#i personally reckon
yszarin · 28 days
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mekanikaltrifle · 8 months
'Vamily Spotlight': WoD Brand Team is Taking Art Without Permission
Recently, I was informed by a friend that some work of mine had shown up in the World of Darkness’ official ‘Vamily Spotlight’ section of their latest video. In this they talk about the gameplay reveal of Bloodlines 2 and generally drum up hype for it, which is largely what you expect from company channels when they’ve a new product out. 
There’s a problem with this: I was never informed, or asked. No consent was given to use that work, or any others.
Through some excellent efforts by friends I also found that my work was in two other videos, with the earliest being well over a year ago-- totalling three, and they were up on both Twitch and YouTube.
Now, you’ll note that I’m a professional artist with two separate art degrees and well over a decade and a half of training. I’ve also a basic understanding of copyright and fair use. 
The Vamily Spotlights are little to do with the review and news section of the video and therefore do not really have bearing on the main point of the video. To this end, I’d assume they’re there as a draw to viewers, maybe to see if their or their friends’ work has turned up in these official videos. And nominally that’s a valid tactic for engagement, if you have permission to use these pieces of work.
They do not however have permission, and certainly not from me. 
As of writing, (5th of February 2024) I’ve issued a DMCA request for all three of the videos my work shows up in on both Twitch and YouTube, and takedowns are pending but I would urge people in the WoD tag here on Tumblr to check the available videos for themselves, if they are as concerned as I am. The screenshots of art in the videos they use to spotlight seem to come from Tumblr, as well as whole TikTok videos and other social media posts. If this makes the rounds elsewhere, do check your stuff wherever you are, WoD fans. 
As the videos are also present on the Twitch VOD platform, this means they are actively charging money using our work without permission. I am unsure if their YouTube channel is monetised.
If they use your work for their spotlights, they are making advertisements and revenue off of your work without any reimbursement or prior consent. 
I don’t know if other artists were asked, but I definitely wasn’t, and by now we all know the issues with ‘exposure’ and how that does not keep artists fed or housed. 
And Paradox Interactive, having artists, they should know that you do not take for free from any of us-- at any level of influence or professionalism. The WoD community is not a free for all for companies to pick and choose free art to use like a bowl of cute little multicoloured sweets, it’s a bunch of creative, inspired and crafty people who come together across any edition of the many worlds in the setting to create as is our fair right to do so. Without being taken for granted, and without being cynically harvested for ‘content’. How vampiric. 
Additionally I would like to note that all of my World of Darkness fanworks are based on legacy books; Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition, Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition and Hunter: the Reckoning First Edition most often, though there are appearances from others. You’ll note that not one of these books is the territory of Paradox Interactive or their World of Darkness brand management team-- looks to me like they’ve simply trawled the tag without reading what they’re looking at, which means they certainly didn’t take the time to ask permission to use these works. Not only were these actions tantamount to theft, it was also not even their fanart to begin with. And once again, they’d have known this had they contacted me at all, which they did not. It’s a failure on their part on several levels and not only do I want the videos taken down, I think the community is sorely owed an apology for this frivolous theft of art under the banner of ‘community content’. I didn’t opt in to having my work taken, and it should not have been assumed that it was okay to take my work just because it’s using a tag they also use!
I want everyone to know I have had zero benefit from their use of my work-- no money, no notes and no dialogue. This does not help artists. This does not help the community.
I’m willing to talk about this should anyone want to ask, but this is a gross abuse of artists and creatives’ rights for the sole purpose of gain by the World of Darkness brand team, and I expected better. I know I personally deserve an apology for this at the very least, as well as the WoD team to commit to actually contacting artists and sourcing permission in future-- and to set up an opt-in or out system for whether people want to be featured. I know I don’t, and I never asked to be. My work’s lovely, and they’re right to have said so. But it’s not for Paradox, and it’s not for Outstar or any of the other Brand team.  
It’s for me, and people here on Tumblr who like it. 
I’m disappointed, in PDX and in the WoD Brand team, because they should know far better than this. 
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travelling-hydaelyn · 4 months
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Lahabrea possessed Thancred before this questline even started which means these are back to back Laha interactions. Here is how he greets the WoL in the Waking Sands immediately after his Disney villain introduction.
