a tall woman thatscreamed to Katie of living proof of an elf. Her hair was a bright silver, butshe couldn’t see any sign of it being a dye job, but albino also didn’t makesense given her darker skin and bright blue eyes. Katie perked up when shenoticed the other woman using an incredibly familiar powder blue and whitecheckered headband to keep her hair pressed back on her head. It lookedsurprisingly good with the pastel pink tank top and ruffled black skirt with aspiked belt. She stole a small glance over at Lex and watched how she leanedone elbow on the bar, taking a sip of her drink with a contented, dreamy littlesigh. Katie could almost see her pupils turning into little hearts as shewatched the guitarist move to her own post.
And then her eyes fell on the lead singer, carefullyreadjusting her mic stand, and she felt her stomach flip a bit.
Lex wasn’t necessarily wrong in asserting that hergirlfriend had an ethereal creature, but to Katie that seemed like a betterexplanation of the front runner on stage. The girl wasn’t the tallest figure onstage, but she was certainly taller than herself. She was wearing a blackt-shirt with the silhouette of a lioness in a bright red color which, sherealized, was also painted onto the front of the bass drum. With that she waswearing a pair of black and grey camo pants and military-style boots. Her hairwas pitch black but there was a bright red streak dyed down the center, and itwas tucked back with a few clips.
But what really caught Katie were the bright indigo eyesscanning the crowd and scowling lips coated in a blood red color.
Back when she’d realized she was interested in girls, thefirst person she told was her older brother, Matt. She hadn’t been worried herparents would react poorly, but more just wanted to talk with someone closer toher age. Her brother had leaned back in his desk chair and, with a look thatwas unusually sagely, told her, “Allows be careful around women who can wearred lipstick and own it. Those are the kinds of women that will either blowyour mind, break your heart, or some awful combination of both.”
As she sat there watching the other take a breath in slowly,she could only think on how the other was making the red lipstick her bitch.She resigned herself to being completely doomed.
“Hello, everyone,” She said, pausing briefly as the crowderupted into thunderous, excited cheers. Katie took the chance to swipe thedrink that Lex had ordered for her. It was way too fruity with not near enoughliquor in it for her in that moment. “We’re Roar,Lioness, as most of you know. Tonight’s set is filled with requests fromout twitter page, so hopefully you all enjoy.” She said before stepping backfor a second as the drummer started counting them in.
The set started out with a mix of different songs, jumpingfrom Three Days Grace to Nirvana and then, surprisingly, actuallywent and did a few songs by Journey. Theband sounded amazing, as far as she could tell, and she couldn’t help but admittheir front runner had been gifted with a killer set of pipes. Her movements asshe sang shifted depending on the song and type of energy the song carried;shifting between upbeat, sultry and morose from track to track. It was a bitenthralling, really, given how flat and bland her tone was as she introducedeach song they performed. It was clear, however, that she clearly loved whatshe did, by how her eyes shined with a fire being reignited with each word. Katienursed her drink throughout the performance, watching how the lead singer movedlike a hawk, vaguely aware of how Lex was eagerly shouting her undying loveafter every song and cheering enthusiastically after every guitar solo.
The second the set ended, Lex was tugging on her arm whileslapping a few bills down on the bar top. “Come on! I’ll introduce you toeveryone!”
Katie carefully hopped down from her seat, nearly stumblingin her ankle boots with how much she was getting yanked on. She carefullyjogged so that she was level with Lex’ steps, not wanting to get dragged alongthe whole way, and slunk closer to her friend as she waved at the bouncerwatching the curtain leading behind the stage. They could hear quiet chatter asthey headed back, watching as the lead singer and guitarist spoke quietly.
“I told you I wasn’t interested in this, Allura,” The singersaid, scowling something fierce.
Allura rolled her eyes a bit. “Look, it’s been two months.It’s about time you start looking around and figuring out what it is you’relooking for going forward. What’s one date going to hurt?” She insisted, Katiecatching the slightest hint of a British accent.
“I told you; I’m doing fineby myself right now. I need to stay focused on things with the band. You know,writing and composing original songs and stuff?”
“One night isn’t going to sabotage anything. Besides, Lexpromised me that the girl she’s bringing it super sweet and cute. You couldcertainly use a girl like that after what happened between you and Acxa,”
“Um, excuse me, but what?”Lex sputtered indignantly as she and Katie reached them.
“Lex, darling! How did you like the show?” Allura askedhappily as she turned around, approaching and pressing a quick peck on theother girl’s lips.
Lex leaned in and kissed her happily, looping her armsaround the other’s neck and leaning into her. Allura snaked one arm around herwaist and pulled her in as close as she could, a sly grin on her lips when theypulled apart. “Oh, the show was amazing. But you already knew that,” Shegiggled, her previous irritation forgotten. She glanced over at the darkerhaired woman, however, when she let out an annoyed groan, and then sheremembered what was going on. “Now, what was that all about? You didn’t seriously invite Keira to be Katie’sdate tonight, did you?”
“Lex,” Allura said with a small sigh, tipping her head backas she spoke.
“Oh, don’t you ‘Lex’ me! Keira is the last person I’d want one of my friends to date!”
“You aren’t in much room to talk. I mean,” Keira drawled,glaring at Lex, “you’re part of the reason I’m even on the market.”
“What? How is your sorrytail getting dumped my fault?” Lex snappedback.
“Lex, Keira, please,” Allura sighed, holding her free handup in between the two women.
“No, Allura, I think I have every right to be upset! It’snot my fault she was a shitty girlfriend and got dumped!” She sneered at the other.
Keira shifted slightly, her shoulders squaring and handsclenching into fists. For a minute, Katie thought she was going to deck Lex forher words, but instead she abruptly turned and shoved past her. “I’m getting adrink,” She ground out through clenched teeth.
“Lex, that was uncalled for,” Allura said, pinning hergirlfriend with a firm look.
“What? I’ve told you before that I don’t like Keira! She’ssuch a snob!”
“You don’t know her that well, love, and what little you doknow comes for a skewed place,”
Katie watched them for only a second before turning andheading after Keira. She thought back to the situation with Nadia, how she had hesitatedand bided her time too long and not asked the significant questions early on.She was interested in at least getting to know this Keira girl better. She knewKeira was single. She knew that Keira was interested in girls. She wasn’t goingto miss out on a potential chance again.
She approached the bar just as Keira flagged the tenderdown. “Rax, hook me up with a Whiskey Sour,” She said.
“I’ll take one of those, too,” Katie said, causing both toturn and look to her. She didn’t shy away as she slipped into the empty seatnext to the other woman. “I’ve never had one of those before. It any good?”
Keira stared hard at her for a moment before snorting. “Dependson your tastes,” She huffed.
“I’m still kind of new to the whole thing and haven’t triedanything with whiskey before,” She elaborated.
“Good for you,” She grumbled, rapping her fingers along thebar top impatiently. It didn’t take very long before Rax returned with bothdrinks, setting one in front of them each.
“Sorry about Lex, by the way,” She offered, picking up thedrink and turning the stool to watch as the next band began to set up. This oneseemed to be all male. “She can be a bitch and hold grudges, but she’s actuallya pretty cool chick once you get past all the bravado and whatnot.”
Keira made a small choked noise. “Isn’t talking shit abouteach other in public the opposite ofwhat girls like you do?”
Katie took a small sip of her drink and wrinkled her nose abit. Not entirely unpleasant, but certainly not her first choice. “What type ofgirl do you think I am?”
“Uh, the same type as her. Caddy, superficial, obnoxious…They type of girls that have a clique of other vapid girls that are all usingeach other for the status and then talk shit behind closed doors? Spreadingrumors and stealing boyfriends or girlfriends and what not?”
