#i need you to do both so i can keep feeling like a valid writer
strayy-starss · 3 months
Hii! Could you do some Elliott Headcanons? If not, don't be to shy w the Alex smut🤭
✧A/N: Yes of course!! Elliot is definitely my second favorite bachelor, so this is absolutely perfect!! And don’t you worry, Alex smut will be coming in the future 😏. Also, I wasn’t sure if you wanted NSFW or SFW, so I just did them both! Hope you don’t mind :)
✧Warnings: eventual mentions of sex and kinks
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☆SFW & NSFW Headcanons for Elliot☆
✧ SFW:
Elliot definitely reads a lot of books (like, a LOT). I feel like this is a given, seeing that he writes them and has a library when he moves in with the farmer. Let me tell you, though, if the farmer is also a reader, he will be ecstatic. And I mean, like, through the roof. He’d want to talk about them all the time and he’d likely recommend lots of books for you to read based on both your preference and his.
I think he’d also love to read books out loud to you, whether or not he wrote them or not. His voice is angelic though, so it’s not like the farmer is complaining.
Speaking of books, he’d definitely ask you for your opinion on plot lines or scenes for his stories, regardless of whether you’re a bookworm or not. Mostly I feel like he’d just seek validation that his writings are as good as the ones that he’s read, or just good in general. 
I feel like sometimes, and I mean VERY rarely, Elliot will spiral into a place of despair when it comes to his writing. When that happens, he can go into writer’s block and will push you away to think of ideas. If this happens, depending on the severity, I think you may be able to pull him out of it with reassuring words and cuddles. If he’s in too deep, however, it’s best to give him space until he makes it to a better place, where he either figures something out, or decides it isn’t worth the trouble. He’d definitely apologize to you after the fact and make it up to them with lots of TLC.
Elliot doesn’t use the words “pretty” or “handsome”. No, he uses words like “gorgeous” “stunning” “glorious” and “ravishing”. I’m sorry, but this man is way too sophisticated to use simple words. Make that shit fancy and pair it with a silky voice and you get Elliot.
Elliot’s a wine kinda guy. He’d definitely have those nights where he feels compelled to make a charcuterie board with all those cheeses and grapes and have some red wine with you.
Now, I know you’re all thinking it, and I'm thinking it too: Elliot with a ponytail. I bet you he loves his hair, but it does get annoying sometimes when it falls in his face when he’s trying to write or help out around the farm, so he definitely keeps a hair tie on his wrist in case he needs it. He’ll always offer it to you, too, if he thinks you need it.
He’s an early riser, too. He’ll be up before you and he’ll be sitting and reading a book with a cup of coffee and he’ll greet you like, “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”
And like the gentleman he is, he probably does a lot of extra and unnecessary, but thoughtful, things for you. Like, if you’ve had a long day, he’d sit you down and take your shoes off for you, even though you insist that you can do that yourself. Then he’d take off your jacket if you were wearing one, and make you a nice cup of tea so that you can wind down with him.
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I firmly believe that Elliot’s a switch. He’s always willing to take initiative, but we all know that Elliot is a pretty princess at heart and sometimes just wants all the attention.
God help me this man knows how to talk dirty. He’s read enough books that he knows exactly what to say to you in every circumstance, and exactly how to turn you on or get you in the mood. And then the next day he’ll act all innocent like he wasn’t just whispering how much he was gonna ruin you last night. He’s the type of guy to say, “I don’t want you to be pleasured. I want you to be trembling.” (Jesus FUCK I’m down bad for him.)
I feel like Elliot would set up a safe word with you, but he’d want it to be something symbolic or fancy or something. Like instead of “baseball” it would be “nightingale” and you'd have to spit that word out when you want him to stop. Speaking of, as soon as you do say the safe word, he’ll stop everything and just gently hold you, whispering that he’s sorry and that he hopes you can forgive him, even though you really aren’t that mad at him at all, just a little shaken.
As far as kinks go, I think Elliot is open to almost all kinks with a few restrictions on things that he just isn’t into. I feel like he’d especially be into bondage and blindfolding. It’s more of a spiritual thing for him, as it opens you up fully to him, like you can’t hide anything from him anymore and you completely trust him with your body. If you aren’t into that, then he’ll be a little disappointed, but would get over it quickly as long as you promise to let it happen on his birthday. 
Elliot absolutely loves to be tied up, though, for the same symbolic reasons. He trusts you with his whole being, and knows that you only want to make him feel good.
He's a sucker for neck kisses, so give him a hickey or two. He wears that collared shirt for a reason, right?
He hates the idea of a gag. He loves to hear you crying out in pleasure. It fuels him and makes him feel happy that he could pleasure you so much. If you want it, though, he'd never deny his lover what they want, even if it means he can't hear you as well.
Elliot naturally isn’t rough when it comes to sex, but he most definitely can be. This man will be on his knees to do exactly what you want him to. He prefers it that way, actually. So long as you give him the guidelines of what you want him to do, he can take it from there. If you don’t, though, he’d probably be asking a lot of: “Is this okay?” Because like the gentleman he is, he would never want to overstep your boundaries, even though he probably knows everything that one can about sex.
He’d definitely use writing as an excuse to see you naked. It would be something about him needing to know the anatomy of a person, regardless of your gender identification or sex. It would be funny if you were a man, too, because then he’d get all flustered when you’d ask why, as he’s a man himself. He’d make up something like how your body is shaped differently than his, and he needs a reference that isn’t himself.
Same thing about writing goes for sex. He might ask you to touch yourself or even him for a scene, and he’d take notes as he’d try to hold himself back from touching you. He’d jot down every little sound you make and every single word you say to “make the scene more real,” though it may or may not be for him to read and masturbate to later.
You later figure this out and tell him that he doesn't need an excuse to have sex with you, but he gets embarrassed and insists that it truly is for his writing, though he will be a little more open-minded about it in the future.
✧ That’s all, thank you for reading!! I also need to make a longer list for Alex. I feel like I didn't do my baby justice, seeing as I wrote much more for Elliot.
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luffyvace · 6 months
Akutagawa as your boyfriend ☀︎
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Umm happy late b day Aku…😭 I’m totally super late for this I KNOW. But! I’m doing it anyway! >:3 late or not :P Plus I Just wanted to write for him since I really like this dude (〃ω〃) (Light blood, death and killing mentions but not in detail)
Akutagawa b day hcs first >;}
planning everything out and hiding it from him is kind of a task. 😅 the guy’s pretty stealthy himself so ya gotta make sure he doesn’t sneak up on you while your prepping things.
Buuut with the help of everyone from the port mafia (except Mori- joking! he does help but Elise does 90% of the work) you planned a mini party <3
Gin got the food! (Figs and tea enters chat)
Higuchi got the decorations! (streamers, balloons, tables, chairs)
Hirotsu keeps akutagawa busy (tea and chatting LOL)
Elise makes the banners (hints poorly drawn dead versions of everyone—extra blood for aku<3)
Kajii makes (lemon shaped) confetti poppers!!
Koyo hosted/recorded it all 💗
Chuuya brought wine and the cake (both were really expensive and tasty good job Chuuya)
Q brought lots of presents!! :3
Annnnd Tachihara! Brought some ~port mafia style~ party games (you played mafia LOL)
now general relationship things 😚
He treats you like how he does Gin, there is peace between the two of you and you have friendly interactions. (Romantic as well, for you) he will even go as far as to do favors for you but we’ll dabble in that more later ☆)
acts of service is his #1 love language. There’s no convincing me otherwise. When I say ‘he will do anything for you’ besides killing this is what I mean. You really don’t have to ask either. I talk about this some more later but, examples: done with your plate? He’ll take it. He remembers you said you needed xyz, he got it for you. You said you wanted to ____ but you fell asleep, so he did it.
hope you get along with Gin because to continue a relationship with him past 2 minutes, you need to. He will never choose friends over family. I stand on that.
honest man.