Meanwhile in Minfilia's solar:
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presumably he took a brief break from running Alphinaud's errands to go dramatically laugh at the WoL
#enjoying all this with Pandaemonium context#there is a lot to unpack here#OK LETS GO PANEL 1#based on the follow up he's really just testing out the person who killed ifrit - not too different from elidibus' test later.#he comes across as goofy but i gotta ask if he taunted panda critters the same way before experiments#moreever hydaelyn is busy going “Eeeeeevvvilllll!!!” in your ear while laha chatters#I assumed this was direct line to the WoL consciousness the first time#but based on 5.2 she might just be bullhorning to anyone with ancient powers which means lahabrea is listening to her shout “eeeevviilllll”#hilarious I hope that is what was happening#PANEL 2#not shown is laha opening with “oh hi <player name>”#like he sounds more like panda laha here than almost anywhere else nearly#in which of these two panels is he acting more I ask???#I'm thinking its an even split per emet-selchs reckoning of his lost personality#if he could hold out as long as he does hanging out there in the Waking Sands hall then#it becomes very easy to see emet-selch felt like he was getting enough sanity out of him at the time. hes surprisingly functional#in spite of that intro#PANEL 3#we were SO ROBBED to miss alphinaud investigating ascians with lahabrea. so robbed#alphinaud is still unsocialized at this point so extra annoying to laha for sure#thinking about how lahabrea acted around themis in the far past fills in a few blanks. can draw a couple of parallels perhaps#rotating that thought#ffxiv#ffxiv spoilers#Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn#lahabrea#alphinaud#minfilia#ffxivedit#gamingedit
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tanjir0se · 7 days
Every time I think Sasuke’s clear and obvious homosexual obsession with Naruto might be maybe a little one sided, Naruto will do something absolutely insane like walk into his childhood room after two years, grab his dusty picture of Sasuke, gently brush it off, fingers lingering for a moment over Sasuke’s face, and lovingly whisper “Sasuke…I’m home…”
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incisorconfiture · 11 days
laios and kabru being very explicit narrative and character foils of each other means you're primed to expect some extent of honesty and candor from laios at every turn throughout, even if it's to negative effect, while your impression of kabru means you expect his every action and word to bely ulterior motive or manipulation, even if it's out of good intentions. and how thoroughly this is subverted in the end, when kabru is forced by pressure and circumstance into painfully, awkwardly honest confession and conduct, forced to stand back and spectate instead of trying to pull strings and control. and laios rises up out of nowhere with an underhanded scheme so shocking and thorough it tricks everyone, and suspends them into inaction and speechless disbelief, clearing his path to the throne. i just think it's neat how they're foils and opposites until they embody each other's core traits at some of their most pivotal developmental moments
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rooolt · 6 months
my thing with normals epilogue is that I think it comes from normal and sparrows like fundamental misunderstanding of each other. Like I think normal is unable to see sparrow as a full person past his parenting decisions, but I also think that sparrow doesn’t really understand the full extent of the effect his words had on normal and what it would’ve taken to rectify that. Like they’re both so caught up within themselves to fully understand the other and that’s so real and true to me.
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People findinging out that antisemitism does, in fact, victimize people
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magistralucis · 6 months
pronouncing the necron 'sz': personal rating list*
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broke: /s/ only ('seras')
woke: /z/ only ('zeras')
provoke: /s/ and /z/ pronounced separately ('s-ze-ras')
bespoke: /ʂ/ or /ʃ/ ('scheras')
invoke: tensed fricative /s͈/ ('sseras')
misspoke: /s/ but evil ('ßeras')
(* Further notes in tags.)
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number5theboy · 1 year
i'll immediately say that i am a fan of Diego's mustache, 10/10 dad mustache, big fan, adds to him immensely, especially when he is hugging the piñata in the video
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intheconfessiondial · 5 months
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Pony stuff because who's gonna stop me?
