#i process meds fast so i need this specific med its the only one that really keeps me asleep
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got my sleeping meds finally after like a month of not sleeping well im so happy
#insurance stuff so i had to get approved for payment assistance so it wouldnt be like $500 which is ridiculous#i process meds fast so i need this specific med its the only one that really keeps me asleep#i slept like the dead last night !
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"that ability to just modify your perspective and step into the context someone else is wrestling with and listen, that's such an upsettingly rare skill for knowledge workers and healthcare workers... if you ask people why they're struggling, you can fix it and build a better process!"
You might be interested to know that when I was in pharmacy school, those patient interviewing skills mentioned by you and clockworkcrow in that reblog chain about provider burnout were taught to us as a set of techniques known as "motivational interviewing." It's not really in the scope of the personal vs systemic interventions that that reblog chain is about, but one of the revelational takeaways that I got from learning them was the idea that the healthcare provider cannot assume that their goals for care line up with the patient's; sometimes, the patient really doesn't care about the treatment or its outcomes because they have different goals of care in mind, and eliciting those goals during interviewing (because a lot of the time people are not at all articulate about what they want out of life) is a kind of ongoing step one.
I'm also curious if you or the MDs in this discussion have ever encountered ambulatory care pharmacists practicing the approaches that clockworkcrow talks about? I ask because listening to patients, identifying patient-specific blocks to care, and addressing them was something we were taught to do in pharmacy school (because our program pushed us toward ambulatory care). But since I didn't go into ambcare after graduating, I'm unsure both how much of an impact it has/how widespread such practices actually are, and whether ambcare practitioners actually, on the whole, put their money where the educators' mouths are. Can ambcare clinics actually make a systemic difference?
Oh! I had no idea they taught y'all those skills, but then I don't actually think I've ever had a conversation with a pharmacist about meds beyond a perfunctory question about whether I know what side effects there are. In general I am not used to pharmacists, doctors, or other medical professionals like psychiatrists taking a lot of time to really listen to me. Some of that is probably that all my main health complaints are things that feel normal to me and some is probably that I am a chronic minimizer--like I said in that discussion, it's a coping method.
I have never heard the term "ambulatory care" -- oh, it's outpatient care. Yeah, okay, let's use a specific physical issue: I can't run for more than about two to three without finding myself unable to breathe. This has been a thing for essentially my entire life, and in middle school we did running with heart monitors, so even apart from the physical experience of not being able to breathe and having to stop and take great heaving breaths of air, I was aware that objectively my heart rate was going up very fast no matter how hard I tried.
(We are talking "run until you start getting black spots in your vision, then walk until you can just barely breathe again, and then run, rinse and repeat. Literally the only kid slower than me was excused entirely from running because one leg was an inch shorter than the other.) No one around me seemed to think there was anything unusual about this or that I was anything besides just physically lazy, so I kind of wrote it off until my mid twenties. I mean, I'd been visibly struggling with extended physical exercise my whole life, and no one had called it remarkable yet, but friends were telling me it wasn't normal to experience those kinds of breathing issues, so...
I presented myself with this complaint to a nurse practitioner who basically told me I was just fat and needed to exercise more. I pushed past this and was grudgingly scheduled for an ecg (normal) and a peak flow test (astoundingly poor). There was no explanation presented for the peak flow except that I was out of shape and needed (guess what?) more exercise. Tried a pulmonologist, who confirmed it was not exercise induced asthma (which I had been sort of hoping, because there are fixes for that) and told me I was basically fine.
I more or less gave up until a dentist idly mentioned that my airway was very, very small and told me that micrognathia was something I should look into: my airways might be occluded. So I went to an ENT, who also immediately tried to tell me I was basically fine but did grudgingly agree to scope my airways... and discovered major blockages from my tongue (insufficient room in my jaw, so it gets shoved backwards over the airway), my nasal turbinates (swollen almost completely shut), and I forget what else. It was incredibly exciting to have a reason.
Okay, I say, what do I do with this? Exercise more? But I want to do that, I just can't breathe. I was aware that there is a surgery to artificially extend the jaw; it involves breaking the jaw and encouraging it to heal while maintaining space between the halves. So I brought this up. He was very dubious about this. I asked for a referral anyway and was referred to a plastic surgeon. The surgeon was perplexed by what I wanted to talk about and had clearly expected me to have come in for a cosmetic procedure like a nose job. Eventually I got too exhausted to follow up further; I've been meaning to resume this thing for like six years now.
Generally, my experience of doctors is that they have been trained to be suspicious of patient accounts that don't fit a very specific narrative, and that they are impatient to get on to the next thing unless you are very proactive about your own care. If you don't have a condition in mind that you can point them at without making them decide you're med seeking, they are quick to tell you that you are just making things up in your head. There are a few exceptions but I cannot underscore enough how rare I have found them to be.
And they will all tell you to exercise and lose weight as a first line of response. Not that I'm bitter.
Now, actually working in healthcare, @scientia-rex or @clockworkcrow might have more relevant commentaries than I do. But my experience in this field has not been, to put it mildly, great. Let's not even talk about my history of psychiatric care.
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here is a little chronicle of my sickness journey btw. bc i feel like i need to write this down because its been hilariously awful lol
warning 4 gross stuff, oversharing, and me bitching, unsurprisingly
back in early august i got sick with what i thought was a cold. basic symptoms, fever, achiness, runny nose, etc. things are relatively normal at first, i've gotten sick dozens of times because i'm particularly prone to sinus and ear infections so i brushed it off
And Then The Hives Began.
all over my limbs and very rarely on my torso and neck. even had one on my face. at one point my throat got very itchy and i had a panic attack thinking i would get anaphylaxis for the first time in my life. thankfully i took a shitton of claritin + pepcid + benedryl and it kicked in fast enough that i was okay
i go to the local urgent care. the doctor is amazing and gives a shit and prescribes me some steroids + recommends i keep taking what i've been taking. tells me to follow up with my primary doctor and to come back if things get worse.
Things Continue To Get Worse.
i go to my primary doctor. she is not very helpful. i've been thinking of switching providers anyway because i'm moving and this has kind of solidified this decision because i'm told "well that's weird! just uhh. keep taking your antihistamines and don't go out in public. good luck :)" the only thing is its been a hot minute since i switched providers and i dont really remember what the process is like and i will inevitably get social anxiety about it.
this continues for a while. i'm managing, i feel like shit. but i am managing. now here comes the really gross part. this morning (9/15/23) i am chilling on my computer. i go to scratch my stomach, only to find... there is crust. around my belly button. why is my belly button so crusty? what? it turns out there is discharge of some sort coming from there. why? who knows! it's not too painful but between the fact my fever is now higher than it's ever been (although still a low grade one) and i have this unexplained discharge it throws me into one of the worst panic attacks i've had in a while. all the worst case scenarios (sepsis, my second greatest phobia besides anaphylaxis) are running through my head but i remind myself every time i've thought shit was mega fucked it turned out okay. mira also helps comfort me and im able to collect myself and go to the urgent care (again). also on top of this i have like 3 cold sores and my period going at the same time so i am extra suffering!!!!!!!!!!
the doctor there is again really understanding and wonderful. i love this woman. she tests me for flu, covid, strep, and mono. she says she tests for mono specifically because a lot of other doctors miss it and make patients suffer for no reason. all tests come back negative thankfully (or maybe unthankfully... because we still dont know what the fuck i got). she puts me on like 5 new different meds (antiviral, antibiotic, steroid, nausea meds, and an antifungal to help if i get a yeast infection while on the antibiotic). at this point i am genuinely wishing i could make this lady my primary doctor but alas, 'tis not to be.
i am now given 1 shot each of antibiotic and steroid. one in each butt cheek. my ass hurts so badly. sitting is vaguely uncomfortable.
i am given some gauze and also told to buy dial soap for the belly button infection. i go home and lay on the couch. and thus this is where we are now
also my electric company charged me like $200 for electricity which we do not have atm so thats a cool cherry on top
anyway moral of the story is that my immune system is garbage and i wish it attacked the virus instead of me <3
#text#blegh i wish i was over this already#this has been the most disruptive sickness ive ever had thats for sure
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I am an older female INFP and I first took the test as a teen and have consistently gotten the same results, regardless of website or version of test. And I was always kinda secretly proud to be one because my mom was struggling with my teen sister's bipolar/hormone powered rage and my dad, I think, was one of us too. He was a reserved, weird, sweet, unfocused mess who avoided conflict unless drafted (little war humor, get it from my dad). So I became my mom's confidant which made me feel helpful and special at the time but i now know probably wasnt "healthy".
Fast forward to now and I've earned a number of invisible "survivor of *insert trauma*" medals for myself. And just recently earned myself a small one for "surviving break up with first boyfriend after divorce" Its doesnt have a catchy title and I dont know how I they fit all the words on such a small surface but I'm proud of my small accomplishment. 13 years married, 6 years single, 2.5 years with him...alone again.
Shouldn't I be devastated longer than a week? He did it really poorly, too. Asked for a break a week before which took me by surprise, then 4 days later he told me he loved me and didnt want to break up but still needed time to figure things out, a few days later and its I want to be your friend but nothing more.
It was a back and forth conversation and he's telling me he's not attracted to me anymore and quickly adds "it's not because of the weight" (to clarify I have been struggling with my stomach and have lost 40 lbs which sounds great, unless you weren't overweight before and now I look like a skeleton). When he said that I couldn't help but laugh in that hurt way, where its brevity and pain mixed with a scoff (just me?) And not expecting a reply I rolled my eyes away from him and ask "so it's just me as a person" and there wasnt much hesitation before I hear a soft but steady "yes" behind me. As you can imagine, I didnt respond well to having my entire existence be rejected so i did something he had never seen me do. I yelled at him and kicked him out of my car. Then I tried to go back to work. Yup, he broke up with me in the middle of the work day. I'm sorry this is so long and I even skipped parts.
I left early and took a pill or two more than recommended and just ran away from consciousness as fast as modern medicine could get me there. (I dont post much so I dont know if I need to worry about responses but I took low doses of anti anxiety meds that wouldnt harm me unless i consume the whole bottle. I took 1 mg more than normal. Dont attack me). I got him to be more specific in his choice of break up methods the next week after texting to let him know I wrote a 7 page goodbye letter and how he has come out of this looking like a psychopath.
Is it an INFP thing? When someone hurts me or angers me and I'm trying to speak it's a lot of ums or long pauses. But hand me a pen or a keyboard and fill me will righteous rage...you cant stop me. If I know anything at all about you then you will receive a paragraph like you are reading right now filled with oddly observational criticism, I will hit upon at least one thing your sensitive about and end it all with a guilt trip so strong only the Catholically trained can weather it well.
I think he was afraid of the letter because he had been receiving the texts but not replying. He responded pretty quickly after that. After days of contradicting actions, trains of thought that burst into flames as it derailed and red string theory memes he finally told me that his decision to take a break, reassure me and then dump me in such an abrupt manner on a workday, twice btw, was because he really hadn't thought about it...
Now this is going to sound strange but I am so glad my exhusband had been abusive because it taught me control. Otherwise I would have hit him. Who does that?! Im 99% sure he wasnt lying because he's a blunt INTJ and he explained his incomprehensible thought process earlier and I've had previous experience with his type of obliviousness. He really didnt mean to hurt me, he doesnt have any social circle to speak of so when planned this whole thing his feedback was a crowd of 1.
But I saved the best for last. He appears to genuinely like me and really doesnt want to lose me. He wants to be friends...and my dumb ass said yes. With a caveat that the second he starts dating I'm out. I dont do lover to friends. I'm possessive and wont share. So as long as he stays single I'll be his friend. I know I'm dumb. I know I'm just going to be hurt by another display of thoughtlessness from him. But except for the week of hell I've been truly happy with him until I got sick. He's a jerk. I deserve better. But did you know, that INFP can be shallow too. I didnt until i met him. He is so pretty (in my eyes, he is definitely not to everyone's taste) and 7 years younger and he picked me 2.5 years ago. I am not pretty. Hard marriage, lifetime of depression, rather read another chapter than apply a layer of makeup, etc. but he eavesdrop me talking to my work friend and liked what he heard and asked me out.
God I'm dumb. Wow. I'm so sorry. It just happened today and I needed to let it out and when it started I tried another forum to get perspective from similar wired people as my boyfriend so I could do whatever was best for him and some responses were productive and informative if a tad blunt. One or two tried with all their might to be kind and I love them for that. The rest can burn in hell. I know I'm what people consider an "unhealthy" version of my type but I've just been considering myself a survival INFP. I think we all get broken a lot thanks to our inner compass. And when we build ourselves back up again our structure gains or loses new aspects. My corners are sharper, and someone broke my glasses so things arent clear all the time and when my belief in human goodness broke off I wasnt able to find all the pieces but it's still there. I'm still here. And now I will shut up. Sorry again. Still gonna post it though! :p
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mists of celeste ➻ seven
➻ pairing: ??? x fem reader ➻ genre: space au, pirate au, space pirate!ateez, angst, eventual smut ➻ Word Count: 4.0k ➻ Rating: M ➻ Warnings: language, violence, guns and weaponry, blood, future warnings tba ➻ summary: Sneaking aboard the ship of a renowned space pirate may not have been the best idea, but you’ll have to make do with what fate has handed to you
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mists of celeste act one ➻ part seven
“Aw, if I had known we were doing a meet up with the new girl, I would’ve come sooner!” A new voice resounds behind you. It causes your head to spin, a swirling of confusion, and you stumble back from Yeosang. You would fall if not for his continued grip on your arm. You jerk towards the sound of the voice, eyes finding the new form and recognizing him in an instant. Charcoal hair. Tan skin. Metal collar. It’s the little shit who plugged an anesthesia shot into your neck.
"You." The word is hissed out between gritted teeth, and you twist away from Yeosang to start in his direction. The blonde keeps you in place, however, his hand not relenting in its grip on your arm. The sudden spike in anger radiating off of you at the sight of the newcomer must've been a warning sign to him.
You attempt to tug away from him, trying your best to break his hold on you so you can go beat the shit out of the newcomer. His grip is too strong for you to fight though, even with your good arm, and he manages to get you rooted to the spot for the time being.
"Fuck off," you spit at Yeosang, eyes bore holes into his form now. "He knocked me out and plugged my neck with an anesthesia shot. I have every right to knock the shit out of him." Yeosang's eyes widen at your words. His grip on you nearly falters, but he recovers less than a second later.
"What the hell?" It is San's voice that rings through the room next, along with Seonghwa's echoing the same words a fraction of a second later. You tilt your chin back towards Wooyoung, pleasantly surprised to see an expression of fear coating his features.
"Uh, wh-what?" He repeats with a shaky smile. Even at a distance, you can see the way his throat bobs as he swallows roughly, an obvious sense of nervousness surrounding him. “I-I swear – it’s n-not as bad as it sounds!”
Yeosang’s grip leaves your arm all of a sudden, and he pulls your attention back to him for a moment.
“By all means, go knock some sense into him. Eye for an eye, no?” The hand that just gripped your arm now motions towards Wooyoung, as though inviting you to go exact some form of revenge on him. You nearly jump at the opportunity and start towards him, only to be stopped yet again within seconds. This time it’s San who stops you though, one arm jerking out in front of your chest without even sparing a glance in your direction.
“Wait,” the man says under his breath, eyes following Seonghwa as the lieutenant spins on his heel.
“You were given specific orders not to go into the med bay after the surgery, Wooyoung,” he says. Now that Hongjoong is nowhere in sight and it’s just Seonghwa present to deliver orders, you can clearly understand why the man is so well-suited for the position. Just his posture while berating Wooyoung is threatening in and of itself, but that combined with the chilling tone that leaves his lips causes you to stop in your tracks.
“N-No! No, Yunho allowed it!”
“Last I checked, Yunho wasn’t the captain or the lieutenant, was he?” While the question is meant to be sarcastic, there are hints of vehemence in the words Seonghwa utters.
“H-He asked for help. He needed someone to help clean up after the operation and take inventory. I-I offered to do it si-since I was allowed to help with the operation itself!” Wooyoung stammers through his defense, eyes still blown wide as he blinks back at Seonghwa.
“That’s not true, Woo,” San cuts in. His arm falls a little, nearly hitting your chest as he moves, but you make a quick move to lean back. “I was the one who was supposed to take inventory, not you. Yunho asked me to help because he felt bad for our argument. You knew that.”
“I-I… I…” Wooyoung is unable to get any further words out, gaze moving from Seonghwa to San before landing on you. Something in his dark eyes seems pleading, like something is on the tip of his tongue, but the words never come out so you are left wondering what on earth he could’ve wanted to say. San’s arm falls back to his side limply, an evident sign of relenting, and you take it as an invitation to go exact your revenge at last.
You close the distance between the two of you within seconds, moving so quickly that the world seems to blur around you, and you barely process that your fist is swinging into his nose until after he releases a noise of pain. He stumbles away from you, hand flying up to cover his face after you make contact with it. Red flecks fall to the floor almost immediately. They drip down the side of his hand, dragging along his tan skin and leaving a dark red path before finding the metal floor. A groan of pain follows.
“You’re lucky that it’s all you got,” you scoff, leaning closer to where he’s bent in half. He glances up at you out the corner of his eye. “You deserved a hell of a lot worse too but I’m not going to embarrass you in front of your crewmates.” Wooyoung releases a shaky sigh and straightens his back, standing up straight again.
“I was… ju-just trying to follow Yunho’s orders.”
Someone exhales a deep sigh behind you, and you don’t have to turn to figure out who it was because he speaks a moment later.
“They weren’t your orders to follow, and it wasn’t your job to do either,” San says following the sigh. Another sound echoes through the room, one vaguely similar to the sound of a tongue clicking against teeth. “This is exactly why I wanted Woo to stay out of sight and out of mind.”
Wooyoung rubs at his bleeding nose with the back of his hand, grimacing from the pain for a moment, before he redirects his attention to San. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He grumbles under his breath. San hears him regardless, thanks to the lack of other sounds in the large room.
“Because you’re only good at causing problems, not fucking solving them,” San hisses in response. Wooyoung shrinks away from you all of a sudden, almost curling in on himself as San answers his question. Bloody fingers claw their way up to his neck and cling to the metal collar hanging around his skin. You can’t keep your jaw from falling open, lips parted in both surprise and confusion. Wooyoung seems ten times more terrified than he was when Seonghwa yelled at him.
…A slave? You wonder to yourself, dragging the tip of your tongue over your teeth. He… he has to be, right? The collar, the fear, the desire to take care of jobs that aren’t even his to take care of? A wave of guilt washes over you. You just punched a slave in the face so hard that his nose is most likely broken. You know you aren’t the best person in the universe but that has to be a new low for you. You bring your still curled fist to your chest, curling the fingers of your other hand around it as you gnaw on your lower lip.
“I’m sorry…” Wooyoung mumbles, resuming his almost bent over position. You cast one more lingering glance his way then shift your body so that you can look back at San now. “I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean to make things worse.”
“You say that ever–”
“Shut the fuck up, San.” Yeosang lurches forward, the blonde moving fast enough to nearly blur before your eyes. His eyes read murder, a clear intent that you can see even a couple feet away. For a moment, you think that his hands are going to close around San’s neck. Someone is a bit faster than he is though. Seonghwa slips between Yeosang and San, fury in both his expression and his stance. You see movement just past his shoulder; Jongho, getting to his feet at the sight of the sudden aggression.
Fucking hell, everyone on this crew is a damn loose cannon. One wrong word, and they’ll be ready to murder me. It isn’t a comforting thought in the slightest; in fact, quite the opposite and you can only silently beg that Hongjoong makes a stop on a nearby planet soon. The quicker you get off this hellhole of a ship, the better.
“You–” Seonghwa drops a hand to Yeosang’s shoulder, leveling him with a narrow glare “–need to calm down.” His other hand finds San’s shoulder, although he pushes San away a little rather than holding him in place like he did with Yeosang. “San didn’t mean it in that way.”
“Oh, it’s pretty fucking clear what he meant!” Yeosang snarls in response, looking around Seonghwa to glare at San.
“Quit acting out of emotions, Yeosang.”
“I never act emotionally,” the shorter man counters. His blonde hair trembles as he jerks his head. “San is being unreasonable and out of line.”
“You are being out of line as well, Yeosang. How many times now have I been forced to remind you of your place? Last I checked, you are my subordinate, and you answer to me. In terms of length of stay with the crew, San has more time under his belt than you do. Take a page out of his book and learn a bit about respect. Or think twice about how a former thief has more respect than a former soldier.” Seonghwa’s grip on Yeosang’s shoulder. “In all the time you have worked together, you should know by now how San behaves and that he says things he doesn’t mean.”
“He’s not being reasonable or logical though!” Yeosang argues, voice climbing a bit in volume. All the while, San remains close-lipped, suddenly silent even though he’s being berated to his face. It’s a strange turn of attitude – he never seems to have an issue being loud-mouthed with Yunho or Hongjoong previously, and his amount of respect for his captain seemed lackluster at best.
Rather than responding, San brushes Seonghwa’s hand off his shoulder and pushes away from him. He moves for the table, sitting down without another word. Yeosang’s heated glare follows his every move even with Seonghwa standing directly in front of him.
Jongho moves with San, falling back into his seat without much effort. Everything about the situation seems odd because as a Berserker, you would expect Jongho to lash out thanks to the spikes in anger. He seems completely and utterly calm, however. It’s unlike any other Berserker you’ve encountered before, and it’s something that causes your stomach to stir out of discomfort.
“Stand down, Yeosang,” Seonghwa commands. His words pull the blonde’s gaze away from San at last and redirect his focus to the lieutenant. It takes a moment – one where Yeosang and Seonghwa stare at each other with matching glares – but Yeosang stands down and moves to return to his seat beside Jongho. The tension falls away from Seonghwa’s shoulders as he moves. The lieutenant glances over at you now and motions for you to come closer again.
Before you do though, you dare to glance over your shoulder and look at Wooyoung again, but there’s only an empty space left in his wake. The only signs that he was even there in the first place are the droplets of blood across the floor and the dull throbbing on your knuckles.
“I’m sorry that you had to witness that mess,” Seonghwa chuckles once you start walking back towards the table. “We are a crew full of loose cannons. Too many combating personalities. Of course, it isn’t the ideal way I wanted to introduce you to everyone. Perhaps it’s good for you to see glimpses at everyone’s true colors though.” Seonghwa waits until you’re at his side before taking a seat. You follow in suit, occupying the empty space between the lieutenant and Yeosang. While you and Seonghwa operate as an effective barrier between Yeosang and San, they still stare at each other with unreadable gazes.
All the anger in Yeosang’s posture seems to have melted away. His eyes are bright and teasing again, lips quirking into a small grin. He tilts his chin to the side and slightly upwards. It is almost as though he’s showing off, a slight show of arrogance, like he’s won some game no one else is aware of. San, on the other hand, slumps in his seat. The pieces fall into place in your mind when you see that. Despite Seonghwa having to step between them and keep them from fighting physically, Yeosang won the mental battle. He wormed his way into San’s mind and won that way.
It’s a typical tactic from someone in the military, one that you had to utilize many a time in order to get what you wanted. Crippling someone mentally or emotionally is the best way to win a battle. You can be fighting the strongest opponent on the battlefield, but if his mind is weak, then you have the high ground. It was one of the first things you learned in training.
“You don’t appear to hold grudges,” you say before the silence grows uncomfortable. It’s obvious that your words are directed at Yeosang with the way you are staring at him point-blank. He responds with a dry laugh, grin playing at his thin lips, and slowly drags his gaze over to you.
“It’s easy to put someone in their place as long as you know how to,” he says. “I can show you how to do it sometime if you want. Although if I may be bold for a moment… you seem a bit more like the type who needs to be put in place rather than the other way around.” His tongue plays at the corner of his lips after he utters the words, emphasizing the suggestive nature of them, and you respond with a choked noise of indignation. Seonghwa reaches around you and smacks Yeosang upside the head for the comment.
“Calm down there. Can’t handle the sight of a woman?”
“For someone who is supposed to be emotionless, you certainly exude an overabundance of arrogance,” San adds, elbows coming to rest on the table. Some of the defeat has ebbed away from his body and he sits up a bit straighter now.
“Unlike you, I don’t use my heart to make emotions. That is what the military taught me,” Yeosang responds, rubbing the side of his head where Seonghwa struck him. San rolls his eyes at Yeosang’s words.
“Well, were you taught that as well, Y/N? Or is it just Yeosang being an arrogant stoic asshole as per usual?” You glance over at San as he says your name, eyes wide. While the memory has grown a bit hazy as time has passed, you do clearly remember being taught that exact same lesson back when you were a trainee.
It isn’t one that you remember fondly, but the memory does make itself known from time to time and rears its ugly face to you. It was not a formal lesson, more of a spur of the moment dump of information from your commanding officer. It was supposed to be a typical midnight patrol of the city, making sure that everything seemed normal, but the reality was not so kind. Your officer brought you to a dark alleyway along with one of your fellow trainees. A man bound in chains and face-first on the ground was waiting for you, seemingly dead already, but your commander had delivered a sharp kick to his side and woken the prisoner up promptly. Then, he passed a gun to the trainee with you. Told him to shoot the prisoner point-blank in the head. Both of you were shocked at the command. The poor trainee with you couldn’t hold the gun still to save him life, and perhaps if he had done so then you would remember the memory a bit more fondly.
But no, his hand shook the entire time he tried pointing the gun at the groaning prisoner, and with his trembling fingers, he couldn’t pull the trigger. It took two seconds flat for your officer to disarm him and beat him to the ground. Two seconds to drop him to the cobblestone face down beside the prisoner. Two seconds to push the gun into your hands and command you to shoot both the prisoner and your friend.
“Are you there?” San’s voice cuts through the memory, and you whip your head up. For a moment, it felt like you were back there in that alleyway. The luminescent lights above you seep back into your vision and awaken you from the memory.
“Yea, yes. That’s… that’s the first thing you’re taught when you join,” you respond, struggling to pull yourself together enough to answer him. “Especially if you’re an Elitist, in which case they put you through special training to dull you to the horrors of the military.” You glance over at Yeosang in attempts to gauge his reaction to your explanation, but his expression is a blank slate. Something about the emptiness in his eyes reminds you of the expression you saw in the mirror when you returned to the barracks that night.
Supposed to dull you. It’s supposed to dull you. Make you their killing machine. Well, they got what they fucking wanted, didn’t they?
