#i probably would have just gotten one of those but alas that is not what i was able to find
weaseltotheface · 1 year
ok lets type on this thing
it’s ok
i do think i like the anne pro better but i can get used to this one and i can use the anne pro with my laptop maybe cuz it’s got bluetooth and i like typing on it
i do like this wrist rest a lot tho it’s very nice to have and it does really help lol
all in all i wasn’t expecting it to be as nice as my anne pro and it’s not but it’s still nice to type on and it’s actually a little more quiet than my anne pro so i’m sure that kate will like that more
the space key is....less than ideal but it i’ll get use to it, im sure its something i can mod later down the line if it get super annoying
and im sure my brother will appreciate having a fullsize keyboard when he’s watching the cat next month cuz he did NOT like the 60% layout even tho it rocks
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aestherin · 2 months
goal 30: something wrong
NOTES: this took longer than i thought 💀 anw it was more tamed than i imagined omg yay!! ^^
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Scaramouche thought the car ride home was plenty suffocating, but nothing could compare to how heavy the air was once he got home with his mother.
An extensive home that is reasonably far from other neighboring houses, with a spacious lot surrounding the house itself. It could've been such a perfect home — if not for the two broken people living in it.
As his mother remained silent while the two of them exited the car, Scaramouche thought he had at least the whole night to prepare for his mother's outburst. Alas, they haven't even made it to the front door yet, and he had already started hearing something.
He merely turned to her, not even saying a word.
"Just what happened?" Scaramouche could not get something from his mother's voice at all. She wasn't yelling — it would be out of character for her to do so anyway. But she obviously wasn't happy either. But at least it wasn't that cold, too?
At a loss for words, the young man forced himself to focus his gaze on one random thing, perhaps the grass peacefully lying on their front yard.
'I'll just have to let her say anything and everything she wants to say, and I'll say nothing. And then tomorrow, we'll just continue like nothing happened,' he thought.
And so he did, letting his mother's words pass through one ear to the other. 'How can you let yourself play like that', 'how can you allow people to see you like that', 'just what would they say about you now', 'this isn't what we trained for'... Nothing he wasn't used to. It was all alright. He can go through another sermon session just fine.
Until he was knocked out of his stupor by a certain statement from his mother.
"Perhaps I should've gotten between you and that companion of yours I saw in the freedom wall. I think she is distracting you, maybe you should stay away from her."
A sudden surge of rage came over him, prompting him to finally meet eyes with his own mother. Ei was slightly taken aback, not used to receiving such a hateful look from her one and only son.
The woman could not utter a response, still in shock at the state her son is in. She was so used to him being so indifferent whenever they talk, making it seem as if her advices and sermons have no effect at the slightest.
Meanwhile, Scaramouche, at the lack of response from his mother, could not stop himself anymore.
Scaramouche felt like a balloon — thinned, worn out, and keeping too much inside.
Much more than he could handle.
And his mother's words that night felt like a sharpened needle.
"Why the fuck do I always have to do what you tell me?" He finally snapped.
"Can't you see that I'm trying?! And yet you always see something!" Scaramouche gritted his teeth.
"You always see something to criticize! You always see something like a flaw! You always see something wrong!" He yelled, shortly followed by a bitter laugh. "Heck, maybe you even consider my birth to be something wrong."
A swift slap cut him off.
Somehow, the physical pain inflicted by his mother got him out of his continuous outbursts, replacing his seething anger with shock. No matter how cold and strict his mother was, she had never gotten physical with him.
Refusing to believe what just happened, a wondering Scaramouche looked back up to his mother's face — only to see her eyes dripping and her cheeks stained.
'Are those tears?'
'My mother... crying?'
"How could you say something like that Kunikuzushi?"
"How can you treat your life so lightly like that?" Ei sobbed. "Your birth wasn't something wrong — it was the most beautiful thing that happened to me."
The young man just stared at her, probably in disbelief.
"You are my son, a part of me, something even more important than myself —"
"— and that's why I never wish to see you hurt."
"Hah," Scaramouche scoffed. "Really?"
The man could not do anything but laugh ironically. She doesn't want to see him hurt, she says?
'I hate to break it to you mom, but you've been doing that for so long.'
How many lies would she feed him tonight?
"I don't want you to suddenly commit a mistake while playing, put yourself to shame, and be unnecessarily criticized and judged heavily." The purple-haired woman said. "And if that happens? Then what? You'll be so affected by all the backlash, and then you'll finally lose yourself?"
Scaramouche swore he never expected to see his mother cry so hard. In fact, crying was one of the things he thought his mother was incapable of doing. But what was she saying?
Where is she getting all this from?
"I don't want anyone precious to me to ever experience that again."
"What the heck are you talking about, mom?"
It was a slip of the tongue, unconsciously going back to what he once used to call the woman in front of him. A slip of the tongue that he failed to catch, but did not go past his own mother, whose memories of the days when he used to call her 'mom' flashed by her eyes.
But before she could even explain herself, someone else made their presence known.
"Your mother had a sister, you see."
It was Yae.
His mother's old friend.
“Have you ever heard of Makoto?” The pink-haired lady asked. Scaramouche could not see the relevance of her question, but he decided to humor her nonetheless. “Who?”
“My twin sister.”
“You had a sister?!”
Scaramouche thought he knew a lot about his mother. But really, is he even qualified to say that he knew her if he knew nothing about her past before having him? Everything he knew about Ei were memories of them together. Her being a loving mother to him when he was little, her having Yae as her only friend, her suddenly changing her parental practices once he started his soccer career — all of them were memories of her after his existence.
Only now did he realize he never knew anything about his mother’s past.
Yae sighed. “How is he ever going to understand if you never told him about Makoto, Ei?”
“It’s too dark of a story. He might not be able to handle it.”
“And you think he can handle your coldness and strictness forever?”
“What, do you want me to discourage my son from his dreams of being a top soccer player by telling him that my twin sister fucked up on a game just once, got so many backlash and became the people’s punching bag, went depressed up to the point that she couldn’t handle it anymore and eventually lost herself?” Ei spat out. “I don’t want to scare him off from achieving his dreams, but I can’t also risk the possibility of him having the same experience as my sister.”
What the fuck?
Merely processing the things he was hearing already required so much from the young man. He could not bear to disturb the conversation between the two ladies, lest there are still some things he should hear.
“So you set high expectations for him?”
“It was the only way I thought of.”
“Have you ever considered the thought that you yourself may actually be ruining his dreams for him?”
“What?” Ei turned her gaze to Scaramouche for a moment, allowing her to once again notice the state that her son was in. Trembling hands clenched into fists, focused yet glossy eyes, and brows furrowed — she couldn’t tell if they were out of fury or confusion. Perhaps it was both.
“You are making your son hate that dream of his that you sought to protect with the way you are treating him, Ei.” Yae walked towards the young man and lightly tapped his shoulder. “What this kid wants is to have fun playing, not play under constant expectations and strictness from his mother.”
Scaramouche looked up at her, who only smiled at him in return. “Isn’t that right, Kunikuzushi?”
He turned his face away from her and immediately swatted her hand from his shoulder. “What would you know about what I want?”
“Oh? But was I wrong?” She grinned. “No response? I must’ve been right then.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re just salty I’m right.”
“I am not?” The guy scowled. “Stop making things up you annoying hag —“
“Uh, excuse me?! What hag?!”
A certain purple-haired woman remained all throughout the banter between her son and her friend. When was the last time her son spoke to her without reservations like that? No, when was the last time they even had a proper conversation, one where he isn’t replying with words not even amounting to a handful?
“Ei, I want to ask you something.” A voice brought her out of her trance. “How do the other players on your team look whenever they practice and play?”
“Tired.” Ei described exactly how the boys on the team looked whenever they were on the field. Their whole beings drenched in sweat, their limbs trembling, their breaths hurried.
But despite everything, she remembered that they were having fun.
“But were they having fun?”
“They were.”
“And how does your own son look whenever he’s on the field?”
For the first time that night, absolute silence reigned over their abode’s front yard.
“See?” The pink-haired woman smiled. “Don’t you want Kunikuzushi to have the same experience as everybody else on your team?”
For the first time, Scaramouche heard the two words he thought he would never ever hear coming out from his mother’s mouth.
“I’m sorry.”