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ninthprime · 6 months
shout out to keith this season for deciding that despite not having characters who were close to gur sevraq before that eclectic should get involved, and now within two missions eclectic has had a traumatic gur related experience and is obsessively watching gur sevraq tapes and having psychic visions inside them. as a gur fan i feel so represented. thank you keith
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canisalbus · 9 months
I was just thinking about the Dog Bois dancing!!! I figured Machete would be a little awkward and embarrassed, but Vasco would be a patient and enthusiastic teacher
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aq2003 · 23 days
like i'm trying to find the words to explain why i found don juan in soho to be so profound and interesting but all i'm coming up with is "they stabbed dj in the dick and when he comes back up to do the curtain call you can see the blood on his pants 10/10 attention to detail and commitment to the bit"
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torchstelechos · 23 days
I would love for the party to see Mal, I think it would be fascinating to have them see Siffrin's saddness in full bloom. The voice mimicry, the almost perfect copy, the horrid things spilling from its mouth... I think it would be interesting <3
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heavensbent · 7 months
I personally am not super surprised Vox and Val aren't like. Officially dating, as that just wasn't how their relationship read to me. Vox seemed like Valentino's minder, with Velvette explicitly calling him up to manage Val's moods and Val even seeming to expect that treatment, as when Vox showed up he 1. expected it and 2. didn't get annoyed at Vox making an immediate effort to talk him down from whatever. (Vox also seemed to resent that roll, but that's a separate post lol)
the fact that they're sexually/perhaps quasi-romantically involved on top of that seems pretty normal. these dudes are like. Visibly on-page (onscreen I guess no pun intended) not good at managing relationships and keeping any amount of boundaries. of course they'd also fuck. of course. who cares if it definitely 100 percent makes things more complicated and worse? not them!
I am totally interested in seeing how that relationship develops though! will it get more explicitly romantic? will it fall apart? will the status quo just continue? we'll see!
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404-mind-not-found · 5 months
My interpretation of William Afton's origin of villainy is that he never grew up with much control over his life. I imagine he was an only child, and that his parents were the sort to spoil him but do nothing else that was memorable, so he never had anyone for emotional support or to hang out with. He probably was liked at school due to his intelligence and natural way of speaking, but never gained any close connections.
Maybe when he thought something good was about to come for him, something big happened, like a big move. Maybe he gets a girlfriend near the end of highschool, finally, but never feels that closeness he expected, compared to how everybody else described their love life. Then they have a kid unexpectedly, get married, though it was way more impulsive than anything. This was worse than he thought. Now this wife and their little boy Michael was controlling his every waking moment, just as he finally gained the powers of adulthood, too. She was considering having another kid, meanwhile William was considering running away. Everything was out of control.
But then, he finally sees his way out. By coincidence, he meets a man, Henry, who he saw flickers of himself inside. He was lost, desperate for connection in such a crazy world, with a lack of affinity for other people. This was his chance, and he wasn't letting that go. Sure, he did push a few people out of the picture, out of Henry's life, but it was necessary. He started a business with him, watched as this man created life from nothing all day long, and then he would go home to his family at the end of each day. He liked the idea of robots. You could make them do anything you wanted and they wouldn't even bat an eye. He wished everybody worked like robots.
Their friendship turned sour, at one point. First, he was envying him, then it became an obsession, and Henry never noticed a thing. He thought he was winning the game, but William knew who was playing it. It felt powerful to be able to be on the other end for once, to be in control of somebody else's actions, so he took every little opportunity he could to do so. It seeped into his other relationships, which were definitely already affected by this but it became much more noticeable starting then. His wife, whose love for him was dimming, and his three children, too, Michael, Michael's brother, and Elizabeth. He just never knew how good it felt until now.
His pent up anger boiled over when he felt he was losing that control once again. Maybe the two men have some sort of disagreement, or maybe he's spending too much time with his own family, something like that. Their business was booming in popularity, why was he backing down now? He couldn't handle this properly, since he never learnt how to express his feelings with others, so it came out explosively in a burst of colour and fading light.
After being out all one night, he sped his way back to the restaurant. He didn't know what was going to happen when he got there, but he was shaking with anger and needed an outlet. When he arrived, he slammed the door behind him to see... Charlotte? Like, Henry's daughter Charlotte? The hell was going on!? He was confused, but still very very angry, so he threw her aside and went to open the door. But she tugged on his arm, wanting to come in with him. He didn't know what came over him at that moment. First they were out of sight, then he was trying to get her to stop crying, then breathing, and then he was staring down at her on the ground. He fled, knowing he had killed her, but he didn't seem to care at that moment. It felt freeing. Not only was Charlotte now gone, meaning that's one less person Henry was with, but it also meant the latter would come running back to him. The world was in his hands.
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