#i pove him guys
thebestsetter · 6 hours
Thinking about Isagi Yoichi going absolutely insane when someone talks shit about you, his one and only girlfriend.
And I'm not saying insane as in "Don't talk about her like that!". I'm saying insane as in "Say her name again with that filthy mouth of yours and I swear I'll cut your fucking tongue off."
He can handle people badmouthing him. It's that deep, really. He's a football player, so, like every other athlete, he has fans and haters all around the globe (more fans than haters, but anyways). So, he developed the hability to just tune off all the hateful comments. Badmouth him all you want, that ain't changing the fact that he's a sucessful all star player and you're not.
What he can't handle, though, is when someone tries to talk shit about his relationship with you, his favorite person in the whole world.
Sadly for the media, you're not a famous singer or model. Yoichi and you when you were both still little kids, dreaming about monster, princesses and the world cup trophy. In kindergarten, he thought you were a very great friend. He realized you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen when you were middle schoolers, and, by the time high school came, he had already learned to accept the fact that he was head over heels for you. And so, like a "straight out of a movie" kind of scene, he confessed his love for you all sweaty and smiling in front of the whole world after his winning goal at the Blue Lock XI against Japan U20 match two years ago.
So yeah, you and Isagi had a cute love story. Every video of you together had millions of views and thousands of "couple goals" comments, and people loved you (honestly, how could they not? You're amazing, he's not even sure how he managed to make you fall for his "football rizz" or something, but he's glad you did anyways).
Apparently, not everyone appreciated you as much as he thought.
"Isagi, one minute of your time, please!"
"Isagi, for french press right here!"
"Yoichi, answer my question!"
"Wow. One at a time, guys!" Isagi smiled nervously yet kindly, sitting in a chair in front of the mass of reporters from all across the world who came just to interview him.
Smiling again, Isagi pointed at one of the what seemed like thousands interviewers.
"The lady over there, with the Sae Itoshi shirt"
"Thank you for the opportunity" The room became silent. The woman, seemingly in her late twenties, smiled "I'm Sol, from Spain's national TV press. I'd like to ask a question you about your relationship with (Name) (Surname)"
Smiling wide like a lovesick fool like he always did when someone mentioned you or your relationship, Yoichi urged the reporter to continue.
"Sure. Go ahead."
"It's a known fact that you and (Name) (Surname) have been in a relationship for a little over two years. And so, your fans are wondering: do you plan on getting married shortly?"
The silence in the room was papable. All the cameras and microphones turned to a now strawberry red Yoichi. But he wasn't embarassed because of all the attention he was getting or from the fact that the whole world was seeing this right now. He was used to this feeling of "pressure" already.
He was red because he knew you were watching this interview. He was the one who asked you to do so, after all.
"Uhm... well" he swallowed hard, eyes avoiding the cameras "We have a healthy and happy relationship. We both love each other very much and spend a lot of time together. So... I guess I'd be lying if I told you I haven't thought about it before, but..."
He couldn't even finish his sentence. The press' reaction was instantaneous. Cameras' flashes everywhere and the reporters voices overlaping eachother filled the room.
"BUT" Isagi tried to continue, but just gave up on shouting since his voice couldn't compete with the voice of the lots of reporters. So, he just said to the mic in front of him, almkst whispering, hoping it would capture his voice "I think it's still a little early. I want to make sure we're both mature and financially secure first!"
Reporters were still talking and trying to get his attention. With a sigh, he realized they wouldn't stop shouting until the next question came.
"T-the guy with the light shirt"
"Argentinian press right here" the man started.
Oh oh. Yoichi didn't sense a good vibe from this man. He doesn't know if it's his smirk or his posture, but something feels off. He looks almost dangerous.
I'm probably going crazy, Yoichi thought.
When the man opened his mouth again, though, Isagi realized his intuition was right all along.
"I know you said you love your girlfriend, but you do realize the fans think your girl is just keeping you from becoming the best version of yourself, right?"
Oh, for fuck's sake.
"What." Isagi said, the words coming out in a rather forced way.
Unlike before, the silence in the room was not only palpable. It was now suffocating, uncomfortable.
"Well, it's clear as water" the man shrugged, as if what he was saying made a lot of sense "She is stopping you from becoming the number one striker in the world."
All Isagi wanted to do now was jump across the room and send his fist flying straight to the man's face. He wanted it to realize how utterly wrong he was. How your relationship was actually the best thing that had ever happened in his life, and how he would have probably given up on football have you not begged him to go to the Blue Lock program.
And the though of you sweet, caring you watching this made Yoichi give up on his idea of hitting the man straight on the nose, even if his body was trembling just from thinking about it.
I have to keep my cool. For her.
"Why..." he swallowed. Hard. "Why do you think this is truth?"
"You're not using your time wisely. Instead of practicing, your wasting it because you keep giving for futile things like a relationship"
Oh, how much Yoichi wanted to jump this ugly looking clown. How he wished to hit him hundreds of times, over and over again until he swallowed his own words. Until he regretted ever learning how to even speak.
His fist was already trembling. He was taking deep breaths to keep himself steady.
But it seems like the argentinian doesn't know when to stop.
"Also, it gets kinda tiring living with the same person for a long time, no?" The man laughed "I wouldn't blame you if you're actually cheating on her too, I honestly wouldn't have just one girl if I was you. I mean, you're a star and she's just..."
"Shut. the fuck. up."
All the cameras turned to him again. Yoichi was red. But it's not cause he was embarassed, like the other time.
He was red because he was seething with boiling rage.
I'll kill him. I swear I'll fucking kill this dumb shit.
"Never" Yoichi narrowed his eyes "And I mean never say my girlfriend's name with that disgusting voice of yours again. If you as much as look at her, consider yourself fucking dead." He got up from the table, gaze harder than the one he wears on the field "That woman is the source of my happiness, and you have no right to talk about her like that. If you talk with me with respect you have to show respect for her too. Are we clear? Or is your skull too fucking thick for the information to get into it?
"Calm down, amigo! I was just saying what the fans think." The man smirked, gald to get a reaction from Isagi. If looks could kill, he would have been 6 feet under already "They think it would be better if you both break up..."
"You've fucking done it."
Yoichi jumped from the table, ready to kill the man.
He wanted to crush his skull with his bare hands, to show him just how much you mean to him and how mad he gets when someone mentions you in a degrading way.
Gladly, the japanese PR team removed the man from the room before things could get worse, or else Yoichi would realky have done some damage (he was an athlete, after all).
Watching the man leave the room with furrowed brows and a subtle pout (he really wanted to beat him, after all), Iaagu decided to use this moment to make some things clear. So, he turned to the main mic again.
"I hope this serves as a lesson" Yoichi said, somehow managing to look at almost all of the cameras at the same time "To everyone watching this. Don't expect to talk shit about my girlfriend and get out with all of your teeth in place. I fucking dare anyone to badmouth her. I won't let you get away with it." He glared at one of the cameras "This press ends now."
He then quickly got out of the room, ignoring all the reporters who tried to get him to come back.
With a sigh, once he was in the changing room, he grabbed his phone, not surprised to see almost 20 missed calls and 50 missed massages from you.
(My love ❤️)
-> YOICHI???
-> (1 missed call)
Don't worry, I'm going home now 😁<-
Miss you ❤️<-
-> Typing...
With a smile, he put his phone in his pocket and started to go home.
Man, he just really wanted to see you. Specially since he knew that the next day, the press would want more interviews about what happened.
Whatever. What really matters is that, at the end of the day, you're his and he's yours. And no amount of dumb reporters or media will ever change that.
~ A/N: not proofread. This sucks 💔 I wrote this to stop my growing Aiku obsession LOL
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kindaasrikal · 4 months
I’m sorry but why does Kai always sound so damn proud of himself at the worse moment.
“Not so fast!” And he looks like as if that made him sound so cool.
Pretending his toothbrush is a sword and looking all smug as toothpaste flys around. I know for a fact Jay and Cole mocked him after that. Zane has to remind them that they got bested by a guy with a toothbrush (he has a full recording of the entire thing, it’s blackmail)
“A pillow!” This guy was like the second leader of the group for a good while, how’d we reach this point 😭
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22 ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Scenes That Prove Newt Scamander Is The Most Entertaining And Wholesome Wizard
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skelebab · 1 year
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Ya boi got himself some gell pens!
(don't mind the pencil smudges, I was afraid to erase them in case they smeared the ink)
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artsy0wl · 3 months
Someone Who Cares (a Saguaro x Jacq fic)
Synopsis: Can you make sure Jacq eats? He’s been so caught up with work that I think he’s skipped a few meals. Oh, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t slept in a few days.
It sounded simple enough. It should have been simple enough. But when he got to Jacq’s office, he wasn’t sure if “simple” was the right word. Messy and chaotic fit the scene he was greeted by.
I decided to rewrite this since I wasn’t feeling the direction it was going in.
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Can you make sure Jacq eats? He’s been so caught up with work that I think he’s skipped a few meals. Oh, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t slept in a few days.
It sounded like a simple enough request. If not a bit odd. Clavell wasn’t too invested in the teachers outside of the basics. However, given that Jacq had developed a bond and partnership with the esteemed director, it wasn’t too surprising when Clavell worried about him.
And he had every right to. Though not something the average person would pick up, in hindsight, Saguaro realized that he hasn’t seen Jacq much in the break room or the cafeteria.
So if the director was coming to him to combat that, Sarguaro could understand that. From what Saguaro was told, Jacq ignored Miriam’s concerns, stating he was alright and would grab something to eat later. He told Dendra he has to keep his mind working if he was ever going to get his project done. He even told Hassel that ‘an artist’s work, or I guess I should say biology teacher’s duty, needs to be perfect’.
Clavell must have been desperate if he was asking for Saguaro’s help. His and Jacq’s department were so far apart that Saguaro wondered why the director didn’t ask Raifort first.
It sounded simple enough. It should have been simple enough. But when he got to Jacq’s office, he wasn’t sure if “simple” was the right word. Messy and chaotic fit the scene he was greeted by.
Papers scattered across the floor along with several empty cups of, presumably, coffee. Jacq’s Arcanine was curled up and napping next to Jacq while his Farigiraf poked her head in through the nearby window. An Alolan Meowth napped on his table while Jacq picked away at a Pokédex. Jacq was muttering to himself, some kind of technical jargon that Saguaro didn’t particularly care to understand.
Talking Jacq out of his invested was going to be interesting. If not a bit annoying. Clearing his throat, Saguaro entered the room.
“Not very tidy today, are you?”
Chuckling, Jacq took his glasses off and set them on the desk. “A little mess can’t hurt anyone.”
Approaching Jacq’s desk, Saguaro leaned against it. “But skipping out on meals and sleep can.”
Huffing, Jacq leaned forward, folding his arms in the process. “Not you too.”
“Yes, me too.” Saguaro crossed his arms. “You more than anyone should know that your body has needs.”
“And I will… once I get these projects done.”
Grabbing a document, Jacq proceeded to jot some notes down. He then proceeded to pet the Meowth’s head before moving onto the next document. Looking at Jacq’s paperwork, Saguaro changed his tactic.
“What are you working on?”
“Miss Briar wanted to see if I could add a new feature to the Pokédex. She wanted some kind of lore application for the Blueberry Academy students. Specifically on Paradox Pokémon and regional variants for educational purposes. Salvatore wants some insight on this little guy.” Jacq scratched behind the Meowth’s ear. “Apparently he hasn’t been eating much lately despite poving what Salvatore had been giving up until now.” Jacq grabbed a few documents. “Director Clavell needs the results of the Biology midterm by the end of the week and I’m looking into the Herba Mystica sample that Arven brought me.”
“Sounds stressful.”
