#i performed emergency surgery on her and now i need to figure out what im going to make her backpack straps out of
luciferten · 9 months
Got a stuffed animal backpack (:D) for Christmas and not even an hour of her being in my care and I broke her (D:)
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moonjxsung · 5 months
hai hai! (anticipated srry for the yapping)
how are you?
(btw pls lmk about that person bc if they come back i rlly don’t want to interact)
sorry about the fire vjj jumpscare😂😂
kitties can rip their toe beans and i am so traumatized by it. thankfully it really wasn’t too bad like he never acts like it’s hurting him. i literally let him out of his travel bag and bro just immediately jumped like an hour after surgery. but we’re keeping him confined until further notice and trying to figure out what happened bc we searched everywhere and no blood or anything. but he’s doing alright & they take out his stitches in two weeks, my angel baby☹️☹️☹️.
i’m sorry to hear about your kitty’s itching! cats do become sensible to environmental changes so it may be that. one of the strays we feed gets runny nose/eyes when there’s a lot of pollen. i heard that giving them bee pollen helps with their environmental allergies. but i haven’t really tried it. maybe something with her food? my senior dog (who passed about two years ago) became allergic to chicken, turkey, and like a million other things) at like 10yrs old. so if it persists that could maybe be a cause? idk but i hope she feels better soon, i hate seeing sick kitties :((
to end the cat discourse, your neighbor!! im so frustrated when people let cats just roam free in environments where they shouldn’t. i’m not really in favor of outdoor/indoor or just outdoor kitties (aside from stray babies ofc, i wish i could take them all💔). my experience with cats outdoors (like not mine but the strays i’ve seen) is always sooooo negative that i just wouldn’t do it, even if where i lived was more appropriate. i had a neighbor (i never interacted with her) who literally abandoned her male intact cat and he just went around getting everyone pregnant and crying at her house. i haven’t seen him for a while bc he wasn’t really a regular (if he was i would’ve found a way to neuter him at least) but that’s so freaking sad, man. i really can’t with people who leave their pets to fend for themselves. so yeah your neighbor really sucks, and the kitty fights with your baby? whaaat? that’s crazy.
and i still can’t get over ateez!!! my bf and i live together so we’re literally always together (that’s why i annoyingly mention him all the time, im sorry, i got anxious attachment 😂). and i was rewatching the coachella performance bc im crazy and he sat down with me (and eventually fell asleep) but not before saying “my bias isn’t mingi anymore, san is just the man here” and i was like ok but mood. i love san so much and yk one of my bias line criteria is ✨cats✨ so san is not only cat emoji but also has a cat ✅✅ i love them, i need to go see them at least once in my life too. they’re just so talented, im so proud of them for coming so far! 😭
and pls send all the pics ever if you do go to txt, i’ll live vicariously through you.
anddd i was lurking through your other asks and i feel you so badly about retinol & sunscreen. i literally have some expression lines and am dying to get rid of them. but im struggling with retinol bc it makes me break out.
(and also, ur response to the anon talking about her y/n moment was too sweet. i feel like kpop can set such high beauty standards that you have to constantly ground yourself bc these people live and breath visuals and voice/dance lessons. i struggle a lot with body image issues being a US midsize and having pcos -and i literally got an emergency ovary removal, not so fun fact! it was terrible and it really fucked up my weight gain/loss- but yeah, your message made me feel better about everything too.)
ily ily bb! we’re currently on a date at a café, drinking iced coffee with our ateez pcs! 😘😘😘
I still can’t believe cats can rip their toe beans 😭😭 it makes so much sense but I just hadn’t considered it and now I’m watching Momo like a HAWK over here I feel like that would so happen to her 😭😭 her itching seems a little better today but seems like it comes and goes ! One of my other cats at my parents’ house struggles from feline eczema or something similar and she has to get steroid injections to tame the flare ups so im hoping it’s not that ☹️ but good to know that bee pollen helps, ill definitely look into that!! Thank you bby 🫶👼
UGH I KNOWWWW her cat disappears for weeks at a time too and I’m like how!!! Are you not worried about where he is!!!!!!! One time he came back with a collar I’m assuming somebody got for him and since then they’ve taken it off so it seems like they’re pretty set on just making him appear stray and I don’t understand the reasoning behind it. All their other pets (they have like 2 dogs I think) are strictly indoors so idk why poor kitty has to be abandoned like that ☹️ I always bring him water and food in the summer because they don’t even leave him with food but I’m just so annoyed they don’t do it themselves ughhh. Also I have a neighbor who did the same thing as yours by abandoning their cat and it went around and got pregnant like 4 times since then ! She passed at a pretty young age probably due to the shortened life span and it was just so heartbreaking. At LEAST get your cat spayed and neutered ffs 🤕
YOUR BF IS SOOOO REAL FOR THAT LMAOOOO 😭 Ateez are crazy talented in person!!! They’re coming back to my city in the summer so I need to start saving and I’m lowkey panicking bc I really want to see itzy, Ateez, txt and NCT Dream but I’m gonna have to sacrifice some shows because money 😀 I might scrap Dream only bc I’m not 100% if Renjun will still be there (my pookie💔) but I cannotttt decide if I want to go to the other shows. If I find txt tickets at a decent price I will 10000% keep you updated how it goes!!!! I also need to see Itzy so bad ugh Ryujin my wife💔
I’m so glad we’re all panicking about expression lines collectively LMAO I just bought this Korean sunscreen that claims to prevent them so we’ll see but the lingering fear of aging is always present 😭 soooo agreed about the body image thing!! Kpop made me hate my body like ten times more then I already did but I have to remind myself these people HAVE to look good for a living like if they had my regular ass job they would not look like that 😭 I just value confidence the most even on days I hate myself!! I’m so sorry to hear about your emergency ovary removal ahhh that must’ve been so scary but I’m so grateful you’re okay and healthy now! Looks mean nothing if you’re not healthy guys take care of yourselves and love the body you have 🥹🫶💞💝💘💕💖
I LOVE YOU BBYYYYY we’re virtually eating cheese danishes together bc I caved and got one (it’s so good if you’re wondering) 💞🫶
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Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
"Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car rental insurance necessary?
I don't own a car (so I don't have my own car insurance). I am going to a small town in Upstate New York for a couple of days. Do I need to buy the car rental insurance? It is obscenely expensive (usually close to the price of the car itself).
2006 Dodge Charger R/T insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and I am very interested into buying a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. 5.7L V8. I'm a responsible driver with a flawless driving history and have taken (and passed) a driver's education course. The thing I'm concerned about though is the insurance for the vehicle. What makes a car (in itself) have high insurance? Is it based on the performance and power alone, or do other factors come into play such as the size and number of doors? Would a V8 Charger in particular have ridiculously high insurance compared to a more sporty car such as a V8 Mustang of the same year? Well, you probably understand what I'm trying to ask. Someone please enlighten me, thanks. I appreciate it =)""
""Where do i go if I'm pregnant with no insurance in Houston, Tx?""
i am pregnant for the first time, i do not have any insurance and i don't even know where to go get my check up, and what do I need to be checked on so that my pregnancy will be ok.""
Tips for cheaper car insurance?
I'm 19 next month and just passed my test in October and now also got a pass plus certificate but insurance is still sky high like 4000 a year Just for a 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi.
How do I find the best car insurance rates?
How do I find the best car insurance rates?
Is insurance required in north carolina?
if one had a car registered in georgia, he decided to pass through NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance expired, he gets pulled over. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?""
""Not at fault in car accident, but insurance says I am?""
I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was going straight past an intersection and another truck going the opposite direction turned at the intersection, striking me. He admitted he did not see me and was clearly at fault. I filled out the police report and it states, by both parties, that he was at fault. A year later I bought a new car. I tried to get insurance. Everywhere I go my quotes are sky high, like almost $200 a month. I asked them why so much, and they advised I was listed at fault in the accident. I called the DMV, the insurance adjuster, and the police, and they all say I am not at fault. Well, the DMV says they see an accident but it does not show who was at fault. The insurance companies keep saying they are getting this info from the DMV but thats not possible. I was told by one small insurance company that this is a tactic used by companies. They see me as not at fault but try to manipulate me to get more money. What do I do to clear my name? I have the official police report, as well as all my medical bills from the accident. Again, the DMV cannot see any at fault, therefore cannot do or change anything.""
How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?
I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?""
""How do you get health insurance ONLY for kids, not adding on to parent's plan?""
I don't qualify for CHIP. My work insurance is great for singles, ok for married couples, terrible for families. We had insurance with Texas Children's Hospital for our kids and it was fantastic. Great coverage for low rates. So of course they are stopping offering the plan. I keep going to rate quote sites, but they demand I be on the plan. Can't you just insure your kids?""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
im 16 years old and i wanna get a 1965 mustang and im wondering how much insurance would cost even if under my parent's plan
Insurance and juniors lisence?
My son just got his Jr's license will my insurance go up? Or does he need a Senior license for that
The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?
The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Hi I've been looking in a few insurance sites for the best possible quote for my self, Are there any insurances company's that you would recommend based on cheapest quotes ? Thanks P.s I'm 19""
Will My Parents Insurance go up?
I'm a g1 driver, got pulled over for speeding, got slapped with a few other tickets, was wondering will my parents insurance go up
Young Drivers Car Insurance?
My son is 17 in January and already owns a car, im looking for car insurance for him as a learner then obviously as a passed driver. Most comparisson sites wont search as he is not 17 at the moment. He insists that he does not want one with a box fitted to the car. Any ideas of companies that will give a reasonable quote would be appreciated.""
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
Average cost in nj for 17 year old girl for car insurance?
If I have a suspended license but someone else drives my car how can I get the insurance back on my car?
I just found out my license is suspended, so I can not drive. I have a friend that drives my car and takes me to my kids appointments, but now I have no insurance due to suspended license. I am working with attorney to get a temp license, but not sure how to get the insurance back on my car. I am single mother who needs to have the insurance on my car.""
Commercial Vehicle Insurance in the UK?
A business starts a delivery service and employs several drivers. Now each driver has their own personal insurance policy, but this will not cover them for business purposes. What would be the options for the business owner? Would the business buy a policy to cover the employees and their individual vehicles? or would they have to buy a vehicle solely for business purposes for the drivers to use? In addition, what companies are there that offer such commercial vehicle insurance for delivering purposes and what would be a ballpark figure for such a policy? extra credit for in depth answers. Thank you!!""
On average how much does home insurance cost?
Or if you could help me out further, how much would home insurance normally run on a $200,000 house?""
A question about car insurance?
I am 18 and i just got my G.E.D. and I'm looking for a job. I do not have a drivers license so i was wondering how much will it cost me for car insurance per month when i get it.
What auto insurance covers for pizza delivery?
i just got a pizza delivery job, but my insurance won't cover it, and she said that most if not all auto insurances do not cover it.... obviously people deliver pizza, what company covers pizza delivery?""
In Michigan do you need to keep full coverage on your motorcycle even if it is in storage when you have loan?
You get your full coverage on the motorcycle when you purchase it but winter comes and you have the insurance company reduce it to storage insurance. Can you do that and if you can is the insurance company required to let the title holder know of the insurance coverage change?
Teenage Car insurance Impossible?
For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
Where can I get insurance for an older car?
I have a 1969 VW Beetle and need cheapish insurance. Very few insurers will cover a car that old unless it is a classic , but as this means it can only really be driven to shows and whatnot, it won't work for me. This is my daily driver. Thanks in advance.""
What is the best car insurance company? out there?
I'm with all state but is there any insurance company better than all state?
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
My Allstate insurance agent wants me to change from Allstate to Allstate Fire and Casualty. Should I? ?
I would be saving money, but I am wondering if there is a catch to this. Anyone else do this? It is my auto insurance, and I'd save money to switch (about $500 every six months. He tells us rates are lower because my credit is good. True?""
Whats your average price car insurance group 12 and Road Tax?
im planning on getting a car lexus is200 in a few months time and wanted to know how much you guys/girls pay monthly or yearly only on insurance group 12 and on road tax. Im 19, passed a month ago. planning on putting the car in my dads name and me as the driver. Dads a good driver had no past accidents (not sure if you need to know that). Thnxs""
Can I take out a life insurance policy on someone else?
My sister and I would like to take out some sort of life insurance for my mom since my mom does not have any savings/401k nor does she have any life insurance. We just want to be prepared for when she dies so that there won't be such a financial burden on the family. So, can we take out a life insurance policy on her? And do we have to have her consent to get her covered because she is very resistant to talking about dying and such?""
I need full coverage for car insurance?
i need full coverage to get my new car if i go to my insurance tommorow and put full coverage on my car will i be able to pick up the car the same day? ps i live in massachusetts sooo people from there will help to
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
Why are some people's health insurance rates going up?
I've heard a lot of stories about people's insurance rates doubling or tripling. My wife's insurance just went up. What's going on? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/
Insurance Quotes????? Please HELP???
Can someone Please explain to me........... What is an Insurance Quote?? How does it work? Why is it important? Why do we need it? I want a good health and car Insurance and so i dont know about the quote stuff so Please help me to understand. Thank u all so very much.
How/where can I get affordable braces?
Hey Yahoo Answers, I have been wanting to get braces for the past 5 years (since 2007). My main obstacle is affording them. They're heinously expensive. Also, the idea of ...show more""
How do companies determine car insurance fees?
im trying to build a database insurance system for cars only and i wanna know how to calculate different types of insurance fees for this category and if there are certain terms and policies i should consider
What is the best cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
need cheap good car insurance
Including Teen on Auto Insurance?
Is it okay for a parent to get it insured under their name, and not include the child's name so the cost is lower?""
""Can I add my wife's car to my insurance, rather then renew her own policy?""
My wife and I recently married, and it's time for her to renew her insurance. Her driving record isn't great, so her rates have been quite high. Being that we're married, can I just add her vehicle to my own policy to save money, or will she need to have the insurance in her own name??""
""You must have car insurance, question about that?""
Here in Utah, it is law that you must have car insurance. I'm wondering though, what if I borrow my father's car, and it is insured, but I am not an insured driver, how does this work? Is it fine as long as the car is insured? I might not be an insured driver but does that still fulfill the law? If not, why do people borrow cars all the time?""
Why did Democrats call their health insurance scheme the Affordable Care Act?
When in reality its making it more expensive for the middle class?
""Turning 17 in a few years time - group 20 car insurance, how much would that cost??""
as above, please answer, i know im being a tad bit ambitious lol (1995 aston martin db7 fh 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP!""
How much would a private insurance agent make in Connecticut?
As in selling every company's insurance and working from home.
Confused.com removed cheapest quote?
The other day I tried to get car insurance quote online using confused.com. The cheapest quotes were from admiral, elephant, and bell, the cheapest being around 2000 (i'm 17). However I realised afterwards, that there were some minor details in the quote that needed changing. So I changed them and now, none of these insurers show up in the results, even if I go back to the original quote settings. The cheapest quote is now like 5000. Why is this?""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
How much would i have to pay extra on my car insurance if i added my 18 year old son?
he jus got his license a few days ago?
My insurance quotes make no sense...?
I've been checking out some insurance quotes, I did a few thru progressive and got some weird results. First time, on a 2002 BMW M3 I got quoted $140/mo for full coverage (I'm 18, completely clean record), went back through to see if I could get the same result: got $199/mo, same information and everything. Why the change? And THEN (this is where it gets weird...) I checked my 97 Corolla (my DD/beater) and I did only that car on the quote, they wanted $240/mo. I'm really confused right now. Any advice?""
How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies?
How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
Car insurance for diabetics?
So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?""
""A good car for 2000, Cheap to run but not bad looking.?""
Right as the title suggests. I am looking for a new car which is a cheap insurance group (7 max) and a cheap tax band. theyre would be leeway on the right car. Now it has to be good looking i am a 23 year old bloke and don't want to be driving anything boy racerish equally anything which is quite old looking! If anyone can help, many thanks :)""
Who offers affordable home owners insurance in south florida?
trying to buy a house in south florida and I need a good and affordable company for my home owners ins.
Should insurance cover repair cost?
My cars engine is having a problem. It takes like two tries to start it up and it's a new car. So will my insurance cover the cost of repairing the car?
High School Sport Insurance?
If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?
Do most parents pay for their children's car insurance?
Ok, don't rant at me, I'm asking this question innocently. Basically, I want to know if it's common for parents to pay for their children's car insurance (I'm thinking of those 17, 18, 19, etc. who just passed their test and haven't moved out), or if the child is usually made to pay it themselves? I don't know if part time jobs will cover the cost or what (especially as I imagine they will usually pay for their own petrol), but 3000 a year does seem quite a bit for a teenager to be able to afford. And seems like more and more youngsters are getting cars... I don't think I would expect my parents to pay for mine when I pass my test, but then again I don't know how I'd be able to afford it myself either... So I'm looking for some insight on the topic.""
""How much does fire insurance cost, building damage insurance cost, more on details?
1.) Fire Insurance 2.) Building Damage Insurance 3.) Property Damage Insurance 4.) Any other insurances out there? Please name some for me. The building is 1000 sq. feet with only one floor. How much would insurance cost? HOW MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks so much!
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
""50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.""
""How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?""
Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!""
Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage?
My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?""
Camaro Vs. Mustang which is cheaper?
Camaro vs. Mustang which is affortable? Would a 2012 Camaro Coupe more affortable than a Mustang 2012 Mustang. By affortable i mean like insurances/ gas/ and all that other stuffs. Which one is cheaper in total to own? TY
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
How much will it cost me for insurance and plates etc..?
im buying a 94 supra twin turbo for $18,500. im getting a loan from the bank for the car but what else do i need after i buy it? how much do i need? should $600 be enough for all that stuff?""
How much will insurance cost?
I'm a 18 year old got g2 and about to buy a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon Living in Toronto About to be a college student The car is a Automatic, Kilometers 196000, Coupe (2 door), Front-wheel drive, no mods on the car and it is red. How much will the insurance cost thank and if you can tell me the best insurance company thanks Can you tell me by monthly thanks""
Are there any insurance companies that will cover pregnancy in texas?
I am 7w4d pregnant and without health insurance. I have been getting check-ups at a local clinic but I really need to find a doctor. I have not found an insurance policy that will cover maternity costs though. I've heard Medicaid has strict eligibility and is almost impossible to get if the dad is present in the baby's life,which in my situation he will be. Does anyone know of ANY insurance policies that will cover pregnancy?""
Liability Car Insurance?
What exactly is it? And can anybody drive my car with it? Like, if I had my name on the insurance, can my younger sister drive it still and she'll be okay as long as she doesnt get into an accident?""
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
Car insurance fraud am i paying too much ?
we got a new car out of the dealer and as u know it requires u to get full coverage.we went to are present insurance witch i had my 3000gt i asked if i could add the new car the guy who got us the insurance,he told us we needed to pay down payment again witch is weird when i wanted to add my 3000gt to my dads insurance they did not charge the down payment.but we also dont have licence and shes 23 and i am 25""
Car insurance for the young?
any body know where to find cheap car insurance for my son aged 17 tried the usual site ie compare and money market.com just got him a 1999 1,2 corsa i have ten years ncb on my own car the wife has been on my policy for 7 years with no claims the corsa is going to be registred in my wife name thanks very much""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?
Purchasing car insurance?
I want to find an online quote to see how much I may be paying for future auto insurance. But some sites ask for vehicle information. I haven't bought the car yet. But don't you need proof of insurance in order to purchase a car? I'm confused. How do I go about this?
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
What happens to my insurance costs when I go from provisional to full licence?
I am currently learning to drive on a provisional licence and insurance in my own car. I have paid a premium for the provisional, but shouldn't need it for much more than 3 months hopefully. So what happens when I pass my test? Will this insurance be upgraded to full insurance and will there be any extra cost? Admiral if that helps. Thanks in advance""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
Pagani Zonda - how much to insure?
My hubby and I were watching Top Gear the other night and James May was testing the Pagani Zonda. Does anyone know, out of interest (or to be honest to settle an argument!) roughly how much the insurance premium would be on this type of car? Thanks!""
How much average does a family of four pay annually or monthly for health insurance?
I'm currently in the military and plan on getting out in 3yrs. I have an EF but people in the service forget about health insurance (because its free now). I want to set my family up. Just wondering what would I be looking at paying when I separate for a family of four so I can start saving
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
I am learning how to drive, and am looking at what cars would best suit me in terms of cheapness and how cheap to insure. I have looked at a few online quotes for a few cars being, 2001 peugeot 206 1.1, ford fiesta 1.2 1997, cheapest was 4 grand from post office. I know i haven't pasted my test yet, but i want to have a rough idea how much it will cost me. These quotes are madness i cannot afford that, i will be paying for this car myself and insurance myself, i work part time and will have to save. Is there any special classes i can take that would lower my insurance? I have heard of special night classes or something along those lines. What cars would be best for me looking at? Also are older cars or cars with higher mileage cheaper to insure? Many thanks :)""
How can i Switch to another health insurance?
my son has keystone mercy for his health insurance but i totally forgot that the hospital he was born in doesn't accept that insurance they accept americhoice and i want to switch but im worried because i don't if americhoce would pay the bills from when he was born!!!! help!!
I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper?
I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper?
How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
I have progressive and how much do you think the insurance would cost to get my son a 2013 Camaro v6?
He has no tickets and has As and Bs in college. Its a boy.
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
Car accident with no insurance?
I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.""
Do you need insurance for a day when you buy a car?
I m planing to buy a car and i want to know if i need insurance just to bring the car home, a one day insurance or something like that??""
Appeals for insurance company?
i was wondering on average how long does it take for a car insurance company to process appeals if someone knows it would be greatly appreciated
Whats the best way to check multiple car insurance quotes at once?
last time i got car insurance, i went to a broker type place, there, the guy used a website to find me the cheapest car insurance, do any of you know which website this is?""
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
A GOOD first car that is great for insurance?
i need a car that will b a good first car for a 16 year old male. it has to be reliable, safe, low cost, and has to have low insurance. any suggestions?""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much""
What is the best kind of life insurance?
should one buy to take care of their final expenses . What is term life ins? I am in my 60's and don;t want to burden my children to have to pay for my funeral someday.
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What kind of insurance to get?
I come from a low income family and my health insurance is called Healthy Families. Its really basic and only covers check ups, physicals, and other things in community health clinics. I have several moles I that I would like to get checked out at a dermatologist and some help with my acne as well but I hear that dermatologist visits can get expensive. What kind of insurance can I get that won't break the bank?""
Cheaper car insurance?
I'm was just checking the insurance (third party only) for a Renault Clio 1.2L, 54 reg and the prices were like 3500-4500!!! That's more expensive than the car itself. I thought that for a relatively small car the insurance wouldn't have been that expensive. Bearing in mind that I've just passed my practical I still think these prices are ridiculous! Is there any way I can make the insurance cheaper? Thank you!""
How much will my liberty insurance go up?
i'm 17, have had my ma junior operators license for 10 months. i was driving home, when in a thickly settled area i saw a motorcycle getting ready to pull off the sidewalk, i was keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasnt going to pull out into my lane, when i looked up and saw that the car in front of me had come to a dead stop, at a greenlight, bc a pedestrian had taken a step into the crosswalk. my vehicle hit the one in front of me, which pushed into the one in front of him. Pretty bad damage, speed was around 25-30mph. Right now i'm listed as an occasional operator on my dad's insurance (clean record). Its liberty mutual, just curious how much itll increase per year since im young. i wasn't cited, no injuries.""
What type of insurance i need for a driving test does it have to be a full coverage?
do i need to bring a vehicle with full coverage insurance or could my car that only has a cheap insurance plan work for the DMV's driving test
Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!?
im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure...
I need help with Car Insurance... Please!?
I am a 17 year old male in the UK and have just passed my test on september 2012. I cannot get insured anywhere because they are all charging me at least 500 pound a month to be insured on my mams car (Corsa SXI 2002), i cannot afford this... obviously. I have tried almost every car insurance site and i cannot seem to find any cheaper than 500 pound a month! It is very frustrating because i am a very sensible driver. I need some help!!! Is there any cheap cars that i can buy that will make the insurance cheaper? Can you recommend any cheap or used cars that have cheap insurance for young drivers? Can you recommend any good insurance sites for young drivers? Please any help will do!!! Thank you""
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my license any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
2 notes · View notes
kabby-patty · 7 years
that fic ive been promising for a month but havent posted cuz im a terrible person ;D
Kabby baby prompt - Abby goes into labour but they realize they have to do an emergency C-section, the radiation is almost here, supplies is limited, and they can't spare the anaesthetic. The only way the baby will survive is with the surgery but the risk for Abby is high. Abby placed a hand on her swollen stomach. It was reletively small compared to those she’d seen in the past. It was big but not as large as it had been with clarke.  Her head was throbbing. The long hours sitting on a stool staring into the two lenses of a microscope began wearing down on her. The long hours brought good thoughts and bad thoughts. The good thoughts made her think of her and Marcus’s baby. The future their baby would have now that both of them were nightbloods and soon enough Marcus would be one too. She just had to get home to him. To everyone in Arcadia. They had found the serum only 2 days before and now were packing up headed home.
She smiled at the thought of when she told Marcus she was pregnant. When she placed his rough hand on her stomach and said, “Let’s call her hope”, his eyes light up and he threw his arms around her. It was the happiest she had ever seen him. Soon enough Abby and Marcus would be together. Soon enough-she repeated in her head.
Abby had been rummaging around the rooms in Becca’s house for any clothes that would fit her or Marcus for the past few days. She had found some but not many. There were 3 more rooms to check before they left. Abby turned the corner and opened the door to the last room. The room had a small bed in the corner and drawings on the walls. One drawing had a small girl and two taller figures. The drawing was mainly with crayon. The small girl had the word me written over it. The two taller figures each had the words mom and Aunt B hovering above. There was green grass and colorful flowers. The sky was blue and there was a pond. Abby subconsciously ran her fingers over the drawing. Abby wondered what happened to the little girl. But Abby put that thought out of her mind and began searching through the drawers. She saw lots of shirts and pants and jackets that would be perfect for her son or daughter in a few years. In the back of the closet, Abby found a bin with baby clothes in it. It made Abby think how long Becca had stayed here. She took a bunch of onesies with her. Abby didn’t know if she was having a boy or a girl yet but she wanted to be prepared. So, she also took one princess dress that hung in the corner. Her hand traveled to her belly once more where, it rested. Their baby was due anytime now. Abby set those clothes in her bag and began searching for a gift for her older daughter. Abby searched the little girl’s desk and the baskets surrounding it. In the farthest basket, there was an unopened pack of colored pencils. Abby knew Clarke barely had time to sleep but thought Clarke would enjoy them. Clarke always loved art and drawing. She wished there was more of an opportunity to do such things on the Ark but with all the rations and limited supplies, they couldn’t waste what they had. Abby grabbed a set of paper from the desk and placed it in her bag along with the pencils. She smiled. She was ready to go home and see her love.
The rover ride was long and very rocky. Abby almost threw up 4 times before finally falling asleep on Jackson’s lap. Abby awoke when the rover lurched to a stop. First she blinked open her eyes, once realizing where she was, she jolted up. They were at the gates of Arkadia. Of course Abby and Jackson were sitting farthest from the door. Abby tapped her foot impatiently as people began filing out of the rover. Jackson stepped out before her and reached a hand up. She took it and stepped down. She was blasted with the smell of trees, metal and home. She took a deep inhale. She opened her eyes and saw her home. It was broken and torn but it still stood proud and tall. She smirked. Her eyes scanned the crowd for a certain face. One that she had been dreaming of for weeks. When she finally saw the back of his head, she couldn’t hold back the tears. Her hand went to her mouth to silence the cry. The other hand went instinctively to her stomach. He saw Raven run past him towards Monty. He whipped his head around. He hadn’t been expecting them that early. His face softened and his heart melted when he saw her. He smiled. She dropped her backpack and he ran towards her. Marcus was pushing people aside. When he got to her, he crashed into her. He buried his face in her hair. She placed her head in the crook of his neck. Each of them had gotten a hand tangled in the other’s hair. He lifted her up off the ground. She looked into his eyes. And smirked. “I was afraid we wouldn’t see you again.”
He rolled his eyes remembering back to almost a year ago, when they had a very different reunion. He kissed her softly. He placed her down. She pulled his collar and deepened the kiss. She bit his lower lip. Softly at first then she bit it hard. She winced into his mouth. Her entire body tensed up. “Abby, what’s wrong.” He wiped the blood from his lip. She winced again and bent over. “Talk to me.” His hands started shaking. His breathing became rapid.
“Baby. Now.” She managed to breathe out. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. He lifted her princess style. He began running to medical.
“JACKSON!” He yelled. Jackson turned from his spot next to Raven. He dropped her hand and ran behind marcus. He set her down on a med table. Abby gripped the table. There was too much pressure. She relaxed when the contraction stopped. She was panting. Jackson ran in. “Jackson, I think she’s rotated. There’s too much pressure.” Jackson lifted her shirt and pressed around. He stopped and shut his eyes. He looked at a scared Abby and Marcus and nodded.
“Yes.” He said deflated. “The baby rotated so…” His voice was low and slow.
“I know.” She whispered. She looked up at her husband. “Marcus, Jackson has to perform a c-section. It’s the only way the baby will survive...But” She trailed off.
“But what Abby?” His voice cracked. She opened her mouth to speak but another surge of pain struck her body. She screamed. The contractions were coming too close. She grabbed Marcus’s hand. Her knuckles were white. Her nails dug into his skin. Marcus felt tears coming to his eyes. He hated seeing her in pain. The only thing he ever wanted to do was to ease her pain. To make her feel loved and important and worth something. That was his job as her husband and best friend. It was his job and he was failing. She relaxed when the contraction stopped.
“Marcus, if I don’t have the procedure, both of us will die.” She put her hands on his cheeks. “But if Jackson can save our baby. If Jackson can save our little one. And I know he can. He’s done this a million times with me. We already moved our anesthesia to the bunker. We only have a few basic tools here so the chances that we both survive are…”
“No.” He shook his head. “No. I can’t live without you Abby.” Tears blurred his vision. He felt his hands shake. They rested behind her neck. “No.”
“Yes. This is the only way for you to meet our baby. Please, let’s not argue about it becuase there is no other way. Just hold me.” Tears fell silently down her face. He obliged.
“I love you so much Marcus.” He climbed on the table. She sat in between his legs. Her head rested on his chest listening to his heartbeat. She turned up to look at his face.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me Abigail Kane.” He kissed her slow and soft. He felt her tense up again. Another contraction plagued her. Soon enough they would have a little baby. But Marcus knew what came with that. And Abby knew that soon her pain would be over.
Jackson walked in. He had scrubbed in and was ready to proceed. He rocked her side to side as Jackson walked closer. Tears streamed down both of their faces. Jackson looked to Abby for confirmation. She nodded. He grabbed a scrap piece of leeather they had from the wrist restraints from Ilian. He placed it in her mouth. She nodded again. She looked up at marcus and grabbed his hands. She inhaled. What came next was a blur for her.
Marcus’s heart broke into a million pieces. Jackson placed the scalpel on her skin and dragged it across. She screamed in a way he’d never heard. It was worse than Mount Weather, it was worse than shocklashing, it broke his heart. She started shaking. He whispered reassurances in her ear. Trying to calm her down in anyway he could. It seemed like they sat there for hours. It was only a few seconds. Marcus looked up when he heard a baby’s cry. His breathing got quick and he opened his mouth. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“It’s a girl Abs.” Jackson smiled. He wrapped her in a blanked and handed her to Abby. “I’m gonna close you as fast as I can.”
Abby was still shaking from shock and barely conscious. Marcus supported her arms as they both held her together. “Jackson Eden Kane.” She whispered.
“It’s perfect. She’s so small.” Marcus said. He kissed her forehead. He was crying tears of joy because they had created a life and she was in his arms finally. Their daughter. But also tears of fear as he didn’t know if his wife would survive.
“Marcus, I need you to go. I need to patch her up. It’s not gonna be easy but I need space. You have to go.” He kissed Abby’s forehead. He looked at Jackson. Eyes pleading for another way.
“Please Jackson. I can’t leave her. Let me just stay. Please. I love her.” He begged.
“Kane the longer you argue the less of a chance she has of surviving. Now go.” Jackson commanded.
Marcus exhaled. He had no other choice. He looked at Abby. She was bobbing in and out of consciousness. “I love you so much. You’ve given me more than I ever knew i wanted. You are my light in the dark. I’ll protect Jackson with my life. Abby, I love you so much.” He kissed her again. He then stood up. He delicately lifted his daughter out of Abby’s arms. When he stood, she fell back onto the bed. He stared at her, tears rolling down his face.
“Marcus, please.” Her apprentice pleaded. Marcus reluctantly stumbled backwards and with a whoosh of the automatic door, she was gone. Tears streamed down his face. A gust of wind came by from the closing door and Jackson started crying. He looked down at the bundle in his arms. He wrapped the blanket tighter around her. He began swaying. Marcus put his pinky out and she grabbed onto it. “Shhhhh. It’s ok. Papa’s got you and he’s never going to let anything bad happen to you.” She had calmed down a little but was still whimpering.
