#i need to workshop this more bc i think she IS kind but she has commodified it and bastardized it to the extreme as a means of survival
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rosykims · 2 months ago
kind of leaning into the iconoclast-is-the-playstyle-for-liberal-sentiments argument for leda but not in a "shes a niave bleeding heart" way but in the more accurate neoliberal "her kindness is actually pretty disengenous and self-serving when examined with any real scrutiny" way lol
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namtanlovesfilm · 21 days ago
off's BD gathering 2025
hi hi! so I thought I'd gather my personal thoughts as well as the important talking points off talked about during the gathering!
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first of all, I was super surprised to be able to get a seat to the gathering this year. last year I didn't get a seat at all & I was super sad so this year felt unreal, hence why I didn't talk about it online until it happened by fear of jinxing it (I tend to have random bad luck sometimes so now I keept cards close to my chest lol).
I didn't know at all how the gathering would go since it was my first one, but it was pretty casual & quite short which was good bc I was there on 4 hours of sleep due to the excitement for this event (I can never sleep before any off/offgun event I go to lol)
I ended up sat next to a quite famous twitter account & she was super nice, she first talked to me in english but by the end she saw that I was laughing at the jokes, etc. and asked me if I spoke thai so I said yes and it led to a funny moment lol. her & the woman on my left both complimented my thai so that's always pleasant 🥹
now the man of the hour, p'off! I loved his denim look today with the eyes all over his shirt, and obviously I won't bore you by repeating how amazing he is & how much I love him. he offered every fan a red enveloppe after the gathering which was so fucking sweet, imagine doing that for the 700 people who came!
his mom, sibling & niece and nephew niring & akin came to support him and it was super sweet! of course his ride or dies, gun, tay, new and arm came to celebrate his birthday as well! now onto the contents of the gathering:
burnout syndrome:
p'off revealed that burnout syndrome has started its workshops already!!! that's so exciting!!! I really didn't have hope to get this show in 2025 but maybe there's hope this time around!!!
he talked about dewgun's chemistry and when asked about offdew, he seemed to not want to push it further. I didn'tg understand 100% of what he said so let's wait for other translations but he DID mention the idea of a offgundew three-way ship!!! soooooo... let's see 👀
off talked in length about him getting fit, and mentionned again that p'nuchie kinda bullies him ngl 😭 like she legit called him and said "if you don't get a six pack for this project, you better quit. you're old, people are gonna get bored if you don't change" which... idk how to feel about ngl hahaha
not really burnout syndrome related but off talked briefly about not me & how challenging the workshops for it were, mentioning the workshops for burnout that are apparently also difficult. he says he will bring something new & better to his acting for this role.
break up service:
sadly off said that he has no idea when the show will air but it should be soonish? I feel like the show is gonna get pushed by gmmtv giving priorities to other shows first :((((( me who was thinking we'd get the show in 2 to 3 weeks lol... I need off on my screen asap!
speaking of break up service & his ship with jorin, off said he is very glad that babiis never harass or treat his female co-stars badly. he mentioned mild, pat and jorin, and how all three were glad to not be bullied by the fandom lol... thank goodness babiis are healthy & supportive for the most part 💚
before that, out of nowhere, off went on a tangent talking about certain toxic fans and how much he doesn't like them and is glad babiis are kind & supportive. he said he used to be more aggressive with fans in the past if they crossed a line, but babiis have behaved better since then so he's appreciative for his healthy fandom. (this was really out of nowhere & I LOVED off mentioning that. I love how straight forward & how unwilling to walk on eggshells he is. a KING.)
before tay even showed up, off mentioned tay at least 4 times in random convos lol. you can tell he LOVES and is obsessed with his bestie, it's so cute!
tay hugged off after saying he loves him, something that they both recognized they never say bc while they know they love each other, off gets shy & doesn't like to say it out loud lol
oh also tay started his birthday wish to off by calling him "nong off" and ngl... that did something to me 🥵
gun was, as always, very quiet & shy lol. off did say that he loved him while confessing his love to every friend present there, and... it was giving awkward idiots in a romcom lol (basically off was explaining how he doesn't say I love you to his friends and pointed to each of them while saying "I love you" but stumbled on his words when he got to gun diosuhgzqsijdiezo)
tay called gun off's "thirak" (darling) and tried to get gun to confess his love for off but gun had the definition of a gay panic and kept flailing his hands to refuse the mic, I was dead lmaoooooo
offnew's chaotic energy is really slowly becoming my all time fave lmao, new called off old & they kept whispering to each other while tay did his speech, it was so funny!
arm literally called off his brother and his family, sooooo... yeah. that's all. I adore them. besties for life ;_;
personal life:
off apologized a lot about not uploading a lot on social media these days. he said he is addicted to staying home and watching cartoons (anime), specifically attack on titans lol. he says he's gonna get back to posting more very soon.
off said his biggest dream as a kid was to have a house with a pool. now that he's building his house, he feels like his dream is coming to life 💚
he said he's not someone who loses sleep over things. he knows that he'll be better to solve a stressful problem the next day after getting some sleep rather than not sleeping & being too tired to solve the problem bc of it (I'm very jealous of him I could NEVER. once again I slept 4 hours bc I was so excited to see him lol.)
he also said his goal for 2025 is to travel to the US, either for a trip or for work. he talked specifically about new york & miami (I was cringing internally bc I'd rather not he goes to the US rn lol, but NYC do be that bitch imo)
alice said off is trying to get better at english for his interfans but he refused to speak on stage bc he was too shy hahaha (but he spoke english to me tho 🥹)
off also said he almost never smiles with teeth (except when a client requests it) bc he thinks he looks weird & is insecure about his smile ;_; (first time I heard this omg I felt so bad his smile with teeth is literally my fave!!!)
off also talked about how straightforward he is, and how that used to cause him problems in the past and how gmmtv crew asked him to tone it down lol. but alice rightfully said that that's what we love about him, he doesn't have a filter & that's why we stan! it's so rare to get an honest celebrity these days lol
off talked about the babii 24/7 concert, and especially the part when he cried. he said it was mostly due to tiredness, bc he was doing so much at the time (and yes at the time of the concert he'd been working & traveling non-stop for over 2 months while grieving his dad's super recent passing...)
he also talked about going to paris for the fashion week, and how big of an achievement it was. he said it was crazy to meet pharrell williams, his idol since he was young, and he was happy to hang out with baifern even if it was short. he also said he was so shocked that the crowd in front of the venue was waiting for him and calling his name 🥹 he said he stayed under the rain to sign the autographs and was soaked, but it was an amazing experience. he also said he wishes tay had been with him so they could explore the city together ;_; (as previously said he mentionned tay a LOT)
he talked about the recent fanmeet in rome, and how certain fans flew from all over the world to meet him there. he compared rome to ayutthaya due to their ancient monuments (which made me chuckle but actually the comparison is not that far off I guess HAHAHA)
he talked about the pebaca concert and said we should all dress up to come to the concert (not sure what that fully entails lol). he also said he can't say too much but there will be some special thing there (which he said is best bc he said he can't carry a show with his poor singing and dancing, and... sir we disagree. at least about the singing lol.)
anyways that's it! it was an amazing experience & I always feel so grateful to be able to partake in fandom experiences here in bkk 🥹 this is the kind of shit I always dreamed about when living in paris & I legit never thought it'd be possible to be this close to my favorite guy ;_; happy birthday to him again & I can't wait for this upcoming year of loving him more & more 💚
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elsfairy · 2 years ago
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꒰⠀ARTISAN ⠀⠀⎯⎯ ⠀⠀ABBY. 🪚 ꒱
artisan: a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand. a/n: hahhaaaa hey. i know nothing about Carpentry, so please if you see something that makes no sense or isn't accurate, you do not. this is literally a self-indulgent with me and my 🎀 anon bc we need carpenter!abby.