“Maybe a little, but it’s keeping me busy. Which isn’t that bad, am I right?” Jacq shrugged as the Meowth woke up and stretched out. “Besides, it’ll be worth it when all is said and done.”
“It may be worth it, but I don’t think they want you to overwork yourself in the process.”
“But I need to get it all done.” Jacq let out a deep yawn, rubbing his eyes before grabbing the Pokédex he was working on. “I promised I’d get it done and I can’t let them down.”
“You won’t let anyone down if you take a break.”
Jacq slid his glasses back on. “You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do. None of them would want you to lose your sanity over this. Or your health.”
“I’m fine.”
“You probably can’t even stand up without falling over.”
“I can. Watch me.”
Accepting the challenge, Jacq quickly stood up. Maintaining his balance, he turned to fully face Saguaro with a boastful smirked. But before he could boast about his small win, Jacq’s vision began to blur. Fuzzy particles clouded his line of sight. His ankle rolled, causing Jacq to fall over. Saguaro acted fast, he grabbed Jacq and helped him stand.
“I tripped.”
Saguaro rolled his eyes. If Jacq was going to be difficult, he would meet it with equal amounts of stubbornness. The back of Jaq’s coat was grabbed as he was tossed over Saguaro’s shoulder.
“And my hand slipped.”
Jacq’s face turned red as Saguaro picked up the Meowth and vacated the room. “Saguaro!? Put me down!”
The first place Saguaro stopped was Salvatore's office, plopping the Meowth in his bed. “Try more seafood oriented food. And bitter berries since they can’t really taste sweet berries.”
Not waiting for a response, Saguaro left Salvatore’s office. Instead, he hauled Jacq over to his dorm room. All the while, Jacq weakly begged for Saguaro to put him down.
He would only get his wish once they got to the room. Once there, Saguaro set Jacq on the bed, removing Jacq’s glasses in the process. But instead of lying down, Jacq sat on the side of the bed. Despite his exhaustion, he wasn’t ready to give up.
Saguaro set the glasses on the counter as he started to look around the kitchen. “Can you give yourself, at least one hour to nap? After that, you’re going to eat, then, will you be allowed to get back to work.”
Jacq continued to sit there, not responding to the request. Not knowing if that was his way of considering it or silently accepting it, Saguaro continued to look around the kitchen. Grabbing a pot and a few ingredients, he decided to make soup. It wouldn’t take long to make and wouldn’t be too hefty on Jacq’s stomach.
“It’s my fault, isn’t it?”
“What is?” A stagnate pause greeted him as Saguaro started chopping some veggies. “What do you think is your fault?”
“That Sada died.”
A quick, firm chop cut through a leek. Shoulders stiffened as Saguaro’s hands landed on the counter. Light eyes fell on Jacq, who refused to move eye contact from the floor.
“Where is this coming from?” More silence. “Jacq?”
“I’m noticing Briar taking an… unhealthy interest in Aera Zero.” Jacq huffed. “It brings back memories. Regrets. Things I should have changed.” He shuttered as he shook his head. “Knowing what happened with Sada, while standing in front of her son makes me feel evil. I could have… should have, said something back then.
Saguaro moved around the counter and sat next to Jacq. His hand gently landed on Jacq’s back. Jacq quietly melted into it. Almost as though he needed physical contact.
“It’s just… every time I look at Arven, I get this gut wrenching feeling in my stomach.” Leaning forward, Jacq crossed his arms over his lap. “He shouldn’t be taught by the man who contributed to her passing.”
“It’s not your fault.” Saguaro denounced. “Arven’s a good kid. Needs a little more practice in the kitchen, but a good kid.” His hand gently motioned around Jacq’s back. “But if he blames anyone, it’s not you.”
“But I-”
“Am a wonderful teacher that anyone would be lucky to have. Excitable and a little air headed, who unconsciously overworks himself, but an honest man.”
Jacq sat up, finally turning to face Saguaro with exhausted distress. “But I’m not. I was part of the problem. I wanted to go on the expedition too. So I should have been the one to say something when Clavell didn’t. Why shouldn’t he mad at me?”
“First of all, Arven’s just a kid. You’re expecting a lot from a kid who’s still got a few years in school. Will he feel resentful for his mother’s decisions? Of course. Will he blame one of the only mentors and parental figures he has because of it? No.” Saguaro’s hand wrapped around Jacq’s shoulders. “Secondly, you have noting to feel guilty over. Yes, you were on the expedition, but if anyone pushed Sada to that point, it would have been her. I don’t think any of us wanted this to happen, but no one could have predicted this. Not even Sada. And thirdly, Sada and Briar are grown women. You could have done everything in your power to stop Sada, and she still could have gone down the same path. Same with Briar presently.”
Holding back tears, Jacq glared at Saguaro, trying to hold back the urge to yell at Saguaro. Knowing he was just trying to help and didn’t deserve to be berated, Jacq knew better. At the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to accept that he was innocent in all of this.
“It can’t be that simple. Someone has to be held accountable and-”
A kiss prevented Jacq from finishing his thought, silencing him. A soft, stunned breath escaped his nostrils as silver eyes widened. When Saguaro pulled back, he took advantage of Jacq’s shock and gently pushed Jacq back, lying him down. With a now red face, jacq glared at Saguaro with confused disbelief.
“You’re not in a clear mental state. If you really want to continue this self inflicted blame, we can afterwards.”
“I never would have thought you had a sweet tooth.”
Four hours later and Jacq finally woke up from his nap. When he did, he was greeted by the scent of coffee. A sweet aroma was in the air as he managed to get himself out of bed with an unceremonious thud. Saguaro had opted out of his soup plan in favor of scones. A preferable alternative to go with the coffee.
“You’re not the only one.” Saguaro chuckled. “What can I say, there’s a softie underneath this cool exterior. Besides, Juliana and Arven got me some of that Sweet Herba Mystica as a little gift and I want to put it to good use.”
“Oh…” Jacq wearily smirked, “that was really nice of them.”
“It really was.”
An awkward silence fell as Jacq’s frame deflated. His glasses fogged up as he took a sip of coffee. When he set it down, Jacq's elbows rested on the table as fingers intertwined in front of Jacq’s face.
“Sada’s death is hitting you deep, isn’t it? And that’s why you’ve been over working yourself, right?”
“And you haven’t told the Director, if I had to guess. Because you know he’d have you take time off if you did.” Jacq nodded. “And you thought you could bury it under work, thinking that no one would suspect anything?” Jacq nodded again causing Saguaro to roll his eyes. “You know, for someone so smart, you are so dumb sometimes.”
Jacq shrugged his shoulders. “It worked.”
“For how long? A week? And only because our esteemed director had an undercover counseling gig with a pompadour and a dream.” Saguaro’s hand reached across the table, grabbing Jacq’s wrist. “You need to take it easy. You can’t go on like this.”
Jacq’s face fell as he yanked his wrist away. “You’re stubborn, you know that?”
Saguaro chuckled. “That’s probably why he asked me to step in. Fight fire with fire. Or, well, stubbornness with stubbornness. Though, what you really need is a few days off and probably some therapy.”
Reaching out a hand, Saguaro offered comfort, hoping Jacq would accept the offer. Jacq eye the hand, cautiously and curiously. Staring at the hand, he was tempted to take it. To resign himself in defeat and take care of himself. Hovering his hand over Saguaro’s for a moment, Jacq quickly pulled it back.
“I’ll consider it, when I’m ready.”
“Frankly, I don’t think you should procrastinate. I’d hate to see how worse this could get for you. Especially, if I knew I could stop it.”
Jacq shrugged with a small sigh before he hunched forward. Using his arms as cushions, he rested his head as he watched Sagusro in silence. His mind was elsewhere while his gaze was perplexed.
“Why did you kiss me?”
Withdrawing his hand, Saguaro frowned. He wasn't shocked by the question. Rather, he had hoped to avoid it for a little longer.
Saguarp sighed. “I don’t know.”
Finding the right words was surprisingly difficult. He knew there was a reason and the last thing he wanted to do was make excuses. But finding said reason felt more difficult than it should have been.
“I mean, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but,” Jacq shrugged, “I wouldn’t have minded dinner first.” He awkwardly chuckled. “I… I’m not mad, I’m just confused.”
Saguaro shook his head, leaning forward. “While I appreciate the sentiment, it wasn’t okay. I forgot about your autonomy in a mindlessly attempted to deescalate the situation.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t thinking clearly and you were trying to help.”
“It’s really not, but we can sort that out later.”
Jacq hid his face in his arms, sighing. Leaving the conversation there for now, Saguaro watched him. The important thing was trying to help out with the more pressing issue. As a thought occurred to him, Saguaro stood up and moved closer to Jacq, sitting on the edge of the table.
“How can someone learn to better their sandwich making?”
Lifting his face up, Jacq look at him confused. “What?”
“Let’s say I have a student who, despite his best efforts, was having difficulties crafting a well crafted and delectable sandwich for him and his Pokémon. He has all of the ingredients, but let’s sat he’s missing a step. Be it a proper base or adds too much meat and maybe he doesn’t realize it. How might he get help?”
Sitting up, Jacq contemplated the inquiry. “I suppose having a friend, or anyone close for that matter, could offer help. Sometimes it takes another set of eyes to help.”
Saguaro nodded. “Correct. Now, say this person doesn’t want help, be it out of stubbornness or self consciousness. How can this individual help this student?”
Jacq paused. “On the one hand, I’d day give them space. Maybe let them try again knowing that they have someone to help if needed. But,” his head tilted, “there’s nothing wrong with needing help when it’s offered. Especially in moments where it’s necessary. For example, when I was a much younger man, Sada and the director helped me out a lot when I got stuck on a problem. I would be so fixated on or aggravated with what I did wrong that I would miss the solution.” Pausing again, he looked at Saguaro quizzically. “But what does that have to do with any of this?”
“This is an altered analogy where I used Arven as an unnamed example on how working with others can help in the sandwich making process.” He nodded as he recalled the lesson. “In this altered analogy, you are the student that needs help.” Saguaro stood up, his down at Jacq. “I’m also glad you mentioned how our esteemed director and prodigal professor. It’s a good comparison for the stubborn refusal you’ve instilled now,” Pulling his chair over, Saguaro sat down. “You’ve already done your ‘leave them be with someone there if needed’ route. If a but shoddily so given your disregard for people being there to help.” He crossed his legs as he placed his arms on the table. “So we’re now at the ‘offered help’ stage. For Arven, it was cooking with a good friend. For you, it’s finding a way to process your grief while being stuck with the ‘cool’ Home Ec teacher. So tell me,” his hand rested on Jacq’s arm, “how can I help you?”
“Allow me to thank you. I know this wasn't easy.”
Jacq napped on Saguaro’s bed as Saguaro and Clavell hung out in the kitchen. After a day of menial tasks and getting his first therapy session planned, Saguaro suggested that Jacq should catch up on sleep. Saguaro also put in a request for substitutes for his and Jacq’s classes until the end of the week, at least. This would give them a few days to adjust to a new plan.
“Happy to help,” Saguaro mused, “though he still has some things to work through.”
“I can’t say I’m surprised. Internalizing the whole ordeal must have wrecked him mentally. Those kind of wounds take time.”
Saguaro grumbled, nodding as he glanced at Jacq. A few thoughts ran through his mind, one needing to be addressed more than the rest.”
“Was he ever in love? With Sada, I mean?”
Clavell turned his attention to Jacq. “No. If anything, he looked up to her and saw her as an older sister.” With a quizzical expression, he turned his attention back to Saguaro. “Why do you ask?”
Saguaro was quiet for a moment. “I may have overstepped a boundary and kissed him. He brushed it off, but it got me thinking. Since I’ve never seen him date any one, I thought maybe he only really ever loved Sada, even if it was unrequited and Sada being married to Turo.”