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KEEP MY HEART — scara x reader smau
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egophiliac · 2 months
As someone who hasn’t played the twst game very long I just got into it. I wanted to know about events? Like do some not come back? For example do the Masquerade, Port, Beanfest, Ghost bride, starsending events. Do those come back? I hear people say how they missed their chance to get this great card like as if it won’t ever come back and then someone on Reddit will say something like “Oh beanfest happened twice on the JP server” so which events have gotten reruns so far? I would ask about more recent ones like the Easter one but idk if it’s too recent to know if get rerun or if they clarify that it won’t come back? I was really sad to find out about the Silk outfits I missed out on when they visit the scalding sands. I also was really sad to find out i missed out on the anniversary cards because I didn’t play the game yet. I wish they would add the anniversary cards to the store at least…I want to be apart of the celebration :’)
I was looking in the shop and saw all the different groovy items you need to groovify event cards and this question just came to me so I had the urge to ask someone…
welcome to Twst! 🎉 it is a bit confusing to jump right into, especially because. they're not always consistent. :') it sounds like you're probably playing on Eng, which I'm less familiar with, but I'll try based on what I know! (I also don't always remember everything, so somebody please correct me if I get something wrong!)
first, I do recommend the Twst wiki.gg, which seems to stay pretty up-to-date on events for both the Eng and JP versions! it's a great resource for when you want to see if/when an event ran or rerun. in general, I believe that the Eng version only does reruns that have already happened in JP, so if JP has a rerun that hasn't happened yet in Eng, they should get it too eventually! on the other hand, I don't think either version has ever rerun an event more than once. :( BUT this doesn't mean you're entirely out of luck, because:
anniversary events (March for JP, January for Eng) will usually offer a chance to get both an older event SSR and an older birthday SSR in the shop, via buying a special item with exchange currency (which you get by doing pulls on the anniversary gacha, I think you need to do 100-150 pulls for enough currency to buy the item to exchange for an SSR). only SSRs though, and you're limited to one each (one birthday, one event). so if there's an SSR you REALLY want and it's already had its rerun, it's probably worth planning to save up some keys for!
as for actual reruns, they seem to come in a few different flavors:
straight-up rerun, no changes or extra cards
unchanged event story, with a new SSR of a character who wasn't in the story (e.g. Applepom Jamil)
slightly rewritten event story that includes a new SSR (e.g. Ghost Marriage, they don't seem to do this anymore though)
completely new event story that acts as either a sequel or alternate-universe version of the original (e.g. Beans Day part 2, Fairy Gala IF) (though this is pretty rare and might actually count as a separate event, rather than a rerun?)
Master Chef/Culinary Crucible events have never gotten reruns (though they might start now that we've finally gotten through all the characters in JP, time will tell). birthday and Halloween events will also rerun the previous version in addition to the new one -- for instance, Eng should be getting a Glorious Masquerade rerun this year, followed by the new (Playful Land) Halloween event. and a birthday campaign will, in addition to the new card, have a separate pickup for the previous year's birthday card.
for the specific ones you mentioned -- I think Beanfest, Ghost Bride, Fireworks, and Starsending have already rerun in Eng, so those most likely will not be rerun again (at least not anytime soon). Masquerade should be coming back for you guys this Halloween, and Portfest JUST got its rerun in JP, so that should be coming too sometime in the future! (no new SSR though, alas, I was really hoping for a little marching band sailor boy Leona. 😔) the Easter event is the White Rabbit Fest, right? that one hasn't gotten a rerun in JP yet either, so it's still on the table!
all that said, it's entirely possible they'll change the rules at some point and start doing more reruns/chances to get older event cards, especially since the game's been going on for a few years now and some cards haven't been available for a pretty long time! there's only one card that they said was for-realsies limited-time-only and wouldn't ever be available again -- Platinum Grim, since he was to celebrate the 100th anniversary -- so. there's always a little bit of hope for everything else. :D (fairy gala Ortho PLEASE COME BACK SOB)
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astolfofo · 7 months
I lowkey kinda feel like writing smth for dr ratio but take this idea for now:
Revisited the 36 questions musical (music in it is so banger my god). Imagine you're one of dr. ratio's old classmates. An academic rival if you will. You part ways with him after high school. You could not imagine going to a university with him. You pity the poor students that do.
But he does come back into your life. You've seen him occasionally at your job. YOu do your best to ignore him, treat him like you would with any other colleague that you might have known. At an arm's length. You're not friends with any of them. You certainty would not treat him with more kindness than you would with any other person. Suffice to say, although petty, you had never gotten over how he was just always just barely a mark or two above you.
That was until you realized that the distance between you two was so great, that he was now your boss. You found out he was a professor in a university through the grapevine of your coworkers who can't stop swooning over him. You tried to ignore them, focus on your work, but today, they were loudly announcing that he was going to be the manager of your department. Strange, you think to yourself. He had never seemed to have an interest in your line of work. He had always been highly theoretical. You had turn to be highly practical. He was one meant for the sciences, while you could only surmount to doing practical application. You'd have imagined he would be doing things that were beyond what the mundane could comprehend. He shouldn't be here.
But he was.
WHILE being a professor at one of the top universities. Countless accomplishments, probably a wall full of certificates and awards. You had grown not to care about things like that. But it still felt that he was invading the one thing you were good at. Still though, you wouldn't let it bother you. In the worst case, you'd switch companies, maybe move somewhere else and he wouldn't be a problem anymore.
But Dr. Ratio seems to have different ideas. Management under his hand was very different. You were immidieately promoted to the highest rank, below manager. Much to your distaste, you had told him multiple times to promote one of your coworkers. They had much better qualifications for becoming a manager than you did. But alas, your protests always came to deaf ears.
Suddenly you were crushed by work, tons of pressure, and under his scrutiny. He was a big fan of doing big, risky projects. Ones that you'd always be responsible for if you failed. You'd try to politely deny his requests, but he'd insist, threatening that you'd be fired if you didn't pull through.
At one point you had just had enough.
You coldly place your resignation onto his desk. The box of your belongings was balanced between your hand and your knees.
"What is the meaning of this?"
"My resignation. I'm leaving." You say simply. "Don't try to convince me to stay. Working under you is simply not something I am suited for."
He seems uninterested. He raises an eyebrow at you. "Is that so? I was under the impression that you were doing quite well."
You didn't know whether you wanted to laugh or scream in that second. You were sure your hair was going to turn half-white before he picked up a goddamn clue. You suppose passing out three times and looking like you had your eyes punched wasn't a strong enough indicator.
"Ah... well... I'm flattered you think that way, but I really think it's time for me to move on...."
"And your plan after this is...?"
"Oh. Maybe work at someplace else." You lie, "I have a few options I can choose from, I'll probably end up working at one of those."
Dr. Ratio looks at your face, and then looks up and down. You stand there akwardly waiting for his approval to leave. You began counting down seconds. If he wasn't going to let you leave in the next two minutes, you'd walk out the door yourself.
"Why don't we sit down and talk first? Before you leave."
What? "Oh no sir.. it's fine... really..."
"It's been a few years since we've last seen each other and talked, hasn't it? I was wondering when you were going to approach me again. It's just a shame it's in this way."
He turns around and puts the sheet of paper into the shredder. You look back at him wide-eyed, debating on whether you would just walk straight out.
"Why don't you set your things aside? Maybe put them back on your desk? It's not like you'll be leaving soon. Unless you want to retire now?"
You open your mouth preparing to yell every curse word you can at him.
"Save your insults for later. Now tell me why you pretended not to recognize me for the past year I've worked here."
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hii!! could you write something where peter and reader go grocery shopping, then he gets lost in the store but it’s just super fluffy?? tysm :)
back to you | p.p.
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synopsis : no matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, no matter the situation, you knew peter would always find his way back to you.
pairing : bf!peter parker x reader
wc : 589
warnings : flufffffff !! and peter being a chaotic idiot 😭
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a/n : hi ! sorry the fic is a little late this week again 😓, the title and summary is so dramatic given the fic LMAOAOSKSMJSND but anyways !!! this was based on @sacharinee’s grocery shopping headcanons ! please read m’s works, they’re all amazing :) <3 💞
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y’know, grocery shopping can be pretty fun if you don’t just sigh and mope around.” you grin. peter on the other hand, had a pout on his face. he was avoiding you whilst making sure he was never further than three feet away.
“you didn’t let me get the chocolate covered wafers,” he mumbles, looking down. you couldn’t help but giggle at your lover’s antics. he’s been like this on the car ride to the grocery store and its only gotten worse once you arrived.
“we’re only here to buy our meals for the week, and you promised, no unnecessary purchases,” you called back to the promise he made before leaving. grocery shopping with peter was almost like babysitting a full grown adult, and you didn’t know if you were up for that today.
but alas, here you were.
