#i posted to the wrong blog T_T
lastoneout · 7 months
New Pinned/Intro Post!
Hi, I'm Loo(or Alex), I'm a disabled queer artist and writer as well as a furry vtuber who streams four days a week on twitch(mostly Minecraft but also Soulsborne games and a variety of other stuff).
You may know me from The Tuna Post, in which several thousand of you came together to "force" me to buy damn near 30 American Dollars worth of imported fancy canned tuna to eat and review live on stream. If you're here for it, said live review can be found on twitch and on my youtube channel. TL;DR: 10/10 would recommend.
I currently can't work, so if you like what I've got going on here and want to help me out, I take donations over on my ko-fi <3 Aside from that, follows on twitch help a lot, even if you never end up watching!
(Also, I sell my twitch emotes as stickers on redbubble!)
I don't have a proper BYF, but as a heads up I'm heavily introverted and have ADHD, and between those and my disabilities eating up my energy I often take a while to respond to messages/tags/reblogs/DMs and sometimes forget entirely. This isn't anything against you, and it's something I'm working on, but just something to keep in mind if you plan on interacting with me a lot.
Do you take commissions?
Not at the moment, but hopefully in the future!
What do you use for art?
Wacom Intuos tablet + Clip Studio Paint on the PC, though these days I mostly use CSP on a Samsung Galaxy Tab s6 since I can use it in bed on my low spoons days.
What do you want to go to school for?
Digital Art and American Sign Language!
You talk about being sick all the time/having health problems, what's wrong with you?
Too many things to list <3 but the most notable ones are chronic migraines, hEDS, and ADHD.
I'm ace, bisexual, bigender, and butch. I'm also polyam but currently in a very happy monogamous relationship and don't have plans to change that. My pronouns are she/they, and while I would prefer to not have people use he/him with me you are highly encouraged to use masculine forms of address(sir, guy, dude, king, man, my guy, grandpa, dad, etc.) whenever appropriate. My assigned sex/gender at birth is none of your business.
Who's Yotsuba?
Yotsuba is an adorable little gremlin and the main character of my favorite manga, Yotsuba &!, and you should go read it right now seriously it's amazing go read it go read it GO READ IT-
What's "ask to tag"?
The tumblr equivalent of "author chose not to use archive warnings", I put it on anything that seems like it could use a trigger warning but where no one has specifically asked me to tag for that trigger yet. Things I currently (try to) tag for: flashing lights/eyestrain, insects, suicide, fatphobia/diet culture/disordered eating, my hero academia, gore/body horror, current events, us politics, politics, covid, cats, and anything nsfw goes under nsft.
I can't promise to be 100% consistent with these tho, between the ADHD and the migraines I am very forgetful, so slip ups are bound to happen.
Loo? Like the bathroom??
LOO is short for LastOneOut, I'm american and forgot people call it that, you can write it as Lou or just call me Alex if it makes you feel better.
LookingForLoo?? Like looking for the bathroom??
On websites where LastOneOut is taken I'm LookingForLoo because I'm literally looking for LOO, LastOneOut. I thought it was clever T_T
I have a nsfw alt @looafterdark (18+ only I swear to god I keep a loaded gun pointed at the follow list) and a writing inspo blog @last-scrapbook. I also once ran a couple of character ask blogs, though I don't plan on starting them up again, and I was the mod behind @pokeprofshowdown.
Who's Eugene/Ophelia/Sasha?
My ocs from an original story I'm working on. I get brainrot and post about them a lot. You are ALWAYS allowed to ask me about them!
What's your fursona/can I make art of you?
I'm a dog, kinda like a papillion but not really, and yes you may. My ref sheet is here.
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Can I repost your funny text posts to twitter/insta/reddit?
Sure, all I ask is that you include the entire post and leave my username visible. You can also tag me if you want, I'm lookingforloo on twitter, insta, and reddit <3
Can I repost your art/writing?
Absolutely not.
Can I plug your art or writing into an AI program?
Absolutely not under any fucking circumstances.
Can I use your art in an amv/fandom board/as a cover for my playlist or fic/ect.?
Depends, DM me first.
Can I write fic/make fanart based on your fics/art/HCs/AUs?
Absolutely <3
Can I write fic/make fanart based on your OCs?
Art yes, fics no.
What's your stance on the discourse?
There is no amount of posting online about contentious topics that could ever match the sheer power of simply going out into your community and finding a project that helps other people that you can dedicate your time and energy to. Also wear a mask, vote(if you can), and listen to marginalized people when they speak about their experiences.
How old are you?
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Heyyyy sorry for this msg... but I was just wondering if you decide not to post a ask... will we ever get to know..?? And if I am just overthinking this (maybe it was wayyyy to clear I was in the wrong) how long might it take for you to post the ask...
I am sorry for being the impatient person I am T_T
The longest it could possibly take for an ask to be posted is around 20 days, since the queue posts 15 times a day and I try not to let it get much over 300 posts
Unfortunately, both because of the extra work it would add and because 99% of the submissions are anon, there's no way for me to let people know their submission has been rejected--but it's for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's because the asker is fully aware of the answer and the post is effectively just a vent. Sometimes it's because it's too sensitive or traumatic subject matter for this blog, and I wouldn't feel right putting it in this venue. Sometimes it's just too dang long and would be unreasonable to put on people's dashes. Sometimes there's no action taken by the asker that can be judged, like "AITA for thinking/feeling x". And that's far from an exhaustive list. Please don't automatically assume you were the bad guy!
