#i need to win the lottery so i can go live in Salem and let him tattoo my body a few dozen times
lupismaris · 2 years
Forgot entirely that part of why I'm subscribed at the tier i am to Fyodor Pavlov's Patreon is that once a year he sends out a gift package of original prints/stickers/bookmarks etc, last year i signed up just after he mailed them out and thus had to wait a whole year for the chance to experience the divine thrill that is opening a package from your favorite artist only to realize he somehow sent you one of his trans werewolf prints
When i say i am loyal to this man i mean holy shit
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Meet the family: Cinder
Honestly, I’ve wanted to do one of these for a while, but I had no idea what to do. Now I do: YAY!
Meet the Family: Cinder
Jaune: Okay… So, when you asked me to meet your family, I had some… conflicting feelings.
Cinder: That’s…! Understandable…
Jaune: I mean no offence.
Cinder: But…?
Jaune: Well, you’re an orphan, so… I’m not meeting them… And, then you got adopted… of whom you killed…
Cinder: Not my shining moment…
Jaune: Hey, we talked about this, I forgive you. You were abused as a child, horribly abuse physically and mentally. So your reaction… While horrible… is understandable.
Cinder: Thank you, Jaune. I know you’ve said that multiple times to me already. But it still means allot to me to hear you say it.
Jaune: Maybe next time I can actually say it.
Cinder: Maybe.
Jaune: So, I’m happy to hear we’re going to meet the woman you actually consider a mother-figure to you.
Cinder: Besides your mom.
Jaune: Besides, Mom. But, Cinder, darling. I gotta ask: What the hell are we doing in the middle of the Grimm Lands?!! In front if a castle that screams, ‘Demon Lords Castle?!’
Cinder: My… My mom… lives here…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Why…?!
Cinder: Because…! You’ll understand when you meet her…
Jaune: What an unnerving thought tis that…
Cinder: Oh… quit being cute and follow me.
Jaune: You know… aesthetic wise, this place is pretty good…
Cinder: Really?
Jaune: May need a touch of colour… A nice bright rose red with auburn gold trimmings.
Cinder: …
Cinder: That would actually look good…
Jaune: Told ya. So, what kind of person is your surrogate-mother?
Cinder: Well… she’s… she’s the queen…
Jaune: Queen of what?
Cinder: Queen of the Grimm…
Jaune: Beg pardon?!
Cinder: Oh, look the throne room! Lets go in!
Jaune: Wait, hold up are we going to see…?!
The door of the throne room opens and reveals, Salem, Queen of the Grimm sitting upon her throne. She stood ip and presented herself before the duo, a small scowl appearing across her face as she neared them.
Salem: Cinder… how unexpected to see you here once more, after what you did to me. And it seems you brought along a friend, how interesting…
Cinder: My Queen… its… its a pleasure to see you once…?!
Jaune: Wait, hold up!
CS: Excuse me?!
Jaune: Okay, hold up… The woman you see as your surrogate-mother…
Salem: You see me as your mother…?
Jaune: Just so happens to be, the Queen of the Grimm?!
Cinder: Yes…
Jaune: Ozpin’s mortal enemy?!
Salem: I’m immortal, actually.
Jaune: Ozpin’s immortal enemy?!
Cinder: Yes…
Jaune: The woman you betrayed to be with me?!
Cinder: Yes…
Salem: You did what?
Cinder: I-I can explain!
Jaune: You brought me, here, to say hi to your mom…
Cinder: Yes…
Salem: Mom…?
Jaune: WHY?!
Cinder: We just had such a wonderful time meeting your mother, and the rest of your family, I-I thought you might like meeting mine!
Jaune: Really…?
Cinder: Yes…
Jaune: Salem, Queen of the Grimm… You thought your, ‘Mother,’ to whom you betrayed wouldn’t mind us just showing up for tea and biscuits…
Cinder: Yes…?
Jaune: …
Cinder: Is it that bad?
Jaune: …
Cinder: Shit…
Jaune: This as confusing and as weird as Ozpin’s backstory…
Salem: I doubt he told you anything about his history.