Pausing for a moment, Clavell scanned Saguaro as he processed the statement. Once he did, Clavell chuckled, which, in turn, confused Saguaro.
“Trust me, he’s got plenty of dating experience.” Clavell assured. “If I recall correctly, he went to a dance with Raifort in high school and briefly dated Salvatore in college. Which may explain why Salvatore’s more inclined to ask Jacq first for most Pokémon ailments instead of Miriam.” His demeanor shifted slightly. “However, I can understand your concerned curiosity. You took a spontaneous initiative and crossed a barrier you didn’t mean to.”
He turned slightly to get a look at Jacq. His frame tightened slightly as his hand unconsciously pushed his glasses off. Clavell smirked as Jacq sighed.
“He won’t hold it against you.” Clavell assured. “And if I’m being honest, you’re one of the few people I’d trust to date him.”
Saguaro started coughing, trying not to choke on his coffee. “Oh I don’t-”
Clavell chuckled, shaking his head. “Of course not. But if you were, you’d have my support.” Clavell paused as Jacq let out a gasp. “Right now, he needs time. Just promise me you’ll watch out for him.”
“Of course.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep for so long.”
“Don’t worry. You needed it.”
Rubbing his eyes, Jacq awkwardly hopped around the kitchen. Opening cabinets, he began looking for a mug. When he spotted one, Jacq tried to grab it, but it was on a shelf too high for him to reach. He let out a strained huff as he boosted himself up on his toes.
A hand reached over him, grabbing the mug for him, setting it on the counter. A towering aura weighed over Jacq, causing him to turn around. Saguaro stood over him, arms closing Jacq off as he silently glared at him.
“Is everything okay?”
Tilting his head, Saguaro leaned down and kissed Jacq’s forehead. A hand held the side of Jacq’s face as the biology professor’s face turned red.
“When you’re ready, I’d like to take you out for lunch.”
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troofless · 6 months
Chapter 3.4 Notes:
in a completely unrelated note to this chapter, the spirit of cooperation through internet circle friends really shone through in this one.
so i guess in this monologue we do see that yuri doesn’t see himself as ‘winning’ against flynn as per canon
so i do know that a girl in the citizen’s quarter mentions the (morning) market which is a cool touch that we get to see it in the distance in the game
weapons obsessed yuri
imagine you’re a lower quarter resident and you see the big boss of the kids running past you with this frantic look on his face and then he comes back holding a jingling bag of what is definitely gald. also it’s so funny that like. yuri hides his savings. did one of the kids steal from him before and did he beat them up i need to know
omg flynn pov FLYNN POV
what is this sudden POV change why are we suddenly omni-poving yuri’s thoughts bruh
i feel like yuri can run a swindling operation with just one victim (flynn) and be very successful in scamming flynn out of all his gald /j
flynn, thinking he’s committing burglary, but doing it anyway is such a ‘yuri has corrupted him’ moment
ok at first i thought yuri was scamming the guy but it turns out he actually paid more
damn flynn really said you’re giving this? to me? charity work? (恵んでもらう) and then yuri said no fuck you it’s not yours its OURS
insert yuri with the communism meme OUR SWORD
the “yuri……” is so funny
so anyway this starts the long history of yuri and flynn co-owning shit together, including, and not limited to, ted’s bread
flynn has a kuzco’s poison moment because japanese doesn’t translate well kekw
so yuri had a gay awakening except instead of gay its the feeling of wanting to beat the shit out of flynn. i get it. i totally get it. his radiant (light) dragon fang (destruction) is so cool.
so the term is actually ユーリの心は晴れやかだった but fuck it. a heart feeling clear and bright makes no sense but i hate it here actually
and then the manga ends here. i am actually soul crushed. like wtf. why didn’t this continue like the raven manga. i hate it here. 
aaand with this we’re done with part 1! everyone can go home now. the book is over. good night. /j i do wanna see the intermission tho i bet its hilarious
oh yeah and there’s no actual yuri and flynn holding the sword together. i’m actually mad. i was baited by the manga. i hate it here. 
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kiunlo · 3 years
still thinking about the comic panel where batman basically calls himself a fucking sigma male LMFAO no wonder he can't get any pussy
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eelmachine · 3 years
I wanna make some external steel toecaps for some of my combat boots anyone have knowledge or experiencw with makin external toecaps lol
#i wanna weld spikes to them too lol#im just currious how ud go about attaching them???#my guess for forming them is to make a mold or wooden copy of the toecap and hammer steel onto the form#but it seems too easy to ruin a good pair of boots#and i cant find any good info online#hrrrmmmmm hrrrmmmm#i wonder if id be able to make it removable too cos then i could make differet caps for dif occasions#id want round studed ones and ones with big spikes and ones with demon faces or masks on them#the posibilities hhooo man but i just gotta figure out how to combine the caps with the boots in a good wah#y#rrhrjrmrmn#i wish i was a young aprentice in a little village or whatevr and i cul just go to the guy who does boots in town and ask him to teach me#yknow wa i mean??#like when i have a problem like this i culd just go to some guy and he would aprentice and teach me hands on#old people love doing that!@ i need more old peple#this old guy at work brought in his stick shift and wanted to teach me how to use it cos i was interested in manual vehicles! it was awesom#i pove to learn from passionate oldies#especially cos they usually have the materials or means to complete the tasks u want to do because finding the stuff to do it is always har#once you have the right materials and tools its smooth sailing for me i can usualy figure it out but having that suport and oportunityis ke#im about just go out and find some old punks or whatever and have them aprentice me in some awesome home mod techniques#or find some cool metal worker and have him show me how to make awesome toecaps and fasteners#ive actualy been meaning to find soemone to teach me more mask making techniques or more advanced wood carving#also id like to do metal casting and more welding i love that stuff#but i think the best thing atm would be to aprentice under a pond expert/ landscaper. espeically in natural pools#or a concrete sculptor#AAOUFH#so much!@ help#anyways combat boots... i wanna add metal...#and spikes#need help thanks
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy jack tubbo and george
requested yes/no
part 5 of the great adventures series
summary: training for the military
warning: cursing
AN: really sorry about this tumblr won’t let me change/add paragraphs so could look very weird
the journey there was quick for you, you spent the trip asleep in the back of the car whilst the others were discussing what you were all about to do “How difficult do you think it’s going to be” “dude it’s a military assault course” you woke up halfway there to the noise of the radio playing “afternoon y/n”“afternoon sorry I fell asleep I’m not used to being woken up early in the morning, I blame you guys and ranboo”“y/n have you ever wanted to join the military” “I can't say I have no” “well you’re going to love what we’re doing” “what are we doing” “you’ll see!”
you stood picking up more rocks and handing them to tubbo whilst Tommy and George began to film the introduction to the vlog “were in the jungle” confused you turned to tubbo “psst tubbo what the fuck are we doing, why are we in a woods” before tubbo had time to answer Tommy already began to answer your question telling you that you’re all training for the military, not taking him seriously you started laughing as you all were walking it was only when you were handed a jumpsuit to cover your clothes you realised it wasn’t a joke, you would be lying if you said you were ready for this, after all, you spent your free time playing Minecraft you wasn’t exactly great at sports
you managed to put the jumpsuit on pretty quickly unlike Tommy who was quite clearly struggling to get it on over his trainers “come on sergeant simons were doing a military assault course and you’re struggling to put on the clothes”after struggling to put clothes on the five of you stood together getting photos whilst you all looked decent “me and my boys in the jungle” “This isn’t going to go well” “we’re going to destroy it” “NO”
you hadn’t even reached the course yet and you were already tripping up over rocks and sticks that were on the muddy trail “we’re walking to our deaths..y/n is already falling over” “Hey I didn’t sign up to do exercise” once you finally reached the start of the course you were met with a canon, a dog and a man in a yellow jumper you stood as a team listening to what you were about to do and how you were actually a team of six, you hoped he meant the dog was a team member but no turns out the canon was the sixth member
“We have to take the canon with us” “...and take it apart into six pieces at each obstacle and rebuild it ” you handed your phone to the Russ, not trusting yourself to keep it on you especially since you were already tripping up before reaching the assault course “thank you” “good luck” “huh” you didn’t have time to process what was said as Mr military began counting down from three, the five of you ran to the first obstacle tubbo dragging the canon Tommy climbed over the net first with tubbo following after “What happens if I fall” it was as though you and tubbo had read each other’s mind as you both responded with “you’ll die” “death” you climbed over next with a wheel “reckon I can slide down the net” “that will hurt y/n don’t do- and you’re already doing it” you slid down the net despite George telling you not to do so, it didn’t take too long for the others to get over, you all began reassembling the canon “can we talk about our feelings” “I feel like shit I jumped out of a plane not long ago now I feel like I’m doing PE all over again” “Y/N JUST HELP BUILD THE CANON” “I'M TRYING ODDLY ENOUGH I'M NOT BUILT FOR THE MILITARY”once the canon was built Tommy and tubbo ran off with it “who’s going to tell them we need to test it” once Mr military shouted they ran back “why do we have to do this” “it’s the fucking rules Tommy and life is full of them” “like taxes” “tax fraud” a few seconds later the five of you yelled “bang” neither of you saying it at the same time “it didn’t work” “yes it did now come on”
you all ran towards the next obstacle, a giant wall. you all quickly dismantled the canon, Tommy went over first and began bickering with Mr military about him not being his dad whilst you tubbo and jack struggled to pass over the heaviest part of the canon “lift and lift” “really George? I thought we could just throw it over and hope he catches it” “Please don’t do that” “I am very sorry George but I'm struggling here” you continued your struggling tubbo tried to help Tommy through his words “you’re strong bossman I believe in you” “by the way, you really picked the shortest people to do this” part of the canon landed with a thud “welp hope he’s not dead” you climbed over next again carrying the wheel “he’s not dead guys don’t worry” you laughed as George took his time getting over the wall “I'm poving” “GET OVER THE WALL” you all stood questioning what time you were on completely forgetting that you were supposed to reassemble the canon “This is going to be embarrassing” “you guys could be rebuilding the canon” you could have built and tested the canon quickly however Tommy George and tubbo began telling people to subscribe whilst you built the canon with jack “we’re so good at this” “heh maybe not” you all test-fired the canon and made your way to the next obstacle
you were sent to go over the rope first, this was extremely difficult for you, the rope kept swaying as you walked causing you to lose your balance on multiple occasions “step on the V” “I’m going to fall” you made it over after a couple of minutes, like tubbo you also felt a bit ill, you assumed it was because it was quite hot and a lot was going on “how you feeling y/n” “Honestly, I’m jealous of ranboo, he’s at home living his best life and I’m in the middle of the woods overheating and climbing but no it’s pretty funny watching the others” you laughed as you overheard tubbo talking about how they’re only three obstacles in and how he’s going to die “YOU GOT THIS TUBBO!” Tommy crossed next, like you, he took his time he was then followed by tubbo who was trying to speed run walking over the rope you waited for jack and George cheering them on whilst Tommy was asking around for water and complaining about wearing a gamer hoodie. at this point, everyone seemed unmotivated “3 2 1.. bang”