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koskela-knights · 4 months
Night Springs DLC ramblings
Spoilers under the cut. And since this is a Koskela/Huotari main blog, my focus will be mainly related to these boys in relation to the DLC content.
Alright, my friends already confirmed it and I just watched all NS DLC chapters on YouTube becos I didn't wanna miss out lol, but yeah there's just no mention or appearances from the Koskelas and who was I to think they'd touch upon the Huotaris if even Ilmari is already forgotten and left out in most media surrounding AW2 😔
But yanno, it just irks me how erased the Koskelas seem to be.
Like yes, Night Springs gives us a look into alternate realities/universes/versions and you're telling me we only looked into worlds where the Koskelas (and in extension the Huotaris) just never existed. At all????
So in this post I'll look at what I've seen and how I might've made the boys a bit more relevant/have them make a lil cameo.
Rose's Chapter
In Rose's chapter, Scratch is wearing a biker jacket but it lacks the Kalevala Knights text on the back so I guess the KK didn't exist here..
I love that Rose wasn't interested in Scratch's biker look or the werewolf thing at all lmao. She's more vanilla than I thought xD
Funny how they went with the 'they're twin brothers' but now it's for Scratch and Alan lol. Even the twin thing the Koskelas had going for them, now attributed to other characters instead.
There was also someone at the Diner in a biker jacket. But again, a different design.
How I'd add them back in:
The Koskelas could've been NPCs at the Diner at the beginning. Or the ones out on the street, just outside the Diner
The NPC in the biker jacket could've worn a Kalevala jacket
Additionally, I think it would've been fun to see the Valhalla residents as NPCs at the Diner.
If we had more named characters as NPCs, I think this chapter could've felt even more personal. Now I felt a bit of a disconnection/detachment from Rose vs the other characters outside of Scratch. Like, yes this was sort of her fanfic/dream world but wouldn't it feel more effective/real if the people cheering her on were like the Anderson brothers, the Valhalla residents. The people you've already met in the main game that had somewhat of a personality? Becos now you might as well have used the shadow people characters at the Diner.
Tim's Chapter
In Tim's chapter we don't see anything either. Don't get me wrong, I liked his chapter too. It was wild and I'm glad to see Door play a bigger role here. The comic section was well done, rly liked its aesthetics and I liked how they tried to mix up the game as a medium. I think this chapter didn't irk me as much, given the context of it.
How I'd add them back in:
There's a Seine poster in the Oceanview Hotel and the tiniest bit they could've done is add Ilmari Huotari again in the credits. you wouldn't even have to put his face on the poster T_T
Jesse's Chapter
My biggest hopes were for Jesse's chapter. It has literally Coffee World as its setting. But again... Literally nothing, no mention in text or as a 3D character.
@zephyrone01 pointed out to me that despite all the other changes, Coffee World remains mainly the same. Even the attractions still have the same names. BUT! The Huotari Well no longer exists as an attraction. There's a well. But well, it's just that lmao.
So what's the point of CW even existing here other than being a little call-back/connection to the main game's universe? Coffee World was clearly a project of the Koskelas but they're nowhere to be seen or mentioned. Instead, we have a vague, faceless shady government (perhaps the Board?) wanting to take over through coffee indoctrination.
Of all the DLC chapters, it would make the most sense to have the Koskelas be present or at least acknowledged/mentioned in Jesse's chapter. And like... if they couldn't get Peter back to voice/mocap them, it could've been a note, or they could've used a distorted voice to highlight how they got corrupted by the coffee or something. But instead, it's Tim who gets suddenly corrupted by the coffee? Was it mainly to tie Jesse's chapter into Tim's? Also, it seems Tim's animations when he tries to convince Jesse to drink the coffee, seem to be copy-pasted from Ilmo's Deer Fest animation that is bugged and not easily triggered at all in the vanilla game/average run 😭 Tim never has been that vivid or animated in the base game, but you know who was? Ilmo Koskela.
The 'Cult' stashes & the math puzzles no longer make narratively sense other than being mechanics/little obstacles to be solved. Again, Ilmo was the 'mastermind' behind those math puzzles and the stashes were there for Cult members. What purpose do they serve now other than functioning as conveniently placed ammo stock for the player?
I feel Jesse's chapter had some potential and maybe even 'easy' ways to keep the Koskelas related to, yanno their amusement park.
So how I'd add them back in and make this chapter feel more connected to the other universes and the main game:
The Koskelas could've been the ones to get corrupted first and through them, others would easily follow
As @zephyrone01 and @copiasmicalso discussed with me, it would've been more logical to meet a corrupted Ilmo instead of Tim. It was he and Jaakko who marketed that coffee brand and Coffee World to begin with. Why not tie them into this chapter?
The Koskelas could've done that orientation video as pawns of the shady government. Maybe even in a similar vein to the Book Review ad with a clearly influenced/partially corrupted Ilmo.
