#i procrastinate on my 3 assignments for this </3
davidmaxxing · 11 days
maxvidweek Day 1 - Dates/Romance (please ignore miss spelling in the pic💀)
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David decided to take Max to an aquarium for a quality family time <3 Max thinks otherwise tho
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waxsuyaaa · 3 months
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hey pookies I give you my headcanon version of dedf1sh
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buglaur · 5 months
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my farmers profile 🥳
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crystallizsch · 4 months
Tsum Prefect....pls🥺👉👈
ANON. PLS. how dare u,,,, MORE TSUM BRAINROT????????
jk jk here she be :3
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anyways i assume you’re talking about yuusha bc of my most recent tsum post hngdhsfjdhk and i just went beyond the ask bc this was on my mind even before 😭
anyways im including these four too bc ive been neglecting yuuna
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these tsums just give me so much life omg
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lillazyboithings · 6 months
...2...electric boogaloo
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Finally digitalized him, idc if I already posted the traditional version lol, we ball
I might draw the others in this style lol, maybe soon
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mangozic · 5 months
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in character design homework hell, save me
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doubleedgemode · 5 months
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I was listening to Slipping Through My Fingers and felt inspired to draw stuff about A.B.A and her creator... See, the "creator Paracelsus listened to A.B.A's namesake group while creating her and left their music in Frasco" is a joke headcanon of mine but of COURSE I could make it angsty, why not.
Yeah, we don't have a design or much data about A.B.A's creator but I wanted to give it a try. Honestly, I am not set in a design or story of my own, (not even the gender... Did we get confirmation the creator's a guy? Felt like going with one for this) but I went with slightly basing his appearance off the real life Paracelsus, especially off the portrait by Augustin Hirschvogel, though my take on the creator is not supposed to be the gg equiv of the real alchemist. (Note to self, I gotta practice how to draw double chins in side profiles).
I don't fully know what's his deal nor what are A.B.A's full opinion about him, nor does she, either... I imagine that due to her upbringing, it's complicated, and so would be a reunion. But, for sure, there would be plenty of feelings in her end. :')
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tomatoswup · 1 year
phone calls
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summary: two old rotary phones begin the connection between two souls. One from the past and another from the future.
warnings: angst, literally angst, sad vash :(, hurt/comfort but its not the comfort you think it is. kinda more like an acceptance comfort
pairing:vash x reader
-inspired by the movie "The Lake House"
A/N: am i a fiend for writing angst? yes. do I like reading it? NOPE. wanted to get this out before I hustled on school work hehe. But fun fact this was originally longer but I rewrote and condensed it b/c I thought it was too long for just a one shot lost media typa beat. honestly i don't think i wrote this right but fuck it we ball. I recommend reading this with the saddest song you have bookmarked. Enjoy!~
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"Hmmm...Well you got some personality to you.” You mumbled, staring at the old red vintage rotary phone sitting in front of you. How did you come to achieve this old relic of time? Well in short terms, you liked to think about it like an equation.
Old attic + mischievous white cat = you adventuring to go find said cat and to your dismay, said cat scares the living ever hell out of you making you lose balance and fall backwards into endless towers of boxes.
Fun times right?
Those bruises weren't gonna be….
But that was the least of your problems at the moment. As expected, the rotary phone suddenly started to ring, shaking and clicking in itself, making you sigh in disappointment. Grabbing the phone, you yanked it up to your ear “Hey, yeah I don’t think this is gonna work.” You deadpanned “Now we know that we're always gonna be connected, what is this? The 5th time?"
"Damn and I thought you hanging up would’ve solved the problem. I don't think we could connect with anyone else though! I asked the farmer about it and he had no idea!" Chirped the male on the other side of the line.
Of course! It sounded like a normal conversation between two individuals but even Einstein himself would've been baffled at these circumstances. Imagine this, you find an old phone and you had been playfully talking into it until a voice actually responds without it being connected. Strange right? And no, you were sure you hadn't been seeing any strange figures on the sides of your vision.