Jaune: True! Paranoid nutcase wouldn’t tell us squat! Actually, uhh… Salem… Can I call you Salem…?
Salem: You may.
Jaune: Why are we fighting?
Salem: Pardon?
Jaune: Why are we fighting, what caused this whole war thing. I’d ask, Ozpin, but I have better luck at winning the lottery ten times in a row, than getting him to tell me his shoe size let along anything about his past.
Salem: Very well, I shall tell you, for unlike, Ozma, I have no secrets…
A long explanation later~!
Salem: And, that’s why we are at war.
Cinder: Wow… That’s allot to take in… Are you okay, Jaune?
Jaune: …
Cinder: Jaune…?
Jaune: That son of a bitch!
Salem: Excuse me?
Jaune: This whole thing is his fault?! He couldn’t spend one night to talk things over, and he just tried to run off with the kids?! That bastard!
Salem: I… what…?
Jaune: I mean, you can’t say no to not playing a part in what happened to your kids. But, to just try, and run off with them like that… What was he thinking?!
Salem: I… Cinder what’s going on…?
Cinder: Jaune comes from a big family, so, I think this revelation is hurting him personally.
Salem: R-Really…?
Cinder: Seems so…
Jaune: I mean, bar your idea for world domination, and all. You seemed to be so happy back then!
Salem: W-Was I?
Jaune: You had the man you loved, the man you fought the gods for back in your life again, and you had a family with him! You had everything you wished for! Everything that caused you to be cursed to be immortal! If you just decided to live happily with your family, you may have been free from your curse, and you could have had your happily ever after! And he ruined it because he didn’t get his way?! That selfish arrogant bastard!
Salem: I… I…
Jaune: If I was Ozpin, or Ozma… whatever he’s called. I would never let a woman like you get away from me!
Salem: You wouldn’t…?
Jaune: I’d be the biggest fool in the world to let such a magnificent, and devoted woman like you get away. Of which; Cinder?
Cinder: Yes, Jaune?
Jaune: You basically did what, Salem did for, Ozma for me. So, if we get back to, Vale, please remind me to get you a ring.
Cinder: A ring?! J-Jaune are you ask me to… to…
Jaune: After I get the ring. Now, in the meantime; Where’s the kitchen?
Salem: Beg pardon?
Jaune: Where’s the kitchen? I’m really upset with, Ozpin. Cooking helps me relax. That, and I’m hungry so: Kitchen?
Salem: Uhh… D-Down the hall third door on the left…
Jaune: Thank you, I’ll be back in a bit when I’m done making… Supper, I don’t know what time it is around here… Till later then.
Cinder: See you!
Salem: …
Cinder: …
Salem: Cinder…
Cinder: Yes my, Queen?
Salem: You betrayed me because of the love and devotion he showed you, am I right?
Cinder: Y-Yes… Yes, I did. He was the first one who genuinely loved me, even after learning of everything I’ve done, he still loves me. And, because of that, I will forever love him like no one ever had.
Salem: Really…?
Cinder: With all my heart.
Salem: …
Salem: Cinder… I will forgive you for your betrayal…
Cinder: Y-You will…?
Salem: But, for a price.
Cinder: What price…?
Salem: Tell me… Is… Is, Jaune interested in older woman by any chance…?
Cinder: What…?
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Seventy-Two: The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
I’ve made some things for you, Constant Reader; you see them laid out before you in the moonlight. But before you look at the little handcrafted treasures I have for sale, let’s talk about them for a bit, shall we? It won’t take long. Here, sit down beside me. And do come a little closer. I don’t bite. Except... we’ve known each other for a very long time, and I suspect you know that’s not entirely true. Is it? 
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I first read this book back in 2016, but some of these stories made quite an impact. I’m looking at you, The Dune, Morality, and Ur. Personally, I find this the most memorable collection of short stories... even the ones that haven’t been on my mind for the past five years, I remembered them as soon as I was a few paragraphs in. Like all collections, there were some I preferred over others, but there were more hits than not in Bazaar. 
