#i on the other hand like messy men sometimes. the kinda that are rowdy and will kill someone for hurting you
nkogneatho · 7 months
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archertf2 · 3 years
Chapter 3: Daycare Fortress 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Hunter’s Bio
A/N: Sorry for not posting for so long! Life is crazy sometime and my creative juices haven’t been flowin as much as they used to lol. Hopefully i get the last chapter done soon so I can finish my other fics and write my others ones I have planned. ☺️
After a few hours, the babies had finally woken up from their naps and most of them were instantly very fussy. Hunter went over and picked up little Demoman who was squirming and fussing in his bassinet. “Aww, it’s alright darling. You probably need a nappy change after your nap don’t you?” Hunter cooed as she felt his bottom while she held him. “I believe most of them do. They were all clean when I put them down for their nap. Not to worry, I’ll get the diapers.” Medic informed her as he went off to get said diapers and the other diapering supplies.
When Medic returned with the needed supplies, both he and Hunter went straight to work changing all of the diapers. Of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. With a rowdy bunch of boys like these, something was bound to happen like when Soldier tried crawling off somewhere while Hunter tried to get another diaper because he peed in his right after he got changed and then Medic got whizzed on by Sniper when he wasn’t looking (which both Medic and Hunter kinda got a chuckle out of since it was Sniper out of all the babies in the group who did that). However, for the most part, the diaper changing went pretty well.
After everyone was clean (besides Medic who now needed a fresh pair of clothes or maybe even a shower) the two mercenaries decided to let the babies play for a little while until it was their dinner time.
“Ach! I should probably clean myself up. I smell like a urinal. Will you be alright by yourself for a little while?” Medic asked Hunter who was sitting on the floor with the babies.
“Hmm? Oh, yes! I’ll be alright! They should be fine now that they have things to keep them occupied.” Hunter replied with a smile.
Medic smiled back, “Right, then I’ll be back shortly.” With that, Medic left Hunter with the babies once again.
After Medic took a quick shower (realizing that it’d be more sanitary since he was now dealing with infants instead of grown men), he went back to the rec room now turned nursery to find Hunter playing with the babies. He smiled as he watched her poke and tickle little baby Engineer’s chubby belly, cooing at him as he let out adorable giggles. He found it so endearing to see Hunter being so maternal and soft. He’s seen how she is on the battlefield and around the other men, so standoffish and aloof. Medic quite enjoyed seeing Hunter so carefree and happy to be interacting with other people, even if it’s an infant. He was also very fond of the fact that she was so gentle and patient with the babies as if she’s been a mother her whole life. It was quite clear to him that she’d make a wonderful mother one day.
“Oh! Sorry! I didn’t see you there!” Hunter apologized, breaking Medic away from his thoughts. She had sat up when she realized that Medic had been staring at her. “Heh, it’s quite alright. I was just watching the little ones. They are quite cute aren’t they?” Medic chuckled as he bent down to the floor to join Hunter and the babies for their playtime.
“Yeah. I really hope I can find someone to start a family with some day. It’d be so nice to have something like this. Maybe not with so many babies, of course, but it’d be nice to settle down with someone.” Hunter replied as she watched Engineer roll over onto his tummy and crawl off to play with a teddy bear.
“I’m sure you will, Hunter. I’m very sure of it.” Medic told her as he looked into her chocolate brown eyes. Hunter looked up at him to meet his stale blue ones as her face flushed a bit. She smiled as he smiled back at her warmly.
Medic then felt a pair of tiny hands on his leg. He looked down to see that little Heavy had crawled over and was smiling up at him. He chuckled, “Hello, bärchen.” Heavy responded by trying to stand up on his chubby little legs. He grabbed onto Medic’s pants and attempted to pull himself up, only to plop right back down to the floor. Heavy started to whine as Medic took his tiny hands in his and smiled. “It’s alright. Try again. You can do it.” He encouraged him as he helped Heavy try to stand up on his own. Little Heavy tried once more to stand up, now with the help and support of Medic, and was successful as he attempted to take teeny tiny steps to his lap.
