#i only bought one sword book this month!
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demonslayedher · 3 months ago
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I very occasionally venture out from under my Tumblr rock and am then reminded why I stay under it. This is your periodic reminder that I am but one nerd on the internet who tries to stick to canon (but has been known to get it wrong), and who also likes making silly non-canonical fanwork not intended to be confused for canon.
But this is more so a reminder to go back to re-enjoy the source material from time to time! No bad takes or misinformation can take that experience away from you! Let that gator rot your brain!
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piratekane · 8 months ago
june reading wrap up
it's that time of the month again, folks.
the mission: read only queer books the side mission: read more than just sapphic books the side-side mission: read something besides fantasy/romance mission status: sick
some stats for those following along at home:
- i read 19 books - i attempted one buddy read (but my wife quit on me, guys) - 100% OF MY BOOKS WERE QUEER - still no audiobooks but there's a freshly peeled month ahead of us
here's the reviews:
the bad: - Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur, bisexual rep people in the circles i've been traveling lately love this book, but i just... didn't. the characters did a complete personality switch about three chapters in. one of them was a manic pixie dream girl. the other was so flat i dreaded reading her perspective. also the brother had NO boundaries and i hate third act breakups due to miscommunication. 1 star - Something Wild and Wonderful by Anita Kelly, achillean rep people also loved this one but my struggle is that i don't think gay men are it for me and also there were some things about Alexie that i just didn't jive with. there was, yet again, another third act breakup that felt contrived. the writing was good and it was clear Kelly knows hiking and they have a love for it. so i enjoyed that part! 2.5 stars - The Prospects by K.T. Hoffman, trans achillean rep everyone and their freaking mother LOVE this book but it just didn't have enough baseball. like, for a book about the first trans baseball player in the professional league, this book was about his love interest's anxiety. gimme baseball!!! and gene straight-up backstabbed luis, i stg if no one else thinks so. 2.5 stars
the great: - The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher, lesbian rep this is lit-fic and you should know that going into it. once i got used to the writing style, i was hooked on this book. it's an interesting POV and the love story is really the complex love between a daughter and her mother, and the daughter and get great-aunt. like, my brain is still bending around this one. 5 stars - The Z Word by Lindsay King-Miller, queer rep this book emerged from a tumblr prompt and it's incredible. tons of rep (sword lesbian, motorcycle lesbian, drag queen, bisexual mess, nonbinary pizza delivery person) and just a fun fucking time. it's all centered around Pride weekend and begs the question: just what do you do when a zombie outbreak fucks up your festival? 5 stars - Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun, lesbian rep two teachers go on a road trip with their terminally ill mentor and gosh, this is a specific setup but it works. i cried at the end like a little baby. the characters were fantastic (my favorite was their mentor) and the writing was superb. there's also really great ADHD rep in this and the growth of each character felt natural instead of forced. 5 stars - The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas, trans rep i knew this book existed and my cousin loves it but i never gave it a fair shake because i was like ONLY SAPPHIC NOVELS ONLY SAPPHIC NOVELS and was averse to reading anything but that but this one. this one is so good. the setting (a contemporary-fantasy latin america) is so lush and rich with detail. teo, the main character, had me rooting for him from the get-go. and the plot twist was so so good. i requested an advanced copy of the sequel through NetGalley and i'm hoping it'll come there. (i also bought Thomas' other novel, because now he is auto-buy author me) 5 stars.
honorable mentions: - A Swift and Sudden Exit by Nico Vincenty, bisexual rep also born from a tumblr prompt and just so much fun. i recommend purchasing this because it's just too good. time traveler meets and immortal (maybe you've seen the prompt). you won't regret it - Elatsoe by Darcy Little Badger, asexual rep an Indigenous girl who can see ghosts goes on a trip to hunt down her cousin's murderer. the writing is so punchy. i loved this one. - On the Same Page by Haley Cass, bisexual rep best friends become lovers through miscommunication. hilarious stuff. i will also read Haley Cass again because the characters were so funny and the plot was so good. - Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore, nonbinary rep this one was a mind bender in a good way. each of the characters were really fleshed out in a fun way. the timeline hopping was a little trippy, but i got my feet under me quick. - A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland, lesbian rep a selkie wife retelling. do i really need to say more?
okay this is long i am congratulating you if you got this far. now i need to go hibernate and slow down because i read too much and this month i want to write!
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baldursgat3 · 1 year ago
we're slowly finishing things out here boys. companion piece to this one.
we got 4.3k more words of childhood best friend Tav (who I made a wizard because). act 3 edition this time 🎉
There it was: home. The city you had grown up in. How long had it been since you'd seen these streets? How many months had you been venturing across the Sword Coast with a mission to stop some gods? However long it had been, you were here now.
It was a bittersweet reunion, though. After your meeting with Gortash mere moments ago, no one was feeling particularly at ease. Wyll and Karlach in particular were half seething about the tenuous alliance you'd formed with the new archduke. You had no intention of making good on his offer, but safety from the Steel Watch was the only way you were going to get anything done.
Gale led the charge, his targets set on Sorcerous Sundries. He chatted away about the various books and baubles he'd found there over the years as you walked the busy streets.
Glancing back, you noticed your favorite vampire lagging behind the group. He stared up at the buildings and at the bushes that lined the pavement, all with stars in his eyes. They dimmed when he caught you watching him as he glanced away, awkwardly.
You slowed your pace to fall in step with him, leaning in to whisper as you walked. "You never look at me like that."
"Nonsense." He scoffed, waving a hand at you, dismissively. "Have you seen yourself after a battle? Half the time it takes all my focus not to look at you like you're my next meal."
"Half the time I am your next meal." You gently bumped your shoulder against his. "What's up?"
"Nothing, it's just… it's been two hundred years since I've seen these streets in the sunlight. It's all so… colorful." His gaze drifted back to a small pot of lovely blue flowers as you passed by.
It was so genuine, you couldn't help yourself. You reached down to link your fingers with his, giving his hand a soft squeeze. "Do you remember the last time we were here?"
"Oh, darling, of course I don't."
"That's all right, neither do I. Why would I have taken you to the magic trinket shop?" You tossed him a cheeky grin as he rolled his eyes and yanked his hand away.
"I can't fucking stand you, you know that?"
"I know."
"If you two are done flirting back there," Gale's voice stopped you as you both became aware of all the attention now of you. "As our intrepid leader and person with all our gold in their bag, I do believe Tav should be heading this mission."
"You just don't want to talk to Rolan." Shadowheart chided, continuing past Gale and into the magic shop.
He turned on his heel, following after her, his voice dropping to a hissed out whisper. "We don't want the person selling us things to be angry with us and I can't keep my mouth shut, you know that."
Every so often you forgot you were still on a mission. Sometimes, as you perused a bookshelf and your companions squabbled over who should get to use a certain magic item, it all felt so mundane. Like it was any other day out with some friends.
Astarion was stood beside you, flipping through a book absentmindedly as you debated whether the magical benefit of the boots you were holding outweighed the fact that they didn't really match your outfit.
"You bought me a ring here." He broke the comfortable silence between you, without looking up from the book. You glanced over at him, tilting your head and humming a curious note in response.
"I remember." He continued. "When you had first started learning magic. You brought me here and I didn't understand anything you were saying. I remember you being so excited, though."
He'd stopped turning the pages of the book, just staring at it like he was reading the memory off it's pages. "You bought me a ring, a cheap little thing, because you wanted me to feel what it was like, casting spells, and you couldn't get me to figure out how to do it without an item to help."
A wistful smile found it's way to his lips as he glanced up at you. "I'd entirely forgotten. I always kept it, you know. Even though I absolutely did not get what you felt with magic. It was a nice gift, though."
You laughed softly, reaching out to grab his hand again. "Well, I'm glad you liked it." He didn't remember much about the specifics of your past together. You couldn't blame him, he'd been through so much. Every so often though, something would trigger a memory for him.
He smiled at you warmly for a moment before pulling back to put his book away. "Don't get those boots, by the way, they're hideous."
It was a gorgeous night. There was a faint chill to the air that left your cheeks a bit flushed, but nothing unmanageable. It was comfortable and quiet. The stars were beautiful, twinkling like little diamonds in the sky. Perhaps you should've been a bard, with thoughts like that.
The rest of your companions had gone to bed, while you and your ice cold vampire lingered by the fire. He was laying on his side with his knees drawn up close. His head rested in your lap as your fingers brushed lazily through his curls.
Neither of you minded the silence, you just enjoyed the comfort of being next to each other. He was still pretty averse to taking your intimacy too far, not that you minded. He had plenty of reason to be and you felt no need to push it. These moments were more than enough for you. The two of you had centuries of quiet, lovely moments to make up for.
Of course, nothing lasts forever. Eventually he broke the silence, turning his head to glance up at you. "Can I ask you a… strange question?"
Well that could be literally anything. "Sure?"
He turned back to the fire, settling back in. "Do you remember what color my eyes were? I know they're red now, I've been told so many times. I've heard they're gorgeous." He drolled, sarcastically.
That wasn't exactly what you were expecting but it did melt your heart a little. You obviously knew, though you felt it was probably wise to pretend you didn't have that answer already nocked on your bow. "Oh, um…" Nailed it. "They were brown. Like a deep, cool brown." That was probably too much.
He just hummed in response, seemingly unbothered that you would remember the undertones of his eyes after two centuries. "See, I couldn't remember. I've tried to picture it but I always felt it was either brown or an icy blue. I think my mother had blue eyes like that."
"I think so." You could probably count the number of times you'd spoken to his mother since you moved out of her home at 20. You did not know the color of her eyes.
"It doesn't help, I really don't think I even know what I look like anymore. I haven't seen my own face since I became a vampire." You hadn't really thought about that, honestly. He'd mentioned being unable to see his reflection once or twice but you'd never actually grasped what that must be like for him.
"Oh. Get up, get up. Stand up, I have an idea." You gently pushed on his shoulder, getting an irritated whine in return.
"I'm comfortable."
"I know but get up."
He groaned, pushing himself off the ground with a huff as you quickly followed suit. Your eyes sparkled as you quietly muttered an incantation. Astarion tried to raise a question but was silenced as you finished the somatic component of your spell.
All of a sudden, standing in front of him, reflecting his shock, was a mirrored image of himself. Just as perfect and lovely as he was. He just stood there for a moment, staring at himself in the firelight. "Oh… Gods, do I really look that old?"
You couldn't help laughing at him softly as he reached up to touch his face. He stared intently at his copy as it mimicked his movements. "We are almost 250 years old."
"I look older than Halsin!"
"You do not. And I know you think he's gorgeous, don't even act like that's an insult."
"You never let me bitch the way I want."
"I don't let you pretend you're blind, apparently." You were so glad this went well. There had been a vague worry that he might be more upset at seeing himself as a vampire but he mostly just seemed fascinated by his features.
"Well, all I can say is gods no wonder everyone always said they were 'blood red.' Seems a little on the nose though, don't you think?"
"I think they're beautiful."
"Of course you do, you have to or I'll cry." He threw you a grin before turning back to the reflection. "Thank you, for this. I always knew supporting your studies would be useful to me some day."
You rolled your eyes at him, a warm smile lighting up your face. "I am ever at your service, my love."
If you were being honest, you wanted to be a little selfish. Astarion had told you enough stories of his time with Cazador that you could feel the ache to end his pathetic life deep in your bones. You knew Astarion had far more claim to the act than you did, but that didn't stop you from craving it.
It didn't help that there was a part of you that wanted to beg Astarion just to stay at camp. You would take the party and destroy Cazador without him being able to even look at your darling again, let alone hurt him.
But you also knew that wasn't what Astarion wanted or needed. He had to be there, he had to be the one to kill Cazador. Besides, ever since Raphael had told you the nature of the ritual, he'd been obsessed with the idea of stealing that power from him.
You didn't care for that aspect of things. It was a delicate subject and you knew how fragile Astarion was when it came to Cazador. You had to tread lightly every time the subject had come up.
As you stood there in front of the door to the ritual chamber, everything was coming to a head. The uncertainty of the situation gripped your heart, you had no idea what world you would be walking back into once you stepped through those doors.
Over the months you'd been together, you had gotten better at reading Astarion's body language and expressions. He was still difficult to pin down at times and, when he really didn't want to be read, it was like staring at a blank wall.
Now was one of those times. He was stiff as a board, staring at the door ahead of you all. His jaw was locked and his fists clenched so tight at his sides you could see them starting to tremble.
"We'll follow your lead." Your voice was gentle, as you covered one of his fists with both of your hands. "I'm here, I won't let him have you no matter what. We're going to destroy him."
He drew in a shaky breath, his hands stilling in your hold. "Make him suffer." Without another sound he forced the large doors open, drawing the attention of everyone gathered at this Black Mass.
After a moment of stillness that settled in the enormous chamber, Astarion began to move down the stairs. He held his shoulders squared as you followed directly behind, the rest of your party in tow.
"Can it be?" You'd never heard Cazador's voice before. You didn't expect such a slimy, petulant tone but, then again, it was so fitting for such a repulsive man. "Has our prodigal son truly returned to us?"
You watched with building pride as your love held his ground. As he spoke out of turn and insulted the man who had ruined his life. He deserved it, and you did your best to be an imposing figure behind him, though you suspected Halsin was doing a better job of it.
It wasn't until he threw a punch that you realized how dangerous this endeavor truly was. You saw how easily Cazador controlled his body, despite the parasite granting him some level of autonomy. It clearly wasn't enough as you'd hoped.
He was ripped away from you, thrown helplessly into this ritual. A countdown started, you only had a matter of moments before he would complete this ritual. You had to move. So why were your feet locked to the floor?
You stood there, staring in horror at Astarion, locked into this ritual, desperately watching you. Your mind flashed with images of him being destroyed right in front of you. The idea of losing him again, especially now that you were closer than you ever could've dreamed, it paralyzed you.
You felt someone push you forward, you heard Gale's voice. "Move!" He sent a bolt of lightning straight past you, directly into the chest of one of the creatures that fought to defend Cazador.
It was all you needed. Your mind snapped back to the present, a fire burning in your eyes as you and your party waged a bloody battle against the vampire lord. Someone had managed to pull Astarion out of the ritual, buying more time for you all to kill the monsters and bats that defended Cazador from your attacks.
You heard it before you saw it, a choked out sound as Astarion ran a blade through that vile man's chest. You watched him discorporate as he was pulled back to his coffin to regenerate.
Now that he was gone, you made quick work of the remaining threats, until the room was nearly silent. You could hear Astarion's footsteps splashing through all the blood that was spilled as he sprinted towards the coffin.
No one was doing well. It was a vicious, bloody battle that you narrowly managed to win. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Shadowheart pouring healing magic into a half dead Karlach. Gale had immediately collapsed against the nearest wall, clutching at a wound in his side. Halsin was the only one doing even remotely well and that was only because he could turn into a bear over and over. You knew this fight had wiped him of all his wild shapes, though, and he still was battered and bruised.