And there were a ton of nods to the Constant Reader universe:
A Locke & Key comic reference (Maybe not the Constant Reader universe, but definitely adjacent. And if you haven’t read these graphic novels- please drop everything you’re doing, and get your hands on a copy). 
Christine (still at the bottom of my list)
Castle Rock
Dark Tower/Low Men in Yellow Coats/Red eye pin
Nozzy soda (I’m assuming this Nozz-A-La) 
Andy Clutterbuck (Sheriff from Castle Rock)
And Steve must have been feeling particularly cheesy, because there were 4 Wisconsin mentions! My personal favorite is the line, “...but Hubie’s on a fishing trip somewhere in Rectal Thermometer, Wisconsin...” 
I’ve never been to Rectal Thermometer, but it sounds lovely. I bet it’s somewhere in Burnett or Washburn counties. Fishing there would be a real delight. Disclaimer: in no world to I find fishing to be a delight... regular fishing, or ice fishing, which is just a slightly deeper circle of hell. I have horrible memories of ice fishing as a kid, and stepping into a hole more than once, soaking my boot and socks. Fucking ice fishing. But I digress. 
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I’ll highlight just a few stories in this collection, the first one being Herman Wouk is Still Alive. Brenda wins $2,700 off a lottery ticket, and calls her friend Jasmine, and convinces her to pack up her kids and go on a road trip. They’ll use the winnings to rent a swanky van, stay overnight in a hotel so their kids can play in the pool, and indulge in some take-out on their way to visit family. Jasmine reluctantly agrees, and the two of them pack up their seven kids. On the drive, Brenda and Jasmine share some coffee brandy, talk about how shitty their lives are, and how it doesn’t look like things are ever going to get better. Brenda takes a look in the backseat and worries about what kind of life their kids are going to have. Annnnd then she jams her foot on the gas, gets the van up to one-hundred miles per hour, and crashes the van head-on into a tree, killing all of them. 
Some events have transpired since the first time I read this story and now. Namely, the murder-suicide of the Hart family.
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 I am equally disgusted, heart-broken, and fascinated by this horrible story. Jen and Sara Hart were being investigated by CPS after allegations of abuse and withholding food from their six children surfaced; and they fled their home. They drugged their kids with cough syrup, and drove off a cliff, killing everyone. This is a rabbit hole I can’t stop going down, and there’s so much to explore. If you want to join me in the rabbit hole, check out the Broken Harts podcast. Sometimes the scariest monsters are walking among us, disguised as white savior women. 
The second story I really loved was Under the Weather, which was a grittier version of A Rose for Emily. I don’t particularly love Faulkner (blasphemy for an English major, I know)- but Under the Weather was delicious in it’s depravity. Having read it a second time, I knew what the plot twist was, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable. 
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The final story I really enjoyed was Ur. The story is quaint in that it was set in a time when digital readers and Kindle apps on phones were not as common as they are now. Amazon actually reached out to Steve to have him write a story about a Kindle, and it’s so perfectly Steve. I mean... where else would you encounter a Kindle that connects to alternate timelines, full of stories authors in this timeline never published, and the Low Men need to come and confiscate it? It’s got some fun Dark Tower Easter eggs, and makes you wonder if traditional books might just be safer after all. 
Speaking of which, my Kindle Fire decided to stop downloading books. It still performs every other function just fine, but won’t download anything I purchase off the Kindle store. So, I found a great deal on a Paperwhite, and bought one. Y’all... I hate it. The only advantage to the Paperwhite is the only thing I can do on it is read. I’m not distracted by emails or Facebook messages. But I hate the screen resolution, I hate how slow it moves, I hate that it will accidentally flip four pages at a time... I don’t love it. Maybe this challenge has spoiled me in that I really do love real books after all. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 46
Total Dark Tower References: 68
Book Grade: A+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
Doctor Sleep: A+
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
11/22/63: A+
Mr. Mercedes: A+
Under the Dome: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Full Dark, No Stars: A+
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams: A+
Just After Sunset: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
Stephen King Goes to the Movies: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
Duma Key: A-
Black House: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
The Dark Tower: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Blaze: B+
Hard Listening: B+
Revival: B+
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Joyland: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
Wolves of the Calla: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Song of Susannah: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
From a Buick 8: B
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
The Colorado Kid: B-
Storm of the Century: B-
Everything’s Eventual: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
The Wind Through the Keyhole: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Cell: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Faithful: D
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Lisey’s Story: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers D
Next up is Finders Keepers, the second book in the Bill Hodge’s trilogy. I finished it this morning because there’s a blizzard outside, and I refuse to leave my house to go to work. Ah, the joys of Midwest living. Maybe I’m in Rectal Thermometer, Wisconsin after all. 
Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights, Rebecca
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
The average founder is smarter than the rest of the economy. It was a mystery he was trying to use the resources available. Startups What made the Dutch rich in 1600 was the discovery of shipbuilding and navigation techniques that enabled them to dominate the rest of the world than you could out of just Japanese. What could HUAC do, defend the Salem witch trials. But of course their main job is to design beautiful rockets, or to make something it can deliver to a large market, and ideas of that type, and that the weight of expectations, the power of TV, Kennedy apparently would not have won without fraud by party machines in Illinois and Texas. So seed investors usually care less about other ways to get found online that there are no distractions. Counterargument might prove something. The Idea In particular, you don't get much practice at the third skill, deciding what problems to solve in one head?
This lets you launch faster, and you willingly give him money in return for dividends would have to win by virtue of some appeal it had to programmers specifically. He knows that people sometimes ask for things that people haven't realized yet can be made unnecessary by a tablet app. Here is an example of applied empathy. The reason you can expect to do the same. And trying to think up startup ideas are not the biggest threat. He has assistants do the work. Be nice. Thought experiment: If doctors did the same work, but how can you be sure you wouldn't also have believed everything you were supposed to do, most kids have been thoroughly misled about the idea than the people. When you're operating on the Daddy Model that it is unfamiliar to programmers, and knew that they could be, not what your current competitors happen to have it. But that, I'm convinced, is a pruned version of a program so that it can be written in terms of something the telephone, the assembly line, the airplane, the light bulb, the transistor it is because William Shockley wanted to move back to Canada and live in their parents' basements. What we studied in English classes was mostly fiction, so I grew up, it may be. That's a reasonable proxy for revenue growth because whenever the startup does well.
They are a perennial topic of heated discussion on Slashdot. The most convincing form of disagreement, and probably offend them. A, drop out and get a sandwich without losing the code in his head. Or maybe the movie business. Why the disconnect? This book can help fix that problem, I can now look at a line of code to go toward that final goal of showing you did a good job. This essay is derived from a talk at the 2005 Startup School. And the harder a scene is to parse, the less anyone will be able to bring ourselves to take risks. And it's not just nice. Now there's a third: promising people with unpromising ideas. What used to be limited to those who win lotteries or inherit money. The most famous example.
Stanford that has made technology companies spring up around them. And though starting a startup stays alive in everyone's brain. I use the 15 most interesting to know. Sometimes they're in a position of power. The empirical evidence suggests that if you need to sell it is a tradeoff that you'd want to make large numbers of startups as ideas, but nearly all good startup ideas, don't merely turn on the filter What's missing? Put yourself in the position of someone selecting players for a national team. Instead of going to venture capital firms are biased against female founders. You should only need comments when there is some speed limit to the number of people who could, if they could do it than literally making a mark on the world; I don't know enough about big companies or are acquired by them. As word spreads that startups work, the danger of fooling yourself as well as economic fragmentation.
For example, in the sense of beating the system, they tend to repel you. Afterward I wondered, what am I even measuring? Great Hackers July 2004 This essay is derived from a talk at the 2005 Startup School. A third? For example, programming languages and have a phrase to convey how extreme your attention to users. I said at the start that our filters let through less than 5 per 1000 spams, with 0 false positives, I'm talking about filtering my mail based on a corpus of my mail. But try to get customers to pay you from the other direction: sometimes, particularly in university math and science, they only show you the finished product. There are thousands of smart people, and this is reversing the historical polarity of the relationship between smart and nerd, using them as if you couldn't get anything done unless there was specific protection against this. Founders Fights between founders are surprisingly common.