Its canon, of course this would apply to a relationship too :)
you never have to worry about him lying, thankfullly. the bad news is…this guy isn’t just honest..he’s brutally honest 😀
which he’s not dumb, but he’s also not one to pacify feelings. So say you created something and you’ve been working on this piece for a while now, (whether your an artist, writer, sculptor, something else—whatever), he takes a look at it and singlehandedly points out all the flaws 🧍‍♀️
not in a rude way-
just genuinely telling your mistakes. Which- I know can hurt because you spent a lot of time on it…..but as lest you can fix it now..? 🤷‍♀️
He respects you. Of course he does! How could you love someone you don’t respect?!
why I’m mentioning this then?? Because to him, respect is very important. There’s few that he respects personally and not because of his job.
like Dazai (sorta bc of his job but shh), Gin or Atsushi (somewhat)
And just to clear it up those he has respect for because of his job would be mori or hirotsu
so the fact that you have his respect is a mile stone!! 👯‍♀️💃💃
He’s loyal but it ain’t a fault 😋🤪
seriously tho this dude is still chasing Dazai even after he “disgraced the mafia’s name” and left to the ada
So for you?? This is simply proof that he ain’t neva leavin you, and you ain’t neva leavin him 😙 (I don’t make the rules)
even If he disagrees with your actions/opinions he will talk it out with you 😱
now he might sound a bit upset, and if your acting absolute bonkers rn and need some sense smacked into you- he might yell too. But that’s mostly if it’s for your well being.
other than that, yes the hotheaded Ryuu will calm down for you (that kinda rhymes ☝️🤓)
living with the Akutagawa’s! ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
going more into acts of service, you and Gin hardly ever have to worry about chores or errands
he doesn’t really do it for the purpose of your validation, and genuinely doesn’t expect a thank you either
”hm? Oh…it’s nothing.”
Is his response when you try to thank him
he does it because he’s responsible not for praise
although I will say, seeing as though he has a lot of respect for you, as I said earlier, you may get a semi flustered/shocked facial expression
not necessarily blushing, just a expression that shows it caught him off guard ;P
Its not uncommon to see him cleaning around the house and asking if you have any laundry
housewife Ryuunosuke LOL 😂
When goes out to get groceries he asks you and Gin if there’s anything specific you want him to buy and if yes, he’ll get it for you
just like in the anime with Gin, he doesn’t mind doing favors for you as well <3
if you decide you wanna clean up or go to the store yourself he won’t stop you and be like ‘nonono I got it you sit down 🥺’. I don’t mean this in a bad way but he’s not a gentleman on purpose
I feel he’s the type of guy to do things that you consider gentlemanly but he just considers it being polite
oh it’s fine he’s got the groceries 👌
got a order for pick up? Oh well he was going out anyway, he’ll get it 🤷
he’s got the door 👍
don’t worry about the bill he’ll pay it (restaurant or house bill 😉)
another thing…! ♡
sometimes when you and Gin wanna watch a movie but Ryuu’s still doing the dishes….
do the dishes :3 (while he watches the movie with you guys)
I wasn’t gonna write these at first but I’m real glad I did! I love these and finally wrote for our guy Ryuunosuke!!
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I really do love SBCL and I really feel like when you read the manga it SO blatantly in your face…but when I read Yana’s old blog it seems like she’s so dead set against Sebastian and Ciel caring for each other at all…that it’s like does she even see what she writers or and I just delulu… or are antis just cherry picking what they translate 😭😭
Hey Nonny!
Short answer:
I'm not familiar enough with Yana's old blog to make any judgements on what her intentions/feelings are for her story and characters based on her posts (not to mention, it's old - people can change their minds).
Long answer:
I go back and forth when it comes to authorial intent and death of the author. I've literally been on both sides of the issue. As a fan, it's easy to say that what the author intended doesn't matter and that my interpretation of their work is 100% valid, even if it's the complete opposite of what the author intended. On the other hand, I've been in the author's shoes. I took a creative writing class in college where one of our assignments was to write a short story and then the class would discuss it. Simple, right? Easy. Except I wasn't allowed to speak the entire time my work was being discussed. I had to bite my tongue for forty minutes while my classmates completely butchered my story, listen to them miss the main theme completely, focus on a random detail that meant nothing, and walk away at the end of class not understanding anything I tried to convey in my work. I never got to explain what it actually meant; all the little clues and details that they missed - nothing. And it sucked. A lot. But at the end of the day there was nothing I could do about it.
All that to say, I think it's up to you to determine what holds more importance: what Yana says in her old posts (keeping in mind the context in which those remarks were made - what year did she make those comments, and where does that line up in the publishing of the manga? - are you taking into consideration that she is a public figure and that she might need to watch her words so that she doesn't jeopardize her job? etc.), or how you personally interpret the work.
I also think it's important to keep in mind that there can be (and is) a difference in what you, the fan, want to see happen, and what you want to actually happen in canon. There's a tumblr post floating around that discusses this topic but I don't have it handy.
Sorry this was all a bit rambly!
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We Are Ep.11
Part 1
*sits with half a tub of ice cream with both AC and fan on because my AC is old and needs a little help and puts my cat on Do Not Disturb mode (aka scratching his belly)*
Welcome back to my crack posting! =D
Warning: long post, and since I have like 60 screenshots, there will be a part two 😊😅
I wrote that intro before I'd watched the ep. Me as I was watching the ep was mostly incoherent screaming (so much so that my cat woke up from his nap to give me "what the hell, hooman" look).
This episode was amazing, and I loved it, and I'll probably die of too much fluff, but that won't happen before I finish watching We Are (which- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE JUST 5 EPS LEFT?!!).
I was giggling and kicking my feet (just like Peem the morning after that Prince Charming kiss) from the very first scene.
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Oh, they are so gone for each other (and I am gone for them 😭). The smiles, the trying to hear what the other is doing just across the door ah
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So, so true. As a writer that hits.
Also, I'm very glad they decided to showcase creative blocks, even if it was for a few minutes.
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Me to PhumPeem: yes, Peem, I would love to know too.
Also- I really wanna know what Ciize was doing back there 😭
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Too cute to handle 😭
Jokes (and puns) aside, this scene is quite significant. Previously, whenever Phum was seen in the vicinity of the Fine Arts building, it was only because he wanted something from Peem (yes even that scene in ep. 8, he wanted company from Peem), but now, he's just sitting there waiting for Peem. And when Peem comes down, he's pinching his cheeks right there and acting cute with him and asking what's wrong.
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And he keeps on asking, because he can see that Peem is a little moody, and not his usual self. "You're usually livelier than this."
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Phum: "Actually, I want to be water too..."
Me: No way, is this what I think it is?
Phum: "I want to be the reason you feel good."
Me: yeah, yep, that's what I thought
No but, you can't tell me Phum doesn't binge watch BLs with his beloved teddy bear. Of course he has a whole arsenal of cheesy flirting lines.
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All this time, it was always Phum telling Peem how comfortable he is around him and his friends, how fun it is.
Welp, it's Peem's turn.
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I love Phum.
This is both him asking for consent as well as making sure they're on the same page and going at the same pace (which he always does, as I'd said before).
Also, no, he wants you to get closer.
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Hear how polite and soft Q is with Toey now? Once Q knew for sure that he's allowed to show affection towards Toey as more than just a mentor/mentee, he decided to be fluffy as heck and never went back (because his love language is giving and showing through actions).
Love that for them both <3
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This is such a valid fear.
He was afraid that his love would be too much, and in the process he'd lose the person he loves again, so he thought it better to just suffer alone than confess. Not gonna lie, my heart broke just a little here. (Also, because I'm currently rewatching MSP, I'll be pulling a lot of parallels, and this reminds me of that scene where Sound tells Gun that he's afraid to confess to Win because he's pretty sure he'll get rejected).
Oh, and I keep forgetting to say this, but Satang is such an amazing actor. Watching Sound and Toey, I almost can't believe they're played by the same person.
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Phum's lethal weapon and Peem's fatal weakness 😭
Let's be honest though, no one would be able to resist that smile, those eyes and that soft, "Na, krab". Oh yeah, he used polite pronouns here by the way.
I can't always notice the shift from formal to informal or vice versa because I'm not that well-versed in the language (yet) but this was pretty obvious.