“You were both taught the same thing then?” The question rises from Jongho, his sudden intrusion startling you. He sounds as young as he looks, the crisp edge of his hair resting just atop his eyebrows. “Since you’re both Elitists?”
He’s obviously fishing with the question, trying to garner a response out of you, and you almost falter in a hasty answer. “Yes,” you manage, eyelids fluttering as you struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy.
“Oh? I didn’t know that you were an Elitist,” Yeosang chimes in, and your eyes leave Jongho’s red ones to land on Yeosang when he speaks.
“The military rarely takes anything other than Elitists,” you counter in the hopes that Yeosang will get the hint.
“Well, assassins of your caliber tend to be a Spectre like San.”
“Well, I’m fucking sick of hearing that,” you mutter under your breath, dropping your gaze to the table.
“Of hearing what?” Seonghwa inquires.
“You all keep saying “someone of your caliber”. I’m sick of hearing it. What is that even supposed to mean? I am nothing special and just because I have a few skills doesn’t mean that I’m any different than any other soldier.”
Seonghwa squints at you, and as you pass a quick look his way out the corner of your eye, his glare deepens. “Typical soldiers don’t get names like “Ghost of Eros”. Nor do they leave the military. So you are really anything but a typical soldier.”
Yeosang follows Seonghwa’s words with a slight shake of his head. “You’re a mystery to me, Y/N.” He folds his arms over his chest. “At a certain point, the military makes certain that you are under their control. They all but breed you to be a killing machine for them. The ones who show any semblance of freedom always end up leaving at some point. You left, as evidenced by the chains on your wrist. But then you went back for more, didn’t you?” Your gaze shifts from the table to Yeosang, finding his piercing gaze already on you. Your lack of verbal response is a response in and of itself, and your silence only confirms what Yeosang insinuated. “That’s not freedom.”
A scoff leaves your lips, although you don’t mean for it to slip out. All four sets of eyes find you upon the noise, but you neglect to explain your reasoning for the sound. Instead, you glare at Yeosang with fire in your eyes.
“That makes you just as much a slave as the other soldiers.”
“So I’m assuming that you mean to say you aren’t a slave like I am then? Since you criticize me for returning to Eros, despite what I did when I got there?”
“No, that’s not the point. It’s that the difference between you and them is the fact that you got rid of the thing holding them back, but you didn’t set them free.”
“I didn’t think about that…” Seonghwa interjects. “That’s a good point though. You could’ve started a revolution, been their leader, given them freedom. Something as dramatic as that... it could've changed how things work everywhere, not just on Eros. Yet you chose not to. Surely that crossed your mind. So why didn’t you do it?”
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips. You bring a hand to your hair, running your fingers through the loose locks, before explaining yourself.
“It was never about revolution or freedom,” you say. “The only thing that mattered to me in the heat of the moment was revenge. That’s all that ever mattered. There will always be rumors and legends, things people assume to be the truth, but the reality is that no one except for myself will know why I did what I did. I know that I’m a criminal, not only to the loyal soldiers of the military, but also to the desperate people who begged me for freedom and demanded I do more. I didn’t want to do more though. I got what I wanted. And I didn’t have any help doing it from start to finish. People are selfish. I know that. I’m selfish for doing what I did. But at least I didn’t make empty promises to the people hoping for freedom. I was never going to free them, and if they didn’t understand that, then it isn’t my problem.”
Silence answers you after you conclude your explanation. You don’t dare to look at any of their expression, mostly due to the fact that you’re afraid of how they might react. After several tense moments of silence, you finally get some sort of response.
“Spoken like a true Elitist,” Seonghwa chuckles. Yeosang echoes the laugh with one of his own.
“How does the saying go? Heavy is the head that wears the crown? It makes me curious as to which rumors are true.”
“Depends on who you ask,” you respond with a strained grin. “I personally don’t care for rumors in the slightest, but then again I also don’t care for all this talk of the past either.”
The comment makes Yeosang burst into laughter for some reason. “You and I really are quite similar. It’s almost fascinating. I wonder if it’s only due to our connections with the military. Your station was on Eros?”
“I’m not called the Ghost of Eros for nothing,” you snark, and Yeosang clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
“God, you’re so feisty. It makes me wanna put you in your place even more now.” Yeosang grins at you, reaching out to pinch your chin between his index finger and thumb, but you swat his hand away before he can touch you. The corner of his mouth twitches at your hasty action.
“The military tried that already,” you hiss out between gritted teeth.
“Eros has… inferior subjugation tactics compared to Aera, where I was stationed. I would quite enjoy demonstrating them for you.” His tone is far too suggestive for your liking, but luckily Seonghwa notices your discomfort and cuts into the conversation.
“Well, since you’re intent on changing the subject, Y/N…” Seonghwa interrupts as Yeosang opens his mouth to say something else. “I guess now is the perfect time to explain the real reason I brought you here.
“Pardon?” You inquire, tilting your head towards Seonghwa now in search of an explanation.
“It’s time for your first mission.”
a/n: whewie now things are picking up a bit more! who is your fav boy so far?? we haven’t met everyone quite yet but we are getting there. mingo mango is coming soon but first we gotta get through the first mission!!! eek im excited to share more with you all!!
taglist: @faeriewoobin @sugarrimajins @atinyinwonderland
unable to tag: @2504-life @lil7bluedragon
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#kpopuniversenet#atzinc#atinyforatiny#ateeznetz#kwriterworldsnet#ateez#ateez x reader#ateez smut#ateez fluff#ateez angst#hongjoong#seonghwa#yeosang#yunho#wooyoung#san#jongho#mingi#mists of celeste#mingi x reader#hongjoong x reader#seonghwa x reader#yeosang x reader#jongho x reader#san x reader#wooyoung x reader#yunho x reader
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So this is definitely one of my least favorite things to do, because there’s so many people on here that need help, but if anyone has a couple bucks or a five they can spare, that would be an enormous help to me today.
For those that know my situation, as far as I know, everything is still on track for me to have the lets-pull-all-twenty-eight - of-your-remaining-teeth-at-once-it’ll-be-fun! surgery on Tuesday. I’m reeeeally looking forward to it, and also the Month of Living Without Any Teeth At All while I heal and they figure out the fittings and everything for my bionic teeth or whatever. Everything about it sounds swell. Can’t wait, it’ll be great.
SO. The plan is for me to take the bus out to the desert on Monday afternoon, reenact some of the best scenes from Saw on Tuesday morning while under hopefully heavy sedation, with fingers and toes crossed that these doctors actually listen to me for once about my ridiculous metabolism making most anesthetics wear off super fast. Because. Ugh. Doctors literally never believe me about that which has led to some pretty not cool experiences in the past, but none of those experiences have been yanking out every one of my teeth by the root all in one go, soooooooo, if ever there was a time for them to think maybe I actually know what I’m talking about and make adjustments for that, I’m pretty sure I want this to be that time.
Thanks to my keen intuition, I have predicted that this whole process is something I probably want to be deeply unconscious for, and during, and tbh, maybe a week or so after that too. But like, I’ll mostly settle for just not waking up when they’re only actually on tooth eight, you know?
If I seem like I’m babbling cuz I’m nervous, its probably cuz I’m babbling cuz I’m nervous. I’m so not kidding about unpleasant experiences with anesthetics in the past, so while this wasn’t actually my reason for making this post, while I’m thinking about it, if anyone wants to also maybe shoot a quick prayer-tweet over to whomever you might personally @ with that kind of thing, I would be super grateful for anything of that nature, like something along the lines of “Dear Merciful Higher Power/Universe/etc, if there’s any way you could see to it that Kalen spends most of Tuesday knocked the fuck out, that would be awesome, thanks!”
Its just, I’m kinda over being in excruciating pain all day every day, like, I gave it a shot, just don’t think its for me, I’m afraid I just don’t have what it takes to be a hardcore raging masochist or whatever, so I’m just really not looking to set any new personal pain records next week if at all possible.
ANYWAY, requests for spamming higher powers on my behalf aside, the other reason for this post is I only have $3 in my bank account and an appointment this afternoon whose co-pay is going to be $50. But I can NOT miss this appointment, its super critical. See, so, the other thing is, my jaw has decided its reached the point where it just doesn’t want to close at all anymore, so I’ve gone from only eating once a day to only eating no times a day, and since I’ve already lost an absurd amount of weight and muscle mass over the last two years because of all this shit, they’ve put me on a regimen of regular IV intakes or whatever that’s called, just to like....get the nutrients I need into me somehow, y’know?
And especially with the surgery coming up on Tuesday, and my immune system all shot to hell and my various other Vitally Important By-Products of Eating Food levels are low enough to have my doctor using mostly just four letter words when reviewing my latest labs, they’re literally trying to pump me full of as much of the various Nutrients And Other Stuff IVs as they safely can between now and then. And as much as I’ve been pretty much going 24/7 trying to stay afloat with all of this, I just...did NOT budget for needing to be hooked up to an IV every other day because my fucking jaw picked now to level up on being an asshole and like, physically will not cooperate with my attempts to survive on cheap $5 a day meals.
So instead this week its been $50 co-pays every other day, because apparently when your body for whatever reason literally can’t take in the cheap 7-11 snacks and Happy Meals you usually live off of because That’s How Being Poor Works, it makes total sense that the one and only alternative for keeping your body fueled is to go to this little clinic place that hooks you up like you’re at a gas station, except you’re some kinda pretentious European model that won’t accept any less than the top dollar diesel, because I guess even Bags of Nutrient Water gotta somehow manage to be name brand shit, because yay capitalism. Everything about it is just so efficient and logical and works so well, especially if you’re part of the 99%.
Anyway I’m TRULY sorry I’m all over the place with this, I haven’t taken my ADHD meds because swallowing is the Devil’s Work right now, and also I haven’t had my daily Bag of Nutrient Water yet so my brain is like no I will not be cooperating. To sum up, once I get to next week I’m all set, everything’s in place for the surgery, insurance, I have a place to recuperate, I even already have my bus ticket for Monday purchased, my specific monetary issue right now is I am literally down to my last $3, I am currently physically unable to chew my way through a full meal, so I’m literally just paying co-pays of $50 every other day to spend 45 minutes sitting in a chair while my body sucks life-sustaining nutrient water through a needle.
That might actually be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever said or heard said and yet its factually 100% true. Our world is so fucking bonkers, jfc.
Literally ANY help getting me to today’s appointment, would be amazing, and then I have one scheduled for Monday morning before I leave, if I can find a way to make that too. And tbh I don’t actually know if one is even an option for tomorrow yet because the clinic I’ve been going to so far isn’t open tomorrow and I’ve yet to hear back if my doctor found somewhere else to send me that I can actually get to. So who the fuck even knows.
So yeah, sorry for making you ping-pong your way through that mess, this is my brain on Empty, like I said, I haven’t had my Bag of Water yet today. But any help is appreciated, whether reblogs, donations or good-thought-tweets for me on Tuesday. I’m a big fan of any of the above. Even $2 or $5 gets me closer to what I need, and if you can’t spare anything or have already sent or are sending what you can spare to another donation post, I totally and completely understand. And again, even just....good thoughts for Tuesday would be awesome, and certainly can’t hurt. I’m not like, worried about the surgery or whatever, its pretty simple, its more just....extensive. And my only real hope or want for it is just keeping the Ow factor as limited as it can possibly be. Whether that’s from the doctors coming through with a good strong hit of the goofy juice or some higher power telling all my nerve endings to take a sick day or just sit this one out, I am so open to either or anything in between or even coming out of left field.
And now I’m done. Thank you. You’re all rockstars, or insert your genre of choice. In conclusion, capitalism sucks, eat the rich, and buy a bi a bag of water today please. I’m pretty sure there’s a T-shirt slogan in there somewhere, but fuck if I can pin it down.If anyone else does, hey, go nuts with it. I’m literally a bi guy who needs to buy bags of nutrient water every other day right now. That’s so fucking dumb, someone’s gotta be able to milk some mileage out of it.
My Paypal:
Or if that link doesn’t work, try this one instead:
My Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/kalenp
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Fear and Loathing (3)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Fandom: seaQuest 2032
Summary: (Part 2 of The Right Thing - this will be a chaptered fic) Captain Hudson knows that you and Lucas are more than just friends, and after changing your shift rotations to make sure you’re not on duty together, you take things into your own hands and request a transfer from seaQuest. Before your transfer can be processed, officers and crew begin showing signs of extreme anxiety, anger and paranoia. Some are worse affected than others, you being one of them. Can you fight for not only your relationship with Lucas but your state of mind?
Pairings: Ensign Lucas Wolenczak x FemLieutenant!Reader, Commander Jonathan Ford x Lieutenant Lonnie Henderson (only slight)
Warnings: Language, violence, insecurity, angst, paranoia, anxiety, mental instability, very mild sexual references/smut mention, age difference/gap.
Comments: If you wish to be added to my seaQuest tag list, which will be separate from all my other tags, let me know, and I will only tag you in these if you specifically request to be tagged. This is practically a dead fandom now, but I would still like to share my writings with you. If you would like to ask any questions, then by all means just ask! People are probably wondering why I’m still continuing this fic when it gets so little feedback, but it’s purely because I enjoy writing it. It’d a pleasure to be reminiscing in old times.
You were released from the Med Bay that following evening and decided to head straight to the mess hall for a late dinner. After your panic attack that morning, you had found your body returning to normal. The doctor was happy that your symptoms had subsided but had still directed you to go back for daily check ups at 09:00 hours each morning. The blood sample he had taken was still with the UEO’s Science and Health Division, awaiting thorough analysis.
The mess hall was deserted by now, but the cook was kind enough to re-heat a meal for you before he finished for the night. Peace and quiet had finally settled in your chest as you ate slowly, savouring the array of flavours. You took a deep breath, smiled to yourself and glanced around the room. All you could hear was the gentle hum of seaQuest’s turbines. It was always enough to calm you.
Tony Piccolo entered a short while later, just as you were finishing your last couple of mouthfuls.
“Hi, Tony,” you said cheerfully around a mouthful of assorted vegetables.
“How are you feeling?”
“Good, thank you. Better,” you replied, watching him sit opposite you. “I’ve got to try and rest for the next couple of days, doctor’s orders.”
You couldn’t help but notice that Tony seemed uncomfortable, fidgeting with something in his lap. His brown eyes seemed to have a hard time focusing on you.
“Tony? What’s the matter?”
“I…know you’ve been sick…and it’s happened around Lucas, but he wanted me to give you this.” Tony slowly offered you an unsealed envelope with your name on the front. You took it from Tony with apprehension.
“I’ll, umm, read it. Thanks, Tony.” You took a deep breath and opened out the folded paper, seeing Lucas’ familiar penned scrawl.
I thought I’d do this the old-fashioned way for once. I miss you so much, but I know that something has got to give. These last two months have been the best of my life. Thank you. But I’m terrified of letting them go. I know I’ve behaved wrong. I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. And I have to. It’ll hurt like hell seeing you every day and knowing we can’t be together. Please don’t leave. I need you in my life, even if only as a friend. No matter what happens, I will always have your back, and most importantly, will always love you. – Lucas.
Tears slipped down your cheeks as you held the letter. The truth, bottom line, simply, you couldn’t be without him in your life either. “I miss him,” you whispered and began to sob.
“You need to go to him,” Tony said softly.
“We could lose our careers!” you exclaimed.
“Does your career mean more than being with the guy you love?”
Lucas was sat on his bunk, staring absently out into the water of the adjoining tank wall. He pictured you, beautiful and graceful, swimming with Darwin, holding on to the dolphin’s fin, gliding through the water. His chest compressed and ached at the mere thought of it.
“Hey, Luke,” Tony’s voice came.
Lucas never even bothered to turn and look, his gaze still locked on the water. He then heard a sweet voice say his name, the voice of the one who caused this pain. Was he imagining it? Then the voice came again, paired with that familiar scent. He turned in confusion to see you standing beside Tony’s bunk, looking up at him with a smile.
Tony backed out of the room, feeling like a third wheel, but accomplished.
Lucas said your name and jumped down from the bunk. You both rushed together, stopping for a brief second to smile, your faces reflecting each other. Then you kissed, both of you groaning upon the impact. Lucas’ hand cupped your face and his other arm curled around your waist, bringing you in flush against him. His want of you was rising and he pulled away sharp. “I need to control myself when I’m with you,” he said, his blue eyes ablaze with lust and passion for you.
Both of you had only been physical a handful of times in your two-month long relationship, and this was out of fear of being caught. Lucas had grown to know his limits when with you, learning so much about what pleased both of you.
You fondly remembered one instance when you had made love in the Moon Pool whilst Darwin was out hunting fish. How could you possibly push all of this away? How long could you maintain the coldness of your façade towards him? The mask of a dedicated officer was slipping. True, you were dedicated to your duty, but your heart and yearning for Lucas was fast trumping that.
Lucas stayed with you that night in your quarters. To hell with the consequences, you had thought. And you made love for the first time in two weeks. The pace was slow, deep and passionate. As Lucas came, he groaned against your neck and told you he loved you.
“And I love you,” you whispered, kissing him softly.
You both remained together, basking in the afterglow of your intimacy. You lay facing each other beneath the warm blanket on your bed.
“Would you really give up your career for this if you had to?” you asked.
Lucas merely smiled and looked down. “I thought my answer to that would have been obvious.”
“I never imagined I’d ever be that to someone,” you said. “Least of all, someone like you.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’ve got so much to lose, so much more than my ex fiancée ever did, but you still fight for me. He never did.”
“You were engaged?” Lucas asked in shock.
“It’s a part of my life that I rarely talk about. I was engaged when I was seventeen, and then we split just before I enlisted. He apparently fell out of love with me, but the truth is, I don’t think either of us were ever in love. It was just a relationship of convenience. I’ve had to rely on myself since, and myself alone. Maybe I want someone to look after me now.”
“I’ve got you,” Lucas told you, taking you in his arms. “I’d give all of this up in a heartbeat, my rank and seaQuest, so I could stay with you.”
As Lucas slept behind you, his arm draped over you, you began to think on the true reasons you’d submitted the transfer request. And there was still one question that needed to be asked. Did you do it to save Lucas’ career, or your own? It struck as both an act of selfish need and a need of selfless compassion. Which drive had been the strongest of the two? Or was it possibly a subconscious act of self-sabotage? A test to see how far Lucas would go for you? One thing was certain, if it was indeed a test intended for Lucas, he had passed with flying colours. None of it would let you rest. The questions, shame and self-hatred manifested more intensely as time went by that night.
You slipped out of bed a while later, your mind still racing. You had to force your hand to your mouth to stop Lucas being woken by your gasps.
You’re selfish. You did this just to save your own career, not Lucas’. You don’t love him. You’re just enjoying the thrill of him running around after you like a lost puppy.
The voice was growing stronger, becoming almost audible, almost real inside your head.
Lucas will find out and despise you. You’re selfish. You only pretend to care, when in actual fact you do everything just for yourself. Lucas deserves a beautiful girl, not an ugly, disgusting bitch like you, paying lip service to everyone just to make yourself look good.
It was after midnight when you stood in the calm atmosphere of the Moon Pool. Tears dripped into the tank as you stroked Darwin’s head. The dolphin knew something was wrong, sensing your turmoil. He bumped your hand, his squeals untranslated while the vocorder remained in its charging dock. His all-knowing eyes watched you in curiosity and suddenly you dropped backwards.
Fuck! Even Darwin knows! I’m a fake.
Panic struck you, the terror hitting you so hard like a hurricane. Thoughts and emotions swirled around you, a tornado of self loathing and hatred. You could feel your skin crawling, the sensation of bugs moving, becoming stronger. Until it all became too much and you lost consciousness, that feeling of dizziness pulling you under.
Lucas woke to see you gone and instantly jumped out of your bed, feeling a churn in his stomach. Something was wrong. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he did. He dashed out into the hallway to see Darwin hovering in the tank, his head moving in the way it always did when he was trying to ask for someone to follow.
Lucas followed Darwin back to the Moon Pool and rushed in, finding your body stretched out across the floor.
“Oh, no,” he whispered, getting down onto the ground next to you.
You opened your eyes to find yourself in the Med Bay; everything was empty and silent. There was only the beeping of the machines next to your bed. Wires were connected to you, keeping track of your heartbeat. The room was too silent for your liking, until a shadow began to move towards you. It was formless, only the outline of a person. It was hovering a few inches above the floor and moved towards you. As much as you wanted to scream, nothing came out of your mouth, not even breath. Every part of your body froze rigid and gradually the form began to develop, turning into a horrid creature. It had black eyes, fangs and blood dripping from its mouth. Its claws were outstretched, reaching for you.
The monitor next to you began to beep faster and faster. Until the doctor raced back in and saw you sat bolt upright in bed, your eyes wide and focused upon an area in front of you at the foot of the bed.
“Lieutenant?” he called. “Lieutenant?!”
No answer. Nothing else around you mattered, only the space before you.
The beeping got faster, until you dropped down on the bed and began to have a seizure. Your body contorted and your eyes rolled back in your head.
“What’s happening?” Lucas shouted, racing back in with a cup of coffee. He stood next to you, his hand brushing through your hair whilst he was on the verge of tears. He said your name over and over. “It’s okay. I’m here. I won’t leave you.”
“Please, move away, Ensign,” the doctor ordered, holding a syringe.
Finally, your body stopped convulsing and you went calm. The sedative relaxed your muscles, and you drifted into a dreamless sleep, for a short while. Your breathing and heart rate returned to normal, the beeping of your bedside monitor becoming less and less.
“What happened to her?” Lucas asked, stricken by fear and concern.
“She had a seizure. It seemed to be panic induced. I want to give her a full scan, see if there’s any signs of underlying epilepsy,” the doctor said. He looked almost a panicked as Lucas. “I’ve never seen this before, that’s if all her symptoms are linked and the same thing.”
“What are you going to do for her?” Lucas asked.
“Keep her sedated for a few hours and then gradually let her wake. The panic she was suffering was intense fear. Before you came into the room, she was bolt upright, eyes wide. She was looking at something there.” The doctor pointed to the space where you had been staring earlier.
Captain Hudson soon came to the Med Bay, his eyes darting to Lucas as soon as he entered the room. The scene before Hudson made a lump rise in his throat; his youngest crew member, Ensign Wolenczak, sitting with his head bowed in silence, his hand in yours, resting on the edge of your bed.
“How is she, Ensign?” Hudson asked.
Lucas jolted, startled by the Captain’s entrance. “Umm, the doctor has had to sedate her. She begun having hallucinations and had a seizure.” Lucas’ voice broke and he swallowed hard, staring at your pale face. He could see your eyes moving beneath your eyelids and he prayed that whatever you were dreaming was bringing you peace, not terror.
Hudson pulled a chair across and sat opposite your bed, looking across at Lucas, who quickly brushed tears away from his face with back of his hand. “I’m ….s…sorry, Sir,” he stuttered.
“Lucas?” the Captain asked. “It’s okay. She’ll get through this. She’s a fighter, and whatever is causing this, we’ll find a way to cure it.”
“Umm, can I stay with her, Sir?” Lucas asked. “I know that we’re not…”
Hudson felt a sudden surge in shame for his actions and sighed. “Take as long as you need, Ensign.”
A few pointers and references:
UEO - United Earth Oceans Organisation; this is the organisation that owns seaQuest and governs underwater territories.
Darwin/vocorder/Lucas backstory - Darwin the dolphin has his whistles and squeals translated by a machine called a vocorder which was designed and created by Lucas Wolenczak (pronounced Wo-len-check), who is a genius and graduated from Stamford University at 16 and was put on the seaQuest by his father to work as a computer analyst.
Dagwood - he is a GELF, commonly called a ‘dagger’ in the series. They were genetically engineered people who were used a lot in serving humankind.
#seaquest#seaquest dsv#seaquest 2032#Lucas wolenczak#Lucas wolenczak x fem!reader#reader insert#captain Oliver hudson#lieutenant Jonathan ford#lieutenant James brody#lieutenant lonnie henderson#lieutenant Tim o'neill#Tony piccolo#Darwin the dolphin#dagwood#lieutenant jj fredricks
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I have actually bought Meticore weight lost supplement and in this review, I will be walking you guys through everything (including the good and bad sides) of Meticore so that you’ll be able to make an informed decision on whether or not to join hundreds of people using Meticore in 2021 .
All I ask is for a few minutes of your time because I will be going over very important things, including a scam that you won’t want to miss if you don’t want to lose your money to scammers while trying to pay for Meticore weight lost supplement.
Losing weight is one determination that always shows up in most people’s list at the beginning of each year. If you do not want to be in the category of people who always aspire to lose weight but fail to achieve that goal, then you have to get down to business.
How about I tell you of this nutritional supplement that aids weight loss, is completely vegetarian friendly, doesn’t come with any nutritional restrictions and is composed of 100% natural ingredients?
Well – that is the thing we’re going to talk about today – Meticore.
Meticore… What is it?
Meticore is a nutritional supplement available on Meticore.com
Meticore is an uncommon blend with a one of a kind nutritional supplement preparation that uses a scientific research to detect and help increase the fat burning ability of your body by raising the core temperature of your body and also boosting the cellular activity levels which is helpful in metabolic purpose.
A large portion of different enhancements accessible available put your body in a condition of ketosis, go about as a suppressant for your hunger, or even have alternate approaches to shed pounds. However, Meticore, in contrast to other people, raises your body’s center temperature, supports digestion and eventually upgrades the speed at which the body consumes fat.
This is one of the most unique methods of supporting real weight loss results by simply enhancing metabolic function and inducing fat burning properties within the cells. Meticore’s unique value proposition is exactly why it is growing in popularity and has quickly risen to the top of all the weight loss diet pill supplements available in 2020 and soon to be 2021.
One of the main reasons why Meticore is unique, is due to the ingredients which consist of 6 superfoods and 2 vitamins that help in raising the body’s core temperature. And by doing that. Meticore can help your body improve its metabolism, thus resulting in faster weight loss.
Presently there are various types of weight reduction meds, ones work by straightforwardly handling the fat that you burn-through with your food, others are anorexiants which fill in as a hunger suppressant and others work in causing you to feel more full sooner.
At that point there are feast replacers — supplements that you’re proposed to take rather than your normal supper. Some others expect you to modify your supper design totally or eat just explicit nourishments for a specific period of time.
Meticore, adopts a through and through various strategy. It’s restrictive blend in a real sense turns up the warmth in your body, which thusly supports your body’s digestion, which again thusly causes your body to consume fat quickly.
The six superfood fixings that power Meticore can accomplish this. Not just weight reduction, Meticore is known to give you smoother skin and better hair too — attributable to the rich supplements, nutrients and minerals it is made out of.
Meticore has been used successfully by thousands of users with repeat orders and there have been zero side effects reported by anyone. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can see the positive reviews online for yourself.
Meticore is an enhancement intended to assist individuals with getting thinner. The center way of thinking behind Meticore is that the digestion is most firmly estimated by the “center internal heat level” of the users.
The site made for this enhancement clarifies that “low center internal heat level” causes the “unexplained” weight experienced by a large number of people everywhere on the world. On the differentiating side, a higher center internal heat level makes the digestion more successful, expanding weight reduction and wellbeing in individuals.