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✧  First and foremost, Abby loved her job. Sure, it was a job that had her using her hands for hours on end, but that was something she loved about it, constantly doing something that she genuinely enjoyed doing & didn’t have her bored out of her mind.
✧ Her entire workshop is filled with scraps of wood & all sorts of different trinkets she has made over the years from where she went to work to become a carpenter. From an oak wood bookshelf that’s been dusted over for months to a Pine coffee table that now has many coffee stains covering the surface.
✧ The first time she met you was when she was dropping off a piece that she had started for someone in the apartment building you live in. And if it wasn’t for the fact you had left your door wide open, she wouldn’t have heard your cries and pleas for help when you started failing miserably at building a bookshelf you hadn't taken out the box since it arrived 2 weeks ago.
“You know you’re not supposed to screw the handles on the inside of the door, right?”
✧ Since that first encounter with the blonde, who gave you her number the minute she had been the one to put your brand bookshelf together perfectly without having much trouble, you’ve somehow managed to buy more things that do need to be assembled and you’re finding yourself calling her every time you need help. You’re always calling Abby. probably because you also love to drool over her muscles, the way they flex when she uses a saw & just overall watching her work but still.
✧ Her giddy crush kind of way but she loves to make you little gifts. Even if you don’t ask for them, she’s always finding something you might like but you always complain to her saying that it’s too much so you refuse to let her buy you anything. So she will make it for you instead because she has all the materials for it. That makes it more special & sentimental to her, being able to make you a little gift from the heart. She will spend hours perfecting & sanding the wood to be so damn smooth that you don’t end up getting splinters. Speaking of wood, she takes a long ass time to decide on what she wants to use for a start.
“I love that you always think about me when you make something. Thank you, Abs. I’m not really that artistic like you, but I could buy you dinner… if you want, my way of saying thank you for helping me”
✧ Loves it when you turn up at her workshop. Especially if you turn up with something for her lunch. You being there plus food? That melts her heart more than you could imagine. Most of the time, you’ve got to feed her though because one, she’s either so zoned in her work or two, she has sawdust everywhere on her hands and over her pants. So feeding her is always the best option while she works. It also just gives you a long time to gawk at her. From the way, her tongue pokes out the side of her mouth when she’s focused, to the sweat coating her forehead, strands of blonde hair falling from her braid, and how the sun shines through the window right onto her toned muscles. You also just loved how gentle and caring she was toward every piece of work she decides to do, whether it be a big project or small. She was always so delicate. 
“Are you done staring, Doll? c’mon, let me teach you how to do it. One day I’ll need your help”
✧ Refuses to let you call someone to fix something that is broken in your apartment. She doesn’t care if she’s busy building or making something for one of her clients, if you call her and ask for help then you can be sure that she’s going to be there within 10 minutes to fix it for you. Says they always charge you way too much for their assistance, with her she also refuses to let you pay. She cares deeply about you, and charging you is something she will never do. A literal free-of-charge service.
“Making me one of those lemonades you always seem to have whenever I’m here is how you can pay me. If you’re drinking them a lot, they must be really good Doll”
✧ Secretly adores when you watch her work. She might be zoned out, and working extra hard but that doesn’t mean she can’t feel you staring at her. You’re not as oblivious as you seem. Abby can literally feel your eyes roam over her body and face until she has to pause in her movement and look up at you with a smirk on her lips. It’s not every day you get caught staring at such a beautiful woman designing a new coffee table for you, is it? Drooling just a little at the way her hands move, how tight those pants are around her thighs, and how her muscles bulge under that shirt.
“How about, you come over here, sit on my lap and we can do this together?”
✧ Her work patterns are all whack, not eating at the right times she should be, nor sleeping at a good time but she does love the nights when she finally gets to your apartment, eyes heavy and hands hurting from using them all day to find you already standing in the kitchen of your warm place, cooking dinner with the radio playing quietly in the background and small hums leaving your mouth. She loves your cooking, and also loves to see you using that dammed wooden spoon you practically begged her to make for you because you saw it online, but was too expensive to get.
“Missed you today, you smell like home. My home..”
✧ baby will build you whatever you ask for, or help you put together something you’ve bought for your room. she loves helping you & having you ask for help. 
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mommyashtoreth · 11 months ago
what are your most hated popular aziraphale and crowley mischaracterizations
GREAT question I fucking love complaining
Not to sound contradictory right off the bat but for Az it's both like. "Aziraphale is mean" and "Aziraphale is SO cartoonishly nice that he can't even fathom of anything that could be construed by anyone as being somehow 'bad'", because I think both are really fundamental misunderstandings of Aziraphale as a dramatic character for the former and as a comedic character for the latter. "Aziraphale is mean" seems to be based entirely on the ending of s2 and I've certainly said my piece about that already, but to summarize I think it's a bad reading of that scene and I find "actually Aziraphale is manipulative and mean and Crowley is 100000% always in the right and never did anything wrong ever" to make for a much more boring story than what we've actually got. On the other hand, boomeranging right into the other direction and making Aziraphale way too nice is ALSO something I find boring, but in a more standard "fandom flanderization" type of way. Like, I'm sure you've seen something where Aziraphale is so nice and good and pure and soft and sweet and smol cinnamon roll needs protection that he passes out whenever someone says the word "penis." And I find that boring! It's a bad way to engage with his joke. Aziraphale IS nice, genuinely, and he's good to people and helps people and loves humanity, but also like, he's smug and he lies and he says guns lend weight to a moral argument and is kind of a cunt in ways people don't give him credit for. And that's good! That's awesome. He's really really really funny and I obviously really really like him. Basically I wish people knew how to balance "Aziraphale is nice" and "Aziraphale is a bitch" bc both are true and it's a fine-tuned craft managing to depict both at once
Crowley is harder to pin down... idk I just Also find a lot of fandom Crowley very boring in very similar ways, either stripping him down (God I wish) to form one half of a very basic very boring Good Guy Vs. Bad Guy dynamic, or making him this like Sexy Domineering Alpha Male Daddy Dom type that I find very boring. Not that I think Crowley can never be sexy or domineering, my url is literally, yknow, that, but I think all his "evilness" has an almost playful nature to it where like you know he's having fun with it, OR I like when it feels like he's doing it as a job. like Oh, fuck, have to make the quota today. Gotta go cause a pileup. I think people generally tend to make Crowley either too serious or too nice, and he IS nice, there's a guarded softness in like both renditions of the character that IS very important, but he's still Also kind of a bitch! And that's fun! Idk people always make "sin" out to be some huge thing like "Crowley has to literally murder a child" which makes for good conflict, but there's also little stuff that he's a) good at and b) likes doing, like causing traffic jams and moving construction poles around and just like, generally annoying people and I think that's really really funny. I read a fic once where she would order pizza for delivery to other people's houses, and I'm still workshopping mine where she, like, convinces this rich guy to invest in a bad industry so when his stocks plummet he'll be insufferable to be around (also bc greed is a sin. There are sins besides lust! Animals), and that's fun! And honestly Crowley's fun even when he's down in the dumps, he's funny when he gets annoyed with Aziraphale or when he gets angry at Gabriel or whatever. I wish people tapped into that more! Idk I also clearly like Crowley a lot I think we could hang out I could grab a beer with him and play Bowie and Brian Eno on the jukebox, and a lot of fandom Crowley does not feel like somebody I could grab a beer with. Let him loosen up! Misery is fun to write but all work and no play makes Tony a dull boy
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strongermonster · 11 months ago
this is a really weird thing to complain about perhaps + has a really simple fix of "why don't you just switch banks then bc no one cares??"