Bonus (Peem's reaction):
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Tan: flirts with his theerak non-stop 24/7 Fang: *brushes his hair a little and apologizes for making him wait* Tan: *melts into a blushing mess*
That man is so whipped.
And in this house, we stan all whipped men.
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This actually reminds me of when I was a wee baby (around 3 or 4 years old, I think) when I rescued a baby sparrow and took it to my dad and told my neigbours my dad would be able to heal it because he's a dcotor (he isn't a vet either) 😭
Also- naming a bird by another bird is so true to Pun's character.
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This so relatable oh gods 😭
Also, we got the princess carry for Pride month! Twice if we count Chain lifting Pun in the waterfall, which I totally do.
We finally get being carried to bed but realizing they're laying on top of the blankets instead of just being magically wrapped in them by morning!
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*sighs fondly* such a simp. <3
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Uh huh, you said that last time too.
Don't lie, Peem, you'd let him hug you every night.
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Is this the reason behind the NC rating?
Also, this singular line just gave me a brain worm that is making me write my first smut fic. I blame y'all for getting me into this series.
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Yes, of course, Phum, everyone believed your "snort mi mi mi".
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Don't think I didn't see your little secret smile, Peem.
(Also, I have a headcanon that Phum just loves to be the little spoon)
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Now who's hugging who, huh?
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"Go away", he says, while putting his arm around his (not) boyfriend.
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See, it was all fun till this point, but you can't be giving me this level of domestic fluff while at the same time telling me they're not even dating yet. That just doesn't work.
So, for me, from this point on, they're an old married couple <3
Frankly though, all the four couples in this series are old married couples that just don't know they're married yet.
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Toey: HELP ME!!!
Toey: I forgot to do my assignment and today's the deadline 🥺
Q: ... 😑
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You don't...?
I thought that was the perfect time to start working on it?
jk jk, kids, I'm a chronic procrastinator, please don't learn from me, learn from your P'Q
(Q reminds me so much of @desi-yearning when she scolds me after I pull an all-nighter to submit an assignment or study for an exam 😭)
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Oh. Oh.
Oh my.
I love this scene so much.
This pencil box is very very special to Q, and he's asking Toey to draw on it - something that is irriversible, as Toey himself says.
But this is Q's way of putting together both his loves. This pencil box was picked up by Toey the first time, but back then, Q only knew him as Milk Frappe Boy.
Now, he's asking Toey to do something Milk Frappe Boy would never have been able to (remember, Toey started taking an interest in art only after meeting Pencil Senior), because Pencil Senior disappeared on Milk Frappe Boy, but Q would never disappear on Toey.
On this note, I end Part 1.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow, because as much as I try to deny it, I have these pesky things called responsibilities to attend to, and it's very late here now (not past my regular bed time, but way past my ideal bed time 😭)
Thank you for reading! 😊
Here, have some pizza and a cookie🍕🍕🍪
[If you want, my previous posts: Ep. 8 Ep.9 Ep.10]
And here's Part 2
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trillscienceofficer · 5 months
I've been crediting the way Chakotay dismisses B'Elanna's vision in “Barge of the Dead” mostly to the events of “The Fight” and how Chakotay was (understandably) afraid of the barrage of images from the depths of his mind, and how this fed into the fears he has about his grandfather's condition and his own predisposition to it. As a result, he is more diffident about helping other people assigning meaning to their visions, not trusting himself as he used to any longer. After rewatching “Mortal Coil” though I think Chakotay is, also understandably, very wary of validating anyone's mystical experiences (or lack thereof) surrounding death, because one such experience very nearly brought Neelix to suicide and Chakotay almost didn't realize it in time. The way B'Elanna's talks about her own vision can't not recall what Neelix went through, in Chakotay's mind; B'Elanna almost died, and now she feels like she needs to die again. Add to this the history B'Elanna has with self-harm and unnecessary risk-taking behavior from “Extreme Risk”, a history that Chakotay knows all too well, and his mind is made up. He cannot allow this to happen on his watch, especially not to B'Elanna, so he dismisses her recollection of the vision, he downplays it even if it comes across as him not accepting B'Elanna's culturally-informed perspective on her own experiences. In short, I think a mix of fear and guilt is what makes Chakotay unable to appreciate the difference between Neelix' nihilism and his loss of purpose and B'Elanna's longing for meaning and closure through ritual.
I don't think the Voyager writers thought this through as much as I am here, mind you. They likely just had Chakotay play the 'voice of reason' because they couldn't have Janeway doing it, or the parallelism between B'Elanna finding peace with (the memory of) her mother and B'Elanna's acceptance of Janeway's trust would have collapsed, making the episode less incisive. (We can also talk about how yet again the show paints Janeway as a mother figure, in my opinion the lowest-hanging fruit possible, but I digress.) That it sort of contradicts Chakotay's pre-established characterization and background was likely not a big consideration, which is unfortunate. However if we don't take the 'reset button' for granted, this behavior from Chakotay can be taken a sign of the way he changed throughout the show, even it's sort of negative character development. He's more afraid, and more rigid in his understanding of others than at the beginning of the journey, especially when it comes to B'Elanna. The years of survival on Voyager have taken a toll on him. I obviously still think he was wrong to dismiss B'Elanna and that the show needed to handle that conversation between them with a lot more care for both characters, but keeping “Mortal Coil” and “Extreme Risk” in mind definitely helps with lessening the sting of a scene that otherwise seems to come out of nowhere.
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niyabiblioteca · 2 years
i can help
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PAIRING: best friend!hyunjin x fem!reader
WARNINGS: not exactly smut cuz i have horrible writers block, dirty talk, manhandling?
you’re so deprived and you have yet to receive the treatment you deserve. how could hyunjin not help you?
you love hyunjin so much.
you love that as your best friend, you can always confide in him. even with the most personal or embarrassing or pathetic stories.
hyunjin has heard stories from you that most people would take to the grave, but he has made it clear in your friendship that he would never judge you and will always lend an ear or a shoulder when it’s needed.
you have taken complete advantage of that promise, hence why you’re in his kitchen for the 3rd time that week, scraping the remaining ice cream from the bottom of the tub after yet another ruined hookup.
“i swear it’s like i’m cursed hyunjin. why does your species just fail to know basic fucking female anatomy?”
hyunjin chuckles in amusement but also remorse as he watches you frustratingly take bites of the vanilla ice cream he’s bought for this occasion especially. he’s even designated a spoon for you at this point because after the amount of times you’ve ended up in his kitchen just this week, he figured you’d need one.
“like how hard is it to find a girls sweet spot or her clit or her g-spot? especially when i fucking tell you where all three are! if i have to experience a man rubbing on my fucking inner thigh again i’ll lose it.”
hyunjin listens intently, nodding and you’re honestly impressed at his ability to engage in these kinds of talks with you as if it’s so casual.
he has to admit though, this is getting old.
not the whole having you in his house talking about your problems thing. no, he promised you could always count on him and he really meant it. but the fact that all week it’s all been about how your sneaky links just completely leave you high and dry makes him feel so bad for you.
“i don’t think i’ve faked this many orgasms in my life. maybe it’s me, my vagina is broken or something. because there’s no way this keeps happening to me and i’m becoming more and more strung up by the hour.”
he let you continue to go on as he disposed of the ice cream tub and spoon for you, listening and plotting his response when you’re done. the crazy thing is, he doesn’t feel shy or weird about what he’s about to offer at all. he feels that he’s actually a very good friend for considering this because he’ll be damned if his bestie is without a proper orgasm for the rest of the week after the hell she’s been through.
“i just can’t do this anymore, hyunjin. it’s actually causing me so much stress and anger i might explode.”
you almost feel bad for going on like this because you think this isn’t even a serious issue. you just wanna have a goddamn orgasm. a real one.
hyunjin thinks it’s a very valid reason though.
“i can help you.”
literally hyunjin hasn’t said this much the entire time you’ve been over. so this definitely caught you completely off guard.
your eyes widen as you almost choke on your saliva.
“y-you can help me what?”
“ i can help you cum.”
ah. so you definitely weren’t fucking hallucinating.
you couldn’t exactly react as hyunjin grabbed your hands and pulled you out of your seat so that the two of you were standing not even two inches away from each other.