Much the same as numerous different supplements, one of the draws of Meticore is its 100% characteristic equation. This is extraordinary to hear. Really regularly, supplements zeroing in on client weight reduction incorporate dangerous or doubtful fixings. Numerous supplements in this area additionally incorporate energizers, which can cause enslavement and reliance in customers!
Meticore expands its simplicity of-reconciliation into the weight reduction cycles of purchasers by utilizing just the most normal, unadulterated, and deductively sponsored fixings conceivable.
Moreover, Meticore is evidently made utilizing “Great Assembling Practices” in a FDA-affirmed office. We should note here that this arrangement alludes to the office — not to the enhancement itself.
The FDA has never affirmed an enhancement for use by people in general, and this keeps on being the administrative association’s approach with respect to nutritional enhancements like Meticore.
There was a previous statement about consumer updates regarding scam complaints and the weight loss supplement ingredients that said, “Meticore is an all-natural metabolic booster that has become the new hype all across the fitness world, thanks to its effective weight loss properties. By pushing the body’s natural metabolism and speeding up the process of digestion to throwing all the toxic materials out of the body, Meticore supplement seems to fight all potential reasons for weight loss at the same time. For you trying to lose weight but with no positive results, this weight loss supplement can be of great help.”
Meticore: Who can use it?
Meticore is an eating regimen pill that professes to accomplish weight reduction by kicking off the digestion through raising internal heat level. As we age, our natural capacity to keep up proficient center body heat decreases.
Studies have shown a correlation between core body temperature and metabolism, with low core body temperature as a likely culprit of a slowing metabolic rate. The manufacturers of Meticore assert both men and women can reverse this weight management problem with daily use of their supplement, which contains a potent formula of 6 high-quality nutrients designed to boost inner body temperature and supercharge your metabolism.
Any individual who is attempting to get fit and needs to have a slim body can utilize Meticore. It is designed to work on both men and women.
At this point, it’s a well-known fact that there are a couple of things that individuals who battle with exorbitant and simple weight acquire share for all intents and purpose.
One of them is having a low center (endothermic) internal heat level notwithstanding constrained ability to burn calories. Indeed, examines show that the lower your center internal heat level, the more slow your digestion will in general be, and thus the harder it is to keep weight acquire under control.
As the authority Meticore.com item’s site says, numerous people don’t understand how having a low center internal heat level and decreased capacity of the digestion can influence what they look like and feel. So all in all, this implies that rectifying your low body center temperature would bring about a falling impact that will launch your digestion, subsequently setting off a fast, yet sound weight reduction, and perhaps and improve joint versatility, have a more peaceful rest, and significantly shinier hair.
The Meticore solid digestion uphold equation goes about as a morning metabolic trigger, reviving the metabolic rate to that of genuine recovery results and moving the manner in which the body produces energy dependent on fat consuming weight reduction fixings.
As per driving researchers and specialists, as people victory more candles on their birthday cakes and pile up more years on their driving licenses — their digestion continuously eases back down.
What’s more, in the event that you are pondering, this is additionally the specific motivation behind why shedding those abundance pounds can get trickier. Keeping up solid skin and irritation in the joints can likewise turn into a daunting task.
That is the place where the Meticore weight reduction supplement becomes possibly the most important factor as a low center internal heat level analyzer, yet a digestion sponsor that consumes fat utilizing a particular arrangement of regular fixings in accurate measurements intended to work ponders in the body.
· Revolutionary fat burner supplement
· Meticore help improve your digestion and metabolism
· Meticore help promote overall balance within the body
· Can boost energy levels in the body
· Helps you fall asleep faster and may improve your sex drive
· Losing fat may decrease the risk of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
· Meticore help reduce inflammation in the brain, muscles, and joints
· To see the desired results, you have to use if for at least 90–180 days
· You can only order the product from the official online store here
· Refunds are only available for up to 60 days from product delivery
METICORE: The Ingredients
Before we begin listing the actual ingredients of meticore, let’s talk about what it does not have.
Meticore doesn’t contain any stimulant. A stimulant is something like caffeine (found in coffee) that triggers your nervous system or stimulates it to give you a temporary boost of energy. While this may be good for people who like their coffee, it’s definitely not something you want in a diet supplement.
As mentioned to above, Meticore is not only a weight loss capsule. There are various other benefits that a person attains from consuming this nutritional supplement. The product claims that it doesn’t have any side-effects. It targets the leading cause of weight gain. It acts by increasing the core body temperature of an individual. This is by which the body weight of an individual diminishes.
Now to the question that is on everyone’s mind. What is this supposed magic pill made out of?
Meticore’s home grown fixings are full in a vegetarian lover case. We should investigate every one of them in the 250mg restrictive mix of the Meticore weight reduction supplement:
A. Fucoxanthin
B. Citrus Bioflavonoids (citrus aurantium fruit)
C. Moringa (moringa oleifera)
D. Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale)
E. African Mango Seed (Irvingia gabonensis)
F. Turmeric Rhizome (Curcuma longa)
G. 10mcg of Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin)
H. 35mcg of Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate)