“That’s a good boy! I’m so proud of you, my bärchen!” Medic cooed as Heavy let go of Medic’s hands and fell into his lap. Medic chuckled and picked little Heavy up to cuddle him all while Hunter watched in admiration.
Seeing Medic so paternal and kind made her heart swell with happiness...or was it something else? Ever since she saw Medic act so soft and gentle with the babies, she started to develop feelings for him and it honestly scared her to death. The team wasn’t going to be babies forever and she knew that as soon as everyone goes back to normal that Medic will act just as he did before. Was she only catching feelings because she wants so badly to settle down and start a family of her own with a handsome and loving partner or was Hunter actually falling in love with this strong, good looking, sexy, partially insane doctor?
Hunter’s train of thought was interrupted by a little jingle of a rattle below her. She looked down to see Pyro (who, for some odd reason, still chose to wear his full little hazmat suit and would throw a fit if it was taken off) by her lap waving a little jingly rattle. Hunter smiled and picked him up.
“Hello, my darling. Have you come to see me?” She giggled. Hunter could hear Pyro happily babbling underneath his mask as he shook his rattle. “Oh, I see. Well, tell me more.” Hunter replied with a smile as if she were about engage in a full-on conversation with the infant. Little Pyro continued babbling on to Hunter as Medic chuckled beside them.
“He’s a talkative one isn’t he?” He asked as he held Heavy who was teething on the collar of his white button up shirt.
Hunter giggled as she watched Pyro. “He is. I didn’t think he would be. He’s usually so quiet as an adult. I suppose they all had their little quirks as babies.”
Medic hummed in agreement as he looked over at the rest of the babies who were busy playing with the toys that were set out for them.
Scout seemed to be playing by himself with a ring stacking toy while nearby, Spy and Sniper played with a baby activity center together.
Medic noticed that their behavior was quite different compared to how they are as adults. Scout is always so outgoing and extroverted while Spy and Sniper usually tend to keep to themselves. He found it funny how they all seemed to outgrow their little quirks.
It wasn’t long before the babies started getting hungry and fussy again, so Medic decided to go ahead and prepare their dinner in the base kitchen (which was just jars of baby food since Medic figured that they were all around 6-7 months old and old enough to eat solid foods).
Medic and Hunter then brought the babies to the kitchen to eat since they figured that most of them were going to need baths when they were done and the only thing closest to a suitable bath for a baby around the base was the kitchen sink.
The babies seemed a little more difficult to feed this time around. Heavy, Demo, and Engie were good eaters, but the others, not so much.
Soldier just wanted to play with his food and make a huge mess while Sniper just threw his food around (getting both Medic and Hunter messy in the process).
Pyro wouldn’t stop crying and fussing over having his mask taken off and only ate a little bit.
Then Scout and Spy would hardly eat and seemed to be picky eaters when it came to baby food.
“Like father like son.” Hunter thought to herself.
After all the babies were fed, it was bath time, so Medic and Hunter got them ready for their baths and started the process of cleaning them babies one by one together.
One would’ve thought these two were probably married with 8 babies if they’d seen them. They both worked together harmoniously to clean the little ones as they cooed at them and tried to sooth them if they were fussy.
Funny how two mercenaries who mercilessly kill men for a living could be so domestic. On the battlefield they’re absolutely ruthless and fierce, but it’s such a drastic difference now that they’re dealing with babies. They’re both so gentle and loving.
Neither Medic nor Hunter really knew what the future held for them, but one thing was for certain after this whole experience: they definitely wanted to be good parents one day.
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Heartbeat P.1
BTS AU: 7th member
Sumi x BTS
A BTS AU based around their 'Heartbeat' MV
A/N: It’s just short so i apologize…but i hope you enjoy!
Requests are CLOSED! But your feedback is still very important.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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Sumi hated her job.
Sadly that didn't mean that she had the option to quit. But sometimes, when faced with customers like this one, she seriously considered what would happen if she just tipped the milkshake over his head and walked out the door.