“tell me. what could i do to give you the most mind-numbing orgasm ever? what did those men do wrong?”
he put his hands on both sides of your face as he looked you dead in the eyes waiting for your answer. he was very serious about this and he was taking your pleasure seriously. that alone made your whole body hot, especially between your thighs.
“t-they were too soft with me. i wanted it rough and they didn’t give that to me.”
hyunjin gave a cute eye smile in response to that as this information was all making sense to him. he was glad he was given this insight about what makes you tick so that he could accommodate you properly.
and that he did.
not even 30 seconds after you said that, he spun you around and pushed your upper body against the countertop so that you were bent over in front of him.
he wasn’t gentle either. he had used every bit of strength and aggression to get you where he wanted you and oh did it work so goddamn well.
you whimpered as you felt his bulge press against your heat. you couldn’t see him, but just the image of his lean figure pressed against your body as his hand reached forward and gripped your hair to pull your head up made you so fucking wet it was actually surprising to you.
“mmm. this is better. so tell me, y/n. how else can i make you cum so hard that you forget about every last hookup this week?”
you were downright embarrassed of the response you managed to let out, but hyunjin felt there was no need when we was doing everything in his power to make you feel good.
“s-spank me. slap me. choke me. fucking ruin me, please.”
hyunjin let out a low growl at your tone and pressed his bulge even harder against your core, causing you to whine and push your hips back at the same time.
“please, what?”
you knew what he wanted you to say. he knew what he wanted you to say. so badly. the moment he heard it, all hell would break lose and he would give you every last inch of him if you wanted it.
“please, jinnie. fuck me.”
god, hyunjin is such a great friend.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Actually yeah, can we see platonic headcanons for both Yandere Sonic and Scourge?
sometimes friendship can be equally as terrifying.
Platonic Yandere Scourge and Sonic
For sizzle Anon! Any kind of a relationship with a yandere, platonic or romantic, can be terrifying! I decided to do separate headcanons for each hedgehog, lemme know whatcha think! (I might have even included a bonus! 👀). Also, good to cya back Anon :D Thank you for requesting some more. We definitely do need more platonic yandere content, it's an underrated subject for sure :0
TW: Typical yandere tendencies: obsession, possessiveness, controlling and manipulative behavior. This is talked about in mild detail. This headcanon mentions the following: intent to kill, general violence, violation of boundaries ( by this I mean that you have established that you don't want your privacy invaded but it still is), stalking and overall, disregard for the reader's feelings. I do not condone yandere actions in real life. Do not repeat these characters' actions and seek help if you feel you are.
Reblogs, likes and comments are welcomed! Please enjoy, yandere Sonic and Scourge. Also, I'm so sorry for taking forever, Anon! We all know and love that stinking writer's block, don't we?
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Sonic and Scourge are polar opposites; Sonic being the original and Scourge, an evil recolor of the famous hedgehog. However, there is one thing that they can agree on, even if they don't interact with each other as much: you are their best friend. And they'll do anything for a companion such as yourself. Anything.
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Scourge was quick when he conquered Moebius. While his sweet ol' papa kept the world at peace, he ignored the major underlying issue that would set Anti-Mobius on its path, forever. His son. Anti-Sonic felt neglected by his father, powerless. All his daddy focused on was ruling the kingdom, keeping "peace," and heaven forbid Anti-Sonic ever went to his dad to talk or spend quality time because all Anti-Sonic ever was to his father was an item, a replacement in case all things went wrong and an example of the King's generosity and "genuine" connection to the people. He had no time to spare for a little child like Anti-Sonic.
So it was no surprise that Scourge became the hedgehog he is today, a byproduct of his father's blatant neglect. He was damn fast with taking over the kingdom his dad worked hard to create, killing the old man and casting him away into a cold casket, just as he cast his son out of the throne room. Deadly karma. Anti-Sonic would work hard to destroy any peace his dad worked to preserve. Anti-Sonic then focused on building himself up, branding from the lame-o' Anti-Sonic to Scourge. A real kicker and big baddie. But Scourge is still so insecure. With no validation from his father, he felt like he had to force it out of everyone he met. But you? When he met you, everything changed. Scourge used the same tactic he used to collect his friends, power and the planet. You flipped his world upside down when you treated him decently. Even fed into his ego. He had to keep you by his side.
Scourge wanted a friend like that to stay with him. Forever. It came to the point when his want was more of a need. Scourge would do anything to keep you. Even if it meant severing the bond and breaking you into submission. So what if you didn't want to be friends with Scourge anymore? Okay, not a problem. For Scourge. As for you, you'll have to come around eventually! Scourge is not bullying you, he's just correcting you, albeit harshly. And he thought that you could see all the sides of a coin! How could you be so heartless? No matter how many times you run from your best friend, (your personal tormentor), Scourge will go to all lengths just to take you back. Including murder, being the top option on a silver platter. (Though he wouldn't dare murder someone so fast because he needs to be known).
Anyone who tried to help you escape from him is marked as a prime punching bag, a brand new sparring toy for Scourge to smack down over and over. Any personal friendships you have, need to be kept a secret from your obsessive, BEST friend, lest he find them and unleash hellfire. Scourge is controlling in the "friendship" you have with him. He fully believes that he is the only friend that you've got and the only one that you actually need. However, Scourge gets to have as many friends as he wants to. His need to be acknowledged overpowers any sense of kindness or genuine respect he has for you. Scourge has to take the majority of the spotlight, only giving you some of it just because he feels like it. Scourge is no companion, he is your captor.
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Sonic the renowned hero of Mobius, saving the planet from invasion time and time again. The go-to guy if you're needing someone super fly, ready for the all-time high. He's the fastest hedgehog known all around! Almost everyone knows who he is, like Silver the hedgehog from the future and of course, Rob-of-Hedge from his hidden lands. Sonic's been around to do it all, had his best friends, (and even his girlfriends from the past and present) support him through his journey to heroics and finally, his family. Who are we kiddin'? Sonic's friends are also his family! And he loves his family. He would do anything for his friends and family. Anything.
Don't get him wrong, Sonic's all for a little rough and tumble, especially on his seventeenth birthday where Dr. Eggman surprised him with a robotic attack, but he's seen the dangers of fighting. And what it can do to the people you love the most— his dad, a living robot, his friend, Bunnie D'Coolette and so many more. And you, his best friend, every day get-it-going pal, Sonic doesn't want to see you hurt. You happen to be fighting one of Egghead's newest badnicks? Oh you betcha Sonic's zooming in to take the majority of the punches, fighting your battles for you. And you choose to confront him about it? No, listen, you're wrong. Sonic's trying to protect you—clearly you can't see that! That's fine, really it is, take all the time you need, Sonic doesn't have a limit at all. (Flat out lies, though Sonic hates to admit it).
He is constantly checking in on you, to the point where you don't get to have your own privacy because Sonic's made it a point to set up his sleeping space in your room. His excuse? A forever sleepover. Only the dynamic duo allowed— no additives. You kick him out? Okay, two can play at that game. He'll make sure it's difficult to get into his place because, well, you kicked him out! It's not fair that you did that, really. You're being unkind and just a jerk. Sonic will manipulate you into believing this, just so he can control what you do and how you do it. He will even control which of his friends you interact with, just so he can keep tabs on you. Sonic's not above stalking, even when you point out how uncomfortable it makes you. When it comes to your safety, he does not care if he's being overbearing. Sonic doesn't care if he's limiting you from seeing other people—you're not gonna get hurt, ever.
Sonic's gotta lot of unchecked and uncared for trauma that worms its way into your friendship, ruining it in the process. As mentioned before, he gets into your business when he clearly doesn't need to. Sonic overtime, grows frantic, speedy mind running itself into a tizzy all because you got punched square in the face by an unexpected badnick and Sonic wasn't there to block it. Or the time that you went out for a simple walk because, you felt cramped up inside. He often oversteps the boundaries that you set because, and quite frankly, he doesn't care about how you feel. He cares that he can protect his best friend from the worst things in the world, unknowingly being the exact thing he is fighting against. You're not going to get rid of Sonic anytime soon.