There could've been some kind of connection to Jesse looking for Dylan and Ilmo looking to bring Jaakko back or looking for his brother or something. It would given us more narrative parallels! A sibling looking for their other half that got corrupted/influenced by a shady government
Make a different amusement park (one tied to the fishery or lumber industry but I suppose that would've taken much more time to make ofc)
The utter lack of the Koskelas makes me revise/question what their purpose in the main game was for then? Were they really that insignificant and immemorable to serve no extra mention in the other universes to the point CW is seemingly owned by a government and the Huotari's also have no historical purpose or importance anymore.
Like, their Cult of the Tree killings are what led Saga to investigate BF & Watery in the first place.
I'd dare to argue that the erasure of the Koskela brothers' existence in the Jesse chapter made the stakes feel lower and possible connections and parallels to the main game less powerful and interesting than they could've been. Plus it would've make more sense to still have Coffee World exist at all becos imo without Koskelas, there would Not have been a Coffee World to begin with.
In general
I like the DLCs for what they are and that they tried to do things differently or highly different from the main game. Alternate realities/universes always give us the opportunity to go off the main path and come up with different interesting stories and theories.
I do think that using generic NPCs most of the time also made the stories blander than they could've been.
The way the Koskelas' existence was all ripped away and sorta re-assigned to other characters
the twin brother thing now being Alan & Scratch
We never got the Actual Bikers get an animation on/with their bikes, but Scratch now gets one 😔
the Kalevala Knights' existence erased too
Tim in Jesse's DLC having the same animations as Deer Fest Ilmo
Coffee World literally not being their thing anymore but somehow still existing (rly why would the shady government even make a Coffee-themed amusement park)
Saddened and equally not surprised that the Koskelas (and Huotari's) are just erased from the narrative in the DLC. Like their characters aren't even an afterthought anymore or relevant enough. All these wild different universes and they're part of exactly zero somehow.
The CW thing somehow remains unaltered for a few parts but taking the Koskelas' og involvement in that park into account, it makes no real sense to the state it is in, in the DLC.
I think their erasure (and the non-usage of other more known characters from the main game) made some parts feel less vivid/real.
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highladyluck · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 8 Post-blog:
So I did not liveblog this episode since I had friends over to do a watch party, but here's everything I remembered that I wanted to talk about!
As far as I can tell, the two Seanchan sul'dam that got collared are not going to be found with the collar on them. (Not sure if Renna is dead or if Egwene chose to uncollar her, but either way she's not chained up in a basement with the collar on waiting to be discovered by her peers.) I was thinking at first that this had major implications for the rest of the Seanchan storyline. But really, it only has implications for Suroth, since in the books Suroth (and Alwhin, who is already her Voice in the show) sit on the information until Egeanin discovers it separately. Egeanin can still be the first Seanchan to know and do anything about it. I do think this lack of a dangling thread, Suroth's ship being blown up, and the way it's hard to get actors to come back seasons later make it more likely we've seen the last of Suroth. I would be happy to eat my words, though! Also, Egwene, Nyneave, and Elayne all know you can collar a sul'dam, and possibly Mat, Rand, and Perrin will soon as well if anyone remembers to communicate this information, so any one of them could spill the beans.
Major props to whoever hypothesized that Uno would be a Hero of the Horn; not sure if he's implied to be Gaidal Cain or not (possibly not? there was a blink-and-I-missed it moment of PDA between Birgitte and somebody but I am not sure if it was Uno or not).
I did not anticipate Mat making an ashandarai out of household objects and the dagger and I am EXTREMELY PROUD of him. Also proud of him for escaping traps! My boy is really coming into his own! I also really appreciate the classic blunder of doing the same thing to Mat again but worse- the Dark does not understand that my boy thrives when you do that. He solves his problems by escalating them in intensity or magnitude. You can only put him in a room with drugs once, if you put him in a room with drugs again he will use them in an unconventional manner to escape and also destroy his enemies.
Also props to whoever guessed that the Horn would trigger memories for Mat- I'm intrigued by where they are going with this. I hope it's not precluding the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, but given all the hanging foreshadowing, the makeshift ashandarai, and Lanfear yeeting Moiraine out of the waygate doorway, I don't really think they'd cut the Eelfinn. It's the Aelfinn that seem slightly less like a sure thing, and I'm going to be a little on edge until Mat gets the DotNM prophecy somehow. I don't think they'd cut the problematic fave; it's a juicy part, idk what Mat would even do if he weren't babysitting the Seanchan in the later plot, and they've been doing great with the 'you're wrong but I see where you're coming from' characters. But they've either cut or significantly changed the Moiraine/Thom relationship in the show, and the two relationships are kind of linked in my head for thematic reasons. I'm probably overthinking it though.
Dain looked like a boy band member who fell off the stage and got trampled in the mosh pit.
Loved that Egwene got to face off against Ishamael! Loved Egwene all the time forever actually. I was also entertained that Egwene had like one semester of Magic College and used it to school the Seanchan on linking mechanics. She's right that the sul'dam don't know how to link properly and are weak little babies when it comes to channeling, and she should say it.
Nyneave and Elayne were great, as usual- very impressed with Elayne, who is finally living all her Battle Queen fantasies and is being very brave about how much they suck, actually. Nyneave is in for some self-loathing next season though, I'm afraid. I love that Rand and Elayne still get to have a meet-cute when she's treating his wounds. :P
I was very happy for Tumblr User Moghedien that we got to see Forsaken Moghedien. She's offputting and very gay, just like I imagined!