“Well, if I was, I wouldn’t be doing a very good job at it. Imean, I doubt girls like that would talk shit about their Queen Bee as close byas Lex is. And, additionally, this just highlights that you don’t know Lex thatwell. She comes off like that because she knows that it keeps the actualbitches from picking a fight with her or hers. She looks after everyone in ourgroup pretty tightly, though,” She hummed with a small shrug. She thenindicated the Garrison logo on the front of her shirt. “Oh, and, sinceapparently I need to outright say it… I’m more of the astronomy androbot-building type of girl.”
“Seriously?” Keira asked, sounding a bit dubious.
“Mmhmm,” Katie mused lightly, taking another sip of herdrink.
Keira stared at her for a moment in silence, seeming to bethinking, before chugging down her drink and ordering another one. “What’s yourname?” She asked.
“Katie, but most people just call me Pidge. Whichever youprefer to choose, really,” She hummed, stirring her drink a bit. She thenturned and leaned on the bar, smiling a bit at the other girl. “So what got youinto music?”
“Oh, uh, a whole bunch of stuff, really,” She said with asmall laugh, pausing as Rax sent another drink in front of her before beginningon a long, involved story about how she got stuck doing community service forbreaking into her high school after hours.
And Katie smiled and listened, genuinely intrigued as towhat was on the other’s mind.
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bloodiedskirtts · 6 years
Love & War | Part 4: All’s Fair
Summary: It’s Sunday and that can only mean one thing - Sunday dinners with the Barnes!
Pairing: Bucky X Reader,
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Fluff. Also mention of religion (Dunno if that’s a warning but look) Also I know I said I wanted fluff, but there’s a tinyyyyyyy bit of angst
A/N: Just wanted to have a pure fluffy chapter ~
If you want to be tagged please let me know x
Feedback is always appreciated! Thanks for reading. I hope you guys like it! Also gif is not mine, credit to owner.
Love & War Masterlist
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‘Bucky!’ she squeaked as he pulled her back down into bed with him. He smiled down at her as he leaned over her, brushing his lips over her painted red ones. He didn't care that the lipstick smudged or that it transferred to his lips. The pair had been awoken by the sun rising and had spent the morning tangled together. Despite this Bucky whimpered when she pulled away to get dressed, although he followed suit he wasn't happy about it.
He had lain back on the bed after slicking his hair and watched her put on her makeup. But it had been too long since his lips were on hers so obviously he had to pull her into his arms.
A handful of weeks had passed since Bucky had asked her to be his girl and he couldn’t get enough of her. It was simple for them to fall from friendship into a relationship. They both knew exactly what the other person was like, they had known each other for over a decade. So there was no awkward period of them trying to figure each other out. They didn't need to hide anything from the other person. Everything just seemed to be so effortless between them. It made them both question why had they not done this earlier?
As his lips trailed down her neck, she shivered, goosebumps forming on her skin as her hands gripping his shoulders, her eyes closing softly.
‘Buck...we’ll be late,’ she mumbled weakly, but it was clear from her voice that she didn't want him to stop.
His lips hovered of her collarbone which was exposed by the red dress she was wearing, and he flicked his eyes up to meet hers. A smirk pulled at his lips as he watched her face, ready for Bucky to make her come undone once again. Her chest had begun to rise quicker as his lips traveled across her collarbone. Y/N's dreams had been answered and sex definitely got better now that she was used to having him within her.
‘Maybe we could give this week’s service a skip?’ he mumbled.
‘Oh we are going straight to hell,’ she giggled, reaching for his face to pull him back in for kiss.
Just before his lips crashed against hers, the door to her bedroom flung open.
‘Hey, Buck you seen my tie?’ Steve asked, he was too distracted buttoning up his shirt to realise what he had just interrupted.
He still wasn’t used to having to knock on Y/N’s door when Bucky was in there. Just two months ago if Bucky was in her room, Stebe was likely to be there too. They would lie on her bed, heads dangling off the side as they spent hours talking about anything and everything. But now things had changed. Luckily he had never really walked in on them doing anything obscene, until now that is. His eyes glanced up, to see Bucky roll slightly off Y/N, her red lipstick smudged around his mouth.
‘Jesus, guys,’ Steve breathed it, his eyes falling to Y/N. Her chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate, her lipstick smudged and her eyes were blown out, watching Bucky. He would do anything to be the one hovering over her.
His breathing hitched, when her eyes flicked to him and she reached out a hand to him.
‘Come here Stevie,’ she smiled at him.
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion and he glanced at Bucky who was also looking super confused by her words. He didn’t move from his spot, it was as if his legs were planted to the floor. What was Y/N thinking?
‘Oh my God, guys!’ she groaned out, her face scrunching up when she realised what both Steve and Bucky were. ‘You are absolutely disgustin’. Get your minds out of the gutter. I wanted to fix your shirt! It's not tucked in properly!'
She sat up, pushing Bucky away from her, shaking her head. Steve blushed bright red, as Bucky fell back on the bed, rubbing his hands over his face. A soft groan fell from his kiss swollen lips as he laughed softly.
‘Anyway, I know where your tie is, you perv,’ she laughed, hopping off the bed. She fixed her dress as she walked out of the room, shaking her head. Her hand raised to her hair to secure the pins that had been displaced by Bucky's hands.
Steve and Bucky both looked sheepishly at each other. Bucky groaned once again before rolling off the bed, his mind was racing. But he knew better than to try to convince her to come back to bed now that she was on a mission for Steve. She would drop everything for Steve. Not that he wouldn't do the same! Anyway, she was right they were going to be late for the Sunday mass and if Bucky’s mother didn’t see them there she would absolutely flip out!
It was a tradition that they all went to mass on Sunday morning in their local church before going to Bucky’s family apartment for Sunday dinner. This tradition had been going for so long neither Steve nor Y/N knew when they were first invited over. Back when they were kids, they would be accompanied by their mothers and they would all cram around the Barnes’ kitchen table and eat the most amazing dinners.
Bucky had also lost his father when he was younger, so his mother had her hands full with her group of kids, with barely a year apart between the four of them. But that never stopped her making the most amazing Sunday dinners. The tradition didn’t stop now that they were older, in fact it was a great way to make sure all her kids stopped by her place at least once a week.
Bucky usually visited his mother during the week after class and before he went to work in the corner shop. His two younger sisters had already moved out after getting married to their high school sweethearts over the past few months. Rebecca, who was one year younger than him was already pregnant with her first kid. Y/N was absolutely blown away by the news and was constantly asking her questions. She couldn't wait to meet the little one and it was as close to being an aunt that she would ever be!
The trio barely made it to the service in time, slipping in through the door and taking a seat near the back as to not disturb anyone. Of course, Bucky’s mum noticed them and narrowed her eyes at their terrible time management skills. Her son smiled sheepishly at her, while his friends both kept their heads down. After the priest had finished droning on and on, they finally managed to escape. They hugged Mrs Barnes and promised that they would see her over at her apartment in a few minutes. All three of them had graves to visit, which they did every Sunday before they made their way to the Barnes’.
Just before entering the tenement block, Bucky grabbed her arm spinning Y/N around to face him. Steve was a few steps behind them, and paused when he saw Bucky stop.
‘Should we tell my ma?’ he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Her eyes narrowed in thought at his words. She hadn’t even thought about the fact they had to tell people about their relationship update. He hadn’t even brought it up before today so she didn’t know what had over come him today.
‘If we tell her she’ll make you move back in to this apartment cos it’s not, ya know, proper for us to be living together,’ she muttered.
Bucky knew she was right, if people found out they were together and already living with each other without being married there would be war. At the moment everyone was fine with the fact Y/N lived with two men because it was like three siblings living together. He sighed deeply before they began their climb up to the Barnes’ apartment. Steve was wheezing by the time they got to the sixth floor apartment.
‘You okay?’ Y/N asked, wrapping her arm around him a soft smile soften her features.
He nodded slowly, taking his time to catch his breath. Damn his asthma.