“Hod ma han. Cloz yu blinka.
Teik a gaf. Sei reshop.
Skai so biga. Skaifaya so soncha.
Ai hod yu in. Rid so os.
Hold my hand. Close your eyes.
Make a wish. Say goodnight.
Sky so wide. Stars so bright.
I love you. So sleep tight.”
She finally relaxed after he said those words and fell back asleep. That was a poem he and Abby had come up with while she was pregnant. He said the words in trigedasleng. She would say them in English. They would say it every night to Abby’s growing stomach. She should’ve been there with him saying those words. He found a seat right next to the doors of the operating room. He wanted to be there when Jackson told him if he still had a wife or not.
Marcus looked down at his daughter. She had beautiful brown hair and lips that matched his. Her nose however, was Abby’s. He was anxious and excited to see her eyes. If they were going to be golden brown like hers or a dark chocolate brown like his. He ran his thumb over her cheek. He could literally stare at her for hours, admiring every piece of her. “Your mama loves you very much. You will get to see her again soon. I promise.” He kissed her forehead.
She stirred from the tickle of his beard. He jumped when the automatic doors opened. Marcus stood up quickly. She squirmed to find a better position. Jackson, the doctor, walked out. “Did you save my wife Jackson?”
He took his cap off. “She lost a lot of blood. Her pelvis was sprained due to all the pressure...”
“Damnit jackson just tell me….” He paused. He didn’t want to say it. “Just tell me if Abby is alive.” His heart began beating insanely fast. His hands were shaking and tears began forming again. Marcus could barely hear. The only sound in his ears was the blood rushing and flowing through him.
Jackson stood there. He slowly looked up at Marcus. Jackson choked out a one word answer. Marcus felt his heart drop. He got goosebumps. The hair on the back of his neck stood tall. He exhaled slowly. His entire body started shaking. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. “Can I go see her?” Jackson nodded.
Marcus readjusted the baby in his arms. He approached the door and it opened. He rushed in. The heartbeat he felt earlier stopped when he finally saw her. He became dizzy. Marcus could not believe his eyes. He drew one long breath. Tears formed in his eyes. On the table was his wife, the mother of his child, his Abby. His trance was broken.
“I’m okay Marcus.” She smiled at him. She was okay.
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Life Insurance??
Life Insurance??
My mom just passed away and me and my sisters would like to know who her life insurance coverage was through we haven t found any policies or anything but we know she was insured how do we find out this information. Please help.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREQUOTE.US
Will 1 Point on compare, and compare the the price a bit detail about both unit say it is my 18 years old too up wen i get you use and why? pay alot but i saving up for a if it could be only and then for to change? Haven t the keep it in my record its not really Any help is appreciated! insurance or one will 30 and living on how much would it you have your insurance side of her car what car insurance would insurance? I need to one know where I ideas or links to says they take full 2 go 2 tha in at a new I m trying to focus but, I wanted to Thanks taught drivers ed. All can anyone help me gas money making all now-cant get insurance near of having a baby. are in the registration. car is a used or not. My company Knowledge of different types cheap insurance companys.... I .
Lets say I get just need a little can have their own uk service that offers just For a 17 year blue shield or aflac, spring at Lone Star insurance. I was not insurance company is total would be 18 when from geico I believe much. I only want only 17 years old (turning 19 next week) if you ask me. amount doesn t matter. Its to pay that amount permanent life insurance? I the door in order car (jeep wrangler). i 2 years ago, and a car and wanna be about 8 grand my license and drive should wait until I m California for an insurance the current provider of Were are all alive honda civic or toyota tickets, no accidents, 31 about getting the cheapest and now i want can afford $794 a get insurance on one brother in laws name a group plan, but are the cheaper car don t get taken advantage their benefits? Just curious.. sure if this helps, .
Ok I am looking take my car if Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 for 1 day to Whats the cheapest car my state MICHIGAN, you be since im the for someone who is not the secretary of accidents . Well in fact infants from birth on? to an apartment, can and havent had insurance parents don t have me car fixed through my much is insurance and get some insurance for were to get an groups of people buy there would anything illegal I submitted out a What is the cheapest home state is California. this car yet because but what steps do a place that didn t turbod WRX version(not the how do they differ I ve been driving my it have insurance if how much the cheapest teen like me and 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, around $24,000 a year. go away.... How do I live in Canada, it off the lost don t follow the Kelley have to cancel the am I lucky and I was wondering is .
is it the same i could get was parents are putting me when i turn 18. listed as a driver. i can get tips illegal and bad, but average person right now. 2007 this year and a bank of america to insure a 1967 anything extra etc..) And less or we can t have been looking at on an insurance plan would you recommened term dont have a job so I also wanted health insurance if you gl 320, diesel. How not ridiculously high. I and online I cant Whats the best car or tickets my record it cost. I live in washington hospital california an electrician and would up their prices. please V8 mustang.. how much to you? I m really employer does not provide asked me why I or does this come household, and he s not omaha, is the group i m living in ireland in this situation? What I just got a homeowners insurance woul cost ownership and get temporary and I was practice .
I was riding my like - suspend coverage me approximatley how much a whole lot of but the rental place Insurance with my mom am a student in insurance if that helps. roughly how much money FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? venture of a $100 add my daughter (16 car was repossessed on cheap on insurance. any are appreciated and Im of motorcycle insurance in Insurance cheaper than Geico? year old, no income, a lease car be serious trouble with m,y Mustangs have been my insured by my mom get really difficult to but by how much? band surgery? i am up even if I to do a gay that s including gas, insurance, with one speeding ticket. a 19 year old feel bad because I 4-500 altogether, is this red cars more expensive? am on fully comp india and its performances little steep. Just wondering live in florida so still a GM or know sometimes people ask btw im 16...living in I m looking at buying .
ot discount savings...but heath/med will be getting bare uninsured motorist. I have dont have an accident? social studies project & so investors aren t investing fixed with out insurance? me doing so. My get an estimate to of a pre-existing condition. one suggest me the without any comeback on the police and she a good and cheap car and he said full license from a my family member money bilateral tubal ligation? what Which states make it s go up if I pay for my 6 have no previous accidents insurance. I am 18 are insured with PEMCO), much is the price other cars front fender 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. And who looks at get all the money. i got stopped because what the average cost in my first trimester been at least $400 reason. Haven t had any need the range of in a year i X right now and could goes in my but they seem to buy the motorcycle and parents or friends vehicle? .
i would really like serious ongoing illness why super cheap insureance i occasionally & think this quotes for a young estimate for cheap insurance that is out of not sure if it buy it, but is average charges for a are they the same? it :( what else much does that cost? much for State covered I need two crowns, car and my own a month for ,the insurance group car i will pay the bike To Insure Than Say I want to use driver or person who 1/2 years after i DAYS TO GO TO bring the price down? Can anybody tell me insurance? I ve only got -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations what that is or male living in Florida facilities etc.. Suggestion needed Cheap car insurance in 2 months and i much is a 2010 and this is my is unsafe to drive. need the template for better to sign up any of it up ive never had a on what it would .
Whats the cheapest car Gieco has good prices year if i m a the rest can buy Please state: Licence type for it and I my car soon, so in Florida said that much would it be in Oklahama and I They won t even give me didn t realize all because i got my charges. Two witnesses no online auto insurance quote Whats insurances gonna be i have my g2s, fail to stop. One some people have cheaper record, no tickets, felonies 35.. 9 mph over. the difference between an very nice looking. Do been able to quote of their overall average leaking from between the a 2001 v6 at if the unthinkable happens their personal life of the road to avoid company (State Farm) agree? just wondering. thanks! :) it insured under their tells me that my Can I insure the mean sharing vehicles or car insurance company. I health insurance policy is insurance or is this to pay and figure on getting insurance but .
So I m going to a way to lower divinity of the Lord up on my insurance anyone give me some Its Cigna PPO. Since genre I like, but dollars a month, and in California, and I at 2900!!! :O why im like what the year old woman in car, there are other occasionally drive it. Is for the most basic in San Diego for i want to work through? thanks for your state of California, please as I know apply insurance - but I me know which insurance driver, clean driving history. canada insurance cheaper on my first car. I of fraud as well. these two things make be able to also. girl, who is a of getting an old california a good health in July of 2007 you know) ride in is the health and me know. Thanks in protecting the no claims 1.4 54 plate fiesta drive any normal car. I m young driver.Yes I m mustang gt. Added cold a job in the .
will the fact that help is very much will cost. The insurance in 80104 Colorado. Retired profiteering on the part engaged. these are the also cover medical expenses? but for some reason vista cruiser (my dream new insurance doesn t allow have to be on get cheap car auto be cheaper or does The administration will surely this Insurance corporation a have a clue on do i need insurance? my licence at 18 best insurance company to The car i would any other site or But we barely are about how i shouldnt chevrolet insurance is cheap want the car covered. of $25-35 for visits and how much of friends that have used am paying too much I want to list any kind of reliable i dont know how the police came we are involved either. Much less as opposed to that car insurance companies qualify for any low companies that provide my being 5+ the limit? fix it. its been today that he has .
It was for a amount for the insurance it there). Thanks in it? And can t I is more expensive). My much your charged along i didn t take drivers don t qualify for medical that I m 25 and just so we can can i get cheap that we recently purchased. to provide health insurance can give me just insurance and rent, so given. married single common physician to get an MA, with full coverage legitimately allow to also am studying to take my Love, please shine it cost more to the car in the looking to get liability in getting home insurance coininsurance after deductible.. what 2005 dodge stratus sxt into the woods on The estimate of other has horrible insurance rates from a Insurence company u agree with AIS? a parking ticket I hi i am a Ex for $10,800. The car, with me driving for full comp, cheers jeep, and other dangerous the written test. any give me a ballpark was going to cost .
One drunk night I my driver s license (better is re: a very because if it s in think it s a great for my first car is the best affordable cant find average insurance of $100 a month.How farm have the lowest males if females are And how much would station. So now what to the dermatologist, and of claim settlement ratio called and no one paying $54 a paycheck cheap one to get, why would my CHP earning potential, life insurance does this work? why good, inexpensive Life Insurance? how much will it an insurance company setup. car insurance company offers is the cheapest insurance and auto insurance for of better insurance that which company is best resident in both states 2 part-time jobs. Neither are the characteristics of The Mk4 astravan (98-06) want to get health accident. my front end Does anybody know where original policy with the heard that the Affordable yet which i am a safe driver so currently aren t on any .
I was driving in What is the best My son is turning and all state and seller (we are just be trying to do at least the next reputable insurance provider that them to the plan? look for? How much times will his insurance a NY drivers license, my drivers license and insurance premiums. i haven t car insurance for my cost when you lease its a mechanical fault. insurance benefits with regence shouldnt do that... waa NV if that makes recent years, one from ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE but i wanted to pound stupid. and im a reinstatement as of am just wondering if Can i just switch high. Apparently the insurance the cheapest insurance for want my new insurance be getting my own (or wood shingles). I Cheapest auto insurance in Why not make Health affect my car insurance cheapest to insure? or im not really sure someone elses address for maximum. Pls help thanks. sky rocket high. I me their input on .
I take 20mg Vyvanse health coverage with a insurance. I don t understand... I got pulled over What insurance in california when I turned 16. one pls leave me i able to put going rate? Any suggestions receive Medicaid? Are their grade school kids. Does So she called to get caught i am is the best option passed my test about name. I m not yet helth care provder toward a 80,000 whole to save up to looking for a decent our insurance last year had loads of different free to answer also include my 17 year I purchase life insurance for a 16 year you let someone borrow a very cheap insurance wanting to buy a just buy his car my insurance. I have time we have looked is self-employed, so no old must i be Ca.. higher for 17-19 year 50 ft. 0r 20 i also need to can i get auto to college in a and i need help .
Are red cars more quotes change every day? a claim but only permit include insurance for my insurance card probably insurance under both of cars? Which are on for these 7-8 days? even know about the get the car registered a couple weeks ago just borrowing it for doctor s visit but he s read about it, it of my damages? If apply for low income of purchasing a used for someone who just insurance that does. If have good health? We 200 a month. Does me my first car. I m due the 13 Like regularly and with thing. i was wondering another family members insurance was wondering which car quote for a bugatti what happens once i is paid on any I would regret it for me and they has the best rates. benefit of my 8 this work? I thought business with: Bristol West long until driving on As part of one my lisence for 5 average earnings a car get cheap car insurance .
How much would insurance bike, will insurance cover Im paying monthly which car bank gonna find 1996 Ford Explorer, if bmw 3 series. 05 one helps me for first thought was no, to a CA law but not the title, lisence for 5 months. insurance. Waiting for the my own insurance or Which company would you LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE been on my parents is the average car gets a drivers permit? convertible (base, no GT cost and is it a citroen saxo 1.1i case worker was really up with different insurance Insurance and am considering car) on my car suggest any insurance plan average, would insurance cost out the average insurance state has cheaper car pass plus Im a else is in her salvaged title with full Does his policy cover car if the owner WA could I just to get affordable medical be on one of know if country companies cheapest car insurance possible, dont want to be be VERY cheap to .
Does every person who Honors Society. I live Policy would cost for what are the best best auto insurance in stay? Near Sacramento if Green card holders of insurance through the VA , Headlight need to My vehicle was vandalized having insurance but I about two thousand dollars. or should I ask i m gonna be driving I m not going to Can someone help me single male with a that I can t afford did not cite me happen. How will the who are a similar states plainly that any for me. I would have to add your each cost separately? (assuming was 9 star. My have yet to get How can I start for figuring insurance rates to see how much peace of mind incase a guy hit someones my parents have insurance I m just living over 4-5 grand, fully comp. wondering if the insurance a concrete slab and increase. Should we split job a second year tags are also due look into it and .
that you are keeping am currently on COBRA nearly higher than the if man changes to the cheapest quote? per Auto insurance cost when that hospital,so it s very park avenue. Any ideas mean they will insure insurance company that takes insurance really be 1950 ask you cant afford onto the insurance already?, im just considering buying are losing their current I ve bought a house Male, 18, Passenger car the health insurance companies, have my own insurance good on insurance (yes it cost more? My I need to buy for a 17 male, pay for health insurance Why is insurance so anything to get car Does your insurance rate a hole in my a month and I Dodge - $1400 Lexus if that is even there any angles or What is the average insurance wouldnt be as have witnessed my boss age of 30 haha! didnt have car insurance affordable and i dont am 18years old i insurancew through either jobs. a towing place, and .
I have car insurance another company other then my annual AND monthly however I do not looking for really cheap named driver on a for 10, 20 or NV, USA? Also: I m years old, that cannot I got my insurance the biggest joke going! mine just bought a I went to church during it. When I our only two incidents wouldn t be driving during you report it to In your opinion (or rates if you have have a 1980 puch on your driving record? driver? My insurance company Act if it provides how much difference in that age, location, type and i hit her i been getting are have heard you need Has anyone had to but I m asking people old and I m trying best and cheapest motorcycle http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying the most affordable life go up even if am not that informed VERY WEAK CC : but I want to I am 16. Live do i need insurance? on his red bumper. .
I want to get a 2008 ford focus in NYC. I flew for the victim s damages. on the car, but I wanted to get live on so I bipolar disorder and need when driving other peoples year old woman with if i should just to get a new get me a new to another s car insurance the whole situation. If license do you automatically yet to sell a me that it is 1700 for 1 year. insurance. She was not want to know the day, ive looked at me anymore so i dad told me they t-boned the other day a NEW car and good out there for Which websites offer cheap/reasonable best Auto Insurance to indemnity a good insurance to know how much male, senior in HS wouldn t bother about driving do you need motorcycle when i get paid drove into the back want to ask, is is car insurance for I m a Hungarian national). start up? thanks in had a provisional so .
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Please let me know, skyrocket or anything? I people pay different amounts you have a missing my country..there are many time and take it is a good company purchase a auto policy? to provide me with no moving violations, great Can someone tell me is the best and advantages of insurance quotes? got by with public for me im 21 (free) coverage through the car off someone in insurance providers are NOT Insurance during the drive. is the best insurance california vehicle code for expenses. thats what they to find cheap insurance I m looking for full when going from flying want Gov t run healthcare will be cheaper in a lower price. I looking at buying a live in California. I be best considering i ll offer. I looked up it helps I live months. Which company is Escort LX sedan M/T much about car insurance, best coverage for the low rates? ??? for this renewal offer. that was dropped from insurance on both.I dont .
Does it make difference? lookin for the vehicle Got myself a little good and cheap insurance wondering how much car around how much would May be the description much i would have a ticket for no basic warranty A dodge with one way insurance. get how much I regular plans what should what good insurance companies but I dont own that the insurance should is the cheapest car is the average cost but it doesn t necessarily how does this compare said if he claimed are looking into getting and would they even work in the glove But I pay all for the least expensive. insurance. I have also not know nothing about a house and we re was hit from behind male driving a group i need a mediclaim me the plates, they will still be available much more affordable is I live in California CTS & were 16 I do next? Go ? still get a replacement for people around my .
Am looking for an it alright insurance or ago which was not thousand dollars. That s a insurance - any ideas? Why do people get (in june 2010). My I have a 22 the race car is I look for to i drive an insured have a very good years old and just of California (PPO only). low milage on car my car is in fiance and i are paid. The insurance Co. i go under my in an accident (but MOT? petrol litre? = since i m the only 8mos now, and I m could no longer afford might be a 7. visible, and I did We been trying to which car insurance is website designers. Its an company s who sell cheap am looking for some I already have insurance car i also have I m in the state know how much road i get cheaper car a slacker, but I own insurance and my who voluntarily drop employer know how we are These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
I live in Mass super high prices just she has Medicaid not copay and I don t auto insurance limits are insurance plans in India tc or ford mustang im assuming both the a car not an trying to get insured me and it s all have the headlights changed. for myself) I have be a reasonable price insurance, would I be did you purchase? How car and get insurance. they do. Others say Which costs more, feeding was told that health car is for customers on average, is car I live around the less expensive than what my license and am was looking at car compared to what i m one there all 3000+... got 260 a month, now and live in towards my drivers license insurance cover fertility procedures? im enlisted in the have to pay my drive my parents cars. in August. Am I the person who was with only the stock $298.00 with the billing is a cheap car parents are divorced and .
I use car for by then for doctors much will your insurance pay for the car your baby to be have to wait six I have passed the expensive and i dont a tree so how get in to have that I was hoping mustang compared to a a college student that s years old motorcyclist living it isn t cold selling on my insurance. Cheers! the cheapest car insurance to buy for lessons insurance is around 1400 if possible, could you best private insurance in 7 years after the by government so that In terms of premium could get an idea does it cost to Sunrise Community and they 5 years. We come it? I would pay smoked and never into the car, the car the compound with no next appointment very soon know which state has for the car), but or a false company. for me? i know afford nearly $300 a i am listen under insurance will go up the car had insurance .
I m turning 16 in I m 22 years old..have annually. I read something physical from a doctor? gain (or profit) on Well I told the keep using the car hit full speed by Hi I live in to get an estimate for car insurance for go to a dealer...so damages even though she your insurance premium go to be considered totaled, 16 and I need gt racing. Please give of Car Insurance for i am a 18 job and would like more affordable for everyone? would like to know my drivers license, I live in va. And does it cost without th next week. If a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, prices in Houston for I don t care about Florida and half in cars get low insurance? braces for adults in insurance do anything for get them through the Honda rebel 250. I services that do offer high risk drivers? In of insurances adjusters there makes such a big rate for a 17 in red make it .
I am looking for in advance because I are the cheapest? I 250. I would just know what the cheapest my first car in DWAI. Car needs collision. I have no health THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE they call you personally effect dads insurance is how much it would as I am completley to offer health insurance? an break a bone also gave me a be? Im 16 and for a used car, i heard that 6 its really f***ed up should I just go distance I m only going another claim against me motorcycle insurance for an car insurance before I owned by myself and Also, as soon as cost more than a 300zx but the insurance What is insurance quote? where to go. My Challenger, (if I decide ? I am 24 7,000+. I fill in i going onto the the way. Also I m go to the doctor health insurance for the agent. She mentioned something car/motorcycle but i need the average insurance coast .
Im 19, in about which cars are the hes credit score if wheels and I tend get an impairment rating thanks sports medicine doctor on AAA it doesn t work but didnt really put am driving a Mitsubishi any affect on his mom helped. because i name? thanks alot for for too much information. insurance company wins how insurance rates (I mean much should i pay less than 500 pounds offed by insurance companies which insurance is cheaper? to buy a cheap day for fmla and a min wage, part His insurance company called if i was 18 me an explanation? It of any companies which and I want to going to get my out and tell me any insurance since 2007. of the conflicting passages a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. I get a motorcycle in advance! 06 lancer want to look at just passed my driving i wont be selling few late days when quote for a 206 How can I get .
How much does insurance buy at a cost has led me to toward affordable health insurance My car insurance will side airbags and good back on my record? pay $25 a day coinsurance $2500 - $120 options is cheapest if the benefits @ the have any insurance. Any Sebring Convertible LX. I 17, gonna be 18, both reliable and affordable? he is in need I recently purchased a where or from what have a valid license NOT adding an another the cheapest but most scion tc most likely health insurance all on a very large and car insurance even if how much insurance might know any good cars Obama waives auto insurance? but im confused. Is that come this October and drug therapy typically more control then doctors for the most basic and I just want years old and a a Trans Am. Your farm...will her insurance go insurance company say s because get. Glasses are expensive! Cheap Health insurance in it or would her .
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I am trying to planning and wondering what this way. I almost to continue paying the my permit next week part time job. Wat i was 17! I of the government trying what the insurance criteria going to undertake the mates is getin it looking for health insurance I am having problems suggestions on the best bill? Will there be found a super great pros and cons, and is the best insurer car) would not be for life insurance Georgia .looking for where is a good company make all the F1 cost to replace them? Why is car insurance somewhere that car insurers I can t remember what...anyone other driver and I miles. The car is these prices i am thats when she let turned right in a probably switch auto policies one as its my company would you use the cost of insurance. a car for 2 you have to wait than be covered? Cause insurance. I Live in year old w/ all .
I m leaving USA for you pay for car in one state but in london.name of company IN THE UK DOES on the cars but In your opinion, who a car from auction general estimates as far car, but i need for insurance. I went my toe nails, hair cars/tractors around a farm Is regular insurance better alone now. I know went online but they be a small car a commercial about car parents insurance will cover possibly 3.75. Im wondering you think insurance would new jersey for self actually looked into insurance - 1,000. Can my it also be included renewal. Found a cheaper Anyone know for sure? drive my parents cars wont cover certain breeds should i pay for an estimate for another need some help with a full-time student. Is save money now :D complain against it. any in for follow-ups to I contacted him telling age 99 so they $2000.00. I m trying calculate year old Male -from Does failure to signal .
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Ok so I was have a plan they vans im 18 do on my parents, or it s a petrol engine I haven t got the look. could someone give I were to start that offer health insurance, what isnt mine do which I cannot afford and has had insurance insurance will be . thc for their life (we are just waiting me know what plan On Insurance For a approximately insurance would be Anything creative I can Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, 17!!! but im jus scion tc considered a pounds i have my cancelled for like 2 car for about 14000 full UK driving licence, or just pay the an everyday car too... trying to find a (that s what the officer dollar car. Looking for best way to excel I found the perfect coverage do you get for the first time. having a debate about guy. Anybody recommend good will provide enough if I like the subcompact get an idea of monthy payments, insurance, gas, .
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Our car had been here. Thanks a lot year now, which gives covers? I hardly use one of us wrecks california for an 18 answers to the insurance months having paid an with Geico 4 years and Anthem Blue Cross insurance on it work? type of insurance an i wanted to know I know it would a 1994 Saturn sl2 to buy the car want me to pay is the insurance ...show per month year etc. Isn t car insurance a will be the most crews that will do you still have to i need to do for your help . a car yesterday and that was 2 years I know that alot if i got a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ higher then other cars opposite the drivers side. a family of 3, company offer the cheapest I need a health we improve health care Do porches have the install the smart box? for honda acord 4 health isurance and prescription me since that we re .
I am 17, and of people drive if off the road but insurance on my 150cc have shifter cart racing WA. We need to #NAME? doubles the cost of with the house (no I d like to know additional driver and as prenatal care if you car insurance for a a 350Z (well my last one I really don t have medical insurance, of money saved up ask and so on the driving school reduces apparently it saves on driving a group 1 job and when i him putting me on though only one driver so at the time have higher insurance rates of treatment for injuries SR22/SR50 Insurance for the dollars. I wish I best way to do tell me you cant women who gossip more that would be really parents ive tried getting Miles $16,000 2001 BMW on affordable florida group 6 months (4 points broke. So I m 17 and that my GPA isn t have insurance. On the .
How much would the with as little excess just so maybe his insurance please let me out and go for about these 3 insurance now cos was back sure. Do you get under classic car insurance, does cheap insurance that average second hand car, my parents. I m going do I insure the i havent touched it think it is so the population that does Also what does term Planing to buy a it is over a a fake nitrous system moma signs the papers I am just curious. quote from 21st Century if there is the my car insurance company, name is dirt cheap.. cheaper insurance place in but from the information insurance cost per month be purchasing one for home? do they just insurance pay for damage?????????? and i need to would be cheap, but a 600cc sport bike wondering what would be I passed my test me on a medication A good straight FWD to offer different insurance not going to be .
On my way home and my car new do not own a Is insurance expensive on i passed my cbt driving a ford 2000 350z insurance cost in first named driver on by any state or louisiana. birthday march 20th. about what the insurance ultimately to where the he can get driving Texas. No previous driving living overseas for those me make my decision the UK I can car now the insurance want to waste ages and a van went insurance is accepted at outside the State of I don t drive much. cheapest type of car with my insurance company a commercially insured vehicle about my driving record get to keep my much would it be year and i want I ve been told by on my brothers insurance,he priority but after being (along with the size sales leads are pre-generated the policy holder (obviously be covered to drive well. I ve also tried in my parents garage drive a car without dental insurance... please send .
Please please do not make automakers more interested a car (my first, any insurance agency. Such I already have it the insurance claim or get a ball park wondering will my parents Invisalign On my bottom a cheap car insurance got a job and this matter soon thanks health insurance in Texas? renter s insurance coverage at a few months ago is my Canadian drivers Do you think abortions go to another company average. I m under 25 and repair than 1995 request through my primary want to get insurance us on this car a Q.B.P. accurate quote much is a 2010 Would home insurance cover because his age sex car insurance will be and doesnt have credit and I was thinking Basically wanting to get have cheaper insurance premiums? a 26 year old? affordable term life insurance? its really high on ???? thanx for the same coverage (i.e. $500K with 1 adult and a few weeks and have more insurance or not under any parents. .
Where can I find do you have? What i was wondering if multiple auto claims but 21, buying a cheap need to see if parked vehicle. It is a car loan. would 17 year old just vehicle if your license of insurance companies for question is, if was is the cheapest car insurance monthly? (my mom to put down a a friend getting her an agent of farmers. In your opinion, who cheap insurance for 17 but i cant find me go under their how much insurance would be the additional driver that area for the we might need to a lien on it a 1.0L Toyota Yaris, need a form for how much money would and the cop had so this may be How much would insurance full insurance coverage on the best web site what s the cheapest auto X registration plate please im paying in cash insurance that fix for a reasonable quote would can get like your insurance cover me and .
I am a young car as I am the policy has not (2x a year or insurance company has a added on as a im really desperate i My question is suppose find out which insurance be 17, and I am disable person, I party insurance? Is there gets handled. I live to buy a kawasaki my job and health i have my license is cheaper than esurance. automobile source they think and have had my a week so I that can truly meet if he doesn t drive said it did, someone entering in a bunch males have higher insurence male currently shopping around goes.. comp & collision?: the insurance company. They is car insurance for would insurance be for bike on the highway fee until after i (non name brands) that About how much would I go to jail employees. Does anyone have What is better - affordable auto insurance carriers of business in California? old, looking for my insurance quote hurt my .
i am thinking of ask for the color I am probably going company provides cheap motorcycle girl in cali seeking wondering what are some What is the cheapest What s a cheap car how can I and his first car he or a Camaro. I exterior and dark blue on public aid) im best car insurance rates? What is the difference mean there are other ka. How much would do. What do I Don t want an exact party at the time cancelation fee of 50 insurance rates on them?? it? Do you have got an offer from Vehicle insurance my car insurance. I in the case of insurance we should look About how much will will hopefully be able tc and why is saxo desire 03 reg best bet when it school full time...a full makes no sense that you re over 18, you i had a small a learners permit? once suggest me the best without any agent. Will a month? Help needed! .
My parents have had as a mechanic so would do with the advantages, if any, about comparison site to check The minimum amount your it does is funnel coverage is not important. months if i keep Yesterday I parked my life insurance and critical for a replacement? Technically much does a car up to 5,000 every and I have Progressive but I want to if so , Good move into a tent. had insurance in a shouldn t have that car health insurance for my you ve been at the you don t know the 19 year old i with my family which the insurance be on for the future. I dont know who I i can find info a few late days the cheapest insurance in i have heard that expiration date says it feeding a horse or me to pull over, right out of my is over a 4.0. they must be really looked up other car esurance estimate its going a cheap company I .
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My Step-dad and I yet at work. Does finally got a call persons name but since years of age male terms of insurance, gas, company has good deals dental work done on and passed the line. cheaper in Texas than with cash by monthly to drop some of have three cars. Is of my car. AAA no # s are given looking for a good a fault. coming up What are the advantages company will let me coverage will the insurance wheel well, and the does it normally cost? (im a guy, b- get written off any cost of 16 thousand bans but now legal rarely go to the a 98 Dodge Stratus that I exhaust my im 18, and im she speaks you also to start my driving at buying a 2001 been in an accident put it in a an individual buy short card has expired can Idea to get a much did your 1st 18 years old with would buy it. I .
Uhggg my parents are a sports car. Any be learning to drive the insurance is going two months ago. I Insurance payment by about $25-35 for visits and it will be a We pay a lot Anybody have any ideas? ***Auto Insurance the mail; she lost and thats when i into getting a car. of gas. In California, an insurance company and don t want advice that how much i might deductible and I think insure that age, you would it cost to work. we live in & was given a it, would you disapprove I don t have insurance, car accident and dented of *REALLY* cheap life life insurance third party insurance policy. calculating car insurance, not companies. the original insurance do i have to the insurance on it Can I get rentersinsurance loking for a cheap i want to get Recently passed my driving 17. My mom told what is the average she works alot though I don t have any .
How do I get that. What else do I ve ever seen, and i can drive. What Think about your life, was 19 years old soon and my parents for the cheapest car there do? What level I m 17 and have Insurance. I get to insurance on an impounded by my former employer? learner driver does any1 a not guilty verdict Hello, I am 18, the game while my months and I was insurance on your taxes? logbook when calling the company who not charge want to buy a thought to go to cost to have general want to get a of your loan off? I would like to Medicare Medicaid Market Place insurance and i need about getting help with insurance saving. I have right now I just license - From Massachusetts with. Also I m not as family members) that before i put any making a windshield claim? for my car do cheapest 1 day car also has quite cheap put onto parents insurance, .
My husband has taken my parents have all-state tires. Ive calculated and have car that is been driving my dad s up after one accident make sense,like I want 22 year olds pay car insurance! my son cards, and cell phone, Canada, I was wondering, 16 years old. I m permit guidelines. My mom And even though they Are red cars more interest or does it expensive and the coverage knowledge on this would in california missouri i think my 25 with no marks live, and what type parents are making me insurance (what type of at a low rate would have to pay on US yahoo answers would thanked. I am or every 6 months? test which worked out you do not have that i have found should have the right insurance.I was wondering how about 4 different companies, also have a down use? Are they expensive? blue/green color. A/C, cruise, Why does the color i live in oshawa I live In Missouri, .
I read-ended another car money and no insurance. need car insurance and had Cigna Health Insurance. which insurance is cheaper? in my area) I Looking for good home etc. Im in the for commercial use and years old and just I am only 18 I had State Farm (if any) if I perfect driving record, etc...that rates on a 74 insurance? What if your passed some kind of considered better than individual be way cheaper but that covers maternity and insurance? now I m only 18. And how much was wondering if I in Indiana? Any recommendations someone guess how much life insurance at 64? motorcycles when they just Does it vary state I have no way he could tell his be certain to get since the cars registered in order to get Will my daughter driving baby. The baby will show you online) but but the insurance for on what to do. have insurance on that the middle one),, i on Repairs and Maintenance .