"I wanted chocolate. Are you an idiot? Why can't you remember that, huh?" The man was gesturing angrily. Sumi stood silently behind the counter, deciding to let him get it out of his system before she said anything. When it seemed like he was done. She decided to speak.
"That's my mistake, sir. If you just wait a moment, I'll make you another one. And it's on the house."
"It better be." He returned to his booth with a glare.
Sumi made the milkshake as fast as possible, taking extra care with the placement of the cherry, and then stepped out from behind the counter to bring him his milkshake.
"Here you are, sir. I'm so sorry for the mixup."
He took it, taking a long sip and seeming satisfied with the strawberry flavouring.
Sensing that there was no thank you coming her way, Sumi just gave a polite bow and returned to her spot behind the counter.
Her job at the diner was supposed to be temporary. Just a way to make ends meet when she finished high school and started university, and then she could get a real job. Only, she'd flunked out of university in her first year, and now, three years later, she was still stuck at the diner.
The next three hours were uneventful. Just spent waiting tables, forcing a smile onto her face and wishing that she was anywhere else. At one point the cook screwed up a burger order, so Sumi was able to sneak in some lunch. If she was lucky, it would happen again at the end of the day, and she could take some home for dinner. It was a miracle that she was still slim, considering the amount of diner food she ate.
She prepared herself for the worst when she spotted the next group coming in.
The taekwondo academy was just down the street. Every day, a group of them would come in after class and get some milkshakes or food. On Thursdays, today, it was the group of older teens who would come in. They were the loudest, rudest, and frankly the messiest of Sumi's customers.
The took a seat at a corner booth, and Sumi steeled herself before walking up the table.
"What can I get for you boys?" She said with a smile on her face.
They all rattled off their usuals, with her jotting it down quickly and efficiently.
"What's good here?" A quiet voice asked.
She looked up, realizing for the first time that a new boy had come in with them. He looked a little on the timid side, especially when she focused her attention on him.
"The milkshakes are popular." She offered. "And I really like the onion rings."
He didn't meet her eyes. "Then I'll get onion rings. And a chocolate milkshake."
Sumi thanked them and left the table. She stopped briefly at the serving station only a few feet away to sort out some napkins.
"I thought you said the pretty waitress was working today." One of the regular boys was saying.
"She's not the pretty waitress?" The new boy questioned.
"God, no." One of them laughed. "Did you see her? She looks like some sort of goblin."
Sumi bit her lip and walked back to the kitchen to hand in their order. While it was waiting, she assembled cutlery sets, trying to keep her mind off the comments and ignoring the rowdy boys in the corner.
"Excuse me, miss?"
She looked up, surprised at the figure in front of her. He was tall, with a leather jacket and a serious look on his face. Her first thought was that this must be some sort of hold up, but he slid something across the counter and cleared things up.
"Detective?" She exclaimed. "Please, sit! Can I get you anything?"
"No, thank you." He took a seat at one of the counter stools. "I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. Regarding a case."
"Me? Really?" She went back to her cutlery. "I don't see why not."
"Have you worked here long?" He pulled out a notepad.
"Three years." She answered.
"And your name, sorry?"
"Oh, sorry!" She mentally berated herself for her rudeness. "My name is Lee Sumi."
"Are you a student?"
She flushed. "No. I just work here."
He hummed, and thought there was no malice in it, Sumi couldn't help but feel judged. It seemed like that was the emotion of the day.
"Have you ever seen this man before?" He held up a picture of a man.
Sumi studied it for a second. "Yeah. He was in here this morning, complaining that I made the wrong milkshake. Is he a criminal or something?"
"Just a person of interest." He reassured.
"Alright then." Sumi noticed the cook trying to get her attention. "Give me one second."
She hurried to pick up the trays, delivering them to the boys. She carefully set the orders out, setting the right food and drink in front of each boy and not getting a single thank you in return.
Until she placed the final chocolate milkshake in front of the new boy.
"Thank you." He murmured.
She beamed. "You're welcome."
He blushed and looked away.