but last year (maybe the year before?) my bank switched from a very conservative navy blue, berry red, and steel grey colour scheme that had a sort of feel of professional detachment to it that i've come to associate with dry corporate things like banking, to this "fun" new thing that's lime green and hot pink, with (mostly) light grey text on dark grey backgrounds, and uses exclusively black and white pictures of Attractive Diverse Youths of an Indeterminate Age Doing Fun Millennial-Appealing Non-Banking Activities to try and jazz it up, and i... i don't... hate it, but it feels... wrong?
it feels too very specifically engineered. calculated. like, you're a bank. you're a financial institution owned by a larger one that has all the money in the world and does not care to help a single soul with it, but you know it doesn't matter because we're stuck with you anyways.
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"free spirited photography" "old-fashioned competition" "energetic black-and-white imagery" why does it feel like they're trying to convince me of something?? this is like a new wave social media app that hasn't figured out how manipulative phrasing has worked yet.
the whole thing feels disingenuous and tacky. they're an online only bank, so they're trying to appeal to millennials and younger by being Hip and Cool with the Youths, but it just feels sour. reminds me a bit of 'they live (1988)'-ish, or when you get a new job and they're like "we're a family here! 🥰" and everything is really sleek and buzzfeed/tech startup-esq and counter-productively techy in a really inhuman way and you end up getting fired over zoom by a bohemian chic hr woman wearing fashion glasses she doesn't need with bangles that jingle the entire time she gesticulates while telling you she's really-really sorry your mom has cancer, but you did break company policy by taking 10 days off this year 😢
also when i say "i don't hate it" i mean uhm. if this was the kind of colours and imagery that someone was using to promote a community-based event that involved interacting with other people, i would find it enjoyable and engaging. but there's something about it being used to encourage engagement with an app designed to take my money that makes me feel uhh well all of the above i guess.
i don't know. corporations have more access to us on a deeply personal level than ever before, so when i see things like this it makes me nervous to think about how many greedy corporate execs sat in a room workshopping the best way to seem like Your Cool Friend like some sort of shapeshifting social parasite. but maybe i'm just paranoid.
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takami-takami · 6 months ago
Okay this is long but RANT ABOUT MY JOAB.
The more people I talk to about the situation, the more I realize that my supervisor just did not care to teach me.
She told me to "run a workshop" (i have literally no idea what they looked like) and gave me no oppurtunity to shadow someone, so when the one I came up with from my own brain flubbed, i didnt know what to do. Because I am not a fucking social worker yet! I have no idea what the fuck a workshop is!!!
What do you MEAN that's my fault, that's not my fault! I came up with one out of my ass because I repeatedly requested and asked for you to please please please clarify what you mean and give me an example and you refused and told me to just do it. You gave me "old example slides" that show nothing but bullet points that the person was using as a visual guide; I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH THIS.
So when it came time to do it in a mock workshop with you and the social worker on site, and I had anxiety and cried, how was I blamed for that? You were scrolling on your phone the whole time anyway! Tf was I supposed to do?! YOU NEVER TRAINED ME AND TOLD ME TO MAKE SOMETHING UP!!!!
But honestly. It sucks sooooo bad. I talked to multiple people about this and they said they would cry too like ?????
I ASKED to shadow someone. You said you would let me shadow someone first, then forgot, and said "that's not happening"
I even tried explaining. "I have my slides and activity ready to go, but I do NOT know what kind of behaviors to do when running a workshop. I have never seen one before, so I do not know what behaviors to do or how to act." And she looked at me like i was stupid.
And during supervision, I had to repeatedly say, "listen, the supervision form says I need to discuss this with you" and she would shoo me away. Until i read the actual questions one by one saying, "Discuss with your supervisor xyz" so she would know i could not answer it on my own bc who else am i supposed to discuss with?!
She made me work the front desk and make coffee. HOW DOES THAT HELP ME WITH SOCIAL WORK
For god's sake, she told me to come up with resources for their page during one of the times I expressed that we should probably address clients needs in a more substantive way and she said "use the internet" when I asked how exactly I was supposed to locate these services
She told me multiple people have complained to her about the personalities at the annex like YOU THINK!?
It's like. Your mission says you do all these things for clients but the rooms are literally completely silent here. The only reason clients come is to sit in the lounge and drink free coffee and do their homework. That is literally all.
And she would just be on her fucking phone like wheeeeere is the service? Are you taking this seriously at all? Because you're supposed to be a fucking social worker.
Their "connecetion to resources" is just pamphlets on the front desk and links on their canvas page that you need an INVITE to get access to. And it only has the fucking state 2-1-1 information. Remote and travelling students have complained MULTIPLE TIMES how unsupported they are by the university, that's a need there. ADDRESS IT.
Like. Does anyone even KNOW about these "peer consult" services? Like genuinely, do they, because the sample learning contract you gave me from a previous student barely mentioned peer consultation at all. And peer consult isn't social work either. Social work is a fucking academic profession, not a volunteer program.
Like genuinely what the FUCK do you do to reach disenfranchised populations? WHERE IS THE SOCIAL SERVICES? Like you're combatting food insecurity for the ten fucking people who drop in a day by giving free snacks and lunches i GUESS. But like genuinely what the fuck else?
It's lazy. It's stupid. NO ONE is going to actually bring up criticisms to you in your stupid fucking check in form because they came here to study and don't have time for that. It's YOUR job to conduct focus groups or needs assessments or DEDICATED SURVEYS with the clients.