Permit me to give you an in-depth benefits of this ingredients that made up Meticore:
It is something that is found abundantly in brown seaweed extract. In the past few years, fucoxanthin has gained quite a decent amount of prominence in the weight loss circles. Mainly because it targets the dogged fat tissue around your stomach, also known as the adipose tissue.
Likewise, fucoxanthin isn’t the lone fixing in Earthy colored Kelp Concentrate. It is likewise plentiful in Nutrients and minerals — which again help your body. Thus, it’s a success, win. Fucoxanthin is gotten from ocean growth. It is enhanced with nutrients and minerals that are extremely useful to the body.
Benefits to the body
· Fucoxanthin brings down the danger of cardiovascular illnesses.
· It secures against cerebrovascular illnesses.
· It has mitigating properties.
· Fucoxanthin lessens heaviness
· It expands digestion.
· This brings down the degree of cholesterol.
· It decreases the danger of malignant growth.
· Fucoxanthin fixes diabetes.
Citrus Bioflavonoids
Citrus bioflavonoids are found in oranges and grapefruit. These bioflavonoids help in the absorption of Vitamin C in the body.
Benefits to the body
· It has anti-aging properties.
· Citrus bioflavonoids reduce the growth of malign cancerous cells.
· It is rich in antioxidants.
· These citrus elements protect against infections.
· It improves blood circulation in the body.
· Citrus bioflavonoids enhance the functioning of the liver.
· It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Moringa (moringa oleifera)
Moringa leaves contain seven times more Vitamin C than citrus fruits like oranges and have 15 times more potassium than fruits enriched with potassium like a banana.
It fights the free radicals in our body. Its benefits include a boost in energy, an improvement in the texture of your skin and your hair.
It is a super food that is rich in antioxidants. It also consists of iron, calcium, protein, and amino acids.
Benefits to the body
· Moringa oleifera is rich in antioxidants.
· Consumption of extracts of Moringa lowers blood pressure.
· It decreases the blood sugar level.
· Moringa leaves slows the growth of malign cancerous cells.
· It cures mental stress.
· Consumption of Moringa oleifera reduces blood cholesterol levels.
· It heals arthritis pain.
· This is also beneficial in curing stomach ulcers.
· It fixes breathing problems like asthma.
· Moringa leaf extracts help in weight loss.
· It cures stomach ulcers.
Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger doesn’t simply work with the cold and influenza — it likewise contains calming properties. Like turmeric, ginger relieves your body as it experiences changes while you’re shedding those pounds. It contains a substance named gingerol, which is advantageous and has massive therapeutic properties.
Benefits to the body
· Ginger reduces inflammation.
· Ginger reduces nausea.
· Ginger cures osteoarthritis.
· The element gingerol cures migraines.
· Ginger lowers blood glucose levels.
· Ginger is rich in antioxidants.
· Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.
· The element gingerol reduces body weight.
· Ginger is beneficial against osteoarthritis.
· Consumption of ginger lowers the risk of heart diseases.
· Ginger helps against chronic indigestion and improves the functioning of the digestive system.
· Gingerol reduces cholesterol levels.
· It acts against the production of cancerous cells.

African Mango Seed (Irvingia gabonensis)
Irvingia gabonensis is a tree, native to West Africa. The fruit is similar to a mango and is used for food. The seeds are used to make medicine.
There is interest in using supplements containing Irvingia gabonensis for weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving control of diabetes. But there is limited scientific evidence to support these uses.
Benefits to the body
· It helps in lowering blood glucose levels.
· The extracts of African mango helps in reducing body weight.
· It helps in lowering high blood cholesterol levels.
· African mango consumption helps in the burning of fat.
· It lowers blood pressure.
· Another benefit of African mango is that it acts as an antioxidant.
· It is also suitable for the intestines.
Turmeric Rhizome (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric, (Curcuma longa), perennial herbaceous plant of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), the tuberous rhizomes, or underground stems, of which have been used from antiquity as a condiment, a textile dye, and medically as an aromatic stimulant.
Native to southern India and Indonesia, turmeric is widely cultivated on the mainland and in the islands of the Indian Ocean.
In ancient times it was used as a perfume as well as a spice. The rhizome has a pepperlike aroma and a somewhat bitter warm taste and has a strong staining orange-yellow colour. It is the ingredient that colours and flavours prepared mustard and is used in curry powder, relishes, pickles, and spiced butters for vegetables, in fish and egg dishes, and with poultry, rice, and pork.
In parts of Asia turmeric water is applied as a cosmetic to lend a golden glow to the complexion. Reputed to have anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is sometimes consumed as a tea or in pill form for a variety of ailments, including arthritis and intestinal problems.
Benefits to the body
· It is a potent antioxidant.
· Turmeric prevents cancer.
· Consumption of curcumin enriched turmeric reduces skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema.
· It is beneficial against Alzheimer’s disease.
· Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties.
· Turmeric reduces joint pains, especially arthritis.
· It improves the functioning of the liver.
· Turmeric helps with indigestion.
· It lowers the risk of heart diseases.
· Another benefit of turmeric is that it is proven to cure depression.
Vitamin B12
Benefits to the body
· It helps in the prevention of anemia.
· This vitamin helps in the formation of new RBC (Red blood cells).
· It prevents significant childbirth deformities like neural tube defects.
· Consumption of Vitamin B12 inhibits osteoporosis.
· It maintains a balanced level of serotonin production, which helps improve cases of depression.
· Vitamin B12 is beneficial for the brain as it prevents the loss of neurons.
· It plays a vital role in the boosting of energy.
· Consumption of Vitamin B12 decreases homocysteine levels, thus decreases the likeliness to develop heart diseases.
· Lack of Vitamin B12 in the body can cause hyperpigmentation, hair changes, discoloration of the nails, angular stomatitis, vitiligo, etc.
In dietary supplements like Meticore, Chromium is found in the form of an element named Chromium picolinate.
Benefits to the body
· It supports lowering the levels of blood sugar.
· Chromium lowers terrible cholesterol levels.
· Consumption of this element enhances the losing of body mass.
· It helps increase muscle mass.
· Chromium helps in reducing hunger pangs.
The ingredient list doesn’t end here. Meticore also contains Chromium picolante (which regulates the body’s blood sugar), Vitamin B12 and Citrus bioflavonoids among other things.
Our main concern about the ingredients in Meticore is the lack of dosing ingredients included on the website. There’s no shortage of reasons to consider these key ingredients potentially helpful to obese consumers, but truth be told most of the studies cited to support this thesis feature specific dosages, making it hard to judge this supplement based on these studies. However, one overwhelmingly obvious caveat here is the sheer rise and popularity in the Meticore weight loss pills as a go-to metabolism booster and fat burner in 2021.
After ending the 2020 calendar year in rising fashion, Meticore is off to a hot start in 2021 as the leading weight loss formulation to try today. Even right now there is a 90% discount off of suggested retail price on the official website at Meticore.com, where the 60-day money back guarantee is in place should the results not pan out to users favor.

Ordering Meticore as a weight reduction pill or diet pill would be a misnomer, since it is a finished supplement stuffed, energizer free dietary enhancement.
Its principle work is to shock your digestion and give it a strong lift, a work it appears to do really well.
Overweight individuals put on weight quickly or think that its hard to get thinner effectively even with activities and starvation counts calories. The guilty party for this is their moderate metabolic rate.
The slow metabolic rate happens because of the lower body temperature that most overweight people have when compared to leaner people.
Meticore aims to fix this by using a real science supported by actual medical evidence anyone can read online right now.
The ingredients in Meticore are designed to raise your body’s core temperature slightly. This results in an increase in activity at a cellular level — which triggers your metabolism.
When you take Meticore daily, it keeps your body’s temperature increases, thereby ensuring that your metabolism is running at a high gear, resulting in weight loss.
Meticore is based on the idea that overweight people have lower core body temperatures than skinny people.
Skinny people have higher core body temperatures, and that means their bodies are constantly burning energy. Your body needs to burn energy to produce heat, and it creates that energy through carbs, calories, and fat.
People who are overweight, meanwhile, have cooler internal temperatures, which means they don’t burn energy constantly. Their bodies tend to be cooler, and they don’t need to burn as much energy to maintain this cool internal temperature.
That means if a skinny person eats 3,000 calories per day and sits on the couch, their bodies will burn more energy at rest than if an overweight person ate the same amount.
Why do overweight people burn less energy than skinny people? It comes down to how your body uses fat, muscle, and energy.
The most important thing to remember is that muscle burns more energy than fat. This gives leaner people a natural advantage when it comes to weight loss.
Meticore flip this idea on its head: by raising your core body temperature, someone who is overweight can purportedly burn as much energy as someone who is skinnier.
Have you ever wondered why some people can eat a five-course meal and not gain weight, while others eat vegetables all week with no benefits?
The secret comes down to body composition, including how muscle and fat use different energy.
Obviously, everybody wants to burn more fat without more exercise: we would all love to burn more weight while resting. Meticore gives you both.
With Meticore, you can purportedly do that, enjoying powerful weight loss results by boosting your internal body temperature.
In fact, the creator of Meticore claim you’ll lose so much weight taking the formula that you should start by taking one capsule every two days “if you lose weight too fast.”
Another great element to add a feather into this rare metabolism boosting weight loss formula, is the easy to swallow Meticore pills that do not require the likes of complex smoothie recipes or not the best ever tasting fat burning drink mix powders, or even the need to go whole food herb shopping either.
There is no extra effort on any of these fronts to start enjoy the benefits of how Meticore capsules work to enhance low core body temperatures for optimal metabolic rate function.
As an initial move towards a better and sure way of life, Meticore speeds up the metabolic breakdown of greasy pockets in the body. It does this by directing the center temperature of the body, making a huge effect on its fat consuming ability.
Whenever this is accomplished, the all-around consolidated Meticore fixings work in ideal proportions to keep up the general strength of its clients. It has been discovered successful in improving heart well being, cerebrum work just as in keeping up glucose levels in its clients.
Because of these foundation benefits, the makers of Meticore don’t avoid considering it an across the board medical care supplement. Seeing positive online Meticore reviews is expanding the enhancement’s notoriety at a quick rate, making it trying for producers to endure its interest.
In the event that you are searching for something that could assist you with getting in shape securely and adequately, at that point Meticore weight reduction supplement may very well be the correct item for you. Anyway this is no sorcery pill and results may fluctuate from individual to individual.

Meticore isn’t only any eating regimen pill. There are a few different advantages that you can get from devouring this supplement. Recorded underneath are a couple of them:
· It will help in regulating healthy blood sugar levels
· It will enhance and support healthy metabolism
· It will help in keeping your brain and joints healthy.
· It will help in keeping your heart healthy.
When you consume Meticore, your body’s core temperature will be raised, which, in turn, will help you get rid of that excess fat. Consuming Meticore is not a big task at all. Unlike weight loss mix-drinks, you do not have to mix these pills with anything. All you have to do is pop one of these pills everyday, if you do this on a regular basis, you will achieve your weight loss goals very quickly.