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A/N - Okay so I got an incredibly nice ask, requesting a Part 2 of The Best and the Brightest. The asker was so sweet and lovely and they made my day when I first received it
So, like normal, I wrote a Part 2 and created a draft. But instead of hitting the “save draft” button, I hit “post.” I hadn’t finished editing, so in a panic, I deleted it, and now we’re here with a continuation snippet and no request to respond to T_T
Anyways, thank you anon so much for the request, and I hope you like this next part
Part 1
The Best and the Brightest, Part 2
“Hey there beautiful.”
The villain pushed their sunglasses up to the top of their head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
The hero stood before them, in matching sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Their self-satisfied smirk made the villain want to hit them.
“Great locale you’ve chosen,” they said, settling into the beach chair beside the villain. “Though it seems my invite got lost in the mail.”
“How did you find me?”
“I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy. You cover your tracks like a master, babe.” The hero pushed up their sunglasses and grinned. “It was fun though. Tracking a genius supervillain all the way to their tropical island hideout? I felt like James Bond.”
“It’s not – you know what, forget it.”
The fact that, last time, the hero had managed to sneak into their lair completely undetected made it painfully clear that the villain was spread too thin. So here they were, sitting amongst palm trees and white sand beaches with a fruity drink in their hand. It was supposed to be relaxing.
The villain most certainly did not feel relaxed.
“So what should we do first?” the hero said, pulling out a brochure. “The hot yoga sounds fun.” They waggled their brows at the villain. “Emphasis on hot.”
The villain couldn’t believe this was their life. “How did you even get in here? This is a ‘villains only’ resort.”
The hero squinted. “That’s a thing?”
“Yes that’s a thing. You’re a professional in this business, how did you not know?”
“How would that even work? Do you have, like, a villain ID card or something? Do you need to commit a certain number of verified crimes to get it?”
The villain checked their watch, hoping they radiated disinterest. “If that were the case, you’d get one. I’m honestly starting to lose count of the kidnappings.”
“Not kidnappings, darling. Arrests. There’s a world of difference.”
“So come on, quit stalling. What do you want to do?” The hero sat up like an excited puppy. “We could go to the tiki bar and get plastered.”
“I have yet to actually agree to go out with you.”
“Alright. Then agree.”
The villain sat for a moment, taken aback. The hero’s grin widened. It really was as charismatic as the fan blogs liked to say.
The villain didn’t buy it. “Why are you pretending you like me? Is it some strategy your bosses told you to try?”
The hero rested their head on their palm. “Quite the opposite. My superiors don’t even know I’m here.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I still have instructions to bring you in. But if they knew you were all the way out here, they would’ve sent a whole team to come secure you, rather than just little ol’ me.”
The villain blinked. “Then why?”
“Because I want to hang out with you, dummy. Before we have to get back to business.”
The villain regarded them. “So after the date is over, you’re going to try to capture me?”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then I suppose we’d have to do the business part now.” Their expression sobered, a touch. “That would be a shame, though. I really did want to spend time with you.”
The villain looked them up and down, and then sighed.
“I was planning to go back to my hotel room to see if I can splice poison ivy DNA into some leeches. You can come, if you want.”
The hero raised a brow. “That’s the kind of stuff you do on vacation?”
“Yep.” The villain rose. “Take it or leave it. Because I’m going.”
Without hesitation, the hero followed.
As they walked, the villain checked their watch again. T-minus two hours and forty-two minutes until launch time.
It had, in multiple ways, not been a relaxing vacation at all.
They glanced to the hero, who was smiling at them. They smiled back.
How hard could it be to hold their attention, for just a little while?
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fantimati · 4 months
Bedtime story live blog but like all in one post lol
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So like a domain maybe? At least i think time dosent pass in them?
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straight up do not belive you but ok
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:/ upset it's dialouge options and we get to choose whther they feel betrayed or not. Hoyo please stick to them being their own charcater i beg of you.
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This whole sequence kind of reminds me of the interview in from the first time we meet him. I have to talk about that one day since depending on how you answer he goes "You and your sibling are the same/ diffrent" which. hmmm
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HELLO?!?! Makes his situationship with the abyss sibling worse T_T
ok him leaveing so quickly after caribert makes sense now
New fear: rhine being a giant crystal when we meet her.
WAIT RHINE DID ACTUALY REACH GOLD (like alchemy gold becoming transendent. The end all be all according to kehmia's order for alchemy.)
... did dain not sleep at all? He sounds tired
implanting memories into others.. that's weird. Haven't we heard something like that before?
It's nice travler has a lot of faith in dain but also dain seems a bit off? THe way he's speaking is diffrent? idk how to explain it other than like a bit confused and tired
ok yeah there is deffinatly something wrong with him.
I wonder when Dain found the temple of revelations ( is that the name) ? Like the obvious answer is before we foind the feild tiller but it seems this area is part of the chasam civilization? the only problem is that it's not upsidedown ig. But in that interlude dain says that was the first time he's seen it.
Oh and this place has the same flowers an enkonomiya i think. Oh and the hooded stautes are the same as well as the candles.
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dain is lying i can feel it.
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Atossa this is emberrassing.