“oh lovely..tires” tubbo went through first with the heaviest part of the canon “ill help you tubbo” you following behind helping him carry it due to it being stupidly heavily “so how are you tubbo” “AAAAAAAAAAA” “aye me too bud” you and tubbo decided that from now you two were going to work as a pair so it would be easier for you both, over the past few weeks tubbo became one of your closest friends the pair of you even started trending on Twitter as you did an irl stream where you both went on a walk at the beach and met several fans. whilst you and tubbo were making your way through Tommy jack and George we’re trying to figure out who should take what. “there’s piss in this one” “what the fuck?!” the pair of you finally got out from the tires “good job you two” “thank you” you rested your head on tubbos shoulder trying to get your breath back “I don’t think I’m made for the military” a few moments later Tommy made it to the tire full of water and put his finger in it “PEE” “Tommy why-” you stood looking around at the scenery, the sound of Tommy yelling about crawling away from George and that he’s ‘touched the piss’ was enough the drag you away from your own thoughts, you watched the others struggling to get through the tires and was amazed at the fact tubbo went back in to help them. you tried to ignore Tommy and George being dramatic as you tried to figure out how many more obstacles you had to go but you got distracted by George “ill just eat you if you die” “Mr military I’d like some help right about now” you walked over to Tommy and helped him get out of the tires “thanks y/n” “welcome” “how you doing bossman you know I pulled through your part...what are you doing that’s George's water” Tommy decided to throw the bottle to you so you could have a drink as he remembered you’d not had a drink since you landed from jumping out of the plane “Thanks, Tommy” “YOU BOTH DRANK GEORGES WATER” “he can drink the piss” “what Tommy said” you laughed as you walked over to where jack was in the tires “ HI JACK” “Jesus christ you scared me, hi y/n” you stood waiting for everyone to finish “I know exactly what the slowest time was” “we’re going for a new record it’s fine” “of being the slowest?” “yeah” “you know what Mr military ill clart you” “you’ll what me” “I’m gonna just go over here” you walked over to where parts of the canon were and got ready to assemble it again whilst George began throwing water over jack and tubbo to bless them then did the same to Tommy, you hid behind a tree thinking he wouldn’t notice you, however, he did and within a minute you too had water poured on you “Thanks, I was thirsty” “oh we know” “The fuck is that supposed to mean” “HELP BUILD THE CANON PLEASE” like last time you all built the canon tested it and ran to the next obstacle
“can we just you know drag the already built canon under there with us” “absolutely not” “I tried” you all disassembled it again and like last time you and tubbo went first crawling under “I don’t want to alarm you all but it is soaking wet in here” “delightful” a few moments later you were both working well “tubbo I’m scared of the dark and it’s pitch black” “you’ve got this bossman we’re almost done” you calmed down quickly until Tommy decided to jump above the pair of you
“SORRY” “TOMMY I SWEAR TO GOD” “YOU DICK” you laughed slightly and tubbo checked up on you “you okay?” “I'm fine if you’re fine” “come on let’s finish this thing” the pair of you continued and finished relatively quickly tubbo got out first “NEVER AGAIN” “Sorry about that buddy” “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU” you helped push part of the canon out so tubbo could easily drag it out he then reached out so you could hold his hand and help pull you out “I've never been so happy to see the light” the pair of you sat on the floor waiting for the others to finish, you both made a bet on who was going to laugh first somehow you won as tubbo laughed at George and jack struggling to crawl through “YOU LAUGHED” “OH SHITTT” Russ came over to you both whilst recording so he could ask about how everything’s going “I’m covered in mud and the jumpsuit is wet, it isn’t a good day for the y/n community it was dark as hell in there “Tommy is a dick and tried to kill me and y/n” “I DIDN'T TRY TO KILL YOU BOTH” “I think he heard us” “WE ALL DID WERE NOT DEAF” “NO, BUT ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM YOU'RE DEAD” you stared directly into the camera “sometimes it’s like I still hear jack talking to me” George and jack started complaining about how much further the is to go and how it was dirty and Tommy's response about being sorry it doesn’t fit their tory lifestyle made you burst out laughing “YOU LAUGHED” “tubbo my beloved you laughed ages ago you’ve already lost” “But we’re equal now” “no” the pair of you stood bickering to the point you didn’t realise the others had finished the obstacle and were shouting for you to test the canon “Y/N TUBBO WE NEED TO TEST THE CANON” the pair of you ran over “3 2 1 BANG”
“just going to warn you all you see that black cloud over there” “oh yay a storm is coming” you grabbed a wheel and followed behind jack across the wooden bridge “y/n he’s been splintered” “oh no poor George” “these are my gaming fingers” “no gaming for you I guess” “Stop talking about gaming dickheads” you spent a lot of time talking to George and jack whilst crossing over trying not to fall over you all even made a few plans to stream a laugh and the stream ends on jacks channel soon
you were all building the canon again whilst being informed you weren’t even halfway through and already 40 minutes in “high score” “well it’s definitely high” “Y/N??” “coming tubbo hang on my shoelace came undone” after tying your shoelace you grabbed a wheel and caught up to tubbo “if you go over tubbo ill pass it over to you and we can keep doing that” this method worked well for you both tubbo would climb over you would pass the wheel and middle part of the canon then climb over and repeat the process you heard Tommy in the background complaining about the fact he’s wearing jeans and jacks response “Yeah but I’m wearing jeans” “tubbo and y/n are almost done and you’re complaining about jeans” “jean boy pops off” “I'M WEARING JEANS AS WELL QUIT COMPLAINING” “Can we just go home and play smash bros” “Tommy this was your idea I didn’t even get on an option” “Sorry about that y/n but you get to spend time with me and gogy” “lucky me” you weren’t going to lie this was hard work and you were exhausted you felt like you could just fall asleep right where you were stood however tubbo wasn’t going to let that happen “I’m never going on an adventure with Tommy again” “me either” this of course was bullshit and you were both going on another adventure soon you stood watching your friends struggle to get over the obstacles you decided to offer your support and went to help jack and George using a similar method to that you used with tubbo “thanks y/n” “anytime” “y/n you could have helped me, tubbo pulled me over I could have been injured” “very sorry to hear that sergeant simons sucks to suck I guess” you all reassembled the canon tested it and ran to the next obstacle “I hate it here” “there’s a storm on the way” “Thanks, y/n for the input” “welcome George” you all noticed the net luckily you didn’t have to disassemble the canon this very well could be because you were running far behind and a storm was on its way. you watched as the others went through and joked about tubbo losing his shoe and Tommy getting stuck, this obstacle wasn’t made for you either as you kept getting caught on the net “I'VE BEEN CAUGHT AGAIN” jack lifted the net for you again so you could easily crawl through “thank you jack” you all then made it to the next obstacle Tommy crawled on the metal bars with you following after him whilst George used the monkey bars once you all made it across you had to walk across many metal planks used to form a bridge Tommy walked close behind you knowing you were extremely clumsy and didn't want you to fall “irl nettles” “The fuck are you on about Tommy I don’t think you’re following my advice about going outside” you all dissembled the canon as you got to the tires the only difference this time was you needed to climb over them “it’s rather windy” “there’s dirt in my eye” like before you and tubbo used the same method “look at them go” “I LIKE A DA BEE” “I'M SCARED OF BEES” “oh okay” “Why do they keep taking the plank” “I don’t know tubbo just takes it and y/n follows” you both finished rather quickly and neither of you got injured or fell “really good job you two” “thank you Mr military” you stood leaning on tubbo watching George pick up random rocks and put them into his pocket similar to what you had been doing the entire way around the course “I don’t think George or y/n have been outside before they keep picking things up like souvenirs” “Y/N GEORGE HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE RAIN BEFORE” both of you just stared at Tommy making him laugh you helped the others get across the tires and even helped prevent Tommy from falling a couple of times. unfortunately, you ended up twisting your ankle but tried to ignore it not wanting to ruin the vlog for anyone, not that you would have, however it was clear you were in pain as you had started limping. one at a time you all crossed the rope “This is me climbing I am climbing” you cheered everybody on and then it was your turn
unlike the others the rope kept shaking as you walked across mainly because you were scared of falling and in pain all whilst trying to rush, this was clearly your least favourite obstacle of the day “take your time y/n don’t fall” “thank you jack I'm trying my best I promise” once at the end of the rope, Tommy took the wheel off you and helped you get down and pulled you into a quick side hug “you’re doing great let’s go we’re almost done” you knew your friends wouldn’t make you continue if you really didn’t want to however you were nearly finished and was determined to finish. you all reassembled the canon and made your way to the next obstacle
“there’s no way we’re getting through that without twanging a rope” “good luck” you and tubbo made your way through the ropes trying not to hit them, this proved to be a pretty impossible task and you ended up twanging the ropes several times, this mixed with everyone else’s failure to cross without hitting the rope meant you all had to do 20 push-ups, after reassembling the canon twice as you all didn’t do it correctly the first time and testing it you all had to do the push-ups “I’m sure y/n and George only did 3” “sorry bossman”
you all were finally making your way to the last obstacle determined to finish “Big Russ can we go to McDonald's after this” “sure” the five of you cheered and ran the last obstacle quickly disassembling the canon, you led the way over the obstacle tubbo Tommy jack and George following behind you, despite tubbo losing his shoe and George going backwards the five of you quickly completed the obstacle and reassembled and tested the canon running over to the finishing line
you all finally completed it and waited for your result “45 minutes easily” “1 hour 11 minutes and 46 seconds” “no way that’s a world record” “well we tried” the five of you stood telling people to subscribe before ending the recording and making your way back to the car
the car ride back felt a lot longer than the way there. you were all exhausted
“how’s your ankle” “it’s not too bad it’ll probably hurt more tomorrow morning”
“I'm still not over Tommy trying to kill me and tubbo” “I didn’t try to kill you” “sure” the rest of the journey was chaos you all screamed along to the songs on the radio eventually you all got to McDonald's and spent the rest of the night enjoying each other’s company.
@l0ver0fj0y @c1loudee
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mejomonster · 3 years
So I started the Rebel Princess:
Binged 5 eps lol
I love xiao qi, he has very Shen Wei as hei pao shi but emotionally healthier vibes. Very kind, good hearted, direct, intelligent, and the black clothes and hairstyle specifically remind me of shen wei so. Of course I love him
The emperor is played, I think, by the princess's dad in Goodbye My Princess. Idk what it is about that specific actor, but when he's cast as a leader he always seems like a well intentioned one. Like emperors OFTEN come out cold or cruel or at least somewhat inhumane in how they treat all others below them (like I'd say the emperor in Jade Palace Lock Heart means to be a good leader and kind but ultimately Will kill a son or wife just as a calculated move, will kill a servant etc). Whereas this emperor? When he says poison the maids I truly believe he's upset he had to make the decision and it was a very thought out decision not an impulse or a move of brute force. He seems to Believably truly love his sons and not want them dead, even tho he dreads what could happen to them if they fuck up in politics too much. Like I genuinely believe he is a loving father, a wise emperor, and trying his fucking best to do his best for everyone. His only arrogant thought is that he's the family meant to lead but in his defense he's dealing with 2 major families trying to use him so of course he puts them down. He's one of the easiest emperors to feel for and trust and like. Also? He's actually genuinely intelligent. There's an outside plot going on ans both Xie and Wang are vying for power, and he has the sense to not accidentally kill to harm or help xie or wang, and to realize there's a 3rd party fucking with him. Best emperor leadership wise I have seen in a cdrama
I love awus dad. Is he scheming and dangerous? Yeah. But a trait I love in this show is ALL the royals I believably think feel emotional ties to their families. With awus mom I can feel her love her husband and distrust him and love her brother and worry he's using her as a pawn. I can feel awus dad for all he wants Wang to be in control, he genuinely thinks his daughter is precious and does love her and want her ALIVE and I don't think he'd ever kill her for politics (whereas I do think he'd let his sister the empress die if he needed to).
I like that along with the emotional groundedness of the royals which is usually not this well done, the plot starts very personal on awu and easy to follow. No big confusing exposition to explain the setup, it just leads u naturally into it like awu
Fun fact, xiao qis girl soldier is played by one of my FAVORITE actresses from Go Princess Go (she was the 2nd lead girl the maidservant, also starred in Pove and Destiny). And I love her and I'm excited she's a warrior in this! And I hope to see more of her later! I love her and she deserves more fun roles!