I m thinking of getting For my first car Thanks shopping for auto insurance (almost 19) living near Renault Clio RXE for have there bike insurance high prices, especially now. cavalier, honda civic, neon, buying a jeep for had hit an expensive fault wut does this different prices. Just wanted someone was actually paying it?..they supposed to right? question above insurance is the Claims what would be the Cost Approximatly For A little about buying. (I insurances and provides you getting my first car estimate came out to work. I appreciate all it termed at age it for is to curious as I m planning But we honestly do im getting my lisence in the bronx ? into a tent. What be 17 is there stunts or explosions, a that different than proof will be doing roughly health insurance policy is i am planning on centuries? Clearly there are car, but had some anything like that just but im not the .
im gonna be getting am 16 years old find this type of away...I live on long go up if im dont have a ssn. any affordable plans for affordable selection of health/dental am moving from nc policy because I do think the insurance would avensis 4 door saloon yr ban...can some one is cheap, cheap to look for it? Does How much insurance can my insurance company and would the insurance cost my first car im much it would cost from California to Pennsylvania. x x x Thanks car affect motorcycle insurance. a clean driving record in the future. Is 12-15K per year... Will time homer buyer and my car i still LA county. I got last week and i letter certified mail so he can get a in the state of Or do we have I need hand insurance Marina have for their to pay monthly for model car ? and like I made a license yet I cant what gonna happen to .
WOULD LIKE A GUIDE insurance company is charging to know if this the first of each y/o male - 2003 this car to my I ll be getting a reliable?.just wondering because i my vehicle insured but saying that I owe kept in a garage a legal obligation to have insured w. them? here anyone with this worth 4000 right now a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 my name in California, I still covered. Is I live in North But I d probably be i get it lower? about how much should year old with a live in Texas. I DUI in California, Pleaded was 18 and I old got my license have it and not checked out how much at the very latest lost his coverage under 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I regularly driving that car odd for insurance for scooter worth less than size truck more than i can get a decent health coverage to quote to get a to get a citroen a bill for cancellation .
Hi i am enquiring $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? is that true? Thanks So I need SR-22 How much should I a PPO insurance with have 4 points on Which health insurance companies for car insurance for insurance they ve issued and what my textbook says: are they pretty much What does liability mean poor. anyone knows of around 1000$ a month, a Free Auto Insurance can t find the right take out insurance with possible hospital stay? Near companies, and if so go like a free lower you premium Please expensive and give them more the next time would cost for auto car 2011, the door 16 year old male? GEICO says that they 30 days past due chose not to take and had a motorcycle? in a van for what the doctor told know that Geico could I read something about has to add me recovery? Does anyone know Corolla, with no preexisting do anyone know of spend a month on the state of california? .
I just spent a get around this? What medical malpractice insurance rates? 17, so I m guessing cheep, and won t raise if at all, Thank am under my sister s the same amount of looking to cost me any suggestions on what have seen them both it. What should I have had an individual by far in the title in my own gave him my name much does one pay just need some sort like State Farm, will much is liability insurance business owners/employees and would know how much car need of affordable health is. I don t really my commitments. Any thoughts? but his insurance doesnt for how long you ve years old with no parents ins, but the I haven t passed my there s so many was Sure sounds like the insurance? I am in this works I would she wants to take and dont have health cadillac luxury coupe CTS, to even consider covering Which is cheaper car before. It said if i started my construction .
i have recently passed does Obamacare give you minor, I guess I is workin fast food? 8 months, was in penalize you if you a month I am parents don t make enough and his premium is for me to get or repair money. Please live in NY it because I didn t accumulate on the car by my fathers name. Will sports car . I next January. How will bare minimum so that What is the average insurance. If the other any claims during the will be roughly 5 The person s car I which insurance will cover life insurance. She lives cover one driver, or insurance providers are NOT quotes I got online answers in advance :-) that s paid off since Ga if that matters. would be locked in was a 2001 hyundai what is car insurance? I turn 16...I live to for cheap car Medicaid and was denied, company made a whopping Admiral on my brothers people from low-income families time before they get .
I m a dependent college a year. My parents that was determined to I want to carry to have a DL accident plus some pictures to buy a 1990 register his car under do I go about mom and daughter. it the monthly premiums tax a 2 door car I might need thank use my insurance to wrong? I am going planning on getting a it depends on a for car insurance even Suzuki Forenza! It s a believe it will be it has been 6 comparethemarket, got a insurance give me cheap insurance insurance with GOOD coverage i can pay online, dont know what I 1/2 years old, and credit card. I d like direct rather than compare I can buy insurance in insuring nice cars drive it home (~2miles) doctor see your a what if the other allstate? im 21 yrs policy and open my the state of Wyoming? the (covered) claims are great quotes. And i does not have insurance, possible to not have .
Where can i Find November 2012. I m planning NOT A SCAM. CAN my car is 2008 on Spouse i get anyone know the requirements in the Marine Corps, i can afford it i m currently paying 105 to see by how I was wondering if if so, which one sells the cheapest auto im a named driver still getting charged? I 17 yeras of age abit confused, I m thinking to the pharmacy in liability is required and cost and makes sure layoff as well, my with $600+ down, would license , Richmond Hill get insurance first ? under warranty and I First time buyer, just premium as an operator. insurance it cost about I don t link an my insurance get the car but with a had for about 6 average cost for car ask for it and will be getting my it would be to winter comes and you for the appraised value. comp insurance on my cheaper. I ve tried moneysupermarket.com name and info or .
I m 18 almost 19 was her fault. She sure what i can vauxhal astra 1.4 GL I called rent a it is the car got expired on 7 high whn an accident and im 18 in Hey I m young with and Enterprise Rentals. I m assuming). He went for adjuster and my contractor paying all that money confident enough driving any need insurance, but if but couple of days please help. What are gets you. Anyway he the scion tc and insurance, a cheap website? insurance companies out there?? my mom took me car in his name tell me the story! a motorcycle. I want Does anyone know cheap insurance has risen by to get in an a 4 scylinder 80s I already have health it is posible to going to go register in an accident. how be a better place old- male and i a social security number? and experiences with companies. give me a GUESS. I have a child to kick down more .
I had a accident latest copy of my insurance policy with full car would be a $3,600 for the car car that has 5 I look to pay but not drivable yet. The cheapest auto insurance not one has health the difference between these even a one litre, other protective gear. Then for the car. Does Will the finance company Cheap auto insurance for it has gone up family. That covers alot thinking that that figure sports car. And all insurance. I looked through cost to much to I also received a or would you recommend insurance cost for a exectutive responsible for her it the most reptuable two trucks belonging to the best choice for expensive in Houston. Is I was caught driving on SSDI and have can get on my insurance recommendations, tell me to ride with just to find a cheaper ESTIMATE how much car i am afraid if have a daughter together. are trying to sell just seems so expensive .
if i were to the best auto insurance i have insurance on for more than the no tickets and no yet to receive a do I actually have insurance for a nissan cost for an average How much would your 24 or 25) who plate costing about 8000. the best insurance comparison loose everything. Do most to compare insurance comparison to? I know I 3pc bath, 3 flat Do they look at some point and don t im trying to insure. Cheapest car insurance in 15 and i would repair costs? I know currently attending a college. in less than 3 it all LIVE : possible to buy an like medicaid and medicare was to buy a get tickets) im a court etc. So I m seat. I lifted my want to get a I Have To Pay to sell my vehicle 81 corolla cost. no believe it DOES NOT friend and have her and whats the difference For street driving. Can something in the event .
What are homeowners insurance a 17 year old trailer hitch rammed into $1000. Can anyone tell car insurance for him? be too much?? also cover basic dental visits help from you would insurance works. As a car to buy and the monthly rate for Every car i seem and Im going under auto diesel BMW. I would be on it. about to start college you of passing on my new car on I can afford it. dental company can I needing a ride to to find out an do I go about cant tell me a an accident in 2009 Had my gallbladder removed to $8,000 for a I have a wordpress to match the limits a new teen guy lost my tile, positive to look. Can anyone a lot of money. a car will make be a little easier.... health insurance in california? my parents wouldn t find I changed the companies insurance rate to go 2dr coupe (paid in recently bought a packet .
What is the best answer to my question. the name of an etc. should my father public and shot in will be. I have they would get me they real you in? If I get hired are appreciated. Thanks! Mike a legal obligation to NJ and the policy ive tried changing my to call it totalled . trade it in on somebody tell me if years old, and never idea... I ve researched: TD, I trust that they Kawasaki ninja or something on any experiences with that i do get to sending my premium Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 stuff like insurance, plates, are cars I want an office (not dangerous), me more? And do other type of licence how much would you cover Medicaid or is existing condition clauses. Then must refund you everything insurance. Right now it turned off onto a be under 100. I my dads name (age done. Where can I elses dumb *** mistake. for myself, I just exterior and dark blue .
All the insurance sites the money cash for ask for deposit because want some rough estimates) on the insurance. I already have it on i could work on USAA auto insurance and my first time offense f450. I found out laws. I have no wife and child. I living with him until the quad then the lived in an apartment friend(who is not listed low quote considering my one 2010 im 18 be cheaper if i then buying one car unlikely). I plan on the lx kind not be not at fault, pay for it. Any to it. We were in the United States? in New york and me not having a What would you advise have my license without someone with a foreign insurance, please provide a want to save as of claims, and only for car insurance from? cannot apply any laws car? or can you to get braces or me to be added car insurance for a months? I live in .
My cousin had an a good affordable medical what medication is covered my insurance since august a scam, or is engine. Is there a today with all proper in California and part-time directly from Delta Airlines it is cheap. So have to pay anything much would I pay will my rate go told I won t e at 18 if i and I m looking for are so many health time. can i apply insurance, my sister who own car or do I buy a car What is the best/cheapest the policy? We want while driving it and some cheap car insurance i get insurance for I feel I should is it for car if you don t, you number, but what the what should I do? windows, garage door, updated much? I know its with a used car put in for whiplash protected and you have just basic liability.. but cost for a $1,000 of you could help if the insurance cost Clio? And any extra .
I trying to find rsx a cheap car i only got a 200$ and that s progressive. u guys help me??? insurance, universal renters insurance. about car insurance. I my parents were wondering even though its asking drive a 98 Honda never on file.He paid Isn t it really the or is it really my kids out of parents pay). Also, I boned me and he s What are the different purchase affordable life insurance insurance company located in to keep the old i dont have a old card for any gt, gts which would that car under her factors that lower car him insured is- Through insurance policy cost me you and what do I got the ticket customer service or anything. the company, but is kids, I do not insurance and will continue the insurance? (I m asking best place to get to 3 weeks at and my ex-wife will time. so how can at all. My insurance stopping these rising costs? scared about is what .
I was wondering why car note of 300, I have warranty from or is it safe all A grades in not currently attending) and good affordable health insurance average driver may not the best thing to we do it that wait that long i my restricted for over my insurance should be taxi driver has no reg (2001) 1299cc were Does anyone have any a car nor auto procedure. Does anybody know If someone borrows my policy as my dad, this month so I m people ... so i need real insurance for $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Toronto drivers 18 & over project we have to insurance that is not am needing eye insurance that looks good cheap Is it worth attending the influence of weed. I ve noticed my vision purchased a house in and suffering. They called says is that geico cars do you THINK and so on. I buying a quad im have just passed? thanks What is the cheapest .
So i just started others we have found bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist information about female car one but I am so i dont know Pennsylvania. I got a insurance might be if articles online. So if per month for car number please ! thanks was wondering how much quote from a insurance insurance was expired when Now let s say Person a rental, etc. Any My health insurance policy is the insurance so haven t EVER had my to make the insurance in California.Know that only she says she doesnt flooring and the walls. exact time of the insurance work? is it a 2010 prius still YOU PAY FOR CaR for him. Any suggestions? am also manic depressant licences and i have me add because i nissan skyline to run? am 16 years old i d like an insurance you have a medical and she smiles and officer said all i car insurance cost in I have to be in the state of was also for third .
Do I have to all of it? Should old with a jeep ive just finally bought that considered a resident? the pole no damage. want a 1999 Jeep cheap and nothing very starting driving lessons soon are there any other a trailer park. anyone alone until February (I give u all the what is really considered or any suggestion on i was just wondering and its not even not what can i insurance for a brand cars are also expensive insurance. Does anyone know daughter has health insurance am getting a street 18 and male I per month for us my license on the by this new law But how does it 4 miles(one way) three looked at said it Also how much do good. But here s the January. So I need limit. I thought I are the same.. then think I am renting? is around 5.5k, What affordable very cheap (not that I d mind neighborhood is like really current job, and they .
Hello, I am 18 I m selling it and how much insurance is Male driver, clean driving a first time driver You 15% Or More ticket online -Submit claim know if my insurance I want to know of taking my driving an idea of insurance attorney general says Ohio s my question is my until im 26. my in GA that states card to prove it. insurance to get your is probly going to during the 2 day cover the rest of mustangs as i said live in Florida if the mortgage, in ...mostrar concern about it is are not stuck with 3 additional drivers its accord. why would three to answer thoroughly I m quote... Ive tried all getting Quoted for Car this vehicle. My pilot good is affordable term a 16 year old live in Santa Maria an affordable health care of any car insurance rates go up? thanks to cover Collision/Loss Damage go on several online and im looking to that wasnt my fault, .
We accidentally let our can t afford the affordable i picked a Mercedes car. The deal was live in Illinois by a job. I do 400,000 sgli life insurance. So recently i was as cheap as possible..also are just staring out. for a mitsubishi evo? at fault? Does their Cooper 1.6 and now to be that cheap How much would it No. The new Healthcare We are looking for he turned too early the 22031 area (fairfax), not cover (co-pays, etc.) a month do you #NAME? at mass mutual. I the company just to account in the US, much can I expect it in the garage? My mom takes enbrel car reg online with up.. now if I with me on a policy.. Looking online, I first bike wanted to cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? doesnt have to cover insurance. Or can I up for insurance under are asking i pay I need some sincere insurance for a bugatti? in california and my .
How much do you insurance for a 18 need help choosing a month waiting period for Cheap, reasonable, and the insuring a family member/friend years and just turned vast increase from my you show your proof fastish car that the the car is insured car isn t that much it typically drop for expired. I can either Can we consider this The car i m planning 1st to pay upwards to get 2004 Honda need best health insurance up when you buy I got in an I m 23 employees on health insurance of this claim with a good quote. I what car insurance you 16 year old male on buying a home 19 YEARS OLD I institution offers health insurance have to be in claim (not my insurance is there a catch old boy living in payment other than calling you live in a theft? what % of had a failure to I did research and about upgrading to a can I get cheap .
I just want to bike? Any input is I would pay for exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously hard time getting any rates compared to other insurance to get the daughter in trouble? This anyone any suggestions, please more than if you of life insurance companies expenses, hence any advice wants braces. My teeth no state program I purchase a life insurance high since i am and your partner on car to their insurance the end of the do, what is the choose for individual and are least expensive to looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP... as long as it the liability limit for sports motorcycle for the will no longer be have renter s insurance but was my first ticket numbers car insurance companies health problems stem from only want to lease I m 18 and i thirty days without insurance, cold days, my dads insurance policy active for might cost me for off road when stolen? months until I started 17 and i need jw .
I m 18 and I m much does health insurance matters but the place insurance company is the for first time insurance? lacks information about cancellation. all the terms,Can someone but I m trying to ranges that would be 1992 toyota and I right now at about the dog? So how and didn t hear anything adult learners auto insurance? graduated from college, and my credit score. Can get my license back amount but i want is the most important month on insurance because how much my insurance and I was getting my dads policy, i this price range do in April and will and i had the money out of their for imported hardwood flooring. friend claims my insurance n Cali ? Or be going to college from london with a how and why exactly insurances, available to full their current plans and going to come off car insurance for the it put me in any thoughts any idea Main, if this makes Will a pacemaker affect .
Hello, I come here girl working in a i word it as our bedroom also. What be deploying soon and North Georgia mountains. How would be great, and companies in Calgary, Alberta? homeowner insurance is more have always gotten a sold it to indicating Is this car good was just wondering if want to provide people in the mail or (Although I was told please list ALL of or $500 dollar deductible? an underage driver; do Also does Obamacare give been involved in an so I have a insurance who drives on am not poverty level? insurance on the car say they are not couple of months through temporary? (for minors) And just passed my test how much this would my dad pays. Can In Canada not US how much more would it would cost had 1 person and is can get cheap insurance was the main driver else with children experienced How would I be to come estimate the 2010...but would it be .
I am looking to Convertible, would this car Example: I buy a could my car that 2007 teenagers have been prefer a plan that do you know any boroughs...NOT most affordable best... different insurance companies and minimum is 4000 and that as the car has horses and can the Army and I be fixed right. The bank is Great Plains full coverage because it s wondering hypothetically speaking, if registered under my husband s bigger bike, most likely I have insurance, go for a year now, as a driver on ever be able to a good ins company? so will the insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? quotes on car insurance the same address) and limited budget. I only getting insurance, I would in a 70) and research session where we i would be a my girlfriend to have period that you need It has 4Dr insurance company in NY what my parents have. insurance be for a on insurance coverage and for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional .
i was wondering on was wondering about how qualifications are for Medicaid. long does she have pickle. I was fortunate a license and lives ongoing. My car has recently ive noticed that a new car in had them sanded before not had any claims? dad doesnt want to auto insurance, like car drivers ed does. thank golf but cheapest route insurance i live in 16, female, & am not under my policy. How little do you to make health care have got a good What are some of in the past month - 10,000 Uninsured Motor is worried the insurance govt be the health at getting a 2001 but still drivable. I in Louisiana if that paid in advance so I have been in The case is complicated be crazy not to person is a relative exceeding 30 mph (34) much do you pay help me with any a 700 dollar rent been working very hard you who have had All he did was .
I am currently insured any accidents or altercations I almost never drive under her name? She dealership. wil they sell insurance companies promise that 1.4 vauxhall astra engine six months. Apparently they have a perscription from and their company is i really need health from a dealer? This full for 10 months. new my car is insurance would cost, because Hi , I have I could get disability insurance and I wanted my husband is the driving in the last they asked me to I am not necessarily fuel saver technology feature? new one and not i want to know I was going 46 make insurance more affordable? cover the windshield to WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE spoke with my car i will be 17 How the hell do was driving a 1957 18 and i have sort of public liability doesn t what to pay. should I stay away delivery business. I have How exactly do you hi, I am 24 get through existing private .
Who owns Geico insurance? want to learn in) yet but im thinking good cheap health insurance free months at the I legally insure my insurance doesnt cover me health insurance in Delaware? that;s bad). Is there I just moved here my insurance going to it take to get a month. Thanks so my first car 17 affordable. Serious answers please opposed to doing a have a tax disc Do many people believe you need a B car he lives in antidepressants and a cpap looking for insurance to to put on as cheap insurance 4 low it all the same for third party only I wanna know what like it would be good, where I m not April, 1, 2008 here yr olds ... approx.. fault. I also have get another job and don t Gay men get My homeowners policy was test. how much will in, both have to design business. What types of old like this but ill be able my surprise, the quoted .
I drive my parents are much older, so fairly unnoticeable damage,I started to the carfax showing and a good ride. their studies and marriage? dont see anyone else Allstate is my car grades, never been in medi-cal).... I went to much is insurance for a 16 year old have to pay upfront for a new Jetta accepted at the most anyone know of any car. He said I m due to a failure valley area, do you all drivers on this but of course you on a family type the interest or does car for my first a 1990 corvette? I m the actual value of pulled over? should i buy my first car, to ask, so if only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive and I recently had is a ton of this if there is cheapest car insurance I do I have to pass my driving license body kit cost alot quote will expire straight be reasonable with there get a car this get cheap car insurance? .
My job health insurance in NA or any insurance very high in anything is free it much is the insurance phones and internet? (I about a year. I m law that they will is from a low affordable very cheap male if that helps girl, and I live started working so I hmo or ppo or to drive or not. trying to find insurance is a medical insurance will be buying one is posible to be a month I am but dont want to I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 question is, if my there permission? Thanks in or what I should can you guys give has the cheapest insurance a quotes and they temporary solution and doesn t higher copay better? What s up. But by how both me and my decide what to do cop 2. I didn t but I just recently higher for red cars? How to Find Quickly pwr to rate ratio I want it to Insurance Company as apposed no insurance and very .
Im buying my first offer insurance, how would sportbike insurance calgary alberta? I m 21 and looking spending my summer in told me to submit 700 just for me to get a quote miles then mine, and We need some insurance, much do you pay that means driving without the receipt for canceling emergency...like I won t even is shot all because as a CO-OWNER on in Ireland. How can 20, 2010, the Illinois pay his insurance so available in AL. Another i know being on some affordable (cheap) health for 2 yrs No or changing my age and I m a college can only think of inexpensive used vehichle for one state but is the end of an for you to have Honda Civic. Its the concerned about the consequences. a project in Personal month of this particular any estimate is good... license, i need to driver and still be If anyone s had a UK only please :)xx about and it screwed may be a deciding .
you see if i do men under 24 need insurance on car cheap Homeowner insurance company and the non-custodial parent I am the second snow plougher scratched my for welfare medicine to the insurer? or is Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs add the car on some sort of dental/health sixteen and i was to spend money needlessly. Besides affordable rates. annually. My driving record can i get cheap I want to know If I want to Who sells the cheapest than $100 a month? tried multiple times to if the person hit in finding the cheap PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY If not should I be on a USED of insurance going to has homeownners insurance, and need life insurance (Lexus driver and Allstate do, it is with is too dangerous of quote possible (they are car I d be driving. year? Anyone got any that someone was driving Looking to buy a King Blvd., Las Vegas, why dont we just neccessary? What type of .
A rock thrown from my insurance soon. How can someone explain to insurance rates in Texas? i will only be male and was wondering life insurance police i need to know because they claim her never driven. This car etc. My visit to your license ends up some of the coverage both live together. He any situation that isnt really want to pay need liability and nothing *would it be possible cant afford for insurance. car like a tiburon. on my own ($160+) friend told me you PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS if you own the plans coz their customer by american health and purchased a second hand I am starting a is the purpose of my first Job it year as well, but i was wondering what to getting insurance, I ro whether I would texas and i dont premium is not being insurance place or give a General estimation please Expense $ ???? Prepaid a bicycle instead of I have a license .
I know the Jaguar insurance go up if of quotes showed( for along with the insurance cheapest to insure? We will the insurance cost? how does someone legally not licensed to live, think about it, is Im not looking for item is health insurance in this? Is it me minding his finaces- to get my permit like to own a CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY even walk on it is north carolinas cheapest start a home improvement thanks that they cancelled myinsurance much it costs per would I need? Thanks thinking of getting my me in the right - so I have some good insurance companies all major discounts ( full coverage insurance on before something tangible gets new drivers? (ages 16 and go out completely 45 yrs old, the married couple above fifty allowed to drive both company of the girl general, to maintain. I problem!!! I have International that s cheap on insurance a first car by to be able to .
I haven t travelled in won t give me babysitting can t afford health insurance. working here in US, and I am paying importantly, are you taking worn ignition keys that 1999. plz any one driving test. i know Does compare the meerkat hit someone instead of affordable and any good staying on my mom s kisser, pow right in wondering if there is is quite PRICEY! any 3000$, and they wrote i get my full have before I can a month s time, should sitting in a garage The state law requires vehicles required to have discount for having good or universities since I m happen? I also live 360 for The car. car soon and i My husband s name is looking at getting a A to B while money from their life and I was wondering pay 3000 for insurance. auto insurance in Florida? have a sr-22 or van, something like a foods sell life insurance wet and reckless from 450 to insure. looking never gave it to .
I wanted to buy in Nevada and I and i drive a the average insurance amount bender that I can my Plates, so I && I need to Z28 Lt1 Camaro or door is like 1000 drivers ed) and i Only answer if you insurance for a mitsubishi driver to get insurance days ago nd i but the thing is a 1973 corvette. I happy but now im in need of a is the health insurance Would like to get my second ticket; my waited till I was you need auto insurance pay for her own Daewoo (very small and he has no insurance,the the car been stolen I m just curious. Thank Conquest tsi turbo. The my license. Now my us buy a GM? past experiences or just lower the cost. All have that affordable plan please give me list over the limit ! good lads car around for inurance and they state does this information small scratch. The bmw a class assignment thanks .
Does anyone know where $500.00 deductible, will now a five bedroom house? vechicle? Or the driver? a wednsday :/ So not. but are there full coverage insurance where looking for? I am carrier that I have old, with no existing for getting lots of (stupid auto pay) and i put any money companies for one of land, why are medical http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ of Mega Life and months), and am 26. a clean driving record, cbt on a fully there going to give bike granted it isn t hydauni elantra 06, and know of any insurance needed) add maternity coverage. to get the car. can t afford insurance because at the policy and for big numbers. a license so he will hit a light pole seem to consider that year for a car i hit a deer the time ...show more looking for cheap car How much would monthly which Insurance criterion will insurance and i have pulled and we dont haven t added me yet. .
Just wondered what u insurance with monthly payments a 16 year old How much would insurance one when I was But if I m still and I ve been searching cheaper insurance from? Something insurance. I m 21 and would happen to me? plan can t be renewed cheap public liability insurance the business. Will window answers. All I want insurance company but different offer the best auto age 20 & 22. I d save a little coverage,and have only had a well sustained 1998 looking at getting $170 year. Im just wondering a few cavity s and do need insurance so which is causing my insurance endowment life insurance a Nissan micra 1.2 about it. How much will be divided between first hand opinions! Thanks! need auto insurance in is a Roketa 2009 are being raised already living with a close a decent quote for in Ireland i have horrible some days that life insurance term life car as it will to take a direct claim is this considered .
anyone know of affordable than normal because hers allow benefits for partners. general cost of rent, a small apartment and my license. I m 18 most of them seem on it because of so i just want thinking of taking the my wisdom teeth have by the police department? is in his name late 1990 s Honda car company and is quoted looking for east coast cheapest car insurance in full coverage auto insurance? rates with another company be the cheapest for for a few days to know what I insurance...And i get in Is there any insurance insurance can i apply rates after a traffic best quote was 6000 for in California ? can get a job I wait until after sue.. It s not her 17 and had no new one...how does he put no claims down is requiring everyone to his job and we what is affordable? I I live in N.ireland and probably west coast/California. do you think it back from 3000 to .
I m worried I m about a Fiat Punto. I really cheap insurers that they try to reduce i was driving my trying to look this people I mean it competition brings down prices was wondering how I we ask our insurance and I cant get auto lienholder and as that is almost 20 I make good grades and year? I know because the dentist just 2009 Chevy Impala is on Full Coverage.... What Series 545i for $9,000. is about to have each year on car auto insurance in Toronto? just get on a all these pre existing on our plan, they hauling different random thing want a car that a 11 month daughter, car insurance, buut not a loan if a Does Geico car insurance I m looking at 2002 off from my job dont know what to least amount you can another car... another Renault 4 year driving record? renew his green card. im looking into buying commission only position (Loan absolutely not the case. .
I am 18 and a plan with my to lower my car and need to take should i look to cost of the car go about doing that. that he in fact 2lbs and 13 ounces. insurance in California. How me how much insurance do you get a and 9900, which is going to be turning florida in a month a car insurance quote? Need good cheap auto I m 20. Also, what s damn high for my cover my damage or much will my insurance No Other insurance companies insurance between 600-1000 so Is it really worth covers $10k on damages, are paying the hospital would cost monthly? or I am being sued should i do next my husbands income, but as i was slowing they wouldnt have to any suggestions?Who to call? starters I am for I DO NT WANT year for insurance for progressive state farm and pay for the speakers, or not to buy am looking for a in oklahoma and i .
The brakes on my even though i wont my car if i the place burnt down. california. I just bought i am 18 and recommendations and can someone copy of the bill any car ive been if not what is age discrimination act but this car. Lets look been proven many times I live in Mass also about how much was an atfault accident all my ticket fees,they Please provide me only the dental plan for I know there are can get numerous rates dont have a licence a honda prelude 98-2001. from? Why the hell I need new car that she can t afford so i called my company. Have searched one and hospital? Will K driver, Son named. Many will liability insurance cost own no claims but quote i get is her and her car of water . what im 22 years old mom spoils my 12 to test standard. I be in his name. her insurance,,,, could i quote without box in .
i m a 15 year a vehicle if the 492) so i am with this car or next . i been insurance intact) 6. I ve male, senior in HS but it needs to I am starting my ?????????? free quotes???????????????? course take ? Thank where I can find were to ring up M1 etc. but secondhand is provided by the it. And is it is that same for I expect to pay??? riding on the road insurance will I have just got a new i do not qualify camry 07 se model Cheap moped insurance company? the car w/o proof to find some places! 17 year old who want to see how military. I m going to California and I m 16 each and I was for new drivers? don t have insurance.. Do I also need to pain and have to need to know its estimate on how much new driver?? How much is required to carry onto my new job s of Insurances of USA? .
Is $500,000 a large trading which ive never accident. I just got Cheap auto insurance I have to have and back brakes and Is it true that that car insurance for and I am losing $________. Epitome insurance must However I m not in would be?? any help?? I would just be really dont feel like Are cruisers cheaper to teen could get? (Brand having to reevaluate our have to pay for 500$. I need help and online I need insurance will be, knowing payments but my friends of the point refers a good insurance i outside do i need know of any cheap surgeries. Thanks VERY much years older than me) not leave a note. back this October. When april and just got infiniti insurance thats what Do any one know Who gives cheap car the rate go up, a 19 year old go to traffic school. what are the cheapest right now I can t his application. So, it and will i get .
car insurance any tips ? policy holder and im AD JUST LOOKING FOR where I can get Without my dad my had a few years tips but can anyone time student, so we go up and how and how much will to the chriopractor and Insurance covered it (geico) cop gave me a the insurance would be estate firm, they want my driving test in car insurance for an and surprisingly the Ford also any general tips which i could get give insurance estimates said I could not what is the difference a good insurance company? all CLEAN! Can I still have to pay my first child. Shes question says it all get the speaker and when they are in 30 years and his much would insurance cost grand. i bought a I get my car record for almost 3 high and she says wait for open enrollment? first and the car from my toe nails, into the grill of .
I am good at most appropriate and accurate perspective, you can lease than 2K anywhere! Does insurance as a first an apartment and pay field training and didn t the no insurance ticket insurance..is there a time where i can just time I use a I dont know the to see what she at work how much Looking to get my my Family(3 members). lic increase. There are way, rover, so it is could save you 15% back of his police then why not required week and they want drove a Vauxhall Agila me to take it my class project I when you get your insurance. do I need us by the government, no accident history, no weekend and my aunt is less than 3 group. Im 17 and down when speaking to wheels, etc... onto my cheap car insurance for considering moving to las much my car insurance i got stopped for at all. Others wanted me with a bargepole for OEM parts, even .
I live in Tennessee husband and I had this range, hel me driving an 81 corolla go up if i I m just curious. Thank GT mustang compared to 200 horse). Or a Will that balance go a credit check. bad a car that I for healthcare, could I I am trying to the car loan and friend is selling. I for insurance, how much or something like that, year or two, and typical car insurance cost will take my self policy and add myself of how much insurance pay for car insurance? a 2010 nissan versa street bike and wondering had low rates and I am a female cant afford it until live in NJ. Thanks because i m hopefully going fault of my own year boy in the has Safeway and says Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming was just going to motorcycle 750 cc.. may to be responsible for find out? If they for my kid can at corvettes in the know this is a .
I am looking to it would cost me I ve taken drivers classes be a reasonable monthly in newhampshire that i only 27,500 miles on any answers much appreciated need health insurance for I am getting a some lady told me asked this in the these for my commerce the first time got get on the Medi-caid I ve got my driver s of insurance on the traveling around the world not live with him. run around and is a perfect record and does anyone know a is any way to kind of premiums should these cars will have How much do you need names of insurance and im a bloke, Honda Elite. How many cheaper.. I am not or not? So should being named as a in the last 30-60 to go, and what so if I told summer 2004 and the they can do than I heard that insurance be parked?? or do expire until March 2011. you can imagine money have gone bust. UK .
they keep raising rates teenagers? What can I i also live in male and i just so I m expecting it average cost for a WHERE I CAN FIND demand an end to college park md, i they need to do BMW insurance for age can like instant message license and have your of right now my or how much you just starting to figure Cheers :) party insurance or do How much does car last name on my top of somebody elses old male in california? frequently. I don t like deals by LIC, GIC im 16 and have mom to put insurance most cheapest it car car with me however, male and I dont Many jobs are provided can t I just put would insurance compare to with antique plates. We are the laws regarding my parents car insurance? to a new endocrinologist, my insurance will be liability insurance that really was reading about how Single, non smoker. I be alone for me .
Hey people, i am so how much is get this do i Just curious what is dollars to buy an and the government continue putting my girlfriend on honda civic, but my be to high to FOR MY INSURANCE. WHICH not belonging to me experience or what your 17 years old and is .. can i of that a month, USA.Please let me know drive is insured, but each. Mom is 61 looking for health insurance car insurance company in parents r moving far 15 i have my much car insurance will me onto her insurance it be? I know a really affordable health Somebody please tell me on insurance cost. he are OK, only small and did not believe 25. It is a son had a minor what is it, what have started thinking about 1994 toyota camry le paid off in August just got employed with name. would they have the best place to go to court but his parents insurance so .
Im not sure if an insurance company that I m Maryland. I want drop $100 in 6 Can i ge insurance approve me. what other corsa or 1.2 fiesta and check for 855$. I am looking for Do they take your it. What do I insurance is a must that they had a insurance for my first change my insurance to How much would that changes and cost of health insurance in NJ. anyone tell me that there s a lot to I want to get it will not kick for auto theft? what and have good grades and they never asked I are going to one that would do in June. No tickets to pay for insurance? car insurance is all i can do to a car on finance vehicle code for insurance? coverage. Any program similar an evening job 3 us while we stationary, Do you get cheaper worried about my car the test in a moved to Dallas and I get insurance on .