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In conclusion, Sonic and Scourge would both be very obsessed over you. They would both be controlling, Sonic out of trying to protect you and Scourge to keep you close to him. Any other friendships that you have are at major risk with either of these hedgehogs in your life because, they will stop at nothing to keep you "safe" and that all your precious attention is on them.
If Sonic and Scourge were to meet up ever again, especially with you in the equation, they would most definitely clash heads. Fights between the two wouldn't be all smiles anymore—lucky you— it's a blood bath. Punches are not held back and using weapons in fights is not out of the question anymore. It's kill or be killed when it comes to your attention. Scourge, as much as he likes the attention he gets from Sonic, will do everything he can to kill Sonic.
Forget Sonic. He's the better hedgehog anyway, so having that blue moronic bastard out the way is a welcomed treat. Scourge doesn't care how many times he has to beat Sonic down to a pulp; he's gonna get you in the end and no one will ever get in the way of your friendship. Sonic will fight to the death if it means that you stay out of whatever hell Scourge is bringing with him. He disregards his heroic nature when it comes to Scourge, leaning in on his ego and experience. Sonic isn't shooting to defeat anymore. He's shooting to kill.
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word-wytch · 10 months
tldr: extremely sappy and vulnerable post ahead
My baby, Don't Stand So Close To Me, turns one year old today.
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After a lifelong history of abandoning creative projects, my love for the story I wanted to tell and my newly found passion for the art of writing finally surpassed my fear of rejection, and so I stepped out of the Shire and onto this very long road.
Listen, I know I'm talking about a fanfiction and being very dramatic, but in my opinion every creative endeavor holds the same amount of weight no matter if you're writing books for money, or writing songs for the radio, or songs played only in your bedroom. It all requires you to dig deep and face yourself.
This is the longest and hardest I have ever worked on a creative project in my life.
Over the course of the past year I have come to know myself in a way that I think only writing a novel chapter by chapter for an online community could accomplish. There have been some very dark times, but facing your shadow is always illuminating. Through it, I have grown exponentially both as a writer and as a person.
If I could offer one piece of writing (and life) advice it would be this: Let yourself be where you are. Love yourself here, now. You have been good enough, are good enough, and will be good enough, always. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Your only responsibility is to keep the flame of your joy for creating alive. And that's it. The rest will take care of itself.
I know this is easier said than done. I know this from the painful experience of having believed the opposite about myself at one point.
All artists want to be seen on some level, we need to be. But ultimately, no amount of external validation can supplement the intrinsic love you have for creating. It's even better shared with others, but it comes first from within. I would argue that even if all you had was an idea that made you so giddy that you had to run laps around the room, then you have it all. Your only job is to keep that love alive. It's what I'm chasing every day. More than followers, or notes, or any superficial measure of success. That feeling is everything. The love that I have for my art and this character is everything. The love that I have for myself is, ultimately, everything.
It is a natural part of the journey for all creatives to encounter blocks and adversities, so when it feels like you've lost that joy or you're dragging your forehead against your keyboard in the thick of it, please do not fret. The real secret is that you can never really lose the spark, because you are the spark. You'll feel it again. You're not broken. You haven't failed. Just love yourself anyway and let yourself be where you are, even if that's crying into your ice cream.
Because the gap between how you feel and how you want to feel is not something that once closed, will stay closed forever. It's something you love yourself back to again, and again, and again, and again. And maybe, after your muscles build and your blisters heal, you'll come to enjoy the journey.
For the first time in my creative life I truly feel seen. Thank you all for seeing me, for coming on this journey with me. Thank you to every reader who's left a kind word, every friend that I've made as a result of pursuing this. There are too many to name. I have never been a part of a fan community in this capacity and I feel so unspeakably lucky to have found such a home in this one.
I want to thank, most especially, the people who have both figuratively and literally held my hand throughout the last year behind the scenes. Thank you for sending me coffee, letting me bounce ideas, send massive emails, text feverish voice messages back and forth, keysmash spoilers at you, cry on your shoulder, and fangirl over our boy (and his teacher) @toxicjayhoo @storiesbyrhi @the-unforgivenn @munson-blurbs @jo-harrington @rip-quizilla
I love you.
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
why is condal so committed to "Daemon has father issues"?
He was a grown man when Baelon died and there's nothing to suggest that Baelon wasn't a good father. He wasn't even heir for most of Daemon's childhood so you don't even have that as a reason for "neglect." Wouldn't his attachment to Viserys better be explained by him clinging onto his remaining family? If anything, wouldn't he have "MOTHER issues"? Wouldn't that better pair with how he so willingly accepted a subservient role to Rhaenyra?
what is going on in Condal's head and why does he think he understands the characters so well that he needs to CHANGE them?
I agree I have mostly claimed that Daemon would feel a void where his mother should be more than have dominant issues with his father. And I have described why Daemon's protectorness both not only came from his Targ pride/history but seeing Viserys fall into a pattern of trying to please people in response to that void and the pressure of living up to Jaehaerys' model of kingship/leadership/masculinity (they are all wrapped up in each other) to preserve said legacy. "We have reason to believe that his upbringing was still loving and that he maybe thought himself his brother and father’s caretakers. If not in traditional sense, in that he is the one who will do “what it takes” to keep them afloat. In his mind"
I think Condal's misinterpreted and is now overblowing & extending the possible distance Baelon had maybe a few months after Alyssa died in his most immediate and sharpest period of grief. Or using that grief he always had & choose to focus less on how hands on he would have been more than most fathers both bc Alyssa wasn't there AND bc Baelon has already shown to be less machismo--thus there was a higher chance of him of all men being like "kid rearing are for for the wives and servants, I have kids just for legacy" type deal. which is all why you got some people not that bothered by it bc he ends up in a place where Daemon does try to do as canon Daemon does with Viserys and seek validation. He obviously can see something in their relationship coming from their parent's presence and roles in their lives, but he attributes that to fatherlessness and not motherlessness.
It gets exaggerated/misunderstood and is still affected by the misunderstanding of Baelon's relationships w/his kids. It's another example of sidelining a Targ woman, this time, Alyssa. Same as when people argue about Daemon possibly training his kids w/Rhaenyra to someday usurp the 3 Velaryon boys or kill them for the throne bc "Daemon is a Targ supremacist" even though this idea makes everyone around him a passive bystander or participant: Rhaenys and Corlys & Rhaenyra all don't somehow see Daemon try to do this in their own homes? Rhaenyra doesn't have that much influence over her kids despite being the head of the household, having had a strong will before anyone died, and her definitely noticing if Daemon had any designs on her first kids' demise? Her protectiveness over ALL her kids? The only explanation is sexism and the projection of a resentment against Rhaenyra for her having the masculinized/male-entitled authority that Daemon-as-their-self-insert "should" have bc he is male.
So, yeah, it seems Condal might be projecting just a little. Or just negligent bc he doesn't think abt Alyssa much. Daemon wasn't Rhaenyra "good boy", nor did she "tame" him, but he also actually never troubles her political authority in any meaningful way until he saved Nettles from her. We would have heard from it somehow from the greens or the writers/sources; GRRM makes it clear when we should know when domestic abuses or troubles as he does with the greens, who comparatively has much more textual evidence of such despite this entire book trying to villainize Rhaenyra, the Targs, and female rulership in general. Hmmm.....
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razorblade180 · 2 months
This is my RWBY Hot Take:
BB ended up being canon because of fandom and VAs pushing for it. Which, is not necessarilly a bad thing, but it is when you can ACTUALLY tell. And I think that´s the problem.
Now, RWBY has always been on the sights of Yuri and Queer fandom, which are a both a force to be reckoned with whenever people want to admit it or not. This shouldn´t be surprising considering that they showcased not one, not two, not three, but FOUR main characters with very unique desing, appeal and personality. OF COURSE the show was gonna attract lesbian women like honey attracts flies XD
At the same time however, RWBY kinda wanted to fall into very classic old tropes of anime, hence why even 10 years later Ruby has still to show attraction to somebody, like a proper shounen jump character, with some twists every now and then. Which is why you can´t convince me that Sun wasn´t put there to be Blake´s love interest, but the fandom had already taken into the main characters hooking p between them and just wouldn´t move from there.