A lot of really good actors in this yall weren't lying. That helps so much in a show
I actually find her current crush zitan really cute and hot and quite nice on his own merit rn if a bit too naive slightly in his own way (I'm waiting for the shoe to drop now). So I love that for once I actually get a heroines first love crush lol, and like both romantic leads. I personally suspect 2nd prince and/or Hulans younger guy (played by Wu Xie from ipartment) is the third party orchestrating a lot of the disasters in the capital right now
The palace drama in this is a lot less petty and a lot less reactionary disastrous punishments (partly due to a very rational emperor) and I really appreciate it.
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aquillis-main · 3 years
I'm sorry but can you show me where Ian is insulting other writers and calling himself the savior of Sonic the Hedgehog like Ken Penders? I dislike the man's writing just as much as you do but to compare him to creepy ''I want minors involved with adult characters in a kids book'' Ken, is a little over the top and it just looks like you want Ian Flynn to be a bad person like Ken. It's possible for good people to be bad writers.
Okay, you got me. I can't, mainly because I'm not gonna go through... how many of the Bumblekasts are there with Flynn and the guy he hosts those podcasts with? Mainly because 1) I don't really ffeel the need to pove myself when the guy literally tried to dispell him saying that 'Eggman can't plan' by doubling down and constantly insisting that he knows nothing about Eggman in general, and 2) I don't have time to comb through the backlog of all the podcasts to get his words down pat.
Then again, you coud look at him basically lying about 'not using a mental condition to try and enhance the plot' after making Charmy in Archie a slurped up hyperactive idiot to line with canon!Charmy.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
May I request that Overhaul gets hit by a quirk that puts him in a AU where his angel is ship's angel? Like they have a meeting then she comes in and sits next to shigarki . Then overhauls like wtf , ik I already requested but that previous one was cringy so yeah.
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He couldn't even walk anymore on the streets in peace. A sick person just had to at least bump with his shoulder or arm. Each. Time.
Grumbling a curse or two to the person who just waved with a "my bad!" kinda of apology he just continued to his walk home, eager to take a shower and put the jacket to wash later after being on contact with someone on those filfh streets of Japan.
The weather seemed to close a bit as he narrowed his eyes at the sky... The weather cast just swore this morning that it was going to be a sunny day and there were grey clouds just above him?
He sighed... well, guess he was just going to hear you whinning about your lost date. Just yesterday you had almost begged to him to go out on the evening and he begrudily end up agreing to your wishes due to those cursed puppy eyes you always brought up to him.
He arrived and arched an eyebrow at seing his subbordinates not there. Working as they should be but just simoly brushed off as them slacking off and went to his quarters.
"(Y/n)?" He called nonchantly while pulling his jacket aside while looking around the room, weirded out to not see your things or even clothes you usually peft to him to pick up.
At not receiving an answer he sighed, a bit of worry grow inside his chest and mind but he once again decided to brush off. Maybe you were off to your shenigans with Mimic or even Rappa. The meeting with Shigaraki was in about a couple of hours, and he had told you about it to appear along... so you must be there..
Or else someone better expect a punishment.
Tapping his foot on the floor he started to worry at not even hearing from you. Chrono and mimic just entered the room and he was about to demand where you where until he heard Shigaraki mumbles.
"I see you came late. Pintuality usually is soemthing I apreciate." He sighed while trying to ease back on his seat.
"Do I look like I care?" The red eyed villain spoke back as his eye twitched before his gaze went wide as you trailed after Shigaraki.
"(Y/n)." He sighed, mentioning for you to come to him. Others would underatand his sigh as some sort of annoyance sign but no. It was a relieved one...
Until you just let out aa confused sound as Shigaraki's eyes narrowed at him.
"Can I ask why the hell you know my girlfriend's name Overhaul?" Tomura hissed as Chisaki did the same threatening glare as he standed up.
"I beg you pardon?" He growled as you nervously touched Shigaraki's shoulders with a smile.
"Tomura, baby calm down please." He could sworn his chest just contracted enough to suffocate his heart at the moment he heard you saying such a pet name to the other man.
Suddenly your eyes were on him as you arched an eyebrow.
"Im sorry Overhaul." He shivered at hearing his villain name getting out of your lips "But I believed we... never met before?"
He stood there with wide golden eyes at your words... this was a joke on him, right? A fucked up joke.
"Overhaul sir." Mimic's voice broke his racing thoughts "I believe thats the only thing that guy said is right. This chick was there on the first meeting."
"That's simply impossible." He growles at his subbordinate as you scoffed and crossed your arms, Shigaraki with a hand, pinky stood out, on your shoulder.
"Impossible? I saw you killing Magne in front of my own eyes!" You hissed in disgust and anger, something he never thought he would hear it in this angelic voice of yours that was always complimeting and speaking lovely words to him.
He stood there horrified before sitting down with a hand on his hair, tugging a bit as hive grew on his hand and forearms as he shook his head once.
"No. That's not- There is a mistake.. (Y/n) and I- This must be a disgusting quirk afyivate on me or something this just cant be happening-"
His eyes burned for some reason, he felt like puling and screaming at the same time yet something just caged him onto it before he could at least blink for once...
He felt air come back to his lungs as he almost let out a gasp before blinking... he was back at the street he was hours ago and the sky was bright blue with no clouds as he previously saw it earlier.
The guy who had bumped to him had gone just like he saw but a bunch of paramedics were around him before he slapped one of their jands away at seing they were about to touch.
He ran as fast as he could to thhe yakusa. Not even bothering to take off his shoes as he rushed through the halls of his house and almost kicked the door of his bedroom open.
"(Y/n)?!" He panted, desperation rising on his skin and mind at seing you were not there before he heard some noises and saw you getting out of the bathroom with a confused look.
"Kai?" Your eyes widened in worry at his appearance, hair uncharestically messy, the visible part of his face with hives spreading and skin red as drop of sweat dropped, rushing towards him you cupped his face on your hands without thinking about his mysophobia "What happened to you love?! Are you okay?!"
You gasped as his arms suddenly wrapped around your waist as he rested his face on your hair as you blinked.... awkwardly hugging back since he was never one used to affection or touch even from you.
"Kai?" You called as he breathed in shakily before humming "Is everything alright? What happened?" You carresed his back a bit as he simoly blinker, his desperate expression slowly coming back to his usual stoic one as he carresed your hair and rubbed your back.
"... Now it is. Forgive me darling" he pushed you gently apart from the hug as he pinched his nose while breathing in "Just some sick using his quirk on me aparently."
"Oh" you giggled, the sound music to his ears "That explains a lot! You're going to take a bath now I presume?" You asked with a smile as he took off his mask and kissed you out of no where.
"Precisely" he muttered after the kiss "I expect you to join me as well since we're going to that place you pove so much after pestering me until the point driving me nuts."
You widened your eyes and felt your cheeks get hot at his words as you qatched him unfold his tie around his neck and going straight to the shower.
"B-but-? But didn't you have a meeting today?"
He simply stopped, back towards you and face towards the ground in silence before you saw his shoulders twitch.
"... I just feel like giving my angel some more time... and besides-" You saw the tips of his ears getting a bit red as he coughed on his fist "I cant deny I miss.. you-" and with that he went to the bathroom leaving you a flustered mess.
You let out a giggle before shaking your head... Kai was always a mystery to you...
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Imagine Baekhyun... (2)
After all the pain, the waiting, the tears, the crying and the missing, the day has finally come, the day you can finally pick up your soldier from the airport and ghave him be only yours again.
After you arrive with a bunch of security guys end, of course, the left members of his, you wait at the exit of where he's supposed to arrive in 5 minutes. There are already a lot of fans standing there, glaring at you. But you couldn't care less.
After the video of your goodbye with Baekhyun had been published the day after he left and your relationship got public a rather unpleasing way, the members, their girlfriends/wifes and finally Baekhyun where able to make you strong and guard you of most of the hate. Yet you still had to show Baekhyun the things they wrote you, only so he'd be informed, as he says himself.
Now here you stand, seconds away from seeing the pove of your life again, after limited contact for such a long time, carrying the last unopened box of his. It was labeled as extremely important, so you had to guard it well and yet he still told you to not open it but bring it to him on the day you'd finally meet again.
You see the first soldiers searching for their families and your heart starts racing even more. But minutes pass and there's still no sign of your Boyfriend. Your worries grow. Did something happen to him? Did he forget me? Did they forget him? Are we standing wrong? Was the-
but then you lock eyes with the most handsome pair of brown orbs you could ever imagine. Those brown orbs that are now filling with tears, and make the man the belong to stand still in shock. Baekhyun's lips form a huge smile and you quickly press the bag with the box into Jongin's hand before running into Baek's arms. He picks you up and spins you around, you hear his beautiful laughter and take as much of him in as you can. "Finally I got you back!", he whispers into your hair. Eventually you pull apart slightly to check eachothers appearance. His hair has, thank god, grown a good amount, he looks well fed and now finally happy again. He doesn't seem to be harmed. Good. "Your hair has grown so much.", he notices and looks at your body with a satisfied look. "All mine again.", he growls and pulls you in for the long awaited kiss.
He puts you down again and now the members approach their missed friend and fall into his arms. After each and everyone has welcomed him home, the security push yohu back to your driver to get home. Arrived at home, Baekhyun suggests to take a shower together, which you do quite intensely, before making other plans.
Baekhyun seems to be a little weird though, almost nervous, you think. Then you remember he hasn't opened the box yet. As you confront him, he only says: "My little impatient Y/N, we'll open it soon, but in order to do that, let's pick our most beautiful clothes for the dinner tonight, alright." You did have a dinner planned with the exo members as a celebration of his return.
You two walk to his car and ge even opens the door for you, before you get in. He also let you have his car keys for the time he was gone, but you rarely drove the car and much rather slept in it, as it seemed to make you feel closer to him. You made sure to clean well though this morning, so he wouldn't notice too much. By the way he glances at you, you think he knows, but can't tell because he was clearly being nervous. Was it because he didn't have a member-meal for so long?
The sight of him driving, as usual a hand on your thigh, made you melt completely. You had missed this so much you didn't even notice he drove past the restaurant. As soon as he stops the car, he gives you a quick peck and then get out of the car, only to help you out of it with your long dress he told you to wear. When you notice where you are you almos lose yor balance. He brought you to the romantic hill with the river and the flower bed, where you shared your first kiss together. Adding to that, the sun is currently setting, giving it all a golden touch. You look at him with stunned eyes. He only brings you into the field of all kinds of colorful flowers and looks at you, as if you'd be much more beautiful than the sight you just had.
Then other cars pull up and as you ask what his members are doing here, he keeps silent. He has been awkwardly silent these few hours so you start worrying. The members suddenly all stand around you two, Junmyeon giving him a thumbs up and Baekhyun takes a deep breath, taking the very last box out of his pocket.
Then he opens it and brings out a red velvet box inside, which he tightly holds in his hands before kneeling down on one knee and opening this box as well, revealing a beautifully decorated diamond ring to your eyes. You stare into his eyes and listen to his words after he clears his throat.
"Actaully I wanted to do this on my second home, the stage, and reveal our relationship like this, but that kind of didn't work. I haf so muxh time thinking about this and how to do it, planning it with my members in our group chat. I've never felt more sure about one thing in my life than about you, Y/N. The past few years with you have been the most amazing of my life and everything that happened until now has left me with no doubt that we can overcome any obstacle together. I brought you here on this very spot, at your favorite time, to tell you something you might already know since the first time we came here: I love you, Y/N. I know I have been painfully quiet today, but I only was preparing these very words I'm about to say to the love of my life. My dear Y/N, after everything we've been through I'd like to thank you for everything you have done for me and I want to keep calling you mine for the rest of my life. To be precise, I'd like to call you my wife, starting from now on and so I'm asking you: Will you, Y/F/N, do me the honor and marry me, Byun Baekhyun?"