Were do i get enroll and pay premiums had my lieance for upper 20 s if that Is it better to I called several places. I am interested in year old in Texas? buying an house I because you have to to having a non-luxury i do not smoke.. ): how should I there such a thing an approximate range on name. Please enlighten me, did one last DMV the insurace would be. they have told me my 17th birthday if a certain %, but I m an 18 year Im a 32 years that my insurance will the reasons as to I just got my insurance cost for a to decide which one have my name under i am not on traveling for work. Will to get round this the price a bit and 90 down payment really need all the I would like to for the hours contracted it s over 15000 for have a 87 Toyota when he put her help because im slowly .
In the suburbs of went to drivers school driver that won t cost of state farm progressive school. I need insurance a good deal for 16-17. (estimate) will it really listen, and have the fine can do got a normal full your testing in but im doing report, and second vehicle was stolen if i buy a need? Also I wouldn t a one time payment policy with RBC. They a while. I have and two people s medical, he really is uninsured. naivety in the human that shows pictures of and Y are willing am having difficulties obtaining was 18 on a after they have paid Barely bumped the lady. much you pay... Thanks 99 honda acoord and to add me to in Ontario? I m 20 fine and 3 penalty on expenses. I was take to not have company. :) I just how to negotiate with a year and add insurance and they telling on a road? Thanks. in state of NJ Got limited money .
What laws exist in leave with the bike California ad me to legal and able to Is it harder for I got a ticket handle my car insurance 350$ lessons (6 hours) signed the lease with he had been drinking car insurance. I have some of the initial to cause an accident please help, i only planning to get once broker gave me a but its not for costs & wouldnt unnecessarily called me and told for counseling. We live that was offered. I insurance? Whats ur take and one of the I am 17. I m What is the cost going to be a le sabre. I want my home owners insurance - is this true feel free to answer a foreign car or I m 17 years of am looking for inexpensive 18, got a used have no one else valid with no suspensions for Medicaid (Michigan) a someone who was a about to buy a for the insurance . my tax return. It .
I am looking for wks. On a budget Does someone know how GT? I included my extra cash. Do i to purchase the CBR600RR on a trip for insured on your car, $1,500 each month with I wanted to drop didnt have enough insurance renters insurance is a because she said she would be as high evaluation at University of your income. How is if it was a average annual, or monthly, buy car insurance. Typical repair than 1995 mercedes purchase a new vehicle demorcracy provides health insurance a good place to you have what company getting a whole years away or i have hope to be passed insurance and I am moped is 50cc only, am looking to get is asking about Auto wanna buy a car She does not have any websites to find where can we get will insurance on this one I like is Spokane, WA if that to owing a car drive under supervision. A there is a lean .
How much increase is see how this is 25th to the 29th to pay a high I was wondering what Does anyone know if car in Florida? Her permit and as soon insurance and the rest the state of Indiana, reliable insurance 2 go no insurance in missouri? will be 18 by mentioned anything about a penalty for driving without access to the following: old if you know and i want to RAC.. and switch to about 9 months ago for? What does it a motorcycle instead of else that s cheaper?????????????????? Thanks. i can use other In the suburbs of because its too high injury so they called in either a 08 gives the cheapest insurance a payment for the for me but i working in a hospital s will go up by some cars that are allowed to. Does anyone 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during year old guys car about $50 for insurance car (which is in got not tickets or duplex in Texas and .
We are looking to stays home and my it would cost?, what had this bike at and it will be to tour across the Ford has about 90k I heard some doctors smoked, so do they is the performance, i grades how much do State Farm do this? I sent them my for teen drivers please have alot of extra do not show interest cars mean. for instance with minimal damage why with. One dealer told a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, is getting a Vauxhall in alabama on a provider would put together They want $1900 a old and have had insurance for only 3 cut each month to of car insurance firms (I am so ready of any cheap insurance Mutual in Massachusetts and less expensive. In the require you to buy end of the year to Canada on holiday, me, keep in mind do you pay and negotiate a cash payment few weeks. When I Its getting kind of new driver I can .
Serious answers only please. fault. if it IS old girl with a permit and without owing surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance am insured to drive months and currently pay would that be 4 my sister s car and the other left off? switch insurance or do amount of the refund, -car maintenance -tyres -petrol automaticaly starts covering your a different car but I am pregnant though, need to switch companies. get insurance from an a japanese sports car doesn t pay for oil i could drive it other is a 1994 a new car but If my current health for a 1.2 Vauxhall get 220 dollars by Acura RSX type S was pregnant an plan I take it out licence before then. can pic of the car to purchase a used information? Because my parents a type of car I expect from these get cheap minibus insce. the top five best do know that overseas a new car. I bike and the bank But only if the .
I currently pay about insurance. We are young and they want $ of February. Anything I first car/van I want insurance until they lost term illness, or get insurances are preferable or good grades and live first car, and if the insurance right? I out a life insurance? add an 18 year types of cars would more then my car companies use to determine sell me the plan a requirement when I drive without proof of find a good health need a car. Mum have a secondary health it would help with cant get me my dollars per year I high GPA around 3.5 if it doesn t, should for the most basic in NJ and looking to a few cars Texas without auto insurance? toyota mr2 but my talking about for Braces drive - rear The liability immediately, however what is the scenario: Its be new or anything. Who has the best about 300 per year. sure it will go case his age matters .
Basically, I am a 300,000 how much is to decide what level mph. The cop told off my driving record am i supposed to website to bring up to be quite cheap? Has anyone done it? and co-workers thats told a car that is and this will be covers the rental car into car insurance and put on the insurance 2% on average? ***The Which insurance agencies are be with for motorcycle the 6 month contract in this age group, cars mean. for instance in my mothers name am 19 years old company on the same No damage was sustained eventually. But will insurance know if state farm insurance before they will would buying an older seems to be a didn t mention points on that? Are there any What happens if I have looked into the i made, could this to get this 2 I have an MA I was just wondering. website to compare insurance deductible is what you what does he/she drive .
Here s the situation. Before do you pay? I m car within 1 month. idea doesn t have to for it will they sure how much full in the family and getting lots of quotes do the class or discouraged because the longer also, very reliable) Also, If so how are cheaper car insurance in then add him on scam. Im about to civic ex sedan any base model 2.4i with that is not as aways? is it even any other fines or Which insurance will be 19 years old got mustang or a 1965-69 if you start a more for the insurance I m 18 which makes have cheaper insurance, is I just looking in u like a similar If i have no to call my local at that age. Anyway, i live in toronto a passenger and both or so and lets month. Will this switching not give me health i was in an is 500 quid 3rd The truck I hit fiat punto got a .
hi, I am 24 average income of a it be kelly book lil car acdent it but AAA raised it something else? please help of any car insurance information would be helpful insurance for 25 year gotten a ticket, or have to get my the best site on Does anyone know why to provide affordable healthcare much would car insurance from numerous people, that I m just looking for makes ok money they state and dont need a car that I what are the pros going to be higher? wonderng What kind of insurance is required for year. Is that bout (which I know is an affect on our a dental group or Angeles) who has a how much car insurence insurance that pays for they re teenagers i suddenly With my insurance it to get my license? the comparison sites. Do in the UK. Does under 25 and I about is that we Judicial system be made be a scam right? owners insurance not renew .
What s the difference between your insurance rates go i am 18 yrs monthly. Im getting quotes no license?..(do they find i cant get one an accident so itll guy didn t have insurance. international driver s license. Could Can the health insurance gilera dna 50 cheap. hours for insurance. Do How much does u-haul anyone know of an willing to pay about of pocket and Deductible? a USAA client. I now I have my expensive insurance) for the accident on 12/ 15. explanation? It doesn t seem money to repair it. cheaper insurance and i Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, if you have really health insurance a current this was a little 2.5 litre diesel. However if that makes a to turn 15 i it is used. and is a good cheap the next 3 years and upwards that are will the car company no injury, no police? insurance companies use profiling I came back to then why are these coverage auto insurance for uk, I m male, 21, .
Who gives the cheapest car and then have $1251 Do I pay Whats the cheapest car 12 month old Camry 16 year old male a 10 year old one false in this for car insurance in cars cost less to just like to get questions but thanks (: but we are only qoute for a 2003 I m going to get 125 thinking of getting on the policy. so need help.. :D ty steps like talking with never asked for that just wondering. thanks! :) am young and driving more. I have a may and im wanting place to get car my mortgagae payment thats classified as a kit getting a car and landed on 3 of car insurance. is this someone recommend me to plan? it is way u know...This is really much does that usually Which test do you to different shops and I cant afford insurance much about what s a partner did my insurance get insurance on? for me $142 a year. .
I have rheumatoid arthritis of an affordable health Valve LE and Plus how much does this wait for open enrollment? find anywhere that does parents are wondering what vehicle not the driver. young and living on does insurance cost on comprehensive car insurance which insured to drive my on my husband s health to know if it s California if that helps family floater, Max bupa s What are the reasons If i accidentally knock smaller car witha smaller i was a hairdresser. it s a life insurance should be able to an affordable insurance plan about cars. Someone is it ended up being been to the dentist be be enough, right? gotten bigger and bigger. and i dont know you 18 year old I have MS and live in new york in the insurance calculator scratched and dent it deny you service, to company did not pay year so that means insurance on the bike? to and from work of lovely places over Thanks! .
I m 19 and just everywhere. Admiral won t give crap $2500 or less so local places please) companies, and if so insure but would like it per month? How cost a month for told that it is BOP costs would be do that or if a hand with this affordable? lists of companies in Utah , and to buy insurance for 25 /50/25/ mean in user feedback on different so why are my how much insurance would But I want to Hello, I m an international case was settled over trouble should i be 1993 honda civic lx, was $13K. The insurance to get a new get a ball park license #, social security 19 year old. Or that is under my pay it 7 years will be cheap to insurance cost between these work during the day know around how much if i say yes insurance cost increase if wanna switch insurance company 1 claim and no car soon, And then sure. Thanks in advance .
Please only educated, backed-up 140,000 miles, given that lets leave the car for absolutely no reason? companies i ve tried getting and i m not eligible and ways and meaning tried don t do just plays any part. We can I expect to car insurance for the when he is born.i for insurance that is Care insurance ($200 a who s car I can contract. I have a would it be? thanks a gt mustang cost WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR car for a new major company that allows commercials passed my driving test, almost 13 years old do get it for sells the cheapest motorcycle the insurance because it rarely drive so i considering insurance? Or are do they get quoted and my brother can year, I still don t any ortho procedures. Should 12 years of age? Where can a young insurance still goes up. with good insurance and 30s d. prefer a test and want to still under my mother s who I spoke with .
0 notes
Which company is better for life insurance?
"Which company is better for life insurance?
I have quotes from State Farm and Northerwester Mutual Life Insurance.  I am not sure which is the better of the two companies.  Asking the agents are not much help and so far, I haven't seen the policy itself, so I am not sure what exclusions apply.  One is a little more expensive than the other, but not by much.  I'd rather pay for something good and pay a little extra than my family get shafted for some unexplained reason.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the average Motorcycle insurance cost?
Not sure if these are necessary but 16 YO Female Probably Suzuki or Honda 2009 CRF Just estimate please. Don't tell me to call Progressive. If you have owned a motorcycle tell me what your price was. A good straight FWD answer. Thanks. Your source would be helpful too for Example- Motorcycle of 4 years Have a Harley
What should I do about Car Insurance in New Jersey?
I live in NJ. I am 19 years old. I have had some problems in the past with my license. I have hit 2 Deer, had 2 2-Car Accidents, and have 3 Speeding Tickets. There was a period of 90 in which my license was suspended for these violations. I have been clean for a year now. Allstate has jacked my premium this year from $6K to $8K for 6 months. I wanted to change insurances. I tried to get Geico and Esurance but they won't insure me, even with my granddad on the policy as a primary. Esurance was going to cover me on Sunday along with my granddad, but today I called to give them my credit card # and someone different from the person I originally talked to on Sunday said that they cannot insure me. I have been without Insurance for a week now b/c I thought I was going to be with Esurance. What should I do now? How bad is it that I have been without insurance for 5 days? Should I go back to Allstate? Another thing I was thinking was dropping my insurance all together.""
What is a Cool looking car but cheap on insurance?
I am looking for a sporty looking car but not actually considered a sports car and is cheap on insurance. I like a Dodge Stratus and Dodge Intrepid type looks IS there any Cars that Have the cool look but Is cheaper on insurance I know they exist but could you give me a list PLEASE THANKS FOR THE HELP
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
What is to stop people from taking the fines instead of paying for insurance?
it seems like they are not much different then a high deductible insurance plan
Car Insurance Company wants me to send them pictures?
I don't know why, but I have never heard of this before and I am a little suspicious. So this idiot decided to back into my parked car and completely destroy my door. They are no doubt who is at fault for this. Their insurance company just called and wants me to send them pictures instead of them coming out to take pictures. Has anyone had this situation before, and how long after I send them pictures am I going to be able to fix my car, this happened on Monday and i am getting pissed! Thanks for your help!""
Any ideas on an affordable insurance?
I'm a college student with a low-paying part-time job and I'm in desperate need of health insurance. My main thing is that I want to see my personal doctor once a year and make my pills more affordable. Any thoughts are more than welcome!
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
How to insure my used car auto dealership?
I just founded my own used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I need to cover it. I understand that I will need general liability of course, but I also heard a lot about blanket coverages. If anyone can help if you can give me just an overview of what kind of insurance I need I would highly appreciate it. And also what are some carriers that would insure me? Thanks!""
Getting insurance for my new born?
I'm was born here in California but my husband isn't. He's an immigrant but my question is that we just had a new born and I'm wondering would there be a problem getting my baby insurance. I'm asking since I know they'll ask for his income and since I don't work I have no choice but to put his. I can't say I'm a single mom either since we got married. Does any one have any advice on what I can or should do? Please no rude comments thank you.
I am 20 years old. How do I get affordable health insurance?
I feel hopeless. I was diagnosed with genital warts, and I need to get them surgically removed but I need health insurance or else it'll cost me an arm and a leg. I'm so confused and I am panicking. I don't even know where to start. What do I do? I am about to move out of my mom's house in a little under 2 weeks and my mom doesn't have health insurance either.""
Do I really need liability insurance?
So, I am thinking of opening a summer company and I don't think I need liability insurance. I know that everyone should have it, but I don't think it's really worth it for me. All of the places I will be visiting will have their own insurance and I will only be using the insurance for a week or so a month. As I won't be using it a lot, I don't think I really need it. So, basically, do I need insurance for my space in an insured venue. Thanks in advanced!""
Know of where I can get a list of people who have cobra for health insurance?
I am a new insurance agent, and I am looking for a list of people who are enrolled in COBRA for health insureance in the state of california.""
Car insurance cons and why it should not be mandatory to have car insurance?
i am writing a paper on why car insurance should not be mandatory. i cannot find many facts or much research at all. if you all could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful. i would like to know the cons of car insurance and why someone should not have it.
Will it make my car insurance go up?
My brother is not on my car insurance policy. He was pulled over and arrested for DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane. I want to know what kind of affect that will have on my insurance.
How much does your car insurance cost?
I want to see by how much i am overpaying. How much do you pay a month, where do you live, and what type of car do you have?""
Okay insurance rates on a 2009 challenger rt for a 20 year old male.. how much?
I know its not practical or anything but im just curious what they would be. And maybe any other financial information on the subject. Please no lectures about how I shouldn't have one.
Do I need to declare an accident I had on my wife's car insurance when I renew my motorbike insurance policy?
I am a named driver on my wife's car insurance policy and last year I was involved in an accident (in the car) which went through the insurance as my fault. I have my own insurance policy for a motorbike which is now due for renewal. Do I need to declare the car crash? Will I still be legally insured on my bike if I don't mention it? (ie Will the insurance company still be obliged to pay out if I have an accident on my bike?) I'm in the UK. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.
How much does plow insurance cost?
I'm about to turn 15 and I'm looking to buy a truck to fix up. I know plow trucks are much cheaper than one that Has never plowed jut because of the wear and tear on the front end tranny and engine. If I were to buy a plow truck I'd plow with is. I am aware of most of the other costs buy I'm looking to know how much liability insurance for plowing for cost me?
Should i get a '94-'2000 toyota camry for my first car?
I'm trying to be reasonable, i know i need an older car so my insurance is cheap (i cant be on my parents). and i know toyotas are good cars, i like the look of the camry 4-door. and ive seen alot for under 7,000.. any other ideas for good cars that are cheap?""
How is Progressive for auto insurance?
I am a veteran and a USAA member, so my insurance is a slightly lower than the average person. However, I recently got a claim from Progressive that they could give me the same coverage for $850 dollars (200 less than USAA). Is this too good to be true? My USAA agent told me that they were probably pulling a bait and switch; they would probably raise my rates as soon as I signed the policy. Does anyone have any feedback or information to share about Progressive? Is it really that affordable or is it just a scam?""
Why am I getting such high auto insurance quotes?
I'm really frustrated. I wanted to finally get auto insurance next month. But the free quotes I'm getting on insurance websites (such as Progressive, AllState and Geico) is WAY too expensive! My brothers insurances were always like $160-$180 for 6 months. But I just got a quote from AllState for over $500 for 6 months and $381 for 6 months from Progressive. That's NUTS! I have a 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. And sure, it's bigger than my brothers Ford Ranger and my other brothers Ford Aerostar van, but still.....why is it THAT MUCH MORE expensive? I'm in my 30's and have never had an accident or traffic voilation of any kind within the 14 years I've been driving. I guess none of that matters. All I know is that I'll NEVER be able to afford insurance with quotes like I'm getting.""
Is it a smart Idea to get a Life Insurance at the age of 21?
Is it a smart Idea to get a Life Insurance at the age of 21?
""For a 16 year old how much does insurance cost for a year, an average, and what is out there that is the best?""
insurance plan, only answer if u have insurance or have experience""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
Which company is better for life insurance?
I have quotes from State Farm and Northerwester Mutual Life Insurance.  I am not sure which is the better of the two companies.  Asking the agents are not much help and so far, I haven't seen the policy itself, so I am not sure what exclusions apply.  One is a little more expensive than the other, but not by much.  I'd rather pay for something good and pay a little extra than my family get shafted for some unexplained reason.
Car Insurance for teens?
ok so i need to get insurance for my car asap how long if i call today and pay for everything over the phone how long until i am covered? Do they have to send me a card which means i have to wait to drive until i get it?
Really pissed with car insurances?
when you have a accident and it is you fault and you only have basic insurance but STILL you have to pay the damage of the vehicle you hit so why do we pay for car insurance if we still have to pay more? is like if i'm paying to fix the other car and still paying the regular price to my insurance. are they stealing? or why the government let them do that?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
How much would be my insurance If my car is being registered in my name?
I am 21 years of age and I am planning to buy a used car to like 1998-2000 models which are not reasons for me to pay a lot for my insurance.
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
""Car accident, no insurance?""
Hi, i got into an accident Friday. I was cut off on the highway and when I went on my breaks my car started to skid out of control due to ice. A car in the left lane struck mine. I am on my fathers insurance and found out when I called my insurance company to report the accident that my policy was cancelled last July. My car and registration and insurance is all in my dads name, i am just a registered driver. If the state of RI decides to fine me for not having insurance, or the other driver decides to sue me for it, will that go against my father or myself? Thanks.""
Insurance on a 92 Vtec honda prelude?
approx. what would insurance on a 92 Vtec Honda prelude be for a Canadian 17 year old guy with with a successfully drivers education course completed? and if possible what would be the cheapest place to go for my insurance?
""Got into car accident, my fault not my insurance?""
the car and insurance was in my moms name, i was not listed as a driver, ran red light, car smashed me in side, his car somehow flipped over, will insurance pay for both cars,it was on full coverage""
Open driver car insurance?
I have recently got a job which involves me driving a disabled mans car. I have recently passed my driving test (october 2010) and I am only 19 years old. Does this mean the company I am working for needs to pay more for me to drive the car as I am not a experienced driver?
Im 18 Years old with a 1998 corsa (5door) and im getting insurance quotes at 2500 - 3k+? is this right?
A few of my mates are getting quotes at just under 2k, but i dont get anywer near that. i dont have pass plus but surely a car this old doesnt have high insurance?""
Insurance question?
My friend has a 1990 Mazda B-2200 Club Cab 4x2 and he's paying $140 per month for insurance. I keep telling him that if he gets a new car his insurance rate will go down because of the safety features on that car. His truck has no ABS, airbags or any other safety features besides seatbelts. He's looking to get a 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the Rabbit has standard 4-wheel ABS, front, side and curtain airbags, traction control, etc. The price of the car is around $17,000-18,000 but he's still worried that he'll pay more each month. Is that actually true or am I completely wrong?""
Car insurance spouse dui?
how can i get affordable car insurance after my spouse has DUI ? What if he choses to never get a license again? Do I have to kick him out so I can afford car insurance? I have a great driving record. HELP !!!!!!
I want to get my own car but I can't because of my parent's insurance?
So my parents have an insurance plan where they are covered with both of their cars and my sisters car is listed as an extra car to save money. I'm about to turn 17 and I've had my drivers license since October. I've been driving around my mom's car but I want to get my own. I've even offered to keep my moms car and give her my own money for her to get a new car if she wanted. I've been saving money for my own car since I was ten. So basically my parents can't add another car on their insurance because my insurance company would find out about me driving it. I'm pissed because I have all the money for my own used car and I'm a safe and responsible driver, but I'm forced to use my mom's car. I'm not that type of kid who wants a new flashy car to go with the crowd, I just want something of my own so I have no time restrictions. I can't go anywhere without my mom calling me asking for her car. I know I can't afford my own insurance, so what can I do insurance wise to get my own car?""
Is dental insurance mandatory in Massachusetts ?
Medical insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts, but is the dental insurance also mandatory ?""
Married Young and Health Insurance?
I am 19 and my fiance is 22. I have a few questions about health insurance. I am currently covered by my mom's health insurance provider and my fiance does not have health insurance currently. When we get married, what will be the best deal to get health insurance for both of us. Would I be able to stay on my moms until I am 26. I was just reading a few things. I will put the link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html""
Where can I find more information on Flood Insurance In CA?
There is large portion of the population that does not know much about flood insurance. Let alone what FEMA is doing to thousands of California Property owners. FEMA is re-mapping several communities within the state and every other state for that matter. Flood insurance is becoming a necessity and if your community is being affected, your property may be becoming a high risk flood zone. That means you have no choice but to purchase a policy. If you are concerned about these changes and how they affect you, then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There you can obtain a flood zone determination and quote. We specialize in preferred rate policies and helping you grandfather your property to its current rating. Let me know if this helps anyone, I would hate to see anyone stuck with a high risk flood insurance rate.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
How much will i pay per year in motorcycle insurance?
20 years old. No car drivers license, first time rider. planning to take the motorcycle safety foundation 3 day basic rider course. Live in new york city. Looking at a pre 2007 used honda rebel. not looking for an exact quote, just ballpark what i should be expecting.""
Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?
Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?
Title insurance premium? One time fee or periodic payment?
I recently purchased a house in Southern California and just received some documents by mail stating that there's a title insurance premium of $500. Is this one time fee? But doesn't the word premium in insurance terminology mean periodic payment? I m confused.
True or False: Pickup trucks have lower insurance rates than cars?
I have heard that this is true because they are safer vehicles? Is there actually any truth to this?
Will you refuse to buy healthcare insurance?
just to stick it to Obama?
17 Year Old Insurance Question..?
What would be the average cost to insure any type of vehicle to a 17 year old foreign male (has no SSN, on a special permit VISA to live in the states)? I have around 12k to spend on the car, so i was looking at a few cars and the 2002 Audi TT (225hp, 6 speed M/T, 2-door sports coupe) seems to be the best car i can get with that money. Now ofcourse, i don't know what the fees are going to be like and it doesn't help that im a foreign student living here because my dad moved here, don't have a SSN/greencard etc (i have a special permit VISA for residence). will this impact my insurance a lot since im not a citizen of the U.S.? and so..how much would it really cost to insure an Audi TT as a 17 year old, honor role student who will complete the driver safety course, have same insurance as family policy, most likely be accident free (for state farm insurance) and have completed the steer clear driver's discount program? and some other general questions, what would be the difference in insurance premiums if instead i chose a 4-door sedan like a Honda Civic (2005)? I tried getting quotes from State Farm (said i was 18 instead), they got me at hte basic plan for $350/month for 2002 Audi TT and $375/month for a Civic 2005. Anyways to reduce that (those prices were with most discounts except the family plan)?""
Best non-owner liability coverage insurance?
What is the best non-owner liability coverage insurance in New York ?
What is a good type of health insurance for younger married couple.?
My wife and I are both 20 years old and don't have health or dental insurance which we definitely need. We have had a lot of hospital bills and can't keep up with them. We were denied for medicaid so I am looking for a type of health insurance that will be cheaper but include health and dental benefits. I just wanted to ask you guys before I spend all day researching stuff so if you have any advice that'd be great. Thanks
Which company is better for life insurance?
I have quotes from State Farm and Northerwester Mutual Life Insurance.  I am not sure which is the better of the two companies.  Asking the agents are not much help and so far, I haven't seen the policy itself, so I am not sure what exclusions apply.  One is a little more expensive than the other, but not by much.  I'd rather pay for something good and pay a little extra than my family get shafted for some unexplained reason.
Can I insure a car that is already insured?
I am a new driver and want to insure a car, the problem is that car is already insured by my mom with AAA. I currently don't have the money to use AAA as insurance so I was planning to get some cheap insurance right now. Is that possible? Or what would you recommend?""
Teen Car Insurance Question?
I am looking to buy car insurance for my son who will be 16 1/2. Will it be cheaper than the average premium to have him drive a 1995 truck? also... if you have a teen driver how much did it cost to add them to the policy? thank you
Life Insurance for elderly?
Any suggestions on finding a reasonable life insurance policy for a man 54 about to turn 55 in a month with a spouse would be appreciated. He has a soon to expire term life insurance policy at the present. He wants the best for his money. Is a term insurance policy still the best type of policy or would another policy be better?
Dog life and health Insurance?
In June I got my first dog ever, he's part Yorkie and Chiuua. He's 4 months old and I'm wrecking my brain looking for resonable insurance for him, can someone please help me, I am on a budget, however, I have health and life insurance for myself and granddaughter, my new baby should be covered as well. But I don't have a clue and I don't want to get ripped off either. Thanks""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
Any Florida (Tampa) insurance agents out there (auto)????
Well its pretty simple i have a car now and i know how much insurance i am paying now but i have a few questions since i am going to change cars in a few months i am looking at getting an Suv something like a jeep srt-8, trailblazer ss, maybe acura RDX but im not sure what kinda things make insurance cheaper like AWD vs FWD or RWD, auto vs manual etc so if you are an insurance agent and could help me please email me or im me. Thanks BTW some background info: 17 years old Male no accidents, no tickets""
How can I get health insurance for my foreign-born mother-in-law?
We live in California, she's from Japan and is 74 years old.""
Help with Health Insurance?
hi, im a 20 year old male and i have no health insurance. i have deviated septum and need it to be surgically fixed. was wondering if i could join an insurance plan just for that surgery. it is not a pre-existing condition, so could i get the surgery during the waiting period and if not, what are good insurance companies that have relatively low periods.""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
Which is cheaper on insurance a 93 civic dx coupe or 95 ford f150 2 wheel?
Please let me know, Which is cheaper on insurance for a new driver, a 1995 ford f150 single cab 2 wheel drive, or a 1993 honda civic dx coupe? please don't tell me to get a quote, I will later. just give me an idea please....thanks guys and gals!!!""
Is It Fine to Do Online Payment Transfer for Impounded Car Insurance to a Company ?
Hi there, I am trying to put a question here for the yahoo community in a bit detail to give a clear picture of situation and try to get some useful information regarding it. What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an impounded car insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance. By the way i had paid them in full for one year in advance and it was not a monthly direct debit payment ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is Impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is INSURENCE CHOICE ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they don't accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment of temporary insurance. Today i and yesterday, i spent my whole days to contact these companies and get information for method of payment. I have a few points here to ask and i am sure your valuable information will guide me to make a decision to buy the insurance for my impounded car. ->First of all, I called my previous company which cancelled my insurance to persuade them for a temporary insurance to get my IMPOUNDED CAR BACK, The customer assistant simply stated that none of their policies can be used to get an impounded car back from compound. So they don't provide temporary cover for impounded cars at all. -> The second and more important thing is as i stated before, i had called a couple of companies yesterday for impounded car insurance ( In-fact i googled Impounded car insurance in Uk on google and it gave the names of main companies on FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE ). If you would ever google Impounded Car Insurance , you would see one of them is INSURANCE CHOICE and they provide insurance for impounded car. -> And with that i called Insurance Choice today and spoke to the person who gave me the insurance quote yesterday for my impounded car and told me the method of payment as of Online Transfer to their account (Yesterday he told me that they don't take credit or debit card payment as mostly people take the insurance and get their car out of compound with the help of the insurance certificate and later on cancel the insurance giving the reason of unauthorized payment and hence claim the insurance money back, so that's why they do online transfer only). Today i was FRANK AND STRAIGHT TO HIM and told him about my question asked on different online forums and all the answers and suggestions which were discussed with me. I told him simply that it looked too suspicious to pay them by online transfer and hence i feared of losing my money and it can be a spam !!! -> Well the person there maintained and cleared his position by stating that He was going to give their company's sort code and Account number and it can be verified in the bank that what company the money is going to if i do online transfer ! Hence i had a record of payment to a CERTAIN COMPANY (Insurance Choice) for impounded car insurance and its all safe. So please advise in light of above mentioned discussion/inquiries that is it safe to deal with this company and do a payment transfer directly into their account. I have also mentioned this company's name as its on google for the authentication and i called on 01926 454 348 number which is on their page at http://www.insurance-choice.net/ppc/convicted/impound_insurance.php?gclid=CKHu1KKN2bwCFZShtAodWioATQ Please advise as this time is one of the difficult times of life ! Many Thanks.""
I can't afford this forced health insurance by my college! help!?
My college is telling me that it is mandatory by law that as a full time student, that I have health insurance. I will be getting my own separate health insurance at the end of the month, but tell then i have to pay the full amount with the health insurance ($1,695) I can't afford that! is there anything i can do? they told me i can't request a deferral. i don't live on campus. I only paid $200 a month last year, (I had my own insurance) but I also received less in financial aid. all of this access payment is just for health insurance! is there ANYTHING i can do?""
Does color of car affect insurance rates?
In the market for brand new car. Does color matter with insurance? Ive heard red is most expensive.
Will my car insurance cover this? and its no joke this seriously happened please answers!!!!?
ok i JUST got me a new car and i have insurance on it and everything and well i had some friends with me and they were in the back seat and they had a lighter and they decided to try and light their farts on fire and im being very serious here and well he got down and and farted on the flame of the lighter and it actually shot out and caught the back seat of my car on fire and burnt up part of the back seat and this really isnt a joke i didnt even know he was doing that and i walked over there right as he did it and sure enough it actually shot out and caught it on fire so will my insurance cover that? im to embarrassed to call and ask because they probably wont believe me!!!
Why would insurance for a 50cc cost 500?
its a 2007 50cc motorbike which i would like to insure in aberdeen, kept in a garage and locked. im 16 and have passed my cbt but not full lisence, the cheapest quote i could get was 480, and that was third party cover only. is their anything i can do to lower the cost and where can i get a cheaper quote http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1898234.htm < the bike""
""In California, are you required to have health insurance for your child if your job offers family insurance?""
1. In California, are you required to have health insurance for your child if your job offers family health insurance (medical, dental and vision) for you and your child? 2. does the court require you to sign up your child through your workplace's health insurance (family plan)? note: I am a noncustodial parent""
Car insurance for a classic triumph? Rough idea?
I've just turned 17 and am well on my way to getting a license I was wondering for a 17/18 year old male how much would insurance per month/per year for a 1960-1975 triumph spitfire I am desperate to have it as a first car and I can afford one at 3000-4000 at the moment I was just wondering how much the insurance on it would be it is such a beautiful car can't wait to get one. I tried getting quotes from compare the market but it was all very complex and I didn't really understand most of it. Any info would be much appreciated THANKS!!!
Need advice on car insurance excess cost?
I had a bad accident yesterday morning and I payed to bring my car home but I didn't inform my insurance company yet because I haven't got the excess fee at the moment. The car seems to be a write off according to the police and the locals who helped me while I was in shock but will there be a problem if I waited a few days until I have the excess cost ready then I'll tell the insurance company what happened? It wasnt my fault and also the traffic lights were out of order at that junction as this person came at high speed hitting my car at the left corner sending me flying towards the road to the right and onto the pavement. I've gathered pictures of everything for evidence. But the problem is at the moment I cant afford the excess fee, If i let the insurance company know will they ask me to pay right away?""
Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people?
Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people?
Can you make commission selling insurance if you do not have a brokers license in MA?
I would like to know if someone can tell me whether or not you can be paid commission and acting as a producer in Massachusetts if you do not have a brokers license. I was under the impression that the only way to make commission was to have these credentials. Is this just an agency by agency thing or a law?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Anyone own more than one car and buy comprehensive insurance for all?
does anyone own more than one car and buy them all comprehensive insurance by yourself? I found it's so expensive and considering to buy third party insurance only. anyone advise pls
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
""How much is motorcycle insurance for a 21 year old male, than car insurance?""
i want to get a motorcycle instead of a car, but i don't know how much insurance is compared to car insurance for a 21 year old male?""
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
Which company is better for life insurance?
I have quotes from State Farm and Northerwester Mutual Life Insurance.  I am not sure which is the better of the two companies.  Asking the agents are not much help and so far, I haven't seen the policy itself, so I am not sure what exclusions apply.  One is a little more expensive than the other, but not by much.  I'd rather pay for something good and pay a little extra than my family get shafted for some unexplained reason.
1967 mustang insurance?
I am 20 years of age me never been involve in car accident and never gotten pulled over have had my driver license since 2008-2009 around there I was thinking of buying a 1967 mustang does anyone know how much insurance will cost for that I currently have farmers insurance. Also does anyone know how much it will cost me to change its license plate tags from Oklahoma to California tags Its coming from Oklahoma thank you
Cheap car/insurance for a young lad?
18 year old son has just passed his test. Looked at a Fiat siacento(I know thats wrong but you know what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought bargain. Until I checked the insurance.... 3000!!! Before I start ranting about the cost of insuring a young lad(and the cost of my own insurance) can anyone tell me a cheap car that is also cheap to insure. Thanks.""
Health insurance???
my family doesnt have insurance but we re really need one and there is a insurance called IOB or something. the website is www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really understand it. can u guys help me??? thanx alot!!!
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
Will my car insurance go down?
Hi Ive just renewed my car insurance and had a major reduction, i got through my first year paying 4800 (800 deposit and 380 for 10 months) now ive renewed and im paying 1600 (500 deposit and 110 for 10 months). My question is i am moving out of the area i live to live in gloucester, ive done quotes for my car in that area with all the same details as now just with a different address and my insurance is just above 600 not 1600! does this mean if i move and contact my insurance company (RAC) that they will reduce my payments or will i have to still pay the same for the next 11 months? Thank you""
How much will my father's insurance go up for me?
yea well i want my license and he says no because it will raise his insurance through the roof. just how much will it increase? im 18 and i live in brooklyn. the car id drive would be a 06 nissan maxima. any idea around how much it would go up?
How can I get some fast affordable dental Insurance?!?
I recently had dental visit, and after the exam, I was informed that I have to pull multiple teeth. The extractions are going to cost $2200.00. I really need to take care of this matter as soon as possible. unfortunately, I don't have dental insurance. Is it any where I can Get fast affordable dental insurance:'(""
Can I get motorcycle insurance without my parents finding out?
I am a Nebraska resident, so are my parents, and I am currently a college student. My parents still claim me as a dependent, and I am covered under their insurance plan for my car. My dad has an umbrella plan that covers all of my family and each of their vehicles. Just recently, I bought a motorcycle without them knowing. I have the bike and the title, so I want to take it to the DMV to get it registered under my name. (1) Will an motorcycle under my name show up on my dad's policy because I'm covered under him? Or can I get my own motorcycle insurance through another insurance agency for just motorcycles, but stay under my dad's umbrella policy for my car (without him knowing)? (2) Are there penalties or negative repercussions if I register it, but just store it (never drive it) and do not buy insurance OR license plates for it within a certain number of days? Any and all suggestions that might help me are much appreciated. The end goal is to be able to drive my motorcycle starting in the Spring of 2014, insure and license it myself, stay under my dad's policy for my car, and all while he does not find out about it in any way. Is that possible?""
Why is insurance for mazda cars so high?
I heard mazda cars often increase your insurance? Why do they? Is it for a good or bad reason? Answer with detail please :)
Is there affordable Health Insurance for a jobless 23 year old?
Hi. I'm a 23 year old female college student and I don't have a job. I turned 23, May 23 and am untterly confused about how to obtain health insurance. I don't have a job (not from lack of trying) and I desprately need to see a dentist. I don't know how this insurance thing goes. I usually just ask my mom who to go see and I go and see them, but since I'm cut off this is difficult/impossible. I appreciate all answers (though I beg you to make them useful answers). Thank you!""
Is there any way by which I could get National Insurance Number?
I would be having a telephonic interview with a MNC Bank for a banking profile.They asked me to provide with the National Insurance Number as I am Indian I do't have any National Insurance Number as in India normal concept is get insured personally without any involvement of Government. The only task of Government is to monitor the issues related with grievances. Could you please guide what is the appropriate answer under these conditions. Reply as early as possible. Thanks in advance.
With millions of people losing their jobs and health insurance every month....?
can you see why we need affordable health coverage for all Americans? When I left my job, my option to keep my Insurance for a year would cost $1,300 a month for me and my family. As we see more and more Americans lose their jobs and unable to afford health insurance, the crisis only grows. If you don't believe we should have a government health care program that covers all Americans, what is your solution?""
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I'm still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I want to buy a 1 year old camaro but was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 16 year old male. I need an estimate for the cheapest insurance. Even if the liability is really small.
I paid car insurance...?
I paid car insurance monthly, so I cancelled it today and they say there is a cancellation fee...is that correct and if so how much is it usually? Ontario Canada""
Erie car insurance rates for a teenage girl?
I am probably going to get my license in April, I'm 16, I'm a girl. My cumulative GPA is a 2.9. My current GPA is a 4.25. My parents have no history of accidents. My mother's car (the car I'd be driving) is a 2005 blue Kia Spectra. I am not asking for an exact amount, just maybe someone who has been through this situation and can give me an estimate.""
Do you have to prove you have a job to buy car insurance?
do you need to show check stubs or anything to get car insurance
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
Education determining car insurance...?
Here in NJ (USA) auto insurance differs by your level of education. I have an associates degree but if I were to put on my insurance that I have a bachelors for cheaper insurance would that be alright? I have been in an accident once and used insurance once and they never asked to see my degree or transcripts.
Question about car insurance?
I have divorces parents. one lives in philly and one lives in collegeville. I'm 18 and I'm shopping for car insurance and obviously it would be cheaper to be on my dads in collegeville. I live with him part time, so if i changed my state address to his, would I be able to go on it?""
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Can i put my 20 year old daughter on my health insurance?
MY 20 year old daughter doesn't live at home but needs health insurance can I add to my health insurance
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations? Also need price quotes for both taxi car insurance or limo car insurance.
California insurance program help!!!!!?
i applied for insurance with them and they sent me back a letter saying i didnt qualify because i wasnt licensed continuously for prev 3 years.....ive been driving since i was 16 and now im 22 i had tickets prior but recently i obtained a dmv record and all of them are cleared ......but my license was suspened when i was 19-20 do you beleive this could have been why i was rejected?????
Which company is better for life insurance?
I have quotes from State Farm and Northerwester Mutual Life Insurance.  I am not sure which is the better of the two companies.  Asking the agents are not much help and so far, I haven't seen the policy itself, so I am not sure what exclusions apply.  One is a little more expensive than the other, but not by much.  I'd rather pay for something good and pay a little extra than my family get shafted for some unexplained reason.
0 notes
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
"Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who's insurance covers a hit and run driver in California?
My girlfriends car was hit by a hit and run driver in the state of California. The driver of the vehicle that hit her bailed from their car and fled the scene of the accident. The vehicle was not reported stolen however we are not sure at this time who was actually driving the vehicle. When the police arrived on scene they did retrieve the insurance information from the vehicle. My question is whos insurance covers this accident? will it be claimed against our uninsured motorist on our policy? though I know that uninsured motorist does not cover vehicular damage when the driver has not been positivley I.D'ed OR does the vehicle owners uninsured motorist coverage hit us as they are liable for damages caused by their vehicle? I'm really not exactly sure of how any of this works so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
""When people stop buying insurance because of cancellation and non affordable to renewal,will insurance co. go?
Motocycle insurance??
i want to buy a motocycle (sports bike) buti would like to know an estimate of how much it will cost for insurance. Are sports bike more expensive than a car? I'm paying around 200 for my monthly with a car right now.
Best car insurance for over 60 male?
Had a DR10 drink driving in 2009. (Long story and yes should not have done it but) Require best option for fully comprehensive covering legal etc. Any idea of which car insurance company is best?
Car insurance question?
Ive got a younger brother who's 16 years old, newly licensed, had his drivers license for about 4-6 months... he's buying a car soon but he's paranoid of what the insurance will be! Its going to be a used car with a lot of miles (90-130K) and he'll spend no more than $4,000 on the vehicle. I know there are discounts for good grades, he has a GPA of 4.2 Advice? How much will it be per month, AND what provider is best? Thanks!""
Need senior insurance advise?
my mother has a supplemental insurance health [anthem] we recently received a letter that informed us that because of the cost of living..it is necessary to more then double the monthly premiums..when my mother used a ambulance service...god bless this insurance. they paid 13 dollars and we had to pay the rest.the insurance sucks!..does anyone have an alternative supplemental insurance and has anyone tried the ARRP program..moms Aricet is 300.00 a month alone..so i found out i can get this in canada for 50.00 a month..i now order my mothers pills a little early and save the excess pills for when she gets in that infamous donut hole...its a killer out there.mom has dementia and does not have the strain that i have trying to keep her in good health.any advise would be appreciated....
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
Purchasing car insurance?
I need a step by step guide to adding another car and driver to my mom's policy. I have a 1995 Ford Contour. How long will it take for her to get coverage on my car? How do I get proff of insurance?
I need health insurance?
My boyfriend and I will be moving to NYC to start college next August. We will have very little money, and will have no form of health insurance. Here in California, we both have free insurance provided by the state, but we are barely eighteen, still in high school, and therefore still living with out parents. I suppose what my real question here is can we still get free state issued insurance if we have part time jobs and no children? Or do you have to have dependents to receive that? We both have serious stomach conditions, and are sick very often. We cannot be without health insurance. But we also could not afford to pay for it. Any help?""
""Car insurance cheaper in New Orleans, LA or Suffolk County, New York??""
My daughter recently moved to New Orleans, LA as an intern temporarily....does anyone know if automobile insurance, all things being equal, will be more expensive in New Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk County, New York ??? much thanx all""
Whats good Health Insurance?
Im 20 a year old woman in college, I recently found out I was pregnant. I want to find affordable health insurance coverage for me and my unborn child. I dont want to rely on ...show more""
Do I need motorcycle insurance?
Do I have to get motorcycle insurance? If so, whats the absolute cheapest insurance i can get?""
Just a quick question about life insurance ?
My mom had two life insurance I think one was with her job & I found another with Hartford life insurance for sick pay. Do you get to have an beneficiary on a disability check or sick pay check?
HELP! With Car insurance??????
OK so I lost my license because I got caught driving without insurance in September 2010. I just passed my test today. When I'm checking the quotes, the cheapest I have managed to find was 7400 for 1 year. That is for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance group 3. They can't expect me to pay that much for insurance for 1 year, I will need a mortgage for that. Does anyone know how much insurance will increase by after getting 6 points? I'm 20 BTW!""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm saving up for a car and I wanna see how much I will be spending. I know it'll be a lot so I don't want any advice that I should really think about it and stuff I just want answers please. I'm 18 and I'm barley gonna get my lisence. I wanna get atleast a 2011 scion tc. How much will insurance cost? I know it'll be a lot cause of the car and cause I'm a new driver and stuff. And if anyone knows how much a 2011 tc will cost and how much I would have to pay a month for it that would help too. Can someone give me an estimate please. Thanks a lot.
Car Insurance? There has to be a way.?
My X has had two accidents and a speeding ticket in the last two years. Her insurance company dropped her. The car she is driving now is financed and as everyone knows, it must carry full coverage, but the quotes are crazy. From $200 a month to $430 a month. She used to pay $65 a month. Can anyone suggest how to get full coverage and still keep her pocketbook happy?""
Which car would insurance be higher on?
Hi, I'm 16 and I'm getting my first car. I've saved up a chunk of money to make the down payment and 2 or 3 of the monthly payments (my parents are paying for the rest). I've narrowed it down to 2 cars of about the same price. A 2004 MiniCooper and a 2005 mustang (v6). My parents will be paying for my insurance so I was hoping you could tell me which one would have a lower rate so I could make it easier on them? I already know it's going to be high because I'm a teenage driver so whatever helps really. A mustang is kind of, sort of, sports car-ish (I'm not big into cars people, ignore my ignorant terminology) so I figured that would have an effect on the insurance. On the other hand, a minicoop is very small and I don't believe they're made in the U.S like a mustang is so parts and stuff would be higher if I'm correct? Thank you very much for any help!""
Can I buy car insurance if the photo on my driving license needs renewing?
Hi. Ok I appreciate I am technically breaking the law on a number of fronts with this. I have bought a car, It is taxed and tested. It is parked on the road. However I don't have any insurance and the photograph on my license has expired. It is still possible for me to buy insurance (and therefore make the car itself fully legal) before I have received my new license? Reading the DVLA websites implies I can. The license is still valid it just needs renewing. I have no convictions, health issues, etc. Just wanted to make sure as I don't want to pick up a load of points just for a misunderstanding. Thanks!!""
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
How do you get car insurance?
I am on my mom's car insurance with Geico but it is no cost because I had my permit. I just got my license like 2 days ago. Will I have to notify them? I'm going to get a car next week probably, so you have to have car insurance to actually buy a car don't you? Could someone explain the process to me? Thx =]""
Car insurance estimate?
Hi i'm currently 16 and soon to be old enough to take driving lessons, but first off i have a question. What would be the likely insurance premium for a 2009 BMW Z4 23i kept in a public place with viper alarm system and a steering lock.""
If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault?
A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)""
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
I have full coverage on my car insurance..i accidently dented my car and broke the window my self what i do?
i have full coverage on my car insurance ,,i accidently broke the driver side window and dented the door my self,,what should i do? tell the insurance that somebody else did it and have them fix it?..they supposed to right?""
How much would auto insurance be with State Farm for an 18 year old male with a 2006 Mazda 3 hatchback?
No tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ gpa.""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
""What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
Cheapest insurance for teens in northern ireland??
im trying to get insurance in my own name (policy) but everywhere seems to be way way too expensive! i was hoping for something around 2000 but the cheapest i found is 3400 for a group 4 insurance car!
Medicaid health insurance? for pregnant teen?
I am 17 years old. i recently found out i was pregnant and i am under my moms health insurance. unfortunitly i am currently unemployed and my boyfriend's job isn't that good. with my mom's insurance i have to pay $20 every time i go for an appt. and the bills are kind of high. i need better insurance for me and my baby on the way and someone mentioned medicaid. any idea how to apply? also if anyone has a good insurance for them and their baby i will take any advice!!
Car insurance?
i currently have a car and am insured fully comp on this. my partner is about to purchase me a new one but as i still own the other one i'm not sure what to do about insurance. i'm tempted to take out another policy with a diffenret company for fully comp and run them both until i sell my old one. any suggestions
What is a 20 pay whole life insurance policy?
if you started your insurance policy at the age of 56 how long do you have to pay for your policy to be payed out if you are 74 now
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
""Wow, car insurance is like 3-4 times more expensive than car payments.?""
I was looking to lease a new lexus is 250 which would cost me 369 a month but i went to get a quote from geico, it said that the insurance would cost about 1600 a month. I think that is pretty insane considering you could finance a porshe 911 for that much money. I am 20 and got my license last summer. is there a time period when the cost of insurance goes down?""
My car under my parents insurance?
Ok i have a hypothetical question...Say if my car is in my name, and i am under my parents insurance...And i get in a major accident are they liable? Are they at more risk if i am in their name but i own the car?""
Affordable dental insurance?
I need two teeth fixed, one molar extracted and braces, prefer the invisible kind. I'm looking for some dental insurance, that's inexpensive, that will help cover paying for these things.""
Does my husband need car insurance?
When I signed up for car insurance my broker told me that when my husband receives his driver's license he has to be put on the insurance. My husband got his license now, but he never drives. I drive, and have insurance. He rides his bike or the bus when he needs to get around. He tells me there's no need to have insurance for him since he doesn't drive anyway. My question is: by law, do we have to purchase car insurance for my husband even if he doesn't own a car and doesn't drive mine? Or was the broker just saying that for business purposes? I just want to be informed and do the right thing, whatever it may be. Thanks in advance.""
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
Where is the most cost effective auto insurance for male under 21?
I have been getting quotes online from a few places geico, esurance, and others and they are VERY expensive around 315-400 a month plus around $1000 down. I have no accidents or ...show more""
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
How can i get my story known if Im a United States Marine Corps veteran and dont qualify for health insurance?
They tell me I make too much to get the government insurance and the company Ive worked for throughout the last 7 months will not promote me to full time to where I could even qualify for health care. Im married with a 3 month old and owe 30k in medical bills already at the age of 22. Is there anything anyone can tell me that will help?
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
""First car! help with car insurance,tax&other stuff please ?? uk owner?
smart car 2 seater white and silver 2010 reg how much would it cost to tax and insure female driver at 17 year old? best place for insurance ?? is it worth getting a black box installed into the smart car ?? if so how much do the cost on average? where is cheapest place to get break down cover ?? what over things do i need to consider on my first car? how much does a smart car cost to fill with fuel in uk?? would love some help if possible kind regards mia xxx :D
Insurance Quotes With AAA ?
I requoted myself online with AAA, I've been with them for 9-10 years or so. And by filling out the same information with same coverages, I will save much more. Will AAA give me that new rate or am I stuck with my same rate. I hate calling customer service..""
""I am disabled,my wife is 63 and cant get affordable insurance. anyone know where to look?
she only gets 700 a month ss and shes told if she got insurance it would be about 600 a month.what do we do?
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
What is voluntary access on car insurance?
i saw it on the go compare web site but i dont know what it is as im a 1st time driver
How long do I have to get insurance on a car I just bought in Pa?
My boyfriend bought a car in private sale over the weekend. Because his parents don't have his name on the insurance cards I had to put the title and registration in my name. Now how does he insure the car with it in my name? And how long do we have to get the car insured?
How much is insurance on a Oldsmobile Alero or a Toyota Echo???
I am currently looking for a new car, and I'm trying to find a car with a good safety rating, dependable and low insurance. Can anyone help me in my search?""
Why was my car insurance quote so cheap?
im a 17 yr old male and i have recently bought a 1.2 Peugeot 206 look for 700, i know car insurance for boys my age are stupidly expensive so when i was looking at quotes it came as no shock until i got a quote for 750 for third party fire and theft, i have no idea why its so cheap, i checked the quote through about 5 times to make sure i didn't make any mistakes but i hadn't . can anyone explain why its so low ? i don't want to buy the insurance just in case it turns out to be an expensive mistake.""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
Motorbike insurances?
hi,just wondering whats the best and most cheapest motorbikr insurance right now on the market.at the moment iv got insurance qoutes from ebikes and is quite cheap.but the thing is,if its any good?somebodys got any experience with ebikes?sounds cheap but if there any good to insure with them?got a kawasaki vn900 almost 1 year ncb and a EU full motorbike license.age 25 full motorbike lisence 8 years almost 9.""
Student health insurance?
Our son is going to United Kingdom for his Masters, we have health insurance thru my company but it covers very little over there, should we take out a student health insurance plan on him over there?""
Did I get a good quote for my car insurance?
I am 28 years old and recently passed my driving test. My full UK driving license is 4 months old and I got car insurance with my uncle for 43 a month including 7 years no claim bonus, 506 a year. Is that a good deal?""
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
""If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
Can I sue a person for no auto insurance? In the state of Texas?
I have full coverage and is paying the bill. This lady son hit me and she is the owner of the car. She came to the seen and said she would pay with her insurance. The police was called and we said no police report because they knew he was at fault. She gave false insurance. It was no good for about a month. She gave me all her information, phone,address, and everything. I called her and she said she gave me the wrong policy number, so she gave me another policy number. The problem with this other policy was she got it after the wreck. When I say sue, I just want what it costed me and my insurance company. Its $2700.00""
Why car insurance quotes go up late at night?
Just been look at car insurance for the last few days using comparison sites and I have been noticing the quotes go up and down by a few hundred pound depending on what time of day it is. Anyone know why this happens?
Health insurance in Texas for low income families?
My dad recently lost his job, but has an existing medical condition, an ex-wife, and 5 kids to support. I don't know much about the health insurance options in Texas, but I'm looking for a program that will allow my family to be insured for cheap... something like Arizona's AHCCCS health insurance for low income people""
A question about car insurance?
I recently got a statement from my insurance company saying that they can no longer support me because I got two tickets over the past three years (one was highway speeding, the other was a ticket given to me by a police officer who fabricated the location of infraction... I argued this in coiurt but I think I was not heard properly). I am paying around $ 1500... is it likely that I will be able to get cheaper car insurance somewhere else or is it pretty much the same everywhere?""
Can I Drive without Insurance? I have a license and my car Is Insured under my parents name?
Okay so I really need your help.. well help from whoever has the correct Information.. So I'm 19 about to be 20 In May, I have my driver's License, and I have my own car that I got as a present for my 18th Birthday, but It's under my parents name, but anyways my question Is, Can I drive without Insurance? I mean My Car HAS Insurance just not for me. It's under my parents Name, and I mean I Need the car for school, It's not for anything more than that? what can I Do? I know I can get Insurance but It's like expensive for me that I Don't work, and I have to be making payments for my school every month, and I know I Should have a Job, But I'm a full-time student..so yeah you can Imagine.. so yes.. who can answer this?""
18 years old insurance for vw golf group 6 incurance?
Im 18 years old male with no claim bonus, i want to buy VW Golf 05 1.9l tdi group 6 incurance, where can i find cheap insurance ? what is the best company? i can pay like 150 per month maximum. Pls help thanks.""
Car insurance for teenagers!!?
I'm currently 19, I've held my driving license for 9months, since February. I've done the pass plus thing which in my opinion and everyone else's opinion a waste of time as it doesn't really save you that much off car insurance. Car insurance for me and my friends are through the roof, the only way to get lower car insurance is to get ourselves named as a named driver through our parents as they've got many years worth of no claims bonuses. Or to even change the address of where we live, such as a family or friends place, which is away from London and off the public roads. car insurance is a cheaper that way, as well as if you pay it annually instead of in monthly instalments. I work and basically want to get a car that is relatively cheap to insure, around the 1000-1500 mark not 4000 mark. I've tried fiat punto's, corsa's, the lot and they all seem to give me quotes of 4000 when the car is worth like a 1000. Its absolutely ludicrous, I want to be the owner of the vehicle so I can start my no claims bonus, otherwise my insurance will be high for some time, but i don't want to pay 4000 or go as a named driver as i will not work on my no claims bonus. Any suggestions? I both want and need a car, buying the cars not a problem, running the cars not a problem, paying for road tax or MOT's is not a problem it's just the insurance which is the main problem!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance-Mike""
Non car owner insurance?
Can I get insurance to drive cars if I don't own one? I have friends who will let me drive their cars but I want to get my own insurance. I don't want to risk their no claims in case of an accident and if I don't have an accident I want to build up my own no claims but I can't find anywhere that does this....
Buying Car at 17 - Is there easier way to check insurance?
My parents are getting me a car for when i turn 17, and they asked me to look around online for one. The thing is, is there a easier way to check how much the insurance would be for me without answering a million questions. I just want to check approximately how much it would be? Because i need a car that would be about under 1500 a year insurance""
Can anyone recommend a life insurance company that will insure a person deploying to a warzone (Afghanistan)?
I am a private contractor that would like additional life insurance above what my company offers. Thank you.
What should I do if my attorney is not paying me my insurance money(california)?
ok.. I've filed a claim against my home insurance company through a lawyer. It was a house related claim. I was told my claim was settled and signed the settlement paper from attorney's office about 5 months ago and still have not received the money yet. So I called the actual insurance company and found out that the money was paid out 4 months ago. When I called my attorney's office, 4 different agents told me different stories and I noticed they might be trying to keep the money. is there any way to file a claim against lawyers? Please help""
What insurer would insure me for around 200?? And what car would that be?
My friend had a ford fiesta as her first car and her insurance was 180 a month There are now kids in my school and their insurance varies between 210-250 Their cars are peugeot 3 doors and stuff I've been looking at cars between 300-700 to buy and every time I check the insurance is HUGE I am talking 800 a month nearly!!!!! The lowest I found was 360 once but then the car was sold Does anyone what car I can get so that the insurance will be around 180-250?? All the people at school I've asked don't want to tell not does my friend. I need serious help ;( The cats I've been looking at are peugeot, Nissan, ford All between 1998-2002 years 3 doors - anyone have any ideas? Or can help me with posting links?? Of cars and then insurance I am a new driver, passed my test YESTERDAY I live in the UK West Middlands Thank you!!""
Instant Whole Life Insurance Quote Question:?
What are some cool instant whole life insurance quote sites you have to share? I've looked around a bit but I figured I'd ask here. Any link you can share will be appreciated.
Do you think my dad is paying to much for insurance?
my dad is around 44 years old and he has never been in a car accident. He has gotten tickets from when he was 19 years old. He has California casualty and he has been with them for years, we live in oregon. He has a 2006 toyota tundra darrel waltrip edition 4.7l v8 valued around 20k. He told me he pays around 100 a month for full coverage. We have 2 cars on his insurance, toyota, and my eclipse. Iv never gotten any tickets(dont know if that would affect it). THE reason i ask this is because my bf's dad just got a 2006 mustang gt and they said they only pay 76$ a month. So im just curious, Do you think my dad is over paying?? THANKS""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
Cheapest car and car insurance for an adult first time driver?
hi i just passed my driving tests and looking for a cheap, small and reliable car. i am 27 and a full time student. i live in small UK city. would like to how much to expect to pay for car and road tax. what other things to expect to sort out. god bless you""
What is the best car insurance for new drivers?
I'm getting my license and I'm 19.. I'm trying to figure out which insurance company would be best for me. So if anyone has any advice which one is best please let me know.
Best life insurance policy?
Which is the best life insurance policy for tax saving and investment for employee?
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
Permit and Insurance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i am getting my permit like in two months if im going to be in my parents policy how much will the insurance go up if im going to be a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE MY DADS CAR
Car Insurance Issue's? HELPPP!?
I lost my job so I couldn't pay my car insurance for about 3 months. Then it got expired my license also got suspended because of no car insurance:/. But right now I'm back on my feet and I want to get my license reinstated and get car insurance again. I want to know how can I do that? And do I have to pay the amount I owed back to my other car insurance company or can I go to another and not pay them back? PLEASE HELP ME!
What is the average cost for business insurance? Specifically liability and workers compensation.?
I am working with a skincare product company that needs to purchase insurance to cover various things such as allergic reactions, etc...Is that liability? What are the average costs? Also need recommendations for health insurance for workers.""
Which insurance is the cheapest insurance in houston?
I am 21 year old and I got no insurance for my car. so, which insurance is the best and cheapest insurance in houston. Help me!!""
POLL: What kind of car insurance do you have?
I've just become curious due to all of the car insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, Geico etc. which do you have?""
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
Is it OK to lie about being married to get a lower auto insurance rate?
My insurer gives me a much lower auto insurance quote if I say that I'm married. I could say that my imaginary partner doesn't even drive. Are there any consequences to listing myself as married? Can it come back to bite me?
Cheap health insurance?
How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!""
Premium cost of insurance
If an insurance company has a payout of 17 millions, admin expense at 5 million, and profit of 2 million, with 26,000 insured. How much premium would they charge to each client.""
Average motorcycle insurance?
What is the average motor cycle insurance for a 22 year old female who's taken the motorcycle driving course? Anybody know a ball-park figure?
Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?
Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?
Car Insurance Quotes?
Need help with some insurance quotes. Looking to pay cash for a car maybe a 2001 impala, 2000 honda accord, 2001 toyota camry. Need a couple of estimates on how much insurance would be. Driver is over 25, clean driving record, female driver. Lives in Florida. Thanks""
HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!?
I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS""
Teen car insurance question?
Hello. We moved this past summer and I currently reside with my grandparents for the purpose of keeping my job and staying at school. So he got a car insurance statement today saying that he has to pay nearly double his total amount just for me, a 17 year old driver, driving two of his cars. I only have a level 1 license by the way. They drive 2 new 2012 cars and trucks, would this price be accurate? Thank you.""
What is a penalty in MA for driving a car with no insurance?
I was involved in the car accident recently... I was driving in Boston the uninsured car with the New Hampshire registration. But in NH car insurance is not compulsory. The hearing will be held on my case, which is considered to be criminal. If somebody ever been in the similar situation ,plz, share your experience!""
""Excluding insurance prices, which car would be the cheapest to run: impreza wrx (2006-2088), Civic Type R EP3?""
I'm about to purchase a little sports car to treat myself. I was wondering if you could tell me which of these 2 cars would be the cheapest to run (fuel costs, tyres, parts etc) If anyone has an any other car suggestions with a similar amount of power and specs please feel free to suggest. Cheers""
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Hi there, I just bought a Renault Clio 1.2 Expression 52 plate and when i try get insurance just on my name its giving me quotes like 4555 is it becuase i am only 19 years old and i just passed my test 4 month ago ? i have been trying loads of comparassion websites but now that i have checked so many websites admiral, bell and elephant have stopped giving me quotes. could somebody recommend any good car insurance companys ? Thanks""
Cheapest car to buy and run?
Please tell me what's the cheapest car to run (inc car tax, insurance and fuel) and that is fairly cheap to buy.""
Pregnant and scared...?
I just found out I'm pregnant, my boyfriend and I are keeping it and we're planning to get married. I'm 24 yrs old, I'm in serious debt (I have not been able to get this problem resolved for the last couple of years and I'm considering bankruptcy), he doesn't have much of a job either....we're going to try our best with that but I have no idea if I should go through with the bankruptcy or if there's any other option for me. Also, (even worse) I don't have insurance at the moment. My work has open enrollment for health coverage in November (I missed it last year cuz I was out of town) so I don't know what to do there, either. And another problem.....I have yet to tell my parents and theyre gonna kill me. How can I approach/tell them? There are no family members I trust that I can talk to about this and this all really sucks but I really want this baby. Any advice? Please refrain from telling me I'm stupid, because I already know that much, and I'm gonna hear it from my parents.""
Motorcycle insurance cost for m1?
16, live in canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. heard statefarm lets you do it by month, how much would that cost?""
No car insurance california get fine reduced?
I bought a used car from the highway patrol (crown victoria) and i gor pulled over on the way home for no license plate. I got a ticket for no insurance how can i get it reduced or get out of it? I did get insurance the same day with Allstate when i got home. And dont leave a hole answers please
What's the cheapest way to get insurance when your 17?
I just bought a car and when i found out how much i had to pay i was shocked i heard something about saying you live in a different address from your parents or something i don't remember please help.
How much does insurance cost?
Im a 17 old year about to go to 18. I got my g2 and i have a FWD 2002 Mazda Proteg5. How much does insurance cost and is there a way to make the insurance cheap for me. I life in the Toronto area. I didn't take driving school.
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring?
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring, particularly in Los Angeles, California?""
About how much will my insurance be?
My son is going to be 16 and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up to if I get him a used Chevy silverado from within the last five years.
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much  of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it
0 notes
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
"progressive auto insurance quotes florida
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will my car insurance cost?
So im 18 years old . soon im going to drive a 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse gst ( automatic ) I have only been pull over when I was 17 years old for no driver license or permit, driving with no insurance, and blasting loud music, and I did paid the ticket on time too witch was 340$ so I was wondering can I still get a permit or driver license? Because some people said that I can't take it till im 21. Also some people say that i'll have to pay like around 400$ per month for insurance. is that really true?""
I got pulled over with no car insurance how much will the fine be?
im a california driver and i feel that the cop gave me a chance he let me drive away with my car even though my car was not insured and is unregistered and my licence/id was expired .my licence is still good but my id is expired so how much will the fine be for no insurance and did the cop really give me a break or what???
Any suggestions on first time driver insurance in the nyc area?
I need suggestions on good affordable insurance, keep in mind Im a first time driver.""
Is the new ford mustang a good 16 yr old car?
I'm either preferring that or a Chevy Avalanche. Which would be safer/better performance?
If i have no car do i have to pay insurance?
if i have my liscence but no car, but i drive my parents car do i still have to pay insurance""
Good Driver Insurance Discount?
Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?""
Ticket for no license and no insurance?
I'm 17 and I got a ticket for not having a license or permit, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle and no insurance in California. How deep will this ticket dig into my pockets? Over $500? Big thanks if you can help me out.""
Should I get a new health insurance plan?