And the fact that she had the AUDACITY to ask me if I would be comfortable "walking up to people and asking if they need help" when I mentioned micro work. Yeah, okay, let me walk up to Bill and he'll tell me "yes actually I need help with finding housing assistence given my current landlord is upping the price of rent and I cannot afford it with my new expenses of adopting a dog. Can you refer me to pet food banks and housing assistence programs? Thanks a bunch!" NO THEY'RE GONNA FUCKING SAY "i'm fine thank you :)"
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vasito-de-leche · 2 years ago
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;NSR MAYDAY - General Headcanons
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Compilation of general headcanons and analysis about Mayday and other Mayday related things.
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I just needed an excuse to fleshen out / analyze Mayday and any HCs I have for her bc I'm thinking soooo much about this game <3 there's also Zuke stuff in here because you can't talk abt one without the other lmfao
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Aside from music, Mayday and Zuke share an interest for fixing, modding and tinkering with machines (any piece of tech discarded out in the streets).
Their approach to reverse engineering all the tech they get is different - Mayday focuses on recycling to build something entirely new and more powerful, while Zuke focuses on fixing and perfecting whatever it is that he's tinkering with, to make it more precise.
This is most notable with their respective instruments. Mayday's guitar is 100% built from scratch, spare parts and passion, it's also modded and tuned to her liking. This means that she's literally the ONLY person who can understand how it works, and why she couldn't replace her old guitar once it was destroyed at the end of the game. Meanwhile, Zuke opts for using NSR-brand drumsticks - the best of the best in the market - which he mods to work better with his way of playing.
The workshop in their base is attributed to Zuke because he's the one who cleared out the area to have all of their little projects located in an organized spot, since most of their living quarters were filled with unfinished projects, wrenches and bolts everywhere and so on. This is because Mayday has a very short attention span and gets attached easily, so she never has the time to finish anything nor the heart to discard her projects - especially when she keeps drawing faces onto everything.
A lot of their equipment was just made by Mayday herself, since she needed speakers strong enough to withstand the power of her guitar without getting fried after every performance. Many of their mutual friends see Zuke as the genius of the duo, but he insists that Mayday is the one doing most of the carry for B2J.
Both Mayday and Zuke got into music because of their loved ones.
It's canon that DK West is the reason Zuke got into music, and I like to think family was also one of the main reasons Mayday got into music, namely rock. One of her dialogues in-game mentions how her grandma used to listen and sing to the Goolings with her using an old radio, despite not knowing the lyrics nor understanding the music.
Whereas Zuke was influenced by his brother's rap career to give music a try, it was kind of the reverse for Mayday - rock music became a big interest for her from a young age, and her family supported her wholeheartedly. They would take her to concerts, buy merch for her whenever it was possible and basically hype her up. Her father can probably name every different phase and era in Mayday's childhood and teenage years based on the groups she was into at the time.
Judging from dialogue, I think it's implied that Mayday was born and raised in Vinyl City, and that she never really travelled outside. So it's not impossible for her family to attend her first concerts (in small, local venues as a teenager, before she and Zuke even met) and her proper debut in B2J. Her family is also the first ones to receive official B2J merch, shirts that she and Zuke designed and that look AWFUL but that they love all the same.
I think this family aspect also ties in nicely with the base game, specifically Yinu's fight since it's the first moment of tension for Mayday and Zuke in which they realize they might not be the good guys for hijacking concerts.
For Mayday, music is a lifestyle, not something to be forced onto people - she goes directly against NSR because of the EDM enforcement and the rock ban, after all. So it makes sense to me that she becomes a bit too engrossed in fighting Yinu's mother, someone who is directly puppeteering her own child and represents parents who live vicariously through their talented kids, to the point where she also forgets that Yinu is a child. A fact that she also initially brushes aside herself since Yinu is part of NSR.
I don't know, I just like when characters are flawed and multifaceted! Mayday and Zuke should be allowed to be hypocrites, as a treat.
Mayday taught herself how to play.
My personal agenda is to also hype up Mayday for being a music genius at 21, so yeah! I like to think she's 100% self-taught, which parallels Zuke's musical education rather nicely. They're both extremely good in their own unique ways.
She used to play by ear, trying to figure out how to play her favorite songs when she was younger, and later began to actually study music notation and so on.
When spontaneously coming up with new melodies and songs for B2J, she mostly uses her phone to record herself singing, as opposed to Zuke immediately needing to jot down everything.
It took awhile for Mayday to pick up and use Kul Fyra's guitar.
After the events of the game, Mayday ABSOLUTELY needed some time to properly process everything - her dialogue is all about realizing that she was in the wrong and reconsider the reason she picked up music in the first, wondering if she began to rebel against NSR because she couldn't cope with B2J and rock (two things very dear to her heart) being rejected, etc. So she wouldn't have had the heart to use her idol's guitar without coming to terms with a lot of things first.
My favorite headcanon to think about is that the cutscene at the very end, during Tatiana's speech, is of Mayday and Zuke performing after B2J's hiatus, after they both help each other mature and grow up a bit. And Mayday using Kul Fyra's guitar is symbolic of her renewed love in music and taking Tatiana's words to heart - "where I have failed, I want you to go beyond".
Mayday doesn't have any powers unique to herself.
I KNOW, I KNOW - it's kind of UNFAIR since EVERYONE has WORLD BENDING ABILITIES AND WHATEVER. Even Zuke is implied to have inherited DK West's shadow puppets and all, BUT consider THE FOLLOWING....THAT'S THE POINT.....
Every major character in NSR represents a type of musician or figure in the industry - and I'm not sure if it was meant to be read like this or not, but Zuke reads as that type of person who has really good connections with important figures, who had the chance to pursue higher education and afford expensive equipment, who is knowledgeable when it comes to the ins and outs of the industry BECAUSE he was there to see and experience it all firsthand (if we're taking into account the fact that DK West was implied to be a revolutionary activist related to NSR). He's even the one who is the most reluctant to go against NSR and gives them the benefit of the doubt, which can easily be attributed to him being the calm and collected, reasonable half of the duo but also because he personally knows EVE (and DK West if you count him as an important major figure). He's a huge fucking nerd with a degree and it makes sense that he's the one giving ALL the information about the music industry when interacting with all the objects around Vinyl City.
But May? Her dialogue is all about more common things, the way she talks about certain people shows that she knew them personally, that they were friends or acquaintances from all over town instead of the important figures Zuke speaks of. She complains a lot about the fact that from a surface level, NSR does look like a bunch of sellouts and really offers that underdog vibe in B2J. She has NO connections to ANY major character in NSR other than being a fan of Kul Fyra. We know virtually nothing about her backstory too.
So to me it makes sense that Mayday lacks any sort of unique and incredible ability, as she IS part of the little guys that B2J fight for. The underdogs that get brushed aside for whatever reason, because they're not relevant or seen as profitable and so on. She represents the artists who are naive, full of passion for their craft and determination to make their dreams work regardless of how cruel the industry might be.
My personal hot take is that instead of powers and some innate talent, Mayday offers something else: deep connections with people.