Your face is covered in tears, so is everyone elses, and you barely word out a yes with a strong nod, before Baekhyun puts the ring onto your finger and picks you up, kissing you. The ring fits perfectly and you both seem to not be able to believe what just happened. It's now that you also notice that Sehun's been filming the whole scene, with you being a sniffling mess. The stars start to rise and everyone congratulates you two on your proposal. After spending some more time enjoying the moment, D.O breaks the moment in suggesting celebrating Baekhyun's return and your engagement in finally having the member meal, and so you make your way into a loooong night and well, a happy ever after.
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artsy0wl · 7 months
The Overworked Trauma of the Eccentric Intellect Chapter 1
I’m experimenting with a new ship of my own concoction. I got into a bit of a Jacq (Scarlet and Violet) mood and wanted to do a shipfic with him. Prior to Volo getting introduced alongside him in Masters EX, I ended up deciding to go with Saguaro. I felt it could work so I went with it.
I may still do something with Jacq and Volo, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the forst chapter of this lil fic.
Synopsis: Can you make sure Jacq eats? He’s been so caught up with work that I think he’s skipped a few meals. Oh, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t slept in a few days.
It sounded like a simple enough request. Though Sarguao doesn’t exactly understand why he specifically should be tasked with such a request. But easy or simple aren’t exactly the words to describe the situation as Jacq’s motives come to light. And a spiraling depression needs immediate attention.
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Can you make sure Jacq eats? He’s been so caught up with work that I think he’s skipped a few meals. Oh, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t slept in a few days.
It sounded like a simple enough request. If not a bit odd. Clavell wasn’t too invested in the teachers outside of the basics. However, given that Jacq had developed a bond and partnership with the esteemed director, it wasn’t too surprising when Clavell worried about him.
And he had every right to. Though not something the average person would pick up, in hindsight, Saguaro realized that he hasn’t seen Jacq much in the break room or the cafeteria.
So if the director was coming to him to combat that, Sarguaro could understand that. From what Saguaro was told, Jacq ignored Miriam’s concerns, stating he was alright and would grab something to eat later. He told Dendra he has to keep his mind working if he was ever going to get his project done. He even told Hassel that ‘an artist’s work, or I guess I should say biology teacher’s duty, needs to be perfect’.
Clavell must have been desperate if he was asking for Saguaro’s help. His and Jacq’s department were so dar apart that Saguaro wondered why the director didn’t ask Raifort first.
It sounded simple enough. It should have been simple enough. But when he got to Jacq’s office, he wasn’t sure if “simple” was the right word. Messy and chaotic fit the scene he was greeted by.
Papers scattered across the floor along with several empty cups of, presumably, coffee. Jacq’s Arcanine was curled up and napping next to Jacq while his Farigiraf poked her head in through the nearby window. An Alolan Meowth napped on his table while Jacq picked away at a Pokédex. Jacq was muttering to himself, some kind of technical jargon that Saguaro didn’t particularly care to understand.
Talking Jacq out of his invested was going to be interesting. If not a bit annoying. Clearing his throat, Saguaro entered the room.
“Not very tidy today, are you?”
Chuckling, Jacq took his glasses off and set them on the desk. “A little mess can’t hurt anyone.”
Approaching Jacq’s desk, Saguaro leaned against it. “But skipping out on meals and sleep can.”
Huffing, Jacq leaned forward, folding his arms in the process. “Not you too.”
“Yes, me too.” Saguaro crossed his arms. “You more than anyone should know that your body has needs.”
“And I will… once I get these projects done.”
Grabbing a document, Jacq proceeded to jot some notes down. He then proceeded to pet the Meowth’s head before moving onto the next document. Looking at Jacq’s paperwork, Saguaro changed his tactic.
“What are you working on?”
“Miss Briar wanted to see if I could add a new feature to the Pokédex. She wanted some kind of lore application for the Blueberry Academy students. Specifically on Paradox Pokémon and regional variants for educational purposes. Salvatore wants some insight on this little guy.” Jacq scratched behind the Meowth’s ear. “Apparently he hasn’t been eating much lately despite poving what Salvatore had been giving up until now.” Jacq grabbed a few documents. “Director Clavell needs the results of the Biology midterm by the end of the week and I’m looking into the Herba Mystica sample that Arven brought me.”
“Sounds stressful.”
“Maybe a little, but it’s keeping me busy. Which isn’t that bad, am I right?” Jacq shrugged as the Meowth woke up and stretched out. “Besides, it’ll be worth it when all is said and done.”
“It may be worth it, but I don’t think they want you to overwork yourself in the process.”
“But I need to get it all done.” Jacq let out a deep yawn, rubbing his eyes before grabbing the Pokédex he was working on. “I promised I’d get it done and I can’t let them down.”
“You won’t let anyone down if you take a break.”
Jacq slid his glasses back on. “You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do. None of them would want you to lose your sanity over this. Or your health.”
“I’m fine.”
“You probably can’t even stand up without falling over.”
“I can. Watch me.”
Accepting the challenge, Jacq quickly stood up. Maintaining his balance, he turned to fully face Saguaro with a boastful smirked. But before he could boast about his small win, Jacq’s vision began to blur. Fuzzy particles clouded his line of sight. His ankle rolled, causing Jacq to fall over. Saguaro acted fast, he grabbed Jacq and helped him stand.
“I tripped.”
Saguaro rolled his eyes. If Jacq was going to be difficult, he would meet it with equal amounts of stubbornness. The back of Jaq’s coat was grabbed as he was tossed over Saguaro’s shoulder.
“And my hand slipped.”
Jacq’s face turned red as Saguaro picked up the Meowth and vacated the room. “Saguaro!? Put me down!”
The first place Saguaro stopped was Salvatore's office, plopping the Meowth in his bed. “Try more seafood oriented food. And bitter berries since they can’t really taste sweet berries.”
Not waiting for a response, Saguaro left Salvatore’s office. Instead, he hauled Jacq over to his dorm room. All the while, Jacq weakly begged for Saguaro to put him down.
He would only get his wish once they got to the room. Once there, Saguaro set Jacq on the bed, removing Jacq’s glasses in the process. But instead of lying down, Jacq sat on the side of the bed. Despite his exhaustion, he wasn’t ready to give up.
Saguaro set the glasses on the counter as he started to look around the kitchen. “Can you give yourself, at least one hour to nap? After that, you’re going to eat, then, will you be allowed to get back to work.”
Jacq continued to sit there, not responding to the request. Not knowing if that was his way of considering it or silently accepting it, Saguaro continued to look around the kitchen. Grabbing a pot and a few ingredients, he decided to make soup. It wouldn’t take long to make and wouldn’t be too hefty on Jacq’s stomach.
“It’s my fault, isn’t it?”
“What is?” A stagnate pause greeted him as Saguaro started chopping some veggies. “What do you think is your fault?”
“That Sada died.”
A quick, firm chop cut through a leek. Shoulders stiffened as Saguaro’s hands landed on the counter. Light eyes fell on Jacq, who refused to move eye contact from the floor.
“Where is this coming from?” More silence. “Jacq?”
“I’m noticing Briar taking an… unhealthy interest in Aera Zero.” Jacq huffed. “It brings back memories. Regrets. Things I should have changed.” He shuttered as he shook his head. “Knowing what happened with Sada, while standing in front of her son makes me feel evil. I could have… should have, said something back then.
Saguaro moved around the counter and sat next to Jacq. His hand gently landed on Jacq’s back. Jacq quietly melted into it. Almost as though he needed physical contact.
“It’s just… every time I look at Arven, I get this gut wrenching feeling in my stomach.” Leaning forward, Jacq crossed his arms over his lap. “He shouldn’t be taught by the man who contributed to her passing.”
“It’s not your fault.” Saguaro denounced. “Arven’s a good kid. Needs a little more practice in the kitchen, but a good kid.” His hand gently motioned around Jacq’s back. “But if he blames anyone, it’s not you.”
“But I-”
“Am a wonderful teacher that anyone would be lucky to have. Excitable and a little air headed, who unconsciously overworks himself, but an honest man.”
Jacq sat up, finally turning to face Saguaro with exhausted distress. “But I’m not. I was part of the problem. I wanted to go on the expedition too. So I should have been the one to say something when Clavell didn’t. Why shouldn’t he mad at me?”
“First of all, Arven’s just a kid. You’re expecting a lot from a kid who’s still got a few years in school. Will he feel resentful for his mother’s decisions? Of course. Will he blame one of the only mentors and parental figures he has because of it? No.” Saguaro’s hand wrapped around Jacq’s shoulders. “Secondly, you have noting to feel guilty over. Yes, you were on the expedition, but if anyone pushed Sada to that point, it would have been her. I don’t think any of us wanted this to happen, but no one could have predicted this. Not even Sada. And thirdly, Sada and Briar are grown women. You could have done everything in your power to stop Sada, and she still could have gone down the same path. Same with Briar presently.”
Holding back tears, Jacq glared at Saguaro, trying to hold back the urge to yell at Saguaro. Knowing he was just trying to help and didn’t deserve to be berated, Jacq knew better. At the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to accept that he was innocent in all of this.
“It can’t be that simple. Someone has to be held accountable and-”
A kiss prevented Jacq from finishing his thought, silencing him. A soft, stunned breath escaped his nostrils as silver eyes widened. When Saguaro pulled back, he took advantage of Jacq’s shock and gently pushed Jacq back, lying him down. With a now red face, jacq glared at Saguaro with confused disbelief.
“You’re not in a clear mental state. If you really want to continue this self inflicted blame, we can afterwards.”
“I never would have thought you had a sweet tooth.”
Four hours later and Jacq finally woke up from his nap. When he did, he was greeted by the scent of coffee. A sweet aroma was in the air as he managed to get himself out of bed with an unceremonious thud. Saguaro had opted out of his soup plan in favor of scones. A preferable alternative to go with the coffee.
“You’re not the only one.” Saguaro chuckled. “What can I say, there’s a softie underneath this cool exterior. Besides, Juliana and Arven got me some of that Sweet Herba Mystica as a little gift and I want to put it to good use.”
“Oh…” Jacq wearily smirked, “that was really nice of them.”
“It really was.”
An awkward silence fell as Jacq’s frame deflated. His glasses fogged up as he took a sip of coffee. When he set it down, Jacq's elbows rested on the table as fingers intertwined in front of Jacq’s face.
“Sada’s death is hitting you deep, isn’t it? And that’s why you’ve been over working yourself, right?”
“And you haven’t told the Director, if I had to guess. Because you know he’d have you take time off if you did.” Jacq nodded. “And you thought you could bury it under work, thinking that no one would suspect anything?” Jacq nodded again causing Saguaro to roll his eyes. “You know, for someone so smart, you are so dumb sometimes.”
Jacq shrugged his shoulders. “It worked.”
“For how long? A week? And only because our esteemed director had an undercover counseling gig with a pompadour and a dream.” Saguaro’s hand reached across the table, grabbing Jacq’s wrist. “You need to take it easy. You can’t go on like this.”
Jacq’s face fell as he yanked his wrist away. “You’re stubborn, you know that?”
Saguaro chuckled. “That’s probably why he asked me to step in. Fight fire with fire. Or, well, stubbornness with stubbornness. Though, what you really need is a few days off and probably some therapy.”
Reaching out a hand, Saguaro offered comfort, hoping Jacq would accept the offer. Jacq eye the hand, cautiously and curiously. Staring at the hand, he was tempted to take it. To resign himself in defeat and take care of himself. Hovering his hand over Saguaro’s for a moment, Jacq quickly pulled it back.
“I’ll consider it, but I need to know one thing first. Why did you kiss me?”
Withdrawing his hand, Saguari frowned. He wasn't shocked by the qurestion, but he had hoped to avoid it for a little longer.