Sumi hurried back to the detective. "Sorry, sir! Ah, I didn't get your name."
"Kim Namjoon." He answered simply.
"Well, Detective Kim, are you sure you don't want a milkshake? I'm told I make the best."
"Sure, I-"
"FIGHT!" All of the boys went streaming out the door, dashing for something on the street.
"Fight?" Detective Kim took off after them.
Sumi could see a crowd forming outside, but she couldn't leave the restaurant. She glanced towards the vacated table, finding it piled with mess.
She sighed, picking up a bin and grabbing a cloth. She started piling plates and glasses into the bin. There was no money in sight, and she doubted those boys would be back.
"How did your mothers raise you?" She mumbled.
"Sorry!" Someone exclaimed loudly.
She jumped, dropping the bin with a scream.
"I'm sorry!"
She turned and found herself face to face with the new boy.
"It's fine." She tried to calm herself. "You just startled me."
"What happened?" He asked, looking at the messy table to avoid meeting her eyes.
"Your friends are just outside." She exclaimed.  "I think I saw that there was a fight."
He nodded, thinking for a moment before he started collecting plates.
Sumi gently took one out of his hand. "You don't need to. Go meet up with your friends."
"You shouldn't have to clean up our mess." He said shyly.
Sumi shrugged. "It's kinda my job."
"Did they pay you?" He suddenly exclaimed, reaching into the pocket of his school jacket. "I can-"
"Don't worry about it." She said honestly. "What's your name?"
"Ah," He awkwardly held out a hand. "Jeon Jungkook."
Sumi gestured to the bin she was holding, showing she couldn't shake hands. "I'm Sumi. And I'm serious kid, don't worry about it. Just go hang out with your friends."
He nodded. "I'm really sorry about the mess."
"It's okay." She nodded towards the door, and he left.  She turned back to her mess.
And then she heard him say, in the tiniest voice she'd ever heard. "Noona?"
She couldn't help but smile. "Yes?"
Jungkook twisted his jacket sleeve in his hand. "I think you're really pretty."
She flushed, but collected herself. She was the elder in this situation after all. "Thank you, Jungkook. Come back any time."
"Okay." He squeaked hurrying out of the restaurant.
She cleaned up the mess, ignoring the crowd as it dissipated outside. The diner was dead by now, so she started counting tips.
"Miss Lee? Is it alright if we come in?"
She looked up, spotting Detective Kim opening the door. She wasn't sure who we was, but she waved him forward.
He opened the door all the way, revealing two more men. One seemed to be supporting the other, and once they stepped inside Sumi could see that one of them was bleeding.
"Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed, hurrying out from behind the counter. "Take a seat! Can I get you a cloth or something."
"It's fine." The injured one snapped.
"I think he might need first aid." Detective Kim answered instead. "Do you have a first aid kid?"
"Yeah, just behind the cash."
He hurried over to find it, and Sumi helped get the injured man settled at a booth.
"Who did this to you?" She asked, looking at his split lip and bruised cheek.
"That jerk who stole my song." He glared at the ground.
"Stole your song?"
"It was mine. I wrote it. But he was using it in his stupid dance off without giving me credit." At this he glared at the other man who had helped him in.
The man in question help both hands up in surrender. "Look, I said I was sorry. But he wasn't even on my team. How was I supposed to know what music he would pick?"
Sumi sighed, resolving to stick out her hand. "I'm Sumi. And you are?"
"Hoseok." He shook her hand, a charming smile instantly falling over his face. "Jung Hoseok."
They both looked at the injured man.
He grunted. "Min Yoongi."
"It's nice to meet you both." Sumi stood and brushed off her apron, seeing Detective Kim hurrying over with the first aid kid. "Can I get you that milkshake now, Detective?"
He nodded, setting the kit on the table. "I'd love one. And you can call me Namjoon. I can't be that much older than you."
"I'm born in 1995." She answered simply, not bothering to ask their age. She was certain they were older. "And you boys?" She looked at the two newcomers. "What kind of milkshakes can I get you?"