Proof of that is that even after 10 years of absolute 0 development, White Rose is still one of the biggest ships out there, receiving new art almost daily by, you guessed, lot of tumblr queer (which seems to be in abundance, maybe there´s a correlation? Beats me). Now, this isn´t me throwing shade over WR, they DID have some very good base and chemistry, but people rationalizing that Weiss MUST be bi or even yet, a Compulsory Het (despite absolute 0 evidence that´s even a thing in Remant) just doesn´t paint a very positive figure of the fandom.
What I´m trying to say with this? Well, if a fandom can be THAT obssesed with queer characters (Ask CanonSeeker about it if you don´t believe me) and attract an audience who clearly has an obsession with them either because they just want to see girls kissing (lot of pervs around, the NSFW reddit sub has MORE subs than the main one :/ ) or because they want to see their representation/projection/whatever and see absolute no issue with the crumbs and the bad things RT did some of its queer workers (like Kdin)... who is there not to say that this couple, (or any other even!) is not fanservice?
People want to see what they want to see, and will resort to all kind of emotional pitfalls to rationalize their preference or how "it was always meant to be".
No, having a base as friends is not enough. Yes Nora, people can be friends, and sometimes it´s better if they remain that way, as you have discovered. You can´t have a character show attraction that is slowly being reciporcated for seven years only to drop itone day and say "nah, it was never about it" and pretend the fandom who is not just looking for validation and seeing hot girls make out bdon´t end up scratching their heads in confusion. That´s just now how it works. SPECIALLY when lot of people were dropping after the disaster that was Vol.5
Which is another reason that it feels like the writers just caved:
They realised they were not going anywhere with BlackSun and with the WF, so they just removed it out of the equation and pretend it never existed. They needed to keep their fans interested, and while at it, some Rainbow Capitalism to get some more attention. People called it forced because morons are "ugh, lesbians!" (Not forgetting that some people on both sides of the equation just can´t get that Bi people exist) while the reason can be simply that RT can´t write romance for shit, and the relationship feels more like they just wanted to speedrun to make up for 6 seasons where they still had plausible deniability (forgetting that they just put that line on the sky dropping Sun...) while at the same time not outright confirming until the last minute.
So, the whole point of this rant is: BB is fanservice? Yes.
But it´s the BAD fanservice. The kind of you can TELL they are caving to the fandom for attention, and doing so in a kind of unnatural way, that they try too hard to give crumsb ("Yeah... Ruby.") and have to confess in a magical plot device that feels like taken out of a fanfic, so instead of "this is the natural progression our characters took" feels more like "Yaaaaaaas, we gave the fanatics what they wanted, aren´t we great!? Another "cultural" victory, yay, so now give us the money so we can greenlight Vol 10!"
So, TL:DR - If you are going to give fanservice, try at least to make it FEEL natural, or don´t give it at all. If you ar unsure, get a good producer, a guy whose sole job is to say NO.
This time I think I’m just going to primarily be the bridge that allows people see and respond to this with their own opinions cause if I’m being honest, it feels like you got into the weeds a little and I couldn’t follow. Please be civil in comments.
As for my personal opinions about BB in general i will reiterate what I’ve thought for the past few years now. The ship itself is fine but any cultural impact it would’ve had was lost when you wait so long that Disney beat you to showing a lgbt kiss scene. I think RT did course correction when seeing its popularity which isn’t in itself bad at all, but they just sucked at it.
The two roads people have to walk is thinking BB was planned from the start or added later due to popularity. If you think the first one, then face the fact RT handled it very poorly and unnecessarily made things messy by adding Sun. If you believe the second then don’t be delusional if someone has the opinion it made certain narrative choices messier or that once again, Sun was written as a potential love interest.
I like BB but RT made some questionable choices that wouldn’t say hurt Blake and Yang’s character, but hindered scenes because they dragged it out too long. Also hate to say it but 95% of their relationship healing, comfor, angst, etc. was built off of Adam. So when ya kill Adam… the thing that made the dynamic interesting is gone. That’s not a problem if he died at the end of the show, like most characters do with the trope.
But I will say I do respect the fact they didn’t immediately date after murdering him because that just doesn’t look good on any level. However, Atlas had a time skip. As much as I love Ren and Nora, maybe we should’ve gone to the dance club and do the kiss there before Atlas went to hell? Then we could have a nuanced discussion about if the two of them telling Robyn without consulting anyone was okay.
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intermundia · 4 months
ok idk if anyone's asked this before. but. i've been following your fics for the past while (lovelovelove btw) and realized for the first time yesterday when i perused your masterlist just how many you've published. holy shit dude!! mega kudos. i've been polishing up a couple different wips since new years this year but haven't published any so far, so ig i wanted to ask for advice on getting out there as a fic writer? i've never published before lol. what's ur methods and advice, chef
ahhh thank you :) i am so excited for you!! imho you're standing on the threshold of a beautiful adventure, like you've packed your bags (got some wips) and are ready to head out the door. it's intimidating but in my experience the first comment you get will make all the stress worth it; it will wash away your reservations and give you a hit of affirmation that will only drag you further on into sharing more. it's a virtuous circle that you just have to start.
as trite as it sounds, my biggest piece of advice is to fake it until you make it, like pretend you've published a hundred times before and are perfectly confident and entitled to put your work up in public. that's what i did the first time, i pretended to be someone normal lol. i knew what i expected to see from others and made my story summary and tags look like that to avoid negative ripples (no such ripples really exist in reality, but i know how anxiety whispers lies).
it worked because there's no front door or barrier to entry to posting on ao3, you know? you are exactly as welcome and valid as i am there; we both see the same site back end and the same draft page. you are the same as anybody who has already published. if you have wips and have something that could reasonably be considered finished? pick one, something small even, and just post it. you can edit it once it's live if something dire comes up, i do it all the time.
this is actually something that is causing me a lot of writer's block right now, the fact that i am being far too perfectionist and precious about the next chapter of my main wip. i simply care way too much about the story, so i'm so scared of doing it wrong, so i've been sitting on it. but the way that i've published more 50 stories in the past is trusting my gut about when something is done and pushing it out to the public before i hold myself back.
you have to just keep moving forward, that's the key. tell yourself the next story will be better and remember the last story is better than you think it is. make your chapters as long or as short as you feel is right, post as often or as sparingly as you need. share on other social media once you're done if you want, people want to know there is more of the thing they love in the world, you know? you're offering a gift, and that's kind.
i know that all the advice in the world is basically useless unless you see it at the right moment you need it, and none of my advice is anything that you haven't heard before, but if you need a sign that it's time to pull the trigger, that you are allowed to post things, that people want to see your work, that you're welcome and important to the community by sharing your voice—please take this post as that sign. be confident, because you deserve that confidence, and hit post <3
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Perhaps it's just me being salty for the whole s4 and s5, Kuro Neko and Ephemeral in particular. But I couldn't see a possibility of Adrienette break up because, say, Adrien know she's hiding a major thing about his life and feeling betrayed by it, without Adrien realizing that Marinette was hurt by his "outburst" and then then say sorry for being so "emotional" that he hurt her, just like what happened in Kuro neko.
This show is really, really bad at letting Adrien express himself in healthy ways. I've mentioned before that I think Chat Noir is in the wrong in Kuro Neko and it's not because he's not allowed to be hurt or quit. He had legitimate feelings and concerns! It's his handling of those feelings and concerns that was deeply unhealthy and unreasonable. He kept those things bottled up inside, never talking to Ladybug about what was wrong even though the writers chose to actively have her ask if he was okay, meaning he was straight up prompted to express himself, but didn't. Since he didn't, Ladybug had no idea until he took drastic measures, which is a good example of unhealthy relationships and a real life issue that many of us have probably experienced or seen.
Someone does something that upsets another person, but the injured party says nothing because they think the offensive is obvious even though it's super not obvious. At least, it's not obvious to the person causing the offense. So they keep doing the offensive thing and the other person keeps feeling hurt until there's a massive blowup where both parties end up feeling hurt.