“First, I’d like to apologize for that. I wasn’t thinking all that clearly when I crossed that boundary. So for that, I am sorry.” Leaning forward, Saguaro proceeded. “In that moment, it felt like it was the only way to get you to stop talking and think for a minute.”
“I… I guess that worked…” He winced slightly as his shoulders shrugged. “It got my attention that’s for sure.” Holding his cup, his thumb gently traced over the rim. “It wasn’t the worst way I’ve been told to shut up. But I would have liked a little heads up. You know, so I’m a little more prepared.” Jacq awkwardly chuckled. Shrugging, he circled back to Saguaro’s request. “I think I’ll take some time off. I just need to let Clavell know.”
A wave of relief hit Saguaro. While relieved that Jacq was more forgiving towards his impulse reaction, he was more relieved that Jacq was going to take some time off to process everything and hopefully relax. Half expecting more of a fight, Saguaro was relieved that there wasn’t.
“I just need a day or two to catch up on sleep and a few meals and I’ll be good to go.” Jacq nodded. “That should be enough time to get this out of my system.” Jacq stood up. “Yeah, that’ll be perfect. Thank-”
Before he could finish he thought, Jacq’s wrist was grabbed and a resistant tug pull him back. One hand clamped on Jacq’s shoulder as another held the side of his face. Saguaro, who now towered over Jacq, for the first time Jacq had ever experienced, appeared unsettled.
“You need more than two days. You’re not okay.”
Jacq tensed. “But I’d be taking time off. That what you want, isn’t it?”
“I want you to step away and get help.” Both hands now held the sides of Jacq’s face. “Two days might be enough to recover physically. Mentally, not so much.”
Air escaped Jacq’s nostrils with melancholy and annoyance.
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because we’re worried about you. You’re running yourself so ragged that you could end up hospitalized or worse.” Saguaro gently ran his fingers through Jacq’s hair. “And knowing what I do now, I couldn’t live with myself if I let you go on like this.”
Glasses got hazy as Jacq tried to find the words to retaliate. He wanted to yell, shout how he didn’t need help. Yet, the words would not formulate.
Instead, his eyes started to water as his sight went dark. Jacq’s legs gave out, causing him to collapse. Falling into arms that picked him up with ease. The sound if Jacq’s name being called out muffled on before unconsciousness took over.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 46 - watching notes
Full disclosure: I'm not in a particularly good mood today. Have you seen that "no productivity. Only guild." Meme flying around? That's me today :|
Hopefully this will distract me (though distraction was the problem in the first place 🙈)
I apologise for any typos you'll finde in this post 😅
To recap, the last thing I learned was that apparently, Jiggy married his own sister because Jin Guangshan was a scumbag who raped more women than he could possibly remember
I was told by several people that this episode is their favourite. No pressures or anything :D
The way someone is dragging up Jiggy's secrets has a lot of poetic justice to it. Everyone is outraged and gossiping. Consensus is reached quickly. Kinda makes me feel that that someone (who probably also wrote the letter to jgy) knows exactly how to use the sect world's worst qualities as a weapon
Yao what's-his-name, resident gossip queen, at it again
Don't look at me my memory is as bad as wwx when it comes to names :D
I was about to write who is Lianfang Zum again and then I remembered that it's jiggy's honorary title. See what I mean? ^^
What does it say about me that my heart makes a leap when I simply see wwx leaning close to lwj to whisper to him? 😅 I'll probably die reading the novel, that's what that says
Oh so it was the maid who sent the letter
Come on Wei Wuxian! That was cruel
Yeah Yao what's-his-name, why would you need to know the identity of who ever is behind this? It's not like you've ever been deceived before!
What's... with that bracelet?
I love it how everyone looks positively startled when Lan Wangji says something unprompted :D
Wait ... Zwei Jun is in his hands? Shit, i don't remeber what happened there. Where did Xichen go again? 😬
I'm so confused right now 🙈 I can't watch and read the subtitles and type
Okay, watched the whole conversation again, now I'm following
I reiterate my earlier statement that whoever is pulling the strings here knows exactly what strings to pull to get the clans to act
Great, another mob 🙄
NOW you want his help? 😂
Sure, as soon as he can serve YOU with his "evil tricks", that's okay!
You can see how much wwx changed because he does not hold their hypocrisy to their faces. He mostly seemed tired of it
And Jiang Cheng just realised that wwx might indeed not be responsible for Jiang Yanli's death, didn't he? He's almost stunned 🥺
Or is BEAUTIFUL to see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji move in such unity! 😭
Oh ... those are the graves of his foster parents, right? :(
And Yanli ... oh God I forgot about Yanli 🥺
I'm crying again. Nothing on this show will ever hit as hard to me as the Yunmeng siblings' fate
I couldn't help myself, I legitimately just stroked my laptop screen where Yanli's plate was 🥺
So many conflicting emotions
Thanks to a friendly anon, I know that these three bows together are marriage thing! 😭😭😭
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So yeah, they're married now. I dont make the rules :')
Somehow, this feels like them asking wwx's foster family's blessing
And now I'm imagining Shijie smiling back at them gently and I'm crying 🥺
And by God, I love lwj's gentle teasing :')
This whole scene, he's so soft! 😭
And it think that Wei Wuxian probably thought that he'd never get to step into Lotus Pier again. But here, he can finally say his goodbyes to his Shijie properly. He can heal! 🖤
And again, I cannot stress enough how wonderful that is! And how rare and precious in a show like this. So often character's get put through unimaginable trauma, but they either brush it off no problem or the show/movie ends immediately after the main action and you are left to imagine the number it did on the character's psyche. There are so rarely fantasy shows that really dive into the emotional fallout the plot has on their characters and then give them time to heal. Thus show does both and I'm so goddamn overjoyed my it!
Come to think of it, it reminds me of a very good hurt/comfort fic 🤷‍♀️
Jiang Cheng pleae, fir once, try not to be angry immediately when you're hurting :(
He still takes special offence that lwj is there. Makes me wonder if he still feels like wwx chooses lwj over the Jiang sect and is still hurt by it 😔 (note that at the same time, he reminds wwx that he's very much not a member of the Jiang clan anymore. God, the man has not worked through his own feelings ...)
For once, as much as I love it when lwj defends wwx (especially when it's not against any physical harm, but because he doesn't want wwx to be hurt emotionally) I think him interfering with this particular conflict does not help
Okay sorry, but no! lotus pier was not destroyed because wwx saved lwj in that cave. That was just an excuse for the Wen sect. They would have come eventually anyway
So there's my answer
He's still hurt because he feels wwx chooses anyone else over his family, which is to say him
And he probably can't understand because their positions are so different. The (future) sect leader and the son of a (dead) servant and a rogue cultivator who never felt quite like he belonged 😔
It's so goddamn tragic how much between these two was destroyed simply because they have such a different status in society and could never quite understand each other's perspective
And again, wwx just takes it 💔
Until, that is, lwj's honour gets besmirched
Don't fight in front of Shijie 🥺
Jiang Cheng's every action screams that he still loves his brother and that amidst all that pain for his lost family, is also deep betrayal and grieve for the brother he thought he could always count on 🥺💔
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Can we appreciate for a second how much this shot tells us? From Jiang Cheng's angry desperation, to Wei Wuxian's quite acceptance of his rage (which must be so confusing to Jiang Cheng and probably hurt him even more. Because fighting is always how these two resolved their issues!) to Lan Wangji who is in full on protective mode (which I find more than heartwarming,but still think probably isn't helpful rn)
He ... what?
I still don't quite understand when exactly wwx's lack of golden core shows. Why does he have a nosebleed here?
Wen Ning 😱
I get what he wants to do!
Have we ever seen him this calm and determined before?
Abd they understand 😱😱😱
The look on all of their faces! Shiiiiit
I'm crying again
Oh wangii is crying 🥺
Wen Quing 💔💔💔 I'm crying even harder just looking at her. I've MISSED her 🥺
Lan Zhan your FACE!! 😭
The way he's looking at wwx in his arms, as if he's seeing him fir the first time
And by god, I can only imagine what he must be thinking
He must be reevaluation every single interaction they had since wwx started down the path of demonic cultivation 😭
I'm a bit in awe of Wen Ning here and how much he must have been holding in. That's the steadiest and most confident he's ever been
Oh Jiang cheng 💔
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That looks like a man whose entire world has just been shaken to its core
And Lan Wangji is crying so much 🥺
God I hope he doesn't blame himself even more 🥺
Aaaaaaahhhh, so that is why he wouldn't just carry the sword for appearance sake and why he just had a nosebleed!
Jiang Cheng probably needs about a month to process all that :/
And therapy ...
Aaaaaaahhhh! The boat scene! I've seen gifs! 😍😍😍
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A penny for Lan Wangji's thoughts ...
Oh I'm so so so so glad that Wen Ning gets to say thank you to the man who raised his ... cousin (?) :')
Oh god we get to see!!!!
Oh little a Yuan 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I wonder now, did Lan Qiren know who the child was that his nephew suddenly brought back to cloud recess?
I'm glad that we all learned from this that keeping secrets from the people we love, especially secrets that concern them personally, will eventually come back to bide us in the ass. Than you for delivering that important lesson, wen Ning!
Which reminds me that I hope they eventually tell wwx that they know 😬
I swear to god, one of these days I will melt from the gentleness in lan Wangji's gaze :')
Shit. He had to be awake? 😳
You can pinpoint the moment Lan Wangji's heart breaks for all the suffering wwx endured and how close he came to loosing him even then 🥺
Waking like that in you lovers arms in the middle of a lotus pond - that's the dream *sighs* (minus the passing out bit)
It's weirdly cute that wwx thinks that it's Jiang Cheng's insults that have lwj so upset 😅
I can't
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The moment Yanli's themes started to play and she appeared I started to bawl 😭😭😭
And he's sharing the lotus pods with them ... oh please, lwj, please understand what he's saying. That's his pove language! His sister's food was how he received love and right now he passes it on to you! Please, please understand it! 🥺
Oh lwj, don't 🙈
Awwwwww ....
He's breaking the rules for you!!! Just to make you smile!!! 😭😭
And holy shit look at their expressions 😭
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By now you should know that he's willing to break the rules for you :')
And poor third wheel Wen Ning 😂
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Now there are glittering butterflies???
Do they have some kind of romantic aesthetic bingo going on in this episode???
Oh okay, messenger butterflies
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Please appreciate wwx almost climbing into lan Wangji's lab in excitement :D
Thay scene transition was pretty af!
Hey! Why do they bully wen Ning? 😤
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*shakes wwx by the shoulders* DO YOU GET THAT HE LOVES YOU NOW???