“this is necessary! i’m starving,” he groans but he quickly follows it up with, “you’d let me get them if you love me.” a smile was slowly creeping up on his face.
you give him a soft peck on the lips (one gladly accepts), before saying, “i love youuu!” peter grins hopefully after hearing that. “but we are not getting those wafers,” you say, continuing your round throughout the grocery store, peter trailing behind you.
despite peter’s growing hanger, he manages to make himself helpful by grabbing heavy batches of items, placing them into your cart. you send him a smile of approval which makes peter all giddy and proud, suddenly, he’s in a pretty good mood.
his mood only improved once he saw samples, all laid out neatly on a nearby stall. he quickly glances at you to take note of where you are, and he’s off taking multiple samples of the same food so he can share some with you.
but as soon as he comes back to the bread and pastry section, you’re nowhere to be found.
at first, he isn’t too worried about it, he’s certain that you’d come back for him anytime now.
anytime now…
the panic really starts to settle in once thirty minutes have passed, he was starting to get looks, he’d been standing there alone, samples in one hand, phone in the other.
he’d tried calling, unfortunately for him, your phone was on silent.
he couldn’t wait any longer, at some point, he begun showing anyone he could see a photo of you, asking if they’d seen you anywhere. when he realizes no one’s seen you, the panic fully sinks in.
but really, you were lined up by the cashier, you hadn’t noticed when peter had left your side, but you thought it would be safe to assume that he was okay, probably looking for more samples.
unbeknownst to you, he was far from okay.
he paced back and forth in the dairy aisle, mumbling, running his hands through his hair, thinking of every possible outcome of you being separated.
“baby?” and when his head turns towards you, you could’ve sworn you saw tears beginning to form.
next thing you know, his arms are tightly wrapped around your waist and he’s peppering soft kisses on your shoulder.
“what’s wrong?” truthfully, you were starting to worry.
“i turned around and you were just— gone.” that’s when you broke, you couldn’t hold it in anymore, you burst into laughter.
“you, peter parker, are an idiot.” you say, a fond smile on your face, one he couldn’t help but mirror, “and, i hope these will make you feel better.”
you pull something out of your grocery bag, low and behold… “the chocolate covered wafers!”
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taglist : (send me an ask/dm to be added !) @live-laugh-lovejoy @tomsholland2412 @parkerpeter24 @herpeanutzombie
a/n : tysm for reading :) pls reblog to support your writers !!! requests are open !
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vanillavengeance · 1 month
i totally keep forgetting to ask everytime I reread mm and you might have said this already, but is the implication that leo donnie and raph killed the foot clan dudes? i really wouldn't put it past them
Not killed them in the moment, but…
They should have gone further. Left the state, even.
The Lieutenant and Brute screams turn more shrill, bruises and gashes stinging in the high winds. The harsh metal cables bite into where they’re wrapped, pulled tight by the snarling Red Turtle around their bodies. Neither could move even if they wanted to.
An edge of a building clips Brute’s leg and lets off a sharp ‘snap’. His scream curdles into whimpers but the purple drone doesn’t slow or go higher.
“This is your fault, you imbecile!” Lieutenant shouts over the wind, frantic. Brute whimpers and gives tiny, repeated nods.
Lieutenant’s not dumb, unlike his unfortunate companion. He should have insisted they get to the other side of the country.
Not that it would have helped if they ever found out. The Blue Turtle has those portals that make everything an irritating challenge.
They just barely squirm away from a different ledge, unable to see through the wetness gathered in their eyes. The sounds of New York blue around them and with how fast and haphazardly the drone is flying, Lieutenant wouldn’t be surprised if this is their third lap around the city.
Flying until their fingers are numb and their screams turn silent, Lieutenant has hope that it might be over. The drone slows as it flies over one of the waterways and he has the desperate thought that if they do meet their end here, at least it’ll have a good view of the city.
Alas, the Purple Turtles drone has other plans. Swooping low, it glides to a complete stop underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Lieutenant blinks at the gentle sway and leans into the silent, limp form tied to his back. Brute had gone silent after his broken leg was once again smashed into a gargoyle, leaving him to figure out if they would be surviving this mess.
It’s always the youngest that’s the most protected. They should have known better after the Kraang to not mess with the Turtles, especially the Orange one.
They’re jostled into place suspended by a support beam and the little drone comes down to hover in front of Lieutenant. Using what little energy he has for a snarl, he stares down the steadily blinking red light. The robot lets out a tiny beep and then Lieutenant is blinded, eyes burning and wrenching a new scream from his throat. He can barely breath through the pepper spray overwhelming his senses.
Through his gasps of pain the drone beeps once more before it buzzes off. Lieutenant merely breathes through the stinging off his eyes and face, wondering if they’ll be noticed before he goes blind.
If this was it, Lieutenant has only one regret.
Why must he die trussed up like a turkey with the man who ensured their demise?
“I’m just saying they’re probably going to be crawling back. If you had just let me deploy my prototype—“
“We ain’t killing people, Donnie. Not when I’m here. I could care less what ‘ya do in your free time.”
“I don’t know, I think Dontron might be on to something. They were still screaming when they flew off. Could have done with a few more slashes in the squishier areas.”
“I’ll say it again since it hasn’t gotten through your heads; I don’t care what ‘ya do in your free time.”
“Oh ho ho~, I read you loud and clear, big daddy.”
“Affirmative, objective has been made crystal.”
“After we get Mikey back, though, yeah?”
“Uh, duh.” “Agreed.”
I wrote this off the fly so excuse any errors, but here ya go :D
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I got caught shoplifting a few weeks ago so Im gonna have a court proceeding (? if thats what you call it in english idk) in a couple hours and Im a little bit nervous but the shit I stole was only worth 7€ and it was my first time getting caught so I dont think it'll be too big of a deal. Honestly Im just glad I didnt get caught while I was stealing ~85€ worth of acotar books, because my punishment would not only be wayyyy harsher it would also just be embarrassing, imagine stealing sjm books when theres so many good books you could steal from a bookstore
Anyway, speaking of acotar books, its livebloggin time. Last time, Feyre and Rhysand came to this cabin in the woods/inn in the middle of nowhere and stayed in a room thats so small that you couldnt even have sex in it and then they had sex. not penetrative sex, they just fingered each other. Which is to say Rhysand fingered her vagina and Feyre fingered his wings because god forbid a man be on the receiving end for anything other than a blowjob. Also, I guess Mor, Cassian and Azriel are somewhere else? I didnt wanna say anything about them being gone bc I just kinda assumed they were staying with Feysand but they seem to be gone. whatever I dont care about those guys anyway
Chapter 49
Feyres internal declarations of love and wanting to be with Rhys forever feel very shallow when you consider the fact that 1) theyve only had like 3 months worth of non-traumatic interactions with eachother, and 2) she thought the exact same way about Tamlin and then she DIED FOR HIM and then she left him after barely half a year
'"You know exactly that I would do anything for my people and my family."' 'Your people' consisting of one (1) city
Feyre's pussy feels slightly raw from getting fingered hours ago?? thats not a good sign.
'"I'm not gonna turn away from you. Not from you," I promised him quietly.' honestly, i can believe that, if you can fully forgive someone for physically torturing and sexually assaulting you after like a month or two you can forgive them anything, I have no idea why Rhys would be worried about that
can you imagine if Rhysand got shot with poisoned arrows and he just died right here. Life could be a dream but alas, I live in a nightmare world
I actually really like Feyre going feral over her love interest like this (even if that love interest is Rhys) I dont we're gonna get much more of that in this series so I shall savour it
Yeah, now that she mentions it, how come one ash arrow was enough to straight up kill Andras but Rhysand gets hit by like a dozen and hes just fine after this. I guess it could be that Feyre shot Andras in the eye so it was more lethal than Rhys getting shot in the back and wings but still, afaik there are no longterm consequences from this, like hes not even gonna have to deal with idk, his back hurting at certain points or something
Im not a fan of Feyre being so murderhappy now when she was reluctant to even kill animals at the start of this book, like at a certain point Im not so much bothered by Feyre's character being retconned from ACOTAR but her character from start of ACOMAF
Damn I didnt think the sex would be anything other than a pointless diversion, but here it is, being plot relevant
How come these guys have been torturing him by just stringing him up and leaving the arrows while they whip him, if I was an evil torturer and had just gotten my hands on a guy with wings Im sawing those badboys off immediately. or should i say batboys ahahahha.hahha
Oh, just a splinter of ashwood can he deadly but of course Rhysand is gonna be pretty much fine after being impaled with seven whole arrows
'"And Elain would love [Velaris], I'm sure of it. Although she would probably cling to Azriel the whole time, looking for safety."' smth about that line feels icky to me, I think its the fact that I dont think Elain actually properly interacted with Azriel at this point and also, Velaris is a perfect paradisical city what on earth would she need his protection for there
ughhhh all this bullshit with the dresser is so unbearably annoying
I guess I'll see how this all actually pans out next chapter, but right now I gotta say I dont like the fact that Rhysand's wounds just heal on their own, I couldve used some good whump with him. And Im not just saying that because I dont like him and Im a sadistic little bitch, even though both of those things are true, Im saying this because I think seeing him in a vulnerable position for an extended time would make me like him more
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thehollowwriter · 10 months
Summary: Ace does that thing where he correctly yells everything someone did wrong at them, except this time that someone is Finn and Ace is, in fact, incorrect (there may be some oocness I hope not)
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤
Hold Your Tongue
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Ace Trappola was Finn Clearcove's favourite underclassman.