When the door opened, Y/N threw her arms around Rebecca whose stomach was nicely rounded now. She was nearing her due date and everyone was excited for the arrival of the next generation. Y/N eyes widened at the sight of Rebecca’s swollen stomach as they entered to apartment linking arms, leaving Bucky and Steve to trail behind.
‘Hey about this morning,’ Steve mumbled, ‘I’m sorry for interrupting and ya know for thinking that she was...well ya know...’
Bucky laughed, throwing his arm around his smaller friend’s shoulders, ‘Shut up, punk! I don’t blame ya. You never know what’s going on in her head!’
Steve laughed, knowing that Bucky was right. For as long as he had known Y/N, they could never predict what notion she would take. The only thing they could predict was that she was unpredictable! They both looked at her, as she rubbed Rebecca’s pregnant stomach. She beamed up at her, talking animatedly, her features alight as she spoke. Her hair was falling loose of the pins she had put it in to keep her hair away from her face for mass. Bucky’s heart swelled to see her, her cheeks flushed from the warm weather, her face constantly changing as she spoke, her eyes were sparkling. Rebecca was laughing at whatever she said. Bucky knew that he could never let this one go.
When Bucky’s mum called for help, Y/N was eager to volunteer. She wasn’t the strongest cook so she was happy to learn some new techniques. Bucky usually went from class straight to work until 9pm and Steve could barely lift the pots in the kitchen, so it usually fell to Y/N to cook for all three of them. So, learning from the best, because that’s what Mrs Barnes was, couldn’t hurt.
When dinner was served, everyone gathered around the tiny table to tuck in. The table was not made for nine people but no one seemed to mind as they chatted animatedly back and forth. Soon they would have to figure out how to fit a tenth person at the table. The more the merrier seemed to be the mindset in the Barnes household. Bucky’s mother excused herself from the table for a moment.
‘So, Y/N?’ Rebecca’s husband called as soon as Mrs Barnes was out of earshot. ‘When are you gonna settle down?’
She almost chocked on her dinner, her eyes widening at the question which came out of nowhere.
‘I...I just haven’t gotten around to it,’ she returned, before taking a deep gulp of her water.
‘I’m busy working for Mr Stark and ain’t I got the best boys already?’ she added, she squeezed Bucky and Steve on the shoulder for good measure.
Rebecca’s husband nodded slowly, his wife had dropped her eyes, refusing to make eye contact with anyone around the table. It was silent for a beat before he opened his mouth again.
‘But Howard Stark ain’t gonna keep ya warm at night! And war has just broke out in Europe and it won’t be long til it reaches our doorstep, ya know. So you better move quick before all the eligible men are snapped up or dead. You don’t want to be an old maid. That pretty face ain’t gonna last forever, ya know. And no man is interested what’s between your head, it only matters what’s between your legs.’
Bucky’s knuckles whitened as his grip tightened on his fork and knife, he opened his mouth to speak but Steve beat him to it.
‘Why don’t you just shut up, huh?’ he snapped.
Y/N closed her eyes, of course Steve was going to jump to defend her honour. Was there anything that this skinny idiot wouldn’t fight about?
Rebecca’s husband paused, ‘You got a big mouth for someone so small.’
‘Don’t take a big man to have some sense and know how to respect a woman. You’re obviously making Y/N and everyone here uncomfortable, so why don’t you drop it? She doesn’t need to run to get a man and we all know that you’re just bitter because she rejected you back in the day.’
His eyes narrowed, ‘Come on Rebecca, we’re going home.’
Rebecca mouth opened and closed before she got up. She scurried off to say bye to her mother. Bucky’s eyes narrowed before he crossed the room to face him.
‘Learn some respect before I see you again,’ he snarled. ‘And if I hear you talk to my sister that way I will kill you. I thought you were a decent guy and if it weren’t for that kid in my sister’s belly I would beat the shit outta you.’
He rolled his eyes as he pushed Bucky back, turning on his heels and stomping off.
The tension dissolved when they both left, but no one could relax for the rest of the evening. Y/N was flushed red, and kept her head down at his words. She didn’t care that she wasn’t married, it wasn’t that. But the fact he spoke to her like that and it made her mind race to how he spoke to Rebecca when they were alone. 
After everyone helped clean up, the Bucky hugged his mother tightly, promising he would visit during the week. The summer was upon them, meaning that he and Steve only had one week left of class. While that meant Bucky would be working in the shop more hours, it also meant he had whole chunks of his afternoon free.
Bucky wrapped his arms around both Y/N and Steve as the three of you walked home. She shivered into his chest, as the heat from the sun disappeared. Bucky smiled slightly.
‘I’m sorry about that back there,’ he mumbled as they climbed the stairs to the door of their apartment.
She shrugged slightly, beginning to unpin her hair before he even had the door open.
‘Look, there’s always dickheads out there,’ she laughed weakly, before following Bucky and Steve into their apartment.
She kicked off her shoes, her stockened feet sliding against the wooden floor. She turned to Steve and wrapped her arms around him.
‘Thank you, Stevie,’ she mumbled, as she hugged him tightly to her, her face fell into his shoulder as she drew him close.
He blushed, making sure not to make eye contact with Bucky as her breath tickled his neck.
‘I couldn’t just let him talk to you like that,’ he returned, as he pulled away to look at her face.
It took all his strength not to kiss her right there and then, but her eyes fell and she moved away from him so slowly.
‘I’m going to bed,’ she mumbled, ‘Big day tomorrow!’
Both of the men watched her walk away, before Bucky looked at Steve. He should have been the one she was hugging. He should have stood up for her, not Steve. He clenched and opened his fist several times trying to calm himself down. But he saw how Steve looked at her and she saw the sparkle in her eyes when they spent time together. He was being selfish as he felt rage overwhelm him.
‘Well guess that’s my queue,’ he told Steve with a smirk, before following her into her bedroom.
He knew he was being petty and ridiculous. He shouldn’t have said that, he saw the hurt in Steve’s eyes before he sauntered away trying to keep his confidence up until he was out of few. But jealous and love did crazy things to a person.
And didn’t everyone say, all’s fair in love and war?
@xjustanotherlonelygirlx , @itzmegaaaaaaan @projectxhappiness @7minutes-tomidnight, @mrs-marvel-addict, @vxidnik, @justmesadgirl,  @sophiatomlinson23​,  @bloodyvalentine93​, @schilj79
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imaginetale · 6 years
Pls tell me about your genderswap skellies like what you have for names, what theyre like, ect bc while i love my bone boys, man if my gay ass dont LIKE SOME LADIES-
Buckle in everyone, its gonna be a long post
Also, quick disclaimer - while I won’t be writing anything but gender neutral and het reader characters, you all are free to do so with my ladies!
I’m still working on everyone’s personalities, but I can give you guys the basics, as well as my designs for them! Keep in mind, theses designs are very sketchy and some are on lined paper, not to mention that this is what they would wear underground, I haven’t yet drawn their topside fashions, but as I feel it’s important to the characters personalities, I will say what kind of things they would wear topside. Let’s get started with the one who started this.
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Tinta! Aka lady Ink!
She’s bubbly and hyper and pretty much socially inept. Her back story is similar to that of canon! Ink, save for two things. One, she ends up regaining her SOUL (like the Ink I write) and, two, instead of getting “tattoos” from falling through the code, her bones splintered, leaving scars once she finally got them healed. She still suffers from phantom pain but usually hides when she gets a pain episode so others don’t worry. Whereas Ink has memory problems, she is rather intelligent but comes off as ditzy due to her poor social skills. She almost always wears fully covering clothing because she’s self conscious of her scars, but she loves Decora Kei fashion and will wear it if she can find a way to cover herself completely.
Side note, Tinta was designed for my own genderswaped self ship, and while I don’t mind her being shipped apart from that ship, please don’t ship her with Error, genderswaped or otherwise, as i am really squicked by that particular ship.