Now here you were, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on alongside the man who had introduced himself as Vash The Stampede.
"21st century my ass, Google isn't doing shit!"
"Wait hold on now, did you just say 21st?"
"Yeah? Something wrong?"
"Uh well.. It's just that its actually the 32nd century."
You blink a few times "No, it's not. My calender literally says it's the 21st century. It's general knowledge."
"No I'm pretty sure its the 32nd century!" Vash snapped back.
Silence filled the air on both sides.
And thats how the unknown man from the future and you hit it off.
After this discovery, the two of you talked on the phone for a while, sharing things about each of your own time periods. And you slowly found yourself enjoying the conversations you would have with Vash who you soon found out, was pretty goofy in his own way, but kind. And unknowingly, Vash felt the same way.
What was an accidental and odd situation turned into practically an everyday thing for the both of you now.
After work, you always looked forwards to that red phone on your nightstand until one day, you decided to decorate it with cute little stickers because why not?
After all, it was fasinating to hear things about the future. Sometimes you'd laugh at the way Vash described it, like something out of an old wild west movie.
"It's all just desert! Really!" He groaned out as you chuckled, holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you put books and CD's away on your bookshelf "At least you can make some cool sandcastles or something!"
"With what water?"
"Your tears." Snorting, you listen on as he whined through the receiver. "Hey but just imagine me helping you build them! Makes it hurt less."
Vash let out a exaggerating sigh "But seriously, it's not always sunny were you live?" He asked curiously.
"Nope!" You smiled, slipping one of your favorite books into place "It changes every so often really. Depending on the season." You hummed out, looking out the window to your right to see the drenching rain down with its spring showers.
"Sometimes it rains and sometimes it gets super cold. Other days it just gets too hot and if we're lucky, we get days with perfect temperatures. Its never the same but I guess that's the beauty to it here. Every day is a new sight no one could really get tired of. "
Or a new headache.
Vash stayed quiet on the line, and you imagined how he looked like deep in thought. Eyebrows furrowed, his supposed pointy blonde hair messily spread out across his pillow, and eyes as blue as the sky looking up at the ceiling in concentration.
…Okayyy that’s enough out of you.
He didn't say the eye part himself but you liked to ponder on the idea.
"That sounds beautiful.."
And to that, you smiled. "Yeah, it kinda is."
But something in your head made you stop and look down at the book you had in hand, unsure if you wanted to say anything.
"Hey Vash.."
"I'm sorry that I'm the only person you could really reach with this thing. I know you really wanted to talk to your friends.."
"Why are you apologizing? It's not everyday I talk to someone from the past! From even before No Mans Land!”
You sigh and slip the final book away to which Vash adds in one more sentence. "And even if you weren't, I like talking to you."
You scoff in good humor "You're lying blonde."
"NO I"M NOT!" Vash gasps out dramatically "Oh how you hurt me so!"
"Hardy har har." You chuckled, shoving a box of things you wanted stored away in the corner of your room. "At least I know I'm speaking to someone as beautiful as the nightsky!" He huffed out trying to sound manlier.
“Yeah? Now how could you tell that?"
"Because I know a pretty and kind soul when I hear it."
E-Excuse me?
Your face flushes red "Alright cowboy are you trying to soften me up?"
"Pftttttt nooooooo~"
Your conversations never ceased to end, and when talking to Vash about practically everything, it felt...comforting. To know there was someone to listen to your struggles, and listen to his own. It felt so intimate.
Sharing about your life on Earth, the things you do and him speaking about his own life and travels around his home planet.
One day, Vash and you had been talking for the night and he mentioned something that gave you a sense of familiarity.
A large project that's been reported on the news for more than a few months now so of course you caught onto that. You've watched their segment on TV before. Something about bringing life to other planets?
You knew the Earth was dying, scientists had announced that someday in the nearing future, the very sun that shone down on you, would destroy you. But did that really matter to you anymore?
The project had been accepting registrations for boarding their new ship incase it happened. Your sister got to register in time but you had been too late. All the slots were filled.