Not because he liked him, no that achievement belonged to Chrysos Pendentif, but because he was so ridiculously amusing.
Stubborn, brash and egotistical, he was prime entertainment no matter what he did.
It was fun to watch him behave with such confidence despite being an anenome, grinning or smirking as he waited tables or worked the bar like he'd been doing it all his life.
But behind that incredibly fragile facade cowered a frightened little human teetering on the edge of a complete breakdown.
There were moments where the mask cracked, where a customer would irritate him and his face would twist into a scowl. Moments where he froze up and trembled when he felt Finn's eyes on him. Moments when the twins leered over him and he looked to be seconds away from screaming.
Tonight was one of those times where Ace's facade was threatening to fracture.
It was a slow sleepy night. Customers filtered in and out, filling the air with a soft murmur of tired chatter and only occupying a few tables. It was always like this near the end of the term.
Ace was clearly annoyed at having to be here when it was so empty, probably wishing he was back at his dorm right now.
His face twitched, his large fake customer service smile fraying at the edges as he spoke to his table through tightly clenched teeth.
He was trying so hard to be respectful, poor thing. Finn almost hoped he would snap so he could drink in the chaos that was bound to follow. It would lift him from his bad mood.
Alas, Ace was well behaved for once, and Finn knew it was for a reason. The same reason as always.
When Ace's breaktime came around, Finn sighed, made himself a drink, crossed one leg over the other and waited.
Finn watched as Ace predictably made a beeline towards him with an intense look of determination, leaving Deuce and Grim behind to roll their eyes and watch as he plastered a smile to his face.
God, Finn was running low on patience today. He didn't have the energy to deal with Ace now.
Whenever Ace was on his best behaviour, it inevitably led to him drifting to Finn in some way or another and attempting use him as some sort of... mole? Traitor? Ally?
The boy seemed to be under the impression that Finn was harbouring some kind of hidden resentment towards Azul and the twins that was just waiting to be revealed.
He often implied that Finn was being taken advantage of, mentioning all those times he's been in Azul's office for example.
Every time, Finn had to fight the urge to say "Actually, I'm not working, I'm spending my time kissing Azul breathless" just to see the look of horror on Ace's face.
Ace also tried going out of his way to impress Finn and garner his favour by doing whatever he asked, much to the dismay of his friends.
Why Ace did this in spite of the scare the scare he had during their first encounter, Finn had no idea.
"Hello Finn-senpai!" He greeted cheerily. "How are you this evening?"
"Tired." Finn responded flatly.
"Aw that sucks." Said Ace, voice dripping with fake sympathy. "Y'know I always say you work too hard. Do you ever get a break, really? You're never not working."
Finn took a long sip of his drink and and bit back a laugh. "I appreciate your concern, but I do get my fair share of free time"
Ace's smiled tightened and his eyes twitched.
"Do you, though?" His voice was straining with frustration. "Every time I see you you're working, and every time I ask about you I'm told you're at your club or doing a practical or studying or whatever. Look, I know you've gotten used to being treated like garbage but-"
"Treated like garbage?" Finn questioned, surprised. That was a new way of putting it. "I don't think-"
"Oh for the Queen's sake-" Ace slammed his hands down on the table with a "thwack", causing Finn to jump back in surprise.
"Yes you're treated like garbage!" He shouted. "No free time, no chance to rest! You're just constantly working your ass off! You're always called to the VIP room, in fact you're called there more than any other staff member! And you stay in there for hours!"
"That greedy prick is stealing precious time from you! The twins are almost worse! They're always grabbing at you and pulling you around like a ragdoll! How do you not notice how physical they are with you? It's gross!"
Finn blinked at Ace and bit his lip to hold back a snort. This was that prime entertainment he was waiting for. Ace had some very funny thought patterns.
Yet, even as Finn was visibly half smiling, sipping his drink, and customers and staff alike were turning to stare, Ace continued.
"Your boss is a scummy asshole! He's just using you! You think you matter more to him just because you're not an anenome? You don't!"
Finn let go of the straw. A frown settled onto his face and his eyes narrowed. "Mister Trappola-"
"Damn it, can't you see? You're just letting him use you like he's using the rest of us! He's not kind or benevolent, Finn-senpai, he's a monster! A greedy, selfish monster!"
Any mirth Finn felt toward this little explosion made itself scarce and white hot anger flooded his veins like fiery lava.
"Mister Trappola-" He went to repeat, but Ace cut him off.
"It's the truth! You need to grow a spine, because the twins don't treat you any better! There's no equal ground, they're sickos who treat you like a chewtoy! They-"
Finn lunged forward and grabbed Ace by the throat, pulling him down hard so they were eye to eye, faces inches apart.
"Mister Trappola, I will warn you only once," Finn spoke even softer than usual, his voice quivering slightly. "If you don't shut your mouth I swear to the Sea Witch I will make you wish Azul punished you instead."
All the passion fuelling Ace's liveliness vanished in an instant, draining from his face until he was white as a sheet.
"I- I-"
"You should thank the stars right now we are on land an not below the surface, otherwise I would be tearing your tongue from your mouth." Finn dug his fingers into Ace's Adam's apple, wishing beyond anything he had his claws and not these useless short nails.
"I will not tolerate you insulting my-" The word 'boyfriends' lingered on the tip of his tongue. "-business partners and spewing nonsense about things you don't understand. Do you truly take me for a fool who does whatever Azul tells me to without demanding payment?"
Ace stammered and shook his head wildly, muttering apologies and mumbling some excuse or other.
Seven why couldn't he just bite his face? Why did land have so many rules against violence?
"Oi, the hell's going on here?"
If Ace went any paler, surely he would faint. In fact, he looked to be on the verge of doing so when he turned his head to see Floyd and Jade Leech standing side by side, staring at him.
"Is Crabby botherin' ya, Finn?"
Every single time Ace prodded at Finn for a favour, Floyd came over and asked this question. Every single time, Finn told him no and shooed him away. This time however, the shark slowly nodded
"Y-Yes. Yes he is."
"My my, how rude of you, Ace-san." Jade purred snatching the anenome on Ace's head and yanking it.
"Harassing our dear Finn and insulting us and Azul at the same time? I'll see to it that your dorm leader is informed and you are given a suitable punishment. Do you have anything in mind, Finn?"
Finn shook his head. What he had in mind would end poorly for them all.
"Alright, then. Azul shall decide." Jade pulled at the anenome again and Ace shrieked in pain, clawing at Jade's hand in a desperate attempt to get away as he was dragged to the VIP room.
Finn watched them go, his face bright red. Blood rushed I his ears, he panted heavily, his hands wouldn't stop shaking, his stomach churned.
People insulted his partners all the time. This sort of thought process wasn't anything new. Same old same old.
So why was he so angry?
Why did he feel so sick?
Finn's legs decided they didn't want to hold him up anymore and he collapsed against Floyd's side.
"Woah- shit, what's wrong?" Floyd grabbed him by the arms to steady him, his brow furrowed in concern. He watched as Finn opened and closed his mouth wordlessly, gripping Floyd's suit jacket tightly.
Floyd shifted his gaze to the door of the VIP room and a low growl rose from the back of his throat
"I'm gonna fucking kill him."
A/N: This was a short one, but I hope you all enjoyed Finn losing his temper a bit ehehe (and hopefully this wasn't too ooc).
Tagging: @distant-velleity @whspermy-name @the-banana-0verlord @officialdaydreamer00 @kitwasheree @cynthinesia @elysia-nsimp @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer @jovieinramshackle @casp1an-sea
NOTE: Chrysos belongs to @distant-velleity
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spinchip · 2 years
They send Cole in to talk to him because Jay’s never had a serious relationship other than Nya (and they're still together,) kai’s only ever had flings, and Lloyd was as knowledgeable on break-ups as a wet pile of leaves. Cole is the resident expert on heart break, being as he’s had 2 long(ish) lasting relationships that had both come to a tragic end- albeit, even he wasn’t quite experienced with this level of heartache. His ex boyfriends were from highschool, and nothing ever mattered in highschool. Especially not since he’d become a ninja. Who cared if Joaquin cheated on him with Lexi? He saved ninjago from countless evils. Joaquin was probably regretting it now!
Kai nudges him and exaggerates his eyebrows silently, motioning towards the kitchen door. Okay, so Cole was stalling. Just a bit. He was a little afraid he’d be out of his depth on this-scratch that, he was certain of it. Maybe if it were Jay or Karloff, he could manage- but Zanes emotions ran wide and deep and it was so incredibly hard to navigate those waters. Alas, he was specially chosen for this mission. He had to try.