During the time that I made Tinta, @nighttimepixels started making her Lilytale ladies and I was inspired to make more than just Tinta, so I ended up starting with Underswap. Aside from Tinta, these ladies have the most development
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This is Muffin. She is training to become a royal guard and wants to look adorable doing it. She actually wears full armor under her magical girl inspired outfit. She looks like she’s just goofing around, but when push comes to shove, she’s dead serious. She’s who you face during genocide and she’s just as tough as canon Sans, maybe moreso since she’s been actively training. She also uses her cute looks to manipulate others into doing what she wants and into underestimating her so she can use it into getting the upper hand if need be. She’s still a kind caring monster, she’s just not naive. She believes in others to a point, but if you pass that point, she knows there’s nothing more kindness can do. When she gets topside, she still loves dressing like a magical girl, but she leans more into general Lolita fashion and anything super cutesty, although she does like to secretly try out biker esque fashion.
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Then there’s Honey Bun, or Bunny, as Muffin calls her. She is a nervous bundle of anxiety and self esteem issues. She pushes herself to the point of breaking to try to both not worry her sister and impress her. She attaches herself to the fallen human because she relates to them, seeing as she’s mute most of the time if her sister isn’t around. Even in the genocide route, she believes that the human can be a better person if they just try a little harder. She’s a worrywart obsessed with those huge twisty lollipops, which she sucks on when she’s nervous. Her fashion sense consists of comfy, easy to wear clothes like sweaters and sweats, but when she goes out, she just wears a lot of maxi dresses
Also, shes the only one with a canon sexuality. She’s bi!
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Solena is like Sans but less nihilism and and depression. Instead she has intense paranoia and trust issues. I’ll admit from this characters till horrortale, I need to work on my ladies personalities. Topside, Solena, or Sunny, wears punny t-shirts and skorts, with toches of casual hipster fashion, dispite not really knowing what a hippster is. She just likes the look.
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This gal is Papagina, or Poppy. Yeah, that’s all I got for her, she needs some work, sorry. I see her wearing super summery clothing 95% percent of the year, and mixing it with rock chic for the other 5%.
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Scratch is a bad girl with a heart of gold but will vehemently deny it if its pointed out. She’s protective of her sister but will take every chance she can to tease and mock her. But only she’s aloud to do that, anyone else talks shit gets hit. She’s also extremely good with kids and teaches the kids in Snowdin how to fend off bigger meaner monsters. She actually has a secret desire to be a mother of a lot of kids, but will again deny it wholeheartedly. She and her sister become their Frisks legal guardian, as well as their universe’s Chara and Asriel (All of my versions of all universes have Chara and Asriel come back, because kindly screw canon they get happy endings now) because the King and Queen need some serious therapy before they can take care of their kids again. She’s super active as a PTA parent because of this. Topside, she wears biker chic and Hot Topic, as well as some punk mixed in
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This is Slash and she holds the award for the MOST FRICKEN REDESIGNS WTF. I could not get her look down for the life of me. ANYWAY, she is Captain of the royal guard and only those with a death wish try her. She’s fiercely protective of the monsters she deems worthy of her presence, and this includes her sister, even if she busts Scratch’s chops every time she sees her. But, again, only she is allowed to do so, lest you become the next human shiskabob. On the surface she wears preppy clothes and tailored suits and, occasionally, rocker chic.
*Horrortale starts here, mentions of death and cannibalism*
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This is Pumpkin,and She’s not exactly a fan of killing humans for food and unlike every one around her, never really got used to it. The guilt still eats at her. She’s got a box in her room full of tiny bits of the bones of her victims, that she promises herself that if they ever do make it to the surface, she’ll give her victims a proper burial. Her necklace contains the hand bones of her first victim, which she wears so she can remind herself of what she’s done and what everything important to her has cost. The ghost of her first victim still haunts her, but he’s actually become more of a friend than a poltergeist. Topside, she wears casual, nondescript clothing, still wearing her necklace underneath until she can forgive herself for what she had to do.
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This is Candy. Candy never actually killed any humans while underground, although she did eat them. She tries to be kind to all the humans she.meets, because she knows what fate entails for them. They should have a friend who stays with them before they die, right? She usually ended up as the one who distracted the humans as Pumpkin killed them as quickly and as painlessly as she could. She tends to make her own clothes even on the surface.
And even though I won’t be writing her, have a genderswaped swapfell sans, or as I like to call her, Cupcake
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messyscriptorium · 7 years
Bewitched. [F] [H]
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Written by lovelies @def-initely-soul, @maliby and myself for the Fall Member’s Project of KPop Trash Network. This has been so much fun to write, girls!!
Secret prompt: “Oh, and by the way... you’ve got a cute butt.”
Moodboard: Done by @maliby (Thanks!!) Pics are not hers, all credits to the owners.
Fandom: GOT7
Type: Fluff, Humour
Member: Lim Jaebeom (JB)
Word count: 7,308
Halloween - the black and the orange, the pumpkins and the skeletons, the possibility of being literally anything or anyone you wanted just for a night, eating loads of candy without feeling guilty. You loved everything about it.
You were pumpkin carving when you heard your phone ring - it was your best friend Pam. “Get your costume ready ‘cause you're officially invited to the best party ever.” Every year Pam would throw the biggest Halloween party in town.
“What party? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tried to play dumb.
“Shut up, yes you do! Or do I have to get another Halloween mate?”
“No, no, no! I was just kidding!” You quickly defended.
You two had been celebrating Halloween together ever since you were little, never missing a chance to go trick or treating together in cute matching outfits. One time you two even went dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
“What will you be wearing?” You asked her.
“Hmmm...I’ve been thinking of wearing a Corpse Bride costume. And you?”
“I don’t know yet, I have to think about it.”
“You could always go as Wonder Woman,” Pam suggested.
“And have 35 other girls dressed the same as me? No, thanks.”
“True. Better call it ‘no wonder you’re Wonder Woman’.”
“Damn right.” Your burst out laughing but a guy singing interrupted you.
“Hey, who’s that singing?” Pam asked.
“That’s it! Pam, I’ll call you later.”
You hung up the phone and stormed out of your house to give whoever it was that was singing a piece of your mind.
“Who’s the punk singing Christmas songs? It's not even past Halloween yet!” You said through gritted teeth.
For three days you’d been hearing someone singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in the apartment right above yours. Your friend Jackson, from school, lived in that apartment with another guy you never met, Jaebeom. You didn’t recognize the singing voice so you imagined it was Jaebeom’s, since you’d never met him.
But today you’d had enough, you took the spare key Jackson had given you for emergencies and barged in their house.
Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw: a guy you imagined was Jaebeom dressed as Rudolph, Jackson dressed as Santa right in front of him; and BamBam, another friend from school, sitting on the couch in front of them pissing himself laughing.
You thought about interrupting them but a little voice inside your head told you to just keep watching the show.
“Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say” Jaebeom sang while looking at Jackson signalling him to carry on.
Jackson hesitated a bit but after Jaebeom gave him a deadly look, he completed the verse in an annoyed tone. “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
Not being able to hold it in any longer you burst out laughing, your presence then becoming noticeable.
“Y/N?” Asked Jackson, hiding behind Jaebeom so you wouldn’t see him in that manner.
“What the fuck is this? Jackson why are you dressed as Santa?” You inquired still laughing.
“Y/N, it’s not what it looks like!”
“Oh, trust me. It’s exactly what it looks like,” said BamBam.
“Shut up, BamBam!” Jaebeom intervened. “Excuse me, but can you tell me who you are and why do you have a key to our apartment?”
“This is Y/N, Jaebeom hyung. She lives below us. She’s our friend from school so I gave her our house key for emergencies,” Jackson said, pointing at himself and BamBam.
“Oh, then why are you here? Did something bad happen?” Jaebeom turned to ask you.
“No. It’s just that I’ve been hearing you sing this song now for days and I just couldn’t take it any longer. Why are you singing a Christmas song on Halloween?”