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"Farewell atossa
i apologize
for making you know me
still i dont wish
you to forget me"
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Not even the guy who died for the loom of fate knows what it's for. ok
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i'm going to start killing
wait i completly forgot about paimon. where did she go??? They were both asleep buy only the travler was in clothar's consioucness
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ohhh i'm going to start kiling
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FInal thoughts: God fucking damn it
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janiedean · 3 months
What do you think of the theory that GRRM is going to announce WoW at WorldCon, because of all of those mysterious yet cheeky 'Words of Wisdom' posts in his not-a-blog?
sorry for the lateness anon!
anyway I went to check on his blog which I hadn't in a while but like I'm at the zen place where I'm okay with him publishing whenever he decides it's time so I'm not like obsessively checking and like... idk if I'm missing posts but I only saw one which I guess is mysterious but tbf could also be boomer shitposting, but most important I scrolled down to the mad max post and
Ah, well.   That’s a problem for George Miller and his team.   I have my own issues back home in Westeros and Essos.   Worldbuilding can be a bitch.
tbf this to me reads like he's still working on stuff and like he's saying he's not done yet
also like... from one person who has been in a writing slouch for way longer than I'd have liked for reasons that are most likely not his but can relate: he's gonna announce it when he has it without dropping hints or fanfare but he's sure that he has it imvho, at the point where you missed the deadline for that long you're probably feeling guilty enough abt it that you just want to wrangle the thing into shape and have it out without hinting stuff so that's my vho but hey if I'm wrong I'll just be glad tbf pls give me that damned book george i want my spoils T_T
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i-like-omori · 1 year
fml i keep posting the wrong shit to the wrong blog T_T
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proship-april · 6 months
sorry if this comes across as rude, i promise i'm trying to ask this as nicely as possible, but do you know anyone who hosts a proship week rather then a month? i really want to do proship april but i just can handle writing or drawing that much art and or fics T_T
if you don't know anyone, would you be will to throw the idea out there for a proship week and see how it's received? i don't expect you to host it, i imagine hosting proship april is already stressful, but maybe if the idea thrown around for a bit someone else will step up and host one?
sorry again if this comes off as rude! i promise that i'm not trying to dismiss proship april or anything i just can't participate and wish there was a easier proship community even that had less prompts to write/draw!
Hello, anon! Don't worry, your question didn't come across as rude at all — I understand how stressful and time-consuming a month-long event can be.
First, you are absolutely not obligated to do every day! If all you have the energy/time for is a week, you can pick seven prompts and make your own week! The calendar we've posted is not the end-all-be-all.
If you want something a little more fun, this blog has the option of generating a bingo card from the prompts. (There is even an SFW version!) You don't have to fill those out, either — just get bingo.
Prompt events are supposed to be fun, not homework. Engage with the event however you like! There is no wrong way to have fun with fiction.
However, if, in the future, someone wants to host just a week, I think that would also be lovely.
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I'm responding to your tag on this post in a separate post because I'm not one to rain on other people's parades and I don't want to ruin your friend's fun but eh.... mine is not a blog on which to find love for Halbrand as Sauron...
Of course I love Sauron fans! And I love seeing people getting into the character, but Amazon have defanged him. They've skipped over one of his greatest long-cons and betrayals in the form of not going over his loooong time working with the Elves of Eregion in order to try bring them under his sway. They've completely removed the set up for one of the greatest tragedies of the Second Age. They've ripped out the heart of that whole story in place of some weird romance thing? (which, even if it is a ploy to corrupt Galadriel it's on such a small scale comepared to what Second Age Sauron should be plotting as to be laughable).
Basically, as much am I'm very much team "hehehehehe mwahahahahahah! Yes! Now you see the wonders of the Dark Lord! Please join me in weeping when Barad-dur falls in The Return of the King" (don't judge me T_T) and want everyone to know what a great and fun a character he is.... I'm probably not going to be much fun for anyone who likes Halbrand flavoured Sauron specifically. Everyone is welcome here! But eh... don't anyone expect me to refrain from talking about how much this show has missed much of the point of these characters' stories and what makes them great.
However, I agree whole-heartedly with the sentiment that we should all go live in Mordor and love Sauron, for his is The Best.
So yeah... please don't anyone take this to mean that they are not welcome to interact with this blog if they like the show and it's version of Sauron, just know that I deeply hate it and will gladly say many many negative things about it.
But also know that you are particularly welcome if you saw the show, thought that Sauron guy might be interesting and now want to know about him in canon because in that case, call me a Ring of Power because I will more than happily bind you to the Dark Lord's allegiance!
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shine-n-bright · 1 year
What's this? An Intro Post?
You can call me shine (she/they) and welcome to my blog :D
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My current intrests/fandoms:
OMORI (what I post)
My own ocs
Team Fortress 2
Demon Slayer
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Art tag: #shine's art
Reblogs: #shine's reblog
Textposts: #shine's shenanigans
Ask tag: #shine's answers
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A List of my lovely lovely mutuals <3
@lilacthebooklover @charismabee @n3hmof1sh
@sandycavev <3
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Most of my posts are reblogs and occasional art
I don't really know how to properly interact with people so apologies if I ever say or do something you'd find weird, I'm trying my best
I'm a minor so please don't be nasty :(
Feel free to send any asks (I'm dying for interaction) and I'll try my best to answer them
I'm still pretty new to tumblr so please be patient with me^^
I'll probably update this from time to time, Hope you'll enjoy my stupid little blog^^
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gunsli-01 · 1 year
the app keeps crashing while im tryin to send you a thoughtful heartfelt Message in support T_T well i just wanted to apologize on behalf of mu fans for being unhinged and that i really really appreciate your milgram posts even if people dont "get" them. im trying very hard not to go on a "kids in fandom these days" rant FJDIJDOEKDOEJDJ hope u have an ok day!