Astarion wasn't faring any better, but he didn't seem to care. He shoved the lid of the sarcophagus open, ripping Cazador out and throwing him to the ground. You saw a fury, a bloodlust in his eyes that you'd never seen before. It was terrifying really. He clutched the ritual dagger in his hand as he stalked towards the now pitiful looking vampire.
You didn't know what to do, honestly. You didn't know what Astarion was going to do. You watched as he threatened the man before him, as he taunted him with the idea of taking his place in the ritual.
It didn't feel great, but you felt a spark of hope in your chest when Cazador explained that the ritual would just destroy him if he tried to replace him. Maybe this would convince him he couldn't ascend.
That hope was dashed as he turned to you. "I need your help. I can use the parasite to look through your eyes, copy my scars onto him. I'll complete the ritual, then I can protect you." His eyes looked so gentle and hopeful. It was so sweet compared to what he was asking of you.
"Please. I know you think it's a bad idea but I need you to trust me. I'll be free. Powerful. Strong enough to protect you. To protect myself." He looked so desperate. "If I do this I won't ever, ever have to leave your side again. No one would be able to separate us again."
It was so rare that one could recognize a life-changing moment from within it, let alone have time to prepare. And here you were in that exact position, no more prepared than the moment you first learned what was to come. You had to respond to him and you still didn't know what you were going to do. "I… can't…"
You could see the heartbreak in his eyes as he stepped closer to you, still keeping his blade pointed towards Cazador. "My love… this is the only chance we'll ever get at this. Help me with this, we can be free forever. Together."
"Astarion, this isn't you."
"No." He hissed, his eyes darkening. "This isn't what you want me to be. You still want me to be the old Astarion. The best friend Astarion. Awkward little pathetic weakling Astarion. That Astarion is gone don't you fucking get that, after all this?"
He was so angry, you were so scared.
"I don't want old Astarion. He's not you, I know that. I'm sorry if I ever make you feel like that's who you have to be." You stepped a bit closer, reaching a hand out, tentatively. "I buried him 200 years ago, he's gone.
"But there's a new Astarion. Right in front of you. Whatever happens now, you're not going to walk out of here the same. I- I'm going to leave this room, hand in hand with a brand new Astarion. You have to choose right now who he's going to be." Your eyes filled with tears as you spoke. You'd made your decision. It didn't matter that you could feel the others hanging on your words with varying levels of disapproval.
Your voice was so soft, nearly getting lost in the vast, open chamber. "I love you, Star. I trust you. Whatever you need, I just want you to be someone you're proud of."
You watched his face flood with emotions that you couldn't begin to keep up with. Truly, you couldn't imagine what he must be feeling but you imagined it felt a lot like drowning. The hand that held the dagger trembled. His eyes flicked between it, you, and the cowering worm at his feet.
He was so obviously torn, split between a decision that would change him forever. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest, you hoped against hope he would make the right choice.
For a moment, as his face hardened, you feared he was about to choose this ascension. To destroy seven thousand souls and marr his own beyond repair. Then he turned, gripping Cazador by the hair as he rammed the blade into his chest.
Over and over and over, you watched as Astarion eviscerated his tormentor, coating his hands in Cazador's vile blood. Your heart broke, hearing the way he screamed. Two centuries of anguish ripping it's way out of his lungs and it wasn't enough.
He stopped gutting the man long after he had stilled underneath him, finally sitting back on his heels. The air was still and heavy, broken only by an agonized sob that struck you straight to the core.
In an instant, you were at his side, kneeling into the pool of blood that surrounded him. You weren't sure what to do, exactly. If you should try to comfort him or just let him get it out. You reached a hand out, ever so tenderly touching his shoulder, just enough to let him know you were there.
He didn't even look at you, he just collapsed into you. He clung desperately to your shirt as sobs wracked his body. Every emotion that had his heart clutched in their grasp bubbling to the surface and spilling over. It broke your heart to hear him cry like this, even if you knew the core of it was finally, finally relief.
After a minute or so of weeping into your arms, he pushed himself back. He swiped at the tears that stained his face, only succeeding in smearing blood everywhere. "Gods… you've got to stop letting me do that."
"I won't." You reached out to try to clean some of the blood from his face. You all needed a good bath.
The camp was quieter than normal. The battle has taken its toll on all of you. Everyone was dead asleep as far as you could tell. Save for you and your darling.
You were curled up together in your tent, he was practically laying on top of you, with a leg tossed over yours and an arm wrapped tight around you. His head rested comfortably against your chest as you ran your fingers lazily through his hair.
It was so soft and wonderful. You had been so afraid of what today would bring but you couldn't have wished for a better ending. Your mind wouldn't still, though. Replaying the battle, the choices you made, the choices he made.
"Your heart is racing, love." Astarion's voice shocked you out of your thoughts, pulling you into the quiet present.
"Mm… I just keep thinking about today." You kept your voice so soft, as though you could shatter the moment if you spoke too loud. "Do you think freeing all of the spawn was the right choice?"
"I do." That was shocking, actually. He sounded so confident, especially after being the one to initially raise the valid concern of how dangerous they could be.
"You're the one who made it." He continued. "Do I sometimes think you're too liberal with who you help and why? Sure. But… you've kept all of us safe. And we have so many allies that I would've never made on my own. Because you're so painfully nice. I trust your choices."
That was so much more reassuring than you'd expected. You didn't really know what to say. "Well… thank you." You absentmindedly twirled one of his curls between your fingers.
"That's not really what you want to talk about, is it?"
Of course you wanted to talk about the decision he made. You weren't exactly sure what you wanted to say and you hadn't planned on bringing it up but it was nearly all you could think about. "Only if you want to talk about it."
"I think we ought to." He didn't sound thrilled about the idea but it was kind of a big deal.
You hummed softly in response as the quiet night settled between you again. Neither of you were exactly sure what could even be said.
"Thank you." He whispered, finally, after a few moments of silence. "For… believing… in me. I don't deserve you."
"You deserve the world, Star."
"Maybe. I don't need it though." He sighed softly, his fingers tightening their hold on your shirt. "I was angry with you, at first, you know? I wanted you to say yes. I wanted you to support me with your whole heart. I needed that power so badly, and you wouldn't tell me that was okay. I was furious.
"But, and you do have to bear with me because it's horribly cheesy, but I walked outside with you. I was free, we were together and I just- ugh.” He sighed. “I really did realize that I didn’t need it.”
You dropped a kiss to the top of his head, tangling your fingers in his hair as you pulled back. “That was cheesy, you’re right.” You couldn’t help laughing as he let go of your shirt just long enough to flash quite the rude hand gesture in your direction.
“I mean it, you bastard.” The irritation in his voice was laced with so much fondness your heart ached. “Just because I’m mysterious and unknowable doesn’t mean I’m not capable of genuine moments.”
“You wish you were unknowable.”
“You’re making it so difficult to love you right now, you know that?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You laughed softly. “I’m done, I promise. I really am so- so proud of you, you know?” Your other hand came up to cover his, gently running your thumb over his knuckles as you spoke. “I would’ve followed you no matter what but… I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t hoped you’d choose this.”
He smiled softly, closing his eyes and just listening to your heart beating in your chest. Every nightmare he’d ever lived through, every night spent in agony, spent wishing for death - it was all over now. He was free, he was here with you, safe and warm and loved. He wouldn’t say it was worth it, there were so many horrors he knew he would never forget. But he was suddenly, perhaps for the first time, so endlessly grateful he had survived it.
Nothing would change the things he had done, nothing would change what had been done to him. He had been irreparably damaged by so much of it but it was finally, finally over. He could start to mend now. And he had you. You didn’t care that he wasn’t the same person you had loved as a child, you loved him now just as he was, broken and all.
“You made me want to be someone worthy of everything you’ve given me. It wasn’t much of a choice, really. I wanted it so badly because I was so… scared.” He gave a soft, breathy laugh. “You made me brave enough to do the right thing, I suppose. You’ve really made a hopeless romantic out of me.”
“Good. I like when you get sappy.” You grinned, giving his hand a squeeze. “Still. Thank you for choosing this.”
“My darling, I simply chose you.”
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sunchaserwings · 1 year ago
Incoming rant about The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney, and the BBC Sherlock (no major spoilers ahead I promise).
A preface before I begin; I was never a big fan of Sherlock Holmes or any adaptation of the stories. I've seen Elementary although I was very young so I only have the vaguest of memories of enjoying it, and my roommate had me watch a couple BBC Sherlock episodes when I was a tween/young teen. My mother claims she tried to get me into Sherlock Holmes but I'm rather skeptical. Anyhow, onto the story.
Back in March my boyfriend bought me the Ace Attorney games for my birthday which included the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (or Dai Gyakuten Saiban for those who are still stuck on the pre-localization names ;p). I was on my flight home from my birthday trip after I got the news my manager fired my brother while I was out of the state and figured why not, I'd start playing the first TGAA game on the flight. I'd probably enjoy myself and I couldn't sleep.
Second biggest mistake of the year (first biggest was trusting Les Schwab to do my brake job). I. Was. Hooked. I played the first case and fell in love with Kazuma instantly (he's so Zero shaped!). I played the second case and realized that calling him Zero shaped was way too accurate. We all know what happened there. Most important to this rant, I met Herlock Sholmes (more on my opinions on him later). I could barely put the game down but I had to take a break due to finding a new job and getting adjusted. I ended up finishing the game in June or July, one of the two. I finished the final case of the first game in one long 12 hour gaming session it was that good (my back didn't thank me though).
Now, the man of the hour: Herlock Sholmes. I didn't think much of him initially. He was simultaneously charming and annoying in the second case but as I played more he grew on me. I cried when the start of 1-5 happened. He clawed his way up into like the top 7 favorite characters at the time. The ending of the game with him playing his violin made me bawl my eyes out. I. Loved. This. Game.
It took a few more months to start and finish the second game. In between Adventures and Resolve I played Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, and some others so I had a healthy break. I came back to play Resolve and finished it like two months ago. It hit me in the gut just as hard as the first game did although there are a great many things I'd tweak and do differently. But Herlock Sholmes... man, he's not my favorite but he's up there underneath Kazuma and Van Zieks.
Anyhow, I finished the game but the hyperfixation had started and would not let me go. I've never been one to go out and seek fanfiction due to... personal stuff but I had a feeling I didn't want to go probe the depths of AO3 yet for fear of crying. I started a graveyard shift at my job which severely limited my ability to talk with people about stuff and also there's so many major spoilers but very few people I knew had played the game. A thought occurred to me, however. What about Sherlock Holmes audiobooks? I have an auditory processing issue which has made listening to audiobooks hard but I decided to give it a go. Perhaps it would satiate the TGAA hyperfixation hunger.
I found the ones produced by Magpie Audio, expertly narrated by Greg Wagland. Go check him out, he has over 77 videos of Sherlock Holmes audiobook recordings and all of them are a minimum of 40 minutes, often times far more. I went through over 30 hours of audiobook in a few weeks listening to these. Sherlock Holmes is such a good character and I can understand how and why he took late Victorian England by storm. And you know what the best part is?
Herlock Sholmes is the most faithful adaptation I have personally seen as a character of the original Sherlock Holmes.
They got so many of Sherlock's little idiosyncrasies right and you can tell the entire team were genuine fans of the books. I listened to Mr. Wagland's narration *and I saw 221B Baker of the games*. Especially the jack knife impaling the communications to the mantle being referenced in the game? The sheer mess of the flat? It's so good!
My roommate (whom is also a Sherlock Holmes fan) noticed my newest hyper fixation that spawned off of TGAA and that reignited his Sherlock Holmes obsession. He was a fan of the BBC Sherlock and now recognizes it was not a very great show but it's a comfort media for him nonetheless. He just dragged me into rewatching it and... okay, it's playing into a lot of inaccurate Sherlock tropes I don't like but goddamn Martin Freeman carries the whole show. I love his John Watson because it feels like a reasonable version of a modern, younger Watson. He feels real in a way. I do like the fact that even in the first episode, it's established that John and Sherlock can make each other laugh and smile just like in the books. I don't forgive them calling Sherlock a sociopath, however (speaking as someone with a brother that has been diagnosed with being a high-fuctioning sociopath). He's AuDHD to the max and deserves recognition in that department.
All of this to say, I can trace my current Sherlock hyperfixation back to Mega Man. Finding Mega Man in 4th grade led to watching the Ace Attorney anime in late 2021 which led to playing The Great Ace Attorney and that led to listening to Sherlock Holmes. I don't know why I decided to make this post but maybe I might start live blogging this shit? All in all, this is going to be a wild ride.
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axcel-lucci · 2 years ago
Brain rot rant #2
I thought of something while in church.
What if fem!reader actually got pregnant and told law?
I'm sure at first he'd be in denial then maybe 10 screenings later he's finally believing it.
Maybe he'd lock himself in his office for a couple of hours, crying if this was a good or bad thing only to come out with a determined conclusion that whatever the situation may be, he's ready to face it.
So yeah, once he does accept it...
He buys a shit ton of books about pregnancy, throw you some pregnancy "do you know"s that you definitely wish you didn't hear and starts buying some vitamins cause the baby takes the nutrients from the mother.
Once a bump starts to form, he'd have his hand over it all times of the day, literally.
He even handed his work over to Bepo and Shachi just to take good care of you.
"I wonder if it's a girl or a boy... Wait! What if it's twins?!" He excited himself with that thought every night that he can't sleep and then looks at you, wondering if you'd be able to give birth to twins.
And a couple of months later, he found out, it was twins!
He suddenly pulled out a notebook filled from back to back baby names he thought of.
Both for girls, boys, and/or gender neutral names like Alex or Jesse.
He let you pick the names while excitedly sitting next to you as he watches you flip through the pages and pick two names.
Let's say you picked Isla and Lincoln for the names
"Those are pretty names" he will say
"You thought of them, I just picked them." You'd laugh as he'd kiss you and the bump.
At birth however, he had a gut feeling that the girl would be the first-born.
And he was right again!
While Bepo and Shachi held your hand and comforted you, he was the one who helped you deliver, obviously since that's his child and he's more experienced.
When he finally cleaned both up, he can't help but admire them...
Of course he let you see them before resting but after that, he placed them on their little hospital beds for now to be monitored and then moved into the nursery he NEVER told you about.
The nursery was just in front of your room.
Post partum of course made you grumpy that he didn't tell you, but of course he just kissed you and reassured it was a surprise made you forgive him.
He had helped you take care of the baby until you were healed up, he even stayed up all night reading some nursery rhymes and children's story books to know if they're good quality enough.
Let's just say little red riding hood didn't made the cut to him.
I mean seriously, a wolf eating both the grandma and little red riding and a hunter cutting the wolf up? No. Instant no for him.
ESPECIALLY Hansel and Gretel. You know the story goes.
You just laugh everytime he rants how children's stories are this brutal while you breastfeed one of the babies as he holds the other.
All in all, he's a great father.
Isla, the little girl, wanted to know how to hold a sword, he made her a little wooden sword himself and taught her how to wield it.
Lincoln wanted to learn how to play an instrument, he bought him a ukulele and taught him how to.