He cautiously creaks open the kitchen door and finds Zane… chopping vegetables. For some reason, he’d convinced himself he’d find him curled up on the counters crying his eyes out. Yes, Zane was a very emotional person- but Cole forgot how deeply Zane hid that part of himself away. He can’t rely on the obvious for this. He’s gotta go into ninja mode, really do some nitpicking recon.
One sleeve of his sweater is rolled up, the other has rolled down and hangs dangerously close to getting tomato juice on it. Oh man. He’s really upset. Zane was meticulous about cleanliness, especially in the kitchen. His mind is somewhere else.
“Hello Cole.” He offers the master of Earth a smile, “If you have come to ask about dinner, it will be ready in an hour or so. I will call you when it is time to eat.”
Oh, clever clever. Polite as a peach but a not-so-subtle dismissal tacked on at the end, which means there’s no way for Cole to redirect the conversation gently. Zanes is banking on him losing the nerve to confront him. Well, Coles is no coward (And the others would just make him try again later. Better to rip the bandaid off now, right?)
“I actually wanted to talk to you.” He starts, swallowing thickly, “About how you're feeling.”
Zanes hands still just for a moment over the next tomato before he soldiers on, “I am fine.”
Cole frowns, “Zane… I’ve been through it too. It sucks… it’s okay that you’re not fine.” He tries softly.
Zane places the knife down, picking up the cutting board and setting the tomato aside, “I understand your concern, but I am fine. My romantic relationship with Pixal has ended, but we will remain friends and that is agreeable with both of us.”
There’s a pause as Cole tries to think of what to say, “You’re really… just okay with that?" At this point, an upset Zane would have gotten that kicked-puppy expression and opened up a bit more. Maybe started wringing his hands together, or shut down completely. Was he really fine? Zane? "You two have been together for what, four and a half years?”
“Five years, three months, and 12 days.” Zane corrects gently as he wipes down the counter.
“And it’s... over? Why did she end it?”
Zane gives him a quizzical look, “Cole, I was the one who terminated our relationship.”
That shocks Cole so badly he actually has to grab the counter for support. his feet nearly slide out underneath him, and he struggles to regain his bearings, “What!?” He gapes, “But- you were like so in love with her!”
Zane cringes and he can’t quite hide it, “I certainly believe I was, yes.”
“Well, what happened? What changed?” He forgets he’s supposed to be helping Zane with his heartbreak, curiosity leaping forward.
“I do not wish to discuss that.” he murmurs, pulling out a large pot and setting it on the stove.
“Ah, yeah. Sorry.” He scratches the back of his head, “It just feels so sudden. I didn’t even know you were feeling this way…”
Zane shrugs uncomfortably, “I did not want to say anything until I was certain of my choice. I thought about it for a long time before I approached her.”
Cole catches that and connects the dots faster than he thinks Zane expects him to, “A long time?… since the Never Realm?” He ventures carefully.
Just like that, Zane's face closes off completely. He stiffly continues to make chili, but does not acknowledge Cole's presence. He doesn’t comment on what he said, and pretends like he never heard it.
Cole decides to speak again, “Y’know what happened in the Never Realm…” he lowers his voice, pitching it low enough so no one could even consider eavesdropping. Something just for Zane, “No one blames you. It wasn’t your fault… We don’t love you any less because of what happened. I know it can be scary to wonder what we think of you, but my opinion of you hasn’t changed. I’m sure Pixals hasn’t either, so you don't need to run away. We still see you the same.” He says genuinely, reaching out and patting Zane's shoulder.
Zane exhales and the air in front of him swirls with snowflakes. He brushes Coles hand off but not unkindly, “You do not understand. I spent sixty years in the Never Realm.” it’s not a surprise but Cole still winces, “She still sees me the same, but I have lived a lifetime without her, a life completely different from this. I am the one who does not see her like I once did. I am not the man I was, and I feel nothing…” He shakes his head and re-words his sentence to be kinder, “I no longer feel romantic love for her.”
“Oh.” Coles not sure what to do with that.
“Thank you for your concern, Cole, but I truly am alright. I have had decades to distance myself from that pain.” Zane assures him with a smile. “Now please, allow me to return to our dinner.” He motions to the pot, and Cole takes the dismissal this time.
When he’s nearly out the door he hesitates, peeking his head back in. Zane has gone back to cooking, one sleeve rolled and the other slipping down. Maybe that’s just who he was now.
“I have one more question.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t know if I want to know the answer.” he admits, tapping an anxious finger along the door frame.
“Then do not ask it.” Zane says. His voice is light but there’s a firmness there. He offers the advice with a push.
Cole accepts it and lets the door swing shut behind him.
On the tip of his tongue is do you still see us the same?
How do you see all of us, now?
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sable-skies · 1 month
I wanna see what you have to say about horses :3
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the little horse girl in my heart just screamed something between a "YIPPPIEEEE" and a "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO"
okayokaoykaoyayao i dont even know where to start uhh huh dhfisgdf
It's actually been a few years since I've interacted with a horse! I used to majorly be into them as a kid, hell probably before I got into anything else i was The Horse girl in my school/grade (and got picked on for it but who gives a FUCK those people SUCKED anyway) and i just. never shut up about them
I had a shit ton of books about horses and various breeds, my entire room looked like a horse shrine, the whole nine yards was just. Honse. and looking back im glad I had that growing up, that my mom indulged me on my first major interest and had tried to get me into horse riding lessons a few times! but alas, the 2008 recession hit my mom hard and i had no idea at the time.
Its funny actually because a lot of people around me growing up forgot I was a super big horse nerd because I got all quiet and into other things and such that I stopped talking about them as much, but again, that little horse girl in my heart is ready to pretty much at any time just give me the sleeper agent activation code word and I'm gone brother
I think my favorite example of people not knowing I was a horse kid was back in high school when I picked up a friend of mine, who was also a major horse girlie, (her mom would let her walk in negative degree weather and i wasnt letting that happen) she had been watching a video on her phone and it reflected in the window. and without any hesitation i went "tinker horse?" and she whipped her head around and looked at me in shock like "how did you know??"
the answer of how I knew is because thats one of my favorite horse breeds out there. because im a dork and i never forgot its name (technically i knew it by its old name with the slur in it, look it up if you need to) but regardless: i knew this mf from a mile away
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These are tinker horses btw!! Big draft breeds with feathery legs / feet, long manes, and a big impressive build. Honestly as I've gotten older I think my preference in horse breeds has shifted to the draft kind, which is funny because as a kid I would tell you something like a quarter horse was my favorite. (though all horse breeds are good, its kinda like dog breeds in terms of discussion tho just. which ones you like to look at or like interacting with)
as for other favorites, i also really enjoy shires, Friesian, Andalusians, Tennessee walkers, american paints, and a whole lot more!
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thats mostly all about like, nostalgic memories and some breed talk though, i dont actually keep up with current horse media or any sort of discussion, so I don't have any comments on lifestyles, conditions, how they're handled, etc. again, i'm really out of the horsesphere as of now and I doubt I'll get much back into it in life, seeing as its such an expensive thing to be into.
but generally: i like horses, i think they're fun creatures and i like to think of them as bigger (and potentially more dangerous) dogs. if i get a chance to interact with one in a good setting i tend to take it, and i usually walk away happy on the basis of "i got to pet a horse thats gonna make my WHOLE week", because honestly I'm not big on riding them anymore, i just like being around them.
but yea thats. some thoughts. oh my god i typed way too much
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zargontari · 3 months
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(intro, I suppose)
(thumbnail art of my sona done by @batstabb; go check it out!)
Hi there! My name's Zargontari, though I also go by Skippy, if that's easier to remember. I'm twenty-one, nonbinary, and probably the most rabid objectum you'll ever meet.
My blog is generally SFW, though there may occasionally be a suggestive reblog or sex joke. There also may be artistic gore. I primarily reblog, without much original content except for the occasional bit of writing, or general raving about whatever interest I'm into at the time of posting.
Ask box is open, and so are DMS! I adore interaction, and won't ever be bothered if you pop up out of the blue to say hello. Even if you just need to talk to someone and you feel like there's no one who will listen. I'm your guy. I'm chronically online and have little else to do besides work and look at my phone.
Currently, my biggest interests are: Expeditionary Force, Rain World, Mass Effect, Venom (movies and comics, though I have gotten nowhere in the latter as of yet), Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, and dragons in general, really. Feel free to chat with me about those or anything else!
I don't often tag my posts (a bad habit, I know), but here are the common ones I use when I do!
#tblr bm: Tumblr Bookmark! Self explanatory; I want to keep whatever I saved to look at later. Another bad habit, really. I never look at the tag. Alas.
#through to the tether au: this is a big one. This tag holds all my nonsense and shenanigannary about my Expeditionary Force AU, Through to the Tether. The whole thing is convoluted right now, but there may be a larger text post about it later. I plan for there to be a fanfiction! Truly, though, no one knows. Especially not me.