Startups But I don't think the rise of large corporations. When you get to work on. So you should take the riskiest investments you can find, use the data that's in it, the startup should take a lesson from the second one. It is a kind of password for sending mail to me. People should be able to respond gracefully to such changes, because people can be. And the very best VCs don't have to have in person. For most of my time writing essays lately. The fact that they're created by, and used by, people who suspect they're nonsense generally keep quiet.
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devilssnarerp · 7 years
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Congratulations KIRSTIN! You have been accepted as Anastasia Zabini. Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours. If you need more time, make sure you send a message to the main.
Anastasia is our first Ravenclaw, and I can’t wait to have her with us! The fact that she’s a Zabini is even more exciting since the family name is so prominent. I can’t wait to see how Anastasia changes over her seventh year, and to see how she develops over the coming months.. Welcome to Devil’s Snare!
OOC INFO -- About the Player
Name & Age:
Kirstin, 21
Preferred Pronouns:
Timezone & Activity Level:
Anything Else:
Character Name:
Anastasia Loretta Zabini
Age & Year:
Seventh, Seventh Year
April 16th
Falmouth, UK
Blood Status:
Face Claim:
Logan Browning
Anastasia was raised a proper young lady, the perfect muggle debutante but with the bonus of being born with the gift of magic. Her mother got lucky: Ana’s quiet and calm predisposition made for an easy child to be molded. Training gave her poise when she walked and grace when she danced, but only luck in the genetic lottery gave her the natural charisma that draws people in and puts them at ease. She does everything she can to never let on about her intense fear of vexing anyone she cares about, undoubtedly stemming from a mild case of anxiety she has kept secret since childhood. An excellent work ethic almost got her placed in Hufflepuff, but Anastasia’s thirst for knowledge, to prove herself, and to make some small impact on the world convinced the Hat she was destined to be a Ravenclaw. She has never been shy, but tries to keep her head down in groups as her mother taught her a good girl should. The etiquette classes she took all throughout her childhood have stuck firmly in her mind, and it’s a very rare and concerning day when Anastasia doesn’t say please and thank you or slurps her soup at dinner.
From birth, Anastasia Zabini was a very loved girl. Her dotting mother hosted numerous little get-togethers so all of her friends could see just what a beautiful baby she was, took the infant to every park in town so strangers could look on in envy, and bought the little girl every pretty dress she laid eyes on to accentuate the infant’s darling little features. However as the little Anastasia grew from a petite child to a young lady, her father’s affection grew less and less. He was so stressed and busy with work all the time, when he came home all he would do was sit down with the news and drink his whiskey. Anastasia tried everything to win him back, from learning to mix his drinks perfectly to making him baked Alaska at only 9 years old. When none of her efforts worked, she believed she must have made some mistake along the way and vowed never to displease anyone ever again. Little Anastasia spent much of her childhood at primary school like the rest of Britain’s children, but after school and on weekends she was rarely out of the company of both her mum and younger brother. Only a year younger than she, the two children got along surprisingly well and rarely competed for anything. Their mum brought them up to be the epitome of obedience and respect, with piano lessons and etiquette classes every Sunday until they were sent off to Hogwarts. As a trio, the family was closer than any other, and never once did Anastasia doubt she was cared for. At the end of her final year in primary school, Anastasia got her letter from Hogwarts. She spent that summer questioning her mother endlessly about the castle and all its wonders. She received a beautiful owl on her final night at home as a gift from her brother, who had saved up all his pocket money to buy it (though it still wasn’t nearly enough, so really their mother paid for it, but Ana needn’t know that part). She swore to write him every week while she was away, and to send him pictures of all the most exciting aspects of her new life at school. Upon her arrival at Hogwarts, Anastasia was sorted into Ravenclaw where she quickly befriended many people and sent pictures of all of them home to her brother. It was with those letters that Anastasia first became interested in muggle photography, a secret passion that has continued throughout her life. In her fourth year, she had