And at your wedding, Lincoln's the ring bearer and Isla as the flower girl.
He marveled at how cute they looked. Literally.
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rvllybllply2014 · 5 months ago
So it’s my birthday. And I have incredibly mixed feelings about it. Let’s just say ever since I turned 23 my birthdays have been shitty*. Anyway older brackenwood (but they’re younger here). Uh lord Byron is Samwell and Willems father, Hullen is Humfrey’s younger brother. Samwell and Willems mother was half Tully half Bracken.
Willem really should’ve lowered his expectations when it comes to his name day and his father. His first name day after his mother died, Byron was at River Run arguing about the boundary stones. Thankfully Samwell was there to help Willem celebrate his birthday, Willem even managed to not cry until later that night when all of the day’s activities stopped. Samwell didn’t know how to help so he just held Willem while Willem had full body shuddering sobs.
Byron arrived back at RavenTree Hall a couple of days after Willems birthday. Byron decided that since he was away that he’d celebrate Willems name day with him. And he did, but not for long. Byron had recently started courting a woman and he wanted to spend time with her, while completely ignoring the fact that this was Willems first name day without his mother. Poor Willem only had his father for a couple of hours and then his father was off to see his girlfriend.
The next year Willem didn’t have high hopes for his name day, but Byron was at Raven Tree Hall and Byron had recently broken things off with his girlfriend. But Byron forgot Willems name day, thankfully Samwell was again able to make it special for Willem and Byron did make up for missing his name day the next day. Byron bought an expensive sword for Willem, while telling him that the sword would be handy. And it was the next month Willem was vying for Rhaenyra’s hand, and we all know how that turned out.
Willems next name day Byron didn’t forget or miss it. Willem got to spend the whole day with Byron and didn’t have to guard the boundary stones. Byron even ordered the kitchen staff to make Willems favorite sweets. So it was safe to say Willem was on cloud nine when he got to tell his new friend Amos about it.
Amos was excited for Willem, he’d heard about the previous name days and how Willem acted like it didn’t bother/hurt him but Amos could hear it in Willems voice and see it in his eyes. Amos also had a nice present for Willem which he shyly gave to him.
Amos explained that his uncle Hullen had heard about how Willems name day was coming up and encouraged Amos to find a book that he thought Willem would like, and even had the blacksmith at Stone Hedge make Willem a nice dagger. It was also thanks to Hullen that Willem and Amos could have a nice picnic at the boundary stones; he had packed a basket with meats, bread, sweet wine and a small cake. Willem was touched that his friend’s uncle cared enough about him to help make sure this name day was better than the previous ones.
Six months before Willems next name day, both he and Amos finally confessed that they had deeper feelings for each other. Amos had already planned a nice romantic evening with Willem, even before what Willem had told him.
Once again Byron forgot about Willems birthday. Willem was sent to the boundary stones, which was his clue that Byron forgot what day it was. Every name day Byron made sure that his sons weren’t sent out to the boundary stones, but here Willem was to Amos’ surprise. Amos wished Willem a happy name day, and asked why he was out there. Didn’t Byron like to keep his sons at Raven Tree Hall on their name days?
Willem tells Amos that Byron must’ve forgotten again but it’s fine. He’s used to it so it doesn’t hurt. Amos is offended enough for Willem that he decides to alter what he had planned for Willem.
Amos “kidnaps” Willem, Amos just grabbed Willem when Samwell came to get him and told Samwell that Willem was his “hostage” for the night. Samwell knew that Willem would be fine, and just shrugged while saying that Willem needed to be back here before dawn. Amos agreed.
Once at Stone Hedge Amos helped Willem off his horse and tied his hand together. Amos explains that it’s because Willem is his “hostage”so he has to look the part. Willem reluctantly agrees to being tied up but does make a comment about Amos being kinkier than what he thought. Amos just blushes.
Hullen is in the stables when Amos and Willem walk in, and he immediately knows that Amos brought Willem here to help Willem celebrate his birthday. Before Amos can even ask Hullen is grabbing his horse while telling Amos that he should run a bath for Willem, Humfrey wouldn’t want his guest dirty at the table.
Amos does as Hullen suggested and has a bath drawn for Willem, he even puts his most expensive oil in the bath. Amos also doesn’t object when Willem demands that Amos strip and join him.
After Hullen gets Amos’ horse settled in the stable, he goes to his room to write a scathing letter to Byron. In the letter Hullen mentions how severely Byron has been neglecting Willem. The Byron that he knew and loves would’ve never forgotten a single name day of Willems, and what would his poor beloved wife think? Has he no shame? This better be the last year that he hears Willems name day was forgotten by Byron.
With the letter finished Hullen goes to Humfrey’s solar to tell him that Willem is here as a “hostage” of Amos, and it’s also Willem’s name day. Humfrey immediately knows that Willem isn’t a hostage, he’s kept close tabs on Amos ever since Jerrel died. So of course he knows that Amos has been dating Willem. Humfrey thanks Hullen for the heads up about Willem and asks Hullen to tell the kitchen staff to prepare a cake for Willem.
Hullen does and then goes to knock on Amos’s door telling them that dinner will be ready in about an hour.
At dinner Raylon asks Amos why he captured Willem? Both Hullen and Humfrey explain that Willem’s father has forgotten several of Willem’s name days so Amos “captured” him so they could help Willem celebrate. Raylon thinks that’s nice of Amos, but still makes sure to tease him after Willem has left. The dinner went by peacefully and Willem even had several slices of cake.
Amos takes Willem back to his room telling him that he’ll keep watch over him, they don’t want to miss Samwell’s deadline. Right before Willem falls asleep Amos kisses him while telling him he loves him. That night Willem had one of the most peaceful sleeps since his mother died, and he felt truly loved even if it was by the Brackens who are his distant family.
True to his word Amos watches over Willem while he sleeps and wakes Willem with a kiss telling him that it’s time to get up.
At the border Samwell thanks Amos for helping Willem celebrate his name day and making him feel loved. Amos tells Samwell it was nothing, Willem deserves the best. Samwell agrees and as he gets ready to leave tells Amos that his uncle Hullen should expect a letter from his father soon. Amos thanks Samwell for the warning.
When Willem and Samwell arrive back at Raven Tree Hall, they find Byron in a terrible mood. How dare Willem willingly go with the Brackens to celebrate his name day? Did he really think the enemy was a better choice than him? Willem missed out on receiving his presents by going to Stone Hedge. Willem tells Byron that he doesn’t care about the presents he would’ve received from him, especially since he hasn’t bothered to properly celebrate his name day with him in a long time. Byron sends Willem to his room, he’s to stay there until he apologizes to him.
After Amos arrives back at Stone Hedge, he once again finds Hullen in the stables so he passes along the message of Byron having sent a letter to him. Hullen thanks Amos and heads to rooms.
The letter is waiting for Hullen in his solar. In it Byron challenges if Hullen ever loved Byron? Doesn’t he know that Byron loves his children because they are half his wife? How dare Hullen act like he’s better than him? How could a Bracken think that they’re better than a Blackwood? Byron also includes that if Hullen wishes to talk things out then he needs to meet at the boundary stones tonight after dinner. Byron also demands that Hullen burn his letter, he burned Hullens and besides there’s no need for anyone to know of their shared past.
Hullen follows all the instructions and meets Byron at the boundary stones. When Byron sees Hullen he stops his angry pacing and walks up to Hullen. Hullen braces for a punch to the face, so he’s completely shocked when Byron starts to cry.
Hullen pulls Byron into his arms while rocking them back and forth, he’s also patting Byron’s back while shushing him. After Byron finally stops crying Hullen asks what’s the matter?
Byron tells Hullen he was completely right in letter. He had been neglecting his sons especially Willem, it hurt because he sees so much of his wife in him. But he didn’t mean to hurt Willem like that, he’s scared that he’s ruined Willem and dishonored his wife’s memory.
Hullen tells Byron that it’s not too late to fix his mistakes. He also tells Byron that for Willem’s next name day he’ll help Byron plan the best day for him. That he’s here for Byron and his sons, especially now that Willem and Amos are together. Plus Hullen loves Willem like a son, since he’s an extension of Byron, and he’s sure that if he ever meets Samwell he’ll love him too. Hullen also confesses that he never stopped loving Byron, but he knew that Byron had duty to his family and he would never ask him to give that up. He’s also happy that Byron got to know love with his wife.
Byron thanks Hullen for his honesty and tells him that he too never stopped loving him. His wife knew about Hullen and the special place he holds in his heart. He asks if Hullen would be willing to try again. Yes he knows they can never truly marry, but if Hullen will have him then he’ll stop trying to date/marry others. Hullen agrees immediately while telling Byron that he’s the reason he’s never married, in his heart he married Byron.
Byron also holds Hullen to his promise to help him with Willems name day next year. And true to his word Hullen along with Samwell, Amos, Humfrey, Byron and Raylon throw Willem the best name day celebration he’s had in years.
Later that night unbeknownst to the other couple, Willem and Amos exchange vows to always love each other and consider themselves married even when their duty forces them to marry others. At the same time Hullen and Byron exchange vows to always love each other and to consider themselves married and to never marry anyone else.
*my mom died when I was 22 sevenish months before my birthday, my dad got into a new relationship right away. He was out of town during my birthday did call me to wish me a happy birthday, took me out for dinner which lasted an hour and then went to his girlfriend’s house the rest of the weekend. On my actual birthday my friend’s parents who are like a family to me helped me celebrate it. Then the next year he forgot until the next day, following year remembered a day later, forgot the following year, remembered the day of, forgot almost a week last year. But to be fair my uncle and his childhood friend died, and then his girlfriend had to have him make a shelf for her mini baskets. Also I’m his only child, his girlfriend has three kids two of them don’t talk to her the other does.
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jadechase · 2 months ago
Ten people i'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @simonthesneasnake
Last song: Winter Anymore, by critical role. I think we can all establish that Ashley Johnson is a natural treasure, and she nailed this song aswell. Yasha really hits close to the heart, and Ashley's voice makes it a bullseye.
Favourite colour: a kind of dark blue, but its not really dark. It goes a bit towards green. Idk how to describe it but its lightdarkblue
Last book: Thieves Gambit by Kayvion Lewis, i havent finished it yet, but i blame school. Break has started so ill probably have it finished within a few days. Im really in love with it already. After that i think im gonna read sword catcher, wich i have already bought, and maybe ill finish Percy Jackson and the chalice of the gods, but im kinda saving that for a sad day cause it just gives me that nostalgia giggles.
Last Movie: Bad mom's 2, its a Christmas movie and it was actually pretty funny. I watched it with my mom, since she wanted to watch a Christmas movie with me and this one didnt seem all too bad. If we're talking kind of movies i like: marvel and Disney movies, but basically anything fantasy with sparks of humor and trauma (yes Disney does trauma in their movies you just have to look for it)
Last tv-show: Does critical role count? If not i would bet it is the legend of vox machina. Yes im critically critical role obsessed, they have become a part of me. But anyways i really wanna watch arcane and even more so since some of my friends from the uk told me its really good and id really like it. I also watch a lot of British detectives, no im not from Britain, but i wouldnt know wich one i watched last+its something of a tradition with my parents so i didnt really count them.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet>Savoury>spicy,
I love spicy food but i dont really crave it, i would also say it really depends on the moment and what ive eaten already cause my stomach is very specific with what it can handle at a certain moment of my day...
Relationship status: Singleeeeeee. Isnt everyone? No i just tell myself that. Seriously tho i really dont mind it, its something i choose for myself as i believe i dont really have the time for a relationship. I do have the time im just not willing to sacrifice it wich i think says enough. (Also im pretty young so im good)
Last thing I googled: Sims 4 cheat codes, I installed the game a week ago and got some spare time on my hands yesterday so I decided to play a bit, the game however went a little too slow for my stress-powered brain so i decided to speed up the process.
Current obsession: Critical role/bg3, i am in love with the cr cast and they really feel like older siblings to me, as i am an only child. And bg3 just is an amazing game and the voice actors are also such a lovely community (i sense a pattern here, Hmm) I am Particularly in love with aliona and jen(iffer English) they are such a cutesy couple and are just warmth all around.
Looking forward to:
It starts tomorrow and i already have so many fun things planned. Im going ice skating, watching my series and hopefully catching up a bit on critical role c2. I am also really looking forward to having time to get better at New skills, i have been attempting to learn blender but have been stuck on the same part of a tutorial for 3 months. My reading has greatly diminished aswell so im hoping the Christmas spirit will have me reading in the mornings from the comfort of my warm bed. Also gonna see some family over the holidays (i see them a lot but theyre getting older so i really like spending time with them, it brings me peace)
Tagging (no pressure)
@annemarieyeretzian @sleepy-insomnia-bear @mightypike @girldalf @greatnightbat @mollymauk-widogast @laurasbailey @imisskeyleth @laudnasmoon @youremypeople
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years ago
That Which Burns and Warms
Patty couldn't bare to see it, but she could feel it clearly.
It was like a volcano, or an uncontrollable wildfire. Demonic energy was scorching everything, turning lesser demons' corpses into stains on the ground. The only reason she was even spared was because of the Behemoth corpse on top of her, and she could smell it cooking and burning away. The devil erupting out this energy was still roaring, and it hurt her eardrums to listen to. How the other demons had pissed it off this bad, Patty didn't know.
All that she did know, was that as soon as it was done with the demons, it would be coming for her.
"Hey Pattycakes." Dante started talking as soon as she opened up Devil May Cry's front door. "You wanna come with?"
Patty was less than impressed with Dante's attempt to avoid the topic of their previous arguments, but at this point she expected it. So, she decided to play along, for his sake.
"Come with you where? To the grocery store? Bout time you ate something other than pizza." She didn't miss a beat, waltzing over to the jukebox. She could hear Vergil snort from over on the couch, nose deep in some old-ass poetry book.
"Hey!" Dante smacked the magazine he was reading onto his desk. "I eat sundaes too! And you would know, Brat." He mumbled. Patty laughed as she fiddled with the jukebox.
"Dante." Vergil doesn't even look up from his book.
Dante flinches like he's been burned and growls under his breath. Patty cocked her head as she looked over at the brothers. Were they fighting again? It wouldn't be the first time in the six months they've been back. "I was wondering if you would want to come with me on a job, Pats."
Her mental heelturn was instantaneous. "Really?" She gasps. "I swear, if you are lying to me Dante-"
She had started 'interning' for Devil May Cry before Dante had even returned from Hell, and he had been weird about it when he had gotten back. He was super cagey about it, but refused to tell her why. He had also 'forgotten' to tell her about some really big jobs, which had pissed everyone off (a hellbird roosting in Redgrave was kinda an all-hands-on-deck situation). Needless to say, she was finally called in after Lady shot him in the head a couple of times, and he was still upset about it! He had only put her back on the actual rotation after she had promised him to let him teach her how to use a sword - which was stupid because he knew she has watched him use Rebellion for years.