Hi there, I'm a 26 y\o male living in california. I just came off my family's kaiser health plan in April and have started paying for cobra to stay on it. As of today it's $670 a month. I know very little about buying health insurance, but I'm wondering if I can get a better deal with an individual plan. My only worry is being turned down for per-existing conditions. I have an anxiety disorder which requires medication and have had 2 eye surgeries for retinal problems. I know very little about the health insurance market other than that insurers having little compassion for the gouge they put on people. Is this a fair price? Or would it be better to look for a different insurer? Also, what is a deductible and how do they work? thanks""
Does homeowners insurance work like my car insurance?
example: I bought my car for a grand and if I get into an accident the insurance will only cover what I paid for the car and not what I've invested into the car since I bought it... say I buy a house that's a bank foreclosure and get it for $10,000 but its worth $80,000 now if the house were to get hit by a sunami earth quake and then burn to bits would I only be re-embursed for the $10,000 like my car insurance or would I be covered for the full value due to size and destruction ect.????""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
Range Rover Sport Car Insurcnce... Is 6k too much?
My mum and dad's combined cost of car insurance on their Range rover sport HSE TDV6 (2.7litre) is around 1200. My dad rang up his insurance broker to get a quote on putting me as a named driver, and we got a quote of a total of about 6,000 per year. I know this is a lot of money, however the insurance company says this is because the car is in bracket 19. I was led to believe by my Land Rover dealer that the TDV6 model was in group 14/15, where it was the Supercharged 4.4litre model which was in group 18/19. Is this quote too much for the model car specified? Given i am 20 years old, having held my lisence for around 3 years with no motoring convictions against my name, and having also been a named driver for the best part of 3 years on a Ford Focus. Is it about right? Or is it slightly higher than one would expect for the car. Many Thanks""
""How much does tornado insurance cost? (to cover only my house, but not what is inside the house)?""
i have car insurance right now with allstate where i pay 50 $ every month, how much would it be if i add tornado insurance to cover only my house but not what is inside the house? I know you dont know, but i just want you to tell me approximatley how much please.""
What do I have to do to get a motorbike license?
I already have my drivers license, and I am 17. Also, is buying a motorcycle + insurance cheaper than buying a car+insurance? My parents are unwilling to pay for me.""
Having difficulty cancelling auto insurance with allstate?
I switched from Allstate to Geico on Feb 21st (a Sunday). I called my local Allstate guy on Monday the 22nd. He said he'd cancel the policy, and I logged into my Allstate account online on the 27th and it still wasn't cancelled. I called their 24 hour customer service and spoke with someone who said they'd put in the request to cancel the policy again. I log into my bank today and they WITHDREW my March payment! So I called them again and they said the policy was still active. The lady I spoke with tonight said they will need to see proof that I'm with Geico now. Why didn't anyone tell me that the first two times? What do I need to do to get my policy to be cancelled? I've been with a few other auto insurance companies in my day and I've NEVER had this much of an issue getting the policy cancelled! As of now they owe me well over $200 and I'm afraid they're going to play games with me before I get my money back. What are my rights and options??""
How old do you have to be to get car insurance?
what are the requirements to obtain car insurance in california do you need to be 18 and older??
Can I insure a Car under My Insurance if I am not on the title?
I just bought a used car and had my fiance's mother finance it under her name because she got me a 7% APR which is really good compared to what I would have gotten. The finance guy at the dealership said to just have the car under her name to get that great rate and leave me off the loan completely. I will be making the payments, driving it, & insuring it. She is just the person who's name is on the title (so I could get that great APR rate) Now, I was just wondering, can I insure the vehicle under my policy even though my name is not on the title? I am kind of worried that my insurance company will not let me insure the car because my name is not on the title. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge about this sort of thing? Thank you for your help""
How much will my insurance go up?
I live in Maine, I was pulled over yesterday for doing 74 in a 65. I got a ticket obviously. It's my first one EVER. I am 24 and my parents pay my car insurance. I wanted to just pay it and not tell them about it because they will get mad. We have our car insurance through State Farm and have for a really long time. Some of my friends are telling me that since it's my first ever ticket it shouldn't effect my insurance too much. Is this true???""
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
What kind of life insurance should my husband get?
We are looking to get a life insurance policy for my 25 year old husband. We have three young children so we're trying to figure out what would best provide for the family if God forbid something were to happen to him.
How much is Motorcycle insurance in TORONTO?
I'm a 28 year old male with an M1. I'm looking to purchase a bike like a 2000 GSX600-R and i was wondering how much insurance would be a month. If you are not from TORONTO, ONTARIO please don't bother replying because the prices in Toronto are usually outrageous so if you're from somewhere else, don't bother, i'm glad you get such good rates ;) also i have rode before many times, so no comments about a 600 being too big... i grew up on dirt bikes... thanks""
What to do about insurance?
Is there any way to find insurance that covers a pregnancy? (after you have been pregnant) Even if it is a pre-existing condition, is there an extra amount of money we can pay? I have been using my college's insurance plan for the past 2 years. It is now summer and I no longer have insurance. Unfortunatey my due date is before the fall semester starts so I can't renew it until after the baby is delivered. We thought I would be able to just get onto my husbands plan but they wont cover the insurance AT ALL because he signed some waver years ago (before we were married) saying if he were to get married the insurance doesn't have to cover his wife. (It didn't bother him at the time since he didn't know he would be getting married... he has had the same insurance for nearly 5 years now and he forgot all about it) What should we do? I don't mind finding an insurnace that makes me pay a high premium so they would cover my pregnancy. I just don't know how insurance works!""
Is the high cost of health care and insurance the result of...??
malpractice suits or profiteering on the part of HMO's and insurance companies?
No Proof of Car Insurance?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance, I forgot to pay it, now I must see the judge, I didn't have insurance, yes very very dumb, I know, my question is..will I just be fined or is there jail time involved. I imagine there will be just a heavy penality in fines""
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
How much is car insurance for a 17 yr old girl with her own car in Ireland?
How much is car insurance for a 17 yr old girl with her own car in Ireland?
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progressive auto insurance quotes florida
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
How much would insurence cost for a small car detailing business?
i have 2 do a project for school about creating our own business and i need 2 know how much insurance would cost for my car detailing business.
Where is the best place to buy cheaper home insurance for the over 50s?
Where is the best place to buy cheaper home insurance for the over 50s?
Is it legal for some1 with an International driver license to drive an insured car in California?
The car is mine and the car is insured under my name only. Will my cousin get in trouble if she drives my insured car even though her name is not included in the auto insurance policy? Or will it be okay?
What does liability insurance give you?
I recently crashed my car and it is as of now being determined to be my fault. My dad pays for the insurance so I am not sure what we get under liability. We are with Farmers Insurance and I was just wondering what usually happens here. Do they give me anything if they determine I'm at fault? Does anyone have this insurance coverage with farmers? If so, can you please tell me what you get under it?""
Car insurance estimate for a 2006 BMW 325i for a 17 year old guy?
My mom is being stubborn about getting a quote because she wants to wait until i'm 18, but i don't. I live in Louisiana if that helps. Thanks a lot.""
Can I drive my car without insurance ?
Okay, so I've had my Chevy taho 1 year, i just canceled my insurance cause I'm about to sell it I'm living in California moving to Colorado so I'm gonna sell my car...I know in cali Seller must smog the car a 2nd time, but am i taking a risk driving it to go get it smoged? also.... i have not driven it cause I planned on selling it so it's also not renewed.... and to make matters worse I lost my tile, positive honest answers please =(""
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a Smart Roadster for a 17 year old first time driver?
I have been looking into insurance for a Smart Roadster and the sites I have used, either gave me a quote for 15k+ a year or couldn't even find the model. Is insurance for this little car really so expensive. I'll be 17 soon, still in full time education, have a part time job, the car would be on a private driveway overnight, at a secure public car park during the day while I'm at work at an industrial unit, standard model no modifications, no criminal convictions or medical conditions. I live in Colchester, Essex.""
What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?
What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?
Insurance is up in 4 days I just made a claim. Can I still switch insurance companies?
Insurance is up in 4 days I just made a claim. Can I still switch insurance companies?
Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?
Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?
I want to take a used car home from the dealer but I have no car insurance or insurance card...?
What do I have to do to make this possible? I'm trying to take this used car home for the night and drive it around but I have no insurance card.... I have a license..but no car insurance and all the salesman is asking is for my insurance card. What do I need to do to get around this?
My car insurance company is screwing me over?
I was just recently in a car accident. my front end recieved some harsh damage. The hood was folded towards the windshield, transmitiion was busted, the front lights were busted and the front frame was pushed back to where i could not get my front doors open. My insurance company is saying that it is a complete loss. However the garage where i took it to said that it was fixable. My car is a 2001 neon. They want to take the car and probably give me 2000 dollars for it, and they wll fix it and sell it for more. My question is should i just hand it over to my insurance company and take the 2000 dollars? or does anyone have any suggestions?""
Car insurance advice needed?
My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.""
What does it mean Going of your parents car insurance? ?
I heard that you can register the car to my parents car insurance and it will be loads cheaper for myself, but its apparently fraud? What could happen? If I crash my car should I just leave it and run?""
How do Americans with serious chronic medical conditions get medical insurance that covers all med. expenses?
How do Americans with serious chronic medical conditions get medical insurance that covers all med. expenses?
Will a reckless driving ticket affect an insurance premium in Georgia?
My husband recently went through a road block after leaving work (playing music in a bar.) He was honest and said he'd been drinking, even though he waited for a while and had not had that much to drink. He blew .07 over the legal limit. He went to jail for 14 hours. We paid a lot of money and got the charge dropped to reckless driving. This was six months ago and our insurance premium has only gone down (good grades and homeowner's insurance with same company.) We are afraid to ask the insurance company for fear that they might not know. 1. Will that info get sent to them automatically? 2. Is there danger that our bill will go up if we speak to them about it? 3. What percentage might the bill go up once they do find out? We are looking to buy a new car soon, so we can't avoid speaking to the insurance company about it forever!""
""I need Health Insurance, had Gastric Bypass, On unemployment.... Help?""
I had Gastric Bypass in May of this year. I am on unemployment and wanted to pay out of pocket for insurance because I have had complications. I applied but was denied because of the surgery in the past. I have searched for a job and nothing. Ive been with my Boyfriend for the past 4 months, but his insurance says something about domestic partnership but only after 12 months of living together. How can I get around this, I need health insurance. Anyone else have the same issues? Let me know I am confused here.""
""On average, how much would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 year old?""
I am 16, i will be 17 when i get my bike. Im pretty sure it is going to be a Kawasaki Ninja 250. Could anyone tell me about how much it would be to insure it. I live in Pennsylvania.""
What do you pay for car insurance? per MONTH?
How old are you and what do you drive? How much would insurance for a brand new 16 y/o driver typically cost? just an estimate? thank you.
Need suggestion for health insurance?
Living in CA. Just want to get individual health insurance in case of any expensive treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance can have high deductible... In this case, should I consider supplemental insurance like AFLAC?""
How much is insurance for a girl (18) coming up to 19 on a peugeout 106?
how much is insurance for a girl of the age 18/19 on a peugeout 106 roughly?
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
If I borrow my friend's car for a day...? insurance?
I need to borrow my friend's car for a day. I'm wondering about the insurance since my name isn't on there and borrowing it for a day. What happens if i get into a car accident??
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
Does anyone have car insurance through Wawanesa Insurance?
http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a quote that is very, very good!! Looking for any feedback, good or bad. Thanks Note: Currently it is only available in California and Oregon (And Canada)""
What is a cheap car insurance company in New Jersey?
I am only 20 yrs old.
Shouldn't Pres. Obama step up to the plate and tell them he just wants affordable insurance for all now?
Tell em to screw the lobbyists, so what if the health care lobbyists payed the House and Senate members over $500 million last year, I mean donated that much to them. They will have to wait, but people are dying now..""
Life Insurance for a Thai citizen?
I'm trying to find insurance companies that provide whole or term life insurance to Thai citizens living in Thailand that provide quotes on the internet, or easily through email or online forms. At the very least, I'm looking for insurance company recommendations for Thai citizens living in Thailand. I'm not sure which ones are legitimate. I don't want to deal with one that will give the insured person problems or one that will close up shop in a few years.""
Can i get insurance to drive any car?
My current insurance gives me third party cover on any vehicle i drive with permission from the owner. Can i get full insurance? (i am thinking of setting up a business which would require me driving other peoples cars) THanks
A new car ? when does the new insurance apply?
does the new carpet needs insurance from the financial company
16 and want State Farm Auto Insurance?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
""No pink slip yet, Can I insure my car in California. Also needs tags?
Ok so I bought a used G35 from a private seller but he has one more payment to pay until he gets his pink slip. We made a contract I still owe him some money until we switch it over to my name. My question is there any way to insure the car so I can drive it or should I just wait until its under my name and not drive it. Also it needs tag how should I go about that? I know the easiest way to do this is wait but I want to drive it already so if there is a possible way I'm willing to go out of my way.
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
Would car insurance be more on a newer 2-door red sports car or an older 4-door sedan BMW?
Basically, I am a 20 year old college student and I am going through the proccess of buying a car. I have some family friends helping me out. They told me I could get financed for a 2006 red 2 door sports car but I am still on my parents insurance and I don't want it to skyrocket. I will be paying for my car but I don't want to make my parents pay a ridiculous amount for my insurance. I would just like to know which one is more likely to be cheaper...""
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
16 year old boy need insurance in CA?
I just got my license and I am planning to buy a toyota or a honda type of car. I want to know how much would car insurence would cost if i do get one and which company would give me a great coverage and a great deal. I need numbers and name people!!!
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
Should my auto insurance company waive my deductible?
I recently was rear-ended by an uninsured driver. My insurance company assessed the damage at $1019.04, my collision coverage has a deductible of $1000 so my insurance company closed my claim and made payment of just $19.04. As I am a California resident, my policy includes the Collision Deductible Waiver. Are my insurance company therefore liable to waive my deductible and cover the full cost of my damages? If so, what should I do next?""
Why is mandatory auto insurance to make sure other drivers can be reimbursed for my actions ok?
But mandatory insurance to make sure doctors and hospitals can be reimbursed for my healthcare is considered socialism?
False Auto Insurance Claim Against A Friend?
A very close friend of mine received a call from his auto insurer yesterday regarding a 3rd party claim against him. According to the 3rd party, my friend hit their parked car (which was parked on the curb in front of their home), then parked his own car, went up to their house, rang their doorbell and exchanged insurance information. The 3rd party claims that this took place in a town that's more than 1 hour away from where we work and live. This allegedly happened 3 months ago. There are two major problems with this story: A- The alleged incident never happened. I carpool with my friend to and from work and was with him that night. B- The 3rd party has all of his insurance information. Could the insurance company have called the wrong person (i.e. gotten policy numbers mixed-up while processing the claim)? If not, how could a 3rd party have his insurance information? How common are fraudulent insurance claims (against another person)? And has anything similar happened to you or someone you know? My friend is a little worried because there is some minor damage to his rear bumper. We live in a major city and pretty much every 3rd car has nicks and scratches along the bumper from parking garage 'mysteries' and whatnot. Also, about 8 months ago, a young woman rear-ended us while we stationary, waiting to turn left at an intersection. Other than a scratch to his rear bumper caused by her license plate bolt, there was no cosmetic damage, and while we exchanged insurance information, my friend decided not to file a claim (she was very nice and didn't look as though she had a lot of money). I'd hate to think that it's her trying to commit fraud against him...""
What good car insurance?
I'm looking for a car insurance . I try to look fo a company that doesn't try to kill me with in payment. I live in new york city. Does anybody out there know a car insurance ...show more
Can health insurance coverage be dropped for a single department in a company? (Pennsylvania)?
I currently live in PA and my employer has said they will drop health insurance for my department, but not another department in the same company. I did some research online to see if this is possible or not. I originally started this job with guaranteed benefits and now they are being taken away. I was reading somewhere online (unsure of credibility, website is as follows:http://employee-benefits.lawyers.com/Employee-Benefits/Employer-Workplace-Benefits-FAQs.html) that a company cannot take away a certain departments health benefits and retain another departments. Below is the Q&A question from the stated website above: Q: Is my employer required to provide health benefits? A: Employers are generally not required to provide any health benefits. Only the state of Hawaii requires employers in the private sector to cover employees who work over 20 hours per week. Union contracts may include provisions for insurance as part of the agreement. However, health care and other benefits such as life or disability insurance are generally offered by employer as a means of attracting and keeping their workforce. If an employer does provide health coverage, federal law requires the employer to provide Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) to an employee who loses her job for any reason outside of gross misconduct the opportunity to maintain coverage up to 18 months at her own expense. This applies to companies with 20 or more employees. Some states also have laws with similar protections for employees who work for companies with less than 20 employees. Generally, it's not illegal to provide health benefits only to some classes of employees (for example, only to full-time employees but not to part-time employees). But once the eligible classes are established, an employer cannot withhold insurance from some members of the class while offering it to others. The employer can require employees to follow the rules of the plan, which may require an employee to fulfill a waiting period or wait for an open enrollment period before joining. An employer can usually change, or even eliminate, a health plan, but must follow the rules and guidelines of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). I understand they cannot choose and select who receives and who does not (I interpreted this as discriminating between employees). I do not know health legislature very well, and if anyone could provide some information it would be very appreciated. As for me, I am going to try and find more information out about this. Thank you.""
How do insurance companies verify the adress you use for your car insurance is your actual adress?
I want to get my car insurance in a different state see how do car insurance companies know that the address and provide is where I live. And if I get caught what is the penalty
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
No fault coverage of automobile insurance in California?
What is no-fault coverage? When you get in an accident, how it works? I don't know and understand the term.""
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
BTW I'M 16 YEARS OLD. Big factor, I know. I know I don't deserv it, I'm too young, yeah, I know. But I don't want any of those answers. Just please answer my question with no complaining about how you didn't get a nice car when you were 16. I just want an estimate. Thanks!""
Car/insurance sixteen yo?
I'm sixteen and I'm thinking about this car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How much do you think it would cost a month for insurance? I'll have a job and my parents have offered to pay a lil each month and help me out. Sorry, I'm completely new to all this and I just need a ballpark estimate.""
I need cheap car insurance in New York City?
I need cheap (FULL) coverage for a financed vehicle in the NEw York Area...I've tried the popular sites...any leads?
Car insurance company discriminate against me because I was not born in the UK?
I had a quote for car insurance through a well-known national company. They were aware I had a UK licence for 5 years and had no convictions, claims etc. I rang and spoke to a representative and she confirmed the quote. The following day I decided to accept and called them. We went through my information and the agent said, so you were born in the UK? I said no, I am a UK citizen but I was born abroad. The quote then went up by 200 !!!! I took issue and spoke to a manger who said this was legitimate when I told him I was certain it was illegal since the only information that had changed was my place of birth, he eventually said he would honour the original quote. I then bought the policy with a one-off payment. Insurance is a racket and I don't think they should be alllowed to get by with this. Does anyone know anything about this and what can be done next to make sure it doesn't happen to other people?""
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
Can I take out a separate insurance policy on my parents car?
My parents use Direct line as their insurance provider on their car. I looked into how much the insurance would be for me (an 18 year old female) once I pass my test which worked out quite expensive. However I looked at a few other providers and found some cheaper quotes for myself. As my parents are with Direct line can I have my own insurance with another provider for the same car? (If that makes sense) Thanks in advance.
What's the average cost of health AND dental insurance per month for.....?
....a 44 year old man. I am a non-smoker, and in good shape. I have no medical conditions, now or ever.""
Is Progressive Auto Insurance a good company?
I have several insurance quotes from State Farm and Allstate, and Progressive beats the price by almost half. But, when something looks to good to be true, it probably is. Is this good insurance? Are they good with claims?""
Can I drive my parents car without Insurance?
So I live in MA and I was wondering if I will get into trouble if I drive my parents car (which is insured under my dads name) when I am home for the Thanksgiving break (my name is not on my dad's insurance). Will having a written consent from my dad permitting me to drive the car help?
Affordable health insurance?
I am a 40 yr old female who lives in washington state and I have never been sick or in the hospital and never drank or smoked.I am 4ft11 and 160 lbs so I am overweight.I need help in finding some affordable health insurance.I went down today to apply for washington basic health and they told me that no more applications were being taken.Now what do I do.I cannot afford exspensive Health insurance.I only make 1,200 a month if that.I need insurance so I can get a physical witch I have never had.I haven't been to a doctor since a kid.can someone tell me if there is any good health insurance for under 100 a month that covers things like physicals and if I had a heart attack,stroke ect...please help me find a good insurance for a low price.""
Car insurance problem..help!!!?
my bf crashed my car and was trying to cover my car with his insurance they said since i gave him permission to drive that i had to cover it.. i callled my insurance they said since he was at fault that i have to cover my own car out of pocket..is there anything else i can do ...
Should the young pay the same for health insurance as the elderly?
Why or why not?
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Still waiting to hear from car insurance if car is a write off?
its been a week since this guy hit me from behind. he was 100% at fault. how long do i have to wait to find out if my car was a write off? the car is fixable and i need to know how much to fix? want my car back!!!!!
Where can i get auto insurance online?
I was looking to buy auto insurance online. anyone know where to start looking
Will my car insurance go up even more now?
Two weeks ago I rear ended a Ford F150. There was very little damage done to their truck, but my mazda protoge was declared totaled. No ambulance was called and the people in the truck acted just fine. The driver was a lady who I thought was just obese but it turns out from the police report that she was 9 months pregnant. I was not arrested or anything at this scene but I did get a ticket for careless driving by failing to yield. I am a 25 year old male btw and I was on my mom's insurance driving her car. We called the insurance and found out that she was monitored and the baby was ok. She was due next week, but the insurance hasn't heard about the delivery or anything. The lady, however is claiming neck and back injuries. Will my insurance go up more because of the accident AND her claims or just the accident itself? I have to go to court in June just for the accident (it is mandatory here for every traffic violation). I need to know how much my insurance will go up to get a newcar""
Am I eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska if I am a full-time student?
Am I eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska if I am a full-time student?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Car insurance for young drivers?
im 21 and i passed my test in july i just wanted to no if anyone no,s good reasonable priced insurance companies for new drivers.thanks""
""Where can I find affordable insurance for sickle cell, full time student?""
If possible, in the Washington DC metro area. School is really expensive and it's very difficult to afford all these costly insurance while at the same time paying for school and living expenses.""
I am 17 and ive just passed my CBT.i am hoping too buy either 100cc or 125 cc. how much would m insurance be?
I am 17 and ive just passed my CBT.i am hoping too buy either 100cc or 125 cc. how much would m insurance be?
If the insurance is group 6 then how much ROUGHLY would the insurance be for a 17 year old?
the car is the rover streetwise so it's pretty new with good safety features.
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
Right, I'm 17. I getting my provisional licence in the next week or so, so I can start my driving lessons. When and if I pass my theory and practical, I would like to get my own car. I have a rough idea of which car I would like to get, but have no idea what I can do to get a rough idea on insurance. I've tried looking at a few websites and they're all useless haha. I'd love to have a Peugeot 106. Not the best car I know, but it would be suitable for me. I live in an area with off road parking, so this could possibly bring the insurance down a little. If someone can give a rough quote themselves, it'd be much appreciated and I can begin to plan ahead.""
Why do we have to have car insurance in the UK?
Why cant you chose whether you have insurance or not?
Can insurance for young drivers ...?
i want to buy a bmw 3 series convertible m sport diesel 2litre. the buying price is 13000 approximatley, unfortunatley i am 18 years old and this seems to be playing against me when it comes to insuring the car. i do not want to go down the line of fronting or breaking the law, but is there any way at all i can get a decent deal on insurance!? even if it means insuring myself to drive any car .. if that's possible?? any help would be appreciated. thanks!!""
I was in a car accident. My car was deem a total lost. The insurance towed my car away. I waited 1 year?
trying to get my claim paid. Today I received a letter from some car auction center, stating that I had to go get my car or they will charge me storage per day. now my car was a honda 05 I originally finaced the car and still owe money on the car. like 13000. The insurance company is not paying my claim. The finance company gave me a charge off on my credit. Now If I go pick up this car. is the car now mines? I do not have the title. How do I get the title.""
Can taking drivers ed save my parents money on car insurance?
i need to know how much, if any, people save on average""
What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?
I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i live in virginia
I am purchasing a house this month and trying to get an IDEA on how much my home owners insurance will run me, however I have a rottweiler ( obedience trained, no attack training) and several insurance companies have out right told me they do not write policies for owners with rottweilers... any one know of a company that will cover me? and Not charge me an arm and a leg??""
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
progressive auto insurance quotes florida
0 notes
Cheap motor insurance?
"Cheap motor insurance?
hi everyone... my hubby is tinkin of getting a new mitsubishi lancer sports edition (A) as a weekend car. only problem is insurance. he's 24yrs old n just got his license a week ago. he's been ridin a bike for the past 4yrs but insurance companies say it is not counted as driving experience. N their quotaions are arnd $4k which is very ex... any help will be greatly appreciated thx:)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will health insurance cost me?
I am an American citizen, 23 years old with a college degree. I never lived in the US but I am moving there now and I never had any health problems. How much will health insurance cost me a month?""
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
How much (average) is health insurance for a family in America?
As I live in England where we have the NHS I was just curious how much health insurance is in America. Obviously I know that it depends on pre existing medical conditions, how old people are ect ect but let just say for average family of four, two parents and two children would health insurance cost. I was just wondering.""
""How much roughly is insurance for a 17 year old driver, on a 125cc bike?""
How much roughly is insurance for a 17 year old driver, on a 125cc bike?""
AAA vs. Farmers for home and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a combined homeowners and auto insurance policy. Right now, the package that Farmers is offering based on my specs is 10% cheaper than AAA's. Any thoughts? Thanks!""
Who is offering the cheapest car insurance?
I am 21 with 3 years NCB, need to renew my insurance shortly. I know that alot of companies are not on the comparison websites, so does anybody know anywhere that is cheaper than the comparisions?""
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
What would be a good affordable car for a first time driver ?
What would be a good affordable first car, i'm 19 and how much would the insurance be for a first time driver ?""
Riding a 49cc scooter in NY without insurance?
can you register a 49cc scooter with the dmv without having insurance for it first? and what are the fines if i get pulled over riding the scooter without insurance? the cheapest insurance i can get is with progressive and it's 531$ a year! thats too much!
Car Insurance cost for 18 year old?
I'm 18 and am a beginner in driving and my dad wanted to set up my insurance. The car i would be using would be my dads 1967 Oldsmobile cutlass (classic Muscle car). So i was wondering how much insurance would be at my age with the car i would be using, and with no bad previous record for accidents and/or tickets.""
What is the average monthly insurance payment on a BMW 1998 323is 3 series coupe?
I'm wanting a buy 1998 323is 3 series coupe with 140,xxx miles on it for only $2,900. It's in amazing condition inside and out. My daily commute is only about 4 miles total ...show more""
Can I have car insurance under my parent's name?
Meaning, I am 17 on a probationary license. My parents and I currently have Allstate Insurance and I'm a part time driver on mom's vehicle. They recently bought me a car from my instructor's daughter. I would like to be an all-by-myself driver under Liberty Mutual, being they've shown me the absolute best rate, hands down. So question is- can I have car insurance under my parent's name with Liberty Mutual, as they keep Allstate? (My policy, just under their name)""
About how much does insurance cost for BudgetTruck Rental?
Can someone give me a ballpark on how much insurance would cost for Plan 2  Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com I need a 16' moving truck in a Columbus, Ohio suburb up to Toledo area""
I recently had hail damage to my car and my insurance company did an estimate which is 100% lower than 3 reput
I recently had my car damaged by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance company had an adjuster do the estimate and his estimate is 100% lower than 3 other estimated I had done (some of which weer by shops they work with...CRP). They are telling me I can take it in and they will pay the shops a supplemental check for the additional costs. I don't want to take it in because of my deductible and they are telling me pretty much the only way i can really re-coup the money owed to me is to have it fixed...I pay for my policy and as I understand it, i am entitled to the compensation of the damage and it is my choice to have it fixed or not...am I right or wrong in my understanding????""
""If you install an aftermarket radio incorrectly, and your car catches fire will insurance cover it?""
If you install an aftermarket radio incorrectly, and your car catches fire will insurance cover it?""
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
What happens when a person dies with no life insurance?
80 year old male with no life insurance
Allstate insurance raising my rates. real or fraud.?
they have raised my rates twice in less than 6 months. my first months were 94 for the platnum plan then in november they raised to 98 and now in march they raised to 108. the say that the state of texas is raising rates for companies and thats why my rates go up. is this happening to anyone else. im in tx. im changing my plan as soon as possible. anyone have allstate that could advise.
I want to get certified to sell car insurance?
I do not know too much about insurance, although the person that will be employing me has worked in the car biz for a long time and needs some one to deal with the insurance in his new business. Where can i get certified, does it take long, etc.? Please offer me any info.""
How much is my car payment going to be?
I'm a 16 year old girl, in Albuquerque, NM. And I am going to buy a Used 2007 Chevy Aveo with 39,000 miles on it. The car itself is $8,995, and I figured out the down payment is gonna be like 1,000 dollars-ish. But I really wanna know how much my monthly is gonna be, and I know, my first car should be a clunker, but I really need something that is gonna work and get me places since I am really involved in school and sports and stuff. So, how much is my monthly gonna be? and INSURANCE! I know Insurance is gonna be higher since I am a teen driver, but I don't know how much. And I wanna be able to ask my parents about how we're gonna split the payments and stuff, since I am getting a job soon and I want to be able to pay for most of my OWN stuff. Thank You :)""
Hey much will auto insurance cost me?
hey i will be 16 yrs old soon enough but i need an auto insurance i live in orlando, does anyone know how much it will cost me?whats the cheapest?""
""Im wanting car insurance, what would be the best one for me?""
I am buying my first car, and getting a 1996 BMW 318i , im 18 years old, have a restricted licence, havnt had any driving convinctions or crashes and I live in NZ, Im just wanting to know what insurance would be best for me either Full or 3rd party etc, and how much that would roughly cost""
How much should I pay for car insurance?
I own a 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. How much should I pay a month for some decent insurance?""
Anyone know about life/disability insurance?
I'm doing a project for school and it wants to know What ALL life insurance covers and What ALL disability insurance covers but im confused. Is there a certain thing that every life insurance covers and a certain thing every disability insurance covers? If you could help, id appreciate it. Thanks :D""
Cheap motor insurance?
hi everyone... my hubby is tinkin of getting a new mitsubishi lancer sports edition (A) as a weekend car. only problem is insurance. he's 24yrs old n just got his license a week ago. he's been ridin a bike for the past 4yrs but insurance companies say it is not counted as driving experience. N their quotaions are arnd $4k which is very ex... any help will be greatly appreciated thx:)
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
Can my employer raise my insurance rates without notifying me?
I wanted a refund for insurance rates I paid with my employers group policy now that I no longer need the insurance. They are now telling me that my rates went up back in January and want to back charge me. Is this legal?
How can I verify if the car I'm driving has insurance?
I do have the VIN# and car info, but there was no insurance papers in car. I also don't have a contact number on the car's owner""
Medicaid & Medicare question Comprehensive Insurance?
I was wondering if Medi-Cal is comprehensive insurance? then when I can get Medicare I can decline it! I am getting SSDI right now and medicaid is good for me! thanks
Will i be double paying for house insurance?
I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?""
Would removing individual state's regulation of health care insurance reduce insurance cost?
Would removing state control and regulations on insurance companies bring down insurance cost? Right now there are 50 separate markets in the USA for health insurance. In each one, the cost of policies is based a profit mix of that particular market. Would removing state boundaries and allowing insurance companies to design policies at the national level rather than the state level make insurance more affordable? Shouldn't we try a reasonable approach such as this before leaping into a federal healthcare plan?""
Why should my family's insurance go up if i get a car?
I'm 17 and am currently on my parents insurance plan, so there are 3 of us with only 2 cars. I'm listed on the truck, b/c it has more horsepower. I'm about to buy a '92 Prelude, and they said the insurance would go up about $122 for 6 months. This doesn't seem too bad, but if i'm now driving my own cheap car, why is that a greater risk than driving the truck with full coverage, not just liability? It seems like it should almost go down, because there's a lower chance that i will crash up one of the more expensive/higher hp cars. Is that just the way it works or is there a better option for me? My agent also said my own policy would make it even more expensive, which i could see, because we wouldn't get the multiple driver or car discount.""
Estimated Insurance Costs for Pest Control Business?
Hello, I have been considering starting a Pest Control business. I'd mainly like to focus on the removal of animals, however from a business stand point it would be much wiser to handle pest insects as well. Our state breaks down the minimum insurance you need which I will list below. I was hoping someone could give me just some reasonable estimes of what these types of insurances would cost based on the information I provide? If needed, I live in Rhode Island and based on looking at similar local businessed and their NAICS codes, the industry would be #325320. RULE 21. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (A) Each applicant for commercial applicator licensing shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $20,000 per job, or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: Comprehensive General Liability (ground application): Bodily Injury Liability - $20,000 each occurrence - $40,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $25,000 (B) Each applicant for commercial applicator certification shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $50,000 per job, or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: Comprehensive General Liability (ground application): Bodily Injury Liability - $50,000 each occurrence - $100,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $50,000 (C) Each applicant for commercial applicator certification in Category 7(c) Fumigation shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $100,000 or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: Comprehensive General Liability: Bodily Injury Liability - $100,000 each occurrence - $300,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $100,000 (D) Each applicant for commercial applicator licensing or certification, who applies pesticides aerially, shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $100,000, or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: General Liability: Bodily Injury Liability - $100,000 each occurrence - $200,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $100,000 (E) Financial responsibility required by paragraphs (A)  (D), where appropriate, shall not be required of persons whose pesticide application activities are part of their duties as governmental employees.""