"You're just going to give us food?" Yoongi asked in surprise.
She smirked. "I might hate this job with all my heart, but even I know that nothing makes a day better than a milkshake."
"Vanilla, please." Hoseok asked politely.
She smiled hopefully at Yoongi, who was swatting away the gauze held out by Namjoon.
Her smile seemed to break him, and he gave her the tiniest of smiles. "Strawberry, please."
She grinned. "Coming right up!"
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eeveesplace · 5 years
JJBA Battle Tendency Chire/Agere Headcanons!
So @puppy-time​ did this for La Squadra (post here), and I kinda wanted to do one for part 2 since that’s my favorite part (and also I’m a Caesar and maybe Suzi Q kinnie)! This is also my first time doing something like this, and I hope you like it! (Note that these all “take place” per se in modern times!)
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Joseph Joestar
He usually regresses to around 5 or 6, but can sometimes be in the 3-4 range.
He’s definitely more of a rowdy regressor, and loves to play with toys and watch cartoons!
He has a lot of action figures, mainly ones of Superman!
His favorite regression foods are those dino-shaped chicken nuggets, along with mac and cheese.
As long as the weather is ok, he’ll often go outside and climb trees!
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Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
He’s very stubborn about regressing, as he wants to be seen as mature and in control.
However, there are times when he just gives in to the stress, and regresses to relive some of it.
He doesn’t really pinpoint and age he regresses to, but if he was forced to choose one, he’d say around 9 or 10.
One of his favorite regression activities is coloring, and he has a multitude of coloring books for him to use.
Even when he’s regressed, he makes sure to keep and eye on Joseph and Suzi when they’re regressed.
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Suzi Q
She regresses to around 2 or 3, but can baby regress if she needs to or feels like it.
She loves, loves, loves dress up! Lisa Lisa gave her some hand-me-down clothes for her to use, and it made her really happy!
She’s also a very big Disney fan, with Belle being her favorite princess!
Sometimes she and Joseph will play together, but he can get a little out of hands at times.
She has a nice pair of footie pajamas that she likes to wear when regressed! They have a pastel blue floral pattern on them.
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Lisa Lisa
She’s usually the one wrangling Joseph, Caesar and Suzi up when Caesar isn’t able to, taking on a bit of a carer role.
Although she’s primarily a carer, she does regress, but not very often.
When she does regress, she uses her bathtime to her advantage and tosses a colorful bath bomb in, and puts a children’s audio book on as well.
When taking care of the others, she often uses tough love on them, but knows not to be too harsh.
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Smokey Brown
He only regresses around those he finds comfort in/trusts, namely Joseph and Erina.
He regresses to around 8 or 9, and doing crafts is one of his favorite regression activities!
He tends to eat soft/mushy foods when regressed, such as applesauce, yogurt, and jello!
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He takes on a carer role most of the time, very rarely regressing.
Compared to Lisa Lisa, he’s more harsh, but that’s mostly done to push the rest of the Pillar Men out of their comfort zone.
If he ever regresses, it’s to a young teen/tween age, where he’s still capable of being responsible.
He’s a bit more doting on Esidisi compared to Wamuu and Santana.
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Although he can be a carer along with Kars, he mostly regresses.
His regression age is around 4 or 5, and he tends to use sensory toys like glitter bottles or slime!
He regresses as a secondary coping mechanism,  both voluntarily and involuntarily.
Story time is one of his favorite things to do when regressed!
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His regression age is around 8 or 9, but he only regresses every so often.
His favorite regression activity is any form of arts and crafts, but especially ones that use paint!
He also has a couple of coloring books for when paint is too messy.
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He tends to be a solo regressor, without a carer.
His regression age is around 8 or 9 as well, bur regresses less frequently than Wamuu.
He’s almost entirely nonverbal when regressed, using his time to read as well as play with Legos and other building toys.
He also naps a lot too, and has a nice collection of stuffies!