That was a very odd day to say the least.
But that didn't stop you from speaking to Vash.
"Vash, do you ever think you'll see me in the future?" You pondered one night as you were cuddled up in your blankets, the cold being unbearable this winter season.
"Well, I hope so. Sometimes it gets tiring speaking into a thing of metal and plastic hehe.." You could practically hear him playfully grin through the receiver.
You gripped the handle of the phone tight as tears threatened to leave the corner of your eyes.
"I hope I get to see you one day Vash.."
He went quiet for a moment.
"I do too.."
That night, you slept with the phone held to your chest as the fluttering feeling in your stomach never ceased. And you didn't want it to.
Vash had made it a routine to call you every night at exactly midnight to check in on how you were since he couldn't really do it in person either way. And every time he called, it felt as if he heard your voice for the first time all over again. The warmth in his chest made him smile when you answered the phone with the nervous pitch in your voice.
He found it theraputic to listen as you talked about your day, the normalicy and peace No Man's Land and that his own life had lacked.
Hanging out with friends, reading in libraries, and more.
How he loved it.. Hearing you speak so fondly, so excited, it felt refreshing to Vash.
You were full of life
And Vash wouldn’t trade it for anything.
With every time you spoke his name, he felt like melting into a puddle. He just wanted to hear you repeat his name over and over again, and no, he'll never get tired of it. He could spend an eternity laying in the dusty bed of the farmer’s home just listening to your voice. Listening to your worries, your hopes, and the momentary jokes you would tell him.
But as the days passed, after one full year and a half of the two of you speaking over the old rotary phone, you answered the phone one night with a change clear to Vash. You sounded so weak, so sickly and out of breath.
"Are you alright?" He asked, hearing loud shuffling and things falling on the other line.
"I-I'm fine!" You coughed out as Vash peeked out the old wooden window in the room he was staying in, spotting Wolfwood and the broadcasting girls waiting for him to join them.
"Are you sure?" He breathed out in honest concern, feeling his fingers fiddling with the hem of his sleeve.
"I'm fine Vash, seriously." Your voice weakly echoed through the receiver "Just a little sick, that's all.."
"Please make sure to get some rest okay? I'll ring you when I come back."
"I promise lov-" Vash caught himself, quickly shutting his mouth.
"Hm?" You hummed out in question.
"Sorry a fly got caught in my throat! Hahaha!" He played off before sighing.
"Take care of yourself, for me okay?"
"I will, I will.." Before Vash put the phone back onto the base, you said one more thing.
"Love you." And with that, the familiar ding of the phone receiver on the other line rang through Vash's ear, signifiying the end of the call.
And Vash was left in utter silence and awe. Love. Love you said. Him?
A fond expression instinctively grew on his face, yet the churning feeling in his stomach wasn't one of butterflies, but one of dread. He couldn't help but leave with the gut feeling that something was wrong.
When Vash returned back to his room and picked up the phone at the same time the two of you would call each other at every day, there was no reponse.
He called your name and no sound came out of the other end. So he put the phone back down onto the base and lifted it back up again to his ear as the same dread slowly seeped into his chest. The room was starting to feel a bit more heavier than usual.
"Hello?" He breathed out nervously as he felt his forehead start to sweat.
"Come on.." He muttered to himself worriedly. Maybe you weren't home in time and had gone to the doctor. Yeah, maybe that's the reason. So Vash left the phone alone for the night for the first time but the prodding feeling in his chest didn't leave.
He tried the next night.
No response.
Maybe you had stayed over your parents' for the day.
He kept the phone by him whilst he napped, waiting for the ring of the phone to wake him up like an alarm, but that didn't come.
He tried the next night, the next night, and continued for the next 3 months until finally.
One night, Vash just stared at the old red phone that hadn’t rung since that day, anticipating at least one final call, one last goodbye from you. Sitting on the bed side, he kept his eyes on the phone until finally Vash couldn’t hold it anymore and cried. Clear waters falling down his cheeks as he tightly held the phone to his chest in desperation.