This example might not click with everyone since it's how I personally perceived the music and all and I actually know absolutely nothing about music other than It Sounds Good and It Makes Me Want To Dance, but yknow!
When listening to the B2J solos, there are times when Zuke's solo is very aggressive and almost takes over the entire song, which makes sense since it's a solo and they ARE trying to win over EDM. But Mayday's solos blend in so well with the base track of each boss fight, like she really is trying to match their vibe using her own genre rather than fight for the spotlight.
This is most noticeable in Eve's fight - both Zuke and Mayday's solos match Eve's base track perfectly. You can understand why Zuke would match her, since they know each other intimately and when you explore Dream Fever, he's the one giving ALL the in-depth explanations about Eve's vision when creating her sculptures and art. But Mayday would have no reason to match Eve at all, she doesn't understand any of her art let alone know her as a person. And still, the ONE thing Zuke tells Eve at the end of the fight is that if Eve came to know Mayday the way he does, she would like her as well. Zuke is happier being Mayday's friend and bandmate despite the fact that he's Mayday's antithesis, than being part of a big company and records label with his super hot girlfriend.
I like to think that Mayday's solos, the fact that she is Zuke's direct opposite in almost every way, that she's closely tied to the regular people and citizens of Vinyl City and that piece of dialogue from Zuke are a testament to Mayday's ability to really reach out to people through music. Not to say that her power is just friendship, but just the fact that she can adapt and come to understand anyone - as long as it's in a musical setting.
Personally I like it more when Mayday is just a regular girl without unique powers, but you could take these aspect of her and turn them into its own power!
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midnightfire830 · 1 year ago
Because I haven’t done anything cyberpunk I’m a while, also bc I’m stalling for a drawing. Here’s the questers favorite types of junk food in cyberpunk (and IG any of my modern AUs)
Cuphead obviously likes anything sweet, especially lollipops. He doesn’t really care what flavor but he likes those mystery kinds that randomly pick for him; grape, and strawberry. But he also defaults to eating ravioli cups or cans if he needs a quick meal, or a snack. Or for comfort. Or if he’s just feeling it.
Mugman likes snacking on pokeys. His favorite flavor is regular chocolate and blueberry. Cuphead teases him about that relentlessly. “He likes blueberries so much it turned his nose blue” (A note from my friend @ireallylovepuppies101 ). Also, he really likes sour gummy candies. Like sour patch kids and sour fizzy skulls (I work at a Swedish candy store that last one might not make as much sense to my american friends).
Bendy has a bad habit of forgetting to eat when he’s stuck with a project (as does Holly) so he likes hot pockets. He doesn’t really have a favorite flavor, whatever he can grab at the corner store. He’ll usually eat these as a last minute meal if he forgets to eat dinner. It drives Cuphead INSANE. He also likes any kind of bacon flavored chips or pretzels.
Boris is the one in the workshop that actually remembers to eat. He often has to remind Bendy and Holly to actually eat if Cuphead isn’t there to remind him. Boris is kind of a sucker for Mac ��n cheese cups or just regular Mac n’ cheese in the boxes. He likes to cut up hot dogs or little bits of ham and mix them in his Mac ‘n cheese for a little extra protein. He also makes sure if that is going to be his meal that he also eat some fruits or veggies with it.
Felix doesnt really eat junk food but he occasionally likes a good vanilla milkshake. He also enjoys chocolate biscuits and cookies. I tried looking up british chocolate cookie brands but I’m obviously not british so idk what’s good. But there was a thing called McVities Chocolate Digestives. I imagine he’d like the lemon drizzle flavor. He also likes Girl Scout cookies. If there’s someone selling them he’s buying their whole stock of cookies. He especially likes Samoa, Thin mints, and Lemonades. He doesn’t eat those a whole lot, they’re kind of special occasion things or comfort food. Whenever he’s feeling nostalgic.
Holly likes lollipops of course, preferring cherry and blue raspberry flavors. But really any flavor will do. But she also likes ramen! If you go into her section of the workshop where she codes you’ll see a lot of cup ‘o noodles cups everywhere. If she decides to cook ramen she likes to cook it with some egg and chopped up onions, carrots, celery, and potatoes to make it a bit more hearty and filling.
Alice doesn’t eat junk food that much. She does like marshmallows, especially s’mores or any kind of chocolate covered marshmallow. But she also likes donuts. >:) (for the people who read inky mystery you know that Holly scared Alice into thinking that eating donuts makes you a bad person.) So she only likes specific kinds of donuts. She loves apple fritters, long john donuts, and crullers because they don’t look like your average donuts. So she doesn’t realize those are actually donuts. She thinks they’re just regular weirdly shaped pastries. No one has the guts to tell her they’re actually donuts.
If you wanna hear other characters let me know!!!!
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elluka · 2 years ago
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Happy Pride. These are my Limbus Company headcanons. ID in alt, long ass explanations + extra headcanons under the cut bc I didn't like the look of when i put two flags on each character.
The City is a hellscape but it IS established that being GNC is cool in ruina, and I'm going off of the assumption that being nonconforming is fine for the most part, but queer identities aren't really something people talk about, BUT also it does vary wildly depending on the part of the city, leading to culture shock with a few characters having come from more conservative areas (sinclair, don quixote) when seeing people from more relaxed areas just living their best lives (faust, outis). (warning for mentions of trans and homophobia)
Dante isn't sure if they identified like this already or if they were just kind of assigned nonbinary when they had amnesia and has not questioned this. If they were to think about it, they would still be nonbinary, but maybe in a different way? They have the Agonies to go through and amnesia to wretsle with though, so they don't spend much time thinking abt gender when they;re fine with it as it is.
Sinclair is an egg still, but will eventually realise he is bigender and gay (for guys). He is aware of and respects nonbinary people and ppl who use other pronouns like Dante but subconsiously thinks that you need to have like, qualifications to be allowed identify as trans and it's not something that just anyone is allowed to do. He still hasn't accepted that he likes boys OR that he's not into girls. Give him some time, poor kid has catholic guilt in a setting with no catholics, he thinks every little thing he does is sinful, nevermind the stuff that other people actually say is a sin. He thinks its fine and is supportive when others are queer but not when he is.
Ishmael is a lesbian. She got up to some yuri on that boat. Nowadays she's too focused on revenge to think about romance though.
Meursault is pan. He doesn't care about gender, just appearance (he has comically high standards here, usually) and whether you make him do stuff he doesn't wanna do or not (he has comically low standards here, usually).
Rodya is bi. She will flirt with guys and girls alike, but when she's chatting up a woman she takes extra care to make sure it can easily be taken as a joke. My source for this is when she's flirting with Faust in canto 4. Bi4Bi with Gregor, at least in the LCB universe; she gets with others in different realities.
Gregor is also bi, nad pretty casual about it. Like, he gets nervous when chatting with anyone hot, but he's no more nervous with guys than with girls. I also like him being a trans guy, but I still need to workshop my lore for that. Bi4Bi with Rodya in the LCB universe, damn near bitchless in every other one. He has NO game.