Meticore: Is It Worth It?
The ingredients used in Meticore are known for their weight reducing abilities. And they come with no side effects, the science behind these weight loss pills are quite solid.
So if you’re an individual who is longing to get rid of that extra fat, then you should seriously consider choosing Meticore, it will help you achieve your weight loss goals in the most efficient manner and furthermore, there are other health benefits that you will get as well.
Given the way this supplement has grown in popularity since its release, you can be sure that this supplement is definitely worth it.
Meticore comes packed with benefits like:
Weight reduction
This is likely its most evident advantage. Meticore expands your body’s center temperature and improves your digestion, accordingly encouraging you shed those additional pounds.
It does as such in a totally non-obtrusive way and doesn’t create any results.
Stacked with Nutrients and Minerals
The fixings in Meticore give you a sound portion of B12 and a large group of different Nutrients. Along these lines, you not just will get more fit, you do it while retaining basic nutrients and minerals.
Liberated from Energizers, still energy boosting.
This is one of the vital features of this item. It doesn’t depend on energizers. So caffeine, taurine and whatever else that gives you that transitory shock of energy and afterward before you realize it make them crash with weariness — are not what’s in here.
Made out of every normal fixing
Meticore is made altogether out of normal plant-based fixings. This gives it an edge over other substance loaded eating routine enhancements. Also, is likely the motivation behind why the enhancement hasn’t had any detailed results.
Made in a FDA affirmed office
Meticore is created in a FDA endorsed office and has a GMP (Great Assembling Practices) accreditation. Along these lines, you realize that the container you get contains exceptionally sterile and immaculate pills.
Accompanies a 60-day Unconditional promise to get your money back
Unconditional promises are serious stuff. The maker winds up losing cash if an item is returned and the whole item goes to squander. Nonetheless, the makers at Meticore actually have sponsored their item with not a 15-day, neither a 30-day — yet an entire 60 days of Unconditional promise. This says a lot about the certainty that the makers have behind their item.
ACT NOW! Take FULL Advantage of the Exclusive 2021 Meticore Discount Pricing Today

Losing weight can cause big health, self-esteem and lifestyle benefits. Some benefits of weight loss can be: improved cholesterol levels, decreased risk of heart disease, decrease risk of certain cancers, lowered blood pressure, decreased joint pains, amongst other benefits.
It can help your lifestyle by increasing and improving your mobility, helping to decrease your sleep apnea making your energy levels higher during the day and your rest better during the night.
Weight loss supplements such as Meticore can help people achieve their goal to lose weight in a faster and easier manner than with diet and exercise alone.

Some of the potential benefits and features as listed on the official Meticore website are:
• Made in a FDA approved facility
• Works equally effectively for both men and women
• Manufactured under strict quality control and supervision
• Minimal to no risks of side-effects
• Made from 100% natural ingredients
• Long-lasting results
• Non-GMO
• No Stimulants
• Not tolerance forming
• Ideal product for vegans
• 100% money-back guarantee
Note: Individual results may vary. Meticore is not suitable for children, pregnant women, and people with any chronic illness or metabolic disease. In case you belong to any of these groups, contact a doctor first.
· Meticore is safe and reliable.
· The root problem of weight accumulation is targeted.
· Effective and efficient
· It consists of original and natural elements.
· Meticore helps the body to burn fat and produce energy.
· It fastens the burning of calories.
· Meticore diminishes hunger cravings.
· This weight loss pill cures indigestion.
· Meticore has no side effects.
· It helps in maintaining blood glucose levels.
· This capsule prevents any diseases of the nervous system.
Here are the most remarkable advantages of Meticore.
Weight: Clearly, the most unmistakable advantage of the enhancement is weight reduction. Numerous individuals battle to shed pounds. The purpose for this may be a moderate digestion. It can keep your body from changing fat substance in food over to energy. The most ideal approach to improve digestion is to expand your center temperature. With Meticore, you will have the option to do that with little.
Lifts Energy: Other than assisting you with getting thinner, it will likewise furnish you with a lift in energy for the duration of the day. This is because of the improved metabolic capacity of your body. With more energy, you will have the option to play out each undertaking all the more successfully. In this way, you can spend more hours working out in the rec center. As you work it out in the rec center, you can see quicker weight reduction results.
Quicker Digestion = More slow Maturing: As you age, your digestion eases back down. Be that as it may, since Meticore may help improve your digestion, it will in general have an enemy of maturing impact on your body. Furthermore, the fixings remembered for the enhancement have been appeared to possibly bring down glucose and cholesterol levels in the body. Subsequently, this aides in keeping up your general wellbeing, which can improve your everyday routine and help you experience longer.
Advances In general Wellbeing: The enhancement shows extraordinary outcomes with regards to by and large wellbeing. It is its proficiency and viability that makes it worth a purchase. You can generally go to activities and diet, however the viability of this normal will in the long run decline. However, with Meticore, you don’t need to stress over that. It has various advantages for the body. This incorporates actuating the liver to adjust lipid and cholesterol levels. Its mitigating properties may likewise help calm muscle or joint torment.
Characteristic Fixings: Meticore is made with just normal fixings. Thus, you can be guaranteed that you will get in shape normally. It is protected to utilize and will work quietly to assist you with diminishing your weight. Envision losing those difficult to shed pounds while you are resting. Isn’t so extraordinary?
Meticore: Is Meticore a Scam?

I do not consider Meticore to be a scam.
Meticore is one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world right now, and along with popularity comes great responsibility and accountability.
The Meticore scam threat is real online as shady characters and bad apples attempt to con unsuspecting consumers into buying cheap Meticore pills based on fake reviews. Nearly all of the negative reviews about Meticore deal with user complaints regarding this very issue. Between fake Meticore supplement offers and fraudulent Meticore Amazon listings on the world’s biggest marketplace, customers of Meticore are not happy with the fraudsters found online.
The god news is that; this has an easy remedy regarding where to buy real Meticore tablets online. To date, the only verified option to buy Meticore weight loss pills for boosting low core body temperature is on the official website at Meticore.com. While it may seem more trustworthy to buy Meticore on Amazon, you will be getting a dubious product that is literally a cheap imitation knockoff with god knows what inside.
Even when searching for Meticore on Amazon.com, consumers will fake listings like “Meticore Advanced Diet Pills Supplement for Weight Loss” or even “Meticore Weight Management Pills, Meticore Metabolism Supplement Booster” — which is ultimately a sad state of affairs to even know those are allowed to exist but luckily as a smart shopper and concerned consumer you take the necessary steps of conducting invaluable due diligence that puts the odds in your favor.
And, as stated, the easiest solution is to order directly from the official company website to ensure customers get the real Meticore pills, free of side effects and guaranteed to have the actual ingredients list revealed above.
The “Meticore Trick” isn’t something executed by the producers of Meticore themselves. It is a result of knockoffs being sold online on different sites with god understands what stuffed in the containers.
How would you shield yourself from such tricks?

It’s entirely essentially and the makers have made it just for you.
The item is just accessible on the producer’s true site — Metricore.com and no place else. They wish to control the yield and deal with the quality and henceforth are doing this.
Wherever else you discover selling this item and they’re without a doubt selling a knockoff.
Not to fail to remember, the 60-day unconditional promise money back from the producer applies on the item. Yet, this assurance applies just when you make a buy from the authority site. The 2-month unconditional promise should alone persuade you about the maker’s absolute certainty behind their item.
Fortunately, perusing this will help illuminate clients on the most proficient method to appropriately purchase Meticore supplement as it is very simple to evade the entirety of the tricks and questionable snares arrangement online by those attempting to take honest buyers cash. All anybody needs to do to guarantee they are utilizing the authority detailing of the Meticore solid digestion uphold item is to just purchase from Meticore.com.
This basic, clear methodology wipes out the entirety of the shopper disarray and client mayhem, as none of those other phony Meticore offers will return with any unconditional promise, discount strategy or conviction to the extent item uprightness concerning virtue, power and by and large quality.
The authority Meticore organization and official Meticore site is immediate in saying they don’t enroll their enhancement on Amazon or Ebay or some other commercial center stage. So those Meticore Amazon postings on the world’s greatest commercial center at Amazon.com are without a doubt tricks just as the entirety of the false offers found on Ebay and so forth.
Why you should buy Meticore now?

Weight-loss supplements are probably one of the most widely sold products in the healthcare industry. With so many varieties out there and with varying individual results, here is what makes Meticore pills worth giving a try at least once:
• A Reliable Product
Meticore comes from a company that holds a reliable position in the market. The manufactures are not new in the industry and Meticore is an extension to their existing product line. All of the previous products were quite successful in the market and attracted a lot of positive online reviews. Looking at the success graph of the previous products, similar expectations can be associated with Meticore supplement.
• Uses Only Natural Constituents
Unlike many other weight loss products available in the market, Meticore metabolism boosting supplement is made from all-natural constituents. This makes it a side-effect free supplement, allowing users to lose weight in a healthy and safe manner.
• A Much Better Alternative to Extreme Dieting and Exercise
With regards to getting more fit and looking great, individuals some of the time resort to outrageous estimates like accident diets and weighty activities. The issue with these techniques for weight reduction is that the weight frequently returns not long after they are halted.
This happens because these methods do not address the underlying issue behind weight gain. With Meticore diet pills, consumers can expect a steady and long-lasting weight loss because it tackles the main trigger that causes weight gain in the first place. All of this can improve overall health while allowing the liberty to enjoy delicious foods and light exercises.
• Effective and Efficient
Meticore makes the body use its natural capability to burn fat. As this metabolic activity is part of the physiological make-up, the results delivered by Meticore are long-lasting.
• An Easy to Direct Supplement
Meticore is a very easy to use supplement. All that needs to be done is to swallow the recommended dosage of the capsules with water. No measurements, droppers, etc. required. The bottle is also very travel friendly and can fit right into your hand bags so you don’t miss out any dosages while on the go.
>> Click Here to Order Meticore from Its Official Website Now for The Lowest Price
It is quite simple not to get duped into buying cheap Meticore pills by visiting the Meticore.com website to order directly. The two-month window to try the Meticore weight loss supplement essentially risk free is a big plus in terms of whether or not this is an actual scam or side effect riddled formula.
Once making a safe, secure and direct from the company purchase online at Meticore.com, the onus is now on the product to work or not. For that, let’s wrap up this Meticore review, especially now that you know how to diligently avoid fake, cheap or tainted diet pills under the guise of the trendy Meticore brand name.
Meticore: Its Scientific Evidence
The creators of Meticore have not run any clinical preliminaries or logical examinations on their recipe. Notwithstanding, a few investigations have been performed on the fixings inside Meticore, that are completely referred to and situated on the authority site on Meticore.com for simple truth checking confirmation purposes.
By and large, a portion of the fixings are connected with certifiable weight reduction benefits, while others need more exploration. In a prior, presently obsolete Meticore survey on November 30, 2020, it expressed, “Meticore is a powerful weight reduction uphold arrangement that depends on the most recent logical discoveries on what prompts weight acquire and what makes it intense to shed it. Subsequently, this enhancement is one of its sort.
Truth be told, it professes to be the solitary recipe in the market that handles this most recent logical answer for empowering fat softening.”
To begin with, the facts demonstrate that stout individuals will in general have a lower center internal heat level than skinnier individuals. As referenced above, muscle consumes more energy than fat, and that implies individuals with fit muscle consume more energy than individuals with an equal measure of greasy tissue.
It gives less fatty individuals a preferred position with regards to digestion and calorie consuming. It’s the motivation behind why a few people can eat a 3,000 calorie feast and not put on weight, while others eat a 1,500 calorie dinner and put on weight.
It’s likewise evident that your body needs to consume energy to raise your center temperature. Your body gets energy from the nourishment you eat — like carbs and calories. On the off chance that it cannot get energy from food sources, at that point your body consumes fat. In case you’re in an endurance circumstance, for instance, your body will consume fat to keep your center internal heat level up, encouraging you stay alive.
In non-endurance circumstances, this equivalent system assists with weight reduction. There is considerably more logical proof to survey with respect to the authenticity of Meticore diet pills, yet weaving back to fixing the obsolete issues first.
The non-complete Meticore research in a prior outline expressed it could “It upgrades your center internal heat level and, with it, quickens your metabolic working as well, It empowers common fat liquefying, which encourages you hit your weight reduction objectives and The enhancement likewise helps your energy levels so you are coordinated for the duration of the day.”
Notwithstanding, it neglects to clarify why the Meticore weight reduction diet pill fixings work couple with each other because of their strong measurement sums and extraordinary detailing.
Numerous individuals take turmeric day by day for weight reduction, joint wellbeing, and different advantages. Specialists show that taking 70 to 2,400mg of turmeric every day could prompt weight reduction and backing sound irritation.
Truth be told, this investigation broke down weight reduction and turmeric research across 1,700+ patients and found that turmeric was related with critical decreases in BMI, weight, and different components. Despite the fact that Meticore contains a moderately low portion of turmeric, it’s conceivable that turmeric supplements the impacts of different fixings in Meticore.
In spite of the fact that Meticore markets itself as an exceptional eating regimen pill, it’s not the main weight reduction help to raise internal heat level to consume fat. Indeed, a significant number of the most well-known eating regimen pills raise internal heat level to quicken fat consuming.
They’re called thermogenic diet pills, and they contain fixings like caffeine and cayenne to help fat consuming. In spite of the fact that Meticore doesn’t contain caffeine or cayenne, it professes to contain different fixings that raise center internal heat level, and that could mean simpler fat consuming.
The creators of Meticore refer to 20+ examinations on the Meticore deals page, including a portion of the investigations connected previously. It’s conceivable the fixings in Meticore could assist you with getting more fit, consume fat for energy and accelerate metabolic rate work as promoted.
What’s more, indeed, in spite of the fact that you might have the option to discover higher dosages in less expensive enhancements, there is no denying exactly how well this sound digestion boosting support recipe has been for a great many Americans and people far and wide effectively in only a couple brief months.
Also, the exclusive recipe comprises of a portion of simply 250mg — which is a lot of lower than contending equations.” It is indistinct with respect to which weight reduction diet pill for boosting digestion and raising center internal heat levels was stacked in examination, the 8-fixing mix has been appeared to all independently convey alluring medical advantages when utilized consistently all alone.
The Meticore formulators are inflexible they have dialed in the ideal proportion of these six old detoxifying super-food supplements alongside two extra nutrient impetuses.
For most, by just assuming one Meticore weight reduction pill every day will supply the body with an appropriate establishment for reactivating an elite digestion that consumes fat and gives an ideal biological system to keeping body weight under control. The best part is, the Meticore supplement cost is entirely reasonable and feasible for those battling with weight the board and age-related metabolic log jam.
In spite of the fact that, there have been no logical tests run on Meticore so far, this is genuinely normal among supplements that depend on prominent superfoods and natural concentrates best in class. In any case, you should realize that there have been various examinations and tests directed on the fixings utilized. These examinations and tests are accessible on their site.
How to Use Meticore

This is one of the first questions anyone in the supplement industry should have before purchasing and trying a new product. Meticore’s patented formula comes packed in gel capsules. The capsules are completely vegetarian, which is great news for consumers who don’t eat any meat.
Another important factor to consider when taking Meticore is that it should be taken consistently over a relatively long period of time. Meticore’s official site advises consumers to take the supplement twice daily for over one month. I’d recommend waiting at least a month or more before expecting significant results, but some users make noticeable differences within weeks of use.
Who’s Behind Meticore?

This is an intense inquiry to reply. The authority site incorporates next to no data concerning the specific organization behind the recipe, exploration, and creation of the enhancement because of copycat me too items.
Notwithstanding their being genuine Meticore shopper cautioning alarms online deserving of exploring more into, nonetheless, we do realize that it is being given and facilitated by a grounded stage in Digistore24, Inc.
This organization has effectively sold and promoted a few exceptionally promoted supplements in the business, and is one who praises all discount demands and has a responsive client assistance pass to assist with any inquiries or concerns.
There is one bit of contact data for the group behind Meticore accessible on the authority item site. Purchasers can email them at the accompanying email address:
Email: [email protected]
Meticore: What is the cost? Any Meticore Discounts?

Before anything else, I’d like to reiterate that Meticore is currently being offered through the manufacturer’s official website only and the rates below are from there.
Not only that, but yes for a VERY LIMITED TIME, the products are heavily discounted.
The clincher with Meticore supplement are the astonishing value packages and limits that are being offered on its buy. In spite of the fact that its customary costs are adequately reasonable to find a way into any family spending plan, the limits offered are quite rewarding.
The makers produce the enhancement in little clumps so there is positively no assurance that it stocks would keep going long at such astounding costs. Subsequently, we encourage you to pick up the pace with your requests and don’t pass up a major opportunity the uncommon limits that will be substantial for a brief time frame.
In addition to these discount offers, the manufacturers of Meticore diet pills also provide customers with a solid 60-day money back guarantee. Customers will get a full refund on their purchase if the supplement does not show promised results — no questions asked. To learn more about refunds check their official website.
This completely secures them from any monetary loss if they have any Meticore complaints. Moreover, there are no hidden fees attached to the Meticore pills and all purchases require a one-time payment only.
The manufacturers are entirely against the policy of auto-shipping and rebilling therefore they don’t impose such policies on their valued customers.
Meticore comes with a 60-days refund policy. You can return the bottles (even if empty) and request a complete refund on your purchase.
In the event that you attempted Meticore and in the event that it didn’t prompt important weight reduction inside the initial two months, at that point you can demand a discount. Be that as it may, the producer keeps the first transportation expense ($10 per bottle).
The shipper store Digistore24 is liable for handling every one of your sets of valid Meticore pills. Your charge card charging explanation will have “Digistore24” referenced against your buy sum. All extra redesign buys are reflected independently in the exchange. In the event that you face any questions, connect with the satisfaction group at [email protected].
The Meticore items are transported around the world. In the greatest cases, the Meticore organization attempt to send the item on the date of procurement. If there should arise an occurrence of postponement, Meticore will send the item most recent by the following date of procurement.
The Meticore satisfaction group dispatches all requests on the entire days of the week and on the US occasions and postal occasions also.
To let the Meticore clients monitor their shipment continuously, the organization and shipper stage give a following connection and a shipment notice when their bundle leaves the office. It allows clients to follow their travel and get continuous updates regarding where their Meticore offer is.
The coordination are overseen well yet don’t stop for a second to connect with Meticore straightforwardly on the off chance that you actually face any worries.
Please take note that the average shipping time is:
• 5 to 7 days for delivery within US and Canada
• 1 to 2 weeks for delivery to any international destination
Meticore honors all refunds in case the client is unsatisfied with the product. The customer should ensure that to get a complete refund, he or she needs to:
• Return all the bottles be it empty, full, or partially empty. He also needs to return any free or bonus bottles in the order.
• The return should reach them within 60 days from the date of purchase.
• The return parcel should have the original packing slip.
In case the original packing slip is not attached there should be a separate note inside the package with the following details:
Order id of Digistore24 found on the receipt.
• Full name
• Full address where the shipment is received
• Email address
• Phone number
Refunds are not possible if:
• You do not include all the bottles, whether empty, full, or partially full, and any gift and bonus bottles.
• You do not state the details of the order or the details are not readable.
• They do not receive the return within 60-days from your purchase date.
The customer will have to bear all the return shipping expenses. Once the fulfillment center receives the package, we go ahead and process the refund. In standard cases, it will take 3–5 working days for the refund to get reflected in your bank account.
Address for the physical return of the product
Meticore: 1301 Ridgeview Drive, McHenry, IL 60050.

International shipping involves a lot of costs, and thus they will not refund the shipping cost for your order if your shipping address is outside of the US. We will only refund the cost of the bottle if you meet all the policies as stated above. The international orders may be liable for customs charges which are non-refundable.
If you order through the official Meticore website at Meticore.com, you agree to oblige to all our terms and conditions as per their manufacturer’s policy.
Exploit Your Weight Loss with Meticore Supplement — User Guide:

