#i need venture NOW
urlocaldesertdweller · 2 months
manifesting where Blizzard FINALLY gave our favorite cave dweller a bp skin. imagine a mafia gang season where everyone plays a certain role within an average stereotypical mafia gang you'd see in the movies.
this is where venture comes into play, they are basically an assassin along with the person hiding the bodies after dealing with them, and of course, they dig them really deep into the ground.
The skin: first things first their chipped tooth would change into a golden tooth, then basically for their jacket would only be partially on their body, then underneath the classic pants with the straps, of (thinking about ashe's gangster/mobster skin) course colored with the brightest shade of yellow known to man. finished off with also a yellow or black bowtie, a complete rookie fit<3 Their hair would in pinned back in a messy bun but still leave the curtain bangs loose.
considering they are the youngest and the rookie in the gang, they love to mock iconic mafia lines with an over-the-top Italian accent.
imagine mafia venture coming up to you, and of course knowing their reputation you completely fear for your life wondering what you could have possibly done to piss off your city's mafia until they whip out a rose looking down at their feet sheepishly scratching the back of their head, their lil cheeks burning and flustered for u.
"Hey cupcake, I just saw you at the bar not too long ago and I just thought that you were um...lookin' absolutely dashing tonight!"
they push the rose into your hands as they can't handle the tension between you and run off back to the gang to which they all sigh and click their tongues in disappointment, they really were hoping for their right-hand man to finally catch a lover.
you only stand there your heart racing worrying for the end of your life, watching venture scurry away to which you see them almost trip from running. you are completely stunned as they leave your sight then you stare at the rose, its been cleaned of any thorns and the scent is strong and fragrant, then you twist the rose around realizing there's a small paper card tied to the bottom stem, it's their number with a little "call me sweetness!" with a lil doddle of themselves winking with a heart.
(blizzard please give Venture a legendary skin before Juno's full release or even their origin short... we need more)
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viktorsaintclaire · 2 months
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one year of peak yayyy
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ionomycin · 2 years
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pseudowho · 9 months
I swear to god, I blinked, and now there are Mahoraga fuckers???
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so1hia · 5 months
So today I found out that Venture from Overwatch is Non Binary Transgender and I couldn't be happier😭😭😭
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pompadourrguy · 4 months
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thinking about... ice cream vendor venture...
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sil3ntm0thart · 19 days
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my fields of mistria farmer! really like the game!
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sukugo · 2 months
everytime sukugo gets called a crack ship i suffer +10 damage
#f.txt#it's not about the ship or anything#it's more just. they be calling anything a crack ship these days huh#djdfhskdsffgs#like with skg they did used to be a rarepair but arent anymore#but they were never a Crack ship. it's a ship that has made sense since the begginning. (ok maybe i MIGHT be a biased fdjfdfg)#but!!!!! they had 2 interactions!!! two!!!!! for a crack ship u need a minimum requirement of 0 canon interactions#even THEN. u might not necessarily call it a crack ship#i think it maybe has to do with how fandom has gotten much larger and the Big Ships are so much more omnipresent in any fandom#so maybe that skews people's perceptions of other ships? like. any smaller ships gets totally overshadowed.#or maybe it's just confusing the term with rarepair#but i mean i have seen people be so confused when presented with skg and finding it slightly bizarre#and before i would have kinda gotten it . but now after the fight. im like......did u NOT see all that.#a lot of people seem to not venture into ships outside the 'main' ones#and take them as canon to a certain degree ?#('why would u ship X with Y if Z is right there')#idk#it's interesting#maybe related to the mainstreaming of fandom#?#just thoughts honestly#tho i feel the same about rarepairs tbh dsfjsdfds#i feel like the idea of a rarepair has also gotten skewed#where some big ships (in my opinion) are also getting called rarepairs#had this drafted from a while back. but i saw skg being called a crack ship again and remembered it#anyways. i will reiterate......ppl really be calling anything a crack ship these days#dhsfjdhjdghjfffddfhhfd#it just makes me feel....old(?) idk fjdhfjshgjs more kinda like a purist all NO!!!!!!!! wrong use of the word!!!!!!!!#but let's be honest ppl have always been like that. 'there's X!! why ship Y!!!!!'#basically. conclusion. fandom gettin so big intimidates me fhdjdfghjdfhjdfhfsdfgg
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pangzi · 3 months
no but yak's nightmare starting the moment dee is no longer in his arms... excuse me while i cry
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Florist! Venture x Reader
Credited and inspired for yours truly! @valneeds, they were the ones who came up with the idea of Florist! Venture and I only wanted to write a little something to cope after hearing the news of Venture not getting a skin until SEASON 14 (WTF BLIZZARD?)
im obsessed with the listener x yapper btw, can u tell.? also this IS A TWO IN ONE FIC WITH STORY AND HEADCANONS, the headcanons AFTER the story!