Pffft, I hope it's not just kids. I can accept I rub people the wrong way regardless of age and can ramble about personal, unrelated things in my posts that some may not like. I'm just glad some folks do like them. Plus, I could have responded in a more controlled and mature fashion.
I've just been having a rough go about it all around for a bit. It sucks that this happened again to the sideblog now. It's just a waiting game until staff fixes it and says it was a glitch despite it very much seeming as if someone just reported the whole blog as spam. I'm just happy I got the Mikoto post out before it happened and that people do enjoy any of my posts and the one fanfic that's up. I'm gonna try not to dwell on things and do better, I guess.
Really reflect and realize that just because I'm going through something that seems unfair doesn't mean others should. Thanks for the message. I really appreciate it! I'm gonna try to make the rest of my day as ok as I can and not dwell on it. Oh, I also finished calligula effect overdose and started two! So, I got stuff to hold me over until I Love You releases~
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wndaswife · 2 years
uuurrrggg this is so frustrating my last fic not even being labeled and still having as much interaction as if it was T_T like am i doing something wrong with this blog idk what to do
i feel like this blog has been at a plateau for literally the last month whyyyyyy is it like this,, thought it was just labels but that fic wasn't even labelled and idk....... it's no different than if it was
makes me feel upset :< but i will post everything i promised for this week , after that im not sure
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mirandashadowborn · 1 year
I keep posting the wrong stuff to the wrong blog perhaps I am getting too old to internet T_T
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I posted 241 times in 2022
(this shit is so long bc it kept my long ass writings so im putting it under a keep reading mark 😭)
That's 241 more posts than 2021!
233 posts created (97%)
8 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 241 of my posts in 2022
#lookism x reader - 105 posts
#requests - 92 posts
#answers - 53 posts
#viral hit x reader - 48 posts
#how to fight x reader - 47 posts
#james lee x reader - 30 posts
#james lee - 30 posts
#dg lookism - 29 posts
#love letter - 28 posts
#juntae anon - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#help. im sorry if it sounds like i was insulting u thru goo's thoughts im sure ur wonderful and amazing but goo's just a bitch so.. 😭😭😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
reader giving small pecks on the boys lips until he asks for a real kiss <3!!!! they practically beg and pout about it 🤣 thanks bye bye (headcanons,reactions etc)
giving 'em pecks until they ask for a kiss
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: thank u for the request ^_^ ! (this was written assuming reader's trying to play a trick on their lover; im not 100% sure thats what the request is asking 😭)
> he always appreciates a little sweetness from you :]
> would not catch on to what you're doing
> well. maybe if you drag it out for long enough, but mostly he's just like, "my partner isn't doing this on purpose, right...?"
> he'd try his best to not ask for an actual kiss to avoid sounding "greedy" but he'd give in eventually and quietly ask for one <3
> gets very pouty and embarrassed when he finds out you were trying to get him to ask for a kiss 💔
> "you're a bully... T_T"
> expresses his love physically so he appreciates when you give that kind of love back in the form of pecks!
> may or may not pick up on your trick. if he does, he likes playing along 💖
> actually he will straight up turn the tables on you LOL you're trying to embarrass him by making him beg for a kiss? no problem, he'll beg, but he'll be super dramatic and cringey about it so good luck if you both happen to be in public ★
> sometimes he'll be normal though <3 like trapping you into a hug and just going, "c'mon, just one proper kiss on the lips, please~?" and as soon as he gets what he wants, you're free to go ^_^
> returns the favor but does this trick during his own time as well <3
> if he somehow never picks up on your trick, then he will genuinely pout and ask you to give him a real kiss
> for an (unintentionally) showy man, he actually enjoys the little things in life and prefers pecks over kisses!
> still, if you make it look like you're going in for a kiss, only to give him a peck, he'll just go "??? weren't you going to kiss me? :D"
> if that doesn't make you want to kiss him already because he's so darn cute and you instead continue to deny it, then he will get pouty later <3
> may get unironically dramatic if you push the joke for long enough; think of him kneeling while holding your hand with both of his and going, "my dear, why do you refuse to kiss me...? have i done something wrong...?!"
> overall he doesn't really make a big deal out of it though because it never even crosses his mind that you would play a trick like that, or that a trick like that even exists lol
> even if he does find out, he just laughs it off because he knows it's just teasing~
> he's highkey touch starved so he welcomes your pecks with Very open arms
> only notices something is off if you're usually not that physically affectionate
See the full post
166 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Some headcanons with reader admiring the boys abs and muscles and teasing them about it Jake Samuel Vasco Danny Eli sorry if i passed the limit or smth you can take vasco out if you want :))))
You can write about their reactions too
admiring their muscles
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: thanks for the request~ 💕 + u can check my request rules if ur worried about the limit but ur fine T_T !