"I'm not, I'm not! Take your finger off of the trigger Pattycake!" Dante ran around his desk like a chicken with its head cut off. "Verge is being boring and refusing to go."
Vergil immediately glared at his brother with the force of a rolling thunderstorm. It would of bothered Patty a long time ago, but it didn't now. It shouldn't of bothered Dante either, but he grabs her hand and rushes out the door before anyone could get a word out.
Yeah, they definitely had a fight about something.
The job had been going well, almost to well.
An old park had just been bought by a private buyer who wished to put in a bowling alley. Cool, no problem there. The park was previously used in demonic ritual summoning. Not cool. Thus, a call to Devil May Cry.
There were a lot of the basics: Hell Cainas, Pyrobats, Riots, the whole works. There were more interesting threats as well, like Behemoths, Blitzes, Hellbats, and Baphomets, but nothing the two of them couldn't handle together. In fact, Patty was sure Dante could have handled them by himself. He was certainly acting like it.
It felt like Dante was all over the place, flying from enemy to enemy. There was a slight lack of his usual playfulness, but his quips with her didn't slow down in the slightest.
"You slowin' down, Pats?" He leaned his elbow on the Baphomet corpse he had just punched straight into the ground. Balrog lit up in what had to have been amusement.
"Not in a million years!" She yelled back at him as she aimed one of her custom twin pistols down a Hell Cainas' eye socket. Patty had given Nico very specfic specifications when she crafted these guns, and boy, she had delivered. Half of the Hell Cainas' skull was blown into nothingness.
"Now your even stealing my lines!" His voice rumbled weirdly as he spoke, and his eyes had an odd shine to them. "Brat."
The demons close to Dante suddenly started hissing under their breathes and one of them - a Riot - scurried away before Dante could shove King Cerberus down its throat. "Shit." He muttered.
"You think they're getting their boss?" Patty ran over, putting a spray of bullets into a Blitz as she did so. The other lesser demons were beginning to back off, which meant something bad was probably about to happen. Dante suddenly leaned his back onto her shoulder with his full weight, the asshole. The small bit of demonic power in her veins sparked at his touch.
"Hopefully. Then we can finally get paid." He laughed and softly knocked the side of his head into hers. For a second, Patty swore his entire body was vibrating as he bounced off of her and shot Ivory into an approaching Pyrobat. The air surrounding her felt like was vibrating too, if only for a moment.
Huh. She thought as Dante finished off the flying fire hazard. Must be demonic adrenaline. Dante landed on the ground with a stylish flourish, but his taunting suddenly stopped. Patty then felt more vibrations again, but this time from...
...the ground.
Instinctually, Patty pitched forward, using what little demonic energy her blood had to shove herself forward as much as possible. Seconds after she launched herself, a massive fire-covered claw ripped through the ground where she had been standing. Her landing wasn't graceful, but she was alive. Dante immediately grabbed her arm and heaved her up onto her feet. As they looked at their attacker, the devil hunters suddenly realized something crucial.
They were surrounded.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The hole in the ground from where the claw sprouted through the dirt was ripped open, and a Fury-sized demon crawled out, spewing magma as it did so. It was a disgusting thing, reptilian in body structure but covered in obsidian and magma. There were obsidian spikes and horns in what had to have been uncomfortable places, and its teeth jutted out of its skull like daggers. One of its clawed hands was lathering magma over its body like it was sunscreen, but it just looked like it was causing itself pain. To put it bluntly, the demon looked utterly nasty.
Dante immediately shot Ebony and Ivory into its volcanic hide, but the bullets got caught in it like a glue trap. The demon tried to laugh, but it just sounded like a clogged volcano about to explode. Dante let out a hiss underneath his breath, and Patty could practically feel his energy begin to wind up like a spring. She wasn't any better; her fingers never let go of the triggers.
"The blood of Sparda, truly a waste with a being like you. It could of seen its true potential elsewhere." It tutted like it was a disappointed school teacher.
"Oh really? Got any applications to turn in?" Dante's words sounded playful but there was an edge to his eyes.
The demon ignored him. "Your... successor even more so, sullying the Sparda clan with something like that."
Dante stilled at its words. His grip on her arm tightened, and he began to lean forward towards the demon. The edge in his eyes had turned as sharp as the blade that shared his name, and she could faintly hear a growl on the air.
Patty has heard enough; she whips her left handed pistol up in line with the demon's chest. "Enough chit-chat." The shot went off.
And chaos erupted onto the battlefield.
The shot had connected, but the bullet got caught in the obsidian on its chest. The demon, however, clearly felt offended by Patty's potshot. It charged, but Dante met it halfway. One half of Cavaliere slammed into the right side of its face, but it catches Dante in claws. Both of them fly off to the side, propelled by the force of Dante's demonic motorcycle buzz saws.
The lsser demons wanted in on the action too. Patty turns to shoot a pouncing Riot in the face. Sidestepping its flying corpse, she angles one of her pistols into the magma latherer's side. The rounds connected, but it only grunted as it vomited magma in Dante's direction.
"Darn." She muttered as she shoved the other pistol into a Baphomet's mouth and fired.
Dante launched himself forward in the blink of an eye, slicing upward with the DSD. The blade repeatedly spins along along the middle of its chest and neck, and the cut squirts out blood and fire. The demon, hissing angrily, lunged forward and blocked Dante's exit off with its arms, blocking him from view.
Logically, Patty knew he would be able to handle himself. He had saved the world, what, four times? Five? A single demon being a son of a bitch couldn't hurt him that badly. But, in the heat of the moment, all she could think about was that Dante was in danger. Shit!
Patty immediately unloaded one of her pistol's entire clip into the Ugly SOB's face. It turned to her with fire in its eyes, and her spine shivered. It gripped down onto Dante, and chucked him into a group of approaching lesser demons. "Dante!"
He was gone from view before he could even get a word out.
Stay calm, Lowell! He'll be okay, he's Dante! Just breathe. Her bleeding heart gladly accepted the reassurance, even as it picked up in speed when the SOB looked down at her.
"Human. How you managed to gain his favor, I will never know." The demon hissed. Patty vaulted over a Behemoth that had charged at her back. It ran straight into the SOB, but it just grabbed onto the giant, chained demon.
"Hate to break it to ya, you son of a bitch," Patty shakily yelled as she shot through an approaching Hellbat's wing, "but I have no idea what the hell you are talking about!" The SOB deviously laughed at her words.
"Fine. Lie to me all you want. It doesn't matter..." In one quick motion, it grabbed the Hellbat she just shot out of the air and pushed the Behemoth so hard it's chains broke. The Hellbat's head was then bitten off, and the demon held its back out in front of its chest. "...Because you're not getting out of here alive."
A lot happened in those few seconds.
Patty tried to back up, only for a Blitz to slam into her back. A large group of lesser demons suddenly started to scatter, as if afraid of something. The SOB shoved the dying Hellbat into the bullets and magma on its chest.
And the Hellbat, and all of the magma and bullets with it, exploded.
She doesn't remember much else other than pain, heat, and a crushing force after that. But there was a sizzle in the air, and the last thing she was able to hear before the world went dark was a voice.
She only woke up when the air shook.
But there was too much pressure to think. Too much, too much too much too much-
She gasped for air. It hurt to fill her lungs, hurt to breathe, but she did it anyway. She felt her lungs stutter, and a horrible sound filled the air. For a second, Patty panicked.
Oh, please no more demons please not right now. She kept breathing, because that was all she could do, as she waited for the demons to come after her again. Lord, she was tired of decade long chase.
But nothing came. Her lungs hitched again, and she heard the ragged, wheezing cough. Oh. That was her. Not more demons. Not Dante. Just her. No one else. Only her. And that hurt so much.
God, she needed to breathe.
She laid there - breathe in, ignore the stabbing in your lungs, breathe out, ignore the pressure - until she finally had the courage to open her eyes. The light burned for a second, but when she finally manged to look around, all she could see was a mass of rotten scales. There was a Behemoth corpse on top of her.
She immediately went to push it off of her, only for her entire body light up in pain. Everything burned, but all she could think was Get it off get it off get it off-
Her arms felt the least damaged, so she slowly pushed against the rotten scales to free her lungs. She couldn't even get it fully off of her, but her arms were holding something. It didn't help much, but at least some of the pressure was gone. A few inches of gracious space for her to inhale.
Patty took in a couple of deep breaths, the first in what felt like hours, and tried to assess her physical condition. Nero had said once on a job that it was really important to do that.
Everything hurt, which was good, because that meant she wasn't paralyzed. It was also bad, because everything hurt. Multiple things were broken, like her leg and definitely some of her ribs, but she was just glad her back was functional. She could barely keep track of the number of cuts she had, and the bruises that would surely form would only make that harder. The only one she definitely knew was there was the one on her forehead; she could taste the blood running down her face. Or maybe there was just blood in her mouth. No doubt the ground was stained with her blood. Fear only truly set in as her skin ran along a sharp, metal point on her stomach. There was a jagged piece of the Behemoth's chains the size of her hand sitting against her stomach. One wrong move, and it goes into her gut.
Wow. Great. Thanks Nero, but NOW WHAT DO I DO???
The only part of her that wasn't in pain was the tiny piece of demonic energy she inherited; it was just fine. In fact, it was sparking, helping her senses come back to her.
Wait, what? Why... And then she felt it. In the air, on her skin, everywhere. It thrummed in the air, against her strained arms, and it made everything she could see wobble with its mere existence. It was hot, sizzling even. A huge outpouring of this demonic energy was coming from... her left?
She turned her head, but her view was partially obscured by the Behemoth's half burned skull. She could see other demon corpses, and the ground was razed down to black ash. Suddenly, something flew into view. No, it was thrown into her view.
It was the SOB demon from before. That is, if it was still alive.
It was missing an arm, and it's lower half was charred so badly that one of the legs disintegrated as it fell down onto the ground. Almost none of the obsidian remained, and what little did was hanging on by small pieces of ripped skin. It's upper jaw was partially caved in, but the eyes moved. It was somehow still alive, and it was looking at something. It's eyes were wide with fear, and it's remaining arm tried to pull it away from whatever it was looking at.
For a second, Patty felt vindicated. Yeah, asshole, you should feel afraid. You should die for the countless people who have probably died because of you. You should suffer for throwing my-
Its terror partially came into view. And Patty's brain stopped.
Being the descendent of a summoner had a lot of perks. A small bit of demonic energy reserved for just for her, the ability to summon demonic energy recreations of some demons (eventually, she didn't have that down yet), and being able to gauge the general level of power of any demon she could see, just to name a few. The third one never really had many applications;in fact, she often forgot she could do it. She couldn't escape it now.
She couldn't even see all of it, but, God, she did not need to. Its back was turned to her, and she was glad about it. The SOB looked like a child next to it, it was so large. The body is covered in dark ridges and spikes that looked straight out of Hell. Firey, demonic energy is leaking out of it at any crack in its obsidian carapace. Four wings adorned its back, and swirls of demonic energy radiated off of them. She couldn't see its face, but the back of its head showed off two pairs of horns, one on the sides and the other on top.
Everything about its presence screamed power; the amount of demonic energy was overwhelming. Abigail had been bad to her, and this thing felt like it could eat Abigail for breakfast. Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if this demon could pick up the Yamato and snap it in half like a twig. All of the burning energy filling the air came from that thing, and seeing it made it all hit her at once.
Her head hurt, but she couldn't look away as the devil (that's what it was, a high devil, a king) shoved one of its claws into the SOB's eye sockets. Garbled screeching soundsfilled the energized air as the devil lifted it up with one claw. It pulled it up to what Patty had to assume was eye level, and stopped. The devil held it there as it hovered for a few seconds, and it opened its mouth. All Patty could see was sharp, black teeth and a lava colored tongue before it roared and slammed its prey into the ground.
Patty had to look away then. She had nearly lost her hold on the corpse, and she could feel the point of the Behemoth's chains poking into her lower ribs. It was hard to ignore the horrifying sounds of her previous attacker being squelched, but she couldn't look. She couldn't lose focus, not when the energy was already making everything more difficult; the air burned in a frenzy with the devil.
Patty couldn't bare to see it, but she could feel it clearly.
It was like a volcano, or an uncontrollable wildfire. Demonic energy was scorching everything, turning lesser demons' corpses into stains on the ground. The only reason she was even spared was because of the Behemoth corpse on top of her, and she could smell it cooking and burning away. The devil erupting out this energy was still roaring, and it hurt her eardrums. How the other demons had pissed it off this bad, Patty didn't know.
All that she did know, was that as soon as it was done with the demons, it would be coming for her.
The ground shook each time the demon pounded its prey into the ground. With each shockwave, she could feel her hold on the Behemoth slipping. Just breathe, Patty. Breathe.
It had felt like hours had passed when the devil's rage finally subsided. Its demonic energy began to die out in the air. The smell of burned flesh started to overpower her senses. Patty could taste the dried blood sticking to her face.
Her arms were shaking more now than ever, but she couldn't focus on the pain. She had to breathe. The devil was staring down at its kill, levitating a few feet above it like it was its superior. It probably was. Ragged, animalistic breaths escaped its maw.
The air was still burning, but the defensive, angry part of the air had finally began to fade away. The devil sensed no more enemies; anything that could threaten it was gone. All that was left was corpses.
Brea- Dante.
The devil would consider him a threat; Mundus did years before she had even met him. There was no way the devil would feel calm if Dante was around. If Dante was alive. Tears pricked her eyes. Her arms shook even more.
She hadn't even gotten to tell him how much he meant to her. They had been fighting so much over whether she should be a hunter, if she could take care of herself, and if she was ready for the world. This job had felt like a step forward, that Dante was finally pulling his head out of his ass. That maybe Dante was finally ready to acknowledge the fact that he was the closest thing she had to a father. And now he might be... gone.
Her arms finally gave out.
The Behemoth had lost a lot of its weight to the burning, demonic air, but the chains had remained unbothered by the burning air. The body had been moved just a bit, either by her arms, gravity, or the shaking ground. The corpse fell what few inches it could.
The sound that escaped her as the knife-like chain piece lodged itself in her stomach wasn't a scream, or even a true cry of pain. It was a weak, strangled noise. The sound of something rendered helpless through no fault of their own. The noise of something that desperately wants to live but sees no way out of their situation. The choked cry of someone that thinks they lost someone they love.
Her arms laid limp at her sides, and, for a second, she stared up at the sky. Pressure choked out any breath she had, and her blood was staining the ground again. Patty Lowell fought to keep her eyes open, but her exhausted and battered body forced them shut. She could barely think, and the world began to fall away.
I don't want...to die...please...Mom.....Da...
...warmth. It was so warm. It spread everywhere, into each exhausted limb and bleeding wound. Her small, demonic core pulsed like fire, accepting the warmth greedily. It held her up, keeping her mind aloft.
pleasedon'tgo It said. Why was it so nice? pleasestayipromisesafewarm
The ever-present pressure suddenly lifted, and she instinctively took in a breath. So many places suddenly hurt all at once, especially her stomach, but the warmth buzzed almost angrily over her wounds. Pressure returned suddenly to her stomach, and, in a moment of rage, she tried to sit up and throw the pressure off. The pain stopped her before she could even prop her elbows up. Falling back unceremoniously, a strained whine ripped out of her throat. For a split second, she braced herself for the pain of her skull knocking back onto the ground, but the impact never came. Instead, a gentle hand caught her before she could smack into the dirt.