To be honest, flowers were never your kind of thing... Whether used to celebrate or to mourn with they'd never last. You'd of course not wanting to be rude would always expect a bundle of flowers from your family during family gatherings. Still, you'd always feel bad for the short lifetime of the flowers because you know they would always work even with water. Their main life source was already pruned off for mere eye candy and momentary celebration.
Or maybe you were looking too deep into some damn flowers.
But what you do know is that a cute little shop was seeming about to open real soon around near your neighborhood a small block away. To be frank, you liked flower shops more than the actual flowers themselves. And this one was like no other.
You peered into the glass like a child looking into a candy store, you knew how weird you'd look if you were staring into an open shop but this was closed of course. Your eyes pass the empty fridges to look at the cute warm color scheme of pastel yellows and oranges. Small and simple flower designs around the top of the walls. It all looks so comforting and reminds the feeling of a distant grandmother's cozy home.
Finally, you peel away from the glass to which you glance at the wooden door. The small pane of glass also fits the theme with small hints of stained glass. Reading the hung sign which was written in fancy but readable cursive tells all of the opening and closing times.
"Sloan's Seasons, Flora Arrangement and Personal Bouquets"
You mutter glazing the times then quickly realizing that the cute shop opens early tomorrow. With a brow raised staring at the times for tomorrow once more before finally stepping back and returning to your walk. You thought it was ironic of yourself that you weren't much of a flower person yet you mentally remember the time of which one opens the next morning.
You were willing enough to wake up early to check out the shop. It was a wee bit chilly for the average mourning but the walk back towards the shop quickly warmed you up. Waking up this early was worth it for the sunrise shining in between the cracks of your small town returning a lost feeling you'd never felt you could feel again.
Your legs barely ache as you meet up at the same small shop once more only to find it much different compared to yesterday. The once empty and bare shop was nearly stuffed full of all kinds of flora and filler greens. You are tempted to stay out and stare once more until you not only remember that the shop is open but a person is sitting at the counter which seems to look busy enough to not notice you gape your mouth like a fish.
A bell rings and echos through the room catching what seems to be the owner of this shop, assuming Sloan if that makes sense.
"Hiya! Welcome to my shop, first customer!"
The owner perks up chipper for this early day, you swear they waved you nearly jumping from their chair which is cast aside now. You only nod with a smile as they watch you eagerly as if they are waiting for you to ask for something. Ah, the fresh jitters of starting a small business.
Their stare almost encourages you to move around pretending to know what you are looking at. As you move towards some greenery to check out, they stand seeming to lean over the counter.
"Are you big on flora friend.?"
They snort, chuckling as they correct themselves.
"Well duh, Sloan! Why else would they be in this shop.?"
Well, that solves the small mystery, they are Sloan. You can't help but chuckle at their small antics. Sure you didn't like arranged flowers but surely you could let this owner open you up. The tension you felt with yourself towards this shopkeeper melts away with their friendly and positive banter.
"Ah, so you are Sloan? This is a really beautiful shop by the way!"
You step forward ignoring the kinds of flora and get closer to the counter, they look brighter than the sun to be running this shop on their first day.
"Oh yeah, that's me! Sloan minus the "Seasons" of course!"
They chuckle as they brush their shoulder off clearly proud of their joke. Maybe it's the contagious smile they give but you snicker along with them. For once your eyes actually stay on them instead of keeping them glued towards the cozy decor of the shop.
"Well going back on the flora talk. I'm actually not too big on flowers n stuff..."
You confess to them, somehow feeling bad that you are telling a florist that you don't like flowers.
You watch their face turn from one of still chuckling to one of slight surprise, and clearly in thought then they are quick to smile snapping their fingers.
"...Well are you confirming that's a challenge.? Because I love a good one.!"