#forsake everyone but demoman: demoman TF2 posting. I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you
Quick QNA:
Why does your blog look so fucking ugly?: This was the layout that I created whenever I first made a Tumblr, didn't understand how it worked, and assumed I would never use it. I will not ever change it. My sideblogs can be pretty but this bastard child won't ever be.
When are you most active?: On and off throughout the day, though early in the morning (USA-EST) and late at night are when I really crack down on that delicious screen time.
You reblogged something problematic. What do I do?: I would always prefer to be told if something I've done, said, or associated with is wrong. Contact me in private to let me know, and all will be well.
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starrystevie · 1 year
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hiya everyone! the month of june is a big one for not only myself personally but also for this blog so we'll be celebrating a few things:
my own birthday on june 24th!
reaching 2k followers! (which is still mind blowing where did y'all come from)
pride month!
now i may not be a gif maker or edit maker, but i do want to celebrate by interacting with you all in the ways i know how! i'm going to be hosting what i like to call "roll for...?", a mysterious way to get stranger things content from me for the rest of the month. starting today, june 13, you can send me in asks for things to roll for (just make sure you go over the rules before sending in an ask pls <3)
if you're interested in participating, click the read more for the rules!
how it works:
i'll have the following categories to pick from: drabble, playlist, or aesthetic/moodboard. pick one of those categories and then select up to 3 of the following subcategories for me to roll specifics for: ship, trope, vibe/colors, length, era, crossover. whatever subcategories go unchosen, i can use if i want to! each of the subcategories will have a few options in them that i will then roll for to leave the final product up to the luck of the roll. if needed, any additional details will be left up to me! if you would like it to be entirely my pick, please select 3 ships listed below for me to choose from and i will take it from there. warning, some categories will be easier for me to combine than others (ie vibe with crossover might be challenging) so please take every post with a grain of salt. this is all just for fun. these will be posted as i can get them done, so feel free to send in asks whenever you want to! i will stop accepting asks for this project on june 30th but will probably still have things to post after that. all posts will be tagged with #rollfor2023 to help keep things organized.
important to know!:
if you have any triggers or things you wouldn't want to me to include, please let me know what to avoid. i'll honor it no questions asked. all drabbles will be rated anywhere from general to mature with absolutely zero explicit smut unless you tell me you are comfortable with it being included. overcommunicate with me and we'll both be happy campers!
subcategory specifics:
ship: 1. steve/eddie, 2. robin/nancy, 3. robin/chrissy, 4. jonathan/argyle, 5. joyce/hopper, 6. bee's pick of steve ship (platonic or romantic) trope: 1. enemies to lovers, 2. friends to lovers, 3. one bed, 4. the italicized 'oh', 5. soulmates, 6. bee's pick of shop au vibe/colors: 1. whimsical/pastels, 2. angst/dark muted, 3. hopeless romantic/soft pinks, 4. cheerful/bright & bold, 5. bittersweet/blues & greys, 6. angry/dark reds length (around a certain word/song count): 1. 100-300 words/3 songs, 2. 300-500 words/5 songs, 3. 500-750 words/8 songs, 4. 750-1000 words/10 songs, 5. 1000-1500 words/15 songs, 6. bee's pick era: 1. ancient greek, 2. 1980s, 3. modern/2020s, 4. 1800s wild west, 5. 1940s, 6. unspecified fantasy world timeline ala lotr or got crossover (all chosen from my favorites!): 1. moulin rogue, 2. across the universe, 3. bee's pick of disney movie, 4. grishaverse, 5. glee, 6. supernatural
an example ask (can copy / paste if you'd like!):
i would like a drabble with a roll for ship, length, and crossover. avoid character death and mentions of drugs.
i hope this makes sense, so please let me know if you have questions! i'm truly just wanting to do something fun for the hell of it because isn't that we're all here for anyway?! rejoining the fandom side of tumblr this time last year has been such a great decision. i've been able to meet so many of you wonderful people and remember what it's like to enjoy fandom spaces again without shame. best of all, it's gotten me writing again, which had been such a big part of my hobbies that i had pushed aside. getting back into writing as a way to express myself and make content with some fucking guys from some fucking tv show has made a massive difference in my happiness over the last year.
i thank you all so sincerely for being with me along the ride. tagging some of my beloved buds here in no possible order because if it weren't for y'alls support, i never would have written half the things i have. thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly <3
@buckleydiaz @thefreakandthehair @yournowheregirl @scoops-stevie @gothbat99 @bayouteche @toburnup @stevethehairington @judasofsuburbia @henderdads @sharpbutsoft @kkpwnall @figthefruitfaeth @fastcardotmp3 @fragilecapric0rnn @wynnyfryd @stargyles @jeysuso @bitchsteve @lovespiralls @riality-check @cheatghost @legitcookie @hellsfireclub @sanguineterrain @kingofscoops @roykentt @sidekick-hero
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redwineconversation · 7 months
Olympique Lyonnais Behind the Scenes (Episode 5)
This covers the month of January. Better late than never but alas some of us have jobs that we want to keep and cannot be chronically online. The Behind the Scenes translations is one of those times where I wish I was technologically apt because then I could just upload the video and add subtitles, alas, neither OLPlay nor my technology skills will ever make that happen.
I have no shame in confessing to this - I didn't want to do this one because Carpenter is in it and I am so irked by all the fucking Arsenal fans/stans suddenly thirsting for her to join their godawful team after the abuse she is has gotten from Arsenal stans the past two years. To act like she should join that club after what those people have said / done is so completely tone-deaf. Likewise, suddenly using "le clean sheet" every time your goalkeeper does their actual job is not as cute/funny as you think it is. It's annoying. It's so fucking annoying.
I will also save those godawful stans the time and say that Lyon / Carpenter do not address Carpenter's engagement to van de Donk as Lyon is a serious club who doesn't use a player's personal life as a marketing ploy. The purpose of the Behind the Scenes is to get to know the players' mentality and thoughts about the month's events.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; @OL Comms I feel like chipping in to contribute my Starbucks fund is the least you could do considering all the free work I am doing for y'all; how amazing would it be if some of you would actually get the mental help you so desperately need; y'all know the speech.
Ellie Carpenter: We had a lot of games. We had Champions League games. I think it was a much needed break for everyone.
Selma Bacha: We really needed to have a break, because there are players who went straight into the World Cup so they didn't have a lot of rest. Everyone benefited from the break. For me, I went to Tunisia, where my family is originally from. So I had a great time with my family. And then we started up again. The break was short.
Damaris: It was good for everybody I think to go home, to be with our families and friends. Just to push football aside and enjoy ourselves. Yeah, that's always a good thing.
Sara Dabritz: We went to preseason camp. It was really good. We spent a lot of time together. We had a nice hotel. It was intense but it's like that in camp. But I think it was good for us to prepare for the [second half of the] season.
Carpenter: The training camp in Spain was a nice way to come back at the start of this year to train well, to get the basics back, get back in the gym. And it was also really fun for the team morale. The camps with the team are always really fun. We have to work fun but also enjoy ourselves off the field.
Bacha: It was hard because you come back from break and you have to dig deep and work hard. So it was really hard because we had a fitness test over there.
Carpenter: The worst moment was probably the running test we had to do, the 1.5km [1 mile] sprint test.
Bacha: Honestly, that's when you realize that Olympique Lyonnais is a family. You can see it in the video clips, we're encouraging each other. The cohesion was top.
Bacha: My favorite moment was the team cohesion activity with the golf carts. Honestly it was so good. We had to do stuff - well, we had to do funny things. It was the best part.
Carpenter: Driving around the hotel trying to find clues, that was very fun.
Carpenter: Yeah, we knew we had Paris FC as soon as we got back from Christmas break. After having been off we thought it might be hard to come back and play against a top team in Europe, in France for sure.
Bacha: We got right into it. We know that those sort of games, they're going to very very big games because Paris FC is a really good team who has really improved and recruited really well. And honestly, it was a big game. We had to work for that win, so the game was won on mentality.
Carpenter: Paris FC has shown that they're a great team, they're a top team in Europe, doing well in the Champions League and, yeah. The intensity was high. I think you could feel that everyone just came back from holidays but we'll fight, until those last five minutes when we did score.
Bacha: Ah, Ada's goal, that's just Ada Hegerberg. That's it. There's no other forward who can do that. Honestly, when we celebrated - even I spoke in English, I said "what a goal". [Hegerberg speaks English when she's annoyed, which is why Bacha brings up the linguistic switch] Her shot was really incredible. You can watch it over and over. If you ask her tomorrow to do it it, she will. And it's true that she's the kind of player whom you can count on in big games. Everyone should have an Ada on their team.