This is just a thing that humans do. We build up stories in our heads based on our own perceptions of events, personal wants, and personal beliefs, but those stories are often unrealistic or at least warped versions of reality.
"My friends never call me, so they don't love me," said by someone with a large social battery who would happily do things every night of the week. Meanwhile their friend is over here thinking everything is fine because, in their world, it's perfectly normal to go months without talking. The two friends' different perceptions, wants, and beliefs about what a good friendship looks like is leading to a conflict that would be easily solved if the upset person just asked the hard question.
I don't think the above really applies to the secrets Marinette is currently keeping. At least, they don't on Adrien's side. Breakups don't need a logical reason, but if they did, Adrien would more than enough logical reasoning behind dumping the girl who hid massive, life-changing secrets from him. Getting angry and yelling at her would be perfectly valid reactions. But I also agree with your worry about the show turning it into Adrien somehow being in the wrong because the show hasn't handled a single complex conflict well.
A lot of that is due to the asinine "every episode must stand alone" rule, which is a terrible rule for a show with an actual overarching plot. Sitcoms mostly stick to petty drama for a reason. There are very few serious topics that you can introduce and handle in 20 minutes. Add in the rule that every episode has to have some sort of fight, eating up even more of your run time? And it's no wonder the show is such a total disaster.
I would not be surprised if season six ends up being a sort of inverted version of season four's conflict or even a straight rehash, which is straight up obnoxious because what was the point of season four if neither of these characters learned how to communicate? Marinette is still keeping secrets and I have no doubt that Adrien will continue to fail at expressing his very valid needs if he's even allowed to have them. Add in the fact that Lila is the new villain and is it any wonder so many of us have hit a breaking point where we no longer want to watch this painful mess?
Can you tell that poor communication as a plot point is a major pet peeve of mine? About the only time it really works is in literary fiction that's supposed to be a character study. In plot driven narratives it's just obnoxious. The fact that this is a show for little kids makes me even more annoyed because this is not suited to a kids show. I've said it before and I'll say it again: they're writing teen drama complexity in a Y7 show and of course that leads to a terrible final product!
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foxxear · 2 months
Stop overthinking Star Wars unless you're going to think a little harder
I think more people need to take a more good-faith approach to consuming Star Wars' soft magic system of powers and technology. Hard magic is great, and Star Wars offers nuggets of that, but please understand when that's not what a story is made to reliably supply.
From the moment Luke Skywalker tried really hard and pulled his lightsaber to his hand in 'The Empire Strikes Back', Star Wars has been partly about seeing something you didn't see last time, didn't know was possible, and have no way to 100% quantify the accessibility of. There is thematic meaning in such moments, as well as an expansion of the magic system, but there is rarely hard math. You say "Wow, I didn't think he'd be able to do that" and keep watching. We should not be trying to turn Star Wars into a world of set expectations and clear parameters, because that is not in the spirit of these stories.
"Since when can someone do that? How can they?" Good question! Maybe we'll get an answer soon, maybe not. But...
...the absence of such information is not synonymous with poor writing, especially in a broad story of ongoing discovery. Your intrigue is good, but please do not use it for evil. More on that in a second.
"If this is possible, why didn't Tokar-Fidji do it in the other movie?" Perhaps we don't know! Or maybe you didn't read that one comic that expands the lore. I dunno. Whatever the case, we should try to assume in good faith that there is some unknown variable in play before assuming something doesn't make sense based on previous scenes. I'm sorry if that feels difficult, your feelings are valid. More on that in a second.
The thing is, we can make up infinite space fantasy reasons to justify pretty much anything...
...it's not that hard, and writers absolutely should not waste our time doing so for everything cool in this kind of story. Treat nerdy lore/magic/tech explanations as a fun prize, not a requirement.
If you really want to ponder it later, rather than just "assuming it makes sense", that's... well, that's actually great. You seem invested. Star Wars is made to spark the imagination, and mystify the viewer with fantastical ideas and endless possibilities. But in that sense, it's much more fun to try to determine how something could make sense, rather than trying prove that it doesn't. If you can't come up with anything, probably just put a pin in it, or start a curious conversation.
And ultimately, even though Star Wars isn't hard magic, it still occasionally rewards you for paying close attention, or having some knowledge of the lore. A couple of dots get to line up here and there, a problem is solved with something we understand, or a question simply gets answered. That can be important, or just pretty fun, especially if you had a theory that turns out to be true. But this story is always going to keep you wondering about something, because that wonder is a delightful and intentional element of fantasy like this.
If some of what I've just described sounds like bad writing to you (or just kind of annoying), I have some bad news.
This is how writing and consuming soft magic works, and what it does to a story experience. If you've noticed the very valid weaknesses soft magic imposes on the plot, and you dislike them, congratulations: You don't like how Star Wars works, either. Calling for the writers to make everything fit quantifiable established "rules" is calling for a switch to hard magic, not "better writing".
Yes, soft magic can be done better, and done worse, and Star Wars likes to do both. But those tricky conversations must be had with an understanding of how writing & consuming soft magic works. Otherwise, you might start lumping weaknesses of a given story's writing in with weaknesses of soft magic itself, which doesn't make much sense at all. Are we mad at the writer of the week, or are we mad at George Lucas' The Star Wars?
I see too much aggressive 'critical analysis' that sounds pretty valid at a glance, whilst truly having no clue what it is talking about. I like the effort, but please do more reading. You're arming others with your naivety, and they've opened fire on the innocent enjoyer. At the very least, swap attempted tear-downs for curious conversation.
In the meantime, consuming the wacky space story with a very good-faith mindset about its shenanigans can save us a lot of trouble. "Why didn't Obi-Wan use force speed to catch up to Qui-Gon & Darth Maul-" I don't know!!! We may never know!!! Maybe super Jedi speed makes you very tired and combat-sloppy for 4 seconds, which is too high risk against a deadly assassin! We can just assume there's a good reason, though. Please. A good-faith reading is when you say "Well, I'm sure if Obi-Wan had a way to use his powers to get there faster & help, he would have", and it is a requirement for consuming soft magic. Foster this skill, and you can enjoy the story.
Star Wars is made more to have its' themes analyzed under a microscope, not it's spellcasting requirements for a fireball.
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fumifooms · 5 months
Hello! I came across your blog after completing danmeshi manga and realising that marchil altered my brain chemistry. I just want to thank you so so much for your posts and for how you present your views because it's difficult for me not to feel like I'm a freak as I've seen so many posts calling shippers just that and I'm really insecure. Reading your posts and seeing that the fanbase actually exists even makes me want to finally publish here some fanart which I haven't done in years lol.
💖💖💖 I’m glad I could help!! Fandoms are rough sometimes, especially when fans want to wage shipping wars.
I think it’s important to be able to separate analysis from wish fulfillment, the line between "my ship is informed by my reading of canon" and "my reading of canon is informed by my ship" is very blurry, but self-awareness and being able to see and acknowledge multiple reasonings and options when analyzing is good and mostly fixes the issue, also being able to be upfront when you’re doing analysis or doing ship talk. Otherwise you end up with a lot of people joking about extreme and strained readings of canon and not being able to tell wether they actually are joking or they believe it, and such and such.
Both fans that sneer at shippers and shippers who dislike specific ships will take opportunities to push others down, and if you want to keep your head down because of it for your comfort and peace of mind that’s super valid. But! It is super gratifying to post openly about ships you enjoy and things that mean stuff to you and to make and post fancontent for it. Especially rarepair wise where the chance that you become a pillar of the community is very high haha. Everyone would be overjoyed to see your art!! We also have a marchil Discord server if you’d like to join, it’s small but passionate and it could be a way to share your art and thoughts privately in a safe space, you can find the link for it on my blog in a post tagged marchil.