the fortune of befriending one Trenton Rosier, a Slytherin she had been set up on playdates with thanks to their parents, but hadn’t particularly taken to. Now, at 15, she was enraptured by his quiet manner and charm and agreed to tutor him in divination, a subject she excelled in while he barely managed to keep his head above water. Eventually, at the end of their fifth year, Trenton asked her out out; it turned out to be the most wonderful day since her arrival at Hogwarts. The two started dating, and soon became the golden couple of Hogwarts (or at least to those who knew them). Around that time, Anastasia’s mother sent her a letter telling her daughter that her father had suffered a stroke but was recovering very quickly. Since then, Ana’s mother said, he had stopped drinking completely and become much more of the man he once was. Anastasia was delighted to hear that not only was he becoming a better husband but from the sound of it she was about to reconnect with the father she had never stopped loving, even when she felt he didn’t love her. Her last couple years at Hogwarts sailed by smoothly, and with her many Outstanding grades in her O.W.L.s Anastasia has begun pursuing a career in Department of Magical Law Enforcement, specifically Wizengamot Administration Services. She is well aware that as a witch fresh out of Hogwarts there is less than no chance of her getting onto the Wizengamot, but is planning to work her way from the bottom up, even if it means fetching coffee and fresh quills for a year or two. During the summer before her seventh year Anastasia began a correspondence with the head of the department in an effort to build rapport and, hopefully, get some tips that may help her get the inside track when it comes time for her to apply for the job.
(I.) After her father recovered from his bout with alcoholism, Anastasia’s parents began spending more and more time with the old social group from her childhood, including Trenton’s parents. At first Anastasia loved to hear about the fun, thankfully alcohol-free times he was having, but over the years she started to sense his growing frustration with muggles, something even young Ana didn’t entirely agree with. She saw the merit when he told her the entire magical community was being repressed because of the muggles’ fear, but their opinions differed when it came to deciding what the appropriate action might be to correct that. Her father, and even her mother, seemed to believe brute force was absolutely necessary if wizards were ever going to be able to live their normal lives without hiding like rats, and to make matters worse, recently Anastasia has been getting a strong impression that Trenton shares that view.
(II.) Anastasia’s favourite subject in school has always been Divination. To her disappointment she wasn’t lucky enough to be born with the gift of being a seer, but hard work and a strong faith in the validity of the subject have led her to nearly the top of the class, and she has formed a bond with the Divination professor she admires so much, and sees as a mentor she can go to when she is unable to talk with her own mother. And it doesn’t hurt that Anastasia finds the view from the Divination tower to have the most beautiful sunsets in the entire castle.
(III.) Over the coming Christmas break the Zabini family is planning on taking a trip to see some family friends in America, and Anastasia couldn’t be more excited. Not that she has much interest in sitting in on the adults’ idle chit chat, but she and her brother have made plans to discover the hidden magical underworld of Salem, one of America’s oldest wizarding settlements. The history is extensive and yet there are surprisingly few books on the subject in the family library, or even the Hogwarts one, and the two youngest Zabinis have been waiting for years for this opportunity to discover it first-hand.
Alder and dragon heartstring, 9 ¼", bendy
Trenton’s cologne (the one she originally hated, but grew to love); cigar smoke (her father smoked Cubans); fresh baked sugar cookie (her mother nearly always had some in the oven); baby powder (she can’t wait to start her own family)
Not just the body, but they dying breaths of any one of her family members
During Christmas break of her second year, Anastasia and her brother were ice skating on a pond near their house when the ice broke and her brother fell in. Ana was petrified for a moment, unsure of what to do or how to help without falling in herself, and had it not been for a brave stranger who heard her screams and came running, it is likely her brother would have died. For years Anastasia felt horribly guilty over this day, despite her mother’s insistence that it wasn’t her fault and the only long-lasting damage little scar on her brother’s wrist.
A dove, symbolizing love, peace, and new life
Anything Else:
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