...Who?... Patty managed to think, cracking open her left eye.
A demon looked back at her. Kneeling next to her, its wings blocked out the light, but its demonic core glowed faintly orange. Its head looked more like a skull, with no skin to speak of. There was no readable expression, and its eyes looked like yellow pits. Four vaguely recognizable horns wrapped around its head like a crown.
...The devil from earlier?!?
Why in Hell was it holding her like this? Her guns were laying on her chest too; had it gotten them for her? One of its clawed hands had caught her head, and the other was... Patty caught a glance at the sight of the claws gingerly applying pressure on the stab wound on her stomach. She had no energy to move, but she did have enough energy to squeak.
Out of all the ways Patty thought it would react, leaning down and making soft clicking noises was not one of them. She couldn't tell where its eyes were looking, but it didn't feel like it was looking down on her. The devil lifted her head with far too much care, and sniffed her forehead cut. Her entire body instinctually tensed up, fully prepared for the devil to brutally cave her head in.
To her udder shock, instead of immediately biting down after catching the scent of her human blood, the devil leaned back slightly and hissed under its breath. What is going on?? Patty's bewilderment must of shown on her face, because the demon made more soft clicking noises. Her breath hitched when it leaned back in again. She shut her eyes instinctively.
The open cut on her forehead was suddenly covered with a warm, wet substance. She immediately opened her eyes back up in alarm, only to see a tongue the color of fire rasp over her cut again. And again.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Her core sparked again as the warmth responded in tandem. safemustbesafemustbehealthy
To say Patty was overwhelmed would be an understatement. Every muscle in her body felt like it should be tense and in pain, but instead they were slowly relaxing into the warmth. Her tiny demonic core certainly didn't mind the devil's actions; it pulsed even more.
Apparently, while she was trying to process what was happening, the devil had decided its job was done. The cut slowly stopped buzzing with demonic energy, and it weirdly felt sealed. All of her cuts felt sealed, Patty realized, even the big one in her gut. The devil looked down into her wide eyes and chuffed affectionately. Its clawed hands suddenly shifted, moving underneath her to slowly lift her off of the ground.
Without warning it pressed her body on its chest, her left ear landing right on top of one of the many spikes surrounding the core. A small bit of energy cushioned her from the spikes and jagged edges. The wings folded in as well, practically covering her like a shield. For a second, all Patty could do was breathe and question why?
A rumble answered her.
It started in the devil's core, and expanded until its entire body vibrated with the noise. It was so loud, right next to her head, but it didn't hurt. The devil set its chin on the top of her head, and never stopped purring. That's what it was, purring. A grounding showcase of care that felt real.
And familiar.
It had only came up occasionally, but it had been happening for years. Every once in a while, there would be a rumble in his voice. They could be arguing over sundaes or she could be shooting a Hell Caina in the face, but it would appear out of the blue. Only to disappear as fast as it came, covered up by grins and snarky quips.
She brought a hand up to his demonic core and let the energy run through her fingers. It burned the air around it, small embers glowing and fading in the wind. As it hit her hand, it gave her the same sense of warmth she had felt when he had pulled the Behemoth corpse off of her. The same sense of warmth buzzing along her skin. The same warmth she had barely felt when she had first met him a decade ago.
"D-Dan-" Her voice broke off into a mangled cough. She shut her eyes as she fell limp from the force of it all on her still-battered body. The purring tapered off and Dante let out a worried warble as he gently caught her. Clearly Dante's human brain was taking a snooze, since he would normally say some silly quip to lighten the mood and cover up his nerves.
She would of reassured him if she hadn't see movement out of the corner of her eye.
Snatching one of her guns out of her lap, Patty leaned out of Dante's grip. Everything hurt, but that small bit of demonic energy pulled through as she aimed at the crawling, half-dead son of a bitch. The recoil hurt like a bitch too, but her reward was instantaneous. The SOB moaned out a pained gurgle as its remaining eye angrily searched for her. And then widened as she fell back and tucked her head underneath the unhinged jaw of one very pissed off devil.
The screech Dante released should of burst her eardrums, but the energy hovering around her thankfully muffled it. His wings wrapped around them both as he lifted into the air, and fireballs started shooting out like they were being fired from a minigun. When Dante's wings opened back up, the only thing left of the SOB was a chunk of his obsidian hide surrounded by charred flesh.
And then, like a switch was flipped, Dante was back to fussing over her. He gently lowered them both onto a relatively uncharred and less bloody patch, although he refused to let go of her. The purring was back as well, and Dante let out a croon as soon as she set down her pistols. Carefully, he set her down on his incredibly spiky lap, and gently knocked his head into hers, wary of the sharp points cutting her. Despite everything, Patty just felt relief and exhaustion, and she sagged into Dante's affection. As he set his head on top of her's again, Patty noticed something new. Words.
"Slipping out of safety and attacking your enemy. Heh, course my nestling takes after me too much..." They were low, and hard to separate from the rumbling purr constantly underneath it, but they were there.
Nestling. The term made her suck in a breath. Vergil once called Nero that after a really intense misson, and Trish had explained that it was a term of endearment parent demons used with their children. If Dante is refering to her as his nestling, then that means that he sees her as...
Patty burst into tears.
Dante immediately stopped everything: the purring, the words, the demonic energy, everything. The warble that left his mouth just made her cry even harder. She held her head in her hands.
Is this real? Their relationship had been so rocky lately with his overprotective actions, because of course he was being overprotective. God, Vergil totally knew and was hammering him about it. Patty's thoughts were moving a mile and minute.
She had always held out hope for a father to enter her life when she was little, but that had stopped after meeting Dante. It only after he disappeared into Hell again did it finally hit her why. And now he was telling her that all of him, human and demon, wanted her as his kid? It was almost too much to bare. But she needed confirmation. She needed to know for sure.
Her tiny demonic core responded immediately, reaching out with what little energy it had to connect with Dante's for a split second.
That was all Patty needed to know.
She launched herself at Dante, wrapping her arms around his giant, spiky torso and shoving her face into the most comfortable place she can, directly above his core. Dante instinctually wraps his arms around her in return, and his wings join in a second later. Questioning clicks sound out from above her head, but her answering tears just fall past the jagged edges near his core.
His voice is rough, deep, and has a weird echo, but it was his. It was tentative, worried, and almost sounded scared. His energy hangs in the air, disconnected but still nervous. Her throat burns, her head is throbbing, and she feels like walking corpse, but she just needs him to know.
"I love you too, Dad."
It barely gets out in one piece, but those words hang in the air. For a split second, Patty is terrified that Dante didn't hear her, or that she was completely off base somehow. But then, the energy comes rushing in as Dante curls himself around her even more. It's as if a dam had been released, the warmth wrapping itself around her like a blanket. Dante's purring was almost too loud; she could barely hear anything else. He nuzzled the top of her head, almost as if he was terrified she'd disappear. She laughed into his chest, a battered but happy mess.
There would be time for arguments, explanations, and personal conversations later. Right now, Patty couldn't give a damn about anything, not when there were tears mixing with her own in her lap. They should be burning her, the fiery, demonic things that they were, but all she felt was warmth.
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galadhir · 6 months ago
Well, I didn't expect getting a sword for sword dancing to be so hard.
I really wanted a sword like this A sword that looked like a sword - like you could sharpen it and then it would be a weapon.
Unfortunately the only sword that was in my price range and was available in the UK is aluminium with a paint coating. But I thought I could live with it, and the lightness of aluminium was a bonus considering my fibromyalgia. See the grey sword here.
So I ordered it and waited what felt like months for it to arrive. The receipt said that within 3-4 days I would get an email with a tracking code, but I did not get such an email. I waited for ten days, then I went on the website to see if there was a contact number and found their chat.
Someone on the chat told me that he would find my tracking number and that the sword would undoubtedly be with me soon. I waited a couple of days to see if it would arrive.
Then I checked the tracking code and found that the tracking number was linked to a Mr Ahmed Hussain in an entirely different county from me.
I tried to get back on the chat only to find that the chat box had disappeared.
This was beginning to feel suspicious.
Then I went on holiday with my family, and my son - on hearing the saga so far - dug around in the trustpilot ratings for this website (the only one that still had swords available out of every other sword retailer I had found.) He said that their ratings were abysmal and most people reported either getting broken swords or not receiving anything at all.
He then found a new sword on a site I had not discovered. It was 40" long and made of iron, which would have been very long and heavy, but what was I to do?
Their website said it would arrive in 3-4 days, and by now I was desperate. I figured I could stop the payment on the first sword, so I bought the new sword.
I got home from the holiday and the first sword was there on the doorstep.
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Two swords! I thought. I suppose I can sell one of them on Ebay. Other belly dancers must also be desperate in the face of this sword shortage.
Then - while I waited for the real sword to arrive - I practiced with my horrible grey sword and developed something of an emotional bond to it.
It is in fact exactly the right size for me, and easy to balance, and relatively light on the head. I liked it, apart from the paint job.
So, more than four days passed. Eventually I began to wonder where the other sword was, and I went to look on the receipt for that too. With a more careful reading, I realized that it said that it would arrive 3-4 days after posting - with no promises about how long it would take them to post it. The receipt also said that they would send me an email to confirm when they sent it.
They had not sent me an email. Therefore they had not even put it in the post yet.
I leapt to my computer and sent them an email asking if I could cancel the order, and they replied the same day, re-listed the sword on their website and refunded me the price.
Good! I finally had a sword, and only one sword.
But the more I practiced with it, the more I came to hate the fact that it was silver like a silver car. There were even metallic sparkles in the paint just like metallic-finish auto paint. And the hilt was the same colour as the blade, as though the blade was part of the hilt fittings.
I wondered if I could paint over the blade with chrome effect paint, but further research suggested that there just isn't a paint that looks like metal. It's all going to be disappointingly matte.
Time to break out the gold leaf
I bought a gilding kit, a book of gold leaf and a book of silver leaf and did a hack job of covering both blade and hilt with thin layers of metal.
Result - behold the shiny sword!
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This will certainly catch the light and flash as I dance. It isn't the sword that I wanted, but it is now a sword that I think I can love. And I bet no one else will have one like this :)
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 2 years ago
tuesday again 6/13/2023
very games-centric week
this opening bit samples bowie's life on mars and sounds like a piano cover of a half-remembered but still beloved childhood anime. like the kind you had a set of two VHS clamshells for but only episodes 4-6 and 10-12. it goes on the "lofi beats to data and entry to" playlist. spotify
fallow week
the folks at waypoint games, formerly vice's leftist games vertical, BOUGHT THE BRAND FROM VICE and are rebranding as remap. i wish them all the fuckin best and i hope they succeed but i feel like we have maybe six months of this before one of them goes literally bankrupt from a doctor's visit bc healthcare is such a fuckin nightmare in this country. im simply not excited for starfield. i am not interested in corporate nasa
anyway i enjoyed their commentary, excited for compulsion games' southern gothic action/adventure spellcaster South of Midnight
neutrally optimistic about obsidian's Avowed, bc i do love obsidian but i do not love sword and sorcery rpgs
there's airships in microsoft flight simulator so i may genuinely buy one month of gamepass to try that out
capcom's path of the goddess looks fucking gorgeous but i have never played more than half an hour of a capcom game and i expect i never will. is this topdown? is this isometric? what the fuck is the gameplay mode??? who could FUCKING say
also there's a new jersey fallout 76 expansion coming at some point. in real life i hate atlantic city and i don't really how know this will look or play differently from point lookout. i don't know if i want to play a much-reviled cash cow mmorpg just to get postapoc jersey lore. if this leads up to 5 being set in nyc im going to be real pissed off. go somewhere DIFFERENT. there are DIFFERENT PLACES on the east coast!!! blease
viddy game can consistently turn my brain off enough that i forget im moving cross country in two weeks and can forcibly relax my body for twenty mintues at a time between packing boxes. so there's been a lot of pomodoro-ing, or my version which is: pack until i get so anxious i physically cannot pack anymore, go have a snack, go play twenty minutes of a video game, and then go pack until i am on the verge of a panic attack again. this is not healthy but all my books are packed. all of these were free on epic at some point btw which is why i own them
the first time i played Airborne Kingdom, i lost track of time and beat it in one sitting in eight hours. the second time i played Airship Kingdom, i replicated that exact experience. i have allied with all the kingdoms and have like two hundred souls on board but am not QUITE selfsufficient enough to take on the northern/artic sea DLC. stay tuned. soundtrack in this thing is great.
bounced VERY hard off Close to the Sun, a bioshock-lite i put about four hours/three levels into. a huge gilded age cruise ship where the science has Gone Wrong would normally be catnip to me, but the game did brutally kill the player character's sister in front of me in an unskippable cutscene so we're done with that game now THANK YOU. it is very slow, which i do like in a game that gives you this much stuff to look at, but there is no gamma control. this game is so fucking dark. i played it in a dark room with no lights and it was still too dark.
pinged off the typing exploration game Epistory despite its charming art, bc fast and accurate typing is something covid has taken from me.
rediscovered Carcassone (online) which is great bc i love Carcassone and own a physical copy of the board game but no one else in my life loves it. tile-building countryside-building game, seconds to learn, etc. thank you board game review even though there are no meeple in their natural habitat (the board) in this picture
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it's gonna be putting things into boxes for the forseeable future (the next week) and then living out of them for a while (the next two weeks after that)
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camgoloud · 2 months ago
20, 18,24 :)
20. What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
I discovered Kelly Link’s short stories sometime in summer 2023, and thus unlike everyone else who is wiser than me and was reading Kelly Link earlier I only had to wait a few months rather than like 25 years for her debut novel to come out in February 2024. It was good! I do think on the whole I prefer some of her short stories (Valley of the Girls and Skinder’s Veil and The Summer People will never not fuck me UP) but the novel was also highly enjoyable. Would recommend!
Also!!! Maybe I’m cheating by mentioning two but. The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman!!!! Very very good book! I wasn't Anticipating this one far ahead of time in quite the same way as the Book of Love because I just heard about it on a sci-fi/fantasy podcast I listen to very shortly before publication and before I was familiar with Grossman's other work, and decided I might like to read it based only on the subject matter (it's an Arthurian story)... but then before I committed to dropping like $40 on this massive hardcover I decided to Get Familiar with Grossman's other work and read the Magicians trilogy and had a whole hyperfixation tangent about it (still ongoing, by the way, someone PLEASE talk to me about these books). And then went and bought The Bright Sword after all—which did not disappoint! Would also definitely recommend!!