It is significant for all planned clients to recollect that regardless of its different claimed benefits, Meticore fat killer is a medical services supplement and not a drug for an ailment. In spite of the fact that it can give a critical degree of help to the weight reduction measure, it is ideal to go with it with sufficient degree of active work and appropriate eating routine for the most ideal outcomes.
Furthermore, as all people have altogether different body arrangements, the rate at which Meticore influences everybody may shift incredibly. While a few clients may rush to achieve their weight reduction targets, others may take somewhat more. In this manner, contingent upon the body structure, fat organization, level of actual work and diet individuals react distinctively to Meticore diet pills.
Here are a few tips that can help users to reap maximum outcomes with Meticore capsules:
• Adding protein to the diet
Proteins form up an essential part of a balanced and healthy diet. One property of proteins that make them worthy of more weightage in daily diet is their ability to boost metabolic rate. According to research, an adequate level of proteins can boost metabolism by 15% to 30%. As opposed to this, carbohydrates and fats do this by 10–15% and 0–3% respectively. Proteins can be obtained from eggs, beans, lean beef, white-meat poultry, yogurt, seafood etc. Including these foods in the diet will ensure a healthy weight loss process, while maintaining the body’s nutrient requirements.
• Increase water intake
Who knew drinking more water could also reduce weight? According to many researches, a proper water intake increases the metabolic rate by 10–30% within an hour of consumption. Furthermore, increased fluid intake helps in curbing hunger pangs contributing a great deal into the weight loss efforts.
• Make sure to get adequate sleep
An adequate amount of deep sleep is very important for the body to help t repair and rejuvenate itself. A lack of sleep also affects neurotransmitters that control the signals for calorie intake of the body. Moreover, inadequate sleep is scientifically proven to impact food choices of individuals. The more sleep deprived anyone is, the more likely they are to crave carbohydrates and high calorie foods. In addition to weight gain, inadequate sleep can lead to other health problems like insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and increased hunger pangs.
• Always keep healthy food around to satisfy cravings
It is very natural to feel hungry when starting a new dietary pattern. In order to support this process, experts recommend keeping healthy foods nearby for times when hunger strikes. Carrots, nuts, granola bars are just some examples of healthy snacking options.
Meticore: My Meticore Reviews Final Verdict
Note — Pregnant women, lactating mothers, people with a history of heart diseases or other serious ailments should first consult their physician before starting on Meticore or any other supplement.
Having a perfectly thin and lovely body is a fantasy that we as a whole have. Arriving anyway is a long cycle that requires genuine devotion and backing. While commitment comes from the inside, the help should start from outer sources.
This is the place where Meticore weight reduction comes in. It gives clients the truly necessary push to enter the weight reduction cycle. It reestablishes the common metabolic breakdown of greasy stores in the body and paces up the weight reduction measure.
Meticore doesn’t just assistance decrease weight of its clients, yet in addition causes them detoxify their bodies. This guarantees enduring energy levels, rejuvenated faculties and a reestablished and slimmer body.
With Meticore, shedding pounds turns into a feasible objective. It assists clients with boosting their certainty and oversee their lives.
Because of these points of interest, the enhancement is taking off the racks more than ever. To get hold of your jug presently, request now from the authority Meticore site and get the item conveyed directly at your doorstep.
>> Visit The Official Website Here to Order Meticore Today!
We as a whole realize that weight reduction is no cakewalk, and it is consistently more difficult than one might expect. An individual attempting to shed pounds actually needs to go through different forfeits and bargains to shed overabundance weight. Magazines and persuasive stories may have romanticized weight reduction altogether too much. Following exacting weight control plans and exhausting activity systems can be burdening, and it’s more regrettable when you don’t notice any outcomes from it.
Individuals who are battling with weight reduction are consistently watching out for simpler approaches to get in shape. This has prompted different weight reduction supplements that will assist you with getting in shape and keep up your general well-being. Normal enhancements are a boon to individuals who are battling with weight reduction.
So in the event that you are mulling over setting out on being solid and accomplishing your weight objectives in 2021;
Here are 10 reasons why using Meticore in 2021 is a great option to act as a catalyst to bolster your new year new look:
Less Joint torments: On the off chance that you are battling with being overweight, you precisely understand what we are discussing. Being overweight can put a great deal of strain on your joints, particularly your knees. Despite the fact that every one of us needs to bear a touch of mileage in our joints, overweight individuals assemble additional strain on the joints alongside the overabundance weight. Characteristic weight reduction supplements have powerful fixings that are a rich wellspring of mitigating properties, lessening the pressing factor in your joints. They ease manifestations of joint pain and backing joint torments.
Deny Pressure: A requesting position can add to your feelings of anxiety taking off the rooftop yet so does an undesirable eating routine. On the off chance that you experience pressure initiating food, you will see that most food that adds to pressure likewise adds to being overweight. While the food that reduces pressure likewise encourages you in shedding abundance weight. Normal weight reduction supplements are an extraordinary craving regulator. The high level equation of common weight reduction supplements is made with a brilliant proportion of solid food and flavors that help control your hunger and lessens undesirable longings.
Say goodbye to occasional sensitivity: Would you say you are inclined to occasional hypersensitivities? It turns out you can accuse a portion of your developing weight. Putting on weight can pressure your respiratory framework and adrenal organs, which may demolish your sensitivity and asthma. Getting in shape implies that you will have the option to wake and smell your espresso. Say goodbye to your last to hypersensitivities.
Express Hello to yummy food: many exploration recommends that being overweight influences your taste affect-ability. Abusing your taste buds with undesirable food can effectually affect your taste affect-ability? So to make the most of your food and relish each nibble, you should pursue getting more fit.
Improve your sex drive: Having some room blues of late? In overweight men, there is an outstanding decrease in testosterone levels, which influences them antagonistically. Ladies battling with weight or fat gathering around the paunch have raised a pressure chemical called cortisol. Both of these meddle with sexual excitement alongside other medical conditions. Additionally, losing the overhang will permit you to feel surer when naked and increment your sexual cravings.
Gain Certainty: We are altogether mindful the being overweight or large can negatively affect our confidence and certainty. Getting in shape isn’t just about inclination 5 pounds lighter, yet it gives you a feeling of power over your life, and the outcomes demonstrate it. Recall being sluggish isn’t the explanation you are fat, however being fat is the reason you are lethargic. So right now is an ideal opportunity to make positive strides towards your general prosperity, pursue accomplishing your weight objectives, and assume responsibility for your life.
Feel Empowered: Subsequent to shedding a couple of pounds, you will consequently feel more stimulated and accomplish regular work without any difficulty. Regular weight reduction supplements have characteristic energy promoters and will help you stay dynamic for the duration of the day.
Upgrade your Temperament: When you begin shedding overabundance weight, you will see less strain on your body and brain. One of the critical advantages of shedding pounds isn’t calorie consumes however endorphins and dopamine. There is an eruption of upbeat chemicals in your body that will normally upgrade your disposition.
Inhale Better: Put down a murmur of alleviation! Thinning down normally will improve your oxygen productivity. You won’t get gasping for air by climbing a couple of steps or strolling a couple of meters; you will have the option to inhale better.
Abatement the Danger of Cardiovascular Infections: Heftiness is supposed to be a huge contributing component to numerous cardiovascular illnesses; it is connected to disease as well. In any case, on the off chance that you can lose at any rate 5% of your body weight, you can diminish irritation and decrease the odds of cardiovascular illnesses. Normal weight reduction supplements are stuffed with fixings that help decrease aggravation normally.
Live More: A more slender you is corresponding to a sound you. Individuals battling with weight don’t know about the cost it takes on their life expectancy. A couple of exploration additionally recommends that corpulence can abbreviate the life expectancy to as long as 14 years. So on the off chance that you pursue being sound and losing overabundance weight, you may receive the rewards and stretch out your life as long as two years.
Last Decision — Is Meticore Ideal for you?
So, the appropriate response is yes — it is a fair enhancement and the great many surveys online legitimize all the cases set forth by the producer.
The long answer?
Meticore is anything but an enchantment pill. Thus, don’t expect getting more fit for the time being after you start its utilization. It’s a dietary enhancement and you’ll start seeing continuous weight reduction.
Simultaneously, we suggest doing some lively strolling, attempting to eat somewhat better, on the off chance that you can and keeping a tab on your weight.
Meticore raises your center temperature which in the end expands your metabolic rate. Thus, you use food quicker than you were doing previously.
The fixings in Meticore likewise will continuously start the way toward flushing out the poisons from your body — the ones you newly ingest from your food and the ones you’ve collected from previously. Insufferable from it being a totally characteristic item, Meticore is now miles in front of other weight reduction pills. Add to it the way that it is totally energizer free, yet supports your energy normally make it a shared benefit.
We are stating that being overweight may impact how individuals see you and how you see yourself. Weight reduction isn’t simple, however you need to keep at it until you accomplish your weight objectives. Numerous normal enhancements are accessible on the lookout, guaranteeing you get in shape normally, protected with no unsafe results. They work best when they are upheld with light exercise and diets.
All things considered, Meticore works and is beneficial for you. Check it out

Get Your Hands on the Best Weight reduction Result of 2020 and Start 2021 with a Blast!
This review will contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission on a purchase without additional cost to you but a discount to you, if you buy something through my links.
The purpose of this review is to educate the viewers, and share everything I know about Meticore.
I do believe in the products I mention, and have experience with it. I will never promote a product I have’t tried or think you’ll not benefit from.
If you do purchase through my affiliate link, thank you so much for your support!
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this is a breaking point
i really have not been taking care of myself lately. i’ve been neglecting my physical health and my mental health to an extent that i haven’t done in years. everything is just happening so fast and all at once. graduation, a new job, a new city, a new apartment, a hard and painful breakup, an exciting new relationship, an upcoming trip, trying to get my licensure in order before I leave, dealing with all the new employee stuff.....it’s just a lot. it’s a hell of a lot. and i’ve been neglecting every aspect of caring for my physical and mental health for the past month.
it started after i finished my last rotation in early December. I was in the mindset of “fuck it, I’m finally done with school, I have 2 months until I start a real job, I’m just going to let loose and not care during this time period because it’s an opportunity i won’t have again.” And I was right about that, I will never have 2 months like this again. I will likely never even have a full week like this again - free to do whatever with my days, no 8 hours a day/5 days a week work. and at first it was in the name of mental and physical health. a rest from nonstop grinding for yearssssss. A rest from 4:30am alarms to get to the gym before work, of working 10 hours and then coming home and studying, of 5 hours of class followed by 3 hours of clinic followed by studying for my exam the next day, of meal prepping and skipping the dinner outing or the trip to the bar in the name of discipline, of working like an absolute dog to get to where I am.
But it’s turned bad. It’s turned into a blatant neglect for my health. I’ve stopped taking my prescribed meds, I’ve stopped working out, I’ve stopped eating well....some days I don’t eat at all and others I eat like shit for every single meal. My weight has fluctuated like crazy these past 2 months, low to high to low to high. I honest to god cannot tell you the last time I had a fruit that wasn’t a garnish on a drink. I haven’t cooked for myself in 2 months. I haven’t eaten brown rice or quinoa or spinach or chia seeds or oats or literally any vegetable or fruit or anything that used to be a staple for me.
I haven’t spent time outdoors. I haven’t read a book. I haven’t organized my space, I haven’t been washing my face, I haven’t had any semblance of a sleeping schedule.
and to a certain extent, that’s okay. You know, that’s living life and that’s being flexible and adaptable and understanding that your life isn’t supposed to fit in a box and you aren’t supposed to be a solid mold. I understand all that, and in a way I am proud of my ability to break out of my routine time and time again, and choose friends and late nights and beer and a weekend trip out of town over rigidity and strictness and anything that I am used to.
But it’s gone too far and it has been for a few weeks now and I’m just ignoring the problem as if it’s going to go away. To be fair to me, I have been emotionally all over the place and gone through ups and downs that I never saw coming. and i’ve been trying to handle this emotional whirlwind, trying to handle the nighttime depression that has started creeping back in, trying to handle the couple of panic attacks i’ve induced over the past month, trying to handle my tendencies to use food as a weapon against myself, to use self-deprivation (water, sleep, vegetables, fresh air) as weapon against myself. Trying to handle the overwhelming pressure I feel to be good at my new job, with my fancy new degree at a fancy new hospital and not let everyone down and not let myself down.
I kind of feel like I’ve lost myself a little bit. I haven’t been engaging in the things that have always been important to me. At least not the ones that only involve me. I’ve been very present in my relationship, present in my family life, present when it comes to making plans with friends. But I’ve lost the part of me that cares about the food she puts into her body, who respects her body and moves it every day, whether that be stretching and handstands or squatting and pressing or walking and hiking. I just haven’t been.
Yesterday I went with my boyfriend to get his hair cut and he said it was going to be about an hour and for 5 minutes I sat in the car mindlessly scrolling through my phone and that’s how I was planning to pass the time....and I instantly started getting anxious and antsy. Because that’s not me, that’s not what I do. I got out of the car and walked a little less than a mile to the local library and grabbed myself a latte and perused some books, sat down at a table and opened one at random and started reading. I walked!! outside. and I read!! a book. while i sipped my latte. THAT is me. That’s what I do, that’s the Lauren that’s engaged in her life, engaged in her surroundings, takes care of her mental stimulation and moves her body a bit.
It’s very tough for me to be in this state of transition. Nothing is permanent right now, everything, everything is about to change. And in order to deal with the impending change and the stress that’s associated with it, I’ve become lost in the moment. (as a side note, I think that living in the moment is extremely important and valuable. I, however, have become completely lost in it...directionless, unsure, lacking confidence, losing myself kind of lost). And I want to change that. I need to change that.
this is a breaking point.
And this breaking point comes at a really unfortunate time. I’m leaving in 2 days to fly to Tanzania, I’ll be gone for 10 days total in the wilderness with zero semblance of routine and zero control over any of it. Two days after I come back, I drive to my new city and start the move-in process. I’ll be in Baltimore for 5 days, I’ll be back home for part of the next week where I’ll be trying to figure out how to get my stuff out of storage, how to get my furniture from my ex, how move into my own place...and also trying to cram in seeing my boyfriend who will have started classes and has more limited time. I have to figure out how ad when to get the cats to Baltimore, I have to figure out what furniture I need and how to get it, where to get it, how much I can afford to spend. I have so little control over anything the next 2 weeks, my opportunities to work out will be slim to none, my opportunities to cook for myself and meal prep will be slim to none, my opportunities to decide how much time I get to spend with the people I care about and those that give me comfort will be slim to none.
but I can’t fight this breaking point anymore. It;s been a longggg time coming, and I’m almost relieved it’s here. Time to break out the journal, the planner, time to break out the attitude that gets shit done, time to break out the side of me that is fed up with my current bullshit and wants to be better. I can’t let this go forever. It’s grind time again. It’s time to sleep better, eat better, move better, treat other people better, engage more, work harder, get shit done. I cannot start my new job in this slump. I have to be on my A+ game from day one, out the gate. I have to show them why they hired me and what I can do for them. And that starts with reminding myself what I can do for myself.
And there’s balance to all of this. I’m not done drinking wine or eating ice cream or taking rest days or choosing to live in the moment with others. I just need to find my balance again. Restore the scales back to where they were, restore myself back to where I was. Bring myself back from the brink that I have been standing on for weeks and weeks and weeks. It’s not easy, the opportunities in the next 3 weeks will not be handed to me. I will have to fight for every single one of them, and make it a priority.
It starts tonight. It starts with getting my ass out of bed, drinking some water, making a salad for dinner, meal prepping some breakfast for tomorrow, getting to bed at a reasonable time. It continues tomorrow, when I get up at a reasonable time, get my ass to the gym, pack my bags for Tanzania, get all my travel documents in order, make the last purchases I need to make. Make my bed. Get outside. Take a fucking walk. Breathe some fresh air, read my book.
I’ve always been an all or nothing person. The last month, taking care of myself has been off my radar, it’s been at nothing. Tonight I start to bring it back. I don’t want to go back to “all,” because I know that side of it isn’t good for me. I know what I can end up doing when I put my everything into “bettering myself” - I know that that pendulum swings waaay to fast and too hard in the other direction. I’m gonna play some video games tonight still, I’m gonna facetime my boyfriend tonight still, I’m going to probably have a small glass of wine tonight still. I’m just going to also do better, be better than I have for the past month. Better to myself and better to others.
There is SO much I haven’t even covered in this post, but it’s a semblance of what I’ve been laying in bed for the past 3 hours thinking about. And it gets me going the way I need it to. I know what else is going on in my head, I know what else I need to address besides this ^. But this is a start. This is a breaking point. And even though I’m mentally tired and emotionally strained and physically under-nourished and dehydrated and my skin hates me and my body feels worn down and my motivation is close to zero....I’m walking headfirst into this.
My phoenix tattoo was inspired by a quote I saw: “in order to rise from its own ashes, a phoenix first must burn.” And at the time I got the tattoo there was a specific moment in mind, a specific time frame of my life that I was thinking of, I have come to realize that it can apply in many ways. I’m going to have a lot more downs in my life, I’m going to be burned in my life, I’m going to be reduced to ashes. But we rise up. That’s all we can do. We hit our bottom, we hit our breaking point, we gather ourselves, and we rise.
this is a breaking point. and i will rise.
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I wonder:
- if you can send serum into the body that either temporarily creates barriers around our cells or suppresses them to lessen the signals they give off that attracts viruses, and then once that's in place, send in a second serum filled with decoy artificial Trojan horse cells that give off a louder signal that attracts the virus even harder than our own body's cells, like a virus-magnet drawing it away from our real cells and once the virus penetrates and invades the decoy cells, gets trapped and prevented from attaching to healthy real cells, and broken down in it if not entirely then enough for normal anti-viral meds to be able to wipe it out the rest of the way. But do all this in a way that doesn't attract our T-cells away from the virus or endanger our body further. Even if it has to be time-sensitive from the time the treatment starts.
- in the mean time, while we have some teams attacking and trying to solve the virus puzzle itself, if we can come up with a strong anti-mucus medication that softens and loosens it in fast timing, just enough to open the lungs with out sending our necessary natural mucus-production systems out of wack, but just attacks the build itself and loosens it enough to open the lungs, then we could maybe have an anti-mucus gas that gets in the lungs and clears the rest of it out faster. It might be gross spitting up that much, but at least it gets out. And just for the mean time keep doing that until the virus plays itself out of the body.
Until you can attack the virus, keep attacking the symptoms, and if there's no way to - MAKE A WAY!
- I wonder if there was a way to super-enhance our t-cells without effectively programming them to go rogue and attack our own bodies.
If only there was a Tetris or Lego way to orchestrate all of this to work together at once in the human body, like use the bodies natural timing settings to be able to make certain treatments last a specific time or act in a certain timing so that it can work in harmony to hunt down, trap, and lockout the virus, like using the body's machinery to just turn it completely against the virus without working against itself in return, or at least have a diagram to see what the one key component is that will be effected that will be the one centerstone thing that throws the body off course after the virus is gone that if treated back to normal will put the body back together (I saw an episode of house where all a guy needed was one thing he was deficient in and as soon as he got the shot, he went from being wheelchair bound and unable to talk to right back to perfection. I know it's just a show but, 💁♀️ when you can narrow it down to one component and fix that - the domino effect takes place in the positive reprogramming the body right back to normal).