Yi sang is something called reflectshift, which was defined by the coiner as "a gender related to mirrors , reflections & shapeshifting". He uses any pronouns but he doesn't tell people this and so people only use he/him so now he yearns for just one weirdo to break the cycle and call him something else. He will not ever express this sentiment, nor will he ever bring up his gender unless prompted, though if he is directly asked he will go on a long poetic rant about it.
Faust was a woman but then she made that contract with that undefined being and their minds connected so now Faust is a demigirl and Faust is Faust.
Outis is a lesbian the way the way many ancient greeks were gay. Men just aren't as smart or hot or personable or cool or strong as women, you see, they don't have the soul,
Hong Lu is gay. He thinks straight people are like, not real. All the books he's read only have straight romance in them but he thinks it's like, just one of those things that people think they should add, or like a job, where no-one actually WANTS to be straight but they have to, for some undefined reason.
Ryoshu is a trans guy. He cut his own hair with a sword in a dramatic moment. It's not that he hides his identity, but he's fine with people assuming he's a cis woman bc it is funny. He will confidently walk into mens restrooms or walk around in just boxers or whatever and everyone is always just like "oh man, ryoshu's doing a fucking bit again", which is funny enough that he doesn't say anything. If someone were to react with genuine hatred or something, though, he would walk up to them, explain that he IS a guy, and kill them. It's an art.
Don Quixote is a lesbiknight, a gender "related to being a lesbian and being a knight". She used to be out, and used she/her, he/him, and the neopronouns he/her/heroself, but after one too many incidents from before joining LCB and after losing sancho (her one ally) she has decided to just be a normal weird girl since people are nicer that way.
Heathcliff is currently only about Catherine, but if she had been another gender, he would have fallen just as hard. While he hasn't processed his identity, he is still perfectly happy to knock the brains out of homo/transphobes, because he likes hitting stuck up bastards with his baseball bat and he does feel very strongly that people should be able to do whatever they want without any buggers butting in on wtuff thats not their buisness. Good for him.
Demian is bi, and his gender is "a normal human boy" or "a boy, which is one of the most common genders held by homo sapiens, who are the dominent species on earth, not counting us abnormalities, of course".
Oh yeah also Charon is a lesbian. So is Sonya. That one person who said Sonya is a he/him lesbian is so real.
OH AND ANGELA IS A TRANS GUY. I will die on this fucking hill.
Sinclair's entire section here is inspired by both the game and the book. Ishmael was pure vibes. Ryoshu was inspired by the insane backstory i came up with for her after reading hell screen. You could read hell screen and not in a million years understand the backstory i came up with. Hong Lu not knowing abt straight people was inspired by my own experiences being uninterested in romance. Thank you.
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17magpiesinatrenchcoat · 2 years ago
TELL US YOUR PK HEADCANONS!!! (if you wanna)
Oh HELL yeah
I’ve already said a bunch of these on ig… but you guys get to have more 😈😈
putting a cut here bc it’s fuckin long lol 💀💀
My fan name for him is Astennu!! Means god of the moon.. and WL’s name is Faraway :D
pan/polygamous: ]
autistic ofc bc I love projecting he's very bad at masking too, he's good at keeping up one specific persona (typical cold ruler mask..) but as soon as someone doesn't act the exact way he expects them to do he doesn't know how to react, and the mask slips, very practiced and good but only in very specific circumstances, another reason why he's so antisocial
he is good at heart and has strong morals, but they're usually overpowered by fear, so he usually just does what's easiest instead of what's right, even though it hurts him more in the long run
he doesn't give a shit about gender, everyone just started calling him a guy and he was like "ok lol"
likes singing and is quite good at it too!! (or. in the case of my au, he was before his voice got messed up)
NO spacial awareness whatsoever, always gets lost in thought, constantly bumping into shit, , he has a bunch of gnarly scars just from that
his godly powers are too much for his mortal-ish body, he regularly gets sick bevause of them, and it was even worse before he used most of them to create hallownest, he was basically permanently in pain lol LOSER
he can't control his glow, so it betrays his emotions a lot (and he can accidentally flashbang people when he feels really strong emotions)
refuses to be vulnerable at all. pushes everyone away, somewhat consciously too, believing himself to be a burden and that they'd be better off without him
drinks literally nothing but coffee {or the hallownest equivalent to it anyway)
very bad memory (projecting again)
he doesn't know how to interact with. people. much less be a parent. he's a terrible parent LOL he tries but he's just not good at it whatsoever
kind of a shitty immune system due to his powers making him sick so often, another reason he's reclusive
ameteur painter (he doesn't understand it much but it makes lurien really happy so)
his special interest is just. inventing intricate technology in general, he completely hyper focuses on it and would spend literal days doing it if it wasn't for wl dragging him out of his workshop LOL
EXTREMELY deadpan and can be very rude without realising it
Stuff always gets stuck in his horns and he usually doesn’t notice until it gets pointed out (which usually take hours bc wl and lurien think it’s funny lol)
Literally does not know how to make connections with people whatsoever every connection he has made has been accidental
dating both lurien and wl obviously 🫶🫶🫶(wl is also dating dryya but I haven’t put much thought into that one yet I should) the gods do not care for monogamy
Hmm.. for his relationships with some of the other characters..
realising that I have not fleshed out his relationship with wl really omg what’s wrong with me I need to fix that ☹️☹️ but uh here’s the other characters for now lol
him and lurien are both deranged autism buddies <33 lurien does not take any form of authority seriously at all, and doesn’t like taking orders (pathological demand avoidance, autistic thing, pretty sure I have it lol) and so.. he never like. acted like pk was a god. he just treated him like a normal person. and pk had no clue how to react to that so he could not keep up his mask around lurien at all.. so eventually they ended up realising they have common interests and ended up becoming friends.. and later.. hmmm?? they are both incredibly awkward and socially inept lol so it took way longer to happen then it should 💀
but yeah they have a very funky dynamic LOL they can talk for hours about their common interests <3 and hmm.. their dynamic is basically this
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He never thought that much of herrah other than being vaguely scared of her;; but she fucking hated him LOL she thought he was an inept cowardly moron
but.. the more time she spent as queen, she grew to understand him a lot more as she felt how much that role and pressure could tear someone down
She still doesn’t like him that much, but she understands why he is the way he is now, and tries to be nicer bevause she knows how it feels
He and monomon have a very weird relationship.. they’re kinda friends but also kinda fucking hate each other LOL;; like;; theyre really fucking mean and hostile to each other but it’s not really genuine, it’s more out of habit than anything, and they do care about each other and look out for each other, it’s just sort of the manifestation of them both being emotionally inept assholes who don’t know how to communicate, so they sorta take it out on each other, but neither of them mind, they know neither of them actually mean it
so yeah sorta like;; idk weird ass friendship where they both pretend to hate each other to vent at how shit the world is but they both know neither of them mean it bevause the anger isn’t directed at each other at all, and it’s kinda become a game between them who can come up with the most ridiculous insults LOL
Uhhh I guess that’s it lol!! Yeah I said there was a lot 💀 if you have any questions or more headcanon ideas for me… well you know where to find me 💜💜
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trashbinbackyard · 7 months ago
1-11 for odesa/kerim and jack/mirad
Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Jack fell first, bein a bit of a lovesick goof that he is. But Mirad once he went ”oh he’s cute really” did a canonball dive in
Kerim fell first, they were in a situanship of ”lets blow off steam in between council meetings” initiated by Odesa, he caught feelings without meaning to. Odesa fell harder bc what do you mean she suddenly really cares about this reclusive nerd
Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their S/O mind very much?