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I had fun with this, and I might do a Phantom Blood (and Stardust Crusaders once I finish it) post too if I feel like it! Also, if it wasn’t obvious, I didn’t do Stroheim because uh,,, he’s a n*zi, and there wasn’t much to go off of for Loggins and Messina. If anyone makes fanart of these headcanons (though I doubt anyone will) please tag me in it, I’d love to see it! I hope you all have a great day/evening/night!
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bittysvalentines · 6 years
Geese and The Soft Morning Sun
From: @beercheesecasserole
To: @disneyinnocent-blog
relationship: Lardo x Camilla Nonbinary character Fluff tw for moderate amounts of drinking, like a slight bit of racism, and fools getting rekt and pong.
~~~ Larissa sat in her new dorm room, fiddling around on her computer.
A blonde head popped in from the door. "Larissa," said her new roommate, Candy, seriously. "Have you seen my dunko doll?"
Larissa looked at the tall girl dumbly.
"What in the goddamn hell are you talking about."
Candy moved fully into the room, standing by Larissa's bed.
"My dunko doll! You know? Dunko dolls? Have you not heard of dunko dolls?"
Candy's eyes lit up.
"They're like little figurines of your favorite characters! They're soooo cute, mine’s a princess Biona from Shrecc. It's my favorite movie."
Larissa knew if she listened to more of this she would have a pounding headache in under an hour. Not that her roommate was annoying. She was just very high-pitched.
With a sigh she pushed her computer off of her lap and slid off her bed.
"I haven't seen it. I'm going down to the cafeteria, I'll be back in a few."
"Okay!" Candy said enthusiastically. "By the way, they're serving Chinese there, I'm sure it's not what you're used to at home but I think it's so nice that they're serving something so cultural! You should give it a try!"
Lardo sighed again. She wasn't sure if Candy was just dumb or didn't remember when she had asked 'so... what are you' a month ago. Larissa had never been anything less than Vietnamese-American her entire life. Well, served her right for submitting her roommate papers a day before deadline.
Larissa screamed internally and muttered a quick thanks before escaping down the hall. She would get out of this room if it killed her.
Larissa looked at the Samwell Sports pamphlet in her hands. Aven from her Ceramics II class had given it to her. Aven had said they managed for Men's Rugby and talked about how they managed to get a room in the team house this year.
"There's not like, a ton of rooms?" they said, chair leaned back and clay covered hands emphasizing wildly. "But it's the BONDS you make. I feel like a part of the team. And I don't even have to play or anything. The guys are great, love em to bits, it's just like SUPER messy all the time. Best house on campus though."
Larissa thought about that. She didn't mind mess. She wouldn't work in 3D media if she did.
"Ey Lardooooo!" A huge blonde man yelled over the haus crowd in an obnoxious Boston accent. "Be pong partners with me"
Lardo looked over from where she was chatting with Billy about neorealism and its role in the movement of art nouveau and squinted.
"Holster, my dude, respect, but you couldn't hit the flat side of a barn," she said cheerfully. "Hard pass brah."
The blonde giant put on his best puppy-dog eyes while also pushing through the drunk, loud waves of people between them. Lardo likened him to a cute bulldozer. Kinda a good concept, she thought, filing it away for later. Being around jocks all the time surprisingly gave her some great ideas. Lardo wondered for a moment if this had bedazzling potential.
Adam reached her just as soon as the thumping bass of the last song died and just before the new one began.
"Come onnnn," he said with a light in his eyes. "We don't even have to be partners. Ransy wants to play too so you could take his partner and I'll be his! Win win!" He emphasized his argument with a hand motion that seemed to say 'ey? ey?'.
Lardo rolled her eyes.
"Alright. Depends on who it is though."
~~~ Camilla came to the SMH end-of-midterms kegster with Jack but he let her know pretty early that he wasn't going to be around for most of it. Which like, she got. The noise and people could get to be too much for her sometimes too. But as she looked over the crowd tonight she felt tipsy in just the right way to want to get a little rowdy. Then Justin started talking about pong and her plans were set. She wanted to toast some fools.
"Rans!" She called to him as she moved closer "I'm in. Who're we up against?"