Damaris: Yes, it was a magnificent goal. Speaking for myself, I was far back. It was a long ball, I headed it forward. I saw the ball stay there and I saw Ada [Hegerberg] call for the ball. When you're behind, you can see everything. Right before she took the shot, I was like "well, that's going to be a goal."
Carpenter: Yeah, she's a big game player, she scores big goals. So we needed that in that moment and she did that. So it was very cool.
Bacha: Honestly, it's good for us and it gets us going. I think we've been really good since the start of the season. And when I talk with players on other teams, or other coaches, they tell me that Lyon this year is unbeatable, so I hope it continues like that and we'll bring all the trophies home.
Damaris: The work we did for that game, we worked really hard. I don't think we were really efficient but we had a lot of opportunities to score.
Carpenter: Yeah, I think it was important that we started the year off with three points and continue our perfect streak in the league.
Dabritz: We had the game against Montpellier in the Coupe [de France]. I remember Amel [Majri] scoring a magnificent goal. It was a right on target.
Majri: Yeah, I saw Lindsey [Horan], she won the ball back. I called for it, she passed it to me. I think Ada [Hegerberg] was besides me asking for it as well, but I don't know, I think I was focused on what I was doing. So I just took a shot and it went it.
Bacha: Yeah, it's really great. Good on her as well because you can see she is starting to get her rhythm back. It's not easy when you're not playing all the time. Here, honestly, I'm just so happy for her. I hope she continues like that because she's the sort of player we really need.
Carpenter: Yeah, I love playing with Amel [Majri]. Yeah, I think she's one of the best players in the world I've seen or played with. [is she though...] She's an amazing talent and you can see what she's capable of now when she's getting back to the top of her game.
Carpenter: The team is in very good spirits at the moment, and you can tell that on the field. Off the field, we're a very close group and we work for each other. And on the field, you can see we're very connected. We're just enjoying ourselves out there, we're not too much pressure [on ourselves], we're just trying to play good football.
Majri: So really, when I went to call for the ball, I could see that even if I got it, I didn't think I could do much with it. So I said to myself, "Amel, leave it", so I left it and there was Ada [Hegerberg] and then a goal. And I thought - well I'm not going to lie to you, when I left I thought to myself "I hope she gets it". And to be frank she was doing great work before, because Lindsey [Horan] got past the opponent, and she [Hegerberg] just shot across. Honestly, it's a great goal.
Majri: Yeah, I'm happy because it's always nice to implicated in the build-up to a goal. I think that what I bring in terms of the style of play, I try to be involved in the ball movement, moving with the ball, moving without the ball. And I have good sensations, I feel good. Beyond that it's also the fact that I have been playing in consecutive games. But in terms of full games, I think it's one of my best performances since I have come back.
Carpenter: I guess playing a team one week after the other, twice in a row, it's quite difficult. It was a different Montepellier we faced at their home as well, away. Yeah, it was a tough game, it was one we had to grind out. Yeah, we knew they were going to come out different, like after beating them in the Coupe [de France], we knew it would be a completely different game since they're at home, and they totally showed that.
Bacha: We know that the league and the Coupe de France have nothing to do with each other. We know that Montpellier is a very, very aggressive team. And we knew that playing at their stadium was going to be hard. But here, yeah, it was really hard.
Bacha: The night before the game, I was really focused on myself. I knew there were people coming to watch us, members of my family. And then, corner. It comes back to Eugenie [Le Sommer], who gives it back to me, and I was like - I knew exactly where I wanted to put it. So I pulled it in and placed it on Vanessa [Gilles]'s head. So really, really happy.
Bacha: It's that left foot, it's my left foot. What can I say. But beyond that, I work really hard. I know that I always want perfection. Because I know there are games where the crosses aren't good, but I really want perfection.
Bacha: My second assist for Ada [Hegerberg], it's vintage Ada-Selma. It's that connection that I think not a lot of people have. Honestly, with her, I know where she wants the ball and - honestly, I don't even have to look up. Because I cross, but I already know where she is.
Carpenter: Yeah, Selma [Bacha] is a great crosser, a great assister. Yeah, they're perfect, those crosses, pinpoint. If it wasn't for her we probably wouldn't have gotten the three points. So it was great to have her service [LOL at the Franglais here - the correct word would have been contribution], it allowed us to score goals.
Dabritz: I remember that it was a very intense game. But it's always like that against Montpellier. It's always a game which comes down to the duels, to aggression. They came back with that goal, it was a game which was a little [Dabritz mimes going back and forth] But then we won it and that's the most important thing.
Dabritz: We gave it all on the field. And it's normal to have games which are more complicated than others. And yeah, Montpellier is a good team, I can admit that.
Bacha: That's why I said that Olympique Lyonnais, the mentality - honestly, there are few players who can walk on to this team and say they already have that mentality. [@/any team other than Lyon. A blood lust isn't innate. It's learned behavior.]
Dabritz: We went to Austria for a Champions League game. Those are always special games for us. It's a particular game, playing the Champions League, those games are seen as the highest level.
Carpenter: Yeah, you never know really, when you go to other teams, other countries, how the pitch is going to be. Yeah, the pitch wasn't great. But we made the most of it and we had quite a good game.
Bacha: A stadium which was ... [Bacha laughs] It was a complicated game. No, playing on that pitch was complicated, it was a bit hard. But we started strong. We attacked from the start, even if we were starting to feel the tiredness. But we attacked from the start and were playing simple. And honestly, we were very efficient as well.
Dabritz: And yeah, we played a really good game, with a lot of goals and a really good performance from the entire team.
Bacha: [forcefully] We never underestimate a team. When you play simple and individually you're clean, technically you're clean, and you're all on the same wave length, honestly there are not - we're good.
Carpenter: Getting players back from injury, it's always nice, especially when they're providing assists and scoring goals. That's even better.
Dabritz: Yeah, it was a good goal. [laughs] We really enjoyed ourselves on the field, we had nice combinations, we were explosive offensively. At least I think so. So we were really happy after the game.
Bacha: Yeah, it wasn't an easy game because maybe in our heads, even if I think it's not really like that, but instinctively it's human nature and we underestimated them. FC Nantes came in with their game plan. They're a really good team, I was surprised. The first half was difficult. I think it's a little bit because exhaustion is starting to creep in. But the changes at half time did us some good and we were really efficient. The coach [Sonia Bompastor] yelled a bit at half time but it's normal. It's like that.
Carpenter: Yeah, I think fatigue comes into play there. I think it was our fifth or sixth game in a run. They were a different team, we hadn't really played them before. I think we can put that first half behind us and I think we really came out better in the second half. But yeah, I think we ended the game better than we started.
Carpenter: Yeah, it was so nice to see Delphine [Cascarino] make her return from her ACL. Obviously it's such a long rehab, such a long journey. It's tough to have an injury and go through something like that, and it's her second one as well. But I think she's done an amazing job. You can see in the way she's come back, she still has her speed, has her footwork.
Bacha: It was a really good moment for Delphine, the return against FC Nantes. We saw her struggle, her mentality is just incredible. It's really hard to have the ACL injury happen twice, to have missed the World Cup when we were expecting her, we wanted her there. Now she had the mentality, she dug deep. I'm really happy to see her back because it will really do us good.
Carpenter: Yeah, we knew we were first in the group and obviously qualified, but we also knew we needed to put out a strong performance [they did not]. We wanted to keep the flow going for how well we're doing this month [of January]. On game day, obviously not everything went to plan. Obviously I think fatigue played a little bit in that as well, but that's not really an excuse. We should be better. We had 10,000 people come and you know, the more people that come the better, at least for us. We want to perform well, put on a show, for them to come back again.
Bacha: First of all we have to thank the fans who come out and support us. They're becoming more and more, so we need to thank them and for them to continue coming out and supporting us. After, it was hard because - well personally, I could feel the exhaustion. Then Slavia [Prague] was playing with a really low block. They came to get something at Lyon, even if we were already first and already qualified. At the end of the day we're Olympique Lyonnais. It's not acceptable to have played that sort of game.
Carpenter: Yeah, it was very frustrating. I think games like that, you want to play the next game very quickly after so you can have a good reaction.
Dabritz: We were a little disappointed because we weren't happy with our performance. We wanted to show to the public that we can put on good performances, they came for us. That's why we were a bit disappointed. Beyond that, we want to continue, we always want to improve, progress. We always want to give our best. But it's not always possible.
Bacha: I'd rather it happened to us then than get to the quarterfinals and you're knocked out I hope it will serve as a lesson to us.
Carpenter: No team is perfect in the world. Some teams have draws or a loss and it's not the end of the world. I think we need to remind ourselves that we're also human as well. Not every game is the best game. January is probably the biggest month we've had in a long time. We knew we had a lot of games, we had to get points, play well, perform. I think as a team we did that great, especially as we have some injuries at the moment as well so we had to adapt. I think the team has held up well. We're ready for February.