18. How many books did you buy?
Oh God. Agh. So I actually did sit down in front of my bookshelf/assorted piles of books overflowing the shelf onto the nearby floor and go through them trying to figure out the exact answer to this question but then there were a couple where I couldn’t quite remember if I bought them this year or the previous one. Nonetheless. With some reasonable degree of certainty I can say the number is around… 21, plus or minus two or three. It’s too many! But about half of those were used and another couple were new but marked down for some reason or another, so… that makes it fine I guess?
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
Another shout for Kelly Link here—I want to finish all the stories in Magic for Beginners! I’ve read about half of them at the moment. I’m also like 2 stories from the end of the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2024 anthology, so I should get to finish that sometime within the next few days (assuming I get through my work at a reasonable pace…). I’m really vibing with a much larger percentage of the selection this year than I did for the last couple of years!
[end of year book asks here!]
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sinthedrinker · 7 months ago
Sanemi x F! Reader MDNI
The battle was over. His brother was dead. Sanemi now had no one, he had no family, he didn't even have a reason to be a swordsman anymore. He wanted to retire comfortably, but how could he when fighting was the only thing he could ever do right. He moved. Away from where demon slayer headquarters had once been to a small home several days walk away. In the mornings he would sit on his porch and watch the sun rise, and allow himself to cry. It seemed no matter how many mornings this happened, he always had more tears. Tears he had been holding in his entire life. 
One day as he did this, he heard a strange rustling noise and instinctively his hand went to the sword at his hip. He couldn't bring himself to stop carrying it for the comfort it brought him. He was surprised to see a large yellow and white dog bound towards him, it's mouth open and tongue lolling out, tail wagging furiously. 
"A.. dog?" He said, reaching out his hand as the dog approached him, barking a friendly hello as he nuzzled against Sanemi's hands. 
"Are you lost?" He asked. Around the dog's neck was a red collar with a bell and a name tag. 
"Hacchan, that you?" He asked. Hacchan barked in response. 
"Hacchan! Hacchan!!" A distinctly female voice cried as you came running up the path, chasing Hacchan who had broken away from you to chase an interesting scent. That scent had been Sanemi. 
"I'm so sorry sir!" You apologized, bowing deeply. 
"It's alright. I like dogs." Sanemi replied, scratching behind Hacchan's fuzzy ears.
"Did you just move here?" He asked, furiously wiping his face to make sure you didn't notice a single tear. 
"Yes, we did! Just down the road. Hacchan was friends with all my neighbors back then, I guess he's lonely now with just me.." You said sadly. 
"Why'd you move?" Sanemi asked. You hesitated to reply. 
"You don't gotta tell me if you don't wanna." He said, shrugging. 
"I had been engaged. My fiance imagined I was cheating on him, I wasn't, but he told everyone I did. I was shunned and we had to move." You confessed. Hacchan, sensing your sadness, came to press himself against your side. 
"He sounds like a cunt." Sanemi said simply. 
You were shocked by his vulgarity. 
"What about you? Why did you move out here?" You asked. 
"I was a swordsman. But now I guess. I'm just a man." Sanemi said. The sorrow in his voice was so heavy it made you want to cry. 
From that day forward Hacchan insisted on visiting Sanemi every morning on your walks, and you began bringing him gifts. When you made dinner in the evening you always brought him a portion the next time you saw him. If you bought tea, you bought enough to share. While Sanemi didn't seem to react one way or the other to this, it certainly didn't go unnoticed. And finally one morning when you were about to turn to continue your walk with Hacchan, he reached out and grabbed your hand. 
"Marry me." He said. It wasn't a question, more of a demand. He felt ready to begin the next chapter of his life, to take a wife, to start a family. 
You and Hacchan moved in with him shortly after. Though even after living with him for three months, he would never say he loved you and you still hadn't slept together. Finally you got fed up with this, wondering why he asked you to move in with him if he didn't intend to act like a couple with you. He was sitting on your shared futon reading and you settled yourself onto his lap. He looked up from his book, raising an eyebrow at you. 
"Sanemi, do you love me?" You asked. 
Sanemi didn't reply. He seemed to be thinking for a long time. 
"I don't know. I want to love you. I can't tell. The only people I have ever truly loved are dead. Perhaps if I let myself love you, you will die too. Or maybe, I am simply not built to love." He said, an edge of anger in his voice. You wrapped your arms around him, pressing his head against your soft chest. 
"Of course you are built for love, everyone is!" You said. Sanemi made a strange almost growl as he pushed himself away from you, tearing open your yukata. He ripped the fabric off of your shoulders, exposing your breasts and completely tearing your obi in half. You had never experienced strength like that, and you sat there stunned on his lap, almost completely exposed to him. 
"How can you say that? My hands are trained to kill demons and that's it, I'm not good at anything else, I don't know how to make them do anything else, I only know how to destroy." He said, his voice cracking under the weight of tears that wouldn't come. 
"You are made for love. You can do more than destroy." You said, quietly but sternly nonetheless. You took his hands, so much larger and rougher than yours, pressing them against your breasts. Your nipples, already hard, pressed against the palms of his hands and he groaned as he felt his cock beginning to harden. 
"You can be gentle." You said, leaning forward to kiss him as you moved his hands in slow circles on your breasts. Sanemi stared at your chest when you broke the kiss, flexing his fingers as he groped and kneaded you, pinching and twisting your nipples. 
"A-ah! Gentle!" You said. 
Sanemi grunted in reply and leaned down to take one of your nipples in his mouth, he bit it, but before you could scold him he was suckling and licking it with perfect gentleness. His hands slid the remains of your yukata off and then snaked up and down your body, rubbing your back, your arms, your hips and ass. He finally released your breast and looked up at you. 
"You're so damn soft. Squishy, warm.." He mused, hugging you so he could feel your breasts press up against his scarred chest. 
“Wanna know what you feel like in here..” he said, brushing two of his calloused fingers against your cunt. He pushed your panties aside, swirling his fingertips around your entrance.
“Already wet, huh?” he said, smirking at you. 
“Well I.. Love you a lot Nemi.. I’ve wanted to be with you for a while..” you confessed.
Sanemi looked up at you, placing a rough hand on your cheek. 
"I love you." He said. It hurt him to say it. The only people he had ever said that to were dead. You noticed how he seemed to become lost in thought, or dragged away from this moment by some painful distant memory. 
“Stay here, with me.” you said gently as you kissed him.
Sanemi tangled his fingers into your hair, kissing you deeply while he shoved two fingers into you, curling them against your g-spot roughly. You gasped and arched your back, and Sanemi held you close, pressing you to him.
"Tell me how it feels." he growled against your neck, reaching his free hand down to untie his hakama, reaching into them to stroke himself. 
"Feels good.." you managed between soft moans. 
"Your fingers are rough b-but, it feels good.."
Sanemi deftly flipped you over, pressing your legs to your chest as he kissed you gently. His body was so warm and strong, your eyes fluttered shut as you enjoyed the comfort of being so close to him, until he shoved himself into you in one hard thrust. You gasped as your eyes flew open. Sanemi fucked you slowly, painfully slowly. Dragging his cock out slow and pushing it back in all the way to your cervix. 
"N-Nemi, faster please!" you begged, holding onto his biceps tightly. 
"Faster? I thought you wanted me to be gentle." he said, his tone teasing and sarcastic. 
"Sanemi please, you feel so good-" you gasped as he picked up his pace immediately, ruthlessly pounding you into the futon. 
"You feel so fucking good baby.." he growled. 
"Tight, so warm.." he said, he grunted with practically every thrust, his eyes squeezed shut as he focused on the feeling of your slick walls around him. 
"I should've done this a long time ago.." he said, licking your neck before biting it hard. Any wish you had for him to be gentle with you was gone. 
"I-I wanted you to!" you managed, words becoming more and more difficult as your climax approached. 
"Yeah? Did you want me to just force you down and dominate this little cunt?" he asked you bit your lip, your eyes rolling back as the lewdness of his words pushed you over the edge. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to open your mouth. 
"Lemme hear you, you're gonna make me cum.." he said as he fucked you even harder, a punishing pace as you gushed around him. You were nearly screaming by now, unable to even continue holding onto his arms as your body trembled. The sight of you so completely destroyed because of him, and only him, made him finally climax. You could feel his release, his hot cum filling you up as he let out a feral growl. He stayed inside of you for a while after he finished, panting against your neck. 
"I love you." he said breathlessly, kissing your cheek gently. 
"I love you too, Nemi." you said, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. 
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thedepthsoffandomminds · 1 year ago
The lost Princess of the ocean - ten
The following day you stayed in your cabin reading through a book Nami had left behind. You could hear the men on the higher decks working with Buggy to get closer to Nami. You hear Usopp calling out for land. Relieved to once again be on dry land you decided to change into some simpler clothes, a pair of Khaki knee length shorts and a white linen shirt tied up at your waist. You pulled your long hair up into a twisted bun at the back of your head. Several shorter locks fell loose around your face before long, the five of you were walking toward a small village, the houses were barely more than sticks and straw. When Zoro tried to walk beside you, you quietly fell back to walk between Sanji and Usopp. He wanted so desperately to tell you how pretty you looked, to marvel in the confidence you were beginning to show. Zoro hated what he had done, his words wouldn't come out right. He hated that you felt safer beside the chef than him now. His hand clamped around the hilt of his white sword, trying to push all of his feelings down.
“Never seen that before.” he says looking at an upturned shack.
“What could have done this?” Luffy asked.
“Maybe I should head back, make sure the Merry's secure.” Usopp frets.
“Arlong did this.” Luffy's voice was angry as he stated the obvious.
“Hey, shit-hat!” Buggy called from inside Sanji's shoulder bag, “I think we can all agree that Arlong's a bad fish But why don't we quit lollygagging and get my body back?”
‘Pipe down in there.” Sanji bit back.
“Or what? You gonna whip me up a soufflé?” The clown head taunted him.
“How about you take him for a while?” He looks at Usopp.
“Ooh, new guy carries the clown head.” Usopp scuttled away. With a shake of your head you take the bag from the chef and hike it over your shoulder.
“Everyone! Please!” A voice calls from around a corner. ‘Please, everyone. We don't have much time, and we're short again this month.” The uniformed man spoke.
“Is it enough?”
“Do we have time to get some more?” The villagers asked.
“No. You don't.” Her voice cut through you all.
“It's Nami.” One of the women whispered. Luffy made to step forward but Zoro held him back with a hand on his chest.
“You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here.” A woman with Blue hair and tattoos across her chest and shoulders scowled at Nami. She spat at the latter's feet. Everyone in the village remembered the day Arlong came into town, bringing distraction and fear. Nami took the box and looked inside.
“You're short.” She says flatly.
“Nami, please. This is all we have. Arlong has bled us dry.” They plead with her.
“Then find more blood.” She turns on her heel, stopping when she sees you all.
“Luffy? What are you doing here?” She hisses at him.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He. Replies.
“This is where I belong.” She briefly glanced at the rest of you.
“ I don't believe that. This is not you.” Luffy feels his heart breaking seeing her this way.
“No. This isn't the me you want me to be.” She berates him.
“Nami if you need our help-”
“No, I don't need any of you. Arlong wanted the map, and I conned you into getting it for me and you bought it. I was never part of your stupid crew.” you can hear the break in her voice as she speaks.
“You don't mean that.” You step forward slightly. Nami looks at you, her dark gaze faltering for only a second.
“Take the rest of these clowns and sail away from here. I never want to see you again.” She spun and stormed away. Your hand found Zoro's arm for a moment. You both look at it, then to each other, your eyes meeting in sadness. Zoro brushed his fingers over your own. You didn't want to watch her walk away again.
“Okay, that went about as bad as it could.
So back to the boat before the fishmen find us?Sail the hell out of here? Okay."
“There's something else going on here.” Luffy mused.
“She was very clear she wants us to leave.” Zoro stated.
“You don't know women.” Sanji quipped, “They never say what they mean.” You gave him a pointed look.
“Tell me again why the cook gets a say.” Zoro rolled his eyes and stepped away from Sanji.
“Don't you guys get it? She's one of them. She's a bad guy. The villagers are terrified of her.” Usopp argued.
“Not all of them.” You say looking back to the villagers. Luffy smiles at you, showing his top teeth. He grabbed your hand and dragged you all towards them.
“Hey! Scar guy. Who was that lady? You know, the one with the cool hair?” He spoke quickly to the uniformed man.
“Who wants to know?” the uniformed man asked with a sigh.
“I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm a pirate.”
“Hunter. Pirate hunter.” Zoro interrupted. “We're here to collect Arlong's bounty.”
“You?” He almost laughs, “I've seen men twice your size and with twice your number
go into Arlong Park. None of them ever came back.” There is more than sadness in his voice. You had known men just like Arlong all your life; this would be more than just a fight.
“We just want to talk to her.” Luffy pressed.
“Trust me, you don't. But if it'll get you out of my town, try the house down that road, on the edge of the tangerine grove.” He waves you all off. Luffy still has hold of your hand as he marches away from the village. He is walking fast, you have to skip every so often to keep up. You curse your shorter legs when you see both Zoro and Sanji striding with ease.
“I think I got more of a boat body than a long-journey-on-foot kind of body. Anybody else missing the ocean?” Usopp spoke incessantly, “No? Okay. I could go bring the boat around if we don't want to walk all the way back. Whoa!” he's stopped by a gun pointing at you all.
“Turn around and leave. Now.” The woman with blue hair scowled at you.
“That's what I've been saying.” Usopp agreed, throwing his hands in the air.
“Hey, I saw you earlier. I think maybe you and I have something in common.” Luffy said.
“I've got the gun, and you're standing in front of it. What could we possibly have in common?” Her eyes were narrow and her grip tight.
“Let's start with Nami. Seems you know her very well.” He continued.
“She's a thief with no conscience and when there's no more left to take, she leaves and doesn't turn back. Now get off my property.” You catch the quiver of her lip, this runs deeper than she wants to show. Her fingers readjust on the rifle.
“Nami's part of our crew. She's our friend.” Luffy says hopefully.
“My sister doesn't have any friends. The sooner you realise that, the better.” The woman rolls her eyes.
“ Sisters. That makes sense. Both as beautiful as each other.” Sanji flashes a smile at her.
“ Give it up.” Zoro said to him.
“I can tell she really did a number on you guys. You're not special, and I can't help you.” She growled.
“How about a meal?” Sanji put in a last attempt. It peaks her attention.
“An exchange of sorts for your valuable time and information.” Sanji continues.
“You cook?” She asks.
“He's a waiter.” Zoro adds.
“Best cook in the East Blue. You never tasted anything better in your life. Usopp's word!” Usopp stated gleefully. The woman looks through all of you, her mind finally settling in words.
“Ain't got much to cook with.” she begins to soften.
“You'd be surprised how much I can make with very few ingredients. What do you say?”
She finally agrees and lets Sanji inside her house. You all sit around the small building as he begins to cook. Zoro sits beside.
“y/n I-” he began.
“Zoro, it's fine, don't worry about it. I won't be a distraction.” You get up and move across the room asking Sanji if he needs help. Usopp stifles a laugh with his hand in front of his mouth.
“You messed up good there.” He says. Zoro simply grunts, folding his arms over his chest.