Justin pointed wildly over to the living room where a bunch of younger students were moving around to a pulsing beat.
"Holtzy just went to go grab Lardo" he said, grinning "oh man Camilla you gotta witness her back shot, its holy"
Camilla squinted over across the hall into the dim room and saw Holster dragging a small person with a sleek head of black hair behind him.
"Hells yes." she said, turning back to Ransom. "I'll play with whoever, I don't care."
Holster came up behind them and started talking loudly over Camilla's shoulder to the two.
"She's in but only on the condition she doesnt play with me. I'm too rank." he said, dramatically wrinkling his nose. "Cam, you game?"
"Sure" Camilla said enthusiastically, turning to see her new partner.
Holy shit, Camilla thought, face erupting in flame.
Lardo looked at – no, beheld – the tall honey blonde jock giantess before her. If height wasn't enough to fuck her up, her arms, good god, they looked like she could crack walnuts with them.  
Realising she was probably giving this crop-topped stranger a pretty thorough undressing, Lardo took a step back and extended a hand.
"Larissa. Call me Lardo. Sup."
The literal Amazon of woman took her hand and shook it firmly.
"I’m Camilla," she said, smiling, cheeks delicately blushed in a way that set off her sweetly quirked lips. "Are you ready for some pong?"
Whats pong, Larissa thought, staring at her lips.
"Oh... Yeah this is going to be s'wasome," Lardo said, quickly regaining her senses.
There was no way she could lose this for them, Larissa thought resolutely. She needed to impress this literal goddess.
Ransom almost seemed to be crying.
"It was so beautiful... But I feel so devastated? So many emotions man," He slurred as he leaned on the broad shoulder of his blonde wingman. They both looked worse for wear after having drunk nearly every drink so far in what was shaping up to be a increasingly unbelievable pong game.
Camilla lined up her next-to-last shot at the remaining cup and grinned wickedly at the two boys. "Better get ready. This one’s going in. I call it."
There was no way she could miss this one. The tiny Asian girl beside her had sunk nearly every shot that night. If Camilla hadn't been buzzed, she would have knelt at her feet and declared her the pong god. Or maybe she still would. The night was still young.
"You got this," Lardo said encouragingly beside her, placing a hand on the small of her back. "One last cup."
And Camilla did have it.
Or she had, until Lardo's warm hand had rested on her so gently.
Her ball bounced weakly off Adam's chest and onto the table.
"Ohhhh," Holster said, a light in his eyes. "We aren't done yet, Ransy. You gotta rally for me. Get your second wind bro! Brothers for brothers! This is our shot!"
Lardo snorted. "You still have FIVE cups left. We have one. No way."
Holster lined up his shot and said in a fake hurt voice, "We'll see about that" and the shot landed squarely in their middle cup.
Ransom and Holster both shouted, whooping it up and drunkenly performing a sloppy, involved, handshake.
"Psh. Alright," Lardo said cockily to the two boys. "Ball's in my court."
The two boys quieted down as Lardo squinted at the table before them
Lardo shot Camilla a confident grin before grabbing their sunk cup. "Watch this."
It was a moment that Adam would wax poetic about for the next three years. It was the moment Camilla fell into something with this short, loud, wild girl.
Everyone watched as Lardo grabbed the tiny white ball from the cup and raised the beer to her lips. Camilla could see the sweat running in lines down her olive tanned arm in the heated room. She followed its trail to the crook of her elbow where it glistened before dripping down. Lardo tipped the cup back and chugged the entire thing in one go. Tossing the cup behind her, she stepped away from the table, raised the pong ball, cocked her elbow, and spun around.
Over her shoulder, the ball sailed through the air.
It was like watching liquid honey for Camilla, but she turned to stare openly at Lardo instead.
She couldn't believe it.
She didn't even see when the ball landed squarely in the last cup and everyone watching erupted into screams.
Ransom and Holster at the other end were losing their minds. Absolutely just yelling at the top of their lungs and staring at each other with ecstatic looks.