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miya-twins · 5 months
the twins, aran, yachi, and ushijima? 👀
thanks for the ask!! I shall copy you and give the bingo and my opinions because the bingo doesn't always encapsulate my feelings,,,
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literally he is the Blorbo. the main obsession. my little guy. I'm thinking about him practically 24/7. I care so much about his chracter arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I want him to suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. ahem. anyway. no surprises. you've seen the blog's name and its content.
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obviously he is Blorbo Number 2. you can't have one twin without the other. I love thinking about his character arc and his impact on the narrative and I wanna see him smooch all the guys and I wanna see him suffer but really I want him to be safe and happy and loved and appreciated and to never learn what it means to be lonely. yes I said this before but it's just as true for osamu. also yeah the only difference in the bingo is people are less mean to osamu and I can't fool myself into thinking atsumu wouldn't be too annoying for me to kiss. I can fool myself for osamu tho even tho realistically he's probably just as annoying but that's not my problem.
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what can I say y'all are sleeping on him. he's such an interesting guy and every time someone gives the twins another childhood/best friend I'm internally like hello? they already have one of those? his name is aran???? why are you putting other characters where he belongs? anyway I love how silly he is and how easily he gets swept up by the twins' antics and I'm so proud of him for how far he's come. 10/10 would go on boba date with.
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god I love her like that's my girl!!! she's so cute and relatable and funny and her story in s2 was one of the best in the whole series. literally every time she smiles it's like the sun rises. would vote best girl in any poll. genuinely think about her a lot even though she doesn't have much relation to my main guys which tells you how serious I am about her
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I'm sorry the board looks so empty but frankly none of these options accurately describe my thoughts on him. because I do have a lot of thoughts. genuinely he's such a well-written character, and I love all the relationships he has in the series, with tendou, with his dad, with sakusa, with oikawa!!! but even with all these thoughts and genuine appreciation I don't have that many actual feelings in regards to him... at least not unprompted. I like seeing him around and maybe I'll put him somewhere as a cool side character in my thoughts but I'm just not obsessed with him. but his story is good and he's so important to hq overall... maybe if we'd gotten that shiratorizawa/inarizaki match I'd be frothing at the mouth thinking about him... but alas I just quietly appreciate him
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hey I lost motivation. can you praise my writing so I'll keep doing it
the ringing reverberates in their head.
they keep walking.
they don't have a choice in any of this.
they keep walking.
his voice echoes in their head. those horrid metal screeching noises accompanying it, too. they must've gotten really loud, because they couldn't make out the puppet's parting words through the ringing.
then again, that might just be the lack of oxygen.
they keep walking.
their autonomy is little to none, but there are a few things they control. or, don't control, they're all involuntary reactions. shivering, flinching, expression, tears. hyperventilating, as it turns out. not even a demon possessing their soul can stop the panic attacks.
anxiety attacks? they needlessly ponder the distinction in their head. they want to search it up, but their phone doesn't work in the dark worlds. also they don't have control of their arms, and if they did, they'd probably end up dropping their phone.
they keep- ....... it keeps walking.
not their choice, not their legs, not their lungs. they only hope the sheer panic coursing through their veins is felt by it, so it gets some punishment for its wrongdoings. and maybe because they don't want to be suffering alone.
it keeps moving their legs, putting one metal-clad foot in front of the other.
they can't breathe.
they always do this, it's like their brain and soul are seperate. brain and SOUL. whatever. but whichever part of them is paralyzed with terror isn't what's thinking these thoughts, because otherwise they're pretty sure said thoughts would be more akin to incoherent screaming.
they want to scream, it would probably be cathartic.
they don't get a choice in the matter.
left leg hits the floor. right leg hits the floor. the impact rattles their spine. it doesn't normally do that, they think. their ears don't normally ring like that either, and their vision isn't supposed to be this spotty and dark, right?
oh, they're slouching a lot. that makes sense, their steps would be more impactful then. but then why would that thing be making them slouch?
they stop walking. probably because they are now on their knees, that computes.
they should get up now, they think idly. just like they should take a breath out, jeez, what are they doing? their lungs are full, but they keep trying to take in more air without letting any out. that's really dumb and obvious, why are they doing that.
oh. susie's shaking them by the pauldron on their shoulder. they really should acknowledge her in any way, they think pointedly at the being holding the strings. alas, they are in no control of what's going on here.
their head thumps onto the concrete in front of them as the lack of oxygen finally catches up to their brain.
"What the fuck is going on?"
She presses the left arrow key a handful of times. Something fucked up, maybe some error in the cutscene sprites? They started doing the weird zombie-Kris shamble they do when they take out her SOUL, and now they're just doing the collapsed position and none of her inputs do anything. That's probably not how cutscenes work, but she doesn't code, she wouldn't know.
She reattempts the menu and sighs as it does nothing. Stopping to deliberate what to search up to adequately describe this bug, she gets out her phone, only to put it down again when Susie moves.
* What the fuck?!
Yeah, good question, Susie. Where was that in the script??? This was supposed to be a swear-free game. It has been up to this point.
* What the fuck?! Kris! Get up! What the hell!
Oh. This was... Intentional? Huh?? Is this what got the game rated in Australia, instead of piss?
Susie looks to be shaking Kris on the shoulder like at the start of chapter 2, but it looks a bit wonky due to the different in height they're at now.
Suddenly, the GOOD animation gets brought out? But only to have them thump their head on the floor, dealing a hefty 122 damage. What?
What the fuck is going on? Ralsei shakes his head- guess the budget went to him to- and... flaps his hands? Paws? Oh, alright, autistic character headcanon time. She doesn't even like Ralsei!
* This isn't- This isn't in the script, what's going on?
HAH. Ralsei agrees. Love the fourth wall break. She notes that Ralsei's the one who brought it up, he knows about the script. She KNEW something was up with him! And he's STILL treating Kris like they're less important than keeping the game on track and entertaining her!
aaaand that's where I ran out of steam
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torchickentacos · 7 months
3, 6, & 21 for Drew, our beloved
THANK YOU ANON! Love the usage of 'our' here. We all have joint custody of this weirdo.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
OOOOOOH. Okay. This is going to sound like an early April Fool's joke coming from me specifically, but STAY WITH ME. My least favorite thing is that he literally only ever talks to May. Which, okay, kind of my favorite thing too, but he just has such INTERESTING interactions with others when pokeani lets him, but they just never really do. On one hand, I seriously love the tunnel-vision. He literally will ignore a room full of people if she's in it. Like. Canonically. It's all he ever does. But when he DOES interact with others, it's FUN! We get so much about him from those interactions but they just happen so rarely.
Anyways, incomplete list of characters that Drew should TOTALLY have gotten to interact with: Gary. Tracey. Misty. Brock (Brock has HILARIOUS one-sided beef with Drew by the way lmao, calls him nails on a chalkboard). Paul. I know Paul came after Drew but IMAGINE. What would that even look like?????
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Honestly, not much. At all. I'm extroverted, heart-on-my-sleeve, nonconfrontational, spontaneous, unorganized, forgetful- things he is absolutely not. But I am a hopeless romantic who will get stuck pining for years on end, so that's something lol??? But honestly, veeeery little lol.
Rest under cut bc this is getting long.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
this is also under cut because I'm incredibly touchy/quiet about my fic stuff here, but anyone who actually wants to read this and clicks the read more is someone who I'm fine with reading this answer lol. Mostly just don't want non-mutuals skimming my fic thoughts. I wish there were tumblr circles like twitter had- it would stir some bullshit, yeah, but there's... kind of a lot of you guys here and only a select few are pokeani, lol, and it's intimidating. I wish I could post for a smaller audience but alas. If you're bothering to read this then you're probably fine. I've had bad experiences with judgmental people, so fic stuff is something I only talk about to a really tiny group, but I think I can answer this. Feeling brave.
Okay. Something I like to do is lean into his overthinking. So, technically we have no idea if he overthinks or not in canon, but it seems to be a pretty unanimous fandom decision that he's someone who gets stuck in his own head a bit. He thinks too much for his own good, and I try to play into that. Not that most of it ever leaves google docs, but lol. So it goes. I think, in stark contrast to specific other characters lol, he's someone who has the next ten steps planned if he can help it, and that's fun to mess with.
Something I dislike doing... hmm. I usually leave his backstory pretty up to interpretation. I'll add details where I see fit, but overall I just leave it blank. It's not that I don't have headcanons! But I really can't settle on just one, so I never write much of any at all. I love reading other people's ideas so much! I just can't commit to my own and I leave it as-is, pretty barebones. I also don't really lean into his arrogance as hard as other writers. Not that I dislike it! I just think, for me, I tend to enjoy writing other aspects of his personality more. Him being kind of a jackass is an undeniable part of him kjdfhskdjfhbdkj but there's different ways to go about it and I leave the brunt of it to people who can write it better than I can.
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