I only wonder if it can be invented.
With a virus you have 7 options (that I can think of):
Suppress the virus or punch holes in its cells to weaken it enough to wipe it out either with the body's natural resources or with another medication
Block our own cells from getting invaded in the first place and wait it out
Suppress our cells' signals and draw the virus away with a makeshift "viral magnet" and once rounded up, figure out how to destroy it or dispense it from the body fast
Reprogram the body to attack the virus in an unconventional manner all at once
Kill the virus outright
Trap and contain: and either extract it out, break it down and kill, kill out right, or wait for it to die on its own
All or a combo of the above
Do nothing and wait for it to just play itself out, aka kill off humanity. ( 👈👈 hint: nooooobody accepts this answer)
If only there was a complete list of all the bodies processes like there is for a whole computer system, and a complete corruption programming process list for the virus, lay it all out like a puzzle, open it to the public and see if anybody has any breakthrough ideas that helps the scientists get to a cure and vaccine faster - even unconventionally. Just say "what if we do this because of sound reasons a, b, and c, or old theories 1, 2, and 3 that works for this other thing that parallels this virus setup?" And all you need is to figure out the science and math to configure that solution. In Hidden figures, when they were trying to "invent the math" to achieve the currently unachievable, she found a way using a retro method that came through and was still relevant, hence thinking unconventionally outside the box and widening the spectrum of patterns and their solutions to compare it to.
Get the public in on it and see if anybody notices anything the scientists could be missing OR have a weird suggestion that although may not be a direct relation or answer, may actually cause a scientist to have an unexpected epiphany that gives them a breakthrough to the answer.
This is a whole world problem, this should be worked on by the whole world. Maybe we can solve this faster.
May our Lord God grant us the answer. May He have Divine Mercy on, Help and Save us all, and more importantly make our humanity better and more united toward one another and eradicate petty prejudices and hatred off the face of this Earth along with this virus.
#notascientist #justhopingandpraying #defeatthistogether #don'traciallyh8
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Hera visits the med bay.
Madame Hera strode into the primary medical bay of the Samos. There was actually more than one medbay aboard the ship, though the others are smaller local area facilities. The primary was the only one with the facilities that ESS-1172 required for her maintenance routines. Specifically the neural jacks. That fact is what brings Hera here today.
One of the medical officers in the front of the facility spots her immediately and bows respectfully. A lanky fellow, some sort of insectoid. "Madame Hera. Are you in need of assistance." He sounds urgent, immediately forgetting the crew member he was talking to. Good. The Madame's health always takes precedence.
"Is ESS-1172 present?" She keeps the question simple and evenly spoken.
The officer checks his data tablet with only the slightest moment of pause to process the question. "Yes. Surgical suite six." His answer is curt and effective. The medical staff seems to be in good form.
Hera begins to stride that way immediately upon getting the answer. She hears the officer call after her as she does. "Madame, be aware she is likely unconscious and being worked on by the machines." Also useful information.
"That is fine." Hera declares simply as she moves away from him. That is preferred in fact. Hera has found herself curious about the maintenance routines her Specialist regularly undergoes. She has read about them, of course, but she has never taken the time to witness them. Without witnessing it is difficult to truly understand an occurrence. Today the Madame has decided to change that.
It is, of course, to better understand the nature of her specialist and thus be able to make more effective use of her.
Surgical suite six is only a short walk down the hall. The light above it is on, signaling an operation is in progress. Hera overrides the lock and slips inside. She knows that there will be no one here but ESS-1172. The door was sealed after all, and 1172 would never allow another crew member here of her own will. The only things that the specialist seems to trust are the ships machines and Hera herself.
Rather dangerous in case of a system malfunction though. Hera herself would prefer a trusted organic operator be present to at least supervise any surgical operation.
Madame Hera almost trips on ESS-1172's armor as she enters. The gear is strewn all over the floor. The Madame let's out a tsk. Really now? She could at least put it all in a corner. Perhaps the Madame should try to get her specialist to be a tad more tidy. Then again this is supposed to be a locked room that no one else will enter until ESS-1172 is finished with her maintenance so perhaps Hera is being a little harsh in this regard.
The untidy specialist in question is in the center of the room. Laying naked on the large surgical table. Numerous mechanical arms are moving across her body. They make tiny incisions, snake mechanical tendrils into her, and do whatever work needs doing before retracting and moving on. It is so much movement at once. Sometimes the Madame forgets what an automated surgery looks like. Like a metal shoggoth having its violent way with your flesh.
She moves over to the main control console for the system. Looking over the readout. A full display of ESS-1172s body is there. Scans from the ship's medical systems, data taken from the specialists suit, and data from the specialists own body all present. All overlapped and taken together. Hera glances up, her eyes focus on the small mechanical limbs placed behind 1172's ears. That's where the neural jack must be interfacing to get the bodies data. Does ESS-1172 have interface ports behind her ears? Obviously she does but Madame Hera had failed to notice before now.
She notices something else now too. Again her eyes drift over ESS-1172. This time she is not watching the machines. This time she watches her specialists body. Laid out bare, completely unmoving. Completely at rest as the machines do their work.
She is vulnerable.
This is the first time Hera has ever seen ESS-1172 truly vulnerable. She has seen the specialist severely injured, seen her in the throes of passion, at rest in the Madame's bed. 1172 is never vulnerable. She is a weapon, always at the ready. A coiled serpent always ready to strike at any provocation. She is a dangerous and deadly thing, and she is never vulnerable.
Except for right now, in this moment.
Madame Hera is struck with a feeling she cannot quite place. A sense of intimacy perhaps, or maybe some sort of voyeurism.
Her eye's lower back down. Trying to discern what is being done… maintenance to cybernetic systems. Repair of microfractures. Reseating of strained tendons. Lots of individually small things. Lots of recovery from the strain of the work ESS-1172 does, and the strain her modifications put on her body to do it.
That is not necessary though. There are other modifications that could compensate. Make this physical maintenance unnecessary. Of course that's the point isn't it? Executive Solutions Specialists have power without set loyalties. To give them bodies that break themselves is to leash them to those that have the facilities to repair them. A brilliant arrangement really, and one that inevitably brought ESS-1172 to The Samos. Brought her to the Madame.
Suddenly all the movement changes. Limbs retract. Flesh is fused and sealed, hiding the fact that there was every any invasion of the flesh. The physical maintenance is done. Hera watches the many robotic arms retract back into the housing above. Then notes the two behind the ears remain.
Suddenly the displays change. A command line interface of some sort. The symbol of the Executive Solutions Department displays itself. This is what Hera was truly curious about. The pruning. This program isn't native to her ship, it's loaded in from the specialists own brain. Madame Hera does not understand the technical details of how this is accomplished so reliably, it is a guarded secret even from those of her standing, but apparently it works. Again the display changes, readout from ESS-1172s brain. Scrolling information.
She catches the specialists fingers twitch on the table. Nerve impulses firing.
The indoctrination and psychosurgeries an ESS undergoes damages the brain, damages the mind, they need to be pruned and repaired to remain functional. Some more often than others as Hera has gathered. The hardware and software to do so is largely held within their own brain but an external neural jack is required to provide a platform and power to work with.
The physical problems could be fixed but this… Hera is unsure if there is any way to fix this.
Then suddenly it stops.
The displays blanks and returns to normal, the interface arms pull out and away from the specialist. That was fast. Much faster than the Madame expected.
Hera is about to make her leave, escape before ESS-1172 awakens.
The Madame underestimates her specialist.
Lavender eyes shoot open. Ears twitch. The specialist rolls off of the table and onto the floor before Hera can even register she's awake.
A weapon is grabbed from the floor and brought up, pointed at the Madame. Then ESS-1172 realizes who it is and lowers the weapon. "Apologies Madame."
Hera releases her breath. There was a brief moment of fright. The same feeling one gets when they realize they've startled a dangerous animal. Part of her wells in anger at having a weapon drawn against her. Yet it also makes perfect sense. She is intruding on the most vulnerable moment ESS-1172 ever experiences. Would Hera herself not draw a weapon in surprise at an intruder?
The Madame nods. "It is alright. I no doubt startled you." This can be forgiven.
The specialist nods slowly, shallow. Barely admitting to the display of fear in the form of violence. Hera can see it regardless, her chest is rising and falling just a little too quickly. Her body is tense. Hera has never actually seen her quite like this. The aftershocks of genuine fear. The urge to reach out to 1172, to reassure her, grace the periphery of Hera's mind. Then the specialist speaks, before she can act on anything. "Did you need something Madame?"
She doesn't. She didn't expect to be caught. Luckily the Madame is nothing if not quick of mind. She can cover her curiosity and get something else out of this as well.
"I had a moment of free time and wished to intercept you while your clothing was already off." Her voice remains controlled, dominant.
ESS-1172 shifts her demeanor, a grin dancing on her face suddenly. She puts the weapon back down. "Of course, Madame."
#mirak#h e r a#my writing#this isn't backlogged this was written last night and drafted this morning specifically for posting today#my OCs#crimson's OCs#I was also bribed#by good art
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Which WIP?!
I have about three weeks between classes, my meds and my muse seem to be holding a tentative truce, and I really miss writing. Wanna help me decide which rabbit hole? I need to choose one and kind of stick with it. My goal is to have a rough draft done by August 19 and then edit during the semester. (My goal is to start an original work in January 2020, so this is warm-up.)
I do find feedback and enthusiasm both validating and motivating, so if something makes you go “oooooooh” let me know?
Options below:
Option A: Vaguely Pacific Northwest McDanno AU -- Steve returns from combat to his deceased father’s cabin, Danny is a journalist writing about missing children in the area. Danny gets too close to the truth. I only have three paragraphs of this written, but it’s outlined. Inspired in part by the idea of a bearded Steve and Danny wearing jeans, boots, and scarves.
(opening) He moved through the house, flicking on one or two lights, somewhat surprised that the electricity hadn’t been long since disconnected. Since it wasn’t, the well pump still worked and the kitchen sink yielded fresh, cold water. The aquifers here, in the northwest corner of the country, have the coldest, clearest water of anyplace he’s seen, on this continent or any other. He cupped a handful of it and gulped greedily. Even in the dim light, he could tell that the coffee maker had only a faint layer of dust. It gave him pause, to think that someone had been keeping up the property. His father must have arranged for a caretaker in his will.
It didn’t occur to him to test the heat; he simply took off his boots and climbed, fully clothed, under the heavy comforter in the room that has remained unchanged since he left it almost two decades ago.
(random selection)
“Go away, Danny,” Steve orders. “I mean it. Get the hell away from me.”
Danny wipes at the blood, dripping steadily now from his eyebrow, trailing down the side of his face. His jaw clenches as he squares off against Steve. “Why? Because I caught you off guard, didn’t duck fast enough? Come on, Steve, I know you didn’t mean --”
“That’s the point, Danny!” Steve explodes. “That’s the fucking point. Whether I mean it or not, this is what happens. People get hurt. The people I care about get hurt.”
“Yeah, is that so? Well maybe the people I care about get something, too.”
“What? What, Danny?”
Danny steps into his space and he can feel his own coiled tension reflected right back at him, in the stubborn set of Danny’s shoulders, in the heat radiating off his chest.
Steve doesn’t have time to react before Danny’s hands are on him, wrapping around the back of his neck, his hip, pulling him in and down. He tastes the tang of copper and iron as their lips crash together and for a moment it’s violent, and Steve falls into it. Violence is familiar.
Option B: Core Four AU Steve comes back from being presumed dead after the Hesse fiasco in North Korea and opens an acupuncture clinic. Danny is building a new life on the island after losing his wife. Steve starts to fall for Danny until he suspects that Danny is keeping a secret involving his little girl. Kono is exasperated with all of the alphabet agencies that come into play -- CIA, FBI, ATF, and she just wants to know -- WTF?! Outlined but with two possible “reveals” I would need to choose from. This one also give me an opportunity to play with world-building, because the setting is specific, involving an elaborate tree house, a zip line, and other things that end up getting SEALed in order to protect Grace.
(There’s this)
“Kono, we are professional health care providers here,” he said. “No dating clients. And quit trying to set me up.”
“I’m asking for myself,” Kono said. She beamed at him, a flash of white teeth and dimples. “He’s adorable. Like a . . . like a fluffy little lion cub. I want to take him home and just --”
“Okay then, Kono, let’s get --” Steve glanced down at his schedule -- “Mr. Wilson into a treatment room.”
“Can I get him to put on a gown?” Kono asked.
Steve looked at her sternly as she blinked in mock innocence.
(And this)
Then again, Danny wasn’t most people. He noticed everything. Too many years of training and practice to stop now -- besides, the stakes had never been higher, and his powers of observation, of reading people, of seeing through disguises and lies, might just be the edge that would keep him and his daughter alive until this mess was over.
He pulled off the road onto the narrow gravel drive leading back to the beleaguered property that was not only his cover, but his home -- his fortress. He pulled up to the gate and keyed in one of two codes -- the one that verified that all was well, and that he was not under duress. The gate opened smoothly, its deliberately aged and tenuous appearance belying that it was part of the newly installed state-of-the-art defense.
The drive was long, curving around dense areas of vegetation that still hinted at previous deliberate planning and careful attention. With a bit of work, the grounds would once again be functional and attractive. His Camaro handled the gentle incline with ease, and soon he was pulling into the ground level garage of his home, opening the garage door with another code. It slid closed behind him, the motion sensors glowing at each other in the dim light. A third code was entered at the door between the garage and the house, the heavy deadbolt sliding open. Danny locked the door behind him and reset the alarm.
“You realize that three sets of coded entry is going to be difficult to explain to visitors,” a calm voice said. The clink of glass on porcelain in the kitchen, along with the scent of rich Kona coffee, was welcome.
(And this)
Steve took the long way home, the windows of his truck rolled down, filling the cab with fresh, fragrant air. He knew he would never tire of this, never tire of being back home, back on Oahu. Pulling into the driveway was something that at one point, he was sure he’d never do again -- he’d never take it for granted. The house itself felt in turn far too empty and far too full of ghosts, but he couldn’t imagine not living here. He was making peace with both the solitude and the presences he couldn’t quite shake. When Mary was well enough to be discharged, he would bring her here, where he could watch over her, protect her the way a brother should, care for her like she needed. He’d drag her out into the sunshine and fresh air. It would help. It had to.
He keyed in the alarm code and slipped inside the still house. Ignoring the boxes half-packed in his father’s office, gathering dust, he headed for the kitchen.
Option C: A case from Danny’s past comes back to haunt the team and threaten the island. This one is not really outlined. Possibly gen/case fic, possibly newly McDanno, potentially an OC interest for Steve when the original profiler, who considers this case her one failure, comes to help (because I love playing with OCs and creating better love interests for him than the show manages to do, and I loved the dynamic with Steve and Alicia Brown, and even though I didn’t see it as romantic, I think Steve could fall for someone who is a match for him intellectually and who would understand what his years in the underbelly of Naval intel did to his psyche, and I love the ‘brilliant, mentally tough but physically vulnerable person matched with the brilliant, physically tough but emotionally vulnerable person” trope, sue me). And I love exploring Danny’s back stories and volatility and the reasons that his marriage failed because his job came first. We would see a darker Danny in this and that intrigues me. I might also jump the timeline for the first time (for me) put this post season-4, meaning Junior and Tani instead of Chin and Kono.
There’s this:
“We called him the Holiday Weekend Killer,” Danny said. “First body, just like this one, the Tuesday after President’s Day weekend. We found the next body the day after Easter. And then another the Tuesday after Memorial Day. And then we ran ourselves into the ground all through the heat of the summer, got nowhere, and the fourth body showed up the day after Labor Day. We missed Thanksgiving with our families with nothing to show for it but another dead woman -- this one we had to identify with dental records, because the son of a bitch had four days to torture her. We took off twenty-four hours, Christmas Eve into Christmas Day, might as well, since we had no fucking leads. He had almost a month with that poor girl, college student, aged out of the foster system, so no one fucking noticed she was missing until classes started again in January. Christmas Day, no one even fucking knew that beautiful --”
Danny broke off with a muttered curse and walked out of the room, pushing the doors open with such force that they struck the walls behind, the sound echoing as Steve and Max stood in shocked silence.
“Give us a few, yeah, Max?” Steve said quietly.
He caught up with Danny in the basement locker room, the soles of his shoes sticking out of the stall where he was retching over the toilet. Steve grabbed a length of paper toweling and wet it at the sink.
Danny staggered out of the stall and silently accepted Steve’s offering, wiping his face and mouth. He balled up the toweling and dropped it into the wastebasket, then rinsed his mouth at the sink, hands trembling on the faucet.
Steve waited, arms crossed, leaning against the door of the locker room.
“I’m sorry, Danny,” he said, when Danny finally turned off the water, leaning over the sink, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “We’ll all understand if you need to sit this one out.”
It happened so fast that Steve flinched in surprise, Danny’s hand lashing out and shattering the mirror in front of him.
“Sit it out? Why bother? This fucking animal already destroyed my marriage, almost cost me my baby girl, not to mention the pile of pretty young corpses we processed. Processed lots of bodies, Steve, but precious little evidence. I’ll have them FedEx it to us, shouldn’t take much to send one fucking file box full of nothing useful,” Danny exploded. “Sit this one out? What, just do paperwork while I watch you and Chin run yourselves into the ground, while we all try to pretend that we aren’t worried sick about the possibility of this guy getting his hands on Kono? While Max stacks up bodies in the morgue? Bodies that no one claims? Because this guy, this guy, Steve, he knows how to pick his victims.”
“Danny,” Steve sighed. He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Danny, we have -- we have resources here, we can cut through red tape. If it is the guy --”
“Cigarette burns on the soles of their feet, Steve, do you have any idea --”
Danny stopped short at the flicker of emotion that Steve couldn’t mask quickly enough. He met Steve’s gaze and held it.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “We’re going to get this guy, Danny. Now listen, the first thing we need to know -- is this personal? With him and you? Is he here, now, on Oahu, because you’re here?”
#bless you if you read this whole mess#beegie used to write#wip wonderland#some of these ideas are self indulgent and shallow#and i don't even care#this is supposed to be fun
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Not A Feel / Questions
- Is anyone else still uncomfortable with the word “autistic”? My parents have always used it in a negative fashion and often paired with the r slur. I really really want to loose the connotation, but I just can’t seem to get over it :/ - 🇫🇷🐈
Internalized ableism can be really hard to get past, especially when it’s been associated with negative things for most of your life. You could try using the acronym ‘asd’ to build up to it.
- iiaat to stumble and say words that don't make sense? Someone asked me what I was doing and I said I'm plugging in my shoe instead of my phone. I realized it a couple minutes later and I tried to correct myself but... it happens a lot even when im not distracted or stressed. I'll be thinking about something and my mouth seems to move faster than my brain does and weird stuff slips out all the time.
I would say so. I often stutter or have difficulty finding to correct words when I talk, so accidentally saying the wrong word without realizing would fit with that. It happens to everyone on occasion, but if it happens frequently then it’s probably related to autism.
- Is it an autistic thing to be super sensitive to some smells and not sensitive to others/not be able to tell what smells good vs what smells bad? For example, I can smell the trash even if its just been taken out, but when a classroom I was in was near a sewage problem near the building, I couldn't smell it. I also really liked the smell of some plant, but then my cousin told me it smelled like a skunk?
I would say that’s related to sensory processing, which is something that autism can cause a lot of issues with.
- is it possible for someone to only be bothered by specific things like specific sounds? I've been to metal concerts and i've never been bothered, but car horns and loud tvs/people talking over loud tvs drives me to overloads really fast?
Yeah lol. I go clubbing regularly & I’ve lived upstairs from a nightclub for the past 3 years with no trouble, but I was at the supermarket the other day and was doubled over crying in the middle of the frozen food isle because there was a loud high pitched noise.
- Is it an executive dysfunction thing to feel like I can't work to fix a certain part of my life because other parts are still bad too? For example, I feel like I should take better care of my body, but then I can't do that because my environment is always a mess. I feel like I should get better at my hobbies, but I can't do that because my thoughts are too cluttered. I'm just getting nowhere.
Executive dysfunction I find is “I know I need to do this thing but I cannot bring myself to do it no matter how much I want or need to.” Environmental stresses definitely contribute to that. Try breaking it down into a list of the steps you’d need to take to achieve your goal, and work at it bit by bit. Baby steps are still steps. If your environment is messy and that stops you from doing things, try and work on tidying and organizing things bit by bit. Start with one room, or even one part of one room, and just focus on finishing that little bit before you move on to the next thing. Try not to stress yourself over it too much; you don’t need to do everything at once.
- (Not a feel) I'm not all super jittery anymore! Probably bc I had just gone on those meds. My hands are still a little shaky sometimes but I'm not all dkdjhxskaj anymore 🌈🕹
That’s good! Adjustment periods with meds can be really weird.
#not a feel#mod dylan#frenchkitty asks#ableism#r slur#social skills#language#sensory processing#sensory issues#executive dysfunction#gaymer asks#medication
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Twinkledad’s #2

Dear Twinkledad,
Am I moving on too fast? I just got out of something super toxic... and not even 10 days later I’m hooking up with someone I just met. My ex really damaged me and I don’t know if I’m doing this to distract myself or if I’m really ready. I feel bad bc this new kid is very sweet and I don’t want to lead him on but also as of right now its just friends with benefits. also I’m talking to a old flame. I just feel lost and like I need a second opinion.
Dear Anonymous, When I answered this question on air, I ran into a few technical difficulties with Serato. As a result, the first song had the audio quality of Never Meant earrape once it finally played. I hope it wasn’t too abrasive! Logan was a big fan of it, though.
Here at Twinkledad’s, we support healthy sex lives. The act of hooking up with someone, even right after a breakup, is completely okay. You have this freedom and it’s in your right to use it. Where you should be careful is your intent behind this FWB relationship. What are you getting out of it? Is it sex for the sake of sex, or are you reaching for something deeper?
It is wholly possible you could be wanting the “emotional intimacy” often associated with relationship sex. That could be trouble for you and the other party involved.
Toxic relationships, from common knowledge and experience, can leave a lot of emotional trauma. Now is the time for you to learn how to heal. Finding healthy coping mechanisms is a trial-and-error process. That is what essentially takes up most of the timetable for moving on; once it clicks, and you’ll know when, it’s a matter of days from then.
The question could be, “am I trying to move on too fast?”. Forcing yourself to move on, actively or subconsciously, does not allow you the respect you deserve. Applying what was previously said to your specific question, you could be ignorant to what your emotions need right now. Likewise, if your FWB or old flame are not on the same page as you, they could become more attached than you are. No one’s at fault for this. You’d be coping and that’s reasonable.
You simply asked for a second opinion, and probably didn’t want this long of a response. To give an answer to your original question, yes, I believe you are. I know nothing beyond the question you’ve sent in, but I really wish you the best with everything.
“Anniversary Song” was chosen for its subject matter. The entire album, Just Married, is a very bitter and real portrayal of breaking up, moving on, and dying angry.
“Heathers” is not only catchy, but (possibly) about a booty call. It is a fun introspection about staying up all night and needing someone to talk to.
Glocca Morra - Anniversary Song
Insignificant Other - Heathers

Dear Twinkledad,
How do I apologize to someone who doesn’t want to talk to me? Is there a way where I can apologize without it being self serving?
Dear Anonymous,
In essence, I feel like this is impossible.
There’s nothing wrong with that. You should give your interests and the other person’s interests the same amount of respect. It is difficult when you have genuine regret over something and you can’t necessarily go across portraying that when the other person, reasonably so, is hurt/upset/any sentiment that results in them not wanting to talk to you.
Apologizing right now, in this situation, will realistically be seen as self serving. In Moral Philosophy we discussed the concept of psychological egoism. Egoism is pretty different from selfishness, as egoism is acting in one’s self interest with wisdom, charity, and kindness towards others. Common critique brings up the possibility that other interests (in this case, the feelings of the other person) could be prioritized and therefore egoism can’t be achieved. Yet a lot of classmates, including myself, argued for all actions being inherently self-interested. Apologizing to your person, how would you consider it? Are you apologizing because they are hurt, or because you miss them?
That’s not to imply you don’t feel regret. We’re humans, philosophy was never meant to be taken as universal truth. It’s to suggest a possible answer on whether or not it would be self serving.
I suggest waiting for them to reach out. They could not be fully over what happened, and that’s straight chilling. I’m sure they recognize how you feel. One point in the future will come a time where both of you are on the same page in the same book.
“Weird Dream, Conscious Stream” was chosen because A.) I Hate Sex is stellar and B.) suggests an impossible reality for the narrator where the subject and other coexist.
“Do You Still Hate Me?” was chosen because of the title. According to Hugh, one of the best songs ever.
“I’m Here for The Pizzah Partie” was an obvious choice. Very obvious. Glaringly obvious. Fact. It’s fact.
I Hate Sex - Weird Dream, Conscious Stream
Jawbreaker - Do You Still Hate Me?
Two Knights - I’m Here For The Pizzah Partie

Dear Twinkledad,
I’m becoming more aware of my sudden anger and sadness outbursts. but I’m scared to go and get checked out bc I don’t want to be drugged up or I guess Face the music.
Let’s say you do get checked out. If you have a mental health diagnosis, good news! You have a mental “illness”.
Downside: you are stuck with this for the rest of your life.
Upside: you have all the time in the world to learn how to cope with it.
Getting checked out does not mean you’ll be drugged up. If you are of age, that’s entirely in your control. There are routes of dialectical behavior therapy (or just normal therapy) you can take. Nobody’s necessarily pro-medication in all situations. It’s hard not to have some ignorance of mental health problems if you don’t have the problem for sure. Take whatever path you feel best suits your needs.
We are not our diagnoses. However, it can be of great help to recognize your shitty behavioral ticks and understand why you have them. The start of your question implies you have been aware of specific behavior for some time now. With that, you have already begun to face the music. If you do decide to get checked out but give it a lot of time, a diagnosis could feel like a no-brainer to you. In fact, it could be a weight lifted.
Misdiagnosis can happen. Wrong meds, taking the medication, can happen. It’s part of coping, it sucks major ass. Time will come where mental health can feel worse than ever and like it is inescapable. The important thing is keeping your head up. I really hope you find the answers you want and or need.
I chose “As Cool As An Attempted Suicide”, beyond what the name suggests, for its energy. It’s a fun song for its subject matter. Being sad is not necessarily always bad.
“Why Am I Not Going Under Water?”/Snowing as a whole was an emotional crutch for me when I went through similar struggles. Galm’s vulnerability made me realize I was not alone, and hopefully it does the same for you too.
Leer - As Cool As An Attempted Suicide
Snowing - Why Am I Not Going Underwater?