“Because ever since I was a kid, I never really liked Halloween so I usually skip right to Christmas.”
“Wait, you don’t like Halloween?” You couldn’t believe what you just heard.
“Not really.”
“I just don’t.” He shrugged.
“He’s never even gone trick or treating,” BamBam said, getting the side eye from Jaebeom.
“He never what? Okay, stop.” You turned to Jaebeom. “You can’t say you don’t like Halloween when you’ve never even gave it a proper shot. My friend Pam is throwing a Halloween party, come with me and let me show you how fun Halloween can be.”
“Pam’s party? Oh my God, she only throws like the most legendary parties! Can we come too?” Asked Jackson.
“Of course! You’re all invited to come.”
“Oh my God, it’s going to be so cool! We have to pick our costumes!” Said BamBam.
“I’m not sure…” Jaebeom trailed off.
“Come on, hyung! You can’t say no!” Jackson protested, making a pouty face.
“Jaebeom, please don’t say no. I’m gonna be the one responsible for your Halloween experience and I promise you that if you’re not enjoying it you can just go home,” you assured him.
“Aish...fine. I’ll go to the party and be a part of your Halloween experience.”
“Oh, my gosh. Yay! I promise you won’t regret it!” You said while jumping up and down from excitement.
“Alright, so do you have any idea what costumes you’ll be wearing?” Asked Jackson, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
“Not yet, but I know the perfect place to go!”
You took them all to your favourite place to buy costumes: Masquerade. It was the place where you and Pam would always buy your Halloween costumes. Masquerade had everything, from the most simple of costumes to the most detailed, and from the most silly to the fanciest ones. You could find literally anything you could imagine in there.
After two hours of trying on costumes and getting BamBam to stop playing with the wigs, everyone finally got their costume. Jaebeom got a vampire costume, BamBam got a zombie costume, Jackson got a Jack Sparrow one and you were going to go as Morticia Addams.
When the day of the party came, you went to meet with the guys at Jackson and Jaebeom’s house so you could all go together. When Jaebeom opened the door for you, you couldn't help but stare at him. He was supposed to look scary but he looked so fucking hot.
“Hey you look amazing!” He smiled at you.
“Thank you, you too.” You could feel yourself starting to blush so you quickly walked past him and entered the house. “Is everybody ready to go?”
“Yes!” Jackson and BamBam said while coming inside of the room.
“Hey, you guys look amazing! BamBam you look really scary, I like it!” You said while giving him two thumbs up.
“Thanks Y/N, you look fantastic! You look just like Morticia.”
“Thank you! And you Jackson, Jack Sparrow really suits you!” You said.
“CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow if you don’t mind. But thanks Y/N, you look dazzling” He playfully winked at you.
“Alright, so is everybody ready to go?” Asked Jaebeom.
“Let’s go!” Said BamBam.
“When you said your friend was throwing a party, I must say this isn’t what came in mind…” Jaebeom said.
Although his voice got drowned out by the latest remix of Michael Jackson’s Thriller coming out of the speakers. And by the enormous amount of people dancing in the middle of Pam’s living room, shaking the entire house with their movements.
And that was just a normal party at Pam’s.
A wicked smile took over your lips. “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” you said, entering the crowd with a very enthusiastic Jackson and BamBam following close behind. Jaebeom just trailed after you cautiously, his eyes warily travelling around the expanse of the living room. As if waiting something to attack him, any moment now.
You stopped in the middle of the dance floor, where everyone seemed entranced by the rhythm of the music and you turned to face the three men. The wicked expression on your face clearly matching the aesthetic of your costume. “Now, that’s what a Halloween party looks like!”
And truthfully, Pam had outdone herself this time. The whole house was decorated to resemble various themes of Halloween. The kitchen was turned into a mad scientist’s lab, a cemetery had appeared along the hallway, and the living room you were currently in had transformed into a haunted house. She had even bought a fog machine!
While Jackson and BamBam looked around in excitement, Jaebeom’s eyes held a much more reserved tone. He fidgeted in his spot, his hands struggling to find something to do.
“This party is awesome! How did she even find all this stuff?!” Jackson inspected a Ouija board hanging from the ceiling.
“Probably from a Halloween store… or a real-life cemetery or something…” Jaebeom responded, uncomfortably. You sighed. Damn, and he looked so good in this costume.
A thought you quickly shook your head to get rid of.
“Who wants alcohol?” you said, instead.
BamBam snorted. “Is that even a question?”
“Okay, so all of us?” you watched the three guys for confirmation, while Jackson and BamBam simply nodded.
“Yes… Definitely yes…” Jaebeom replied, inspecting the room awkwardly. You threw him a side-glance.
“Okay so four drinks, which means someone should help,” you announced. But your words flew right through deaf ears as Jackson and BamBam had already begun dancing wildly to the beat. Then they dabbed and you knew you were getting those drinks alone.
“I can help.”
Jaebeom’s voice reached you before you took off. “Plus, I don’t think I can handle being here alone and I’m certainly not joining these two idiots…” he added, to which you replied with a giggle.
Admittedly, you wouldn’t have handle it either.
“Follow me.” You grasped his hand to drag him all the way to the kitchen. You were too busy semi-dancing to the beat of the song currently playing to notice that Jaebeom’s eyes grew in surprise and he might have stumbled a bit.
As soon as you stepped foot into the kitchen, you walked straight forward to the fridge, while Jaebeom followed awkwardly behind.
You were observing him though from the corner of your eye. You noticed that even though he was wearing a costume and seemingly, he was into the Halloween theme, his whole stance screamed discomfort. Like a fish out of water.
“What? Never been to a party before?” You walked slowly next to him, while you gave him two beer cans and you held on two more.
Jaebeom scoffed, as you both began walking to the living room. “I’ve been to a party before!” he said confidently but his face fell before adding “... just not a Halloween one.”
“Well, since it’s your first time, I’ll be your chaperone!” you replied with a smile. You were supposed to make him see the wonders of Halloween and enjoying a Halloween party was definitely one of them.
At this he laughed, the sound a little less forced. “A chaperone?”
“Yeah, didn’t I already say I would walk you through Halloween? This is a party for Halloween so it is essential for you to enjoy it!” You winked at him, before returning your attention to the spot Jackson and BamBam were dancing and walking towards them. But if you had looked back at Jaebeom, you would have seen his cheeks turning red.
“We got beers!” you yelled, your hands raised to the ceiling. Both of Jackson and BamBam cheered as they grabbed both of the cans in your hands, leaving you empty handed as they danced.
“Here,” Jaebeom offered the other beer, and for some reason you didn’t think of joining the other two guys on the dance floor.
“Are you not dancing?” you glanced at him curiously, opening your can of beer. He turned the can in his hands before opening it with a loud crack.
“No, not really…” was his reply before taking a sip from his beer and bringing out his phone to check the time.
You tapped your fingers on your can, trying to figure out a way to help him relax. But with the deafening music and the amount of people around you, it seemed nearly impossible.
And then something happened. Someone stumbled upon Jaebeom, making him drop his phone. He grumbled something, annoyed, as he passed you his beer and he bent over to pick it up.
Oh. Well the view was certainly promising.
And just as you were admiring that particular view, Jackson’s mind seemed to be in tune with yours, because he did what you’d been thinking.
He slapped Jaebeom’s ass.
A loud laugh escaped you as Jaebeom turned around livid, his eyes looking appalled.
“What the hell, Jackson?!”
Jackson smile mischievously. “Come on, hyung, you’ve got to loosen up a little! You’re at a party!” Meanwhile you were still laughing your ass off.
“And you thought I’d relax with a slap in the ass?!” he asked, incredulously. Then he turned to you. “And you! Stop laughing!” he said seriously, although you noted he looked much more relaxed than before.
“Sorry, sorry,” you managed to get out through choked giggles, as BamBam and Jackson had begun laughing with you.