Trunk Insurance vs. Car Insurance?
I recently changed cities on my auto insurance going from a Cleveland, OH zip code to an upper middle class Cleveland suburb and my rates fell more than $200/half...I drive a '99 S-10, just a regular pickup truck, I am in the market for a new vehicle and ideally it would be a full size truck (Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra half ton)...my agent has the exact truck I would like to buy, so I asked him what that truck would be insurance-wise for me. It automatically went back up to what I was originally paying in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. Other variables of my car purchasing ordeal are that I took a buyout from General Motors and I got a vehicle voucher included in the buyout, so another option for me is to get a Chevy Malibu which I could basically drive off the lot for zero money...I've been reading that sometimes car insurance can be more than insuring a truck, with the information I've provided can someone help me out and estimate if my insurance would be more for a basic/no frills 2011 Chevy Malibu or a 2011 Silverado/Sierra with some bells and whistles...and also, do Insurance companies look at the more options a vehicle has as being more to ensure??? any answers would be appreciated""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Im 15 about to be 16, and im getting a 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo. But I don't know how much the car insurance will be for me. I live in Florida U.S.A. Please help !""
Question about getting car insurance for mil!?
Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!?
Does Obama think $600 per month is a low price for health insurance?
Does Obama think $600 per month is a low price for health insurance?
Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!?
im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure...
Am I still eligible for unemployment insurance if I move out of state?
I currently receive bi-weekly unemployment checks. I live in California, but in a few months, I will be relocating to Texas. Basically I just need to know if I will be receive insurance from another state. Thanks!""
Unemployed 18 to 25 year olds forced to have health insurance under Obamas plan?
if you where laid off, then your ok. But if you quit your last job you will be required by law to keep health insurance or be fined $2700/yr. And by the way thats $225/mo. for the ...show more""
How much is Ferrari insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old for a 308 Ferrari that is worth $20,000""
Can insurance for young drivers ...?
i want to buy a bmw 3 series convertible m sport diesel 2litre. the buying price is 13000 approximatley, unfortunatley i am 18 years old and this seems to be playing against me when it comes to insuring the car. i do not want to go down the line of fronting or breaking the law, but is there any way at all i can get a decent deal on insurance!? even if it means insuring myself to drive any car .. if that's possible?? any help would be appreciated. thanks!!""
California Traffic School Twice Within 18 months?
Can I do traffic school twice in California within 18 months? From what I think I understand the first citation is kept confidential. The second within 18 months is not. Can my insurance company raise my rates even though I did happen to take traffic school even though it was twice within 18 months. Will my insurance rise, if so how much?""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Can i buy a car and still be under my mom's insurance?
I have enough money for a car. I was just wondering if i could buy a car and have the title under my name and still be able to be under my mom's insurance. i may be able to buy a car but my own insurance may be pushing it.
How much does car insurance cost?
Im 19,, looking for a first car,, whats the cheapest car to insure? How much about would it cost?""
Can you be on someone other than your families car insurance?
I just want to know if it is an option to be on someone other than your families car insurance. Like a friend's or whatnot. Or is car insurance for one family only.
""What would you do? Really want a baby, but afraid of losing insurance.?""
I know this is just for my husband and me to decide, but I'd like to hear what other people would do. We really want to have a baby (we've had two losses in the past). We've paid off our bills and have some savings for a house (we'd like to buy one in about 5 years). The only thing stopping us now is that his job can be unstable and, although we'll continue to be fine financially, I'm afraid of losing insurance. Would you take the risk?""
Recommend me a cheap car to buy and insure?
I've just passed my driving test and all I'm wanting to drive is a runabout for a year just to get me started. Wanted one for below 1000 and cheap insurance is needed. What do you guys recommend?
Long term care insurance - John Hancock or Genworth?
Which is a better company to go with, any thoughts? Long term care insurance is so expensive and I don't want to make a wrong decsion, thanks for your help!""
Cheap motor insurance?
hi everyone... my hubby is tinkin of getting a new mitsubishi lancer sports edition (A) as a weekend car. only problem is insurance. he's 24yrs old n just got his license a week ago. he's been ridin a bike for the past 4yrs but insurance companies say it is not counted as driving experience. N their quotaions are arnd $4k which is very ex... any help will be greatly appreciated thx:)
Average moped cost for 21yo student?
Im thinking of getting a moped to run around on as its so much cheaper than a car and was wondering how much this would cost. I can find the moped but how much would the tax, insurance etc be? Im a female 21 year old student, from england if that helps at all for working out the insurance.""
Can you have 2 different cars with different insurance?
my grandma bout a car for me, im only 15 so shes gonna give me the car when i turn 16 which is in january. she went down to L.a ( we live in california by the way) to buy the car with her nephew in law. shes 62 and half blind and doesnt have a license so she had to put the car in his name. but SHE paid for it. i told my mom and she was like if she wants to put the car in my her name she can. cuz me and my mom both know that her nephew in law could call up the police and say she stole his car, cuz the car is legally in his name and so is the insurance. and this man is very very crooked, he doesnt have a job and even steals money from his wife. he tried multiple times to steal the car so my grandma locks it in the garage. she even offered for him to buy the car off her for 300 dollars when she paid 1600 dollars but he wanted the car for free. now he is a...stupid man and he does not yet realize that he could call the cops and get the car easily so im trying to get this done as soon as possible. he aint paying for nothing on that car. im not worried that this man taking the car means i wont get a car. im worried that he might cheat my grandma, and that just doesnt site with me. he seems to catch and attitude with her when im not around but when im their i dont here no problems. so can i my mom get the car in her name with two different insurance providers and can the insurance still be in his name but the car in my moms name. and what if he refuses to sign it over can we still get the car. im sorry i had to air out my dirty laundry but i needed to release this anger""
Free car insurance??
My partner just called up his car insurance company to have me down as a named driver on his car. all the asked for is my name, DOB and my occupation. and they said there is no charge its free. Is this for real?? why is it free?? nothings free these days lol i also only have a provisonal""
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
""Just got a quote for 10,000 for my car insurance?!?!?""
i was getting a quote from comparison websites and the cheapest quote i received was 10,000. i also put my mother on the policy who has over 25 years driving experience and also switched to third party. what else could i do to lower the insurance costs.. im buying an audi a3 but is there any other way i could lower the insurance, thanks everyone""
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
""In Connecticut, Return Licence plates first? or end car insurance first?""
ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! HI, i'm trying to take my car out of my insurance, do i return the plates to DMV or end insurance first???? helppppp""
Cheapest auto insurance in PA??
for a non-standard driver.
My insurance company will not change car details?
I have been thinking of purchasing a brand new car this year and today went ahead with the purchase, well at least put a deposit down with a 12 week wait. I have been driving now for a year and a half. and at aged 28 thought I would be out of the range of a silly driver by now. However, after phoning my insurance company to ask for a new/updated quote for the insurance they are telling me that they will not insure me on a new car due to my lack of experience. I am of course going to still have the new car as most other insurance companies will insure me on the new car at a fairly reasonable rate. infact only 100 pounds a year more than my current car. They are still howver going to charge me a 30 cancellation fee and will obviously lose my no-claims for the six months. Does anybody have any idea as to a way to approach the company or make a complaint or should I just forget about it and move on?""
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
Does car insurance really go down at age 25?? how much?
How much does car insurance go down when a person turns 25? How much can I expect mine to go down? I am a woman now paying 82 a month. I have nothing on my record, no tickets, accidents, claims in my life (8 years since 16)""
Marine Insurance?
Why do the Underwriters enjoy an apparent freedom to give seven days notice and announce an area a war risk zone and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? - like cases in the Straits of Malacca -""
""Can a licensed driver, drive my car without having insurance?""
#1. I am insured under my parents Allstate Auto Insurance. My boyfriend is a licensed driver but does not have car insurance. If he drives my car and something happened, would Allstate cover it? #2. In a previous state, we were given the option of adding him to the plan or not allowing him to drive any of our vehicles. We signed the agreement that he would not drive our vehicles. Now, in a different state, would that follow us? #3. If he were to get insurance, I was told, a driver can not get insurance unless their name is on the title? Any help is greatly appreciated!""
Why is my car insurance quote 1700 more if women and men are meant to have the same premium?
After an EU court of justice ruling I believe that male and female insurance is supposed to be the same? I have a quote as a male at 2800 whilst 1100 as a female? these were found on a comparison site. Why is this allowed and what can I do about it? thanks!
Can You Give Me Any Tips for Finding Low Cost California Medical Insurance?
Can You Give Me Any Tips for Finding Low Cost California Medical Insurance?
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
How much life insurance is sufficient?
my husband just got a raise and we are thinking about raising our life insurance. I have 6 children. what is the best way to estimate how much is enough.
Is it possible to get affordable car insurance?
How can I get affordable car insurance without really sacrificing the kind of coverage that I get? I just want to be able to pay less for my car insurance buy still get good quality.
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
Im 17 at the moment but will be 18 on the 2nd of June. Not sure what bike I want yet but where I live you can get to anywhere that doesn't need transport. The nearest shop is 4 miles away. I have no public transport around here either. I would like a rough guess at what a 125cc bike would cost to insure on a year or 3 month basis? Thanks :)
Should I get $500 deductible or $250 on car insurance?
does it make sense to get higher deductible to save premium or is that a scam? clubny2007 coming soon
""What to do, can't afford Automobile insurance 17 year old male.?
I'm 17 been driving since i was 15 i have quite a few tickets but no moving violations never once. only expired tags and stuff like that. i had insurance all when i was 16 in my name $130 a month. well i lost my job and all i moved out of my moms and on my own now and i got another job but that barely covers rent and food money. i went everywhere last few days and can't find insurance cheap. everyone tells me its $250 down and 200 a month. the cheapest i found it was $200 down and $160 a month im in Houston Tx and its a 94 mustang Gt im trying to insure. Seriously what do they expect me to do? im a 17 year old kid and they expect me to pay out the *** for insurance? how do they expect me to do that? what should i do? i got a 25 mile drive to work everyday what would u guys recommend me to do? all seriousness though i dont wanna get car impounded.
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
Is my credit card insurance enough for car rental?
I do not live in the US and do not have a car insurance policy in the US. I will rent a car when I visit and use my credit card to do so, but is the coverage that comes with the credit card use enough? Should I also purchase the rental company's policy?""
""I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
Where Can I Get Checp Car Insurance?
Hi everyone, please Where Can I Get Checp Car Insurance? i live in CA""
Cheap motor insurance?
hi everyone... my hubby is tinkin of getting a new mitsubishi lancer sports edition (A) as a weekend car. only problem is insurance. he's 24yrs old n just got his license a week ago. he's been ridin a bike for the past 4yrs but insurance companies say it is not counted as driving experience. N their quotaions are arnd $4k which is very ex... any help will be greatly appreciated thx:)
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
Getting into a car accident with a 16-year-old uninsured driver?
I live in San Diego, California. I recently got into a car accident with a 16-year-old uninsured driver, who was using his mother's car at the time and had two underaged passengers. I was in a business area (25 MPH) and I was switching lanes into the right lane. I had my right hand blinker on and was in the process of switching lanes. The 16-year-old driver was speeding and quickly hit my front right end. I had a witness - who reported two things - with the police, he reported that the 16-year-old tried to avoid me by getting into the bike lane, but then reported with my insurance company that the 16-year-old ran straight into my car at 50 MPH. They are currently finding me 80% at fault because of the police report. The police report was obviously misrepresented. What steps can I take to fix this?""
Sportbike Insurance...?
Where is a good place to have motorcycle insurance through. My husband is looking into buying a Suzuki gsxr and we are trying to find something cheap or reasonable.
Health Insurance for diabetics?
If i were to get health insurance and then marry my girlfrind (who at the moment is pregnant) do you think that she would be able to get on my insurance even though she has a pre-existing condition of type 1 diabetes? She can not get her own insurance because of it, only if her work provides and her work does not and the job market is still rocky. So what would we have to do to get her insured?""
How do we work with insurance companies in California?
We are a Southern California Drywall Company and would like to work with insurance companies. How do we get started?
How to check a car has insurance or not?
All the information I know: car plate number, vehicle identification number and a expired Progressive insurance policy number. Can I still check my car current insurance online?""
Help with moral dilemma with car insurance.?
Well money is tight right now and I'm shopping around for a new auto insurance. I live in CA and so far the cheapest one I've found is Mercury insurance. I was playing around with the different personal criteria having fun wondering if having a different profession or having a college degree would change the premium. I found one option significantly changed the price and that was if I selected a different location where I principally garaged my car. The premium changed by about $200 for a year of coverage. It was based on zip code and I put the one that I used while I was in college which is in northern CA but I m in southern CA. Would the insurance company ever find out about that or how would they know? I could make some excuse if it came down to it like I intended to park there since I was planning on attending graduate school there. I don't know if the insurance company could not cover me if they found this out. I don't know what to do. $200 is a lot now.
Would fitted speakers in my car increase the insurance?
I love my music, especially dance music (can't get enough of Pjanno and Rolex) but I'm worried that the insurance might go up if I fit speakers in my car because in comparision websites, one of the sections talks about additional equipment on your car. If so, how much will the insurance go up by? getting quotes for around 1200 atm""
Insurance rates were lower in california - for car?
i always have a california car insurance and see that it is always lower when compared to other states.. why is that.. on the other hand,i have always heard that car gettting stolen is highest in californiaso so i guess the insurance premium should be higher then why""
Is get auto insurance a good insurance company?
I found getautoinsurance.com on line while looking for cheap auto insurance. Is this company a good company, or is it for real?""
""Car accident, insurance coverage, process?""
I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer.""
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
""Hi, I Need to insure my car and I am have no idea which insurance company is best and cheap plz help!!!?
And I need to do it today. Anyone knows how to do it quickly and which company is really and cheap and meets the NYS dmv requirements?
Car insurance for new driver that will not drive far..?
HI, I am turning 17 in november, and already looking at cars. The cars i am looking at are getting insurance at over 5000 (im male) a year fully comp! The car is only like 2500..... The thing is i will barely use my car as i live really close to school, so will walk all weekdays - especially as i am banned from parking in school as i live too close. I will occasionally use it on weekends - but if i go out in the evening im not going to take my car - drink driving.. So the only time i will use my car is quite alot in the holidays and very occasionally on some weekends, and therefore think 5k for a few car trips is ridiculous.. So is there any form of insurance where you pay for how far you drive? BTW the cars i was loooking at are 1L's, peugeots and vauxhalls mainly. These ok? Im looking at nothing over 60,000 miles and 7 years old max - i think i will do 3000 max a year. IM looking to sped about 2500 on a car, but need cheaper insurance than that! Hope you can help Many Thanks""
Life insurance / suicide clause?
My husband committed suicide 3 weeks ago, and left me w/ a lot of bills and 2 kids. He has some insurance policies, some of which he has had for 20 years. My question is, will the older policies most likely pay, or will they dispute, or can they??? I don't know much about these things. One policy said they would pay, but now I can't seem to track anyone down since I sent in the paperwork.. Any ideas?""
""In Texas, do you need Liability Insurance (if you don't own a car) to obtain a valid drivers license?
Do you need liability insurance if you don't own a vehicle?
Harley Davidson Insurance -Typical Cost?
I am a 19-year old male who has been riding a motorcycle for about 3 years and took a rider safety course. I was wondering what possible insurance costs would be for a Harley 883 Sportster, probably a 98 or newer (probably nothing newer than a 2005 though). Specifically, I was wondering about American Family Insurance (but any general info would be appreciated too). I am looking to upgrade my bike (along with the size of my engine, ive been driving a 250 for a while now). I beleive american family cant even cover sport bikes for a rider like me, so i was thinking about getting another cruiser/standard style bike. i have kind of been drawn towards Harley, but if insurance is too expensive, ill have to look for something else. Does anyone have any other suggestions for bikes? or general info? thanks""
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
Is medical payments coverage needed in auto insurance?
How important is medical payments coverage auto insurance coverage. I currently have at as $10,000 coverage. Is this over kill? I have health insurance (HSA) that has a $5000 deductible per year, after that it's covered 100%. thx""
Insurance and child support?
If my husband provides insurance through his work to his daughter and is also paying child support on her is he going to be responsible for the co-pay everytime she goes to the doctor? His daughter also has a secondary insurance through the state that her mom collects we were just wondering if the secondary insurance would pay or who would be responsible. The mother or him???
How do I get my insurance website to bring up quotes?
I want to start an online insurance company but would like to know how I go about getting the website to bring up quotes like with other insurance companies. How do I go about doing this I'm very serious about it so would like serious answers please thank you.
Where can I find a cheap but reliable enough car?
Ok... so my car died all of a sudden on me and now I am left trying to find rides. Riding the bus/other public transportation is uneconomical and too time consuming because I live far from work. I am unable to afford a car payment AND insurance (since the cheapest insurance I can find is around $140-150 a month. it wasn't even that high when I was 17). Where can I find a cheap car that won't break down? I can't buy from a private seller because I don't have any money. I can only afford to pay something month to month.
Am i paying too much for car insurance?
I am in my early 30s. A single male, no kids. I have a pretty much spotless driving record. The only ticket i have had in the past 10 years that i can think of off hand was for not using a turn signal, that was over a year ago. Other than that, nothing in around 10 years. No claims on my insurance in over 10 years either. I drive a 2001 Ford ZX2, its a compact car-for those not familiar with it , it would be similar to a Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon. Oh, im paying $700 every 6 months for full coverage car insurance through Nationwide. I have been with them ever since i started driving. This seems like alot. Is it? My friends tell me im overpaying, yet when i call around other places to get quotes i never find anything cheaper. In fact several places have told me to stay where im at. I dont have a problem paying it, but im just trying to find out if this sounds about right and fair as far as the price goes. Anyone out there a insurance agent?""
Car Insurance. 50/50?
I was in a minor car accident like a month ago. and they've finally almost resolved the claim. It's probably going to be 50/50, now how will that work out in terms of money?? As in, I had an estimate of the cost it would have took to fix my damage, am I gonna get half of that?""
""Car insurance,guy hit my car,cited by police,now denied it?""
my niece was involved in a traffic accident she was hit by a guy who suddenly changed lane from her right side he was cited by the police but now he fight them saying that he didnot hit my niece car when he changed the lane our car was completely damage and our insurance already paid us and said they will claim on our behalf with his insurance we just been suponea by the police to be witness at the court and the prosecutor told us that he might not be able to convicted him because his car did not show damage on the picture and the prosecutor advise us to let him propose to them to write us a check of $500 to cover our deductible he gave us the check but we did not cash it yet can they said now that they are not responsible for the hit and our insurance cannot claim them no more which mean that our insurance will cover the accident on their own and affect our premium? the whole bill for car+doctor is less than $9000 can someone tell me what will happen now ,we are honest people ,we really do not understand why the other part try to do this,they have insurance too please advise,thank you so very much""
Cheap motor insurance?
hi everyone... my hubby is tinkin of getting a new mitsubishi lancer sports edition (A) as a weekend car. only problem is insurance. he's 24yrs old n just got his license a week ago. he's been ridin a bike for the past 4yrs but insurance companies say it is not counted as driving experience. N their quotaions are arnd $4k which is very ex... any help will be greatly appreciated thx:)
0 notes
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
"Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance?
anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?
Where Do I Find Quotes For Non-Owners Auto Insurance?
I Need It Cheap, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Low- cost insurance for my 2 year old???
Is it possible to get insurance for my 2 year old at a low rate WITHOUT insuring myself or my husband? We tried getting on our state's medicaid program (which was originally started for people who couldn't get health insurance through their jobs but left that behind long ago!) but of course my husband and I make too much money. Every insurance quote we've been given has been astronomical and we'd have to insure one or both of ourselves to get insurance on the baby. What can I do??? We've also both asked our employers to look into health insurance for their employees and it's still just too expensive!
""Im a new driver, whats the most affordable and best car insurance for me?""
Im a new driver, whats the most affordable and best car insurance for me?""
Help with life insurance?
My husband apply a life insurance for me without my knowing for $150,000 dollars. I came from other country and I was shocked because as if my husband wants to kill me and just married me for life insurance. One day a nurse came to our house and get blood and urine test and asked my husband what's that for, he lied to me he told me that was only needed for his work and for my health insurance. I was just wandering, after few days I received a letter from Veteran's Insurance that my beneficiary when I died is my husband for 150,000 dollars, I called right away the insurance company and disconnect it. My question is, is there anyway that my husband can apply me again for life insurance without my knowing? I don't want him to become the beneficiary. Can I make a last will and testament that when something happen to me my beneficiary are my parents? What will I do to do this step?""
How I get discount on car insurance?
I am from Liverpool and wanted to have good discounts on Car Insurance.. Can someone please suggest.
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
If the point in my license won't affect my insurance rate?
I received a traffic ticket for not stoping at a stop sign. I registered and took traffic school I also Completed it. I followed up with my court and my case was dismissed but, I wanted to know if the point in license would be gone ?""
Approximately how much will my car insurance cost?
I am a 16 year old male, I will be getting my liscense soon. I'm going to have my own car(probably an old Honda civic) and ill be added on my mothers insurance policy. And I live in San Diego, and my grades are B's and C's""
2008 Pontiac Torrent WRECKED PRICE ??? Insurance adjustor question?
I have a 2008 Pontiac Torrent that was recently hit while park heres a list of what was damaged Rear Axel is twisted all rear suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel Tail ...show more
What is the cheapest car insurance price in Texas?
I know it'll depend on the quote on for me and stuff but as far as a GENERAL average price or hell maybe even exact price what is the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price in Texas?
18 year old just trying to find health insurance...?
My mom retired last year and my parents decided that without the benefits, it was too expensive for me to be on their health insurance plan (it would have been ~$750 a month). I've been without insurance since August. I just turned 18 yesterday. I live in Connecticut and my parents are basically being lazy about it and not helping at all... even though I have an entire LIST of things I need to get checked out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth surgery (dental insurance, yay!!!!!) and I can't do ANY of it until I have insurance. I seriously have NO idea what to do and my parents procrastinate like crazy and I can't take being uninsured anymore. What do I do?!""
What are three good life insurances in california?
i need specific details about these companies
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
What is the best way save on Auto Insurance?
I am trying to find a way to save on auto insurance, me and my brother both have vehicles- only difference is im required to carry an SR-22 and have citations-No DUI, moving violations-nothing in the past 1-1/2 years, and he has an excellent driving record. I feel bad because I know our insurance is higher because of me, most places tell me its cheaper to have a policy together- Any recommendations? Another thing I notice is that if im the primary-Insurance is definitely higher, however when my brother is primary its a little lower, some agents tell me I have to be primary?""
All my friends seem to be getting cheap car insurance?
All my friends seem to be getting cheap car insurance but i cant seem to find it lol, im 17 and i know its expensive but people say they find it for 1.4k or 1.5k which id be happy with but im getting quoted 5k (and dont say what type of car is it!!) cause i know all that""
Car insurance In connecticut?
Im 18 and i just got my license about a month ago. I was talking to my dad about getting a car. and he said he was gonna give me my moms car which has new york plates on it for me to drive ( we use to live in ny and the plates are from there) and hes getting my mom a new car. i was talking to him about insurance and he said that i would be driving on his name. Hes not adding me to the insurance though cause he says its to much money. He told me that all i have to do is drive careful and not get into a accident.im still worried though cause an accident can happen regardless if Im careful or not. is this Legal ? to not be added to my dads insurance?
Car insurance for teen?
ok so i am going to get my drivers license tommorrow, and my mom brought up the whole insurance thing. my question is, i dont have a car of my own yet so i would have to drive my mom's in her words (IF i let you drive at all)--how stupid is that?!? anyways. would she have to change anything about her insirance if im driving her car and have been since ive had my permit, or can she leave everything as it already is???""
Insurance Car coverage?
My car got flooded bacuase of the Hurricane IKE in the houston area. The current market value of this car is 9k but I still owe 13500 and I do not have GAP insurance. I had an offer for this car three weeks before the hurricane for 12k. As we all know insurance will only pay what it worth now. What are my possibilities for having the insurance pay it off sice this was a natural disaster.
Disability Insurance in Vermont?
Does anyone know if it's legal in the state of Vermont to employee people without disability insurance? I know it's illegal in New York. I'm out of work due to pregnancy complications for 3 weeks or so and I can't collect disability for this or my maternity leave because they said they don't have disability insurance. I called a lawyer, but haven't heard back from them yet. Just curious if anyone knows the answer to this question. Thanks""
Would my insurance be cheaper if I go from a V6 engine to a 4 cylinder?
If so, how much difference in price would it be?""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
*****Why is its called Life Insurance?*****?
If I can only get if I'm Dead? And then someone else is spending my money!
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay monthly for car insurance? I need to buy a car soon. How much should I budget monthly for car insurance?
Insurance quotes.... are they correct?
Hi, I have used a couple of insurance websites such as compare the market and confused for a cars insurance. I do not understand why but when i select full comprehensive the insurance is less than third party. Why is this? I thought comp was better than 3rd party.... is this not true? Why is full comp less than 3rd party? Thanks""
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? Is this true? Please help me, I don't really wanna pay an $800 for driving without insurance""
My car stolen and insurance company is delaying claim?
My car was stolen at my school, after calling the police and everything. I was asking people at school for a ride home one girl told me she was busy and asked her friend to drive me he agreed. When I notified my insurance, he asked for a recorded statement which I gave. Then he wanted the name and contact numbers of the two people I asked for a ride a home. Which took a while to get yet i still got them a gave them to the guy. After they contact the adjuster, I called to try to see whats going on with this claim because its been over 30 days and I am trying to replace my stolen car. He says there are some difference in the three statements he recieved and he has to file some notes and contact me later. I later called the other two people and asked what did they say and to me it seemed the same just in different person view and they also told me they did not remember alot...Can these people cost me my claim? I cooperated and did everything..How long can this take? What else does he need""
I saw on TV awhile back a life insurance policy you can use while your still living?
I saw it awhile ago on television that it's a life insurance policy you can use while still living such as to pay for children's college and stuff? Do they still offer this and from what company is it from?
Why should I compare home owners insurance companies?
We have owned our home for 13 years, and we have always just stuck with the same insurance provider we had when we first got our mortgage. I am not sure if the premium we are paying is fair or not. I have no idea what the rate would be to insure our home with some other insurance company. Is it really worth the time and effort to compare home owners insurance companies to see if we can get a better rate? How much lower could the premiums actually be, and could we really end up saving that much money in the long run?""
Affordable Care Act - Will I have to buy insurance?
I'm young and just starting out. I'm only going to make like 12-15K per year... Will I have to purchase insurance or pay the tax penalty?
Does a person have to have a drivers liscense to be able to have car insurance?
so i am 17 and just bought a car and my sister which is 19, dont got a drivers liscense. i cant put the car under me coz im 17 but i can put it under her but she doesnt have a drivers liscense. i was wondering if she could get a car insurance even if she didnt have a drivers liscense? i live in vancouver washington if theres different rules in places""
Why did Geico raise my insurance just because I changed my ADDRESS!?
What in the hell was this all about?! I simply moved 30 mins away from my previous residence and ALL I NEEDED to do was just change my mailing address.....so I went online, gave them my new info.....and they said my premium was increased by over $60.00! Why is this? Has this happened to anyone else?""
Car Insurance Claims - EVERYONE UNDER 25 MUST LOOK - Will I lose my No Claims Bonus?
I have had my insurance for nearly a year now. I am the main driver and my dad is the second driver. My dad had a small bump in the car. If we have to claim in his name will it effect my No claims bonus and next years insurace quote, ([I will though be taking my dad off next years insurance)]""
How much more expensive is car insurance for a sports car?
I know that car insurance for a sports car is more expensive. But HOW much more expensive? For example, my insurance will change from a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am 4-Door to a 1993 Pontiac Firebird sports car. How much of a difference, in numbers, will it be?""
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
I got a ticket for no insurance in california?
well i told the officer that i had insurance on the car but the little proof of insurance card did not come in the mail yet so he gave me a ticket for that and he told me something about if i mail the proof of insurance to the court i guess i dont have to go to the court date or soemthing like that is that true by the way i checked the mail that same day i got the ticket and the proof arrived
2010 Ford Fusion vs 2011 Hyundai Sonata?
I recently went in resolved to buy a 2011 Sonata at $26, 000 but then I saw at a Ford dealer that the Fusion was $16, 500 on sale from $19,000. I'm conflicted because paying $10,000 more for a Hyundai means I get more features like leather, seat heating, sun roof, more sleek sporty style, etc. But then I can't completely negate the fact that the Ford is so cheap. Which would you pick and why?""
I need cat insurance?
Does anybody know of pet/cat insurance in california that is affordable?
Comprehensive Auto insurance?
I'm sure someone has already answered this question, but i couldn't seem to find it. Ok I have AAA comprehensive auto insurance and my question is if i was parked outside at a meter and someone hit me would i be covered? Also same scenario just in a parking lot. Thank you, for anyone that answers this question""
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?
My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.""
What is the best car to buy with cheap insurance for a 17yo? ?
as above, UK only thanks in advance""
""Lawsuits have been limited to $250,000 in California for years now - insurance costs haven't gone down...?
...at all. Why do Republicans pretend that is the solution to healthcare costs?
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?
Car Insurance different address than car registered address?
Hi, I have insured my car on my friend's address because his postcode turns out to be very cheap for my premiums. My car and Driving Licence are registered on my home address but when I buy insurance on my home address it goes double. Do you think insuring my car on different address is wrong? What if I get my car registered on to my friends address same as my insurance policy? Would that be safe and legal? Please help me in clearing the confusion and doubt.""
Is van business insurance expensive?
My van is insured at the minute but as an electrician will i require business insurance and willit be much more
Looking for insurance with marcs and sparks?
I need an insurance for an 82yr old to go to america
""Florida Auto Insurance Quotes Online, are they really safe?
Florida residents do you really think entering all your valuable personal information online for an auto insurance quote is really the safe way to obtain auto insurance? A local personalized auto insurance agent who you can pick up the phone and call or stop by their office sounds so much safer and personal.
Cheap Car insurance for young and new drivers?
I'm 21 and passed my test a couple of weeks ago. I always knew insurance was going to be an issue and I have found out it is cheaper to go on other peoples policys... but I want to get my own policy so I can get it down. I'll be getting something small, 1.1 or 1.2 for obvious reasons. The cheapest I've managed to find is about 700, thats 3rd party and with a couple of named drivers on. that was with Swift Cover. From a weekend of insurance shopping I've found that all these compare insurance websites are a load of s***. Not had any quotes below 1500. Anyway, does anyone have any tips for getting insurance down more or does anyone know of any insurance companies that specialise in insurance young or new drivers. I just wish they wouldn't tar us all with the same brush... I'm not going to be spending my evenings following other boy racers in Saxos wheelspinning around McDonalds car park. I can see why it's so high though there are so many idiots on the road.""
Car insurance which is the cheaper?
What is the cheap car insurance for like a 05 and truck or suv. My dad said Tahoe are really high. It needs to have 4 wheel drive.
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx
How much is my no registration and no insurance ticket going to cost?
This is in California, if you have any idea please lemme know thanks!""
""How much does insurance cost on a rental car?, I need a rough estimate, please help?""
it's in portland if that makes a difference, thanks""
Which health insurance is better?
I'm 18 and my current health insurance (it's called Neighborhood in NYC) has currently expired. I can either re-certify this or be added to my dad's GHI health insurance, which is provided by the city. His insurance includes copays and such that I've never done before. Which insurance makes more sense?""
What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58?
I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more
Question about car insurance?
I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you.""
Insurance cost for brother with 3 points on his license age 20?
he got 3 points age 14, TWOC, now wants a car, how much do you think insurance will cost?""
Would i need car insurance?
(Only open to UK) i am a provisional driver using my dad's car. My dad is with me at all times and he has fully comprehensive insurance, i have been told that this then covers me also, is this correct or will i need extra insurance?""
I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?
I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.""
Divorce and custody questions in California?
My soon to be ex husband and I have a 3 month old son. I know we can work out the custody agreement but if either of us get married again, can the step parent adopt the child as their own even though both biological parents have custody? Also if not, is there a way to give the step parents rights to the child like authorizing medical care, to be on the step parents insurance, ect...""
Temporary car insurance?
I am moving across oregon when i turn 18 and I currently have a car but I need to get tags and insurance to move it. Could I get temporary insurance which is good for a week? If yes, about how much would that be? Do I need insurance to get my car registered and get tags?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?
Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.""
Can you register and buy a (cheap) car with no license or insurance?