Dear Twinkledad,
I've never really been in a real relationship my whole life, haven't even lost my virginity. It bothers me more than it probably should, but I feel almost desperate for a more than just a platonic relationship with someone. Wanna be able to have somebody to kiss/cuddle but seem to screw up every opportunity to have something good with someone.
A few weeks ago, I matched with someone on Bumble. We had this conversation:
“Sorry, my mom said I can’t talk to girls.”
“Damn that’s crazy my dad said I can’t talk to boys *frowny face emoji*”
Then I left her on Read. Point being, everything will be okay.
Virginity is frustrating, in theory and in practice. It shouldn’t be a crime to not be sexually active or never had a serious relationship. Yes, love is great. However, one thing you’ll most likely learn when you experience love, because you will, is you can live without it. How we’ve constructed what virginity means has set pretty high expectations of what sex is like. In actuality, it’s pretty mediocre. Fun, but as you continue to open the bag of magic sex tricks, you’ll have plenty of mixed experiences. It is not a necessity by any means.
Love, on the other hand, is uncomfortably tied to our values. For a lot of people, having a family is their primary goal in life. I’ve seen this referred to as “honorable” multiple times as multiple people. What it does, subsequently, is pressure people into viewing sex and love as an accomplishment the same virginity does. Falling in love is an awesome feeling. Falling out of love is a terrible feeling. Experiencing neither does not put such a great weight on your shoulders like love does. To quote Quarterbacks, “love is situational”. You’ll have it. No way in hell you haven’t. The situation has yet to arise.
Dating apps are not worth it. Love is a feeling, right? There’s no need to force it. If you are relatively new in experience, your perception of love can be greatly skewed. I’m sure, whoever you are, you are in safe hands. You’ll be carried into the world of sex and love naturally, not at your own will, where it’s inevitably messier.
Once YOU, not anyone else, are satisfied with your romantic life, please send a message back. I wish you the best of luck knowing you have it, and just want you to be happy.
With a lot of music, worlds tend to be created through the instrumentals and not the lyrics. “Hardly Art” always forces a great sense of introspection and how I handle myself in situations of co dependence whenever it comes on.
“Try to Sleep”’s vocals, lyrics, and stripped back, lo-fi production echoes loneliness from all fronts.
Closer - Hardly Art
Attic Abasement - Try To Sleep
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Little Known Facts About strawberry face mask.
Ideas: Use this mixture three to 4 moments each week (even a everyday software is okay), but be sure to get ready it contemporary each time, as it is rather uncomplicated to arrange and best at that point. Go away the mask on for 10 to quarter-hour. This mask is runny and could drip down your face. To prevent you from acquiring too messy, think about laying down or sitting down back again inside a chair along with your head tilted back again. You can also use this mask within the bathtub when you are getting a soothing bath. An incredible moisturizer and lubricating agent. Coconut oil is blessed with healthful nutrients that nourish dry skin. Say goodbye to flaky peeling skin! Your face is the ‘showroom’ of your daily life that lens initial effect on any person you meet. If exactly the same will not be favouring you, you severely have to figure out for a far better face. Masks really should keep on for ten-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off that has a steaming very hot washcloth. I run a washcloth beneath hot h2o, squeeze out the excess drinking water and afterwards push to my face for an entire minute. I then Carefully wash off the mask within a round movement. Washcloths are good for exfoliating. Generating from the face pack is without doubt one of the least complicated Do it yourself homemade ways to handle the oily and acne susceptible skin. Let us take a trip to have an notion of ways of planning on the orange face mask for oily skin and acne. Ideas: It offers Great outcomes, however it does choose time and energy to see them. When you don’t promptly see a improve, don’t throw in the towel. You are able to’t expect success inside of a working day or two. Also, the mixture is best utilized when freshly created. We would be happy to Call you once this merchandise is accessible. Basically enter your email handle while in the Place down below. Preferably, implement these egg white face masks around a sink or clean basin to prevent developing a mess. Right after software, maintain your face above the sink to get a several seconds to collect any Preliminary drippings. Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm h2o and splash it onto your face. Carefully clean the mask off and stay clear of scrubbing your face much too really hard. Utilize a soft, clean up towel to pat your face dry. Why shell out a lot more than $20 over a retailer-bought facial scrub whenever they keep with your face for just minutes and all Those people fancy elements get washed down the drain? This is an additional Superb treatment for acne. This variation is likewise absolutely constructed from purely natural and edible elements. Incorporate a mashed up banana towards the egg yolk. Peel a banana open up, and Minimize it to scaled-down items having a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana might help nourish your face. Consider using oil blotting sheets during the day rather than loading on a lot more powder or foundation.
The best Side of face mask
Approach: Crush the substances perfectly collectively and enable it to be a paste Using the lemon juice. The pack performs fabulously When you are all set to go that excess mile. For skin that may be healthful looking and usually content, this pack is a terrific way to be certain that smile. Process: Combine them all inside a bowl and use a thick coat on your own face. Enable it operate its magic for quarter-hour until finally it dries out. Then rinse with h2o and dry your face with a towel. Utilize https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Banana-Facial-Mask to prevent dry skin. I just started out applying Bee Friendly (eye and face product all in a single) and I've extremely dry, delicate skin. The honey is deeply moisturizing. There’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1stclSx8mg of honey masks to choose from likewise. Add a mashed up banana on the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Slice it to smaller parts that has a knife. Use a fork to mash it to your pulp. The banana might help nourish your face. Think about using oil blotting sheets throughout the day as an alternative to loading on far more powder or Basis. The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and boost the potential for breakouts for anyone who has acne susceptible skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects contain the spread of microbes on the skin, as raw egg whites comprise salmonella, a bacterium that could cause foodstuff poisoning. You might not see the outcomes you would like straight away. Check out a mask for around 1 month before analyzing whether you will keep on utilizing it. Finally, whisk the combination together with a fork and use it for your face utilizing your fingers or maybe a cotton ball. To find out how to generate a nourishing egg facial mask, scroll down! https://steptoremedies.com/baking-soda-scrub-face-wash/ should use any that actually works very well to suit your needs, but if you use olive or coconut oil inside the mask and afterwards use an oil infused moisturizer, it could induce breakouts When you have oily or combination skin. Use lukewarm water and a facial cleanser ideal for your skin variety. You may wash your face with cleanse palms, a washcloth, or possibly a gentle sponge. Stick to up with a few toner and moisturizer. Wow, I can’t hold out to try this! Planning to try it tonight since I can’t wait around. Below’s the nuts thing I placed on my face. …I buy the huge aloe leaves from the produce portion at Wegmans. I peel them and Slice the insides into very little chunks which i set in a very jar and preserve from the fridge. Indeed, you could peel it off. It can be not easy to do if you utilize a skinny layer even though. I don’t Consider it will support clear away facial hair; no less than it hasn’t for me so far. 4 tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (presently floor coffee and in many cases fast coffee function if you do not have your personal grinder) This support enables you to enroll in or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can gain money from adverts in your articles. No data is shared Except you interact using this type of feature. (Privateness Coverage)
The best Side of strawberry face mask
Clean your face 1st and also your fingers much too as you don’t to use a face mask on filthy face. So immediately after this use a thick layer of this mask with your face. three. Your face may be a little bit red once the scrub. It's because on the sugar scrub which stimulates good blood circulation in your face. The redness will vanish after some time along with your face will probably be glowing and absolutely free from peeling skin and useless cells. Howdy, I'm just questioning when there is anything at all I could to eliminate or decrease my sagging face specially my chin and jaw location. Combine these three ingredients alongside one another. When they are fully mixed wash your face first with any face clean or mild soap. You should utilize banana, honey and lemon facial mask daily. As you've dry skin, utilize a moisturizer after employing this combine – if you really feel your skin is dry. If you favor to use all-natural moisturizer, read through this article: Certainly, Banana face mask with leamon and honey does help take out tan, but will also softens your skin and can make it glow. For those who have dry skin, you'll be able to mix an egg yolk also. Can utilised coffee grounds operate With this recipe? I’d choose to use the grounds from my espresso equipment right after my morning coffee! four. Banana Face Mask to struggle wrinkles: A number of people connect with bananas as painless, reasonably priced purely natural Botox, and they rightly do this! Bananas are full of strong nutrients to remarkably diminish the looks of wrinkles, and make your skin look young and radiant. Pamper your self with a straightforward, exfoliating, DIY face scrub which you could make in the home. All you require is brown sugar and olive oil, and you may whip up an awesome procedure to properly cleanse off All those lifeless cells! Brown sugar also includes glycolic acid, a strong alpha hydroxy acid, that helps expel toxins and bacteria, and moisturize skin. It's also a hydrating agent and it locks moisture into your skin cells and guards from skin dryness. Use brown sugar as opposed to white sugar since it is a lot more gentle on skin and is effective well for incredibly sensitive skin. My skin is mixture of equally, extreme oil usually on my forehead. I tired applying medicated soaps ( I applied med cleaning soap acne, salic lac foam and so on) now I finished utilizing every one of these. Remember to propose some very good face packs in order to avoid oil on my forehead and smaller acne on my forehead. If you live in close proximity to a ShopRite, they could have aloe leaves. The just one I check out does. Entire Foods is another That may carry them, but they can be genuinely expensive. This information is accurate and accurate to the most beneficial with the author’s understanding and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized information from an experienced professional. Hi, pls let me know how often we should use the mask specifically for lightening the skin. could it be a daily mask or once in a week mask ?
The Ultimate Guide To honey face mask
My skin kind is normal,Oily only Once i get up in early morning.I dont would like to possibility my face skin,i desire to moisturize my face but don’t know how..I don’t believe that on these nowadays creams.I would like all-natural items.Can u pls guideline me for glowing crystal clear skin. On this page, I share my hottest recipes for six various skin kinds. You can discover the components for these recipes inside your kitchen area. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123555727405058 is to work with face masks formulated for your personal skin sort. The #1 explanation for wrinkles is Solar injury, so it is vital to use a sunscreen of at the very least 30 SPF from a early many years on even in Wintertime and on cloudy times. A terrific trick is to invest in two moisturizers: A single with the night time and a single for your day that features UV safety. There are some strong vitamins and minerals in bananas which make them Mother Mother nature's remarkable beauty resolve! Dr. Oz even goes so far as to the tropical fruits are nature’s painless, inexpensive Botox. In addition they function wonders on acne and oily skin. Mamm i was burnt about 12years in the past bt the scars remain on my face what banana combination will I exploit?pls aid me Hi, I have oily skin, incredibly liable to acne, a lot of to ensure that I'm able to’t don't forget a time when i experienced crystal clear skin….. will the banana mask nevertheless work on my skin??? I keep acquiring Energetic acne which leaves dim and deep spots, earning my skintone uneven. You absolutely sure can! Coconut oil is an excellent elegance oil and yow will discover far more face masks with coconut oil right here: I have discovered a fresh beuty schedule for me. I take a 50 % a banana and mash it up with a fork. Then I divide it into two equal components. The initial aspect I mix with cinnamon. I implement it on my face and leave it for couple of minutes. Hope you all are in the pink of the wellbeing and experiencing this beautiful spring season. Now morning, I'd orange marmalade and orange sandwich…oops veg sandwich in my breakfast. "It absolutely was really easy and straightforward to try and do. I'll keep on doing this facial for a smooth and young searching skin. Thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Breaks down grime and dirt, removes surplus oil which if not can clog up skin pores and bring about acne breakout. Operates as a versatile deep cleanser to unclog skin pores. Just how long will it choose to clean yout face from acne working with banana face mask? Is it ok to utilize leftover banana combination? three. Banana Face Mask to deal with Acne and Pimples: Do you think you're worried about pimples and acne? This chemical cost-free mask with pure ingredients, specifically, turmeric and baking soda acts to struggle acne / pimples, decreases blemishes and help in finding glowing face. Rinse your face with cold drinking water to wash absent mask’s ingredients and to tighten your skin pores. Apply a fantastic moisturizer within your option to hydrate your skin. Volla! Are you currently shock together with your glowing and supple new look.
About egg white face mask
Add the honey for the egg white and lemon juice, and blend almost everything yet again. You will require ½ tablespoon of honey. Make certain that it's the translucent, runny kind. Honey is antibacterial and functions to be a all-natural antiseptic. It's also moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[three] Mix the egg white and lemon juice. Using a fork, promptly whisk the two elements until the egg white becomes foamy and frothy. A single pro suggests adding ginger for the warming, spicy scent, or a combination of ginger and citrus oils including grapefruit or orange for a refreshing scent to provide you with kickstart.[four] Should you’re carrying out the facial during the night, you may try using a calming scent like lavender. Utilize the mixture for your face together with your fingers. Get the job done the sugar-honey combination on towards your face with all your finger suggestions in gentle circular motions. Prevent your eyes and mouth even though implementing. Carefully pat your face dry that has a clean, dry towel. Be Light as you pat your face dry. For those who scrub your face Along with the towel, it's possible you'll bring about skin discomfort, which include breakouts. Turmeric not only allows take care of acne, nonetheless it can also soak up extra oil from the skin and lighten discoloration. This really is utilized to collect details on traffic to posts along with other webpages on our web-site. Except you will be signed in to your HubPages account, all personally identifiable details is anonymized. This is accustomed to discover distinct browsers or devices if the accessibility the assistance, and is also employed for safety explanations. "My face is rather oily and I have blackheads on my nose and chin. This labored rather well, I will be applying it twice a week Any longer."..." much more AO Afi Owusu Aid me you should I've a foul skin brought on by pimple scars and black heads. Is this egg yolk and lemon is sweet for my skin These masks are perfect for an at-dwelling facial. Start with clear skin and prior to making use of the mask, lay a heat, wet wash cloth in your face to open up your pores. After rinsing from the mask, wash your face with cold h2o or use a toner to shut the pores. Then utilize a superb face oil. Shower after. For those who shower ahead of, the eggs will don't have anything to "seize on to". Following, you want the mask to be nicely and really off your face, and a shower can assist with that. Just Ensure that the mixture is thick enough that it sticks to your face and isn’t runny. You may start out by pouring a quarter cup on the sugar inside of a bowl after which you can adding oil by the tsp until finally the combination reaches a regularity that you want. I must Do that. You have stated what each in the included ingredient does and I am certain. Perhaps, I can use lime rather than lemon as there are so many limes the place we are now.
5 Tips about orange face mask You Can Use Today
Allow it dry. Chances are you'll utilize a 3rd layer of whisked egg whites immediately after 5 minutes for higher skin tightening. Listed here are finest 6 Do it yourself egg white face masks which are easy to arrange and will help solve a variety of skin issues to provide you with toned and gorgeous skin. If needed, you can learn a variety of hacks to different the egg’s yolk and whites. The substances to search youthful could be as near as your kitchen area. Homemade egg white masks are cheap, enjoyable and function brilliantly well. About the milk, powder milk will work most effective because the mixture will only will need slightly amount of h2o. If you utilize liquid milk, you won't get the good thing about milk by this minor quantity. If you do not choose to use milk,just liquefy the coffee with some drops of drinking water and after that add yogurt. Warning: Lots of individuals are allergic to cinnamon and it could possibly often produce irritation in those with an unusually delicate skin. Therefore, this mask ought to be employed immediately after screening someplace apart from about the face. We may well use conversion monitoring pixels from promoting networks for instance Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so that you can establish when an advertisement has efficiently resulted in the specified motion, for example signing up for that HubPages Services or publishing an short article over the HubPages Provider. I wonder what my Duchess will imagine all that mouth watering egg on my face. Duchess is my lovely cat. Preparing: Once again, the planning is quite simple. Just combine the two ingredients and come up with a uniformly mixed paste. In case you observed this information handy please take a second to tweet, like, or share this text by using the buttons at The underside from the website page. I’d truly take pleasure in it. All of us commit income on skincare products so skip the flowery serum and splurge on fantastic honey. You can utilize it to scrub your face, come up with a scrub, or take care of your skin to your weekly do-it-yourself honey mask. Considering that these egg white masks tend to be runny and may drip, have on an aged T-shirt to stay away from spoiling your good apparel. The substances present in these widespread solutions to acne could be harsh on your skin, as well as strong combination of substances can have an impact on Your whole body in other ways that you may have hardly ever expected. With regards to the honey mask method, You should utilize it combined with the medication chances are you'll already be getting and it gained’t interfere in any way. Clean your face with warm water to open up up your pores. Making use of clean up arms or maybe a cotton ball, use the combination on to your face, keeping away from the sensitive regions about your mouth and eyes. Mix all the above ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Applying clean finger strategies, implement a thick coat of the combination on to your face.
Facts About coffee face mask Revealed
As you have got oily skin particularly liable to acne, you need to implement acne particular remedies. I suggest you visit this site which includes ideal acne residence treatments ans see for purely natural answers specific for your acne complications: How often you exfoliate will rely on your skin form, age, and local climate. Normally two times each week is plenty of. When you have oily skin you are able to do it extra frequently; in the event you’re more mature and/or have dryer skin, two times weekly can be a lot of.[29] Only use facial masks made up of lemon juice during the night time. Lemon juice is phototoxic and can raise your risk of sunburn or perhaps chemical burns if you go out in daylight with any residual lemon juice in your skin. Do you may have any recipes for poor acne making use of cinnamon and coconut oil? I actually need assist for my seriously genuinely terrible acne.. I'd many of the components to the pimple combating mask, produced it, and utilized it! I must say it DOES NOT have a pleasing smell in the least, but my skin feels so cleanse and contemporary! I applied jojoba oil afterward to moisturize. Great recipe! I'd leftover so I am going to freeze it and utilize it following time. Wash your face. Use a mild cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm drinking water, then pat your face dry using a clean up, dry washcloth. In this article you may master What exactly are the best beauty treatment plans with yogurt and how to produce a honey and yogurt face mask for acne. I had read and experimented with banana masks in advance of. But these are typically different and it seems good. I'd not thought of the orange juice in advance of. I'll give it a consider . As you'll be able to see, using an orange peel face mask has various positive aspects that operate for various skin varieties. Whatever you need it for, orange peel powder is unquestionably a blessing. When your mask has dried up in certain spots and caught in your skin, you should make sure you usually do not tug on your skin even though washing it out. Carefully therapeutic massage the realm with drinking water right up until the mask loosens up and offers way. To help keep pimples absent, use orange peel mask. What's more, it cleans your pores from the dirt and oil and prevent blackhead as well. @haso: Lemon juice is a powerful way to deal with melasma. Its acidic nature and vitamin C element Enhance the discolorations and peel off the outer layer with the skin. Use the juice to the influenced places, lightly massage for just a handful of seconds, leaving it on for ten minutes. Just one expert recommends incorporating ginger for a warming, spicy scent, or a mix of ginger and citrus oils which include grapefruit or orange for just a refreshing scent to give you kickstart.[four] In the event you’re accomplishing the facial at night, you may attempt utilizing a stress-free scent like lavender. Thanks for the membership. Your e mail format is Improper! Unhappy, but we could not include you to definitely our mailing record ATM. Subscribe When it’s place on your skin as opposed to with your belly, sugar can be quite a great natural beauty help. It’s moisturizing; it is made up of glycolic acid, which encourages cell turnover for youthful-looking skin; and its little particles make an awesome exfoliant.[1] You'll be able to mix sugar with any amount of components to make your individual face mask.
coffee face mask Options
You will get rid of acne with no enduring the suffering of digesting bitter tablets or applying Those people creams and lotions which, usually, are practically nothing but lumps of petroleum jelly mixed with a man-made scent, coloration, mild bleach, and random antibiotics. The chemicals current in these popular options to acne can be severe on your skin, along with the strong mix of chemicals can affect your body in other ways that maybe you have never ever expected. In terms of the honey mask technique, You need to use it coupled with the medication chances are you'll already be using and it gained’t interfere in almost any way. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like gathering new information on pure remedy for overall health ailments. I generally think that nature has remedies for all our health conditions, we just have to use it in the best way. Today, throughout carnival inside the Netherlands masks are frequently replaced with face paint For additional ease and comfort. See also: Venetian mask Exfoliate your skin after a week. This may help buff away People dead skin cells and leave your skin emotion silky-smooth. You employ scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating sponges. Be sure to make use of a gentler exfoliator in your face than on the remainder of One's body. Beaked masks containing herbs inside the beak were being worn in the Middle Ages by plague doctors[53] to try to push back the Black Death. This provider enables you to enroll in or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to make dollars from advertisements on your content articles. No info is shared unless you interact with this characteristic. (Privateness Coverage) This informative article was co-authored by our experienced workforce of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. These usually are crafted from leather-based with appendages of fur, feathers or leaves. Some deal with the face, some The entire head and in many cases are hugely abstracted sorts. Navajo masks seem like inspired because of the Pueblo prototypes.[33][34] Generally known as The recent Face Mask, it is actually composed of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that causes the burning sensation, but that’s if you put in excess of one/2 a teaspoon! Individuals inside a black bloc at protests usually wear masks, normally bandannas, in order to avoid recognition, also to attempt to safeguard against any riot Regulate brokers utilised. Subsequently, the openings of such glands can not be cleaned, Whilst they were being Beforehand cleaned due to frequent stream of sebum. This helps make these pores vulnerable to infections by microbes and the situation becomes a vicious cycle that gets extreme. The pores carry on to become crimson, itchy, and painfully swollen spots around the skin which seem unattractive and depart dim places about the skin whenever they heal. This regrettable problem is referred to as acne. Ensure you get a number of hours of exercise every week. Exercising improves blood move towards your skin and materials it with oxygen and nutrients. If you training tricky enough, the sweat may help flush out the toxins in the skin. Training can also enable decrease worry.[ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw/ ] Ahead of I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the amount of lemon juice you increase to your face mask, just don’t go overboard with much more than eight drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, this scrumptious smelling mask is certain to tease your taste buds, tempting you to possess a lick, but you must resist!
Fascination About yeast face mask
What better than getting the many benefits of exfoliation and soothing in a single face mask? Well, the Oatmeal and banana face mask would be the one that offers you scrubbing and smoothening effect simultaneously. Process: Inside a bowl or a container, insert some sugar and grate some orange peel straight to the jar. Pour in certain honey for your exfoliation of skin. Up coming add coconut oil and blend perfectly. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546927 ! Indeed You can utilize honey and little drops of water. But milk or milk derivatives work most effective in mask Clean the mask off and pat your face dry. Use lukewarm drinking water to rinse your face off. Consider not to wash as well difficult. Carefully pat your face dry having a delicate, clear towel. When your feels restricted soon after using a facial cleanser, then It is really much too solid and you ought to utilize a gentler one. At the time per week, make use of a sugar scrub or exfoliating cloth to remove useless skin cells. When you have on make-up, clear your make-up brushes on a regular basis to stop the Make-up and spread of microorganisms. To find out how your diet plan can affect your skin’s overall health, Continue reading! To begin receiving timely alerts, as shown under click on the Inexperienced “lock” icon close to the tackle bar The application of the egg white mask can clog the pores and enhance the possibility of breakouts for all those who have acne vulnerable skin. Other Negative effects involve the distribute of bacteria within the skin, as raw egg whites include salmonella, a bacterium that can result in food items poisoning. In a very bowl, just take some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Be certain the amount of sugar is equivalent into the peel powder and listed here you may have an uncomplicated recipe to a stunning smelling lip balm that’s efficient and straightforward to produce. Article SummaryX To take care of your skin, clean your face two times daily with heat water and a gentle facial cleanser, then gently blot your skin dry which has a smooth towel. Utilize a toner and moisturizer after you wash your face, and when you’ll be outdoors for greater than twenty minutes, apply sunscreen. Sorry, we just have to you should definitely're not a robot. For most effective effects, be sure to be sure your browser is accepting cookies. what an excellent suggestion, thanks Susan! And thanks Kelly for your recipe, can’t wait to test it! Just bought into oil cleaning so anything at all oil on my face super admirer of. Limit tub time. Hot water and very long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Restrict your bath or shower time, and use warm — in lieu of hot — drinking water. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt can help take out lifeless skin, lighten and brighten skin, gets rid of dim places and Practically stops ageing. The properties of yogurt are numerous and when used in this mix, it’s certain to provide you with Rewards much better than a readymade mask.
What Does honey face mask Mean?
This information is exact and genuine to the most effective from the author’s understanding and is not intended to substitute for official and individualized tips from a qualified Qualified. Supply Currently, all through carnival while in the Netherlands masks are frequently changed with face paint for more ease and comfort. See also: Venetian mask Clean from the mask with lukewarm drinking water if the time is up, and pat your face dry by using a towel. Benefit from the search of one's moisturized skin! Inside the cult of Shiva, found in Anatolia from circa six,000 BC, the young, bare ithyphallic god seems wearing a horned mask.[fifteen] During the Greek bacchanalia as well as Dionysus cult, which associated the use of masks, the common controls on behaviour had been briefly suspended, and people cavorted in merry revelry outdoors their standard rank or position. René Guénon claims that in the Roman saturnalia festivals, the regular roles ended up normally inverted. Protective masks are items of kit or products worn on The pinnacle and face to afford security towards the wearer, and right now usually have these capabilities: Whether it is the humble hard-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or maybe creamy poached eggs with a gorgeous runny yolk, eggs are an exceptionally affordable and multipurpose family staple. Through ceremonies, these visages are offered Energetic variety in The good mask dramas with the South and South-japanese Asian region.[37] Indonesia Exfoliation is the stage most of the people skip of their weekly skincare schedule. However, if you start correctly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an Just about immediate big difference. Masks may show a lifestyle's great of feminine elegance. The masks of Punu of Gabon have very arched eyebrows, Practically almond-formed eyes and a narrow chin. The elevated strip operating from both sides of your nose towards the ears represent jewellery. Dark black hairstyle, tops the mask off. The whiteness of your face depict the whiteness and wonder of the spirit earth. Large pores will also be potential breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bulbous zits and cysts, which implies pore-tightening egg white can assist lower acne. What a amazing plan! I love receiving the most out from the things I get, and I always come to feel lousy composting nice, fragrant orange peels. Now I know what to do with them! Now, several of the recipes beneath are more powerful and may only be made use of one-2 situations weekly. Many others You can utilize everyday. I’ve manufactured notes for how often Just about every mask needs to be used. Becoming full of Vitamin C and also other antioxidants, orange peels are great for your skin. The truth is, the peels have bigger levels of nutrients in comparison to the flesh within.
Everything about orange face mask
one. Use additional virgin olive oil for most effective effects. Processed merchandise may irritate your skin or result in acne breakouts. You can do the egg white facial as aspect of the weekly skin servicing regime. For face masks focused to blocking excessively oily skin, check out this hub in its place: ... https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care – The uplifting scent on the orange is mesmerizing and calls for a inspiration up coming time. Preserve a jar all around and dab the honey on acne, burns or small cuts. And if you’re feeling sick, have a spoonful or two. Other benefits of coffee face masks contain their electrical power to reduce face inflammation. This selfmade mask will probably be your very best ally for the people days when you have not obtained much snooze or have slept terribly and you also awaken with slightly puffy face. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546949 can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No data is shared with Facebook Except if you engage using this type of characteristic. (Privateness Policy) You might just continue to keep it in an air-restricted container and put it inside the freezer. Then upcoming week, just get rid of it about an hour or so before you apply it in order for it to thaw. Despite the fact that there are several skin care products readily available available on the market but very little can provide you with with the type of ideal results that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles for your personal skin. Pamper by yourself with a straightforward, exfoliating, DIY face scrub you could make at your house. All you'll need is brown sugar and olive oil, and you'll whip up a tremendous procedure to properly cleanse off Individuals useless cells! You’ll get the most Added benefits using raw honey. And when you’re willing to splurge, you can’t beat Manuka honey. This honey from the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is an antibacterial superfood with tons of immunity and initial-support Added benefits. Not simply banana the fruit, but will also the peel may be used to remove the high-quality lines and wrinkles. The peel much like the fruit banana can also be rich in vitamin A and potassium. This aids in supplying the skin a radiant glow and also makes the skin supple. Yes, this will sound unbelievable nonetheless it’s a indisputable fact that banana coupled with handful of other substances will help in dealing with and protecting against the skin from acne. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like gathering new info on all-natural cure for wellbeing ailments. I constantly think that nature has cures for all our health problems, we just need to use it in the ideal way. Home made for face masks give quick Alternative, all-natural and helpful way your skin difficulties. The facial skin is without doubt Probably the most sensitive and who make a difference most appear very good. So program these homemade recipes for face, you can be The easiest way to acquire care of your facial splendor.
face mask Fundamentals Explained
If the orange peel powder and oatmeal employed alongside one another feels a little bit rough in your skin, add more olive oil but don’t help it become way too runny as it is going to produce a drippy mess. If it leaves a yellowish tinge in your skin, soak a cotton ball in milk and rub it about the stained parts. Use this mask two to a few times a week. The cinnamon and nutmeg honey face mask smells incredible and functions wonders in fading acne scars and night out skin discolorations! Let’s see the skin benefits of the components On this a person: I started off employing black tea bags as my heat compresses, after which you can I'd dab honey about the soar. Inside one-2 times, all of the infection experienced drawn to the surface and my chills/fever went absent. Sorry for the main points, but I am a true believer in organic medicines and those two personalized ordeals are what designed me the believer that I am nowadays! Any use of this details is for the person’s discretion. For well being worries or emergencies and drugs changes, you should seek advice from a healthcare Expert. Bit by bit peel off the dried layer. You might come to feel a sensation that is like slight pinpricks given that the facial hair is waxed from your skin. Be it the humble difficult-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or perhaps creamy poached eggs with a stunning runny yolk, eggs are an exceptionally low-cost and versatile household staple. Many of us throw out orange peels the moment they’re completed consuming or juicing an orange. But Were you aware that orange peels are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels also have a higher vitamin C content material compared to fleshy inside of! Solution: Any honey will do, but I really endorse working with raw, unfiltered honey in your face mask because it retains much more on the powerful healing Qualities. Lemon juice is really a much better component, so dependant upon your skin time, you might want to Restrict the volume of occasions you employ this mask to one-2 occasions every week. That is utilised to gather data on traffic to content as well as other pages on our web page. Unless of course you're signed in to the HubPages account, all Individually identifiable information and facts is anonymized. Stay clear of skin-harmful foods. This contains processed or refined carbohydrates along with unhealthy fats. Consuming a lot of of those make your skin age faster. Prevent consuming too many sugars too.[14] Whether you try to eat them or set them on the skin, you’re certain to see a major transform in the complexion when you make bananas your new ally. When used in a handy DIY mask, bananas can nourish the skin, combined with the support of honey to soak up and retain moisture, to deeply hydrate and boost your organic glow. Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice can make a remarkably successful Do it yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has robust antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Homes that make it pretty effective in opposition to acne.
Top honey face mask Secrets
We may perhaps use conversion tracking pixels from promotion networks like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook so that you can recognize when an advertisement has productively resulted in the desired motion, which include signing up for that HubPages Assistance or publishing an posting over the HubPages Support. Hello many thanks to your reply. What if I increase citric acid powder and geranium essential oil? Will these function good preservatives? If Indeed for just how long will they delay Otherwise refrigerated? Thanks lots. If you'd like to skip the moisturizer right after this mask just include tiny bit olive oil. Now just lay down and pay attention to your favorite tunes as audio helps make your mood pump and you'll far more energetic. Pimples or acne is called One of the more irritating and stubborn skin considerations of equally Adult males and women all across the globe. You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook Unless of course you interact with this characteristic. (Privacy Coverage) Don't just you could try to eat a banana for the Total heath, but utilize Furthermore, it with your skin for a normal face mask. Here's a rundown on four face masks which can be manufactured by utilizing banana as the principle component, In particular chosen by our team, that can present you with glowing, young and wrinkle free of charge skin. For your personal acne and pimple difficulties research This great site. This website has best treatment options for acne and pimple issues: Want to make the signs of getting older disappear? Then try https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-Face-Masks-Correctly and egg yolks remedy and become stunned at the outcomes. I have examine and accept the privateness policy Red Url to Media collects particular facts for inside use only. Underneath no situation will your knowledge be transferred to 3rd get-togethers without having your permission. As a result of they each truly good to lessen large pores, also tighten them. As oranges are filled with vitamin C which In a natural way exfoliates your skin. It gives you an acne no cost skin In addition, it would make your skin brighter that final at any time. Incorporating whey to face masks is an excellent thought, Anne! You may use it rather than water, or maybe test incorporating it in face masks, when you stated. When you combine it with other incredible natural substances it can alongside one another make a great mask. This face mask not only helps to treat acne and also fight wrinkles, sunburn, and many a great number of skin issues. पत्रलेखा ने कैंसर मरीजों के लिए धन जुटाने में मदद की Listed below are ideal six Do-it-yourself egg white face masks which can be effortless to arrange and may also help resolve an array of skin challenges to give you toned and lovely skin. If necessary, you'll be able to understand numerous hacks to individual the egg’s yolk and whites.
The Greatest Guide To egg white face mask
So now you understand the miracle ingredient, the subsequent question is tips on how to use them inside a mask that can profit you. Please consider https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099744330118836 to finish your profile so we are able to personalize your knowledge and make sure you acquire information and delivers which are relevant for you. A very well arranged and neatly penned hub :). I am tempted to test, but I have lousy allergic reactions, perhaps I can do a location exam. Thanks for sharing. Leave the mask on for ten to 15 minutes. This mask is runny and will drip down your face. To stop you from acquiring too messy, look at laying down or sitting back in a chair with the head tilted again. You may also use this mask in the bathtub while you are using a stress-free bathtub. As we all know that a banana includes Vitamin B6 so fundamentally it can help to hold off the ageing course of action. Additionally, it moisturizes the dry skin, as vitamin B6 also tighten the sagging skin and it shields your skin from no cost radicals. Get seven to 9 hrs of sleep Every night time. Not acquiring plenty of slumber will make your skin surface boring and sallow. It may result in baggage or shadows less than your eyes. Having enough rest will cut down wrinkles and under-eye puffiness. It will also give you a nutritious, glowing complexion.[15] Right before I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the amount of lemon juice you increase for your face mask, just don’t go overboard with more than 8 drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, via steptoremedies.com smelling mask is sure to tease your flavor buds, tempting you to have a lick, but you should resist! I haven't tried out utilizing it Using the yolk. Happy to hear it's got aided your skin! I will certainly give it a attempt now! Never be afraid of fats, but Make certain that They are really the good form. Olive oil incorporates monounsaturated fatty acids, which may enable maintain your skin hunting youthful. Even the merchandise we get to boost our skin could cause issues. So even the most pampered skin can start off showing indications of aging and exhaustion. But I make mine right into a peel off mask by making use of Kleenex Tissue, I set some egg white on then the tissue and set the remainder of the egg white on prime and depart it on for around 25-30 mins and when it feels dry I just peel it off. It also will get rid of blackheads. Many thanks a lot for your personal posts Lori!! Source No HTML is permitted in responses, but URLs are going to be hyperlinked. Opinions will not be for promoting your articles or other websites. Get ready your face for your mask by washing it with heat drinking water. This may open up your pores, that may Enhance the success with the mask. Considering the fact that this mask tends to acquire very messy, You may also pull your hair back into a ponytail, braid it, or pin it again.
Top Guidelines Of sugar face mask
Utilize a moisturizer towards your skin. Seal while in the moisturizing consequences on the scrub with your preferred moisturizer. step to remedies know and recognize the induce, it is time to find a treatment. Since acne is brought on because of the blockage and subsequent an infection in the sebum glands, clearing the blockage and battling the infection really should logically assistance heal your acne signs or symptoms. This is where the honey mask for acne will come into Perform. Utilizing a honey mask for acne not just clears the blockage but in addition removes the infectious microbes, Hence cutting down the signs of acne. Apart from making use of orange juice and peels on skin, you can consume this fruit and its juice consistently to boost immunity, aid in digestion, reduce kidney stones, reduce Fats deposits, teat undesirable breath, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol amounts, and reduce the likelihood of building heart disease. Share Pat your face dry which has a clear, dry washcloth. Be sure you Carefully pat your face dry. Scrubbing it that has a washcloth will only induce discomfort, and could lead to breakouts. This mask really should not be employed on previously dry skins, and it really is a good idea to seek the advice of a physician right before employing this mask. I have in no way heard of an egg white face mask prior to. All round, I am happy which i discovered this hub. many thanks for that recipe and several Perception regarding how to Have a very cleaner and healthier searching face. Voted up and shared. Together, they apparent up the skin pores. Honey is often a purely natural antioxidant and it's got antimicrobial properties. This eliminates the microbial infections that induce acne. Information: Kelp is really a pure detoxifier and is a wonderful moisturizer for skin. The minerals present in this seaweed help to tone skin and also the coarse grains of dried kelp powder, as it is normally sold, are Great at exfoliating dead skin. Individual the egg and help you save the yolk. Crack open up an egg over a bowl and transfer the yolk back and forth concerning the two shells. Each time the yolk falls into a shell, a little bit of the egg white ought to slide to the bowl. Hold carrying out this until all the egg white is in the bowl. I am in no way without avocados and yoghurt ; I depart it on my face although I shower , it genuinely tends to make a distinction . I will try out the egg white following time . Wash your face that has a gentle cleaning soap and make use of a smooth towel to pat it dry. Use the mask onto your face, using your cleanse fingers and therapeutic massage it completely onto your face for your minute. Implement a 2nd thick coat on to your face and let it sit on the face for quarter-hour to allow the mask to operate its magic! eyerid serum is best cures for make skin glowing and comfortable I'm also employing that same products have faith in me inside of a single 7 days i got remarkable result. @Llzziforan: It's not encouraged to carry on any face mask on overnight. Preferably you should keep on a face for quarter-hour. Someone essentially requested me about retaining their yogurt face mask on for The entire evening and I gave a similar response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0LNW3f_lEg will discover the comment listed here: ... Rub the mask into your face, using your cleanse fingers. If wanted use a second coat to generate the substances penetrate deep into skin pores. Watch for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm drinking water without the need of making use of any soap this time. You'll cheer up seeing your glowing face. Voila!
The Definitive Guide to honey face mask
Tdas Face mask for dust pollution for guys Ladies Children bicycle bikers air anti pollution dustproof mask washable reusable (Navy Blue) Brown sugar also contains glycolic acid, a robust alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and germs, and moisturize skin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMaHxDIaWaQ 's also a hydrating agent and it locks dampness into your skin cells and guards against skin dryness. Use brown sugar in lieu of white sugar since it is a lot more gentle on skin and performs perfectly for incredibly sensitive skin. The system assists to restore skin construction & make your skin soften and radiant. The system can help to restore skin framework & make your skin soften and radiant. Morever, gold facial mask can decrease the skin destruction attributable to ultraviolet ray, inhibit melanin development. This post was co-authored by our properly trained crew of editors and scientists who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. Utilize a heavier, richer just one during the Wintertime, in addition to a lighter just one throughout the summertime. Take into consideration a moisturizer which contains SPF to guard your skin in opposition to the Sunlight's harmful rays. Use a face scrub once or twice a week to keep your skin in tip-prime condition. It is important to exfoliate both of those your face and Your system yr-spherical, however you might uncover you'll want to exfoliate a lot more in Wintertime. Resource Searching for face masks? We are in this article to help. Our facial masks address a range of skin care problems. Acne considerations? There's a mask for that. Shop our wide array of face masks for acne. Just give these masks a try out. They are really virtually free of charge and you don’t want to look the earth to get the necessary substances. In short, you don't have anything to get rid of other than your acne. Why not give it a try out? Be sure to just how long until I start out observing final results when I commence using the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently should I utilize it in each week? to.The peppermint sugar cookies alone are awesome and super fluffy. They've an ideal volume of peppermint taste and make for a extremely yummy cookie.However the white chocolate coating and peppermint Different the egg. Crack an egg about a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a small amount of the egg white must movement into the bowl. Preserve executing this until eventually each of the egg white is inside the bowl. Author Information Meditate. This can be an ancient exercise which has been all over for hundreds of years—and once and for all motive! Many people learn that it can help them crystal clear their minds and chill out.
egg white face mask - An Overview
Now, a number of the recipes below are more impressive and should only be applied 1-two times every week. Other people You should utilize day by day. I’ve made notes for how often Each and every mask must be applied. bdw I've an issue … Can a lady take in tangy oranges for the duration of her periods …. I indicate vitt c contented eatables Bananas are rich in iron, potassium. Honey is often a pure healer. It absolutely was even utilized by Egyptians for treating there wounds and cuts. A high quality community Uncooked honey manufactured my skin glow in a method the Some others didn’t! So for the actual great things about a honey mask, use the highest quality honey you find. No HTML is permitted in comments, but URLs is going to be hyperlinked. Opinions are certainly not for selling your content or other internet sites. Our masks are for cosmetic usage and is not going to help with healthcare problems. For those who have a professional medical ailment you want to treat you should check with an expert overall health practioner. I also offer variants of the mask so that it's suited to regular, dry, oily and sensitive skin. Utilize the mixture for your face. Make use of your fingers to gently massage the mixture into your face. It’s imperative that you be Light otherwise you could possibly trigger the skin of your face to be irritated, which could lead on to breakouts. How it works: Banana indisputably nourishes the skin. Though Yogurt has existed as solid exfoliant. It improves the blood movement and honey moisturize the skin properly. Just make sure to mix your egg white very well every time you use it (by mixing it you'll get a foamy egg white appear). No, because it has far too much oil in it. The simple mask will work since the lemon juice acts as an astringent, though the honey will help filter the acne-triggering microbes. Thanks! Certainly No Not Useful fourteen Useful 46 Pat your face dry by using a cleanse, dry washcloth. You should definitely Carefully pat your face dry. Scrubbing it which has a washcloth will only trigger discomfort, and may lead to breakouts. Cinnamon can occasionally be irritating In the event your skin is de facto delicate, so you might like to do a patch examination over the back again of your respective hand first. Increase a mashed up banana into the egg yolk. Peel a banana open, and Slash it to smaller pieces by using a knife. Use a fork to mash it to some pulp. The banana can help nourish your face.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For banana face mask
Use a moisturizer for your face and neck. Seal from the moisturizing effects of the scrub along with your favourite moisturizer. Beaked masks that contains herbs while in the beak have been worn in the Middle Ages by plague Health professionals[53] to test to chase away the Black Loss of life. Avoid using any exfoliators on damaged skin which include zits or cuts. The ingredients in the scrub may perhaps irritate any damaged skin, along with the friction of exfoliation could make breakouts even worse and perhaps result in new kinds to form. https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Skin-Care inside a black bloc at protests typically have on masks, generally bandannas, to avoid recognition, also to try out to safeguard versus any riot Management agents made use of. There are lots of creams and cosmetics that use caffeine like a critical aspect within their method, but you would not have to use them to benefit from the several great things about coffee with the skin . You should use a do-it-yourself face mask instead! An interesting example of a athletics mask that confounds the protective operate is the wrestling mask, a mask most generally used in the Mexican/Latin lucha libre type of wrestling. Yoghurt can be a wealthy natural source of lactic acid Qualities and this aids in balancing the normal oils on the skin along with brightens the complexion from deep inside of. Many of the masks and people used in European festivals belong to the contrasting categories on the 'great', or 'idealised splendor', established towards the 'unappealing' or 'beastly' and grotesque. Inside the Andes, masks were utilized to dress the faces on the lifeless. These have been initially manufactured from fabric, but later burial masks had been at times crafted from beaten copper or gold, and sometimes of clay. The oldest representations of masks are animal masks, such as the cave paintings of Lascaux within the Dordogne in southern France. Brown sugar also consists of glycolic acid, a powerful alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and microbes, together with moisturize skin. It is usually a hydrating agent and it locks humidity into your skin cells and guards towards skin dryness. Use brown sugar rather than white sugar since it is a lot more Mild on skin and works perfectly for pretty sensitive skin. I'm DIY pursuer and therefore preserve hoping normal items to remove awful diseases. You're going to be surprised to find out about the treasure mother earth has And exactly how it may also help us make improvements to our health. Join me in the journey which acquire you closer to nature and keep you wholesome. Make sure to gather your hair absent from your face just before applying this mask. Put on a headband or plastic shower cap to stop the mixture from going on your hair. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt can help take out lifeless skin, lighten and brighten skin, will get rid of darkish spots and Practically helps prevent ageing. The Qualities of yogurt are numerous and when Utilized in this mixture, it’s sure to give you Gains better than a readymade mask.
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How do you tackle this set of ADD/ ADHD problems? You start writing, you veer off path, rambling now, oh no it's becoming a book have to make conscious effort to end this train of written thoughts! Vs. Revising! Editing! Going over the entire thing you wrote! I have the added bonus of skipping phrases, from one word per paragraph To Whole Sentences! And I somehow skip again during revisions. I hate it here!!
Ooof. Its not easy and takes a lot of trial and error to figure out, at least for me. Its also a big part of why my posting style is the way it is....it is really easy for me to draft and write a lot quickly, but the editing and revising process takes me SO much longer because I have to keep.....resetting my eyes back to the top as I realize halfway through editing a paragraph that I’ve gotten distracted and allowed my mind to wander even while I kept moving my eyes down the page as though that actually accomplishes any editing....lol. So I like....have to prioritize. I pretty much have to stockpile my editing/revising projects for when I can afford to devote a full day of medication to the process because like.....its one of the things that I absolutely just CAN NOT pull off when not on my medication, I just.....keep going through the motions and never quite pay enough attention to actually be worth it.
Luckily, over the years of kinda....developing my own inadvertent coping mechanisms for my ADHD while growing up, since I didn’t get my diagnosis until much later in life, like....I somewhere along the line got pretty good at drafting things in such a way that I don’t tend to NEED a ton of edits. Like my drafts are always fairly clean and legible and say what I want them to say....they just say a lot more than I need to say too, lol. Essentially, my drafts ARE my posting style, that’s what they look like, and in my editing process, I just....take a weedwhacker and hack and slash my way through the unnecessary stuff and trim things down until I get an actual polished product.
But because like, that editing process is so, so crucial to my process and like, I HAVE to be on my meds during it and whatnot....that’s why I don’t really bother editing my posts or trying to keep them short and just....word vomit on the page whatever I’m trying to spit out as quickly as it comes and then just move on to the next thing. I could make each of my posts as polished as any fic I write, lol, its just.....in order to do that I’d end up writing 75% less than I do as is, because its not the writing that takes up my time and focus, its the editing and trimming.
So basically I mean, for me, personally, it ultimately came down to figuring out what my personal priorities were and aligning this with my medication schedule/how fast I metabolize and building an actual writing and editing schedule and process around this, specifically in regards to Official Projects I’ve dedicated myself too.....
And then the tradeoff, the ‘sacrifice’ so to speak, in order to allow me to maximize the amount of time-while-medicated I can devote to the stuff where that’s most crucial, like editing, is that like....I give myself permission to just NOT regulate the stuff I do where ‘good enough’ will suffice. I mean, I’m perfectionist as hell, so it wasn’t easy to train myself into accepting it as a necessity, lol, but at the end of the day, like I’ve always said - my blog is just my personal thing, everything I post is stuff I just need to get out of my head and onto a page somewhere as much as it is stuff I want or need to put in front of other peoples’ eyes.....so, y’know, at the end of the day, it doesn’t HAVE to be anything other than what it is, the way I do it. I can post whatever whenever and I don’t need to be like, on my meds or on a specific schedule or routine to do stuff like this, and it occasionally grates because sometimes like when I AM on my meds and wrap up a work session early and pop on tumblr while still medicated, I look at some of my posts and I’m just like oh for fuck’s sake, why. LOL. But. Whatever. Y’know?
So that’s my advice I guess. I know the Trials of Rambling Exponential Explosion of Growth from one totally manageable idea into like, a whole fucking book when it really didn’t have to be like that, brain, and its annoying and can definitely end up cutting into your productivity despite being ironically ‘more’ productive......and for me, the answer ended up just being....to stop seeing it as a problem. Giving myself a break and not trying to tell myself it was an Issue that I needed to find a solution to, that this was me doing writing wrong and I was never gonna get anything done this way.
And instead I just kinda....let it be what it is and found a way to repurpose my rambling kind of writing and the time/energy I’d felt was being ‘wasted’ by that, like.....instead of finding a way to stop it from happening, instead I just focused on figuring out a way to get something useful out of it when and where it does happen....when ultimately, it was going to happen no matter what.
And that eventually ended up being like....this blog. My posting style and habits and my just...using it to burn off the more frenetic of my writing energy so that when I actually want to write in a ‘productive’ sense as in something that will be polished, that I concentrate on editing, that’s meant to not just be read but ENJOYED as a reading experience....I HAVE the time and mental space and focus and spot carved out in my medication schedule that I can devote to that, because I’m not wasting all of THAT stuff trying to just.....rework the things I crank out in my more manic-writing-sessions, like my posts, which are ‘good enough’ as is and don’t ACTUALLY need the benefit of me being on my meds or spending time editing and revising them into a more polished form....not when I don’t actually need them to be that in order to serve the function I’m intending them to be.
Basically......instead of trying to make everything I write perfect and necessitating I cut my content production in half and settle for only getting a much more finite amount of the stuff in my head that’s labeled To Be Written, like, from there and onto the page....I let the stuff that doesn’t actually need to be peffect have permission to exist just as it is the way it comes out initially, even when its all rambling and spat out in a rush...and save my polish and the physical and mental resources I need to devote to something to MAKE it polished for like.....just the stuff I really need or want to be that way in the end.
And that way, I don’t waste my time essentially just doing the same stuff twice and get to keep my production levels up to something I’m happy with instead of down where I’d constantly be kicking myself about how little content I actually manage to get out into the world and instead is just stuck up in my head driving me nuts and annoying me.
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