Did you forget about him?
Did you find the love of your life and decided not to bother with him anymore?
'Come back.'
'Dont leave me please.'
'I love you."
'Please speak to me.'
The string of desparate thoughts ran through his mind as the burning sensation grew in his chest. He can't breathe. He gasped for air as his quiet wails filled the night.
Don't go.
The morning after Vash permanently left the farmer's residence. Of course, he took the phone along too, incase you ever decided to ring back but to Vash's dismay, it never did.
And Vash thought back to you, from time to time, stil wondering if you remembered about the red phone that sat in your room and the idiot blonde on the other side of it.
2 years had passed since that night, and both Vash and the gang found themselves in the city of Augusta for their annual merchant gathering, an event in which all the merchants from around the planet come and trade their valuables or tools in a big, single event.
Crowds of people flooded the streets as the stands were all surrounded to the brim. Vash had been walking beside Wolfwood, who was talking about some bounty hunters causing trouble around when something red caught his eye from an stand that they had walked past, causing Vash to stop in his tracks. Eyes widening in realization, he rushed over to the stall, leaving Wolfwood in the dust.
"H-Hey where are you going!?!" Wolfwood called out but Vash ignored him. His leather clothed hands slammed down on the stall table, the young man who managed the stall yelping in surprise.
"H-HOW CAN I HELP YOU?!" The man nervously shouted out as Vash reached over and picked up a very familiar red rotary phone "Where did you get this!?" He exclaimed in urgency. "How'd you get this!?"
"I-I-" The young man quickly cleared his throat and regained his composure at the sudden burst from the tall blonde-spiked haired man.
"It's a very old device! Back during the old days according to my great-grandmother!"
Vash looked down at the red phone, very dusty but he was able to make out the sticker decorations and doodles that were scattered around on it. Inspecting it more, he turned it around to the back and saw something melancholic.
"12:00 PM Midnight" was written on the back of the base with black marker. The time the two of you would call each other every night those years ago.
"Sorry, is.. is there anyone I could talk to about this?" Vash apologized, giving the young man a somber smile as he held the phone to himself, as if someone were going to rip it away from his grasp.
The man observed Vash for a moment, before nodding and giving Vash directions to his great-grandmother's home, right outside the border of Augusta.
"There you are!" Wolfwoods' voice rang out angrily behind him "The hell did you see now?!"
Vash turned to Wolfwood and simply gave him a smile "We're gonna be paying a visit."
It didn't take long to reach the old worn down home and greet the owner of the property, a small old lady to which surprised Wolfwood that she hadn't kicked the bucket yet.
Vash, of course, elbowed him in the rib for that one.
Seeing the phone in Vash's arms, the lady let out a small smile "My, I haven't seen that phone since I was a child..." She quickly showed Vash and Wolfwood inside, explaining how the phone came to be here.
"According to my grandfather, our lineage began with two sibilngs who were born and raised on Earth. When Earth neared its end, the daughter of the family was able to escape whilst the other sibling unknowingly stayed behind on Earth."
The old lady snapped her fingers to Wolfwood and waved him over "Be a dear for me and put this on the table."
Watching Wolfwood put a very old and deteriorating box on the table, the lady continued.
"Well, the sibling died before the daughter left Earth, so in attempt to preserve her family's memories, the daughter took some of her siblings' things, something to remember them by."
The old lady points to the phone in Vash's arm "That was one of them. And here-" The lady patted on side of the box "-are the things she was able to take with her. Check them out yourself." She softly motioned Vash to come closer with her frail, wrinkled hand.
Hesitating for just a second, he took slow and steady steps towards the box, biting the inside of his cheek in attempt to not just cry.
Damn, he sure felt like a cry baby these days.
Putting the phone down besides the box, Vash reached into the box and pulled out various things. Old shirts, CDs, a wallet, wired headphones, books, and something he never thought he'd ever see in fine print that made his breath hitch.
A colored photo I.D and on the side of it, your full name printed in black.
It was you.