> he'll notice the second you start admiring his figure and tease you before you can even start your own teasing of him (even if you do, he's not that affected by your words)
> this man will literally put on a show for you
> mainly in the form of flexing and getting reeeeaal close to you. you're already staring, why don't you get a closer look~?
> it depends on the mood but his flirtiness either comes off as cringey or him trying to rile you up lol
> honestly, he loves whenever you admire him. it's good for his ego and gives him an excuse to tease you (not that he needs one 💖)
> sometimes he even strategically places himself in a place where he knows you'd be able to stare just so he can tease you ^_^
> this guy wears comically tight shirts nearly 24/7. you can ogle at him whenever you want
> samuel's a hit or miss when it comes to him teasing you back, but he definitely notices every time you stare
> sometimes he'll stare back! sometimes he'll ask in a rather sultry voice, "do you need something?" sometimes he'll just ignore you <3
> when he feels like entertaining you, he'll often reflect your teases with arrogant things like, "oh, you don't say?" otherwise he's not really affected lol
> acts like he doesn't care whenever you give him this kind of lighthearted attention but he does care. a little bit. only because it's you <3
> if you want a blushy samuel--you have a better chance achieving that by showing him genuine kindness/trust instead of teasing him about how hot his muscles are!
> think about the most dense object in the world. now multiply that by two and you have vasco's amount of denseness
> you really do have to be straightforward with your teasing or else vasco is going to misinterpret you for friendliness (as in, no romantic intentions, even though you two are dating) or possibly even making fun of him ("are you... downplaying the effort i put into my muscles? :(")
> once he does realize, he'll get a little embarrassed but prideful because his loving partner is complimenting him <3 he appreciates the fact that you're admiring his muscles either way !!
> 100% compliments you back but in his own... unique, charming way, you know?
> "would you like to touch my muscles? since you are such a big fan of them ^_^" <- might sound flirty but you know he means it in the most innocent way
> finds your teasing/admiration cute :]
> will always get flustered when you tease him, but the intenseness of said feeling decreases the more he gets used to dating you~
> mostly just a stammering mess
See the full post
189 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
thoughts on taehun and hickeys. not even in a sexual way, like affectionately. i think he’d be into it!
taehun seong and hickeys
details: gender neutral reader, general canon au, you and taehun have been dating for a while already
a/n: thank u for the request, anon~ and yes u are absolutely right >:]
> you just had to know what you were walking into the second you agreed to dating taehun
> like. he's not called a "nutjob" for nothing lol
> he doesn't mess with you all the time, of course, but when he's in the mood to, it's... really something.
> one of the things he does to mess with you is definitely giving you hickeys. i'd imagine bite marks aren't too behind 😭
> it's a "surprise attack" kind of thing <3
> he always does it when he manages to get your guard down, too 😔 ex: cuddling together and suddenly he's giving you a neck kiss aw how cute--nevermind, the bastard's intending to leave a mark 💢
> once you start noticing his patterns, he's definitely going to try to find different ways to catch you offguard lol
> but seriously if he knows the hickeys could get you in actual trouble (like, if you have overly protective parents or something), he'll tone down a bit. would still try leaving hickeys in places that wouldn't be seen easily tho
> otherwise he's happy to show you off and the hickeys. 100% also does this to make hobin and co uncomfortable because it's funny to him
> "yeah, you see that hickey there? we were getting at it last night. bet you losers wish you were getting some action, too" [in reality, you two had spent the night watching a movie and taehun "attacked" you out of boredom]
> btw good luck trying to get back at the guy because 1. chances are you're probably shorter than him and 2. he almost always has his guard up as a general thing
> if you do manage to give him a hickey back, though... he'll just reciprocate with twice the enthusiasm <3
> also, if you're lucky, taehun will take psychic damage if you give him a hickey he can't cover up for whatever reason and his dad manages to see it (hansu is one of the few people who can easily embarrass him ^_^)
> he might leave you alone for a little bit after that. might. but again, he will bite back twice as hard <3
197 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
bastard (taehun seong x reader)
details: fluffy drabble, gender neutral reader but written 2nd pov, general canon world au, you and taehun have been dating for a good while already
summary: taehun is a shameless pervert
a/n: inspired by this post !
particularly this part LOL
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When you noticed your boyfriend's pretty face a little bruised, you asked him about it. He shrugged and said he got in a "little fight" at the arcade. That made you sigh and drag him by his collar to sit down on a couch.
"I'm fine," he insisted with a grumble, but you ignored him and went off to find a first aid kit. When you came back, he continued to grumble as you unpacked the kit and took out an ointment for bruises. You gave him a light lecture even though you knew he wasn't going to be listening. Maybe one day he would.
Eventually you moved upwards on his face and had difficulty applying the medicine on to the side of his forehead due to his height. It made you complain, "Ugh, will you just lean downwards so I can reach that spot there?"
Taehun looked you straight in the eyes as he straightened up even more. In retaliation, you huffed and straightened up as well. Now standing on your knees, you put an arm around his nape and jerked him downwards, catching him by surprise.
"The hell...?"
You lowered him with you as you properly sat back down. You didn't even care about how his back might be hurting from leaning down so much because of how bratty he was acting.