“It’s just that your face....” you said before breaking into another laughing fit. Jaebeom’s ears turned red, as he crossed his arms under his chest, his lips slightly protruding in a pout.
How adorable.
“Oh, and by the way…” your laughter began to die but the smile remained etched on your lips, “... you’ve got a cute butt.”
Now you were met with three pairs of wide eyes and you marvelled at the shock covering their faces. What a simple compliment could do. Jackson was looking at you, his mouth hanging open and BamBam’s eyes kept travelling between you and Jaebeom in shock. And Jaebeom’s ears had turned even redder than before.
Which gave you some sort of satisfaction. God, he was so shy and awkward and hot. You enjoyed teasing him far too much. For his good and your own.
“Hey! You made it!” you heard Pam’s voice and then you saw her approaching you, full on her Corpse Bride costume. Right on time, you thought.
“Of course I did!” you went for a quick hug.
“And I see you brought company! Hey guys!” Pam hugged Jackson and BamBam as well, while Jaebeom stood in the corner not sure what to do. His awkwardness over your comment already forgotten over the arrival of Pam.
“Hey, Pam, I see you went full on Halloween this year,” BamBam teased her as the sounds of the creepy songs only enhanced his words.
Pam gasped, pretending to be offended. “This year?! Bitch, please, Halloween is like my holiday prom night!”
Jackson raised an eyebrow. “Holiday prom night?”
“Yeah, just like a prom night but on Halloween. Best night of the year!”
At this, Jaebeom’s eyebrows shot to his hairline in wonder. Something that caught Pam’s eye.
“And I don’t think I know you! Hi, I’m Pam,” she said and while Jaebeom simply offered his name and his hand for a handshake, Pam just went straight for a hug.
“Nice to meet you, Jaebeom! Hope you’re having fun!” and while Jaebepm opened his mouth to reply, Jackson and BamBam dragged him away on the dancefloor, as Time Warp began playing through the speakers.
“So, who’s the stud?” Pam asked you conspiringly, eyeing Jaebeom up and down.
You smiled. “Remember the guy singing Christmas songs the other day?”
“You mean the one that’s been driving you nuts over the past few days?”
You nodded, simply. “That’s the one.”
Pam looked at you wide-eyed, before focusing on Jaebeom. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t mind being his Mrs Claus…”
You threw a threatening glance at her direction. “Hands off, okay?”
To which she smiled teasingly. “Why? You called dibs first?”
You returned the smile, as you looked at Jaebeom again. “Something like that…”
Then you realised that while Jackson and BamBam were dancing their hearts off, Jaebeom wasn’t exactly dancing. More like standing awkwardly next to the duo, not knowing what to do. It was time for you to interfere and save him from his misery.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to be his knight in shining armour and save the poor man,” you said to Pam, walking towards Jaebeom.
“Oh, no worries, I think I’ll join Jackson and BamBam to do the pelvic thrust that really drives you insaaaaane!” she sang the last part along with the music before she run off to the other two boys.
Jaebeom didn't see you approaching him, so when you grabbed his hand he jumped on the spot, surprised.
“Relax, it’s just me,” you said calmly, wondering how a person could look both cute and sexy at the same time. Because that was how Jaebeom looked right now. With big, round eyes that reminded you of a puppy and a killer body, dressed as a vampire.
You were in too deep already.
“Seeing as you look like you’re about to barf any minute now, I decided to spare you this once…” your cryptic words made Jaebeom’s face scrunch in confusion.
A teasing smile graced your lips. “Wanna get out of here?”
Standing before the haunted house tour, you realised this might have been a mistake. You could feel your hands trembling and cold sweat washing over you. You were all in for Halloween, but you’d never been to a haunted house before. And now you realised why. You were scared shitless.
On the other hand, Jaebeom just returned from paying with two tickets in hand, and he looked positively excited. For the first time tonight.
“I’ve never been in a haunted house before!” He almost trembled with anticipation.
“Huh… would you believe me if I said same?” you said with a tense voice. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
You took a breath. No. You promised Jaebeom to get him through the joys of Halloween and that was what you were going to do.
You took a determined step towards the entrance, but suddenly you felt Jaebeom’s hand circling your wrist. You haltered.
“Wait, are you ok? You look a little pale…” you could hear the concern in his voice as clear as you heard his previous excitement. And you felt guilty to not go inside when finally he seemed excited with something about Halloween.
“It’s the costume Jaebeom. You know, skin pale as a ghost and lips red as blood? That's Morticia,” you began blabbering to throw him off and then you took off to the entrance.
Jaebeom, although not at all convinced you were all right, followed you inside and he caught up with you. The house was flooded with darkness and an eerie silence was hanging in the air.
As soon as both of you crossed the threshold, the door behind you closed with a bang. You yelped at the sound, simultaneously taking a step back, colliding with something. Something firm and warm, and when you realised it was Jaebeom's chest, you murmured a quick apology before following the designated path.
Jaebeom flushed with the contact. His gaze fell immediately to the ground before he whispered back “It’s okay” and he followed you again.
The path you had to follow was pre-decided, as you couldn't go anywhere you wanted inside the house. There was a standard course, starting from the entrance, to the kitchen and living room and then to the upper floor where the master bedroom was.
“Hey Y/N, wait up!” you heard Jaebeom's voice calling for you, as you walked into the kitchen.
You pierced your lips together, as you looked around the room. There was blood splattered on the white walls (fake of course but that didn't make it any less terrifying). The table and chairs were broken, shards of wood covering the floor, and a very still figure of a man was lying between all the mess, covered in dirt and blood. You couldn't tell if he was a real man or not and that didn't help calming down your nerves.
The only light in the room was coming from a single light bulb, hanging from the ceiling, that flickered.
So, looking at the whole picture of it, you were beyond creeped out.
“Wow, they did a very good job at doing this!” Jaebeom said calmly walking around the room. You, though, stood frozen right in front of the immobile man. Your eyes stayed glued to his form, waiting, anticipating from him to be an actor and scare you. Jaebeom was still observing the space and when you deemed that the body on the floor was most likely a doll, a silent exhale left your lips as you took a step to reach Jaebeom.
That was when you felt something slithering its way around your ankle. Cold, wet fingers wrapped around your skin and when you looked down mortified, the man was looking at you. No irises in his eyes, they were completely white.
Then you let out an ear-piercing scream.
Jaebeom was next to you in a matter of seconds, dragging you away from the man on the ground, pushing you behind him.
“Come on, let’s move,” he said sternly, his hand wrapped around your wrist as you followed him down the path of the tour.
When you were in the living room, Jaebeom stopped to look at you, worriedly. “Are you okay?”
You were still trembling, but the initial shock had faded, only leaving you with a slight sense of discomfort. Still, you nodded, refusing to look at him as your eyes travelled around anxiously.
“Wait…” Jaebeom began, putting two and two together, “... were you afraid, just now?” You swore you could hear the smile in his words. How embarrassing. You clicked your tongue, still not meeting his eyes.
Then an impulsive laugh escaped him, reverberating around the walls, breaking that awful silence. You stared at him, surprised by how mellifluous the sound of his laugh was.
Wait. He was laughing at you!
“I’m not afraid!” you said, trying to appear stern but the stubbornness in your voice made you look more like a freaking five year old.
Well, a “cute” five year old, Jaebeom would’ve added.
His laughter started dissipating as he gripped your hand again. “Okay, Morticia, whatever you say. Now let’s explore the rest of the house together before you shit your pants,” was his reply and honestly he looked so relaxed and so himself in contrast to the party, that you didn't argue.
So you just grumbled some sort of annoyed answer as you made your way through the living room. Here most of the furniture was covered with white sheets, as a heavy layer of dust covered the others and the floor. There were some yellow wall lamps that did little to illuminate the space, and the wood on the floor creaked with every step.
But Jaebeom didn’t let you stay there for long, motioning for you to follow him to the next floor.