These were your things, these shirts you've worn, the CDs you've listened to, the wallet you used in your day-to-day life, but he kept his eyes on the I.D.
Vash stared at your photo, the features you've described to him once were in his hands, proof of your existence.
He couldn't hold it anymore, how could he? Silent tears ran down his face as the small giggles he let out, turned into full on laughter.
He laughed and laughed whilst holding the I.D close to his heart.
You didn't purposely leave him.
You hadn’t meant to.
The same gracious laughter morphed into sobs as he grabbed everything he had taken out of the box, and enveloped them tightly into his arms.
This was the first time he was able to physically feel you, even if you weren't there yourself. He wished the smell of the favorite perfume you had gotten one day had still lingered onto your shirts, he wished he could've shared and listened to your favorite music alongside you. And he wished you were beside him, looking through all these things with him. He wanted to hear you reminsce your past and your present again.
Oh he wished.
Vash spent hours at the old ladies' home, looking and observing every single one of your belongings. There were some he remembered you talking to him about, and others he didn't recognize.
But it was time for him to leave and Vash knew it.
Looking up at the sky outside, he softly smiled, caressing the small compartment he had your I.D pocketed in.
"C'mon needle-noggin. Time to get your ass moving!" Wolfwood shouted ahead of him.
Letting out a large exhale, Vash muttered out a few words before running to catch up with the priest "Wait up!"
Behind him, two objects were left behind in the sand, placed neatly besides a metal nameplate.
The two red cherry rotary phones glistened in the sun, one filled with stickers and the other covered in dirt and scuff marks as your name plate, that had been cleaned of any dirt or scratches, continued to sit in peace as the windy breeze passed on by.
"I'll live on. For the both of us."
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HII idk if u write for gun ( lookism ) but would it be alright if I request a gun x reader fluff? That’s all! Ty:))
beauty in you (gun park x reader)
details: fluffy drabble, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun are coworkers dating
summary: a silly conversation with kouji makes gun realize you've become a very dear part of his life.
a/n: i do <3!! he's one of my faves to write; thanks for requesting!!
inspired by the last prompt on this post 💖
Kouji pointed to the headband Gun was currently wearing, the fluffy cat ears on them being a large contrast to his serious demeanor. "If I asked you to wear that, you would've asked me what color I'd want my coffin to be."
"Hm. Really?" Gun smirked out of amusement when the purple haired highschooler gave his arm a light slap.
"Seriously, I've never seen you make so many exceptions for someone before." Kouji huffed and pointed with a thumb at you, which you didn't notice because you were too busy singing with Crystal. "They've really got you wrapped around their finger."
"Please," scoffed Gun, "Is it so strange I enjoy the company of someone? And it's not as if I don't do these things with Goo, either. Just the other day we were at a karaoke like this one."
"Yeah, but you kinda grumble when you agree! With them you just agree right away."
"Your point?"
Kouji let out a deep sigh. "You know what it is? I think they made you soft, at least towards them."
Soft...? Soft?
Never in a million years would Gun ever describe himself with such a word, nor would he imagine someone else would use it in reference to him. Yet at this moment, he could sort of understand why Kouji would say what he did.
He shook his head anyway, turning his attention back to you, adoring your bright smile that even his sunglasses couldn't protect his eyes from as he said, "They made me appreicate something I've yet to experience, that's all. I see no problem with it."
When Kouji made a gagging sound, Gun turned his head back to see him grimacing. "Am I hallucinating? Gun wearing cat ears and saying the most disgustingly cheesy ass thing I've ever heard?"
Gun just chuckled. "Is now a good time to ask what color you would like your coffin?"
[below is extra characterization stuff i started with but then realized i was just rambling instead of writing a story but i liked it enough to keep it]
When others say that beauty was found in people, Gun could agree, but perhaps not in a way one would usually think. For him, it wasn't the kindness or smiles humanity shared that he found beautiful, but physical talent instead--people so skilled, they were on the tip of almost being non-human.