Mirad fusses more, being really invested on Jack’s wellbeing and making sure he eats and cleans up after himself. Jack doesnt mind and will make an effort to make it so that Mirad doesnt have to fuss. Bu he will enjoy Mirad making a mad luxurious bath
Odesa is a professional micromanager and fusser, she manages her mercenary men, Samalans spies and her significant other. Its also a fulltime job to fuss over Kerim bc this man forgets to eat and sometimes spends entire days in his workshop/room
What is their love language?
Mirad’s is physical touch, and Jack has a lot of textures. Jack is a physical touch and gift giver type. He makes mirad some welding decorations
Kerim is very bad with words, he’s very straight to the point, doest like overt touching, he’s really good at making thingamabobs. So he makes all sorts of things to make Odesa’s life easier, even delved into archery to make her the best bow, so acts of service and gift giving. Odesa is also working behind the scenes to makes Kerim’s time as easy as possible, sends interesting things his way, knows what interests him, so acts of service
Has either OC ever gotten a hickey off the other? What was their reaction?
Jack i COVERED in hickeys, doesnt make an effort to hide them like cmon we’re adults. I have a feeling Mirad would be into the whole marking thing
Odesa is pretty rough with Kerim. He doesnt minds, he’s kind of a wet rag in that regard. And if its somewhere visible he doesnt mind, he already look disheveled every time they come out their quarters to leave any room for guessing wjat went down
What is something they like to do together?
Cook, eat, work out (mirad mostly but jack is trying he’s giving it effort), cuddle, talk drink menus
Stay up the whole night. Odesa is an insomniac and Kerim is most producrive at night. So he tinkers on his automatons and clocks and she get asmr of the tools and metals. They also like to read together and compare council notes. Lots of just hanging out in the same space keeping each other company
Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer?
Jack would, and I think mirad would still love his as a worm
Odesa would ask and Kerim would go ”no??? Why would i love a worm?” And Odesa goes ”aight, of course, sorry i asked”
Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Theyre just a kisses all over type of couple. Jack relishes in neck kisses and feels oh so loved with forehead kisses. Jack’s attack targets are Mirads jaw and neck
When Odesa is feeling tender she’ll kiss Kerim’s hands, they are very slender and talented and build a lot magnificent things. Kerim kisses her neck, he knows how guarded she is and feels honored she can feel vulnerable with him
Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Jack is the small spoon. Mirads HOGS the little man
Odesa is taller and more dominant, c’mere short king
If there wasnt enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Jack on mirad’s lap. Or sitting down the floor for prime ”playing with hair” reach for Mirad (he needs help getting up tho)
Kerim on the floor, Odesa’s legs on his shoulders. He’s playing tinkering with his automatons or writing down notes
Who plays with whose hair?
Jack’s the one with hair. Plenty to play with (as of now)
Kerim has a luscious head of hair that he lets Odesa comb sometimes. Kerim will toy with a strand of Odesa’s hair, twirl a lock in his finger
Who is clingy?
Jack slightly more
Both are, Odesa more openly
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wooahaes · 11 months ago
ok lets talk wips!!!
from the ask that i answered a couple days ago:
soulmate aus that i was almost done with [completed!!!! a win for me!!!!]
like a box of chocolates [both svt and skz] - working title, not set in stone. similar to the flower fics i wrote for svt + trsr back in the day where they all have some kind of trope associated with each kind of chocolate.
bodyswap aus for skz + svt. [woozi for svt, lee know for skz]. - admittedly my plans are on pause because i never came up with group names for the fake idol groups i made up for each. basically soulmate au where they end up swapping bodies until they fall in love with the added complicated layer of both being in a small idol group.
i won't run away [lee know] - fem!reader follow-up to i can't run away [vernon fic] where reader moves on.
keep it simple, stupid! [paboracha] - paboracha are all mutually pining with their respective readers and the rest of skz makes a bet on who will realize its mutual the soonest and confess (or get confessed to). minho's in love with his roommate, hyunjin's in love with his best friend, jisung is in love with his study partner for class.
childhood friends -> lovers [seungmin] - a much more recent idea for seungmin in the same vein as when i grow up where it's snapshots of the two growing up together and falling in love. very much 'one falls first, the other falls harder.'
shadow [UtS poly ending] - the poly au that has some more story to it, imo? more emotional topics and some angst. everyone is in love with everyone.
vague summer svt fic? [full group] - not to be released rn if i go for it, but i'm open to tossing ideas around for some summer-themed fics. might include skz (and if anyone's interested/i feel up to writing them, trsr) as well? it'd most likely be a july release just to give myself time to write all the fics and i'd probably give myself some sort of hard limit on how many words they can be.
ok these next few are chubby!fem!reader so if i do write them, i think they'll most likely get posted alongside something else since ik its not a widespread audience!!
untitled chubby!fem!reader fic [felix] - originally a smau i'll have to reconfigure in the same way as lhc, basically lhc but for felix. set after the best friends -> lovers jisung fic that i wanna rewrite! felix deals with the aftermath of a broken heart and ends up befriending reader who he falls for quickly bc she's cute n sunshine-y. very much lonely hearts club but i'll be removing the social media aspect from it.
chubby!fem!reader fake dating au [seokmin] - college au. reader has never dated before and asks seokmin if he'll go on a date or two with her just to help her get over the scary 'first time going on a date' feelings. he turns her down because fucking up is kind of part of the experience, but ends up agreeing to it after he lies and says he's dating reader to get someone who won't take no for an answer off his back. they agree to fake date until after reader's cousin's wedding... and u kno the drill w fake dating!! these bitches start falling for each other!!!
chubby!fem!reader sculptor/muse [woozi] - jihoon is a grad school art student who needs to diversify his portfolio a Lot (man just keeps sculpting his best friend bc he offered to model for him). soonyoung goes 'i know someone' and gets reader in to be jihoon's new model and oops they start catching feelings for each other over time. also has mentions of past mingyu/reader.
i am like 90% sure theres more because i KNOW i had fics planned around on//ew's (censored to keep out of search results, hopefully) album circle (some of which have initial drafts that i wanna rewrite) and an au built veeeeery loosely around the case 143 mv but i wanna workshop both of those more before i mention em any further.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year ago
…. also, i really want a gaylor to write a coherent opinion piece criticizing the way taylor has inserted herself over the timeline of her beginning to use queer imagery. i think tree is struggling bc she has probably done a d&i workshop 101 but she really needs to take sexuality studies 301 for this kind of complicated work as a straight person
tbh i think we just need to chill and stick to our fandom niches more opinion pieces aren’t gonna make this better. gaylor is meant to be niche and fun and goofy and a little unhinged. it’s not palatable for large platforms. we just need to keep our heads down and do what we do as a community!