It's your turn to be surprised as you are confused but also inspired by their undying optimism.
"...Wait excuse me-?"
"I promise you I can make you overturn your minor dislike for flowers into a small passion! Hell, since you came just after I opened, it's on me for the challenge!"
Their eyes gleam, and also seem to be hopping behind the counter unable to contain the excitement.
"Free flowers? That seems more of a loss on your part though."
It feels like your brain slows down unable to see the non-existent profit they wouldn't even make. You don't understand feeling like this is a sudden pop-up ad online that only leads to scams.
"Yes! I Sloan am determined to make you like flowers after I complete my first personal Boquete with you! Now."
They hide from the counter popping back out with a clipboard in hand and hand pen in the other, they click and smile.
"What's your name? My lovely customer!"
"...It's (Y/n)."
"Lovely name for an even lovelier face!"
...You honestly dont know what to do feeling your face flush a little at the sudden compliment. Sloan giggles writing down your name clearly enjoying your reaction. You ask yourself if the flower shop is just a plot to flirt with other people, and you avoid their gaze by looking at the decor that got you in here in the first place.
They ask a bunch of simple but slight personal questions and they swear on their heart that it's to figure out what kind of flora and greenery will fill out the blanks.
"...And we are finished!"
They finally lay down the clipboard on the counter to which they start to walk around the counter.
"Really.? And you are supposed to somehow know what kind of flowers fit my personality.?"
You can't help but ask it jokingly skeptical that someone would be able to match a handful of flowers to a certain meaning or personality to which Sloan side-eyes you with a small grin before putting on a small apron and gloves.
"That's for me to think about, besides. It's just some flowers! Which actually begs the question, why don't you like flowers.?"
You turn around to watch them stuff several bunches of flowers into their surprisingly beefy arms, they keep their eyes on you curious.
"Oh. That's the thing, I love flowers! It's nothing too serious but I prefer them when I know they aren't going to die after being prepared for an arrangement or Boquete, yknow.?"
They turn around the aisle to pick up a few bunches of greens.
"That makes sense."
They quiet down clearly in thought, not from your response but from something else. You figure to ask them the same question back.
"Well, what about you then.? Why do you like flowers, Sloan?"
This takes them out of their odd silence to which they quickly perk up with a toothy smile, they walk behind the counter with everything in their arms before settling them down on the working block. The smell of everything almost makes you sniffle and sneeze.
"I love flowers for a ton of reasons! Not only are they beautiful and smell amazing...well most of them do. Every single one holds a crap ton of secret meanings!"
They start to ramble clearly happy to talk about one of their biggest passions. You shift on your legs getting tired of standing but you keep up and lean on the counter enjoying the mountain of reasons why Sloan likes flowers so so much.
"It's like a poem for any kind of situation! All it takes is a little knowledge for even a handful of flora with specific meanings!"
With skillful hands they pick out the best flowers in only the perfect condition and snip away to size, you look away and keep your eyes on Sloan. They keep on talking which you don't mind at the slightest, feeling yourself lean your chin on a propped elbow.
"Yeah, I always kind of forget that flora can have all of those cool and small details most people never know about!"
"Yeah, you get it! And people think that all flowers only have good meanings which isn't always the case. I have seen my fair share of revenge bouquets, which are full of flowers with awful meanings!"
You both share a chuckle, you feel time pass talking to Sloan. Before you know it they are already finishing up the final touches of your arrangement which you have to amidst look beautiful. Maybe it looked more beautiful watching Sloan make it in front of you while having a pleasant yapping conversation. The topic eventually changes to off-topic matters, getting more personal.
"And besides flowers, I actually really like Archeology and the history of the ancient human generations!"
"Heh, that's quite a jump from ancient history to flowers. But I can totally see you dig that! Why didn't you do it.?"
They begin to tightly wrap up your flowers as they perk up from the question. This conversation has already been going down beyond the professional business banter so they answer with ease.
"Ah, it was mainly money problems. Along with me mainly just want to start out slow...for now with this flower business! But most likely in a few quick years, I'll find myself with the Way-Finders soon enough!"
You can't help but feel inspired by their determination to eventually get into their dream job as a professional archeologist. You eventually notice that Sloan was ringing you up for free of course. A moment of silence is shared between the two of you. It's clear that neither of you want to end this conversation but you both are aware that they have a small business to get running and you have, whatever you do.