“Wait. Nami's working for the pirate that killed your mother?” Usopp asks when Nojiko finished her tale.
Luffy's face showed every bit of sadness he felt for her as he stood up and walked out. You and Zoro follow him.
“She was just a kid.” he said looking up at the moon.
“She's not anymore. She made her choice.” Zoro said.
“I'm tired of hearing about Nami from other people.” Luffy grumbled.
“She told you to leave, Luffy.” Zoro reminded him.
“So did you.” Luffy looked up to him like a child looking for approval. Each of them recalled the day they met, Zoro had implored Luffy to leave him. He'd have to thank him one day for making a different choice.
“How do you know she's not one of Arlong's crew?” Zoro asks.
“Same way I knew you weren't gonna kill me
when I cut you down from that cross. Same way I know you want only the very best for y/n. Same way I knew about Usopp and Sanji.”
“Yeah, I don't know about that waiter.” Zoro quipped.
“I know Nami's good. She needs to know it too.” Luffy looked back at the sky. You and Zoro meet each other’s eyes once more.
The four men decide to go get Nami back by charging into Arlong Park, the pirates hideout. Usopp was filling his smoke bombs and arguing with Buggy. You stood outside, your shoulder pressed against the porch.
“Here.” Sanji handed you a cup of warm tea.
“Thank you” you sip the warm liquid, relishing the gentle citrus taste.
“You okay?” He asked you.
“I wish people would stop asking me that. I'm supposed to be free, you all keep telling me I am but here I am waiting to be killed by more pirates.” You huff.
Sanji wasn't sure how to answer you. He pressed his lips together.
“You know, if you want we can find you somewhere, when this is over we could…anywhere you want.”
“Yeah, imagine me living in a little cottage, I'd be back with the assassin's within a week.” You actually laugh. Sanji lifts his arms.
“I'm going to hug you now, okay?” He asks, taking a step toward you, you nod and rest your head on his chest.
“You know, I quite enjoy you giving Moss head a hard time, but I really don't think he meant to hurt you.” he says to the top of your head.
You pull back to look up at him.
“I'm not sure how I feel about him, he has been so kind and gentle with me, but the way people talk about him. The duel, he was a different person.”
Sanji pulls in his eyebrows, studying your eyes for a moment. He lets out a long breath when he understands.
“You're frightened of him?”
“In part I suppose. I was a princess of the ocean, then I was a prisoner. I knew how to be those things. I did as I was told but now, with him. I just…”
“I get it, Zoro is just a hard arse, he doesn't know what's best for him, but he does care about you. Everyone can see that.” He reassured you. You nod and replace your head to his chest.
“Luffy wants us, time to go.” Zoro's voice was harsh and angry.
At the edge of tha tangerine grove Nami drops to her knees, using her dagger to stab at the swordfish tattoo on her shoulder. Luffy gripped her wrist stopping her self attack.
“I told you to get the hell out of here.” She tried to growl her words.
“You did.” The captain said.
“Then leave. You don't know anything about what's going on here.” Her tears fell freely.
“I don't.” he admits.
“Luffy. Help me.” Nami cries. Luffy takes of his straw hat, placing it on Nami's.
“Of course I will.” He agrees walking back toward you the others, “Of course I will. Of course I will!” He throws his hands in the air and you all feel that surge of confidence from him.
“Let's go.” He says walking last you.
“Right.” The men reply in perfect unison.
“What's that?” Usopp looks at the gunfire and flames.
“They're attacking the village.”
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nuzzy · 1 year ago
OKAY SO I WROTE A FANFIC !! ITS 2 828 WORDS AND IT TOOK 9 MONTHS TO WRITE (if you include the 8 months where i completely forgot it exsisted) !! AND I ALSO WROTE LIKE 1 400 WORDS THE LAST WEEK !!
Link in Teyvat, what shenanigans gonna happen?? - nuzzy - 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
^ LINK (not that character)
actual fic below!!!! (i hope i got everything in it) (also can you tell that the first part was written around december? n before totk was released)
Aether was flying around in the Ashavan Realm looking for Rukkhashava mushrooms for Collei and the Wanderer. He had already bought some from Aramani in Vanara and 5 more from Ashpazi in Ghandara village, and while he was there he also got some from Farbod. 
“ Ugh, if I only had Tighnari right now… ” Aether thought. “... If only I had some shrooms so I could get more aquaints…“ 
Aether looked around, seeing if he saw some more shrooms. He didn't. 
“Welp, time to ‘port to Lokopala Jungle.” he sighed as he took up his map. 
As Aether clicked on the teleport button he remembered that he hadn't been in his teapot in a while, he made a mental note that after all the shrooms were taken, he would visit his friends there. And maybe he could put Collei and Scaramoose in there so they would get some friendship exp? Or are there too many people in the teapot? Or do any of ‘em have friendship 10? He has to check later. 
When Aether jumped down the cliff, releasing his paraglider in the process. In the few seconds he was in the air, he gazed around looking for the shrooms, he didn't find any, again. Maybe he had already picked them all yesterday? He didn't remember.
“Guess I have to farm some bosses...” He thought out loud with a sigh, completely forgetting the teapot plan.
“Maybe I can go to Mondstadt for some TCG?” he said to himself, he had completely forgotten about the TCG after it came out and he got jumpscared by Sucrose. 
Aether decided that it was a good idea to go to Mondstadt and talk to the people there. …And play the TCG of course. 
He took up his map again and scrolled to Mondstadt and clicked a waypoint there. Within seconds he was there, in the city of the Wind.
As he looked around in the city, he saw Jean sprinting to him.
“Oh, hello Aether,” Jean said, looking a bit nervous. “Perfect timing, we need some help and we were looking for you.
“Sure, what do you need?” Aether said.
“Come to the knights and we will talk there.” she said. 
“Well what do we need to talk about?”
“... I do not know how to explain it… also where's Paimon?”
“Eh, she's sleeping and I don't want to wake her up. She's also probably gonna sleep for a few more days anyways”
Jean and Aether walked to the Knights of Favonius building, they didn't say anything else while they walked there.
When they came there, which only took about a minute, as it was pretty close. 
“So what's the problem?” Aether asked when he walked in the building.
“Let's go to my office first.” she said as she started walking there.
When they walked into the office the first thing Aether saw was that he had not raided her office for books, and that there was an unknown boy in the room. 
“ Who was he? ” was Aethers first thought when looking at the boy, he had a blue shirt and golden blond hair. At a closer look, the blue shirt the boy was wearing had a white pattern that looked like a sword. When he focused on his face he saw that half his face was a giant scar, and one of his pointy ears, which reminded him of Klees, was completely destroyed. When he focused on his blue eyes, he saw that the boy was staring right back at him.
“This person is an outlander, like you,” Jean said while looking at the boy. “he fell down from the sky on one of the islands in the lake. We don't know how he managed to swim from there to one of the beaches with all those bruises he got from the fall.” 
“That's interesting, have you tried talking to him?”
“We have tried to, but he just looks at us with a confused look,” Jean sighed, she was way too tired to be dealing with this, she had taxes and paperwork to get through! “And before you ask, he doesn't talk either, we have tried to make him talk but he, once again, looks confused.”
“Well, what's your name?” Aether turned his attention away from Jean. The boy said nothing in return, but stared at him with a kind of confusion.
“That didn't work…” he said with a sigh. “Time for plan B!”
“You have a plan B?” Jean asked, a bit confused. “What is it?”
“I- uh, haven't gotten to that part yet.”
“Holy Barbatos…” she sighed, pinching the top of her nose, she was really tired of this. “Well what do we do now?”
“We could go out for a walk around Mondstadt and then maybe he'll talk!”
“Last time we did that he whipped out a bomb out of nowhere and almost blew up a wall, and tried to climb to the top of the cathedral.” Jean said with a disappointed look at the boy. “We were lucky that the sisters caught him in time.”
“And he didn't get put in solitary confinement?” he asked.
“Well, he was in solitary confinement for like.. two minutes, before he blew up the wall and escaped.”
“At least in the short while he was there, Klee was happy to have a friend.” Aether said. 
“I mean, that's true, but it still doesn't excuse that he blew up a wall .” she said, a bit irritated.
“Well, what are we going to do with him?” Aether said, all while looking at the boy again. “We can't exactly put him in solitary confinement again.”
“That's the problem, we can't let him go. And we shouldn't if he plans to blow up a wall again.”
Aether and Jean looked at eachother, both not knowing what to do with the boy. 
“Maybe we can teach him the language and then talk to him?” Aether said, not knowing what else to do.
“We can try, but we don't know what language he speaks.” Jean said. “So we don't know how to translate to his language.”
“Have you tried any other languages than Mond and common?” he said. “He maybe doesn't know them?”
Aether sat next to the boy and tried to make a simple conversation while switching between all of Teyvats languages to try to see if he understood any of them, unfortunately, he only got confused looks when he tried them.
“That didn't work.” Aether said. 
“Okay, but what do we do now?” Jean asked. “We have tried everything.”
“I think that probably the best thing to do is to take a walk? Maybe?” 
“Well, we can try again.” Jean sighed. “But please take him back here if he causes trouble.”
“Noted!” Aether said, as he took the boys armed and practically dragged him out the door.
When they were out of the Knights of Favonius building he tried to make some small talk, but having someone who didn't talk as a conversation partner made that the talking fastly died down.
As they walked onto the bridge, the boy took his bow out, the bow looked strange and he couldn't quite see what material it was made of, but it had weird glowing orange lights on it, nicked an arrow with a red arrow head and shot it right at Timmies pigeons. When he did that, there was a huge explosion with smoke. When the smoke cleared the pigeons were dead and the only thing that was left was fowl. 
“Nice shot dude” Aether said encouragingly, but the boy was still quiet.
“Why is everyone always shooting the pigeons?” Timmy asked angrily, Aether could see slight tears forming up in his eyes. “I'm gonna tell mom all about you!”
“I don't know man, they're very shootable.” Said Aether with a laugh as they walked away. “And your mom cant do anything about me.”
He and Aether wandered out in the wilderness, still not saying a word to each other, the silence was awkward.
They walked for maybe an hour and a half, during this time Aether had tried to make small talk multiple times but every time the boy just looked confused or ignored him. He was starting to get frustrated.
“Do you like food?” Aether asked, trying to break the silence.
The boy just looked at him confused, not seeming to understand the question. Aether sighed and opened his inventory and took out a tea-break pancake. 
“Food.” He said while pointing at the pancake. 
The boy nodded at the pancake and took a bite out of it, and got a small smile after he took it.
“Now when you're done, we can set up a tent and sleep a bit,” Aether said while starting to stand up and stretched. “Oh right, forgot you can't understand me.”
A few minutes after that “conversation”, if you can even call it that, Aether came up with a great idea. He thought that maybe he could draw an object in the sand and then the word! …But maybe he wouldnt understand the intention? 
Aether tried to push that thought away, it was going to work! Everything he does works! Even if its as stupid as challenging the shogun without remembering to lvl up his characters, or even putting artifacts on ‘em all together. Everything he does is great! He has saved multiple nations, killed a harbinger ,and fought and won against two others, he has also challenged gods, and won of course. He really was great, so why was he anxious about how this outlander thought of him? He was also an outlander, they should be able to communicate and help each other out!
“Sooooooo, you can't talk?” Aether asked, even if he felt like he had asked this 5 times already, which he probably did. “And you can't understand me either? Nod for yes and shake your head for no.” 
“...” the outlander didn't say anything, just looked up at him from eating his pancake.
“Okaaay, I forgot you wouldn't be able to understand that…” He said, feeling incredibly stupid for just confirming the obvious. “Soooooo, food, am I right?”
The boy looked at his pancake, and then pointed at it, slightly confused.
“Yes yes! That's food!” Aether said in excitement, while doing a thumbs up to show that it was indeed food. “Okay so we're getting somewhere! You can understand food, atleast! ”
“...” he looked up at him, face returning to a neutral expression. 
“Ahh, it seems like we still have some more stuff to get through before we can fully understand each other…” 
“.......” The boy started putting away the plate the pancake was on, then started standing up, all while maintaining eye contact.
“Okay… do you want to do something?” Aether was confused about just what the boy was doing. 
He watched as the boy threw some firewood onto the ground, then pulled out his bow and knocked an orange arrow with a flame tip, “ It's probably a fire arrow. ” Aether thought. When the arrow was inevitably fired and hit the wood, when it hit a small cloud of fire was there, for probably less than a second. The wood immediately fell into a triangle shape and started burning. Once it had burned for a few seconds the boy, who Aether realised he needed a better name in his head for, pulled out a few apples and put them on the fire.
“Whatcha doing?” Aether wondered out loud, but of course there was no reply.
He said nothing in return, just held out his hands, as if to say “ wait and you'll see ”. After a few more seconds of the apples were baked, or grilled, Common Teyvat really was confusing. He hurriedly picked them up and held one out to him.
After a few seconds of staring at the apple he took it, only hearing a few mutters from the boy. He thought he could hear something that was similar to the words “baked apple” but not really the same, the sound of the ‘a’ in the apple was off, like if you somehow merged a and e into one letter. It was strange, but maybe it was another language that's similar? 
“Okaaay, sooo that's an …. apple?” he said with half an apple in his mouth.
No response. 
They just stared at each other, it felt like minutes, but it was probably just a few seconds. A few very awkward seconds.
“......wha?” a pretty hoarse voice came from his mouth, with a heavy country accent, Aether thought that it matched Xinyans accent a bit, but with slight variations on pronunciation.
“OH SHIT HE CAN TALK?!?” Aether exclaimed, not expecting him to talk.
The boy mumbled something under his breath, something about that he shouldn't have said anything and just continued the act.
“So we can actually have a conversation now!” Aether said. “And what's your name? I can't keep calling you ‘boy’ in my head.”
“.... I am actually onehundred- and-seventeen…” he said, voice still hoarse, probably from disuse.
“WHAT,” Aether exclaimed, surprised by that age. “HUMANS DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT WHEN THEY ARE THAT OLD????”
“......what's a human??...” he asked, in pure confusion. 
“.. You don't know what a human is?” 
“... no? …” 
“Well, a human is what people are here.” he said, fumbling on his words because he had no idea he was going to explain humans to someone who apparently was an outlander like him. “except for maybe Klee, Albedo, … Diona too I guess.”
“... I don't know who any of those people are…” 
“I heard Klee was the child you were stuck in solitary confinement with,” he said. “until you blew up a wall.”
“... oh, right I forgot I did that…”
“Also if you're not a human, what are you then?”
“... I'm a Hylian?..." He said, slightly confused. 
“Well, what's that? I've never heard of it before.” he was really confused as to what a ‘hylian’ was.
“... I'm guessing it's similar to a human? But we’re kinda blessed by the goddess so our ears are long with magic stuff,” he explained. “I'm also guessing that humans aren't blessed by goddesses because their ears are so short…”
“Oh so you have a goddess?” 