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cderiva · 5 months ago
5. what is your muse's ideal first date? 15. how does your muse feel about valentine's day? [ for maria!! ]
@heyhey-sensei ty for allowing me to yap
what is your muse's ideal first date?
honestly it really depends on how much she has interacted with the person. usually for a first date, something that's at least somewhat activity based (going to a museum preferably natural history or contemporary because she thinks both are great personality tests, concert, taking a workshop, cooking class, bowling/arcade, food market, etc) and then… just let it progress naturally and stretch for as long as both parties want to! if she's asked out for a dinner date by someone she doesn't know well/has never been on a date with she'll either refuse or try to come up with an alternative. she avoids them because 1) dinner dates make her feel nervous when she likes the person because they feel very intimate to her, and 2) she's had far too many bad experiences with dinner dates. being a woman is hell and eventually she reached a stage where she simply doesn't think it's worth it to gamble with her wellbeing, so now she prefers to have dates (at least start) when there's still sunlight and if all goes well the date can progress to a dinner. if the guy doesn't understand, that's too bad. if she already knows the person/has interacted with the person several times, she'd be more likely to be okay with just sitting down and talking.
how does your muse feel about valentine's day?
her opinion is that holidays are what you make of them and therefore valentine’s day is only as meaningful as the people involved make it. if you think valentine's day is just a capitalistic/commercial holiday etc that's fine, it can be. if you think it's a cute holiday that's fine, it can be. to her, holidays like valentine's day are worth celebrating just because life is short and the world often isn't kind, you take your joy where you can. also in the verse where she's a civilian she works at a hospital, she SEES firsthand how incredibly meaningful it can be to some patients to celebrate these little holidays (shit, some patients don't even know if they'll get to celebrate them again - some patients aren't even old enough to have a valentine). it's an opportunity to make life a little less grim. and yeah, she thinks doing a lot of things just around a specific holiday is bullshit, she hates a system that profits off forced sentiment, but she can't fight the system so she focuses on what she can do: make life better in whatever small ways are possible.
she doesn't really like to go out to dinner or to do anything overly fancy on valentine's day (though if her partner likes that sort of thing, she gladly will), but she doesn't skip the holiday. to her it's just an extra opportunity to show your partner that you care and cherish them - why would she or the person she's with, if they're in a loving relationship, skip that? i don't think she likes to buy gifts on valentine's day, but i do think she likes to buy and receive flowers (i absolutely think she buys like one flower for her partner bc it's neat and also men never get flowers) and do something nice at home. if she gives her partner something it's handmade something like idk kisses bookmark for example. she very much doesn't need an excuse or reminder to celebrate her relationship/love, but she's also no longer an angsty teenager and a contrarian for the sake of it.
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lammstrellicon · 1 year ago
hey uhhhhhhh... y'got any more of those? 📙
Yes I have more wild fic ideas I don't have time to write!
I desperately want to write Witcher fic about a monster who becomes a Witcher. I'm leaning toward some kind of Were-bear vibe? Bc Bear School and it would be very funny to me.
I think a suitably tragic backstory would be something like a young monster's mother is killed by a Witcher bc Idk hard winter has resulted in the mother eating villagers. Maybe? Idk this part definitely needs workshopped?
Then essentially you can explore fun themes like what is it that makes a person a monster, and can a monster be human. Also you obviously get to insert said OC into some fun situations. I haven't finished the books yet but some fun for your consideration:
I would definitely enjoy a giant bear woman busting into the scene where Jaskier is getting interrogated by Rionce (sp?) I listened to the audiobook please forgive my spelling.
I also think those quests in the third game where Geralt is looking for old Witcher blue prints would make for a fun appearance for this character. Also maybe a dedicated side quest for her where she's looking for her mother's grave maybe?
Mostly this is just for thematics tho and I don't have a concrete plot for this
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dailydegurechaff · 10 months ago
The reasons Zettour wants to use Tanya are multifaceted. His first thought is that he quite literally has in front of him a divine all-powerful herald that’s capable of smiting his enemies (Aka big hammer as you say). Of course, Angel!Tanya refuses to do that, but he can find other uses for them.
First, at some point Tanya lets it slip that they’ve seen how multiple universes similar to this one (and by extension those universes’ wars too) play out. Lergen’s still kind of grappling with the implication that god(s) are confirmed 100% real and the second revelation of the multiverse definitely just makes his crisis of ideology worse. Zettour however? He hears that and realizes that means Tanya has extensively studied human conflicts and can accurately gauge the different outcomes of the war because they’ve seen all sorts of variations of it. They’ve got a wealth of knowledge he can tap into if he can just convince them to open up about it. (This is where the ‘you can guide humanity onto the best path’ argument comes into play.)
The second part comes from a bit of magic system lore I was thinking about. As an angel, Tanya uses magic as easily as breathing, it’s totally natural for them. They don’t put off mana emissions, they don’t need a computation orb to cast, they don’t need any intense focus, with just half a thought reality bends to their will. The question just remains can this magic be taught?
This the first universe Angel!Tanya has encountered where humans are able to ‘imitate divine powers’ (aka mages use mathematical formulas to do magic/bend reality), so couldn’t it be possible? Zettour thinks that it would be an immense strategic advantage for the army if they had even one mage capable of what Tanya can do, let alone a whole group. So a small group is formed for Tanya to teach, this is their equivalent of the 203rd.
So it’s two-fold, they’ve got expert war knowledge and they can hopefully mold others into a big hammer for Zettour to use.
As for Mary, to be honest up until this point I hadn’t even considered what Mary was up to, but that has fascinating potential.
Tanya still insists they’re an angel no matter what of course, and they don’t like to talk about being cast out bc it makes them look bad. I think that if they ever met Mary it actually has a good chance of going well at first.
Tanya might be slightly uncomfortable with Mary’s level of idol worship/religious devotion, but they definitely don’t have anything against her for it. This is only contingent on the idea that Mary doesn’t know they fell from grace, though. The second she finds out, her tune probably changes. I don’t think there’d be any pity, it’d transition into righteous anger about being lied to. Something like “I’ve been talking to a devil this whole time? Has it been trying to lead me astray?”
This all depends on if I can find a way to work her into the story though because like… doesn’t she only get involved/get those blessings because she wants revenge on the one who killed her father? Tanya deliberately avoids hurting people, which means if I kill him off, it’d be that he gets taken out by a random imperial mage off screen. Leaving him alive is also an option, but it’s something I gotta workshop and consider more about.
Anger over Zettour corrupting them is top tier tho, I think I need to use that idea somehow.
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is... Regular Tanya is on vacation day 4 - Fallen Angel AU
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