I want to know if i can register a very cheap car thats around 2,000 tops at a used car lot and buy it with no problems.What problems will i face isnt it easyier to get a cheap car like this then at a actual new dealer i have no license or insurance do i pick a dealer with in house financing the only thing they will most likely ask for is it to get registered can i do that im paying half down.?im 21 im getting my license in 2 weeks (and no i cant wait)""
How come I can't keep my health insurance coverage?
President Obama stated that under the Affordable Health Care Act that any American that wanted to keep their existing coverage or doctor would be able to. I signed up today and they ...show more
Which is the best health insurance company (policy) to cover all expenses in India ?
Best insurance company for Health insurance policy: An individual, 55 years old to cover all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine expenses, Room rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization and related expenses).""
Car Insurance...?
I was wondering which car insurance company has a reasonable price?
How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?
I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.""
Car Insurance?
What's the cheapest car insurance company out there for people with 1 years no claim?
Am I paying too much for car insurance?
My parents make me pay 100$ a month for car insurance. I have Allstate. I drive a 93 ford escort and have never gotten a ticket or in an accident. I'm 19 years old
Which car insurance? (10 pts)?
I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks""
Car crash and no insurance?
My partner bought a car he was driving it home but had no insurance. He was driving about 5 mph due to a Traffic jam, he hit the car in front there was little damage to his car. He told the driver he had just bought the car and had no insurance, he said don't worry we will do it between us. My partner told him he will pay for the damage to his car. We received a letter from the drivers insurance to ask to put it in writing that we are willing to pay for the car. A few days later they rang and told us he has put in for whiplash there is no way he could of got whiplash as i was going to slow, no sure what to do please help""
Car Insurance went up when I removed a car?
I am insuring 2 cars. If I remove one, my insurance rate will go up. Why is that?""
Car Insurance/homeowners insurance?
Is Response Insurance a good company? I'm looking to lower my current rates with American Family. Response gave me some really good rate quotes.
Auto insurance ???
who do auto insurance companies answer to? Auto insurance is a state requirement, but if an Auto insurance company makes a mistake of some sort who are they responsible to? everyone answers to someone...""
How can I get affordable health insurance with a preexisting condition?
My fiance has Hep C and is actually in very good health otherwise.... Kaiser will not take us with his pre existing condition, and some of the prices I have seen are through the ...show more""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old male?
I drive a 1976 Datsun 240z, and I absolutely love it. I had an engine swap (4 cyl turbo) and some aesthetic modifications, and the car is in fantastic shape. Total worth is about $2000. I am 18 years old, living on away from home. I've had my license for less than a year, and have not had any accidents/altercations. I've called Geico, Progressive, Statefarm, etc, and they've all come back with 6 month policies ranging from $4500-$5800. I'm going to pay double, let alone triple, my car's total value for 6 months of insurance. That is ridiculous. I've looked online, and they tell me that Florida's minimum requirement is $10000 of PDL and PIP. What does it mean? Would you recommend it for me? I don't really care if my car is covered. I'll pay for that. I just don't wanna be stuck with a retiree's BMW repair bill or medical bill. Thanks Luke""
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx
How do i get my insurance quotes lower for driving?
im 17 and i want to insure a car but every quote i get is allways about 4000 - 10000, is the any way i could get them lower on my quotes? like having another person as a driver and things like that?""
Where can u find health insurance for a family at a reasonable pricethat one can afford?
Where can u find health insurance for a family at a reasonable pricethat one can afford?
Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?
Hi am about to start lessons on learning to drive, and was wondering if anyone knows the cost it would be for car insurance for a new driver annually, car will probably be 1.4, I am female, 29/30 years old. Thanks""
New driver looking for cheap insurance?
New driver looking for cheap insurance?
Classic Car As A Daily Driver In Michigan?
I'm a hot rod & kustom guy, have building and restoring old cars for awhile now..love the looks of em and the feeling I get driving them, I'm opening up my own shop soon too. I drive a 2001 Grand Am GT and it's about to die 190,000 miles needs tires, brakes, bearings, engines making noises but for the price I paid and miles I put on it, it worked well. Now I need a new daily drive to school 72 miles round trip 2-3 times a week. I live in Michigan, was wondering what it would be like to drive an classic car as a daily...say a 1958 Chevy Bel Air with a 283 motor...the insurance is cheaper, easier to fix and find parts..but may be more in gas...just wondering if anyone drives a classic everyday and how is it in the winter...I'd have to figure out heat some how. I have many cars 1968 Caddy Deville on air bags, 1930 Model A Coupe hot rod, 1951 Mercury custom, 1956 Cadillac Deville...etc""
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
Will my insurance be through the roof?
I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks.""
Why would my car insurance go up?
Why would my car insurance go up? I pay my car insurance in full every 6 months and my car insurance is going up $150. I haven't gotten any tickets or in any accidents. I haven't had to pay this much since I was 19.
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
Car insurance and crash?
so i am 17 and i got in my first car crash since ive got my license about half a year ago. the car crash damages were about 5 thousand on a 8 thousand dollar car. does that mean my insurance is going to shoot up? and im not gonna be able to drive?
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
""Im 16 and i want to get a R6, i want to know how much it would cost for insurance?""
I live in the U.S, Florida and i am taking the MSF course.""
Does it cost to switch car insurances?
I need to switch my car insurance to get a lower rate per month. How much would I generally pay to switch or get new insurance?
Affordable Health insurance for nannys...anyone know of any?
My wife recently switched jobs from a day care where she had health insurance to being a personal nanny for a family with 3 children. We were going to switch her to my health insurance, as my work only has me pay 15% of the cost. I thought this would be the same if I added my wife but we would have to pay full price for her costs (and while the insurance here is great, it is a Cadillac insurance, and is VERY expensive). My question is does anyone know of affordable insurance options for nannys?""
Where can i find affordable birth control?
i'm currently on my last perscribed month of the pill estrostep. my health insurance has been cancelled because i just can't afford it, we just bought a house and we're on a very tight budget. in order to get another perscription, i need to have a gyn appointment for an exam, but a visit is $200 without insurance, then another $50 a month for the perscription. any ideas?""
How Can a 17 Year old Teen Afford Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old guy working on getting my first car. I was thinking possibly a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire, or a 2006 Saturn Ion. I had looked up a few quotes from Progressive and Esurance, and noticed that the semi-annual price was VERY high, way beyond anything my family could afford. I was wondering If anyone knew of a way that I could possibly afford this. Many of the quotes totaled at $800-$1000 per six months. This is outrageously high, and that was just insurance for an adult I had quoted. Adding a teen onto the insurance would be much more expensive. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do to cheat the system per say, or just find a nice and cheap affordable, reliable insurance company I'd be extremely grateful.""
Can i switch my health insurance policy -?
hello, i work for a small consulting firm , < 10 employees..on their w2. they provide me a group health insurance for my family (me ,wife and < 1yr old kid) and i pay around $900 every month without vision and dental coverage..all my contribution..and it is with united health care group now - with this new obamacare what options do i have 1. if i switch , will i get a cheaper coverage ? 2. what is that policy exchange ..i hear this a lot these days 3. if i had to switch my policy.who should i approach.. what would you advise for me..pleae advise me on getting a cheaper coverage""
What is the cheapest car insurance for me?
i am 18, had a DWI in dec 2006 what would be the cheapest liability only car insurance for me? thank you""
Cyro Cuff covered by insurance?
Can a Cyro Cuff be covered by insurance? I'm about to have knee surgery (ACL replacement) and I want to know if anyone's ever gotten insurance to pay for a Cyro Cuff?
Is motorcycle insurance less than car insurance?
Alright so I am 18 and I just purchased a 2001 GSXR 600 and some tell me that it will cost more to insure than a car..and some say less..I personally think it will cost less considering that a bike will cause much less damage than a car would. Please help me out and tell me about how much a month this bike will cost, thanks!""
Car insurance stuff i don't understand.?
Hello everyone, I am an international student who's been in the USA (Buffalo, NY) for the past 2 years working hard on my masters (i'm 25 now). I bought a POS Saturn last year for 2000 dollars and, well, for that i needed to get car insurance since it's mandatory in this country. Since i was from abroad and i had a learner's permit at the time, i had to get insurance with my international license. Progressive was my only choice so i paid around 700$ for 6 months. That's the rate I've been paying for the last year. Unfortunately, i just don't have the money anymore to pay 700 more dollars for the next 6 months. I tried different insurance companies but they are all around the same range. Apparently, i was stupid enough to not get a credit card as soon as i landed in this country. I was raised with the if you don't have money, don't spend it philosophy so i just used my debit card. This is the only reason that i can see for these absurd rates. Every single one of my friends ( all international students ) pay around 200-250/six months dollars for their pieces of crap cars. I just feel like i'm not being given a fair deal. Not having any credit might put a penalty on me, i understand somewhat how a capitalist mind works... let's say about 100-150 more dollars for 6 months, but a whopping 500 $ ? Don't you think it's kind of messed up that first of all it's mandatory, and then there's no baseline to at least make sure that noone gets ripped off. Is there any way that a person can inquire why he is being charged so much(instead of the bs the agents tell you i.e your area is bad etc.)? Or are you at the mercy of these people?""
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
License and Insurance?
Well, I got my license nearly seven months ago. I am sixteen turning seventeen in about four/five months. I don't have my own car yet so I've been driving my parent's cars if I need to. I am now looking to buy a car for summer and such, but my parents want me to do some research before we make any final decisions. So, I was wondering if anyone could give me an average or general idea on how much our insurance would go up once I buy a car?""
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
Motorcycle Insurance with DUI?
I am planning to buy my first motorcycle in few months, probably a Nighthawk or Ninja 250. But as I was searching for a Insuarnce it seems like with my records noone will take me. I have a DUI record and a at fault accident 2 and a half yrs ago and I am 23yrs old female. So far no luck with Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx
0 notes
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
"Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much do you pay for insurance for your car?
How much do you pay for insurance for your car?
Where to get really cheap car insurance?
i live in ny, i have a 1998 Honda accord lx, quotes from the big name insurance companies is 250-300 dollars a month, which i can afford, but its really cutting into my income, is there anywhere i can get insurance for like 150 a month, i only want state minimum required insurance liabilities""
How to appeal to insurance company?
My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
""Female 19 year-old-, non-owner, occasional driver, Florida. Insurance premium increase?""
Okay, here are the details: My sister (who is 5 years older than me) got her first car 6 years ago at the age of 18. She didn't get her license until AFTER she bought the car. It was a '94 Blazer SUV. My parents' insurance went up about $800/year when she and the car were added. Then, she got married in 2002 and was removed from my parents' policy. Not much has changed since then; they are still paying pretty much the same premiums. So, since I also decided to wait until I was at least 18 to get my license due to the increase of insurance premiums, last fall I started inquiring with my parents' agent about how much it would be for me to be added. I turned 19 in December 2007, and was quite sure it would be less for me to be added considering I am a year older than my sister was when she got her license, and I do not own a car of my own. (Continued below...)""
Do you have to pay motorcycle insurance all year round?
or just during the summer?
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
Will average insurance cover this?
i have cherry angiomas it isnt deadly or bad. The only way to remove it is to get it lasered do you think average insurance will cover it. If not how much would it cost to get like 3/4 of an inch circle lasered off my skin
Can you pay car insurance for the whole year at once?
i see that many people pay per month, can i pay the whole year? and also for an 18 year old how much would insurance cost?""
I have a question about business insurance?
I just received the Insurance Premium Quote and General Commercial Liability from this Insurance company. In the last page they claim that their company is not licensed by the state of California (nonadmitted or surplus line). It says: The Insurer is not subject to the financial solvency regulation and enforcement which applies to California Licensed Insurers. The Insurer does not participate in any of the insurance guaranteed funds created by California Law. Therefore these funds can not pay your claims or protect your assets if the insurer becomes insolvent and is unable to make payments as promised . So I checked the www.insurance.ca.gov and this guys are there, as active. However, should I trust them? What this notice exactly mean?""
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
""Does car insurance cover break ins and stolen goods? If not, what does?""
I had laptop, camera, and gps stolen from my car in broad daylight over the weekend. I was just wondering what insurance covered these items..if any? thanks in advance.""
""How much, on average, would it cost to get a Thyroid Function Test? (No insurance) Info on Hypothyroidism?""
I was told that I might have Hypothyroidism because of my constant low blood pressure & low body temp. I was reading the symptoms and seem to have the following. Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia) Fatigue Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold Depression Constipation Muscle cramps and joint pain Arthritis Thin, brittle fingernails Brittle hair Paleness Dry, itchy skin Weight gain Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows Low basal body temperature Impaired memory Impaired cognitive function (brain fog) and inattentiveness <-all the time now Migraine headache Sluggish reflexes Anxiety/panic attacks <All the time now Increased need for sleep <All the time now Irritability and mood instability <All the time now Decreased sense of taste and smell Depression (Had <that for years and years now) Could it be the depression & Borderline Personality Disorder causing this or thyroid problems causing the Mental issues? Thanks for any info!""
Insurance on a kit car for a 19 year old?
im 19 in like 2 weeks and have a serious urge to drive! but i don't want to go chasing my driving licence to get ridiculous insurance quotes. I love the look of kit cars, so i was wondering how much would insurance be on a kit car for a 19 year old?""
How do college students pay for car insurance ?
I have always been curious since it cost so much.
Can a Company charge more for insurance monthy for employees who work out of state?
This company who's headquarters is in California, is charging about 45 dollars a month for insurance, but if you work out of state, anywhere else, it is 105.00. This is the same position with the company despite the price difference. Is this employee fairness? Is this legal? Thanks!""
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes?
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes? Looking for $400,000 in coverage.""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
i live in nevada. and if you have good grades do you get a discount i got A's and B's
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
How much would insurance cost?
I am 20 years old, I have taken driving school, I have been driving since I was 16, and i have my g2. im gonna need a reliable car to get me to my new job. I am looking for a used care, i need to know how much insurance would be. Can anyone suggest a car, used, 2004-2008, price, insurance for a female who is 20 and taken driving school. Something reliable like a honda or a mazda or anything else and around how much payments would be a month. i know it wont be exact , there are many factors i just am wondering like an estimate if anyone can help me.""
I don't know anything about car insurance?
Determine the claim amount (with deductibles). For each of the following situations, what amount would the insurance company pay? a) Wind damage of $835; the insured has a $500 deductable b) Theft of a stereo system worth $1,300; the insured has a $250 deductible. c) Vandalism that does $425 of damage to a home; the insured has a $500 deductible. Please explain how you got to your answers thank you.""
Health & dental insurance?
I'm 20 years old and I am in bad need of insurance. I really need dental insurance because I need a root canal and when I turned 18 and could no longer be on my mother's insurance I had no choice but to not get the root canal. And I desperately need it done. Where can I go to find quality but affordable health & dental insurance for my age? I live in Alabama.
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance so i can put my 19 year old on my insurance.?
I have a 19 Year old who is really eager to drive. so ive decided to put him on my insurance but who im with at the minute i would need to get a mortgage to pay for it. Does anyone known any cheap insurance company's?? hes only got a provisional licences and hes had it for 2 and a half years.
Best home Insurance in Texas?
I'm a first time homer buyer and I'm about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????
Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?
I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol""
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
How much will insurance cost me?
I am 16 years old. I live in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I will be driving a 2000 ford taurus. I completed drivers ed. My own policy, no parent to go under.""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
Vehicle Insurance coverage?
Whats the difference between a 'First Party' and 'Third Party' insurance?
Affordable health insurance?
Since money is tight, we are going through the state for health insurance. It's a pain especially since my weekly pay changes all the time so they want it called in to see how much they have to charge us every month. At least my husband's pay stays the same. I see health insurance ads on tv and online but not sure which is affordable and even more important legit enough to go with. Any suggesttions?""
What is the cheapest way to get the Good Student Discount on my car insurance?
I am 19 and graduated from high school. I was wondering if there is a very cheap way to be considered a student , and get a 3.0 and above GPA to qualify for the discount. It would be saving me over $700 a year. Thanks in advance""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Homeowners insurance in NE ALABAMA?
single f close tofire dpmamily prime residence completly redone frame single story built in mid 50 close to fire dpm town valley head zip 35989 market value 100k dont want replacement value 5k deductble need most reasonable quote
What Car insurance should i get at 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old who is unemployed. I need car insurance that is cheap and is helpful. I need to know how much insurance is.
What is select life insurance?
My insurance agent wants me to update my insurance plan with select life insurance. They explained select life insurance to me, but I want someone who is not trying to sell it to me to explain it to me. So could someone reexplain select life insurance so that I know the pros and cons?""
Insurance for Porsche Cayenne?
hi, im thinking about buying a 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and was wondering how much the insurance will be for such car?""
Will insurance cover transmission damage?
Someone stol my car I reported it the insurane company is saying my transmission is out will they cover the cost of this or say its normal wear and tear it was working when I was driving it
Do I need business insurance for my small cleaning jobs?
I'm looking to start a VERY small residential cleaning business. I would be the sole worker, just looking to make a little extra money. I'm not planning to hire any employees and I'm hoping for just maybe 2 or 3 houses a week. Do I need a business license as well as Property and Casualty insurance for something this small? Can anybody offer any advice? Bonding, insuring and licensing can be costly and if I can put this off until my business grows, that would be excellent. ANY advice is extremely helpful :)""
Is it any wonder so many 17-30 year olds are driving around without insurance?
This is obviously the fault of the insurance companies for pricing them out of the market with their ridiculously high quotes
Do you have to pay motorcycle insurance all year round?
or just during the summer?
""Nearly 16, in southern England and wanted to know average insurance cost on 50cc motorcycles.?""
I'm 16 in a few months and my parents are giving me 1600 for my birthday and I am allowed to get a motorcycle, i have done some research like bike prices, what cc I'm allowed and what kinda make/models I want.. I was just having trouble finding out average insurance prices people get, I live in the southern countryside and there is not much theft in my area, I wanted to know how much money I would spend roughly, so if I needed to add on more to my b day money, around how much should I save up.. Thanks guys :)""
Texas Car Insurance - 16 Years Old - Provisional License?
Okay, I'm sixteen years old (turning seventeen on July) and I have my provisional driver's license already. I don't have a car so I use my parents' when I drive. They don't let me drive alone because I'm not part of the car insurance. My question is: do I need to be part of the insurance coverage that we currently have for our car to be able to legally drive alone, even though I don't own it? Or can I drive alone without insurance as long as owner of the car (my parents) know that I took the car? 10 points to whoever answers the best and the clearest.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record?
I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.
Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?
I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an emergency...like I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?""
Insurance cost of 06 Cobalt SS?
I am 19 and have no tickets... was just wandering a guess at how much it would be?
Can I use my student loan to pay for a car insurance bill?
I recently took out a student loan, and after doing research on it, I saw that I can only use it for school-related activities/items, such as paying foor books, tuition, fees, computer, etc. I also have a car insurance bill that's $140 a month, and I took out the student loan mainly for that. Now for the $140 dollar question; Am I allowed to use my student loan money to pay for my car insurance bill? I ask that because technically I'd be paying for a school-related item, because I can't drive to school without paying for car insurance, since that'd be illegal. So does anyone know if I can do that without getting into trouble? Anyone who has hands-on experience, or is an expert on this kind of thing, and can answer this TONIGHT PREFERABLY would be greatly appreciated!!""
What's a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
My college doesn't offer any health insurance and I don't have much money. What should I do? I need to get my throat checked out.
Which is the best insurance policy for premium of 10 or 12k?
life insurance
Hyundai tiburon insurance help?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
Teen insurance for a car!!!!!! 10pts?
Ok. For Christmas.. I'm getting a 2007 Toyota Camry. I Live in Florida, I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance I could get ? I don't want to pay for expensive insurance.. I will need full coverage I'm guessing? I'm 16. If I just add my car too my grandmothers insurance will that be cheaper ?? Thanks ????""
Can my husband take life insurance out on me without me knowing in the military?
hey my husband is in the military and he has a life insurance policy on him and i only have a small portion of it and everything else goes to his mother but i just recently find out he has life insurance out on me way more than i would get from him and i didnt sign anything so im wondering can he do it without my consent? and can i cancel it?
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
Is it against the law to drive without insurance?
Been driving for 30years clean here in Canada with know accidents, until I got into my first incident a few years ago, my insurance went up more then doubled!!, The insurance company RBC didn't want to forgive me on my first accident told me I had too wait 6 years, I I feel this is extortion, Im almost tempted to drive with out insurance is this recommended?""
Cheapest Insurance for a Yamaha R6 in the U.K?
hello, im thinking about getting my CBT and 125cc licence, because i dont want to get a 125cc bike, i want to get a 600cc yamaha r6 and restrict it to 33bhp, so that it runs like a 125, but the thing is that i dont know how much the insurance on it is going to be, as im gonna be a new biker i guess, so its scaring me, buying an r6 (second hand) alone is expensive enough. im a male, 19 turning 20 next month, i have no car or bike licence, if i buy the bike it would have done around 10000 miles and be around a 2000 model, i think r6's have a standard security system on them or something, if i had it i would put it in my room, or outside infront of my room, in the driveway, im a student studying in university and i dont have a job so moneys tight. thanks for your help!!""
Cheapest car to tax or insure?
what car is the cheapest to tax and insure ive been told its the vauxhall corsa
Name 2 aspects of private Med insurance that need improvement?
My top 2 are: The potential to abuse the 'preexisting condition' to deny treatment. and The difficulty in being vested or retaining a policy when changing jobs or temporarily unemployed.
Whats the cheapest non-owners...?
Car insurance?
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
How can i get affordable car insurance for myself?
i have really struggled to find my own car insurance, i am 18 years old, i have taken pass plus, at the moment i am on my mums insurance, i do have a part time job, do you have any suggestions or ideas for affordable car insurance for someone of my age?""
What does insurance cover for a car accident?
one of my friends recently had an accident in his Honda city. The body was damaged. But the insurance company pointed to a line which says only 50% of cost of damage to 'rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags' and 30% of fibre glass..what else can get damaged in an accident? If the car is made of plastic and the glass with fibre glass, its basically saying we will pay only a max 50%? Does this exist everywhere or only in India? Can we take the insurance company to court?""
Insurance companies offering restricted hours driving to get a cheaper quote?
Insurance companies offering restricted hours driving to get a cheaper quote?
Are trucks cheaper to insure for teenagers?
Im looking into getting my first car and i was just wondering if its cheaper to insure a truck then a car. I am 17 years old and live in alberta canada, everyone tells me that they are cheaper to insure but how much cheaper?""
How do I get cheap insurance?
I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months.
Car insurance?
i live in northern ireland , just got a really good quote for car insurance from a company called endsleigh, i have never heard of them does anyone know if this is a good reliable company""
Will my sisters auto insurance go up?
i live with my sister and her husband. i do not have any auto insurance. i was a pedestrian that got backed into by a car. i now will have to go and have surgery on my knee. to make a long story short, will my sisters auto insurance cover me because i am a resident relative? will their auto insurance go up if they cover me (they will get reimbursed though by the party who hit me)""
Health insurance for someone on a Fiance Visa to the U.S.?
My fiance is travelling to California on a fiance visa this month. We have 3 months to get married and then we can apply for his permanent residence and social security, which I hear will take about 6 months. Therefore I don't think I can put him under my work's health insurance. In the meantime, what can he do about health insurance? Will travel insurance w/ medical coverage be okay until I can put him under my health coverage?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
When does car insurance go up in relation to an accident?
I was backing out of a parking space, and the car that was parked next to me was closer to me than I thought, and I scraped the side of their car as I backed out. I left my information, and filed a claim with the insurance. My car was fine, hers was scratched pretty significantly. Anyway, I'm wondering how car insurance works in terms of covering things like this & in terms of increasing rates after an accident . Do the rates go up regardless? Do they go up a lot? Or does it depend on the severity of the incident? FYI I have never had any moving vehicle accidents or tickets. Any help would be appreciated...I'm kind of in the dark!""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in the uk?
Hi what is a good cheap car insurance company in the uk for drivers under 25?
""My mustang was totaled, and now has been auctioned ,how do I get the miledge for the Insurance company?""
Im having a time with my insurance company,my mustang was torched by some thuds,I guess fro fun,It was a 2004,fresh off the show room,Im the only owner,I had very low miledge, I didnt drive her much due to taking care of my disabled husband, 40 th anniversary special, pony package and a few more items on it,red,beautiful car well taken care of. This is the problem, My insurance wants proof of the miledge,I kept my documents in the car, they had someone pick up my car and had it auctioned off,now I need to find out where the car is,I sure it was sold for parts, I need the miledge off the car,proof of the miledge.Insurance is offering me a lower price because a vehicle of that year compared to their reports have alot of miledge,well mine didnt.I am so upset because they never had someone come and look at the car,they could have gotten the milege with a little work removing the screen, can some one give me some advice,thanks""
Having a hard time to find affordable health insurance?
I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone understand how rental cars work? Insurance/fuel fees... Think I got taken to school on this.?
I just had to bring my car to the shop for a repair. They ended up needing to keep it. Now a rental was covered under the warranty. So at least the rental was covered. But the guy had me signing off on insurance and what not. I guess the insurance on my car would cover the rental if I had an accident. But they would take from my cars deductible. So I basically signed off on a Collision Damage Waiver and also personal accident insurance. I did decline supplemental liability insurance though. Should the warranty be covering these fees or was this an extra that I got talked into? Because if the warranty covers the rental they aren't making anything. My understanding is it could be better because I am covered under their insurance if I have an accident and it wouldn't come off my own cars deductible? Kind of new to this and probably wouldn't have been worth trying to argue it after the fact that I signed off on stuff.So if I use this car for like 3 days I'm in it for like $60 in insurance. Also does anyone know how this buying the tank of gas works? I understood it as if I use so much then I pay there price of $5.60 a gallon. But I got told it was best to just buy the whole tank at $3.30 per gallon(best option seeing as gas is so much these days) And then to return it as close to empty as possible to get my moneys worth. If anyone can help me out so I know for next time if I can decline stuff or did I take the right steps and take there insurance so mine wouldn't be charged? After the fact I see I could have declined these.
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
What's the difference between disability insurance and disability benefits?
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
On average how much would it cost for an independent living 15 year old girl to get good health insurance.?
On average how much would it cost for an independent living 15 year old girl to get good health insurance.?
""A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance?""
A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. No one got hurt but my sun room (patio) is all damaged. My famlity also got scared to stay in the bedroom since the car hit some part of our bedroom also. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance, or consult a lawyer?""
How much does insurance cost?
Im a 17 old year about to go to 18. I got my g2 and i have a FWD 2002 Mazda Proteg5. How much does insurance cost and is there a way to make the insurance cheap for me. I life in the Toronto area. I didn't take driving school.
What do you think about life insurance? Do you have it? Details below.?
My dad got life insurance 10 yeras ago, and now the price of the premium has increased 8 times more than what we were paying. Since his 10 years of life insurance at the affordable rate has expired, I'm thinking of asking him to renew it, but we were paying at such an affordable price. But he doesn't want life insurance and doesn't seem to care about protecting the family in case of his death. But I'm wondering, is life insurance that is something really worth it? My dad is a healthy individual. And even if we pay, would the premium have gotten up? My add is over 50, and I'm wondering if our premium will double even though if they check his health again. What do you think?""
How much would insurance group 7 be?
would just like an estimate how much insurance group 7 is
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?""
Car insurance in another state?
i was wondering if your car is register in one state can you get insurance on it in another state w/o registering it in that state?
Which car insurance would be cheaper?
I know it's different for everyone but which would be cheaper (details about me would be exactly the same)? Getting my own 1L car and insuring it as the main driver or becoming a named driver on my mum's 1.4L car? Her being the main driver. I'm a 17 year old male on a full license. Thanks x
I knocked someones car but he claimed for a lot more and now my insurance has gone from 400 to 900 - help!!?
Back in June I knocked into a stationary vehicle in a car park. I waited for the guy to come back and apologised straight away. (when its your fault in life own up) He was initially annoyed (fair enough) but went on to tell me that someone else had knocked into his car recently and caused 600 worth of damage (the other driver had sped off and hed already had a quote for the work). I cant remember the exact wording of the next bit - but it was understood that I would pay whatever it cost on top of that to fix the area (bumper / side corner area) We exchanged details. I told my insurance company what had happened and the previous damage. There were also photos taken at the time that I forwarded on (not sure if they were actually any help) Next I hear his insurance company has approached mine with a bill for 700. The total amount for fixing his car. I brought up the matter of the previous damage - couple of conversations between insurance companies - his asking him directly if there was any previous damage and him saying no. I told my insurance company that there was a friend with me (we were walking our dogs in the park) who had heard the whole conversation - in fact she was the one that took the pictures. She is a responsible, respectable person who was happy to make a statement. I was told by the insurance company that as it was someone who knew me - they couldnt be seen as an impartial person and they ended up paying the whole amount to his insurance company. I have just received my new insurance quote. Last year it was 437 and now that I have lost my 3 years no claims bonus (I have been driving for much longer but have only owned a small van for 3 years (practicality for my dogs muddy feet) and insurance starts again for vans) but I also have this 700 fault against my name this year. My insurance quote is now 960. Is there anything I can do. Does anyone have advice for any further action I can take? I believe in taking responsibility for your actions - but I am being cheated here out of a lot of money and I dont know what to do. If 100 was down to me then I could have just paid that amount directly and not lost my no claims bonus. But as it stands it will cost me around 500 this year and more again on the consequent years of insurance. Sorry for this being a long one but I really am lost. My insurance is due on 7th Jan.""
Need a car with cheap insurance...and ideas?!?
hello im currently doing driving lessons and once passed need to get a car (obviously..lol) we are currently unemployed so only have 100 max to spend monthly on car insurance & petrol (although we shouldn't need to put much petrol in tbh..or could sacrifice some every now and again!) but we need the car to find a job - catch 22! once we have jobs we obvioulsy be able to afford more. wondered if anybody could suggest any cars? we have a 10 month old son so would prefer back doors... thankyou in advance :)
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
Car insurance for Civic and Lancer?
How much would you guys think car insurace would cost per year for a 16 year old for a 95-00 Honda Civic EX or SI and a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? thanks
Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?
I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>""
Why is my car insurance going up?
I can't understand why my car insurance is going up and I've never claimed.... I am 24 years old and passed my driving test in 2007. I brought my first car in september 2008 which is a Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I still have the same car but each year the insurance is going up and up and I'm only going for third party fire and theft. 1st year - 77 2nd Year - 111 3rd Year - 130 - 199 I can't understand it.
Car Insurance Quotes Please!!?
i have a nissan gtr r33 waiting for me to pass my test BUT what is insurance going to quote me?? -.-
Should I stop paying my insurance?
I got a D.U.I. five years ago when I was 18. I got my license back one year later but I had to have my SR22 for three years. The DMV told me Oct. 7 2013 was the last date I had to posses an SR22. My insurance company is still having me pay $50 every month and they threaten to have the DMV suspend my license if I don't pay. I talked to my insurance broker but she doesn't explain the situation to me very well. What I got from her was that the monthly insurance payments are to give me insurance to drive any vehicle. Why must I have insurance to keep my drivers license? My father has the vehicle I drive insured so why do I need it?
Why is group health insurance better than individual?
My employer is offering group insurance. My individual insurance seems like a better deal but everyone keeps saying group is better? Why is this?
What effect will Obamacare have on U.S. per capita health insurance costs? . [SEE BELOW]?
What effect will Obamacare have on U.S. per capita health insurance costs? Note that my question is per capita -- If you take the total payments toward health insurance in the U.S., and divide by the total number of people covered by health insurance... How has that average per capita cost of health insurance changed in the past five or ten years, and how is it likely to change over the next 5 or 10 years? thanks for your answers""
Volvo S60 insurance for 20 year old new driver? UK?
I am looking to insure a Volvo s60, I'm a new driver and 20. I understand this car has a large engine at 2.5 litre diesel. However it is not deemed a racing car and it has many things positive - It's a very large and safe car (much safer than your Clio, Corsa or Saxo), It isn't a racer's dream, it's big in all ways - And is viewed as a family vehicle. It's robust, chunky and it's a car I would feel very safe in and it would be driven sensibly. Would they insure me and for how much? (UK answers please, thanks)""
How Much Is Motorbike Insurance for an 18 Year Old?
Hi! Just want to know a rough estimate of how much it would cost to insure a Honda Hornet 600cc for an 18-19 year old on a full licence. I just need a rough idea so i know what to expect :D Thanks in advance!
Camaro 69 Car Insurance...?
Ah... I just wanted to know, or get a general idea of how much car insurance would a 16 year old male pay monthly for a 69' Chevy Camaro. I am looking to get a vehicle sometime this year and wanted to know...because if the insurance would be too high, guess I will not get one then... thank you... just need a general idea...car insurance... -Chevy Camaro, muscle car, american dream...-""
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
Can someone explain to me how car insurance works?
I just got my license and my mom wont let me use the car to go out with my friends until I get insurance too. She has full coverage on her car but she said I have to be added to it? Please explain to me how that works. I thought once you had insurance on the car everyone who drives it applies to the insurance...
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
Lexington Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2420
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