"Don't move," you warned, before putting a bit of the ointment on your finger. You then brushed away some of his bangs and began to apply the medicine.
"Hmph." A pause. And then as if said with a smirk, "Well, actually, I guess this ain't too bad."
Uh oh. You did not like that tone one bit.
You finished up applying the medicine before glancing downwards and realizing you had unintentionally brought his face close to your chest. Your face began to warm up.
"Taehun, you perv--!" You didn't get a chance to finish before he practically tackled you down on the couch, not even sparing a second to lay the side of his face on your chest. His arms also quickly locked around your torso, preventing you from escaping.
"Hey, you did it first," he smugly stated, adjusting his head's position to presumably lay more comfortably, but it honestly just felt like he was taking the chance to rub his face against your chest.
"I didn't mean to!" you protested, feeling beyond embarrassed. You were struggling to escape from underneath him.
You groaned at his sarcasm and then squirmed a bit more before giving up. Laying still, you simply said, "Ah, fuck it. I'm trapped."
Taehun chuckled. "You finally accepted your fate."
"Yes." You semi-lightly whacked his head.
"Good. It was fun when you were wriggling around though."
Your face heat up again and you blurted, "I can't believe I agreed to date you."
"And I am beyond grateful you did," he replied as condescendingly as possible.
You let out a deep sigh.
264 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
make some headcanons with the boys leaning down to give their fem s/o a kiss on the cheek <3 and she holds his face and gives him a big smooch on the lips lmao thought it was cute.
Danny,Eli,Zack,Jake and Vasco pls you can take zack out if is too much. Thx!
lookism boys leaning down to give reader a kiss
details: fluffy headcanons, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: sure, anon!! its a very cute scenario <3 and i only write for genderneutral, please check request rules T_T
the headcanons kind of came out as mini scenarios themselves;; hope that still works for you !
> ever since you two started your date, he's been wanting to lean down and kiss your cheek as a dating milestone for him but his nervousness kept stopping him
> believe me, he's attempted like 5 times but whenever you turned his way he'd straighten back up and exclaim something like, "n-nice weather out today, huh?"
> eventually he gets the courage to towards the end of the date out of a last minute pressure
> it's a quick, shy peck and he backs away pretty fast. his initial reaction is to scream internally and then feel proud of himself before immediately apologizing to you if the kiss was bad
> you just smile and cup his cheeks, gently leading him back down to give him a loving kiss on the lips as reassurance <3 he melts into the kiss and becomes like a lovesick puppy!
> when you two part and he heads home, he's rolling around in his blanket thinking about how much he likes you and how he can't believe you like him, too <3
> being one of the few (the only? lmao) men with actual romantic experience, kisses come much more naturally and casually to him
> simple kisses are an easy way for him to be physically affectionate, alongside holding your hand
> so, it's not uncommon for him to greet you with a kiss! especially if you two have been apart for a while. he'll stroll over to you and lean down to kiss your cheek.
> "i missed you."
> of course, you missed him, too, but today the feeling was just stronger than usual. before he straightens back up, you hold his face in place before giving him a smooch on the lips <3
> he's pleasantly surprised, but kisses you back, smiling into the kiss. when he pulls away, he cups your face back and adds an extra kiss on your forehead while chuckling~
> the kiss came as a surprise to both of you honestly
> at a carnival date, you end up scoring a high score with one of the games and he leans down to smooch your cheek before pulling away to exclaim in joy
> it's only after his adrenaline sizzles away does he realize what he did. he tries to play it cool though, like it was totally planned
> it's easy for you see through the act though and you decide to grab a hold of his face and kiss him on the lips in a sort of teasing way <3
> despite his shock, he doesn't waste a second before kissing you right back. when you pull away, he's grinning like a lovesick fool
> "if i win you a prize at a different game, will you kiss me again?"
> he's very playful so he's almost always leaning down, pretending he's about to do something important when all he does is give your cheek a quick kiss (and occasionally he runs off after lol)
See the full post
675 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
In reply to the person who sent me an ask with a link to other blogger's post:
I don't really post link to other people's blogs and even if I read the asks, and check out what they're talking about, I "ignore" them in the sense that I just don't post them but this time I'm way too shocked to not say something.
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No, seriously what.is.wrong.with.them. What is wrong with the poster and the ones who believe that T_T but especially with the poster. I have no sympathy for liars of any kind.
It's giving 13 year old me dreaming up ways of randomly meeting Daniel Radcliffe and getting invited to the Harry Potter set and Emma Watson becoming my best friend, but if I'd written all that on the internet like it had actually happened.
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It's giving jay the taekooker who says she has "friends who work with BTS", that her father's friend was BTS bodyguard. Those taekookers who said Taehyung had talked about "his boyfriend" to people at the Celine party.
It's giving larries back in the day when they promised people they knew someone who knew someone who was at the right place at the right time and had confirmation that Harry and Louis were dating. All lies, obviously.
How is this jikooker any different?
It's hilarious but it's also worrisome... like, the ass kissing and people thinking it's real. Or I hope they're just playing along and know it's all made up and probably part of some fanfiction they got going on because.. wow.
I literally can't shake off of this state of bewilderment and just... WHY?
Oh my god.
It's a textbook case of "I believe everything this person is saying because it is exactly what I wanted to hear."
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