Huh, this episode was a roller coaster. you guys did NOT exaggerate! I loved it to pieces. I'm floored once more by all the actor's performances. Wen Ning revealed a lot about his character, Jiang Cheng broke my heart, Lan Wangji made it melt and Shijie is still able to make me bawl in an instant. But ... I'm not left with a bitter feeling. Sure, jiang Cheng and wei Wuxian havebt reconciled, but the truth is the first step to even have that possibility. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are both healing and whatever happens in the last 4 (4!!!😭) episodes, I'm not dreading it that much right now. I feel like we're climbing upwards :)
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose thank you guys for staying with me for this crazy ride 💙🖤💙
Also one last thing: please don't tell me what happens differently in the novel in any given scene. I am still reading it (about half way through rn) and I'd like to still be surprised by stuff like first kisses and love confessions 💙🖤
I should have put something like this at the end before, but I always forgot. That's on me 😅 so don't feel bad, if you've shared something before :)
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janiedean · 5 years
When one of my favourite fic writers was asked why she doesn’t like brienne’s POV she said that she’s a minor character looking for two major characters whose location we already know, they lack suspense and it’s hard to see why they’re there :( I feel like a lot of people feel this way, but what do you think is the purpose of brienne’s chapters in the grand scheme of things?
well, there’s a lot to unpack here, but:
the fact that brienne is defined minor already says all because no, she’s a pove character. she can be a secondary or not one of the main ones, true enough, but minor character? yeah, nope. she has POVs. minor characters don’t have povs unless you count throwaways with just one, but then again, melisandre has one pov and you’d never say she was a minor character, would you? yeah, exactly;
also, ‘brienne is looking for sansa and we already know who she is’: yeah, except that it’s not about sansa whatsoever, it’s about lady stoneheart and brienne herself and their rship with jaime, which means that if you’re reading brienne’s chapters wanting to find stuff on sansa you’re already approaching it wrong because ofc we know where sansa is, but brienne’s arc in affc is about sansa as much as sansa is a pretext to show you a lot of things that grrm couldn’t do otherwise.
specifically, we have two main things: worldbuilding and brienne’s character development. in order:
now, what’s happened for the first three books? people went to war and it apparently ended (in westeros) with an unlawful massacre. all of our povs until now until davos have been from nobles/economically privileged people who have mostly survived the war. we had some inklings of how it went through a) the riverrun chapters in acok where you learn that edmure had let his people in, b) the cat chapters in general, c) something from davos because he has the not-noble perspective, but did we see how the war actually devastated the entire country? no. what do brienne’s chapters offer? brienne and pod going around one of the most war-torn areas of westeros (near where the red wedding had been) and showing you exactly how much it hurt the real people living it, and sorry but if grrm, a well-known conscience objector during the vietnam war who feels about the consequence of war and pacifism very deeply, has said in an interview that his favorite scene to write in the whole of asoiaf is brienne and maribald talking about how ptsd destroys soldiers’s lives in war and war ruins people, sure as hell I’m going to assume he thinks those povs were important enough to warrant their presence;
also, you get introduced in a very subtle but effective way to a lot of future key players. as in, randyll tarly is currently on the small council or should be soon, but we don’t see him first in a sam chapter, we see him in brienne’s affc chapters where he’s presented as being basically the asshole version of stannis who told her to go back home and find a husband when he technically saved her from the bet in renly’s camp, we find out sandor is alive (!!! THE QUIET ISLE!!!), we find out where the fuck gendry ended up, we find out where the bloody mummers have scattered, we have found out where the brotherhood ended up etc, and oh wait lady stoneheart shows up and scuse me but catelyn was a major character with a shitton of povs and you’re telling me it’s a coincidence she shows up with her purpose and all in the chapters of the female character she shared a bond with, that was sworn to her and who’d have fucking died for her even after cat herself died and it’s a coincidence? like, i know this fandom hates catelyn dead or alive but she’s important, deal with it;
this also means that through brienne’s chapters grrm deals with a lot of his favorite themes to touch in a general setting without going into character-specific things, specifically:a) war, the consequences of war on who fought it, which are all negative and peace being always the best choice over it;b) those same consequences on people who suffered it without fighting (ie: have a bunch of orphans being slaughtered by bandits because their parents died!)c) the fact that the people in power don’t give a single fuck about itd) justice and how it’s dealt (randyll tarly and his exemplary methods /sarcasm)
okay, all good, you say, and then why did brienne have to do it, couldn’t it have been anyone else?
no, it couldn’t have been anyone else, and this is where we touch the other point, as in, brienne’s character development. as in:
now, george is a good writer. he also knows that if you have to set a character up for something at the peak of the series, you have to build it up before (ie: if he knew that theon was gonna save jeyne and jump from that window after regretting he didn’t die with robb, he had to start working on it since his acok chapters which he did, but you couldn’t have told that would be his storyline reading acok, right...?) which means that you need to make sure the reader has a background and knows what the hell is going on with them and why they tick the way they tick. I have previously ranted about how you can guess a lot of things about brienne if you read just acok/asos when I explained why she’s important as a literary character and I refer to that for it, but until you get to asos, since you don’t have her pov, other than ‘she’s not conventionally attractive’, you can only go insofar as:a) at some point she was in love with renly enough she’d die for himb) she’s a very morally sound person who really believes in her knightly oaths to a point that’s maybe unhealthy sometimesc) she’d die for whoever she trustsd) she will change her mind if she misjudged someone but she needs to have proofe) she doesn’t trust people easilyf) she can fight pretty damn well and possibly best than any other man in westerosg) everyone thinks she’s a joke for wanting to be a knighth) she has conflicts about wearing dressesnow, that’s not little. but still, it’s not enough for what I think george has in plans for her. now, rewind a moment, because we need to establish another point, as in...
grrm has made A Damned Point in these books of deconstructing the concept of chivalry/knighthood and pointing out how people who are seen by others as perfect knights/Good People To Boot are actually anything but and people who tried to actually do knightly things aren’t seen as such for hypocrisy or because society sucks or both (jaime and sandor vs gregor vs jaime’s old kingsguard vs the gold cloaks etc) and he’s been pretty damn going at it with a flamethrower. what you know is that at the point in the narrative westeros is at knighthood is a corrupted institution, no one believes in it (or almost), no one fits the definition of what a true knight should be or if they do other people don’t see it, and not counting the above (sandor because he doesn’t see himself as one and he loathes it because the moment gregor got knighted he got his worldview of it tainted forever, jaime because he tried and he wanted to be it and all he got was the kingslayer name) no one in these books is a darned true knight and recognized as such. now, I’ll bring up the goddamned dunk and egg books again because in those books we have a) the actual knightly oath, b) an actual true knight, as in duncan, who is/was recognized as such by the entire damned realm and actually was one. now, the oath is:In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother I charge you to defend the young and innocent. In the name of the Maid I charge you to protect all women....now, I’m gonna drop the question: who, while going around westeros with a *valyrian sword* she doesn’t think she deserves handling and duncan’s actual shield that she takes because there was a similar one in the armory while being on a quest to save a princess:- shows bravery at every other corner (no chance and no choice guys)- dispenses justice as much as she’s allowed to (the bloody mummers and most likely lady stoneheart later) because she kills people who did horrible things- defended the young and innocent (pod and the kids in the inn, again, no chance and no choice)- protected women (she’s out to find sansa and most people in the inn were girls and if you want to rape someone rape me)?answer: brienne of tarth. yes, brienne. no, no other. and no one else could have done that, because, and here we go to the last two points...
we knew what we knew about brienne, but the moment we go into her head we find out exactly all the reasons why she does what she does, we find out what she thinks about her life, jaime, catelyn, pod, the situation she’s in and whatnot, we find out what drives her, we find out why she was going to die with renly, we find out that her core problem (other than hating that people see her as ugly) is that she can’t reconcile being a lady and a knight and she hates disappointing his father and that she’s been subjected to a really damn crappy time in her life on account of her looks, which means that we saw her as a young girl who was about to get herself killed over renly and finally finds a woman who doesn’t laugh at her in cat chapters, we saw her as what jaime sees her as ie someone who gets him/changed his mind about him/a paragon of knightly strength and vows-upholding, but we hadn’t seen her from inside her own head.from where we find out that she’s a human being with very human issues, that she’s actually not a fluke in the sense that yes she’s that good of a person, yes she’s that nice, no she doesn’t care for glory or money or fame beyond ending up in songs where she’s celebrated as beautiful and strong and not called names like in real life, no she doesn’t have some hidden agenda to fuck things up for someone, yes she really believes in knightly vows, yes she really cares for the people she swears herself to that much, yes she suffers over catelyn’s death forreal, yes she really is gone over jaime that much, yes her self-esteem is crap, no she’s not gregor clegane.and she’s also duncan’s direct descendant, even if george isn’t dropping that bomb on her yet. (and her brother’s name is galladon like one of the fairest knights in legends and wait, in arthuriana the perfect knight is galahad of which brienne is a deconstruction in herself.)now, not to presume anything, but if I was writing a series in which I 100% deconstruct knighthood in every possible way - as an institution and as ‘what people thinks a knight has to look like’ - and I was planning to have as a plot twist to have a person who doesn’t look like a proper knight according to the audience and the other characters in the narration actually be officially hailed as The Best Knight In This Entire Fucking Realm I’d probably give them POV chapters instead of having them always be seen by someone else, because you can’t know if that person is deserving of the title until it’s always other people talking about it. the moment you’re in their head you know if they have what it takes for the job or not...
which means that the brienne chapters are there because from the moment she gets them and separates from jaime she starts on a journey which ends with her having to face her worst fears about her own shortcomings and put her in front of enormous moral and ethical choices (ie jaime - the man she loves - or stoneheart as in her former liege lady gone mad, also her mission for sansa vs saving the girls at the inn because if she’s dead she can’t find sansa... but no chance and no choice) which until now have about broken everyone who has faced them (even good people at heart ie jaime and sandor got their lives turned on for the worst when knighthood ideals and vows failed them) and guess what the entire point is that while everyone else couldn’t coherently live up to those ideals and vows, brienne most likely will because she’s exactly everything a true knight TM should be, and the moment she gets over it she’s going to get the results, and since I doubt grrm wanted anyone to say that if she got that he had written an overpowered mary sue who can fight anyone and take the moral high ground without being conflicted most of the time, he’s showing you where she comes from, that she’s hella conflicted and she has a hell of a lot of issues which still don’t stop her from pursuing her dreams.
and sorry but if she’s being written to become that (and the fact that she’s duncan’s direct descendant seals it nvm the knighting in the show which I’m 99% sure is one of the three book canon things they might have done this year because like hell dnd would have cared for knighting her before kingsguarding her, they’d have forgotten it as usual) then she can’t not have povs because then she really would look like your usual mary sue just not standard attractive, but then again you don’t get how much that hurts her or weights on her until you read her chapters. then it hits you in the face. like, reading it really cemented for me that she was top three for me and my favorite female character in existence, if it stuck at asos I don’t know if i’d have gotten it that much.
also, giving a pov to the only goshdarned canonically not attractive woman who stays not attractive with her experiences and background that ever graced mainstream literature has (for me and a lot of others I know) meant that for the first time we saw someone with our darned crappy childhood self-esteem destroying experiences being the protagonist of one storyline and believe me that didn’t hurt either, and most surely grrm also meant her as that specific rep, and that would be enough of a reason if he felt like it, but nvm that.
tldr: the purpose of brienne’s chapters is showing you that war sucks and make you understand that brienne is The Knight That Was Promised and they’re there so when she’s knighted and hailed as the best one since her ancestor and most likely even better than him you don’t go like ‘what the hell where did that come from she has no pov I’ve barely seen her in these books how am I supposed to buy it’, never mind that she’s fundamental to the conclusion of catelyn’s storyline whichever it is, and catelyn’s coincidentally an extremely major character in these series and one grrm also really obviously cares about. and grrm is doing the work now so no one falls off the chair gaping and wondering what the hell was her deal in ADOS. so if anyone thinks the purpose in those chapters is finding sansa they’re imvho very far off the mark. sansa being actually the purpose of the quest happens next book after the stoneheart situation is solved, then we can discuss it. but for now, it’s not what these chapters are about - they’re about brienne and her relationships and her quest and knighthood and the worldbuilding and about how war devastates the places it happens in always, and the fact that people read those chapters and then think ‘yes but what about sansa’ and/or ‘yes but what was the point’ is imvho a self-showing proof that it’s exactly why they need them: because like that, they them and only think about the other main characters or the overachieving plot or immediate gratification when grrm wants the reader to stop and think for five minutes about what he’s telling you and he’s pointing neon lights at brienne like ‘hey SHE is the one you need to keep an eye on because She Is The Quintessential Good Guy’. but the fact that I see people dismissing her chapters as useless and boring on principle because no plot gratification and ‘she’s boring’ about says everything that has to be said imvho, and that was my tea for today, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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