The hate can be strong but we’re stronger together!! Sparkle on and be yourself!! Be the lighthouse you wish others could have in the community!! A lot of people call us freaks for dumb reasons, and a lot of people call us delusional for even dumber ones. Marchil is literally just so sweet and meaningful, I’m sorry if anyone’s mad that canon gave them good chemistry and made them glued at the hip lol. We were 3rd most written about ship on ao3 for months and that’s not bc we’re a big ship but because we were like 5 dedicated regular writers for them. The ship is currently at 75 fics!! Our work piles up and comes together to be a strong community!! The fanbase needs YOU!!! Obsessed freaks some of us may be, and I for one wear the badge with pride… Maybe too much, if you visualize me going out in public with my marchil itabag lol. Ahhh they have consumed my life <3
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ladamedusoif · 4 months
Paper: A Visiting First Anniversary Update
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Paper is the traditional gift for a first anniversary. What could be more fitting for a pair of academics still trying to figure out their future? 
A year ago, I posted the first chapter of my first foray into fanfiction and my first attempt at writing fiction since I was a teenager. Visiting took a lot of courage to write, let alone to post; but the sheer pleasure in drafting and planning Ben and Lydia’s story made me feel I should share it. 
There are still three chapters of the story to come, and I know I’ve been slow and not a very good or engaged writer.
Life has been complicated lately, and for various reasons it has just been easier not to be on here as much (if at all - and if it was noticed!) But I had to mark their anniversary, somehow. So, a year in, and with the story still unfinished, here are some reflections - and, if you read to the end, a (slightly smutty) sneak peek for chapter 13…
I launched the two dorks into a fic world dominated by DBFs and age gaps and all sorts of other tropes that Visiting just wasn’t, never would be. The tropes have shifted somewhat but their story still doesn’t speak to any of the big ones. That’s Ben and Lyd, though. They never were ones for following trends.
At times I’ve felt strongly that this wasn’t a story anyone really wanted, that it was my fault for writing it badly. Some chapters felt both vital and nigh impossible to write, as I second-guessed myself and the readership and wondered what I was doing wrong, exactly. And then sometimes a chapter I’d poured everything into just… went unseen, it seemed.
And then I would receive the most beautiful comments and responses to the story, as readers find it and connect on some level with Lydia, Ben, and their little world. In my sort-of Tumblr hiatus I know these comments have built up and I need to respond properly to each and every one. But know that I am eternally grateful, incredibly touched, and that many of them have made me cry. The same goes for the people who recommended the story on fic lists, who sent wonderfully kind anons about the work, who have made me want to keep going with it.  
There is a bittersweetness to the anniversary of starting Visiting. There are people on here who were such vocal, enthusiastic cheerleaders of the story both in public and in DMs who just fell away after a chapter or two. (I still wonder if they have been keeping up.) There are people on here who I was so close with, who knew the motivations for the story and its inner workings, who chose, out of the blue, to act as if it - and I - no longer existed. Such is life. Such is the nature of online friendship. But it’s particularly strange when someone has been there for the drafting and writing and then…isn’t. 
But such instances are in the minority. The readership for Visiting might be small, but it’s brought me into touch with some incredible, wonderful, generous people who have become firm friends. There is no greater feeling than knowing that your little story about two middle-aged academics finding themselves falling for each other when they least expected it is liked - heck, loved, even, by even one or two other people. (Tell your friends! More readers welcome! But you guys are the best ones.)
A final, more general observation about this story and why it exists. We have often seen statements on here about how dark!fic is “healing”, a way for people to work through experiences and issues in their own lives. I would argue that softer fic is healing, too - that healing doesn’t have to be sought or validated through creative explorations of brutality, violence, coercion and pain. It can be, of course - but it’s just as valid to seek it in stories that are softer, kinder, warmer, even. Lydia’s conviction that she is permanently broken, that she is fundamentally unlovable, could not be undone with anything other than love and safety. And the story does seem to have reached some people in that way, and for that I’m really delighted and proud. 
And I’m really touched and grateful to all of you who have stuck with the story, have got in touch to comment, to ask if there’s more, to talk about how much you love it. You have no idea how much it means, truly. There is more coming: three chapters more, in fact, if I can just get my brain together. But, as a thank you and an anniversary gift, here’s a little bit from the next chapter:
You rest your head on his shoulder and bring your arms around his waist, hugging him close to you under the blankets as you enjoy the symphony of nocturnal sounds in the back yard. 
He chuckles as you hold him tight. “You must know by now I’m not going anywhere, Lyddie.”
“Don’t laugh when I say this, but - sometimes I feel like I need to hold you extra close, just to be sure you’re real.” 
He tilts his head and smiles at you. “That I’m real?”
“That you’re real. That all of it is real, Ben. I’m not used to things… working out, I guess. All my life I was left lonely or things fell apart, and - I still have to remind myself that yes, this is real, I’m not dreaming.” You sip your champagne thoughtfully as he kisses the top of your head, broad hands caressing your body.
“It’s real, love.” He kisses you again, gently squeezing your hip. “Even if I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky.”
You push away the blankets and wrap your arms around his neck as you begin to make out, his hand snaking up under the skirt of your floral-print summer dress and pressing greedily into the flesh of your thigh. 
He breaks away to kiss and suck on your neck, pausing to whisper in your ear: “Does this feel real enough, baby?”
You give a little cry of pleasure before breaking into fits of giggles, grinning as you feel Ben’s smile against your skin. “I guess it’s pretty real, Ben, as these things go…”
“As these things go?!” He pulls back, leaving a parting kiss on your collarbone, before spreading out the blankets a little on the wooden decking. “Lie back, Lyd, and I’ll give you real.”
And now, if you don’t mind, I will enjoy a celebratory ice-cold Corona, and raise it to my idiots-in-love who are still waiting for their happy ending.
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quodekash · 11 months
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I love their flirting love language <3
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the way he looks at him
yes, im crying because of them
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oh that is so infuriating
they were facing the wrong way
I love these idiots so much but maybe if they'd seen the shooting star, they couldve had a magical moment and then kissed or something, idk
but no, they're such idiots that they didnt think to look in the other direction
I love them, but its infuriating sometimes
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literally all we know about this so far:
1. evil boss guy wanted name to do one last thing for him before he could quit (presumably to rob the house)
2. name asked saifah for some help with some things he had to do
3. according to that one news report, a robbery probably happened?
4. saifah shot kong
5. name had "no idea saifah would do something like that"
so much is missing. what's the whole story here? I still believe that saifah is innocent. he might've accidentally shot him or something, I dont know
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yeah, okay
but name is involved in the plot somehow
answer my questions bitch
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okay, I love you saifah, but telling him to forget about you is really freaking selfish
it may seem self-sacrificing, like "he'll be happier without me on his plate" but it's not. it's downright selfish.
there are things at play here that you're not thinking about, and other things you're not aware of
such as, you dont know that sailom is now kind of hopeless. because of what you supposedly did, kang now hates sailom, so sailom can't tutor him, so sailom can't get the money to pay off yours and his debts.
as for the things you're not thinking off?
you forget, your parents are both dead. you are his only family left. he is your only family left. he wants to understand the situation so that he can get help for you to get out, so that he isn't utterly alone, and so that you can get out of the terrible environment that is jail. he can't just forget about you, because you are all he has.
and this is both not thinking of and not aware of, sailom doesn't like to accept help from people for free. he doesnt have kang's financial support anymore. and his friends are offering help, but he has no way to pay them back for that help, so he wont accept it. but he wants you back, deemed innocent, so that he can get his boyfriend back, his job back, his happiness back. he can't just forget about you. he needs you.
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thank goodness for that
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I had to go through that entire scene without saying anything but man the line "to me you're nothing but money" really hit hard
I sat there for like 2 whole minutes not wanting to press play after that line because it was just validating all of kang's worst fears about how sailom values him
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I am not even remotely okay
I hate the writers so much for this
on the bright side, they didnt do a soundwin and give us absolutely zero guynawa in episode 10 so I appreciate that
but uh. now im sad.
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okay well that was. truly something.
this episode took me nearly 4 hours to watch which is a new personal record and im not sure if I should be proud of that or if I should start crying about how exhausted im going to be tomorrow
Im excited for next week and for this mess to be cleared up at least a little bit, but im also not excited for next week because itll be the second last episode and im not ready for this series to be over yet
anyway, have a good week folks. uh. yeah. keep calm and love guynawa way too much
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