Then Lardo walked over, grabbed the cup, drank it too and released the loudest, longest, rankest burp into both of their faces.
Both of the boys looked stunned.
Then Ransom solemnly grabbed her hand and did a complicated shake.
"Respect" the man choked out, full of emotion, pulling her into the bro-y-est of hugs.
Holster looked like he was crying now.
Camilla could make out "... j'st so happy..." Before he bawled and joined the group hug.
Well. Camilla thought. Who knew. Hockey players are big AND emotional.
A little while later when the party dies down a bit Camilla and Larissa find themselves outside on the porch.
It feels so easy to talk together. Maybe it's the tub juice, or the high from the most immaculate pong game in history, but Lardo knows there is nothing that could ruin the night now. She already has had the time of her life. Everything else is just frosting on the metaphysical cake.
Camilla shifts on the warm wooden stairs and moves her arms back to prop herself up on them. Her soft yellow curls tumble back over her shoulders with the movement and she stretches her legs out in front of her.
"So what exactly is a girl like you doing in a house of jocks?" she asks, mouth quirking again. "Not that you don't seem the type, you're just so... well-read."
Lardo laughs, and also stretches her legs out in front of her, positively bathing in the soft, warm, late night air.
"It all started with my roommate actually," she says, chuckling at the memory. "I really needed to get out of the house, you know? And Samwell men's hockey needed a trainee manager and I had those nights free. It felt like fate, kinda."
Lardo lets herself swim in Camilla's soft brown eyes for a second. "Like it was meant to be," she finished.
Camilla just looks back at her. And keeps looking back at her.
Finally she speaks into the moment, all shining eyes, all bright smile.
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean."
And all of inevitable, they kiss.
Lardo pushes herself closer to the taller woman and slides her gently back to against the railing before deepening the kiss.
As the two break away to breathe for a second, Camilla moves her hand up to cup Lardo's face. "Huh..." she murmurs faintly before Larissa moves in again.
It’s deeper this time, and Larissa lifts her hand up to curl in Camilla's golden, perfect locks. There's something in her that just wants to mess them up a bit. Let people know she's been there. Leave a little mark.
Camilla groans and arches her head back as Larissa tugs on the mass of curls she has threaded through her fingers.
Lardo takes this as a sign to immediately start attacking the blonde's neck and pulse point, leaving quarter sized bruises like a string of pearls down the column of pale skin.
Camilla groans again.
"People will –" she sighs into a particularly hard nip of Lardo's teeth. "People are going to see"
"Let them," Larissa gravels out, kissing back up the bruises to recapture her mouth.
And they stay like that for god knows how long.
A loud pop from the back yard and a series of whoops and yips finally breaks apart the pair and a second later a firework blooms across the sky above the house.
Lardo and Camilla watch it fade out, both panting slightly, before Camilla turns back and rests her forehead gently against Lardo's.
"I just," she murmurs, looking at Lardo's bruised lips. "Have never met anyone like you"
Lardo smiles and traces the curve of her jaw with her thumb. "I'm pretty unique."
"This might be taking it too fast," Camilla says, switching her heated gaze from Lardo's mouth to her eyes. "But I live not too far away from here. A couple of blocks. We could walk if you... ?" She quirks up the side of her mouth again, eyes dancing, leaving the sentence in an open question.
Lardo stares at her in something like adoration for a second before kissing her hard and deep one last time.
"Fuck yeah," she whispers onto the thoroughly abused lips, nipping softly with her teeth. "I’m definitely down."
And no one sees them leave the party. If anyone sees them on the sidewalk they don't care enough to comment. No one sees them pushed up against Camilla’s front door before making it inside.
Only the Samwell geese and a few other bleary Wellies see Lardo walking home the next morning, grin the size of a lighthouse and a certain string of digits in her phone.
And if Larissa Duan, on top of the world, decides to fist pump like in breakfast club? Well, she's sure no one sees that either.
Just the geese and the soft morning sun.
Written by @beercheesecasserole for @disneyinnocent-blog for the 2019 Bitty's Valentine's.
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