"Well know, these look absolutely beautiful, Sloan!"
They hand you the flowers taking in a whiff of all of the pollen and aromas being mixed together. Sloan scratches the back of their head clearly bashful and hands you a business card, you are slightly confused but you shake hands.
"And hey! If I'm not busy and you wanna talk, I'll be here..."
They mouth but their voice barely whisper goes "Call me!". This makes you giggle then you realize that they point at the card. You flip it ignoring the business number to see that they have written their personal number in pen with a smiley face.
You wave them away as you also mouth, "I will, good-looking!". Then you exit feeling all giddy inside knowing that you most likely made them all flustered with your own comment. The sun was already in the middle of the sky, and you thought that it was funny of you to spend more than just your morning in a flower shop, but what the hell you got a number from a cute person. And you were almost sure that they threw in some kind of flower with some sort of romantic meaning under your nose...
(you thought I was done? HEADCANNONS to add more romance<33)
-When you finally get into a relationship with them they still get all flustered whenever you do anything remotely romantic towards them during work.
-They'll get all hot and tug on the collar of their shirt fasten their apron if they are wearing one and try their hardest to keep their business face for the customers.
-Every time you enter the store you KNOW that you are already going to get either a a huge discount or just get them for free. Of course, they only do this when other customers are not around to feel unequal.
-If you ever help them out with their work, whether for that posting up posters around the block, helping them deal with difficult costumes, or hell you just help them run the business. Heart eyes swooning over you all the more!
-They also have a small garden from above the shop to which they love to spend free time with you resting in the shade of the planted trees, star gazing in the night cuddling to sleep in each other's arms<3
-You are their stress toy after a rough day of work dealing with rough people. They tend to get a lil handsy after getting the green go with you of course, and golly they could feel themselves reaching heaven with you.
-They often gift you the most exotic flowers ever known to man. Or they send you the more simpler but beautiful flowers with their own messages being sent to you. It's like their version of writing love letters to you in the prettiest way!
-They DEFINITELY call you names of course! Ranging from both English to Spanish, it all stirs your stomach with butterflies. My rose, the light of my life, honeysuckle, sweet bee, honey, my orchid. Mi rosa, mi orquidea, la luz de mi vida, miel de abeja. Btw they shamelessly call you these names during work in front of customers, they live to see your face brighten up like a red rose!
-They would do ANYTHING to see you happy and well. They love you so much it's beyond the human mind how much they will and do love you!
Again thank you @valneeds !!!!
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madscientistic · 10 months
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talked about this before and im doing it again novia/terry is SOOO CUTE more people should draw her actually
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creamdream98 · 2 years
- I am very tired but here’s my train of thought
- when Cartman calls Kyle things like “dirty girl” or talks about his “vagina” I completely understand that yeah, he’s a dumb stupid kid picking on his friend. But hear me out…
- it is not uncommon for young queer folks to carry internalized homophobia with them, and feel shame or confusion surrounding any attraction to someone of the same sex (let’s say, whether it’s romantic or not. It’s confusing, especially for kids who don’t really understand it all yet, but let’s not pretend that kids don’t have feelings)
- when Cartman makes an effort to “feminize” Kyle, I understand it is in part for humiliation purposes or to make him feel lesser (because yeah, he’s a misogynist). But I also would 100% not be surprised at all if we were to find out he has… confusing feelings towards Kyle, and doesn’t know how to deal with that, and so his gut response is “call him a chick”
- and it’s okay if you don’t agree because we’re all just here for the satire and the joy of the show/community, but also feel free to let me know your thoughts if you want
- anyways thank you for reading
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enderwolf91 · 2 months
I just ran into my ex and their family at breakfast 💀
don't get me wrong, love their mom and stepdad, like genuinely they're both awesome and I'm good friends with their mom (biggest flex lol their mom is lowkey kinda a milf and she treats me better than her own kids cuz they're assholes to her)
one would probably expect that I panicked seeing them, but I know for a fact my ex panicked more cuz they've been avoiding m. there's been multiple times where they could have tagged along with their mom to hang out with me and my parents, but chose not to. I mean they dropped their brother off at a brewery we were at cuz he wanted to hang out, but they didn't so they left without even getting out of their car or saying hi to their mom.