The most flexible gymnast, the fastest swimmer... and most of all, the strongest human; particularly when it came to fighting. Yes, to Gun, there was just something beautiful about the way one could perfectly move themselves to inflict maximum damage, through technique and knowing the right weak spots. Not to mention, knowing there was hard work put behind to maintain such strength and knowledge made it even more beautiful to him.
Of course, there was also talent in itself that fascinated Gun. Anyone could achieve enough through hard work, but not everyone was born with natural talent.
So... why did he find beauty the "normal" way in you? As far as he knew, you couldn't fight, and all you've done was just be yourself. Your personality achieved some sort of dynamic with him where for once he enjoyed the company of someone in a peaceful way. In fact, he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with someone like you. It was a strange feeling, but he was sure of it. Emotions weren't too complicated for someone as straightforward as him, after all.
Nonetheless, perhaps he could argue that your talent was making him smile, and for that, he could appreciate the beauty in you; your talent.
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lin-lizzie · 11 months
Do you have any headcanons about the Infinight Interns (Now Infinights)?
I feel like there's a lot of potential with what they do in their free-time, wether it be camping or at the Infinight Quarters
bringing this from the spectril post but i totally see Gum Gum and Spectril getting along and seeing each other as siblings!!! They'd bond over flowers... and Gum Gum's interesting stories
Bart gets mixed feelings from this
Kyborg doesn't remember a lot of Evirwinter's traditions because he was so young when Quadron absolutely destroyed it
Mudd accidentally jammed the coffee machine (if one even exists, or at least something similar) with dirt.
no matter how hard Kyborg tries to teach gumgum, he cannot use a bow. mainly because he keeps accidentally snapping the string.
either kyborg and bart, kyborg and mudd, mudd and bart, or all three are gossiping together about things
"doesn't spectril and slique seem kinda..."
"kinda what?"
"ya know?"
"oh definitely."
kyborg constantly working out in their freetime together......
i like to imagine one day kyborg is doing pushups and he just asks bart to sit on him while doing so to show how strong he is and gumgum shows up and just. crushes kyborg. yeah im ending this there.
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zombie-bait · 10 months
Had one of those moments where you get really obsessed with a piece of media AND an artist/album simultaneously even though they're completely unrelated so now AJR's new album and Loki season 2 are just inexorably linked in my silly little brain and I'm not sure what to do about that
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okaioh · 11 months
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everyone in vegas messaging phil and kristin saying how they miss them oughhh
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summerfevers · 6 months
if you’re up to it i would very much like to know your white collar neal timeline🎤🎤
this turned out to have many asides and be very long so the tl;dr is: peter have you considered that he's just a twenty-something teenage girl :( ?
neal born 1984 ish. he's an aries and a millennial
neal, ellen, and neal's mom go into witsec 1987, neal age 3
2003 adler scandal i fucking guess. neal age 19
neal arrested probably mid 2005, 21
neal goes to jail for the first time, i want to say early 2006, age almost 22
pilot is set late summer 2009, age 25
same-sex marriage legalized in new york june 24th 2011, they talk about this in season 3 episode 14 which is soon after. neal's 27
more or less a year later–let's go with less–neal tells sam that he has spent the last decade running from the truth he learned at 18. taking him literally that it was 10 years ago he is now 28 it is the end of season 4 and 2012
the end of season 4 to the series finale is less than a year. he is 29 its 2013.
when we see him in paris he might be 30 but that doesn't count To Me
i present my evidence:
i don't know where we got "neal is 35" from i cant make it work. neal and co. went into witsec (which i have actually since learned is not available to people living in dc, they have their own version but it is not overseen by the federal marshalls, i don't think they can give you as many legal documents like a ssn, and they don't help you set up your new life as much? something about neal's life that would be interesting to explore.) when he was three and ellen says in season 4 that she's been in witsec for Nearly three decades. confirmed 33 or under in season 4
he also says to "sam" more than once that he's spent the last decade running from the truth he learned at 18–he very well could be rounding down here and mean like 12-13 years but i am Choosing to Believe he meant that literally. we are now at youngest 28, it is the last episode of season 4.