With every step of the stairs you took, you began relaxing again, until your nerves calmed down. Surprisingly, Jaebeom’s presence loosened you further. You felt safe around him, even though you knew all this was fake.
“So, now we only have to go through the master bedroom and we’re done!” Jaebeom announced, looking at you as you stood next to him. You could feel his stare, the note of worry residing in his eyes.
You shrugged, trying to play it cool but as soon as you did Jaebeom looked down, shaking his head, trying to conceal his smile.
“Fine, but if you get scared, don’t come to me for help,” he added, although he already knew, should you get scared again, he would be more than willing to help.
You shrugged again, this time walking forward first, Jaebeom coming right after you. You opened the door to the master bedroom and looked around warily.
The room was modelled after the second instalment of “The Conjuring” Saga. The tapestry on the walls had faded, almost torn down at the corners. There was no light at all here and the furniture were all upside down and scattered to the floor.
Like the movie, crosses were placed on the wall but upside down and among them rested a painting of a child, aiming to creep out all the visitors; and let’s just say it had completed its purpose.
“Okay, this is kinda creepy…” Jaebeom exclaimed, but more out of curiosity than fear. Instead, he kept pacing inside the room, looking around, inspecting every single detail in awe.
“Kinda?!” Your words incredulous, as your rubbed your arms. A fierce, piercing chill had come through you and you soon began trembling again.
Jaebeom smirked at the sound of your voice, ready to make a snarky remark, when he saw your expression. His smile immediately fell, as he saw you almost panicking and he rushed to get next to you.
“Hey, hey…” he said, his voice remarkably softer than before, as he gripped your shoulders gently. “This isn’t real, okay? It’s just this room and we’re done-”
A loud bang echoed throughout the house.
You yelped again, instinctively gripping Jaebeom’s clothes and hiding your face in his chest.
Although in any other occasion you would have immediately retreated and apologize, this time you couldn’t move, you couldn’t do anything. You just stood frozen, your face pressed into Jaebeom’s shirt, as you struggled to breathe properly.
Jaebeom almost shut down at the contact. There you were, scared out of your senses, your little frame clinging onto him for dear life. Your eyes were closed, face scrunched up in fear, as you slowly breathed against him. As if every exhale was getting rid of your paranoia little by little. He didn’t know how to act to calm you and this whole exchange between the two of you was a first for him. He was as lost as you were, hence the out-of-order beating of his heart.
After a few seconds though, you felt his hands slowly engulfing you in a protective embrace. His head rested on top of yours, as he carefully caressed your hair. You began feeling at ease, hearing the sound of his heartbeat.
You stood like that for a moment, before you heard Jaebeom whispering.
“Do you want to leave?” he said, quietly into your hair.
And when you nodded, it was all Jaebeom needed to get you out of there.
The night was strangely calm after you went out of the haunted house. The contrast between the suffocating and terrifying mansion and the open sky and cool night of the end of October made you hyper-aware of your surroundings. It made you conscious of the wind blowing between the leaves of the trees; the pale shadows of the clouds changing in the sky, covering and uncovering the moon; the occasional hoot of an owl.
It made you aware of him, next to you. The way he protected you back there, when you were scared of even your own steps. Oh, God. You had made a fool out of yourself in front of him. You were just trying to show him the magic of Halloween and he had to end up putting up with your panicked ass.
You were sure he loved Halloween now. Of course he did, because annoying hysteric people was what anyone would want for their perfect Halloween experience. Great.
“I think Morticia Addams really suits you, you know?” He said, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen between the two of you.
“Oh, really?” You tried to sound nonchalant, like nothing embarrassing had happened. “And why would that be? Maybe is it because of my cool demeanour in the face of adversity, perhaps?”
Jaebeom chuckled and you high five yourself mentally. At least your little breakdown had served a purpose: to make him laugh.
“No, not what I was thinking,” he told you, laughing. “But the way you clung to me… you know. I’ve always thought the way Gomez and Morticia clung to each other was sweet. They seem so in love. And you did the exact same thing.” He was starting to get a little nervous, and words came out of his mouth in a hurry. “Not that I think we look in love, or anything like that, just… You are sweet.”
The last sentence was almost a whisper, but you heard it either way.
The tips of his ears were a little red and he was looking at the ground a bit mortified. However, when he looked up again, you were looking at him with a smile and an equally flustered face, and that was enough for him. You stared at each other for what seemed like hours and you got lost in the darkness of his eyes, the crinkles that formed when he smiled. But when he finally averted his gaze, clearing his throat, you felt like you hadn’t had enough. That long, intimate look you had shared wasn’t long enough to satiate you.
“So,” he said, scratching the back of his neck, “are we going back home, now?”
“What? No!” You laughed, tension fading a bit. “All this talk about sweetness has reminded me that we still have to do the most important thing of Halloween.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Uh-umm,” you hummed and you took his hand, standing on your tiptoes to get near his ear to whisper. “We are going trick or treating.”
He let out a loud laugh while he shook his head no.
“We are too old for that, Y/N. No one is going to give us any candy.”
You looked up at him and you put your best pouting face, pulling on his hand.
“This is not up for debate, Jaebeom,” you said, trying to give your voice a command tone. “We are doing it whether you want to or not, but I’d rather you do it willingly.”
You were joking, of course. You were not going to force him to do anything he didn’t want to do, and he knew that.
“Forget about the sweetness,” he teased you, “you are a scary lady. I don’t want to be your sworn enemy, so I guess I have to do as you say.”
You giggled at his dorky way of flirting with you and without releasing his hand, you dragged him down the street with you. Still laughing when you set foot on the porch of the first house, you looked up to him.
“Ready?” You asked him.
Without waiting for an answer, you rang the bell and wait. You could hear noises behind the closed door and when it finally opened, there was a smiley middle-aged woman holding a plastic pumpkin full of candies.
“Trick or treat!” You chirped happily, and the woman’s smile faltered.
“Aren’t you a little bit old to be doing this?” She questioned the two of you. You shrugged shamelessly and behind you, Jaebeom was trying to apologise to the woman without letting the amusement reached his voice. She just took two of the cheapest candies in the plastic bag and handed them to you. “I hope I don’t see you two next year. This is for the kids.” And with that, she closed the door in your faces.
Jaebeom and you shared a look and then burst out laughing. He took one of the candies from your grip and shook it in front of your face.
“You are terrible, really. Shameless.”
That only made you laugh even more.
“C’mon. We still have more houses to visit,” you said to him, and grabbed his hand again to go running to the next house.
The second house you visited went by similar than the first one, with an adult judging you both hard. The third house was empty, unfortunately. When you reached your fourth house you were pretty sure Jaebeom could not smile widely even if he tried. You smiled too; he was having a great time. You were about to ring the bell when Jaebeom stopped you.
“Can I do it? I want to do it,” he asked you excitedly.
“It’s all yours,” you answered, doing a very dramatic gesture to the doorbell, inviting him.
He rang the bell and you waited patiently for the door to open, both of you trying to hold your giggles. When the door finally shut open, though, there were no smiley people standing there. An old woman was at the threshold, holding a bowl of candies, looking very pissed.
Jaebeom took a step back when the woman shook the bowl at your faces and a few chocolate bars went flying in your direction, scattering through the floor.
“You made me get up of the couch for this?!” The woman screamed at you. “You scoundrels, taking the kids caramels and bothering old people!!”
Jaebeom reached for your hand and you looked at him. He was shocked, her mouth hanging open. He looked at the old woman while she screamed at you. Suddenly his face changed, his eyes opening widely, and that was when you turned to see that the old woman had changed the bowl of candies for a broom and she was very determined to kick you both with it.
Oh, fuck.
You felt Jaebeom pulling at your hand, trying to get you away from the crazy lady who was now shaking the broom above her head while she screamed incoherencies.
“You have no shame. NO SHAME AT ALL.”
Ok, you needed to get out of there. Now. But first, the candies.