honestly I did panic at first cuz it was super sudden and out of the blue (my anxiety legit spiked so much my hearing muffled for a bit), but then I remember they've been a hot mess since they broke up with me (and I mean hot mess, like they've been wildin with strangers and throwing themself around left and right) and then the little Venture shaped parasite in my brain reminded me that if Sloan knew the things that happened between my ex and I, they would absolutely go full scary guard dog privilege around me and that image made me giggle and feel so much better. helped calm my panic attack down thinking about that goofy archeologist with a cute glare, arms crossed and chest puffed up like a bird to be intimidating.
had a nice conversation with their mom and dad, their mom put herself in between my ex and I so I didn't see them during the conversation but I stayed casual and lighthearted cuz after the initial shock of the situation, I honestly didn't care that they were there and my anxiety died down real quick so that is some hella growth for me.
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cinnaminsvga · 6 months
actual conversation i had with my dental hygienist
hygienist: so what did you study at university?
me: chemistry...
hygienist: damn, no wonder you look so sad!
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grinchwrapsupreme · 6 months
being super normal about White calling Billy "a dreamer"after the events of Maybe No Go
#truly alarming amount of tags on this post don't click read more fr#the venture bros#pete white#bily quizboy#billy whalen#idk man the way they balance each other is really interesting#the things they agree on and disagree on are almost arbitrary#'you can't put mouthwash in a cookie' 'trust me' vs 'we should spend 10 mil on a motorcycle instead of housing' 'that's such a cool idea'#billy trying to pep white up about the ball#'this was your dream too' like come on dude when have pete's dreams ever worked out#when have yours#'what are we gonna do now billy?' 'we'll cross that bridge when we come to it'#baby the bridge has never been more present#ALSO white calling billy the dreamer when HE'S the one who pushes so hard for things#billy has dreams that might not be realistic but they give him hope and he works around the way the world works to make things happen#like being a self-taught surgeon and believing in a magic ball#pete has dreams IN SPITE of what is realistic and he will mold reality to be what he wants in order to make it happen#like fixing the quizshow and pretty much everything that happened in invisible hand of fate#and they both have disabilities that affect them in vastly different ways and impact their relationship with realistic goals#like billy's hydrocephalus being presented to the audience as mostly a social issue for him and the hand and eye being marks of trauma#rather than like an actual block for him beyond needing to tune the hand up every now and then#vs white's albinism making him physically unable to be in direct sunlight and making him actively fearful of doing certain things and#being certain places#to be clear i know the actual effects of hydrocephalus as well as the hand and eye but this is based on how the show presents it#like billy took these things about himself into account and went ok these are part of my reality and i will work with them#and pete took his reality and went ok i will cover it up with fake tan and wigs or sunscreen and hats and make reality what i want it to be#and that's what makes them a good team!! that's why they science together well#it's also why they argue so much#accepting reality and playing within its constraints vs hating reality and changing it to suit you#these are the hallmarks of scientific progress
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months
silly salvaged and its greg interviewing everyone (all the animatronics) for a marketing class at school or something
#fnaf#the soup speaks#silly salvaged au#Hes brave so he probably interviews William the most#“Gregory hes dangerous!”#“yeah well he was also a shareholder Freddy and I NEED that A”#“why don't you just ask me for the interview! I basically overheard everything from father and unc--Henry!”#“Didnt you literally say an hour ago before I told you any of this that when offered you just played your Atari or something”#“.....Touche Gregory...Touche”#Its like Saddle Row Review from MLP where he just interviews everyone relevent in the pizzaplex#“from Freddy to William to running away with a notepad in hand with Vanny all the way to the Tangle and Charlotte lol”#ykw maybe William likes the attention of his successful marketing ventures instead of the...yk....child murdering#now im not saying theyd be “”“”“friends”“”“” but like keep in mind this au is slightly ooc and very much bending to my silly whims#“ya see Gregory; you got to keep your name at the top of it all! Sure your *product* may succeeded; but have *you*?”#“mhm...mhm...” -jotting down in a notepad- “keep...your...name..rel..e..vent...and then...die....noted!”#the staff just get told repeatedly like#“why is that kid interviewing the robots” “don't worry he does stuff like that all the time hes chill”#Maybe he and cassie team up for the project or something lol#just two kids running around from staff member to security guard to animatronic to ask about marketing#tis a silly image#fnaf gregory
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