“... yeah we have one, or it's actually four but Hylia is the main one that actually answers most of the time…” his expression changed a bit, Aether didn't really know if it was a positive or negative change because his expressions were really hard to decode. “like or at least she is supposed to, but she like, only talks to me most of the time, dunno why. She also ignores Zelda!”
“...What a nice goddess you have.”
“... yeah right! Zeldas is like her descendant too so it makes less sense with that!”
“... Yeah! Like way over 10 000 years ago, after the kingdom was founded again by ‘divine beings from the sky’ that made some … bond or something with the hylians?” 
“Wait wait, who did what and why are you telling me this?” 
“... I dunno to be honest, I just need someone to rant to, like a lot of stuff has happened to me and this kingdom.” 
“Well, take it from the start.”
“The start start or the start of the kingdom? Also I don't know all of the details because I have amnesia and forgot literally everything, Zelda has been trying to reteach me stuff but history is hard.”
“Let's take this from the start start,” Aether was surprised that this stranger had been willing to open up so easily, like this guy was rambling about everything, to a stranger. He didn't even want to speak five minutes ago! “Wait, you have amnesia?”
“Yea, yea, but that's not important right now,” he waved with his hands as if it didn't matter, his voice also getting more strained with each passing word, Aether was starting to get worried that he would get so hoarse he couldn't talk. “Okay so, it starts with the three golden goddesses who create the world and all that stuff, and they also create the triforce, which consists of three parts, power, courage and wisdom.”
“Why just those three things?”
“Take that up with the goddesses will you.” he let out a laugh. “So I hold the triforce of Courage, Zelda holds the wisdom one and some dude named Ganondorf holds the power one. Apparently Ganondorf is evil and stuff.”
“So you're… like chosen by the goddess?”
“Yeah yeah-” his ramblings was broken by him coughing a few times. How often does this guy talk actually? His voice was already raspy and hoarse from the start, and he faked not being able to understand him. He probably needed to at least know his name before his voice gave out. “And that is the basics of the goddess stuff.”
“Okay I realised I haven't asked for your name yet?” Aether asked as he realised he zoned out during his explanation.
“... "It's Link.” 
“Well I am Aether, I'm glad to finally know your name.”
is it cringe? yes
did i probably write everyone out of character? yes
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aristocraticelegance · 11 months ago
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March reads. I'm surprised I even got through three this month. I also had my first DNF of the year, which I probably won't record any thoughts on, since I don't have anything intelligent to say about it.
The Closet, Danielle Bobker (Princeton University Press, 2020). I bought a bunch of books from the Princeton University press annual sale; this one turned out pretty good. It does suffer a bit from the problem of stitching together several loosely related research articles, but it was interesting as a history of 16th-17th century closets and their social role. I liked the sections on court favorites/court politics the most. The last chapter tries to link these early closets with the modern concept of coming out of the closet, which was a little half-baked even if it was heading in an interesting direction.
2. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John Le Carré (1963/2005). The problem with reading old famous books is that if they're good I start going around like omg have your heard of this?? It's good?? Anyways, newsflash, John Le Carré is a good writer. It's also interesting to see elements that I first encountered in later writers. I would be very surprised if William Gibson isn't indebted to Le Carré in some way. I'll probably hunt down more of his books once I figure out what to read next.
3. Hel's Eight, Stark Holborn (Titan Books, 2023)
I bought this when it came out, and honestly I was kind of relieved to realize I was only a year late in reading it. It's the sequel to Ten Low, which I loved. I probably should have re-read it because I only vaguely remembered how it ended, but Hel's Eight was still great. The two books are a mix of Space Western/Mad Max in space with supernatural horror, or something like that. If you liked Mad Max: Fury Road, you should read these.
Short Fiction
I finally finished New Edge Sword & Sorcery vol. 1, which had some great pieces in it, including "The Pillars of Silence" by Prashanath Srivasta. I mostly read short stories during work breaks, so it can take me a while to get through anything, but I really enjoyed this volume and Vol. 0. It's nice to see a magazine with so much art too.
I also finished issue 143 of Apex Magazine. One of the reasons I don't read a ton of short fic is that my preferred sub genres are pretty underrepresented in contemporary SFF. Apex publishes some good stuff, but I've had a hard time with the last few issues, mostly because of the focus on contemporary-set stories. I did like "Chi Tam is Tired of Being Dead" by Natasha King and the reprints by Eden Royce and Christopher Caldwell.
Finally, I really liked "The Angel Azrael and the Dead Man's Hand" (Peter Darbyshire) in Beneath Ceaseless Skies #339. A Fantasy Western that gestures towards some complex setting/backstory.
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chacusha · 1 year ago
The Once and Future King (1958) by T. H. White
Okay at last -- after maybe 4 or 5 years of reading this, I finally finished?! I suppose it's not that odd that this book took me so long to read given that it's kind of 4 novels in one, and this book was my bathroom reading book (meaning it had to be read in little pieces at a time). Only through dedication and perseverence did I manage to get through this one. And then I took like two months writing up this summary/review... /o\
The Once and Future King is a retelling of Arthurian legend. Somehow this book ended up in my possession (my guess is that it was bought at a book/garage sale or given to my family by someone or something like that, and then I've just been carrying it with me from house to house ever since). I think my interest in this book was probably sparked by a combination of watching Disney's The Sword in the Stone, which was based on the first book of Once and Future King with the same name, and also generally hearing people reference Merlin's whole "experiencing time backwards" mechanic (probably this book contains the most prominent instance of that mechanic in fiction, and some while back, I encountered some characters in fiction who experience time differently, who were probably inspired by this Merlin), and then also I had seen either all or part of the musical Camelot, which is also apparently partly based on this book, so all of those things made me think I should probably read this book...
Also, my background for Arthurian legends is very weak. While I've osmosed some very basic things about it from general culture, I've barely read anything considered semi-canonical and don't really know any of the major stories.
The first book is apparently the most famous one, "The Sword in the Stone," which features a young Arthur ("Wart") being tutored by Merlin who turns him into various animals, and ends with Arthur pulling the sword out of the stone and being declared king of Britain. The second and third books were apparently written while T. H. White was living in Ireland as a conscientious objector for World War II, something that is kind of relevant to maybe both the general ethos of The Once and Future King and maybe also relevant to the subject matter of the second book, "The Queen of Air and Darkness," which takes place in the remote Orkney isles of Scotland and has various Celtic culture things going on. The third book, "The Ill-made Knight" focuses on Lancelot and is kind of a character study of him, although features various quests, stories, duels, etc. including the quest for the Holy Grail. Finally, the last book is "The Candle in the Wind" and covers Mordred and the fall of Arthur's Camelot.
It was funny reading "The Sword in the Stone" and just kind of seeing why it appealed to Disney's animators. There's a whole episode in "The Sword in the Stone" that isn't in the movie at all, but it features these two middle-aged knights, Sir Grummore and King Pellinore, having the most slapstick/physical comedy fight imaginable. Even though this scene (in fact, neither of these characters) appears in the movie, you can absolutely imagine this fight playing out with characters probably similar in look and personality to King Stefan and King Hubert from Sleeping Beauty, or the king and grand duke from Cinderella. I'm so surprised it wasn't included.
By contrast, the squirrel episode was an invention of the movie, but there is an episode in the book somewhat similar in vibe, where Arthur is turned into a migrating goose and goes on a dreamlike very long migration with a flock, which includes a young female goose who is obviously kind of interested in him, in a way that goes over his head.
Despite being medieval, a lot of the episodes in "The Sword in the Stone" seem to reference some contemporary or near-contemporary British archetypes. For examples, the falcons and other birds of prey that Wart hangs out with one night I think are meant to represent the British military officer class, and they have a distinctive way of speaking. The omniscient narrator also puts in a lot of anachronistic commentary, such as saying "Several hundred years later, this place would like X, but in this time, it still looked like Y."
There's an episode where Wart gets turned into an ant and basically it's T. H. White's cynical criticism of pre-war and wartime propaganda (in this case, by the British government based on the language/tone used, but probably applies to all countries) and how certain governments and a constant background drone (ant signals standing in here for radio) preclude the capacity for free thought or disobedience. In particular, there's this bit about a lecture that gets broadcast to all ants:
A. We are more numerous than they are, therefore we have a right to their mash. B. They are more numerous than we are, therefore they are wickedly trying to steal our mash. C. We are a mighty race and have the natural right to subjugate their puny one. D. They are a mighty race and are unnaturally trying to subjugate our inoffensive one. E. We must attack them in self-defense. F. They are attacking us by defending themselves. G. If we do not attack them today, they will attack us tomorrow. H. In any case we are not attacking them at all. We are offering them incalculable benefits (p. 129).
Reading this, I immediately got a mental image of that "Our blessed homeland / Their barbarous wastes" meme:
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Anyway, being a pacifist in the UK during WWII was probably not the right choice, but as someone who has lived through multiple bullshit imperialist wars that were justified just like this, with propagandistic journalists painting anyone who didn't full-tilt support said wars as being unpatriotic and motivated by hatred of the U.S., and whose arguments featured this level of hypocrisy... I feel for T. H. White. IDK, being a pacifist in any time is hard.
"The Sword in the Stone" also features an episode where Wart and Kay adventure with Robin Hood and his merry men, who in this book are depicted as remnants of an older Saxon regime rebelling against Norman invaders. In addition to knowing almost zero about Arthurian legend, I also know almost zero about Robin Hood mythos and British history, so I have no idea how normal or just a niche theory this depiction of Robin Hood is, or how normal it is to mix Robin Hood and Arthurian legends.
The second book, "The Queen of Air and Darkness," is the shortest and also the weakest, probably. It introduces some characters who eventually become key players, but here they are bored children, and is kind of a study of Morgause as a witch and terrible mom, with some further Pellinore-related slapstick. Not a particularly interesting book.
The third book focuses on Lancelot and his characterization here is interesting. It may sound odd, but Lancelot's characterization reminded me quite a bit of my partner: perfectionistic, depressed in a "convinced I am ugly, horrible, deeply flawed, etc." sort of way, and deeply religious in a vague way while also somewhat lapsed/detached from religion. I was a bit surprised at how Lancelot as a boy is very much depicted as having a strong crush on an older Arthur here (not explicitly so, but the feelings are depicted as very intense), even though Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot is a very classic OT3 so that's not exactly surprising. In general, I quite liked the way the relationship between Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot was portrayed, especially the way all three characters age and grey over time, and their relationship kind of matures with them. The book never quite goes full OT3 with the three, though, because Arthur and Guinevere, while they love each other, seem to largely lack the passion aspect of love in their relationship.
Between the second book with Arthur and this third book featuring Lancelot, this book contains a lot of knights being tricked or spelled into sleeping with a woman out of wedlock and there being a child born out of that union who is Important later on. I checked and all of these stories of female-on-male rape are pre-existing stories, so it's not a T. H. White invention but just there in the lore. I find it a bit weird how recurring an element it is. I wonder if it's because people wanted to insert into these myths an original child character who is special -- therefore has to be related to one of the major knights -- but they have to preserve the knight's own chastity/moral purity, so the only way to insert a child is to have the knight be faultless this way.
Quite a bit of Once and Future King reminded me of the writing in A Song of Ice and Fire; I'm guessing this book was a major source of inspiration for GRRM. First, there's the book's tendency to go into Random Very Detailed Digression About an Aspect of Medieval Living. The random digressions are more varied in O&FK (featuring topics like very specific lessons on hawking, armor, battlements, and so on), but the digressions on the heraldry spotted at a particular tournament or all the dishes served at this particular holiday feast will feel very familiar... Second, this book features several "trials by combat" -- I don't think they're called that exactly in this book but they have the same form which is that if someone makes an accusation against someone else where evidence is unable to decide the issue, each party can choose a champion, and the verity of the accusation is determined by the outcome of the battle. This is a very bizarre legal practice, but it's featured in both O&FK and ASOIAF.
Another part of the Random Very Detailed Digressions of O&FK is that there are a LOT of types of birds mentioned at various points in this book, especially marine birds. Sometimes I felt like I was just always looking up unfamiliar bird names and being kind of surprised that the English language has this many bird types named in it. It was to the point that I wondered if the author was a birdwatcher (especially a marine-bird-watcher) as a hobby.
Thieves -- it is true -- could be hanged for stealing goods to the value of one shilling -- for the codification of Justice was still weak and muddled -- but that was not so bad as it sounds, when you remember that for a shilling you could buy two geese, or four gallons of wine, or forty-eight loaves of bread -- a troublesome load for a thief in any case (p. 510).
This is from another long digression in the book talking about how Arthur's regime dramatically changed the ability of people to safely travel. But reading this, I immediately got a strong "Lex Luthor stole forty cakes" mental image. XD
Reading this book was quite difficult because almost every page, I needed to look up some word or term or translate some text. There's a lot of archaic words used, Latin or French terminology, medieval concepts, medieval texts, Biblical stories, etc. that I needed to look up in order to understand what was going on. I only really noticed how densely these unknown words were encountered when I started reading my next bathroom book and got like 30 or 40 pages without needing to look up anything and was just like "???" after the experience of reading O&FK. 8|
The depiction of Mordred here is a particular resentful, hot-headed youth who attaches themself to any populist or nationalist movement that provides some kind of voice for unhappiness, whether egalitarian (or at least using that language of elite/non-elite, haves/have nots, etc.) or right-wing ethnonationalist. He is in other words a proto-fascist. He is also depicted as representing a certain kind of modernity, where his group of friends at court are all about wearing ridiculous fashion but with a tinge of irony to them. This notion of fascists who always distance themselves from their words and actions with a layer of sardonic irony was apparently as familiar to T. H. White as it is to me (see: 4chan and alt-right outlets/provocateurs).
The last book features Arthur wondering at length where does war come from, which reads like maybe T. H. White's own musings and attempts to puzzle that out. Arthur/White wonders first whether it's warmongering leaders who manipulate their populations into war, or warmongering populations who propel warmongering leaders to power; nationalist ideologies as a somewhat self-propelling mechanism (a complicated "impulse") that seems to be driving war; histories/past wrongs that rationalize vengeance and an inability to forgive and forget leading to neverending cycles of retributive wars, each last one becoming the justification for the next; whether private property/possession/wealth or social disparity lead to coveting what other people have and people who use that class resentment as an opportunity to power grab or make money and improve their standing; whether war is born out of fear of the inability to control other people from harming you. Again, all thoughts that are unfortunately way too real right now and evergreen, speaking as a citizen of the world's preeminent empire, waging war on a dozen fronts or more, and given current events...
It's hard to summarize this book. It's Arthurian legend, but only focusing I think on certain characters and certain parts of the story (maybe; I don't know). It's a historical book, containing a lot of general information about what life and the culture of the late middle ages were. It's a political book featuring T. H. White writing about his feelings on legal systems and war. Each of the four books here has a very different vibe with some focusing on adventures, comedy/slapstick, complicated/doomed love relationships, family or character studies, villains, politics and legal systems, or what it means to be a good person and a virtuous Christian. Overall, the book was quite difficult and slow-going reading for me, but I enjoyed it and I'm glad to have read it.
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