now due to the way the show is structured and the fact that it is never really winter. ok maybe winter 1 time because i can see in my mind neal in his little wool coat and earmuffs but largely it is summer and we never have a christmas episode. anyway due to All That our only real anchor in the timeline is that the episode where diana is Grappling with her engagement to Christie happens immediately following june 24th 2011, when same-sex marriage was legalized in new york. and also that later that season in the commutation hearing they say that neal has served 2 years of his sentence. so the pilot was set in 2009 when it aired we are at one year/season. but as the series goes on the episodes and even seasons have increasingly shorter gaps between them, and by season 6 we haven't even finished our four years. by the end of season 4 i want to say we are three years into his sentence and he's 28. between the end of season 4 and when neal dies in season 6 there has got to be less than a year that passes. actually deadass why was neal so obsessed with the pink panther case ending his sentence early we are like months out king. i get the injustice the system is broken they'd keep him forever but to people outside his circle he must have looked sooo silly for that. but whatever. he is 29 when he dies and 30 when we see him again in paris, his roaring 20s of crime and incarceration over.
Anyway where the "neal is 35 or at least claims to be much older than this timeline would say he is" probably came from in-universe is that the adler scandal takes place SEVEN years before s2 when peter confronts neal about it. 2003?????? guys the thing we have to understand, to embrace, about neal's personal timeline is that i do not think anyone in that writers room was really grasping how much they had neal do in so short a time. 2003 he is like 19 guys. maybe by the time peter says it was 7 years ago it was 2011 ? and the adler thing was 2004? but no that couldn't work because it's mid 2011 like a year later in s3. so basically neal walks out of st louis and has a magical girl transformation through which he immediately becomes a great conman and criminal. and he meets mozzie basically straight away. he should still be in like calculus and ap lit at this juncture. and then they go right into the adler con ??? and neal is obviously lying through his teeth to everyone saying he is at least 21 but probably more along the lines of 23. and while most of his aliases are eventually found out by peter if no one else, no one ever goes "wait IS HE a teenager?" no one is guessing this.
so we spend a couple months fucking around and fucking UP with adler, kate probably doesn't know how old we actually are, this relationship cannot actually last very long at all because we are truly on a time crunch right now. we have less than three years for neals entire criminal career before he goes to jail. i know i said on the bullet list he went to jail early 2006 he has got to have been arrested like summer 2005 at the latest to be tried and sentenced by then and i feel like even that might be tight because he was suspected of so many other things they wanted to get evidence for. but how is neal teaching kate to be a criminal less than a year into his own career. i think neal must have been a hardcore improv kid for this to work honestly. i bet he competed. so our golden days of mozzie neal and kate against the world lasts maybe a year at best before neal and kate fight and she leaves and he spends months trying to get her back and get her attention and commits a truly breathtaking amount of crimes in this time.
also i'm skipping through forging bonds right now trying to flesh out this timeline and it was incredibly shady of peter and co to see that kate is doing so much to stay hidden from her ex boyfriend and then to reveal her to neal in order to catch him. like that was fucked up they didn't know neal yet he hadn't been suspected of violent crimes but they didn't know why kate was working so hard to escape him. like it worked out ok (arguably, but that could be a different post) but they had no reason to trust neal not to hurt her like this. she could have been running from an abusive situation he's known to be a talented criminal with no fears about escalating his crimes he could have killed her. one thing about the fbi is that they never once care about kate's safety and it does indeed get her killed one day.
in conclusion neal is known as one of the best forgers in the world when he is arrested in 2005 at age 21 maybe 2 years into his criminal career. here i am 21 what have i accomplished
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smolcrow465 · 4 months
drowning myself in this rn
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rose-lalondde · 8 months
pro tip: if you think you have adhd then don't start a master's program before you even get a diagnosis (also you need a stronger prescription, you have astigmatism, and reading glasses aren't gonna cut it)
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10hourshift · 3 days
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Look away I'm oc posting over here
(for those who don't know these are bon's parents in my au: Isa and Paul)
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