Jaebeom was still trying to take you away from the house, but you were resolved to get as many chocolate bars that were scattered through the porch as possible. You bended to take one of the bars when a broom landed dangerously close to your hand. You screamed, Jaebepm screamed, and the woman screamed too.
This was ridiculous.
You let go of Jaebeom’s hand and bended again to try and take the chocolate bars. This time eyeing the old woman, who at this point was on full persecuting mode on you. She let the broom fall again but you were ready this time, dodging while you managed to grab two more candies.
The absurdity of the situation hit you hard and you started laughing, still running away from the armed woman. Jaebeom was looking at you as if you had lost your mind.
“Y/N, we need to go!” He yelled at you.
You sprinted towards him, managing to grab one more bar before running down the stairs of the porch.
“Run!” You screamed, rushing past him still chuckling.
You heard him squeal in fear behind you and that only made you laugh even harder. You could hear his footsteps chasing you and the old woman still screaming in the distance. You hugged your precious candies to your chest and kept running towards your house, until you listened to Jaebeom’s voice calling your name again. You lowered your steps, allowing him to catch you.
“You are insane, woman!” He told you the minute he was at your side, but there was a note of delight in his voice so you could tell he was not really scolding you.
You kept walking down the street until you reached a kids playground and you smiled. There was still one thing left to do.
“Do you want to go home, Jaebeom?” You asked him.
“Not yet,” he replied. “Why? Do you have something else in mind?”
“Well…” you hugged the candies even closer and smiled, “we have all this candy, the night is still young and… you know, getting high on sugar is a Halloween tradition after all.”
“Oh, if it’s a Halloween tradition I can’t pass on it, can I?”
You shook your head no and giggled, heading to the park, Jaebeom following you. The playground was made of wood and it had that little toy house for kids at the top of a ladder attached to a slide and a pair of swings a little further.
You passed Jaebeom half of the chocolate bars so your hands would be a little freer and you could climb the ladder to get to the wood toy house. You gathered your dress in one hand and started climbing, feeling Jaebeom’s eyes on you. You smiled, knowing that in that position your ass was popping out nicely for him to see.
You let yourself fall onto the floor of the little house and he soon followed, looking at you with a naughty grin.
“You know? You’ve got a cute butt, too,” he told you, half embarrassed half unapologetic. You were not sure which one was the real Jaebeom but you didn’t care. You liked both versions of him, one shy, awkward and adorable. The other confident and serious. And both could make you blush like a high school girl.
You felt your face and neck heat up because of his compliments and you prayed that the white make-up you were wearing were enough to hide it. You lowered your face so your hair covered it, just in case.
“Thank you,” you whispered and you could hear him chuckle.
“Let’s eat, ok?”
“Yeah, sure,” you said.
You took one of the bars that was resting on your lap and ripped it open, biting the chocolate and letting an appreciating hum leave your lips. Jaebeom did the same.
“You know?” he told you. “This right here has been my favourite part of Halloween so far.” He turned his head to look at you and you mimic him. “Eating chocolate sitting beside a beautiful girl. I don’t think I could ask for more.”
You tried to fight it but a grin spread through your face and when he smiled back at you his eyes disappeared into two thin crescent moons. God, he was beautiful. How did you manage to end your night with him?
You stayed like that for a while, just eating your pickings and talking about everything and nothing. You learnt that he loved cats and singing and he learnt that you had a brother and wanted to be a director.
When all your candies were gone, you pinched his side to gain his attention.
“Follow me.”
You went down the slide and ran to the swings, the chains sounding loud in the silence of the night when you sat down. Jaebeom was behind you and he pushed you for a while before he too sat and started swinging. You were both laughing like kids, not caring about the neighbours, just encouraging each other to go higher. It had been awhile since you had this much fun. Since you enjoyed being with a man alone.
You slowed a little, swinging more calmly.
“You never told me why you don’t like Halloween, Jaebeom,” you blurted out.
He too slowed a bit and looked at you, like he was deciding whether to tell you or not. Finally, he spoke with a loud sigh.
“When I was a kid I went to this school Halloween party… but the problem was that I went dressed as Rudolph,” he confessed, eyeing you as if waiting for you to mock him. You just looked at him; not wanting to interrupt his story. “All the kids started laughing at me because Rudolph is a Christmas thing, not a Halloween thing and it wasn’t scary and… well, you know how cruel kids can be. I just loved Rudolph so much. And they made me cry because I didn’t understand what was wrong with my costume.”
You were both swinging softly, staring at each other.
“So instead of hating Rudolph you stick to it with all your heart?” You asked him gently. “I think that says a lot about you, Im Jaebeom. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it.”
“Yeah, well… I guess,” he answered with a little shrug, looking down.
You stopped your swing altogether and got up. When he heard you moving, he lifted his head and you stood in front of him with a shy smile on your face. You grabbed the chains of his swing to stop him and you bended down to kiss his nose.
Jaebeom stood still for a moment before he placed his warm hands on your hips and a pleasant shock of electricity went up your spine until it reached your ears. When you broke the kiss, his eyes were closed and the red colour of your lipstick had tainted his nose.
“Now you look more like Rudolph,” you whispered.
Your faces were so close you could count his eyelashes even in the dim light of the night. Your breaths tangling together. You noticed he had two moles just above his left eye. His eyes had finally opened and he was looking at you.
You feared for a moment that you’d made a really stupid mistake kissing him. He was looking at you as if you were the weirdest person in this world. Until his eyes softened and he stood up, placing his hands on your cheeks.
You knew he was going to kiss you, but his lips brushing against your lips caught you by surprise. Not because you weren’t expecting it, but because the way he kissed you was not how you imagined it.
His lips were soft, his hands were delicate as if he was afraid of breaking you. The kiss was tender, his lips moving ever so slightly. He was terrified of doing something you wouldn’t like and the feeling made you dizzy. Your knees went weak and you had to grab his shirt to gain balance again.
No one had ever kissed you the way Jaebeom was kissing you.
When he pulled apart your pulse was beating in your ears, your breath fast and shallow.
“Then I can be your Rudolph,” he told you, resting his forehead against yours. He was trying to gain his breath, too.
You were about to answer him when a zombie came out of the shadows, yelling.
You almost had a heart attack. You screamed at the top of your lungs and Jaebeom flinched, putting a protecting arm between you and your attacker.
“I’ve never seen Morticia Addams so terrified,” he said, and you identify BamBam’s voice. “That's how Halloween should be, not this cotton candy thing you're doing. Could you be more cheesy?”
You honestly wanted to kill him. For giving you the shock of your life and for ruining your moment with Jaebeom.
“What the hell are you doing here, BamBam?” Jaebeom asked him. He sounded really pissed off. His arm was still in front of you in a protective way.
“We,” BamBam told you pointing at a streetlight were you could see Jackson laughing his ass off, “were on our way home when we saw you two lovebirds.”
“This lovebird is going to break your legs if you don’t piss off, BamBam,” said Jaebeom in a menacing tone.
“C’mon, hyung, don’t be like that. It was funny.”
“It was really funny,” you heard Jackson yelling in the distance.
“Get lost!”
Jaebeom took a step closer to BamBam, but the younger boy was already running towards Jackson, both of them still laughing.
“I’m gonna kill him when I get home,” he muttered under his breath. He turned to look at you. “Are you ok?”
He seemed truly concerned and you nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
“I’m fine. He just scared me, the little shit.”
Jaebeom wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Where were we?” He asked you, rubbing his nose against yours. You threw your hands around his neck to bring him closer, too. He smiled down at you and kissed you again.
This was definitely the best Halloween ever.
Aaaaand that’s it. If you’ve come this far the only thing I have to say is thank you so much for reading. Comments are very much appreciated. Remeber that this was also written by @maliby and @def-initely-soul so go leave some love in their blogs too because they are great and super sweet. If you don’t follow them I recommend you do it because they are super funny.
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